Full text of G.15 Interdistrict Settlement Fund : July 20, 1933
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GOLD SETTLEMENT FUND B-S12 July 20, 1933 Summary of transactions for week ending July 19, 1933 Federal Reserve Bank Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago S t . Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco Balance l a s t statement July 12. iqT5 $ 33.379,355.91 1^3,447,497.66 13.730.496.66 53,421,468.00 23,526,647.35 9,003,983.67 117,879,784.00 26,916,201.12 21.653.714.67 28,236,872.76 Total Federal Reserve Bank Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago ISt. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco Total • D-.,a i 1 X S e t t l e m e n t Transit Clearings F. R. note c l e a r i n g s Debits Credits Debits Credits $ 144,060,285.53 670,789,392.22 132,718,752.51 115,117,102.98 99,405,323.86 48,147,356.31 362,429,967.00 83,945,519.88 43,198,584.50 72,949,248.86 $145,635,131.76 690,437,461.73 136,923,486.45 116,447,634.14 99,207,207.88 42,477,336.69 359,460,583.11 86,331,173.79 42,004,351.34 73,032,622.83 13,164,608.30 24,542,505.79 53,862,870.80 63,973,756.93 54,140,231.02 44,500,940.64 508,903,135.89 1,890-,598,161.38 1,890,598,161.38 Withdrawals $ 35,274,500.00 8 4 ,3 0 0 .0 0 300,000.00 600,000.00 1,000,000.00 Deposits 23,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 2,007,200.00 10,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 10,000.00 39,268,800.00 FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD DIVISION OF BANK OPERATIONS 54,525,099.16 17,700,331.37 9,348,764.05 137,066,900.11 26,765,255.03 1,500,000.00 45,507,200.00 24,155,746.73 13.922.168.52 $ 856, 700.00 2,013, 700.00 1,254, 000.00 1,023, 500.00 472, 000.00 1,023, 4oo.oo 2,124, 500.00 1,182, 300.00 826, 900.00 514, 100.00 220, 700.00 11,511,800.00 Debits $5,000,000.00 Credits $ 5,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2*000,000.00 22,000,000.00 12,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 22,000,000.00 Net l o s s or gain of gold thirm^h Transit c l e a r i n g s Combined c l e a r i n g s and t r a n s f e r s Loss I Gain Loss i Gain $1,574,846.23 $3,504,753.77 22,284,830.60 19.917.481.51 2,000,000.00 936,300.00 2,852,600.00 820,100.00 1,250,400.00 800,200.00 415,800.00 1,968,000.00 718,900.00 368,900.00 678,600.00 240,500.00 46l.50Q.00 11,511,800.00 Balance i n fund at c l o s e of b u s i n e s s July 19.1933 $29,874,602.14 149,982,167.17 $ Transfers for Government Account 198,115.98 5,670,019.62 2,969,383.89 1,194,233.16 9,598,189.50 19,472,8l6»29 515,141,535.89 29,504,568.94 19,648,069.51 4,204,733.94 1,330,531.16 2,385,653.91 83,373.97 277,360.22 29,504,568.94 5,526,315.98 1,062,419.62 4,150,946.09 1,736,233.16 2,081,126.03 742,439.78 14,934,316.29 33,738,550.72 18,809,169.51 4,638,633.94 1,103,631.16 9,187,116.11 33,738,550.72 FEDERAL RESERVE AGENTS' FUND B-S12a Summary of t r a n s a c t i o n s f o r week ending July 19. 1933 Federal Reserve Agent a t Boston Balance l a s t statement July 12, 1933 $ 171,017,080 Withdrawals (Transfers to bank) ^ •** **• New York 79,100.000 23,000,000 Philadelphia 90,550,000 4,000,000 Cleveland 115,500,000 —— 75,000,000 Chicago 328,000,000 10,000,000 S t . Louis 26,700,130 5,000,000 Minneapolis 37,500,000 Kansas City 52,800,000 1,265,934,760 FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD DIVISION OF BANK OPERATIONS 86,550,000 1 115,500,000 79,505,000 2,000,000 TOTAL — 91,100,000 — 77,000,000 110,762,550 35,000,000 171,017,080 — — Atlanta San Francisco $ — 79,505,000 7,500,000 ^ — Richmond Dallas Deposits (Transfers from bank) July 20, 1933 Balance at c l o s e of "business July 19, 1933 ' — — — 1,000,000 — 2,000,000 1,500,000 — - 45,500,000 — — 38,000,000 318,000,000 82,700,130 37,500,000 84,800,000 6,000,000 110,762,550 1,258,434,760