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Index t o Joint Conference
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

secretary's Minutes



March 2 6 — 29, 1923

Washington, D . C .


Absentees f r o m Conference . . .

+. . s s »

Paragraphs i n


Pages i n

8-9 ;100+101

Accounting - Committee o n Standardization
PONE. e e e e e e e e te
Acting Chairman 4

«+ 6


ABVGNE Gocketery m e i . s e

Adjustment o f country member banks reserve
accounts for currency i n transit . . . -


AGvECe S r 0 . Meturns


6 .

O N We

e e

e S

Advising payment o r non-payment o n cash o r
OOL L e e s e A w e
a e 6
c a e e e e


Agricultural Credits Act o f 1923 - Changes
in Regulations o f Federal Reserve Board
Joint :Conf. Rec.

ne¢essitated b y .» . «6 6 «

Agricultural Paper - Limitation o n aggregate
amount w h i c h m a y b e rediscounted b y

Federal Reserve Banks < 6 6 0 6 % 3
Air Service -

Joint Conf. Rec.

e e e w8


Speeding u p collections v i a . .-

American Bankers Association ~ Telegram r e
Member bank services
6 6 4 .
e e ele


recent .


Amendments t o Federal Reserve A c t -

Amendments t o Regulations o f Federal Reserve
Board d u e t o passage o f Agricultural ¢

DVBAEC O AGL. O F DUES e e e S e e e elec e
Automatic Adjustment o f Rates o f Discount . .
Balances required o f nonmember banks using
collection facilities . « 5 5 s + « + >

1 7 ,

"Borrower" - Interpretation o f i n Section

Call Loan Market (New York) + Importance;
operation « 6 ° .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

31-60; 322-325;
Joint Conf. Rec.







Blanket Guaranty covering indorsement o n

direct sendings ..-+-s. -

Joint Conf. Rec.


Paragraphs i n

Campbell, Milo D. death of .
Cash letters +

Presentation ©


. . .


Pages i n

| 354-361

Checking against “Special Savings" Deposits;
Reserves t o be maintained . . 2.9... ,

Joint C o n f .Rec.

Checks (country) - direct sending . .


Checks lost i n transit - large volume


Circulating fitness o f Federal Reserve
Notes Standardization o f . . . . .
Circulation - Tax on; advantage over
Government participation i n profits
Goupons, a n d other non-cash items


. .

In Cities where n o par remitting bank

| 361-367

f i g cee eo pale

t a e

Report o f Standing Committee o n
Via Air service for speed . . .

o s
S o e

Committee o n Centralized Execution o f
Purchases a n d Sales o f Government
D O C U0LO8I 4 6 k ) S e w k c e e o w e


Joint Conf .Rec.

Committee o n Economy a n d Efficiency

Federal Reserve Bank representative o n


Bond Commityve@ 4

Joint C o n f .Rec.


e e ,

S e

e e

Committee o n Standardization o f Accounting
SOYME e S Bo a e e e e e e e
e e ee e e


Insurance: Committee. .

os ee e2ie s e


2 «--


Leased W i r e Committee .

Open Market Investment Com. f o r
F, R. System . .

Joint Conf .Rec.

Pension Committee .


. . + +--+ s

Standing Committee o n Collections

. .

Standing Committee o n Open Market Conditions a n d Operations . . . .
+ +



Country Checks ~ direct sending o f . . .


Goupon Gollections,


a n d other non-cash items

Credit Statements o f Holding Corporations .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

140-151, 529-532

Pages i n
Paragraphs i n
Steno graphic


Currency designs »~ new
Deferred Time Schedules +

Inter-district .

Demand certificates o f deposit -

OF Mame line

e o ga 4


ae e t e e T e ce

Depocit o f till money a t close o f business b y
member banke i n Reserve B a n k Cities - @ * «

36 F-20


Direct Sendings o f country checks b y members.
' Automatic Adjustment o f Ratec .

ii; caetame

els e o n s

Eligibility for discount o f sign drafts
with B/L a t t a c h e d . . . . 5.
Open Markot Raters ... 0 s e s


Les 31,63

Precent discount rates . . .
Rebatee o f discount . . . .
UME TOP V A C B e S e i w « l a a


Economy a n d Efficiency ~ Operating repregentative o f Federal Reserve Banke o n
Board Committee

548 --549

Eligibility o f Sight Drafts with Bill o f
Ladine attached) s s 4 v e e 6 8 e e e e




Evening Mecting a t Metropolitan Club. . . .


Examinations o f National Banks - ~ payment for.

Federal Farm Loan Board; meeting with . . - «

Federal Land Banks ~ Reimbursement f o r e x
penses incurred for b y Federal Recorve

b o et a a


e l 8

Federal Reserve Notes -



S e

e e

e w e

Recent amendments t o .

Final Fate of chetks; advice of (see advice
of mo feturne) . 2 es e a e e e e e e
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


4:9-10 ;1Q1-102;


etandardization o f

circulating fitness o f « s+. e e w e e v e
Federal Reserve A c t -

3 1 - 322-325;
6 0
Joint Conf.
31--60 5322-325
Joint Conf, Rec.
61--100 ;
3 1 + 3224385;
6 0
Joing Conf. Rec.

Drafte ~ method o f handling ... . . 2. «ss

Employee Insurance . . « «© « © s © 46 6





Program Paragraphs i n


Pages i n

Steno graphic

Pitnees o f circulating Federal Reserve Notes
Stemndardization o f sie v e a 0 2 t e e s «fp L I T A


Franchise T a x ~ Advantage o f substituting
tax or. @ireylation fot... o w s a e 8 esas

370 377

Government Participation i n Profite (franONTEG


oi hie.

e e 0

O o

e e ,

bate 8


370 +377



Tovernment Securities
Checking redeemed securities against
separate registered m a i l advices.

Non-acceptance matured Government s e -

curitiee o n account original issues
Treasury Certificates o f Indebtedness
OF NOLS, “She 6 OW Se. e e s » 8 . 2 .



Purchases and Salee (report of committee).

11--26; Appendix

Joint Conf. Rec.
Guaranty o f Prior Indorsements.



Hand presentation o f Cash letters. .

. . » «

Holding Corporatione ~ Credit statements of,

Blanket guaranty o n direct sendings . . .
Guaranty o f prior indorsements .

. . «=;

Liability i n making unqualified indorsements o n checke received f o r collection.
Uniformity o f o n cash a n d collection items
received f r o m other Federal Reserve Banke

Employe@se .


140-151, 529-532
192-195, 286294

+ « «

Report o f Committee
Inter-dietrict deferred t i m e schedules. .


Interpretation o f work "Borrower" Section 1 3
Leased W i r e -

Report o f Committee

Legiclation «

e « «© + +

« 6 ¢*#

s e ©

. . . . .




484+511, 512-515

Liability Clauses i n Collection Circulars .


Liability o f Federal Reserve Banks for se~
curities accepted for safekeeping . . . .

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Paragraphs i n







Liability o f Federal Reserve Banks i n making

unqualified indersements c n checks reeeived for collection « « s s « 6 e 0 2 8 »


Lostchecks. » in transit 2 s 6 6 s + t e ess


Matured Government Securities -


ity of accepting o n account criginal issues Treasury Certificates

o f Indebtedness



Naticmal Banks - Payment for reports o f
POBMEM ALLO O f o w wow e e e e O e e e



New Curvency Gest ers ss) se ace e e s













Nonemember clearing banks ~ balances required



Nenemembership i n System - Causes . . 6 + «







Ov N O C G G

f k ees

a e

O e oS be

A e

e e


New York Call Loan Market - Importance;
ONCE SACS B e a e e R e 0 Se o k ee

Notes and drafts - Collection of in cities
where n o par remitting bank .

- + - « «

Nc Returns - Advice of.
Nonecash collecticns


s s

e e 8

e e w s bie 8

In cities where no par remitting bank

c r payment -

Officers Salaries -

Advice c f » - . .


Principles w h i c h should

Control: fixing o f s e e sece 6 Foes e e e
Open Market Conditicns a n d Operaticns Report


C o m m


e s a

6 : « t e e

w e e s

Open Market Investment Com. for F.R~ System


Open Market Operations. « «© « + « © « ws «es


Open Market Rates...

« + 2 « e# e s

11,31 ,63

Jcint Conf -Rec.-

31-60 ,322-325,
Joint Conf .Rec



Payment o r non-payment - idvice of.

20 ¢


Pension Plan. «




C o l l e c t i c n s



« +»

Prior Indcorsements -
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

a o e a e o e Seek S O Sake u e

Guaranty of. . «



tresentation b y hand o f cash letters.

Paragraphs i n

. . .-

Pages i n


Purchases a n d Sales o f G c vernment Se-~

11-26 ,Appendix,

curities = Report o f Committee. - ». .« « +

Joint Conf eRec»s


Railroad drafts, etc. - method o f handling.

Automatic Adjustment. « « «
Qpen Market « + «© « e e « «
Present discount rates. «
Retpetes o f GCiscount s s .




«6 6


Redeemed Securities = checking against
registered mail advices «+. «+ + «+ 6 »

31260 ,322-325,
Joint C o n f . R e ¢ «




102-120 ,151




Limitation o n aggregate amount o f

p a p e r .

e o = e ©






Repurchase agreements i n connection with.

Joint Conf .Rece —


Regulaticns (new) of Federal Reserve Board.
Reimbursement o f expenses
Account Federal Land Bank transactions.
Acecunt W a r Finance Corporation

" *$


Reports submitted;
Committee o n Central Execution o f Pure
chases a n d Sales o f Government SecuritieSe«

» «»

11-26 ,Appendix,
Joint Cenf.Rec.



Committee o n Standardization o f

F o r m s

. «

« e +

« + e ©

Insurante Committee .


e s &


@ #



484-511 ,512-515

Leased Wire Committee «
Pension Committee -


w e : @



Standing Committee o n Open Market

‘ditions and Operations. . . . .
Standing Committee o n Collecticns
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Paragraphs i n
Pagee i n

Reports o f Examination o f National Banke -

Payment for (Report of Oct. 1922 Governore
Conference Committee) . . « 6 s s
mepurchare Agreomonts..\'s.


& 8

e+ os es <8

Requirement o f credit statements o f subsidiary companies o f holding corporations



Reserve Accounts o f country member banks -

Adjustment f o r currency i n transit . .. .
Reserves against "Special Savings" Deposits.

Joint C o n f ,


Safekeeping o f Securities - Liability o f
Federal Reserve Banks where knowledge
exists that securities are not property o f
Mepeci ting: Member. 0


e e ele H e

e s


Salaries o f Junior Officers ~ Principles
whieh should control fixine o f g o s s i s a .



Checking redeemed securities against re~ gistered mail advices . 2 . . . 8 s h i a
Noneacceptance o f matured Government s e curities o n account original issues o f
Treasury Certificates o f Indebtedness

Of WICCe 6) e s i s C e g a 3 Eee Oe e s


Safekeeping; Liability of Federal Reserve
Banke w h e n n o t property o f depositing


G o

e A


e a

Services t o member banks
Telegram from American Bankers Associa-tion voluntarily rendered b y Federal
: Banke: a -5 d e e e e e e p e e S



Sight Drafts with Bills o f Lading A t tached - Desirability o f making eligible
for CiShOiNt. 6°. 8 e e e e W e e e es
e e
"Special Savings" Deposits - Reserves
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

i Sele e

e e Boe e s O58

Joint C o n f . Rec,

ProgramjParagraphs in} P a g e s i n

and S e c r e t a r y ' s |Stenographic
Topic |
Standardization o f Accounting Forms -


port o f Committee and new personnel. .



R e p o r t





5 3 3 - 5 3 4

State B a n k a n d Trust Company membership

Li S Y SCG i g o i e w a k e Sele, wee o e ee 2

Statements of Holding Corporations . .

e r













Subsidiary companies ~ Credit statements ;










Tax on Circulation - Advantage over franchise tax
Till Money » Deposits b y members i n Reserve
Bank: Cities a t Gloee o f tusinete: 6 s e s .


s e eed


0 377

7 --370

Time certificates o f deposit -~ method o f
Neate 6

ee t a c bos O i a

a s e oe e e




Time echedules - ~ Interedistrict deferred f



LTOaeUury “Leeien CSiONe < a 5. es @ e e ‘













0 6+210

Uniform Indorsements b y Federal Reserve Banks
on cash a n d collection items received f r o m

moanbere o f other dietricte .
Uniform Ratee o f Discount...

o s 6 6 ée fe 6





2 9 5 - 2 9 8

i 3igeo

3 1 - 6 0 ,

Joint Conf,
Unqualified Indorsements -

Liability o f Federal

Reserve Banks i n making , 2. 2. 6 6 e s 2 + 6 o s



foluntary servicee performed f o r member banke . .









War Finance Corporation .

HKeimbursement f o r

expensee incurred b y Federal Reserve Banke


. .



Wire (Fate

(Payment o r von-payment
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


definition o f









8G )


This i s a question which has been very much discussed
with the San Francisco Reserve bank with reference t o the
special savings accounts o f California state banks. Similiar
savings accounts h a v e been found i n other districts o n which

some checking i s allowed.

Due to the amendments t o the Federal Reserve Act con~
tained i n the Agricultural Credits Act of 1923, recently

signed by the President, i t appears that it will be necessary

for the Board t o revise its Regulations s o as to be consistent
with the amended provisions o f the Act, a n d possibly t o issue
a new regulation with reference t o the redisecount o f agrieultural paper. T h e Board will attempt t o have a t least a
tentative draft o f proposed n e w Regulations r e a d y b e f ore the

Governors’ conference s o that i t may serve a s a basis for



Section 13 (a) of the Federal Reserve Act as amended by
the Agricultural Credits Act makes certain classes o f nine
months' agricultural paper eligible for rediscount a n d provides that -
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

“The Federal Reserve Board may, b y regulation,
limit t a a percentage o f the assets o f a
Federal reserve bank the amount o f notes,

drafts, acceptances, o r bills having 4

maturity in excess of three months, but
not exceeding six months, exclusive of days
ofgrace, which may be discounted by such
bank, a n d the amount o f notes, drafts, bills,
or acceptances having a maturity i n excess
of six months, b u t not exceeding nine months,
which may b e discounted b y such bank."
So far a s six months paper i s concerned the Board long
ago fixed the limit o f 9 9 per cent. which i s i n effect not
a limit a t all and it would seem advisable for the Governors’
conference t o discuss the question whether a n y change i n
this limit a s to six months paper i s advisable, a n d also
whether i t i s advisable t o fix a limit with regard t o nine
months paper. I t may b e noted i n this connection that
Governor Wellborn o n December 27, 1922, formally requested
the Federal Reserve Board t o fix the amount o f agricultural
rediscounts which the Federal Reserve Bank o f Atlanta might
grant a t a certain percentage o f its assets.

T h e r e ap-

peared, however, t o be no particular eccasion for changing
the limit a t that time.




A. R e p o r t o f Committee o n Centralized Execution o f
Purchases a n d Sales o f Government Securities
for account o f Federal Reserve Banks.

Governor Strong, N e w York, Chairman,
Report o f Standing Committee o n Open Market
Conditions a n d Operations.
Governor Fancher, Cleveland, Chairman.
Rates o f Discount.

1. Automatic Adjustment o f Is it possible o r expedient?

2. Uniform rates.




3. O p e n Market rates,



Rebates of Discount.


( d i s c u s s i o n ) Boston














) Atlanta


) Atlanta

n ) Richmond

That the policy o f granting rebates should b e
uniform among Federal Reserve Banks; that i t
should not b e the regular practice o f Federal
Reserve Banks t o grant rebates; t h a t i f a n d
when rebates a r e granted, t h e r e should b e some
good reason f o r s u c h action a n d the benefits

should accrue t o the customer o f the member
bank; t h a t rebates s h o u l d n o t b e made o n member

bank obligations (extept o n obligations secured
by Government b o n d s when t h e bonds a r e s o l d

prior t o maturity o f the obligations); that
rebates o n rediscounted paper should b e granted
only i n cases where such paper i s anticipated
by member bank customers, necessitating repay~
ment o f the paper i n advance o f maturity b y
member banks, a n d where the member banks make
rebates t o such customers; that when Federal
Reserve Banks grant rebates i n such cases, t h e
rebates should b e at the rate a t which the
paper was rediscounted, provided that rate
was not higher than the rate prevailing a t the
time the paper i s paid, i n which case rebates
should b e made at. the rate then prevailing.
BE. R e p u r c h a s e Agreements
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

counted paper,

i n Connection w i t h Redis-~








That Federal Reserve Banks should not take bills
receivable i n bulk f r o m member banks, g i v i n g a

fictitious maturity for the purpose o f making
short-time advances t o member banks;

o r take a


) Richmond

collateral agreement t o repurchase p a p e r s e

offered upon a fixed date; o r a standing
agreement t o repay sums loaned o r advanced
in such manner o n or against such paper
from time t o time.
Interpretation o f word "Borrower" i n Section 1 3
of the Federal Reserve Act. « Discussion o f

Board's opinion (if rendered) based on interpretations submitted b y each bank following
October, 1922, Governors Conference. ( d i s c u s s i o n ) S a n Francisco
Desirability o f making eligible f o r discount
sight drafts with bills o f lading attached.

(Committee appointed at October, 1922, Joint
Conference reported t o Federal Reserve Board)
Liability o f Federal Reserve Banks f o r securi-

ties accepted for safekeeping where knowledge
exists that they are property o f someone
other than member bank from whom accepted. ( d i s c u s s i o n ) Dallas
Importance o f New York call loan market.

Its operation.












) New York

Credit statements o f holding corporations»
Should statements o f subsidiary companies
be reguired b y Federal Reserve Banks? ( d i s c u s s i o n ) Richmond

A. R e p o r t o f Standing Committee o n Collections.
Mre Strater, Cleveland, Chairman.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Special consideration of “advice o f no returns"
{see pages 14, 15 and 16 collection committee







n -



That an advice describing the item should
be forwarded by a Federal Reserve Bank or
branch to the sending bank, specifically
advising final fate o f a check, covering advice o f “no returns" h a s pre«-

viously been forwarded, deposited b y
another Federal Reserve Bank, branch o r
direct sending member bank.
Uniform indorsement b y Federal Reserve Banks o n
cash a n d collection items received f r o m mem-

ber banks and other Federal Reserve Bankse (discussion) Kansas City
Inter-district deferred t i m e schedules. {

discussion) Richmond

Large volume o f thecks lost i n transit after
deposit i n Federal Reserve Bank o r by direct

sending « {


N e w York

That t h e conference consider this

question i n a broad way; assemble data
showing the amount involved i n 1922;
and then take t h e matter u p with t h e

Postmaster General with a view to
bringing about a reduction i n the
number o f lost items.
Par Collections,

Establishment o f uniform policy t o b e pursued
when final decigion i n Atlanta case i s

handed dow,













Desirability o f uniform policy i n matter o f
balances required o f nonmember banks making
( d i e c u s s i o n )
use of collection facilities,
Policy with respect t o handling coupon col- ( d i e c u s s i o n
p r i o r to
lections a n d other nonecash collections.
reference t o

committee }) N e w York
Direct sendinge o f country checke b y member ( d i s c u s s i o n
banks i n 6ne district t o points i n other p r i o r t o
e to

committee )

N e w York

A, Standardization o f circulating fitness o f

Federal Reserve Notes.







Recommended $
That the Treasury Department b e re~





n Francisco


' quested to lodge with each Federal
Reserve Bank packages o f Federal
Reserve Notes representing two o r
more standards o f fitness which the
Federal Reserve Banks may use a s a
guide for the sorting o f circulated
B. Deposit o f till money a t close o f business b y
member banke i n Reserve Bank Cities, ( d i e c u s e i o n )
C. Advantages t o Federal Reserve Banks o f subeti-
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

tuting tax on circulation for Government
participation i n profits.


( d i s c u s s i o n ) Philadelphia

Pogesibility of legislation.

Figures requested Franchise tax last year.
Tax i f 2 % on outstanding currency
not covered b y gold,
Poesible reduction o f tax below
actual franchise payment b y more
close allocation o f gold; keeping
larger amount i n Agent's hands, etc.
we 4



4. Report o f Insurance CommitteeMr. Cramer, Chicago, Chairman.

(Now resigned; new appointment)
Employees! Insurance Is each bank justified i n carrying

its own insurance risk. (

discussion) Chicago

Figures requested Amount o f premiums paid.
Amount o f death losses settled.»
Report o f Pension Committee.
Mr. Kenzel, N e w York, Chairman.

Report o f Leased j/ire Committees
Governor McDougal, Chicago, Chairman.
Committee o n Economy and Efficiency.
Desirability o f having operating repre-

sentative o n Federal Reserve Board's

discussion). San Francisco

Committee. {
Payment f o r Reports o f Examination o f
national b a n k s s

Report filed b y committee appointed a t
October, 1922, Conference.
Principles which should control fixing
of salaries o f junior officers i n ;

Federal Reserve Bankse (


discussion) Philadelphia

A. Desirability o f checking shipments o f ree#
deemed securities against advices o f
shipments forwarded b y separate registered mail. (

discussion) Cleveland

Bs U n d e s i r a b i l i t y o f accepting matured
Government securities o n account o f

allotments o f original issues o f
Treasury certificates o f indebtedness

or Treasury notes»

( d i s c u s s i o n ) Cléveland

A» Committees o n Standardization o f Accounting
o f . =
Forms «
Mr. Vogt, Chicago, Acting Chairman.
Is continuance desirable, and, i f so,
two vacancies t o be filled.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

B. Reimbursenent f o r expens

F j


Should r e s e a c c o u n t s o f country member
banks e i v e adjustment f o r currency i n
















N a w %
m i e
) N e w York

en Renee erences

sent A m e n d m e n t s

t o Federal Reserve Act.

Senate Resolution 4
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

eauses f o r nonmem=-


bership 9 : 3 8 a n k s and trust companies. ( d i s c u s s i o n )





l d Federal Reserve
of bill.

G O V E R N O R S


March 2 6 « 29, 1923.
First Day's Session, Monday, March 2 6

(Morning )
The meeting w a s called t o order a t 10:15 o'clock a . m.

Honorables D. R. Crissinger a n d C. S. Hamlin,

Members of the Federal Reserve Board;
Governors Harding, Norris, Fancher, Seay,

McDougal, Biggs, Young, Bailey, McKinney,
and Calkins;
Deputy Governors C a s e a n d Adelson.

Appointment o f Acting Chairman. G o v e r n o r McDougal opened the
session b y explaining t h a t t h e Board desired t o have t h e conference proceed

with consideration o f its owm program until Wednesday o r Thursday before
having its meeting with the Federal Reserve Board.

H e explained the absence

of the Chairman, Governor Strong, a n d stated that h e was calling the meeting
to order a t Governor Strong's request.

T h e r e u p o n , u p o n motion o f Governor

Fancher, i t was
VOTED t o make Governor McDougal chairman o f this conference.

The Chairman requested Comptroller Crissinger t o address the conference o m behalf o f the Federal Reserve Board.

T h i s h e did, referring

particularly t o the following matters -

Death o f Honorable Milo D. Campbell, Recently appointed
member o f the Federal Reserve Board.
Mr. Crissinger explained that because o f t h e death o f Mr. M i l o D .

Campbell the Board would have n o formal meeting o n Monday, b u t stated that
the Board felt that the Governors should not b e kept from a consideration o f
their program.

H e also stated that t h e Board would want t o have i t s meeting

with the Governors o n Wednesday o r Thursday after Mr. Platt'’s return from
Mr. Campbell's funeral.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

( s e e paragraph 6 )

Joint meeting with Federal Farm Loan Board.

M r . Crissinger laid

before the conference the reauest o f Judge Lobdell, o f the Farm Loan Board,
for a meeting o f his board with the Governors, suggesting Tuesday morning a s

anappropriate time. ( s e e paragraphs 8, 26)
Evening meeting a t Metropolitan Club.

T h e Comptroller invited t h e

Governors t o a dinner meeting Monday night a t the Metropolitan Club.

The Comptroller a n d Mr. Hamlin left t h e conference a t this point a n d
the conference proceeded a s follows =

Appointment o f Acting Secretary.
sence, t h r o u g h iliness,

T h e Chairman explained t h e a b -

o f Mr. Harrison, Secretary o f t h e Conference, a n d ,

upon motion o f Governor Fancher, i t was
VOTED t h a t Mr. D. H. Barrows o f the Federal Reserve Bank o f New
York b e made secretary o f this meeting.
Death of Honorable Milo D. Campbell.

( s e e paragraph 2 )

The Chairman suggested that appropriate action concerning Mr.

Campbell's death b e taken b y the conference; whereupon, o n motion o f
Governor Fancher i t was
VOTED unanimously t o adopt a resolution expressing the sense o f
loss o f the conference a t Mr. Campbell's death; t o wire i t to Mr. Campbell’s
family; t o hand a copy t o the Federal Reserve Board; and, after that, t o send
a copy t o the press.
Aosent members.

T h e Chairman suggested that appropriate action

be taken w i t h respect t o t h e absent members o f t h e conference.

Whereupon o n

motions o f Governor Calkins, i t was
VOTED t h a t telegrams b e sent b y t h e Chairman t o Governor Strong a n d
Mr, Harrison expressing t h e regret o f the conference a t their absence.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Joint meeting w i t h Farm Loan Board,

{ s e e paragraph 3 )

The Chairman appointed Governor Y o u n g t o wait u p o n t h e Farm Loan
Board a n d make arrangements f o r a

meeting (10:00 a . m.) Tuesday morning.

(see paragraph 26)
Topic 1. A. R e p o r t o f Committee o n Centralized Execution o f Purchases a n d Sales o f Government
Securities f o r account o f F . R . Banks.
Considerable discussion w a s h a d o f t h e report (printed i n appendix

to stenographic record) a n d of the bearing upon its adoption o f a memorandum
(pages 16-20 stenographic record) prepared b y Mr. Miller o f the Federal Reserve
Board relating t o the subject o f Federal Reserve Bank investments and to the
Governors Committee i n particular.

U p o n motion o f Governor Seay, i t was

VOTED t h a t t h e report o f t h e Committee o n Centralized Execution o f
Purchases a n d Sales o f Government Securities b e received a n d filed; t h e

understanding being that further discussion o f this matter would be had at the

joint session with the Federal Reserve Board. ( s e e paragraph 62)
Topic 1. B. R e p o r t o f Standing Committee o n Open
Market Conditions a n d Operations.

After a reading of the report (printed pages 27~31 stenographic
record) a Governor Fancher, and upon his motion, i t was
VOTED t h a t t h e report o f the Committee o n Open Market Conditions

and Operations b e received and filed; i t being the sense o f the conference
that t h e discussion a n d action taken i n connection w i t h topic I . A. also
applied t o this matter.

Topic I. C. R a t e s o f Discount
1. Automatic Adjustment of,
Is i t possible o r expedient
2. U n i f o r m Rates
3. O p e n Market Rates.
Governors Harding, S e a y a n d Norris, a n d Deputy Governor C a s e out-

lined a t some length their o m views, a s well a s the discussims h a d with
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


4 A «=

Professor Bullock o f the Harvard Committee o n Economic Research i n connection
with t h e possibility o f establishing s o m e sort o f automatic adjustment o f discount rates ( w h i c h topic Governor Harding explained h a d been placed o n the
program a s a result o f his discussions w i t h Professor Bullock).

T h e opinion

seemed t o b e that what economists i n general are interested i n is education
of the public i n the matter o f rate adjustments, rather than i n the establishment o f a n automatic r a t e adjustment.

A f t e r further discussion o f matters

relating t o t h e System's r a t e policies a n d the interest o f t h e public i n that

subject, i t was, upon motion o f Governor Harding
VOTED t h a t a

committee o f three b e appointed b y t h e chairman t o

draft a memorandum covering everything included under Topic 1, C., for consideration b y t h e conference.

The chairman appointed Governors Seay and Calkins and Deputy
Governor Case t o act as such a committee.
Further general discussion o f the other two matters covered b y this
action, namely Uniform Rates and Open Market Rates, w a s had, but i t was
to rest t h e whole matter w i t h t h e committee appointed.

{ s e e para-

31, 63).
Present discount rate.
on the subject o f discount rates.

T h e chairman opened a general discussion
B a c h o f the Governors present was re-

quested t o express his opinion o n prevailing conditions i n s o far a s they may
be i n a n y w a y related t o t h e rate question.

T h e discussion i s reported o n

pages 61-100 o f t h e stenographic record,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

At 1:05 o'clock the conference adjourned t o reconvene a t 2:30

First D a y ' s Session, Monday, M a r c h 2 6

(Afternoon )

The meeting was called t o order a t 2:45 o'clock p. m.
Governors Harding, Norris, Fancher, Seay,

McDougal, Biggs, Young, Bailey,
McKinney a n d Calkins;
Deputy Governors C a s e a n d Adelson;

Mr. Barrows, Acting Secretary.
TOD8e 2 5 D e R e b a t e s o f Discount

The practice o f granting rebates (and the rate a t which the rebate
is meade) i n the several districts w a s discussed generally,

i t being under-

stood that the policy o f the Federal Reserve Banks i n this regard should b e
to permit rebates when there i s good reason for doing so, but that member
banks should not b e permitted t o abuse the privilege.

U p o n motion o f

Governor Seay, i t was
VOTED t h a t w h e n Federal Reserve Banks grant rebates t h e rebate

should b e at the rate a t which the paper was rediscounted, provided that rate
was not higher than the rate prevailing a t the time the paper was paid, i n
which c a s e t h e rebate should b e made a t the rate t h e n prevailing.

.E. R e p u r c h a s e Agreements i n Connection
with Rediscounted Paper.

General discussion of the practices of the several banks in (1)
taking bills receivable i n bulk from member banks and giving a fictitious
maturity f o r t h e purpose o f making short-time advances t o member banks;

(2) taking collateral agreements to repurchase paper s o offered upon a fixed
date, a n d (3) i n entering into a standing agreement t o repay sums loaned o r
advanced i n such manner o n o r against such paper from time t o time,was had.
On motion o f Governor Fancher, i t was
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


VOTED t h a t i t i s the sense o f t h e conference t h a t s u c h advances

and agreements extend a facility t o which member banks are entitled and which
they should not b e preciuded from using.
Topic 1. F. Interpretation o f word “Borrower"
in Section 1 3 o f Federal Reserve Act.

At the October 1922 Conference o f Governors i t was recommended that
the counsel o f the several Federal Reserve Banks file with the Federal Reserve
Board their opinions relative t o the interpretation o f the word “borrower” i n
Section 1 3 of the Federal Reserve Act, a n d the Federal Reserve Board was then
requested t o postpone a ruling o n this subject until these opinions were received.

I n a s m u c h a s n o ruling h a s a s yet been promulgated,

i t was, u p o n

motion o f Governor Calkins,
VOTED t h a t t h e Federal Reserve Board b e requested t o make a


on this question.
Topic I. G. Desirability o f making eligible for discount sight drafts with bills o f lading

This topic was passed a s being covered b y a recent act o f Congress.
Topic: 1 a M s L i a b i l i t y o f F. R. B s for securities
accepted f o r safekeeping where knowledge
exists that t h e y a r e property o f someone

other than member bank from whom accepted.
The liability o f Reserve Banks for securities accepted for saf e=
keeping, w h e r e there i s knowledge t h a t t h e y belong t o someone other t h a n

the depositing member was discussed, a n d each Governor indicated the practice
of his bank i n accepting securities for safekeeping.

N o action was re~

quested o r taken.

Topic 1. (i) Importance o f New York Call Loan Market.
Mr. C a s e discussed briefly t h e N e w York Call Loan Market a n d referred t o t h e importance o f a

sympathetic understanding o f i t s relation t o the

financial centers o f the country.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



C r e d i t Statements o f Holding Corporations.

After a general discussion o f the difficulties o f ascertaining the
acceptability o f paper o f f e r e d for rediscount either b y a

parent o r a n allied

company without adequate information i n the shape o f credit statements, i t
was, u p o n motion o f Governor Norris,

VOTED t h a t a committee b e appointed t o formulate some definite
recommendation regarding this topic for adoption b y the conference.
The Chairman appointed Messrs. Norris, Calkins a n d Fancher t o
serve a s such a


( s e e paragraph 4 8 )

Topie 11. A. R e p o r t o f Standing Committee o n Collections.
(For text s e e stenographic r e c o r d pages

152-160; 170-173; 173-175; 175-177;

177-181; 181-186)
The conference dealt with the report topic b y topic and concluded


o receive a n d adopt the report a s submitted, with such qualifications a s are
noted below =
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Uniform Liability Clauses -

Governor Young, because

of the conditions peculiar t o his district, stated that
it would be impossible for him now t o agree t o the clauses
proposed b y the committee without a n addition which h e had
suggested. U p o n motion o f Mr. Case, i t was
Voted t h a t t h e matter b e referred b a c k t o the com-

mittee with instructions t o take the matter u p with counsel
of the Minneapolis bank i n order t o see if i t might not b e
possible t o have him agree to the uniform clauses which
have been approved b y the other eleven banks.
Liability o f Federal Reserve Banks i n making unqualified

o n checks received for collection.

U p o n motion

ofGovernor Norris, i t was ;
Voted t h a t t h e conference unanimously agree u p o n t h e

form of uniform indorsement (including guarantee o f prior
indorsements) recommended b y the committee a n d that this
action b e communicated t o the Federal Reserve Board i n order
that the Board may make any changes that i t might consider
necessary i n regulation J .

Advising payment o r non-payment b y wire o n cash o r col-

lection items. U p o n motion of Governor Calkins, i t was
Voted t o adopt t h e recommendation o f t h e committee
that s u c h advice h y wire should n o t include charges incurred

in the telegram.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Uniform method o f handing demand and time certificates o f deposit, drafts with pass books attached, a n d
drafts o n Railroad Companies.

U p o n motion o f the Chair-

man, i t was

t o concur i n the suggestion o f t h e committee

that uniformity i s practically impossible inasmuch a s
custom a n d practice i n the various districts s h o u l d govern.

Should a F. R. Bank collect notes and drafts i n cities
or towns where there i s not a par remitting bank.
motion o f Governor Seay, i t was

U p o n

Voted t o acquiesce i n the conclusions o f the committee
that f o r t h e protection o f t h e sending Federal Reserve Bank
each bank should undertake t o collect a n y non-cash items

payable i n its district.
Advice o f N o Returns.

U p o n motion o f Governor Seay,

it was
Voted t o receive and adopt the committee's recommenda-~

tions (1) that the use of the form "Advice of No Returns"
be restricted a s much a s possible a n d that w h e n u s e d care

should b e exercised t o give only such information a s is
valuable t o t h e bank t o whom sent. ( d e t a i l s o f recommenda-

tion pages 182-183 o f stenographic record) a n d (2) that
each Federal Reserve Bank incorporate i n its time schedule
the notation -

"Checks dravm o n banks not located i n a
Federal Reserve c i t y b u t bearing u p o n their f a c e
a notation t h a t t h e y a r e payable a t o r receivable

for immediate availability i n a Federal Reserve
city will b e accepted o n the same basis a s checks
drawn o n banks located i n that city."

Governors Bailey, McKinney a n d Calkins asked to b e recorded a s voting i n the negative.
Definition o f the Terms "Wire Fate," Wire Payment o r
Non-Payment" a n d "Wire Credit." U p o n motion o f Governor
Seay, i t was
Voted t h a t the recommendations o f the committee relative t o the u s e o f t h e above terms b e adopted.

The committee's recommendations are printed on pages
184-186 o f t h e stenographic record.
Blanket Guaranty covering indorsement b y F. R. B s

on all items forwarded direct for collection b y member
banks. T h e recommendation o f the committee that all reserve banks give this letter o f guaranty was read to the
conf er ence. T h e committee explained that each reserve
bank with the exception o f Minneapolis has already complied
with its recommendation.
Governor Young referred t o the reasons which have prompted
the Minneapolis bank not t o give a blanket guaranty o n all
items forwarded direct for collection b y its member banks.
No action was taken, the discussion having been interrupted
for a conference with Mr. Gilbert.

It was later (pages 286-294 o f stenographic record)

Understood t h a t Governor Young would again discuss
the matter w i t h his Executive Committee i n view o f certain
conditions c a l l e d t o Governor Young's attention a n d advise
the other Federal Reserve Banks whether h i s bank will issue
a blanket guaranty.

Treasury Transactions.

U n d e r Secretary Gilbert joined the con-

ference and discussed certain matters relating t o tax payments and Govern-

ment financing. ( s e e paragraph 22)
At 6:20 o'clock p . m. t h e conference adjourned t o reconvene a t
10:00 a . m. Tuesday, M a r c h 27.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Second Day's Session, Tuesday, M a r c h 27.

(Morning )
The conference w a s calleo t o order a t 10:08 o'clock a , m ,

Governors Harding, Norris, Fancher, Seay,
McDougal, Biggs, Young, Bailey, McKinney
and Calkins;
Deputy Governors Case and Adelson;
Mr. Barrows, Acting Secretary.
Treasury Transactions.

( s e e paragraph 21)

Under Secretary Gilbert j o i n e d t h e conference t o complete discus-

sion of matters considered a t the last session, a n d also t o discuss those
topics o n the reguler p r o g r a m relating t o fiscal agency operations.

Topic V.<A. D e s i r a b i l i t y o f checking shipments o f
redeemed securities against advices o f
shipments forwarded b y separate regis~
tered mail.

Governor Fancher stated that this topic had been placed upon the
program a s a result o f certain difficulties experienced b y t h e Federal R e ~
serve Bank o f Cleveland.

M r . Gilbert explained that a

committee h a s been

appointed t o consider the system of receiving shipments o f redeemed securities and t o make any improvement that may b e necessary t o obviate present adifficulties.

N o action was asked o r taken.
Topic ¥.° 3. Undesirability o f accepting matured Government securities

o n account o f allotments o f

original issues of Treas. C/l or Treas. notes.
In discussing t h i s subject, Mr. Gilbert indicated that h e appres

ciated the difficulties related b y some o f the Governors, b u t stated that
in his opinion the difficulties were outweighed b y the advantages, which
were referred t o i n some detail.
New Currency Designs.

N o action was requested o r takwn.
M r . Gilbert reported that the committee

which h a s been considering t h e n e w designs f o r currency h a d submitted i t s

report a n d that the forms are now i n the hands o f the Federal Reserve Board
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


ee) eee

and available for examination b y the Governors.
Joint meeting w i t h Farm Loan Board.

( s e e paragraphs 3 , 8 )

The members o f the Farm Loan Board went into session with the conference a s previously arranged.

J u d g e Lobdell, C h a i r m a n o f that Board, r e »

ferred t o the recent Act of Congress authorizing the incorporation o f twelve
Federal Intermediate Credit Banks t o b e operated under the jurisdiction o f the
Farm Loan Board.

H e asked individual members o f the conference for a n ex-

pression o f their opinion o n the following matters - (1) the extent t o which
there will b e any demand i n their districts for the type o f credit which will
be available through Federal Intermediate Credit Banks and the nature o f the
security that will b e offered; (2) the attitude o f the Federal Reserve Banks

toward the purchase of debentures which might be issued by the Federal Inter~
mediate Credit banks; a n d (3) the rates o f discount charged b y the Federal
Intermediate Credit Banks a n d rates o f interest o n the debentures issued b y
The conference adjourned a t 1:10 o'clock t o reconvene a t 3:00
o‘clock pe. M s
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Second Day's Session, Tuesday, M a r c h 2 8

(Afternoon }

The conference w a s called t o order a t 3:00 o'clock p . m.
Governors Harding, Norris, Fancher, Seay,
McDougal, Biggs, Young, Bailey,
McKinney, a n d Calkins;
Deputy Governors C a s e a n d Adelson;
Mr. Barrows, A c t i n g Secretary.
The Chairman r e a d t o t h e conference a

telegram f r o m Governor

strong i n response t o that s e n t t o h i m b y the Governors (see paragraph 7 )
POMkC: L i a D

U n i f o r m indorsement b y Federal Keserve
Banks o n cash a n d collection items r e ceived f r o m member banks a n d other Federal Reserve Banks.

Governor Bailey pointed out the lack of uniformity i n guarantecing
prior indorsement o n non-cash collection items.

T h e conference having al-

ready agreed t o t h e r e c o m m e n d a t i o n o f t h e Collection Committee that Keserve

Banks should guarantee prior indorsements o n cash items, (paragraph 20d), i t
was, upon motion o f Governor Calkins,
VOPED t h a t each bank refer t o its o w counsel the question o f
whether there i s any reason why such a n indorsement should not b e made o n
non-cash items,
Tovie L i e :

Inter-district deferred time schedules.

Governor Seay stated that the occasion for bringing u p this matter
was t h e change i n the Philadelphia t i m e schedule recently m a d e a n d the effect

this had on banks i n the Richmond district.

a f t e r discussion, i t was

AGREED t o let the matter rest pending the next conference, with
the understanding that meantime the officers o f the Boston, N e w York,
Philadelphia, Cleveland and Richmond Reserve Banks discuss the matter among
themselves with a view to working out the problem.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Tonle Tie. Dp.
after aeposit i n FF. R. 5B,
Mr. G a s e reported receipts o f complaints f r o m various member banks
on this subject, presenting t o t h e conference a

tabulation o f t h e cash letters

Lost i n the mails b y all Reserve Banks during the year 1922. T h e r e was discussion o f the losses i n various o f the districts, and, upon motion o f
Governor Seay, i t was
VOTED t h a t the New York bank b e requested, i n behalf o f the conference, t o present this record t o the Federal Reserve Board with the request
that t h e matter b e taken u p b y t h e Board with t h e Postmaster General.

Topic II. F. Desirability o f uniform policy i n matter
ofbalances required o f nonmember banks
making u s e o f collection facilities.

The practice of the several banks i n the matter o f requiring
balances o f nonmember banks making use of collection facilities were outlined.
Governor Biggs (who stated that h e had proposed the topic merely t o learn o f
the practices o f the other banks) asked for n o action.

Topic I. C. R a t e s of Discount. ( s e e paragraph 11)
1. Automatic Adjustment
2. Uniform Rates
3. O p e n Market Rates
Governor Seay stated that the committee was prepared t o submit t o

the conference its report o n the topics under "Rates of Discount" referred to
it b y the conference.

A f t e r discussion,

i t was, u p o n motion o f Governor


t o adopt t h e report submitted b y t h e committee.

The report i n substance provided (1) that a n automatic adjustment
of discount rates i s not possible; ( 2 ) that while a t present a uniform rate

may be justifiable and expedient, Federal Reserve Bank discount rates cannot
be expected t o b e uniform under a l l conditions d n d circumstances; ( 3 ) that o p e n
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

- 14.=

market rates should n o t b e arbitrarily determined;
ask t h e Federal Reserve B o a r d t o refer,

a n d (4) that t h e conference

i n the form suggested, f o r a

number o f

weeks i n making its weekly statement o f the condition o f the Reserve Banks, t o
the question o f g o l d imports i n its relation t o reserve rates.

( s e e para-

graph 63).
Topic T i e E s

P a r Collections.

The status o f pending par clearance actions was reported b y the
several Governors i n whose districts cases are pending . A f t e r considerable
. discussion o f these cases and of the general policy, present and future, o f
the Reserve Banks w i t h respect t o par clearance, t h e topic w a s passed with-

out action.
Topic II. G. P o l i c y with respect t o handling coupon collections a n d other non-cash collections.

Mr. Case suggested the advisability o f referring this matter t o the
Standing Committee o n Collections for report t o the next conference a n d this
was voted,

( B u t see paragraph 4 7 where the matter was reconsidered i n the

light of the Federal Reserve Board's memorandum X-3676).
Topic 11. H e D i r e c t sendings o f country checks b y member
banks i n one district t o points i n other

districts. .
The Chairman appointed representatives o f t h e Federal Reserve Banks

ofBoston, N e w York and Richmond t o act a s a committee t o study the matter,
and, i f necessary, report their conclusions t o the Federal Reserve Board,
It w a s understood that t h e representative o f the N e w York b a n k should a c t

aS a i i wel of the committee.
Presentation b y h a n d o f C a s h Letters.
Governor McKinney submitted a

letter i n which t h e Comptroller o f

the Currency inquired about the practice o f Federal Reserve Banks i n sending
messengers f r o m théir offices t o make personal presentation o f c a s h letters
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


for collection. G e n e r a l discussion o f this topic showed that while a
majority o f t h e Federal Reserve Banks h a v e f r o m time t o time collected items

in this manner, nevertheless they have always exercised extreme caution i n
selecting their agents and i n instructing them what caution i s necessary i n
making presentations o f this character.

U p o n motion o f Governor Seay, i t was

VOTED t o b e the sense o f the conference that i t is sometimes
necessary t o send a representative t o present checks a t banks upon which
drawn, a n d that this i s a necessity which cannot always b e avoided.
Topic Jil. A. Standardization o f circulating fitness
of Federal Reserve Notes.

After explaining the desirability o f having two o r more standards
of fitness for use as a guide i n sorting circulated currency, i t was, upon
motion o f Governor Calkins
VOTED t h a t the Treasury Department b e requested t o lodge with
each Federal Reserve Bank a n d Branch sample packajes o f Federal Reserve Notes
which may b e used a s a guide for the sorting o f circulated currency.
Topic III. B. D e p o s i t o f till money a t close o f business
by member b a n k s i n Reserve B a n k cities.
Governor S e a y pointed o u t the amount o f work p u t upon Federal R e «

serve Banks b y the disposition o f certain banks a t the close o f business t o
deposit their till money for credit and then apply for new money the next

D i s c u s s i o n developed t h e fact t h a t t h e tendency d o e s not s e e m t o

be general, a n d that i t i s a matter that can b e handled effectively b y each

Reserve Bank if occasion arises, T h e topic was passed without action.
Topic Jil. C. A d v a n t a g e s t o Federal Reserve Banks o f
substituting t a x o n circulation f o r
Government participation i n profits.
Governor Norris r e a d a

memorandum relative t o this topic, w h i c h

pointed out the disadvantages o f giving t o the Government a partnership interest i n the earnings o f the Federal Reserve Banks, a n d which mentioned the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

« 16's


oossibility o f a n amendment t o the law providing that each bank shall pay a
fixed rate o f interest o n the uncovered portion o f Federal reserve notes outstanding i n lieu o f the existing provision f o r the payment o f a franchise tax.
Statistics were given showing the amount that would have been paid to the Government during 1922 a s a n interest charge upon a hypothetical interest rate o f 2 %
on all uncovered notes outstanding.
The members o f the conference expressed sympathy w i t h t h e views con-

tained i n the memorandum, and, upon motion o f Mr. Case, i t was
VOTED t h a t the Chairman appoint a committee o f two t o discuss the
question with the Under Secretary o f the Treasury t o ascertain whether the
Treasury Department would interpose any objection t o the consideration o f such
@ plan.

The chairman thereupon appointed Governor Norris a n d Deputy Governor
Case t o act a s such a committee.
It was understood that Governor Norris would send to each Governor a
uniform blank o r questionnaire t o b e filled o u t b y each bank giving pertinent

statistics for the years 1919-20-21-22.

At 5:45 o'clock p. m. the conference adjourned t o reconvene a t 10:00
o'clock. o n Wednesday morning, March 28.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Third Day's Session, March 2 8 t h

The conference w a s called t o order a t 10:00 o'clock a . m e

Governors Harding, Norris, Fancher, Seay,

McDougal, Biggs, Young, Bailey,
McKinney a n d Calkins;
Deputy Governors C a s e a n d Adelson;

Mre Barrows, Acting Secretary,
Topic IV. A. R e p o r t o f Insurance Committee
After discussion, a n d upon motion o f Governor Calkins, i t was:

t o submit t h e report o f t h e Insurance Committee a n d t h e proposed

plan (pages 381-416 stenographic record) t o the Federal Reserve Board for consideration with the request that the Board advise the several reserve banks o f its
It was understood that i f approved b y the Board, and subsequently b y
the directors o f the several Reserve Banks, t h e recommendations o f the report
will t h e n b e put into effect witheut further action b y the conference.
Later, u p o n motion o f Governor Fancher,

i t was

t o authorize t h e Chairman t o fill t h e vacancy o n the committee

caused b y the resignation o f Mr. Cramer.

Telegram from National Bank Division of American (


Bankers Association ~- Free services t o member banks.
. Governor Calkins referred t o the conference a telegram from the manager
of the National Bank division o f the American Bankers Association deplering certain
practices o f the Reserve Banks i n rendering f r e e services t o member banks a n d sug-

gesting that the matters referred t o ehould b e considered b y the Governors :
Conferences U p o n motion o f Governor Harding, i t was
_VOTED t o refer the telegram t o the Federal Reserve Board for
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Topic IV. FF. P a y m e n t f o r Reports o f Examination
of national banks.
The written report o f the sub-committee o f Governors a n d Federal

Reserve Agents made subsequent t o the October 1922 canference concerning com-

pensation f o r reports o f examination o f national banks furnished b y the
Comptroller o f the Currency was incorporated i n the record.
After discussion, i t was
UNDERSTOOD t h a t the arrangement referred t o i n this report and now
in effect will continue unless and until amended.
Topic IV. G-e P r i n c i p l e s w h i c h should control f i x i n g
of salaries o f junior officers i n F-R.Bs.-

There was general discussion o f the principles governing the salary
policy o f the various banks, i n s e far as it relates t o junior officers. ‘ I t was
generally felt that the value o f the particular man t o the reserve bank should
control, a n d that there should b e n o arbitrary o r fixed salary range throughout
the system for such officers.

Speeding u p Collections b y means of Air Service (
The Chairman submitted a


letter w h i c h the Aviation Syndicate Inc.,

New York, h a d addressed under date o f March 28, 1923 t o Mr.
Hamlin o f the Federal

Reserve Board i n regard t o facilitating collections b y air service.

I t appeared

to the conference t o be purely a commercial proposition, possibly worthy
o f consideration b y the Post Office Department.

U p o n motion o f Governor Harding, i t was

VOTED t o lay the matter o n the table.
Topic IV. D. R e p o r t o f Leased Wire Committee (
Upon motion o f Mr. Case, i t was


t o adopt the report o f the Leased Wire Committee ( printed

484-487 stenographic record) .
Governor Harding did not vote and Governor Young wished
t o be recorded
as voting i n the negative.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

At 1:17 o'clock. the conference adjourned t o
reconvene a t 2:30 o'clock


ay, March 28th

t o order

a t 2:35

Governors Norris, Fancher, Seay, McDougal,

Biges, Young, Bailey, McKinney, :
Calkins, a n d Harding;
Deputy Governors C a s e a n d

Mr. Barrows, Acting Secretary.
Va D s

c e p o r t o f Leased Wire Committee
eSparagraph 44)

The Chairman called attention t o that portion o f the report o f the
Lea eased

Wire Committee relating t o test words o n Telegraphic transfers f o r t h e


M r . Higgins o f the Federal Reserve Bank o f New York joined the

conference a n d reported having interviewed the Treasurer o f the United States
who agreed t o t h e recommendation o f the committee relative t o t h e u s e o f test

words i n the manner outlined b y Mr. Higgins.



UNDERSTOOD t h a t the plan, which contemplates furnishing the Treasurer's
office with a:copy o f the code book, a n d a separate o r different key, would b e
Open Market Operations.
eration o f the conference a

The C h a i r m a n s u b m i t t e d f o r t h e c o n s i d -

memorandum prepared b y t h e Federal Reserve Board

KX-3675 - (printed pages 517-520 stenopraphic record) concerning open market

Operations, which was considered at some length, off the record. T h e matter
was informally discussed w i t h some o f the members o f t h e Board a n d also w i t h
Mr. Gilbert.

N o action w a s

Voluntary Services Assumed b y F.R.Bs. f o r their members.

The Tentative suggestion o f the Federal Reserve Board - X3676 { printed
pages 516-517 stenographic record) t h a t certain voluntary services performed f o r
member banks should b e discontinued w a s considered, a n d , u p o n motion
o f Governor
Seay, i t was
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


t o b e t h e sense o f t h e conference t h a t none o f the services

enumerated i n the Board's memorandum
should b e discontinued a t this time, but
s o e m


that the whole subject o f non-cash collections should v e referred t o a special
committee o f Governors t o b e selected b y the Wederai Reserve Board f o r consideration a n d report.

It was understood that this action b y the conference superseded
the earlier action (paragraph 3 3 ) o f the conference i n referring t h e matter

of coupon collections and non-cash collections o
t the Standing Committee o n
Topic I. J. C r e d i t Statements o f Holding Corvorations

(see paragraph 19)
The sub-committee appointed b y the conference t o consider the topic
"Credit Statements o f Holding Corporations" filed its report with the conference.
Upon motion o f Governor Seay, i t was

VOTED t o adopt the report o f the sub-committee, a s follows:
It i s the opinion o f the conference t h a t where paper o f 2 corporation

which has allied, associated o r subsidiary companies i s offered for discount a t
a Federal Reserve Bank, the bank should require statements o f such allied, associated o r subsidiary companies a s of the same date, unless the statement o f the
company whose paper i s offered clearly indicates the eligibility and acceptability o f the paper; this procedure t o be adopted b y the Federal Reserve Banks
as promptly a s i s practicable.
Topic VI. A.» C o m m i t t e e o n Standardization o f
Accounting F o r m s .

The Chairman brought t o the attention o f the conference the vacancies
existing i n this committee.

A f t e r a short discussion, a n d upon motion o f

Governor Norris, i t was
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

WTED t h a t the committee b e discontinued,
Topic V i . B e R e i m b u r s e m e n t f o r e x e n s e s incurred
a/e W a r F i n a n c e C o r p o r a t i o n t r a n s a c t i o n s .

Governor Bailey r e a d a

memorandum showing t h e large volume o f business

mao e e
his bank i s handling for the War Finance Corporation a n d Stated that h e
felt reimbursement f o r overhead w a s desirable.

A f t e r discussion, however,

he said that h e desired n o action.
Topic Vi«-Gs R e i m b u r s e m e n t f o r Federal L a n d Bank
transactions +

Governor Bailey stated that his feelings were similar i n this
connection t o those expressed i n connection w i t h t h e foregoing topic, a n d

that his only object was t o obtain a n expression o f views.

Topic VI. FE. S h o u l d Reserve Accounts of Country




member banks receive adjustment f o r
currency i n transit.
Mr. Case asked n o action i n this connection, b u t stated t h a t h e
desired t o stress t h e desirability o f uniformity.

F e l l o w i n g discussion,

upon motion o f Governor Harding, i t was
VOTED t h a t i n the opinion o f the conference there i s no warrant
in the Federal Reserve Act or i n the Regulations o f the Board t o justify
the practice o f making adjustments i n the reserve accounts o f country member
banks f o r currency i n transit.

Topic: TVs B. E m p l o y e e s ’ Insurance.
There was a discussion o f the expense involved t o the various
banks o n account o f Employee Insurance, a n d the action taken b y the Boards
of Directors o f some o f the banks i n raising the maximum under the group

insurance plan to $5,000+« U p o n motion of Mr-e Case, i t was
VOTED t h a t t h e group insurance p l a n b e continued a n d that t h e

Federal Reserve Soard b e asked t o approve raising the maximum t e $5,000.
Topic IV. E.« D e s i r a b i l i t y o f having operating repre: s e n t a t i v e o n Federal Reserve Board's
Committee o n Economy a n d Efficiency.

Governor Calkins moved, and i t was
WTED t h a t the conference suggest t o the Board's committee o n
Economy and Efficiency that i t designate a n operating representative t o clear
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


o 92.6
information f o r the Keserve 3anks.
Tepic IV. C .

{ S e e paragraph 58).

R e p o r t o f Pension Committee

Upon motion o f Mr- Case, i t was

WTED t h a t the report (printed pages 550-563 stenopraphic record)
of the Pension Committee b e received a n d the recommendations contained therein approved w i t h t h e understanding t h a t t h e Pension Committee should commu-

nicate the action o f the conference t o the Federal Reserve Board, citing for
them all the steps that had been taken i n developing the pension plan, and
expressing t h e conviction o f t h e conference t h a t nothing could b e more benefi-+-

cial t o the operation o f the Federal Reserve System than the adeption o f some
such plan a s proposed.

Topic. Vij.A.

R e c e n t Amendments t o Federal Reserve ACt.

Go vernor Harding stated that h e had had a draft made o f all amendments t o the Federal Reserve Att within the last six months, o f which h e would
have copies distributed f o r discussien later.

T h e topic w a s temporarily passed.

Topic VIT.B. C a u s e s for nonmembership of state banks




and trust companies.

It was understood that n o action would b e taken o n this subject.
Before adjourning the Chairman called attention t o the topics suggested b y the Federal Reserve Board, a n d i t was understood t h a t these m a t t e r s

would not b e discussed until the jéint conference with the Federal Reserve Board.
At 6:00 o'clock p e me the conference adjourned t o reconvene a t 10:00
&- me i n joint session with the Federal Reserve Board o n Thursday, March 29th.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


23 =

Fourth Day's Session, Thursday, March 2 9
Joint Session with Federal Reserve Board

(All Day)
The conference convened a t 10:00 o*clock a . m.

Honorables D. R. Crissinger, Edmund Platt,
C. S. Hamlin,and A. C. Miller, Members o f

the Federal Reserve Board;
Governors Harding, Norris, Fancher, Seay,
McDougal, Bigys, Young, Bailey,
McKinney a n d Calkins;
Deputy Governors Case and Adelson;
Mr. Barrows, A c t i n g Secretary.

In addition t o various matters of general policy (of which it is the
practice t o keep n o Secretary's minutes) a n d other topics which were

discussed without conclusions being reached, t h e following matters which had
either been specifically referred t o the Governors b y the Board o r held over
for discussion with the Board were considered Popke


D e s i r a b i l i t y o f having operating representative
on Federal Reserve Board's Committee o n Economy

and Efficiency.

( s e e paragraph 54)

The suggestion o f t h e Governors Conference t h a t t h e Board’s com-

mittee designate a n operating representative t o clear information for the
Reserve 5anks was referred t o by Governor McDougal i n reviewing the proceedings o f the conference.

I t was understood, a s suggested b y Mr. Miller, that

the Board would issue the monthly and quarterly reports o n the basis o f
Schedule E ("Report o f Expenses”) i n such reasonable numbers a s the banks may
severally request for the use o f their different departments.

The conference, after considering the following three Board topics
in separate session, took the following actions i n regard thereto, which i t
discussed w i t h t h e Board i n joint session.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


2 4


Board (1). R e s e r v e s against so-called "Special Savings". deposits
on which a

( 5 9 )

limited amount o f c h e c k i n g i s allowed,

Upon motion o f Mr. Gase, i t was
VOTED t h a t i t i s the sense o f t h e conference that n o change b e made

in the existing regulations.

Board (2). N e w Regulations.
Upon motion o f Mr. Case, i t was
VOTED t h a t a s the Governors feel that they have not had sufficient
opportunity t o thoroughly s t u d y a n d digest t h e tentative draft o f t h e N e w Regue

lations, they suggest that they b e permitted t o take the proposed regulations
home with them, with the understanding that after careful study e a c h Governor
will report his views direct t o the Board i n writing.
board (3). Limitation o n Aggrexate amount o f Agricultura: Paper

( 6 2 )

which m a y b e rediscounted b y Federal neserve sanks.

Upon motion o f Governor Calkins, i t was
VOTED t h a t n o change b e made i n the Board's limit o f 99% cf assets
for agricultural paper a n d that the limit o n nine months paper b e fixed a t 10%
TOpie 1. A< R e p o r t o f Committee o n Centralized Execution o f
Purchases a n d Sales o f Government Securities f o r

Account of Federal Reserve 3anks. ( s e e para. 9)
The Governors expressed themselves a s being i n favor o f the plan set
up i n the Board's memorandum X-3675, a n d with t h e establishment o f t h e Qpen

Market Investment Committee for the Federal Reserve System t o supersede o n and
after April 1, 1923, the present Governors Committee o n Centralized Execution
of Purchases a n d Sales o f Government Securities f o r Account o f Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve Board, u p o n t h e suggestion o f t h e Governors, a p =

pointed the members o f the old committee t o serve a s members o f the new com-

mittee. ( s e e X-3689 of April 7, 1923).
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

It was generally f e l t b y the Governors t h a t t h e Board's resolution
should b e construed s o that t h e banks should have some latitude i n making r e ~
tail intraxdistrict purchases o f acceptances.

Topic I. C. Rates of Discount. ( s e e paragraphs 11 and 31)
The report o f the committee o f Governors

o n "Rates o f Discount,”

dated March 28, 1923, adopted b y the conference was considered.
stood that t h e Federal Reserve Board would issue a

I t was under~

press statement a t the close

of the conference substantially i n the language o f the first paragraph o f the
statement which the committee i n its report recommended b e sent to the Federal
Reserve Soard,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

At 6:30 o'clock p . m. t h e conference adjourned sine die.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis