Full text of Federal Reserve Bulletin : June 1963
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FEDERAL RESERVE June 1963 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM E D I T O R I A L C O M M I T T E E Charles Molony Ralph A. Young Guy E. Noyes The Federal Reserve BULLETIN is issued monthly under the direction of the staff editorial committee. This committee is responsible for opinions expressed, except in official statements and signed articles. Contents Consumer Spending and Incomes 749 Recent Changes in Liquidity 756 Interest Rates on Time Deposits, Mid-February 1963 766 Survey of Common Trust Funds, 1962 773 Statement on Proposed Changes in Federal Civil Defense Act 779 Law Department 781 Announcements 780 National Summary of Business Conditions 791 Guide to Tabular Presentation 794 Financial and Business Statistics, U. S. (Contents on p. 795) 796 International Financial Statistics (Contents on p. 857) 858 Board of Governors and Staff 874 Open Market Committee and Staff; Federal Advisory Council 875 Federal Reserve Banks and Branches 876 Federal Reserve Board Publications 877 Index to Statistical Tables 881 Map of Federal Reserve System Volume 49 Inside back cover Number 6 Subscription Price of Bulletin A copy of the Federal Reserve Bulletin is sent to each member bank without charge; member banks desiring additional copies may secure them at a special $2.00 annual rate. The regular subscription price in the United States and its possessions, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Republic of Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, El Salvador, Uruguay, and Venezuela is $6.00 per annum or 60 cents per copy; elsewhere, $7.00 per annum or 70 cents per copy. Group subscriptions in the United States for 10 or more copies to one address, 50 cents per copy per month, or $5.00 for 12 months. Consumer Spending and Incomes CONSUMER SPENDING on goods this year has shown a further, uneven rise from the advanced level reached in late 1962. Spending at retail stores increased only a little during the first quarter and has been relatively stable since then. Service expenditures have increased steadily. For the second quarter as a whole, total consumer spending is estimated to have shown a moderate rise to a new high, about 4.5 per cent above a year earlier. Meanwhile, average consumer prices have shown only a small rise. And wholesale prices have been generally stable. Disposable personal income has risen further; much of the increase this year has been attributable to resumption of gains in employment. With the labor force also increasing, unemployment has continued within a range of 5.5 to 6 per cent. The large increase in consumer spending last fall reflected mainly strength in demand for automobiles. Purchases of new cars rose sharply in October with the introduction of new models. These increased purchases contributed significantly to improved business expectations after the leveling off in activity that began at midyear. Since October, auto sales have been unusually steady at record levels. Purchases of household durable goods are larger by a sizable amount than they were in the spring of 1962, but in recent months gains have slowed. Increases in outlays for nondurable goods have been more moderate and a little larger than growth in population. 749 Consumer spending has risen a little faster than disposable income over the past year. Since last fall consumers have spent a somewhat larger part of their income than at any time since late 1960. Purchases of nondurable goods still take the largest share of the consumer dollar, but the proportion going to services has risen fairly persistently. EXPANSION IN SPENDING—1961-63 Consumption expenditures in the second quarter are estimated at an annual rate of $371 billion, a rise of 12 per cent from the cyclical low in general business activity in WITH INCOMES RISING this post year consumer spending has increased 1957-59=100 DISPOSABLE INCOME RETAIL SALES 100 ESPECIALLY for autos NEW AUTOS 120 100 CONSUMER PRICES have increased slowly 100 1961 1962 1963 NOTE.—Monthly indexes, adjusted for seasonal variation except for prices, are based on data from Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Ward's Automotive Reports. Monthly disposable income interpolated from Commerce quarterly data. Latest figures shown, prices, April; others, May. 750 early 1961. Most of the increase has been in physical volume as average prices of consumer goods and services have increased by only 2 per cent over the 9 quarters. Measured in constant dollars, consumer purchases have risen less thus far in the current expansion than they had at the corresponding stage of the two previous cyclical expansions. They have risen 10 per cent from the cyclical low in economic activity whereas in the 9 quarters following the cyclical lows in 1954 and 1958 they had gained 11.5 per cent. The rise in spending for durable goods compares favorably with earlier periods, but spending for nondurables and for services is lagging by this standard. For example, service outlays have increased by only 9 per cent thus far in this expansion, compared with 13 per cent in 1954-56 and 12 per cent in the 1958-60 period. Durable goods, which on the average account for one-seventh of consumer purchases, have provided almost one-third of the increase in total outlays since the first quarter of 1961. Typically, buying of durable goods increases faster than other types of purchases in periods of cyclical expansion and rapidly rising incomes. Spending for services has increased at about the same rate as total consumption expenditures, while outlays for food, clothing, and most other nondurable goods have advanced more slowly. Since the spring of 1960—the preceding cyclical high in general economic activity— consumer purchases in constant dollars have expanded by 9.5 per cent. This is almost the same as in the corresponding period of the 1957-60 cycle but not so large as in 1953-56. On a per capita basis, the increase in consumption expenditures in constant prices has totaled about 4.5 per cent over the past 3 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 years. It may be noted that the rate of population growth recently has slowed somewhat, amounting to 1.5 per cent over the past year and 1.6 per cent over the preceding year, compared with the postwar average of 1.7 per cent. Autos. Purchases of new domestic cars, including those by business and government, have averaged 7.4 million units, seasonally adjusted annual rate, beginning with the new model year last October. Including imports, total purchases have been at an annual rate of approximately 7.75 million units. This compares with 7.0 million for the full year 1962 and with the previous record high for a calendar year of 7.5 million in 1955. Increased auto purchases have reflected mainly gains in standard-size models. Sales of compact cars, which had advanced sharply from 1958 to 1962, have remained near last year's level. In addition, for both compacts and standard-size lines, the recent trend has been to the more fully equipped and higher-priced models. As a result the average unit value of cars purchased is up somewhat even though list prices again showed little change last fall. Purchases of used cars have also remained high and so far in 1963 are about 5 per cent above a year earlier. Prices of used cars have been at advanced levels, while dealer stocks have risen considerably. Although at a record rate, the current volume of new car purchases does not appear so high in the light of continued growth in population and incomes and the continued large volume of auto scrappage. Consumer purchases of new cars so far this year have accounted for a little over 4 per cent of disposable income, far below the exceptional 5.3 per cent of 1955 and about the same percentage as in most years since then. During 1955, the number of cars on the 751 CONSUMER SPENDING AND INCOMES NEW CAR SALES at record high Millions of cars -IMPORTS ~~ -TOTAL DOMESTIC _L o 1955 NOTE.—Based on Ward's Automotive Reports. Annual rate for first 5 mos. of 1963 based on data available early June. road increased by about 3 million, or 6.5 per cent. Since then, annual additions to the stock have been smaller. It is estimated that additions in 1962 totaled about 2.5 million, or 4 per cent of the 57.5 million autos on the road at the beginning of the year. Rising incomes and ready availability of instalment credit with long maturities have been factors in increased demand for autos. Other continuing influences have included the movement to the suburbs, the increase in the number of drivers per family, and longer vacations. The move to the suburbs in particular has quickened the growth of multi-car families. Recent estimates place their number at 8 million, double the number at the beginning of 1955. Other goods. Consumer purchases of furniture, appliances, television, and other household equipment weakened in the spring of 1962, but they have risen considerably since then. In the second quarter of this year they are estimated to be 13 per cent above their recession low in early 1961. A stimulating influence has been the large volume of residential construction, which has held at advanced levels longer in this expansion period than at any time since the early postwar period. Demand has been strong this spring for such products as dishwashers, clothes dryers, and—despite persistent cool weather in some parts of the country—air conditioners. Color television has been gaining in consumer acceptance after an extended period of slow growth. With a large majority of households still without these products, purchases for the most part have represented initial acquisition rather than replacement. Purchases of such staples as food, beverages, tobacco products, drugs, and toilet articles have increased steadily over this expansion period. Apparel purchases, which usually show more cyclical fluctuation than total nondurable goods spending, advanced sharply early in the recovery period, then leveled off after mid-1962. Buying intentions. Buying plans for the months ahead expressed in recent consumer surveys have been broadly consistent with the advanced level of durable goods purchases already attained. The latest Quarterly Survey of Consumer Buying Intentions, conducted by the Census Bureau in mid-April, indicated that more people were planning to 752 buy new autos during the next 6 months than a year earlier; the number planning to buy was about the same as last October, when the 1963 models were introduced. Plans to purchase major household durable goods such as washing machines, refrigerators, television sets, and air conditioners indicated that buying should hold steady, and perhaps increase, in the months ahead. More households reported plans to purchase one or more of these items than reported such intentions in either January this year or in April 1962. Consumer prices. Average consumer prices have risen by about 1 per cent over the past year, about the same as the average annual increase since the spring of 1958. Prices of food and clothing—and the average for all nondurable goods—have risen by about 1 per cent from the spring of 1962. The cost of food spurted last September because of a sharp but temporary advance in meat prices, and again early this year when winter freezes resulted in higher prices for fruits and vegetables. Prices of durable goods have shown mainly seasonal movements over the past year; prices are only about 2 per cent higher than 5 years ago. The cost of medical and personal care and most other services has continued to climb but at a slower pace than in earlier postwar expansions. The rise in rents has slowed markedly. FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 Increases in social security taxes on incomes of employees and self-employed persons, effective January 1, 1963, amounted to $1 billion, annual rate, and had the effect of reducing personal income by a corresponding amount. Wage income. Payrolls account for more than two-thirds of personal income and for the bulk of its fluctuation. Expansion in private wages and salaries has been sizable in recent months, following a period of slight upward drift from the middle of last year to early this year. From January to May 1963, private payrolls rose by $1.5 billion a month, annual rate, compared with only $250 million per month from last July to January. The slowdown in 1962 had centered in manufacturing, where wages and salaries PRIVATE payrolls advance in 1963 100 GOVERNMENT payrolls continue to rise 140 100 TRANSFERS rise less rapidly than earlier 140 INCOMES Underlying the advance in consumer purchases has been expansion in disposable personal income. In May, personal income was at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $458 billion, 4 per cent higher than a year earlier. But the rise was significantly smaller than over the preceding 12 months. 120 ALL OTHER INCOME 1961 1962 1963 NOTE.—Based on Dept. of Commerce monthly personal income components, adjusted for seasonal variation. May figures, latest shown, estimated by Federal Reserve. 753 CONSUMER SPENDING AND INCOMES were virtually unchanged from April 1962 to early this year. Over this period, wage income rose moderately further in distributive and service activities. The rise in private wage income since January has resulted in large part from increased employment in manufacturing. The average workweek in manufacturing has risen only a little, after allowances for seasonal influences. Hourly earnings have continued to advance, but the increase throughout this expansion period has been smaller than in earlier expansions. Government payrolls, which amount to less than one-fifth of total payrolls, have continued to move up steadily. State and local government employment and wage and salary rates have continued their strong postwar uptrend. Federal payrolls have risen moderately over the past year, primarily as a result of salary increases last fall for civilian employees. Other income. Transfer payments have shown a pronounced upward trend mainly because of payments under the old-age and survivors insurance program, which are now running at an annual rate close to $1 billion more than a year ago and $2.8 billion more than 2 years ago. Short-run fluctuations in transfer payments have reflected, to a large extent, unemployment compensation, which moves countercyclical^, and in recent years the bunching of special payments to veterans. The bulge in transfer payments in January, shown in the preceding chart, was associated with advance and special payments of Government life insurance dividends to veterans. Most other types of personal income— including dividends and interest—have risen fairly steadily throughout the expansion period. Farm income, however, has changed little. SPENDING RATES Since 1953, consumers have spent on the average 93 per cent of their after-tax incomes on goods and services. Over that period the spending rate has ranged between 92 and 94 per cent of income and has been outside this range in relatively few instances. In recent quarters the spending rate has averaged 93.5 per cent, somewhat higher than over the preceding 2 years. Even moderate variations in the spending rate can have significant implications for economic activity. At current income levels, for example, a change of 1 per cent in the CONSUMER OUTLAYS average 93 per cent of disposable income in post decade - 94 NONDURABLES take less and SERVICES more NONDURABLE GOODS 46 42 38 SERVICES 34 30 FOR DURABLES, changes mainly cyclical 14 10 1954 1956 1958 1960 1962 NOTE.—Based on Dept. of Commerce quarterly figures, adjusted for seasonal variation. Second-quarter figures, latest shown, estimated by Federal Reserve. spending rate is equivalent to about $4 billion of purchases, annual rate. The proportion of income spent on consumption usually increases in periods of cyclical expansion when demands for autos and other durable goods are strong and 754 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 when consumers make extensive use of instalment credit to finance purchases. Relatively low spending rates tend to occur in recessions when durable goods spending is reduced sharply. For nondurable goods the spending rate has drifted downward fairly steadily since 1953, reflecting the declining relative importance of food and clothing outlays in the consumer budget. The rather persistent rise in the proportion of income devoted to services has slowed only during strong cyclical expansions in spending for goods, particularly for durables. Over the decade the rise in the spending rate for services has about offset the decline in the rate for nondurable goods. Spending for these two categories currently accounts for four-fifths of disposable income, not much different from the rate in 1953. The proportion spent on durable goods is cyclically much more volatile than that for nondurable goods and services. The trend since 1953, however, has been virtually horizontal—with perhaps a trace of downdrift—and the proportion has ranged for the most part between 12 and 13 per cent of income. The bulge in 1955 reflected the exceptionally high rate of auto purchases. liquid assets-income ratio either declined or rose only moderately, as consumers showed preference for other forms of financial assets. With the consumer spending rate changing relatively little over the past few years, as indicated above, the sharp rise in consumer holdings of liquid assets apparently reflects primarily forces influencing consumer preferences in portfolio composition. An extended discussion of the relevant influences may be found in the special article on liquidity beginning on page 756. LIQUID ASSETS GROWTH RATES Consumer holdings of liquid assets have increased substantially over the past year. From 1957 through 1961 holdings rose moderately faster than disposable income, but in 1962 the rate of acquisition of assets accelerated and by early 1963 consumer holdings were equivalent to more than 90 per cent of the annual rate of disposable income, well above the 85 per cent of late 1961. This rapid rise contrasts with earlier cyclical experience. In other postwar expansions, as may be seen in the chart, the Since 1947, consumer purchases of goods and services in constant dollars have increased at an annual rate of nearly 3.5 per cent. This rate of growth was also closely approximated in such significant subintervals of the postwar period as 1947-55, 1947-57, and 1957-62. These growth rates have been calculated using all years of the period. Purchases of goods, particularly durables, increased faster in the first half of the postwar period, and services faster in the LIQUID ASSETS high in relation to incone NOTE.—Based on Federal Reserve estimates of consumer holdings of liquid assets and Dept. of Commerce quarterly estimates of disposable personal income, adjusted for seasonal variation. Liquid assets consist of currency in circulation, demand and time deposits at commercial banks, deposits at mutual savings banks, shares in savings and loan assns. and credit unions, and U.S. Govt. securities. Latest figures shown, first quarter. 755 CONSUMER SPENDING AND INCOMES second half. The more rapid rate for services since the mid-1950's—about 4.5 per cent per year—represents principally stepped-up spending on medical care, education, and personal services. Growth in spending for housing services has tended to slow down. For transportation services, the growth rate has continued relatively low largely because of the public's preference for private automobile transportation. From 1957 to 1962 the annual rate of increase in consumer purchases of durable goods was close to 4 per cent. This was less than earlier in the postwar period mainly because of slower growth in auto purchases. Owing to the volatile cyclical pattern of consumer spending for durable goods, as well as various special circumstances, the growth rate obtained is heavily dependent on the choice of the time period used in the calculation. The addition or subtraction of even a single year may result in rather large apparent changes in the rate of growth. Consumer purchases of nondurable goods in constant dollars increased by close to 2.5 per cent a year from 1957 to 1962, not much different from the postwar period as a whole. This rate is moderately higher than GROWTH in consumption: FASTEST for services Ratio scale 1957-59=100 120 SERVICES ALL GOODS 80 UNEVEN for durables and STEADY for nondurables - -~ 120 DURABLES ^^J J t (> 1 1954 1 1 1 1956 ' 1 1958 100 NONDURABLES 1 I 1960 ! I 1 1962 NOTE.—Based on Dept. of Commerce quarterly figures in 1954 dollars, adjusted for seasonal variation. Second-quarter figures, latest shown, estimated by Federal Reserve. that for population growth. For food and beverages, the growth rate has been somewhat less than the average for all nondurables; for clothing and shoes it has been about average. On the other hand, growth has been more rapid for such varied nondurable goods as drugs, cosmetics, paper products, and gasoline. Recent Changes in Liquidity by DANIEL H. BRILL OVER THE PAST 2 years, the private secincrease in liquid assets, to examine the tors of the economy have added substantially financial forms in which it occurred and the to their holdings of liquid assets. The ineconomic groups to which it accrued, and crease in their stock of money, savings acthe effects of the increase on balance sheet counts, and short-term U.S. Government structures. This factual base may aid in arsecurities is notable not only because of its riving at an assessment as to whether the size—some $60 billion or 15 per cent in 2 liquidity rise has been inevitable, excessive, years—but also because it exceeded the rise or, on the other hand, inadequate. in economic activity over Because spending, savthe period. In previous ing, and liquidity patterns TAFF PAPERS—In addipostwar cyclical upswings, differ markedly among section to its regular contents, growth in liquid asset holdtors, not much purpose the Federal Reserve Bulletin ings has generally lagged would be served in analyzfrom time to time includes special papers on economic and growth in activity, with a ing aggregates that comfinancial subjects. These paconsequent decline in the bine consumers and busipers, prepared originally for ratio of liquid assets to nesses. In such aggregates, the information of the Board gross national product. In the amounts that consumers of Governors by individuals on 1962, the ratio rose and is spend and the amounts that its staff, are selected for pubnow back to the levels lication because of their genthey save tend to overeral interest. The authors are reached at the cyclical whelm the amounts of responsible for the analyses trough in early 1961 (Chart spending and saving in and conclusions set forth. 1, on the facing page). other sectors, and changes in the aggregates tend to be The extent of the rise in a diluted version of consumer activity, blurliquidity in a period of recovery and exring rather than illuminating significant difpansion has occasioned some concern. Fears ferences in economic behavior patterns. have been expressed as to the potential inNot that simple disaggregation such as flationary stimulus it may provide, as to its between consumers taken as a group and effect on the quality of credit if savings inbusinesses taken as a group is adequate for stitutions are forced to seek out more maridentifying all key behavior differences. One ginal borrowers, and as to the effect on the should expect to find—and does in fact find U.S. balance of payments of an excess sup—differences among consumers with differply of liquid funds seeking more profitable ent incomes and of different ages, and investment outside the United States. among businesses of different industries and This paper does not attempt directly to of different sizes. allay or confirm these fears of the conUnfortunately, available data do not persequences of a rise in liquidity during ecomit a consistent framework of analysis at the nomic expansion. It will, however, attempt desired level of disaggregation. The best one to describe the process that generated the S 756 757 RECENT CHANGES IN LIQUIDITY Chart 1 LIQUID ASSET HOLDINGS rose somewhat faster thaa GNP in 1962 Ratio scale Billions of dollars 700 — 600 - 400 comes, and ratios of required debt service payments to incomes. Such arbitrary treatment may not do justice to the fairly extensive literature that has been developed in which alternative criteria for classifying assets and defining degrees of liquidity are proposed, but in dealing with a continuum like liquidity, any operational definition must be somewhat arbitrary. Given the availability and quality of data, attempts at further refinement in measurement are not likely to add substantially to understanding and insight. CONSUMERS 1954 '56 NOTE.—For notes to this and the following charts, see page 765. can do is to start at the level where consistent formulations are possible—the consumer sector, the business sector—and point out what appear to be significant differences within each sector to the extent the data permit. The flow patterns of the key lending sector, the commercial banking system, will also be examined. For the most part, the definitions and data used are those of the Federal Reserve's flow of funds accounting system. These accounts, however, do not in themselves provide any definition of "liquid" assets, or of "liquidity." Rather than founder in the definitional bog associated with these terms, in this paper the term "liquid" assets generally refers to: money, savings accounts and shares, and short-term U.S. Government securities; and "liquidity" will be measured in alternative ways: as ratios of liquid asset holdings to debt, ratios of liquid asset holdings to in- The proportion of incomes consumers spend for nondurable goods and services has fluctuated in a relatively narrow range over the past decade. It reached a low of about 75 per cent of income in 1956 and a high of about 78 per cent in late 1960 and early 1961. Although the ratio of current consumption to disposable income declined during the 1961 recovery—as it has in most recoveries—it trended upward during most of 1962. Recent levels of the ratio are close to the average for the past decade (Chart 2 ) . Consumer spending for capital assets— automobiles, other durable goods, and homes—has been more volatile relative to income than has spending for nondurable goods and services. The ratio of capital spending to income reached a postwar high in 1955, and has not again approached this level. Even the burst in consumer spending in 1959 did not bring the ratio of spending to income close to the 1955 peak. The ratio dropped sharply in the 1960-61 recession, to a level as low as that at the trough of almost all other postwar recessions, but it has hardly risen since the cyclical trough. At less than 20 per cent, the recent ratio of capital spending to income 758 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 Chart 2 CONSUMER SPENDING less for physical assets, Per cent of disposable receipts 80 NONDURABLE GOODS AND SERVICES 75 20 and MORE for financial assets 10 FINANCIAL ASSETS ^.^^ y o / f\^ DEPOSITS AND *"* SAVINGS ACCOUNTS BORROWING high relative to capital spending Per cent of capital spending 40 ~ 30 1948 '50 '52 '54 '56 '58 '60 1 Because there are no available measures of consumer holdings of short-term U.S. Govt. securities, the figures given on consumer liquid asset holdings are limited to their holdings of money and savings deposit and share balances. '62 is at a level more typical of postwar recessions than of expansion periods. Although consumer spending for durable goods and homes has been low relative to income, an exceptionally large proportion of this spending has been financed through borrowing. The ratio of borrowing to capital outlays rose sharply from the 1961 recession trough through all of 1962, and by the year-end had reached a level almost as high as the previous peak in 1955. With spending for current consumption close to the average for the decade, and with spending for durable goods and housing low relative to income and financed largely out of borrowed funds, consumers in the aggregate have had a much larger share of income available for acquisition of financial assets. As a ratio of disposable income, the flow of consumer funds into financial assets was at a postwar peak in 1962. In the 1961-62 upswing, consumers acquired mainly liquid financial assets.1 With deposit rates rising and market rates on securities relatively stable or even declining, the flow of consumer financial saving went almost entirely into deposit and share accounts (Chart 2). In earlier periods of rising consumer financial saving (1955-56 and 1959), the increase had been mainly in securities for then interest rates on securities had risen substantially, while during the same periods deposit rates had remained relatively stable. (Chart 3) Very little of the recent rise in consumer liquid asset holdings was in spendable cash YIELD SPREAD less favorable to consumer investment in securities Per cent per annunr Per cent SHARE OF INVESTMENT GOING INTO SECURITIES scale 20 '56 '58 759 RECENT CHANGES IN LIQUIDITY —demand deposits and currency. Money holdings rose by $4 billion, compared with a rise of $43 billion in savings accounts at commercial banks, mutual savings banks, and savings and loan associations. The increase in money relative to other liquid assets was smaller in this recent upswing than during earlier periods of rising consumer financial saving. Even though consumers borrowed heavily to finance purchases of capital assets in 1961-62, the rise in financial assets for the consumer sector as a whole exceeded the rise in debt by a wide margin (Chart 4). Consumer holdings of liquid assets alone rose by a total of $47 billion over this 2-year period while the total of consumer short- and longterm debts increased by $34 billion. The level of consumer liquid asset holdings is now higher relative to disposable income than at any time since 1950. While total debt, as well as total financial assets, has risen faster than disposable income in the past 2 years, the short-term component of debt has just about kept pace with income (Chart 5). It is mainly mortgage debt that has outstripped incomes. The burden of instalment debt, that is, repayments of principal and interest as a proportion of disposable income, has been remarkably constant over the past 5 years at about 13 per cent. Only in recent months of 1963 has there been any indication that this relationship may be breaking through the 13 per cent "ceiling." Data on the distribution of saving and borrowing flows within the consumer sector are fragmentary and far from current. Surveys of consumer finances conducted by the Michigan Survey Research Center indicate no consistent pattern of change in ownership of total liquid assets between early 1959 and early 1962, but apparently some increased concentration of ownership of savings accounts by upper-income families over this period.- In early 1959, families with incomes of $10,000 or more held 30 per cent - A more current analysis was not possible at the time this paper was prepared because data on changes in liquid assets between early 1962 and early 1963 were not available. Chart 5 SHORT-TERM DEBT keeps pace with income but MORTGAGE DEBT rises faster Per c e n f o f d i s p o s a b l e r e c e i p t s -1 30 MORTGAGE Mid '54 to mid '56 Mid °58 to mid '59 End '60 to and '62 1948 '50 '52 '54 '56 '58 '60 '62 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 760 of all savings accounts reported; in early 1962, this group held 35 per cent of the total. Not too much significance can be imputed to this shift, however, for there was a corresponding upward shift in the income distribution of the sample surveyed, that is, a growth of 5 percentage points in the proportion of families in the $10,000 and over income class from one survey date to the other. Cross classifying by both income and age of family head helps identify further the locus of the liquidity change. A comparison of the average size of liquid asset balances held by specific income-age groups in early 1959 and early 1962 indicates that the largest increases occurred among the older families of CKart 6 AMONG lower- and middle-income groups, oldest families report largest liquid asset increases Thousands of dollars 10 NONFINANCIAL CORPORATIONS A l l AGESI LARGEST DEBT INCREASES reported by upper-income families 10 Early •59-63 UNDER $5,000 $5,000-$10,000 $10,000 and OVER INCOME GROUPS t Sample too small for cross classification by age. the lower- and middle-income classes (age of family head 55 or more, incomes under $10,000), and only small changes in the average balances of other age groups in these income classes (Chart 6). The decline in average liquid asset balances shown for the top income class as a whole reflects largely a very substantial drop in the average for older families, more than offsetting an increase in balances held by younger families. The samples on which these averages are based, however, are quite small, and the differences are probably not statistically significant. The sample of upper-income families in the 3554 year bracket shows little change in average balance from early 1959 to early 1962. Despite the large increases in aggregate instalment and mortgage debt, the average indebtedness reported by lower- and middleincome families changed little over the 1959-62 period. The largest change in average indebtedness was among upper-income families and reflected mainly a substantial rise in average mortgage debt. In certain respects, developments in the corporate sector resembled those in the consumer sector. Nonfinancial corporations as a group also applied a smaller share of income—retained earnings and charges—to acquisition of capital assets during the 1961-62 upswing than they had in earlier recoveries. They also borrowed heavily relative to the volume of capital expenditures (Chart 7). In some respects, however, corporate flow patterns differed from those of the consumer sector. Although corporate borrowing was high relative to spending, it was not high relative to internally generated funds, nor was corporate acquisition of financial assets high relative to internal funds. 761 RECENT CHANGES IN LIQUIDITY Chart 7 CORPORATIONS, like consumers, spent less on capital assets than in previous recoveries Per cent of retained funds INVENTORIES AND FIXED CAPITAL 80 40 broadened to include holdings of other marketable instruments as well as cash and U.S. Government securities, liquidity still shows a declining trend. Only if one assumes that all accounts receivable are completely liquid does one find stability in alternative balance sheet measures of corporate liquidity. Income-account measures also show a decline in corporate liquidity. Total liquid asset holdings relative to corporate activity (measured here as GNP originating in the corporate sector) is lower now than at the 0 20 CORPORATE LIABILITIES continue to rise and BORROWING also rises relative to capital spending Ratio scale " Billions of dollars Per cent of capital spending 60 200 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 100 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 80 - CASH AND U.S. GOVT. SECURITIES 20 60 60 '62 40 Moreover, corporations used their financial surpluses mainly to add to their accounts receivable—short-term credit to consumers and other businesses—and added very little if any to their holdings of liquid assets (Chart 8). By and large, the pattern shown for the corporate sector as a whole holds for most major industry groups and major size groups of business. With liquid asset holdings relatively constant and current liabilities rising, conventional measures of corporate liquidity show a substantial decline over the past decade, with the decline extending through most of 1962 (Chart 8, middle panel). Even if the concept of liquid assets is "Per cent 60 CASH AND GOVT./CURRENT SECURITIES / LIABILITIES 40 A but LIQUID ASSETS decline relative to activity 'Per cent - DEMAND DEPOSITS AND CURRENCY 20 OTHER LIQUID ASSETS 1 1954 1956 , i 1958 1960 30 1962 762 beginning of the 1956-57 capital goods boom and much lower than earlier in the postwar period. Corporations have responded to rising interest rates principally by changing the composition of liquid asset holdings rather than by increasing their total liquidity. The ratio of money holdings to corporate activity has declined, while holdings of interest-bearing liquidity instruments, such as finance company paper and short-term Federal, State, and local government securities have been maintained or increased slightly. FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 Chart 9 Banks shift PORTFOLIO COMPOSITION to higher yielding investments Per cent of Jotal de BUSINESS, FARM, AND CONSUMER LOANS BANKING SYSTEM Commercial bank holdings of Federal Government securities have declined, relative to total deposits, while holdings of private debt have increased since the cycle trough in early 1961. A shift out of Governments could be regarded as a normal cyclical development in economic expansions; in earlier postwar upswings, banks reduced their portfolio of Governments in order to increase their ability to finance consumers and businesses. But in this upswing—at least through the end of 1962—banks have reduced their Government security holdings relative to deposits while increasing their holdings of mortgages and municipal securities, and they have not significantly raised the proportion of consumer and business loans in their portfolios (Chart 9). The difference in banks' management of their portfolios in the recent cyclical rise is attributable in part to the moderateness of private loan demands and in part to their need to increase earnings to cover interest costs on the swelling inflow of time and savings deposits. Of the $33 billion growth in bank deposits since the end of 1960, $25 billion or three-fourths was in time and savings deposits. I 50 J 10 as TIME AND SAYINGS DEPOSITS rise ~| 80 DEMAND DEPOSITS ADJUSTED •--* TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS 1 1 1 1 1952 '54 '56 '58 '60 '62 Unable to generate a sufficiently rapid rise in business and consumer loans to cover the rise in interest costs, banks turned to mortgages and State and local government bonds in their search for relatively high yielding assets. Even in their Government security portfolios, there has been somewhat of a shift away from short- and intermediate-term obligations into longer-term, higheryielding bonds. Their holdings of long-term Governments (with maturities of 5 years or RECENT CHANGES IN LIQUIDITY more), of mortgages, and of State and local obligations have in the aggregate increased by $17 billion in the past 2 years, a period over which time and savings deposits rose by $25 billion. The tendency to match time and saving account inflows with longer-term investments was accentuated in 1962, when banks acquired over $13 billion in longterm investments against a $15.5 billion rise in time and savings deposit liabilities. This shift in portfolio composition suggests that banks have in large measure regarded the rising inflow of time and savings money as long-term saving. One can question the validity of such an assumption. Only half of the rise in the total has been in savings accounts; half—somewhat more than half in 1962 alone—has been in the "other time" category. A substantial share of this "other time" inflow has taken the form of negotiable certificates of deposit, held principally as liquidity instruments by corporations and other sophisticated money managers. Despite recent portfolio and deposit composition shifts, bank liquidity positions are still not seriously strained nor can one conclude that banks are now "locked in." Bank holdings of short-term Government securities rose substantially during the 1960-61 recession and the early months of recovery. These holdings have largely been retained and are still high relative to deposits. Nevertheless, an expansion in activity that brought with it rising Federal and private credit needs could put banks under reserve pressures from both the conversion of more volatile time accounts into demand deposits and the increase in credit demands. AN INTERPRETATION The foregoing description of recent liquidity developments indicates how far we are from 763 being able to draw firm conclusions about the state of the economy's liquidity, let alone the possible economic consequences. Yet, if one assigns full faith to the reliability of the observations cited, one can formulate an interpretation of these developments that fits the facts, although perhaps not to the exclusion of alternative explanations. This interpretation hinges on the observation of low rates of capital spending relative to income, noted for both the consumer and business sectors in the recent recovery and expansion period. The 1955-57 capital spending boom—which occurred mainly in 1955 for consumers and somewhat later for businesses—probably represented a final catching up with capital goods demands deferred over the long period of the depression, war, and early postwar years. Since the boom, investment has been more nearly for replacement than for growth. Even after the rise in spending from the 1961 cyclical trough to the end of 1962, business spending for new plant and equipment (deflated for price change) had not re-achieved the peak levels of 1957. The satisfaction expressed over the current volume of automobile sales at an annual rate of 7.75 million units has to be put into the perspective of a total almost that large 8 years ago. Undoubtedly, other factors than satiation of exceptional demands have contributed to the slack in capital spending in recent years. Some observers suggest a lag in innovation, with little to stimulate businessmen seeking radically new and more efficient production processes or to captivate consumers seeking new products as desirable as were television and automatic transmissions in their time. Others assign more of the blame to a regressive fiscal structure, with high tax rates limiting private investment incentives and Gov- 764 eminent expenditures inadequate to compensate for the lag in private spending. Whatever weight one assigns to the possible causes of slack investment demand, the heavy dependence on debt financing of capital outlays in the 1961-62 period appears to have been a necessity, if aggregate economic activity were to be maintained, and not a luxury with which a more Spartan economy could have dispensed. Given low spending propensities and given only moderate fiscal stimulus from Government spending and only limited tax reductions, ample availability of credit was probably a key factor in keeping private spending at the levels achieved in the 1961-62 period of expansion. The expansion in credit need not have been translated on the asset side into a rise in what is customarily regarded as "liquid" assets. In previous economic expansions, which also involved large credit growth, consumers added substantially to their holdings of financial assets but not to the types of assets usually classed as "liquid." One explanation of the difference in cyclical performance is the difference in relative interest rates—the spread between market rates and deposit rates—in the 1961-62 period. In this recent expansion, yields on market instruments have been much lower relative to yields on deposits and savings accounts than in earlier upswings. An alternative or perhaps supplementary explanation is that the large increase in security purchases in 1955-57 and again in 1959 brought consumer security portfolios, in the aggregate, close to some "desired" level or proportion of assets to which consumers would not want to add. Fluctuations in security values over several postwar cycles, both in the stock market and in bond markets, may have shifted consumer pref- FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 erences toward liquid fixed-value claims and away from market instruments of any type. Also, changing expectations as to inflation prospects and the low level to which stock yields had fallen may have made equity securities less attractive. Probably all of these factors contributed to the rise in liquid saving. In summary, then, the increase in liquidity in 1961-62 would appear to result from the fact that none of three factors—private preferences, the economic cycle, or monetary policy—conformed to recent postwar cyclical patterns. The low level of demands for capital goods—low relative to both economic resources and the level of incomes— required, in the absence of other adequately stimulative policies, a monetary policy permitting expansion in credit availability in order to facilitate existing spending plans and to stimulate others. Under those circumstances, a curbing of credit availability, say, to boost long-term U.S. interest rates closer to those in major foreign markets, might well have risked turning a slow economic expansion into a full-scale recession. Economists' knowledge of the elasticities of domestic demands to interest rate changes is imperfect, but a number of recent studies reviewed by the author suggest a significant responsiveness for key investment areas. A decline in spending and incomes might have reduced the volume and proportion of financial saving, as happened in earlier postwar declines, but it might have done so only at the expense of intolerably large reductions in employment and incomes. As it happened, the policy measures adopted permitted a substantial increase in borrowing relative to spending with minimal upward pressure on market interest rates, while other actions of the monetary authorities permitted banks to compete more ag- 765 RECENT CHANGES IN LIQUIDITY gressively for savings by raising deposit rates, thereby encouraging the flow of funds into what are generally considered more liquid forms. As for the potential inflationary stimulus of such an increase in liquid assets, the data cited do not in themselves suggest this to be a likely outcome, even if one subscribes to the proposition—as yet unproven empirically—that an increase in liquid asset holdings contributes significantly to a subsequent increase in spending. Nonfinancial corporations, in the aggregate, passed up the opportunity to apply their financial surplus to an increase in liquidity. In fact, they have maintained historically low liquidity ratios and have merely shifted their liquidity reserves from cash to interest-bearing assets. Consumers, in the aggregate, have become more liquid, but the distributive data available, though incomplete, suggest that the increase in liquid asset holdings has been more marked in the portfolios of those—such as elderly families—with generally low spend- ing propensities or those whose spending is not likely to be influenced significantly by shifts in portfolio composition. Those consumers who have been spending and borrowing have not been the ones adding to their liquid asset balances. Finally, it should be noted that the liquid asset increases recorded in the aggregates for both the consumer and corporate sectors have occurred primarily in interest-bearing form rather than in spendable cash. The ratio of money—demand deposits and currency—to GNP has continued to decline throughout the upswing. The conversion of a nonmoney liquid asset into cash—even from time deposits to demand deposits—requires in the aggregate an increase in the reserves of the banking system. This process is still subject to regulation by the monetary system, albeit with some difficulty and threat to the orderliness of financial markets if expectations regarding inflation should change quickly or in substantial degree. NOTES TO CHARTS: composition of short-term debt, see note to Chart 5. "Other" debt is mortgage debt. Chart 5. Short-term debt covers all short-term and intermediate-term consumer credit. Chart 1. Liquid assets are holdings by nonbank investors of demand deposits and currency, time deposits, savings shares, savings bonds, and U.S. Govt. securities maturing within 1 year. GNP data from Dept. of Commerce. Chart 2. Based on flow of funds accounts. Data are seasonally adjusted centered 2-quarter moving averages. Financial assets exclude saving through life insurance and pension funds and investment in noncorporate business. Chart 3. The total of financial investment considered here is the same as in Chart 2. The yield spread is the yield on 3- to 5-year U.S. Govt. securities minus commercial bank time deposit rates. Chart 4. Same definition of financial assets as given in note to Chart 2. Liquid assets exclude U.S. Govt. securities because of lack of detailed data on ownership by maturity class. For Chart 6. The liquid asset holdings and instalment and mortgage debt are averages for each group. Data from Survey of Consumer Finances. Chart 7. Financial assets cover total corporate financial investments with trade credit taken net of trade debt. Borrowing consists of funds obtained in credit and equity markets. Chart 8. The bottom panel shows corporate assets as percentage of income originating in the corporate sector. Other liquid assets include time deposits, U.S. Govt. securities, and commercial paper. Chart 9. Portfolios and deposits at commercial banks. Interest Rates on Time Deposits, Mid-February 1963 • Maximum interest rates on savings and other time deposits have changed little over the past year, after substantial upward adjustments in early 1962. • As of mid-February 1963, few banks contemplated further changes in rates in the first half of this year. • Reflecting to a considerable extent the early 1962 increases in rates, both savings and other time deposits increased by record or near-record amounts in 1962. • Expansion was most rapid at banks that paid the highest rates, as happened after the previous increase in rate ceilings in 1957. These findings on current and prospective maximum rates of interest on savings and other time deposits were obtained from a sample survey of member banks in each Reserve district as of mid-February 1963. 1 They have been supplemented by data on changes in deposit holdings during 1962. This article summarizes the results of the survey. The first part relates to regular, or passbook, savings accounts. The second, to other time deposits—including certificates of deposit, open account, and other special accounts. The third, to rates paid on time deposits of foreign governments and certain in1 With minor exceptions, the sample was the same as that used in January 1962 and reported in the BULLETIN, February 1962, pp. 147-51. It included virtually all banks with total deposits of $100 million and over, four-fifths of banks with total deposits of $50 million-$100 million, and one-tenth of all other banks selected at random, or a total of 1,027 banks. Data for small banks were expanded so as to provide estimates for all member banks. NOTE.—This article was prepared by Caroline H. Cagle of the Board's Division of Research and Statistics. ternational institutions, a type on which ceiling rates were removed late in 1962. SAVINGS DEPOSITS Savings deposits constitute the bulk of time deposits at member banks. In late 1962 they accounted for 73 per cent of all time deposits at member banks, and nearly all member banks had some savings deposits. Changes in rates. Relatively few banks changed the maximum rate on savings deposits after early January 1962, when about half of all member banks raised their rates. After that spurt, 90 per cent of the banks made no change, 7 per cent raised the rate, and 3 per cent reduced it, as shown in Table 1. Most of the increases were at banks that had made no change in early 1962 but subsequently raised the rate from 3 per cent to 3Vi per cent. Conversely, most declines were at banks that had been quick to raise the rate to the 4 per cent level and then subsequently lowered it to ZV2 per cent. Compared with mid-January 1962, there was almost no change in the proportion of banks paying 4 per cent. But the proportion paying 3V2 per cent increased from 20 to 25 per cent, and the proportion paying 3 per cent or less declined from 59 to 55 per cent. Rate increases after mid-January 1962 were relatively most frequent among the largest banks (total deposits of $500 million and over). About 13 per cent of these banks raised the rate. None of them reduced it. As the size of bank decreased, the proportion of banks raising rates generally declined, and the proportion reducing rates in766 767 INTEREST RATES ON TIME DEPOSITS creased, except for banks in the smallest size class (deposits of less than $5 million). The proportion of these banks that raised rates was higher than the proportion was for banks with deposits of $5 million-$500 million. This probably reflected a lag on the part of very small banks in raising rates in early January 1962. Competition for savings from larger banks paying higher rates, and possibly also from other savings institutions, may have caused many small banks to raise their rates later in the year. At the time of the survey only about 1 per cent of the banks planned any change in the rate during the first half of 1963. About half of these banks intended to raise the rate, and half to reduce it. Rate levels in early 1963. As of mid-February 1963 one-fifth of all member banks were paying a maximum rate of 4 per cent on savings deposits; one-fourth, 3Vi per cent; a little over half, 3 per cent or less. Rates tended to be higher at large banks than at small ones. More than four-fifths of the banks with total deposits of $500 million and over had rates as high as ZVi per cent, whereas the proportion was only about a third for banks with deposits of $5 million$10 million. Maximum rates of 2Vi per cent or less were found mainly at small banks; TABLE 1 MAXIMUM RATES ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS: CHANGES AND RATE LEVELS FOR MEMBER BANKS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE Size of bank (total deposits, in millions of dollars) All member banks Maximum rate Under 5 5-10 10-50 50-100 100-500 500 and over Percentage of number of banks in group Change in rate, mid-Jan. 1962 to mid-Feb. 1963 Increases—Totall 1 percentage point or more % percentage point or less No change Decreases—Total i V2 percentage point or less 1 percentage point or more , All member banks Rate, mid-Feb. 1963:3 4 per cent ^ 21/2 2 or less All rates 7 2 5 9 2 7 3 1 2 6 2 4 7 3 4 7 1 6 90 89 90 91 89 91 3 2 1 2 1 1 7 5 2 3 2 1 4 4 2 1 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 20 25 40 2 13 17 23 37 1 22 16 19 51 3 11 24 27 38 1 10 30 33 35 1 46 37 16 1 32 35 28 2 3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 13 "n 87 Percentage of total savings deposits in group, Dec. 28, 1962 !£:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4 per cent 2 or iess All rates 35 41 20 1 3 19 27 39 1 14 19 23 50 2 6 25 31 35 1 8 31 34 33 100 100 100 100 100 1 No banks in the sample reported rate increases or rate decreases between l/i and 1 percentage point. 23 Less than */£ of 1 per cent. When a bank indicated a maximum rate in between those shown, the bank was included in the group paying the next higher rate. 1 1 36 38 24 42 53 1 1 100 100 NOTE.—Excludes banks that had no savings deposits as of Dec. 28, 1962. 768 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 the ratio was almost one in four for banks with deposits of less than $5 million. Among Federal Reserve districts interest rates varied considerably. They were highest in the New York, Dallas, and San Francisco Districts, where 80-90 per cent of the banks were paying 3Vi or 4 per cent. Rates were lowest in the Philadelphia, Cleveland, Chicago, St. Louis, and Minneapolis Districts. In these areas the proportion of banks paying 3 per cent or less ranged from 67 to 96 per cent. In the Philadelphia and Minneapolis Districts no bank in the sample was paying 4 per cent, and in the Cleveland, Chicago, and St. Louis Districts the proportion at this level was smaller than elsewhere. Geographic differences in rates reflect among other things the number of small versus large banks, the degree of competition for savings between banks and nonbank financial institutions, and variations in general economic conditions. In the Chicago District the rate structure is influenced too by Indiana banking regulations, which prohibit rates above 3 per cent. Growth and distribution in 1962. Savings at all member banks expanded by a record amount of more than $6 billion, or about 12 per cent, in 1962. Most of the increase, as shown in Table 2, was at banks that had raised their rates to the maximum permitted by the Board's Regulation Q. More than 90 per cent of the increase occurred at banks that paid a higher rate on these deposits in February 1963 than at the end of 1961. Banks paying the 4 per cent maximum in February 1963 received 57 per cent of the total, and those paying 3V£ per cent accounted for most of the remainder. The banks that made no change in their rate accounted for nearly half of all member banks and roughly 23 per cent of all savings deposits, but they accounted for only 6 per cent of the total increase during 1962. Growth in savings varied directly with the level to which rates were raised. For example, banks increasing the rate to 4 per cent had a 24 per cent expansion in deposits, while those increasing to 3V2 per cent experienced an 11 per cent growth. Relative growth in deposits was about the same for banks paying 4 per cent regardless TABLE 2 SAVINGS DEPOSITS: GROWTH IN 1962 RELATED TO CHANGES IN MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES AT MEMBER BANKS Percentage increase from Dec. 31, 1961 Change in 1962 Rate category (change in maximum rate after 1961) Increased rate by mid-Feb. 1963 to— 2 4 per cent 3% 3,800 2,400 100 3 or less No change in rate Millions of dollars 1 3 All member banks 400 i 6,700 Percentage distribution Number of banks in rate ** category "*"" (percentage distribution) Less than 10 10-100 100 and over 24 11 27 8 3 23 10 11 24 12 13 6 3 2 2 6 47 100 13 7 10 16 100 57 36 1 1 Estimate, based on a blow-up of the sample data. Increase at all member banks in 1962 was $6.3 billion. 2 Rate shown is as of mid-Feb. 1963. When a bank indicated a maximum rate in between those shown, the bank was included in the group paying the next higher rate. All member banks Size of bank (total deposits, in millions of dollars) 20 25 3 No bank reduced the maximum rate on savings deposits between Dec. 31, 1961, and mid-February 1963. NOTE.—Excludes banks that had no savings deposits on Dec. 28, 1962, and banks for which rate paid on such deposits as of Dec. 31, 1961, was not available. 769 INTEREST RATES ON TIME DEPOSITS of their size. But for those paying ZVi per cent or less, expansion was greater for big than for small banks. Among Reserve districts, growth in savings reflected in considerable part differences in rates paid. Growth was largest— 22 per cent—in the Dallas District, where the proportion of banks paying 4 per cent was highest. In the Minneapolis District, where no bank in the sample paid as much as 4 per cent and where only 4 per cent of the banks paid as much as 3V£ per cent, savings deposits declined, as Table 3 shows. In part as a result of the more rapid expansion in savings at banks paying the higher rates, more than three-quarters of all savings deposits at the close of 1962 were held by banks paying ?>Vi or 4 per cent, as Table 1 shows. In general, the larger the bank size, the higher the proportion. Nevertheless, there were important exceptions in some areas. For example, because most banks were paying 3 per cent or less in the Philadelphia, St. Louis, and Minneapolis Reserve Districts, the bulk of the savings in these areas was in banks with rates no higher than 3 per cent. OTHER TIME DEPOSITS Time deposits other than savings have been expanding faster than savings deposits in recent years. At the end of 1962 they accounted for 27 per cent of all time deposits at member banks, compared with 19 per cent in mid-1957. Their importance varies from bank to bank, and in a few banks they are larger than savings deposits. For the most part, other time deposits are held by businesses, State and local governments, and foreign commercial banks and official institutions; none of these groups are eligible to hold passbook savings accounts. Banks in some areas, issue special savings certificates of specified denominations or provide other special arrangements in which depositors contract to hold the funds on deposit for 12 months or more and receive interest at a higher rate than is paid on regular savings deposits. This makes it possible for holders of regular savings accounts who wish to obtain a higher rate to transfer funds to these special accounts. Rates applicable to these forms of deposit have been included in the accompanying tables with rates on other time deposits. TABLE 3 GEOGRAPHIC CHANGES IN SAVINGS AND OTHER TIME DEPOSITS AT ALL MEMBER BANKS, 1962 (Amounts in millions of dollars) Savings deposits Amount F.R. district Boston . New York Philadelphia Cleveland . > Richmond Atlanta Chicago St Louis Minneapolis Kansas Citv Dallas San Francisco All member banks Other time deposits Amount Percentage change Dec. 30, 1961 Dec. 28, 1962 1 611 9,513 3,226 5 090 2,349 2,571 9,456 1,443 1 228 1,702 1 621 12,173 1,772 11,328 3,414 5,494 2,691 2,798 10,534 1,446 1,176 1,952 1,979 13,712 227 1,078 3 -52 250 358 1,539 10.0 19.1 5.8 7.9 14.6 8.8 11.4 0.2 -4.2 14.7 22.1 12.6 51,985 58,296 6,311 12.1 Change 161 1,815 188 404 342 Dec. 30, 1961 Dec. 28, 1962 Change Percentage change 580 1,761 463 571 487 1 252 3,038 973 3,019 820 1 056 729 1 567 3,541 393 1,258 357 485 242 315 503 36 6 34.8 51.3 50.7 22.3 67.8 71.4 77.1 84 9 49.7 25 2 16.6 15,475 21,778 6,303 40.7 287 4,978 487 1 102 471 392 6,709 737 1 661 576 105 1,731 250 559 105 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 770 without increasing their expenses substantially. In view of these differences, data on the level, structure, and changes in maximum rates on other time deposits are less meaningful and harder to interpret than comparable data for savings deposits. More member banks raised maximum rates on other time deposits than on regular savings between mid-January 1962 and mid-February 1963. Nearly 20 per cent raised the rate on these deposits, and 14 per cent increased it by as much as 1 per cent, as shown in Table 4. Most of the increases were made by small banks that raised the rate from 3 to 4 per cent. Rate reductions Changes in rates. Maximum rates of interest on other time deposits differ from those on regular savings accounts in several respects. This rate is not generally advertised, and it may be given little publicity. It may be negotiated with each depositor; hence, the maximum reported here may apply to relatively few depositors. The rate may be subject to frequent change; some banks adjust it with changes in the Treasury bill yield. And it may be higher than the rate on savings, because many banks hold a relatively small amount of other time deposits and they can pay higher rates on them TABLE 4 MAXIMUM RATES ON OTHER TIME DEPOSITS: CHANGES AND RATE LEVELS FOR MEMBER BANKS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE Maximum rate Size of bank (total deposits, in millions of dollars) All member banks Under 5 5-10 10-50 50-100 100-500 500 and over Percentage of number of banks in group Change in rate, mid-Jan. 1962 to mid-Feb. 1963: Increases—Totall 1 percentage point or more Y2 percentage point or less No change. Decreases—Total * l /i percentage point or less.. 1 percentage point or more. All member banks. Rate, mid-Feb. 1963: 2 4 per cent I?:::::::::::::::::: 2V4 2 or less All rates. 19 14 5 23 18 5 17 8 9 17 8 9 75 72 73 72 62 6 2 4 5 3 2. 10 7 3 11 8 3 21 14 7 15 11 4 19 15 4 17 5 12 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 62 11 19 2 6 63 8 18 1 10 60 7 25 3 5 63 16 17 1 3 64 18 16 57 41 1 54 26 16 2 2 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1 Percentage of total other time deposits in group, Dec. 28, 1962 4 per cent. 3% 2%::::::: 2 or less... All rates. 62 32 6 80 8 11 79 4 16 74 11 14 71 19 10 100 100 100 100 100 8 i No banks reported rate increases falling between Vi and 1 percentage point. Only 4 banks reported rate reductions in this range; these banks were included with banks reporting reductions of 1 percentage point or more. 59 30 9 1 1 56 43 100 100 2 When a bank indicated a maximum rate in between those shown, the bank was included in the group paying the next higher rate. 3 Less than % of 1 per cent. NOTE.—Excludes banks that had no other time deposits as of Dec. 28, 1962. INTEREST RATES ON TIME DEPOSITS were less common than increases. They were only 6 per cent of the total. Since January 1962, banks paying 4 per cent have increased from 57 to 62 per cent of the total, and those paying 3Vi per cent from 8 to 11 per cent. Banks paying 3 per cent or less have declined from 35 to 27 per cent. The proportion of banks raising rates on these other time deposits after mid-January 1962 was generally higher for small banks than for large ones, but rate reductions were relatively more numerous among large banks. One factor in the rate reductions may have been that some banks were trying to moderate the large inflow of deposits associated with the higher rates. As of the survey date, less than 1 per cent of all member banks planned to change the maximum rate on other time deposits in the first half of 1963. More than half of these intended to reduce it. Rate levels in early 1963. Maximum rates on other time deposits were generally higher than on savings in mid-February 1963. Nearly two-thirds of the banks were paying a maximum of 4 per cent; about one-tenth, 3Vi per cent; and most of the remainder 3 per cent, as shown in Table 4. The proportion of small banks paying a rate of 4 per cent on other time deposits was higher than it was for large banks. For savings deposits these proportions were the reverse. In the Boston and New York Reserve Districts only about one-fourth of the banks were paying 4 per cent on other time deposits; in the Philadelphia, Cleveland, and Richmond Districts the proportion at this level was two-fifths; in the other Reserve Districts, banks paying this rate represented from two-thirds to nearly all. As for savings accounts, the structure of rates on other time deposits geographically reflects not only differences in bank size and 771 general economic conditions but also variations in customer and competitive relationships and in relative emphasis placed by individual banks on savings versus other time deposits. For example, in the Minneapolis District, no bank was paying 4 per cent on savings, but 96 per cent were paying 4 per cent on other time deposits in early 1963. Growth and distribution in 1962. Other time deposits expanded by the same amount as savings in 1962—more than $6 billion. But the relative increase was much larger for other time deposits—40 per cent, compared with 12 per cent. Practically all of the increase in these deposits was at banks that had raised rates since 1961, as shown in Table 5. About 70 per cent of it was at banks with a maximum rate of 4 per cent as of mid-February 1963, and nearly all of the remainder at banks paying ?>Vi per cent. Deposit growth in other time deposits in 1962 at banks raising rates varied directly with the rate paid; the increase amounted to 25 per cent at banks raising rates to 3 per cent or less and nearly 50 per cent at banks raising to 4 per cent. Banks making no change in the rate had a 4 per cent increase in deposits, while those reducing the rate had a decline of 5 per cent. Reflecting in part these rate differentials, the relative increase in other time deposits in 1962 at all member banks was greatest in the Minneapolis Reserve District (85 per cent), where nearly all banks were paying 4 per cent in early 1963. By contrast, growth was below the national average in the Boston and New York Reserve Districts, where relatively few banks had raised the maximum rate to 4 per cent. In spite of the high percentage of banks paying 4 per cent in the Dallas and San Francisco Districts, growth in other time deposits there was not large, as shown in 772 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 TABLE 5 OTHER TIME DEPOSITS: GROWTH IN 1962 RELATED TO CHANGES IN MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES A T MEMBER BANKS Change in 1962 Rate category (change in maximum rate after 1961) Increased rate by midFeb. 1963 to i— 4 percent 3iA 3 or less Millions of dollars Percentage distribution Percentage change from Dec. 31, 1961 4,500 1,800 71 29 49 34 25 No change in rate 4 Decreased rate All member banks.. 4 6,300 -5 100 40 Number of banks in rate category (percentage distribution) 62 11 5 19 3 100 1 Rate shown is that as of mid-Feb. 1963. When a bank indicated a maximum rate in between those shown, the bank was included in the group paying the next higher rate. 23 Less than $500,000. Less than Vi of 1 per cent. 4 Estimate, based on a blow-up of sample data. Increase at all member banks in 1962 was approximately the same as the estimate. NOTE.—Excludes banks that had no other time deposits on Dec. 28, 1962, and banks for which rate paid on such deposits as of Dec. 31, 1961, was not available. Table 3. Banks in these two Districts had already attracted a considerable volume of other time deposits before 1962 by issuing negotiable time certificates of deposit before these instruments were used to any considerable extent in other parts of the country. Moreover, in the San Francisco District the proportion of banks paying 4 per cent on other time deposits includes a number of large banks that pay this rate only on special savings certificates or other similar arrangements issued to those eligible for savings deposits. Other time deposit holders at these banks are paid a lower rate. Chicago, and San Francisco Reserve Districts. Such deposits are highly sensitive to differentials in interest rates, and they tend to shift from one money market instrument to another when interest rates change. On October 15, 1962, ceilings on the rates of interest that member banks may pay on time deposits of foreign governments, central banks, and certain international institutions were removed from regulation for a period of 3 years. By mid-February 1963 most of the 28 large banks that reported holding these deposits were paying a maximum rate of 3Vi per cent on deposits with a maturity of 1 year or more, as shown in Table 6. Rates were somewhat higher in New York than in the Chicago and San Francisco Districts. The maximum rate on foreign funds held for less than 1 year varied with the maturity of the deposits held by the individual bank. The rate most frequently reported was 3 % per cent. TABLE 6 MAXIMUM RATES ON FOREIGN TIME DEPOSITS AT MEMBER BANKS IN SELECTED DISTRICTS MID-FEBRUARY 1963 (Percentage distribution of number of banks in group) Federal Reserve district Rate 4 13 3V 71 8 3 and 3 ^ per cent. . Deposits held 12 m o n t h s or more—Total... 18 82 San Francisco 80 20 50 13 12 25 100 8 23 69 1 and 2% per cent.. Deposits held less than 12 months Total . . . . 100 100 3 Chicago 8 3 11 54 18 7 7 FOREIGN TIME DEPOSITS New York 100 3% Roughly one-tenth of the deposits in the "other time" category are deposits of foreign governments and international institutions. Most of these deposits are concentrated in a few large banks in the New York, Total 100 100 40 60 40 20 100 100 20 20 NOTE.—Rates apply to time deposits of foreign governments, central banks, and certain international institutions exempt from Regulation Q. Survey of Common Trust Funds, 1962 The eighth Annual Survey of Common Trust Funds conducted by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System as part of the program to provide information about principal uses of savings shows that: • Common trust funds continued to expand during 1962, with most measures of growth—number of funds, number of banks operating funds, and asset holdings—showing increases. • The 564 common trust funds being administered by 343 banks at the end of the Survey year had total assets of about $3.6 billion. Common stocks accounted for about half of these holdings. • Creation of single-purpose funds continued to provide the principal growth in the total number of funds. • Total assets of common trust funds rose by only $27 million, largely because of the decline in values of common stock holdings, which was in line with common stock indexes. GROWTH IN FUNDS Expansion in common trust funds is indicated by changes in the number of funds and in the number and average size of the participating fiduciary accounts. Number of funds. The establishment of new funds and the splitting, merging, and liquidation of existing funds all affect the total number. At the end of the year, 564 NOTE.—This article was prepared by Eleanor E. Omohundro of the Board's Division of Bank Operations. For results of the seventh Annual Survey of Common Trust Funds, see the BULLETIN for May 1962, pages 528-34. funds were in operation in 48 of the 50 jurisdictions that permit them (49 States and the District of Columbia). This was a net increase of 53 funds, or 10 per cent, during the year. Fifty-one were established de novo, 7 resulted from splits, 7 were merged into 3, and 1 was eliminated through distribution. During 1962, 14 banks began operating their first common trust funds. They accounted for 20 of the de novo funds. National banks constituted 60 per cent of the total number of banks operating common trust funds, were operating 58 per cent of the total number of funds, and held approximately 36 per cent of all common trust fund assets at the end of 1962. State member banks constituted 28 per cent of the total number of banks, were operating 31 per cent of the total number of funds, and held approximately 54 per cent of the total fund assets. Fiduciary accounts. The number of fiduciary accounts invested in common trust funds increased by 21,000, or 14.5 per cent, to 165,000 in 1962; the average participation declined from $24,600 to $21,700. These figures include no allowance for accounts that may be invested in more than one fund; neither can they indicate accurately the number of individuals benefiting from common trust fund investments since many participating trusts have more than one beneficiary. CHANGES IN FUNDS Banks continued their increased use of single-purpose funds (those invested only in 773 774 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF COMMON TRUST FUND ACTIVITY, 1955-62 (Dollar amounts in millions) ]Vlarket value of investments (end of year) Number (end of year) Net additions to principal fund (during year) Fixed-income assets Total Banks Funds Total i 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 222 243 277 322 373 174 195 215 246 273 $1,868.7 1,974.4 1,965.5 2,434.4 2,666.7 I960 1961 1962 421 511 564 288 327 343 2,812.6 3,550.9 3,577.7 1 2 $ Preferred stocks Bonds 957.8 989.4 1,029.1 1,141.9 1,230.0 $ 1,358.8 1,564.9 1,924.8 712.0 735.1 780.8 868.0 961.4 $214.1 209.2 204.6 221.2 211.5 1,075.8 1,256.8 1,499.7 214.6 232.2 238.9 Includes real estate loans, other investments, and principal cash. Revised. Common stocks $ Appreciation and net realized capital gains (during year) 910.9 985.1 936.3 1,292 5 1,436.6 $146.4 118.9 101.8 157 0 161.0 $126.6 -13.2 -110.6 311 9 71.3 1,453 7 1,986.0 1,752.9 143 1 2 268.9 331.0 2 8 2 469.4 -304.2 NOTE.—Details may not add to totals because of rounding. TABLE 2 MARKET VALUE OF INVESTMENT HOLDINGS OF COMMON TRUST FUNDS, BY TYPE OF FUND, 1961-62 (In millions of dollars) Single-purpose Diversified All funds Legal Discretionary Legal Discretionary Type of holding 1962 Total holdings 1961 3,577.7 3,550.9 Bonds, notes, and certificates—Total 1,499.7 1,256.8 U.S. Government 218.7 257.5 State and local government 152.1 83.6 Domestic corporate . . 928.7 817.3 Other 161.4 137.2 Stocks— Total Preferred Common Miscellaneous—Total Real estate loans and other investments, incl. savings accts.... Principal cash Factors affecting change during year: Net additions to principal funds Net appreciation in market value of investments. Net realized capital gains. Net transfers due to splits, reclassiflcations etc Increase, or decrease (-) 1962 1961 1961 Increase, or decrease (-) 1962 1961 Increase, or decrease (-) 1,045.1 804.8 240.3 55.2 47.8 7.4 2.6 -1.1 490.8 301.1 51.8 27.3 189.7 24.5 51.4 11.3 42.7 10.1 8.7 1.2 95.0 11.2 2.4 1.3 119.8 55.5 284.0 195.5 35.2 22.8 64.3 88.5 12.4 .1 35.7 4.3 .4 29.2 3.0 -.3 6.5 1.3 75.0 103.8 2.6 3.0 72.0 101.2 -28.8 A -29.2 514.3 476.8 52.4 41.0 462.0 435.8 37.5 11.4 26.2 2.6 2.5 .1 4.1 3.1 1.0 -7.5 -.6 g •y 1962 1961 26.8 2,268.5 2,463.7 -195.2 208.8 234.6 242.9 38.8 833.3 180.1 791.4 165.9 41.9 124.2 121.6 14.2 14.3 15.4 68.5 111.4 24.2 32.2 511.5 109.5 27.7 497.6 100.2 4.5 13.9 9.3 7,997.5 2,218.2 -226.4 1,399.8 1,633.5 -233.7 238.9 232.2 185.5 181.0 -4.5 6.7 1,752.9 1,986.0 - 2 3 3 . 1 1,218.8 1,448.0 - 2 2 9 . 2 97°} 12.5 0 Increase, or decrease (-) -25.8 1962 86.3 75.9 10.4 35.5 38.8 -3.3 9.5 9.2 .3 40.1 26.9 13.2 1.2 1.0 62.0 24.2 53.4 22.5 8.6 1.7 23.0 12.4 24.4 14.4 -1.4 -2.0 7.8 1.7 1A 1.8 A -.1 30.6 9.5 21.3 5.6 9.3 3.9 .6 .6 .3 .7 331 0 95.8 .5 225.2 9.5 -329.5 25 3 -244.0 21.6 -11.2 -15.1 -75.1 21.6 .7 -2.8 i Less than $50,000. NOTE.—As defined by Section 584(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, a "common trust fund" is a fund maintained by a bank or trust company "(1) exclusively for the collective investment and Increase, or decrease (-) 68 6 68.6 reinvestment of moneys contributed thereto by the bank in its capacity as a trustee, executor, administrator, or guardian; and (2) in conformity with the rules and regulations, prevailing from time to time, . . . pertaining to the collective investment of trust funds . . . " Details may not add to totals because of rounding. 775 SURVEY OF COMMON TRUST FUNDS, 1962 certain types of securities, either fixed-income or common stocks) both as to number of such funds and dollar holdings, although there was not so great a change as in 1961. During 1962, single-purpose funds increased by 58 in number and by $248 million in dollar holdings, compared with 77 and $373 million, respectively, in the previous year. As shown in Table 2, the net increase in holdings of single-purpose funds more than offset the decrease in the diversified funds. Of the 51 de novo funds in 1962, 40 were discretionary single-purpose and 9 were discretionary diversified. One legal diversified and 6 discretionary diversified funds were split, adding 14 more funds to the single-purpose category. At the end of the year, 110 banks were operating 292 single-purpose funds, with assets totaling $1,100 million. As noted in previous Surveys, a large TABLE 3 COMMON TRUST FUNDS AND THEIR INVESTMENT HOLDINGS, BY CLASS OF BANK, 1962 Number of funds Number of banks 1 Market value of holdings 2 (millions of dollars) All banks—Total Diversified discretionary Diversified legal Single-purpose 564 234 38 292 343 217 36 149 $3,577.7 2,268.5 208.8 1,100.3 State member banks—Total Diversified discretionary Diversified legal Single-purpose 176 80 20 76 95 69 18 40 1,917.7 1,360.6 146.0 411.2 National banks—Total Diversified discretionary Diversified legal Single-purpose 325 130 15 180 207 124 15 89 1,277.5 665.6 56.8 555.0 Insurednonmember banks—Total. Diversified discretionary Diversified legal Single-purpose 40 17 3 20 30 17 3 13 81.6 48.7 6.0 26.9 Noninsured nonmember banks— Total . . . .... Diversified discretionary Diversified legal Single-purpose 23 7 11 7 300.9 193.6 16 7 107.2 Class of bank and type of fund 1 Details do not add to totals because some banks operate 2 or more funds. 2 Details may not add to totals because of rounding. number of banks operate more than one fund. The practice of split funding—that is, the use of more than one single-purpose fund—provides a choice of funds and greater flexibility in diversifying the investments of the individual participating trust and permits participation in 2 or more funds in varying proportions in accordance with the purpose of the individual fiduciary account. Many banks rely solely on single-purpose funds, usually a fixed-income investment fund operated in conjunction with a common stock fund. In some instances, however, a bank may operate only diversified funds, or it may operate them along with the single-purpose type funds. Almost half of the Survey banks operate two or more common trust funds, and these had almost $3 billion or 77 per cent of all holdings covered in 1962. Eight banks had 5 or more funds; they held almost threequarters of a billion dollars. Of the 118 largest banks and trust companies, 102 accounted for 220 funds and approximately $2.7 billion of all common trust assets at the end of 1962.1 Common trust funds are also operated by many of the smaller banks. Of the 343 banks in the 1962 Survey, about one-fourth had total bank assets of less than $50 million; and onehalf of the 14 banks that began operation of a fund in 1962 had total assets of less than $50 million. INVESTMENT ACTIVITY Gross investment transactions of all common trust funds—representing total acquisitions, sales, and redemptions—aggregated more than $1,328 million—some $300 million more than the 1961 total. Transactions 1 For this purpose large banks are defined as those reporting $700,000 or more in gross trust department earnings during 1962. 776 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 activity—that is, the ratio of gross transactions to the aggregate portfolio—increased to 37 per cent from 29 per cent the previous year. The net addition to principal—new participations less withdrawals—amounted to $331 million; and total purchases exceeded sales by $329 million. Purchases of common stocks exceeded sales by $101 million; about 31 per cent of the net purchases were of common stocks, about the same percentage as in 1961. Larger proportions of the net purchases were made in United States Government and State and local government bonds, and smaller proportions in domestic corporate bonds and preferred stocks. Holdings of bonds and preferred stocks increased in market value and common stocks declined, for a net increase of $27 million. The decline in common stocks was TABLE 4 INVESTMENT HOLDINGS, PURCHASES, AND SALES OF COMMON TRUST FUNDS, 1962 (Dollar amounts in millions) Holdings, at end of 1961 Type of holding 1 At market value As per cent of total Cost of Proceeds from sales purchases and and other acquisitions redemptions Holdings, at end of 1962 At market value As per cent of total Total holdings (including principal cash) $3,550.9 100.0 $828.4 $499.4 $3,577.7 100.0 Bonds, notes, and certificates—Total... 1,256.8 35.4 546.7 327.9 1,499.7 41.9 218.7 6.2 .6 5.3 .3 219.8 181.1 257.5 7.2 112.0 107.6 2.4 27.6 223.8 6.0 152.1 928.7 218.9 500.0 67.3 142.4 6.2 .2 4.2 26.0 6.1 14.0 1.9 4.0 U.S. Government—Total Marketable, maturing: Within 1 year After 1 year Nonmarketable State and local government Domestic corporate—Total Manufacturing Public utility Railroad Other 186.9 10.6 83.6 817.3 189.3 436.5 66.2 125.3 23.0 5.3 12.3 1.9 3.5 88.2 188.6 46.1 91.2 13.1 38.3 123.5 52.3 5.3 26.4 94.0 19.0 36.5 12.1 26.4 Other—Total Foreign Quasi-government and other 137.2 21.8 115.4 3.9 .6 3.3 50.1 3.1 47.0 26.4 .9 25.6 161.4 22.1 139.3 4.5 .6 3.9 232.2 117.4 99.6 3.4 11.8 1,986.0 1 113.9 485.6 23.0 233.7 112.6 17.1 6.5 3.3 2.8 .1 .3 26.6 11.3 12.2 .4 2.7 26.2 16.6 8.2 .2 1.2 238.9 115.3 106.1 3.6 13.9 6.7 3.2 3.0 .1 .4 56.0 .6 6.6 3.2 .5 230.0 150.8 37.3 3.2 21.6 11.3 5.8 128.7 82.2 19.4 4.1 12.1 8.5 2.4 1,752.9 983.2 454.0 19.1 200.8 81.6 49.0 27.5 12.7 .5 5.6 2.3 .4 2.1 1.5 25.0 19.9 5.1 16.5 12.9 3.6 86.2 59.3 2.7 24.2 2.4 1.6 Preferred stocks—Total Manufacturing Public utility Railroad Other Common stocks—Total Manufacturing Public utility Railroad Financial Trade Other Miscellaneous—Total Real estate loans Other investments, incl. savings accts. Principal cash 21.2 75.9 52.3 1.1 22.5 1 Nonmarketable U.S. Government securities valued at cost; other holdings at market value. Purchases shown at cost, and sales at proceeds realized. Conversions and exchanges of securities treated as sales of securities surrendered and purchases of securities received. Stock rights held at beginning or end of reporting period included in appropriate investment category at market value. Proceeds from sales of such rights included in proceeds from sales of securities during period. 2 Less than .05. NOTE.—The Survey includes all reporting common trust funds 31.4 13.7 .1 14.3 .1 .7 operated by banks under Section 18 of Regulation 9 of the Comptroller of the Currency. The reporting date for each fund in the Survey was the valuation date falling in the fourth quarter of the calendar year; this was usually Oct. 31 or Nov. 30. The reporting period of funds other than new ones covers 12 months. For funds that began operating during 1962, investments are included in end-of-year tabulations of holdings and also in tabulations of purchases and sales; the cash and U.S. Government nonmarketable securities placed with the new funds by fiduciary accounts are included in tabulations of net additions to principal. Details may not add to totals because of rounding. 777 SURVEY OF COMMON TRUST FUNDS, 1962 TABLE 5 SIZE DISTRIBUTION OF COMMON TRUST FUNDS, 1962 (Dollar amounts in millions) Diversified Size of fund (total holdings, millions of dollars) All funds.. Under 1 1-2 2-5 5-10 10-25 25-50 50 and over . Single-purpose All funds Discretionary Number Total holdings Number Total holdings 564 $3,577.7 234 $2,268.5 194 76 131 68 62 22 11 92.3 108.8 426.9 473.8 901.8 752.2 821.9 55 30 61 27 37 15 9 28.8 42.1 209.7 195.6 557.1 532.0 703.2 in proportion to that of the better known common stock indexes. GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION As in previous surveys it was found that common trust funds continued to expand in all Federal Reserve districts. The San Francisco, Chicago, Atlanta, and Cleveland Districts, in that order, showed the largest net growth in common trust assets. Boston showed the largest growth in number of funds—13—with New York, Philadelphia, and Richmond following with 6 each. The largest increases in the number of new funds, excluding splits, were in New York ( 7 ) ; Massachusetts, Ohio, and Pennsylvania (5 each); and Arizona and Maryland (4 each). Common trust holdings continued to be concentrated in the northeast, as evidenced by 38 per cent of the total number of funds and 52 per cent of the total assets of all funds being held in the Boston, New York, and Philadelphia Districts. Table 7 shows that the Philadelphia District again ranks Legal * Total holdings Number Total holdings 38 $208.8 292 $1,100.3 6 4 11 11 5 2.9 5.5 35.5 71.4 66.8 26.6 133 42 59 30 20 6 2 60.6 61.1 181.8 206.8 277.9 193.6 118.7 Number first in total common trust assets, followed by the New York, Boston, San Francisco, and Cleveland Districts. While the proportions of bond and stock holdings in common trust funds vary among geographic areas and Federal Reserve districts, a large proportion of total assets is invested in common stocks in all districts. Individual districts show proportions in common stocks ranging from a low of 43 per cent in the Cleveland District to a high of 56 per cent in the St. Louis and Minneapolis Districts. Funds in the Philadelphia District hold 54 per cent of all preferred stocks; funds in the Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Cleveland Districts hold 89.5 per cent of all State and local government bonds (96 per cent in the previous Survey), while there are few or no such holdings in 4 districts (down from 6 districts in 1961); and holdings of fixed-income securities are still proportionately larger in the Cleveland and Atlanta Districts and smaller in the Kansas City and St. Louis Districts. 778 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 TABLE 6 STATE DISTRIBUTION OF COMMON TRUST FUNDS, BY TYPE, 1962 Number of funds Number of funds Diversified Total Discretionary Legal Discretionary Legal 38 267 25 48 States, incl. D. C 564 234 Alabama (1943) Arizona (1941) Arkansas (1947) California (1947) Colorado (1947) Connecticut (1943) 4 7 3 24 12 13 3 Delaware (1935) Dist. of Columbia (1949). Florida (1941) Georgia (1943) Hawaii (1947) Illinois (1943) 3 6 14 10 4 15 3 2 7 7 9 1 2 8 1 8 1 4 1 2 13 33 11 12 2 14 4 15 7 1 2 4 Indiana (1937) Iowa (1961) Kansas (1951) Kentucky (1938) Louisiana (1950) Maine (1951) Maryland (1945) Massachusetts (1941) Michigan (1941) Minnesota (1937) Mississippi (1950) Missouri (1940)2 Single-purpose 1 6 3 3 4 11 21 7 2 2 8 8 1 2 7 2 4 7 1 2 4 6 7 18 4 10 2 1 10 State, with year of legalization of common trust funds l Discretionary Montana (1955) Nebraska (1953) Nevada (1955) New Hampshire (1953).. New Jersey (1945) New Mexico (1953) 4 3 2 4 22 3 New York (1937) North Carolina (1939)... North Dakota (1955).... Ohio (1943) Oklahoma (1949) Oregon (1951) 59 9 3 31 6 4 19 5 1 8 2 2 Pennsylvania (1939) Rhode Island (1956) South Carolina (1955)... South Dakota (1941) Tennessee (1953) Texas (1947) 84 6 5 3 9 16 53 2 2 1 7 12 Utah (1951) Vermont (1933) Virginia (1944) Washington (1943) West Virginia (1943).... Wisconsin (1943) 8 2 29 5 5 13 2 2 14 2 1 2 2 1 The State statutes of Alaska are silent on the subject of establishment of common trust funds. Idaho and Wyoming have no common trust funds although their State laws permit them. Single-purpose Diversified Total Legal Discretionary 2 1 Legal 4 1 2 2 10 3 1 to* State, with year of legalization of common trust funds 1 20 1 9 1 19 4 2 17 4 2 1 5 31 4 3 2 2 4 6 15 3 2 8 2 3 By court decision; legislation was enacted in 1955. TABLE 7 TYPES OF COMMON TRUST FUNDS AND INVESTMENT HOLDINGS, BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT, 1962 (Dollar amounts in millions) Bonds, notes, and certificates Number of funds Federal Reserve district Diversified Total Discretionary Singlepurpose Total holdings Total U.S. Government Legal Discretionary Legal 38 267 25 21 1 1 32 25 25 27 415.6 713.2 734.7 321.8 194.8 358.9 220 A 143.3 22.1 25.8 87.3 35.4 All districts. . 564 234 Boston New York. . . Philadelphia.. Cleveland 62 75 78 51 30 23 48 18 Richmond. . . Atlanta Chicago St. Louis 67 37 46 20 28 24 17 12 30 11 19 7 299 A 120.9 217.9 175.1 122. 56.7 106.3 68.7 17.3 7.8 15.6 6.8 Minneapolis.. Kansas City.. Dallas 23 34 19 52 13 10 19 24 6 42 41.6 120.1 63.0 354.4 17.2 40.4 26.8 143.3 1.0 14.2 5.1 19.1 San Francisco Corporate All other Total Miscellaneous Preferred Real estate loans Prinand other cipal cash investments Common $3,577.7 $1,499.7 $257.5 $152.1 $928.7 $161.4 $1,991.8 $238.9 $1,752.9 $62.0 $24.2 NOTE.'—Details may not add to totals because of rounding. State and local government Stocks 11.0 139.1 59.0 239.1 24.1 72.9 42.1 51.1 22.5 35.0 36. 14.7 215.8 8.5 346.6 15.3 510.2 129.4 172.5 35.8 207.3 331.3 380.7 136.8 1.9 3.2 3.1 3.1 4.5 4.1 2.8 3.1 2.9 7.1 .2 91.6 42.1 71.7 58.6 10.7 3.9 11.9 3.1 153.2 61.3 110.0 101.6 10.1 7.5 5.8 2.6 143.1 53.8 104.3 99.1 21.5 1.9 .3 3.8 2.0 1.0 1.2 .9 15.1 .1 21.4 14.9 111.1 1.2 4.9 6.8 10.7 23.9 58.9 34.3 203.4 .5 4.5 2.8 16.1 23.4 54.4 31.5 187.3 .2 19.0 1.1 5.9 .3 1.8 .7 1.8 2A Statement on Proposed Changes in Federal Civil Defense Act I appear today in response to your invitation to present the views of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on H.R. 3516, covering incorporation of fallout shelters in Federal structures, construction of emergency operating offices, and financial assistance to nonprofit institutions for fallout shelters. In the light of our experience in developing our own emergency plans and encouraging commercial banks to take appropriate preparedness measures, the Board of Governors believes that enactment of H.R. 3516 would be in the national interest. The Board has been concerned with defense planning for the banking system since enactment of the National Security Act of 1947. Its activities have been undertaken pursuant to assignments from the National Security Resources Board, the Office of Defense Mobilization, the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization, the Secretary of the Treasury, and, more recently, from the President as described in Executive Order 11094 dated February 26, 1963. Under these assignments the Board is responsible for achieving an adequate state of preparedness to assure the continuity of the money, credit, and banking system in the event of an attack on the United States. Such preparedness requires that some provision be made for the protection of personnel reNOTE.—Statement of William McChesney Martin, Jr., Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, before Subcommittee No. 3 of the House Committee on Armed Services, June 5, 1963. 779 lied upon to carry out postattack operations. For a number of years, those responsible for the defense of the country have advised us that fallout shelters provide one of the most effective, practical, and economical means for significantly increasing the chances of survival. It will be recalled that the National Shelter Policy was announced in 1958 by President Eisenhower and reaffirmed in 1961 by President Kennedy. That Policy called for the incorporation of fallout shelters in all new Federal buildings and in all existing Federal buildings, where feasible at reasonable cost. Because of the Board's special responsibilities in the field of national security, it applied the National Shelter Policy, not only to the Board's building, but also to all Federal Reserve Bank facilities. Fallout shelters have been included in all new buildings of the System commenced since 1958, and shelter areas meeting Government standards have been completed or planned in all existing buildings. An important part of the Board's preparedness responsibilities consists of encouraging commercial banks to achieve an adequate state of preparedness. General guidance covering a preparedness program for commercial banks, including guidance on personnel protection measures and fallout shelters, was distributed to all banks in 1956. Since then, bank examiners in the regular course of bank examinations make inquiry as to the preparedness actions taken. 780 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 Based on such information, it presently appears that banks holding approximately 70 per cent of total deposits have preparedness programs in various stages of development. However, the number of these banks is relatively small—they are mostly large banks in major metropolitan areas—and only twothirds of such banks have established shelter facilities. It should be emphasized that the commercial bank preparedness program is purely voluntary. In the past, effective action on the part of banks has been most apparent during periods of grave international tension; for examples, following the erection of the Berlin wall in 1961, and following the disclosure of missiles in Cuba in 1962. Even during periods of international tension, it has been understandably difficult to persuade commercial banks to provide fallout shelters in their facilities at their own expense in the absence of an appropriate example by the Federal Government as a whole. In the Board's view, enactment of H.R. 3516 would provide (1) an important first step in Government-wide implementation of the National Shelter Policy, (2) increased assurance for the continuity of essential wartime functions by all Government agencies, and (3) an appropriate preparedness example by the Federal Government to industry and to the general public. Announcements APPOINTMENTS OF DIRECTORS On May 23, 1963, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York announced the appointment of Arthur S. Hamlin, of Canandaigua, New York, as a director of the Buffalo Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for the unexpired portion of a term ending December 31, 1965. Mr. Hamlin is President of The Canandaigua National Bank and Trust Company, Canandaigua, New York. As a director of the Buffalo Branch, he succeeds Mr. J. Monroe Hodges, President, The Exchange Bank of Olean, New York, who died recently. On June 6, 1963, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco announced the appointment of Alan B. Blood, of Kaysville, Utah, as a director of the Salt Lake City Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco for the unexpired portion of a term ending December 31, 1964. Mr. Blood is Executive Vice President, Barnes Banking Company, Kaysville, Utah. As a director of the Salt Lake City Branch, he succeeds Mr. J. E. Brinton, President, The First National Bank of Ely, Nevada, who died recently. ADMISSION OF STATE BANK TO MEMBERSHIP IN THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM The following bank was admitted to Membership in the Federal Reserve System during the period May 16, to June 15, 1963: Colorado Rangely Bank of Rangely Law Department Administrative interpretations, new regulations, and similar material of the acquisition of 80 per cent or more of the voting shares of Merchants & Savings Bank, Janesville, Wisconsin. Petitioner requests also that, if upon reconsideration the Board is not inclined to reverse its decision, Petitioner be given opportunity to present additional evidence, with adequate time for interrogation of witnesses. The Board has reviewed its Order of January 31, 1963, and its accompanying Statement of the same date, together with the evidence upon which such Order was premised, all in the light of the factual assertions, arguments, and offers of additional evidence set forth in the petition for reconsideration. On the basis of such review, the Board concludes (1) that the petition does not contain pertinent facts or arguments not available to and considered by the Board prior to its action of January 31, 1963; (2) that the additional facts and arguments which Petitioner asserts would be offered upon reconsideration of this matter would be, in major respects, cumulative of facts and arguments previously fully and fairly considered by the Board; and (3) that reasonable opportunity for adequate presentation of all facts and views on the issues relevant to the subject application was afforded Petitioner prior to the Board's Order of January 31, 1963. Accordingly, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, for the reasons above enumerated, that the petition for reconsideration herein and the request for opportunity to present additional evidence and to interrogate witnesses are denied. Dated at Washington, D. C , this 22nd day of May, 1963. Voting for this action: Unanimous, with all members present. Authority to Issue $1 and $2 Federal Reserve Notes The Act of Congress approved June 4, 1963 (Public Law 88-36), in addition to repealing the silver purchase acts and the related transfer tax of silver bullion, authorizes the issuance of $1 and $2 Federal Reserve notes. The purpose of this legislation is to make monetary silver available for coinage purposes through substitution of Federal Reserve notes for silver certificates. Present law limits the issuance of Federal Reserve notes to denominations of $5 and up. The pertinent provision of the Act of June 4, 1963, reads as follows : SEC. 3. The first sentence of the ninth paragraph of Section 16 of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 418) is amended by inserting "$1, $2," immediately after "notes of the denominations of." Orders Denying Reconsideration of Action Under Bank Holding Company Act The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has issued the following Orders denying petitions for reconsideration of earlier Board Orders denying applications for approval of the acquisition of voting shares of banks: FIRST WISCONSIN BANKSHARES CORPORATION, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN In the matter of the application of First Wisconsin Bankshares Corporation, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for prior approval of the acquisition of 80 per cent or more of the voting shares of Merchants & Savings Bank, Janesville, Wisconsin. (Signed) MERRITT SHERMAN, ORDER ON PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION Secretary. This matter comes before the Board of Governors on a petition by First Wisconsin Bankshares Corporation, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that the Board reconsider its Order dated January 31, 1963, whereby the Board denied the Petitioner's application, filed pursuant to Section 3 (a) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, for approval [SEAL] FIRST WISCONSIN BANKSHARES CORPORATION, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN In the matter of the application of First Wisconsin Bankshares Corporation, Milwaukee, Wis~ 781 782 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 consin, for prior approval of the acquisition of 80 per cent or more of the voting shares of American Bank and Trust Company, Racine, Wisconsin. ORDER ON PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION This matter comes before the Board of Governors on a petition by First Wisconsin Bankshares Corporation, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that the Board reconsider its Order dated January 31, 1963, whereby the Board denied the Petitioner's application, filed pursuant to Section 3(a) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, for approval of the acquisition of 80 per cent or more of the voting shares of American Bank and Trust Company, Racine, Wisconsin. Petitioner requests also that, if upon reconsideration the Board is not inclined to reverse its decision, Petitioner be given opportunity to present additional evidence, with adequate time for interrogation of witnesses. The Board has reviewed its Order of January 31, 1963, and its accompanying Statement of the same date, together with the evidence upon which such Order was premised, all in the light of the factual assertions, arguments, and offers of additional evidence set forth in the petition for reconsideration. On the basis of such review, the Board concludes (1) that the petition does not contain pertinent facts or arguments not available to and considered by the Board prior to its action of January 31, 1963; (2) that the additional facts and arguments which Petitioner asserts would be offered upon reconsideration of this matter would be, in major respects, cumulative of facts and arguments previously fully and fairly considered by the Board; and (3) that reasonable opportunity for adequate presentation of all facts and views on the issues relevant to the subject application was afforded Petitioner prior to the Board's Order of January 31, 1963. Accordingly, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, for the reasons above enumerated, that the petition for reconsideration herein and the request for opportunity to present additional evidence and to interrogate witnesses are denied. Dated at Washington, D. C , this 22nd day of May, 1963. Voting for this action: Unanimous, with all members present. (Signed) MERRITT SHERMAN, Secretary. [SEAL] THE MARINE CORPORATION, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN In the matter of the application of The Marine Corporation, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for prior approval of the acquisition of 80 per cent or more of the voting shares of The Beloit State Bank, Beloit, Wisconsin. ORDER ON PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION This matter comes before the Board of Governors on a petition by The Marine Corporation, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that the Board reconsider its Order dated January 31, 1963, whereby the Board denied the Petitioner's application, filed pursuant to Section 3(a) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, for approval of the acquisition of 80 per cent or more of the voting shares of The Beloit State Bank, Beloit, Wisconsin. Incident to its petition for reconsideration Petitioner requests permission to present its views orally before the Board. The Board has reviewed its Order of January 31, 1963, and its accompanying Statement of the same date, together with the entire record upon which such Order was premised, all in the light of the factual assertions, arguments, and proffers of additional evidence contained in the petition for reconsideration. On the basis of such review, the Board concludes (1) that the petition does not contain pertinent facts or arguments not available to and considered by the Board prior to its action of January 31, 1963; (2) that the additional facts and arguments which Petitioner asserts would be offered upon reconsideration of this matter would be, in major respects, cumulative of facts and arguments previously fully and fairly considered by the Board; and (3) that reasonable opportunity for adequate presentation of all facts and views on the issues relevant to the subject application was afforded Petitioner prior to the Board's Order of January 31, 1963. Accordingly, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, for the reasons above enumerated, that the petition for reconsideration herein and the request for opportunity to present views orally before the Board be and hereby are denied. Dated at Washington, D. C , this 22nd day of May, 1963. 783 LAW DEPARTMENT Voting for this action: Unanimous, with all members present. (Signed) MERRITT SHERMAN, Secretary. By order of the Board of Governors. Voting for this action: Chairman Martin, and Governors Balderston, Mills, Robertson, Shepardsqn, and Mitchell. Absent and not voting: Governor King. (Signed) MERRITT SHERMAN, [SEAL] Secretary. Orders Under Bank Merger Act The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has issued the following Orders and Statements with respect to applications for approval of the merger or acquisition of assets of banks: THE BANK OF VIRGINIA, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA In the matter of the application of The Bank of Virginia for prior approval of merger with The Farmers Bank of Dinwiddie. ORDER APPROVING MERGER OF BANKS There has come before the Board of Governors, pursuant to the Bank Merger Act of 1960 (12 U.S.C. 1828(c)), an application by The Bank of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia, a State member bank of the Federal Reserve System, for the Board's prior approval of the merger of that bank and The Farmers Bank of Dinwiddie, Dinwiddie, Virginia, under the charter and title of the former. As an incident to the merger, the single office of The Farmers Bank of Dinwiddie would be operated as a branch of The Bank of Virginia. Notice of the proposed merger, in form approved by the Board, has been published pursuant to said Act. Upon consideration of all relevant material in the light of the factors set forth in said Act, including reports furnished by the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Department of Justice on the competitive factors involved in the proposed merger, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, for the reasons set forth in the Board's Statement of this date, that said application be and hereby is approved, provided that said merger shall not be consummated (a) within seven calendar days after the date of this Order or (b) later than three months after said date. Dated at Washington, D. C , this 24th day of May, 1963. [SEAL] STATEMENT The Bank of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia ("Virginia Bank"), with deposits of $159 million as of December 31, 1962, has applied, pursuant to the Bank Merger Act of 1960 (12 U.S.C. 1828(c)), for the Board's prior approval of the merger of that bank and The Farmers Bank of Dinwiddie, Dinwiddie, Virginia ("Dinwiddie Bank"), with deposits of $3 million as of the same date, under the charter and title of Virginia Bank. The proposal contemplates that the sole office of Dinwiddie Bank would be operated as a branch of the resulting bank, increasing the number of offices operated by Virginia Bank to 22. Under the Act, the Board is required to consider, as to each of the banks involved, (1) its financial history and condition, (2) the adequacy of its capital structure, (3) its future earnings prospects, (4) the general character of its management, (5) whether its corporate powers are consistent with the purposes of 12 U.S.C, Ch. 16 (the Federal Deposit Insurance Act), (6) the convenience and needs of the community to be served, and (7) the effect of the transaction on competition (including any tendency toward monopoly). The Board may not approve the transaction unless, after considering all these factors, it finds the transaction to be in the public interest. Banking factors. The financial history and asset condition of Virginia Bank are regarded as satisfactory, and this should hold true also for the resulting bank. The capital structure of the resulting bank will continue to reflect a need for some strengthening. The financial history and condition of Dinwiddie Bank are satisfactory and the net current earnings are average. Although Virginia Bank's net current earnings are below average, improved earnings are expected to result from increased automation and other economies. Present management of Dinwiddie Bank is satisfactory but a management succession problem exists as the two senior officers are past the normal retirement age and in rather poor health. The 784 management succession problem would be solved by the merger, Virginia Bank being adequately staffed with competent personnel at both junior and senior levels. Prospects for solution by other means are not favorable. The resulting bank would have a satisfactory asset condition and favorable earnings prospects. There is no indication of any inconsistency with the provisions of 12 U.S.C., Ch. 16. Convenience and needs of the communities. Virginia Bank operates its main office and 13 branches in the Richmond metropolitan area, 3 branches in the city of Norfolk, and 1 branch each in the cities of Newport News, Petersburg, Portsmouth, and Roanoke. The proposed merger would have little effect upon the convenience and needs of the communities now being served by that bank. The sole office of Dinwiddie Bank is located in Dinwiddie (population 400), the seat of Dinwiddie County (population 22,183). The bank is located on U. S. Highway No. 1, about 35 miles south of Richmond and 18 miles southwest of Petersburg. The community serves as the trade area for an estimated 10,000 persons within a 10mile radius. Bright leaf tobacco is the principal crop in this predominantly agricultural area. In addition, the raising of hogs and beef and dairy cattle, and the production of pulp wood, contribute to the economy. A number of residents are employed in industrial plants located in Petersburg and Hopewell, Virginia. The economic outlook for the area appears generally favorable. Upon consummation of the proposed merger the loan limit applicable at Dinwiddie Bank would be substantially increased. Customers of Dinwiddie Bank would have available a more complete range of banking services than those previously available at that banking office, such as trust services, vacation savings, FHA Title I loans, dealer financing, personal money orders, and a broader and more diversified program of loans to individuals and small business. The availability of full-scale banking should have a favorable influence upon the local economy. Competition. As of December 21, 1962, Virginia Bank became a subsidiary of the Virginia Commonwealth Corporation, a bank holding company with four other banking affiliates. The affiliated banks have total deposits of about $191 million. Virginia Bank is the fifth largest bank in the FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 State and holds four per cent of total bank deposits in Virginia. It conducts a fairly widespread correspondent business and is also in fifth place among the banks of Virginia in this respect. It is not the dominant bank in any area in which it operates. In four cities—Richmond, Newport News, Norfolk, and Roanoke—it ranks fourth in resources, and in the two other cities—Petersburg and Portsmouth—it ranks third. The resources to be gained by the proposed merger would be too small to alter significantly its competitive position in the State as a whole or in the areas served by it. Virginia Bank's closest office to Dinwiddie Bank is its Petersburg branch, which is about 18 miles northeast of Dinwiddie. There is competition between the banks, chiefly in the Petersburg area where Virginia Bank has a branch; however, it is negligible in volume. Dinwiddie Bank has concentrated its efforts primarily in Dinwiddie and the nearby area and has not been a particularly effective competitive factor outside this fairly small area. In Dinwiddie County there are two other banks. One is The Bank of McKenney Incorporated, located in McKenney about 10 miles southwest of Dinwiddie, having total deposits of $1.2 million as of June 30, 1962. It confines its services primarily to its own community. The other bank in the county is the main office of the Bank of Southside Virginia in Carson, about 13 miles east of Dinwiddie. This bank also operates three offices in other counties and had total deposits of $8.5 million as of December 31, 1962. Two of its offices currently compete to some extent with Virginia Bank as they are within 15 miles of Petersburg. The only other banks in close proximity to Dinwiddie are those in Petersburg, about 18 miles to the northeast. In addition to Virginia Bank's office, there are eight banking facilities in Petersburg, three being offices of First & Merchants National Bank of Richmond, the largest bank in Virginia. In addition to that of other banks, in certain fields competition is provided in Virginia Bank's service area by a number of nonbanking financial institutions. Summary and conclusion. Consummation of the proposed merger would eliminate only a negligible amount of competition and will not have adverse competitive effects on smaller area banks. It will solve a management succession problem confront- 785 LAW DEPARTMENT ing Dinwiddie Bank and provide a broader range of banking services in the Dinwiddie area. Accordingly, the Board finds the proposed transaction to be in the public interest. CHEMICAL BANK NEW YORK TRUST COMPANY, NEW YORK, NEW YORK In the matter of the application of Chemical Bank New York Trust Company for approval of acquisition of assets of Bank of Rockville Centre Trust Company ORDER APPROVING ACQUISITION OF BANK'S ASSETS There has come before the Board of Governors, pursuant to the Bank Merger Act of 1960 (12 U.S.C. 1828(c)), an application by Chemical Bank New York Trust Company, New York, New York, a member bank of the Federal Reserve System, for the Board's prior approval of its acquisition of the assets and assumption of the deposit liabilities of Bank of Rockville Centre Trust Company, Rockville Centre, Nassau County, Long Island, New York, and, as an incident thereto, Chemical Bank New York Trust Company has applied, under Section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act, for the Board's prior approval of the establishment by that bank of branches at the three present locations of Bank of Rockville Centre Trust Company. Notice of the proposed acquisition of assets and assumption of deposit liabilities, in form approved by the Board of Governors, has been published pursuant to said Bank Merger Act. Upon consideration of all relevant material in the light of the factors set forth in said Act, including reports furnished by the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Department of Justice on the competitive factors involved in the proposed transaction. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, for the reasons set forth in the Board's Statement of this date, that said applications be and hereby are approved, provided that said acquisition of assets and assumption of deposit liabilities and establishment of branches shall not be consummated (a) within seven calendar days after the date of this Order, or (b) later than three months after said date. Dated at Washington, D. C , this 27th day of May, 1963. By order of the Board of Governors. Voting for this action: Chairman Martin, and Governors Balderston, Mills, Shepardson, King, and Mitchell. Voting against this action: Governor Robertson. (Signed) MERRITT SHERMAN, Secretary. [SEAL] STATEMENT Chemical Bank New York Trust Company, New York, New York ("Chemical"), with deposits of $4,253 million,* has applied, pursuant to the Bank Merger Act of 1960 (12 U.S.C. 1828(c)), for the Board's prior approval of its acquisition of the assets and assumption of the deposit liabilities of Bank of Rockville Centre Trust Company, Rockville Centre, Nassau County, Long Island, New York ("Rockville Bank"), with deposits of $39.8 million.* Incident to such application, Chemical has also applied, under Section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act, for the Board's prior approval of the establishment of branches at the three locations of the offices of Rockville Bank, increasing the number of Chemical's presently operating domestic offices from 112 to 115, and of its approved offices in Nassau County (two offices are now operating and a third will be opened in Great Neck in the near future) from three to six. Under the law, the Board is required to consider, as to each of the banks involved, (1) its financial history and condition, (2) the adequacy of its capital structure, (3) its future earnings prospects, (4) the general character of its management, (5) whether its corporate powers are consistent with the purposes of 12 U.S.C, Ch. 16 (the Federal Deposit Insurance Act), (6) the convenience and needs of the community to be served, and (7) the effect of the transaction on competition (including any tendency toward monopoly). The Board may not approve the transaction unless, after considering all these factors, it finds the transaction to be in the public interest. Banking factors. Both Chemical and Rockville Bank have satisfactory financial histories. The financial condition of Rockville Bank is sound, and its capital structure is adequate. The net earn* Deposit figures are as of December 28, 1962. 786 ings of Rockville Bank for 1962 showed a significant decline. In fact, the bank's earnings were somewhat below the average for banks of comparable size in the Second Federal Reserve District. Management of Rockville Bank has followed a conservative policy, refraining from expanding into new branch locations, which would have required the sale of additional capital stock, and has concentrated the bank's lending within limited fields. Chemical is the fifth largest bank in the United States and the fourth largest in New York City. Its financial condition is sound, its earnings prospects favorable, its capital structure adequate, and its management competent. Consummation of the proposed acquisition would not cause any unfavorable change in respect to any of these factors. There is no indication that the corporate powers of the banks are, or would be, inconsistent with 12 U.S.C., Ch. 16. Convenience and needs of the communities. The effect of the proposed acquisition on the convenience and needs of New York City would not be significant. The rather fully-developed village of Rockville Centre, located in the town of Hempstead in southern Nassau County about five miles east of Queens and twenty miles east of Manhattan, had a population of over 26,000 in 1960, reflecting an increase of less than twenty per cent during the previous ten years. The village is primarily a "bedroom suburb" of New York City, and many local residents are drawn from the executive level. The commercial section of the village is comprised principally of specialty and service shops. About three years ago, however, an urban renewal program covering approximately 36 acres in the western end of the village was begun. This development will consist principally of middle income apartment houses to be erected by private interests, and one low rent project to be constructed by a public housing authority. In addition to its main office, Rockville Bank operates a branch at the southern edge of Oceanside, about two miles south, and a branch in North Malverne, about three miles north of Rockville Centre. The areas served by these branches are also primarily residential, with local shopping centers and shops similar to those found in Rockville Centre. The Rockville Bank has concentrated its lending FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 in real estate mortgages and consumer credit, especially automobile loans, rather than in commercial and other types of credit. The bank does not make any home mortgage loans in excess of the lesser of $25,000 or 70 per cent of appraised value, even though in the northern area of Rockville Centre the prices of homes range from $40,000 to $60,000. Nor does the bank make several types of consumer loans for which there is a demand in the Rockville Centre area. These and similar services are available in Rockville Centre from the two offices of Franklin National Bank * located there, and in nearby areas, from numerous other banks, large and small, including branches of large New York City banks. Approval of the acquisition will, however, provide an alternative source in Rockville Centre of a broader range of banking services. Competition. Chemical operates two branches in Nassau County, one at Massapequa, 12 miles east of Rockville Centre, and the other, which was opened on May 6, 1962, at West Hempstead, about three miles from Rockville Centre's North Malverne office. The latter is Chemical's only office which can be considered directly competitive in Rockville Bank's service area, although it is expected that competition between the two banks would be nominal. Chemical has been authorized to open a third office in Nassau County at Great Neck, 9 miles north of Rockville Bank's North Malverne office, but it is not anticipated that it would draw business from the service area of that branch of Rockville Bank. A number of persons commuting to work from Rockville Centre to New York City bank in the city and some of these have accounts with Chemical. Rockville Bank draws 77 per cent of its deposits from an area including the communities of Rockville Centre, Oceanside, Franklin Square, and West Hampstead, and 81.5 per cent of its deposits from a wider area which includes four additional communities, Lynbrook, Lakeview, Malverne, and Island Park. Both offices of the small Oceanside National Bank are located less than two miles south of Rockville Centre. It competes with Rockville Bank. The Community Bank, Lynbrook, also a small bank operating two offices, is * Until June 10, 1960, Franklin National Bank's head office was located in Franklin Square, where it now has one of its principal branches. 787 LAW DEPARTMENT located about one mile west of Rockville Centre. However, its principal competition comes from two branches of the large Meadow Brook National Bank and not from Rockville Bank. The rest of the fifteen commercial banking offices located in the four-community area (and of the twenty-one in the eight-community area) represent branches of larger Long Island or New York City banks. Franklin National Bank and Meadow Brook National Bank together have eight offices and hold a relatively high per cent of the total deposits of the commercial banking offices in the four-community area. The substitution of a large New York City bank for Rockville Bank can be expected to intensify competition in the general area. The two remaining independent local banks, Community Bank of Lynbrook and Oceanside National Bank, will be exposed to a keener competitive climate. The effect of the proposed acquisition on competition in New York City would be negligible. However, some effect should be expected on the movement among the larger city banks to acquire outlets in Nassau County, which began with passage of the New York Omnibus Banking Act in 1960. The desire of these banks to serve a wider economic area has been evident. The banks first tried to achieve this objective in part by applications for de novo branches. However, what is regarded as a "fully-banked" situation in parts of Long Island and the "home-office protection" afforded by the New York banking law have imposed limitations on this route. In 1961, Chemical sought to merge with Long Island Trust Company, Garden City, New York, the third largest bank on Long Island with deposits of $140 million and 14 offices. In marked contrast to that situation, the present case involves a bank with deposits of less than $40 million and only three offices. In rejecting Chemical's 1961 application the Board's Statement (1962 Federal Reserve BULLETIN 548) pointed out that future merger applications were "not foreclosed." Rather, the Board said that "approval of future merger applications may well be required" by positive factors discussed therein. Those factors are persuasive in this case. Furthermore, in that Statement the Board indicated that consummation of the proposal would cause "a substantial altering of the banking structure in the area" and "would bring sudden adverse competitive effects." Such conse- quences could not reasonably be anticipated in connection with the present proposal. Summary and conclusion. The effect of approval of the proposed transaction on local competition will not be significantly adverse, and the Board concludes that broad considerations indicate approval. Accordingly, the Board finds that the proposed merger would be in the public interest. DISSENTING STATEMENT OF GOVERNOR ROBERTSON I am troubled by the assumption implicit in the majority's decision in this case that New York City banks must expand into Long Island, even at the expense of an adequately varied banking structure, and equally concerned by the twin assumption that size itself brings better banking services to the public. I do not think this is necessarily true. Bankers in small banks are frequently more responsive to the needs of their neighbors in the community than are the branch managers of large banks whose significant decisions are made under the eye of distant superiors not primarily concerned with the welfare of the particular community. Neither the banking factors nor the convenience and needs of the community—as disclosed by the record before the Board—support approval of the application. Rockville Bank has had a satisfactory record of performance, and admittedly would continue to serve the community well as an independent bank. There are already large banks in the area which can provide any needed services not already provided by local banks. Indeed, Chemical has recently established a branch less than three miles away. On the other hand, as the Department of Justice rightly pointed out, existing competition is far from negligible, and the potential competition (due to Chemical's new branch) which will be eliminated by the merger could be substantial. The Board here departs—without reason—from the salutary principle laid down in its decision in the Long Island Trust Company case (1962 Federal Reserve BULLETIN 548) that "competition throughout all the ranges of banking size and services is in the public interest . . ." and that the Board's efforts should be directed toward ". . . preserving a variety of banking alternatives of varying size, each offering its own advantages to the pub- 788 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 lie." That case involved an application by Chemical to merge a $141 million bank with fourteen offices; the present case concerns a request by the same applicant for permission to acquire a $40 million bank with three offices. I am unable to find, as does the majority that the difference in scale is a difference in kind. If denial was required in the former case, then it is equally required in the present one, since approval eliminates the only independent middle-sized bank in the eight-town area in which Rockville now competes. By any test, the premium Chemical has offered the shareholders of Rockville is a large one, and indicates an urgent desire to acquire these banking sites. On the basis of the December 31, 1962 market value of the Chemical stock being exchanged for that of the Rockville Bank, the premium is greater than the total capital funds of Rockville, by 9.4 per cent of its deposits, and is 11.3 times its average annual net earnings for the last five years. I do not blame Chemical for offering the premium, or the shareholders of Rockville Bank for accepting it. But if the Board permits bank acquisitions, involving such premiums, which have nothing more than this one does to recommend them, then the continuing trend toward concentration of banking power in large banks able to pay a price that cannot be resisted will result in the early demise of all independent banks in Nassau County—indeed, all independent banks throughout the country that are so located as to attract the covetous eye of expansion-minded institutions. For these reasons, I would deny the application. SUSSEX COUNTY TRUST COMPANY, FRANKLIN, NEW JERSEY In the matter of the application of Sussex County Trust Company for approval of merger with The Farmers National Bank of Sussex. ORDER APPROVING MERGER OF BANKS There has come before the Board of Governors, pursuant to the Bank Merger Act of 1960 (12 U.S.C. 1828(c)), an application by Sussex County Trust Company, Franklin, New Jersey, a State member bank of the Federal Reserve System, for the Board's prior approval of the merger of that bank and The Farmers National Bank of Sussex, Sussex, New Jersey, also a member of the Federal Reserve System, under the charter of the former and title of The Bank of Sussex County. As an incident to the merger, a branch would be operated at the location of The Farmers National Bank of Sussex. Notice of the proposed merger, in form approved by the Board, has been published pursuant to said Act. Upon consideration of all relevant material in the light of the factors set forth in said Act, including reports furnished by the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Department of Justice on the competitive factors involved in the proposed merger, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, for the reasons set forth in the Board's Statement of this date, that said application be and hereby is approved, provided that said merger shall not be consummated (a) within seven calendar days after the date of this Order or (b) later than three months after said date. Dated at Washington, D. C , this 29th day of May, 1963. By order of the Board of Governors. Voting for this action: Chairman Martin, and Governors Balderston, Mills, Shepardson, King, and Mitchell. Voting against this action: Governor Robertson. (Signed) MERRITT SHERMAN, Secretary. [SEAL] STATEMENT Sussex County Trust Company, Franklin, New Jersey ("Sussex Trust"), a member State bank of the Federal Reserve System with deposits of $11.9 million as of September 28, 1962, has applied, pursuant to the Bank Merger Act of 1960 (12 U.S.C. 1828(c)), for the Board's prior approval of the merger of that bank and The Farmers National Bank of Sussex, Sussex, New Jersey ("Farmers"), with deposits of $10.5 million as of the same date. The banks would merge under the charter of the former with the title of "The Bank of Sussex County." As an incident to the merger, a branch would be operated by The Bank of Sussex County at the location of Farmers, which would be one of three authorized offices of the resulting bank. Under the Act, the Board is required to consider, as to each of the banks involved, (1) its LAW DEPARTMENT financial history and condition, (2) the adequacy of its capital structure, (3) its future earnings prospects, (4) the general character of its management, (5) whether its corporate powers are consistent with the purposes of 12 U.S.C., Ch. 16 (the Federal Deposit Insurance Act), (6) the convenience and needs of the community to be served, and (7) the effect of the transaction on competition (including any tendency toward monopoly). The Board may not approve the transaction unless, after considering all these factors, it finds the transaction to be in the public interest. Banking factors. The financial history and condition of both Sussex Trust and Farmers are reasonably satisfactory. While the capital structure of Farmers is adequate, that of Sussex Trust is somewhat below desirable levels, and the earnings of each of the banks are below average. Consummation of this merger would strengthen the capital structure of the resulting bank and provide a basis for improved earnings. Such action would also permit a pooling of the present management of the two banks, which should result in a better balanced executive group and a more effective utilization of individual abilities. More attractive opportunities for young men with executive abilities would be created, which would be an important step toward assuring competent management succession. As a consequence of improved management together with modernization of operating methods that could be effected, earnings of the resulting bank should be improved over the earnings experience of both Sussex Trust and Farmers. There is no indication that the powers of the banks involved are, or would be, inconsistent with 12 U.S.C., Ch. 16. Convenience and needs of the communities. Sussex County (1960 population 49,000), in which both of the banks are located, is a rapidly developing area situated 50 miles from New York City in northwestern New Jersey adjoining Pennsylvania and New York. While the economy of Sussex County is dependent principally on agriculture, industrial activity is increasing. The numerous lakes in the county make it a popular resort area. The county is served by six local commercial banks, one of which operates one branch. Sussex Trust and one other each have been authorized to operate a branch. Over the ten-year period ending in September 1962, deposits of individuals, part- 789 nerships, and corporations in these banks more than doubled and loans almost trebled, a fact that reflects the growth that is being experienced in the county. Sussex Trust serves a predominantly residential and commercial area with an estimated population of 14,000. Farmers, located eight miles northwest of the main office of Sussex Trust, has a service area that is agricultural, residential, and commercial and has a population of 5,000. Both Sussex Trust, with a lending limit of $50,000, and Farmers, with a lending limit of $35,000, have recently experienced difficulty in supplying the credit needs of many local businesses without resort to participation with larger banks located outside of the county. These lending limits are small for banks located in a growing community on the fringe of the New York metropolitan area. If the proposed merger is consummated, the resulting bank, with a lending limit of $100,000, would be able to satisfy the credit needs of more local businesses. Competition. Following consummation of the proposal, five commercial banks would remain in Sussex County. In the framework of the banking market in the county and adjoining areas, no undesirable concentration of banking resources would result. There would continue to be available to the customers of the banks participating in the proposed merger, ample alternative sources of banking services. Moderate competition exists between Sussex Trust and Farmers. This competition would be eliminated by consummation of the proposal. However, this result would be offset, as the resulting bank, representing a combination of the third and fourth largest commercial banks in the county, would have deposits of approximately $20 million and would be able to offer effective competition for the now largest bank in the county, which also has deposits of about $20 million. Larger banks located only a few miles away in adjoining counties are now providing strong competition in Sussex County, particularly for time and savings deposits which constitute approximately 70 per cent of all deposits in Sussex County banks. The existence of two medium-sized banks in this rapidly growing and developing area should make Sussex County more self-sufficient in its banking resources and provide the strength for 790 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 local banks to compete more effectively with the much larger out-of-county banks. Summary and conclusion. Sussex County is located on the fringe of the New York metropolitan area. While at present principally rural, the residential and commercial growth of the county has been rapid in recent years and this is expected to continue at an accelerated pace in future years. Some competition between the two banks would be eliminated by their merger, but the over-all effect on competition in the county, both immediate and prospective, would not be unfavorable. The resulting bank would be able to compete more effectively with the now largest bank in the county and also with the even larger banks in adjoining counties. The merger of the two institutions would permit the resulting bank to attain a better balanced executive group than is now possessed by either and thus would be a step toward assuring competent management succession. It also would result in improved banking services to local businesses in Sussex County and provide a basis for improved bank earnings. Accordingly, the Board finds the proposed merger to be in the public interest. DISSENTING STATEMENT OF GOVERNOR ROBERTSON A significant lessening of competition occurs, by definition, where the third and the fourth banks in a developing rural area—their offices only eight miles apart*—merge to form a unit equal in size to what is now the largest bank in that area. In my view, under the tests established by Congress in the Merger Act, this lessening of competition, accompanied as it is by the elimination of a sturdy independent bank, requires denial unless overcome by a very positive showing of public benefit under the remaining factors. What is the case here? The two banks in question are closely geared to the particular banking needs of their respective communities. Each has doubled in size over the past ten years. The capital of one is adequate, that of the other "somewhat * —and to be even closer when Trust Company establishes a branch, which has already been approved, in Vernon Township, from which Farmers National has long obtained a substantial volume of business. below desirable levels," not surprising in a situation of rapid growth, and capable of being corrected in that situation. Nothing is said about the management factor which would indicate that a problem exists, or that merger is the indicated solution. Nor is it clear to me why pooling two sets of management, neither of which has been able to secure average or above-average earnings for its own bank, will improve the earnings situation of the resulting bank. I suspect that different factors have been responsible for the recent level of earnings mentioned by the majority, perhaps the recent growth itself. Admittedly, convenience and needs of the community are being met by the six rapidly growing independent banks now operating in Sussex County. The occasional needs these banks cannot satisfy are being met through participations, and by larger banks in nearby counties or in New York City itself. The majority urges that the combined bank will better be able to compete with the largest bank in the County, but this argument would have more weight if the fifth and sixth banks in size asked to merge. Trust Company and Farmers National are already large enough to offer vigorous competition to a $20 million bank, and neither is exactly standing still. A bill has been introduced into the New Jersey Legislature to permit branching across county lines, and the thought has been expressed that the resulting bank will better be able to compete with banks outside the County after such a bill has been enacted, particularly, with the $200 million and over banks in neighboring Passaic County. If so, we are raising a puny David to do battle with these Goliaths. The Board's experience has shown that situations of this kind work out rather differently in practice. When a large bank contemplates expanding into an adjacent areas, it seeks out and almost irresistibly attempts to absorb not the smaller units in that area, but the larger attractive ones. If expansion across county lines comes to be permitted in New Jersey, we are more likely to find that the merger here approved has created a plump morsel to be swallowed by some powerful neighboring bank, than a competitor to resist its onslaught. For these reasons, I would deny the application. National Summary of Business Conditions Released for publication June 14 Industrial production and employment continued to expand in May and construction activity increased while retail sales were unchanged. The unemployment rate rose as teenagers entered the labor force in unusually large numbers. The money supply was unchanged while time and savings deposits at commercial banks expanded, although less sharply than early in the year. Between mid-May and mid-June most interest rates increased somewhat. INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION Industrial production rose 1 per cent further in May to 124 per cent of the 1957-59 average and was 4 per cent above the level at the beginning of this year. In May, as over the whole period since January, gains in output were considerably larger for materials than for final products, in part because of the possibility of a steel strike. Output of business equipment increased appreciably in May, returning to the record high of last autumn. Production of furniture and rugs and some other home goods advanced, and auto assemblies rose somewhat. Auto production schedules indicate a further rise in June. Production of iron and steel rose 5 per cent INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION 1957-59 -. 100 further in May, and was up a third from the level at the turn of the year reflecting a shift from liquidation to accumulation of inventories. Gains in output of other materials were widespread and substantial. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY Seasonally adjusted new construction activity increased 4 per cent in May from the moderately reduced level of the preceding 3 months. Residential building rose substantially further, regaining the peak reached last June, while other private construction continued to change little. Public construction, which was revised downward for April, advanced in May. EMPLOYMENT Seasonally adjusted employment in nonagricultural establishments continued to rise in May. Employment increased substantially further in durable goods manufacturing and also advanced in most nonmanufacturing activities. The average workweek increased slightly in both durable and nondurable goods manufacturing. Reflecting a large increase in the number of teenagers in the labor force, the unemployment rate increased to 5.9 per cent from 5.7 per cent in April. DISTRIBUTION Retail sales in May remained at the level of the preceding 3 months and were 4 per cent above May 1962. Sales of new cars were about the same as in earlier months this year; since introduction of 1963 models last autumn, sales of domestic and imported cars have been at an annual rate of about 13A million, nearly a million higher than the rate in the corresponding period of the 1962 model-year. Dealers' sales of used cars declined in May. COMMODITY PRICES F. R. indexes, seasonally adjusted. Latest figures shown are for May. Markets for nonferrous metals strengthened in 791 792 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 May and early June and prices of lead and tin advanced. Meanwhile steel scrap prices declined as inventory demands for steel mill products turned down from the high level reached earlier. Prices of some electrical equipment, batteries, carpets, and other fabricated industrial products were raised while prices of some types of dacron and plastics were reduced. Among foodstuffs, sugar prices rose sharply further to a peak in late May and then declined to a level one-third higher than early this year. Average prices of livestock and meats rose to about the year-ago level, reflecting mainly reduced marketings and higher prices of hogs. Government securities changed little after a sharp decline in April. The money supply was unchanged while U.S. Government deposits and savings and other time deposits at commercial banks rose. Total and required reserves increased. Excess reserves rose slightly but member bank borrowings from the Federal Reserve increased appreciably to an average of more than $200 million. Reserves were supplied by an increase of $240 million in Federal Reserve holdings of U.S. Government securities and were absorbed principally by currency outflows. SECURITY MARKETS BANK CREDIT, MONEY SUPPLY, AND RESERVES Seasonally adjusted commercial bank credit rose $2.2 billion in May, about as much as it had declined in April. Total loans increased moderately, holdings of non-Government securities continued to expand rapidly, and holdings of U.S. Yields on most types of bonds increased between mid-May and mid-June, and the rate on 3-month Treasury bills rose from around 2.90 per cent to just under 3.00 per cent. Common stock prices showed little net change in active trading. INTEREST RATES RETAIL TRADE 1957-59=100 RETAIL SALES - TOTAL LESS DEPARTMENT STORES ^ ^ _ STOCKS,.''" I 1 ! 1 1 1 I- 1 F. R. indexes; retail sales based on Dept. of Commerce data. Seasonally adjusted figures; latest for stocks Apr., other series, May. Discount rate, range or level for all F. R. Banks. Weeklv average market yields for U.S. Govt. bonds maturing in 10 years or more and for 90-day Treasury bills. Latest figures shown, week ending June 7. Guide to Tabular Presentation SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS e c p r rp i,n, m, rv n.a. n.e.c. S.A. N.S.A. Estimated Corrected Preliminary Revised Revised preliminary IPC A L S Quarters Not available Not elsewhere classified Monthly (or quarterly) figures adjusted for seasonal variation Monthly (or quarterly) figures not adjusted for seasonal variation U Individuals, partnerships, and corporations Assets Liabilities Financial sources of funds: net change in liabilities Financial uses of funds: net acquisitions of assets Amounts insignificant in terms of the particular unit (e.g., less than 500,000 when the unit is millions) (1) Zero, (2) no figure to be expected, or (3) figure delayed GENERAL INFORMATION Minus signs are used to indicate (1) a decrease, (2) a negative figure, or (3) an outflow. A heavy vertical rule is used (1) to the right (to the left) of a total when the components shown to the right (left) of it add to that total (totals separated by ordinary rules include more components than those shown), (2) to the right (to the left) of items that are not part of a balance sheet, (3) to the left of memorandum items. "U.S. Govt. securities" may include guaranteed issues of U.S. Govt. agencies (the flow of funds figures also include not fully guaranteed issues) as well as direct obligations of the Treasury. "State and local govt." also includes municipalities, special districts, and other political subdivisions. In some of the tables details do not add to totals because of rounding. The footnotes labeled NOTE (which always appear last) provide (1) the source or sources of data that do not originate in the System; (2) notice when figures are estimates; and (3) information on other characteristics of the data. LEST OF TABLES PUBLISHED QUARTERLY, SEMIANNUALLY, OR ANNUALLY, WITH LATEST BULLETIN REFERENCE Quarterly Flow of funds Issue Semiannually Banking offices: Analysis of changes in number of Feb. 1963 On, and not on, Federal Reserve Par List number of. Feb. 1963 Annually Bank holding companies: List of, Dec. 31, 1962 June 1963 Banking offices and deposits of group banks, Dec.31,1%1 Aug. 1962 Annually—cont. Page Apr. 1963 542-550 266 267 856 1075 794 Banking and monetary statistics, 1962 Issue Page (Feb. 1963 268-75 1 Mar. 1963 394-95 (May 1963 720-23 Banks and branches, number of, by class and State Apr. 1963 551-52 Income and expenses: Federal Reserve Banks Member banks: Calendar year Operating ratios Insured commercial banks Feb. 1963 264-65 May 1963 710-18 Apr. 1963 553-55 May 1963 719 Stock Exchange firms, detailed debit and credit balances Sept. 1962 1234 Financial and Business Statistics * United States * Member bank reserves, Reserve Bank credit, and related items Reserve Bank discount rates; margin requirements; reserve requirements. Federal Reserve Banks Bank debits; currency in circulation. Money supply; banks and the monetary system. Commercial and mutual savings banks, by classes Commercial banks, by classes. . . Weekly reporting member banks. Business loans 796 800 802 804 806 808 812 814 817 Interest rates Security prices; stock market credit; open market paper. Savings institutions Federal finance; Federally sponsored credit agencies. Security issues. Business finance Real estate credit Consumer credit 818 819 820 822 827 831 833 836 Industrial production Business activity Construction ... Employment and earnings Department stores Foreign trade . .. Wholesale and consumer prices. National product and income series Flow of funds, saving and investment 840 844 844 846 848 849 850 852 854 Bank holding companies, December 31, 1962. . 856 Guide to tabular presentation Index to statistical tables. 794 881 The data for F.R. Banks, member banks, and department stores, and consumer credit are derived from regular reports made to the Board; production indexes are compiled by the Board on the basis of data collected by other agencies; figures for gold stock, currency, Federal finance, and Federal business-type activi- ties are obtained from Treasury statements; the remaining data are obtained largely from other sources. For many of the banking and monetary series back data and descriptive text are available in Banking and Monetary Statistics and its Supplements (see list of publications at end of the BULLETIN). 795 796 BANK RESERVES AND RELATED ITEMS JUNE 1963 MEMBER BANK RESERVES, FEDERAL RESERVE BANK CREDIT, AND RELATED ITEMS (In millions of dollars) Factors supplying reserve funds Factors absorbing reserve funds F.R. Bank credit outstanding Period or date U.S. Govt. securities Discounts ToRepur- and Float i tal 2 Bought chase adoutTotal agreeright ments vances Gold stock Treasury currency outstanding Currency in circulation Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than member bank reserves, with F.R. Banks Treasury Member bank reserves Other F.R. accounts ForOther i eign With F.R. Banks Currency and coin 3 Total Averages of daily figures 1929—June 1933—June.... 1939—Dec 1941—Dec 1945—Dec 179 179 1,933 1,933 2,510 2,510 2,219 2,219 23,708 23,708 1950—Dec 1951—Dec 1952—Dec 1953—Dec 1954—Dec 20,345 23,409 24,400 25,639 24,917 20,336 23,310 23,876 25,218 24,888 9 142 99 657 524 1,633 421 448 407 29 1955—Dec 1956—Dec 1957—Dec 1958—Dec 1959—Dec 24,602 24,765 23,982 26,312 27,036 24,318 24,498 23,615 26,216 26,993 284 267 367 96 43 1960—Dec 1961—Dec 27,248 27,170 29.098 29,061 1962—May.... June.... July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 29,503 29.568 29,581 30.088 29,921 30,241 30,195 30,546 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr May.... 978 250 8 5 381 210 1,317 4,024 2,018 4,400 272 2,208 4,030 2,295 5,455 2.612 17.518 2,956 7,609 2,402 2,404 22,759 3,239 10,985 2,189 24,744 20,047 4,322 28.452 2,269 30 81 616 592 625 1,117 21 ,606 22.879 4,629 27,806 1,290 .446 22.483 4.701 29,139 1,280 1, .299 23,276 4 806 30.494 1,271 1, 767 1,018 27 ,107 22,028 4,885 30,968 992 26.317 21,711 4.982 30,749 805 615 271 569 602 443 920 571 745 466 439 353 264 290 390 365 739 796 832 908 929 17,391 20,310 21 180 19,920 19,279 19,240 19,535 19,420 18,899 18.628 61 12 83 170 652 5,008 5,064 5.144 5,230 5.311 30 164 739 1,531 1,247 2,314 2,211 11,473 12,812 16,027 376 2,314 350 2,211 248 11,473 292 12,812 493 16,027 17,391 20,310 21,180 19,920 19,279 31,265 31,775 31,932 32.371 32.775 777 772 768 691 396 434 463 385 470 524 459 372 345 262 361 394 247 186 337 348 983 998 ,063 .174 ,195 78 37 94 1,665 29,060 17,954 5,396 33,019 152 1,921 31,217 16,929 5,587 33,954 408 422 522 514 250 229 495 244 ,029 16,688 2,595 19,283 ,112 17,259 2,859 20,118 29,457 29.510 29,540 30,074 29.865 30,178 30,064 30,474 46 58 41 14 56 63 131 72 326 30,991 16456 5,594 33,327 128 154 11508 31,265 16,434 5,601 33,626 109 ' 716 31,475 16,310 5,602 33,989 330 31,600 16,136 ,598 33.962 143 760 31,807 16,079 ,548 34 004 91 552 34,111 76 1J05 32,057 16,050 694 32,053 15,978 5,552 34,584 129 305 2,' 298 33,218 15,978 5,561 35,281 419 402 398 405 398 404 401 398 551 514 490 524 500 517 472 587 221 269 273 200 211 216 202 222 351 1,048 322 971 312 654 335 764 296 799 320 710 293 925 290 1,048 17,122 17,196 17,272 17,144 17,227 17,382 16,706 16,932 30 t98 30,541 30.613 30,897 31,138 10.148 30,355 10,507 30,833 31,041 50 186 106 64 97 101 2, 278 32 663 181 1, 503 32,287 185 1.626 12.477 ,692 151 1, 229 1, 560 32,972 16,909 3,126 20,035 16,724 2,857 19,581 16,707 2,809 19,516 16,671 2,903 19,574 16,761 *2,918 *>19,679 28,996 29,134 28,957 28,882 154 147 73 151 140 125 140 150 95 167 21 840 706 716 564 911 389 26,853 633 27,156 443 26,186 496 28,412 426 29,435 21,689 21,942 22,769 20,563 19,482 19,240 19,535 19,420 18,899 304 18,932 2,701 2,728 2,771 2,780 2,807 2 823 2,898 3,108 19,823 19,924 20,043 19,924 20,034 20,205 19,604 20,040 15,950 15,922 15 878 15,878 15,834 5.568 5,567 5.576 5,578 5,576 34,574 34,230 34,431 34,719 34,879 422 437 446 r 436 423 777 832 878 917 890 226 208 188 183 171 299 305 185 199 183 029 30,361 156 10 603 ,412110.622 ,500 10.722 16,609 16,609 16,585 16,523 5,591 33,050 5,589 33,274 5,584 33.356 5,586 33.244 433 432 425 428 400 458 480 518 220 252 204 209 351 1,025 327 1,030 364 960 354 963 17,080 17,027 17,002 17,115 2,583 2,477 2,684 2,763 19,663 19,504 19,686 19,878 128 112 129 112 151 ,351 30,704 .245 11 025 ,276 30.970 ,667 31,153 191 30.935 16,494 16,490 16,456 16,434 16,434 5,590 5,594 5,595 5,593 5,594 33,133 33,267 33.406 33,327 33.331 419 419 423 419 418 607 502 537 599 524 213 224 219 237 208 366 958 17,091 372 956 17,369 342 996 17,098 327 1,132 17,138 344 1,130 17,007 2,777 2,483 2 717 2,693 2.802 19,868 19,852 19,815 19,831 19,809 117 107 180 216 ,211 31,198 ,304 31,115 ,779 31,423 ,668|31,236 16,434 16.435 16,434 16,433 5,597 5,602 5,604 5.600 33,534 33,663 33,654 33,584 413 402 400 396 474 503 509 550 209 211 274 343 367 1,077 17,155 2,646 19,801 339 1,056 16,976 2,662 19,638 337 996 17,291 2,747 20,038 266 886 17,244 2,818 20,062 153 81 178 74 ,498 31,597 ,627 31,729 ,039 31,561 ,968 31,315 16,435 16,412 16,298 16,269 5,600 5,602 5,601 5,603 33,863 34,155 34.091 33,901 391 394 388 404 513 452 496 551 330 294 315 221 290 301 298 317 699 700 607 641 17,527 17,447 17,265 17,152 2,713 20.240 2,694 20,141 2,829 20,094 2,850 20,002 85 171 145 171 92 ,346 31,066 ,150 31,559 ,279 31,642 ,684 31,795 ,287 31,433 16,168 16,148 16,148 16,147 16,112 5,604 5,603 5,596 5,597 5,601 33,813 33,938 34,059 34,003 33,870 414 417 402 397 404 428 488 598 553 502 234 217 198 189 192 343 331 375 325 314 643 692 703 827 820 16,962 17,226 17,050 17,247 17,044 2,876 19,838 2,589 19,815 2,763 19,813 2,763 20,010 2,870 19,914 ,134'31,685 16,098 5,556 33,977 105 89 ,400 31,921 16,093 5,550 34,167 36 2,136 31,955 16,067 5,544 34,045 152 2,176)31,702 16,068 5,548 33,882 404 392 390 401 459 503 579 494 175 204 222 219 315 293 284 283 866 839 774 760 17,143 17,165 17,273 17,278 2,696 19,839 2,787 19,952 2,886 20,159 2,913 20,191 976 1,041 1.095 1,022 1,075 Week ending— 1962 Kpr 25 29,150 29.281 29.030 29.013 May 2 9 16 23 30 29,188 29 634 29 512 29,341 29,560 29,093 29.467 29,511 29.341 29.560 June 6 13 20 27 29,837 29,672 29,433 29.320 29,837 29,672 29,356 29,233 4 \8.'.'.'.'.'.'. 25 29,884 29,962 29,304 29,230 29,707 29,870 29,304 29,230 1 8 15 22 29 29,592 30,194 30,177 29,902 30,019 29,592 30,194 30,160 29,890 30,019 30,412 30,396 29,748 29,340 30,264 30,269 29,748 29,340 - 18it::::::: July Aug. Sep M::::::: 19 26 For notes see opposite page. 177 92 148 127 797 BANK RESERVES AND RELATED ITEMS JUNE 1963 MEMBER BANK RESERVES, FEDERAL RESERVE BANK CREDIT, AND RELATED ITEMS—Continued (In millions of dollars) Factors supplying reserve funds Factors absorbing reserve funds F.R. Bank credit outstanding Period or date U.S. Govt. securities Discounts and Float Bought Repurout- chase adTotal right agree- vances Total 2 Deposits, other Member bank than member bank Cur- Treasreserves' reserves rency with F.R. Banks Other ury in F.R. cash ciraccula- holdcounts With ings Treas- Fortion F.R. Total ury eign Other i Banks Gold stock Averages of daily figures Week ending 1962 31,816 32,416 32,229 32,116 31,491 16,067 16 067 16 067 16,052 16,006 5,552 5,555 5,551 5,551 5,552 33,914 34,102 34,256 34,115 34,042 400 410 397 398 406 476 513 480 519 541 217 243 214 211 207 323 314 336 315 311 754 751 717 684 672 17,352 17.706 17.445 17,476 16,872 2,822 2.627 2,861 2.882 2,935 20,174 20 333 20 306 20,358 19,807 1,247 31,686 1,300 31,868 2,056 32,299 " '" 32,259 2,109 15,977 15.978 15,978 15.978 5,555 5,550 5,550 5,551 34,231 34.560 34,684 34,803 410 401 394 400 392 523 464 488 184 216 193 214 302 309 289 262 822 798 ,020 .023 16,878 16 589 16,783 16,597 2,681 2 828 2,902 3 033 19 559 19 417 19 685 19.630 5,556 5,559 5,560 5,564 34,860 35,226 35,366 35,471 390 402 399 395 500 478 669 665 207 207 208 210 315 268 277 295 ,068 .068 011 .026 16,565 16,517 16 771 17,212 2,964 3 010 3.182 3,113 19,529 19 527 19 953 20,325 684 34,104 15,978 5,568 728 33,286 15,978 5,572 ,784 15,963 5,563 307 32,464 15,928 5.567 615 31.916 15,928 5.571 35,349 35.022 34,694 34 361 34.080 399 423 412 429 432 628 711 767 823 837 280 226 232 225 220 319 1.054 17,623 3,456 21 079 306 991 17,157 3,139 20 296 298 980 16 927 3,173 20,100 281 960 16,881 3.034 19,915 297 966 16,583 3,028 19,611 3. 10. 17. 24. 31. 29,959 30,682 30 480 29.93* 29.888 29,946 30.546 30,385 29931 29.853 13 136 95 35 74 56 82 67 91 Nov. 7 . 14. 21. 28. 30,235 30.378 30 104 30.012 30,048 30 138 30.044 29,994 187 240 60 18 170 156 105 103 Dec. 30,411 30.698 30.493 30,510 30,223 30.603 30,493 30,489 188 95 93 1,832 32.373 15,977 109 ' """ 32,629 15 977 33,163 15,978 164 , 308 2,842 33,733 15,978 Oct. 5. 12. 19. 26. 1,747 1,645 1,633 2,083 1,475 1963 Jan. 2.. 9.. 16.. 23.. 30.. 30,598 30.404 30.227 29.898 30 123 30.478 30,404 30 227 29,898 29,975 120 148 716 65 80 172 101 Fob. 6. 13. 20. 27. 30,540 30.786 30,392 30.405 30,235 30.447 30 337 30.361 305 339 55 44 225 165 157 159 ,358 ,319 ,702 ,595 32,194 32 330 32,312 32 219 15,928 15928 15,928 15,913 5,569 5,563 5,566 5,570 34,107 34,263 34,293 34,228 421 427 444 454 783 838 901 801 206 212 187 230 297 971 16,907 298 959 16 825 310 1,086 16,586 314 1.125 16,550 2,777 2,799 2,926 2,927 19,684 19,624 19,512 19,477 Mar. 6. 13. 20. 27. 30,552 30,651 30,430 30,635 30,402 30,528 30,430 30,519 150 123 172 168 87 271 ,665 32 ,444 ,527 32,402 ,872 32,441 598 32,555 15,878 15,877 15,878 15,878 5,573 5,576 5,577 5,576 34,282 34,454 34,511 34,415 856 448 450 783 448 845 451 1,014 188 191 180 186 213 181 191 174 16,772 16,682 16,648 16,690 2,745 2,740 2,857 2,908 19,517 19,422 19,505 19,598 Apr. 3. 10. 17. 24. 30,997 31,188 30,988 30,589 30,855 31,106 30,946 30,589 142 82 42 204 117 187 188 ,345 321,596 >,779 ,425 32 ,630 32,853 ,919 32,743 15,878 15,878 15,878 15,877 5,577 5,578 5,574 5,578 34,535 34,745 34,915 34,685 428 441 427 437 895 897 826 996 189 184 190 191 191 1,074 16,740 2,868 19,608 194 1,076 16,696 2,675 19,371 216 1,001 16,730 2,960 19,690 192 987 16,710 3,019 19,729 May 1. 8. 15. 22. 29. 30,808 31,350 31,333 30,914 30,910 30,646 31,113 31,211 30,914 30,910 162 237 122 124 ,522 32 ,500 15,877 ,582 141 545 33,081 15,864 ,580 229 1,471 33,077 15,828 ,570 304 1~~~ 899 33,163 15,828 ,574 266 1]446 32,667 15,819 5,578 34,583 34,755 34,933 34,896 34,911 963 438 969 435 416 1,047 931 422 673 419 167 172 156 190 168 196 997 16,615 3,029 19,644 191 990 17,012 2,703 19,715 189 984 16,750 2,910 19,660 177 1,162 16,787 ^2,895 »19,682 174 1,155 16,565 *>3,O33 »19,598 30,963 30,805 31,182 30,691 31,254 31,101 158 491 153 201 1,369 32,585 15,878 5,575 34,513 153 1,446 32,825 15,877 5,581 34,645 208 1,304 32,F~~ ^15,798 '5,583 *>35,046 909 952 651 201 160 171 188 1,069 16,748 2,602 19,350 206 997 16,904 3,171 20,075 177 1,155 16,574 *>3,208 19782 116 1,135 1,114 1,073 1,078 End of month 1963 Mar.. Apr.. May. 409 420 Wednesday 1963 Apr. May 3 10 17 24 31,118 31,072 30,695 30,537 31,071 31,046 30,655 30,537 1 31,394 31,382 31,289 30,835 31,089 31,042 31,224 31,184 30,835 31,089 15. 22. 29. 352 158 105 137 329 96 859 225 32,529 155 32,604 654 32,493 350 32,792 15,878 15,878 15,878 15,878 5,579 5,573 5,576 5,580 34,624 34,910 34,846 34,614 449 964 441 985 436 914 445 1,065 170 193 239 185 196 1,081 16,501 2,978 19,479 213 1,079 16,233 2,999 19,232 200 985 16,327 3,303 19,630 198 993 16,750 3,292 20,042 153 382 642 769 149 1,474 33t,065 1,233 331,041 1,421 33,396 420 33,068 1,101 32,381 15,878 15,828 15,828 15,828 15,798 5,580 5,567 5,572 5,575 5,583 34,660 34,905 34,964 34,891 35,077 960 443 984 423 418 1,050 830 433 609 418 170 183 167 156 156 183 194 193 176 185 1 Beginning with 1960 reflects a minor change in concept, see Feb. 1961 BULL., p. 2 164. Includes industrial loans and acceptances, when held. (Industrial loan program discontinued Aug. 21, 1959). For holdings of acceptances on Wed. and end-of-month dates, see subsequent tables on F.R. Banks. See also note 1. 1,001 976 1,173 1,150 1,151 17,106 3,172 20,278 16,771 2,881 19,652 16,830 3,292 20,122 16,836 *3,209 ^20,045 16,166 *>3,386 "19,552 3 Part allowed as reserves Dec. 1, 1959-Nov. 23, 1960; all allowed thereafter. Beginning with Jan. 1963 figures are estimated except for weekly averages. 798 BANK RESERVES AND RELATED ITEMS JUNE 1963 RESERVES AND BORROWINGS OF MEMBER BANKS (In millions of dollars) Reserve city bank 5 All member banks New York City Period Reserves Required Total held Excess Borrowings at F.R. Banks Reserves Free reserves —932 Total held Required City of Chicago Borrowings at Excess F.R. Banks Reserves Free reserves 1929—June 1933 June 1939 Dec . . . 1941—Dec 1945—Dec 1947_Dec 2,314 2,275 i 2 160 1 797 11 473 6 462 12,812 9,422 16,027 14,536 17,261 16,275 1950—Dec 1951—Dec 1952—Dec 1953—Dec 1954—Dec........ 17,391 20,310 21,180 19,920 19,279 16,364 19,484 20,457 19,227 18,576 1,027 826 1955—Dec 1956—Dec 1957—Dec 1958—Dec 1959—Dec 19,240 19,535 19,420 18,899 18,932 18,646 18,883 18,843 18,383 18,450 594 652 577 516 1960—Dec 1961—Dec 19,283 18,527 20,118 19,550 756 1962~May ... June July Aug Sent Oct Nov Dec . . . . 19,823 19,924 20,043 19,924 20 034 20,205 19,604 20,040 19,320 19,433 19,514 19,358 19 579 19,721 19,012 19,468 503 491 529 100 566 455 127 80 439 375 484 592 65 119 419 473 304 268 20.035 19 581 19,516 19 574 *>19,679 19,552 19,109 19,090 19 140 *>19,220 483 99 384 18 5 472 172 300 17 42 426 434 M59 155 121 209 19 11 27 12 2 9 16 23 30 19,868 19,852 19,815 19,831 19,809 19,410 19,393 19,328 19,299 19,202 458 459 487 532 607 63 46 64 47 86 395 413 423 485 521 3,828 3,757 3,695 3,727 3,765 3,792 3,743 3,680 3,707 3,683 36 14 15 20 82 5 5 12 19 26 19,529 19,527 19,953 20,325 19,149 19,081 19,438 19,764 380 446 515 561 92 107 163 307 288 339 352 254 3,658 3,708 3,840 3,971 3,678 3,669 3,826 3,922 -20 39 14 49 2 9 16.... 23 30.... 21,079 20,296 20,100 19,915 19,611 20,045 19,858 19,579 19,429 19,180 1,034 438 521 486 431 714 63 79 170 99 320 375 442 316 332 4,180 3,973 3,816 3,811 3,757 4,030 3,934 3,818 3,793 3,746 6.... 13.... 20 27.. 19,684 19,624 19,512 19 477 19,227 19,121 19,087 19,010 457 503 425 467 223 165 157 129 234 338 268 338 3,785 3,707 3,699 3,691 Mar. 6 13.... 20.... 27.... 19,517 19,422 19,505 19,598 19,121 18,933 19,129 19,135 396 142 254 489 376 463 137 57 241 352 319 222 Apr. 3 10 17.... 24.... 19,608 19,371 19,690 19,729 19,154 18,997 19,157 19,216 454 374 533 513 174 87 157 157 1.... 19,644 19,715 19,660 *19,682 *19,598 19,244 19,354 19,201 ^19,229 ^19,122 400 361 459 94 110 199 281 266 1963_jan Feb Mar Apr May....... Week 42 363 5 Oil 3,390 1,491 986 723 693 703 482 568 572 974 184 3 5 334 179 7 69 174 989 48 192 105 38 4,616 5,231 5,328 4,748 4,497 125 44 58 151 30 14 12 486 115 62 4,432 4,448 4,336 4,033 3,920 4,397 4,392 4,303 4,010 3,930 35 57 34 23 197 147 139 102 -162 -10 99 -109 1,166 1,149 1,136 1,077 1,038 3,687 3,834 3,658 3,826 10 958 3,724 3,781 3,766 3,709 3,718 3,774 3,627 3,863 3,713 3,774 3,732 3,684 3,723 3,736 3,601 3,817 762 861 755 792 5,623 5,142 4,118 4,404 3,012 4,153 4,070 4,299 2,611 224 5,008 3,385 1,157 762 142 657 1,593 885 169 -870 441 246 252 457 4,742 5,275 5,357 4,762 4,508 839 688 710 557 -245 -36 -133 -41 906 -424 87 149 669 63 440 391 440 89 419 -167 Total held 69 2,611 989 -144 67 67 -107 -456 -101 -50 -91 -105 -81 29 19 7 57 -50 11 1 7 34 19 16 10 -12 18 24 -4 38 27 46 7 17 15 — 19 34 13 -62 4 14 108 161 211 Required 939 161 133 601 848 924 1,024 1,011 1,199 1,356 1,406 1,295 1,210 ,191 1,141 1,143 Excess 63 13 6 -62 78 540 295 14 7 8 3 5 64 232 37 15 3 -61 -236 — 36 -16 85 97 85 39 104 -83 -86 -77 -31 -104 8 —4 -22 -4 1 ,?,10 -1 2 1,138 ,177 ,070 1.038 12 8 7 953 987 4 987 990 976 983 977 989 1,000 1,017 1,021 1,036 1,007 1,042 22 7 4 2 10 4 18 9 6 13 18 ,037 1 01? 4 1 5 7 15 38 14 8 ,013 1,022 ,03? 4 -1 5 6 7 001 1,035 Free reserves 1 78 540 295 14 1,409 164 Borrowings at F.R. Banks 3 -3 6 -14 -10 -1 -7 -11 1,038 1,016 1,009 1,003 ^1,025 .008 36 14 10 20 82 985 995 978 989 1,006 987 988 982 980 974 -2 6 -4 9 32 9 3 5 1 1 -11 3 g 31 11 5 39 126 -31 34 -25 -77 1,011 998 1,032 1,074 1.011 991 1,034 ,065 7 -2 9 2 4 3 4 -2 3 -4 5 149 39 -2 18 11 299 6 13 1 -150 39 -8 5 11 1,102 1,063 1,028 1,030 1,019 1,092 1,056 1,029 ,025 1,017 10 7 -1 6 2 65 2 12 9 7 -55 6 -12 -3 -5 3,777 3,683 3,682 3,682 8 24 17 10 54 14 51 34 -46 10 -34 -24 1,030 1,011 1,011 1,004 1,024 1,008 1,006 .009 6 3 5 —5 15 44 1 -9 -41 4 _5 3,746 3,696 3,775 3,752 3,740 3,667 3,773 3,730 6 36 29 2 21 20 6 40 -30 8 -3 -19 1,032 990 1,023 1,016 1,022 994 1,011 1,012 9 -4 12 4 26 1 112 -30 11 -108 280 287 376 356 3,787 3,668 3,736 3,719 3,767 3,669 3,701 3,715 20 -1 36 5 31 7 24 18 -11 -8 12 -13 1,003 982 995 1,006 994 981 994 1,003 8 1 1 4 29 6 36 15 -21 -5 -35 -11 306 251 260 3,848 3,839 3,702 3,753 3,737 3,799 3,822 3,711 3,729 3,683 49 17 -9 24 54 53 81 15 49 17 -62 -57 39 1,020 1,032 1,021 1,035 1,027 1,023 1,027 1,019 1,031 1,024 -3 5 3 4 3 3 26 5 2 2 -6 -21 -3 2 1 3,857 3,840 3,721 3,704 271 3,752 3,734 313 3,727 3 716 ^250 ^3,769 ^3,736 34 13 -25 -8 V 998 V -6 -11 -37 p-S ending— 1962—May Dec. 1963—Jan. Feb. May s 15 22.... 29 For notes see opposite page. M76 *210 9 JUNE 1963 BANK RESERVES AND RELATED ITEMS 799 RESERVES AND BORROWINGS OF MEMBER BANKS—Continued (In millions of dollars) Country banks Other reserve city banks Reserves Period Total held Required Excess Borrowings at F.R. Banks Reserves Free reserves Borrowings at F.R. Banks Free reserves Total held Required Excess 632 441 1,568 2,210 4,576 4,972 610 344 897 1,406 3,566 4,375 22 96 671 804 1,011 597 327 126 3 4 46 57 -305 -30 668 800 965 540 1929—June 1933—June 1939—Dec 1941—Dec 1945—Dec 1947_Dec 761 648 3,140 4,317 6 394 6,861 749 528 1,953 3,014 5,976 6,589 12 120 1,188 1,303 418 271 409 58 1 96 123 -397 62 1,188 1,302 322 148 1950—Dec 1951—Dec 1952—Dec 1953—Dec . . 1954—Dec 6,689 7,922 8,323 7,962 7,927 6,458 7,738 8,203 7,877 7,836 232 184 120 85 91 50 354 639 184 117 182 -170 —519 -99 -26 4,761 5,756 6,094 5,901 5,634 4,099 5,161 5,518 5,307 5,032 663 596 576 594 602 29 88 236 105 52 634 508 340 489 550 1955—Dec 1956—Dec 1957—Dec 1958—Dec 1959 Dec . I960—Dec 1961—Dec 7,924 8,078 8,042 7,940 7,954 7,950 8,367 7,865 7,983 7,956 7,883 7,912 7,851 8,308 60 96 86 57 41 100 59 398 300 314 254 490 20 39 -338 —203 -228 — 198 -449 80 20 5,716 5,859 5,906 5 849 6,020 6,689 6,931 5,220 5,371 5,457 5,419 5,569 6,066 6,429 497 488 449 430 450 623 502 159 144 172 162 213 40 31 338 344 277 268 237 583 471 8,174 8,209 8,266 8,129 8,166 8,175 7,951 8,100 60 61 40 52 23 29 44 78 21 45 40 47 26 24 60 130 39 16 Sept Oct Nov Dec 8,234 8,270 8,306 8,182 8,189 8,203 7,995 8,178 5 -3 5 — 16 -52 6,875 6,896 6,972 7,017 7,106 7,192 6,975 6,956 6,449 6,473 6,526 6,531 6,668 6,779 6,459 6,515 425 423 445 486 438 413 515 442 37 34 29 45 30 31 32 48 388 389 416 441 408 382 483 394 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr May 8,115 7,945 7,936 7,995 ^8,013 8,104 7,9t9 7,916 7,965 ^7,962 10 25 20 29 *>52 60 80 50 54 117 -50 —55 -30 -25 v -65 7,025 6,899 6,818 6,849 6,572 6,474 6,432 6,461 ^6,498 453 425 386 388 27 35 40 41 50 426 390 346 347 ^323 . . 1962—May July Week ending— 1962—May 2 9 16 23 30 8,233 8,249 8,220 8,194 8,230 8 199 8,214 8,192 8,155 8,119 34 35 28 39 110 19 18 20 20 24 14 17 8 19 86 6,822 6,851 6,921 6,921 6,809 6,432 6,448 6,473 6,457 6,427 390 403 447 464 382 35 25 34 26 61 355 377 414 438 321 Dec. 5 12 19 26 8,005 7,992 8,105 8,275 7,987 7,952 8,073 8,225 18 40 31 51 40 47 80 116 -22 —6 —49 -65 6,855 6,829 6,978 7,004 6,473 6,469 6,505 6,552 382 359 472 452 39 51 41 61 343 308 431 391 1963—Jan. 2 9 16 23 30 8,455 8,301 8,151 8,077 7,972 8,318 8,248 8,131 8,036 7,938 137 53 20 41 34 315 34 48 115 53 -178 19 -28 —74 -19 7,342 6,958 7,105 6,997 6,862 6,605 6,620 6,601 6,576 6,479 737 338 504 421 383 35 27 13 33 38 702 311 490 388 345 Feb. 6 13 20 27 7,982 7,950 7,944 7,895 7,960 7,927 7,923 7,869 22 23 21 26 90 80 75 70 —68 -57 -54 -44 6,887 6,956 6,858 6,887 6,467 6,503 6,476 6,451 420 453 382 436 64 27 30 25 356 426 352 411 Mar. 6 13 20 27 7,940 7,897 7,938 7,969 7,910 7,854 7,915 7,951 31 42 23 18 70 50 20 50 —39 3 -32 6,800 6,840 6,769 6,861 6,449 6,417 6,430 6,441 350 423 338 420 36 41 30 39 314 382 308 381 Apr 3 .. 10 17... 24 8,007 7,947 8,045 8,012 7,969 7,921 7,993 7,992 38 26 51 20 49 47 37 101 -11 -21 14 -81 6,810 6,774 6,914 6,991 6,423 6,427 6,469 6,506 387 347 445 485 65 27 60 23 322 320 385 462 May 1 8 15. 22 29 7,987 8,053 7,994 7,986 8,012 7,966 8,025 7,954 7,957 7,928 21 27 40 29 84 49 58 89 161 172 -28 -30 -49 -132 -88 6,789 6,792 6,943 ^6,909 ^6,822 6,457 6,480 6,517 ^6,513 333 312 426 42 26 52 37 77 291 285 374 ^358 . . . i This total excludes, and that in the preceding table includes, $51 million in balances of unlicensed banks. NOTE.—Averages of daily figures. Beginning with Jan. 1963 reserves are estimated except for weekly averages. Total reserves held: Based on figures at close of business through p Nov. 1959; thereafter on closing figures for balances with F.R. Banks and opening figures for allowable cash; see also note 3 to preceding table. Required reserves: Based on deposits as of opening of business each day. Borrowings at F.R. Banks: Based on closing figures. 800 DISCOUNT RATES JUNE 1963 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK DISCOUNT RATES (Per cent per annum) Discounts for and advances to member banks Rate on May 31 Boston New York. . . Philadelphia.. Cleveland.... Richmond. . . Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis.. Kansas City.. Dallas San Francisco Effective date Previous rate Rate on May 31 Aug. 23, 1960 Aug. 12, 1960 Aug. 19, 1960 Aug. 12, 1960 Aug. 12, 1960 Aug. 16, 1960 Aug. 19, 1960 Aug. 19, 1960 Aug. 15, 1960 Aug. 12, 1960 Sept. 9, 1960 Sept. 2, 1960 Effective date Aug. 23, Aug. 12, Aug. 19, Aug. 12, Aug. 12, Aug. 16, Aug. 19, Aug. 19, Aug. 15, Aug. 12, Sept. 9, Sept. 2, 1 Advances secured by U.S. Govt. securities and discounts of and advances secured by eligible paper. Rates shown also apply to advances secured by securities of Federal intermediate credit banks maturing within 6 months. Maximum maturity: 90 days except that discounts of certain bankers' acceptances and of agricultural paper may have maturities not over 6 months and 9 months, respectively, and advances Advances to all others under last par. Sec. 13 3 Advances under Sec. 10(b)2 Advances and discounts under Sees. 13 and 13a i Federal Reserve Bank Previous rate 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 Rate on May 31 4% 4 4 4% 4% Effective date Aug. 23, June 10, Aug. 19, Aug. 12, Aug. 12, Aug. 16, June 10, Aug. 19, Aug. 15, Aug. 12, Sept. 9, June 3, 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 Previous rate 5 5 4*4 5 4% 4% 5 5 secured by FICB securities are limited to 15 days. 2 Advances secured to the satisfaction of the F.R. Bank. Maximum maturity: 4 months. 3 Advances to individuals, partnerships, or corporations other than member banks secured by U.S. Govt. direct securities. Maximum maturity: 90 days. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK DISCOUNT RATES (Per cent per annum) Range (or level)— all F.R. Banks Effective date In effect Dec. 31, 1932..... 21/2 1933 Mar. 3 4 Apr. 7 May 26 Oct. 20 j -31/2 3V4 1V4-3V4 l%3 1935 Jan. 11 May 14 * - • & : : : : 5 15 Apr. 14 16 May 21 : : : : : 1 : : : : 3 21 18 9 15 12 23 Oct. 24 Nov. 7 NOTE.—Discount rates under Sees. 13 and 13a (as described in table above). For data before 1933, see Banking and Monetary Statistics, pp. 439-42. The rate charged by the F.R. Bank of N. Y. on repurchase contracts Mar. 6 16 May 29 June 12 Sept. 11 18 June 3 10 14 Aug. 12 Sept. 9 1957 1 Preferential rate of % of 1 per cent for advances secured by U.S. Govt. securities maturing in 1 year or less. The rate of 1 per cent was continued for discounts of and advances secured by eligible paper. W2-W4, W2-W4 W4-2V4 W4-2V4 2 -2V4 2 -2% 214 2^-21/2 2% 1956 : 3 F.R. Bank of N.Y. -3i/ 2 13 1955 23 Range (or level)— all F.R. Banks 1958 Apr. May Aug. Sept. ,i-:::: Nov. 18 Apr. 13 20 Aug. 24 31 Jan. 22 24 Mar. 7 1954 Sept 1948 Effective date 1953 1946 Jan. 12 19 F.R. Bank of N.Y. 1957—Cont. Nov. 15 Dec. 2 Jan. 16 23 May 2 Aug. 4 5 12 1942 Range (or level)— ill F.R. Banks 1950 15 Apr. 11 Oct. 15 30 Apr. 25 May 10 Aug. 21 25 Apr. 14 1937 Aug. 27 Sept. 4 Effective date Feb. 1934 Feb. 2 Mar. 16 F.R. Bank of N. Y. 3 -3% 3% W4-2V4 1342 -2i/ 2 2% 3 -3 1959 1960 1963 In effect May 31 against U.S. Govt. securities was the same as its discount rate except in the following periods (rates in percentages): 1955—May 4-6, 1.65; Aug. 4, 1.85; Sept. 1-2, 2.10; Sept. 8, 2.15; Nov. 10, 2.375; 1956—Aug. 24-29, 2.75; 1957—Aug. 22, 3.50; 1960—Oct. 31-Nov. 17, Dec. 28-29, 2.75; 1961—Jan. 9, Feb. 6-7, 2.75; Apr. 3-4, 2.50; June 29, 2.75; July 20, 31, Aug. 1-3, 2.50; Sept. 28-29, 2.75; Oct. 5, 2.50; Oct. 23, Nov. 3, 2.75; 1962—Mar. 20-21, 2.75. MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES PAYABLE ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS RESERVE REQUIREMENTS OF MEMBER BANKS (Per cent of deposits) (Per cent per annum) Net demand deposits Effective date Time deposit Jan. 1, 1936 Savings deposits held for: 1 year or more Less than 1 year Postal savings deposits held for: 1 year or more Less than 1 year Other time deposits payable in: 1 year or more 6 months-1 year 90 days-6 months Less than 90 days 1 Jan. 1, 1957 Jan. 1, 1962 } 2* 3 {U } 2*4 3 4 }» 3 { m 1 1 1 For exceptions with respect to foreign time deposits, see Oct. 1962 BULL., p. 801 RESERVE REQUIREMENTS JUNE 1963 Effective date i Central reserve city banks 3 (Per cent of market value) Effective date Regulation Oct. 16, July 28, July 10, 1962 1958 1960 Regulation T: For extensions of credit by brokers and dealers on listed securities For short sales Regulation U: For loans by banks on stocks 90 90 70 70 50 50 90 70 50 NOTE.—Regulations T and U, prescribed in accordance with Securities Exchange Act of 1934, limit the amount of credit that may be extended on a security by prescribing a maximum loan value, which is a specified percentage of its market value at the time of extension: margin requirements are the difference between the market value (100+) and the maximum loan value. Central reserve and reserve city banks Country banks 26 22 16 7% 7% 1949—May June Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. 1951—Jan. Jan. 1953—July 1954—June July 1,5 30, July 1.. 1, 11 . . . . 16, 18 25 1 11, 16 25, Feb. 1. 1,9 16, 24 29, Aug. 1. 24 21 20 15 14 13 12 7 6 5 7 6 I81/2 18 19 20 19 13 14 13 6 6 18 12 5 5 1958—Feb. Mar. Apr. Apr. 1960—Sept. Nov. Dec. 27, Mar. 1. 20, Apr. 1. 17 24 1 24 1 §* 22% 22 23 24 22 21 20 19i/2 19 18i/2 18 171/2 \m 5 11% 11 16% 12 16% 1962—Oct. 25, Nov. 1. In effect June 1, 1963... I61/2 Present legal requirement: Minimum Maximum MARGIN REQUIREMENTS Country banks Time deposits In effect Dec. 31, 1948.. 1279. NOTE.—Maximum rates that may be paid by member banks as established by the Board of Governors under provisions of Regulation Q. Under this Regulation the rate payable by a member bank may not in any event exceed the maximum rate payable by State banks or trust companies on like deposits under the laws of the State in which the member bank is located. Effective Feb. 1, 1936, maximum rates that may be paid by insured nonmember commercial banks, as established by the FDIC, have been the same as those in effect for member banks. Maximum rate payable on all types of time and savings deposits: Nov. 1, 1933-Jan. 31, 1935, 3 per cent; Feb. 1, 1935-Dec. 31, 1935, 2% per cent. Reserve city banks 2 10 4 22 12 7 14 4 4 4 4 3 6 3 6 1 When two dates are shown, first-of-month or midmonth dates record changes at country banks, and other dates (usually Thurs.) record changes at central reserve or reserve city banks. 2 Demand deposits subject to reserve requirements are gross demand deposits minus cash items in process of collection and demand balances due from domestic banks. 3 Authority of the Board of Governors to classify or reclassify cities as central reserve cities was terminated effective July 28, 1962. 4 Before July 28, 1959, the minimum and maximum legal requirements for central reserve city banks were 13 and 26 per cent, respectively, and the maximum for reserve city banks was 20 per cent. NOTE.—All required reserves were held on deposit with Federal Reserve Banks, June 21, 1917, until late 1959. Since then, member banks have also been allowed to count vault cash as reserves, as follows: Country banks—in excess of 4 and 2% per cent of net demand deposits effective Dec. 1, 1959 and Aug. 25, 1960, respectively. Central reserve city and reserve city banks—in excess of 2 and 1 per cent effective Dec. 3, 1959 and Sept. 1, 1960, respectively. Effective Nov. 24, 1960, all vault cash. DEPOSITS, CASH, AND RESERVES OF MEMBER BANKS (In millions of dollars) Reserve city banks Item AH member banks New York City City of Chicago Country banks Item All member banks Other 128,441 13,890 5,273 109,278 106,521 83,786 25,270 4,204 1,090 19,976 20,170 10,158 6,190 1,286 323 4,582 5,293 3,237 49,199 6,785 2,077 40,337 40,191 32,291 47,782 1,615 1,783 44,383 40,867 38,100 7,120 2,842 207 231 88 39 2,055 874 4,770 1,698 16,690 19,532 19,088 444 3,521 3,752 3,734 18 969 1,008 1,003 5 7,078 7,952 7,923 29 5,122 6,820 6,428 392 l Demand deposits subject to reserve requirements are gross demand deposits minus cash items in process of collection and demand balances due from domestic banks. New York City City of Chicago Country banks Other Four weeks ending May 1, 1963 Four weeks ending Apr. 3, 1963 Gross demand: Total Interbank... U.S. Govt Other Net demand ! Time Demand balances due from domestic banks. . Currency and coin B a l a n c e s with F . R . Banks Total reserves held Required Excess Reserve city banks Gross demand: 128,535 Total Interbank 13,887 U.S. Govt 3,527 Other 1 111,121 Net demand 106,769 Time 84,613 Demand balances due from domestic banks. 7,055 Currency and coin 2,921 Balances with F.R. Banks 16,688 Total reserves held 19,609 Required Excess 19,154 455 24,684 4,129 745 19,810 20,080 10,191 6,167 1,215 186 4,767 5,251 3,343 49,535 6,889 1,324 41,322 40,380 32,639 45,222 41,059 38,440 124 236 92 41 1,969 900 4,869 1,745 3,507 3,743 960 1,001 1,000 1 7,098 7,998 7,968 30 5,122 6,867 6,465 402 3,721 22 48,149 1,654 1,273 NOTE.—Averages of daily figures. Balances with F.R. Banks are as of close of business; all other items (excluding total reserves held and excess reserves) are as of opening of business. 802 FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS JUNE 1963 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CONDITION (In millions of dollars) End of month Wednesday Item 1963 1963 1962 May 29 May 22 May 15 May 8 May 1 May Apr. May 14,256 1,268 14,262 1,268 14,264 1,270 14,276 1,268 14,326 1,269 14,256 1,268 14,326 1,269 15,005 1,153 15,524 15,530 15,534 15,544 15,595 15,524 15,595 16,158 353 358 352 356 370 362 374 356 149 769 612 30 352 30 123 30 208 123 30 42 44 44 44 44 42 44 68 63 33 2,592 2,338 2,672 2,712 2,653 2,604 2,302 3,166 14,438 9,680 4,379 14,438 9 680 4,379 14,438 9 695 4,379 13 571 10 562 4,379 13,571 10,524 4,294 14,438 9 680 4,379 13,571 10,524 4,294 5,563 17,101 3,792 31,089 30,835 31,184 105 31,224 158 31,042 352 31,101 153 30,691 491 29,622 Total U.S. Govt. securities 31,089 30,835 31,289 31,382 31,394 31,254 31,182 29,622 Total loans and securities 31,280 31,648 31,975 31,808 31,591 31,504 31,379 29,786 4,894 102 5,386 102 6,360 103 4,985 103 5,841 103 4,733 102 5,226 103 4,412 106 136 199 133 181 116 162 118 409 128 205 53,338 54,602 53,323 52,558 99 388 53,164 134 190 52,488 98 385 53,983 51,142 29,991 29,808 29,869 29,833 29,610 29,966 29,575 28,400 16,166 609 156 185 16,836 830 156 176 16,830 1 050 167 193 16,771 984 183 194 17,106 960 170 183 16,904 952 160 206 16,614 526 223 376 17,116 17,998 18,240 18,132 18,419 16,574 651 171 177 17,573 18,222 17,739 3,793 3,966 3 752 4,367 3,429 3,780 3,493 79 73 4 939 ' 80 79 79 76 80 75 50,979 51,845 53,128 51,796 52,475 51,044 51,657 49,707 480 934 95 479 934 80 479 934 61 479 934 114 479 934 95 480 934 100 479 934 94 455 888 92 52,488 53,338 54,602 53,323 53,983 52,558 53,164 51,142 Assets G o l d certificate a c c o u n t . R e d e m p t i o n f u n d for F . R . n o t e s . . . Cash Discounts and advances: Other Acceptances—Bought outright Held under repurchase agreement U.S. Govt. securities: Bought outright: Bills Certificates—Special Other Notes Total bought outright Held under repurchase agreement Cash items in process of collection Bank premises Other assets: Denominated in foreign currencies All other Total assets Liabilities F R notes Deposits: Member bank reserves Foreign Other . Other liabilities and accrued dividends Total liabilities Capital Accounts Capital paid in. Other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Contingent liability on acceptances purchased for foreign correspondents U.S. Govt. securities held in custody for foreign 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 112 7,880 7,803 7,632 7,565 7,477 7,886 7,478 5,754 Federal Reserve Notes—Federal Reserve Agents' Accounts F.R. notes outstanding (issued to Bank) Collateral held against notes outstanding: Eligible paper U.S. Govt. securities Total collateral 31 ,583 31,527 M 511 31 464 31 ,425 31,583 31 ,429 ?9 ,902 7 ,248 22 25 ,470 7,248 134 25,470 7 ,253 76 25 ,470 7,253 58 25,470 7 ,253 23 25 ,470 7,248 75 25,470 7 ,253 38 25 ,470 7 ,700 18 23 ,390 32 ,740 32,852 32 ,799 32,781 32 ,746 32,793 32 ,761 31 ,108 JUNE 1963 803 FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF EACH BANK ON MAY 3 1 , 1963 (In millions of dollars) Item Total Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. MinneLouis apolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco Assets Gold certificate account Redemption fund for F.R. notes 14,256 1,268 747 72 3,650 761 72 1,201 729 72 226 526 54 297 27 557 50 640 39 1,801 111 928 102 2,419 308 Total gold certificate reserves 15,524 819 3,958 833 1,312 1,030 801 2,645 580 324 607 679 1,936 337 362 25 24 78 58 30 18 23 32 24 29 34 35 26 67 13 15 25 8 10 13 17 13 32 20 35 4 22 14 5 8 19 * 17 * 54 4 F.R. notes of other Banks Other cash Discounts and advances: Secured by U.S. Govt. securities... 200 Other 8 Acceptances: 42 Bought outright Held under repurchase agreement.. U.S. Govt. securities: 31,101 Bought outright 153 Held under repurchase agreement.. Total loans and securities Cash items in process of collection... Bank premises Other assets: Denominated in foreign currencies. Allother Total assets 135 50 42 1,627 7,752 153 1,705 2,566 2,075 1,701 5,166 1,246 653 1,328 1,190 4,092 31,504 1,647 7,982 1,709 2,588 2,089 1,714 5,185 1,263 656 1,382 1,194 4,095 6,045 102 469 3 6 11 1,171 8 425 3 432 5 401 14 183 4 292 7 258 12 649 10 8 11 7 13 5 7 3 5 6 9 8 8 3,004 13,333 3,037 4,501 6 14 3,629 3,019 997 23 19 34 8,996 259 6 129 49 509 7 13 17 2,148 1,208 2,326 2,189 18 27 6,817 1,799 128 205 54,207 Liabilities 1,818 2,612 2,434 1,716 5,471 1,261 570 1.206 897 3,253 726 1 279 50 13 742 912 38 8 1 415 46 5 34 3 * 769 986 34 7 3 2,401 67 20 572 65 7 * 4,498 93 2 67 119 2,631 95 19 48 17,573 715 4,777 774 1,343 786 959 2,489 623 452 820 1,042 2,793 4,741 414 864 355 400 331 256 809 210 149 232 162 559 76 4 19 4 8 4 4 12 3 2 3 3 10 2 932 12,926 2 951 4,363 3,555 2,935 8,781 2,097 1,173 2,261 2,104 6,615 129 251 27 27 54 5 44 87 7 23 44 7 27 51 6 67 132 16 16 32 3 11 22 2 21 40 4 28 53 4 64 124 14 3,004 13,333 3,037 4,501 3,629 3,019 8,996 2,148 1,208 2,326 2,189 6,817 30,303 F.R. notes Deposits: 16,574 Member bank reserves 651 U.S. Treasurer—General account.. 171 Foreign . . . » • 177 Other Total deposits Other liabilities and accrued dividends. 52,693 Total liabilities 643 7,266 38 8 2 44 6 1 47 8 1 Capital Accounts 480 934 100 Capital paid in Surplus Total liabilities and capital accounts.. 54,207 Ratio of gold certificate reserves to deposit and F.R. note liabilities combined (per cent): May 31 1963 Apr. 30, 1963 May 31 1962 Contingent liability on acceptances purchased for foreign correspond- 23 44 5 32.4 32.3 34.8 32.6 34.9 36.2 32.9 31.1 36.7 32.1 30.9 34.7 33.2 31.6 34.7 32.0 32.0 34.4 29.9 31.8 31.0 33.2 33.7 33.8 30.8 32.5 34.7 31.7 31.5 35.4 30.0 30.6 33.7 35.0 33.2 33.2 32.0 33.7 34.1 83 4 3 22 5 8 4 4 12 3 2 3 5 11 3,400 Federal Reserve Notes—Federal Reserve Agent's Accounts F.R. notes outstanding (issued to Bank) Collateral held against notes outstanding: Eligible paper .. . . . U.S. Govt. securities Total collateral .... 7, 1 ,890 2,775 443 f, 600 620 6, 100 465 4 1 ,500 580 1,434 2,250 7, 700 1 ,969 2,830 583 1,855 7, 748 75 25, 470 32, 793 1,877 1 After deducting $99 million participations of other F.R. Banks. 2 After deducting $104 million participations of other F.R. Banks. 1 5 ,609 1 655 1 962 400 1 ,400 800 i,986 550 785 54 1,000 215 4 ,500 VO 17 1 ,100 130 1,450 800 2,800 2,606 1 ,850 5 ,900 1 ,427 680 1 ,339 1,015 3,600 s After deducting $61 million participations of other F.R. Banks. 804 FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS; BANK DEBITS JUNE 1963 MATURITY DISTRIBUTION OF LOANS AND U.S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES HELD BY FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS (In millions of dollars) Wednesday Item End of month 1963 1962 May 29 May 22 May 15 May 8 May 1 149 146 3 769 766 3 642 640 2 382 381 1 153 122 31 208 206 2 153 122 31 131 66 65 42 9 33 44 10 34 44 13 31 44 13 31 44 12 32 42 8 34 44 11 33 33 9 24 31,089 448 5,419 14,804 8,233 2,020 165 30,835 471 5,211 14,735 8,233 2,020 165 31,289 387 1,599 18,870 8,248 2,020 165 31,382 3,894 1,417 12,623 11,035 2,248 165 31,394 4,002 1,461 12,603 10,980 2,183 165 31,101 297 5,608 14,778 8,233 2,020 165 31,182 3,982 1,431 12,441 10,980 2,183 165 29,622 254 5,420 11,614 9,821 2,247 266 Swiss francs Discounts and advances—Total... Within 15 days 16 days to 90 days 91 days to 1 year Acceptances—Total Within 15 days 16 days to 90 days U.S. Government securities—Total Within 15 days* 16 days to 90 days 91 days to 1 year Over 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years to 10 years Over 10 years 1963 Apr. May May 1 Holdings under repurchase agreements are classified as maturing within 15 days in accordance with maximum maturity of the agreements. CONVERTIBLE FOREIGN CURRENCIES HELD BY FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS (In millions of U.S. dollar equivalents) End of period Total 1962 Aug Sent Oct Nov Dec 317 350 214 154 81 1963 Jan Feb no Belgian francs Pounds sterling 20 25 93 Canadian dollars French francs German marks Italian lire Netherlands guilders 40 50 40 30 36 250 251 127 77 2 16 31 31 31 27 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 10 11 11 5 15 5 4 4 45 50 2 2 27 10 1 11 1 4 4 BANK DEBITS AND DEPOSIT TURNOVER Debits to demand deposit accounts l (billions of dollars) Leading centers All Period reporting centers N.S.A. New fork S.A. N.S.A. 6 others 2 S.A N.S.A. Annual rate of turnover of demand deposits l Leading centers 337 other reporting centers 3 New York N.S.A. S.A. S.A N.S.A. 1955. 1956. 1957. 1958. 1959. 2 ,043.5 2 ,200.6 2 ,356.8 2 ,439.8 2 ,679.2 766.9 815.9 888.5 958.7 1 ,023.6 431.7 462.9 489.3 487.4 545.3 845.0 921.9 979.0 993.6 1,110.3 42.7 45.8 49.5 1960. 1961. 1962. 2 ,838.8 3 ,111.1 3 ,436.4 1 ,102.9 1 ,278.8 577.6 622.7 701.7 1,158.3 1,209.6 1,318.9 60.0 70.0 77.8 1962—May June.... July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr May 1 ,415.8 295.4 291.8 279.7 281.0 263.3 307.4 288.2 320.9 119 .1 115 . 7 114 . 4 115 . 8 120 . 9 124 . 5 122 . 2 134 . 2 122.1 121.9 111.4 110.8 109.7 127.5 116.5 57. 6 57. 9 59. 0 57. 4 58. 1 61. 0 61. 1 60. 9 59.8 59.4 57.5 57.5 53.4 62.8 59.4 63.7 325.9 '•274.6 306.7 '307.8 318.1 128 1 127 '.7 128 . 9 125 . 0 129 . 8 137.2 116.6 133.0 126.9 133.1 62. 8 61. 2 61. 6 63. 9 66.3 55.2 62.5 64.2 64.4 141.6 62.1 110.3 108.8 112.2 110.7 107.6 112.4 113.1 111.3 116.3 112.7 r 112.9 119.3 117.2 1 Excludes interbank and U.S. Govt. demand accounts or deposits. 2 Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. 113.5 110.5 110.7 112.7 100.1 117.2 112.3 115.6 122.4 102.8 r 111.2 116.8 120.6 6 others 2 S.A. N.S.A. S.A 27.3 28.8 30.4 30.0 53.6 56.4 78. 8 77. 3 77. 3 78. 8 82. 2 82. 9 80. 7 88. 9 79.0 83.0 76.1 74.3 81.1 82.3 80.4 93.7 40.8 41.3 42.1 41.1 41.8 43.7 43.5 43.4 83. 7 84. 6 85. 8 82. 2 84.5 80.3 88.4 80.6 85.2 44.1 42.7 43.1 44.2 P43.1 85.0 N.S.A. 337 other reporting centers 3 32.5 34.8 36.9 41.2 41.5 43.0 41.2 39.9 41.2 43.0 42.9 44.4 43.7 40.4 45.6 45.2 *43.9 3 Before Apr. 1955, 338 centers. 4 Before Apr. 1955, 344 centers. 28 27 28 28 0 8 27 28 28 27 6 3 3 5 5 7 28 28 28 29 8 3 2 6 i>29 1 20.4 21.8 23.0 22.9 24.5 25.7 26.2 27.7 28.4 28.7 28.5 27.9 27.3 28.5 28.9 28.5 28.7 27.1 28.3 28.7 P29.5 343 centers 4 S.A. N.S.A. 22.3 23.7 25.1 24.9 26.7 28.2 29.0 31.3 31 . 7 31.9 31 . 6 31 .9 31 .8 31 .1 32 .5 32 .5 31 .3 32.5 31.9 31.0 30.9 32.3 32 .6 32 .2 32.6 30.6 32.7 33.0 P33.3 32.0 33 .3 *>33 .2 32.6 32.6 805 U. S. CURRENCY JUNE 1963 DENOMINATIONS IN CIRCULATION (In millions of dollars) End of period Total in circulation i Coin and small denomination currency $5 $10 $20 Total $50 $100 $500 $1,000 36 44 73 65 64 1,019 1,355 2,313 2,110 2,049 1,772 2,731 6,782 6,275 5,998 1,576 2,545 9,201 9,119 8,529 2,048 3,044 7,834 8,850 8,438 460 724 2,327 2,548 2,422 919 1,433 4,220 5,070 5,043 191 261 454 428 368 425 556 801 782 588 20 24 7 5 4 32 46 24 17 12 ,312 ,494 ,511 ,533 ,588 75 83 85 88 92 2,151 2,186 2,216 2,246 2,313 6,617 6,624 6,672 6,691 6,878 9,940 10,288 10,476 10,536 10,935 9,136 9,337 9,326 9,348 9,531 2,736 2,792 2,803 2,815 2,869 5,641 5,886 5,913 5,954 6,106 307 275 261 249 242 438 373 341 316 300 3 3 3 3 3 12 9 5 10 10 2,612 2,637 2,652 2,671 2,687 2,701 2,727 2,756 2,782 ,497 ,515 ,516 ,512 ,502 ,518 ,542 ,570 ,636 92 93 93 94 93 93 94 94 97 2,190 2,225 2,231 2,214 2,210 2,211 2,228 2,294 2,375 6,680 6,789 6,837 6,814 6,832 6,801 6,819 7,009 7,071 10,670 10,798 10,937 11,021 11,040 10,980 11,031 11,268 11,395 9,418 9,461 9,503 9,542 9,568 9,588 9.669 9,791 9,983 2,812 2,831 2,850 2,868 2,870 2,864 2,882 2,924 2,990 6,066 6,089 6,111 6.134 6,163 6,188 6,254 6,333 6,448 238 238 239 239 237 237 237 237 240 294 295 295 294 291 291 289 289 293 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 10 2,759 2,773 2,795 2,827 ,524 ,519 ,523 ,539 95 95 95 95 2,217 2,219 2,230 2,232 6,723 6,788 6,838 6,819 10,899 9,879 10,991 9,902 11,067 9,965 11,102 10,032 2,937 2,939 2,954 2,975 6.407 6,427 6,471 6,516 239 239 241 242 289 289 292 291 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 Total Coin 28,515 28,868 . . . . 27,741 5,553 8,120 20,683 20,020 19,305 590 751 1,274 1,404 1,554 559 695 ,039 ,048 ,113 1955 1958 1959 I960.. 1961 31,158 32,193 32,591 32,869 33,918 22,021 22,856 23,264 23,521 24,388 1,927 2,182 2,304 2,427 2,582 1962—Apr May June July Aug Sept Nov Dec 33,159 33,518 33,770 33,869 33,932 33,893 34,109 34,782 35,338 23,742 24,057 24,267 24,327 24,364 24,305 24,440 24,991 25,356 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr 34,093 34,286 34,513 34,645 24,214 24,385 24,548 24,613 1939 1941 1945 1947..... 1950. 7,598 11,160 Oct........ Large denomination currency $1 2 $2 2 i Outside Treasury and F.R. Banks. Before 1955 the totals shown as in circulation were less than totals of coin and paper currency shown by denomination by amounts of unassorted currency (not shown separately). $5,000 $10,000 Paper currency only; $1 silver coins reported under coin. NOTE.—Condensed from Circulation Statement of United States Money, issued by the Treasury. KINDS OUTSTANDING AND IN CIRCULATION (In millions of dollars) Held in the Treasury Total outstanding As security Apr. 30, against Treasury 1963 gold and cash silver certificates Kind of currency Gold Gold certificates F.R. notes Treasury currency—Total.... Standard silver dollars Silver bullion Silver certificates Subsidiary silver coin Minor coin United States notes in process of retirement 4 . . Total—Apr. 30, 1963 . . . . . . Mar. 31, 1963 Apr. 30, 1962. . . .. 15,877 (15,595) 31,429 5,581 (15,595) 2 282 (2,124) 70 67 486 2,102 (2,125) 1,802 676 347 170 23 2,102 5 52,887 5 52,662 551,931 (17,719) (17,749) (18,525) 3 12,778 55 7 1 4 * 1 Outside Treasury and F.R. Banks. Includes any paper currency held outside the United States and currency and coin held by banks. Estimated totals for Wed. dates shown in table on p. 797. 2 Includes $156 million reserve against United States notes. 3 Consists of credits payable in gold certificates: (1) the Gold Certificate Fund—Board of Governors, F.R.S., and (2) the Redemption Fund for F.R. notes. 4 Redeemable from the general fund of the Treasury. Beginning with Aug. 1962, excludes $58 million which was determined, pursuant to the Old Series Currency Adjustment Act, to have been destroyed or lost. For F.R. Banks and Agents 420 409 404 12,778 12,790 13,406 Currency in circulation ' Held by F.R. Banks and Agents Apr. 30, 1963 Mar. 31, 1963 Apr. 30, 1962 2,816 1,853 374 29,505 5,139 29,408 5,106 27,997 5,163 9 400 395 353 296 36 6 28 1,829 1,759 668 314 169 1,827 1,739 662 313 170 2,000 1,638 621 316 235 5,044 4,950 4,962 34,645 34,513 " *33ii59'' 5 Does not include all items shown, as some items represent the security for other items; gold certificates are secured by gold, and silver certificates by standard silver dollars and monetized silver bullion. Duplications are shown in parentheses. NOTE.—Condensed from Circulation Statement of United States Money issued by the Treasury. For explanation of currency reserves and security features, see the Circulation Statement or the Aug. 1961 BULL., p. 936. 806 MONEY SUPPLY JUNE 1963 MONEY SUPPLY AND RELATED DATA (In billions of dollars) Not seasonally adjusted Seasonally adjusted Money supply Money supply Period Total Currency Demand deposit component component Time deposits adjusted 1 Total Demand Currency deposit component component Time deposits adjusted 1 U.S. Govt. demand l deposits 1955—Dec 1956—Dec 1957—Dec 1958—Dec 1959—Dec 135.2 136.9 135.9 141.2 142.0 27.8 28.2 28.3 28.6 28.9 107.4 108.7 107.5 112.6 113.2 50.2 52.1 57.5 65.5 67.4 138.6 140.3 139.3 144.7 145.6 28.4 28.8 28.9 29.2 29.5 110.2 111.5 110.4 115.5 116.1 49.6 51.4 56.7 64.6 66.6 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.9 4.9 1960—Dec 1961—Dec 1962—Dec 141.2 145.7 147.9 28.9 29.6 30.6 112.2 116.1 117.3 72.7 82.5 97.5 144.7 149.4 151.6 29.6 30.2 31.2 115.2 119.2 120.4 72.1 81.8 96.6 4.7 4.9 5.6 1962—May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 145.7 145.6 145.7 145.1 145.3 146.1 146.9 147.9 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.2 30.2 30.3 30.5 30.6 115.7 115.4 115.5 114.9 115.1 115.8 116.4 117.3 89.6 90.7 91.8 92.5 93.4 94.6 96.0 97.5 143.6 144.0 144.3 143.8 145.0 146.5 148.2 151.6 29.8 30.0 30.3 30.3 30.3 30.4 30.8 31.2 113.8 113.9 114.0 113.5 114.6 116.1 117.5 120.4 89.9 91.1 92.2 93.0 93.8 94.9 95.4 96.6 7.0 7.2 7.1 6.8 7.2 7.3 6.0 5.6 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr MayP 148.7 148.6 148.9 149.4 149.4 30.7 30.9 31.1 31.2 31.3 118.1 117.7 117.8 118.2 118.1 99.1 100.3 101.8 102.6 103.7 151.8 148.3 147.4 149.5 147.3 30.5 30.5 30.7 30.9 31.1 121.3 117.8 116.7 118.6 116.2 98.4 99.9 101.7 102.9 104.0 4.8 5.6 5.9 4.2 7.0 1 2 148.7 148.4 30.8 30.9 117.9 117.4 99.9 100.8 149.8 146.7 30.5 30.4 119.2 116.2 99.6 100.3 4.9 6.5 Mar. 1 2 149.0 148.8 31.0 31.1 118.0 117.6 101.3 102.2 147.9 146.9 30.8 30.7 117.1 116.2 101.2 102.1 5.2 6.6 Apr. 1 149.5 149.3 31.3 31.1 118.3 118.1 102.4 102.8 148.9 150.2 31.1 30.7 117.7 119.5 102.7 103.0 4.5 3.9 May 1 149.8 149.1 31.3 31.3 118.5 117.8 103.3 104.0 31.1 31.0 117.5 115.1 103.7 104.4 6.3 7.6 Half month 1963—Feb. 2 148.6 146.1 Not seasonally adjusted Not seasonally adjusted Money supply Money supply Week ending— Total Currency Demand deposit compo- component nent Time deposits adjusted 1 U.S. Govt. demand deposits Week ending— Total Currency Demand compodeposit nent component Time deposits adjusted * U.S. Govt. demand l deposits 1962—Feb. 7., 14., 21., 28., 146.9 146.3 144.1 143.7 29.4 29.5 29.4 29.2 117.6 116.9 114.8 114.4 84.8 85.3 85.6 86.0 4.7 3.7 5.1 5.1 1963—Feb. 6 13 20 27 150.3 149.6 147.6 146.3 30.5 30.6 30.5 30.4 119.9 119.0 117.1 115.8 99.3 99.8 100.1 100.4 4.8 4.8 6.1 6.6 Mar. 7., 14. 21. 28. 144.4 145.0 145.0 142.8 29.6 29.6 29.6 29.4 114.8 115.3 115.4 113.4 86.6 87.2 87.4 88.0 5.0 3.2 4.9 6.8 Mar. 6 13 20 27 147.4 148.0 148.4 146.1 30.7 30.9 30.8 30.6 116.7 117.2 117.7 115.5 100.8 101.4 101.8 102.1 6.4 4.5 4.9 7.2 Apr. 4. 11. 18. 25. 143.7 145.5 147.4 147.2 29.6 30.0 29.8 29.6 114.0 115.5 117.6 117.6 88.4 88.8 88.9 89.0 6.1 3.7 2.5 3.5 Apr. 3 10 17 24 146.8 148.3 151.1 150.2 30.8 31.2 31.1 30.8 116.1 117.1 120.0 119.5 102.5 102.8 102.8 102.9 6.9 4.5 3.2 3.6 May 145.9 145.1 144.6 142.0 142.1 29.5 30.0 29.8 29.8 29.6 116.4 115.2 114.7 112.2 112.5 89.2 89.5 89.7 90.1 90.4 4.8 6.3 6.5 8.0 7.5 May 1 8 15 22 29 149.6 148.7 148.3 145.9 146.1 30.6 31.2 31.1 31.1 30.9 119.0 117.6 117.1 114.8 115.2 103.2 103.5 103.9 104.2 104.5 4.6 6.6 6.2 8.1 7.5 June 6. 13. 20. 143.5 144.8 145.0 30.0 30.1 30.0 113.5 114.6 114.9 90.7 91.0 91.1 7.1 5.3 6.8 June 5. 12. 19. 1 At all commercial banks. NOTE.—Averages of daily figures. For back data see Aug. 1962 BULL., pp. 941-51. Money supply consists of (1) demand deposits at all commercial banks other than those due to domestic commercial banks and the. U.S. Govt., less cash items in process of collection and F.R. float; (2) foreign demand balances at F.R. Banks; and (3) currency outside the Treasury, the F.R.S., and the vaults of all commercial banks. Time deposits adjusted are time deposits at all commercial banks other than those due to domestic commercial banks and the U.S. Govt. 807 BANKS AND THE MONETARY SYSTEM JUNE 1963 CONSOLIDATED CONDITION STATEMENT (In millions of dollars) Liabilities and capital Assets Total Bank credit Date Gold Treasury currency outstanding Other securities net— Total liabilities and capital, net Total deposits and currency Capital and misc. accounts, net 64.698 48.465 75,171 90,637 191 785 188,148 199,009 280,202 289,947 308,466 55,776 42 029 68,359 82 811 180 806 175,348 184.384 256.020 263,165 280,397 8,922 6,436 6,812 7.826 10.979 12,800 14 624 24.186 26.783 28,070 U.S. Government securities Total Total Commercial and savings banks Federal Reserve Banks Loans, net Other 4,037 4,031 17,644 22,737 20,065 22,754 22,706 19,456 17,767 16,889 2,019 2,286 2,963 3,247 4,339 4,562 4,636 5,311 5,398 5,585 58,642 41,082 42,148 21,957 54,564 22,157 64,653 26,605 167.381 30,387 160,832 43.023 171,667 60,366 255.435 135,867 266,782 144,704 285,992 154,017 5,741 10,328 23,105 29,049 128.417 107,086 96.560 93,497 95,461 102,308 5,499 8,199 19,417 25,511 101.288 81,199 72.894 65,801 67,242 72,715 216 1,998 2,484 2,254 24.262 22,559 20.778 26,648 27,384 28,881 26 131 1,204 1,284 2,867 3,328 2,888 835 712 11,819 9,863 9,302 8.999 8,577 10,723 14,741 26,071 26,617 29,667 1962—May 30. June 30. July 25. Aug. 29. Sept. 26. Oct. 31. Nov. 28. Dec. 28. 16,400 16,435 16,200 16.100 16,100 16,000 16,000 15,978 5,600 5,598 5,600 5,600 5,600 5,600 5,600 5,568 288,900 293,212 291,700 293,900 297 100 300,800 301,900 309,389 156,200 159,463 158,200 159,400 162,800 164,200 164,900 170,693 100,900 101,052 100 300 101,000 100,300 102,300 102,400 103,684 70,700 70.722 70,500 70,200 70.600 71,700 71,700 72,563 29,600 29,663 29.200 30,100 29,100 30,000 30,100 30,478 700 667 700 700 700 700 700 643 31,800 32,697 33,200 33,600 33,900 34,300 34,500 35,012 310,900 315.245 313,500 315.600 318.700 322,400 323,400 330,935 281,600 286.968 284,800 285 300 289.200 292,000 293,000 302,195 29,300 28,275 28,600 30,300 29 500 30,300 30,400 28,739 1963—Jan. 30. Feb. 27. Mar. 27. Apr. 24* May 29* 15,900 15,900 15,900 15,900 15,800 5,600 5,600 5,600 5,600 5,600 305,500 307,100 309,100 309,600 311,500 167,000 168,900 170,300 171,100 173,100 103,300 102,600 102,500 101,500 100,900 72,400 71,500 71,300 70,300 69,100 30,300 30,500 30,600 30,500 31,100 600 600 600 700 700 35,200 35,600 36,300 37,000 37,500 327,000 328,500 330,500 331,000 332,900 297,100 298,500 300,600 301,100 301,900 29,800 30,100 29,900 29,900 31,000 1929—June 1933—June 1939—Dec. 1941—Dec. 1945—Dec. 1947—Dec. 1950—Dec. 1959—Dec. 1960—Dec. 1961—Dec. 29. 30. 30. 31. 31. 31. 30., 31. 31. 30. 1,048 DETAILS OF DEPOSITS AND CURRENCY Money supply Seasonally adjusted * Date Total 1929—June 1933 June 1939—Dec. 1941 Dec. 1945—Dec. 1947—Dec. 1950—Dec. 1959—Dec. 1960—Dec. 1961—Dec. 29 30 . 30.... 31.... 31.... 31.... 30.... 31.... 31.... 30.... 110,500 114.600 140.200 139,200 144,800 1962—May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 30.... 30.... 25.... 29.... 26.... 31.... 28.... 28.... 143,500 143 300 144,300 142.900 144 400 145,100 145,800 147,600 1963—Jan. 3 0 . . . . Feb. 2 7 . . . . Mar. 2 7 . . . . Apr. 24*... May 2 9 ^ . . . 146,800 147,100 147,700 148,300 146,500 DeCurmand rency outside deposits adbanks justed 2 Related deposits (not seasonally adjusted) Total Currency outside banks Demand deposits adjusted 2 Total Commercial banks U.S. Government ForPostal eign, Mutual Savings nets savings Sysbanks 4 tem Treasury cash holdings At commercial and savings banks At F.R. Banks 26,100 84.400 24.600 90.000 28.200 112 000 28,200 111,000 28,700 116,100 26,179 19.172 36.194 48,607 102,341 113.597 117,670 144.824 144,458 150,578 3,639 22,540 28,611 4,761 14.411 21,656 6,401 29,793 27.059 9,615 38,992 27,729 26,490 75.851 48.452 26,476 87,121 56,411 25,398 92.272 59,247 29.422 115,402 101,779 29,356 115,102 108.468 30,053 120,525 121,216 19,557 10.849 15,258 15.884 30.135 35,249 36.314 65,884 71,380 82,145 8,905 9.621 10.523 10,532 15,385 17,746 20.009 34,947 36.318 38,420 149 1,186 1,278 1,313 2,932 3,416 2,923 948 770 651 365 50 1,217 1,498 2,141 1.682 2,518 3,203 3,184 1,497 204 264 2.409 2,215 2,287 1,336 1,293 391 377 422 381 852 846 1.895 24.608 1,452 2,989 5.319 6.193 6,219 36 35 634 867 977 870 668 504 485 465 29,200 29.300 29,400 29.300 29,300 29,400 29,600 29,600 114,300 114,000 114.900 113,600 115.100 115,700 116,200 118,000 141,900 142,522 144.200 141,600 143 500 146,800 147,600 153,162 29,300 30,433 29.500 29.500 29 400 29,700 30,100 30,904 112,600 112,089 114:700 112,100 114 100 117,100 117,600 122,258 130,000 132,106 132,600 133 800 135.200 136,500 136,800 139,448 90,100 91,734 92.000 93.100 94 000 95,100 95,300 97,440 39,300 39,791 40 000 40.200 40.600 40,800 41,000 41,478 600 581 600 600 600 600 500 530 1,300 1,508 1,300 1,200 1,300 1,200 1,200 1,488 400 379 400 400 400 400 400 405 7,500 9.841 5,800 7.700 8.300 6,600 6,300 7,090 600 612 600 500 500 500 600 602 30,100 30,200 30,400 30,500 30,600 116,700 116,900 117,300 117,800 115,900 148,900 146,400 145,500 148,400 144,900 29,700 29,800 30,100 30,200 30,700 119,200 116,500 115,400 118,200 114,200 141,200 142,900 145,100 146,000 147,700 99,000 100,500 102,200 103,000 104,500 41,700 41,900 42,400 42,500 42,800 500 500 500 500 500 1,300 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 400 500 400 400 400 4,600 800 6,700 800 7,600 900 4,000 1,100 7,100 600 1 Series began in 1946; data are available only for last Wed. of the month. For description of series and back data see Feb. 1960 BULL., pp. 133-36. 2 Other than interbank and U.S. Govt., less cash items in process of collection. 3 Other than interbank, Treasurer's open account, and those of Postal Savings System in banks. 4 Before June 30, 1947, includes a small amount of demand deposits. Beginning with June 1961 includes amounts reported by insured mutual savings banks as demand deposits, previously reported as time deposits or other liabilities. 5 Reclassification of deposits of foreign central banks in May 1961 reduced this item by $1,900 million ($1,500 million to time and $400 million to demand deposits). Time 3 Not seasonally adjusted NOTE.—Includes all commercial and mutual savings banks, F.R. Banks, Postal Savings System, and Treasury currency funds (the gold account, Treasury currency account, and Exchange Stabilization Fund). For description of statement and back figures (except for seasonally adjusted money supply), see Jan. 1948 BULL., PP. 24-43, except that stock of F.R. Banks held by member banks is included in other securities and in capital and misc. accounts, net, and balances of the PSS and the ESF with the Treasury are netted against capital and misc. accounts, net. Except on call dates, figures are partly estimated and are rounded to nearest $100 million. 808 COMMERCIAL AND MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS JUNE 1963 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AND NUMBER, BY CLASS OF BANK (Amounts in millions of dollars) Deposits Total assets— Securities Total Interbank * Other Bor- Total Numliaber Cash bilities row- capital of assetsi and acings counts Demand banks Total i capital U.S. DeacTime 3 Govt. Other mand Time U.S. counts 2 Govt. Other Loans and investments Class of bank and date Total Loans 61,126 140,227 134,924 256,700 26,615 30,362 43,002 154,318 260,500 263,542 265,700 269,080 272,480 273,510 280,397 276,950 278,850 280,650 280,730 282,540 158,050 160,123 161,980 164,640 166,480 167,240 172,822 169,410 171,800 173,090 173,470 175,920 Commercial banks: 1941—Dec. 31 . . 1945—Dec. 31 . . 1947—Dec. 31 *. 1961—Dec. 30. . 50,746 124,019 116,284 215,441 21,714 26,083 38,057 124,925 21,808 7,225 26,551 79,104 71,283 44,349 10,982 90,606 7,331 34,806 160,312 150,227 105,921 14,065 69,221 9,006 37,502 155,377 144,103 12,792 240 1,343 94,367 66,578 23,937 56,432 278,561 248,689 17,914 481 5,946 141,920 1962—May 30. . June 3 0 . . Aug. 29. . Sept. 26. . Oct. 3 1 . . Nov. 28. . Dec. 28. . 1963—Jan. 3 0 . . Feb. 27. . Mar. 27. . Apr. 24*>. May 29^. 217,960 220,670 222,140 225,270 228,560 229,260 235,839 232,040 233,620 234,860 234,890 236,390 127,480 129,193 130,430 132,840 134,400 134,840 140,106 136,340 138,410 139,360 139,440 141,550 64,400 26: 080 45 64,443 27 034 48 63,850 27 860 44 64,250 28 180 46 65,550 28 610 49 65,600 28 820 47 66,434 29 298 54 66,200 29 500 45 65,270 29 940 47 64,840 30 660 45 64,010 31 440 46 62,910 31 930 46 31 . . 31 . . 31.. 30.. 43,521 107,183 97,846 179,599 18,021 22,775 32,628 106,232 19,539 78,338 57,914 54,058 1962—May 30. . June 3 0 . . Aug. 29. . Sept. 26. . Oct. 31 . . Nov. 28. . Dec. 28. . 1963—Jan. 30. . Feb. 27. . Mar. 27. . Apr. 24. . May 29*>. 181,180 183,497 184,398 186,641 189,420 189,619 195.698 192.301 193,694 194,884 194,589 195,892 107,980 109,212 110,331 112,240 113,711 113,865 118,637 115,289 117,075 117,883 117,677 119,515 All banks: 1941_Dec. 1945—Dec. 1947—Dec. 1961—Dec. 31.. 31.. 314. 30.. 1962—May 30. .. June 3 0 . . Aug. 29. . Sept. 26. . Oct. 31. . Nov. 28. . Dec. 28. . 1963—Jan. 3 0 . . Feb. 2 7 . . Mar. 2 7D. . Apr. 24 . May 29^. Member banks: 1941—Dec. 1945—Dec. 1947_Dec. 1961—Dec. Mutual savings banks: 1941—Dec. 3 1 . . 1945—Dec. 3 1 . . 1947_Dec. 31 4. 1961—Dec. 30. . 1962—May 3 0 . . June 3 0 . . Aug. 29. . Sept. 2 6 . . Oct. 3 1 . . Nov. 2 8 . . Dec. 2 8 . . 1963—Jan. 3 0 . . Feb. 2 7 . . Mar. 2 7 . . Apr. 24*. May 29*.. For notes see end of table. 25,511 8, 999 277,344 101,288 8,577 35,415 81,199 io,— 723 "38, 3 8 8 72,715 29',667 57 ,368 680 31 770 46 210 313 720 276. 970 722 32 697 49 612 320 638 285 186 160 33 560 45 480 318 280 280! 310 560 33 880 47 480 323 770 286! 170 700 34 300 50 560 330 380 292 350 730 34 540 48 280 329 070 290,700 563 35 012 54 939 343 201 303,653 350 35 190 46 780 331 500 293 030 450 35 600 48 410 335 030 295 450 280 36 280 46 530 335 010 295 460 250 37 010 47 290 335 960 296 040 120 37,'500 47. 720 338,150 298,090 30,570 30,930 31,550 31,800 32.080 32,400 32,716 33,070 33,390 33,730 34,030 34,370 13,200 14,400 13,840 14,530 15,260 15,190 16,008 14,100 14,140 13,800 13,910 13,730 520 526 510 510 520 520 535 520 520 520 560 540 26,479 45,613 53,105 120,848 23 8,414 14,826 227 10,542 14,553 66 11,948 14,714 482 26,227 13,946 126,370 129,710 7. 131,855 9 124,960 133,550 7 8,090 128,160 134,880 380 134 030 136,160 136,560 I090 132 6,839 141,084 139,188 140,980 4,320 131,670 142,680 128,950 144,860 ,060 145,750 540 147,460 2,070 26,780 13,926 796 27, 036 13,934 2,750 27!100 13,932 2,610 27; 250 13,928 2,780 27;450 13,925 2,500 27!630 13,938 3,635 28;046 13,940 2,670 27.790 13,951 3,070 28;000 13,954 3,100 28; 090 13,962 3,270 28;140 13,967 2,990 28,350 13,983 15,952 30,241 35,360 82,429 23 7,173 14,278 219 8,950 14,011 65 10,059 14,181 471 22,459 13,432 13,200 14,400 13,840 14,530 15,260 15,190 16,008 14,100 14,140 13,800 13,910 13,730 520 170 126 ,310 90,380 2,070 22 930 13,414 ,785 92,034 525 554 786 23 ,183 13,422 ,900 93,350 2,750 23 200 13,421 510 450 510 ,090 128,100 94,250 2,610 23 330 13,417 520 380 133 .970 95,340 2,780 23 560 13,414 95,600 2,500 23 680 13,427 520 090 132,: 535 6,829 141 ,041 97,709 3,627 24 094 13,429 520 4,320 133 050 99,280 2,670 23 840 13,440 520 440 131 610 100,760 3,070 24;oio 13,443 13,451 520 330 128 ,890 102,420 3,100 24 13,456 560 760 132 000 103,260 3.270 24,070 ,150 13,472 540 6,820 129,480 104,710 2,990 24,330 61,717 129,670 122,528 209,630 10,385 13,576 12,353 17,195 140 1,709 37,136 12,347 64 212,179 69,640 24,210 50 1,176 80,609 28,340 303 5,381 119,595 67,157 51,913 21,287 39,702 226,556 198,978 52,065 22,: ,219 42 853 232,359 206,057 51,149 22,918 39 107 229 231 200,667 51,271 23,130 40,877 233 279 204. 995 52,238 _. 23,471 43, 686 239 009 210. 328 52,097 23 657 41 564 237 050 208 259 52,968 -24 092 47:427 249 488 219 468 52,749 24 263 40 024 '. 238 565 209;589 51,984 24 ,635 41 i471 _._,.. 211,525 241 51,719 25 ,282 39 685 240,835 211,146 50,950 25 ,962 40 434 241,409 211,275 50,023 26 354 41,009 243,246 213,104 12,689 13,796 13,232 13,878 14,577 14,502 15,309 13,449 13,501 13,186 13,290 13,146 351 338 337 339 343 358 341 347 345 380 361 6,280 6,278 6,310 6,310 6,150 6,130 6,129 6,150 6,180 6,440 6,240 6,210 390 269. 690 237,580 728 276; 220 245 ,298 670 273; 230 240 050 630 278! 400 245 480 690 284 890 251 470 450 283 310 249 ,680 049 297 116 262,122 970 285 050 251 ,270 540 288 210 253 470 640 287 590 252 960 460 288 550 253 880 290,410 255,280 5,961 23,123 6,070 29,845 7,304 32,845 19,308 49,579 10,379 4,901 3,704 1,774 16,208 4,279 10,682 1,246 18,641 4,944 11,978 1,718 41,259 29,393 6,136 5,730 42,540 42.872 43,560 43,810 43,920 44,250 44,558 44,910 45,230 45,790 45.840 46,150 44,355 10,982 90,908 81,816 14,065 105,935 177,332 165,612 175,091 161,865 12,793 240 1,346 94,381 — ,176 17,914 482 5,952 141,979 321,394 287 ,690 ,663 ,700 .700 ,690 ,720 5,714 5.690 5,660 5,620 5,570 5,570 68,121 138,304 132,060 235,112 793 609 886 936 11,804 17,020 19,714 42,833 10,533 15,385 17,763 38,487 820 884 810 850 870 830 890 810 870 890 830 840 44,030 44,418 45,050 45,370 45,490 45,760 46,086 46,450 46,820 47,420 47,410 47,740 39,390 39,888 40,260 40,690 40,880 41.020 41,531 41,760 41,980 42,500 42.550 42,810 463 ,734 ,695 ,284 ,700 ,301 ,086 ,785 ,667 ,523 ,301 ,018 6,619 6,884 6,923 6,113 73,852 75,162 76,122 16,19 A 77,667 77,932 79,716 81,060 82,280 83,690 84,384 85,640 2,002 19,015 735 19,179 2,682 19,212 2,585 19,281 2,722 19,466 2,423 19,546 3,550 19,854 2,614 19,697 3,033 19,819 3,042 19,851 3,235 19,925 2,910 20 ,082 6,073 6,070 6,060 6,053 6,054 6,056 6,049 6,046 6,042 6,039 6,041 6,052 10,527 15,371 14 17,745 60 38,420 1,241 1,592 1,889 3,768 548 542 533 514 3,850 10 3,853 3,900 3,920 3,890 3,950 3,951 3,950 3,990 4,020 3,990 4,020 512 512 511 511 511 511 511 511 511 511 511 511 105,629 108,014 104,280 106,702 112,045 110,181 117,999 110,954 109,730 107.402 109.920 107,939 6 14 10 5,886 7,589 8,464 18,638 60 60 60 60 60 60 43 60 60 60 60 60 39,330 39,821 40,200 40,630 40,820 40,960 41,478 41,700 41,920 42,440 42,490 42,750 4 208 54 438 809 COMMERCIAL AND MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS JUNE 1963 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AND NUMBER, BY CLASS OF BANK—Continued (Amounts in millions of dollars) Deposits Total assets— Total Securities Interbank * Other liaCash assetsi bilities and Demand capital Total i DeU.S. acOther Time Govt. mand counts 2 U.S. Govt. Other Loans and investments Class of bank and date Total Reserve city member banks: New York City:s 1941—Dec. 31 1945—Dec 31 1947_Dec. 31 1961—Dec. 30 1962—May June Aug. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1963—Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Loans 12,896 4,072 7,265 1,559 6,637 26,143 7,334 17,574 1,235 6,439 20,393 7,179 11,972 1,242 7,261 30,297 19,535 7,862 2,900 11,164 29,534 19,223 30 30,396 19,224 30 29 (old basis) 29,672 19,319 29 (new basis) 30,090 19,619 30,497 20,234 26 31,196 20,693 31 30,371 20,119 28 32,989 21,954 28 31,808 20,649 30 32,302 20,874 27 32,533 20,950 27 31,829 20,258 24 32,115 20,886 29^ 376 ,566 385 ,489 397 ,739 940 2,603 4,363 7,459 6,866 10,383 4,057 7,046 6,402 9,283 1,035 1,312 1,217 1,624 127 1,552 72 369 1,113 1,329 1,390 1,439 1,386 1,416 1,402 1,409 1,364 1,321 1,322 1,354 1,354 ,928 ,893 ,801 ,870 1,997 2,073 2,102 2,280 1,969 1,982 1,899 1,949 2,084 9,720 10,009 9,852 10,247 10,469 10,815 10,738 11,432 10,860 11,092 11,260 10,983 11,143 8,524 8,810 8,580 8,934 9,087 9,380 9,450 9,993 9,481 9,594 9,410 9,469 9,759 1,118 1,128 1,193 1,201 1,243 1,281 1,326 1,277 1,140 1,194 1,155 1,182 1,122 356 546 361 384 440 366 279 410 218 309 427 161 346 15,347 7,105 6,467 1,776 40,108 8,514 29,552 2,042 36,040 13,449 20,196 2,396 68,565 42,379 19,748 6, 438 ~" 8,518 11,286 13,066 20,216 24,430 51,898 49,659 90,815 22,313 49,085 46,467 81,883 4,356 6,418 5,627 8,350 7,631 7,937 7,883 8,201 8,293 8,552 8,456 8,957 8,682 8,901 9,138 8,813 8,83f 4,592 4,672 4,570 4,761 4,879 4,961 5,029 1,926 1,936 1,923 2,001 2,028 2,175 2,025 2,129 2,217 2,232 2,440 2,168 2,050 Country member 1941—Dec. 1945—Dec. 1947—Dec. 1961—Dec. 1962—May June Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1963—Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May 5,428 69,433 43,304 18,585 7,544 16,523 88,089 77,911 6,314 30 70,145 43,824 18,627 7,694 17,602 89,885 80,631 6,622 30 29 (old basis, 70,333 44,540 17,987 7,806 16,180 88,626 78,317 6,662 29 (new basis} 69,597 44,049 17,819 7,729 16,027 87,722 77,524 6,646 69,932 44,389 17,809 7,734 16,897 88,950 78,946 7,010 26 71,007 45,155 17,947 7,905 17,046 90,244 80,217 7,235 31 71,264 45,211 18,088 7,965 16,881 90,307 79,777 7,139 28 73,130 46,567 18,398 8,165 19,539 94,914 84,248 7,477 28 72,053 45,692 18,143 8,218 16,172 90,467 80,101 6,555 30 72,315 46,412 17,564 8,339 16,884 91,380 81,023 6,660 27 72,850 46,821 17,420 8,609 16,603 91,622 81,320 6,561 27 72,921 46,791 17,329 8,801 16,940 92,086 81,349 6,616 24 73,497 47,300 17,187 9,010 16,603 92,362 81,610 6,275 29? banks: 6 31 31 31 30 12,518 5,890 4,377 35,002 5,596 26,999 36,324 10,199 22,857 73,131 39,693 24,407 30 30 29 26 31 28 28 30 27 27 24 29* 74,58: 75,019 76,510 77,919 78,665 79,528 80,623 79,758 80,176 80,363 81,026 81,448 For notes see end of table. 211 210 210 210 208 205 211 207 213 209 214 227 207 3,902 4,517 3,836 3,844 3,990 4,350 4,298 4,783 4,119 4,047 3,913 3,919 4,278 1962—May June Aug. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1963—Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May 1962—May June Aug. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1963—Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May 866 12,051 807 17 6,940 17,287 1,236 267 19,040 1,445 12 191 1,267 23,129 6,935 32,586 35,039 31,775 32,214 33,033 35,766 33,746 37,885 34,799 35,044 34,79'4 34,091 35,459 1,430 4,213 2,890 2,041 Other reserve city: 6 1941—Dec. 31 1945—Dec. 31 1947—Dec. 31 1961—Dec. 30 4,202 4,640 4,453 5,296 39,746 41,910 39,576 40,085 40,868 43,634 41,204 46,135 42,626 43,563 42,652 42,343 43,624 954 1,333 1,801 4,626 30 30 29 (old basis' 29 (new basis} 26 31 28 28 30 27 27 24 29" 17,932 30,121 25,216 36,818 3,144 8,292 3,513 9,552 3,734 7,942 3,762 8,026 3,842 8,488 3,819 10,491 3,906 8,863 4,017 11,050 4,150 8,731 4,303 9,125 4,487 7,987 4,766 8,296 4,751 9,323 2,760 5,931 5,088 7,606 40,861 41,492 41,902 42,738 42,902 43,506 44,698 43,847 44,441 44,736 45,337 45,901 Time 19,862 32,887 27,982 43,538 7,167 7,659 6,619 6,709 6,421 6,684 6,346 7,017 7,009 7,125 7,096 6,805 6,478 City of Chicago:5 1941—Dec. 31 1945—Dec. 31 1947—Dec. 31 1961—Dec. 30 Bor- Total Numrow- capita! ber of ings banks 1,373 1,918 1,315 1,332 1,459 1,287 910 1,408 769 1,068 1,385 669 1,198 19,178 20,296 18,247 18,552 19,054 21,501 19,606 22,231 20,231 20,000 19,320 19,303 19,612 7,922 8,098 8,167 8,276 8,322 8,423 8,721 9,256 9,467 9,720 9,962 9,973 10",164 2,419 476 3,462 719 4,201 913 5,268 2,008 4,548 4,520 4,353 4,554 4,569 4,826 4,879 5,264 4,956 4,872 4,619 4,757 4,791 2,483 2,598 2,656 2,778 2,820 2,892 2,951 3,025 3,152 3,204 3,198 3,357 3,488 104 491 12,557 4,806 30 8,221 24,655 9,760 22 405 28,990 11',423 62 2,103 44,986 26 ,381 78 75 74 74 66 71 69 82 65 75 72 90 91 2,276 2,605 1,218 2,387 39,611 29,220 40,601 29,663 3 9 , 126 ' " " "",816 29 38, 620 29 ,585 39, 259 29 ,772 40,781 30,067 40,611 30,040 43,609 30,743 40,~765" ~\316 31 40, 298 31 ,714 39, 698 32 ,384 40, 822 32 ,603 39, 706 33 ,151 3,670 2,639 2,599 2,839 2,063 1,918 2.337 i;4oo 2,250 2,408 3,268 9,031 6,402 10,632 10,778 15,595 19,466 46,059 47,553 90,376 792 17,415 43,418 1,207 44,443 1,056 81,646 1,925 225 5,465 432 1,641 10,109 24,235 28,378 46,211 6,258 12,494 14,560 31,832 9,486 9,685 9,988 10,168 10,331 10,384 10,501 25,380|l0 531 25,063110 672 24,763!lO. 864 24,648 11 041 24,308 11 239 12,959 13,806 13,184 13,495 14,076 13,718 14,559 13,152 13,480 13,196 13.249 12,999 89,001 90,555 91,177 92,992 94,316 94,801 97,008 94,612 95,372 95,301 95,997 96,117 79,957 81,577 81,995 83,929 84,965 85,286 87,342 85,208 85,864 85,622 86,366 86,276 1,355 1,529 1,541 1,635 1,711 1,739 1,773 1,635 1,600 1,557 1,573 1,471 2,046 2,601 2,380 2,546 1,984 2,194 1,931 1,398 2,014 2,106 1,253 2,087 292 596 554 820 937 085 895 002 560 765 038 830 34 4,227 34 4,803 35 5,483 35 5,880 36 6,285 36 6,220 36 6,692 37 7,125 37 7,642 38 8,146 38 8,451 38 8,837 24,235 23,843 24,620 25,013 25,432 25,638 25,425 1,648 195 2,120 30 2,259 283 3,683 36 37 37 13 606 381 1,225 1,242 1,384 1,333 935 1,728 1,082 1,645 1,117 1,352 1,292 3,741 3,761 3,764 3,806 3,809 3,853 3,849 3,898 3,897 3,904 3,904 3,927 3,947 13 13 13 16 16 16 16 17 17 16 16 16 13 35 288 377 426 870 13 12 14 9 75 34 117 122 163 267 66 262 132 235 596 313 165 884 894 895 925 930 944 941 948 956 955 957 963 971 9 9 9 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 12 12 1,967 351 359 353 206 2 2,566 1 2,844 81 6,997 1,058 240 1,058 1,036 938 892 1,216 1,388 1,178 994 1,082 1,429 1,131 7,214 142 148 7; 190 7,201 7,263 7,263 7,298 7,315 7,330 7,413 206 206 200 194 193 193 195 191 189 189 189 191 191 1,982 6,219 2,525 6,476 23 2,934 6,519 40 7,088 5,885 263 80 282 100 230 206 172 222 159 247 141 322 7,228 7,323 7,339 7,394 7,479 555 744 7,581 7,662 7,675 7,705 7,751 5,845 5,842 5,838 5,832 5,833 5,833 5,828 5,827 5,824 5,821 5,822 5,836 810 COMMERCIAL AND MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS JUNE 1963 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AND NUMBER, BY CLASS OF BANK—Continued (Amounts in millions of dollars) Deposits Loans and investments Securities Class of bank and date Cash Total Loans U.S. Govt. Insured commercial banks: 1941—Dec. 31. 1945—Dec. 31. 1947—Dec. 31. 1959—Dec. 31. 1960—Dec. 31. 1961—Dec. 30. 1962—June 30. Dec. 28. National member banks: 1941—Dec. 31.. 1945—Dec. 31.. 1947—Dec. 31.. 1959—Dec. 31.. 1960—Dec. 31.. 1961—Dec. 30.. 1962—June 30.. Dec. 28.. State member banks: 1941—Dec. 31.. 1945—Dec. 31.. 1947—Dec. 31.. 1959—Dec. 31.. 1960—Dec. 31.. 1961—Dec. 30.. 1962—June 30.. Dec. 28.. Other Total assets— Total liabilities and capital accounts 2 Interbank Other Bor- Total Number row- capital acof ings counts banks Demand Total i Demand Time Time U.S. Govt. Other 49,290 21,259 21,046 6,984 121,809 25,765 88,912 7,131 114,274 37,583 67,941 8,750 25,788 34,292 36,926 76,820 157,544 152,733 69,411 10,654 1,762 41,298 5,699 147,775 29,876 13,883 23,740 80,276 29 141,851 2,615 34 ,882 54 1,325 92,975 " 188,790 198,011 213,904 219,163 234,243 58,348 20,143 60,468 20,451 66,026 23 ,531 63,921 26,630 65,891 28,903 49,158 51,836 56,086 48,415 53,702 242,828 255,669 276,600 274,318 295,093 218,474 228,401 247,176 243,856 260,609 27,571 11,725 12,039 3,806 69,312 13,925 51,250 4,137 65,280 21,428 38,674 5,178 14,977 20,114 22,024 43,433 90,220 88,182 31,761 10,892 32,712 11,140 36,088 13,006 34,508 14,962 35,663 16,042 27,464 28,675 31,078 26,860 29,684 132,636 139,261 150,809 149,559 160,657 15,950 6,295 7,500 2,155 37,871 8,850 27,089 1,933 32,566 11,200 19,240 2,125 8,145 9,731 10,822 24,688 48,084 43,879 22,259 3,739 621 13,874 4,025 44,730 4,411 8,166 24,168 7,986 40,505 3,978 15 381 27,068 9,06f 5,396 5,439 6,302 7,257 8,050 16,045 17,081 18,501 15,993 17,744 73,090 77,316 84,303 82,800 88,831 65,069 68,118 74,119 72,329 76,643 1,509 1,025 10,584 1,063 10,039 1,448 2,668 4,448 4,083 8,708 19,256 20,691 7,702 18,119 19,340 262 102,615 107,546 116,402 119,241 127,254 10,299 17,092 24,348 28,613 39,449 59,962 63,694 67,309 69,771 75,548 8,947 9,829 10,359 8,154 9,155 514 611 104 123 127 2,742 3,265 3,315 5,424 3,735 71,015 71,660 76,292 69,256 76,075 Insured nonraember commercial banks: 1941_Dec. 31.. 1945—Dec. 31.. 1947—Dec. 31.. 5,776 14,639 16,444 3,241 2,992 4,958 1959—Dec. 1960—Dec. 1961—Dec. 1962—June Dec. 31.. 31.. 30.. 30.. 28.. 30,939 32,411 34,320 35,681 38,55^ 15,534 17,169 18,123 19,409 20,811 11,546 11,368 11,972 11,860 12,93' 3,859 3,874 4,225 4,412 4,814 5,651 6,082 6,508 5,563 6,276 37,132 39,114 41,504 41,975 45,619 33,795 35,391 37,560 37,814 41,142 451 484 543 440 535 Noninsured nonmember commercial banks: 1941—Dec. 31.. 1945—Dec. 31.. 1947—Dec. 31*. 1,457 2,211 2,009 455 318 474 761 1,693 1,280 241 200 255 763 51 576 2,283 2,768 2,643 1,872 2,452 2,251 177 185 1,291 1,905 18 1,392 253 365 478 1959—Dec. 1960—Dec. 1961—Dec. 1962—June Dec. 1,480 1,498 1,536 1,506 1,584 534 550 577 580 65' 589 535 553 523 534 358 413 406 404 39! 309 31 346 313 346 1,858 1,883 1,961 1,901 2,009 1,429 1,443 1,513 1,442 1,513 150 159 177 165 164 83 132 148 137 133 873 846 869 795 872 311 293 307 320 330 3,696 2,270 1,266 3,310 12,277 1,262 5,43f 11,318 1,703 3,431 4,962 4,659 10,992 22,024 23,334 9,573 20,57' 21,59 439 457 425 190 601 643 719 605 699 1959—Dec. 31. 1960—Dec. 31. 1961—Dec. 30. 1962—June 30. Dec. 28. Insured mutual sayings banks: 1941—Dec. 31. 1945—Dec. 31. 1947—Dec. 31. 1959—Dec. 31. 1960—Dec. 31. 1961—Dec. 30. 1962—June 30. Dec. 28. 7,233 16,849 18,454 32,419 33,910 35,856 37,188 40,141 16,068 17,719 18,700 19,989 21,469 12,134 11,904 12,525 12,383 13,466 4,216 4,287 4,631 4,816 5,206 5,961 6,396 6,854 5,876 6,622 38,990 40,997 43,465 43,877 47,628 35,224 36,834 39,073 39,256 42,654 1,693 10,846 12,683 642 3,081 3,560 629 7,160 8,165 421 606 958 15 429 675 1,958 11,424 13,499 1,789 10,363 12,20^ 30,580 33,794 35,660 36,989 38,597 20,942 23,852 25,812 27,179 28,778 5,016 4,787 4,690 4,708 4,639 4,622 5,155 5,158 5,102 5.180 686 766 828 779 784 31,743 35,092 37,065 38,366 39,951 28,577 31,502 33,400 34,58 36,104 For notes see end of table. 10,302 11,098 11,875 12,243 12,750 4,542 4,530 4,513 4,500 4,505 1 2,246 130 2,945 9 3,055 1,502 1,867 1,918 6,102 240 825 1,763 39,974 16 ,406 6,608 1,028 2,022 40,733 17,727 20 6,835 199 2,066 43,303 21 ,716 213 5,641 22' 3,310 3 81,758 ; " " 24 ,392 355 231 2,351 41,,924 25 ,983 1,914 6,154 34,817 36,240 38,924 39,442 43,089 Nonmember commercial banks: 1941—Dec. 31. 1945—Dec. 31. 1947—Dec. 31*. 4 3,640 5,117 78 4,644 5,017 45 5,409 5,005 36,421 340 39,546 111 45,441 225 50,770 379 53,733 1,636 55,264 58,073 63,196 64,256 68,444 31.. 31.. 30. 30. 28.. 15,052 16,394 17,971 17,557 17,305 5,500 1,358 5,037 130,720 65,858 602 19,206 13,107 6,921 1,667 5,932 132, ',533 "1,348 149 20,628 13,119 7,737 462 22,089 13,108 2,122 333 5,934 141,050 82 4,235 13,104 388 9,529 127,99091,714 5,844 402 6,815 140^169 ' " 97,380 3,584 23,712 13,119 39,458 6,786 1,088 23,262 8,322 84,939 6,224 9,229 14,013 45,473 16 82,023 8,375 35 795 53,541 19,278 119,638 124,911 135,511 133,728 142,825 10 6,844 3,426 215 8,671 13,297 61 9,734 13,398 53 4,162 3,360 1,560 10,635 5,680 149 12,366 6,558 129 244 533 645 553 795 729 329 181 103 160 178 176 545 657 565 819 743 1,691 1,644 1,600 1,570 1,544 959 6,810 1,083 6,416 1,271 6,478 19,732 13,059 20,140 14,095 21,456 14,979 19,976 16,565 22,170 17,664 5,504 3,613 14,101 6,045 167 13,758 7,036 5,96: 6,299 6,763 6,936 7,104 13 2,944 3,232 3,452 3,633 3,870 6,878 6,948 6,997 7,036 7,072 329 279 325 852 714 783 350 358 370 372 371 366 352 323 317 308 1,288 7,662 1,362 7,130 1,596 7,261 13,370 20,6 14,388 20,9 22,325 15,286 20,771 16,886 23,042 17,994 3,294 3,590 3,822 4,005 4,240 7,244 7,300 7,320 7,353 7,380 1,789 10,351 12 12,192 164 1,034 1,252 52 192 194 2,654 2,99r 3,19 3,259 3,34f 268 325 330 331 331 12 28 29 256 275 267 28,544 31,468 33,137 34,300 35,827 811 COMMERCIAL AND MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS JUNE 1963 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AND NUMBER, BY CLASS OF BANK—Continued (Amounts in millions of dollars) Deposits Loans and investments Class of bank and date Total Noninsured mutual sayings banks: 1941—Dec. 31 1945—Dec. 31 1947_Dec. 31 4 1959—Dec. I960 Dec. 1961—Dec. 1962 June Dec. 31 31 30 30 28 Loans Total assets— Total Securities liaCash assets 1 bilities and capital Totali U.S. acGovt. Other counts 2 Other Interbank i Bor- Total Number row- capital acof ings counts banks Demand Demand Time Time U.S. Govt. Other 8,687 5 361 5,957 4,259 1 198 1,384 3,075 1,353 641 3,522 3,813 760 642 180 211 9,846 5,596 6,215 8,744 5,022 5,556 6 2 1 8,738 5,020 2 5,553 6,981 5 320 5,600 5 882 5,961 4,184 3 270 3,581 3 751 3,938 1,848 1,453 1,446 1 570 1,490 949 597 572 561 533 143 107 108 104 106 7,200 5,481 5,768 6 052 6,134 6,405 4 850 5,087 5 306 5,427 1 6,404 4 850 4 5,083 15 5 291 6 5,420 1 Reciprocal balances excluded beginning with 1942. Reclassification of deposits of foreign central banks in May 1961 reduced interbank deposits by a total of $1,900 million ($1,500 million time to other time and2 $400 million demand to other demand). Includes other assets and liabilities not shown separately. 3 See note 4 on page 807. * Beginning with Dec. 31, 1947, the series was revised. A net of 115 noninsured nonmember commercial banks with total loans and investments of about $110 million were added, and 8 banks with total loans and investments of $34 million were transferred from noninsured mutual savings to nonmember commercial banks. 5 These data reflect the ^classification of New York City and city of Chicago as reserve cities effective July 28, 1962. For details see Aug. 1962 BULL., p. 993. 6 See note 6, Oct. 1962 BULL., p. 1315. 1 1 1 6 1,077 558 637 496 350 339 705 555 577 594 608 249 189 184 181 180 1 1 NOTE.—Data are for all commercial and mutual savings banks in the United States (including Alaska and Hawaii, beginning with 1959). Commercial banks include all nonmember and member commercial banks; stock savings banks and nondeposit trust cos. are included with commercial banks. Member banks include 1 national bank in the Virgin Islands that became a member in May 1957, 2 noninsured nondeposit trust cos. and, before July 1962, mutual savings banks that became members of the Federal Reserve System during 1941 (3 before Jan. 1960, 2 until June 1961, and 1 until July 1962). These banks were excluded from commercial banks. Comparability of figures for classes of banks is affected somewhat by changes in F.R. membership, deposit insurance status, and the reserve classifications of cities and individual banks, and by mergers, etc. Figures are partly estimated except on call dates. For revisions in series before June 30, 1947, see July 1947 BULL., pp. 870-71. LOANS AND INVESTMENTS AT COMMERCIAL BANKS (In billions of dollars) Seasonally adjusted Not seasonally adjusted Securities Period Totali Loans 1 Securities Totali U.S. Govt. Other Loans i U.S. Govt. Other 1956 1957 1958 1959 161.6 166.4 181.0 185.7 88.0 91.4 95.6 107.8 57.3 57.0 64.9 57.6 16.3 17.9 20.5 20.4 164.5 169.3 184.4 189.5 89.7 93.2 97.5 110.0 58.6 58.2 66.4 58.9 16.3 17.9 20.6 20.5 I960 1961 2 1962 194.5 209.6 228.1 114.2 121.1 134.7 59.6 64.7 64.3 20.7 23.8 29.1 198.5 214.4 233.6 116.7 123.9 137.9 61.0 66.6 66.4 20.9 23.9 29.3 Sept Oct Nov Dec. 2 216.4 220.3 217.8 220.3 222.0 224.4 225.9 228.1 124.8 126.6 126.1 127.3 129.7 131.6 132.2 134.7 65.5 66.6 64.1 65.0 64.3 64.2 C 64 6 64.3 26.1 27.1 27.6 28.0 28.0 28.6 29.1 29.1 215.3 219.2 217.8 219.0 223.1 225.7 226 8 233.6 124.8 127.7 126.1 127.3 130.6 131.5 132 3 137.9 64.4 64.4 64.2 63.9 64.3 65.6 65 6 66.4 26.1 27.0 27.5 27.9 28.2 28.6 28 8 29.3 1963 Jan Feb Mar Apr pp May 228.9 232.3 235.0 232.6 234.8 134.7 136.8 137.8 137.4 138.8 64.6 65.4 66.7 64.0 64.1 29.6 30.1 30.5 31.2 31.9 229.1 230.4 231.9 232.4 233.6 133.4 135.2 136.4 136.9 138.8 66.2 65.3 64.8 64.0 62.9 29.5 29.9 30.7 31.4 31.9 1962 1 2 May June July . . Adjusted to exclude interbank loans. Data for Dec. are estimates for Dec. 31, 1962. NOTE.—Data are for last Wed. of month (except for June 30 and Dec. 31 call dates). For description of seasonally adjusted series and back data, see July 1962 BULL., pp. 797-802. 812 COMMERCIAL BANKS JUNE 1963 LOANS AND INVESTMENTS BY CLASS OF BANK (In millions of dollars) Loans Class of bank and call date Total: 2 1947_Dec. 31.. I960—Dec. 31.. 1961—Dec. 30.. 1962—June 30., Dec. 28. 116,284 199,509 215,441 220,670 235,839 38,057 18,167 , ,660 117,642 43,125 5,676 124,925 45 248 129,193 45 6,801 140,106 48,673 7 ",097 198,011 213,904 219,163 234,243 1961—Dec. 30. 1962—June 30. Dec. 28. 1963—Mar. 18. 179,599 183,497 195,698 195,060 New York City:* 1941—Dec. 31. 1945—Dec. 31. 1947—Dec. 31. 12,896 26,143 20,393 1961—Dec. 30. 1962—June 30. Dec. 28. 1963—Mar. 18. 30,297 30,396 32,989 32,941 City of Chicago:* 1941—Dec. 31. 1945—Dec. 31. 1947_Dec. 31. 1961—Dec. 30. 1962—June 30. Dec. 28. 1963—Mar. 18. 1961—Dec. 30. 1962—June 30. Dec. 28. 1963—Mar. 18. Country: 1941—Dec. 31. 1945—Dec. 31. 1947—Dec. 31. 40 49 114 117,092 42,957 5,628 3,247 1,811 965 124,348 44,965 6,211 4,030 2,107 1,027 128,613 45,717 6,766 3,234 1,981 1,469 139,449 48,458 7,060 5,119 2,103 2,551 106,232 40,931 3,934 3,877 109,212 41,435 4;220 3 ' 220 3,088 , 118,637 43,843 4 419 4,954 118,490 43,832 4,580 4,283 4,072 2,807 7,334 3,044 7,179 5,361 19,535 19,224 21,954 21,501 1,827 1,699 1,777 1,790 1,014 1,453 2,445 2,994 412 169 2,453 1,172 545 267 32 26 93 1,956 1,512 17 2,766 13 2,138 2,760 5,931 5,088 954 73: 1,333 760 1,801 1,418 48 211 73 52 233 87 7,606 7,937 8,957 9,078 4,626 4,672 5,418 5,473 354 265 407 350 137 147 152 163 53 89 89 139 114 194 427 1,503 170 484 4 17 15 15,347 7,105 3,456 40,108 8,514 3,661 36,040 13,449 7,088 68,565 70,145 73,130 72,594 42,379 43,824 46,567 46,710 16,879 17,077 17,660 17,555 12,518 5,890 1,676 35,002 5,596r 1,484 36,324 10,19 3,096 300 205 225 ,076 976 1,184 888 1,179 1,053 1,179 1,159 467 376 409 568 425 572 409 1,020 20 4: 23 183 471 227 6,893 23,987 22,852 3 ,198 54,058 6,789 25,362 24,006 3 480 52,065 3 ,657 52 ,968 7,936 27,162 -,799 24 7,528 27',683 24,869 3,531 51,461 ~ 123 80 111 2,193 8,072 11,488 8,320 11,674 Certifi- Notes Bonds cates 7,789 6,034 53,205 5,276 3 ,729 2,920 19,013 30,998 17, 570 3 ,294 2,114 26,336 26,641 20,345 3,592 3,629 26,041 453 23 ,165 3,869 ..,_.. 3,932 23,841 987 24,755 4,543 934 2,072 ,220 1,711 1,774 1,084 2,075 ,321 2,087 1,329 2,143 1,196 2,040 1,425 2,119 ,082 22 36 46 221 278 362 379 669 611 703 698 9,229 6,467 8,862 7,839 1,842 2,984 3,249 2,628 21,390 21 598 16,691 2,617 21,367 21 247 19,321 2,899 19,443 21 414 20,773 3,319 19,480 21 514 21,978 3,131 7,265 311 522 1,623 5,331 287 272 17,574 477 3,433 3,325 10,339 564 238 11,972 1,002 640 558 9,772 7,862 7,659 7,017 6,984 1,430 95 51 40 4,213 26 2,890 149 476 456 523 537 229 298 369 369 2,041 1,936 2,129 2,275 2,117 1,989 1,998 1,799 442 492 508 247 256 133 1,467 132 235 92 478 200 151 377 115 572 60 729 606 638 830 629 604 2,806 2,247 2,023 2,299 2,635 3,158 3,585 4,082 265 355 432 374 153 1,022 749 1,864 248 2,274 182 181 213 193 204 185 743 816 741 1,150 788 1,242 864 1,167 124 179 168 162 2,496 2,931 2,488 2,640 728 844 849 780 1,527 1,508 6,467 295 751 5,421 956 820 855 387 29,552 1,034 6,982 5,653 15,883 1,126 916 1,459 373 2,358 1,901 15,563 1,342 1,053 3,147 1,969 351 20,196 9,590 10,272 11,030 11,25: 9,172 998 19,748 3,020 741 8,605 7,382 5,710 9,682 ,129 18,627 1,611 1,267 8,186 7,563 6,867 9,860 ,266 18,398 2,343 1,403 7,257 7,395 7,252 9,894 1,284 17,382 1,751 1,236 7,293 7,103 7,630 1,823 1,528 4,377 1,881 707 35< 26,999 3,827 1,979 224 22 ,857 1961—Dec. 30. 1962—June 30. Dec. 28. 1963—Mar. 18. 73,131 75,019 80,623 80,447 39,693 41,492 44,698 44,805 10,165 2,811 10,719 3,007 11,299 ",187 299 3 11,448 3,360 591 424 728 63: 438 416 447 45: 116 240 764 708 1,251 1,256 1,563 1,381 13,24: 13,728 14,441 14,627 11,132 11,792 12,273 12,319 Nonmember: : 1947—Dec. 31. I960—Dec. 31. 1961—Dec. 30. 1962—June 30. Dec. 28. 18,454 33,910 35,856 37,188 40,141 5,43: 17,719 18,700 19,989 21,469 1,205 614 3,838 ,16' 838 2,167 4,241 2,314 4,474 2,580 4,830 2,678 20 161 179 165 190 156 269 306 306 354 19 22 132 379 418 431 523 2,266 6,205 6,341 6,682 7,097 1,061 4,774 4,995 5,439 5,754 l Beginning with June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Bills State and local Other govt. secusecu- rities rities 3,494 3,653 19,539 971 3.007 15,561 3,090 2,871 3,455 1,900 1,057 78,338 2,275 6,985 4;271 44,807 3,2542,815 7,130 4,662 839 ~~~ 57,914 1,987 5,816 4.815 45",295 4,199 3,105 784 470 3,261 727 556 3,148 752 1,020 3,583 767 1,128 3,409 659 648 818 947 69,221 2,901 61,003 3,412 66 ,578 3,713 64 ,443 3;909 66,434 U.S. Government securities 21,046 988 3,159 16,899 3,651 3,333 4,773 4,505 4,677 2,361 1,132 88 88,912 2,455 9,071 16,045 51,342 3,873 3,258 9,266 5,654 914 67,941 2,124 7,552 5,918 52 - , 3 4 7 5,129 3,621 7,090 28,602 26,263 2,883 60,.,468 7,994 2,884 18,868 30,722 17,300 3,150 27,708 3,396 66,',026 11,356 2,098 26,145j26,426 20,068 7,296 30,211 30 20 3,462 — 25 ,886 26,231 22,883 3,747 7,200 31,915 29,299 3,692 (63,921 8,226 3 , 577 30,402 3,890 65,891 11,514 3,916 23,715 26,746 24 8,434 34,123 34 " ,547 4,356 39 47 113 11,278 10,980 11,943 11,839 2,609 2,659 2,941 2,989 Other to indi- Other viduals Total 9,393 5,723 830 1,220 115 3,284 1,833 966 7,106 28,713 26,396 4,056 2,134 1,033 7,311 30,320 27,847 3,254 2,005 1,474 7,221 32,036 29,444 '"" 34,259 30,553 5,144 2,131 2,578 8, 459 Member, total: 1941—Dec. 31. 43,521 18,021 8,671 972 594 598 1945—Dec. 31. 107,183 22,775 8,949 855 3,133 3,378 1947—Dec. 31. 97,846 32,628 16,962 1 ,046 811 1,065 Other reserve city: 1941_Dec. 31. 1945—Dec. 31. 1947_Dec. 31. Investments For To purchasing financial or carrying institutions Total Comloans ! mer- Agri- securities and cial culReal invest- Total 2 and esments tur- To intate al broduskers To To To trial and others banks others dealers All insured: 1941_Dec. 31., 49,290 21,259 9,214 1 ,450 614 662 1945—Dec. 31., 21,809 25,765 9,461 ,314 3 164 3,606 1947—Dec. 31.. 14,274 37,583 18,012 1,610 823 1,190 I960—Dec. 31., 1961—Dec. 30., 1962—June 30. Dec. 28., 1 727 827 913 872 110 481 3,787 1,222 1,028 630 5,102 4,544 16,722 1,342 1,067 480 2,583 2,108 17,687 2,006 1,262 751 24,407 732 23,843 826 25,425 796 24,820 3,614 566 9,560 10,667 2,667 1,075 9,405 10,696 4,144 1,223 8,849 11,209 3,718 1,085 8,768 11,248 109 207 214 233 252 206 1,973 1,219 7,920 1,078 625 1,670 624 3,941 5,668 3,431 857 2,259 27: 4,947 5,046 3,655 976 1,853 64: 4,675 5,210 3,845 971 2,81~ 683 4,398 5,573 3,982 1,224 11,318 11,904 12,525 12,383 13,466 7,530 1,500 8,146 1,539 8,694 1,807 9,099 1,723 2 Breakdowns of loan, investment, and deposit classifications are not available before 1947; summary figures for earlier dates appear in the preceding table. 3 New York City and City of Chicago were central reserve city banks before July 28, 1962; reserve city banks thereafter. For other notes see opposite page. 813 COMMERCIAL BANKS JUNE 1963 RESERVES AND LIABILITIES BY CLASS OF BANK (In millions of dollars) Time deposits Demand deposits Class of bank and call date Reserves with F.R. Banks BalDeCur- ances mand rency with deand doposits coin mestic4 adbanks justed 5 17,796 16,720 16,918 16,839 17,680 2,216 3,346 3,689 3,185 4,252 Interbank Certified and officers' checks, etc. U.S. Govt. State Inter- and and bank Postal local Sav- govt. ings U.S. Govt. State and local govt. 1,343 5,945 5,946 9,554 6,829 6,799 11,674 12,242 11,814 12,071 2,581 4,602 5,056 4,437 4,511 All insured: 1941—Dec. 3 1 . . . . 12,396 1,358 8,570 37,845 9,823 673 1,762 1945_Dec. 3 1 . . . . 15,810 1,829 11,075 74,722 12,566 1,248 23,740 1947_Dec. 3 1 . . . . 17,796 2,145 9,736 85,751 11,236 1,379 1,325 3,677 5,098 6,692 1,077 2,585 2,559 5,932 5,934 9,529 6,815 11,582 12,149 11,727 11,991 4,564 5,023 4,390 4,434 6,246 33,754 9,714 671 1,709 7,117 64,184 12,333 1,243 22,179 6,270 73,528 10,978 1,375 1,176 3,066 4,240 5,504 1,009 2,450 2,401 33,061 62,950 72,704 140 64 50 50 99 105 8,724 7,182 7,897 7,689 5,381 8,734 6,086 4,760 9,487 9,107 9,270 8,874 4,654 105,454 4,080 94,826 4,083 104,646 3,950 98,481 303 351 358 374 260 274 243 241 4,371 5,096 5,158 5,745 29 20 14 162 221 266 318 Total: 2 1947_Dec. I960—Dec. 1961—Dec. 1962—June Dec. 1960—Dec. 1961—Dec. 1962—June Dec. 31.... 31.... 30.... 30.... 28.... 31.... 30.... 30.... 28.... 16,720 16,918 16,839 17,680 3,326 3,670 3,168 4,232 Member, total: 1941—Dec. 3 1 . . . . 12,396 1,087 1945—Dec. 3 1 . . . . 15,811 1,438 1947—Dec. 3 1 . . . . 17,797 1,672 1961—Dec. 1962—June Dec. 1963—Mar. 10,216 13,681 14,169 11,799 13,099 13,409 13,871 11,524 12,795 87,123 115,120 122,654 114,043 124,342 114,292 121,671 113,136 123,361 ForDomestic4 eign « 11,362 15,453 16,574 13,185 14,713 15,339 16,440 13,053 14,579 1,430 1,627 1,340 1,215 1,295 1,582 1,298 1,182 1,265 IPC 240 84,987 117,103 1,799 481 124,622 112,534 525 124,459 535 111 262 283 300 269 158 70 54 59 103 111 116,388 1,667 123,878 333 111,874 388 123,744 402 262 283 300 269 36,544 72,593 83,723 866 4,544 5,465 6,341 6,450 4,481 5,412 6,290 6,397 2,813 2,399 3,263 3,005 New York City:* 1941—Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1945—Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1947_Dec. 3 1 . . . . 5,105 4,015 4,639 93 111 151 141 10,761 78 15,065 70 16,653 3,595 607 866 3,535 1,105 6,940 3,236 1,217 267 319 237 290 450 1,338 1,105 11,282 15,712 17,646 30.... 30.... 28.... 18.... 3,286 3,495 4,121 3,341 240 165 251 254 143 106 156 126 17,089 15,796 17,095 16,103 4,330 3,643 3,854 3,926 967 1,267 874 1,918 929 1,408 880 818 333 327 366 309 2,583 2,390 2,237 2,231 20,213 17,580 19,628 17,953 6 17 " i o 12 12 191 38 53 210 53 207 55 215 City of Chicago:* 1941—Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1945—Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1947—Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1,021 942 1,070 43 36 10 298 200 175 2,215 3,153 3,737 1.027 U292 1,196 8 127 20 1,552 21 72 233 237 285 34 66 63 2,152 3,160 3,853 2 9 30.... 30.... ?8.... 18.... 889 916 1.071 856 37 31 44 42 158 94 3,809 3,728 4 ?62 4,146 1,578 1,083 45 44 41 44 369 546 410 265 315 330 288 124 109 109 118 4,830 4,082 4.804 4,458 14 18 18 14 5 7 7 7 8 10 16 49 Other reserve city: 3 1941—Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1945—Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1947—Dec. 3 1 . . . . 4,060 6,326 7,095 425 494 562 2.590 11,117 2,174 22,372 2,125 25,714 4,302 6,307 5,497 491 54 110 8,221 131 405 1,144 1,763 2,282 286 611 705 11,127 22,281 26,003 104 30 22 20 38 45 7,533 858 7,406 764 7,671 1,021 7,130 935 2,542 2,111 2,253 2,301 36,187 33,710 35,481 33,917 8,107 6,394 7,229 6,829 243 228 248 237 2,103 3,670 2,337 1,863 3,520 3,191 3,216 2,822 1,152 907 980 901 40,315 36,504 39,413 37,199 62 75 82 90 110 110 83 82 2,210 4,527 4,993 526 796 929 3,216 9.661 4,665 23,595 3,900 27,424 790 [,199 1,049 2 7 225 5,465 432 1,370 2,004 2,647 239 435 528 8,500 21,797 25,203 30 17 17 31 52 45 5,210 5,023 4,817 4,771 1,678 1,438 1,947 1,774 5,881 4,872 5,389 5,105 43,575 40,321 44,689 42,737 1,910 1,512 ,753 1,612 15 17 19 19 1,641 2,601 1,931 1,752 5,320 5,261 5,337 5,456 796 676 756 700 40,095 36,660 40,801 38,872 37 48 51 55 108 104 100 97 544 828 876 787 989 3,947 5,099 5,446 4.617 5,202 13,595 20,525 21,994 20,489 22,814 385 578 649 553 642 55 65 70 52 57 167 657 565 819 743 1,295 2,658 2,755 2.707 2,802 180 357 402 356 428 12,284 17,970 19,168 17,708 19,813 190 160 178 174 176 1961—Dec. 1962—June Dec. 1963—Mar. 1961—Dec. 1962—June Hec. 1963—Mar. 1961_Dec. 1962—June Dec. 1963—Mar. 30.... 30 28.... 18.... Country: 1941_Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1945—Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1947—Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1961—Dec. 1962—June Dec. 1963—Mar. 30 30.... 28.,.. 18.... Nonmember: 2 1947—Dec. 31 1960—Dec. 31 1961—Dec 30 1962—June 30 Dec. 28 ,, OQ 157 I J90 1,270 1,163 1,237 1,117 * Beginning with 1942, excludes reciprocal bank balances. 5 Through 1960, demand deposits other than interbank and U.S. Govt, less cash items in process of collection; beginning with 1961 demand deposits other than domestic commercial interbank and U.S. Govt, less cash items in process of collection. 6 Beginning with June 1961, reclassification of deposits of foreign central banks reduced foreign interbank demand deposits by about $400 million and interbank time deposits by about $1,500 million. These amounts are now included in demand and time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. 4 5,886 208 7,589 54 8,464 62,526 438 18,638 69,793 735 19,179 74,316 3,550 19,854 77,352 2,883 19,919 778 1,206 1,418 1,648 195 2,120 30 2,259 6,735 283 3,683 7,824 381 3,761 8,937 1,728 3,898 9,541 1,357 3,920 476 719 902 . . . . . 1,996 2,581 ^.001 3,161 243 4,542 160 9,563 332 11,045 2,310 2,706 2,633 2,873 10 6,844 215 8,671 61 9,734 66,605 149 20,628 76,426 462 22,089 85,124 773 22,810 90,714 3,584 23,712 418 11,878 399 23,712 693 27,542 16,918 16,839 17,680 16,098 15,924 12,633 14,071 13,558 65, 10,059 34,383 66,836 163 20,986 76,680 471 22,459 85,393 786 23,183 90,991 3,627 24,094 492 15,146 496 29,277 826 33,946 30.... 30.... 28.... 18.... 100,660 93,555 101,528 96,903 IPC Bor- Capital row- acings counts 35 34 267 288 377 426 870 894 948 954 1,967 **2 2,566 1 2,844 23,962 81 6,997 26,847 240 7,201 28,027 1,388 7,263 29,205 1,038 7,294 146 6,082 219 12,224 337 14,177 4 1,982 11 2,525 23 2,934 29,834 32,541 34,350 35,446 40 80 172 222 7,088 7,323 7,744 7,750 6 172 6,858 25 985 13,378 23 1.094 14,169 26 1 245 15,614 26 1,292 16,675 12 33 33 52 77 1,596 3,590 3,822 4,005 4,240 1,891 2,158 2,242 2,504 NOTE.—Data are for all commercial banks in the United States. These figures exclude data for banks in U. S. possessions except for member banks. During 1941 3 mutual savings banks became members of the FRS; these banks (3 before Jan. 1960, 2 until June 1961, and 1 until July 1962) are included in member banks but are not included in all insured or total banks. Comparability of figures for classes of banks is affected somewhat by changes in F.R. membership, deposit insurance status, and the reserve classifications of cities and individual banks, and by mergers, etc. For other notes see opposite page. 814 WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS JUNE 1963 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF BANKS IN LEADING CITIES (In millions of dollars) Loans For purchasing or carrying securities Total loans and investments 1 Wednesday Loans and Cominvestments Loans mercial ad and justed* justed* industrial Agritural To brokers and dealers To financial institutions To others U.S. U.S. Other Govt. Other sese- Govt. sesecuricuricuri- curities ties ties ties Nonbank Bank Foreign Do- Pers. and mes- sales tic Other com- finan. mer- COS., etc. cial Real estate All other Valuation reserves Total— Leading Cities 1962 May 2 9 16 23 30 Apr. 121 J .416 106 ,418 96 I 416 93 ,398 408 91 704 1,788 3,472 701 1,659 3,267 681 1,768 3,334 702 1,716 3,262 693 1,694 3,316 2,288 2,272 2,312 2,308 2,320 13,874 13,923 13,990 14,041 14,068 17,558 17,536 17,557 17,570 17,625 92 J 432 435 92 103 1,443 99 1,452 674 1.914 3,944 694 ,654 3,810 796 3,769 680 681 ,458 3,671 2,693 2,704 2,734 2,760 15,944 16,026 16,093 16,185 18,367 ,937 18,431 ,935 18,559 1,932 18,528 1,935 85 77 77 75 75 ,459 469 ,475 ,488 492 684 >,125 3,943 679 ,714 3,779 694 ,613 3,878 707 ,429 3,730 702 .722 3,714 2,762 2,769 2,796 2,800 2,869 16,237 16,310 16,421 16,502 16,537 18,751 18,694 18,765 18,769 18,833 1,937 1,938 1,934 1,932 1,934 1,343 I 271 1,151 1,133 33 18 17 17 17 444 440 429 432 1,201 1,032 1,087 1,043 1,080 498 488 486 481 480 932 941 952 963 955 3,293 3,280 3,298 3,274 3,270 496 496 490 490 490 239 I 379 I 427 1 416 262 1,370 19 19 21 21 404 408 407 408 883 1,309 1,250 1,219 403 1,171 529 J.354 295 317 521 523 3,047 3,053 3,059 3,042 562 562 588 I 698 508 1,524 429 I 690 339 1,688 17 12 12 12 12 88 123,697 122,038 123,080 122,548 122,354 121,909 120,379 121,312 120,832 120,660 75,930 75,073 75,429 74,719 74,647 32 937 32,910 33 123 32,978 32,854 1,372 1,371 2 541 929 2,357 1,377 1 377 1 102 2 160 1,384 546 2 154 1,378 487 2,123 3 10 17 24 130,729 130,209 131,583 130,612 128,815 128 555 129,787 129,154 81,130 81,230 81,522 81,219 35,256 35 274 35,258 35,036 1,512 1 527 1,538 1,548 May 1 8 15 22 29 133,015 131 491 132,329 131,969 131,565 130,890 129 777 130,716 130,540 129,843 82,961 82 285 82,963 82,755 82,280 35,337 35 232 35 433 35,267 35,068 1,540 1,036 3,064 840 2 836 1 538 747 3 063 1,548 1,555 634 3,160 1,560 294 3,070 30,360 29,346 29 664 29,435 29,332 29,802 28,663 29,130 28,756 28,514 19,617 18,830 19,016 18,398 18,261 10,865 10,812 10 877 10,794 10,742 10 1,014 611 9 9 733 9 380 9 297 J 480 24 31 485 31 164 31,685 31,091 30 602 30 672 31,065 30,688 19 690 19,759 19,735 19,448 11 643 11 606 11,563 11,400 12 12 12 12 1 8 15 22 29 32 453 31,491 31,810 31,530 31,374 31 793 30,992 31,461 31,278 30,829 20 582 20,134 20,449 20,194 19,935 11 564 11,474 11 553 11,492 11,420 12 13 12 12 13 93,337 92,692 93 416 93,113 93,022 92,107 91,716 92,182 92,076 92,146 56,313 56,243 56 413 56,321 56,386 22,072 22,098 22 246 22,184 22,112 1,362 1,368 1 368 1,375 1,369 357 318 369 166 1 061 1,014 889 1,003 190 990 1,724 1,723 1,719 1,717 1,716 1963 521 535 622 564 2,632 2 637 2 655 2,630 New York City 1962 May 2 9 16 .... 23 30 447 340 348 336 347 336 558 683 534 679 818 1963 Apr May 3 10 17 ... 121 664 317 329 319 492 620 410 415 419 424 429 323 660 1,379 499 1,259 349 1,342 252 1,221 545 1,230 88 79 76 74 969 974 976 969 976 364 353 345 355 357 320 319 326 334 330 516 1,401 1,441 1,488 538 1,519 535 522 520 525 1,608 561 676 1.646 3,097 3,077 3,099 3,089 3,108 562 562 563 563 563 563 563 Outside New York City 1962 May 2 9 16 23 30 1,230 2,271 1,790 12,942 976 2,235 1,784 12,982 1,234 2,247 1,826 13,038 1,037 2,219 1,827 13,078 876 2,236 1,840 13,113 14,265 1,228 14,256 7?7 14,259 [,229 14,296 1,227 14,355 ,776 1963 Apr. 3 10 17 24 99,244 99,045 99,898 99,521 98,213 97,883 98,722 98,466 61,440 61,471 61,787 61,771 23 613 23,668 23,695 23,636 1 500 1,515 1,526 1,536 282 240 305 302 1 253 1,210 1,239 1,260 73 73 82 78 1,028 1,027 1,036 1,044 357 365 361 2,164 2,183 2,211 2,244 14,590 14,625 14,652 14,697 15,320 1,375 15,378 ,373 370 15,500 15,486 1,373 May 1 8 15 22 29 100,562 100,000 100,519 100 439 100,191 99,097 98,785 99,255 99 262 99,014 62,379 62,151 62,514 62,561 62,345 23,773 23 758 23,880 23 775 23,648 1,528 1 525 1,536 1 543 1,547 448 332 318 295 173 1.366 1 312 1,373 1 472 1 406 68 65 65 63 63 1,049 1,054 1,056 1 064 1,063 361 ,465 2,564 2,224 715 2,520 2,234 360 368 1,264 2,536 2,274 373 1,177 2,509 2,280 372 1,177 2,484 2,344 14,718 14,749 14,813 14,876 14,891 15,654 15,617 15,666 15,680 15,725 For notes see p. 816. 1.031 2,635 167 2,560 ,176 2,550 361 1,055 2,500 1,374 1,375 1,371 1,369 1,371 JUNE 1963 WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS 815 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF BANKS IN LEADING CITIES—Continued (In millions of dollars) Investments Cash assets 3 U. S. Government securities Wednesday Total Bills Certificates Notes and bonds maturing— Other securities Total With- 1 to After in 1 year 5 years 5 years Balances with domestic banks Balances with foreign banks Currency and coin Reserves with F. R. Banks All other Total assets— Total liabilities and capital accounts TotalLeading Cities 1962 May 2 9 16 23 30 Apr. May 32,069 31,667 32,125 32,320 32,256 3,874 3,432 3,831 3,970 3,96f 2,370 2,371 2,171 2,147 2,121 6,455 6,501 6,536 6,635 6,608 14,805 14,798 14,584 14,525 14,535 4,565 4,565 5,003 5,043 5,030 13,910 13,639 13,758 13,793 13,757 17,241 16,853 17,393 16,825 17,132 2,968 2,667 2,922 2,640 2,887 137 153 136 153 164 1,443 1,478 1,489 1,540 1,581 12,693 12,555 12,846 12,492 12,500 4,701 4,600 4,478 4,489 4,57f 159,588 155,410 159,508 155,769 156,349 3 10 17 24 30,857 30,348 30,946 30,597 4,724 4,200 4,773 4,409 1,750 1,794 1,808 1,807 2,507 2,495 2,489 2,456 14,222 14,230 14,226 14,216 7,654 7,629 7,650 7,709 16,828 16,977 17,319 17,338 17,207 16,895 17,281 17,473 3,103 2,952 3,209 2,906 190 171 193 184 1,533 1,618 1,691 1,679 12,381 12,154 12,188 12,704 4,919 4,886 5,028 5,058 165,988 164,902 168,269 165,423 1 8 15 22 30,689 30,277 30,481 30,225 29,966 4,537 4,156 4,342 4,220 4,145 1,841 1,857 1,754 1,779 1,774 2,441 2,444 2,381 2,378 2,390 14,168 14,203 14,618 14,602 14,530 7,702 7,617 7,386 7,246 7,127 17,240 17,215 17,272 17,560 17,597 18,028 17,341 17,716 17,606 16,910 3,361 2,943 3,256 2,977 2,931 194 200 199 207 210 1,554 1,567 1,628 1,648 1,618 12,919 12,631 12,633 12,774 12,151 5,126 5,076 5,020 4,952 5,074 171,271 166,664 171,255 167,600 167,292 6,766 6,705 6,945 7,207 7,111 1,210 ,135 ,413 ,603 ,562 669 665 451 451 437 ,567 ,556 ,406 ,458 ,429 2,382 938 2,402 947 2,511 1,164 2,515 1,180 2,516 1,167 3,419 3,128 3,169 3,151 3,142 3,896 3,563 4,158 3,805 3,705 122 77 69 63 69 210 222 209 220 221 3,494 3,186 3,814 3,440 3,328 2,012 1,938 1,873 1,901 1,888 41,413 39,030 40,788 39,404 39,479 1963 29 New York City 1962 May 2 9 16 23 30 1963 Apr. 3 10 17 24 6,527 6,417 6,614 6,565 ,713 ,607 ,813 ,754 211 219 226 223 500 500 507 515 2,442 1,661 2,437 ,654 2,419 ,649 2,407 ,666 4,385 4,496 4,716 4,675 3,673 3,676 3,479 4,205 113 105 92 87 238 252 243 246 3,238 3,252 3,064 3,801 2,068 2,037 2,161 2,167 41,433 41,212 41,739 41,439 1 8 6,639 6,406 6,564 6,452 6,238 1,850 1,625 1,875 1,794 1,630 245 266 232 230 235 501 490 347 347 357 2,390 2,399 2,582 2,591 2,544 ,653 ,626 ,528 ,490 ,472 4,572 4,452 4,448 4,632 4,656 4,240 3,934 4,087 4,193 3,903 112 71 100 117 79 227 242 231 239 227 3,824 3,539 3,680 3,758 3,512 2,165 2,139 2,100 2,097 2,136 44,455 42,054 43,660 42,337 42,708 25,303 24,962 25,180 25,113 25,145 2,664 2,297 2,418 2,367 2,400 1,701 1,706 1,720 1,696 1,684 4,888 4,945 5,130 5,177 5,179 12,423 12,396 12,073 12,010 12,019 3,627 3,618 3,839 3,863 3,863 10,491 10,511 10,589 10,642 10,615 13,345 13,290 13,235 13,020 13,427 2,846 2,590 2,853 2,577 2,818 1,233 1,256 1,280 1,320 1,360 9,199 9,369 9,032 9,052 9,172 2,689 2,662 2,605 2,588 2,684 118,175 116,380 118,720 116,365 116,870 Apr. 3 10 17 24 24,330 23,931 24,332 24,032 3,011 2,593 2,960 2,655 1,539 2,007 11,780 5,993 1,575 ,995 11,793 5,975 1,582 ,982 11,807 6,001 1,584 ,941 11,809 6,043 12,443 12,481 12,603 12,663 13,534 13,219 13,802 13,268 2,990 2,847 3,117 2,819 106 104 113 113 1,295 1,366 1,448 1,433 9,143 8,902 9,124 8,903 2,851 2,849 2,867 2,891 124,555 123,690 126,530 123,984 May 24,050 23,871 23,917 2,687 2,531 2,467 2,426 2,515 ,940 11,778 6,049 1,596 1,591 ,954 11,804 5,991 1,522 2,034 12,036 5,858 1,549 2,031 12,011 5,756 1,539 2,033 11,986 5,655 12,668 12,763 12,824 12,928 12,941 13,788 13,407 13,629 13,413 13,007 3,249 2,872 3,156 2,860 2,852 117 118 123 128 125 1,327 1,325 1,397 1,409 1,391 9,095 9,092 8,953 9,016 8,639 2,961 2,937 2,920 2,855 2,938 126,816 124,610 127,595 125,263 124,584 May 15 22 29 Outside New York City 1962 May 2 9 16 23 30 1963 1 8 15 22 29 23,773 23,728 For notes see the following page. 816 WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS JUNE 1963 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES O F BANKS IN LEADING CITIES—Continued (In millions of dollars) Deposits Borrowings Demand Wednesday Demand Total deunadjusted^ posits adTotal* justed 5 IPC Time DomesStates For- U.S. tic and Total« local eign? Govt. commerGovt. cial banks Other time Sav- Other Capital From From liabiliacF. R. others ties counts Banks IPC States Forand local eign 7 Govt. 7,860 7,964 8,061 8,169 8,322 3,426 3,420 3,394 3,404 3,403 2,245 2,256 2,267 2,264 2,265 36 36 174 44 38 2,098 1,948 2,186 2,120 1,804 5,498 5,330 5,478 5,434 5,473 13,225 13,237 13,220 13,217 13,253 Total— Leading Cities 1962 138,731 134,859 138,450 134,954 135,781 63,071 61,842 60,657 60,857 61,621 93,061 88,959 92,378 88,675 89,297 65,458 63,380 64,770 62,589 63,705 5,771 5,366 5,179 5,404 5,404 4,744 11,297 684 4,201 4 10,997 5,725 11,439 622 5,521 5 10,390 5,028 10,357 45,670 45,900 46,072 46,279 46,484 Apr. 3 . . . 10... 17... 24 144,118 142,962 146,256 142,722 61,811 63,139 64,393 63,529 90,700 89,439 92,831 89,07: 65,005 65,970 68,586 65,806 4,772 4,652 5,056 5,050 ,676 3,684 12,072 ,674 1,843 ' ~'~ 11,545 ,676 1,991 12,070 758 2,389 10,874 53,418 53,523 53,425 53,650 35,956 10 ,447 35,929 10,529 35,785 10,470 35,801 10,601 3,839 3,856 3,961 4,006 2,790 2,814 2,812 2,843 48 269 33 798 2,563 2,409 2,559 2,359 5,462 5,442 5,636 5,759 13,797 13,820 13,785 13,785 May 148,923 144,163 148,507 144,892 144,714 63,699 61,888 61,006 61,245 61,143 95,17: 90,13' 94,266 90,477 90,176 67,004 63,914 66,197 63,760 64,260 5,993 5,376 5,364 5,367 5,399 ,691 ,773 ,748 ,672 ,635 4,957 11,414 4,191 11,302 5,204 11,866 5,481 10,678 4,537 10,753 53,751 54,026 54,241 54,415 54,538 35,822 10,679 35,909 10,854 35,952 11,036 36,014 11,133 36,048 11,175 4,019 4,052 4,027 4,039 4,076 2,834 2,818 2,834 2,847 2,857 75 332 565 732 79 2,671 2,551 2,481 2,293 2,662 5,737 5,738 5,833 5,817 5,926 13,866 13,881 13,865 13,860 13,919 33,734 31,721 33,043 31,931 32,341 16,289 15,575 15,345 15,377 15,650 26,096 24,007 25,268 24,086 24,411 17,075 16,109 16,592 16,078 16,666 439 316 293 365 330 ,318 ,280 ,281 ,218 ,203 1,633 1,349 1,657 1,562 1,378 1,072 815 1,269 968 615 2,866 2,750 2,700 2,769 2,786 3,741 3,744 3,739 3,736 3,737 3 10 17 24 33,889 33,528 33,938 33,295 15,647 15,966 16,167 15,988 24,123 23,738 24,243 23,518 16,334 16,484 17,161 16,575 894 ,037 ,096 ,232 2,792 2,740 2,849 2,935 3,858 3,858 3,856 3,857 1 8 15 22 29 36,615 34,122 35,416 34,116 34,653 16,422 15,372 15,004 15,262 15,025 26,831 24,287 25,529 24,203 24,711 ,073 ,185 ,248 ,226 ,293 2, 2,860 2,854 2,838 2,887 3,884 3,887 3,885 3,875 3,875 104,997 103,138 105,407 103,023 103,440 46,782 46,267 45,312 45,480 45,971 Apr. 3 10 17 24 110,229 109,434 112,318 109,427 1 8 15 22 29 112,308 110,041 113,091 110,776 110,061 May 2 . . . 9... 16... 23... 30... 31,776 31,891 31,976 32,066 '32,116 1963 1... 8 15... 22... 29... New York City 1962 May 2... 9... 16... 23... 30... 3,029 2,900 3,173 2,884 2,829 7,638 7,714 7,775 7,845 7,930 3,355 3,377 3,395 3,422 3,429 2,323 2,364 2,391 2,436 2,505 189 191 188 185 193 1,601 1,607 1,624 1,624 1,623 298 278 287 274 1,218 1,037 3,232 1,236 493 2,944 1,245 498 3,164 1,309 662 2,892 9,766 9,790 9,695 9,777 4,189 4,188 4,165 4,169 3,110 3,108 3,053 3,113 269 268 266 265 2,004 2,027 2,015 2,03' 17,405 15,974 16,620 15,976 16,414 755 312 311 331 394 1,259 1,341 1,304 1,251 1,225 66,965 64,952 67,110 64,589 64,886 48,383 47,271 48,178 46,511 47,039 46,164 47,173 48,226 47,541 66,577 65,701 68,588 65,55 47,277 46,516 46,002 45,983 46,118 68,341 65,850 68,737 66,274 65,465 1963 Apr. May 49 120 ,579 ,279 ,466 ,462 ,185 3,233 3,146 3,396 2,962 3,206 9,784 9,835 9,887 9,913 9,942 4,175 4,194 4,204 4,216 4,215 3,126 3,172 3,212 3,211 3,231 265 265 270 274 279 2,026 2,011 2,020 2,030 2,035 5,332 5,050 4,886 5,039 5,074 413 3,111 404 2,852 404 4,068 404 3,959 398 3,650 8,268 8,097 8,266 7,506 7,528 38,032 38,186 38,297 38,434 38,554 '28,421 ••28,514 '28,581 ••28,644 '28,687 '5,537 '5,600 '5,670 '5,733 r 5,817 3,23' 3,229 3,206 3,219 3,210 644 64! 643 640 642 36 1,026 2,632 36 1,133 2,580 137 917 2,778 44 1,152 2,665 1,189 2,687 9,484 9,493 9,481 9,481 9,516 48,671 49,486 51,425 49,231 4,474 4,374 4,769 4,776 458 438 431 449 2 ,647 1,350 1,493 1,727 8,840 8,601 8,906 7,982 43,652 43,733 43,730 43,873 31,767 31,741 31,620 31,63f 7,337 7,421 7,417 7,488 3,570 3,588 3,695 3,741 786 78' 79 809 48 220 33 678 ,669 ,372 ,463 ,127 2,670 2,702 2,787 2,824 9,939 9,962 9,929 9,928 49,599 47,940 49,57? 47,784 47,846 5,238 5,064 5,053 5,036 5,005 43: 3,378 43: 2,912 444 3,738 3 421 4,019 410 3,35: 8,181 8,156 8,470 7,716 7,547 43,967 44,191 44,354 44,502 44,596 31,647 31,715 31,748 31,798 31,833 7,553 7,682 7,824 7,922 7,944 3,754 3,787 3,757 3,765 3,797 808 807 81 817 822 75 332 308 450 79 ,598 ,366 ,233 ,06' ,369 2,85 9,981 2,878 9,993 2,979 9,984 2,979 9,991 3,039 10,036 257 282 Outside New York City 1962 May 2 9 16 23 30 1963 May 1 After deduction of valuation reserves. 2 Exclusive of loans to domestic commercial banks and after deduction of valuation reserves; individual loans items are shown gross. 3 Excludes cash items in process of collection. 4 Total demand and total time deposits. 5 Demand deposits other than domestic commercial interbank and U.S. Govt., less cash items in process of collection. 6 Includes certified and officers' checks and deposits of mutual savings banks, not shown separately. 7 Deposits of foreign governments and official institutions, central banks, international institutions, banks in foreign countries, and foreign branches of U.S. banks other than reporting bank. 8 Includes U.S. Govt., postal savings, domestic commercial interbank, and mutual savings banks, not shown separately. JUNE 1963 817 BUSINESS LOANS OF BANKS COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL LOANS OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS (Net change in millions of dollars) Industry May 22 Week Month 1963 1963 May 15 May 8 May 1 May Quarter 1962 1963 Apr. Mar. Half year I IV 1962 III 1st 2nd Durable goods manufacturing: Machinery Transportation equipment Other fabricated metal products... Other durable goods Nondurable goods manufacturing: Food, liquor, and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather Petroleum refining Chemicals and rubber Other nondurable goods Mining, including crude petroleum Trade: Commodity dealers Retail Transportation, communication, and 8 -7 -31 1 -5 -11 -15 -46 -13 19 -24 4 18 -26 -44 20 23 -61 -12 -105 9 9 16 107 23 2 46 12 135 -11 22 33 -25 -13 62 -44 -158 -49 31 -15 -48 140 -74 19 47 -91 -18 -131 89 96 126 128 -120 26 26 -52 20 -136 9 12 17 -7 -67 125 13 105 34 -371 207 -32 90 46 416 -275 31 25 -112 111 96 12 -154 7 528 -179 43 -129 -105 -497 289 -67 76 174 13 -34 2 -35 16 14 -6 4 7 3 -21 15 39 6 -94 43 24 -30 -78 50 22 78 -82 2 102 296 -69 -77 -7 91 133 60 117 -25 87 63 36 66 220 123 154 178 -237 34 61 -22 13 19 23 -41 91 -64 53 16 23 -233 -42 346 -46 309 29 655 -17 -510 182 -1 -5 2 5 4 7 16 -23 -20 8 7 -48 -26 -1 -26 -5 26 26 11 -3 8 -68 25 4 -4 7 -15 -7 13 -6 3 -7 4 -10 8 -25 10 35 -39 9 2 7 17 17 7 16 -32 -15 -1 39 11 -21 89 32 67 60 21 283 8 290 20< Net change in classified loans -171 -154 153 -132 258 -46 -244 598 21 893 640 1533 19f Commercial and industrial change— all weekly reporting banks -199 -166 201 -105 301 32 -172 644 42 1103 709 1812 434 Construction . All other types of business, mainly NOTE.—Data for sample of about 200 banks reporting changes in their larger loans; these banks hold about 95 per cent of total commercial and industrial loans of all weekly reporting member banks and about 70 per cent of those of all commercial banks. End-of-week date shown. Figures for periods other than week are based on weekly changes. BANK RATES ON SHORT-TERM BUSINESS LOANS (Per cent per annum) Area All loans period Size of loan (thousands of dollars) Area 1— 10 10— 100 100— 200 200 and over Year: 19 large cities: 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 . .. . ... 3.6 3.7 4.2 4 6 4 3 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.2 5 5 5 5 5.8 4.3 4.4 4.8 5 1 5 0 5.5 3.9 4.0 4.4 4 8 4 6 5.2 3.4 3.5 4.0 4 5 4.1 4.9 5.2 5 0 5 0 6.0 5 9 5 9 5.7 5 5 5 5 5.4 5 2 5 2 5.0 4 8 4 8 4 98 5.01 4 99 5.02 5.00 5 89 5 88 5 86 5.88 5.89 5 54 5 53 5 53 5^55 5.55 5 21 5 25 5 21 5.28 5.21 4 81 4.84 4 82 4.85 4.83 Quarter: 1 19 large cities: 1962 Mar June Sept Dec 1963 Mar i Based on new loans and renewals for first 15 days of month. NOTE.—Weighted averages. For description see Mar. 1949 BULL., pp. 228-37. Bank prime rate was 3% per cent Jan. 1,1954-Mar. 16,1954. All loans QTlH period Quarter—cont.: * New York City: 1962—Mar June Sept Dec 1963 Mar .. 7 northern and eastern cities: 1962—Mar June. Sept Dec . 1963—Mar 11 southern and western cities: 1962 Mar June Sent Dec 1963—Mar ... ... Size of loan (thousands of dollars) 1— 10 10— 100 100— 200 200 and over 4.78 4.79 4.77 4.78 4 80 5.65 5.64 5.60 5.61 5 62 5.36 5.35 5.35 5.33 5 36 5.04 5.09 5.14 5.12 5 06 4.68 4.68 4.65 4.68 4 70 4.97 5 00 5.00 5.05 4.98 5.85 5 83 5.87 5.85 5.85 5.53 5 52 5.51 5.55 5.53 5.17 5 21 5.20 5.23 5.18 4.83 4 86 4.87 4.92 4.84 5 28 5.33 5 32 5.33 5.30 6 01 6.01 5 98 6.01 6.02 5 66 5.65 5 65 5.68 5.66 5 35 5.39 5 28 5.41 5.33 5 03 5.12 5 12 5.10 5.07 Changes thereafter occurred on the following dates (new levels shown, in per cent): 1954—Mar. 17, 3; 1955—Aug. 4, 3 % ; Oct. 14, 3 ^ ; 1956— Apr. 13, 334; Aug. 21, 4; 1957—Aug. 6, 4 % ; 1958—Jan. 22, 4; Apr. 21, 3Vi; Sept. 11, 4; 1959—May 18, 4%; Sept. 1, 5; and 1960—Aug. 23, 4& 818 INTEREST RATES JUNE 1963 MONEY MARKET RATES (Per cent per annum) Period U.S. Government securities (taxable) j Finance Prime coml. paper, ^toe- 1 months CO. paper placed 3- to 6months 2 Prime bankers' acceptances, 90 days 1 6-month bills 3-month bills 9- to 12-month issues Rate on new issue Market yield Rate on new issue Market yield Bills (market yield) Other* 3-to 5year issues 5 I960 1961 1962 3 85 2.97 3.26 3.54 2.68 3.07 3 51 2.81 3.01 2.928 2.378 2.778 2.87 2.36 2.77 3.247 2.605 2.908 3.20 2.59 2.90 3 41 2.81 3.01 3.55 2.91 3.02 3.99 3.60 3.57 1962—May June July SeDt Oct Nov Dec 3.16 3.25 3.36 3.30 3.34 3.27 3.23 3.29 2.95 3.02 3.20 3.12 3.13 3.04 3.08 3.16 2.91 2.90 3.07 3.11 3.09 3.03 3.00 3.00 2.694 2.719 2.945 2.837 2.792 2.751 2.803 2.856 2.68 2.73 2.92 2.82 2.78 2.74 2.83 2.87 2.789 2.804 3.085 3.005 2.947 2.859 2.875 2.908 2.78 2.80 3.08 2.99 2.93 2.84 2.89 2.91 2.91 2.89 3.17 3.10 2.99 2.90 2.94 2.94 2.98 3.02 3.23 3.13 3.00 2.90 2.92 2.95 3.53 3.51 3.71 3.57 3.56 3.46 3.46 3.44 1963 Jan Feb Mar Apr May 3.34 3.25 3.34 3.32 3.25 3.18 3.13 3.15 3.17 3.15 3.07 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 2.914 2.916 2.897 2.909 2.920 2.91 2.92 2.89 2.90 2.92 2.962 2.970 2.950 2.988 3.006 2.96 2.98 2.95 2.98 3.01 3.00 3.00 2.97 3.03 3.06 2.97 2.89 2.99 3.02 3.06 3.47 3.48 3.50 3.56 3.57 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.13 3.14 3.19 3.15 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 2.898 2.905 2.903 2.922 2.974 2.90 2.91 2.90 2.94 2.98 2.988 2.993 2.990 3.005 3.055 2.99 2.99 2.99 3.02 3.06 3.05 3.04 3.04 3.06 3.09 3.00 3.00 3.03 3.10 3.17 3.56 3.54 3.55 3 59 3.64 Week ending— 1963 May 4 11 18 25 i Averages of daily offering rates of dealers. * Averages of daily rates, published byfinancecos., for varying maturities in the 90-179 day range. 3 Except for new bill issues, yields are averages computed from daily closing bid prices. 4 Certificates of indebtedness and selected note and bond issues. 3 Selected note and bond issues. BOND AND STOCK YIELDS (Per cent per annum) Government bonds Period United States (longterm) Corporate bonds State and local By selected rating Industrial Railroad Public utility Preferred Common 4.73 4.66 4.61 4.41 4.35 4.33 5.19 5.08 5.02 4.59 4.54 4.47 4.92 4.82 4.86 4.69 4.57 4 51 4.75 4 66 4 50 3.47 2 97 3 37 3.55 3.65 3.72 3.74 3.66 3.62 3.53 3.57 4.58 4.59 4.63 4.64 4.61 4.57 4.55 4.52 4.28 4.28 4.34 4.35 4.32 4.28 4.25 4.24 5.00 5.02 5.05 5.06 5.03 4.99 4.96 4.92 4.42 4.45 4.52 4.51 4.45 4.40 4.39 4.40 4.83 4.86 4.90 4.90 4.88 4.85 4.83 4.76 4.50 4.47 4.48 4.50 4.49 4.46 4.42 4.41 4.45 4.52 4 59 4.55 4.50 4.49 4 45 4.42 3.32 3.78 3.68 3.57 3.60 3.71 3 50 3.40 r 6.40 r 6 57 2.95 2.99 2.97 2.97 2.99 3.56 3.57 3.56 3.55 3.54 4.49 4.48 4.47 4.47 4.48 4.21 4.19 4.19 4.21 4.22 4.91 4.89 4.88 4.87 4.86 4.38 4.37 4.38 4.40 4.40 4.72 4.69 4.65 4.63 4.63 4.38 4.37 4.38 4.39 4.39 4.34 4.27 4.24 4.31 4.29 3.31 3.27 3.28 3.15 3.13 *3.53 3.01 3.01 2.97 2.97 3.00 3 56 3.56 3.52 3.52 3.55 4.48 4.48 4.47 4.47 4.48 4.22 4.22 4.21 4.22 4.23 4 87 4.86 4.86 4.85 4.84 4 41 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 4 63 4.63 4.63 4 63 4.63 4 40 4 39 4.39 4 39 4.39 4 31 4 30 4 28 4 27 4.27 3 09 3 10 3 14 3 15 3.15 5 5 120 30 30 40 40 40 14 500 4.01 3.90 3.95 3.69 3.60 3.30 3.26 3.27 3.03 4.22 4.01 3.67 3.88 3.90 4.02 3.97 3.94 3.89 3.87 3.87 3.21 3.31 3.37 3.38 3.28 3.21 3.15 3.22 2.98 3.06 3.10 3.10 3.01 2.94 2.89 2.93 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr 3.88 3.92 3.93 3.97 3.97 3.22 3.24 3.21 3.21 3.21 Week ending— 1963 Mav 4 y ii:.:::::::::::::: 18 25 June 1 3.98 3.97 3.96 3 97 3.99 3.23 3.23 3.19 3.20 3.22 4-12 20 Sept Oct Nov Dec i Includes bonds rated Aa and A, data for which are not shown separately. Because of a limited number of suitable issues, the number of corporate bonds in some groups has varied somewhat. NOTE.—Annual yields are averages of monthly or quarterly data. Monthly and weekly yields are computed as follows: U.S. Govt. bonds: Averages of daily figures for bonds maturing or callable in 10 years or more. State and local govt. bonds: General obligations only, based on Thurs. Earnings/ price ratio Baa Baa July Dividend/ price ratio Aaa Aaa 1962—May By group Total i Total i I960 1961 1962 Stock:i Common 5 oo 4 74 6 05 r 6.24 500 figures Corp. bonds: Averages of daily figures. Both of these series are from Moody's Investors Service series. Stocks: Standard and Poor's Corp. series. Dividend/price ratios are based on Wed. figures; earnings/price ratios are as of end of period. Preferred stock ratio is based on 8 median yields for a sample of noncallable issues—12 industrial and 2 public utility; common stock ratios on the 500 stocks in the price index. Quarterly earnings are seasonally adjusted at annual rates. JUNE 1963 819 SECURITY MARKETS SECURITY PRICES Bonds Common stocks Standard and Poor's U.S. Govt. (longterm) Period State and local Corporate AAA Standard and Poor's index (1941-43= 10) Volume of trading Trade, (thoufisands nance, Minof and ing shares) service Securities and Exchange Commission index (1957-59= 100) M a nufacturing Industrial Total Railroad Public utility Total Total Trans- Public utilNon- portation ity durable Durable 1960 1961... 1962 86.22 87.55 86.94 103.9 107.8 112.0 94.7 95.2 95.6 55.85 59.43 30.31 46.86 113.9 110.9 117.3 104.9 95.8 129.3 127.4 66.27 69.99 32.83 61.87 134.2 126.7 129.2 124.4 105.7 168.4 160.2 62.38 65.54 30.56 59.16 127.1 118.0 116.5 119.4 97.8 167.2 155.0 1962—May.... June.... July Aug.... Sept Oct Nov Dec 87.87 87.61 86.07 86.64 87.02 87.73 87.96 87.96 113.5 111.2 110.2 110.1 112.1 114.4 114.5 113.0 95.9 95.7 95.4 95.3 95.8 96.6 96.6 96.6 62.99 55.63 56.97 58.52 58.00 56.17 60.04 62.64 66.32 58.32 59.61 61.29 60.67 58.66 62.90 65.59 30.71 28.05 28.29 28.09 27.68 27.40 30.47 32.24 58.84 53.32 55.51 56.96 56.96 55.63 57.69 60.24 128.3 114.3 116.0 119.5 117.9 114.3 122.8 128.0 119.0 105.7 106.9 110.4 108.9 105.6 114.0 119.1 117.5 103.2 104.4 109.1 106.2 102.5 110.7 114.0 120.6 98.5 108.1 90.2 109.2 90.0 111.7 90.6 111.5 88.5 108.4 86.6 117.3 97.2 123.8 102.3 167.1 151.1 156.7 160.7 158.2 154.3 162.0 167.9 161.6 97.5 141.3 88.3 139.4 90.9 143.6 92.7 141.6 92.3 135.9 91.3 145.4 97.7 151.8 101.5 5,045 4,770 3,532 3,368 3,310 3,423 4,803 4,048 1963- Jan Feb Mar.... Apr May.... 87.81 87.33 87.15 86.63 86.66 113.0 112.1 113.3 113.2 112.6 97.4 97.8 97.8 97.4 97.1 65.06 65.92 65.67 68.76 70.13 68.00 68.91 68.71 72.17 73.60 34.06 34.59 34.60 36.25 38.37 63.35 64.07 63.35 64.64 65.56 132.6 135.0 133.7 140.7 143.2 123.6 125.5 124.5 132.0 134.3 119.2 121.0 118.7 126.9 130.7 127.7 129.7 129.9 136.9 137.7 107.3 110.3 109.3 116.3 124.2 173.0 177.5 174.5 179.2 180.6 155.8 158.4 158.6 164.8 170.0 106.8 109.3 111.5 120.1 123.2 4,574 4,168 3,565 5,072 4,781 Week ending— 1963—May 4. 11. 18. 25. June 1. 86.55 86.70 86.80 86.67 86.45 112.9 113.0 112.7 112.5 111.8 97.2 97.1 97.2 97.0 97.1 69.92 69.97 70.33 70.07 70.25 73.42 73.49 73.79 — '" 73.47 73.71 37.58 37.48i 38.18; 39.00 39.49 65.24 65.21 65.84 65.72 65.40 142.7 143.7 143.0 142.5 144.1 133.8 135.0 133.9 133.3 135.4 128.6: '"* 131.7130.3 129.8 133.3 *~~ -! I 138 137 .4 136 .7 137 .5 181.6 181.4' 180.6! 180.0 179.61 168.01 168.8 171.6 170.7 171.1 121.9 123.2 123.3 122.9 124.7 4,593 4,856 5,075 4,936 4,155 NOTE.—Annual data are averages of monthly data. Monthly and weekly data are computed as follows: U.S. Govt. bonds, derived from average market yields in preceding table on basis of an assumed 3 per cent, 20-year bond, averages of daily figures. Municipal and corporate bonds, derived from average yields, as computed by Standard and Poor's Corp., on basis of a 4 per cent, 20-year bond; Wed. closing prices. 138.6 121.lj! 121.2 124.4 126.7! 127.6! 73.8 3,042 92.5 4,085 98.0 3,820 Common stocks, Standard and Poor's index based on averages of daily figures; Securities and Exchange Commission index on weekly closing prices. Volume of trading, average daily trading in stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchange for a 5 */i-hour trading day. STOCK MARKET CREDIT (In millions of dollars) Customer credit Months Total securities other than U.S. Govt. Net debit balances with N. Y. Stock Exchange firms secured by— Broker and dealer credit Bank loans to others than brokers and dealers for purchasing and carrying— U.S. Govt. securities Other securities U.S. Govt. securities Other securities Money borrowed on— U.S. Govt. securities Customers' free Other securities Total Customer collateral Other collateral balances 1959—Dec 1960—Dec 1961—Dec 4,461 4,415 5,602 150 95 35 3,280 3,222 4,259 167 138 125 1,181 1,193 1,343 221 142 48 2,362 2,133 2,954 2,044 1,806 2,572 318 327 382 1,135 1,219 1962—May.... June.... July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 5,408 4,938 4,876 5,073 5,156 5,165 5,285 5,494 35 32 29 23 27 25 24 24 4,000 3,605 3,562 3,773 3,887 3,864 3,951 4,125 91 92 83 80 81 81 82 97 1,408 1,333 1,314 1,300 1,269 1,301 1,334 1,369 44 46 32 35 49 29 28 35 2,845 2,194 2,091 2,472 2,689 2,596 2,558 2,785 2,499 1,897 1,856 2,190 2,381 2,271 2,269 2,434 346 297 235 282 308 325 289 351 1,205 1,374 1,252 1,130 1,091 1,126 1,151 1,216 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr May.. .. 5,595 5,717 5,754 5,978 6,229 28 23 28 27 24 4,208 4,332 4,331 4,526 4,737 95 91 100 99 75 1,387 1,385 1,423 1,452 1,492 32 35 63 33 33 2,895 '3,059 C 3,129 C 3,239 3,655 2,556 2,695 2,754 2,889 3,150 339 364 375 350 505 1,199 1,191 1,175 1,201 1,166 NOTE.—Data in the first three cols, and last col. are for end of month, in the other cols., for last Wed. Net debit balances and broker and dealer credit; ledger balances of member firms of the N. Y. Stock Exchange carrying margin accounts, as reported to the Exchange. Customers' debit and free credit balances exclude balances maintained with the reporting firm by other member firms of national securities exchanges and balances of the reporting firm and of general partners of the reporting firm. Balances are net for each customer—i.e., all accounts of one customer are consolidated. Money borrowed includes borrowings from banks and from other lenders except member firms of national securities exchanges. 996 Bank loans to others than brokers and dealers: figures are for weekly reporting member banks. Before July 1959, loans for purchasing or carrying U.S. Govt. securities were reported separately only by N. Y. and Chicago banks. Accordingly, for that period the fifth col. includes any loans for purchasing or carrying such securities at other reporting banks. Composition of series also changed beginning with July 1959; revised data for the new reporting series (but not for the breakdown of loans by purpose) are available back through July 1958 and have been incorporated. 820 OPEN MARKET PAPER; SAVINGS INSTITUTIONS JUNE 1963 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCE COMPANY PAPER AND BANKERS' ACCEPTANCES OUTSTANDING (In millions of dollars) Dollar acceptances Commercial and finance company paper Based on— Held b y End of period Accepting banks Placed through dealers * Placed directly2 Total 2,672 32,751 3,202 4,497 4,686 551 840 677 1,358 1,711 2,121 3 1,911 2,525 3,139 2,975 1962—Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 5,641 5,919 5,865 6,170 6,576 6,577 6,986 7,091 6,000 1,883 1,869 1,878 2,002 2,119 2,228 2,417 2,501 2,088 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr 6,790 6,996 7,076 7,359 2,091 2,193 2,260 2,204 Total 1957 1958. 1959 1960 1961. Total Own Bills bills bought 1,307 1,194 1,151 2,027 2,683 287 302 319 662 1,272 194 238 282 490 896 3,758 4,050 3,987 4,168 4,457 4,349 4,569 4,590 3,912 2,392 2,345 2,342 2,306 2,277 2,281 2,367 2,476 2,650 981 949 965 1,009 937 952 1,025 1,086 1,153 4,699 4,803 4,816 5,155 2,593 2,565 2,589 2,658 1,153 1,141 1,167 1,251 F.R. Banks ImOthers ports into United States Exports from United States Dollar exchange Own acct. Foreign corr. 94 64 36 173 376 66 49 75 74 51 76 68 82 230 126 878 775 67 S ,060 ,234 278 254 357 403 485 456 349 309 669 969 763 733 731 736 721 748 824 841 865 218 216 234 273 216 204 201 245 288 36 33 60 43 35 36 34 38 110 94 112 85 80 71 68 69 88 86 ,281 ,251 ,232 ,175 ,234 ,225 1,239 ,264 ,301 479 462 473 485 488 520 502 525 541 849 840 886 977 304 301 280 274 72 54 52 44 84 84 83 83 [,284 1,285 1,288 1,280 538 542 554 523 1 As reported by dealers; includes finance co. paper as well as other commercial paper sold in the open market. 2 As reported by finance cos. that place their paper directly with nvestors. Goods stored in or shipped between points in— United States Foreign countries 46 83 74 122 117 296 244 162 308 293 232 263 249 524 819 826 787 751 705 667 674 679 719 778 74 96 145 143 138 144 160 173 186 158 145 117 93 72 73 110 145 171 855 855 857 881 912 870 917 914 974 730 703 730 750 149 159 142 146 180 148 122 108 996 1,013 1,041 1,130 3Beginning with Nov. 1958, series includes all paper with maturity of 270 days or more. Figures on old basis for Dec. were (in millions): total $2,739; place directly, $1,899. MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS (Amounts in millions of dollars) Loans Securities End of period Mortgage Other U.S. Govt. State and local govt. Corporate and other 1 Other assets Deposits 2 Other liabilities Surplus accounts Mortgage loan commitments 3 Number Amount 829 606 689 185 11,772 16,962 10,503 15,332 38 48 1,231 1,582 3,366 3,549 4,344 4,971 4,845 966 920 889 921 829 414 448 490 535 552 31,346 33,381 35,215 37,784 38,945 28,182 30,026 31,683 34,031 34,977 310 369 427 526 606 2,854 2,986 3,105 3,227 3,362 89,912 65,248 1,664 1,170 672 677 527 5,076 5,040 5,177 874 937 956 589 640 695 40,571 42,829 46,121 36,343 38,277 41,336 678 781 828 3,550 58,350 3,771 61,855 3,957 114,985 1,200 1,654 2,548 6,531 6,315 6,331 6,296 6,285 6,311 6,314 6,152 6,133 6,107 633 607 587 582 577 568 563 548 542 527 5,090 5,055 5,057 5,069 5,177 896 817 829 883 837 808 852 867 832 956 676 671 670 675 678 677 702 697 683 695 43,897 43,766 44,100 44,421 44,706 45,073 45,388 45,502 45,776 46,121 39,083 39,032 39,216 39,642 39,814 40,029 40,458 40,644 40,791 41,336 973 923 1,016 921 1,021 1,127 996 955 1,025 828 3,840 69,223 3,811 73,401 3,868 78,707 3,859 79,248 3,871 84,357 3,917 83,803 3,934 88,882 3,904 93,526 3,960 99,616 3,957 114,985 1,698 1,817 1,897 1,940 1,994 2,088 2,122 2,229 2,323 2,548 6,146 6,177 6,436 512 ^501 475 5,173 5,162 5,153 819 870 891 735 46,451 41,565 722 '46,826 '41,780 743 47,435 42,305 932 1,052 1,107 3,955 101,815 »"3,993 108,060 4,023 103,534 2,345 2,398 2,379 1941 1945 4,787 4,202 89 62 3,592 10,650 1955 1956 1957 1958 19594 17,279 19,559 20,971 23,038 24,769 211 248 253 320 358 8,464 7,982 7,583 7,270 6,871 646 675 685 729 721 1960 1961 1962 26,702 28,902 32,056 416 475 602 6,243 6,160 6,107 1962—Mar. Apr. May June July. Aug. Sept. Oct.. Nov. Dec. 29,563 29,833 30,087 30,398 30,688 31,000 31,243 31,548 31,820 32,056 508 468 537 519 506 560 563 536 586 602 1963—Jan.. Feb. Mar. 32,492 32,812 33,125 575 '583 611 1,786 1,257 r 1 Includes securities of foreign governments and international organizations and U.S. Govt. agencies not guaranteed, as well as corporate securities. 2 See note 4, p. 807. 3 Commitments outstanding of banks in N.Y. State as reported to the Savings Banks Association of the State of New York. 4 Data reflect consolidation of a large mutual savings bank with a commercial bank. Cash assets Total assets— Total liabilities and surplus accts. NOTE.—National Assn. of Mutual Savings Banks data; figures are estimates for all savings banks in the United States and differ somewhat from those shown elsewhere in BULLETIN; the latter are for call dates and are based on reports filed with U.S. Govt. and State bank supervisory agencies. Loans are shown net of valuation reserves. SAVINGS INSTITUTIONS JUNE 1963 821 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES (In millions of dollars) Business securities Government securities Total assets End of period Statement value: 1941 1945 Total United State and Foreign * local States Total Bonds Stocks Mortgages Real estate Policy loans Other assets 32,731 44,797 9,478 22,545 6,796 20,583 1,995 722 687 1,240 10,174 11,059 9,573 10,060 601 999 6,442 6,636 1,878 857 2,919 1,962 1,840 1,738 84 486 90,432 96,011 101,309 107,580 113,650 12,262 11,829 11,067 10,690 11,234 11,581 9 070 8,576 7,555 7,029 7,183 6,868 1,846 2,038 2,273 2,376 2,681 3,200 1,346 1,215 1,239 1,285 1,370 1,513 37,300 39,545 41,543 44,057 47,108 49,666 34,032 35,912 38,040 40,666 42,999 45,105 3,268 3,633 3,503 3,391 4,109 4,561 25,976 29,445 32,989 35,236 37,062 39,197 2,298 2,581 2,817 3,119 3,364 3,651 3,127 3,290 3,519 3,869 4,188 4,618 3 523 3,743 4,076 4 338 4,624 4,937 119 576 126 816 11,679 11,896 6 427 6 134 3 588 3,888 1,664 1,874 51,857 55,294 46,876 49,036 4,981 6,258 41,771 44,203 3,765 4,007 5 231 5,733 5 273 5 683 119,576 126,816 11,699 11,915 6,428 6,135 3,606 3,902 1,665 1,878 51,053 53,967 46,967 49,149 4,086 4,818 41,815 44,250 3,796 4,011 5,233 5,735 5,980 6,938 Sept Oct Nov Dec 128,351 128 569 128,931 129 144 130,002 130,596 131 069 131,735 132 505 133,169 12,271 12,341 12,323 12,237 12,418 12,459 12,451 12,609 12,720 12,510 6,307 6 351 6,325 6 230 6 406 6,385 6 337 6,368 6 405 6,189 4,051 4,064 4,050 4 058 4,062 4,090 4,104 4,080 4,062 4,060 1,913 1,926 1,948 1,949 1,950 1,984 2,010 2,161 2,253 2,261 54,719 54,965 55,274 55,445 55,697 55,927 56,165 56,359 56,509 56,555 49,811 50,039 50,307 50,491 50,706 50,908 51,099 51,246 51,352 51,374 4,908 4,926 4,967 4,954 4,991 5,019 5,066 5,113 5,157 5,181 44,656 44,751 44,946 45,142 45,340 45,576 45,758 46,051 46,380 46,980 4,036 4,010 4,024 4,043 4,097 4,106 4,110 4,124 4,134 4,124 5,850 5 880 5,927 5 981 6,038 6,079 6 114 6,151 6 185 6,214 6,819 6 622 6,437 6 296 6 412 6,449 6 471 6,441 6 577 6 786 l%3_jan Feb Mar 134 011 134,500 134,977 12,852 12,877 12,687 6,312 6,243 6,032 4.088 4,080 4,063 2.452 2,554 2,592 56,829 57,059 57,381 51,592 51,784 52,038 5.237 5,275 5,343 47,203 47,348 47,618 4,154 4,171 4,179 6 245 6,279 6,320 6 728 6,766 6,792 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 ... 1960 1961 Book value: I960—Dec 1961 Dec 1962—Mar.r Apr May June • . . • July i Issues of foreign governments and their subdivisions and bonds of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. NOTE.—Institute of Life Insurance data; figures are estimates for all life insurance cos. in the United States. Year-end figures: Annual statement asset values, with bonds carried on an amortized basis and stocks at year-end market value. Month-end figures: Book value of ledger assets. Adjustments for interest due and accrued and for differences between market and book values are not made on each item, separately, but are included in total, in "other assets." SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS (In millions of dollars) Liabilities Assets End of period Total assets 2 — Total liabilities Reserves and undivided profits Mortgages U.S. Govt. securities 1941 1945 4,578 5,376 107 2,420 344 450 775 356 6,049 8,747 4,682 7,365 475 644 256 336 t 36 402 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 31,408 35,729 40,007 45,627 53,141 2,338 2,782 3,173 3,819 4,477 2,063 2,119 2,146 2,585 2,183 1,789 2,199 2,770 3,108 3,729 37,656 42,875 48,138 55,139 63,530 32,142 37,148 41,912 47,976 54,583 2,557 2,950 3,363 3,845 4,393 1,546 1,347 1,379 1,444 2,387 1,411 1,430 1,484 1,161 1,293 I960 1961 1962 60,070 68,834 78,973 4,595 5,211 5,549 2,680 3,315 3,946 4,131 4,775 5,348 71,476 82,135 93,816 62,142 70,885 80,422 4,983 5,708 6,539 2,197 2,856 3,633 1962—Mar , Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 70,766 71,608 72,585 73,631 74,511 75,527 76,371 77,333 78,137 78,973 5,528 5,482 5,468 5,402 5,448 5,437 5,479 5,509 5,556 5,549 3,187 3,109 3,116 3,381 2,987 2,949 3,036 3,135 3,234 3,946 4,790 4,884 5,297 5,237 5,054 5,158 5,236 5,276 5,448 5,348 84,271 85,083 86,466 87,651 88,000 89,071 90,122 91,253 92,375 93,816 72,888 73,274 74,056 75,487 75,501 76,149 77,019 77,854 78,728 80,422 5,738 5,737 5,741 6,025 6,029 6,032 6,047 6,067 6,081 6,539 1963—Jan Feb.' Mar 79,648 80,341 81,247 5,739 5,910 6,087 3,612 3,719 3,809 5,234 5,283 5,399 94,233 95,253 96,542 81,407 82,251 83,446 6,572 6,588 6,583 Cash Other* 1 Includes other loans, stock in the Federal home loans banks, other investments, real estate owned and sold on contract, and office buildings and2 fixtures. Before 1958 mortgages are net of mortgage pledged shares. Asset items will not add to total assets, which include gross mortgages with no deductions for mortgage pledged shares. Beginning with Jan. 1958, no deduction is made for mortgage pledged shares. These have declined consistently in recent years and amounted to $42 million at the end of 1957. Savings capital Borrowed money 3 Loans in process Other Mortgage loan commitments 713 874 833 843 862 1,475 1,285 1,186 1,550 2,010 968 1,136 1,212 1,359 1,908 2,230 2,296 2,422 2,520 2,885 2,972 3,065 3,160 3,196 3,173 3,633 1,656 1,792 1,910 1,983 2,010 1,998 2,006 1,993 1,941 2,010 1,693 1,858 2,239 1,271 1,488 1,827 1,890 2,143 2,452 1,212 2,335 2,474 2,616 2,557 2,551 2,518 2,472 2,438 '2,436 2,230 2,896 2,701 2,605 1,939 1,964 2,108 1,419 1,749 1,800 2,343 2,447 2,663 3 Consists of advances from FHLB and other borrowing. NOTE.—Federal Sayings and Loan Insurance Corp. data; figures are estimates for all savings and loan assns. in the United States. Data beginning with 1954 are based on monthly reports of insured assns. and annual reports of noninsured assns. Data before 1954 are based entirely on annual reports. Data for current and preceding year are preliminary even when revised. 822 FEDERAL FINANCE JUNE 1963 FEDERAL FISCAL OPERATIONS: SUMMARY (In millions of dollars) Derivation of U.S. Government cash transactions Payments to the public, other than debt Receipts from the public, other than debt Net cash borrowing or repayment Period Budget net Plus: Trust funds Less: Intragovt. i Equals: Total rects.2 Plus: Trust funds Budget Less: Equals: Adjust-3 Total ments payts. Net rects. or payts. Change Less: in Invest. debt by (direct agen. & & agen.) trusts Less: Noncash debt Equals: Net Cal. year—1960 1961 1962. 79,518 78,157 84,709 21,773 24,260 25,508 2,946 98,287 4,425 97,929 3,942 106,230 77,565 84,463 91,908 21,285 24.689 24|456 3,593 4,156 94,694 4,414 104,738 - 6 , 8 0 9 4,414 111,949 - 5 , 7 2 1 -549 6,791 9,053 1,629 -434 1,056 491 470 1,386 -2,669 6,755 6,612 Fiscal year—1959 1960 1961 1962 67,915 77,763 77,659 81,409 16,950 20,534 23,583 24,325 3,161 81,660 3,167 95,078 3,946 97,242 3,789 101,887 80,342 76,539 81,515 87,787 18,462 20,891 23,016 24,109 4,002 94,804 -13,144 3,129 94,301 111 5,003 99,528 - 2 , 2 8 6 4,185 107,711 - 5 , 8 2 4 9,656 3,371 2,102 11,010 -1,181 953 870 465 2,160 597 536 923 8,678 1,821 698 9,621 Half year: 1961—Jan.- J u n e . . . . July-Dec 1962—Jan.-June July-Dec 42,330 35,826 45,583 39,126 13,442 10,673 13,652 11,856 2,497 1,782 2,007 1,935 53,249 44,680 57,207 49,023 41,298 43,165 44,622 47,286 12,533 12,010 12,099 12,357 2,990 1,278 2,907 1,507 50,840 53,898 53,814 58,136 2,408 -9,217 3,393 -9,114 -1,307 8,098 2,911 6,142 1,052 -1,484 -1,950 -894 68 402 521 865 -2,426 9,180 440 6,172 Month: 1962—Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 5,754 7,024 11,615 3,566 7,089 10,053 3,030 7,027 8,360 1,587 4,053 2,575 1,194 3,447 1,622 1,377 2,531 1,684 279 222 1,109 190 204 532 253 265 491 7,060 10,850 13,077 4,567 10,328 11,140 4,150 9,289 9,548 7,289 7,229 8,102 7,252 8,541 7,327 8,524 8,070 7,572 1,867 1,591 2,252 1,859 2,082 2,362 2,197 2,047 1,811 83 -340 730 -203 46 1,049 573 95 -53 9,074 9,160 9,624 9,314 10,577 8,639 10,149 10,021 9,436 -2,014 1,690 3,453 -4,747 -249 2,501 -5,998 -732 112 784 2,386 -674 -62 4,266 -2,309 2,974 3,258 -1,984 -737 39 2,168 85 41 564 101 -940 411 1,511 21 -624 121 -353 449 «1,548 -936 6-1,337 -1,278 778 2,344 -1,706 3,206 1,262 289 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr 5,533 7,305 9,663 5,735 994 3,365 2,128 1,757 238 315 239 238 6,285 10,352 11,548 7,251 8,013 6,763 7,806 7,590 2,477 2,492 2,232 2,035 1,660 478 1,041 -104 8,830 8,776 8,997 9,728 -2,544 1,576 2,552 -2,476 -372 1,010 -1,949 104 -1,007 522 49 -884 61 33 -4 1,482 133 575 455 -1,996 901 Effects of operations on Treasurer's account Net operating transactions Period Agencies & trusts Budget surplus or deficit Fiscal year—1959... 1960... 1961... 1962... Net financing transactions Trust funds Clearing Change in cash balances Treasurer's account (end of period) Operating bal. Market issuance of sec. * Invest, in U.S. Govt. sec. 4 Change in gross direct public debt 71 8,363 1,625 2,640 9,230 -23 -4 -222 118 -4,399 2,654 -1,311 3,736 5,350 8,005 6,694 10,430 535 504 408 612 3,744 6,458 5,453 8,815 1,071 1,043 833 1,003 —710 -12,427 1,224 -3,856 -6,378 -1,511 -359 565 213 -29 -149 285 566 1,023 -733 658 1,112 -714 -435 -435 1,032 Held outside Treasury Treasurer's account Balance F.R. banks Tax and loan accts. Other net assets Half year: 1961—Jan.-June July-Dec 1962—Jan.-June July-Dec -7,339 962 -8,160 906 -1,338 1,551 -502 266 -137 703 -598 -240 394 263 -62 1,221 -1,656 1,135 —1,246 7,198 2,032 5,269 —274 199 -81 4 283 -200 3,935 -2,922 6,694 6,494 10,430 7,509 408 465 612 597 5,453 5,157 8,815 6,092 833 872 1,003 820 Month: 1962—Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec -1,535 -205 3,513 -3,686 -1,452 2,727 -5,494 -1,042 788 -279 2,461 320 -664 1,365 -739 -821 485 -127 10 -449 -44 -163 -356 541 151 -1,852 1,080 -43 -21 5 -119 46 41 10 3 -42 864 455 2,222 -2,182 -642 -973 992 -325 3,966 -1,470 -2,344 572 796 2,569 -382 «3,323 626 «-l,920 395 -319 -111 85 -52 60 -39 -57 6 -924 2,145 2,290 -4,051 2,151 738 -2,750 591 400 5,995 8,140 10,430 6,380 8,530 9,268 6,518 7,109 7,509 569 526 612 390 478 400 513 585 597 4,150 6,623 8,815 5,089 7,210 7,919 5,131 5,728 6,092 1,276 991 1,003 901 842 949 874 796 820 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr -2,480 542 1,857 -1,854 -1,483 873 692 -133 619 -160 -39 -17 -209 -70 57 73 -245 100 -2,024 1,961 806 -1,672 5,485 7,446 8,252 6,579 821 841 909 952 3,678 5,580 6,466 4,340 9S6 1,025 877 1,287 -104 -277 1,396 -452 43 616 1 Primarily interest payments by Treasury to trust accounts and accumulations to U.S. employees trust funds. 2 Includes small adjustments not shown separately. 3 Primarily (1) intragovt. transactions, (2) noncash debt, (3) clearing accounts, and (4) Govt. sponsored enterprises. 4 Excludes net transactions of Govt. sponsored enterprises. -53 1,221 -1,645 173 5 Primarily military defense, military assistance, and atomic energy. ^ Includes $1,412 million of 2VA per cent Treasury bonds of 1960-65 acquired by Treasury for retirement on Dec. 15, 1962, in exchange for various issues on Nov. 15, 1962. NOTE.—Treasury Dept. & Bureau of the Budget. 823 FEDERAL FINANCE JUNE 1963 FEDERAL FISCAL OPERATIONS: DETAIL (In millions of dollars) Selected excise taxes (IRS data) Budget receipts Transfers to trusts Period Net2 Fiscal year—1959 1960 1961..... 1962 Indiv. taxes High- R.re-R. way tire. Oldage 67,915 7,920 2,074 77.763 10,122 2,539 77,659 11,490 2,798 81,409 11,545 2,949 Refunds Total Employment taxes Corpo- Excise ration taxes taxes Other receipts Liquor Mfrs. Torebacco and tailers 5,464 6.813 7,007 6,412 3.002 3,194 3.213 3,341 1,807 1,932 1,991 2,026 4,315 5,114 5,294 5,536 2,570 2,656 2.8SO 2,876 Withheld Other 525 607 571 564 83,904 29,001 5,114 5,237 96,962 31,675 5,976 99,491 32,978 6,266 103,818 36,246 11,733 13,271 13,175 14,403 18,092 22,179 21,765 21,296 16,362 9,990 17,652 3,189 18.593 11,213 18,958 3,319 12,927 8,259 13,036 8,810 5,826 6,394 6.358 6,808 7,439 5.024 7,686 5,608 3,877 3,057 3,357 4,050 1,528 1,754 1 587 1,805 984 1,035 QQ1 1,040 10.760 8.854 11,865 11,159 12.064 12 502 12,752 12,708 Half year: 1961—Jan.-June.... 42,330 35,826 July-Dec. 1962—Jan.-June.... 45,583 39,126 July-Dec 6,728 4,741 6,802 5,311 1,301 1,533 1,415 1,672 274 278 288 291 5,104 885 5,380 805 56,421 43,575 60,243 47,553 Month: 1962—Apr May........ June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 5,754 7.024 11,615 3,566 7.089 10 053 3 030 7,027 8,360 729 2.181 1,001 436 1,699 911 536 1,129 600 230 264 233 281 332 287 276 218 277 13 82 51 12 86 50 14 77 51 1.417 1,101 233 165 193 111 200 73 64 8,153 10.658 13,346 4,540 9.445 11,414 4.068 8,533 9,553 1,017 5.287 3,024 1 199 5,298 2,980 1 156 5,195 3,131 4,330 955 1,985 299 169 2,092 235 117 407 445 469 5,377 525 431 3,533 460 412 3,450 959 .157 ,126 ,106 .188 ,103 .150 ,125 ,136 745 2,266 1,054 450 1,786 962 551 1,208 652 65? 524 780 961 573 744 516 478 780 245 305 311 257 289 290 363 339 267 158 169 192 148 197 171 190 182 152 5,533 7,305 9,663 178 1,761 1,308 920 261 234 279 258 12 78 48 13 109 838 1,720 1,603 6,285 1,269 10.997 5,422 13,093 3,182 8,544 973 2,367 783 745 4,371 517 422 6,081 551 ,099 ,038 ,081 ,022 429 2,596 1,428 940 605 736 576 686 243 216 278 166 163 160 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr 5,735 1,356 1,509 1,367 •1,635 Budget expenditures Total ^ National defense5 Fiscal year—1959.. I960.. 1961.. 1962.. 80,342 76,539 81.515 87,787 46,491 45,691 47,494 51,103 Half year: 1961—Jan.-June. July-Dec.. 1962—Jan.-June. July-Dec.. 41,298 43,165 44,622 47,286 Month: 1962— Apr May June July Aug Sept.. Oct Nov Dec 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr Space research Agriculture Natural resources Commerce and transp. 3,780 1,832 2,500 2,817 145 401 744 1,257 6,590 4.882 5,173 5,895 1,670 1.714 2.006 2,147 2,017 1,963 2,573 2,774 24,269 23.980 27,123 25,953 1,334 1,634 1,183 1,317 412 482 775 1,024 2,310 3,567 2,328 4,590 948 1,179 968 1,331 1,359 1,262 1,512 1,339 7,289 7,229 8,102 7,252 8.541 7,327 8.524 8,070 7,572 4,314 4,786 5,036 3,954 4,448 4,035 4 610 4,566 4,344 273 -110 141 363 143 214 -10 155 142 —29 -90 358 327 57 156 300 224 232 212 215 190 23 -19 -23 721 161 209 191 247 268 231 219 175 231 308 135 187 141 187 187 187 300 396 664 8,013 6.763 7,806 7,589 4,548 4.102 4,523 4,522 251 233 510 253 473 397 184 156 143 157 224 3 310 212 220 -125 483 HO 379 443 150 125 110 93 Period Intl. affairs 314 95 276 204 708 194 210 299 250 271 1961 1.126 570 978 531 1962 Hous- Health, ing & & com. labor devel. welfare Education 970 122 320 349 3,877 3 690 4.244 4,524 112 346 3 364 2,289 2,397 2,127 2,556 72 121 116 -157 1963 1961 I III General Govt. Veterans Interest 732 866 943 1,076 5,287 5,266 5,414 5,403 7,671 9.266 9,050 9,198 1,466 1,542 1,709 1,875 535 462 614 578 2,755 2,725 2,678 2,663 4.463 4.502 4.696 4,936 856 938 937 979 381 84 438 780 297 492 460 348 415 454 470 409 98 109 434 397 442 492 401 440 443 445 780 831 834 806 813 826 814 175 129 168 138 195 150 182 156 158 486 445 863 405 367 832 828 84 131 125 61 79 98 843 820 1962 170 149 157 156 1963 Item II III IV II III IV Seasonally adjusted Net. 24 .5 26 .7 24 .6 26 .3 25 . 2 26 .9 25 .3 27 26 .5 27 . 0 27. 3 28. 1 27. 1 29. 2 2 .1 - 1 .7 - 1 .7 2 .2 - .5 -. 7 -2. 1 For notes, see opposite page. III IV Not seasonally adjusted as Cash budget: Receipts Payments. . . IV 27.4 28.3 28.5 27.4 23 .4 26 .7 21 .3 27 .2 26 .2 26 .0 31 .0 27 .9 26 .0 28 .5 23 .0 29 .6 28.2 26.6 1.1 - 3 .3 - 5 .9 .3 3 .1 - 2 .5 - 6 .6 1.6 824 U.S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES JUNE 1963 TOTAL DEBT, BY TYPE OF SECURITY (In billions of dollars) Public issues 3 Total gross debt 1 End of period Total gross direct debt 2 Marketable Total Total 1941_Dec 1945_Dec 1947_Dec Bills Certificates Notes Bonds 4 Convertible bonds Nonmarketable Special issues 6 Total 5 Savings bonds 8.9 56.9 59 5 6.1 48.2 52 1 7.0 20.0 29.0 64.3 278.7 257 0 57.9 278.1 256 9 50.5 255.7 225 3 41.6 198.8 165 8 2 0 17.0 15 1 38.2 21.2 6.0 23.0 11 4 33.6 120.6 118 0 1955—Dec 1956—Dec 1957—Dec 1958—Dec 1959—Dec 280.8 276.7 275.0 283.0 290.9 280.8 276.6 274.9 282.9 290.8 233.9 228.6 227.1 236.0 244.2 163.3 160.4 164.2 175.6 188.3 22.3 25.2 26.9 29.7 39.6 15.7 19.0 34.6 36.4 19.7 43.3 35.3 20.7 26.1 44.2 81.9 80.9 82.1 83.4 84.8 11.4 10.8 9.5 8.3 7.1 59.2 57.4 53.4 52.1 48.9 57.9 56.3 52.5 51.2 48.2 43.9 45.6 45.8 44.8 43.5 1960—Dec 1961—Dec 290.4 296.5 290.2 296.2 242.5 249.2 189.0 196.0 39.4 43.4 18.4 5.5 51.3 71.5 79.8 75.5 5.7 4.6 47.8 48.6 47.2 47.5 44.3 43.5 1962—May 299.6 298.6 298.3 302.3 300.0 302.6 305.9 304.0 299.2 298.2 297.9 301.8 299.5 302.1 305.4 303.5 251.2 249.5 250.1 252.5 251.0 254.3 257.2 255.8 198.2 196.1 196.9 199.3 197.9 201.3 204.2 203.0 43.7 42.0 42.8 43.6 42.2 46.1 47.8 48.3 13.5 13.5 13.5 20.4 17.8 17.9 22.7 22.7 65.4 65.5 65.5 58.1 58.1 57.6 53.7 53.7 75.5 75.0 75.0 77.2 79.8 79.7 80.0 78.4 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.2 4.1 4.0 4.0 4.0 48.7 49.2 49.0 49.0 48.9 48.9 49.0 48.8 47.6 47.6 47.7 47.7 47.7 47.7 47.7 47.5 44.3 44.9 43.8 45.4 44.6 43.9 44.2 43.4 303.9 305 2 303.5 303.7 305.8 303.4 304.6 303.0 303.2 305.2 257.1 258.1 256.8 257.6 257.6 204.0 204.8 203.5 204.3 204.1 48.9 49.9 48.5 49.4 49.7 22.7 23.7 21.8 21.8 22.2 53.7 50.0 53.4 53.0 52.1 78.6 81.1 79.8 80.1 80.1 4.0 3 9 3.7 3.5 3.5 49.2 49 4 49.6 49.7 50.0 47.7 47.9 48.0 48.1 48.2 42.2 42.5 42.2 41.6 43.6 .... July Aug Sept Oct Nov. 7 Dec 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr May 1 Includes some debt not subject to statutory debt limitation (amounting to $368 million on May 31, 1963), and fully guaranteed securities, not shown separately. 2 Includes non-interest-bearing debt, not shown separately. 3 Includes amounts held by U.S. Govt. agencies and trust funds, which totaled $12,728 million on Apr. 30, 1963. 4 Includes Treasury bonds and minor amounts of Panama Canal and postal savings bonds. 5 Includes Series A investment bonds, depositary bonds, armed forces leave bonds, adjusted service bonds, Foreign ' currency series, Foreign series, Rural Electrification Administration bonds, and before 1956, tax and savings notes, not shown separately. 6 Held only by U.S. Govt. agencies and trust funds. 7 Includes $1.4 billion of 2% per cent partially tax-exempt bonds, acquired by Treasury for retirement on Dec. 15, 1962, in exchange for various issues on Nov. 15, 1962. NOTE.—Based on daily statement of U.S. Treasury. OWNERSHIP OF DIRECT AND FULLY GUARANTEED SECURITIES (Par value in billions of dollars) Held by— End of period Total gross debt Held by the public U.S. Govt. agencies and trust funds l F.R. banks Total Commercial banks Mutual savings banks Insurance companies Other corporations State and local govts. Individuals Other Savings bonds securities Foreign and international2 Other misc. investors3 1941—Dec 1945—Dec 1947—Dec 64.3 278.7 257.0 9.5 27.0 34.4 2.3 24.3 22.6 52.5 227.4 200.1 21.4 90.8 68.7 3.7 10.7 12.0 8.2 24.0 23.9 4.0 22.2 14.1 .7 6.5 7.3 5.4 42.9 46.2 8.2 21.2 19.4 .4 2.4 2.7 .5 6.6 5.7 1955—Dec 1956—Dec 1957—Dec 1958—Dec 1959—Dec 280.8 276.7 275.0 283.0 290.9 51.7 54.0 55.2 54.4 53.7 24.8 24.9 24.2 26.3 26.6 204.3 197.8 195.5 202.3 210.6 62.0 59.5 59.5 67.5 60.3 8.5 8.0 7.6 7.3 6.9 14.6 13.2 12.5 12.7 12.5 23.5 19.1 18.6 18.8 22.6 15.4 16.3 16.6 16.5 18.0 50.2 50.1 48.2 47.7 45.9 14.5 15.4 15.8 15.3 22.3 7.5 7.8 7.6 7.7 12.0 8.1 8.4 9.0 8.9 10.1 1960—Dec 1961—Dec 290.4 296.5 55.1 54.5 27.4 28.9 207.9 213.1 62.1 67.2 6.3 6.1 11.9 11.4 19.7 19.4 18.7 18.7 45.7 46.4 19.3 18.8 13.0 13.4 11.2 11.6 1962—Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 297.4 299.6 298.6 298.3 302.3 300.0 302.6 305.9 304.0 53.7 55.9 56.5 55.5 57.1 56.4 56.1 57.9 55.6 29.2 29.6 29.7 29.8 30.4 29.8 30.2 30.5 30.8 214.4 214.1 212.5 213.0 214.9 213.7 216.3 217.5 217.6 65.3 65.2 65.0 64.5 64.5 64.6 65.9 65.4 66.5 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.1 6.1 6.1 11.5 11.5 11.3 11.5 11.5 11.4 11.5 11.5 11.5 20.4 20.8 19.3 19.8 20.9 18.8 19.7 21.5 19.8 19.6 19.7 19.7 19.9 19.9 19.8 19.6 19.3 19.5 46.6 46.6 46.6 46.7 46.8 46.8 46.8 46.9 46.9 18.9 18.5 18.5 18.9 18.9 19.1 19.0 19.1 19.3 13.3 13.5 14.1 14.2 14.6 '15.1 15.4 15.4 15.3 12.5 11.8 11.6 11.3 11.5 11.9 12.3 12.2 12.7 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr 303.9 305.2 303.5 303.7 54.5 55.1 55.1 54.3 30.3 30.6 31.0 31.2 219.1 219.5 217.4 218.2 66.0 65.1 63.9 64.2 6.1 6.1 6.3 6.1 11.5 11.4 11.2 11.1 20.8 21.4 20.5 20.7 19.9 '19.9 20.1 20.6 47.1 47.2 47.3 47.3 19.6 19.6 20.1 19.5 '15.3 '15.2 '15.3 15.6 1 Includes the Postal Savings System. 2 Includes investments of foreign balances and international accounts in the United States. r 12.9 '13.8 '12.8 13.1 3 Includes savings and loan assns., dealers and brokers, nonprofit institutions, and corporate pension funds. NOTE.—Reported data for F.R. Banks and U.S. Govt. agencies and trust funds; Treasury estimates for other groups. JUNE 1963 U.S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES 825 OWNERSHIP OF MARKETABLE SECURITIES, BY MATURITY (Par value in millions of dollars) Within 1 year 1-5 years 5-10 years 10-20 years Over 20 years 48,530 49,430 34,384 40,984 39,034 33,117 33,039 72,298 66,360 61,640 61,328 61,079 18,684 19,782 33,983 37,962 37,952 13,224 11,976 4,565 6,770 6,770 10,979 13,419 15,539 15,764 16,054 1,482 1,252 1,591 1,900 1,702 591 583 865 1,229 1,050 891 669 726 671 652 2,431 1,860 1,425 1,173 1,173 1,602 1,594 2,731 2,948 2,949 1,461 1,756 1,309 1,808 1,809 1,140 2,022 2,583 2,630 2,630 27,384 28,881 30,820 30,963 31,182 15,223 17,650 17,741 17,691 17,846 3,217 3,349 2,723 2,583 2,664 12,006 14,301 15,018 15,108 15,182 10,711 8,737 10,834 10,924 10,988 1,179 2,227 2,094 2,183 2,183 243 204 68 69 69 28 63 83 96 96 Held by public: 1960—Dec. 31 1961—Dec. 31 1962—Dec. 31 1963—Mar. 31 Apr. 30 153,515 158,600 162,553 162,050 162,878 57,125 65,526 67,952 62,056 62,921 35,638 39,512 44,662 44,718 45,718 21,487 26,014 23,290 17,338 17,203 59,156 55,763 49,381 49,231 48,918 15,903 15,961 29,158 32,831 32,820 11,520 10,016 3,188 4,893 4,892 9,811 11,334 12,873 13,038 13,328 Commercial banks: 1960—Dec. 31 1961—Dec. 31 1962—Dec. 31 1963—Mar. 31 Apr. 30 54,260 59,073 58,004 55,686 56,098 14,697 21,149 19.885 15,179 15,593 6,976 9,962 9,838 8,039 8,481 7,721 11,187 10,047 7,140 7,112 31,596 30,751 26,348 26,045 25,920 5,654 5,043 11,163 13,390 13,414 1,775 1,724 191 652 631 538 407 417 420 540 Mutual savings banks: 1960—Dec. 31 1961—Dec. 31 1962—Dec. 31 1963—Mar. 31 Apr. 30 5,944 5,867 5,793 6,053 5,865 480 686 635 875 679 144 181 252 568 384 336 505 383 307 295 1,544 1,514 1,337 1,304 1,305 1,849 1,708 2,210 2,196 2,202 897 662 306 392 394 1,174 1,298 1,305 1,285 1,285 Insurance companies: 1960—Dec. 31 1961—Dec. 31 1962—Dec. 31 1963—Mar. 31 Apr. 30 9,001 9,020 9,265 9,153 9,232 940 1,228 1,259 926 920 341 442 552 521 515 599 786 707 405 405 2,508 2,222 2,175 2,138 2,208 2,076 1,625 2,223 2,360 2,371 1,433 1,274 718 810 811 2,044 2,671 2,890 2,919 2,921 10,741 10,547 10,750 10,762 10,986 8,340 8,697 9.063 8,319 8,659 5,599 5,466 6,551 6,597 7,175 2,741 3,231 2,512 1,722 1,484 2,269 1,747 1,524 2,006 1,922 58 72 149 415 382 39 22 5 13 9 33 8 9 9 14 2,454 2,760 2,862 3,173 3,188 322 446 437 427 396 163 155 254 260 241 159 291 183 167 155 858 895 817 771 769 473 617 1.030 1,246 1,285 396 371 105 256 259 406 431 473 473 480 State and local governments: I960—Dec. 31 1961—Dec. 31 1962—Dec. 31 1963—Mar. 31 Apr. 30 10,957 10,893 11,716 11,835 12,510 3,933 3,974 4,447 4,374 4,983 2,643 2,710 3.282 3,506 4,119 1,290 1,264 1,165 868 864 1,785 1,320 1.059 1,044 1,046 828 842 1,505 1,420 1,423 1,382 1,250 688 937 987 3,029 3,507 4 017 4,060 4,070 All others: I960—Dec. 1961—Dec. 1962—Dec. 1963—Mar. Apr. 60,158 60,440 64,162 65,387 65,000 28,413 29,346 32,227 31,955 31,691 19,772 20,596 23.935 25,227 24,802 8,641 8,750 8.292 6,728 6,889 18,596 17,314 16.121 15,924 15,748 4,965 6,054 10,877 11,805 11,743 5,598 4,713 1,175 1,832 1,800 2,587 3,012 3,761 3,871 4,017 Type of holder and date TO", Total Bills Other 189,015 195,965 203,011 203,472 204,323 73,830 84,428 87,284 81,647 82,469 39,446 43,444 48,250 U.S. Govt. agencies and trust funds: 1960—Dec. 31 1961—Dec. 31 1962—Dec. 31 1963—Mar. 31 Apr. 30 8,116 8,484 9,638 10,459 10,263 Federal Reserve Banks: I960—Dec. 31 1961—Dec. 31 1962—Dec. 31 1963—Mar. 31 Apr. 30 All holders: I960—Dec. 1961—Dec. 1962—Dec. 1963—Mar. Apr. 31 31 31 31 30 Nonfinancial corporations: I960—Dec. 31 1961—Dec. 31 1962—Dec. 31 1963—Mar. 31 Apr. 30 Savings and loan 1960—Dec. 1961—Dec. 1962—Dec. 1963—Mar. Apr. associations: 31 31 31 31 30 31 31 31 31 30 NOTE.—Direct public issues only. Based on Treasury Survey of Ownership. Data complete for U.S. Govt. agencies and trust funds and F.R. Banks but for other groups are based on Treasury Survey data. Of total marketable issues held by groups, the proportion held on latest date and the number of reporting owners surveyed were: (1) about 90 per cent by the 6,130 commercial banks, 507 mutual savings banks, and 809 insurance cos. combined; (2) about 50 per cent by the 472 nonfinancial corps, and 488 savings and loan assns.; and (3) about 60 per cent by 480 State and local govts. Holdings of "all others," a residual throughout, include holdings of all those not reporting in the Treasury Survey, including investor groups not listed separately 826 U.S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES JUNE 1963 DEALER TRANSACTIONS (Par value, in millions of dollars) U.S. Government securities By maturity By type of customer Period Total 1963 Jan Feb Apr Over 10 years 5-10 years 1,689 '1,693 1 681 1,682 1,603 1,913 1,967 1,770 2,071 1,350 '1,337 1,3^7 1,457 1,318 1,432 1,517 1,266 1,446 180 218 191 139 158 293 263 262 366 114 114 '99 63 94 147 159 210 222 '1,871 2 350 1,694 1,788 '1,484 1,646 1,241 1,438 226 400 224 195 124 230 149 105 U.S. Govt. securities Commercial banks Other All other 541 564 553 529 542 571 682 550 610 42 35 29 34 27 42 40 32 38 653 '661 652 621 600 766 744 722 881 453 433 '447 498 435 534 '501 466 543 90 90 89 82 78 105 115 70 88 79 50 621 733 544 509 37 44 39 33 730 952 657 757 484 622 454 488 81 73 91 91 45 '25 33 23 33 40 28 '32 OJ 00 . . 1-5 years -JOJ -HON Within 1 year 1962—Apr M^ay June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec U.S. Govt agency securities Dealers and brokers Week ending— 1963 Apr 3 10 17 24 1,944 1 491 2,107 1,499 1,589 1,181 1,787 1,205 208 170 163 163 106 87 110 96 42 53 47 35 547 466 561 483 24 27 41 29 781 618 942 604 593 380 564 384 93 62 54 124 May 1 8 15 22 29 2,249 1 738 1,506 1 489 1,679 1,671 1,199 1,087 1 092 1,134 350 311 256 203 326 157 134 103 130 146 71 94 59 65 73 603 578 488 439 590 48 31 37 25 27 904 632 608 585 558 695 499 373 439 504 98 136 40 94 61 NOTE.—The transactions data combine market purchases and sales of U.S. Govt. securities dealers reporting to the F. R. Bank of N. Y. They do not include allotments of and exchanges for new U.S. Govt. securities, redemptions of called or matured securities, or purchases or sales of securi- ties under repurchase agreements, reverse repurchase (resale), or similar contracts. Averages of daily figures based on the number of trading days in the period. DEALER POSITIONS DEALER FINANCING (In millions of dollars) (Par value, in millions of dollars) U.S. Government securities, by maturity Period Commercial banks U.S. Govt. agency securities Period All maturities Within 1 year 1-5 years 1962—Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec '3,770 '3,641 3,777 2,881 '2,648 3,177 '3,569 4,013 4,268 3,388 2,985 3,398 2,818 2,484 2,643 2,991 3,309 3,829 252 403 261 94 72 323 383 447 365 131 255 118 -32 91 211 '195 256 74 193 196 293 '231 165 190 248 204 '227 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr 4,021 3,410 3,547 3,467 '3,622 2,863 '2,439 2,934 368 473 563 355 30 74 '543 178 '185 '128 '212 228 6.. 13. . 20. . 27. . 3,279 3,368 4,061 3,567 1,937 2,111 2,940 2,661 622 620 596 493 718 638 526 414 185 208 207 219 1963—Mar. 3. . 10.. 17.. 24.. 3,164 2,983 3,694 3,415 2,445 2,327 3,207 3,014 379 403 359 311 340 254 128 90 231 228 200 204 Apr. Over 5 years All sources New York City Elsewhere Corporations i All other 1962—Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 3,621 3,738 3,900 3,053 2,597 3,332 3,528 4,100 4,378 976 978 1,092 636 460 943 1,074 1,170 1,563 835 769 720 521 405 660 707 716 839 ,354 ,612 ,798 ,631 ,438 ,308 ,301 ,666 ,566 456 379 290 266 294 421 445 548 411 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr 4,062 3,553 4,027 3,548 1,388 1,070 1,436 886 895 897 1,009 854 ,396 ,083 ,129 ,366 383 502 453 442 6... 13... 20. . . 27. . . 4,531 4,493 3,908 3,547 1,800 1,754 1,553 998 1,147 977 975 1,052 ,031 ,219 ,065 ,051 552 543 315 447 3... 10. . . 17. . . 24. . . 3,430 3,068 3,593 3,437 906 697 995 724 823 654 820 826 ,286 ,201 ,316 : ,553 416 516 462 334 Week ending— Week ending— 1963—Mar. Apr. NOTE.—The figures include all securities sold by dealers under repurchase contracts regardless of the maturity date of the contract unless the contract is matched by a reverse repurchase (resale) agreement or delayed delivery sale with the same maturity and involving the same amount of securities. Included in the repurchase contracts are some that more clearly represent investments by the holders of the securities rather than dealer trading positions. Averages of daily figures based on number of trading days in the period. 1 All business corps, except commercial banks and insurance cos. NOTE.—Averages of daily figures based on the number of calendar days in the period. Both bank and nonbank dealers are included. See also note to the opposite table on this page. 827 OUTSTANDING SECURITIES JUNE 1963 U. S. GOVERNMENT MARKETABLE AND CONVERTIBLE, MAY 31, 1963 (In millions of dollars) Issue and coupon rate Treasury bills June 6,1963 June 13, 1963 June 20, 1963 June 24, 1963 June 27, 1963 July 5, 1963 July 11, 1963 July 15, 1963 July 18, 1963 July 25, 1963 Aug. 1,1963 Aug. 8, 1963 Aug. 15, 1963 Aug. 22, 1963 Aug. 29, 1963 Sept. 5, 1963 Sept. 12, 1963 Sept. 19, 1963 Sept. 26, 1963 Oct. 3,1963 Oct. 10, 1963 Oct. 15, 1963 Oct. 17, 1963 Oct. 24, 1963 Oct. 31, 1963 Nov. 7, 1963 1 Amount Issue and coupon rate Amount Treasury bills—Cont 2,102 Nov 14 1963 2 101 Nov 21 1963 2,101 Nov 29 1963 2,503 Jan. 15 1964 2,102 Apr. 15 1964 2,101 2,102 Certificates 2.004 Aug. 15, 1963.... ..31/2 2,101 Nov, 15, 1963 , . . 3 i / 8 3V4 2,101 Feb. 15, 1964 2,102 May 15, 1964 ..314 2,100 2,102 Treasury notes 2,102 Oct. 1, 1963.... ••I 1 /! 2,103 Nov. 15, 1963.... ..47/s 801 Apr. 1,1964.... ..IV2 800 May 15, 1964.... ..434 801 May 15, 1964.... 800 5 Aug 15 1964 800 Aug. 15, 1964.... ..334 801 Oct. 1,1964.... . . n / i .-47/s 2,500 Nov. 15, 1964 800 Apr. 1,1965.... . . 1 Vi 801 May 15, 1965.... ..45/s 801 Oct. 1,1965.... . . I V z 802 Nov. 15, 1965.... . . 3 1 / 2 801 800 801 2.496 2,501 5,181 4,554 6.741 5,693 506 3,011 457 4,933 3.893 2 316 5,019 490 4.195 466 2.113 315 2,954 Issue and coupon rate Treasury notes—Cont. Feb. 15, 1966 Apr. 1. 1966 Aug. 15, 1966 Oct. 1,1966 Feb. 15, 1967 Apr. 1, 1967 Aug. 15, 1967 Oct. 1, 1967 Apr. 15, 1968 Amount 3% IV2 4 11/2 3% U/2 334 P/ 2 IVi Treasury bonds June 15, 1962-67... 2 y2 Aug. 15, 1963 2Vi Dec. 15, 1963-68... 21/2 Feb. 15, 1964 3 June 15, 1964-69... 21/2 Dec. 15, 1964-69... 2V2 Feb. 15, 1965 25/g Mar. 15, 1965-70.. .2Vi May 15, 1966 334 Aug. 15, 1966 3 Nov. 15, 1966 33/8 Mar. 15, 1966-71.. .2% June 15, 1967-72... 2% Sept. 15, 1967-72... 21/2 Issue and coupon rate Treasury bonds—Cont. Nov. 15, 1967 3Y» Dec. 15, 1967-72... 21/2 May 15, 1968 3% Aug. 15, 1968 334 Feb. 15, 1969 4 Oct. 1,1969 4 Aug. 15, 1971 4 Nov. 15, 1971 3% Feb. 15, 1972 4 Aug. 15, 1972 4 Nov. 15, 1974 37/s May 15, 1975-85.. .4*4 June 15, 1978-83... 314 Feb. 15, 1980 4 Nov. 15, 1980 31/2 May 15, 1985 3!4 Feb. 15, 1990 3Vi Aug. 15, 1987-92...414 Feb. 15, 1988-93.... 4 May 15, 1989-94.. AV& Feb. 15, 1995 3 Nov. 15, 1998 31/2 5 ,653 675 A ,454 357 A ,287 270 5 ,282 457 25 1,462 1,461 ] ,815 1,634 2 .632 2 ,543 4 .682 2 ,421 3 .597 1 ,024 1 ,852 1 .4C9 Convertible bonds Investment Series B I ,316 Apr. 1, 1975-80... 234 1 ,952 3,604 2,780 2,460 3,747 1,844 2,538 2,806 2,760 2,344 2.579 2,244 470 1,591 2,611 1.915 1,130 4,913 365 250 300 2,566 4,458 3,499 NOTE.—Direct public issues only. Based on Daily Statement of U.S. Treasury. Tax anticipation series. FEDERALLY SPONSORED AGENCIES, APRIL 30, 1963 Agency, type and date of issue, and coupon rate Federal home loan banks Notes: July 20, 1962 Sept. 17, 1962 Oct. 15, 1962 Mar. 15, 1963 Apr. 15, 1963 Bonds: Apr. 15, 1958 Apr. 16, 1962 Sept. 17, 1962 Maturity 3.40 3.30 3.30 3.20 3*4 3% 314 334 May Auc. Sept. Jan. Feb. Amount (millions of dollars) 15, 1963 15, 1963 16, 1963 15,1964 17, 1964 308 110 450 320 265 Apr. 15, 1963 July 16, 1963 Sept. 15, 1965 241 280 175 Federal National Mortgage Associationsecondary market operations Discount notes 71 Debentures: Nov. 10, 1958 May 10, 1961 Sept. 11, 1961 Dec. 11, 1961 Dec. 10. 1957 Sept. 10, 1962 Dec. 12, 1960 Mar. 10, 1958 Apr. 10, 1959 Apr. 11, 1960 Sept. 12, 1960 Aug. 23, 1960 Sept. 11, 1961 Feb. 10, 1960 Dec. l\, 1961 June 12, 1961 Feb. 13, 1962 41/s 3% 4 37/s 43/8 334 4Vs 3% 43/8 4% 41/s 4Vs 41/2 5V» 4% 414 4Vi Nov. 12, May 11, Sept. 10, Dec. 11, June 10, Mar. 10, Dec. 12, Mar. 11, Apr. 10, Apr. 10, Sept. 10, Aug. 10, Sept. 10, Feb. 10, June 12, June 12, Feb. 10, Banks for cooperatives Debentures: Dec. 3, 1962 Feb. 4,1963 Apr. 1,1963 3.05 3.15 3.15 June 1963 1964 1964 1964 1965 1966 1966 1968 1969 1970 1970 1971 1971 1972 1972 1973 1977 3, 1963 Aug. 1, 1963 Oct. 1 , 1963 97 100 149 122 99 142 96 97 88 146 123 69 98 100 100 147 198 162 169 160 NOTE.—These securities are not guaranteed by the U.S. Govt.; sec also NOTE to table at top of following page. Agency, type and date of issue, and coupon rate Maturity Federal intermediate credit banks Debentures: Aug. 1, 1962 Sept. 4, 1962 Oct. 1, 1962 Nov. 1, 1962 Dec. 3,1962 Jan. 2, 1963 Feb. 4,1963 Mar. 4, 1963 Apr. 1,1963 3.45 3.35 3.20 3.10 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.20 Federal land banks Bonds: May 1,1958 Aug. 20, 1962 Oct. 22, 1962 Apr. 20, 1963 Dec. 20, I960 Oct. 20, 1960 June 20, 1961 Apr. 3, 1961 May 1,1958 Sept. 20, 1961 Feb. 15, 1957 May 1, 1962 Oct. 1, 1957 Apr. 1, 1959 Feb. 2, 1959 July 15, 1957 Feb. 1, 1960 Feb. 14, 1958 Jan. 5, 1960 234 35/s 314 4i/2 4 4 4 35J/8 34 414 A% 4 41/2 AlA 43/8 45/ 8 5l/s V/2 5% May 3V'2 May May 1,1956 Sept. 14, 1956 Feb. 20, 1963 Feb. 20, 1962 Tennessee Bonds: ^io\. July Feb. 37/s 4i/8 AVi May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Aug. Oct. Apr. Oct. Oct. Dec. Feb. May July Feb. May Oct. Mar. Mar. Julv Feb. Apr. July Sept. Feb. Feb. 1, 1963 3, 1963 1, 1963 1, 1963 3, 1963 1, 1963 4, 1963 2,1963 2, 1964 1, 1963 20, 1963 22, 1963 20, 1964 20, 1964 20, 1965 20. 1965 21, 1966 2, 1966 20, 1966 15, 1967-72 22, 1967 1, 1967-70 20, 1968 20, 1969 15, 1969 20, 1970 1, 1970 20, 1970 1, 1971 15, 1972 20,1973-78 20, 1974 Amount (millions of dollars) 197 145 167 197 198 229 272 267 263 122 144 136 147 90 160 115 150 108 193 72 180 75 86 100 60 82 83 85 60 109 148 155 Valley Authority 15, 1960 1, 1961 1, 1962 4.40 4% AVi Nov. 15, 1985 July 1, 1986 Feb. 1, 1987 50 50 45 828 CREDIT AGENCIES; SECURITY ISSUES .TUNE 19*3 MAJOR BALANCE SHEET ITEMS OF SELECTED FEDERALLY SPONSORED CREDIT AGENCIES (In millions of dollars) Federal home loan banks Liabilities and capital Assets End of period Federal National Mortgage Assn. (secondary market operations) Advances to members Investments 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1,417 1.228 1,265 1,298 2,134 765 1,027 908 999 1,093 62 62 63 75 103 1960 1961 1,981 2,662 1,233 ,153 1962—Apr... May.. June.. July.. Aug.. Sept.. Oct... Nov.. Dec... 2,323 2,429 2,767 2,860 2,948 3,046 3,091 3.068 3,479 1963—Jan... Feb... Mar.. Apr... 2,802 2,611 2,514 2,635 Federal intermediate credit banks Mortgage loans (A) Debentures and notes (L) Loans to cooperatives (A) Debentures 516 607 685 769 866 83 628 1,562 1,323 1,967 200 1,315 1,100 1,640 371 457 454 510 622 938 1,180 989 1,107 2,788 2,770 2,523 2,453 1,498 1,564 1,797 2,108 2,233 2,257 2,707 2,707 2,707 1,096 1,107 1,192 976 954 984 1,016 1,028 1,214 1,113 1,114 1,116 1,117 ,118 1,118 1,120 ,121 1,126 2,853 2,817 2,774 2,743 2,750 2,752 2,765 2,768 2,752 2,348 2,096 2,003 1,908 1,155 1,213 1,283 1,250 ,128 ,129 ,130 1,133 2,708 2,599 2,446 2,285 Member deposits Capital stock 975 963 825 714 1,774 698 683 653 819 589 90 159 1,266 1,571 1,435 ,407 1,335 ,384 ,420 ,363 ,800 ,848 ,531 61 60 114 67 58 75 79 75 173 .876 ,883 ,974 ,702 87 81 62 87 Cash and deposits Banks for cooperatives Bonds and notes NOTE.—Data from Federal Home Loan Bank Board, Federal National Mortgage Assn., and Farm Credit Admin. Among the omitted balance sheet items are capital accounts of all agencies, except for stock of home loan banks. Bonds, debentures, and notes are valued at par. They include only publicly offered securities (excluding, for the home loan banks, Federal land banks Loans and discounts (A) Debentures (L) Mortgage loans (A) 110 143 222 252 364 693 747 932 1,157 1,391 657 705 886 1,116 1,356 1,497 1,744 1,919 2,089 2,360 1,191 1,437 1,599 1,743 1,986 649 697 407 435 1,501 1,650 1,454 ,585 2,564 2,828 2,210 2,431 2,612 2,566 2,557 2,435 2,458 2,481 2,492 2,479 2,422 719 694 692 704 680 690 738 746 735 441 441 430 430 482 475 480 480 505 1,843 1,923 1,998 2,047 2,049 2,007 ,896 1,822 ,840 1,718 1,781 1,855 1,926 ,952 ,930 ,842 1,774 ,727 2,922 2,948 2,968 2,986 3,003 3,021 3,031 3,037 3,052 2,495 2,550 2,550 2,550 2,596 2,596 2,628 2,628 2,628 2,370 2,343 2,126 2,043 in 505 480 480 491 1,858 1,926 ,892 2,108 1,729 ,787 .842 ,935 3,069 3,089 3,118 3,147 2.628 2,661 2,661 2,661 775 761 745 (L) Bonds (L) bonds held within the FHLB System), and are not guaranteed by the U.S. Govt.; for a listing of these securities, see preceding page. Loans are gross of valuation reserves and represent cost for FNMA and unpaid principal for other agencies. NEW ISSUES OF STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES (In millions of dollars) All issues (new capital and refunding) Type of issuer Type of issue Period Total General obligations Revenue PHA i Issues for new capital U.S. Govt. loans State Special district and Other* stat. auth. Total amount delivered 3 Use of proceeds Total Education Roads Utiland bridges ities 4 Housing 5 Veter- Other ans' puraid poses 1957 1958 1959 6,926 7,526 7,697 4,795 5,447 4,782 1,965 1,778 2,407 66 187 332 99 1.489 115 993 176 ,686 1,272 4,164 1,371 4,162 2,121 3,890 6,568 6,875 7,708 7,441 7,423 7,589 2,524 2,617 2,318 1,036 1,164 844 1.517 41? ,985 113 251 401 333 339 355 I960 1961 1962 7,292 8,566 8,845 4,771 5,724 5,582 2,095 2,407 2,681 302 315 437 125 120 145 110 ,928 419 1,984 4,198 2,165 4,473 2,600 4,825 7,102 7,247 8,301 8,463 8,732 8,568 2,405 2,821 2,963 1,007 1,167 1,114 ,316 ,700 668 426 385 521 201 1,891 478 1,913 125 2,177 894 940 790 650 563 440 666 610 572 602 670 556 404 251 343 378 403 277 179 258 205 237 200 74 273 194 173 101 12 12 29 9 6 23 15 12 6 67 206 173 34 62 60 150 121 54 266 229 164 179 184 58 236 200 242 561 505 454 437 317 323 280 289 276 704 897 841 839 639 559 416 650 544 873 912 786 612 544 427 650 578 550 276 348 328 190 127 175 211 213 163 111 31 67 62 33 31 14 97 14 149 234 127 146 151 85 136 150 93 106 58 * 100 2 117 230 242 163 213 126 128 290 116 163 '978 r 824 995 856 '532 r 431 674 669 '425 '373 168 ,7, '21 20 16 16 '41 '100 265 156 '251 '336 322 148 '686 '387 408 552 '657 '844 870 856 '732 '722 968 812 '310 '238 251 333 99 114 52 69 '182 '83 230 2.4 2 91 142 1 '138 r 196 292 195 1962—Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec . 1963—Jan Feb Mar.. . . Apr 106 117 138 1 Only bonds sold pursuant to 1949 Housing Act; secured by contract requiring the Public Housing Administration to make annual contributions to the local authority. 2 Municipalities, counties, townships, school districts. 3 Excludes U.S. Govt. loans. Based on date of delivery to purchaser (and payment to issuer), which occurs after date of sale. * Water, sewer, and other utilities. r 106 7 1,352 1,657 1,685 5 Includes urban redevelopment loans. NOTE.—The figures in the first column differ from those shown on the following page, which are based on Bond Buyer data. The principal difference is in the treatment of U.S. Govt. loans. Investment Bankers Assn. data; par amounts of long-term issues. Based on date of sale unless otherwise indicated. JUNE 1963 829 SECURITY ISSUES TOTAL NEW ISSUES (In millions of dollars) Proposed use of net proceeds, all corporate issues 5 Gross proceeds, all issues * Noncorporate Corporate Period Total 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959. ... I960 1961 1962 26,772 9,628 22,405 5,517 30,571 9,601 34,443 12,063 31,074 12,322 746 169 572 2,321 707 27,541 7,906 35,494 12,253 29,975 8,590 1,672 1,448 1,188 1,877 4,075 2,149 2,422 1,663 4,056 1,568 2,150 1,821 2,149 372 1,506 352 363 358 2,408 300 359 327 295 r 2,708 r 774 425 396 1962—Mar. Apr.. May. June. July. Aug.. Sept.. . . . Oct.. Nov.. Dec , 1963 Jan . Feb.. Mar U.S. Govt. U.S. Govt. 2 agency 3 2,166 2,830 461 150 175 148 U.S. State and local 7 Bonds Other 4 Total Publicly offered Total 5,977 5,446 6,958 7,449 7,681 7,230 8,345 8,558 182 334 557 1,052 616 621 877 897 38 14 99 760 67 7 4?0 8 ,00? 10,240 10,939 12,884 11,558 9,748 q ,957 q 579 10,154 302 13,147 869 10,770 Stock Total New Other Total money 6 purposes Privately Pre- Complaced ferred mon 10,049 8,821 7,957 10,749 10,384 9,663 12 661 12,447 11,784 11,372 10,823 9,907 9,527 9,392 8,578 Retirement of securities 864 1,227 721 364 663 214 549 915 814 135 7 ,190 4,119 4,225 6,118 6,332 3,557 3,301 3,777 3,839 3,320 3,632 635 636 411 571 531 8 ,081 q 9 ,016 4,806 4,706 4,487 3,275 4,720 4,529 409 1,664 9,924 9,653 8,758 895 449 3,273 12,874 11.979 10,829 1,150 436 1,318 10,572 9,814 8,323 1,491 271 895 757 34 17 34 169 115 111 847 1,217 801 1,232 630 922 632 976 784 1,197 638 881 667 1 ,063 565 840 472 853 732 1 ,072 386 654 247 488 200 477 176 539 286 264 253 227 420 575 366 363 295 314 446 808 5 120 14 46 32 24 51 49 24 59 204 216 120 124 32 58 110 74 28 65 823 1,185 785 1,214 621 907 618 961 776 1,184 807 1,113 760 1,132 582 749 579 835 703 1,103 709 1,033 621 953 504 620 441 727 494 923 97 80 139 180 78 129 138 108 209 180 16 72 25 82 39 159 39 126 73 81 240 141 82 r 695 r 642 1,363 243 '289 774 30 1 ,273 m r 71 HI 74 r 684 '631 1,349 r 613 ''594 1,144 r 563 r 448 1,056 r 50 M46 88 r 72 r 37 205 641 559 426 646 595 547 999 810 989 New capital r r r 350 259 499 548 2,185 2,301 2,516 1,334 2,027 17 Proposed uses of net proceeds, major groups of corporate issuers Manufc icturing Period Commercial and miscellaneous Transportation Public utility RetireRetireRetirement of New New ment of ment of New New secusecusecucapital 8 capital 8 capital 8 capital 8 rities rities rities 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 2.397 3 336 4,104 3,265 1,941 533 243 49 195 769 682 579 867 70 812 I960 1961 1962 1,997 3.708 3,020 79 306 794 1,095 204 832 318 2 75 1962—Mar Apr.. May June. July. 384 270 342 217 218 Aug 4 47 21 10 135 '•220 592 Nov Dec. Jan Feb.. Mar.. 103 100 90 28 166 153 271 345 Sept.. Oct 1963 67 5 14 31 r 40 31 104 r r49 '52 85 31 942 672 680 2 3 74 4 7 6 4 r 2 n 5 1 Gross proceeds are derived by multiplying principal amounts or number of units by offering price. 2 Includes guaranteed issues. 3 Issues not guaranteed. 4 Foreign governments, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and domestic nonprofit organizations. 5 Estimated gross proceeds less cost of flotation. 544 694 802 778 30 46 29 56 40 3 5 51 51 29 13 28 551 28 38 48 24 71 54 20 35 90 338 20 14 38 15 2 ,254 39 26 30 2 ,754 * 15 13 ,474 3 ,821 ,605 ^ ,189 174 14 51 138 15 1,045 1,384 1,441 1,294 51 104 56 17 67 47 707 1,812 1 815 1,701 1 014 1,801 1 378 10 2,401 2 176 1,773 71 36 126 10 445 193 377 198 410 118 110 148 141 175 252 1 21 16 56 4 88 64 79 88 142 120 14 108 67 260 50 4 25 54 65 '30 61 125 68 43 r Retirement of securities 77 21 4 118 * ? ,357 ,892 Real estate and financial RetireRetirement of ment of New New secusecucapital 8 capital 8 rities rities 1,036 1,427 1,281 »"114 115 97 99 '30 143 Communication * 134 91 163 107 4 2 2 3 r r 3 6 39 1 3 7 183 3 88 222 178 257 42 5 r 91 110 183 105 1 r* 6 7 For plant and equipment and working capital. Beginning with 1957 this figure differs from that shown on the previous page because this one is based on Bond Buyer data. 8 All issues other than those for retirement of securities. NOTE.—Securities and Exchange Commission estimates of new issues maturing in more than 1 year sold for cash in the United States. 830 SECURITY ISSUES JUNE 1963 NET CHANGE IN OUTSTANDING CORPORATE SECURITIES (In millions of dollars) Derivation of ch ange, all is«suers All securities Bonds and notes Common and preferred stocks Period New issues New issues Retirements Net change New issues Retirements Net change Retirements Invest. cos. 1 Invest. cos. 1 Other 1,391 2,018 2,353 3,321 3,070 3,377 406 515 785 1,024 2,288 3,259 2,788 2,724 4,261 2,109 869 1,181 1,123 1,086 1,696 1,561 1957 1958 1959 14,350 14,761 12,855 3,609 5,296 4,858 10,741 9,465 7,998 9,638 9,673 7,125 2,584 3,817 3,049 I960 1961 1962 13,084 16,745 13,490 5,033 6,967 6,249 8,051 9,778 7,241 8,072 '9,225 8,593 3,078 4,090 3,566 1961—IV 4,338 1,991 2,347 2,432 852 1,581 867 1,039 263 1962—I 3,226 4,097 2,744 3,423 1,406 1,633 1,634 1,576 1,820 2,463 1,110 1,848 1,668 2,606 1,816 2,503 730 793 938 966 811 500 511 592 680 428 409 282 320 235 286 II Ill IV 1,082 960 7,053 5,856 4,076 r 4,994 5,134 5,028 Net change r 1,813 734 1,543 Other Invest. cos. 1 Other 1,503 1,568 2 703 2,106 2,354 1 419 2 078 1,665 1 638 2 566 877 604 162 394 520 317 330 684 491 265 225 198 160 618 964 985 r 548 111 79 Type of issuer Manufacturing Period 1957 1958 1959 Commercial and other * Bonds & notes Stock 1 779 2,191 1,391 .. . Communication Stock Bonds & notes Stock 24 289 9 158 413 335 -93 2 2,585 2,133 1,738 1,027 1,028 261 505 313 -91 -403 -431 -173 173 63 -61 -42 1 -34 1,689 1,655 1,301 451 318 399 1,938 1,479 Bonds & notes Stock Public utility 169 417 217 -61 425 316 I960 1961 1962 Bonds & notes Transportation 3 Bonds & notes 1,236 815 Real estate and financial Stock 198 Bonds & notes 4 Stock 1,259 1,656 1,866 995 206 994 494 1,070 475 443 635 700 901 148 1,472 1,178 1,572 r 825 487 363 819 1,749 2,584 1,972 356 r 1961—IV 377 64 259 -500 12 -2 628 152 119 150 186 903 1962—I II Ill IV 193 605 291 390 28 79 147 8 78 -122 -56 -18 -27 40 -1 -9 -12 -11 201 698 87 316 51 233 134 69 434 191 244 308 82 85 100 97 86 191 132 410 844 558 302 268 -189 -159 -83 -25 11 -35 1 2 Open-end and closed-end cos. Extractive and commercial and misc. cos. 3 Railroad and other transportation cos. Includes investment companies. 4 NOTE.—Securities and Exchange Commission estimates of cash transactions only. As contrasted with data shown on p. 829, new issues ana aiso new SHOCK issues ana casn proceeas connectea witn conversions of bonds into stocks. Retirements include the same types of issues, and also securities retired with internal funds or with proceeds of issues for that purpose shown on p. 829. OPEN-END INVESTMENT COMPANIES (In millions of dollars) Sales and redemption of own shares Assets (market value at end of period) Month Year Sales Redemptions Net sales Total 1 Cash position 1952 1953 1954 783 672 863 196 239 400 587 433 463 3,931 4,146 6,110 n.a. n.a. 309 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1,207 1,347 1,391 1,620 2,280 443 433 406 511 786 765 914 984 1,109 1,494 7,838 9,046 8,714 13,242 15,818 438 492 523 634 860 1960 1961 1962 2,097 2,951 2,699 842 1,160 1,123 1,255 1,791 1,576 17,026 22,789 21,271 973 980 1,315 2 Sales Other Redemptions Net sales Total i Cash position 2 Other n.a. 1962—Apr.. May. n.a. June. 5,801 July.. Aug.. 7,400 Sept. 8,554 Oct.. 8,191 Nov. 12,608 Dec. 14,958 260 292 219 207 155 134 157 163 191 91 122 107 74 79 83 92 89 105 169 171 112 133 76 51 65 74 87 21,811 19,947 18,436 19,384 20,124 19,088 19,215 21,088 21,271 1,207 1,106 1,019 1,205 1,382 1,334 1,298 1,324 1,315 20,604 18,841 17,417 18,179 18,742 17,754 17,917 19,764 19,956 16,053 1963—Jan.. Feb.. 21,809 Mar. 19,956 Apr.. 235 166 200 203 116 115 117 133 118 51 84 70 22,447 22,015 22,639 23,487 1,336 1,401 1,350 [,256 21,111 20,614 21,289 22,231 1 Market value at end of period less current liabilities. 2 Cash and deposits, receivables, all U.S. Govt. securities, other short-term debt securities less current liabilities. Sales and redemption of own shares Assets (market value at end of period) NOTE.—Investment Co. Institute data based on reports of members, which comprise substantially all open-end investment companies registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Data reflect newly formed companies after their initial offering of securities. 831 BUSINESS FINANCE JUNE 1963 SALES, PROFITS, AND DIVIDENDS OF LARGE CORPORATIONS (In millions of dollars) 1961' Industry 1958 1959 1960 1961' 1963 1962 19623 III I IV IV 3 III II 13 Manufacturing Total (180 corps.): Sales Profits before taxes . . . Profits after taxes Dividends Nondurable goods industries (79 corps.): 1 Sales Profits before taxes . . Profits after taxes Dividends... Durable goods industries (101 corps.): 2 Sales Profits before taxes Profits after taxes Selected industries: Foods and kindred products (25 corps.): Sales Profits before taxes Profits after taxes Dividends Chemicals and allied products (21 corps.): Sales Profits before taxes Profits after taxes . . Petroleum refining (16 corps.): Sales Profits before taxes Profits after taxes . . . . . . Primary metals and products (35 corps.): Sales . . Profits before taxes Profits after taxes Dividends . . Machinery (25 corps.): Sales Profits before taxes Dividends . . Automobiles and equipment (14 corps.): Sales Profits before taxes Dividends 105,134 118,423 123,126 122,849 135,579 29,816 32,875 33,291 34,602 31,995 35,690 34,448 10,466 14,090 13.463 13,200 '15,401 2,943 4,140 3,908 4.096 3,187 '4,210 3,961 5 714 7 440 7 121 7 135 8 184 1 606 2 258 2 033 2 096 1 700 2 355 2 083 1,162 4,078 4,342 4,464 4 714 5,022 1 117 1 380 1 154 1 158 1,163 1,548 41,541 45 442 47,277 49 237 52,077 12 387 12 706 12 793 12 984 12 981 13,320 13 105 4,402 5,648 5,570 5,589 '6,001 1,406 1,522 1,461 1,501 1,453 '1,586 1,512 873 827 959 801 894 816 815 2 574 3,210 3 210 3 219 3,416 611 536 488 577 512 517 1,785 1,912 1,953 2,037 2,153 513 63,593 72,981 75,849 73,612 83,502 17 429 20 169 20 499 21 619 19,014 22,371 21,343 6,065 8,442 7,893 7,611 9,400 1 538 2,618 2,447 2,595 1,734 2,624 2,448 873 1,397 1,210 805 1,364 3,140 4,231 3,911 3,916 4,768 1,217 1,282 936 626 803 642 647 2,294 2,430 2,510 2,677 2,870 629 644 10,707 11,303 11,901 12 607 13,124 1,440 1,274 1,328 1,417 1,152 685 670 604 555 631 392 419 344 312 367 3 195 374 176 99 3 202 365 174 101 3 231 336 160 103 3 267 355 167 103 3 328 380 180 104 3,298 368 178 109 3 250 337 162 107 10,390 11,979 12,411 12,825 13,978 1,538 2,187 2,010 1,989 2,229 1,160 1,039 1,061 829 1,131 843 799 795 717 876 3 243 3 331 3 372 3 567 3 467 552 296 270 3 572 553 301 283 3 508 500 262 191 12,838 13,372 13,815 14,483 15,013 919 1,187 1,237 '1,362 1,267 1,084 791 969 1,026 1,025 566 521 516 518 528 3 611 3 735 3,872 546 545 586 279 198 297 196 283 199 3 771 3 612 3,714 552 285 204 294 341 343 300 299 246 131 280 133 262 139 227 142 255 141 3,916 '420 341 145 19,226 21,035 20,898 20,308 21,361 1,860 2,182 2,331 2,215 1,998 1,003 1,154 1,222 1,170 1,067 821 802 845 831 840 5,276 525 276 208 5,360 618 338 221 5,733 620 320 209 5,535 505 269 210 4,992 353 186 210 5,102 383 228 192 5,155 431 231 180 14,685 17,095 16,826 17,576 19,127 1 463 1 890 1 499 1,672 1,913 4,342 389 4,727 516 4,768 481 385 310 149 4,537 454 4,916 490 4,665 457 5,008 512 957 194 240 265 124 225 228 520 256 128 129 129 129 133 137 18,469 22,731 25,738 22,779 28,603 1,332 2 985 3 185 2,788 4,326 706 1,479 1,527 1,410 2,136 758 969 1,148 807 833 4,604 6,577 1,152 5,708 8,476 1,389 7,851 1,265 597 531 596 207 348 215 216 216 9,440 728 571 '367 2 355 186 122 68 2,415 276 199 113 2,296 133 '66 '85 2,408 186 105 '92 2,332 172 125 67 10,195 11,129 11,906 12,478 '13,252 2,704 2,983 3,163 3,349 3,591 1,519 1,655 1,793 1,883 2,053 1 134 1 219 1 307 1 374 1,459 3,060 807 445 3,268 840 475 3,399 '3,206 1,051 835 472 585 2 156 620 310 734 934 763 838 422 448 482 497 319 172 6,904 1 096 7,515 1 253 589 287 239 721 599 501 216 Public Utility Railroad: Profits before taxes . . Profits after taxes Dividends . . Electric power: Operating revenue Profits before taxes Dividends Telephone: Operating revenue Profits before taxes . . Profits after taxes 9,565 843 602 419 . . . . 6,939 1,860 921 674 1 9,825 845 578 406 9 514 648 445 385 7,572 2,153 1,073 8,111 2,326 1,155 8,615 2,478 1,233 9,196 2,639 1,327 743 806 867 935 Includes 17 cos. in groups not shown separately. 23 Includes 27 cos. in groups not shown separately. Figures have not been adjusted for the varying treatment by individual companies of additional depreciation under the new guidelines and of the investment tax credit. NOTE.—Manufacturing corps. Data are obtained primarily from published co. reports. Railroads. Interstate Commerce Commission data for Class I linehaul railroads. Electric power. Federal Power Commission data for Class A and B electric utilities, except that quarterly figures on operating revenue and profits before taxes are partly estimated by the Federal Reserve to include affiliated nonelectric operations. 9,189 625 382 359 339 218 344 2 230 657 326 225 366 2 245 648 320 231 371 2 296 678 335 232 2,405 ^2,238 237 275 '123 3,255 '3,392 887 818 488 508 356 2,300 683 337 235 366 2,355 630 335 237 3,831 1,100 626 392 2,365 672 336 225 Telephone. Data obtained from Federal Communications Commission on revenues and profits for telephone operations of the Bell System Consolidated (including the 20 operating subsidiaries and the Long Lines and General departments of American Telephone and Telegraph Co.) and for 2 affiliated telephone cos. Dividends are for the 20 operating subsidiaries and the 2 affiliates. AH series. Profits before taxes are income after all charges and before Federal income taxes and dividends. For description of series see June 1949 BULL., pp. 662-66 (manufacturing); Mar. 1942 BULL., pp. 215-17 (public utilities); and Sept. 1944 BULL., p. 908 (electric power). Back data available from Division of Research and Statistics. 832 BUSINESS FINANCE JUNE 1963 CORPORATE PROFITS, TAXES, AND DIVIDENDS (In billions of dollars) Profits before taxes Income taxes Profits after taxes Cash dividends Undistributed profits Corporate capital consumption allowances l Quarter 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 44.9 44.7 43.2 37.4 47.7 21.8 21.2 20.9 18.6 23.2 23.0 23.5 22.3 18.8 24.5 11.2 12.1 12.6 12.4 13.7 11.8 11.3 9.7 6.4 10.8 18.4 20.0 21.8 22.7 24.3 1961—1 II.... III... IV... I960 1961 1962 45.4 45.6 51.3 22.4 22.3 25.0 23.0 23.3 26.3 14.4 15.0 15.9 8.6 8.3 10.3 25.9 27.5 29.2 1962—1 II.... III... IV... Year i Includes depreciation, capital outlays charged to current accounts, and accidental damages. Profits before taxes Income taxes Profits after taxes Cash dividends Undistributed profits Corporate capital consumption allowances l . . . . 39.8 44.8 46.3 51.4 19.4 21.9 22.6 25.1 20.3 22.9 23.7 26.3 14.7 14.8 14.9 15.5 5.6 8.1 8.7 10.8 26.6 27.3 27.8 28.5 . . . . 50.1 50.9 51.1 53.2 24.4 24.9 24.9 26.0 25.6 26.1 26.1 27.3 15.8 15.8 15.8 16.4 9.9 10.3 10.3 10.9 28.7 29.1 29.4 29.7 Quarterly data are at seasonally NOTE.—Dept. of Commerce estimates, adjusted annual rates. CURRENT ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF CORPORATIONS (In billions of dollars) Current assets End of period Net working capital Total Cash U.S. Govt. securities Current liabilities Notes and accts. receivable U.S. Govt.i Other Inventories Other Total Notes and accts. payable Accrued Federal income U,S. taxes Other Govt. i Other 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 I960 103.0 107.4 111.6 118.7 124.2 129.0 224.0 237.9 244.7 255.3 277.3 286.0 34.6 34.8 34.9 37.4 36.3 36.1 23.5 19.1 18.6 18.8 22.8 19.9 2.3 2.6 2.8 2.8 2.9 3.1 86.6 95.1 99.4 106.9 117.7 125.1 72.8 80.4 82.2 81.9 88.4 91.6 4.2 5.9 6.7 7.5 9.1 10.2 121.0 130.5 133.1 136.6 153.1 157.0 2.3 2.4 2-3 1.7 7 L.8 73.8 81.5 84.3 88.7 99.3 103.1 19.3 17.6 15.4 12.9 15.0 13.5 25.7 29.0 31.1 33.3 37.0 38.6 1961—ITI IV 136.0 137.4 294.9 303.0 36.0 39.0 18.6 19.4 3.2 3.4 131.5 134.5 93.5 95.2 12.1 11.5 159.0 165.6 1.8 L.8 104.5 109.5 12.4 14.1 40.3 40.3 1^62—1 II 139.0 141.1 142.1 144.5 305.7 310.5 317.5 322.8 35.6 36.1 36.3 39.7 20.2 19.3 18.8 19.8 3.4 3.3 3.4 3.6 136.0 140.0 145.4 145.5 97.7 98.7 100.3 100.9 12.7 13.1 13.3 13.3 166.7 169.4 175.4 178.2 18 1.8 L.9 2.0 109.5 111.6 115.7 117.8 13 6 13.6 14.6 15.0 41.8 42.4 43 2 43.4 m IV 1 Receivables from, and payables to, the U.S. Govt. exclude amounts offset against each other on corps.' books. NOTE.—Securities and Exchange Commission estimates; excludes banks, savings and loan associations, and insurance cos. BUSINESS EXPENDITURES ON NEW PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (In billions of dollars) Manufacturing Period Total Durable Nondurable Transportation Mining Railroad Other Public utilities Communications Other i Total (S. A annual rate) 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 28.70 35.08 36.96 30.53 32.54 5.44 7.62 8.02 5.47 5.77 6.00 7.33 7.94 5.96 6.29 1.24 1.24 .94 .99 .92 1.23 1.40 .75 .92 1.60 1.71 1.77 1.50 2.02 4.31 4.90 6.20 6.09 5.67 1.98 2.68 3 03 2 62 2.67 7 8 7 7 8 I960 1961 1962 19632r 35.68 34.37 37.31 39.24 7.18 6.27 7.03 7.72 7.30 7.40 7.65 7.84 .99 .98 1.08 1.02 1.03 .67 .85 1.08 1.94 1.85 2.07 1.90 5.68 5.52 5.48 5.61 3.13 3.22 3 63 8 44 8 46 9 52 1961—IV 9.54 1.79 2.09 .26 .16 .50 1.54 .88 2.32 35.40 1962 I II ITT IV 8.02 9.50 9.62 10.18 1.44 1.77 1.79 2.03 1.69 1.92 1.93 2.10 .26 .27 .28 .27 .16 .26 .24 .20 .47 .60 .50 .50 1.06 1.37 1.54 1.52 .88 .93 .87 .95 2.06 2 37 2.48 2.60 35.70 36 95 38.35 37.95 8.25 9.84 10.09 1.62 1.96 1 .94 1.65 1.97 1.96 .24 .26 .26 .21 .30 .26 .39 .52 .49 1.04 1.43 1.55 .85 2.26 36.95 38.40 39.95 1963 Tr II 2 r Ill 2 1 Includes trade, service, finance, and construction. * Anticipated by business. .96 14 07 3. 40 3. 62 49 36 37 20 21 NOTE.—Dept. of Commerce and Securities and Exchange Commission ;stimates for corp. and noncorp. business, excluding agriculture. 833 REAL ESTATE CREDTT JUNE 1963 MORTGAGE DEBT OUTSTANDING (In billions of dollars) All properties End of period Other holders 2 Financial holdinstiIndiU.S. viduals ers tutions1 agenand cies others 1961 12.9 8.1 4.8 6.4 1.5 4.9 134.6 146.1 160.7 178.7 99.0 107.6 117.7 130.9 83.4 89.9 98.5 109.2 15.6 17.7 19.2 21.6 35.6 38.5 43.0 47.9 23.9 25.8 28 8 31.9 11.7 12.7 14 2 16.0 9 9 10.5 11 3 12.2 3 9 4.0 4 2 4 5 6.5 38.3 41 3 45.7 194.0 211.6 235.0 141.3 153.0 168.4 117.9 128.7 142.9 23.4 24.3 25.5 52.7 58.6 66.6 35.0 38.9 44.3 17.7 19 7 22.3 13.1 14 2 15.5 4.7 11 8 12.2 8.4 5 0 5.5 9 2 10.0 160.2 364.4 168 4 172.6 11 .3 11.2 11 4 11.8 38.9 39.7 40 4 41.3 197.0 201.6 206 3 211.6 143.2 146.3 149.6 153.0 119.7 122.8 125.8 128.7 23.5 23.5 23.8 24.3 53.8 55.2 56 7 58.6 35.7 36.7 37 7 38.9 18.0 18.5 19 0 19.7 13.3 13.7 14 0 14.2 4.7 4.8 4 9 5.0 8.6 8.9 9 1 9.2 230 4 237.0 243.5 250 5 176 0 181.6 187.0 192 7 12 1 12.1 12.1 12 2 42 3 43.3 44.4 45 7 215.9 222.0 228.2 235.0 155.7 159.9 164.2 168.4 130.9 135.0 139.1 142.9 24.8 24.9 25.1 25.5 60 2 62.2 64.0 66.6 40.0 41.3 42.5 44.3 20 2 20.9 21.5 22 3 14 5 14.9 15.2 15 5 5 1 5.3 5.4 5 5 9 4 9.7 9 9 10 0 255.8 197.5 11.8 46.5 240.0 6.0 7.5 207.1 225 8 250.5 157.6 172 6 192.7 112 210.3 215.3 220 3 225.8 llrP ll\rp IVr*> Ir" \P \\\rv IV rp 1962 1963 FinanOther cial holdinsti- 1 holders* ers tutions 7.2 111.2 119.7 131 5 145.5 If rv Finan. Other instiholdTotal tutions i ers 11.2 12.2 144.5 156.6 171 9 190.9 \rv Finan. Other instiholdTotal tutions 1 ers 3 18.4 4.7 I960 rv 1961 1962^ holders Multifamily and commercial properties 31.2 20.7 21.0 . . 1- to 4-family houses Farm 12.2 12.1 27.3 29.4 32 7 35 4 37.6 35.5 1941 1945 1956 1957 1958 1959 ]Nonfarm 7 8 10.0 6 0 7 1 7 7 15 8 1 Commercial banks (including nondeposit trust cos. but not trust depts.), mutual savings banks, life insurance cos., and savings and loan assns. 2 U. S. agencies are FNMA, FHA, VA, PHA, Farmers Home Administration, and Federal land banks, and in earlier years, RFC HOLC, and FFMC. Other U. S. agencies (amounts small or current separate data not readily available) included with individuals and others. * Derived figures; includes small amounts of farm loans held by savings and loan assns. * Derived figures; includes debt held by Federal land banks and Farmers Home Administration. NOTE.—Based on data from Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., Federal Home Loan Bank Board, Institute of Life Insurance, Depts. of Agriculture and Commerce Federal National Mortgage Assn., Federal Housing Administration, Public Housing Administration, Veterans Administration, and Comptroller of the Currency. Figures for first three quarters of each year are F.R. estimates. MORTGAGE LOANS HELD BY BANKS (In millions of dollars) Commercial bank holdings l Mutual savings bank holdings Residential Residential End of period Total Total FHAinsured VAguaranteed Total FHAinsured VAguaranteed 4,812 4,208 3,884 3 387 8,300 8,735 9,780 11,037 4,379 4,823 5,461 6,237 ,336 ,367 ,471 ,588 19,746 21,169 23,263 24,992 17,703 19,010 20,935 22,486 4,409 4,669 5,501 6,276 7,139 7,790 8,360 8,589 2,859 2,627 2,654 11,652 12,623 14,308 6,796 7,470 8,972 *1,022 ,648 ,747 26,935 29,145 32,320 24,306 26,341 29,181 7,074 8,045 9,238 5,851 2,859 11,652 6,796 1 ,648 26,935 24,306 5,793 5,820 5,905 5,975 2,776 2,726 2,676 2,627 11,712 12,049 12,372 12,623 6,906 7,072 7,227 7,470 1 ,677 ,716 1 740 1 ,747 27,447 28,015 28,589 29,145 24,800 25,318 25,892 26,341 6,003 6,195 6,376 6,520 2,547 2,593 2,617 2,654 12,661 13,260 13,831 14,308 7,817 8,218 8,628 8,972 ,816 ,977 29,833 30,638 31,484 32,320 26,940 27,632 28,464 29,181 22,719 23,337 25,523 28,145 17,004 17,147 18,591 20,320 4,803 4,823 5,476 6,122 3,902 3,589 3,335 3,161 I960 1961 1962 28,806 30,442 34,476 20,362 21,225 23,482 5,851 5,975 6,520 I960—IV 28,806 20,362 1961 I II Ill IV 28,864 29,383 29,920 30,442 20,281 20,595 20,953 21,225 1962 I II Ill IV 30,844 32,194 33,430 34,476 21,211 22,049 22,824 23,482 Includes loans held by nondeposit trust cos., but not bank trust depts. 2 Data for 1941 and 1945, except for totals, are special F.R. estimates. NOTE.—Second and fourth quarters, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. series for all commercial and mutual savings banks in the United States Total 566 521 1956 1957 1958 1959 1 Farm 856 3,292 3 395 . .. Conventional Other nonfarm 1,048 4,906 4 772 1941 (945 2 978 >,022 Conventional Other nonfarm Farm 900 797 28 24 6,155 6 551 7,073 7,622 1,984 2 102 2,275 2,451 59 57 53 55 8,986 8,246 9,267 9,028 9 787 10 156 2,575 2,753 3 088 54 51 51 7,074 8,986 8,246 2,575 54 7,353 7,634 7,811 8,045 9,111 9,192 9,231 9,267 8 336 8,492 8,850 9,028 2 597 2,645 2,646 2,753 50 51 51 8 340 8,662 8,984 9,238 9,392 9 208 9,502 9,469 9,633 9,847 9,787 10,156 2 842 2 954 2,968 3,088 51 51 52 51 51 and possessions; first and third quarters, estimates based on FDIC data for insured banks beginning in 1962. For earlier years the basis for first and third quarter estimates included F.R. commercial bank call data and data from National Assn. of Mutual Savings Banks. 834 REAL ESTATE CREDIT JUNE 1963 MORTGAGE ACTIVITY OF LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES (In millions of dollars) Loans acquired Loans outstanding (end of period) Nonfarm Nonfarm Period Total FHAinsured Total VAguaranteed Farm * Other i 815 1,394 514 407 438 498 32,989 35,236 37,062 39,197 30,508 32,652 34,395 36,353 6,627 6,751 7,443 8,273 3,930 4,625 4,999 464 552 622 41,771 44.203 46,980 38,789 41,033 43,582 28 39 33 36 38 41 54 46 49 310 397 396 415 441 380 480 495 755 56 56 44 45 40 36 46 44 64 44,775 44 946 45,142 45 340 45,576 45,758 46,051 46,380 46,980 48 44 63 68 411 305 420 430 66 71 97 81 47,203 47,348 47,618 47,910 1956 1957 1958 1959 6,715 5,230 5,277 5,970 6,201 4,823 4 839 5,472 842 653 1,301 1,549 1,652 831 195 201 3,707 3,339 3,343 3,722 I960 1961 1962*> 6,086 6,785 7,476 5,622 6,233 6,854 1,401 1,388 1,397 291 220 458 1962—Apr.f May 485 591 576 625 637 566 719 727 1,016 429 535 532 580 597 530 673 683 952 91 99 103 129 118 109 139 142 148 647 518 705 705 581 447 608 624 122 98 125 126 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr . i Certain mortgage loans secured by land on which oil drilling or extracting operations in process were classified with farm through June 1959 and with "other" nonfarm thereafter. These loans totaled $38 million on July 31, 1959. NOTE.—Institute of Life Insurance data. Total i New construction Loans outstanding (end of period) FHAHome inpur- Total 2 sured chase 6.901 6,553 6,394 22,856 24.815 26,931 2,982 3,170 3,398 41,539 41,683 41,856 42,030 42,247 42.413 42,686 43,003 43,582 9,874 9,853 9,884 9,970 10.005 10,051 10,107 10,182 10,257 6,486 6,461 6.444 6.431 6,412 6,403 6,397 6,389 6,394 25,179 25 369 25 528 25 629 25 830 25.959 26,182 26,432 26,931 3,236 3 263 3,286 3,310 3,329 3,345 3.365 3,377 3,398 43,805 43,928 44,156 44,407 10,309 10,343 10,388 10,444 6,397 6,390 6,399 6,418 27,099 27,195 27,369 27,545 3,398 3,420 3,462 3,503 OF $20,000 OR LESS By type of lender (N.S. A.) Insurance companies Commercial banks Mutual savings banks 1941 1945 4,732 5,650 1,490 2,017 404 250 1,165 1,097 218 217 27,088 24,244 27,388 32,235 9,532 9,217 10,516 13,094 1,799 1,472 1,460 1,523 5,458 4,264 5,204 5,832 1.824 1 429 1 640 1,780 29,341 31.157 34,187 12,158 13.662 15,144 1,318 1,160 1,212 4,520 4,997 5,851 1.557 1 741 1,957 2,670 2,745 2,836 2,891 2,973 2.933 2,929 2,925 2,939 2,916 2,627 2,704 2,983 3,075 3,134 3,333 2,861 3,208 2,883 2,682 1,172 1,210 ls35O 1,391 1,382 1,501 1,285 1,403 1,270 1,168 90 89 100 107 107 123 104 116 105 103 442 482 534 542 549 563 476 554 490 444 120 131 154 177 201 201 183 191 178 168 2,876 2,869 2,658 2,424 2,751 1,143 1,086 1,261 100 88 99 457 408 467 141 123 126 3,699 3,484 4,050 5,201 4,620 4,591 5,172 6,613 35,729 40,007 45,627 53,141 1,486 1,643 2,206 2,995 6,643 7,011 7,077 7,186 27,600 31,353 36,344 42,960 1956 1957 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 14.304 17,364 20 754 4,678 5,081 5,979 6,132 60,070 7,207 68,834 8,524 78,973 3,524 4,167 4,480 7,222 49,324 7,152 57,515 7,022 67,471 I960. 1961 1962 1.661 ,857 ,936 512 584 572 515 540 495 543 505 534 635 739 823 796 920 746 823 708 643 71,608 72,585 73,631 74,511 75,527 76,371 77,333 78,137 78,973 4,311 4,333 4,355 4,378 4,399 4,414 4,425 4,459 4,480 7,120 7,133 7,120 7,105 7,097 7,086 7,081 7,069 7,022 60,177 61,119 62,156 63,028 64,031 64,871 65,827 66,609 67,471 Mar Apr May 434 429 573 618 616 576 666 764 79,648 80,341 81,247 82,307 4,507 4,529 4,542 4,557 7,026 7,057 7,055 7,049 68,115 68,755 69,650 70,701 .. . 1962 1962 >,036 ,731 953 ,750 ,755 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 1963 1,573 8^4 2,081 1 Includes loans for repair, additions and alterations, refinancing, etc. not shown separately. 2 Beginning with 1958 includes shares pledged against mortgage loans. NOTE.—Federal Home Loan Bank Board data. 9,032 9,665 10,257 Savings & loan assns. S.A.2 10,325 10.160 12,182 15,151 p 2.481 2 584 2,667 2,844 Period 1956 1957 1958 1959 Apr 16,577 18,180 19,519 20,994 N.S.A. ConVAvenguaranteed tional 2 4 578 5 376 Jan Feb 7,304 7,721 7,433 7,086 Total i 581 1 358 May June....... July Aus Sept Oct . Nov . . . . Dec 913 776 (In millions of dollars) 437 181 . 4 714 4 466 NONFARM MORTGAGE RECORDINGS 1 379 1 913 1941 1945 Farm Other monthly figures may not add to annual totals and for loans outstanding, the end-of-Dec. figures may differ from end-of-year figures, because monthly figures represent book value of ledger assets whereas year-end figures represent annual statement asset values, and because data for year-end adjustments are more complete. (In millions of dollars) Period VAguaranteed For loans acquired, the MORTGAGE ACTIVITY OF SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS Loans made FHAinsured 5 529 5,860 976 Sept Oct Nov Dec Total 6,442 6,636 1941 1945 July Total 1963 Jan Feb Mar 1 2 Includes amounts for other lenders, not shown separately. Three-month moving average, seasonally adjusted by Federal Reserve. NOTE.—Federal Home Loan Bank Board data. MORTGAGE DEBT OUTSTANDING ON NONFARM 1- TO 4-FAMILY PROPERTIES GOVERNMENT-UNDERWRITTEN RESIDENTIAL LOANS MADE (In millions of dollars) (In billions of dollars) FHA-insured VA-guaranteed Mortgages Period Total 1945 665 Projects i Governmentunderwritten Mortgages Prop- imTotal 3 proveNew ments 2 homes New homes Existing homes 257 217 20 171 192 3,461 3,715 6,349 7,694 1,133 880 1,666 2,563 1,505 1,371 2,885 3,507 130 595 929 628 692 869 868 997 5,868 3,761 1,865 2,787 3,910 2,890 1,311 2,051 1,948 863 549 730 I960 1961 1962 6,293 6,546 7,184 2,197 1,783 1,849 2,403 2,982 3,421 711 926 1,079 982 855 834 1,985 1,829 2,652 1,554 1,170 1,357 428 656 1,292 Sent Oct Nov Dec 515 560 643 678 670 576 673 649 589 132 140 137 144 157 144 193 172 145 240 263 267 289 308 287 353 321 284 88 87 143 164 130 62 54 86 95 56 70 96 81 75 83 72 70 65 182 184 207 219 247 231 285 254 236 99 96 108 109 120 114 136 124 115 83 88 99 110 127 117 149 129 121 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr 618 536 546 540 179 141 137 120 324 259 279 273 60 82 73 86 54 54 57 62 254 202 219 245 123 100 106 114 131 101 113 130 1 Monthly figures do not reflect mortgage amendments included in annual totals. Not ordinarily secured by mortgages. Includes a small amount of alteration and repair loans, not shown separately; only such loans in amounts of more than $1,000 need be secured. NOTE.—Federal Housing Administration and Veterans Administration data. FHAinsured loans represent gross amount of insurance written; VA-guaranteed loans, gross amounts of loans closed. Figures do not take account of principal repayments on previously insured or guaranteed loans. For VA-guaranteed loans, amounts by type are derived from data on number and average amount of loans closed. 2 3 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION ACTIVITY End of period Total FHAinsured 1956 1957 1958 1959 3,047 3,974 3,901 5,531 978 1,237 1,483 2,546 I960 1961 1962 6 159 6,093 5,923 1962—Apr May VAguaranteed Mortgage transactions (during period) Commitments undisbursed Sales 2,069 2,737 2,418 2,985 609 1,096 623 1,907 5 3 482 5 1,541 568 3,356 3,490 3,571 2,803 2,603 2,353 1,248 815 740 357 541 498 631 355 Sept Oct Nov Dec 6,151 6,120 6,035 5,989 5,969 5 951 5,944 5,949 5,923 3,616 3,627 3,571 3,557 3,556 3,552 3,555 3,575 3,571 2,535 2,493 2,464 2,432 2,413 2,399 2,389 2,374 2,353 60 82 52 34 35 32 39 57 26 106 76 101 47 19 12 11 19 18 562 527 504 485 442 429 431 366 355 1963 Jan Feb Mar Apr 5,853 5,697 5,501 5,227 3,552 3,469 3,375 3,269 2,300 2,227 2,126 1,958 34 17 28 28 66 129 191 270 316 323 289 281 360 764 576 NOTE. —Federal National Mortgage Association data excluding conventional mortgage loans acquired by FNMA from the RFC Mortgage Company, the Defense Homes Corporation, the Public Housing Administration and Community Facilities Administration. Total ConvenFHA- VA- tional inguarsured anteed 1945 18.6 4.3 4.1 .2 14.3 1956 1957 1958 1959 99.0 107.6 117.7 130.9 43.9 47.2 50.1 53.8 15.5 16.5 19.7 23.8 28.4 30.7 30.4 30.0 55.1 60.4 67.6 77.0 I960 1961* 1962P 141.3 153.0 168.4 56.4 59.1 62.0 26.7 29.5 32.3 29.7 84.8 29.6 93.9 29.7 106.4 I960—IV 141.3 56.4 26.7 29.7 84.8 1961—1 II Ill IV* 143.2 146.3 149.6 153.0 57.1 57.8 58.7 59.1 27.4 28.0 28.8 29.5 29.7 29.8 29.9 29.6 86.1 88.6 90.9 93.9 1962—IP IIP 3 Ill* IV* 155.7 159.9 164.2 168.4 59.9 60.4 61.0 62.0 30.3 30.9 31.5 32.3 29.6 95.8 29.5 99.4 29.5 103.2 29.7 106.4 NOTE.—For total debt outstanding, figures are FHLBB and F.R. estimates. For conventional, figures are derived. Based on data from Federal Home Loan Bank Board, Federal Housing Administration, and Veterans Administration. (In millions of dollars) Purchases July Total FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS (In millions of dollars) Mortgage holdings End of period Existing homes 1956 1957 1958 1959 1962—-Apr May June July 835 REAL ESTATE CREDIT JUNE 1963 Period Advances Repayments Advances outstanding (end of period) Total Short- Longterm ! term 2 Members deposits 1945 278 213 195 176 19 46 1956 1957 1958 1959 745 1,116 1,364 2,067 934 1,079 1,331 1,231 1,228 1,265 1,298 2,134 798 731 685 18192 430 534 613 942 683 653 819 589 I960 1961 1962 1,943 2.882 4,111 2,097 2,200 3,294 1,981 2,662 3,479 1,089 1,447 2,005 892 ,216 ,474 938 1,180 1,213 295 503 480 312 279 383 252 611 189 165 387 225 180 338 275 200 2,429 2,767 2,860 2.948 3,046 3 091 3,068 3,479 1,319 1,569 1,708 1,787 1,835 1,876 1,821 2,005 ,110 ,198 ,151 ,161 ,211 ,215 ,246 ,474 249 178 250 451 382 926 370 348 329 277 2,802 2,611 2 514 2,635 2,740 1,669 1,534 1,399 1,516 1,585 ,134 ,077 ,115 ,119 ,155 1962—May June July Sept Oct Nov....... Dec 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr May 1 2 c l,109 1,192 976 954 984 1,016 1,028 1,213 1,155 1,213 1,282 1,250 1,236 Secured or unsecured loans maturing in 1 year or less. Secured loans, amortized quarterly, having maturities of more than 1 year but not more than 10 years. NOTE.—Federal Home Loan Bank Board data. 836 CONSUMER CREDIT JUNE 1963 TOTAL CREDIT (In millions of dollars) Instalment End of period Total 1939 1941 1945 1956 1957 1958 1959 . . 1960 1961 1962 1962—Apr iMay June . July Aus Sept Oct Nov Dec ... 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr Other consumer goods paper Total Automobile paper 7,222 9,172 5,665 4,503 6,085 2,462 1,497 2,458 455 1,620 1,929 816 42,334 44,970 45,129 51,542 31,720 33,867 33,642 39,245 14,420 15,340 14,152 16,420 56,028 57,678 63,458 42,832 43,527 48,243 57,314 58,318 59,108 59,364 60,003 60,126 60,626 61,473 63,458 62,740 62,219 62,276 63,267 Noninstalment Repair and modernization loans * Singlepayment loans Charge accounts Service credit Personal loans Total 298 376 182 1,088 1,322 1,009 2,719 3,087 3,203 787 845 746 1,414 1,645 1,612 518 597 845 8,606 8,844 9,028 10,630 1,905 2,101 2,346 2,809 6,789 7,582 8,116 9,386 10,614 11,103 11,487 12,297 3,253 3,364 3,627 4,129 4,995 5,146 5,060 5,104 2,366 2,593 2,800 3,064 17,688 17,223 19,384 11,525 11,857 12,855 3,139 3,191 3,290 10,480 11,256 12,714 13,196 14,151 15,215 4,507 5,136 5,579 5,329 5,324 5,642 3,360 3,691 3,994 43,837 44,495 45,208 45,650 46,204 46,310 46,722 47,274 48,243 17,671 18,032 18,410 18,680 18,933 18,881 19,083 19,307 19,384 11,498 11,598 11,726 11,754 11,824 11,861 11,986 12,186 12,855 3,128 3,169 3,200 3,226 3,260 3,277 3,289 3,302 3,290 11,540 11,696 11,872 11,990 12,187 12,291 12,364 12,479 12,714 13,477 13,823 13,900 13,714 13,799 13,816 13,904 14,199 15,215 5,241 5,400 5,428 5,402 5,469 5,481 5,442 5,526 5,579 4,319 4,544 4,596 4,457 4,491 4,495 4,663 4,825 5,642 3,917 3,879 3,876 3,855 3,839 3,840 3,799 3,848 3,994 48,130 48,025 48,190 48,873 19,426 19,503 19,720 20,121 12,719 12,511 12,396 12,455 3,250 3,221 3,210 3,229 12,735 12,790 12,864 13,068 14,610 14,194 14,086 14,394 5,511 5,545 5,593 5,596 5,058 4,496 4,340 4,567 4,041 4,153 4,151 4,231 i Holdings of financial institutions; holdings of retail outlets are included in other consumer goods paper. NOTE.—Consumer credit estimates cover loans to individuals for household, family, and other personal expenditures, except real estate mortgage loans. The estimates include data for Alaska beginning with Jan. 1959 (except for instalment credit held by sales finance cos.) and for Hawaii beginning with Aug. 1959. For a description of the series see BULL., Apr. 1953. Back data are available upon request. INSTALMENT CREDIT (In millions of dollars) I"inancial institutions End of period Total Total Commercial banks Sales finance cos. ConCredit sumer Other i unions finance 1 1939 1941 1945 4,503 6,085 2,462 3,065 4,480 1,776 1,079 1,726 745 1,197 1,797 300 132 198 102 1956 1957 1958 1959 31,720 33,867 33,642 39,245 26,977 29,200 28,659 33,570 11,777 12,843 12,780 15,227 9,117 9,609 8,844 10,319 2,014 2,429 2,668 3,280 I960 1961 1962 42,832 43,527 48,243 37,218 37,935 41,807 16,672 17,008 18,909 11,472 11,273 12,194 Apr Mav June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 43,837 44,495 45,208 45,650 46,204 46,310 46,722 47,274 48,243 38,497 39,032 39,639 40,062 40,537 40,597 40,896 41,285 41,807 17,366 17,686 18,024 18,235 18,427 18,443 18,613 18,765 18,909 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr 48,130 48.025 48,190 48,873 42,317 42,280 42,421 42,980 18,981 19,057 19,203 19,581 1962 Total Department stores 2 Furniture stores Appliance stores Automobile dealers 3 Other 629 1,438 1,605 686 354 320 131 439 496 240 183 206 17 123 188 28 339 395 270 2,940 3,124 3,085 3,337 1.129 1,195 1,282 ,407 4,743 4,668 4,983 5,676 1,408 1,393 1,882 2,292 1,187 1,210 1,128 1,225 377 361 292 310 502 478 506 481 J.269 1,226 1,175 1,368 3,923 4,330 4,973 3,670 3,799 4,131 1,481 [,525 ,600 5,615 5,595 6,436 2,414 2,421 3,013 1,107 1,058 1,073 333 293 279 359 342 284 1,402 1,481 1,787 11,359 11,440 11,570 11,682 11,796 11,787 11,860 11,986 12,194 4,426 4,520 4,616 4,681 4,783 4,814 4,874 4,928 4,973 3,826 3,836 3,876 3,907 3,948 3,969 3,974 4,009 4,131 ,520 1,550 1,553 1,557 1,583 ,584 1,575 1,597 1,600 5,340 5,463 5,569 5,588 5 667 5,713 5,826 5,989 6,436 2,339 2,430 2,522 2,545 2 609 2,675 2,737 2,835 3,013 991 991 988 989 999 998 1,002 1,019 1,073 275 274 276 275 275 273 273 274 279 320 310 302 298 296 299 298 292 284 1,415 1,458 1,481 1,481 I 488 1,468 1,516 1,569 .787 12,681 12,550 12,483 12,527 4,939 4,952 5,007 5,117 4,134 4,138 4,139 4,174 1,582 1,583 1,589 I 581 5,813 5,745 5,769 5,893 2,478 2,506 2,581 2,702 1,049 1,027 1,002 992 275 273 264 259 272 259 277 270 1 739 1,680 1,645 1,670 1 Consumer finance cos. included with 'other" financial institutions until Sept. 1950. 2 Includes mail-order houses. Retail outlets 657 759 3 Automobile paper only; other instalment credit held by automobile dealers is included with "other" retail outlets. See also NOTE to table above. 837 CONSUMER CREDIT JUNE 1963 INSTALMENT CREDIT HELD BY COMMERCIAL BANKS INSTALMENT CREDIT HELD BY SALES FINANCE COMPANIES (In millions of dollars) (In millions of dollars) Automobile paper End of period Other Repair and commodsumer ernizagoods tion paper loans Total Purchased Direct Personal loans 1939 1941 1945 1,079 1,726 745 237 447 66 178 338 143 166 309 114 135 161 110 363 471 312 1956 1957 1958 1959 11,777 12,843 12,780 15,227 3,651 4,130 4,014 4,827 2,075 2,225 2,170 2,525 2,464 2,557 2,269 2,640 1,469 1,580 1,715 2,039 2,118 2,351 2,612 3,196 1960 1961 1962 16,672 17,008 18,909 5,316 5,391 6,181 2,820 2,860 3,393 2,759 2,761 2,811 2,200 2,198 2,238 3,577 3,798 4,286 1962—Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 17,366 17,686 18,024 18,235 18,427 18,443 18,613 18,765 18,909 5,569 5,692 5,823 5,922 6,008 6,009 6,091 6,160 6,181 3,056 3,144 3,229 3,270 3,295 3,259 3,305 3,357 3,393 2,653 2,682 2,716 2,734 2,726 2,732 2,746 2,762 2,811 2,143 2,165 2,188 2,206 2,224 2,235 2,246 2,250 2,238 3,945 4,003 4,068 4,103 4,174 4,208 4,225 4.236 4,286 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr 18,981 19,057 19,203 19,58 1 6,194 6,240 6,327 6,470 3,427 3,458 3,513 3,612 2,832 2,822 2,809 2,824 2,213 2,191 2,178 2,194 4,315 4,346 4,376 4,481 Total End of period 878 1,363 164 115 167 24 148 201 58 1956 1957 1958 1959 9,117 9,609 8,844 10,319 7,238 7,393 6,310 7,187 1,277 1,509 1,717 2,114 32 31 36 72 570 676 781 946 I960 1961 1962 11,472 11,273 12,194 7,528 6 *11 7,449 2,739 3,100 3,123 139 161 170 1.066 [,201 1,452 1962—Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 11,359 11,440 11,570 11 682 11,796 11,787 11,860 11,986 12,194 6,864 6,991 3,093 3,027 2,997 165 167 2,981 7,296 7,350 7,440 7,449 2,969 2,957 2,952 2,967 3,123 171 171 172 172 171 170 1,237 1,255 1,283 1,302 1,329 1,362 1,386 1,408 1,452 7,471 7,477 7,514 7,639 3,580 3,440 3,330 3,235 167 . ... 1963—Jan Feb Mar 12,681 12,550 12,483 12,527 Apr Other consumer goods paper Repair and modernization loans Personal loans 81 122 54 24 36 20 15 14 14 669 785 643 1956 1957 1958 1959 6,083 6,748 7,035 8,024 954 1,114 1,152 1,400 624 588 404 490 565 681 595 698 4,101 4,555 4,723 5,244 I960 1961 1962 9,074 9,654 10,704 1,665 1,819 2,077 771 743 800 832 769 882 1962—Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct 1,862 1,895 1,934 1,962 2,007 2,018 2,039 2,058 2,077 732 820 Dec 9,772 9,906 10,045 10,145 10,314 10,367 10,423 10,534 10,704 746 749 758 758 760 760 769 844 849 865 870 871 881 882 6,358 6,438 6,521 6,585 6,684 6,721 6,753 6,835 6,976 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr 10,655 10,673 10,735 10,872 2,062 2,069 2,089 2,130 766 763 765 773 870 865 868 873 6,957 6,976 7,013 7,096 736 837 5,837 6,257 6,976 NOTE.—Institutions represented are consumer finance cos., credit unions, industrial loan cos., mutual savings banks, savings and loan assns., and other lending institutions holding consumer instalment loans. 168 165 164 162 1,463 1,468 1,475 1,491 (In millions of dollars) 789 957 731 See NOTE to first table on previous page. 7,122 7,228 7,327 56 66 54 NONINSTALMENT CREDIT 1939 1941 1945 Nov Personal loans 1,197 1,797 300 (In millions of dollars) Total Repair and modernization loans 1939 1941 1945 INSTALMENT CREDIT HELD BY OTHER FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS End of period Other consumer goods paper See NOTE to first table on previous page. See NOTE to first table on previous page. Automobile paper Automobile paper Singlepayment loans Charge accounts Service Other Decredit Other Credit finan- partcial retail 2 insti- ment1 outlets cards tutions stores End of period Total 1939 1941 1945 2,719 3,087 3,203 625 693 674 162 152 72 236 275 290 1,178 1,370 1,322 1956 1957 1958 1959 10,614 11,103 11,487 12,297 2,843 2,937 3,156 3,582 410 427 471 547 893 876 907 958 3,842 3,953 3,808 3,753 260 317 345 393 2,366 2,593 2,800 3,064 1960 1961 1962 13,196 14,151 15,215 3,884 4,413 4,704 623 723 875 941 948 927 3,952 3,907 4,203 436 469 512 3,360 3.691 3,994 1962—Apr... May.. June.. July... Aug... Sept... Oct.... Nov... Dec... 13,477 13,823 13,900 13,714 13,799 13,816 13,904 14,199 15,215 4,544 4,614 4,671 4,662 4,657 4,666 4,662 4,680 4,704 697 786 757 740 812 815 780 846 875 620 636 612 569 570 614 638 688 927 3,249 3,444 3,505 3,388 3,394 3,353 3,507 3,629 4,203 450 464 479 500 527 528 518 508 512 3.917 3.879 3,876 3,855 3,839 3,840 3,799 3,848 3,994 1963— Tan.... 14,610 Feb.. . 14.194 Mar... 14,086 Apr.. . 14,394 4,680 4,704 4,713 4,774 831 841 880 822 775 646 587 603 3,759 3,324 3,251 3,466 524 526 502 498 4,041 4,153 4,153 4,231 Commercial banks 1 2 518 597 845 Includes mail-order houses. Service station and misc. credit-card accounts and home-heating oil accounts. See NOTE to first table on previous page. 838 CONSUMER CREDIT JUNE 1963 INSTALMENT CREDIT EXTENDED AND REPAID, BY TYPE OF CREDIT (In millions of dollars) Total Automobile paper Other consumer goods paper S.A.1 S.A.1 Repair and modernization loans Personal loans Period S.A.I N.S.A. N.S.A. N.S.A. S.A.1 N.S.A. S.A.1 N.S.A. Extensions 1956 1957 1958 1959 39,868 42,016 40,119 48 052 15,515 16,465 14,226 17 779 11,721 11,807 11,747 13 982 1 582 1,674 1,871 2 222 11,051 12,069 12,275 14 070 I960 1961 1962 49,560 48 396 55,395 17,654 16 007 19,515 14,470 14 578 16 129 2,213 2 068 2 113 15,223 15 744 17,638 June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 4,659 4,650 4.623 4.669 4,619 4.491 4,682 4,961 4,829 4,737 4,950 4,923 4,720 4,862 4,098 4,913 4,932 5,379 1,675 1,655 1,621 1,631 1,602 1,505 1,685 1,797 1,684 1 732 1,837 1,810 1,751 1,731 1,309 1,816 1,701 1,539 1,345 1,338 1,344 1,368 1,325 1,308 1,335 1,425 1,469 J.319 1,383 1,384 1,290 1,345 1,255 1,432 1,499 1,937 1963 Jan Feb Mar Apr 4,878 4,885 4,940 5,020 4,368 4,033 4,675 5,279 1,743 1,734 1,782 1,864 1,570 ,477 .754 2,001 1,421 1,406 1,408 1,382 1,230 .054 1,247 1,381 1962 Apr May . . 182 183 187 189 179 170 169 168 172 176 165 178 187 181 216 201 199 209 176 191 177 151 1 457 1,474 1,471 1,481 1,513 1,508 1,493 1,571 1,504 1 .505 1,514 1,528 1,480 1,577 1,358 1,474 1,555 .752 130 125 159 193 1,538 1,580 1,572 1,587 1,438 1,377 1,515 1,704 Repayments 1956 1957 1958 1959 37,054 39,868 40,344 42,603 14,555 15,545 15,415 15,579 I960 1961 1962 45,972 47,700 50.679 16,384 16,472 17,354 1962 Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov .. Dec 1963 Jan Feb M^ar Apr . ... 10,756 11,569 11,563 12,402 13,574 14,246 15.131 4,166 4,211 4,202 4,283 4,261 4,289 4,298 4,380 4,371 4,111 4,292 4,210 4,278 4,308 3,992 4,501 4,380 4,410 1.435 1,447 1,433 1,456 1,446 1,440 1,491 1,490 1,513 1,409 1,476 1,432 1,481 1,478 1,361 1,614 1,477 1,462 1.247 1,260 1,260 1,296 1,281 1,298 1,261 1,302 1,293 1,228 1,283 1,256 1,262 1,275 1,218 1,307 1,299 1,268 168 172 169 165 163 171 4,376 4,449 4,540 4,490 4,481 4,138 4,510 4,596 1,504 1,517 ,550 [.570 1,528 1,400 1,537 1,600 1,294 1,307 ,355 1.294 1,366 1,262 1,362 1,322 169 167 173 171 Net change in credit outstanding 1956 1957 1958 1959 2,814 2,148 -225 5,601 I960 1961 1962 3,588 960 920 1962 Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 493 439 421 386 358 202 384 581 458 626 658 713 442 554 106 412 552 969 240 208 188 175 1963 Jan Feb Mar Aor 502 436 400 530 -113 -105 165 683 .. 323 361 156 65 194 307 171 72 44 10 74 123 176 239 217 232 294 42 77 217 401 127 99 53 88 1 Includes adjustment for difference in trading days. 2 Net changes in credit outstanding equal extensions less repayments except in 1959, when the differences do not reflect the introduction of outstanding balances for Alaska and Hawaii. NOTE.—Estimates are based on accounting records and often include financing charges. Renewals and refinancing of loans, purchases and 14,130 14,967 16,180 173 175 159 179 164 163 1.316 1,331 1,339 ,361 1,362 1,382 1,381 1,425 .394 1.308 1,358 1,352 1,362 1,380 1,254 1,401 1,440 1,517 170 154 170 174 1,409 1,458 1,462 1,455 1,417 1,322 1,441 1.500 166 175 170 678 793 534 1,269 1,093 330 53 99 998 98 78 84 1 883 2,015 2,014 212 197 245 463 896 332 378 270 253 -52 202 224 77 10,373 11,276 11,741 12,857 2 1,602 1,270 -465 2,161 696 170 965 238 184 -1,189 2,268 4,716 173 170 1,370 1,477 1,626 1,765 111 1,458 91 100 128 28 70 37 125 200 669 14 10 17 19 7 1 4 5 1 15 41 31 26 34 17 12 13 -12 141 143 132 120 151 126 112 146 110 115 235 -136 -208 -115 7 -2 5 16 -40 -29 -11 19 129 122 110 132 21 55 74 204 59 197 156 176 118 197 104 73 sales of instalment paper, and certain other transactions may increase the amount of extensions and repayments without affecting the amount outstanding. For a description of the series in this and the following table see Jan. 1954 BULL., pp. 9-17. Back data upon request. JUNE 1963 CONSUMER CREDIT 839 INSTALMENT CREDIT EXTENDED AND REPAID, BY HOLDER (In millions of dollars) Total Commercial banks Period S.A.I N.S.A. S.A.I N.S.A. Sales finance companies S.A.I Other financial institutions N.S.A. S.A.I N.S.A. Retail outlets S.A.I N.S.A. Extensions 1956. 1957. 1958. 1959. 39,868 42,016 40,119 48,052 14,463 15,355 14,860 17,976 9,619 10,250 9,043 11,196 9,148 9,915 9,654 10,940 6,638 6,495 6,563 7,940 1960. 1961. 1962. 49,560 48,396 55,395 18,269 17,711 20,360 11,456 10,667 12,124 12,073 12,282 13,623 7,762 7,736 9,288 1962—Apr.. May. June. July. Aug.. Sept.. Oct.. Nov.. Dec. 4,659 4,650 4,623 4,669 4,619 4,491 4,682 4,961 4,829 4,737 4,950 4,923 4,720 4,862 4,098 4,913 4,932 5,379 1,726 1,710 1,720 1,708 1,679 1,643 1,722 1,813 1,772 1,816 1,881 1,862 1,789 ',773 ,486 ,806 ,701 ,682 1,010 1,007 992 984 971 944 1,021 ,104 ,189 1,008 1,059 1,081 1,069 1,068 863 1,108 1,070 1,189 1,149 1,150 1,139 1,146 1,177 1,138 1,144 1,208 1,143 1,154 1,205 1,194 1,152 1,233 ,015 ,136 ,231 ,332 774 783 772 831 792 766 795 836 725 759 805 786 710 788 734 863 930 1,176 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr 4,878 4,885 4,940 5,020 4,368 4,033 4,675 5,279 1,782 1,794 1,829 1,880 ,698 ,552 ,774 2,057 ,091 ,020 ,042 ,046 984 844 983 1,086 1,174 1,186 1,199 1,237 ,050 ,025 1,162 1,289 831 885 870 857 636 612 756 847 Repayments 1956 1957 1958 1959 37,054 39,868 40,344 42,603 13,362 14,360 14,647 15,560 8,949 9,759 9,842 9,742 8,415 9,250 9,365 10,020 6,328 6,499 6,490 7,281 1960. 1961. 1962. 45,972 47,700 50,679 16,832 18,294 18,450 10,442 10,943 11,434 11,022 11,715 12,570 7,676 6,749 8,225 1962—Apr.. May. June. July., Aug.. Sept.. Oct.. Nov.. Dec. 4,166 4,211 4,202 4,283 4,261 4,289 4,298 4,380 4,371 4,111 4,292 4,210 4,278 4,308 3,992 4,501 4,380 4,410 1,514 1,526 1,526 1,546 1,555 1,562 1,546 1,579 1,594 1,503 1,561 1,524 1,578 1,581 1,470 1,636 1,549 1,538 952 965 960 956 932 936 949 937 978 941 978 951 957 954 872 1,035 944 981 1,042 1,047 1,038 1,055 1,054 1,062 1,071 1,105 1,060 1,032 1,071 1,055 1,052 1,064 962 1,080 1,120 1,162 658 673 678 726 720 729 732 759 739 635 682 680 691 709 688 750 767 729 1963- -Jan.. . Feb... Mar... Apr.. . 4,376 4,449 4,540 4,490 4,481 4,138 4,510 4,596 1,586 1,564 1,657 1,628 1,626 1,476 1,628 1,679 970 1,068 1,041 1,015 959 975 1,050 1,042 1,090 1,113 1,113 1,126 1,099 1,007 1,100 1,152 730 704 729 721 797 680 732 723 Net change in credit outstanding 2 1956 1957 1958 1959 2,814 2,148 -225 5,601 1,176 1,066 -63 2,447 670 491 -765 1,475 733 665 289 986 235 -75 315 693 1960. 1961. 1962. 3,588 696 4,716 1,446 335 1,901 1,152 -199 921 1,051 578 1,053 -61 -20 841 1962—Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 493 439 421 386 358 202 384 581 458 1963—Jan.. Feb.. Mar.. Apr.. 502 436 400 530 1 2 626 658 713 442 554 106 412 552 969 -113 -105 165 683 203 184 194 162 124 81 176 234 178 304 320 338 211 192 16 170 152 144 67 42 32 28 39 8 72 167 211 76 81 130 112 114 -9 73 126 208 107 103 101 91 123 76 73 103 83 122 134 139 100 169 53 56 111 170 116 110 94 105 72 37 63 77 -14 124 123 106 19 79 46 113 163 447 196 230 172 252 72 76 146 378 583 -48 487 -131 -67 44 84 73 86 -49 18 62 137 -361 181 141 136 -623 -68 24 124 Includes adjustment for differences in trading days. Net changes in credit outstanding equal to extensions less repayments except: (1) in 1959, when the differences do not reflect the introduction of outstanding balances for Alaska and Hawaii, and (2) in certain months when data for extensions and repayments have been adjusted as necessary 31 111 to eliminate duplication resulting from large transfers of paper. In those months the differences between the two for some types of holders do not equal the changes in outstanding credit. Such transfers do not affect total instalment credit outstanding. See also NOTE to previous table. 840 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: S.A. JUNE 1963 MARKET GROUPINGS (1957-59= 100) 1957-59 1962 proaverporage* tion Grouping 1962 Apr. June May Aug. July 1963 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. r Feb. r Mar. r Apr. 100 00 118.2 117.7 118.4 118 6 119 3 119 7 119.8 119.2 119.6 119.1 119.2 120.2 121.3 122.5 Total index Consumer goods Equipment, including defense.... Materials 47 35 32.31 15.04 52.65 119.7 119.7 119.8 116.8 118 5 119 1 117.0 117.1 120 121 118 117 2 1 5 0 120 6 120 9 120 1 117 1 121 121 121 117 7 7 8 0 121.6 120 9 123 2 117.7 122.0 121.8 123 2 118.1 121.5 120.8 123.6 117.2 121.4 120.7 123.1 117.8 121.4 120.5 123.2 117.1 122.3 121.8 122.0 116.8 122.6 122.9 121.5 118.0 122.5 123.1 120.7 120.2 122.2 122.9 120.8 122.6 Consumer goods 3.21 131.1 129.4 132 8 126 8 135 2 134.1 135.3 135.8 135.4 137.2 136.5 137.7 136.3 137.7 1.82 135.9 133.9 140.8 129 3 142 4 140.0 141.2 142.1 141.1 142.0 141.3 142.0 141.8 141.9 1.39 124.9 123.5 122.3 123 6 125 7 126.3 127.5 127.5 128.0 130.8 130.2 132.1 129.1 132.1 Autos 10.00 4.59 1 81 1.33 .47 1 26 1 52 5.41 118.0 122.2 118.0 121.1 109.2 123.9 125.7 114.6 120.1 124 4 123 8 120.1 134 2 123.8 125.6 114.2 121 2 126 0 124 2 120.7 133.9 124.5 129.5 114.8 121.7 126.2 123.3 122.9 124.7 126.5 129.3 115.6 120 I 122.7 118.5 120 9 112.0 124.3 126.2 115.4 118.7 121.2 115.2 119.3 103.7 125.4 123.4 114.9 119.8 122.2 115 8 120.7 102.1 127.9 125.2 116.1 119.3 121.1 116.7 124 0 96.1 125.8 122.3 116.1 118.9 122.1 118.1 127.3 92.3 125.8 123.9 116.2 120.2 124.8 121.1 130.9 93.3 125.4 128.8 116.3 120.2 120.8 USA 125.9 116.5 119.8 121.9 123.7 101.2 108.8 130.0 126.0 132.3 132.9 115.7 116.6 121.5 121A 123.6 125.9 117.2 127.4 132.0 116.4 121.5 127.9 19 10 8.43 2 43 2 97 1.47 3 67 1 20 2.46 1.72 .74 118.6 113.7 109.9 129.5 116.8 127.3 111.8 134.8 136.5 125.6 117 1 113 6 106 9 125 8 115 7 125 I 110 4 132.3 131.6 118.8 114.3 109.1 129.9 117.4 126.9 112.3 134.0 133.6 119.2 112.8 109.0 131.9 117.7 130.7 115.0 138.4 139.5 120.3 115.9 110.9 131.5 117.7 128.3 111.7 136.4 141.4 119.7 115.6 108.0 131.0 117.0 127.0 108.4 136.0 140.4 120.6 115.7 111.9 132.0 117.0 128.9 114.0 136.2 139.3 119.1 114.0 109.5 131.6 116.4 128.0 112.8 135.5 137.6 119.7 114.3 112.1 130.8 116.4 129.0 112.0 137.4 139.9 119.7 114.4 111.7 132.9 115.8 127.9 113.7 134.9 139.5 120.2 113.8 115.1 134.2 113.9 129.7 113.2 137.7 142.0 121.4 114.5 114.3 135.2 115.0 133.4 117.9 140.9 144.9 121.8 115.2 114.0 137.7 115.3 131.4 117.3 138.2 141.9 121.2 114 7 11.63 6.85 2.42 1.76 .61 122.1 117.2 143.1 117.2 107.7 119 3 115.1 144.0 109.7 102.6 121.2 116.7 144.4 111.2 105.6 123.1 118 5 144.8 114.9 110.4 124.4 119.0 145 6 121.0 110.4 125.6 119.2 144.7 124.2 110.8 126 2 118.9 144.9 125.2 116.6 126.6 120.4 143.8 125.6 117.3 125.9 120.5 144.4 124.5 117.6 126.0 119.9 144.2 126.7 123.3 125.0 118.8 145.3 126.2 118.8 125.0 119.3 144.5 126.9 123.2 124.9 119.2 143.8 126.3 119.7 124.8 119.2 143.5 126.0 115.1 Construction Metal materials n e e 26 73 3 43 7 84 9.17 6.29 114.1 127.5 118.9 110.4 106.0 116 2 134 7 120 3 110 7 114.6 114 6 134.5 119.5 111.4 104.5 113.7 127.0 120.8 111.8 99.4 113 8 134.2 119.3 112 1 96.4 114.8 130 6 119 2 112 6 98.5 114.9 129.7 121.3 113.3 98.5 114.0 127.6 121.0 111.2 99.1 114 1 126.9 120.4 111.3 102.3 113.2 128.5 120.3 108.6 103.5 113.3 129.3 121.4 108.6 106.0 114.4 130.9 121.2 109.2 109.5 118.1 134.0 122.2 112.4 115.4 121 1 135.5 123.0 115.1 120.4 Business suoolies Containers General business supplies . Nondurable materials n.e.c 25 92 9 11 3.03 6.07 7.40 119.7 116.1 117.0 115.7 134.2 117 114 113 114 131 9 1 1 6 3 119.3 116.1 115.9 116 2 133.9 120.5 116 9 117 5 116 6 135.9 120 3 116 1 117 2 115.5 135.3 120.7 116.5 116.4 116.6 135.5 121.5 118.1 118.6 117.9 136.7 120.5 116.2 115.9 116.3 135.2 122.3 118.2 120.5 117.1 137.9 121.0 117.1 117.9 116.7 137.8 120.5 116.0 118.5 114.7 137.3 121.8 116 7 119.3 115.4 138.0 122.4 117 6 121 A 115.7 139.8 124 1 118 9 117.0 119 9 142.5 9.41 6 07 2 86 2 32 1.03 1 21 .54 111.6 104.7 130.1 130.6 122.6 140.0 126.4 110 9 104 6 127 7 127 6 122 7 134.1 110 9 103 6 130 2 130 4 121 6 140.5 111 8 104 5 131 4 131 9 122.6 142.4 112 6 106 I 130 9 132.4 124 1 142 0 112.0 105 5 129 1 130.1 122 0 139 5 112.7 106.6 130.2 130 4 122.7 139.5 113.1 106.5 131.9 132.3 124.3 141.7 114.1 107.2 133.1 133.6 123.5 144.9 111.7 103.8 132.9 133.6 123.2 145.1 111.7 102.9 134.3 135.0 124.9 146.5 113.9 105.6 135 9 136.9 125.8 149.2 113.3 114.6 105.2 106.7 134 7 135.3 124.2 147.5 Appliances, TV, and radios TV and home radios Furniture and rugs Apparel, knit goods, and shoes Processed foods Drugs soap and toiletries Newspapers, magazines, and books. Residential utilities Electricity Gas 125.1 127.0 130.6 116.0 136.5 118.6 U3.8 Equipment Industrial equipment Freight and passenger equipment... Farm equipment 3.41 Materials Durable goods materials Consumer durable Business fuel and power Mineral fuels Nonresidential utilities .. . ... General industrial Gas . Supplementary groups of consumer goods ADDarel and staples See NOTE on opposite page. 7 80 126.0 126 5 128.9 126 5 127 9 126.3 127.6 127.1 127.6 129.9 130.0 130.7 131.1 131.9 24 51 117.8 116.5 117.9 118.4 119.2 118.6 119.6 118.4 118.9 119.0 119.2 120.4 120.6 120.1 841 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: S.A. JUNE 1963 INDUSTRY GROUPINGS (1957-59- 100) 1957-59 1962 proaverporage* tion Grouping 1962 Apr. 100.00 118.2 117.7 Total index Durable Nondurable Utilities May June July Aug. 1963 Sept. Oct. 118.4 118.6 119.3 119.7 119.8 119.2 118.9 119.7 120.3 120.4 119.7 117.7 118.7 119.8 119.5 118.6 120.3 121.0 120.8 121.5 120.9 118.8 118.2 119.6 104.8 129.8 Nov. Dec. 119.6 119.1 120.0 119.1 121.1 104.6 106.1 105.5 105.9 105.5 106.2 132.4 133.5 132.3 133.0 133.5 135.1 Jan. r Feb. r Mar. r Apr. 119.2 120 2 121.3 122 5 119 J 118.9 120.6 103.0 135.5 119.8 119.0 120.7 103.0 135.9 120.6 120 0 121.4 104 7 138 2 121.9 121.5 122.4 105 4 136.4 123.2 123 0 123.3 106 5 136 5 107.3 99.7 95.8 120.6 117.2 112.5 107.8 99.6 96.0 121.7 118.4 113.5 111.0 105 2 102 2 121.0 118 5 113.9 115.3 112.2 112.0 123.7 119.3 115.4 120.1 120 0 121 6 121.4 120 3 116.6 121.2 122.9 122.9 124.8 125.6 124.9 124.6 124.5 125.0 122.9 124.5 125.9 125.4 126.5 126.4 125.6 125.3 125.9 117.8 120.0 121.8 121.9 124.6 123.9 123.0 122.8 121.4 129.7 130.4 131.3 130.1 129.0 129.6 129.0 128.6 131.8 116.8 119.4 116.8 122.1 122.0 121.5 121.8 121.5 121.9 134.4 139.1 132.0 141.3 138.1 137.8 138.1 137.3 138.2 100.7 101.6 103.0 104.7 107.3 106.7 107.2 107.2 107.0 122.3 122.6 124.7 124.9 125.8 124.3 124.2 125.0 125.4 124.7 125.2 122.2 129.2 122.4 137.9 107.9 125.7 125.3 126.4 123.1 130 8 122.3 139 1 106.8 127.0 125.0 126.2 122.7 130 9 122.1 140 2 105.6 127.2 125.8 126.9 123.0 132 2 123.6 141 9 107.0 126.4 86.45 48.07 38.38 8 23 5.32 118.6 117.9 119.4 104.9 132.3 118.1 118.5 117.5 105.5 128.1 12.32 6.95 5.45 1.50 5.37 2.86 110.0 104.5 100.6 118.9 117.1 113.2 114.1 108.3 106.3 106.3 108.2 112.4 101.3 96.8 96.6 99.1 112.6 96.5 89.5 87.8 92.1 118.6 120.8 118.2 117.9 112.9 116.3 117.4 118.5 118.8 119.9 113.7 115.7 116.4 115.6 115.2 27.98 14.80 8.43 6.37 10.19 4.68 5.26 1.71 1.28 122.1 123.4 119.7 128.4 118.3 134.1 103.9 122.9 Durable manufactures Primary and fabricated metals...... Nonferrous metals and products.. Machinery and related products Machinery Nonelectrical machinery Transportation equipment Aircraft and other equipment.... Instruments and related products... 108.2 99.6 92.8 118.4 119.3 115.1 107.1 98.9 91.0 120.1 117.8 114.2 108.5 100.7 95.3 121.2 118.5 112.8 Clay, glass, and lumber Clay, glass, and stone products Lumber and products 4.72 109.1 108.9 110.1 110.7 109.9 112.1 112.5 108.9 110.7 109.8 110.9 109.8 115.0 112.4 2.99 111.0 110.3 111.9 112.5 113.7 114.9 114.9 113.2 113.3 110.5 113.9 110.7 114.6 115.1 1.73 106.0 106.4 107.1 107.5 103.4 107.4 108.3 101.5 106.1 108.7 105.7 108.2 115.7 107.8 Furniture 3.05 124.6 126.1 127.3 127.4 127.3 125.8 126.% 125.3 125.5 124.6 125.0 123.6 124.8 125.6 1.54 126.8 126.6 129.3 129.2 127.7 128.3 129.2 128.2 129.3 128.6 129 2 126 6 128 3 129 2 1.51 122.3 125.5 125.2 125.5 126.9 123.3 124.4 122.3 121.7 120.5 120.7 120 6 121 3 121 9 and miscellaneous ........ Nondurable manufactures Apparel products Leather and products Paper and printing Newspapers Chemicals, petroleum, and rubber.... Chemicals and products Industrial chemicals Foods and beverages Tobacco products 7.60 2.90 3.59 1.11 114.9 114.7 118.9 102.4 114.8 115.2 115.8 115.5 115.2 115.0 116.1 117.1 116.6 117.1 117.6 118.3 118.4 119.2 118.1 105.5 102.9 103.8 100.5 100.6 115.7 115.5 115.2 115.2 115.6 115.9 117.0 114.5 112.9 112.7 113 4 112 6 114 0 115 6 121.4 122.3 122.2 122.5 123.2 122.5 123.2 100.8 100.7 99.4 96.4 98.7 99.6 8.17 3.43 4.74 1.53 116.7 119.7 114.6 108.5 115.7 117.0 116.7 117.5 119.9 119.6 114.4 114.9 114.7 107.5 107.9 108.6 116.7 115.9 120.5 106.6 118.0 118.1 118.2 121.1 120.5 120.9 115.7 116.3 116.2 110.3 111.8 111.3 117.2 117.9 115.4 114.5 115.8 115.7 120.8 122.1 119.6 120 3 123 3 123 9 114.6 114.8 112.3 110 2 110 5 109 7 108.2 109.7 100.5 94.0 93.9 90.8 11.54 7.58 3.84 1.97 1.99 130.6 135.6 146.9 112.8 129.0 126.6 131.6 142.2 109.6 124.0 130.8 135.7 145.8 112.6 130.2 132.6 137.1 147.7 115.1 132.8 133.2 137.6 149.7 113.4 136.1 133.2 138.3 150.7 112.1 134.8 133.7 139.0 151.0 113.6 133.4 134.2 139.5 153.1 113.6 134.1 133.7 139.1 152.7 113.0 133.4 133.9 138.6 150.5 114 2 135.5 134.2 140 0 152.6 114 3 131.4 135.3 141 4 153.1 114 3 132.8 137.9 138.8 143 4 145 7 154.8 115 5 113 7 139.5 11.07 10.25 8.64 1.61 .82 113.0 113.0 113.8 108.7 112.3 112.1 112.3 113.6 105.2 110.3 112.8 112.9 113.9 107.3 112.5 112.5 112.9 113.5 109.4 108.2 114.2 114.3 115.1 109.7 113.4 113.8 114.0 115.5 105.9 112.0 114.7 114.6 115.5 109.8 116.0 113.5 113.9 114.6 109.9 108.6 114.1 114.0 114.7 110.5 115.2 114.4 114.6 115.1 111.9 111.4 115 0 115.2 115 0 116.1 113.0 115 0 115.0 115 2 114 2 114.6 115 6 114 9 115.7 114.9 116 0 115 5 113 9 114.2 6.80 1.16 5.64 4.91 4.25 .66 .73 103.6 94.3 105.5 107.2 105.1 120.7 94.2 104.0 97.6 105.3 106.2 104.1 119.7 99.2 102.6 92.2 104.7 106.3 104.1 120.5 93.7 103.0 91.8 105.3 107.4 105.6 119.2 91.1 104.7 91.8 107.4 109.5 107 7 121.6 92.8 104.1 93.7 106.2 108.3 106.7 119.2 92.3 105.2 93.8 107.5 109.6 107.8 121.4 93.0 105.3 94.0 107.6 109.4 107 2 121.2 95.4 105.5 96.3 107.4 109.8 107.5 123.7 91.5 102.3 101 3 103 7 103 9 105 0 93.2 95.1 96 1 93 9 100 8 104.2 102 6 105 3 106 0 105 8 118.7 121 5 116 7 109.7 Mining Coal Crude oil Oil and gas drilling Metal, stone, and earth minerals 106.3 104.8 107.9 107.8 108.1 103.8 101.6 104.8 104.9 105.3 121.9 90.5 87.6 87.4 93.5 90.3 1.43 110.9 112.5 115.7 112.0 112.8 112.0 109.5 106.7 109.3 106.2 111.1 109.7 112.5 113.8 .61 112.5 120.0 116.6 109.5 110.4 104.1 97.8 96.8 106.2 114.9 110 1 114 3 115 7 113 5 .82 109.6 106.9 115.1 113.8 114.5 117.9 118.2 114.0 111.6 99.7 111.9 106.2 110.2 114.1 Utilities Electric Gas 4.04 133.2 129.3 131.8 1.28 129.8 124.2 123.6 135.1 136.2 H4.5 134.2 134.5 136.3 136.1 138.0 140.3 138.1 123.8 126.4 128.6 127.5 126.2 124.6 126.8 NOTE—Published groupings include some series and subtotals not shown separately. A description and historical data are available in Industrial Preduction—1957-59 Base. Figures for individual seres and subtotals (N.S.A ) are pubJished in the monthly Bus ness Indexes release 842 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: N.S.A. JUNE 1963 MARKET GROUPINGS (1957-59- 100) Grouping Total index. Final products, total Consumer goods Equipment, including defense... Materials 1957-59 1962 propor- average* tion 1962 Apr. May June July 1963 Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.r Feb. r Mar.r Apr, 100.00 118.2 118.3 118.2 119.9 113.9 117.7 122.2 122.5 120.6 117.2 117.9 120.5 122.5 123.1 47.35 32 31 15 04 52.65 119.7 119.7 119.8 116.8 1186 118 5 118.6 118.2 118.5 118 2 119. 118.0 121.3 121.3 121.1 118.7 117.5 116.5 119.6 110.7 119 4 118 8 120.6 116.1 125.0 126.5 122.0 119.7 125.3 126.7 122.5 119.9 122. 122.2 122.0 119.2 119.4 117.6 123.4 115.1 120.0 119.0 122.1 115.9 122.4 122.4 122.6 118.7 123.7 123.9 123.1 121.4 122.4 122.4 122.2 123.7 Consumer goods Automotive products Autos Auto parts and allied products 3.21 131.1 138,6 138.5 133.1 129.8 79.4 124.9 148.1 145.1 143.7 142.4 144.0 144.7 148.3 1.82 135.9 150 0 149.3 137 1 136.7 43.4 120.0 160.6 159.4 157.6 152.6 153.4 157.4 160.4 1.39 124.9 123.6 124.2 127.9 120.7 126.8 131.3 131.6 126.3 125.5 129.0 131.5 128.1 132.3 Home goods and apparel Home goods Appliances, TV, and radios Appliances , TV and home radios Furniture and rugs Miscellaneous home goods Apparel, knit goods, and shoes 10.00 4.59 1.81 1.33 .47 1.26 1.52 5.41 118.0 122.2 118.0 121. 109.2 123.9 125.7 114.6 120 5 122.4 121 3 125 8 108 7 121 9 124 118.8 117.6 121.0 117 2 120 8 107 1 120.1 126.3 114.8 120.8 125.5 124 3 129 9 108.5 123 5 128.5 116.8 107.7 110 7 99 6 107 78.4 116 8 119.0 105.0 119.6 117.8 103.6 101.7 108.9 126.7 127.3 121.2 124.0 130.6 127.5 127.1 128.6 131.4 133.6 118.4 123.9 131.1 128.1 127.5 129.7 131.6 134.2 117.8 120.1 128.3 124.8 128.1 115.4 129.6 131.3 113.2 111.2 123.2 115.6 124.8 89.6 130.4 126.5 100.9 113.6 118.0 108.3 112.6 96.1 126.1 122.8 109.9 123.1 126.6 127.3 133.5 109.9 126.0 126.3 120.1 126.2 128.3 128.9 137.3 105.5 127.1 128.6 124.5 122.5 125.5 Consumer staples Processed foods Beverages and tobacco Drugs, soap, and toiletries Newspapers, magazines, and books. Consumer fuel and lighting Fuel oil and gasoline Residential utilities Electricity Gas 19.10 8.43 2 43 2 97 1.47 3.67 1.20 2.46 1.72 .74 118.6 113.7 109.9 129.5 116.8 127.3 111.8 134.8 136.5 125.6 114 1 106 3 109.7 127 7 115,7 122.8 105.1 115.1 107 4 116 6 128 7 116 2 120 0 108.6 119.7 112 0 125 0 133 2 115 9 124.3 113.4 118.9 116 1 113.6 125.3 114.8 125.7 114.2 125.0 124 2 117 8 133 9 117 6 127.6 112.3 128.0 131 0 116.4 132.4 119.9 128.9 113.5 124.5 126.0 113.9 134.2 118.1 122.7 110.1 119.5 117.5 105.9 131.2 116.4 124.3 111.5 116.6 110.7 96.7 131.6 115.8 131.5 116.6 117.9 107.5 101.2 133. 113.9 141.9 117.9 118.3 106.7 104.2 134.8 114.4 142.2 120.4 119.2 108.9 110.3 136.3 116.5 135.5 115.4 118.1 107.4 11.63 6 85 2.42 1.76 .61 122.1 117.2 143. U7.2 107.7 121.3 115.7 141.3 116,2 120.2 122.0 116 8 142.7 116 1 114.9 124.6 119.6 145 2 119.5 113.7 122.0 117.8 142.7 117.6 99.6 122.6 118 8 145.0 116.6 94.1 124.9 120.0 147.1 118.2 111.4 125.3 119.7 146.2 124.3 108.0 124.3 118.8 146.1 122.0 106.6 126.1 120.6 146.7 122.6 116.3 125.1 119.0 145.4 123.7 117.3 126.3 118.7 143.5 128.4 137.4 127.3 119.3 142.5 134.0 136.9 126.5 119.3 140.8 132.5 134.6 26.73 3.43 7.84 9.17 6.29 114.1 127.5 118.9 110.4 106.0 116.9 128 4 120 9 109 6 116.3 116.5 130.6 119.7 114.7 107.1 116 A 123 6 119 8 118 8 103.6 108.7 117 4 115.4 113 8 88.4 111.3 107.5 116 1 119 4 95.7 116.8 130.5 119.4 119.9 101.5 116.6 134.1 120.2 116.7 102.5 115.5 136.0 121.7 111.1 103.1 112.3 138.8 122.7 102.5 98.9 112.3 135.5 123.5 100.2 103.2 114.6 135.5 123.5 102.0 110.5 118.6 137.4 124.4 106.9 118.2 122.0 135.9 123.6 113.9 124.0 25.92 9.11 3.03 6.07 7.40 119.7 116.1 117.0 115.7 134.2 119.4 117 2 116 5 117.5 133.9 119.7 117.3 117. 117.4 135.9 121.3 118 2 123,4 115 6 136.6 112.7 108.7 112 5 106 8 124.9 121.1 118.5 128 0 113.7 134.8 122.7 121.9 126.3 119.7 135.3 123.4 121.6 121.7 121.5 137.9 122.9 119.2 113.9 121.8 139.3 118.1 111.2 102.6 115.5 133.7 119.7 112.2 111.4 112.6 137.3 122.9 115.1 116.9 114.2 142.1 124.3 118.4 121.4 116.9 144.0 125.5 122.1 120.5 122.9 143.9 9.41 6.07 2.86 2.32 1,03 1.21 .54 111.6 104.7 130.1 130.6 122.6 140.0 126.4 110.2 109.2 112.3 107.0 112.8 113.6 113.6 113.7 112.5 113.1 115.2 114.6 114.3 105.4 102.5 104.8 96.4 103.7 104.8 106.7 107.8 106.1 105.8 109.6 108.4 108.2 130.3 121.6 126.9 134.0 139.1 139.7 128.1 130.1 145.] 106.3 125.7 129.0 119.9 137.2 118.1 108.3 164.7 162.0 152.1 Equipment Business equipment Industrial equipment Commercial equipment Freight and passenger equipment. Farm equipment Defense equipment 3.41 Materials Durable goods materials. Consumer durable Equipment. Construction Metal materials n.e.c.... Nondurable materials Business supplies Containers. General business supplies. Nondurable materials n.e.c. Business fuel and power Mineral fuels Nonresidential utilities Electricity General industrial Commercial and other. Gas 122.3 126.6 133.6 136.1 140.3 139.3 134.2 130.7 130.4 132.6 131.1 131.4 120.1 121.6 123.7 120 6 125.4 125.2 127.0 123.9 122.0 124.3 122.5 124.9 126.2 133.1 144.7 152.2 156.1 154.3 143. 139.0 140.0 142.3 141.0 139.5 Supplementary groups of consumer goods Automotive and home goods. Apparel and staples See NOTE on opposite page. 7.80 126.0 129.3 128.4 128.8 118.8 102.2 128.3 138. 135.2 131.7 128.0 133.8 135.1 134.9 24.51 117.8 115.3 115.1 119.1 116.0 124.3 125.9 123.0 118. 113.1 116.1 118.7 120.4 118.5 843 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: N.S.A. JUNE 1963 INDUSTRY GROUPINGS (1957-59= 100) Grouping 1957-59 1962 proaverportion 1962 Apr. May June July Aug. 1963 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.* Feb.1 Mar. Apr. 100.00 118.2 118.3 118.2 119.9 113.9 117.7 122.2 122.5 120.6 117.2 117.9 120.5 122.5 123.1 Total index 86.45 48.07 38.38 8.23 5.32 118.6 117.9 119.4 104.9 132.3 119.1 119.6 118.4 104.9 119.0 118 8 119.1 105.5 120.4 119.2 121.8 107.5 122.8 120.4 125.8 106.5 123.4 121.7 125.5 107.1 121.3 121.0 121.7 106.3 117.5 119.4 115.0 103.1 117.8 118.3 117.2 102.6 120.7 120.7 120.6 104.9 123.2 123.2 123.3 104.6 124.0 124.3 123.7 106.0 Primary and fabricated metals Primary metals Iron and steel Nonferrous metals and products. Fabricated metal products Structural metal parts 12.32 6.95 5.45 1.50 5.37 2.86 110.0 104.5 100.6 118.9 117. 113.2 116.5 117.7 116.0 123.8 115.1 110.7 109. 103.9 97.5 127.2 117.4 113.4 108.4 97.6 104.5 110.2 98.7 82.9 92 0 98.5 91.3 76.8 86.6 92.8 125.5 104.9 111.8 119.2 120.9 116.7 120.7 125.3 116.4 113.9 115.8 118.6 109.2 99.9 93 7 122.4 121.3 117.9 709.0 101.7 96.3 121.2 118.6 116.0 106.2 97.3 93.4 111.4 117.8 114.8 108. 102.6 97.9 119.6 116.0 112.4 112.6 110.1 106.6 122.8 115.8 111.5 118.3 119.2 117.6 125.1 117.2 112.2 122.5 125.6 125.2 126.7 118.5 113.6 Machinery and related products Machinery Nonelectrical machinery Electrical machinery Transportation equipment Motor vehicles and parts Aircraft and other equipment... Instruments and related products.. Ordnance and accessories 27.98 14.80 8.43 6.37 10.19 4.68 5.26 1.71 1.28 122.1 123.4 119.7 128.4 118.3 134.1 103.9 122.9 122.7 123.7 121.5 126.7 119.8 139.7 101.2 121.0 123.2 123.9 121.9 126.5 120.9 141.9 101.2 121.4 123.4 126.7 123.6 130.8 117.0 133.6 101.6 124.1 127.0 127.0 120.7 135.3 126.3 148.3 106.7 125.6 127.1 126.2 120.5 133.7 127.2 149.1 107.8 127.2 127.7 127.0 122.5 132.9 127.6 149.1 108.6 127.0 125.9 124.9 122.2 128.5 126.2 145.6 109.0 125.2 127.6 128.1 125.3 132.0 126.0 145.9 108.1 126.2 128.2 128.4 126.1 131.4 127.4 148.5 108.2 126.9 727.5 126.8 125.3 128.8 127.7 149.4 107.5 126.3 Manufacturing; total Durable Nondurable Mining Utilities 114.0 113.6 114.5 101.0 117.6 112.8 123.6 106.4 Durable manufactures 119.8 119.3 119.1 119.6 118.0 135.0 102.7 122.2 113.4 121.1 118 0 125,2 97 87.0 104.8 125.0 123.8 127.6 121.2 136. 116.6 128 9 105.4 125.2 Clay, glass, and lumber Clay, glass, and stone products. Lumber and products 4.72 109.1 108.3 113.9 118.3 112.6 120.1 119.4 116.3 110.3 99.8 2.99 111.0 109.7 116.4 118.7 117.7 121.8 119.5 118.9 113.9 102.8 1.73 106.0 105.8 109.6 117.6 103.9 117.2 119.3 111.7 104.1 94.6 Furniture and miscellaneous... Furniture and fixtures Miscellaneous manufactures.. 3.05 124.6 121.8 123.3 126.4 122.5 129.1 131.9 132.1 129.6 126.5 120.9 121.8 123.3 722.5 1.54 126.8 123.6 \1A.Z 127.9 124.8 132.1 133.1 133.3 131.4 131.2 126.9 126.3 126.8 126.1 1.51 122.3 120.0 122.2 124.9 120.2 126.0 130.6 130.9 127.9 121.7 114.8 117.2 119.7 119.0 97.2 100.5 705.7 772.2 99.7 99.1 105.4 115.1 93.0 102.8 107.3 107.2 Nondurable manufacture Textiles, apparel, and leather. Textile mill products Apparel products. Leather and products Paper and printing Paper and products Printing and publishing. Newspapers , 7.60 2.90 3.59 1.11 114.9 114.7 118.9 102.4 118.0 116.6 117.9 102.4 119.5 115.0 119.6 121.2 100.9 118.3 124.3 119.5 119.6 107.0 124.0 105.5 99.1 104.2 91.9 107.9 8.17 3.43 4.74 1.53 116.7 119.7 114.6 108.5 118.4 122.0 115.8 114.1 117.7 117.5 108.7 117.2 119.6 122.4 120.8 111.4 112.1 115.9 777.7 727.5 Chemicals, petroleum, and rubber. Chemicals and products Industrial chemicals Petroleum products , Rubber and plastics products 11.54 7.58 3.84 1.97 1.99 130.6 135.6 146.9 112.8 129.0 129.4 135.8 145.2 106.3 127.8 131.0 137.1 146.8 110.9 127.6 134.2 138.7 147.7 117.4 133.5 125.8 131.2 142.5 117.9 113.0 132.1 137.9 148.0 116.6 125.4 134.2 138.1 149.2 118.1 135.1 135.4 139.4 151.6 114.2 141.6 133.2 138.5 153.6 111.3 134.2 131.2 136.6 150.5 112.5 129.4 134.3 138.9 152.6 112.6 138.1 137.2 142.7 156.5 112.6 140.5 139.5 141.3 145.6 149.3 159.0 111.5 i i 613 144.0 Foods, beverages, and tobacco... Foods and beverages Food manufactures Beverages Tobacco products 11.07 10.25 8.64 1.61 .82 113.0 113.0 113.8 108.7 112.3 107.3 107.0 106.6 109,4 110. 109.5 108.9 107.5 116.5 116.6 114.7 114.5 111.8 129. 116.9 115.2 116.4 115.7 120.3 100.4 122.4 122.5 123.7 116.0 121.2 127.4 128. 130.5 114.8 119.4 123.5 123.9 126.1 111.7 118.3 115.4 107.9 115.3 109.3 118.1 111.1 100.3 99.8 117.0 90.7 106.6 106.2 108.1 95.8 111.8 106.7 106.1 107.4 99.2 114.0 109.6 109 A 109.4 109.1 109.4 107.7 109.2 112.5 Coal, oil, and gas Coal Crude oil and natural gas. Oil and gas extraction.. Crude oil Gas and gas liquids.. Oil and gas drilling.... 6.80 1.16 5.64 4.91 4.25 .66 .73 103.6 94.3 105.5 107.2 105.1 120.7 94.2 104.0 94 9 105.9 107.9 105.9 120.5 92.4 101.4 93. 103.0 104.7 103.1 114.8 91.9 103.5 96.2 102.8 103.8 103.8 60.7 98.6 99,2 103.4 103.6 103.7 104 7 105.1 104.8 104.9 106 1 104.0 T03 7 104 o 111.9 113.2 112.9 114.1 92.0 95.2 95.7 95.1 105.5 102.5 106.1 107 6 <os 6 118.3 95.9 106.2 100.2 107.5 109.6 106 7 127.5 93.3 104.7 92.3 107.3 109.3 105.8 132.0 93.2 104.3 93.2 106.6 108.7 104.7 707.0 97.3 109.0 112.5 108.7 105.9 94.7 108.3 111.7 108.3 705.6 101.5 106.5 109.8 107.1 92.0 85.4 85.1 84.1 Metal, stone, and earth minerals. Metal mining Stone and earth minerals Utilities 1.43 110.9 108.8 125.0 126.5 123.9 123.5 119.7 114.6 106.5 .61 112.5 112.9 133.7 134.8 126.6 119.5 113.2 105.6 96.2 .82 109.6 105.8 118.6 120.3 121.8 126.4 124.5 121.2 114.2 95.6 94.7 96.2 Electric. Gas 4.04 133.2 125.7 124.5 130.8 135.3 139.8 139.51 131.6 130.4 136.7 146.3 144.3 140.2 1.28 129.8 117.4 115.9 122.3 105.2 116.9 114.6 104.7 112.1 115.6 115.2 108.2 112.3 122.6 119.2 105.7 116.4 102.3 98.2 92.2 97.8 120.8 116.0 129.4 105.5 724.7 720.7 119.7 115.0 134.8 130.2 105.1 120.0 122.0 107.8 123.5 122.0 127.3 123.0 108.6 118.6 125.9 127.0 126.1 116.0 114.3 109.5 112.7 117.9 118.9 119.2 113.4 107.5 108.7 111.0 118.1 115.0 108.6 96.0 101.7 112.1 117.7 120.7 100.0 86.6 90.3 92.6 116.4 Mining NOTE.—Published groupings include some series and subtotals not shown separately. A description and historical data are available in 94.3 94.7 98.0 107.8 96.9 102.9 101.8 103.3 92.4 88.6 95.1 111.2 Industrial Production—1957-59 Base. Figures for individual series and subtotals N.S.A.) are published in the monthly Business Indexes release. 844 BUSINESS ACTIVITY JUNE 1963 SELECTED BUSINESS INDEXES (1957-59= 100) Manufacturing Industrial production Major market groupings Constrution contracts Major industry groupings Period Final products Total ConEquipTotal sumer ment goods Materials Mfg. Mining Utilities Nonagricultural employment— Total i Employment Prices 3 2 Freight Department carstore loadsales ings Payrolls Consumer Wholesale commodity 1949 64.7 64.5 68.8 52.0 64.8 65.1 74.5 43.4 83.3 93.6 60.0 108.2 67 83.0 83.5 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 74.9 81.3 84.3 91.3 85.8 72.8 78.6 84.3 89.9 85.7 78.6 77.8 79.5 85.0 84.3 56.4 78.4 94.1 100.5 88.9 76.9 83.8 84.3 92.6 85.9 75.8 81.9 85.2 92.7 86.3 83.2 91.3 90.5 92.9 90.2 49.5 56.4 61.2 66.8 71.8 61 63 67 70 76 86.0 91.0 92.9 95.6 93.3 99.4 106.1 106.1 111.6 101.8 68.9 80.3 84.5 93.6 85.4 117.1 121.5 115.0 116.6 104.6 72 76 78 80 83.8 90.5 92.5 93.2 93.6 86.8 96.7 94.0 92.7 92.9 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 96.6 99.9 100.7 93.7 105.6 93.9 98.1 99.4 94.8 105.7 93.3 95.5 97.0 96.4 106.6 95.0 103.7 104.6 91.3 104.1 99.0 101.6 101.9 92.7 105.4 97.3 100.2 100.8 93.2 106.0 99.2 104.8 104.6 95.6 99.7 80.2 87.9 93.9 98.1 108.0 91 92 93 102 105 96.4 99.7 100.6 97.8 101.6 105.5 106.7 104.7 95.3 100.0 94.8 100.2 101.4 93.5 105.1 115.3 115.9 108.2 93.8 97.9 94 96 99 105 93.3 94.7 98.0 100.7 101.5 93.2 96.2 99.0 100.4 100.6 1960 1961 1962 108.7 109.8 118.2 109.9 111.3 119.7 111.0 112.7 119.7 107.6 108.3 119.8 107.6 108.4 116.8 108.9 109.7 118.6 101.6 102.6 104.9 115.6 122.8 132.3 105 108 120 103.4 102.9 105.2 99.7 95.6 98.6 106.6 105.2 113.3 95.3 91.2 92.4 106 109 114 103.1 104.2 105.4 100.7 100.3 100.6 1962—Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 117.7 118.4 118.6 119.3 119.7 119.8 119.2 119.6 119.1 118.5 120.2 120.6 121.7 121.6 122.0 121.5 121.4 121.4 119.1 121.1 120.9 121.7 120.9 121.8 120.8 120.7 120.5 117.0 117. 118.1 120.1 121.8 123.2 123.2 123.6 123. 123.2 117.1 117.0 117.7 118. 117.2 117.8 117.1 118.9 119.7 120.3 120.4 119.7 120.0 119.7 105.5 104.8 104.6 106.1 105.5 105.9 105.5 106.2 103.0 128.1 129.8 132.4 133.5 132.3 133.0 133.5 135.1 135.5 121 117 120 117 118 113 117 123 138 105.1 105.4 105.6 105.8 105.6 105.7 105.9 105.8 105.7 99.6 99.8 99.9 99.7 98.7 98.8 98.6 97.9 97.8 114.8 113.7 113.5 113.1 112.5 115.2 113.2 113.3 114.3 96.1 94.0 89.9 89.6 90.2 90.0 90.3 94.1 90.5 113 115 111 114 115 117 110 118 117 105.2 105.2 105.3 105.5 105.5 106.1 106.0 100.7 105.8 100.4 100.2 100.0 100.4 100.5 101.2 100.6 106.0 100.4 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr May 119.2 120.2 121.3 122.5 ^123.8 119.8 103.0 '120.6 104.7 '121.9 r105.4 123.2 106.5 ^124.5 ^107.6 135.9 138.2 136.4 136.5 121 130 118 125 105.6 106.0 106.5 106.9 97.3 114.5 97.5 115.2 98.3 116.0 99.4 115.9 *>99.9 P116.4 88.2 94.5 94.7 96.6 96.8 114 114 119 ^115 116 106.0 106.1 106.2 106.2 100.5 100.2 99.9 r 99.7 100.1 1 2 3 118.5 117.0 118.8 122.3 121.8 122.0 116.8 122.6 122.9 '121.5 118.0 '122.5 123.1 '120.7 120.2 122.2 122.9 120.8 122.6 ^123.0 H23A *122.4 ^124.6 Employees only, excludes personnel in the armed forces. Production workers only. Prices are not seasonally adjusted. NOTE.—Data are seasonally ajdusted unless otherwise noted. Construction contracts: F . W. Dodge Corp. monthly index of dollar value of total construction contracts, including residential, nonresidential, and heavy engineering; does not include data for Alaska and Hawaii. Employment and payrolls: Based on Bureau of Labor Statistics data; includes data for Alaska and Hawaii beginning with 1959. Prices: Bureau of Labor Statistics data. Freight carloadings: Based on data from Association of American Railroads. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS (In millions of dollars) 1962 Type of ownership and type of construction 1961 Apr. Total construction By type of ownership: Public . . . Private By type of construction: Residential Nonresidential Public works and utilities . . . May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. 37,135 41,303 3,860 4,009 3,900 3,747 3,631 3,273 3,425 3,188 3,198 2,779 2,917 3,583 3,983 12,547 13,599 1,211 24,588 27,705 2,650 1,227 2,782 1,331 2,569 1,231 2,516 1,039 2,591 1,099 2,174 1,003 2,422 1,099 2,089 1,190 2,009 932 1,847 1,092 1,825 1,182 2,401 1,819 1,275 915 1,656 1,242 1,002 1,623 1,197 926 1,651 1,177 802 1,519 1,019 735 1,610 1,075 740 1,361 1,066 761 1,166 921 1,111 1,250 1,016 514 1,215 1,005 698 1,642 1,146 796 16,123 12,115 8,897 18,039 13,010 10,255 1,816 1,102 943 NOTE.—Dollar value of total contracts as reported by the F. W. Dodge Corp:; does not include data for Alaska or Hawaii. Totals of monthly 1963 1962 1,168 2,814 data exceed annual totals because adjustments—negative—are made to accumulated monthly data after original figures have been published. 845 CONSTRUCTION JUNE 1963 VALUE OF NEW CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY (In millions of dollars) Private Period Total Total Nonfarm residential Public Total Industrial Commercial Public utility Other nonresidential Business Total Military Sewer and water Highway Other 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 39,234 44,164 45,815 47,845 48,950 27,556 32,440 33,067 33,766 33,493 15,379 18,705 17,677 17,019 18,047 8,403 9,980 11,608 12,535 11,058 2,030 2,399 3,084 3,557 2,382 2,212 3,218 3,631 3,564 3,589 4,161 4,363 4,893 5,414 5,087 3,774 3,755 3,782 4,212 4,388 11,678 11,724 12,748 14,079 15,457 ,003 ,287 ,360 ,287 ,402 3,680 3,861 4,431 4,954 5,545 982 1,085 1,275 1,344 1,387 6,013 5,491 5,682 6,494 7,123 1959 i 1960 1961 1962 56,555 55,556 57,399 61,084 40,344 39,603 40,365 43,378 24,962 22,546 22,499 24,833 11,044 12,354 12,811 13,286 2,106 2,851 2,759 2,814 3,930 4,180 4,663 4,964 5,008 5,323 5,389 5,508 4,338 4,703 5,055 5,259 16,211 15,953 17,034 17,706 ,488 ,386 ,368 ,267 5,870 5,464 5,818 6,254 1,467 1,487 1,581 1,754 7,386 7,616 8,267 8,431 1962—May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 60,764 62,678 62,084 62,829 62,358 63,517 62,610 61,823 43,472 44,842 44,908 45,244 44,976 43,843 44,059 44,134 25,018 26,118 25,987 25,957 25,813 25,013 25,432 25,654 13,119 13,354 13,516 13,835 13,692 13,478 13,424 13,424 2,886 2,950 2,962 2,936 2,930 2,885 2,820 2,788 4,752 4,865 5,110 5,273 5,214 5,018 4,967 4,979 5,481 5,539 5,444 5,626 5,548 5,575 5,637 5,657 5,335 5,370 5,405 5,452 5,471 352 203 056 17,292 17,836 17,176 17,585 17,382 19,674 18,551 17,689 ,354 ,549 ,170 ,244 ,164 ,492 ,003 ,324 5,830 5,989 5,876 6,195 6,140 7,786 6,922 6,343 1,805 1,807 1,802 1,771 1,754 1,764 1,755 1,738 8,303 8,491 8,328 8,375 8,324 8,632 8,871 8,284 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr.*3 62,917 60,353 61,018 60,473 62,739 43,434 42,313 42,483 43,651 44,832 24,830 23,878 23,978 25,132 26,401 13,480 13,303 13,323 13,249 13,042 2,773 2,716 2,722 2,815 2,837 5,086 4,999 4,982 4,846 4,630 5,621 5,588 5,619 5,588 5,575 5,124 5,132 5,182 5,270 5,389 19,483 18,040 18,535 16,822 17,907 ,787 ,684 ,312 7,483 6,181 6,948 1,758 1,768 1,804 1,860 1,896 8,455 8,407 8,471 5,254 Beginning with 1959, figures are Census Bureau estimates. Data before 1959 are joint estimates of the Depts. of Commerce and Labor. i Beginning with 1959, includes data for Alaska and Hawaii. NOTE.—Monthly data are at seasonally adjusted annual rates. NEW HOUSING STARTS (In thousands of units) Period Governmentunderwritten Total Total By type of ownership By area * Annual rate, S. A. (private only) Nonfarm Metropolitan Nonmetropolitan Private Total family 2family Multifamily Public Total FHA VA 1954. 1955. 1956. 1957. 1958. 1959. ,220 ,329 ,118 ,042 ,209 ,379 897 976 780 700 827 946 324 353 338 342 382 432 ,202 ,310 ,094 993 ,142 ,343 1,077 1,190 981 840 933 1,079 34 33 31 33 39 49 90 87 82 120 170 215 19 19 24 49 68 36 583 670 465 322 439 458 276 277 195 193 337 349 307 393 271 128 102 109 1959. 1960. 1961. 1962. ,554 ,296 ,365 ,482 1,077 889 948 1,043 477 407 417 439 ,517 ,252 1,313 1,453 1,234 995 975 989 56 44 44 48 227 214 295 415 37 44 52 29 458 336 328 339 349 261 244 261 109 75 83 78 1962—Apr.. May. June.. July.. Aug.. Sept.. Oct... Nov.. Dec. 1,542 1,579 1,425 1,466 1,529 1,289 1,550 1,586 1,472 1,521 1,566 1,399 1,447 1,500 1,261 1,504 1,571 1,453 152 157 140 139 148 116 136 122 95 111 112 96 98 99 84 93 83 68 41 45 43 42 49 33 43 39 27 147 154 136 136 146 114 134 120 94 101 107 96 95 101 76 91 78 56 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 41 42 36 36 41 34 39 38 34 5 2 3 4 2 3 3 2 1 33 34 31 33 36 26 30 25 20 25 26 24 25 28 20 23 19 16 1963—Jan... Feb.. Mar.. Apr.. 1,242 1,280 ^1,521 ^1,627 1,220 1,255 2*1,497 83 88 62 65 88 108 22 23 39 48 81 87 47 52 81 3 4 4 31 31 38 3 1 18 17 22 29 14 13 17 21 \605 * Beginning with 1959, based on revised definition of metropolitan areas. NOTE.—Beginning with 1959, Census Bureau series includes both farm and nonfarm series developed initially by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, for which annual totals are given including overlap for 1959. Data from Federal Housing Administration and Veterans Administration represent units started, based on field office reports of first compliance inspections. 846 EMPLOYMENT JUNE 1963 LABOR FORCE, EMPLOYMENT, AND UNEMPLOYMENT (In thousands of persons unless otherwise indicated) Civilian labor force Total labor force Total noninstitutional population Period Employed1 Total Total In nonagricultural industries In agriculture Not in the Unemployment2 rate (per cent) S.A. 4.3 6.8 Unemployed 1956 1957 1958 1959 118,734 120,445 121 950 123,366 70,387 70,746 71,284 71,946 67,530 67,946 68,647 69,394 64,708 65,011 63,966 65,581 58,135 58,789 58,122 59,745 6,572 6,222 5,844 5,836 2,822 2,936 4,681 3,813 48,348 49,699 50,666 51,420 1960 3 1961 1962 125,368 127,852 130,081 73,126 74,175 74,681 70,612 71,603 71,854 66,681 66,796 67,846 60,958 61,333 62,657 5,723 5,463 5,190 3,931 4,806 4,007 52,242 53,677 55,400 5.6 1962—May . June Julv Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 129,752 129 930 130,183 130,359 130 546 130,730 130 910 131 096 74,797 76,857 76,437 76,554 74,914 74,923 74 532 74,142 71,922 74,001 73,582 73,695 72,179 72,187 71,782 71,378 68,203 69,539 69,564 69,762 68,668 68,893 67,981 67,561 62,775 63,249 63,500 63,993 63,103 63,418 63,098 63,495 5,428 6,290 6,064 5,770 5,564 5,475 4,883 4,066 3,719 4,463 4,018 3,932 3,512 3,294 3,801 3,817 54,956 53,072 53,746 53,805 55,631 55,808 56,378 56,954 5.5 5.5 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr May 131 253 131,414 131 590 131,740 131,865 73,323 73,999 74,382 74,897 75,864 70,607 71,275 71,650 72,161 73,127 65,935 66,358 67,148 68,097 69,061 61,730 62,309 62,812 63,424 63,883 4,206 4,049 4,337 4,673 5,178 4,672 4,918 4,501 4,063 4,066 57,930 57,414 57,208 56,843 56,001 5.8 1 Includes self-employed, unpaid family, and domestic service workers. Per cent of civilian labor force. Inclusion of figures for Alaska and Hawaii beginning with 1960 increased population by about 500,000 and total labor force by about 300,000. Most of the increase was in nonagricultural industries. 2 3 4.2 5.5 6.7 5.6 5.4 5.7 5.6 5.3 5.8 5.5 6.1 5.6 5.7 5.9 NOTE.—Information relating to persons 14 years of age and over is obtained on a sample basis. Monthly data relate to the calendar week that contains the 12th day; annual data are averages of monthly figures. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimate. EMPLOYMENT IN NONAGRICULTURAL ESTABLISHMENTS, BY INDUSTRY DIVISION (In thousands of persons) Contract construction Transportation & public utilities Trade Finance Service Government 822 828 751 731 2,999 2,923 2,778 2,955 4,244 4,241 3,976 4,010 10,858 10,886 10,750 11,125 2,429 2,477 2,519 2,597 6,536 6,749 6,811 7,105 7 277 7,626 7,893 8,190 16,762 16,267 16,752 709 666 647 2,882 2,760 2,695 4,017 3,923 3,925 11,412 11,368 11,572 2,684 2,748 2,794 7,361 7,516 7,757 8,520 8,828 9,184 55,403 55,535 55,617 55,536 55,583 55,647 55,597 55,580 16,891 16,923 16,908 16,795 16,805 16,781 16,695 16,681 659 652 648 646 641 638 636 625 2,716 2,671 2,738 2,731 2,715 2,716 2,696 2,654 3,936 3,934 3,913 3,932 3,928 3,935 3,918 3,921 11,596 11,621 11,652 11,627 11,612 11,594 11,600 11,573 2,786 2,788 2,792 2,796 2,799 2,813 2,822 9,127 9,197 9,183 9,204 9 274 9,339 2,821 7,692 7,749 7,783 7,805 7,809 7,831 7,846 7,876 55,536 55,730 55,963 56,189 56,359 16,632 16,665 16,771 16,908 16,984 623 625 625 635 2,651 2,646 2,634 2,734 2,716 3,836 3,913 3,915 3,915 3,922 11,637 11,679 11,765 11,764 11,807 2,828 2,836 2,844 2,843 2,851 7,895 7,917 7,937 7 915 7,930 9.434 9 449 9,472 9 475 9,512 55,209 55,777 55,493 55,709 56,252 56,333 56,214 56,444 16,682 16,870 16,782 16,931 17,127 17,028 16,891 16,727 657 2,749 2,839 2,982 3,031 2,978 2,936 2,801 2,532 3,924 3,965 3,948 3,963 3,959 3,959 3,934 3,937 11,476 11,582 11,540 11,558 11,627 11,682 11,842 12,401 2,780 2,808 2,839 2,841 2,813 2,807 2,808 2,807 7,769 7 881 7,884 7,867 7 856 7,870 7,830 7,805 9,172 9 171 8 870 8,860 9 241 9 406 9,470 9,607 54,833 54,780 55,068 55,822 56,167 16,551 16,546 16,613 16,693 16,775 617 614 612 2,349 2,241 2,315 2,589 2,749 3,794 3,862 3,868 3,884 3,910 11,520 11,415 11,477 11,730 11,685 2,803 2,810 2,821 2,834 2,845 7 761 7,782 7,826 7,931 8,009 9 438 9,510 9 536 9,534 9,559 Total Manufacturing 1956 1957 1958 1959 i 52,408 52,904 51,423 53,380 17,243 17,174 15,945 16,667 I960 1961 1962 54,347 54,077 55,325 Period Mining SEASONALLY ADJUSTED 1962—May June July Sept Oct Nov Dec 1963—Jan Feb Mar p Apr May 23 .... 637 9,384 9,429 NOT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED 1962—May June. July Sent Oct Dec 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr Pp May ... 661 648 658 651 645 638 628 627 635 i Data includes Alaska and Hawaii beginning with 1959. NOTE.—Bureau of Labor Statistics; data include all full- and parttime employees who worked during, or received pay for, the pay period ending nearest the 15th of the month. Proprietors, self-employed persons, domestic servants, unpaid family workers, and members of the armed forces are excluded. JUNE 1963 847 EMPLOYMENT AND EARNINGS PRODUCTION WORKER EMPLOYMENT IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES (In thousands of persons) Not seasonally adjusted Seasonally adjusted Industry group 1962 Total. 1963 1962 3 May Mar. Apr.* May 25 1963 May Mar. 12,566 12,386 12,521 12,578 12,372 12,240 12,319 12,387 Durable goods Ordnance and accessories Lumber and wood products Furniture and fixtures Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery except electrical Electrical machinery Transportation equipment Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries 7,037 98 544 321 467 972 873 6,930 98 556 316 451 929 852 6,883 98 518 6,967 96 528 314 460 952 858 7,037 96 551 311 469 964 869 1,012 1,034 1,034 1,051 1,035 1,141 230 7,097 96 549 318 469 971 881 1,025 1,053 1,186 234 315 6,975 98 546 1,018 7,036 96 548 319 465 956 871 1,021 1,040 1,019 1,027 1,177 231 309 Nondurable goods Food and kindred products Tobacco manufactures Textile-mill products Apparel and other finished textiles Paper and allied products Printing, publishing and allied industries Chemicals and allied products Products of petroleum and coal Rubber products Leather and leather products 5,529 1,184 76 803 1,111 479 599 521 129 304 323 5,481 1,152 76 776 1,134 480 596 522 122 310 313 1,142 230 321 1,178 232 310 310 5,456 1,182 76 774 1,114 478 581 520 119 304 308 5,485 1,171 77 775 1,131 479 592 523 121 306 NOTE.—Bureau of Labor Statistics; data cover production and related workers only (full- and part-time) who worked during, or received pay 310 314 313 467 965 861 1,027 1,025 1,133 227 315 436 931 846 1,028 1,024 1,159 230 300 5,397 1,121 65 797 1,080 475 595 525 129 298 313 5,357 1,086 68 769 1,128 473 580 523 118 302 310 1,173 231 302 5,352 1,090 66 770 1,106 475 590 532 5,350 1,091 65 770 1,102 476 592 526 122 304 303 120 303 301 for, the pay period ending nearest the 15th of the month. HOURS AND EARNINGS OF PRODUCTION WORKERS IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES Average weekly earnings (dollars per week; N.S.A.) Average hours worked (per week; S.A.) Industry group 1962 May 1963 1962 May? Mar. May Mar. Average hourly earnings (dollars per hour; N.S.A.) 1963 1962 1963 Apr.* May Mar. Total 40.6 40.4 40.3 40.5 96.80 98.09 97.76 98.98 2.39 2.44 2.45 2.45 Durable goods Ordnance and accessories Lumber and wood products Furniture and fixtures Stone, clay, and glass products Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products Machinery except electrical Electrical machinery Transportation equipment Instruments and related products Miscellaneous manufacturing industries.. 41.1 41.3 40.2 41.3 41.2 39.9 41.3 41.9 40.7 42.2 41.1 40.1 41.0 41.0 39.7 40.5 41.2 40.6 41.2 41.5 40.3 41.7 40.9 39.6 40.8 40.7 39.8 40.7 41.3 41.5 41.0 41.2 40.1 41.4 40.5 39.4 41.0 40.5 39.8 41.1 41.4 41.2 41.3 41.5 40.0 42.1 40.9 39.5 105.22 117.16 79.59 78.38 99.60 118.50 105.73 114.09 97.68 121.96 99.80 78.60 106.49 119.19 77.42 79.19 99.23 122.91 105.67 115.51 97.84 123.85 101.59 80.39 106.37 116.52 78.41 78.01 101.11 127.82 104.75 113.58 96.87 121.66 99.54 78.98 107.42 116.93 80.00 79.19 103.00 124.84 107.38 115.09 97.60 125.46 100.94 79.39 2.56 2.83 1.97 1.94 2.40 2.97 2.56 2.71 2.40 2.89 2.44 1.97 2.61 2.90 1.97 1.97 2.45 3.02 2.59 2.77 2.44 2.97 2.49 2.03 2.62 2.87 1.98 1.96 2.46 3.08 2.58 2.75 2.44 2.96 2.47 2.02 2.62 2.88 2.00 1.97 2.47 3.03 2.60 2.76 2.44 2.98 2.48 2.02 Nondurable goods Food and kindred products Tobacco manufactures Textile-mill products Apparel and other finished textiles Paper and allied products Printing, publishing and allied industries. Chemicals and allied products Products of petroleum and coal Rubber products Leather and leather products 40.1 41.3 38.6 41.3 36.6 42.6 38.4 41.7 41.6 41.5 38.0 39.8 41.1 39.2 40.4 36.7 42.7 38.4 41.5 40.9 41.1 36.8 39.6 40.8 36.4 40.7 36.2 42.4 38.3 42.0 42.4 41.0 37.1 39.9 40.8 39.8 41.1 36.5 42.8 38.4 41.6 42.4 41.0 37.4 86.37 92.48 75.65 69.12 60.59 101.34 107.90 109.52 126.05 101.19 63.98 87.07 93.73 73.11 68.51 61.85 104.55 110.21 111.37 128.61 101.34 64.58 86.19 93.03 69.10 67.43 59.45 102.90 108.97 113.40 134.41 99.70 62.66 87.91 94.60 79.99 69.19 60.42 105.22 110.21 113.01 133.14 101.59 64.42 2.17 2.25 1.97 1.69 1.66 2.39 2.81 2.62 3.03 2.45 1.72 2.21 2.32 1.96 1.70 1.69 2.46 2.87 2.69 3.16 2.49 1.75 2.21 2.32 1.98 1.69 1.67 2.45 2.86 2.70 3.17 2.48 1.76 2.22 2.33 2.02 1.70 1.66 2.47 2.87 2.71 3.14 2.49 1.76 NOTE.—Bureau of Labor Statistics; data are for production and related workers only. 848 DEPARTMENT STORES JUNE 1963 SALES AND STOCKS, BY DISTRICT (1957-59= 100) Federal Reserve district Period United States Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago 88 94 96 99 105 106 109 114 91 96 96 99 104 106 112 80 89 95 100 105 108 112 116 93 97 98 99 104 104 107 110 92 96 98 98 104 108 89 95 97 98 105 105 108 113 81 90 94 99 107 107 95 99 100 97 104 104 105 '112 116 119 113 108 113 117 120 112 121 118 '113 115 107 109 112 113 106 111 112 '111 117 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 113 115 111 114 115 117 110 118 117 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr 114 114 119 z-115 115 111 121 112 113 115 119 119 112 '114 108 108 87 96 117 115 147 225 St. Minne- Kansas Dallas City Louis apolis San Francisco SALES 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 114 no 113 no 118 no 90 96 97 98 104 103 104 109 85 93 97 99 104 106 108 109 88 93 94 99 107 108 109 82 91 93 98 109 in 114 84 92 96 99 105 100 102 108 115 116 111 116 113 118 108 117 117 104 108 107 112 107 113 100 109 111 '119 121 123 123 124 122 121 128 127 108 117 122 107 109 113 110 127 128 130 112 103 106 88 106 118 111 130 197 '112 113 105 105 '117 133 203 103 104 96 102 108 109 102 126 193 76 80 96 104 82 84 101 P114 83 80 98 108 97 101 105 no 115 123 SEASONALLY ADJUSTED 1962—Apr May no 112 115 117 116 no 120 no no 115 no 114 109 116 108 116 114 103 108 112 105 113 109 105 86 94 120 120 152 216 '114 112 116 118 107 119 113 '111 117 115 118 118 121 112 125 122 108 112 108 111 113 115 107 113 114 107 113 105 112 108 113 104 111 115 113 109 118 111 116 112 123 111 123 119 '135 118 107 108 116 110 104 108 114 114 113 92 113 112 145 202 114 111 102 95 99 114 109 141 211 103 118 115 142 '210 115 111 104 106 109 114 113 139 219 108 111 103 92 101 116 111 136 201 105 113 97 94 103 114 no 108 111 111 no 116 in no no 114 117 103 NOT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED 1962— Apr May no 102 no 84 102 no '94 no 117 July Aug Scot Oct Nov Dec 105 96 104 117 113 141 212 1963—Jan Feb Mar 85 85 101 87 79 95 112 90 88 101 111 75 78 '98 104 79 97 111 82 79 102 112 94 92 116 121 79 79 97 109 133 201 79 78 97 107 85 94 99 98 103 109 no 117 88 96 97 99 104 108 111 116 78 89 97 99 104 110 109 115 87 95 99 98 103 105 105 112 86 93 102 97 101 113 112 116 90 99 100 96 104 108 110 118 86 98 102 97 101 107 108 118 89 97 100 97 103 108 109 119 93 102 103 98 99 103 111 117 88 98 102 97 101 108 108 112 90 99 100 98 103 109 111 113 79 91 99 98 104 106 103 112 81 92 96 97 107 114 115 125 115 117 118 119 118 118 120 118 117 116 115 115 118 115 114 116 116 118 112 113 113 113 116 116 118 119 120 '112 112 112 113 113 112 114 112 112 115 117 117 117 116 117 118 117 118 118 116 '119 119 117 117 119 121 '122 '112 114 115 120 116 119 125 123 130 113 116 121 122 123 122 124 122 121 117 121 117 117 116 115 117 119 121 113 113 114 113 115 115 115 113 111 114 115 114 115 115 111 111 108 111 111 114 115 114 112 113 112 111 '123 127 128 127 126 127 129 118 108 120 119 120 119 119 119 120 116 116 115 118 113 109 '108 110 125 121 119 122 121 119 '119 121 129 126 123 122 120 119 121 119 117 120 118 121 111 112 113 Pin 111 114 117 113 113 113 128 127 129 117 116 109 108 114 123 134 137 116 115 106 102 113 121 134 138 112 116 114 106 103 109 119 131 132 102 116 118 111 112 115 125 135 138 109 121 118 113 112 119 126 135 138 112 '116 113 107 118 119 117 119 122 129 135 136 108 121 120 111 112 117 123 133 135 108 112 111 104 107 111 120 128 131 104 116 114 109 July Aug Sept Oct. Nov Dec 118 117 112 112 117 125 135 135 110 '114 112 108 109 115 117 127 128 103 125 125 123 123 126 132 143 129 118 1963—Jan Feb Mar 107 112 120 104 109 118 121 105 109 117 122 99 102 '109 115 106 112 119 123 106 109 '120 124 116 123 126 125 108 104 no in 99 106 112 101 108 117 "121 99 106 114 115 120 130 no in 119 in 112 119 121 117 145 232 STOCKS 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 SEASONALLY ADJUSTED 1962—Apr May July Augi. Sect Oct Nov Dec 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr no NOT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED 1962—Apr May no NOTE.—Based on retail value figures; sales are average per trading day: stocks are as of end of month or averages of monthly data. no 116 126 144 140 115 121 125 119 124 no 112 116 126 123 103 For description of series and for back data beginning with 1947, see July 1962 BULL., p. 803. 849 DEPARTMENT STORES; FOREIGN TRADE JUNE 1963 DEPARTMENT STORE MERCHANDISING DATA Ratios to sales Amounts (millions of dollars) Period Receipts New orders Stocks 1,163 1,140 421 388 408 410 401 412 3.0 3.0 .1 .0 4.1 4.0 L.O .0 437 454 459 462 488 1,195 1,286 1,338 1,323 1,391 446 470 461 437 510 444 459 461 462 495 449 458 458 464 498 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.0 3.0 .1 .1 .1 .0 .1 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 .0 0 I960 1961 1962 494 506 526 1,474 1.485 L.593 518 529 571 496 512 535 493 517 533 3.1 3.1 3.2 .1 L.I ,7 4.3 4.2 4.4 1.0 1962—Apr May '499 507 472 406 482 493 556 657 998 1,589 1,571 1,509 1,490 1,571 1,700 1,845 1,892 L,5O5 '456 499 679 724 675 706 666 549 385 '507 489 410 387 563 622 701 704 611 '466 531 590 432 514 653 661 587 447 3.2 3.1 3.2 3.7 3.3 3.4 3.3 2.9 1.5 .9 0 .4 .8 1.4 .4 L.2 4.1 4.1 4.6 5.5 4.7 4.9 4.5 3.7 1.9 .0 407 366 467 512 1,466 1,508 1,616 1,653 498 555 507 459 368 408 575 549 481 465 527 501 3.6 4.1 3.5 3.3 11.2 1.5 Stocks 1953 1954 406 409 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr.*5 NOTE.—Sales, stocks, and outstanding orders: actual dollar amounts reported by a selected group of department stores whose 1962 sales were more than 40 per cent of estimated total department store sales. Sales are total for month, stocks and outstanding orders are as of end of month. Outstanding orders Stocks plus outs, orders Outstanding orders Sales '.4 .9 Reccipts 0 0 L.I 0o 1.0 9 L.O ? 1.3 1.1 .6 4.8 9 5.6 4.5 4.1 1 1.1 Receipts and new orders: monthly totals derived from reported figures on sales, stocks, and outstanding orders. For further description see Oct. 1952 BULL., pp. 1098-1102. Back figures may be obtained upon request. MERCHANDISE EXPORTS AND IMPORTS (In millions o f dollars, seasonally adjusted) Imports Exports l Period 1960 1961 1962 1.561 1,566 1,518 1,622 1,659 I 634 1,707 1,625 1,647 1,668 ,681 .645 1.623 1,712 11,751 1,662 1,585 3 1,582 1,689 1,689 1,678 11,780 L,733 .725 n ni IV 4,645 4,915 4,979 4,994 Year 4 19,609 Month: jan Feb Mar Apr May June • • • • July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Quarter: 1 1963 1960 1.655 1,812 1,674 1,803 1,782 1,838 1,729 1.687 31!943 3 1,493 1,695 3 1,839 3 982 32,131 3 1,991 3 1,918 1.213 1,307 1,261 1,315 1,242 I 252 1,235 1,227 1,188 1,178 '4,829 3 5,056 5,238 5,086 5,141 5,423 3 5,359 3 5,027 3 5,104 20,152 20,901 1962 Export surplus 1963 1960 1.327 1,315 1,339 1,364 1,386 1,342 1,362 1.364 31[476 3 1,319 1,432 3 1,372 31,093 31,493 3 1,484 31,423 1.109 1.161 1,150 1,163 1,152 1,153 3 I 174 3 1,379 1,254 1,262 1,300 I 309 .315 3,781 3,809 3,650 3,413 3,474 3 3,479 3 3,895 3,924 3,981 4,092 3 4,202 3 4,123 3 4,070 14,654 14,713 16,397 I 126 Exports of domestic and foreign merchandise; excludes Dept. of Defense shipments of grant-aid military equipment and supplies under Mutual Security Program. 2 General imports including imports for immediate consumption plus entries into bonded warehouses. 1961 2 1961 1962 1963 348 259 257 308 417 382 471 398 462 562 588 510 432 3 408 3 310 435 3 -111 3 637 3 507 3 495 459 490 416 480 424 328 497 335 439 396 496 367 323 3 467 3 174 555 537 263 410 3 467 864 1 107 1,328 1 582 1,612 3 1 350 3 1,161 1 314 1 160 1 331 31,157 3904 4,955 5,439 4,504 3 Significantly affected by strikes. * Sum of unadjusted figures. NOTE.—Bureau of the Census data. 3 1,033 850 PRTCES JUNE 1963 CONSUMER PRICES (1957-59= 100) Housing All items Food 1929 1933 1941 1945 59.7 45 1 51.3 62.7 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 Period Gas and electricity Solid and petroleum fuels 88.3 86.4 45.2 53.6 56.6 42 7 54.4 73.9 Total Rent 55.6 35 3 44.2 58.4 61.4 67.5 85.4 60 8 64.3 66.1 93.6 95.4 93.4 93.5 92.5 90.6 101.9 93.3 94.7 98.0 100.7 101.5 94.0 94.7 97.8 101.9 100.3 94.1 95.5 98.5 100.2 101.3 94.8 96.5 98.3 100.1 101.6 94.9 95.9 96.9 100.3 102.8 91.9 95.9 100.8 99.0 100.2 100.0 98.9 100.5 99.8 99.8 . . 103.1 104.2 105.4 101.4 102.6 103.6 103.1 103.9 104.8 103.1 104.4 105.7 107.0 107.9 107.9 99.5 101.6 102.1 100.1 99.5 98.9 1962—Apr May 105.2 105.2 105.3 105.5 105.5 106.1 106.0 106.0 105.8 103.4 103.2 103.5 103.8 103.8 104.8 104.3 104.1 103.5 104.6 104.7 104.8 104.8 104.8 104.9 105.0 105.1 105.2 105.4 105.5 105.6 105.7 105.8 105.9 106.1 106.2 106.2 107.8 107.7 107.7 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.1 108.1 102.4 100.1 99.4 99.7 100.1 101.3 102.4 103.6 104.8 106.0 106.1 106.2 106.2 104.7 105.0 104.6 104.3 105.4 105.4 105.7 105.8 106.3 106.4 106.4 106.5 108.2 108.0 108.0 107.5 104.9 104.8 104.8 104.2 I960 1961 1962 July Sept Oct Nov Dec 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr Transportation ApHouse- House- parel hold furnish operation ings 56.2 42 8 51.9 71.2 51.2 55.4 89.5 97.3 90.8 90.8 93.7 97.3 100.2 102.4 96.7 98.4 99.7 99.8 100.7 89.7 91.3 96.5 99.7 103.8 104.8 105.9 107.4 102.1 102.8 103.2 99.3 99.0 99.1 99.0 98.5 98.7 98.8 98.7 98.6 107.1 107.4 107.4 107.5 107.4 107.6 107.6 107.8 108.1 97.9 98.3 98.6 98.5 109.3 109.3 109.7 109.9 53.3 62.9 Medical care Personal care Reading and recreation Other goods and services 50.6 47.6 63.6 57.3 75.0 58.2 67.3 57.5 88.5 92.4 94.3 88.6 91.8 95.5 100.1 104.4 90.0 93.7 97.1 100.4 102.4 92.1 93.4 96.9 100.8 102.4 94.3 95.8 98.5 99.8 101.8 103.8 105.0 107.2 108.1 111.3 114.2 104.1 104.6 106.5 104.9 107.2 109.6 103.8 104.6 105.3 102.7 102.7 102.8 102.9 102.5 104.6 104.9 104.3 103.9 107.2 107.3 107.3 106.8 107.4 107.8 108.1 108.3 108.0 113.9 114.1 114.4 114.6 114.6 114.7 114.9 115.0 115.3 106.3 106.4 106.1 106.8 106.8 106.8 106.9 107.1 107.6 109.4 109.5 109.2 110.0 110.3 110.0 109.5 110.1 110.0 105.1 105.1 105.2 105.6 105.5 105.6 105.6 105.6 105.6 103.0 103.3 103.6 103.8 106.6 106.8 107.0 107.0 115.5 115.6 115.8 116.1 107.4 107.3 107.3 107.6 110.2 110 0 110.1 111.0 105.7 105.7 105.7 105.8 86.6 NOTE.—Bureau of Labor Statistics index for city wage-earner and clerical-worker families. WHOLESALE PRICES: SUMMARY (1957-59= 100) Other commodities Period All Farm Proccom- prod- essed modi- ucts foods ties Total 92 9 1954. 104.4 97 6 2 97.9 94.3 2 96.6 94.3 0 99.2 97-9 4 103.6 102 .9 6 97.2 99 ? 100. 7 96.9 100 0 100 1 96 0 100 7 100 6 97.7 101 ? 93 96 99 100 100 1955. 1956. 1957. 1958. 1959. I960. 1961. 1962. 1962— Anr. May July Sept Oct Nov Dec 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr Tex tiles etc. 90.4 100 6 99. 9 99. 8 101 3 101. 100 8 9 9 . 7 100 8 100. 6 98.5 100 8 100 .7 96.5 100 5 100 6 95.4 rQQ 0 100 6 95.4 99 4 100 .4 100. 5 100. 7 100 8 100. 9 100. 8 94.6 97 3 r 105 ? 106 ? 107 4 106 107 108 107 107 99.6 100. ? 100.7 9 9 . 1 100.2 9 7 . 9 100.2 ? 99.7 0 99.6 5 100.0 0 99.5 97. 9 97. 7 97 6 97. ? 97 0 100. 6 107 .5 100.8 100. 5 107 4 100.8 100. 107 3 100.7 100 6 106 9 100.8 96. 9 97. 1 100. 4 106 .0 100.4 100 3 105 1 100.3 100. nos 1 100.8 100. 104 .6 100.4 96. 9 96 7 See next page for composition of other commodities. 89 9 Chem- Rubicals, ber, etc. etc. NonMa- Furni- meLumMisber, Paper, Metals chin- ture, tallic To- cellaery min- bacco neous etc etc. etc. erals 87.6 97. 6 88 8 84.3 83.2 93.9 88.8 93.8 110.5 100 7 89 .5 94.5 96. 9 99.2 102.3 91.1 90.0 85.8 94.3 91.3 94.6 99.1 100 7 94 .8 97.4 97. 5 100.6 103.8 97.2 97.8 92.1 96.9 95.2 95.1 98.1 100. 8 94 9 102.7 99. 6 100.2 98.5 99.0 99.7 97.7 99.4 98.9 98.0 96 6 98. 9 96 .0 98.7 100. 4 100.1 97. 4 100 .1 99.1 100.1 100.2 99.9 99.7 101.5 100. 4 109 1 98.7 100. 0 99.7 104. 1 101 0 101.2 102.2 100.4 101.2 102.2 101 9 92.4 96.5 99 2 99 5 101 *3 100. 4 96.9 100 "> 100 Q 100. ? 96.2 99 6 100 9 100. 0 95.3 99 8 100 7 100. 4 96.5 100 8 100 8 100. s 97.6 101,5 100 6 101. 2 100.6 103 3 100 .8 100 7 100. 6 98.7 101 100. 7 99.3 101 3 100 7 100. 4 97.3 100 9 100 7 100. 5 100. ? Hides, Fuel, etc. etc. 97 0 96 8 96. 8 96. 5 99.9 100 4 101 8 101.3 102.4 100.1 101.4 102.5 99.3 96.1 9 5 . 9 98 8 100.7 102.3 99.5 101.8 103.2 103 9 93.3 9 6 . 5 100 0 100.0 102.3 98.8 101.8 104.1 107 3 92.9 93.2 93.0 92.7 92.7 92.8 93.1 93.7 94.4 94.3 94.2 94.1 94.1 r 96. 8 97. 97 3 97. 97 4 101 100 8 100 97. 0 96. 6 99 .5 99 3 96 3 95 8 99 99 0 100.0 99 7 95. 9 99 .0 96 1 99 1 96. S '99-0 97. 0 99 . 0 100.3 100.2 99.8 99.7 99.8 99.7 99.4 99.3 99.3 102.3 102.3 102.4 102.3 102.3 102.3 102.2 102.2 102.3 98.9 99.0 98.9 98.8 98.7 98.6 98.5 98.6 98.4 102.4 102.1 101.9 101.6 101.6 101.5 101.6 101.6 101.5 104.0 104.1 104.1 104 0 104.2 104.2 104 5 104.5 104.3 99.5 99.4 99.4 99.4 102.3 102.2 102.0 102.0 98.3 98.2 98.2 98.2 101.4 101.5 101.5 101.5 104.3 104.3 104 3 104.3 106 0 106 0 105.4 107 6 107 2 109.1 108 7 109.8 110.2 111.6 111.5 110 8 108.0 r JUNE 1963 851 PRICES WHOLESALE PRICES: DETAIL (1957-59=100) 1962 1962 1963 Group Apr. Feb. Mar. Apr. 99.5 Woodpulp 105.1 Wastepaper 88.2 Paper 102.0 Paperboard 98.5 Converted paper and paperboard.... Building paper and board 81.3 110.7 89.4 Metals and Metal Products: 95.0 98.0 103.1 93.8 103.0 97.9 89.4 96.1 102.2 94.1 99.9 95.5 89.4 96.6 102.2 94.1 '99.7 '94.1 91.3 92.5 102.2 94.1 99.7 95.5 Iron and steel Nonferrous metals Metal containers Hardware Plumbing equipment Heating equipment Fabricated structural metal products. Fabricated nonstructural metal products 99.6 99.8 103.7 104.1 103.7 93.7 98.1 98.6 98.0 104.5 104.0 101.1 92.4 98.0 '98.4 98.1 104.5 103.9 101.3 '92.6 '97.8 98.5 98.2 104.5 103.9 100.8 92.9 97.6 104.4 103.7 103.7 103.8 109.2 107.7 109.4 110.8 108.5 109.1 111.0 108.8 110.9 108.8 109.4 103.1 103.1 103.6 103.4 103.4 103.7 103.4 103.7 101.7 98.6 100.1 103.1 97.8 100.4 103.1 '97.1 100.3 103.1 97.0 100.2 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 103.4 102.2 97.0 94.7 91.2 103.2 104.5 102.3 95.9 92.3 90.1 102.8 104.6 102.3 96.0 92.3 89.4 102.8 104.7 102.3 95.9 92.2 89.4 103.0 97.9 103.1 102.6 103.6 105.0 101.4 102.8 96.6 103.0 102.2 103.6 105.0 94.1 101.5 96.6 103.0 102.2 103.6 105.0 94.1 101.5 96.6 103.0 102.2 103.6 105.0 94.1 101.4 102.0 100.8 116.7 102.2 101.1 117.4 102.2 101.1 117.4 102.2 101.1 117.4 Toys, sporting goods, small arms. . . 100.5 108.3 Manufactured animal feeds 98.7 Notions and accessories Jewelry, watches, photo equipment... 104.1 101.3 Other miscellaneous products 101.1 118.2 98.7 104.0 101.7 100.5 117.1 98.7 103.9 101.7 Apr. Feb. Mar. Apr. 99.0 98.5 94.1 98.9 98.8 91.7 107.4 93.2 96.5 103.0 89.5 100.8 101.1 99.1 113.5 89.1 99.0 103.7 85.6 101.8 '99.6 99.8 113.8 89.0 108.0 95.6 106.0 108.6 95.6 108.0 "108.0 91.8 107.1 108.1 90.4 106.9 99.0 102.3 82.6 86.2 91.4 94.9 101.9 101.2 '99.8 105.1 '79.1 86.0 82.5 89.2 91.9 101.5 "101.3 106.1 '79.1 '80.0 '83.8 90.0 90.5 101.5 102.4 98.6 93.7 121.6 101.3 118.5 100.5 100.7 93.7 151.1 101.4 118.2 100.2 100.8 '93.8 150.9 101.4 114.9 103.0 113.9 81.2 79.3 83.3 84.1 Machinery and Motive Products: 87.2 101.9 Agricultural machinery and equip... . Construction machinery and equip.. . Metalworking machinery and equip... General purpose machinery and equipment 100.1 Miscellaneous machinery 100.8 Special industry machinery and equip93.8 ment (Jan. 1961=100) 150.9 101.3 Electrical machinery and equip 117.7 Motor vehicles Transportation equip., RR. rolling stock (Jan. 1961=100) 103.3 109.5 108.7 102.6 85.9 104.7 108.3 104.8 88.4 103.7 "108.3 104.7 95.3 103.6 115.3 103.0 98.9 98.4 103.6 127.8 102.5 97.1 98.1 103.6 '127.8 102.4 98.2 85.0 and Other Household Dura102.8 Furniture bles: 108.3 104.6 Household furniture Commercial furniture Floor coverings Household appliances 95.8 Television, radios, and phonographs.. 103.6 Other household durable goods 124.2 102.4 98.2 Nonmetallic Mineral Products: 96.5 103.7 96.6 97.0 79.3 104.3 103.7 99.3 95.2 103.8 93.0 95.1 72.7 103.6 102.3 99.5 95.4 103.7 93.0 95.2 '74.5 103.6 102.3 '99.5 Flat glass Concrete ingredients Concrete products 95.3 103.7 Structural clay products 91.5 Gypsum products 95.2 Prepared asphalt roofing 77.7 Other nonmetallic minerals 103.6 102.3 Tobacco Products and Bottled Bev98.6 erages: 94.1 86.1 99.1 93.7 89.0 99.7 92.7 89.0 99.8 96.8 101.3 94.2 96.2 102.3 90.5 '96.6 102.5 '91.2 Farm Products: Fresh and dried produce Grains Livestock and poultry Plant and animal fibers Fluid milk Eggs Hay and seeds Other farm products Pulp, Paper; and Allied Products: , , , , Processed Foods: Cereal and bakery products Meat, poultry, and fish Dairy products and ice cream Canned and frozen fruits, and vegetables Sugar and confectionery Packaged beverage materials Animal fats and oils Crude vegetable oils Refined vegetable oils Vegetable oil and products Miscellaneous processed foods Textile Products and Apparel: Cotton products Wool products Man-made fiber textile products Silk products Apparel Other textile products Hides Skins, Leather\ and Products: Hides and skins Leather Footwear Other leather products Fuels and Related Products, and Power, Coal Coke Gas fuels (Jan. 1958=100) Electric power (Jan. 1958=100). . . . Petroleum products, refined Chemicals and Allied Products: Industrial chemicals Prepared paint Paint materials Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Fats and oils, inedible Mixed fertilizers Fertilizer materials Other chemicals and products Rubber and Products: Crude rubber Tires and tubes Miscellaneous rubber products Tobacco products Alcoholic beverages Nonalcoholic beverages 92.8 89.0 99.8 Miscellaneous Products: Lumber and Wood Products: Lumber Millwork Plywood NOTE.—Bureau of Labor Statistics Index. 1963 Group 97.6 102.4 91.0 852 NATIONAL PRODUCT AND INCOME JUNE 1963 GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT OR EXPENDITURE (In billions of dollars) 1963 1962 Item 1929 1933 1941 1950 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 I 104.4 II III IV I 56.0 125.8 284.6 444.5 482.7 503.4 518.7 553.9 545.0 552.0 555.3 563.5 571.8 Personal consumption expenditures Durable goods Nondurable goods Services 79.0 9.2 37.7 32.1 Gross private domestic investment New construction Residential, nonfarm Other Producers' durable equipment Change in business inventories Nonfarm only 16.2 1.4 8 7 1 4 3.6 .5 5.1 1.0 5.9 1.6 1.7 - 1 . 6 1.8 - 1 . 4 46.4 3.5 22.3 20.7 81.9 195.0 293.2 313.5 328.5 338.1 356.7 350.2 354.9 358.2 363.5 367.8 9.7 30.4 37.3 43.6 44.8 43.7 47.5 46.3 47.2 47.1 49.6 50.0 43.2 99.8 141.6 147.1 151.8 155.2 162.0 159.9 161.3 163.0 163.9 165.5 29.0 64.9 114.3 122.8 131.9 139.1 147.1 144.1 146.3 148.1 150.1 152.3 18.1 6 6 3.5 3.1 6.9 4.5 4.0 50.0 56.6 24.2 35.5 14.1 18.0 10.1 17.4 18.9 23.1 6.8 - 2 . 0 6.0 - 2 . 9 72.7 40.2 22.3 17.9 25.9 6.6 6.5 72.4 40.7 21.1 19.7 27.6 4.1 3.7 69.3 41.6 21.0 20.5 25.5 2.1 1.9 76.6 44.5 23.3 21.2 28.9 3.2 3.2 75.9 41.6 21.2 20.5 27.6 6.7 6.6 77.4 44.5 23.3 21.2 28.9 4.0 3.9 76.3 46 1 24.3 21.8 29.2 1.0 1.0 76.2 45.0 23.8 21.3 29.9 1.2 1.1 76.8 43.6 22.6 21.0 30.1 3.0 2.7 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.7 3.7 2.5 28.2 29.0 28.3 28.2 27.9 28.4 24.5 25.3 25.8 25.0 24.7 25.2 99.7 107.4 117.3 115.2 116.0 118.2 120.7 124.0 53.2 57.0 62.4 61.9 62.1 62.7 63.4 65.9 1.1 6.0 4.8 .6 13.1 12.5 1.2 22.7 21.5 -.8 22.9 23.6 2.9 26.4 23.5 4.0 27.3 23.3 8.0 24.8 16.9 2.0 ( 13.8 2.0 \ 3.2 39.0 19.3 14.3 5.2 6.0 19*.7 93.5 52.6 44.8 8.3 .5 40.8 97.2 53.6 46.2 7.9 .5 43.6 45.7 8.1 .6 46.5 49.0 8.7 .6 50.4 Net exports of goods and services . Exports Imports .8 7 0 6.3 Government purchases of goods and services.. Federal National defense Other Less! Government sales. State and local 8.5 1.3 } 1-3 Gross national product in constant (1954) dollars 181.8 126.6 238.1 318.1 401.3 428.6 440.2 447.9 471.9 467.4 470.8 471.6 477.7 482.7 7.2 2 4 2.3 7.8 NOTE.—Dept. of Commerce estimates. Quarterly data are seasonally adjusted totals at annual rates. For explanation of series see U.S. Income 53.4 9.7 .8 55.0 53.0 9.6 .6 53.3 53.2 9.5 .6 54.0 54.0 9.6 .8 55.5 54.2 10.1 .9 57.3 56.6 10.2 .9 58.1 and Output (a supplement to the Survey of Current Business) and the July 1962 Survey of Current Business. NATIONAL INCOME (In billions of dollars) 1962 Item 1929 1933 1941 1950 1958 1959 1960 1961 1963 1962 II III IV 40.2 104.7 241.9 367.4 400.5 415.5 427.8 458.0 448.9 456.7 459.8 466.6 National income 87.8 Compensation of employees 51.1 29.5 64.8 154.2 257.1 278.5 293.7 302.2 321.6 315.2 321.7 323.8 325.8 330.8 50.4 45.5 .3 4.6 29.0 23.9 .3 4.9 .7 .5 62.1 146.4 239.8 258.5 271.3 278.8 295.8 289.9 295.9 297.8 299.7 303.3 51.9 124.1 196.6 213.1 222.9 227.0 239.7 235.0 240.1 241.4 242.2 244.5 1.9 5.0 9.9 9.9 10.2 11.0 11.2 11.2 10.9 10.6 10.8 9.8 8.3 17.3 33.5 35.4 38.5 41.6 45.2 43.7 44.6 45.5 46.9 48.0 27.5 22.4 23.4 25.8 25.2 25.8 7.8 17.3 20.1 25.9 26.1 2.7 .1 .6 2.0 .7 4.0 3.8 8.0 9.4 9.7 10.4 11.4 11.0 12.0 11.4 13.5 12.3 13.3 12.0 13.4 12.3 13.5 12.4 13.6 12.5 14.8 12.6 14.8 .1 .4 5.6 17.4 37.5 46.1 46.5 46.2 47.8 49.8 49.1 49.5 49.7 50.9 50.7 8.8 6.0 3.2 2.4 10.9 6.5 23.5 14.0 32.5 13.5 35.1 11.4 34.2 12.0 34.8 13.1 36.8 13.0 36.2 12.9 36.8 12.8 37.0 12.8 37.3 13.6 37.7 13.0 5.4 2.0 3.5 9.0 12.2 11.9 11.9 12.3 12.8 12.6 12.8 12.9 12.9 13.0 10.1 - 2 . 0 14.5 35.7 37.2 47.2 45.6 45.5 51.5 50.4 50.7 51.0 54.0 .2 9.6 1.4 .5 -.4 8.3 5.8 2.1 2.4 - 2 . 4 17.0 7.6 9.4 4.5 4.9 40.6 17.9 22.8 9.2 13.6 37.4 18.6 18.8 12.4 6.4 47.7 23.2 24.5 13.7 10.8 45.4\ 22.4| 45.6 22.3 23.3 15.0 8.3 57.3 25.0 26.3 15.9 10.3 50.7 24.4 25.6 15.8 9.8 50.9 24.9 26.1 15.8 10.3 57.7 24.9 26.1 15.8 10.3 53.2 26.0 27.3 16.4 10.9 .5 - 2 . 1 -2.5 -5.0 -.3 -.5 .2 .2 .3 -.2 -.1 5.0 4.5 5.5 14.8 16.4 18.1 20.0 22.2 21.5 22.0 22.5 Wages and salaries Private Military Government civilian Supplements to wages and salaries Employer contributions for social insurance Other labor income Proprietors' income Business and professional Farm Rental income of persons Corporate profits and inventory valuation adjustment Profits before tax Profits tax liability Profits after tax Dividends Undistributed profits Inventory valuation adjustment Net interest 6.4 NOTE.—Dept. of Commerce estimates. Quarterly data are seasonally adjusted totals at annual rates. See also NOTE to previous table. 8.6 23.0 16.4 23.5 853 NATIONAL PRODUCT AND INCOME JUNE 1963 RELATION OF GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT, NATIONAL INCOME, PERSONAL INCOME, AND SAVING (In billions of dollars) 1962 Item 1929 1933 1941 1950 1958 1959 1960 1961 I 104 4 Gross national product Indirect business tax and nontax liability Business transfer payments Statistical discrepancy 1963 1962 n III IV I 56 0 125 8 284 6 444 5 482 7 503 4 518 7 553.9 545 0 552.0 555.3 563 5 571.8 8.6 7.2 9.0 19.1 38.6 7.0 .6 7.1 .7 11.3 5 23.7 .8 .3 .9 .4 39.3 1.8 -1.5 n 43.2 45.3 42.6 46.5 2.1 2 1 -3.0 -3.4 48.2 2.1 -3.1 41.0 47.6 47.0 51.6 50.2 2.1 2.1 -3.6 -1.4 47.5 47.5 48.3 48.8 51.4 51.8 52.9 2.1 2.1 2.1 -4.0 -4.3 -4.8 53.9 2.1 Plus: Subsidies less current surplus of government enterprises -.1 Equals: National income 87.8 Less: Corporate profits and inventory valuation adjustment Contributions for social insurance 10.1 .2 -2.0 .3 14.5 2.8 35.7 6.9 37.2 14.8 47.2 17.6 45.6 20.6 45.5 21.6 51.5 23.9 50.4 23.6 50.7 23.9 51.0 24.0 54.0 24.2 "26.'6 .9 1.0 5.8 1.5 1.2 2.1 2.6 1.3 4.5 14.3 4.8 9.2 24.5 6.2 12.4 1 8 25.4 7.1 13.7 2 1 27.3 7.8 14.4 2 1 31.3 7.3 15.0 2 1 32.4 7.4 15.9 2 1 31.9 7.3 15.8 2 1 32.0 7.4 15.8 32.3 7.5 15.8 2.1 2.1 33.5 7.6 16.4 2 1 Plus: Government transfer payments Net interest paid by government Dividends Business transfer payments 6 Equals * Personal income Less: Personal tax and nontax payments Federal State and local .1 .4 1.1 .5 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.2 40.2 104.7 241.9 367.4 400.5 415.5 427.8 458.0 448.9 456.7 459.8 466.6 7 85 8 47 2 2.6 7.5 5 8 34.3 7.8 16.4 2.1 96 3 228 5 360 3 383 9 400 8 416 4 440 5 432 0 439 5 442.6 448 0 452.1 3.3 20.8 18.2 2 6 42.3 36.6 5 7 46.8 40.4 6 4 51.4 52.8 57.6 56.4 57.7 58.5 58.7 59.5 44.0 7 4 45.0 49.1 8 5 48.0 8 4 49.2 8 5 49.9 50.1 8 7 50.5 .5 2.0 1 4 1 0 1 3 Equals: Disposable personal income 83.1 45.7 93.0 207.7 317.9 337.1 349.4 363.6 382.9 375.6 381.8 384.1 389.3 392.6 Less: Personal consumption expenditures 79.0 46.4 81.9 195.0 293.2 313.5 328.5 338.1 356.7 350.2 354.9 358.2 363.5 367.8 4.2 -.6 11.1 1.3 Equals: Personal saving Disposable personal income in constant (1954) dollars 12.6 24.7 23.6 20.9 25.6 26.2 25.4 26.9 8.6 26.0 25.8 9.0 24.8 134.9 102.1 175.1 231.0 296.3 310.7 317.3 327.3 341.6 336.6 340.9 342.1 345.8 347.1 NOTE.—Dept. of Commerce estimates. Quarterly data are seasonally adjusted totals at annual rates. See also NOTE to table at top of previous page. PERSONAL INCOME (In billions of dollars) 1962 Item 1961 Apr. Total personal income 1963 1962 May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. 416.4 440.5 438.3 439.7 440.7 441.9 443.0 443.5 445.6 448.2! 450.4 !452.4 451.1 453.2 455.8 Wage and salary disbursements 278.8 295.8 295.3 296.0 296.9 297.8 298.1 298.0 298.5 299.8\ 301.0 301.5 303.6 305.0 306.9 Commodity-producing industries... 110.8 117.2 118.2 118.2 118.1 118.4 118.1 117.9 117.8 117.8 117.8 117.6 118.3 119.0 120.5 87.5 94.5 '94.5 94.5 93.9 93.6 96.5 Manufacturing only 94.0 94.2 93. 94.7 95.4 94.4 94.0 94.1 72.9 76.2 75.8 16.1 76.2 16.4 Distributive industries 76.6 76.7 76.9 77.1 77.6 77.6 78.3 78.5 78.6 43.4 46.3 45.6 45.9 46.5 46.7 47.0 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.5 47.8 48.1 48.3 48.4 Service industries 51.8 56.2 55.6 55.8 56.0 56.3 56.5 56.4 56.7 57.7 58.0 58.5 58.8 59.1 59.4 Government Other labor income. 11.4 12.3 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.4 12.4| 12.4 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.7 12.8 Proprietors' income Business and professional. Farm 47.8 34.8 13.1 49.8 36.8 13.0 49.4 36.6 12.8 49.6 36.8 12.8 49.6 36.8 12.8 49.6 36.9 12.7 49. 37.0 49.9 37.0 12.9 50.3 37.1 13.2 50.9 37.3 13.6 51.4 37.4 14.0 51.0 37.6 13.4 50.6 37.7 12.9 50.5 37.8 12.7 50.6 37.9 12.7 Rental income 12.3 12.8 12.7 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.9 12.9 12.9 12.9 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.1 Dividends 15.0 15.9j 15.8 15.8 15.8 15.7 16.0 16.1 16.2 17.0 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 Personal interest income.. . 27.4 29.7 29.2 29.4 29.6 29.8 30.2 30.4 30.6J 30.8 31.1 31.3J 31.6J 31.9 Transfer payments 33.4 34.6 34.2 34.2 34.1 34.2 34.5 35.5 35.8! 35.5 138.7 35.3i 35.6! 35.8 10.4 10.5 10.5 10.6 11 .7 11. 8 11 .8 11.9 Less: Personal contributions social insurance Nonagricultural income. Agricultural income for 12.9 15.7 30.0 i 34.5 9.7 10.5| 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 399.1) 423.2 421.2 422.6J 423.5 424.8 425.9 426.4 428.2 430.4 432.3 1434 .6 434. 0 436 .2 438.8 17.3 17.3 17.1 17.1 17.2 * Includes stepped-up rate of Govt. life insurance payments to veterans and a special dividend to all W.W. II veterans holding NSLI policies; disbursements amounted to $3.6 billion. 12.8 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.4 17.8 18.2 17 .7 17. 2 17 .0 17.1 NOTE.—Dept. of Commerce estimates. Monthly data are seasonally adjusted totals at annual rates. See also NOTE to table at top of previous page. 854 FLOW OF FUNDS/SAVING JUNE 1963 SAVING, INVESTMENT, AND FINANCIAL FLOWS (In billions of dollars) I. B C D E F G H I J K. 1960 1962 1961 IV I II Gross national investment Consumer durable goods Business inventories Nonfin business Financial sectors O P Net financial investment Discrepancy (A —H) A B C Net funds raised—Nonfin. sectors... Loans and short-term securities.... Long-term securities and mtgs D E F G H I J K. By sector U. S. Government Short-term securities Other securities Foreign borrowers Loans . . Securities Pvt. domestic nonfin. sectors Loans 94.2 114.6 117.9 114.7 125.0 112.7 104.4 111.2 118.8 124.4 125.5 125.9 123.9 124.9 37.3 43.6 44.8 43.7 47.5 44.0 40.8 43.5 44.0 46.6 46.3 47.2 47.1 49.6 3.2 -1.1 - 3 . 6 4.0 1.0 2.1 2.1 4.0 6.0 4.1 -2.0 6.6 6.7 1.2 H I J K L M N 66.2 22.1 43.3 68.3 21.6 45.8 67.0 20.1 46.1 73.0 21.0 51.2 63.7 20.2 42.7 65.5 18.7 45.9 .8 .8 .8 .8 67.6 21.6 45.1 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 69.2 21.4 46.9 .8 .3 - 1 . 7 * 1.0 .7 2.5 1.8 2.3 1.2 3.6 2.2 2.2 3.4 1.6 .1 5.2 2.4 .6 1.2 1.7 3.4 .8 52.8 19.2 33.5 36.2 7.8 28.4 46.3 19.3 27.0 57.7 21.2 36.5 33.9 .2 33.7 30.1 26.9 3.2 44.6 17.3 27.3 55.7 4.2 51.5 54.8 28.9 25.9 59.2 33.2 26.0 8.7 -2.2 -5.1 7.4 11.3 -4.1 6.8 -2.4 36.2 48.6 14.2 33.3 5.6 4.7 3.8 8.4 2.4 2.4 3.6 7 42.8 3.3 39.5 8.6 -1.2 9.5 2.3 1.1 1.3 5.5 3.8 .8 .2 .7 2.4 2.0 1.4 .7 70.6 21.7 48.0 72.6 19.5 52.3 75.3 21.3 53.2 .8 .8 74.9 21.9 52.2 .8 2.0 .5 1.0 — .9 5.8 O P 63.1 42.3 19.6 - 5 . 7 43.5 48.0 66.3 37.8 28.4 A B C 9.1 14.7 -7.8 4.1 2.4 1.7 47.0 53.1 15.7 18.6 8.2 4.5 4.8 7.8 6.4 2.6 31.3 34.5 4.6 3.2 3.5 3.8 15.6 17.6 8.7 8.8 D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S 6.7 2.7 1.9 .8 9.3 15.2 4.8 14.6 16.6 - 4 . 6 11.4 22.1 - 7 . 1 20.8 - 8 . 1 - 8 . 3 -.1 4.8 3.1 3.8 3.7 -1.0 2.4 3.4 .9 .7 1.1 .4 26.8 35.4 37.4 45.2 40.9 1.7 1.9 7.3 12.3 6 9 .2 -.7 4.3 3.1 1.1 • 7.2 .4 1.5 2.3 2.0 .8 1.0 4.7 1.6 25.1 33.5 30.1 32.9 33.9 5.7 6.7 6.0 12.3 5.0 4.7 4.7 10.2 11.8 12.4 14.2 13.5 5.5 5.5 6.0 7.3 8.0 .5 8.0 - 4 . 3 4.1 -18.6 4.0 16.3 1.6 -.4 .3 -.8 1.4 .5 36.4 11.0 1.8 1.1 4.4 2.9 3.7 5.8 1.4 2.3 2.2 28.8 29.1 25.3 30.4 34.5 24.9 8.0 5.4 5.4 7.0 4.7 5.9 10.1 5.2 13.2 5.8 10.4 5.8 12.1 6.1 15.7 8.6 10.0 5.4 Net sources of credit (—A) ... Chg. in U.S. Govt. cash bal U S Govt lendine Foreign funds Pvt. insur. and pension reserves. . Sources n e e 42.8 1*7 3.2 7.8 5.2 52.8 .6 3.8 3.6 8.8 5.1 36.2 .8 2.4 46.3 .1 2.8 Z Pvt. Domestic nonfin. sectors.. AA Deposits and U S Govt secur AB Deposits AC Demand dep and curr AD Time and svgs. accounts.... AE At commercial banks . . . 24.8 17.5 20.6 30.7 24.0 10.8 57.7 33.9 30.1 1.2 - 1 . 5 - 5 . 3 2.8 1.9 3.5 2.4 5.9 2.9 7.7 7.5 8.9 1.8 5.9 5.3 36.4 13.3 21.1 31.2 9.3 15.7 29.8 21.2 24.4 M N Bank loons Other loans AI 68.4 19.7 47.9 5.6 -10.8 22.0 1.1 8.2 - 2 2 . 1 2.3 2.8 3.1 1.3 2.6 2.4 1.0 .2 .6 6.2 5.6 2.4 AG IV III A B C D E F G 43.2 14.1 Consumer T U V W X Y II I Financial flows—Summary L S IV 94.1 115.6 120.4 117.0 128.6 114.9 106.0 116.4 119.4 126.1 126.3 132.6 124.8 130.7 68.0 73.9 72.4 76.8 82.6 72.1 71.4 76.0 78.1 81.8 82.3 82.1 82.9 83.1 11.9 12.4 12.7 12.7 13.1 12.7 12.6 12.7 12.8 13.0 12.9 13.1 13.1 13.1 25.0 35.6 31.5 35.0 40.3 28.8 28.2 34.2 36.2 41.2 40.6 40.3 37.8 42.6 1.0 - 4 . 5 - 5 . 5 4.3 - 5 . 2 - 3 . 7 -7.9 -4.5 1.5 - 5 . 1 - 5 . 4 - 5 . 1 - 5 . 2 - 5 . 9 -5.0 - 4 . 0 -3.4 - 4 . 5 -5.3 - 4 . 2 -4.3 -3.9 -4.2 -5.6 -4.8 -4.8 -5.7 -6.1 1.3 .9 2 . 9 2 . 8 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.7 4.0 3.1 1.7 .9 3.5 1.1 58.5 18.1 39.7 Gross pvt fixed investment M N O P Q III Saving and investment Consumer and nonprofit Farm and noncorp. business Corporate nonfin. business U.S. Government State and local govt Financial sectors II. 1959 1958 1962 1961 1960 Transaction category, or sector 31.9 3 1 .7 credit nee Securities and mortgages State and local securities Corporate securities Other mortgages U. S. Govt securities Less security debt . •. .. 4.9 15.7 7.0 8 7 -3.1 3.2 8.2 6.8 2.5 8.7 5.2 27.1 23.1 24.1 14.8 7.8 13.7 4.0 .3 - 1 . 3 10.5 15.1 20.2 5.5 8.8 2.2 8 4 9 6 11.4 13.2 - 5 . 9 - 1 . 0 8 2 6 9 .9 .2 6 8 1.2 1.0 1.2 20.2 23.3 9.4 12.1 10.8 11.2 1.5 - 1 1 . 9 - 8 . 8 28.6 15.3 13.2 -.3 5.2 1.3 4.9 -.3 _ 3 5.6 .1 44.1 51.0 42.4 32.5 3.7 59.2 3.9 3.5 2.6 44.6 2.5 -.7 -.7 7.5 1.3 55.7 54.8 5.8 - 2 . 7 4.9 5.1 3.8 9.2 12.9 4.1 10.2 4.9 34.7 26.8 25.9 19.2 19.1 19.3 3.7 2.2 33.2 30.8 26.8 22.2 10.9 11.3 17.1 6.5 10.6 18.1 5.7 12.4 4.0 11.0 3.8 1.4 12 5 3.0 .6 .6 .9 -.2 8.8 8.6 1.5 39.0 26.1 24.8 -10.7 35.4 23.0 12 4 1.4 53.5 15.3 6.7 4.0 4.6 38.2 6.1 7.0 16.0 9.1 63.1 42.3 66.3 T 6.5 - 4 . 6 - 1 . 2 U 1.9 4.5 V 4.2 2.2 2.9 W 1.7 9.7 9.8 7.7 X 2.0 8.8 9.1 Y 38.5 32.2 26.5 .6 25.9 13.7 12.2 5.7 2.4 24.7 25.9 25.2 Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG 17 2 9 AH .3 AI 43.3 40.7 42.6 2.4 12.5 22.8 30.2 9.8 14.9 13 0 15.3 .7 - 1 . 9 -3.9 2.8 42.7 11.7 24.7 6.2 48.4 40.7 44.1 -4.1 31.4 16.8 68.7 8.6 35.8 24.3 A B C D 19.8 13.7 9.9 -.8 19.0 12.9 11.1 10.7 15.3 11.4 6.7 33.4 16.0 11.7 E F G 48.4 44.1 .9 1.3 32.6 20.5 6.4 - 2 . 1 13.8 9.6 12.4 13.0 4.9 4.8 4.9 4.9 6.9 7.2 2.1 3.3 1.3 1.2 .3 * 3.8 5.3 -.7 - 1 ..6 9 1.1 Q —1.2 4.6 68.7 3.5 44.3 12.8 16.2 15.3 3.0 4.7 I J K L M N O P .8 1.8 1.8 5.8 3.1 R S T U V -.4 III. Financial institutions A B C D Net funds advanced—Total U. S. Govt. securities Other securities and mtgs Loans 37.6 30.2 11.3 - 6 . 9 23.2 23.1 3.1 14.0 34.5 7.9 4.1 8.5 8.1 27.9 8.3 33.1 13.8 24.1 22.0 40.2 9.3 26.0 4.9 54.9 15.2 31.3 8.3 48.8 2.8 20.8 11.0 E F By sector Banking system Savings institutions. 17.5 9.3 4.9 10.7 10.1 10.0 9.3 10.2 17.5 12.0 10.7 20.8 14.5 11.0 17.2 10.6 10.3 11.8 11.3 10.1 4.3 -.8 15.6 10.9 9.2 4.5 24.9 11.7 11.0 7.3 17.5 14.1 12.6 42.4 32.5 40.2 3.1 4.0 2.8 21.2 21.0 29.6 .6 - 2 . 0 6.2 9.7 11.8 11.9 10.9 11.2 11.5 3.4 3.7 3.3 4.2 4.0 4.2 .1 3.4 2.6 1.3 1.6 1.5 1.9 1.3 .9 .1 - 2 . 5 j q 1.2 2.2 5.0 1.9 - 4 5 54.9 1.7 28.5 10.1 7.8 10.6 4.0 5.2 6.0 2.0 .2 3.8 1.0 8.4 48.8 42.7 .9 1.1 27.0 31.6 7.8 - 3 . 5 6.3 22.7 12.9 12.4 3.9 4.7 6.3 4.0 6.2 4.2 H Finance n.e.c I Net sources of funds—Total J Gross saving K. Deposit claims L Demand deposits and curr M Time dep. at comm banks N Other savings accounts O Life insurance reserves P Pension fund reserves 0 Credit market instruments R Investment co. shares S Corporate bonds T Loans U Security credit 9.0 1.9 4.5 5.0 3.9 4.7 37.6 2.1 22.6 5.7 8.0 30.2 2.1 10.6 1.1 1.2 8.9 8.4 3.6 34.5 2.9 15.3 * 5.8 44.1 2.1 26.5 5.5 9.4 11.5 51.0 1.7 32.3 3.4 15.6 13.3 3.7 4.3 4.7 3.5 1.5 1.4 .4 4.9 3.7 2.0 .8 .8 4.6 5.7 1.9 .8 2.9 4.1 2 2 3.3 4.4 c 1.6 -l!2 .6 4 1 5.2 5.9 1.8 1.0 3.0 * 2 7 9.5 3.5 t c NOTE.—Quarterly data are seasonally adjusted totals at annual rates. For other notes see Apr. 1963 BULL., p. 545. 1.1 1 4 9.8 2.5 32.3 17.6 4.6 2.7 .9 2.1 1.6 3.0 7.6 5.4 7.6 H 4.5 0 855 FLOW OF FUNDS/SAVTNG JUNE 1963 PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS (In billions of dollars) 1960 Transaction category, or sector I. A B C D E U S Oovt denosits Other N e t increase in assets, by s e c t o r . . . . U S Govt Other domestic sectors I State and local covts K Rest of the world M Other IL G H 1961 1962 1962 IV * 1.1 5.7 1 .8 6 .4 - . 8 5.6 .2 .2 6.3 .7 .9 1 -.5 -.6 6.1 1 0 2 5 .3 2 7 -2.2 -1.7 .5 .2 .2 .1 7 .5 * * j j .9 -.2 —5 I III II 3.4 .6 5.5 .1 1.2 - 1 . 5 2.2 2.0 5.5 4.8 3.3 .6 .3 1.3 - 1 . 5 1.9 1.3 4.1 1 1 3.1 2 0 1.2 - 2 . 0 - 1 . 6 -.1 .6 .7 1.2 1.0 .2 .1 .4 .8 -.3 -.1 .1 1.0 .2 -.1 -2.0 -5.3 3.3 -1.8 -5.7 2.9 5 0 -2.7 -.7 1 4 .9 .4 -.5 IV I II 6.4 6.2 10.1 7.8 - 3 . 5 3.9 6.5 2.5 2 7 5.8 - 10.5 4.3 -7.4 -.2 3.6 -.7 4.5 11.6 4.9 4.3 3.4 1.1 -3.1 6.0 9.0 2.2 4.3 7.0 - 6 . 0 -.8 1.7 1.3 - 3 4 2 1 2 1 .9 -.3 6.8 - 6 . 2 - 4 . 8 1.7 1.9 -1.6 2.6 - 3 . 2 .9 .2 1.5 1 2 1.1 .4 -.9 1.0 2.0 -.9 1.5 -3.2 .3 .5 .5 .2 1.8 2.5 - 3 . 3 1.5 At savings institutions. . . Memo—Consumer and nonprofit organ. — Total 21.0 9.4 1.3 .9 .6 6.6 28.9 15.6 2.6 1.0 .3 11.7 20.6 9.7 2.0 2.1 .3 5.3 22.9 11.8 5.6 1.0 -.3 5.5 23.4 11.9 1.2 .9 .7 8.8 18.4 3 0 15.3 5.8 .8 1.4 .3 3.3 8.4 9.5 11.5 13.3 10.9 11.2 11.5 14.0 11.3 12.9 18.0 25.0 16.1 16.7 20.1 10.6 15.4 -2.7 -5.1 2.4 7.2 11.3 -4.1 16.9 8.0 .9 .8 .9 5 3 9.6 1.2 -.4 8.9 — .4 -.9 III IV -2.1 12.8 A B -4.6 -1.2 2.5 13.9 C 10.8 D -1.1 - 3 . 0 -1.4 E 3.0 11.6 F .2 7 9 G -.6 3.6 H 2.1 -1.1 I 1.2 1 3 J -1.6 .6 .5 K .2 L 1.8 M Total net issues Short-term direct Other 8.3 -1.2 9.5 9.3 5.5 3.8 D E F G H Net acquisitions, by sector Pvt. domestic nonfin. sectors Consumers and nonprofit Svgs. bds. and postal svg. dep.. . Securities 8.3 -3.1 -2.5 9.3 K L M N Financial sectors Banking system. . Monetary authorities Cotfwtcrcial banks Q R Finance n e e Rest of the world A B C D E Total net issues, by sector State and local govts . Nonfinancial corporations Finance comoanies Rest of the world 14.9 5.5 F G Net purchases Consumers and nonprofit org 14.9 11.8 3.6 2.9 1 7 13 J Commercial banks IV. -2.6 7.2 -5.9 -1.0 -3.1 -.4 -.4 .7 -1.0 -2.7 -3.1 —8 .2 .2 2.8 7.9 2.7 7.4 .7 7.5 2.0 5.9 6 -.4 5 -.1 .2 -.4 >it 1.0 .1 3.0 .5 .4 13.2 7.0 j -2.0 9.0 -1.8 — 2 44 1.8 11.3 -6.9 10.4 -7.9 .3 2.2 8.2 -8.2 A Rest of world V. 4 .3 .2 1 -.1 6.6 - 2 . 7 5.6 - 1 0 . 8 22.0 1.1 8.2 - 2 2 . 1 6.7 - 2 . 6 1.5 - 1 1 . 9 .4 - 8 . 0 .3 .5 .1 -8.6 — .4 - 3 . 3 1.5 -.6 4.1 8.5 2.4 8.4 2.0 -.7 .5 9.1 .3 .3 .4 - . 9 .9 .6 1.2 .8 9.5 16.1 16.6 -4.6 - 7 . 1 20.8 26.2 13.8 2.6 .3 .2 10.8 22.6 9.6 .6 .4 12.9 12.4 12.4 13.0 19.6 28.5 23.0 21.8 3.3 13.8 11.4 22.1 -8.1 -8.3 8.8 31.5 A 16.2 B 2.3 C 1.3 D 1.4 E 11.3 F 15.3 G 26.7 H 8.1 - 2 . 3 6.9 4.1 - 1 8 . 6 14.7 4.0 16.3 -7.8 -.1 8.2 3.3 13.8 9.5 16.1 -8.8 .9 -.2 4.0 1.4 5.7 5.2 5.3 - 3 . 8 3.3 -7.9 -4.1 .8 1.2 .1 .3 .5 -./ 3.2 4.4 4.2 -3.6 -8.1 -4.6 -1.5 4.0 -5.0 -.8 1.5 .5 A .6 1.0 -.5 3.7 1.9 15.2 .1 9.3 8.1 11.7 7.0 10.8 13.7 - 2 . 0 9.3 1.2 2.2 .2 1.5 2.1 5.9 4.8 10.6 12.2 -4.1 3.4 1.2 1.2 -.2 I 1.2 1.6 - 1 . 0 -.3 .6 .7 - 1 . 2 .7 -.9 -.1 1.9 -.8 .1 _ 1 n .6 .4 .7 2.3 8.0 .1 1.3 .5 2.5 6 5 — .5 4 1.1 11.8 4.7 5.4 1.0 .7 .7 .3 70 -.5 .1 -.7 1.2 11.2 3.7 5.4 1.4 .7 13.7 5.1 7.0 .8 .8 12.0 5.4 4.7 .8 1.0 12.0 3.7 5.9 1.9 .6 10.5 4.3 5.0 .9 .2 18.4 3.9 12.3 11.2 2.3 1.5 .3 .4 7 0 -.5 * -.5 1.0 1 5 .3 13.7 1.5 1 6 .4 2.7 7 7 -.4 .2 -.6 1.4 2 0 .3 12.0 -.5 1.7 .5 4.5 7 Q0 18.4 -.8 1.1 1 9 -.1 12.0 10.5 .4 .3 1.5 1.5 -.3 1.0 2.2 2.8 7.8 6.0 .2 - 1 . 5 .2 - . 8 -.5 - A .8 1.2 1.3 1.6 * .4 | 1.3 .9 12.5 5.7 6.0 .2 .7 13.4 6.7 4.7 .9 1.1 12.8 7.7 4.7 * .4 12.5 13.4 12.8 7.0 - 2 . 8 1.6 4.6 1.6 1.5 1.8 1.3 .3 - . 5 .9 1.7 1.3 3.7 3.2 4.6 7.2 9.0 8.7 5.6 -.1 1.0 - . 8 -4.2 * 1.9 - . 2 -2.3 j - . 8 -1.1 -1.3 1.5 1.2 1.6 2.0 1.5 2.0 2.7 3.3 .1 .3 - . 4 .5 -2.3 7.2 .7 - 1 . 9 3.1 -1.0 .6 .6 2.5 -1.6 -3.2 -.5 .8 -.5 -4.1 8.6 -5.7 4.9 .2 1.7 -5.9 3.2 .4 .4 .3 .7 .9 2.6 1.1 .5 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R 15.7 6.1 7.0 1.2 1.4 11.6 4.6 3.5 1.8 1.7 11.6 -2.0 1.9 -.4 3.7 8.2 .6 .3 -.6 .2 .8 -.1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q 7.7 3.2 3.8 .3 .5 15.7 7.7 -1.9 -2.6 1.9 1.7 * .5 6.0 3.8 7.2 6.9 2.6 - 2 . 5 2.1 -.6 .6 - 1 . 6 2.7 -.4 2.1 1.3 * .1 1 6 18 19.0 13.2 16.2 10.4 5.8 18.2 12.1 6.1 24.3 15.7 8.6 15.4 10.0 5.4 15.7 10.2 5.5 17.3 11.8 18.4 12.4 6.0 21 5 14.2 7.3 21.5 13.5 8.0 25.1 16.0 9.1 24.2 15.6 8.7 18.4 1.2 1.0 1.8 11.2 2.0 .8 21.5 .6 1.7 1.9 12.4 3.3 1.2 21.5 4.5 1.0 2.1 11.7 2.1 -.3 25.1 1.6 -.2 5.1 13.6 3.2 1.2 24.2 2.2 .1 4.0 13.5 3.2 .8 4.9 1.3 8.9 6.5 4.5 1.7 .3 1.3 .4 3.7 2.0 1.5 5.2 3.9 .4 2.9 .5 .1 1.0 6.5 4.2 2.9 .6 .6 .4 Mortgages A B C Total ne*' borrowing I- to 4-family Other 15.3 10.1 D E F G H Net acquisitions Consumer and nonprofit org U S Govt Commercial banks Savings institutions 15.3 19.0 J Mortgage companies 1.7 2.2 2.6 9.5 2.4 .2 16.2 2.3 1.2 .7 8.8 2.8 * 18.2 1.3 .6 1.6 11.0 2.7 .6 24.3 2.8 .3 3.9 13.4 3.0 .4 154 1.8 1.1 .3 9.5 2.6 -.3 157 2.3 * .9 9.5 2.74t 17.3 2.2 .3 2.1 7.8 2.0 .5 /^ B C D E F G Total net borrowing Nonfinancial business Corporate Nonfarm noncorporate Farm Rest of the world Financial sectors 1.2 1.4 .4 5 .6 .5 -1.1 7.4 5.3 3.8 .9 .7 .2 1.6 2.8 2.7 2.6 * .2 .1 -.3 3.1 2.0 1.6 .1 .3 .7 .1 6.2 4.2 2.6 .9 .7 .5 1.0 2.4 2.2 1.9 .2 .1 .5 -.6 -1.4 .4 1.7 -2.0 .7 .3 -2.1 -.2 -.2 .1 -.2 5.2 5.8 5.5 1.0 -.2 1.8 10.9 2.7 .5 26.4 A 17.6 8.8 26.4 3.0 .3 4.5 14.8 3.4 • B C D E F G H I J Bank loans n.e.c. NOTE.—Quarterly data are seasonally adjusted totals at annual rates. For other notes see Apr. 1963 BULL., p 545. 35.1 22.7 4.8 2.1 -.5 16.0 Other securities Security brokers and dealers Investment cos.—Net Purchases VI. 19.2 7.8 6.3 .8 - 2 . 4 .9 .9 1.3 .6 4.8 7.2 U.S. Govt. securities A B C O 1961 Time and savings accounts Net increase—Total At commercial banks—Total Corporate business.. III. M N O 1960 Demand deposits and currency Net incr. in banking system liability. . F A B C 1959 1958 .8 -1.0 .9 .4 .1 3.3 .5 2.1 -.5 — 1 1.7 9.4 A 7.0 5.7 .2 1.1 -.2 1.8 B C D E F G 856 BANK HOLDING COMPANIES JUNE 1963 BANK HOLDING COMPANIES, DECEMBER 31, 1962 (Registered pursuant to Section 5, Bank Holding Company Act of 1956) Location of principal office California Los Angeles Holding company Western Bancorporation Location of principal office Holding company New Hampshire Nashua New Hampshire Bankshares, Inc. New York Buffalo New York New York New York Warsaw Marine Midland Corporation Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America Empire Shares Corporation Southeastern Shares Corporation Financial Institutions, Inc. Ohio Columbus Springfield BancOhio Corporation The Springfield Savings Society of Clark County Colorado Englewood First Colorado Bankshares, Inc. Florida Jacksonville Jacksonville Jacksonville Pensacola The Atlantic National Bank of Jacksonville Atlantic Trust Company Barnett National Securities Corporation Commercial Associates, Inc. Georgia Atlanta Atlanta Savannah Savannah Trust Company of Georgia Trust Company of Georgia Associates Citizens and Southern Holding Company The Citizens and Southern National Bank Tennessee Chattanooga Knoxville Hamilton National Associates, Inc. Tennessee Shares Corporation Indiana South Bend South Bend St. Joseph Agency, Inc. St. Joseph Bank and Trust Company Texas Fort Worth Houston The Fort Worth National Bank C. B. Investment Corporation Iowa Des Moines Brenton Companies, Inc. Utah Salt Lake City First Security Corporation Kentucky Louisville Trustees, First National Bank of Louisville Maine Bangor Virginia Arlington Richmond The First Virginia Corporation Virginia Commonwealth Corporation Eastern Trust and Banking Company Massachusetts Boston Boston Boston Baystate Corporation The National Shawmut Bank of Boston Shawmut Association Washington Port Angeles Spokane Union Bond & Mortgage Company Old National Corporation Wisconsin Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Wausau First Wisconsin Bankshares Corporation The Marine Corporation Marshall & Ilsley Bank Stock Corporation Central Wisconsin Bankshares, Inc. Canada Montreal Toronto Bank of Montreal Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Japan Tokyo The Bank of Tokyo, Ltd. Minnesota Minneapolis Minneapolis St. Paul Bank Shares Incorporated First Bank Stock Corporation Northwest Bancorporation Otto Bremer Company St. Joseph St. Louis The First National Bank of St. Joseph General Bancshares Corporation Montana Great Falls Bancorporation of Montana Financial Statistics * International * Reported gold reserves of central banks and governments 858 Gold production 859 Net gold purchases and gold stock of the United States 860 Estimated foreign gold reserves and dollar holdings 861 International capital transactions of the United States 862 U. S. balance of payments 871 Money rates in foreign countries 871 Foreign exchange rates 873 Guide to tabular presentation 794 Index to statistical tables 881 The figures on international capital transactions are collected by the F.R. Banks from reports made on Treasury foreign exchange forms collected by the F.R. Banks in accordance with Executive Orders No. 6560, dated Jan. 15, 1934, and No. 10033, dated Feb. 8, 1949, and Treasury regulations thereunder. Other data are com- piled largely from regularly published sources such as central bank statements and official statistical bulletins. For some of the series, back data are available in Banking and Monetary Statistics and its Supplements (see list of publications at end of the BULLETIN). 857 858 GOLD RESERVES JUNE 1963 GOLD RESERVES OF CENTRAL BANKS AND GOVERNMENTS (In millions of dollars) End of period 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962—Apr May June July Aug. . . . . . . . . Sent Oct Nov Dec . . . . 1963—Jan .. Feb Mar Apr End of period 1956 1957 1958 1959... I960 1961 Estimated total world r i Intl. Monetary Fund United States Estimated rest ofr world Argentina 38,075 38,765 39,445 40,195 40,505 41,105 1,692 1,180 1,332 2,407 2,439 2,077 22,058 22,857 20,582 19,507 17,804 16,947 14,325 14,730 17,530 18,280 20,260 22,080 224 126 60 56 104 190 107 126 162 154 147 162 71 103 194 292 293 303 2,099 2,106 2,110 2,136 2,155 2,175 2,179 2,190 2 194 16,519 16,458 16,527 16,182 16,139 16,081 16,026 16,014 16 057 114 114 102 78 74 71 68 64 61 170 174 177 180 182 184 186 187 190 H1,560 2 199 2,225 2,226 2,228 15 974 15,891 15,946 ^23,390 15,914 58 53 192 195 198 198 Cuba Denmark Dominican Republic 41,285 41,250 41 430 136 136 80 50 1 1962—Apr May. July Aug Sept Oct . Nov Dec 1963—Jan .. Feb Mar Apr End of period 23 180 Ecuador El Salvador Finland Congo, Rep. of the 46 40 40 43 45 48 57 62 72 71 78 88 122 81 83 42 30 963 913 669 674 683 689 695 702 708 46 45 45 44 44 43 43 43 43 91 92 93 93 94 83 84 64 57 714 725 732 739 43 42 42 42 58 58 59 Canada 925 915 1,270 1,134 1,170 1,248 324 324 325 327 287 285 1,103 1,100 1,078 960 885 946 363 363 363 419 419 419 429 439 454 1,315 1,318 1,335 1,335 1,342 1,341 1,341 1,340 I 365 285 286 286 286 286 286 286 286 454 469 484 494 1,372 1,372 I 362 ^64 France Germany, Fed. Rep. of Greece Guatemala Chile India Indonesia Iran 28 31 31 30 30 18 35 35 35 38 41 47 924 581 750 1,290 1,641 2,121 1,494 2,542 2,639 2,637 2 971 3,664 10 13 17 26 76 87 27 27 27 24 24 24 247 247 247 247 247 247 45 39 37 33 58 43 138 138 141 140 130 130 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 62 62 62 62 62 61 61 61 61 2,207 2,235 2,270 2,417 2,450 2,481 2,513 2,545 2 587 3,666 3,667 3,667 3,667 3,667 3,668 3,669 3,669 3 679 86 89 96 92 86 86 81 77 77 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 247 43 44 44 44 44 44 44 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 31 31 31 31 3 3 3 3 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 61 61 61 61 2 626 2,673 2,709 2,743 3,694 3,727 3,749 3,749 77 77 77 24 247 247 247 247 Italy Lebanon Mexico NetherNew lands Zealand Norway Pakistan Peru 129 129 129 Philippines Portugal South Africa 50 45 43 30 30 30 49 49 49 50 52 53 35 28 19 28 42 47 22 6 10 9 15 27 448 461 493 548 552 443 224 217 211 238 178 298 1,581 1,581 1,581 1,581 1,581 1,581 1,581 1,581 1 581 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 446 447 454 455 467 469 469 471 471 386 407 432 446 468 488 501 509 499 1 581 1,581 1,581 1,581 30 30 30 30 53 53 53 53 47 47 47 471 476 486 505 551 571 18 18 18 18 18 18 338 452 1,086 1 749 2,203 2 225 77 91 91 102 119 140 167 180 143 142 137 112 844 744 1,050 1,132 1,451 1,581 1962—Apr May June July Aug Seot Oct Nov Dec 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2,234 2 240 2,242 2,244 2 244 2,241 2,239 2 237 2 243 140 140 151 172 172 172 172 172 172 109 107 106 106 98 97 95 95 95 18 18 18 18 2 254 2,284 2 286 2,286 172 172 172 172 95 Colombia Brazil 22 22 22 20 20 19 14 20 34 84 98 84 For notes see end of table. Belgium 11 11 11 10 10 3 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr.... Austria 31 31 31 31 31 31 Ireland, Rep. of Iraq 22,650 Australia 33 33 33 34 35 1 859 GOLD RESERVES AND PRODUCTION JUNE 1963 GOLD RESERVES OF CENTRAL BANKS AND GOVERNMENTS—Continued (In millions of dollars) End of period lysd 19^7 19*58 1959 1960 1961 Spain Sweden Switzerland 132 266 101 57 219 204 68 191 178 316 170 180 1962—Apr May June July 376 400 181 181 409 429 182 182 Aug 429 181 Sept Oct 428 438 181 181 Nov 437 181 J963 Dec 446 181 Jan 475 181 Feb Mar 495 514 533 181 181 181 Apr Thailand Syria 1,664 1,706 1,925 1,934 2,185 2,560 2,424 2,409 2,409 2,459 2 459 2,453 2,452 2 421 2,667 Turkey U.A.R. (Egypt) United Kingdom 1,772 1,554 2,808 2,514 2,800 2,268 19 112 144 188 24 24 112 112 144 144 188 174 19 104 133 174 19 19 104 104 134 139 174 174 19 19 104 104 140 140 174 174 19 19 104 104 140 140 174 174 19 104 140 174 19 19 104 104 140 140 174 174 19 19 104 140 174 104 140 174 104 140 174 104 104 120 140 140 174 174 174 2,455 2 460 2 461 2,453 1 Includes reported or estimated gold holdings of international and regional organizations, central banks and govts. of countries listed in this table and also of a number not shown separately here, and gold to be distributed by the Tripartite Ccnrnissicn for the Restitution of Monetary Gold; excludes holdings of the U.S.S.R., other Eastern European countries, and China Mainland. The figures included for the Bank for International Settlements are the Bank's gold assets net of gold deposit liabilities. This procedure avoids the overstatement of total world gold reserves since most of the gold deposited with the BIS is included in the gold reserves of individual countries. Venezuela Uruguay 2,618 2,517 2,582 2 447 Yugoslavia Bank for Intl. Settle-2 ments EPUEF3 59 268 24 —42 -134 -19 115 254 126 186 603 18 180 180 719 719 14 17 180 652 10 180 180 401 401 4 6 180 180 401 401 6 6 180 180 401 401 162 165 203 209 180 401 6 3 3 210 3 3 200 172 180 180 401 401 180 401 4 180 401 4 180 401 116 180 401 401 401 107 132 40 55 56 46 62 151 -50 56 oo 41 2 Net gold assets of BIS, i.e., gold in bars and coins and other gold assets minus gold deposit liabilities. 3 European Payments Union through Dec. 1958 and European Fund thereafter. NOTE.—For back figures and description of the data in this and the following tables on gold (except production), see "Gold" Section 14, Supplement to Banking and Monetary Statistics. GOLD PRODUCTION (In millions of dollars at $35 per fine troy ounce) Africa Period 1956 1957 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 1962 World production 1 975.0 1,015.0 1,050.0 1,125.0 1,175.0 1,215.0 Mar Apr May June July Aus Sept Oct Nov Dec 1963 Jan Feb Mar . North and South America South Africa Rhodesia Ghana 556.2 596.2 618.0 702.2 748.4 803.1 892.7 18.8 18.8 19.4 19.8 19.6 20.1 19.4 22.3 27.7 29.8 32.0 31.3 29.2 72.9 72.3 74.0 75.2 76.3 76.6 76.1 78.1 78.5 74.7 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.6 2.5 2.4 2.6 2.8 2.6 1.6 1.7 1.6 2.6 2.6 2.7 78.0 76.5 79.4 1 6 1 6 Congo, United Rep. of the States Canada Mexico 65.3 63.0 61.6 57.2 58.8 54.8 153.4 155.2 158.8 156.9 161.1 156.6 145.5 12.3 12.1 11.6 11.0 10.5 9.4 8.3 3.5 3.0 3.4 3.1 4.0 12.8 12.4 12.3 11.8 11.9 12.0 11.7 12.5 12.1 11.7 1.1 .9 .6 .8 .6 11.7 11 .0 11.6 .8 13.1 13.1 12.3 12.2 11.1 8.1 3 2.1 31.8 3 1.8 2 7 1.7 1 Estimated; excludes U.S.S.R., other Eastern European countries, China Mainland, and North Korea. 2 Gold exports. 3 Quarterly data. 4.6 4.8 4.3 3.8 3.7 .8 .7 .5 .3 .4 Nicaragua 2 7.6 6.9 7.2 7.3 7.0 7.7 Other Brazil Colom- Ausbia tralia India 4.3 4 2 3.9 3.8 4 1 4.4 4.5 15.3 11 4 13.0 13.9 15 2 14.0 13.7 36.1 37 9 38.6 38.1 38 0 37.5 37.4 7.3 6 3 6.0 5.8 5 7 5.7 5.7 4 .3 4 .4 .4 1 2 1.2 1 2 .9 1 2 1 2 31 2.6 3 0 3.3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 2 3 0 5 .4 5 .5 55 4 .3 4 4 .3 1.1 1.2 1 0 .8 3.3 1 2 2 9 5 4 5 4 All other i 63.0 62 2 69.8 64.8 64 2 64.4 . . ... NOTE.—Estimated world production based on reports of the U. S. Bureau of Mines. Country data based on reports from individual countries and of the Bureau of Mines except Brazil, data for which are from American Bureau of Metal Statistics. For the United States, annual figures are from the Bureau of the Mint and monthly figures are from American* Bureau of Metal Statistics. 860 U.S. GOLD JUNE 1963 NET GOLD PURCHASES OR SALES BY THE UNITED STATES, BY COUNTRY (In millions of dollars at $35 per fine troy ounce) 1962 Area and country 1955 1956 1957 1958 Western Europe: -68 10 France 3 -34 Italy 25 —5 -8 100 Bank for Intl. Settlements Other Total 4 is -78 80 Latin American republics: Other Total 31 8 5 115 -1 28 75 Total in -143 -63 -456 -39 -28 -45 -17 -35 -96 -56 -30 -30 -214 -101 -101 -146 102 -387 -47 62 -181 -59 35 -150 -20 -45 -64 -20 50 8 -70 -12 -ii -15 * - 7 5 4 -1,105 -290 -337 -1 -141 -173 34 -30 -10 -249 23 100 -25 -114 -324 -550 -36 -96 -156 -125 -306 -23 -53 -827 -1,718 -144 190 67 -50 -2 —6 -20 -11 -90 -2 85 57 38 IV -399 I 107 15 -9 -79 -104 59 27 17 190 25 -1 60 -1 24 59 _ i 10 6 2 -22 -17 -5 14 -28 81 69 19 -100 -109 175 * 30 -5 18 -4 157 -28 -97 i -101 2 -93 -24 -5 * 18 -34 -186 -113 -101 -93 -24 -3 -5 -38 -6 -1 -1 2 -2 -998 -1,969 -970 -833 -291 -102 -434 -6 -96 -833 -291 -102 -434 -6 -96 14 80 3 200 Grand total H -200 29 -68 Total foreign countries I -83 -39 -266 20 -350 -32 -38 1963 1962 14 1 All other —349 -261 -20 32 -215 -900 -178 -21 1961 -30 65 -5 Asia: Other -84 -329 68 - 2 , 3 2 6 15 1960 1959 -68 280 172 - 2 , 2 9 4 3 300 -1,041 -1,669 1 Includes sales of $21 million to Lebanon and $48 million to Saudi Arabia. 2 Includes sales of $21 million to Burma, $32 million to Lebanon, and $13 million to Saudi Arabia. -4 9 83 -16 -41 -11 -16 -41 -11 * 16 15 600 772 - 2 , 2 9 4 -1 -8 -8 1 -1 150 -820 3 Proceeds from this sale invested by the IMF in U.S. Govt. securities; upon termination of the investment the IMF can reacquire the sane amount of gold from the United States. 4 Payment to the IMF of $344 million as increase in U.S. gold subscription less sale by the IMF of $300 million (see also note 3). U.S. GOLD STOCK AND HOLDINGS OF CONVERTIBLE FOREIGN CURRENCIES BY U.S. MONETARY AUTHORITIES (In millions of dollars) Changes in— End of period Gold stock i Year Total Total 2 Treasury 1951 1952 1953 1954 22,873 23,252 22,091 21,793 22,873 23,252 22,091 21,793 22,695 23,187 22,030 21,713 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 21,753 22,053 22,857 20,582 19,507 21,753 22,058 22,857 20,582 19,507 21,690 21,949 22,781 20,534 19,456 1960 1961 1962 17,804 17,063 16,156 17,804 16,947 16,057 17,767 16,889 15,978 Foreign currency holdings Total Total gold 53 379 -1,161 -298 116 99 Month Changes in— Gold stock i Total Total 2 53 1962—May... 379 June... -1,161 July. . . Aug.... -298 Sept.... Oct -40 -40 Nov.... 305 305 Dec 799 799 -2,275 -2,275 - 1 , 0 7 5 4-1,075 1963—Jan... . Feb.... -1,703 -1,703 Mar.... -741 -857 Apr.... -907 -890 May P . . 1 Includes gold sold to the United States by the International Monetary Fund with the right of repurchase, which amounted to $800 million on May 31, 1963. 2 Includes gold in Exchange Stabilization Fund. 3 For holdings of F.R. Banks only see pp. 802 and 804. End of period Foreign currency3 Treasury holdings Total Total gold 16,718 17,081 16,678 16,562 16,531 16,364 16,216 16,156 16,458 16,527 16,182 16,139 16,081 16,026 16,014 16,057 16,434 16,435 16,147 16,098 16,067 15,978 15,977 15,978 260 554 496 423 450 338 202 99 -44 363 -403 -116 -31 -167 -148 -60 -61 69 -345 -43 -58 -55 -12 43 16,102 16,023 16,078 16,046 16,010 15,974 15,891 15,946 15,914 15,855 15,928 15,878 15,878 15,877 15,798 128 132 132 132 155 -54 -79 55 -32 -36 -83 -83 55 -32 -59 4 Includes payment of $344 million as increase in U.S. gold subscription to the International Monetary Fund. NOTE.—See Table 8 on page 869 for gold held under earmark at F.R. Banks for foreign and international accounts. Gold under earmark is not included in the gold stock of the United States. See also NOTE to table on gold reserves. 861 GOLD RESERVES AND DOLLAR HOLDINGS JUNE 1963 HOLDINGS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS (In millions of dollars) Dec. 3 I, 1961 Gold& shortterm dollars Area and country Western Europe: Austria . Finland Pf ance . • 558 1,574 83 138 3,110 6,506 154 3,459 1.797 135 542 469 586 3,435 ... Italy Norway Portugal Sweden . . . Switzerland. Turkev United2 Kingdom Other . '4,495 '681 . '27,887 Mar. 3 1, 1962 U.S. Gold& Govt. shortbonds term & notes dollars 3 8 30 2 4 3 * 3 126 1 1 93 83 * 435 48 594 1,616 80 138 3,360 6,200 189 3,416 1,822 142 532 516 584 3,262 '4,896 '732 June 30, 1962 Gold& U.S. shortGovt. term bonds & notes dollars Sept. 30, 1962 Gold& U.S. Govt. shortbonds term & notes dollars '4,319 '665 2 91 1 1 102 86 * 418 47 1 93 83 * 370 48 2 93 1 1 92 83 2 85 1 1 123 83 388 46 '4,882 '671 440 46 3 3 * * 16 2 3 3 * Gold & U.S. shortGovt. term bonds dollars & notes i 789 1,555 96 140 4,123 6,224 243 3,385 1,809 160 633 704 673 3,273 162 4,640 563 744 1,511 78 135 3,643 6,467 187 3,533 1,857 142 610 588 639 3,290 2 29 2 3 3 U.S. Gold& U.S. shortGovt. Govt. term bonds bonds & notes dollars & notes » 783 1,539 98 134 3,744 6,409 196 3,627 1,829 155 632 623 671 3,575 165 4,199 540 640 1,593 83 133 3,664 6,289 206 3,429 1,888 131 584 568 607 3,360 8 29 Mar. 31 , 1963* Dec. 31, 1962 30 2 3 3 * 87 2 1 16 2 3 3 1 2 111 1 1 73 85 297 46 751 '28,891 820 '28,570 786 28,919 708 29,172 644 3,704 459 3,454 423 3,566 253 4,169 266 4,057 389 3,869 513 1 1 301 499 147 228 37 58 528 85 154 272 780 296 1 1 269 430 176 205 16 65 626 98 152 281 806 272 1 * 318 400 165 226 1 1 * * 6 1 310 511 176 252 38 76 609 87 137 259 765 329 1 1 5 407 492 160 228 40 82 615 82 137 255 801 270 1 1 Venezuela Other 425 513 153 235 44 70 607 87 131 237 819 223 Total 3,544 12 3,569 12 3,549 12 3,385 1 '126 155 2,210 1 '77 157 2,344 41 Total Latin American republics: Chile Cuba Guatemala Panama Republic of Asia: 840 '28,239 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 6 1 1 1 f, Indonesia Iran , Other Total All other: Australia South Africa H 4 R (Egypt) Other 119 161 3 1,976 212 368 1,168 • 45 137 165 2,152 195 410 1,211 3 4,329 56 4,591 52 260 330 * 39 268 415 190 '615 '1,488 * 1,406 '41,341 IRQ '618 '1,397 Total Total foreign countries 4 . . . . '340,861 International and regional 5 . Grand total 4 m 3 * 39 3 1 213 431 198 430 6 1 * 1 1 3 6 296 5 T * * 3 1 '4,762 52 *>^5 * '647 * 40 1 3 74 157 2,537 1,296 • 40 1,357 40 4,934 50 5,110 49 337 * 340 * 437 * 624 837 323 288 72 148 2,481 212 1 52 538 42 '1,569 39 '1,683 40 1,280 '42,210 1,176 '42,569 1,156 43,027 r 1 1 3 97 155 6 188 658 1,721 42 276 13, '4,635 * 39 * 1 3,598 41 * * * 4 691 13 1,263 281 16 94 4 3,396 1,204 471 • 12 • 41 * * * 39 218 471 592 193 655 • * * 38 39 1,780 38 1,199 43,529 1,257 '5,829 1,432 '6,457 1,275 '6,620 1,165 '7,127 993 7,350 911 7,217 966 '346,690 2,838 '47,798 2,555 '48,830 2,341 '49,696 2,149 50,377 2,110 50,746 2,223 1 Excludes nonmarketable U.S. Treasury bonds and notes held by official institutions of foreign countries as shown in Table 9 on page 869. 2 In addition to other Western European countries includes unpublished gold reserves of certain Western European countries; gold to be distributed by the Tripartite Commission for the Restitution of Monetary Gold; European Fund; and the Bank for International Settlements (the figures for the gold reserves of the BIS represent the Bank's net gold assets). 3 Total short-term dollars include $82 million reported by banks initially included as of Dec. 31, 1961, of which $81 million reported for Japan. * Excludes gold reserves of the U.S.S.R., other Eastern European countries, and China Mainland. 3 1 5 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Monetary Fund, International Finance Corporation, International Development Association, and other international organizations; Inter-American Development Bank, European Coal and Steel Community, European Investment Bank, and other Latin American and European regional organizations except the B.I.S. and E.F. (see note 3):. NOTE.—Gold and short-term dollars include reported and estimated4 official gold reserves, and official and private short-term dollar holdings, (principally deposits and U. S. Treasury bills and certificates); excludes, nonnegotiable, non-interest-bearing special U.S. notes held by the InterAmerican Development Bank and the International Development Association. U. S. Govt. bonds and notes are official and private holdings of U.S. Govt. securities with an original maturity of more than 1 year. See also NOTE to table on gold reserves. 862 INTL. CAPITAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE U.S. JUNE 1963 1. SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES TO FOREIGNERS REPORTED BY BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY COUNTRY (Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars) End of period Grand total International Foreign Europe and regional ! Official 2 Total Other Germany, Fed. Rep. of Kingdom Other (excl. regional) 3 Total (excl. regional) 3 Canada Latin America (excl. regonal) 5,081 5,496 3,903 5,253 7,708 8,473 9,046 10,322 2,019 2,198 2,439 2,758 2,403 2,408 2,307 2,341 2,205 2,780 3,115 52,974 279 373 353 386 Asia All Other 1958 1959 1960 1961 16,159 1,544 419,389 *3,158 21,272 4,012 522,533 3,752 14,615 8,665 16,231 9,154 17,260 10,212 518,781 10,940 5,950 7,076 7,048 57,841 1,755 1,987 3,476 2,842 1,667 2,227 1962—Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 23,408 23,536 24,072 23,623 24,158 24,524 25,211 25,196 '25,002 4,454 4,534 4,510 4,836 5,015 4,943 5,005 5,095 5,147 18,954 19,002 19,562 18,787 19,143 19,581 20,206 20,101 r 19,855 10,265 10,458 11,205 10,715 11,031 11,582 11,979 11,996 11,958 8,689 8,544 8,357 8,072 8,112 7,999 8,227 8,105 •7,897 2,518 2,509 2,622 2,543 2,592 2,799 2,823 2,770 2,730 2,469 2,399 2,264 1,853 1,846 1,802 1,853 1,893 1,617 5,382 5,566 5,713 5,195 5,259 5,429 5,563 5,627 10,369 10,474 10,599 9,591 9,697 10,030 10,239 10,290 '10,166 2,503 2,514 2,897 3,120 3,416 3,480 3,894 3,667 3,349 2,516 2,385 2,434 2,427 2,338 2,329 2,262 2,295 2,445 3,174 3,194 3,212 3,200 3,233 3,280 3,345 3,365 3,426 392 435 420 449 459 462 466 484 469 24,939 24,980 25,130 25,313 5,100 5,059 4,982 5,017 19,839 19,921 20,148 20,296 11,564 11,482 11,764 11,906 8,275 8,439 8,384 8,390 2,495 2,413 2,475 2,456 1,932 2.051 2,193 2.065 5,591 5,644 5,601 5.576 10,018 10,108 10,269 10.097 3,295 3,261 3,137 3,226 2,558 2,573 2,674 2,875 3,505 3,512 3,600 3,622 463 467 468 476 1963—Jan Feb Mar.P Apr.? 873 990 la. Other Europe End of period 1958 I959 I960 1961 1962 A or May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 1963 Jan Feb Mar P Apr v . . Total Aus(incl. regional)3 tria Belgium Denmark Finland France Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Portugal 339 130 95 163 5 081 5 496 3,903 5,253 411 331 243 255 115 138 142 326 169 137 54 52 69 71 46 91 532 655 519 989 126 186 63 67 1,370 877 I 234 485 328 216 5 382 5,566 5,713 5,224 5,292 5,464 5,597 5 661 ^5,853 229 293 49 74 1 161 ,445 ,394 ,046 104 185 141 103 110 1,147 1,187 1,095 1,244 1,292 1,310 1,296 1,384 247 259 307 339 258 276 103 117 112 5,621 5 670 5 629 5,594 238 277 293 258 291 316 325 204 184 170 44 52 47 319 305 190 195 55 69 329 174 67 177 189 56 44 320 317 305 276 70 71 60 52 68 70 74 73 72 r 73 ,272 .359 ,414 ,433 75 75 65 69 183 208 080 ,162 ,205 ,271 ,157 79 70 100 98 101 103 113 119 142 162 166 171 1,182 1,123 ,099 ,121 82 105 138 84 99 Spain Sweden 36 86 149 153 303 213 227 406 160 391 415 425 Switzerland 852 969 678 875 Other 3 Regional 6 715 622 411 385 259 243 109 115 98 108 130 132 137 141 156 154 151 165 458 483 885 837 290 309 248 125 161 177 490 908 407 29 33 35 34 34 34 232 216 120 134 167 161 476 507 861 813 327 335 30 26 130 131 157 159 184 209 228 285 123 101 153 159 176 144 160 808 342 830 951 322 291 425 463 458 913 832 837 259 264 274 190 169 492 480 812 751 Neth., PanAntilles ama, Reand pubSuri- lic of nam Peru Uruguay Venezuela Other 77 82 72 82 62 51 494 277 398 156 172 210 57 418 262 447 379 364 436 394 379 306 306 329 313 314 308 60 55 62 65 82 84 All 407 300 295 126 105 75 72 79 73 87 92 90 85 101 405 295 281 253 28 18 lb. Latin America End of period M 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 Total (incl. Argen- Brazil Chile regtina ional) 2 403 2 408 Oct Nov Dec 1963—Jan Feb Mar.? Apr.*3 Dominican Rep. 100 185 135 169 217 158 286 164 77 40 37 37 235 228 105 147 43 23 2,576 2 440 2,496 2 492 2,420 2,413 2 388 2,420 2,621 221 209 208 231 210 230 255 236 225 201 198 213 110 110 131 113 106 104 140 142 159 149 143 145 42 43 48 43 42 40 180 176 112 101 152 136 38 37 37 37 36 36 7 15 208 204 133 148 2,732 2,750 2,831 3,026 210 188 129 183 14 234 173 116 177 14 150 337 315 187 205 265 308 For notes see following page. Cuba 138 151 194 2,422 2,398 Apr May June July Aug Sept Colombia 192 198 123 117 167 163 15 15 15 15 35 44 42 35 39 41 47 El Sal- Guate- Mexico vador mala 26 28 24 22 42 37 44 46 418 442 397 495 79 88 72 146 129 123 89 87 84 29 34 35 36 33 31 25 21 22 57 55 52 42 37 34 517 491 503 474 454 431 437 492 531 97 90 87 96 93 94 90 91 87 87 87 85 92 90 90 96 104 107 84 87 103 103 35 45 47 49 47 558 589 596 639 97 96 105 90 455 315 95 102 103 95 413 317 33 33 41 61 70 75 92 95 97 95 94 98 97 103 108 110 96 91 436 505 325 361 Reglonal 115 57 125 176 175 177 158 151 JUNE 1963 863 INTL. CAPITAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE U.S. 1. SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES TO FOREIGNERS REPORTED BY BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY COUNTRY—Continued (Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars) lc. Asia and AH Other Asia End of period Total 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 Apr May July Sept Oct Nov Dec . . . . 3,174 3,194 3,212 3,200 3,233 3,280 3,345 3,365 3,426 3,505 3,512 3,600 3,622 1963 Jan Feb p Mar. Apr v Korea, Indo- Iran Israel Japan Re- PhilTaiippub- pines nesia wan lic of Hong India Kong 2,205 2,780 3,115 52,974 62 60 77 114 57 54 All other 56 78 108 139 178 76 58 62 70 54 88 80 56 60 60 49 39 39 82 79 83 57 63 62 65 46 49 51 41 33 39 26 28 62 46 30 61 61 66 45 49 40 30 30 33 935 145 ,785 148 887 152 ,672 199 43 47 22 31 56 87 75 63 23 18 26 32 37 28 27 22 19 78 76 76 76 89 81 74 81 81 ,812 181 ,855 174 906 164 ,903 160 94? 155 2,040 153 2,104 147 2,111 142 2,177 136 161 163 171 174 37 22 28 49 87 93 96 95 2,190 2,179 2,233 2,246 5 129 120 116 108 Congo, South U.A.R. Thai- Other Total Aus- Rep. land tralia of Africa (Egypt) Other the 176 172 99 94 133 141 371 494 279 373 79 110 30 31 30 49 124 162 84 186 217 353 16 20 203 29 264 258 98 34 22 182 92 386 32 185 88 32 15 207 173 184 90 85 314 323 287 283 392 435 96 97 262 269 250 104 122 126 s 17 25 209 231 327 327 327 420 449 459 43 42 80 78 76 75 326 326 324 333 275 275 299 297 174 79 348 181 180 176 81 88 92 361 367 368 179 169 169 85 86 82 462 466 484 469 131 155 158 147 323 463 142 339 352 348 467 468 476 137 142 149 37 37 41 35 31 38 35 39 36 45 47 42 43 39 19 22 13 12 13 17 14 221 232 234 237 225 228 234 36 36 32 32 40 13 232 41 41 40 16 19 19 237 234 236 1959 1960 1961 1962 19.7 34.4 35.8 63.1 2.5 9.4 21.0 38.0 1 4 23.5 14.8 111.6 3.5 5.0 68 3 10.9 6.9 34.8 13.8 1.8 9.6 5.0 36.2 6 3 10.6 14.2 18.4 1.9 4.2 14 6 15.3 6.5 34.6 20.2 1.6 27.1 4.6 52 3 4 4 10.1 14.6 24.9 3.2 2.6 7.9 12 6 4.9 35.7 n.a. 1.2 33.0 n.a. 65 9 12 6 15.9 n.a. 28.4 5.8 4.9 10 1 6 18 7 .4 20 3 17.6 57.8 2.0 6.8 .4 9 3 .9 16.8 5.6 64.3 2.2 35.1 .3 .8 1.6 8.4 3.9 3.5 1.9 2.8 .5 11 1 1.1 21.9 5.4 93.0 1.6 4.0 21 8 6.5 1.7 2.0 1 2 1 6 17 0 4.1 17 6 5.5 67.9 2.5 4 7 na 6.8 .6 2.4 na Id. Supplementary Data 8 (end of year) 1959 1960 1961 1962 1.2 .7 1.3 2.7 5.4 7.2 .5 1.0 1.0 5.1 2.7 12.6 1.2 .9 1.0 3.1 3.2 16.1 1.6 1.1 4.0 ,9 1.5 30.7 2.6 6.2 6.1 1.1 1.3 18.4 12.1 10.0 7.2 1.5 1.3 25.9 4.8 11.6 (10) 14.3 9 24 4 Bolivia . . . . . . . 32 6 British West Indies ** 18.9 Costa Rica 21.7 .5 French West Indies and French Guiana.. 10.5 Haiti 12.8 Honduras 47.2 21.7 23 1 11.3 19.8 27.3 .4 10.7 15.0 Area or country Other Europe: Hungary Iceland . Ireland, Republic of Luxembourg Monaco Poland 9 9 Rumania . Turkey 9 9 XJ S S R Other Latin America: 12.5 6.7 11.9 4.6 77.5 33.5 26 2 14.0 13.3 23.6 .5 9.9 14.8 1.8 17.3 4.9 (10) (10) (10) 11.0 4.3 9.8 .9 3.6 4.5 (10) Paraguay Trinidad and Tobago Other Asia: . (10) 1.1 5.6 2.9 10.8 8.9 1 7 1.6 25.2 2.6 10.5 Other Asia (Cont.): Cambodia China Mainland 9 Iraq Jordan Kuwait Laos Malaya.... Pakistan Ryukyu Islands (inci. Okinawa) Saudi Arabia Syria Viet-Nam 81.7 41.1 All other: 23 2 Algeria 9.0 Ethiopia incl. Eritrea 16.5 Ghana 36.3 Liberia 1.0 Libya . 10.5 Morocco (incl. Tangier) . . . . . 13.8 Mozambique . n.a. 14.8 Nigeria 5.7 Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Federation of... 3.1 Somali Republic Sudan 5.3 2.5 1 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Monetary Fund, International Finance Corporation, International Development Association, and other international organizations; Inter-American Development Bank, European Coal and Steel Community, European Investment Bank and other Latin American and European regional organizations, except Bank for International Settlements and European Fund which are included under "Other Europe". 2 Foreign central banks and foreign central governments and their agencies, and Bank for International Settlements and European Fund. 3 Includes Bank for International Settlements and European Fund. 4 Includes $1,031 million representing increase in U.S. dollar subscription to the IMF paid in June 1959. 5 Includes $82 million reported by banks initially included as of Dec. 31, 1961, of which $81 million reported for Japan. 67 Not shown separately until July 1962. Decline from Sept. reflects reclassification of deposits for changes in domicile over the past few years from Cuba to other countries. Area or country s 8 Except where noted, data based on reports by banks in the Second (N. Y.) F.R. District and are a partial breakdown of the amounts shown in 9the "other" categories in Tables la-lc. Based on reports by banks in all F.R. districts, i1 1o Included with British West Indies. Includes Bahamas, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago as indicated by note 10. NOTE.—Short-term liabilities are principally deposits (demand and time) and U.S. Govt. securities maturing in not more than 1 year from their date of issue; the latter, however, exclude nonnegotiable, noninterest-bearing special U.S. notes held by the International Development Association and the Inter-American Development Bank. For back figures and further description of the data in this and the following tables on international capital transactions of the United States, see "International Finance" Section 15, Supplement to Banking and Monetary Statistics. 864 INTL. CAPITAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE U.S. JUNE 1963 2. SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES TO FOREIGNERS REPORTED BY BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY TYPE (In millions of dollars) Payable in dollars To banks and official institutions End of period, or area and country To all other foreigners Payable in foreign currencies Total Total Deposits U.S. Treasury bills and 1 certificates Other 2 Total Deposits U.S. Treasury bills and certificates Other 2 Total amounts outstanding 1958 1959 I960 1961 19613 1962—Apr May July Aus Sept Oct Nov Dec 1963 Jan Feb Apr.* 16,159 19,389 21,272 22,450 22,533 13,669 16,913 18,929 19,944 20,025 6,772 6,341 7,568 8,644 8,707 5,823 9,245 9,960 9,751 9,751 1.075 1,328 ,401 1,549 1,567 23,408 23,536 24,072 23,623 24,158 24,524 25,211 25,196 r 25,002 20,749 20,873 21,219 20,890 21,371 21,739 22,409 22,425 r 22,291 9,155 8,852 8,696 8,376 8,289 8,206 8,495 8,437 r 8,528 10,011 10,409 10,973 11,020 11,645 12,082 12,463 12,465 12,226 1,583 ,612 1,550 1,494 1,437 1,451 1,451 ,523 1,537 2,358 2,478 2,496 2,676 2,553 2,541 2,531 2,520 2,559 2,568 1,977 2,040 2,052 2,209 2,087 2,066 2,057 24,939 24,980 25,130 25,313 22,209 22,173 22,315 22,439 8,858 8,957 8,932 8,924 11,760 11,597 11,731 11,856 ,591 ,619 ,652 ,659 2,566 2,657 2,672 2,759 2,430 2,398 2,230 2,356 1,951 1,833 1,849 1,976 306 295 148 149 149 174 270 233 231 232 59 77 113 150 150 2,050 2,049 2,091 140 100 107 112 109 100 108 130 116 298 344 360 354 366 374 362 380 361 181 167 177 180 246 254 282 212 143 2,071 2,102 2,107 2,187 123 144 143 146 372 411 422 426 164 150 143 116 1 * 4 * * * * 3 2 2 2 4 * * 4 8 4 17 2 * 24 * * * 57 51 294 50 * 1 1 Area and country detail, Feb. 28, 1963 Europe: Finland Germany, Fed. Rep. of Greece Italy Norway Portugal • Turkey United Kingdom Yugoslavia Other Regional Total Canada Latin America: Argentina Bolivia Chile Cuba Dominican Republic El Salvador Guatemala . Neth. Antilles and Surinam Panama Rep of Peru Urufiuav Venezuela Other Regional Total For notes see end of table. 1,359 1,308 231 107 28 50 213 2,413 162 1,123 216 134 2,366 147 1,098 196 104 323 80 224 94 57 317 189 44 75 Belgium 316 155 35 73 6 8 1 5 91 2 33 8 2 49 2 28 8 2 44 27 316 35 136 10 20 40 15 25 16 30 34 15 23 11 28 5 46 46 59 369 184 2 12 205 32 12 112 29 10 72 51 78 40 5 18 1,004 1,727 33 739 91 161 115 111 209 507 813 178 495 644 116 114 255 36 34 34 2,051 13 285 1,509 12 269 217 26 26 1,241 10 58 10,134 9,081 3,364 4,689 3,261 3,002 1,678 1,312 234 23 173 116 177 14 119 5 89 34 84 1 89 5 77 34 81 28 39 45 61 589 19 30 46 382 95 2 2 2 1 1 * * j * * 492 1 14 148 1 13 1,027 930 515 79 336 123 12 243 174 53 16 16 115 18 84 82 93 13 112 18 83 81 90 13 t 2 1 * 12 1 1 4 * 2 2 2 * * * * * * 18 11 21 217 1 5 7 81 20 15 15 207 20 14 15 203 * 14 19 84 * 2 * 2 * 3 41 23 14 4 55 33 2 19 * 102 103 95 413 293 177 20 35 39 177 164 177 19 35 33 177 140 26 1 6 18 6 * 18 133 82 67 57 235 126 73 66 52 234 113 1 * 1 * 6 8 1 4 2 7 * * * 3 2,750 1,462 1,007 185 271 1,284 1,218 12 54 4 98 2 114 6 20 * 865 INTL. CAPITAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE U.S. JUNE 1963 2. SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES TO FOREIGNERS REPORTED BY BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY TYFE-Continued (In millions of dollars) Payable in dollars To banks and official institutions Area and country l To all other foreigners Payable in foreign currencies Total Total Deposits U.S. Treasury bills and certificates Other 2 Total Deposits U.S. Treasury bills and certificates Other 2 Area and country detai1, Feb. 28, 1963—Cont. Asia: Hong Kong India.... [srael Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . Korea Rep of. Taiwan . . . Other Total All other: Australia. Congo Rep of the South Africa U A R (Egypt) Other Total Total foreign countries. International • •••• • Grand total 61 45 30 22 93 32 38 28 15 85 27 25 19 11 54 8 9 4 7 2,179 2,156 1,219 763 120 181 81 361 338 119 156 73 358 292 117 144 63 168 229 3,512 3,352 137 36 41 16 238 5 5 * * 24 29 7 2 8 8 28 7 2 8 6 • 23 1 25 8 3 45 23 1 25 8 3 45 * 185 26 174 3 10 10 6 37 2,074 1,003 275 159 155 130 49 70 11 4 4 * 35 38 15 202 35 33 11 155 2 * i 5 * 3 33 1 14 1 2 * 34 * * 1 * * * 1 * * * * * * 3 1 3 1 * 2 1 33 6 467 420 283 110 27 41 40 20,124 17,317 8,406 7,299 1,612 2,657 2,102 144 410 * 150 2,102 144 411 150 4,856 4,856 551 4 4,298 7 * 24,980 22,173 8,957 4 11,597 1,619 2,657 1 Includes nonnegotiable, non-interest-bearing special U.S. notes held by the International Monetary Fund, which amounted to $2,981 million on Apr. 30, 1963; excludes such notes held by the International Development Association and the Inter-American Development Bank, which amounted to $276 million on Apr. 30. 2 Principally bankers' acceptances and commercial paper. 3 These figures reflect the inclusion of data for banks initially included as 4of Dec. 31, 1961. Includes $2,980 million of nonnegotiable, non-interest-bearing special U.S. notes held by the International Monetary Fund. 3. SHORT-TERM CLAIMS ON FOREIGNERS REPORTED BY BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY COUNTRY (Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars) Europe End of period 1958 1959 I960 1961 . . 1962—Apr May July Sept Oct Nov Dec 1963—Jan Feb Mar.» Apr.p Total GerFrance many, Fed. Rep. of 2,542 2,623 3,614 14,804 102 57 77 54 32 82 165 r 4,959 r 4,943 r 4,880 r 4,877 r 47 55 55 51 42 43 4,833 '4,811 r 4,955 '4,866 '5,100 4,886 5,003 5,050 5,234 42 48 62 68 56 56 58 67 161 139 129 137 139 135 144 139 186 134 144 161 145 i Includes $58 million reported by banks initially included as of Dec. 31, 1961, of which $52 million reported for Japan. MOTE.—Short-term claims are principally the following items payable on demand or with a contractual maturity of not more than 1 year: loans n a d e to and acceptances made for foreigners; drafts drawn against Latin America 696 534 717 767 243 272 421 1.099 1.175 1,356 1,522 667 686 693 703 709 726 765 741 519 457 436 451 430 443 547 489 '879 752 795 830 856 United Kingdom Other Total 36 30 34 35 42 38 60 105 124 121 245 181 315 234 264 239 41 37 68 68 68 67 208 228 254 244 254 276 251 222 271 255 284 279 316 Italy 45 43 54 75 64 75 142 159 151 161 166 163 202 211 r 225 51 69 61 69 72 67 71 184 175 200 66 193 36 43 39 41 r Canada Switzerland 69 68 539 Asia All other 69 56 69 85 435 586 1,052 11,891 '2,134 '2,114 r 2 089 '2,060 r 2,046 r l,982 r l,985 '1,940 446 1,538 1,583 1,546 1.540 ,522 ,521 1,524 ,563 1.618 2,012 133 146 449 473 455 485 1,587 1,620 1,583 1,600 1,967 1,974 2,040 2,152 131 140 142 r 101 103 116 124 127 138 135 141 foreigners where collection is being made by banks and bankers for their own account or for account of their customers in the United Stales; and foreign currency balances held abroad by banks and bankers and their custorrers in the United States. Excludes convertible currencies held by U. S. monetary authorities. See also NOTE to Table 1 866 INTL. CAPITAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE U.S. JUNE 1963 3. SHORT-TERM CLAIMS ON FOREIGNERS REPORTED BY BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY COUNTRY—Continued (Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars) 3a. Other Europe Netherlands Norway Portugal 7 5 6 6 56 38 33 54 22 7 17 27 24 26 27 28 28 28 31 32 30 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 6 58 62 59 57 55 60 49 24 27 35 39 39 41 6 6 6 9 26 36 29 33 Total Austria Belgium Denmark Finland 1958 1959 I960 1961 315 234 264 239 7 4 2 5 65 56 65 20 14 18 13 11 6 8 9 23 1962 Apr May 208 228 254 244 254 276 252 222 271 5 6 5 7 6 7 7 7 7 15 18 18 19 19 15 16 21 31 7 9 11 11 11 12 10 10 14 255 284 279 316 7 8 8 8 19 28 24 28 9 13 13 15 End of period July Scot Oct Nov Dec 1963 Jan Feb Mar P Apr.P Greece Spain Sweden Turkey 2 2 4 5 30 8 8 11 24 19 28 35 72 47 49 16 1 3 11 9 9 18 19 17 21 23 24 26 27 28 27 28 35 5 5 7 8 9 11 8 9 9 13 16 12 12 18 22 24 23 19 17 19 20 16 17 16 15 18 18 13 13 37 27 31 41 24 12 42 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 21 22 23 22 22 25 29 26 27 34 35 32 33 9 10 11 13 19 23 25 32 16 19 22 23 42 36 32 40 6 6 9 12 27 24 29 29 Yugoslavia Other 3b. Latin America Brazil Chile Cuba Dominican Rep. 3 3 4 6 148 117 225 186 52 59 73 127 51 68 80 125 166 115 26 19 19 29 16 13 10 15 22 17 12 10 14 20 293 291 343 425 6 4 8 13 1,538 203 204 1,546 189 ,540 177 1,522 164 1,521 183 ,5?4 169 1,563 182 1,618 181 5 5 6 6 8 4 4 5 6 161 173 200 199 191 196 188 180 171 121 139 154 164 158 161 174 174 188 156 163 143 147 138 137 151 138 131 18 17 17 18 17 17 17 17 17 12 14 15 15 15 14 13 19 25 16 10 11 12 11 10 12 12 16 18 17 13 14 14 16 17 18 19 434 428 409 393 397 369 376 400 418 156 4 4 4 5 187 170 162 153 153 129 149 146 139 17 17 17 17 24 25 26 28 18 21 19 10 20 20 18 18 427 432 423 413 1958 1959 I960 1961 1.099 40 1,175 60 1 ^ 5 6 121 1,522 192 1962 Apr May June . . . . . . . . . July Aug ....... Sept Oct. Nov Dec 1963 Jan Feb Mar.P Apr.P ,587 ,620 1,583 ,600 End of period Neth. PanAntilles ama, Reand pubSuri- lic of nam Colombia BoTotal Argentina livia 161 161 170 179 178 196 El Sal- Guate- Mexico vador mala Peru Uruguay 23 18 23 32 31 36 44 74 52 47 57 55 142 247 234 144 53 57 66 74 9 9 7 7 10 11 10 7 9 52 59 41 37 36 36 32 32 30 74 80 81 83 86 86 87 84 85 61 61 68 63 80 89 99 107 122 132 131 122 125 122 115 94 104 102 66 73 70 80 75 77 81 84 98 10 10 9 10 33 38 40 34 89 114 123 113 121 100 104 98 100 89 92 91 96 84 87 92 Vene- Other zuela 3c. Asia and All Other Asia End of period Total 1958 1959 I960 1961, 1962 Apr May June . . « . . . • JU1y Scot Oct Nov Dec 1963—Jan Feb Mar.* Apr.* Hong India Kong Iran Israel Japan Phil- Taiippines wan Thai- Other Total land Australia Congo, Rep. of the South Africa U.A.R. (Egypt) Other 435 586 1,052 11,891 6 10 9 9 4 6 9 8 27 29 33 31 23 14 24 36 179 324 806 U,528 67 24 19 114 6 9 7 10 13 15 24 34 111 155 121 121 69 56 69 85 13 18 28 29 4 3 3 6 21 12 11 10 3 2 3 13 29 21 24 27 r 2,134 r 2,114 r 2 089 r 5 2,060 '2.046 r ,982 1,985 r 1,940 !,012 12 11 11 11 11 13 13 13 13 13 12 14 14 14 18 18 18 20 30 32 24 24 25 23 21 23 25 39 43 39 38 37 36 37 34 37 '1.775 r l,762 r l,758 r l 765 r } l,767 r l,711 r l,710 r 1.662 1,733 108 107 91 76 69 69 70 77 70 9 7 7 6 6 8 9 8 9 33 30 30 30 33 30 32 33 41 115 109 114 95 83 74 74 73 64 101 103 116 124 127 138 135 132 146 33 33 35 34 40 46 45 44 41 4 4 4 2 4 4 2 2 2 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 10 21 22 24 26 23 25 23 25 26 32 33 42 50 48 51 54 49 67 ,967 1.974 21040 2,152 14 14 14 14 17 20 24 22 23 21 19 19 35 38 37 33 1,693 1,685 1,744 1,867 75 80 81 73 11 13 14 15 43 43 40 40 56 60 67 70 131 140 143 141 38 39 44 44 2 1 2 2 9 12 13 13 21 21 19 17 61 66 65 64 For notes so* preceding page. All other JUNE 1963 TNTL. CAPITAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE U.S. 867 4. CLAIMS ON FOREIGNERS REPORTED BY BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY TYPE (In millions of dollars) Short-term Payable in dollars End of period, or area and country Longterm— total i Payable in foreign currencies Loans to— Total Total Banks and official institutions Others Collections outstanding Other Total Deposits with foreigners Other Total amounts outstanding 1958.. 1959.. I960.. 1961.. 19612. 1,362 1,545 1,698 2,034 2,034 2,542 2.623 3,614 4.746 4,804 2,344 2,406 3,135 4,160 4,217 840 848 815 ,028 ,038 428 460 482 618 622 421 516 605 694 700 656 582 ,233 ,821 ,857 198 217 480 586 586 181 203 242 385 386 16 15 238 200 200 1962—Apr.. May. June. July. Aug.. Sept.. Oct.. Nov.. Dec. 2,100 2.094 2,189 2,209 2,200 2,184 2,131 2,144 2,151 '4.959 '"4,943 r 4.880 '4.877 '4;833 '4,811 M.955 '•4.866 '5,100 '4,497 '4,430 '4,399 '4,387 '4,370 r 4,318 r4,33O '4,294 '4,556 ,261 ,327 ,338 ,304 ,274 ,277 ,243 ,195 .312 '685 '575 '545 '560 '605 '593 '632 '644 651 730 717 703 701 698 690 706 718 739 ,811 ,813 ,822 ,793 ,759 ,749 ,736 ,855 462 513 481 490 463 493 625 572 544 278 296 316 311 304 312 419 364 371 184 217 165 179 159 181 207 208 173 1963-Jan.. Feb.. 2,139 2,112 2.116 2; 164 4,886 5,003 5,050 5,234 '4,376 4,470 4,488 4,655 ,167 ,146 ,108 ,061 689 740 775 802 ,861 ,912 ,933 2.106 '510 534 562 579 '347 359 375 383 163 175 187 196 Apr.*.. 658 672 672 686 I Area and country detail, Feb. 28, 1963 Europe: Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France 66 12 15 14 24 28 13 39 56 7 19 12 38 46 82 13 44 1 206 144 6 69 36 35 120 6 65 25 35 32 Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey 28 10 39 16 10 23 19 67 36 10 22 15 43 36 4 5 2 11 33 14 * 3 6 10 3 United Kingdom Yugoslavia Other 25 1 5 175 7 25 68 7 25 23 4 2 7 16 'ii* Germany, Fed. Rep. of... Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Total 9 28 9 5 6 9 11 3 2 16 31 5 16 17 6 36 15 10 10 24 * 4 11 1 3 11 1 1 4 25 1 4 18 21 2 107 93 30 31 1 25 3 5 7 15 599 795 599 157 93 202 196 170 26 Canada 279 473 291 19 150 114 182 55 127 Latin America: Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Cuba 60 * 257 42 161 4 179 162 149 17 136 4 115 162 148 17 22 * 34 32 42 28 * 53 26 36 1 45 3 23 25 23 16 41 1 5 78 47 25 25 21 20 432 25 21 20 423 4 150 110 11 6 7 35 9 13 8 128 10 10 Dominican Republic El Salvador Guatemala Mexico Netherlands Antilles and Surinam 12 220 Panama, Rep. of Peru Uruguay Venezuela Other 21 14 2 101 71 38 84 123 104 92 38 84 123 102 92 12 9 10 14 13 14 12 4 21 23 5 27 7 52 31 7 37 102 16 25 872 1,620 1,519 348 336 318 517 Total For notes see end of table. 25 64 "64* 101 91 10 868 INTL. CAPITAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE U.S. JUNE 1963 4. CLAIMS ON FOREIGNERS REPORTED BY BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY TYPE—Continued (In millions of dollars) Short-term Payable in foreign currencies Payable in dollars Longterm— total i Area and country Loans to— Total Total Banks and official institutions Others Collections outstanding Other Total Deposits with foreigners Other Area and country detail, Feb. 28, 1963—Cont. Asia: Hong Kong India Indonesia ... . .. Israel Korea Rep of Philippines Taiwan Thailand . Other 3 14 14 20 9 25 21 38 74 * 71 * 1,685 10 80 13 43 51 16 Total All other: Australia Congo Rep of the South Africa U A R (EevoO Other Total Total foreign countries. 14 19 * 21 6 5 3 1 4 7 1 6 3 6 * 5 15 4 2 23 1,646 10 80 13 43 51 479 39 58 2 14 23 7 * * 2 156 8 4 3 6 19 973 2 11 8 22 7 38 214 1,974 1,935 43 24 24 2 56 39 1 12 21 66 28 1 11 21 65 597 * * * 39 39 * * * * * * 57 227 1,054 40 40 * 4 12 1 9 1 17 9 12 2 10 1 * 1 14 1 * * 1 3 11 534 359 175 149 140 126 25 37 40 * 12 3 24 2,112 5,003 4,470 1,146 672 740 1,912 1 8 14 * * * 31 * 2 These figures reflect the inclusion of data for banks initially included as of Dec. 31, 1961. l Mainly loans with an original maturity of more than 1 year. 5. PURCHASES AND SALES BY FOREIGNERS OF LONG-TERM SECURITIES, BY TYPE (In millions of dollars) U S. corporate securities 2 U.S. Govt. bonds & notes Net purchases or sales Period Purchases Purchases Sales Total 1959 1960 1961 1962 1962—Apr May June July Aug Sent Oct Nov Dec 1963 Jan Feb Mar.** Apr.*3 .. . 1,217 1,730 1,744 1,780 1,603 1,231 2,508 104 142 115 146 141 299 136 119 135 327 347 334 77 110 -34 251 167 319 105 218 123 475 58 90 176 437 46 528 Intl. and Foreign regional countries 524 -98 -20 -207 2,593 2,419 3,384 2,568 -67 62 -198 32 14 -74 -23 -24 — 63 -16 33 -13 -40 -48 7 85 233 286 245 168 160 125 155 210 r 195 127 -53 38 12 21 -6 39 7 106 -47 -1 5 214 183 177 273 689 127 512 165 225 532 -728 -521 -37 -13 -93 -5 -156 -21 26 -211 -8 n 1 Excludes nonmarketable U.S. Treasury bonds and notes held by official institutions of foreign countries; see Table 9. 2 Includes small amounts of State and local govt. securities. Sales Net pur- Purchases or chases sales 435 252 223 60 1,093 1,458 1,445 1,262 2,037 211 260 309 200 22 26 -64 -32 79 125 56 64 114 301 136 89 156 140 4 -15 50 44 65 100 160 r e 946 883 802 Foreign stocks Net pur- PurSales chases or chases sales 3,161 2,508 2,158 2,167 r Foreign bonds 251 419 198 211 12 -16 70 60 201 216 202 190 176 235 12 -7 * 38 56 61 84 119 314 214 171 179 -512 -562 -460 -944 566 509 596 702 -35 57 79 70 48 -176 -80 -24 -15 -57 -168 -131 -157 -258 -153 -87 -60 48 44 58 Net purSales chases or sales r r 804 592 966 806 68 79 110 r r 38 64 39 41 69 61 48 61 58 50 60 66 59 59 72 73 -238 -83 r -370 -104 -10 r - 4r 0 10 -16 r 4 17 22 —1 -9 -12 -7 NOTE.—Statistics include transactions of international organizations. See also NOTE to Table 1. 869 INTL. CAPITAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE U.S. JUNE 1963 6. NET PURCHASES OR SALES BY FOREIGNERS OF U.S. CORPORATE SECURITIES, BY TYPE OF SECURITY AND BY COUNTRY (In millions of dollars) Country or area Type of security Total i Period 1959 I960 1961 1962 1962 Apr May June J U ly Aue Sept Oct Nov Dec 1963 1 . Jan Feb Mar Apr ... . . p v Stocks Bonds 435 252 223 60 363 202 323 111 73 50 -99 -51 22 26 -64 -32 4 — 15 -5 12 -16 21 28 -65 -18 4 1 -2 1 -13 * —6 -2 -8 -12 12 -7 * 38 3 -9 * 37 Q -4 21 4 Belgium France 5 5 Netherlands Switzerland United Kingdom Other Europe Total Europe Canada Latin America 31 1 20 6 254 171 166 129 15 -48 -17 -33 379 234 232 124 -30 — 45 -112 -43 40 36 44 '-20 18 —1 -2 15 13 -29 -28 -13 -5 9 -1 -3 34 43 -36 -23 -2 -10 -7 6 -15 -6 1 -14 -13 1 —4 2 * 2 2 -10 —4 * -2 1 * -3 '-5 -8 -6 6 13 35 66 38 '22 * 2 1 —1 2 -3 -2 2 '-3 4 -2 3 33 1 -7 -3 -5 1 * 7 1 1 7 40 38 4 21 4 4 2 -2 1 -2 —1 1 -2 * * * * -1 6 * i -1 -1 9 2 -1 -1 1 -I -5 -1 -1 — 15 '-11 -1 -10 _2 -4 1 6 10 i -2 46 28 58 * —8 -9 4 8 —1 * 10 2 3 NOTE.—Statistics include small amounts of State and local govt. securities. Includes transactions of international organizations. 7. NET PURCHASES OR SALES BY FOREIGNERS OF LONG-TERM FOREIGN SECURITIES, BY AREA 8. DEPOSITS, U.S. GOVT. SECURITIES, AND GOLD HELD AT F.R. BANKS FOR FOREIGNERS (In millions of dollars) (In millions of dollars) Total foreign countries Europe -157 -147 1 -235 -593 -498 -832 '-814 -50 -117 -262 '-188 -443 -196 -318 '-360 11 -107 -58 -41 -97 -41 -121 -175 -15 -36 -73 -50 1962—Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec -21 -11 * 1 4 9 __4 -10 -78 -24 -165 '-119 '-16 -35 -61 r_147 -99 -78 -23 -22 '-68 '2 -32 8 29 4 2 1 -91 -31 8 2 -14 '-126 -95 '-45 1 -3 -18 * # 2 -19 * -7 -3 -26 -5 -1 -5 -57 -6 -10 -36 1 -23 3 -26 1 * -24 2 7 1963—Jan Feb Mar.p Apr.? 6 -29 -62 -35 -224 -167 -69 -5 -3 34 -42 37 -197 -96 -11 -12 -3 1 -12 -34 -19 -13 * 2 -30 Period 1959 1960 1961 1962 Intl. and regional Canada • Latin America All other Asia (In millions of dollars) Payable in foreign currencies End of period Total 1962 Dec 251 1963 Jan 381 Austria Belgium Germany Italy Payable in dollars Switzer- Total land 200 51 200 81 Canada Italy Feb 481 100 200 200 81 183 183 125 125 58 58 Mar Apr May 481 551 200 200 200 200 81 126 183 183 125 125 58 58 200 200 150 183 125 58 605 25 25 30 Assets in custody End of period Deposits U.S. Govt. securitiesx Earmarked gold 1958 1959 I960 1961 272 345 217 279 3,695 4,477 5^726 6,006 8,538 9,861 11\843 11^905 1962—May.. June.. July... Aug... Sept... Oct.... Nov... Dec... 223 334 248 168 229 182 202 247 5,754 6,228 6,026 6,407 6,767 7,137 7,132 6,990 12,308 12,368 12,678 12,689 12,687 12,706 12,680 12,700 1963—Jan.... Feb... Mar... Apr... May.. 197 192 201 160 171 7,033 7,079 7,277 7,478 7,886 12,789 12,836 12,789 12,815 12,878 1 U.S. Treasury bills, certificates of indebtedness, notes, and bonds; includes securities payable in foreign currencies. 9. NONMARKETABLE U.S. TREASURY BONDS AND NOTES HELD BY OFFICIAL INSTITUTIONS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES 4 3 11 43 All other i NOTE.—Excludes deposits and U.S. Govt. securities held for international organizations. Earmarked gold is gold held for foreign and international accounts (for back figures, see "Gold" Section 14, Supplement to Bank ing and Monetary Statistics). 870 INTL. CAPITAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE U.S. JUNE 1963 10. SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES TO AND CLAIMS ON FOREIGNERS REPORTED BY NONFINANCIAL CONCERNS (End of period; in millions of dollars) Liabilities to foreigners Claims on foreigners 6th revised ser.i 5th revised ser. * Area and country 1962 1962 I Europe: Austria .. . Denmark Finland . Germany Fed Rep of Greece Italy Norway Portusal Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom. Yugoslavia Other . ..... IV* Canada Latin America: Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Cuba Venezuela Other Total Asia: Hong Kong 2 21 3 1 32 2 21 3 1 32 3 26 6 2 46 4 22 7 2 37 5 25 8 3 43 4 27 6 4 49 6 24 8 3 51 6 24 8 3 51 30 2 24 43 8 32 2 22 41 8 34 2 25 41 8 38 3 27 27 9 33 1 28 26 10 33 28 26 10 101 3 51 35 10 118 4 60 43 12 130 4 67 47 12 106 6 62 37 13 116 5 75 31 15 117 5 78 31 15 1 10 8 25 8 7 15 1 8 7 18 1 11 7 25 1 9 7 24 7 12 21 28 5 7 14 22 24 4 165 2 5 7 16 23 27 5 6 20 15 29 178 2| 7 6 15 25 34 6 94S 2 6 227 3 7 6 20 15 29 4 238 3 7 661 117 \ 122 6 3 115 4 2 93 4 2 350 323 341 341 301 302 8 560 552 609 654 645 45 47 58 67 80 81 687 679 723 824 732 6 1 27 8 1 25 9 I 26 9 2 23 9 2 17 9 2 17 36 3 60 34 3 59 36 4 68 32 4 90 33 4 106 34 4 106 4 5 5 4 4 21 21 24 25 25 25 2 2 1 * 16 6 17 6 15 6 2 2 1 6 5 4 3 5 41 3 4 3 6 52 3 4 3 6 53 2 6 1 6 5 13 5 3 3 5 42 2 14 6 1 4 * 2 6 52 6 15 6 6 4 6 53 6 25 8 1 23 25 8 1 24 9 14 4 46 10 12 4 38 11 14 51 10 23 5 20 20 28 31 44 39 38 43 13 20 6 33 13 20 6 33 126 127 295 288 336 362 379 383 1 * 8 12 4 6 8 8 1 7 5 27 6 3 19 15 4 2 19 15 5 2 21 18 3 5 19 8 8 9 16 126 105 112 118 44 45 11 4 3 3 4 4 4 15 24 40 34 2 6 3 8 29 2 6 3 7 3 6 3 7 35 2 6 2 2 11 10 14 12 10 10 66 1 48 3 52 3 100 2 96 3 101 3 112 3 119 4 123 4 5 17 5 * 3 15 3 * 4 12 3 * 4 12 5 3 3 22 9 4 3 31 11 5 3 33 10 3 4 30 10 3 5 26 11 3 5 26 98 107 111 92 96 176 192 223 215 226 231 13 * 11 2 15 13 * 12 1 16 13 14 * 121 12 11 * 121 13 11 * 121 13 25 3 8 15 14 23 2 9 15 17 25 3 10 17 22 24 14 1 18 10 13 27 24 3 10 10 25 24 3 10 10 26 42 43 46 40 37 37 64 66 77 76 73 73 1 * * * * * 678 636 642 1,783 1,777 1,969 2 2 2 4 8 10 2 5 2 7 2 6 Israel 3 1 1 68 * 57 * 9 1 3 11 4 * 5 16 59 * 5 115 South Africa U A R (Eevot> Other Total International 677 616 665 1 Includes data for a number of firms reporting for the first time on June 30,1962 (5th revised series) and on Dec. 31, 1962 (6th revised series). NOTE.—Reported by exporters, importers, and industrial and com- 2 194 11 3 Total 1 9 7 24 4 94 4 120 5 2 6 All other: Australia . IV, 3 24 5 1 34 6 6 . IV* 2 24 5 1 30 Indonesia Japan Korea Rep. of. Philippines Taiwan Thailand III 2 23 4 1 28 2 Panama Rep of II II 1962 2 27 5 1 33 4 Dominican Repubilc El Salvador Mexico Neth Antilles and Surinam I IV* J Total 1962 1962 m II II 6th revised ser.i 5th revised ser. i 1962 2 2 2,132 3 7 1 1 2,056 2,102 mercial concerns in the United States. Data exclude claims held through U.S. banks, and intercompany accounts between U.S. companies and their foreign affiliates. See also NOTE to Table 1. 871 U.S. BALANCE OF PAYMENTS JUNE 1963 U.S. BALANCE OF PAYMENTS (In millions of dollars) 1959 Item 1960 IV 1 1961 III IV 1962 III IV in IV* Exports of goods and services, total . . Merchandise Services 2 6,448 4,343 2,105 6,280 4,615 1,665 6,882 5,008 1,874 6,581 4,691 1,890 7,270 5,145 2,125 6,820 5,012 1,808 6,952 4,922 2,030 6,656 4,673 1,983 7,638 5,308 2,330 6,995 5,015 1,980 7,881 5,497 2,384 7,143 4,895 2,248 7,795 5,159 2,636 Imports of goods and serrices, total... Merchandise Services Military expenditures 5,944 3,974 1,216 754 5,740 3,830 1,139 771 6,045 3,858 1,429 758 6,018 3,551 1,670 797 5,385 3,484 1,179 722 5,276 3,400 1,106 770 5,595 3,458 1,381 756 6,078 3,682 1,697 699 5,974 3,974 1,278 722 5,882 3,946 1,184 752 6,318 4,077 1,495 746 6,494 3,974 1,790 730 6,305 4,196 1,331 504 540 837 563 1,885 1,544 1,357 578 1,664 1,113 1,563 649 1,490 Unilateral transfers (net) Private remittances and pensions... Government nonmilitary grants.... -675 -206 -469 -582 -201 -381 -620 -202 -418 -624 -207 -417 -680 -232 -448 -694 -216 -478 -706 -218 -488 -633 -213 -420 -696 -231 -465 -748 -228 -520 -686 -221 -465 -648 -223 -425 -714 -252 -462 U.S. long- and short-term capital (net). Private, total Direct investment Portfolio and short-term investment Government -595 -838 -419 -883 -1,131 -653 -741 -303 -331 -419 243 -350 -230 -410 -390 -616 -145 -812 -340 -548 -383 -631 415 Foreign capital and gold (net) Increase in foreign short-term assets and Government securities. . Increase in other foreign a s s3e t s . . . . Gold sales by United States 620 851 ls014 425 123 72 j 586 215' 50 Errors and omissions 146J 74 Balance on goods and services 1 -1,885 -1,372 -943 -1,545 -989 -441 -327 -733 -540 -1,104 -1,863 -1,263 -1,168 -955 -637 -1,372 -861 -722 -324 -341 -496 -196 -369 -296 -1,003 -467 -491 -665 -402 778 -493 -1,251 -518 -950 -314 -371 -226 -446 -204 25 -579 -301 1,239 1,156 506 185 916 1,469 763 365 848 1,180 7401 180 94! 548 54 637 254 -19 921 38 122 346 314 201 -330 626 20 270 890 123 456 414 160 189 487 85 -207 319 -21 550 783 22 375 -100J -90 -476 16 -296 243 -574 135 -74 -356 -705 c 3 Beginning with the first quarter of 1961, net of change in convertible currencies held by U.S. monetary authorities. * Excludes military transfers imder grants. Includes military transactions. 2 NOTE.—Dept. of Commerce estimates. OPEN MARKET RATES (Per cent per annum) Month France United Kingdom Canada Treasury Day-today bills, 3 months l money 2 Bankers' Treasury acceptbills, ances, 3 months 3 months Day-today money Bankers' allowance Day-today on deposits money 3 Germany Netherlands Switzerland Treasury bills, 60-90 days 4 Day-today money 5 Treasury bills, 3 months Day-today money Private discount rate I960—Dec 1961—Dec 3.53 2.82 3.16 2.37 4.64 5.61 4.44 5.35 3.88 4.83 3.12 4.00 3.70 3.58 3.75 2.00 4.31 3.06 1 .51 ] .32 1.13 1.11 2.00 2.00 1962—Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 3.08 3.36 4.48 5.47 5.15 5.03 4.46 3.81 3.88 3.12 3.00 3.55 4.89 5.03 4.99 4.64 3.82 3.75 4.50 4.14 3.98 4.09 4.02 3.93 3.92 4.03 3.86 4.26 3.94 3.80 3.90 3.79 3.69 3.71 3.77 3.64 3.70 3.24 3.30 3.33 3.32 3.36 3.16 3.31 3.30 2.93 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.93 3.98 3.59 3.66 3.46 3.48 3.51 3.50 3.51 2.13 2.13 2.25 2.38 2.50 2.50 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.75 2.56 3.31 2.94 2.50 3.06 2.50 2.56 3.50 >.13 i.46 >.32 '>.21 1 .53 L.57 L.96 L.85 .98 1.75 1.75 1.69 1.78 1.03 1.10 1.50 1.47 1.24 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr 3.82 3.68 3.63 3.58 3.68 3.52 3.55 3.60 3.69 3.63 3.70 3.88 3.51 3.45 3.55 3.71 2.85 2.82 2.82 2.84 2.04 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.39 3.45 3.43 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.50 2.94 3.50 3.06 L.93 t .67 1.88 1.91 1.66 1.00 1.79 1.67 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1 2 Based on average yield of weekly tenders during month. Based on weekly averages of daily closing rates. 3 Rate shown is on private securities. 4 Rate in effect at end of month. 5 Based on average of lowest and highest quotation during month. NOTE.—For description of rates and back data, see "International Finance," Section 15 of Supplement to Banking and Monetary Statistics, 1962. 872 MONEY RATES JUNE 1963 CENTRAL BANK RATES FOR DISCOUNTS AND ADVANCES TO COMMERCIAL BANKS (Per cent per annum) Changes during the last 12 months Rate as of May 31, 1962 Country 1962 Per cent Brazil Burma Canada * Chile 2 Colombia Cuba Egypt El Salvador Indonesia Italy Netherlands New Zealand Pakistan Philippine Republic « South Africa Spain • Switzerland Thailand Turkey United Kingdom Venezuela Month effective June July Aug. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May 6.0 5.0 4.0 10.0 4.0 Dec. Mar. Mar. Apr. Feb. 1957 1960 1962 1958 1962 3.77 4.0 15.27 5.0 3.0 May Aug. Jan. Aug. Apr. 1962 16.0 1960 1962 1959 1939 6.0 6.5 5.0 5.0 6.0 Jan. May Nov. May June 1960 1961 1956 1962 1961 6.0 6.5 5.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 3.5 3.0 6.0 3.0 Apr. Oct. May Nov. Jan. 1962 1960 1961 1960 1962 7.0 3.5 3.0 5.5 3.0 9.0 4.0 3.0 6.0 4.31 Dec. May Apr. Nov. May 1960 1957 1946 1960 1962 6.0 3.5 7.3 4.5 4.0 Feb. June Sept. June Apr. 1955 1958 1961 1942 1962 7.0 6.0 3.5 4.0 9.5 Mar. Apr. Feb. Jan. Nov. 1961 1954 1955 1959 1959 6.0 2.0 4.5 4.0 4.5 Jan. Jan. Dec. June Apr. 1962 1944 1961 1961 1962 2.0 Feb. Feb. May Apr. Dec. 1959 1945 1961 1962 1960 7.0 7.5 4.5 4.5 3.75 6.0 5.0 3.5 10.0 4.0 3.5 5 5 5 0 4 0 3.5 14.62 14.2 5 5 4.5 4.09 4.0 3.94 4.06 6.94 3.69 3.86 54.03 6.21 6.57 3 5 3.94 5.84 3.5 4.0 14.2 5.0 3.0 9.0 4.5 3.0 6.0 3.94 6.0 3.5 5.84 4.5 3.5 7.0 6.0 3.5 4.0 9.5 4.0 4.0 1 On June 24, 1962, the bank rate on advances to chartered banks was fixed at 6 per cent. Rates on loans to money market dealers will continue to be .25 of 1 per cent above latest weekly Treasury bill tender average rate but will not be more than the bank rate. 2 Beginning with Apr. 1, 1959, new rediscounts have been granted at the average rate charged by banks in the previous half year. Old rediscounts remain subject to old rates provided their amount is reduced by one-eighth each month beginning with May 1, 1959, but the rates are raised by 1.5 per cent for each month in which the reduction does not occur. 3 Rate shown is for advances only. * Rate applies to advances against commercial paper as well as against govt. securities and other eligible paper. 5 Effective Mar. 29, 1963. On Mar. 5, 1963 the rate had been changed to 3.62 per cent. 6 Beginning with June 1, 1962, the rediscount rate for commercial bank loans financing the purchase of surplus agricultural commodities under U. S. Law 480 was reduced from 6 to 3 per cent; and on Aug. 22, 1962, the rediscount rate for commercial bank financing of 9 categories of development loans was reduced from 6 to 3 per cent. NOTE.—Rates shown are mainly those at which the central bank either discounts or makes advances against eligible commercial paper and/or govt. securities for commercial banks or brokers. For countries with more than one rate applicable to such discounts or advances, the rate Sept. Rate as of May 31, 1963 1963 3 5 3.5 4.0 6.0 2.0 3.5 4.0 3.5 2.0 7.0 7.5 4.0 4.5 shown is the one at which it is understood the central bank transacts the largest proportion of its credit operations. Other rates for some of these countries follow: Argentina—3 and 5 per cent for certain rural and industrial paper, depending on type of transaction; Brazil—8 per cent for secured paper and 4 per cent for certain agricultura paper; Colombia—3.5 per cent for agricultural and industrial development paper of up to 150 days, 3 per cent for economic development paper of up to 5 years, and 2 per cent for specific small business, cooperative and employee paper; Costa Rica—5 per cent for paper related to commercial transactions (rate shown is for agricultural and industrial paper); Cuba—5.5 per cent for sugar loans and 5 per cent for loans secured by national public securities; Ecuador—6 per cent for bank acceptances for commercial purposes; Indonesia—various rates depending on type of paper, collateral commodity involved, etc.; Japan—penalty rates (exceeding the basic rate shown) for borrowings from the Central bank in excess of an individual bank's quota; Peru—8 per cent for agricultural, industrial and mining paper; and Venezuela—4 per cent for rediscounts of certain agricultural paper and for advances against government bonds or gold and 5 per cent on advances against securities of Venezuelan companies. JUNE 1963 FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES 873 FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES (In cents per unit of foreign currency) Argentina (peso) Australia (pound) Austria (schilling) Belgium (franc) Canada (dollar) Ceylon (rupee) Denmark (krone) 5.556 2.506 5.556 2.207 1.2730 1.2026 1.2076 i .9080 222.57 223.88 223.81 223.71 223.28 223.73 3.8539 3.8536 3.8619 3.8461 3.8481 3.8685 1.9906 2.0044 2.0012 2.0053 2.0052 2.0093 104.291 103.025 104.267 103.122 98.760 293.561 20.913 21.049 21.055 21.048 21.023 21.034 14.482 14.482 14.508 14.505 14.481 14.490 .3995 .3118 .3115 .3112 .3110 .3107 .2376 .2374 2038 20.389 20 384 20.405 .9600 .8601 .8130 .8121 .7874 .7392 .6830 .7057 224.07 223.77 223.63 223.41 223.18 223.21 223.26 223.37 3.8698 3.8700 3.8700 3.8700 3.8700 3.8701 3.8680 3.8694 2.0089 2.0098 2.0103 2.0105 2.0093 2.0094 2.0098 2.0098 2 92.394 91.911 92.654 92.777 92.848 92.914 92.849 92.924 21.057 21.039 21.036 21.021 21.008 21.009 21.011 21.013 14.496 14.511 14.483 14.458 14.443 14.442 14.455 14.498 .3107 .3107 .3106 .3106 .3106 .3106 .3106 .3106 20.405 20.405 20 405 20.405 20.405 20 405 20.405 20.404 .7466 .7422 .7362 .7252 .7266 223.49 223.38 223.16 223.16 223.08 3.8694 3.8676 3.8681 3 8676 3.8677 2.0086 2.0073 2.0049 2 0058 2.0055 92.823 92.777 92.746 92.851 92.810 21.021 21.011 21.005 21.014 21.014 14.487 14.480 14.492 14 491 14.477 3 31.056 31 057 31.057 31 055 31.057 4 20.405 20 405 20.405 20 405 20.405 Germany (deutsche mark) India (rupee) Ireland (pound) Italy (lira) Japan (yen) Malaysia (dollar) Mexico (peso) Netherlands (guilder) New Zealand (pound) 1957 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 23.798 23.848 23.926 23.976 24.903 25.013 20.910 21.048 21.031 20.968 20.980 21.026 279.32 280.98 280.88 280.76 280.22 280.78 .16003 .16006 .16099 .16104 .16099 .16107 .27791 .27791 .27781 .27785 .27690 .27712 32 527 32.767 32.857 32 817 32.659 32.757 8 0056 8.0056 8.0056 8.0056 8.0056 8.0056 26 170 26.418 26.492 26 513 27.555 27.755 276 56 278 19 278.10 277 98 277.45 278.00 1962 May June July Aus Sept 25.009 25.039 25.084 25.020 24.996 24.963 24.947 25.031 21.066 21.030 21.019 21.008 20.971 20.963 20.970 20.989 281.21 280.83 280.66 280.38 280.09 280.13 280.19 280.33 .16108 .16109 .16110 .16110 .16110 .16106 .16104 .16105 .27625 .27628 .27628 .27631 .27852 .27902 .27901 .27897 32.759 32.691 32.713 32 746 32.738 32.745 32.751 32.790 8.0056 8.0056 8.0056 8.0056 8.0056 8.0056 8.0056 8.0056 27.821 27.806 27.821 27 742 27.755 27.748 27.748 27.779 278.43 278 05 277.88 277 61 277 32 277.36 277 42 277.56 24.966 24.985 25.023 25.045 25.090 20.996 20.984 20.963 20.964 20.962 280.48 280.34 280.06 280.07 279.96 .16104 .16102 .16102 .16100 .16097 .27894 .27892 .27886 .27716 .27582 32.817 32 717 32.633 32.594 32.586 8.0056 8 0056 8.0056 8.0056 8.0056 27.772 27 773 27.808 27.828 27.815 277.71 277 56 277 29 277.30 277.19 Norway (krone) Philippine Republic (peso) Portugal (escudo) Spain (peseta) Sweden (krona) Switzerland (franc) United Kingdom (pound) 49.693 49.695 49.721 49 770 3.4900 3.4900 3.4967 3 4937 3.4909 3.4986 139.57 139.87 2.3810 2 0579 1 6635 1.6643 1.6654 19.331 19.328 19.324 19 349 19.353 19.397 23.330 23.328 23 142 23 152 23 151 23.124 279.32 280 98 280 88 280 76 280 22 280.78 Period 1962 Mav June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec . . .... 1963 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Period Oct Nov Dec 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr May Period France (franc) Free Official 1957 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 Finland (markka) South Africa (pound) (rand) 1957 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 14.008 14.008 14.028 14 018 14.000 14.010 1962 May June July Aus Sept Oct Nov Dec 14.022 14.013 14.005 13.994 13.982 13.983 13 989 14.000 3.5050 3.5011 3.5000 3.4996 3.5018 3.4899 3 4900 3.4902 140.08 139.89 139.80 139 67 139.52 139.54 139 57 139.64 1 66S1 1.6651 1.6651 I 6651 L.6659 1.6661 I 6662 .6664 19.428 19.436 19.428 19.432 19.410 19.409 19 363 19.278 23.098 23.172 23.162 23 136 23.129 23 139 23 170 23.167 281.21 280.83 280.66 280 38 280.09 280 13 280 19 280.33 14.000 13.995 13.995 13.999 13.995 3 4900 3.4900 3.4901 3.4901 3.4900 139 72 139.64 139.51 139.51 139.46 1 6665 1.6664 1.6661 1.6663 1.6663 19 313 19.290 19.264 19.251 19.267 23 120 23.123 23.102 23 099 23.127 280 48 280.34 280.06 280 07 279.96 1963 Jan Feb Mar Apr May . ... 1 Quotations not available Mar. 20-Apr. 3, 1962. 2 Effective May 2, 1962, the par value of the Canadian dollar was set at 92.5 U.S. cents. 3 A new markka, equal to 100 old markkaa, was introduced on Jan. 1, 1963. 4 Effective Jan. 1, 1963, the franc again became the French monetary 278.28 279.93 279 83 279 71 279.48 unit. It replaces, at a 1 to 1 ratio, the new franc introduced Jan. 1, 1960. NOTE.—Averages of certified noon buying rates in New York for cable transfers. For description of rates and back data, see "International Finance," Section 15 of Supplement to Banking and Monetary Statistics, 1962. BOARD OF GOVERNORS of the Federal Reserve System W M . M C C . MARTIN, JR., Chairman A. L. MILLS, JR. J. L. ROBERTSON C. CANBY BALDERSTON, Vice Chairman CHAS. N. SHEPARDSON G. H. KING, J R . GEORGE W. MITCHELL RALPH A. YOUNG, Adviser to the Board CHARLES MOLONY, Assistant to the Board ROBERT L. CARDON, Legislative Counsel CLARKE L. FAUVER, Assistant to the Board OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY DIVISION OF EXAMINATIONS MERRITT SHERMAN, Secretary FREDERIC SOLOMON, KENNETH A. KENYON, Assistant Secretary ELIZABETH L. CARMICHAEL, Assistant Secretary LEGAL DIVISION HOWARD H. HACKLEY, General Counsel DAVID B. HEXTER, Assistant General Counsel THOMAS J. O'CONNELL, Assistant General Counsel JEROME W. SHAY, Assistant General Counsel WILSON L. HOOFF, Assistant General Counsel DIVISION OF RESEARCH AND STATISTICS GUY E. NOYES, Director ALBERT R. KOCH, Associate Director ROBERT C. MASTERS, Associate Director GLENN M. GOODMAN, Assistant Director HENRY BENNER, Assistant Director JAMES C. SMITH, Assistant Director BRENTON C. LEAVITT, Assistant Director ANDREW N. THOMPSON, Assistant Director LLOYD M. SCHAEFFER, Chief Federal Reserve Examiner DIVISION OF PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION EDWIN J. JOHNSON, Director Director DANIEL H. BRILL, Adviser FRANK R. GARFIELD, Adviser ROBERT C. HOLLAND, Adviser KENNETH B. WILLIAMS, Adviser H. FRANKLIN SPRECHER, JR., Assistant DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES JOSEPH E. KELLEHER, Director LEWIS N. DEMBITZ, Associate Adviser ROBERT SOLOMON, Associate Adviser HARRY E. KERN, Assistant Director DIVISION OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCE OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER RALPH A. YOUNG, Director J. HERBERT FURTH, Adviser J. J. CONNELL, Controller A. B. HERSEY, Adviser SAMPSON H. BASS, Assistant Controller ROBERT L. SAMMONS, Adviser SAMUEL I. KATZ, Associate RALPH C. WOOD, Associate Adviser Adviser OFFICE OF DEFENSE PLANNING INNIS D. HARRIS, DIVISION OF BANK OPERATIONS JOHN R. FARRELL, Director M. B. DANIELS, Assistant Director M. H. SCHWARTZ, Director Director JOHN N. KILEY, JR., Assistant Coordinator DIVISION OF DATA PROCESSING GERALD M. CONKLING, Assistant Director Director LEE W. LANGHAM, Assistant 874 Director FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS AND BRANCHES 875 Federal Open Market Committee W M . M C C . MARTIN, JR., Chairman ALFRED HAYES, Vice Chairman C. CANBY BALDERSTON WATROUS H. IRONS J. L. ROBERTSON KARL R. BOPP G. H. KING, JR. CHARLES J. SCANLON GEORGE H. CLAY A. L. MILLS, JR. CHAS. N. SHEPARDSON GEORGE W. MITCHELL RALPH A. YOUNG, Secretary MERRITT SHERMAN, Assistant Secretary DAVID P. EASTBURN, Associate Economist KENNETH A. KENYON, Assistant Secretary J. HERBERT FURTH, Associate Economist HOWARD H. HACKLEY, General Counsel GEORGE GARVY, Associate Economist DAVID B. HEXTER, Assistant General Counsel RALPH T. GREEN, Associate Economist GUY E. NOYES, Economist ROBERT C. HOLLAND, Associate Economist ERNEST T. BAUGHMAN, Associate Economist ALBERT R. KOCH, Associate Economist DANIEL H. BRILL, Associate Economist CLARENCE W. TOW, Associate Economist ROBERT W. STONE, Manager, System Open Market Account CHARLES A. COOMBS, Special Manager, System Open Market Account Federal Advisory Council LAWRENCE H. MARTIN, BOSTON KENNETH V. ZWIENER, CHICAGO GEORGE A. MURPHY, NEW YORK, President SIDNEY MAESTRE, ST. LOUIS HOWARD C. PETERSEN, PHILADELPHIA JOHN A. MOORHEAD, MINNEAPOLIS L . A . STONER, CLEVELAND M . L . BREIDENTHAL, KANSAS CITY ROBERT B. HOBBS, RICHMOND, Vice President JAMES W. ASTON, DALLAS J. FlNLEY M c R A E , ATLANTA ELLIOTT MCALLISTER, SAN FRANCISCO HERBERT V. PROCHNOW, Secretary WILLIAM J. KORSVIK, Assistant Secretary 876 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 Federal Reserve Banks and Branches Federal Reserve Bank or branch Chairman Deputy Chairman President First Vice President Boston Erwin D. Canham William Webster George H. Ellis Earle O. Latham New York Philip D. Reed James DeCamp Wise Thomas E. LaMont Alfred Hayes William F. Treiber Philadelphia Walter E. Hoadley David C. Bevan Karl R. Bopp Robert N. Hilkert Cleveland Joseph B. Hall Logan T. Johnston Howard E. Whitaker William A. Steele W. Braddock Hickman Donald S. Thompson Edwin Hyde William H. Grier Harry B. Cummings George H. Aull Edward A. Wayne Aubrey N. Heflin Jack Tarver Henry G. Chalkley, Jr. Selden Sheffield Harry T. Vaughn W. N. Krauth Kenneth R. Giddens Malcolm Bryan Harold T. Patterson Robert P. Briggs James H. Hilton James William Miller Charles J. Scanlon Hugh J. Helmer Ethan A. H. Shepley J. H. Longwell Frederick P. Blanks Philip Davidson Edward B. LeMaster Harry A. Shuford Darryl R. Francis Atherton Bean Judson Bemis John M. Otten Frederick L. Deming Albert W. Mills Homer A. Scott Dolph Simons Robert T. Person James E. Allison Clifford Morris Hardin George H. Clay Henry O. Koppang Robert O. Anderson Morgan J. Davis William R. Mathews Max Levine G. C. Hagelstein Watrous H. Irons Philip E. Coldwell F. B. Whitman John D. Fredericks Robert J. Cannon Raymond R. Reter Thomas B. Rowland Henry N. Anderson Eliot J. Swan H. Edward Hemmings Buffalo Cincinnati Pittsburgh Richmond Baltimore Charlotte Atlanta Birmingham Jacksonville Nashville New Orleans Chicago Detroit St. Louis Little Rock Louisville Memphis Minneapolis Helena Kansas City Denver Oklahoma City Omaha Dallas El Paso Houston San Antonio San Francisco Los Angeles Portland Salt Lake City Seattle Vice President in charge of branch Insley B. Smith Fred O. Kiel Clyde E. Harrell Donald F. Hagner Edmund F. MacDonald Edward C. Rainey Thomas A. Lanford Robert E. Moody, Jr. Morgan L. Shaw Russel A. Swaney Fred Burton Donald L. Henry E. Francis DeVos Clement A. Van Nice Cecil Puckett Howard W. Pritz Philip A. Debus Roy E. Bohne J. Lee Cook Carl H. Moore Clifford H. Watkins James A. Randall Arthur L. Price Erwin R. Barglebaugh Federal Reserve Board Publications Unless otherwise noted, material may be obtained from the Division of Administrative Services, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington 25, D. C. The items desired should be checked and the mailing address indicated on the order form (page 4 of this list). Where there is a charge, remittance should accompany order and be made payable to the order of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. (Stamps and coupons not accepted.) Base. 1962. 172 pp. $1.00 per copy; in quantities of 10 or more for single shipment, $.85 each. (Copies of the 1959 revision also are available at $.50 each.) THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM- -PURPOSES AND FUNCTIONS. 1961. 238 pp. INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION—1957-59 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. Monthly. Subscription prices: (1) $6.00 per annum or $.60 a copy in the United States and its possessions, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Republic of Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, El Salvador, Uruguay, and Venezuela. (2) Elsewhere, $7.00 per annum or $.70 per copy. (3) In quantities of 10 or more copies sent to one address in the United States, $5.00 per annum or $.50 per copy per month. FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN. Study by a Federal Reserve System Committee. 1959. I l l pp. $1.00 per copy; in quantities of 10 or more for single shipment, $.85 each. THE FEDERAL FUNDS MARKET—A DEBITS AND CLEARINGS STATISTICS AND THEIR USE (rev. ed.). 1959. 144 pp. $1.00 per copy; in quantities of 10 or more for single shipment, $.85 each. 1896-1955. Pt. I, U.S. Summary. Pt. II, Summaries by States and other areas. 1959. 1,229 pp. $4.00. ALL-BANK STATISTICS, THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT, as amended through FEDERAL RESERVE CHART BOOK ON FINANCIAL AND BUSINESS STATISTICS. Monthly. Annual October 1, 1961, with an Appendix containing provisions of certain other statutes affecting the Reserve System. 386 pp. $1.25. subscription includes one issue of Historical Chart Book. Subscription prices: (1) $6.00 per annum or $.60 per copy in the United States and the countries listed above. (2) Elsewhere, $7.00 per annum or $.70 per copy. (3) In quantities of 10 or more of same issue for single shipment, $.50 each. FLOW OF FUNDS IN THE UNITED STATES, 1939-53. 1955. 390 pp. $2.75. SUPPLEMENT TO BANKING AND MONETARY STATISTICS. Sec. 1. Banks and the Monetary System. 1962. 35 pp. $.35. Sec. 10. Member Bank Reserves and Related Items. 1962. 64 pp. $.50. Sec. 11. Currency. 1963. 11 pp. $.35. Sec. 14. Gold. 1963. 24 pp. $.35. Sec. 15. International Finance. 1962. 92 pp. $.65. HISTORICAL CHART BOOK. Issued annually in Sep- tember. Annual subscription to monthly chart book includes one issue of the Historical. Prices: (1) $.60 each in the United States and the countries listed above. (2) Elsewhere, $.70 each. (3) In quantities of 10 or more for single shipment, $.50 each. REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. RULES OF ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURE—BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. 1962. 40 pp. TREASURY-FEDERAL RESERVE STUDY OF THE GOVERNMENT SECURITIES MARKET. Pt. I. 1959. 108 pp. Pt. II. 1960. 159 pp. Pt. III. 1960. 112 pp. Individual books $1.00 each; set of 3 books $2.50. PUBLISHED INTERPRETATIONS 877 December 31, 1962. $2.50. of the Board, as of 878 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 PERIODIC RELEASES INTERDISTRICT SETTLEMENT FUND (G.15) WEEKLY INDEX NUMBERS OF WHOLESALE PRICES (G.8) CHANGES IN COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL LOANS BY INDUSTRY (H.I2) MONTHLY DEPARTMENT STORE SALES (G.7.2) CHANGES IN STATE BANK MEMBERSHIP (K.3) MONTHLY DEPARTMENT STORE SALES AND STOCKS, BY DEPARTMENTS (G.7.3) CONDITION OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN N E W YORK AND CHICAGO (H.4.3) MONTHLY DEPARTMENT STORE STOCKS (G.7.4.2) CONDITION OF WEEKLY REPORTING BANKS IN LEADING CITIES (H.4.2) MONTHLY FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES (G.5) MEMBER FACTORS AFFECTING BANK RESERVES AND CONDITION STATEMENT OF F.R. BANKS (H.4.1) WEEKLY DEPARTMENT STORE SALES (H.8a) WEEKLY DEPARTMENT STORE SALES—SELECTED CITIES AND AREAS (H.8b) (H.10) SECURITY YIELDS SEMIMONTHLY-IRREGULAR OPEN MARKET MONEY RATES AND BOND PRICES (G.13) (G.I6) ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES (J.4) CURRENCY, SALES FINANCE COMPANIES (G.20) STATE MEMBER BANKS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM AND NONMEMBER BANKS THAT MAINTAIN CLEARING ACCOUNTS WITH FEDERAL R E - SERVE BANKS (Also annual list) (G.4) APPLICATIONS TO MERGE BANKS OR TO FORM OR EXPAND A BANK HOLDING COMPANY RECEIVED BY OR ACTED ON BY THE BOARD (K.2) DEMAND DEPOSITS, ITEMS (J.3) (G.12.2) RETAIL FURNITURE REPORT WEEKLY FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES WEEKLY U.S. GOVERNMENT AND PRICES (H. 15) NATIONAL SUMMARY OF BUSINESS CONDITIONS AND RELATED DEPOSITS, RESERVES, AND BORROWINGS OF MEMBER BANKS (J.I) RESEARCH LIBRARY—RECENT ACQUISITIONS (J.2) MONTHLY U.S. GOVERNMENT SECURITY YIELDS AND PRICES (G.14) QUARTERLY-SEMIANNUALLY ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER AREAS—PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, BY STATES (E.4) BANK RATES ON SHORT-TERM BUSINESS LOANS (E.2) SUMMARY REPORT—ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF MEMBER BANKS (E.3.1) MONTHLY MEMBER BANK EARNINGS (E.5) ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF ALL MEMBER BANKS, BY DISTRICTS (G.7.1) MEMBER BANK LOANS (E.3.4) BANK DEBITS AND DEPOSIT TURNOVER (G.6) SALES, PROFITS, AND DIVIDENDS OF LARGE CORPORATIONS (E.6) BUSINESS INDEXES (G.12.3) CONSUMER CREDIT (G.19) ANNUALLY CONSUMER CREDIT AT CONSUMER FINANCE COMPANIES (G.22) CONSUMER INSTALMENT CREDIT AT COMMERCIAL BANKS (G.I8) DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT STORE CREDIT (G.17) DEPARTMENT STORE MERCHANDISING DATA, UNITED STATES (G.7.4.1) (Also annual list. Both available at Federal Reserve Banks only) (G.3) FEDERAL RESERVE PAR LIST BANK DEBITS TO DEMAND DEPOSITS ACCOUNTS EXCEPT INTERBANK AND U.S. GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTS (C.5) STORE TRADE, UNITED STATES (C.7.3) BIENNIALLY DISTRIBUTION OF BANK DEPOSITS BY COUNTIES AND STANDARD METROPOLITAN AREAS (C.8) 879 FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD PUBLICATIONS REPRINTS (From Federal Reserve BULLETIN unless preceded by an asterisk) THE HISTORY OF RESERVE REQUIREMENTS FOR BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES. NOV. 1938. 20 pp. ADJUSTMENT FOR SEASONAL VARIATION. Descrip- tion of method used by Board in adjusting economic data for seasonal variation. June 1941. 11 pp. THE MONETARY SYSTEM OF THE UNITED STATES. Feb. 1953. 16 pp. CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM FOR SAVINGS AND OTHER TIME DEPOSITS. May 1961. 2 pp. (Also, similar reprint from July 1960 BULL.) SURVEY OF FINANCE COMPANIES, MID-1960. 1957 BULL.) LIQUIDITY AND PUBLIC POLICY. Oct. 1961. 17 pp. REVISION OF CONSUMER CREDIT STATISTICS. REVISED INDEXES OF FREIGHT CARLOADINGS. THE PRIVATE DEMAND FOR GOLD, 1931-53. Sept. 1954. 10 pp. BANKERS' ACCEPTANCE FINANCING IN THE UNITED STATES. May 1955. 13 pp. REVISION OF CONSUMER CREDIT STATISTICS. Oct. 1956. 24 pp. (Also, similar reprint from Apr. 1953 BULL.) Dec. 1961. 3 pp. 1962. 9 PP. MONETARY EXPANSION DURING 1961. FEDERAL FINANCIAL MEASURES FOR ECONOMIC STABILITY. May 1953. 7 pp. Dec. 1961. 15 pp. THE MEANS OF ECONOMIC PROGRESS. Feb. INFLUENCE OF CREDIT AND MONETARY MEASURES ON ECONOMIC STABILITY. Mar. 1953. 16 pp. Oct. 1961. 21 pp. (Also, similar reprint from Apr. Feb. 1962. 7 pp. CAPITAL FLOWS AND INTERNATIONAL PAYMENTS. Mar. 1962. 8 pp. MONETARY FUND RESOURCES AND THE INTERNATIONAL PAYMENTS SYSTEM. Mar. 1962. 4 pp. GROWTH IN INSTITUTIONAL SAVINGS. May 1962. 9 pp. MONETARY POLICY, BANK CREDIT, AND MONEY. SEASONAL FACTORS AFFECTING BANK RESERVES. Feb. 1958. 12 pp. July 1962,8 pp. SEASONALLY ADJUSTED SERIES FOR BANK CREDIT. OPEN MARKET OPERATIONS IN LONG-TERM SECURITIES. Nov. 1958. 15 pp. I, ALL-BANK STATISTICS, 1896-1955. Reprint of the U.S. Summary containing a description of revised statistics for all banks in the United States, by class of bank, together with revised statistics. Apr. 1959. 94 pp. •PART July 1962. 6 pp. REVISION OF MONTHLY DEPARTMENT STORE INDEXES. July 1962. 6 pp. ECONOMIC AND CREDIT CONDITIONS. Aug. 1962. 5 pp. REVISION OF MONEY SUPPLY SERIES. Aug. 1962. 11 pp. CONSUMER BUYING INTENTIONS AND QUARTERLY SURVEY OF CONSUMER BUYING INTENTIONS. Combined reprint. Sept. 1960. 31 pp. REVISION OF WEEKLY DEPARTMENT STORE SALES INDEX. Aug. 1962. 3 pp. SMALL BUSINESS FINANCING: CORPORATE MANUFACTURERS. Jan. 1961. 15 pp. INTEREST RATES IN THE CURRENT CYCLE. FEDERAL RESERVE OPERATIONS IN PERSPECTIVE. INTEREST RATES AND MONETARY POLICY. ON THE GOVERNMENT MARKET. Apr. 1961. Sept. 1962. 28 pp. Mar. 1961. 10 pp. STATISTICS Sept. 1962. 9 pp. 8 pp. SECURITIES TREASURY AND FEDERAL RESERVE FOREIGN EXCHANGE OPERATIONS. Sept. 1962. 16 pp. 880 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 U.S. BALANCE OF PAYMENTS IN 1962. Oct. 1962. TREASURY AND FEDERAL RESERVE FOREIGN EXCHANGE OPERATIONS. Mar. 1963. 10 pp. UCI FINANCING THE U.S. 8 pp. INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION—1957-59 BASE. PAYMENTS DEFICIT. FLOW OF FUNDS SEASONALLY ADJUSTED. NOV. FEDERAL RESERVE OPEN MARKET OPERATIONS IN 1962. Apr. 1963. 29 pp. 1962. 15 pp. AUTOMATION AT COMMERCIAL BANKS. NOV. 1962. 13 pp. A SECTORAL ANALYSIS OF VELOCITY. Dec. 1962. 14 pp. NEGOTIABLE TIME CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. Apr. 1963. 11 pp. NEW FOREIGN BOND ISSUES IN THE U.S. MARKET. May 1963. 13 pp. BANKING AND MONETARY STATISTICS, 1962. A N E W LOOK AT THE FARM DEBT PICTURE. Dec. 1962. 18 pp. MONEY AND BANK CREDIT IN 1962. Feb. 1963. 8 pp. FARM DEBT AS RELATED TO VALUE OF SALES. Feb. 1963. 9 pp. CHANGES IN STRUCTURE OF THE FEDERAL DEBT. Mar. 1963, 10 pp. Apr. 1963. 8 pp. 1962. 10 pp. Se- lected series of banking and monetary statistics for 1962 only. Feb., Mar., and May 1963. 16 pp. RECENT CHANGES IN LIQUIDITY. June 1963. 10 pp. INTEREST RATES ON TIME DEPOSITS, Mid-Febru- ary 1963. June 1963. 7 pp. SURVEY OF COMMON TRUST FUNDS, 1963. 6 pp. 1962. June Index to Statistical Tables Acceptances, bankers', 818, 820 Agricultural loans of commercial banks, 812, 814 Assets and liabilities (See also Foreign liabilities and claims): Banks and the monetary system, consolidated, 807 Corporate, current, 832 Domestic banks, by classes, 808, 812, 814, 820 Federal Reserve Banks, 802 Automobiles: Consumer instalment credit, 836, 837, 838 Production index, 840, 841 Deposits—Continued Banks, by classes, 801, 808, 813, 816, 820 Federal Reserve Banks, 802, 869 Postal savings, 801, 807 Discount rates, 800, 872 Discounts and advances by Federal Reserve Banks, 796, 802, 804 Dividends, corporate, 831, 832 Dollar assets, foreign, 861, 869 Earnings and hours, manufacturing industries, 847 Employment, 844, 846, 847 Bank holding companies, list of, Dec. 31, 1962, 856 Bankers' balances, 813, 815 (See also Foreign liabilities and claims) Banks and the monetary system, consolidated statement, 807 Banks for cooperatives, 827, 828 Bonds (See also U.S. Govt. securities): New issues, 828, 829, 830 Prices and yields, 818, 819 Brokers and dealers in securities, bank loans to, 812, 814 Business expenditures on new plant and equipment, 832 Business indexes, 844 Business loans (See Commercial and industrial loans) Farm mortgage loans, 833, 834 Federal finance: Cash transactions, 822 Receipts and expenditures, 823 Treasurer's balance, 822 Federal home loan banks, 827, 828, 835 Federal Housing Administration, 827, 828, 833, 834, 835 Federal intermediate credit banks, 827, 828 Federal land banks, 827, 828 Federal National Mortgage Association, 827, 828, 835 Federal Reserve Banks: Condition statement, 802 U. S. Govt. securities held by, 796, 802, 804, 824, 825 Federal Reserve credit, 796, 802, 804 Federal Reserve notes, 802, 805 Federally sponsored credit agencies, 827, 828 Finance company paper, 818, 820 Financial institutions, loans to, 812, 814 Float, 796 Flow of funds/saving,-854 Foreign central banks, 858, 872 Foreign currency operations, 802, 804, 860, 869 Foreign deposits in U. S. banks, 796, 802, 807, 813, 816, 869 Foreign exchange rates, 873 Foreign liabilities and claims: Banks, 862, 864, 867, 869 Nonfinancial concerns, 870 Foreign trade, 849 Capital accounts: Banks, by classes, 808, 813, 816 Federal Reserve Banks, 802 Carloadings, 844 Central banks, foreign, 858, 872 Coins, circulation of, 805 Commercial banks: Assets and liabilities, 808, 811, 812 Consumer loans held, by type, 837 Number, by classes, 808 Real estate mortgages held, by type, 833 Commercial and industrial loans: Commercial banks, 812 Weekly reporting member banks, 814, 817 Commercial paper, 818, 820 Condition statements (See Assets and liabilities) Construction, 844, 845 Consumer credit: Instalment credit, 836, 837, 838, 839 Noninstalment credit, by holder, 837 Consumer price indexes, 844, 850 Consumption expenditures, 852, 853 Corporations: Sales, profits, taxes, and dividends, 831, 832 Security issues, 829, 830 Security prices and yields, 818, 819 Cost of living (See Consumer price indexes) Currency in circulation, 796, 805, 806 Customer credit, stock market, 819 Debits to deposit accounts, 804 Demand deposits: Adjusted, banks and the monetary system, 807 Adjusted, commercial banks, 804, 806, 813 Banks, by classes, 801, 808, 816 Turnover of, 804 Type of holder, at commercial banks, 813 Department stores, 844, 848, 849 Deposits (See also specific types of deposits): Adjusted, and currency, 807 Gold: Certificates, 802, 805 Earmarked, 869 Net purchases by U. S., 860 Production, 859 Reserves of central banks and governments, 858 Reserves of foreign countries and international institutions, 861 Stock, 796, 807, 860 Govt. debt (See U. S. Govt. securities) Gross national product, 852, 853 Hours and earnings, manufacturing industries, 847 Housing starts, 845 Industrial production index, 840, 844 Instalment loans, 836, 837, 838, 839 Insurance companies, 821, 824, 825, 834 Insured commercial banks, 810, 812 Interbank deposits, 801, 808, 813 Interest rates: Bond yields, 818 Business loans by banks, 817 Federal Reserve Bank discount rates, 800 881 882 Interest rates—Continued Foreign countries, 871, 872 Open market, 818, 871 Stock yields, 818 Time deposits, maximum rates, 801 International capital transactions of the U. S., 862 International institutions, 858, 860, 861 Inventories, 852 Investment companies, new issues, 830 Investments (See also specific types of investments): Banks, by classes, 808, 812, 815, 820 Commercial banks, 811 Federal Reserve Banks, 802, 804 Life insurance companies, 821 Savings and loan associations, 821 Labor force, 846 Loans (See also specific types of loans): Banks, by classes, 808, 812, 814, 820 Commercial banks, 811 Federal Reserve Banks, 796, 802, 804 Insurance companies, 821, 834 Insured or guaranteed by U.S., 833, 834, 835 Savings and loan associations, 821, 834 Manufactures, production index, 841, 844 Margin requirements, 801 Member banks: Assets and liabilities, by classes, 808, 812 Borrowings at Federal Reserve Banks, 798, 802, 816 Deposits, by classes, 801 Number, by classes, 809 Reserve requirements, 801 Reserves and related items, 796 Weekly reporting series, 814 Mining, production index, 841, 844 Money rates (See Interest rates) Money supply and related data, 806 Mortgages (See Real estate loans) Mutual savings banks, 807, 808, 810, 820, 824, 825, 833 National banks, 810 National income, 852, 853 National security expenditures, 823, 852 Nonmember banks, 810, 812, 813 Payrolls, manufacturing, index, 844 Personal income, 853 Postal Savings System, 801, 807 Prices: Consumer, 844, 850 Security, 819 Wholesale commodity, 844, 850 Production, 840, 844 Profits, corporate, 831, 832 Real estate loans: Banks, by classes, 812, 820, 833 Type of holder, 833, 834, 835 Type of property mortgaged, 833, 834, 835 Reserve requirements, member banks, 801 Reserves: Central banks and govts., 858 Commercial banks, 813 Federal Reserve Banks, 802 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN • JUNE 1963 Reserves—Continued Foreign countries and international institutions, 861 Member banks, 796, 798, 801, 813, 815 Residential mortgage loans, 833, 834, 835 Sales finance companies, consumer loans of, 836, 837, 839 Saving: Flow-of-funds series, 854 National income series, 853 Savings deposits (See Time deposits) Savings institutions, principal assets, 820, 821 Savings and loan associations, 821, 825, 834 Securities (See also U. S. Govt. securities): Federally sponsored agencies, 827 International transactions, 868, 869 New issues, 828, 829, 830 Silver coin and silver certificates, 805 State member banks, 810 State and local govts.: Deposits of, 813, 816 Holdings of U. S. Govt. securities, 824, 825 New security issues, 828, 829 Ownership of obligations of, 812, 820, 821 Prices and yields of securities, 818, 819 Stock market credit, 819 Stocks: New issues, 829, 830 Prices and yields, 818, 819 Tax receipts, Federal, 823 Time deposits, 801, 806, 807, 808, 813, 816 Treasurer's account balance, 822 Treasury cash, 796, 805, 807 Treasury currency, 796, 805, 807 Treasury deposits, 796, 802, 822 Unemployment, 846 U. S. balance of payments, 871 U. S. Govt. balances: Commercial bank holdings, by classes, 813, 816 Consolidated monetary statement, 807 Treasury deposits at Federal Reserve Banks, 796, 802, 822 U. S. Govt. securities: Bank holdings, 807, 808, 812, 815, 820, 824, 825 Dealer transactions, positions, and financing, 826 Federal Reserve Bank holdings, 796, 802, 804, 824, 825 Foreign and international holdings, 802, 861, 869 International transactions, 868 New issues, gross proceeds, 829 Outstanding, by type of security, 824, 825, 827 Ownership of, 824, 825 Prices and yields, 818, 819 United States notes, outstanding and in circulation, 805 Utilities, production index, 841, 844 Vault cash, 796, 801, 813 Veterans Administration, 833, 834, 835 Weekly reporting member banks, 814 Yields (See Interest rates) BOUNDARIES OF FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS AND THEIR BRANCH TERRITORIES I. ) Minneapolis,^ (o THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM g) 1 Boundaries of Federal Reserve Districts Boundaries of Federal Reserve Branch Territories © Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System ® Federal Reserve Bank Cities • Federal Reserve Branch Cities