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R&S 100-1529 •August 1, U. S. GOVERNMENT SECURITY YIELDS AND PRICES AND EIG' CORPORATE BOND YIELDS (Yields in per cent per annum) Bills Period months 191*5 July 2 3 5 1/.79 • 79 .79 • 79 .79 .78 : .78 .76 .78 , .78 ' .78 .77 .76 .79 6 7 9 10 . U. S. Government s e c u r i t y y i e l d s Notes Bonds Certifi3 to 5 7 to 9 15 years and cate b years years 9 t o 12 TaxTaxPartially months able able tax-exemi 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 •2 .81 T 82 .82 .82 21 • t .82 .82 ,82 .62 .82 .82 25 26 27 28 30 31 .82 Weekly avenge : 7 .375 14 .375 21 ,375 28 375 .375 i.5h i.59 1.59 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 .1.62 1.63 1.61 1.61 1.59 1.59 .62 1.55 i;55 1.56 1.61 .80 1,16 1.53 1.63 2/2.34 ~ 2.34 2.34 2.36 2/102.53 - 102.59 102.53 102.25 2.34 102.46 l / I s s u e s included changed on July 1, <2/ Number of i s s u e s i n c r e a s e d from 7 t o 8 or; July 1 . GOVERN! CENT SECURITIES SECTION/ BOARD OF GOVERNORS bonds 2/102.60 102.55 102..50 102.49 102.I+9 102.1*6 102.41 102.54 102.68 102.70 102 ..70 102,76 102.62 102.43 102.49 102.45 - 102.45 102.35 102.34 102.25 102.13 102.20 102.20 '102.34 102.36, 1.54 1-55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55. 1.55 1.55 1.12* 1.14 147 1.19 1/.79 .78 .60 Jbnthly average 1 a4 1.14 1.14 1.1U 1.14 1.14 ia4 1.14 1,14 1.14 1 .ii+ 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.18 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 longterm Treasury bond 2,52 • 2.52 • 2,52 2,51+ 2.53