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GOLD SETTT.-BMRTO TOTOi November STimma.'rv of transactions f o r week em e m Balance l a s t F. R. Note Clearings Transit Clearings statement Credits Debits Credits Debits Nov, 6, 1935 $ 112,896,709.00 $ 102,754,144.84 $ 91,565,567.39 $1,200,800.00 $ 1 , 0 3 5 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 Boston 2,876,600.00 441,549,960.00 2,940,300.00 415,925,365.94 2,057,931,1Gb.18 Hew York 1,040,800.00 1,138,800.00 102,691,596.38 116,607,569.04 86,95^,310.13 Philadelphia 640,000.00 1,614,500.00 105,458,988.67 106,617,281.26 143,027,021.17 Cleveland 446,500.00 980,700.00 95,187,618.82 97,811,403.76 60,424,668.01 Richmond 1,171,800,00 417,300.00 49,202,689.97 49,946,522.70 43,212,992.40 Atlanta 2,768,000.00 212,542,669.86 1,280,700.00 193,676,935.97 474,163,447.43 Chicago 350,400.00 693*800.00 84,139,924.69 84,720,431.86 64,568,860.77 S t . lotils 141,500i00 649,400^00 28,250,215.84 33,269,374.94 33,123,3^4.40 Minneapolis 210,000.00 664,400,00 74,529,190.92 77,289,010.54 61,138,429.87 Kansas City 365,800,00 410,900.00 53,443,236.50 51,485,183.09 39,465,608.53 Dallas 1.421.700.00 479.100.00 52.826.231.05 61.284,666.15 125,037,701.36 San Francisco 3,301,964,257.25 1,391,387,890.09 1,391.387.890.09 12.470*900.00 12.470,900.00 Total Federal Withdrawal Reserve Bank Boston New York 2,000*000.00 Philadelphia 5,000,000.00 Cleveland 2,000,000.00 Richmond Atlanta Chicago S t . Louis 5,000,000.00 Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas 4,325,000.00 San Francisco 28.325,000^00 Total BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL BESER7E SYSTEM DIVISION OF BANK OPERATIONS Deposits } 1,000,000.00 11,3.90,000.00 10,000,000.00 2,000, 000.00 4,000, 000.00 9 , 0 0 0 , 000.00 4 , 0 0 0 , 000.00 5,000, 000.00 5,000, 000.00 4 , 0 0 0 , 000.00 11.990, 000.00 Balance in fund a t close of business Bov. 13, 1935 $ 102,543,131.55 2,073,682,058.24 82,940,337.47 136,894,228.58 58,266,683:07 51,223,659.67 510,536,481.32 64,644,953.60 34,596,285:30 64,924,210.25 41,053,561.94 1.119.829.257.25 B-812 November l 4 . Transfers for Government Account Deoits 21,000,000.00 Credits 2,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 21,000,000.00 21,000,000^00 Net loss or gain through Combined Clearings and t r a n s f e r s Transit Clearings Sain Loss Gain Loss 1 $ 11,353.577.45 $ $11,188,577.45 $ 25,624,594.06 — 13,915,972 jG6 1,158,292.59 — 2,623,784:94 743,832.73 580,507.17 5,019,159.10 2,759,819.62 8.458.415.10 46.448.181.16 4,560,894.06 12,013,972.66 1,132,792.5? 2,157.984.94 18,865,733.89 1,958,053.41 46.448.181.16 No transactions on November 11* accoimt of holiday # 3,527,059.10 1,214,219.62 7.514.015.10 38,913,641,46 4,010,667.27 27,353,033.89 1,076*092.83 1,912,953.41 38tW.641,46 federal reserve agents1 Fe4gr&l>^ z Balance l a s t statement Nov. 6, 1935 Agent a t Boston $ Balance a t c l o s e of business Nov. 13, 1935 Deposits (Transfers from tank) Wi thdrawals (Transfers to hank) $ 341,617,080.00 B~812a — $ 341,617,080.00 883,706*000,00 New York 883,706,000.00 — Philadelphia 273,000,000.00 — Cleveland 350,440,000.00 Richmond 172,000,000.00 Atlanta 120,685,000.00 —— 120,685,000.00 Chicago 861,000,000.00 " 861,000,000.00 S t . Louis 154,632,130.00 Minneapolis 110,500,000.00 Kansas City 131,000,000.00 Dallas San Francisco TOTAL 72,675,000.00 271.262.550.00 3,7%2,517,760.00 BOARD OF GOVBHEiOBS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM DIVISION OF BANK OPERATIONS —— —— —— 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 —— 2,000,000.00 275,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 355*440^000.00 2,000,000.00 174,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 159,632,130.00 — 110,500,000.00 — 131,000,000.00 4,325,000.00 75,000,000.00 ioroonrooo.oo 281.26P.RR0.00 28,325,000.00 1.768.842.760.00 Ho transactions on November 11, account of holiday*