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GCVERNORS' CONFERENCE, Ccotober 14, 1926, First Day's Session

Special topics susrested b y

Governor Harding,

WL1l i t b e a d v i s a b l e

o r p r a c t i c a l n e x t year,


in the near future, t o establish i n each district
a2uniform rate o n all classes o f paper except

; b a n k e r s ! ’ acceptances, doing away with any diffore
NAH e n t i a l o n sovermment secured paper?

Moved by Governor Calkins and unanimously carried
that i t will b e advisable a n d practical i n the hear future

to establish i n each district a wniform rate o n ali
“classes o f paper except bankers! acceptances d o i n g away
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

with a n y differential

o n Government secured paper except

possibly Treasury certificates,
2e S h o u l d t h e r e b o a

limit f i x e d i n advance


interbank borrowing?

On motion o f Governor Case, unanimously carried,
the Conference answered this question i n the negativo.
Se S h o u l d t h e r e b e a
discount r a t e ?

uniform interdistrict

On motion o f Governor Fancher, ywnanimously carried,
the Gonference answered this question i n the affirmative,
4, S h a l l t h e borrowine Federal reserve bank: be
required t o fix a rate t o its customers t o
meet t h e r a t e o f t h o F e d e r a l r e s e r v e b a n k
from w h i c h i t borrows?
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

it was moved by Governor Seay, seconded b y
Governor Van Zandt, a n d unanimously carried, that i t
is t h o s e n s e o f this C o n f e r e n c e t h a t t o t a k e s u c h

action would introduce a

new factor i n t o t h e fixing

of a discount rate and might involve, under certain
circumstances, a change o f rate o n the part o f the
rediscounting bank which would not b e justified b y
fundamental conditions i n the district, a n d therefore such action would b e injudic ious,
De S h o u l d there b e a theoretical limit o n






e o f Federal reserve notes t o

m e m b e r banks,
The Conference v o t e d that t h i s question b e

answered i n the nerative,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

a s e

GOVERNORS! CONFERENCE, October 14, 1920, First Day's Session.

Regular Program.
neene me te

Check C l e a r i n g a n d Collection.

Direct routing o f collection items b y member ,

banks i n one Federal reserve district t o member \\"/
banks i n another Federal reserve district, for ‘ ”
wire transfor o f proceeds t o sending bank's
Federal reserve bank,
The Conference received committoo report;

i t was

J resolved t o concur i n the committee report w i t h t h e amend-~
. ment that t h e Federal reserve banks exclude acceptance
of telegraphic transfers f r o m all except member a n d

non-member clearing banks,
The propriety o f Federal reserve banks sending
collection items t o member a n d nonemember banks
with instructions t o remizt t o the nearost
Foderal roserve b a n k f o r the credit o f the send-

ing Federal reserve bank.
Upon motion o f Governor Van Zandt, duly seconded
and unanimously carried, the committee report was con~
curred in, with the amendment that the last five lines

on pago 4, last paragraph, beginning "In such caso”,
Shall b e eliminated,

Curroncy a n d Circulation,
In view o f prosent insufficient supplies o f n e w

currency, i s i t desirable that the Federal

reserve banks a n d branches adopt t h e uniform
policy o f paying o u t n e w a n d redeeming unfit
There w a s a conferenco o n this topic w i t h Messrs,

Gilbert, Broughton a n d Emerson,


I t was moved, d u l y se-

| *
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Conded and unanimously carried, that inasmich a s the
Treasury Department w a s unable t o furnish adequate

currency, i t is the sense o f this meeting that there
should b e impressed u p o n the Treasury Department t h e

necessity o f taking proper steps t o furnish a sufficient
volume o f Federal reserve notes, a n d that the Federal
Reserve Board b e requested t o take u p with t h e Secre-~
tary o f tho Treasury t h e question o f providing t h e necessary notes through contract w i t h private concerns,
The Conference deemed this matter o f paramount impors
tance, a n d a committee, composcd o f Governors Norris a n d
Calkins, w a s appointed t o draw u p a communication trangmitting t h e above resolution t o the Foderal Reserve

(Letter o f transmittal i s attached hereto,)
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Redemption o f National B a n k notes
a n d correction
of total Foderal reserve notos outstanding,
No further report,

Pension fund,
Committee appointed t o handle this
matter reported
Personnel a n d Welfare,
Committees n o t ready t o report. Q u e s t i o n

awaiting final report, A

Poll o f the Conference indi-

cates that a l l the Federal roserve banks
a r e giving

attention t o this matter and that much
progress hag
been already made,
Discount T r a n s a c t i o n s

Allotment o f acceptanco purchases
a m o n g all
Federal roserve banks,
Stabilization o f the open bill market
b y the

System as a whole and a n equitable
basis for
making such support effective,

S h a e :

t submittedr by committee
o consisting
of Governor W A

Fancher, Gowernor Moras and Mr, Kenzol,
A f t e r considera-}

ahn discussion tending t o clarify
certain words a n d tend-«
ing t o make clear t h e position
o f certain o f the Gover

nors o n the subject, i t was moved
and unanimously
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


carriod that the Conference adopt the report, with
thanks t
o tho committee, a n d that said committee b e
appointed a s a permanent committee t o deal with the
matter o f rates a n d t h e interdistrict support o f a n
open market,
bank forms,

o f inter-Federal r e s e r v e

Subject passed t o await final repobt o f committees,

Treasury Relations,
The report o f the committec w a s concurred i n sub-~

ject t o further investigation o f a committee composed
of Governors Fancher, Seay and Morss,.
At this point Mr. Martin, representing t h e Conforence

of Foderal neserve Agents, called t o ascertain what ace
tion had been taken upon the recommendation o f the Federal Reserve Board that tho twelve Federal roserve banks
be divided into four groups for purposes o f conference
and c l o s e r r o l a t i o n b e t w e e n t h e b a n k s

a n the rospoctive

It was moved b y Governor Case, duly soconded and
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

unanimously carried, t h a t this Conference adopt t h e
recommendation o f the Federal Reserve Board o n this

matter and thus conour i n the action taken b y the

o f Chairmen,


1, E f f i c i e n c y of° the personnol o f the
several F e d e r a l r e s e r v e b a n k s ,

A call o f the roll indicated that a l l Federal
rogerve banks a r e giving attention t o efficiency o f


I t was moved b y Governor Caso, duly second-~

od and unanimously carried, that the question be roferred
for further s t u d y a n d final recommendation t o the four
groups o f banks.
&, A d v i s a b i l i t y o f providing a method, a

"Clearing Houso", s o to speak, for the exchange o f details concerning methods o r de-~
vicos which a n y Reserve b a n k has found offi-~
Client i n operation,

Upon motion o f Govepnor Calkins, dulf seconded and

unanimously carried, i t was the sense of this meeting
that this topic should b e referred t o a conferenco o f
the operating officials o f the twelve banks t o b o callod

in the near future. Secretary requested t o follow u p
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


matter a n d call conforence,



i f approved b y the Foderal

Reserve Board,
Discount T r a n s a c t i o n s .

Uniformity i n the application o f the rules
and regulations a s t o the eligibility o f

Upon motion o f Governor Case, seconded b y Governor
Young and unanimously carried, i t was resolved that tho
Gwernor o f each bank b e requested t o appoint a


to pass o n the eligibility of paper, and in important
cases wherein such action i s taken, that all other
Federal roserve banks b e advised,

4, S h o u l d o r should not Federal roserve
banks b e freo t o sell t o member banks

or i n the open markot, bankers! accepteances h e l d i n their portfolios?

Question disposed o f i n the action taken upon tho
roport o f acceptance committeo, t h e principle boing os~«
tablished that Federal reserve banks havo t h e right t o

so disposo o f bankers! acceptances held i n thoir porte
folios, b u t some o f the Governors strongly opposod
such disposal a s a matter o f policy.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


w e

Cire lation
The imposition o f a tax o r Charge
Fedorai roserve notos uncovered b y


Moved a n d duly seconded a n a unanimously
that t h e imposition o f a tax would
b e unwise,

Check C l e a r i n g a n d Collection,
6, C o l l e c t i n g

o n doubtful b a n k s

i n par

Moved b y Governor Calkins, duly seconded
and unanimously carried, t h a t this i s a matter
which should b e

handled b y the individual Federal roserve
bank for tho

Ses G o v e r n o r Young interjected a

topic, dig~

cussed at the last Conference, regarding the
routing o f checks,

It was moved b y Governor Young that the
request tho Federal Reserve h a h a t o
reconsider the

Board's letter No, X#1944, dated April 7,
1920, relat-~
ing t o the cireutitous routing o f checks
a n d i f consis~

tent t o tssuo a ruling i n accordance with
tho rocommendations

o f t h e l a s t Conferenco,

Motion carried, Chiceggo voting

Adjournment a t 6,10 p.m,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

a o e

w e O m e .





e ‘




Chock Clearingd
a Collection (Cont'd.)
Competition with member banks i n collections
on individuals i n Foderal reservo a n d branch
No. Action, Governor Wellborn asking t o b e recorded
as being opposed t o the policy o f making these collections
and thinks A c t should b e amended o r a ruling made covere
ing the point,

8, E x c h a n g e o f letters between Federal reserve

banks covering endorsement o n items sent direct t o other Federal roserve banks bymember
Governor Fancher moved that this matter b e referred
to the Federal Reserve B o a r d with request t h a t counsel f o r

the Board prepare a letter o r rogulation covering these
endorsements t o be exchanged b y the twelve benks. Motion
duly seconded a n d carried,
Treasury R e l a t i o n s

9. Transfer o f sub-treasury functions,
Previously disposed of,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


10, A d v i s a b i l i t y o f standradizing methods o f
auciting a n d acccunting, ineluding real
estate ACCOURU SEs

D i s p o s e d o f under topic No, 2 ,



Bank Transactions

li, T h e devising o f a method t o avoid present
frequent holding o p e n o f b o o k s : n
i connoc-'
tion with interbank rediscount operations,

12, A bettor method o f prepayment b y Fodoral
reserve banks o f paper under rediscount

by other Foderal reserve banks,
During discussion o f this topic a

recess w a s taken

for t h e purpose o f entering joint Conference w i t h the

Board and Federal Reserve Agents, Conference reassemblind
at 2 , 5 0 a t conclusion o f joint conferenco,

Governor Fancher moved, covering topics 1 1 and 1 2
that i t i s the sense o f the meeting:
1. T h a t rediscounts m a d e b y one Federal reservo
bank f o r another Fedoral.roserve b a n k b o
made a s o f the d a y when t h o request i s mado ,
axcept o n Friday w h e n the reserve position o f
cach bank i s made public,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

That cach Federal reserve bank redis~
counting with another Federal roserve
bank prepare and forward promptly the
schedule o f papor i t has been rediscount~




That requests f o r anticipation o f paper
under rediscount b e combined i n one wiro

each day and that such transaction b o
effected u p o n tho d a y o f receipt o f t h e

requost, i f roeeived before the close o f

i f not u p o n tho following day,

Motion duly seconded a n d carried, ;
Governor V a n Zandt moved that this r e m lution b o

promptly transmitted t o the Federal Roserve Board, with
request that t h e substanco thereof b e taken into considor-

ation i n the instructions t o be issued covering tho matter,
such instructions a s the Board may see fit t o issue,
Motion duly seconded and carried,


“13. T h e advisability o f meeting criticism o f the

Federal reserve system and tho method (if any)
to b e pursued,
Passed w i t h o u t a c t i o n ,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

14, A d v i s a b i l i t y o f placing club qualifi-~
cations o f Federal reserve banks o n quar=
terly basis.
No a c t L O n «

15, P o l i c y o f furnishing a n d suggesting
Federal roserve system advertisements
to member banks,
Passod w i t h o u t a c t i o n ,

Governor Young referred t o sub-section M of
Section 1 1 o f the Federal reserve Act, stating
that i t

expired b y limitation December O49 1920, and
the question a s t o whether t h e Board should
b e request-

ed to seek amendment t o the law,
No action,

Upon motion duly seconded t h e Conference a d ~

a t 4 o'clock e9M e , GZOinz
into joint Session

with t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B o a r d a n d C h a i r m e n
o f the

Foderal Reserve Banks, a t 4.30 o'clock Pem. o f the
same day,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




ow] A



a6 a




d ¢




s ,

B s


(Letter ‘accompanying resalutinn-on subject
To the Reserve Board,

it was the feeling o f the Governors o f the Federal
reserve banks assembled i n somi-annual e m f e r e n c e t h a t t h o
Subject o f the supply o f new currency w a s one o f the most
important engasing their

s p s s

N o t o n l y has there b e e n

for gomc time a n inadequacy o f supply, but the quality o f
notes delivered recently has been such that thoir life i s
much shorter than was formerly the casc,

A s a rosult o f

this condition there has b e e n widespread complaint a s t o
the unsuitable character o f the curyrency i n circulation,
Even m o r e s e r i o u s

i s the lack o f a

roservo s u p p l y

available t o meet emergencies which may readily b e antici~
pated a n d are certain t o occur, T h i s creates a

of actual and positive danger, A
carefully considering this mattor,


conmmitteoc which has beon
i n cooperation with r e ~

o f the Treasury Department, reports t o u s

that while there should b e 1,200,000,000 pieces engraved
each year, t h e deliveries t h i s year have b e e n running a t

the rato o f 638,000,000 pieces and the maximum output o f
the Bureau o f Engraving & Printing with its presgont plant
would b e about 900,000,000 pioces, T h e Conferenco ‘has
thorefore adopted tho res lution enclosed herewith, a n d

has directed that this supplemental statement b e forwarded
to your Board,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis