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THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM— ITS PURPOSE AND W ORK ® fje ^ r o t a t e V o lu m e XCIX January, 1922 E d ito r: CLYDE L. KING A s s is t a n t E d ito r : J. H. WILLITS CONWAY, J r ., C. H. CRENNAN, A . A . THOMAS GIESECKE, A. R. HATTON, AMOS S. HERSHEY, E. M. HOPKINS, S. S. HUEBNER, CARL KELSEY, J . P. LICHTENBERGER, ROSWELL C. McCREA, E . M. PATTERSON, L. S. ROWE, HENRY SUZZALO, T. W. VAN METRE, F. D. WATSON E d it o r ia l C o u n c il: Editors in Charge of this Volume A. D. WELTON C. H. CRENNAN T h e A m erican A cademy o f P olitical a n d S ocial S cience 1 39 th S treet an d W oodland A v e n u e P hiladelph ia 1922 Copyright, 1922, by T h e A m e r ic a n A cadem y o f P olitica l All rights reserved and S o cial S c ie n c e EUROPEAN AGENTS ENGLAND: P. S. King & Son, Ltd., 2 Great Smith Street, Westminster, London, S. W. FRANCE: L. Larose, Rue Soufflot, 22, Paris. GERMANY: Mayer & Muller, 2 Prinz Louis Ferdinandstrasse, Berlin, N. W. ITALY: Giornale Degli Economisti, via Monte Savello, Palazzo Orsini, Rome. SPAIN: E. Dossat, 9 Plaza de Santa Ana, Madrid CONTENTS CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS VOLUME................................................................................... FOREWORD—THE INTEGRITY OP THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM............... A. D. Welton and C. H. Crennan, Editors-in-Charge PART 1—BEFORE THE RESERVE ACT OUTLINE OF BANKING HISTORY FROM THE FIRST BANK OF THE UNITED STATES THROUGH THE PANIC OF 1907 ............................................................... B. H. Beckhart, Columbia University THE STUDIES OF THE NATIONAL MONETARY COMMISSION............................... N. A. Weston, University of Illinois THE NATIONAL CITIZENS’ LEAGUE: A MOVEMENT FOR A SOUND BANKING SYSTEM.............................................................................................................................. Harry A. Wheeler, Vice-President, Union Trust Company of Chicago THE EDUCATIONAL CAMPAIGN FOR BANKING REFORM...................................... A. D. Welton, Continental and Commercial National Bank of Chicago THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT IN CONGRESS............................................................... H. Parker Willis, Columbia University THE ALDRICH-VREELAND EMERGENCY CURRENCY.............................................. Homer Joseph Dodge, Editor, The Federal Trade Information Service PART II—THE PURPOSES OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT THE RESERVE ACT IN ITS IMPLICIT MEANING........................................................ A. D. Welton, Continental and Commercial National Bank of Chicago THE PURPOSES OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT AS SHOWN BY ITS EXPLICIT PROVISIONS....................................................................................................................... E. W. Kemmerer, Princeton University PART III—OPERATION OF THE SYSTEM POLITICAL PRESSURE AND THE FUTURE OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Paul M. Warburg, Member of the Federal Reserve Board, 1914-1918 EARLY FUNCTIONING OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM............................... Arthur Reynolds, President, Continental and Commercial National Bank of Chicago THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM, STATE BANKS AND PAR COLLECTIONS.. Pierre Jay, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent, Federal Reserve Bank of New York RELATIONS OF RESERVE BANKS TO MEMBER BANKS AND INTER-RELATIONS OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS................................................................................ R. M. Gidney, Controller at Large, Federal Reserve Bank of New York THE EVOLUTION AND PRACTICAL OPERATION OF THE GOLD SETTLEMENT FUND................................................................................................................... .............. George J. Seay, Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond ELIGIBILITY FOR DISCOUNT............................................................................................... Charles L. Powell, Counsel for Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago AMENDMENTS TO THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT...................................................... Walter S. Logan, General Counsel, Federal Reserve Board PREPARATION FOR WAR AND THE LIBERTY LOANS.............................................. J. H. Case, Deputy Governor, Federal Reserve Bank of New York THE ASSUMPTION OF TREASURY FUNCTIONS BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS.................................................................................................................................. Murray S. Wildman, Stanford University THE ESTABLISHMENT AND SCOPE OF BRANCHES OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS................................................................................................................................. E. R. Fancher, Governor, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland iii PAGE v ix 1 17 26 29 36 49 56 62 70 74 79 87 95 105 114 121 129 135 iv Contents CURVES OF EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION 1919-1921........................................... A. C. Miller, Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. C. EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION UNDER THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Ernest Minor Patterson, University of Pennsylvania EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION AS SEEN BY A BUSINESS MAN......................... J. V. Farwell, President, John V. Farwell Company CURRENCY EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION.............................................................. James B. Forgan, Chairman of the Board, the First National Bank of Chicago EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION FROM THE FEDERAL RESERVE STAND POINT........................... .*.................................................................................... \ ............. John H. Rich, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis PRINCIPLES GOVERNING THE DISCOUNT RATE........................................................ W. P. G. Harding, Governor of the Federal Reserve Board REDISCOUNT RATES, BANK RATES AND BUSINESS ACTIVITY.............................. George M. Reynolds, Chairman of the Board, Continental and Commercial National Bank of Chicago THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS BEARING ON THE CONTROL OF BANK CREDIT UNDER THE OPERATION OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Chester A. Phillips, University of Iowa AGRICULTURAL AND COMMERCIAL LOANS................................................................... J. B. McDougal, Governor, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago POPULAR AND UNPOPULAR ACTIVITIES OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD AND THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS................................................................. William A. Scott, University of Wisconsin THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN OPEN MARKET FOR COMMERCIAL PAPER.......... E. E. Agger, Columbia University THE EFFICIENCY OF CREDIT............................................................................................. O. M. W. Sprague, Harvard University BOOK DEPARTMENT................................................................................................................ 142 151 163 167 174 183 190 195 199 203 209 218 222 INDEX............................................................................................................................. 225 CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS VOLUME E. E.—Associate Professor of Economics, Columbia University. Contributing editor to the Standard Daily Trade Service. For some time Assistant to President of the National City Bank, N. Y. Editor, American Edition of Clay’s Economics for the General Reader and author of articles on banking subjects. B e c k h a r t , B. H.—Lecturer in Banking, School of Business, Columbia University, 1921; Instructor in Economics and Social Institutions, Princeton University, 19201921; employed at Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1919- 1920. C a s e , J. H.—Deputy Governor, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1917 to date. Was Vice-President, Farmers Loan and Trust Co., New York City, also Secretary-Treasurer-Vice-President, Plainfield Trust Co., Plainfield, N. J. C r e n n a n , C. H.—Economist, Continental and Commercial National Bank, Chicago; formerly member of faculty, University of Pennsylvania, Director, Research Bu reau, Pennsylvania State Chamber of Commerce, and Assistant Editor of The Annals of the American Academy of Po litical and Social Science. Editor-in-charge of several volumes of The Annals. D o d g e , H o m er J.—Editor, Federal Trade Information Service; President, The Treas ury Correspondents Association. During the War reported financial and eco nomic news for the international News Service, covering Treasury, Federal Reserve Board and other business depart ments. Author of numerous articles on eco nomic topics. Compiled speakers’ hand book for Four Minute Men which con tained information about war financing. F a n c h e r , E. R.—Governor, Federal Re serve Bank of Cleveland, 1914 to date. Formerly President, Union National Bank, Cleveland. F a r w e l l , J. V.—President, John V. Farwell Company, Chicago; Director, Na A g g er , tional Bank of the Republic, Chicago, and Harris Safety Deposit Co., Chicago; Director, Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Co.; President, First State Pawners Society of Chicago. Was President of the National Citizens League for the Promotion of a Sound Banking System. F o r g a n , J. B.—Chairman of the Board, First National Bank of Chicago. Was with Royal Bank of Scotland for three years; later with Bank of British North America, with assignments to Montreal, New York and Halifax; In spector of Agencies, Bank of Nova Scotia; Cashier and Manager, ^ Northwestern National Bank, Minneapolis 1888; VicePresident, First National Bank, Chicago, 1892, President, 1900, Chairman of Board since 1916. Member Board of Directors, Federal Reserve Bank, Chi cago, 1914- 1919; President, Advisory Council, Federal Reserve Board, 19141920; Vice-Chairman, Currency Commis sion, American Bankers Association, 1907 to date. G id n e y , R. M.—Controller at Large, Fed eral Reserve Bank of New York. For eight years engaged in banking at Santa Barbara and Bakersfield, Cali fornia. August 1914, appointed secre tary to A. C. Miller, member of the Federal Reserve Board; later, Federal Reserve examiner; 1917, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Manager of the Buffalo Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1919- 1921. H a r d in g , W. P . G.—Governor, Federal Reserve Board, Washington, since 1916. Vice-President, Bemey National Bank, Birmingham, 1896, President 1902. Mem ber Federal Reserve Board, Washington 1914. President, Alabama State Bank ers’ Association 1908 and Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, 1913. J a y , P ie r r e —Federal Reserve Agent and Chairman of Board, Federal Reserve Bank of New York since 1914. Vice-President, Manhattan Company, New York, 1909- 1914; Bank Commis vi C o n t r ib u t o r s sioner of Massachusetts, 1906- 1909; Vice-President, Old Colony Trust Com pany, Boston, 1903- 1906. K e m m e r e r , E. W.—Professor of Econom ics and Finance, Princeton University. Professor of Economics and Finance, 1909-1912 Cornell University; Assistant Professor Political Economy, 1906- 1909. Financial adviser to United States Philippine Commission, 1903; Chief, Division of Currency, P. I., 1904- 06; Special Commissioner Philippine Govern ment to Egypt, 1906; Financial adviser to Government of Mexico 1917 and to Government of Guatemala, 1919. Managing editor of the Economic Bul letin, 1907- 1910; Associate editor, Ameri can Economic Review 1911- 1914. Author numerous reports on banking and currency questions; Money and Credit Instruments in their Relation to General Prices, 1907, revised 1909; Seasonal Variations in the Relative De mands for Money and Capital in the United States (in report of National Monetary Commission) 1910; Modem Currency Reforms 1916; The United States Postal Savings System, 1917; Monetary System of Mexico, 1917; The A.B.C. of the Federal Reserve System, 1918. L o g a n , W a l t e r S.—General Counsel to the Federal Reserve Board. Practiced law in New York City in the office of Winter & Winter and also in the office of Cadwalader, Wickersham &Taft. Be came Assistant Counsel to the Federal Reserve Board July 1, 1919, and Gen eral Counsel July 1, 1920. M c D o u g a l , J. B.—Governor, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago since 1914. National Bank examiner, 1901- 1906; became official examiner of associated banks of Chicago, 1906; organized and conducted department of examination of the Chicago Clearing House and was its official head until 1914. M il l e r , A. C.—Member Federal Reserve Board of Washington, D. C. since 1914. Assistant to the Secretary of the interior, Washington, 1913- 1914. Flood Pro fessor Economics and Commerce, Uni versity of California, 1902- 13; Associate Professor Political Economy and Finance, to T h is V olum e Cornell, 1891- 2 ; Professor of Finance, University of Chicago, 1892- 1902; Pro fessor History and Politics, University of California, 1890- 1; Instructor Eco nomics, Harvard, 1889- 90. Author of papers on finance, banking, etc. in economic and financial journals. P h il l ip s , C. A.—Dean, College of Com merce, University of Iowa. Member of the Dartmouth faculty, 1911- 1920. Member, The Inter-American High Commission. Editor, Readings in Money and Bank ing and author of Bank Credit. P a t t e r s o n , E. M.—Professor of Econom ics, University of Pennsylvania, 1919 to date. Formerly Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Pennsylvania, 1915- 1919. Joint author, Conway and Patterson, The Operation of the New Bank Act. Author, numerous articles on money and banking questions. Editor-in-charge of ,several issues of The Annals. P o w e l l , C h a s . L.—Member of law firm of Mayer, Meyer, Austrian & Platt, Chi cago; counsel of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 1914 to date. Practiced law for twenty years in Iowa. Student of banking, especially the legal aspects of banking questions. R e y n o l d s , A r t h u r —President, Conti nental and Commercial National Bank' of Chicago, President, Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank and President, Continental and Commercial Securities Company. Cashier, Guthrie County National Bank, 1893; Cashier, Des Moines National Bank, 1895- 97, President, 1897- 1915; First Vice-President, Conti nental and Commercial National Bank 1915- 1921. Chairman, Federal Legisla tive Committee, A.B.A. 1905; Member Currency Commission A.B.A., Treas urer, A.B.A. 1910; President, A.B.A. 1913. R e y n o l d s , G. M.—Chairman of the Board, Continental and Commercial National Bank of Chicago, Chairman of the Board, Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank, Chairman of the Board, Continental and Commercial Securities Company. President, Con C o n t r ib u t o r s tinental and Commercial National Bank, 1910- 1921. President, American Bank ers Association, 1908; Adviser, National Monetary Commission, 1908; Director, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, New York Life Insurance Company, Com mercial Insurance Company. R ic h , J o h n H.—Chairman of Board and Federal Reserve Agent, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 1914 to date. For many years president of a country bank and a manufacturer. President of the Citizens League of Minnesota, and active in the movement to secure the adoption of the Federal Reserve Act. Author of numerous monographs on Federal Reserve banking, the operations of Federal Reserve Banks and agricul tural credit. S e a y , G e o r g e J.—Governor, Federal Re serve Bank of Richmond. For twenty years connected with a bank in Peters burg, Va. Later, a partner in the banking firm of Scott & Stringfellow of* Richmond. In 1909 withdrew to carry on studies, following with close attention agitation for banking reform which resulted in the Reserve Act. Prepared case for selecting Richmond as Reserve Bank. Upon organization, elected Class B director. Elected Gov ernor at first meeting of Board. Served as member of Federal Advisory Council. Writer on banking and railroad finance. S c o t t , W m . A.—Director of the Course in Commerce and Professor of Political Economy, University of Wisconsin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Commercial National Bank, Madison, Wisconsin. Professor of History and Political Science, University of South Dakota, 1887- 90; Instructor in Johns Hopkins University, 1890- 92. Author, Repudiation of State Debts, 1893; Money and Banking, 1903; revised edit. 1910; Money, 1913; Banking, 1913; “Austrian School and Recent Develop ments,” ch. VII revised edit, of Ingram’s History of Political Economy, 1915. S p r a g u e , O. M. W.—Professor Banking and Finance, Harvard, 1913 to date. Assistant Professor, Banking and Fi nance, 1908- 1913; Professor Economics, to T h is V olum e vii Imperial University of Tokyo, 1905- 08; Assistant Professor, 1904- 5, Harvard. Author History of Crises under the Notional Banking System, 1910; Banking Reform in the United States, 1911; Theory and History of Banking, 1917, and many economic articles. W a r b u r g , P a u l M.—Chairman of the Board, International Acceptance Bank, Inc. Member Federal Reserve Board for term 1914- 1918. Was Director National Bank of Com merce, United States Mortgage and Trust Co., B. and O. R. R. Co., National Railways of Mexico, Wells Fargo & Co., Westinghouse Electric and Manufactur ing Company. Resigned all director ships and trusteeships when appointed to Federal Reserve Board. Author many pamphlets on banking and currency, particularly in relation to the Reserve System both before and after its or ganization. W e l t o n , A. D.—Director of Publicity, Continental and Commercial Banks, Chicago. General Secretary, National Citizens League; practiced law in De troit; Editor, Detroit Free Press, 19051906, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1911 and Journal of the American Bankers Associa tion, 1914- 1918. W e s t o n , N. A.—Professor of Economics, University of Illinois; Formerly Dean of the College of Commerce and Business Administration, University of Illinois. W h e e l e r , H. A.—Vice-President, Union Trust Company of Chicago since 1910; Vice-President, 1899- 1901, President, 1901- 1910, Credit Clearing House, Chi cago; General Secretary, Chicago Asso ciation of Commerce, 1906- 1907, Chair man, Ways and Means Committee 1908, Vice-President, 1909, Chairman, Execu tive Committee, 1910, President 1911. President, Chamber of Commerce,1U.S.A. 1912- 1913, 1918- 1919. Director and member Executive Committee, National Citizens League. W il d m a n , M u r r a y —Professor of Eco nomics, Leland Stanford, Jr., University, 1912 to date. Founder, Cashier and Vice-President, Henry County Bank, Spiceland, Cal. Assistant Professor Economics, Univer- viii C o n t r ib u t o r s sit/ pi Missouri; Professor Economics and Commerce, Northwestern Univer sity; Organization Secretary, National Citizens League, 1911- 1912; Bureau of Research, War Trade Board, and division planning and statistics War Industries Board, 1918- 1919. Author Money Inflation in the United States, 1905 and economic articles. W il l is , H. P a r k e r —Professor of Eco nomics, Columbia University, Editor, New York Journal of Commerce and Director, Division of Analysis and Re search, Federal Reserve Board. to T h is V olum e Secretary, Federal Reserve Board, 1914- 1918; Assistant to Monetary Com mission, 1897- 8 ; Expert, Ways and Means Committee, House of Represen tatives, Washington 1911- 13; Banking and Currency Committee, 1912- 13; President, Philippine National Bank 1916- 7; Special Commissioner in Aus tralasia for Chase National Bank & Central Trust Company, 1919. Author, History of the Latin Monetary Union; Principles and Problems of Modern Banking; The Federal Reserve; American Banking and many articles on banking. The Integrity of the Federal Reserve System By A. D. W e lto n a n d T C. H. C r e n n a n Editors-in-Charge HE Federal Reserve System has Banks give them all the business they to do only with commercial bank have, except the government, which ing.1 Commercial banking has only tois their only other customer. The do with getting goods from producer country has then a banking system to consumer. It operates on the composed of banks of various kinds, assumption, ordinarily valid, that the some chartered by the nation and sale of goods to the consumer produces some by the states, brought into a funds to discharge whatever obligation cooperating organization with the Fed has been created. eral Reserve Banks as the operating Investment banking, on the other mechanism. hand, operates on the assumption that Over this operating mechanism of the capital loaned will be repaid out of the cooperating organization of banks, the earnings its use permits in a speci the government exercises a general supervision. There are many people fied number of years. The essence of commercial banking who thought the supervising authority is liquidity of the credit on which it should be different, but it isn’t and it functions. Its credit instruments must doesn’t matter so long as it is com be of short maturity. The banks petent and impartial. which invest in them undertake to pay The purpose of the Federal Reserve on demand and they must have a System was to provide for business constant inflow of funds or a means of just what has been provided. There quickly realizing on their credit in was no purpose and no intention to struments. It is necessary, therefore, establish government banks, and none that the goods against which such credit was established. There was no pur is granted should be always in process pose to help or favor operating banks of sale. because they needed neither help nor Primarily and fundamentally the favors. There was a purpose and Reserve System was designed to pro intention to put the operating, com vide for the credit instruments of mercial banks in a better position to commerce an instant sale. It was discharge their duties to business so an attempt to organize not a new lot of that business might go on under any banks, but a new banking machine and all circumstances, if this could supported by the resources of all its be achieved through an economic use of credit and competent credit member banks.2 The Reserve System is then an machinery. organization of banks. The Reserve In relation to business, therefore, Banks draw their capital from banks. the Federal Reserve System is more than a banking system. It is a code 1 Permission to national banks to receive for business behavior. It is more than savings deposits and to exercise trust company a machine for expanding and con powers does not affect the commercial nature of tracting credit and currency. It is a the Reserve System. 2 Cf. Article by Professor Kemmerer in this means for the orderly and systematic volume. functioning of business credit and, X T he Annals of the through reapportionment of this credit, for the stabilization of business. No comprehensive grasp of the System can be had if, among its attributes, is included that of a remedy for all business and financial ills. It is not. It can never save the day for the insolvent. It is man-made and man-operated. It has and must have limitations. It must not be concluded because it financed the War, that it can go on indefinitely producing rabbits of credit and currency out of an empty hat. It didn’t do that even in war. It did give life and credit form to latent and dormant resources. It did make the unliquid at least temporarily liquid. But war demands such per formances. It might have been better if the Reserve System had been called on to do less, and more had been done through other means, the Treasury, for instance. It would have been as well for the country and better for the System. Had this course been followed the Reserve Banks would have avoided much harsh criticism for displaying their limitations, once war pressure was removed. Many suggestions for changing the System would never have been made. It would not have been expected to bring to realization so many fatuous dreams. As an operating banking mechanism the System need not, however, be taken for what it is. Changes in the machinery may be made if the funda mental structure is not impaired. Any banking system is a thing of growth. If, in its final form, it shows that wisdom has been gained from experi ence and skill from practice, it begins to approximate general needs. The Reserve System is an evolution out of more than a century of hard and bitter, experience made harder and more bitter by experiments. Its mechanism is, therefore, of moment only as it per A m er ic a n A cadem y mits the application of principles of demonstrated soundness. Its funda ments are vital, not only because they attest that old fallacies have been dis missed, but also because they have been proved under the test of prac tice. Probably, in any organization ap plying rules of conduct, there is a degree of fluidity. Some measure of change is always possible even when not always desirable. But change for the sake of change is not progress or improvement. On the other hand, there is advantage in holding to fixed practice. It is not difficult to test the quality of any amendment proposed to the Federal Reserve Act. It is necessary only to get the fundamental purposes in mind. Anything out of accord with them may instantly be dismissed. But a great banking system cannot grow and develop out of itself. Deal ing with such an intangible as credit and so nebulous a quality as confidence, the attitude of the public must be reckoned with. So susceptible are banks generally to public opinion that the banker subconsciously, almost, con siders that as a factor to be used in all his calculations. In any event the public is a factor in the future develop ment of the Reserve System, as Paul M. Warburg points out elsewhere in this volume. If the public is dismissed be cause even a meager popular under standing of the intricacies of banking is beyond hope, the business man, from whom more may be expected, stands forth as a grim spectre. The public, most assuredly, feels and does not analyze. The business man may be controlled by emotion rather than reason. The more certain the operations of the Reserve Banks, therefore, the better they will come to be understood. Eventually, although it may be only a hope, the public will I n te g r ity of the F e d e r a l R e se r v e S ystem come to understand up to the point of having confidence. Thus the public is an important factor in the development of the Federal Reserve System. There must be a growth without the banks as well as within them. The public mind must become attuned to them. For the people the Reserve System is a precious thing. If it is to fulfill its work and its mission, they must view it with confidence. Its integrity is to be guarded with as much jealousy as the .Constitution itself. The jealousy must be inculcated into the popular mind. The attainment of such a state is taken to be desirable. If it is, the prospect of its realization will be in constant jeopardy unless members of Congress can be induced to abandon the idea that the Reserve Act is subject to tinkering at the behest of any amateur banker. K n o w led g e o f B a n k in g H isto r y H e l p s to P u b l ic U n d e r st a n d in g Under the interpretation of the Fed eral Reserve System given above, its growth, improvement and develop ment to the maximum of satisfaction and efficiency can be attained only if its fundamental purposes are under stood. The forces without the System must contribute a share in this growth and development. These outside forces are the business men and the public generally. There can be no adequate under standing or appreciation of the System unless there is a general familiarity with what preceded it. To this end the first section of this volume is given over to an historical review. The first article sketches the history of banking from 1791, when the First Bank of the United States was organ ized, down through the panic of 1907.3 Even cursory reading of these events 3By B. H. Beckhart. xi will indicate the influence that old experiments and controversies exerted on the makers of the Reserve Act and the form and content of the law. In the struggle over note issues and redemption of bank notes will be found the causes for the demand that Federal Reserve notes be made “ obli gations of the United States.” The workings of the national bank system will explain the development of re serve banking and the need for elasticity of both credit and currency, and so on. In his article on “The Studies of the National Monetary Commission,” Pro fessor Weston illuminates the defects of the old banking system and shows how they were studied in relation to other systems and the probable needs of modem business for adequate bank ing service. These needs found expression in the organization of the National Citizens’ League for the Promotion of a Sound Banking System. The story of the organization of that movement is told by Mr. Harry A. Wheeler, who participated in it and who was also one of the organizers and the first President of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. Through the workings of the Na tional Citizens’ League, later supple mented by work of the Chamber of Commerce, the business men and the business organizations of the country were bound together. A community of thought on banking methods and services was thus brought about and translated into definite purpose. To get this result—a first step toward legislation—demanded an elab orate educational campaign. Success in this venture was made more difficult because of the many schemes for monetary and banking reform con ceived and promoted by modern John Laws. These enthusiasts, often seeing T h e A nnals of the in banking the means of attaining universal happiness, found no other weapon than legislative compulsion or government operation of banks. Dis missing the exploded theories, it need only be said that the guaranty of bank deposits was the measure of reform being pressed with vigor at that time. It had many advocates in Congress. However, the educational campaign was persistently prosecuted and was successful to the extent nec essary in bringing attention to sound economics in banking reform as against the pursuit of emotional rainbows. In his article on “The Federal Re serve Act in Congress,” Dr. H. Parker Willis gives an intimate recital of facts, many of which have not previously been published. As expert for the House Committee on Banking and Currency, Dr. Willis was familiar with every step in the development of the bill before it was in the Committee for discussion and subsequently. The political factor is here disclosed as it came forward to influence what was an economic product. The degree of interest of the Administration in the measure, the pressure placed on Con gress and the suggestions from the Treasury and other departments are made clear. In this phase of the development, distinction must be made between the administrative and the economic pro visions. Control of the System was always a subject of contention. The decentralizing of credit and curbing of the supposed power of Wall Street and the “Money Trust” were always matters of political concern. The tendency toward government control of the operating banks themselves had to be guarded against. Over the economic provisions, there was less trouble. There was no disagreement of moment in this respect, but pro visions strictly economic were often A m er ic a n A cadem y under pressure because of their rela tion to control in execution. Thus elasticity of note issue was confused with distribution of credit and would have been sacrificed or impaired if help for the farmer could have been secured thereby. One illustration of the confusion of economics and politics will suffice. In an economic sense, rediscount ing for profit was at that time unthink able. The maturity of paper offered for rediscount at the proposed banks was of incidental importance. Com mercial banks could not consider paper of anything but short maturity and it was equally clear that paper for re discount would not be offered to the Reserve Bank by the discounting bank on the day of discount. But dozens of congressmen could not or would not understand that the farmer could have no direct dealing with the Reserve Bank. Hours of discussion in the Senate were given over to the maturity of agricultural paper. Senators who saw in the Reserve Act only a new way of settling the farmer’s eternal credit problem, would have willingly de stroyed the commercial character of the Reserve Banks on the chance of settling that question. The time agricultural paper for rediscount may run was increased to ninety days. This maturity would have been of no importance if the rediscount rates had ever been scientifically adjusted and is of little importance anyway. In August, 1921, the average maturity of rediscounted paper was 15.76 days. In September it was 1 7 .2 2 days. In the Minneapolis Bank it was 42.06 days and in Boston 7 .7 4 days. If maturities had not been mentioned in the Act, the result would probably have been the same. The House bill as recommended by Chairman Glass’ Committee was the real bill, as Dr. Willis points out. I n t e g r it y of the F e d e r a l R e se r v e S ystem Senator Owen had a different bill which he was induced, eventually, to abandon. There was also a bill fathered by the Treasury providing for a central government bank with the Treasury's gold as the capital. The fact that the gold belonged to the holders of the certificates issued against it, was thought to be insig nificant. The advocates of this plan floundered about in it for some time until the President himself summarily suppressed it. Dr. Willis shows clearly that the Glass bill was the Administration’s bill. After all other proposals had been discussed, and mechanical changes were made—notably that providing for retirement of the bond-secured currency—the Act as passed was sub stantially the bill as it came from the House Committee. The true purposes of the Federal Reserve Act will be found in the dis cussions and reports of the Banking and Currency Committee of the House, of which Carter Glass was chairman. The beginning of the European War brought an almost instant business dislocation. Fear of panic was allayed by the summary closing of the stock exchanges. A currency famine was supposed to be imminent. The mem bers of the Federal Reserve Board had been appointed about this time— August 9 , 1914—but the time for opening the new Reserve Banks could not even be predicted. In September the dormant National Currency Associations were awakened. These had been formed in many dis tricts under the provisions of the Aldrich-Vreeland Act, passed after the panic of 1907. Emergency currency was issued to these Associations and met whatever stress there was, as told in Mr. Dodge’s article.4 xiii Aside from the useful service of providing currency and thereby sus taining confidence, the operation of this law was effective to prove its in capacity to meet anything more than a passing strain. There were many men —bankers included—who thought that the demand for banking reform would be completely met by this law or any law which would permit the turning of bank assets into currency. It was a bit of good fortune that there was a dem onstration to show that banking effi ciency was a reserve and not a currency problem. It eliminated forever from consideration a half-hearted remedy. E a r l y P r o blem s a n d O pe r a t io n s t h e F e d e r a l R e se r v e B oard and B anks of The Federal Reserve Board and the Banks were organized without much difficulty. The Organization Committee toured the country to gather information and hear the argu ments of the various civic and banking committees selected to advance the claims of the many cities which thought themselves entitled to selection as the homes of the Reserve Banks. There were many contenders for these honors and there was some bitterness. Fixing the boundary lines of the districts also caused contention. Political “pull” was exerted to influence the committee from without and political prejudice was working within. But these mat ters were of minor importance com pared to the Organization Committee’s interpretation of the provision as to the number of Banks. They decided that twelve should be immediately estab lished, and not eight, to be increased to twelve later if experience showed twelve to be necessary. Undoubtedly the Committee felt the pressure keenly. Southern cities were 4 “The Aldrich-Vreeland Emergency Cur very ambitious and very influential. But, so far as politics was concerned, rency/* xiv T he A nnals of the its full force was not manifested until the matter of organizing the Reserve districts came before the Reserve Board for review in 1915. The Federal Reserve Act (Section 2) says, “The determination of said or ganization committee shall not be sub ject to review except by the Federal Reserve Board when organized” and “the districts thus created may be ad justed and new districts may from time to time be created by the Federal Reserve Board, not to exceed twelve in all.” The Board seemed to think that pro vision mandatory. It was, therefore, in the performance of what they con sidered a duty that they turned to a study of district boundaries and the location of Reserve Banks. In several instances changes in boundaries were made, but when a discussion of the possible strengthening of the System by combining some of the districts (without closing any offices already es tablished) was begun, political power began immediately to work. The then Governor of the Board and the two ex-officio members combined to prevent any change of the kind un der discussion. The ex-officio members —the Secretary of the Treasury and Comptroller of the Currency whose action as members of the Organization Committee was to be reviewed—and the Governor were a minority of the Reserve Board. But, over the signa ture of the Governor and without the authority or knowledge of the majority of the Board, they asked the President to transmit to the Attorney-General a request for an opinion defining the Reserve Board’s powers of review. The opinion was turned out over Saturday and Sunday, which may be considered unusual dispatch. When the Board met again it was faced with the Administrations’ interpretation of the law and the interpretation was that A m er ic a n A cadem y the Board had no power to review the determination of the Organization Committee in a manner that might affect the existence of any of the twelve Reserve Banks already established. The point to be made is that the integrity of the Reserve System is of indifferent consequence in the face of political exigency. Perhaps just such a thing will not happen again but this is the second instance in which appeal was made to the Attorney-General to give legal support to a plan politically desired. The fear of future political assaults on the integrity of the Reserve System is so well founded in experience that Mr. Warburg is wholly justified in his conclusion that the people must de velop a jealous regard for their banking machinery if they wish it to endure. Mr. Warburg, in his article, is appar ently less concerned with the past than with the future. Recent experiences indicate the correctness of his views and the basis for his fear of political encroachment. He worked so faith fully and effectively to gain and hold for the Reserve Banks what they have that anything he says has particular and peculiar significance. Once the Reserve Board was in ac tion, there was the usual clamor for jobs from eager politicians but it was mostly clamor. The positions to be filled were hedged about by qualifica tions that could not be met by those without banking experience. The po sition of Reserve agent attracted the avid attention of the politically faithful. The duties of this position were not clearly defined. At first sight it seemed to offer attractions of ease and afford a quiet resting place for an agreeable ex something classed in political slang as a “lame-duck.” There were, of course, hundreds of applications for these places and every applicant was supported by heavy political indorsements. I n t e g r it y of the F e d e r a l R e se r v e S ystem However, the Reserve Board itself was wisely chosen. Efforts to diversify its membership both in equipment and representative character were success ful. The Board, charged with the duty of organizing a new banking system at the time the world was be ginning the greatest of wars, did not view the task lightly or politically. Bankers were drafted into the service of the Reserve Banks and accepted, often at large sacrifice. Bankers and business men chosen to the directo rates of the Reserve Banks were as much in earnest as the Reserve Board. The political pressure was strong enough to bring a lapse here and there, but the general character and business complexion of the official staffs stood up under close inspection. This early proceeding is to be judged only in the light of results obtained and not by the efforts that were made to impose upon Board or Banks the wishes of those who were politically moved. It is a fair inference that, so far as jobs were concerned, political officialdom passed recommendations along in the serene confidence that the banking minds would accept the responsibility of the refusal to concur. In any event the Banks came into existence as banks and were opened on November 16, 1914. Having buildings, equipment, officers and staffs, they were naturally curious as to what they might do. Could they advertise and go out after business? No provision had been made for such a course. They would get business when their member banks were hard pressed for funds. Humiliation attached to rediscounting. It was regarded as a sign of weakness. Moreover, while the Reserve Banks were open for business, reserve funds were to be turned over to them in installments. The banking system was otherwise running along as before. There was, however, much to do. xv In nearly every district leading banks rediscounted paper for the sake of example.5 The Reserve Board had to study the law, which settled all difficult problems by saying “under such regulations as the Board may prescribe.” It must also be re membered that Aldrich-Vreeland emer gency currency was in circulation and was to be retired or supplanted by Federal Reserve notes. Rules were to be made, precedents set and the gathering of traditions begun. Eligible paper had to be defined; at least, a beginning had to be made.6 Not only banking customs but business habits would have to be remolded and remodelled, if the Re serve Banks were to have anything on which to function. Acceptances were authorized by the Act. They were new to the banking world. The lessons of war were beginning to say that gold would have to be gathered and impounded.7 The state chartered banks were hostile or, at best, only neutral. It grew rapidly plainer that they would have to be wooed and won. The law made it mandatory that the clearing and collection of checks and drafts be undertaken. A first step in this direction threw the country banks that were members of the System into spasms of anger and fear. It made the state banks glad that they were beyond such meddling. The GoldSettlement Fund came as an ingenious means to economy and con venience for member banks. It was a first notable step in what the Reserve Banks could do—something that would be helpful, speedy and cheap. The plan was worked out by the Reserve Board 8 “Early Functioning of the Federal Reserve System.” 8 “Eligibility for Discount” by Charles L. Powell. 7 See “ Preparation for War and the Liberty Loans” by J. H. Case. xvi T h e A nnals of the in conjunction with experts called from member banks. It was simple and easy and established itself so quickly in favor that it was almost as quickly forgotten as a service. It has always worked perfectly and stands nowas a real achievement.8 It isaservice no less to business than to banks. The story of the winning of the state banks and of par collections is told in the paper by Mr. Pierre Jay, Chairman of the Board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Mr. Jay was called to that position from the presidency of a state bank. It is needless to say that his sympathetic understanding of state bank problems, his patience and persistence found opportunity for display in dealing with those institutions. But the national banks within the System were more rebellious than the state banks without it. They would not be mollified and they were impervious to argument. They nearly disrupted the American Bankers Association. They forced Congress to consider amend ment of the Act and missed winning completely by a narrow margin. They went to law about it. It is possible still to make exchange charges and they are made, but the “par collec tion” competition is too strong. In the face of all the obstacles the Reserve Banks are now the great instruments for check collections and they will have competition in this field only from banks of great reach, capable of maintaining the necessary connections and facilities. However, the War, not the wooing, brought the state banks into the System—not all of them, of course, but a number in point of resources quite great enough to give the Reserve System the necessary universality—if there is any such thing as a degree. A m er ic a n A cadem y The development of the relations of Reserve Banks to their members and with one another immediately became a serious problem once the Reserve Banks were in operation. How this was done and what was and is being done, is told by Mr. Gidney. The Reserve Banks can never supplant “correspondent” banks. There are too many services the latter render, too many personal and long-standing connections, but the Reserve Banks have made great progress and have brought their depositors to a realiza tion that they are customers and will be treated as such. The development of close relationships among the Re serve Banks and their officials has also been as important as it is in teresting. Unity demanded it, but systematic effort was essential to its achievement. There will always be non-member banks because banking is often special ized and men have notions of inde pendence. The mutual savings banks of the East are not eligible to member ship. They have no capital stock. The laws have been changed in one or two states to permit them to invest a part of their funds in “commercial paper” and acceptances, but their investments are not supposed to be liquid, and they are far removed from commercial banking. Probably there will always be pri vate bankers with freedom to operate within that borderland where invest ment and commercial banking meet and divide, or on both sides of it. But the Reserve System, as now formed of Reserve Banks, national banks, state banks and foreign trade banks, is sufficiently inclusive and strong to permit the statement that it is as nearly universal as necessary. There is nothing on the horizon, or nearer, 8“ The Evolution of the Gold Settlement to indicate that it will diminish in stead of grow. Fund” by George J. Seay. I n t e g r it y of the F e d e r a l R e se r v e S ystem Amendments to the Reserve Act have been fairly numerous, but gen erally they have been made to meet conditions that could not be foreseen or to make operating conditions easier or simpler. It is good fortune as well as good judgment that there has yet been no success in perverting the provisions of the Act. Congress has so far yielded to the guidance of the Reserve Board and, when there was threat of unsound doctrine, Carter Glass, as representative and senator, has been found on guard. The first thrust at the integrity of the System by the War Finance Corporation has been parried. Even the admission that that Corporation is now doing commendable work and meeting an urgent need, does not justify dismissal of the hope that its life and the emergency which revived it, will both end as scheduled on July 1, 1922. Amendments to the Act are dis cussed in Mr. Walter S. Logan’s paper where their bearing and trend may be learned. In this connection it is not amiss to say that bankers have contributed loyally to the effectiveness of the Reserve Banks’ operations. If they fought lustily, through one or two groups, against par collections, they cooperated zealously by sur rendering their gold to the Reserve Banks. Without the War the im pounding of gold would have been exceedingly difficult; as it was, it required effort. But good teaching and good leadership carried through, in the closing months of 1917, a plan whose success stood as a milestone in the progress of the Reserve System. Branches of the Federal Reserve Banks were established and opened in the interest of service to business. The jealousies engendered by the selection of Reserve Bank cities and the making of reserve districts were wiped out in this way, but the branch xvii banks have proved the necessity for their existence. Governor Fancher, of the Cleveland Reserve Bank tells the story.9 There are, however, varia tions in the operation of branches. In the far West the geographical extent of the San Francisco district demanded a larger independence in management for the branches than in the East, but telegraphic communication is always close. The assumption of the functions of the Independent Treasury—see Pro fessor Wildman’s article—came be latedly. It was probably as well that it was deferred by politics and war. When it did come, the banks were experienced and ready. So far as the public was aware the subtreasuries slipped their moorings and drifted into the sea of oblivion with no one’s knowing or caring. E x p a n s io n , C o ntra ctio n a n d D isc o u n t R a t e — V it a l P r o blem s the It was thought advisable by the editors of this volume to have as wide a discussion as possible of “Expansion and Contraction.” Involved with this question is the influence of the rediscount rate on business activity and, therefore, the relation of the rediscount rate to business and to the expansion and contraction of money and credit. The Reserve Board is charged with many duties. The Reserve Banks function in many ways. But no question goes more to the vitals of the entire scheme than the adjustment of the discount rate of the Reserve Banks. Whatever else they may do and how ever successful they may be in the dis charge of collateral and subsidiary duties, around the discount rate and its making cluster the factors that bear 9 “ The Establishment and Scope of Branches of Federal Reserve Banks.” xviii T he A nnals of the directly on the success or failure of the Reserve Banks as aids to commercial business or to the member banks which act in response to business and react to its advantage. The relation of the Reserve Banks’ discount rate to and influence on business has by no means been deter mined. The factors to be considered in determining the rate are pretty well settled, but their relation to one another and the relative importance of each is still an open question. In seven years of operation the deter mining of the discount rate has been influenced by extraneous or distract ing conditions. At first when the Banks were new, it was of no im portance. When war pressed, other factors received scant attention. After the Armistice the belief that the unexampled prosperity would endure, supported the Treasury’s needs for more financing. When, finally, some thing had to be done to avert a crash, it was found that no genuine experience in adjusting the discount rate to influence business had been had. The first increase of the rate to “slow up” business came as an arbitrary decree based on a conception drawn from British experience. That was in January, 1920. Business did not slow up. It went on, undoubtedly despite the higher rate, despite the warning, but, because of what? Pos sibly because of its own momentum. Expansion increased. It was many gloomy months after the rate was first increased before the peak of either credit or currency expansion was reached. In the meantime business generally declined to believe that the end of war prosperity had come or that the revival and continuation of it was not around the corner. The Reserve Board and the rates of the Reserve Banks were mentioned only to be damned. All kinds of allegations, A m er ic a n A cadem y charges, proposals and remedies were made. In the end the rate was popularly charged with undoing busi ness—for lack of a better reason. All this was a new experience with the discount rate. It was a valuable experience because it was a first lesson in the time relationship between busi ness activity and the Reserve Bank’s discount rate which, to whatever extent it affects business activity, can do it only through the influence it exerts on the rates charged by member banks. In the articles on these questions, a wide range of experience, supplemented by opinion and study, was sought. Bankers, Reserve Bank officials, mer chants, economists were all invited to express themselves. Governor Hard ing, of the Reserve Board, has stated the problem as it is before the Board. Mr. John H. Rich, Chairman of the Board of the Minneapolis Reserve Bank, has furthered the discussion with views and experiences in that extensive and interesting Reserve district. Dr. A. C. Miller of the Reserve Board, has brought to bear on it a mind singularly free from prejudice and admirably equipped to ferret out and interpret facts. Mr. John V. Farwell, from the merchant’s interested and detached position, gives helpful suggestions and clear exposition. Mr. J. B. Forgan, dean of bankers, and tried in experience by long service on the Federal Advisory Council, and Mr. George M. Reynolds, from a terraced height of banking leadership fairly won, make contribu tions which are supplemented by those of Professor E. M. Patterson of the University of Pennsylvania and Dean Chester A. Phillips, of the University of Iowa, theorists in the field of eco nomics but with practical bents and adept in the use of scientific method. Needless to say, these men are not entirely in agreement. But close read ing of their contributions will disclose I n te g r it y of the F e d e r a l R e se r v e S ystem that they are far from hopelessly apart. Any divergence of statement is not over what the discount policy has been, but rather in emphasis as to what it should be in the future. The problem of the time relation ship between the rediscount rate and business activity seems vital in the dis cussion. Of the efficacy of the redis count rate to influence business there is little room for question. Recent experience, however, indicates a con siderable lapse between the time of fixing the rate and the time when busi ness feels and responds to it. On January 21, 1920, the first increase in discount rate to six per cent was made. This rate was maintained until the following June when the rate for Chicago and New York was increased to seven per cent. This rate was main tained for a year. In June, 1921, the lowering began. The point made by Mr. Reynolds is that business is not immediately affec ted by the rates charged by commercial banks. The rediscount rate can affect business activity only through its effect on the rates of commercial banks. But banking, as a result rather than a cause of business activity, can react only after business has made commitments which it is bound to carry through if it can. If, under the present rela tionship between the rediscount rate and business activity, the rate is to be adjusted effectively, adjustment must be made in anticipation of a business activity which may need restraint or of an inactivity which may need stimula tion. Such an adjustment might be precarious and it would likely be un certain. It is venturesome to say that the rates charged for loans by member banks would be a better guide in seek ing a basis for the rediscount rate, for those rates have variations, as do the rates charged for standard “commercial paper.” xix The condition outlined shows the strength of the position of those who say the rediscount rate should always be higher than, say, the rate for stand ard commercial paper charged by member banks. However, there are strong arguments why the rediscount rate should sometimes be lower. At present the lower rate is giving many hard pressed banks in the farming sections a needed breathing spell. A lower rate’s influence in stimulating business may also be problematical unless the member banks adjust their rates to it as quickly as possible and with considerable speed in any event. It is not that these statements create a dilemma but they seem to justify no other conclusion than that further experience in influencing the rates of member banks, if not further experi ment, is necessary before it may be said that wisdom is justified of her children. I m po rtan ce o f t h e “ O p e n M arket” If operation of the Federal Reserve Banks, under stable conditions of busi ness, is to be seasonal and cyclical, as many of the contributors to this volume seem to believe, the further develop ment of open-market operations. will be in order. It so happens that the Reserve Banks, early in their careers, found war a wonderful accelerator. War made them busy and prosperous. Henceforth they will operate under changed conditions. Not that there will not be continuous business for the Reserve Banks, but they will not be carrying peak loads twelve months in the year. Their operations in the open market will be more important under the new conditions than in the past. In this field they may find it possible to exert an influence which will make for the stabilization of money rates. XX T he A nnals o r the Mr. Agger tells of the development and position of the open market. From what has been achieved we may get an idea that here is a field for cultivation, with success reacting to demonstrate another and large service the Reserve Banks may render busi ness. The law made provision for such conduct by the Reserve Banks and its importance must be kept in mind. M isc o n c eptio n s of the S ystem Under the stress of financial diffi culties incident to war and its aftermath the Reserve Banks came in for a full measure of criticism. It was to be expected, and it is not surprising, that a portion of the criticism was hostile as well as adverse. Professor Patterson, in his discussion of contrac tion and expansion, gives a very clear elucidation of Reserve Bank operations in their relation to government financ ing, foreign business and conditions and commercial banking. In these operations will be found such basis as exists for real criticism. The article might well be read with that also in mind. In his review of the “Popular and Unpopular Activities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks/5 Dr. Scott goes more partic ularly into these criticisms, the rea sons for them and the shallowness of most of them, while Governor McDougal of the Reserve Bank of Chicago, gives a striking illustration of the lean foundation on which rest the allega tions of discrimination against the agricultural districts. It is not enough to state what the Federal Reserve System is designed to do, if the fundaments of that System are to be understood. Current mis conceptions must be cleared away. The prevalence of erroneous ideas compels such procedure. A wide-spread notion prevails, even A m er ic a n A cadem y among bankers, that the Federal Reserve Banks are government banks. They are bankers’ banks. This fact is written into the Federal Reserve Act.10 It is implied in the provisions of that instrument.11 It is not only recognized by economists,12 but also indorsed by operating officers of Reserve Banks.13 No Federal Reserve Bank stock is held by the Federal government. The government possesses its regulatory power because the System is freighted with a public interest. The govern ment has an interest in Reserve Bank profits only through a franchise tax. The Federal Reserve Banks are sub ject to taxation like other private corporations. To be sure, a minority of the directors of Reserve Banks are appointed by the Federal Reserve Board and members of that Board are gov ernment appointees exercising super visory powers in the public interest. Moreover, Federal Reserve Banks do act as fiscal agents, and in other ways, for the government’s convenience. Nevertheless, Federal Reserve Banks are not government banks. They are bankers’ banks designed to aid busi ness by facilitating commercial trans actions. The fact that the Reserve Banks are not government banks de stroys the groundwork for assumptions: (1) That the System can produce general “prosperity,” and (2) that it should be dominated by govern ment. Under the stimulation of war the fa cilities of the Reserve Act for expansion became an engine of inflation. They cannot be made an engine of “pros- 10 See the Act and Professor Kemmerer’s paper in this volume. ♦_11»Cf. “ The Reserve Act in its Implicit Meanmg. 12See Professor Phillips’ article, for example. 13 Cf. “ Relations of Reserve Banks to Member Banks and Inter-Relations of Federal Reserve Banks.” I n te g r ity of the F e d e r a l R e se r v e S ystem perity.” Neither deft nor awkward political manipulation can turn the Reserve System from its strictly eco nomic purpose. It was not designed to salvage insolvents. It cannot create credit out of nothing. While com mercial banks can control the flow of commercial credit and thus affect the currents of the productive processes, business creates that credit which banks, even the Reserve Banks, ap portion. Business impels; banking con trols the drives,—after a time. If there must be a causal relationship between business and banking, busi ness causes banking. There is actually a functional relationship. Business gives rise to banking and banking reacts on business. Neither commer cial banks nor Reserve Banks can create credit and thus create “pros perity.” One of the facts that doubtless has obscured thinking about the funda mental play of commercial banking is this one, that the Reserve Banks have handled government issues, redis counted paper secured by government obligations and otherwise performed war functions for the Federal govern ment. They have been functioning, in no small measure, on other than com mercial credits. This was not their original purpose. Government promises to pay should not be the chief grist taken to the Reserve Bank mill. But as a result of war operations, the assumption that Reserve Banks can “manufacture” credit out of nothing seems to find justification with those who have not seen the underlying sources of the promises to pay on which the Reserve Banks have been function ing. Business, not banking, creates what is called “prosperity.” An instance of government domina tion of the Federal Reserve System can be found in the control of the rediscount rates by the rate on govern xxi ment bonds.14 This control was no doubt bred of war’s necessities. The War is over. But no end has come to political pressure on the Reserve System. That pressure seems now to come through Congress, or a section thereof, rather than through the Ad ministration. It is suggestive, if not legally accurate, to say that the Federal Reserve Board can exercise those powers expressly granted or necessarily and fairly resulting there from, while the Reserve Banks hold residual powers. “Less government in business” can find a starting point in the Reserve System. Government supervision is very different from po litical manipulation. These bankers’ banks should be unhampered by politics. A current misconception that is giving way is the notion of dead-level uniformity of policy and practice among the Reserve Banks. The Fed eral Reserve System meets the neces sities of American geography and his tory in providing regional banks with a centralized supervision. This fact is attested by many of the contributors to this volume.15 Presumably each Reserve Bank will adapt its policy and practice to the hard and particular facts of the business situation in its district.16 Where differences in procedure are necessary, they must and will be allowed by the Federal Reserve Board, just as differentials in discount rates are “permitted” between districts that are dissimilar. The Reserve Board will play its part of leadership by function ing on common matters of policy and practice without constraining the direc tors of the various banks in matters of 14See Governor Harding’s statement in the article, “ Rediscount Rates, Bank Rates and Business Activity.” 15See, for instance, the articles by B. H. Beckhart and John H. Rich. 16See the paper by H. Parker Willis in this volume. xxii T he A nnals of the A m er ic a n A cadem y proceeds of this year’s crop. Some of these banks are themselves having dif ficulty in meeting their bills payable. This situation is too well known to need elaboration. The War Finance Corporation Act expressly permits banks with “frozen” agricultural cred its to apply for advances from the Cor T h e A v o id a n c e o f I n v e st m e n t O p e r poration for six months or a year, with a t io n s b y R e se r v e B a n k s a renewal privilege which may give Investment banking should have no the obligation a total life of three years. place in the operations of Federal By getting time in which to retire its Reserve Banks. Their reason for be bills payable, the bank is in a position ing is to aid commercial banking. In to give farmer borrowers time in which vestment operations can be avoided to make a new crop, or two if necessary, by confining the paper eligible for and thus clean up their obligations. discount at the Reserve Banks to The Bank’s obligation must be secured commercial paper.17 by collateral which will insure ultimate Should the Federal Reserve Banks payment, but time is given for pay perform such agricultural credit func ment. In short, the Corporation is tions as are now being developed by functioning in the way of carrying the the War Finance Corporation and burden of agricultural loans that are should they be “adapted” to such slow but should ultimately be paid. functions? The answer to this ques To the extent that the Corporation tion will not only emphasize the gets funds into the agricultural sections distinction between commercial and where frozen agricultural credits still investment banking—in what may be prevail, the operations of the Corpora urged as a border-line case—but will tion will no doubt be helpful to banks also illustrate the need of confining in those districts and indirectly to the eligible paper to that which evidences farmer borrowers and the country a movement of goods from producer to in general. Whether Section 2 4 of the consumer and is self-liquidating. War Finance Corporation Act is a The original purpose of the War sound politico-economic measure need Finance Corporation is of no present not now be debated. It is a fact. moment. The essential purpose of Bankers and economists have few illu Section 2 4 of the War Finance Cor sions as to the probable extent or nature' poration Act, under which the Corpora of its operations, but about one point tion is now operating, is to give bankers there can be no doubt, namely, that and farmers time in which to pay their this giving of time to bankers and obligations. Banks in various agri indirectly to farmers puts the opera cultural communities have made loans tions of the Corporation in the class of for “agricultural purposes” which can investment rather than commercial not be repaid at maturity out of the banking. If the Federal Reserve Banks 17 The term commercial paper, unless in quotes were to carry loans for three years, in this article, means commercial paper as defined they would be doing an investment in the Federal Reserve Act and rulings of the banking business. It is the purpose of Federal Reserve Board, and expressly includes the Federal Reserve Act to deal in selfagricultural paper. In the case of agricultural liquidating paper. The Reserve Act paper, however, the maturity of the paper is the might conceivably be amended to essential point in giving it eligibility. justifiable difference. Thus will the System best perform its service in facilitating commerce. Arbitrary con trol, political interference and deadlevel uniformity will destroy, not main tain, the integrity of the Federal Reserve System. I n te g r ity of the F e d e r a l R e se r v e S ystem permit the Reserve Banks to perform such long time banking operations as are now entrusted to the War Finance Corporation, but such amendment would be a blow to the integrity of the Federal Reserve System as a commer cial banking mechanism. Should the War Finance Corpora tion so extend its operations in granting agricultural credits that its capital is exhausted, the Corporation may issue debentures to secure additional funds. The Corporation is empowered by the Act to have advances to banks out standing at any one time to the amount of a billion dollars. The capital stock of the Corporation, which is owned by the Federal government, is five hun dred million dollars. Should the Cor poration issue its debentures, these promises to pay must be considered investment paper. They may be used to secure rediscounts with the Federal Reserve Banks. Should they be so used, they will be in the same position as government obligations which are used to secure rediscounts. The pro priety of making loans and issuing Federal Reserve notes on the basis of paper “collateraled” by investment securities is a question that may well be raised in considering the integrity of the Reserve System as a commercial banking institution. Government bonds and debentures of the War Finance Corporation are promises to pay. They are not in themselves evidences of a movement of goods from producer to consumer. They are not self-liquidating as is commercial paper. The legal permis sion to secure rediscounts with invest ment paper is a deviation from the original purpose of the Federal Reserve Act. It is true that the Reserve Act makes express provision for rediscounts secured by government obligations.18 But it is also true that had the framers xxiii of the Federal Reserve Act anticipated the World War, the proviso clause in Section 13 of the Reserve Act, which permits rediscounts to be secured by government obligations, would prob ably not have been passed.19 And certainly there was sufficient experience with this proviso clause of Section 13, as to its potency for inflation, to have warned against the amendment of the Reserve Act so as to permit the War Finance Corporation’s debentures to be used to secure rediscounts. Section 24 of the War Finance Corporation Act was not approved until August 24 , 1921. While government obligations are so extensively held by individuals and business concerns, it is perhaps im practicable to amend Section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act so as to prevent the use of government obligations to secure rediscounts and the issuance of Federal Reserve notes on the security of those obligations. Until the war bonds of the government find a final resting place with investors—which may mean until refunding plans are put into operation—it would probably be impracticable to prevent a member bank’s offering the note of a business man for rediscount which is secured by government bonds. Until that time it may be impossible to have Federal Reserve notes issued only in response to commercial needs, evidenced by the offering of commercial paper for redis count. In the perfecting of the Reserve Act, Section 13 might well be changed, on the chance of a recurrence of very large government demands. There will be no valid excuse for permitting the rediscounting of notes secured by the debentures of the War Finance Corporation should that Corporation function extensively enough to issue its debentures. Of course, it might be 19 See paper entitled, “ The Reserve Act in its 18 See Section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act. Implicit Meaning.” xxiv T he A nnals of the difficult to sell such debentures without this feature. The avoidance of investment opera tions by Reserve Banks will be difficult so long as Congress, or any group of congressmen, can force amendment of the Federal Reserve Act to take from the Federal Reserve Board its power to define eligible paper under the Act as it now stands. In the spirit of the Act the resources of the Reserve Banks are not to be used for withholding crops from the market to secure higher prices. Commercial paper involves the moving of goods to the market, not withholding therefrom in order to insert a price peg or even to secure “more orderly marketing.” Measures to ad mit irrigation and development bonds as paper for the Reserve Banks to function on might conceivably be passed by Congress. But no matter how great the need of particular agricultural districts, or how desirable various measures of relief, it seems clear that the definition of eligible paper should be restricted to commercial paper unless there is a general and well considered intent to depart from the commercial character of the Federal Reserve System. There may or may not be need of specialized banking machinery to take care of the long time financial require ments of farmers, due to recurrent crop failures or price slumps, as well as their need for long time funds in bringing cattle to market. But in any event that need would have to be determined on the basis of experience that is more than transitory or that arises from a world-wide emergency, caused by the distortions of war. But the fact that these needs exist is not a sufficient reason to destroy the integrity of the commercial banking system that has been established. They rather point the way to the provision of other facili ties, if necessary. To destroy the line A m er ic a n A cadem y between commercial and long-time banking, that was not easily estab lished, is to permit just such a situation as now obtains in many country banks. They have slow assets with which to meet quick liabilities. It is as impos sible to add investment banking to commercial banking and get security as it is to add apples to oranges and get peaches. And it must not be forgot that the slow obligations of farmer borrowers and agricultural banks can be traced in part to land speculation and inflated land values. R e la tio n o f t h e R e se r v e S y st em to I n t e r n a t io n a l F in a n c e The Federal Reserve Act permitted the extension of banking operations into the foreign field. Under this au thorization American banks branched out in foreign territory extensively and not always profitably. However costly the experience with foreign banking, it is probably safe to say that banks man aged by those who are experienced in foreign trade and foreign banking will in the future find sufficient latitude for profitable operation under the Reserve Act. The Federal Reserve Act was amend ed by the Edge law to permit an exten sion of foreign banking facilities through the establishment of new foreign bank ing corporations in which commercial banks were expressly permitted to own stock. This fact that commercial banks could hold the stock of Edge law corporations is sufficient reason for the Reserve Board’s being given supervi sory control. Moreover, Edge law corporations were designed to finance imports and exports, but especially to aid the movement of goods from American producers to foreign con sumers. They were designed to do a foreign commercial banking business. The Edge law merely extended the provisions of the Reserve Act that had I n t e g r it y of the F e d e r a l R e se r v e S ystem previously permitted foreign banking. Since the banking business of Edge law corporations is largely commercial in character, the Edge law is not an attempt to graft onto the Federal Reserve System investment features that would have destroyed its integrity as a commercial banking system. Whether Edge law corporations were or are desirable from the standpoint of practicality is really beside the point. The Reserve Act was extended by the Edge law to put the Federal Reserve System into more intimate touch with international finance. It is merely a matter of record that “rest in peace,” in proper Latin phraseology, has been written over the mammoth corporation proposed to be operated under the Edge law. Dreamer’s dreams of international banks, which would restore mint pars of exchange and otherwise work out the difficulties of international finance, can be dismissed with scant considera tion. They do, however, contain a warning. The capital of one such bank was to be composed largely of the promises to pay of “solvent foreign governments.” The test of solvency was prompt payment of external obligations and the taking of steps towards disarmament. Foreign bonds, even of such “solvent governments,” are scarcely to be considered banking capital. It is difficult, also, to see how the operations of such a bank would rectify foreign exchange when any adjustment depends so largely on measures taken by European nations themselves—such as deflation of their currencies and balancing of their budg ets—to bring the purchasing power of their moneys more nearly into align ment with the purchasing power of American money. Exchange rates to day are on a purchasing power parity. However fatuous such projects, they are conceived by those holding re xxv sponsible legislative positions and it is not improbable that somehow, if a law were passed to establish such an inter national bank, that bank would get itself tied up with the Federal Reserve System. It is against such projects that the Federal Reserve System must be safeguarded by an alert and vigilant public opinion which allows no devia tion from its commercial character. Though the condition of business in the United States is affected by the play of world-wide economic and political forces and the Federal Reserve System is affected by the condition of business, that System touches the international financial structure im mediately at one point, through its control of gold. How the Federal Reserve Board impounded gold is told in Mr. Case’s article. The Reserve Board’s control of the gold of the United States is now complete. Cer tain it is, also, that the flow of gold into the United States shortly after the outbreak of the War, but particu larly since September, 1920, has result ed in such redistribution of the world’s stock of monetary gold as to give the United States—the Federal Reserve Board—control of some 40 per cent of that stock. In this connection the article of Dr. Sprague may be read with profit. There is within the Reserve System, as operated, an inherent power for expan sion. The manner in which gold is handled is of the greatest importance and Dr. Sprague has indicated the dan gers to be guarded against in the future as well as those which have not been met effectively in the past. P u r po se of the V o lum e The purpose of this volume is natu rally to be ascertained from the read ing of the various articles contributed. Books have been written on the Reserve System. Some of them have given its xxvi T h e A nnals of the purposes and some have been devoted to its operations and operating mecha nism. The editors .assumed, however, that heretofore no opportunity has been offered to bring together in one volume the authoritative statements from those who were directly interested in framing and formulating the Act and were, therefore, familiar with its pur poses; from those who were and are actively connected with the operation of the Reserve Banks and therefore competent to interpret their conduct, and from those who directly and indirectly make use of the Banks or are keenly interested to study the progress of the System. Thus we have in this volume of The Annals the Reserve System as contem plated by its framers, as operated by those in charge, and as observed by those in a position to interpret the operations in relation to the purpose. In any event these three forces were sought and have responded. The relationship between purpose and oper ation is set forth and the limitations as well as the scope of the System have been shown. A m er ic a n A cadem y It is pertinent to add that sight was never lost of the fact that the Federal Reserve System is not generally under stood. It is unfortunate that it is distinctly misunderstood. If this vol ume is of any assistance in clearing up the misunderstandings and giving a better conception of the work and the mission of the Reserve Banks, the editors will feel fully rewarded. They owe everything to the contributors who have responded so capably and gen erously to their requests, often, it may be said, despite of engagements and the pressing demands of their own businesses. No editors were ever more fortunate in securing cooperation from contributors. It is only an editorial hope that the volume may meet approval. It was fairly intended to produce a useful and practical work. Whether it does or does not perform a useful service, we feel justified in appending the message for the book suggested by the governor of a Reserve Bank: “It will not be easy reading; it may not be agreeable read ing, but I think it mighty important that every business man should read it.” Outline of Banking History From the First Bank of the United States Through the Panic of 1907 By B. H. B eckhart T Columbia University] HE United States was particularly The entire capital was subscribed fortunate in having as its first within two hours on the day6 the sub Secretary of the Treasury a veritablescription books were thrown open, and genius, whose program of fiscal reformthe Bank was ready to begin business quickly placed the new republic on a on December 12, 1791, with Thomas sound financial basis. As an essential Willing as president.6 From the very part of his program, Hamilton urged outset, the Bank proved to be a great the establishment of a National Bank success, in providing the country with in a report to Congress, dated Decem a sound and elastic currency, in supply ber 13,1790. Since the economic signif ing the needed banking facilities, and icance of banks was then but crudely in preventing any excess issue of state understood, Hamilton, in this now fa bank notes by having such state notes mous document, first indicated the as were in its possession redeemed. In numerous advantages resulting from the performance of its fiscal functions, banking in general and from a National it transferred government funds and Bank in particular, taking occasion to provided a safe depositary for them; it dispel some of the current erroneous also helped to collect the revenues and ideas on the subject.1 After showing provided the bullion needed by the that no one of the three banking insti mint in coinage. Further, by 1795 it tutions2 then in existence could be suit had loaned the government $6,200,000. ably employed as a National Bank, In order to procure funds to repay the he laid down in great detail the plan loan, the government by 1802 had sold for the new institution.8 The act all of its stock at a profit of $671,860, chartering the bank modelled upon this and while a shareholder had received plan was signed by the President on $1,101,720 in dividends of 8f per cent. On April 20 , 1808, the stockhold February 25, 1791.4 ers memorialized Congress for a re 1Hamilton's report may be found printed in full in the American State Papers—Finance I., newal of the charter which expired in 1811. A month later, Albert Gallatin, pp. 67- 76. 2The Bank of North America founded in then Secretary of the Treasury, in a 1781, the Bank of Massachusetts in 1784, and report to Congress enumerated the the Bank of New York in 1784. 3Hamilton's plan closely followed the charter fiscal services of the Bank and advised of the Bank of England as it existed at that time. that the charter be renewed with a few 4The act provided for a capital of $10,000,000, changes. Nevertheless, the bill to con of which one-fifth was to be subscribed by the tinue the charter was defeated, the government. The administration was placed in the hands of twenty-five directors elected an oftener than once a week by the Treasury nually by the shareholders. Branches were to Department. be established where the directors saw fit. The 6July 4th, 1791, at Philadelphia. circulation was not to exceed the capital. State •Formerly, president of the Bank of North ments of condition might be called for but not America. 2 T he A nnals of t h e opponents charging that the Bank was a “ money trust ” controlled by foreign ers,7 a tool in the hands of the Federal ists, and that the act chartering the bank was unconstitutional—so the First United States Bank went out of existence on March 3, 1811.8 F in a n c ia l C h a o s, 1811-1816 It was a most unfortunate time for the country, on the verge of a war with England, to be deprived of the services of the Bank. State banks sprang up on every hand to take its place. Their number increased from 88 in 1811 to 246 in 1816 and their circulation grew from 22.7 million dollars in 1811 to 100 millions six years later.9 Such a rapid inflation of the currency resulted nat urally in the depreciation of bank notes in terms of gold, amounting at the maximum to 23 per cent in Baltimore, and 16 per cent in Philadelphia and New York.10 The revenues of the government, consisting largely of tariff duties, were for the most part collected in this depreciated currency, while it was necessary for the nation to make large disbursements of funds in New Eng land where specie payments had been maintained. By reason of this con dition, it has been estimated that the government lost $5,000,000 from 1814 7 Though three-fourths of the stock was held abroad, the foreign shareholders exerted little control, as they were not allowed to vote through proxies. 8 By 1834 the process of liquidating the assets had been completed, the shareholders receiving in all $434 for each *$400 share. The assets of the parent bank in Philadelphia were purchased by Stephen A. Girard, which was reopened on May 12, 1812, as “ Girard’s Bank.” •This increase was due to two factors: (1) the suspension of specie payments everywhere during August of 1814 excepting in New Eng land; and (2) to the withdrawal of the restraining influence of the Bank. 10 The specie was either driven abroad or into the New England States. A m er ic a n A cadem y to 1817. Further, without the assist ance of the Bank, the government had difficulty in selling its bonds (even when offered below par), and was forced to borrow sums from the state banks and to issue some 37 million dollars of “Treasury notes” which “ultimately degenerated into a kind of currency.”11 Writing in 1831, Gallatin stated that had the Bank been rechar tered, the suspension might have been prevented and the state banks would have been restrained within proper bounds. T h e S eco nd B a n k o f S t a t es the U n it e d As early as October 14, 1814, Secre tary Dallas,12 in a report submitted to Congress, called attention to the need for a National Bank, emphasizing the fact that such a bank could restore the depreciated currency to a gold parity and that in its fiscal relations with the Treasury would be of incalculable assistance. After seven unsuccessful attempts within two years, the charter of the Second Bank, closely resembling that of the First, was passed by Con gress and became law on April 10, 1816.18 Through an agreement with 11Willis, H.P., American Banking. 1918, p. 209. 12Alexander J. Dallas from Pennsylvania, appointed Secretary of the Treasury, October 6, 1812. 13The act provided for a capital of $35,000,000, of which the government subscribed one-fifth. There were to be twenty-five directors, twenty of whom were to be elected annually by the share holders and five appointed by the government. Branches were to be established wherever the Bank thought necessary, managed by from seven to thirteen directors appointed by the parent bank. The circulation was not to exceed the capital. Deposits of public funds were to be made in the Bank unless the Secretary of the Treasury should otherwise direct. The Bank was required to pay the government a bonus of $1,500,000 and to transfer public funds without charge. Weekly statements of condition might be called for and Congress was given the right to inspect the books of the Bank. O u t l in e of B a n k in g H isto ry the state banks in the larger towns, the resumption of specie payments was brought about (nominally at least) by February 20, 1817, thus realizing the first purpose of the Bank. Due partly to governmental pressure and partly to a lack of banking training, the direc tors, at first, extended loans and rapidly increased the circulation, a policy which resulted in a heavy loss to the Bank and in the retirement of William Jones as president in January of 1819. Langdon Cheves, chosen as his succes sor, immediately inaugurated a policy of retrenchment and deflation. Under his management and later under that of Nicholas Biddle, the Bank became “the most powerful and best managed financial institution the country had ever seen.”14 Its notes, circulating from Montreal to Mexico City, were safe and elastic, In transferring and dis 3 bursing government funds, in furnish ing domestic exchange, in paying the pensioners of the government, and in acting until 1833 as the sole depositary of public moneys, the Bank was of great service to the whole people. In his first message to Congress, on December 8, 1829, President Jackson expressed doubts as to the constitu tionality of the Bank and the sound ness of its notes. The President’s hostility subsequently cooled, but when the Whig party at Baltimore in 1831 took the side of the Bank, there ensued a long and bitter struggle which ended in the defeat of the attempt to recharter it. The reasons as given by Professor Catterall for this opposition were the “widespread belief that the Bank was unconstitutional, the hostil ity of the states, the opposition of the state banks, the rise of democracy, C hart I T he A nnals 4 of t h e and the envy and hatred which the poor always feel for the rich.”15 Upon the failure to recharter the Second Bank, the era of central banks, modelled after those existing in Europe, passed. Banking in America entered upon entirely different lines of devel opment. In the years that followed, the government was to miss keenly the fiscal services of the Bank, and the people, no longer protected ljy its restraining influence on the note issues of the state banks, suffered severely from the resulting financial chaos. T h e I n d e p e n d e n t T r e a su r y From 1791 to 1811, the First Bank was utilized to a large extent as a depositary of government funds. After its charter had expired the government was forced to use the services of state banks, from whom no security was required for the moneys deposited, but by whom in accordance with an agree ment entered into, weekly and monthly statements of condition were to be submitted to the Secretary of the Treasury. The use of state banks as depositaries proved so unsuccessful that it wa£ provided, in the charter of the Second Bank, that it was to be the sole depositary except in such places where the Bank had no branches, or when the Secretary of the Treasury deemed it unwise to employ it as such. This latter provision of the act was taken advantage of in September of 1833 by Secretary Taney, who “or dered the collectors of revenue to cease depositing in the Bank of the United States and to employ designated state banks for that purpose.”16 A contract was entered into between these banks (the so-called “pet banks”) A m e r ic a n A cadem y and the government, whereby they were required to give security for the funds deposited “ whenever the deposits should exceed one-half the bank capital paid in,” 17 or whenever the government deemed it necessary. The banks agreed to perform for the govern ment all of the fiscal services formerly rendered by the Bank of the United States, to render weekly reports, and to submit to examinations when the Secretary thought necessary. On June 28, 1836, an act was passed “to regu late the deposites of the public money” following closely the provisions of Taney’s contracts.18 In his annual message, September, 1837, Van Buren showed that the custody of the public funds by state banks had proved very unsatisfactory and urged that the government take care of its funds itself and require that all dues be paid in specie. While this suggestion was being considered, the public funds were left in the hands of the collecting offi cers and a few banks. The bill creating the Independent Treasury, finally passed on July 4, 1840, was repealed on August 13, 1841, and was repassed on August 6, 17 Kinley, David, Independent Treasury. 1910, 26, 27. 18This act provided that the banks selected as depositaries must furnish the Secretary with a statement of their condition, a list of their direc tors, the current price of their stock and a copy of their charter. Further, the Secretary might examine the general accounts. Such banks must redeem their notes upon demand, and no bank issuing notes of a denomination of less than $5 was to be chosen. Collateral against the funds so deposited could be called for whenever the Secretary deemed this necessary, and must be called for if the deposits exceeded one-half the Bank’s capital. In return for such deposits, the banks must render the government all the services and duties heretofore required of the Second Bank. It was further provided that if 15Catterall, Ralph C. H., The Second Bank of the government’s deposits exceeded a fourth part of the Bank’s capital for at least three the United States, p. 164. 16Kinley, David, Independent Treasury. 1910, months, interest at the rate of 2 per cent per annum must be paid on this excess. pp. 26, 27 . pp. O u t l in e of 5 B a n k in g H isto ry C h a r t II Statistics of State Banks, 1836-1863 M illio n s «# goiter* niitioA* pollan 1840 1360 1050 1846.19 The act provided that all safely without loaning, using or de receivers of public moneys must keep positing them in banks. Further, on such funds as were received by them and after June 1, 1847, all payments 19 The repeal of the act in 1840 necessitated a of taxes, duties, etc., to the United return to the use of state banks as depositaries, States must be made in gold or silver or Treasury notes. New York, Phila until the act was repassed. 6 T he A nnals of the delphia, Washington, Charleston, New Orleans and St. Louis were made the principal centers of deposit. S t a t e B a n k s , 1836-1863 In the course of these years, “almost every type of banking system was attempted, and the result was the accumulation of a great fund of experi ence”20 mostly as to the best way in which not to conduct banking. In New England and in New York the efforts to regulate banking through state and private means were much more successful than in the rest of the country. Thus, by an act passed in 1829, New York State endeavored to „protect both the depositor and note holder by means of a safety fund which was built up by contributions from the banks and which was to be used to meet the obligations (excluding capital) of the failed banks. This scheme was not very successful until, beginning with 1842, the use of the fund was limited strictly to the redemption of the notes of failed banks. The notes of the banks organized under the Free Banking Law of 1838 in New York State were protected, not by the safety fund, but by deposits of certain speci fied bonds or mortgages with the state comptroller. The success of the First and Second United States Banks led many states to charter banks modelled upon these. Among the more successful were the State Banks of Indiana, Louisiana and Ohio, but the Bank of the Common wealth of Kentucky, the Banks of Alabama, of Mississippi, of Arkansas, of Illinois and the Union Bank of Florida ended in dismal failures, leav ing the citizens with millions of dollars of unredeemed notes and worthless deposit accounts. In the western and southern states, “due to the lack of public regulation, 20 Willis, H. P., AmericanBanking, 1918, p. 212. A m er ic a n A cadem y to the want of any uniform system— and to the significant fact that public opinion was both torpid and unintelli gent,”21 the losses to the people from poorly and dishonestly managed banks were enormous. Some of these banks were established by special charters, some, under the Free Banking Laws; few seemed to have been prudently or wisely managed. Some, called “wild cat” or “red-dog” banks, were located in remote sections, in order to keep their notes in circulation longer and render redemption more difficult. The lack of any uniformity in the bank notes, the failure adequately to protect them, and the absence of governmental control were among the motivating factors leading to the passage of the National Bank Act. • T h e N a tio n a l B a n k in g S y st em The national banking system, re sembling somewhat the free banking system of New York State, was recom mended by Secretary Chase as early as December, 1861. After two de feats, due largely to the opposition of the state banks, the bill establishing the system became a law February 25, 1863; but in accordance with the rec ommendations of Mr. Hugh McCul loch, the first Comptroller of the Cur rency, it was completely revised and passed again on June 3, 1864.22 The predominating motive in Secre21 White, Horace, Money and Banking. 1914, 22The chief differences in these two bills were as follows: 1. The Act of 1863 required a smaller mini mum of capital for a new bank than did the Act of 1864, and required that a smaller proportion be paid in before beginning business, and allowed a longer time for the payment of the remainder. 2. The Act of 1863 permitted loans on real as well as personal security. 3. The prohibition of issuing notes of a denom ination less than $5 took place at once in the former act. 4. By the former act all national banks were p . 331. O u t l in e of tary Chase’s mind for the passage of the act was the establishment of a uniform currency. On, January 1, 1862, there were in the United States, 1,496 banks issuing some 7,000 different kinds of circulating notes, “based on a great variety of securities, of different qualities and quantities,”23 and some based on no security at all. The fram ers of the Act not only wished to rid the country of such conditions as these, but it was felt by many also that the issues of state bank notes were fre quently redundant, were subjected to violent expansions and contractions, and were unequally distributed among the various states.24 The increased demand for bonds, which such a system would create, was to Secretary Chase a motive of secondary importance.25 Additional advantages of the system, of course, were that such banks could act as depositaries of government funds, float loans, stimulate patriotism, and, be cause of being a national system, pre vent future rebellions. By the Act of 1864 the capital of the national banks was proportioned to the population as follows: Capital Cities with a population of 6,000 or less....................................... $50,000 Cities with a population of from 6,000 to 50,000........................ 100,000 Cities with a population of 50,000 and above............................... 200,000 of which 50 per cent was to be paid in cashbefore commencingbusiness andthe remainder within five months at a rate not less than 10 per cent per month.26 Each national bank was required to buy government registered bonds to an amount not less than $30,000 or less than one-third of the capital stock paid in. When such bonds had been deposited with the Treasurer of the United States, the national bank would be entitled to receive notes up to 90 per cent of the par or market value of the bonds whichever was the lower, but no bank was permitted to issue an amount of notes greater than its paidin capital. Thus the circulation could at no time exceed the paid-in capital of all the banks, and in addition an absolute maximum of $300,000,000 was placed on the note issues. The notes were to be receivable at par in pay ment of all dues to the United States except for duties on imports, and to be paid out at par for all the debts of the United States except interest on the public debt, and in redemption of the national currency.27 It was further provided that na tional banks in the reserve cities must make arrangements to redeem their currency in New York City, and, simi26The Act made an error in not proportioning capital to the bank’s liabilities instead of to the population of the town in which the bank hap pened to be located. The requirement that the capital be paid in cash was an effort to stop the vicious practice begun at the time the First Bank was chartered of allowing the shareholders to contribute their part of the capital in their own discounted notes. Inasmuch as the Loan Acts of March and March provided that both principal and interest be paid in coin, and the Loan Acts of February June and March provided for the payment of the interest in coin, in order to help sustain the public credit, it was necessary, therefore, as specie payments were suspended from to that the government collect its import duties in gold in order to obtain a supply which could be used as required by the above acts. required to maintain a reserve of 25 per cent against notes and deposits. 5 . The Act of 1864 makes more complete provision for the conversion of state banks into 27 national associations. 1863 23Dewey, D. R., Financial History ofthe United States. 1918, p. 321. 24 Chart II, brings out the first two points in a striking fashion. 25As a matter of fact, at the time of Lee’s sur render, the bonds bought by the national banks to secure their circulation were less than 4 per 1879, cent of the total bonds floated by the govern ment during the war. 7 B a n k in g H isto ry 3, 1864, 25, 1862, 3, 1865, 3, 30, 1864 1862 8 T he A nnals of t h e larly, national banks in country towns must redeem their notes at some bank located in a reserve city.28 By an act passed on March 3, 1865, $150,000,000 of the national bank notes were to be apportioned among the national banks in the several states according to the respective populations, while the remainder was to be propor tioned by the Secretary of the Treas ury “having due regard to the existing banking capital, resources, and busi ness of such States, Districts, and Territories.” State bank notes were forced out of circulation by a provision in the Revenue Act of March 3,1865, levying a 10 per cent annual tax on the notes paid out after July 1, 1866.29 That the entrance of state banks into the system was slow at first, was due, according to Mr. McCulloch, to the fear on their part that the national banking system might be a repetition of the free banking system in its worst aspects. Up to November 25, 1864, only 168 state banks had entered the system, but with the retirement of the state bank notes in sight, only 244 re mained out by the end of 1868, and 1,643 were members of the national banking system. An amendment to the National Bank Act passed on 28 New York was the only central reserve city, whereas the reserve cities were St. Louis, Louisville, Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, New Orleans, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Pittsburg, Balti more, Philadelphia, Boston, Albany, Leaven worth, San Francisco, Washington City, and later, Charleston and Richmond. Banks in New York City were to keep on hand a 25 per cent lawful money reserve against both notes and deposits, while banks in the reserve cities were to keep a 25 per cent reserve but onehalf of this might be deposited with a New York City bank. Banks in other towns must keep a reserve equal to 15 per cent, three-fifths of which could be kept on deposit with a bank in a New York or in any reserve city. 29 State bank notes made their last appearance in the Treasury reports on July 1, 1876, when the circulation was $1,047,335. A m er ic a n A cadem y June 20,1874, did away with the lawful money reserve which was formerly required to be held against the circu lation, provided for the 5 per cent redemption fund, provided that here after banks would have to redeem their notes only at their own counters or at the Treasury Department, and also provided that a bank which wished to retire its circulation might with draw the bonds deposited with the Treasurer of the United States, pro vided that lawful money to an equal amount be deposited to redeem the circulation still outstanding; but in no case should the amount of bonds on deposit for circulation be reduced below $50,OOO.30 By the Resumption Act of January 14, 1875, the provi sions in the former acts regarding the aggregate amount of national bank notes in circulation and their distribu tion were repealed. From 1882, when the national bank notes in circulation touched the highest figure up to that time, 361 million dol lars, the amount outstanding declined rapidly until in 1891 there were only 172 million dollars in circulation, and of this amount more than 50 millions were secured by lawful money. Nat urally one would expect a bank’s cir culation to increase as the population grew and the nation’s resources were developed, but it must be remembered that these bank notes based on govern ment bonds were alone of their kind in the world, and as the yield on government bonds31 was decreasing 80 By the Act of July 12, 1882, banks with a capital of $150,000 or less were permitted to withdraw bonds, which they had deposited against their circulation, down to one-fourth of their capital, provided that they deposit enough lawful money to retire the notes not covered by bonds, but not more than $3,000,000 of National Bank notes were to be so retired in any one month. All bond requirements were repealed by the act of June 21, 1917. 81By reason of the steadily rising prices of the bonds. O u t l in e of B a n k in g H isto ry 9 throughout this period, it was no longer as profitable for the banks to take out notes, as the so-called double-profit had declined. From 1891 to 1899, the amount of national bank notes in creased, due to the increased yield on government bonds, and to special demands .for money during the panic of 1893. T h e G o ld S ta n d a r d A c t o f 1900 This act derives its name from the fact that it provided that the dollar, consisting of twenty-five and eighttenths grains of gold, nine-tenths fine, should be the standard unit of value, and all other forms of money should be maintained at a parity of value with the standard.32 The Act also allowed national banks with as small a capitalization as $25,000 to be formed in towns of 3,000 inhab itants or less.83 This led to a rapid increase in the number of national banks from 3,583 in 1899 to 4,165 in 1901. Though the notes to be issued by a national bank were at no time to exceed its paid-in capital, it was pro vided that they could be issued here after up to the full market or par value of the bonds deposited, whichever was the lower, instead of only up to 90 per cent of such value. The refunding of the 5 per cent bonds maturing in 1904, the 4 per cent maturing in 1907, and the 3 per cent maturing in 1908, repre senting a total amount of 839 million dollars, into 2 per cent bonds maturing in 1930, was provided. One purpose of this measure was to provide a basis for the bond-secured national bank notes by postponing the maturity of a large part of the public debt.84 The tax on the notes issued remained at 1 per cent per annum if the bonds bore more than 2 per cent interest, but if they bore 2 per cent interest or less, this tax was reduced to one-half of 1 per cent. Under the stimulus of the Act, especially by reason of allowing na tional banks to issue notes up to the par value of the bonds, and by reason of the increased yield of government bonds, the amount of notes in circula tion increased rapidly from 332 mil lion dollars in 1900 to 609 millions in 1907. The Gold Standard Act of 1900 was not a constructive piece of legislation, as it did little else than modify slightly the technical details in the organiza tion and operation of the national banks, and made no attempt to remedy any of the basic defects of our banking system. T h e P a n ic o f 1907 Beginning with 1896, prices in the various gold standard nations, which had been falling for nearly a genera tion, began to turn upward. This change was due to an increase in the production of gold and use of money substitutes, and to the wasteful ex ploitation of the world’s natural re sources. The rise in the price level led to such a stimulation of industry that until 1907, aside from a local crisis in Germany in 1900 and the 82 This act simply affirmed the gold standard “rich man’s panic” of 1903 in America, which had really been established in the act of the period was one of general prosper1873 which demonetized the silver dollar. w As established by the Act, the capital re quirements were: Capital In towns of less than 3,000................. $25,000 In towns of 3,000 to 6,000................... 50,000 In towns of 6,000 to 50,000................. 100,000 In towns with more than 50,000 people 200,000 84Horace White has estimated that the loss to the government on additional interest paid by extending the maturity of these bonds amounted to $244 millions — a tremendous price to pay for an increase in circulation up to 1907 of only 277 millions of dollars. Money and Banking, Horace White. 1914, p. 406. 10 T he A nnals of the ity. This expansion in business and the resulting increase in speculation intensified the demand for capital. As the demand could not be met from the current savings of the people, com mercial banks began to make larger and larger extensions of credit, a policy which resulted in progressively lower reserves and forced the banks to raise discount rates and curtail extensions of credit. This retrenchment was accom panied by a diminishing purchasing power on the part of the great mass of consumers, for wages lagged behind prices in the upward movement, forc ing the sale of products at sacrifice prices. This condition checked the rise in the price level and brought on a period of depression throughout the world. In America, as in the nations of Europe, prices, wages and interest rates rose one after the other. While this differential between prices and the cost of production lasted, the specula tor optimistically capitalized the future earnings of industry, and the prices of stocks soared, reaching a peak in 1906. T a b le A— G r o w th A m er ic a n A cadem y Toward the end of that year it was apparent that the demand for capital was such that borrowers had difficulty in being accommodated even though bank credits were strained to the limit. In January and February of 1907 large blocks of securities had to be sold to repay the loans previously procured from the London market through the drawing of finance bills. Prices of stocks fell steadily and crashed in March. After a slight recovery the market began to fall again in August and was still falling when the panic occurred. In addition to the general causes of the world crisis of 1907, there were ele ments of weakness in the American banking system, reflected chiefly in the New York money market, which caused the crisis here to degenerate into a panic. One of the most signifi cant facts in the development of Amer ican banking from 1896 to 1907 was the rapid growth of state banks and trust companies. State banks increased particularly throughout the West and South as the requirements of the state o f S t a t e B a n k s a n d T r u s t C om p a n ies, S ta t e B a n e s 1896, 1902, 1907 Year Number Capital (Millions) Individual Deposits (Millions) Cash Holdings (Millions) Proportion of Cash to Deposits 1896 .............. 1902 .............. 1907 .............. 3,978 5,433 10,352 310.8 388:3 664.2 695.7 1,698.2 3,068.6 178.6 254.0 101.0 14 .5 % 10.5 8.3 T r u st C o m p a n ie s Year Number Capital (Millions) 1896 .............. 1902 .............. 1907 .............. 257 636 1,485 173.5 329.6 645.4 Individual Deposits (Millions) Cash Holdings (Millions) Proportion of Cash to Deposits (National Bank Notes Included) 586.5 1,525.9 2,061.6 26.8 31.9 101.7 4 . 6% 2.1 4.9 O u t l in e of B a n k in g H isto ry banking laws were less strict there than those of the National Bank Act. The greatest growth in trust companies occurred in the East, as there they were not subject to the same strict requirements as were state and na tional banks. The growth of these two types of banking institutions is shown in Table A on the preceding page. As the proportion of cash to the individual deposits of state banks and trust companies, amounting to 8.3 per cent and 4.9 per cent respectively, in 1907, was woefully inadequate to meet a heavy drain, they carried balances with national banks which they planned to withdraw in time of an emergency. On August 22, 1907, they had 196.3 million dollars on deposit with the national banks in New York City. Though these deposits would surely be withdrawn during a crisis, the national banks in the performance of their functions as reserve agents, “did not build up reserves any larger than they would have carried had they been received from that class of conservative individuals who habitually maintain large balances with their banks.” 35 Furthermore the national banks in New York City held a considerable porportion of the deposited reserves of the national banks located in the interior, amounting on August 22 to 213.8 million dollars.36 Against the certainty of having the bankers’ bal ances withdrawn during a crisis, the New York banks maintained the ridiculously low cash reserve of 224 million dollars in 1906 (though this was slightly above the legal minimum) against total deposits (including those made by the government) of 1,162 millions, of which at least a half con sisted of bankers’ balances. That they would be unable to meet heavy with88Sprague, O. M. W., History of Crises Under the National Banking System. 1910, p. 226 . 18See footnote 37. 11 drawals during a crisis, a time when banks ought to increase their loans to save the solvent but temporarily embarrassed borrower, is obvious. Moreover, the Secretary of Treasury, Leslie M. Shaw, encouraged other unsound banking practices by a series of innovations which he introduced from 1902 to 1907. Among the more radical of his changes, was the exemp tion of national banks from the main tenance of a cash reserve against gov ernment deposits, the acceptance of other than United States bonds as securities for government deposits, the depositing of government funds where money seemed tight, and the artificial stimulation of gold imports. The cause directly leading to the panic was the announcement, on October 21, 1907, by the NationalBank of Commerce of New York that it would no longer clear for the Knicker bocker Trust Company, whose man agement was under suspicion. This action precipitated a run on the Trust Company, which was forced to sus pend the following day after paying out eight million dollars. Immedi ately, the alarm spread throughout the land, a wild scramble for money ensued, banks and individuals hastened to withdraw their funds from the New York City banks, and the panic was on. The New York City banks being ill prepared to meet these heavy with drawals were forced to suspend cash payments on October 26 . The rest of the country immediately followed their example. T h e D e f e c t s i n t h e A m e r ic a n B a n k in g S y st e m a s R e v e a l e d in t h e P a n i c o f 1907 One of the most serious of these defects was the rigidity and immobility of the reserves. The proportion of reserves to be held by national banks against their deposits were definitely 12 T he Annals of the A m er ic a n A cadem y fixed by statute.37 In compliance with the provisions of the Act, on August 2 2 , 1907, national banks held cash and deposited reserves as shown in Table B. The provision allowing a certain pro portion of the reserves to consist of balances with other banks was intended to provide the interior banks with ex change to sell on New York and other important commercial centers. How ever. praiseworthy this intention might T able B — C ash and brokers, as call loans, which they felt were the most liquid form, in the ab sence of a general discount market. The capacity of the interior banks to meet their depositors’ demands during a panic depended in part upon their ability to withdraw the funds which they had deposited with their New York reserve agent. But the New York banks were unable to meet heavy drains of cash, due to the insufficiency of their reserves, and the unliquid D eposited R eserves op N ational B anks , A ugust 22 , 1907 Number of Banks Deposits (millions) Central Reserve Cities Reserve Cities............. Others......................... 60 306 6,178 $ , , , T o tal....................... 6,544 $ , 1 205.5 1 423.4 2 627.2 5 256.1 Percentage of cash reserves against deposits = Cash Reserves (millions) Deposited Reserves (millions) 315.5 196.6 216.8 $ 728.9 $ $ $ 165.7 226.7 392.4 13 .87 % . be, the provision led to a pyramiding character of call loans, secured by of reserves, so that our credit structure stocks and bonds, during a panic when represented an inverted pyramid with the prices of securities were tumbling. a relatively small cash apex in New Far from being able to repay his loans, York City. In fact, of the reserves the broker needed additional help from deposited with national banks in bankers at such a time.38 central reserve cities, more than two- Realizing that it might be impossible, thirds were held by the banks in New during a panic, to withdraw their York City. In August of 1907 they deposited funds, national banks placed held cash reserves against these bank great dependence upon their cash ers’ balances amounting to 2 6 .5 per reserves to meet the emergency. But cent, and, as was customary, had these, scattered as they were in 1907 loaned a large part of the remainder to among 6,429 banks, were ineffective in allaying the panic. When the finan 87 The provisions were, that national banks in cial storm broke each little bank New York City, St. Louis and Chicago (known endeavored to strengthen and to guard as the central reserve cities) must keep a lawful its own reserve against withdrawals, money reserve of 25 per cent against their deposits; that national banks in some fortyas there was no established agency seven other large towns (reserve cities) must maintain a 25 per cent reserve but one-half of 88 Prof. Sprague finds that out of a total loan this might be deposited with a national bank in a central reserve city; all other national banks were to maintain a per cent reserve but threefifths of this might be deposited with national banks in reserve or central reserve cities. 15 increase by the national banks in New York City between August 22 and December 3, of sixty-three million dollars, call loans account for fifty-four million dollars.— History of Crises Under the National Banking System, p. . 1907 801 O u t l in e of B a n k in g H isto ry which would grant it aid through the extension of loans or the discounting of its paper. Once the reserve had fallen to the legal minimum, the bank was not expected to extend any further accommodation to its customers. The cash reserves of national banks, though large in the aggregate, were so scat tered, hoarded and immobile as to be ineffective during a time of financial difficulty. Another defect in our banking sys tem revealed in 1907, as in every other panic, was the inelasticity of the na tional bank notes. An elastic currency should expand to meet seasonal and cyclical demands for money, and when these demands have been satisfied, should contract. Cyclical demands occur at the time of a crisis, for then business confidence is at a low ebb and C hart money, rather than credit instruments, is demanded as a medium of exchange. The suspension of specie payments, following the failure of the Knicker bocker Trust Company resulted in a premium on currency ranging as high as 4 per cent. The Honorable A. Piatt Andrew has estimated that to meet the demands for money, 334 million dollars of currency substitutes were issued, including clearing house loan certificates and checks, cashiers’ checks and manufacturers’ pay checks.39 Our bank notes did not begin to increase until the first part of November and by the first of the year had increased by only fifty-four million dollars. The reason is found in the time it took to buy the necessary bonds and to comply with the governmental red tape. III 39 Andrew, A. Piatt, "Substitutes for Cash in the Panic of Economics, August, . 1908 13 1907.” The Quarterly Journal of 14 T he A nnals of the Seasonal demands for money arise from periodically recurring needs, such as the demands of the farmers for money each fall to harvest and market their crops. As the national bank notes failed to expand, the interior banks secured much of the money needed by withdrawing their deposits from the New York banks. To the extent that the New York banks met this demand with lawful money, their reserves were lowered, necessitating a contraction of loans and forcing up interest rates. Chart III showing the seasonal variations (with secular and cyclical tendencies removed) in the national bank notes and the notes issued by the Reichsbank, illustrates in a striking fashion the inelasticity of the former. Such powers of expansion and con traction as the national bank notes possessed, depended upon the yield of government bonds, for should this increase, the double profit would rise and it would become profitable for banks to force the notes into circula tion.40 The seasonal movements of cur rency into and out of the New York City banks, producing a dearth of money at one time and a plethora at another, caused interest rates to vary from artificially low levels to abnor mally high. Thus the average weekly low call money rate from 1890 to 1908 was 2.31 per cent, occurring in the second week of June, while the average high, was 7.38 per cent,41 occurring in the fourth week of December. Had the seasonal demands been met, as was true on the Continent, by an actual increase in the amount of currency, instead of by shifting funds from one A m er ic a n A cadem y section to another, and had this cur rency contracted, once the need was satisfied, interest rates could have been fairly stabilized. Furthermore, due to the immobility of reserves, and the concentration of banking capital in the East, there were considerable sectional disparities in interest rates which could not be eliminated without central reserve banks. From time to time, the government endeavored to extend relief to the banks in order to counteract the evils in our banking system. The innova tions of Secretary Shaw have been noted. Mr. George B. Cortelyou, his successor, continued this policy. After the panic had begun, he transferred to the national banks in New York City (from October 21 to October 31) nearly thirty-eight million dollars to help them meet their withdrawals. Later he offered for sale 150 million dollars of bonds to stimulate the issue of national bank notes. The government had to choose between interfering in the money market in this way or keep ing its funds locked up in the sub treasuries. This latter policy would have had the effect of making the cur rency redundant at the time the gov ernment made disbursements and scarce when its taxes were collected.42 42 40See pages 8 and 9 for a further illustra tion of this point. 41Kemmerer, E. W., Seasonal Variations in the Relative Demand for Money and Capital in the 4 1907 United States.— 1910, p. 15. 25 1863 The Act passed in February , estab lishing the national banking system amended the Independent Treasury Act so as to allow national banks designated by the Secretary of the Treasury to be depositaries of public funds, except receipts from customs. These banks were required to give security by the “ deposit of United States bonds and otherwise.” By an act passed on March the Secretary of the Treasury was expected to “ distribute the depos its herein— so far as practicable equitably be tween different States and sections.” Secretary Shaw, in , began to accept other than United States bonds from the banks against government deposits, interpreting the words “ and otherwise” to mean “ or otherwise.” By the Act of March , it was provided that receipts from cus toms might be placed in designated depositaries. 3,1901 1903 O u t l in e of B a n k in g H isto ry 15 tain a reserve against deposits be repealed.44 On November 18, 1896, a resolution was adopted by the Board of Gover nors of the Indianapolis Board of Trade inviting representatives from E ffo r ts at R eform the boards of trade of sixteen middle It was imperative that the defects western cities to assemble at Indian in our currency and banking systems apolis in December of 1896 “for the should be remedied, if the nation were purpose of considering the advisability to escape the disaster, humiliation and of calling a larger conference,—to ruin of recurring panics. The members consider the propriety of creating a of the American Bankers Association non-partisan commission, to which were among the first to realize the shall be assigned the duty of formulat necessity for reformation, and endorsed, ing a plan for the reform of our cur at a meeting held in Baltimore in rency system.”45 1894, a plan of reform known there Representatives from the boards of after as the “Baltimore Plan.” This trade and similar commercial bodies plan proposed that government bonds of eleven of the cities invited attended be eliminated as security for national this preliminary conference and issued bank notes, and provided for their a call for a non-partisan monetary issue on much the same conditions convention of business men to con that govern the issue of the Canadian vene at Indianapolis on January 12, 1897. Delegates from twenty-six bank notes.43 About the same time in a report to states and the District of Columbia Congress, Mr. John G. Carlisle, Secre attended the convention, at which it tary of the Treasury from 1893 to was unanimously agreed that an 1897, proposed a plan of reform re executive committee of fifteen be sembling in its main outlines the appointed which would endeavor to Baltimore Plan, but with the addition procure at the next session of Congress that the provisions in the National legislation for the appointment of a Bank Act requiring banks to main Monetary Commission by the Presi dent, to consider the entire question 43 The “ Baltimore plan” proposed that gov of currency and banking reform. In case this effort failed it was provided ernment bonds be eliminated as security for bank notes and provided that each National that the executive committee should Bank be allowed to issue notes up to 50 per cent Of course such policies as introduced by Secretary Shaw were but palliatives for the situation and could not by themselves remedy the defects of our banking system. of its paid-up, unimpaired capital subject to a tax of one-half of one per cent per annum on the average amount of notes outstanding, and further that an additional circulation, known as emer gency currency, equal to per cent of the bank’s paid-up unimpaired capital be allowed subject to a heavier tax. Each bank issuing notes was to contribute an amount to a central guarantee fund equal to per cent of its notes in circula tion, from which the notes of failed banks were to be paid. If the fund were not sufficiently large for this, the remainder of the notes were to be redeemed from the assets of the failed bank. A per cent redemption fund was to be maintained as at present, 25 5 5 ^Carlisle’s plan closely followed the Balti more plan, but differed in this respect that in addition to the per cent guaranty fund, he would require each national bank issuing notes to maintain per cent lawful money reserve, consisting of United States notes including the Treasury notes of , against the notes issued. State banks were to be allowed to issue notes in accordance with these provisions. He also pro posed that the provisions in the National Bank ing Act requiring a bank to maintain reserves against deposits be repealed. Report of the Monetary Commission of the Indianapolis Convention, Chicago.— The Uni versity of Chicago Press, . p. . 5 30 1890 45 1898 5 16 T he Annals of t h e select eleven men to make a thorough investigation of the monetary needs of the country. The Commission of Eleven was appointed and held their first meeting on September 22, 1897, in Washington. After a series of con ferences lasting through the fall, a preliminary report was adopted on December 17, while the preparation of the final report was entrusted to J. Laurence Laughlin, a member of the Commission. This report was com pleted by April of 1898. The prelim inary report simply states the Com mission’s plan of reform, while the final report deals in an exhaustive way with the subject of money and banking from a theoretical, historical and sta tistical standpoint, and is a note worthy contribution to economics. After advising that the existing gold standard be maintained the Commis sion proposed that national banks be allowed to issue notes up to the amount of their paid-up unimpaired capital, exclusive of so much as is invested in real estate. For the first five years after the passage of the pro posed measure, the notes issued up to 25 per cent of a bank’s capital were to be secured by government bonds, 'but thereafter the amount of bonds re quired to be deposited, before notes might be issued, was to be reduced by one-fifth each year. The notes issued in excess of 60 per cent of the capital and not in excess of 80 per cent were to be taxed at the rate of 2 per cent per annum, while those issued in excess of 80 per cent were to be taxed at the rate of 6 per cent per annum. In order to A m er ic a n A cadem y protect the noteholders from loss, each bank was to contribute to a guaranty fund an amount in gold equal to 5 per cent of its circulation, from which the notes of failed banks were to be paid. In case that the fund became impaired, by reason of payments made to redeem the notes, the Comptroller of the Cur rency was authorized to make an assessment upon all banks in propor tion to their circulation. The present 5 per cent gold redemption fund was to continue. The plan for banking reform in cluded the proposals that the present reserve requirements be maintained against deposits with the exception that one-fourth of the reserves required should be held in coin in the vaults of the bank. The establishment of branch banks was provided for in case the Comptroller of the Currency approved. It was further recommended that the organization of national banks in towns of 4,000 or less with a m in im um capital of $25,000 be permitted. The Commission’s proposals would have provided America with a safe and elastic currency, but would not have remedied any of the other defects of our banking system. These could not be removed by a modification of the then existing system, but required the introduction of central reserve banks. The work of the Commission is valu able, not because of its immediate effect upon legislation, but for the reason that it awakened the public conscience to the necessity of banking and monetary reform, and paved the way for the final reformatory measures. T h e S t u d ie s of the M o n e ta r y C om m ission 17 The Studies of the National Monetary Commission By N. A. W esto n University of Illinois T HE National Monetary Commis what was needed to correct the evils of sion had its origin in the financial the existing situation, conflicting busi and banking panic of 1907. Thatness interests and partisan political astonishing disturbance and collapse aims, would prevent the enactment of of credit was one of the most un any thorough-going measure of re becoming, if not disgraceful, episodes in form. The leaders of the dominant our financial history. Popular clamor party in Congress adopted, therefore, followed. When the air had cleared a temporizing policy and secured the it was seen that the trouble was due to passage of a law, commonly known as the banking system, which, ill-adapted the Aldrich-Vreeland Act, approved to supply the needs of a progressive May 30, 1908, providing for the issu industrial nation under normal con ance of emergency currency under ditions, was utterly inadequate for the certain conditions. This act was a preservation of business equilibrium makeshift measure and must be re and the allaying of distrust in times garded as a political rather than a of business accident and unexpected financial expedient. It was passed strain. with but little debate and without Dissatisfaction with our banking previous consideration by the reg system began, however, long before ularly constituted committee of either the panic of 1907. The banks received house of Congress. It was intended to a share of the blame for the crises of satisfy the urgent public demand for 1873 and 1893, while during the ten action by Congress and to enable the years of intense business activity party in power to say that provision preceding the panic of 1907, banking had been made against a recurrence of reform was a question of almost con the troubles that had afflicted the stant public agitation. This was a country in the preceding autumn. period of rapid, indeed almost revolu tionary, changes in industrial and T h e M o n e t a r y C o m m is s io n a n d I t s D u t ie s commercial organization, but the de velopment of banking seemed to lag But the Aldrich-Vreeland Act also behind, owing, it was believed, to the created the National Monetary Com rigid character of the banking laws. mission, to be composed of nine mem The panic of 1907 brought the criti bers from the Senate and nine from cism of the banking system to a climax the House of Representatives, pre and the Congress which assembled in scribed its authority and duties and December of that year, some weeks made an appropriation to cover the after the outbreak of the panic, was necessary expenses of its work. The flooded with bills designed to reform work of the Commission is clearly the monetary and banking systems of defined in Section 18 of the Act which the country. provides: In this aroused state of public That it shall be the duty of this com opinion some action by Congress was mission to inquire into and report to inevitable, but it was soon realized Congress at the earliest date practicable, that widely divergent views as to what changes are necessary or desirable in 3 18 T he A nnals of t h e the monetary system of the United States or in the laws relating to banking and currency. The commission shall have the power, through subcommittee or otherwise, to examine witnesses and to make such investigations and examinations, in this or other countries, of the subjects committed to their charge as they shall deem neces sary. Within a short time after the passage of the law, the National Monetary Commission was organized with Sena tor Nelson W. Aldrich, of Rhode Island, as chairman and Congressman E. B. Vreeland, of New York, as vice-chairman. The Commission was a purely political body. The law re stricted membership to senators and representatives in Congress. All sec tions of the country, including sixteen different states, were represented in its original composition. The members could hardly be regarded as experts or even students of banking and currency problems and only a few of them had had any legislative experience with such questions. The Commission was, therefore, forced to depend in large measure on outside help in making its inquiry and preparing its recommenda tions. Almost from the beginning, the work of the Commission was person ally directed by Senator Aldrich and was continued for a period of more than three years with some consider able intervals of inactivity. In order to make the inquiry re quired by the law and bring together the information that would be needed in formulating legislative proposals, the Commission employed a number of prominent economists, financial edi tors, bankers and government officials in the United States and foreign coun tries to prepare monographs, papers and reports on the actual operations of banks and on their separate functions and mutual relations. Members of the Commission visited the leading coun A m er ic a n A cadem y tries of Europe whose economic con ditions were most nearly like our own, and appointed representatives to visit other countries for the purpose of holding personal interviews with the officials of leading institutions con cerning their banking organization and their arrangements for dealing with reserves, note issues, commercial paper and other banking problems. The Commission also conducted hearings and made inquiries in different parts of the United States and particularly in a dozen or more of the leading com mercial centers of the country for the purpose of getting the opinions of people in different localities and occu pations on desirable changes in our banking laws. The discussion of cur rency and banking problems in the meetings of various learned societies and associations of business men and bankers were also utilized by the Commission as a means of securing expert opinions. P u b l ic a t io n s o f t h e M o n e t a r y C o m m is s io n The results of the studies and in vestigations carried on by people enlisted in the service of the Commis sion, and of its own interviews, public hearings and inquiries, together with the report and bill submitted to Congress by the Commission at the conclusion of its work, have been issued as public documents in a series of twenty-three volumes under the general title of Publications of the National Monetary Commission. The material in these volumes covers about 14,000 octavo pages and about 1,200 quarto pages, the latter containing chiefly statistical matter. Of the total of over 15,000 pages, about two-thirds, or more than 9,000 pages, deals with banking and related problems in foreign countries. Of the whole mass of information brought together in the T h e S t u d ie s of the publications only a relatively small part is entirely new. Some of the material included is simply a reprint of previous publications, and a large part of the matter dealing with American conditions consists of books, monographs and reports previously published but revised and brought up to date and republished for the uses of the Commission. Some of these revisions were, how ever, of vital importance to the completion of the investigation which the commission had undertaken. This was especially true of the two mono graphs by Dr. David Kinley on “The Independent Treasury of the United States and its Relations to the Banks of the Country” and “The Use of Credit Instruments in Payments in the United States.” The study of Treasury operations left no doubt con cerning the need of some new and efficient machinery for handling the government’s financial business, while the investigation of the use of credit instruments fixed attention on the tremendously important function of the deposit currency as a means of employing bank credit in the trans action of the business of the country. V a l u a b l e C o n t r ib u t io n s Among the most notable of the new contributions to the study of American conditions were the “Seasonal Vari ations in the Relative Demand for Money and Capital in the United States” by Professor E. W. Kemmerer and the “History of Crises under the National Banking System” by Pro fessor O. M. W. Sprague. The volume by Professor Kemmerer is an elaborate statistical study based on a mass of financial data, such as statements of condition of banks, clearing house returns, movements of money, rates of exchange, monetary circulation, bond prices, etc. The study was not con M o n e ta r y C o m m ission 19 fined to the New York money market alone, but included also the markets of Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans and San Francisco, to the extent that in formation was available. While Pro fessor Kemmerer’s investigation was the most complete of any ever made in this field, it did not result in any modification of accepted theories of seasonal and other periodic market movements but served rather to con firm them. Professor Sprague’s volume of 484 pages on “The History of Crises under the National Banking System” is an important contribution to our financial literature and the most valuable of the original studies made for the Monetary Commission. It is a careful, critical examination of the results of banking policy and management as developed under the National Bank Act in all the periods of crisis from 1873 to 1907. Professor Sprague describes the nature of the problems that presented them selves from time to time and compares the success of the methods that were evolved to meet them. His final judg ment is that “it is impossible to escape the depressing conclusion that the banking situation in 1907 was handled less skilfully and boldly than in 1893, and far less so than in 1873. No new elements of weakness were disclosed, but no real effort was made to over come difficulties which had been met, with partial success at least, on former occasions.” The most important lesson to be drawn from Professor Sprague’s study is that banking reform would prove most certain and successful if pursued along the line of the means naturally evolved by our bankers for meeting their problems. Such an inference is in accordance with our best experience. Probably the most successful banking system we have had in this country was the Suffolk system of the New England 20 T he A nnals of the states in the period before the Civil War. This was a plan of banking developed by bankers, slightly aided from time to time in their efforts by the law, to insure efficiency and safety in the employment of bank credit on a basis of circulating notes. If bankers since the Civil War had been free to act in accordance with their experi ence, and had been reasonably sup ported by the law, there is no reason to suppose that they could not have developed for the whole country equally efficient and successful methods of insuring safety in the use of bank credit based on deposit currency. I n v e s t ig a t io n o f F o r e ig n B a n k in g S ystem s In the investigation of foreign bank ing and currency conditions, much more attention was given to England, France and Germany because it was believed that business conditions in these countries were more nearly like our own. Of the 9,000 pages in the publications devoted to material re lating to foreign countries, over 6,500 deal with conditions in these three countries alone, and of these pages about 4,500 relate exclusively to Ger many. It was the opinion of Senator Aldrich, as well as of some other mem bers of the Commission, that the bank ing system of Germany was of more interest than any other to the people of the United States because the indus trial and commercial interests of the German Empire were very largely of the same character as our own. This German material, like that relating to the United States, consists largely of reprints in English translation of books, reports and papers previously pub lished in German. These reprints include the memorial history of “The Reichsbank, 1876- 1900,” the “German Imperial Banking Laws,” the third German edition of Dr. Jacob Riesser’s A m er ic a n A cadem y “The German Great Banks and their Concentration in Connection with the Economic Development of Germany,” almost the entire report and proceed ings of the “ German Bank Inquiry Commission of 1908,” a series of articles from the Frankfurter Zeitung relating to “The Renewal of the Reichsbank Charter” and a series of “Miscel laneous Articles on German Banking” extracted mainly from the proceedings of the Third German Bankers’ Conven tion. But in spite of the large amount of space given to German material, the publications of the Commission contain no general review of German banking as a whole, an omission which can only be regarded as a defect in the work of the Commission since so much importance was attached to German conditions and experience. The information relating to English and French conditions is much briefer but also more useful in making a comparative study of American ex perience. The monographs by Hartley Withers on “The English Banking System” and by R. H. I. Palgrave on the “History of the Separation of the Departments of the Bank of England” are the best of the publications re lating to England. Mr. Withers’ statement is an illuminating account of the complicated relations of the Bank of England, the joint-stock and private banks, and the accepting houses and discount houses, and the position of all of them in the market. The most valuable of the publi cations dealing with French conditions are the “Evolution of Credit and Banks in France from the Founding of the Bank of France to the Present Time” by Andre Liesse and “The Bank of France in its Relation to National and International Credit.” Some of the best information con cerning the operation of the foreign banking systems, and particularly those T h e S t u d ie s of the of England, France and Germany, is to be found in the reports of the interviews held in the summer of 1908, The replies to questions put to bank officials in these interviews, with re spect both to what they said and what they left unsaid, often throw more light on some aspects of the actual working of the foreign systems than anything else published by the Commission. But the information contained in these reports is not so accessible because no attempt was made to analyze and digest it in a systematic manner. D is c l o s u r e s a s t h e R e s u l t o f C o n t r a s t in g B a n k in g S y s t e m s The things which this extended study of foreign banking conditions emphasizes in contrast with American conditions are: 1. The existence in each country of a central institution, more or less closely related to the government of the country, which serves not only as a government bank but also as a bank er’s bank and as a bank for the public. 2. The centralization and control of note issue by means of these insti tutions. 3 . The high degree of centralization in general administration and manage ment of reserves in all countries. The publication of this mass of material relating to foreign banking was one of the most useful services that the National Monetary Com mission performed. It made avail able for our political leaders, banking and financial journalists and the gen eral public, a vast fund of information on banking organization and operation in foreign countries which was formerly known only to expert students of the subject. It is not easy to estimate the in fluence which the studies carried on under the direction of the National M o n e ta r y C o m m ission 21 Monetary Commission had in shaping its conclusions concerning the defects of our banking system and in devising the necessary measures of reform which were finally submitted to Con gress in the form of a report and a bill at the beginning of 1912, three and one-half years after the initiation of the Commission’s work. A large portion of the publications of the Commission were issued in 1910 before anything definite was known of the plan of reform to be recommended. In Janu ary, 1911, Senator Aldrich personally gave out what he described as a “suggested plan of monetary legisla tion.” In substance this plan was an elaborate central bank scheme to be owned and controlled by the banks of the country with due representation of the government on its official board. This suggested plan does not seem to have been the product of any delibera tions of the National Monetary Com mission itself, based on the results of the scientific inquiry it had been conducting. No formal meetings of the Commission as an official body were held before the fall of 1911 when a resolution calling for a report from the National Monetary Commission on January 8, following, was introduced in Congress by Senator Cummins of Iowa and adopted. Although due allowance must ]be made for the influence of American opinion and European experience, the suggested plan was probably the work of Senator Aldrich, aided by the advice of a few experienced men, ajnong whom Mr. Paul M. Warburg, the New York banker, is commonly re puted to have played an influential part. The proposals made in this plan, which soon came to be spoken of as the Aldrich Plan, were fully discussed for several months in meetings of bankers and business men and in economic, m T he A nnals op the banking and financial periodicals and newspapers. In October, 1911, the plan was revised and redrafted in the form of a bill and included in the report submitted to Congress on Jan uary 8, 1912, as the recommendation of the National Monetary Commission. D e f e c t s i n t h e U n it e d S t a t e s B a n k in g S y st e m The defects in our banking system which are elaborately summarized in the report of the Commission may, for the purposes of this paper, be briefly recapitulated as follows: 1. The existing banking system pro vides no effective means for coopera tion by banks in crises. 2. It admits of no concentration of the banking reserves of the country for use in times of stringency or unusual strain. 3 . The banknote circulation fails to respond, through automatic expansion and contraction, to changing needs of business. 4 . The existing system provides no effective agency for facilitating ex changes and transfers of funds between different localities and sections of the country. 5 . It affords no means of properly regulating the foreign exchanges and controlling the international flow of gold. 6. Interior communities do not have the benefits of ready access to the central money markets. 7. Existing arrangements lead to the congestion of banking resources in large financial centers stimulating spec ulation when they are accumulating and unsettling the market when they are withdrawn. 8. The accumulation of government funds in other institutions than the banks results in constant disturbance of bank reserves and further unsettling of the market. A m er ic a n A cadem y To rectify these evils, the bill recom mended by the Commission proposed to incorporate the National Reserve Association of the United States, with a capital of $100,000,000 to be sub scribed voluntarily by national banks, and also by state banks and trust companies under certain conditions. Subscribing banks in contiguous ter ritory were to be grouped in local associations, while these local associa tions were to be combined into fifteen district associations covering the en tire territory of the United States and serving as branches of the National Association. The central association thus organized was to have authority: 1. To take over the note issuing function of the national banks, basing such note issues ultimately on legal money and first class commercial paper instead of bonds, and further, to have the privilege of issuing additional notes, having the same security, on payment of a graduated tax thereon. 2. To rediscount for national banks first class commercial paper maturing in short periods of time. 3 . To transfer funds for national banks between the central association and the branches, and between the branches. 4 . To receive and hold deposits of subscribing banks and the government, but no private deposits. To insure safety in reserve manage ment the National Association was required to hold a cash reserve equal to fifty per cent of its demand liabilities. It was also provided that the associa tion should serve as a depository for public funds and as the fiscal agent of the Federal government. No changes were made in the reserve requirements of national banks except that they could count the notes of the central association as well as their deposits with it as reserves. Probably no economic measure ever T h e S t u d ie s of the M o n e ta r y C o m m issio n brought before the Congress of the United States received at the hands of political leaders, students of banking and currency problems, and the general public, such comprehensive study and thorough discussion as this one, but in spite of the great amount of time and labor spent on it and the heavy ex pense incurred, it had no direct consequences whatever in the way of constructive legislation. P o l it ic a l C h a n g e a n d t h e A l d r ic h P lan By the beginning of 1912 the politi cal situation had completely changed and the recommendations of the Mone tary Commission were never brought up in Congress for consideration. Many of the men who had been mem bers of the Commission when it was organized had either retired from public life or had been retired in the elections of 1910. During the dis cussion of Senator Aldrich’s suggested plan, which preceded the formal sub mission of the Commission’s findings and recommendations, much oppo sition of a general character developed against it, not apparently because of any lack of confidence in the soundness of the measures proposed, but because of a general distrust of the men who were primarily responsible for it, particularly of Senator Aldrich who, as chairman, had controlled and directed all the activities of the Commission. Whether or not it was warranted, there was a widespread belief in the country that Senator Aldrich was too close to some of the great business interests whose purposes, it was believed, were not always in harmony with the highest public welfare. In view of this attitude of the public it was not un natural that the new party leaders in Congress should decline to look for guidance in the work and findings of the National Monetary Commission. T h e R e se r v e A ct a n d t h e M o n e t a r y C o m m is s io n ’ s W o r k 23 The extent to which the framers of the Federal Reserve Act drew upon the work of the National Monetary Com mission has been a matter of some interest. At the time the Act was under discussion many people regarded it as nothing but a copy in large part of the Aldrich Plan, but there were no substantial grounds for such a claim, although the two projects were similar in many of their fundamental provi sions. In describing the legislative history of the Federal Reserve Act some months after its passage, Dr. H. Parker Willis, who was the expert of the House Banking Currency Com mittee while the bill was being drafted, makes the following statement con cerning its origin:1 The Federal Reserve Act is the product of a lengthy course of development and has grown gradually out of the discussion and analysis of the past twenty years. It is not drawn, even largely, from any single source, but is the product of comparisons, selection and refinement upon the various materials, ideas and data, rendered avail able throughout a long course of study and agitation. Many bills embodying the same general line of thought that now finds expression in the new act have been offered in Congress. All of this might be said also, with equal truth, of the Aldrich Plan itself. Certain it is, that the fundamental principles underlying the essential pro visions of both measures were well established in European and American banking theory. The investigations of the National Monetary Commission were limited to the field of banking and bank currency although the scope of the instructions given the Commission by the law would have permitted a wider range 1American Economic Review, Vol. IV, p. 18. u T he A nnals of the of activities. Many students thought at the time that it was a good oppor tunity to amend some of the other serious defects in our monetary sys tem. Since the beginning of the Civil War, our money had become the most heterogeneous and complex of any in use by the great nations of the world. Besides the gold basis, it included several different types of fiduciary money in large amounts with compli cated machinery for maintaining them at a parity with the standard. A general reform of our banking system and bank currency was regarded by many as furnishing the best oppor tunity to secure a final solution of the greenback and silver questions, but the National Monetary Commission avoided these issues as did also the framers of the Federal Reserve Act. C u r r e n c y C o m p l e x it ie s P e r s is t Today, it is a serious question whether or not the addition of the Federal Reserve notes to our monetary circulation, without any material change in the amount of national bank notes or the other forms of fiduciary money in use, has not increased the complexity and difficulties of our mone tary system without improving its efficiency as an instrument of economic welfare. Between 1913 and 1920 the United States passed through a period of in flation that exceeded in its extent anything in our previous history. Some of this was due to our large acquisitions of new gold, but far more of it was due to the release of gold from bank reserves, made possible by the issue of Federal Reserve notes when the reserve requirements under the Federal Reserve Act were changed to their present form by the amend ment of June, 1917. After this change in the law, expressions of gratification over the great economy of money that A m er ic a n A cadem y would be effected thereby were very common. But it is a strange economy of money that results in inflation! When the history of some of the pro visions of the Federal Reserve Act and its amendments comes to be written, the judgment will be that they were inflationist legislation and that their enactment added still others to a long list of monetary errors into which the country has fallen. S om e U n lea r n ed L esso n s While the National Monetary Com mission devoted a large amount of attention to the organization and working of the foreign banking sys tems, it neglected some aspects of those systems, a better understanding of which might have led to a clearer conception of the true defects of our own systems and of the best means of correcting them. Perhaps the most significant feature of the great foreign systems, according to the studies of the Commission, is the high degree of centralization that exists in control and management. But while the in fluence of the great central institutions in securing this centralization is strongly emphasized, no emphasis is laid on the effect of extreme con centration in foreign banking due to the widely extended system of branches. A relatively few great companies or corporations, including the central banks, control the business of banking in England, France and Germany. This control is exercised from central offices, usually located in the financial center of the country. This is an important, distinguishing feature of European banking as compared with our own. In the United States much praise has been conferred on the Canadian banking system, but the chief differ ence between it and our own lies in the fact that Canada has relatively few T h e S t u d ie s of the M o n eta r y C o m m issio n banking corporations with many branches widely scattered. Between 1900 and 1912 about 15,000 new banks were organized in the Unites States. This meant 15,000 new boards of directors and probably as many new conceptions of what constitutes sound bank policy and management. The existence of our vast number of in dependent institutions needs only to be mentioned to make it clear that no scheme of cooperation among banks yet devised in this country will give the degree of centralization in control and management that has been at tained under the foreign branch sys tems. S u c c e s s f u l B a n k i n g P r im a r il y a Q u e s t io n o f A d m in is t r a t io n Another aspect of this subject is also of vital importance. If there is any one lesson that the study of European experience enforces, it is that success ful banking is more a question of administration than of law. As Hart ley Withers says, “ Good banking is produced, not by good laws, b b y good bankers.” An important con sequence of the extreme concentration in foreign banking is that it brings the best banking talent into positions of responsibility and control. No doubt our best bankers are the equals of the best European bankers but our type of banking does not bring them into positions where they can exercise complete control over the banking business of the country. The apparent control of the flow of credit in the leading European coun tries through the manipulation of the discount rates of the central banks, is another feature of foreign banking which has always been in sharp con trast with our own practice and which we have tried to imitate in our banking reform. The studies of the Monetary Commission furnish no satisfactory 25 explanation of the true nature of this control and how it is exercised. The impression is often gained that the bank rate determines the market rate, but it would probably be just as true to say that the market rate determines the bank rate. When Lord Avebury, partner of Robarts, Lubbock and Company, was asked concerning the extent to which the bank rate governed their loan and discount transactions, he replied, “The bank rate generally is an expression of the market rate.” The truth is that the market rate is a competitive rate in the determination of which the competition, actual or potential, of the Bank of England with the other banks is always a factor. I n f l u e n c e o f B a n k i n g C o m p e t it io n The influence of competition is more clearly seen in the operation of the French system than in that of England. In replying to a direct question con cerning the competition of the Bank of France with the other banks, M. Pallain, the governor of the Bank of France, said, “On certain points there may be competition, and it is on account of this salutary competition that wherever a branch of the Bank has been established the rate of dis count has been perceptibly reduced, in the interest of commerce.” The fact is that the control of the flow of credit in these countries is a competi tive one. The central banks are not only bankers’ banks and government banks; they are also public banks and compete with the other great central ized institutions for a share of the banking business of the country. Their relations to their governments, their prestige, and the fact that their managers think not only of profits but of the national economic welfare, places them in a strong competitive position and enables them to exercise T h e A n n a l s of t h e A m er ic a n A cadem y 26 an influence much out of proportion to explanation is that the Federal Re the amount of business they do. serve Banks are banks for banks and There has been much discussion banks for government and not, at recently of the discount policy of the the same time, public banks in the Federal Reserve Board and the control true sense of the word. They cannot of the flow of credit under the Federal exert the competitive influence against Reserve System. The charges of the other banks that the foreign cen banks to their customers have not been tral banks exert. They are not in fact materially affected by the manipula in the market and cannot, in conse tion of the rediscount rates. The quence, share in market control. The National Citizens’ League A Movement for a Sound Banking System By A H a r r y A . W h e e le r Vice-President, Union Trust Company of Chicago S a result of the panic of 1907 the and other legitimate interests of the business men of the country be country; system to be absolutely came greatly concerned for the com Fourth—Said from domination or control by political mercial safety of the future. At the free any other favored interests; annual meeting of the National Board orResolved, That the National Board of of Trade, held in Washington on Jan Trade calls upon constituent bodies uary 25,26 and 27, 1910, the subject of to carefully studyalltheitsfundamental princi monetary reform was discussed and the ples of banking and currency, in order to following resolutions were unanimously intelligently aid the enactment of such legislation as will best conserve the in adopted: terests of the entire country. Whereas, We assume that a plan for the revision of our currency system will be The National Board of Trade deter formulated after the National Monetary mined to devote one day in connection Commission has made its final report; and with its annual meeting in 1911 a Whereas, A revision of our currency Business Men’s Monetary Conference. system upon a permanently sound and January was set aside as “Monetary scientific basis is of vital importance to all Day.” 18 Two selected com interests and should be accomplished as mercial bodies hundred were to appoint special soon as practicable; Resolved, That the National Board of committees to make a careful study of Trade favors the adoption of a currency the banking question. Each organiza system which will be based upon the fol tion was requested to submit its lowing fundamental principles and insure conclusions and recommendations to the following results: the National Board of Trade at least First—Be absolutely fair to all interests one month before the meeting and to and to all localities; send a representative to the meeting, Second—Insure at all times an adequate to be held in Washington beginning supply of properly safeguarded currency; January 17, 1911. The invitation met Third—The volume of said currency to automatically expand and contract in with a hearty response on the part of response to the normal demands of the the commercial organizations through manufacturing, commercial, agricultural, out the country and a large number T h e N a tio n a l C it iz e n s ’ L e a g u e of delegates participated in the con ference. The Business Men’s Monetary Con ference, under the chairmanship of C. Stuart Patterson of Philadelphia, adopted resolutions which ultimately led to the creation of the National Citizens’League. By these resolutions, the chairman of the Conference was authorized to appoint a committee of seven to organize a “Business Men’s Monetary Reform League,” with head quarters in Chicago and branches in the principal centers of the country, whose object should be to conduct a comprehensive compaign of education in behalf of some kind of national reserve association. It was agreed that the delegates to the Conference should endeavor to enlist the active aid of the commercial bodies they represented. Acting on the authority of these resolutions, a committee was appointed composed of: C. Stuart Patterson, of Philadelphia, James J. Storrow, of Boston, Paul M. Warburg, of New York, Irving T. Bush, of New York, George D. Markham, of St. Louis, Fred W. Upham, of Chicago and Harry A. Wheeler, of Chicago. This committee was called into conference in Chicago on April 2 4 , 1911. The committee was unanimous in its opin ion that the responsibility of creating a national organization should be left with the business men of Chicago, who should conduct a nation-wide cam paign from their city. On April 2 7 , 1911, a conference was called by the committee at which were present about fifty of Chicago’s fore most business men, representing both the commercial and the financial field. This conference, after careful delibera tion, agreed to accept as a duty and privilege the responsibility of conduct ing the campaign from Chicago as a center. 27 The new movement was initiated by the Chicago Association of Commerce. A joint meeting of the Board of Direc tors and the Executive Committee of the Association was held on May 2 9 , and took action by passing the follow ing resolution: Resolved, That the Chicago Association of Commerce recognizing the distressing ef fects of panics on trade, capital, and labor, the consequent need of a sound banking system in the interest of all the people in the country, and the suggestion made for the creation of a National Reserve Associa tion, hereby requests John G. Shedd, Marvin Hughitt, Graham Taylor, Harry A. Wheeler, B. E. Sunny, Cyrus H. McCor mick, Julius Rosenwald, Charles H. Wacker, Frederic A. Delano, John Barton Payne, A. C. Bartlett, A. A. Sprague, J. Laurence Laughlin, John V. Farwell, Clyde M. Carr, Fred W. Upham, F. H. Armstrong, and Joseph Basch to form a National Citizens’ League, the object of which shall be to give organized expression to the growing public sentiment in favor of, and to aid in, securing legislation necessary to insure an improved banking system for the United States of America. Acting under this authority, “The National Citizens’ League for the Pro motion of a Sound Banking System” was organized and a certificate of in corporation was granted by the Secre tary of State under date of June 6, 1911. Article 2 of the certificate of incorporation is as follows: “The object for which it is formed is to give organized expression to the growing public sentiment in favor of, and to carry on a campaign of education for an improved banking system for the United States of America.” In organ ization and in operation the Citizens’ League was at once made national. The Chicago Association of Com merce only accepted a responsibility imposed upon it by the other com mercial bodies of the nation to take the initiative in the conduct of a campaign 28 T he Annals of t h e to which their support had been pledged. The only part taken by the Chicago Association, as such, was to launch the new League. This done, it surrendered all control into the hands of the Board of Directors of the League. In April, 1913, pursuant to a call from the President of the United States and his Secretary of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce of the United States was organized. It became the sucessor to the National Board of Trade and, recognizing its relation to the subject of monetary reform, established a close contact with the Citizens’ League. The first Annual Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, in January, 1913, dealt with the problem as of first importance to the new incoming administration and instructed its Board of Directors to present the matter to the President elect. In February, 1913, the direc tors carried into effect the mandate of the Annual Meeting by the following resolution: The Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America believes the present moment to be one of grave import to banking and currency legislation. The country has been profoundly stirred by the discussions of the past two years. The defects of our present system are generally understood to constitute a menace, both to our domestic and to our international trade. The business men of the country should not again be exposed to the rigors of another such stringency as followed the large crop of 1912. The expected changes in our tariffs and the financing of another crop in 1913 make imperative immediate action by Congress. Moreover, it is ap parent that the presentation of a sound measure to Congress would crystallize behind it the support of the business and banking interests of the country. Therefore be it Resolved, That the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce A m er ic a n A cadem y of the United States of America, acting under instructions unanimously voted by the convention of January twenty-first to twenty-third, 1913, urge upon the Banking and Currency Committee of the House of Representatives the early submission to Congress in extra session of a measure which will overcome the difficulties from which we are suffering; upon the Senate, its prompt consideration of such measure at the extra session; and upon President elect Wilson, his cordial and earnest support in favor of early and complete legislation. And be it further Resolved, That a copy of this memorial be sent to President-elect Wilson and to Honorable Carter Glass, of the Banking and Currency Committee of the House of Representatives. A standing Committee on Currency and Banking was also appointed to press upon the Administration the necessity for early action, to follow legislative development, and to prepare a report for subsequent submission to the membership through referendum, as provided in the rules. This committee was composed of Wallace D. Simmons, St. Louis, Chair man, John W. Craddock, Lynchburg, Virginia, Irving T. Bush, New York City, Edmund D. Fisher, New York City, Edward D. Page, Oakland, New Jersey, Joseph French Johnson, New York City, J. Laurence Laughlin, Chicago, George A. Mahan, Hannibal, Missouri, William A. Scott, Madison, Wisconsin, William George Bruce, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, J. M. Miller, Jr., Richmond, Virginia, Allen Cucullu, Lynchburg, Virginia, John V. Farwell, Chicago, Edmund D. Hulbert, Chicago. It completed its preliminary work in August, 1913, and sent to referendum a report on pending legislation with recommendations for amendment in keeping with the principles put for ward by the National Citizens’ League. The League, having completed the E d u c a tio n a l C a m pa ig n work for which it was organized, formally requested the Chamber of Commerce of the United States to pursue the subject through its legis fo r B a n k in g R eform 29 lative stages and disbanded; the Chamber, through its Committee, fol lowed the matter closely until its “Federal Reserve Act” became a law. The Educational Campaign for Banking Reform By A. D. W e l t o n O Continental and Commercial National Bank, Chicago RGANIZING the National Citi time a central bank or the central zens League in 1911 was no less ization of banking power was men tioned. The traditions of the Demo a task than organizing the country. It was the final step, outside of cratic party stood as strongly in this political declaration and legislative respect as when Andrew Jackson and action, to bring about a demand for Nicholas Biddle fought over the Sec the reform of the nation’s banking ond Bank of the United States eighty laws. The havoc of the last panic years before. The mention of asset had been wrought. Emergency legis currency roused the smoldering fires lation in the form of the Aldrich- of greenbackism and free silverism. Vreeland Act was on the Statute It was plain that many people cher Books. The Monetary Commission ished the belief that issuing currency had junketed, experted and ruminated was a sovereign power of the govern and Senator Aldrich was working on a ment, and Mr. Bryan was present to insist that such was the case. reform proposal. From these statements it might be Every time the question of currency gathered that public sentiment had had come up for popular considera at least begun to crystallize; that the tion in the three preceding decades, subject of all this discussion and effort the believers in soundness as wrought was nearing the point of issue and by a single gold standard had been on action. Nothing was farther from the defensive. They merely prevented the truth. There was no popular their enemy from doing something comprehension of what it was all about. vicious. The one constructive bit of Panic meant only a lack of currency. legislation was the Gold Standard Newspaper writers were miles at sea. Act of 1898. That followed the affair Politicians were floundering in dark of 1896 as the Aldrich-Vreeland Act ness. Practical bankers were looking and the appointment of the Monetary to their few leaders for guidance. Commission followed the panic of The economists, however clear their 1907. theories, were blinded by traditions, E d u c a t io n a F o r m id a b l e and precedents of long standing. U n d e r t a k in g There was a dominant desire for a change but any suggestion of a All the studies of the Commission practical plan raised a clamor of pointed to the necessity of a plan for hostility to centralization, the great banking cooperation, for mobilizing reserves, for making both currency political bugaboo. The persistence of political rancor and credit elastic, and for creating a found a new demonstration every discount market. It was a formidable 30 T he A nnals of the enough undertaking to make any considerable portion of the people understand these things. It was a much larger one to make a consider able portion of them unlearn the financial follies they had been taught. For this undertaking the teachers were not many. It was necessary to train teachers. The bankers were of little assistance in this way. Very few of them understood the science of banking, however versed they might be in the art of it; fewer still were competent to teach the economics of money. Moreover, the bankers were under suspicion. Had they not defeated Mr. Bryan in 1896 and subsequently and also subse quently? Mr. Bryan had frequently testified to that fact. Finally, Senator Nelson W. Al drich was Chairman of the Monetary Commission. For years he had been in a conspicuous position of leader ship. His name was synonymous with everything abhorrent to progressive thought. In the public mind he was first friend of the trusts, advocate of special privilege, the defender of Wall Street and ally of the money devil. Politically, it made no difference that the Senator from Rhode Island had worked hard for years to equip himself for the task now on hand. It was of no moment that his great ambition was to give the United States a sound banking system or that his devotion was complete and unselfish. He was a popular target for editorial anath emas and anything emanating from him must be bad because of its origin. In June, 1911, approval of a plan for a new banking system meant approval of Aldrich. The National Citizens’ League came into existence under a handicap. The “Money Trust” was an active monster of that day also. It was an indefinite something which could be A m er ic a n A cadem y charged with all kinds of crimes and would plead to no indictment. There were two “money trusts” in fact—one that the politicians created out of their vivid imaginations for their own private uses, and another, de fined as a “community of interest” among powerful bankers, created by a defective and inadequate banking sys tem. The imagined “Money Trust,” linked with a plan to reform the banking and monetary system, became much more imposing as a political spectre. Such a “Money Trust” must necessarily have impious designs, and what more natural than it should seek to have the banking laws remodeled to fit its own purposes! Here was another barrier the League had to take. P o l it ic a l a n d P a r t i s a n C o m p l e x it ie s Another circumstance lets in light on the difficulties that lay before this economic missionary. Republicans had passed the Aldrich-Vreeland law and planned the work of the Monetary Com mission. Republicans had planned to drive through a new banking act. But a new Congress had been elected with a Democratic House. There were even predictions that the next president would be a Democrat. Wis dom forbade that the League have even a remote appearance of parti sanship. As a matter of fact the manner of its organization made partisanship impossible but it was frequently charged in the first months that this was “the million dollar or ganization formed to put over the Aldrich banking scheme.” It is unnecessary to go farther into the conditions of the day to show that the League had a large task and that it would have to justify itself by performance if it was to survive and succeed. E d u c a tio n a l C a m pa ig n E a r l y I n v e n t o r y o f t h e L e a g u e ’s W ork fo r B a n k in g R eform Si particular scheme of reform. It deals in concrete plans only by way of illustrat ing the great general problems of efficiency of bank reserves, a discount market, in dependent banking, an elastic currency and credit system and adequate banking facili ties. Its belief is that when the people come to have an understanding of the fundamen tal requisites of an efficient monetary and banking system the legislation will take care of itself. With the fundaments understood, as they will be, the working out of the details may be left to Congress. How the application is made, or what the system is called are matters of.no impor tance. Who frames the measure finally adopted or after whom it is named, are equally inconsequential. It succeeded so well that in March, 1912, it took account of itself as follows:1 The campaign for banking reform has been carried into 44 states. The National Citizens’ League has now46 organizations— one in each of 43 states, two in California, and the German section with headquarters in New York City. The extension of this organization work reflects the progress of the sentiment for an improved monetary and credit system. The League came into corporate ex istence in June, 1911. It is a non-partisan organization. It has no affiliations with any class or any interest. Among the R e c r u it in g t h e F o r c e o f 1,500 officers of its branches and its E ducators increasing thousands of members, men engaged in manufacturing, merchandising It is not surprising that an organi and agricultural business are in the great majority. The business element is pre zation so elaborately born should ponderant. The League and its campaign have a name as elaborate. Almost have been indorsed by resolutions adopted the first error was in this selection. by 68 boards of trade and associations of The National Citizens’ League for the commerce and similar organizations. Promotion of a Sound Banking System There is reason for this preponderance was the cumbersome heritage of the of business men. The League had its men who later assumed the work of origin at a meeting of the National Board giving the scheme publicity. As the of Trade in Washington. The business economists—the professors of political organizations represented there felt that they should have a voice in the question economy—were about the only ones of improving anything of such vital who could write on questions of interest to them as the monetary system. banking, they were drafted early. C. Stuart Patterson, of Philadelphia, The work of creating organizations in was made chairman of a committee the various states was speedily got appointed at that meeting which later under way. Pamphlets on pertinent conferred with the Chicago Business subjects were produced and printed. Men’s Monetary Reform League. Speakers— mostly economists—were The Chicago Association of Commerce recruited. A declaration of the prin volunteered to launch the new organization ciples the League indorsed was made. and requested the present Chicago Execu Large sums of money were spent. tive Committee to undertake the work. Thus the National Citizens’ League came Later, and not much later, the diffi culty that always confronts such into existence. The astonihisng feature of the progress organizations, was encountered. It was of the League is that it has met prac necessary to expend time and energy tically no opposition. This is undoubt in raising funds to support the work. edly due to the fact that its work has been The publicity work was conven wholly educative. It has indorsed no tionally organized. Pamphlets, whose 1Banking Reform Magazine, March 16, 1912. distribution called for mailing lists, 32 T he A nnals of the were a matter of course. Member ship in the League at $1 a year carried with it all published matter and an obli gation to spread the gospel. The state and local organizations, in some cases self-supporting but always with a paid secretary, supplied names for the mailing lists and often did the distributing. |The entire list of League officers and directors would make a business blue book. Local secretaries were chosen, so far as possible, be cause of some familiarity with pub licity methods. There was no rule. In some states publicity was the only medium used. In others, dependence was placed on meetings and speakers. In still others, local business organi zations were enlisted. This was all ordered by expediency or the desires or peculiarities of the local officials. The undertaking of the central office in Chicago was to guide the thought of every member of the League, every officer of each state organization. As loosely joined as the organization was, a single policy and harmony of purpose were indis pensable. The marvelous and general lack of familiarity of the general run of bankers and business men with mone tary problems was of great assistance. They had to take what was given them because they had practically no other sources of information. The old sources of monetary information were dried up. Previous demands for monetary reform were directed at the currency and the quantity of it. Financial progress in terms of elastic credit and bank reserves was unprec edented and, considered by itself, strikingly logical. This is not to say that the old “isms” did not outcrop at frequent intervals and in unexpected places. The local secretaries watched care fully for such outbursts and they A m er ic a n A cadem y were carefully met and countered. Some of these were temporarily seri ous but usually they were ludicrous. All were treated alike. If the op ponent of banking reform or the advocate of something unsound found space for his outpouring in a newspaper, the same newspaper was supplied with other material, often through a local League representative. If the first newspaper refused publicity, the rival paper was tried. If both ,were recalcitrant a local mailing list was compiled and used. M o n t h l y M a g a z in e s t h e G r e a t e s t P u b l ic it y M e d iu m The League’s monthly publication, Banking Reform, was used in most cases. It was the uninvited visitor to every newspaper office in the country. It could be, and frequently was, used to meet some special opposition, %When a weekly paper in an obscure county of California assaulted the Monetary Commission, the League, banking reform and every one interested in it, a special edition of Banking Reform was printed and sent to everyone in the county. It was effective. When a venerable, retired county judge in Texas unlimbered a page of heavy artillery in the county seat paper on the sacred and sovereign right of the government to issue money, the case could not be ignored. The rhetorical flood was broken up, the facts extracted and a reply written and sent to the paper. It was pub lished—two-thirds of a column. The venerable judge countered with an other solid page. The reply was short and pointed. The judge was unwittingly doing well for the League, He became interested in the new proposition. He wrote to headquarters for pamphlets. A month later he graciously acknowledged his conver E d u c a t io n a l C a m paig n sion, sent in a dollar and joined the League. This incident had no repe tition. The devotees of greenbacks, free silver and the “sovereign right of the government” were, and are, irreconcilable but they were not trouble some for long. Their attack lacked versatility and mere continuity made it tiresome. From the viewpoint of real publicity the monthly, Banking Reform, was the mainstay of the publicity campaign. It was the messenger to the press. It permitted repetition and reiteration, which were necessary to give editors familiarity with what was to them a new terminology. It was slow and disheartening work for many months. Once the fervor of early political contro versy had cooled and political economy was the order, publicity results were scant. In the central office clippings were garnered with care and treasured in the files. One of the first months of effort brought only seven. The next month there were none, which was interpreted to mean that the seven were accidents or incidents of edi torial good nature. A T i m e W h e n P o l it ic s H e l p e d Politics again intervened to give a stimulus. The other side of the League’s organization was at work. State con ventions of the political parties were ahead. The League’s text book, Banking Reform, came from the press. The book was distributed widely to members, whose number it was in strumental in increasing greatly, and was extensively reviewed. The book stimulated interest in the magazine for which the demand also increased. The clipping agency employed began to send in bulkier packages. These could now be read but they were no longer filed. When the Alabama Dem ocratic convention had declared for “a democratic and non-partisan re fo r B a n k in g R eform 33 vision of our antiquated banking laws” and demanded the creation of an “elastic note and credit system,” the turn came. The politicians were be coming familiar with the terminology. In the platforms of state conventions of both parties—and they followed rapidly—there were phrases and terms which bespoke familiarity with the League’s literature. Naturally these platform utterances were com mented on by newspapers everywhere. The comments were almost univer sally favorable. The terminology in this field began clearly to indicate familiarity with banking reform. In June, 1912, came the great national conventions. Both Demo crat and Republican platforms had planks on the monetary question. Neither one of them meant anything in particular. The Republicans called attention to the party’s historic stand for a sound currency, and the Demo crats smashed away at Wall Street and the “ Money Trust.” The League’s publication said that banking re form “is a political question only so far as its solution requires political attention in the highest sense of the term. There is no chance that a Democratic scheme of reform will be better than a Republican scheme because it is offered by Democrats, or that a Republican scheme will be superior because it is offered by Republicans. In banking methods neither party is at an advantage over the other because banking is not a matter related to their differing conceptions of popular government.” Committed to banking reform and not to politics or party, the League’s purpose was to keep, so far as possible, the question from assuming a partisan aspect. With the political phase formally entered, however, the publicity cam paign became more difficult in one 34 T he A nnals of the aspect and much easier in another. There was no longer difficulty in having matter accepted and printed by all kinds of publications. It was in constant demand. The problem was to hold discussion to the essentials. Clippings now came in huge bundles and were dumped summarily into waste baskets. No one had time to look at them. The venerable judge from Texas might have flashed his message in fire on the sky and no League official would have heeded, for banking reform had passed from the stage of a vague request to & demand for speedy political action. It was no longer a question of a new banking law, but what kind of new law. E n u n c ia t io n o f F u n d a m e n t a l P r in c ip l e s In September, 1912, the League stated the principles it believed should underlie a banking bill. The statement gave as the reasons for banking reform: To prevent the recurrence of money panics* To provide for seasonal and special demands for currency and credit. - To insure more uniform and steady interest rates throughout the country. To divorce commercial from invest ment banking. To strengthen our international credit. To establish higher standards of banking. It is remarkable, perhaps, in the light of current discussions that in 1912, Banking Reform said: The National Citizens’ League believes that these reforms in our banking and currency system can be best brought about by the formation of a cooperative association of all classes of commercial banks, with restricted powers, managed by a board of bankers, Federal officials and other citizens. The Association should not be a money-making institution and all earnings beyond a fixed rate should A m er ic a n A cadem y go to the national treasury. This as sociation should: Hold the final banking reserves. Act as fiscal agent of the government. Rediscount standardized commercial paper for banks at published rates of discount uniform over the country. Issue circulating notes secured by gold and commercial paper. Deal in gold and foreign exchange. Establish foreign agencies. It must be remembered that this statement was made two months before Woodrow Wilson was elected president and eight months before Congress began to debate the Glass bill. The League’s principles were care fully drawn very early in the cam paign. They took no account of partisanship, except to guard against it, as generally befitted an organization of business men bent on securing an economic reform. The principles were: 1. Cooperation, not dominant central ization, of all banks by an evolution out of our clearing-house experiences. 2. Protection of the credit system of the country from the domination of any group of financial or political interests. 3. Independence of the individual banks, national or state, and uniform treatment in discounts and rates to ail banks, large or small. 4. Provisions for making liquid the sound commercial paper of all the banks, either in the form of credits or bank notes redeemable in gold or lawful money. Legalization of acceptances and time bills of exchange in order to create a discount market at home and abroad. 5. Elasticity of currency and credit in times of seasonal demands and stringencies, with full protection against over-expansion. 6. The organization of better banking facilities with other countries to aid in the extension of our foreign trade. In the beginning, these six prin ciples were the guide in all publicity. Their amplification came when the % E du c a t io n a l C a m pa ig n final political stage was reached as noted above. The so-called “Money Trust” in vestigation was an incident which received only incidental attention. In an educational way it had no significance. What is known as Wall Street never showed hostility to the League; it gave much financial as sistance and seemed quite uncon cerned over the prospect of decen tralized bank reserves. A t t it u d e o f B a n k e r s a n d O t h e r O r g a n iz a t io n s Bankers and bankers’ organizations were always helpful and friendly. They were never keen for the League’s principles and, as a rule, they were collectively and individually more interested in the probable effects of any change in laws on their estab lished method of operation. In this respect they often clashed with the business men whom the League rep resented but they always admitted the need of change in the banking scheme. As the campaign progressed other forces came in to give assistance and often to interfere. Usually these or ganizations made plans. Of plans for a new banking system there was a myriad. They came up from all sides. Everyone seemed to have a plan. The League never had one. In that lay its strength. ? In September, 1921, Woodrow Wil son spoke of the need for a new bank ing law in his address accepting the Democratic nomination for the pres idency. Soon after his election, and that of a Democratic House and Senate, it became obvious that bank ing reform legislation would be a Democratic action. This political shift made it advisable to give un usual attention to the South because seniority would place southern Demo fo r B a n k in g R eform 35 crats in the important positions in House, Senate and elsewhere. The new President’s message on banking reform preceded action in Congress. That is another story. During this period of many hearings by the banking and currency com mittees the publicity was continued as actively as ever. As the League was concerned only with principles, and not with administrative forms, its printed matter gave no heed to the latter except for informative purposes. The magazine had naturally become the dependence of many thousands of persons for such information. Many newspapers looked to it for an inter pretation of the news developments. Its influence was wide. Reading of the news and comment on the pro ceedings in Congress made the extent of this influence clear and certainly the members of Congress were not immune to it. When the Glass bill had passed the House, it became apparent that the League’s work was nearly done. It had undertaken only to lay a founda tion for legislative action. It is true its organization work had been carried into practically every congressional district. The gospel of banking re form was carried most effectively to every congressman from his home. But when the Glass bill had become the Glass-Owen bill and the Senate had it under consideration, the League began to wind up its affairs. C l o s e o f t h e C a m p a ig n In the last issue of Banking Reform, October, 1913, it was said: The League never undertook to partici pate in the actual work of legislation. Article 2 of the certificate of incorporation reads: The object for which it is formed is to give organized expression to the growing public sentiment in favor of, and to carry T he A nnals 36 of the on a campaign of education for, an im proved banking system for the United States of America. Of the success of the League’s campaign there is no doubt. It is evidenced by the fact that for more than two years the question of monetary reform has been growing in the public mind until today it is the question of paramount political as well as economic importance. It has occupied the latter position for many years, but it was not until the League’s work was well under way that it was lifted out of classifi cation with the impenetrable mysteries to that of a great, and finally the paramount, public issue. One Congressman reduced the situation to terse form when he said, “No League, no bill.” The League has distributed literally millions of pamphlets. It has been the means of supplying literally millions of columns of matter to newspapers. It has supplied speakers for thousands of meet ings. But the indirect results of its efforts have been more momentous. It brought interest in the question of monetary science to an acute stage. It challenged every argument founded on a false conception of monetary economics. It supplied ma terial which made editorial work easier. It translated technicalities into simple language. It stimulated thought and dis cussion. It freed thousands from the thraldom of half a century of false teaching. The fact that the Glass bill is not per fectly satisfying is in nowise attributable A m er ic a n A cadem y to failure on the League’s part. It has been stated many times in these columns that the machinery by whose operation the principles enunciated were to be given operation might assume any one of many forms. The Monetary Commission evolved one form, the Glass Committee evolved another. Neither is perfect in anticipated operation. It is doubtful if any ma chinery will be perfect until made over after practical test. But either plan has obvious merits and forms a basis on which can be built up an operating success. The Executive Committee of the League feels, therefore, that the work of the organ ization has been practically completed and success has been achieved. It will retain its corporate entity and maintain its organ ization intact against possible contingen cies until results are written in the statute books. But unless the unexpected hap pens, the League will rest content that the question of banking reform and its satis factory solution is in the hands of the national legislature. Over this body it has no control, and seeks none, as it has had none anywhere save what was based on logic and built up on adherence to proved principles of monetary economics. As a final testimony of the efficiency of the League’s campaign, it may be pertinent to record that the terse statement, “No League, no bill,” was made by the Honorable Carter Glass. The Federal Reserve Act in. Congress By H. P a r k e r W il l is Columbia University UCH has been vaguely or errone M ously written of the early history of the Federal Reserve Act and there is already a widespread misunderstanding regarding it. Some part of this mis understanding is due to the fact that much of the work on the Act was done in committee or in caucus or in private conference. To review the whole his tory of the measure would be a task of lengthy detail. The following article is not intended to enter into any such elaborate review but to set forth in compact form the chief facts, without controversial discussion. What it offers is merely a consecutive outline of the history of the Federal Reserve Act during its formation and subsequent T h e F e d e r a l R e se r v e A ct discussion in Congress. It will afford, however, as definite an historical ac count as is possible within a very brief space, of the various stages through which this measure passed. I n c e p t io n o f M e a s u r e The inception of what afterward be came the Federal Reserve Act grew out of the action of the Banking and Cur rency Committee of the House of Rep resentatives in authorizing, during the spring of the year 1912, an investiga tion into currency and banking con ditions. This authorization led to the organization of the Banking and Cur rency Committee in two parts, or sections—the one entrusted with an inquiry into what was at the time known as the “Money Trust” and the other assigned the duty of studying and recommending legislation designed to promote banking and currency re form. This second subcommittee was organized under the chairmanship of the Honorable Carter Glass, who had been for several years a member of the Banking and Currency Committee, and its first active work was under taken at about the opening of April, 1912. At that time this subcommittee retained technical assistance, and in structions were given to make a general survey of pending banking and cur rency legislation, including especially the proposals of the National Mone tary Commission which were embodied in what had come to be known as the Aldrich bill. Such a survey of pending and pro posed legislation, both recent and earlier, was completed and placed in the hands of the subcommittee during June of 1912. An informal discussion of the question of what lines should be followed, ensued. As a result of this informal-discussion, it was agreed to prepare a tentative bill which should be based essentially upon the past in C o n g r ess 37 experience of the banks of the country in organizing clearing house associa tions. The conclusion was definitely reached that a central bank of issue and deposit was not desirable but that, instead of this, a district type of organ ization, in which the banks of the country should participate, was to be preferred. It was further agreed that such district organizations ought to be vested with the function of issuing note currency upon what had come to be known as the elastic, or “ asset secured” plan. It was further thought that the reserves of the country should clearly be transferred to such organizations and that large functions of examination and oversight of the rank and file of the banks should be provided for. W o r k o f S u b c o m m it t e e With these very general principles definitely laid down as a basis, a bill was drafted during the summer and early autumn of 1912, and the sub stance of this bill was informally dis cussed at meetings of the subcommittee which occurred during November, 1912. At that time agreement was reached that further progress in the development of the proposed bill would not be possible unless the attitude of the incoming administration (the Hon orable Woodrow Wilson having been elected President early in November, 1912) could be known. Mr. Glass accordingly addressed a letter to President-elect Wilson informing him generally of what had been done and asking for his views in the matter. An early reply was received from the President-elect in which he expressed agreement in the thought that a suit able banking measure should be devel oped at an early date, and a time was set for consultation with representa tives of the subcommittee of the Banking and Currency Committee. This date was December 26, 1912, at 38 T he A nnals of t h e which time Mr. Glass visited Princeton where President-elect Wilson was then living. During the conference on the 26th of December there was laid before Mr. Wilson the substance of the tentative bill already drafted and question was asked as to his opinion regarding the extent to which the bill should go. Particularly was the question raised with him whether the new bill should provide for an emergency or permanent type of banking organization; whether it should provide for local organization or for a central control of some kind; whether reserves should be transferred to the new banking organization and whether new note issues should be pro vided for. Most of these points had not been considered by the President elect except in a very general way. He expressed himself, however, as desirous of making the measure a thorough going, complete banking and currency bill, and was positive in his thought that there should be a central control organization—although he accepted the view already developed in the subcommittee—and that actual bank ing should be carried on in districts and by local organizations acting more or less independently of one another. He was ready to support the transfer of reserves from existing banks to the new organizations and, in general, granted his support to the idea of complete transformation of the existing banking system. P u b l ic D is c u s s io n o f L e g is l a t io n By this time the fact that a bill was seriously under consideration in the subcommittee on legislation had be come widely known throughout the country among those who were inter ested in securing action from Congress. It became necessary to consider the question whether hearings should be given to those who had arguments to A m er ic a n A cadem y present and views to express and whether it was or was not wise to allow the contents of the proposed bill to become known. On both these points a definite policy was developed as follows: 1 . The question of holding hearings had been discussed with President elect Wilson at Princeton at the meet ing already referred to, and he had favored the holding of hearings. It was now determined to make the hearings very inclusive and to send out letters to representatives of labor, to manufacturers* associations, to bank ers, to economists and to business men. 2. It was further determined to make public no draft of the proposed bill but to mature it slowly and care fully, especially in view of the fact that action on it could not be expected until after the incoming of the new admin istration on March 4 , 1913. It was, however, determined to make known to persons who had a legitimate inter est in the pending measure the prin cipal lines of thought on which the committee was working. Statements on this subject were made from time to time to a variety of inquirers, some of them bankers, some, business men or representatives of their organizations, some, legislators. As a result there was a crop of bills—some published, others never printed but filed with the committee—whose authors sought to put down in writing what they be lieved to be a plan similar to that favored by the subcommittee and hence presumably likely to become the official plan of the administration. There was thus a large crop of so-called “original bank bills” in Con gress. The Aldrich bill was remodeled by advocates for possible use, free of many objectionable features, and was issued as a revised plan by western stu dents of banking. Other plans were developed in the same way and in T h e F e d e r a l R e se r v e A ct sundry cases the authors of such plans continued to take an interest in the matter after the Federal Reserve Act became public and as it passed from stage to stage, eventually correcting them and bringing them up to date as the Reserve Act itself was perfected in the course of its passage through the dif ferent legislative processes. Thus there was at all times during the year 1913 a considerable array of measures whose general thought was the same that had already been developed by the Sub committee on Banking and Currency, although until such time as the Federal Reserve Act itself became public the terms of the various bills were, of course, widely different both from one another and from those of the Act itself. During the months of January and February, 1913, the Banking and Cur rency subcommittee held many hear ings upon the plan already laid out and an entirely new redraft of the Federal Reserve Act was made. This redraft had been practically completed at the close of the hearings in February. It differed from the original act chiefly in detail, embodying in one consistent statute the various elements of the plan which had been submitted to President elect Wilson in the preceding Decem ber. It included provision for the transfer of reserves and the issue of notes, for the refunding of government bonds as well as a provision for govern ment supervision and control of the Reserve Banks, although such super vision and control was shared between the government itself and the bankers of the country. This bill also included aprovisionfor the guaranteeing of bank deposits, insofar as the assets of the member banks would permit, and it also contained an elaborate plan for the election of directors in Reserve Banks with the aid of commercial bodies. After the close of the hearings an other redraft was undertaken and was in C o ng ress 39 completed about the beginning of March, 1913. This third main draft contained principally improvements in language and in technique but dis carded the plan of guaranteeing bank liabilities and also greatly simplified the method of electing directors. With the preparation of this plan and the expiration of the old Congress on March 4, the work of the subcom mittee was completed and the final draft was once more submitted to President-elect Wilson at Trenton, N. J., where he was visited by Mr. Glass, and the finished work sub mitted to him. The President-elect again gave to the bill in its revised form a general preliminary approval. W ork op the Secretary of the T r easury Little work was done on the Federal Reserve Act during the month of March, 1913, but at the beginning of April, President Wilson entrusted to Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo the duty of reviewing the measure for the purpose of reporting to him on the subject. The measure was canvassed section by section by the Secretary of the Treasury and a variety of minor changes were,fumade in it. These changes related principally to details of language. Two important changes were, however, introduced during this process. The first was the acceptance of the idea that the notes to be issued by the new banks should in some way be passed upon or approved or guar anteed by the government, while modifications in the plan for the re funding of government bonds were also introduced. It was the thought of Secretary McAdoo that the original funding provision had been unduly unfavorable to the government. Many of the changes in language proposed in the first instance by repre sentatives of the Treasury were after 40 T he A nnals of the ward cancelled and the original lan guage restored when further study of the draft had convinced the Treasury representatives that the changes which they were at first inclined to introduce had not been well warranted. One further change of great impor tance was introduced during this period of the bill’s history, although not at the instance of the Secretary of the Treasury. This was the provision calling for par clearance of member bank obligations. There had been a doubt in the minds of the subcom mittee whether the introduction of this provision, in addition to the other extensive elements of the measure, would be desirable or not, and it was eventually determined to present the matter to Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo in order to get his thought on the subject. The “Money Trust” section of the Banking and Currency Committee had in the meantime carried on a lengthy “probe” into banking conditions in New York and had reported that, in no small measure, unsatisfactory con ditions there were due to faulty clearing house organization. It had, therefore, recommended certain legislation de signed to control clearing houses. Secretary McAdoo was of the opinion that some provision relating to clearing and intended to give the clearance power to Federal Reserve Banks would be desirable as showing that due atten tion had been paid to the work of the “ Money Trust” subcommittee. He accordingly assented in general terms to the plan which was placed before him and which was therefore incor porated into the bill. A m er ic a n A cadem y dom of the measure, and he, therefore, proposed and brought to the attention of representative bankers a plan of his own under the terms of which the Treasury would have gone, more or less extensively, into a banking busi ness, with the various subtreasuries as branches. The appearance of this plan, fathered by the Secretary of the Treas ury, naturally tended to throw grave doubts upon the prospects of the Fed eral Reserve Act. About the end of May the whole situation was forcefully brought once more before the atten tion of the President for his decision. Meantime a separate and independ ent bill had been developed by Senator Robert L. Owen of Oklahoma, who had become Chairman of the Banking and Currency Committee of the Senate. President Wilson thus had before him the McAdoo plan, Senator Owen’s tentative plan and the draft of the Federal Reserve Act—as well as, of course, a multitude of other bills, drafts and suggestions which had been filed with him by many citizens. After very considerable attention the Presi dent determined to hold to his original decision in favor of the Federal Re serve Act and accordingly announced his determination to discard all of the other suggestions which were then before him. In so doing, however, he found it necessary to consult with the so-called Bryan element in the Cabinet which had already been generally advised of the intended scope of the Federal Reserve Act. As a result of this consultation two further definite changes were made in the bill: the notes to be issued by the several banks were now definitely made liabilities of the United States, while A t t e m p t t o S u b s t i t u t e a n A d m i n it was determined that the Federal is t r a t io n B il l Reserve Board should be exclusively Careful study of the Federal Reserve composed of government appointees Act as thus drafted, however, led to be named by the President and con Secretary McAdoo to doubt the wis firmed by the Senate. These changes T h e F e d e r a l R e se r v e A ct in C o ng ress 41 (4) Provision of machinery for doing foreign banking business. In order to accomplish these purposes fully it is necessary to (a) repeal certain portions of existing law; (b) rectify various conditions in the present national banking system which are in some cases only indi rectly connected with the objects sought; (c) furnish a new class of institutions for the performance of some functions which cannot well be entrusted to existing banks, or at all events can better be performed by others and (d) alter the present reserve system to a very material degree. The scope of the bill can best be under stood by an analytical review of its con C haracter of M easu r e tents, with reference to sections and para It will be observed that the first graphs. This is herewith subjoined. innovation in the terms of the original B a s is o f P r e s e n t S it u a t io n measure had come at the instance of The present banking situation in the Secretary Bryan during late May, United States rests upon the National Bank 1913. It is interesting, therefore, to Act proper slightly, modified from time know just what the plan was which had to time andasupon so-called Aldrichbeen completed for introduction into Vreeland Act (Act oftheMay 30, 1908). Of Congress. Space unfortunately for these acts the latter is completely repealed bids a detailed description. At that (Section 1) on the ground that it has never time, however, there was prepared for become operative, probably will not be the use, and at the request, of the Pres come operative except under extreme stress, ident, a digest stating the chief content and was never satisfactory. The National and purpose of the bill. This digest, Bank Act itself is modified in numerous essential particulars which will be pointed heretofore never published, is an out from time to time in this memorandum. authentic description of the conclu a separate measure a general revision of sions tentatively reached up to that In administrative provisions of the Na time and shows fairly clearly the nature the tional Bank Act is also provided. of the original measure. It is accord N e w C l a ss o f B a n k s ingly subjoined verbatim: Fundamental to the idea of the bill is the M em o randum o n S cope a n d E ffec t creation of a new class of banks (Section 2), o f H. R .-------- , t o R e o r g a n iz e t h e to be known as National Reserve Banks. P r e s e n t B a n k i n g a n d C u r r e n c y The chief points about these banks are as S y stem . follows: In H. R .----- prepared for introduction (1) Number to be twenty with possible by Representative Glass of Virginia it is increase later as provided. (Section 2.) intended to furnish a comprehensive meas (2) Ownership to be in the hands of the national banks of the twenty districts in ure for the attainment of four objects: (1) Provision of a place for rediscounting which the banks are situated. (Section 2.) commercial paper of specified types. (3) Capitalization to be 20 per cent of (2) Provision of a basis for elastic note the capital of the stockholding banks, one half paid in and one half subject to call. issues properly safeguarded. (3) Refunding of outstanding 2 per cent (Section 2.) bonds so as not to inflict loss upon present (4) Business to be as follows: (a) Rediscounting of paper presented by holders. having been agreed upon, the bill was introduced into Congress in its existing form and thus finally worked out. Shortly afterward a new House bank ing and currency committee was ap pointed with Mr. Glass as chairman. The Glass bill—the completed draft of the Federal Reserve Act—was promptly referred to the Banking and Currency Committee as thus organized and the actual work upon the measure was be gun. This work was vigorously under taken toward the end of June, 1913. 42 T he A nnals of t h e stockholding banks and by other banks under specified conditions, provided such paper grows out of actual agricultural, commercial or industrial transactions and does not run more than a specified number of days. (Section 14.) (b) Buying and selling government secu rities, gold and silverbullion andforeign coin, foreign exchange. (Sections 16 and 17.) (c) Government fiscal operations. (Sec tion £1.) I ssu e of N otes The bill provides for the maintenance of existing bank notes outstanding so long as their present issuers want to keep them out, and also calls for the establishment of a note issue on a new basis to be put out by the National Reserve Banks. Provision is, however, made for retiring the present National Bank notes at the discretion of their issuers. This plan comprises the following points: (1) Every national bank would be allowed to continue its note issue exactly as at present. (Section 26.) (2) It would not, however, be allowed to increase the issue beyond the point at which it stood when the law was passed. (Section 26.) (3) No newly organized bank would be required to purchase government bonds; hence no new bank would have any note issues. (Section 26.) (4) Whenever an existing bank retired any of its notes and withdrew its bonds it would lose the right to put out further issues of notes above the amount to which its issue was thus reduced. (Section 26.) (5) National Reserve Banks would be allowed to issue notes secured in the same way as their other obligations to an amount equal to twice the par value of their capital stock. They would also be allowed to issue additional notes if they desired, equal to the amount of notes withdrawn by the individual banks which might from time to time surrender their note issue privilege in part or in whole. (Sections 2 3 and 2 6 .) D i s p o s a l o f U. S. B o n d s , Recognizing (a) that the present 2 per cent bonds were sold to the banks on the basis of a pledge that they might continue to be used as a basis for circulation, and A m er ic a n A cadem y that therefore the government is morally bound to maintain their value in a corre sponding degree; (b) and that it is desirable to retire the bonds now held behind bank notes and put in their place bonds whose value is sustained solely by their incomepaying power, it is provided that: (1) Banks now holding the bonds may offer these bonds for redemption or con version into 3 per cent bonds at a rate not to exceed one tenth of their holdings each year. (Section 2 6 .) This would mean that a maximum of about $65,000,000 a year could theoretically be converted, and the evidence is that that sum would be ab sorbed without difficulty by investors each year. (2) At the end of ten years other holders of bonds would be allowed to convert them into 3 per cents. (Section 26.) (3) As a result of these changes the gov ernment would be obliged to increase its interest charge the first year of the new arrangement by an amount not greater than one per cent on $65,000,000, or $650,000, while the second year a like addi tion would be made and so on, until at the end of ten years a possible maximum addi tion of $7,300,000 in interest charges would probably have been assumed. P r o t e c t io n o f N o t e s Fully admitting the necessity of an absolute protection of note issues, the bill seeks to safeguard those for which it pro vides as follows: (1) National bank notes are safeguarded at every point by exactly the same elements of protection which exist to-day, none of these being diminished in the slightest degree. (2) Notes issued by National Reserve Banks are protected by a large gold reserve, by constant close government supervision, and by immediate and prompt redemption. Stringent provisions are made against counting any of these notes as a part of bank reserves, thus insuring their speedy return to the point of origin. (Sections 30, 31, etc.) (3) All notes are made receivable by the government and are to be received by every bank in the system on deposit at par, with out exchange. (Section 23.) T h e F e d e r a l R e se r v e A ct (4) Uniformity in the currency is ob tained by making the National Reserve notes identical in appearance and wording with the National bank notes. (Section 23.) (5) Power to oversee and control the issue of notes is placed in the hands of a supervisory board. (Sections 13, etc.) G o vernm ent C ontrol Overseeing the whole system is created through a so-called Federal Reserve Board, (Section 13) with the following organization and functions: (1) Board to consist of representatives of (a) National Reserve Banks (b) bank stockholders (c) the government itself. (Section 10.) (2) Actual working body to be an exe cutive committee of this Board consisting of Secretary of the Treasury, Comptroller of the Currency, and Attorney-General, with four members of the Federal Reserve Board chosen by the latter. (Section 11.) (3) Board and Executive Committee, as thus made up, to have power to deposit Government funds in National Reserve Banks, to fix rates of rediscount in such banks, to compel any National Reserve Bank to rediscount the paper of any other, and to examine the banks of the system. (Section 13.) S t r u c t u r e o p S y st e m The effort has been made to “popular ize” the control' “of* the whole system of banking thus built up while at the same time preserving a sufficient amount of centralization, controlled by governmental agency, to insure that the whole system shall be responsive to legitimate public demands. The bill is based on the belief that no one should participate in the control of the system unless he is either financially interested himself or chosen by those who are, save insofar as the government steps in to exert the authority of the whole com munity. With this in mind the system has been developed as follows: (1) Organization, powers and functions of national banks are left as at present. (2) National Reserve Banks are incor porated institutions holding Federal char ters and in all respects managed like na in C o ng ress 43 tional banks except as to the election of directors which is provided for as follows: (a) Banks in every district are divided into five classes according to capitalization. In each class the directors of the banks nominate a candidate for the directorship of the Reserve Bank. These are then voted on (one bank one vote) and a director is chosen for each of the five classes—five in all. (Section 4.) (b) In the five classes aforesaid bank stockholders vote for and elect a director for each class by a process prescribed in each case making five in all, or with the preceding five, ten. (Section 4.) (c) The ten men thus named select four others after a prescribed process, eight votes required to elect, and the nominees subject to rejection by the Federal Reserve Board. (Section 4.) (d) A fifteenth member, to be Chairman of the Board of Directors is chosen by the Federal Reserve Board itself. (Section 4.) (3) The Federal Reserve Board consists of two members from each district and the three government officials already specified. (Section 10.) It is not an incorporated body, has no banking functions but is supervisory. (a) One member of the Federal Reserve Board in each district is chosen directly by the directors of the National Reserve Bank of the district. (Section 10.) (b) A second member of the Board from each district is chosen by the bank stock holders of the district, voting by a pre scribed method. (Section 10.) (c) These members of the two classes referred to choose by ballot four of their own number to join with the government officers already mentioned as the Executive Committee of the Board. These four are designated by the Secretary of the Treas ury to hold the offices of President, first and second Vice-Presidents and Secretary of the Federal Reserve Board. (Section 11.) R eserves In the belief that the present reserve system is antiquated and unsatisfactory, that the massing of funds in New York and other financial centers of which so much has been said in recent years, is largely due to 44 T he A nn a ls of th e A m erican A cademy the present reserve requirements of na industrial transactions evidenced by very tional banks, and that in order to get the short term paper and on rare occasions real benefit from the system of rediscount under carefully prescribed conditions to which has been proposed as a remedy for financial operations protected by collateral. many existing evils, it is necessary to base They will also be able to engage in foreign such system upon an actual control of exchange operations, sales of government reserves, provision has been made for securities, etc., as already explained. recasting the present bank reserve system.1 (2) National banks will be subjected to The plan includes: precisely the same restrictions as at pres (1) Transfer of reserves from existing ent with a relaxation in favor of a moderate national banks in reserve and central re amount of real estate loans by country serve cities, to National Reserve Banks. banks under carefully guarded conditions. (Section 39.) (Section 27.) (2) Spreading out of this process of trans (3) By a revision of the administrative fer over a period of fourteen months in features of the National Banking Act, order to give as little shock as possible to provision will be made for close oversight market conditions. (Section 27.) of National institutions with a view to (3) Ultimately the establishment of a holding them strictly up to the require Reserve System, at the end of the transi ments of a legitimate banking business. tion period in which so-called country (Text of bill still to be submitted.) banks will have 15 per cent of reserve (i. e. (4) In order to possess themselves of the 15 per cent of total demand liabilities) such kind of paper entitling them to rediscounts, 15 per cent to be held, 5 per cent in the xnational banks will find themselves obliged bank’s vaults, 5 per cent with the National to keep a reasonable proportion of their Reserve Banks and 5 per cent either at assets in the form of paper eligible for home or with the Reserve Bank; while rediscounting, and this will mean very con reserve and central reserve city banks will siderable emphasis upon the strictly com have reserves of 20 per cent of demand mercial aspects of the business done by liabilities, of which 5 per cent will be at national institutions. home, 5 per cent with the Reserve Bank of P o s it io n o f S t a t e B a n k s the district and 10 per cent either at home or with the Reserve Bank. (Section 27.) It has not been thought wise to permit (4) The presumed effect of this plan will State banks to own stock in the National be to end the placing of reserves with Reserve Banks for two reasons: central reserve city banks for use in stock (1) State banks by the terms of their market operations, to keep reserves in organization are differently managed^and some measure at home, and to require controlled from national. speculators to get the funds they need in (2) The laws of the United States differ their operations either by directly borrow with respect to liabilities, the collection of ing them from persons who hold them and debts, and other matters. want to lend the cash for that purpose, or Hence the bill has attempted only to else by borrowing from the banks in the provide for giving these banks equal facil places where the operations are to be car ities for doing business by establishing the following conditions: ried on. (1) State banks may affiliate themselves D iv is io n o f B u s in e s s with National Reserve Banks by maintain The object of the bill is to effect a mod ing the deposits with the National erate division and classification of banking Reserve same Banks are kept by national business along indicated lines, the net banks under thethat proposed act. (Section result, presumably, being summed up as 29.) follows: (2) State banks shall in these circum (1) National Reserve Banks will be stances be entitled to do business with and strictly limited to actual commercial and get rediscounts from National Reserve 1 Including collections and clearances. Banks. (Section 29.) T h e F ederal R eserve A ct in C ongress 45 (3) State banks shall be subject to in the placing of Treasury funds in the hands spection and examination by National of National Reserve Banks. Reserve Banks. (Section 29.) R e l a t io n s w it h T r e a s u r y It is believed that the present sub treasury system is unsatisfactory, clumsy, injurious to business and difficult to man age in times of stress. The bill therefore provides for: (1) The placing of all current funds of the Treasury in National Reserve Banks and the payment of government creditors by check thereon. (Section 21.) (2) The equalization of the public funds between the different reserve banks subject to a rate of interest to be fixed by the Federal Reserve Board. (Section 13.) (3) The trust funds of the Treasury are to be held as at present in the vaults of the Treasury. F o r e ig n B a n k s Recognizing that present banking legis lation under the national system is inade quate in its relation to foreign trade, because it furnishes far too little recogni tion of the necessities of the case, and believing that the development of foreign banking ought to be aided and promoted and at the same time regulated by the national government, it has been sought in drafting the bill to provide: (1) A new type of institutions created for foreign trade purposes and organized by individuals or existing national banks or both. (Section 41.) (2) Permission to establish branches in foreign countries and whenever necessary under specified conditions to establish such additional branches in the United States as may seem requisite. (3) Authority on the part of the Na tional Reserve Banks to deal in foreign exchange and otherwise to facilitate oper ations involving international trade. (Sec tion 18 and Section 19.) (4) Permission to national banks to do an acceptance business in all matters relating to foreign trade, the importation and exportation of goods, the furnishing of travellers’ funds on letters of credit, etc. (5) The more efficient and successful handling of financial relations between the United States and foreign countries through C o m m it t e e S u s t a i n s B i l l The work of the Banking and Cur rency Committee covered a period of several weeks and was largely devoted to the improvement of details in the pending bill. A list of these changes would not be of special interest, even were it possible in a brief treatment of the history of the Federal Reserve Act. It is enough to say that the Commit tee speedily developed a difference of opinion with respect to the measure, a substantial section of it desiring to broaden the bill in the direction of action which would give to agricultural interests a larger borrowing power. Accordingly, the maturity of paper based upon farming operations was increased to 180 days although all other paper was prohibited from dis count for a period of over 90 days. Some other concessions were made to so-called farming interests. Public control over the Reserve Banks was strengthened and a provision creating a so-called Federal Advisory Council, a body of bankers drawn from the various districts and directed to meet at intervals for consultation with the Federal Reserve Board, was estab lished. Outside these and a relatively small number of other amendments the changes in the Banking and Currency Committee of the House of Representa tives amounted to little more than textual change effected for the purpose of improving or clarifying the language employed. When the bill, on Septem ber 9 , was ready for introduction in the House of Representatives, with, a committee report, but little alteration in it had been made in any essential particular. First, however, it was necessary that the bill should pass through the House of Representatives T h e A nn a ls 46 of th e caucus of the Democratic party. Al though severely attacked in the delib erations of this body, which were held behind closed doors, no material change was introduced and the bill accordingly went to the House on September 18. After a short debate, it was finally adopted and sent to the Senate in a form not very different from that already given to it by the Committee. S e n a t e H o s t il it y In the Senate the Federal Reserve Bill, for as such it was now coming to be known, encountered much more serious opposition than it had been obliged to meet and overcome in the lower chamber. The Banking and Currency Committee as then organized was not friendly to it. The Chairman of that Committee, Senator R. L. Owen, had prepared a bill of his own which had not succeeded in making headway. Its place was taken by the Federal Reserve bill which he had finally consented to introduce as drafted in the House. In the Banking and Currency Com mittee at least two Democratic groups, neither of them friendly to the meas ure, were formed, while among Repub licans practically two other groups existed, one inclined to favor the bill, the other, to oppose or remodel it. In hearings before the Senate Committee, lengthy opportunity was given to the advocates of a central bank to present argument. Eventually the discussion, although taking a wide range, settled down about the question as to whether there should be fewer or a larger number of Reserve Banks, whether the Reserve Banks themselves should have full power over reserves and col lections, and whether the type of note issue which had been favored in the House bill should be retained. It was with great difficulty and, probably, only as a result of the strongest pres A m erican A cademy sure on the part of the Administration that it proved possible to obtain a favorable report to bring the bill before the Senate for debate and eventually to pass it. Analysis of the Senate debate would be out of the question in any brief space and may therefore be passed over with the remark that, although the discussion resulted in changes in the Federal Reserve bill, which, when combined with those already made by the Senate Banking and Currency Committee, produced a measure very different from that adopted by the House, nearly all of the changes made by the Senate, as will presently be seen, were ultimately surrendered in Conference Committee, the bill being thus shifted back in substance to the original House form. During the Con ference Committee sessions, it is worthy of remark, one important innovation was introduced; a substi tute section relating to the refunding of government % per cent bonds was transmitted to the Committee by Secretary McAdoo and adopted prac tically as it stood in lieu of the pro visions which had been made on that subject by the two houses. Changes by the Senate It is now worth while to sketch briefly and succinctly the changes made by the Senate in the House draft of the Federal Reserve Act insofar as they were ultimately retained in the final law. The work thus done may be surveyed as follows:2 Turning first to the alterations in the House bill that secured acceptance, the principal features may be enu merated as follows: (1) Introduction of provision for sale of stock in Federal Reserve Banks to the public in the event that not enough banks 2 From article by the author in American Economic Review, March 1914. T h e F ederal R eserve A ct in C ongress subscribe for the stock to furnish an ade quate capital in any given district. (2) Provision for alternative voting in the choice of directors of Federal Reserve Banks so as to insure prompt election. (3) Reduction of number of Federal Reserve Banks.to not more than 12, as against the “at least 12” of the House bill. (4) Elimination of requirement that all national banks recharter. (5) Broadening of powers of Federal Reserve Board and modification of lan guage relating to rediscounts between Fed eral Reserve Banks, so as to render such rediscounts easier than was intended by the House bill. (6) Provision that the Secretary of the Treasury might, not must, deposit public funds in reserve banks. (7) Reduction of reserve requirements placed upon member banks under House bill. On the other hand, the following important points were yielded by the Senate in the conference: (1) Omission of provision that holders of stock sold to private individuals (if any) should have voting power in directorates of Federal Reserve Banks and elsewhere. (2) Elimination of guaranty of bank deposits, by use of surplus earnings. (3) Elimination of provision that Fed eral Reserve Bank notes might be counted in reserves of stockholding banks. (4) Restoration of provision that many classes of checks should be collected at par throughout the country, and that where such par collection was not enforced, the charge for making collection should be fixed by the Federal Reserve Board. (5) Elimination of domestic acceptances, thereby excluding them from use by stock holding banks and from rediscount by Federal Reserve Banks. (6) Modification of reserve require ments as formulated by the Senate so as to require actual cash reserves in the vaults of country banks (the Senate having entirely dispensed with such reserves after twenty-four months after date of the pas sage of the Act) and general stiffening of reserve requirements made by the Senate, although the final language still con 47 stituted a reduction below the House provision. (7) Reduction of period of maturity for which discountable paper might run from 180 days to 90 days. While various other points of modi fication and concession on either side might, of course, be enumerated, it is believed that the foregoing presenta tion is representative and shows suf ficiently well the nature of the con ference work and the character of the points conceded on either side. As suming that such a fair or representa tive selection has been made, it is evident that the work of the confer ence resulted in the establishment of the House contentions at nearly every essential point, the exceptions to such a remark being found in two main particulars: (1) the reduction in the number of Reserve Banks and their limitation to not more than twelve at any time, and (2) the provision that public deposits might or might not be made in the Reserve Banks at the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury. While other points were significant and important in their way, it can certainly be fairly concluded that on those matters involving important issues of theory the House virtually held its own in most respects. In fact, it is an accurate generalization that the final bill as completed in conference committee and as passed by both Houses was a closer approach to the original House draft of the measure than anything that had intervened during the time the bill was going through the various permutations to which it was subjected in its slow prog ress from one stage to another of the legislative process. At one other point there was marked and vital departure from the original House measure—the provision with reference to the refunding of United T he A n n a ls 48 of the States 2 per cent bonds and the treat ment of the currency based upon such bonds. On this subject the final action of the conference was nearly equivalent to the acceptance of a plan formulated by the Administration and designed to take the place of all of the various other schemes that had been recommended from different sources in either House. The action as to bonds was, therefore, not a concession by either side but was a virtual surrender by both and an acceptance of the con clusions of the Treasury Department. Barring the two matters already men tioned, the House measure was changed in no respect that affected its essential working; nor could it be said that even in these particulars it had necessarily been subjected to modification, since, in both, the action contemplated by the provisions ultimately adopted was permissive, rather than compulsory. T h e I n s p i r a t i o n o f t h e B il l As to the idea by which the Federal Reserve Act was dominated or upon which it was molded, or as some have termed it the inspiration of the bill, there has been much unnecessary con troversy. The measure as originally made read!y for introduction was the outgrowth of the long years of discus sion of the banking and currency prob lem through which the country had passed from 1893 onward. The notion of a district reserve system was directly and confessedly drawn from the experi ence of the banks of the country with local clearing house organizations. Other features were the careful result of foreign experience. While the bill was thus made up of ideas drawn from all available sources so far as these were known to the committee of the House of Representatives, it was pre pared as the result of individual study and without the acceptance of outside bills, suggestions or models. It was, in A m erican A cademy short, honest in its inception, professing to be with all of its various defects sim ply what it actually was—a measure prepared on the basis of American experience, enlightened and adapted by the use of such lessons as could be drawn from European banking prac tice. As the writer has said on la former occasion:3 The Federal Reserve Act is the product of a lengthy course of development and has grown gradually out of the discussion and analysis of the past twenty years. It is not drawn, even largely, from any single source, but is the product of comparison, selection, and refinement upon the various materials, ideas and data, rendered avail able throughout a long course of study and agitation. Many bills embodying the same general line of thought that now finds expression in the new act have been offered in Congress; some have been suggested outside that body. The most fundamental concept of all—that of uniting the banks of the country into organized groups—is found in the clearing house organizations, which in time of stress have pooled their resources and converted bank assets into the equivalent of reserve money. The bills prepared by or under the direction of the Honorable Isidor Straus, the Honorable J. H. Walker, the Honorable Charles A. Fowler, and the Honorable Maurice L. Muhleman have supplied at least the basis for many of the detailed analyses and methods of treatment that are found in the Federal Reserve Act. Earlier than any of these, was the bill recommended by the Indianapolis Monetary Commission, which did not provide for cooperative unions of banks, but upon which the framers of the present act have evidently drawn for some of their ideas. The latest bill in the long series which was available for study to the framers of the Federal Reserve Act, was that prepared for the National Monetary Commission and called in popular language the “Aldrich bill.” By many the new law is regarded as a partial copy of, or plagiarism from, the Aldrich bill; and that view has been widely 3American Economic Review, loc. eit. T h e A ldrich -V reeland E m ergency C urrency expressed both in and out of Congress. That such was not the opinion of Mr. Aldrich himself, his scathing and bitter denunciation of the House bill seems to bear abundant witness.4 It might be enough for purposes of argument simply to appeal on this point from the critics of the measure to Mr. Aldrich himself but that would hardly answer the purpose of historical analysis. The Aldrich bill may be considered from two standpoints, (1) that of its theory and broad general plan on the one hand, and (2) that of its machinery and technique of construction on the other. From the first standpoint, there is no shadow of relation ship or similarity between the Federal Reserve Act and the Aldrich bill. From the second, there is at many points a close resemblance. The Aldrich bill provided for a single central “reserve association” with scanty public oversight, with control vested practically wholly in the banks, and with the preponderance of power in the larger institutions which owned stock. It so arranged things as to keep this “reserve association” relatively inactive except upon special occasions of panic or disturbance. 49 It made no direct provision for the shifting of reserves in part from existing banks to the proposed association, but it relied upon inflation due to the placing of bank notes issued by the central association in the reserves of the stockholding banks for pro tection in time of danger. The new act provides for twelve reserve banks, intro duces the principle of local control, calls for strict government oversight, shifts reserves from present correspondent banks to the new institutions, minimizes the influence of the larger banks in directorates, and generally diffuses control instead of centralizing it. It leaves banking, as such, to be practiced by bankers; it vests the control of banking in the hands of govern ment officers. The theory and purpose of the new act are widely different from those of the Aldrich bill. Where the Aldrich proposal veers widely away from the tendencies that have been developed during the preceding ten years of American bank ing discussion, the Federal Reserve Act closely follows them. Indeed, the Act of 1913 is closer to any one of half a dozen bills of former years than to the Aldrich proposal. The Aldrich-Vreeland Emergency Currency By T H om er Jo sep h D o d g e Editor, The Federal Trade Information Service1 HE origins of everything in the of our national activity, is not a diffi world, from man himself to slang cult task. Although inflation of such words and phrases, from vast and pertremendous proportions previously had fect mechanisms to manners and been unheard of, the stage was espe customs, or great eras and economic cially set in preparation for that event. cycles, always have held a special As a preliminary to the more serious fascination. And there has always later currency inflation, the United been someone, whether it be Darwin States had innocently provided itself or the Encyclopaedia Brittanica, to with a lively springboard from which ferret out each firstling. to leap. To point to the circumstances of T h e F o r e r u n n e r o f I n f l a t i o n the origin of the American currency inflation, the progress of which dur That springboard was the Aldriching the last seven years has had so Vreeland Act which provided a sudden profound an effect upon every branch 11 am indebted to the office of the Comptrol 4 Proceedings of American Academy of Polit ler of the Currency for the statistics of the Aldrich-Vreeland note issues. ical and Social Science, October, 1913. 50 T h e A nn a ls of the means for issuing hundreds of millions of dollars in emergency currency. To be sure, it was designed merely to meet temporary needs for additional currency in periods of financial stress. It was intended that this currency should never remain long outstand ing, but should merely supply the nation with a currency medium during the brief period required to restore confidence following a market up heaval or similar economic disturbance of known dimensions and experienced intensity. An aggregate of $500,000,000 was provided for this purpose. That a need should develop in this gen eration for greater sums was undreamt. The panic of 1907 had been a severe lesson to the American bank ing fraternity and to the nation as a whole. At that time clearing house certificates had been issued to the extent of $255,536,300—a great sum then—and Congress, intent on pro viding a preventive against a similar embarrassment, had passed the Aldrich-Vreeland Currency Act, which was approved May 30, 1908. It was regarded as an emergency implement to be supplanted by more solid legis lation and, therefore, was to expire by limitation, June 30 , 1914. The permanent legislation was provided, for on December 23, 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was approved. The Federal Reserve Banks were not opened, however, until November 16, 1914, so when the European War broke out the permanent system was not ready for operation. The War was the call-bell for the beginning of the performance of world wide inflation. The American vehicle of participation was not ready, so Congress brought back, as a curtainraiser, the Aldrich-Yreeland Emer gency Currency Act. It extended the life of the act from June 30, 1914, to June 30, 1915. A m erican A cademy W ar D em and for M o ney In times of stress of almost any kind, money is the first support on which mankind leans. Availability of ample supplies of money goes far toward alleviating almost any dis tress. The War had not yet had an opportunity to bring home the lesson that in an economic sense, goods and services, and not money, are the king pins. With the Stock Exchange clos ing, and banks and business houses and individuals throughout the country in a state of bewilderment over the meaning of the War, everyone wanted money quickly. Europe instantly began unloading her railroad and industrial securities in this market. Belligerent govern ments began awarding contracts for war supplies. Prices began to rise, and a thousand new demands for money sprang up. This demand, coupled with a caution on the part of the banks, arising from the native timidity of capital in the presence of great material forces, doubtless would have caused serious embarrassment had it not been for the availability of the Aldrich-Vreeland emergency cur rency. A curious fact attendant upon the issuance of this money bears upon the political aspect of the event. The Federal Reserve Act had been widely press-agented to the country as a great achievement of the Democratic Congress. It was a Wilson bill, one of the heralded Democratic reforms. Now the Aldrich-Yreeland Act, as its very name signifies, was the creation of an old-fashioned Republican Con gress. It was popularly known that the Federal Reserve Act had been approved; that its machinery was in process of erection. The AldrichVreeland Act was forgotten. Where fore, when, in response to the demand of the hour, m emergency currency T h e A ldrich -V reeland E mergency C urrency appeared, it was popularly received as the issue of the new Federal Re serve System. It is not a matter of large importance, but rather a curi osity of financial history, that to this day many business men are under the impression that the emergency cur rency with which they did business in the first few months of the War was Federal Reserve currency. At the beginning of the crucial period following the declaration of war in Europe, the general stock of currency in the United States amounted to $3,735,579,397, of which $368,210,467 was held in the Treas ury as assets of the government, leaving the amount in circulation at $3,367,368,930. Of the general stock, there was in gold, $ 1,887,270,664 ; silver, $748,287,696 ; United States notes, $349, 114,016 ; and national bank notes, $750,907,021. On August 1, 1914, the stock of incomplete currency in the custody of the Comptroller of the Currency and available for issue on the security of United States bonds and other securities, was $524,864,470. The aggregate amount of government bonds on deposit to secure circulation, to gether with the amount of such bonds outstanding and acceptable for that purpose, aggregated $913,317,500, of which the national banks had on deposit to secure circulation, $740,796,910, to secure United States de posits, $23,047,950, and on hand unpledged, $ 11,950,300. Hence, only about $ 137,500,000 of the class of United States bonds acceptable as security for circulation were not owned by national banks. This amount, plus $ 11,955,300, owned but unpledged, or in round amount, $ 149,500,000, was the measure of the possible increase of national bank circulation on the security of United States bonds. 51 On August 1, 1914, the outstand ing national bank circulation amounted to $750,907,020, of which $735,222,801 was secured by United States bonds, and the remainder, $ 15,684,220, by lawful money deposited by banks in liquidation and by those that were retiring their circulation. On September 12, 1914, the date of the first report from national banks following the beginning of the Euro pean War, the reporting banks had on deposit with the Treasurer of the United States as security for circu lation, United States bonds to the amount of $736,685,850. On that date the volume of circulation issu able under the Act of 1908, that is, 125 per cent of the combined capital and surplus of the banks, amounting to $2 ,230,588,239, less the amount of currency issued on United States bonds, was $ 1,493,902,390. As a matter of fact, the authorized issues of currency under that Act, from the date of the first issue on August 4 , 1914, to the date of the last issue on Febru ary 13, 1915, were but $386,444,215, or less than one-fourth of the maximum issuable. The amount au thorized included $910,500 secured by state and municipal bonds deposited with the Treasurer of the United States in trust by eight national banks, all other issues being based upon securities deposited with na tional currency associations. During the period of activity of issues of circulation under authority of the Act of 1908, the volume of United States bond-secured circula tion was practically unchanged. The aggregate amount of outstanding national-bank circulation reached the maximum, during the period in which emergency circulation was issued, in the middle of November, 1914, namely, $ 1,126,039,600. T h e A nn als 52 of th e P r o v is io n s f o r R e t ir e m e n t o f A l d r i c h -V r e e l a n d C u r r e n c y The law authorized the deposit of lawful money or national bank notes for the retirement of this additional or emergency currency. By reason of general conditions and the lack of demand for funds, deposits for re tirement of the additional circulation began to be made as early as the middle of October, and by January 2, 1915, aggregated $238,698,460, or over 60 per cent of the total circulation authorized to be issued. Within nine months, that is, by May 1, 1915, $380,039,030 of the authorized $386,444,215 of this currency had been retired, and prior to June 30, 1915, the entire amount issued had been retired except the sum of $200,000, the amount issued to a national bank that failed and was placed in charge of a receiver. In addition to the securities de posited, the law provided that “the banks and the assets of all banks belonging to the association (national currency), shall be jointly and sever ally liable to the United States for the retirement of such additional circulation.” The value of the securities de posited with the currency associations, that is, the market value of the state and miscellaneous bonds and the face value of the commercial paper and warehouse receipts, including ex changes, was, roundly stated, $907,880,000 of which $651,146,000 was in commercial paper. The net value of the securities, that is, the gross amount deposited less exchanges, ex ceeded the value of circulation issued by more than 30 per cent. Under the provisions of law and the rulings of the Treasury Depart ment, securities deposited were classi fied as follows: 1. State, municipal, and county A m erican A cademy bonds were accepted at 85 per cent of the market value. 2. Miscellaneous securities, includ ing industrial bonds, and other securi ties, mainly city and town notes and warrants, were accepted at 75 per cent of the market value. 3 . Commercial paper was accepted at 75 per cent of the face value, and— 4 . Notes secured by warehouse re ceipts for cotton, tobacco, and naval stores at 75 per cent of the face value. The additional circulation author ized and secured by commercial paper represented 57 ^ per cent of the total amount authorized; by mis cellaneous securities, 28 per cent; by state, county and municipal bonds, 14 per cent; and by notes secured by warehouse receipts, one-half of one per cent. A c t iv it y o f N a t io n a l C u r r e n c y A s s o c ia t io n s While there were between 7,500 and 7,600 national banks in active operation during the period in ques tion and 45 national currency as sociations organized, the membership of these associations was but 2 , 197, and of that number only 1,363 took out additional circulation. None of the banks in four currency associa tions, namely, Vermont, Rhode Island, northern New York, and central New York, applied for circulation. All the states of the Union were included in one or more of the currency associa tions excepting Maine and Wyoming. None of the national banks in nine states, namely, Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island, Delaware, South Dakota, Mon tana, Wyoming, Idaho and Nevada, ap plied for additional circulation. Eighty per cent, or $309,308,210 of the authorized issue of $386,444,215, was for banks in the reserve city T h e A ldrtch -V reeland E mergency C urrency associations. The amount authorized for banks in the National Currency Association of the city of New York was $ 144,975,960 ; Boston, $24,944,500 ; Chicago, $27,070,000 ; Philadel phia, $ 14,883,750 ; Minneapolis and St. Paul, $ 12,798,500 ; Dallas, $11,337,950 ; Pittsburgh, $ 10,978,000 ; St. Louis, $10,836,500 ; Cincinnati, $9,592,500 ; and San Francisco, $8,634,500. The tax collected on this addi tional circulation from August, 1914, to June 30, 1915, was $2 ,977,066.73. With the deposit of the requisite amount of lawful money to provide for the retirement of circulation issued under authority of the Act of May 30, 1908, and the release of the securing collateral, the duties of the national currency associations practically ter minated, although the associations were held to be in existence until the date of the expiration of the act providing for their formation. The organization of the first national cur rency association, that of Washington, D. C., was approved July 18, 1908, and the last, the State of Vermont, Decem ber 16, 1914. There were forty-five national cur rency associations organized with a membership of 2,197 banks, or 29.15 per cent of the total banks (7,538) that re ported on the call of September 12, 1914. During the month of August, 1914, 30 associations made their first application for additional circulation, 6 in September, 4 in October; 1 did not report the date of its first appli cation, and 4 associations made no application. Forty-one associations approved for issue $385,553,905 to 1,366 member banks. The first approval was made on August 3, 1914, and the last on February 5, 1915. The first appli cation for the retirement of circula tion was approved September 23, 1914. By July 1, 1915, all of the 53 banks to which currency was issued, with the exception of the First Na tional Bank of Uniontown, Pa., which, upon becoming insolvent, was placed in charge of a receiver, had made the necessary deposit to retire their addi tional circulation. The securities pledged with the as sociations aggregated $585,864,391.94, classified as follows: commercial paper, face value, $359,535,317.27, or 61.37 per cent of the total securities de posited; industrial bonds, par value, $ 116,069,173.36, or 19.81 per cent; state, municipal and county bonds, par value, $70,010,846.34 , or 11.97 per cent; railway bonds, par value, $31,333,800, or 5.37 per cent; other sepurities, face value, $4,690,366.86, or 0.80 per cent, and warehouse re ceipts secured by cotton, tobacco, and naval stores, face value, $4,224,888.11, or 0.72 per cent. The ex penses of 41 currency associations, the members of which issued circula tion, are reported at approximately $ 125,000. Two non-issuing associa tions reported combined expenses, $44 .57. The other two non-issuing associations apparently incurred no expense. D e c l in e o f E m e r g e n c y C u r r e n c y a n d I n c r e a se in R e se r v e N o tes The Federal Reserve Banks had opened in the midst of this process, on November 16, 1914. Their machinery was unfamiliar and therefore there was no immediate substitution of the new currency for the Aldrich-Vreeland notes. Retirement of the AldrichVreeland currency, however, set in early. Indeed, the date on which the greatest volume actually was out standing was prior to the opening of the banks—October 24, 1914. This was due to retirement on the part of banks which had taken care of their emergency requirements and were 54 T h e A nn a ls of the getting in shape to carry their own load. That the banking community had not abandoned the emergency currency in favor of the Federal Reserve currency is indicated by the fact that applications for the emer gency currency continued to come in and the date on which the maximum approvals took place was not reached until February 13, 1915. By this time retirements of this currency had brought the amount outstanding down to $45,377, 141. The period in which the greatest volume was retired was the week ending December 12, 1914, and the amount, $45,144,798. There was no full replacement by Federal Reserve notes of the AldrichVreeland notes. By January 1, 1915, a total of $238,698,483 of the AldrichVreeland notes had been retired while only $ 16,530,000 in Federal Reserve notes were in circulation. On April 1, 1915, $372,928,594 of the emergency currency had been retired and only $43,376,000 in Federal Reserve notes were in circulation. The two curves—one representing the retiring Aldrich-Vreeland notes and the other, the expanding Federal Reserve notes—crossed about March 1, 1915. On March 6, 1915, there were $27,905,376 in Aldrich-Vreeland notes still outstanding. On March 5, 1915, there were $29,805,000 in Fed eral Reserve notes in circulation. The previous reporting date for the Aldrich-Vreeland notes was Febru ary 27, when there were $32,249,374 outstanding. Compare this with Feb ruary 26, when there were $26,172.000 in Federal Reserve notes in circulation. The next subsequent re porting date was March 13, when there were $24,357,227 in AldrichVreeland notes outstanding. Com pare this with March 12, when $33,965.000 in Federal Reserve notes were outstanding. By June 30, when A m erican A cademy the last of the Aldrich-Vreeland notes were retired and the Act expired by limitation, there were about $83,000,000 in Federal Reserve notes in circulation. So it will be seen that the AldrichVreeland currency contracted at a much greater rate than the Fed eral Reserve currency was issued. This indicates how truly the AldrichVreeland notes were an emergency —a panic currency. They were is sued to allay panic or in anticipation of it; the Federal Reserve currency was issued in response to the actual needs of business. A further indica tion of these contrasting characters is furnished in the fact that applica tions for new emergency currency continued in substantial volume for a considerable time after the large re tirements by the banks which had received supplies; this indicated that the emergency had passed. It is true that there was a heavy tax operating to force the emergency currency into retirement but this alone does not explain the situation. Had it been the tax which caused the AldrichVreeland money to retire so precipi tately, the untaxed Federal Reserve currency would have flowed out in greater volume. A year after the Federal Reserve Banks had been opened, the Federal Reserve notes in circulation were only $ 184,000,000, less by nearly $ 150,000,000 than the amount of Aldrich-Vreeland cur rency which had been outstanding a year ago. These figures are surprising when retrospect brings them in contrast with the $2,500,000,000 in Federal Reserve notes now outstanding and the $3,250,000,000 outstanding a year ago. These figures further show how totally inadequate the maximum of $500,000,000 in Aldrich-Vreeland notes would have been had the act further T h e A ldrich -V reeland E m ergency C urrency been extended and sole reliance placed upon it to provide an additional currency. To be sure, there had been retirement of other classes of currency but not in such fantastic volume as to match the issuance of Federal Re serve notes. Economists and bankers have learned a great deal about currencies since the days of the Aldrich-Vreeland issues and some rules have been upset. The phenomenon which has caused the most profound amazement has been the persistent vitality of grotesquely inflated currencies in some countries of Europe. The German mark is famous for its depreciation, the Russian ruble, notorious. Both have lost, apparently, practically all calculable relation to metallic reserves, 55 yet they display a lingering vitality and are accepted as being worth something, although as a matter of fact some of them are worth less than the merchandise value of the paper on which they are printed. A meal costs 100,000 rubles in Moscow, yet meals still are bought with rubles. They do circulate. The idea that the image and superscription is a talisman of some value, however much depreciated, en dures in the face of accurate knowl edge that the sovereignty behind these tokens practically is defunct. The idea of a legal tender has retained a momentum which, although slowed down, is yet perceptible. This fact speaks much for an innate desire on the part of the people to retain an artificial circulating medium. The Reserve Act in Its Implicit Meaning By A. D. W e l t o n Continental and Commercial National Bank, Chicago GREAT banking system could a variety of things beside a statute, so conceivably grow up of itself in the statute itself is the product of a response to the demands of business.variety of plans, purposes, ideas and Such a system would be ideal because theories of a wide range. To get a of its flexibility and freedom of adapta thorough understanding of a system tion to the changing requirements of of any kind, of which a statute is the commerce. But no such system ever nucleus, some knowledge of the dis did grow up or ever will. A business, cussion which preceded its formulation involving such an element of trust, is and adoption is desirable and perhaps necessarily conducted by human agen necessary. Certainly, one ambitious cies and human agencies are uncertain to become expertly familiar with the and often dangerous. Government Federal Reserve System would have to everywhere, in one way or another, is study conditions long before December concerned with banking. It is con 23, 1913. The purposes and intentions cerned with the Federal Reserve Sys of the framers of the Act are not told tem which has been evolved or built in the Act itself. They are concealed up around a statute known as the in many reports, documents, and in Federal Reserve Act, approved Decem many minds. They cannot all be ber 23 , 1913. told in brief space but discussion of a A statute, however, is only a first few outstanding points will perhaps be step toward a banking system which helpful in view of recent criticism of is finally made up of operating banks. the Reserve System, newly declared These are credit and currency machines distortions of its purposes and mis whose conduct, in accordance with understandings of its meaning. the law, is guided, regulated and con It may be said on all the authority trolled by rules, precedents, traditions, that exists, that the Reserve Banks habits, customs, decisions and what not. are not government institutions, that The mass of this material makes the they were not intended to be, and that system. With this view of banking it any interference with their operations, is easy to understand why the coming beyond exercise of the powers con of the Federal Reserve Act did not ferred on the Federal Reserve Board, bring with it the repeal of the National is perversion of the law and its mean Bank Act. The statute known as the ing as understood and expressed by National Bank Act might have been those who formulated it. The Federal repealed but the act itself is only a Reserve Banks are privately owned part of the national banking system. institutions. Their stock is all owned The rules, regulations, precedents, by their member banks. The provi etc., which make up that system, sion of the law that, in case the banks could, and perhaps should, be codified did not subscribe for the necessary but anything further would bring un amount of stock, individuals and the certainties and throw the entire system government could, has never been acted upon.1 into confusion. As a banking system is composed of 1 Act December 28, 1913, § 29 et seq. A T h e R eserve A ct in I ts I m plicit M eaning It is possibly true that some mem bers of Congress voted for the bill in the belief that it provided for the establishment of government banks, but it is also probably true that more of them believed that, in some way, the bill opened the way for punishing or demolishing that political phantasy —the “Money Trust.” However, what congressmen believe is not evidence. A n A m e n d m e n t T h a t F a il e d It may be recalled that when the Glass-Owen bill was under discussion in the Senate a serious attempt was made to give the government power over the Reserve Banks by giving the Reserve Board or the Secretary of the Treasury power to appoint a majority of the directors of each bank. Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska offered the amendment, which had other sup porters. Members of the banking and currency committees of both Houses were opposed to this amendment. They maintained it was out of har mony with the spirit and purpose of the measure. Chairman Glass of the House Committee and Senator Owen of the Senate Committee were show ered with telegrams from all parts of the country, urging opposition to this plan. The amendment failed com pletely. Another effort was made to give the government, through the Treasury, direct control over the Reserve Board. This effort had insidious features and was redolent of politics. During the Senate discussion of the Glass-Owen bill, new prints of the bill with minor changes were frequent. In one of these there appeared one day in December an alteration of a para graph in Section 10, which was made to read, as it still reads, as follows: Nothing in this Act contained shall be construed as taking away any powers 57 heretofore vested by law in the Secretary of the Treasury which relate to the super vision, management, and control of the Treasury Department and bureaus under such department, and wherever any power vested by this Act in the Federal Reserve Board or the Federal Reserve Agent ap pears to conflict with the powers of the Secretary of the Treasury, such powers shall be exercised subject to the super vision and control of the Secretary. The paragraph was innocent enough in appearance. No one seemed in terested in it. Chairman Glass, of the House Committee, disclaimed all knowledge of its source, saying the bill had passed from his control. Chair man Owen, of the Senate Committee was non-committal. He thought the suggestion had come from the Treasury. The paragraph was not discussed on the floor. It passed the Conference Committee apparently without notice. Many other provisions were far more important. Over a year later, a newspaper item made it known that the AttorneyGeneral of the United States had given an opinion to the President to the effect that the Federal Reserve Board was an independent organization and not a bureau of the Treasury Depart ment. When the President’s secretary was queried as to the reason for re questing this opinion, he replied that the President had asked it “for Mac” but did not say whether “Mac” was Machiavelli or McAdoo. It is not impertinent to point out that, when the Federal Farm Loan Act was on passage, the question of whether the Farm Loan Board should or should not be a bureau of the Treasury Department was fought out. Every form of the bill that came from the House Committee made the Farm Loan Board an independent organi zation. The Senate Committee in variably made it a bureau of the 58 T h e A n n a ls of the Treasury Department. The Senate won. The Farm Loan Board is a bureau of the Treasury Department. The Federal Reserve Board is not. R eser v e B oard a n In d epen d en t O r g a n iz a t io n The Federal Reserve Board can be classed only as an independent govern ment organization, having supervision over the Federal Reserve Banks and exercising in that field powers defined by law. The Federal Reserve Banks are privately owned institutions, managed by boards of directors chosen by their stockholders and authorized to func tion as banks, but within the pro visions of law and the rules and regulations made under authority of law by the Federal Reserve Board. The powers of the Federal Reserve Board are very broad but the great purpose of the law in creating the Board was to conserve the public in terest, to provide safeguards against domination over banking by either financial or political interests, and to maintain a sound banking system. D e s ig n e d a s a n A id t o B u s in e s s The Federal Reserve System was designed as an aid to business. It is applied only to commercial banking— that form of banking which takes account of the commercial scheme by which commodities are got from producer to consumer. The deposits in commercial banks mark the storedup purchasing power of the com munity. Back of their loans are merchantable goods of greater value. Such banks must be liquid. They must pay on demand and their loans must, therefore, be of short maturities. In a general way a loan should run no longer than the estimated time it takes to get the goods behind it to the con sumer. In relation to the producer, A m erican A cademy the jobber may be the consumer; in relation to the jobber, the retailer holds that position; but, in any event, the final consumer must pay because he destroys the goods completely or takes them out of the class of mer chantable articles. Before the Reserve System came to give practical definition to commercial banking, commercial and investment banking were inextricably mixed. The money of commerce in the form of surplus deposits beyond the immediate needs of the owners, or in bank re serves, was drawn to the centers and chiefly to New York where it could be employed in the call loan market: that is, it could be loaned on demand against securities which represent in vested capital. That system created all the “Money Trust” that ever existed. The Federal Reserve System was intended to divorce investment from commercial banking. Notes secured by investment securities are, there fore, ineligible for rediscount. No matter how strong the market demand for such securities, they are not liquid in the sense that commercial bank loans must be liquid. At times they fluctuate widely in price. The call loan rate fluctuates accordingly. In 1907 it reached 125 per cent. An advance in commercial discount rates from 5 to 7 per cent indicates a critical condition in the commercial money market. The plan to prevent stock market hysteria from affecting commercial business has been reasonably success ful. But investment securities have not been kept out of the Reserve Banks. In Section 13, defining paper eligible for rediscount, it is provided that such definition (of eligibility) “shall not include notes, drafts or bills covering merely investments is sued or drawn for the purpose of T h e R eserve A ct in I ts I mplicit M eaning carrying or trading in stocks, bonds or other investment securities, except bonds and notes of the Government of the United States .” F is c a l A g e n t s o f t h e G o v e r n m e n t The Reserve Banks were intended to be fiscal agents of the government and the exception as to government securities was natural at the time when the World War could not be foreseen. If anyone had thought that the United States would be issuing securities by billions before the Re serve Banks were four years old, it is doubtful if notes secured by govern ment issues would have been made eligible for rediscount so jealous were the framers of the act of the strictly commercial character of the Reserve Banks. Always uppermost in the minds of those men, both in and out of Con gress, was the desire to keep commer cial banking and the Reserve Banks free from investment securities. In numerable proposals have been made for variations from this practice. The trials of war brought many. The farmer’s insatiable demand for more capital and credit has been advanced a thousand times. It has been seri ously proposed that railroad bonds be recognized as collateral for Reserve Bank loans. The pressure for some departure from the rule has been continual, if not constant.2 It is undoubtedly true that many supporters of the Federal Reserve bill in Congress were opposed to invest ment securities as collateral for notes eligible for rediscount only because of hostility to Wall Street and hatred of the “Money Trust.” It is probably 59 true that the distinction between com mercial and investment banking was not clear in the minds of all who voted for the bill. But it was clear in the minds of enough. To confine the Re serve System entirely to commercial banking may leave a gap in the banking scheme, but sufficient experi ence has been had to demonstrate the dangers of any lapse from the integrity of the present plan. P r o t e s t A g a in s t C o m m e r c ia l L im it a t io n s o n R e s e r v e B a n k s The War Finance Corporation was the greatest protest against the com mercial limitations imposed on the Reserve Banks. The exigencies of war excused that law, if they did not justify it, but there is substantial ground for the suspicion, if not for the belief, that, underlying the plan for the War Finance Corporation, was the political desire to get for the govern ment some measure of control over investment banking. Many “Money Trust” baiters fondly believed that the Reserve Act would cripple Wall Street. Some thought that control would be given over speculative activi ties. The War Finance Corporation might have had some such effect if it had functioned to the extent predicted. In its revival as a machine to meet an exigency in which something beyond the maturities permitted for redis counts under the Reserve Act is necessary, it may fill a temporary need acceptably, but it could not function satisfactorily under other conditions, even if it is conceded that its present operations are satisfactory. On the other hand, it can only be said that, if the Reserve Banks cannot meet every commercial banking need, they are 2 The Federal Reserve Board adopted a defective. The difficulty lies in deter policy in order to assist in the war financing mining just what is a commercial which was economically unsound. Pages 62 banking need. Surely it is not to and 63 of the hearings entitled, “Reviving the hold up prices or make up or prevent Activities of the War Finance Corporation.” 60 T h e A n n a ls of th e losses occasioned by cataclysmic dis turbances born of war. It is only fair to say that the first duty of commercial banks is to protect them selves. In doing that they protect business. So far as the present opera tions of the War Finance Corporation protect the commercial banks, the work is probably justified. S o m e T h in g s T h a t W e r e I n t e n d e d A m erican A cademy eral Reserve Bank notes of small de nominations. It is hoped that the latter will soon find their way into oblivion. Reserve Bank notes, of minor con sequence in any event, have a signifi cance as a by-product of the note controversy. Like the provision in Section 16 making reserve notes the obligations of the United States—a provision wholly at variance with the spirit of the Act and practically quite meaningless—Federal Reserve Bank notes attested the strength of the “ cheap money” element and the desire of the advocates of soundness to avoid a direct test of that strength. The bond-secured national bank currency and its retirement presented a problem of grave import. It was finally solved by the provisions in Section 18 requiring the Federal Re serve Banks to purchase such bonds, securing circulation, as were offered to the amount defined. Without dis cussing the methods of refundirig and retiring such bonds, it may be said that the fiat money contingent re volted at the idea of having any securities carrying the circulation priv ilege in the hands of the Reserve Banks without providing a means of issuing notes against them. The means was provided. In due course such notes came into existence. Thus a law which was conceived in the idea that one of its great purposes would be to simplify and unify the currency, actually opened the way for the adding of a new patch and thereby heighten ing the crazy-quilt effect. It is not an invitation to controversy to say that the Reserve Act failed to abolish the office of Comptroller of the Currency for two reasons only: one was the political desire to keep the office in existence, and the other, the necessity for retaining temporarily an organi zation which was familiar with the bank records and had an operating mechanism. Similarly, the Independ ent Treasury system with numerous subtreasuries was marked for abolition but the work was deferred, as is told elsewhere in this volume.3 It was always the plan of the framers of the Reserve Act to secure the ultimate correction of the country’s patch-work currency. It was a hard task, and is, with its difficulties in creased by the clamors of the many who believe in fiat currency. How ever, provision is made for the ultimate retirement of both United States notes and national bank currency. A return to stable conditions will permit the execution of these provisions, although little attention has been given them as yet. The purpose of the Act was to give the country ultimately a currency composed of gold and re C h e c k C o l l e c t io n s a n d N o t e serve notes, with silver certificates as a I ssu es sort.of necessary evil to supply the demand for small bills. The disap It is in Section 16 under the general pearance of the silver during the War title of “Note Issues” that there called forth the amendment permitting appears the provision empowering the issuance of reserve notes and Fed- every Federal Reserve Bank to “re 3 See “The Assumption of Treasury Functions ceive on deposit at par . . . checks and drafts, etc.” by the Federal Reserve Banks.” T h e R eserve A ct in I ts I mplicit M eaning This and the paragraph which follows were those over which came the bitter controversy between coun try banks and Federal Reserve author ities. Of the merits or demerits of the arguments which that controversy aroused, nothing need be said here. The only significance for present purposes lies in the fact that “par collections” are provided for in the section devoted to note issues. Around the question of note issue raged a conflict for many years prior to 1913. The conflict harked back to the Second Bank of the United States, the era when only the states chartered banks and every bank was a bank of issue. It had the savor from Civil War financial struggles; it had been carried through the greenback strug gle; it changed its form, not its sub stance, when free silver was the cry, and it had redivivous whenever elasticity of the circulating medium was mentioned. The ancient friends of much paper money were reasonably quiet when the advocates of a new banking system talked of the project in terms of bank reserves and credit, but when circulat ing notes were mentioned they were at home and rampant. Also they had to be dealt with and dealt with kindly and diplomatically. If they should be rubbed against the grain, there was danger that paper currency would be made so pronounced an issue that everything else would be forgotten. This was the manner of the argu ment, although argument was a weapon of dubious value in that case: “Checks are the great currency medium through whose use the exchanges of commerce are effected.^ Elaborate investigation by the Monetary Commission’s ex perts has shown that something be tween 92 and 98 per cent of all pur chases are paid for with checks written against bank deposits. If checks are the chief medium of payment, they 61 serve the purpose of currency which may properly and logically be con sidered as expressing the same kind of credit in a different form.” The reply to this was that, in such a case, checks should be as good as currency. Certainly they should al ways be worth par. It was further agreed that elasticity demanded the constant retirement as well as the constant issuance of notes, because checks were instantly cancelled and retired once their work was done. Out of it all came the inclusion of “par collections” in the section on note issues. However vigorously the subsequent conflict raged, the demonstration of similarity between notes and checks stood secure. The case had been proved, for another purpose perhaps, but proved nevertheless. In vain was it argued that checks are a noncirculating, not a circulating medium. In vain were private rights defended and pleas made that the banker also was worthy of his hire. Par collection stands and perhaps, after all, it was a small price the bankers paid for the relegation of fiat money to the limbo of obscurity. There have been, of course, many departures from the plans of a reserve system as thought out by its pro moters and framers. The making of twelve instead of eight reserve banks, is one instance. In many ways practical experience in operation has overthrown the theories of the system’s sponsors. In many others business methods have been gradually altered and habits changed to meet the new banking scheme’s requirements. There is much of political interest and much of economic value buried in the history of the struggle for a scientific banking system. A little trip among these buried treasures lets in light on later interpretations of the law. And T he A nnals of t h e despite the tremendous progress made in Reserve Bank operation as the result of war necessities, there were distortions and stretchings of various provisions of the Act. Not yet has there been sufficient experience in times of A m er ic a n A cadem y stable business, to permit a conclusion as to the complete sufficiency of the Re serve System but the foundation has been laid securely. The makers of the law builded well and in the face of very great difficulties. The Purposes of the Federal Reserve Act as Shown By Its Explicit Provisions By E. W. W K em m erer Princeton University HAT were the chief purposes of tively few branches, instead of one the framers of the Federal Re central bank with many branches. serve Act as those purposes There are was nothing like this anywhere revealed by the explicit provisionselseof in the world, at the time the the Act itself? In answering this Federal Reserve System was created question it will be well to consider (1) and, so far as I know, there is no his the framework of the Federal Re torical example of such a group of serve System, namely, its plan of or central banks. ganization and control, and (2) its There were two important economic functions. reasons for providing a group of cen The chief contribution made by the tral banks instead of one central bank. framers of the Federal Reserve Act These were: was in the plan of organization they (1) The need of a system that was proposed, the functions assigned to adaptable to widely different condi the Federal Reserve Banks being es tions in different parts of an immense sentially the same as those recommended country like the United States, with a few years previously for the National particular reference to rediscount rates, Reserve Association of the Aldrich and, (2) the desire to decentralize the Plan, as well as those of a number of control of the American money market central bank plans still earlier proposed in such a way as to weaken New York’s in this country. They are, moreover, alleged domination. not very different from the functions One serious objection to a single performed by the leading central central bank in the United States was banks of Europe. In this paper, there the difficulty arising from the fact that fore, attention will be given almost interest and discount rates for essen exclusively to the framework of the tially the same kinds of paper usually plan. differed considerably in different parts of the country; rates in the West and ‘R e a s o n s f o r a G r o u p o f South normally ruled higher than C entral B anks those in the Middle West, and rates in To foreigners who study the Federal the Middle West normally ruled higher Reserve System, the most striking than those in New England and the fact about it is that it should have Middle States. It was believed that twelve central banks with compara the establishment by a single bank of T h e P u r po se s of the a single rediscount rate applicable throughout the United States to the same kind of paper, would be of little use to New England and the Middle States if the rate were ad justed to the higher level of rates pre vailing in the West and South, and that, on the other hand, if the rate were made as low as that prevailing in the East, it would be so attractive to the West and South as to result in a dangerous expansion of the bank’s loans in those sections at the expense of the East. In time, of course, such a flow of funds from the East to the West and South would equalize rates throughout the country; but the amounts of capital involved were so great that it was felt that a long period of time would be required to achieve territorial equalization of rates, and the East was not favorably dis posed to the drain of its funds to the West and South that such a movement toward equalization seemed to re quire. The maintenance by a central bank of different discount rates in different parts of the country on the same kind of paper, it was believed, would be politically (and probably also legally) impossible. Although there were other kinds of desirable adaptability to different economic conditions in different parts of the country, it appeared on close examination that for most purposes sufficient autonomy could not be given to branches of a single central bank to enable them to adapt the character of their services to varying local conditions. The second reason for preferring a group of banks was the widespread feeling that the banking system of the country was being unduly central ized in New York City, where a very large part of the deposited bank re serves of the country were held and where control was widely believed to be F e d e r a l R e se r v e A ct 63 exercised, sub rosa, by a handful of so-called Wall Street banks. The Pujo Committee’s “Money Trust” investigation had strengthened this popular belief, particularly through the West and South. A single central bank, it was widely believed, would be increasingly dominated by New York, while a group of banks, it was argued, would weaken New York’s control by causing the growth of a group of territorially centralized money markets, each of which would handle a large part of the business of its own dis trict, and, to a greater or less extent, would compete with New York for open-market business. These were the main reasons why the law provided for eight to twelve banks -instead of one, and why the New York district was limited to such a small area with a strong Boston district at the northeast and a strong Philadelphia district at the south. C haracter of F ederal R eser v e . B oard The proposal that the central govern ing board of the new system should be composed entirely of government ap pointees was met by a strong protest throughout the country, particularly from the banking fraternity. It was claimed by many that such a board would inevitably be constituted of inefficient political appointees and would be politically controlled, thereby making the Federal Reserve System the football of politics. Much was made of the claim that the bankers, who presumably would furnish the entire capital of the Federal Reserve Banks and who would be responsible for it to their stockholders and de positors, would have no voice what ever in the appointment of the board which was to control the broad policies of the new banks. This central board of seven men to be appointed exclu 64 T he A nnals of the sively by the President was in striking contrast to the central board pro posed by Senator Aldrich. Under his plan the board was to consist of forty-six directors of whom fortytwo, including the governor and the two deputy-governors, were to be appointed directly or indirectly by bankers. Despite the vigorous opposition to the proposal that the central board of the Federal Reserve System be ap pointed entirely by the President, the proposal was adopted. It should be noted that this board was not to do a banking business. That was to be done exclusively by the twelve banks, six of the nine members of the board of directors of each being elected by the member banks. It was primarily in the field of determining broad questions of policy that the Federal Reserve Board was to function, and in this field, it was claimed, the need was for financial statesmen who would view their prob lems broadly from the standpoint of public service. This was true be cause the functions proposed for the Federal Reserve System, like those that had previously been proposed for the National Reserve Association of the Aldrich Plan, were affected with a great public interest. On this sub ject the writer in 1913, summarizing the conclusions of an address given by him in 1911, said as follows:1 Is not the National Reserve Association too much of a public institution to be so largely controlled by one type of business interest, that is, that of the banking fra ternity? We must get away from the prevalent idea that ihe National Reserve Association is to be principally a bankers’ affair just because its capital is to be 1 See “ Banking Reform in the United States,” American Economic Review Supplement, March, 1913, pp. 54 and 55; and “ Some Public Aspects of the Aldrich Plan,” Journal of Political Economy, December, 1911, pp. 819- 830. A m er ic a n A cadem y furnished entirely by banks. We must bear in mind that its public deposits alone will for some time probably exceed its paid-up capital, that the funds which the banks deposit with the Association will be chiefly those which the public has de posited with the banks, and that the paper which the banks rediscount with it will be that of the business community. We must not forget that the National Reserve Association is to have a tremendous public power and responsibility, through its right to fix the bank rate of discount, its power over the foreign exchanges and gold shipments, its right to issue the country’s only elastic paper currency, its supervisory power over banks, and its function of holding a large percentage of the country’s reserve money, together with the privilege of having its promises to pay, in the form of its deposits and bank notes, counted as lawful reserve money for banks. Now it is possible, although by no means certain, that the interests of bankers as a class and those of the public are identical. It is certain, however, that history furnishes numerous instances in which what the public believed to be its interest and what bankers believed to be theirs were in con flict. One need not go back farther than the last two or three years to find a striking instance of the kind in the United States. I refer to the movement leading to the establishment of the United States postal saving depositories, which was opposed vigorously and almost unanimously by the banking fraternity. It is furthermore true, and perhaps of greater importance, that a large element in the country be lieves the interests of bankers to be in conflict with those of the general public on a great many vital questions. Although Congress and the Presi dent did not budge an inch in their insistence upon making the Federal Reserve Board an exclusively govern ment board, they threw a sop to the opposition by inserting in the law the provision for a “Federal Advisory Council” of bankers, one member to be selected annually by the board of directors of each Federal Reserve T h e P u r po se s of t h e Bank from its own district, making the number of members in the Council equal to the number of Federal Re serve Banks. The relations of this Council to the Federal Reserve Board were to be entirely advisory. Neither voting nor veto power was given to the Council, which was required to meet at least four times a year and oftener, if called by the Federal Re serve Board. Members of the Fed eral Reserve Board who were to be “on the job” three hundred days in the year, it was generally thought, would not be likely to be greatly in fluenced as to their own job by a group of advisers coming from widely sepa rated parts of the country who would meet infrequently. Happily during the last year or so, the Advisory Council has belied this expectation. F ederal R eserve B ank D ir e c t o r a t e s In its provisions for the directo rates of the Federal Reserve Banks, the Act well reveals the purpose of its framers to create a group of federated organizations that at one and the same time would (1) recognize the pub lic’s dominant interest in matters of broad policy; would (2) recognize the dominant interest of the banker and the banker’s business customer in the narrower banking questions, such as the goodness of the paper against which advances were to be made, the amounts to be loaned individual mem ber banks, the quality of open-market investments, and the like, and would (3) permit of a democratic control among the member banks of this banking business. Of the nine members of the board of directors, three (including the chair man and the vice-chairman of the board) are Class C directors, who are appointed by the Federal Reserve Board and are directly responsible to 6 F e d e r a l R e se r v e A ct 65 that Board. Their salaries are fixed by the Federal Reserve Board, and that Board may suspend Class C directors or remove them from office. These directors are the connecting links between the central Board and the Federal Reserve Bank. They keep the central Board informed as to the developments in each Federal Re serve Bank. It is through them that the Federal Reserve Board exercises its control over the broad policies of the Federal Reserve System and compels the necessary teamwork among the twelve banks. This same sort of representation and control on the part of the Federal Reserve Board is carried through to the branches of the Federal Reserve Banks, each of which is operated under the supervision of a board of directors “to consist of not more than seven nor less than three directors, of whom a majority of one shall be appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank of the dis trict, and the remaining directors by the Federal Reserve Board.” The other six directors, constituting two-thirds of the board, are elected by the member banks. Their concern is primarily with the banking operations of the bank, notably the character and quantity of its rediscounts and col lateral loans for member banks, its open-market operations, its discount rate policy (subject to the approval of the Federal Reserve Board), and the like. Of course, the Class C directors likewise vote on these banking ques tions. To every bank loan and to every bank deposit, there are at least two directly interested parties, the bank and the bank’s customer. The bank’s customer is usually a business man or a business concern (using those terms in their broader meaning). In rec ognition of this dual interest in most banking operations, the Federal Re CO T h e A n n a Ls of t h e A m er ic a n A cadem y serve Act provided that, of the six changed through the repeal of the directors who were to be primarily requirement that each of the three concerned with the direct banking groups of banks should “contain as operations of the Federal Reserve nearly as may be one-third of the Bank, three, known as Class A direc aggregate number of the member tors, should “be representatives of banks of the district . . .” and the the stockholding banks”—as a matter substitution therefor of the provision of fact they are practically always that “the Federal Reserve Board bankers—and that the other three, shall classify the member banks of the known as Class B directors, should at district into three general groups or the time of their election be “ac divisions,” without placing any re tively engaged in their district in striction whatever upon the number of commerce, agriculture, or some other banks that should be placed in each industrial pursuit.” Here is the recog group. This looked like a step away nition of the interest of the non from the original democratic prin banking business community in the ciple of one bank one vote—a prin banking operations of the Federal ciple followed in the elections of most Reserve Banks. of the clearing house associations. It The purpose of democratizing such clearly increased the power of the control over the Federal Reserve Federal Reserve Board over the Banks as should be exercised by Class election of Class A and Class B A and Class B directors is seen in the directors. rather unique provisions for the elec How far the original plan of group tion of directors contained in the Act ing the member banks, for purposes as originally passed. This Act di of electing directors, into three ap vided all member banks of each proximately equal groups of banks district into three groups, each group has since been departed from by containing “as nearly as may be one- the Federal Reserve Board in exer third of the aggregate number of the cising the authority conferred by the member banks of the district and . . . above-mentioned amendment, will be [to] consist, as nearly as may be, of seen from the following figures. A banks of similar capitalization.” Each week after the amendment had been of these groups was to elect one Class passed the Board made a reclassifica A director and one Class B director, tion of member banks for the twelve on the democratic plan of “one bank districts, which, when taken by totals one vote” regardless of the size of the for all districts, placed 515 banks or 6.4 bank. Under this plan the peculiar per cent of the total number (i.e., 8,099) interests of the small banks, of the in group I, the large-bank group; middle-sized banks and of the large 2,384 banks, or 29.4 of the total, in banks, respectively, were assured rep group II, the middle-sized-bank group; resentation. The democracy of a and 5,200 banks, or 64.2 per cent of the plan that gave the same voting power total, in group III, the small-sizedto the bank of $25,000 capital that it bank group. According to this re gave to the bank of $250,000 capital arrangement, therefore, the 515 largest and to that of $25,000,000 capital banks in the respective districts could made a strong appeal to those who now elect the same number of Class A and Class B directors that the 5,200 feared “Money Trust” control. By an act of September 26, 1918, smallest banks could elect, or the the method of choosing directors was same number that the 2,700 largest T h e P u r po se s of t h e banks could previously have elected. There may have been good reasons for this great change in the grouping, increasing the power of the large bank at the expense of the smaller, but, so far as I know, the Federal Reserve Board has given little or no publicity to the change itself or to its reasons for making it. The amendment author izing the change was passed at the Board’s request. M e m b e r s h ip Membership in the Federal Re serve System was limited to commer cial banks and trust companies, show ing that the System was expected to function in the field of short-time active business operations rather than in the fields of capital and real estate transactions occupied so largely by savings banks, private banks and in vestment houses. National banks, operating as they did under Federal charters, were expected to play the game according to the new and im proved national rules laid down by the Federal Reserve Act. If they were unwilling to accept these rules they were invited to get out of the national system. State banks and trust com panies possessing adequate capitals and conforming in their operations to sound banking practices were per mitted and encouraged to become members of the Federal Reserve System. The Act clearly contem plated a large membership of state institutions. C a p it a l a n d D iv id e n d s It was hoped that enough banks would enter the System from each district to assure an adequate capital for each Federal Reserve Bank, but among bankers the opposition to the Glass-Owen bill had been so pro nounced and widespread, and threats had been so frequently expressed by F e d e r a l R e se r v e A ct 67 officials of national banks that they would give up their Federal charters and reorganize as state institutions if the Glass-Owen bill in anything like its existing form should become a law, that the framers of the Act undertook to assure the establishment of a Fed eral Reserve Bank in each district by providing that, if sufficient banks should not join the System, the capital could be subscribed by the public or by the government itself. In the early stages of the bill through Congress the required stock subscription was based upon the capi tal of the member banks, but the basis was later changed to capital and surplus, the percentage required being reduced. The distinction between a bank’s capital and its surplus is at best a rather arbitrary one and is essentially legal, rather than economic. Had the basis been capital alone, a bank desiring to keep its subscription to Federal Reserve Bank stock low, would have been encouraged to in crease its surplus at the expense of its capital. D i s t r i b u t i o n o f P r o f it s The original Act provided that from the net earnings an annual dividend of six per cent, which should be cumula tive, should be paid on the paid-in capital stock; that, of the balance of the net earnings, one-half should be paid into a surplus fund until the surplus should amount to 40 per cent of the paidin capital, and that the remainder should be paid to the United States as a franchise tax. An amendment of March 3, 1919, provided that after the six per cent dividend is paid the whole of the net earnings of each bank shall be carried to surplus until the sur plus shall amount to 100 per cent of the subscribed capital, and that, after this 100 per cent surplus shall have been accumulated, 10 per cent of the net 68 T he A nnals of t h e earnings, above the dividend charges, shall be transferred to surplus indefi nitely. A bank withdrawing from the System receives back the capital it has paid in and any accumulated dividends but cannot take one cent of the accumulated surplus. The two hundred odd millions of surplus al ready accumulated by the twelve Banks would therefore go to the government should the Banks go out of business. Net earnings paid to the United States by the Federal Reserve Banks, the law provided, “shall in the dis cretion of the Secretary, be used to supplement the gold reserve held against outstanding United States notes, or shall be applied to the re duction of the outstanding bonded in debtedness of the United States. . . .” The significance of these provisions concerning earnings, briefly stated, is apparently as follows: The Federal Reserve Banks are to be administered with primary reference to the public service, and member banks are to re ceive their returns chiefly in the services rendered them directly by the Federal Reserve Banks and in the safer and more stable financial condi tions throughout the country which the Federal Reserve System creates. The desire for large cash profits is to have no influence in determining the policies of the Federal Reserve Banks. Their actuating motives must be found in service to the member banks and, through the banks, to the public. If, incidentally, large profits are real ized they must go to the government. To date the profits of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks have been so large, chiefly as the result of war and post-war demands upon the System, that it seems improbable that the call for the other 3 per cent of stock subscription authorized by the Act will ever be made. On November 9 , A m er ic a n A cadem y 1921, the paid-in capital and accumu lated surplus of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks was $317,000,000, an amount $28,000,000 greater than 6 per cent of the capital and surplus of all the member banks plus 40 per cent, namely, the maximum capital and sur plus contemplated by the Act of 1913 for the twelve Federal Reserve Banks. When the Federal Reserve Act was passed there was a widespread hope among economists and bankers that any profits accruing to the government through this franchise tax would be used for the first of the two purposes authorized, i.e., “to supplement the gold reserve held against outstanding United States notes.” The increase of this reserve by slightly less than $200,000,000 would have been suffi cient to transform all of our green backs into gold certificates and thus retire from circulation one of the most undesirable elements in our motley collection of paper money. Of the $ 117,000,000 so far either paid to the government in franchise taxes by the twelve Banks or due and set aside by them for the government, all has been absorbed by the war debt and not a dollar has gone into the building up of the reserve against greenbacks. F u n c t io n s o f F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B anks As stated at the beginning, the limits of space will permit only a few words concerning the purposes of the Act as revealed in the functions assigned the Federal Reserve Banks. These functions are clearly defined in the Act and their general character is understood by all students of the System. They are, moreover, broadly speaking, the functions performed by central banks throughout the world. Chief among them are the following: (1) The centralization and mobili zation of bank reserves; T h e P u r po se s of t h e (2) The rendering more elastic of bank credit, both bank notes and bank deposits; (3) The creation of a more efficient and cheaper clearing and collection system for checks; (4) The improvement of facilities for financing our import and export trade at home, and finally (5) The providing of a satisfactory depository and fiscal agency for the Federal government. Reserves are centralized through the requirement that legal reserves of member banks shall consist exclu sively of deposits in their respective Federal Reserve Banks. These re serves are largely centralized in the Gold Settlement Fund and the Federal Reserve Agents’ Fund, and are ren dered mobile through interbank dis counts and through open market operations. Elasticity of circulating credit is ob tained through the machinery of redis counting commercial paper, through direct collateral loans—machinery com mon to most central banks—and through open-market operations. The old-time stone-wall reserve require ments are done away with, and there is no limit below which a legal reserve cannot now be reduced provided the bank concerned is willing to pay the price. An elastic asset bank-note cur rency is superimposed upon the old rigid bank-note currency, although out of deference to the opinions of certain persons of high political influence in 1913, who believed that the issuance of bank notes was an exercise of the essen tially government function of issuing money, the Federal Reserve notes are made to emanate from the government and made subject to a government in F e d e r a l R e se r v e A ct 69 terest charge, at the discretion of the Federal Reserve Board—a charge that has never been imposed. The Federal Reserve notes therefore, in form, have some of the qualities of government paper money, but, in substance, are almost a pure asset currency possess ing a government guaranty, against which contingency the government has made ho provision whatever. When the Glass-Owen bill was be fore Congress the provisions looking toward the parring of checks through the establishment of an extensive clearing and collection system were widely opposed by bankers, who claimed that they were the work of theorists and visionaries. The subse quent development of this clearing and collection system has gone beyond the dreams of the most visionary of the visionaries of 1913. The extension of the use of bank acceptances and of dollar exchange in the United States, and the develop ment of a broad and active discount market for paper arising out of foreign trade—objects clearly sought by the Federal Reserve Act—were substantially attained much more rap idly than had been expected, as a result of the dominant position in the world’s trade and finance which New York obtained, temporarily at least, through the War. The movement in the direction of making the Federal Reserve Banks the exclusive depositaries of Federal govern ment funds was checked by our entrance nto the War; but, as a result of the discontinuance of the subtreasuries, the fiscal agency functions of the Federal Reserve System which were enormously enlarged by the War, have since been still further extended. Political Pressure and the Future of the Federal Reserve System* By F Paul M. W arb urg Member of the Federal Reserve Board 1914-1918 ROM the earliest beginning it was target of ambitious business men or obvious that, in order to be suc scheming politicians, maximum effi cessful, any attempt at a thoroughciency had to be subordinated to maxi banking reform in the United States mum safety. would have to approach the subject The writer’s original plan, “A United from two angles: one, from the point Reserve Bank of the United States,” of view of pure banking technique, the proceeded on these lines; so did, subse other, from the point of view of ad quently, the Aldrich “ National Reserve ministration. The problem was to Association of the United States” and, devise a plan carrying conviction not later on, the Federal Reserve plan. only as a sound and effective piece of Each of these schemes followed the banking machinery, but also as offering lines of merging the country’s dead reliable safeguards against any possi gold reserves into one live organiza bility of the control of the system’s tion; of building upon this more or less passing into the hands of either “big centralized gold an elastic note issue; business” or the politician. If legisla and having thus centralized the scat tion was to be secured and, indeed, if tered forces of the nation into one the future of the system was to be organic structure, of once more decen protected, a formula had to be found tralizing its administration and organ under which these two elements would ization, and circumscribing it far be called upon to balance one another. enough to prevent the dangers of If the new banking system was to re abused power and of one-sided control. main safe and sound, its administration The advocates of a pure central bank had to be shielded from the danger of had to reconcile themselves to a lower becoming subservient either to business banking ideal by surrendering to or to politics, and, conversely, safe the political requirements of the case. guards had to be provided against busi Conversely, the sworn antagonists of a ness’ or politics’ becoming subservient central banking system had to sur render their political ideal, the gospel to the new banking system. From the bare point of view of effi of decentralized banking, in order to ciency and economy, one central bank provide a system that would be work with a purely business management able as a banking proposition. would undoubtedly have yielded the Thus the Democrats, starting with best results, but from the point of view the thought of a large number of dis of what was required in the larger inter connected reserve banks, ended in ty est of the country, of what was essen ing them together into a central bank tial in order to prevent the system, ing system, in its essential features not once established, from becoming the very dissimilar (though differing in many important details) from the * Adequate treatment of this subject would Aldrich Plan, which had started at the require more time and study than was possible other end. under the circumstances and more space than Disregarding the question of which could be given in this volume. P. M. W. P olitical P r e s su r e side made the largest share of valuable contributions and mistakes and, deal ing with the topic simply from the point of view of sincere appreciation of the banking system which we enjoy today, the problem now before us is to exam ine what remains to be done in order to promote and protect its future. A study of four years from within the System and of almost four years from without, leads me to think that its gravest danger lies in the gradual ascendency of political influence. The Federal Reserve System, as such, is based upon the perfectly sound and happy theory of placing the actual management of the Federal Reserve Banks in the hands of boards of direc tors, the majority of whom are ap pointed by business men. The direction of the System as a whole, on the other hand, its policies and its supervision, are vested in the Federal Reserve Board, which consists of five members appointed by the President and con firmed by the Senate. These members are appointed for ten-year terms and the Governor and Vice-Governor are designated by the President and serve at his pleasure. The Secretary of the Treasury and the Comptroller of the Currency are members ex officio. The Secretary of the Treasury is Chairman of the Board. Among the many Presidents, Secre taries of the Treasury, Senators, Con gressmen and Comptrollers of the Cur rency that I have known, there have been good ones and bad ones, some ad mirably strong and some lamentably weak. And therein lies the danger for the future: As long as there are two ex officio members of the Board, who are constantly subjected to political pres sure; so long as every President has the power to play favorites with Board members by promoting them to the positions of Governor or Vice-Governor or demoting them at will; so long as one and the F u tu r e 71 or two members may be vulnerable because their terms are about to expire, it can readily be seen how easy, and therefore tempting, it is for the political members to assert their influence, and how unpleasant and unenviable may be the lot of members struggling to preserve their independence and selfrespect. When members of the Board are hounded by senators or congressmen because they do not think it proper to flood the country with easy money, just because elections are coming; or when they refuse to believe that excessive fluctuations in foreign exchanges during the War were due to Wall Street specu lation and could be regulated or con trolled by the Federal Reserve Board; or when they are viciously criticised because they will not accede to the belief that fake easy money can coun teract the effects of overproduction of important staples when a period of reduced world consumption is encoun tered—it is, at best, not easy to find men of importance willing to make the material sacrifices involved in serv ice of the Federal Reserve Board. It will become increasingly hopeless, however, to secure such men if some of the defects in the organization of the Board as above described are not promptly removed and the dignity and independence of the office of member are not enhanced. To state it briefly: The Governor and Vice-Governor ought to be elected by the Board itself; or they should serve in rotation, and the office of the Secretary of the Board might, in the latter case, be developed into that of something like a “general manager,” or the Governor ought to be designated for the full term of his membership. The Governor ought to be the Chairman of the Board and, instead of the Secretary of the Treas ury, who hardly ever has the time to attend Board meetings, the Assistant T h e A n n a l s of t h e A m er ic a n A cadem y n Secretary of the Treasury ought to important becomes the Federal Re become an ex-offico member of the serve Board as the sole organic link Board. There should be an additional connecting them all. The weaker the member of the Board, who should ex single districts and the more discon ercise the main functions now resting nected they are, the more difficult, and in the Comptroller of the Currency. at times desperate, becomes the task The vast powers now vested in the of the Federal Reserve Board to coax Comptroller are the remnants of an or club these autonomous units into undemocratic, antiquated and danger prompt and effective cooperation. The ous system. Moreover, the present Board was planned to be preeminently condition has led in the past to costly a supervisory and directive body; ex delays, duplication of work, inefficiency cessive decentralization was bound to and unbearable irritation. Examina force it more and more into the exercise tions and rulings concerning banking of administrative functions, which— operations ought to be made by one for men located at Washington, unable body and not by two, if a prompt and to be in personal close touch with efficient administration is to be assured. actual business conditions and opera In the past, Board members often have tions in twelve separate and remote had to wait upon the good graces—or districts—naturally became more be bad graces—of the Comptroller before wildering and troublesome than was any headway could be made in im advisable or necessary. portant matters. The situation bris The fundamental thought of reserve tled with humiliating and distasteful banking is that the idle money of one incidents. It seems ridiculous that the industry or section should become Board should have appeared before available for the seasonal requirements Congress with one set of recommenda of another. Federal Reserve Districts, tions and the Comptroller, a Board therefore, which are “all cotton” or member, with another, often entirely in “all grain” were from the beginning conflict with the policies of the Board. doomed to fail as independent districts; Unless the Federal Reserve Board is seasonal requirements were bound to raised to a position of the greatest exhaust their loaning power too rapidly. possible dignity and men of real While they could secure assistance strength, independence and knowledge through the somewhat clumsy pro are found to serve upon it in the future, cedure of rediscounting with other it is to be feared that the System will Federal Reserve Banks under the di become the football of politics. A rection of the Federal Reserve Board, splendid instrument of protection they generally would be inclined to might thus become an element of dan hesitate to resort to these rediscount operations, inasmuch as they would gerous disturbance. This danger is all the more real be tend to emphasize the organic weak cause of the unfortunate action of the ness or temporary exhaustion of their Organization Committee in establish districts. Unfortunately the Organiza ing twelve Federal Reserve Banks in tion Committee disregarded this funda stead of beginning with eight, as the mental principle and the districts of Federal Reserve Act had permitted St. Louis, for instance, and its sur them to do. rounding Federal Reserve districts The larger the number of Federal were delineated with about the same Reserve Banks and the greater the regard for economic questions as were consequent decentralization, the more Austria and her so-called Succession P olitical P r e s su r e States at Versailles. Owing to this absence of a sufficient diversification of interests and minds, local banking factions and self-centered provincial ism have from the beginning played too large a part in framing the boards of directors, the managements and the policies of many of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks, with little understand ing of the national questions involved. Much bitter feeling and criticism were caused, particularly in the agricultural sections, by unnecessary and irritating mistakes made in fixing interest charges or in applying ill-advised methods of administration. Whatever anticipa tory words or warning in this regard were given to Congress and later to the Organization Committee, unfortu nately, have proved only too true, including the prophecy that an ex cessive number of Federal Reserve Banks would prevent the establishment of large financial centers outside of New York, where important open dis count markets could develop. It is a great loss for the country that at the time of the formulation of the law and the establishment of the Sys tem it was impossible to convince the sections involved that a Federal Re serve branch bank could convey the same benefit as a Federal Reserve Bank; indeed, that as a branch of a larger district a region would be better served than as a self-contained district. Minneapolis, as a branch of Chicago, would have been as well provided for as Detroit, but it would enjoy a rate of 5 per cent instead of its present 5| per cent rate. The same holds good for Dallas and Atlanta. As stated before, the weaker the Federal Reserve Banks, the stronger must be the Federal Reserve Board. This is all the more essential because the Board appoints the C class di rectors. The latter often constitute very important elements of safety and and the F u tu r e 73 must be appointed, political pressure notwithstanding, solely from the point of view of securing the men best quali fied for the protection of the Banks. Finally, the future of the local manage ment of all banks, in short, the morale of the entire System, will depend upon the character of the Federal Reserve Board. If the Federal Reserve System was able to accomplish its phenomenal development and if it could respond so splendidly to the trying demands of the war, and of the post-war periods, it was largely due to the devotion, vision and ability of members of the Federal Reserve Board and of some of the Federal Reserve agents and gov ernors of Federal Reserve Banks, who perfected and developed the System into the extraordinary banking organi zation it is today. Strong and excep tional men made themselves the leaders of the rest. Without them, the System would have failed. Such men today are still serving the System, though from the material point of view many of them could do vastly better for them selves in other fields. If politics should creep into the Board, these men will gradually drop out, and from top to bottom the System will deteriorate. If the administration of the Federal Reserve System, in Washington and in the banks, should then fall into the hands of weak and incapable men who only see “fat jobs” in the positions, instead of those who today devote themselves to the work at a personal sacrifice because they see in it an opportunity for public service, there are dark days ahead for the country. Government must exercise an effec tive control over business in its admin istration of the Federal Reserve Banks; but this control must be exerted through a Federal Reserve Board com prising men of the highest integrity and efficiency—men who do not seek the T he A nnals 74 of the job and would not hesitate to surrender it, if either business or politics should interfere with the independent exercise of their duties for the best advantage of the country as a whole. If that is to be achieved, and the future of the Federal Reserve System is to be assured, the people themselves must take a hand. They must never fail to rally to the support of these faithful servants when unfairly at tacked, and they must not lose any opportunity of showing them that their services are appreciated. If the people do not prove that they honor their leaders and stand by them loyally, what incentive is there for these leaders to hold out? In a similar manner, Congress must feel that whoever dares to encroach upon the independence of the Federal Reserve System attacks the most sa cred treasure of the people. In Wash ington I came to know many upright men of the very highest type; never theless a large number of our political A m er ic a n A cadem y leaders might prefer that the Federal Reserve System be subservient rather than independent. They want open doors for patronage and a ready com pliance with the wishes of their con stituents. Protection for the Federal Reserve System must, therefore, not be expected from Washington, unless it is possible to arouse and strengthen the small num ber of distinguished men in the Admin istration, and in Congress, who would understand the danger and would fight to ward it off. They will win if the country makes Congress understand that its heart is in it. If the people cease to exercise vigilance, if ever they relax in their insistence upon the integ rity of their banking system, it may develop, as it did before, from the greatest blessing into the gravest men ace. A Federal Reserve System turned into a political octopus, a national Tammany Hall, would infest not only the counting houses but every farm and hovel in the country. Early Functioning of the Federal Reserve System By O A rthur R eynolds President, Continental and Commercial National Bank of Chicago N October 26, 1914, the Secretary the Federal Reserve Board in its first of the Treasury sent a message report after two months of operation, to the twelve Federal Reserve Banks, for defining the general scope of activi then organizing, instructing them to ties of the Federal Reserve Banks. begin definite operations on November There being no extraordinary times to 16, 1914. Great haste was made to call for the protective function as set secure adequate quarters and a working forth in the above definition of policy, staff. One-sixth of the capital stock the operation of the Federal Reserve subscriptions were called on November System during the first two years was 2, 1914, and on the sixteenth of No confined largely to efforts, first, to vember the Banks formally opened for “unify the banking system of the business. country” by seeking new members “Regulation in ordinary times, as among the ranks of the state banks; well as protection in extraordinary second, to endeavor to regulate interest times” was the principle laid down by rates and Equalize the demand for 75 They had been educated to believe that deposits were the indication of strength, and that borrowed money was a sign of weakness. Any rediscounts or bills payable which they might lodge with the Federal Reserve Banks would ap pear in their statements, and since, in many instances, they could obtain credit from their city correspondents through methods which did not involve the direct obligation of their banks, and, therefore, did not appear as borrowed money, they were quite content to utilize the credit facilities of those city correspondents. It must be remem bered that at this time there were no unusual conditions confronting the country; rates were low and money was easily obtainable. Bankers out side of reserve centers had, over a con siderable period of years, built up their relationships with reserve city and central reserve city correspondents. Those who had occasion to borrow for seasonal requirements were intimately acquainted with the city banks which had met their needs. Those banks which had for many years maintained balances with other banks felt that they had a cumulative asset of which they could avail themselves should the occasion arise. There was mutual understanding between correspondents, while the Reserve System was an un tried departure. It will also be remembered that the Federal Reserve Act did not make pro vision for the turning of all reserve funds over to the Reserve Banks. The change was gradual. Old relations between banks were, therefore, not interrupted. All of these things militated against the fullest possible functioning of the System in its early stages, and such rediscounts and bills payable as were lodged with the Federal Reserve Banks were largely in the nature of “courtesy transactions” on the part of friendly E arly F u n c tio n in g money by the purchase of bills and acceptances in the open market, and third, to establish a par collection system and the clearance of all checks on member banks. The men charged with the operation of the Federal Reserve System, upon its inception, promptly sought to induce the banks of the country to make full use of its facilities. They were influ enced, undoubtedly, by the feeling on their part that it was necessary to keep employed such funds as were entrusted to them in order to pay expenses and to earn dividends upon the capital stock. They felt that member banks should rediscount with the Reserve Banks, and by one means and another endeav ored to accomplish this. But in the early history of the System it was des tined to meet with no such ready response. The old banking practice of the country had its basis in too many years of actual habit, and it was but natural that banks generally should be hesitant and cautious in making radical changes in their methods; indeed, a great many of them felt that the Fed eral Reserve Banks, if supported too generously, would ultimately encroach upon and usurp some of the functions of existing banks. They were loath, therefore, to go farther than the mere subscription of capital. It was inevi table that a great many bankers in the country should look upon the System as a government undertaking and fear that transactions with it would be in volved in “red tape.” They feared also that it would be influenced by politics. P r e j u d ic e A g a in s t R e d is c o u n t in g Coincident with this, and one of the greatest difficulties in the way of those who were ambitious for the quick ac ceptance of the System, was the long time prejudice of bankers against dis closing their borrowings to the public. of t h e S ystem T he A nnals of th e 76 bankers who wished to help educate the banking fraternity to use the Federal Reserve facilities. “ C o u r t e s y T r a n s a c t io n s ” A m er ic a n A cadem y tion encountered when the Reserve Banks undertook to make it compul sory upon all banks to accept their own items at par. T h e State B an k P roblem Comment by the Ninth District The early attempts to obtain new Reserve Bank in its report for the year members from the ranks of the state 1915 is illustrative of the general condi tion confronting all of the Reserve banks were bitterly opposed in many quarters. Legislation was even re Banks at that time: sorted to in combating the advances of During the latter half of November and the month of December, 1914 , such redis representatives of the Federal Reserve counts as were afforded members were Banks in this direction. In its second largely courtesy transactions, the greater annual report on December 31, 1915, part representing the efforts of larger banks the Federal Reserve Board observed: to acquaint the public with the new Federal Reserve currency. After January 1, 1915 . . . loans dropped to the lowest ebb in many years. Rates on commercial paper took new low levels. . . . The one great plaint during this time was the non-payment of interest upon balances carried at the Reserve Banks. In the report containing the preceding comment of the Minneapolis bank, Pierre Jay, Federal Reserve agent at New York City, said: . . . it is among the country banks as a class that most of the apathy and hostility to the Federal Reserve System which still persists is found. Their opportunities and earnings are relatively small and they must figure closely to live. They feel the loss of interest on reserve deposits; the absence, as yet, of dividends on their capital contribu tions, and the prospective loss or decrease of the exchange they generally charge on remitting for checks drawn upon them. The institution of the par collection system met with great disapproval from many banks in the smaller com munities where the earnings derived from exchange charges had for many years constituted a comparatively sub stantial part of the total earnings. Some banks sought to surrender their national bank charters and incorporate as state banks. This was only the forerunner of the more serious opposi I t is an unfortunate fact that, in some of the states, reserve requirements for state banks and trust companies have been mate rially lowered by legislative enactment since the adoption of the Federal Reserve Act. . . . This is an element of danger in our banking system, because the weaken ing of the reserves of the state banks and trust companies makes them more vul nerable in times of emergency. . . . I t would be deplorable were feelings of state or local pride to lead any of the states into competition with the Federal Reserve System such as would prompt them to lower their own banking standards or reserve requirements with a view of ena bling or inducing state banks to refrain from taking membership therein. The Board is satisfied that state banks gain in safety and th at states sacrifice none of their preroga tives or powers when such banks become members of the Federal Reserve System, and therefore, expresses the hope th at no seeming divergence of interest will be per mitted to impede the establishment of higher standards of banking. Every means was employed to make memberships in the System attractive to state banks and later amendments to the law aided in inducing them to join. E a r n in g A s s e t s B e f o r e a n d A f t e r the W ar Failure to secure applications for rediscounts to employ more than a E a rly F u n c tio n in g small part of the funds of the System, caused the Reserve Banks to invest in government bonds, acceptances and municipal warrants. A careful study of the graph on page 78 showing the curves of the earning assets of all of of the S ystem 77 the Reserve Banks combined, from the date of opening to January 1st, 1921, gives a concrete picture of the early functioning of the System in contrast to its operations after the United States entered the War. E a r n in g A ssets o p t h e F ed era l R eserve S ystem D ecem ber 31, 1914-O ctober 26, 1921 Date 1914 December 3 1 ..................... 1915 January 2 9 ......................... April 3 0 ............................... July 3 0 ................................. October 2 9 ......................... 1916 January 2 8 ......................... April 2 8 ............................... July 2 8 ................................. October 2 7 ......................... 1917 January 2 6 ......................... April 2 7 ............................... July 2 7 ................................. October 2 6 ......................... 1918 January 2 5 ......................... April 2 6 ............................... July 2 6 ................................. October 2 5 .......................... 1919 January 3 1 ......................... April 2 5 ................................ July 2 5 ................................. October 3 1 ......................... 1920 January 3 0 ......................... April 3 0 ............................... July 3 0 ................................. October 2 9 .......................... 1921 January 2 8 ......................... April 2 7 ................................ July 2 7 ................................. October 2 6 .......................... Bills discounted Bills bought in U. S. government open market securities for members 9,909,000 Municipal warrants 205,000 734,000 13,955,000 22,774,000 29,102,000 30,448,000 .... 13,812,000 11,625,000 13,619,000 2,015,000 6,813,000 7,923,000 10,505,000 11,165,000 18,656,000 16,107,000 25,014,000 26,901,000 21,448,000 27,594,000 21,131,000 26,314,000 47,585,000 83,454,000 86,085,000 21,372,000 45,841,000 48,656,000 40,469,000 20,602,000 36,933,000 27,220,000 29,890,000 15,711,000 35,043,000 138,459,000 397,094,000 97,697,000 71,400,000 195,097,000 177,590,000 55,769,000 117,818,000 76,953,000 110,042,000 12,249,000 14,999,000 1,469,000 233,000 627,632,000 901,743,000 1,302,151,000 1,546,164,000 273,912,000 302,844,000 205,274,000 398,623,000 123,194,000 78,853,000 57,012,000 350,311,000 4,902,000 2,722,000 103,000 24,000 1,601,128,000 1,950,412,000 1,867,602,000 2,128,547,000 281,293,000 185,822,000 375,556,000 394,355,000 294,784,000 218,636,000 239,400,000 301,254,000 4,000 2,174,357,000 2,535,071,000 2,491,630,000 2,801,297,000 561,313,000 407,247,000 345,305,000 298,375,000 303,521,000 293,514,000 325,380,000 296,371,000 2,456,475,000 2,063,739,000 1,650,496,000 1,308,749,000 165,058,000 103,609,000 19,424,000 62,326,000 287,320,000 267,792,000 249,488,000 190,946,000 • •• • .... 78 T h e A nnals of the A m e r ic a n A cadem y S t ate B a n k s and The chart of the earning assets of the System demonstrates clearly that once the exigencies of the war period arose, there was no hesitancy upon the part of member banks to make heavy de mands upon the facilities of the reserve banks. Indeed, as the momentum gained force, many bankers in their eager rush to meet the requirements of their customers lost sight of the earlier scruples concerning borrowed money and the pendulum swung to the other extreme. Instead of seeking redis counts the officials of the System found themselves striving to conserve the financial resources of the country. The general impression prevails that the War caused a development of the Federal Reserve Banks during the seven years of their operation that prob ably would not have occurred in many times that number of years under other circumstances. Study of the early P a r C o llectio ns 79 functioning of the System bears out that assumption. The early operations of the banks also call to mind the point that they were less far-reaching in their influence. Business getting ef forts are forgot or nearly forgot. But what was, may, perhaps, merely pre sage what is to come. Under stable conditions, the Reserve Banks may make smaller profits, but they will not serve a less useful purpose. Commer cial banking must respond to and reflect the activities of business. In times of great activity, whether sea sonal or cyclical, the Reserve Banks will be called upon to meet a corresponding demand. In the usual process of busi ness they will have recourse to openmarket operations. Through these operations they may exert a great and important influence on the commercial banks, on interest rates and on business activity. The Federal Reserve System, State Banks and Par Collections F By P i e r r e J a y Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent, Federal Reserve Bank of N ew York ULL accomplishment of the pur 000,000 and total resources of $11,pose of the Federal Reserve Act, 492,000,000, thus giving a membership to provide a means whereby theat the outset comprising 42.6 per cent strength and resources of the numerous of the total banking resources of the independent banks of the United country. But the provision for the States would be made effective for admission of state institutions was concerted or cooperative action for the merely to the effect that they might, protection of the banking system and upon application, be permitted to the service of the nation’s commerce, become members, subject to regula industry and agriculture, depended tions of the Federal Reserve Board, upon membership of a very consider and should then have the rights and able proportion of the banks of the privileges of other member banks. country. The provision of the Act S t a t e I n s t i t u t i o n s S l o w t o J o in making membership compulsory for national banks, brought at once into Contrary to general expectation, the the System about 7,600 national banks problem of state bank membership was with capital and surplus of $1,788,- found complicated. Most of the state 80 T he A nnals of t h e institutions were either passive or opposed to the plan of the Federal Reserve System. At any rate, they were not disposed to seek membership therein. The number of such members at the close of 1916 was thirty-seven, of which only seven had a capital and surplus of over $1,000,000. In 1917, however, an amendment to the Act gave the state institutions assurance by statute, instead of by mere regula tion of the Federal Reserve Board, that as members they might continue to carry on their banking business in substantially the same manner as they had previously done. It also gave them the definite right to withdraw from the System upon six months’ notice. Coincident with the legislative re moval of obstacles to membership, the entrance of the United States into the World War gave a new and very strong impetus toward membership. The necessity of strengthening the banking system of the country to the maximum degree possible, in order to meet the strain of war financing, led President Wilson in the autumn of 1917 to make a strong appeal to state banking insti tutions to join the Federal Reserve System. The officers of Federal Re serve Banks, pursuant to what they believed to be their duty in the circum stances, carried the appeal to the indi vidual institutions, without, however, bringing pressure upon them to join. Many of the more important ones re sponded and during the fall of 1917 and the first half of 1918, a considerable number of state institutions through out the country became members. The movement was particularly note worthy with respect to the aggregate of resources which thus augmented the strength of the System. The major portion of the large institutions in New York City entered the System promptly, and the close of the year A m er ic a n A cadem y 1917 found the System with a state bank and trust company membership of 250, having aggregate capital and surplus of $520,000,000, and aggregate resources of about $5,000,000,000. At the end of 1918, 936 state institu tions were members with total re sources of over $7,000,000,000. M e m b e r s h ip S h o w s C o n t in u e d I n c r e a s e S in c e t h e W a r With the end of the War naturally came a slowing down of the efforts of the Reserve Banks to convince state institutions of the importance of taking membership in the Federal Reserve System, and during the past year such efforts have been practically discon tinued. But there has been, neverthe less, a continuous and substantial movement of state institutions into the System. The laws of many states contained' provisions concerning re serves, character of investments or other vital matters which have hin dered or prevented institutions in those states from taking membership in the System, and, as these obstacles have from time to time been removed, more and more state institutions have taken advantage of the opportunity to join. Many states, for example, have now passed laws providing that a state institution, becoming a member of the Federal Reserve System, need keep only the legal reserves required by the Federal Reserve Act. The influence of this factor is strikingly illustrated in California where 61 institutions with total resources of $1,110,000,000 have become members in the eighteen months following the amendment of the state law in respect to reserves to be carried by member banks. P r e s e n t M e m b e r s h ip o f S t a t e I n s t it u t io n s Some of the state institutions which became members during the war S tate B a n k s and period, did so with the intention of withdrawing at the end of the War, but their experience as members was evi dently such that they did not deem it necessary to carry out this intention, for up to the present time only 37 with resources of $34,500,000 have with drawn from the System. On the other hand, the number of such members has steadily increased and now amounts to 1,625, with total resources of $9,959,000,000, giving to the System a mem bership which now represents, it is estimated, about 69 per cent of the commercial banking resources of the country. Approximately 9,000 state institutions with aggregate resources of some $9,000, 000,000, not now mem bers, are eligible for membership, from which it appears that 53 per cent of the resources and 15 per cent of the numbers of the eligible state institutions are now in the System. The distribu tion of state bank membership by districts, is as follows: District D is t r ib u t io n of 1. Boston.......................... 2. New York.................... 3 . Philadelphia................. 4 . Cleveland..................... 5 . Richmond..................... 6. Atlanta......................... 7. Chicago........................ 8. St. Louis....................... 9 . Minneapolis................. 10. Kansas City................. 11. Dallas........................... 12. San Francisco.............. 1Total......................... 1 Latest available itemized figures. 41 134 48 113 62 116 364 102 133 60 205 217 1,595 Banking is essentially one of the most conservative of callings, and it is not surprising that there are many state institutions which have not as yet 81 entered the Federal Reserve System and whose not having done so may be ascribed probably to two main causes: 1. The belief that membership in the System involves burdens or expense dis proportionate to the advantages received in return, some of which, such as the avoid ance of the old-fashioned money panic and the stabilization of banking conditions, they enjoy without membership. The fact that the Federal Reserve Banks do not pay interest on deposits whereas their city correspondents and reserve agents do pay interest on deposits is one of the apparent expenses which they fear to assume. 2. Opposition to the plan of par check collection which the System has established and developed. E x p e r ie n c e o f M e m b e r I n s t it u t io n s Most members of the System are now convinced that membership does not involve a burden or expense to a member bank, but, on the contrary, enables it to conduct its business in a S tate B a n k M e m b e r s h ip Number A t t it u d e o f N o n -m e m b e r I n s t it u t io n s 7 P a r C o llectio ns Capital 36,411 187,255 25,821 64,436 15,160 27,025 101,012 30,203 10,747 13,335 16,500 57,625 585,530 by D istr ic ts Surplus Total Resoura (In thousands of dollars) 38,951 190,561 48,738 79,344 9,798 17,271 85,092 22,081 3,994 4,272 6,598 25,218 709,890 3,903,409 390,902 1,041,392 152,271 323,928 1,753,034 400,809 126,369 178,032 128,288 900,811 531,918 10,009,135 more economical and efficient manner, entirely irrespective of the advantage of the rediscount facilities. The loss of interest is offset by the reduction in the amount of reserve which member banks were required to carry. For example, a so-called country bank 82 T he A nnals of the under the National Bank Act for merly carried a reserve against both demand and time deposits of 15 per cent, of which 9 per cent might be on deposit with approved reserve agents, and at least 6 per cent must be held as cash in vault. Assuming deposits of $1,000,000, all payable on demand, the bank would carry in vault at least $60,000, upon which it would earn nothing, and with correspondents, $90,000 upon which it would probably receive interest at 2 per cent, or $ 1,800 a year. The Federal Reserve Act re duced the bank’s reserve requirement to 12 per cent, or $120,000, on which it would receive no interest, but which would give it the opportunity to loan the $30,000 released, say at 6 per cent, which would yield $ 1,800 and thus compensate for elimination of interest on the reserve balance. In 1917 the required reserve against demand deposits was reduced to 7 per cent, all of which was to be carried with the Reserve Bank and with no fixed requirement for vault reserve. Expe rience shows that this has permitted an average reduction in country bank vault cash of around 4 per cent, which, together with the reduction of the required reserve against time deposits to 3 per cent, made still greater the compensating advantage due to low ered reserves. Most of the states have passed laws permitting state institu tions becoming members to take ad vantage of these reduced requirements. With the certainty of being able to obtain cash by rediscounting at the Federal Reserve Bank, member banks have felt justified in investing their funds more closely, carrying as their emergency reserve, bankers’ accept ances, commercial paper, or govern ment obligations which could be realized upon at any time, and thus increasing their earning power. The opposition to the System on A m er ic a n A cadem y account of the establishment of its par collection plan will be discussed incidentally in the following topic. But it may be said that members have found that the use of the check collec tion facilities of the System has re duced the length of time required for the collection of checks, and enabled them to close out many accounts formerly required, thus further in creasing the proportion of their assets which may be invested. C h e c k C o l l e c t io n B e f o r e t h e R e se r v e S ystem An important feature of banking in the United States is the extent to which the use of bank checks has been de veloped. They are the most usual means of settlement in all classes of business, from the payment of small household bills to payments for the largest transactions of commerce and finance. The presentation and col lection of the myriads of checks arising in the course of daily business, and drawn upon over 30,000 independent banks, located in all parts of the coun try, creates a problem of great magni tude, especially as checks are common ly used to settle accounts not only in the places where they are payable, but are sent to distant points, making necessary the use of the mails for their collection. Before the establishment of the Federal Reserve System, the collection of checks in this country was accom plished by special arrangements be tween commercial banks. It was cus tomary for banks in the country and in the smaller cities having checks on out-of-town points, to send all such checks to their city correspondent, which would undertake their collection in consideration of the balances car ried by the smaller bank with the city institution. It was customary, also, for the country bank to charge the S ta t e B a n k s and amount to its correspondent as soon as the letter was mailed, and to treat it at once as part of its legal reserve, this being permissible under the provisions of the then existing law. The city bank to which the checks were sent, having similar arrangements with many correspondents, was the recip ient of a very large volume of checks for collection and inasmuch as it had usually undertaken to collect these checks without charge, it was itself under the necessity of finding a means of collecting them with as little cost as possible. The obvious and simple method of sending the checks direct to the banks upon which they were drawn was not attractive because of the fact that the custom had grown up in many, though not all, sections of the country for the smaller banks which received checks on themselves through the mail, to make a charge for remit ting to the sending bank for such checks, the rate of the charge varying with different institutions and running from $1 per thousand dollars, to as high as $3.50 per thousand dollars in some cases. This charge was known as “ex change,” and was made on the theory that the bank paying the checks per formed a service for the bank from which the checks had been received in paying the latter with a draft on a bank in some large center. The value of this service was based upon the approximate cost of making shipment of currency to make the payment, plus postage and stationery, on the theory that payment of a bank check can be demanded only at the bank’s counter, and that if remittance is made to a distant point, an additional serv ice is performed. In order to avoid, so far as possible, the necessity of paying “ exchange ” for the collection of checks, it was usual for banks receiving checks from their correspondents to send P a r C o llectio ns 83 them on to some other bank for de posit and collection, charging the remittance to the latter’s account, and treating it at once as legal reserve. This effort to find a means of getting the check paid without deduction for exchange, led to checks* reaching their place of payment by very cir cuitous routes with much delay in the time of presentation and collection, and with increased risk of loss to the indorsers of the checks. By this means, also, the same check might be counted as reserve at the same time by several different banks, although as a matter of sound banking principle, it should not have been counted as reserve for any bank until actually collected. These unsatisfactory check-collection practices, and the fact that the charges made, as well as the loss due to slowness in collection, fell on the com merce and industry of the country, led to action by Congress which, in passing the Federal Reserve Act, included provisions requiring Federal Reserve Banks to receive on deposit at par from member banks or from Fed eral Reserve Banks, checks or drafts drawn on any of their depositors, and authorizing them to receive for pur poses of exchange or collection, checks or drafts payable upon presentation within their districts. The Act also authorized the Federal Reserve Board to require each Federal Reserve Bank to exercise the functions of a clearing house for its member banks. G row th a n d A dvantag e of th e P ar C o l l e c t io n S y s t e m The Federal Reserve Banks did not at once actively engage in the collec tion of checks under the provisions of the law above referred to, because the development of a comprehensive checkclearing plan presented many diffi culties, and it was not until July, 1916, 84 T he A nnals of the that active operations were initiated. At that time a plan of operation was adopted which, recognizing that checks are payable at the counter of the pay ing bank, provided that the Federal Reserve Banks, in forwarding checks to a bank for payment by remittance, would pay the cost of currency shipped in payment for the checks, whenever A m er ic a n A c adem t tion through the mail equivalent to presentation at the bank’s counter. Operations under this plan have been highly successful, as will be gathered from the following chart showing the number and amount of items handled each month by the Reserve Banks, and the number of banks in the col lection system. G r o w t h o f F e d e r a l R e s e r v e C o l l e c t i o n S y ste m (By units of one month) the paying bank elected to make pay ment in that way, and would also under certain conditions, especially for non-member banks, supply necessary postage and stationery, thus eliminat ing the elements of cost, which would otherwise fall upon the bank making the remittance, and making presenta- The importance and desirability of the check-collection system which has developed and is now being operated by the Federal Reserve Banks, may be inferred from the extent to which the chart showing the volume of checks handled indicates that these facilities are being availed of by banks S t ate B a n k s and which are members of the Federal Reserve System. They are also being availed of indirectly by non-members. The volume of items handled has grown steadily since the initiation of this method of check collection, until at the present time it may fairly be said that an overwhelming majority of all out-of-town checks handled by banks are collected through the agency of the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve check-collection sys tem has reduced the average time of collection about one-half, by the prac tice of the Reserve Banks of sending checks direct to the paying bank, if within the same district, or through a Federal Reserve Bank or branch if outside the district. O p p o s i t i o n t o P a r C o l l e c t io n s It is not to be supposed that the system eliminating “exchange” and bringing about the par collection of checks should have developed so gen erally without encountering serious opposition from banks which had for merly received substantial income from their exchange charges. A committee of the American Bankers Association has from time to time during the past five years been endeavoring to secure legislation from Congress which would permit banks to charge exchange against the Federal Reserve Banks. Not having been successful in this, banks in Georgia, Kentucky and Ore gon have brought suits to prevent the Federal Reserve Banks from presenting checks at the counters of state banks and a number of the southern states have passed laws designed to prevent the Federal Reserve Banks from col lecting at par checks drawn on state institutions. C o s t o p C o l l e c t in g R e d u c e d The effect of the development of this efficient system of check collection has P a r C o llectio ns 85 been to obtain for the business inter ests of the country a much more prompt collection of checks than formerly, reducing the risk of loss through bad checks and reducing the amount of credit which sellers of goods formerly had to extend involuntarily during the very substantial time re quired to collect checks. There has been, moreover, an important direct reduction in the cost of collecting checks due to the removal of the socalled “exchange” charge, or the charge made by banks for remitting in payment of checks drawn on them selves, so that at the present time a very large proportion of the country’s checks are collected without charge. The change which has taken place in the schedule of charges for the col lection of checks may be illustrated by the reductions made by the New York Clearing House Association. Before the passage of the Federal Reserve Act the charges made by New York banks for collecting checks on outside points were discretionary as to less than thirty cities and were fixed at $1 per $1,000 for nearby states and $2.50 per $ 1,000 for the more distant states. The rate of charge is now dis cretionary (which means that in most cases no charge is made) for eleven entire states and the District of Colum bia, 25 jf per $1,000 for one state, 50£ per $1,000 for thirteen states and $1 per thousand for twenty-three states, while twenty-eight important cities in which Federal Reserve Banks or branches are located are collectible at rates lower than those quoted for the remainder of their states. It should be understood that the present charge made by the New York banks is not an “exchange” charge at all but is made to cover interest on funds, for which credit is given at time of deposit, for the time which will elapse before the items have been actually 86 T he A nnals of the collected. The former charge included not only this element but also an amount designed to enable the city bank to pay the deductions of “ex change” made by paying banks else where. T ransfers of F u n d s The elimination of seasonal and other variations in the level of domestic exchange between different parts of the country has also been accomplished as a necessary accompaniment to the development of the check-collection system, since in order that each Federal Reserve Bank might freely handle checks on other Federal Reserve dis tricts, it was necessary to provide a means whereby the balances arising between the districts might be settled without the expense of gold or cur rency shipments. To meet this need there was established in 1915 a Gold Settlement Fund, made up of gold deposited by the twelve Federal Reserve Banks with the United States Treas ury, ownership being transferred from one Reserve Bank to another as the need arises to settle obligations be tween them. The books are kept by the Federal Reserve Board at Washing ton, and the settlements of all obliga tions arising among the Federal Re serve Banks are made by book entry, thus obviating the necessity for inter district shipment of gold. The Gold Settlement Fund has also made col lected funds, that is, funds on deposit with banks in any part of the country, readily transferable to any other center without discount, either by use of the check-collection system or, if the funds are on deposit with a member bank, by telegraphic transfer through the Fed eral Reserve Banks, it being the cus tom of the Reserve Banks to handle these transfers over their inter-com municating private wire and without cost to the member banks concerned. A m er ic a n A cadem y The importance of the wire transfer facility may be inferred from the fol lowing figures, showing telegraphic transfers handled by the New York Reserve Bank during the years 19161920 : 191 191 191 191 192 6 7 8 9 0 Number Amount 2,971 $485,000,000 10,302 6*768,000,000 39,099 19,384,000,000 *................. 82,321 18,245,000,000 147.302 17,022,000,000 The settlement of obligations be tween districts has thus been made so easy, that there is no longer any occa sion for premium or discount on the transfer of actually collected funds between different parts of the country. A most important result of the de velopment of this check-collection plan is the lessening of the possibility of breakdown in the operations of the country’s check-collection system. It will be recalled that, in the panic of 1907, a situation arose in which it was impossible to get cash returns on checks sent for collection to banks in certain centers, and that the machin ery of check collection and domestic exchange practically broke down. Such a development is extremely 'unlikely under the operation of the Federal Reserve check-collection system sup ported by the borrowing facilities which the Federal Reserve System makes available to member banks, and which should enable solvent banks, even in time of severe crisis, to make payment for checks which may be drawn upon them. The Federal Reserve check-collection system, in short, provides the machin ery necessary to accomplish with maximum efficiency the necessary function of presenting and collecting any number of bank checks which may result from the use of this most con venient instrument in the settling of transactions of every kind. R e la tio ns of R e se r v e B a n k s 87 Relations of Reserve Banks to Member Banks and Inter-Relations of Federal Reserve Banks T By R . M. G id n ey Controller at Large, Federal Reserve Bank of New York HE outstanding characteristic of the American banking system—a tremendous number of practically dependent banks, great and small— does not make for concerted, uniform or effective action in dealing with banking, credit and currency problems on a nation-wide scale and in a broad way. The need for means whereby these numerous independent banks could cooperate for mutual protection and for greater service to the commerce, industry and agriculture of the coun try, has long been recognized by students of American banking organi zation and methods. The solution suggested by the experi ence of other countries which have highly developed systems of branch banking supported by great central banks, has never seemed acceptable to the American public. The form of organization adopted to supply the elements formerly lacking in American banking, was necessarily designed to do so without diminishing or impairing the independence of the existing bank ing institutions. The Federal Reserve System was created to enable member banks, while operating independently as before, to mobilize or unite their reserve funds and make them more available to meet demands for increased credit accommodation or gold with drawals for domestic purposes or export. The Federal Reserve Banks were to be supplementary to an already existing system consisting of some 7,500 na tional banks and over 19,000 state institutions, a very considerable pro portion of these institutions being expected to take membership and thus give to the system the support neces insary to make it a going concern, capable of affording to its members the facilities and advantages which it was expected to create. The provision for compul sory membership of over 7,500 na tional banks then in existence give assurance of ample support at the out set. The purpose, then, of the Federal Reserve System was to make possible the association of the banks of the country in order to supply the elements of mutual protection, service and facilities which our system of indepen dent banks had lacked, and, in its essential features, it may briefly and accurately be described as a great cooperative banking association. It includes at this time about 8,200 national banks, and 1,625 state banks and trust companies. The latter have become members voluntarily under the permissive provision of the Federal Reserve Act. R e s e r v e B a n k s A r e P r iv a t e C o r p o r a t io n s The circumstances attending the creation of the Federal Reserve System and the distinctly governmental char acter of the procedure which brought it into existence, have tended to create the impression that the Federal Re serve System is a purely governmental agency, an impression strengthened by the highly important work done by th^ Federal Reserve Banks acting as fiscal agents of the government in selling and handling government securities during 88 T he A nnals of t h e and since the War. The fact is, how ever, that the twelve Federal Reserve Banks are private corporations organ ized under an Act of Congress, their only stockholders being the member banks whose stock subscription is pro portionate to their capital and surplus. Their operations are directed by twelve boards of directors. Two-thirds of the members of each board are elected by the member banks, and one-third are appointed by the Federal Reserve Board. Each Federal Reserve Bank is thus operated under the control of a board of directors including three government representatives, most of whom are business men, three bankers and three men engaged in commerce, industry or agriculture, but not con nected as officer or director with any bank. The directorates of the Federal Reserve Banks include not only bank ers, but also men experienced and successful in various lines of business, industry or agriculture. This feature of the relationship between the Federal Reserve Banks and their members is worthy of emphasis. It should be understood that the member banks, through their right to two-thirds of the directors of the Federal Reserve Banks, are in control of the actual operations of the Federal Reserve Banks, subject to supervision by the Federal Reserve Board. Relations between Federal Reserve Banks and their members have grown to be very much like relations between the larger banks of the country and their out-of-town correspondents. The member bank stockholders of the Federal Reserve Banks use these Banks as depositaries for their legal reserves in amounts determined by law, thus bringing about the mobilization of banking reserves contemplated by the Federal Reserve Act, and furnish ing the Federal Reserve Banks with the funds which are the basis for their A m er ic a n A cadem y operations. These relations constitute the minimum which may exist between the Federal Reserve Banks and their members. For some time after the organization of the Federal Reserve Banks, a very large proportion of the member banks did not transact any business through them, and relations were only of the bare minimum above described. The relationship now existing between the Federal Reserve Banks and their members is the result of evolution and is far closer than in the earlier days of the System. The attitude of the na tional bank officers whose institutions were practically drafted into the Fed eral Reserve System at the time of its establishment, was then not altogether friendly, and 'many of them were strongly antagonistic to the new Sys tem and openly expressed their inten tion to have as little to do with it as possible. These bankers had a natural reluctance to break or impair long established ties, and felt that the Reserve Banks would be in a sense government bureaus and would adopt methods involving red tape and afford ing little opportunity for close and sympathetic personal relations. Many believed that member banks, especially those in the smaller places, would have little paper of a character eligible for rediscount, and that as they would be obliged to continue to carry reserves with their correspondents, membership in the System would be more of a bur den than a privilege. Those entrusted with the manage ment of the Federal Reserve System, appreciating and understanding the attitude of the member banks, realized that upon them devolved the duty of so conducting the Federal Reserve Banks as to disarm criticism and to make the service of the Reserve Banks to their members so satisfactory and convenient that those who had antici R e la tio ns of R e se r v e B a n k s pated unpleasant relations would be obliged to revise their opinions. Not withstanding this forward-looking at titude on the part of the managers of the Federal Reserve System, progress toward closer relations with member banks was slow, and did not become really appreciable until the pressure of problems connected with war financing in 1917 brought about a fuller utiliza tion by member banks of the facilities of the Federal Reserve System and consequently a better understanding of its possibilities for service. W a r L o a n s a C e m e n t in g F a c t o r To the Federal Reserve Banks was given the great task of organizing in their respective districts distributing agencies for the huge loans which the government found it necessary to float and for this undertaking the aid and support of bankers, both member and non-member, was sought and obtained. The splendid efforts of those associated in this work may be inferred from re sults. The close relationship thus de veloped and the splendid cooperation of the bankers with the Federal Reserve, Banks in placing the government’s loans, made for understanding and mutual appreciation between the Re serve Banks and their members to such an extent that long before the work of government financing had ceased to require the most active efforts of those engaged in it, the attitude of the member banks had changed from passive toleration or outspoken antag onism, to an attitude on the part of the majority of the member banks distinctly friendly to the Federal Re serve System. With war-time activity, came de mand for credit expansion which brought into play the loaning function of the Federal Reserve Banks. Mem ber banks which had been skeptical of the value of the Federal Reserve System 89 and had doubted the necessity for its existence, found themselves obliged to borrow if they were to do their part in war finance, and for the first time a convincing illustration of the value of the loaning activities of the Reserve Banks was given. Member banks soon found that borrowing at Reserve Banks did not involve unnecessary formality or red tape, as the loan policies of the Reserve Banks have in general been along very liberal lines. Loan applica tions have uniformly been acted upon promptly on day of receipt, so that a member bank sending in paper for rediscount can count upon receiving credit for the proceeds thereof as promptly as if it were a remittance of bank drafts. Promptness, liberality of treatment and willingness to meet all proper demands, which characterized the loan activities of the Reserve Banks, were most potent factors in bringing about a better understanding with their members. Q u ic k M e e t in g o f C u r r e n c y N e e d s At the same time the ability of the Federal Reserve Banks, through their power of note issue, to supply the rapid ly expanding currency needs of the country, led to free development of this function. The process by which Fed eral Reserve notes are issued and re deemed is perhaps worthy of a brief description here. A member bank desiring currency or coin, requests the Federal Reserve Bank to charge its account and if it finds itself with more currency than it desires to retain in vault, or has currency which is no longer fit for use, it forwards the sur plus to the Federal Reserve Bank for credit. The Reserve Banks pay the cost of shipping currency or coin both ways, thus facilitating the prompt redemption of currency which is in excess of the immediate needs of the country and enabling member banks 90 T he A nnals of t h e to operate with a minimum of vault reserve. The payment of cost of ship ment of currency to the member banks was developed by the Federal Reserve Banks in an effort to give member institutions outside of the Federal Reserve cities as nearly as possible simi lar service to that given banks in the Federal Reserve cities. A similar pol icy for shipments of currency received from member banks was adopted as an incident to par check collection, with the object of eliminating any element of cost to a member bank in remitting for checks sent it for collection by the Federal Reserve Bank. C h e c k C o l l e c t io n P l a n P r o g r e s s e d Slow ly The Federal Reserve check collec tion, on the other hand, was long an obstacle to the development of close relations with member banks because of the opposition of many of the banks in smaller places to the change in practice which this System involved. The collection of checks through the Reserve Banks has, however, made tremendous growth, and each Federal Reserve Bank now sends daily letters containing checks for collection to practically all of the banks of its dis trict, both member and non-member. Similar contact results from the col lection of notes, drafts, bills of ex change, coupons, maturing bonds, etc., which is undertaken by the Federal Reserve Banks. Other important facilities are trans ferring funds by wire between various sections of the country without charge to the member bank and the safekeep ing of securities—the Federal Reserve Bank of New York alone now holding in this manner for its members $1,239,215,899 of bonds and other securities. In all the transactions between the Federal Reserve Banks and their members, the attitude of the Reserve A m er ic a n A cadem y Banks is like that of any other bank dealing with correspondents, and mat ters are handled along banking lines, a fact which has had much to do with the development of the close relations which now exist between Reserve Banks and their members B e t t e r B a n k in g M e t h o d s An important influence has been exerted by the Federal Reserve Banks making for improvement of banking methods on the part of member banks. The practice of obtaining financial statements from borrowers has become much more general because there is the possibility that the member bank may later desire to rediscount the paper with the Federal Reserve Bank, and also because the requirement of bor rowers’ statements (for notes of $5,000 or over) by the Federal Reserve Banks has had the effect of standardizing this practice and leading to its adoption by banks which had formerly not consid ered it feasible. Membership in the Federal Reserve System has made for important changes in the character of bank investments, mainly in the direc tion of greater liquidity. Banks which had formerly carried bonds or call loans on stock exchange collateral as their socalled secondary reserve, have adopted the sound practice of diversifying their investments by adding to their portfolios commercial paper purchased in the open market and such highly liquid elements as bankers’ acceptances and United States certificates of indebt edness. Thus they have placed them selves in much stronger position as to availability of funds to meet with drawals by carrying adequate amounts of paper available for rediscount or sale, and, also, at least a moderate amount of paper of short maturity. This im provement in the distribution and liquidity of member banks’ investment holdings has enabled them with safety R ela tio n s of to invest their funds more closely than ever before with resulting increase in profit. In the important matter of check collections, also, the practice of the Federal Reserve Banks of deferring credit on out-of-town checks a suffi cient time to permit of their actual col lection, has led to realization of the im portance of promptness in the handling of out-of-town checks, and closer analy sis than formerly of accounts involving the element of collection time. The direct activities of the Federal Reserve Banks in collecting checks for their members has reduced very materially, and perhaps cut in half, the time re quired to collect out-of-town checks, and encouragement has also been given to member banks to form county clear ing houses so that banks in neighboring towns may exchange with each other and still further reduce the time re quired for collection of such checks. B a n k s N e e d L e ss C a sh in V a u lt More economical methods as to the holding of vault cash by member banks have been made possible by improved facilities for obtaining currency and coin, and by legislation enacted in 1917, relieving member banks from the former requirement for a fixed amount of cash in vault. In October, 1914, the 7,571 national banks of the country held cash in vault equal to 16.4 per cent of their deposits. On June 30, 1921, 9,745 member banks held vault cash equal to only 2.6 per cent of their deposits. The influence of the Federal Reserve Banks making for improvement in the technical features of bank operation, though not readily measured, has been of fundamental importance and is among the most beneficial results of the System’s operations, especially when considered with full realization of the im portance in modern economic organiza R e se r v e B a n k s 91 tion of a banking machinery adapted to the great tasks which devolve upon it. For obvious reasons no publicity has been given to a highly important Re serve Bank activity, the assistance of member banks which for any reason find themselves in a dangerous position; and the confidential character of this relationship precludes other than a very general statement concerning it. In a considerable number of instances the Reserve Banks have not only extended assistance in the way of loans, but have also loaned members of the Reserve Bank staff to assist the institutions through their difficulties, with the result, in a number of instances, that institutions which would otherwise have been forced to succumb, have been rehabilitated and are now in successful operation. Close relations with member banks have also been assisted in some dis tricts by conferences of member bankers with Federal Reserve Bank officers, at which the operations and functions of the Federal Reserve Banks were clearly and fully explained, and also by visits to member banks at their home offices, made by Reserve Bank representatives. The officers of the Federal Reserve Banks realize an obligation to extend a service of high order to member banks, and to promote cooperation along banking lines rather than to take an attitude which might lead member banks to feel that they were dealing with a distant and impersonal organiza tion operated as a government agency. In other words, the Federal Reserve Banks have undertaken to function as banks and to conduct their relations with member banks along much the same lines as those by which the larger banking institutions of the country have in the past so successfully conducted their relations with out-of-town corres pondents. The highly satisfactory re sults of this policy are to be found in 92 T he A nnals of t h e A m er ic a n A cadem y the friendly attitude which is now mani A conference of governors and direc fest on the part of member banks tors of all Federal Reserve Banks pre toward the Federal Reserve Banks. ceded the actual opening of the Banks. Problems of general policy before the I n t e r - r e l a t i o n s o f R e s e r v e B a n k s Banks and the Federal Reserve Board, The establishment of twelve regional have been the subject of discussion at Federal Reserve Banks rather than of conferences held from time to time by a central bank, was in keeping with the governors and Federal Reserve agents. great area of our country, which might Numerous conferences have also been be considered as making the establish held by representatives of the Reserve ment of one great central bank of Banks to deal with the more technical doubtful advantage, and with the features of operation, such as account American predilection for the minimum ing and auditing methods, check col of banking centralization. The twelve lections, employment methods and Federal Reserve Banks were to be, and other similar problems. The spirit of are, operated each by its own board of cooperation and willingness to take directors, and each is to a very large counsel together, evidenced at these degree an independent entity, having conferences, has been typical of the power to deal with the problems arising everyday relations between the Reserve within its own district according to the Banks and has resulted in the develop judgment of its directors and officers. ment of a close-knit system in which This has given opportunity for the the several units, though independent development of a considerable degree in management, work together to ob of individuality in personnel and tain for their members and the public methods, and for the control of e,ach the advantages to be derived from a Federal Reserve Bank by men familiar unified banking system. with the business of the district. The results of cooperation among Counteracting to a considerable de the Federal Reserve Banks are in some gree this tendency to individuality in cases very tangible, as, notably, the the management and operations of the country-wide check collection system, several Federal Reserve Banks, is the the establishment of facilities for trans influence of common function and pur fers of funds over the private wires pose, of interbank contact, and, also, between Federal Reserve Banks, the es the supervision of the Federal Reserve tablishment of a Gold Settlement Fund Board. The practically identical rela through which has been obviated the tionship of each Reserve Bank to its necessity of gold shipments between members and the similarity of func different parts of the country, and, tions, led early to efforts to coordinate perhaps most important of all, the facil action on all matters possible of com ities for interbank rediscounts by means mon solution. Even before the organi of which seasonal loan demands may zation of the Federal Reserve Board be met by the Reserve Banks whose and the Federal Reserve Banks, the positions are relatively strong and who preliminary Organization Committee loan to those on which the pressure is had prepared plans for accounting and greatest. The advantage claimed for methods which were to a considerable a central bank with ability to direct the extent used by the Reserve Banks when flow of loanable funds to the point of organized, though modified in many maximum need, appears to have been ways as experience showed need for attained through this arrangement, as interbank rediscounts have been freely change. R e la tio n s of and voluntarily made in such amounts as were necessary to meet the heavy loan demands in many districts which would otherwise have found themselves with greatly impaired reserves. The heaviest borrowers relatively have been the Federal Reserve Banks in the agricultural sections, the lenders be ing usually the banks in sections whose activities are predominantly industrial. The interbank loans at their high point were as shown in the table below: I n t e r -B a n k L o a n s Borrowers Bank Amount New York... . $49,305,000 Richmond... . 19,900,000 Atlanta......... 37,758,000 Chicago........ 13,050,000 St. Louis. . . . 40,410,000 Minn............. . 27,204,000 Kansas City.. . 45,807,000 Dallas........... 33,944,000 T otal . . . . $267,378,000 of Per cent Reserve ages Before After 35.3 35.4 23.2 37.9 21.0 17.0 17.4 13.2 38.6 45.8 40.5 39.5 41.3 39.0 42.5 40.9 The chart on page 94 illustrates graphically the movements of reserves of the Federal Reserve Banks, evidenc ing the pressure of demand for loans which could be safely met only by rediscounting. R e s e r v e B o a r d ’s I n f l u e n c e f o r U n it y Strong as were the forces which have been mentioned in making for close relations and cooperation on the part of the Federal Reserve Banks, the position of the Federal Reserve Board, as the central element in the Federal Reserve organization, is one of such great influence that its policies may be regarded as in large measure responsible for the course which has been taken in the development of the System pro vided for in general outline by the R e se r v e B a n k s 93 action of Congress. The policy of the Reserve Board, as revealed in its rul ings and the public utterances of its members, has been consistently to refrain from performing operating func tions in connection with the manage ment of the Reserve Banks and to make its field of activity the supervision and coordination of twelve practically inde pendent regional reserve institutions. Its rulings and regulations have served to interpret and apply the law under F e d e r a l R e se r v e B a n k s Lenders Per cent Bank Amount Reserve ages Before After $85,896,000 72.0 51.1 Phila................. 42,722,000 63.8 52.3 Cleveland........ . 137,874,000 80.5 52.3 San Francisco.. 886,000 45.2 44.9 $267,378,000 which the Reserve Banks operate, and also to bring about general uniformity in the policies of the Reserve Banks, while leaving a large discretion to the management of each Bank as to the acceptance or rejection of individual paper, offered for rediscount, and as to other problems of operation. Thus there has been noted in the operations of the Federal Reserve Sys tem a combination of uniformity of policy and flexibility of everyday opera tion which would be difficult or per haps impossible under a system where the operating function was controlled by a central body. A tendency toward similarity of discount rates at the several Reserve Banks has been ap parent, though differences in condi tions have prevented and are likely to prevent complete uniformity in this T h e A nnals 94 of the A m er ic a n A cadem y R e s e r v e P er c e n t a g es F e d e r a l R e se r v e B a n k s B e f o r e I n t e r b a n k A ccom m odations ekO ST O I i * /> » / yV " PHI LADELPHIA ,/ V 10o ' V*—. - V\ V ■ ■V 80 60 ' 40 - nA . J, / 20 tm. a s— 1ML. JAN. JUL. o at. OCT. JAM. CHICAGO ./f " Am. JUL. ST LOUIS A * y 'r \ s ' * Vs // 100 60 60 * 40 . / £0 0 SAN FRANCISCO DAL V <JMt. 0 M\ \ 7 --- V JAM AM*. ■ML- Mr. ALL DISTRICTS 100 -1920 60 60 40 20 0 particular. Practices as to check clear ing and collection, collection of notes and drafts, supplying currency and coin, and loaning operations, are much alike at the different Reserve Banks, yet each Bank may, independently within the limits set by the law and the Federal Reserve Board’s ruling and regulations, perfect and improve its methods of operation at its own option, ML. OCT. The Federal Reserve Board has made very clear that the Federal Re serve System is not a central bank or its equivalent, but that the twelve Federal Reserve Banks are independent insti tutions over which the Federal Reserve Board exercises supervisory authority, without attempting to participate di rectly in the management. It thus appears that the advantages T he G old Settlement F und to be expected from the free flow of credit from one part of the country to the other to meet demands for com mercial, industrial or agricultural pur poses, are supplied by the inter-bank rediscounting feature of the Federal Reserve System, but that the aim of having the problems of each district entrusted to directors living within the 95 district and to officers closely familiar with these problems, with full discre tion and power to act within their own districts, has also been attained. The Federal Reserve System may be said to give the advantages of the mobilization and centralization of banking reserves while preserving the typically American freedom from highly centralized control. The Evolution and Practical Operation of the Gold Settlement Fund By G e o r g e J. S e a y Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond T is difficult to realize that only rapid than could have been expected seven years have elapsed since the in normal times. The country seems establishment of the Federal Reserve accustomed and seasoned to the opera Banks. During that period, matters tions of the Federal Reserve System, of such tremendous import to the but, it becomes apparent from time to world have happened and develop time that many people and even many ments in banking and finance have banks have not a full appreciation of been so revolutionary in their nature the accomplishments of the System or and size that we have a full under a full understanding of the fact that standing of the feelings of the small boy financial transactions of the magnitude of seven who declared that, although developed within these seven years only seven, judging by the experience were rendered possible only by the he had had, he was ’most a hundred. operation of the System. Since 1914, the resources of the banks The country banker, when he sends of the United States have grown from his checks and collection items to his 2 7 billions of dollars to 53 billions, and city correspondent, may think that bank clearings have grown from 155 thereby he is creating exchange. This billions to 451 billions. In measuring is but the first and the lowest step in the national debt, the income of the the creation of exchange. The proc Treasury and taxation, the unit is no esses involved in the collection and longer a million but a billion. final settlement of such items are All the momentous and tragic ex numerous and they constitute the periences of life leave an impression fabric of exchange. The Federal Re upon the mind of having occupied a serve System has developed the most prolonged period. Therefore, it seems comprehensive and most effective sys that the Federal Reserve System has tem of exchange known to the banking been operating for a period much world. longer than that measured by seven The Federal Reserve Banks act as calendar years. As a matter of fact, clearing houses for their members, and it has, beyond doubt, developed in the various transactions engaged in by those seven years at a pace far more these banks create balances between I T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy 96 them and their members and between each other. The Federal Reserve Board has set up machinery which operates as a clearing house between Federal Reserve Banks, and the Gold Settlement Fund is the heart of the System. Therefore, an account of the evolu tion and the practical operation of the Gold Settlement Fund, through which final payment is made for that vast volume of credit instruments circu lating throughout the country, must contribute to a better understanding of the System as a whole. E a r ly N e ed o f I n t e r -B a n k S e t t l e m e n t M a c h in e r y * Under the terms of the Federal Reserve Act, the Federal Reserve Board, in Section 16, was authorized at its discretion to exercise the func tions of a clearing house for Federal Reserve Banks. It is not to be sup posed that there dwelt in the minds of the framers of this provision of the Act any well-defined conception of the manner in which this function would be exercised and least of all of the nature and magnitude of the settle ments which this “clearing house” would be called upon to make within such a short period of time. During the early days, after the organization of the Federal Reserve Banks in November, 1914, they were occupied chiefly by the receipt of pay ments of subscriptions to capital stock and with the receipt from member banks of deposits setting up the reserve required by the Act. Payments on account of subscriptions to capital stock were required to be made in gold or gold certificates. Reserve deposits were required to be made either in gold or lawful money, except that Federal Reserve Banks were authorized to receive as reserve not exceeding onehalf of each installment payment in eligible paper, as described in Section 14. That is to say, member banks were permitted to rediscount at that time with their Federal Reserve Bank to this extent in establishing reserves. Under date of November 25, 1914, a circular was issued by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, advising its members that the bank was ready to commence rediscounting in the regular course of business and in a position to furnish Federal Reserve notes for the proceeds of rediscounts. The member banks had previously been advised that collections and clearings could not be undertaken at the beginning and that, therefore, active accounts of member banks could not be established until further notice. They were advised, however, that after initial payments of reserve had been made, checks drawn on any member bank in the cities of Rich mond, Washington and Baltimore, all within the district, would be re ceived for the credit of the members. The member banks were cautioned, however, that while the Richmond bank was accepting checks on banks in the reserve cities of the Fifth District “it is not intended at this stage that the Reserve Bank shall be used merely to transfer balances in one place in order to make them available in another,” and further “members are expected to use their present clearing connections for making collections until greater preparation has been made for clearing.” Notwithstanding the restricted na ture of the business conducted at that time, balances in excess of the required reserve were created, and checks against these balances found their way into other districts. No machinery had been set up to effect settlements between Federal Reserve Banks, but it was the understanding that any Federal Reserve Bank would have the T he G old S ettlement F und 97 the Reserve Bank Organization Com mittee, by those whose services were engaged for the purpose, which con tained many practical suggestions as to the organization and operation of Fed eral Reserve Banks. Among these was a suggestion for a “Federal Reserve Clearing House,” which involved the deposit of a certain sum of gold by each Federal Reserve Bank with the Federal Reserve Board or with any Federal Reserve Bank designated by the Board to act as a clearing agent and settle balances between Federal Reserve Banks by means of book entries made by a settling agent or by certificates issued by the settling agent. At the first conference of the governors of the banks, held with the Board in Washington, December 10, 11 and 12, 1914, a special committee was appointed to study the subject and report to the next conference. At the second conference held in Washington, January 20- 23, 1915, the report of the committee was received, discussed by the conference, and, with several amendments, was submitted to the Federal Reserve Board. The plan submitted to the Board by this con ference was substantially that outlined in the report of the. preliminary com mittee on organization, though many details were submitted by the con ference. The Board took the matter under consideration and announced in April, 1915, that the plan of settlement between Federal Reserve Banks had been completed and would become effective about the middle of May, 1915. In the meantime, all the Federal Reserve Banks had been maintaining accounts with one another, which accounts, of course, were affected by E s t a b l is h m e n t o f t h e G o ld all interdistrict transactions. Settlem ent F und Under date of May 8, 1915, the Prior to the organization of Federal Federal Reserve Board issued its Reserve Banks, a report was made to Bulletin No. 13, Series of 1915, out right to call upon any other for remit tances in gold to effect settlement of balances between the two. At that time of the year (December) the flow of funds was towards New York, and, as a result of the practice of receiving from member banks for credit checks on their balances in the reserve cities of this district and then permitting the banks to check on such balances—which checks were usually sent to New York in order to create exchange—the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond became in debt to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for several millions of dollars. . To place restraint upon this practice it became necessary to advise member banks that such checks deposited with the Federal Reserve Bank for the pur pose of creating exchange would be subject to a charge for collection, in accordance with Section 16 of the Act. On January 18, 1915, in sending out notification of the second installment due on capital stock subscriptions, members were advised that payments could be made by means of checks on national banks in New York City instead of in gold. This was done for the purpose of reducing the debt of the Richmond Bank to the New York Bank, thus, to that extent, avoiding settlement with the New York Bank in gold. It will be apparent that very early in the operation of the System the neces sity for providing the machinery for making settlement between Federal Reserve Banks was a pressing one, and during that time careful study was being given to the question, both by the Federal Reserve Board and the officers of the Federal Reserve Banks. 8 98 T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy lining the plan of clearing between Federal Reserve Banks. The plan was designed to effect settlements of all balances then outstanding and thereafter to settle accounts between Federal Reserve Banks weekly. The following is a brief statement of the principal feature of the plan: Each Federal Reserve Bank was required to forward to the Treasury at Washington or the nearest subtreasury for credit in the account of the Gold Settlement Fund one million dollars in gold, gold certificates or gold order certificates, in addition to an amount at least equal to its net indebtedness to all Federal Reserve Banks. The Treasury Department under took to advise the Federal Reserve Banks of the receipt of the funds and undertook further to deliver to the Federal Reserve Board gold certificates payable to the order of the Federal Reserve Board in denominations of ten thousand dollars, covering the sum so deposited. Each Federal Reserve Bank was required to make such payment into the Gold Fund from time to time as might be necessary to maintain the balance to its credit in the Fund at one million dollars. Federal Reserve Banks having balances in excess of one million dollars, as a result of clearing operations, were allowed to withdraw the excess at will, payment to be made by shipment of gold order certificates to the said bank by the Board, or payment through the nearest subtreasury. The Board kept a set of books in which there was an account for each Federal Reserve Bank, showing at all times the amount of gold held for each bank. The gold order certificates representing the gold held by the Treasury were kept in a safe in the Treasury vaults set apart for the ex clusive use of the Board, to be opened only in the presence of two persons designated by the Secretary and two designated by the Board. The balance of each Federal Reserve Bank in the Gold Fund was permitted to be counted as a part of the gold reserve of the bank. Each Federal Reserve Bank was required to keep two ac counts with every other Federal Re serve Bank, one showing the total amount due to the other Federal Reserve Bank and the other, the amount due from the other Federal Reserve Bank. The first settlement, being historic, will be described. It was made in the following manner. At the close of business, Wednesday, May 19, 1915, each Federal Reserve Bank advised the Federal Reserve Board by wire the amount in even thousands due by it to each other Federal Reserve Bank as of that day. On Thursday, May 20, the settling agent appointed by the Board telegraphed each Federal Re serve Bank the amount of credits to its settling account, giving the name of each bank from which such credits were received, also the net debit or credit balance in the settlement. After the receipt of these advices, but not later than May 24, each Federal Reserve Bank was required to put into the Gold Fund by shipment or trans fers of gold or gold certificates of the United States, directly or through the nearest subtreasury, an amount suf ficient to cover its debit balance, if any, and to establish a credit balance of at least one million dollars. The totals so remitted at that time were $ 18,450,000. The Federal Reserve Banks made appropriate entries in their accounts based upon the report of the settling agent. Thus the Gold Settle ment Fund was launched. Thereafter, settlements were made weekly, on Thursday, upon the basis of figures tele graphed by each Federal Reserve Bank at the close of business Wednesday. T he G old S ettlement F und The Treasury Department had not only agreed to receive remittances in gold and to issue ten thousand dollar gold order certificates to the Fed eral Reserve Board, but had also agreed to allow the use of the subtreasuries in connection with remittances and with drawals from the Gold Fund by Federal Reserve Banks. It was under stood and agreed, however, that if the receipt of such remittances or the making of such payments at any time involved the actual shipment of gold from the Treasury at Washington to a subtreasury, or vice versa, the expense of such shipments should be borne by the Federal Reserve Banks. C o m m e n c e m e n t o f a n I n t r a - D is t r ic t C l e a r in g P l a n b y F e d e r a l R eserve B ank s It will be understood that the bal ances of member banks with their Federal Reserve Banks were affected chiefly by two operations: first, by discount operations, and, second, by the collection of checks through the Federal Reserve Bank. Up to this time, as before described, the collection of checks by a Federal Reserve Bank for its members, even within its own district, had been very limited. In June, 1915, most, if not all, of the Federal Reserve Banks put into opera tion a voluntary plan of intra-district collections. According to this plan, a Federal Reserve Bank invited all of its members to join the collection plan, under which each member that joined the plan could send to the Federal Reserve Bank checks upon every other member that had joined the plan but upon no other members and upon no member outside of its own district. The Federal Reserve Bank would give the sending member bank immediate credit for such checks in its reserve account. On the other hand, each mem ber bank joining the plan had agreed 99 that upon the day of receipt the Federal Reserve Bank could charge its reserve account with the total amount of checks drawn upon it. While the operations of this plan did not primarily involve relations between Federal Reserve Banks, such relations were indirectly involved. Clearings under the plan depleted the reserve accounts of some members and resulted in excess balances in the re serve accounts of others. The member bank whose reserve accounts had been depleted had to remit in gold or lawful money or in some form of exchange acceptable to the Reserve Bank. Other banks whose clearings resulted in excess balances had the right to check against such balances and checks on one Federal Reserve Bank were re ceived for credit by other Federal Reserve Banks. These transactions, in so far as they affected the accounts between Federal Reserve Banks, tended to increase the volume of the weekly settlements through the Gold Settle ment Fund. It is because of this fact that a description is given of the early developments of a collection plan by Federal Reserve Banks. In addition to clearing weekly, Federal Reserve Banks had the privi lege of transferring excess balances in the Gold Fund to other Federal Re serve Banks by wire or letter to the Federal Reserve Board. During the week ending June 24, 1915, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco transferred in this way to the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston two hundred thousand dollars. During the week end ing July 1, 1915, San Francisco made two transfers, four hundred and fifty thousand dollarstoNewYorkand thirty thousand dollars to Chicago. These initial transfers are mentioned because they are historic. After that time, trans fers between Federal Reserve Banks became more and more frequent. 100 T he A nnals of the American A cademy The first withdrawal from the Gold Settlement Fund by any Federal Re serve Bank was made on July 14, 1915, by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Its telegram requesting the payment was received by the Board at 10.30 a.m. and at 2.00 p.m. on the same day the Assistant Treasurer of the United States at Chicago advised the bank of his readiness to make payment. Although in a number of cases thereafter such withdrawals occurred from time to time, the con venience and usefulness of the Gold Settlement Fund became more and more apparent, and there developed a tendency to allow credit balances to accumulate, so that the Fund passed the one hundred million dollar mark on November 18, 1915. F ederal R eser v e A g ents’ G old F u n d In the latter part of 1915, the Board determined to enlarge the scope of the Gold Settlement Fund by opening accounts with the Federal Reserve agents of the various Federal Reserve Banks. While very little discounting was done by Federal Reserve Banks in the early days of the System, the volume of Federal Reserve notes put out was very considerable. Therefore, almost from the beginning, each Fed eral Reserve agent had the custody of and the responsibility for a consider able amount of gold, all of which, except 5 per cent deposited with the Treasurer of the United States as redemption fund, remained in his possession. Transactions involved in the issue and retirement of Federal Reserve notes necessitated frequent payments in large sums from the bank to the agent and from the agent to the bank. When these payments were made in gold or gold certificates, much counting and recounting was necessary on the part of the employes of the bank and the representatives of the Federal Reserve agents* In the early part of September, 1915, the Federal Reserve Board resolved that a Gold Fund should be established for the use and benefit of Federal Reserve agents, not identical with, but in close relation to and cooperation with the Gold Settlement Fund of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks. The settling agent of the Board was di rected to open and maintain on the books a distinct and separate account for each Federal Reserve agent and to receive from the said agent, or from the Federal Reserve Bank for the account of such agent, deposits of gold certificates, subject to the order of the Federal Reserve agent for whom such deposits had been made. The fund of the Federal Reserve agents was handled and operated in the same manner as the Gold Settlement Fund of the banks, but, as before mentioned, the funds were handled separately. As a consequence, when transfers were made from an agent to a bank or a bank to an agent, it was necessary for the representative of the Board to make an actual shift of gold or gold certificates from one safe to another or from one compartment in the safe to another compartment. The Federal Reserve Bank of At lanta was the first to make such a transfer. On September 8, 1915, $2,500.000 was passed from the account of the bank in the Gold Settlement Fund to the credit of the Federal Reserve agent. Simultaneously, the Federal Reserve agent of Atlanta released to the Federal Reserve Bank of Altanta the same amount in gold or gold certificates. The second bank to make use of this facility was the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, the amount of the transfer being $2,600.000 from the account of the bank to the account of the agent. At the T he G old Settlement F und time of this writing, the Federal Re serve agents in five of the Federal Reserve Banks are keeping all of the gold deposited with them (except the 5 per cent redemption fund deposited with the Treasurer of the United States) in this fund. Of the remaining seven, six have much larger amounts to their credit in the fund than they are holding in the vaults of their banks. The amount to the credit of all Fed eral Reserve agents in the fund is $ 1, 169,210,000, while the total amount of gold and gold certificates held by the several Federal Reserve agents at their respective banks is $450,162,000 . The total amount in the funds of the Federal Reserve agents and Federal Reserve Banks is $ 1,665,321,000. S c o p e o f C l e a r in g P l a n The voluntary intra-district clearing plan, established by nearly all of the Federal Reserve Banks in June, 1915, did not prove successful because it embraced only a comparatively small percentage of member banks whose operations through the Federal Re serve Banks were confined to the exchange of checks upon one another. As a matter of fact, the plan was devised and operated partly as an experiment to develop experience and data necessary to the intelligent plan ning of a more comprehensive system. The Federal Reserve Board and the officers of all the Federal Reserve Banks had given a great deal of time and study to the situation, both in conferences with the Board and other wise. On July 15, 1916, the present clearing plan between Federal Reserve Banks and their members and between the Federal Reserve Banks themselves was put in operation. The plan is now too well known to need description. The plan has been modified and im proved to some extent since its inauguration. At the time the plan 101 was inaugurated, the total number of member and non-member banks em braced in its operation was approxi mately fifteen thousand. At the present time the number is 28,191, or 92.8 per cent of all banks in the country, embracing more then 98 per cant of all banking resources. The number of items handled by the System in 1920 was 503,728,000, amounting to $179,459,351,000. The operation of the new collection plan very greatly increased the number of transactions between Federal Re serve Banks. At the same time, the increasing issues of Federal Reserve notes made necessary an increasing number of transfers between each bank and its Federal Reserve agent and between the banks themselves and the Treasurer of the United States in transactions relating to the 5 per cent redemption fund for Federal Reserve notes. In its Second Annual Report cover ing the operations of the Fund, the Federal Reserve Board, page 79, stated: “The Federal Reserve Board has, up to the close of the year 1915, settled through the Gold Settlement Fund for the twelve Federal Reserve Banks indebtedness aggregating $1,052,649,000 with a net change of only $95,697,000 in ownership of gold held in the I?und, or 8.14 per cent of the total amount cleared. The direct expense incident to the Gold Settlement Fund in handling these transactions has been approximately $1,150, prin cipally for equipment and telegraph services.” In its Third Annual Report covering the year 1916, the Federal Reserve Board stated that the total clearings for the year had been $5,533,966,000. The cost of handling the Fund was $ 1,343.37, or $0.002| per $1,000. The net amount of change of ownership among Federal Reserve Banks as 102 T he Annals of the American A cademy a result of these clearings was only $223,870,000. The Board remarked, “It may be estimated conservatively that the shipment of coin and currency of at least that amount was thus avoided/’ This statement merits care ful attention. A m e n d m e n t o f J u n e 21 , 1917 The next step in the evolution of the Gold Fund was as follows: It will be remembered that the Gold Funds of the Federal Reserve Banks and the Federal Reserve agents were kept separately and that this arrangement made it necessary for the two represen tatives of the Federal Reserve Board and the representative of the Treasury Department to open the safe in which the Fund was held in ten thousand dollar gold order certificates and make actual transfers of such certificates from one fund to the other whenever transfers were rendered necessary. Continued increases in the issue of Federal Reserve notes and in the number and amounts of transactions between Federal Reserve Banks, in volving large increases in both gold funds and a greatly enlarged number of transactions, made the duties of the custodians of the Gold Fund very burdensome. Therefore, the Board recommended to Congress an amend ment to the Act, which became a law on June 21, 1917, for the purpose of simplifying the operation of the Fund, which had grown from $18,450,000 in May, 1915, to considerably more than $500,000,000. Under the new plan, made possible by the amendment of Section 16 of the Federal Reserve Act, the Treasurer of the United States opened an account with the Federal Reserve Board, giving credit to the Board for the sum of deposits of Federal Reserve Banks and Federal Reserve agents combined. Individual accounts were kept as formerly by the Federal Reserve Board. The Fund was transferred to the keep ing of the Treasurer of the United States, and the Board, in its bulletin for July, 1917, in describing the trans fer, said: “Some idea of the magnitude of the Fund may be had from the fact that a truck load of gold order certifi cates (in ten thousand dollar denomi nation) was transferred from the Federal Reserve Board to the Treas urer of the United States. It took three men over two days to place a stamped endorsement on the certifi cates. Had the amount represented been in the form of gold coin, it would have weighed 963 short tons. The Treasury of the United States, of course, issued its receipt to the Board for the money.” In its Fourth Annual Report cover ing the year 1917, the Federal Reserve Board stated that the operation of the Fund, which was, in effect, a clearing house for the twelve Federal Reserve Banks, had been particularly useful during the year by reason of the continuous transfers of very large amounts, which had grown out of the sale of government bonds and Treas ury certificates and redistribution and disbursement of the funds realized. The total volume of clearings and transfers through the Fund during the year amounted to $26,962,000,000, as compared with $5,575,000,000 during 1916. The net balances representing the change of ownership between the Federal Reserve Banks of gold held in the fund were $272,000,000. The Board stated: “Without such an arrangement, actual settlings between Federal Reserve Banks would have been accompanied with great expense and loss of time, but by its aid these enormous transfers have been made automatic and instantaneous and have been made without the inconvenience and expense which would have been T he G old S ettlement F und unavoidable had a physical transfer and shipment of money been neces sary.” It is not only the expense and delay of the physical transfer and shipment of money which was avoided. It is to be doubted whether such transfers would have been possible at all under the old banking plan without creating financial disturbances which would have unsettled the business of the nation. Up to this time Federal Reserve Banks were still making weekly settle ments on a basis of figures shown by their books at the close of business Wednesday. Practically all communi cations between the Federal Reserve Banks and the Federal Reserve Board with reference to weekly settlements and transfers had been made by wire, and messages had necessarily been sent over the commercial wires. The necessity for private wires between all Federal Reserve Banks and branches and the Federal Reserve Board became too urgent to be postponed. A private or leased wire system was put in operation on June 4 , 1918, and all Federal Reserve Banks employed tele graph operators. D a il y S e t t l e m e n t s T h r o u g h t h e G old F u n d The next step in the evolution of the Gold Fund was the institution of daily instead of weekly settlements. On July 1, 1918, a daily settlement plan was put into effect. In the Bulletin for July, 1918, the Board said: The plan will eliminate a great deal of work at the Federal Reserve Banks, and through daily instead of weekly settle ments will provide for the proper adjust ment of the gold holdings to the credit of each Federal Reserve Bank in the Gold Settlement Fund in as nearly automatic a way as possible. At the present time, the Federal Reserve Banks, in addition to the 103 weekly settlement, have the privilege of demanding transfers at any time upon the net debit balance as shown in accounts with other Federal Reserve Banks. It must be expected that if the present plan of weekly settlement were to be maintained, such transfers would become more numer ous in the future as the calls upon the Federal Reserve Banks became heavier. The proposed plan (for daily settlement) would do away with the greater part of such transfers and will release for the strengthening of their reserves the funds now carried as the amounts due from other Federal Reserve Banks. Under the law, balances due from other Federal Reserve Banks could not be counted as a part of the reserve of any Federal Reserve Bank, but under the regulations of the Board, which then existed, such balances due from other Federal Reserve Banks were allowed as deductions from net deposits in making reserve calculations. G r o w t h in C l e a r in g T r a n s a c t io n s Combined clearings and transfers through the Fund during the year 1918 aggregated $50,242,000,000. Thus, by gradual development, what seemed, and was indeed, a formidable under taking was worked out. The internal accounting operations of the Federal Reserve Banks were readjusted and improved, but no change was made in the plan of settlement during the year 1919. Clearings and trans fers through the Fund for the year 1919 aggregated practically 74 billion dollars. The Board, in its annual report for the year 1919, made the following statement: When it is considered that these enor mous transfers are made almost instan taneously by means of the leased wire system without involving the physical movement of a dollar, it will be seen that the arrangement has been of incalculable value to the government, the banks and the public. The total expense of operation, including the cost of the leased wires and the salaries of accountants, was approxi 104 T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy mately $250,000. This represents the basic cost of effecting domestic exchanges between the several reserve districts. A charge of ten cents per one hundred dollars, if generally imposed, would have imposed an expense on the commerce of the country of $73,984,252. The leased wire system had been extended to all branches of Federal Reserve Banks, and in many cases these branches participated in the Gold Settlement Fund. The last refinement in the evolution of the Gold Settlement Fund was made when all transactions between Federal Reserve Banks which are settled through the Gold Fund were made effective on the day on which they occurred. This was made possible by the introduction of a plan or practice under which all transactions to be settled through the Gold Fund were wired to the Board from the banks and the branches, and the Board made the settlement upon its books as of that day at the earliest possible hour on the following morning, and wired the settlement figures to each Federal Reserve Bank. The Federal Reserve Banks kept their books open until such wires were received from the Federal Reserve Board, and then made the few entries necessary and closed their bool^s as of the pre vious day. This plan has worked ad mirably and has eliminated all the float which had to be carried by those Reserve Banks with credit bal ances in the settlement under the previous plan, by which the daily settlement payments were not re ceived until the day following that on which the settlement figures were made up. The volume of clearing through the Gold Fund for the year 1920 was $92,625,000,000. The aver age weekly volume of clearings in creased from $31,898,000 in 1915 to $ 1,793,584,000 in 1920. “Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!” Thus, from cautious beginnings, feeling the way, but nevertheless with unexpected rapid ity of progress, the Federal Reserve System has developed the most ef fective, the most comprehensive and the most economically administered exchange system in the world of bank ing. When all the banks of the country are on a par clearing basis, the system can be made still more effective and useful. At the present time, a member bank may obtain from its own Federal Re serve Bank, free of expense to itself, a telegraphic transfer of funds, in any amount, to any point in the country where a member bank is located. These transactions are effected between Federal Reserve Banks and are settled through the Gold Fund. The Gold Fund has been of inesti mable value to the Treasury, and has rendered easy of accomplishment the most stupendous financial operations ever undertaken. During the past two years, the government has col lected taxes from every nook and corner of the country, amounting to about one billion dollars quarterly. Certificates of indebtedness have been issued, have matured and been paid, and the receipts and disbursements of the Treasury for a single day, on occasions, have amounted to approxi mately a billion dollars each way. All of these funds passed through the Federal Reserve Banks; they were adjusted and redistributed through the Gold Fund without disturbance of the financial equilibrium and so smoothly as to occasion hardly a comment. It has become a routine matter. Lord Byron makes the Prisoner of Chillon say: “ So much a lorg communion tends To make us what we are.” E ligibility for D iscount So we say that the public from long communion with these huge trans actions now takes them as a matter of course, but without fully understand 105 ing that it is the wonderful working of the Federal Reserve System which makes us commercially and finan cially what we are. Eligibility for Discount By C h a r l e s L. P o w e l l T Counsel for Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago HE kind and character of paper which the Federal Reserve Banks may discount for member banks in broad, general terms defined in Sec tion 13 of the Federal Reserve Act. It is there provided that the Federal Reserve Banks, upon the endorsement of member banks, may discount for them: (1) notes, drafts and bills of ex change issued or drawn for agricultural, industrial or commercial purposes, or the proceeds of which have been used or are to be used for such purposes; (2) acceptances of banks of the charac ter and kind described in the Act. The Federal Reserve Board, by the same section of the Act, is given the right to determine or define the char acter of paper made eligible for dis count within the meaning of the Act; and, the Board in the exer cise of this statutory right has, from time to time, promulgated a series of regulations for the guidance of the Federal Reserve Banks and member banks. These regulations, while not a part of the statute, having been made and promulgated by a lawfully consti tuted body, have the force and effect of law.1 As is said by the Supreme Court of the United States, in United States v. Clark, “the Legislature cannot dele gate its powers to make a law, but it can make a law to delegate a power to determine some fact or state of things, upon which the law makes, or intends isto make, its own action depend.” Ac cordingly, the regulations made by the Federal Reserve Board defining, apply ing and limiting the character of paper eligible for rediscount must be read as part of the Act. G e n e r a l L im it a t io n s o n E l ig i b i l it y The limitations on eligibility for dis count, as provided by the Act and the regulations of the Board, are directed to (1) the maturity of the paper and (2) its source of origin, or the purposes for which it is to be used. The lan guage used by the Act in respect to the latter is modeled upon many prior pro posals for legislation and was mani festly for the purpose of avoiding the use of bank funds in two general classes of transactions, that is to say, in speculative transactions and in trans actions involving capital investments. The reason for these two provisions of the Act—the one relating to the origin or purpose of the note or bill and the other to its short maturity—is found in the recognized necessity of keeping the assets of the bank liquid at all times and thus readily available to meet the demands of commerce and trade. It was expected, and the operation of the 1 United States v. Grimaud, 220 U. S. 506; Act has proved it to be the case, that Dasterbignes Case, 122 Fed. 30 ; United States v. a large part of the banking resources of the nation would find its way into the Clark, 143 U. S. 664. 106 T he A nnals of the American A cademy Reserve Banks. It was, and is, un thinkable, from a scientific standpoint, that these resources should be tied up in long-time investments, or in invest ments permanent in their nature. It is the very essence of the Federal Re serve System that its funds must be in vested in short-time securities, which, in theory at least, are self-liquidating. B o a r d D e f in it io n s o f E l ig ib l e P aper Regulations of the Federal Reserve Board have been promulgated and put into effect, clarifying, amplifying and explaining the language of the Act, keeping in view at all times the broad general provision of the Act that in vestments must be of short maturity and must have arisen out of commer cial transactions. These regulations have been revised from time to time. The last revision was put out under date of October 6, 1920.2 This revi sion was amended May 6, 1921.3 The Board’s regulations define with particularity promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange, trade acceptances, six months’ agricultural paper and bankers’ acceptances eligible for dis count, but the definitions thus pro mulgated by the Board are well within the usual definitions found in the Ne gotiable Instruments Acts of the vari ous states, so far as such acts deal with similar instrumentalities of commerce. In addition to definitions of such ordinary instruments, a trade accept ance is defined as “a draft or bill of exchange, drawn by the seller on the purchaser of goods sold, and accepted by such purchaser.” Six months’ agricultural paper is de fined as “a note, draft, bill of exchange or trade acceptance, the proceeds of which have been used, or are to be used, for agricultural purposes, in2 Federal Reserve Bulletin, 3 Ibid., : . 7 545 6 : 1179. eluding the breeding, raising, fattening or marketing of live stock, and which has a maturity at the time of discount of not more than six months, exclusive of days of grace.” C o m m e r c ia l a n d A g r ic u l t u r a l P u r p o se s D e f in e d Under the regulations, paper may be eligible because issued or drawn for an agricultural or commercial purpose, or it may be eligible because the pro ceeds have been, or are to be, used for an agricultural or commercial purpose. The purchase and sale of goods of any character is a commercial transaction from the standpoint of the seller, and the note of a buyer given to the seller in payment for articles purchased is a note which has been “issued or drawn for a commercial purpose.” The use of the proceeds of a note to purchase goods for re-sale is a com mercial purpose, even though the ar ticles purchased will be permanent investments in the hands of the final purchaser; and, accordingly, the note of a dealer, discounted by him at a local bank, to provide funds to purchase articles for re-sale, may be eligible for discount as commercial paper, irre spective of the character of the arti cles purchased; but a note of a farmer discounted by him at his local bank to provide funds with which to purchase articles for agricultural uses, is eligible or ineligible for discount according to the character of the articles. If the articles are in the nature of permanent or fixed investments, then it is not eligible; but if, on the other hand, they are articles for agricultural uses and have to be replaced from time to time, the farmer’s note is eligible for dis count as agricultural paper. The distinction between agricul tural paper and commercial paper is important in several respects: Agri cultural paper having a maturity of E ligibility for D iscount six months may be eligible, while commercial paper to be eligible can have a maturity of but three months; a farmer’s note given in payment for articles or commodities to be used by the farmer for agricultural purposes is agricultural paper; but the purchase and sale of agricultural products is a commercial and not an agricultural transaction, and a note given to a farmer for agricultural products grown by him, is eligible, if at all, as com mercial paper.4 L o n g - T im e F u n d s a n d G o v e r n m e n t B onds The Board’s regulations, following the provisions of the Act, provide for the discount by Federal Reserve Banks of such notes, drafts, bills of exchange, trade acceptances, six months’ agricultural paper and bank ers’ acceptances of short maturity and of commercial origin referred to there in, but such regulations, following and expressing the spirit of the Act, pro vide that a note, draft, or bill of ex change, the proceeds of which have been used for permanent or fixed in vestments, such as lands, buildings, machinery and other capital purposes, or which have been used, or are to be used, for investments of purely specu lative character, or for the lending to some other borrower, shall not be eli gible for discount. Both the provisions of the Act and the regulations of the Board make eligible for discount obligations issued or drawn for the purpose of carrying or trading in bonds and notes of the government of the United States, when such obligations are of proper maturity. Further, the Federal Re serve Act was, in effect, amended by the War Finance Corporation Act, ap proved April 5th, 1918, whereby ob ligations of appropriate maturity, as 4Ibid , 6 : 1302 . 107 defined by the Federal Reserve Act, when secured by bonds of the War Finance Corporation, are made eligible for discount. However, notes, drafts or bills issued or drawn for the purpose of carrying or trading in other stocks and bonds are not eligible for discount. Strict negotiability of instruments of commerce is one of the prime requisites of paper eligible for discount by a Federal Reserve Bank. This is for the reason that a member bank must en dorse paper tendered for discount, not only for the purpose of placing the title thereof in the Federal Reserve Bank, but also for the purpose of assuming all the responsibilities of an endorser upon negotiable paper. To the end that such liability of member banks, as endorser, be preserved, the instrument tendered for rediscount must be strictly nego tiable within the meaning of the law applicable to commercial paper in the particular jurisdiction. The Federal Reserve Board has pro mulgated rules for the determination of the eligibility of paper for discount, which rules have to do merely with the method to be pursued by the Federal Reserve Banks in ascertaining the ulti mate facts as to whether or not the paper is eligible under the provisions of the Act and the regulations of the Board; but such regulations are evidenciary in effect and have to do, not with the eligibility of the paper, but merely with the method of procedure in ascertaining its eligibility. C o m m e r c ia l a n d A g r ic u l t u r a l P a p e r E l i g i b l e f o r D is c o u n t Notes secured by mortgage, if other wise eligible, may be discounted.5 In asmuch as notes payable “on or be fore” a given date are negotiable within the meaning of the Negotiable Instruments Act, in force in most of 6 Ibid., 2: 679 . T he A nnals of the American A cademy Se/^Ues, and under the Law Meri&t/such notes are eligible for disThe assignment of an open Scount is not negotiable, and is not eligible for rediscount.7 A bill of exchange drawn by the seller on the purchaser of advertising space and accepted by such purchaser is a trade acceptance and is eligible for discount.8 The note of a farmer held by a member bank, given for the pur pose of assisting the farmer to produce a crop or to fatten his cattle, is eligible for discount if of proper maturity, whether or not secured by mortgage.9 A note drawn for commercial purposes, otherwise eligible for rediscount, is not ineligible because it is secured by a mortgage on real estate.10 The notes of a water works company, the pro ceeds of which have been, or are to be used to provide funds for the pay roll, purchase of coal and the like, are eligi ble for discount.11 The note of a pack ing company, the proceeds of which are used for the purchase of live stock for slaughter is not “based on live stock” within the meaning of Section 13 and is not eligible for discount if it has a maturity in excess of 90 days.12 A certificate of participation in a note, which, itself, is eligible for discount, is not eligible.13 Water sold by an irriga tion company to farmers and delivered through the company’s ditches may be classed as “ goods sold,” within the meaning of the Board’s regulations and a note representing the agreed pur chase price thereof is eligible for dis count.14 Natural gas actually sold and delivered is “ goods sold” and a trade acceptance covering such is eligible for discount.15 The note of the owner of property *Federal Reserve Bulletin, 2 : 394. 7 Ibid., 2 : 227. 11 Ibid., 3 : 527. 8Ibid., 3 : 116. 12Ibid., 3 : 616. • Ibid., 3 : 378. 18Ibid., 3 : 949. 10 Ibid., 3 : 458. 14Ibid., 6 : 949. 15Ibid., 4 : 435. which is to be developed or built up, the proceeds of which note have been, or are to be used by him to pay for the work of developing or building, is not eligible for discount, but the note of an owner given in good faith to the contractor in actual payment of mate rial and services furnished by him for the owner, may be considered tech nically eligible for discount as paper, the proceeds of which have been or are to be used for commercial or industrial purposes.16 Collateral notes of Federal Farm Loan Banks, secured by farm loan bonds or the note of a Joint Stock Land Bank, secured by its own bonds, are not eligible for discount.17 Federal Farm Loan Bank bonds are not eligible for discount, and are not, accordingly, eligible as collateral for member banks.18 A note, secured by paper eli gible for discount, is not itself eligible for discount unless its proceeds have been used, or are to be used, for indus trial, agricultural or commercial pur poses.19 Under the present definitions of a trade acceptance, it seems that a draft drawn for an insurance premium would not be eligible for discount.20 The note of a farmer given for a tractor to be used on his farm may be dis counted as agricultural paper.21 A note given by a farmer for the purchase price of a commodity can be classed as agricultural paper eligible for redis count when having a maturity in excess of ninety days, if the maker is to use the commodity for agricultural pur poses, regardless of whether the note is discounted by the maker or the en dorser; but if not intended for such use, then the paper is eligible for discount as commercial paper, if having a matu rity not in excess of ninety days.22 16Ibid., 6: 699. 19 Ibid., 4 : 108. 17 Ibid., 6 : 609. 20 Ibid., 4 : 309. 18 Ibid., 4 : 33. 21 Ibid., 4 : 309. 22 Ibid., 4 : 312. E ligibility for D iscount A member bank having acquired eligible paper in due course from a non-member bank may discount such paper with a Federal Reserve Bank.23 A note, the proceeds of which is used for tilling or draining farms, may be classed as agricultural paper and is eligible for discount.24 A note of a non member bank, secured by notes of the government of the United States, and given for the purpose of carrying or trading in such notes of the United States, is eligible for discount when presented by a member bank.25 A member bank may obtain the discount of its paper secured by government bonds for a period as long as ninety days, by acting through another mem ber bank, although a member bank, acting alone, may not tender its col lateral note to the Federal Reserve Bank for a longer period than fifteen days.26 Silos are permanent improve ments, and notes given for their pur chase are not eligible for discount.27 Where a railroad company purchases supplies and accepts the draft of the seller and the seller discounts the draft with a member bank, such draft is eligible for discount.28 The six months’ maturity privilege as applied to agri cultural paper does not apply to the sales a manufacturer of implements makes to a dealer for re-sale to a farmer.29 The actual sale of goods, and not what is generally termed a con ditional sale, must be the basis of a trade acceptance.30 A draft drawn to cover the purchase price of goods sold, plus the cost of installing those goods, is eligible for discount.31 A note is not eligible for discount as commercial paper unless made and endorsed by a party to the 2* Ibid., 4 : 520. 24Ibid., 4 : 743. 28Ibid., 4 : 743. 26Ibid., 4 : 863. *7 Ibid., 4 : 971. 28 Ibid., 4 : 974. 29 Ibid., 4 : 1118. 30Ibid., 5 : 964. 31Ibid., 4 : 310. 109 commercial transaction, out of which it arises.32 This is but another way of saying that the proceeds must be used in the first instance for a commercial purpose by the borrower. It is merely emphasizing the thought that paper to be eligible, must be issued or drawn un der such circumstances that, in the normal course of business, there will automatically come into existence a fund available to liquidate each piece of paper, that fund being the final proceeds of the transaction out of which the paper arose. A note of a grain dealer or other pur chaser of grain, given to a grower for grain purchased for re-sale, is commer cial paper and is to be discounted as such, even though the grower subse quently discounts the note and uses the proceeds for an agricultural pur pose. The same principle applies to a draft drawn by the grower, and ac cepted by the purchaser, in whole or in part payment for grain purchased for re-sale.33 Here is brought into play the rule that the transaction out of which an instrument arises in the first in stance determines its classification, irre spective of any transaction in which the instrument may be subsequently negotiated. A note given for the purchase of a motor truck by a farmer is clearly held to be eligible for discount, as agricul tural paper, but notes or trade accept ances given in the purchase of motor trucks of a corporation engaged in the business of furnishing motor trans portation are not eligible for discount, as such trucks represent in a large ex tent the corporation’s capital invest ment.34 Paper, the proceeds of which are to be used to make loans to third parties, is finance paper rather than commercial or agricultural paper and is not eligible 82Ibid., 7 : 1079. 33Ibid., 7 : 1199. 34Ibid., 7 : 191. 110 T he A nnals of the American A cademy for discount.35 Where a cold storage company uses the proceeds of its notes to make advances to customers who have placed their goods in the com pany’s warehouse to be sold by the company for the account of the cus tomers, and the customers give the storage company their notes for the amount of these advances, and as se curity for such notes, pledge the ware house receipts, and the storage com pany pledges the customers’ notes and the warehouse receipts as collateral for their own notes, such notes are not eligible for discount.36 Growers’ drafts accepted by cooperative marketing as sociations are eligible for discount with Federal Reserve Banks, as agricultural paper, and may have a maturity riot in excess of six months.37 The note of an irrigation company cannot be classed as agricultural paper, but a farmer’s note, given to an irrigation company in payment for a supply of water, may be regarded as agricultural paper.38 Notes of corporations or associations engaged in packing and marketing fruits should not be classed as agricul tural paper, but as commercial paper, and such notes are eligible when their maturities do not exceed ninety days. The business of such corporations or associations in the marketing of fruits is a commercial business rather than an agricultural business.39 T h e F u n c t io n o f B a n k e r s ’ A cceptances As already noted, Federal Reserve Banks may discount, for their member banks, bankers’ acceptances. A bank ers’ acceptance is defined by the regu lations of the Federal Reserve Board as “a draft or bill of exchange, whether payable in the United States or abroad, and whether payable in dollars or some 35 Federal Reserve Bulletin, 6:1176. 36 Ibid., 7: 308. 38 Ibid., 7: 964. 37 Ibid., 7:1199. 39 Ibid'., 7:1312. other money, of which the acceptor is a bank or trust company, or a firm, per son, company or corporation engaged generally in the business of granting bankers’ acceptance credits.” The practice of banks to make ac ceptances is practically as old as the business of banking, but the practice never came into modem use in the United States until after the enact ment of the Federal Reserve Act. Prior to that Act the average American bank merely collected the idle funds of the community and loaned them and its own funds to its customers. The bank loaned capital and not credit. On the other hand, the chief merit and the distinguishing feature of European banking systems, especially in England, France and Germany, was found in the bank acceptances by which those banks loaned their credit. They standard ized bills of exchange and added new power to them, so that by virtue of their credit quality these bills became, part of the circulating credit of the country. The European banks found the acceptance to be the cheapest form of credit instrument. It did not de plete cash holdings of the accepting bank and no reserve was needed to safeguard the risk. This acceptance power of European banks enabled them cheaply to finance export and import transactions and, doubtless, to a large extent explains why, prior to the Great War, all such financing was done by European banks to the utter exclusion of the American banks. This salutary method of financing transactions was grafted on our system by the Federal Reserve Act and follow ing that Act most of the states have conferred the acceptance power upon their state banks by specific provision, so that the granting of acceptances by banks has come to be a part of the general banking business in this country. 111 E ligibility fob D iscount T h e D is c o u n t a n d P u r c h a s e o f B a n k e r s’ A cceptances The Federal Reserve Act and the regulations of the Federal Reserve Board made pursuant thereto, and the Acts of the various states, have safe guarded the granting of acceptances by member banks. Indeed it may be said in broad general terms that bankers’ acceptances, which have had their ori gin in accordance with the limitations of the Act and regulations, if not of more than three months’ maturity, ex clusive of days of grace, are eligible for discount by Federal Reserve Banks. Federal Reserve Banks may dis count any bill drawn by a bank or banker in a foreign country or depend encies or insular possessions of the United States for the purpose of fur nishing dollar exchange as provided in the Act and regulations of the Board, provided such draft has not more than three months’ maturity, exclusive of days of grace. Bankers’ acceptances, to be eligible for discount, may involve: (1) the ship ment of goods between the United States and any foreign country, or be tween the United States and any of its dependencies or insular possessions, or between foreign countries; (2) a ship ment of goods within the United States; or (3) the storage of readily marketable staples. When the acceptance is based on a shipment of goods between the United States and any foreign country, or between the United States and any of its dependencies or insular possessions or between foreign countries, shipping documents covering goods in process of shipment need not be attached to the draft drawn for financing the transaction. Neither is it essential that each draft cover specific goods actually in existence at the time of the acceptance, but, in order that said drafts be eligible for discount, it is necessary either, (1) that shipping doc uments or documentary export draft be attached at the time the draft is presented for acceptance, or (2) if the goods have not been shipped, that there be in existence a bona fide con tract providing for the exportation or importation of such goods and that the customer agree that the accepting bank will be furnished in due course with shipping documents or with ex change arising out of the transaction. A contract between principal and agent will not be considered such bona fide contract. In the case of shipment of goods within the United States, the regula tions provide that shipping documents conveying security title should be at tached to the draft at the time of its acceptance. A bankers’ acceptance based upon the storage of readily marketable staples must be secured at the time of acceptance by a warehouse, terminal or other similar receipt, conveying secu rity title to such staples, and the ac ceptor must remain secured throughout the life of the acceptance. The discretion of the Board with ref erence to bankers’ acceptances and the investment therein of the Federal Re serve Bank funds is probably broader than its discretion with reference to notes, drafts, trade acceptances, and other bills of exchange.40 The rule of the Board with reference to furnishing shipping documents in export or import transactions is not met by the furnishing of freight receipts or non-negotiable copies of bills of lading.41 Shipping documents are legally in the possession of an accepting bank when they are held by its correspond ent or by some other independent party, as its agent, both in domestic and foreign transactions.42 The period 40 Ibid., 7:7 0. 41 Ibid., 7:191. 42 Ibid., 7:191. 112 T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy for which drafts may be accepted in the first instance should be approximately the same as that required to complete the shipment and finance the transac tion involved.43 A draft drawn by an American exporter, covering cotton consigned to his European agent, may be eligible for discount, when shipping documents covering goods actually shipped are attached at the time the draft is presented for acceptance, al though the goods covered by the doc uments have not been sold, but are merely shipped on consignment to the agent abroad.44 A Federal Reserve Bank may pur chase a bankers’ acceptance from the drawer or even from the accepting bank, but there is no obligation upon a Federal Reserve Bank to purchase paper offered it, even though the paper is technically eligible.45 Where a farmer draws a draft on his local bank for three or four months, secured by bills of lading covering the shipment of cattle to the farmer for feeding, and the local bank accepts the draft and the farmer then discounts it with another bank, such draft is eligible for dis count if it has a maturity not in excess of three months.46 Bankers’ acceptances, growing out of export or import transactions, having a maturity of not more than six months may be purchased in the open market by Federal Reserve Banks.47 The “shipping documents” to be fur nished banks accepting drafts growing out of export or import transactions mean an order bill of lading, or a straight bill of lading, whichever is is sued by the carrier in the particular case. They do not include freight re ceipts or mere copies of original bills of lading, but these documents may be held by a correspondent or agent.48 A 43Federal Reserve Bulletin, 7 : 308. 44Ibid., 7 : 419. 46Ibid., 7 : 815 . 46Ibid., 7 : 699. 47 Ibid., 7 : 545 . 48Ibid., 7 : 191. bankers’ acceptance drawn by a coop erative marketing association, secured by warehouse receipt covering nonperishable agricultural commodities stored in warehouses independent of the association, is eligible for discount. The acceptance of drafts, secured by bills of lading, for the primary purpose of providing the borrower with work ing capital during the period required to manufacture and re-sell the goods covered by the bills of lading, is an abuse of a domestic acceptance privi lege.49 Drafts drawn by the purchaser of goods and secured at the time of acceptance by bills of lading covering the goods bought are not eligible un less the proceeds are to be used to pay for the goods.50 A bankers’ acceptance secured by a warehouse receipt covering an auto mobile or automobile tires is not se cured by “readily marketable staples” and is not eligible for discount, but an acceptance secured by a bill of lading covering an automobile or automobile tires in the process of shipment, pro viding the acceptance otherwise com plies with the terms of the law or the regulations of the Board, is eligible for discount.51 A bankers’ acceptance is not eligible for discount if, at the time of its acceptance, the period required for a conclusion of the transaction out of which the original draft was drawn, shall have elapsed.52 A draft drawn abroad, payable in the United States in dollars, and secured by a warehouse receipt covering readily marketable staples stored in a warehouse in a for eign country, is eligible for acceptance by a member bank and for discount by a Federal Reserve Bank, if of appro priate maturity.53 The Federal Reserve Board has de fined a “readily marketable staple” as 49Ibid., 6 : 1301. 51 Ibid., 6: 65 . 60Ibid., 3 : 380; 6: 66. 52 Ibid., 5 : 858. njbid., 5 : 740. E ligibility for D iscount an article of commerce, agriculture or industry, of such uses as to make it the subject of constant dealings in ready markets, with such frequent quota tions of prices as to make the price easily and definitely ascertainable, and the staple itself easy to realize upon by sale at any time.54 Under the terms of Section 13 of the Act, any draft or bill of exchange, which a member bank has the power to accept under the provisions of that section, is technically eligible for re discount by a Federal Reserve Bank.66 An accepting bank, secured in a do mestic transaction by shipping docu ments or warehouse receipt s, at the time of acceptance may release the shipping documents or warehouse receipts prior to payment, providing the draft or drafts accepted for one person do not exceed 10 per cent of the capital and surplus of the accepting bank.66 Mem ber banks may legally accept drafts drawn against them, secured by sugar placed in bond under transit entry and warehouse receipt issued by the col lector in negotiable form.67 National banks may not accept a draft which is secured by a chattel mortgage on cat tle.58 Where a dealer is engaged in purchasing the same character of goods for export and domestic use, a member bank accepting his draft drawn to finance an export transaction should require proper assurance that the pro ceeds of such draft will be used for the purchase of goods for export and that the acceptance will be paid out of the proceeds of sales of goods exported.69 A trust receipt in the hands of an accepting bank which permits the pur chaser of the goods to procure control of the goods is not actual security, within the meaning of the Act.60 One in the possession of a bill of lading cov64Ibid., 5 : 652. 67 Ibid., 4 : 520. 55Ibid., 5 : 255. 68 Ibid., 4 : 437. 66Ibid., 4 : 634. 69 Ibid., 4 : 314. 60 Ibid., 3 ; 881. 9 113 ering a domestic shipment of goods may not procure an acceptance thereon by a member bank without regard to the use to which the proceeds of the draft are to be put. There must be more than a casual connection between the drawing of the draft and the trans action involved.61 A warehouse re ceipt, to be appropriate security for an acceptance, should be issued by a ware house which is independent of the bor rower.62 Gold bars may be properly considered as “ goods” and, accord ingly, sixty day bills, when accepted by banks against such a shipment, would be eligible for discount. Ex change drawn to finance a shipment of gold coin from the Uuited States to Europe or Canada, is eligible for pur chase when otherwise in conformity with the Act and regulations.63 A bankers’ acceptance secured by a bill of sale of stock on hand is not eligi ble for discount.64 A bankers’ accept ance secured by chattel mortgage on cattle is eligible for discount65 but the Board has ruled that a national bank may not accept a draft so secured.66 P a per M ust B e K e pt L iq u id The conservation of the strength of the Federal Reserve System is depend ent upon the strict adherence of the Federal Reserve Banks to the rules governing the eligibility of paper for discount* If those rules are adhered to, the portfolios of the Reserve Banks will be filled with liquid securities ma turing from day to day, thus bringing into the banks a continuous flow of money to meet the demands of com merce and trade. On the other hand, if those rules are departed from, the portfolios of the banks will become clogged with “frozen credits,” and the purpose for which the Reserve Banks were organized will be defeated. 81Ibid., 3 : 380. 84 Ibid., 2: 684. 82Ibid., 3 : 30. “ M , 2: 65 . 63Ibid., 3 : 29. 66 Ibid., 4 : 309. 114 T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy Amendments to the Federal Reserve Act By T W alter S. L ogan General Counsel, Federal Reserve Board HE Federal Reserve Act has been the importation or exportation of amended a number of times since goods.” National banks were without it became a law on December 2 3 , 1913authority , to accept drafts in domestic but none of the amendments can be transactions until, by the Act of said to have affected any fundamental September 7, 1916, they were given change in the structure or operation of authority to accept drafts or bills in the Federal Reserve System. Experi transactions involving the domestic ence has indicated how the purposes of shipment of goods or the storage of the framers of the Act could be ad readily marketable staples, subject to vanced by further legislation, and how certain prescribed conditions. the Federal Reserve System could best These conditions were that the bank serve the banks and the business of the issuing acceptances in such domestic country; Congress in the light of this transactions must be secured at the experience has modified many of the time of acceptance by shipping docu provisions of the original Act. But the ments covering the goods in process of principles upon which the Act was shipment, or by warehouse receipts or based, the functions of the Federal other similar documents covering the Reserve Banks and their relation to the readily marketable staples in storage. member banks and to business and com There never has been any similar merce, remain essentially unchanged. requirement of law with respect to It will not be attempted in this acceptances in foreign transactions and chapter to discuss every amendment, it is important to note this distinction, for many of them are not considered of for it is the basis 'for a more liberal sufficient general interest to warrant practice in connection with the issue mention in a work of this character; in of foreign acceptances than has been many cases they relate solely to the adopted with respect to domestic internal administration of the Federal acceptances. Because of the requirement that Reserve Banks.1 documents representing the goods or A c c e p t a n c e P o w e r s o f N a t i o n a l staples must be in the possession of the B anks accepting bank at the time of accept The first important amendment was ance, it is obviously impossible that the Act of September 7, 1916. Probably domestic acceptances be issued except the most far reaching change effected when the goods or staples are identified by this amendment was with respect and in process of shipment or in to the; acceptance powers of national storage. The issuance of acceptances banks. The Act, as originally passed, to finance foreign transactions has, authorized member banks to accept however, been authorized prior to the only drafts and bills of exchange commencement of the actual export or “ growing out of transactions involving import shipment, in cases where the customer for whom the acceptances 1 For a complete list of amendments prior are issued is under a definite contract to January 1, 1921, see the Annual Report of to export or import goods in the future. the Federal Reserve Board for the year 1920, This has been authorized upon the pages 316- 326. A mendments to the F ederal R eserve A ct theory that the export or import transaction commences with the execu tion of the contract and that the sub sequent acts in fulfilment of that contract are inherent parts of that transaction, and may, therefore, be financed by means of acceptances. The Act of September 7, 1916, further broadened the authority of national banks to issue bankers’ ac ceptances by permitting them, under regulations of the Federal Reserve Board, to accept ninety day drafts or bills drawn by banks or bankers in foreign countries or dependencies or insular possessions of the United States for the purpose of furnishing dollar exchange as required by the usages of trade in those places. Under the authority of this amendment the Federal Reserve Board has granted permission to member banks applying therefor to accept ninety day dollar exchange drafts drawn by banks or bankers in South American countries and in dependencies and insular pos sessions of the United States. O t h e r P r o v is io n s o f t h e A m e n d m e n t o f S e p t e m b e r 7 , 1916 Another important feature of the Act of September 7, 1916, was that it authorized Federal Reserve Banks to make advances for fifteen days to member banks on the promissory notes of the member banks when such notes are secured by paper which is eligible for rediscount or purchase or by bonds or notes of the United States. The provisions of the original Act did not permit Federal Reserve Banks to make advances or loans but permitted them only to rediscount eligible paper previously discounted by member banks. The Act of September 7, 1916, amended Section 25 of the Federal Reserve Act so as to authorize national banks with a capital and surplus of not 115 less than $1,000,000 to invest in the stock of foreign corporations. This amendment will be referred to in connection with the amendments of September 17, 1919, and December 24, 1919, which deal with the same general 'subject matter. A m e n d m e n t o f J u n e 21, 1917 The second important amendment to the Act was that of June 21, 1917. Up to this time few state banks had joined the Federal Reserve System, largely because, by becoming members under the provisions of Section 9 of the original Act, they were made subject to the provisions of the National Bank Act, which prohibit national banks from making loans to any one person in excess of 10 per cent of the bank’s capital and surplus, and were required to make reports of condition to the Comptroller of the Currency; also because Section 21 of the original Act required the Comptroller to examine state member banks at least twice a year. The argument was also made that under the terms of the original Act a state bank once having joined the Federal Reserve System had no right to withdraw. In order to make membership in the System more attractive to state banks and trust companies, Section 9 was rewritten. This section as it now reads exempts state bank and trust .company members from supervision or examination by the Comptroller of the Currency and pro vides that “subject to the provisions of this Act and to the regulations of the board made pursuant thereto, any bank becoming a member of the Federal Reserve System shall retain its full charter and statutory rights as a State bank or trust company, and may continue to exercise all corporate powers granted it by the state in which it was created.” It also contains a provision specifically authorizing 116 T he A nnals of the American A cademy withdrawal from membership upon six months’ notice. The Act of June 21, 1917, also amended the first paragraph of Section 13 of the Act so as to authorize non member banks, irrespective of whether their capital is sufficient to make them eligible for full membership, to clear through the Federal Reserve Banks of their clistricts checks deposited with them, provided that they maintain balances with such Federal Reserve Banks sufficient to offset the items in transit held for their accounts. While this privilege has not been availed of by non-member banks to any material extent, apparently because non-mem ber banks are able to obtain the full benefits of the Federal Reserve check clearing facilities by sending checks deposited with them to correspondent member banks which in turn clear such checks through their Federal Reserve Banks, and while from a strictly legal standpoint the Act of June 21, 1917, in the form in which it was finally enacted, did not have any important bearing upon the check clearing and collection functions of Federal. Reserve Banks, nevertheless a brief discussion of the subject of check clearing and collection seems appropriate at this point because it was discussed at length in both the Senate and the House of Representa tives when Congress had the pre liminary drafts of the bill under consideration, and because the provi sion added by this Act at the end of the first paragraph of Section 13 is fre quently referred to in discussions relative to this general subject. L eg a l A spect of t h e F e d er a l R e s e r v e C l e a r in g S y s t e m In July, 1916, a country wide Federal Reserve check clearing and collection system was instituted, each member bank being required to remit at par for all checks drawn upon it cleared through the Federal Reserve Banks. This was an inter-district as well as an intra district system, the exclusively intra district clearing systems, which had previously been established but mem bership in which had been optional with each member bank, having proved unsatisfactory. Simultaneously with the establishment of the country wide clearing system, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston took over the country collection department of the Boston Clearing House and was able to collect checks on all banks in New England at par, that is, at the full face amount without the deduction of any exchange charge by the drawee banks. In the other districts it was not possible to collect at par checks drawn on all non-member banks be cause many of them desired to continue their past practice of charging exchange when remitting for their checks. From the first, however, it was contemplated that the Federal Reserve check clear ing and collection system should be extended gradually until it furnished facilities for collecting at par checks on all banks in the country, thus elimi nating the enormous tax with which business and commerce has been burdened by reason of the practice of making exchange charges. In their origin there was some justi fication for exchange charges because such a charge then represented an actual expense which the remitting bank incurred in having currency transported from where the bank was located to the place of business of the holder of the check who had received it in payment of a debt. At the present time, however, there is no necessity for the actual transportation of currency between Federal Reserve districts, since the Federal Reserve System, through its leased wires con necting all Federal Reserve Banks and A mendments to the F ederal R eserve A ct branches and through its Gold Settle ment Fund at Washington, offers facilities for the instantaneous transfer of available funds by mere book entry. The Federal Reserve System pays the entire cost of maintaining these leased wires and the Gold Settlement Fund, and the Federal Reserve Banks pay the cost of transporting currency from member and non-member banks in their districts if such member or non-member banks desire to make remittances for their checks in this manner. Consequently, the justifica tion for exchange charges has ceased to exist and to the extent that such charges are still made they constitute a tax paid by business and commerce for which no compensating service is received. Following the policy of extending the Federal Reserve check clearing and collection system the Federal Reserve Banks undertook to induce non-member banks to remit to them at par, and when able to make satisfactory ar rangements, they also undertook to collect checks drawn on non-member banks which did not remit at par by having such checks presented at the counters of the drawee banks. This practice caused some opposition on the part of the non-member banks which still desired to charge exchange and as a result of this opposition a provision was inserted in the bill pending in Congress in the spring of 1917 to the effect that nothing in the Federal Reserve Act should be con strued as prohibiting a member or non-member bank from making reason able exchange charges. The Senate passed the bill with this provision in it, but the sentiment in favor of par collection finally prevailed and in the bill as agreed to in conference between the committees of the Senate and the House, and in the Act as finally ap proved, this particular provision was 117 in effect nullified by the addition at the end of the paragraph in question, the first paragraph of Section 13, of the following clause: “but no such charges shall be made against the Federal Reserve Banks.” The policy of extending the Federal Reserve check clearing and collection system has been continued until now Federal Reserve Banks are able to collect checks drawn on about 28,000 out of a total of approximately 30,000 banks in the United States. The claim is made by some non-member banks which still persist in their desire to charge exchange when remitting for checks, that the final clause of Section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act should be construed as prohibiting Federal Reserve Banks from under taking to make counter presentation of checks drawn on non-member banks which have not agreed to remit at par to the Federal Reserve Banks and this issue is involved in suits which have been instituted by such non-member banks against several of the Federal Reserve Banks. A m endm ent of R eserve R e q u ir e m e n t s Another important amendment ac complished by the Act of June 21, 1917, was the amendment to Section 19 of the Act changing the character and amount of the required reserves of member banks. Section 19 of the Federal Reserve Act as amended by the Act approved August 15, 1914, before the Federal Reserve System was put into actual operation in November, 1914, provided that member banks in central reserve cities should maintain reserves equal to 18 per cent of their demand deposits and 5 per cent of their time deposits, and that member banks in reserve cities should maintain reserves equal to 15 per cent of their demand deposits 118 T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy and 5 per cent of their time deposits, and that other member banks should maintain reserves equal to 12 per cent of their demand deposits and 5 per cent of their time deposits. Each class of member banks was required to keep only a part of its reserves in the form of balances with Federal Reserve Banks, another part being kept in the vaults of the member banks, and the member banks being given the option to cany the remainder either in their own vaults or as balances. This being the state of the law, a large proportion of the gold supply of the country remained in the vaults of member banks, where it constituted a part of the banks’ lawful reserves. The purchases in this country by the belligerent nations resulted in rapid accretions to this nation’s gold supply and made it seem desirable to have a more effective means of controlling a possible over-extension of loans based upon these new accretions. On the other hand, the possibility of the rapid outflow of this gold at some time in the future made it necessary to provide for the most effective use of the gold supply, so that withdrawals might be arranged without forcing any violent contraction of loans and with out causing any undue disturbance to legitimate business. For the accom plishment of these ends the mobiliza tion and concentration of gold in the Federal Reserve Banks seemed the most effective means. The first legislative move in this direction was the addition by the Act of Sept ember 7, 1916, of subsection ll(m ) of the Federal Reserve Act providing that the Federal Reserve Board may permit member banks to carry in their Federal Reserve Banks any portion of their reserves theretofore required by Section 19 of the Federal Reserve; Act to be carried in their vaults. When this country became directly involved in the War the question of the mobilization of the gold reserves of the country became still more important and was the primary cause of the enactment of the Act of June 21, 1917. By this Act member banks were required to main tain the entire amount of their re serves in the form of balances with Federal Reserve Banks, the total reserves required against demand de posits being reduced to 13, 10 and 7 per cent for member banks in central reserve cities, reserve cities, and coun try districts, respectively, and the total reserves required against time deposits being reduced to 3 per cent for all member banks. T r u s t P o w e r s o f N a t io n a l B a n k s After June, 1917, the Federal Re serve Act was not amended until September 2 6 , 1918. This Act effected changes in a number of sections but the only one of general importance was the revision of Section 11 (k) relative to trust powers by national banks. Under this section in its original form the Federal Reserve Board was authorized merely to grant to national banks “when not in contravention of state or local law, the right to act as trustee, executor, administrator, or registrar of stocks and bonds.” Na tional banks opening up trust depart ments, in accordance with authority granted to them pursuant to this sec* tion, were limited to the exercise of the four powers specifically enumerated, although competing state banks and trust companies might be permitted to exercise other fiduciary powers. Fur thermore, the la ^ of some states spe cifically, or by necessary implication, prohibited the exercise of any fiduciary powers by national banks, so that it was “in contravention” of state law for national banks to exercise such powers, although competing state A mendments to the F ederal R eserve A ct banks might do so under the laws of the state. It became more and more appar ent that national banks were laboring under a serious handicap in their com petition with state institutions in the exercise of trust powers, and the amend ment of September 26, 1918, was designed to put national banks upon equal terms with competing state institutions. To this end the section was amended so as to include among the powers which the Federal Reserve Board could grant, the power to act as guard ian of estates, assignee, receiver, committee of estates of lunatics, or in any other fiduciary capacity in which competing state banks are permitted to act. A provision was also inserted to the effect that whenever the laws of a state permit the exercise of fiduciary powers by competing state corpora tions, it shall not be deemed to be in contravention of state law for national banks to exercise such powers. Various other provisions were inserted to insure competition upon equal terms between national banks and competing state corporations, including that contained in the final paragraph of the section as amended to the effect that no permit shall be issued to any national bank having a capital and surplus less than the capital and surplus required by state law of state institutions exercising fiduciary powers. The constitutionality of the original Section 11 (k) was upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of First National Bank v. Union Trust Company, 244 U. S. 416, in which it was held that Congress had power to grant to national banks authority to act in fiduciary capacities. The construction of Section 11 (k) as amended has been involved in a number of more recent suits. These suits have established that it is beyond the power of any state legislature to discriminate against national banks by prohibiting 119 such banks from exercising fiduciary powers and that it makes no difference whether such discrimination is at tempted by an affirmative prohibition against the exercise of fiduciary power by national banks or by withholding from the courts the powers to appoint national banks in fiduciary capacities. D i s c o u n t L im it a t i o n o n S i n g l e B orrow er The Act of March 3, 1919, amending the Federal Reserve Act, was of im portance to member banks because it substituted for the then existing Section 11 (m), which had become obsolete, a new Section 11 (m), author izing the Federal Reserve Board to permit Federal Reserve Banks to discount for member banks the paper of a single borrower, up to 20 per cent of the member bank’s capital and sur plus, provided that the paper is secured by United States bonds or notes issued since April 24, 1917, or by United States certificates of indebtedness. Under the terms of Sections 9 and 13 the amount of paper of any one borrower which a Federal Reserve Bank may discount for any one member bank is limited generally to 10 per cent of the member bank’s capital and surplus. Section 11 (m) was intended as a temporary measure to assist in the absorption by the investing public of the securities issued by the government during the War, and according to its terms the section ceased to be effective after December 31, 1920. This process of absorption was not deemed to have been completed by that date, however, and section 11 (m) was re-enacted with a slight modification by an Act of Con gress approved February 27, 1921, to be effective until October 31, 1921. F o r e ig n B a n k i n g A m e n d m e n t s Acts were approved September 17, 1919, December 24, 1919, and June 120 T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy 14, 1921, all relating to the same general subject matter, namely, the investment by national banks in stock of corpora tions engaged in foreign banking and other international financial operations, and the organization and operation of such corporations under Federal law and subject to Federal supervision. After the close of the War it became apparent that the adequate financing of foreign trade would require credit facilities of a kind which could not properly be furnished by banks doing a strictly commercial banking business, and tha t such special facilities could be furnished in a large way only by cor porations with authority to purchase foreign securities and paper represent ing long term credits, and with authority to issue and sell to the public their own debentures secured by such securi ties and long-term paper. The Act of September 7, 1916, had amended Section 25 of the Federal Reserve Act so as to authorize the larger national banks, that is banks with capital and surplus of not less than $1,000,000, to invest in the stock of “banks or corporations . . . prin cipally engaged in international or foreign banking.” There seemed to be some doubt, however, whether this authority to invest in stock of banks or corporations engaged in banking gave the right to invest in stock of these debenture-issuing or investment cor porations. Furthermore, it seemed desirable for the encouragement of such corporations to authorize invest ments in their stock by all national banks, both large and small. Conse quently, the Act of September 17, 1919, wa s passed authorizing national banks until January 1, 1921, and without regard to the amount of their capital and surplus, to invest in the stock of corporations “principally en gaged in such phases of international or foreign financial operations as may be necessary to facilitate the export of goods, wares or merchandise from the United States or any of its dependencies or insular possessions to any foreign country.” Section 25, as thus amended, in terms authorizes national banks, upon the conditions and subject to the limitations therein stated, to invest in the stock of banks or corporations, of the specified kinds, which are “char tered or incorporated under the laws of the United States or any State thereof”; but, as a matter of fact, no provision was made for the incorpora tion under Federal law of such banks and corporations until the enactment of the so-called Edge Act, approved December 24, 1919. This Act added to the Federal Re serve Act a section, designated Section 25 (a), which authorizes the organiza tion of corporations “for the purpose of engaging in international or foreign banking or other international or foreign financial operations,” thus permitting the Federal incorporation of both types of corporations referred to in Section 25, that is, banks doing a commercial banking business, and corporations issuing debentures and doing an investment business. The Act also describes the powers of such banks and corporations and gives to the Federal Reserve Board full power to examine, supervise and regulate their operations. Section 25 (a) as originally enacted required that corporations organized under it should have a capital of not less than $2,000,000, one-quarter of which must be paid in before the corporation is authorized to commence business, and the balance in ten per cent installments at the rate of one every two months. This requirement was modified by the Act approved June 14, 1921, which provides, in effect, that a corporation with an P reparation for W ar and the L iberty L oans authorized capital in excess of $2,000,000 may apply for the consent of the Federal Reserve Board that such excess be paid in on call of the board of directors, provided, that in all events 25 per cent of the total au thorized capital must be paid in before the corporation commences business. T h e S l id in g S c a l e A m e n d m e n t Finally, the Act of April 13, 1920, should be mentioned. Subsection (d) of Section 14 of the Federal Reserve Act authorized every Federal Re serve Bank to establish, subject to review and determination by the 121 Federal Reserve Board, rates of dis count for each class of paper. The Act of April 13, 1920, added to this section language specifically providing that such rates “may be graduated or progressed on the basis of the amount of the advances and discount accom modations extended by the Federal Reserve Bank to the borrowing bank.” The purpose of this amendment was, of course, to give to the Federal Re serve Banks and the Federal Reserve Board clear authority to require mem ber banks habitually borrowing in excess of their legitimate requirements to pay higher discount rates for their excess borrowings. Preparation for War and the Liberty Loans By J. H e r b e r t A C ase Deputy Governor, Federal Reserve Bank of New York T the entrance of the United to war financing, without unduly cur States into the World War in tailing the credit needs of commerce 1917 the readjustment of our credit andand industry. financial system to meet the unusual P r e p a r a t i o n f o r W a r b y R e s e r v e demands of the Public Treasury de B anks volved in a large measure upon the Federal Reserve Banks. The financial The announcement of the entrance activities of the government were soon of the United States into the War, to be extended upon a scale never however, did not find the Federal before equalled by any country and the Reserve Banks wholly unprepared to financial resources of the country were meet the new responsibilities. Pre to be assembled and directed toward cautions had been taken early in the one purpose, winning the War. To year to maintain the Federal Reserve accomplish this purpose would require Banks in a strong condition with re highly developed sales organizations gard for the disturbed conditions of the which would extend to every county world and the changing economic con and village in the country, and. elab ditions in this country. This country, orate machinery for distributing the heretofore a debtor country, had be securities and collecting and disbursing come a creditor nation; gold was the funds according to the Treasury’s flowing in, and foreign securities were needs. More fundamental, however, being marketed here in increased was the necessity that our banking amounts so as better to permit bellig system should be able to meet the erent countries to pay for heavy pur enlarged demands for credit incident chases of goods, purchases so heavy, in m T he A nnals of the fact, that there had already developed a feverish business activity. A change in affairs was foreseen and heavy credit demands anticipated in the eventuality of either our participation in the War or the conclusion of peace, and the opportunity was taken to fortify and strengthen the position of the Federal Reserve Banks. Unnecessary expansion of credits was checked and a reduction was effected in the holding of such bonds and warrants as had previously been acquired primarily for the sake of income, The beginning of April, 1917, found the Federal Reserve Banks in a very strong position; the holdings of municipal warrants had been reduced to small proportions, the total earning assets of the Federal Reserve Banks had gradually been reduced from $221,896,000 to $167,994,000 since the beginning of the year and the reserve ratio of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks was about 85 per cent. More over, the report of the Comptroller of the Currency and of state banking authorities showed the banks of the country to be in a strong condition. I m p o u n d in g G o ld In order that they might be prepared for any emergency, the Federal Reserve Banks, realizing their responsibilities as the guardians of the country’s re serves, had adopted the policy of gradually building up their gold hold ings in order that they might be used as a basis of credit expansion. There was a demandfrom the banks and the public for the new clean notes being issued by the Federal Reserve Banks, and the opportunity was taken to ex change these notes for gold and gold certificates. In issuing Federal Reserve notes, however, it was necessary to deposit as collateral with the Federal Reserve agent eligible commercial paper equal to 100 per cent of the A merican A cademy notes issued; but in the early days of the System the available volume of eligible paper was limited. Therefore, in order to make the exchange, it was necessary to adopt a circuitous method which may be described as follows: The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, for example, would pledge $100,000 of commercial paper, obtaining in ex change Federal Reserve notes, and would then, as the Act authorized it to do, deposit gold to retire its liability for the notes and withdraw the paper. This operation would be repeated over and over again until enough Federal Reserve notes had been obtained to meet the demands for new currency. Moreover, the gold held as security for notes could not be used except as a 100 per cent fund to provide for their redemption and was held by the Fed eral Reserve agent specifically for that purpose. For the purpose of further strength ening the System, the Federal Reserve Board in January, 1917, recommended a number of amendments to the Fed eral Reserve Act, and they were again transmitted to Congress during April and were adopted on June 21, 1917, substantially as recommended by the Board. One object sought by these amendments was to enable the Federal Reserve Banks more effectively to con trol the country’s gold supply, and therefore the process of issuing notes was simplified by permitting their issuance either against gold or eligible paper, or both, as collateral. The Act as amended not only permitted gold to be pledged directly for notes, but al lowed this gold to serve as the reserve required against the notes. The effec tiveness of the gold reserves held by the Federal Reserve Banks was greatly increased and the adaptability of the System to the changing requirements of the public enhanced. After the passage of this amendment and our P r e pa r a t io n fo r W ar and the L ib e r t y L o a n s 123 entrance into the War, as a part of the accounts with them for the clearing redoubled efforts to impound the and collecting of their checks, country’s gold where it would serve The success of the movement to its most useful purposes, both member accumulate gold is shown in Table I and non-member banks were repeatedly . which gives for three years the country1’s urged to transfer their gold as it ac- monetary stock of gold, the gold holdcumulated to the Federal Reserve ings of the Federal Reserve Banks and Banks, and the appeal met with a the gold in general circulation, i.e., hearty response. outside the Treasury and the holdings The provisions concerning member of the Federal Reserve Banks: TABLE I T o tal M o n e t a r y S tock Date January 1, 1 917........... January 1 , 1 9 1 8 ........... January 1, 1919........... of G old , G old H o l d in g s o f F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B a n k s , G old C ir c u la t io n , 1917, 1918, 1919 Total monetary stock of gold in the country $2,864,842,000 3.040.439.000 3 .080.510.000 Gold held in U. S. Treasury Gold holdings of Federal Reserve Banks $233,945,000 212.231.000 327.239.000 $737,787,000 1.558.116.000 1.916.656.000 banks reserves were likewise changed, first by reducing their required reserves to 13, 10 and 7 per cent for central reserve city, reserve city and country banks, respectively, and second, by requiring that their entire reserves should be carried as cash balances with the Federal Reserve Banks. These changes both augmented the gold holdings and increased their efficiency with a commensurate increase in the discount power of the Federal Reserve Banks. Member banks could no longer count as a part of their legal reserves, cash in their own vaults, and the priv ilege of country banks to keep a part of their reserves with reserve city banks was discontinued several months prior to the date originally fixed for such discontinuance. These changes increased the cash holdings of the Federal Reserve Banks by about $250,000,000. At the same time non member banks were encouraged to deposit their cash reserves with the Federal Reserve Banks and to carry in Gold in Circulation $1,893,110,000 1,270,092,000 836,615,000 M o v em en t fo r a G r e a t e r M em ber s h ip As originally provided in the Act, all national banks are necessarily members of the Federal Reserve System but prior to the entrance of the United States into the War, the membership of the Federal Reserve Banks included less than fifty state banks and trust com panies, and the combined resources of member banks were approximately one-half of the total banking resources of the country. Obviously this was a weak point in the System. In meeting a great credit strain or unusual financial problems, it was believed that the Federal Reserve Banks would be called upon to support indirectly the non member banks through credits granted to member banks, which, in turn, would aid the state institutions. In view of the country’s needs and the part played by the Federal Reserve Banks in carrying on the War, it was soon generally recognized that a moral 124 T h e A nnals of the and patriotic obligation rested upon state bankers to support the system. Immediately following the declaration of war there was a decided movement among: the stronger state institutions toward obtaining membership, a move ment accompanied by some pressure on the part of the larger member banks which were desirous of being relieved from the duty of financing these non member institutions in case of emer gency. The Federal Reserve Board had adopted a liberal policy in its regulations both as to terms of admis sion of state banks and as to their rights to withdraw at their discretion, but there existed among these institu tions a feeling of uncertainty and a lack of assurance that these rulings would be permanent without legislative sanc tion. The action of Congress, there fore, in passing the amendment ap proved June 21, 1917, giving to state institutions the assurance that they might become members of the System and carry on their activities substan tially as before and, in addition, giving them the definite right to withdraw from the System on six months’ notice, accelerated the movement to obtain membership. The climax to this movement for a greater membership was a letter from the President on October 13, 1917, to state banks and trust companies, in which he urged a complete mobiliza tion of the banking reserves of the United States in order to meet the great financial requirements imposed upon the country by the War. In this appeal the President said in part: “I believe that cooperation on the part of banks is a patriotic duty at this time, and that membership in the Federal Reserve; System is a distinct and signif icant evidence of patriotism.” Under these various incentives and influences many of the stronger state institutions filed applications and were admitted A m er ica n A cadem y to membership. The progress of the movement towards greater unification of the banking system is shown by the fact that at the end of 1917 the mem bership of state banks and trust com panies had increased to 250 and the Board in its Annual Report for that year estimated that the member banks represented approximately 75 per cent of the commercial banking assets of the country. T h e L ib e r t y L oans While the President and Congress were wrestling with the problem of reorganizing our banking system, it had become generally recognized that the method of handling the govern ment’s finances through the Independ ent Treasury System was antiquated and the framers of the Federal Reserve Act happily inserted a clause authoriz ing the Secretary of the Treasury to require the Federal Reserve Banks to act as fiscal agents. At the beginning of 1916 the Reserve Banks began to act as fiscal agents of the government, but prior to our entrance into the War, their services had been limited to receiving deposits of receipts from customs and internal revenue and paying checks and warrants drawn by and on the Treas urer of the United States. But when the Treasury was confronted with the problem of raising and disbursing the huge sums necessary to carry on the War, the Reserve Banks became the chief agencies through which it oper ated; they became the administrative centers of the various Liberty Loan committees in addition to performing the minor fiscal agency functions. Floating the Liberty Loans was the paramount financial undertaking of the War; it was a task, the accomplish ment of which necessitated arousing public opinion to a realization of the needs of the government and enlisting the support of every American. P r e pa r a t io n fo r S e l l in g L ib e r t y B onds W ar Perhaps I can best explain the methods used in selling government bonds by a brief description of the organization and work of the Liberty Loan committees in the Second Dis trict, with which I am most familiar. During the First and Second Liberty Loans, the responsibility for selling bonds in the second district rested largely upon volunteers from the vari ous bond houses, banks and corpora tions which generously and patrioti cally contributed the services of their staffs. It was soon seen, however, that one loan was hardly completed before preparations for another one were be ing made, and it was realized that with each successive loan, as the novelty wore off, a more intensive campaign and more unified organization would be requisite in order to induce the public to do the necessary amount of saving and investing. Consequently a fixed establishment of paid employes was built up. The central Liberty Loan Committee was the center and directing force around which the whole organization revolved. As finally perfected, it con sisted of fifteen members, many of whom were heads of some of the largest banks and banking houses in New York. The chairman of the Committee was the Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The Committee met frequently during the progress of the loans and determined the policies to be followed and the nature of the appeals to be made to the public. One of the members of the Liberty Loan Committee was chairman of the distribution organization which had direct charge of sales and which was made up of bankers or partners in bond houses. The permanent staff of the distribution committee was headed by the director of distribution, and the L ib e r t y L o an s 125 who was the executive in charge of the immense and very active bond-selling organization. This district, with the exception of three boroughs of New York City, was divided into eight subdistricts and a member of the distribution organiza tion was chairman of each subdistrict. These subdistrict chairmen formed the connection between their local Liberty Loan committees and the central organization. They acted as advisers to the local chairmen and transmitted to them the plans and material pre pared at headquarters. The number of committees and subcommittees ran into the thousands. In every com munity an extensive volunteer organi zation was formed which carried the campaign direct to the individual in every branch of human activity. To the army of Liberty Loan workers, men and women through whose energy and patriotism the millions of subscrip tions were actually obtained, is due a large part of the credit for the complete success of the greatest financial opera tion of all time. A publicity organization was estab lished as a necessary part of the selling campaign. Its mission was to carry to every citizen in the district the message of the Liberty Loans and of America. This message was carried in a great variety of ways in the effort to dissemi nate the ideals for which America entered the War and to point out the financial needs of the government for winning the War. In the newspapers and magazines, on the billboards, houses, lamp-posts, vehicles, flagstaffs, and in the store and householder’s window, the appeal appeared, showing the obligation of every American to partic ipate in the work of winning the War. Frequent Liberty Loan meetings were held and many hundred men and women delivered the message in public ad dresses. 126 T he A nnals P a r t ia l P a y m e n t s of the One of the most difficult problems from the standpoint of the physical handling of subscriptions in New York City grew out of the enormous number of applications for $50 and $100 bonds from persons who of necessity could purchase only on the partial payment plan. The fact that there were but a rela tively small number of banks located in the metropolitan area to handle the growing volume of these transactions threatened serious congestion in the banks. This situation, however, was successfully met by the formation of the Liberty Loan Association of Banks and Trust Companies of New York, which handled, through a coupon book system, approximately 2,400,000 sepa rate partial payment accounts in con nection with the Third, Fourth and Victory Liberty Loans. Under this plan, subscribers were allowed to make payments at any of about 1,400 pay ment stations designated throughout the metropolitan district as a conven ience to subscribers and as a measure of relief to the banks. The Liberty Loan Association, under the direction of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, with a staff of ap proximately 450 clerks operated the system through which over 90,000,000 individual payments were received and over 2,000,000 separate bonds were delivered. As many as 17,500 people called at the office of the Liberty Loan Association at 19 West 44th Street, New York City, during a single day. The importance of this undertaking is not to be measured merely by the number of bonds distributed. Count less individuals could not have pur chased these securities on any other than the instalment plan, and much credit is due the banking institutions and the hundreds of other cooperating A m er ic a n A c adem y agencies that made possible this great undertaking. H a n d l in g th e L oans Up to the time of the First Liberty Loan, the Federal Reserve Banks had been operating with a comparatively small force of clerks, sufficient only to take care of the comparatively moderate volume of business which the banks had yet been called upon to do. It was not until after the First Liberty Loan campaign was actually under way that the officials in charge of the Federal Re serve Banks began to realize that their forces were totally inadequate to the magnitude of the task for the govern ment which lay before them. The lead ing banks and investment houses were then appealed to for help and responded most effectively, willingly lending clerks, stenographers and even heads of depart ments and officers. In the Second Dis trict the force so loaned consisted of about 350 men who stayed with the Federal Reserve Bank until they were gradually replaced by a permanent staff just prior to the Second Liberty Loan. It became necessary to develop special accounting systems, and control records in order properly and success fully to handle the issue, exchange and redemption of billions of dollars in government securities. Three separate departments were created to perform this work. One was organized to handle all operations in connection with the issue of bonds; another, to manage the sale and issue of certificates of indebtedness; and a third, to handle the collateral pledged by banks to secure government deposits. Some thing of the magnitude of the task performed by the government bond departments of the twelve Federal Re serve Banks may be seen from Table II which gives for the five Liberty Loans the record of subscriptions, allotments, exchanges and conversions. P r e pa r a t io n fo r W ar and the L ib e r t y L o an s 127 TABLE II S u b s c r ip t io n s , A ll o tm en ts , E x c h a n g e s Loan Number of subscribers Amount subscribed and C o n v e r sio n s fo r t h e Number of pieces is sued on allotments Amount allotted F iv e L ib e r t y L o a n s Number of temporary Number of bonds ex conversions changed for (Aug. 31, permanent 1921) bonds. (Aug. 31, 1921) First............. Second......... Third........... Fourth......... Victory.. . . . 4 ,000,000 9,400,000 18,308,325 22,777,680 11,803,895 4 .617.532.300 4.176.516.850 6,993,073,250 5.249.908.300 1.989,455,550 3,807,865,000 4,175,650,050 6,964,581,250 4 ,497,818,750 7,513,627 14,938,073 24,406,982 33,024,445 17,498,172 1,322,834 5,610,948 14,459,383 17,405,606 Total....... 66,289,900 24,072,257,550 21,435,370,550 97,381,299 38,798,771 Other services of magnitude per formed by the bond departments of the Federal Reserve Banks were exchanges of bonds of one denomination for bonds of another denomination, payment of coupons from all issues of Liberty Bonds and assistance rendered the Treasury Department in the register ing of government bonds by receiving coupon bonds for registration and registered bonds for exchange into coupon bonds. The current needs of the Treasury between the periods of bond issues and tax receipts were met by frequent issues of certificates of indebtedness of short maturities, which were also handled by the Federal Reserve Bank. These short credits proved to be a popular investment for our banking institutions and were periodically con verted into long-time credits through the Liberty Loan bond drive and thus were distributed among individual investors. The issuance of certificates not only supplied a means of securing current funds but afforded a protection to the money market by distributing the receipts from loans and taxes over periods of time, thus avoiding periodic heavy withdrawals of funds from the 3,717,955 12,317,448 636,960 16,672,363 market. On October 31, 1921 there had been eighty-eight issues of certif icates of indebtedness, both loan and tax, aggregating $32,881,000,000 of which $30,235,000,000 had matured and had been redeemed. P a y m e n t b y B o o k C r e d it In order further to minimize possi ble disturbances in the money market the Federal Reserve Banks at the request of the Secretary of the Treas ury extended to banks the privilege of paying for their subscriptions to Liberty Bonds and certificates of in debtedness by book credit, which sim ply means creating a deposit in favor of the government .to the amount of the subscriptions. These deposits were withdrawn gradually from the banks on a pro rata basis as needed by the government. The Federal Reserve banks as fiscal agents were required not only to keep records of these deposits and withdrawals, but also to receive and hold collateral against them; at times these deposits amounted to about a billion dollars and the Federal Reserve Banks were required to handle many billions of dollars of collateral in connection therewith. 128 T he A nnals of t h e S u b c o m m it t e e o n M o n e y The desirability of having an orderly money market was generally recognized and on September 5, just prior to the offering of the Second Liberty Loan, a subcommittee of the Liberty Loan Committee of the Second District was appointed for the purpose of securing the most complete cooperation with the government in its financial program by all the financial interests of the city. This committee was composed of the Chairman of the Liberty Loan Com mittee, as chairman, and the presidents of eight of the largest financial institu tions. The policy of this subcommittee on money was to prevent the absorption of an excess amount of credit by the security market which might interfere with the orderly marketing of the government’s loans, and at the same time to assure that sufficient funds would be available to maintain a rea sonably healthy security market in order to facilitate the successful placing of Treasury issues. It was considered of great importance that reasonable and necessary control be exercised over the employment of credit in order to insure no interference with the finan cial operations of the government in conducting the war. This committee enjoyed the fullest cooperation of the governors and mem bers of the New York Stock Exchange who unselfishly placed in the hands of the subcommittee confidential informa tion which would enable the committee to take such steps as were calculated to maintain an orderly money market. M e e t in g t h e D e m a n d f o r C r e d it The success of the Liberty Loans depended in large measure on the in dividual banks throughout the country. But the extent of their cooperation in turn depended upon the financial sup A m e r ic a n A cadem y port which they felt they could secure from the Federal Reserve Banks. It soon became evident that the savings of the people in spite of the various thrift campaigns would not prove sufficient to meet the tremendous de mands of the government and that a substantial portion of its borrowings would have to be met through bank credit. The banks supplied this credit both by subscribing to the loans them selves and by extending credit freely to their customers who borrowed in order to buy government obligations. In fact, in order to insure the success of the government’s financial measures, banks, life insurance com panies, general business corporations and individuals were urged to subscribe heavily to the Liberty Loans without regard to their immediate ability to pay for them. Preferential discount rates were established by the Federal Reserve Banks in favor of paper secured by United States Government obligations and easy terms of payment promised by the individual bank to induce a sufficient flow of funds from the banks and the people to the government. With the cooperation of and by the support they gave to the individual banks of the country, the Federal Reserve Banks expanded the credit structure sufficiently to meet the needs of the great emergency. The “borrow and buy” method of securing funds leads to inflation, to be sure, with all its consequent ills, but any method of financing a war, except solely out of the savings of the people, would have the same result. War financing always involves credit ex pansion unless private savings increase commensurate with government re quirements. Try as we may, we can not get away from this fact. We may safely say that the difference between the government’s requirements for funds, as expressed in the securities T h e A ssu m ptio n of T r e a su r y F u n c t io n s sold, and the volume paid for out of savings, represents a good part of the recent credit expansion. But it could hardly be expected that private savings would keep pace with the phenomenal demands of the government during the World War. Certainly no opportunity was neglected to impress upon the public the fact that they should save to the limit. While the Federal Re serve Banks were conducting a cam paign urging increased borrowing as one means of selling Liberty Bonds, an equally intensive campaign urging upon the people the necessity for thrift and rigid economy was being conducted by the same banks under the direction of the Liberty Loan and War Savings committees, as well as by various other government agencies. The Food Ad ministration, for instance, was active in this regard. Furthermore, a campaign was carried on under the direction of the Capital Issues Committee for the purpose of conserving capital, labor, materials and transportation facilities for their most effective use in the prosecution of the War. There was a local capital issues committee in each district which re ported to the central committee on all applications for permission to issue securities for the purpose of financing public or private corporate expenditure. 129 The Capital Issues Committee of the Second District, although in existence less than a year, considered formal applications for issues amounting to $2,069,000,000, besides numberless cases where no formal applications were filed notwithstanding the fact that when the Committee was first appointed, the submitting of applica tions covering private issues was largely voluntary. The record of the Federal Reserve Banks during the War, in my judgment, is one of splendid achievements. They not only organized and directed the sales campaigns and handled the de tails of every loan, but also by the support given to the individual banks of the country made possible their hearty cooperation and guaranteed the success of every loan. It is a cause for deep gratification that the banks and the people through efficient methods and organization were able to supply the government with such unprece dented sums to meet its needs in carrying on the War. That five great loans, aggregating more than $21,000,000,000, were rapidly and successfully distributed with hardly a ripple in the financial markets, is of itself a great testimonial to the new banking system which has now been thoroughly tried and has successfully met the test. The Assumption of Treasury Functions by the Federal Reserve Banks By M u rra y S. W ild m a n Stanford University T HE Independent Treasury as it functioned for three quarters of a century was an institution unique the field of public finance. It grew out of the general demoralization of the banks which followed the panic of 1837 10 and the downfall of the Second Bank of the United States. When the Act of in1841 was passed, followed by the more adequate Act of 1846, the need for such legislation was real and urgent. On the theory that the establishment and 130 T he A nnals of the regulation of banks was a duty of the states, the care of Federal funds called for a Federal agency. When in 1863 that theory was abandoned, the justifi cation for the subtreasuries passed away with it; but in twenty years these institutions had become rooted in our political system. An O u t g r o w n and O b je c t io n a b le System As long as a government agency is merely useless it may be left alone. The subtreasury buildings are sub stantial and impressive features of our cities; they housed several hundred officials and clerks, some of whom were devoted aids of the administration which they served, and it was not enough to show that the maintenance of this establishment involved a waste of money. Before the Independent Treasury could be abolished it must be shown as responsible for positive harm. The important ground of objection to the subtreasuries was their evil in fluence in the money market. The harm that they did was real and sub stantial, although it was obscure. The great hoard of coin and bullion and legal tender notes, which was kept behind massive steel bars and ap proached through dismal passages be tween granite walls, while it impressed the tourist, would have brought dis may to the borrower of funds if he had been fully alive to his interest. It was not merely the impounding of cash that called for condemnation of the system but the recurrence of large pay ments as well. The alternate collec tion and disbursement of the revenues brought alternate contraction and ex pansion of the bank reserves and con sequent changes in discount rates, which, in turn, disturbed the markets for staple products and securities. The establishment of the national A m er ic a n A cadem y banking system during the Civil War should have been followed promptly by the abandonment of the Independ ent Treasury, but at that particular period the banking business was not popular. The needed reform must wait for another time of great financial stress, and for a reorganization of the banking system on the principle of a single national cash reserve under Federal control. T h e N e w P o l ic y The legislative acts which make definite provision for the new policy are two. Section 15 of the Federal Re serve Act of December 23, 1913, pro vided that “the moneys held in the general fund of the Treasury . . . may be deposited in Federal Reserve Banks, which banks . . . shall act as fiscal agents of the United States . . . and disbursements may be made by checks drawn against such deposits. ” The other measure is found in the General Appropriation Act of May 29, 1920, which repealed the Act of 1846 in so far as it provided for sub treasuries, and required the Secretary of the Treasury to transfer the duties of the Assistant Treasurers of the United States to the Treasurer, the mints and assay offices and to the Fed eral Reserve Banks. This Act of 1920 was belated. As intimated above, the officers and the employes of the subtreasuries owed their appointments to political in fluences. The original intention of the framers of the Federal Reserve Act was to have the subtreasuries taken over by the Reserve Banks. But, as the bill developed out of the economic and into the political stage in Congress, dis cussion arose and political force was asserted. “The moneys held in the general fund of the Treasury shall be deposited” in Section 13 became “may T h e A ssu m ptio n of be deposited” and the Secretary of the Treasury held the power of decision. After the Reserve Banks were opened and had been officially designated as fiscal agents of the government, the Treasury made comparatively little use of them. Other bank depositaries were retained and treasury funds were placed for “crop-moving purposes” as in the past. There was naturally adverse criti cism. From official sources came pleas and explanations that the subtreasuries were convenient to the public, if not indispensable to the government, and the cities where they were located had their fears aroused that they were to be deprived of something of value to them. The criticism persisted,however. In the end the matter was referred, in March, 1917, to the Bureau of Efficiency for investigation and report to Congress. The investigation was thorough and the report, made January 26, 1918, was most competent. The report concluded as follows: The Bureau of Efficiency recommends the ultimate abolition of the whole sub treasury system. It believes not only that the government will save money by this change, but also that the public will in .the end be better served. It will be appre ciated that in making this recommendation the Bureau of Efficiency seeks only to serve the public interest. If, however, the subtreasuries are to be continued, the Bureau of Efficiency suggests the following as a minimum program: The elimination of the three subtreasur ies—Baltimore, Philadelphia and Cincin nati—which are of no essential value to the system; The abolition of the post of assistant treasurer everywhere and the transfer of responsibility to the cashiers; A reduction in the amount of coin-ex change business undertaken at the sub treasuries and by the cash room of the Treasury in Washington through the charg ing of a fee for receiving or paying out cur rent coiji; T r e a su r y F u n c t io n s 131 The concentration of all the redemptions of paper currency in Washington; Scarcely less than this can be done for the good of the Treasury and the people. The effect of the legislation of 1920 was to make mandatory what had hith erto been permissive only. But the change of policy which these acts re veal had been slowly evolved out of a long and unhappy experience in the management of both public and private funds. The realization of the proper relation between Treasury and banks has been growing through a period of many years of nominal independence. It was made clearer by every financial crisis through which the country passed that real independence was impossible. Points of contact between Treasury and banks were established for greater convenience and economy in the hand ling of funds, and a relation of mutual dependence was tacitly recognized. R e la t io n o f T r e a s u r e r t o Banks 1865-1913 In order to save labor to both offi cials and the public, the subtreasury at New York was made a member of the clearing house on the resumption of specie payments, January 1 , 1879. In the latter months of the Civil War and for several years thereafter the ex tensive collection of internal revenue as well as the necessities of postmasters led to the designation of certain na tional banks as United States deposita ries. When a few years later depleted bank reserves coincided with surplus revenues in the Treasury, aggravating the stringency of the money market, the government adopted the policy of designating other national banks as special depositaries of public funds. Large sums were paid into these banks for the single purpose of putting idle cash to commercial use. From the point of view of economical Use of funds, bank depositors may be 132 T he A nnals of the divided into two groups: those who use banks for the safe-keeping of money, and those who use banks as agencies for the collection and payment of bills. The first class is typified by the savings depositor; the second, by the commer cial depositor. The customary opera tions of the savings bank involve the receipt and payment of cash while the customary operations of the commer cial bank involve the receipt and pay ment of credit instruments. In the latter case, cash is required only for a reserve, and this reserve is only occa sionally brought into use. The result is that payments in and out of the com mercial bank may vastly exceed the amount of cash employed. The public advantage in the use of this bank lies in the fact that a given amount of cash, when used as a reserve against deposits or notes, will accomplish much more than when used in payment directly. In its use of national or state banks as public depositaries the Treasury never assumed the role of a commercial depositor in the sense here described. Funds were placed in the custody of the banks and in due course were ordered to be remitted to the Treasury. Ordinary disbursements were made by warrants drawn on the Treasurer and not by checks drawn on the banks. These so-called deposits were in reality loans to the banks in so far as the spe cial depositaries were concerned. The banks held the funds for a definite period, paid interest on them and gave security for them. The term “de posit ” was a misnomer and the practice of placing funds with the special de positaries could not be carried out without calling forth the charge of favoritism. The attitude of the public toward the banks selected to act as regular depositaries was somewhat different. These were chosen to serve the convenience of the government, but even here special collateral security A m er ic a n A cadem y was exacted and the relation of bank and depositor was not a normal one. There were no true active checking accounts maintained by the Treasury. S itu a t io n 1913-1916 When the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913 there were 850 regular depositaries and 685 special deposita ries, together holding $76,000,000, and all of the subtreasuries except the one at Philadelphia were members of the clearing houses of the cities in which they were located. To that extent the independence of the Treasury had been abandoned. From the establishment of the Federal Reserve Banks there was a rapid evolution of a new policy on the part of the Treasury. The twelve Reserve Banks were designated public depositaries some time after they were ready for business. In the twelve cities in which these banks were established all other government de posits were discontinued, except that in some cases Federal court funds and postmasters’ funds remained where they had been previously kept. But the use of the Federal Reserve Bank as a depositary involved an im portant change in the attitude of the Treasury in that these banks gave no collateral security for the funds held. Moreover, the funds were used by the Treasury as checking accounts; indeed, in some cases the Treasury received temporary advances of funds against an approaching issue of loan certifi cates, and so, for the first time since 1846, the Treasury became a bank de positor and borrower in the common acceptation of these terms. But this change of attitude in 1914 was cautious and incomplete. The major part of the public revenue and expenditure continued as before to pass through the subtreasuries. At the close of the fiscal year, June 30, 1916, the distribu tion of the general fund was as follows: T h e A ssu m ptio n of In Treasury offices........... $ 130,534,179.97 In Federal Reserve Banks 113,480,576.00 In national bank deposi taries................................. 62 ,833,774.43 In Philippine Treasury.. 3 ,968, 122.73 The foregoing statement takes no ac count of the great trust funds held and administered by the treasury. E ffect of th e W a r The event which established the necessity of the new policy was our own entry into the World War and the great financial operations which en sued. Soon after war was declared it came to be the general understanding that our chief contribution to the joint enterprise would be in the field of fi nance and supply. To this end meas ures were adopted for the handling of funds of unprecedented magnitude with the least possible friction. Im mediately on the passage of legislation providing for the first Liberty Loan, steps were taken to correlate the banks of the country with the Treasury for most effective team work. By the middle of November, 1917, the number of national banks designated as public depositaries was raised from 518 to 1,903. State banks and trust compa nies were pressed into service and 1,343 of these were named as public deposita ries. In the Treasury circular of May 29 it was provided not only that banks so designated should hold on deposit to the credit of the government the funds received by them in the sale of bonds, but also that, when the funds should be required from the banks, the transfer should be made by a draft against the balance carried by the depositary bank in the Federal Reserve Bank in favor of the account of the Treasury in the same Federal Reserve Bank. That is to say, payments on governemnt account should be made by use of the bank’s credit and with no reduction of its stock of cash, T r e a su r y F u n c t io n s 133 Not only were these rules applicable to receipts from the several Liberty Loans but also to receipts from income taxes and excess profits taxes, as well as from the sale of certificates of indebted ness which succeeded one another in rapid succession throughout the War and the following year. It was the custom of the Treasury to leave the credit as long as might be in the local depositary banks where it would serve the business community to the greatest possible degree, and require transfer to government account in the Reserve Bank only as it was actually needed, thence to be disbursed by government check. These transfers of credit were made ratably throughout the country —a certain percentage of the deposit on a specified date. The result of this policy was to make the depositary banks collection agencies of the govern ment, while the Reserve Bank of each district became a disbursing agency to a degree unknown in the past. The effect of these operations on the dis tribution of the general fund at the end of the fiscal year 1917 is shown below: In Treasury offices........... $ 107,662,952.07 In Federal Reserve Banks 300,671,632.42 In special depositaries. .. 783,922,959.51 In regular depositaries. . . 49 ,681,738.91 In Philippine Treasury.. 2 ,081,409 . 76 In order to appreciate the effect of the new policy upon the business of the Federal Reserve Banks it is only neces sary to remember that the ordinary disbursements of the Treasury rose from a total of 682 millions in 1913 to 15,365 millions in 1919. The premises of the Reserve Banks became scenes of the greatest activity. New and larger quarters had to be taken, branch banks were established, and the employed personnel grew from 920 at the end of 1916[to 9,459 at the end of 1919. In the same^ three years the number of 134 T he A nnals of the state banks admitted to membership grew from 37 to 1,481, and the gold reserve from 738 millions to 2,063 millions. C h a n g es U n d e r A c t o f 1920 From this showing it may properly be inferred that the expansion involved in the transfer of the duties of assistant treasurers under the mandatory act of 1920 had already taken place before the act was passed. By the terms of the law a period of thirteen months was allowed for making the change. The Secretary of the Treasury was permit ted to assign the duties of the assist ant treasurers to the treasurer, the mints and assay offices and to the Federal Reserve Banks, in such man ner as might in his opinion best pro mote the public interest. It was pro vided further that the Secretary of the Treasury might assign to the Federal Reserve Banks such rooms, vaults and equipment as might be needed, and the employes of the various subtreasuries should have preference in application for positions in other departments of the government. However, most of them were taken over by the Reserve Banks. In order that the transfer of business might go forward with the least disturb ance of routine the change was made by degrees. The subtreasury at Bos ton was closed on October 25, 1920, that at Chicago, November 3; New York, December 6; San Francisco, December 20; New Orleans, January 5, 1921; St. Louis, January 8 ; Balti more, January 14; Philadelphia, Feb ruary 3, and Cincinnati, February 10. In the case of six of these cities the work was taken over by the Reserve Banks located there, but in New Or leans, Baltimore and Cincinnati the functions of the subtreasury were transferred to branches of Reserve Banks located in those cities. But functions of the Independent Treas A m er ic a n A cadem y ury were not confined to banks and branches in the nine cities in which subtreasuries were to be found. By Treasury circulars issued August 30 and October 19, all the Federal Reserve Banks and their branches were defi nitely constituted fiscal agencies of the United States Treasury. The effect of this was to extend the facilities for merly available in only nine cities to thirty-five cities at the outset and to as many more as might be favored with a branch bank in the future. One important duty of the subtreas uries had been to account for the special trust funds such as the gold coin held against United States notes, gold coin and bullion held against gold certificates, and the silver dollars held against silver certificates. The care of these funds was transferred to the Treasurer of the United States at Washington, to be assisted as may be desirable by the mints and assay offices. T r e a s u r y D u t ie s o f R e s e r v e Banks The new duties now devolving upon the Reserve Banks are: The receipt of gold coin and silver dollars for exchange; the receipt of United States notes, Treasury notes, gold and silver certificates, subsidiary and minor coin for redemption; the ex change of various forms and issues of money for others; the cancellation or cleaning of currency unfit for circula tion; the receipt from depositary banks of internal revenue, customs, postal and other funds; the receipt of depos its from other than depositary banks for money payable to the government from many sources; the payment of United States interest coupons; the payment of checks and warrants drawn against the Treasurer, and the receipt of government funds for transfer to other points. m From what has been said it will be currency and bonds, and for the housing clear that the actual abandonment of of such employes as are required for the the Independent Treasury did not custody and exchange of these bonds. greatly augment the work of the Re Sig n if ic a n c e o f t h e N e w P o l ic y serve Banks. For example, on the date of transfer the bank at New York The importance of the change there already held $11,298,000 of govern fore consists not in the magnitude of ment deposits, while the subtreasury in the new enterprise which the Reserve that city, whose normal business was Banks have undertaken but in the far greater than that of any other, held significance of it. For all this coin and only $1,448,000. This sum was all in currency, insofar as it belongs to the coin. The building was turned over to general fund, now becomes a part of the use of the bank under a lease but the banking reserve of the country. the title remains in the government. Large disbursements of government In Minneapolis, where there was no funds will never again stimulate specu subtreasury, the assumption of the lation on the stock exchanges nor will new duties was not so easily effected. the collection of a great surplus of The vaults of the bank were not revenue cause a chill in the markets adequate to meet the new demands of staple products. By adjustments and outside vault space was rented. through the Gold Settlement Fund Moreover, the clerical staff was con maintained by the Federal Reserve siderably enlarged. In San Francisco Board at Washington the Reserve the entire staff employed in the sub Banks will be able to make the largest treasury was taken over by the bank. payments, collections and transfers The buildingwas occupied under a lease without affecting the magnitude of the and is used as a place of storage of coin, reserves at any point. S c ope op B r a n c h es of F e d e r a l R e se r v e B ank s The Establishment and Scope of Branches of Federal Reserve Banks By E. R. F a n c h e r T Governor, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland HE establishment and operation of the Federal Reserve Banks and branches is the direct result of tensive research and study on the part of economists, financiers and statesmen regarding the inadequacy of the banking system of the United States as developed under the national banking system, established in 1863, remodeled by enactment of Congress in 1864, and patched up from time to time by more than sixty legislative amendments. The national banking system as it formerly existed, was sup plemented by the state banks and trust companies created by state laws, inall functioning independently or sepa rately. The entire system passed through various so-called panics up to 1907, at which time the attention of the whole country was brought sharply to the inherent weaknesses of our banking and credit system, while the crisis of that year compelled definite action along remedial lines. The sys tem had proved inadequate to cope with modern commercial needs. It failed to supply commerce and in 136 T h e A nnals of the dustry with adequate credit facilities in normal times, and in times of finan cial stress it broke down completely, spreading disaster and ruin throughout the land. The Aldrich-Vreeland Currency Act, approved by the President May 30, 1908, in providing for emergency currency based upon certain classes of securities other than government bonds, authorized the uniting of ten or more national banks in any one city or community into a “National Currency Association.” It may be stated that that law was the beginning of the regional idea, and of its later develop ment into the thought of additional services and conveniences to areas, com munities or centers, which has brought about establishment of branches of Federal Reserve Banks. The National Monetary Commission was also au thorized by the Aldrich-Vreeland Act. B r a n c h e s o f F ir s t a n d S econd B a n k s o f t h e U n it e d S t a t e s Alexander Hamilton’s original plan for the First Bank of the United States, organized in Philadelphia in December, 1791, did not contem plate the establishment of branches; but early in 1792 branches were opened in New York, Boston, Baltimore and Charlestown, and later, additional ones were opened at Norfolk, Savannah, Washington and New Orleans, making in all, eight branches. In stating the advantages derived from the bank by the government, Secretary of the Treasury Gallatin laid stress upon the safe-keeping and transmission of the public funds, the economical collection of the revenue, and the aid furnished to the govern ment in the matter of loans. The punctuality of payments introduced by the banking system, and the facilities afforded by the bank to importers indebted for revenue bonds, were A m er ica n A cadem y among the causes which had enabled the government to collect with such facility and with so few losses, the great revenue derived from imports. The numerous state banks might afford considerable assistance to the govern ment in its fiscal operations, but they could not effect the transmission of public funds with the same facility or to the same extent as the Bank of the United States through its several branches. The Second United States Bank, chartered in 1816, commenced opera tions in January, 1817, and by October, 1817, nineteen branches in fourteen states had been designated, and, subsequently, eight other branches or agencies were established. The establishment of branches was the most characteristic and the most essential feature of the plan of the First and Second Banks of the United States. Without them they would have been virtually useless to the government, unable to exercise an efficient control over the state banks, and incapable of furnishing accom modations in discounts and exchange throughout a country unprovided with a note circulation of uniform value, or with any extended currency. The general control of the branches was almost wholly in the power of the central directorate through its author ity to appoint the local directors and to create by-laws for the branches, the election of the president being the one important privilege left to the un controlled will of the branch direc torates. It was, of course, essential to the safety of the bank, to the security of its operations and to the unity of its policy, that the control of the central board over the branch officials and directors should be real and effective. Both the First and Second Banks of the United States became involved in S cope of B r a n c h es of F e d e r a l R e se r v e B a n k s political strife without any intention of their own and in spite of their earnest efforts to avoid such entanglements. These two central banks were very largely government instrumentalities; out of them grew the independent treasury system established in 1846, and from that time until the Civil War the government made its collections and disbursements entirely in specie and kept its funds in the Treasury and its branches, called subtreasuries. Im portant changes were made in this system during and after the war, bringing the Treasury into close rela tions again with the banking and credit system of the country. the bill suggested by the National Monetary Commission, as a result of its investigations, provision was in cluded for a central reserve association, for at least fifteen branches of the parent association and for further dis tricts when necessity might arise. All through the studies of the National Monetary Commission and in the various important writings of financiers and economists, the necessity for adequate accommodations in industrial communities or centers, the interest of which might demand direct personal contact with properly accredited rep resentatives of the parent institution, was recognized. T he I n d e p e n d e n t T r e a s u r y a n d I ts B r a n c h e s P o p u l a r O p p o s it io n t o C e n t r a l Banks The national banking system, es tablished in 1863, grew out of the financial difficulties of the Civil War. After the adoption of the independent treasury system in 1846, the govern ment had no relation with the banks of the country, keeping its funds with the various subtreasuries established in several leading cities. When the war broke out the government was compelled to turn to the banks for help. Instead of meeting the war expenses by taxation, it resorted to loans, which could be obtained quickly only from the banks. The policy of separating the fiscal activities of the government from banks and banking—which was adopted with the establishment of the independ ent treasury system—was discontinued when the national banking system came into existence, and thereafter the subtreasuries became largely deposi taries of surplus coin, distributers of currency and coin, and redemption agencies. Under the Aldrich-Vreeland Act there were formed no less than eighteen national currency associations, and in Throughout the history of the country, it is apparent that the people have been opposed to placing in one single institution the financial power which a. central bank might exercise. This was manifest in the failures of both the First Bank of the United States and the Second United States Bank to secure charter renewal; and the antagonism which was most ap parent during the administrations of President Jackson continued and as serted itself in the preparation of the legislation that finally resulted in the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act, approved by the President, December 23, 1913. Division of the United States into regions, as begun in the formation of the Currency Association, prevailed in the Act; and the establishment of not exceeding twelve independent Federal Reserve Banks with power in each of the banks to establish and operate branches was provided. The original law, Section 3 of the Act, was as follows: Each Federal Reserve Bank shall es tablish branch banks within the Federal 138 T h e A nnals of the Reserve district in which it is located and may do so in the district of any Federal Reserve Bank which may have been suspended. Such branches shall be oper ated by a board of directors under rules and regulations approved by the Federal Reserve Board. Directors of branch banks shall possess the same qualifications as directors of the Federal Reserve Banks. Four of said directors shall be selected by the Reserve Bank and three by the Federal Reserve Board, and they shall hold office during the pleasure, respectively, of the parent bank and the Federal Reserve Board. The Reserve Bank shall designate one of the directors as manager. The Organization Committee, pro vided in the Act, gave consideration to these provisions and reported at length regarding the development of branches. The final recommendations of the Committee, in part, were as follows: It is recommended that in the event of the establishment of such branches they be assigned a proportionate capitalization based upon the capitalization and surplus of the member banks included within the territory assigned to the branch. This, however, should be only a tentative matter, and such assignment of resources should be merely to bridge over the period during which it is found from experience about what amount of paper will on the average be presented by the banks in each branch district. When sufficient experience has been had to determine this point the re sources to be employed should be distrib uted among the branches in proportion to the quantity of paper presented on the average by the member bank in each such branch district. It is recommended further that the parent bank of the district shall in every case retain for itself a substantial portion of the district as a territory from which paper shall be directly presented for re discount. This would mean simply that the branch districts would be established whenever there was a special need for them in a particular part of a district which presented a clear cut, independent trading A m er ic a n A cadem y area, whose territory was an economic unit and whose member banks naturally stood in close relationship to one another. The suggestion also amounts to a rejection of any plan for subdividing a district com pletely into branch areas while the District Reserve Bank itself exercised no distinct banking functions except those of over sight. It is believed that this latter plan would not be desirable, but that in every district there should be a strong independ ent Reserve Bank organization perform ing actual banking functions and directly rediscounting the paper of a considerable number of the member banks included within such district. In responding to criticism of the Organization Committee in fixing Fed eral Reserve districts and designating Federal Reserve cities, the Honorable Carter Glass, then Chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency, stated early in 1914: With my knowledge of facts and study of the situation, covering a period of sixteen months, I would not, had I the power, make more than a single change in the districts as defined by the Organization Committee, and that change I do not care to point out, as no good could be expected from any suggestion that now might be made. Referring again to the relative importance of the branch banks and the regional Reserve Banks, in the practical operation of the system, no business center will lose its identity nor have its business relations seriously interrupted. The bank ing operations and the commercial trans actions of any given territory will be practi cally maintained as they exist today, for the reason that such territory will transact its\business with the branch bank, if more convenient than with the regional reserve bank, so that there is no earthly reason why any large financial or commercial community should be in the least degree uneasy over the prospect of losing any business which it now commands. E a r l y D is a d v a n t a g e s In the original Federal Reserve Act, the mobilization in the Federal Reserve S cope of B r a n c h es of Banks of reserves of member banks extended over a period of thirty-six months. In carrying these provisions of the law—as long as they existed— into effect, it became apparent that the cities in which Federal Reserve Banks were located had an advantage over cities of former equal standing, especially in regard to accounts of country banks, and the advantage of correspondent banks in Federal Re serve cities was further accentuated when the early steps in the par collec tion of checks were taken. At first, banks in the other cities endeavored to offset the advantage by main tenance of excess reserves in the Federal Reserve Banks and agreement for immediate charging against such reserves of their checks by the Federal Reserve Banks. This proved both burdensome and unsatisfactory. In its Second Annual Report to Congress, for the year 1915, the Federal Reserve Board states: The question of branches of Federal Reserve Banks has received careful at tention during the past year. There has been intimation from several quarters that the establishment of a branch at a given point would be acceptable to the banks of that place. Only in one instance—that of New Orleans—did the Board receive a def inite request from a Federal Reserve Bank to establish a branch. Believing that New Orleans and the adjacent territory could make advantageous use of this additional banking machinery, the Board authorized the establishment of a branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta to be located in New Orleans, and this branch was opened for business on September 10, 1915 . Operations at the New Orleans branch have proceeded satisfactorily, and the institution has been of considerable use to the local banks. The branch is already more than self-supporting. Investigation and experience have seemed to show that, at least for some years to come, the organization of branches with completely equipped offices, vaults, and F e d e r a l R e se r v e B a n k s 139 the like, and with a full staff of salaried officials, will be too heavy an expense for most of the reserve banks, yet, that valu able service could be performed by local offices of the several banks in not a few places. The Board has, therefore, had under consideration the question whether establishing local agencies might not meet the requirements of the case better than the more fully organized branch office. Competent legal opinion is to the effect that the creation of such local offices is permissible under the terms of the law, and the Board believes that it may prove practicable to meet banking necessities in many sections of the country by this means. The entrance of the United States into the Great War in April, 1917, forced upon the Federal Reserve Banks greatly increased responsibilities and duties. By reason of the govern ment’s financial requirements and the assistance rendered to member banks to enable them to meet obligations and give the wonderful support accorded by the banks to the nation’s demands, the Federal Reserve Banks were enabled to show substantial earnings, and, on account of the favorable position thus attained, the early establishment of branches was possible. The section of the Act relating to branches was amended in June, 1917, and in its Fourth Annual Report, the Federal Reserve Board made the fol lowing statements: As originally enacted, this section pro vided that each Federal Reserve Bank “shall establish branch banks ” to be “ oper ated by a board of directors under rules and regulations approved by the Federal Reserve Board,” and provided also that there be seven directors having the same qualifications as directors of Federal Re serve Banks. The section as now amended provides that the Federal Reserve Board may permit or require any Federal Re serve Bank to establish branches within its district, and that such branches, subject to such rules and regulations as the Federal 140 T he A nnals of the Reserve Board may prescribe, shall be operated under the supervision of a board of directors to consist of not more than seven or less than three directors, of whom a majority of one shall be appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank of the district and the remaining directors by the Federal Reserve Board. During the year branches have been established at Omaha by the Federal Re serve Bank of Kansas City, at Louisville, by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, and at Portland, Seattle and Spokane, by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, and are now in operation. The Board has, in addition, authorized the establishment of branches at Pittsburgh and Cincinnati by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, at Detroit, by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, at Baltimore, by the Federal Re serve Bank of Richmond, and at Denver by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. It is expected that all of these branches will begin business at an early date. The policy of the Board in the establish ment of these new branches has been to recognize the unity and paramount re sponsibility of the Federal Reserve Bank, while extending full facilities to the banks in the territory served by the branch. By avoiding duplications in bookkeeping, and by a consolidated control of accounts at the Federal Reserve Bank, it is expected that branches can be operated at a com paratively small expense. In the organization of the branches in the various Federal Reserve dis tricts, the parent banks have retained definite portions of their districts in which they exercise distinct banking functions for member banks, and have delegated to the branches like func tions for member banks in territories or areas assigned to such branches. B r a n c h e s A r e S u b s id ia r y There are now in operation twentyfour branches of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks. These branches have all been located in the several districts in harmony with the underlying direc A m er ic a n A cadem y tion of the Act that they shall exist “with due regard to the convenience and customary course of business.” The actual operation of all the branches in the final results is subsidiary to the parent banks and forms part of their functions. The figures of the branches are embraced in the reports and state ments of their parent. Matters of policy and questions of operation are determined by the head offices in the respective districts. By reason of remoteness from the head office, some of the branches maintain separate books and perform practically all of the functions of the parent bank in relations with member banks in their assigned zones or terri tories. In others, a method prevails by which all figures and accounts are maintained in the head office through private telegraphic connections with the branches and under a satisfac tory system of communication and accounting. F u n c t io n s o f B r a n c h B a n k s The powers and functions exercised by the branches of the Federal Reserve Banks embrace: (1) Receiving deposits of member banks and the government; (2) Paying out currency and coin to banks; (3) Receiving from member banks applications for loans and discounts and tenders of bills eligible for pur chase by Federal Reserve Banks, and examining all paper presented for technical defects, generally passing immediate credit for proceeds subject to final review by the head office; (4) Operating city and country col lection departments for handling of bonds, coupons, notes, trade accept ances, sight, time, and documentary drafts, insurance and railroad vouchers, and certificates of deposits; (5) Operating a transit department S cope of B r a n c h es of F e d e r a l R e se r v e B a n k s for handling checks and bank drafts and other cash items payable on de mand; (6) Clearing of checks and drafts and other clearable items payable through clearing houses in cities wherein branches are located; (7) Making wire transfers to and from other Federal Reserve and branch cities for member banks in branch territory; (8) Converting, exchanging and in terchanging all issues of Liberty Loan bonds, Victory Liberty Loan notes and certificates of indebtedness; (9) Redemption of United States securities, coupons, War Savings Cer tificates and stamps. In the establishment of branches of the Federal Reserve Banks, efforts were made to give to those communi ties wherein the branches are located the fullest measure of Reserve Bank service demanded by banking and business conditions within limits of reasonable expenditure and avoiding unnecessary duplication of work. In each branch there is maintained an adequate currency supply to meet the needs of the community. The sub treasuries were discontinued, prior to July 1 , 1921, under an amendment by Congress to the organic law, and the functions and duties of those offices have been undertaken also by the Federal Reserve Banks and branches. B r a n c h e s A id C o l l e c t io n s The branches have been notably effective in the collection operations as developed in the Federal Reserve System. Checks and drafts and other collection items upon banks in a given branch or parent bank territory are sent directly to the branch or bank serving that territory by all other Federal Reserve Banks and branches, and arrangements have been perfected permitting the larger member banks 141 in the centers to send direct to the proper Federal Reserve Bank or branch all such items payable in its respectively allotted areas. It is apparent that, in every practi cable way, the banks in cities and areas wherein branches of Federal Reserve Banks are located are accorded all the facilities and services of the System in like manner as those in designated Federal Reserve cities. Capital stock adjustments and dividend payments naturally appertain to the head offices, and these functions are necessarily re served, but otherwise the branches render available in their cities and assigned areas all Federal Reserve banking powers. A notable instance of the use to which these facilities have extended is that, in one of the leading branches during the calendar year, 1920, over $510,000,000 in currency was de posited, and approximately $490,000,000 paid out and about 14,000,000 checks, aggregating nearly $9,000,000,000, were handled by this one branch. B r a n c h B a n k s G r o w in g R a p i d l y In many of the locations the facili ties demanded and accorded have already assumed such magnitude and importance as to require the services of large clerical staffs occupying con siderable office space, and in not a few instances, already, the branches have been compelled to acquire separate buildings or to plan independent quarters in order to secure proper safeguards and efficient handling of the volume of work passing through their hands. Some of the Federal Reserve Banks now have under consideration necessary office location of branches; some branches now already established are being placed in their own buildings, the property of the parent banks. It is manifest that considerable expendi T h e A nn als 142 of th e ture by the Federal Reserve Banks for office buildings and vaults for branches is necessary in order to con duct the work properly. It is not improbable that in the future development and progress of the Federal Reserve System, there will arise the necessity for the location of A m erican A cademy other branches to meet the demands or requirements of business com munities or industrial centers. These situations will be met and provided for and any additional functions which may be properly assumed by the Federal Reserve Banks will likewise be allotted to the branches. Curves of Expansion and Contraction, 1919-1921 By A. C. M i l l e r T Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. C. HE economic vicissitudes through credit caused expansion or contraction which the country has passed dur of business and the rise and fall of ing the past year have brought toprices, or whether the movement of everyone a vivid and memorable excredit was determined by the move perience of the actualities of expansion ments of business and prices. The and contraction and have made the correlation of the business and finan study of the conditions which eventu cial factors involved in the economic ate in these violent alternations of the developments of the past three years curves of business and credit, a matter presents too complex a problem to be undertaken within the limits of this of profound practical importance* War, and its immediate aftermath of paper. For the assistance of any who business inflations, made the credit are ambitious to penetrate the eco expansion. After-war readjustment, nomic mysteries of recent expansion with its inevitable liquidation, has and contraction, there is, nevertheless, made the credit contraction. So much appended to this article a collection of is already clear from the outside point data covering most of the determi of view and is now admitted by most nable factors involved in the problem. fair-minded people. But what is fur In order to make the fluctuations in ther revealed and how does the matter the different items comparable, they look when the operations of the bank are expressed in the form of index ing system are viewed from the nearby, numbers based on the 1919 average. or Federal Reserve, point of view? A second table shows the absolute For this whole recent experience raises figures upon which the index numbers some questions of great moment with of banking are based. regard to the functioning of the coun M e a s u r e m e n t o f E x p a n s io n a n d try’s new credit mechanism. C o n t r a c t io n It is not the purpose of this discus sion to go into the economics of the The object of the present discussion expansion and contraction of 1919- is to ascertain what light recent ex 1921. It is not at all concerned with perience throws on the question as to questions of economic causation. No whether the Reserve System possesses attempt will be made to determine a sensitive and accurate indicator of whether expansion or contraction of changes in the credit and business So 2 . CJQ £ § ®. § •• 1P .... -* P £ £ X ? x Tf-ZZ> 4 '~ ' . ...... y - - \ \ \ \ \ \ •• 70 60 10 20 30 . . . 1920 1921 . . . . J. F. M. A. M. J. J. A. S. 0. N. D.' J. F. M. A. M. J. J. A. S. 0. N. D.1 J. F. M. A. M. J. J. A. S. 0. N. 0. . 10 20 30 40 % 80 90 100 40 fSAND INVESTMENTS OF REPORTING MEMBER BANKS HOLDINGS OF F. R . B A N K S ) RESERV ES OF F. R. BA N K S ------- 110 120 50 1919 *'''*•« —.eou x •_ \ -----V - 50 60 70 80 90 too 110 120 13 0 \ PER CENT 150 130 ■ <**•*..... 1919 A V E R A G E = 1 0 0 ) 140 s ~ IN D E X N U M B E R S ; 140 150 PER CENT BANK CREDIT, GOLD RESERVES AND VOLUME OF BUSINESS 1919 -1921 and g B-S'S* FS -ftl Ss B “ S-S Ew5-B' ^5S ft5 ftP — £ ft 3 iL$ ST IT 7 {3- O H 0 rn i I S.® % §-.5* s * §& s^ If 3iM- ocL Cwpg "5ft s«+>2 r< § J ohi JS- o• h22 * i w P sr+g-Cf§ *fc* h 8 o •§ ft ft s ft M l 3 . ft *d * uo >■* a ft P< ft •"* 5* k cs * * I! „ < — ££ OQ e-^ 51 ft °B s S B Hft Ss ft ftGO C urves of E xpansion CO C o n t r a c t io n 144 T he A nnals of the changes in the volume of the country’s business.2 The volume of business in general depends on four factors, or, in mathe matical language, is a function of four variables: ( 1) physical volume of pro duction; (2) price level; (3) activity of trade (rapidity of turnover); and (4) speculative and other transactions in securities, exchange, etc. A change in any one of these factors affects the total volume of business, and this, in turn, affects the total volume of credit re quired. In any exhaustive analysis of the business or economic situation to ascertain what factors are affecting the demand for credit facilities, or, let us say, the expansion or contraction of credit, careful attention must always, of course, be given to variations in any of the elements affecting the volume of business. C h a n g e s in t h e B u sin ess S itu a tio n , 1919-1920 Beginning about midyear, 1919, and extending to the end of the year, there was a pronounced expansion of busi ness accompanied by great speculative activity involving commodities as well as securities. Increased activity of business (rapidity of turnover) and rise of prices were the important factors in this development. The index of the physical volume of production (for manufactures) shows no noteworthy change during this interval. Economic reaction set in early in 1920, and continued throughout the American A cademy year. Business recession was much in evidence and gained in momentum after mid-summer, 1920. In the first quarter of 1921 the reaction reached the stage of acute liquidation. There after business pursued a steadier course. This period of reaction and liquidation was marked by dimin ished physical volume of production (for manufactures) after mid-summer, 1920, and by the drop of wholesale prices. The index for manufactures declined from 102.3 in July to 77.9 in December, 1920, and to 68.5 in July, 1921. The price index declined from 123.6 in July to 89.2 in December, 1920, and 69.8 in July, 1921. These changes in the business situation, 19191921—that is, the rise and the fall in the volume of business transactions— are clearly reflected in the curve of business. Its trends are unmistakable. How well are these changes in the business situation—in brief, the ex pansion and contraction of the volume of business—reflected in the curves of credit, first, that of the member banks, and second, that of the Federal Re serve Banks? M e m b e r B a n k C r e d it C u r v e o f E x p a n s io n a n d C o n t r a c t io n The member bank credit curve re flects pretty faithfully the business ex pansion which went on in the second half of the year 1919, and again, the liquidation which was in process in the early part of the year 1921. It will be noticed that the liquidation of the loan * As measured by debits to individual accounts account of the reporting member banks in banks in about 150 leading clearing-house in the first six months of the year 1921 centers. In order to eliminate short-time approximately cancels the expansion fluctuations due to the difference in the number of business days in a month, to mid-month and of the loan account of these banks in end of the month payments, and to Treasury the second six months of the year 1919. operations in connection with the quarterly in Through the year 1920, however, it will stallment of income taxes, the volume of business be noticed that the curve of credit of curve on the chart has been smoothed by means the member banks shows a different of a moving average which shows for each month the average volume of business for the month trend from the curve of business. The business recession which was in process g,nd the two preceding months. C urves of E xpansion and C ontraction in 1920 is not at all reflected in the member bank curve of credit. There was no contraction of credit until the last quarter of the year. On the con trary, the banks were expanding their accommodation throughout the year and until after the crop-moving season was over. Agriculture was in distress, while business was in the midst of the crisis of readjustment and needed as sistance in effecting the transition from the period of expansion through the period of liquidation. That assistance was being extended by the banks, as both of the curves of credit clearly indicate, and thus was liquidation of business moderated and kept orderly by comparison with what it would have been, had it not been for the steadying and easing influence of our new credit machinery. T h e R e s e r v e B a n k C u r v e o f C r e d it Turning to the Reserve Bank curve of credit, it appears that the curve of credit of the Federal Reserve Banks parallels the curve of business more closely than does the curve of credit of the member banks, both in the period of rapid expansion in 1919 and in the period of acute liquidation in 1921. It will be noticed on the chart that the Reserve Bank curve of credit in the period under review twice cuts through the member bank curve of credit— once in October, 1919, on the upward swing of business, and again in April, 1921, on the downward swing of busi ness. By comparison with the mem ber bank curve, the ascent of the Re serve Bank curve was more pronounced on the rise, as was also its descent on the fall. On the other hand, through out nearly the whole of 1920, when the business curve was showing a decided downward trend (until the last quarter, when a slight rise is shown due to sea sonal influences) the Reserve Bank curve of credit showed an opposite, or xi 145 upward, trend. Both curves of credit in the critical year 1920, therefore, followed a different trend from the curve of business, but it is noteworthy that the difference is much more pro nounced in the Reserve Banks’ curve than in the member banks’ curve. T h e G old I n f l u x a n d R e s e r v e B a n k C r e d it C u r v e There still remains to be considered the curve of gold reserves. The sharp and prolonged drop in the Reserve Bank curve of credit through the year 1921 and the liquidation which it re flects cannot be understood without reference to the great influx of gold into the country and into the Federal Reserve Banks, which has been in process during the past twelve months. Reference to the chart brings out the opposite movements in these two sig nificant and related curves. Reference to the index numbers shows that the index of the Federal Reserve System’s gold holdings rose from 94 in Oct6ber, 1920, to 130 in October, 1921, while the index of bill holdings declined from 137 in October, 1920, to 63 in October, 1921. Over 45 per cent of the liquida tion of the loan account of the Federal Reserve System, it appears, may be at tributed to the increase of its gold hold ings. The influence to be attributed to the gold factor in Federal Reserve Bank liquidation is still greater in the case of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which has been the chief recipient of the gold flowing from Europe to our shores. The index of bill holdings for that bank fell from 126 in October, 1920, to 37 in October, 1921. Its gold index for the same period shows a rise from 74 to 156. The gold factor is thus seen to account for over 73 per cent of the liquidation experienced by the loan account of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The great stream of gold which has 146 T h e A n n als of the poured into the United States from Europe during the past year has come in liquidation of foreign indebtedness to us, and has been turned over by member banks to the Federal Reserve Banks in liquidation of their own in debtedness. The pronounced and con tinuous downward trend of the Re serve Bank loan curve during the past year is therefore seen to be due largely to foreign liquidation. The course of business shows considerable steadiness after the first quarter of 1921, and the member bank curve of credit, after the second quarter; but the Reserve Bank curve of credit continues its downward course in 1921 without abatement in quick and close response to the con tinuously upward course of the curve of gold reserves. As an indicator of the degree and rapidity of domestic liqui dation, the Reserve Bank curve of credit is misleading, owing to the dis turbing influence of the gold factor. T h e R e s e r v e B a n k C u r v e o f C r e d it t h e M o r e S e n s it iv e I n d ic a t o r o f C r e d it C h a n g e Comparing the two curves of credit with one another, it is clear that while both curves are influenced by the same changes in the business situation, their response is not the same. A glance at the chart brings out the fact that the Reserve Bank curve moves very much more readily and markedly than the member bank curve. The member bank curve appears flat by comparison with the Reserve Bank curve, and gives a less lively impression of the business and credit developments and changes which were in process. What is the explanation of the difference, and which of the two curves is the better index of expansion and contraction? The relative flatness of the member bank credit curve during the year 1920 as compared with the Reserve Bank curve is due to several circumstances, A m erican A cademt some transitory in character. It will be recalled that the loan and invest ment account of the banks of the coun try was greatly swollen during the War by heavy investments in Liberty bonds and Certificates of Indebtedness, and by accomodation granted subscribers to government war loan issues. After the War, the process was reversed. There has been constant liquidation of bank holdings of government securities and of loans collateraled by such securi ties. Reporting member banks’ hold ings of government securities dropped from 3,083 millions in May, 1919, to 1,938 millions in January, 1920, and 1,318 millions in January, 1921. Fig ures of holdings of paper secured by government securities are not available until December, 1919, when they amounted to 1,337 millions. From this point they declined to 899 millions in December, 1920, and 577 millions in October, 1921. The liquidation in the loan and investment account of the member banks from these sources has therefore been very considerable. But it does not appear to be reflected in the movement of the member bank curve of credit in 1920. That curve was ascending in spite of liquidation from these sources. But had it not been for this liquidation, it is altogether reason able to assume that it would have ascended still more. The credit thus released by liquidation of war loan secu rities and paper was apparently being used to expand the commercial and speculative loan accounts of the banks.3 3 Something similar occurred in the early autumn of 1919, when it will be noticed the member bank curve was rising, while the Re serve curve was declining, the banking expansion then in process being able to proceed without increased borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks. This is explained by the fact that the floating debt of the government was reduced at this time by almost 500 millions of dollars, the banks using the funds thus made available to them the expansion of their for commercial loans. C urves of E xpansion and C ontraction When we come to the period of liquidation in the autumn of 1920 and the following winter, there appeared an influence of an opposite character to that just described—namely, the socalled “frozen credit.” By “frozen credit” is meant credit that has con tinued its existence beyojid the time when the transactions which gave rise to the credit should normally have liquidated themselves. It is made up of credits which have not been liqui dated because the transactions under lying the credits have not been able to rim their course and liquidate them selves. It is well known that large volumes of goods produced last year have been carried by the producers for lack of satisfactory markets. Prices were falling, markets were collapsing, and there was congestion of goods at points of primary production and dis tribution. The owners of these goods had to be “carried.” There is no means of approximating the amount of these frozen credits, but there is reason to believe that they constitute a very substantial fraction of the total loans and discounts carried by the commer cial banks of the country. The member bank loan curve shows resistance to the forces of liquidation. It was this retarded or “orderly” liqui dation which kept the curve from de scending as swiftly as it otherwise would have if it had been influenced merely by the volume of current busi ness transactions. Moreover, the li quidating power of a dollar paid in by a member bank to its Reserve Bank in a period of liquidation appears, on the basis of the past two years, to be very much less than the credit-supporting power of a dollar loaned by a Federal Reserve Bank to a member bank in a period of active expansion.4 And fur- 147 thermore, the Federal Reserve Bank loan curve, as has already been pointed out, represents in a peculiar degree the liquidating effect on the Federal Re serve loan account of the huge influx of gold which has been continuous during the past twelve months. Besides these transitory influences which have helped to give the member bank loan curve a relatively flat character, there is the additional important and regular in fluence exercised by the far greater volume of member bank loans com pared with Reserve Bank loans. Ow ing to the fact that the base figure is much larger for member banks than for Reserve Banks, the same change in absolute amounts will result in a much larger percentage change and, con sequently, in a much steeper movement in a Reserve Bank curve than in a mem ber bank curve. But this arithmetical fact does not fully explain the discrep ancy. There is a further reason of an economic character to be noted in a study of the curves of expansion and contraction. The great bulk of the loans of the member banks at any time represents loans incident to the ordinary volume and requirements of business, and 29, 1921) the increase in the loans of the member banks was 6.7 times as great as the increase in the discounts of the Federal Reserve Banks, while during the following year the decrease in the loans was only 2.3 times as large as the decrease in Federal Reserve Bank discounts. For the reporting member banks, for which data on more significant dates are available (July 25, 1919, before the speculative expansion began, October 15, 1920, when the peak was reached, and November 2, 1921, the latest date for which data are available) their investment and loan account increased 3.2 times as fast during the period of expansion as their borrowings from the Federal Reserve Banks, while during the period of liquidation the reduction in the investment and loan account of the reporting member banks 4 During the period of expansion between 1919 is 1.6 times as large as the corresponding reduc and 1920 (dates for which information is avail tion in their borrowings from Federal Reserve able being June 27, 1919, June 25, 1920, and June Banks. 148 T he A nnals of the American A cademy exercises, even in times of marked changes in the business situation, a steadying influence on the member bank credit curve. The situation of the Reserve Banks is different. Their loan account does not reflect the normal volume of credit in use. Under normal conditions, their operations are not large. It is not the absolute amount of credit in use, but the ebb and flow of credit, which affects the loan account of the Federal Reserve Bank. The Federal Reserve Bank has little part in the ordinary credit business of the country. It does not deal with busi ness borrowers directly. The relations of the business man are with his mem ber bank, the member bank in turn dealing with the Reserve Bank as oc casion may necessitate. The Federal Reserve loan is not the first line of credit, but the second line of credit. The expansion and contraction of the Reserve Bank loan account are twice removed from the expansion and contraction of the volume of busi ness as reflected in commercial bank loans. The Federal Reserve is called into activity when the supply of ordinary credit facilities is inadequate. It sup plements the resources of its members. It is, so to speak, the increments and decrements in the country’s credit re quirements that are reflected in the up ward and downward movement of the Federal Reserve loan account. It is when business is speeding up beyond their normal credit capacity that the commercial banks must resort to the Federal Reserve Banks for accommo dation. When business is receding and liquidating in a period of economic reaction, slackening of credit require ments will result in a marked reduction of borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks. The Reserve Bank curve con sequently reflects movement, change —the more or less of credit required— and not the actual total volume of credit in use by business. On a rela tive basis the Reserve Bank curve has a tendency to magnify what is in proc ess in times either of rapid expansion or of acute liquidation; in other words, to give an exaggerated or heightened impression of these movements. A G u id e t o C r e d i t P o l i c y Therein consists its importance as an administrative guide. While it may be faulty as a gauge of the degree of credit expansion or contraction, its very sensitiveness gives it a peculiar value as a quick indicator of what changes in the business and credit situation are in process or even im pending. For while the Reserve Bank curve, during the period under review, has been over sensitive and gives an exaggerated impression of credit de velopments, the member bank curve, for reasons already discussed and primarily because, at any moment, it is more influenced by what has taken place than by what is taking place, tends to give an inadequate impression of changes which are in process, at least so far as they affect the credit situation. In times of rapid expansion or contrac tion, it is not the total volume of out standing bank loans which is significant, but additions to that volume, or reduc tions in it. From this point of view, the Reserve Bank curve is a truer in dex of business and credit development than the member bank curve, and a better guide to credit policy. C urves of E xpansion and C ontraction . 8993 1919 January. February. M arch... April. . . . May . . . . June . . . . July......... August .. September October.. November December 1920 January.. February. M arch... April . . . . May . . . . June........ July......... August .. September October.. November December 1921 January.. February. March. . . April . . . . May . . . . June . . . . July......... August .. September October.. F. . R note circulation Gold reserves F. R. B ank of N ew York Bill holdings F. R. note circulation Gold reserves Bill holdings All F ederal R eserve B anks 1919 = 100) R eporting M ember B anks 11(8 i l b (Monthly averages for I** ^wi V2ls lCeQ i*- .... 1919-1921 © j 1n 1 Volume of manufacture* BAN KIN G AND BUSINESS DEVELOPM ENTS: Volume of business OF Net demand deposits IN D E X NUM BERS 149 96 96 97 93 100 97 95 109 118 119 99 100 101 102 102 103 99 98 98 101 100 98 97 95 96 98 97 96 97 98 101 105 108 113 94 100 97 93 98 89 106 98 89 109 114 114 95 92 105 115 112 119 98 94 94 91 94 91 92 90 96 100 101 100 102 102 102 103 104 108 94 94 96 96 98 99 98 101 103 106 107 108 95 94 95 96 99 98 100 102 104 105 107 106 88 94 98 97 101 92 98 94 93 112 119 117 85.6 83.3 88.7 95.1 102.5 103.4 101.2 104.6 113.5 116.4 95.8 92.9 94.8 95.8 97.6 97.6 103.3 106.6 103.8 105.2 108.5 112.3 101.6 86.7 92.6 93.7 95.7 95.9 101.9 107.2 103.8 104.4 102.2 102.1 122 128 128 128 131 128 128 131 133 137 136 132 96 93 91 92 92 92 93 93 93 94 95 96 111 114 117 118 119 119 121 122 126 128 128 128 119 126 123 117 122 120 122 125 118 126 125 124 87 83 77 86 86 84 81 75 76 74 74 71 105 110 113 114 115 116 117 116 117 119 119 118 110 110 111 112 112 112 112 112 113 113 111 110 109 108 109 109 109 109 108 107 107 106 104 102 121 136 138 139 140 133 135 139 142 150 148 143 116.7 117.0 117.5 108.4 119.3 107.1 125.0 108.6 128.3 106.9 126.9 103.6 123.6 101.2 117.9 98.4 114.2 100.3 106.1 104.3 97.6 104.6 89.2 115.9 104.6 118.0 108.8 111.8 109.6 102.3 104.9 101.4 101.2 88.9 77.9 120 115 109 100 91 83 78 70 66 63 99 100 103 107 112 115 118 122 127 130 121 117 115 110 107 103 100 96 95 94 116 114 102 84 75 59 53 49 39 37 65 64 78 101 106 128 132 134 150 156 109 108 108 104 98 94 89 87 87 86 109 107 106 104 102 101 99 98 98 99 102 100 98 96 96 96 95 94 94 95 131 126 121 108 96 85 79 67 61 57 104.7 98.2 90.1 85.0 85.9 85.9 85.2 81.6 80.2 82.3 111.0 a Including rediscounts with Federal Reserve banks. b As measured by debits to individual accounts, three-months' moving averages. 0 U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. d Harvard Committee on Economic Research. 83.5 78.8 76.4 72.6 71.2 69.8 69.8 71.7 71.7 78.3 75.0 80.6 75.8 79.3 75.9 68.5 . . . . . . . . -------- T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy 150 BAN KIN G D ATA: 1919-1921 (Monthly averages: amounts in millions of dollars) July.................. August............... September......... October............... November......... December........... 1920 January ............. February........... March................. April.................... M ay..................... June..................... July..................... August............... September......... October............... November......... December........... 1921 January............. February........... March................. April................... M a y ................... June................... July..................... August............... September......... October............... R eporting M ember B anks • i i Ratio of F. R. accommo dation to to tal loans and investments (per cent) 757 804 780 751 795 721 852 789 718 883 923 921 611 593 677 740 721 765 632 602 605 587 607 587 676 665 709 738 743 736 749 748 753 756 761 796 14,178 14,257 14,578 14,559 14,886 14,969 14,813 15,204 15,577 15,961 16,143 16,337 10,048 9,908 10,115 10,135 10,439 10,393 10,604 10,800 10,984 11,140 11,330 11,244 1,306 1,400 1,449 1,443 1,497 1,361 1,454 1,395 1,383 1,660 1,765 1,739 9 10 10 10 10 9 10 9 9 10 11 11 2,720 2,867 2,856 2,853 2,934 2,857 2,875 2,933 2,973 3,071 3,033 2,952 2,037 1,979 1,936 1,950 1,943 1,964 1,975 1,974 1,975 1,998 2,011 2,043 2,892 2,962 3,041 3,075 3,092 3,115 3,145 3,172 3,277 3,338 3,329 3,344 963 1,018 997 949 981 968 985 1,006 956 1,014 1,013 1,005 557 535 498 552 555 538 518 483 490 477 474 459 775 810 834 838 848 857 860 854 862 872 876 871 16,670 16,630 16,813 16,935 16,941 16,926 16,876 16,862 17,012 17,147 16,827 16,692 11,576 11,482 11,600 11,546 11,506 11,499 11,466 11,299 11,286 11,266 11,027 10,823 1,803 2,019 2,053 2,069 2,085 1,981 2,005 2,072 2,117 2,222 2,200 2,132 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 2,692 2,570 2,444 2,241 2,039, 1,865 1,735 1,566 1,471 1,415 2,092 2,127 2,192 2,283 2,370 2,439 2,503 2,598 2,694 2,755 3,159 3,054 2,986 2,871 2,784 2,682 2,594 2,506 2,485 2,452 938 415 922 413 826 500 676 650 608 682 479 822 432 846 396 862 315 966 298 1,001 805 793 791 764 723 690 657 638 638 634 16,402 16,131 16,021 15,733 15,466 15,319 15,020 14,876 14,857 14,897 10,816 1,947 10,583 1,878 10,404 1,792 10,201 1,601 10,194 1,421 10,182 1,267 10,037 1,167 996 9,921 906 9,953 854 10,107 12 12 11 10 9 8 8 7 6 e Including rediscounts with Federal Reserve banks. l l Net demand deposits 2,534 2,465 2,506 2,547 2,532 2,500 2,527 2,543 2,627 2,742 2,821 2,959 F. R. note circulation 2,100 2,119 2,138 2,156 2,177 2,177 2,112 2,079 2,086 2,136 2,116 2,089 Gold reserves 1,992 2,084 2,147 2,138 2,168 2,089 2,241 2,174 2,136 2,436 2,633 2,661 !j Bill holdings Gold reserves 1919 January............. February........... March................. April................... M ay.................... June..................... F. R. B ank of N ew Y ork Bill holdings All F ederal R eserve B anks 4 ^ i I I * 6 E xpansion and C ontraction 151 Expansion and Contraction Under the Federal Reserve System By E r n e s t M in o r P a tte r s o n University of Pennsylvania confusion of thought on MUCH thesubject of expansion and con traction is due to our failure to dis tinguish clearly between three different problems. An economic system, which operates on a money and credit basis, and which maintains business relations with the systems of other countries, cannot well escape these difficulties. Each of the three facts involved is at times referred to as “depreciation.” T he T “D h ree K in d s e p r e c ia t io n ” of One of them is the relation of a given financial system, such as that of the United States, to that of other countries as reflected in foreign exchange quo tations. The British pound is worth at mint par $4.8665, the German mark, 23.8 cents, the French franc, 19.3 cents and so on. When, as at present, these moneys are bought and sold in our markets at about $3.80, one-third of a cent and 7.25 cents, respectively, it is customary to say that the moneys of those countries are depreciated. During the late War the moneys of the belligerent countries were thus depreciated in the United States, while at the same time our money was depreciated in certain neutral countries. The causes of such a condition we need not here explain, but one point needs emphasis. In every case where such depreciation occurs there is merely an increase in the value of the first money in terms of the second and a decrease in the value of the sec ond in terms of the first. In terms of the American dollar the pound sterling is now lower than usual, and in terms of the pound sterling our dol lar is higher than usual. For a pe riod of time several years ago the American dollar was lower than usual in terms of the money of Sweden, and Sweden’s money was higher than usual in terms of our dollar. Foreign ex change quotations are for the most part merely a barometer or index, an effect and not a cause, but what they state is a change in the relative position of the moneys of two countries. The ap preciation of one involves the deprecia tion of the other, and vice versa. A second kind of depreciation is found when one form of money, say the standard money gold, changes in its relationship to some other form of money in the same country. Such a change occurred in the United States during the Civil War, when the “green backs” or United States notes were issued in very large quantities and were acceptable at less than their face value in exchange for gold. At one time a dollar of gold would purchase as much as $1.85 in greenbacks. The green backs had depreciated in terms of gold, and gold had appreciated in terms of greenbacks. Again it is a question of the relationship between the two. A third type of depreciation is to be observed when the general price level changes. If prices in general rise to a higher level than that of the past it may be said that the value of commodities in the country has ap preciated in terms of money and that the value of the money has depreciated in terms of the commodities. Simi larly, if the general price level falls, there is an appreciation of the value 15* T he A nnals of the of the money in terms of commodities and a depreciation of the value of the commodities in terms of money. These three forms of depreciation are well understood by most persons who are at all acquainted with finan cial questions. Nevertheless, they are closely interrelated, and when a par ticular problem is up for consider ation these interrelationships may be overlooked and confusion of thought result. “ E x p a n s io n ” a n d “ I n f l a t io n ” One other definition is necessary. “Expansion” is a word that is used very loosely. Sometimes, though not always, it is employed as a synonym for “ inflation.” With these two words, or rather in contrast to them, are “con traction” and “deflation.” Any and every increase in the vol ume of circulating medium in the United States is not inflation. As population grows and as business activity increases a larger amount of circulating medium is needed if the price level is not to decline. If its amount should remain the same the price level would fall and we .would suffer all of the accompanying hard ships. As the volume of trade in creases it is better to have an increase in the volume of circulating medium. If this occurs and at the same rate as the growth in trade there are no harm ful effects, and it would not be correct to say there had been inflation. A mere increase in the volume of money or credit is not inflation, for the in crease must be viewed in its relation to the demand for it. Similarly, a decrease is not to be referred to as de flation if it merely corresponds to a decline in the volume of business, i.e ., to a reduction in demand. The price level is not affected and no hardship results. Changes in the volume of money and American A cademy credit that only adjust their supply to the demand for them are better re ferred to as a contraction and an ex pansion that merely evidence the elasticity of a monetary and banking system. For years the Canadian bank note issues have increased in the fall of each year to meet the demand for cropmoving, and have later contracted when that demand ceased. Such changes ought not to be referred to as inflation and deflation, but as a most desirable expansion and contraction. It is true that expansion of this kind might become dangerous, but it is not probable. The volume of note issues or of deposit liabilities in relation to reserves might become too large as compared with the re serve held for redemption purposes. Public knowledge of this situation might result in a rim on the banks and the failure of some of them, even though the expansion had occurred merely to meet the needs of a rapidly growing trade. However, this kind of expansion is not apt to take place. There are both seasonal and cyclical fluctuations in the demand for money and credit, but in actual experience they are not likely to result in a con dition of the sort just described. While an expansion does take place, ordinary trade demands are not apt to lower seriously the percentage of reserves held. There are two periods of activity for analysis in this article. One ex tends from the formation of the Fed eral Reserve System in the autumn of 1914 to the spring of 1920. The sec ond continues from that time to the present. That in the first of these two pe riods there occurred an increase in the volume of circulating medium does not need to be argued here. Nor need we stop to demonstrate in detail that this increase was more rapid than the E xpansion and growth in the volume of trade. Pro fessor Kemmerer, in his volume High Prices and Deflation ,J has shown that from 1913 to 1918 there was an in crease of 13 per cent in the country’s physical volume of business, while in 1919 it actually declined from the 1918 level being only 9.6 per cent greater than in 1913. During this same period of time there was an increase in wholesale prices as reflected in the United States Bureau of Labor index number of 112 per cent over the 1913 level. Also, the exchange market showed a de preciation of the pound sterling, the mark, the franc, the lira and other foreign currencies in terms of our dollar. We have already pointed out that there are three kinds of depreciation, and the period in question may be examined with a view to determining whether the Federal Reserve System and its management were responsible for such depreciation as occurred. First, let us notice the increase in the volume of the circulating medium. From November 1,1913, to November 1, 1918, the amount of money in the United States increased from $3,755,994,000 to $7,590,173,000. Of this increase $1,173,883,000 was in gold (and gold certificates), and $2,660,296,000 in other forms of money. The increase in our stock of gold had a def inite connection with affairs abroad, and will be considered a little later. But there was an increase in the issue of Federal Reserve notes, from nothing to $2,705,737,000, and in the Federal Reserve Bank notes from nothing to $71,647,260. Also during approxi mately the same period the deposit liabilities of the national banks in creased from $6,051,689,000 to $11,013,330,000. There was without doubt an expansion in our circulating medium more rapid than in the demand for it. 3 13. 1 See pages - C ontraction 153 What was the occasion for this and where does responsibility rest? Increased D e p o s it L ia b il it ie s There were three leading reasons. One is found in the very nature of the Federal Reserve System. Our na tional banking organization as it ex isted prior to 1914 was said to lack elasticity. Expansion to meet any seasonal or cyclical growth in trade needs was difficult to secure, as was also contraction when the need had passed. Explanation of this difficulty need not be presented here, as the reasons for it are fully understood by most students of the subject, and have been set forth many times. Under the old law, country banks were required to maintain a reserve of 15 per cent of their deposit liabilities, of which two-fifths, or 6 per cent, had to be in actual cash in their own vaults;' reserve city banks, 25 per cent, of which one-half had to be in cash; and central reserve city banks, 25 per cent in cash. The net effect was that there could be on the average about $8 of deposit liabilities on each $1 of reserves held by the national banks of the country, or an av erage cash reserve of 12| per cent. This varied slightly from time to time, and there have been slight dif ferences in the estimates of students of the question, but the figures are sufficiently accurate for our present purpose. Under the Federal Reserve Act, particularly as amended, all this was changed. By a concentration of cash in the vaults of the twelve Reserve Banks each dollar could be utilized much more effectively. Accompany ing this there was a reduction in the reserve requirements of the member banks, and the net result was that $1 of reserve furnished the basis for per haps $11.50 of deposit liabilities, or an 154 T he A nnals of the average cash reserve of about 9 per cent.2 Although there may be differ ences of opinion as to this particular figure, there can be no dispute over the fact of a very pronounced change in the direction indicated. Whether a change of this kind, which permitted and even encouraged an expansion in deposit liabilities, was wise cannot here be argued, but will be assumed. The United States had been paying too dear a price for its banking system. Greater elasticity was important. It could not be se cured except by a centralization of reserves, and centralization of reserves means that each dollar is more effective than before. Under such circum stances an average cash reserve for the country of more than say 10 per cent or 11 per cent would be very dif ficult and probably impossible to main tain. Such a change as this would have resulted under any plan of banking reform and under any management. Our circulating medium would have ex panded more rapidly than the growth in trade demand and, ceteris paribus , would have caused a rise in the general price level. I n c r e a s e d G o ld R e s e r v e A merican A cademy addition of about $12,324,193,000 to the deposit liabilities of our banks. It thus appears that a plan of bank* ing reform was deliberately adopted by the country, after a discussion ex tending over a number of years, which was one that was sure to increase the deposit liabilities of our banks. More over, any other reform, such as the socalled Aldrich Plan, would have had a similar effect. But can the Federal Reserve System or its management be held responsible for the importation of gold that fur nished an additional basis for this ex pansion? There is certainly no reason for such a view. The intense demand for our commodities and the rapid growth in our export balance threw on the European belligerents the burden of righting in some manner their un favorable position. Commodities and securities, particularly the latter, were hurried over to us, and especially in the earlier part of the struggle large amounts of gold were sent also. The movement was a part of the general situation, and would have occurred had we still been operating under the old National Bank Law. In fact, the existence of the Federal Reserve organization facilitated rather than impeded credit transactions, and thus made it easier to check the gold movement. If the older system had still been in operation much more gold might conceivably have been imported into the United States during that period. This assumes no alteration in the volume of the gold reserve. A re duction in gold supply would have off set this tendency to expansion, while any increase would enhance it. On this point we need merely refer to the facts, which are that from August 1 , 1914, to January 1,1919, there was an St r a in o f F in a n c in g W a r P u r chases importation (net) of gold into the United States amounting to $1,071,- But the analysis is not complete. 669,000, which made possible (accord that the new reserve re ing to the above ratio of 11| to 1 ) an Admitting quirements and the importation of gold encouraged a considerable expansion, 2 “ Mechanism of Expansion Under the Federal it may be argued that the expansion Reserve System” ; Monthly Review of Credit that really occurred was extreme, and Bunness Conditions in the Second Federal going so far that the percentage of Reserve District, September 1, 1921, p. 12. E xpansion and reserve actually held by the system was for a long time very close to the legal limit. With the New York Reserve Bank this was particularly noticeable. While the situation was a very strained one for the System as a whole, the condition of the New York Bank was at times especially weak, and was even disguised, though rather poorly, by a change in the form of its weekly reports. Had this been pre sented in the same form as used by the other eleven banks and by the System as a whole, there would have been shown a smaller percentage of reserve than that prescribed by the law. The form of report adopted by the New York Bank may have been as good or even superior to the other form, but the difference referred to illustrates the strain on that bank. At one time, too, the situation was materially helped by the timely deposit by the Federal government of a considerable amount of silver with the New York Bank. Also, the twelve banks of the System gave each other extensive relief by rediscounting heavily for each other, a form of assistance that was of general aid, but was particularly valuable to the New York Bank after November, 1919. There was clearly a considerable apiount of strain on the System. As has just been pointed out, the altered reserve requirements would have made possible a very considerable expansion in deposits, and heavy importations of gold increased this tendency, but neither of these facts explains the strain just referred to. In the period from 1914 to April, 1917, there was a very heavy demand upon American banks to assist in war financing. The United States was not yet in the conflict, but the vast movements of goods, chiefly to allied countries, called for a large amount of financing, and American banks, in C ontraction 155 cluding the Federal Reserve Banks, assumed the burden. The Federal Reserve System was designed primarily to aid commercial banking, that is, to assist in those banking transactions that facilitate the movement of goods from producer to consumer. To this general state ment a few qualifications should be added by way of reference to such pro visions as those regarding savings de posits and trust powers, but in general the statement is correct. When war supplies moved from the United States to Europe our banks gave their assist ance. The volume was large but ex pansion was possible under the Federal Reserve System and with the in creased gold supplies prevented any serious strain on the System prior to our entrance into the War anji for a considerable time thereafter. Our par ticipation in the conflict and the con sequent demand for war financing by our own government definitely altered the situation. E f f e c t o f T r e a s u r y P o l ic ie s Just what policies should have been followed by the Treasury Department in meeting the war emergency is some thing on which we probably cannot agree. The facts, however, are clear. The problem was one of securing max imum production and of diverting to war uses a very large fraction of that total product. Two main devices were employed to divert output to the government—taxation and bond issues (including certificates of in debtedness). Both of these were in tended to secure the desired funds by encouraging saving. Taxation took funds from a taxpayer, usually much against his will, while he was expected to buy bonds voluntarily. But the war needs amounted to some $18,000,000,000 per annum, and at one period payments were as high 156 T he A nnals of the as $2,000,000,000 per month, or at the rate of $24,000,000,000 per year. Prior to the War our annual savings are estimated to have been at the rate of no more than $6,000,000,000 or $7,000,000,000 per year. To treble or more than treble the amount avail able was probably too great a task for taxation and bond issues combined. At any rate, policies were adopted that resulted in an inflation of the cur rency and hence forced loans from the general public. R e s e r v e B a n k F a c il it ie s f o r W a r F in a n c in g If one is to appreciate the position of the Federal Reserve Banks in war financing, several facts must be kept in mind. One is the altered reserve requirements of member banks already referred to. Some of the reductions were made after we entered the War, particularly by the provision that the reserves specified were to be kept, not in the member bank’s own vault, but as a deposit account with the Reserve Bank of its district. Along with this must be remembered the other amend ment to the Jaw that allowed gold in the hands of the Federal Reserve agent held by him against issues of Federal Reserve notes to be counted as part of the required reserve of his Federal Reserve Bank. Also, there must be mentioned the policy early adopted by the Reserve System of concentrating the gold and gold certificates of the country in the vaults of the Reserve Banks, Federal Reserve notes being issued in their place. There were two other important provisions of the law. One of them states that the Reserve Banks are to be fiscal agents of the government. This places them in a position in which they are compelled to cooperate in methods of financing decided upon by the Treasury Department. American A cademy The other provision is one that ap pears to the casual reader as of slight significance, but it furnished the basis for many of the important operations of war financing. In Section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act the powers of the Reserve Banks are enumerated. Among the prohibitions there set forth is one against loans on “notes, drafts or bills covering merely investments, or issued or drawn for the purpose of carrying or trading in stocks, bonds, or other investment securities, except bonds and notes of the Government of the United States. The exception in the last words of this quotation was not particularly significant at the time of the passage of the Act—in fact it was rather com monplace. Yet it became very im portant during the War. The Reserve Banks could and did lend on govern ment bonds and notes as security. To the large amount of latitude thus allowed additions were made from time to time through rulings made by the Federal Reserve Board. Thus it does not seem entirely clear to the lay man whether the law permits a Re serve Bank to discount the direct ob ligation of a member bank. The writer was of the opinion that it did not, and that only the rediscounting of custo mers’ paper was acceptable. That he was wrong is shown by the fact that this direct discounting was per mitted on a very large scale. Member banks discounted their own notes ac companied by Liberty Bonds as col lateral security. Closely associated with this policy were the decisions that notes of this sort might run for as short a time as fifteen days, that they might be renewed some what freely as they matured, and that there should be charged for such loans a discount rate no higher than the interest rate paid by the government on the frond offered as collateral. E xpansion and C ontraction The provisions of the law as cited opened the way, and the decisions just mentioned let down the bars com pletely. What followed may be vis ualized if one’s imagination permits him to assume two printing presses in the Treasury Department. On one of them were printed government bonds for sale to the public through the Reserve Banks, which were the fiscal agents of the government. The Reserve Banks delivered the bonds to member banks for actual sale. A customer who was besought to buy a bond protested that he had not the funds, but was informed that he need pay only a small amount at a time, his bank agreeing to advance a loan, retain ing the bond as collateral security and charging only the same rate of interest as paid by the government on the bond. This seemed generous and so aided the sale of bonds that the banks were in need of help to carry their part of the load. They were reassured by being told that they could give their own fifteen-day notes to their respec tive Reserve Banks, provided they would present with them as collateral these same Liberty Bonds that had been purchased by their customers, but which were not to be delivered until fully paid for. They were also assured of the same low interest rate and of an easy renewal of the notes as they fell due. Imagine still further that this offer brought such general response from the banks that the Reserve Banks were overwhelmed and their officers hurriedly and urgently besought the Secretary of the Treasury for relief, because of their lack of funds. His answer, however, was reassuring. He merely pointed to the other printing press on which were being printed great quantities of Federal Reserve notes, which were furnished to the Federal Reserve Banks as needed. 157 Thus the Treasury on one press printed paper money (Federal Reserve notes) which it delivered to the twelve Federal Reserve Banks. They in turn gave them to their members in return for the notes of these banks secured by Liberty Bonds. The member banks were then able to pay the government for the bonds struck off on the other printing press. The description may be fanciful, but only slightly so. In the good old days, say in the Civil War, the process was much more simple and direct. The government printed the United States notes—the greenbacks—and put them directly into circulation. The mod ern method is more complex and has its advantages, but in many of its features it is the same. R e s p o n s ib il it y f o r I n f l a t io n As a result of the, analysis we have been making, it seems clear that the Federal Reserve Board and the officials of the Federal Reserve Banks cannot be charged with responsibility for any “inflation” that occurred down to the summer or fall of 1919. It was due to (1) altered reserve requirements; (2) an influx of gold, and (3) the policies of war financing for which the Treasury Department was chiefly responsible. Of the three kinds of depreciation mentioned at the beginning of this article two were evident. The Amer ican dollar had greatly appreciated in terms of the leading European curren cies, so much so that various stabilizing devices were employed. Foreign cur rencies had depreciated in terms of our dollar. For this condition neither the government nor the Federal Re serve System was responsible. If we had been still operating under the old National Bank Act with all of its rigidity, the foreign exchange situa tion would have been no better and might have been worse. After a tew 158 T he A nnals of the months of wild fluctuations foreign governments gained control of the ex changes by using “pegging” devices, an arrangement that would have been much harder to make if our banking system as a whole had been less well organized. After we entered the War responsibility for this control was largely taken over by our government, which of course used the Federal Re serve System as its fiscal agent. From the proceeds of Liberty Bond sales, advances were made to foreign govern ments, our Treasury Department re ceiving and holding their notes for the amounts involved. There was also a depreciation of our own money, the dollar, in terms of commodities. Prices rose rapidly, but as we have noted this was due in the main to (1 ) the greater possibility of expansion that would have existed under any reorganization of our bank ing system; (2) the heavy importa tions of gold and (3) the fiscal policy of the Government. The second form of depreciation did not occur; at least, there were no out ward evidences of it. Our various forms of paper money at no time were depreciated in terms of gold. In case an open gold market had existed, the situation might have been different, and a premium on gold might have appeared, though probably not. P o st -A r m is t ic e T r e n d s But what can be said of conditions from the close of the War late in 1918 until the spring of 1920? During this period prices continued to rise, while the volume of Federal Reserve notes and of deposit liabilities rapidly expanded. Gold imports had ceased and in 1919 the movement was reversed, considerable amounts of gold leaving the country. The exchanges of many of the countries that had been neutral during the War (and even those of A merican A cademy many of the minor belligerents) were against us, and, as restraints on the exportation of gold were gradually removed, the gold started out. The War was over, but prices still rose, while note issues and deposit liabilities kept increasing in spite of the fact that the gold reserve was being withdrawn. The percentage of reserves held by the Federal Reserve Banks declined until it was perilously close to the legal min imum. In this period, what kinds of ap preciation and depreciation occurred? At the end of 1918 a number of the exchanges were against us, but by the fall of 1920 all of the leading ex changes were in our favor, with the exception of Hongkong, Shanghai and Yokohama, and they were rapidly falling, especially the first two. Ex changes that had already been in our favor were becoming more so. The American dollar was appreciating in terms of nearly every other money in the world, or, to reverse it, those moneys were depreciating in terms of our dollar. Commodities were clearly appreciat ing in terms of our own money, the evidence being the rise of the price level until well into 1920. Our money was depreciating in value in terms of commodities. There was also a tend ency toward a depreciation of paper money (including bank deposits) in terms of gold. Reserves were declin ing and liabilities expanding with a resultant decline in the percentage of reserve held. Considerable uncertainty and doubt appeared, but there was no actual premium on gold recorded. There was merely a tendency that operated as a distinct warning and that called for corrective action. The movement was therefore a mixed one. Our dollar was appre ciating in terms of foreign money, but was depreciating in terms of com E xpansion and C ontraction modities, while our paper money and our bank deposits were being placed in a more and more precarious posi tion with reference to our standard money—gold. The exportation of gold was helping to appreciate our dol lar in terms of foreign currencies, but was imperilling the gold standard at home by weakening our gold reserves while bank liabilities were mounting. C o n d it io n s H in d e r in g R e s e r v e O f f ic ia l s In fairness to the Federal Reserve officials, several facts should be pointed out. First of all war financing was by no means over. The Victory notes were issued in June, 1919, followed from time to time by large blocks of certificates of indebtedness. The ac tual fighting of the War was over, but the fiscal operations were not. As fiscal agents for the government'the Reserve Banks could not immediately •free themselves from the responsibilities that have already been described. Next it should be remembered that what occurred in the United States was in part paralleled in other coun tries. Prices were rising in England, France, Italy, Sweden and elsewhere, much more rapidly than in the United States. It is true that many of these countries were more seriously affected by the War than we were, but it is not unfair to urge that many of the same influences that were operating abroad were also affecting us. Com plete dissociation from so world-wide a movement could not reasonably have been expected. The upward movement which had lifted prices prior to the signing of the Armistice was not exhausted, and the rise con tinued. Just as military activities were in evidence for a long time, so the economic forces set loose between 1914 and 1918 could not suddenly be reversed. 159 But this crude analogy between military and economic facts is apt to be very misleading* A more satis factory explanation is to be found in the fact that the Federal Reserve System was (and for that matter still is) in the first phase of its development. Some of its most important features are not yet fully understood even by many bank officials. Several years after the organization of the Reserve Banks a prominent banker who was serving as director of one of the twelve institutions was said to be un able to grasp some of the fundamentals of the law, and even today a thorough comprehension of some of its leading features is by no means common. One of the misconceptions that has persisted is the idea that the System is to be merely a source of relief in times of difficulty. That assistance through rediscounting is needed in times of seasonal and cyclical strain is easily understood, but that the Re serve Banks should at all times exercise a supervision over the banking system and often impose its control is not fully realized. Even when the pos sibility of this control is understood the result is often intense resentment at what seems to be unwarranted in terference. Such control is, however, the usual thing abroad, and the Federal Reserve Act has in it numerous provisions which give a similar power to our system. But legislative authorization is not in itself adequate. The Federal Reserve Board and the officials of the twelve Reserve Banks cannot move too far ahead of public opinion, es pecially banking opinion, nor can they go too violently in opposition to it. Perhaps the most important single device by which the Reserve Banks can control the money market is the rediscount rate, but the mere state ment of that fact does not mean that 160 T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy they can freely employ this device. An important measure of public sup port is necessary in case such a power is actually to be used. W h y t h e D is c o u n t R a t e W a s N ot R a is e d It has been argued that at the close of active hostilities the Reserve Banks should have exercised this power by rapidly raising their rediscount rates until they were above the rates charged by member banks to their customers. There would then have been no gain to the member banks in rediscounting; they would have curtailed accommo dations to their customers and infla tion would have quickly been checked. The Bank of England thus controls the money market of England. Why could not our Reserve Banks do the same? What reply can be made to this argument? Two observations may be made. First of all, the British method has been employed for many years, and the banking community of England is ac customed to it, accepting it as a matter of course. Our Reserve System was authorized in 1913 and not organized until 1914, several months after the Great War had started. Next, it is to be remembered that from 1914 to 1918, and especially during 1917 and 1918, the fiscal policy of our government made it impossible to initiate such a policy of control. A rediscount rate higher than the market rate, or, at least, one higher than the rate of interest on Liberty Bonds, would have made impossible the meth ods of financing that were employed. From 1914 to April, 1917, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York did suc ceed in keeping its discount rate above that for commercial paper, thus adhering to the policy of the lead ing foreign banks. With the entrance of the United States into the War, conditions changed. During 1917 and 1918 the minimum discount rate of the Bank of England was (as is regularly true in England) considerably higher than the market rate on ninety-day bills in London, but during this period the discount rate of the New York Federal Reserve Bank for commercial paper was regularly lower than the prevailing market rate in New York for the same kind of paper. If control of the market had been the only pur pose to be kept in mind during this period, it would have been wise to have raised the discount rates of the Reserve Banks more rapidly than market rates rose, and thus have es tablished control. Armistice Day found the Reserve Banks still not in control of the sit uation, and able to influence it only to a minor degree by a scrutiny of par ticular paper presented for discount or by oversight of the rediscounting done by particular member banks. A Victory Loan had to be floated, and other post-war financing was necessary. Moreover, member banks had dis counted large amounts of their own obligations at the Reserve Banks with Liberty bonds as security. On No vember 15, 1918, the total volume of bills discounted with the Reserve Banks secured by government war obligations was $1,358,416,000, and on February 87, 1920, it was $1,572,980,000. Difficulties were accordingly very numerous. To place restraints upon the expansion from 1918 to 1920 would have been difficult, and, even if practi cable and desirable, would have called for a very high degree of wisdom and courage. It is the opinion of the writer that our government was very unwise in its decision to float its war issues of bonds and certificates of in debtedness at such low rates of interest. When so large an amount of saving was needed much higher rates would E xpansion and C ontraction have been better. The low rates actually offered kept the general se curity market quiet for a considerable time, but such a policy inevitably meant a rise in prices that injured the general public, including holders of securities, far more than would the offer of higher rates on the new government issues. Nevertheless, the policy was adopted, rates were kept down and the Reserve Banks were and still are the fiscal agents of the government. So long as they are fiscal agents the way in which they perform their other functions must be affected by this relationship. T h e N e c e s s it y f o r H ig h e r D is count R ate s By the spring of 1920 conditions had somewhat altered. The larger part of war and post-war financing had been completed, and the re sponsibilities of the Reserve Banks to the government were somewhat les sened. A large volume of rediscounts was still in the possession of the Re serve Banks, but more freedom of movement than before was possible. Accordingly, their policy was altered. It was clearly time. A very strong case could have been developed for earlier action, but certainly longer de lay would have been unwise. Prices were still rising, discounts with the Reserve Banks were increasing and their deposits and their issues of Federal Reserve notes were mounting with leaps and bounds. The per centage of reserves held was near the legal minimum. All banking experi ence indicated that danger was ahead. Speculation was rampant, and was sure to be followed by a reaction whose seriousness would be proportionate to the delay in its appearance. There were several special reasons for concern. Our own spring demand for money was at hand, to be followed 12 161 the next fall by the usual fall demands for crop-moving purposes. Also the situation in Europe was most dis quieting. Monetary systems there were developing alarming tendencies. Prices were rising, bank liabilities ex panding and reserves declining far more than in the United States. If a general collapse had occurred we would have been unable to meet it without a general breakdown of our entire business and financial structure. We were already strained almost to the breaking point. Under such circumstances it was not possible to rely on the judgment of American business men to impose checks of their own. A few began to contract their operations, but the larger number went on piling up their own liabilities at the banks and ex tending credits abroad and at home with little or no appreciation of the unsound condition. Early in 1920 the rates were raised. It was none too soon. First in Japan and later in other countries the reaction came and prices began to crumble. In the face of this collapse credits were extended by member banks to customers, often unwisely, but on the whole with a view to easing business through the trying period of the crisis and the subsequent depression. In turn the Reserve Banks gave assis tance to member banks at the new and higher rates, but with a very considerable freedom. After a few months deposits and note issues began to decline and reserve percentages to rise, until a condition of comparative banking security was attained. It was, however, a trying experience. Those who suffered from the fall in prices resented bitterly the new policy that seemed to them responsible for their losses. The sufferers as separate individuals were not, in most cases, to blame. They were merely a part T he A nnals of the American A cademy 162 of a cumbersome and faulty business organization in which periods of ex cessive expansion and contraction are a frequent and somewhat regular oc currence. In many individual cases injustice was doubtless done borrowers, but on the whole our constructive criticism should be directed at an economic organization that makes such an outcome possible. C a u t io n S t i l l I m p e r a t iv e Nor is the danger by any means over. The period ending in 1920 was one in which money was depreciating rapidly in terms of commodities, and our deposits and paper money in danger of depreciating in terms of gold, as they have actually done in many other countries. The danger in these di rections has for the present at least disappeared. But the very policy of higher discount rates which aided in giving this relief brought with it cer tain unfortunate consequences. To day the currency of nearly every foreign country is at a heavy discount in New York. Gold was for a time being exported from the United States, but from January 1 to November 1, 1921, the net importations of gold have been about $564,000,000, and the gold holdings of the Reserve Banks have increased by about $666,000,000. This influx of gold, together with a decrease in deposit and note issue liabilities, has increased the percentage of reserves held, and relieved us from one serious danger—that of a reserve deficit. But we are at once faced with another. As reserve ratios rise bor rowers cannot understand restraints on borrowing. Depreciated exchanges carry no warning to most of us. Foreign government budgets that fail to balance and the imminence of de faults and perhaps repudiations cause little alarm. A default by Germany in her next reparation payment, now almost due, seems at this writing al most certain. If it occurs, the effects on French finances and business, and through France on all Europe, will be almost incalculable in their gravity. It is a time for the exercise of the greatest caution. No matter what policy we adopt, hardships will result. Our choice is merely between evils, and no matter what our decision the path ahead is by no means bright. Higher discount rates in the face of the depreciated exchanges means still heavier gold imports. Withdrawal of gold from foreign countries weakens them still more, and adds to our stock of gold that is already disproportion ately large. On the other hand, low interest rates encourage an expansion which ought for our own sakes to be held in check. High bank reserves are by no means a sufficient excuse for a generous loan policy at the present time. A combination of low rates with a care ful limitation of loans is the ideal, but very difficult of attainment. Since default by Germany seems so imminent the sooner it is faced the better, even if it is disguised as a moratorium. After it comes there will be a more general appreciation of what is ahead, and plans can be more effectively made for real recovery. One of our present dangers is the pos sibility of developing an unhealthy optimism that will lead to a business expansion, too rapid and in wrong directions. If it occurs, the reaction will be worse than a prolongation of the present depression. Gradual re covery is trying, but will be far better. Then, too, we may hope that during the period of readjustment our Federal Reserve Bank will be able to secure con trol of the money rate. Such a control will be no panacea, but it will be an im portant aid in bringing more stability in our monetary and banking system. E xpansion and C ontraction 163 Expansion and Contraction as Seen by a Business Man By J. V. F a r w e l l E President, John V. Farwell Company, Chicago XPANSION and contraction in as when the war purchases were being volume of business and in credits made, and that prices are going higher. have always existed in modern times.It is this thought that produces his act Human nature is such and conditions of expansion. This thought and this of production and consumption are act are often contagious, so that other such that there can be no dead level. people take up the idea and a feverish Unfortunately, these tendencies nearly state of mind, like an epidemic, sets in always run to extremes, so that we among all buyers, which results in usually have, about once in so often, large purchases for delivery running periods of over-expansion, and, as a over a long period of time. consequence, we get over-contraction. ld C h e c k O v e r Many bankers will admit the existence How B a n k e rEsx pCaonusion of the first of these extremes, but they are not so ready to admit the second. In the distributing business, for It seems to me that both are very real, instance, such buying requires at the and that in many cases both of these start very little credit, and necessitates hardly any simultaneous credit expan extremes can be prevented. As the process of expansion is going sion. The wholesaler might place an on, each business sees most clearly the order for one thousand cases of cotton part that applies to its own experience, goods to be delivered during six months, while the rest of the process is often beginning three to six months after either unseen or obscure. A business date of purchase, the seller being sold man, either in manufacturing or distrib up until that time. All that the manu uting, comes in contact with the proc facturer has to do is to cover his cotton esses of expansion, from the beginning on the cotton exchange and put up a to the end, from the time when the margin for so doing. The wholesaler contract is first made to the end when puts up no money at all and no credit. credit is made for financing and the In fact, no credit would be required credit given in selling. Over-expansion from the banks for, say, sixty to ninety is pretty sure to occur whenever such days, when the first shipment of cotton contract is made for a larger quantity is to be paid for, and no bank credit than a normal amount used by the asked for by the distributer or whole business concern, or when it runs saler for perhaps six months, when the through a longer period of time in the bill of the first delivery becomes due. future than is ordinarily contracted It is obvious, therefore, that while for by the company, or when the con the business man sees expansion both tract is made for a price considerably at time of making the contract and at in excess of the cost of production. the time when he asks for credit to pay The first step in this expansion is his bill, the banker would know noth caused, as a rule, by the state of mind ing, except in a general way, of the of the buyer, who thinks he sees a much great mass of purchases so made until larger business ahead than the company some time after the contracts were has ever had before, or who believes signed, and perhaps not until the bills that goods are going to be very scarce, came due. Bankers are well posted T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy 164 in a general way only as to what their customers are doing or expect to do. In my judgment, they should always find out from their customers not only what their stock on hand is at a given time, but also what their commitments or advance purchases are, as these commitments are often the source of as great a loss in the case of a falling market as is stock on hand. If bank ers asked these questions continually, especially at the period of requiring statements from their customers, they would be in a better position to check over-expansion at the start, by either discouraging purchases or refusing to give the necessary credit or raising the rate of interest charged. If, in turn, the Federal Reserve Banks were kept in close touch with all these movements through the leading banks and merchants, as is now being done in many centers, this frenzied state of mind could be cooled off, and large contracts for future high prices pre vented. The disease would be stopped before it becam e an epidem ic. It is for this reason that it seems to a business man that rates of the Federal Reserve System should be raised just as soon as bankers see this situation of expanding contracts coming on, not when the bill comes due and the customer asks for credit to pay for it. At that time, the banker can do only one of three things: First, grant the credit; second, advise the customer to repudiate the contract, which he would do under the circum stances, and third, let him squirm out as best he can, no matter what the loss. The last course would probably cause many failures. F ear C h e c k s O v e r -E x p a n s io n Over-expansion can be prevented only by arousing in the mind of the buyer a fear that if he makes an exces sive contract at high prices, he will get into trouble. He has been led to think in a general way that under the Federal Reserve System his bank would always look after him and there could be no trouble. Many told him if a decline in prices did occur, it would come grad ually, even though all history tells us that over-expansion breaks suddenly and prices come down sharply. Even with prices raised to three or four times above normal, it was often felt that no merchandising difficulties could arise, for do we not have the Federal Reserve Banks? Under the old system, before the Federal Reserve Act was passed, every bank had to depend to a great extent on its own resources, and to live or die ac cording to the distance it got from shore in a storm. This restricted the banker’s available credit and lessened the mer chant’s confidence in getting help. Both banker and business man had a very well defined fear of over-expanding. While the Great War was on, and even after the Federal Reserve Act was passed, no merchant felt like buy ing a large amount of goods at high prices for long-time future delivery, as no one could tell when it would be over. When it was started, some thought it would last ninety days, some thought it would last one year, and some two or three years, but it was all uncertain, and bankers and merchants stayed pretty close to shore. They were assisted in not buying at high prices by the action of the government in arrang ing price fixing bureaus. When the War did end, there were no large contracts outstanding at high prices and it took only three or four months to make the proper re-adjustments. "After that, however, mer chants and bankers lost not only all the fear which they had had before the Federal Reserve Act was passed, and which formerly produced panics, but also all the fear which existed while the War was on. E xpansion and C ontraction N e e d o p a P r o g r e s s iv e R e d is c o u n t R ate As this fear is very necessary to both banker and business man, I am much in favor of the progressive rate of redis count, so that those who have the dis position to offend will know in advance that they will be heavily penalized. As the phrase goes, that clause “puts teeth in the law” and the one who first over-expands should be bitten first. A level rate puts all in advance in the same category and does not stop over expansion at the particular source where it has started. Another reason why the progressive rate law should never be repealed is that in many dis tricts in the United States 8 per cent is the normal rate, and 10 per cent not uncommon. Instead of there being a penalty in charging such banks 7 per cent there is a constant inducement left for them to expand. Federal Reserve Banks must have a sliding scale of rates to meet such common conditions. As this over-expansion did not occur in the case of all banks and in all dis tricts, but with only a certain percent age of the banks in every district, and as some large banks in big districts were just as bad offenders as the small banks in country places, it seems to me obvious that such a law is not only wise but necessary, in order to prevent over-expansion at the real source whenever it may crop out. I n te r e st R ate s On l y On e C h e c k on O v e r -E x p a n s io n Perhaps I have laid too much stress on the efficiency of the rate of interest to stop over-expansion. It is only one of the remedies. Bankers them selves will have many instances where they will have to curb banks and mer chants who are willing to pay high rates, if only they are allowed to continue in 165 their mad careers. Federal Reserve Banks, more than ever before, will have to hold a tighter rein to stop such careers by flatly refusing to make loans and especially by stating before hand that they will so act. Only such advance information, inspiring the proper fear, will prevent the first acts of over-expansion, which, if allowed, bring all others in their train with all the consequent disasters. The solution is in the hands of the banker. If he will get at the facts and use his strategic position in granting or refusing loans and regulating rates of interest, he could check this over expansion before it becomes dangerous. In saying this, I do not mean that the banker is as responsible as the business man in starting over-expansion, for the business man is the one who acts first. However, the banker often has a broader view of general conditions, not only in this country, but all over the world, and can, therefore, see the general trend of things earlier. It is for this reason that I have at other times contended that the various Federal Reserve Banks should have raised their rate sharply in November and December, 1919, when the large buying movement at high prices began. Instead of doing that, rates then were as low as 4 | per cent for rediscount with the Federal Reserve Banks. This was almost an invitation to buy heavily and certainly would lead an ordinary business man to assume there would be nothing wrong with the credit situation in the near future. P r e v e n t io n o f I n v e n t o r y Sh r in k a g e The second important process in general expansion takes place when the various business concerns find their excessive bills coming due and are obliged to resort to banks for large loans. As these goods have been 166 T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy bought in large quantities at high prices, it takes from two to three times a normal loan to carry a given amount of actual merchandise. This is , re peated many times all over the country and all down the line through the different processes of manufacturing. The deposits and loans go up and dis counts at the Federal Reserve Banks increase. While tl^is paper so dis counted is, in one sense, self-liquidating, as the term goes, that is only true inso far as the prices at which goods are bought can be maintained. If prices go down half rather sharply, as they did in the fall of 1920, it is only one-half self-liquidating, and if the quantities bought at the high prices are far above normal, it may only be one-fourth self-liquidating, because the concern which bought the goods has no normal channels through which the merchandise can be sold. This brings upon the market so-called “distressed merchandise” which is sold regardless of cost or competition, and aggravates still further an already disastrous situa tion. It is for this reason that the banker should be somewhat familiar with the prices at which goods are bought, as compared with normal prices, before he encourages a merchant to buy, or before he gets the whole eco nomic structure, including Federal Re serve rediscounts, built up on the basis of high prices. The Federal Reserve Banks have, in my opinion, been very unjustly criti cised for raising rates above six per cent, as though the raising of the rates in the spring of 1920 caused all the trouble. My only criticism is that they did not raise them early enough and before all the harm was done by the making of the vast amount of long term contracts at the highest prices since the Civil War. They had to act some time, and it was better late than never. The inverted pyramid would have toppled over any way, but less damage would have been done by the fall if the base, which was up in the air, had not been allowed to grow so large. P r e v e n t io n of O v e r -C o n t r a c t io n While nearly every one admits that over-expansion can be checked, all do not agree that over-contraction can be prevented. Many bankers have told me that we must have a thorough liqui dation, which means, in the last analy sis, that prices must go below cost of production, mills close up, business stop, much of the circulation of credit and merchandise cease, until this thorough liquidation has run its course. Before the days of doctors and the use of remedial measures, it was undoubt edly thought that all epidemics would have to run their course, that nothing could be done but let the people die. In other words, we must have a thor ough “ liquidation ” and death of people. It is well known that a proper mental condition of the patient is often just as necessary as some stimulus to help out the heart action. So in business affairs, proper mental attitude and some assis tance from banks and business men generally is necessary to prevent con traction’s going the limit. I think that there are often times when it is evident that contraction has about reached the end, and when the mer cantile speculation fever at least has gone. At that time interest rates should be reduced before the irredu cible minimum has arrived and some inducement made for people to go ahead and do business, so as to bring about a movement of merchandise and a better employment of the great army of unemployed, which always increases greatly during an aftermath of extreme contraction. The War Finance Corporation has stepped in and done some of this work CttmfeNCY E x p a n sio n during the last nine months with great judgment and success. It is extremely fortunate that we had some such or ganization to prevent the so-called complete and disorderly liquidation, which some interests seemed to think absolutely essential to better times. E d u c a t io n t h e R e m e d y f o r O v e r E x p a n s io n a n d O v e r -C o n t r a c t io n It is evident that the banker and the business man are in a sense trustees of the prosperity of the nation, in that their combined acts, if unchecked, may bring about hard times and unemploy ment to thousands of men who have no power of decision in starting a movement which will result so disas trously. I say they have no decision in making the start, although, after it is about half way along, the wage earners have much to say when they begin to buy heavily, and, feeling a nd C ontractio n 167 higher and rising cost of living, begin to demand more pay, which, in turn, adds to the price of the manufactured articles. On the other hand, in times of over contraction, the business man and the banker have often lost their power of direction and voluntary decision. They are controlled almost entirely by the general populace, which refuses to buy, and by the wage earner, who will not consent to a reduction of his wages commensurate with the changed cost of living and the new world conditions brought about by the collapse of the boom. It seems to me, therefore, that education is needed on both sides, first to prevent expansion from becoming over-expansion and contraction from becoming over-contraction. Sound common sense and experience will finally be the teachers if expert econo mists are not. Currency Expansion and Contraction By James B. F o r g a n A Chairman of the Board, The First National Bank of Chicago S is well known, the Federal Re rency system needed a thorough re serve System is the result of the vision. In 1902 Charles N. Fowler, G. Dawes and Horace White financial panic of 1907. At least, Charles it was this financial crisis that hastened made addresses dealing with the cur the establishment of a more rational rency problem at the convention of system of issuing currency than had the American Bankers Association. previously prevailed in the United The chief difference of opinion in that States. To be sure, there had been day was between the advocates of a earlier movements to make possible highly taxed emergency currency and an automatic expansion and contrac those of a low taxed credit currency, tion of our currency. As far back as or, as General Dawes spoke of it, “a 1902, and probably earlier, there are system of asset currency subject only to be found discussions in regard to to a nominal tax.” As a result of this our currency at every convention of agitation, there was appointed at that the American Bankers Association. meeting, held in New Orleans, a special Long before the Federal Reserve Act Currency Committee, a forerunner of was thought of, it was clear to any the Currency Commission which still thinking banker that our whole cur exists. The Currency Committee ap 168 T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy pointed in 1902 made a report at the meeting of the American Bankers Association held in San Francisco in 1903, in which it favored an emergency circulation subject to a heavy tax, which, it was hoped, would insure the redemption of this currency as soon as the emergency which had called it forth had passed. Discussions con tinued until the agitation finally led to the appointment by the Association at its convention in St. Louis, October 16-9, 1906, of the present Currency Commission, of which Mr. A. B. Hep burn of New York has been Chairman and the writer of this article, ViceChairman, ever since its creation. Its first report appears (pages 100 and following) in the Appendix of the Pro ceedings of the Thirty-Third Annual Convention of the American Bankers Association, held at Atlantic City, September 24-7, 1907. Practically everything that now appears in the Federal Reserve Act was foreshadowed in the discussions of this Commission. L e s s o n o f M o n e y P a n ic o f 1907 Probably these discussions would have continued to be haphazard and without practical result had it not been for the financial panic of 1907. There is no need to go into the history of this panic in this article. Its in terest to us is due to the fact that it made clear to the public at large what had long been known to experienced bankers, that the country was liable at any moment to suffer all the evils of business depression, not because of any inherent difficulties in the busi ness situation but owing solely to the faulty mechanism which prevented the expansion and contraction of the circulating media in accordance with momentary requirements. The panic of 1907 was due simply to the fact that the government was unable to issue a sufficiently large amount of paper money to tide over a temporary situa tion, and, owing to this inability, a number of banks failed, and perfectly solvent corporations and business firms found themselves in financial diffi culties without in the least being guilty of any commercial sins of commission or omission. The situation had to be tided over by extra legal methods, such as the issuance by clearing houses of certificates which really took the place of ordinary currency and were, therefore, a direct violation of the pro visions of the Federal Constitution. A recent writer has summarized the condition as follows: The chief defect of the old national bank ing system was its decentralization re sulting in scattered bank reserves. Even though the national banks of the United States possessed enormous aggregate cash reserves yet, before the establishment of the Federal Reserve System, those reserves were ineffective. There was no method of mobilizing cash for use where and when it was needed. No responsible body was empowered to adopt or carry out discount or other policies to avoid a financial panic or to handle a panic when it occurred. Other countries had economic crises; the United States not only had crises but financial panics as well. This is the reason that under the national banking system the United States was called “an inter national financial nuisance/’1 As a result of the experiences of 1907, public opinion compelled Congress to take some action, and it appointed the National Monetary Commission. Thereafter, the Currency Commission of the American Bankers Association acted largely in an advisory capacity to the governmental body with which it held frequent conferences in Wash ington. Out of this grew, first, the Aldrich-Vreeland Act, and, later on, the Federal Reserve Act. 1 Persons, “ Basis fot Credit Expansion.” Harvard Committee on Economic Research. Vol. II, p. *1. C urrency E xpa n sio n C u r r e n c y F u n c t io n o f R e s e r v e Sy s t e m The Federal Reserve Act, in the first instance, is designed not so much for the purpose of compelling banks to keep certain fixed reserves and the like, as, primarily, to meet the changing requirements for currency, a function which the large central banks of Europe have performed for their re spective countries for many decades. It is difficult to see how we could have weathered the storm of the War and the years immediately following with out some such arrangement as that provided by the Federal Reserve System. It is a well known fact that the banks have been and are carrying many industries which would have been forced to the wall, injuring our whole credit structure, had it not been for the fact that the banks in turn have been able to obtain needed cur rency from the Federal Reserve Banks by rediscounting notes. Since banks are compelled to meet the demands made upon them by payment of cur rency over their counters, they would otherwise have reached the end of their resources almost immediately, owing to the tremendous expansion of busi ness caused by the War. They would, therefore, in order to meet their own liabilities, have been compelled to call upon business houses to pay off their loans and, if necessary, would have had to demand the liquidation of perfectly solvent business enterprises in order to obtain the needed repayment. The banks, fortunately for our whole country, have not needed to resort to such extreme measures, owing to the rediscount privileges inaugurated by the Federal Reserve System, with which rediscount privileges our cur rency system is closely connected. The Federal Reserve Act provides that any Federal Reserve Bank may issue Federal Reserve notes based on and C ontraction 169 collateral security consisting of notes, drafts, bills of exchange or acceptances acquired either by purchase in the open market or through the rediscount privileges exercised by its member banks. The Bank is compelled, in ad dition, to maintain reserves of gold of not less than forty per centum against its Federal Reserve notes in actual circulation. This gold reserve held against Federal Reserve notes may fall below forty per centum, in which case “the Federal Reserve Board shall establish a graduated tax of not more than one per centum per annum upon such deficiency until the reserves fall to thirty-two and one-half per centum, and when said reserve falls below thirty-two and one-half per centum, a tax at the rate increasingly of not less than one and one-half per centum per annum upon each two and one-half per centum or fraction thereof that such reserve falls below thirty-two and one-half per centum.” 2 It is interesting to note that practice has shown that this check provided by the Act has proved to be entirely sufficient under the most exacting and trying conditions. Though there have been times within the last few years when the net reserve of gold against Federal Reserve notes out standing was dangerously close to the legal minimum required, .the ratio never actually fell below forty per centum. It is under these provisions that the so-called expansion and contraction of our currency has taken place and is taking place. The total circulation of currency of all kinds in the country on September 1,1921, was $4,672,030,221, of which more than one-half was represented by Federal Reserve notes. While at the beginning of this year the total circulation of all cur rency amounted to $5,500,702,153, the 2 Federal Reserve Act. Sec. 11 (c). 170 T he A nnals of the American A cademy changes were almost entirely in the item From this it is evident that under of Federal Reserve notes, since the rest the Federal Reserve Act we have had of the currency is more or less constant. almost no experience in expansion and contraction, though more than enough C u r r e n c y I n f l a t io n a n d in inflation and, at present, in defla D e f l a t io n tion. In other words, the establish Before going further into this ques ment of the Federal Reserve System tion of expansion and contraction of our was followed almost immediately by currency, it is necessary to distinguish the crisis brought on by the European sharply between currency expansion War, which, owing to governmental and currency inflation. A recent article needs, brought about an inflation of defines these terms as follows: the currency entirely out of pro portion to the ordinary normal busi Currency expansion is the absolute in crease in currency of various forms—chiefly ness requirements. Likewise, the re gold, silver, bank notes, government notes, action that has taken place since last and deposits subject to check. Its op year is a process of deflation, again out posite is contraction of the currency. of all proportion to what is to be Currency inflation , on the other hand, is expected under normal and regular relative, that is to say, an expansion of business conditions. One thing, how currency out o f 'proportion to the increase ever, has been proved, and that is that in the absolute quantities of goods and the raising and lowering of the re services exchanged, due allowance being discount rates by the Federal Reserve made for variations in offsets of book credits, Banks influences very greatly the lend in the “rapidity of circulation” of currency, and in the frequency with which goods and ing of money by the banks. The services are exchanged. The reverse is question may be raised whether this is currency deflation—a decline in currency not due more to the pressure of the relative to the amount of goods and services example set by the Federal Reserve exchanged. Currency inflation rarely takes Banks than to the mere change of a place in exact proportion to currency ex relatively small percentage in the pansion, or deflation in proportion to con rediscount rate. But be that as it may, traction, since changes in quantities of banks in the country have fol goods and services exchanged are constant the lowed the lead of the Federal Reserve ly taking place. For the same or other causes, the equivalent of currency inflation System. Possibly it would have been or deflation, or, one might say, effective well if the raising of the rediscount currency inflation or deflation, may take rates after the Armistice had taken place without corresponding changes in place earlier. It is an open secret that the quantity of currency. So, after the the members of the Federal Reserve Civil War, deflation in the United States Board, as well as of the Federal Ad was accomplished in the main, by “growing visory Council, advocated such a up to the currency” rather than by con policy long before it was put into traction. On the other hand, changes in effect. The needs of the government, the currency requirements ordinarily take place slowly; consequently, a marked ex however, intervened, and the necessity pansion of currency usually involves cur for the Treasury to complete its war rency inflation; and deflation is usually time funding operations superseded accomplished but slowly if it is unaccom the dictates of a sound economic panied by contraction of the currency.3 policy. Likewise, the successive low ering of the rediscount rate may be due 3 Davis, “ World Currency Expansion.” Har more to the exigencies of politics than vard Committee on Economic Research. Vol. of sound banking practice. A recent II, p. 8. C urrency E xpansion and C ontraction pamphlet issued by the Chase National Bank of New York has presented many effective arguments which tend to show that the rediscount rates ought to be determined by the prevailing commercial paper rate, rather than by other considerations. The peak of Federal Reserve notes in actual circulation was reached on October 22, 1920, at which time these amounted to $3,356,199,000. These notes were first issued in November, 1914, but in the beginning increased very slowly. Even as late as July 1 , 1917, the total of Federal Reserve notes outstanding was only $544,412,775. By July 1,1918, the amount had, however, more than trebled, amount ing at that time to $1,713,074,255. At the time of the Armistice, the amount had increased to $2,562,517,000, and on September 21, of this year, the amount in circulation was still $2,474,676,000, a reduction, however, of nearly one billion dollars from the highest point. It is to be hoped that this reduction will continue until we reach a point which may be regarded as meeting the normal requirements of business. Until now, banks of the country have acted in a patriotic man ner and have generally forced liquida tion. It may be feared, however, that such an unselfish policy will not be continued indefinitely if the Federal Reserve Banks, by keeping the re discount rate below the ordinary com mercial rate, make it profitable for their member banks to lend as much as possible. We therefore face the danger of a period of renewed inflation which must not be confounded with normal expansion as defined above. 171 contraction of the currency, demanded by the continuing changes in business conditions. As the country becomes more densely settled and industrial development continues, there will be need for a gradual permanent expan sion of currency which will be met partly by increase in actual metal, but largely by the increase in other forms of currency. Beside such per manent increase, there will be the seasonal expansion and contraction which appears in the statistics of the central banks of all the larger coun tries. These seasonal changes do not coincide in the various countries. In countries with little agriculture, which are, therefore, compelled to import most of their raw materials, the time of largest expansion is apt to fall at a different time of the year from that in countries which are solely or very largely agricultural. We are in a transition period and what is true to day may not be true a few decades hence. At present, however, our period of largest expansion is likely to be at crop-moving time, with con traction taking place after the opera tions connected with the movement of the crops have been completed. Probably for the present, the ex periences of Canada are most likely to furnish us an example. Canada’s banking system is centered in a group of so-called chartered banks, of which there were twenty-four in 1914 and only eighteen in 1920. These banks have over four thousand branches throughout the Dominion, providing for its commercial needs and, in ad dition, serving as the chief savings institutions of the country. They are subject to comparatively little govern C u r r e n c y E x p a n s io n a n d mental supervision, although the Cana C o n t r a c t io n dian Bankers’ Association is a public As already indicated, the real func institution whose secretary-treasurer tion of the Federal Reserve System is has supervisory power over note to make possible the expansion and issues. The banks are required to T he A nnals of the American A cademy 172 make a monthly report of their con dition to the minister of finance. Canada’s currency consists for the most part of bank notes. The banks are auth orized by law to issue notes up to the amount of their paid-up, unimpaired capital plus any amount they may have on deposit in the central gold reserve. In addition to that, during the crop-moving season they are permitted to issue additional notes up to 15 per cent of their capital and surplus combined, but this additional circulation bears interest at 5 per cent. The privilege of issuing additional circulation may be extended to cover the entire year, and, as a matter of fact, has been so extended dur ing recent years. The chartered banks are not required to carry any special re serves against their circulation, except that they must deposit with the minister of finance, gold or Dominion notes up to 5 per cent of their average circulation. These deposits constitute the bank-note redemption fund. The principal security against circulation, however, is found in the fact that the notes are a first lien on the banks’ total assets and in the further fact that the stockholders are subject to double liability on the notes. Bank notes are legal tender throughout the Dominion. It is to the interest of each bank to main tain as high a circulation of its own notes as the law permits. Each bank will, there fore, pay its customers over its counter only notes issued by itself. When the community’s need for circulation contracts, notes will be deposited in the banks and the banks will return to the issuing banks the notes in their possession, and thus re duce the outstanding volume of circulation. In other words, since the notes are obtain able from any bank on demand and on the other hand can always be deposited with the banks as soon as they are not needed, the circulation in the hands of the public does not exceed the requirements of trade and industry.4 O) H IQCO1 •oo i> fit H H H I Q* <5* O* <51 < p. Federal Reserve Bulletin. . 1142 December 1919, 05 ! 0* rH 'pW®«)<Ot-CDO^i 'b-c&^iaoo^cocoeoS'1 aco t-05^fc^i-HpHiOCOCOOOt'-W 00 CO 1> 00 o f CO < S* CO ©*00 00 00 05 00 0 0 1 > i ©* 05 < N S < 0 0 0 0 < 0 0 5 C 0 1 0 I i>CO <C5O* rH eo 1 §s < co oo boo 0000 rH ©f tjT00 O i> rH I 05 CO CO 00 rH 00 CO I O b* « 00 05 ^ ^00 *0 ^ 05 CO ' ^ oTco «5 05 00 © o f 05 I 05 e* CO 00 rH co ^oo »o i> <s* i> co o co > © co oo 05 e f oo oo 05 © f. OO*' i> : o* a*©*©*©<©* ©* ©*< ! H H fi) H N e l w ^C O J> H C 00 5H ^ 0505H »0 C O t ^ O r H O S C O ^ O S *0 CO 00 ^ h H »o®^oi>i>rooco*c^i>co S 05O05OO05OHHHO o fc S 8 § S § § 3 § S 8 3 3 l>®foOO?»Cr05»crrH000500 rH 05 H 0000H OO00' «5 O* 0050©5 00>0H08l>*6 H< rf O W 00 »«H^HH(SO«05!>^ O OS OOi - HOOOOOWi OOCO^O O 000^0O0O*10OO01 »C 5 0W5 0 5 W 0J0rH5 ^ 0 0oH' H H J>00»QOOH051>001«««50 «l>t^O<NCOO»CiHOOCO {s. m* h. a) a orr\a o ©ikT i > ©? > « s o o i >^T > H iQ O O O O XQ ftO CO H CO ^ ri VJAwi CO H H 00 05 tP 00 rH^OSO^COOOCO^OQil^rHOO^O^O l > 05 H 00 H oo* a o*1 1*" H o? l>i>Q O Q 00000000505000 The Canadian statistics for the years immediately preceding the War and those since the War are given in next column. 4 >o 1 ji S'S « to & £ S 8 ? 11 C urrency E xpansion and C ontraction It will be noticed that the circula tion increases very largely in the last months of each year and decreases at the beginning of the year. This has been true even since the War, in spite of the fact that Canada has had a period of inflation similar to our own. It is also interesting to note in this table that naturally there has been a very large increase of bank notes since the War, and that the contraction which has taken place has by no means been sufficient to bring the total back to that of the pre-war period. Probably this is due in Canada, as in our own country, to the fact that part of the apparent inflation is really a natural expansion due to general commercial development within the country. In the case of the European coun tries, on the other hand, the inflation has been much more severe, culmin ating in Austria Hungary, where the note issues of the central banks in creased twenty-fold. Everywhere the elasticity of the currency provided by central banking institutions has pre vented the most severe financial pan ics, though, of course, nowhere could it prevent commercial crises due to the general situation. P r o p e r P o l ic y a s to R e d is c o u n t R a t e s To summarize: Bankers have had too little experience to state definitely how the expansion and contraction of the currency under the Federal Re serve System is going to work under normal conditions. The unusual stress to which the Federal Reserve System was subjected at the very outset must make bankers and business men every where realize that the System, if prop erly managed and kept free from politics, ought to have no difficulty whatsoever in functioning satisfacto 173 rily during normal and less trying years. It will be necessary, however, for the Federal Reserve Banks to educate the bankers of the country gradually to a conception that the Federal Reserve Banks are to be re garded strictly, as their name implies, as a last resort, and that the redis count privileges are to be used, there fore, sparingly and only in times of stress and strain. There is a danger that, owing to the peculiar conditions under which the System began, its reserve function may have been for gotten. If the Federal Reserve Banks will have the courage to keep the rediscount rates above the prevailing market rate, banks and bankers will gradually learn to make use of their rediscount privileges only in case of real necessity. This may cut down the large profits which the Federal Reserve Banks have earned in recent years but, after all, the reason for the establishment of these banks was not to earn money either for themselves or for the govern ment, but to prevent losses to the business and banking communities of the country. Every true well-wisher of the Federal Reserve System will de sire that in course of time it limit itself to the purposes for which it was created, that it may be kept out of politics, and that it may not be used as a panacea for all financial evils threatening the country as a whole, or any class or section thereof. Its real, primary and sole function is, and ought to be, to provide an elastic currency which may prevent unneces sary financial panics of which we have experienced too many in the past. As one who had much to do with the dis cussions preceding its creation and who acted as a fatherly adviser during the years of its infancy, the writer expresses the wish: vivat, crescat.floreat. 174 T he A nnals of the American A cademy Expansion and Contraction from the Federal Reserve Standpoint By John H. R ic h Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis in mind, several facts IFwillkeptaidclearly in an understanding of the problems which the Federal Reserve Banks have encountered in attempting to exercise an appropriate and scientific control over the expansion and con traction of both currency and credit. The United States is a country of im mense extent, of the greatest diversity in its stages of development, in produc tion and in the local availability of capital and investment funds. It is a comparatively new country and in the less developed sections banking is more of a business than a profession. As a nation we lack the beneficial influences of custom, precedent and the fruits of ancient experience. Instead of a hom ogeneous population, we have invited racial elements from every part of the earth, who have brought with them their own peculiar ideas and customs, all of which must be recognized from the standpoint of practical banking, and all of which tend to exert influences that retard the adoption of uniform practices and scientific banking meth ods. Bank management is of as di verse a character as the primary inter ests of the various states, and, broadly speaking, is a matter of adaptability to circumstances rather than the product of careful observance of economic law, sound financial principles and scien tific methods. This thought might be summarized in the statement that banking is in a highly evolutionary condition in the United States, and that for the past ten years the period has been a transition from a rather archaic and outworn banking system to a modern and scientific mechanism, somewhat broader than banking itself, that will eventually provide the United States with the efficient system for banking, exchange and credit control which it needs as its equipment for a proper participation in the financial activities of the world. P ow ers No. of Banks................ Capital......................... Sur. & Undiv. Pf.......... Total Resource............. Loans & Dis. & Redis. . . Investments................. BaJ. due from banks. . . . Individual deposits . . . . N ts.& Bills redis........... Bills payable................ 30,815 $2,904,511,000 3 ,454,639,000 49,688,839,000 28,944,708,000 11,384,334,000 4,795,387,000 35,472,563,000 1,271,684,000 1,376,891,000 In F. R. Sys.b eser ve S y s t e m L im it e d 9,745 $1,858,710,000 2,273,795,000 30,883,023,000 18,551,120,000 6,104,655,000 2,978,276,000 19,658,809,000 1,243,764,000 812,241,000 Per Cent Per Cent Total Out of F. R. Sys. Total 31.6 63.9 65.8 62.2 64.2 53.6 62.1 55.4 97.8 59.0 • Comptroller of Currency’s Press Statement, October 31, 1921. b Federal Reserve Board Report, June 30, 1921. R In the nature of things, the Federal Reserve System is not all-inclusive. The System embraces in it only the national banks of the United States, although the Federal Reserve Act also extends liberal privileges to the much more numerous state banks and trust companies. In membership,1 the Fed eral Reserve System embraces 9,745 1 U. S. Bank Figures— Jnne 30, 1921. Total* of 21,070 $1,045,801,000 1,180,844,000 18,805,816,000 10,393,588,000 5,279,679,000 1,817,111,000 15,813,754,000 27,920,000 564,650,000 68.4 36.1 3 4 .2 37.8 3 5 .8 46.4 37.9 44.6 2.2 41.0 Standpoint on E xpansion and C ontraction 175 institutions out of 30,815 in this coun try, or 31.6 per cent. It includes 63.9 per cent of the banking capital of the United States; 65.8 per cent of the sur plus and undivided profits, and it comprehends 62.2 per cent of the total resources, and was carrying on June 30 of the present year, 64.2 per cent of the loans and discounts, including redis counts, of the country. It then held a little more than half of the individual deposits of the United States. With two-thirds of the membership and more than one-third of the resources of the banks of the country outside of the system, it is obviously impossible to expect it to exercise any complete con trol over expansion and contraction of credit. Its power over currency expan sion and contraction is limited, due to the competition of other forms of money than Federal Reserve and Fed eral Reserve Bank notes.2 The rather powerful influence which the Federal Reserve System exer cised during the war period, particu larly since the radical advances in com modity prices, was fortuitious and due largely to the fact that under the country’s pressing need for a sharply increased volume of currency with which to handle its current exchanges, its previously existing and rather in flexible issues were submerged to the extent that the overburden of Federal Reserve notes and Federal Reserve Bank notes became the dominating factor in the currency situation. This was due to the quick responsiveness of these notes to any demands for issue and the fact that they cannot be kept in circulation except in response to demand. Another factor of great importance in connection with the whole question of expansion and contraction relates to the actual degree of power which the Federal Reserve System is able to exer cise over its membership. Its powers are specifically indicated in the law 8and are in the main of a general and super visory character. The law seems to in dicate quite clearly what specific rights a member in the Federal Reserve Sys tem enjoys, but limits in quite a distinct way the power and control over mem bers to be exercised either by the Fed eral Reserve Banks or the Federal Re serve Board. In a certain sense and considering the subject purely from a practical standpoint, the real powers of a Federal Reserve Bank over its members are indirect and rise out of its contact and association with members at times when they are borrowing. It is difficult to see what very practical powers a Federal Reserve Bank might exercise over the non-borrowing ele ment in its membership. Every Fed eral Reserve Bank has had such an element of rather substantial propor tions throughout the war period. It is authorized to insist that its members maintain their capital stock at the figures fixed by law, that they carry unimpaired reserves and that they make appropriate periodic reports. It 2 The Secretary of the Treasury’s Circulation is divested of any power to control the Statement of October 1, 1921 shows gold coin policies or loan operations of members and bullion, $903,163,0 0 0 ; gold certificates, $514,and has no authority whatsoever over 901,0 0 0 ; silver dollars, $75,388,0 0 0 ; silver cer the rates charged by a member to its tificates, $226,610,0 0 0 ; subsidiary silver, $261,customers. 602,00 0 ; treasury notes of 1890, $1,562,00 0; United States notes, $341,613,00 0; national bank It naturally has no powers of any notes, $728,314,0 0 0 ; or a total of $3,053,153,000 as compared with $2,518,963,000 of Federal Reserve notes and $119,163,000 of Federal Re serve Bank notes, or a total of $2,638,126,000 of Federal Reserve issues. 3 See Section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act. Powers of Federal Reserve Banks— Section 11. Powers of the Federal Reserve Board— Section 4 . Corporate powers of Federal Reserve Banks. 176 T he A nnals of the American A cademy character over the numerous non member banks, except that through wise leadership it may inspire the de sire to conform to sound policies. In a period of inflation the rapid expan sion of member banks’ loans and dis counts becomes a matter of first im portance. Over such a rising tide of borrowings the power of a Federal Re serve Bank is limited. It can restrict, or, for cause, it might refuse the appli cation of a member to rediscount; but its ability to control is largely centered in its position as an adviser in which it would employ the facts developed by its examiners and endeavor to create a clear understanding of all the factors which the situation might involve. In this capacity its value would be largely through wise suggestion and guidance. There is therefore some question as to the degree of power to control which the Federal Reserve System has over even its own membership. Its real power, which cannot be denied, lies not in legal authorization or specific grant of regulatory authority, but in the confidence it can inspire because of sound leadership and the value it can give to membership because of the busi ness advantages flowing therefrom. An important degree of voluntary coop eration has existed and extends far beyond the confines of its own mem bership, due to the enlightened selfinterest of progressive institutions. It might be said that in a sense the Federal Reserve System, while it is an efficient organization, is more like a voluntary federation of common inter ests for their own good. plished is clearly stated in the law 4 un der which each Federal Reserve agent in each Federal Reserve Bank, with the approval of the Federal Reserve Board, is authorized to draw from the Comp troller of the Currency and issue to his Federal Reserve Bank on the presenta tion of gold and proper collateral, Fed eral Reserve notes for issue to member banks. Upon the application of a mem ber bank in good standing, accom panied by a tender of eligible paper for rediscount and credit, the Federal Re serve Bank in practice immediately de livers Federal Reserve and Federal Reserve Bank notes in such amounts as may be requested. The process of issue is therefore as nearly automatic as may be, and is properly founded upon the assumption that member banks will not request Federal Reserve issues unless they need them and that the necessities of their communities will rule. Once issued, the Federal Reserve note moves through the member bank into the hands of the public and when it is no longer needed will find its way back into a bank. Banks which have accumulated more currency than they have use for, will remit to their correspondents or to their Federal Re serve Bank direct. The correspondents are largely members of the Federal Re serve System and the remittance of their excess accumulations is a matter of daily routine. Upon receipt by a Federal Reserve Bank, returned notes are sorted and under the law must be shipped at once for credit to the bank of issue. The particular Federal Re serve Bank has therefore no right of reissue except as to its own notes. C u r r e n c y E x p a n s io n a n d Those consigned to other Federal Re C o n t r a c t io n serve Banks will reissue or not as the Not a great deal need be said of cur demand of that Federal Reserve Dis rency expansion and contraction as it trict may indicate. If they do not rerelates to Federal Reserve issues. The 4 Federal Reserve Act, Section 1 6 . Note mechanism by which this is accom Issues. S tandpoint on E x pa n sio n issue, they are ordinarily returned for credit to the Federal Reserve agent or if worn and unfit find their way to early redemption and destruction. If fit, they are stored against the next peri od of demand. The method of retire ment and redemption is therefore quite as automatic, although somewhat slower in process, than the method of issue. There can be no question but that the mechanism instituted under the Federal Reserve Act to create flex ibility of currency expansion and con traction has operated with entire suc cess, and that Federal Reserve notes possess these highly desirable qualities which were lacking in other currency issues of this government and in na tional bank notes. The course of Federal Reserve note issues since late in 1920 has been down ward. They reached their peak in November, when the aggregate issue was $3,349,000,000, and by October 1 , 1921, declined to $2,518,963,000. This recession of $830,496,000 was as sig nificant of the power of contraction in herent in Federal Reserve notes, as was the earlier rise indicative of their responsiveness to the issue demand. In due time Federal Reserve Bank notes amounting to $119,163,000 will be retired. At a later date under pro visions of the law, national bank notes (on October 1 , 1921, amounting to $728,314,000) will likewise disappear from circulation. Treasury notes of 1890 are a small factor and their grad ual retirement has been provided for by law. There will remain $341,613,000 of United States notes for which no retirement provision is included in the law, and the gold and silver certificates. It is therefore probable that with the gradual fall in Federal Reserve issues there will also be a gradual drift toward the elimination of competing factors in the circulation, with the ultimate re sult that Federal Reserve notes will 13 and C ontraction 177 control and currency will at last be upon a strictly flexible basis and will have the scientific basis which was contemplated in drafting the Federal Reserve Act. The course of Federal Reserve note circulation in connection with the price movement during 1920 was very in teresting. United States wholesale prices, based on the percentage of 1913 average prices,5 reached their high point of 264 in May of that year. United States retail prices, based on the percentage of 1914 average prices,6 held during June and July, 1920, at their high point of 215. The high point of Federal Reserve issues was reached during the last week of October7 and the first week of November, or sixty days later than the peak of retail prices and since that time have steadily de clined. The comparative curves tend to prove the accuracy of the view that currency expansion was the product and not the cause of price inflation and that currency contraction (Federal Reserve issues being the only issues having a real flexibility) was the nat ural product of the downward turn in prices. In paying cash for wheat at country elevators, it obviously takes more currency to buy wheat at the high point of more than three dollars than at the current price of about one dollar. In the agricultural districts the natural result is that member banks will request Federal Reserve notes in larger volumes during periods of rising prices and that their use for currency will fall off sharply on a declining market. An important element in maintaining the flexibility and responsiveness of Federal Reserve issues to influences that tend to expand or contract them, is the fact that in current rediscounting 5 Federal Reserve Board’s Price Index. 6 United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. 7 See Footnote reference on page 178. T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy 178 operations the larger part of Federal Reserve membership wants credit and not notes. Its demand for notes is wholly the product of local conditions and there is no occasion to request cur rency shipments unless the local cur rency supply is insufficient. Credit at the Federal Reserve Bank is more adaptable to its ordinary needs. It may therefore be said that cur rency issues from the standpoint of the Federal Reserve Bank occasion practically no concern. They increase or diminish as the fluctuating condi tions of each business day may indi cate and their connection with such conditions is of the most intimate char acter. The rise and fall of Federal Re serve issues is so nearly automatic that it requires no extraneous suggestions or encouragement. C r e d it E x p a n s io n a n d C o n t r a c t io n The currency provisions of the Fed eral Reserve Act have proved a distinct achievement in financial legislation. The expansion and contraction of credit is not so simple a problem. In considering it from a Federal Reserve standpoint the membership figures of the System become in some respects more significant than other items of the consolidated bank statement of the country. Less than one-third of the country’s banks are in direct contact with the twelve Federal Reserve Banks. Even this one-third may not be as sumed to have continuous contact, since even during the recent period of very severe credit strain it has con tinuously included a substantial non borrowing element with which the con 7 Trend of Wholesale and Retail Prices and Bills Discounted by Federal Reserve System and Fed eral Reserve Notes in circulation January, 1920 to September, 1921. U. S. Wholesale Prices Per Cent of Average Price {Federal Reserve Board) 1913 1920 January............. February........... March............... April.................. M a y .................. June.................. July................... August............... September......... October............. November......... December.......... U. S. Retail Prices Per Cent of k Average Price (U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) 191 242 242 248 263 264 258 250 234 226 208 190 171 196 207 211 215 215 203 199 194 189 175 163 154 150 143 142 139 141 143 169 155 153 149 142 141 145 152 Bills Discounted By Whole F. R. System on Last Reported Date in Month ( *s Omitted) 000 Federal Reserve Notes in Actual Circulation Whole F. R. System on Last Reported Date in Month (000*s Omitted) $2,174,357 2,453,511 2,449,230 2,535,071 2,519,431 2,431,794 2,491,630 2,667,127 2,704,464 2 ,801,297 2,735,400 2,719,134 $2,850,944 3 ,019,984 3,048,039 3,074,555 3,107,021 3,116,718 3 ,120,138 3 ,203,637 3 ,279,996 3,351,303 3 ,325,538 3,344,686 $2,456,475 2,396,254 2,286,648 2,063,739 1,870,256 1,771,562 1,650,496 1,491,935 1,402,903 $3,090,748 3,051,706 2 ,930,729 2 ,830,118 2,734,804 2 ,634,475 2,537,617 2,481,466 2 ,457,196 1921 January............. February........... March............... April.................. M a y .................. June.................. July................... August............... September......... S t a n d po in t on E x p a n s io n tact of the Federal Reserve Bank was of a limited and oftentimes of quite an indirect character. In this situation probably lies the seeds of the failure of the theory that a fluctuating rediscount rate is an engine for credit control. Obviously Federal Reserve redis count rates can control, if at all, only such banks as pay them, and such banks may not confine their borrow ings to the Federal Reserve—in fact they seldom do. The influence of the rediscount rate must be of an indirect, and probably of a very tenuous char acter as to all non-borrowing banks, member or non-member alike. In most of the Federal Reserve Banks there has been some disappointment at the doubt ful effectiveness of the rediscount rate in periods of rapid expansion of credit. To the man whose mind is fastened upon a prospective profit it is alto gether improbable that an upward revision of one-half of 1 per cent in a rediscount rate which he does not pay directly, will tend to curb him or moderate his activities. Over the agri cultural portion of the United States the bank rate of interest is as near to a stable rate as any example that the United States affords. In developed agricultural sections the tendency of the bank rate is to remain at practi cally the same level throughout the year, and, for that matter, over a period of years. The same tendency is notice able in the less developed agricultural sections, although the rate levels are higher, and even where bank rates reach their highest levels the rate it self is subject to comparatively little change. Where there are surplus capital and funds for investment, it is natural that the importance of agriculture should be recognized and that ample funds should translate themselves into fairly stable and relatively low rates to agri cultural borrowers. The reverse, how and C o ntra ctio n 179 ever, is not true. In the partially de veloped sections of the West it has been the habitual practice to attract outside funds by offering attractive rates on time deposits, which, once established, have automatically forced up the loan rate of the bank to its customers. Rates on time money change very little in western United States and they, more than any other factor, dominate and control the rate which must be charged to the borrower if the bank is to make a profit. It would appear that the only points where the interest rate shows a proper responsiveness to the rise and fall of free funds is at the commercial cen ters or in the sections which have attained their development. In the very large western areas it has been noticeably true that the rate to the farmer and stock raiser has changed but little throughout the entire war period including the last twenty-two months of very severe strain on credit. This applies particularly to the best names. The availability of credit fluctuates more than the rate. Such a condition has not prevailed at the cen ters where the rate even to the best names has fluctuated in accordance with a changing money market. These were conditions which the Federal Re serve Banks were not called upon to encounter until after the war period of artificial prosperity had largely spent itself. It then became apparent that they entailed very serious problems, the gravest of which did not develop until the sharp fall in prices began to cause cancellations and extraordinary inventory losses, and to impair the credit standing of many responsible firms. In the stock-growing districts the market for wool collapsed. Live stock prices receded sharply. In the agricultural sections farmers who antic ipated a continuance of the extremely profitable price levels saw corn drop to 180 T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy a point where it was more profitable to the financial and business judgment of burn it than buy coal; and wheat went the country will strongly support the down to a third of its high war price. policies pursued by the Federal Reserve Banks when they are properly under R e s e r v e B a n k P o l ic y D u r in g stood. A narrow or hidebound interpre B u s in e s s C o n t r a c t io n tation of the law, irrespective of the very If every merchant and farmer caught great physical difficulties which must in the jaws of this distressing situation be encountered in any effort to trace had been improvident, lacking in fore the movement of the proceeds of redis sight and not entitled to bank support counts through a large city institution, and bank credit, the problem might would immediately have meant the have been easier. It would then have failure of many hundreds of state in been simple to say that Mr. Smith and stitutions, a large proportion of which Mr. Jones had reaped the fruits of their were, under the Federal Reserve Act, own errors and to have permitted them ineligible for membership because of to take the usual course through bank insufficient capital. The strain upon ruptcy. The conditions, however, were the Federal Reserve System was severe somewhat different. While a certain enough and there could have been no amount of recklessness, extravagance justification for inviting the crisis and failure to consider the future, which would have been precipitated doubtless existed, price changes were had the very numerous non-member so radical as suddenly to cripple and banks lacked a place to go to borrow. often seriously to embarrass, entirely What happened during the year end worthy and reputable commercial, in ing April 28,1921, is very interestingly dustrial and agricultural interests. It shown in a chart prepared under the was necessary in such cases that the direction of Mr. Benjamin Strong, banks show no hesitancy in supporting Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank every worthy borrower to the full ex of New York. Classifying all the mem bers in the Federal Reserve System by tent of their power. It is an interesting fact that this their location in agricultural, semipower to help was, to an extraordinary agricultural, and non-agricultural coun extent, based upon the power of the ties, we find that during this period the Federal Reserve System to extend aggregate deposits of banks in noncredit. Access to the Federal Reserve agricultural counties fell off 4 per cent. Banks was a right enjoyed, under In semi-agricultural counties the de specific provisions of the law, by every crease was 5 per cent; but in the agri member bank. There was, however, cultural counties the decrease was 11 no legal bar to loans by city corre per cent. As to their aggregate loans, spondents to non-member country the decrease in non-agricultural coun banks, and the immediate result was ties was 6 per cent, and in semi-agri that the very heavy rediscounting of cultural and wholly agricultural coun banks at the centers was translated ties the decrease was in each case, 1 into equally heavy loans to non-mem per cent. In their aggregate borrow ber institutions at widely scattered ings from Federal Reserve banks, nonpoints, irrespective of the provision of agricultural counties fell off 29 per cent, the Federal Reserve Act that denies while semi-agricultural counties re the use of the credit facilities of the ceded only 2 per cent and wholly Federal Reserve System to non-mem agricultural counties increased their bers. There is no question but that borrowings 57 per cent. In aggregate Standpoint on E xpansion and C ontraction borrowings from other sources than the Federal Reserve System, the non-agricultural counties increased 1 per cent; the semi-agricultural counties, 19 per cent and the agricultural counties, 66 per cent. It therefore appears that agriculture, in which is included live stock, drew down its deposits, failed to decrease its loans, and in both cases made extraordinary increases in its borrowings. A situation such as this was sure to produce peculiar problems in a Federal Reserve Bank. Let us suppose that in one of these agricultural sections a member bank had already increased its loans and discounts to the limit of safety while carrying reasonable redis counts with its Federal Reserve Bank and substantial bills payable with cor respondents. The long delayed liqui dation in its territory fails to develop. Its farmer customers, perhaps five or six hundred in number, are man and man alike obliged to pay their debts contracted on a basis of high wheat and high corn, with wheat and corn having an abnormally shrunken mar ket. Obviously the bank would fail in its responsibility to its community if it arbitrarily refused loans and forced payment. The facts were that in very numerous cases the enforcement of payment was practically an impos sibility, since the crops lacked liqui dating power. The Federal Reserve Bank’s problem, therefore, became broader than that of the bank itself. It became a problem of carrying through the farmers or business men until they could again find a safe footing. In some sections of the West it was necessary to continue this policy through four successive failures of the crop. The bank’s alternative was to loan the minimum that was necessary to enable its customers to weather the storm or encounter a prompt insol 181 vency. Within a very brief period fifty-three banks in a certain western state, and numerous banks in the South and in other portions of the country, mainly in districts that are agricultural, went to the wall. In such an emergency it is fruitless to rely upon the fluctuations of a discount rate. An increase of 1 per cent would not de ter a bank in very grave difficulties from presenting eligible paper for rediscount at a Federal Reserve Bank. There can be no question of the legal right of a member in the Federal Re serve System to present eligible paper for rediscount. Upon the presentation of such paper the problem becomes one for the executive committee and execu tive officers to solve. They must deter mine whether in view of all the facts and circumstances the rediscount of particular applications is justifiable. I have indicated that during the recent abnormal period the justification of re discount did not necessarily depend wholly upon the credit standing of the applicant or upon the character of the paper presented. Because of these con ditions, which nullify the effect of dis count rate changes, it is frequently necessary to carry a bank beyond what would ordinarily be considered safe or prudent limits in order to protect its depositors and its community and maintain the stability of the general banking situation. This has been par ticularly true where loans were “ frozen ” and slow rather than doubtful. With a clean and reputable member under capable management in acute distress and faced with the alternative of obtaining additional assistance or closing its doors, there can be no ques tion as to what the policy of the Federal Reserve Bank should be. It is better to save the reputable banks, assist their worthy customers, whether business men or farmers, to weather the storm, and hope for rehabilitation later, than 182 T he A nnals of the American A cademy to take a narrow view and force the bank to the wall, unsettle public confi dence and perhaps precipitate again such conditions as were a quite familiar experience prior to the establishment of the Federal Reserve System. T h e R e d is c o u n t R a t e R eg ulato r as C r e d it Any discussion of credit control at the present time is necessarily colored by recent experiences and may perhaps have a less practical value because of the abnormal nature of the period from the beginning of 1920 down to date. Such a period does, however, carry its own lessons. One of the most impor tant is that dependence upon the dis count rate is a fallacy until the discount rate can be made generally applicable to the borrowings of all banking insti tutions in the country. Pending such development the real control of credit in the Federal Reserve System will lie not in the rate but in the accuracy and precision of judgment of the boards of directors, executive committees and executive officers in each of the Fed eral Reserve Banks, with the able lead ership and excellent advice which they have unfailingly received from the Federal Reserve Board. To the borrowing individual or bor rowing bank, such strain and emer gency destroy the effectiveness of con trol through the rediscount rate. The question then becomes one of expedi ency and safety and not one involving scientific application of a theory, which, while it works well in smaller and better developed nations, will have a doubtful practicability in the United States until it reaches equal develop ment and has an equally well-knit population, properly seasoned by prec edent, custom and established rule. On the other hand, it cannot be doubted that the existence of a dis count rate has been an influence of ex ceptional value. Some of the critics of its result in operation have apparently overlooked the fact that the Federal Reserve System during the period of the War was necessarily dominated by Treasury policies, and that it did not have an opportunity to work out a discount rate policy of its own. Within a very recent period a certain group of eastern banks encountering relatively the same conditions have gone to a flat 4 | per cent basis. A second group of banks, between the better developed East and the partially developed West, but having much the same problems to meet, have adopted a 5 per cent basis. The remaining banks in the undevel oped sections have gone to a per cent basis. We have therefore in the Federal Reserve System, for the first time, what is practically a uniform policy in the fixing of rediscount rates, and the new rates are as uniform as may be as to the districts where condi tions are similar. Under normal conditions there should be a differential between the developed East and the undeveloped West. Such a differential cannot al ways exist because it will be affected temporarily by stress and unusual de velopments in the money market. It has the merit of affording guideposts by which the 30,000 banks in the United States may judge country-wide credit conditions, and while their free dom and independence in making rates to their customers is in no wise im paired, it will unquestionably prove that Federal Reserve discount rates which maintain the proper relation be tween the different areas of the United States and which keep reasonably in line with their upward or downward movement, will have a very material indirect influence. They will probably tend in the long run to equalize bank rates in sections where conditions are similar and to prevent abnormal differ P rinciples G overning the D iscount R ate ences in the customers’ rate in different sections of the country. From a practical standpoint the con trol of credit is largely a matter of lead ership and example. It is becoming clear that each rediscount application in a Federal Reserve Bank must receive a high degree of individual study and that there must be devoted to it a specialized judgment which takes full cognizance of all the facts surrounding it. In western Reserve Banks, at least, it is improbable that the conditions of any two borrowing banks will prove to be exactly parallel. These differences must be recognized and as they develop they call for keen banking judgment rather than the application of a rule. In the last analysis the control of credit through the Federal Reserve System is, therefore, a matter for the executive officers and executive committee in each individual case. They must set up their own policies, form their own judgments, and endeavor to hold all applications from borrowers to proper standards, which if they are to be valuable must not be inflexible. From an intimate viewpoint it is clear that the success 183 the Federal Reserve Banks have had in enabling this country to avoid disaster, while not complete, was still extra ordinary and that it had its foundations not in any question of rate control but in the application of shrewd and pre cise judgment to many thousands of separate and distinct problems. In checking expansion, the prompt ness and courage of the Federal Re serve Banks in taking a stiff stand against inflation is likely to prove more efficacious than any decision to ad vance the rate, although both actions must go hand in hand. In reality it might be said that an advancing or receding discount rate is of material advantage as a warning signal but that the practical work of the Federal Re serve Bank is in its executive commit tee and that the degree of control which it exercises, which is necessarily limited by the insufficiency of its membership, will be proportionate to the farsighted vision and courage of the Federal Re serve Board, which supervises, and the executive control in each Federal Re serve Bank, to which each problem must ultimately come for settlement. Principles Governing the Discount R ate 1 By W. P. G. H C a r d in g Governor of the Federal Reserve Board ONTROL over discount rates, as reaching powers ever delegated by exercised by the Federal Reserve Congress to another instrumentality. Banks and the Federal Reserve Board,The grant ranks with the power given is one of the most important and far- the Interstate Commerce Commission to regulate railroad rates. While it 1 Remarks at the opening session of the joint is necessary that powers of this kind conference of the Federal Reserve Board with should be vested in a few hands, they the Federal Reserve Agents and Governors of should be used with discretion and the Federal Reserve Banks held at Washington, D. C., October 25- 28, 1921. effect of a change in rate should be care Because of his official position, Governor fully considered before the change is Harding did not feel at liberty to express a per made. sonal opinion. In this paper, however, he The principle is well established states the problem as it has been brought before that in theory the Federal Reserve Federal Reserve authorities. 184 T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy Bank discount rate should be slightly and the volume of reserve money is conse in excess of current rates. There has quently increased through a mere increase been much discussion of the reductions in the deposit liabilities of the Reserve an increase in the volume of which have been made in discount Bank. With of the member banks, there is an rates during the last six months and, reserves immediate tendency to a reduction in the disregarding the opinions of the preju general level of discount rates throughout diced and the uninformed, let us con the country, placing them below the level sider the conflicting views of some which open market conditions would whose opinions are worthy of attention otherwise call for and creating a tempta and respect.2 tion for the uneconomical use of bank funds. There is particularly a temptation to use V ie w s o n R e d is c o u n t R a t e s bank funds in an excessive degree for capital purposes, and for the ordinary A New York banker and an eastern of the country, misled by the arti economist expressed themselves as banks ficial excess of liquid cash, to tie up too follows: a part of their assets in non-liquid The basic idea in this policy of keeping great form. The Reserve Bank which makes the rediscount rate above the market is rediscount rates too low, therefore, instead that Reserve Bank money is for excep of performing its function of increasing the tional and unusual use—that it is not the liquidity of the banking system, tends province of a Reserve Bank to supply a rather to destroy liquidity. substantial part of the ordinary funds employed in the market in ordinary times. A Chicago banker reiterates the Of course, it is expected that a Reserve opinion, expressed by him several Bank shall make money for its stock times, the Federal Reserve Banks holders and shall employ such of its funds and thethat Federal Reserve Board ought as may be necessary to meet expenses and to pay dividends. One provision of the to proceed very slowly in lowering the Federal Reserve Act, permitting open present rates. He anticipates that market operations on the part of the Fed there is considerable danger, in case eral Reserve Banks, was designed to give the rates are lowered precipitately, of them discretion in this matter, whether a renewed inflation, with a consequent the member banks should rediscount with reaction more violent than that through them or not. But the position of a Re which we are now passing. He takes serve Bank is a very peculiar one. If an the that, in general, it is a com ordinary bank makes a loan, checks come pleteview mistake have the rediscount in against it, as a consequence of the loan, rates lower thantothe prevailing market which it must meet out of its reserve unless it should happen that, simultaneously, new rates for commercial loans, for if banks deposits are made with it of checks drawn are enabled to rediscount their paper on other banks. Loans made by a Reserve at a lower rate than they themselves Bank, however, need not lead to drains on receive, obviously a continued in its reserve. When, in making a loan, it flation is profitable to them. His issues its notes or gives a deposit credit to a opinion coincides with the views of the rediscounting bank, that note or a trans banker and the economist fer of that deposit credit will be accepted eastern above quoted, and he stresses the as ultimate payment by some other insti point that our large gold reserve is, tution. The deposit liabilities of the Re serve Bank count as ultimate reserve after all, due only to the fact that gold for the other banks of the country, is not being circulated at the present 2 The quotations which follow are from a moment and that much of this gold is symposium recently published in a financial likely to flow out of the country as soon as there is a change in the bal journal. P rinciples G overning the D iscount R ate ances of trade. He concurs, also, in the view that a certain amount of the gold which the Federal Reserve Banks have at present is, in a sense, merely held in trust for Europe. He re gards as entirely fallacious the argu ment made by adherents of a policy of lowering rediscount rates that such action is desirable because the reserve ratio and gold accumulations of the Federal Reserve Banks justify a re laxation of the official rates. A Milwaukee banker who contends that the policy should be in accord with the money market tendency, states: The main point made by those opposed to the lowering of Federal Reserve discount rates is that the rediscount rate should al ways be above the market rate. This is laid down as a general principle to which there are no exceptions. Federal Reserve funds are only emergency funds, it is said, and it should not be possible for banks to make a profit by rediscounting at a lower rate than the market. When the demand for credit is excessive and increasing, the Reserve Banks should move into a dominating position by raising their rates above the market rates for money. But the same necessity for dis couraging resort to Federal Reserve Banks does not exist when the demand for credit slows down, loans are being paid off and reserves are accumulating. What has happened as a result of the recent lowering of rediscount rates? Has it resulted in an expansion of loans or reinflation? Not at all. On the other hand, the published records show that member banks have continued to reduce their rediscounts and borrowings and to do this have brought pressure upon their customers to liquidate. Customers who have voluntarily liqui dated and got themselves back into good financial condition are offered lower rates on new loans. This, of course, is an in centive to those who have not done so to liquidate. This is the practical way in which the leadership of the Federal Re serve Banks in reducing their rates has worked. There has not been the slightest 185 tendency toward renewed inflation. Rather the tendency has been to further liquida tion. . . . The general principle of keep ing Federal Reserve rediscount rates above the market rate for money is sound, but it does admit of exceptions as in the present condition of things. The present Federal Reserve policy is in accord with the tendency of the money market and it is hard to see how it has had, or will have, any but a wholesome and constructive effect. In a recent publication a well-known banker and economist has asserted that the best index of the money market in this country is the rate on line-of-credit loans to borrowers from two or more banks, and not the rate on bank acceptances, as in England. The volume of line-of-credit loans in this country is far larger than the volume of bank acceptance credits, but it may be doubted whether the rates on such loans are as competitive as bank accept ance rates. Bank acceptance rates are fixed in the open market and are pub lished. Line-of-credit loans have no open market and there are no published rates. Line-of-credit loans are not as competitive as they may seem. A small firm com monly maintains a line of credit only at its own bank. Large corporations usually have lines of credit not only with their home banks but with large banks in finan cial centers, not necessarily because they can secure lower rates, but because no one bank wants to take care of their full needs. For these reasons it is to be doubted whether line-of-credit loans afford as good an index of money market tendencies as the bank acceptance rates. The latter rep resent the minimum rates for the best class of paper and, because this is so, they indi cate far beyond their actual money volume the drift of the market. The present rate on eligible bank acceptances of 5| to 5 per cent is a better indication of what is taking place and what may be expected in the open money market than rates on lineof-credit loans which reflect market condi tion more slowly. Another Chicago banker takes an extremely conservative view. He would like to see many of the so-called “war amendments” to the Federal m T he A nnals of the American A cademy Reserve Act repealed and states that as the law stands, “nothing but the courage and wisdom of the manage ment prevents it from becoming a disastrous engine of inflation.” He objects particularly to the amendment which forces member banks to carry their entire lawful reserves in the form of collected balances with the Federal Reserve Banks and believes that this amendment, which he regards as practically demonetizing gold, is most dangerous in normal times. Referring to the complaints which have .been made that the agricultural districts have been discriminated against, he believes that exactly the opposite is the case and appears to believe, also, that the Federal Reserve System has worked a great injury to the country as well as inestimable benefits. He states: In a time of inflation such as we had a year ago, it nullifies the operation of the usual normal remedies for such conditions. If it had not been for the Federal Reserve Banks, farmers generally would have been compelled to sell their crops a year ago and pay their debts. This would have saved them and the country from the disaster that has overtaken them. Also, had it not been for the Federal Reserve Banks, manufacturers and merchants would have been unable to accumulate or carry the heavy inventories entailing losses in a single year which it will take a generation to replace. The solution to this is to keep the Federal Reserve discount rates above cur rent market rates, so that there will be no temptation on the part of the member banks to profiteer through the Federal Reserve Banks. So long as the Federal Reserve rates are kept below current rates, there is, in my judgment, no way in which this kind of inflation can be pre vented. On the other hand, if borrowers compel their banks to rediscount in order to enable them to carry crops or goods for higher prices, they are put on notice that they are acting against the general judg ment. In normal times member banks should understand that they are not ex pected to borrow except to meet emer gencies, and they should be made to feel that borrowing at such times is an indica tion of weakness and needs explanation. He expresses the hope that the Federal Reserve Board will make a public statement of what its future policy will be regarding rates and ex presses the belief that the confidence of the country in the Board is such that any clear statement of funda mental principles made by it would be acquiesced in. Another New York banker while convinced that under normal condi tions it is logical that the Federal Re serve rate should be higher than the prevailing commercial rate, believes that in view of the world-wide con ditions that exist today, the adoption, at this time, of artificial means to accelerate the process of readjustment would be a dangerous course to pursue. He states: Considering the extent to which credit for speculative purposes has been liqui dated, and also taking into consideration the present reserve and gold position of the Reserve Banks, it would seem that the reduction in rate is fully justified. Further more, I do not believe the reduction at this time in the rate will appreciably encour age a tendency toward renewed credit inflation. The question of rates has, on the whole, been ably and courageously handled by the Federal Reserve Banks and the Federal Reserve Board. He says that if he were to offer a critical observation,* it would be to remark upon the “salutary modifica tion of the need for deflation that would have resulted had the high rates been put into effect in the spring of 1919 instead of the summer of 1920.” A Boston banker takes the view that the Federal Reserve System was P rinciples G overning the D iscount R ate organized for the purpose of furnishing credit, by means of rediscounting, to the commercial banks of the country. He says: In a general way the time when this credit is needed is just before, during and immediately after, a credit crisis, or credit pinch, and it seems clear that at such time the rate charged for rediscounting should be at about the current market rate charged by the commercial banks to their customers. To make the rate higher than the prevailing rate would tend to restrict the granting of necessary credits to mer chants and similar borrowers. To make the rediscount rate much lower than the prevailing rate would tend to encourage over-loaning by the commercial banks. In fixing the rediscount rates, the managers of the Federal Reserve Banks should try, as far as possible, to keep their minds free from influences other than those which directly concern the prevailing rates of money, but they certainly are justified, when fixing rediscount rate, in being in fluenced by motives of the safety of the Federal Reserve Banks themselves, and when the rediscounts appear to be ap proaching a dangerous total, they should use their rate-fixing power to check specu lation and to prevent any possible danger to the Federal Reserve Banks, which are the foundation of our whole banking system. It was never intended, and never should be intended, that the Federal Reserve Banks consciously use their power and authority either to encourage or to discourage business. Their chief purpose should be to assist commercial banks and to fix the rates of rediscount so as to best accomplish this, and at the same time to protect their own position from any possible overstrain. He regards as one of the greatest dangers to which the Federal Reserve System can be subjected, the attacks and manoeuverings of politicians to make the System serve political ends. Another leading banker does not believe that the time has yet arrived when discount rates should be held up 187 to a point above the rates for com mercial paper because the conditions of business are not yet on a normal basis. Ee says that it has been the habit of commercial bankers to argue with their commercial customers that the rate to their customers is based on the Federal Reserve Bank discount rate and that it should be enough higher than the discount rate so that there would be a profit to the banker between the discount rate and his rate to his customers. He says further: There is yet in our banks a large amount of so-called frozen loans which may be described as loans which are probably good but which the borrowers are not in a position to pay off at the present time. Therefore, they are not in a position to trade on market rates on an even basis with the banker. Under these conditions, a high discount rate of the Federal Reserve Banks simply has helped the commercial banker to get higher rates from his cus tomers than are justified by the conditions of credit. Therefore, it was desirable and necessary for the Federal Reserve Banks to reduce their discount rates from 6 or 7 per cent to per cent in order to inform the commercial community that the credit situation no longer demanded these high rates. He takes the view that “ Federal Reserve Bank discount rates should not be made with the idea of con trolling business or market prices of commodities,” but that “they should be indications of the effect that the present business is having on the sup ply of credit and of anticipated condi tions that will affect the supply of credit in the near future.” He be lieves that “when the business com munity has become trained to the point of watching the reserve position and discount rates of the Federal Reserve Banks and has come to an understanding of what these figures mean, it will be helped very much 188 T he A nnals of the American A cademy by studying the published conditions of the Federal Reserve Banks and will appreciate what a change in discount rates means, provided of course that the officers and directors of the Federal Reserve Banks are not ham pered in using their judgment in these matters by outside influences.” A Chicago merchant notes the dif ference of opinion among experts as to the proper time for raising or lowering the Federal Reserve rediscount rates. He points out that neither the Federal Reserve System nor any part of it can be run on any formula, and that if it could, very little brains would be re quired for that part after the formula had been found. He believes: If we are to be a world power in com merce, as we may be, we shall have to make the New York, or some other district rate attractive for the discount of the world’s import and export bills. We might, of course, be above the English rate for a short time, for adjustment or other purposes, but if we make a rule to have the rate always above the commercial paper rate in New York, our ambition to be the world’s bankers, or to compete with England in commerce and finance, will vanish into thin air. He takes the view that in crises and extraordinary emergencies a Reserve Bank may well be justified in violating temporarily the ordinary canons of sound finance, but emphasizes the fact that under normal conditions and under conditions when it is possible to take a long-run view, the well estab lished traditions covering a Reserve Bank’s operations must be followed. The chief of these canons is that the rediscount rate of Reserve Banks should be kept above the market. bear a direct relation to a Federal Re serve Bank’s reserve and to the general money market, and that, in addition, consideration should be given to the items enumerated in the Council’s recommendation of May 17, 1921, as follows: 1. The reserves of the Federal Reserve System as a whole. 2. The reserve position of the Federal Reserve Bank whose rate it is contem plated to change. 3. The condition of all the banks of the country as a whole, and of the several Federal Reserve districts. 4. The economic and financial condition of this country. 5. World conditions, both economic and political. 6. The eventual establishment of a credit rate policy for the Federal Reserve Banks by which the rediscount rate to member banks is higher than the prevailing commercial rate, taking due consideration of the prevailing open-market rates for various classes of loans both in this coun try and abroad. 7. Uniformity of rates, while at times practicable and desirable, should not be adopted as a fixed policy, the System being predicated upon the principle that varying conditions might exist in different sections of the country. With reference to the general money market, the following factors were suggested by the Board as those which should be considered in arriving at a conclusion as to what is the current rate for money: 1. Rates charged by banks to their reg ular customers. 2. Rates for one-name paper bought through note brokers. 3. Open market rates on bankers’ ac ceptances. 4. Rates on Treasury certificates. R e c o m m e n d a t io n o f A d v i s o r y C o u n c il The Board asked the Council for its The Federal Advisory Council, at views as to the relative importance of its last meeting on September 20, 1921, each of these factors and the Council expressed its belief that rates should expressed the view that all four items P rinciples G overning the D iscount R ate mentioned are important in determin ing the money market but there may be other factors which should likewise be given consideration, such as general business conditions and the reserve position of a Federal Reserve Bank. It was the view of the Council that the ruling rate for money in a district will adjust itself automatically to these conditions. The Council expressed the view, also, that a Federal Reserve Bank while it is borrowing should not lower its rate, but stated that special conditions might exist in a district which would make a reduction de sirable and would justify such a course. R e d is c o u n t P r o b l e m C o n f r o n t in g th e B oard It seems clear to the Board that it is not practicable in this country for Federal Reserve Banks to maintain rates of discount higher than current market rates if line-of-credit loans are to be accepted as the criterion. The rates of interest permitted in many states are so high as to preclude this as a possibility. In ordinary circum stances when the credit risk is at a minimum the rates paid for high grade commercial paper sold in the open market may be regarded as a measure of the market rate for money, but it is evident that at present there is much consideration to be given to the basis on which short time obliga tions of the Treasury are sold and to market rates for prime bankers’ ac ceptances. The problem, therefore, is more simple at this time in districts like New York, Chicago and Phila delphia, where the Federal Reserve 189 cities are dominant in their districts; but in other districts which cover a larger territory and where the busi-" ness is more distributed and diversified, the problem is more difficult. At the present time, four Federal Reserve Banks are rediscounting about $45,000,000 with three other Federal Re serve Banks. The directors of one of these borrowing banks more than a month ago voted to reduce their dis count rate from 6 per cent to 5| per cent on all classes of paper, but the Federal Reserve Board has not yet approved the reduction. No evidence has been presented to show that cur rent rates for bank accommodations are less than the Federal Reserve Bank rate, or that current rates would be reduced by lowering the Reserve Bank rate, but the directors argue that the consolidated reserve position of the System justifies a lower rate. The Board has been inclined to the view that the reserve percentage of each Federal Reserve Bank, as well as that of the System, should be taken into consideration as one of the de termining factors in fixing the discount rate. If the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, with a reserve of around 70 per cent and the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, with a reserve of 63 per cent do not feel justified in reducing their discount rates below the present level of 6 per cent, what argument is there for a borrowing bank, like Atlanta, having a reserve without re discounts of only 3 2 per cent, to have a per cent rate? On the other hand, what are the arguments against a reduction in districts which have so high a percentage of reserve? 190 T he A nnals of the American A cademy Rediscount Rates, Bank Rates and Business Activity By G e o r g e M. R e y n o l d s Chairman of the Board, Continental and Commercial National Bank of Chicago HE problem of greatest interest England and America are so different and importance now confronting that the British rule as to the bank the Federal Reserve Banks, the comrate contains little of value except for mercial banks and the business world, suggestion, and even this little de is the rediscount rate and its effect on creases as the banking and commercial paper customs of the two countries are or relation to business activity. The simple answer to the question contrasted. In the United States, for whether the rediscount rate of the instance, the Reserve Banks have no Reserve Banks should be higher or direct relations with the public and lower than the rate charged by com receive deposits only from banks and mercial banks—whether this means the government. In this country the the line-of-credit rate, over-the-coun “open market” has few points in ter rate or commercial paper rate is common with the English bill market. not clearly defined—is that the re In the United States there are over 30,000 independent banks scattered discount rate should be higher. This answer seems to flow readily through a vast territory whose activi from British practice and recent ties are tremendously varied, instead of American experience. But the eco a few banks with thousands of branches nomic situation, at home and abroad, serving a country of high industrial and is not so simple as to permit this commercial development. offhand and categorical answer. Amer The view is often expressed that the ican experience under the Reserve rediscount rate should be invariably System has not been sufficient for the higher than the market rate—usually dogmatic statement of a formula for meaning the prevailing rate for com the future. The Reserve System has mercial paper—because the Reserve not functioned to any extent under Banks are, after all, reserve banks and conditions it was designed to meet; it should be called on for rediscounts only has faced chiefly the very unusual when the bank desiring to borrow is conditions which attended the prosecu under strain. There can be no disagree tion of war and the uncertainties and ment about the desirability of the abnormalities that followed. At this increase in rediscount rates when busi time it seems impossible to do much ness expansion needs to be checked, and more than state the problem as it is there may be reason for keeping them made out of and affected by a great regularly higher than the market rate. variety of elements. The ascertainment It must not be forgotten that, what of these elements involves investiga ever the Reserve Banks may be in law, tion of business customs, bank habits, in fact, they are regarded no less by government operations and, perhaps, bankers than by business men and the the psychological influence of public public as a kind of financial hospital to which all classes may go to have their sentiment. It is hardly possible to base any rule wounds treated, regardless of the of future action in regard to rediscount causes of the wounds. The banker, and rates on experience as gained by the the business man through his banker, Bank of England. Conditions in wishes the same treatment whether he T R ediscount R ates , B ank R ates and B usiness has been hurt through his own dere lictions or through a conjunction of economic causes, unforeseeable and uncontrollable. But the determination of a rediscount policy for the future calls for close analysis. Influences T hat H ave A ffected R e d is c o u n t R a t e s Since the depression following the War the factors influencing rediscount rates have been given serious consider ation. At its meeting in September, 1921, the Federal Advisory Council expressed the view that rediscount rates should bear a direct relation to a Federal Reserve Bank’s reserve and to the general money market, and that, in addition, consideration should be given to the items enumerated in the Council’s recommendation of May 17, 1921, as follows: 1. The reserves of the Federal Reserve System as a whole. 2. The reserve position of the Federal Reserve Bank whose rate it is contemplated to change. 3. The condition of all the banks of the country as a whole, and of the several Federal Reserve districts. 4. The economic and financial condition of the country. 5. World conditions, both economic and political. 6. The eventual establishment of a credit rate policy for the Federal Reserve Banks by which the rediscount rate to member banks is higher than the prevailing commercial rate, taking due consideration of the prevailing open-market rates for various classes of loans both in this country and abroad. 7. Uniformity of rates, while at times practicable and desirable, should not be adopted as a fixed policy, the System being predicated upon the principle that varying conditions might exist in different sections of the country. It was further suggested that with reference to the general money market 191 the following factors should be con sidered in arriving at a conclusion as to what is the current rate for money: 1. Rates charged by banks to their general customers. 2. Rates for one-name paper bought through note brokers. 3. Open-market rates on bankers’ acceptances. 4. Rates on Treasury certificates. This series of rules is apparently given potentially. What have been the determining factors in fixing rediscount rates heretofore seem nowhere to have been given in a similar summation. In the first year or two of the Reserve Banks’ opera tions little attention was given to the rediscount rate. Money was plentiful and there was little rediscounting. The War and its demands brought a change. It is no secret that government financing took precedence over every thing else. The rediscount rate, re gardless of any influence it might have on business, was adjusted so that the purchasers or holders of war bonds would receive preferential treatment. Otherwise, it is doubtful, with adher ence to the Reserve Banks as the instruments whereby credit was to be made available for war purposes, if the war bonds could have been success fully sold at the rates they bore. It was when this need became apparent that the rate was placed at a low point. Business was, of course, a beneficiary. There was no departure from this policy during the War nor, as is often pointed out, until some time after the Armistice. On pages 62 and 63 of the hearings entitled “Reviving the Activities of the War Finance Corporation,” will be found the following by Governor Harding: The Federal Reserve Board adopted a policy in order to assist in the war financing in T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy which was economically unsound. I say this frankly. Congress authorized certain loans. It authorized the Secretary of the Treasury to determine the rates at which the loans should be issued. The Secretary of the Treasury asked the advice of ex perts and then fixed the rates of interest to be borne by the several issues of bonds, notes, and certificates. During the time we were actually at war, something like $18,000,000,000 of bonds were sold to the people, an amount certainly in excess of the normal investment power of the American people in such a short time, and the only way in which those loans could be financed was through the instrumentality of the banks. The only way the banks could undertake to do it was to get some assis tance from the Federal Reserve Banks and at a low rate. The low rate of interest borne by these bonds was fixed with a view of holding down the expenses of the government as far as possible. Anyway, that is something the Federal Reserve Board has no responsibility for. In order to make possible the floating of these bonds we fixed a rate less than their coupon rate. Some member banks announced that for a period of six months there would be a rate of 4 Per cent on notes secured by govern ment obligations. The result was that there was no loss to subscribing banks pending the distribution of the bonds to the public. There were successive bond issues. The principal reason why discount rates were not increased earlier than they were in 1919 was on account of Treasury financing. Thus it appears that government financing and the desire to have war bonds bear low rates of interest were the determining factors until disaster was scented in 1919. Then present and impending troubles dictated the in crease of rates, which was belated. It was some time before this increase that liquidation began. It was a considerable time afterward that defla tion became a visible reality. It may be said only with diffidence that the increased rates had anything more than a moral effect. Members of the Reserve Board said repeatedly, and cited figures to show, that the peak of credit and currency expansion was reached some months after higher rates were made effective. This in dicates either that business had such an impetus that rediscount rates had no effect in stopping it, or, if they had any effect, considerable time was re quired to make it apparent. If this experience is to be taken as a demon stration of the efficiency of an increased rediscount rate to stay business activ ity, it must also be taken as a first indication of the time relation between an advance or change of rate and business operations. But whether the high rediscount rate did or did not halt business and force deflation and liquidation, or whether business toppled over for other reasons, there is no doubt that it toppled. Gradually the credit situa tion cleared and is still clearing. Coincident therewith further study of the rediscount rate and its influence and effect began. As the reserve per centages of the Reserve Banks began to mount, the demand for lowering of the rates became more and more in sistent. The increase of reserves was not, however, due entirely to liquida tion. The flow of gold from abroad was steady, and became a very im portant, if not the most important, factor in building reserves up to a high point. It must also be noted that the rates charged by commercial banks did not go down either simultaneously with those of the Reserve Banks, or proportionately to them. Commercial banks were affected only indirectly by the great inflow of gold. It required liquidation by business to permit them to build up their reserves and pay off their debts to the Reserve Banks. This would seem to show that re discount rates were fixed with no consideration of the rates charged by the commercial banks. The assump- R ediscount R ates , B ank R ates and B usiness tion of a causal relationship between the two, therefore, remains to be proved by the presentation of evidence that the experiences of the past two years does not offer. T h e T im e R e l a t io n s h ip B e t w e e n B u s i n e s s C o m m it m e n t s a n d B o r r o w in g If no relationship, or one that is indirect or nebulous, exists between rediscount rates and commercial bank rates, it becomes apparent that there can be no relationship, or, at least only a very remote one, between rediscount rates and business activity; it is the commercial bank rate that business pays, not the rediscount rate. For present purposes, then, the question may be stripped down to the time relationship between the redis count rate and the commercial bank rate, between the commercial bank rate and business activity, and then between the rediscount rate and the latter. For the present, also, it will be necessary to ignore the manifest in fluence of remote and indirect causes. In a business scheme so intricate as that of the world today, it would be hazardous to be dogmatic about such relationships. The problem is, how ever, to determine, if possible, the more immediate relationships—the causes which act and react on one another so as to permit the application of direct evidence. It is pertinent here to note, for instance, that there are some thousands of banks which are not members of the Reserve System; that each operating bank is an inde pendent entity, subscribing to no rules as to interest charges and often getting “all the traffic will bear”; that loan risks vary with classes of business and in different districts, and that the demand for capital forces new and undeveloped sections to bid high in order to attract funds. It is 14 193 probably only in the large centers and well developed industrial districts that money rates are subject to the con trolling influence of reserve condition, supply and demand, gold imports, etc. To get at the time relationship between business activity and bor rowing, it is permissible to take for example the customary operations of a merchant or manufacturer. It is common knowledge that his interest in the present state of all business and of his own business is shared with his concern for what the future holds. He plans and manufactures and buys for a coming season. No matter how active present operations, the future concerns him as much. He may or may not sound out his banker as to his coming financial needs. Whether he does or not, he makes contracts and commitments for a coming season. If the banker has committed himself in such cases, he will to some extent have foreknowledge of the demand to be made upon him. But often, if not usually, he may be wholly unaware of what his customer contemplates. Busi ness men will not arrange in advance for credit unless they foresee the im possibility of meeting their obligations out of current resources. If they have a line of credit, they will not indicate their intention to use it at a particular time or during a particular season unless it promises to be insufficient for their prospective needs. Nor will the member bank signify its intention to rediscount in the future. In such circumstances the business world, each unit operating by itself, may be building the foundation of a credit structure in the autumn; the commercial banks may" not be called on for loans until spring and it may be midsummer before the contracts and commitments made months before are reflected by a demand for rediscounts at the Federal Reserve Banks. How 194 T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy is a rediscount rate going to meet an over-extended condition, in the sum mer, which was produced by opera tions begun and completed many months before? Commercial bank officials and those of Reserve Banks, also, study business conditions constantly. Many of them have information and statistical or ganizations. They gather the best statistical evidence they can, but the Reserve Bank officers have no privity of interest and no intimacy of relation ship with business men. Even with superior advantages in this respect, officers of member banks cannot an ticipate conditions except in a very general way. One banker might be alarmed at the prospect of a large demand for loans and his competing neighbor have no evidence of such impending events at all. It is such conditions that call into play the highest banking skill and judg ment. Such conditions demand of the banker a prescience which can come only from such a familiarity with busi ness that he feels rather than knows what is before him. In making his halfintuitional estimates he will, of course, take account of the fact that the Reserve Bank is ready at hand if there is need. He will take care of his customers and try to adjust his rates to competitive conditions. His con clusive “no” will send potential bor rowers to other banks, to the levelling of the business of all of them and a fairly accurate adjustment of interest rates. But, dealing only with banks, Federal Reserve officials will have an imperfect knowledge of these condi tions. And yet upon them rests the obligation of leadership in checking or stimulating business by a proper adjustment of the rediscount rate, if the rediscount rate can do it. It seems fair to say that while an effort may have been made or is being made to adjust rediscount rates on the basis of ascertained future business operations, the probability is that the rate has been fixed only in relation to what is or what has been, so far as it has been fixed at all in relation to business activity. C o n c l u s io n s The import of this article has been: 1. That rediscount rates cannot be fixed on the basis of British experience. 2. The opinion that rediscount rates should be higher than commercial bank rates is based on experience during war conditions and business contraction which may not be a sufficient guide for the future. 3. Rediscount rates have heretofore been fixed chiefly by consideration of factors other than their possible effect on business activity. 4. Rediscount rates can affect business activity only through bank rates which bank customers must pay. 5. Bank rates are not only different in different sections, but are determined by present conditions, whereas business com mitments are made for the future. 6. To influence business activity, bank rates would have to be determined in relation to the future commitments of customers and the rediscount rate would have to be in correspondence with the bank rate, both as to amount and time. 7. It is the knowledge and judgment of bank officers and reserve officers on which reliance must be placed for the control of business conditions through credit. 8. Insofar as the rediscount rate can affect business activity, it must be deter mined far in advance if it is to have any appreciable effect. There has been no disagreement among bankers as to the necessity for raising the rediscount rate when the need of checking business activity was certain. If recent conditions gave promise of permanency, there could be no question as to the desirability of having rediscount rates always higher than bank rates. On the basis of T heoretical C onsiderations on B ank C redit actual recent experience only one policy has been warranted. But as to a policy to control in the future, further experience must be the guide. In any event, changes in rediscount 195 rates must be made well in advance of foreseeable changes in business activity, if the rates are to be used for the purpose they are commonly supposed to serve. Theoretical Considerations Bearing on the Control of Bank Credit Under the Operation of the Federal Reserve System By T C h e s te r A. P h illip s University of Iowa HE most important change in our money in their tills. But the swelling banking machinery entailed by the of pocket and till money involved a Federal Reserve Act as bearing uponwithdrawal of cash from the commer the question of the expansion and cial banks. As money left the banks, contraction of our circulating media is their lending power was curtailed, and the introduction of compulsory bank expansion of credits and rising prices ers’ banking. The essence of bankers’ were brought to a halt. banking in the United States is the Under the operation of the Federal reserve dependence of the commercial Reserve Act an expansion of loans and banks upon the regional institutions. a consequent expansion of deposits, The deposits on the books of the re accompanied by rising prices and ex gional banks are the reserves of the panding physical volume of trade, also commercial banks. Inasmuch as the impel men to carry more “money” in deposits of the regional banks are their pockets and merchants, more in themselves expansible and contractile, their tills. Since 1914, however, the the deposits of member banks, which demand for additional pocket and till would be elastic even if their reserve money has been met by the issue of foundation were inelastic, now have 'promises of the Federal Reserve Banks an elasticity raised to the second to pay money. Lawful money is no power. longer lost by commercial banks. In Moreover, the elasticity of both the stead it is held by the Federal Reserve deposits of the regional banks and of Banks as a foundation on which is the members are buttressed and sup reared a three-fold credit structure: (1) ported by the Federal Reserve note- deposits of Federal Reserve Banks; issue provisions. Under the old na (2) deposits of member banks and (3) tional banking system an expansion of Federal Reserve notes. loans and a consequent expansion of The control of credit under our deposits in the banking system was Federal Reserve System, therefore, ordinarily accompanied by a rising becomes a matter of greater impor physical volume of trade and rising tance than under the old regime. prices. The growth in business trans Formerly an automatic check was actions, coupled with higher prices, imposed on credit expansion before impelled men to carry more money in extreme limits were reached. Today, their pockets and merchants more in the absence of that automatic check, 196 T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy we are to depend upon regulation of the to the bank in question, would be paid rediscount rate as a chief means of in cash or its equivalent. It is true that some of the checks drawn by control. borrowers would be sent to creditors A M em ber B an k C annot M ake who were depositors in the drawers’ M a n if o l d L o a n s bank; in that event there would be no Now the effectiveness of the redis immediate corresponding loss of cash count rate as an instrument of con by the lending of the bank. It is also trolling bank loans and, therefore, true that some borrowers would not deposits, hinges on the relation between withdraw all the funds borrowed. If the amount borrowed by a member due allowance is made for these two bank and the amount that the same considerations, we may conclude that bank is able to lend as a result. If a for every dollar that a typical Ameri member bank is able to lend five dol can bank lends, it loses not less than lars on the basis of one dollar bor eighty cents through direct cash with rowed, it is evident that the borrowing drawals by borrowers and through bank would be willing and able ordi unfavorable clearing balances.1 In narily to pay more than 4 or 6 per cent other words, the typical banker is able for borrowed funds. On the other to lend approximately $1.25 for each hand, if the borrowing bank is able to $1.00 borrowed. It follows that redis lend only dollar for dollar on the basis count rates roughly equal to the of borrowed funds, that bank will not market rates (if the expense of carrying ordinarily pay a higher rate of redis on the banking business is consid count than it receives at its counter. ered) will ordinarily be sufficiently What are the facts at this point? high to serve as a check on borrowing It would at first appear that a bor by member banks. rowing bank would be able to make B orrow ed R e se r v e S u ppo r ts manifold loans on the basis of borrowed M a n if o l d L o a n s i n t h e reserve. Does not the balance sheet B a n k in g S y st e m of a typical national bank show loans (and deposits) equal to several times It may be added that borrowed its reserve? If reserves of $100,000 reserve normally does become the support loans of $1,000,000 (and depos foundation of manifold loans in the its of the same approximate amount), banking system. Bank A borrows $100,would not the acquisition of additional 000 from the Federal Reserve Bank reserves of $100,000 enable the bank to and in turn lends $ 125,000, more or less, to customers. The borrowing support total loans of $2,000,000? Normally, the bank that attempted customers draw checks against their to increase its loans by $1,000,000 on replenished balances and those checks the basis of $100,000 new reserve are remitted to creditors. The credi would quickly be face to face with the tors deposit the checks in their own problem of how to meet unfavorable banks. When the checks are cleared clearing balances of large proportions. and collected, not only will the drawee The borrowers of the $1,000,000, bank lose approximately $100,000 but leaving the proceeds of their loans on other banks—banks B, we may say for deposit, would draw checks against 1For a more nearly accurate and more de their bank balances for most of the tailed statement see the writer’s Bank Credit, $1,000,000; those checks would be sent The Macmillan Company, New York, 1921, far and wide to creditors and, returning Chapter III. T heoretical C onsiderations on B ank C redit 197 same rate, would it not be possible for individual banks to make a several fold loan expansion, consequent upon a reserve acquisition, without losing cash through unfavorable clearing balances, thereby rendering control of credit expansion possible only by raising the rate of rediscount unprecedentedly? If the First National Bank of Dayton, Ohio, borrows $100,000 from the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleve land at a time when other banks in the same credit area are likewise borrow ing, and all expand their loans in such a manner that what each would nor mally lose in reserve is met and offset by streams of funds coming from other banks, the First National Bank of Dayton would be able to lend several dollars for each dollar borrowed, even if allowance is made for the likelihood that the proceeds of loans secured from the regional bank at Cleveland would be taken partly in Federal Reserve notes. Under these conditions, with the bank in question able to lend four or five dollars to each dollar borrowed, it has often been contended that a rate of rediscount that fell appreciably short of being four or five times the rate of discount or market rate would not be effective. That the contention is ill-founded may easily be shown. When all banks in a given credit area are expanding their loans, the additional lending power of each is traceable to two quite different facts or forces. The first is the fund borrowed by the commercial or member bank, and the second is the fund or funds that such a bank receives through deposit channels and as a result of the C a n a B a n k M a k e M a n i f o l d L o a n s lending operations of other banks. D u r in g P e r io d o f L o a n The point to be stressed is that what a E x p a n s io n ? member bank borrows does not deter At this point a crucial question mine the amount that it will receive in arises. If all banks within a credit deposits that arise out of the lending area were expanding their loans at the operations of other banks. If within a convenience—will have gained that amount in deposits, and a correspond ing amount in reserve. The lending officers of banks B, mindful of the fact that a reserve must be held against the newly acquired deposit liabilities as well as against any deposits arising from additional loans made on the basis of the reserve freshly acquired, will be constrained to add to their loans not $ 1.25 for each dollar deposited, but, approximately $1.10. If banks B now lend $110,000 on the basis of $100,000 newly lodged in those banks, they will tend to lose to other banks—banks C—approximately 80 per cent of the amount loaned, or $88,000; the $12,000 left in banks C, may be regarded as reserve against the $100,000 in deposit liabilities growing out of the lodgment of that amount of checks drawn on bank A and against additional deposits growing out of the $110,000 in loans. Banks C, having acquired $88,000, are in a position to lend approximately $96,800 ($1.10 for each dollar of deposited reserve). If 80 per cent of their loans are lost to other banks, banks C would lose $77,440 and retain $ 10,560 ($88,000 —$77,440) as reserve against $88,000 in deposit liabilities arising from the lodgment of that amount of checks drawn on banks B and against addi tional deposits growing out of the $96,800 in loans. This chain of operations continues until the original $100,000 becomes very widely distributed and the total loan expansion results in deposits sufficient to cover or absorb the borrowed re serve. 198 T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy credit area where all member banks are borrowing and expanding their loans, one institution suddenly ceases to borrow, the stream of increasing deposits flowing from the expanding banks will tend to continue to swell the deposits and, therefore, the lending power of the bank that has ceased to borrow. A resumption of borrowing by the exceptional bank will enhance the lending power of that bank by an amount only slightly in excess of the amount borrowed. A clear cut distinction must be drawn in banking between lending power that owes its existence to funds borrowed by a given bank and lending power that owes its existence to reserve acquired as a consequence of expanding loans on the part of other banks. When that distinction is clearly drawn the persistent contention referred to loses its semblance of validity. Having seen on what grounds of sound theory the control of bank credit, i.e., loans and deposits, rest, we may now be permitted briefly to ex amine the question whether the redis count rate ought to be higher or lower than the market rate. C o n t r o l o f B a n k C r e d it T h r o u g h t h e R e d is c o u n t R a t e The rediscount policy of the Federal Reserve Board has gone counter to that of the great central banks of Europe, notably the Bank of England, the European policy having been to maintain the rediscount rate above the market rate. Numerous guides have been followed by the directorate of the Bank of England in the determination of the bank rate: the reserve ratio, the state of trade, international gold movements and the market rate. Like wise, our Federal Reserve Board has also been governed by no single factor. While the state of trade, the reserve ratio, the fiscal needs of the govern ment, etc., have all received attention, the writer believes that too little effort has been made to bring the market rate into harmony with what may be called the natural rate of interest, the natural rate being the rate at which the supply of and demand for loanable cap ital goods, as distinct from “money,” may be equated. Although it is impossible always accurately to ascertain what the nat ural rate of interest is, it is not difficult to detect a wide disparity between the market and natural rates. The dis parity between the market and the natural rates during the early period of credit expansion under the operation of the Federal Reserve Act, was due measurably to an inflationists policy with a low rate of rediscount as its central feature. With a low rate of rediscount obtaining, our market rates were low and general prices rose in conjunction with an expansion of loans and deposits. Rising prices gave birth to rising profits, and the predictable increased demand for funds, with a consequent extreme rise in the market rate of interest, was soon in evidence. In a country like the United States where capitalis highly productive and preference for present goods over future is pronounced, cheap money can be had only by making everything else dear; depression of interest rates engenders credit expansion and rising prices. Indeed, the price level is itself an index of the relation of the market to the natural rate when allowance is made for the changing phases of the business cycle. Our extreme and recurrent expansion and contraction in industry and trade can be avoided, not by keeping the rate of rediscount invariably above the mar ket rate, but by keeping it distinctly above the market rate during periods of expansion and less markedly so, or A gricultural and C ommercial L oans even below the market rate, during periods of crisis and depression. Let the brakes of high rediscount rates be set early, long before the bottom of the hill is reached; and let the accelerating 199 force of low rates be applied with similar promptness and decision. If the market rate is kept in harmony with the natural rate, violent changes in the general price level can scarcely occur. Agricultural and Commercial Loans A Comparison of Loans Made in a Great Agricultural State with Loans to the Largest Bank and to Member Banks in the Largest City in the Seventh Federal Reserve District By J. B. M cD ougal Governor, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago would be too much to expect the ITgeneral public to have more than a casual comprehension of banking or of the relations of the Federal Reserve Banks to other banks or to business. It is not expected that the public will understand the operations of a factory which makes electrical machinery or of the electrical machines that are made. Still any well informed man may know in a general way what a dynamo is and have a grasp of what is meant by horse power. So might he know that a bank in a great central city probably generates a large horse power in credit and that comparison of the operations of such a bank with those of any smal ler bank can be valuable or informative only if relative size is considered. In this country there are banks of all kinds and sizes. The customary method of grading banks is by “capital and surplus,” and “deposits.” It takes 40 banks with $25,000 capital each to measure up in capitalization to one with $1,000,000. It takes 400 such banks to equal a $10,000,000 institution. If the comparative figures are carried far enough, and total re sources are used as the basis, it will be found that there are single banks in New York and Chicago with resources larger than the combined resources of all member banks in certain individual states or perhaps in several states. These large banks have as customers many small banks, as well as individ uals and corporations. When borrow ing from the Federal Reserve Banks, their transactions are usually in large amounts. It is natural that what is con sidered moderate borrowing for a large bank should appear extravagant when compared with the amount borrowed by a small bank. A loan of fifty million dollars appears very large when com pared with one of fifty thousand. Re latively, however, fifty millions may be much more moderate than fifty thousand, if due consideration is given the respective reserve balances main tained with the Federal Reserve Bank by the institutions involved. For instance, an officer of a country bank called at the Reserve Bank one day and asked for an additional loan. At the time his bank had become so extended that its excessive borrowings had been the subject of considerable correspondence. He was told that a definite limit must be placed on his borrowings at a point not far from the amount already borrowed. The coun try banker was piqued. He called at 200 T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy tention to the many millions loaned to some of the Chicago banks. The country bank’s debt was less than two hundred thousand. A comparison was made at once. It was found that on the basis of reserve deposits the big banks might have owed the Federal Reserve Bank nearly three times as many millions if they had borrowed in the same proportion as the small bank. A part, at least, of the criticism of the operations of the Reserve Banks during the recent trying times seems to be based on instances of similar misconception of facts and figures. A moderate borrowing by a large bank may appear out of proportion when compared to an actually excessive borrowing by a small bank, if only absolute figures are used. In connection with the work of the Joint Committee on Agricultural In quiry, which was instructed to “in vestigate . . . the banking and finan cial resources and credits of the country, especially as affecting agri cultural credits,” the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago made a careful study of its loans to member banks. The purpose was to ascertain if there had been any discrimination, real or ap parent, against banks serving agri cultural communities. Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act was kept in mind. This section, in outlining the duties of directors of Federal Reserve Banks, provides as follows: Said board shall administer the affairs of said bank fairly and impartially and with out discrimination in favor of or against any member bank or banks and shall, subject to the provisions of law and the orders of the Federal Reserve Board, extend to each member bank such discounts, advancements and accommodations as may be safely and reasonably made with due regard for the claims and demands of other member banks. The study developed some interest ing facts that are pertinent to this discussion. The loan records of com mercial banks are not kept in such form that borrowers can be classified by occupations in any comprehensive way. It is true that for some time past Federal Reserve Banks have required member banks in their appli cations for rediscount to specify the business of customers whose notes are offered. But this information pro vides no adequate measure of the extent of the service rendered to agriculture. It is well known that many country banks make a practice of using their farmers’ paper for rediscount only after exhausting their supply of other eligible paper which is presumably better known at the Federal Reserve Bank, such as, “commercial paper” and notes secured by United States government obligations. No statistics are available to show the absolute amounts loaned to various industries, but the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago was able, by a com parison of its loans to member banks, to obtain conclusive evidence that it had not discriminated against agricul ture. Loans to and reserve deposits of member banks in a preeminently agri cultural state were compared with similar figures for member banks in the other states as well as the largest cities in the district. One of the tabulations made is printed in full on page 201 and presents an interesting comparison of the relative borrowings by all member banks in the preeminently agricultural state with all member banks in the city of Chicago and with the individual bank whose borrowings exceeded those of any other bank in the Federal Reserve District. The table on page 201 includes per centages, showing the ratio of amounts borrowed to reserve deposits kept in the Federal Reserve Bank, a method A gricultural and C ommercial L oans 201 L oans to A ll M e m b e r B a n k s in a G r e a t A g r ic u ltu r a l S t ate C o m par ed w it h L o a n s to t h e L a r g e st B o rr o w in g B a n k in t h e S e v e n t h F e d e r a l R e se r v e D istr ic t a n d L o a n s to A ll M e m b e r B a n k s in th e C it y of C h ic a g o ; also , C o m par ativ e R e se r v e D epo sit F ig u r e s . (In thousands of dollars) All member banks Largest borrowing All member in Agricultural bank in the banks in State District Chicago July 2,1920 .... *Reserve Deposit Loans Per cent loans to reserve deposit October 2, 1920 . *Reserve Deposit Loans Per cent loans to reserve deposit January 5, 1921 . ^Reserve Deposit Loans Per cent loans to reserve deposit April 2, 1921 ... ^Reserve Deposit Loans Per cent loans to reserve deposit July 1, 1921 .... *Reserve Deposit Loans Per cent loans to reserve deposit October 1, 1921 . ^Reserve Deposit Loans Per cent loans to reserve deposit 21,000. 63,000 . 300 . 21,000. 78,000 . 371.4 32,000 . 80,000 . 250 . 31,000 . 78,000 . 251.6 20,000. 94,000 . 470 . 20,000, 75,000 . 375 . 18,000 . 64,000 . 30,000 . 70,000 . 355.5 18,000 . 62,000 . 344.4 135,000 . 252,000 . 186.6 133,000 . 250,000 . 187.9 130,000 . 187,000 . 233.3 28,000 . 71,000 . 188,000 . 253.5 29,000 . 33,000 . 155.3 123,000 . 128,000 . 113.7 32,000 . 7,000 . 21.9 104.0 127,000 . 51,000 . 40.1 143.8 121,000. * Average for month. of comparing accommodations granted which is familiar to all bankers. The figures are given at intervals of three months and cover the period of greatest expansion of credit in the United States. It is worthy of note that the total borrowings for all mem ber banks in the agricultural state were on one day nearly five times their total reserve deposits, while the total bor rowings of the largest borrowing bank in the Federal Reserve District at the peak were about two and one-half times its reserve deposit. It is also interesting to note that while on October 1, 1921, the largest borrowing bank in the Federal Reserve District was indebteded to the Federal Re serve Bank to the extent of only 22 per cent of its reserve deposit, the total borrowings for all member banks in the agricultural state on the same date were 344 per cent of their total reserve deposits. It will also be noted from the chart on page 202 showing these percentages, 202 T he A nnals of the American A cademy 20s A ctivities of R eserve B oard and B anks that since April 2 , 1921, there has been was no discrimination against agriculgreat decrease in the amounts owed by the city banks, while the curve for the agricultural state does not show a proportionate decline. This examination of actual figures makes clear two points: (1) There ture by the Chicago Reserve Bank, Member banks in cities were not favored. (2) Relative, rather than absolute, figures must be used if an accurate idea of the situation is to be had. Popular and Unpopular Activities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks By W illiam A. S cott O University of Wisconsin N account of the extraordinary problems. The financial difficulties conditions under which our Fed which speedily followed made most people thankful for their existence and eral Reserve System has been obliged to operate, public opinion towards it created a feeling of dependence upon has taken peculiar twists and turns. them. No one was disposed to hamper Hopefulness, uncertainty and lack of them by criticism. enthusiasm characterized it at the start, Before our entrance into the War, a condition easily explainable by the their activities do not seem to have party controversy which preceded its attracted public attention to an extent establishment, differences of opinion sufficient to arouse either its criticism regarding the details of the law govern or its approval. The policy developed ing it and conflicts of interest among during this period of concentrating in the people most directly affected by it. their vaults as large a part of the Those who had fought and bled for the rapidly increasing gold supply as possi Aldrich plan were naturally critical ble by exchanging their notes with the of this one and uncertain regarding the banks for gold, important though it manner in which it would work. The was in checking somewhat the rapidly state bankers, generally, were hostile expanding bank credits and in render towards it because they feared that ing this mass of the precious metal some of their sources of profits would easily available for any purpose for be jeopardized, and many national which it might be needed, seemed to bankers did not like its coercive fea excite curiosity rather than interest . tures. The undiscriminating public W ar C ompulsions undoubtedly hoped that it would suc ceed and was disposed to give it a fair With our entrance into the War in April, 1917, the Federal Reserve Banks trial. The outbreak of the European War, were called upon to assist the Treasury three months before the Federal Re in its colossal financial operations. As serve Banks were ready to begin opera financial agents of the government, tions, cleared the atmosphere and they performed the work of executing smoothed the pathway for them so far its plans and measures and, what is as public opinion was concerned, though more important, so long as the War in other respects it complicated their lasted and for some time thereafter, £04 T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy their policies were shaped primarily with reference to the government’s needs and interests. The greatest of these was the flota tion of billions of bonds and short time notes, and the Reserve Banks’ part in the work was to act as the government’s agents in the sale of these securities and to aid in creating a market for them. To this end they established discount rates considerably below the market with a differential in favor of loans on the security of government bonds and notes, rates low enough, in fact, to make it possible, with the aid of rediscounts, for member banks to loan without loss to bond buyers at rates not higher than the bonds and notes themselves yielded. There can be no doubt that this was a violation of the rules of sound com mercial banking. It opened the doors to the inflation of bank credit and to the evils which follow in its train. Conscious though they were of this fact, the Federal Reserve Banks and the Federal Reserve Board were forced to adopt this policy. The Liberty loans could not otherwise have been floated. Without borrowing from their banks, the people could not have purchased their necessary allotment of bonds, and the banks could not have made these loans unless the Federal Reserve Banks had rediscounted for them on the security of these loans at rates which did not involve loss. Had the Reserve Banks refused to adopt this policy, public opinion would certainly have condemned them and probably Congress would have forced them to it. R esp o n sib ility for th e R is e and F a l l of P r ices One of the penalties that had ulti mately to be paid for this violation of sound banking principles was misun derstanding and criticism, not criticism of this policy, which had the hearty and even enthusiastic endorsement of pub lic opinion, but criticism of the meas ures the Federal Reserve Banks had ultimately to adopt in order to save themselves and the credit system of the country from the consequences of this policy. This misunderstanding and criticism resulted from the contemporaneous ex pansion of bank credits and the rise of prices. Both were necessary results of the same causes, namely, the read justments in the relations between the demand and supply of important groups of commodities and the transfer on a large scale of demand operations from private individuals and corporations to the government. But the people, with the assistance of a group of economists, interpreted the causal relations differ ently. They insisted that the expan sion of bank credits was the cause of the rising prices, and, since the discount policy of the Federal Reserve Banks was held to be chiefly if not wholly responsible for the inflation, these banks were held responsible for the high prices. This theory aroused no widespread criticism of the Federal Reserve Banks so long as prices continued to rise and prosperity to be general, but, when the high price period came to an end and the opposite movement got under way, the belief that the Federal Reserve Banks and the Federal Reserve Board could greatly influence and perhaps control price movements subjected them to pressure from people who were being, or thought they were being, injured by the slump in prices and, .when the banks did not yield to this pressure, to the severe criticism of these people. The course of events which resulted in such pressure and criticism seems to have been about as follows: The Arm istice was succeeded by about a year and a half of booming business, accom A ctivities of R eserve B oard panied by extravagance, speculation and soaring prices. Bank credits, in cluding those of the Federal Reserve System, expanded rapidly, and bank reserves rapidly declined. Towards the end of 1919 ordinary prudence and a decent regard for the safety of our credit system demanded that a halt be called. The Federal Reserve Board and the responsible officers of the Federal Reserve Banks felt and knew that good banking policy would have required them to put on the breaks much earlier, but they were stopped by the financial exigencies of the govern ment whose need for floating large loans did not end with the Armistice. The government needed the aid of the Federal Reserve Banks quite as much as during the War. During the year 1919 the Federal Reserve Banks and the Federal Re serve Board tried in vain to moderate the pace of the member banks by moral suasion and other indirect methods and it was not until December of that year that the financial condition of the government freed their hands to such an extent that they felt free to apply the brake of increasing discount rates. The upward movement of prices came to an end in the early summer of 1920 and the slump that followed syn chronized very closely with the period of high discount rates at the Federal Reserve Banks. The pressure upon the banks to carry people who were in trouble on account of the rapidly shrinking value of inventories, and farmers whose crops could either not be marketed at all or at prices much below the cost of production, was very great. The Federal Reserve Banks and the Federal Reserve Board urged the member banks to extend all possi ble assistance to these distressed people and supported them in this policy by liberal rediscounts, with the result that the total loans and discounts of the and B anks 205 banks continued to increase for several months after the slump in prices started and did not show any tendency to decline until near the end of the year 1920. The demand for bank accom modations was so great as to keep rates at a high level and to make excessive rates possible in individual cases. P ressur e for L ow er R ediscount R a tes In times of financial distress people always search for an explanation in the hope of finding some means of relief, and, in this case, the process of reason ing outlined above, running from Fed eral Reserve Bank discount rates through general bank credits to prices, seemed to furnish the key and also to suggest a remedy. Proof that low discount rates result in expanding bank credits and rising prices and high discount rates in contraction of credits and falling prices, seemed to be at hand in the fact, easy to establish by statis tics and graphs, that prices did rise during the period of low discount rates and began to fall soon after the policy of higher discount rates was inaugura ted. The remedy seemed clearly to be a radical cut in discount rates, which, it was claimed, would result in the expansion of credits or, at least, in pre venting contraction and in a check on the price slump and, if continued, in an upward movement of prices. The spokesmen of the distressed classes in the community deluged the Federal Reserve Board with appeals for this kind of relief and, upon its re fusal to grant it, with criticism and, in some instances, even with abuse. The Board was clearly between the devil and the deep sea. There was no ques tion about the necessity for high dis count rates and the removal of the differentia] in favor of government paper-secured loans if the credit sys tem of the country was to be kept in a 206 T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy sound condition; but it was equally progressive rate policy or even greatly clear on the other hand that that policy to modify it when cases of what were was unpopular. regarded by the critics as excessive rates were brought to its attention, and that R e c e n t C riticism s o f R ese r ve it refused to reverse its rate policy when B oard P o licy the harm being wrought by the slump The old saw that misfortunes never in prices became apparent. come singly proved true in this case. In support of these charges, the At this truly critical time the Federal critics indulged in fallacious reasoning, Reserve Board was publicly attacked misuse of statistics and the familiar in newspapers and before Congress. tricks of the political stump speaker. Beside the abolition of the progressive They frequently disregarded those rates in force in four of the districts and parts of the Federal Reserve Act which a general cutting of discount rates, it is determined the distribution of powers not easy to determine precisely what and duties between the Federal Reserve these critics wanted the Board to do, Banks and the Federal Reserve Board, but one demand seems to have been for or put an interpretation upon them it to undertake the task of cleaning which varied from that made by the up all the dirty places in our banking Board. * In matters of this kind there system even to the extent of correcting is often room for differences of opinion, the bad practices of individual bankers. but the critical energy was moved by Through the examinations conducted the assumption that the Board was by the Controller of the Currency a wrong and refused to conform to the number of these had been discovered or judgment of a superior wisdom. at least it was so thought. It was also Apparently the critical force had no demanded that the Board use its influ conception of the consequences that ence with the Federal Reserve Banks would follow the Board’s failure strictly to force or to induce them to refuse to to follow general rules of action impar grant credit to member banks that tially applied. Even if the laws under were not playing the banking game in which it operates gave it the right so the manner in which the critics thought to do, the attempt to deal with the cases of individual bankers or of individual it ought to be played. In the course of this campaign of borrowers would soon swamp it with criticism, a number of charges were an unmanageable mass of detail and brought against the Federal Reserve render impossible the execution of any Board and the Federal Reserve Banks, policy however necessary or desirable. especially that of New York City. The favorite method of proving that The chief of these were: that the Board Wall Street was being favored and the is suffering from “ bureaumania” and farmers pinched was to quote statistics is unsympathetic, governing itself by that show that the Federal Reserve general rules which it refuses to relax Bank of New York was loaning at one in individual cases which are thought time to one member bank, or to a few to appeal to the sympathy of its mem large member banks, more than certain bers; that it is extravagant, sanctioning other Reserve Banks in the agricultural too high salaries and other unnecessary sections were loaning to large numbers expenditures; that it has permitted an or to all their member banks. That inequitable distribution of credit, Wall it is necessary to observe the relation Street being favored and the farmers between the amount of the real credit pinched; that it refused to abandon the needs of all the constituents of each A ctivities o r R eserve B oard Federal Reserve Bank and the total amount of loans in each case before such statistical comparisons can have any significance, either never occurred to the critics or they chose to ignore the fact in order to make an effect on their audience. Moreover, these facts were not emphasized: That Reserve Banks in the farming country borrowed from other Reserve Banks, usually in the East, or that large banks in centers like Chicago ran up their indebtedness at the Federal Reserve Banks, in part if not chiefly, to help their correspond ents located in agricultural sections. Much was also made of the fact that some member banks in the New York district, rediscounting heavily at the Federal Reserve Bank, were them selves loaning heavily to speculative customers, without attempting to show what was the proportion of such loans to the total in each case or how cutting down the lines of discount of these banks at the Federal Reserve Bank would have affected their con stituents as a whole; or without even debating the question whether it would be good policy for the Federal Reserve Bank in New York to refuse to redis count good, eligible paper for a bank on the ground that it disapproves some of its loans. The opponents of Reserve Board policy appear to believe that the Fed eral Reserve Bank of New York and the Federal Reserve Board are guilty of sins of omission or of commission rela tive to the New York call loan market. They argue that high rates on that market attract funds from other parts of the country which ought to be loaned at home and otherwisewouldbe. Just how they would use the Federal System to prevent this they nowhere make clear. Perhaps they would have the Federal Reserve Bank of New York refuse to rediscount for a bank that loans on the call market! and B anks 207 With almost hysterical enthusiasm were cited the cases of a little bank in Alabama and a few others in which the application of the progressive rate rule had resulted in very high rates on a few loans. These were exploited to the limit in public addresses. The mem bers of the Reserve Board probably dis liked these extreme results of the pro gressive principle quite as much as anyone else, but they stubbornly thought out their own remedy. They recommended a rebate of the excessive interest payments in these cases and the deferring of final judgment on the principle itself until wider experience should give them more light. The critics had their own notions, however, and one was to play upon the feelings and prejudices of their audiences through the use of these extreme cases. The refusal of the Board to lower discount rates when the slump in prices occurred was classed as “unpar donable.” The arguments disclosed complete unconsciousness of the fact that there was room for differences of opinion regarding the best policy to pursue at that time or of the reasons for the Board’s refusal. The Board’s action could only be accounted for on the ground of “inertia” or “inability to comprehend the meaning of events.” D iscrim ination A gain st th e F arm er The criticism that the Federal Re serve System has discriminated against the farmers seems to have been endorsed by a good many people in agricultural sections, especially in the South and some parts of the West where farmers have been especially hard pressed by the slump in prices. The real credit needs of these farmers have been very great and their desire for credit in many cases has been in excess of their needs, since they wanted loans to en able them to hold their crops for costof-production-plus-profits prices for the 208 T he A nnals of the American A cademy realization of which there were no real prospects. In many cases, doubtless, these needs and desires have not been satisfied and the Federal Reserve Banks, or the Federal Reserve Board, or both, have been held responsible for the failure. Why? The testimony of Governors Hard ing, Strong and others before the Joint Commission of Agricultural Inquiry clearly shows that the Federal Reserve System has not been at fault in this matter; that, on the contrary, the resources of this System have been put at the disposal of member banks in the agricultural sections without stint and that member banks have been urged to respond to the farmers’ needs to the fullest extent possible. There is no evidence that rediscounts of eligible paper have been refused member banks in these sections, but, on the contrary, the evidence shows that the Federal Reserve Banks in these regions have borrowed heavily from other Federal Reserve Banks and stretched the eligi bility rules to the limit in order to ac commodate such banks. There is also abundant evidence that member banks have taken advantage of these privi leges and as a whole have responded liberally to the farmers’ needs. Their rediscounts and loans have expanded rapidly since the slump in prices began, the former passing far beyond the normal lines of credit set for them by the regulations of the Federal Reserve Banks, and in many cases member banks have gone beyond the limits set by sound practice in order to accom modate their farmer customers. L im itation s of C ommercial B a n k in g The explanation of the farmers’ criticisms must be sought in a mis understanding of the limitations of our commercial banking system, on the one hand, and of our Federal Reserve Sys tem, on the other. These critics do not know that the chief stock-in-trade of commercial banks is short time selfliquidating paper, that .the amount of any other kind of paper they should carry is strictly limited and that, if they go beyond this limit, they get themselves and everybody else into trouble. Nor do these critics realize that a large part of their own paper in normal times, and most of what they have to offer in these critical times, is not of the short term self-liquidating kind. It is unfortunate that we do not have institutions especially fitted to satisfy these credit needs, but the fact is that we have not. Our banking system is defective at this point, but from this fact it does not follow that it would be good policy, or any advantage, even to the farmer, to wreck our com mercial banks in an effort to do what they are unfitted to do. Neither do these farmer critics seem to know that a Federal Reserve Bank can serve them only through a member bank and then only by means of redis counting eligible paper. If the mem ber bank with which the farmer deals does not have eligible paper or is un willing to offer it for rediscount, the Federal Reserve Bank can do nothing. M isguided O pposition The farmer has also misunderstood the operation of high rediscount rates, especially those of the progressive variety. He has thought that these rates have prevented rediscounts by his bank and in this way have made it impossible for his banker to accom modate him. In some cases, doubtless, he has been given this impression by the banker himself who has preferred “passing the buck” to the Federal Reserve Bank to giving his customer the true reason for his unwillingness to accommodate him. That rediscounts in agricultural sections have not been prevented by high rediscount rates is A n O pen M arket for C ommercial P aper shown by the facts. The rediscount item has increased in spite of these rates. What these high rates were intended to accomplish and what they evidently did accomplish, was to force more careful discrimination between real and unreal and between greater and lesser needs and to cut down the volume of speculation. Farmers have also been infected by the theory that the so-called deflation policy of the Federal Reserve Banks caused the slump in prices. P u blic S upport or C lass C ontrol No one would be so rash as to claim infallibility for the Federal Reserve Board or for the responsible officers of the Federal Reserve Banks, least of all these persons themselves. It would be strange if they had not made mis takes. They have had to conduct a new institution during a period in which conditions were excessively ab normal and in which principles and rules of action, seemingly well estab lished by experience, were clearly in applicable. They have had to blaze new trails and to settle new problems upon which very little light was thrown by past experiences here or in other countries. But no fair-minded person can read and digest the testimony of Governors Harding, Strong, Miller and others before the Joint Commission of Agricultural Inquiry and escape the conviction that every policy they 209 adopted was carefully thought out in the light of the actual conditions con fronting them, that these policies worked on the whole extremely well and in the best interests of the country, that these men are able and conscien tious and know their business and that the country was very fortunate to have the operation of the Federal Reserve System in their hands during this extremely critical period in its history. The unfortunate thing is that few of the fair-minded people of the coun try can or will read that testimony. The ordinary man knows little about banking and would find it difficult to understand discussions regarding it if he did read them. Public opinion regarding such matters is not formed by careful reflection and weighing of the facts. Large numbers of people are bound to be influenced and to have their opinions determined by such criticisms as have been made. Since the charter period of the Federal Re serve Banks extends for several more years, the effect of this misguiding of the public mind and feeling is likely to be demands upon Congress for modifi cations of the Federal Reserve System in the direction of making it subservient to special interests and attempts to put the system in the control of men who will use it in the promotion of such interests. It is time for the friends of sound banking to be on the alert. The Development of an Open Market for Commercial Paper By E. E. A gger Columbia University I T is the function of an open discount the free sale and purchase of bills and market to promote mobility, elastic- paper acceptable as a basis of dealing ity and maximum economy in the use in the market. Where pressure is felt of credit. Mobility is assured through bills are offered for sale and the result15 210 T he A nnals op the American A cademy ing funds relieve the pressure. The funds are offered by those districts where temporary abundance prevails, and where, therefore, a profitable employment of the surplus is sought. Thus, through the instrumentality of the discount market, funds are trans ferred from places where they are wanted less to places where they are wanted more. This is the essence of credit mobility. Just as an open dis count market promotes mobility of credit it also promotes elasticity, namely, expansion and contraction in response to changing demand. An increase in demand is indicated by a growing abundance of paper offered in the market. A decrease in demand is likewise reflected in the liquidation of maturing paper, and in the diminution in the volume of new paper flowing into the market and offered for sale. The more abundant offering of new paper tends to lead to credit expansion, while the liquidation of that which matures, and which is not offset by a corre sponding offer of new paper, results in contraction. An open discount market can be developed irrespective of the system of reserve organization that may characterize a given country. Even under a system of scattered reserves, there is nothing to prevent banks and individuals in different sections of the country from buying and selling dis counts from and to one another and from developing whatever market machinery may be necessary for the purpose. Yet since such operations necessarily imply large and rapid movements of funds, it is obvious that under a centralized scheme of reserves, with effective clearing machinery, the inevitable shifting of funds growing out of open market operations can be executed with least friction and delay. Moreover, under a centralized system of reserves an open discount market contributes toward economy of opera tion of the credit system because, by promoting the free flow of funds, it permits the full utilization of available credit in the market before further expansion by the central institution becomes necessary. If pressure devel ops in any area, through the facilities of the open market the surpluses of other areas can immediately be drawn upon without initial resort to the reserve holding agency. With an open discount market the free credit tends to be completely absorbed before the central reserve agency is called upon for the expansion that usually implies a weakening of basic reserves. Lastly, it may be said that an open market may also be serviceable in the international flow of credit and in the safeguarding of the domestic reserve situation. If the market is sufficiently well established, and if the dealings in it are of a nature and a scope to en gender the necessary confidence, the foreigner may be induced to enter in it and to invest in its wares such sur plus funds, temporarily available, as he can command. As demand increases and as rates of discount rise, larger and larger sums may be attracted from abroad. This tends favorably to affect the exchange rates and may obviate the necessity of bullion shipments. C onditions C r e a t in g a n O pen D iscount M a r k et Since an open discount market can not create itself, it follows that the development of such a market must be contingent upon a favorable conjunc ture of circumstances. First of all, an open discount market requires forms of discountable credit instruments that will lend themselves to a free market handling. Not all credit instruments, of course, are avail able for open market operations. Un A n O pen M arket For C ommercial P aper der the old national banking system, both law and practice checked the development of satisfactory open mar ket instruments. The typical Ameri can credit instrument under that system was the single name promis sory note, which, owing to the obvi ously personal character of the credit which it represented, was not adapted to open market operations. We had a so-called “commercial paper market,” but its facilities were at the service only of large and nationally known firms. Moreover, it was a market for the first placement rather than for the free rehandling of paper. It would therefore hardly be regarded as a real discount market. Similarly, the old commercial time draft which had been a common in strument in pre-Civil War days, de generated, under the pressure of the cash-discount and the open-account system, into a sort of “dunning” instrument, employed, in all except a few lines, for the purpose of collect ing overdue accounts. The bankers’ acceptance, on the other hand, which is admirably adapted to free and rapid exchanging, was practically unlawful down to the time when provision was made for it in the Federal Reserve Act and in some state laws. Thus we had no open discount market in this coun try because we had no paper that could be handled in such a market. But in addition to a satisfactory commodity to be handled in a market, it is also necessary to have prospective buyers and sellers. In other words, there must be a favorable attitude toward the market and a willingness to use its facilities on the part of those who are expected to resort to it. But in this respect, also, American banking practice had developed along different lines. We had put the emphasis on independent, highly competitive local institutions, each more or less distrust 211 ful of the rest and safeguarding its business secrets with a peculiar jeal ousy. The cash-discount and single name system also tended to emphasize the direct relations between the banker and his client and was thus inimical to the development of a system which implied the free handling of paper in an open market. In general, except in their relations with their regular metro politan correspondents, bankers did not wish to confess the need for any assistance. Hence there was a strong tendency for them to hold on to the paper that they had originally dis counted. They also often objected to disclosing the rates which they orig inally charged, and some have accused them also of wishing to “hog” the whole interest and of being unwilling to split it with others through a proc ess of rediscounting or reselling in an open market. However all this may be, the fact remains that our bankers were not particularly well disposed toward open discount market opera tions. T h e R e se r v e S ystem P rovides a n Open M arket The framers of the Federal Reserve Act thus had a task on their hands. The advantages of an open discount market were freely enough conceded, but how were they to provide the neces sary technical expedients? And how lay the foundation for a favorable attitude toward such a market? In an earlier article, published in T he A nn als in January, 1916, the writer discussed the provisions of the Federal Reserve Act and the regulations of the Federal Reserve Board bearing on the subject of commercial paper and promulgated up to that time. The great contribu tion of the Act itself was a system of reserve centralization and control, the basis of a system of domestic clearings and transfers, and the legalization of T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy bankers’ acceptances. These accept ances were at first limited to export and import transactions, but were later made applicable to domestic transac tions as well. Similarly, the amount of acceptances for which a member bank might make itself liable was increased from 50 per cent to 100 per cent of its combined capital and sur plus. The Board’s contribution is to be found in the regulations which it has drawn up in connection with the different forms of commercial paper and in the policies which it has pur sued toward encouraging the use of, and the investment in, paper accept able for open market operations. At the present time it may be said that Section 13 of the Reserve Act supplies the member banks with their authority to engage in the acceptance business. The acceptances which they create must have a maturity not greater than six months, exclusive of days of grace. They may grow out of transactions involving the exportation or importation of goods or out of those involving domestic shipments, but in the latter case the acceptances must be accompanied by shipping docu ments conveying or securing title at the time the member bank makes the acceptance, or they must be secured by warehouse receipts or other such docu ments conveying or securing title covering readily marketable staples. Similarly, under regulations drawn up by the Board, member banks may accept drafts or bills of exchange drawn upon them by banks or bankers abroad where the purpose is to furnish dollar exchange required by the usages of trade. Such acceptances must not, however, have more than three months’ sight to run. The total amount of acceptances for each member bank is restricted to a sum equal to one-half of its paid-up and unimpaired capital and surplus, al though under general regulations the Reserve Board may authorize a mem ber bank to accept bills growing out of exports and imports up to the full amount of its capital and surplus. There is, however, the proviso that in no event may the domestic or the dol lar exchange acceptances exceed a total of fifty per cent of the member banks’ capital stock and surplus. Similarly, there is a general restriction to the effect that no member bank may accept for any one person or firm to an amount greater than 10 per cent of its paid-up and unimpaired capital and surplus unless the member bank is secured either by attached documents or by some other adequate security growing out of the same transaction as the acceptance. All acceptances in these different classes which mature within three months, exclusive of days of grace, and carry the indorsement of at least one member bank, are eligible for discount at Federal Reserve Banks. But more important still, so far as an open discount market is concerned, are the provisions of Section 14 of the Federal Reserve Act. This section authorizes Federal Reserve Banks, under regulations prescribed by the Board, to purchase and sell in the open market, at home or abroad, from or to domestic or foreign banks, firms, cor porations, or individuals, cable trans fers and bankers’ acceptances and bills of exchange of the kinds and maturi ties made eligible for rediscount, with or without the indorsement of a mem ber bank.1 Since nothing like an open discount market had developed in this country, it was foreseen that in trying to build one up and to win the support of the 1 In this connection attention should be called to the fact that some of the states have also authorized their banking institutions to engage in the acceptance business. An O pen M arket for C ommercial P aper member banks, the leadership of the Reserve Banks would have to be relied upon. This is what gives special sig nificance to the provisions of Section 14. For the same reason much sig nificance attaches also to the regula tions of the Board bearing on the eligibility of paper for rediscount at and for open market purchases by the Reserve Banks. In general, it may be said that paper to be eligible for discount must have grown out of a transaction involving “producing, purchasing, carrying or marketing goods in one or more of the steps” of “production, manufacture or distribution, or for the purpose of carrying or trading in bonds or notes of the United States.”2 On the other hand, it must not be paper whose pro ceeds are to be used for fixed invest ments of any kind or for other capital purposes; or paper used for specula tive purposes or for lending to others. Various expedients such as statements, shipping documents, warehouse re ceipts, etc., are relied upon to guarantee the essential nature of the paper and to safeguard its security. For pur poses of rediscount Section 13 of the Reserve Act made eligible notes, drafts and bills of exchange of certain types. But open market purchases by the Reserve Banks were limited to bankers* acceptances and bills of exchange of the kinds and maturities made eligible for rediscount by Section 13. The effect of this limitation was to rule the promissory note out of the field of open market purchases, leaving within this field bankers’ acceptances, bills of exchange and so-called trade accept ances which are defined as drafts or bills of exchange “drawn by the seller or the purchaser of goods sold, and accepted by such purchaser.”3 2 Regulations A, Series of 1920. 3Regulation A, Series 1920, Section V. 213 T he R ese r v e System E ncou rages a n O pen D iscount M a r k et From the beginning the Reserve Board has done all that it could to further the development of an open discount market. It encouraged the Reserve Banks in their efforts to emphasize the importance of accept ances as investments, not only by their own purchases but also in the favorable rates that were accorded them. The Board has cordially ap proved the acceptance service that some of the Reserve Banks have provided for their member banks. Sim ilarly, the Board has also dealt gen erously with acceptances in its regula tions and decisions, although it has tried at the same time to maintain the principles laid down in the Reserve Act with respect to the fundamental character of the paper. During and immediately after the War the Board stretched a point with respect to renewal paper, but only in exceptional cases can such paper now be considered eligible.4 Favorable rates of discount were recognized from the outset as the strongest practical stimulant to the growth of an acceptance market. In their open market purchases the Re serve Banks, that were primarily con cerned, quoted more favorable rates for acceptances than for other com mercial paper and granted the same discrimination also for acceptances directly discounted for the member banks. Such preference was consid ered fully justified by the essential character of the paper. On the other hand, the Reserve Banks allowed the open market rates to control buying rates as largely as possible, shading the rate slightly where a strong indorse4 See Sixth Annual Report of the Federal Reserve Board covering operations for the year 1919, page 22. Ibid., page 38. 214 T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy ment justified it. To induce broader purchases by member banks the Board itself recognizes that a differential rate must be maintained in favor of prime bills indorsed and rediscounted by member banks. Such differential always assures the member bank of some profit should it find it necessary or desir able to rediscount at its Reserve Bank the acceptances that it has purchased.5 S p e c ia l I nducem en ts to B u y A cceptances As a further inducement to member banks to invest in acceptances, some of the Reserve Banks have maintained special lines of service. The New York Bank, for example, has for several years bought bills in the open market on member bank account. If desired, the Reserve Bank retains the paper, col lects it at maturity and credits the member bank’s account.6 The Rich mond Reserve Bank also buys accept ances for its member banks and allows the member bank to specify the names of the acceptors whose paper is wanted.7 The Richmond Bank also has been buying unindorsed bills directly from the acceptors. This encourages the member bank to utilize its acceptance powers, and, at the same time, affords the Reserve Bank the opportunity of keeping well informed concerning the methods employed in the granting of acceptance credits. The Boston Bank has been making persistent efforts to cultivate investment in acceptances for secondary reserve purposes. The Cleveland and Chicago Banks report a steady broadening of the market as a result of successful missionary work with their member banks through their member bank relations department.* In the development of the accept ance market it was recognized that the dealer would of necessity play an important part. It is essential to the success of the, acceptance that it be quickly sold after acceptance has been effected. The dealer has been increas ingly relied upon to effect a rapid dis tribution of the paper as it is created. Naturally, unless there is a rapid turn over in the market, the dealer may have to carry large amounts. This requires more capital than most dealers can afford, and hence some of the Reserve Banks have followed the prac tice of carrying a part of this load. The Banks take the paper for fifteen day periods under a re-purchase agree ment, pending distribution.9 This has made it possible for the dealers to operate continuously on a much larger scale than would otherwise be the case, and it has meant much, therefore, in the upbuilding of the market. E x t e n t o f th e A c cepta n ce M a r k e t The principal market into which acceptances flow is, of course, New York. This has thrown a special bur den on the NewYorkReserve Bank, but through allotments to other Reserve Banks this burden has been distributed to some extent.10 Purchasers of accept ances were at first only the larger banks, but today dealers have as clients in addition to many banks, corporations, firms and private indi viduals.11 During the past year heavy purchases on foreign account have also been made.12 Moreover, in some states 5See Sixth Annual Report of the Federal Reserve 8Seventh Annual Report of the Federal Reserve Board covering operations for the year 1919, Board., page 52. 9 Ibid., page 51. page 23. 6Report of Federal Reserve agent, Sixth 10 Ibid., page 51. Annual Report of the Federal Reserve Board, 11Ibid., page 50, p. 366. 12See Report Federal Reserve agent, New page 319. 7Seventh Annual Report of the Federal Reserve York District—Seventh Annual Report of the Federal Reserve Board, p. 382. Board, page 52. A n O pen M arket for C ommercial P aper by act of legislature bankers’ accept ances have been made eligible invest ments for savings banks and this prom ises a fruitful source of demand. The main development has naturally come in the larger industrial and commercial centers. The Board states that, as a rule, in the South, Southwest and certain parts of the West, member banks have only partially exercised their acceptance powers, while pur chasers of acceptances are almost exclusively banks in the larger centers TABLE I. 215 of these districts.13 But it is reasonable to suppose that as time goes on the advantage of the acceptance as a liquid, short-time investment will be quite generally recognized and the scope of the market should be more nearly countrywide than it is now. The general trend of the acceptance may be indicated by a few tables. Table I shows the acceptance liabilities of member banks at each controller’s call since November, 1915. Tables II and IIA show the Reserve V o lu m e op M e m b e r B a n k A c c e p t a n c e s a s p e r t h e C o n t r o l l e r ’s C a l l f o r t h e S p e c ifie d D a t e s a (In thousands) November 10,1915 ............................................................................. 266 December 31, 1915 .............................................................................. 32,876 March 7, 1916..................................................................................... 42,677 May 1, 1916........................................................................................ 62,452 June 30, 1916...................................................................................... 73,641 September 12, 1916............................................................................. 81,290 December 27, 1916.............................................................................. 107,909 March 5, 1917..................................................................................... 108,550 May 1,1917 ........................................................................................ 118,799 June 20, 1917...................................................................................... 157,870 September 11, 1917............................................................................. 138,231 November 20, 1917............................................................................. 153,645 December 31, 1917.............................................................................. 217,190 March 4,1918 ................................................................................. ;. 230,164 May 10, 1918....................................................................................... 250,323 June 29, 1918...................................................................................... 231,805 August 31, 1918 .................................................................................. 243,772 November 1, 1918............................................................................... 332,719 December 31, 1918.............................................................................. 305,101 March 4, 1919..................................................................................... 269,173 May 12, 1919....................................................................................... 224,150 June 30, 1919....................................................................................... 272,035 September 12, 1919............................................................................. 323,226 November 17, 1919............................................................................. 359,109 December 31, 1919.............................................................................. 407,639 February 28, 1920............................................................................... 424,669 May 4, 1920........................................................................................ 438,430 June 30,1920 ....................................................................................... 431,196 September 8, 1920............................................................................... 414,583 November 15, 1920............................................................................. 406,525 December 29, 1920.............................................................................. 375,416 February 21, 1921............................................................................... 345,644 April 28, 1921...................................................................................... 304,231 June 30, 1921....................................................................................... 250,925 a Specially prepared by the Drvision of Analysis and Research of the Federal Reserve Board. 13 See Report Federal Reserve agent, New York District—Seventh Annual Report of the Federal Reserve Board, p. 382. 216 TABLE II. T h e A nnals op the A merican A cademy F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B a n k D is c o u n t s a n d P u r c h a s e s o f T r a d e a n d B a n k e r s ’ A cc e pt a n c e s b (In thousands) D isc o u n t s Y ear Bankers 1915.............................................. 1916.............................................. 1917.............................................. 1918.............................................. 1919.............................................. 1920.............................................. 1921-9 M o ................................................ TABLE II A . .... 19,940 71,643 187,162 49,810 P urch ases Bankers Trade 1,959 5>212 37,771 187,373 138,420 192,157 101,129 64,814 369,762 1,046,765 1,748,503 2,788,619 3,143,737 996,851 31 16,333 30,948 61,036 36,558 74,627 6,687 1920 D iscounts Bankers Ope n M arket Trade Sam e D a t a by M o n th s f o r 1920 in and 1921 to D a te P urchases in Open M arket Trade Bankers Trade January........................................... February......................................... March.............................................. April................................................ M ay................................................. June................................................. Ju ly................................................. August............................................. September....................................... October........................................... November....................................... December....................................... 17,226 28,611 34,534 28,172 15,254 9,431 7,069 5,490 8,103 10,354 13,275 9,643 16,520 11,001 23,383 15,296 16,541 13,938 13,457 14,011 17,160 19,389 15,143 16,318 299,746 296,959 298,459 240,704 270,498 261,333 209,296 247,438 255,858 280,162 230,832 252,452 2,706 3,349 4,901 6,890 3,739 24,419 10,168 12,270 2,131 1,670 1,008 1,376 Year............................................. 1921 January........................................... February...................................♦... March.............................................. April................................................ M ay................................................. June................................................. July.................................................. August............................................. September....................................... 187,162 192,157 3,143,737 74,627 8,430 6,159 11,512 7,404 6,560 3,790 1,942 1,408 2,605 69,810 20,171 13,256 11,709 10,860 9,768 9,937 8,673 8,781 7,974 101,129 121,135 167,362 148,698 121,412 137,980 64,599 46,623 107,270 81,772 996,851 1,064 2,079 557 2,099 622 75 47 33 9 Months........................................ 111 6,687 b Specially prepared by the Division of Analysis and Research of the Federal Reserve Board. An O pen M arket for C ommercial P aper TABLE III. 217 B i l l s B o u g h t in O p en M a r k e t® (In Thousands of Dollars) Federal Reserve Bank 1917 1918 1919 1920 Boston................................. New York........................... Philadelphia........................ Cleveland............................ Richmond............................ Atlanta................................ Chicago............................... St. Louis.............................. Minneapolis........................ Kansas City........................ Dallas.................................. San Francisco..................... Totals.............................. 86,481 445,307 70,710 51,007 54,759 25,388 61,142 22,788 16,397 17,561 9,743 48,018 909,301 194,158 945,498 77,686 122,800 70,766 45,477 122,787 26,096 13,903 14,691 25,024 150,653 1,809,539 360,784 1,211,399 14,049 261,750 52,977 51,661 292,012 87,503 108,714 26,086 12,415 345,827 2,825,177 304,445 1,697,330 41,232 294,602 51,712 39,576 345,021 36,020 18,060 17,173 8,348 364,845 1921 (9 mos.) 3,218,364 0Yearly returns Seventh Annual Report Federal Reserve Board, Z>. 52. Bank discounts and purchases of bankers’ and trade acceptances for indicated periods. Table III shows the purchases in the open market by or for the account of each Federal Reserve Bank during the years 1917-1920 included and for the first nine months of the present year. F u ture D evelopm ent T hrough B a n k e r s’ A cceptances It will be observed that from the spring of 1920 down to the last quarter of 1921 the volume of operations declined. This was due primarily to the great decline in our foreign trade, but the collapse at home also exerted a considerable influence. Another no table circumstance is the specially large drop in trade acceptances as contrasted with bankers’ acceptances. The experience with trade acceptances has not been particularly encouraging. In nature, the trade acceptance differs diametrically from the bankers’ accept ance and experience seems to prove that it lends itself to serious abuse.14 Evils have been complained of also in connection with bankers’ acceptances, but such evils can be handled through the banks more easily than trade acceptance abuses can be remedied through the more numerous and less amenable private business firms. The future development of the open market is thus likely to rest more and more completely on the bankers’ acceptance, and a great impetus would be given to this development if in domestic busi ness a credit procedure based on the bankers’ acceptance were more widely employed. 14 The Federal Reserve agent of District No. 1 in his 1920 report to the Board says: “ The development of the use of trade acceptance— at least the domestic trade acceptance—unlike that of the bankers’ acceptances, does not appear to have been entirely satisfactory. That they have been misused there is little question, and for the most part the banks in the district do not feel any more favorably disposed, if as much so, to encourage their use than in the past. 218 T he A nnals of the American A cademy The Efficiency of Credit By 0 . M. W. S p r a g u e A Harvard University GOOD irrigation system and a banking arrangements brought about perfect system of credit would by the establishment and operation of exhibit strikingly similar characteristhe Reserve Banks. The reduction in tics. The supply of credit, as of water, reserve requirements for member banks would be abundant, produced at a min and the concentration of those re imum cost, and free from interruption serves in the Reserve Banks, where or exhaustion. Adequate means of they become in turn the basis for distribution would be developed to further credit in the form of Federal furnish the water in the one case and Reserve notes and also of reserve bal credit in the other to every part of the ances, have greatly reduced the amount territory to be served. And then, to of gold or other reserve money re secure good results, judgment must quired to support a given volume of needs be exercised in both cases. Unin credit. Estimates of the saving tfius telligent and lavish use of the water secured vary somewhat, but for our will be harmful to the crops and may present purpose it is sufficient to note exhaust the most abundant sources of that all calculations agree in the con supply. Similarly with credit, unre clusion that gold is now a basis for at strained use has an unfavorable effect least twice as much credit as in the upon industrial output, stimulates a period before the Reserve System was rank growth of speculation and is the established. principal cause of extreme fluctuations A reduction in the amount of gold in the general level of prices. Irriga required to support a given volume of tion experience also teaches that ex credit would be followed by a positive tensions and improvements in one reduction in the cost of bank credit if direction may be wasteful and even the volume of credit was not enlarged. positively hazardous unless they are Less gold would then be used for bank accompanied by balancing develop ing purposes, and the surplus could be ments in other directions. This essen used in the arts or exported in payment tial requirement, if a credit system is to for goods, services or securities. Again, develop in a satisfactory fashion, is insofar as additional credit might serve commonly overlooked. The estab to increase production, a positive lishment and operation of the Reserve advantage would be derived from the Banks has introduced many and im reduction in reserve requirements. portant changes in our banking system. But manifestly the amount of addi Whether that development has been a tional credit that can exert a favorable well balanced development is, in my influence upon production is small. A judgment, the most searching and im large increase in the supply of credit, portant question raised by our credit if freely used, is a positive detriment experience during the last six years. to industry. Its effects are seen in rapidly advancing prices, an over-exM o r e C r e d it a t L o w e r C o st tended condition of business concerns An increase in the supply of credit generally, and widespread speculation, and a reduction in basic costs are culminating in crises and followed by definite results of the changes in our trade depression. 219 Leaving out of consideration the to which the conduct of business is special case of the use of credit in subject. financing the War, it is not easy to T h e D is t r ib u t io n o f C r e d it discover any positive gain that the country has realized from economy of Turning now to the distribution of gold which has been secured through credit, the Reserve System is found to the establishment of the Reserve Sys have made considerable, though by no tem. So far, the results have been means fundamental, changes. On unfavorable. The additional credit account of the almost complete ab was freely extended and we now are sence of branch banking in the United enduring the inevitable consequences. States, credit is far less fluid in this So far as the supply of credit is con country than elsewhere. The supply cerned, a repetition of this experience is of credit in each community, and entirely possible. Loan liquidation, especially in the smaller ones, is in always an incident of periods of depres large measure limited to the resources sion and abnormal gold imports, is of the local banks eked out by such placing the banks in position to grant amounts as they may choose or are billions of additional credit as soon as able to borrow from banks in other places. Through the Reserve Banks an active demand develops. A more certain gain from the Re the borrowing facilities of many local serve System is the assurance that the banks have been materially enlarged. flow of credit will not be interrupted But it still remains true that credit is through exhaustion of supply or by the far less fluid than in the countries working at cross purposes of the banks where banking is conducted by banks as happened in successive crises down operating regional or nation-wide sys to and including the crisis of 1907. tems of branches. This is the price, This assurance that the flow of credit not necessarily too high a price, that will not be interrupted in the future is we pay for our system of independent not the result of the increase in the sup local banks. ply of credit. It could have been It is in the employment of credit that gained without any increase whatever the least change has followed the in credit supply. The exhaustion of establishment of the Reserve System. the lending power of the banks on Aside from certain general restrictions, future occasions of financial strain is each local bank, and properly, is free altogether unlikely because the Re to employ its funds as may seem to it serve Banks recognize responsibility advisable. The Federal Reserve Act for the general credit situation in this widened the scope of the lending activ regard, and regularly hold in reserve, ities of the banks somewhat by author power to extend credit on an extensive izing them to accept a limited range of scale to be used freely in case of emer bills of exchange and to lend a moder gency. Through the Reserve System ate amount on mortgage security. the banks of the country have also The Act also aimed at making com become closely knit together for settle mercial loans more attractive by ex ment purposes, and there is therefore cluding other loans, with the exception no longer reason to fear that they will of those secured by United States suspend payments on future occasions government obligations, from redis of financial strain. In short, that a count at the Reserve Banks. future crisis will degenerate into a These changes in the law and modi panic is no longer one of the hazards fications in banking practice are im** T h e E f f ic ie n c y o f C r e d it 220 T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy portant, but were not expected to well within legal reserve requirements. change materially the general char On the basis of the credits secured acter of the assets of the banks. through these rediscounts the com mercial banks of the country would be M o r e C r e d i t W i t h o u t N e w U s e s able to extend loans by from two to This, then, is the gist of the situation three times the amount discounted. resulting from the establishment and In other words, it may be conserva operation of the Federal Reserve tively estimated that there is at least System: an enormous increase in the ten billion dollars of unused bank available supply of credit and no con credit in the United States at the siderable new uses for this credit. No present time. new uses for credit are needed to ab sorb this additional supply. The bulk T h e D is c o u n t R a t e a n d t h e P r i c e L evel of this additional credit cannot be employed with advantage to the com In the Federal Reserve System we munity, but only to its positive dis have an agency which has the power to advantage. Credit serves a productive make a vast increase in the supply of purpose by facilitating the transfer of credit for the bulk of which there is capital assets and of goods in process only one influence that will create an of production and marketing. But intense demand. That influence is when business is active, and people rising prices. A moderate advance in are already fully employed, additional prices may indeed have a beneficial doses of credit do not result in a larger on production after a period of physical output of goods. Additional effect depression, but a prolonged upward credit then subjects all industry to swing of prices creates speculative the unhealthful influence of protracted conditions, stimulates speculative ac advance in prices. The demand for tivities, and tends to bring all but the credit grows more and more intense most cautious business concerns and is practically without limit. At an over-extended condition. Suchintoa such times, moreover, the thousands of prolonged upward movement of prices competing banks are quite incapable with all its disastrous consequences is of imposing restraint upon borrowers hardly possible without large use of the so long as they possess unused lending credit resources the Reserve Banks. power. The fear that desirable deposi It would seem,oftherefore, the tors will go elsewhere is strong and effect of advancing prices on thethat general warps judgment. In these circum stances, cautions and warnings from business situation should be a factor of the Reserve Banks have little effect; the first importance in shaping the discount policy of the Reserve Banks, they were not heeded in 1919. The Reserve Banks now have a re assuming more and more importance serve which is nearly 75 per cent of as a period of business activity con their demand liabilities, with prospects tinues. The management of the good for a still higher ratio before con Reserve Banks is, however, by no ditions become favorable for a period means inclined to this view of the of renewed business activity. Redis matter. Responsible officers of the counts to the amount of about $3 ,000,- banks land also members of the Federal 000,000 could be granted and still, in the Reserve Board roundly assert that absence of gold exports,—an unlikely they are not concerned with the course event—the Reserve Banks would be of prices and that in the determination T h e E f f ic ie n c y o f C r e d it of discount policies the price situation is not a definite factor. The attitude of the management of the Reserve Banks in regard to re sponsibility for the course of prices forcibly recalls an experience of the most ancient of central banks. For more than a generation, the directors of the Bank of England stoutly in sisted that the Bank was no more responsible for the situation in time of crisis than any other London bank. Finally, largely as a result of repeated onslaughts by Bagehot in The Econ omist—given more permanent form in Lombard Street—the policy of the Bank was definitely reversed and the course that has become universal practice in handling crises was adopted. There is unhappily little doubt that the Reserve System has lost somewhat in general public estimation during the mi last two years. It bears much of the burden of the consequences of the unwise low discount policy which the Treasury Department unwisely in sisted must be continued for more than a year after the Armistice. The wisdom subsequently manifested in refusing to give way to demands for additional credit, which would have made a bad situation worse, could not be expected to make a strong appeal to the people at large. For the future, if not prevention, at least clear evi dence that the Reserve System has not contributed to the creation of the intense activity that breeds depression is a reasonable demand on the part of the public. This expectation will not be realized if large additional supplies of credit are furnished by the Reserve Banks at times when prices are rising rapidly and persistently. Book Department D. C. Capital Control in New York (State). Pp.xxiv, 225. Price, $3.00. New York: McDevitt-Wilson’s Inc., 1921. Up to a few years ago, many public utilities had the habit of claiming that “a contract was a contract,” while, lately, a large part of the consuming public has been inclined to adopt the slogan as its own. But there has of late been evident a grow ing realization on the part of the public that while revenge may be sweet, it has its limitations as a steady diet. We can exist without the utilities, but we cannot “live” without them; not only are they indispen sable to our present standard of comfort, but they are already lagging far behind our demands upon them. The utilities, on the other hand, cannot serve us without a sound basis of credit, the foundation of which is a budget which not only balances, but allows for the necessary reserve and emergency funds. The result of the har rowing experiences of the last five years is that now, after the pendulum has been allowed to swing both ways, both the utility corporations and the public have experienced a deeper realization than ever before of the mutual benefit to be derived from the proper governmental control of the issuance of securities. In view of the more widespread realiza tion of this fact brought about by recent events, a study of the regulation of securityissues accomplished in the State of New York is welcome at this time. New York was one of the first of our commonwealths to inaugurate effective control in this mat ter, and, being the wealthiest and most populous of the states, the problems in volved were especially numerous and com plex; in fact, the First District Commission, with jurisdiction over the city of Greater New York, had to cope with problems that were unique and without a parallel, either in this country or in Europe. The author of this monograph has traced the growth of New York’s administrative regulation of security-issues from the first crude and nominal beginnings in the early fifties of the last century to the middle of 1918, since which time little of constructive B a l d w in , significance has been accomplished. Really effective control of securities in the State of New York dates from the going into effect of the Public Service Commissions Law (July 1, 1907). This act was fathered by Governor Hughes and its final enact ment was due almost wholly to his per sistent efforts. The passage of this act marked an epoch in public utility regulation. For years the control of the issuance of securities by regulative bodies had been recognized as the key to all the other as pects of utility regulation, and this act, creating the Public Service Commissions of the First and Second Districts, respectively, not only granted them power to compel the rendering of adequate service to the public, but also clothed them with authority to approve or reject proposed issues of stocks and bonds. In the ten years following 1907, the New York Commissions ac complished a vast amount of pioneer work with the aim of securing as conservative capitalizations as were possible in the face of the chaotic conditions with which they were confronted, to the end that the in vesting public might be protected without the necessity of exploiting the consuming public either through the furnishing of inadequate service or the charging of exorbitant rates. The principles worked out by the Com missions during this period, and subse quently upheld or modified by the courts, make an interesting study both from the standpoint of governmental authority and of investment protection. In the further elaboration of sound governmental control of security-issues, which recent experience has shown to be so necessary for all parties concerned, these principles will be regarded as among the most valuable precedents available. H a y e s , E d w a r d C a r y . Sociology and Ethics. Pp. viii, 354. Price, $3.00 net. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1921. This book may be said to be a footnote to a paragraph in the author’s Introduction to Sociology, published five years ago, ii* B ook D epartment which he wrote (page 4): “Sociology aims at nothing less than the transfer of ethics from the domain of speculative philosophy to the domain of objective science.” The book is essentially a plea for an objective scientific ethics—for a sociology which is an objective scientific ethics. Ethical theory, according to Dr. Hayes, who is professor of Sociology at the Uni versity of Illinois and now president of the American Sociological Society, has passed through the “three stages of progress” of Comte’s famous classification. It first had its theological stage, in which the moral law was regarded as the voice of God in the soul of man. Then followed the met aphysical period, with the concept of moral law as an abstraction emanating from the “Ding an Sich.” Finally, it is in process of entering the “scientific” stage, in which rightness and goodness of conduct will be determined by scientific study of the real ities of life, wherein the values of life will be determined objectively. It is a thought-provoking book. Soci ologists who have emphasized the pure rather than the applied side of their sub ject will find their practice sharply chal lenged. Historical ethics is reminded of its a priori assumptions and preoccupations with an abstract individualism. ^Theo logians and moralists, alarmed by the deterministic implications of social science, are reassured, such implications being rec onciled in their traditional views. Al though the book is marred by a deal of repitition, obviously the result of inter mittent effort scattered over a number of years, it is a searching but optimistic analysis that will repay careful perusal. J a m e s H. S. B o ssa r d . University of Pennsylvania. B a r k e r , J . E l l is : Modern Germany, Her Political and Economic Problems. Pp. vii, 496. Price, $6.00. E . P. Dutton & Co., 1921. This is the sixth edition “entirely re written and very greatly enlarged.” The writer is a widely known and very able authority, whose writings in the leading British journals have attracted wide atten tion. In this edition he had condensed 223 much that appeared in earlier editions and included seven new chapters. L ip p in c o t t , I s a a c : Economic Develop ment of the United States. Pp. xvi, 691. Price, $3.50. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1921. One of the greatest needs of American students has been for a suitable economic history of the United States. Perhaps time is necessary for the scholars of any country to produce such a work because of all that is involved. At any rate, for that reason or for some other, there has been a dearth of satisfactory studies. Even the monographic literature has been com paratively meager. Professor Lippincott has taken a great step in advance in his treatment. As he observes in the introduction, he has not limited himself to a mere record of indus trial progress, but has endeavored to bring together causes and results. After an in troductory section on factors in economic development, the treatment is by periods through 1914 with a concluding chapter on the war period from 1914 to 1920. Empha sis is well distributed over the different peri ods and a common defect of such studies— over-emphasis on the earlier years—seems to have been avoided. The distribution of space between different phases of develop ment may, however, be more open to crit icism. For the period from 1860 to 1914 only two chapters are given to the extrac tive industries and two to agriculture, a total of 89 pages, while to manufactures and commerce are given eight chapters or 220 pages. We are still nearly fifty per cent a rural population. This fact and the acute problems presented by our rural conditions would seem to warrant a different emphasis. The volume is the best study yet avail able, both for private reading and for the class room, andwill doubtless find a wide use. B o w m a n , I s a ia h , Ph. D. The New World. Pp. vii, 632. Price, $6.00. New York: World Book Company, 192X. The past few months have been months of intensive education of the American peo ple in affairs international. The conclusion ZM T he A nnals of the A merican A cademy of the World War with its remaking of maps and its reordering of industries and of markets has made this world a very small one. This book gives a wealth of world facts each citizen should have at his disposal. The book is a geography replete with maps reliable and up to date; but it is more than a geography. The book is a history in that the important epochs in the his torical, industrial, social and racial develop ments of each of the countries are noted; but it is more than a history: It is a treatise of world-wide industry in that it gives the location and output of coal mines, and iron mines and other natural resources; it lo cates the world’s industries, it outlines the world’s waterways, pictures the world’s routes for trade, and gives the industrial backbone of every nation. And yet it is more than a book on industry. It is also replete with matters political in their de velopment and social in their origin. And yet it is something more than a source book on the leading social and industrial facts of the nations of the earth. The book is a mine of information as broad as human life itself and this information is concisely put and is accurate in its scholar ship. Only one in close touch with the ex tensive sources of the American Geograph ical Society, and in close touch with all the information open to government officials preparatory to the many recent world con ferences, could have had access to the diver sified sources from which the knowledge in this volume has come. The book discusses the problems of im perial Britain, the political and colonial aims of France, Belgium as the crossroads of Europe, the Italian situation, the dem ocratic drift in Spain, Portugal’s colonial policies, transportation and industrial prob lems of Switzerland, the Scandinavian countries and Holland, the problems of the German people, the national existence of Austria, the new Hungary, the domain of the Czecho-Slovaks, Jugo-Slavia and the Adriatic, the new frontiers of Rumania, the mountaineers of Albania, the reunited Greek lands, the borderlands of Poland, the development of Lithuania, land tenure and trade outlets in Esthonia and Latvia, the geographical setting and the problems of Finland, the ethnic groups of the Russian Empire with the background of the Russian disorder, Constantinople as a European thoroughfare, the Jewish homeland— Palestine, Anatolia—the last remnant of the Turkish Empire, the Transcaucasian peoples, the interests of Persia in their re lation to British industry, the unsettled land of the Nomad in inner Asia, the raw materials in the Far East and their control, the expansion of Japan toward the main land of Asia, the conflict of Chinese and Japanese interests, the Pacific realm and Australia, the past and present status of colonies, the European powers in Africa, boundary disputes in Latin America and the relations between Latin America and the United States. Such a recital of the contents of the book gives some idea as to its value as a reference book at these times. Not the least valuable part of the book is its carefully prepared bibliography covering each of the points mentioned above and many, many others. In an Appendix is given a list of dates and names of principal treaties and agreements from 1814 to 1920. In addition to the maps are many choice illustrations re flecting the natural and industrial activi ties of many of the leading countries of the world. The book is a credit not only to the author but to American scholarship in general. C l y d e L. K in g . University of Pennsylvania. Index Acceptances: authorization of, by Reserve Act, xv, 211, 212; definition of trade, 106, 213; the discount and bankers’, 111- 3, 212; extent of, market, 214- 7 ; function of bankers’, 110, 217; the open market and, 211- 3 ; Reserve Bank purchases of, 216; special inducements to buy, 214; volume of member bank, 215. A g g e r , E. E. The Development of an Open Market for Commercial Paper, 209- 18. A g r i c u l t u r a l a n d C o m m e r c ia l L o a n s. J. B. McDougal, 199- 203. Agricultural loans: charge of discrimination against, 203, 206, 207- 8 ; commercial and, 201, 202; rediscount rates and, 208; relation of, to reserve deposits, 201; relative nature of, 199201. See Agricultural paper. Agricultural paper: definition of, 106; eligibility of, for discount, 106- 10; maturity of, xii, 106- 7. Aldrich Plan: comparison with Reserve Act, 23, 48- 9, 64; lack of public confidence in, 23, 30 ; substance of, 21. See Aldrich-Vreeland emergency currency. Aldrich-Vreeland emergency currency: avail ability for war demand, 50 ; Federal Reserve notes and, 54- 5 ; National Currency Associa tions and, 52- 3, 136; provisions of act granting, 50, 52 ; retirement of, 53-4 ; statistics of, 51. A ld r ic h - V r e e la n d E m e r g e n c y C u r r e n c y , T h e . Homer Joseph Dodge, 49- 55 . Amendments to Federal Reserve Act: Act of April 13, 1920, 121; Act of June 21, 1917, 115- 6 ; Act of March 3, 1919, 119; Act of Sep tember 7, 1916, 114- 5, 120; Act of September 26, 1918, 118- 9 ; bearing and trend of, xvii; foreign banking, 119- 20. A m en d m en ts t o t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e A c t. Walter S. Logan, 114- 21. American Bankers Association: xvi, 15, 167, 168. A ssu m p tio n op T r e a s u r y F u n c t io n s b y t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B a n k s , T h e . Murray S. Wildman, 129- 35. Baltimore Plan: 15. B a n k in g H is t o r y fr o m t h e F ir s t B a n k op t h e U n it e d S t a t e s t h r o u g h t h e P a n ic o p 1907, O u t lin e o f . B . H . Beckhart, 1- 16. Banking reform: educational campaign for, 2936; experiments of 1836-1863 in, 6; general efforts at, 14- 6 ; the national banking system and, 6- 7 ; the National Citizens’ League and, 26- 9, 34 ; question of administration, 25; recommendations of National Monetary Commission, 22- 3. Bank rates: 193, 194. B a n k R a t e s a n d B u s in e s s A c t iv it y , R e d is c o u n t R a t e s . George M. Reynolds, 190-5. 16 B. H. Outline of Banking History from the First Bank of the United States Through the Panic of 1907, 1- 16. Branches: development of, 141- 2 ; early disad vantages of, 138- 9 ; establishment of, 137- 8, 139; functions of, 140- 1 ; organization of, 140. B eck h a rt, B r a n c h e s o f F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B a n k s, T h e E s t a b lis h m e n t a n d S c o p e o p . E . R . Fancher, 135- 42. Business Men’s Monetary Conference: 27. C a se , J. H. Preparation for War and the Liberty Loans, 121- 9. Centralization: 24, 62, 70, 137. Check-collection system: 60- 1, 69 \ before Re serve System, 82- 3, 95 ; “exchange,” 83. See Par collection system. Collection System: See Par collection system, Check-collection system. Commercial banking: ix, xii, 58- 9, 155, 187, 208. Commercial paper: acceptance of, as security, 52; distinction of, from agricultural, 106; eligibility for discount, 107- 10, 69 ; open market for, 209- 18. C o m m e r c ia l P a p e r , T h e D e v e lo p m e n t op a n O p en M a r k e t f o r . E. E. Agger, 209- 18. C o n g r e s s , T h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e A c t in . H. Parker Willis, 36- 49. Contraction: See Expansion and contraction. C o n t r a c t io n a s S e e n B y a B u s in e s s M a n , E x p a n sio n a n d . J. V . Farwell, 163- 7. C o n t r a c t io n , 1919- 1921, C u r v e s o f E x p a n s io n a n d . A . C . Miller, 142- 50. C o n t r a c t io n fr o m t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e S ta n d p o in t, E x p a n sio n a n d . John H. Rich, 174- 83. C o n t r a c t io n u n d e r t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e S y ste m , E x p a n sio n a n d . E . M. Patterson, 151- 63. Country banks: conflict of, on note issues, 61 ; general advantage of system to, 81- 2 ; old collection system and, 82- 3 ; proportionate borrowings of, 199- 200. See Agricultural loans. Credit: business, and Reserve System, ix-x, xxi, 142- 4, 192; commercial banking and, ix; control of, 25, 182- 3, 195- 9 ; distribution of, 219- 20; expansion and contraction of, 69, 178- 82 ; Federal Reserve System and, 219- 21 ; a guide to, policy; 148; member bank, curve, 144- 5, 147; more, at lower cost, 218; more, without new uses, 220; an open discount market and mobility of, 210-11; Reserve bank, curve, 145- 8 . C r e d it , T h e E f f ic ie n c y o f . O. M . W. Sprague, 218- 21. 225 226 T he A nnals op the A merican A cademy C r e d it u n d e r t h e O p e r a tio n o f t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e S y ste m , T h e o r e t i c a l C on s id e r a t io n s B e a r in g o n t h e C o n t r o l o f B a n k . Chester A. Phillips, 195- 9 . C r e n n a n , C . H. The Integrity of the Federal Reserve System, ix-xxvi. Currency: appreciation and depreciation of, 151, 157- 8 ; complexities of our, 24, 60 ; expansion and contraction of, 170- 3 ; function of Reserve System, 89, 169, 173, 176- 7 ; inflation and de flation of, 170- 1 ; revision of, 26- 9 ; shipment of, by Reserve Banks, 90. Currency Commission: 167- 8. C u r r e n c y E x p a n sio n a n d C o n t r a c t io n . James B. Forgan, 167- 73. C u r v e s o f E x p a n sio n a n d C o n t r a c t io n , 1919- 1921. A. C . Miller, 142- 50. Deflation: See Inflation and deflation. D e v e lo p m e n t o f a n O p en M a r k e t f o r C o m m e r c ia l P a p e r , T h e . E. E. Agger, 209- 18. Directorates of Federal Reserve Banks: Class A directors, 65- 6 ; Class C directors, 65- 6, 73 ; purpose of, 65, 88; Reserve Board and, 65- 7, 71. D is c o u n t , E l i g i b i l i t y f o r . Charles L. Powell, 105- 13. Discount rate: Act of April 13, 1920 and, 121; adjustment of, of Reserve Banks, xviii, 18490 ; agricultural paper and, 107- 10; bankers* acceptances and, 110- 3 ; commercial paper and, 107- 10; open market, 209- 18; price level and, 220- 1 ; question of raising of, 160, 165, 166; Table of Reserve Bank, 1915- 1921, 216; variations in, 62- 3. See Open market, Re discount rate. D is c o u n t R a t e , P r in c ip le s G o v e r n in g t h e . W. P . G. Harding, 183- 9. D o d g e , H o m e r J o se p h . The Aldrich-Vreeland Emergency Currency, 49- 55. E a r l y F u n c t io n in g o f t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e S y ste m . Arthur Reynolds, 74- 9 . Earning assets of the Federal Reserve System, 77- 8 . Edge law corporations: xxiv-xxv. Educational campaign for banking reform: aid from politics, 33 ; magnitude of undertaking, 29- 30 ; publicity media, 31- 3 ; recruiting of forces, 31 ; success of, 36. E d u c a t io n a l C am paign f o r B a n k in g R e fo r m , T h e . A. D . Welton, 29- 36. E f f i c ie n c y o f C r e d it , T h e . O . M . W . Sprague, 218- 21. E l i g i b i l i t y f o r D is c o u n t . Charles L. Pow ell, 105- 13. E s t a b lis h m e n t a n d S c o p e o f B r a n c h e s o f F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B an k s, T h e. E . R . Fancher, 135- 42 . Exchange charges: xxv, 83, 95, 116, 117. Expansion and contraction: business viewpoint, 163- 7 ; contrast with inflation and deflation, 152; currency, 170- 3 ; determinable factors in, 149, 150; discount rate and, 159, 160- 2, 164, 165, 166; of Federal Reserve notes, 177; in creased gold reserve and, 154; measurement of, 142- 4 ; member bank credit curve of, 144- 5 ; possibility for bankers to check over-expansion, 163- 5 ; prevention of over-expansion and over-contraction, 166- 7 ; Reserve Bank credit curve and, 146- 8. E x p a n sio n a n d C o n t r a c t io n a s S e e n b y a B u s in e s s M a n . J. V. Farwell, 163- 7 . E x p a n sio n a n d C o n t r a c t io n , C u r r e n c y . James B. Forgan, 167- 73. E x p a n sio n a n d C o n t r a c t io n , 1919- 1921, C u r v e s o f . A. C. Miller, 142- 50 . E x p a n sio n a n d C o n t r a c t io n fr o m t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e S ta n d p o in t. Joh n H. R ic h , 174- 83. E x p a n sio n a n d C o n t r a c t io n U n d e r t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e S y ste m . E . M. P a tterso n , 151- 63. E v o lu t io n a n d P r a c t i c a l O p e r a tio n o f t h e G o ld S e t t l e m e n t F u n d , T h e . George J. Seay, 95- 105. F a n c h e r , E. R. The Establishment and Scope of Branches of Federal Reserve Banks, 135- 42 . Farmer: charge of discrimination against, 186, 203, 206, 207- 8 ; Reserve Banks’ problem, 1812. See Agricultural loans. F a r w e l l , J. V. Expansion and Contraction as Seen by a Business Man, 163- 7. Federal Advisory Council: 64- 5, 170, 188- 9 . Federal Reserve Act: amendments to, xvii, 11421; attempts at change in, xvi, 57 ; attempts at substitutes for, 40- 1; changes by Senate, 46- 7 ; comparison with Aldrich Plan, 23, 48- 9 ; digest of preliminary measure, 41- 5 ; establish ment of open market under, 211- 13; inception of measure, 37, 48 ; increased deposit liabilities under, 153- 4 ; meaning and purpose of, ix, 56, 58, 60, 62, 68- 9, 87, 169, 173; Mr. McAdoo and, 39- 40 ; passage by House, 45- 6 ; public hearings on, 38- 9 ; relations of, to international finance, xxiv-xxv. F e d e r a l R e s e r v e A c t in C o n g r e s s , T h e . H. Parker Willis, 36- 49. Federal Reserve agents: Gold Fund, 100-1. Federal Reserve Banks: avoidance of investment operations by, xxii, xxiv; capital and dividends of, 67; clearings and transfers of, through Gold Settlement Fund, 97- 9, 102, 103- 4 ; commer cial scope of, ix, 58, 59 ; credit curve of, 145- 8 ; criticism and defense of activities of, 206- 9 ; as depositaries, 132- 3 ; directorates of, xv, 657, 88, 200; early operation of, xiii-v, 74- 5 ; facilities of, for war financing, 156- 7, 121; as I ndex fiscal agents of the government, 59, 87, 124, 134, 161, 203- 4 ; functions of, 68- 9, 72, 74- 5 ; impounding of gold by, 122- 3, 162, 192; inter relations of, 92- 5 ; intra-district clearing plan of, 99- 100,101; as Liberty Loan agents, 125- 9, 156- 7, 204; loaning operations of, 93, 94, 199203; nature of, ix, xx, 56, 58, 87- 8 ; necessity for, to adhere to rules of eligibility for discount, 113; par collection system of, 83- 5, 141, 61, 75, 76, 116; regional character of, xxi, 62- 3, 92 ; relations with Reserve Board, 72, 73, 93- 4 ; relations with member banks, 88- 9, 91- 2, 1756, 178- 9 ; Treasury duties assumed by, 134- 5 ; violation of sound banking principles by, 204- 5 ; war compulsions as cementing factor of, 89, 203- 4. F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B a n k s , P o p u la r a n d Un p o p u la r A c t iv it ie s o f t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B o a r d a n d t h e . William A . Scott, 203—9 . Federal Reserve Board: character of the 63- 5, 71 ; criticisms and defense of, policy, 206- 9 ; definitions of eligible paper by, 106; early operation of the, xiv, 74- 5 ; independence of, 57- 8, 74; personnel of, xv, 71, 72, 73- 4 ; politi cal pressure and the, xiv, 71- 4 ; Reserve Bank directorates and, 65- 7, 71 ; Reserve Banks and, xxi, 72, 73, 93- 4 ; rediscount problem con fronting, 189; suggested remedy for certain defects in, 71- 2. F ed e ra l R eserv e B oard and th e F ed e ra l R e s e r v e B a n k s , P o p u la r a n d U n p o p u la r A c t iv it ie s o f t h e . William A . Scott, 203- 9 . Federal Reserve Notes: xxiii, 24, 53, 60, 69, 89, 122, 169, 171, 176- 8, 195. F e d e r a l R e s e r v e S y ste m , S t a t e B a n k s a n d P a r C o l l e c t i o n s , T h e . Pierre Jay, 79- 86. First United States Bank: 1-2, 6, 136- 7. Foreign banking systems: 20, 24, 25, 160, 171- 3, 190. F o r g a n , J am es B. Currency Expansion and Contraction, 167- 73. F u n c t io n in g o f t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e S y s te m , E a r ly . Arthur Reynolds, 74- 9 . G id n e y , R. M. Relations of Reserve Banks to Member Banks and Inter-Relations of Federal Reserve Banks, 87- 95. G o ld : control of, by Federal Reserve System, xxv; impounding of, by Reserve Banks, 122- 3 ; increased, reserve, 154, 169, 192; influx of, xxv, 162, 192; Table.of, 1917- 1919, 123. See Gold Settlement Fund. Gold Settlement Fund: Amendment of June 21, 1917, 102- 3 ; daily settlements through the, 103- 4 ; early need for, 96- 7 ; establishment of, 97-9; Federal Reserve agents’ Gold Fund and, 102; final refinement of, 104. G o ld S e t t l e m e n t F u n d , T h e E v o lu tio n and Wt P r a c t i c a l O p e r a tio n o f t h e . George J. Seay, 95- 105. Gold Standard Act: 9. Government bonds: xxiii, xxv, 39, 59, 107, 167, 157. H a r d in g , W. P. G. Principles Governing the Discount Rate, 183- 9. Independent Treasury: bill creating, 4- 5, 129; branches, 137; changes in, under Act of 1920, 134; effect of War on, 133; new policy super seding, 130- 1; outgrown system, 130; situa tion, 1865- 1913, 131- 2 ; situation, 1913- 1916, 132- 3. Inflation and deflation: as contrasted with expansion and contraction, 152; responsibility for inflation 1914- 19, 157; under Reserve Act, 170. I n t e g r i t y o f t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e S y ste m , T h e . A. B. Welton and C. H. Crennan, ixxxvi. Investment banking, ix, xxii, 58- 9. J a y , P ie r r e . The Federal Reserve System, State Banks and Par Collections, 79- 86. K em m e re r , E. W. The Purposes of the Federal Reserve Act as Shown by Its Explicit Pro visions, 62- 9. Liberty Loans: cementing factor in Reserve System, 89; handling of, by Federal Reserve Banks, 126- 9, 156- 7 ; machinery for floating, 124- 6 ; partial payments, 126; payment of, by book credit, 127. L ib e r t y L o a n s, P r e p a r a t io n f o r W a r a n d t h e . J. H. Case, 121- 9 . L o g a n , W a l t e r S. Amendments to the Federal Reserve Act, 114- 21. M c D o u g a l, J . B. Agricultural and Commercial Loans, 199- 203. Member banks: advantages of System to, 81- 2, 85, 89- 90, 91 ; credit curve of, 144- 5, distribu tion of, by districts, 81 ; loans to, 200- 3 ; rela tions of, with Reserve Banks, 88- 9, 91- 2, 175- 6, 178- 9 ; reserve requirements for, 117- 8 . M em ber B an k s a n d I n te r -R e la tio n s o f F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B a n k s , R e l a t io n s o f R e s e r v e B a n k s t o , R . M . Gidney, 87- 95. Membership: 174- 5. See National banks, State banks. M i l l e r , A. A. Curves of Expansion and Con traction, 1919- 1921, 142- 50. Money trust: xii, 30, 35, 37, 40, 57, 58. National Bank Act: 6- 7, 8, 11, 15, 56, 154, 157. National banks: acceptance powers of, 114- 5 ; and Aldrich-Vreeland emergency currency 228 T h e A nnals of the American A cademy 52- 3 ; foreign banking provisions for, 120; Contraction Under the Federal Reserve membership in Reserve System, xvi, 67, 79, 87, System, 151- 63. 123- 4, 174; in panic of 1907, 11- 12; trust P h illips , C hester A. Theoretical Considera powers of, 118-9 ; under Act of 1864, 7 ; under tions Bearing on the Control of Bank Credit Act of 1865, 8 ; under the Gold Standard Act, 9. Under the Operation of the Federal Reserve System, 195- 9. National banking system: aims and establish ment of, 6- 7 ; difficulty of open market opera P olitical P r e ssu r e a n d th e F u t u r e of th e F ed era l R e se r v e S ystem . Paul M . Warburg, tions under, 211; entrance of state banks into, 70- 4 . 8; weaknesses of, 11- 15, 22- 3, 135, 153, 168. National bank notes: inelasticity of, 13- 14; Politics: dangers to integrity of Federal Reserve System, 71- 4. issue of, under plan of Monetary Commission, 16; seasonal variations in, 13, 14; under Act of P opular a n d U npo pu lar A ctivities o f th e F ederal R eserve B oard a n d th e F ed era l 1864,7 ; under Gold Standard Act, 9. R ese r v e B a n k s . William A . Scott, 203- 9 . National Citizens’ League: influence on Glass bill, 36; organization and development of, 27-9 P ow ell , C harles L. Eligibility for Discount, 105- 13. 31; politics and the, 33 ; publicity of the 31- 3 ; purpose and result of, xi, 35- 6 ; resolutions P reparatio ns for W ar an d th e L iberty L oans . J. H. Case, 121- 9. leading'to formation of, 26- 7 ; statement of P rin ciples G overning th e D isco un t R a te . principles of, 34. W. P . G . Harding, 183- 9. N ational C itizen s ’ L e a g u e ; A M ovem ent for Public opinion and the Reserve System, ix-xi, a S ound B a n k ing S ystem , T h e . H. A. Wheeler xx, xxii, 159, 203, 209. 26- 9. po ses of th e F ed era l R ese r v e A ct a s National Currency Associations, xiii, 52- 3, 136, P urS how n b y it s E xplicit P rovisions , T h e . 137. E . W. Kemmerer, 62- 9. National Monetary Commission: disclosures of studies by, 21- 2, 61; duties of, 17- 18; origin Rediscount rate: Act of September 7, 1916 and, of, 17, 168; publications of, 18- 21; investiga 115, advantages of Reserve Bank, facilities, tion of foreign banking by the, 20; recommen 81- 2, 89, 169, 180- 1; as credit regulator, 159, dations of, 22- 3 ; the Reserve Act and the, 23; 182- 3, 196, 198- 9 ; early prejudice against, 75unlearned lessons from, 24- 5 . 6; the farmer and the, 208; influences affecting, N atio nal M onetary C ommission , T h e S tu dies 191- 4 ; interbank, 92, 155, 161; market rate o f th e . N . A. Weston, 17- 26. and, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 190, 198- 9, 204; Non-member institutions: attitude of, 81; in pressure for lower, 205- 6 ; problem confronting evitability of, xvi; par collection system and, Reserve Board, 189; a progressive, 165; 117; provision for clearing by, under Amend proper policy as to, 173, 184- 90 ; question of ment of June 21, 1917, 116. raising the, 160, 161- 2 ; 165, 166, 170; recom mendations of Advisory Council as to, 188- 9, Open Market: bills bought in, 217; conditions 191- 2 ; relation of, to expansion and contrac creating an, 210-11; establishment of, by tion, xvii, 179, 192- 3, 205. See Discount Rate. Reserve System, 211- 14; function of, 209- 10; R edisco unt R ates , B a n k R ates a n d B u sin e ss importance of the, xix-xx; Reserve Bank A ctivity . George M . Reynolds, 190- 5 . purchases in, 216. R elations of R eserve B a n k s to M em ber O p e n M arket for C ommercial P a per , T he B a n k s an d I nter - R elations of F ederal D evelopm ent of a n . E. E. Agger, 209- 18. R ese r v e B a n k s . R . M . Gidney, 87- 95. Organization Committee: xiii, 73, 92, 138. R e se r v e A ct in it s I m plicit M ea n in g , T h e . A. D . Welton, 56- 62. Panic of 1907: general causes of, 10; immediate R eynolds , A rth ur . Early Functioning of the Federal Reserve System, 74- 9. causes of, 10-11; lesson of, 168; measures for relief, 14; results of, 167, 168; revelation of R eynolds , G eorge M . Rediscount Rates, Bank weakness in American banking system through, Rates and Business Activity, 190- 5 . 12- 3, 167. R ich , J ohn H. Expansion and Contraction from the Federal Reserve Standpoint, 174- 83. Par collection system: aid of branches in, 141; growth and advantage of, 83- 85, 90, 117; inclusion in section on note issues, 61 ; institu S cott, W illiam A. Popular and Unpopular tion of, 76, 75, 116; non-member banks and, Activities of the Federal Reserve Board and 117; opposition to, on part of non-member the Federal Reserve Banks, 203- 9. institutions, 81, 85 ; transfers of funds under, S eay , G eorge J. The Evolution and Practical 86, 117. Operation of the Gold Settlement Fund, 95105. P a t t e r s o n , E r n e s t M in o r . Expansion and I ndex Second Bank of the United States: 2- 4, 6, 61, T r e a s u r y F u n c tio n s b y t h e F e d e r a l R e 136- 7. s e r v e B an k s, T h e A ssum p tion o f. Murray S prag ue , 0 . M . W . The Efficiency of Credit, S. Wildman, 129- 35. 218- 21. Trust companies: growth of, 1896- 1907, 10; in State banks: entrance of, into national banking panic of, 1907, 11; membership in Reserve systems, 8; growth of, 1896- 1907, 10; in chaos System, 87, 80, 115, 174. of 1811- 1816, 2, 4 ; in panic of 1907, 11; mem bership in Federal Reserve System, xvi, 74, 76, War Finance Corporation: xvii, xxii, xxiii, 5960, 107, 166- 7, 191. 79- 81, 88, 115- 6, 124, 174; statistics of, from 1836- 1863, 5- 6 ; unsuccessful use of, as de W arburg , P au l M. Political Pressure and the Future of the Federal Reserve System, 70- 74. positaries, 4 . S tate B an k s a n d P ar C ollections , T h e W elton , A. D. The Educational Campaign for Banking Reform, 29- 36. The Integrity of the F ederal R eser v e S ystem , Pierre Jay, 79- 86. Federal Reserve System, ix-xxvi. The Reserve S tu dies of th e N ational M onetary C ommis Act in Its Implicit Meaning, 56- 62. sion , T h e . N . A. Weston, 17- 26. Subtreasuries: assumption of duties of, by Re W esto n , N. A. The Studies of the National Monetary Commission, 17- 26. serve Banks, 130- 1, 134- 5 ; general abandon ment of, 134; investigation of, 131; objec W h e ele r , H arry A. The National Citizens' tionable features of, 130. See Independent League: A Movement for a Sound Banking System, 26- 9. Treasury. W ildm an , M urray S. The Assumption of T heoretical C onsiderations B earing on Treasury Functions by the Federal Reserve Banks, 129- 35. the C ontrol of B a n k C redit U n d e r th e O peration of th e F ederal R ese r v e W illis H. P ar k er . The Federal Reserve Act in Congress, 36- 49. S ystem . Chester A. Phillips, 195- 9.