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Volume 2 Number 2

F refront

New Ideas on Economic Policy from the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK

The Inflation Issue


Price Stability:
Essay by
Sandra Pianalto
Asked Questions
about Inflation


Interview with
Mark Bils

F refront

New Ideas on Economic Policy from the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK

		SPRING 2011

Volume 2 Number 2

1	President’s Message
2	Readers’ Comments
4	Upfront
A Short History of Inflation Targeting at the Federal Reserve:
Q&A with Marvin Goodfriend

6	Price Stability
Why We Seek It and How Best to Achieve It


12	Inflation FAQs
■ How can inflation be considered low when food and gas prices are so high?

Isn’t pursuing a low and stable inflation rate going to cost the economy jobs?


How do we know when people are worried about inflation?


Is an explicit inflation objective consistent with a dual mandate?

22	Interview with Mark Bils
University of Rochester economist explains why measuring prices
is so difficult

The views expressed in Forefront are not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or the Federal Reserve System.
Content may be reprinted with the disclaimer above and credited
to Forefront. Send copies of reprinted material to the Public Affairs
Department of the Cleveland Fed.
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
PO Box 6387
Cleveland, OH 44101-1387

28	Book Review

Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures
Still Threaten the World Economy
President and CEO: Sandra Pianalto

Editor in Chief: M
 ark Sniderman,
Executive Vice President and Chief Policy Officer
Executive Editor: Robin Ratliff
Editor: Doug Campbell
Managing Editor: Amy Koehnen
Associate Editor: Michele Lachman
Art Director: Michael Galka
Designer: Natalie Bashkin
Web Managers: Stephen Gracey, David Toth
Kenneth Beauchemin
Becky Bristol
John Carlson
Daniel Carroll
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Owen Humpage
Natalie Karrs
Lou Marich
Brent Meyer
Mehmet Pasaogullari
Gloria Simms

Editorial Board:
Ruth Clevenger, Vice President, Community Development
Kelly Banks, Vice President, Community Relations
Stephen Ong, Vice President, Supervision and Regulation
James Savage, Vice President, Public Affairs
Mark Schweitzer, Senior Vice President, Research
James Thomson, Vice President, Research

Sandra Pianalto
President and Chief Executive Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

I participated in my
first FOMC meeting
in January 2003, as an
incoming Reserve Bank
president. The session
opened with a lengthy,
detailed discussion about policy rules. Specifically, we reviewed
the evi­dence on whether the Federal Reserve’s targeting of
the federal funds rate had been following a systematic decision­
making process.

In this issue of Forefront, I lay out my case for such an objective,
arguing that a 2 percent goal over the medium term would not
only convey our policy aim better, but would also affirm our
resolve to achieve price stability. That essay, along with supporting
articles by our Bank’s economists, also appears in the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland’s 2010 annual report. With this
double emphasis, we hope you will better understand why
an explicit inflation objective is consistent with the Federal
Reserve’s dual mandate and, in fact, would improve our ability
to fulfill that mandate.

It was a technical discussion, to say the least. But near the end
of the afternoon, the late Federal Reserve Board Governor
Edward (Ned) Gramlich put the whole conversation into
context: “What is important,” he said, “is to clarify to markets
what we care about. We care about stable prices and maximum

This issue is rounded out by interviews with the University of
Rochester’s Mark Bils on price measurement and with Carnegie
Mellon University’s Marvin Goodfriend on the recent history
of inflation objectives. These economists’ views illustrate the
importance of price stability in our everyday lives.

Stable prices and maximum employment—that is the Federal
Reserve’s dual mandate from Congress. More directly, Governor
Gramlich was highlighting the importance of having a clear,
consistent objective that everybody follows. When the public
understands that the Federal Reserve is committed to both
parts of its objective, monetary policy is much easier to conduct.
Over the years, the Federal Reserve has taken many steps
to enhance how we communicate our policy intentions to
the public. I believe now is an opportune time to take another
important step along that path—to publicly announce an
explicit numerical inflation objective.

As we move into summer, I think the U.S. economy has gained
a firmer footing. Even with the recent oil and other commodity
price shocks, the recovery continues. Employers are creating
new jobs, and there are signs that job growth will accelerate as
the year progresses. I am also keeping a close eye on signs of
inflation. Without price stability, it is highly unlikely that our
economy can achieve and sustain maximum employment.
I believe an explicit inflation objective will help us produce
both price stability and maximum employment. As Governor
Gramlich wisely observed, when the public understands what
the Federal Reserve seeks to achieve, and has confidence in
our ability to achieve it, then we can be even more effective in
reaching those goals. ■

F refront


Readers’ Comments

Slowing Speculation:
A Proposal to Lessen Undesirable Housing Transactions
Forefront Winter 2011

The policy remedy proposed here—prohibiting county
recorders of deeds from certifying any new ownership
of property that has outstanding delinquent taxes or code
violations—is elegant in its simplicity.
As the authors themselves note, however, this simplicity
itself presents a danger. The prohibition could be overly
broad, unintentionally harming the well-meaning buyer who
has fallen behind on taxes or preventing the acquisition of
vacant or tax-delinquent properties by purchasers intending
to rehabilitate or productively use them.
I would urge the inclusion of a clause that would allow for
two key exceptions to this policy. First, the owner of the
property should have the ability to transfer ownership to
a responsible public entity, such as a land bank. This action
gives tax delinquent or code-violating owners an honorable
way out of their situation and allows redevelopment activity
to proceed without being hampered by the unclear title
situation that could arise when an owner wants to dispose
of a property but is unable to clear outstanding liens or fines.


Spring 2011

The Cuyahoga County Land Bank, for example, has an
excellent track record of making responsible decisions about
how to use vacant properties effectively by assembling some
parcels for public works projects and redeveloping others
for use by the private and nonprofit sectors.
Second, there should be a legal mechanism that would
enable a kind of “sweat equity” repayment plan, wherein a
buyer could earn forgiveness of outstanding liens or fines
associated with code violations, over time, with some
combination of monetary payments and adherence to a
documented and agreed-upon renovation or repair plan that
brings the property back up to code and into productive use.
Once the buyer has met the obligations laid out in the plan,
the title could be transferred and the deed recorded.
With these amendments, the proposed law would be an
effective way to stem the tide of irresponsible, speculative
real estate purchases in Ohio, while still promoting respon­
sible redevelopment and use of land and property resources.
Amy Hovey
Senior Vice President, Capacity Building
Chief Operating Officer
Center for Community Progress
Flint, Michigan

This is a very interesting proposal. Requiring all municipal
liens to be extinguished before the county recorder declares
the transaction official seems to have many redeeming
I do have one concern about this idea. Would enacting this
policy actually create a new field of “flipper walk-aways”?
A flipper acquires a property and then sells it at a small
markup to an unsuspecting buyer for cash. Money changes
hands, but the deed is not recorded.
The prospective new owner does not officially own the
property. The flipper has the cash, so he can let the property
fall into tax lien foreclosure without suffering a loss. Addition­
ally, what if the new “owner” started spending some money
on the property, only to see it foreclosed or find out he
never really owned it?
If there were a way to avoid this potential pitfall, such as
requiring the use of a title agency even for cash sale trans­
actions, I think it definitely would help. It would also protect
unsuspecting purchasers from ending up with the short end
of the stick.
George Mattei
Vacant Property Forum Administrator
ReBuild Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Response from the co-author, Thomas J. Fitzpatrick IV:
That’s a good question. I’ll start by saying no law could
prevent all fraud—for example, an unscrupulous seller could
use a quitclaim deed to “sell” a property that the seller does
not actually own. Similarly, even if using a title agency were
a requirement for transfer, properties could still be “sold”
without actually using the title agency. In other words, no
law ensures 100 percent compliance.
What our proposal addresses more directly are the large
investor sales to large/small investors that enable the
business model where a person or entity buys with no
intent to maintain the property. As word gets out, some
actors might try to keep the business model running by
defrauding borrowers in the way you suggest. Others would
likely exit the market because their business models would
no longer work.
I would also encourage you to think about this proposal
from more of a “recovery” angle. Our proposal would
allow for easier acquisition through tax foreclosure or the
demolition of condemned properties because it would
become harder to transfer those on the eve of demolition/
foreclosure, thereby interrupting the process (even where
someone incorrectly thinks he has purchased a property).

F refront


Upfr nt


A Short History
of Inflation Targeting
at the Federal Reserve:
Q&A with Marvin Goodfriend

Marvin Goodfriend
Professor of Economics
Carnegie Mellon University


Spring 2011

The debate on whether the
Federal Reserve should adopt an
explicit inflation objective is not
new. In the 1990s, as the transcripts attest, members of the
Federal Open Market Committee
(FOMC) discussed the idea at
some length. The issue has picked
up momentum over the past year,
with several Federal Reserve
officials calling for a numerical
objective, including the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland’s
Sandra Pianalto and Philadelphia’s
Charles Plosser.

Marvin Goodfriend has been in
the thick of the talks on both
the inside and the outside. He
attended FOMC meetings in the
1990s as the research director
at the Federal Reserve Bank of
Richmond. In the early 2000s,
he engaged in a widely cited
exchange with Federal Reserve
Governor Donald Kohn about
the merits of an explicit inflation
goal. Goodfriend was—and is—
in favor of it.
Now an economics professor and
chairman of the Gailliot Center
for Public Policy at Carnegie
Mellon University in Pittsburgh,
Goodfriend thinks there is a
decent chance the Federal Reserve
will soon take the long-awaited
step of establishing a numerical
objective. We contacted him at
his office to ask for his thoughts
as the debate develops.

Q: With so many other central banks
around the world already having an
explicit inflation goal, why do you
think the Federal Reserve hasn’t
adopted one?
Goodfriend: It’s natural for any
leader of an organization to worry
about restricting his freedom of
action in the future. In the language
of finance, unrestricted actions in
the future have option value; they
somehow seem useful. It seems
better not to tie your hands.
Another natural concern is that it
could be counterproductive not
to follow through on a promise,
so it seems better not to promise
anything in the first place. Also,
there are lingering doubts in some
quarters about the Federal Reserve’s
capacity to sustain low inflation
with­out higher unemployment.
That was a concern even in the early
[former Federal Reserve Chairman]
Greenspan years, although experience has shown that once credibility
for low inflation is achieved, the
economy can actually sustain a lower
unemployment rate on average.

Q: Why do you think the issue has
been re-emerging of late?
Goodfriend: Historically, when the
economy comes out of a recession,
inflation tends to rise. The Federal
Reserve lowers interest rates to fight
recessions and has been reluctant
to raise interest rates to sustain noninflationary recoveries. Now we are at
the point in the business cycle where
rising inflation is a concern again.

Ever since [former Federal Reserve
Chairman] Paul Volcker stabilized
inflation in the early 1980s, academic
theory and practical experience
have persuaded many central banks
around the world that it’s a good
idea to have an explicit low inflation
objective. The Federal Reserve is
behind the curve in this thinking.

Q: Is an explicit inflation goal
consistent with the Federal Reserve’s
dual mandate of price stability and
maximum employment?
Goodfriend: Yes. Consider the alter­
native. A central bank that makes the
economy safe for higher inflation by
not committing to a low inflation
objective exposes itself to inflation
scares. The central bank gives up
control over beliefs about inflation
to the markets, and we know what
that’s done.
My research has emphasized the
costs of failing to make low inflation
an explicit objective for the Federal
Reserve. Exhibit A, in theory and in
practice, is that not committing to
a low inflation objective exposes
central banks and governments to
market demands for inflation premia
in bond rates; that is, charging extra
interest to compensate for high
expected inflation. That raises the
government’s borrowing costs and
presents the central bank with a
nasty dilemma.
What convinced Volcker to move
against inflation in the early 1980s
was his recognition that failing to
act would be like the movie Groundhog Day. The Fed would continue
to be subject to the inflation scare
problem over and over: The Federal
Reserve would have to continue to
run the economy below potential
time and again, as it had in the 1970s,

to maintain some degree of inflation
stability. Volcker wanted to put an
end to that. Good monetary policy
had to start by making low inflation
a priority. Making low inflation a
priority, as Volcker did, was a first
step toward moving to a numerical
goal for low inflation.

Q: Do you realistically expect the
Federal Reserve to adopt a numerical
inflation target in the near future?
Goodfriend: I think there is a good
chance of that. Inflation targeting
has been debated at the FOMC since
the mid-1990s. The committee had
two extended debates on inflation
targeting in 1995 and 1996. Having
discussed inflation targeting thoroughly for 15 years, I think there is a
good chance the current committee
will move ahead. The FOMC has
already come as close as possible
to announcing an explicit inflation
target outright by extending in 2007
its forecast horizon for inflation.
Extending its inflation forecast hori­
zon is not the same as announcing an
explicit objective, but it’s very close.
I think the FOMC would very much
like to put an explicit inflation objective in place before it has to move
against inflation as the economy
recovers. Adopting an inflation
objective would be one small step for
the Federal Reserve and one giant
leap for macroeconomic policy. ■
Interviewed by Doug Campbell.

Recommended readings
Marvin Goodfriend. 2005. “The Monetary Policy
Debate Since October 1979: Lessons for Theory
and Practice.” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis,
Review 87(2, Part 2): 243–62.

F refront


Price Stability

Why We Seek It and How Best to Achieve It

This essay and the accompanying Frequently Asked Questions also
appear in the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland’s 2010 annual report.

Sandra Pianalto
President and
Chief Executive Officer

In 2010, the unemployment rate fell, the pace of fore­
closures declined, and the stock market rallied.
Still, as a Federal Reserve policymaker, I am far from
satisfied. Too many Americans are still hurting—many
are out of work, many have seen the values of their homes
plummet, and many see little hope of restoring their nest
eggs for retirement.
If these conditions are not challenging enough, we now
have another issue to contend with: Inflation concerns are
mounting. On this developing front, I want to be crystal
clear: In 2011 and in the coming years, the Federal Reserve
will always strive to fulfill its dual mandate of price stability
and maximum employment.

Spring 2011

This issue of Forefront is focused on the topic of inflation
in the context of our dual mandate. We offer a collection
of frequently asked questions that we hear today about
inflation and the inflation outlook, together with answers
from our Research Department economists. These short
articles review recent movements in inflation, describe how
we measure inflation expectations, and explain why price
stability is crucial for job creation, among other topics.
In the next several pages, however, I want to give you
my own views on controlling inflation in the context of
the Federal Reserve’s dual mandate. In doing so, I want
to make two key points.

First, it is important to understand that the Federal Reserve’s
commitment to price stability is entirely consistent with
promoting maximum employment. In fact, it is a necessary
part of creating the economic conditions that permit jobs
to flourish over time.

In 2011 and in the coming years, the Federal Reserve
will always strive to fulfill its dual mandate of price stability
and maximum employment.

Second, now may be an opportune time for the Federal
Reserve to adopt an explicit numerical inflation objective.
The events of the past year—including a new round of
monetary stimulus and the recent spike in commodity
prices—have underscored the potential benefits of a
numerical inflation objective. Most Americans probably are
not even aware that the Federal Open Market Committee
(FOMC) has no such explicit objective—or what having
one would entail.
As I will explain, putting a number on our inflation
objective could enhance our communication capabilities
with the public, make the monetary policy formulation
process more transparent, and increase the Federal
Reserve’s accountability. As a result, monetary policy will
be better able to achieve both price stability and maximum

The Dual Mandate: Why Price Stability
Is Consistent with Maximum Employment
Conceptually, price stability can be thought of as an
inflation rate low enough and predictable enough that
inflation does not prominently enter into decisions by
firms and consumers. For example, to maximize economic
efficiency, firms must be confident enough about the
general level of prices in the future to be willing to make
long-term agreements with their suppliers and customers
(although relative prices do, of course, need to change
over time). Individuals need the same confidence to plan
for retirement.
To many Americans, the costs of excessive inflation are
familiar from the 1970s, a decade in which consumer price
inflation averaged 8 percent per year. (By comparison,
consumer price inflation since then has averaged close
to 3 percent.)1

Let’s break down the negative impacts of high inflation
into four areas:

First, sustained high inflation erodes the purchasing

power of people on fixed incomes. Over the years,
retirement savings can decrease in value if inflation
unexpectedly rises.

Second, high inflation can lead consumers and firms to

spend time and money managing its consequences. For
example, consumers will devote more time tending to
cash balances, and firms will change their posted prices
more frequently.

Third, high inflation muddies the information on supply

and demand reflected in prices, leading to inefficient
spending decisions. For instance, with substantial
inflation, a business will find it more difficult to deter­
mine if an increase in the price of a new machine for
its production line reflects inflation in the overall price
level or an increase in the price of the machine relative
to some other production input, such as steel. As a
result, the firm could misjudge the price change and
make a poor decision.

Finally, because many components of federal and state

tax codes are not indexed to the cost of living, high infla­
tion creates adverse tax effects that can lead consumers
and firms to take actions they would otherwise not take.

1.		Data cited in this article and the following FAQs reflect updates through
April 30, 2011.

F refront


The experiences of Japan in the last two decades point to
the real danger of low inflation—deflation, which occurs
when the overall price level falls as inflation rates turn
negative for extended periods.
Very low inflation creates different challenges. When
inflation is very low, as it has been recently, the Federal
Reserve’s ability to ease monetary policy is constrained if
the federal funds rate cannot be reduced further. That is
why, after cutting the target for the federal funds rate to
essentially zero in December 2008, the FOMC had to take
the unusual step of making large-scale asset purchases of
longer-term Treasury securities, agency debt, and agency
mortgage-backed securities. Although the strategy was
unusual, its purpose was the same as more traditional
policy easing: to activate the conventional channels of
monetary stimulus to the economy. It would be preferable,
though, to be able to employ more traditional policy tools,
with which we have more experience and with which the
public is more familiar.
In an environment of very low inflation and interest rates,
monetary policy can become hamstrung in its ability to
promote stronger economic activity. The experiences of
Japan in the last two decades point to the real danger of
low inflation—deflation, which occurs when the overall
price level falls as inflation rates turn negative for extended
periods. Deflation is more likely when an already-weak
economy deteriorates further.
Declining price levels might sound like a good thing—
allowing consumers to buy more of some goods. But
sustained deflation can have profoundly negative effects
on the real economy. When prices are expected to continue
to fall, many consumers and firms will delay purchases
while waiting for lower prices. Deflation also lowers wages
as well as prices, and debts don’t decrease in nominal
terms, so actual debt burdens are higher. Deflation can
also create or worsen problems in the financial system.

8		Spring 2011

It reduces the value of collateral, which makes borrowing
more difficult. This dynamic is especially relevant in
a period following a severe financial crisis, when asset
values have fallen and credit channels have already been
impaired. For these reasons, Japan’s deflation is widely
thought to have hampered that nation’s monetary policy
and economy since the early 1990s.
Inflation that is high or too low is bad enough—but
uncertain and variable inflation introduces additional
problems. One consequence of variability is that
unexpected changes in inflation redistribute wealth
between borrowers and lenders. For example, if inflation
proves higher than expected, a borrower can pay a lender
back with dollars that buy less than they would have other­
wise. If inflation proves to be lower than expected, the
lender benefits at the expense of the borrower. As a result
of these uncertainties, lenders incorporate an inflation risk
premium in interest rates, essentially making borrowing
more expensive on average than it normally would be. This
risk premium reduces borrowing for productive purposes,
such as capital spending by firms. Finally, uncertainty
about future inflation can reduce the willingness of firms
to enter into long-term contracts that contribute to an
efficient economic system.
Seen this way, the Federal Reserve’s objective of price
stability is fully complementary with its objective of
maximum employment. The maintenance of price stability
avoids problems that can arise with either very low or
excessively high inflation. As a result, price stability helps
to maximize economic efficiency through a multitude
of channels, from interest rates to the provision of credit.
Monetary policy promotes the fastest sustainable rate
of economic growth by minimizing the many economic
distortions that inevitably arise because of deviations
from price stability.

How a Numerical Objective for
Price Stability Could Help Monetary Policy
Over the course of the business cycle, monetary policy
affects inflation, employment, and long-term interest
rates. Over longer periods, monetary policy is the sole
determinant of the average rate of inflation—but is only
one of many factors affecting employment and long-term
interest rates. Put another way, in the long run, inflation
is a monetary phenomenon (to paraphrase the late
Milton Friedman), while trends in employment and
long-term interest rates depend on other forces, including
demographics and the productivity of the nation’s stock
of factories and machinery. As a corollary, central banks
such as the Federal Reserve can reasonably be expected
to achieve a pre-specified numerical inflation objective
over time, but not so for unemployment.
In fact, many other central banks around the world do
have explicit numerical objectives for inflation to anchor
their definitions of price stability. The Federal Reserve
does not. At present, the closest the Federal Reserve
comes to stating an explicit inflation objective is in the
quarterly economic projections of the FOMC, in which
its participants indicate their current estimate of the rate
to which inflation would converge under “appropriate
monetary policy” and in the absence of additional shocks.
FOMC members have raised the idea of establishing
a numerical objective several times over the years. Ben
Bernanke, for example, spoke about the potential utility
of an explicit inflation objective in improving economic
outcomes back in 2003, when he was a member of the
Board of Governors but not yet its chairman.
I think it is an opportune time for the FOMC to establish
an explicit inflation objective. The potential benefits are
large and, in my mind, likely to help foster the Federal
Reserve’s objectives of price stability and maximum
employment. Specifically, I favor establishing a 2 percent
inflation objective. In the interest of economic stability,
and to provide some flexibility to respond to shocks, our
intention would be to move as close as possible to this
target annually. In the event of shocks to the economy

In the long run, inflation is a monetary phenomenon, while
trends in employment and long-term interest rates depend
on other forces, including demographics and the productivity
of the nation’s stock of factories and machinery.

that push inflation away from this target, the goal would
be to set policy so that inflation converges back to 2 percent
over the medium term, a period of perhaps two to four
years, depending on the size of the shocks.
The potential merits of a stated inflation objective seem
particularly large at the moment, given the array of
challenges bearing down on the economy so far in 2011.
Consider, for example, that even though underlying
inflation today is still at a low level, people disagree about
where it is heading. Even professional forecasters differ
more with one another about the longer-run inflation
outlook now than they did before the recession.2
Why the uncertainty? On the one hand, with unemploy­
ment very high and wages increasing very slowly, under­
lying inflation could remain subdued. Working in the other
direction, recent increases in energy and other commodity
prices are putting upward pressure on inflation. Although
these pressures have not spilled over into consumer prices
more generally, it is possible that they could.

2.		Underlying inflation was only 1.2 percent in the 12 months ended in March 2011,
as measured by the Cleveland Federal Reserve’s median Consumer Price Index.

F refront


Although I trust that the FOMC will act as needed to
preserve price stability, the perceived threat of inflation is
very real in many people’s minds. They see the expansion
of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet, the federal govern­
ment’s immense borrowing needs, and rising global
commodity prices as all potentially contributing to rapidly
rising inflation. If those concerns intensified so strongly
that broad measures of longer-term inflation expectations
escalated, actual inflation could rise in the absence of an
appropriate response from the Federal Reserve.
A Sampling of Central Banks with Inflation Targets

Targeting adoption date

Target (percent)

New Zealand
United Kingdom
Czech Republic
Euro Area

March 1990
February 1991
October 1992
January 1998
January 1999
June 1999
January 2001
March 2001
January 2002
August 2005
March 2006
May 2007


Note: Some banks use different measures.
Sources: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston; Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.

Economic theory tells us that rising long-term inflation
expectations (one of the key determinants of the actual
inflation trend) could push inflation higher. For example,
expectations of a pickup in inflation could lead firms to
boost their prices to reflect those expectations, contributing
to a rise in inflation this year.
In these circumstances, the FOMC’s adoption of a
concrete, explicit numerical objective for inflation could
be advantageous. Numerical targets are proven to be
highly effective in anchoring inflation expectations. Studies
comparing the United States to some other countries
with formal inflation targets have found that these explicit
objectives help to pin down long-term inflation expectations
at the rate the central bank has established as its target.
For example, in countries with explicit inflation targets,
private-sector forecasters are in greater agreement about
the inflation outlook.

10		 Spring 2011

I see three main gains from a numerical target, and they are
intertwined. First, better-anchored inflation expectations
could increase the Federal Reserve’s ability to adjust
mone­tary policy to stabilize the economy. For example,
when the economy is weak, the FOMC could have more
scope to ease monetary policy without triggering an
increase in longer-term inflation expectations that would
put upward pressure on inflation. The explicit objective
for price stabil­ity would help to assure the public that a
more expansive monetary policy was a temporary move
to stabilize the economy, without any implications for the
longer-run inflation objective. Thus, an explicit numerical
inflation objective could boost the stability of employment
as well as inflation.
An explicit numerical objective for inflation could also
enhance the accountability and transparency of monetary
policy. With a numerical objective, the public would know
exactly what inflation outcome the FOMC was trying to
achieve. The public would then be better able to evaluate
the FOMC’s performance. The Federal Reserve chairman’s
semiannual reports to Congress would likely include a
discussion of inflation outcomes relative to the objective.
Less routinely, one can imagine Congress asking the
chairman to testify regarding the reasons why inflation
had drifted from the target for an unusual length of time.
Finally, putting a number on the FOMC’s inflation
objective would help the FOMC explain its actions to the
public. Suppose, for example, that the members agreed on
an inflation objective of 2 percent. Last November, having
had such an objective might have allowed the FOMC
to better explain the expansion of its purchases of longerterm Treasury securities. I supported the action in part
because I saw inflation as simply too low. The underlying
rate of inflation was below 1 percent and falling, pulling
inflation yet further from the FOMC’s implicit objective
of 2 percent or a bit less (as suggested by the FOMC’s
economic projections). I think the FOMC could have
been clearer about its motivation to engage in large-scale
asset purchases if it had been able to reference its 2 percent
inflation objective.

Studies comparing the United States to some other countries
with formal inflation targets have found that these explicit
objectives help to pin down long-term inflation expectations
at the rate the central bank has established as its target.

Similarly, looking ahead, I believe that having an explicit
numerical objective for inflation would help the FOMC
explain its eventual decision to tighten monetary policy.
For instance, once the economic recovery is sufficiently far
along that the FOMC expects inflation to begin gathering
some momentum, I think the timing and magnitude of
our actions to tighten policy would be more clearly under­
stood by the public if we could reference a numerical
inflation objective. This would be especially useful in the
context of the FOMC’s already-established practice of
publishing its economic projections. Likewise, an explicit
objective might put to rest the media trope about inflation
“hawks” and “doves,” as it would be evident that all
members shared the identical objective.
Finally, it is important to clarify that setting an explicit
inflation objective is merely a means to an end. It will
enhance the Federal Reserve’s ability to achieve its dual
mandate of price stability and maximum employment.
Being explicit about the inflation objective does not
change the dual mandate at all. The Federal Reserve has
had to put the dual mandate into practice ever since
Congress set forth the broad goals in 1977. I do not see
an explicit numerical inflation objective as anything other
than another step in that direction—a step based on good
economics, our own experience, and the experience of
other central banks.

A Timely Step Forward
In 1979, Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker led
what became one of our signature monetary policy
achievements—the “Great Disinflation.” By taming
runaway inflation, the Federal Reserve regained the
credibility it had lost in the 1970s as the nation’s steward
of price stability.

It is time to build on that hard-won credibility. Setting
an explicit inflation objective is in keeping with the times,
enhancing the Federal Reserve’s openness and account­
ability at a time when the public is ever-more demanding of
—and deserving of—such openness and accountability.
It will be good for monetary policy. Most important, it will
be good for the economy. ■

President’s speeches
Cleveland Fed President Sandra Pianalto discusses the concept of an
explicit inflation target in two recent speeches:
”The Economic Outlook, Oil Prices, and Monetary Policy,” March 31, 2011.

”Current Issues in Monetary Policy,” April 7, 2011.

Inflation research
Research economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
have produced a wealth of resources and information about inflation.
Find links at
Recommended readings
Meredith J. Beechey, Benjamin K. Johannsen, and Andrew T. Levin.
2011. “Are Long-Run Inflation Expectations Anchored More Firmly in
the Euro Area than in the United States?” American Economic Journal:
Macroeconomics 3: 104–29.
Refet S. Gürkaynak, Andrew T. Levin, and Eric T. Swanson. 2010.
“Does Inflation Targeting Anchor Long-Run Inflation Expectations?
Evidence from Long-Term Bond Yields in the U.S., U.K., and Sweden.”
Journal of the European Economic Association 8: 1208–42.
Eric T. Swanson. 2006. “Would an Inflation Target Help Anchor
U.S. Inflation Expectations?” FRBSF Economic Letter 20.

F refront



How can inflation be considered low
when food and gas prices are so high?

Because there is a difference between inflation and relative price changes. Inflation
is a general rise in prices usually measured by tracking the prices of a broad basket
of goods and services, such as the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The CPI is a weighted
index of a typical consumer’s market basket, which includes food and gas prices.
Recently, there have been growing price pressures for these items, which highlight
the importance of distinguishing between the two concepts.

Brent Meyer
Senior Economic Analyst

Mehmet Pasaogullari
Research Economist

Over the past year, the overall—or headline—inflation
rate has been gradually rising but remains modest by
historical standards (the CPI has risen just 2.7 percent).
This may come as a surprise to shoppers who have absorbed
the swifter increases in some relative prices such as food,
gas, and other commodities. It’s well understood that rising
food and energy prices can put pressure on household
budgets, possibly causing painful tradeoffs, especially since
it is hard to substitute these items. Households may decide
to either cut back on food and gas or curb their spending on
other goods and services, which could cause price changes
elsewhere in the market basket. Although these tough
choices between food, gas, and other goods and services
tell us much about the welfare of individuals, they may
not reveal much about the path of inflation.
Increasing food and gas prices will affect the headline
CPI inflation directly to the extent of their share (roughly
20 percent) in the consumer market basket. These relative
price changes may not be driven by inflation but, more
likely, by fundamental factors affecting supply and demand
for each particular good. Looking at the price change for
one item or group, say gasoline (which is up 27 percent
over the past year), doesn’t tell you much about how high
inflation is—just as infant and toddler apparel prices, which

12		 Spring 2011

have declined 3.8 percent in the past 12 months, are not
an indicator of deflation. Inflation itself affects all prices
and wages, not just one or two particular items or markets.
The headline CPI, like all headline inflation measures, is
subject to short-term volatility that can arise from several
sources: mismeasurement, treatment of seasonal factors,
and relative price changes, which have little or nothing to
do with inflation. These transitory price fluctuations may
cause the CPI to give a misleading monthly signal of the
inflation trend.
For example, in mid-2008, oil prices spiked, peaking at an
average of $134 a barrel that June. Measured at annualized
rates, energy prices in general jumped 102.4 percent that
month, which caused the CPI to spike up 11.7 percent,
pushing its 12-month change up to 5.0 percent. Five short
months later, the bottom fell out on oil and energy prices,
causing the year-over-year percent change in the CPI to
dip well below zero. This is exactly the kind of volatility
that makes it difficult to monitor the headline CPI for
changes in the inflation trend. What we need are measures
of inflation that extract a signal about future prices.
Price statistics that attempt to distinguish the inflation
signal from noise are often called underlying measures
of inflation. One well-known underlying inflation statistic
excludes food and energy prices from the CPI; this is what
most economists refer to as the “core CPI.” Food and
energy prices tend to be the most volatile components
and regularly cause fluctuations in the CPI that are not
characteristic of the inflation trend.
However, the “ex–food and energy” approach does not
address transitory price fluctuations in other components
of the retail market basket used to construct the CPI, such
as mismeasurement and idiosyncratic shocks (excise taxes,
inclement weather, and government incentives to reduce
the supply of used autos, for example). Further, such an
approach may mismeasure inflation if there are long-term
movements in food and energy prices relative to other
goods and services.
An alternative underlying approach is to eliminate
monthly volatile price movements from the CPI through
the use of trimmed-mean estimators, which eliminate
the most volatile monthly price swings (both increases
and decreases). By eliminating high-frequency noise,
these measures provide a clearer signal of the inflation
trend than either the headline CPI or the core CPI.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland reports two such
trimmed-mean measures—the 16 percent trimmed-mean
CPI and the median CPI—on a monthly basis. These
measures are much less volatile than either the CPI or the
core CPI, making them more useful in determining the
current inflation trend and in forecasting future inflation,
as research here in our Bank and elsewhere shows.

Inflation and Oil Prices
12-month percent change

Dollars per barrel








CPI (left axis)



Domestic oil price
(right axis)



2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011


Sources: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics;
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.

Consumer Price Index
12-month percent change

Median CPIa

Core CPI


16 percent trimmed-mean CPIa

1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010

a. Calculated by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
Sources: The Wall Street Journal; Bureau of Labor Statistics/Haver Analytics.

As you can see from the second figure, these measures of
underlying inflation are currently quite low. In fact, they are
all hovering near post–World War II lows. The median CPI
and the core CPI are up just 1.2 percent over the past year. ■

Watch video interviews with the authors and find other
resources on inflation at
Recommended reading
Michael F. Bryan, Stephen G. Cecchetti, and Rodney L. Wiggins II.
1997. “Efficient Inflation Estimation.” Working Paper No. 9707.
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland (August).

F refront



Isn’t pursuing a low and stable
inflation rate going to cost the economy jobs?

On the contrary: Low and stable inflation is an essential ingredient for growing jobs.
It can help promote maximum employment by eliminating uncertainty about the
evolution of monetary policy and by allowing relative prices to act as clear signals
to consumers.

John Carlson
Vice President and Economist

Owen Humpage
Senior Economic Advisor


Spring 2011

It’s true that monetary policy has been highly stimulative
for the past couple of years, which could risk creating
higher inflation while creating higher employment. At
first glance, it might appear that efforts to place more
policy focus on low and stable inflation could cost jobs.
In fact, many believe that we must have higher inflation
to have lower unemployment—this is the premise of the
Phillips curve, which shaped economic debate for much
of the last part of the 20th century.
When monetary policy attempts to raise employment
above a level consistent with stable inflation, however,
consumers, businesses, and wage earners eventually catch
on and begin to anticipate the inflationary effects of the
policy on all prices and wages. Producers of goods discover
that they can increase their profit margins by raising
prices at the cost of lower levels of output and therefore
demand fewer employees. So any tradeoff between
inflation and unemployment eventually breaks down,
resulting in permanently higher inflation but no lasting
gains in employment.

Attempts to maintain a level of unemployment below the
economy’s full employment rate also create uncertainty
about the implications of such a policy for the relative
prices of goods and services. Thus, such policies interfere
with efficient spending choices by adding noise to pricesetting decisions, and hence to the signals consumers
need to make their best choices.
The overall correlation between inflation and the
unemployment rate since 1950 is weak, but it is nonethe­
less significant and positive—not negative as a permanent
tradeoff would indicate. In other words, the lower the
inflation rate, the lower the unemployment rate—
contrary to what many economists had once thought
to be the case. But the data also suggest that, over short
periods, monetary policy can be used to bring employment
in line with full employment levels, provided inflation
expectations remain stable.

U.S. Inflation and Unemployment Rates

Unemployment rate


Inflation rate

1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Note: Inflation rate given as an annualized percent.
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Consider the 1970s: Excessively stimulative monetary
policy during this decade persistently failed to account for
accelerating inflation and its ultimate effect on inflation
expectations. As illustrated in the figure, both inflation
and unemployment rose throughout the decade. After
this dismal experience, many central banks set numerical
objectives for inflation in the neighborhood of 2 percent
per year. This objective is broadly accepted as being
most consistent with maximum levels of employment;
2 percent is a low enough target level to be credible with
the objective of price stability. Such credibility in turn
creates an environment in which monetary policymakers
can aggressively ease to offset the negative consequences
of shocks that threaten economic stability. And, as the figure
also shows, since the 1980s, both U.S. inflation and
unemployment have trended lower until the 2007–09
To the extent that the recent policy measures to produce
low and stable inflation help speed economic activity and
employment to their potential levels, such policies would,
if anything, add—not cost—jobs. ■

Watch video interviews with the authors and find other
resources on inflation at
F refront



How do we know when
people are worried about inflation?

One way to gauge opinions on future inflation is to ask people directly, and several
well-respected surveys do just that. The Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of
Consumers ask the proverbial “man on the street” how much he think prices will
change in general terms, not relative to any statistic. Others, such as the Survey of
Professional Forecasters or Blue Chip Economic Indicators, ask market professionals
about specific measures, including their predictions for the CPI.

Joseph Haubrich
Vice President and Economist


Spring 2011

Another way to quantify inflation expectations is to see
if people put their money where their mouth is. Several
financial contracts linked to inflation provide a sense of
what “the market” expects on the inflation front.
The most commonly used measure of inflation expectations
of this type is the “break-even inflation rate” derived
from the interest rates on two different types of Treasury
securities. One type of Treasury bond, Treasury Inflation
Protected Securities (TIPS), pays back more money if
prices rise, and in that way protects against inflation.
Traditional, or nominal, Treasury bonds do not—if the
bond has a face value of $10,000, it will deliver $10,000 at
maturity. A TIPS of equal face value, by contrast, will pay
$11,000 if inflation runs at 10 percent over the life of the
bond. Because one bond is protected against inflation and
the other is not, the difference in their interest rates gives
the measure of expected inflation at which an investor
would “break even,” no matter which option was chosen.

Five-Year Break-Even Inflation Rate, TIPS

Another way to gauge expectations is with something
called an inflation swap. Here, two investors (or counter­
parties) agree to a trade: One side pays a fixed, certain
interest rate, and the other agrees to pay whatever the
inflation rate ends up being. So the fixed payment should
indicate the investor’s expected inflation. In that sense, it
is directly comparable to the break-even rate from TIPS.
Plotted on graphs in the first two figures, TIPS and infla­
tion swaps show remarkably similar patterns, though
liquidity and other differences between the instruments
mean that they do not match exactly. After a large drop
to abnormally low levels in the summer of 2010, expecta­
tions steadily increased back to levels somewhat above
where they were in early 2010.
The problem with these indicators is that both the TIPSand swaps-based measures overstate inflation expectations.
Both include a risk premium for inflation along with a
measure of expected inflation. That’s because investors
demand a bit of insurance to account for the fact that
inflation might differ from what they expect.
A measure developed at the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland uses a hybrid model that includes both financial
data and survey measures of inflation to remove this
bias. It delivers a purer measure of inflation expectations
and can also extract inflation expectations at a variety
of horizons. Shown in the bottom figure, this measure
shows a fairly contained level of inflation at many horizons,
with expectations generally staying below 2 percent for
many years. ■










Note: Calculated using TIPS break-even inflation rates.
Source: Federal Reserve Board.

Five-Year Break-Even Inflation Rate, Swaps









Note: Calculated using inflation swaps.
Source: Bloomberg.

Expected Inflation Yield Curve
March 1, 2010


February 1, 2011

March 1, 2011


Watch video interviews with the author and
find other resources on inflation at




Horizon in years



Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
F refront



Is an explicit inflation objective
consistent with a dual mandate?

It can be. An inflation objective can be implemented even when a central bank has
more than one mandate, which the Federal Reserve does—to provide “maximum
sustainable employment” in “an environment of stable prices.” In fact, in countries
like the United States, where weight is given to variables other than inflation,
monetary policy performance may be even more effective than if the central bank
had only a single mandate.

Mark Schweitzer
Senior Vice President
and Director of Research

Brent Meyer
Senior Economic Analyst


Spring 2011

In addition, the experiences of other countries that have
worked with an explicit numerical objective for many
years suggest that a flexible inflation targeting regime may
actually be more effective than a strict rule, even if price
stability is the primary concern. By “flexible,” we mean that
the central bank identifies factors that could cause it not
to raise interest rates in response to high inflation. Often
the factors may indicate that the headline, or overall,
inflation increase is expected to be temporary.
New Zealand and Norway are two countries whose
experiences in implementing inflation targets illustrate that
a flexible inflation targeting regime works well, especially
when central banks have additional goals. Both countries
have small, open economies: New Zealand trades substan­
tially with Asian markets and, as an exporter of agricultural
goods, is very sensitive to exchange-rate movements.
Norway—a major oil exporter—is heavily exposed to
fluctuations in oil prices, which cause economic variability
above and beyond exchange-rate volatility. These sources
of added volatility make setting appropriate monetary
policy even more challenging than in the United States,
and thus make these two countries interesting case studies.

New Zealand

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) started
pursuing a strict inflation target in 1990 with the sole
purpose of price stability. It established a “hard” annual
percent target range in its CPI of 0 to 2 percent. At the
time, the RBNZ reacted so aggressively to inflation rates
above its target range that it was rumored its governor
would lose his job should the RBNZ fail to deliver on its
promise. (An effective credibility mechanism!) Unfortu­
nately, such hawkish policy, instead of leading to greater
stability, was associated with a volatile period for interest
rates, exchange rates, and output.
In response, the RBNZ and the government of New
Zealand slowly edged away from a strict regime, becoming
more flexible in the approach toward inflation targeting
over time. In fact, the RBNZ’s mandate now reads, “In
pursuing its price stability objective, the Bank…shall seek
to avoid unnecessary instability in output, interest rates, and
the exchange rate.” In a way, this change made the RBNZ’s
objective closer to the Federal Reserve’s dual mandate.
The figure illustrates New Zealand’s flexibility, as the
RBNZ has at times either held or cut its main policy
tool—the official cash rate (OCR)—even when the
annual trend in inflation was above its stated target range.
Greater flexibility has likely contributed to reduced
macroeconomic volatility, but the RBNZ has still been
successful at lowering inflation back into its target range
following significant economic shocks. While increasing
flexibility does come with the risk of losing credibility,
survey measures of inflation expectations have remained
within the RBNZ’s target range, evidence that expectations
remain anchored.


The Reserve Bank of New Zealand started
pursuing a strict inflation target in 1990 with
the sole purpose of price stability.

New Zealand’s CPI
Annual percent change

“Ignoring” due to tax changes
and Canterbury earthquake


June 2005: held OCR
expected growth slow


September 2008:
cut OCR 50 bps

April 2001: cut OCR due to
global growth concerns




Target range








Sources: Statistics New Zealand; Reserve Bank of New Zealand.

F refront



The Norges Bank (the central bank of Norway) has
operated a “flexible inflation targeting regime” for the
past 10 years. Under this set of rules, weight is given to
stability in inflation, employment, and output (similar to
the Federal Reserve’s current dual mandate). The Norges
Bank’s operational target for inflation is an annual CPI
inflation rate of 2.5 percent over the medium term. Should
inflation deviate from its target as a result of a shock to the
economy, the specific length of time it will take for inflation
to return to its target will depend on the type of shock
that buffeted the economy.


Since the Norges Bank adopted an explicit
inflation target in 2001, the longer-term
(three-year) trend in inflation has been
relatively well anchored near 2.5 percent.

Norway’s CPI
Annualized percent change

12-month percent change
Inflation target
2.5 percent

36-month percent change





Source: Statistics Norway/Haver Analytics.




With such flexibility, a central bank needs to communi­
cate its policy in a transparent and credible manner,
lest the public lose faith in the bank’s ability to deliver
on its promises. The Norges Bank does this by publicly
announcing policy objectives, providing its assessment of
current economic conditions, and releasing its forecasts
for macroeconomic variables such as GDP and inflation.
Norway has experienced significant shocks to its economy.
For example, in January 2003, its headline CPI—which
has been and continues to be more volatile than many
other developed countries—jumped to above 5 percent,
largely due to a spike in the relative price of household
electricity stemming from supply issues, only to fall below
zero a year later. But despite these episodes, the Norges
Bank has succeeded at returning inflation to its targeted
level. Relative price swings do make it hard to get an accu­
rate reading on inflation, and even harder to communicate
to the public. However, since the Norges Bank adopted
an explicit inflation target in 2001, the longer-term (threeyear) trend in inflation has been relatively well anchored
near 2.5 percent.
Judging from the experiences of these two countries,
moving to an explicit numerical inflation objective can
be consistent with the Federal Reserve’s dual mandate.
Indeed, these two countries show that when inflation
expectations are well anchored, the central bank can be
freer to take short-term stabilization actions if the public
does not fear inflation. ■

Watch video interviews with the authors and find
other resources on inflation at


Spring 2011

S U

















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F refront


Mark Bils


easuring prices sure
sounds like tedious business,
and indeed it is. But it is an
important business. Mark
Bils, a macroeconomist at
the University of Rochester,
has delved deeper into the
intricacies of price measurement than most. He is not as
interested in the mechanics
of price measurement, per se,
as he is in how mistakes in
price measurement can skew
other measurements. If you
overestimate inflation, for
example, you are probably
underestimating economic
growth and standards of
living. The way we feel about
our own economic wellbeing depends heavily on
accurately measuring prices.


Spring 2011

Bils is a professor and chair
of the Economics Department at the University of
Rochester. He also serves
as a research associate
with the National Bureau
of Economic Research,
as associate editor of the
Review of Economics and
Statistics, and as a board
member of the Journal of
Human Capital.
We invited Bils to the
Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland to talk about his
research. Brent Meyer, a
senior economic analyst
with the Bank, interviewed
Bils on March 30, 2011.
An edited transcript follows.

Meyer: Why did price measurement
become one of your areas of focus?

Meyer: What type of prices do you think
might have been overestimated?

Bils: My interest in price measurement
really came out of discussions I had with
[Stanford economist] Pete Klenow.
Our interest was always less in thinking
about inflation and prices. It was
rather on the fact that whatever you
mismeasure on prices affects how you
measure real incomes and economic
growth. We were working on growthrelated issues at the time.

Bils: Services and healthcare. When
you look at healthcare expenditures,
you see that inflation is extremely
rapid, much more rapid than other
inflation rates. But we have no idea
what the inflation rates for health
expenditures really are. We don’t
know! You can’t measure quality of
healthcare very well.

This is a roundabout explanation, but
this is literally how we got involved in
this: We found a huge explosion in the
economics literature trying to explain
growth. The things that people focused
on were research and education. And
these things exploded—huge increases
in schooling worldwide and research
—and yet economic growth rates
came down! So, we had done some
work where we argued that this impact
of schooling couldn’t be so great
because it had gone up worldwide and
yet growth rates hadn’t gone up.


The hole in this issue, of course, is
that maybe we have underestimated
growth. Pete and I got interested in
price measurement in the first place
to think about what real growth has
actually been. Because if you over­
estimate inflation by 1 percent, then
instead of being, say, 1 percent per
year real growth, it is really 2 percent
per year. Well, that means the growth
rate is doubled! Real income doubles
in 40 to 50 years instead of 90 to 100
years. So if you overestimate inflation
by 2 percent in one generation, real
incomes double in one generation
rather than in 100 years.

If I compare healthcare costs today
versus in the year 1800, well, I could
go out and buy a bunch of leeches
today for almost nothing. And I could
have the healthcare I had in 1800. If
you had a certain condition and you
had $10,000 to get treated at today’s
health prices, or $10,000 to get treated
at 1960s prices with 1960s technology,
I don’t think it’s so obvious that people
would want to go back in time to get
their important health conditions
dealt with. In that sense, you say, I
don’t know if there’s inflation. It’s
pretty hard to say that there’s been a
lot of inflation over the long haul in
The thing that struck us was that you
would see much faster inflation for
healthcare expenditures, but also
much faster real increases in people
buying more and more [healthcare
services]. We still haven’t been able
to explain this.
Meyer: So you do believe that healthcare prices have been overestimated?
Bils: Yes, the inflation rate for health­

care prices has been overestimated.
It relates to the work I did later on
durable goods, like cars. When we
get a new model car, the 2011 Camry
versus the earlier model, the prices
jump. Now, is that inflation, or is it a
better model?
The same issue comes up with surgical
procedures. If I have a new procedure
for treating heart problems, how
much better is it? If I look just at the
expenditure, the cost of providing that,
it goes up a lot. But if the treatments
are better, if the bounce-back time
to get back to work is faster, how to
measure these things is hard to say.

And in practice a lot of that is being
fed into inflation. This is a concern for
almost all goods.
Education suffers from the same thing.
You see all this increased spending,
spending, spending on college. A
lot of that is probably inflation—the
government keeps subsidizing college,
and so the colleges keep raising the
price of the standard textbook. There
could also be increases in quality, but
how would you know?

We have no idea what the inflation
rates for health expenditures really are.
We don’t know! You can’t measure
quality of healthcare very well.
Meyer: This often seems a very difficult
subject to broach with an average
consumer, this hedonics or this qualitymeasurement thing. If I were speaking
to a group of consumers, how would I
explain hedonics to them?
Bils: Probably the best thing to do
in terms of explaining hedonics is to
not explain it! First of all, it’s not used
for very many goods. It’s used for
computers, consumer electronics. It’s
really not used for prices in general.

Hedonics is where you look at the
features of the models, and you say,
this model has this feature, this one
doesn’t—how much more does it
fetch at the market? There’s a classic
example for vehicles. If you look at gas
efficiency, miles per gallon, everything
else equal, people would rather get
better gas mileage. There’s not much
question about that.
But if you’re using a hedonic equation,
and you say everything else that I
observe, how much more are people
willing to pay for better fuel efficiency?
You actually get a negative number. If
I take two vehicles, the characteristics
I enter for them, plus miles per gallon/
fuel efficiency, I’ll see the one that gets
better miles per gallon tends to go for
a lower price.

F refront


Meyer: Why is that?
Bils: Well, there are very limited char­
acteristics that we’re entering about
the vehicle. So all these unmeasured
characteristics that people like in their
cars tend to be in a luxury car, and
we’re not recording all those. They
may not care so much about the fuel
efficiency; they want performance of
the engine.

So when I, as a price measurer, look
just at this, I’ll price fuel efficiency
negatively. That means that if all the
cars in the country got more fuel effi­­
cient, and we employed the hedonics
literally, we would say inflation went
up. Even with computers there are
problems like this. These hedonic
coefficients jump around a lot.

People in general are interested in
real incomes and what’s happening to
their situation.
Meyer: How does all this figure in for
people who are skeptical of measured
inflation rates?
Bils: There are two features of inflation.
There’s the one that I’ve focused on,
which is what’s happened to real in­
comes over long stretches of time. Do
we have better products now? Do we
have cell phones now? People wouldn’t
want to give up their cell phones.

And then there’s the issue of stable
products—a newspaper, milk,
gasoline—what’s happened to the
prices of those. I think in terms of the
Federal Reserve System—if it wants
price stability, which is the price it
should keep stable?


Spring 2011

If I look at the price of a vehicle,
the price of a car over the year, I’d
see it dropped 4 percent. You could
say the Federal Reserve has had
deflation; it should be printing more
money, so that I know that whether
I go this week or wait a few weeks to
buy my car, I’ll need to have the same
amount of money ready. Or if I look
at computers, there was deflation of
20 percent. Should I have 20 percent
more nominal price growth so that
when I go to buy a computer I know
I need a certain amount of money?
I would say no; that would be crazy.
So there is an issue of what the Fed
should target in terms of price stability.
And then there’s an issue of real income
growth. The idea that there are new
products and life gets better over time
—the typical consumer is not going
to project that on the Federal Reserve
or the government. The consumer
doesn’t think that’s something the Fed
did or something the Fed should be
worried about. They want to know
what’s happening to the price of this
stable set of goods.
Meyer: Consumers are very concerned
about recent increases in food and
energy prices. When they look to see what
the Federal Reserve is paying attention
to, one of the main measures excludes
food and energy—core, or underlying,
inflation. Is there some way to square
the two perspectives, consumers and
the Federal Reserve?
Bils: This comes back to the Federal

Reserve’s focus on inflation. Are we
creating an inflation rate that is going
to stay high, is going to create ongoing,
permanently increasing prices? People
in general are interested in real incomes
and what’s happening to their situation.
So if I take the food and energy prices
(the energy ones are the most striking),
you can look at these and say, well, the
inflation rate for food and energy is
not very persistent. When there’s this
big run-up in food and energy prices,
that doesn’t mean there’s going to be
an ongoing increase; we know this
statistically. It goes up, and then it’s
going to level off.

From the perspective of creating this
ongoing inflation, it’s natural that the
Fed is going to focus on something
more like the core inflation rate. But
when energy prices go up, while it
doesn’t mean that inflation is going to
continue at this incredibly high rate, it
doesn’t mean that the price of gas and
so forth comes back down quickly.
So the consumers are right! In terms
of their purchasing power, that is a big
issue. The prices of these goods have
gone up and are likely to stay up, so
from their perspective in terms of their
purchasing power, that’s a real problem.
Meyer: If the consumer is right, is the
Federal Reserve wrong?
Bils: In terms of whether we are creating

this ongoing inflation, the Fed is right.
There’s been this big real shock of oil
prices going up worldwide. It’s a relative
price change, and that’s going to reduce
purchasing power and it’s going to stay
high. That’s just the matter of when
you purchase more of something, the
price goes up. I think the Fed has to be
careful to keep in mind that they can’t
undo relative price changes.
How people view these relative price
changes is very different. The price of
oil or gas goes up, a lot, we view that as
a big negative. Whereas when house
prices drop a lot, we don’t view that as
a big positive. There are good reasons
for that.
For one, we import the oil so in terms
of real income, that’s a big negative.
Whereas for the housing, we’re not
importing the houses; when the drop
in house prices occurs here, it’s a
benefit for the people buying houses
and it’s a loss for the people selling
the houses. So that’s an issue with the
Consumer Price Index also.
A consumer price index isn’t an ideal
measure of what’s happening to real
income. That’s partly why I think that
gasoline is a problem—because it’s
so much an imported good. When its
price goes up, that’s really a big loss in

Meyer: So if it is a relative price increase,
would it be fair to assume that if
individuals can’t or don’t substitute
out of driving to work, they have to
make adjustments elsewhere in their
consumption bundle?

real income. Whereas when it’s a good
that’s produced here, the loss in real
income is that it takes more resources
to produce it. If our efficiency drops in
producing food, and then the food
prices go up, that’s a real loss in income.
If there’s an upward shock in prices,
then the farmers—the people selling
the food—do at least get some benefit
from the price increases.
Meyer: Are the cost of living and what
the Federal Reserve would call inflation
two separate things?
Bils: They’re related to the same thing.
But there’s a disconnect in the sense
that inflation is the growth rate in the
prices, and the cost of living is really
the levels.

To go back to the gas station example,
gas prices go way up, but then they’re
going to level off. That hasn’t created an
inflationary situation. But it has been
an increase; it’s a jump in the cost of
living. The fact that you tell somebody
gas prices are $4 a gallon, but we don’t
expect them to go up more—well,
that’s a little bit of a positive to them,
but they’re not going to lose focus
on the fact that now it’s $4 a gallon.
But in that scenario, it’s not ongoing

Bils: Yes, then it’s a real income drop.
They have to either find a way to
increase their incomes—work more
or take a job that they don’t like as
well to earn more—or they’d have to
cut their consumption, if it’s going to
persist. If the prices were to come back
down, then it’s a drop in real income
but at least it’s a transitory one.

The reason I think it hits home to
consumers is because it doesn’t tend
to be very transitory. These run-ups in
food prices, energy prices, aren’t that
transitory. They are in terms of the
inflation rate—the inflation rate goes
up and then it comes back down.
But the prices for these goods will
be predictably higher for a long, fore­
seeable period. We’re not going to see
$1.50 gas in the near future.
Meyer: In some sense, it’s important for
the Federal Reserve to deliver on price
stability to minimize the volatility that
would happen if you get some sort of
nasty shock, right?
Bils: Well, if you have a nasty shock,
you want some price responses so that
people feel the cost of that shock. I
think in terms of relative price shocks,
they’re going to happen no matter
what the Fed does; that would be the
bottom line. The Fed is not going to
create a change in relative prices.

Now, if they want to create a smooth­
ness in overall inflation, they would
have to lean against the wind pretty
heavily. And they have been doing that.
There has not been much persistence
in inflation rates over the last 20 years
or so, so there is a sense in which
the Fed has been doing more of this
leaning against the wind.

Gas prices go way up, but then they’re
going to level off. That hasn’t created an
inflationary situation. But it has been an
increase; it’s a jump in the cost of living.
Meyer: Let’s back up to prices. How
do we actually measure prices?
Bils: The idea is to get a broad-based

measure of what people are consuming
and where they consume it. That’s
actually done with three separate
surveys. The Consumer Expenditure
Survey asks people what they buy.
That gives an idea of broad-based
commodities—you’re buying this
much of men’s clothing, women’s
clothing, jewelry, etc.
Then there’s a second survey called
the Point-of-Purchase Survey, where
they call up households and ask where
they purchase goods. Then there’s a
third survey where they actually go
out to the retailers and collect the
prices. Some people say I buy my
books from Amazon, so some of those
prices today are just collected online.

Mark Bils

Selected Papers

Professor of Economics, University of Rochester
Economics Department Chair

“Do Higher Prices for New Goods Reflect Quality Growth
or Inflation?” 2009, Quarterly Journal of Economics.

Current Professional Associations

NBER Research Associate, Economic Fluctuations and Growth

“Some Evidence on the Importance of Price Stickiness,” with
Peter Klenow, 2004, Journal of Political Economy.

Associate Editor, Review of Economics and Statistics


Editorial Board, Journal of Human Capital

The Ohio State University, BA, 1981

Advisory Board, Carnegie–Rochester Conference on Public Policy

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PhD, 1985

F refront


The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
is very good about trying to deal
with statistical measurement. They
don’t actually collect these prices
everywhere; they collect them in
about 45 cities. They collect in any
given month on the order of 90,000
prices across all commodities. In a
typical metropolitan area they’ll be
collecting about 2,000 prices; not
a huge number. They’ll collect the
prices in Cleveland; in Rochester
where I’m from they don’t do it.
They do it in Buffalo and Syracuse.

Measuring prices, and therefore real
income growth, is difficult. But I do think
most of the biases, the biggest ones that
tend to be left out, are in the direction
of underestimating the growth in
standards of living.
Meyer: Have you seen a price collector
in action?
Bils: I went out in the field with a
woman one morning years ago in
Syracuse where she was collecting
these prices. Very much in this notion
is that price movements one place
might not reflect well in the other
place. So there’s a very big focus on
collecting the prices where people buy
them. When they find that people tend
to buy their goods more at a certain
store, then they’re more likely to
sample that store than another store.


Spring 2011

For instance, we went to a grocery
store where it turned out we collected
a lot of prices because a lot of purchases
occur there. We also went inside an
engineering firm to collect the price on
one muffin from the vending machine
because that happened to be on the
survey where someone had said they
made purchases. We had to go through
security to go collect one muffin price,
whereas in the same time we could
have collected about 100 other prices
at that grocery store.
If I was starting from scratch now, I
think I would go a wholly different
route. That’s partly because technology
has changed. I think it might make
more sense to just make the consumers
the sampling unit. I would contract
with 1,000 consumers to keep track
of all their purchases, give them some
inducement. Have a debit card, with
some small subsidy, which would
record all the transactions and prices,
at least for a lot of goods. And for the
ones that doesn’t work for, I might try
to supplement.
For stable goods, like bananas, the
process works very well. When the
products are turning over, then it’s
problematic because you have to
define the good. I can look at the new
model year vehicle versus the old
model year, but I have to decide, is
this the same good or not?
Where things are really difficult is
when there are wholly new products
—the cell phone, the DVD players,
before that VCR players, the micro­
wave—as far back as you want to go.
That’s actually the hardest problem.
And the surveys aren’t well served
for that.
The BLS recognizes this. It shortens
the cycle of getting products through
the system and introduced and spread,
particularly for consumer electronics.
They have always tried to get comput­
ers through quicker. I think they do
the best they can. They take all these
issues seriously.

The other issue for the BLS is that they
can’t be just switching their methods
every year based on arguments or
research that people are doing, because
we need to have as consistent a series
as possible for how they measure
prices. They don’t want to be reversing
what they do.
I think it’s just important to recognize
that measuring prices, and therefore
real income growth, is difficult. But I
do think most of the biases, the biggest
ones that tend to be left out, are in
the direction of underestimating the
growth in standards of living. We have
these things like the cell phone that
used to be infinitely priced that now are
at a price where almost everybody who
wants it can have it, and presumably
gets a lot of consumer surplus out of it.
The bias is that we overestimate infla­
tion in terms of the standard of living,
but trying to say how much is difficult.
You can see why the BLS wants to be
a little conservative. You can see how
the public reacts if you try to say that
inflation is negative because we have
all these new products—they have
grown to expect that there will be
these new products. These things are
going to be there.
Meyer: How much does it really matter
whether the government properly
measures the cost-of-living index?
Bils: I’ll pick on the vehicles again
because it makes such a huge difference
in how you treat these products. If I
look just at what people are paying, the
unit price on a car over time, it grows.
For the period I looked at, from the
late ’80s to around 2008 or so, the
dollar amount spent on cars increased
by something like 3 percent per year.
But if I looked at holding it literally
constant, comparing apples to apples,
once a product is out there, it’s clearly
dropping in price by 4 percent per year.

How do I explain that? It must be
the quality is actually growing like
7 percent per year, if I literally treated
the right index as following that same
model car over time. The BLS doesn’t
do that. They treat a lot of these newmodel price changes as inflation. They
wind up with a much more conserva­
tive measure of quality growth. But
if I say real quality growth of cars is a
couple percent per year, versus 6 or
7 percent per year, I am going to have
a very different picture of, certainly,
productivity growth in producing
cars, but also the real income side of
consuming cars. The same holds for
any good.
For some goods, again, like bananas
and milk, there is not this product
turn­over, so it’s not going to be impor­
tant. But for virtually all durables and
many services, this phenomenon is
there, with the nature of the products
changing. So it can matter a great deal
if you’re thinking about what the stan­
dard of living is today versus the past.
We can make an argument for cars
similar to the medical example. Maybe
there’s been no inflation in medical
care, in the sense that if I gave you a
certain amount of money, and a certain
condition, a heart problem to deal
with, I’m not sure you wouldn’t rather
have today’s technology at today’s
prices rather than old technology and
old prices.
My first car was a 1983 Accord, which
cost $9,600. It was a great car, but it
didn’t have any of the safety equip­
ment that you have today. It didn’t
have power windows. It didn’t have
air conditioning. It didn’t have many
features. If you took that same car­—
it did get good gas mileage, actually
—and you tried to sell it as a new car
today, I don’t think you would get
$9,600 for it, if you had to compete
with what’s out there.
What does that mean? That means
that people can do better now than
they could do then, which means
there’s actually been deflation. If I’m
correct—it’s a thought experiment,

but if I’m correct—then there’s
actually been deflation for vehicles
rather than inflation as the official
statistics would show. Over time, these
things build up dramatically in how
we interpret standards of living. How
do you judge one economy versus
another? What’s growth been like
over the last 30 years compared to the
30 years prior to that?
Meyer: Why did you become an
economist, and who has influenced you
the most?
Bils: I grew up on a farm, and I was
pretty clearly not very good at it. And
I didn’t have a very clear idea of what
I wanted to do at college. My second
quarter at Ohio State, I took a course
with Professor Howard Marvel, and
he was terrific, dynamic, and very
enthusiastic. He was very good at
showing how basic economics lets
you understand lots of things going
on in the world. I always liked talking
about policy-related things. When I
took that first economics course, it
was clear that first day that I’d had
no idea what I’d been talking about,
and that was very inspiring, actually.

I can remember the first assignment.
Professor Marvel would do these
Chicago tradition questions: Consider
the following, true, false, uncertain,
and justify your answer. Can you put
a price on a human life? I thought
at first, no, you can’t. Of course, the
reality is you do all the time. People
take riskier jobs; they cross the street.
And we got a lot of similar questions.
The argument that oranges would be
worse for consumers in Florida, for
The argument is that oranges that
stay and are consumed in Florida will
be worse than the ones that ship out
because the shipping cost adds less
relatively to a good orange than a bad
orange. So there’s all of these thought
experiments that made me realize
how little I knew and how relevant
it was for things I like to talk about,
and that there actually are logically,
economically correct arguments, but
not the ones I had been making. That
was inspiring.

Another professor I had at Ohio
State who had a big impact was Steve
Sandell. At Ohio State they have a
Center for Human Resource Research
where they collect the micro-labor data.
After my first year, I went to Professor
Marvel—I had been working in the
cafeteria—and I asked if there were
any research assistant jobs. He got back
to me and said Steve Sandell works at
this center where they use survey data
from households, individuals, on their
labor experience, and he’d be interested
in having me work with him.

People can do better now than
they could do then, which means
there’s actually been deflation.
I met with Steve Sandell and he said he
had work for me. At the beginning, he
set me up very simply, just setting up
tables. He was talking about cross-tabs
—years of schooling in one dimension,
wages in another. I thought he meant
setting up real tables, setting up surveys
on tables! I said, ‘That’s fine.’ It paid
$0.10 more than I had been making in
the cafeteria. That was my introduction
to research. I got there and I had
an office with three other research
assistants, which was really a windfall!
I could see then that the easy work was
in economic research. You didn’t have
to set up real tables at all.
Meyer: And that prompted you to
become an economist?
Bils: That was part of it! Also, he gave
me good advice. I was still interested in
policy and thinking of various things.
Steve said that if I was to go on I should
go into economics because if I did
want to do something policy-oriented,
I could move that direction with an
economics degree; but if I went with
a public policy program it would be
hard to move back. ■

Watch video clips of this interview

F refront


Book Review

Fault Lines:
How Hidden Fractures Still
Threaten the World Economy
by Raghuram G. Rajan
Princeton University Press 2010

Reviewed by
Doug Campbell
Editor, Forefront

Recently in the New York Times Book Review, historian
and journalism professor David Greenberg lamented
a recurrent feature of the social criticism genre—the
disappointing ending. That’s when authors lay out a
fantastically intricate explanation of what went wrong,
only to fall short in suggesting a fix.
Maybe Greenberg hadn’t come across Fault Lines:
How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy.
Raghuram G. Rajan, a professor at the University of
Chicago and former chief economist at the International
Monetary Fund, proves the exception to Greenberg’s


Spring 2011

rule of unsatisfactory endings. Where others have delved
into the personalities and perverse systems that led to the
financial crisis and then summed up with a half-baked list
of policy ideas, Rajan puts a premium on policy. In fact,
nearly half of Fault Lines is dedicated to policy choices
that Rajan believes are not only realistically achievable but
likely to be quite effective. He makes a good case.
Rajan writes with the authority of his credentials: He is
both a top-flight economist and one of the few skeptics
who raised frequent and grave concerns about the world’s
overleveraged financial system in the years building up
to the crisis. His recollection of the 2005 Jackson Hole
Conference, where he delivered a stern warning about
mounting financial risks to an audience of disbelievers,
is both amusing and disturbing: “I exaggerate only a bit
when I say I felt like an early Christian who had wandered
into a convention of half-starved lions.”

For the most part, however, Fault Lines is not a behindthe-curtain look at the personalities behind the financial
crisis. Rajan sees the financial crisis through an economist’s
prism: He follows the incentives. There are no villains,
per se; just systems, and institutions, and us. “Somewhat
frighteningly,” he writes, “each one of us did what was
sensible given the incentives we faced.”
So the first half of Fault Lines proceeds with a sequence
of head-slappers. Rajan notes that on-the-job happiness
tends to be associated with the ability of people to see
tangible results from their work. For a house builder,
the satisfaction comes from the house. But what of the
banker? His satisfaction comes chiefly from making
money, and lots of it.
When subprime lending looked like a stream of unending
profits, everybody jumped in. Meanwhile, widening
income inequality brought pressure to boost middle-class
consumption with easy access to credit. How else would
Americans be able to afford their proverbial flat-screen
TVs and SUVs? That the Federal Reserve kept interest
rates low for so long leading up to the crisis was no coinci­
dence, by Rajan’s way of thinking. After all, it was just trying
to fulfill its dual mandate of achieving price stability and
maximum employment.
It should be noted that the Federal Reserve comes under
quite an attack in Fault Lines, at one point likened to a
gigantic hedge fund. In Rajan’s story, the Federal Reserve
joined with the private sector to drive subprime lending
toward “its disastrous conclusion.”
Scores of other financial crisis analysts have more or less
stopped their stories right there. Rajan takes the trouble
not only to explain what’s wrong with the system, but
to describe some fundamental ways to change it for the
better. Chief among these are ways to ensure that market
players fully appreciate the tail risks they are taking—that
is, risks whose consequences don’t manifest themselves
immediately and aren’t apparent to others in the short term.
Tail risks may be quite unlikely, but if they come true can
be devastating. Investors know that if everybody fails,
nobody fails because the government will bail everybody
out. As Rajan puts it, “failing in a herd rarely has adverse

What gives Rajan’s recommendations force is their place
in a coherent, overarching strategy. “Clawbacks” would
force bankers to give up some of their earlier earnings—
or have a lot of income deferred—until the tail risks had
faded. Continuous sharing of financial information with
supervisors would fit better with today’s fast-moving
financial markets. Beefed-up capital cushions would keep
institutions safer.
Between these policy recommendations and detailed
observations about the problems in our global economy,
Rajan takes time to outline the biggest problems—the fault
lines. These are indeed wide and dangerous. The fault lines
include the housing crisis, widening income inequality,
trade imbalances, and the way these imbalances are financed
across national borders. Any story that identifies such
gaping chasms must of course offer remedies, and that’s
where Fault Lines stands out.
Rajan is careful not to demonize the financial sector. After
all, finance provides substantial benefits—think credit
cards and money market accounts. Some innovations may
not provide much value. The only safe financial system
doesn’t take risks, and then it ceases to be a financial system
at all. The risks go away, but so do the benefits.
This is a wholly expected premise from a Chicago School
economist, the kind that will have progressives complaining
that Rajan’s book is just more of the same. But how to
account for Rajan’s call for universal healthcare? Or early
childhood education? It’s clear that Rajan is interested
in being intellectually consistent. If you identify income
inequality as a fault line, you can’t very well ignore it.
An honest approach has to take into account the need
for both advancing opportunities so that incomes are
less widely dispersed, and then acknowledging that the
financial system requires us to build a stronger safety net
for those who find themselves victims.
Fault Lines was published almost a year ago. While it
received its share of accolades, I don’t recall much of a buzz
around it at the time, though it did win a number of awards.
Its critique and policy suggestions remain powerful today.
So to Rajan’s list of recommendations toward a better
world, I add another: Read Fault Lines. And make sure to
stick around for the ending. ■

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Even as the nation recovers from the worst economic downturn in
decades, the psychological, social, and economic impact is only beginning
to take shape. What does it mean to be a part of Generation Recession—
as households, businesses, and policymakers?
In this special issue of Forefront, we ask whether there will be lasting
changes wrought by the recession. Interviews with social scientists
across the academic spectrum—from economists to psychologists—
will explore the ways in which Americans are behaving in the aftermath
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