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Financial Services


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Reliability Analysis of
the Federal Reserve
Automated Payments System
by Apostolos Burnetas,
Gregory Reynolds,
and James B. Thomson

Financial Services Working Paper Series No. 03-97

by Apostolos Burnetas, Gregory Reynolds, and James B. Thomson

Apostolos Burnetas is an assistant professor of operations
research at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case
Western Reserve University. Gregory Reynolds is at Hewitt
Associates, LCC, Chicago, Illinois. James B. Thomson is
director of financial services research at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland. The authors are grateful to the
staff at Federal Reserve Automation Services (FRAS) for
providing information and helpful comments on the design
and operation of the Federal Reserve’s automation
Working papers of the Financial Services Research Group
are preliminary materials circulated to promote discussion
and critical comment on research in progress. These papers
may not have been subject to the formal editorial review
accorded the Bank’s official publications.
The views stated here are those of the author and are not
necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland,
the Financial Services Policy Committee, or the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Working papers are now available electronically through
the Bank’s home page on the World Wide Web:
November 1997

This paper proposes an analytic framework for the reliability assessment of the
automated payments systems used by the Federal Reserve Banks. The failure/recovery
behavior of the system currently in operation is modeled as a continuous-time Markov
process with varying levels of detail, and the availability is calculated for a wide range of
component failure frequencies. Furthermore, alternative system configurations are
proposed and analyzed.

Reliability Analysis of the Federal Reserve Automated Payments
Apostolos Burnetas2, Gregory Reynolds3 and James B. Thomson4
November 12, 1997 - Comments Welcome

This paper proposes an analytic framework for the reliability assessment of the automated
payments systems used by the Federal Reserve Banks. The failure/recovery behavior of the system
currently in operation is modeled as a continuous time Markov process with varying levels of detail, and
the availability is calculated for a wide range of component failure frequencies. Furthermore, alternative
system configurations are proposed and analyzed.

We are grateful to the staff at Federal Reserve Automation Services (FRAS) for providing us with
information and helpful comments on the design and operation of the Federal Reserve’s automation
infrastructure. The views presented in this paper are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, or the
members of the Federal Reserve’s Financial Services Policy Committee.
2 Department of Operations Research and Operations Management, Weatherhead School of
Management, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH, (216) 368-4778,
3 Hewitt Associates, LCC, Chicago, IL.
4 Financial Services Research Group, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH, (216) 579-3022,

Federal Reserve Automation Services (FRAS) embodies the consolidation of the mainframe
computing and communications operations of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks (FRBs). FRAS was set up
to capitalize on the efficiencies that could be gained by consolidating the back offices of the regional banks.
Equally important was the opportunity FRAS created to build more reliability into the automation
infrastructure over which the FRBs operate their electronic transfer systems (Fedwire and Fed ACH).
Fedwire is one of many payments operations run by the FRBs. It is an electronic funds transfer
system that links the twelve Federal Reserve Banks with more than 11,000 depository institutions

Fedwire is used by these institutions to clear and settle more than a quarter million

transactions per business day, with an aggregate value of approximately $800 billion. These numbers are
enormous when compared with the dollar volume of any other payment operation run by the Federal
Reserve. Because of the size of the operations involved and their role in the economy, the reliability of the
system handling these transactions is critical.
The system currently under operation is structured with a high degree of redundancy and very
detailed backup policies and contingency plans, to ensure extremely reliable operation. However, the
marginal costs associated with a high degree of reliability are typically very high. The purpose of this
paper is to develop a general mathematical framework to assess the reliability of the existing system as well
as less costly alternatives in configurations and backup policies.
The modeling and analysis methodology is based on representing the system operation as a
continuous time Markov process in steady state. The main assumption of such a model is that the failure
times for the individual system components are independent random variables following exponential


distributions. This is an accurate approximation for highly reliable computer systems, which are typically
upgraded by newer technologies before the failure rate starts increasing.5
The costs associated with the reliability of FRAS are not considered in this paper, for the main
reason that the operations involved are highly reliable and cost data associated with failures are scarce.
The approach taken here is to explore the tradeoffs in reliability between the existing and alternative system
The paper is organized as follows. The FRAS infrastructure is outlined in Section 2. Section 3
presents a statistical reliability analysis of the existing configuration. The availability of Fedwire and FedACH is computed as a function of expected site failure rates.

The sensitivity of these results to

assumptions about individual machine failure rates and the reliability of the communications system is
explored. Section 4 provides an analysis of alternative configurations for FRAS using an analogous
modeling approach. Conclusions and recommendations are presented in section 5.

2. System Description
2.1 Applications
The FRAS system uses multiple mainframe computers located at three different sites to operate
Fedwire.7 Along with Fedwire, these mainframes are also used for several other applications; any study or
recommendation for the system design and operation should consider the impact on them as well. The two
systems that were considered the most critical after Fedwire were Automated Clearing House (ACH) and
the software used to manage the communications configuration, called the CMC. ACH is a fully electronic
batch-processing system through which value-dated payments are processed. Although ACH’s dollar

For a discussion on the appropriateness of the exponential distribution for modeling failures of
reliability systems, see Keilson (1987). General methods for reliability analysis of systems consisting of
renewable components are contained in Gertsbakh (1989).
6 For an analysis of the economies of scale and the effect of technology changes on the FRAS operating
costs, see Bauer and Ferrier (1996).
7 A more detailed description of the Federal Reserve’s role in the payments system, and in particular its
automated payments systems, is found in United States General Accounting Office (1997).


volume is dwarfed by Fedwire, ACH handles many more transactions and therefore uses a larger amount of
computing resources than Fedwire; ACH transactions are of a smaller average dollar value than those
handled by Fedwire. The CMC manages communications sessions for internal (FRB) and external users of
the FRAS systems; it is a critical component of the overall system reliability.8
2.2 Configuration/Backup Policies
As noted, FRAS operates from three geographically distinct sites. These sites, henceforth referred
to as CC1, CC2, and CC3, were selected to minimize the impact of natural and other disasters on the
operation of the system. CC1 is the main processing site for both Fedwire and ACH, while CC2 and CC3
serve as standby and recovery sites. The backup/recovery policies implemented by FRAS are detailed
hierarchical contingency plans that specify : (a) the primary processing units for each application, (b) the
“hot” and “cold” standby facilities, and (c) the order of transfer of the operations in case one or more
processing units become inoperable. These events are referred to as failures in the sequel.
The following is a brief description of the main recovery policies for Fedwire and ACH.
2.2.1 Fedwire
CC1 is the main processing site for Fedwire, while sites CC2 and CC3 serve as hot and cold
standby facilities, respectively. Transactions from depository institutions are received by CC1; they are
then processed and recorded in a mainframe in that site. An identical image of each transaction is also
executed and archived on backup systems operating both at CC1 and at CC2 (hot standby). In this mode
of normal operation, the Fedwire application in site CC3 is not active (cold standby).
If the Fedwire application on the primary system at CC1 becomes inoperable, then local recovery
occurs and the backup at CC1 becomes the primary processing unit. The recovery operation within site
CC1 is practically instantaneous. This operation will be referred to as local recovery.
If both systems at CC1 fail, then the hot standby unit at CC2 becomes the primary processing unit.
The targeted recovery time (amount of time until transactions can be processed again) in this case is less


A detailed description of the CMC system is not provided herein because of security concerns.


than 30 minutes. In the event of failure of CC1 and transfer of main processing to CC2, the cold standby
unit at site CC3 is switched to hot. This operation requires approximately six hours and it involves
preparing site CC3 to replicate the transactions in real time.
Similarly, if both systems at CC1 and the primary backup system at CC2 fail, then transactions are
handled by a similarly configured backup system at CC2. If this backup system also fails, while all the
previous are still inoperable, then transactions are handled at CC3.
Regarding the repair and reinstitution of failed units the typical repair time of a failed mainframe
unit is on the order of one day, depending on the type of damage and the availability of spare parts. Under
normal circumstances, when a mainframe fails and is subsequently repaired, it is not brought back online
until either the weekend or in extreme cases during an evening of a weekday. This is done in order to avoid
potentially troublesome setup operations during normal operating hours. However, the setup of a repaired
unit can be expedited if other units have failed in the meantime.
The system described above meets very high reliability standards. Not only would five systems
need to fail in order to render the system inoperable, but also they must all fail in a short time so that no
unit can be repaired before the last one fails. This makes the failure of the entire Fedwire operation an
extremely rare event.
2.2.2 ACH
ACH is handled in a similar way to Fedwire. Site CC1 is the main processing center, a mainframe
computer as the main processor and a second system as the onsite hot standby unit. However, unlike
Fedwire, ACH operates with only one off-site contingency processor at CC3 as hot standby.


contingency plans for recovery are analogous to Fedwire.

3. Analysis of the Current System.
In this section we analyze the reliability of the existing system configuration. The reliability
criterion used is the availability or average up time of Fedwire and ACH. That is, reliability is defined as
the long-run expected fraction of time that each application is operative. Other related reliability criteria,


such as expected time to failure and probability of uninterrupted operation over a specified period can be
used; however, the availability is considered the most important measure.9
The principal difficulty with the statistical analysis is the insufficiency of historical data on
individual computer as well as entire site failures. The lack of data can be attributed mainly to the high
reliability of the equipment involved in the operation, which makes failures very rare. It is indicative that
an entire site failure has never occurred during FRAS’s five-year existence. We confront this problem by
analyzing the system for a reasonably wide range of values of the missing failure parameters. This
approach makes it possible to estimate the relative importance of the primary and standby computers in the
overall system reliability, as well as the sensitivity of the estimates to changes in the parameters.
3.1 Modeling Approach.
To assess availability, the system is modeled as a continuous time Markov process, a powerful
mathematical model for analyzing the behavior of probabilistic dynamic systems (c.f. Kao (1997), Karlin
and Taylor (1981)). The main elements of the model are described below.
We assume that the operational state of the system at any point in time can be fully described by a
number of mathematical quantities, collectively referred to as the state. The necessary state information for
each application (Fedwire and ACH) depends on the operational characteristics of the underlying process.
In general the state information at any time must be sufficiently detailed to determine exactly all events that
may possibly alter the state of the system in the immediate future (state transitions), as well as the
probability distribution of the times until these events occur. However, there is a compromise between very
detailed state modeling and the computational complexity of the resulting model.
For the system under analysis, there are several alternatives regarding the level of detail in
modeling. The simplest choice is to model the entire system as a single unit that can be operational or not.


An important feature of the overall reliability design is that, according to the recovery plans in use, if two
mainframes fail at the same site, then all applications at that site are transferred to the other sites depending
on their individual recovery rules and the availability of standby units at those sites.

In this case the system can be in one of only two possible states. However, the resulting model is very poor
in representing the actual system operation. For example, if at some point in time the system is not
operational, this might have been caused by a catastrophic failure of all the mainframes or by a delay in
data transfer during a mainframe switch over. Although the consequences of these two situations on the
future state of the system are very different, they cannot be captured by the 0-1-type state information.
At the other extreme, it is possible to include the detailed operating condition of each component of
the mainframe computers and communication lines in the system state. In this case the model is very
realistic, because the available information allows modeling of the entire variety of failure, repair, recovery
and setup contingencies. The difficulty with this approach is that the resulting number of states is typically
too large for analytical treatment.
This paper follows an intermediate path. The state is modeled as the operating condition of each
mainframe within each processing site. The state of each mainframe can be any one of the following:
normal operation, under repair, or under setup. When a mainframe is in the normal operation state, it may
be either processing transactions or be in cold standby, according to the recovery policy specifications.
When it is under setup, it has been successfully repaired from a previous failure and the process of
connecting it to the system is under way. The time under setup also includes the period that a newly
repaired mainframe may be idle, until a convenient time for connection arrives (weekend or end of day).
Initially, the communications connections are not included in the system state. Instead, the lines
are assumed always operational. This assumption allows isolating the effect of the mainframe layout and
operation on the system reliability. Furthermore, it is not very restrictive, because the communications
lines are typically very reliable and there are always more than one possible routing paths for transmitting a
transaction from a bank sending or receiving payments to the processing site. The joint effect of the
mainframe computers and communications connections on the reliability is examined in a subsequent
model, where communications are assumed prone to failure. Because the size of this extended model is


prohibitive for analytic solution, a simplified version is formulated, that provides a lower bound (worst case
analysis) for availability.
Regarding the equipment behavior, two types of failures have been modeled. The first is site
failures, i.e., failures that render an entire site inoperable and may be caused by catastrophic events such as
fires, floods, etc.. The second type is individual mainframe failures that only render one mainframe
inoperable and are typically caused by equipment malfunction. In this Markov process framework it is a
standard assumption that failures of different types and different components occur independently of each
other and the random time until failure of any unit follows exponential distribution.

A significant

implication of the exponential distribution assumption is that the probability of failure of an operating unit
(mainframe or entire site) within a short time interval is independent of the total time that the unit has been
previously in operation (constant failure rate, or “as good as new” assumption). This assumption is
reasonable for modeling electronic or other equipment that are very reliable during their useful lifetime and
their failures are caused by completely random (rare) events, as is the case in the present system.
It remains to discuss the modeling of repair and setup times. These are also assumed random and
following exponential distribution with appropriate rates of repair and setup. The exponential distribution
assumption is less plausible in this case than in the case of failures, because the repair and setup operations
are more predictable than failure times. However, they are several orders of magnitude smaller as well, so
that the assumption does not introduce significant errors in the results. Based on actual experience as well
as maintenance contracts with the manufacturer, the repair times for a mainframe typically vary around a
period of one to two days. Repair times for an entire site have not been experienced because entire site
failures have never occurred, although duration of the same order of magnitude is reasonable to assume.
The randomness in the setup time modeling accounts for the fact that a repaired mainframe
becomes operational at a random instant, but it is typically not reconnected into the system until the end of
the week, to avoid unforeseen problems of reconnecting during system operation. The expected time
required for the setup, as it is used in the model, depends on whether the repaired unit is needed

immediately or not because other mainframes are also under repair. If this is the case, an expedited setup
process is assumed, with expected setup time in the order of several hours. Otherwise, the expected setup
time is several days.
Finally, as is mentioned above, there is a short delay in changing from one mainframe to another
depending on which mainframe fails and which mainframe will be taking over. For Fedwire this time is
usually in the order of 15 minutes with one exception. Namely, when site CC1 fails and site CC2 becomes
the primary processing site, then CC3 is switched from cold to hot standby operation within six hours. If
site CC2 also fails during this six-hour period, then it will not be possible to switch primary processing to
CC3 within 15 minutes. However, if site failures occur independently, then the probability of two sites
failing within six hours is one order of magnitude smaller than that of a single failure; therefore, it can be
safely assumed that the changeover time is always on the order of 15 minutes.
3.2 Analysis of Results: Existing System - Reliable Communications.
As discussed in the previous section, the quantitative analysis is presented for a range of values of
the failure rates, in order to alleviate the uncertainty regarding these parameters.

Figure 1: Expected Downtime of Fedwire


Figure 1 presents the expected downtime, d F , of Fedwire, i.e., the proportion of time in the long
run that Fedwire is inoperable, as a function of the mainframe and site failure rates. The availability, or
expected “up-time”, u F , is given by u F  1  d F . In this model the communication lines are reliable, the
failure rates of all mainframe computers are equal to λ M , and the failure rates of all sites equal to λS .
Parameters λS and λ M denote the expected number of site failures and machine failures per year,
respectively. Parameter λS varies from 0.1 to 3 and λ M from 0.1 to 2.0 failures per year. Each curve
represents the expected downtime of Fedwire, d F , as a function of λS , for a fixed value of λ M . Different
curves correspond to different λ M values. The numerical computations were performed for all pairs of λS
and λ M values in steps of 0.1. Although only the curves corresponding to λ M =0.1, 0.7, 1.3, and 1.9
expected failures per year are included in Figure 1, the numerical results for other values are similar.
The data in Figure 1 indicate that the operation of Fedwire is extremely reliable. The expected
downtime is always below 0.01% (1 hour per 10,000 hours of operation), even for unrealistically high
values of λ M and λS . This is mainly due to the high degree of backup redundancy in the system

Figure 2: Expected Downtime of ACH


Figure 2 presents the corresponding results for the expected downtime of ACH, dA, as a function of
the machine and site failure rate parameters, varying in the same ranges as for Fedwire. In relation to
Fedwire expected downtime, dA is approximately 10 times higher than d F . However, in absolute terms,
the reliability of ACH is also very high, the downtime never exceeding 0.1% and generally varying around
0.03% for more realistic λS values of about 1 failure per year.
The comparison between the expected downtime in Figures 1 and 2 is also interesting to the extent
that ACH can be considered an alternative system design for Fedwire. Therefore, it provides an indication
of the tradeoff in reliability between the three-processing-site, five-mainframe configuration of Fedwire and
the less costly two-processing-site, three-mainframe configuration of ACH. It follows from the above
discussion that the difference in reliability between the two systems is mainly attributed to the existence of
the third site for Fedwire and it becomes significant only when the site failure rate is assumed to be larger
than 2 failures per year. Since such high values are considered unrealistic, it is not clear whether the
advantage of the Fedwire configuration over ACH is sufficiently high. This issue will be examined in more
detail in the next section, along with analysis of other alternative configurations.

3.3 Analysis of Results: Existing System - Unreliable Communications.
In this subsection we consider a more realistic model of system operation, by assuming that the
communication lines are unreliable. As with the processors, we assume that the operating and repair times
for the communications lines follow exponential distributions independent of the corresponding quantities
for the mainframes and the sites. A Markov process formulation is still possible under this assumption,
however the resulting model is much more complicated than the first. The reason is that the information on
which sites, mainframes and communications connections are working at some time is sufficient to
determine the probability distribution of the future events, but not the operating condition of Fedwire or
ACH. To see this, consider the following example. If it is known that site CC3 is the only site working


and the connections between CC1 and CC3 along with CC2 and CC3 are down, it cannot be determined
whether Fedwire is operational. Given the current system configuration, to determine this event, it must
also be known whether the most recent connection failure occurred before or after the most recent site
failure. However, in order to capture this information the state description must be enhanced to a degree
prohibitive for exact computational analysis.
To avoid enlargement of the state space we adopt the following simplification. We assume that the
system is inoperable whenever two communication lines are inoperable. Under this assumption the problem
size is greatly reduced because communication line failures can now be considered completely
independently of site and mainframe failures. The analytical results of the simplified model provide an
upper bound for the expected downtime and a lower bound for the availability of Fedwire with unreliable
communications and the existing configuration. A similar argument also holds for ACH. Figures 3 and 4
are the analogs of figures 1 and 2 for the case of communication lines failure rate equal to 1 expected
failure every 5 years.

Figure 3: Expected Downtime of Fedwire (Unreliable Communications)


Figure 4: Expected Downtime of ACH (Unreliable Communications)
Figure 5 displays the difference between expected downtime of Fedwire with communication line
failures and the expected downtime of Fedwire without communication line failures as computed by the
model, for a value of the machine failure rate λ M equal to 0.4. The horizontal line depicts the expected
downtime of the communication lines, which does not depend on the site failure rate. Figure 6 presents the
corresponding difference for ACH.

Figure 5: Difference of Expected Downtime for Fedwire with and without Communication Failures


Figure 6: Difference of Expected Downtime for ACH with and without Communication Failures
A common observation in the above figures is that the difference in the expected downtime between
the two models is decreasing and approaches zero as the site failure rate increases. This is expected,
because as the site failures increase, the effect of the communication lines failures to the system downtime

4. Analysis of Alternative Configurations and Policies
The modeling approach developed in the previous section can be used to analyze the reliability of
the system under hypothetical changes in the design and operation policies. In this section we consider two
types of modifications.

The first refers to alternative configurations that use a smaller number of

processing sites and/or mainframes. The analysis is based on the observation made in the previous section
that the difference in availability between Fedwire and ACH is small for small or moderate values of the
site failure rate.

This observation is consistent with the experience in the design of highly reliable

processes. It is generally well known that the marginal reliability benefit from standby backup units is
smaller at higher reliability levels. The second kind of modifications considered refers to using different


backup policies under the original system configuration. All the alternative configurations considered
assumed completely reliable communication lines.
4.1 Alternative Configurations
The first alternative configuration is motivated by the comparison between Fedwire and ACH in
the previous section. We consider a system in which the mainframes at site CC3 is eliminated, but
communications can still be passed on to CC1 via CC3. Without considering the communication line
failures, the expected downtime of Fedwire is presented in Figure 7.


Figure 7: Expected Downtime for Fedwire of System without the CC3 mainframe
Although the expected downtime is still very low for this model, it is significantly higher than that
of the original three-site system in Figure 1. This deterioration is expected partly because of the reduction
in backup mainframe units. However the most important reason is that, due to the reduction in the number
of sites from three to two, the site failures become the major cause of downtime.
The elimination of site CC3 resulted in an increase in the expected downtime of Fedwire from
approximately 0.003% in Figure 1 to approximately 0.01% in Figure 7. An important reason for this
increase is the reduction of backup sites for CMC from two to one. A simple way to correct the depletion of
CMC in the modified model would be to add another backup on any of the mainframes in CC2. This may
not be possible with the existing mainframe capacities, because of limited computer space. However, it is
worthwhile to examine the implications of such a change, in order to estimate to what degree the benefit of
CC3 is due to the CMC backup. The results are presented in Figure 8. As expected, the expected
downtime is decreased significantly in comparison to that in Figure 7. This verifies the original conjecture
that the CMC backup plays is the prominent reason for the importance of site CC3. It also follows from
these figures that the machine failure rate is more critical in the two-site system without the additional
CMC backup (Figure 7) than in the system with the backup (Figure 8).


Figure 8: Expected Downtime for Fedwire of System without CC3
and two backups of CMC

Figure 9: Comparison of the three configurations
In order to gain a better understanding of how the current system compares with the two alternative
configurations considered in this section, Figure 9 presents the expected downtime of Fedwire for all three
models, with common mainframe failure rate of 0.3 failures per year. All three different configurations
offer very high reliability with the current system being the most reliable, as expected.


4.2 Alternative Recovery Policy
This subsection focuses on alternative recovery policies. Before proceeding with the analysis, it
should be mentioned that recovery policies couldn’t be changed without taking into account the system
configuration. In designing a recovery policy two main factors are considered: computing resources and
reliability. A backup policy may increase reliability but may cause certain mainframes to be overused, or it
may be infeasible because of insufficient computing resources.

Because in this study we have not

considered computing capacity issues, the analyzed cases may not be entirely realistic under the current
configuration. However they offer insight to the properties of the current system and can be considered as
possible alternatives during planning for new resource acquisitions.
The policy change is related to the recovery of CMC, because, as was discussed previously, CMC
constitutes a critical component of the payments system reliability.

Under the current recovery policy,

CMC may be transferred to another site although the mainframe currently operating CMC is working. If
the policy were to transfer CMC only when the mainframe or site where it was currently being operated
failed, the availability of Fedwire and ACH would increase. This is indicated by Figure 10 for Fedwire,
with λ M  0.4 expected failures/year.
It should be noted that the analysis above is made under the assumption that all mainframes fail
independently of each other. It is possible that if at one site a mainframe fails then the probability that a
second mainframe will fail at the same site will increase. In this case whether CMC should be transferred
or not would depend on the actual increase of the failure rate.


Figure 10: Expected Downtime of Fedwire for Current and New Policy

5. Conclusion
The reliability of the FRAS automation infrastructure was analyzed using models from the
mathematical theory of random processes and applied probability. It was found that the system currently
under operation displays a very high degree of reliability, because of extensive standby replication
incorporated in the design. Because the costs of marginal reliability increases in highly reliable systems are
typically great, it is possible for a slightly lower reliability level to be maintained with significantly lower
standby replication. This, in turn, translates into substantial savings in investment and operating costs.
Alternative configurations have been proposed in this spirit.
It must be mentioned that the compromise in reliability for the alternative systems and/or policies is
very small. The analysis of the current Fedwire system under the assumption that one failure occurs every
two years on average leads to typical values for expected downtime in the order of 1  10-6 (1 hour per
1,000,000 hours of operation). The alternative configuration where CC3 is completely eliminated but
CMC is still backed up three times under the same failure rates leads to expected downtime in the order of
3  10-5 (3 hours per 100,000 hours of operation). One must ask whether such a difference in the availability













6. Appendix: Mathematical Formulation
The results presented and discussed in Sections 3 and 4, regarding the reliability properties of the
existing and alternative FRAS system configurations, were derived by modeling the operation of the entire
system as a continuous time Markov process



, t  0 , where Xt denotes the system state at time

instant t. We describe in detail the model used for the analysis of the current system assuming reliable
communication connections, in Section 3 (Modeling Approach). The models for the other cases are similar.
The state in Section 3.1 (Modeling Approach) is described by a vector x  ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 ) , where

x i denotes the operating condition of processing site CCi, for i=1,2,3. Each parameter x i takes values in
a finite set, representing the possible states each processing site can be in. As discussed in 3.1, the state of
a processing site is determined by the state of the mainframes comprising this site. In particular, given the
current system configuration, as well as the standby/recovery policy in effect, the possible states for each
site are presented below.
For site CC1, x1  0,1,2,3, with the following state definitions:



CC1 is in failure: This state is realized when the entire site is inoperable or two mainframes
become inoperable at CC1.


CC1 is in Site Setup: This state is realized only after state 0. Once all mainframes have been
repaired and the site is available for normal use this state represents a waiting period until it is
brought back into use.


CC1 is Operational: This state is realized when all the mainframes and the site are in working
order and being used.


CC1 is in Local Recovery: This state is realized when one of the two mainframes at CC1 is

For site CC2, x2  0,K,8, where,




CC2 is in failure: This state is realized when the entire site is inoperable or two mainframes
become inoperable at CC1.


CC2 is in Site Setup: This state is realized only after state 0. Once all mainframes have been
repaired and the site is available for normal use this state represents a waiting period until it is
brought back into use.


CC2 is Operational: This state is realized when all the mainframes and the site are in working
order and being used.


Primary mainframe failed


Primary mainframe under setup: This state is realized only after state 3 and represents the time
after the unit has been repaired and before it is brought back into use.


Backup mainframe failed.


Backup mainframe under setup.


Disk storage unit failed.


Disk storage unit under setup.

For site CC3, x3  0,K,6, where,



CC3 is in failure: This state is realized when the entire site is inoperable or two mainframes
become inoperable at CC1.


CC3 is in Site Setup: This state is realized only after state 0. Once all mainframes have been
repaired and the site is available for normal use this state represents a waiting period until it is
brought back into use.


CC3 is Operational: This state is realized when all the mainframes and the site are in working
order and being used.


Disk storage unit failed.


Disk storage unit under setup.


Primary mainframe failed.


Primary mainframe under setup.


From the above discussion it follows that the state space of the entire system can be represented by
the product S  0,K,3  0,K,8  0,K, 6 , and its cardinality is equal to N  S  252. Because
the state space is finite, it is possible to construct a one-one correspondence between the state vectors

x  S and the integer numbers i= 1,…,N. In the sequel a state will be denoted either by the vector or the
integer number notation, as appropriate.
To describe the transitions between states, it is assumed that all times associated with mainframe
or site failures, repairs, and setup are independent random variables following exponential distributions
with appropriate parameters. In particular, the parameter for the distribution of a mainframe failure time
(mainframe failure rate) is equal to λ M , for all mainframes. In addition, the failure rate of catastrophic site
failures is equal to λS , the repair rate of a mainframe equal to rM, the repair rate of a failed site equal to rS,
the rate of the setup time distribution equal to sS for site failures, and sM for mainframes.
In order to analyze the probabilistic behavior of the model over time it is sufficient to describe the
infinitesimal generator (transition rate matrix) Q, of the process, defined as an N N matrix, where the
general element Qij is equal to the rate of transition from state i to state j, for i,j=1,…,N. When an
immediate transition from i to j is not possible, the corresponding rate is equal to zero. In addition, the
diagonal elements of Q are defined as Qii  

j i


, so that the row sums of Q are all equal to zero.

In the model described in Section 3.1 the infinitesimal generator Q can be constructed by
considering, for each possible state, all events (failures, repairs, or setup completion) that can change the
state, as well as the corresponding transition rates. For example, if the state of the system were x = (2,0,0)
(all sites in failure except CC1 which is fully operational) we would have the following possible transitions
with there appropriate rates:



Transition Rates


2* λ M (because failure of one of the two mainframes at CC1 would cause this state


λS (A site failure at CC1)


rS (CC2 is repaired)


rS (CC3 is repaired)

In the model described above all states are positive recurrent (ergodicity property). This is so
because all failed mainframes and sites start being repaired immediately and all operating mainframes and
sites are always subject to failure. Therefore, there is always a sequence of transitions that can, with
positive probability, lead the system from any state to any other. In the finite state space case, this is a
sufficient condition for positive recurrence.
The long-run behavior of the system can be described by the steady-state probability vector π =
(π1, π2… πN), where πi denotes the expected proportion of time that the system is in state i. Under the
ergodicity property, the steady-state vector can be obtained as the unique solution to the following system
of linear equations (steady-state equations):

π Q  0, and

i 1


 1.

After vector π is computed, the availability of Fedwire and ACH can be calculated as the sum of the
steady-state probabilities for all states in which Fedwire and ACH, respectively, are operational.
Alternatively, let SF={i=1,…,N : Fedwire is not operational in state i}, and SA={i=1,…,N: ACH is not
operational in state i}. Then, the expected downtime of Fedwire and ACH, presented and discussed in
Section 3 (Modeling Approach), is given by d F 


i S F



and d A 


i S A


, respectively.

To determine the subsets SF and SA of the state space, one must consider which mainframes and
sites are operational in each state, as well as the recovery/backup contingency plans in effect. Specifically
for the model considered in section 3 (Modeling Approach), SF consists of 48 states and SA of 104.
The results presented in Section 3.2 were derived by solving the above steady state equations
repeatedly for various values of the machine and site failure rate parameters. The results in Sections 3.3
and 4 were derived by solving the steady state equations of analogous continuous time Markov process
models, according to the specific system configuration and recovery policy considered in each case.


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