Full text of Federal Reserve Bulletin : June 1948
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F E D E R A L R E S E R V ULLETIN JUNE 1948 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM WASHINGTON EDITORIAL COMMITTEE ELLIOTT THURSTON WOODLIEF THOMAS WlNFIELD W . RlEFLER The Federal Reserve BULLETIN is issued monthly under the direction of the staff editorial committee. This committee is responsible for interpretations and opinions expressed, except in official statements and signed articles. CONTENTS PAGE Recent Developments in Business Finance. 615-622 Industrial Differences in Large Corporation Financing, by Charles H. Schmidt 623-633 1948 Survey of Consumer Finances: Part I. Expenditures for Durable Goods. Part II. The Distribution of Consumer Income in 1947. 634-648 649-656 Estimated Liquid Asset Holdings of Individuals and Businesses. 657-658 Annual Report of the Bank of Canada. . 659-665 Law Department: Real Estate Loans—Reconstruction Finance Corporation Participations. 666 Reserves—Central Reserve City Banks; Supplement to Regulation D Amended 666 Current Events and Announcements. . 667-66$ National Summary of Business Conditions. . 669-670 Financial, Industrial, Commercial Statistics, U. S. (See p. 671, for list of tables) . 671-728 International Financial Statistics (See p. 729, for list of tables). 729-747 Board of Governors and Staff; Open Market Committee and Staff; Federal Advisory Council. 748 Senior Officers of Federal Reserve Banks; Managing Officers of Branches. Federal Reserve Publications. . 749 750-753 Map of Federal Reserve Districts. . Subscription Price of BULLETIN A copy of the Federal Reserve BULLETIN is sent to each member bank without charge. The subscription price in the United States and its possessions, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Republic of Honduras, Mexico, Newfoundland (including Labrador), Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, El Salvador, Uruguay, and Venezuela is $2.00 per annum or 20 cents per copy; elsewhere, $2.60 per annum or 25 cents per copy. Group subscriptions in the United States for 10 or more copies to one address, 15 cents per copy per month, or $1.50 for 12 months. 754 FEDERAL VOLUME 34 RESERVE BULLETIN June 194S NUMBER 6 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN BUSINESS FINANCE The business enterprises of the country have now been operating for almost two years at practically full capacity and under conditions of rising prices. Over-all business expenditures have been in record volume. In part this has reflected the large operating requirements for inventories, customer financing, and the day-to-day expenses that are necessitated by an exceptionally large volume of sales. In part it has resulted from business investment programs undertaken at rising costs to provide increased facilities—plant and equipment—to meet large postwar demands. Business expenditures of the past two years have been financed in part by the large volume of available internal funds, and in part by substantial acquisitions of funds from external sources. Funds obtained from internal sources averaged more than 15 billion dollars a year in 1946 and 1947, or almost three-fifths of total corporate uses of funds. The internal funds were derived primarily from undistributed profits but also from the use of liquid assets—cash and United States Government securities—accumulated during the war. The large volume of undistributed profits has reflected chiefly the unprecedented volume of sales, but it has also been due to some extent to the reduction in taxes from high wartime rates. Prices have risen substantially, the dollar volume of business has been higher than ever before, and business profits, the residual element of the business sales dollar, have also risen sharply. Funds from external sources have been in JUNE 1948 large volume over the past two years and their cost has been exceptionally low. The total used by business concerns undoubtedly exceeded that of any previous two-year period. Over this period there has been increasing reliance on the security markets as a source of financing, although direct loans to businesses by banks and insurance companies expanded more, both in dollar amounts and percentagewise, than in any other two-year period on record. The financial position of business corporations as a group today is still strong. This is true despite the use since the end of the war of a large volume of liquid assets for tax payments as well as for financing inventories, accounts receivable, plant, and equipment, and despite a large volume of debt financing. Business holdings of liquid assets in relation to sales are still somewhat above the prewar levels, and in relation to current liabilities they are substantially above such levels. The building up of the shareholders' equity through the large volume of undistributed profits, together with numerous stock issues, has resulted in an equity-to-debt ratio for business corporations in the aggregate that is slightly above that of 1939. USES OF FUNDS The record rate of business operations that has prevailed since the latter part of 1946 has been the principal factor giving rise to the large volume of business expenditures. Operations at approximately full capacity and at 615 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN BUSINESS FINANCE ESTIMATED PRINCIPAL USES AND SOURCES OF CORPORATE FUNDS * Item In billions of dollar As percentage of total 1947 1946 1947 1946 14.7 6.7 5.1 11.6 7.5 5.4 56 25 19 43 28 20 Uses Plant and equipment expenditures. Inventory accumulation Increase in customer financing Federal income tax payments in excess of allowances Total 0.0 2.5 0 9 26.5 27.0 100 100 Sources Internal, total 14.9 16.8 56 62 Funds retained from operations 2 . Reduction in liquid assets External, total 14.4 0.5 11.1 10.4 6.4 9.0 54 2 42 38 24 33 Bank loans Security issues and mortgages. . . . Trade credit Federal Government for income taxes due . . . . . . . Other net sources and statistical discrepancy 3.0 4.8 1.0 3.3 2.7 3.0 11 18 4 12 10 11 Total 2.3 0.0 9 0 0.5 1.2 2 5 26.5 27.0 100 100 1 Excludes banks and insurance companies. Also, in contrast to certain figures quoted in later sections of the article, excludes unincorporated enterprises. 2 Profits, after income taxes and cash dividends, plus depreciation allowances. SOURCE.—Department of Commerce. a high and rising price level necessitated a large volume of working capital. Business investment in plant and equipment to modernize operations and to expand capacity for probable future requirements has also been affected by the exceptional volume of postwar demand and by the high cost of such investment. Aggregate corporate sales in 1947 probably exceeded 300 billion dollars, approximately a fourth larger than those in 1946 or 1944, the previous peak peacetime and wartime years. Sales last year in all broad industrial groups were the largest on record. The largest increases over 1946 occurred in industries manufacturing durable goods. Thus far in 1948 total business sales have continued high, although they are down seasonally from the level prevailing in the latter part of 1947. Inventory accumulation. Inventory accu616 mulation is a business use of funds directly affected by the volume of sales. The percentage increase in such accumulation was about half as great in 1947 as it was in 1946, but in the first quarter of 1948 it again became large. The sharp rise in inventories thus far in 1948 may prove to be an important factor in the business situation, for it has occurred principally in trade as contrasted to manufacturing industries. Throughout the past two years, but particularly in 1947, the rise in prices has accounted for a large part of the increase in business inventories. MANUFACTURING AND TRADE INVENTORIES [In billions of dollars] On hand Increase in first quarter Industry Mar. Dec. Mar. Dec. 31, 31. 31, 1948 1947 31, 1948 1947 1947 1946 Manufacturing: Durable goods industries. 13.5 13.3 12.2 11.1 Nondurable goods industries 15.4 14.7 13.2 12.3 Total 28.9 28.0 25.4 23.4 Trade: 5.9 7.5 6.7 8.2 Wholesale Retail 11.7 9.9 10.0 8.7 0.2 1.1 0.7 0.9 0.9 2.0 0.7 1.8 0.8 1.3 NOTE.—Monthly estimates of the Department of Commerce. For manufacturing and trade, figures are not additive since the former are on a revised, and the latter on an unrevised, basis of estimation. These figures, unlike those used in the gross national product tabulations for all businesses, are not adjusted for inventory revaluation. The expansion of inventories since the end of the war has resulted in a generally more balanced composition of such inventories for peacetime purposes, even though some concerns have undoubtedly overextended their inventory positions. Stocks of durable goods have generally increased relative to those of nondurable goods, and finished goods have increased relative to raw materials and goods in process. Business inventories as a whole and in most lines, though high, are still not excessive in relation to the scale of current operations as compared with such relationships in prewar years. Such relationships, however, accordFEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN BUSINESS FINANCE ing to experience in past business cycles, are per cent above 1929, the two prewar years not unequivocal gauges of the adequacy or during which expenditures were largest. inadequacy of inventories. Inventory-sales Some increase in expenditures would probratios have not increased substantially re- ably be shown even if allowance were made cently, but this is only because large increases for the rise in construction costs and equipin sales have continued. Generally speaking, ment prices. Expenditures for plant, as compared to it is only when sales level off, or actually decline, that total inventories tend to become •those for equipment, have represented a excessive. Moreover, the current inventory larger proportion of the total in the last quarsituation differs greatly among industries. ter of 1947 and thus far in 1948 than preIn such manufacturing industries as iron and steel, nonferrous metals, and petroleum, for BUSINESS EXPENDITURES ON NEW PLANT AND EQUIPMENT example, current inventories are undoubtedly low by whatever standard may be used, whereas in some lines of metal products, rubber, and textile manufacturing industries they may already be high. Plant and equipment expenditures. The dollar volume of business expenditures on plant and equipment, which had already reached a record level in the first half of 1946, has grown considerably since then. Plans of businesses in the aggregate, according to Securities and Exchange Commission and Department of Commerce data, indicate ex1937 1939 1947 1948 penditures for the year 1948 in excess of those * Estimates based on anticipated expenditures of business. and Exchange Commission and Department of 1947; this would not be true for all lines of NOTE.—Securities Commerce estimates. "All other" includes primarily railroads and other transportation, electric and gas utilities, communiof business. The rate of growth during the cations, trade, services, and finance, but excludes agriculture. past twelve months, after taking account of viously in the postwar period. For the postseasonal factors, has slowed up somewhat. The plans of business enterprises to com- war period as a whole, however, equipment plete their postwar expansion programs as expenditures have constituted a higher prosoon as possible have been facilitated since portion of total expenditures than in the premid-1947 by high volumes of new construc- war period, reflecting the substantial amounts tion and of machinery and other equipment that have been spent to modernize existing production. Such construction and equip- productive facilities and the expansion of ment, however, have been available only at plants in some lines during the war. Almost three-quarters of total expenditures since the steadily increasing costs. The total dollar volume of new plant and end of the war have been for new equipment, equipment expenditures of businesses for the and equipment prices have advanced relayear 1947 as a whole, as shown in the chart, tively less than plant construction costs. Business plans call for a further increase in totaled 16.2 billion dollars, about twice the amount expended in 1941 and more than 75 plant and equipment expenditures in 1948 of BILLIONS OF DOLLARS JUNE 1948 BILLIONS OF DOLLARS 617 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN BUSINESS FINANCE approximately 15 per cent above the record 1947 volume. The postwar expansion programs of many companies in such important broad industrial groups as electric light and power, railroads, petroleum, chemicals, and food still involve sizable expenditures before they will be completed. In addition, expenditures of commercial and service establishments in 1948 are expected to rise above the 1947 levels reflecting in part the absence of restrictions on construction expenditures in these industries such as were in effect in the first half of 1947. INTERNAL FUNDS Undistributed profits. The very high dollar volume of sales of the past two years has been accompanied by an unusually large volume of profits since profit margins have generally been maintained. A higher portion of these profits than in earlier years has been retained by business management, and undistributed profits, as in prior prosperous periods, have provided most of the new equity funds for business. In 1947, over 61 per cent of profits after taxes was retained and reinvested, as compared to 55 per cent in 1946 and only 31 per cent in 1929. The ready availability of such funds in large volume not only facilitated business operations during this period but also undoubtedly led some concerns to increase their expansion plans. Aggregate undistributed corporate profits, as shown in the accompanying chart, totaled approximately 11.0 billion dollars in 1947, as compared to 6.9 billion in 1946, the previous annual high; 5.9 billion in 1943, the wartime peak; and 2.6 billion in 1929. Thus far in 1948 undistributed profits on an annual basis appear to have remained close to the high 1947 level. The rise in corporate profits in 1947 resulted in part from the increase in the dollar 618 UNDISTRIBUTED CORPORATE PROFITS BILLIONS OF DOLLARS BILLIONS OF DOLLARS 12 12 A L L OTHER MANUFACTURING AND MINING 1929 1937 1939 1946 1947 * Undistributed profits were negative for "all other" group in these years. NOTE.—Department of Commerce volume of sales discussed earlier and in part from continued high profit margins, particularly for manufacturing companies. A Federal Reserve compilation of financial data based on the published reports of 200 of the largest manufacturing corporations in the country indicates that the average (median) profit after income taxes was 7.8 cents per dollar of sales in 1947 as compared with 6.7 PROFIT MARGINS OF LARGE CORPORATIONS IN SELECTED INDUSTRIES Ratios of Profits after Income Taxes to Sales or Operating Revenues [In per cent] Manufacturing Quarter NonDurable durable goods goods Railroads Electric power Telephone 1947—1st 2nd 3rd 4th 7.4 6.8 6.7 6.8 11.0 8.9 10.1 11.0 4.4 5.7 5.1 6.7 17.8 16.1 13.2 14.3 8.3 4.4 4.9 6.6 1948—1st 7.4 11.0 3.2 15.5 7.1 NOTE.—The industrial groups are represented as follows: manufacturing—105 durable goods companies and 95 nondurable goods companies; Class I railroads (about 130 companies); Class A and B electric utilities (about 218 companies); 30 telephone companies. FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN BUSINESS FINANCE cents in 1946 and 7.2 cents in 1939. Quarterly profits data for these same manufacturing companies and for large corporations in other selected industries, as are shown in the accompanying table, indicate that profit margins, for most of these groups of large corporations at least, reached a high point in the first quarter of 1947, declined during the spring and summer, but have since recovered a good part, if not all, of their mid-1947 declines. Estimates for all corporations as a group indicate an even more favorable comparison of current with prewar profit margins ; this is due primarily to the exceptionally small number of unprofitable companies in business today as contrasted to prior years. These data on profit margins, it should be noted, relate to profits after all costs and taxes. Since corporate income tax rates are much higher now than they were before the war, the relationship between corporate sales and total costs exclusive of income taxes has probably been more favorable recently than in most previous prosperous years. One important factor affecting this relationship has been the smaller relative increase in overhead as against direct costs during the period of rising prices. Many concerns may of course be extremely susceptible to serious difficulties in the event of even moderate declines in the volume of production because of the lower profit margins that accompany such declines. For corporations in the aggregate the ratio of profits after taxes to net worth, which measures the book value of the owners' investment in corporations, rose sharply in 1947 to approximately 10.5 per cent, about V/2 times the ratio in 1946 and 1943, the previous peacetime and wartime peaks, and more than double the rate in 1929. A compilation of annual corporate financial data prepared by the National City Bank of New York and based on the published reports of JUNE 1948 over 3,100 leading companies shows that the ratio of profits after taxes to net worth in 1947 varied from over 30 per cent in such manufacturing industries as cotton goods, lumber, and household equipment to less than 5 per cent in such nonmanufacturing industries as railroads and traction and bus transportation, and to deficits for the aircraft and parts manufacturing and air transport industries. Liquid assets. In addition to the funds retained from current operations, businesses have been able during the postwar period to draw on liquid assets as a source of financing. These assets had been accumulated during the war years. In 1946 the liquid assets of business corporations in the aggregate decreased 6l/2 billion dollars. Since 1946, however, such assets have decreased only slightly, by approximately l/2 billion dollars in 1947. Most of the decrease in 1946, it will be recalled, resulted from the liquidation of tax notes and other Government securities to meet the high excess profits taxes payable that year on the previous year's income. The excess profits tax was no longer levied on 1946 corporate income. Since early 1947 corporate holdings of Government securities have declined less rapidly and holdings of cash have increased somewhat. Changes in liquid asset holdings in these two years, and especially in 1947, have varied considerably among different lines of business. This is illustrated by the data for large corporations in 14 selected industries shown in the article "Industrial Differences in Large Corporation Financing," pages 623-33 of this BULLETIN. No large additional reduction in the liquid asset holdings of business enterprises is likely even though current holdings are still large relative to those of prewar years. Business management is keeping a larger dollar vol619 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS I N BUSINESS FINANCE ume of liquid assets on hand either to meet increased operating requirements for funds resulting from higher prices or to meet possible future contingencies. In fact, some increase in such holdings may be expected if sales and corporate income taxes payable continue to increase, thus raising the requirement for liquid funds for operating purposes, and if the disbursements of concerns that have completed their postwar expansion programs are substantially less than their receipts. Thus commercial and industrial loans of banks in various classes of cities, as is shown in the table, experienced approximately the same percentage increases last year, indicating that the business loan demands of a variety of diflferent-sized borrowers were involved. Petroleum, sales finance, and food, BUSINESS LOANS OF M E M B E R BANKS Amount outstanding (In billions of dollars) Percentage change Type of bank June Dec. June 31, 30, 2, 1948! 1947 1947 EXTERNAL SOURCES OF FUNDS All member, t o t a l . . . . * 17.0 13.8 1st Dec. 1st 31, Half Half 1946 1948 2 1947 13.2 * 5 Year 1947 29 As the period of practically capacity operations and of high prices has lengthened, business enterprises have sought a somewhat i Estimated. « Through June 2. * Figures for country banks not available, but available data larger proportion of funds from external for country banks indicate a further increase in total loans during first four months of 1948. sources, particularly from sales of security theNOTE.—Percentage changes computed from data in millions dollars. Detailed figures may not add to totals because of issues. Total external sources provided cor- ofrounding. porations as a group with 42 per cent of their total funds in 1947 as compared with 33 per liquor and tobacco companies were important borrowers from large banks, while many cent in 1946. Ban\ loans. Commercial banks have been small retailers and service enterprises borimportant sources of business funds since rowed from the smaller banks. New term loans to business—loans with a mid-1946. Outstanding total commercial and industrial loans of all banks increased over maturity of over one year—continued in large 8 billion dollars during the two-year period, volume in 1947 but were probably less ima much larger increase than had previously portant relative to new short-term loans than occurred in a comparable period of time. in either 1945 or 1946. The lower cost of The major part of the increase took place bank loans, as compared to security issues, during the last half of 1946 and the last half caused some concerns to seek accommodaof 1947. Further increase in the use of bank tions, at least temporarily, through banks credit by business appears likely in 1948 de- rather than through public security issues. Thus far in 1948 the business loan volume spite the decrease, largely of a seasonal nature, of the large member banks of the Federal in the first half of the year. Last year's new bank loans to business, like Reserve System that report on a weekly basis those in the previous year, were extended to has fallen off somewhat from the end-of-1947 concerns of all sizes and in all industries. level. The decline has been greater at New Although comprehensive data are not cur- York City and Chicago banks than at the rently available on the size and industrial banks located in other leading cities. This character of businesses that borrowed from decline has been in part of a seasonal nature; banks, there are some indications available. in part the result of the abrupt commodity Central reserve city Reserve city Country 620 6.4 6.9 * 6.8 7.1 3.1 5.3 5.7 2.7 5.2 - 5 2 5.5 # 2.4 3 3 13 31 28 27 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN RECENT DEVELOPMENTS I N BUSINESS FINANCE price decline in February and the incomplete divided almost equally between telephone price recovery from those lows; in part the companies and those in the electric light and result of some repayment of bank loans of power and gas group. large companies, particularly public utilities, The percentage of new corporate security with the proceeds from private and public issues, excluding refunding issues, repreplacements of security issues; in part the sented by common stock, as is shown in the result of high fourth quarter profits of many accompanying chart, has been larger since concerns; and in part the result of a more the end of the war than it was in prior periods restrained lending policy on the part of of prosperity. Since mid-1945, the annual bankers who were influenced by anti-infla- average ratio of the dollar volume of comtionary fiscal and monetary policies. mon stock to total new issues has been 16 Security issues. Net new money obtained per cent as compared to 14 per cent in both by corporations through issuing securities— the 1935-39 and 1922-27 periods; the years that is, the dollar volume of new issues less 1928 and 1929 cannot be compared because that of refunding issues and less cash retire- of the difficulty of allowing precisely for the ments of securities—was a much more im- numerous financial issues offered then. Durportant source of funds for business corpora- ing the last quarter of 1947 the dollar volume tions in 1947 and early 1948 than in 1946. of new common stock issues totaled over 350 In 1947 this volume totaled 4.5 billion dollars million dollars, the largest quarterly volume as against 2.3 billion in 1946. Thus far in CORPORATE SECURITY ISSUES FOR NEW CAPITAL 1948 the volume appears to have been at an ANNUAL RATE annual rate about equal to 1947. Strictly 4 comparable data on net new financing are 4 not available for all prior years, but if a rough 3 3 allowance is made for the large volume of w< Y////, PREFERRED STOCK purely financial issues of the late twenties, 2 2 m the 1947 total is probably by far the largest annual volume of net new money ever ob1 tained by corporations through security 1 B issues. Manufacturing companies and public utility companies other than railroads each re100 ceived roughly one-half of the new money 100 obtained through corporate security issues 75 last year and thus far in 1948. Railroads as 75 a group actually used more money to retire 50 outstanding securities than they obtained 50 E 888 ggggi from issuing new ones. • ^K 111 5 8s 25 The volume of new money obtained by 25 §8 5 S8c manufacturing companies dropped off 888881 slightly after 1946, while that obtained by . 0 0 „ JULY 1945 2-27 193 5- 39 MARCH 1948 public utilities increased very sharply. In 192 NOTE.—Commercial and Financial Chronicle compilations. the case of the utilities such financing was Issues of investment trusts are excluded in 1926 and 1927. BILLIONS OF DOLLARS ;'.;!;! VOLUME Bil LIONS OF DOLLARS COMMON STOCK 1 _ PER C :NT PER CENT DISTR BUTION - iMli -1 i§ KXXAAQAAS 1 JUNE 1948 621 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN BUSINESS FINANCE of such financing since the second quarter of 1930. The proportion of new issues represented by common stock, however, as is shown in the table, has been smaller since the decline in stock prices in the late summer of 1946 than it was in the earlier part of the postwar period. CORPORATE SECURITY ISSUES FOR N E W Quarter Total CAPITAL * Stocks Bonds Preferred Common CONCLUSION Common stocks as a percentage of total Dollar volume (In millions) 1946—1st... 2nd. . 3rd. . 4th. . 311 785 908 1,552 37 320 490 1,237 123 227 159 233 150 239 258 82 48 30 28 5 1947—1st... 2nd.. 3rd. . 4th. . 740 1,102 873 1,994 610 750 606 1,526 62 245 175 115 68 106 92 352 9 10 11 18 1948—1st... 1,470 1,222 89 159 11 1 Excludes refunding issues. NOTE.—Commercial and Financial Chronicle data, figures may not add to totals because of rounding. Detailed Private placements of new corporate securities, principally debt issues placed with insurance companies, continued in large volume in 1947; such placements reflected the availability of substantial amounts of institutional funds seeking investment. Privately placed bonds and notes, excluding term loans of banks but including refunding issues, totaled 1.8 billion dollars in 1947, 38 per cent of total debt issues; this represented the same proportion of the total as in 1946 when the dollar volume was slightly larger. Life insurance companies have recently provided some funds to business corporations by actual acquisitions of business plant and equipment that are subsequently rented to the seller on long-term lease. The legal power to purchase such property has gen- 622 erally been acquired only recently, and thus far has been used almost exclusively to purchase stores, offices, and factories from large profitable corporations. During 1947 life insurance companies invested in such property approximately 125 million dollars, bringing their total holdings at the year-end to about 200 million. Prospects are for sustained large business investment in factories, machinery, and stocks of goods throughout the remainder of 1948 on the basis of orders already placed. Business enterprises anticipate spending more on plant and equipment in 1948 than they did in 1947, and aggregate business holdings of inventories and receivables still do not appear high relative to the volume of current and prospective sales although such is not the case in all lines of activity. Business profits are also likely to be larger in 1948 than in 1947. In such a case the volume of undistributed profits would continue high despite probable higher cash dividends and corporate income taxes. Business holdings of liquid assets in the aggregate, however, will probably not be reduced further. In view of their large planned expenditures, business concerns may increase their bank loans and make additional private as well as public sales of securities during the remaining months of 1948. Public sales of stock issues may be less costly as a result of the recent rise in the stock market. The major part of business external financing in 1948, as in 1946 and 1947, would probably occur during the last half of the year when business expenditures reach their seasonal peak. FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN INDUSTRIAL DIFFERENCES IN LARGE CORPORATION FINANCING by CHARLES H. SCHMIDT Reconversion, replacement, and expansion of productive facilities, coupled with generally high levels of business activity and rising prices, have had a marked effect on postwar business financing. These developments can be observed from the over-all data on business plant and equipment expenditures, components of working capital, bond and stock issues, profits, and dividends of nonfinancial corporations that are discussed in the leading article in this BULLETIN. Comparatively little is known, however, about financing developments in the postwar period among corporations of different sizes, or the importance of various sources and uses of funds in different industries. As a basis for studying industrial differences, data were compiled for a sample of 279 large companies in 10 manufacturing and 3 public utility industries, and in retail trade. The sample includes a majority, and in several cases all, of the large corporations in industries dominated by large concerns. It also includes a number of large retail trade companies, which, although they account for a relatively small proportion of total corporate retail trade assets and sales, have been included because of a general interest in the postwar financial experience of that industry. While comparisons of large with medium and small corporations in selected industries would no doubt be extremely interesting, published financial statements of smaller companies are not available in sufficiently detailed form to permit analysis of their sources and uses of funds. SUMMARY Postwar uses of funds by large corporations differed from one industry to another, reflecting dissimilar economic characteristics and reconversion problems. Similar differences existed with respect to sources of funds, depending upon the profitability of postwar operations, availability of liquid assets, and access to bank, trade, and other forms of credit, and to equity capital investment. 1. Plant and equipment expenditures of large corporations, except those in the automobile industry, were higher in 1947 than in 1946. The greatest relative increases occurred in the electric JUNE 1948 and gas utility, retail trade, and communication (telephone) industries; the smallest, among the rubber and machinery manufacturing companies. Manufacturers of durable goods, including machinery and transportation equipment (other than automobiles), whose reconversion expenditures during 1946 were substantial, had relatively smaller increases in their 1947 plant and equipment expenditures than did manufacturers of such nondurable goods as tobacco, food, petroleum, and chemicals. 2. Large corporations in the majority of manufacturing and trade industries added more to their dollar volume of inventory holdings in 1946 than in 1947. This resulted from the need for replenishing war-depleted stocks and the sharp rise in prices during the latter part of 1946. There were, however, a few manufacturing industries, notably iron and steel, rubber, and petroleum, in which increased production and rising prices resulted in somewhat greater inventory accumulation during 1947. 3. There was some decline in the relative importance of internal funds (i.e. funds retained from operations and reduction in holdings of cash and marketable securities) from 1946 to 1947. However, such internal sources accounted for more than half of the total funds obtained by large corporations during 1947 in 8 of 14 industries. In retail trade the relative importance of internal funds increased slightly in 1947; in contrast, large tobacco companies obtained only about one-fifth of their funds from internal sources in both years. 4. Large corporations drew heavily upon their cash and marketable security holdings during 1946 in order to pay accrued Federal income taxes and to finance inventory and plant and equipment expenditures. However, as a result of increased earnings and a greater reliance upon external sources of funds, large corporations in 6 of 14 industries were able to increase their liquid asset holdings during 1947. In all but one of the remaining industries, decreases were much smaller during 1947 than in the preceding year. 5. A substantial proportion of the bank credit employed by large corporations in the postwar period is represented by term loans (i.e. loans with 623 INDUSTRIAL DIFFERENCES IN LARGE CORPORATION FINANCING a maturity at time of making of more than one year). Such loans were particularly prevalent in the petroleum, iron and steel, automobile, machinery, rubber, and chemical industries, where longterm bank credit has been used to finance in part reconversion, replacement, and expansion of productive facilities. 6. Large corporations in all but the railroad industry obtained more funds from the sale of their own bonds and stocks than were used to refund or retire such securities during 1947. In the majority of industries analyzed there were substantial increases in the amount of such net new money in 1947 as compared with 1946. SCOPE AND COVERAGE OF SAMPLE The selection of a sample of large companies was partly dependent upon the availability of published data. Generally speaking, it is only the larger companies that publish financial statements sufficiently detailed to permit analysis of their sources and uses of funds. Selection of companies to be included was limited to manufacturing and trade corporations with total assets of 10 million dollars and over at the end of 1947, and to public utility concerns, whose activities require substantially greater investments in plant and equipment, with end-of1947 total assets of 150 million dollars and over. Some of these companies were subsequently eliminated because detailed data were not available or because their fiscal periods did not permit comparisons for the end of the calendar year. With the exception of retail trade, industrial representation was limited to those industries in which large corporations accounted for more than half of the total assets and sales of all corporations, as determined from Statistics of Income for 1941. As is shown in Table 1, total asset coverage of the sample of 279 large corporations, except for retail trade, varies from 35 per cent of total corporate assets in the electric and gas utility industry to 95 per cent of total assets in the telephone industry. In 7 of the 10 manufacturing industries selected for analysis, total asset coverage of the sample represents 50 per cent or more of all corporate assets. USES OF CORPORATE FUNDS As soon as wartime restrictions on materials and construction were relaxed, large corporations initiated extensive programs for replacement and ex- 624 TABLE 1 TOTAL ASSETS AND SALES COVERAGE OF FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD SAMPLE OF 279 LARGE CORPORATIONS IN SELECTED INDUSTRIES Industry Number of companies Sample as percentage of all corporations Total assets Net sales Food Tobacco Rubber Petroleum Chemicals 28 4 4 24 33 36 65 66 63 47 37 67 68 62 36 Iron and steel Nonferrous metals Machinery, incl. elec Automobile ... . Other trans, equip 18 13 47 12 19 62 57 36 62 51 145 2 38 31 67 49 Retail trade 39 20 20 Railroads Elec. and gas util Communication 20 17 1 66 35 95 68 44 95 1 Sales missing for one steel company with total assets of 52 million dollars. 2 Sales missing for one nonferrous metals company with total assets of 428 million dollars. NOTE.—Manufacturing and trade include only companies with end-of-year 1947 total assets of 10 million dollars and over; coverage estimates based on 1941 total assets and sales of all corporations submitting balance sheets, as reported in Statistics of Income. The year 1941 is the most recent one for which Statistics of Income data are available on the standard peacetime industrial classification of manufacturing companies. Railroads include only companies with end-of-year 1947 total assets of 150 million dollars and over; coverage estimates based on 1945 statistics for all Class I steam railways, as compiled by the Interstate Commerce Commission. Electric and gas utilities include only companies with end-of-year 1947 total assets of 150 million dollars and over; coverage estimates based on 1946 statistics for all Class A and B electric and gas utilities, as compiled by the Federal Power Commission. Communication industry represented by consolidated financial statements of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and principal subsidiaries comprising the Bell System; coverage estimates based on 1946 statistics for Class A and B telephone companies, as compiled by the Federal Communications Commission. pansion of plant and equipment. Substantial investments in inventories were also required to replenish the materials and parts needed for civilian goods. In some lines customer financing increased sharply, reflecting the re-establishment of normal trade relationships and an increased availability of consumer goods. These three forms of investment, augmented by a pronounced rise in the general price level, accounted for the major part of funds used by large corporations in most industries during 1946 and 1947. However, the proportions of total funds used for these three purposes, and for debt repayment, varied widely from one industry to another. Large corporations in the petroleum, chemical, iron and steel, electric and gas utility, and communication industries, as is shown in Table 2, FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN INDUSTRIAL DIFFERENCES IN LARGE CORPORATION FINANCING TABLE 2 USES OF CORPORATE FUNDS, 279 1946-47 * LARGE CORPORATIONS IN SELECTED INDUSTRIES [Dollar amounts in millions] Percentage distribution of uses Industry 1946-47 Food Tobacco Rubber Petroleum Chemicals $ 923 402 653 3,890 1,383 Iron and steel Nonferrous metals Machinery, incl. elec Automobiles Other trans, equip 1,579 646 2,159 1,986 1,143 Retail trade 1,375 Railroads Elec. and gas util Communication 1.665 1,106 2,524 ooo o ooooo ooooo ooo o ooooo ooooo Total Plant and equip, expend. Inventory accumulation Customer financing Debt repayment Other2 37 11 33 75 62 42 83 27 11 21 14 5 10 8 7 3 1 17 0 2 (0 66 37 35 36 15 13 22 29 27 24 7 0 4 3 0 2 14 22 11 49 12 5 12 27 10 22 11 51 80 74 8 10 3 34 3 8 4 6 13 4 16 3 2 2 1 Net of cash dividend payments. Gross totals were derived by adding negative amounts in the Sources of Funds and Uses of Funds sections to the Uses of Funds—Totals, as shown in the Composite Sources and Uses of Funds Statement. 2 Includes tax refund and renegotiation payments, additions to other assets, and nonrecurring or extraordinary charges to income. 3 Less than 0.5 per cent. NOTE.—Percentages may not add to 100 because of rounding. concentrated two-thirds or more of their expenditures during 1946-47 on replacement and expansion of their productive facilities. In a few industries, notably nonferrous metals, machinery, and automobiles, in which plant and equipment additions and replacements might have been expected to represent a substantial proportion of the funds used by large companies, slightly more than a third of their postwar funds were devoted to such purposes. Inventory accumulation accounted for as much as 83 per cent of the total funds used by tobacco companies, and over 40 per cent of funds used by food processing and retail trade companies. Each of the other major uses of funds was important in only a few of the industries analyzed. Large corporations in the retail trade and food processing industries used 16 and 14 per cent, respectively, of total funds for customer financing. Debt repayment, primarily settlement of income tax liability, absorbed large proportions (49 to 22 per cent) of total funds used by the other transportation equipment, railroad, and machinery groups. In the nonferrous metal and automobile industries, large corporations used 27 and 22 per cent, respectively, of their total funds for extraordinary purposes, including payments to the Federal Government on prior year tax and renegotiation settlements. JUNE 1948 Postwar uses of funds by the companies previously engaged in the production of planes, tanks, guns, and ships differed from those of other large corporations. Plant and equipment expenditures accounted for a smaller proportion of the total funds used by such former war producers than by other large corporations during 1946-1947, but payments of current and prior year income taxes and renegotiation settlements were relatively more important. Plant and equipment expenditures. Many corporations initiated replacement and expansion programs as early as mid-1945, but the time required to fill orders for machinery and equipment and to complete construction projects was prolonged by shortages of steel and other critical materials. Notwithstanding these delays, plant and equipment expenditures of all businesses in 1946, as is shown in the leading article of this BULLETIN, were nearly double those of 1945, while similar expenditures in 1947 were approximately 30 per cent above the 1946 level. The plant and equipment expenditures of large corporations in 1947 were above those of 1946 in most of the industries analyzed, although variation among industries was great. As is shown in 625 INDUSTRIAL DIFFERENCES IN LARGE CORPORATION FINANCING Table 3, the 1947 expenditures of large electric and gas utility companies on productive facilities were more than double the corresponding amount in 1946. A similar comparison for the large automobile manufacturing companies reveals a decline of 25 per cent in plant and equipment expenditures. Between these two extremes, there were some industries, especially food processing, tobacco, nonferrous metals, and retail trade, in which plant and equipment expenditures increased substantially from 1946 to 1947. In other industries, notably rubber and machinery, expenditures were only slightly higher during 1947 than in the preceding year. TABLE 3 P L A N T AND E Q U I P M E N T EXPENDITURES, 1947 279 AND 1946 LARGE CORPORATIONS IN SELECTED INDUSTRIES [Dollar amounts in millions] Percentage increase, 1947 over 1946 Total expenditures during 1946-47 as percentage of gross plant and equip., end of 19451 493 65 69 1 49 34 21 37 30 28 39 599 148 394 310 96 33 61 9 -25 26 18 10 45 46 25 Retail trade 214 91 32 Railroads Elec. and gas util Communication 509 610 47 126 72 6 13 32 1947 Industry Food Tobacco Rubber Petroleum Chemicals Iron and steel Nonferrous metals Machinery, incl. elec.. . Automobiles Other trans, equip $ 211 27 108 1,737 1,185 1 Gross book value of fixed property without deduction of accumulated depreciation. Generally speaking, total plant and equipment expenditures in 1946-47 were sizable in comparison with the gross value of plant and equipment at the end of 1945.x Industries in which capital expenditures of large corporations were greatest relative to the gross value of plant and equipment at the end of 1945 are automobiles and machinery (46 and 45 percent respectively) and chemicals, tobacco, communication and retail trade (between 30 and 39 per cent). Industries with the smallest postwar capital expenditures relative to gross plant and 1 As a measure of existing productive capacity, gross plant and equipment is subject to the limitation that some part of the investment may represent obsolete or worn-out machinery and equipment. Thus, any comparison of current plant and equipment expenditures, even after allowance for present higher costs, may not provide a true indication of the net increase in productive capacity resulting from the expenditure. 626 equipment include nonferrous metals and iron and steel manufacturing, and electric and gas utilities. Both of the basic metal and metal products industries expanded their capacity during the war and have had few plant reconversion problems; relative to their total productive capacity on hand at the end of 1945, postwar expansion and replacement has been small. Large electric and gas utility concerns, on the other hand, initiated extensive expansion programs during 1945 and 1946, but their fulfillment has been delayed somewhat by material and equipment shortages. In view of the high cost of plant and equipment in recent years, actual additions to productive capacity in the postwar period have been much smaller than the dollar figures might imply, when compared with prewar expenditures. In some industries the current costs of plant and equipment are from two to four times their prewar level. Not only have such increased costs augmented corporate expenditures, but they have also introduced an additional element of rigidity into product costs. Inventory accumulation. Ranking second among postwar uses of corporate funds in many industries, and first in some, was inventory accumulation. With rapid turnover at steadily rising prices, inventories have constantly been replaced at greater cost, which in turn has required heavier investment in this form of working capital. The majority of the selected industries experienced their greatest relative growth in inventories during 1946, as is shown in Table 4, though inventory expansion was well sustained during 1947, and for some industries was greater in 1947 than in 1946. Among manufacturing concerns, the character and amount of inventory accumulation varied considerably, depending upon the type of material processed and production delays that resulted in part from shortages of material and component parts. Industries like food and tobacco manufacturing, which are primarily engaged in processing agricultural products, were forced by rapidly rising prices to invest substantial amounts in inventories. With large accumulated demands for their products at the war's end, companies in the automobile and railroad transportation equipment industries proceeded to purchase quantities of materials and supplies needed for production. Subsequently, because production was delayed by shortage of key FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN INDUSTRIAL DIFFERENCES IN LARGE CORPORATION FINANCING TABLE 4 INVENTORY ACCUMULATION, 1947 AND 1946 279 LARGE CORPORATIONS IN SELECTED INDUSTRIES [Dollar amounts in millions] Industry Food Tobacco Rubber Petroleum Chemicals Iron and steel Nonferrous metals Machinery, incl. elec.. . Automobiles Other trans, equip 1947 as percentage of 1946 1946-47 combined, as percentage of inventories, end of 19451 $168 156 103 220 134 76 88 136 113 84 59 35 59 46 54 128 57 317 218 92 158 70 99 67 52 22 36 63 95 85 1947 Retail trade 82 16 69 Railroads Elec. and gas util Communication 80 76 42 178 211 98 32 110 167 1 End-of-year gross book value of inventories, without deduction of valuation or replacement reserves or reserves for possible future decline in value of inventory. materials and component parts, their inventories of available materials and supplies tended to rise above the levels normally required. The result was a heavy investment in inventories over longer periods of time than originally anticipated, which tied up funds and augmented the need for working capital. Retail trade inventory accumulation was particularly heavy during 1946, primarily because of the need for restocking war-depleted shelves. Rising prices also contributed materially to the increased investment. Uncertainties prevailing during the first half of 1947 concerning the future course of consumer demand and prices resulted in a sharp curtailment of retail trade inventory accumulation. Despite some resumption of inventory buying in the latter half of the year, additions to retail inventories in 1947 were only 16 per cent of those in the preceding year. Relative to the dollar volume of inventories on hand at the end of 1945, inventory accumulation during the two-year period 1946-47 was substantial in most of the industries analyzed. Electric and gas utility companies and the communication industry more than doubled their investments in materials and supplies, though the dollar volume of such investment was small. Manufacturers of automobiles and other transportation equipment added almost as much to the dollar volume of their inventories during the postwar period as they had JUNE 1948 on hand at the end of the war. Additional postwar investment in inventories was relatively small among the large iron and steel and tobacco companies—though the substantial inventory holdings of the latter at the end of 1945 tend to obscure the magnitude of their postwar accumulation. SOURCES OF CORPORATE FUNDS The bulk of the funds used by large corporations in the years 1946-47 came from internal sources, chiefly profits retained from operations and liquidation of cash and marketable security holdings. A number of large corporations were relatively independent of outside financing sources. However, the number of large companies that sought outside financing was sufficient to contribute materially to the expansion of bank credit during the postwar period and to swell the volume of security financing to a relatively high level. Some of the large companies borrowed directly from banks and insurance companies, while others sold bonds as well as preferred and common stocks in the market. Relative dependence upon internal sources of funds varied from one industry to another, during 1946 and 1947, as is shown in Table 5. For TABLE INTERNAL 279 5 SOURCES OF CORPORATE FUNDS, 1947 AND 1946 LARGE CORPORATIONS IN SELECTED INDUSTRIES [Dollar amounts in millions] Industry 1947 Internal as percentage of total sources 1947 1946 323 42 170 1,539 352 66 21 49 63 44 85 21 84 79 70 Iron and steel Nonferrous metals Machinery, incl. elec Automobiles Other trans, equip 527 203 394 424 207 60 53 42 45 74 75 78 63 60 92 Retail trade 442 79 74 Railroads Elec. and gas util Communication 566 415 257 72 58 17 100 72 37 Food Tobacco Rubber Petroleum Chemicals $ NOTE.—Funds from internal sources include funds from operations (net profit plus current depreciation accruals minus cash dividends), net decreases in cash balances, marketable securities, trade notes and accounts receivable, inventories, and other assets. Also included are tax refund and renegotiation receipts and profits on the sale of fixed assets and investments. Total sources of funds includes funds derived from internal and external sources. The latter, not shown in the table, consist primarily of credit advanced by banks, trade suppliers, the U. S. Government (in the form of accrued income tax liability), and bond and mortgage holders, and of additional equity capital investment resulting from the issuance of capital stock. 627 INDUSTRIAL DIFFERENCES IN LARGE CORPORATION FINANCING example, large railroad corporations obtained all, other transportation equipment companies 92 per cent, and large food and rubber companies roughly 85 per cent of their funds from internal sources in 1946. Other industries in which internal sources accounted for substantial proportions of total funds (74-79 per cent) were petroleum, nonferrous metals, and iron and steel in the manufacturing group, and retail trade. The proportion of large corporation funds drawn from internal sources declined from 1946 to 1947 in every industry analyzed, except tobacco and retail trade. The decline was sharp in some industries, such as rubber, other transportation equipment, and chemicals, while it was less pronounced in communication, electric and gas utilities, and iron and steel. Internal sources of funds. The principal source of internal funds in a period of economic prosperity is retained earnings, that is, net profit after taxes and dividends plus current depreciation accruals. What distinguishes the postwar period 1946-47 from the prewar thirties as far as internal sources of corporate funds are concerned are: first, the high level of corporate profits in the postwar period; and second, the volume of funds obtained through reduction of cash and marketable security holdings, especially in 1946. Corporate profits were at record levels during 1946-47 in most industries, and dividend payments to stockholders were not increased in proportion to earnings. As a result, retained earnings provided two-thirds or more of the internal funds obtained by large corporations in 9 of the 14 industries. Funds retained from operations were supplemented by those secured through reduction in holdings of cash and marketable securities—largely United States Government securities. Although such funds were used extensively for the settlement of accrued Federal income tax liabilities, some were available for the purchase of inventories and the financing of plant and equipment expenditures. Large corporations in all but one of the 14 industries reduced their liquid assets during 1946, as is shown in Table 6. In 7 of these industries there was some further reduction of liquid assets during 1947, but in each case the decrease was smaller than that of the preceding year. In contrast to 1946, there were a number of large 628 TABLE 6 CASH AND MARKETABLE SECURITY HOLDINGS, 1947 279 AND 1946 LARGE CORPORATIONS IN SELECTED INDUSTRIES [Dollar amounts in millions] Industry Food Tobacco Rubber Petroleum Chemicals Iron and steel Nonferrous metals Machinery, inch elec.. Automobiles Other trans, equip.... Retail trade Railroads Elec. and gas util Communication Liquid reChange in Per- asset Amount holdings during centage duction on as perchange centage hand, 1947 of total end of over internal 1947 1945 sources, 1947 1946 1946-471 $ 501 53 226 1,309 1,014 $-76 -3 +109 +94 $-136 -9 -78 -72 -110 1,567 769 898 991 326 -23 + 126 +29 +341 -145 -38 -67 -557 -177 -317 -30 -17 -26 32 13 30 4 14 -4 14 17 51 25 47 +3 +8 -37 +20 -59 681 -21 -308 -33 42 1,253 438 539 -100 -144 + 170 -471 -31 -16 39 20 15 +59 -91 + 17 1 Based on gross sources, as contrasted with net changes shown in preceding three columns. corporations that increased their cash and marketable security holdings during 1947. In some industries, notably petroleum, nonferrous metals, automobiles, and communication, more was added to cash and marketable securities during 1947 than had been withdrawn during 1946. In others, such as chemicals and machinery, increases in liquid assets during 1947 were smaller than the corresponding withdrawals of the preceding year. While larger profits provided a substantial part of the increased holdings of cash and marketable securities during 1947, banks loans and proceeds from the sale of stocks and bonds and from expansion of other long-term debt contributed to the liquid asset expansion of many large corporations. Miscellaneous internal sources were relatively insignificant except among some of the industries that had made war products—the machinery, automobile, and other transportation equipment manufacturers. In these groups, collections of amounts due from the Government on uncompleted war contracts and tax refunds supplied a substantial part of their internal funds during 1946, and a much smaller proportion in 1947. External sources of corporate funds. External sources accounted for less than 30 per cent of total funds used by large corporations in most industries FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN INDUSTRIAL DIFFERENCES IN LARGE CORPORATION FINANCING during 1946, and as much as half of the funds used in 1947. There was considerable variation, industry by industry, in both years, so far as the relative importance of different external sources was concerned. Ban\ credit. As is shown in Table 7, large corporations in 8 of the 14 industry groups increased their bank loans during 1947, and a like number in 1946. Among the 5 industries that borrowed from banks in both years, the amount of credit obtained was somewhat larger in 1947 than in 1946, while 4 industries that decreased their bank loans during 1946 borrowed from banks in 1947. Greatest relative expansion in bank loans during 1947 occurred among the chemical, electric and gas utility, communication, rubber, and food processing companies, while large iron and steel, automobile, and retail trade concerns reduced their bank loans. TABLE 7 OUTSTANDING BANK LOANS OF LARGE CORPORATIONS, 1947-45 279 LARGE CORPORATIONS IN SELECTED INDUSTRIES [Dollar amounts in millions] Industry Food Tobacco Rubber Petroleum Chemicals End of 1947 $145 270 25 392 126 Long-term as Percentage increase in end- percentage of of-year totals total bank loans 1946 over 1945 1947 1946 65 36 31 5 -98 8 93 37 1 72 98 72 54 2 0 90 88 -45 317 5 370 -32 93 18 88 97 31 98 63 77 89 19 15 30 190 137 84 Retail trade 90 -6 52 66 55 Railroads Elec. and gas util Communication 79 40 248 -8 0) 0) 29 0 61 1 Little or no volume in preceding year; percentage change has no2 significance. Detailed information regarding bank loans not available. 3 No outstanding bank loans. Foreseeing a need for bank credit to finance reconversion from war to peacetime production, payment of Federal income tax liability, and expansion of plant and equipment, a number of large companies negotiated lines of credit in 1945 and 1946 at very favorable rates of interest. Many of these agreements provided for short-term borrowing up to a stated limit within a specified time period, with the borrower having the option at the expiraJUNE 1948 NEW MONEY 279 8 FROM BONDS, MORTGAGES, AND CAPITAL 1947 AND 1946 1 LARGE CORPORATIONS IN SELECTED INDUSTRIES [Dollar amounts in millions] 32 100 -27 53 40 -3 57 Iron and steel Nonferrous metals Machinery, incl. elec.. . Automobiles Other trans, equip TABLE NET STOCK, 1947 over 1946 0) tion of the loan of renewing it for a period of 5 to 10 years. Other agreements provided for loans with maturities at time of making of more than one year. Such term loans accounted for over 90 per cent of the total bank loans outstanding at the end of 1947 for large companies in the petroleum, iron and steel, automobile, and railroad industries. Approximately one-third of the bank loans held by food processing, other transportation equipment manufacturing, and electric and gas utility companies had original maturities of more than one year. Tobacco companies, which customarily borrow substantial amounts on short-term loans for the purpose of carrying inventories, obtained less than one per cent of their bank credit on a termloan basis. Bonds and stocks. Sale of bonds and equity capital shares, together with some expansion of mortgages and other long-term debt, provided part of the funds used by large corporations during the postwar period. During 1946, large corporations in 11 of the 14 industries obtained more funds from such sources than they used for retirement of long- Net 1947 Industry Food Tobacco Rubber Petroleum Chemicals Iron and steel Nonferrous metals. . . Machinery incl. elec.. Automobiles Other trans, equip... . Retail trade Railroads Elec. and gas util.. . . Communication Mtgs., bonds. Capand ital other stock liab. $ 48 $ Total 50 -28 192 137 62 74 118 60 37 10 -35 (*) 3 -16 39 2 -77 157 903 3 55 250 stocks 1947 24 $ 23 140 157 155 new money as 1946 percentage of total net, islant bonds and equip. 2 and expenditure 1946 72 $-17 122 73 112 349 292 6 98 73 52 (4) 181 30 80 (3) (4) 8 14 28 72 39 118 63 21 35 -57 342 211 59 18 41 40 33 30 13 (3) 119 64 109 41 49 28 80 -74 212 -139 3 (3) 86 115 1,153 80 550 C) 50 122 1 Proceeds from sale of bonds, mortgages, and capital stock, and increases in other long-term liabilities, net of bond refunding and retirement of bonds and stocks. 2 Net new money obtained from bond and stock sales and increases in other long-term liabilities divided by net plant expenditure (plant and equipment expenditures minus current depreciation accruals). 3 Decreases in bonds and stocks. 4 Net plant expenditure small and percentages have no significance; bulk of net new money used for inventory accumulation. 629 INDUSTRIAL DIFFERENCES IN LARGE CORPORATION FINANCING term debt and repurchase of stock. In 1947 large companies in all but one of the industries analyzed obtained some net new money from these sources. Large corporations in 8 of the 14 industries obtained more funds from long-term debt and stock during 1947 than in the preceding year, as is shown in Table 8. These included large corporations that had initiated long-run replacement and expansion programs in 1945 and 1946 in the petroleum, chemical, railroad, electric and gas utility, and communication industries. On the other hand, large corporations in the automobile and machinery industries borrowed heavily to finance reconversion expenditures during 1946 and to a more limited extent for other purposes during 1947. While funds obtained from the sale of securities and increase in other long-term debt are not necessarily used to finance plant and equipment expenditures, the one is frequently associated with the other. If net plant and equipment expenditure (plant and equipment expenditures less current depreciation accruals) is compared with net new money obtained from the sale of bonds and stocks, it appears that the latter exceeded the former in 3 of the 14 industries during 1947. Industries with large postwar capital expansion programs obtained funds from bond and stock sales equaling 30 to 100 per cent or more of their net plant and equipment expansion in 1947, and relatively smaller amounts in 1946. NOTE.—Composite Sources and Uses of Funds Statements, Balance Sheets, and Selected Income Statement data for the sample of large corporations discussed in this article are shown on the following three pages. 630 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN INDUSTRIAL DIFFERENCES IN LARGE CORPORATION FINANCING C O M P O S I T E SOURCES AND U S E S O F F U N D S S T A T E M E N T , 279 L A R G E CORPORATIONS IN S E L E C T E D 1947-46 INDUSTRIES [Dollar amounts in millions] Manufacturing Food Account Number of companies Tobacco 1947 1946 1947 Rubber 1946 28 28 4 Sources of funds—total. . Net from operations 1. . . . Cash Mkt. securities Trade payables Bank loans, short-term. . . Bank loans, long-term.. . . Accrued inc. taxes Other cur. liab Mtgs., bonds, other liab... Capital stock , Other sources 2 $477 235 -10 86 26 52 6 7 2 48 24 2 $399 237 5 130 38 13 8 -20 6 -11 -6 0 $196 39 2 0 -2 74 -2 10 1 23 50 0 $199 31 4 5 10 5 4 Uses of funds—total Plant and equip, expend.. Inventories Receivables Other assets Other uses 3 $477 211 168 84 14 0 $399 $196 27 156 12 $199 16 128 220 41 7 3 1947 Petroleum 1946 i 2 122 0 1 177 8 2 0 6 18 -37 -4 140 -28 0 $227 108 103 15 1 0 Number of companies Sources of funds—total Net from operations * Cash M k t . securities Trade payables Bank loans, short-term Bank loans, long-term Accrued inc. taxes Other cur. liab Mtgs., bonds, other liab Capital stock Other sources 2 18 18 13 13 $2,273 $1 ,444 $704 1,510 1,070 351 -134 16 2 56 25 88 - 9 2 226 21 1 -24 28 119 22 36 160 96 49 37 -15 22 157 97 1 155 192 12 137 4 $540 274 7 103 51 -9 39 -18 15 29 44 5 $868 503 14 10 $216 200 -49 -77 8 17 -6 16 62 10 0 $472 313 -87 124 81 7 -10 34 -13 59 -24 0 $139 98 (4) 67 25 7 7 4 -12 -71 14 0 $193 $2,273 $1 ,444 $704 493 107 1,737 1,163 194 134 220 76 51 63 276 52 36 14 40 -42 0 0 0 0 $540 367 160 31 -18 0 $868 599 128 104 30 7 $472 449 81 -88 -4 34 $216 148 57 $193 140 2 75 25 -5 -24 -43 15 8 24 33 1 Uses of funds—total Plant and equip, expend Inventories Receivables Other assets3 Other uses Other transportation equipment 1947 1946 1947 1946 1947 47 47 12 12 19 $639 -49 93 464 11 -85 93 -313 -64 239 103 145 $567 401 -15 -326 50 -12 8 328 70 $639 363 $567 310 218 319 -68 25 0 60 -23 2 -6 170 79 3 74 -35 0 -j 12 2 $139 92 82 -24 -14 3 Utilities Automobile 60 3 0 1946 33 Machinery, incl. electrical $864 343 -69 40 58 -8 62 187 122 118 (4) 11 $864 394 317 75 77 0 Nonferrous metals 1947 Manufacturing, cont. Account Iron and steel 1946 24 $227 119 -48 51 10 Chemicals Retail trade Railroads 1946 1947 19 39 $426 -12 -91 269 89 1 111 -110 -92 59 152 50 $185 -34 -4 148 -29 15 14 6 -16 47 - $ 1 5 3 $439 310 -63 180 - 1 1 1 138 132 -108 23 -34 -13 9 6 -210 11 -179 39 39 5 54 2 55 0 $426 411 327 -298 -14 0 $185 96 92 -12 9 0 - $ 1 5 3 $439 76 214 82 177 117 -422 26 16 0 1946 1947 1946 20 20 $740 296 64 243 68 29 4 -45 29 -27 76 3 $696 452 8 92 67 $301 149 $740 112 509 103 16 0 $696 39 79 390 -43 () () 152 -217 -75 -16 - 7 7 -139 3 (4) 14 157 509 80 49 58 0 $301 346 45 -101 10 0 Electric and gas 1947 17 $708 271 57 87 32 47 9 -13 6 157 55 $708 610 76 20 2 0 1946 17 Communications 1947 1 1946 1 $299 $1,354 $805 257 257 258 -16 -35 3 -153 -24 88 76 24 67 2 40 0 -3 0 0 6 _g « - 2 0 -153 2 3 18 -7 903 488 37 62 250 43 16 13 $299 $1,354 $805 690 270 1,185 43 36 42 40 12 2 87 60 -9 0 0 0 1 Net profits after taxes plus current depreciation accruals and minus cash dividends paid; non-fund and non-recurring charges and credits t o income have been eliminated from net profit. 2 Proceeds from sale of fixed assets and investments, tax refunds, and extraordinary sources of funds. 3 Prior year tax and renegotiation payments and extraordinary uses of funds. 4 Less than 0.5 million dollars. 5 Included with other short and long-term liabilities. 6 Includes State income and property taxes. NOTE.—Figures were derived from income data and year-to-year changes in balance sheet accounts, as shown in the Composite Balance Sheet and Income Statement. Asset write-ups and write-downs and stock dividends and other non-fund bookkeeping transfers are not shown separately, but are eliminated from t h e income data and changes in balance sheet accounts in the Sources and Uses of Funds Statement. Negative figures in the Sources of Funds section represent uses of funds, while negative figures in the Uses of Funds section represent sources of funds. Details may not add to totals because of rounding. JUNE 1948 631 COMPOSITE BALANCE SHEET AND INCOME STATEMENT, 1947, 1946, AND 1945 279 LARGE CORPORATIONS IN SELECTED INDUSTRIES [Dollar amounts in millions] Manufacturing Number of companies Tobacco Food Account 1947 1946 1945 28 28 28 1947 1946 Rubber 1945 1947 1946 Petroleum 1945 1947 24 24 Iron and steel Chemicals 1945 1947 24 33 33 1945 1947 33 18 18 Nonferrous metals 18 1947 1946 1945 13 13 13 Total assets (end of year). . $3,139 $2,839 $2,655 $1,567 $1,382 $1,197 $1,362 $1,186 $1,106 $10,662 $9 ,045 $8,324 $4,282 $3,632 $3,309 $6,306 $5,712 $5,504 $2,999 $2,723 $2,706 Cash Marketable securities Receivables (net) Inventories Plant and equipment (net of depreciation) Other assets l I S 314 187 406 1,044 304 273 322 881 309 404 281 661 53 0 80 1,272 55 0 68 1,116 59 5 60 940 165 61 261 483 118 111 246 380 120 187 194 304 822 688 487 512 925 649 1,316 1,096 704 568 597 894 573 441 407 843 571 349 344 709 578 452 313 549 722 845 547 1,149 736 854 443 1,030 649 979 531 950 344 425 202 525 295 348 205 468 295 415 228 387 1,020 168 898 161 835 166 79 84 58 85 46 87 365 305 26 233 68 6,2291 5,259 883 842 4,759 803 1,465 552 1,109 550 856 561 2,797 246 2,433 216 2,179 216 1,293 210 1,187 219 1,147 234 27 $1,186 $1,106 $10,662 $9,045 $8,324 $4,282 $3,632 $3,309 $6,306 $5,712 $5,504 $2,999 $2,723 $2,706 Total liabilities and equity. $3,139 $2,839 $2,655 $1,567 $1,382 $1,197 $1,362 Notes payable to banks 1 1 41 28 189 17 268 92 194 5 31 30 7 24 7 36 (short-term) 7 Trade notes and accounts 163 116 514 201 19 11 193 142 345 137 426 21 127 128 226 91 812 586 498 214 payable 103 129 312 445 72 240 273 92 132 172 474 314 357 82 218 Accrued income taxes 262 64 240 331 212 128 256 59 103 15 202 43 185 148 126 201 188 55 39 16 164 Other current liabilities 2 .. 72 Notes payable to banks 8 43 90 89 51 91 14 30 4 18 12 384 55 20 2 24 266 91 243 0 (long-term) 39 Mortgages, bonds, and 0 5 47 16 4 53 307 234 632 391 991 724 508 569 414 72 160 823 388 167 other liabilities 3 270 268 147 265 207 143 325 207 322 114 167 189 226 343 306 2 2 111 63 192 96 Surplus reserves 4 122 2 112 156 203 2,459 104 1,182 1,106 3,550 3,399 3,252 1,295 303 315 313 Capital stock 2,444 2,469 463 434 974 172 434 1,106 986 1,147 1,120 1,337 1,716 1,113 4,092 1,550 1,361 344 234 3,002 305 3,290 Surplus 1,485 302 249 725 221 815 1,157 1,215 1,053 1,020 903 Income statement: 7 8 Sales $10,731 $7,347 $6,971 $2,170 $1,966 $1,514 $2,300 $2,051 $2,242 $9,132 $6,559 $6,474 $4,445 $3,683 $3,464 $7,030 $5,053 $6,247 $2,092* $1,3648 $1,542 Depreciation, depletion, and 207 73 62 49 61 4 4 54 135 471 156 6 46 555 129 103 175 330 36 123 614 amortization 768 502 341 250 226 441 523 920 516 410 159 135 104 181 1,544 702 770 629 391 239 188 Profit before taxes 5 136 474 303 154 163 276 261 326 584 247 97 82 59 112 1,195 395 227 138 61 724 488 Net profit 5 125 196 157 147 101 125 276 116 172 181 62 54 50 226 153 28 430 41 42 318 271 Dividends w % I d Utilities Manufacturing, cont. Retail trade Account Machinery, incl. electrical 1947 Number of companies 47 1946 47 1945 47 1947 1946 1945 12 12 12 $3,932 $3,156 $2,981 593 578 486 398 72 341 438 378 676 1,115 900 573 Total assets (end of year). . $4,931 Cash 587 Marketable securities, 311 Receivables (net) 735 Inventories 1,644 Plant and equipment (net of depreciation) 1,178 Other assets l 476 $4,151 518 351 660 1,326 $4,156 611 815 728 1,008 891 405 615 380 Total liabilities and equity. $4,931 Notes payable to banks 23 (short-term) Trade notes and accounts payable 361 Accrued income taxes 330 Other current liabilities 2 . . . 461 Notes payable to banks 167 (long-term) Mortgages, bonds, and 521 other liabilities 3 $4,151 $4,156 31 117 303 144 339 292 456 403 4 415 401 243 105 12 133 Surplus reserves 4 Capital stock Surplus 282 1,513 1,274 Other transportation equipment Automobiles 1,103 285 $3,932 399 160 195 290 1,447 1,094 348 1,333 1,035 84 922 1,535 1947 19 1946 19 Railroads 1945 19 1947 39 39 1945 39 $1,614 240 86 250 578 $1,622 237 234 262 492 $2,110 416 372 672 315 $3,433 508 173 374 1,442 $3,108 397 305 257 1,360 $2,742 462 548 154 851 1947 20 1946 20 1945 1947 20 1946 17 17 $16,908 $16 ,599 $17,060 $6 639 631 718 714 622 1,106 364 316 417 521 441 396 640 $6,340 205 262 233 320 144 123 213 138 10,976 9 5 , 6 6 6 3,447 179 9 920 308 583 322 373 87 309 89 262 73 769 168 647 142 603 126 $3,156 $2,981 $1,614 $1,622 $2,110 $3,433 $3,108 $2,742 $16,908 $16,599 $17,060 $6,640 $6,340 16 15 58 43 77 31 44 14 57 9 365 73 276 183 271 118 76 147 71 255 275 363 325 297 230 302 285 191 234 330 163 103 i° 213 71 i°227 83 183 185 2 59 53 49 26 11 30 92 51 72 6,053 6,133 6,277 172 311 624 99 1,002 1,300 103 999 1,080 84 937 860 1,255 5,057 3,305 1,227 5,054 3,151 1,220 5,054 3,134 $8,438 $6,397 $5,836 $5,183 51 690 418 186 51 512 187 111 244 497 292 177 240 186 42 158 176 15 125 76 135 62 926 1,279 111 787 1,247 72 64 353 665 35 76 356 699 11,252 3,518 549 264 425 11,028 3,461 482 112 440 525 329 522 1945 17 1947 1946 1 1 1945 1 $6,228 $6,392 $5,156 $4,714 64 61 78 227 396 308 461 296 218 230 271 121 51 94 136 102 5,319 95,294 178 188 $6,228 47 W235 91 90 4,975 472 4,077 386 3,658 326 $6,392 $5,156 $4,714 40 0 0 297 145 136 221 165 119 154 318 141 14 17 0 0 0 2,561 2,521 2,786 1,882 1,395 80 2,705 589 84 2,854 371 5 2,269 713 65 2,061 643 70 2,017 619 $6,079 $1,849 $1,671 $1,595 $2,225 $2,094 $1,931 177 413 257 185 171 405 211 172 237 236 161 189 213 309 192 184 205 331 177 178 (U) 23 2,734 Income statement: Sales. . . . . $5,866 $3,727 $6,145 $7,036 $3,926 $5,683 $1,679 $1,325 $5,195 $9,940 Depreciation, depletion, and amortization 76 27 101 132 83 67 121 22 75 100 158 636 12 Profit before income taxes 5 . 708 97 6 683 824 356 378 238 48 Net profit * 431 54 231 -26 410 458 -23 131 159 169 177 59 Dividends 190 183 208 144 53 62 1 1946 Communications Electric and gas 818 667| 202 168 62 2,769 590 188 383 253 190 Includes relatively small amounts of Other Current Assets and Intangibles. Includes current instalments of principal repayments on mortgages and bonds, accrued interest and charges, dividends payable, etc. Includes pension reserves and minority interest in capital stock and surplus. 4 Includes reserves for self-insurance, contingencies, plant replacement, and possible future declines in value of inventories. 6 Excludes nonrecurring charges and credits to income tax refunds and payments of prior year's taxes, gains on sales of assets, and charges and credits to and from surplus reserves. 6 Less than 0.5 million dollars. 7 Net sales estimated for 1 company. 8 Sales missing for 1 company with 1947 total assets of 430 million dollars. 9 Includes intangibles. 10 Includes State income and property taxes. 11 Included with other short and long-terml iabilities. NOTE.—Includes most of the largest companies in each industry group having fiscal years that end on or around Dec. 31 and for which data are available in investment manuals and company reports to stockholders. Manufacturing and trade groups include only companies with end-of-year 1947 total assets of 10 million dollars and over; railroads, Class I roads with total assets of 350 million and over; utilities, Class A and B electric and gas companies with total assets of 140 million and over; communication, American Telephone and Telegraph Company and principal subsidiaries comprising the Bell System. Details may not add to totals because of rounding. 2 3 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES1 PART I. Expenditures for Durable Goods Incomes increased for a large part of the population in 1947, and at the beginning of 1948 consumers expressed intentions to maintain buying of houses, automobiles, and other durable goods at approximately the high levels of 1947. Although somewhat fewer people had liquid assets at the beginning of 1948, accumulated savings continued to be widely held in sizable amounts by people at low as well as high income levels. These are some of the results of the third annual survey of the financial position of consumers undertaken by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. This survey, conducted again for the Board by the Survey Research Center, University of Michigan, makes available important information about the financial status, buying plans, and general outlook of consumer spending units. A broad summary of survey results and details relating to expenditures for consumer durable goods are presented in this article. Comparisons are made with findings from the two previous surveys which were conducted in early 1947 and early 1946 using similar techniques and including similar information.2 Some discussion of the nature of the surveys, the techniques used, and the limitations of the results is given at the end of the article. A second article presented in this BULLETIN gives more complete information on consumer income, while subsequent articles in later issues of the BULLETIN will cover liquid and nonliquid asset holdings, saving out of income, and housing expenditures and finance. Interviewing for the survey began early in January and continued through the first week in March. Approximately 3,500 interviews were taken in 66 sampling points and the results of the survey are based on this group of interviews. An additional 300 interviews, taken after the commodity price break during the first week in February, made it possible to build up two representative cross-section samples, one interviewed before the decline in the commodity market and one after it, and to ascertain any change in buying intentions or consumer expectations between these two samples. The interview unit was the consumer spending unit, defined as all persons living in the same dwelling and related by blood, marriage, or adoption, who pooled their incomes for their major items of expense.3 Sampling methods permit tabulation of many survey results on a family basis also,4 and some of the results will be presented on this basis in the following articles. 1 This article was prepared by Duncan McC. Holthausen of the Board's Division of Research and Statistics. It is the first in a series to be issued presenting the results of the Board's Survey of Consumer^ Finances in 1948. Other articles will appear in succeeding issues of the BULLETIN. Rensis Likert, Director, and Angus Campbell, Assistant Director, Survey Research Center, University of Michigan, were in general charge of the survey. Responsibility for detailed planning and supervision of the survey, including interviewing, editing, tabulation of survey results, and preparation of survey studies was carried by George Katona in collaboration with Janet Austrian, both of the Survey Research Center's staff. Charles F. Cannell served as head of the field staff and Roe Goodman as head of the sampling section of the Center. From the Board of Governors, general supervision of the survey has been under the direction of Woodlief Thomas, Director, and Ralph A. Young, Associate Director, of the Division of Research and Statistics. Mr. Holthausen has been in charge of the analysis of the data and the preparation of reports. 2 The second survey was made for the Board of Governors early in 1947 by the Survey Research Center and results of that survey were reported in 1947 in the June, July, and August issues of the BULLETIN. The first survey was made for the Board of Governors early in 1946 by the Division of Program Surveys, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U. S. Department of Agriculture. The Survey Research Center staff currently in charge of the survey work was associated with the Division of Program Surveys at the time of the first survey. Results of that survey were reported in the June, July, and August issues of the BULLETIN under the general title National Survey of Liquid Assets. SUMMARY OF SURVEY RESULTS 634 Consumer financial status strong but weakening somewhat. 1. Of the total number of 48.4 million consumer spending units, about 2.5 million more in 1947 than in 1946 had money incomes above $5,000, while about 2.5 million fewer consumer units had incomes below $3,000. For consumers as a whole there was a rise of more than 10 per cent in total money income. 2. Almost 50 per cent of all spending units reported higher money incomes in 1947 than in 1946, but a considerable number of these consumer units 3 If people contributed more than one-half of their income to the family it was considered that they pooled their income. In addition, the wife of the head of the family or a family member under 18 years of age or earning less than $10 a week was always considered a member of the main spending unit. 4 Families are defined as all persons living in the same dwelling unit who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption. FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES felt that because of the higher cost of living they were worse off financially at the end of the year than at the beginning. About 30 per cent of all spending units had substantially the same money income in 1947 as in 1946, and about 20 per cent experienced income declines. 3. Consumer units at higher income levels held a relatively large share of the liquid assets (i.e., checking accounts, savings accounts, or Government bonds) but, as noted in the first two surveys, lower income groups continued to have sizable amounts of liquid resources to draw upon. According to available Treasury and banking statistics, total personal holdings of liquid assets increased somewhat in 1947, although at a much slower rate than during the previous years. 4. In 1947, however, for the first time since the end of the war, there was some decline in the number of spending units holding liquid assets. About 3 million fewer spending units had savings bonds at the beginning of 1948 than a year earlier. This decline extended the tendency noted in 1946 and was the primary factor accounting for the smaller number of people holding liquid assets. There was little or no change in the number of people holding checking or savings accounts. 5. The total amount of net saving by consumers out of current income continued to decline in 1947, the result of further heavy dissaving (i.e., expenditures in excess of income) on the part of more than one-fourth of all spending units and somewhat smaller amounts saved by other spending units. The substantial dissaving in 1947 reflected consumer willingness to spend freely. Many consumers were willing to draw on their liquid assets or to borrow for the purpose of purchasing consumer durable goods or meeting higher living costs. 6. In 1946 dissavers were heavily concentrated in income classes up to $3,000. In 1947, however, the concentration extended up to the $5,000 income level. Particularly noteworthy was the significant rise in the number of dissavers with annual incomes of $3,000 to $7,500. Heavy consumer spending for durable goods in 1947. 7. Roughly two-fifths of all consumer units indicated that they had purchased some consumer durable goods during 1947. Veterans of World War II continued to be heavy spenders on durable items; in fact, almost three-fifths of the spending units with veterans bought some type of durable goods. JUNE 1948 8. About 7 million spending units bought automobiles in 1947 and approximately 17 million bought other selected durable goods such as furniture, refrigerators, radios, washing machines, ranges, and other large appliances. 9. About 9 million spending units used instalment credit in purchasing durable goods, including automobiles, nearly twice as many as in 1946. Consumer outlook for 1948 optimistic. 10. Although somewhat less so than in early 1947, most consumers were still optimistic about their income prospects and future business conditions. At the beginning of 1948 many more spending units expected a continuation of prosperous times than expected a decline in economic activity, and many more expected increases in income than expected decreases. 11. The break in commodity prices during the first week in February appears to have had little influence upon consumers' optimism. As many consumers expected their incomes to rise and good times to prevail after the price break as before. Consumer buying intentions remain strong. 12. At the beginning of 1948 as many consumers planned to buy automobiles and other selected durable goods as at the beginning of 1947. There was some indication of a drop in the demand for new cars on the part of spending units with incomes below $3,000 but this was largely offset by an increase in the number of spending units at higher income levels that planned to buy new cars. There was little change in the number of spending units that were prospective buyers of durable goods other than cars. 13. No significant differences were noted in purchasing plans for consumer durable goods before and after the commodity price break. Although there was a very substantial shift in consumers' general price expectations after the break, with many more spending units anticipating price declines, these price expectations referred primarily to food prices. In the case of prices of durable goods, many spending units had anticipated declines as early as July 1947. 14. The number of consumer units planning to buy new houses was larger than the estimated number of completions of new houses for owneroccupancy in the year 1948. Somewhat more than 1 million spending units indicated they would or would probably buy such houses in 1948. The 635 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES prices that prospective buyers said they would pay for these houses were closely in line with prices paid in 1947. 15. As compared to buying intentions expressed a year ago, however, there was a further softening in the prospective demand for both new and existing houses. Approximately 20 per cent fewer spending units in early 1948 as compared to 1947 indicated some plan for buying houses. Again this slackening was most noteworthy on the part of spending units with incomes below $2,000. ble goods and houses would indicate a continuation of heavy demand in those areas which are strongly dependent upon availability of credit and liquid assets for effective buying power. 6. Prospects are for further heavy dissaving on the part of at least one-fourth of all spending units and no substantial change in the aggregate amounts saved by other spending units. CONCLUSIONS Never before in the history of this country was there a greater volume of consumer durable goods produced than in 1947. Production of major appliances such as radios, washing machines, and kitchen ranges exceeded 1941 production peaks by substantial margins, while unit production of refrigerators and automobiles was close to former peak levels. Housing completions were not far behind the record annual volume of completions in the middle twenties. Survey results indicate that approximately 20 million out of a total of 48.4 million spending units bought automobiles or other selected durable goods in 1947, while over 2 million bought houses. The total value of these purchases was roughly 30 billion dollars, of which about half represented house purchases. Automobiles. Approximately 7 million new and used automobiles were purchased by spending units in 1947 at a total value of roughly 9 billion dollars. This was a considerably larger number of cars than was purchased in 1946 and, as Table 1 indicates, exceeded buying plans expressed at the beginning of 1947. More than three-fifths of all automobile buyers had incomes of $3,000 or more (see Table 9). Veterans of World War II were very heavy buyers of cars. According to Table 2, one out of every four spending units with veterans bought automobiles as compared to one out of every eight among nonveteran units. New automobiles were available in much greater quantities in 1947 than in 1946, as their production almost doubled.« Many more spending units succeeded in obtaining new cars in 1947 but a sizable number of prospective buyers probably went emptyhanded or purchased late-model used cars. The average price paid for new cars was about onefourth higher than prospective buyers anticipated paying. Spending units reported buying 2.8 million new automobiles in 1947 and 1.5 million in 1946. 1. The general financial status of consumers showed the first signs of weakening in 1947 in that fewer spending units held liquid assets at the end of the year and there was a substantial increase in total indebtedness. Most consumers, however, continue to have a strong financial status since (1) employment and income are at peak levels and widely distributed, and (2) well over two-thirds of all spending units still have liquid assets in their possession and sizable amounts are held by people in all income groups. 2. The outlook is that consumer expenditures for durable goods and houses will continue in expanding volume. Buying intentions for new cars still exceed expected production, and there is no change in prospective demand for other selected durable goods. It is possible that immediate consumer demand for certain types of durable goods has increased further since the survey, which was taken before the proposed increase in military expenditures. 3. There is a tendency for a greater proportion of consumer durable goods to be bought on a credit basis today than a year ago and for a somewhat smaller proportion to be bought through use of accumulated liquid savings. As the volume of consumer durable goods purchased continues to rise, however, substantial amounts of liquid assets are still being used in buying these goods, and there has been no slackening in the rate of turnover of such assets. 4. In order for spending units to satisfy their demand for houses, particularly new houses, in 1948, there will need to be a further substantial increase in the volume of mortgage credit. Since veterans account for approximately half of the total housing demand, no slackening in requests from veterans for mortgage loans can be anticipated. 5. In general, consumer plans to buy both dura- 636 PURCHASES OF SELECTED CONSUMER DURABLE GOODS AND HOUSES IN 1947 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES TABLE 1 CONSUMER INTENTIONS TO BUY IN 1948, 1947, AND 1946, AND ACTUAL PURCHASES IN 1947 AND 1946 Type of purchase Automobiles: New and used cars—total: Purchases planned, 1948 Actual purchases, 1947 Purchases planned, 1947 Actual purchases, 1946 Purchases planned, 1946 New cars: Purchases planned, 1948 Actual purchases, 1947 Purchases planned, 1947 Actual purchases, 1946 Purchases planned, 1946 Used cars: Purchases planned, 1948 Actual purchases, 1947 Purchases planned, 1947 Actual purchases, 1946 Purchases planned, 1946 Other selected durable goods: Purchases planned, 1948 Actual purchases, 1947 Purchases planned, 1947 Actual purchases, 1946 Purchases planned, 1946 Houses:5 Purchases planned, 1948 Actual purchases, 1947 Purchases planned, 1947 Actual purchases, 1946 6 Purchases planned, 1946 Percentage of spending units 9.0-13.5 10.0-13.4 9.6-12.2 6.5-9.4 7.3-9.7 4.4-6.5 14.9 10.6 2.7-3.7 18.1-23.8 25.7-31.3 4.0-6.0 5.0-7.5 7.5-9.3 7.2 85.0 4.4-5.6 3.1-4.5 2.8 3.4-4.5 1.5 3.3 3.4-4.3 9.1 1.2-1.9 4.4 1.2-1.7 3.5 1.0-1.3 9.2-11.9 35.1 28.3 8.4-11.0 11.8-14.4 17.0 13.1 1.7-2.6 2.2 5.0 6.5 2.1-3.2 2.7 3.1-3.9 Estimated total expenditures* (In billions) Median expenditure2 Average expenditure* $1,570 1,150 1,310 $1,540 1,250 1,300 790 920 1,150 1,100 4.8-6.2 1,750 1,780 1,500 1,500 1,860 1,950 1,540 1,620 4 5.8-8.4 540 660 500 500 (4) 710 780 650 630 (4) 0.9-1.4 240 200 200 180 200 340 310 310 310 320 3.1-4.0 6,580 6,010 5,110 7,430 7,090 6,310 5,390 5,020 (4) 7.4 2.2-2.9 19.0-24.6 3 4.6-6.2 5.8 7.4-9.3 2.5-4.1 Estimated number of spending units (In millions) x $6.8-10.0 9.2 6.0-8.1 4.6 5.7 5.2-7.0 2.3 (4) () 4 () (4) 3.5 0.8-1.1 2.3 0) 5.3 2.6-3.4 4.1 3.8-4.6 12.6-19.3 13.3-20.2 15.6-19.3 15.5 14.5 1 Intended purchases for the year 1948 and actual purchases during 1947 were ascertained in the third survey made early in 1948. Intended purchases for 1947 and actual purchases during 1946 were ascertained early in 1947, while intended purchases for the year 1946 were ascertained early in 1946. In each case where a range is presented the bottom of the range includes all those who said definitely they would buy and one-half of those who said they would probably buy but might not. The top of the range includes all those who said they definitely or probably would buy, and one-half of those who said they were undecided. The distribution of spending units by intentions to buy, 1948, 1947, and 1946, is shown in supplementary Table 8 following the text 2of this article. Refers to total expenditure before deduction of the value of trade-ins or existing assets sold. 8 This figure represents the number of cars bought, not the number of spending units that bought cars. Since only cars owners at the time of the early 1948 survey were asked about 1947 purchases, no cars were counted twice in the 1947 data. 4 Data not available. 5 Farmers are excluded from the housing figures inasmuch as their purchases of housing are usually incidental to their purchases of farm land. 6 These are rough estimates which probably overstate purchases in 1946 because some buyers of lots or summer cottages are included among house buyers. Estimates of 1947 purchases exclude such transactions. These figures, after allowance for new cars sold to Government and business organizations, check closely with domestic registrations of new cars as reported by R. L. Polk and Company. The greater sales of new cars meant greater turnover of used cars. Before the war, roughly two used cars were sold to every one new car. In 1947 about one and two-thirds used cars were sold to every one new car and there were about 1 million more actual used-car buyers than in the preceding year. As was noted in the 1947 survey, used-car purchases are not planned very fully in advance. In the past two years the number of spending units buying used cars has exceeded by three times the number of spending units planning to buy used cars at the beginning of the year. JUNE 1948 TABLE 2 VETERAN STATUS OF ACTUAL AND PROSPECTIVE BUYERS Buyers as a percentage of spending units among: Type of purchase All spending units Spending units with veterans Spending units without veterans Prospective purchases in 194811 Automobiles Other durable goods Houses^ 11 22 5 18 28 7 9 20 4 Actual purchases in 1947: Automobiles Other durable goods Houses2 15 35 5 23 48 9 12 32 4 1 Spending units who said they would or probably would buy durable goods in 1948. 2 Information on houses refers to nonfafm spending units only. 637 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES As the rather low average price paid for used cars might indicate, there was a sizable turnover of cars 10 years or older in the used-car market. The 1948 survey results show that almost one-third of all used cars bought were models of 1936 or older cars. About the same proportion were 1941 or later models. Other selected durable goods. Over one-third of all spending units bought other selected durable goods in 1947 such as furniture, refrigerators, radios, washing machines, ranges, or other large appliances. The total value of these goods was a little over 5 billion dollars, about one-fourth larger than the total value of other selected durable goods bought in 1946. The median or middlemost expenditure for these goods was $200 per spending unit. The market for these other selected durable goods is more evenly distributed over the spending units at various income levels than is the automobile market. Almost half of the 1947 buyers of these goods had incomes below $3,000. Of course, amounts spent by buyers in low income groups were smaller than amounts spent by other groups (see Table 10). Actual purchases of these selected durable goods in 1947 substantially exceeded the volume of purchases planned at the beginning of the year. The possibility that such might be the case was noted in the 1947 survey. Examination of the prospective demand and actual purchases of selected durable goods in 1946 showed that plans to buy furniture were substantially understated, but in the case of some major household appliances plans to buy exceeded actual purchases. Yet it seemed possible that once the most urgent backlog demands had been filled and production was at peak levels, plans to buy major household appliances might also tend to be understated. In 1947, as is shown by supplementary Table 12 at the end of this article, the total number of actual buyers of furniture and of each type of major appliance exceeded the number of spending units that planned to buy at the beginning of the year. In the case of furniture, double the number of those who expressed intentions to buy actually bought in both 1946 and 1947. In the case of refrigerators and washing machines, little more than half the prospective buyers were able to make purchases in 1946, while in 1947 there were half again as many actual buyers as prospective buyers. In the case of radios, there were three times as many actual buyers as prospective buyers in 1947. In addition to the lack of full-year plan- 638 ning of radio purchases on the part of spending units, many radio buyers reported the purchase of small table models, which are seldom mentioned by prospective buyers. Houses. About 2.2 million spending units reported buying new or existing houses in 1947. The total amount spent for these houses was roughly 15 billion dollars as the average price per house was somewhat more than $7,000. As Table 1 shows, the dollar volume of house purchases in 1947 exceeded 1946 purchases somewhat, although a smaller number of spending units indicated that they purchased houses in 1947. It is believed that the 1946 estimates include some real estate purchases other than houses for year-round owner-occupancy so that both the number and amount of house purchases may be overstated in that year. About 40 per cent of the house buyers in 1947 were veterans of World War II; 9 per cent of veteran spending units bought houses compared to 4 per cent of nonveteran spending units. According to the survey, approximately 700,000 of the houses bought for owner-occupany in 1947 were new dwellings. This figure is in reasonable agreement with estimated new house completions in 1947 after allowance for newly built rental houses. The number of existing houses purchased was 1.5 million. The median price paid for new houses fell between $7,500 and $8,500 and that of old houses between $5,000 and $6,000. Total purchases of houses in 1947 were within the lower limits of the buying plans expressed at the beginning of the year. Spending units with incomes of $3,000 or more accounted for three-fifths of total house purchases and appeared to be more successful than other spending units in completing their buying plans. INTENTIONS TO BUY IN 1948 The derived estimates of intentions to buy in the Survey of Consumer Finances represent experimental data and must be interpreted with caution. The volume of purchases in any given year is a function of many factors not known to buyers at the beginning of the year. As observed when presenting the results of the previous two surveys, consumer plans to buy in any particular year are not to be construed as an indication of the exact measure of total demand or of the quantities of goods to be purchased during the year. In some cases backlog demands make for a total of intenFEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES tions that is larger than expected supplies; in other cases consumers do not fully plan ahead their entire year's purchases; and, finally, considerable shifts in buying intentions may possibly occur within a year as a result of changed economic conditions. A better basis for estimating approximate quantities of any durable item that may be purchased should be provided by a comparison of intentions data and actual purchases over a period of several years when supplies of goods are plentiful and backlog demands are small. Intentions data for the year 1948 should be compared carefully with similar data for the years 1947 and 1946 and with the actual volume of purchases in these same years to understand their meaning and limitations more fully. Information on intentions to buy consumer durable goods and houses during 1948 was obtained during the first 10 weeks of the year. The buying plans were expressed at a time when consumer units were rather optimistic about their own income prospects and the general economic outlook. Any substantial changes in consumers' income expectations or general economic outlook could affect their buying plans. Many other factors, including such things as prices, availability, and style also have an important bearing upon the total prospective demand. Trade reports indicate that there was a substantial rise in buying orders for certain selected durable goods at the end of March after the first public discussion of increased defense expenditures. Thus, there may have been some increase in immediate demand for consumer durable goods since the survey was taken. At the beginning of 1948 as many consumers planned to buy automobiles and other selected durable goods as at the beginning of 1947. The total of prospective buyers in 1948 was considerably below the number of actual buyers in 1947 (see Table 1), but as already indicated, intentions to buy certain items have often been incomplete. Because of this tendency for consumer buying plans to be only partially complete at the beginning of the year, it is more relevant to compare 1948 intentions with 1947 intentions rather than with the actual volume of purchases in 1947. From 3.1 million to 4.5 million spending units indicated some plan to purchase new cars in 1948. Spending units with incomes below $3,000 planned to buy less frequently than they had planned in the preceding year, but there were more spending JUNE 1948 units at higher income levels that planned to buy new cars. In any event, the range of planned purchases exceeded probable domestic sales of new automobiles by a substantial margin. Car owners, of course, account for the greatest share of the number of prospective buyers of new TABLE 3 CAR-OWNERSHIP STATUS OF PROSPECTIVE OF N E W AND USED CARS IN BUYERS 1948 [Per cent] Prospective buyers of:* Car-ownership status All cars New cars Used cars Own no car 29 25 41 Own car: Pre-1940 model 1940-42 model Postwar model 29 20 22 21 23 31 45 13 1 100 100 100 All cases 1 Spending units who said they would or probably would buy cars in 1948. cars. Some three-fourths of these prospective buyers already own cars and as many as one-third own postwar cars. Table 3 classifies prospective buyers by ownership and age of cars. A comparison of intentions to buy used cars over the three-year period—1946, 1947, and 1948— indicates that there were no sizable differences from one year to the next in the total buying plans of spending units for used cars. There was some increase in the number of prospective buyers of selected durable goods other than cars for the year 1948. No particular significance is to be attributed to this slight shift. The greater availability of most major household appliances in 1948 as compared to 1947 may occasion a somewhat larger immediate demand for such goods. In any event, no general weakness was apparent in the market for furniture or major household appliances. Of persons at lower income levels, fewer intended to buy in 1948 than in 1947, while of those with incomes of $5,000 or more, the proportion intending to buy increased, as is shown by Table 4. Total prospective demand for houses was somewhat lower in early 1948 than in the previous year and still lower than intentions to buy in 1946. The decline in buying intentions during this period was most marked in the case of spending units 639 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES TABLE 4 ACTUAL AND PROSPECTIVE BUYERS AS A PERCENTAGE OF ALL SPENDING UNITS WITHIN DIFFERENT INCOME GROUPS1 Type of purchase All income groups Automobiles: Plan to buy in 1948 Bought in 1947 Expected to buy in 1947... Bought in 1946 Expected to buy in 1946.. . Other selected durable goods: Plan to buy in 1948 Bought in 1947 Expected to buy in 1947... Bought in 1946 Expected to buy in 1946.. . Houses:2 Plan to buy in 1948 Bought in 1947 Expected to buy in 1947... Bought in 1946 Expected to buy in 1946... Less than $1,000 $1,000$1,999 11 15 12 11 11 22 35 21 28 28 7 14 9 14 14 16 29 17 25 25 $2,000$2,999 $3,000$4,999 $5,000 and over 10 15 12 13 11 15 19 18 11 16 26 30 24 20 26 21 39 24 32 32 29 39 28 36 34 34 48 26 35 38 10 6 9 13 11 1 Intended purchases for the year 1948 and actual purchases during 1947 were ascertained early in 1948. Intended purchases for 1947 and actual purchases during 1946 were ascertained early in 1947, while intended purchases for the year 1946 were ascertained early in 1946. In every case, the percentage of people expecting to buy includes those who said definitely they would buy and those who said they probably would do so. Intended purchases for 1948 and actual purchases during 1947 are related to 1947 income, intended purchases for 1947 and actual purchases during 1946 to 1946 income, and intended purchases in 1946 to 1945 income. 2 3 Information on houses refers to nonfarm spending units only. Less than one-half of 1 per cent. with incomes below $2,000. As construction costs continued to rise in these years, it is likely that spending units within this income range were priced out of the market. Buying plans for new houses, however, were larger than the estimated number of completions of new houses for owner-occupancy in the year 1948. Somewhat more than 1 million spending units said they would or would probably buy new houses. Almost one-half of all prospective buyers said they would pay more than $7,500 for a new house and as many as one-seventh indicated they would pay more than $12,500. These prices were closely in line with prices paid in 1947. The continuance of a strong demand for houses at steadily increasing prices is indicative of the over-all shortage of dwelling units plus the changing income status of many consumer units. As the total income of a consumer unit moves upward, roughly two and one-half times the increment in income is added to the basic price that the unit presumably can pay for a house under standard price-of-house-to-income relationships. The number of persons intending to buy used houses was somewhat smaller in early 1948 than in early 1947 (see Table 8). This same tendency was noted between 1946 and 1947, and was borne out by lessened activity in existing residential properties during 1947. 640 Roughly three-fourths of the prospective demand for total houses in 1948 came from spending units that did not own homes. Not quite one-fourth of prospective house buyers were present home owners. Veterans of World War II continued to be important prospective buyers, although there were indications that the difference between veteran and nonveteran spending units in total intentions was narrowing. Examination of the prospective demand for durable goods by income level of buyer indicates the very substantial increase in the percentage of buyers as the level of income increases. As the chart on page 641 shows, less than one-tenth of all spending units with incomes below $1,000 were prospective buyers of selected durable goods other than automobiles as compared to one-fifth of all spending units with incomes of $2,000 to $3,000 and more than one-third of all spending units with incomes of $5,000 or more. The same upward shifting appears in the case of automobile and house purchasers although the frequency of prospective buyers is considerably smaller (see Table 4). The maintenance of continued high levels of consumer expenditures during the past year, despite the large increases in prices of consumer goods, reflects the very sizable shifts toward middle and upper income levels since the prewar period and the resulting heavy buying demands of these groups. FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES Consumer plans to buy durable goods apparently were not affected by the break in commodity prices during the first two weeks of February 1948. PROSPECTIVE BUYERS OF CONSUMER DURABLE GOODS AND HOUSES IN 1948, BY INCOME GROUPS PER CENT OF SPENDING UNITS 40 of consumer units do not appear to have been a significant factor in determining buying plans. Most consumer units anticipated only slight shifts in prices, either upward or downward, and no difference has been noted between the buying plans of consumer units expecting prices to rise or to fall. METHOD OF PAYMENT FOR DURABLE GOODS INCOME GROUPS Further, the price break appeared to have little effect upon consumer expectations of durable goods prices, on which many spending units anticipated declines as early as July 1947. For the past several years the price expectations An increasing proportion of durable goods was bought on a credit basis during 1947, according to survey results. As is shown in Table 5, roughly onethird of all automobile purchasers made use of instalment credit in 1947 as compared to onefifth in 1946. In the case of other selected durable goods, buyers reported using instalment credit for 35 per cent of their purchases in 1946 and 42 per cent in 1947. There was a marked increase in the physical volume of durable goods sold during 1947, and about 9 million spending units used instalment credit in purchasing cars and other durable goods during this year. In 1946 only about 5 million spending units used instalment credit for such purchases. Due to the increasing use of credit there was, of course, some decrease in the relative frequency of use of cash in payment for goods. Cash payments as shown in Table 5 include amounts ob- TABLE 5 METHOD OF PAYMENT FOR CONSUMER DURABLE GOODS AND HOUSES BY PROSPECTIVE AND ACTUAL BUYERS Percentage distribution of buyers: Type of purchase and method of payment Automobiles: Full cash (including trade-in allowances) Instalment credit (together with down payments—cash and trade-in allowances). Uncertain as to method All b u y e r s . . . Other selected durable goods: Full cash (including trade-in allowances) Instalment credit (together with down payments—cash and trade-in allowances). Uncertain as to method All buyers. . Houses:3 Full cash. Mortgage Uncertain as to method All buyers . . Plans for financing in 1948 Actual financing in 1947 53 66 34 Plans for financing in 1947 54 37 9 Actual financing in 1946 Plans for financing in 1946 77 100 100 100 21 2 100 49 42 9 58 42 0 56 38 6 65 35 0 0) 100 100 100 100 100 20 67 13 16 84 0 13 74 13 16 82 2 17 71 12 100 100 100 100 100 37 10 0) 0) 100 (j) 1 2 Data not available. Less than one-half of 1 per cent. • Information on houses refers to nonfarm spending units only. JUNE 1948 641 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES tained from current income during the year, with- the general economic outlook was voiced by more drawals of previously accumulated liquid asset hold- of the spending units with high incomes than of ings, proceeds from the sale of other assets, and TABLE 6 trade-in allowances. Despite this decrease in the CONSUMER A T T I T U D E S TOWARD P R E S E N T FINANCIAL S I T U A relative use of cash, there was a slight increase TION, PERSONAL I N C O M E PROSPECTS, AND G E N E R A L E C O N O M I C in the turnover of liquid assets for purchase of OUTLOOK durable goods because of the substantial rise in the volume of goods sold. Percentage distribution of all spending units According to the financing plans of prospective Attitudes buyers in 1948, there will be a further rise in the 1947 19481 1946 proportion of consumer goods sold on an instalment Financial situation basis during the coming year. This reflects the 29 20 Better off 31 28 42 30 huge quantities of goods to be bought that are Same 39 31 34 Worse off typically sold on a credit basis plus the fact that Uncertain 2 2 2 2 5 3 somewhat fewer spending units held liquid assets Not ascertained 100 All cases 100 100 at the beginning of 1948. incomes For houses, over four-fifths of the actual buyers Income will beOwn larger a year from now 27 25 23 will be about the same 38 42 34 used mortgage credit in 1947 and 1946. As Table 5 Income Income will be smaller a year from now. . 14 10 23 "it depends" 19 23 13 shows, a smaller proportion of prospective buyers Uncertain, Not ascertained . .. 2 2 5 of houses in 1948 planned to use mortage credit All cases 100 100 100 than in 1947. Prospective buyers who were home General economic outlook owners less frequently indicated a need for credit Good times ahead 55 35 47 21 23 19 Uncertain, no change than nonhome owners did. 22 36 26 Bad times ahead . . . . . . 2 6 8 Not ascertained It is estimated that the total amount of mortgage All cases 100 100 100 credit used by purchasers of houses in 1947 was almost 9 billion dollars, or about three-fifths of 1 Based on interviews in January-March 1948 (third survey). 2 Based on interviews in January-March 1947 (second survey). the total value of houses sold. In the case of auto3 Based on interviews in January-March 1946 (first survey). mobiles and other selected goods, less than one4 Thf» nupsMnn wnc:* "WnnM vmi snv that v n n rip-nnip arp HP> fourth of the aggregate purchase price was on a credit basis. 2 3 4 5 6 CONSUMER ATTITUDES AND EXPECTATIONS Consumer attitudes and expectations regarding general economic conditions and their own personal financial status were for the most part little different in early 1948 than they were in early 1947. This was in contrast to the significant differences noted between early 1946 and 1947 when their expectations shifted in an optimistic direction. Consumers were still optimistic at the beginning of 1948 about their future income prospects and about the general economic outlook. As Table 6 indicates, more than one-fourth of all spending units expected to be making more money 12 months hence, about one-tenth expected to be making less money, and almost two-fifths expected to be making about the same. Almost one-half of all spending units thought we would have good times in the year 1948 as compared to one-fourth expecting bad times. Most occupational groups agreed closely on the general economic outlook. Optimism about 642 question was asked ot nontarm spending units only. Data tor 1946 are not strictly comparable with data for other years because they are based on a comparison of expected annual income for 1946 with actual income in 1945. 6 The question was: "Now considering the country as a whole, do you think we will have good times or bad times or what during the next 12 months or so?" those with low incomes. Professional and whitecollar persons were most optimistic about future income prospects, and showed little shift in such expectations from early 1947. About one-third of the consumer units believed that they were better offfinanciallyat the beginning of 1948. Some two-fifths believed they were worse off. Spending units that indicated they were "better off" predominately referred to higher incomes and some to lower expenses. A worsened financial status in 1948 was associated with lower incomes and high prices. Almost one-fourth of those whose income increased in 1947 said that they were worse off because of the higher cost of living. Unlike previously discussed consumer attitudes and expectations, which shifted in an optimistic FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES direction in 1946 and then stabilized, consumer price expectations fluctuated greatly during the three years. In early 1946 more than one-half of all spending units expected prices to rise while less than one-tenth expected prices to drop. The situation was entirely reversed in early 1947. By July 1947 more consumers anticipated price increases again, and in January 1948 price expectations comTABLE 7 CONSUMER PRICE EXPECTATIONS FOR THE YEAR AHEAD, AS REPORTED AT INTERVALS IN 1948, 1947, AND 1946 Percentage distribution of all spending units reporting price expectations as of: Price expectations 1 Will go up Will remain the same.. Will go down Conditional answers. . . Not ascertained All cases Feb. 14Mar. 5 19482 January 19482 July 19473 15 29 39 15 2 50 22 16 10 2 32 29 29 9 1 13 22 46 17 2 53 21 8 13 5 100 100 100 100 100 Early 1947 Early 1946 1 The question was: "What do you think will happen to the prices of the things you buy during the next 12 months or year— do you think they will go up, or down, or stay about where they are2 now?" Based on interviews taken in 1948 Survey of Consumer Finances. 3 Based on a small survey (Interim Survey) taken in last two weeks of July 1947. pared very closely with expectations noted in early 1946. As is shown by Table 7, however, only oneseventh expected price increases after the commodity price break. The change in consumers' price expectations during the decline in commodity market prices of midFebruary 1948, provides further evidence of the responsiveness of price expectations to changing economic conditions. During the same period in 1948 neither general economic outlook nor income expectations reacted to the commodity price decline. Expectations about the general price level seem to reflect expectations about the price of food rather than clothing or durable goods. This finding was noted both in July 1947 and in early 1948. Despite the obvious shifts in people's price expectations for the year, no changes have occurred in consumer expectations of prices three years hence. The great majority definitely expect a lower level of prices three years hence, and there was no significant difference in the three-year price expectations of the spending units interviewed before and after the price break. Supplementary information concerning the buying intentions and actual purchases of spending units is given in Tables 8-13, pages 646-48. APPENDIX METHODS OF THE SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES x The interviewing for the third annual Survey of Consumer Finances was conducted between January 5 and March 5, 1948. The two preceding annual surveys were made during the same period of 1947 and 1946, respectively. In addition, a much smaller survey was conducted during July 1947. Each of these surveys was a separate undertaking; different respondents, representing each time a cross-section of American consumers, were interviewed in each survey. Certain minor objectives differed from survey to survey, and some methods were improved in the later surveys as compared to the earlier ones. But, fundamentally, the survey methods were alike in the following respects: 1. Facts of consumer budget (income, liquid asset holdings, amounts saved, amounts spent for 1 Prepared by the staff of the Survey Research Center, University of Michigan. JUNE 1948 the purchase of automobiles, etc.) and psychological factors underlying consumer behavior (motives, attitudes, expectations) are ascertained in one operation. This combination facilitates interviewing and opens up new possibilities for analysis. 2. The universe from which the sample is drawn consists of all consumers in the Continental United States living in private households. Members of the armed forces living at military reservations, residents in hospitals and other institutions, and the floating population (residents in hotels, large boarding houses) are excluded. As an approximation it can be stated that 4 per cent of the 144 million population was not included in the universe of the 1948 survey. The proportion of people not included in the surveys was somewhat larger in 1947 and 1946. 3. Area sampling is used to select a representa- 643 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES tive cross-section of dwelling units. No latitude is given to the interviewers in selecting the dwelling units. First counties, then urban blocks and open country areas within the counties, and finally dwelling units are designated in the central office by means of random methods (coupled with stratification).2 4. In order to obtain more reliable information concerning consumers with relatively high incomes or liquid assets, areas in which such people are assumed to be more numerous are considerably over-sampled. Weights are used to compensate for the over-sampling. 5. All inhabitants of the designated dwelling units are enumerated and grouped into spending units. A spending unit is defined as all persons living in the same dwelling and related by blood, marriage, or adoption, who pool their incomes for their major items of expense. The head of each spending unit is interviewed. 6. The method of small-sample surveys is used because of its advantages with respect to cost, speed of field work and analysis, and reduction of reporting errors. Careful training of interviewers and checking and editing of the interviews, as well as application of uniform procedures, are facilitated with small samples. On the other hand, the sampling error would be reduced somewhat if larger samples were used. Moreover, small samples make it impossible to calculate information concerning certain subgroups of the population. 7. At least three calls are made at different times on each spending unit so as to reduce the frequency of "not-at-home" cases. No substitutions are made even if no one is found at home after repeated calls, or in case of refusal to be interviewed. 8. A questionnaire is prepared and is pretested in the field. Some questions are "direct," usually requiring short answers (e.g., "Do you own a car?"), and some are "open-ended" introducing the discussion of topics and requesting information about reasons for opinions held. 9. Interviewers are trained personally, both in general interviewing procedures and in the specific problems of the survey. To stimulate interest and build rapport, interviewers are instructed to intro2 For a detailed description of the sampling method, including the principles of over-sampling mentioned under point 4, see appendix to the article on the survey in the June 1947 BUL- LETIN. 644 duce the interview by explaining the purposes and importance of the survey as well as how the respondent was selected. The interviewers also use suitable introductions to sections of the survey and nonsuggestive probes to the questions to elicit additional information. The average time of an interview is about one hour. 10. The interviewers record the answers received as nearly verbatim as possible. By using this method, in contrast to a check-list type of interview, decisions as to the meaning of answers are made on a uniform basis in the central office. 11. The interviews are edited in the central office. In certain cases the editing process reveals the necessity of a second interview. This is the case especially if tabulation of all money received during the year (income, plus amounts borrowed, plus sale of assets, etc.) and money spent and saved shows incongruous results. In these cases the interviewers are instructed to ask specified additional questions. Letters are written to respondents who refused to be interviewed or refused to give certain information. Some missing information is obtained by mail. 12. All information, financial facts as well as opinions, is transcribed to punch cards by means of a coding process. An elaborate list of categories is set up to determine the frequencies of different shades of opinion. A check-coding process provides a measure of coding reliability. 13. The findings are published as obtained in the survey without any adjustment or correction made on the basis of outside information.3 In spite of making use of the same methodological principles, the more recent surveys were by no means repetitions of the earlier ones. The method was developed continuously and some of the principles listed above were applied more thoroughly in the third than in the first two surveys. Furthermore, the number of interviews was increased somewhat, from 2,890 in the 1946 survey and 3,058 in the 1947 survey to 3,562 in the 1948 survey. (The 12 largest metropolitan areas and 54 other counties made up the sampling points in each survey.) While these changes hardly aflect the com3 This applies strictly to the percentage figures published. In determining the number of spending units in the nation, Census information is also used, the same as in the sampling process. The reports also contain a few adjustments made on the basis of data from the survey. In presenting the size distributions of income, saving, and liquid assets, estimates are made for a number of spending units from whom complete financial data were not obtained. Adjustments have been made for from 1 per cent to 4 per cent of spending units. FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES parability of results, changes in the approach to certain issues—different forms of questions which are assumed to yield more reliable results—make comparisons impractical in a few instances. In addition, several subjects were included for the first time in the 1948 survey so that comparable earlier information is not available. On the basis of sampling principles and survey findings, it is estimated that the universe from which the sample was drawn consisted of 48.4 million spending units or 42.0 million families4 at the beginning of 1948. These estimates are somewhat higher than those made at the time of the 1947 survey. The difference is probably larger than the actual growth in the number of families and spending units since it reflects certain improvements in basic data and survey methods, and also fluctuations in sampling. Sample interview surveys, if properly conducted, yield information on the order of magnitude of data but do not yield exact values. All information derived from the Survey of Consumer Finances is subject to reporting errors and to sampling errors. For the latter, in contrast to the former, numerical measures are available. Reporting errors and errors due to nonreporting are not generally measurable and their presence must be considered in the interpretation of survey results. Some of these errors may be expected to be relatively constant from year to year and therefore the changes noted in certain data from one survey to the next may not be affected by such errors.5 The magnitude of sampling errors varies with the item under consideration and the type of estimate. In general, distributions of the entire sample, such as the income distribution of all spending units in the Consumer Finances Survey, have relatively small sampling errors. Distributions based on a subgroup of the sample, on the other hand, are 4 Families are defined here as all persons related by blood, marriage or adoption who live at the same dwelling unit. In some dwellings there is more than one family (for instance, in dwellings in which there is a boarder who is not related to the head of the household). 5 Some approximate indications of the total effect of reporting and sampling errors can be derived from a comparison of Survey findings with outside estimates. These comparisons often refer to dollar aggregates, in which data both reporting and sampling errors are larger than for percentage distributions. In many instances, however, outside data are not available for comparison with Survey findings. JUNE 1948 subject to greater chance variation and the sampling errors may be too large to permit valid comparisons. Income distributions of spending units within one geographic region of the country, for instance, may not be reliable values for comparison with a similar distribution of another region. In presenting dollar figures in the Survey, frequent use is made of medians. Most of the distributions here studied are highly skewed, and for such data the sampling errors of medians are smaller than those of means. For items like the price of new automobiles, however, for which the distribution is more nearly symmetrical, the mean has a smaller sampling error. The sampling errors of both medians and means tend to be larger when estimates are based on a subgroup rather than all of the sample. The sampling errors of differences between two estimated quantities, such as estimated year-to-year differences, tend to be larger than those for the estimates themselves. But since the samples are comparable in all years, the increase in sampling errors for estimated year-to-year differences is not large. For example, the sampling error of the difference in the proportion of spending units that had incomes of $4,000 or more in 1946 and 1947 is about 3 percentage points. This compares with an error of about 2.5 percentage points in the figure for the year 1947. The sampling error measures the range on either side of the sample estimate within which a corresponding figure based on a complete enumeration could be expected to fall 95 times out of 100. That is, a complete enumeration of all spending units would be expected to yield a median income within the range of $2,380 to $2,680, that is, within $150 above or below the $2,530 median income estimated from the sample.6 The chances that this result would be obtained are 95 in 100. There are about 67 chances in 100 that the median would lie within a range only one-half as great, that is between $2,455 and $2,605. A few examples will serve to show the approximate magnitudes of some of the sampling errors: 6 For the purposes of this statement it has been assumed that a complete enumeration would be subject to at least as large errors of reporting and nonreporting as the sample, and hence, that the departure of the sample from a hypothetically complete enumeration would be due to sampling fluctuations. 645 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES SAMPLING ERROR FOR SELECTED SURVEY DATA SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES TABLE 8 Item Percentage of all spending units with money incomes of $4,000 or more in 1947 Survey estimate Estimated sampling error 24 percent 2.5 percentage points Median income of all spending units $2,530 $150 Percentage of all spending units reporting the purchase of automobiles in 1947 15 percent 2.0 percentage points Mean price of new cars purchased in 1947 $1,950 $45 Percentage of spending units classified as managerial and self-employed with money incomes of $4,000 or more in 1947 56 percent 7.0 percentage points Median income of spending units classified as managerial and selfemployed $4,330 $580 Even a very brief and, by necessity, superficial discussion of survey methodology would be incomplete without calling attention to the fact that surveys intended to determine both the composition of household budgets and psychological factors influencing consumer behavior represent a relatively new development in the field of economic research. Considerable experience derived from the analysis and interpretation of results of a number of surveys repeated under varying conditions is needed before this type of research can be of maximum value. CONSUMER ATTITUDES TOWARD SELECTED Percentage distribution of all spending units Type of product and attitude toward purchase Automobiles: Will buy Will probably buy New cars Used cars Uncertain, new or used Undecided, "it depends" Will not buy Not ascertained All cases Other selected durable goods: Will buy Will probably buy Undecided, "it depends" Will not buy Not ascertained All cases. Houses:1 Will buy Will probably buy New houses Old houses Uncertain, new or old Undecided, "it depends" Will not buy Not ascertained All cases 1948 1947 1946 7.3 3.4 7.4 3.0 0.3 5.5 83.6 0.2 8.0 3.7 8.2 3.1 0.4 3.1 84.3 0.9 8 3 8 2 1 2 84 3 100.0 100.0 100 16.3 5.5 5.6 72.3 0.3 14.5 6.6 4.7 72.5 1.7 22 6 5 100.0 100.0 3.4 1.2 2.1 1.6 0.9 .9 92.2 0.3 3.8 2.2 2.7 2.3 0.9 2.7 89.5 1.8 83 100.0 100.0 100 All buyers Automobiles: Plan to buy in 1 9 4 8 . . . . Bought in 1947 Expected to buy in 1947. Bought in 1946 Expected to buy in 1946. 100 100 100 100 100 Other selected durable goods: Plan to buy in 1 9 4 8 . . . . Bought in 1947 Expected to buy in 1947 Bought in 1946 Expected to buy in 1946 100 100 100 100 100 Houses:2 Plan to buy in 1948. . . . Bought in 1947 Expected to buy in 1947 Bought in 1946 Expected to buy in 1946 100 100 100 100 100 63 4 () 2 1 2 Information on houses refers to nonfarm spending units only. Data not ayailable. NOTE.—Decimal points are shown in this table because most of the percentages are under 10. Rounding to the nearest full percentage point might result in sizable overstatements or understatements of the actual changes shown by the reported data. Decimals are not shown in tables where percentages are for the most part greater than 10 per cent. Presentation of data with decimal points may imply a precision of information beyond that which is justified. TABLE 9 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF ACTUAL AND PROSPECTIVE BUYERS, BY INCOME GROUP Type of purchase PURCHASES IN 1948, 1947, AND 1946 Under $1,000 4 5 7 8 11 1 $1,000$1,999 $2,000$2,999 $3,000$3,999 $4,000$4,999 $5,000 and over 7 12 12 22 20 19 23 25 30 24 20 20 25 19 21 17 13 14 8 12 34 29 19 18 18 15 19 20 21 25 23 25 29 28 28 22 19 22 21 17 14 13 11 11 9 22 19 11 11 10 10 13 23 18 23 22 22 24 25 29 24 24 25 23 22 15 19 10 28 18 15 19 11 1 Prospective buyers include spending units who said definitely they would buy and those who said they probably would do so. Intended purchases for 1948 and actual purchases in 1947 are related to the spending unit's 1947 money income, intended purchases for 1947 and actual purchases in 1946 to 1946 money income, and intended purchases in 1946 to 1945 money income. 2 Information on houses refers to nonfarm spending units only. NOTE.—Part of the upward shift in the distribution of buyers may be attributed to the substantial shifts in the distribution of income of spending units between 1945 and 1947, with fewer spending units having incomes below and more having incomes above $4,000. See Table 4 for the percentage of spending units in each income group that are buyers. 646 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES TABLE ACTUAL BUYERS IN 1947, 10 BY PRICE OF PURCHASE AND INCOME GROUP Buyers as a percentage of all spending units within income group Type and price of purchase All income groups Automobiles^ Under $1,000 $l,000-$l,499 $l,500-$l,999 $2,000 and over All cases Under $1,000 $1,000$1,999 3 0 1 C1) 5 1 1 C1) $2,000$2,999 $3,000$4,999 $5,000 and over 4 6 11 9 30 15 Other selected durable goods:2 Under $100 $100-$199 $200-$299 $300-$499 $500-$749 $750-$999 $1,000 and over All cases 6 4 1 2 1 12 7 4 3 1 0) 10 9 7 6 3 1 14 29 39 1 1 C1) 2 0) 3 2 C1) o 35 Houses:3 Under $5,000 $5,000-$9,999 $10,000 and over () 7 7 8 10 5 2 7 0) 3 0) All cases 1 Less than one-half of 1 per cent. Prices refer to the total value of all "other selected durable goods" bought by a spending unit. Information on houses refers to nonfarm spending units only. NOTE.—Details may not add to totals because of rounding. 2 3 TABLE 11 DISTRIBUTION OF ACTUAL AND PROSPECTIVE BUYERS OF N E W AUTOMOBILES AND O T H E R DURABLE GOODS, BY P R I C E CLASS [Per cent] 1946 1947 1948 Price class New automobiles: Under $1 000 $l,000-$l,349 $l,350-$l,999 $2 000 or over Uncertain All cases Other durable goods: Under $100 . $100-$199 $200-$299 $300-$499 $500-$999 $1,000 or more Uncertain All cases 1 Prospective Actual Prospective Actual Prospective 2 4 64 18 12 3 65 32 0) 3 27 52 16 2 5 62 0) 2 33 43 12 10 100 100 100 100 100 15 18 19 20 10 5 13 24 22 18 17 11 5 3 12 21 26 14 11 5 11 24 24 17 13 11 6 5 19 24 17 14 10 5 100 100 100 100 100 22 2 9 11 Less than one-half of 1 per cent. JUNE 1948 647 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES TABLE 12 TABLE ACTUAL AND PROSPECTIVE PURCHASES OF SELECTED DURABLE DISTRIBUTION 13 OF PROSPECTIVE BUYERS OF HOUSES GOODS 1 BY PRICE CLASS 1 [Per cent] Type of durable good Furniture: Percentage of spending units Estimated number of spending units (in millions) Median expenditure Radios: Percentage of spending units Estimated number of spending units (in millions) Median expenditure. . . Refrigerators: Percentage of spending units Estimated number of spending units (in millions) Median expenditure Washing machines: Percentage of spending units Estimated number of spending units (in millions) Median expenditure Purchases planned 1948 Actual Purpurchases chases planned 1947 2 1947 Actual purchases 1946 1948 1947 1946 Under $2,000.. 5 10 18 $ 2,000-$3,999. 14 13 16 8.6 14.0 7.7 13.5 $ 4,000-$5,999. 14 18 19 4.2 $250 6.8 $200 3.7 $200 6.3 $200 $ 6,000-$7,999. 18 13 15 $ 8,000-$9,999. 12 11 9 $10,000 or over 24 18 7 Uncertain 13 17 16 100 100 100 4.8 10.3 3.6 6.6 2.3 $120 5.0 $60 1.7 $100 3.1 $50 All cases.. 1 6.2 9.7 6.8 5.2 3.0 $240 4.7 $240 3.3 $200 2.4 $190 3.0 5.1 2.8 2.8 1.5 (3) 2.5 (3) 1.4 $120 1.3 $120 1 Intended purchases for the year 1948 and actual purchases during 1947 were ascertained in the third survey made early in 1948. Intended purchases for 1947 and actual purchases during 1946 were ascertained early in 1947, while intended purchases for the year 1946 were ascertained early in 1946. In every case, the percentage of people expecting to buy includes those who said definitely they would buy and those who said they probably would do so. See opposite column for footnotes 2 and 3. 648 Price class Information refers to nonfarm spending units only. Footnotes for Table 12, Cont. 2 The fact that the number of spending units who reported buying refrigerators in 1947 was in excess of the number of refrigerators produced is indicative of the active market for used refrigerators. In the case of washing machines and radios, indicated purchases were less than production figures. This may be because a large number of purchases were made by buyers other than consumer spending units; it is also possible that some purchases of small washing machines and portable and table radios were not reported. 3 Data not available. FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES1 PART II. The Distribution of Consumer Income in 1947 Personal money incomes increased by approximately 20 billion dollars in 1947. This sizable increase was widely distributed throughout the population and a substantial number of spending units had higher money incomes in 1947 than in 1946. This article supplies new statistical information about the extent to which various groups in the population participated in the increase in money incomes in 1947 and in the distribution of total money income for the year. The findings presented in this article are based upon the 1948 Survey of Consumer Finances, conducted for the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System by the University of Michigan Survey Research Center. Comparison of these findings is made with two previous surveys, which were conducted in early 1947 and early 1946 using similar techniques and including similar information.2 Another article on the 1948 survey, also presented in this BULLETIN, gives a broad summary of survey results and details relating to expenditures for durable goods, while subsequent articles in later issues of the BULLETIN will cover liquid and nonliquid asset holdings, saving out of income, and housing expenditures and finance. As in the case of previous surveys of consumer 1 This article was prepared by Duncan McC. Holthausen of the Board's Division of Research and Statistics. It is the second in a series to be issued presenting the results of the Board's 1948 Survey of Consumer Finances. The first article also appears in this BULLETIN and other articles will appear in succeeding issues. From the Survey Research Center, University of Michigan, Rensis Likert, Director, and Angus Campbell, Assistant Director, were in general charge of the survey. Responsibility for detailed planning and supervision of the survey, including interviewing, editing, tabulaton of survey results, and preparation of survey studies was carried by George Katona in collaboration with Miss Janet Austrian. Charles F. Cannell served as head of the field staff and Roe Goodman as head of the sampling section of the Center. From the Board of Governors, general supervision of the survey has been under the direction of Woodlief Thomas, Director, and Ralph A. Young, Associate Director, of the Division of Research and Statistics. Mr. Holthausen has been in charge of 2the analysis of the data and the preparation of reports. The second survey was made for the Board of Governors early in 1947 by the Survey Research Center and results of that survey were reported in 1947 in the June, July, and August issues of the BULLETIN. The first survey was made for the Board of Governors early in 1946 by the Division of Program Surveys, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U. S. Department of Agriculture. The Survey Research Center staff currently in charge of the survey work was associated with the Division of Program Surveys at the time of the first survey. Results of that survey were reported in the June, July, and August issues of the BULLETIN under the general title National Survey of Liquid Assets. _ See the appendix to Part I of this 1948 Survey for information about survey methods. JUNE 1948 finances the present one covers, on a sample basis, the entire population of the United States residing in private households during the January-March interview period. The following groups were omitted: (1) members of the armed forces living at military reservations; (2) residents in hospitals and in religious, educational, and penal institutions; and (3) the floating population, that is, people living in hotels, large boarding houses, and tourist camps. The interview unit of the Surveys of Consumer Finances is the spending unit, defined as all persons living in the same dwelling and belonging to the same family who pooled their incomes to meet major expenses. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS ON CONSUMER INCOME 1. The 20 billion dollar increase in civilian money income during 1947 was accompanied by increases in the money incomes of about half of the spending units. Approximately 24 million of the total of about 48 million spending units had larger money incomes in 1947 than in 1946. It is estimated that some 9 million spending units had lower incomes in 1947, primarily because of less steady work, lower profits, retirement, or sickness. 2. The increase in incomes of half the spending units during 1947 was accompanied by the shifting of many of these units to higher income groups. About two-fifths of all spending units reported money incomes of $3,000 and above in 1947 as compared with slightly more than one-third in 1946 and less than one-third in 1945. 3. About three-fifths of the skilled and semiskilled workers and about the same proportion of professional persons and clerical and sales personnel said that their 1947 incomes were larger than 1946 incomes. Fewer self-employed persons, farm operators, and unskilled workers than persons in other occupational groups reported increases in income and more reported decreases in income. 4. There appears to have been no significant change between 1946 and 1947 in the proportion of income received by the various occupational groups in relation to their number in the total popu- 649 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES lation. The managerial and self-employed and professional groups received a proportion of total money income equal to roughly twice their respective proportions of the total population in both years. Skilled and semiskilled workers and clerical and sales personnel received a proportion of income roughly equal to their proportions in the total population, while farm operators, unskilled workers, and other miscellaneous groups such as retired persons, housewives, and students received proportions somewhat smaller than their population weight. 5. No increase or decrease occurred in the percentage of total income accounted for by the spending units who were the highest income recipients in 1947 and those who were the highest income recipients in 1946. In both years the tenth of the spending units with highest incomes received roughly one-third of total money income. 6. Consumers continued to be optimistic about future income prospects. Substantially more spending units expected their incomes to be higher rather than lower in early 1949. Increases in money incomes placed many spending units in higher income groups in 1947 than they had been in during 1946 or 1945. As the accompanying chart shows, the upward movement occurred throughout the entire income distribution. Almost one-fourth of all spending units had money incomes of $4,000 or above in 1947 and about onethird had money incomes below $2,000. DISTRIBUTION OF SPENDING UNITS BY INCOME GROUPS, 1947, 1946, AND 1945 PER CENT OF SPENDING UNITS PER CENT OF SPENDING UNITS 30 30 CHANGES IN INCOME FROM 1946 TO 1947 Total money income before taxes, as reported in this survey, is the sum of the net money earnings from civilian employment (including wages and salaries and net incomes or losses from farm and nonfarm business and professional self-employment), armed forces pay of civilians not in the services at the time of interview and of members of the services living in private households, and net money income other than earnings. It does not include income received in kind, such as the value of home-produced food, free meals, or rentfree living quarters. Nor does it include the value of farm inventory changes or farm depreciation charges. Furthermore, it does not include capital gains or losses. Heads of spending units (in some cases other members) were asked by interviewers to report separately the amount of money income received by each member of the spending unit from each of a number of specified types of income such as wages and salaries; interest, dividends, rents, or royalties; income from professional practice or unincorporated business; various types of allotments, pensions, retirement pay, contributions, and other income of this type; and income from work other than regular employment. 650 $2,000 . 12,999 *3,000 |3,999 45,000 f7,499 INCOME GROUPS NOTE.—Covers money income before taxes. The median income figure, i.e., the income of the middlemost spending unit when all spending units were ranked by size of income, shown in Table 1, was approximately $2,500. This represented an increase of some 10 per cent above the 1946 level and 25 per cent above the 1945 level. These sizable advances in median income are indicative of the increases in money income received by many millions of spending units between 1946 and 1947 as well as between 1945 and 1946. There have, of course, been substantial increases in the cost of living during this three-year period, and so these increases in money incomes have not necessarily been gains in real income. Many spending units that were receiving larger money incomes in 1947 than in 1946 or 1945 found that the effective purchasing power of their incomes had not advanced correspondingly. As has been pointed out in Part I of the survey report, a considerable number of the spending units with higher money incomes in 1947 than in 1946 felt that because of the higher cost of living they were worse FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES TABLE 1 DISTRIBUTION OF SPENDING U N I T S AND MONEY INCOME R E CEIVED, BY INCOME GROUPS, 1947, 1946, AND 1945 x [Per cent] 1947 Spending units Under $1,000. . . . $1,000-$ 1,999 $2,000-$2,999.... $3,000-$3,999 $4,000-$4,999 $5,000-$7,499.... $7,500 and over. . All income groups 1946 1945 Total Spend- Total Spend- Total ing ing money money money income units income units income 14 22 23 17 10 9 5 2 10 17 18 13 16 24 100 100 Median income2. . $2,530 17 23 25 17 8 6 4 3 12 21 20 13 11 20 100 100 $2,300 C/l Annual money income before taxes 20 27 23 15 7 5 3 16 23 20 12 11 13 100 100 $2,020 1 Income data for 1947 are based on intei views in JanuaryMarch 1948 (third survey); for 1946 on interviews in JanuaryMarch 1947 (second survey); and for 1945 on interviews in January-March 1946 (first survey). 2 The median amount is that of the middle spending unit when all units are ranked by size of income. off financially at the end of 1947 than at the beginning of the year. Roughly one-half of all spending units reported an annual income in 1947 that was greater than their 1946 income. As Table 2 indicates, spending units in which the head of the unit was a professional person, a skilled or semiskilled worker, or a clerical or sales person most frequently said that their 1947 incomes were greater than their 1946 incomes. Approximately three-fifths of spend- ing units in these categories reported increases. With each of these groups, decreases in income were reported by less than one-fifth of their number. For spending units in all occupational groupings declines in income were much more frequent between 1945 and 1946, when many people transferred from wartime to peacetime employment. In the case of skilled and semiskilled workers, the large number of spending units reporting higher money incomes was in sharp contrast with the much smaller number reporting higher 1946 than 1945 incomes at the time of the second Survey of Consumer Finances. Although a substantial number of the heads of spending units in these groups received increases in basic hourly wage rates in both 1947 and 1946, many of these increases were offset in 1946 by a reduction in hours worked plus loss of overtime premiums formerly received in war industries, and also by changes to lower-paying jobs. In fact, spending units in the skilled and semiskilled group reported decreases in annual money incomes from 1945 to 1946 almost as frequently as they did increases. More units in the unskilled group reported increases in incomes from 1946 to 1947 than reported increases from 1945 to 1946, and considerably fewer spending units in this group reported decreases in incomes from 1946 to 1947 than had done so in the earlier period. The proportion of spending units reporting no substantial changes in income or reporting decreases TABLE 2 INCOME CHANGES FROM 1946 TO 1947 AND 1945 TO 1946 AS REPORTED BY SPENDING U N I T S IN VARIOUS OCCUPATIONAL G R O U P S 3 Percentage distribution of spending units within occupational groups Change in annual money income before taxes All spending units Professional Managerial and selfemployed Skilled and semiskilled Clerical and sales personnel Unskilled Farm operators 1946 to 1947 1945 tc 1946 1946 to 1947 1945 to 1946 1946 to 1947 1945 to 1946 1946 to 1947 1945 to 1946 1946 to 1947 1945 to 1946 1946 to 1947 1945 to 1946 1946 to 1947 1945 to 1946 Income larger Larger by 25 per cent or more.. Somewhat larger 49 18 31 42 17 25 62 18 44 46 14 32 41 17 24 42 17 25 58 20 38 41 17 24 62 24 38 59 24 35 44 15 29 35 15 20 38 14 24 16 24 No substantial change in income 30 27 19 29 35 29 24 21 22 21 35 27 36 32 Income smaller Somewhat smaller Smaller by 25 per cent or more. 19 11 8 28 16 12 18 11 7 24 14 10 22 13 9 27 15 12 36 21 15 14 9 5 17 8 9 19 13 6 33 20 13 21 13 8 24 2 3 1 1 2 2 16 9 7 2 2 2 3 2 5 5 4 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Not ascertained All units 40 18 6 1 Based on changes in amount of annual income received as reported by spending units early in 1948 (third survey) and early in 1947 ( second survey). JUNE 1948 651 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES in income from 1946 to 1947 was highest in the managerial and self-employed group and among farm operators. No more than about one-fifth of the spending units in these groups, however, reported income decreases. For spending units in most occupational groups, median income increased between 1946 and 1947. Spending units in which the head of the unit was a managerial or self-employed person had the highest median income in 1947 with $4,500. Professional persons followed with $4,000; then skilled and semiskilled workers with $3,000; clerical and sales personnel with $2,900; and unskilled workers with $1,800. Farm operators had a median income of $1,500 but since their money incomes are substantially supplemented by nonmoney income, such as food produced on the farm, their reported incomes are not closely comparable with those of other occupational groups. Median income figures as well as income distributions of spending units within the different occupational groupings for the years 1947 and 1946 are shown in Table 7 following this article. Because of the small number of sample cases on which data for the separate occupations are based, particularly that for the professional group, these income distributions by occupation should be considered as approximations only and as very rough guides to shifts occurring between 1946 and 1947. It is noteworthy that the same sort of general upward shift in level of money income observed for the sample as a whole was also apparent for most occupational groups. Estimates of the percentage of total money income received by the various occupational groups show that the managerial and self-employed and the professional persons received somewhat over onethird of total money income—a proportion of income equal to roughly twice their proportion of the total population in 1947. Skilled and semiskilled workers and clerical and sales personnel received about one-fourth and one-sixth of total income, respectively, proportions that were comparable to their population weight; unskilled workers, farm operators, and others received somewhat less of total money income than their numerical proportion. Unskilled workers received almost one-tenth of total money income and farm operators somewhat less. As in the case of the income distributions by occupational groups, these data should be considered rough approximations only. While the percentage of all spending units shifting to higher income groups in 1947 was small, as is shown in Table 1, this is not inconsistent with the finding that as many as half of all spending units received increases in income. Since each income grouping used in the survey has a range of $1,000 or more, very substantial increases in income are needed before most spending units shift into a higher income grouping. Table 3 shows income changes by income groups. Three-fifths or more of all spending units with incomes of $3,000 and above in 1947 reported their annual incomes to be larger than in 1946. About one-fourth of the spending units with incomes below $1,000 in TABLE 3 INCOME CHANGES FROM 1946 TO 1947 AS REPORTED BY SPENDING U N I T S IN VARIOUS INCOME G R O U P S 1 Percentage distribution of all spending units within income groups Change in annual money income before taxes, 1946 to 1947 All spending units 1947 annual money income before taxes Under $1,000 $1,000$1,999 $2,000$2,999 $3,000$3,999 $4,000$4,999 $5,000$7,499 $7,500 and over Larger by 25 -per cent or more Somewhat larger 49 18 31 27 14 13 40 16 24 50 15 35 57 18 39 63 23 40 60 26 34 60 18 42 No substantial change in income 30 45 33 30 24 19 28 24 1947 income smaller than 1946 19 11 8 24 24 12 12 18 12 6 17 11 6 16 9 7 12 8 4 14 10 4 1947 incomel arger than 1946 Somewhat smaller Smaller by 25 per cent or more 13 Not ascertained 2 4 3 2 2 2 (2) 2 All units 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1 2 Based on changes in amount of annual income received as reported by spending units in early 1948 (third survey). Less than one-half of 1 per cent. 652 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES 1947 reported increases; a similar proportion of this group reported decreases and the remainder, or roughly one-half, said there was little change in their money incomes between the two years. It is not surprising that the number in this group reporting income increases was comparatively small and the number reporting income decreases was comparatively large. This is the lowest income category. Thus it included a considerable number of spending units that experienced substantial declines in income during 1947. It also included many persons living on fixed incomes, such as retired people and widows. The income information already presented has stressed the fact that increases in money income were frequent between 1946 and 1947 and that these increases were not confined to one or two particular groups but appeared to be distributed throughout many segments of the population. Table 4 shows the share of money income received by each tenth of the nation's spending units when ranked by size of income. The tenth of the nation's spending units with the highest incomes in 1947 and the tenth with the highest incomes in 1946 received approximately one-third of total money income. There was no shift of any significance in the distribution of income among each tenth of spending units. In other words, the increment in money income between 1946 and 1947 appears to have been distributed among various spending units in proportions quite similar to the distribution of income in 1946. The incomes of the top tenth of spending units in 1947 ranged upwards beginning with $5,700. The incomes of the next highest tenth of spending units, ranging from $4,200 to $5,700, accounted for almost one-sixth of total income in that year. The bottom of the income range in 1947 for most of the tenths was often as large as or larger than that of the next highest tenth in 1945. Income distributions of spending units according to other basic characteristics such as size, number of members employed, and place of residence, show the same relative pattern for the year 1947 as in 1946. For example, one-person spending units generally received lower incomes than larger spending units; the more employed people in a spending unit, the higher was its income. Spending units in metropolitan areas as a rule had higher incomes than units in other urban areas and rural areas. Income distributions of spending units having these various characteristics are presented in Table 8 at the end of the article. COMPOSITION OF THE VARIOUS INCOME GROUPS In the following sections information is presented about the size and other characteristics of spending units in the various income groups, and about the occupation, age, etc., of members of these spending units. For example, who were the spending units that made less than $1,000 in 1947? Were they families of two or more persons or were they single individuals? Were they gainfully employed or unemployed? What was their occupation? TABLE 4 SHARE OF TOTAL MONEY INCOME RECEIVED BY EACH TENTH OF THE NATION'S SPENDING UNITS, WHEN RANKED BY SIZE OF INCOME, 1947, 1946, AND 1945 x Pei centage of total money income before taxe s: Spending units ranked according to size of income Highest tenth Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Lowest tenth ... By each tenth Cumulative Income of smallest income receiver in group 1947 1946 1945 1947 1946 1945 1947 1946 1945 33 15 12 10 9 7 32 15 12 10 9 7 29 16 13 11 9 7 33 48 60 70 79 86 32 47 58 69 78 85 29 45 58 69 78 85 92 96 99 100 91 95 99 100 91 96 99 100 $5,700 4,200 3,500 3,000 2,550 2,100 1,700 1,200 $4,850 3,750 3,100 2,700 2,300 2,000 1,500 1,150 $4,450 3,500 2,950 2,450 2,050 1,700 1,350 1,000 750 0 700 0 550 0 6 4 3 1 6 5 3 1 6 5 3 1 1 Income data for 1947 are based on interviews in January-March 1948 (third survey); for 1946 on interviews in January-March 1947 (second survey); and for 1945 on interviews in January-March 1946 ^first survey). It is possible that the proportion of income received by the highest tenth of income receivers is underestimated by several percentage points in all years. Samples of approximately 3,0003,500 spending units having been used in these three surveys, it cannot be expected that a completely representative sample of the highest dollar incomes was obtained. NOTE.—Detailed figures may not add to cumulative figures because of rounding. JUNE 1948 653 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES Available data indicate that more than two-fifths of the spending units with money incomes under $1,000 were single-person spending units. Farm operators, retired people, housewives (widows, etc.), and unemployed persons accounted for about twothirds of all the spending units in this low income grouping; and unskilled workers for about onesixth. There was very slight representation of the remaining occupational categories. In terms of age, roughly half the heads of all the spending units in this income group were 55 years of age or more. The composition of the $5,000 and over income grouping makes a striking contrast to the composition of the under $1,000 grouping. Less than onetwentieth are single-person units and almost threefifths are three or more person units. Over half the spending units are headed by professional or managerial and self-employed persons; another onethird by skilled and semiskilled and clerical and sales personnel; and only one-tenth by farm operators and other groups so frequent in the lowest income category. Four-fifths of the spending units had people as their heads who were between the ages of 25 and 54. In the intervening income groups ($l,000-$4,999), there were sizable numbers of two or more person spending units, and the skilled, semiskilled, and unskilled workers, together with clerical and sales personnel, accounted for about three out of every five spending units. INCOME EXPECTATIONS FOR 1948 Consumers continued to be optimistic about their income prospects. More than a quarter of all spending units expected that their rate of income would be greater in the early part of 1949 than it was in the early part of 1948. About one-tenth anticipated that they would be making less money a year from the date of the survey, and about twofifths expected to be making about the same amount of money. By occupational groups, as Table 5 shows, it was the professional persons and clerical and sales personnel who were the most optimistic about their future incomes, and the unskilled workers who were the least optimistic. The pattern of these income expectations was quite comparable to that expressed in early 1947. At that time also the professional and clerical and sales groups were the most optimistic. Other wage-earning groups, however, were not quite as optimistic in early 1947 as they appeared to be in early 1948. In all income groups, many more spending units expected larger or smaller incomes a year hence. Spending units with incomes of $5,000 or above more frequently expected increases or decreases in income than did the spending units in lower income groups. Income expectations expressed in the previous year's survey by spending units in the various income groupings showed this same tendency. FAMILY INCOME IN 1947 The income data reported by spending units in the Survey of Consumer Finances is tabulated by family units (as defined by the Bureau of the Census, United States Department of Commerce) as well as by spending units. The Census defines a family as all persons living in the same dwelling who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption. Table 6 presents income distributions by family units for 1947, 1946, and 1945 as derived from the TABLE 5 E X P E C T E D INCOME CHANGE DURING 1948, BY OCCUPATION OF H E A D OF SPENDING U N I T 1 Percentage distribution of spending units within each occupational group Expected change of income during coming year Income will be larger a year from now Income will be about the same Income will be smaller a year from now Uncertain "it depends" Not ascertained .. All units ... All spending units Professional Managerial and selfemployed Skilled and semiskilled Clerical and sales personnel Unskilled 27 38 10 23 2 41 34 10 14 1 27 34 15 22 2 27 37 11 23 2 43 31 6 18 2 15 44 10 29 2 100 100 100 100 100 100 1 The question was: "Do you think a year from now you will be making more money or less money than you are now, or will you be making about the same?" The results are based on interviews in January-March 1948. This question was asked of nonfarm spending units only. 654 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES three surveys. It is estimated that at the beginning of 1948 there were approximately 48.4 million spending units 3 and 42.0 million family units. Since the spending unit is defined as all persons living in the same dwelling and belonging to the same family who pool their incomes to meet their major expenses, there may be more than one spending unit in any family. Early in 1948 there were approximately 39.9 million dwelling units, of which about 35 million were occupied by families (including only persons related to the head of the household) which represented only one spending unit. In approximately 5 million dwelling units, however, the families consisted of two or more spending units and this accounted for the entire difference in the number of family units as against spending units. In these families there were married sons or daughters (many of them veterans) who did not pool their incomes with the head of the family and therefore were considered separate spending units; there were also employed single sons and daughters, or in some cases elderly parents or other relatives who had separate incomes of more than $500, and 3 In the publication of the results of the 1947 survey it was estimated that there were 46.3 million spending units in early 1947. In the light of other information now available for making such an estimate, it is probable that this figure is somewhat of an underestimate and that the true figure is closer to 47 million. At the beginning of 1948, there were an estimated 39.9 million dwelling units in the United States. A breakdown of the occupants of these dwelling units by families is shown below: Families and single Spending individuals units (Estimated number, in millions) Dwelling units where the family and the spending unit are identical Dwelling units where the family consists of two or more spending units Additional spending and family units in dwellings, i. e., roomers and servants, not related to the head of the household (living in 1.3 million of the 39.9 million dwelling units) Total. JUNE 1948 35.2 35.2 4.7 11.1 2.1 2.1 42.0 48.4 did not pool them with the head of the household. With the same total amount of money income distributed among family units instead of spending units, it is to be expected that there will be a larger proportion of all units in higher income groups. As Table 6 shows, about 20 per cent of all family units had incomes of $5,000 or above in TABLE DISTRIBUTION OF FAMILY 6 UNITS AND MONEY CEIVED, BY INCOME GROUPS, 1947, 1946, INCOME AND 1945 RE- 1 [Per cent] 1947 Annual money income before taxes 1945 1946 Fam- Total Fam- Total Fam- Total ily ily ily money money money units 2 income units 2 income units 2 income Under $1,000. . . $1 000-$ 1,999... $2,000-82,999... $3,000-$3,999... $4,000-$4,909.. . $5,000-$7,499... $7,500 and over. 13 18 20 17 11 13 8 2 7 13 15 13 20 30 All income groups. . . 100 100 Median income3. $2,920 15 20 22 18 10 9 6 2 9 17 19 14 16 23 100 100 $2,600 18 22 22 17 9 8 4 3 11 19 21 14 16 16 100 100 $2,400 1 Income data for 1947 are based on interviews in JanuaryMarch 1948 (third survey): for 1946 on interviews in JanuaryMarch 1947 (second survey); and for 1945 on interviews in January-March 1946 (first survey). Family units are denned as all persons living in the same dwelling who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption. 2 Includes single-person family units. 3 The median amount is that ol the middle family unit when all units are ranked by size of income. 1947 and approximately 30 per cent of all family units had incomes below $2,000. This compares with 14 per cent of all spending units having incomes of $5,000 or above and 36 per cent having incomes below $2,000. Tables 7 and 8 following contain supplementary information relating to results presented in the text. 655 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES TABLE 7 DISTRIBUTION OF SPENDING UNITS WITHIN DIFFERENT OCCUPATIONAL GROUPS, BY SIZE OF INCOME, 1947 AND 1946 1 [Per cent] Annual money income before taxes Under $1,000 $l,000-$l,999 $2.000-$2,999 $3,000-$3,999 $4,000-$4,999 $5,000-17,499 $7,500 and over All income groups Median income Professional Managerial and selfemployed Skilled and semiskilled 1947 1946 1947 1946 1947 1946 1947 1946 1947 1946 1947 1946 5 7 15 23 10 21 19 8 10 19 13 16 19 15 4 12 14 13 12 23 22 3 16 15 19 13 14 20 3 17 30 26 15 9 5 17 36 27 10 5 ( 6 21 25 22 11 11 4 8 22 30 20 11 6 3 18 39 29 10 4 26 42 23 7 1 1 0 34 27 18 7 6 6 2 36 29 18 9 5 2 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 J 100 Clerical and sales personnel Farm operators 2 Unskilled $4,000 $4,000 $4,500 $3,700 $3,000j '$2,700 $2,900 '$2,500 $ 1 , 750 $1,600 $1,500 •$1,500 'Revised 1 Income data for 1947 are based on interviews in January-March 1948 (third survey); for 1946 on interviews in January-March 1947 (second survey). Because of the small number of cases in the various occupational groups and also because of some differences in the coding by occupations between the two years, these distributions should be considered as approximations only and as very rough guides to general shifts in the distribution of income between 1946 and 1947. All the occupational groupings are in terms of the occupation of the head of the spending unit. For comparable 1945 income data, see July 1947 Federal Reserve BULLETIN, Table 2, p. 792. * As explained in the text, the income distribution for farm operators is not closely comparable with the distributions for other groups because of the large amount of non-money income that farmers produce for their own consumption. 3 Less than one-half of 1 per cent. TABLE 8 DISTRIBUTION OF SPENDING U N I T S HAVING S P E C I F I E D CHARACTERISTICS, BY SIZE OF INCOME, 1947 x [Per cent] Annual money income before taxes Under $1 000 . $l,000-$l,999 $2 000-$2,999 $3 000-$3 999 $4,000-$4,999 $5 000-$7,499 $7,500 and over All income groups Four One Two 28 33 22 8 6 20 22 20 23 15 21 17 11 12 5 21 10 11 7 100 100 10 4 2 1 100 13 Three Residence of spending unit Employed persons in spending unit Number of persons in spending unit Five or more None2 One Two or more Metropolitan area 3 Other urban area Rural4 area 13 47 22 25 5 32 9 12 20 5 18 20 23 25 27 25 21 22 14 14 8 20 11 9 4 6 3 1 2 19 9 8 6 19 18 21 5 23 13 13 8 17 11 9 4 12 6 6 3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 19 24 11 11 1 For comparable 1946 data, see July 1947 Federal Reserve BULLETIN, p. 793; for comparable 1945 data, see Tables 18, 19, and 20 in Part Two of National Survey of Liquid Asset Holdings, Spending, and Saving, Division of Program Surveys, U. S. Department of Agriculture. * Members of spending unit were unemployed, retired, housewives, students, etc. 1 The 12 largest cities in the nation and their suburbs. * Towns with less than 2,500 population and open country. 656 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN ESTIMATED LIQUID ASSET HOLDINGS OF INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESSES Individuals increased their liquid assets during 1947 by an estimated 6.8 billion dollars while businesses decreased their holdings of liquid assets by 1.5 billion. This compares with an increase in individuals' holdings of 10.7 billion dollars and a decrease of 6.7 billion dollars in the liquid assets of businesses during 1946. Estimates of liquid asset holdings of individuals and businesses as of December 31, 1947, and for end-of-year and mid-year dates from December 1939 to December 1946, are presented in the table on page 658. These estimates cover the principal assets which are most readily convertible for use and for which there are representative statistics of ownership. Currency and demand deposits are the basic forms of cash ordinarily used, and under existing practices time deposits, shares of savings and loan associations, and United States Government securities are readily convertible into cash. Savings and loan shares, which have become increasingly important in recent years as a form of liquid saving, are included for the first time in these estimates. Other assets that may be commonly considered as liquid, such as corporate and municipal securities and insurance and pension reserves, are not included in the series. The shift in liquid assets from businesses to individuals reflected in part extremely large business expenditures for expansion of plant, equipment, and inventories, as well as substantial net increases in credit granted to individuals. The decline in liquid assets of businesses during 1947, however, was much smaller than the decline in 1946, despite the fact that business capital expenditures were substantially larger. This was possible because of considerable increases in funds available to businesses during 1947 from certain sources, chiefly undistributed profits, increases in tax liabilities, and the sale of corporate securities. These developments for incorporated businesses are discussed in the leading article of this BULLETIN. Administrators of trust accounts of individuals continued to channel almost all increases in these funds into United States Government securities. Other individuals increased their liquid assets by adding to savings and checking accounts. Notwithstanding the inclusion of almost 0.8 billion dollars JUNE 1948 of armed forces leave bonds made cashable in 1947, as well as the addition of from 0.3 to 0.4 billion dollars in accrued discounts to the value of discount savings bonds owned by individuals, there was an increase of only 0.2 billion dollars in their holdings of United States Government securities. This was because nontrust Government security holdings of individuals were being drawn down on a net cash basis during 1947. This decline was considerably smaller than the corresponding decline of approximately 3.5 billion dollars that took place during 1946. It is noteworthy in this connection that the third Survey of Consumer Finances, conducted early this year, found that several million fewer spending units held United States Government securities at the end of 1947 than a year earlier.1 The estimates presented in the accompanying table include liquid assets held by individuals (including farmers), unincorporated businesses, and corporations other than insurance companies. They do not include holdings of Federal, State, or local governments, Government agencies, foreigners, banks, savings and loan associations, insurance companies, or nonprofit associations. The estimates are approximations of amounts shown or implied in accounting records of the holders rather than those reported by banking and Treasury records, although they are derived from bank and Treasury reports. The deposit estimates, therefore, differ somewhat from the figures reported by banks and regularly published among banking statistics.2 The basic classifications used and method of estimate are the same as those employed previously, except that savings and loan shares are now included in the series, as was stated above. Estimates for dates prior to December 1947 include some small revisions in the ownership distribution of United States Government securities.3 1 This survey, conducted for the Board by the Survey Research Center, University of Michigan, provides information on the distribution of holdings of liquid assets by individuals at the beginning of 1948 and their attitudes toward spending these assets. Some of the results are published in this issue of the BULLETIN (pp. 634-56) and others will appear in the July and2 August issues. A detailed description of the methods by which these estimates are made, together with the basic worksheets, may be secured from the Division of Research and Statistics, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington 25, D. 3 C. See Federal Reserve BULLETINS for June 1945, February 1946, November 1946, and September 1947 for previously published estimates. 657 ESTIMATED LIQUID ASSET HOLDINGS OF INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESSES [In billions of dollars] 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 Type of holder Dec. June Dec, June Dec. June Dec, Total 1 . June June Dec June Dec. June Dec. Dec.p '69.0 '71.7 -74.7 '78.4 '85.4 '94.6 116.2 135.9 156.4 175.5 195.9 '212.9 '227.5 '228.5 '231.5 236.8 Currency Demand deposits2 Time deposits Savings & loan shares43. . . . U. S. Govt. securities 10.2 30.9 26.5 4.6 '22.4 13.1 36.8 27.7 4.8 Business holdings—total 19.4 20.6 22.3 23.6 25.9 29.5 39.4 49.5 Currency Demand deposits Time deposits Savings & loan shares U. S. Govt. securities 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 12.5 13.8 15.5 16.5 16.6 18.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0. 0.1 0.1 0.1 3.2 3.1 3.0 3.0 5.1 6.5 2.8 21.7 2.1 0.1 12.7 3.1 27.5 2.2 0.2 16.5 , 13.0 13.9 15.0 15.7 17.4 19.6 27.1 Currency Demand deposits Time deposits Savings & loan shares U. S. Govt. securities 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 9.5 10.5 11.7 12.3 12.4 13.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 16.0 0.7 Corporations—total Dec. Financial5corporations— total Demand deposits Time deposits. U. S. Govt. securities. . 5.8 6.1 6.6 7.5 8.9 20.9 22.9 24.6 26.5 27.9 26.3 26.7 26.9 27.1 26.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.4 4.5 '12.0 11.9 '12.4 12.9 '17.2 2.1 1.7 1.8 1.1 0.1 0.5 1.2 0.1 0.5 Nonfinancial corporations —total Currency Demand deposits Time deposits Savings & loan shares... U. S. Govt. securities. . . Unincorporated business—total Currency Demand deposits Time deposits Savings & loan shares U. S. Govt. securities Personal holdings—total Currency Demand deposits Time deposits Savings & loan shares. . U. S. Govt. securities. . Trust funds—total6 Demand deposits Time deposits p Si &loan l shares Savings & U. S. Govt. securities Other personal—total7 Currency Demand deposits Time deposits Savings & loan shares U. S. Govt. securities 2.6 3.5 1.2 0.1 0.5 15.0 18.0 20.0 42 47.1 47.9 29.6 32.0 35.0 5.8 5.4 5.1 '43.5 '53.9 '66.8 22.6 53.1 39.0 6.2 '75.0 24.2 56.0 43.5 6.7 '82.5 25.5 60.2 47.7 7.2 '86.9 25.5 62.5 50.9 7.8 '81.8 25.7 64.6 53.0 8.4 '79.8 25.4 66.0 55.3 9.5 80.6 55.9 62.9 67.5 72.3 73.0 69.6 '66.3 64.8 3 28.9 2.3 0.2 20.9 3.9 29.4 2.5 0.2 26.9 4.3 31.3 2.7 0.2 29.0 4.5 33.7 2.9 0.2 31.0 4.7 33.7 3.1 0.2 31.3 4.8 34.7 3.2 0.3 4.9 33.5 3.4 0.3 '24.2 4.8 33.7 3.5 0.3 22.5 34.2 38.6 43.1 44.7 47.2 45.1 41.9 '38.9 38.4 0.8 20.0 0.7 0.1 12.6 0.9 20.9 0.7 0.1 16.0 0.9 21.4 0.7 0.1 20.0 0.9 22.1 0.7 0.1 20.9 0.9 24.0 0.7 0.1 21.5 0.9 22.1 0.7 0.1 21.3 1.0 22.9 0.7 0.1 17.2 1.0 21.8 0.7 0.1 '15.3 1.0 22.1 0.7 0.1 14.5 1.9 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.8 3.4 3.8 4.1 4.8 4.7 4.4 4.1 1.3 0.1 0.5 1.3 0. 0.8 1.3 0.1 1.0 1.2 0.1 1.2 1.3 0.1 1.4 1.3 0.1 1.7 1.3 0.1 2.0 1.5 0.1 2.2 1.6 0.1 2.4 2.0 0.1 2.7 2.1 0.1 2.5 2.1 0.1 2.2 2.0 0.1 2.0 39.7 40.9 43.1 40.3 37.2 '34.5 34.3 0.9 20.1 0.6 0. 18.0 0.9 20.6 0.6 0.1 18.7 0.9 22.4 0.6 0.1 19.1 0.9 20.1 0.6 0.1 18.6 1.0 20.8 0.6 0.1 14.7 1.0 19.7 0.6 1.0 20.1 0.6 0.1 12.5 19.8 22.8 25.1 27.9 27.7 27.4 26.4 3.0 8.0 1.8 0.1 6.9 3.4 9.2 2.0 0.1 8.1 3.6 9.7 2.2 0.1 9.5 3.8 11.6 2.4 0.1 10.0 3.8 11.8 2.5 0.2 9.4 3.9 11.7 2.7 0.2 8.9 3.8 11.6 2.8 0.2 8.0 12.1 13.2 13.8 15.2 17.2 24.6 31.4 0.7 8.4 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 9.3 10.5 11.0 11.1 12.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 14.8 0.6 1.6 6.4 1.5 1.4 1.4 2.7 6.7 7.3 7.9 8.5 3.3 9.9 8.4 12.3 0.8 18.7 0.6 0.1 11.2 15.3 35.5 0.9 19.6 0.6 0.1 14.3 17.3 0.9 3.0 1.3 0.1 1.1 0.9 3.3 1.3 0.1 1.1 1.0 3.8 1.3 0.1 1.1 1.1 4.2 1.4 0.1 1.1 1.3 4.2 1.3 0.1 1.6 1.5 4.8 1.3 0.1 2.2 2.0 5.7 1.4 0.1 3.1 2.3 7.5 1.5 0.1 3.9 2.7 8.0 1.6 0.1 4.9 '49.6 51.1 ••52.4 '54.8 '59.5 '65.1 '76.8 '86.4 100.5 '112.6 '128.4 140.6 154.5 '158.9 165.2 172.0 4.2 4.5 4.9 5.6 6.8 7.9 10.3 11.9 14.4 16.1 18.3 19.7 20.8 20.7 20.8 8.4 9.1 9.1 10.0 11.3 12.3 15.1 15.2 18.2 18.5 21.8 22.3 26.5 27.8 31.1 24.3 24.7 24.9 25.0 24.9 24.5 25.6 27.4 29.7 32.5 36.3 40.6 44.6 47.7 49.6 4.7 4.9 6.5 7.0 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.5 5.6 6.0 8.1 5.2 7.5 '8.8 '9.4 '9.9 '12.1 '15.9 '21.1 '27.0 '33.0 '39.9 '46.0 '51.5 '55.6 '55.2 '55.6 20.6 32.3 51.8 9.2 58.1 4.5 4.7 4.7 4.8 5.6 6.2 6.9 8.4 10.0 11.7 13.4 14.7 15.9 17.8 19.4 21.6 1.2 0.2 1.3 0.3 1.3 0.3 1.4 0.3 1.4 0.3 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.9 1.3 0.2 0.1 4.6 1.2 0.2 0.1 5.4 1.2 0.2 0.1 6.9 1.3 0.2 0.1 8.4 1.3 0.2 0.1 10.1 1.4 0.2 0.1 11.7 1.5 0.2 0.1 12.9 1.6 0.2 0.1 14.0 1.8 0.3 0.1 15.6 1.7 0.3 0.2 17.2 1.6 0.3 0.2 19.5 '45.1 '46.4 r47.7 '50.0 '53.9 '58.9 r69.9 '78.0 r90.5 '100.9 '115.0 '125.9 '138.6 '141.1 '145.8 150.4 4.2 4.5 4.9 5.6 6.8 7.9 10.3 11.9 7.2 7.8 7.8 8.6 9.9 11.0 13.9 14.0 24.1 24.4 24.6 24.7 24.6 24.3 25.4 27.2 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.4 4.8 4.6 '5.7 '5.7 '6.3 '6.8 '8.2 '11.3 '15.7 '20.1 14.4 16.1 16.9 17.2 29.5 32.3 5.1 5.5 '24.6 '29.8 18.3 19.7 20.4 20.8 36.1 40.4 5.9 6.4 '34.3 '38.6 20.8 24.9 44.4 6.9 '41.6 20.7 26.0 47.4 7.4 '39.6 20.8 29.4 49.3 7.9 '38.4 20.6 30.7 51.5 9.Q 38.6 ' Revised. p Preliminary. Figures for banks, insurance companies, savings and loan associations, nonprofit associations, foreigners, and governmental bodies and agencies are not included in the totals shown. 2 These figures are estimates of demand deposit balances as they would appear on the records of depositors. They differ from figures based on bank records such as given in regular banking statistics. Depositor-record estimates are lower than bank-record estimates; for example, total demand deposits as of Dec. 31, 1947 on a holder-record basis (see table) amounted to 66.0 billion dollars while on a bank-record basis these deposits amount to 80.2 billion. This is because checks are constantly in the mail, i. e., deducted on payor's records and not yet added on payee's records, and because checks are constantly in the process of collection, i. e., added to payee's deposits as per bank records and not yet deducted from payor's deposits as per bank records. 3 Private share capital in all operating savings and loan associations including private repurchasable shares, deposits, and investment certificates. 4 Includes outstanding amounts of excess profits tax refund bonds beginning December 1945, as follows: December 1945, 1,128 million dollars; June 1946, 58 million dollars; December 1946, 29 million dollars; December 1947, 12 million dollars. Armed forces leave bonds are included beginning December 1947. The amount outstanding at that time was 767 million dollars. 5 Includes real estate companies, finance and credit companies, insurance agencies (not carriers), investment trusts, security brokers and dealers, holding companies not otherwise classified, etc. 6 Includes only amounts administered by corporate trustees. 7 Includes holdings of farmers and professional persons. 1 658 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BANK OF CANADA The Annual Report of the Ban\ of Canada for the year 1947 was submitted to the Minister of Finance, the Honorable D. C. Abbott, by Mr. Graham Ford Towers, Governor of the Ban\, on February 11, 194S. Portions of the text of the report are given herewith} MONETARY CONDITIONS Dominion Government securities held by the chartered banks declined 669 million dollars during 1947, largely as a result of Government debt retirement. This reduction of security holdings would, in itself, have been accompanied by a reduction in the total of the banks' Canadian deposits by a corresponding amount. However, there was a more than offsetting increase during the year of 777 million dollars in the banks' Canadian loans and investments other than Dominion Government securities, and, including the effect of changes in other items, the total of their Canadian deposits rose by 178 million. The daily average amount of chartered banks' cash reserves in 1947 was 2 million dollars less than in 1946. Nevertheless total Canadian dollar deposits increased, as referred to above. For both of these reasons, therefore, the cash ratio of the banks declined, and averaged 10.8 per cent in 1947 as compared with 11.4 per cent in 1946. During 1947 the Dominion Government retired the balance of the deposit certificates which had been issued to chartered banks in previous years and of which 490 million dollars were outstanding as at December 31st, 1946. These certificates were the chief means by which the Government's direct borrowing needs from the banks were met during the war years, and at one time in the fall of 1945 reached a peak issue of 1,340 million dollars. In 1947 the Government also paid off in cash certain maturities of other securities of which the banking system held a substantial portion. During 1947 there was a net decline of 170 million dollars in chartered bank holdings of Dominion Government bonds (excluding special banking securities such as deposit certificates). This decline 1 Sections of the report not given here include discussions of economic developments abroad, the progress of the economy of the United States in 1947, the major changes shown in the Bank of Canada's accounts during the year, and notes on personnel matters. Appendix A records the estimated net new issues or retirements of Canadian securities, 1936-47, and Appendix C shows the ownership of Dominion Government direct and guaranteed funded debt, 1938-47. Numerous charts illustrate the text. For previous reports, see BULLETIN for April 1947, April 1945, etc. JUNE 1948 was largely accounted for by the Government paying off certain maturities, as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, rather than by net sales in the market. However, there were certain times during the year when banks were sellers of short- and medium-term Government bonds in order to maintain their cash position. The increase of 461 million dollars in chartered banks' Canadian loans during 1947 was the largest annual increase on record. There was no increase in financial loans for the purpose of carrying bonds and shares and more than half of the loan expansion during the year was accounted for by loans to merchandisers and manufacturers. We estimate that loans to wholesale and retail merchandisers rose about 120 million dollars in 1947 and loans to manufacturers another 160 million. Higher commodity prices, some increase in the volume of inventories and an upward trend in the amount of outstanding consumer credit, all contributed towards the sharp increase in banks' current loans during the year. In addition, there were undoubtedly cases where bank borrowers obtained additional credit against their current assets such as inventory and receivables, for the purpose of obtaining funds to meet capital expenditures. Chartered banks' holdings of provincial and municipal securities increased by 169 million dollars during 1947, and their portfolio of other non-Government securities—largely corporate debentures— by 147 million. In the case of provincial, municipal and corporate investments, most of the increase in banks' holdings has been due to acquisitions at time of issue rather than to market purchases. It is clear that the present rate of capital development is straining Canada's manpower and material resources, and is pushing up prices. At the same time business, which in general entered the postwar period with unusually large liquid reserves, has been looking increasingly to banks for financing. In my last annual report covering the year 1946, I referred to the fact that Canadians, like people in most other countries, had in recent years chosen to hold an increasing amount of their accumulated savings in the form of interest-bearing savings deposits. It was pointed out that the banks had found it necessary to invest in Dominion Government bonds in view of the fact that their scope for employing such funds in making commercial loans had been relatively limited. During 1947 there was a marked change in this situation. A large increase took place in banks' 659 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BANK OF CANADA loans and non-Dominion Government investments, to which reference has already been made, and in comparison with previous years the public chose to transfer a somewhat smaller amount of its accumulated savings into the form of interest-bearing deposits. Banks were not in the position, as in earlier years, of seeking to invest in Government bonds, and during 1947 the ratio of such securities to personal savings deposits declined appreciably below the maximum of 90 per cent which was recognized in the agreement between banks and Government early in 1946. debt since 1940, the first increase in corporate debt since 1936 and the first appreciable increase in municipal debt since 1932. New issues of common and preferred stock were greater in amount than in 1946 and the largest for many years. Taking all non-Dominion Government securities as a group, the net increase in the amount outstanding was 263 million dollars in 1947 as compared with 59 million in 1946 and a net reduction of 48 million in 1945. Towards the end of 1947 signs of congestion appeared in the new issue market and flotations of common and preferred stock fell to a low level. SECURITY MARKETS EMPLOYMENT AND PRODUCTION IN CANADA Prices for Dominion Government bonds were steady in Canada during 1947, the yield on the longest dated issue approximating 2.60 per cent throughout the year. Early in January 1948 the Bank discontinued its practice of furnishing daily quotations for Dominion Government securities to investment dealers and chartered banks, but continued to buy and sell in the market. Market prices declined at this time to a level where a yield of about 2.80 per cent could be obtained on the longest Victory Loan issue. Provincial, municipal and corporation bond prices in Canada declined during the last quarter, resulting in a widening of the spread in yield between such issues and those of the Dominion Government. Dominion Government domestic bonds outstanding declined 239 million dollars during 1947 as compared with an increase of 201 million in 1946. There was also a net reduction of 346 million dollars during 1947 in the amount of Dominion deposit certificates, Treasury bills and short-term notes outstanding. The first series of Canada savings bonds which was introduced in October 1946 remained on sale until the end of August 1947. Sales during 1947 totaled 48 million dollars, making total sales for the issue 535 million; the amount outstanding at the end of 1947 was 417 million. In October a second series was ofTered and by the end of December about 900,000 individuals had subscribed for a total of 267 million dollars. There is one major change in the terms of the second series, in that holdings are limited to $1,000 per person; the limit on the first series was $2,000 per person. Many reports have testified to the value of the special features of the Canada savings bond, and particularly of the payroll savings plan, in meeting the needs of those who wish to save on a systematic basis. During 1947 the totals of provincial, municipal and corporate bonds outstanding all increased. This marked the first increase in outstanding provincial Against a world-wide background of heavy demand for goods and rising prices, economic activity in Canada rose during 1947 to a new peacetime peak. A year ago unemployment was already at the very low level of less than 3 per cent of the working force, and only a small net addition to the number at work could be expected from this source during 1947. In point of fact the slight further reduction of 30,000 in the number of unemployed was about offset by voluntary withdrawals from the working force over the year. Consequently most of the 100,000 or 2 per cent increase in over-all employment is attributable to natural growth of the working force, which accounted for about 60,000, and to immigration. Increases in industrial productivity, which normally occur rather slowly in any case, were limited in 1947 by continuing bottlenecks in the supply of certain basic materials such as steel. The available information suggests that industrial output rose by about 10 per cent during the year, while the volume of agricultural production was reduced by about 7 per cent owing to unfavourable crop conditions. The output of services, which account for about one-third of total employment and a somewhat higher proportion of the total value of production, is difficult to estimate. However, the production of services was probably very little higher in 1947 than in 1946, and it seems likely that the over-all physical volume of production of goods and services combined showed only a slight increase for the year. 660 EXPENDITURE AND PRICES While the physical volume of Canadian production of goods and services increased only slightly from 1946 to 1947, over-all dollar expenditure on Canadian goods and services rose substantially. Foreign expenditure in Canada increased by about 10 per cent from the extraordinarily high peacetime level of the previous year. Private capital expenditure on plant, equipment and housing inFEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BANK OF CANADA creased by more than 50 per cent, and the book value of inventories rose by about 30 per cent over the year. Consumers spent a larger proportion of their income than in any year since 1939, and this together with a considerable increase in their income brought total dollar expenditure on consumers' goods and services about 13 per cent above the 1946 level. A substantial reduction in Dominion Government expenditure on goods and services more than offset increased provincial and municipal outlays. Moderating the effect of the over-all increase in expenditures in Canada was the large expansion in imports of goods, which rose by more than 700 million dollars or by nearly 40 per cent from 1946 to 1947. In physical terms the increase in commodity imports was only some 15 per cent, but this addition to the volume of raw materials, capital equipment and other goods available in our market was clearly a counter-inflationary influence. ever, where there was only a small percentage increase in physical volume, higher prices and increased dollar expenditure were largely the result of rising costs of imported goods or materials, and increased prices in export markets. The combined effect of upward pressure on our price level from foreign and domestic sources was to increase the general wholesale price index by 28 per cent, and the cost of living index by 15 per cent during 1947. Although the situation with respect to wage rates varied considerably among different groups of wage earners, average hourly earnings of hourly rated employees in manufacturing industry rose by about 15 per cent over the year, and their average weekly earnings increased by nearly 16 per cent. ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE ON CANADIAN GOODS AND SERVICES * General wholesale prices2 Cost of living3 Average hourly earnings4 Average weekly earnings4 [ Calendar years, in billions of dollars ] Exports of goods and services2. Investment in inventories Other private capital investment All governments' expenditure on goods and services Personal expenditure on consumers' goods and services.. Sub-total Less—Cost of imported goods and services included above... Gross national expenditure ( = Gross National P r o d u c t ) . . . Prelim. 1946 1947 1938 1944 1.4 4.5 .1 3.4 .5 3.7 .8 6 .7 1.3 2.0 .7 4.1 1.7 1.5 3.7 6.1 7.7 8.7 6.4 15.3 14.6 16.7 1.3 3.5 2.9 3.6 5.1 11.8 11.7 13.1 1 Based on National Accounts: Income and Expenditure; 1938-46 and 1946-47, published by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Minor adjustments have been made in the Bureau figures in the process of rounding off, in order to eliminate the2 residuals arising from errors and omissions. Dominion Government expenditure on mutual aid, UNRRA and other relief is excluded from Government expenditure and included in Exports. After allowing for the offset of increased imports, total expenditure on Canadian goods and services, i.e., gross national expenditure rose, by roughly 1,400 million dollars or about 12 per cent from 1946 to 1947. Since physical production of goods and services was only slightly greater than in 1946, increased expenditure of this magnitude obviously involved higher prices. In the case of private capital investment, where the increase in expenditure was large even in terms of physical volume, the increase was clearly an important factor in pushing up prices. In the case of consumers' expenditure, howJUNE 1948 CANADIAN PRICE AND EARNINGS INDEXES1 Aug. Aug. 1939 1945 100 100 100 100 144 120 157 154 Dec. 1946 Dec. 1947 155 126 168 161 198 145 193 186 1 Official Dominion Bureau of Statistics figures converted to the base Aug. 1939 = 100, or in the case of earnings data to 1939 average — 100. 2 Midmonth. 3 First of month. 4 Covers hourly rated wage-earners in manufacturing establishments with 15 or more employees. Figures are for last pay period in previous month. Actual average earnings for Dec. 1947 were 85^tf (hourly) and $37.19 (weekly). In my last annual report I referred to the fact that Canadian prices had risen considerably less than United States prices since the end of the war. In the intervening year the gap has narrowed to some extent but the general level of prices and costs in Canada is still lower than in the United States and most other countries, in relation to any normal base period. UNITED STATES PRICE AND EARNINGS INDEXES1 Aug. Aug. Dec. 1939 1945 1946 General wholesale prices2 Consumer prices3 Average hourly earnings4 Average weekly earnings4 100 100 100 100 141 131 162 175 188 155 181 197 Dec. 1947 217 169 202 220 1 Official Bureau of Labor Statistics figures converted to the base Aug. 1939 = 100, or in case of earnings data to 1939 average2 = 100. 3 Average of Wednesdays. Midmonth. 4 Relates to manufacturing industry, for pay period nearest to midmonth. Actual average earnings for December 1947 were $1,277 (hourly) and $52.51 (weekly). The fact that we exported nearly 2,800 million dollars' worth of goods in 1947, that we import goods on almost as great a scale, and that the prices of these goods are directly and immediately affected 661 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BANK OF CANADA by external price movements, shows how difficult it is to prevent Canadian prices from being affected by price changes abroad. Short of substantially appreciating its exchange rate and increasing its taxation, no country could have insulated itself completely from the world-wide rise in prices. Theoretically it might be contended that this could be done by means of direct controls, but these would have to be very much more rigorous and complete than those of wartime, to say the least. EXCHANGE SITUATION Reduction in Canada's gold and foreign exchange reserves during 1947 has tended to obscure the fact we still exported in that year more goods and services, in total, than we imported. It is evidence of Canada's growing productive capacity that in this period of extraordinary capital development and heavy imports of capital goods we have not, by contrast with 1929 and other earlier periods of boom, had a deficit in our current transactions with the rest of the world as a whole. Our present foreign exchange problem therefore arose not from inadequate productivity, nor indeed from the character of our production. It has arisen rather from the traditional direction of our exports and imports, and the difficulties which beset our customers in Western Europe. Under present conditions of scarcity, a large part of our surpluses which are normally exported to Europe are of a kind for which there is a strong cash demand outside Europe, but exports have in fact been maintained to our traditional customers even though they were unable to pay cash in full, or to supply Canada with an increased volume of imports. In my last annual report I referred to the export credits which Canada, along with the United States and other countries, had extended to her warravaged allies as part of a broadly based program to rehabilitate their economies and re-establish their ability to trade. During 1947 some 560 million dollars of our sales to other countries were financed out of drawings on Canadian export credits, and roughly 40 million out of Canadian relief appropriations. For approximately 600 million of our sales, therefore, we received no immediate cash return. At the same time, we had to pay cash for all our purchases from other countries, and our total sales to other countries did not exceed oiir total purchases from them by more than a comparatively small amount, perhaps of the order of 70 million dollars. Consequently we had a cash deficiency on our current transactions with other countries of some 530 million dollars, and a drain on our foreign exchange reserves of an equivalent amount. This, 662 together with payment of 74 million dollars on our subscription to the International Monetary Fund, redemptions of Canadian bonds held abroad, and other net capital payments abroad, accounts for the over-all reduction of 743 million dollars in our gold and foreign exchange reserves during 1947. When Canada's export credit program of some 1,850 million dollars was undertaken, it was realized that it would involve a considerable drain on our exchange reserves, even if—as was then expected— drawings were spread over a period running to 1950. Owing to the unfavourable developments in Europe, the need for goods from Canada has been greater, supplies available for export to Canada have been less, and drawings on the credits have been more rapid than contemplated. In point of fact, more than three-quarters of the total credits had been drawn by the end of 1947. Having in mind the present level of our gold and foreign exchange holdings, and the magnitude of our trade with other countries, there is clearly need to increase these holdings. In such circumstances, we need to have an over-all balance of payments surplus greater than the value of any export sales which are financed out of the credits and for which, therefore, no immediate payment is received. The development of a larger balance of payments surplus involves increasing our exports, or reducing our imports, or both. In the last analysis (and apart from an improvement in average export prices relative to average import prices) these can only be achieved by increasing productivity and production, or by reducing or postponing domestic spending, particularly for nonessential capital purposes. Proposals with regard to a European Recovery Program by the United States are, of course, of great interest to Canada. Implementation of such a program would not remove the need for Canada to increase the present small current account surplus in her over-all balance of payments. We need to increase this surplus if we are to be able to build up our exchange reserves to a more normal level and extend aid to other countries even on a much smaller scale than in recent years. What a European Recovery Program could do, in the short run, is to facilitate the continuance of Canadian shipments to Western European countries where they are badly needed; and without such a program the exchange problem of Canada, and indeed of practically all other Western Hemisphere countries, would be greatly aggravated. But we have an even greater interest in the long-run implications of a European Recovery Program. When the present unusually heavy demand for goods has declined, Canadian exports and employment will be influenced to an important degree by the extent of recovery in FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BANK OF CANADA Europe. We are, therefore, vitally concerned with any program which will help to strengthen the European economy and re-establish it as a substantial factor in normal international trade. I turn now to the major changes which took place in the Bank of Canada's accounts during 1947, on which it is customary to comment in this report. FORM OF STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES In accordance with the provisions of Section 33, Subsection 6, of the Bank of Canada Act Amendment Act, certain changes have been made in the form of the Bank's Statement of Assets and Liabilities. In the previous form of this Statement, Bank of Canada's holding of the capital stock of the Industrial Development Bank of necessity was included under the heading "Other investments." A separate heading for this particular item of our assets has now been established. As provided by Section 21 (1) (n) of the Bank of Canada Act Amendment Act, the Bank has maintained working balances with central banks in various other countries. If a country's currency was not Sterling, U.S.A. dollars or convertible into gold, the previous form of the Bank's statement of assets and liabilities did not permit such a balance being shown as part of our holdings of foreign currency and it was therefore included under the heading "All other assets." In view of this situation and the fact that the heading "Reserve," under which the first four asset items on our statement have been grouped, does not serve any particular purpose at the present time when Canada's gold and foreign exchange reserves are almost entirely held by the Foreign Exchange Control Board, it has been decided to omit the heading "Reserve" and change "Other currencies of countries on a gold standard" to "Other currencies." At the same time the wording of Liability item 5 on our statement has been revised along the same lines becoming "Liabilities payable in Sterling, U.S.A. and other foreign currencies" instead of "Liabilities payable in Sterling, U.S.A. and foreign gold currencies." NOTES IN CIRCULATION The Bank of Canada note issue at the end of December 1947 was $1,211,350,386, up $25,148,705 from the same date a year before. Of the total amount of our notes outstanding, 1,027.4 million dollars were held by the public and 183.9 million by the chartered banks. The increase in notes held by the public was 18.1 million dollars as compared with 43.1 million in 1946 and was the smallest increase for any year since 1938. JUNE 1948 APPENDIX B MONEY SUPPLY AND RELATED BANK ASSETS During 1947 the Bank's Research Department developed a presentation of statistics concerning money supply and related bank assets which differs in several important respects from the table which has been presented in previous annual reports. It is believed that the new series provide a better approach to the problem of measuring changes in the volume of money under present-day conditions. In the belief that these statistics will be of interest to those who follow changes in monetary conditions, we are publishing them in this Appendix and also expect to publish them each month in the Bank's Statistical Summary. In measuring the volume of money one must decide which categories of bank deposits should be classed as "money" and which, by their nature, should be regarded more appropriately as part of the public's other liquid asset holdings such as Government bonds. Generally, it has been satisfactory to classify bank deposits as "money" if cheques may be drawn against them. In other countries this criterion has seemed to work fairly well because cheques may not be drawn against savings deposits. In Canada, however, cheques are, in practice, drawn freely against savings deposits and this has always posed an awkward problem when trying to assemble volume of money statistics. To omit all savings deposits of chartered banks would ignore the obvious fact that for many people a savings account is an active chequing account which is very similar to a current deposit. On the other hand we know from available information that of the total amount on deposit in savings accounts in Canada, much the larger part is, in practice, inactive. Chartered banks pay interest on the minimum quarterly balances in personal savings accounts, i.e. on the sum which has been left undisturbed for the quarterly period; from the amount of interest which is actually paid on this basis as compared with the nominal rate of interest, it is apparent that the aggregate minimum quarterly balances in personal savings accounts are about fivesixths of the total of such deposits at the present time. It is therefore felt that a more realistic picture of monetary developments in Canada—and one more comparable with the usual presentation of similar statistics in other countries—is obtained by omitting the minimum quarterly balances in personal savings deposits and nonpersonal notice deposits, from volume of money statistics. It has seemed preferable to exclude these deposits from the volume of money on the basis that they are inactive in practice rather 663 A N N U A L REPORT O F T H E B A N K O F CANADA MONEY SUPPLY AND RELATED BANK ASSETS [As of December 31, in millions of dollars] MONEY SUPPLY 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 Currency outside banks: Notes1 Coin2 207 31 247 34 341 38 450 42 633 49 794 55 930 60 Total currency 238 281 379 492 682 849 990 1,055 1,096 1,112 734 187 42 853 1,031 1,268 1,499 1,697 1,862 2,063 2,291 2,296 197 203 236 238 294 363 474 614 597 157 112 97 121 134 153 172 229 233 Bank deposits: Chartered banks— Demand3 Active notice4 Other (excl. Dominion Govt.)5 1946 1947 992 1,031 1,046 63 65 66 963 1,207 1,346 1,601 1,858 2,125 2,378 2,709 3,134 3,126 Total Deduct 1945 float*.... 116 Net total 136 172 198 210 266 243 280 328 362 847 1,071 1,174 1,403 1,648 1,859 2 ,135 2,429 2,806 2,764 Bank of Canada "Other'! deposits7. . . Total bank deposits.... Money supply 3 . 18 10 6 19 18 28 30 94 68 850 1,089 1,184 1,409 1,667 1,877 2,163 2,459 2,900 2,832 . . 1,088 1,370 1,563 1,901 2,349 2,726 3,153 3,514 3,996 3,944 BELATED BANK OF CANADA AND CHAKTERED BANK ASSETS Dominion Government securities, gold and exchange: Bank of Canada, gold and exchange8 Banking securities9 Other Dominion Government securities— Bonds10 Victory Loan advances11 Total Total Dom. Govt. securities, gold and exch Deduct Dom. Govt. deposits12 214 196 290 425 38 743 210 1 973 1,614 2,093 2,321 1,696 1,476 753 752 737 798 1,014 1,410 2,006 3,241 3,745 3,718 166 261 271 411 753 752 737 798 1,180 1,671 2,277 3,652 3,745 3,718 1,163 1,467 1,518 1,972 2,794 3,765 4,598 5,348 5,221 4,529 79 Net total 811 145 32 148 366 597 720 1,002 366 272 . . 1,084 1,322 1,486 1,824 2,428 3,168 3,878 4,346 4,855 4,257 13 All other loans and investments Deduct inactive notice depositsu Total related bank assets 1,628 1,767 1,720 1,719 1,570 1,459 1,593 1,827 2,297 3,084 1,4-72 1,544 1,438 1,433 1,436 1,654 2,060 2,391 2,856 3,143 1,240 1,545 1,768 2,110 2,562 2,973 3,411 3,782 4,296 4,198 1 2 3 4 Note circulation of Bank of Canada and chartered banks, excluding notes held by chartered banks. Subsidiary coin issued by the Mint less coin held by Bank of Canada and chartered banks in Canada. Chartered banks' public demand deposits in Canada. Chartered banks' public notice deposits in Canada other than estimated aggregate quarterly minimum balances in personal savings accounts and nonpersonal notice deposits. 5 Chartered banks' Canadian dollar deposits of provincial governments, Canadian, United Kingdom, and foreign banks. 6 Cheques on banks as shown in chartered bank month-end returns to the Minister of Finance. 7 Bank of Canada Other Deposits as shown on published month-end statements—i.e. excluding Dominion Government, chartered 8banks and foreign deposits. Bank of Canada gold and foreign exchange holdings less the amount of foreign currency deposit liabilities. 9 Bank of Canada and chartered bank holdings of Dominion Government Treasury bills, deposit certificates, Treasury notes and 10 any other short-term issues sold direct to Bank of Canada and chartered banks. Bank of Canada and chartered bank holdings of Dominion Government direct and guaranteed securities other than those shown as banking issues and exclusive of any temporary advances in connection with purchase of Victory Loan issues. 11 Chartered banks' temporary advances to the public in connection with the purchase of Victory Loan bonds at time of issue. 12 Canadian dollar deposits of the Dominion Government at chartered banks and Bank of Canada. 13 All loans in Canada of the chartered banks other than temporary advances in connection with Victory Loan issues, plus chartered banks' holdings of provincial, municipal and "other" securities, and Bank of Canada holdings of Industrial Development Bank14capital stock. Estimated aggregate minimum quarterly balances in chartered banks' personal savings deposits in Canada plus nonpersonal m notice deposits in Canada. 664 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BANK OF CANADA than to include them on the grounds that they are potentially active because cheques may be issued against them. The published returns of Canadian chartered banks include among Assets "Cheques on other banks" which represents the amount of cheques which have been credited to the deposit account of the payee but not yet cleared against the deposit account of the drawer. To the extent of such items in "float" there is therefore duplication in the figures of bank deposits. In the table contained in this Appendix we have deducted "Cheques on other banks" from the figure of chartered bank deposits, in order to eliminate this duplication. A similar deduction is made in the United States in calculating their commercial banks' "Demand deposits adjusted." Government deposits are given different treatment in different countries so far as volume of money statistics are concerned. In various countries including the United States the most commonly used figure of bank deposits excludes Government JUNE 1948 deposits. On the whole it appears preferable to exclude Dominion Government deposits from the volume of money. In view of the foregoing items not having been included in the figure of "Money supply" it has been necessary to make similar offsetting adjustments in the figures of related bank assets. Dominion Government Canadian dollar deposits at chartered banks and the Government account at Bank of Canada have been deducted from the total of Government investments held by Bank of Canada and chartered banks. The result of this deduction is a net figure of Government investments held by the banking system similar to that which would have existed had Government applied cash balances to redeem securities held by banks. Aggregate minimum quarterly balances in personal savings deposits and nonpersonal notice deposits have also been shown as a deduction from related bank assets since the same items have been excluded from "Money supply." 665 LAW DEPARTMENT Administrative interpretations of banking laws, new regulations issued by the Board of Governors, and other similar material Real Estate Loans Reconstruction Finance Corporation Participations The Act of Congress approved May 25, 1948, (Public Law 548, 80th Congress) which amended the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, also amended the third paragraph of Section 24 of the Federal Reserve Act so as to make it clear that the restrictions or limitations of that section upon real estate loans by national banks do not apply to loans made to established industrial or commercial businesses in which the Reconstruction Finance Corporation cooperates- or purchases a participation. The purpose of this amendment is to continue in effect a similar exception previously provided in the law. The text of the amended paragraph is as follows: Loans made to established industrial or commercial businesses (a) which are in whole or in part discounted or. purchased or loaned against as security by a Federal Reserve Bank under the provisions of section 13b of this Act, (b) for any part of which a commitment shall have been made by a Federal Reserve Bank under the provisions of said section, (c) in the making of which a Federal Reserve Bank participates under the provisions of said section, or (d) in which the Reconstruction Finance Corporation cooperates or purchases a participation under the provisions of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, as amended, shall not be subject to the restrictions or limitations of this section upon loans secured by real estate. Reserves Central Reserve City Banks The Board of Governors has amended the Supplement to Regulation D, relating to reserves required to be maintained by member banks with Federal Reserve Banks, so as to increase from 22 to 24 per cent the reserves required to be maintained against net demand deposits by member 666 banks in central reserve cities. This change became effective as to each member bank at the opening of business on June 11, 1948. There is set forth below the text of the Supplement as thus amended: SUPPLEMENT TO REGULATION D Effective as to each member bank at the opening of business on June 11, 1948 RESERVES REQUIRED TO BE MAINTAINED BY MEMBER BANKS WITH FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS Pursuant to the provisions of section 19 of the Federal Reserve Act and section 2(a) of its Regulation D, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System hereby prescribes the following reserve balances which each member bank of the Federal Reserve System is required to maintain on deposit with the Federal Reserve Bank of its district: 6 per cent of its time deposits plus— 14 per cent of its net demand deposits if not in a reserve or central reserve city; 20 per cent of its net demand deposits if in a reserve city, except as to any bank located in an outlying district of a reserve city or in territory added to such city by the extension of the city's corporate limits, which, by the affirmative vote of five members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, is permitted to maintain 14 per cent reserves against its net demand deposits; 24 per cent of its net demand deposits if located in a central reserve city, except as to any bank located in an outlying district of a central reserve city or in territory added to such city by the extension of the city's corporate limits, which, by the affirmative vote of five members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, is permitted to maintain 14 per cent or 20 per cent reserves against its net demand deposits. FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN CURRENT EVENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Governor Eccles transmitted the following letter to the President on May 26, 1948: May 26, 1948. My dear Mr. President: On April 16, immediately following the Board Members' call on you at the White House, I tendered to you the following letter, which you read and then stated you did not wish to accept it as you still desired and intended to designate me as Vice Chairman: "In your letter of January 27, four days prior to the expiration of my term as Chairman of the Board of Governors, you requested me to remain as a member of the Board and to accept the Vice Chairmanship. In my reply of the same day, I stated that after careful consideration of your request I had decided to remain with the Board in the capacity which you suggested. "Two and one-half months have elapsed since that time. The formal order designating the Chairman of the Board has been issued, but none designating a Vice Chairman. In view of the circumstances, I shall continue to - serve as a member of the Board of Governors, but I wish to withdraw my name in case you are still considering designating me as Vice Chairman." Four months have now elapsed since you first requested me to accept the Vice Chairmanship and nearly a month and a half since you reiterated that request. Under these circumstances and in view of other developments, I wish to withdraw my name from any further consideration for designation as Vice Chairman. I shall continue to serve as a member of the Board. Respectifully yours, (Signed) M. S. ECCLES. The President, The White House. Federal Reserve Meetings A meeting of the Presidents of all of the Federal Reserve Banks was held in Washington on May 18, 1948. The Board of Governors met with the Presidents on May 21. JUNE 1948 In accordance with the requirement of the law that the Federal Open Market Committee meet at least four times each year, the third meeting of the Committee during 1948 was held in Washington on May 20. A meeting of the Chairmen of the Federal Reserve Banks, which was also attended by members of the Board of Governors, was held on May 29-31, 1948. Change in Board's Staff Mr. J. Burke Knapp resigned as an Assistant Director of the Board's Division of Research and Statistics effective May 23, 1948, to accept a position with the Department of State. Mr. Knapp was associated with the Board's Division of Research and Statistics from February 1940, to August 1944, when he resigned to accept a position with the Department of State. He returned to the Board in October 1945, and served as Special Assistant to the Chairman until June 1, 1946, when he was appointed an Assistant Director of the Division of Research and Statistics. Appointment of Class C Director The Board of Governors, on May 19, 1948, announced the appointment of Mr. Robert T. Stevens of Plainfield, New Jersey as a Class C director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for the unexpired portion of the term ending December 31, 1950, and his designation as Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent of the Bank for the balance of the year 1948. Mr. Stevens is Chairman of the Board of J. P. Stevens and Co., Inc., New York, New York. He also served as a Class B director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from January 1, 1934, to January 8, 1942, when he was called to active service with the United States Army. Publication of a Distribution of Deposits, by Counties A geographical distribution of bank deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations in the United States, by counties, States, and Federal Reserve districts is being compiled and will be available for distribution in pamphlet form in a few weeks. It will show separately the demand and the time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations in all banks in the United States on December 31, 1947. Corresponding data for December 31, 1941-1944 are contained in pamphlets published by the Treasury Department. 667 CURRENT EVENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Data for national banks and banks in the District of Columbia were obtained by the Comptroller of the Currency, for State member banks by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and for nonmember banks by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Data for noninsured banks were obtained with the cooperation of the State bank supervisory authorities. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Board of Governors compiled the basic statistics for the pamphlet. Copies of the pamphlet may be obtained upon request from the Board's Division of Administrative Services, Washington 25, D. C. Additions to Federal Reserve Charts on Bank Credit, Money Rates, and Business The May issue of the Federal Reserve Chart Book on Bank Credit, Money Rates, and Business includes a new section on Business Finance. This section comprises revised charts (two pages) on Corporate Security Issues and the following new charts: Current Assets and Liabilities of Corporations, Business Expenditures on New Plant and Equipment, and Corporate Profits (two pages). The May issue also includes a new chart on Short Term Open-Market Money Rates and three additional price charts showing the major component groups of the index of commodity prices of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (two pages) and wholesale prices of selected farm products. Admissions of State Banks to Membership in the Federal Reserve System The following State banks were admitted to membership in the Federal Reserve System during the period April 16, 1948 to May 15, 1948: Florida Tampa—Columbia Bank of Ybor City Mississippi Forest—Farmers and Merchants Bank Montana Poison—The Security State Bank Wyoming Jackson—The Jackson State Bank FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN NATIONAL SUMMARY OF BUSINESS CONDITIONS [Compiled May 24 and released for publication May 26~\ Industrial production decreased in April and increased in May owing chiefly to changes in coal production and supplies. Department store sales were at exceptionally high levels following the Easter shopping period. Wholesale and retail price levels were higher, reflecting chiefly increases in meat prices. INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION The Board's seasonally adjusted index of industrial production declined 5 points in April to 187 per cent of the 1935-39 average, reflecting chiefly lower output of iron and steel resulting from the labor dispute at coal mines, which began in the middle of March. Following settlement of the dispute around the middle of April, output of coal and steel increased and the total index in May is expected to be around 190. Steel production reached a low point of 71 per cent of capacity in the third week of April, as compared with a March average of 95 per cent, then advanced rapidly to a rate of 97 per cent in the fourth week of May. Automobile output was substantially curtailed in the first 3 weeks of May, as pig iron and steel supplies continued short and a work stoppage began at the plants of a major automobile company. Lumber output, adjusted for seasonal variation, declined 9 per cent in April, owing in large part to work stoppages on the West Coast. Output of nondurable goods showed a further slight decline in April. According to preliminary indications textile production was below the March level. Coke production was sharply curtailed because of reduced coal supplies. Activity in the rubber products industry and in some chemical industries declined. On the other hand, production of gasoline increased, and newsprint consumption showed somewhat more than the usual seasonal rise. Coal production for the month of April was in about the same small volume as in March. Output of crude petroleum was maintained at a record level, and there was an exceptionally large increase in output of iron ore. CONSTRUCTION Value of construction contracts awarded expanded sharply in April, according to the F. W. Dodge Corporation, reflecting chiefly large increases in awards for private residential construction and for religious and other institutional buildings. Awards for manufacturing plants and public works and utilities showed little change from the levels prevailing in recent months. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS AWARDED INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION PHYSICAL VOLUME SEASONALLY ADJUSTED, 1 9 3 5 - 3 9 - 1 0 0 1941 1943 1944 Federal Reserve indexes. Monthly figures, latest shown are for April. JUNE 1948 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1945 F. W. Dodge Corporation data for 37 Eastern States. Other includes nonresidential buildings and public works and utilities. Monthly figures, latest shown are for April. 669 NATIONAL SUMMARY OF BUSINESS CONDITIONS DISTRIBUTION Department store sales, which usually decline after the Easter shopping season, were maintained this year and the Board's seasonally adjusted index rose from 284 in March to 299 in April, with some further rise indicated for May. Railroad shipments of coal and coke showed a sharp increase in the latter part of April following the end of the coal strike. Shipments of perishable goods were curtailed temporarily in the middle of May in anticipation of a rail strike which was subsequently called off. Carloadings of most classes of manufactured goods continued to show little change in April and the first half of May. COMMODITY PRICES Wholesale prices of meats, livestock, and vegetable oils advanced from the middle of April to the third week of May, while most other farm products and foods showed little change or declined somewhat. Price changes were also mixed for industrial materials. Wool tops, coal, coke, and building materials were higher in this period, reflecting in part freight rate increases while prices of steel, cotton grey goods, and certain other materials were reduced somewhat. Price reductions were announced for various electrical products. Consumer prices in mid-April were 1.4 per cent higher than in March and exceeded slightly the previous peak reached in January. The advance in April reflected higher retail prices for foods, owing chiefly to reduced supplies of meats and EMPLOYMENT IN NONAGR(CULTURAL ESTABLISHMENTS MILLIONS OF PERSONS fresh vegetables, and further rises in prices for various consumer services. BANK CREDIT Little change occurred in member bank reserve positions in the last half of April and the first two weeks of May. Treasury operations were largely neutral in their effect on total bank reserves. A further moderate gold inflow permitted a small reduction in Reserve Bank credit. In the third week of May member bank reserve balances were reduced considerably, in part as a result of a transfer by the Treasury of funds from war loan accounts to its balances at Reserve Banks. In addition, member banks used reserve funds to purchase in the market Treasury bills held by the Reserve Banks, with the result that the reserves of many large city banks fell temporarily below requirements. Real estate and consumer loans continued to expand at banks in leading cities during April and the first half of May. Commercial and industrial loans increased somewhat during May following a decline in earlier months of the year. SECURITY MARKETS Prices of common stocks showed a marked further rise in the middle of May to a level 14 per cent below the high of May 1946, according to Standard and Poor's index of 90 stocks. Volume of trading was unusually large. Following the Treasury announcement on May 13 that June and July certificate maturities would be refunded at \% per cent, prices of Treasury bonds advanced sharply. MILLIONS OF PER MEMBER BANK RESERVES AND RELATED ITEMS BILLIONS OF DOLLARS BILLIONS OF DOLLARS TREASURY DEPOSITS 1 Bureau of Labor Statistics' estimates adjusted for seasonal variation by Federal Reserve. Proprietors and domestic servants are excluded. Midmonth figures, latest shown are for April. 670 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 . . 1947 1948 Wednesday figures, latest shown are for May 26. FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN FINANCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, AND COMMERCIAL STATISTICS UNITED STATES PAGE Member bank reserves, Reserve Bank credit, and related items Federal Reserve Bank discount rates; rates on industrial loans, guarantee fees and rates under Regulation V; rates on time deposits; reserve requirements; margin requirements Federal Reserve Bank statistics Guaranteed war production loans Deposits and reserves of member banks Money in circulation Gold stock; bank debits and deposit turnover Deposits and currency; Postal Savings System; bank suspensions. . All banks in the United States, by classes All banks in the United States and possessions, by States, December 31, 1947 All insured commercial banks in the United States, by classes... Weekly reporting member banks Commercial paper, bankers' acceptances, and brokers' balances.. Money rates and bond yields Security prices and new issues Corporate earnings and dividends. . Treasury finance Government corporations and credit agencies.... Business indexes Department store statistics.. Cost of living Wholesale prices . . . 673 674 675-678 679 679-680 681-682 682 683 684-685 686-687 688-689 690-693 694 695 696-697 698 699-701 702 703-712 713-716 716 717 Gross national product, national income, and income payments. . Consumer credit statistics. .... 718-719 720-722 Current statistics for Federal Reserve chart books Number of banking offices on Federal Reserve par list and not on par list 723-727 728 Tables on the following pages include the principal available statistics of current significance relating to financial and business developments in the United States. The data relating to the Federal Reserve Banks and the member banks of the Federal Reserve System are derived from regular reports made to the Board; index numbers of production are compiled by the Board on the basis of material collected by other agencies; figures for gold stock, money in circulation, Treasury finance, and operations of Government credit agencies are obtained principally from statements of the Treasury, or of the agencies concerned; data on money and security markets and commodity prices and other series on business activity are obtained largely from other sources. Back figures for banking and monetary tables, together with descriptive text, may be obtained from the Board's publication, Banking and Monetary Statistics; back figures for most other tables may be obtained from earlier BULLETINS. JUNE 1948 671 MEMBER BANK RESERVES, RESERVE BANK CREDIT, AND RELATED BILLIONS OF DOLLARS ITEMS WEDNESDAY FIGURES BILLIONS OF DOLLARS 30 TREASURY CASH AND DEPOSITS 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 I 1947 1948 TOTAL RESERVE BANK HOLDINGS OF U S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 Wednesday figures, latest shown are for May 26. See p. 673. 672 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN MEMBER BANK RESERVES, RESERVE BANK CREDIT, AND RELATED ITEMS [In millions of dollars] Reserve Bank credit outstanding U. S. Government securities Discounts and advances Total Date Treasury bills and certificates All other All other 1 Total Gold stock TreasOther Treasdeury Treas- ury posits Non- Fedcur- Money ury with mem- eral cirrency in cash Federal Reculaber de- serve outholdtion Reposits standings acserve ing counts Banks Member bank reserve balances Total Ex- Monthly averages of daily figures: 1947—Feb Mar Apr 1948—Feb Mar Apr 339» 23,824 307' 22,978 208\ 22,104 379> 20,738 410 20,582 262 20,440 22,690 21,831 20,998 13,676 13,097 12,645 1,135 1,147 1,105 7,062 7,484 7,796 438 436 411 473 454 401 24,601 20,726 23,721 20,406 22,722 20,586 21,589 22,967 21,446 23,103 21,103 23,154 4,558 4,557 4,558 4,559 4,558 4,558 28,300 28,273 28,185 28,096 27,941 27,766 2,214 ,332 ,329 ,317 ,326 ,325 1,895 846 1,344 1,097 723 1,060 987 1,323 1,089 1,069 986 1,225 623 633 639 559 575 587 16,006 16,006 15,931 16,834 17,106 16,926 805 871 833 804 822 811 End-of-month figures: 1947—Feb. 2 8 . . . Mar. 3 1 . . . Apr. 3 0 . . . 1948—Feb. 2 8 . . . Mar. 3 1 . . . Apr. 3 0 . . . 356 24,117 538 22,593 125 21,857 431 21,024 430 20,887 249 20,340 22,919 21,488 20,752 13,601 13,332 •12,210 1,198 1,105 1,105 7,422 7,555 8,130 373 300 223 655 291 269 24,846 20,330 23,431 20,463 22,205 20,774 22,109 23,036 21,607 23,137 20,858 23,169 4,558 4,559 4,561 4,561 4,559 4,562 28,304 28,230 28,114 28,019 27,781 27,716 ,317 ,336 ,329 ,325 ,325 ,319 2,491 1,103 971 2,014 619 1,025 1,591 1,154 1,972 999 1,236 826 624 638 627 556 588 546 15,895 15,264 15,826 17,062 16,639 16,944 847 344 654 762 655 737 Wednesday figures: 1947—July 2 . . . July 9 . . . July 1 6 . . . July 2 3 . . . July 3 0 . . . 110 21,629 120 21,611 99 21,758 118 21,700 111 22,012 20,532 20,515 20,663 20,605 20,917 ,097 ,097 ,095 ,095 ,095 406 304 391 275 187 22,145 21,284 22,035 21,336 22,248 21,434 22,093 21,467 22,310 21,537 4,559 ,551 ,550 ,550 ,551 28,409 28,363 28,225 28,145 28,129 ,325 ,329 ,331 ,330 ,341 977 658 844 566 952 756 818 939 705 1,236 631 631 631 633 633 15,988 16,190 16,336 16,244 16,354 526 670 759 630 742 741 779 721 775 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 6... 13... 20... 27... 123 21,869 183 22,030 239 22,097 134 22,107 20,777 20,939 21,008 21,018 ,092 ,091 ,089 ,089 219 282 300 237 22,211 21,602 22,494 21,611 22,636 21,666 22,478 21,766 ,552 ,551 ,551 ,550 28,206 28,223 28,239 28,302 ,330 ,329 ,330 ,335 728 1,071 1,053 1,000 987 1,265 915 1,123 621 622 624 626 16,409 16,428 16,407 16,493 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 3 10... 17... 24... 125 22,224 120 22,042 130 21,756 119 22,118 21,135 20,848 20,562 20,927 ,089 ,194 ,194 ,191 274 309 509 336 22,623 21,765 22,472 21,815 22,394 21,935 22,573 21,950 ,552 ,551 ,551 ,552 28,749 28,742 28,633 28,556 ,323 ,329 ,306 ,319 459 1,149 243 960 240 930 800 924 632 632 642 645 841 16,628 16,932 1,015 17,128 1,055 16,831 875 Oct. 1 . . . Oct. 8 . . . Oct. 1 5 . . . Oct. 2 2 . . . Oct. 2 9 . . . 156 22,392 111 22,355 146 22,218 125 21,772 373 22,129 21,195 21,148 21,013 20,564 20,689 ,196 ,207 ,205 ,208 ,440 383 385 443 451 287 22,931 21,955 22,852 22,092 22,807 22,153 22,348 22,225 22,789 22,294 ,551 ,551 ,551 4,552 4,552 28,559 28,632 28,656 28,569 28,519 ,316 ,328 ,324 ,337 ,338 1,053 909 836 608 1,355 832 837 817 924 917 643 646 648 650 649 17,034 985 17,142 1,069 17,229 1,154 857 17,037 721 16,859 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 5... 12... 19... 26... 204 22,119 429 22,052 199 22,222 370 22,239 20,552 ,567 20,343 ,708 20,117 2,105 19,913 2,327 317 208 620 325 22,640 22,336 22,689 22,442 23,041 22,513 22,934 22,597 4,551 4,550 4,552 4,554 28,635 28,709 28,595 28,725 ,324 ,328 ,327 ,330 926 1,224 1,560 1,314 922 950 926 969 632 632 631 626 17,088 16,839 17,068 17,121 952 766 883 954 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 3... 10... 17... 24... 31... 262 22,120 250 21,985 168 21,657 283 21,900 22,559 19,587 19,273 18,772 18,659 18,230 2,533 2,713 2,886 3,241 4,329 448 382 913 827 536 22,830 22,680 22,617 22,708 22,738 22,723 23,011 22,743 23,181 22,754 4,553 4,556 4,557 4,556 4,562 28,817 28,874 28,923 29,111 28,868 ,342 ,331 ,332 ,318 ,336 1,256 934 616 929 870 986 992 951 967 961 624 618 615 609 563 17,038 17,132 17,581 17,377 17,899 854 935 ,165 ,073 ,499 1948—Jan. 7 . . . Jan. 1 4 . . . Jan. 2 1 . . . Jan. 2 8 . . . 164 21,683 165 21,896 168 21,540 281 21,987 17,148 17,018 16,311 15,904 4,536 4,878 5,229 6,082 473 507 518 391 22,320 22,762 22,568 22,790 22,227 22,829 22,658 22,894 4,560 4,559 4,559 4,558 28,658 28,374 28,211 28,086 ,340 ,333 ,323 ,332 562 1,009 959 819 913 1,268 1,945 888 569 568 565 555 17,503 ,166 17,863 ,537 17,334 993 17,305 1,040 Feb. 4 . . . Feb. 1 1 . . . Feb. 1 8 . . . Feb. 2 5 . . . 240 20,523 578 20,817 295 21,782 279 21,034 13,882 13,815 13,704 13,645 6,641 7,002 7,240 7,389 413 337 543 394 21,175 22,934 21,732 22,933 21,782 22,981 21,707 23,028 4,560 4,559 4,557 4,557 28,124 28,189 28,053 28,054 ,309 ,308 ,335 ,326 616 1,187 1,725 1,656 Mar. 3 . . . Mar. 1 0 . . . Mar. 1 7 . . . Mar. 2 4 . . . Mar. 3 1 . . . 257 21,071 298 20,678 363 20,373 20,607 430 20,887 13,575 13,145 12,956 13,168 13,332 7,496 7,532 7,417 7,439 7,555 523 350 45 37. 291 21,851 23,036 21,326 23,083 23,119 21,429 23,135 21,607 23,137 4,559 4,559 4,559 4,557 4,559 28,024 28,006 27,920 27,851 27,781 ,333 ,331 ,325 ,336 ,325 954 1,027 751 955 677 1,006 ,458 1,018 ,972 999 Apr. 7 . . . Apr. 1 4 . . . Apr. 2 1 . . . Apr. 2 8 . . . 260 20,477 221 20,593 234 20,394 259 20,440 12,816 12,832 12,537 12,400 7,662 7,762 7,857 8,040 347 315 338 253 21,085 23,147 21,130 23,152 20,966 23,159 20,952 23,167 4,558 4,558 4,557 4,561 27,833 27,774 27,718 27,682 ,329 ,320 ,336 ,326 ,140 ,177 ,283 ,185 994 929 911 856 May 5 . . . May 1 2 . . . May 1 9 . . . May 2 6 . . . 230 20,251 250 20,348 225 20,098 321 20,592 12,085 12,110 11,823 12,323 8,166 8,238 8,275 8,270 374 440 351 287 20,856 23,176 21,038 23,225 20,674 23,245 21,201 23,295 4,561 4,560 4,559 4,561 27,762 27,762 27,690 27,700 1,329 1,319 1,329 1,333 ,114 ,319 1,612 1,788 810 792 795 788 974 944 899 901 17,084 913 559 17,037 1001 765 16,750 558 16,799 964 55: 17,552 1,157 977 55: 17,366 17,351 904 55< 16,870 684 586 16,639 655 589 588 16,905 822 590 17,050 894 590 16,845 701 590 17,043 879 58' 817 545 17,033 884 544 17,087 546 16,506 P334 547 16,901 P713 v Preliminary. i Includes industrial loans and acceptances purchased shown separately in subsequent tables. * End of month and Wednesday figures are estimates. Back figures.—See Banking and Monetary Statistics, Tables 101-103, pp. 369-394; for description, see pp. 360-366 in the same publication. JUNE 1948 673 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK DISCOUNT RATES [In effect May 31. Per cent per annum] Discounts for and advances to member banks Advances secured by Government obligations and discounts of and advances secured by eligible paper (Sees. 13 and 13a)1 Federal Reserve Bank Effective Rate Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. IX Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis. . . . Kansas City... . Dallas San Francisco. . IS j| Other secured advances [Sec. 10(b)] Rate 14, 1948 12, 1948 12, 1948 12, 1948 12, 1948 12, 1948 12, 1948 12, 1948 12, 1948 19, 1948 12, 1948 15, 1948 1M IK \K \K IK IK IK IK Effective Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 14, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 19, 12, 15, Advances to individuals, partnerships, or corporations other than member banks secured by direct obligations of the U. S. (last par. Sec. 13) Rate Effective Jan. Apr. Mar. Mar. Mar. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Apr. 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 14, 6, 23, 9, 16, 24, 12, 12, 15, 19, 14, 25, 1948 1946 1946 1946 1946 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1946 1 Rates shown also apply to advances secured by obligations of Federal intermediate credit banks maturing within 6 months. NOTE.—Maximum maturities for discounts and advances to member banks are: 15 days for advances secured by obligations of the Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation or the Home Owners' Loan Corporation guaranteed as to principal and interest by the United States, or by obligations of Federal intermediate credit banks maturing within 6 months; 90 days for other advances and discounts made under Sections 13 and 13a of the Federal Reserve Act (except that discounts of certain bankers' acceptances and of agricultural paper may have maturities not exceeding 6 months and 9 months, respectively); and 4 months for advances under Section 10(b). The maximum naturity for advances to individuals, partnerships, or corporations made under the last paragraph of Section 13 is 90 days. Back figures.—See Banking and Monetary Statistics, Tables 115-116, pp. 439-443. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK EFFECTIVE MINIMUM BUYING FEDERAL RESERVE BANK RATES ON INDUSTRIAL LOANS RATES ON BANKERS' ACCEPTANCES AND COMMITMENTS UNDER SECTION 13b [Per cent per annum] OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT Maturities not exceeding five years In effect bePrevious Rate on [In effect May 31. Per cent per annum] Maturity May 31 ginning— rate 1- 90 days 91-120 days 121-180 days ii i Jan. 12, 1948 i Jan. 12, 1948 i j a n . 12, 1948 1 Date on which rate became effective at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The same rates generally apply to any purchases made by the other Federal Reserve Banks. Back figures.—See Banking and Monetary Statistics, Table 117, pp. 443-445. MEMBER BANK RESERVE REQUIREMENTS [Per cent of deposits] Net demand deposits1 Central reserve city banks Period in effect June 21, 1917-Aug. 15, Aug. 16, 1936-Feb. 28, Mar. / , 1937-Apr. 30, May 1, 1937-Apr. 15, Apr. 16, 1938-Oct. 31, Nov. 1, 1941-Aug. 19, Aug. 20, 1942-Sept. 13, Sept. 14, 1942-Oct. 2, Oct. 3, 1942-Feb. 26, Feb. 27, 1948-June 10, June 11, 1948 and after 1936.. 1937.. 1937.. 1938.. 1941.. 1942.. 1942.. 1942.. 1948.. 1948.. 13 Reserve city banks 193^2 10 15 22M 17J^s 26 22M 26 24 22 20 22 24 20 17/^ 20 20 20 20 20 20 To industrial or commercial businesses IK Time deposits (all Country member banks) banks 7 3 4^ ioy2 12M 14 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 Demand deposits subject to reserve requirements, i. e., total demand deposits minus cash items in process of collection and demand balances due from domestic banks (also minus war loan and series E bond accounts during the period Apr. 13, 1943-June 30, 1947, and all U. S. Government demand accounts Apr. 24, 1917-Aug. 23, 1935) MAXIMUM RATES ON TIME DEPOSITS Maximum rates that may be paid by member banks as established b y the Board of Governors under provisions of Regulation Q. [Per cent per annum] Federal Reserve Bank On discounts or purchases Portion for which institution is obligated 2H 4 Rate charged borrower but not to exceed 1 per cent above scount rate. 5 Charge of }/i per cent is made on undisbursed portion of loan. Back figures.—See Banking and Monetary Statistics, Table 118, 3. 446-447. pp. MARGIN REQUIREMENTS [Per cent of market value] Prescribed in accordance with Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Regulation T: For extensions of credit by brokers and dealers on listed securities For short sales Regulation U: For loans by banks on stocks ] July 5, Jan. 21, 19451946Jan. 20, Jan. 31, 1947 1946 Effective Feb. 1, 1947 75 75 100 100 75 75 75 100 75 1 NOTE.—Maximum rates that may be paid by insured nonmember banks as established by the F. D. I. C , effective Feb. 1, 1936, are the same as those in effect for member banks. Under Regulation Q the rate payable by a member bank may not in any event exceed the maximum rate payable by State banks or trust companies on like deposits under the laws of the State in which the member bank is located. 674 Remaining portion Boston New York. . . Philadelphia. Cleveland. . . Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. L o u i s . . . . Minneapolis. Kansas City. Dallas San Francisco Nov. 1,1933- Feb. 1, 1935- Effective Jan. 31, 1935 Dec.31,1935 Jan. 1, 1936 Savings deposits Postal savings deposits Other deposits payable: In 6 months or more In 90 days to 6 months In less than 90 days To financing institutions 1 Regulations T and U limit the amount of credit that may be extended on a security by prescribing a maximum loan value, which is a specified percentage of its market value at the time of the extension; the "margin requirements" shown in this table are the difference between the market value (100%) and the maximum loan value. Back figures.—See Banking and Monetary Statistics, Table 145, p. 504, and BULLETIN for March 1945, p. 235. FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF ALL FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS [In thousands of dollars] Wednesday figures End of month 1948 May 26 May 19 May 12 1947 May 5 Apr. 21 Apr. 28 Apr. May Apr. 14 May Assets 21,405,170 21 ,355,170 21 342,170 21 ,292,170 21 ,279,170 21,259,170 21,259, 170 21,415, 170 21,277,170 18,974,678 Gold certificates Redemption fund for 633,528 630,395 714,053 620,724 620,723 632,396 624,221 623,016 626,973 633,694 F. R. notes Total gold certificate reserves. . . . 22,025,893 21,979,391 21,965,186 21,919,143 21,909,565 21,892,698 71,892,864 22,035,894 21,909,566 19,688,731 Other cash 280,321 Discounts and advances: For member banks. . . For nonmember banks etc 163,757 68,250 93,183 82,485 110,725 157,000 157,000 157,000 148,000 148,000 320,757 225,250 250,183 230,485 258,725 2,146 Total discounts and advances Industrial loans U. S. Govt. securities: Bills: Under repurchase option Other Certificates: Special Other Notes Bonds 288,907 286,656 887 878 297,596 323,672 1,688 325,756 343,087 268,262 324,057 238,842 85,390 68,260 148,604 100,514 155,485 148,000 153,000 157,000 148,000 23,500 233,390 221,260 305,604 248,514 178,985 4,384 2,491 916 1,394 1,618 5,687,731 8,196,591 7,703,801 7,944,701 7,858,751 8,140,201 8,282,151 8,488,951 8,245,319 7,973,501 9,284,187 4,125,993 4,118,993 4,165,743 4,226,743 4,259,543 4,254,693 4,342,793 4,140,493 4,236,243 6,011,718 369,300 1,946,800 1,936,800 1,956,800 1,972,700 1,955,700 1,933,800 1,926,550 1,957,800 1,962,700 735,390 6,323,000 6,338,650 6,281,220 6,193,118 6,084,467 5,923,655 5,835,069 6,318,500 6,167,215 Total U. S. Govt. securities 20,592,384 20 098,244 20 348,464 20 ,251,312 20,439,911 20,394,299 20 ,593,363 20,662, 184 20,339, 659 22,088,326 Other Reserve Bank 333,935 469,227 credit outstanding. . . 372,418 350,067 251,188 268.498 606,841 286,499 438,898 313,137 Total Reserve Bank credit outstanding 21,200,527 20,674,459 21,038,423 20,855,903 20,951,970 20,966,008 21,130,251 21,575,545 20,858,065 22,738,156 Liabilities Federal Reserve notes. . 23,587,925 23,596,136 23,654,348 23 ,666,920 23 ,624,055 23 ,666,491 23,724,195 23,675,132 23,647,992 24,120,146 Deposits: Member bank — reserve account 16,901,067 16,505,548 17,086,745 17,033,311 17,043,294 16,845,323 17,050,354 17,020,731 16,944,223 16,237,764 U. S. Treasurer—general account 1,787,560 1,612,086 1,319,494 1,113,886 1,185,346 1,282,982 1,177,026 1,683,699 1,236,405 727,801 372,298 422,475 368,728 374,276 Foreign 386,766 373,122 370,032 392,819 375,814 448,482 415,807 426,451 Other 469,270 488,687 417,898 439,935 670,700 433,258 681,251 480,288 Total deposits 19,476,732 18,912,813 19,198,413 18,957,164 19,084,676 19,039,467 19,156,150 19,761,495 19,006,705 18,009,387 Ratio of gold certificate reserves to deposit and F. R. note liabilities combined (per cent). . , 51.1 51.7 51.3 51.4 51.3 51.3 51.1 50.7 51.4 46.7 MATURITY DISTRIBUTION OF LOANS AND U. S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES HELD BY FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS [In thousands of dollars] Total Discounts and advances: Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Industrial loans: Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 U. S. Government securities: Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 JUNE 1948 Within 15 days 16 to 30 days 31 to 60 61 to 90 91 days to 6 months 1 year to 2 years to Over 5 years days 6 months to 1 year 2 years 5 years days 258,725 230,485 250,183 225,250 320,757 119,515 81,448 92,073 67,642 167,197 15,854 5,914 25,125 26,415 30,575 43,302 61,160 51,903 69,565 61,264 80,012 81,922 81,059 61,605 61,697 19 20 3! 4 6 23 21 20 19 18 2,146 1,688 878 898 887 1,931 1,336 527 531 545 28 33 53 44 21 71 65 38 41 21 164 168 171 155 137 55 51 71 68 4 4 4 4 4 20,439,911 20,251,312 20,348,464 20,098,244 20,592,384 1,536,593 1,608,646 1,914,014 2,291,857 2.305,259 ,479,,102 3 ,113,502 4 ,937,144 ,758,713 5 ,186,076 2 ,092,156 ,647.301 5,155,421 1,898,905 ,432,,786 4 ,752,996 1,849,102 ,390,441 4,926,694 2 ,197,137 2,232,417 2,226,917 2,196,617 2,165,867 2,175,867 1,175,700 1,304,700 1,374,000 1,386,000 1,393,000 883, 468 992, 119 1,080,221 1,138,651 1,138,651 5,081,985 5,081,985 5,081,985 5,080,985 5,065,335 675 STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY WEEKS [In thousands of dollars] Total New York Boston Assets Gold certificates: Apr. 28 21,279,170 21,292,170 May 5 21,342,170 May 12 21,355,170 May 19 21,405,170 May 26 808,188 810,303 820,252 848,295 805,900 Philadelphia Richmond Cleveland Atlanta Chicago 6,718,561 1,017,656 1,411,950 1,009,743 1,063,951 4,227,417 6,686,499 1,045,081 1,413,257 1,019,859 1,057,427 4,225,001 6,685,109 1,032,253 1,389,066 1,009,326 1,084,445 4,255,832 6,572,053 1,065,425 1,454,346 1,015,918 1,050,734 4,291,588 6,739,980 1,095,522 1,432,207 1,002,699 1,035,186 4,301,296 St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City San Francisco Dallas 585,353 587,565 583,872 593,221 569,455 426,488 432,696 430,465 448,455 423,040 756,935 761,148 774,406 747,435 758,011 102,790 97,739 97,739 97,427 97,197 46,066 46,058 45,979 45,969 45,904 22,619 22,613 22,583 22,576 22,554 35,090 35,080 35,026 35,003 34,959 6,787,820 1,075,670 1,485,681 1,064,067 1,102,514 4,330,207 6,755,619 1,103,054 1,486,946 1,076,169 1,095,941 4,322,740 6,753,308 1,089,855 1,462,488 1,064,036 1,122,742 4,353,571 6,640,080 1,123,016 1,527,720 1,072,579 1,089,008 4,389,015 6,807,249 1,152,799 1,505,358 1,058,073 1,073,278 4,398,493 631,419 633,623 629,851 639,190 615,359 449,107 455,309 453,048 471,031 445,594 792,025 796,228 809,432 782 438 792,970 498,641 2,754,287 511,356 2,741,978 521,904 2,755,240 514,212 2,753,488 511,506 2,730,368 Redemption fund for F. R. notes: Apr. 28 May 5 M a y 12 630,395 626,973 623,016 624,221 620,723 55,176 55,151 54,917 54,909 54,731 Total gold certificate reserves: 21,909,565 Apr. 28 21,919,143 May 5 21,965,186 May 12 21,979,391 May 19. 22,025,893 May 26 863,364 865,454 875,169 903,204 860,631 May 19 May 26 vytiicr Co-Sii • Othf*r rach Apr. 28. May 5 M a y 12 M a y 19 M a y 26 Discounts & advances: Secured by U. S. Govt. securities: Apr. 28.. May 5.. M a y 12.. M a y 19. . M a y 26. . Other: Apr. 28.. May 5. . M a y 12.. M a y 19. . M a y 26. . Industrial loans: Apr. 28 . May 5 M a y 12 M a y 19 M a y 26 U. S. Govt. securities: Bills: Apr. 28 May 5 M a y 12.... M a y 19 M a y 26 Certificates: Apr. 28 May 5 M a y 12 M a y 19 M a y 26 Notes: Apr. 28 May 5 M a y 12 M a y 19 M a y 26 69,259 69,120 68,199 68,027 67,269 58,014 57,973 57,602 57,591 57,277 73,731 73,689 73,422 73,374 73,151 54,324 56,310 54,710 56,661 55,374 38,563 38,514 38,297 38,274 38,092 25,647 25,639 25,639 25,565 25,514 49,116 49,087 48,903 48,845 48,701 524,288 2,803,403 536,995 2,791,065 547,543 2,804,143 539 777 2 802 333 537,020 2,779,069 323,672 297,596 286,656 288,907 280,321 39,568 38,710 38,048 37,562 35,705 62,720 54,838 58,443 52,725 51,941 17,117 16,100 12,774 15,728 13,722 35,143 30,476 29,841 26,722 28,210 19,599 18,120 18,160 18,462 17,112 20,983 22,778 19,582 22,545 22,996 43,787 37,537 33,586 35,011 35,816 13,671 10,570 10,302 11,976 12,299 7,477 7,591 6,543 6,733 6,120 10,558 8,478 8,869 10,022 9,863 10,657 10,793 10,692 10,829 10,662 42,392 41,605 39,816 40,592 35,875 109,882 81,652 92,310 67,177 162,687 12,585 10,210 12,975 12,030 12,099 38,299 11,918 36,148 9,933 42,303 6,170 5,240 4,123 5,241 6,323 12,568 11,500 18,120 4,750 10,225 8,605 3,995 4,930 6,575 13,920 2,285 4,074 100 75 375 1,284 5,569 37,850 9,040 2,465 4,440 5,840 16,140 125 6,930 5,830 4,780 14,164 13,423 1,475 734 6,125 20,000 1,100 620 5,700 5,750 3,890 2,840 4,090 148,743 148,833 157,873 158,073 158,070 9,324 9,324 9,891 9,891 9,891 47,360 47,360 50,240 50,240 50,240 11,988 11,988 12,717 12,717 12,717 13,986 13,976 14,644 14,644 14,744 7,252 7,252 7,693 7,893 7,893 6,168 6,168 6,537 6,537 6,622 20,178 20,178 21,402 21,402 21,402 5,628 5,628 6,152 6,152 5,952 3,700 3,700 3,925 3,925 3,925 5,203 5,203 5,518 5,518 5,518 5,032 5,032 5,338 5,338 5,350 13,024 13,024 13,816 13,816 13,816 471 585 1,415 800 2,146 1,688 878 898 887 214 254 46 49 575 572 560 254 257 261 49 69 66 550 2,475 595 695 1,495 8,140,201 7,858,751 7,944,701 7,703,801 8,196,591 547,217 528,297 534,075 517,880 551,008 1,951,874 1,884,387 1,904,996 1,847,233 1,965,395 581,454 561,351 567,490 550,282 585,483 780,401 753,418 761,658 738,563 785,807 528,657 510,379 515,961 500,316 532,319 408,093 1,156,625 393,983 1,116,634 398,292 1,128,847 386 215 1,094,618 410,920 1,164,637 449,445 433,905 438,651 425,350 452,558 249,163 240,548 243,179 235,806 250,890 379,423 366,304 370,310 359,082 382,051 368,906 356,151 360,046 349,128 371,461 738,943 713,394 721,196 699,328 744,062 4,259,543 4,226,743 4,165,743 4,118,993 4,125,993 286,344 1,021,361 284,139 1,013,497 280,037 998,871 276,895 987,660 277,367 989,338 304,259 301,917 297,560 294,220 294,720 408,362 405,218 399,370 394,888 395,560 276,631 274,501 270,539 267,504 267,957 213,544 211,899 208,842 206,497 206,847 605,230 600,569 591,902 585,260 586,254 235,182 233,370 230,003 227,422 227,809 130,381 129,377 127,509 126,080 126,293 198,542 197,014 194,170 191,989 192,317 193,039 191,551 188,787 186,668 186,986 386,668 383,691 378,153 373,910 374,545 1,955,700 1,972,700 1,956,800 1,936,800 1,946,800 131,470 132,613 131,544 130,199 130,871 468,942 473,018 469,205 464,410 466,808 139,696 140,910 139,774 138,346 139,060 187,493 189,123 187,598 185,681 186,639 127,011 128,115 127,083 125,784 126,434 98,045 98,897 98,100 97,098 97,600 277,881 280,297 278,038 275,196 276,617 107,980 108,919 108,041 106,936 107,488 59,862 60,382 59,896 59,283 59,589 91,157 91,949 91,208 90,276 90,742 88,630 89,401 88,680 87,774 88,227 177,533 179,076 177,633 175,817 176,725 6,084,467 Apr.' 28 May 5 6,193,118 M a y 12 6,281,220 M a y 19 6,338,650 M a y 26 6,323,000 Total U. S. Govt. securities: 20,439,911 Apr. 28 May 5 20,251,312 M a y 12 20,348,464 M a y 19 20,098,244 M a y 26 20,592,384 409,022 416,326 422,249 426,110 425,057 1,458,946 1,484,998 1,506,123 1,519,894 1,516,142 434,613 442,374 448,667 452,769 451,652 583,318 593,734 602,181 607,686 606,186 395,150 402,206 407,928 411,657 410,641 305,032 310,480 314,896 317,776 316,991 864,530 879,968 892,486 900,646 898,422 335,942 341,941 346,805 349,976 349,112 186,239 189,565 192,262 194,019 193,541 283,603 288,667 292,774 295,452 294,721 275,742 280,666 284,659 287,262 286,552 552,330 562,193 570,190 575,403 573,983 1,024,714 2,904,266 1,128,549 1,015,259 2,877,468 1,118,135 1,020,130 2,891,273 1,123,500 1,007,586 2.855,720 1,109,684 1,032,358 2,925,930 1,136,967 625,645 619,872 622,846 615,188 630,313 952,725 943,934 948,462 936,799 959,831 926,317 917,769 922,172 910,832 933,226 1,855,474 1,838,354 1,847,172 1,824,458 1,869,315 1,986,342 1,343,352 1,034,582 2,930,569 1,143,217 1,967,223 1,326,497 1,026,301 2,917,646 1,126,228 1,983,825 1,334,183 1,027,401 2,913,775 1,134,092 1,946,469 1,319,798 1,015,407 2,877,672 1,121,676 1,999,422 1,359,230 1,044,549 2,985,182 1,159,059 629,445 623,647 627,146 621,588 634,363 964,858 954,967 958,760 956,481 978,772 932,824 923,396 928,205 917,665 939,196 1,874,198 1,857,128 1,864,878 1,841,114 1,887,221 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 8 4 4 4 4 securities: Apr. 28 May 5 M a y 12 M a y 19 M a y 26 Due from foreign banks: Apr. 28 May 5 M a y 12 M a y 19 M a y 26 1 1,374,053 1,361,375 1,367,905 1,351,084 1,384,303 4,901,123 1,460,022 1,959,574 1,327,449 4,855,900 1,446,552 1,941,493 1,315,201 4,879,195 1,453,491 1,950,807 1,321,511 4,819,197 1,435,617 1,926,818 1,305,261 4,937,683 1,470,915 1,974,192 1,337,351 20,700,782 20,483,485 20,599,525 20,324,392 20,914,028 1,395,962 1,380,909 1,390,771 1,373,005 1,406,293 4,986,782 4,915,178 4,965,583 4,879,370 5,030,226 1,478,651 1,464,365 1,470,906 1,454,147 1,490,515 94 49 49 49 49 6 3 3 3 3 130 1 8 4 4 4 4 1 16 16 M 6 1 16 9 4 4 4 4 5 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 13 7 7 7 7 3 2 2 2 2 After deducting $64,000 participations of other Federal Reserve Banks on Apr. 28; $33,000 on May 5; May 12; May 19; and May 26. 676 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY WEEKS—Continued [In thousands of dollars! Total Federal Reserve notes of other Banks: Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Uncqllected items: Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Bank premises: Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Other assets: Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Total assets: Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Federal Reserve notes: Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Deposits: Member bank reserve account: Apr. 2 8 . . . May 5 . . . May 12. .. May 19. .. May 26. .. U. S. Treasurer-general account: Apr. 28. May 5. May 12. May 19. May 26. Apr. 28. May 5. May 12. May 19. May 26. Other: Apr. 28. May 5. May 12. May 19. May 26. Total deposits: Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 bility items: Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Other liab. incl. accrued div. Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Total liabilities: Apr. 28 May 5 M a y 12 M a y 19 M a y 26 Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond 110,799 96,329 106,386 112,062 104,385 4,243 4,432 4,228 4,830 4,961 17,057 11,260 16,915 18,095 17,408 5,287 4,894,! 4,948 5,774 5,111 6,078 4,829 5,996 6,512 5,702 14,782 13,205 11,488 11,443 12,319 2,512,184 2,525,111 2,814,406 2,970,716 2,509,034 210,810 202,057 241,219 238,633 231,470 496,765 477,317 548,233 606,683 487,926 158,470 177,451 187,478 200,252 169,519 241,553 249,466 285,363 289,057 274,509 198,625 204,078 237,753 250,377 199,805 32,689 32,655 32,652 32,657 32,617 1,222 1,222 1,222 1,222 1,218 8,189 8,171 8,1*3 8,173 8,173 3,132 3,132 3,132 3,132 3,119 4,888 4,887 4,883 4,883 4,876 2,610 2,610 2,610 2,610 2,603 154,372 158,939 164,172 167,182 170,509 10,449 10,739 11,053 11,408 11,611 36,396 37,245 38,811 39,558 40,535 10,666 11,047 11,347 11,579 11,792 14,932 15,521 15,659 16,188 16,505 10,304 10,584 10,970 10,886 11,116 45,744,157 45,513,307 45,969,032 45,875,356 46,036,836 ,525,624 ,503,526 ,561,713 ,569,867 ,551,892 12,395,759 12,259,644 12,389,482 12,244,700 12,443,474 23,624,055 23,666,920 23,654,348 23,596,136 23,587,925 1,420,898 1,422,194 1,422,948 1,418,852 1,422,295 5,421,102 5,427,837 5,410,452 5,407,945 5,412,755 17,043,294 17,033,311 17,086,74. 16,505,548 16,901,067 715,444 726,299 736,051 714,880 705,083 5,574,110 5,488,620 5,531,716 5,268,705 5,447,212 803,822 839,084 790,570 776,060 822,514 1,279,413 1,268,837 1,269,133 1,225,287 1,249,985 717,299 736,065 724,025 706,482 713,534 1,185,346 1,113,886 1,319,494 1,612,086 1,787,560 113,224 106,400 109,580 143,521 158,498 195,927 226,899 315,449 358,579 458,473 94,535 77,934 124,291 157,753 168,344 114,410 123,860 123,827 168,391 186,615 80,543 64,760 80,287 90,297 97,777 386,766 370,032 374,276 368,728 372,298 22,862 22,030 21,785 21,382 22,327 H40,639 132,881 H39.762 131,921 29,306 28,237 27,921 27,402 28,617 33,286 32,071 31,712 31,124 32,503 469,270 439,935 417,898 426,451 415,807 2,642 1,963 1,825 1,658 1,471 406,573 374,481 358,66: 367,513 359,269 1,964 2,036 1,522 1,843 1,577 7,962 7,242 6,017 6,319 5,998 19,084,676 18,957,164 19,198,413 18,912,813 19,476,732 854,172 856,692 869,241 881,441 887,379 2,261,090 2,152,742 2,375,557 2,620,698 2,222,584 201,141 177,641 222,314 222,065 194,447 421,322 381,72: 405,109 472,569 403,007 136,890 153,167 158,781 173,493 148,236 209,672 198,699 222,099 254,406 224,527 181,729 179,762 203.308 227,055 186,277 17,453 15,892 16,393 17,810 17,883 1,017 985 962 967 1,058 4,621 4,259 4,542 6,190 5,296 1,087 1,004 1,069 990 1,099 1,870 1,879 1,652 1,744 1,893 944 860 897 821 951 44,987,27 44,792,718 45,244,711 45,147,457 45,305,124 2,477,228 2,457,512 2,515,465 2,523,325 2,505,179 1 1 Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco 14,056 14,110 15,047 14,813 14,323 8,442 6,459 8,374 8,115 8,933 3,636 3,133 4,022 3,914 3,801 6,630 6,157 6,284 5,631 6,476 4,973 4,821 4,619 4,987 4,090 15,223 11,840 12,785 17,166 11,045 186,518 383,700 171,084 390,632 182,771 420,389 191,888 426,415 151,906 371,583 107,979 114,334 129,331 125,799 107,770 58,341 60,444 68,616 68,597 61,528 136,022 132,637 136,493 158,821 132,880 118,885 110,753 129,663 152,259 116,200 214,516 234,858 247,097 261,935 203,938 1,546 1,546 1,546 1,546 1,542 3,037 3,035 3,035 3,036 3,039 1,961 1,958 1,957 1,958 1,956 1,198 1,198 1,198 1,198 1,198 2,433 2,427 2,427 2,427 2,427 785 781 781 784 784 1,688 1,688 1,688 1,688 1,682 7,758 8,049 8,258 8,492 8,641 21,861 22,310 22,957 23,655 24,093 8,848 9,045 9,335 9,554 9,740 4,743 4,888 4,930 5,064 5,132 7,205 7,431 7,527 7,708 7,805 7,006 7,390 8,186 7,581 7,749 14,204 14,690 15,139 15,509 15,790 2,749,001 3,774,626 2,653,344 2,364,297 7,727,230 2,780,047 3,759,352 2,651,265 2,336,890 7,708,017 2,780,444 3,788,059 2,679,202 2,373,982 7,762,367 2,813,632 3,817,555 2,686,157 2,339,670 7.,769,624 2,846,581 3,834,586 2,660,260 2,313,130 7,832,536 1,915,540 1,902,219 1,923,244 1,918,270 1,915,118 1,153,949 1,156,211 1,165,504 1,178,126 1,157,737 1,919,734 1,908,327 1,929,794 1,923,530 1,931,195 1,599,421 4,965,632 1,594,931 4,952,878 1,629,691 4,985,550 1,633,884 4,980,341 1,615,703 4,934,624 1,610,943 1,316,266 4,508,670 1,613,052 1,320,838 4,511[,183 1,318,449 4,506,576 1,605,634 1,314,270 4,499,812 1,604,514 1,309,994 4,493,928 1,079,607 1,083,811 1,082,475 1,078,884 1,075,487 608,833 612,183 612,063 609,225 609,339 913,868 918,756 917,230 914,943 911,275 587,602 2,477,361 591,019 2,485,106 590,259 2,494,696 587,834 2,478,004 588,456 2,476,939 743,196 2,525,918 750,932 2,553,957 756,241 2,573,841 712,204 2,476,071 723,686 2,579,894 615,751 621,171 615,703 600,393 610,981 408,039 403,404 411,633 407,239 400,063 782,655 782,666 796,597 769,089 791,696 799,611 2,078,036 813,427 2,048,849 825,780 2,055,455 809,506 2,039,632 800,502 2,055,917 72,161 56,009 73,301 74,185 75,163 199,506 181,215 182,634 255,523 271,104 68,753 47,895 63,871 72,622 81,219 53,284 56,797 54,900 70,882 62,854 59,083 50,458 58,924 63,988 71,880 61,443 49,801 56,023 57,073 77,838 72,477 71,858 76,407 99,272 77,795 17,728 17,081 16.890 16,577 17,312 14,834 14,293 14,133 13,870 14,485 49,205 47,410 46,879 46,009 48,049 13,025 12,550 12,409 12,179 12,719 9,045 8,715 8,618 8,458 8,833 12,663 12,201 12,064 11,840 12,365 12,301 11,852 11,720 11,502 12,012 31,872 30,711 30,383 29,835 31,155 5,256 3,113 2,669 2,240 2,592 553 373 983 576 861 2,115 2,227 2,037 2,176 2,559 5,055 4,846 4,794 5,174 5,104 1,732 2,448 1,649 1,588 1,445 195 1,471 1,459 1,742 428 830,744 2,776,744 821,607 2,784,809 844,658 2,805,391 800,835 2,779,779 814,195 2,901,606 702,584 686,462 696,777 690,368 710,023 472,100 471,364 476,800 488,167 473,195 854,596 846,796 869,044 846,659 876,369 34,713 510 37,045 2,690 34,895 1,383 35,059 563 33,985 518 873,865 2,217,098 877,770 2,188,463 894,906 2,197,140 878,644 2,203,798 890,870 2,198,852 183,945 162,972 179,201 192,755 156,840 336,386 312,391 350,108 389,329 335,619 103,659 104,328 116,074 120,993 101,253 52,305 53,145 56,987 60,843 55,322 122,014 115,316 115,793 134,117 115,466 109,660 99,574 117,869 140,543 109,257 202,367 214,025 227,914 232,530 192,333 794 698 722 679 770 2,866 2,321 2,470 2,376 2,527 775 709 746 673 771 549 521 545 675 549 667 626 619 618 663 788 734 663 700 777 1,475 1,296 1,506 1,377 1,529 7,624,666 1,886,625 1,133,787 7,610,704 1,875,310 1,137,213 7,664,545 1,896,072 1,146,39 7,671,296 1,890,918 1,158,910 7,733,680 1,887,534 1,138,405 1,891,145 1,881,494 1,902,686 1,896,337 1,903,773 1,620,726 2,058,179 1,620,490 2,060,451 1,617,931 2,066,950 1,617,461 2,063,272 1,617,288 2,065,655 6,317,249 929,627 6,222,881 947,291 6,345,592 944,304 6,133,347 963,058 6,396,875 1,021,052 ,435,071 820,826 1,432,010 821,019 1,430,689 823,871 1,431,121 815,596 1,475,101 831,215 10,392 11,189 11,680 10,782 10,216 12,164,294 2,688,330 3,704,792 2,614,442 2,331,749 12,036,699 2,721,952 3,693,039 2,614,693 2,306,115 12,165,695 2,722,085 3 ,721,,,390 2,642,395 2,343,030 12,020,051 2,755,002 3,750,543 ,750, 2,649,106 2,308,539 12,217,933 2,787,675 3 ,767,176 2,622,957 2,281,799 1,571,915 4,898,301 1,569,097 4,888,890 1,603,697 4,921,256 < 1,607,721 4,915,709 1,589,360 4,869,653 1 After deducting $246,024,000 participations of other Federal Reserve Banks on Apr, 28; $237,048,000 on May 5; $234,396,000 on May 12; $230,044,000 on May 19; and $240,244,000 on May 26. JUNE 1948 677 STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY WEEKS—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Total Capital Accts.: Capital paid in: Apr. 28 197,990 May 5 . . . . 198,025 May 12. . . . 198,055 May 19. . . . 198,088 May 26 198,120 Surplus: (section 7): Apr. 2 8 . . . . 448,189 May 5 . . . . 448,189 May 12 448,189 May 19 448,189 May 26. .. . 448,189 (section 13b): Apr. 2 8 . . . . 27,543 May 5 . . . . 27,543 May 12 27,543 May 19. . . . 27,543 May 26 27,543 Other cap. accts.: Apr. 28 83,161 May 5 46,832 May 12 50,534 May 19 54,079 May 26. . . . 57,860 Total liabilities and cap. accts.: Apr. 2 8 . . . . 45,744,157 May 5 45,513,307 May 12 45,969,032 May 19 45,875,356 May 26 46,036,836 Contingent liability on bills purchased for foreign correspondents: Apr. 2 8 . . . . 3,384 May 5 3,363 May 12. .. . 3,275 May 19 3,299 May 26 3,300 Commit, to make indus. loans: Apr. 2 8 . . . . 7,726 May 5 6,607 May 12. . . . 6,616 May 19 6,623 May 26 6,634 Philadelphia New York Boston Richmond Cleveland Chicago Atlanta St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco 11.307 11,308 11,311 11,311 11,311 69,131 69,132 69,133 69,137 69,128 14,543 14,543 14,543 14,546 14,546 18,957 18,968 18,974 18,974 18,976 8,435 8,438 8,438 8,440 8,443 7,724 7,730 7,731 7,734 7,747 24,093 24,093 24,096 24,098 24,102 6,503 6,503 6,509 6,509 6,517 4,363 4,364 4,364 4,364 4,364 6,772 6,775 6,775 6,776 6,777 7,612 7,613 7,618 7,621 7,631 18,550 18,558 18,563 18,578 18,578 28,117 28,117 28,117 28,117 28,117 138,596 138,596 138,596 138,596 138,596 35,350 35,350 35,350 35,350 35,350 42,173 42,173 42,173 42,173 42,173 21,210 21,210 21,210 21,210 21,210 19,110 19,110 19,110 19,110 19,110 66,217 66,217 66,217 66,217 66,217 16,972 16,972 16,972 16,972 16,972 11,233 11,233 11,233 11,233 11,233 16,148 16,148 16,148 16,148 16,148 14,111 14,111 14,111 14,111 14,111 38,952 38,952 38,952 38,952 38,952 3,011 3,011 3,011 3,011 3,011 7,319 7,319 7,319 7,319 7,319 4,489 4,489 4,489 4,489 4,489 1,006 1,006 1,006 1,006 1,006 3,349 3,349 3,349 3,349 3,349 762 762 762 762 762 1,429 1,429 1,429 1,429 1,429 521 521 521 521 521 1,073 1,073 1,073 1,073 1,073 1,137 1,137 1,137 1,137 1,137 1,307 1,307 1,307 1,307 1,307 2,140 2,140 2,140 2,140 2,140 5,961 3,578 3,809 4,103 4,274 16,419 7,898 8,739 9,597 10,498 6,289 3,713 3,977 4,245 4,521 7,698 4,166 4,516 4,859 5,255 5,908 3,575 3,810 4,052 4,301 4,952 3,173 3,349 3,525 3,712 10,825 5,574 6,080 6,584 7,108 4,919 2,913 3,170 3,350 3,574 3,493 2,328 2,439 2,546 2,662 4,532 2,773 3,048 3,132 3,360 4,476 2,803 2,958 3,124 3,294 7,689 4,338 4,639 4,962 5,301 2,525,624 2,503,526 2,561,713 2,569,867 2,551,892 12,395,759 12,259,644 12,389,482 12,244,700 12,443,474 2,749,001 2,780,047 2,780,444 2,813,632 2,846,581 3,774,626 3,759,352 3,788,059 3,817,555 3,834,586 2,653,344 2,651,265 2,679,202 2,686,157 2,660,260 2,364,297 2,336,890 2,373,982 2,339,670 2,313,130 7,727,230 7,708,017 7,762,367 7,769,624 7,832,536 1,915,540 1,902,219 1,923,244 1,918,270 1,915,118 1,153,949 1,156,211 1,165,504 1,178,126 1,157,737 1,919,734 1,908,327 1,929,794 1,923,530 1,931,195 213 212 206 208 208 1 1,083 1 1,076 1 1,048 1 1,056 1 274 272 265 267 267 311 310 301 304 304 166 165 161 162 162 139 138 134 135 135 460 457 445 449 449 122 121 118 119 119 85 84 82 82 83 118 118 115 115 115 1,398 1,310 1,290 1,286 1,286 1,286 126 133 139 133 131 16 16 16 16 16 341 341 341 353 353 580 580 580 580 580 1,056 75 75 75 75 75 292 302 303 316 1,599,421 4,965,632 1,594,931 4,952,878 1,629,691 4,985,550 1,633,884 4,980,341 1,615,703 4,934,624 115 114 112 112 112 298 296 288 290 290 130 130 127 127 127 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 1 After deducting $2,301,000 participations of other Federal Reserve Banks on Apr. 28; $2,287,000 on May 5; $2,227,000 on May 12; $2,243,000 on May 19; and $2,244,000 on May 26. FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES—FEDERAL RESERVE AGENTS' ACCOUNTS, BY WEEKS [In thousands of dollars] Total F.R.notes outstanding (issued to Bank): Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Collateral held against notes outstanding: Gold certificates: Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Eligible paper: Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 U. S. Gov. s e c : Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Total collateral: Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 24,473,201 24,450,021 24,469,151 24,463,539 24,459,891 Boston New York 1,477,005 5,657,023 1,476,452 5,647,423 1,474,083 5,645,226 1,474,771 5,671,643 1,471,907 5,681,630 Philadelphia Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minne- Kansas City apolis Dallas San Francisco 1,675,238 1,676,732 1,681,657 1,673,756 1,664,228 1,363,176 4 584,519 , , 1,359,352 4,580,642 580,642 1,363,390 4,578,114 , , , , 54 125,112 120,971 124,690 119,985 117,408 632,393 632,005 632,679 631,031 630,686 942,614 944,167 943,283 940,610 941,481 619,464 2,590,720 619,866 2,587,956 621,485 2,593,947 618,400 2,594,930 620,486 2,589,500 735,000 735,000 735,000 735,000 735,000 625,000 625,000 625,000 625,000 625,000 675,000 2,630,000 : 675,000 2,700,000 : 675,000 2,700,000 : 675,000 2,: 2,700,000 675,000 2,700,000 315,000 315,000 315,000 315,000 315,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 280,000 280,000 280,000 280,000 280,000 169,000 2,050,000 169,000 2,050,000 ,100,000 169,000 2. 169,000 2,100,000 169,000 2,050,000 9,340 2,765 4,940 6,340 16,440 100 75 375 2,475 125 6,930 5,832 4,783 14,168 13,428 5,700 5,750 3,890 2,840 4,090 950,000 950,000 950,000 950,000 950,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 800,000 500,000 800,000 1,733,505 ,425,000 4,630,000 1,274,340 650,100 1,703,895 ,425,000 4,600,000 1,267,765 650,075 1,704,830 425,000 4,600,000 1,269,940 650,375 1,706,475 425,000 4,600,000 1,271,340 652 2,475 0,125 1,713,120 425,000 4,600,000 1,281,440 650 986,930 985,832 984,783 994,168 993,428 669,000 3,055,700 669,000 3,055,750 669,000 3,103,890 669,000 2,902,840 669,000 2,854,090 460,000 460,000 460,000 460,000 460,000 4,470,000 4,470,000 4,470,000 4,470,000 4,470,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 85,094 45,685 71,779 59,392 105,528 12,585 10,210 12,975 12,030 12,099 35,764 11,918 35,863 9,823 39,903 6,170 5,240 4,123 5,241 6,323 12,750,000 12,625,000 12,425,000 12,225,000 12,225,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 25,994,094 25,899,685 25,775,779 25,563,392 25,559,528 1,572,585 6,005,764 1,570,210 5,981,918 1,572,975 5,805,863 1,572,030 5 779,823 1,572,099 5,809,903 Richmond 1,662,260 2 ,143,677 1,662,356 2,142,099 1,667,456 2 ,143,141 1,659,703 2 ,143,814 1,664,977 2,141,410 13,159,000 13,229,000 13,279,000 13,279,000 13,229,000 678 Cleveland 1,358,542 4,576,354 1,359,950 4,576,228 8,505 3,895 4,830 6,475 13,120 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,756,170 2 ,235,000 1,755,240 2 ,235,000 1,754,123 2,235,000 1,755,241 2,235,000 1,756,323 2,235,000 1,100,000 1,075,000 1,075,000 1,075,000 1,075,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 2,000,000 1,900,000 1,900,000 1,900,000 1,900,000 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN WAR PRODUCTION LOANS GUARANTEED BY WAR DEPARTMENT, NAVY DEPARTMENT, AND MARITIME COMMISSION THROUGH FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS UNDER REGULATION V MEMBER BANK RESERVES AND BORROWINGS [Averages of daily figures. [Amounts in thousands of dollars] Guaranteed loans authorized to date Guaranteed loans outstanding Additional amount available to borrowers under guarPortion antee agreeguaranments outstanding teed Date Number Amount 1942 June 30 Dec. 31 565 2.665 310,680 2,688,397 1943 June 30 Dec. 31 4,217 5,347 4,718,818 1,428,253 1,153,756 2,216,053 6,563,048 1.914,040 1,601,518 3,146,286 1944 June 30 Dec. 30 6,433 7.434 8,046,672 2,064,318 1,735,777 3,810,797 9,310,582 1,735,970 1,482,038 4,453,586 Total amount 81,108 803,720 69,674 137,888 632,474 1,430,121 1945 June 30 8,422 10,149,351 1,386,851 1,190,944 3,694,618 Dec. 31 . . . 8,757 10,339,400 510.270 435,345 966,595 1946 June 29 Dec. 31 8,771 10,344,018 8,771 10,344,018 70,267 18,996 60.214 17,454 142,617 28,791 1947 June 30 Dec. 31 8,771 10,344,018 8,771 10,344,018 3,589 2,412 3,218 2,183 6,726 1948 31 28 31 30 8,771 10,344,018 8,771 10,344,018 8.771 10,344,018 8,771 10,344,018 2,357 1,959 1,835 1,787 2,133 1,777 1,666 1,623 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. NOTE.—The difference between guaranteed loans authorized and sum of loans outstanding and additional amounts available to borrowers under guarantee agreements outstanding represents amounts repaid and authorizations expired or withdrawn. INDUSTRIAL LOANS BY FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS [Amounts in thousands of dollars] ApApplications proved Loans CommitDate (last approved ments Wednesday to date but not outoutcom- standing2 or last day pleted » (amount) standing of period) Num(amount) (amount) Amount ber 13 ,589 32 ,493 25 ,526 20 ,216 17 ,345 13 ,683 9 ,152 10 ,337 14 ,126 10 ,532 3 ,894 8,225 27,649 20,959 12,780 14,161 9,220 5,226 14,597 10,661 9,270 4,165 1,296 8,778 7,208 7,238 12,722 10,981 6,386 19,600 17,305 17,930 2,706 537,331 544,961 70 320 3 ,252 1 ,995 5,224 1,644 2,501 1,086 3,524 3,542 552,711 565,913 615 4 ,577 1 ,210 554 5,366 8,309 1,110 2,670 1947 Mar. 31 June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 3,548 3,555 3,566 3,574 569,825 572,836 577,614 586,726 4 ,595 195 1 ,229 945 1 ,081 1 ,778 1 ,892 1 ,387 8,160 7,018 7,395 7,434 2,727 4,043 5,019 4.869 1948 Jan. 31 Feb. 28. Mar. 31. Apr. 30 3,576 3,582 3,587 3,593 589,986 596,048 600,322 604,623 1 ,025 145 45 70 1 ,972 4 ,906 3 ,785 1 ,394 7,077 7,918 7,700 6,646 5,213 6,770 5,109 4,234 984 1,993 2,280 2,406 2,653 2,781 2,908 3,202 3,423 3,471 3,489 49,634 124,493 139,829 150,987 175,013 188,222 212,510 279,860 408,737 491,342 525,532 1945 June 30 Dec. 31 3,502 3,511 1946 June 29 Dec. 31 20 11 8 3 1 2 13 8 4 1 Includes applications approved conditionally by the Federal Reserve Banks and under consideration by applicant. 2 Includes industrial loans past due 3 months or more, which are not included in industrial loans outstanding in weekly statement of condition of Federal Reserve Banks. NOTE.—The difference between amount of applications approved and the sum of the following four columns represents repayments of advances, and applications for loans and commitments withdrawn or expired. JUNE 1948 Central reserve city banks New York Chi- Reserve city banks Country banks l Total reserves held: 1947—March April 1948—March April 16,006 15,931 17,106 16,926 4,129 4,125 4,602 4,552 877 879 1,063 1,017 6,308 6,294 6,514 6,473 4,693 4,633 4,927 4,884 Apr. Apr. A Apr. Apr. May May May 16,699 16,909 16,960 16,937 16,909 16,971 16,960 16,934 4,505 4,563 4,537 4,545 4,558 4,524 4,498 4,484 983 971 1,036 1,040 1,041 1,052 1,050 1,055 6,382 6,471 6,482 6,461 6,478 6,509 6,532 6,500 4,829 4,903 4,905 871 833 822 811 21 13 45 39 217 226 205 231 630 583 563 534 689 867 822 782 756 777 758 53 51 32 23 41 13 10 10 152 252 229 216 225 218 210 172 478 550 553 537 486 539 535 1. 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 , Excess reserves: 1947—March April 1948—March April Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 P731 Borrowings at Federal Reserve Banks: 1947—March April 1948—March April Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 ,892 ,832 ,886 ,880 4,894 173 126 270 111 33 16 103 14 66 51 84 48 54 55 40 42 467 147 93 83 107 82 131 83 218 49 1 1 1 121 51 36 45 59 40 42 32 55 41 40 34 45 40 32 36 Participations outstanding (amount) 966 548 226 369 946 659 954 294 248 926 1 295 1934.. . 1935. . . 1936. . . 1937. . . 1938. . . 1939. . . 1940. . . 1941. . . 1942. . . 1943. . . 1944. . . All member 1 banks Month, or week ending Thursday In millions of dollars] DEPOSITS OF COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS IN LARGE AND SMALL CENTERS * [Averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] In places of 15,000 and over population In places of under 15,000 population Demand deposits except interbank Time deposits Demand deposits except interbank Time deposits April 1947 March 1948 15,154 16,055 8,385 8,787 11,671 11,979 5,939 6,071 April 1948 16,032 8,807 11,856 6,057 Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland 1,847 2,912 1,117 1,317 873 2,214 767 916 327 996 900 1,042 232 1,155 899 822 Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis 1,077 1,569 2,135 637 398 491 1,588 338 859 685 1,674 968 472 218 959 276 Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco. . . 563 543 995 1,319 297 104 146 676 753 1,580 1,528 544 451 204 66 303 1 Includes any banks in outlying sections of reserve cities that have been given permission to carry the same reserves as country banks. 679 DEPOSITS, RESERVES, AND BORROWINGS OF MEMBER BANKS [Averages of daily figures.1 In millions of dollars] Gross demand deposits II Class of bank and Federal Reserve district Total Interbank Other Net demand deposits 2 Time deposits 3 Demand balances due from domestic banks Reserves with Federal Reserve Banks Total Required Excess Borrowings at Federal Reserve Banks First half of April 1948 All m e m b e r banks 87,219 10,497 76,722 76 ,762 28,623 5,153 16,927 16 ,074 854 128 Central reserve city banks: New York Chicago 21,726 4,682 3 ,893 1,073 17,833 3,609 20 ,057 4 ,229 1,538 918 72 102 4 ,555 994 4 ,505 985 50 9 11 28 Reserve city banks Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco 32,052 1,867 27,379 1,620 11,299 194 300 260 1,407 436 408 1,991 335 181 364 360 5 ,064 6 ,474 365 116 414 801 400 391 805 356 175 478 440 1,734 6 ,234 351 114 405 770 384 360 767 344 170 454 408 1,706 241 13 3 9 31 16 32 38 12 4 24 32 27 47 3 1,911 1,837 7,435 27 ,779 1,699 478 1,949 3 ,426 1,789 1,676 3 ,239 1,620 798 2 ,162 ,932 1 7,011 1,717 2,635 2,323 7,925 4 ,673 247 25 333 450 301 419 403 555 240 724 486 489 Country banks Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco 28,759 2,251 3,973 2,030 2,385 2,060 2,436 3,875 1,655 1,382 2,183 2,633 1,897 858 83 90 16 24 113 171 60 45 57 57 112 31 27,901 2,168 3,884 2,014 2,361 1,947 2,265 3,815 1,609 1,324 2,125 2,521 1,866 24 ,697 1,968 3 ,497 1,772 2 ,065 1,725 2 ,039 3 ,354 1,424 1,197 1,843 2 ,159 1,654 14,868 1,105 3 ,369 1,665 1,739 870 708 2 ,547 614 749 308 212 981 3,261 4 ,903 370 768 391 455 337 372 703 264 240 318 364 321 4 ,350 342 692 348 393 294 328 622 236 213 277 315 290 554 28 76 43 62 43 44 81 28 27 41 49 31 42 11 15 4 3 3 1 1 1 545 2,214 3,863 2,058 1,989 3,769 1,910 954 520 1,881 3,413 1,757 1,569 3,367 1,355 714 35 25 83 159 101 133 266 96 59 253 227 281 165 290 201 265 262 331 445 203 153 321 434 191 7 2 12 5 1 5 1 1 Second half of April 1948 All m e m b e r banks 87,772 10,425 77,347 77,150 28,618 5,131 16,924 16,157 767 95 Central reserve city banks: New York Chicago 21,808 4,952 3,936 1,017 17,872 3,935 20,132 4,457 1,536 922 43 140 4,549 1,040 4,521 1,036 28 4 Reserve city banks Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco 32,308 1,874 555 2,201 3,946 044 004 3,804 1,914 943 2,680 2,386 7,956 4,643 27,664 1,622 528 1,872 3,499 1,755 1,597 3,404 1,376 714 1,947 1,893 7,457 27,861 1,692 484 1,937 3,463 1,781 1,677 3,254 1,625 791 2,186 1,940 7,032 11,300 194 300 270 1,407 433 408 1,995 335 180 363 365 5,050 1,749 31 24 76 171 95 136 283 88 57 253 257 278 6,471 6,250 350 115 404 777 382 360 770 345 169 459 410 1,709 221 357 117 410 816 396 390 798 353 173 480 441 1,741 2 1 49 3 1 1 10 6 5 10 5 1 6 1 1 Country banks Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco 28,703 2,259 4,018 ,034 2,380 2,034 2,407 3,863 1,646 1,362 2,178 2,634 1,889 828 78 86 15 23 108 163 60 46 54 57 fO9 29 27,875 2,181 3,932 24,700 1,969 3,543 1,770 2,066 1,715 2,030 3,341 1,422 1,191 1,838 2,159 1,656 14,859 1,104 3,368 1,666 1,737 869 710 2,547 613 747 308 212 977 3,199 166 290 203 256 247 313 445 197 142 321 435 185 4,864 369 766 391 452 327 359 695 263 238 317 363 322 4,350 342 698 348 393 292 327 621 236 212 276 315 290 515 27 68 43 59 35 32 75 27 27 41 48 32 252 27 329 446 289 407 400 539 229 733 493 499 019 2,356 1,926 2,243 3,803 1,600 1,309 2,121 2,525 1,860 7 2 6 39 14 30 28 8 4 21 31 31 43 9 14 5 3 5 1 2 2 1 Averages of daily dosing figures for reserves and borrowings and of daily opening figures for other columns, inasmuch as reserves required are based2 on deposits at opening of business. Demand deposits subject to reserve requirements, i. e., gross demand deposits minus cash items reported as in process of collection and demand balances due from domestic banks. 3 Includes some interbank and U. S. Government time deposits; the amounts on call report dates are shown in the Member Bank Call Report. NOTE.—Demand deposits adjusted (demand deposits other than interbank and U. S. Government, less cash items reported as in process of collection) of all member banks estimated at 69,200 million dollars in the first half and 69.600 million in the second half of April. 680 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN UNITED STATES MONEY IN CIRCULATION, BY DENOMINATIONS [Outside Treasury and Federal Reserve Banks. In millions of dollars] Coin and small denomination currency 2 Total in circulation 1 Total 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 5,519 5,536 5,882 6,543 6,550 6,856 7,598 8,732 11,160 15,410 20,449 25,307 28,515 28,952 4,167 4,292 4,518 5,021 5,015 5,147 5,553 6,247 8,120 11,576 14,871 17,580 20,683 20,437 1947—January. . . February. . March.... April May June July August September. October. . . November. December. 1948—January. . . February.. March.... April End of year or month Coin 3 $1 $2 $5 442 402 452 423 478 460 517 499 537 505 550 524 590 559 648 610 751 695 801 880 909 1,019 987 1,156 1,274 1,039 1,361 1,029 33 32 33 35 33 34 36 39 44 55 70 81 73 67 28,262 19,808 28,304 19,873 28,230 19,807 28,114 19,684 28,261 19,773 28,297 19,769 28,149 19,622 28,434 19,837 28,567 19,881 28,552 19,833 28,766 20,008 28,868 20,020 1,337 972 1,337 967 1,344 969 1,351 972 1,351 985 1,355 986 1,356 980 1,362 990 1,375 1,010 1,385 1,011 1,396 1,020 1,404 1,048 28,111 28,019 27,781 27,716 1,382 1,385 ,394 1,399 19,369 19,335 19,169 19,144 984 972 975 976 Large denomination currency 2 Total $10 $20 719 771 815 906 905 946 1,019 1,129 1,355 1,693 1,973 2,150 2,313 2,173 1,229 1,288 1,373 1,563 1,560 1,611 1,772 2,021 2,731 4,051 5,194 5,983 6,782 6,497 1,342 1,326 1,359 1,501 1,475 1,481 1,576 1,800 2,545 4,096 5,705 7,224 9,201 9,310 048 489 044 837 580 730 834 8,518 63 64 63 63 63 64 63 64 64 63 64 65 2,074 2,090 2,085 2,065 2,089 2,078 2,058 2,092 2,085 2,078 2,102 2,110 6,284 6,336 6,309 6,253 6,303 6,289 6,230 6,308 6,270 6,233 6,303 6,275 9,077 9,079 9,036 8,979 8,982 8,996 8,935 9,020 9,077 9,064 9,123 9,119 8,457 8,434 424 8,432 8,489 8,530 529 600 689 8,721 8,760 8,850 63 63 62 61 2,017 2,005 1,986 ,991 6,064 6,084 6,013 6,017 8,858 8,826 8,738 8,700 1,360 1,254 1,369 1,530 1,542 1,714 $50 $100 $500 $1,000 $5,000 $10,000 364 337 358 399 387 409 460 538 724 1,019 1,481 1,996 2,327 2,492 618 577 627 707 710 770 919 112 1,433 1,910 2,912 4,153 4,220 4,771 125 112 122 135 139 160 191 227 261 287 407 555 454 438 237 216 239 265 288 327 425 523 556 586 749 990 801 783 2,460 2,456 2,447 2,442 2,449 4,757 4,755 4,754 4,769 4,789 4,808 4,824 2,874 4,941 4,986 5,023 5,070 434 433 432 431 430 430 428 428 428 427 426 428 774 769 771 773 804 810 806 804 800 793 782 782 23 14 14 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 17 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 8,745 2,511 5,022 8,687 2,492 4,996 8,614 2,470 4,962 8,574 2,456 4,951 424 421 416 412 771 762 749 739 12 12 11 10 3 3 1 1 466 453 477 503 499 513 2,548 8 5 7 7 6 17 20 30 24 9 9 10 7 Unassorted 10 7 16 18 12 32 32 60 46 25 22 24 24 26 10 5 8 5 2 4 4 3 2 3 2 3 ' 1 2 Total of amounts of coin and paper currency shown by denominations less unassorted currency in Treasury and Federal il Reserve Banks. Includes unassorted currency held in Treasury and Federal Reserve Banks and currency of unknown denominations report:ed by the Treasury 3 as destroyed. Paper currency only; $1 silver coins reported under coin. Back figures.—See Banking and Monetary Statistics, Table 112, pp. 415-416. UNITED STATES MONEY, OUTSTANDING AND IN CIRCULATION, BY KINDS [On basis of circulation statement of United States money. In millions of dollars] Money held in the Treasury Total outstanding, As security Apr. 30, against Treasury 1948 gold and cash silver certificates Gold Gold certificates Federal Reserve notes Treasury currency—total Standard silver dollars Silver certificates and Treasury notes of 1890. Subsidiary silver coin Minor coin United Sta es notes Federal Reserve Bank notes National Bank notes Total—Apr 30 1948 Mar 31, 1948 Apr 30 1947 23 169 21 955 24,447 4,562 493 1,949 2,256 948 358 21 955 2 1,214 w 2 815 Apr. 30, 1948 46 23,489 4,182 Mar. 31, 1948 46 23,592 4,143 Apr. 30, 1947 48 23,853 4,213 50 56 307 30 3 154 154 147 15 8 245 30 8 2,011 903 342 1,974 899 341 2,023 2 34 310 308 4 047 4,200 3,861 27,716 907 324 1,949 366 101 C4) 19,094 Money in circulation x s2,256 347 (4) Money held by For Federal Federal Reserve Reserve Banks and Banks and agents agents 4 1 (5) (5) 24 211 24 177 21,811 1 319 1,325 1,329 19 094 19,063 16,721 361 100 365 101 27,781 873 331 318 414 108 28,114 is not included in total Treasury currency outstanding. tgainst other < Because some of the types of money shown are held as collateral or reserves against other types, type a grand total of all types has no special 6 significance and is not shown. See note of explanation ot these duplications. Less than $500,000. Reserve Bank notes and national bank notes are in process of retirement JUNE 1948 681 MONEY IN CIRCULATION WITH ADJUSTMENT FOR SEASONAL VARIATION Outside Treasury and Federal Reserve Banks. In millions of dollars] Amount— adjusted for seasonal variation Date ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN GOLD STOCK OF UNITED STATES [In millions of dollars] Change in seasonally adjusted series l Gold stock at end Period of Increase in gold stock period End of year figures: 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 + 742 + 1,134 +2,428 +4,250 +5,039 +4,858 +3,208 +437 -84 7,598 8,732 11,160 15,410 20,449 25,307 28,515 28,952 28,868 Monthly averages of daily figures: 1947—April May June July August September.. . . October November. . . . December.... 28,185 28,158 28,236 28,259 28,252 28,654 28,598 28,648 28,937 28,412 28,356 28,378 28,316 28,394 28,711 28,598 28,562 28,650 +54 -56 +22 -62 + 78 +317 -113 -36 +88 1948—January February March April May 28,394 28,096 27,941 27,766 27,749 28,309 28,096 28,025 27,990 27,945 -341 -213 -71 -35 -45 1 For end of year figures, represents change computed on absolute amounts in first column. NOTE.—For discussion of seasonal adjustment factors and for back figures on comparable basis see September 1943 BULLETIN, pp. 822-826. Because of an apparent recent change in the seasonal pattern around the year end, adjustment factors have been revised somewhat for dates affected, beginning with December 1942; seasonally adjusted figures for money in circulation, as shown in Banking and Monetary Statistics, Table 111, p. 414, and described on p. 405, are based on an older series of adjustment factors. 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1947—May Tune July August September.. October November.. December. . 1948—January February.. . March April May DoEarNet marked mestic gold gold gold: deimport er Base or export dueor in(-) crease (—) tion1 M2,760 14,512 17,644 21,995 22,737 22,726 21,938 ?0 619 20,065 20,529 22,754 1,502.5 1,751.5 3,132.0 4 351 2 741.8 -10.3 -788.5 -1,319.0 —553.9 464.0 32,224.9 1 ,585.5 1,973.6 3,574.2 4 744 5 982.4 315.7 68.9 -845.4 —106.3 311.5 1,866.3 -200.4 -333.5 -534.4 -644.7 -407.7 -458.4 -803.6 -459.8 -356.7 465.4 210.0 143.9 148.6 161.7 170.2 169.1 125.4 48.3 35.8 32.0 51.2 81.2 20,933 21,266 21,537 21,766 21,955 22,294 22,614 22,754 22,935 23,036 23,137 23,169 159.0 333 4 270.6 228.8 189.4 339.0 320.1 139.5 180.7 101.5 100.4 32 2 P135.2 129.7 200.2 219.2 111.7 109.6 450.8 265.7 178.2 235.0 159.4 99.9 13.1 119.0 26.7 42.3 153.1 -4.0 -82.8 -44.6 -14.9 -72.2 -63.4 -111.5 s -2.8 7.2 6.1 7.3 7.0 7.0 8.2 6.2 7.3 6.0 5.5 6.4 P23,304 P234 2 (4) 5.7 (4) p Preliminary. 1 Annual figures are estimates of the United States Mint. For explanation of monthly figures see table on p. 731. 2 Includes gold in the Inactive Account amounting to 1,228 million on3 Dec. 31, 1937. Change includes transfer of 687.5 million dollars gold subscription to International Monetary Fund. 4 Not yet available. 5 Gold held under earmark at the Federal Reserve Banks for foreign account, including gold held for the account of international institutions, amounted to 3,883.2 million dollars on May 31, 1948. Gold under earmark is not included in the gold stock of the United States. NOTE.—For back figures, see Banking and Monetary Statistics, Table 156, pp. 536-538, and for description of statistics see pp. 522-523 in the same publication. BANK DEBITS AND DEPOSIT TURNOVER [Debits in millions of dollars] Debits to total deposit accounts, except interbank accounts Year and month 1942 4 1943 1944 . 1945 1946—old series 5 5 1946—new series 1947 Debits to demand deposit accounts, except interbank and Government Annual rate of turnover of demand deposits, except interbank and Government Total, all reporting centers New York City 1 140 other Other reporting New York City Other reporting centers New York City 3 Other leading cities 3 New York City 3 Other leading3 cities 641,778 792,937 891,910 974,102 Jl,050,021 1 .125,074 226,865 296,368 345,585 404,543 417,475 405.929 347,837 419,413 462,354 479,760 527,336 599,639 67,074 77,155 83,970 . 89,799 105,210 119.506 16.1 16.5 17.1 18.3 19.0 21.0 13.1 It.7 10.8 9.7 10.0 12.0 200,337 258,398 298,902 351,602 374,365 407,946 400,468 308,913 369,396 403.400 412,800 449,414 522,944 598,445 18.0 20.5 22.4 24.2 25.5 25.2 24.1 13.4 17.4 17.3 16.1 16.9 16.5 18.0 87,771 87,840 94,447 93,740 84,427 91,903 105,290 92,910 118,382 31,391 30,895 35,632 34,779 28,331 31,837 37,504 31,738 46,225 46,904 47,464 49,267 49,178 46,720 49,962 56,554 51,002 60,295 9,475 9,482 9,548 9,783 9,377 10,104 11,232 10,169 11,862 19.2 19.0 22.7 21.2 17.5 20.2 21.8 21.6 27.2 11.3 11.3 12.1 11.6 11.0 12.1 12.4 13.1 13.5 29,997 31,695 35,092 33,026 29,025 31,605 35,162 33,531 44,131 46,403 48,023 48,595 48,525 47,026 49,978 55,025 51,621 59,878 21.5 22.7 25.6 22.9 20.6 23.1 23.9 26.5 29.9 17.0 17.3 17.9 17.2 16.6 18.0 18.2 19.8 20.0 '•105,193 ^90,2 70 >-107,636 102,349 37,615 32,271 39,587 37,955 r56,355 r 48,505 '•56.900 53,685 11 ,223 9,495 11,148 10,708 22.3 2?.l 23.4 23.7 12.7 12.6 12.7 12.5 38,286 32,298 38,648 36.880 55,902 47,890 56,372 52,740 26.2 25.6 26.4 26.5 18.7 18.6 19.1 18.6 1947—April May June July August September October November December 1948—January February March April Annual rate of turnover of total deposits, except interbank ' | r 1 2 Revised National series for which bank debit figures are available beginning with 1919. Number3 of centers reduced from 193 to 192 beginning December 1947, when one reporting bank was absorbed by a reporting bank in another city. 4 Weekly reporting member bank series. Deposits and debits for first four months are partly estimated. 6 Statistics for banks in leading cities revised beginning July 3, 1946; for description of revision and for back figures see BULLETINS for June 1947 (pp. 692-693) and July 1947 (pp. 878-883) respectively; deposits and debits of the new series for first six months of 1946 are estimated. NOTE.—Debits to total deposit accounts, except interbank accounts, have been reported for 334 centers from 1942 through November 1947 and for 333 beginning December 1947; the deposits from which rates of turnover have been computed have likewise been reported by most banks and have been estimated for others. Debits to demand deposit accounts, except interbank and U. S. Government, and the deposits from which rates of turnover have been computed have been reported by member banks in leading cities since 1935; yearly turnover rates in this series differ slightly from those shown in Banking and Monetary Statistics, Table 55, p. 254, due to differences in method of computation. 682 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN DEPOSITS AND CURRENCY—ADJUSTED DEPOSITS OF ALL BANKS AND CURRENCY OUTSIDE BANKS [Figures partly estimated. In millions of dollars] Total demand deposits adjusted and currency outside banks Total deposits adjusted Demand deposits adjusted1 55,171 54,713 41,680 42,548 66,952 70,761 74,153 78,231 81,963 99,701 110,161 122,812 136,172 150,988 162,784 175,401 171,237 167,107 26,179 26,366 19 172 19,817 38,661 42,270 45,521 48,607 52,806 62,868 71 853 79,640 80,946 90,435 94,150 102,341 105,992 110,044 51,532 51,156 36,919 37,766 60,253 63,436 65,949 68,616 71,027 85,755 94,347 103,975 115,291 127,483 137,687 148,911 144,721 140,377 22,540 22,809 14 411 15,035 31,962 34,945 37,317 38,992 41,870 48,922 56,039 60,803 60,065 66,930 69,053 75,851 79,476 83,314 165,100 165,000 165.455 166,200 166,900 168,400 169,700 170,200 171,346 '170,100 168,800 166,400 167,700 107,400 107,600 108,433 109,000 109,400 110,400 111,600 112,300 113,499 112,300 110,200 107,100 108,300 139,000 138,900 139,156 140,200 140,800 142,100 143,500 143,800 144,970 144,400 143,200 140,900 142,400 81,300 81,500 82,134 83,000 83,300 84,100 85,400 85,900 87,123 86,600 84,600 81,600 83,000 Total deposits adjusted and End of month currency outside banks 1929—June December 1933—j u n e December 1Q40—j u n e December 1941—June December 1942—June December 1943—j u n e December 1944—j u n e December 1945—Tune December 1946—June December 1947—April (Apr. 30) May (May 28) June (June 30) July (July 30) August (Aug. 27).. . September (Sept.24) October (Oct. 29)... November (Nov. 26) December (Dec. 31). 1948—January (Jan. 28)P.. February (Feb. 25) P. March (Mar. 31)P.. Acril (Apr. 28) P Time deposits United States Government deposits 2 Total Mutual savings banks 4 5 1,895 1,837 8,402 8,048 10,424 19,506 20,763 24,381 24,608 13.416 3,103 28,611 28,189 21,656 21,715 27 463 27,738 27,879 27,729 27,320 28.431 30,260 32,748 35,720 39,790 44,253 48,452 51,829 53,960 19,557 19,192 10,849 11,019 15,540 15,777 15,928 15,884 15,610 16,352 17,543 19,224 21,217 24,074 27,170 30,135 32,429 33,808 8,905 8,838 9,621 9,488 10,631 10,658 10,648 10,532 10,395 10,664 11,141 11,738 12,471 13,376 14,426 15,385 16,281 16,869 1,186 1,208 1,292 1,303 1,303 1,313 1,315 1,415 1,576 1,786 2 ,032 2,340 2,657 2,932 3,119 3,283 3,639 3,557 4, 761 4,782 6 699 7! 325 8,204 9 615 10 ,'936 13,946 15 814 18!837 20,881 23!505 25,097 26,490 26,516 26,730 2,700 2,200 1,367 L,400 L,700 1,900 1,800 1,900 1,452 1,300 1,800 2,400 2,500 55,000 55,200 55,655 55,800 55,800 56,100 56,300 56,000 56,395 56,500 56,800 56,900 56,900 34,400 34,500 34,835 34,900 34,900 35,100 35,200 35,000 35,233 35,200 35,500 35,500 35,500 17,200 17,300 17,428 17,500 17,500 17,600 17,700 17,600 17,746 17,900 17,900 18,000 18,000 3,400 3,400 3,392 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,416 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 26,100 26,100 26,299 26,000 26,100 26,300 26,200 26,400 26,376 '25,700 '25,600 '25,500 25,300 381 158 852 1,016 8?8 753 753 Postal Savings System 6 Currency outside banks Commercial banks 2 4 149 159 r P Preliminary. Revised. Includes demand deposits, other than interbank and U. S. Government, less cash items in process of collection. Beginning with December 1938, includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Time deposits adjusted exclude interbank time deposits; United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account; and postal savings redeposited in banks. 4 Beginning June 1941, the commercial bank figures exclude and mutual savings bank figures include three member mutual savings banks. 5 Prior to June 30, 1947, includes a relatively small amount of demand deposits. 6 Includes both amounts redeposited in banks and amounts not so redeposited; excludes amounts at banks in possessions. NOTE.—Except on call dates, figures are rounded to nearest 100 million dollars. See Banking and Monetary Statistics, p. 11, for description and Table 9, pp. 34-35, for back figures. 1 2 3 POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM BANK SUSPENSIONS * [In millions of dollars] Assets DeposEnd of month itors' balances1 1939—Dec.. . 1940—Dec. . 1941—Dec. , 1942—Dec. . 1943—Dec. . 1944—Dec. . 1945—Dec. . 1946—Dec. . I947—J u n e. . July. . Aug... Sept.. Oct. . . Nov... Dec. . 1948—Jan.. Feb.. Mar. Apr.. . . . . Total Cash in depository banks Total, all banks U. S. Government securities Total Direct Cash reserve Guar- funds, anetc.* teed 1 ,279 1,304 1,314 1,417 1,788 2,342 2,933 3,284 1,319 1,348 1,396 1,464 1,843 2,411 3,022 3,387 53 36 26 16 10 8 6 6 1,192 1,224 1,274 1,345 1,716 2,252 2,837 3,182 1,046 1,078 1,128 1,220 1,716 2,252 2,837 3,182 3,393 3,398 3,396 3,407 3,412 3,413 3,417 3,523 3,548 3.553 3,542 3,524 3,527 3,525 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3,302 3,351 3,360 3,325 3,314 3,314 3,308 3,302 3,351 3,360 3,325 3,314 3,314 3,308 216 191 188 212 205 207 212 3,432 3,441 3,435 3,541 3,551 3,546 6 6 6 3,332 3,332 3,336 3,336 3,346 3,346 204 209 194 P3,428 146 146 146 , 126 74 88 95 102 118 152 179 200 P Preliminary. Outstanding principal, represented by certificates of deposit. Includes working cash with postmasters, 5 per cent reserve fund* and miscellaneous working funds with Treasurer of United States, accrued interest on bond investments, and accounts due from late postmasters. Back figures.-—See Banking and Monetary Statistics, p. 519; for description, see p. 508 in the same publication. 1 2 JUNE 1948 Number of banks suspended: 1934-40 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 194g—j a n -May Nonmember banks Member banks National 313 16 8 9 4 1 0 0 1 4 2 State 6 Insured Noninsured 207 84 3 6 2 1 1 3 1 Deposits of suspended banks (in thousands of dollars) :2 131,934 14,872 26,548 49,689 40,825 1934-40 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948—j a n -May 3,726 3,144 1,702 6,223 4^982 405 0 0 167 503 1,375 1,241 405 79 327 " l 6 7 1 Represents banks which, during the periods shown, closed temporarily or permanently on account of financial difficulties; does not include banks whose deposit liabilities were assumed by other banks at the time of closing (in some instances with the aid of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation loans). 2 Deposits of member banks and insured nonmember banks suspended are as of dates of suspension, and deposits of noninsured nonmember banks are based on the latest data available at the time the suspensions were reported. Back figures.—See Banking and Monetary Statistics, pp. 283-292; for description, see pp. 281-282 in the same publication. 683 ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY CLASSES * PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER OF BANKS [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Deposits Investments Class of bank and date Total Loans Total All banks: 1939—Dec. 30 1940—Dec. 31. 1941—Dec. 31 1942—Dec. 3 1 . 1943—Dec. 31 1944—Dec. 30 1945—Dec. 31 1946—Dec. 31 2 1947—June 30 Sept. 24' Oct. 29* Nov. 26 • Dec 31 1948—Jan. 28 « Feb. 25* Mar. 31 • Apr. 28" 50,884 54,177 61,126 78,147 96,966 119,461 140,227 131,698 131,096 '133,840 '135,060 '135,250 134,908 135,370 134,390 132,620 133,340 U. S. Government obligations 19,417 22,165 28,719 23,756 30,422 20,972 26,615 34,511 25,511 23,916 54,231 45,951 23,601 73,365 65,932 85,885 26,015 93,446 30,362 109,865 101,288 35,648 96,050 86,558 38,365 92,730 82,679 '40,290 93,550 82,990 '41,680 93,380 82,750 '42,430 92,820 82,220 42,999 91 909 81 186 43,200 92! 170 81!390 43,650 90,740 79,970 77,560 43,900 88,720 78,330 43,860 89,480 Other Cash assets x Other securities Total 1 Interbank^ De- mand Total Number of capital accounts banks Time 9,302 23 ,292 6 8 , 242 9,449 28 ,090 7 5 , 996 8,999 27 ,344 8 1 , 816 8,280 28 ,701 9 9 , 803 7,433 28 ,475 117, 661 7,561 30 ,790 141, 448 8,577 35 ,415 165, 612 9,491 35 ,041 155, 902 10,051 33 ,544 153, 349 10,560 ' 3 4 ,020 156, 210 10,630 ' 3 4 ,590 157, 970 10,600 '35 ,360 158, 730 10,723 38 ,387 161 850 10,780 34 ,490 158, 230 10,770 34 ,510 157, 130 11,160 33 ,560 154, 160 11,150 33 ,720 155, 220 9,874 3 2 , 516 10,934 3 8 , 562 10,982 4 4 , 355 11,308 6 1 , 437 11,003 7 5 , 577 12,235 9 1 , 663 14,065 105, 935 12 656 9 2 , 462 ll!679 8 9 , 295 12,450 9 0 , 910 12,430 9 2 , 520 12,290 9 3 , 760 13 033 9 5 , 727 12]000 9 3 , 020 11,470 9 2 , 130 10,920 8 9 , 620 10,900 9 0 , 670 25,852 26,499 26,479 27,058 31,081 37,551 45,613 50 784 52,375 52,850 53,020 52,680 53,089 53,210 53,530 53,620 53,650 8 ,194 8 ,302 8 ,414 8 ,566 8 ,996 9 ,643 10 ,542 11 360 11 ,721 11 ,800 11 ,880 11 ,900 11 ,946 11 ,990 12 ,040 12 ,080 12 ,110 15,035 14,896 14,826 14,682 14,579 14,535 14,553 14,585 14,716 14,722 14,729 14,729 14,714 14,718 14,726 14,730 14,731 All commercial banks: 1939—Dec. 30 . . . 40,668 17,238 43,929 18,800 1940— Dec. 3 1 . . 1941—Dec. 31 50 746 21,714 1942—Dec. 31 67,393 19,221 1943—Dec. 31 85,095 19,117 1944—Dec. 30 . . 105,530 21,644 124,019 26,083 1945—Dec. 31 113,993 31,122 1946—Dec. 31 112,756 33,679 1947—June 30 2 '115,230 '35,510 Sept. 24« '116,340 '36,840 Oct. 29* '116,590 '37,550 Nov. 26 • 116,268 38,055 Dec. 31 1948—Jan. 28• 116,600 38,240 Feb. 25 • 115,540 38,660 Mar. 31* 113,600 38,860 Apr. 28 • 114,250 38,760 23,430 25,129 29,032 48,172 65,978 83\886 97 936 82,871 79,077 79,720 79,500 79,040 78,213 78,360 76,880 74,740 75,490 16,316 17,757 21,808 41,379 59,842 77^557 90,606 74,780 70,539 70,800 70,540 70,120 69,207 69,350 67,930 65,470 66,270 7,114 22 ,474 5 7 , 718 7,372 27 ,124 6 5 , 337 7,225 26 551 7 1 , 283 6,793 28 ,039 8 9 , 135 6,136 27 ,677 105, 923 6,329 30 ,206 128, 072 7,331 34 ,806 150, 227 8,091 34 ,223 139, 033 8,538 32 ,704 135, 907 8,920 ' 3 3 ,240 138, 580 8,960 ' 3 3 ,920 140, 300 8,920 ' 3 4 ,680 141, 120 9,005 37 ,501 144, 087 9,010 33 ,640 140, 350 8,950 33 ,660 139, 180 9,270 32 ,760 136, 130 9,220 32 ,970 137, 160 9 874 3 2 , 513 10,934 3 8 , 558 10,982 4 4 , 349 11,308 6 1 , 431 11,003 7 5 , 569 12,235 9 1 , 653 14 065 105, 921 12,656 9 2 , 446 11,679 8 9 , 281 12,450 9 0 , 900 12,430 9 2 , 510 12,290 9 3 , 750 13,032 9 5 , 711 12,000 9 3 , 010 11,470 9 2 , 120 10,920 8 9 , 610 10,900 9 0 , 650 15,331 15,844 15,952 16,395 19,350 24,184 30,241 33,930 34,947 35,230 35,360 35,080 35,344 35,340 35,590 35,600 35,610 6 ,885 7 ,010 7 ,173 7 ,330 7 ,719 8 ,265 8 ,950 9 ,577 9 ,880 9 ,940 1C ,010 1C ,030 1C ,057 1C>, 110 1C ,150 1C ,170 1C ,200 14,484 14,345 14,278 14,136 14,034 13,992 14,011 14,044 14,183 14,189 14,196 14,196 14,181 14,185 14,193 14,197 14,198 All member banks: 1939—Dec. 30 1940—Dec. 31 1941—Dec. 31 1942—Dec. 31 1943_Dec. 31 1944— Dec. 30 1945—Dec. 31 1946—Dec. 31 1947—June 30 Sept. 24* Oct. 29 • Nov. 26 • Dec. 31 1948—Jan. 28• Feb. 25• Mar. 31 • Apr. 28 • 33,941 37,126 43,521 59,263 74,258 91,569 107,183 96,362 94,802 97,004 97,983 98,199 97,846 98,046 97,051 95,129 95,847 13,962 15,321 18,021 16,088 16,288 18,676 22,775 26,696 28,655 30,297 31,530 32,205 32,628 32,767 33,117 33,179 33,018 19,979 21,805 25,500 43,175 57,970 72,893 84,408 69,666 66,146 66,707 66,453 65,994 65,218 65,279 63,934 61,950 62,829 14,328 15,823 19,539 37,546 52,948 67,685 78,338 63,042 59,198 59,436 59,171 58,749 57,914 57,989 56,709 54,463 55,383 5,651 5,982 5,961 5,629 5 022 5,208 6,070 6,625 6,948 7,271 7,282 7,245 7,304 7,290 7,225 7,487 7,446 19 ,782 23 ,963 23 ,123 24 ,280 23 ,790 25 ,860 29 ,845 29 ,587 28 694 29 ,013 29 ,596 30 ,306 32 ,845 29 ,387 29 ,431 28 ,744 28 ,858 9,410 10,423 10,525 11,000 10,555 11,884 13,640 12,060 11,041 11,822 11,874 11,710 12,403 11,397 10,894 10,364 10,332 2 8 , 231 33, 829 3 8 , 846 5 4 , 523 6 6 , 438 79, 774 9 1 , 820 7 8 , 920 7 6 , 380 7 7 , 563 7 8 , 913 8 0 , 044 8 1 , 785 79, 383 78, 603 76, 270 77, 315 11,699 12,178 12,347 12,754 15,268 19,259 24,210 27,190 28,014 28,238 28,335 28,137 28,340 28,325 28,542 28,556 28,566 5 ,522 5 ,698 6,362 6,486 6,619 6,679 6,738 6,814 6,884 6,900 6,928 6,928 6,931 6,928 6,923 6,927 6,926 6,932 6,935 All mutual savings banks: 1939—Dec. 30 1940—Dec. 31. 1941—Dec. 31 1942—Dec. 31 1943—Dec. 31. I944—Dec. 30 1945—Dec. 31 1946—Dec. 31 1947—June 30 2 Sept. 24 « Oct. 29 » Nov. 26 « Dec. 31 1948—Jan. 28" Feb. 25 « Mar. 31 • Apr. 28 « 10,216 10,248 10,379 10,754 11,871 13,931 16,208 17,704 18,339 18,610 18,720 18,660 18,641 18,770 18,850 19,020 19,090 4,927 4,956 4,901 4,695 4,484 4,370 4,279 4,526 4,686 4,780 4,840 4,880 4,944 4,960 4,990 5,040 5,100 5,289 5,292 5,478 6,059 7,387 9,560 11,928 13,179 13,653 13,830 13,880 13,780 13,696 13,810 13,860 13,980 13,990 3,101 3,215 3,704 4,572 6,090 8,328 10,682 11,778 12,140 12,190 12,210 12,100 11,978 12,040 12.040 12,090 12,060 2,188 2,078 1,774 1,487 1,297 1,232 1,246 1,400 1,513 1,640 1,670 1,680 1,718 1,770 1,820 1,890 1,930 818 966 793 663 797 584 609 818 839 780 670 680 886 850 850 800 750 10,521 10,655 10,527 10,662 11,730 13,366 15,371 16,853 17,428 17,620 17,660 17,600 17,745 17,870 17,940 18,020 18,040 J ,309 : ,292 i1 3 4 6 6 8 10 14 16 14 10 10 10 17 10 10 10 20 551 551 548 546 545 543 542 541 533 533 533 533 533 533 533 533 533 4 9 , 340 5 6 , 430 6 1 , 717 7 8 , 277 9 2 , 262 110, 917 129, 670 118, 170 115, 435 117, 623 119, 122 119 891 122 528 119 105 118 039 115 190 116, 213 10 10 10 10 11 13 15 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 524 659 533 668 738 376 385 869 442 630 670 610 763 880 950 030 060 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,886 £ ,101 t ,475 t ,968 ,589 f. ,095 5,315 i 5,372 5,422 5,436 5,464 8,495 5,525 5.545 8,573 ,241 L.236 L,276 1,378 1,592 1,784 1,842 L,860 L.870 1,870 L.889 L.880 1,890 1,910 1,910 'All commercial banks" comprise "all nonmember com~" became members in 1941. Stock savings banks and udes a few noninsured banks for which asset and lia- bility1 data are not available. rhich on Dec. 31, 1942, aggregated 513 million dollars at all member banks and 525 Beginning June 30, 1942, excludes reciprocal balances, whi million at all insured commercial banks. For other footnotes see following page. 684 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY CLASSES *—Continued PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER OF BANKS [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits Loans and investments Other Investments Class of bank and date All insured commercial banks: 1942—Dec. 31 1943—Dec. 31 1944—Dec. 30 1945—Dec. 31 1946—Dec. 31 1947—June 30 Dec. 31 Total Total U. S. Government obligations Loans Cash assets ] Other securities Total i Interbank i Total Number capital of accounts banks Demand Time 66,240 83,507 03,382 .21,809 .12,178 ^10,682 L14.274 18,903 18,841 21,352 25,765 30,733 33,250 37,583 47,336 64,666 82,030 96,043 81,445 77,433 76,691 40,705 58,683 75,875 88,912 73,554 69,136 67,941 6,631 5,983 6,155 7,131 7,891 8,297 8,750 27,586 27,183 29,733 34,292 33,694 32,190 36,926 87,803 04,094 25,714 47,775 36,990 33,659 41,851 11,144 10,705 12,074 13,883 12,320 11,243 12,670 60,504 74,309 89,761 04,015 91,144 87,930 94,300 16,154 19,081 23,879 29,876 33,526 34,486 34,882 7,055 7,453 7,989 8,671 9,286 9,558 9,734 13,343 13,270 13,263 13,297 13,354 13,386 13,398 National member banks: 1942—Dec. 31 1943—Dec. 31 1944—Dec. 30 1945—Dec. 31 1946—Dec. 31 1947—June 30 Dec. 31 37,576 47,499 58,308 69,312 63,723 62,982 65,280 10,183 10,116 11,480 13,925 17,272 18,764 21,428 27,393 37,382 46,828 55,387 46,451 44,218 43,852 23,744 34,065 43,292 51,250 41,658 39,271 38,674 3,648 3,318 3,536 4,137 4,793 4,947 5,178 16,184 16,017 17,570 20,114 20,012 19,342 22,024 50,468 59,961 71,858 84,939 78,775 77,146 82,023 7,400 7,159 8,056 9,229 8,169 7,432 8,410 34,499 42,605 50,900 59,486 52,194 50,694 54,335 8,570 10,196 12,901 16,224 18,412 19,020 19,278 3,729 3,950 4,265 4,644 5,138 5,296 5,409 5,081 5,040 5,025 5,017 5,007 5,012 5,005 State member banks: 1942—Dec. 31 1943—Dec. 31 1944—Dec. 30 1945—Dec. 31 1946—Dec. 31 1947—June 30 Dec. 31 21,687 26,759 33,261 37,871 32,639 31,820 32,566 5,905 6,171 7,196 8,850 9,424 9,891 11,200 15,782 20,588 26,065 29,021 23,216 21,928 21,365 13,802 18,883 24,393 27,089 21,384 19,927 19,240 1,980 1,705 1,672 1,933 1,832 2,001 2,125 8,096 7,773 8,290 9,731 9,575 9,353 10,822 27,808 32,302 39,059 44,730 39,395 38,289 40,505 3,600 3,397 3,827 4,411 3,890 3,609 3,993 20,024 23,833 28,874 32,334 26,726 25,686 27,449 4,184 5,072 6,357 7,986 8,779 8,994 9,062 2,371 2,525 2,703 2,945 2,957 3,019 3,055 1,598 1,698 1,789 1,867 1,893 1,916 1,918 Insured nonmember commercial banks: 1942—Dec. 31 1943—Dec. 31 1944—Dec. 30 1945—Dec. 31 1946—Dec. 31 1947—June 30 Dec. 31 6,984 9,258 11,824 14,639 15,831 15,896 16,444 2,818 2,556 2,678 2,992 4,040 4,597 4,958 4,166 6,702 9,146 11,647 11,791 11,299 11,486 3,162 5,739 8,197 10,584 10,524 9,949 10,039 1,004 962 949 1,063 1,268 1,350 1,448 3,308 3,395 3,875 4,448 4,109 3,498 4,083 9,535 11,842 14,809 18,119 18,836 18,240 19,340 145 149 190 244 260 201 266 5,981 7,870 9,987 12,196 12,225 11,550 12,515 3,409 3,823 4,632 5,680 6,351 6,488 6,558 955 979 1,022 1,083 1,193 1,245 1,271 6,667 6,535 6,452 6,416 6,457 6,461 6,478 Noninsured nonmember commercial banks : 1942—Dec. 31. . . . 1943—Dec. 31 1944—Dec. 30 1945—Dec. 31 1946—Dec. 31 2 1947—June 30 Dec. 31 1,154 1,588 2,148 2,211 1,815 2,074 1,993 318 276 292 318 389 430 472 836 1,312 1,856 1,893 1,426 1,645 1,521 674 1,160 1,682 1,693 1,226 1,403 1,266 162 153 174 200 200 241 255 452 494 473 514 530 514 575 1,332 1,829 2,358 2,452 2,043 2,248 2,236 164 299 161 181 336 436 363 927 1,261 1.892 1,905 1,302 1,351 1,411 241 270 305 365 404 461 462 275 267 276 279 290 322 324 793 764 729 714690 797 783 All nonmember commercial banks: 1942—Dec. 31. . . . 1943—Dec. 31 1944—Dec. 30 1945—Dec. 31 1946—Dec. 31 1947—June 30 2 Dec. 31 8,137 10,847 13,972 16,849 17,646 17,970 18,438 3,136 2,832 2,971 3,310 4,429 5,027 5,430 5,002 8,014 11,002 13,539 13,217 12,943 13,008 3,836 6,899 9,880 12,277 11,749 11,352 11,305 1,166 1,115 1,122 1,262 1,468 1,591 1,703 3,760 3,889 4,348 4,962 4,639 4,013 4,658 10,867 13,671 17,168 20,571 20,879 20,488 21,575 309 448 351 425 597 638 629 6,908 9,131 11,879 14,101 13,526 12,901 13,926 3,650 4,092 4,938 6,045 6,756 6,949 7,021 1,230 1,245 1,298 1,362 1,483 1,566 1,595 460 299 181 130 147 258 7,261 Insured mutual savings banks: 1942—Dec. 31 . . . . 1943—Dec. 31 1944—Dec. 30 1945—Dec. 31 1946—Dec. 31 1947—June 30 Dec. 31 2,007 7,525 9,223 10,846 11,891 12,375 12,683 740 3,073 3,110 3,081 3,250 3,370 3,560 1,267 4,452 6,113 7,765 8,641 9,005 9,123 861 3,844 5,509 7,160 7,946 8,216 8,165 <05 608 604 606 695 789 958 130 559 400 429 612 658 675 2,048 7,534 8,910 10,363 11,428 11,901 12,207 2,044 7,527 8,902 10,351 11,415 11,889 12,192 201 808 892 1,034 1,173 1,218 1,252 56 184 192 192 191 191 194 8,747 4,345 4,708 5,361 5,813 5,964 5,957 3,954 1,411 1.260 1,198 1,275 1,316 1,384 4,792 2,935 3,448 4,163 4,538 4,649 4,573 3,711 2,246 2,819 3,522 ,833 ,924 3,813 1,082 689 629 641 705 724 760 533 238 184 180 206 181 211 8,620 4,204 4,466 5,022 5,442 5,541 5,556 8,618 4,203 4,464 5,020 5,439 5,539 5,553 1,035 468 485 558 611 624 637 490 361 351 350 350 342 339 Noninsured mutual savings banks: 1942—Dec. 31 1943—Dec. 31 1944—Dec. 30 1945—Dec. 31 1946—Dec. 31 1947—June 30 2 Dec. 31 2 June 30, 1947, figures are consistent (except that they exclude possessions) with the revised all bank series announced in November 1947 by the Federal bank supervisory agencies, but are not entirely comparable with prior figures shown above; a net of 115 noninsured nonmember commercial banks with total loans and investments of approximately 110 million dollars was added, and 8 banks with total loans and investments of 34 million were transferred from noninsured mutual savings to nonmember commercial banks. Backfigures.—SeeBanking and Monetary Statistics, Taoles 1-7, pp. 16-23; for description, see pp. 5-15 in the same publication. For revisions in series prior to June 30, 1947, see pp. 870-871 of the BULLETIN for July 1947. For other footnotes see preceding page. JUNE 1948 685 ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES AND POSSESSIONS, BY STATES, DECEMBER 31, 1947 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER OF BANKS [Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Real estate assets Other assets 5,398,298 38,559,197 1,160,807 674,672 176,006,911 5,382,250 38,387,485 1,152,818 624,923 175,073,384 21,043 16,048 171,712 7,989 49,749 933,527 527,513 162,055 357,454 5,834,934 556,053 86,275 13,520 49,343 551,758 28,394 21,216 7,093 13,621 161,269 21,628 376,309 92,388 263,535 2,792,993 341,559 9,030 4,075 3,450 109,532 3,157 3,707 1,813 806 52,045 2,674 1,343,483 434,028 840,069 13,969,880 1,194,790 1,879,975 335,035 547,105 993,798 737,346 1,606,662 247,225 505,881 891,673 668,771 64,981 14,157 2,233 77,455 46,123 208,332 73,653 38,991 24,670 22,452 435,675 106,082 288,541 477,245 512,285 23,394 4,084 15,712 15,546 13,573 15,812 1,521 2,495 4,075 3,710 3,021,709 578,672 1,096,627 1,826,399 1,832,074 34,682 639,930 177,107 206,652 174,768 261,902 6,845,202 1,825,126 1,447,632 907,836 252,004 6,062,689 1,657,813 1,278,440 801,977 8,264 448,848 96,168 129,344 71,437 1,634 333,665 71,145 39,848 34,422 103,028 3,030,971 759,139 565,359 444,327 2,560 46,725 16,448 10,286 6,204 225 36,448 5,344 1,963 1,807 465,387 12,645,368 3,235,454 2,530,400 1,698,285 122,637 68,367 80,174 165,752 1,078,028 146,658 102,395 46,259 126,311 331,686 806,535 841,561 473,656 1,299,084 4,642,949 734,221 696,465 408,817 1,187,144 4,140,536 35,428 125,582 11,636 25,956 53,712 36,886 19,514 53,203 85,984 448,701 473,084 525,417 103,525 420,810 1,138,787 7,269 11,948 4,424 13,780 51,384 1,776 8,277 1,669 11,525 41,376 1,708,219 1,736,875 762,068 2,146,719 8,030,304 327,326 282,467 62,857 567,510 23,250 551,687 227,156 42,722 323,335 22,387 305,433 222,335 62,058 339,825 37,464 2,910,658 1,698,093 431,792 1,908,549 348,543 2,578,252 1,504,801 321,272 1,682,727 327,001 213,554 91,248 103,288 120,120 12,177 118,852 102,044 7,232 105,702 9,365 1,123,780 766,512 239,035 1,294,269 150,105 27,468 14,187 4,987 21,204 2,222 11,790 6,772 882 9,673 945 5,258,142 3,217,522 844,333 4,464,365 584,916 248,232 48,917 174,963 1,095,492 80,210 74,613 10,591 34,540 272,801 26,931 37,315 24,891 115,896 561,369 24,205 136,304 13,435 24,527 261,322 29,074 761,714 94,671 353,342 3,280,373 126,179 685,613 85,859 282,127 2,759,499 114,864 48,892 8,241 15,919 236,584 9,640 27,209 571 55,296 284,290 1,675 381,082 30,275 66,913 843,072 91,799 5,202 994 3,836 53,996 1,651 1,808 656 324 16,172 216 1,398,038 175,513 599,378 5,289,105 300,055 36,079,402 1,434,253 497,144 5,873,689 1,118,572 12,019,717 482,105 51,313 1,869,712 326,952 6,009,214 204,625 11,309 621,772 151,205 3,727,905 104,402 12,518 686,022 50,892 2,282,598 173,078 27,486 561,918 124,855 24,059,685 952,148 445,831 4,003,977 791,620 21,929,222 815,649 414,607 3,502,325 678,419 897,408 78,237 19,511 299,514 98,763 1,233,055 58,262 11,713 202,138 14,438 9,132,833 553,667 113,742 1,722,653 507,769 292,950 10,056 1,614 51,726 8,529 257,129 8,998 864 15,375 2,748 45,762,314 2,006,974 613,364 7,663,443 1,637,618 Oregon Pennsylvania. . . Rhode Island. . . South Carolina. South Dakota. . 1,112,892 9,517,494 949,001 510,952 429,806 319,474 2,658,936 228,294 143,284 84,832 146,965 1,239,310 73,525 57,819 17,329 81,611 773,466 113,631 38,164 20,738 90,898 646,160 41,138 47,301 46,765 793,418 6,858,558 720,707 367,668 344,974 686,213 5,534,151 624,045 322,180 315,260 96,571 318,700 6,438 29,669 18,782 10,634 1,005,707 90,224 15,819 10,932 341,415 2,449,887 143,765 211,356 119,651 11,816 120,431 12,385 2,954 1,960 7,417 44,311 3,603 2,272 927 1,473,540 12,132,123 1,108,754 727,534 552,344 Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia 1,477,772 4,336,614 442,651 319,100 1,456,797 591,051 1,677,694 179,742 170,387 604,465 276,924 938,679 55,361 19,668 177,320 109,664 187,770 70,440 114,153 214,466 204,463 551,245 53,941 36,566 212,679 886,721 2,658,920 262,909 148,713 852,332 751,703 2,359,452 244,929 117,514 769,658 109,693 235,861 14,615 11,985 43,732 25,325 63,607 3,365 19,214 38,942 569,338 2,145,581 146,827 42,821 468,012 16,054 52,560 3,274 3,729 17,733 3,669 11,674 213 492 4,242 2,066,833 6,546,429 592,965 366,142 1,946,784 Washington. . . West Virginia. Wisconsin Wyoming 1,745,003 737,002 2,459,140 177,232 598,902 230,548 630,784 48,256 271,509 51,449 223,811 12,178 198,174 106,069 261,511 14,444 129,219 73,030 145,462 21,634 1,146,101 506,454 1,828,356 128,976 990,163 462,543 1,629,203 118,072 119,431 24,453 109,421 7,889 36,507 19,458 89,732 3,015 535,197 240,298 629,411 75,361 10,496 8,201 16,965 1,057 4,284 1,821 6,359 219 2,294,980 987,322 3,111,875 253,869 Total Commercial, including open market paper Obligations U. S. Gov't of States and political obligations subdivisions Real estate loans Other loans Total Other securities United States and possessions. 135,612 235 43,228,562 18,299,481 14,300,825 10,628,256 134,908,158 42,999,308 18,190,853 14,248,586 10,559,869 92,383,673 81,623,382 5,361,993 91,908,850 81,185,650 5,340,950 704,077 229,254 108,628 52,239 68,387 474,823 437,732 954,437 335,752 572,278 11,015,310 847,400 319,433 153,084 151,860 4,467,349 241,325 134,257 59,611 42,108 1,605,629 81,858 76,377 43,660 42,469 2,053,600 50,915 108,799 49,813 67,283 808,120 108,552 635,004 182,668 420,418 6,547,961 606,075 Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia. Florida Georgia 2,546,828 466,985 789,879 1,329,533 1,302,506 666,853 131,950 242,774 335,735 565,160 129,723 47,380 89,150 154,521 252,813 423,464 53,565 79,757 63,628 119,830 113,666 31,005 73,867 117,586 192,517 Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas 359,574 9,531,224 2,454,523 1,952,792 1,245,947 97,672 2,686,022 629,397 505,160 338,111 33,110 1,671,075 186,768 127,427 95,483 29,880 375,017 265,522 171,081 67,860 Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts. . . 1,226,090 1,191,233 652,450 1,700,604 6,798,757 419,555 349,672 178,794 401,520 2,155,808 150,260 178,910 52,361 109,457 746,094 Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana 4,095,104 2,430,051 599,429 3,139,219 431,644 1 184,446 731,958 167,637 1,230,670 83,101 Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire. New Jersey New Mexico 1,009,946 143,588 528,305 4,375,865 206,389 New York North Carolina. North Dakota. . Ohio Oklahoma United States. Possessions State Alabama. Arizona. . . . Arkansas. . California. . Colorado... td Investments Cash, reserves, due from banks, and cash items Total loans and investments Total assets— total liabilities and capital ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES AND POSSESSIONS, BY STATES, DECEMBER 31, 1947—Continued ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER OF BANKS [Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Borrowings and other liabilities Total capital accounts Numbei of banks l 53,721,709 53,329,610 392,099 1,298,029 1,277,481 20,548 11,996,026 11,946,387 49,639 14,767 14,714 53 1,004,028 316,502 696,935 7,582,495 902 ,130 257,562 96,738 96,651 5,575,174 228,955 5,911 3,207 1,210 132,578 3,500 75,982 17,581 45,273 679,633 60,205 222 1,690,436 144,368 221,982 317,358 319,769 1,045 ,406 362,845 800,393 1,369,718 1,391,035 1,692,304 153,021 223,507 350,442 322,463 15,682 2,773 5,741 5,973 12,987 268,317 60,033 66,986 100,266 105,589 188 41 19 185 379 289,562 6,940,503 1,734,748 1,482,241 1,119,492 94,644 2,712,634 887,355 545,038 157,902 350,142 8,968,333 2 160,839 l'852,660 f447,399 95,399 2,883,454 893,028 548,391 160,831 1,073 79,098 8,876 2,874 3,041 18,773 714,483 172,711 126,475 87,014 48 883 492 664 610 12,213 15,849 4,864 10,013 69,677 1,098,042 944,924 211,433 921,004 2,639,887 215,876 275,928 437,672 828,302 3,959,930 1 379,178 1 363,160 247,680 1,142,558 3,272,141 218,799 283,546 440,262 836,484 3,964,993 6,858 10,130 3,598 8,238 70,350 103,384 80,039 70,528 159,439 722,820 388 160 234,894 167,005 97,052 248,401 56,474 51,488 32,791 3,577 27,134 6,077 2,289,746 1,446,539 500,274 2,471,051 368,591 2,149,672 1,012,541 134,003 648,145 95,571 2,794,729 2,002,382 664,644 3,545,819 463,857 2,161,950 1,021,044 134,774 655,979 96,377 22,735 12,219 1,772 14,917 1,067 278,728 181,877 43,143 247,650 23,615 448 680 206 597 112 54,898 20,062 13,597 270,653 39,308 9,484 2,995 4,794 48,798 3,456 940,480 86,625 122,797 2,001,189 190,265 141,806 54,423 386,653 2,494,705 40,412 1,182,841 109,600 149,731 2,387,175 245,691 142,008 56,957 387,249 2,507 ,996 40,952 3,204 1,160 1,869 23,944 395 69,985 7,796 60,529 369,990 13,017 418 342 31 25,95 6,499 72,961 16,140 733 782 195,672 70,242 383,199 178,658 1,197 092 19,591 3,516 88,063 23,803 20,615,995 1,070,458 377,625 3,642,687 1,053,875 13,559,472 347,697 111,266 2,686,312 108,638 27,478,925 1,531,435 437,192 4,362,007 1,418,032 13,834,014 355,222 147,744 2,816,397 116,109 596,465 15,707 923 33,327 5,848 3,852,870 104,610 27,505 451,712 97,629 792 226 152 671 386 99 117 330,518 25 283 64,883 39,793 20 352 98,966 9 635 5,024 3,235 823,507 5,861,773 375,607 502,944 381,098 404,207 3,936,295 573,350 87,428 82,518 985,199 6,881,530 428,417 602,347 442,556 410,732 4,049,404 574,087 89,250 84,988 6,860 67,904 11,886 1,868 995 70,749 1,133,285 94,364 34,069 23,805 71 1,002 29 150 170 287,230 807,489 44,851 1,186 150,109 10 200 75,343 6 987 .9,379 7,822 18,039 56,258 2,535 1,576 32,925 143,365 471,534 47,545 7,493 96,837 15,523 141,658 3,668 2,663 32,111 1,067,536 4,219,367 296,914 80,392 945,633 413,572 486,614 163,902 235,977 544,799 1,521,569 5,627,486 394,776 91,293 1,227,887 423,696 555,434 164,639 237,994 574,527 8,014 23,461 2,001 2,549 12,224 113,554 340,048 31,549 34,306 132,146 297 892 78 314 86,028 37,114 122,590 12,257 17,007 19,914 38,975 2,726 125,839 60,662 105,961 20,291 22,552 15,682 32,896 2,869 1,179,954 515,258 1,341,681 156,222 744,840 261,257 1,286,776 45,901 1,429,328 645,127 1,618,848 193,906 746,892 264,760 1,310,031 46,360 8,302 5,855 5,841 471 110,458 71,580 177,155 13,132 125 182 556 55 Individuals, partnerships and corporations Total demand deposits Total Interbank U. S. States and political subdivisions Certified and officers' checks, etc. Demand Time 162,712,856 161,849,516 863,340 13,044,914 13,032,744 12,170 1,539.100 1,457,106 81,994 7,787,973 7,667,013 120,960 2,601,053 2,583,705 17,348 85,301,818 84,997,749 304,069 52,437,998 52,111,199 326,799 108,991,147 108,519,906 471,241 1,261,590 413,240 793,586 13,157,669 1,131,085 77,693 3,423 57,399 426,203 90,031 10,163 2,155 6,461 94,373 8,307 128,987 47,227 57,65 732,039 42,336 9,410 5,841 6,438 244,201 9,254 779,839 258,336 570,274 6,270,740 755,137 255,498 96,258 95,364 5,390,113 226,020 2,737,710 515,866 1,023,900 1,720,160 1,713,498 41,194 3,915 47,570 125,648 189,364 14,100 21,888 14,116 13,967 15,848 58,962 19,702 146 195,161 119,751 25,835 4,809 18,013 15,938 15,790 907,183 321,184 722,073 1,052,088 1,052,976 445,541 11,851,787 3,053,867 2,401,051 1,608,230 6,515 1,336,714 127,613 139,401 88,585 4,414 127,053 30,491 49,046 15,895 46,466 623,143 242,771 159,129 213,054 3,940 111,740 30,889 26,196 13,302 1,597,977 1,646,706 687,942 1,979,042 7,237,134 165,228 211,308 9,331 115,928 350,276 13,038 8,356 3,776 11,080 37,395 93,580 190,341 20,866 92,715 179,969 Michigan Minnesota. . Mississippi Missouri . Montana 4,956,679 3,023.426 799,418 4,201,798 560,234 169,302 335,558 57,639 771,658 28,589 61 ,577 28,992 6,873 35,409 4,932 Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey. New Mexico 1,324,849 166,557 536,980 4,895 171 286,643 166,863 11,318 1 ,542 2,603 35,298 3,082 New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma 41 312 979 1,886,657 584,936 7,178,404 1,534,141 4,864,324 227,281 15,788 305,182 153,027 Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota 1 395 931 10,930,934 1 002 504 691,597 527,544 1,945,265 6,182,920 559,415 329,287 1,802,414 38,548 628,039 11,642 21,939 13,078 2,176,220 909,887 2,928,879 240,266 United States and possessions. . United States. . Possessions State Alabama. . . . Arizona Arkansas. . . . California Colorado . . Connecticut.... Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas . .. Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland. Massachusetts Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming . . . ... 910 6,536 44,528 10,120 1 Includes 12 banks for which asset and liability data are not available. Total time deposits U 228 202 146 96 175 378 8 108 367 47 60 ALL INSURED COMMERCIAL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY CLASSES • LOANS AND INVESTMENTS [In millions of dollars] Investments Loans Class of bank Total loans call date investments and and All insured c o m mercial banks: 1941 Dec. 31 49,290 1942—Dec. 31! '. 66', 240 1943—Dec. 31. . 83,507 1944—Dec. 30. . 103,382 1945—Dec. 31. . 121,809 1946—Dec. 31. . 112,178 1947—June 3 0 . . 110,682 Dec. 31. . 114,274 Member banks, total: 43 521 1941.—Dec 31 1942—Dec. 31. . 59'.263 1943—Dec. 31. . 74,258 1944—Dec. 30. . 91,569 1945—Dec. 31. . 107,183 1946—Dec. 31. . 96,362 1947—June 30. . 94,802 Dec. 31. . 97,846 1948—Apr. 12. . 95,896 New York City:* 1941—Dec 31 12 896 1942—Dec. 31. . 17J957 1943—Dec. 31. . 19,994 1944—Dec. 3 0 . . 24,003 1945—Dec. 31. 26,143 1946—Dec. 31. . 20,834 1947—June 30. . 20,332 Dec. 3 1 . . 20,393 1948—Apr. 12 . . 19,547 Chicago:2 1941 Dec 31 2,760 1942—Dec. 31. . 3^973 1943—Dec. 31. . 4,554 1944—Dec. 30. . 5,443 1945—Dec. 31. . 5,931 1946—Dec. 3 1 . . 4,765 1947—June .30. . 4,802 Dec. 3 1 . . 5 ,088 1948—Apr. 12. . 4^681 Reserve city banks: 1941—Dec. 31. . 15,347 1942—Dec. 31. . 20,915 1943—Dec. 31. . 27,521 1944—Dec. 30. . 33,603 1945—Dec. 31. . 40,108 1946—Dec. 31. . 35,351 1947—June 30. . 34,611 Dec. 3 1 . . 36,040 1948—Apr. 12. . 34,969 Country banks: 1941—Dec. 31. . 12,518 1942—Dec. 31. . 16,419 1943—Dec. 31. . 22,188 1944—Dec. 30. . 28,520 1945—Dec. 3 1 . . 35,002 1946—Dec. 31. . 35,412 1947—June 30. . 35,057 Dec. 31. . 36,324 1948—Apr. 12. . 36,699 Insured nonmember c o m mercial banks: 1941—Dec. 3 1 . . 5,776 1942—Dec. 31. . 6,984 1943—Dec. 31. . 9.258 1944_Dec. 3 0 . . 11,824 1945—Dec. 31. . 14,639 1946—Dec. 3 1 . . 15,831 1947—June 30. . 15,896 Dec. 31. . 16,444 X -* J£ X A—* V-*— • \J -l- • • Commercial, Total Loans for purchasing or carrying inAgri- securities Real cludConcules- sumer Other Total ing tate loans loans open- tur- To aH brok- T o loans ers ket and othpa-1 ers dealper ers 21,259 9,214 7,757 18[841 7,777 21,352 7,920 25,765 9,461 30,733 14,016 33,250 14,765 37,583 18,012 18,021 16,088 16,288 18,676 22,775 26,696 28,655 32,628 33,062 8 671 7,387 7,421 7.531 8,949 13,154 13,820 16,962 4 072 4416 4,428 5,760 7,334 6,368 6,548 7,179 7,169 2,807 2,546 2,515 2,610 3,044 4,078 4,171 5,361 954 832 732 658 763 738 760 614 950 1J5O5 1,414 662 4,773 4 , 545 597 4,646 2,269 1,042 918 922 4,437 1,868 1,723 2,269 2,265 4,343 1,888 944 1,450 1,314 3,164 3,606 4,677 2,361 1,358 1,517 1,609 7,103 4,031 1,549 1,517 1,278 8,201 4,893 1,610 823 1,190 9,266 5,654 972 594 598 3,494 1,089 934 538 1,023 1,398 839 1,198 2,249 2,108 855 3,133 3,378 884 1,506 1,467 972 1,507 1,154 1,046 811 1,065 8 412 787 21 24 1,054 30 1,742 169 193 323 859 545 267 2,453 1,172 1,096 389 1,196 286 1,181 1,098 1,047 1,028 988 6,727 13,218 15,300 19,071 12,288 835 9,441 2,124 7,552 4,462 4,636 3,971 2,455 1,271 5 54 8,823 7,265 311 148 13,841 12,547 1,855 303 252 153 15,566 14,563 1,328 179 18,243 17,179 253 913 287 298 18,809 17,574 477 250 14,465 13,308 387 455 500 291 13,784 12,571 137 564 330 13,214 11,972 1,002 2,144 3,409 3,740 3,433 1,725 1,103 5,890 1,676 5,038 1,226 4,654 1,084 4,910 1,149 5,596 1,484 8,004 2,433 9,102 2,744 10,199 3,096 10,877 659 772 713 802 648 681 774 818 20 17 25 32 42 29 26 23 183 161 197 310 471 273 244 227 1, 530 1,823 1,797 674 393 1,725 528 381 1,719 547 351 1,881 707 363 2,970 1,312 306 3,381 1,693 240 3,827 1,979 229 543 370 356 389 512 862 945 478 553 482 525 459 474 576 563 20 16 16 21 31 12 11 13 64 59 82 156 228 142 125 125 1,282 1,225 1,165 1,136 1,224 1,748 1,963 2,139 1,049 21,046 40,705 58,683 75,875 88,912 73,554 69,136 67,941 123 117 107 86 80 99 104 111 300 290 279 348 205 201 197 225 3,241 2,818 2,556 2,678 2,992 4,040 4,597 4,958 Total 6,285 12,071 13,982 16,985 10,043 7,544 5,816 3,456 2,957 3,058 3,034 3,661 5,548 5,726 7,088 52 32 52 163 233 101 84 87 22 23 22 24 36 51 42 46 9 62 45 45 51 105 130 149 of States Other and secuCertifiGuar- politrities cates anof inBills debt- Notes Bonds teed subdiviedsions ness 3 , 592 25,500 19 539 971 1,847 870 43,175 37,546 4,363 1,484 848 57,970 52,948 4,360 1,505 877 72,893 67,685 3,748 1,900 1,104 84,408 78,338 2,275 3,308 1,020 69,666 63,042 1,167 773 3,998 965 66,146 59,198 4,662 952 65,218 57,914 1,987 62,834 55,364 1,094 1,178 1,418 7,105 6,102 6,201 6,822 8,514 10,825 11,441 13,449 13,352 ga- tions 3,159 5,799 7,672 15,778 16,045 6,780 5,341 5,918 12,797 4,102 3 651 3 333 20,999 2,718 3', 533 3] 098 30,656 2,501 3,287 2,696 39,848 978 3,422 2,733 22 3,873 3,258 51,321 15 4,298 3,592 53,200 14 4,826 3,471 53,505 14 5,129 3,621 52,334 3,007 5,409 6,906 14,127 14,271 5,602 4,369 4,815 11,729 3,832 3,090 2,871 18,948 2,540 2,965 2,664 27,265 2,345 2,729 2,294 34,927 902 2,857 2,350 16 3,254 2,815 44,792 11 3,548 3,077 46,219 10 3,982 2,966 46,502 10 4,199 3,105 45,286 4,452 3,018 3,652 1,679 5,420 1,071 7,014 984 8,592 189 1 10,337 992 10,202 1 1 775 10,555 558 9,771 729 593 444 468 606 557 631 638 721 830 701 558 596 629 601 582 604 528 1,045 1,467 498 368 235 153 391 484 779 749 146 132 248 182 166 158 160 181 167 175 213 223 193 186 155 185 204 187 173 185 174 2 253 4,691 5,730 6,982 441 3,799 334 3,038 373 2,358 1.723 2,497 5,181 5,653 1,993 1,503 1,901 640 12,378 11,129 48 34 102 163 211 117 100 73 Obli- Direct 3,423 3,274 3,209 3,455 5,358 6,240 7,130 6 6 6 17 2 3 1 3 1,004 1,184 1,333 1,499 1,565 1,801 1,663 28,031 47,336 64,666 82,030 96,043 81,445 77,433 76,691 U. S. Government obligations 256 397 199 250 133 60 106 132 1,623 2,056 1,829 3,745 3,325 903 18 14 34 40 29 29 26 1,806 3,141 3,550 4,258 4,598 3,266 3,237 3,287 3,018 1,430 2,789 3,238 3,913 4,213 2,912 2,890 2,890 2,620 114 194 1,527 1, 512 97 312 153 1,486 808 217 267 1,420 658 301 311 777 1,379 660 313 427 1,503 1,459 855 404 264 704 2,237 1,436 435 405 185 540 2,713 1,675 170 484 3,147 1,969 366 8,243 14,813 21,321 26,781 31,594 24,527 23,170 22,591 21,617 6,467 13.038 19,682 25,042 29,552 22,250 20,845 20,196 19,234 6,628 11,380 17,534 23,610 29,407 27,408 25,955 26,125 25,822 4,377 110 481 2,926 9,172 671 1,251 1,240 5,436 15,465 1,032 3,094 2,096 8,705 882 3,466 4,422 12,540 21,552 26,999 630 5,102 4,544 16,713 279 4,020 2,470 17,797 24,572 197 3,035 1,960 17,696 22,893 480 22,857 2,583 2,108 17,681 22,381 8 54 2,535 1,509 422 173 4,166 3,162 385 70 6,702 5,739 383 67 9,146 8,197 77 11,647 10,584 460 79 11,791 10,524 723 895 82 11,299 9,949 992 76 11,486 10,039 637 877 295 1 441 1,802 1,704 1,034 17 99 "*442 276 1,147 223 1,319 180 2,087 104 2,247 62 1,897 136 1,736 751 152 390 766 1,652 1,774 1,179 972 1,104 1,282 1,602 1,809 1,864 2,207 2,284 2,274 119 83 74 31 4,248 1,173 956 820 6,810 811 954 821 9,943 749 913 726 740 11,987 440 1,000 5 1,126 916 15,878 4 1,272 1,004 16,013 3 1,364 962 15,967 3 1,342 1,053 15,560 1,343 1,039 1,069 2,053 3,395 4,928 6,538 6,991 7,013 7,058 861 574 538 241 9 6 5 6 1,222 1,252 1,214 1,230 1,342 1,551 1,813 2,006 2,165 1,028 271 179 156 76 6 3 4 4 563 569 560 566 619 752 845 931 462 435 403 383 443 516 505 517 956 855 829 1,067 1,285 1,250 1,262 1,277 * These figures do not include data for banks in possessions of the United States. During 1941 three mutual savings banks became members 1of the Federal Reserve System; these banks are included in "member banks" but are not included in "all insured commercial banks." During the period Dec. 31, 1942-June 30, 1945, agricultural loans included loans to dealers, processors, and farmers' cooperatives covered by purchase agreements of the Commodity Credit Corporation, which are now classified as commercial and industrial loans; consequently, beginning Dec. 231, 1945, these items may not be entirely comparable with prior figures. Central reserve city banks. 688 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN ALL INSURED COMMERCIAL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY CLASSES *—Continued RESERVES AND LIABILITIES [In millions of dollars] D e m a n d deposits Time deposits Reserves with Federa Reserve Banks Cash in vault All insured commercial banks: 1941—Dec. 31. . 1942—Dec. 31. . 1943—Dec. 31. . 1944—Dec. 30.. 1945—Dec. 31. . 1946—Dec. 31.. 1947—June 30. . Dec. 31.. 12 ,396 13 ,072 12,834 14,260 15,810 16,013 16,039 17 ,796 1,358 8 ,570 37 845 9 ,823 1,305 9 ,080 48 221 10,234 1,445 8 ,445 59 921 9 ,743 1,622 9 ,787 65 960 11 ,063 1,829 11 ,075 74 722 12 ,566 2 ,012 9 ,481 82 085 10,888 1,804 8 ,498 80 869 9 ,807 2 ,145 9 ,736 85 751 11 ,236 673 1,761 813 8 ,167 893 9 ,950 948 19 ,754 1,248 23 ,740 1,364 2 ,930 1,372 1,247 1,379 1,325 3 ,677 3 ,996 4 ,352 4 ,518 5 ,098 5 ,967 6 ,495 6 ,692 1,077 1,219 1,669 1,354 2 ,585 2 ,361 2 ,111 2 ,559 36 47 58 64 72 79 78 83 544 122 338 133 593 887 077 723 158 97 68 64 70 68 64 54 59 61 124 109 103 119 111 111 492 397 395 423 496 664 771 826 15,146 15,697 18,561 23 ,347 29 ,277 32 ,742 33 ,604 33,946 10 10 46 122 215 39 60 61 6 ,844 7,055 7 ,453 7 ,989 8 ,671 9 ,286 9 ,558 9 ,734 M e m b e r banks total: 1941—Dec. 31. . 1942—Dec. 31.. 1943—Dec. 31. . 1944—Dec. 30.. 1945—Dec. 31. . 1946—Dec. 31. . 1947—June 30. . Dec. 31. . 1948—Apr. 12. . 12,396 13,072 12 ,835 14,261 15 ,811 16,015 16,040 17,797 16 ,750 1,087 1,019 1,132 1,271 1,438 1,576 1,409 1,672 1,563 6 246 6 ,147 5 450 6 ,354 7 117 5 936 5 521 6 270 5 375 33 754 9 ,714 42 570 10,101 52 642 9 ,603 57 308 10,881 64 184 12 ,333 70 243 10,644 69 595 9 ,612 73 528 10,978 69,781 9 ,133 671 1,709 811 7,923 891 9 ,444 945 18,509 1,243 22 ,179 1,353 2 ,672 1,369 1,095 1,375 1,176 1,375 2 ,115 3 ,066 3 ,318 3 ,602 3 ,744 4 ,240 4 ,915 5 376 5 ,504 5 570 1,009 1,142 1 573 1 251 2 450 2 207 1 976 2 401 1 755 33 061 42 139 51 820 56 270 62 950 69 127 67 933 72 704 68 093 140 87 62 58 64 62 60 50 42 50 56 120 105 99 114 106 105 102 418 332 327 347 399 551 649 693 872 11 ,878 12 ,366 14,822 18 ,807 23 ,712 26 ,525 27 ,259 27 ,542 27 ,616 4 5 39 111 208 30 50 54 235 5 .886 6 ,101 6 ,475 6 ,968 7,589 8 ,095 8 ,315 8 ,464 8 ,610 105 388 596 766 015 046 166 639 481 93 72 92 102 111 131 123 151 141 141 82 61 76 78 87 50 70 46 10,761 11 899 13,899 14,042 15,065 16,429 16,494 16,653 15,701 607 733 810 851 1,105 1,195 1,228 1,217 1,220 319 450 11,282 263 448 12, 501 252 710 14,373 199 361 14,448 237 1 338 15,712 218 942 17,216 260 915 17, 202 290 1 105 17,646 232 725 16,345 6 3 4 11 17 20 22 12 10 5 7 10 15 14 12 14 29 23 26 17 20 39 17 14 54 . 1 021 902 . 821 . 899 . 942 . 928 . . 973 . 1 070 . 1 051 43 39 38 4,3 36 29 36 30 26 298 164 158 177 200 172 162 175 146 Class of bank and call date New York City:"1 1941—Dec. 31. . 1942—Dec. 31. . 1943—Dec. 31. . 1944—Dec. 30. . 1945—Dec. 31. . 1946—Dec. 31. . 1947—June 30. . Dec. 31. . 1948—Apr. 12. . Chicago:"1 1941—Dec. 1942—Dec. 1943—Dec. 1944—Dec. 1945—Dec. 1946—Dec. 1947—June Dec. 1948—Apr. 31. 31. 31. 30. 31. 31. 30. 31. 12. 5 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 BalDeances mand with dedoposits mestic3 ad- 4 banks justed Interbank deposits Do- Formestic3 eign 3 ,595 3 ,209 2 ,867 3 ,179 3 ,535 3 ,031 2 ,898 3 ,236 2 ,776 2,215 1,027 2,557 1,105 972 3,050 3,041 ,132 3,153 ,292 3,356 ,130 3,427 ,056 3,737 ,196 3,432 1,004 233 178 174 167 237 228 304 285 251 34 38 44 33 66 47 55 63 37 2,152 2,588 3,097 3,100 3,160 3,495 3,417 3,853 3,489 491 982 373 157 221 991 311 405 793 144 1 319 448 509 763 2 077 2 301 2 282 2 314 286 385 475 488 611 693 554 705 524 11,127 15,061 18,790 20,371 22, 281 24, 288 23,934 26,003 24, 123 225 1 090 1 962 4 230 5 465 877 424 432 844 1 370 1 558 1 727 1 868 2 004 2 391 2 511 2 647 2 772 239 272 344 369 435 524 451 528 468 2 53 2 243 2 506 3 1 245 5 1 560 11 258 3 152 4 149 611 678 750 775 858 1 052 1 119 1 188 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 6 060 940 116 687 326 337 274 095 403 425 365 391 441 494 532 470 562 511 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 590 202 758 005 174 923 864 125 791 11,117 14, 849 18,654 20,267 22, 372 24, 221 24, 166 25,714 24, 182 4 ,302 4 ,831 4 ,770 5 ,421 6 ,307 5 ,417 4 ,773 5 ,497 4 ,539 54 63 63 70 110 127 109 131 124 Country banks: 1941—Dec. 31. 1942—Dec. 31. 1943—Dee. 31. 1944—Dec. 30. 1945—Dec. 31. 1946—Dec. 31. 1947—June 30. Dec. 31. 1948—Apr. 12. 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 210 842 303 909 527 703 628 993 815 526 542 611 684 796 883 780 929 884 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 216 699 474 097 665 753 444 900 391 9,661 13,265 17,039 19,958 23,595 26,237 25,508 27, 424 26,466 790 957 994 1.149 1,199 1,067 885 1,049 814 2 4 5 8 8 8 8 7 8 271 287 313 352 391 437 395 473 2 325 2 934 2 996 3 434 3 959 3,547 2 979 3 466 4,092 5,651 7,279 8,652 10,537 11,842 11,274 12,223 108 133 141 182 233 244 194 258 Insured nonmember commercial banks: 1941—Dec. 31. . 1942—Dec. 31. . 1943—Dec. 31. . 1944—Dec. 30. . 1945—Dec. 31. . 1946—Dec! 1947—June 30'. '. Dec. 31. . 866 4 186 3 395 6 722 6 ,940 651 179 267 375 8 127 665 12 14 713 16 1 400 20 1 552 152 24 24 181 21 72 24 102 Reserve city banks: 1941—Dec. 31. . 1942—Dec. 31. . 1943—Dec. 31. . 1944—Dec. 30. . 1945—Dec. 31. . 1946—Dec. 31. . 1947—June 30. . Dec. 31. . 1948—Apr. 12. . . . . . . . . . . U. S. Certi- IndiIndi- Bor- CapiGov- States viduals, fied viduals tal U. S. States and partner- rowernand partner- Inter- ment and acGov- politica politings counts Offiships, ships, ern- subdi- cers' and cor- bank and ical and corment visions Postal subdi- porachecks, poraSav- visions tions etc. tions ings 1 3 6 8 2 2 778 1,648 711 1,727 816 " 29 1,862 977 96 1,966 1,206 195 2 ,120 1,395 2 ,205 1,407 ,234 i 22,259 1 418 30 1 460 119 2 ,268 476 453 505 619 719 823 864 902 .... . 908 1 1 288 304 326 354 377 404 416 426 426 2 2 2 1 4 6 9 10 104 63 41 33 30 25 21 22 17 20 22 56 40 38 43 41 45 40 243 169 151 154 160 235 319 332 455 4 4 5 7 9 10 10 11 10 542 1,967 805 ""l 2 ,028 902 2 ,135 561 2 ,327 563 2 2 ,566 580 4 2 ,729 888 11 2 ,796 045 1 2 ,844 792 60 2 ,869 8,500 11,989 15,561 18,350 21,797 24, 128 23,380 25,203 24, 136 30 20 17 14 17 17 17 17 15 31 32 56 57 52 55 49 45 46 146 140 149 175 219 272 308 337 354 6 6 7 9 12 13 14 14 14 082 397 599 650 224 727 101 177 456 4 3 10 16 11 26 38 23 55 1,982 2 ,042 2 ,153 2 ,321 2 ,525 2 ,757 2 ,869 2 ,934 3 ,048 68 3,483 76 4,983 96 6,518 103 7,863 135 9,643 154 10,761 135 10,144 158 11,019 18 10 6 6 6 6 4 4 8 5 4 4 4 5 5 6 74 65 68 76 97 113 122 132 3 3 3 4 5 6 6 6 276 339 750 553 579 232 361 420 6 5 6 10 7 9 10 7 959 955 979 1,022 ,083 1,193 1,245 1,271 3 Beginning June 30, 1942, excludes reciprocal bank balances, which on Dec. 31, 1942, aggregated 513 million dollars at all member banks and 525 million at all insured commercial banks. 4 Demand deposits other than interbank and U. S. Government, less cash items reported as in process of collection. For other footnotes see preceding page. Back figures.—See Banking and Monetary Statistics, Tables 18-45, pp. 72-103 and 108-113. JUNE 1948 689 WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS—NEW YORK CITY AND OUTSIDE LOANS AND INVESTMENTS [Monthly data are averages of Wednesday figures. I a millions of dollars Loans Date or month Total loans and investments TotalLeading Cities 1Q47 Aoril . • 6 3 , 284 Tot al Commercial, ndustrial, and agricultural Investments For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers U. S . Government obligations To others Real ^oans state to Dtner Total U. S. Other U. S. Other loans janks loans Govt. se- Govt. seobobliga- curi- liga- curitions ties tions ties Other Cersecutifirities cates 1 Bills of in- Notes Bonds debtedness Total 19, 864 12, 162 406 414 548 496 2,785 155 2 , 898 4 3 , 420 3 9 , 311 889 5 , 192 23, 428 23, 315 23, 460 23, 472 14, 569 14. 704 14. 636 14, 522 387 219 378 437 527 432 389 415 435 277 3, 409 41 , 707 3, 465 41, 863 3, 489 40, 945 3, 510 39, 894 37, 474 ,251 37, 610 2,164 36, 754 2,262 35, 600 ,995 250 3 , 567 3 9 , 719 3 5 , 398 2,096 3 , 291 3, 390 3 250 3 918 398 503 3,427 502 3,497 485 3,546 479 3,595 477 3,649 199 163 235 232 2 3 , 311 14, 258 407 333 302 282 23, 439 23, 654 23, 392 23, 421 23 452 14, 540 14, 592 14,578 14,484 14,417 476 436 349 431 494 355 524 411 375 411 285 281 276 279 286 479 3,569 486 3,583 479 3,598 475 3,610 475 3,615 233 265 190 254 215 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 972 028 938 907 745 2 ,559 2 ,579 2 ,572 2 ,467 2 ,305 27, 266 27, 239 27, 172 27, 165 27, 111 Apr. 7 Apr. 14 Apr 21 Apr. 28 62, 870 23 334 14, 337 62 855 23 269 14 333 63 454 23 480 14 205 403 379 423 428 407 482 281 272 274 62 940 23 160 14 159 387 422 280 476 3,627 475 3,643 489 3,656 469 3,669 239 3 543 39 536 35 215 1,853 3 831 191 3 569 39 586 35 260 2,006 3 778 380 3 571 39 974 35 643 2,307 3 851 190 3 584 39 780 35 475 2,219 3 839 2 ,403 2 ,386 2 ,394 2 ,420 27 128 4,321 27 090 4,326 27 091 4,331 26 997 4,305 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 63 63 63 63 23 23 23 23 205 255 208 206 422 480 422 682 404 417 388 394 277 279 280 281 474 3,694 474 3,717 484 3,732 483 3,745 197 232 234 244 2 ,441 2 ,436 2 ,405 2 ,379 26 26 27 27 4 439 December. . . 1948—lanuary . . . . February.... ]VEarch April •• • Mar. Mar Mar. Mar. Mar. 3 10 17 24 31 New York City 1947—April 65, 135 6S 178 64, 405 63, 366 6 3 , 030 63, 494 64, 128 63, 756 63, 232 62, 220 132 174 456 070 19 944 December. . . 20 056 20 001 1948—January 19 776 February... 19 238 March 19 182 April Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 3 10 17 24 31 19 19 19 19 18 285 639 29 08 879 246 447 356 634 14 14 14 14 3 3 3 3 502 487 511 513 539 40, 40 40 39 38 573 39 593 39 608 40 599 39 055 474 364 811 768 886 727 100 436 35, 36, 36, 35 34 35 35 35 35 2,048 2,347 2,379 1,930 1,272 845 193 061 469 433 2 ,843 3 0 , 387 4,109 2 ,832 30, 100 4,233 2 ,790 29, 266 4,253 2 ,666 28, 576 4,191 2 ,496 27, 191 4,294 3 825 2 ,401 2 7 , 076 4,321 640 499 866 237 2,448 2,296 2,571 1,945 315 1 ,229 800 661 576 747 1,157 476 1,149 923 918 891 1,029 3 3 3 3 770 809 882 879 4,210 4,281 4,303 4,342 4,335 981 958 008 034 4,246 4,228 4,234 4,199 10 189 1,207 313 279 105 208 99 132 629 13 740 12 533 7 286 5 7 045 5 135 5 7 108 5 7 074 5 343 329 245 164 087 299 162 309 376 350 3*77 308 275 304 324 64 51 47 45 49 202 199 189 188 189 104 106 109 113 119 160 129 192 150 180 737 761 769 768 776 12 770 12 956 12 641 12 130 12 ,108 11 11 11 10 10 536 626 615 975 890 481 512 541 501 495 9 9 9 8 8 898 452 171 519 477 1,194 1,209 1,165 1,212 1,217 7 087 7 245 7 023 7 047 7 ,137 5 5 5 5 5 164 181 174 160 14 407 378 293 370 432 249 393 296 270 312 45 43 42 46 47 186 195 188 186 185 110 111 114 114 114 159 183 143 133 132 767 761 773 768 774 12 ,198 12 ,394 12 ,275 12 ,040 11 ,742 11 039 971 1 ,025 11 ,180 1,141 995 11 073 1«, 100 936 10 .795 839 962 10 ,501 560 958 513 518 533 482 460 8 530 8 ,526 8 504 8 ,512 8 ,523 1,159 1,214 1,202 1,245 1,241 10 ,889 10 ,731 11 ,068 10 ,878 10 ,953 10 ,765 11 ,091 10 ,677 946 920 1,193 1,058 954 842 884 880 481 475 497 528 8 ,508 8 ,494 8 ,494 8 ,412 1,231 1,231 1,217 1,189 1,18( 1,036 1,278 844 861 836 891 915 554 553 564 553 8 ,358 8 ,340 8 ,358 8 ,365 1,097 1,094 1,093 1,063 6 204 Apr. 7 . . . . Apr. 14 Apr. 2 1 . . . . Apr. 28 19 19 19 ,01 19 ,50 19 ,02 7 ,072 7 ,048 7 ,219 6 ,956 5 120 5 ,139 5 ,059 5 ,030 346 332 381 341 326 304 354 311 49 49 49 49 186 185 202 183 116 118 118 123 155 145 280 141 774 776 776 778 12 ,120 11 ,962 12 ,285 12 ,067 May 5 . . . . May 12 May 19 May 26 19 ,03 18 ,95 19 ,23 19 ,05 6 ,983 7 ,099 7 ,046 7 ,311 5 ,04 5 ,08 5 ,06 5 ,07 369 419 376 615 295 304 284 279 47 47 47 47 183 183 184 186 124 128 132 132 154 166 194 206 764 767 767 771 12 ,050 11 ,859 12 ,184 11 ,740 Qutside New York City 1947—April 43 ,34 13 ,660 7 ,72 93 135 443 288 2,686 23 2 ,269 29 ,680 26 ,778 574 December. . 1948—January.... February... March April 45 ,07 45 ,17 44 ,62 44 ,12 43 ,84 16 ,142 16 ,270 16 ,325 16 ,364 16 ,237 9 ,22 9 ,37 9 ,39 9 ,35 g , 17 88 57 69 6 48 150 124 114 11 11 343 282 255 237 228 30 303 296 291 288 3,323 3,391 3,437 3,482 3,530 39 34 43 82 70 2 ,672 2 ,704 2 ,720 2 ,742 2 ,791 28,937 25 ,898 28,907 25 ,863 28,304 25 ,278 27,764 24 ,682 27fil1 24 ,507 59C 1,007 1,113 1,072 1,067 2 ,755 2 ,764 2 ,635 2 ,943 2 ,935 2,351 2,278 2,125 1,995 1,905 20 ,202 19 ,814 19 ,405 18 ,672 18 ,600 3,039 3,044 3,026 3,082 3,104 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 44 ,20 44 ,48 44 ,45 44 .14 43 ,34 16 ,352 16 ,409 16 ,369 16 ,374 16 ,315 9 ,37 9 ,41 9 ,40 9 .32 9 ,27 69 58 56 6 62 106 131 115 1099 240 238 234 233 239 293 3,459 29 3,472 29 3,484 289 3,496 290 3,501 74 82 47 121 83 2 ,735 2 ,726 2 ,738 2 ,745 2 ,765 27 ,857 28 ,080 28 ,089 27 ,771 27 ,026 24 ,806 25 ,013 24 ,988 24 ,674 23 ,932 1,077 1,206 1,279 1,091 712 2 ,947 3 ,033 3 ,002 2 ,945 2 ,787 2,046 2,061 2,039 1.985 1,845 18 ,736 18 ,713 18 ,668 18 .653 18 ,588 3,051 3,067 3,101 3,097 3,094 Apr. 7 Apr. 14 Apr. 2 1 . . . . Apr. 28 43 ,67 43 ,84 43 ,95 43 ,91 16 ,262 16 ,221 16 ,261 16 ,204 9 ,21 9 ,19 9 ,14 9 ,12 5 4 4 46 102 103 128 11 232 223 225 23 290 290 287 286 3,511 3,525 3,538 3,546 84 46 100 49 2 ,769 2 ,793 2 ,795 2 ,806 27 ,416 27 ,624 27 ,689 27 ,713 24 ,326 907 2 ,877 24 ,529 1,086 2 ,936 24 ,575 1,114 2 ,967 24 ,597 1,161 2 ,959 1,922 1,911 1,897 L,892 18 ,620 18 ,596 18 ,597 18 ,585 3,090 3,095 3,114 3,116 May 5 . . . . May 12 May 19 May 26 44 ,09 44 ,21 44 ,22 44 ,01 16 ,263 16 ,348 16 ,310 16 ,323 9 ,15 9 ,17 9 ,14 9 ,13 5 6 4 6 109 113 104 11. 230 232 233 234 29 29 300 29 3,570 3,589 3,600 3,613 43 66 40 38 2 ,809 2 ,826 2 ,841 2 ,828 27 ,836 27 ,868 27 ,916 27 ,696 24 ,687 24 ,734 24 ,775 24 ,560 1,887 1,883 1,841 1,826 18 ,623 18 ,618 18 ,650 18 ,669 3,149 3,134 3,141 3,136 3 10 17 24 31 1,268 1,260 1,293 1,101 3 ,963 2 ,909 2 ,973 2 ,991 2 ,964 >,043 20 ,198 2,902 1 Including guaranteed obligations. Back figures.—For description of revision beginning July 3, 1946, see BULLETIN for June 1947, p. 692, and for back figures on the revised basis, see BULLETIN for July 1947, pp. 878-883; for old series, see Banking and Monetary Statistics, pp .127-227 690 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS—NEW YORK CITY AND OUTSIDE— Continued RESERVES AND LIABILITIES [Monthly data are averages of Wednesday figures. In millions of dollars] Demand deposits, except interbank Date or month ReBalserves Dewith Cash ances mand with Feddein do- posits eral vault mestic ad- 1 Rebanks justed serve Banks Individuals, States part- a n d ner- political ships suband cor- divipora- sions tions Time deposits, except interbank Individuals, States and partU. S. and Gov- ner- political offiships, suberncers' ment and divichecks, cor- sions etc. porations Certified Interbank deposits U. S. Demand Government and Postal Do- ForSav- mes- eign ings tic Bor- Cap- Bank row- ital deb-2 acings counts its Time TotalLeading Cities 1947—April 11,455 735 2,326 45,428 45,235 3,118 1,381 1,736 13,946 307 9,180 1,356 December. 1948—January . . February . March.. . . April 12,719 12,753 12,328 12,576 12,441 848 815 778 758 780 ',363 3,148 2,462 48,708 49, 2,445 48,843 49,073 < 3,251 2,247 47,709 47,,873 3.204 2,297 46,724 46,737 3,318 2,256 46,394 46,416 3,425 1,700 1,465 1,430 1,523 1,382 651 592 872 1,141 1,300 14,093 14,159 14,184 14,236 14,232 335 370 457 475 491 9,922 9,955 9,052 8,848 8,594 1,370 1,344 1,350 1,358 1,343 228 138 320 320 197 3... 10... 17... 24... 31... 12,957 12,736 12,675 12,366 12,146 721 782 757 779 752 2,301 47,296 47,,134 2,316 47,581 47,332 2,442 47,011 47,508 2,191 46.391 46,266 2,237 45,340 45,445 3,219 3,460 3,255 3,291 3,363 1,389 1,801 1,371 1 ,580 1,473 1,009 1,148 1,098 1,154 1,297 14,256 14,246 14,227 14,233 14,221 471 476 468 482 478 9,026 9,040 9,238 8,563 8,375 1,361 1,353 1,367 1,366 1,341 220 5,871 22,869 288 18,503 311 23,059 422 21,254 360 5,884 20,769 Apr. 7 . . . Apr. 14... Apr. 2 1 . . . Apr. 2 8 . . . 12,374 12,490 12,350 12,548 753 799 767 799 2,219 45,978 2,354 46,210 2,271 46, 718 2,181 46,671 45,608 47,000 46,636 46,418 3,311 3,297 3,609 3,484 1,257 1,366 1,531 1,376 1,376 1,314 1,199 1,309 14,238 14,229 14,239 14,222 490 495 487 492 8,612 8,821 8,578 8,364 1,363 1,351 1,347 1,310 199 123 325 141 5,890 5,889 5,889 5,902 20,660 19,745 21,643 20,547 May 5 . . . 12,511 May 12. . 12,555 May 19. .. 12,034 May 2 6 . . . 12,490 743 828 777 805 2,246 46,529 2,286 46,373 2,28, 46, 440 2,132 46,857 ,534 46 ,032 46,888 ,414 46,673 3,424 46,628 3,451 1,328 1,400 1,425 1,349 1,367 1,597 1,452 1,272 14,245 14,239 14,230 14,229 491 512 505 504 8,666 8,699 8,523 8,171 1,291 1,318 1,340 1,311 138 181 153 225 5,912 5,906 5,902 5,910 21,075 19,975 22,530 20,561 1,346 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. New York City 1947—April 4,001 December. 1948—January . . February . March.. . . April 4.424 4,439 4.277 4,586 4,535 132 129 117 124 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 3... 10... 17... 24... 31... 4.752 4,721 4.532 4.538 4,387 114 125 115 117 116 Apr. 7 . . . Apr. 14... Apr. 2 1 . . . Apr. 28. .. 4,506 4,556 4,475 4,604 May 5 . . . May 12... May 19. . . May 26. .. 55 15,712 16,171 191 5,691 76,400 5,831 5,830 5,852 5,871 5,892 104,009 94,188 80,188 95,020 89,620 225 720 525 72 2,170 29,997 16,336 16,399 16,003 15,733 15,574 17,055 16,844 16,562 16,290 16,067 264 339 228 277 325 931 732 736 835 725 209 1.341 172 1,350 240 ,364 308 ,385 347 ,397 3,072 3,108 2,868 2,803 2,777 ,220 ,192 ,199 ,200 ,188 102 29 112 93 91 2,202 2,207 2,212 2.208 2,211 44,131 38,286 32,298 38,648 36,880 15,952 16,224 15,506 15,457 15,525 16,426 16,504 16,252 16,012 16,256 211 492 190 253 239 708 1,149 630 919 768 273 322 289 308 349 ,383 ,385 ,387 ,385 ,386 2,851 2,851 2,975 2.760 2,578 ,203 ,199 ,210 ,205 ,185 63 87 133 155 26 2,212 2,207 2,207 2,202 2,210 9,519 7,184 9,860 8,739 8,105 119 128 118 129 15,533 15,392 15,763 15,608 15,949 16,144 16,135 16,041 227 242 488 341 622 723 832 722 376 347 318 347 ,398 ,394 ,398 ,398 2,769 2,829 2,803 2,706 1,209 1,198 1,190 1,156 50 65 169 81 2,211 2,211 2,211 2,210 8,857 7,905 8,670 8,545 4,513 4,552 4,314 4,498 118 128 115 130 15,504 15,869 15,330 15,969 15,452 16,028 16,111 312 274 287 242 660 756 774 712 360 ,403 426 ,401 382 ,403 338 1,411 2,781 2,111 2,769 2,640 1,135 1,164 1,178 1,152 62 116 69 119 2,209 2,210 2,20 2,206 8,710 8,290 9,171 8,821 1947—April. 7,454 619 2,271 29,716 29,064 2,893 661 119 3,521 46,403 December. 1948—January February . March.. . . April 8,295 8,314 8,051 7,990 7,905 683 649 641 656 2,420 32,372 32,308 2,405 32,444 32,229 2,211 31,706 31,311 991 30,447 2, 2, 223 30,820 30,348 2,884 2,912 2,976 3,041 3,101 769 733 694 688 658 442 420 632 833 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 3... 10... 17... 24... 31... 8,205 8,015 8,143 7,828 7,759 607 657 642 662 636 2,269 2,283 2,408 2,155 2,063 31 ,344 30,708 3,008 31,357 30,828 2,968 31,505 31,256 3,065 30.934 30,254 3,038 29,815 29,189 3,124 Apr. 7 . . . Apr. 14... Apr. 2 1 . . . Apr. 2 8 . . . 7,868 7,934 7,875 7,944 634 2,188 30,445 29,659 3,084 671 319 30,818 30,856 3,055 649 237 30,955 30,501 3,121 670 2,148 31,063 30,377 3,143 May 5 . . . May 12... May 19... May 2 6 . . . 7,998 8,003 7,720 7,992 62 700 662 675 32 33 34 36 174 2,914 1,210 Outside New York City 1 2 2,217 2,253 2,254 2,102 31,025 31,043 30,988 31,264 30 163 30 ,919 30 ,645 30,517 3,222 3,140 3,137 3,209 12,600 291 6,266 12,752 12,809 12,820 12,851 12,835 316 357 404 419 443 6,850 6,847 6,184 6,045 5,817 150 152 151 158 154 126 109 208 227 106 3,629 3,623 3,640 3,663 3,682 59,878 55,902 47,890 56,372 52,740 681 652 741 661 705 736 12,873 826 12,861 809 12,840 12,848 948 12,835 411 415 416 429 425 6,175 6,189 6,263 5,803 5,797 158 154 157 161 156 157 201 178 267 334 3,659 3,658 3,659 3,667 3,674 13,350 11,319 13,199 12,515 12,664 635 643 699 654 12,840 967 12,835 881 12,841 962 12,824 437 444 443 447 5,843 5,992 5,775 5,658 154 153 157 154 149 3,679 11,803 58 3,678 11,840 ,678 12,973 156 ,692 12,002 60 448 469 462 460 5,885 5,922 5,754 5,531 156 154 162 159 76 ,703 65 ,696 84 ,695 106 3,704 668 644 651 637 ,007 ,171 ,070 934 12,842 12,838 12,827 12,818 12,365 11,685 13,359 11,740 Demand deposits other than interbank and U. S. Government, less cash items reported as in process of collection. Monthly and weekly totals of debits to demand deposit accounts except interbank and U. S. Government accounts. JUNE 1948 691 WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS—BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS LOANS AND INVESTMENTS fin millions of dollars] Loans Federal Reserve district and date Total loans and invest- Total ments Boston Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 New York* Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Philadelphia Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Cleveland Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Richmond Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Atlanta Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Chicago* Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 St. Louis Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Minneapolis Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Kansas City Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Dallas Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 San Francisco Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26. City of Chicago* Apr. 28 May 5 M a y 12 M a y 19 M a y 26 Commercial, industrial and agricultural Investments For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers U. S. Government obligations To others U.S. Other U. S. Govt. Other sese- Govt. obob- curiliga- ties liga- curities tions tions Real Loans estate to Other Total loans banks loans Total Bills Certificates ofindebtedness Other secuNotes Bonds rities 1,717 1,718 1,711 1,718 1,700 1,60 1,603 1,595 1,602 1,584 103 110 101 108 94 146 146 150 148 147 128 12 12 127 12 1,225 1,220 1,21 1,219 1,216 115 115 116 116 116 941 13,526 928 13,507 931 13,320 93 13,657 934 13,206 12,13 12,211 12,027 12,365 11,950 1,123 1,245 1,100 1,355 925 931 91 889 945 968 595 619 620 631 624 9,488 9,43. 9,418 9,434 9,433 1,389 1,296 1,293 1,292 1,256 ,648 ,676 ,679 ,651 ,642 1,392 1,415 1,416 1,387 1,372 94 11 110 125 123 13: 14: 129 64 65 64 64 64 1,109 1,110 1,110 1,094 1,094 256 261 263 264 270 224 220 223 233 224 2,865 2,915 2,904 2,904 2,863 2,53 2,583 2,572 2,565 2,52: 95 146 134 135 99 211 18. 181 183 181 167 168 172 162 2,059 2,084 2,085 2,085 2,090 333 332 332 339 341 182 182 184 188 188 187 188 188 187 188 1,703 1,714 1,712 1,706 1,712 1,578 1,590 1,588 1,582 1,589 48 60 54 55 65 173 175 182 178 177 77 86 76 74 73 1,280 1,269 1,276 1,275 1,274 125 124 124 124 123 36 36 36 35 35 74 74 76 75 76 171 170 172 171 170 1,451 1,448 1,461 1,471 1,460 1,265 1,262 1,275 1,284 1,274 25 22 24 22 18 205 207 219 229 222 138 137 137 128 132 897 896 895 905 902 186 186 186 187 186 28 28 27 27 27 69 69 68 68 69 317 317 318 319 320 365 369 371 370 370 5,949 5,990 5,963 6,010 5,958 5,310 5,336 5,319 5,369 5,321 352 376 348 407 341 442 453 466 464 465 389 386 387 358 360 4,127 4,121 4,118 4,140 4,155 639 654 644 641 637 4 4 4 4 4 16 17 17 17 17 14 14 14 14 13 146 146 147 147 148 191 192 195 196 194 ,116 ,122 ,134 ,143 130 969 974 987 996 984 41 44 50 48 33 116 115 122 125 123 82 86 85 86 87 730 729 730 737 741 147 148 147 147 146 255 252 249 247 249 2 2 2 2 3 7 7 7 6 6 2 5 5 5 5 55 55 55 55 56 96 95 94 95 94 697 700 717 711 715 618 621 637 631 635 17 17 28 17 15 67 69 78 80 84 48 49 48 49 51 486 486 483 485 485 79 79 80 80 80 800 802 803 806 808 512 514 515 515 514 3 3 3 3 4 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 11 11 120 121 121 122 123 143 142 142 145 146 1,530 1,524 1,530 1,547 1,540 1,331 1,326 1,331 1,346 1,338 118 107 112 120 119 262 265 265 267 260 122 121 121 120 121 829 833 833 839 838 199 198 199 201 202 188 183 187 196 180 1,018 1,016 1,021 1,015 1,010 706 704 705 699 693 6 6 6 6 6 18 18 19 21 20 40 40 40 42 42 81 82 82 82 83 167 166 169 165 166 1,170 1,167 1,166 1,181 1,170 1,056 1,053 1,051 1,067 1,057 20 24 20 35 20 165 159 164 164 166 91 92 93 91 91 780 778 774 777 780 114 114 115 114 113 071 113 173 133 074 4,663 1,973 4,708 1,990 4,743 2,001 4,732 1,995 4,734 1,993 10 10 10 10 11 21 22 22 22 22 34 34 34 34 34 1,960 1,979 1,986 1,990 1,995 662 665 669 671 671 6,408 6,405 6,430 6,401 5,672 6,340 5,611 183 180 215 182 131 996 961 961 957 957 505 506 515 497 3,987 4,020 4,019 4,018 4,026 723 739 729 729 729 331 380 346 385 334 1,761 1,789 1,811 1,787 1,802 25 25 28 23 31 20 20 20 20 20 60 60 59 59 59 69 69 69 69 70 190 192 194 192 191 3,570 3,591 3,535 3,59 3,532 3,139 3,146 3,104 3,169 3,107 241 243 192 269 192 266 272 283 278 280 256 254 255 234 236 2,376 2,377 2,374 2,388 2,399 431 445 431 429 425 ,799 ,814 ,799 ,810 ,795 1,082 1,096 1,088 1,09: 1,09. 729 728 727 723 727 6 10 12 10 11 7 8 7 8 8 16 16 16 15 14 120 120 121 121 121 4 1 3 10 10 ,196 ,208 ,135 ,420 ,239 7,670 7,701 7,815 7,763 8,033 5,368 5,386 5,423 5,400 5,419 344 375 42: 378 618 316 299 308 288 283 202 20 202 203 205 300 301 307 312 312 141 154 166 194 206 ,500 ,54. ,553 ,520 ,506 852 868 87^ 869 864 496 499 501 500 496 14 19 17 16 16 8 8 8 8 8 72 74 75 76 76 251 251 251 25: 252 ,329 ,347 ,348 ,362 ,319 1,46 1,432 1,444 1,458 1,456 866 875 878 879 883 20 14 16 12 13 53 53 54 53 53 14 14 14 23 23 242 24, 245 245 247 ,524 , 53. 531 529 533 821 818 819 823 821 397 392 389 387 387 5 5 5 5 5 24 23 24 24 24 22 24 25 26 24 280 293 301 286 834 832 832 830 826 516 517 513 513 509 6 6 7 7 6 25 23 22 23 25 ,574 ,643 ,653 ,668 ,630 2,625 2,653 2,690 2,658 2,672 1,802 1,820 1,828 1,830 1,817 29 28 32 27 35 030 026 040 ,043 029 914 904 906 900 899 539 528 526 520 519 114 116 129 121 ,131 417 416 412 410 416 330 326 333 353 348 1,382 1,401 1,405 1,408 1,397 186 18 188 191 190 1 Including guaranteed obligations. * Separate figures for New York City are shown in the immediately preceding table and for the City of Chicago in this table. for the New York and Chicago Districts, as shown in this table, include New York City and Chicago, respectively. 692 The figure FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS—BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS—Continued RESERVES AND LIABILITIES [In millions of dollars] Demand deposits, except interbank Federal Reserve district and date Boston Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19. May 26 New York* Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Philadelphia Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Cleveland Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Richmond Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Atlanta Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Chicago* Apr. 28 M ay 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 St. Louis Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Minneapolis Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Kansas City Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Dallas Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 San Francisco Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 City of Chicago* Apr. 28 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 ReIndiserves BalDewith Cash ances mand vid- States CertiFeduals, with dein fied and eral vault posits partdoand Remestic ad- 1 ner- politoffiical serve usted ships, banks cers' subBanks and divi- checks, cor- sions etc. porations Time deposits, except interbank Individuals, U. S. partGov- nerern- ships, ment and corporations 488 495 501 492 486 58 57 59 57 58 99 100 96 97 96 2,322 2,322 2,292 2,299 2,308 2,303 2,301 2,310 2,324 2,313 161 161 154 142 130 42 43 46 44 40 ,797 ,831 ,588 ,786 175 161 177 160 175 117 124 130 120 17,049 16,959 16,786 16,916 17,076 17,297 17,125 17,256 17,305 17,366 593 565 538 549 539 763 704 797 819 753 47 498 460 445 496 42 41 4: 43 44 10 = 9/ 98 108 97 2,011 2,055 1,995 1,977 2,040 2,072 2,064 2,084 2,074 2,097 103 144 99 9 94 27 27 25 28 36 800 788 780 733 769 76 84 8 86 149 151 155 159 155 3,042 3,024 3,009 2,988 3,024 3,103 3,028 3,099 3,06! 3,07: 182 19 198 18 196 54 57 50 53 54 47 491 480 470 480 65 6 68 65 65 152 2,033 1,945 153 1,955 16 = 1,99 1,969 158 151 2,045 1,988 22 223 21 220 206 46 49 49 49 39 66 66 7: 6 59 442 451 453 422 432 43 40 44 41 43 187 200 194 204 171 1,733 1,738 1,750 1,761 1,748 1,615 1,60 1,657 1,648 1,611 307 310 307 302 309 27 25 24 26 22 40 41 46 43 38 ,680 ,693 ,727 ,637 ,738 100 96 105 99 100 361 372 358 354 335 5,985 5,952 5,94 5,956 6,053 5,937 5,84 5,978 5,915 5,926 556 552 557 566 596 9 111 101 109 114 38' 389 384 36( 381 29 28 30 29 30 105 108 11 109 102 1,31 1,305 1,320 1,330 1,326 1,389 1,38' 1,433 1,423 1,401 105 104 106 104 105 17 19 19 18 18 44 50 57 51 48 205 202 20' 20' 200 13 12 1 12 13 76 95 78: 785 795 788 80. 720 724 755 736 742 15 14 14 152 158 14 1 1 12 14 474 475 493 462 31 2. 31 30 32 273 269 28' 294 255 1,734 1,715 1,762 1,756 1,773 1,699 1,682 1,765 1,756 1,746 241 242 236 236 241 468 485 492 470 471 35 31 3 32 34 278 288 316 30. 285 1,857 1,858 1,894 1,878 1,880 1,823 1,810 1, 1,876 ,77. ,74<] ,747 ,739 ,762 126 111 137 126 125 27' 289 282 29 283 6,796 6,783 6,803 6,778 6,779 ,106 ,120 ,163 ,092 ,182 36 35 39 37 37 173 18 17' 176 162 3,814 3,821 3,795 3,82. 3,865 U. S. Government and Postal Savings States and political subdivisions Interbank deposits Demand Do- Time Bor- Cap- Bank row- ital debacings counts its' For- 494 493 492 492 491 257 269 276 267 255 20 20 21 23 23 4 9 8 16 6 318 319 319 319 319 861 836 813 892 826 405 481 433 381 ,235 ,241 ,239 ,241 2,248 2,774 2,855 2,847 2,835 2,703 1,159 1,138 1,167 1,180 1,155 98 69 123 72 122 2,401 2,401 2,401 2,399 2,398 9,057 9,295 8.803 9,777 9,338 60 59 73 6. 57 421 418 418 415 414 328 348 352 335 311 13 14 12 12 12 2 2 3 10 7 301 302 302 302 302 791 787 782 810 697 115 1,266 121 1,267 139 1,270 1,268 1,268 431 436 431 429 416 5 5 4 5 5 7 10 15 21 6 466 469 470 470 471 1,110 1,149 1,029 1,224 1,104 587 587 587 587 586 329 357 361 353 331 4 5 5 5 6 4 2 2 3 10 214 214 215 214 215 649 692 669 748 675 536 537 536 536 535 460 466 467 445 424 10 10 10 10 9 2 4 182 183 183 183 183 605 673 620 698 661 241 2,396 260 2,397 313 2,396 281 2,397 24: 2,398 1,336 1,416 1,421 1,371 1,328 27 27 27 28 27 676 679 679 679 679 2,668 2,798 2,608 3,007 2,622 462 463 463 463 463 538 556 550 523 510 2 2 1 2 2 172 172 171 173 172 541 584 532 637 564 29 29 33 32 26 249 250 249 249 248 249 261 264 253 247 2 2 2 2 3 98 98 98 98 99 337 367 345 401 245 25 26 25 26 24 60 59 64 59 5: 378 378 378 377 377 4 4 4 4 4 743 753 751 746 722 187 187 188 188 189 705 710 666 848 757 1,842 178 188 185 18 182 36 35 34 3 33 37 38 42 40 36 341 341 341 342 341 51 51 51 42 42 499 525 527 525 502 194 194 195 194 195 751 621 599 780 661 6,51. 6,51 6,67, 6,58. 6,52' 677 70 672 693 695 228 215 213 204 20 173 4,857 18: 4,873 4,87) 188 4,863 166 4,860 233 233 239 239 239 420 424 452 441 422 693 6)4 685 683 2,472 2,563 2,509 2,708 2,411 3,90 3,869 3,942 3,921 3,902 256 250 261 271 29' 48 5 51 52 61 1,203 130 1 ,202 155 1,202 139 1,203 1,204 39 39 39 39 39 994 1,048 1,048 1,010 455 1,651 1,782 1,677 458 1,899 1,665 ia Demand deposits other than interbank and U. S. Government, less cash items reported as in process of collection. Debits to demand deposit accounts except interbank and U. S. Government accounts. * See note on preceding page. JUNE 1948 693 COMMERCIAL PAPER AND BANKERS' ACCEPTANCES OUTSTANDING [In millions of dollars] Dollar acceptances outstanding Based on Held by Commercial paper outstanding 1 End of month 1947—March April May June July August September October November December 1948—January March April Total outstanding Accepting banks Total Own bills Bills bought 266 256 250 234 244 244 242 283 287 287 228 215 189 183 187 206 219 237 245 261 170 154 130 132 148 158 168 180 188 197 75 71 67 69 75 71 83 83 76 88 95 83 63 63 74 87 85 97 112 109 290 301 311 275 262 253 241 242 188 174 162 151 85 79 70 71 103 94 92 80 Federal Reserve Others Banks (For own account) 4 2 Imports into United States Exports from United States 58 61 59 50 39 48 47 55 56 64 158 140 118 111 115 133 140 144 147 159 36 42 45 46 45 47 42 54 61 63 74 79 79 91 168 168 151 143 53 43 48 54 Dollar exchange Goods sta red in or shipped between poin fcs in United States Foreign countries (2) (2) l 2 4 3 3 27 25 21 20 21 20 24 23 25 25 7 8 5 6 7 6 11 10 9 11 1 2 2 4 27 24 23 19 13 17 17 22 1 As reported by dealers; includes some finance company paper sold in open market. 2 Less than $500,000. Back figures.—See Banking and Monetary Statistics, Table 127, pp. 465-467; for description, see p. 427. CUSTOMERS' DEBIT BALANCES, MONEY BORROWED, AND PRINCIPAL RELATED ITEMS OF STOCK EXCHANGE FIRMS CARRYING MARGIN ACCOUNTS [Member firms of New York Stock Exchange. Ledger balances in millions of dollars] Debit balances End of month Debit Debit Customers' balances in balances in firm partners' debit investment investment balances and trading and trading (net)i accounts accounts Credit balances Customers' credit balances l Cash on hand and in banks Money borrowed2 Free Other (net) Other credit balances In firm In partners' investment investment and trading and trading accounts accounts In capital accounts (net) 1939—June December. . . 1940—June December.. . 834 906 653 677 25 16 12 12 73 78 58 99 178 207 223 204 570 637 376 427 230 266 267 281 70 69 62 54 21 23 22 22 6 7 5 5 280 277 269 247 1941—June December... 1942—June December. . . 1943—June December. . . 1944—June December. . . 1945—June December. . . 1946—June December... 616 600 496 543 761 788 887 1,041 1,223 1,138 809 537 11 8 9 7 9 11 5 7 11 12 7 5 89 86 86 154 190 188 253 260 333 413 399 311 186 211 180 160 167 181 196 209 220 313 370 453 395 368 309 378 529 557 619 726 853 795 498 217 255 289 240 270 334 354 424 472 549 654 651 693 65 63 56 54 66 65 95 96 121 112 120 118 17 17 16 15 15 14 15 18 14 29 24 30 7 5 4 4 7 5 11 8 13 13 17 10 222 213 189 182 212 198 216 227 264 299 314 289 6 333 395 2O1 222 3 251 3 241 3 280 3 257 3 247 240 3 652 650 3677 3 656 3 630 3 616 '617 612 3 3 622 3 596 3 592 3614 3 1947—May June July iVugust September. . October November. . December... 53O 552 3 564 3 55O 3 570 3 606 3 593 578 1948—January.... February. . . March April 3 3 3 3 3 7 568 537 550 572 315 3 ' 217 3 208 3 229 3241 24 271 162 ' 23' is' '273" 176" nge and other national securities exchanges and (2 3 own partners. 2 Includes money borrowed from bank 694 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN OPEN-MARKET MONEY RATES IN NEW YORK CITY [Per cent per annum] Year, month, or week 1945 average. . . . 1946 average. . . . 1947 average. . . . Prime commercial paper, 4- to 6months 1 u. s. Government security yields Prime Stock exbank- change ers' 9-to 12call accept- loan month 5ances, certifi- 3-to 3reyear 90 1 cates taxable month new3 2 days of inbills als debted- issues ness .81 .82 .88 1.18 L.16 1.32 .85 1.27 L .29 L .33 t .31 L .28 L .35 L.47 1.54 .44 .61 .87 1.00 1.16 1.38 .375 .375 .604 .06 .81 81 .81 .88 .94 .94 .94 .376 .376 .703 .748 .804 .857 .932 .950 1.04 .75 .81 1.03 COMMERCIAL LOAN RATES 1947—May . . June July August.... September. October. . . November. December.. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.06 1.06 L.19 1.03 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1948—January. . . February.. March April May 1.31 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.50 1.50 1.50 1 50 1.50 .977 .996 .996 .997 .997 .09 .10 .09 .10 .09 1.63 1.63 1.60 1 58 1.51 1H .998 .998 .997 .997 .997 1.10 [. 10 L.09 1.07 1.08 1.58 1.57 1.54 1.47 1.47 Week ending: May 1 . . . . May 8 . . . . May 15 May 22 . . . . May 29 1 /is 1% 1H 1% 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 1 L^ l^ii 185 .85 .85 .87 .97 .99 JIS was 1.50 >er8 cent uegiiimiig .n.ug. z, iv^o. rrior to cuac uaie n was 1.25 per cent. Rate on new issues offered within period. Back figures.—See Banking and Monetary Statistics. Tables 120-121, pp. 448-459, and BULLETINS for May 1945, pp. 483-490, and October 1947, pp. 1251-1253. AVERAGE OF RATES CHARGED CUSTOMERS BY BANKS IN PRINCIPAL CITIES [Per cent per annum] Total 19 cities New York City 7 other Northern and Eastern cities 11 Southern and Western cities 1938 average1. . .. 1939 average 1940 average 1941 average 1942 average 1943 average 1944 average 1945 average 1946 average 1947 average 2.53 2.78 2.63 2.54 2.61 2.72 2.59 2.39 2.34 2.28 1.69 2.07 2.04 1.97 2.07 2.30 2.11 1.99 1.82 1.81 2.75 2.87 2.56 2.55 2.58 2.80 2.68 2.51 2.43 2.33 3.26 3.51 3.38 3.19 3.26 2.73 2.85 2.76 1944—March June September. December. 2.63 2.63 2.69 2.39 2.10 2.23 2.18 1.93 2.75 2.55 2.82 2.61 3.12 3.18 3.14 2.65 1945—March June September. December. 2.53 2.50 2.45 2.09 1.99 2.20 2.05 1.71 2.73 2.55 2.53 2.23 2.91 2.80 2.81 2.38 1946—March June September. December. 2.31 2.41 2.32 2.33 1.75 .84 .83 .85 2.34 2.51 2.43 2.43 2.93 2.97 2.75 2.76 1947—March June September. December. 2.31 2.38 2.21 2.22 .82 .83 .77 .82 2.37 2.44 2.25 2.27 2.80 2.95 2.69 2.61 1948—March 2.46 2.09 2.52 2.83 1 Prior to March 1939 figures were reported monthly on a basis not strictly comparable with the current quarterly series. Back figures.—See Banking and Monetary Statistics, Tables 124-125. pp. 463-464; for description, see pp. 426-427. BOND YIELDS 1 [Per cent per annum] U. S. Government (taxable) Year, month, or week 7 to 9 years 15 years and over Corporate (Moody's) 4 Municipal (highgrade) 2 Corporate (highgrade) 3 By groups By ratings Total Aaa Baa Aa Industrial Railroad Public utility Number of issues 1-5 1-8 15 10 120 30 30 30 40 40 40 1945 average 1946 average 1947 average 1.60 1.45 1.59 2.37 2.19 2.25 .67 .64 .01 2.54 2.44 2.57 2.87 2.74 2.86 2.62 2.53 2.61 2.71 2.62 2.70 2.87 2.75 2.87 3.29 3.05 3.24 2.68 2.60 2.67 3.06 2.91 3.11 2.89 2.71 2.78 1947—May June July August September October November December 1.53 1.56 1.57 1.54 1.53 1.58 1.72 1.86 2.19 2.22 2.25 2.24 2.24 2.27 2.36 2.39 .95 .92 .91 .93 .92 2.02 2.18 2.35 2.49 2.50 2.51 2.51 2.57 2.68 2.75 2.86 2.79 2.81 .80 2.80 2.85 2.95 3.02 3.12 2.53 2.55 2.55 2.56 2.61 2.70 2.77 2.86 2.63 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.69 2.79 2.85 2.94 2.82 2.83 2.82 2.81 2.86 2.95 3.01 3.16 3.17 3.21 3.18 3.17 3.23 3.35 3.44 3.52 2.60 2.60 2.62 2.63 2.67 2.76 2.84 2.92 3.05 3.10 3.30 3.42 2.71 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.78 2.87 2.93 3.02 1948—January February March April May 2.09 2.08 2.03 1.99 1.89 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.44 2.42 2.45 2.55 2.52 2.38 2.31 2.85 2.84 2.81 2.77 2.74 3.12 3.12 3.10 3.05 3.02 2.86 2.85 2.83 2.78 2.76 2.94 2.93 2.90 2.87 2.86 3.17 3.17 3.13 3.08 3.06 3.52 3.53 3.53 3.47 3.38 2.91 2.90 2.89 2.85 2.82 3.44 3.43 3.40 3.34 3.27 3.03 3.03 3.01 2.97 2.95 Week ending: May 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 May 29 1.98 1.97 1.93 1.85 1.84 2.44 2.44 2.43 2.40 2.39 2.33 2.32 2.32 2.30 2.28 2.76 2.75 2.74 2.73 2.72 3.04 3.04 3.03 3.01 3.00 2.77 2.77 2.87 2.87 2.86 2.85 2.85 3.07 3.07 3.06 3.05 3.04 3.44 3.42 3.40 3.36 3.34 2.84 2.84 2.83 2.81 2.81 3.32 3.31 3.29 3.26 3.24 2.96 2.96 2.96 2.95 2.95 2.75 1 2 4 Monthly and weekly data are averages of daily figures, except for municipal bonds, which are based on Wednesday figures. 3 Standard and Poor's Corporation. U. S. Treasury Department. Moody's Investors Service, week ending Friday. Because of limited number of suitable issues, the industrial Aaa and Aa groups have been reduced from 10 to 5 and 9 issueg, respectively, and the railroad Aaa, Aa, and A groups from 10 to 6, 6, and 8 issues, respectively. Back figures.—See Banking and Monetary Statistics, Tables 128-129, pp. 468-474, and BULLETINS for May 1945, pp. 483-490, and October 1947, pp. 1251-1253. JUNE 1948 695 SECURITY MARKETS * Stock prices5 Bond prices Corporate * Year, month, or week Number of issues . U. S. Government 2 1-8 Municipal (highgrade) 8 Highgrade 15 Medium- and lower-grade Total 15 Industrial 50 Railroad Pre- 6 De- ferred Public faulted utility 20 10 Volume Common (index, 1935-39 = 100) of trading7 (in thousands ol Rail- Public shares) Total Industrial road utility 20 15 15 402 354 20 28 75.4 76.7 67.1 189.1 198.5 184.7 122 140 123 123 143 128 137 143 105 106 120 103 61.9 63.4 69.6 69 6 68.6 69.4 68.1 186.2 186.2 188.4 188.7 188.3 181.2 174.5 172.1 115 119 126 125 123 125 124 122 119 124 132 130 128 131 130 129 95 98 108 105 104 104 100 104 102 101 102 101 102 101 97 94 120 114 116 126 119 122 107 102 105 95 93 93 1946 average 1947 average 102.04 139.6 104.77 140.1 103.76 132.8 122.1 123.4 121.5 117.9 118.5 115.2 122.2 123.6 122.4 115.1 117.0 109.9 116.3 114.9 113.3 1947—May June July August September October November December 104.48 104 08 103.75 103 89 103 95 103.44 102.11 101 59 133.9 134.4 134.7 134 3 134 4 132.5 129.4 126 2 122.9 122.8 122.5 122 3 121.5 120.0 118.8 117.0 115.0 114.3 115.7 116.1 115.1 114.0 113.3 112.5 123.2 122.6 122.8 123 9 121.9 120.8 120.0 119.1 109.2 107.3 110.5 110.4 109.3 106.9 105.1 104.6 112.5 113.0 113.8 113 9 114.1 114.3 114.7 113.9 194g—January February March April May 100 70 100.70 100.78 100.84 101 20 124 5 122.6 123.1 125.7 127 1 117 4 117.5 118.0 118.6 118 7 112 4 112.4 112.1 114.1 115.6 118.9 119.3 119.1 119.6 120.4 104 6 103.8 103.7 106.4 107.4 113 7 114.1 113.5 116.4 118.9 169.5 167.5 170.1 169.9 171.1 125 130 131 137 115 123 Week ending: May 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 May 29 100.84 100 85 100.99 101.42 101.53 126.6 126 8 126.8 127.1 127.5 118.6 118.7 118.7 118.7 118.7 115.1 115.4 115.6 115.6 115.7 119.9 120.3 120.3 120.4 120.6 106.9 106.9 107.1 107.6 108.0 118.4 118.8 119.3 118.8 118.7 168.7 171.2 170.7 171.2 171.2 126 126 128 132 134 132 132 135 139 142 119 117 121 126 127 8 (8) 1,443 1,390 953 912 833 1,158 674 763 1,136 862 1,170 895 857 974 96 99 1,467 1,980 97 97 99 101 101 1,415 1,382 2,440 2,476 1,657 1 2 8 Monthly and weekly data are averages of daily figures, except for municipal bonds and for stocks, which are based on Wednesday figures. Average of taxable bonds due or callable in 15 years and over. Prices derived from average yields, as computed by Standard and Poor's Corporation, on basis of a 4 5per cent 20-year bond. *8 Prices derived from averages of median yields, as computed by Standard and Poor's Corporation. Standard and Poor's Corporation. Prices derived from averages of median yields on noncallable high-grade stocks on basis of a $7 annual dividend. 7 Average daily volume of trading in stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. 8 Series discontinued beginning Dec. 1, 1947. Average for 1947 based on figures for 11 months. Back figures.—See Banking and Monetary Statistics, Tables 130, 133, 134, and 136, pp. 475, 479, 482, and 486, respectively, and BULLETINS for May 1945, pp. 483-490, and October 1947, pp. 1251-1253. NEW SECURITY ISSUES [In millions of dollars] For new capital Year or month 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 Total (new and refunding) 5,790 4,803 5,546 2,114 2,169 4.216 8,006 8,645 89,608 For refunding Domestic Total (domestic and forTotal eign) 2,277 1,951 2,854 1,075 642 913 1,772 4,645 37,448 State and municipal Federal agen-1 cies Total 2,239 931 924 1,948 751 461 2,852 518 1,272 1,075 342 108 640 176 90 896 235 15 1,761 471 26 4,635 952 127 7,136 2,225 203 785 778 1947—April 891 348 333 May 702 745 740 June 1,038 619 July 8 1.033 «863 326 326 August. . . 517 621 621 September 785 713 713 October. . 813 571 571 November 705 December 1,160 1,029 1,024 402 106 212 124 185 277 114 101 99 495 495 541 1948—January . . 802 February. 857 801 March. . . 1,374 1,222 1,221 April 784 951 783 114 217 630 171 15 15 12 8 85 16 39 31 50 Domestic Corporate Foreign2 Bonds and Stocks notes 383 287 97 736 601 135 1,062 889 173 624 506 118 374 282 92 646 422 224 1,264 607 657 3,556 2.084 1,472 4,708 3.493 1,215 376 212 514 483 132 258 599 470 925 241 80 430 311 121 175 410 336 780 136 132 83 172 11 84 189 134 144 365 546 560 562 323 368 531 432 41 178 29 131 38 2 1 "l 17 12 10 68 7 15 5 1 2 2 Total (domestic and for- Total eign) 3,513 3,465 2,852 2,852 2,693 2,689 1,039 1,039 1,527 1,442 3,303 3,288 6,234 6,173 4,000 3,895 2,160 1,983 State and municipal Federal agen-1 cies Total 195 1,537 344 482 698 435 440 181 497 259 418 404 912 324 734 208 422 44 106 354 293 170 191 165 101 134 130 101 354 255 170 191 165 101 134 130 3 1 2 11 3 46 56 152 166 46 56 152 166 Corporate oreign2 Bonds and Stocks notes 1,733 1,596 2,026 1,834 1,557 1,430 418 407 685 603 2,466 2,178 4,937 4,281 2,953 2,352 1,517 1,236 5 2 2 20 33 38 40 40 42 20 48 45 78 319 214 118 147 122 76 84 83 44 229 165 107 140 113 51 78 80 2 3 1 1 42 39 54 114 3 14 97 50 3 13 87 50 137 193 126 11 82 288 656 601 281 48 4 86 15 61 105 177 34 5 91 48 " 3 8 11 7 9 25 6 3 1 10 1 Includes publicly offered issues of Federal credit agencies, but excludes direct obligations of U. S. Treasury. Includes issues of noncontiguous U. S. Territories and Possessions. Includes 244 million dollars of issues of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which are not shown separately. Source.—For domestic issues, Commercial and Financial Chronicle; for foreign issues, U. S. Department of Commerce. Monthly figure* subject to revision. Back figures.—See Banking and Monetary Statistics, Table 137, p. 487. 2 1 696 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN NEW CORPORATE SECURITY ISSUES 1 PROPOSED USES OF PROCEEDS, ALL ISSUERS [In millions of dollars] Proposed uses of net proceeds Estimated Estimated gross net proceeds2 proceeds* Year or month 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 . . 1947 . . . . 1947—April May June July... August September October November December •. Retirement of securities New money Total Plant and equipment Working capital Total Bonds and notes Preferred stock Repayment of other debt Other purposes 397 2,332 4,572 2,310 2,155 2,164 2,677 2,667 1,062 1,170 3,202 6,011 6,900 6,221 384 2,266 4,431 2,239 2,110 2,115 2,615 2,623 1,043 1,147 3,142 5,902 6,757 6,111 57 208 858 991 681 325 569 868 474 308 657 1,080 3,279 4,270 32 111 380 574 504 170 424 661 287 141 252 638 2,115 3,224 26 96 478 417 177 155 145 207 187 167 405 442 1,164 1,046 231 1,865 3,368 1,100 1,206 1,695 1,854 1,583 396 739 2,389 4,555 2,868 1,378 231 1,794 3,143 911 1,119 1,637 1,726 1,483 366 667 2,038 4,117 2,392 1,191 71 226 190 87 59 128 100 30 72 351 438 476 187 84 170 154 111 215 69 174 144 138 73 49 134 379 310 11 23 49 36 7 26 19 28 35 27 47 133 231 153 449 446 738 601 248 441 622 561 1,078 441 437 727 588 245 434 612 547 1,063 254 180 498 435 118 244 510 425 932 101 109 426 370 99 179 388 354 800 153 71 72 64 19 65 122 71 132 85 232 207 112 104 154 33 81 93 80 198 164 103 102 154 15 74 91 5 34 43 9 3 1 18 7 2 98 19 15 17 16 9 45 22 12 3 7 6 24 6 26 24 18 26 346 613 688 636 340 594 679 626 294 546 560 434 193 309 343 334 101 237 217 100 6 26 84 62 6 14 83 62 12 1 26 22 30 104 14 1 6 25 1948—January February March April PROPOSED USES OF PROCEEDS, BY MAJOR GROUPS OF ISSUERS [In millions of dollars] Year or month 1934.: 1935.: 1936 . 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946.. 1947 . 3947—April May June July August. . September.. Oct ober November December 1948—January February March April Industrial Public utility Railroad Real estate and financial Total Retire- All Total Retire- All Total Retire- All Total Retire- All net net net New ment of other New ment of other New ment of other net New ment of other pro- money securi- pur- 4 pro- money securi- pur- 4 pro- money securi- pur- 4 pro- money securi- pur- 4 poses ceeds ceeds poses ceeds ties poses ceeds ties ties ties poses 172 120 774 338 54 182 319 361 47 160 602 1,436 21 57 139 228 24 85 115 253 32 46 102 704 283 115 129 240 17 37 28 17 15 28 28 23 22 23 5 35 37 20 4 31 37 20 23 34 23 34 80 51 42 32 120 54 558 110 30 97 186 108 15 114 500 1,320 571 35 31 10 77 1 18 464 3 8 11 30 63 89 180 43 245 317 145 22 40 469 1,400 2,291 69 2,129 785 3,121 2,122 93 225 536 6 37 19 751 1,208 L 246 1,180 340 22 2 4 130 1,250 1,987 307 140 306 303 277 493 30 31 353 234 28 157 280 245 480 77 1,190 1,897 611 943 1 157 922 993 292 423 1,343 2,159 1,252 42 30 27 50 86 47 13 30 27 25 17 923 63 93 76 61 179 181 2 16 2 62 774 1,280 1,079 831 584 961 25 74 439 616 469 188 167 828 244 463 293 89 527 497 228 199 1,033 454 504 1,969 811 1,010 3,601 2,201 981 2,429 1,740 364 328 165 141 239 79 204 129 96 175 65 68 95 4 16 136 8 31 11 13 16 1 1 71 259 213 496 45 193 129 422 95 425 70 390 164 119 149 106 6 12 9 1 320 265 281 233 34 14 5 17 34 550 761 373 226 353 738 123 269 83 154 24 26 26 43 9 13 20 49 56 14 13 24 2 150 80 90 136 43 56 121 146 71 76 20 122 390 71 16 102 155 94 4 21 107 46 218 57 8 9 42 55 4 13 61 72 152 7 7 88 9 18 4 42 19 4 20 7 1 5 104 21 4 3 148 419 325 206 323 279 85 164 169 99 10 19 3 10 21 3 5 21 3 2 1 1 10 51 16 21 54 38 7 15 9 4 9 g 5 19 21 6 13 45 35 18 14 2 25 21 57 16 52 15 27 91 157 41 153 15 65 64 56 56 95 54 5 1 26 5 1 5 3 21 1 2 8 Estimates of new issues sold for cash in the United States. Gross proceeds are derived by multiplying principal amounts or number of units by offering price. Estimated net proceeds are equal to estimated gross proceeds less cost of flotation, i.e., compensation to underwriters, agents, etc., and 4 >txpenses. Includes repayment of other debt and other purposes. Source.—Securities and Exchange Commission; for compilation of back figures, see Banking and Monetary Statistics (Table 138, p. 491), a Duplication of the Board of Governors. JUNE 1948 697 QUARTERLY EARNINGS AND DIVIDENDS OF LARGE CORPORATIONS INDUSTRIAL CORPORATIONS [In millions of dollars] Profits and dividends Net profits,1 by industrial groups Manufacturing and mining Year or quarter Total Iron and steel 629 47 Number of companies. Annual 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 146 1,465 1,818 278 2,163 325 226 1,769 204 . . . . 1,800 194 1,896 1 925 188 283 32,545 r 3,670 '437 Quarterly 1946—i 2 NonOther trans- ferrous MaAumetals chin- tomo- portaand tion biles equipery products ment 69 15 115 223 102 158 193 159 165 174 163 242 274 209 201 222 243 130 173 227 182 180 190 169 127 '417 '205 -34 21 42 102 * -5 449 s 171 '334 323 604 698 22 67 96 97 -19 49 32 126 M00 MOO '70 83 '77 4 '871 '867 '900 r l,033 '112 '105 94 105 103 115 1948—1 1,030 121 87 130 3 4 1947—i 2 3 . . «853 « 61 68 Other durable goods Oil Foods, producIndusbevering trial ages, and chemiand cals tobacco refining 30 75 49 119 70 151 98 186 133 153 138 128 115 108 136 88 113 90 83 88 88 148 159 151 162 175 199 356 112 174 152 186 220 223 281 '354 '480 194 207 164 170 187 187 27* 345 77 r Dividends 198 » 165 '238 45 20 26 41 50 12 37 41 8 65 74 93 124 56 62 77 85 63 66 67 '51 '58 59 '71 98 64 85 '89 '4 53 '4 57 '4 46 47 46 45 '59 <61 49 62 <51 «38 •44 57 Other nondurable goods MiscellaNet 1 neous profits serv-2 Preices ferred 80 74 152 134 122 160 187 136 149 147 154 302 132 152 161 171 184 203 321 847 1,028 1,137 '370 r 888 902 970 989 »1 .139 1,786 293 152 152 90 564 90 92 88 86 86 85 82 89 669 705 552 556 611 612 657 837 20 21 20 21 146 153 149 209 177 192 190 278 207 77 62 71 77 91 82 80 93 66 '108 '110 '121 '160 '88 87 81 88 96 92 93 '90 63 71 '80 '80 '501 20 23 22 23 83 196 90 93 57 527 22 116 250 310 •415 '421 432 432 Common PUBLIC UTILITY CORPORATIONS fin millions of dollars] Year or quarter Annual 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 f 046 1947 Operating revenue Income before income tax 8 756 273 778 . . 1,869 1,703 2,047 2,008 39 -57 161 130 14 -45 128 191 2,039 2,111 2.177 2,357 166 189 89 121 3 4 184 239 112 157 1948—1 2,243 132 72 3 4 Quarterly 1947—1 2 Dividends Operating revenue 2,647 2,797 3,029 3,216 3,464 3,615 3,681 3,814 '4,244 629 692 774 847 913 902 905 970 961 535 548 527 490 502 507 534 647 652 444 447 437 408 410 398 407 456 470 1 .067 1,129 L 235 1,362 1,537 1,641 .803 1,992 2,149 56 52 41 85 967 919 931 998 303 225 212 229 196 151 143 157 107 109 109 130 44 52 1,075 1,028 1.024 '1,118 289 247 191 166 115 115 126 159 186 202 217 246 246 235 236 1,658 2,211 1,972 1946—1 2 Net income1 Dividends 93 189 500 902 873 667 450 289 480 126 249 674 Income before income tax 8 Net income1 3,995 4,297 . . . 5,347 7,466 . . . . 9,055 9,437 8,902 7,627 8,685 Telephone 7 Electric power • Railroad * 38 103 Operating revenue 1,202 196 228 284 135 160 186 475 497 502 519 527 478 111 129 555 589 131 607 Income before Net income income 1 tax 8 Dividends 227 248 271 302 374 399 396 277 192 191 194 178 163 180 174 177 200 131 175 178 172 163 168 168 173 171 133 84 75 56 62 54 53 44 49 43 43 43 42 67 29 38 58 64 44 21 40 32 27 39 32 30 43 39 r 1 1 Revised. "Net profits" and "net income" refer to income after all charges and taxes and before dividends. Includes 29 companies engaged in wholesale and retail trade (largely department stores), 13 in the amusement industry, 21 in shipping and transportation other than railroads (largely airlines), and 11 companies furnishing scattered types of service. 1 Net profits figures for the year 1946 include, and those for the fourth quarter exclude, certain large extraordinary year-end profits in the following amounts (in millions 6of dollars): 629 company series—total, 67; machinery, 49; other durable goods, 18; 152 company series—total, 49. 4 Partly estimated. Class I line-haul railroads, covering about 95 per cent of all railroad operations. • Class A and B electric utilities, covering about 95 per cent of all electric power operations. Figures include affiliated nonelectric operations. 1 Thirty large companies, covering about 85 per cent of all telephone operations. Series excludes American Telephone and Telegraph Company,8 the greater part of whose income consists of dividends received on stock holdings in the 30 companies. After all charges and taxes except Federal income and excess profits taxes. Sources.—Interstate Commerce Commission for railroads; Federal Power Commission for electric utilities.Quarterly figures on operating revenue and on income before income tax are partly estimated); Federal Communications Commission for telephoned companies (except dividends); published reports for industrial companies and for telephone dividends. Figures for the current and preceding year subject to revision. For description of data and back figures, see pp. 214-217 of the BULLETIN for March 1942 and also p. 1126 of the BULLETIN for November 1942 (telephone companies) and p. 908 of the BULLETIN for September 1944 (electric utilities). 698 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DEBT—VOLUME AND KIND OF SECURITIES [On basis of daily statements of United States Treasury. In millions of dollars] Marketable public issues 1 Total gross direct debt Total interestbearing direct debt 1941—June. Dec. 1942—June. Dec. 1943—June. Dec. 1944—June. Dec. 1945—June. Dec. 1946—-June. Dec. 48,961 57,938 72,422 108,170 136,696 165,877 201,003 230,630 258,682 278,115 269,422 259,149 1947—May. June. July.. Aug.. Sept... Oct... Nov. . Dec. . 1948—Jan... Feb.. Mar.. Apr... May. Nonmarketable public issues Noninterest bearing debt Fully guaranteed interestbearing securities Certificates of Treasury Treasury Total 2 Total 2 Treasury bonds indebtnotes bills edness Special U. S. Treasury and issues savings tax bonds savings notes 48,387 57,451 71,968 107,308 135,380 164,508 199,543 228,891 256,357 275,694 268,111 257,649 37,713 41,562 50,573 76,488 95,310 115,230 140,401 161,648 181,319 198,778 189,606 176,613 1,603 2,002 2,508 6,627 11,864 13,072 14,734 16,428 17,041 17,037 17,039 17.033 3,096 10,534 16,561 22,843 28,822 30,401 34,136 38,155 34,804 29,987 5,698 5,997 6,689 9,863 9,168 11,175 17,405 23,039 23,497 22,967 18,261 10,090 30,215 33,367 38,085 49,268 57,520 67,944 79,244 91,585 106,448 120,423 119,323 119,323 4,555 8,907 13,510 21,788 29,200 36,574 44,855 50,917 56,226 56,915 56,173 56,451 4,314 6,140 10,188 15,050 21,256 27,363 34,606 40,361 45,586 48,183 49,035 49.776 2,471 3,015 6,384 7,495 8,586 9,557 9,843 10,136 8,235 6,711 5,725 6,120 6,982 7,885 9,032 10,871 12,703 14,287 16,326 18,812 20,000 22.332 24,585 574 487 454 862 1,316 1,370 1,460 1,739 2,326 2,421 1,311 1,500 6,360 6,317 4,548 4,283 4,092 4,225 1,516 1,470 409 553 258,343 258,286 259,448 260,097 259,145 259,071 258,212 256,900 254,975 255,113 256,321 257,110 256,107 256,270 255,591 254,205 169,926 168,702 168,509 168,390 167,946 167,109 166,404 165,758 16,002 15,775 15,756 15,735 15,725 15,732 15,335 15,136 26,294 25,296 25,122 25,025 24,894 24,808 24,501 21,220 8,142 8,142 8,142 8,142 7,840 7,840 7,840 11,375 119,323 119,323 119,323 119,323 119,323 118,564 118,564 117,863 58,863 59,045 59,296 59,499 58,640 59,714 59,670 59,492 51,240 51.367 51,552 51,664 51,759 51,897 52,008 52,053 5,525 5,560 ,592 ,642 5,531 5,618 5,534 5,384 26,186 27,366 28,516 29,220 29,520 29,447 29,517 28,955 3,368 3,173 3,127 2,987 3,038 2,801 2,621 2,695 171 83 74 73 70 78 83 76 256,574 254,605 252,990 252,240 252,236 253,958 252,100 250,634 249,920 249,958 164,917 162,759 161,339 160,875 160,888 14,838 14,438 13,945 13,748 13,761 20,677 18,920 20,331 20,065 20,065 11,375 11,375 11,375 11,375 11,375 117,863 117,863 115,524 115,524 115,524 59,893 60,095 60,023 59,843 59,747 52,479 52,793 52,988 53,065 53,143 5,403 5,327 5,100 4,886 4,741 29,148 29,246 29,272 29,201 29,323 2,616 2,505 2,356 2,320 2,278 72 74 73 70 70 End of month 467 331 nd trust funds, which aggregated 5,476 million on Apr. 30, 1948. UNITED STATES SAVINGS BONDS [In millions of dollars] UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT MARKETABLE PUBLIC SECURITIES OUTSTANDING MAY 31, 1948 On basis of daily statements of United States Treasury. of dollars] Issue and coupon rate Treasury bills » June 3 1948 June 10, 1948 . . June 17 1948 June 24 1948 July 1, 1948 July 8 1948 July 15 1948 July 22, 1948. . . July 29, 1948. . . Aug. 5, 1948 Aug. 12, 1948. . Aug. 19, 1948 . . Aug. 26, 1948. . 1,101 1,101 1,107 1,009 1,200 1,205 1,007 1,002 1,006 905 1.006 1.004 1.108 Cert, of indebtedne s s June July I, 1948. . . . • H I, 1948 Ser. •F* 7/i 1948 Ser. •G' , 1948 Ser. 'H' ' Vs 1948 Ser. T* 1948 Ser. 'K* * i 1949 \Vs 1949 1949 IV 1949 1H July 1, July L, Oct. L, Oct. L, Jan. , Feb. 1 , Mar. 1, Apr. L, Treasury notes Sept. 15, 1948... Oct. 1, 1948... Jan. 1,1949... Treasury Bonds Tune 15 1948 Sept. 15, 1948 2 .. Dec 15 1948 50 June 15, 1949-51 Sept. 15, 1949-51 Dec. 15, 1949-51 Amount 1)4 1 m 1,777 2,742 1,127 2,209 1,354 1,467 2,592 2,189 3,553 1,055 3,748 4,092 3,535 In millions Issue and coupon rate Treas ury bonds—Cont. Dec. 15, 1949-52 2.. 3 H D e c 15, 1949-53 2..2K Mar. 15, 1950-52 2 Sept. 15, 1950-52 2 ..23^ 2 Sept. 15, 1950-52 Dec. 15, 1950 1)4 June 15, 1951-54 2,. 2 % 2 Sept. 15, 1951-53 2 Sept. 15, 1951-55 ... .3 D e c 15, 1951-53 2..2M 2 Dec. 15, 1951-55 Mar. 15, 1952-54...2)4 15, 1952-54 2 June June 15, 1952-55.. .2\i Dec. 15, 1952-54 2 June 15, 1953-55 2... .2 June 15, 1954-56 2..2M Mar. 15, 1955-60 2..2H Mar. 15, 1956-58...2)4 Sept. 15, 1956-59 2..2 % Sept. 15, 1956-59.. .2% June 15, 1958-63 J..2M June 15, 1959-62 3..2)4 D e c 15, 1959-62 3..2M D e c 15. 1960-65 2 2% June 15, 1962-67 3 . . 2 H D e c 15, 1963-68 3..2V2 June 15, 1964-69 33..2)4 D e c 15, 1964-69 ..2)4 Mar. 15, 1965-70 3..2)4 Mar. 15, 1966-71 3..2)4 June 15, 1967-72 K.2)4 Sept. 15, 1967-72...2)4 D e c 15, 1967-72 \.2)4 Postal Savings bonds 2)4 P a n a m a Canal Loan. 3 i% 3 062 '451 Y.2 1,014 G u a r a n t e e d securities 1,292 Federal Housing Admin. 2,098 Various 2Y2 2 ..2 ..2 1 Amount 491 1,786 1,963 1,186 4,939 2,635 1,627 7,986 755 1,118 510 1,024 5,825 1,501 8,662 725 681 2,611 1,449 982 3,823 919 5,284 3,470 1,485 2,118 2,831 3,761 3,838 5,197 3,481 7,967 2,716 11,689 114 50 Total direct issues.. .. 160,888 571 27 Sold on discount basis. See table on Open-Market Money Rates, 2 p. 695. Partially tax exempt, s Restricted. JUNE 1948 Month Fiscal year ending: June—1940. . 1941.. 1942.. 1943.. 1944.. 1945.. 1946.. 1947.. 1947—May. . . June.. . July... Aug... . Sept.... Oct Nov. . . Dec . . . 1948—Jan.. . . Feb.. . . Mar.... Apr.. . . May. .. RedempAmount Funds received from sales during tions and outperiod maturities standing at end of All All Series Series Series month series E F G series 2,905 1 .109 203 4,314 1 ,492 10,188 5 ,994 3,526 11 ,789 8,271 21,256 34,606 15 ,498 11,820 45,586 14 ,891 11,553 49,035 9 ,612 6,739 51,367 7 ,208 4,287 488 305 51,240 482 301 51,367 339 559 51,552 460 294 51,664 466 304 51,759 488 304 51,897 412 263 52,008 487 325 52,053 52,479 770 479 607 367 52,793 588 383 52,988 468 320 53,065 432 305 53,143 "67' 435 758 802 679 407 360 25 24 27 21 21 22 17 24 44 40 30 20 17 395 2 032 2 2 2 2 2 759 876 658 465 561 158 157 193 144 142 162 131 137 248 201 175 128 110 114 148 207 848 2,371 4,298 6,717 5,545 421 433 457 404 431 404 357 434 454 364 462 452 428 Maturities and amounts outstanding May 31 , 1948 Year of maturity 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 .... 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 I960 Unclassified. . Total All series 330 820 989 1,553 4,168 7,394 9,607 8,375 6,153 6,103 4,266 2,518 Series C-D 330 820 989 431 Series E 1,122 4 168 6,081 6,953 5,595 2 960 3,274 1,473 908 -42 53,143 2,599 31,625 Series F Series G 204 529 574 653 523 301 329 133 1,108 2,125 2,207 2 541 2,306 2,492 2,189 775 3 245 15,744 699 OWNERSHIP OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, DIRECT AND FULLY GUARANTEED* [Estimates of the Treas u r y Department. Par value, in millions of dollars] Gross debt Held oy nonbank investors Held by banks End of month Total interestbearing securities Total Total Commercial2 banks Federal Reserve Banks Total Individuals Insurance companies Mutual savings banks Other corporations and associations 6 ,500 State and local governments U. S. Government agencies and trust funds Special is sues Public issues 400 600 700 900 000 500 100 200 300 300 500 500 300 100 4 ,775 6 ,120 6 ,982 7 ,885 9 ,032 10 ,871 12 ,703 14 ,287 16 ,326 18 ,812 20 ,000 22 ,332 24.585 27 ,366 2 ,305 2 ,375 2 ,558 2 ,737 3 ,218 3 ,451 4 ,242 4 ,810 5 ,348 6 ,128 7 ,048 6 ,798 6 ,338 5 ,445 47,874 54,747 63,768 76,517 111,591 139,472 168,732 201,059 230,361 256,766 276,246 268,578 257,980 255.197 48,496 55,332 64,262 76,991 112,471 140,796 170,108 202,626 232,144 259,115 278,682 269,898 259,487 258,358 18 ,566 21 ,884 23 ,654 28 ,645 47 ,289 59 ,402 71 ,443 83 ,301 96 ,546 105 ,992 115 ,062 108 ,183 97 ,850 91 ,872 16 ,100 19 ,700 21 ,400 26 ,000 41 ,100 52 ,200 59 ,900 68 ,400 77 ,700 84 ,200 90 ,800 84 ,400 74 ,500 70 ,000 2 ,466 2 ,184 2 ,254 2 ,645 6 ,189 7 ,202 11 ,543 14 ,901 18 ,846 21 ,792 24 ,262 23 ,783 23 ,350 21 ,872 29 ,930 33 ,448 40 ,608 48 ,346 65 ,182 81 ,394 98 ,665 119 ,325 135 ,598 153 ,123 163 ,620 161 ,715 161 ,637 166 ,486 10 ,300 11 ,500 14 ,100 18 ,400 24 ,500 31 ,700 38 ,400 46 ,500 53 ,500 59 ,800 64 ,800 64 ,100 64 ,900 67 ,100 8 ,200 9 ,200 11 ,300 13 ,100 15 ,100 17 ,300 19 ,600 22 ,700 24 ,400 25 ,300 25 ,300 25 ,000 3 ,100 3 ,400 3 ,700 3 ,900 4 ,500 5 ,300 6 ,100 7 ,300 8 ,300 9 ,600 10 ,700 11 ,500 11 ,800 12 ,100 2 2 4 5 11 15 20 25 28 30 30 25 22 22 1947—Oct.. . . 256,348 N o v . . . 255,674 D e c . . . . 254,281 259,155 258,301 256,981 92 ,168 91 ,709 91 ,259 70 ,000 69 ,500 68 ,700 22 ,168 22 ,209 22 ,559 166 ,987 166 ,592 165 ,722 66 ,800 66 ,700 66 ,600 24 ,900 24 ,700 24 ,300 12 ,200 12 ,100 12 ,000 22 ,000 21 ,700 21 ,200 7 ,200 7 ,300 7 ,300 29 ,447 29 ,517 28 ,955 4 ,488 4 ,675 5 ,397 1948—Jan.. . . 254,030 F e b . . . . 252,174 M a r . . . 250.707 256,651 254,683 253,068 90 ,925 88 ,524 86 ,287 69 ,000 67 ,500 65 ,400 21 ,925 21 ,024 20 ,887 165 ,726 166 ,159 166 ,781 66 ,600 66 ,700 66 ,800 24 ,100 23 ,900 23 ,800 12 ,000 12 ,000 12 ,100 21 ,200 21 4.00 21 !800 7 ,200 7 ,200 7 ,500 29 ,148 29 ,246 29 ,272 5 ,452 5 ,637 5 ,701 1940—June... 1941—June... Dec.... 1942—June... Dec... 1943—June... Dec.... 1944—June... Dec... 1945—June... Dec.... 1946—June... Dec... 1947—June... 7 ,100 500 400 400 400 600 500 000 ,900 ,100 ,900 ,200 ,300 ,400 ,300 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 7 1 2 Revised to include non-interest bearing debt. Including holdings by banks in territories and insular possessions, amounting to 100 million dollars on June 30, 1942, and 400 million om Feb. 29, 1948. SUMMARY DATA FROM TREASURY SURVEY O F OWNERSHIP O F SECURITIES ISSUED OR GUARANTEED BY T H E UNITED STATES * [Marketable public securities. In millions of dollars] End of month Total outstanding Type of security: Total: 1 1945—Dec 198,820 1946—June 189,649 Dec 176,658 1947—June.... 168,740 Dec 165.791 '162,787 1948—Feb M a r . . . . 161,367 Treasury bills: 1945—Dec 17,037 1946—June 17,039 Dec 17,033 15,775 1947—June Dec 15,136 14,438 1948—Feb M a r . . . . 13,945 Certificates: 1945—Dec 38,155 1946—June.... 34,804 Dec 29,987 1947—June.... 25,296 Dec 21,220 1948—Feb 18,920 Mar 20,331 Treasury notes: 1945—Dec 22,967 1946—June.... 18,261 Dec 10,090 1947—June.... 8,142 Dec 11,3 75 1948—Feb 11,375 M a r . . .. 11,375 Treasury bonds: 1945—Dec 120,423 1946—June... 119.323 Dec 119,323 1947—June.... 119,323 D e c . . . 117.86^ 1948—Feb 117.863 M a r . . .. 115,524 U. S. Government agencies and trust funds Fed- Com- Mueral mertual Recial savserve banks ings Banks C1) banks In sur- ancc Other companies End of month Treasury bonds and notes, due or callable: Within 1 year: 7,009 24,262 82,830 10 491 23 183 51,046 1945—Dec 6,768 23,783 76,578 11 220 24 285 47,015 1946—June.... 6,302 23,350 66,962 11 521 24 346 44,177 Dec 5,409 21,872 62,961 11 845 23 969 42,684 1947—June.... 5,261 22,559 61,370 11 552 22 895 42,154 Dec 5,500 21,024 60,149 11 590 22 449 42,075 1948—Feb 5,564 20,887 58,087 11 624 22 310 42,895 Mar.... 1-5 years: 5 12,831 2,476 1 1,723 1945—Dec 1 1,424 3 14,466 1,142 "3 1946—June.... 2 14,745 1 187 11 1 088 Dec 787 11 14,496 1 1 479 1947—June.... 18 11,433 2,052 25 154 1,454 Dec 60 341 1,915 81 9,211 2,830 1948—Feb 89 8,851 1,984 78 273 2,670 Mar 5-10 years: 38 8,364 18,091 91 360 11,211 1945—Dec 58 6,813 16,676 243 576 10,439 1946—June.... 64 7,496 11,221 257 490 10,459 Dec 48 6,280 8,536 249 362 9,821 1947—June.... 30 6,797 6,538 200 269 7,386 Dec 36 4,391 6,306 308 365 7,514 1948—Feb 36 4,481 7,128 356 410 7,920 Mar.... 10-20 years: 8 2,120 15,701 179 576 4,383 1945—Dec 227 9 1,748 11,396 623 4,258 1946—June.... 6 355 6,120 211 603 2,796 Dec 7 369 4,855 183 285 2,443 1947—June.... 4 1,477 5,327 98 245 4,224 Dec... 4 1,734 4,945 134 260 4,298 1948—Feb 4 1,883 4,556 133 244 4,555 Mar.... After 20 years: 947 46,535 10 217 22 230 33,579 6,915 1945—Dec 755 47,335 10 743 23 073 30,764 6,655 1946—June.... 753 48,408 11 049 23 226 29,700 6,186 Dec 727 48.756 11 407 23 305 29,822 5,306 1947—June.... Dec 5,1 73 2,853 47,424 11 226 22 , 2 H 28.974 5,343 5,688 46,042 11 087 21 468 28,235 1948—Feb 5,400 5,671 44,394 11 ,054 21 ,369 27,636 Mar Total outstanding U. S. Government agencies and trust funds 15, 222 10, 119 7, 802 1 1 , 255 14, 263 17, 798 15, 459 185 4 29 83 69 69 23 3 5 , 376 3 5 . 055 3 9 , 570 4 2 , 522 4 9 , 948 4 6 , 413 4 6 , 413 408 443 576 469 344 344 344 33, 025 3 2 , 847 2 7 , 283 1 8 , 932 10, 270 10 270 10 270 787 716 529 423 370 3 4 , 985 3 7 . 18Q 3 2 , 384 40 352 54 757 54 757 54 757 24 22 22 14 781 372 372 405 Fed- Com- Mu- Insureral mertual Recial sav- ance Other serve banks ings comBanks (x) banks panies 63 116 181 374 266 326 245 235 495 591 420 316 407 338 2,76t 2,41& 2,591 3,191 3,675 5,866, 5,604 701 709 1 ,047 1 ,574 1 ,876 1 ,954 1 ,982 1 ,742 1 ,506 2 ,101 2 ,671 3 ,046 2 ,907 2 ,877 6,673 6,319 6 550 7^193 9,89a 8,054 8,102' 21,007 21,933 16,657 11,577 6,090 6,072 6,047 2 ,058 1 ,609 2 ,042 1 ,245 576 571 565 2 ,902 2 ,822 2 ,826 2 ,002 880 857 867 6,063 5,632 5,156 3.645 1,928 1,897' 1,921 90 3.691 2,779 83 3,308 3,400 78 2.433 2,975 78 2,587 3,374 834 5,003 4.393 4,564 2,893 4,658 4,669 2,991 4,607 5 ,523 6 .026 5 ,303 6 ,751 8 ,606 10 ,996 12 ,547 11 ,708 15 ,137 18 ,211 2 ,051 2 ,510 2 ,687 1 ,649 6 ,933 6 ,325 6 ,602 3 ,358 370 367 2,764 2,103 2,084 964 2.017 9,956 1,431 5,655 72 4,341 251 6,936 1.693 8,244 2,028 9,102 2,002 7,247 693 797 831 698 25.165 25,285 28,470 29,917 1,377 33,415 1,999 31,155 2,058 31,050 210 135 72 40 426 503 503 57 57 55 29 2,418 2,550 2,632 2,593 11,905 11,8299,886 12,425 17,710 8 ,369 17 ,559 16,714 8 ,394 17 ,530 16,566v 10,559 8,826 8,313 5,812 SUMMARY OF TREASURY RECEIPTS, EXPENDITURES, AND RELATED ITEMS [On basis of daily statements of United States Treasury. In millions of dollars] MisWar TransIncome taxes1 cellaand fers to Other Total Social Indetrust terneous Secu- Other Total Net exbudget acrereinter- rity re- 3 est fense expenWith-2 Other nal on activ- counts penditaxes ceipts ceipts ceipts tures ditures etc. debt ities held reve-1 nue Period Fiscal year ending: June 1945 June 1946 June 1947.... 1947—May June July August. . . . September. October November . December.. 1948—January... February. . March April May 10,289 24,884 6,949 1,793 3,851 9,392 21,493 7,725 1,714 3,953 10,013 19,292 8,049 2,039 5,325 400 1,218 595 365 628 778 2,492 602 125 1,485 757 625 663 80 344 413 1,255 643 352 203 797 2,639 699 136 616 702 644 782 71 258 350 1,315 695 329 363 880 1,889 767 145 578 624 6 2,613 656 51 366 1,563 61,597 629 423 403 998 4,168 739 180 281 684 1,174 662 83 278 1,358 401 428 673 223 deficit Net expenditure in checking acExcounts of Invest- pendiGovernments tures ment agencies +791 +4,529 +57,679 - 5 2 4 -10,460 + 10,740 - 5 4 8 -10,930 -11,136 +99 +642 -245 -634 -57 -758 -129 -239 +1,161 +206 +649 +332 -435 -953 +552 +283 -74 +155 +138 -859 -172 -547 -838 -1,312 +482 + 1,551 -326 -295 -330 -1,969 - 1 3 9 + 1,035 - 1 , 6 1 5 -750 -741 +312 -3 +334 +235 General fund of the Treasury (end of period) Details of trust accounts, etc. Net receipts (+) or 17,766 46,457 3,617 90,501 1,646 4,633 100,397 -53,941 14,276 43,038 4,722 48,870 1,918 8,204 63,714 -20,676 14,718 43,259 4,958 17,279 1,355 18,914 42,505 +754 3,851 92 1,269 432 2,059 -987 3,205 2,865 5,540 18 1,957 -67 5,481 5,473 1,396 2,169 3,669 — 1,272 981 549 1,895 2,470 2,397 245 3,060 910 273 1,773 -524 2,866 2,536 103 2,932 +1,940 9 1,246 4,885 4,872 668 1,008 2,445 60 1,074 -55 2,456 2,390 157 1,154 2,194 936 20 1,112 +549 3,054 2,743 127 3,224 +1,022 996 23 1,233 4,260 4,246 972 2,879 +1,396 66 1,343 4,310 4,275 401 1,069 2,402 + 1,934 11 1,399 4,614 4,336 142 850 3,546 +2,788 17 2,071 6,365 6,334 608 850 3,109 70 1,978 -302 2,881 2,806 154 907 2,604 1 1,544 + 103 3,083 2,707 124 P935 Social Security accounts Period Increase ( + ) or decrease (—) Trust during period accounts etc.4 General Gross fund debt balance Budget surplus Assets Other Receipts Investments Expenditures Total liabilities Balance in general fund 997 708 1,565 421 470 422 24,698 14,238 3,308 1,607 1,565 1,617 1,593 1,622 1,668 1,585 1,621 336 422 391 304 378 391 357 357 4,066 3,308 3,069 3,400 3,952 4,107 3,935 3,097 1,828 1,658 1,749 1,645 1,606 394 346 339 425 381 4,648 4,318 5,353 4,612 4,946 Total Deposits in Federal Reserve Banks Deposits in special depositaries Other assets Fiscal year ending: June 1945 June 1946 June 1947 3,266 2,978 3,235 2,757 1,261 1,785 480 1,656 1,509 1,553 95 -196 3,820 4,735 3,009 2,444 2,407 1,577 -938 2,817 2,117 25,119 14,708 3,730 1,500 1,006 1,202 22,622 12,993 962 1947—May June July August September. . October November. . December... 591 247 633 574 66 164 524 80 159 476 398 150 272 24 274 119 127 139 155 135 125 124 108 116 -33 90 158 176 47 -216 128 57 327 477 153 400 180 168 160 153 456 305 46 281 24 14 17 25 110 348 159 26 212 103 19 464 4,402 3,730 3,460 3,705 4,331 4,498 4,292 3,454 989 1,202 884 8749 1,091 1,393 1,290 866 1,807 962 958 1,362 1,618 1,437 1,417 968 1948—January February. . . March April May 254 433 92 173 577 68 230 51 -34 106 126 134 152 150 142 -283 111 54 -166 148 313 149 185 162 101 21 28 28 7 10 154 374 131 66 39 5,042 4,664 . 5,692 5,037 5,327 2,256 1,571 1,972 1,236 1,714 959 1,434 1,972 2,156 2,007 5 P1 Preliminary. 2 Details on collection basis given in table below. Withheld by employers (Current Tax Payment Act of 1943). 3 Total receipts less social security employment taxes, which are appropriated directly to the Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund. 4 5 6 Excess of receipts ( + ) or expenditures ( —). Change in classification. Based on telegraphic rather than the usual mailed reports for these months; this accounts in part for the increase in January and decrease in February from corresponding months of 1947. Back figures.—See Banking and Monetary Statistics, Tables 150-151, pp. 513-516. CASH OPERATING INCOME AND OUTGO OF THE UNITED STATES TREASURY * [In millions of dollars] INTERNAL REVENUE COLLECTIONS [On basis of reports of collections. Individual income taxes Period In millions of dollars] Corporation income and profit taxes Estate and gift taxes Excise and other miscellaneous taxes Normal and surtax Excess profits Other profits taxes 686 7,823 10,264 9,858 9,842 1,418 3,263 5,944 10,438 8,770 8,847 9,501 1,852 3,069 4,521 5,284 4,880 4,640 6,055 164 1,618 5,064 9,345 11,004 7,822 3,566 37 57 84 137 144 91 55 407 433 447 511 643 677 779 2,547 3,405 4,124 4,842 6,317 7,036 7,285 July August September.. October November.. December. . 1,014 1,528 33 1,133 1,495 26 1,188 1,491 36 648 158 1,068 297 62 1,128 246 67 408 228 170 1,386 370 276 1,514 384 249 1,463 66 63 61 49 43 35 28 22 24 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 68 62 55 66 79 64 65 54 65 572 539 560 618 572 625 736 627 691 1948—January February... March April 645 2,250 279 1,165 2,338 1,004 2,034 602 473 326 2,276 376 17 22 20 13 1 4 1 1 72 56 125 118 562 586 603 578 Withheld Fiscal year ending: june—i94i 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1947—April May June JUNE 1948 Other Period Cash income Cash outgo Fiscal year ending: June—1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1947—April May June July August September. October. .. November. December. •January... 1948— February.. March April 25,245 47,984 51,041 47,784 46,637 2,819 3,315 5,295 2,564 3,193 4,711 2,630 3,348 4,030 4,542 4,718 6,472 2,960 78,979 94,079 95,986 65,683 39,978 1 3,654 3,350 5,193 3,390 3,152 3,959 2,612 2,533 3,520 2,556 2,895 3,871 2,956 Excess income (+) or outgo ( - ) -53,735 -46,095 -44,945 -17,899 +6,659 -835 -35 + 102 -827 +41 +753 + 18 +816 +510 + 1,986 + 1,824 +2,601 +4 Difference between these figures and changes GOVERNMENT CORPORATIONS AND CREDIT AGENCIES * [Based on compilation by United States Treasury Department. In millions of dollars] PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES Liabilities, other than interagency items Assets, other than interagency items 1 Corporation or agency Total All agencies: Dec. 31, 1946 Mar. 31, 1947 June 30, 1947 Sept. 30, 1947 5 Dec. 31, 1947 Classification by agency, Dec. 31, 1947 Department of Agriculture: Farm Credit Administration: Banks for cooperatives Federal intermediate credit banks. Production credit corporations. . . Regional Agricultural Credit Corp. Agricultural Marketing Act Revolving Fund Federal Farm Mortgage Corp Rural Electrification Administration Commodity Credit Corp Farmers' Home Administration.... Federal Crop Insurance Corp Housing and Home Finance Agency: Home Loan Bank Board: Federal home loan banks Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp Home Owners' Loan Corp Public Housing Administration and affiliate: Public Housing Administration... Defense Homes Corp Federal Housing Administration Federal National Mortgage Association Reconstruction Finance Corp.7 Export-Import Bank Federal Deposit Insurance Corp Federal Works Agency Tennessee Valley Authority U. S. Maritime Commission: Maritime Commission functions 8 . . . War Shipping Adm. functions 9 All other w 30,409 32,337 429,666 31,037 30,966 U. S. PriBonds, notes, Gov- vately DeLand, ferred and debenern- owned struc- and Other tures payable Other ment intertures, liabilinterasU. S. Other and undisest tribities est sets Fully Govt. secu- equip- uted guaranteed Other secu- rities 2 ment charges3 by U.S. rities CommodiLoans ties, supreCash ceivplies, and able materials 1,398 1,588 1,792 1,556 1,481 Investments 6,649 1,265 7,294 1,003 7,662 851 9,212 1,093 9,714 822 348 410 109 2 275 336 3 126 759 1,296 395 43 19 413 55 25 2 94 733 261 278 613 37 1,873 1,985 1,777 1,725 1,685 547 3,426 3,565 3,553 3,539 16,924 15,486 12,691 12,662 12,600 ) C6) (6) 35 1 189 511 448 139 473 184 12 5 5 37 1,505 19 926 1,999 1,031 219 788 8 5 2 17 1,970 278 39 25 4 1,252 1,250 506 667 689 3,588 24,810 3,142 27,268 2,045 26,763 2,144 28,005 2,037 28,015 498 509 269 138 143 69 358 263 49 109 2 16 578 15 8 3 122 759 675 380 35 100 124 () 44 172 54 14 436 504 53 206 4 261 169 83 84 82 339 1,414 380 1,176 165 1,163 283 953 247 879 262 127 185 490 204 9 1 132 235 108 1,020 11 33 35 5 85 301 1,204 187 1,812 1,026 219 776 6 2 5 () 140 754 492 53 168 4 4 12 4,192 7,003 8,659 3,305 6,507 21 3,386 1,634 1 560 163 40 3,506 29 115 10 212 191 47 393 333 61 3,799 6,670 8,597 CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS BY PURPOSE AND AGENCY Dec. 31, 1947 Fed. Home Fed. inter- Banks Com- Rural Elec- FarmOwnFarm medi- for co- modity trificaers' ers' Mort. ate opera- Credit Home Loan tion Corp. credit tives Corp. Adm. Adm. Corp. banks Purpose of loan To aid agriculture To aid home owners To aid industry: 109 336 276 280 734 ExPublic Fed. R.F.C. portHous- home and Iming loan affili- port Adm. banks ates Bank 556 ... 486 Other To aid financial institutions: Other Other Less: Reserve for losses Total loans receivable (net)... 436 15 94 ('•) 336 1 275 18 261 733 278 278 13 473 278 278 436 Sept. 30, 1947, All all agen- agencies cies All other (6) 8 2,299 556 69 145 241 3 31 1 6 246 340 54 926 1,978 3,450 96 7 9 1,970 3,652 4 147 272 5 442 5,673 714 395 9,714 2,200 665 162 240 6 340 5,405 591 397 9,212 * Includes certain business type activities of the U. S. Government. Assets are shown on a net basis, i.e., after reserve for losses. Includes investment of the United States in international instutitions as follows (in millions of dollars): Stock of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development—318, 476, 635, 635, and 635 on Dec. 31, 1946, Mar. 31, June 30, Sept. 30, and Dec. 31, 1947, respectively; International Monetary Fund Quota—2,750 on Mar. 31, June 30, Sept. 30, and Dec. 31, 1947. 3 Deferred charges included under "Other assets" prior to Mar. 31, 1947. 4 Federal land banks are excluded beginning June 30, 1947; U. S. Government interest in these banks was liquidated June 26, 1947. 5 Detailed figures published in BULLETINS for January, February, and March, 1948, pp. 82, 214, and 320, respectively, should be corrected as follows (in millions of dollars): Federal Housing Administration—Bonds, notes and debentures (1) Fully guaranteed, 33, and (2) Other, 0; Reconstruction Finance Corporation—U. S. Government interest, 1.503. 6 7 8 9 Less than $500,000. Includes U. S. Commercial Co. and War Damage Corp. Figures are for Mar. 31, 1947. Figures are for Feb. 28, 1947, except for lend-lease and UNRRA activities, which are for Mar. 31, 1947. 10 Figures for three small agencies included herein are for dates other than Dec. 31. NOTE.—This table is based on the revised form of the Treasury Statement beginning Sept. 30, 1944, which is on a quarterly basis. Quarterly figures are not comparable with monthly figures previously published. For monthly figures prior to Sept. 30, 1944, see earlier issues of the BULLETIN (see p. 1110 of the November 1944 BULLETIN) and Banking and Monetary Statistics, Table 152, p. 517. 1 2 702 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN BUSINESS INDEXES [The terms "adjusted" and "unadjusted" refer to adjustment of monthly figures for seasonal variation] Construction contracts awarded (value)2 1923-25 = 100 Industrial production (physical volume)*1 1935-39 = 100 Manufactures Year and month Total Durable Nondurable Minerals Total Residential Employmenta 1939 = 100 All other Nonagricultural Factory DepartWholeFac- Freight ment Consale tory carload- store sumers compay sales prices modity ings* rolls « 1935-39 (val- 1935-39 prices3 1939 = = 100 ue)** 1926 100 1935-39 = 100 = 100 = 100 Ad- Unad- AdAdAdAdAd- Unad- Unad- AdAdAdAdjusted justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed Adjusted Unadjusted Unadjusted 1919. 1920. 1921. 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 72 75 58 73 88 82 90 84 93 53 81 103 95 107 62 60 57 67 72 69 76 71 83 66 71 98 89 92 63 63 56 79 84 94 12 44 30 44 68 81 95 124 79 90 65 88 86 94 120 103.7 104.2 79.7 88.2 101.0 93.8 97.0 103.9 124.2 80.2 86.0 109.1 101.7 107.2 120 129 110 121 142 139 146 83 99 92 94 105 105 110 123.8 143.3 127.7 119.7 121.9 122.2 125.4 138.6 154.4 97.6 96.7 100.6 98.1 103.5 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 96 95 99 110 91 114 107 117 132 98 79 83 85 93 84 100 100 99 107 93 129 129 135 117 92 121 117 126 87 50 135 139 142 142 102.5 125 96.2 98.9 96.8 96.9 103.1 89.8 110.5 108.5 109.7 117.1 94.7 152 147 148 152 131 113 114 115 117 108 126.4 124.0 122.6 122.5 119.4 100.0 95.4 96.7 95.3 86.4 1931. 1932. 1933. 1934. 1935. 75 58 69 75 87 67 41 54 65 83 79 70 79 81 90 80 67 76 80 86 63 28 2. 32 37 37 13 11 12 21 84 40 37 48 50 87.1 77.2 77.5 84.9 88.5 75.8 64.4 71.3 83.1 88.7 71.8 49.5 53.1 68.3 78.6 105 78 82 89 92 97 75 73 82 88 108.7 97.6 92.4 95.7 98.1 73.0 64.8 65.9 74.9 80.0 1936. 1937. 1938. 1939. 1940. 103 113 89 109 125 108 122 78 109 139 100 106 95 109 115 99 112 97 106 117 55 59 64 72 81 37 41 45 60 72 70 95.1 74 101.4 80 95.4 81 100.0 89 105.8 96.4 91.2 105.8 108.8 90.0 84.7 100.0 100.0 107.5 114.5 107 111 89 101 109 100 107 99 106 114 99.1 102.7 100.8 99.4 100.2 80.8 86.3 78.6 77.1 78.6 1941. 1942. 1943. 1944. 1945. 162 199 239 235 203 201 279 360 353 274 142 158 176 171 166 125 129 132 140 137 122 166 68 41 68 89 82 40 16 26 132.1 154.0 177.7 172.4 151.8 167.5 245.2 334.4 345.7 293.4 130 138 137 140 135 133 150 168 187 207 105.2 116.5 123.6 125.5 128.4 87.3 98.8 103.1 104.0 105.8 1946. 1947. 170 187 192 220 165 172 134 149 153 157 143 142 161 134.4 169 140.5 142.0 266.4 154.1 324.3 132 143 264 285 139.3 159.2 121.1 151.8 149 235 92 61 102 119.4 131.1 138.8 137.0 132.0 1946 May June July August September October November December 159 170 172 178 180 182 183 182 159 171 174 180 184 184 183 180 175 193 202 208 212 214 214 211 161 162 157 164 165 168 173 174 115 139 146 144 146 145 136 137 169 174 165 158 151 145 139 154 179 177 161 157 147 140 122 143 161 172 168 158 155 148 152 163 133.4 134.3 134.7 136.4 137.6 138.1 139.1 139.4 140.7 142.2 143.0 146.3 148.6 149.1 151.5 152.4 139.6 141.9 143.6 147.7 149.5 149.6 152.0 152.8 253.5 262.8 267.1 284.4 290.3 292.8 298.2 306.2 106 133 139 141 138 139 137 140 258 '275 272 292 271 '259 271 276 131.7 133.3 141.2 144.1 145.9 148.6 152.2 153.3 111.0 112.9 124.7 129.1 124.0 134.1 139.7 140.9 1947 January.... February. . . March April May June July August September. . October November. . December... 189 189 190 187 185 184 176 182 187 190 192 192 184 185 187 185 185 185 178 185 191 194 193 189 221 222 225 222 218 219 207 210 217 223 224 229 176 176 175 172 170 168 163 169 172 176 179 173 146 146 148 143 151 148 140 150 153 155 155 156 146 151 132 133 127 136 155 166 183 184 193 197 144 152 129 123 110 116 136 150 168 170 163 161 148 149 134 142 140 152 170 179 195 196 217 227 139.5 139.8 140.0 138.9 138.9 139.8 139.0 140.2 141.5 142.2 142.4 143.1 153.4 154.4 154.6 153.8 151.9 151.7 149.4 152.7 155.7 156.4 156.8 157.8 152.7 153.7 154.0 152.9 150.6 151.4 150.1 154.3 156.6 156.9 157.3 158.2 307.3 310.6 314.1 310.7 312.2 319.6 314.2 323.3 336.9 341.6 345.0 356.3 150 142 146 137 142 137 134 143 142 145 147 149 265 '267 272 277 '289 '288 286 283 292 '278 302 '302 153.3 153.2 156.3 156.2 156.0 157.1 158.4 160.3 163.8 163.8 164.9 167.0 141.5 144.5 149.5 147.7 147.1 147.6 150.6 153.6 157.4 158.5 159.7 163.2 1948 January. . . . February... March April 193 194 191 P187 189 190 188 229 226 229 P216 '178 180 177 P176 154 155 142 P147 191 187 181 P179 152 152 148 P156 223 215 208 P197 143.5 142.6 142.8 '142.1 157.5 156.4 157.3 '153.5 156.8 349.2 155.7 344.7 156.6 348.9 P152.6 145 139 130 130 284 '285 284 304 168.8 167.5 166.9 169.3 165.7 160.8 161.4 162.7 * Average per working day. P Prelimin 1 For indexes by groups or industries, see pp. JUNE 1948 703 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION, BY INDUSTRIES (Adjusted for Seasonal Variation) [Index numbers of the Board of Governors. 1935-39 average=100] 1947 1948 Industry Apr. M a y June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. 187 183 184 176 182 187 190 192 192 193 194 191 P187 194 191 191 183 188 192 197 199 198 200 201 200 222 218 219 207 210 217 223 224 229 229 226 229 P216 195 197 193 181 188 195 204 202 205 203 203 207 189 193 189 174 187 188 211 176 458 198 166 429 197 215 179 469 214 177 477 151 224 184 509 222 182 503 226 185 516 224 182 526 196 190 205 170 454 197 196 213 178 461 198 234 184 207 154 587 Machinery 276 273 275 266 267 276 280 281 288 283 P275 Transportation Equipment 237 225 233 217 213 227 232 234 244 244 231 242 P236 193 179 191 185 180 197 198 200 206 206 192 203 P198 Industrial Production—Total . Manufactures—Total Iron a n d Steel . . . Pig iron Steel Open hearth . Electric (Aircraft; Railroad cars; Locomotives; Shipbuilding— 226 180 551 r 285 P194 P177 197 187 179 171 170 174 179 185 189 194 198 200 P197 Smelting and refining.. (Copper smelting; Lead refining; Zinc smelting; 203 198 188 181 180 182 176 177 183 187 189 192 P201 Fabricating (Copper products; Lead shipments; Zinc shipments; Aluminum products; Magnesium products; Tin 195 183 176 167 167 171 180 188 192 197 201 203 P196 Lumber and Products 144 142 142 133 142 140 143 150 153 150 151 P141 Lumber . . Furniture 135 161 134 158 133 160 121 155 133 160 128 164 128 172 137 176 139 181 143 135 178 137 177 P125 P173 211 200 207 195 199 202 201 201 205 '202 207 210 P211 234 229 230 207 211 219 210 163 251 141 162 210 247 154 257 171 164 216 239 124 235 164 160 224 220 151 231 171 162 225 216 199 187 151 263 175 164 218 249 151 243 171 160 221 226 156 229 174 161 230 224 207 143 229 178 162 236 226 141 218 196 166 236 244 149 200 199 179 '246 '215 '242 172 176 179 173 178 Nonferrous Metals and Products Stone Clay and Glass Products Glass products Plate glass Glass containers Cement Clay products Gypsum and plaster products Abrasive and asbestos products Textiles and Products Textile fabrics Cotton consumption . . Rayon deliveries Wool textiles Carpet wool consumption. Apparel wool consumption ^Vool and worsted yarn Woolen yarn ^^orsted yarn Woolen and worsted cloth Leather and Products Leather tanning Cattle hide leathers Calf and kip leathers . Goat and kid leathers Sheep and lamb leathers Shoes Manufactured Food Products Manufactured dairy products Butter Cheese Canned and dried milk . . 197 '205 212 160 165 228 193 166 208 208 168 246 '219 196 176 248 247 P176 P241 P242 180 177 P176 179 175 P172 P158 147 297 172 170 168 163 169 166 164 155 142 154 160 164 172 163 178 154 154 270 152 148 271 143 133 263 129 118 263 142 130 267 147 130 278 152 139 280 159 149 290 149 131 287 165 153 300 153 161 147 302 159 170 161 191 155 175 130 141 156" 168 167 194 172 196 166 183 181 212 185 212 178 219 192 176 147 184 162 124 174 152 108 139 132 134 165 148 144 188 159 140 188 159 113 107 101 116 122 126 119 138 96 88 83 109 114 130 94 92 84 103 106 121 78 90 84 97 115 130 93 87 101 117 120 131 103 94 118 123 121 136 94 100 112 128 122 141 88 93 108 126 113 129 83 89 101 114 116 132 85 96 101 122 155 154 155 157 158 156 158 158 rl58 144 152 143 148 136 136 143 133 140 186 147 175 144 128 178 158 126 177 156 116 119 137 102 79 95 113 158 P154 82 206 173 184 149 121 195 149 149 Wheat flour Cane sucrar meltings* Till 185 160 192 '202 172 '176 188 166 182 164 171 161 142 194 167 141 189 164 152 200 175 r 2O6 '181 154 145 196 171 124 114 120 123 115 P108 116 P113 127 102 115 69 91 95 123 160 158 P158 134 122 P132 »-133 80 95 '100 T P152 P155 P 1 5 7 P147 P148 P147 PI 40 P 1 3 8 P139 P139 P 1 4 5 P149 79 191 173 82 196 184 85 197 188 74 174 158 76 167 160 75 163 157 66 151 137 66 148 130 67 156 127 65 150 134 69 '159 158 71 170 175 r p Preliminary. Revised. i Series included in total and group indexes but not available for publication separately. 704 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION, BY INDUSTRIES—Continued (Adjusted for Seasonal Variation) [Index numbers of the Board o Governors. 1935-39 average = 100] 1947 1948 Industry Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Manufactured Food Produtcs—Continued , 150 151 152 156 145 146 142 170 160 150 147 131 125 153 159 154 159 157 154 171 149 155 140 144 153 141 146 185 159 173 154 121 119 154 136 122 158 161 141 140 131 141 174 171 190 149 156 154 128 102 104 93 91 99 109 114 107 98 115 102 98 105 91 102 83 161 145 149 168 158 138 153 164 154 132 135 163 156 133 119 168 160 138 118 173 163 149 125 174 161 134 134 172 160 129 144 171 164 138 150 173 174 M45 149 177 167 155 143 174 .. 189 162 159 164 176 198 229 219 167 167 198 191 182 * 154 131 503 276 149 106 350 194 150 79 319 215 157 55 329 231 168 56 385 238 196 78 277 297 204 71 323 468 203 1 119 562 165 5 94 376 169 37 220 264 171 115 431 310 157 152 526 239 153 160 383 255 160 142 159 156 160 163 175 169 149 153 155 164 184 113 203 102 225 101 257 70 67 75 163 166 168 Meat packing Pork and lard Beef Veal L a m b and mutton Other manufactured foods Processed fruits and vegetables Confectionery ... Other food products Alcoholic Beverages M^alt liquor Whiskey Other distilled spirits . Rectified liquors ... . .. r 165 144 P145 P177 Industrial Alcohol from Beverage Plants ^ Tobacco Products Cigars Cigarettes . Other tobacco products . Paper and Paper Products . Paper and pulp . . Pulp Groundwood pulp Soda pulp Sulphate pulp Sulphite pulp Paper . Paperboard Fine paper Printing paper . . . Tissue and absorbent paper Wrapping paper Newsprint . . . . . ... . Printing and Publishing Newsprint consumption . Printing paper (same as shown under Paper) 94 221 106 187 101 216 98 210 107 211 113 213 126 229 68 55 66 72 80 83 80 68 61 156 161 160 146 158 159 163 165 158 163 150 155 155 140 153 153 157 160 153 157 160 162 180 97 108 293 151 159 192 87 165 169 Petroleum refining 2 Gasoline Fuel oil Lubricating oil . Other petroleum products * Coke By-product coke Beehive coke . Chemical Products Paints Soap Rayon Industrial chemicals .... Other chemical products1 100 201 104 204 69 r 169 97 112 254 150 147 178 87 158 144 173 97 112 265 151 152 184 88 160 148 178 105 116 277 151 151 179 88 162 147 160 108 98 253 131 137 166 75 147 136 178 113 105 278 151 149 178 86 157 148 171 110 104 259 149 150 182 87 157 151 177 105 107 275 154 154 184 89 167 152 182 97 112 281 159 156 186 89 168 158 168 96 107 255 148 150 177 86 162 158 132 93 141 92 144 91 124 91 138 94 135 97 141 91 146 90 139 88 174 \ 77 178 90 88 94 109 "•110 103 276 '269 285 151 161 153 157 155 187 179 192 86 r 88 '85 162 l70 ••162 163 161 •"162 150 ••147 145 82 83 82 141 142 146 139 145 144 152 152 146 148 157 124 125 131 131 133 131 138 137 131 134 144 Pi 7 9 Petroleum and Coal Products 124 224 P184 vl9l P195 P201 P203 P204 P205 P208 P214 P215 r 150 139 P212 139 163 156 170 145 171 163 175 154 173 168 182 157 178 157 186 163 180 164 177 162 183 154 169 162 187 160 177 159 186 162 178 160 193 170 187 159 201 163 199 155 206 164 213 166 162 324 168 161 428 165 160 340 161 156 307 171 164 415 170 162 439 177 169 449 177 170 414 179 171 440 178 171 442 179 166 171 164 421 »-237 150 89 154 i 143 v210 154 P161 200 P 1 9 6 164 210 137 135 186 251 253 250 251 249 248 248 251 254 255 251 249 P248 155 138 289 433 155 150 299 438 153 137 292 435 151 142 251 439 152 135 291 438 152 135 294 431 153 137 295 425 152 138 294 427 155 148 297 431 158 151 298 437 158 147 301 434 154 P 1 4 9 140 P 1 2 1 303 P303 432 P436 . Rubber Products . . 234 220 216 207 210 217 223 207 P201 Minerals—Total. 143 151 148 140 150 153 155 155 156 154 155 142 P147 144 156 153 144 155 160 162 163 . Fuels Coal Bituminous coal Anthracite Crude petroleum . Metals Metals other than gold and silver Gold Silver . 153 165 104 140 147 110 113 117 93 143 151 114 153 161 122 156 163 126 225 230 223 r?rt 162 160 161 146 P147 153 164 111 148 155 118 99 97 108 169 P103 P102 P105 P169 152 161 112 122 127 102 155 157 159 160 161 164 166 165 166 165 167 136 124 122 117 117 HI 107 109 117 117 120 P118 189 169 166 160 163 153 145 146 159 159 163 P161 60 68 64 66 63 61 60 51 56 47 55 55 53 63 55 73 55 78 59 67 59 64 159 169 119 r l p Preliminary. Revised. Series included in total and group indexes but not available for publication separately. This series is in process of revision. NOTE.—For description and back figures see BULLETIN for October 1943, pp. 940-984, September 1941, pp. 878-881 and 933-937, and August 1940, pp. 753-771 and 825-882. 2 JUNE 1948 705 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION, BY INDUSTRIES (Without Seasonal Adjustment) [Index numbers of the Board of Governors. 1935-39 average = 100] 1948 Industry Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr, Industrial Production—Total. 185 185 185 178 185 191 194 193 189 189 190 188 Manufactures—Total 193 191 191 184 191 197 200 200 196 197 197 197 P192 222 219 220 208 212 219 224 224 227 226 223 228 P216 195 197 193 181 188 195 204 202 205 203 203 207 177 189 213 178 461 193 215 179 469 189 211 176 458 174 198 166 429 187 205 170 454 188 214 177 477 198 224 184 509 196 226 185 516 197 224 182 526 196 226 180 551 190 234 184 r 587 151 207 154 587 276 273 275 266 267 276 280 197 222 182 503 281 288 '285 '284 283 P275 237 225 233 217 213 227 232 234 244 244 231 242 P236 193 179 191 185 180 197 198 200 206 206 192 203 197 187 179 171 170 174 179 185 189 194 198 200 P197 176 178 183 187 189 192 P201 P196 Durable Manufactures Iron and Steel Pig iron Steel Open hearth. Electric Machinery P185 Manufacturing Arsenals and Depots1. Transportation Equipment Automobiles (including parts) (Aircraft; Railroad cars; Locomotives; Shipbuilding— Private and Government)1 Nonferrous Metals and Products. Smelting and refining (Copper smelting; Lead refining; Zinc smelting; Aluminum; Magnesium; Tin)1 Fabricating (Copper products; Lead shipments; Zinc shipments; Aluminum products; Magnesium products; Tin consumption)1 Lumber and Products. Lumber.. . Furniture. Stone, Clay, and Glass Products. Glass products Plate glass Glass containers Cement Clay products Gypsum and plaster products.... Abrasive and asbestos products. . Other stone and clay products 1 ... Nondurable Manufactures Textiles and Products. Textile fabrics Cotton consumption Rayon deliveries Nylon and silk consumption x . . . Wool textiles Carpet wool consumption. . Apparel wool consumption. Woolen and worsted yarn. . Woolen yarn Worsted yarn Woolen and worsted cloth.. Leather and Products. Leather tanning Cattle hide leathers Calf and kip leathers Goat and kid leathers Sheep and lamb leathers. Shoes Manufactured Food Products. Wheat flour Cane sugar meltings l Manufactured dairy products.. Butter Cheese Canned and dried milk Ice cream 203 198 187 180 180 182 195 183 176 167 167 171 180 188 192 197 201 203 143 145 149 141 151 150 150 148 140 138 137 143 >140 134 161 138 158 143 160 133 155 147 160 143 164 138 172 133 176 119 181 117 '179 116 178 177 P123 P173 208 206 209 196 207 210 210 206 200 190 193 201 P208 234 151 263 166 160 215 249 242 163 269 148 162 213 247 229 154 254 183 163 221 239 200 124 225 181 160 224 220 218 151 241 193 166 226 216 223 151 248 198 166 225 226 215 156 236 202 169 236 224 209 143 231 192 169 240 226 187 141 203 178 172 242 244 184 149 196 161 166 236 -215 193 '205 212 166 160 165 201 '219 228 158 160 183 160 169 P171 235 238 P 2 3 8 "242 247 P242 169 169 168 164 173 178 181 180 171 173 175 173 166 164 155 142 154 160 164 172 163 178 179 175 154 154 270 152 148 271 143 133 263 129 118 263 142 130 267 147 130 278 152 139 280 159 149 290 149 131 287 165 153 300 166 153 296 161 147 302 159 170 195 149 128 178 158 161 191 186 147 126 177 156 155 175 175 144 124 174 152 130 141 149 121 108 139 132 156 184 176 147 134 165 148 168 192 184 162 144 188 159 167 194 185 160 140 188 159 172 196 182 164 142 194 167 166 183 171 161 141 189 164 181 212 192 172 152 200 175 185 212 '202 '176 154 "206 181 178 219 188 166 145 196 171 115 113 106 99 116 121 126 126 113 120 126 115 118 137 98 82 93 113 119 138 92 86 89 112 125 96 92 83 103 100 114 77 89 78 97 114 126 97 84 105 117 118 129 101 95 115 123 123 137 96 100 112 128 126 146 91 90 114 126 112 129 82 90 96 114 117 135 83 96 94 122 124 144 84 99 110 127 102 115 68 91 92 123 154 166 178 182 167 161 154 146 144 146 141 147 148 144 144 132 140 136 P202 P229 P229 P192 P156 P121 P91 P87 P99 102 256 240 113 279 254 104 242 218 81 195 163 73 170 147 64 147 127 50 113 99 144 143 P161 84 214 196 109 149 138 52 106 100 55 116 103 P173 147 297 '108 P144 120 P126 P119 Pi 55 72 63 58 123 143 177 120 155 197 r P Preliminary. Revised. Series included in total and group indexes but not available for publication separately. 1 706 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION, BY INDUSTRIES—Continued (Without Seasonal Adjustment) [Index numbers of the Board of Governors. 1935-39 average = 100] Industry Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr Mannfactured Food Products—Continued Meat packing Pork and lard , Beef Veal Lamb and mutton. 139 139 149 118 102 151 154 159 124 104 150 157 151 141 96 146 150 151 154 90 127 119 141 155 89 136 114 165 191 106 144 133 159 195 113 189 216 165 203 114 187 229 154 140 104 175 204 157 119 103 141 158 130 101 103 121 130 119 92 89 116 124 115 100 80 Other manufactured foods Processed fruits and vegetables. Confectionery Other food products 143 88 123 161 143 90 118 160 146 101 100 165 163 173 97 171 186 263 128 176 196 290 162 177 179 173 176 181 167 118 170 180 161 108 152 176 151 '92 148 167 152 149 85 133 P149 *>89 182 167 178 182 181 206 252 196 146 142 176 172 178 162 131 302 276 170 106 210 194 189 79 198 215 196 55 191 231 192 56 208 238 197 78 379 297 190 71 837 468 157 1 251 562 132 5 103 376 139 37 143 264 154 115 259 310 146 152 342 239 160 160 230 255 151 142 165 162 165 172 181 172 139 153 147 155 173 94 205 68 106 187 55 101 227 67 98 221 72 107 222 78 113 228 89 126 238 85 124 228 70 100 185 54 104 204 67 113 190 68 102 209 67 101 239 75 156 161 160 145 158 159 163 165 157 163 163 167 169 150 171 106 112 254 150 147 178 87 158 146 132 95 155 174 105 112 265 151 152 184 88 160 148 141 93 155 178 106 116 277 151 152 179 88 162 150 144 92 140 152 159 176 96 100 98 105 253 278 131 151 137 149 166 178 86 75 147- 157 131 148 124 138 89 93 153 170 98 104 259 149 150 182 87 157 151 135 97 157 177 97 107 275 154 154 184 89 167 154 141 91 160 182 103 112 281 159 156 186 89 168 158 146 91 152 168 97 107 255 148 150 177 86 162 153 139 87 157 174 91 109 276 151 155 187 86 162 161 145 82 159 '178 '98 110 •269 161 156 179 88 170 167 150 83 160 179 96 103 285 153 157 192 85 162 162 147 82 163 182 107 108 293 151 160 192 87 165 171 150 91 144 145 146 130 145 156 158 150 144 '155 153 158 141 145 151 Alcoholic Beverages Malt liquor Whiskey Other distilled spirits. . Rectified liquors Industrial Alcohol from Beverage Plants Cigars Cigarettes Other tobacco products. Paper and Paper Products. Paper and pulp Pulp Groundwood pulp , Soda pulp Sulphate pulp Sulphite pulp Paper Paper board Fine paper Printing paper Tissue and absorbent paper Wrapping paper Newsprint Paperboard containers (same as Paperboard). Printing and Publishing Newsprint consumption , Printing paper (same as shown under Paper). Petroleum and Coal Products. . . 131 129 vl79 I 84 139 163 162 174 145 171 170 176 154 173 168 171 166 162 324 168 161 428 253 157 135 289 433 Rubber Products Minerals—Total Fuels Chemical Products Paints Soap , Rayon Industrial chemicals , l Explosives and ammunition . . . Other chemical products * Coal Bituminous coal. Anthracite Crude petroleum Metals. . . Metals other than gold and silver; Iron ore (Copper; Lead; Zinc)1 Gold Silver P170" 1 Tobacco Products Petroleum refining 2 Gasoline Fuel oil Lubricating oil Kerosene Other petroleum products x Coke By-product coke Beehive coke 151 168 129 113 139 145 149 120 132 vl95 P201 v203 157 178 156 173 163 180 162 170 162 183 154 168 162 187 160 177 159 186 162 183 160 193 168 192 159 201 158 203 155 206 163 224 154 200 162 214 165 160 340 161 156 171 164 415 170 162 439 177 169 449 177 170 414 179 171 440 178 171 442 179 171 421 166 164 •237 252 247 247 245 248 251 252 255 253 252 251 P249 157 133 292 435 156 140 251 439 150 291 438 151 136 294 431 151 143 295 425 152 145 294 427 153 149 297 431 155 150 299 438 155 148 298 437 157 146 301 434 154 P 1 5 1 140 P 1 1 9 303 P 3 0 3 P436 234 220 216 207 210 217 223 225 230 223 '215 207 P201 139 153 152 145 155 158 158 155 151 149 149 137 P 1 4 6 144 156 153 144 155 160 162 163 162 160 161 146 PJ47 122 127 102 155 153 165 104 157 140 147 110 159 113 117 93 160 143 151 114 161 153 161 122 164 156 163 126 166 159 169 119 165 153 164 111 166 152 161 112 165 148 155 118 167 99 97 108 169 P103 P102 P105 P169 81 138 '204 P205 P208 112 140 148 151 151 145 132 106 85 153 173 200 279 213 306 220 334 219 326 206 298 183 257 136 159 101 76 125 P214 v215 83 v82 103 73 P103 p 196 137 135 186 77 P263 r p Preliminary. Revised. i Series included in total and group indexes but not available for publication separately. This series is in process of revision. NOTE.—For description and back figures, see BULLETIN for October 1943, pp. 940-984, September 1941, pp. 878-881 and 933-937, and August 1940, pp. 753-771 and 825-882. 2 JUNE 1948 707 FACTORY EMPLOYMENT AND PAY ROLLS, BY INDUSTRIES (Without Seasonal Adjustment) [Index numbers of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1939 =100] Factory employment Industry group or industry 1947 Mar. Apr. Factory pay rolls 1947 1948 Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Feb. Apr. Mar. 1948 Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Total Durable goods Nondurable goods 154.0 152.9 158.2 156.8 155.7 156.6 152.6 310.6 314.1 310.7 356.3 349.2 344. 348.9 180.9 180.8 183.9 183.2 180.7 183.2 180.6 344.6 349.9 349.9 398 7 390.4 380. 389.5 132.8 130.9 138.0 136.0 136.0 135.7 130.6 277.4 279.2 272.3 314.8 308.9 309.6 309.1 Iron and Steel and Products Blast furnaces, steel works, etc Steel castings Tin cans and other tinware Hardware Stoves and heating equipment Steam, hot-water heating apparatus Stamped and enameled ware Structural and ornamental metal work 158.1 125 207 130 143 175 158.0 126 207 133 142 171 161.3 130 209 150 148 185 161A 160.8 161.3 158.9 287.9 131 131 133 210 214 211 216 368 144 149 140 239 152 149 299 153 176 344 180 169 218 195 210 192 194 198 194 195 196 195 166 167 171 170 169 Electrical Machinery Electrical equipment Radios and phonographs 231.3 218.7 225. 208 205 209 250 243 238 Machinery except Electrical Machinery and machine-shop products Engines and turbines Tractors Agricultural, excluding tractors Machine tools Machine-tool accessories Pumps Refrigerators 243 300 176 215 159 248 314 202 244 296 177 227 157 242 314 209 240 292 193 249 140 218 293 232 241 293 196 254 138 219 294 235 242 292 198 262 138 218 294 232 241 293 199 266 134 217 287 231 Transportation Equipment, except Autos. Aircraft, except aircraft engines. . . Aircraft engines Shipbuilding and boatbuilding 296.7 356 315 203 300. 358 316 208 285.8 336 291 182 291.2 340 284 192 286.6 341 280 185 286.6 283.9 558.2 668 343 507 277 378 182 Automobiles 198.2 200.5 203.1 203.7 185.6 205.3 202.7 337.3 347.7 343.4 419.5 397.1 350.0 390.3 Nonferrous Metals and Products Primary smelting and refining Alloying and rolling, except aluminum Aluminum manufactures 187.5 184.8 177.2 175.3 175.3 176.7 173.3 360.0 359.0 354.0 371.2 366.1 366., 370.3 300 304 303 307 149 145 148 280 148 145 145 283 284 Lumber and Timber Basic Products Sawmills and logging camps Planing and plywood mills 145.4 149.1 161.3 158.3 157.3 159.8 162.3 310.7 310.1 323.4 390.2 372.7 375.1 383.4 351 422 400 401 412 174 171 333 335 156 160 169 168 404 404 334 399 403 169 171 319 155 170 323 158 170 Furniture and Lumber Products Furniture Stone, Clay, and Glass Products Glass and glassware Cement Brick, tile, and terra cotta Pottery and related products 134.2 131.8 139.2 139.8 139.8 138.3 134.7 292.0 292.0 286.8 333.9 330.3 328.1 326.9 334 331 282 334 333 129 289 139 140 140 139 289 131 145.3 171 143 123 166 146.0 111 146 125 166 147. 168 151 131 170 144.6 164 149 131 166 143.9 161 150 127 167 146.7 146.8 278.4 313 165 238 149 247 130 304 170 285.7 329 240 253 315 288.8 335 248 257 317 320.4 357 291 302 354 308.1 343 285 297 338 306.4 340 286 279 337 320.8 358 291 297 353 Textile-Mill and Fiber Products Cotton goods except small wares. . Silk and rayon goods Woolen and worsted manufactures. Hosiery Dyeing and finishing textiles 108.6 124 84 111 82 122 106.9 124 83 108 80 121 109.8 125 86 112 82 124 110.0 125 85 113 83 124 111.2 126 88 114 84 126 111.6 110.2 262.0 127 323 219 88 113 288 84 172 125 267 265.0 337 222 275 173 269 255.4 329 213 261 160 265 294.1 376 248 294 194 298 295.0 379 253 292 189 304 302.3 377 262 321 191 310 307.1 385 Apparel and Other Finished Textiles. . . . Men's clothing, n.e.c Shirts, collars, and nightwear Women's clothing, n.e.c Millinery 141.9 135.0 151.9 125 124 135 100 99 111 155 142 164 92 103 86 152.4 134 110 166 103 154.9 136 110 170 109 154.6 144.6 314.1 281 137 234 111 345 168 202 108 317.7 281 234 340 197 279.8 267 227 278 138 343.3 310 281 356 157 353:4 313 273 375 204 362.0 316 270 387 239 194 193 294.2 214 383 244 301 354 297.5 221 389 250 303 348 338.7 258 443 337 346 423 334.8 261 442 320 353 396 330.5 258 432 302 354 387 333.5 261 457 290 355 369 416 394 422 409 411 407 431 473 404 456 425 447 417 294 307 309 360 340 335 447 343 222.7 221.1 218.5 210.7 422.9 429.6 396.6 472.1 462.0 456.2 450.1 376 382 434 431 206 424 204 373 207 486 226 492 498 543 507 493 228 223 420 225.1 226.6 229.0 228.3 229.2 228.3 223.5 409.6 416.6 423.0 470.2 464.1 462.2 487 161 216 160 209 138 190 138 192 137 192 141 192 Leather and Leather Products Leather Boots and shoes 104.7 103.0 107.4 106.9 107.7 105.9 92 93 94 94 94 92 97 96 100 100 101 99 Food and Kindred Products Slaughtering and meat packing Flour Baking Confectionery Malt liquors Canning and preserving 123.5 128 140 110 114 157 86 Tobacco Manufactures Cigarettes Cigars 92.2 87.5 94. 120 120 125 79 72 79 125.0 124 139 111 115 161 90 136.4 151 142 116 141 172 99 129.3 146 141 113 134 168 86 125.7 139 138 114 126 166 82 448 574 274 393 280 423 618 326 308 376 456 578 290 425 271 409 619 390 501 607 347 523 262 398 628 466 495 626 354 535 250 399 622 479 496 622 352 551 254 398 627 434 465.3 496 632 354 577 249 389 618 457 556.9 662 480 386 565.3 657 488 399 588.1 669 504 379 598.8 657 483 417 579.1 667 469 382 585.9 676 474 380 296 371 301 385 272 365 273 371 273 367 284 362 268 322 198 308 359.7 325 281 376 214 98.0 223.0 222.2 214.6 241.8 240.7 244.0 233.7 203 184 200 192 202 186 185 232 234 205 236 226 214 214 124.5 115.1 242.5 254 134 294 136 115 202 118 229 167 249 81 207 93.7 94.0 93.5 123 122 121 79 80 80 452 580 278 398 277 416 624 361 239.3 233 299 201 234 256 197 243.1 227 289 203 233 270 212 298.9 339 319 229 327 308 250 275.1 304 306 222 295 289 216 267.3 263 298 234 303 290 217 264.5 277 276 227 260 293 205 92.4 201.0 193.1 181.6 219.8 210.8 196.7 205.5 246 218 268 260 219 234 227 182 184 182 160 190 176 186 NOTE.—All indexes shown, except those for individual industries in the Transportation Equipment and Tobacco groups have been adjusted to final 1945 data made available by the Bureau of Employment Security of the Federal Security Agency. Back data and data for industries not here shown are obtainable from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Underlying figures are for pay roll period ending nearest middle of month and cover production workers only. Figures for April 1948 are preliminary. 708 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN FACTORY EMPLOYMENT AND PAY ROLLS, BY INDUSTRIES—Continued (Without Seasonal Adjustment) [Index numbers of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1939 =1001 Factory employment Industry group or industry Factory pay rolls 1947 1948 Mar. Apr. Paper and Allied Products Paper and Pulp Paper goods, n.e.c Paper boxes 145.9 140 154 148 145.0 146.9 145.7 144.8 145.0 140 145 145 145 146 157 154 154 152 152 144 147 141 139 137 Printing and Publishing Newspaper periodicals Book and job 128.2 128.5 133.0 131.3 130.1 130.1 129.6 221.8 227.7 230.7 258.0 250.2 249.6 253.3 225 229 117 118 121 197 123 121 122 191 202 230 219 280 144 279 138 138 142 141 139 248 254 255 285 283 Chemicals and Allied Products Drugs, medicines, and insecticides Rayon and allied products Chemicals, n.e.c Explosives and safety fuses Ammunition, small arms Cottonseed oil Fertilizers 197.5 196.2 201.0 254 253 239 126 126 131 278 280 283 291 289 301 156 158 173 117 101 160 177 169 149 Products of Petroleum and Coal Petroleum refining Coke and by-products 145.9 145.4 152.9 152.4 151.3 152.8 154.1 256.8 262.1 265.2 308.2 312.8 310.2 314.6 299 295 144 146 150 150 150 151 246 253 255 293 297 321 129 141 252 316 128 138 140 141 248 247 295 320 Rubber Products Rubber tires and inner tubes Rubber goods, other 196.5 193.5 186.1 184.2 182.7 179.6 175.6 385.0 374.3 383.9 396.5 376.8 358.3 340.8 330 227 356 212 209 206 397 388 231 201 413 414 412 168 356 167 366 170 169 167 165 354 349 348 368 380 Miscellaneous industries Instruments, scientific Photographic apparatus 182.1 179.8 182.7 176.1 177.0 177.5 173.7 360.0 367.6 361.0 394.7 377.9 383.2 383.0 489 487 248 245 245 452 508 250 250 245 449 454 499 422 424 222 220 221 375 421 418 203 205 220 343 376 Jan. Dec. Feb. 199.6 239 131 283 301 144 142 161 Apr. Mar. 199.6 238 132 281 303 149 127 172 199.0 195. 237 132 281 307 149 114 185 Feb. Mar. Apr. Dec. Jan. 288.1 280 298 289 290.9 281 302 295 290.9 284 302 290 327.5 327 336 322 321.5 322.3 324.0 330 328 325 328 327 329 305 307 309 372.6 464 245 501 465 334 331 415 377.5 465 246 506 477 334 301 444 378.3 462 249 512 471 338 248 440 414.9 489 266 556 565 412 448 393 Feb. Mar. 416.2 415.5 488 489 272 270 559 559 581 588 344 342 315 336 497 440 417.3 491 269 561 580 334 397 433 For footnotes see preceding page. FACTORY EMPLOYMENT (Adjusted for Seasonal Variation) [Index numbers of the Board of Governors, 1939 = 100] 1948 1947 Group Total . Durable Nondurable . . Preliminary. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. 154.6 181.5 133.4 153.8 181.2 132.2 151.9 178.2 131.1 151.7 179.5 129.8 149.4 174.0 130.0 152.7 176.2 134.2 155.7 178.8 137.4 156.4 180.4 137.5 156.8 181.9 136.9 157.8 183.9 137.3 157.5 183.9 136.7 156.4 181.4 136.7 157.3 P153.5 183.8 P181.0 136.3 P131.9 Apr. NOTE.—Back figures from January 1939 may be obtained from the Division of Research and Statistics. HOURS AND EARNINGS OF PRODUCTION WORKERS IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES [Compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics] Average hours worked per week Industry group 1947 Average hourly earnings (cents per hour) 1948 Mar. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. 117.0 118.0 126., 127., 128.5 129.0 122.9 123.6 134.6 135.4 135.5 135.6 135.7 40.5 40.2 41.6 40.2 38.7 41.1 42.3 41.7 40.9 125.8 120.3 129.0 136.7 139.9 122.2 97.9 102.2 113.3 126.9 121.2 129.8 136.2 139.6 122.6 98.3 103.1 114.4 140.4 133.9 140.4 146.2 154.0 132.0 107.4 110.8 124.7 141.2 134.6 141.3 146.5 156.3 132.7 105.6 111.7 124.5 141.4 135.2 141.5 147.9 153.8 133.6 105.0 112.2 125.3 140.9 134.8 141.7 148.3 154.9 133.8 108.0 112.7 125.4 141.2 135.1 142.2 147.2 153.7 134.4 107.0 112.7 125.9 39.i 39.1 110.7 111.9 118.5 119.6 121.0 121.9 121.9 40.2 36.7 39.0 41.7 36.3 43.1 39.1 41.1 40.7 38.5 40.8 40.6 36.7 37.8 41.6 37.9 43.1 39.4 41.2 40.7 37.8 40.6 99.7 104.9 102.1 108.8 93.3 109.8 141.5 116.5 138.2 133.1 112.3 102. 104.5 102. 108.8 93.9 110.9 144.3 117.7 140. 133.0 113.9 109.0 101.9 109 117 95 122.2 155 128 151 145.4 120.7 110.0 105.2 109.2 117.5 98.3 122.6 156.8 129.3 155.1 145.4 121.9 111.5 109.4 109.5 117 98.4 123.5 157.9 131.1 158.6 144.4 122.7 113.8 109. 110.2 118.1 96.7 124.5 160.6 131.7 158.2 142.1 122.7 114.0 109.1 110.7 118.7 97.5 124.9 162.4 131.6 158.8 140.2 122.6 Feb. Mar. Nov. Dec. All manufacturing 40.4 40.4 40.3 Durable goods 40.5 40.7 41.7 40.9 40.5 40.8 40.0 40.0 41.3 39.7 38.8 41.0 42.1 41.9 40.1 40.5 41.5 39. 39.7 41.0 41.0 41.7 40.5 40.6 41.2 38.6 39.8 41.1 42.2 41.8 40.5 41.2 41.1 42.2 40.8 41.4 41.8 43.2 42.7 41.0 40.6 40.5 41.8 40.3 39.6 41.2 42.4 41.9 40.0 40.4 40.4 41.4 39.4 38.1 41.2 41.7 41.4 39.9 40.4 40.1 40.1 40. < 40.0 40.4 36.9 39.5 42.7 37.8 43.2 40.1 41.4 40.1 40.6 41.0 40.0 36.7 39.0 42 37.5 43.2 40 41.3 40 39 41.0 40.1 36.4 38.3 42.5 39.4 43.2 40.0 41.3 41.2 39.9 40.7 41.0 37 39 43.3 39.9 43 40 41 40 40.9 41.2 Iron and steel and products Electrical machinery Machinery except electrical Transportation equipment, except autos. . . Automobiles Nonferrous metals and products Lumber and timber basic products Furniture and finished lumber products.... Stone, clay, and glass products Nondurable goods Textiles—mill and fiber products Apparel and other finished products Leather and manufactures Food and kindred products Tobacco manufactures Paper and allied products Printing, publishing and allied industries. . . Chemicals and allied products Products of petroleum and coal Rubber products Miscellaneous industries 40.4 Jan. Feb. Mar. Feb. 41.2 40.5 36.6 39.0 42.0 38.6 43.1 39.5 41.4 40.7 39.7 40.4 1948 1947 Mar. NOTE.—Preliminary April 1948 figures for average weekly hours and hourly earnings are: All manufacturing, 40.0 and 129.0; Durable 40.4 and 135.7; Nondurable 39.5 and 121.6, respectively. Back figures are available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. JUNE 1948 709 EMPLOYMENT IN NONAGRICULTURAL ESTABLISHMENTS, BY INDUSTRY DIVISION [Unadjusted, estimates of Bureau of Labor Statistics. Adjusted, Board of Governors] [Thousands of persons] Transportation and public utilities Trade Finance Service Federal, State, and local government1 1,150 1,294 1,790 2,170 1,567 1,094 1,082 1,493 1,734 2,912 3,013 3,248 3,433 3,619 3,798 3,872 4,023 4,043 6,705 7,055 7,567 7,481 7,322 7,399 7,654 8,448 8,713 1,382 1,419 1,462 1,440 1,401 1,374 1,383 1,523 1,572 3,228 3,362 3,554 3,708 3,786 3,795 3,891 4,430 4,622 3,987 4,192 4,622 5,431 6,049 6,026 5,967 5,595 5,417 879 856 884 893 866 896 894 895 897 899 1,632 1,652 1,668 1,700 1,742 1,770 1,796 1,806 ,813 ,882 4,040 3,855 3,970 4,074 4,079 « 4,083 4,110 4,070 4,049 4,062 8,695 8,638 8,631 8,669 8,688 8,761 8,776 8,801 8,811 8,835 555 546 553 551 574 594 599 1,594 1,596 1,599 4,588 4,552 4,567 4,641 4,640 4,573 4,588 4,685 4,693 4,712 5,442 5,453 5,447 5,454 5,334 5,315 5,371 5,442 5,450 5,436 15,931 15,840 15,930 15,616 896 889 897 769 ,858 ,719 ,731 ,827 4,053 4,033 4,029 4,044 8,865 8,860 8,850 8,950 1,603 1,613 1,611 1,609 4,795 4,802 4,753 4,755 5,472 5,441 5,453 5,478 42,043 41,824 41,919 42,363 42,201 42,624 43,039 43,298 43,450 44,078 15,510 15,429 15,237 15,328 15,233 15,595 15,801 15,831 15,872 15,964 879 856 884 893 866 896 894 895 897 899 ,534 ,619 ,685 ,768 ,847 ,894 ,904 ,896 ,849 ,788 4,020 3,836 3,970 4,115 4,140 4,144 4,110 4,070 4,049 4,042 8,565 8,552 8,545 8,582 8,558 8,586 8,688 8,889 9,075 9,453 1,555 1,554 1,561 1,567 1,590 1,602 1,583 1,586 1,588 1,591 4,565 4,552 4,590 4,711 4,686 4,619 4,634 4,662 ,670 4,688 5,415 5,426 5,447 5,399 5,281 5,288 5,425 5,469 5,450 5,653 43,011 42,680 42,980 42,708 15,876 15,785 15,875 15,531 896 889 897 769 ,691 ,564 ,627 1,790 3,992 3,993 4,009 4,024 8,821 8,727 8,806 8,771 1,595 1,605 1,611 1,617 4,723 4,730 4,729 4,755 5,417 5,387 5,426 5,451 Tota Manufacturing Mining 30,287 32,031 36,164 39,697 42,042 41,480 39,977 40,712 42,541 10,078 10,780 12,974 15,051 17,381 17,111 15,302 14,365 15,554 845 916 947 983 917 883 826 836 885 1947- -March April May June July August September October November December 42,395 42,065 42,079 42,340 42,103 42,449 42,849 43,077 43,142 43,350 15,564 15,513 15,359 15,358 15,180 15,457 15,715 15,784 15,833 15,925 1948- -January.., February. March.. . . April 43,473 43,197 43,254 43,048 1947—March April May June July August September. . October November... December.. . 1948—January.. February. March.. .. April Year or month 1939... 1940... 1941... 1942... 1943... 1944... 1945... 1946... 1947... Contract construction SEASONALLY ADJUSTED UNADJUSTED 1 Includes Federal Force Account Construction. NOTE.—Estimates include all full- and part-time wage and salary workers in nonagricultural establishments employed during the pay period ending nearest the 15th of the month. Proprietors, self-employed persons, domestic servants, and personnel of the armed forces are excluded. April 1948 figures are preliminary. Back unadjusted data are available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics; seasonally adjusted figures beginning January 1939 may be obtained from the Division of Research and Statistics. LABOR FORCE, EMPLOYMENT, AND UNEMPLOYMENT [Bureau of the Census estimates without seasonal adjustment. Thousands of persons 14 years of age and over] Civilian labor force Employed x Total noninstitutional population Total labor force Total 1940 2 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 100,230 101,370 102,460 103,510 104,480 105,370 106,370 107,458 56,030 57,380 60,230 64,410 65,890 65,140 60,820 61,608 1947 —March April May June 3 July .... August September October November December 107,190 107,260 107,330 107,407 107,504 107,590 107,675 107,755 107,839 107,918 1948 —January February 107 979 108,050 108,124 108,173 Year or month April Unemployed Not in the labor force Total In nonagricultural industries In agriculture 55,640 55,910 56,410 55,540 54,630 53,860 57,520 60,168 47,520 50,350 53,750 54,470 53,960 52,820 55,250 58,027 37,980 41,250 44,500 45,390 45,010 44,240 46,930 49,761 9,540 9,100 9,250 9,080 8,950 8,580 8,320 8,266 8,120 5,560 2,660 1,070 670 1,040 2,270 2,142 44,200 43,990 42,230 39,100 38,590 40,230 45,550 45,850 59 960 60,650 61,760 64,007 64,035 63,017 62,130 62,219 61,510 60,870 58 390 59,120 60,290 62,609 62,664 61,665 60,784 60,892 60,216 59,590 56,060 56,700 58,330 60,055 60,079 59,569 58,872 59,204 58,595 57,947 48,820 48,840 49,370 49,678 50,013 50,594 50,145 50,583 50,609 50,985 7,240 7,860 8,960 10,377 10,066 8,975 8,727 8,622 7,985 6,962 2,330 2,420 1,960 2,555 2,584 2,096 1,912 1,687 1,621 1,643 47,230 46,610 45,570 43,399 43,469 44,573 45,544 45,535 46,330 47,047 60 455 61 004 61,005 61,760 59 214 59,778 59,769 60,524 57,149 57,139 57,329 58,330 50,089 50,368 50,482 50,883 7,060 6,771 6,847 7,448 2,065 2,639 2,440 2,193 47,524 47,046 47,119 46,414 1 Includes self-employed, unpaid family, and domestic service workers. averages for 1940 include an allowance for January and February inasmuch as the monthly series began in March 1940. Beginning in June 1947, details do not necessarily add to group totals. NOTE.—Information on the labor force status of the population is obtained through interviews of households on a sample basis. Data relate to the calendar week that contains the eighth day of the month. Back data are available from the Bureau of the Census. 2 Annual 8 710 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS AWARDED, BY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION [Figures for 37 States east of the Rocky Mountains, as reported by the F. W. Dodge Corporation. Value of contracts in millions of dollars] Nonresidential building Residential building Total Month 1947 1948 1947 1948 571.6 442.2 596.8 602.3 674.7 605.1 660.3 823.2 650.0 793.3 715 1 625.4 615.2 682.0 689.8 873.9 257.4 208.4 282.9 256.7 254.1 209.5 240.9 308.9 268.5 349.5 290.2 226.8 238.1 232.3 276.5 351.6 January February March . . . April May June July August September October November December Year Factories 1947 54.1 71.9 55.3 82.2 86.5 73.9 82.1 65.6 71.3 66.8 82.3 88.0 73.8 95.5 72.1 83.5 3,153.8 7,759.9 1948 1947 1947 38.3 46.4 52.6 66.3 59.2 58.4 81.6 77.2 75 9 80.0 84.3 65.3 1948 74.5 75.5 78.5 88.8 1948 19.7 13.5 21.4 22.7 47.7 40.1 38.5 45.6 42.8 41.1 27.2 31.5 1947 58.7 37.8 50.3 55.4 391.9 Public works and public utilities Other 1948 55.9 9.4 35.8 29.6 57.7 44.7 51.2 80.0 47.4 61.3 59.8 64.1 53.3 87.2 65.0 111.2 1947 1948 113.9 90.5 122.0 161.4 184.7 185.7 165.9 223.5 141.5 165.9 181.5 154.1 136.6 177.3 164.3 184.7 1,890.4 596.9 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS AWARDED, BY DISTRICT [Figures for 37 States east of the Rocky Mountains, as reported by the F. W. Dodge Corporation. Value of contracts in thousands of dollars] Public ownership Private ownership 1948 Month 1946 1947 1948 1946 1947 1948 1946 1947 1948 358 387 698 735 952 808 718 680 620 573 504 457 January.... February... March April May June July August September.. October.... November. . December . . Year Educational 785.5 941.4 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS AWARDED, BY OWNERSHIP [Figures for 37 States east of the Rocky Mountains, as reported by the F. W. Dodge Corporation. Value of contracts in millions of dollars] Total Commercial 572 442 597 602 675 605 660 823 650 793 715 625 7,490 7,760 47 56 146 127 197 215 202 205 187 134 130 109 615 682 690 167 96 143 177 234 226 203 218 193 209 224 207 197 248 181 1,754 2,296 405 346 453 425 441 379 458 605 457 584 492 418 311 331 551 608 756 593 516 475 433 439 373 348 419 434 509 5,735 5,464 LOANS INSURED BY FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION [In millions of dollars] Title I Loans Year or month 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1947—April May June July August September.. October November.. December. . 1948—January February... March April Total 489 684 950 1,017 1,172 1,137 935 875 Property improve-1 ment 54 151 204 242 249 141 87 114 666 171 755 1,787 110 107 146 163 175 183 244 321 534 45 37 44 50 43 46 46 Small home construction 13 25 26 21 15 1 Mortgages on War and 1- to 4- Rental and Vetfamily group erans' houses housing housing (Title (Title (Title II) II) VI) 2 424 473 669 736 877 691 245 216 219 11 48 51 13 13 6 «7 4 3 272 (3) 47 68 (3) (3) 39 48 106 112 224 228 272 56 45 49 (3) (8) (3) 48 45 53 120 137 170 292 63 (3) 51 177 (3) (3) 85 808 33 34 63 74 95 96 150 1 Net proceeds to borrowers. 2 Mortgages insured under War Housing Title VI through April 1946; figures thereafter represent mainly mortgages insured under the Veterans' Housing Title VI (approved May 22, 1946) but include a few refinanced mortgages originally written under the War Housing Title VI. Beginning with December 1947 figures include mortgages insured in connection with sale of Government owned war housing, and beginning with February 1948 include insured loans to finance the manufacture of housing. »Less than $500,000. NOTE.—Figures represent gross insurance written during the period and do not take account of principal repayments on previously insured loans. Figures include some reinsured mortgages, which are shown in the month in which they were reported by FHA. Reinsured mortgages on rental and group housing (Title II) are not necessarily shown in the month in which reinsurance took place. JUNE 1948 Mar. Boston .. New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta . . Chicago St Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas 53,912 133,291 60,202 86,714 93,394 122,971 142,586 63,845 27,907 34,296 54,764 43,704 86,204 49,606 58,684 88,620 73,037 130,869 47,525 23,719 31,194 56,601 56,689 76,340 40,187 55,046 85,377 62,261 92,346 35,683 23,393 31,200 43,816 Total (11 districts) 873,882 689,763 602,338 INSURED FHA HOME MORTGAGES (TITLE II) HELD IN PORTFOLIO, BY CLASS OF INSTITUTION [In millions of dollars] Total SavCom- Muings tual and mer- savloan cial ings associbanks banks ations 1936—Dec 1937—Dec 1938—Dec 1939—Dec 1940—Dec 365 771 1,199 1,793 2,409 228 430 634 902 1,162 8 27 38 71 130 56 110 149 192 224 41 118 212 342 542 5 32 77 153 201 27 53 90 133 150 1941—June Dec 2,755 3,107 1,318 1,465 157 186 237 254 668 789 220 234 154 179 1942—June Dec 3,491 3,620 1,623 1,669 219 236 940 272 276 1,032 243 245 195 163 1943—June Dec 3,700 3,626 1,700 1,705 252 256 284 1,071 292 1,134 235 79 158 159 1944—June Dec 3,554 3,399 1,669 1,590 258 260 284 1,119 269 1,072 73 68 150 140 1945—June Dec 3,324 3,156 1,570 1,506 265 263 264 1,047 253 1,000 43 13 134 122 1946—June Dec 3,102 2,946 1,488 1,429 260 252 247 233 974 917 11 9 122 106 1947—June Dec 2,860 2,871 1,386 1,379 245 244 229 232 889 899 8 7 102 110 Insur- Fedance eral com- agen- Other' panies cies 1 13 284 603 537 192 228 (3) Apr. Apr. End of month 347 446 33 36 39 39 37 41 48 8 1947 Federal Reserve district 1 The RFC Mortgage Company, the Federal National Mortgage Association, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the United States Housing Corporation. 2 Including mortgage companies, finance companies, industrial banks, endowed institutions, private and State benefit funds, etc. NOTE.—Figures represent gross amount of mortgages held, excluding terminated mortgages and cases in transit to or being audited at the Federal Housing Administration. 711 MERCHANDISE EXPORTS AND IMPORTS [In millions of dollars] Merchandise exports 1 Merchandise imports 2 Excess of exports Month 1944 1945 1946 1,124 ,107 ,197 903 887 1,030 798 670 815 April May June ,231 ,455 ,296 1,005 1,135 870 757 851 878 July August September.... ,197 ,191 ,194 893 737 514 October November..... December 1,144 1,185 938 Jan.-Mar 3,428 January February;..:.. March 1947 1948 1944 1945 1946 1947 1,114 P 1 , 0 9 1 ,146 Pi,086 ,326 301 314 358 334 325 365 394 318 385 531 437 445 ,295 ,414 ,235 361 386 332 366 372 360 406 393 382 826 883 643 ,155 ,145 ,112 294 304 282 356 360 335 455 639 736 537 986 1,097 ,235 .138 1,114 329 323 336 2,820 2,284 3,586^3,318 973 1948 1944 1945 1946 1947 823 793 839 569 561 665 405 352 431 583 '709 882 P512 P474 P463 870 1,069 965 639 763 511 351 457 496 P782 P940 P772 431 422 377 P450 P400 P473 903 887 912 537 378 180 395 461 266 P7O5 P745 P639 344 322 297 394 478 529 P492 P455 P603 815 862 602 111 317 439 142 508 567 P744 P684 P511 1,024 1,096 1,412 2,455 1,795 1,188 P546 P582 J>666 P1,794 2,174 1948 P545 P504 J>475 PI.524 r P Preliminary. Revised. 1 Including both domestic and foreign merchandise. Beginning January 1948, recorded exports include shipments under the Army Civilian Supply Program for occupied areas. The average monthly value of such unrecorded shipments in 1947 was 75.4 million dollars. 2 General imports including merchandise entered for immediate consumption and that entered for storage in bonded warehouses. Source.—Department of Commerce. Back figures.—See BULLETIN for March 1947, p. 318; March 1943, p. 260; February 1940, p. 153; February 1937, p. 152; July 1933, p. 431; and January 1931, p. 18. FREIGHT CARLOADINGS BY CLASSES [Index numbers, 1935-39 average = 100] ForLive- est Total Coal Coke Grain stock prod- Ore ucts Annual 1939 1940 ... . 1941 1942 1943 .. 1944 1945 1946 .. 1947 REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND INCOME OF CLASS I RAILROADS Miscellaneous Merchandise l.c.1. 100 114 139 155 141 143 110 147 183 206 192 180 101 110 136 146 145 147 97 96 100 69 63 67 125 129 129 143 169 136 142 139 69 78 107 153 181 148 75 162 122 156 146 148 81 175 171 180 173 157 147 159 151 123 111 121 111 163 166 159 148 176 172 171 184 152 145 151 147 77 76 78 79 155 185 138 104 148 184 145 76 141 115 146 153 156 160 155 173 170 184 180 192 195 191 140 168 162 137 152 145 138 107 107 92 105 104 105 96 145 152 152 149 147 150 158 184 194 190 181 163 163 192 142 143 149 145 149 151 156 74 71 73 73 75 75 74 145 139 130 130 155 150 98 105 183 178 162 137 132 103 109 123 84 76 79 105 153 140 146 141 180 195 195 200 152 146 150 145 68 71 72 70 1946—December. .. 131 132 163 152 118 139 45 139 78 1947—January February.... March . .. April M[ay June July August September... October November... December. . . 138 133 137 163 149 147 184 182 182 157 144 146 118 88 95 147 159 159 44 43 50 139 136 143 74 74 79 134 144 142 140 148 119 155 141 115 146 169 183 170 165 177 133 121 143 202 175 98 94 87 87 87 148 154 151 153 160 157 267 286 311 284 145 146 146 145 150 80 76 73 71 73 153 156 150 139 153 156 160 155 178 188 195 201 153 152 142 130 139 161 133 92 161 155 147 141 272 235 163 60 157 163 158 147 77 78 77 71 133 129 122 155 150 98 192 188 163 132 101 100 81 61 62 137 135 146 45 49 57 139 137 142 65 69 73 128 105 134 108 94 141 212 143 70 101 109 130 138 137 140 98 111 123 135 138 143 102 137 168 181 186 185 107 101 112 120 146 139 96 96 91 104 117 124 135 132 134 130 172 146 151 138 143 147 182 150 1946—December... 140 132 155 1947—January February.... March April May June July August September... October November... December. . . 150 142 146 137 163 149 147 119 142 137 134 143 142 145 147 149 1948—January February.... IMarch . . . April SEASONALLY ADJUSTED UNADJUSTED 1948—January February.... March April p Revised. NOTE.—For description and back data, see pp. 529-533 of the BULLETIN for June 1941. Based on daily average loadings. Basic data compiled by Association of American Railroads. Total index compiled by combining indexes for classes with weights derived from revenue data of the Interstate Commerce Commission. 712 [In millions of dollars] Total Total railway railway operating expenses revenues Annual 1939..:.... 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 3,995 4,297 5,347 7,466 9,055 9,437 '8,902 7,628 P8,685 Net railway operating income 3,406 3,614 4,348 5,982 7,695 8,331 8,047 7,009 P7.904 589 682 998 1,485 '1,360 '1,106 '852 620 P781 Net , income 93 189 500 902 '873 '667 '450 289 P480 SEASONALLY ADJUSTED 1946—December.. 658 523 135 98 1947—January..., February... March April May June July August::... September., October November.. December. 698 696 723 685 698 731 683 719 716 739 786 806 624 631 642 637 633 649 634 655 681 696 708 722 74 65 81 48 65 82 48 64 36 43 78 S3 42 33 48 15 32 49 18 31 4 9 47 50 1948—January February.. March. 767 781 761 707 710 705 60 71 55 28 38 P24 1946—December. 638 534 104 89 1947—January.;. February.. March.... April May..::.. June July August September. October November. December. 686 636 '719 689 724 697 705 745 727 794 755 807 627 592 645 631 649 637 644 664 679 718 690 727 59 44 '74 58 76 60 61 81 48 76 66 80 32 '17 '46 33 46 38 37 51 20 49 43 60 1948—January... February.. March.... 751 716 777 709 676 716 41 39 61 19 18 P33 UNADJUSTED P Preliminary. ' Revised. NOTE.—Descriptive material and back figures may be obtained from the Division of Research and Statistics. Basic data compiled by the Interstate Commerce Commission. Annual figures include revisions not available monthly. FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN DEPARTMENT STORE STATISTICS [Based on retail value figures] SALES AND STOCKS, BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS [Index numbers, 1935-39 average = 100) Federal Reserve district United States Year or month San Francisco Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minne apolis 106 114 138 153 167 182 201 257 281 109 120 144 170 194 215 236 290 303 113 123 145 162 204 244 275 345 360 107 116 135 149 161 176 193 250 275 111 119 143 158 179 200 227 292 314 106 109 123 129 148 164 185 247 274 105 110 127 149 184 205 229 287 311 112 116 138 157 212 245 275 352 374 109 119 139 171 203 223 247 308 331 '257 '258 '256 257 258 '266 '265 '280 '277 272 298 284 281 273 290 271 296 309 299 303 317 301 282 303 297 310 322 353 367 365 336 352 361 348 383 394 261 276 278 281 266 290 266 298 293 306 321 299 320 307 337 308 339 337 '256 270 278 268 271 287 276 281 277 299 306 305 298 307 323 320 335 334 377 379 361 378 376 368 360 415 389 320 325 330 327 348 336 333 339 352 240 241 229 255 '272 '280 '263 278 284 284 270 295 286 306 317 321 355 359 '368 395 271 281 274 289 291 307 318 343 286 267 278 283 306 292 307 337 390 368 384 448 340 319 '331 354 227 241 232 164 176 248 234 306 419 223 237 231 171 179 244 253 323 408 '247 261 238 185 193 '266 280 370 460 2(6 283 267 220 237 293 290 371 479 290 301 278 215 233 322 324 394 542 350 349 307 269 310 368 372 460 619 258 276 270 219 224 296 284 364 455 297 315 269 249 264 340 330 428 516 '263 269 264 217 242 311 304 335 424 290 2V7 281 250 277 336 336 392 505 347 356 307 288 327 387 396 507 633 302 302 299 278 308 336 343 411 554 224 237 284 287 170 174 '228 230 192 202 234 237 204 216 284 261 216 233 284 280 214 245 317 295 284 316 387 366 217 225 266 283 239 258 318 326 214 206 263 285 245 254 301 320 316 324 384 399 275 288 '319 325 102 108 131 179 155 162 166 213 255 99 105 124 165 142 147 153 182 202 97 102 123 181 143 150 160 195 225 96 99 119 167 141 148 150 191 220 99 106 130 182 144 151 156 205 243 107 113 139 191 175 190 198 250 289 107 115 140 178 161 185 188 258 306 103 111 134 186 160 161 159 205 246 102 108 134 176 152 159 166 225 274 103 110 138 171 151 169 165 211 266 99 105 125 159 152 157 158 210 259 106 113 130 161 159 177 190 250 321 106 114 137 190 173 178 182 236 295 264 252 242 231 227 231 251 273 283 211 198 188 188 184 189 213 221 221 230 221 215 204 206 210 224 234 236 221 215 212 205 206 210 231 238 245 246 238 231 217 219 222 238 268 272 302 292 270 265 261 252 281 310 323 320 309 280 270 273 282 300 337 344 257 243 232 226 221 225 245 259 264 281 272 267 247 250 246 274 290 297 287 268 256 254 241 246 251 281 306 282 267 248 212 214 224 239 266 300 326 333 308 276 282 285 306 357 397 307 285 282 270 248 257 287 319 342 288 303 312 308 219 227 238 243 233 250 255 249 243 253 '261 260 277 286 298 286 332 339 334 340 345 378 370 379 274 290 304 293 309 331 329 331 310 324 343 362 3^6 '329 353 325 385 424 420 411 352 366 380 377 262 252 237 232 245 256 283 295 243 202 194 180 181 195 206 239 249 201 '232 224 206 193 215 227 253 263 211 225 217 201 195 214 231 263 262 208 253 241 222 217 236 246 274 283 225 304 286 259 268 294 283 320 329 269 317 300 283 278 295 311 336 354 289 252 243 227 222 236 250 275 285 238 281 272 267 257 273 273 307 310 250 273 266 248 259 255 265 279 303 268 273 261 248 236 240 251 272 284 246 316 316 298 299 318 319 345 382 333 304 296 287 286 273 290 318 338 280 . . 252 278 302 • . • 307 199 214 233 233 205 232 254 251 211 246 '261 266 243 266 287 295 283 320 333 342 311 352 370 376 236 264 294 293 265 298 319 331 282 309 '345 346 273 '296 317 316 346 377 399 409 310 321 353 372 Boston New York 106 114 133 150 168 187 207 264 285 104 108 126 140 148 162 176 221 235 101 106 119 128 135 150 169 220 239 104 111 129 143 151 167 184 '235 261 277 289 288 286 283 292 '278 302 "•302 227 244 249 237 234 236 211 248 243 235 253 249 251 246 239 225 248 241 284 ••285 284 304 216 223 '235 232 '268 280 266 219 236 299 298 374 483 Phila- Clevedelphia* land Kansas Dallas City SALES* 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 . . . SEASONALLY ADJUSTED 1947—Aoril May r . June July August September October November December r ... . 1948—Tanuary February March April UNADJUSTED 1947—\prn May June July August September October November December .. 194g—Tanuarv February March April STOCKS 2 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 SEASONALLY ADJUSTED 1947—April May July September November December 1948—January February March April UNADJUSTED 1947—April May June July..: August September October November December 1943—January February M^arch April r Revised. i Sales index revised beginning 1940; back figures available from Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank. »Figures for sales are the average per trading day, while those for stocks are as of the end of tne month or the annual average. NOTE.—For description and monthly indexes for back years for sales see BULLETIN for June 1944, pp. 542-561, and for stocks see BULLETIN for June 1946, pp. 588-612. JUNE 1948 713 DEPARTMENT STORE STATISTICS—Continued SALES AND STOCKS BY MAJOR DEPARTMENTS Per cent change from a year ago (value) Number of stores report- Department Sales during period ing 1948 GRAND TOTAL—entire store3... 358 MAIN STORE—total 358 +6 +5 315 -6 Piece goods and household textiles Piece goods Silks velvets and synthetics Woolen dress goods Cotton wash goods Household textiles .Linens and towels Domestics—muslins sheetings Blankets comforters and soreads . . 293 187 161 177 307 273 4 Women's shoes Women's and misses' ready-to-wear apparel Women's and misses' coats and suits . . . . Women's and misses' coats4 Juniors* and girls' wear Juniors' coats, suits, and dresses Girls' wear Women's and misses' dresses 4 Women's and misses' inexpensive dresses ... Women's and misses* better dresses4 Blouses, skirts, and sportswear . . . . Aprons, housedresses, and uniforms Furs M e n ' s a n d boys* w e a r IVIen's clothing Men's furnishings and hats Boys' wear Men's and boys' shoes and slippers ... . -12 -6 +6 +5 +3 +3 +4 +9 +9 +5 +11 +13 -2 -10 +3 +2 +5 +21 +2 -9 240 244 -14 -17 +3 +41 347 207 238 327 324 204 +1 +11 +13 +1 +1 -8 0 0 -4 March Index numbers without seasonal adjustment 1941 average monthly sales=100 2 Sales during period 1948 1948 1947 2.8 2.8 3.0 3.4 2.3 2.2 1.8 2.6 4.9 5.4 1947 Mar. Feb. 2.9 223 3.0 214 2.0 363 1.9 1.8 435 391 2.3 4.2 5.6 339 142 134 2.4 5.0 176 120 155 119 3.8 2.8 3.3 4.3 4.2 4 3 3 4 7.2 3.8 170 326 242 133 173 +7 +5 +15 3.9 5.5 3.8 2.5 3.2 4.1 4.6 4 9 -5 3.4 3.4 2.9 3.4 163 165 168 Stocks at end of month 1947 1948 Mar. 166 212 669 618 615 193 227 727 663 312 367 691 752 294 360 271 134 128 Feb. 830 793 436 446 952 711 706 731 759 839 324 161 143 886 693 725 773 602 647 687 674 769 455 696 204 145 680 666 518 597 149 203 190 120 145 168 293 214 132 178 641 817 761 547 791 598 684 670 523 718 640 174 159 146 174 172 176 664 572 491 595 538 424 676 588 588 520 257 o -5 275 140 -5 c -4 -7 -5 -5 -3 -5 3.7 2 9 3.8 158 157 163 588 569 +7 +5 +19 +1 +8 +11 +15 -15 2.1 2.4 2.0 3.8 2.1 2.4 2.2 4 8 257 246 318 146 170 160 231 137 236 221 261 137 544 597 649 557 523 569 617 532 -11 0.7 0.9 303 135 264 218 -3 -4 -7 231 -3 354 354 310 285 +9 +11 +22 +7 188 335 339 351 345 249 284 243 330 336 256 201 217 354 344 217 211 313 288 311 343 256 267 332 290 290 330 251 312 300 190 +15 +10 +2 +30 +5 +4 +9 +2 + 16 + 12 +21 +9 +7 +4 +10 + 11 +5 +10 +4 +8 +8 +16 +6 + 10 +2 +19 +2 +9 +11 +7 +2 -11 +16 -3 +23 +32 +21 +13 +12 +6 +22 +20 +22 +5 +9 + 10 +11 +5 +5 +5 +6 -4 +14 -1 8.0 4.1 2.7 2.8 1.7 3.0 3.0 2.8 3.2 2.6 1.8 3.2 2.5 3 4 l!3 .3 1.4 3 6 7 4 2.1 -14 +8 2.4 2.6 4.6 +3 +2 +4 +2 +9 +9 +5 +3 +7 +2 +8 + 14 3.6 3.6 4.0 +6 +6 +15 +52 +5 -8 2.7 +7 +9 + 10 + 10 + 14 +18 2 —4 —1 +4 +9 + 18 +4 + 13 +7 +7 +8 +5 + 10 -30 -1 313 288 223 +4 +4 +7 137 2S3 189 —9 254 154 227 173 142 -1 + 10 + 16 ++4 16 +5 +9 Miscellaneous merchandise departments Toys, games, sporting goods, and cameras Toys and games Sporting goods and cameras Luggage Candy 4 299 242 250 242 +18 +2 +1 +4 +10 319 151 156 273 148 98 +8 +1 +7 +6 Housef urnishings Furniture and bedding ]Vlattresses SDrinsrs and studio beds4 Upholstered and other furniture4 Domestic floor coverings Rugs and4 carpets 4 Linoleum Draperies, curtains, and upholstery Lamps and shades China and g l a s s w a r e . . . Major household appliances Housewares . . Gift shop4 Radios, phonographs, records, and instruments 4 .. Radios and phonographs4 Records, sheet music, and instruments 4 241 -1 -1 -10 -12 -4 +1 +13 -11 +3 +1 +2 0 +3 0 -4 -1 +20 +15 3.3 2.4 2.3 2.5 2.4 2.6 2.7 2.3 2.0 2.9 2.5 3 0 1.8 1.3 1.3 1 1 1.5 1.4 1 7 1 8 1.7 1 9 2.8 2.7 3.0 Mar. Mar. +1 +37 78 244 Women's and misses' apparel and accessories. Women's and misses' ready-to-wear accessories. . Neckwear and scarfs Handkerchiefs • Millinery . . . . Woincn's and children's gloves Corsets and brassieres . Women's and children's hosiery Underwear slips and negligees Knit underwear Silk and muslin underwear, and slips Negligees, robes, and lounging apparel Infants' wear Handbags and small leather goods Women's and children's shoes +5 Mar. 1948 O OO Costume iewelrv4 Fine jewelry and watches4 Art needlework Books and stationery Books and magazines Stationery . 0 -13 Three mos. 1948 ++ Small wares Laces, trimmings, embroideries, and ribbons Notions Toilet articles, drug sundries Silverware and jewelry -1 Stocks (end oi mo.) Ratio of stocks 1to sales 262 776 699 570 759 502 537 553 649 245 659 663 322 491 492 221 274 182 202 214 219 166 313 242 284 113 213 132 163 163 168 146 205 123 164 202 269 140 193 206 201 174 307 208 254 588 768 312 601 648 623 528 804 448 908 601 739 278 518 517 526 457 761 441 904 268 342 181 215 252 329 485 451 474 466 466 418 369 358 195 208 344 339 576 490 397 249 190 174 550 480 365 226 652 430 714 405 530 484 628 407 263 186 80 206 156 92 226 177 114 629 478 367 574 415 387 627 472 334 199 210 162 130 145 123 193 213 159 721 761 650 284 123 261 625 491 620 836 743 4.8 3 2 2.4 3.9 3 2 4.4 4.2 3.8 214 4.8 4.3 188 122 172 908 643 681 552 750 845 803 778 492 439 718 418 736 185 204 901 180 174 2.5 4.8 3.4 3.8 2 4 848 781 754 2.6 5.2 4.3 4.3 3 9 179 754 + 11 +11 +33 +31 +62 +5 +1 216 192 199 924 803 685 +4 4.6 4.3 6.4 2.2 4.1 6 8 3.4 3.2 4.0 191 175 142 381 258 151 159 132 262 212 195 167 130 323 247 886 754 919 832 1,048 776 648 851 789 903 834 744 768 452 4.1 5 7 4.4 4.4 5.0 4.3 4.4 5.9 1.4 3.0 5.3 4.6 3.2 5.3 5.4 199 127 107 150 83 57 192 122 100 588 670 491 537 581 404 5.8 5.4 0.8 5.3 4.2 1.2 136 150 99 137 134 164 792 817 661 736 +12 +19 +81 —5 + 19 +20 +19 -5 +3 -9 +12 +17 -28 1,010 622 648 545 749 709 For footnotes see following page. 714 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN DEPARTMENT STORE STATISTICS—Continued SALES AND STOCKS BY MAJOR DEPARTMENTS—Continued Per cent change from a year ago (value) Number of stores reporting Department Sales during period Index numbers without seasonal adjustment 1941 average monthly s a l e s = 1 0 0 2 Ratio of stocks to sales i Stocks (end of mo.) Sales during period March 1948 Mar. 1948 Three mos. 1948 Mar. 1948 1948 201 +14 +14 +6 2.1 2.2 134 -11 -2 +13 3.6 2.9 Women's and misses' ready-to-wear Intimate apparel4 Coats and suits4 Dresses4 Blouses, skirts, and sportswear4 Girls' wear4 Infants' wear4 199 171 180 169 153 121 113 +18 +21 + 11 +21 +27 + 14 +17 + 17 + 18 + 16 +16 +28 + 16 + 13 +4 + 10 +4 -5 0 +4 +4 1.5 2.2 0.9 1.3 1.9 1.3 2.1 Men's and boys' wear Men's wear4 Men's clothing4 Men's furnishings4 Boys' wear4 164 150 94 115 118 +15 + 11 + 13 +9 +26 +18 + 18 +26 + 11 +22 + 10 + 18 +25 + 14 -11 Housefurnishings. . . 103 +2 +5 Shoes 132 +21 +18 189 + 10 +8 +3 Stocks a t end of m o n t h 1947 1948 1947 1947 Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. 225 151 198 474 454 443 1.7 2.4 1.0 1.7 2.4 1.4 2.3 251 157 214 379 381 367 2.7 3.1 2.7 3.4 1.7 2.8 2.9 2.4 3.2 2.4 217 144 189 586 556 533 +1 3.3 3.3 170 148 168 567 512 534 +12 2.9 3.1 196 108 162 565 533 508 (5) (5) (5) 5 5 (5) — BASEMENT STORE—total. . Domestics and blankets 4 NONMERGHANDISE—total4 4 Barber and beauty shop + 11 111 () () 1 T h e ratio of stocks t o sales is obtained b y dividing stocks a t t h e end of the month b y sales during t h e m o n t h and hence indicates t h e number of m o n t h s ' supply on hand a t t h e end of t h e month in terms of sales for t h a t month. 2 T h e 1941 average of monthly sales for each department is used as a base in computing t h e sales index for t h a t department. T h e stocks index is derived b y applying t o t h e sales index for each month t h e corresponding stocks-sales ratio. For description and monthly indexes of sales and stocks b y department groups for back years, see p p . 856-858 of BULLETIN for August 1946. T h e titles of t h e tables on p p . 857 and 858 were reversed. 1 F o r movements of total d e p a r t m e n t store sales and stocks see t h e indexes for t h e United States on p. 713. 4 Index numbers of sales and stocks for this d e p a r t m e n t are not available for publication separately; t h e department, however, is included 8 in group and total indexes. D a t a not available. N O T E . — B a s e d on reports from a group of large d e p a r t m e n t stores located in various cities throughout t h e country. In 1947, sales a n d stocks a t these stores accounted for about 50 per cent of estimated total department store sales and stocks. N o t all stores report d a t a for all of t h e departments shown; consequently, t h e sample for t h e individual departments is not so comprehensive as t h a t for t h e total. SALES, STOCKS, AND OUTSTANDING ORDERS AT 296 DEPARTMENT STORES * WEEKLY INDEX OF SALES [Weeks ending on dates shown. Without seasonal adjustment Amount (In millions of dollars) 1946 Year or month Outstanding orders (end of month) Sales (total for month) Stocks (end of month) 1939 average..:.. 1940 average 1941 average 1942 average..:.. 1943 average 1944 average 1945 average..:. . 1946 average 1947 average 128 136 156 179 204 227 255 318 336 344 353 419 599 508 534 563 714 823 108 194 263 530 560 729 909 553 1947—April..::.. May June July August September. October. . . November. December. 321 337 304 253 274 341 367 416 584 849 817 768 732 789 823 912 941 770 388 351 470 603 622 676 663 605 544 1948—January... February.. March.... April 271 263 355 P332 789 '878 941 P936 633 ••575 420 P358 July Aug. r P Preliminary. Revised. i These figures are not estimates for all department stores in the United States. Backfigures.—Divisionof Research and Statistics. JUNE 1948 1935-39 average = 100] Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. r 6..:. 13 20.... 27.... 3 10.... 17.... 24.... 31.... 7.... 14 21.... 28.... 5.... 12 19.... 26.... 2.... 9 16.... 23.... 30..;. 7.... 14.... 21.... 28.:.. .192 .210 .201 .204 .217 .228 .239 .255 .281 .264 .293 .280 .257 .277 .281 .295 .287 .277 .314 .342 .363 .334 .475 .519 .532 .281 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1947 1947 5 . : . .208 1 2 . . . . .228 1 9 . . . . .217 2 6 . . . . .213 2 .220 9 . . . . .223 1 6 . . . . .225 2 3 . . . . .243 3 0 . . . . .277 6 . . . . .265 1 3 . . . . .291 20 .301 2 7 . . . . .316 4 . . : . .326 1 1 . . . . .304 1 8 . . : . .299 2 5 . . . . .306 1 . . . . .313 8 . . . . .347 1 5 . . . . .380 2 2 . . . . .395 29 .367 6 . . : . .508 1 3 . . . : .570 2 0 . . . . .576 2 7 . . . . .358 4.:: 11... 18... 25... 1... 8... 15... 22... 1... 8... 15... 22... 29... 5..: 12... 19... 26..; 3... 10... 17... 24... 31... 7.:: 14... 21... 28... Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June 1948 ..188 Jan. ..232 . .223 ..220 ..217 . .219 Feb. . .246 . .216 ..238 ..254 Mar. ..267 ..286 ..283 ..319 Apr. . . 265 ..271 ..267 ..279 M a y ..311 ..273 ..277 ..250 . .293 June ..300 ..256 ..245 3 . . . . .204 1 0 . . . ..251 1 7 . . . . .232 2 4 . . . ..226 3 1 . . . ..233 7 . . . . .240 1 4 . . . . .238 2 1 . . . . .249 2 8 . . . ..248 6 . . . . .266 1 3 . . . . .279 2 0 . . . . .313 2 7 . . . . .331 3 . . . ..280 1 0 . . . . .298 1 7 . . . . .294 24. . . . .296 1 . . . . '300 8 . . . . .330 1 5 . . . . . 293 2 2 . . . . . 295 2 9 . . . . . 296 5.. 12.. 19, . 26... Revised. NOTE.—Revised series. For description and back figures see pp. 874-875 of BULLETIN for September 1944. DEPARTMENT STORE STATISTICS—Continued SALES BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS AND BY CITIES [Percentage change from corresponding period of preceding year] Apr. Mar. Four 1948 1948 mos. 1948 United States.. Boston New Haven Portland Boston Area. . . Downtown Boston | Springfield [ Worcester.:-::.. Providence J New York 1 I Bridgeport .... j Newark l Albany Binghamton... .1 Buffalo i ! Elmira Niagara Falls..1 New York City . Poughkeepsie.. . Rochester l.:::. Schenectady.l . . i Syracuse ...... Utica.:r Philadelphia . Trenton x Lancaster * . .1. . Philadelphia . Reading 1 1 Wilkes-Barre . York 1 Cleveland Akron 1 1 Canton .:. . . . Cincinnati1J . . . Cleveland1 .... Columbu* .1 . . Springfield ... Toledo 1 Youngstown x . v+7 +10 +3 +3 +3 +3 + -1 +2 +1 +5 +3 +3 0 +5 +6 +6 -2 0 -1 +5 + 11 +5 tl + 15 +7 + 17 + 17 +7 + 15 +3 + 11 +1 +4 +6 +8 +4 0 + 10 +5 +5 +5 +21 + 17 + 17 +8 +4 + 15 +16 +14 +3 + 10 +15 + 18 + 10 + 14 + 10 +9 +11 +12 +17 + 15 + 14 +12 +11 + 10 +8 +16 Apr. Mar. Four 1948 1948 mos. 1948 +8 Cleveland-cont, Erie 1 .... 1 +2 Pittsburgh +3 Wheeling J -1 +2 Richmond 1 ... +2 Washington +7 Baltimore.::... Raleigh, N. C . +3 + 1 Winston-Salem. Charleston^. C +6 Greenville, S. C 0 Lynchburg +5 Norfolk +3 Richmond + 12 + 12 + 14 +7 +5 + 13 + 11 + 11 +7 +8 +11 + 13 +9 +8 Roanoke Charleston, W. Va Huntington Atlanta Birmingham l . . Mobile Montgomery x . . Jacksonville l... Miami* Orlando1 Tampa 1 Atlanta Augusta Columbus Rome Macon l Savannah Baton Rougel 1 .. New Orleans . . Jackson x Meridian Bristol, Tenn.. . J Chattanooga .. Knoxville 1l Nashville + 10 Apr. Mar. Four 1948 1948 mos. 1948 Apr. Mar. Four 1948 1948 mos. 1948 Chicago l p+10 +9 +10 Kansas City— +7 +5 +6 cont. +12 +17 + 15 Chicago 1 P + 1 +10 +9 Oklahoma City. + 16 + 13 +7 +9 +7 Peoria 1 Fort Wayne ... P + 2 +6 +4 Tulsa - 3 +22 +8 +25 +20 Indianapolis 11... +9 + 3 +5 Terre Haute ... +3 •+17 +9 Dallas +15 +18 +2 +10 + 14 + 15 + 17 Shreveport..... +20 +31 +5 + 3 +5 Des Moines.... 1 - 3 +3 + 15 +9 + 12 Corpus1 Christi.. +2 + 3 +3 Detroit 1 + 12 + 15 +6 +12 +6 Dallas 0 Flint +9 +10 + 13 +20 +2 + 8 +3 Grand Rapids. . +24 +15 + 15 Fort Worth l +31 +32 +9 +12 +9 Houston —4 + 10 + 1 Lansing 1 + 18 +10 + 19 San Antonio.... + 10 +10 + 1 +25 + 12 Milwaukee 1 + 17| +23 + 16 + 16 +7 Green Bay + 141 +14 + 13 SanFrancisco.. P+8 +9 + 13 +20 + 13 Madison Phoenix 1 + 11 +9 0 + 13 +6 +13 +9 Tucson + 10!3 - 1 +12 +6 St. Louis + 1 Fort Smith 1 +19 +5 Bakersfield .... +18 2 +2 +19 +8 Fresno Rock . . +5 +4 +29 + 14 Little Evansville. l. . . + 16 +49 +29 Long Beach *... () +6 +26 + 15 Louisville +27 + 19 + 14 Los Angeles 1 ... + 10 +10 .... +2 + 1 + 13 + 10 +5 and +5 +16 + Quincy + 1 +23 +26 Oakland East St. Louis. Berkeley1 +5 +22 + 12 St. +13 1 +5 +7 Louis +9j +8 + 11 +24 + 19 St. Louis +7 +10 +9 Riverside and Area. +5 +7 +4 +11 +8 Springfield.... +7 + 17 +9 San Bernardino l c +15 x + 11 + 11 +5 Sacramento1 . .. +5 +12 +5 Memphis . . . . San Diego . . l.. + 10 + 16 - 8 + 14 +9 . + 16 +40 + 7 Minneapolis. •* 0 '+3 +8 +6 +7 San Francisco 1 0 + 15 +28 Minneapolis l.. +1 +2 +6 +8 San Jose x +7 +8 1 + 13 Santa Rosa . . . +8 +4 +9 St. Paul +5 +3 +1 Stockton - 1 3 +5 +8 Duluth-2 +3 1 Vallejo and + 12 +28 - 4 + 18 Superior ... + 19 + 15 1 -6 + 1 Napa +2 +16 + 16 Kansas City . . +10 +9 +8 Boise and - 1 1 +5 +5 - 2 Denver +4 +4 +4 -3 Nampa 0 +21 +6 Pueblo +5 + 18 + 15 Portland +2 +24 P+12 +11 + 10 +6 Salt Lake City Hutchinson. . . +7 V + 14 +22 ++7 +11 +7 1 13 Topeka . .. + 13 + 18 + 11 Bellingham + 11 + 15 +7 +1 +2 + 14 +9 Everett 1 Wichita + 12 +3 + 1 +9 - 2 Kansas City... + 13 + 11 Seattle 1 + 12 +3 +5 + 13 1 0 Joplin 2 +5 +7 Spokane +5 +8 +8 1 - 1 St. J o s e p h . . . . P+9 +33 +11 +12 0 -1 + 1 Tacoma 1 Omaha P+7 + 10 - 3 +16 Yakima +2 +7 +31 +5 + 12 +18 +12 + 19 -1 +7 +11 +25 + 10 +8 +10 +4 +18 3+6 +8 +1 + 10 +9 +10 +7 —6 +9 +8 +2 +8 +6 +11 +8 + 11 -1 +6 +11 + 10 + 10 + 11 r P Preliminary. Revised. 1 Indtxet for these cities may be obtained on request from the Federal Reserve Bank in the district in which the city is located. 2 Data not available. * Three months 1948. ±i + 10 +5 + 12 + 12 +2 -1 +6 -2 -5 + 10 +6 8+2 +3 +2 +3. +4 COST OF LIVING Consumers' Price Index for Moderate Income Families in Large Cities [Index numbers of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1935-39 average=100] Fuel, electricity, and ice House furnishings Miscellane oui 141.4 112.5 111.7 104.6 100.7 100.0 84.2 98.4 102.8 102.2 100.5 101.7 106.3 124 2 129.7 138.8 145 9 160.2 185.8 100.9 104.1 104.3 104.6 106.2 108 5 108.0 108.2 108 3 108.6 111.2 100.2 99.9 99.0 99.7 102.2 105 4 107.7 109.8 110.3 112.4 121.2 104.3 103.3 101.3 100.5 107.3 122 2 125 6 136.4 145 8 159.2 184.4 101.0 101.5 100.7 101.1 104.0 110.9 115.8 121.3 124.1 128.8 139.9 189.5 188 0 187 6 190.5 193 1 196.5 203.5 201.6 202 7 206.9 184.3 184 9 185.0 185.7 184 7 185.9 187.6 189.0 190.2 191.2 109.0 109 0 109.2 109.2 110 0 111.2 113.6 114.9 115.2 115.4 117.6 118.4 117.7 117.7 119.5 123.8 124.6 125.2 126.9 127.8 182.3 182.5 181.9 182.6 184 3 184.2 187.5 187.8 188.9 191.4 138.2 139.2 139.0 139.1 139.5 139.8 140.8 141.8 143.0 144.4 209.7 204.7 202 3 207.9 192.1 195.1 196.3 196.4 115.9 116.0 116.3 116.3 129.5 130.0 130.3 130.7 192.3 193.0 194.9 194.7 146.4 146.4 146.2 147.8 All items Food Apparel Rent 122.5 132.5 115.3 92 4 84 1 87.9 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 102.7 100 8 99.4 100 2 105.2 116 5 123 6 125.5 128 4 139 3 159.2 105.3 97 8 95.2 96 6 105.5 123 9 138 0 136.1 139 1 159 6 193.8 1947—March April May June July August September October November December . . 156.3 156 2 156 0 157.1 158 4 160.3 163.8 163.8 164 9 167.0 ....... 168.8 167.5 166 9 169.3 Year or month 1929 1933 . . . 1948—January March April ....... Back figures.—Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor. 716 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN WHOLESALE PRICES, BY GROUPS OF COMMODITIES [Index numbers of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1926 = 100] Other commodities Year, month, or week 1929 . . . 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 . 1944 1945 1946 1947 1947—January February March April May . . . . . June All commodities 95.3 86.4 73.0 64.8 65.9 74.9 80.0 80.8 86.3 78.6 77.1 78.6 87.3 98.8 103.1 104.0 105.8 121.1 151.8 141.5 144.5 149.5 147.7 147.1 147.6 150.6 153.6 157.4 158.5 159.7 163.2 July August September October November .. December 194g—January 165.7 160 8 February 161.4 March 162.7 April Week ending :i 1948—Mar. 6 160.4 159.8 Mar 13 161 5 Mar. 20 161.1 Mar. 27 160.1 Apr 3 160.6 Apr 10 162.9 Apr. 17 163 6 Apr 24 162.6 May 1 May 8 . . . . 161.9 163.5 May 15 163.5 May 22 164.4 May 29 Farm products Foods Coke Electricity Gas Petroleum product 83.0 78.5 67.5 70.3 66.3 73.3 73.5 76.2 77.6 76.5 73.1 71.7 76.2 78.5 80.8 83.0 84.0 90.1 108.7 97.7 97.9 100.7 103.4 103.3 103.9 108.9 112.5 114.1 115.9 118.1 124.3 130.0 130.7 130.9 131.6 9 9 6 2 131.7 131.7 131.7 131.7 131.7 131.8 131.9 132.6 132.6 133.0 133.4 133.7 133.8 91.6 109.1 85.2 100.0 75.0 86.1 70.2 72.9 71.2 80.9 78.4 86.6 77.9 89.6 79.6 95.4 85.3 104.6 81.7 92.8 81.3 95.6 83.0 100.8 89.0 108.3 95.5 117.7 96.9 117.5 98.5 116.7 99.7 118.1 109.5 137.2 134.8 181.9 127.6 175.1 128.5 173.8 131.1 174.6 131.8 171.5 131.9 170.8 131.4 173.2 133.4 178.4 136.0 182.1 138.2 184.8 140.0 191.7 142.4 202.4 145.6 203.1 148.2 200 3 147.5 192.8 147.7 185.6 148.5 186.1 187.1 184.9 187.6 186.2 183.9 183.1 189.2 188 9 186.9 184.0 187.9 189.2 193.0 172.2 171.2 176.4 174.8 172.4 174.5 178.8 180.4 177.5 174.8 178.9 177.2 178.0 147.3 187.9 147.3 187.1 147.3 185.9 147.4 186.2 147.7 186 0 147.9 186.2 148.3 187.2 149 0 187.1 148.7 188.0 148.9 188.2 149.0 189.0 149.2 188.6 149.3 187.6 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 148 148 148 148 148 149 9 1 1 6 5 Jan. 218.0 217 9 209.4 204.4 162.2 166.4 8 1 2 7 183.9 170.1 141.1 222.3 155 0 172 178 179 137 1 1 7 7 194.3 238.9 209.2 143.8 194.7 207.2 199.9 143.8 193.6 186.2 186.9 143.8 133 194 100 69 37 129 175 0 7 8 4 0 1 8 140.4 214.8 104.4 46.4 40.7 141.6 181.2 143.0 214.9 105.0 46.4 40.7 142.8 180.2 144.6 218.3 105.4 46 4 40.7 145.2 174 7 113 145 155 64 84 86 9 124.2 176.8 190.6 66.4 84.5 120.7 0 4 1 0 3 124.4 177.8 190 6 66 6 85.8 121.7 82.6 77.7 69.8 64.4 62.5 69.7 68.3 70.5 77.8 73.3 74.8 77.3 82.0 89.7 92.2 93.6 94.7 100.3 114.3 110.3 110.9 115.3 115.7 116.1 112.7 113.0 112.7 115.9 117.1 118.8 121.5 123.5 119 9 120.8 121.8 97 5 84.3 65.6 55.1 56.5 68.6 77 1 79 9 84.8 72.0 70 2 71.9 83.5 100 6 112.1 113.2 116.8 134.7 165 6 152.1 154 9 163.2 160.1 158.6 160.2 165 3 167.0 170.8 175.1 175.5 182.0 183.9 174 9 174.7 175.5 94 5 88.0 77.0 70 3 70.5 78.2 82 2 82 0 87.2 82.2 80.4 81.6 89.1 98 6 100 1 100.8 101.8 116.1 145 4 136.7 139 7 143.3 141.9 141.7 141.7 144 0 147 6 151.6 151 1 152.3 154.7 157 6 154 5 155 8 157.5 119.4 119.5 119.9 120.8 121.0 120.7 121.5 122.2 121.3 121.3 121.2 121.4 121.0 176.5 174 9 176 5 175.9 174 8 174.1 178.0 177 8 176.8 175.1 177.7 178.6 180.8 154.3 1S4 3 156 3 155.9 154 9 156 0 157 8 158 9 157.9 157.6 159.0 158.7 159.1 100.5 92.1 84.5 80.2 79.8 86.9 86.4 87.0 95.7 95.7 94.4 95.8 99.4 103.8 103.8 103.8 104.7 115.5 145.0 138.0 137.9 139.9 141.3 141.4 142.6 143.8 148.9 150.7 151.1 151.7 152.3 154.7 155.3 155.9 156.7 95.4 89.9 79.2 71.4 77.0 86.2 85.3 86.7 95.-2 90.3 90.5 94.8 103.2 110.2 111.4 115.5 117.8 132.6 179.5 169.7 174.8 177.5 178.8 177.0 174.4 175.7 179.7 183.3 185.8 187.5 191.0 193.1 192.6 193.1 195.2 94. 88. 7 79. 73. 72. 1 75. 7 9 . f) 78. 7 82. 7 7 . [) 76.0 7 7 . f) 84. 4 95. S 94. 95. 7 95. 2 101. 4 127. 128. 1 129. 132. 2 133. 7 127. 1 120. 2 118. 8 117. S 122. 3 128. 6 135. 8 135. 0 138. 8 134. 6 136. 1 135. 9 94 3 92 .7 84 .9 75 1 75 8 81 5 80 6 81 7 89 ,7 86 .8 86 88 5 94 .3 10? 4 10? 7 104 3 104 5 111 .6 179 1 155.7 155.9 156.0 156.0 156.6 157.1 157.1 157.2 157.2 156.8 156.5 156.6 156.6 192.1 192.5 192.6 192.5 193.2 193.4 194.9 195.3 195.2 195.9 195.9 196.6 196.9 136. 136. 135. 135. 135. 136. 136. 136. 133. 133. 134. 135. 134. 6 S 143.6 143-7 1 5 144 . 3 144 144 7 144 7 Subgroups Mar. 148 154. 142 196 147 Manufactured products Miscellaneous 173 ,3 6 125 .8 177 8 178 ,8 179 .7 179 8 179 7 130 . 6 n? 137 .7 139 .7 141 4 141 8 142 1 142.4 8 8 8 S 144 144 4 7 4 144 .4 144 6 4 144 7 6 8 144 .7 144 .7 1947 Feb. 220.0 210.0 159.9 184.8 160.2 144.8 206.2 146 7 199. 8 256.3 199. 2 232.9 156. 4 162.4 Raw materials ChemiBuild- cals and Housefuring allied nishmateproding rials ucts goods 1948 Apr. Dairy products Cereal products Fruits and vegetables Meats Other foods Hides and Leather Products: Shoes Hides and skins. . Leather Other leather prod ucts . . . Textile Products: Clothing Cotton goods Hosiery and under wear Silk Rayon Woolen and worsted goods Other textile products Fuel and Lighting Materials: Anthracite . Bituminous coal. . 90. 4 80. 66. 3 54. 9 64. 8 72. 9 70. 9 71 5 76. 3 66.7 69. 7 73. 8 84. 8 96. 9 97 4 98. 4 100. 1 116. 3 140. 9 136. 6 138. 0 139. 6 139. 7 138.9 138. 9 139. 5 140. 8 142. 0 143. 0 144 7 147. 6 147 6 148 4 149 7 149 6 99.9 90.5 74.6 61.0 60.5 70.5 83.7 82.1 85.5 73.6 70.4 71.3 82.7 99.6 106.6 104.9 106.2 130.7 168.7 156.2 162.0 167.6 162.4 159.8 161.8 167.1 172.3 179.3 177.8 178.0 178.4 179.9 172.4 173.8 176.8 Subgroups Foods: Textile products 104.9 88.3 64.8 48.2 51.4 65.3 78.8 80.9 86.4 68.5 65.3 67.7 82.4 105.9 122.6 123.3 128.2 148.9 181.3 165.0 170.4 182.6 177.0 175.7 177.9 181.4 181.7 186.4 189.7 187.9 196.7 199.2 185.3 186.0 186.7 1947 Farm Products: Grains Livestock and pou t r y . . . . Other farm produc ts Total Fuel Metals and and lighting metal mate- prodrials ucts Hides and leatherproducts Apr. 179.8 181.0 158.6 158.0 146.3 149.3 217.1 226.0 144 3 144 4 Metals and Metal Products: Agricultural imnlements Farm machiner y Iron and steel. Motor vehicles Nonferrous mei als Plumbing and '.leating.. Building Materials: Brick and tile. rpmpTit Paint and paini materia I s . . . . Plumbing and leating,. Structural steel Other building material 3 Chemicals and Allieci Produc s: Chemirals . . . 145.8 216.7 Drugs and Pharmaceuticals. . 105.4 Fertilizer matei-ials 46.4 Mixed fertilizer s Oils and fats. . 40.7 147.5 House furnishing Goods: Furnishings 170.0 191.7 199.3 183.6 143.3 124 6 177.9 190 6 124 6 178.9 197 5 88 7 121.8 121.8 Furniture' M Auto tires and t u b e s . . . Cattle feed Paper and pulf Rubber, crude. Other miscellaneous Apr. 119.1 120 5 129.8 148.8 141.0 118.2 1948 Jan. Feb Mar. Apr. 9 129.: 128.4 129.7 130.1 1 3 0 .4 130.J \ 131.3 145.5 146 .3 1 4 7 / 1 148.5 161.6 161 .6 161.(> 161.6 145.5 146 .8 146. f? 149.8 137.9 138 .7 138/ 1 138.7 134.5 114 0 273 5 175.5 118.2 127.7 143.7 150.9 151 .1 151.C> 126 4 127 127 L \ 307.3 303 304 () 163.2 159 .6 156/ 1 137.9 138 .7 138/ I 143.0 149 .4 155.?I 157.2 159 .6 161.( 5 119.5 181.0 101.2 96.7 220.1 125.8 154.4 115.6 102.4 236.7 176 5 154 3 114 .8 10? 8 701 5 152.5 127 5 310 4 157.9 138.7 155.8 162.1 126J3 126.8 154.<I 153.8 114. <P 115.2 103. I 103.1 211.<1 210.3 135.2 143.9 144 4 144. <) 145.3 120.0 139.1 139 . 4 139. I 139.7 73.0 63.4 63 .4 6 3 . 1 63.4 208.9 336.0 7 6 ? 0 284. I 296.9 152.5 168.1 167 1 167. 3 167.5 52.0 44.7 4? , 7 4 2 . 3 46.7 123.3 130.4 130 .4 130. 2 130.2 r Revised. 1 Weekly figures not directly comparable with monthly data. 2 Revised figures for the period May-October 1947 will be shown in future issues of the BULLETIN. Back figures.—Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor. JUNE 1948 717 GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT, NATIONAL INCOME, AND PERSONAL INCOME [Estimates of the Department of Commerce. In billions of dollars] RELATION OF GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT, NATIONAL INCOME, PERSONAL INCOME, AND SAVING Seasonally adjusted annual rates by quarters Annual totals Gross national product Less: Capital consumption allowances Indirect business tax and related liabilities. Business transfer payments Statistical discrepancy Plus: Subsidies less current surplus of government enterprises Equals: National income Less: Corporate profits and inventory valuation adjustment Contributions for social insurance Excess of wage accruals over disbursements. Plus: Government transfer payments Net interest paid by government Dividends Business transfer payments Equals: Personal income Less: Personal tax and related payments Federal State and local Equals: Disposal personal income Less: Personal consumption expenditures Equals: Personal saving 1929 1933 1939 103.8 55.8 90.4 125.3 210.6 203.7 7.0 .6 -.1 7.2 7.1 .7 1.2 -.1 87.4 C1) 39.6 10.3 .2 .0 .9 1.0 5.8 .6 85.1 2.6 1.3 1.4 82.5 78.8 3.7 -2.0 .3 .0 1.5 1.2 2.1 .7 46.6 1.5 .5 1.0 45.2 46.3 -1.2 8.1 9.4 .5 .5 1941 9.3 11.3 .5 .5 1944 11.8 14.0 .5 2.6 1946 11.0 16.9 .5 -2.1 1946 1947 1947 229.6 218.6 221.0 226.9 229.4 12.4 11.5 17.9 17.7 .5 .5 '-4.4 -2.1 12.1 17.2 .6 -3.6 12.3 17.4 .5 -3.0 .5 .1 .7 72.5 103.8 182.3 178.2 -.1 -.1 -.2 .1 -.3 203.1 191.0 194.6 199.8 203.3 5.8 2.1 .0 2.5 1.2 3.8 .5 72.6 2.4 1.2 1.2 70.2 67.5 2.7 '23.6 5.7 .0 11.1 4.5 6.8 .5 196.8 21.5 19.7 1.8 175.3 164.4 10.9 14.6 23.5 16.5 2.8 5.2 6.0 .0 -.2 .0 2.6 3.1 10.8 2.8 1.3 4.5 4.7 4.5 5.6 .5 .5 .5 95.3 164.9 177.2 3.3 18.9 18.8 2.0 17.5 17.2 1.3 1.4 1.6 92.0 146.0 158.4 82.3 110.4 143.7 9.8 35.6 14.8 240.9 244.3 12.7 19.1 .5 12.4 17.8 .5 -4.9 -.2 214.3 18.8 20.4 23.9 23.9 5.3 6.1 6.0 5.4 .0 .0 .0 .0 9.8 10.3 10.1 13.7 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.6 6.3 5.9 6.5 6.8 .6 .5 .5 .5 187.5 189.8 191.4 199.6 19.5 21.0 21.2 21.6 17.9 19.3 19.4 19.8 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 168.0 168.8 170.1 177.9 154.9 156.9 162.3 165.8 13.1 11.9 7.8 12.1 26.1 5.2j .01 10.5 4.4 7.3 .5 205.8 22.1 20.2 1.9 183.7 172.5 11.2 12.7 18.7 .5 n.a. -.4 n.a. n.a. 5.3 .0 10.9 4.5 7.5 .5 209.2 23.0 21.1 2.0 186.1 173.2 12.9 NATIONAL INCOME, BY DISTRIBUTIVE SHARES Annual totals 1929 1933 1939 1941 1944 Seasonally adjusted annual rates by quarters 1946 1947 1946 4 National income . . . 87.4 Compensation of employees V^ages and salaries ^ . . . Private ]VIilitary Government civilian Supplements to wages and salaries Proprietors' a n d rental i n c o m e 3 . . . . Business and orofessional Farm . • . Rental income of persons Corporate profits and inventory valuation adjustment Corporate profits before tax Corporate profits tax liability Corporate profits after tax . ... Inventory valuation adjustment Net interest . 50.8 50.2 45.2 .3 4.6 .6 19.7 8.3 5 7 5.8 10.3 9.8 1.4 8.4 .5 6.5 39.6 29.3 1 2 1948P 3 72.5 103.8 182.3 178.2 '203.1 191.0 194.6 199.8 203.3 28.8 23.7 .3 4 9 .5 7.2 2.9 2 3 2.0 47.8 45.7 37.5 .4 7.8 2.1 14 7 6.8 4.5 3.5 -2.0 .2 .5 -.4 -2.1 5.8 6.5 1.5 5.0 -.7 5.0 1947 4.2 64.3 121.2 116.8 61.7 116.9 111.1 51.5 83.3 90.2 8.0 1.9 20.8 8.3 12.8 12.9 2.6 4.2 5.6 20.8 34.4 41.8 9.6 15.3 19.7 6.9 12.4 15.2 4.3 6.7 6.9 14.6 17.2 7.8 9.4 -2.6 4.1 23.5 23.8 13.9 9.9 -.4 3.2 16.5 21.1 8.6 12.5 -4.7 3.2 128.1 122.8 105.2 4.1 13.4 5.4 47.8 23.5 17.0 7.3 122.2 124.7 125.6 128.7 117.1 119.1 120.0 123.6 98.0 101.2 102.7 106.2 4.6 4.1 3.9 5.6 13.5 13.3 13.2 13.5 5.6 5.6 5.1 5.1 46.7 46.2 46.7 47.0 22.0 22.4 22.9 23.5 17.8 16.8 16.6 16.2 7.0 7.2 7.3 7.0 »-23.6 r29.2 '11.5 f-17.8 -5.7 18.8 27.1 11.0 16.1 -8.3 3.6 3.2 20.4 28.9 11.5 17.4 -8.6 3.3 23.9 27.8 10.9 16.9 -3.8 3.5 23.9 28.2 11.1 17.1 -4.3 3.7 4 r 214.3 1 n.a. 132.9 134.6 127.8 129.5 110.3 111 9 3.8 3.8 13.7 13 8 5.1 5.1 51.5 52.6 25.4 25.5 18.5 19.3 7.6 7.8 26.1 n.a. 32.2 n.a. 12.6 n.a. 19.7 n.a. —6.1 - 5 . 9 3.8 3.8 r n.a. Not available. P Preliminary. Revised on basis of corporate profits data for fourth quarter of 1947. 1 Less than 50 million dollars. 2 Includes employee contributions to social insurance funds. 3 Includes noncorporate inventory valuation adjustment. NOTE.—Details may not add to totals because of rounding. Source.—Figures in this table are the revised series. For an explanation of the revisions and a detailed breakdown of the series for the period 1929-46, see National Income Supplement to the Survey of Current Business, July 1947, Department of Commerce. For a discussion of the revisions, for annual data for the period 1929-46, and for quarterly data for selected years, see also pp. 1105-1114 of the BULLETIN for September 1947. 718 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT, NATIONAL INCOME, AND PERSONAL INCOME—Continued [Estimates of the Department of Commerce. In billions of dollars] GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT OR EXPENDITURE Seasonally adjusted annual rates by quarters Annual totals Gross national product Personal consumption expenditures Durable goods Nondurable goods Services Gross private domestic investment New construction 1 Producers' durable equipment Change in business inventories Net foreign investment Government purchases of goods and services Federal War Nonwar Less: Government sales 2 State and local 1939 103.8 55.8 90.4 125.3 210.6 203.7 229.6 218.6 221.0 226.9 229.4 240.9 244.3 78.8 9.4 37.7 31.7 15.8 7.8 6.4 1.6 .8 46.3 3.5 22.3 20.6 1.3 1.1 1.8 -1.6 .2 67.5 6.7 35.3 25.5 9.0 4.0 4.6 .4 .9 82.3 110.4 143.7 164.4 154.9 156.9 162.3 165.8 172.5 14.9 19.8 18.2 18.2 19.3 20.2 21.3 6.8 9.8 44.0 67.2 87.1 99.3 93.6 94.7 98.4 99.9 104.2 28.5 36.5 41.7 45.3 43.1 44.0 44.6 45.7 47.0 5.7 24.6 27.8 30.4 28.2 26.1 27.0 29.9 17.2 9.6 10.4 12.4 10.3 8.5 9.3 10.7 5.7 2.3 12.4 17.9 15.7 16.4 17.9 18.4 18.8 5.3 7.7 3.7 5.4 1.6 - 1 . 4 - 1 . 7 - 1 . 3 -.7 3.9 - 2 . 0 10.4 7.8 8.2 4.8 8.7 5.2 8.3 1.1 - 2 . 1 173 20. 104.3 48.2 36.0 13.1 18.8 4.1 4.2 8.5 1.3 1.3 () 8.0 2.0 2.0 13.1 5.2 1.3 3.9 (*) 7.9 24.7 16.9 13.8 3.2 (3) 7.8 30.3 16.9 17.7 31.0 17.7 19.0 1.3 13.3 7.2 (3) 5.9 1944 96.6 89.0 88.6 1.6 1.2 7.5 30.7 20.7 21.3 2.4 3.0 10.0 1947 1947 1933 1941 1946 1946 1929 28.7 16.4 [17.7 1.3 12.3 28.2 16.9 15.8 3.3 2.2 11.2 27.6 16.2 [18.3 2.1 11.4 28.2 16.3 17.7 1.4 11.9 28.7 16.2 17.2 1.0 12.5 13.3 PERSONAL INCOMB [Seasonally adjusted monthly totals at annual rates] Wages and salaries Wage and salary disbursements Ywr or month Personal income Total receipts4 Total disbursements Commodity Distributive produc- indusing intries dustries 1929.: 1930.: 1931:: 1932.: 1933:: 1934r: 1935.: 1936.: 1937.: 1938.: 1939.: 1940.: 1941.; 1942:; 1943.: 1944.: 1945.: 1946.: 1947 85.1 76 2 64 8 49.3 46 6 53.2 59.9 68 4 74.0 68.3 72.6 78.3 95 3 122.2 149 4 164 9 171.6 177.2 196.8 50.0 45.7 38.7 30.1 28.7 33.4 36.3 41.6 45.4 42.3 45.1 48.9 60.9 80.5 103.5 114.9 115.2 109.2 120.7 50.2 45.9 38.9 30.3 28.8 33.5 36.5 41.8 45.9 42.8 45.7 49.6 61.7 81.7 105.3 117.1 117.5 111.1 122.8 21.5 18.5 14.3 15.5 14.4 12.5 12.0 13.5 15.8 18.4 15.3 17.4 19.7 27.5 39.1 48 9 50.3 45.8 45.7 55.3 9.9 9.8 9.8 8.8 9.9 10.7 11.8 13.1 12.6 13.3 14.2 16.3 18.0 20.1 22.7 24.8 30.9 34.9 1947—March April May June July August.... September. October. . . November December. 190.6 189.4 190.5 194.1 194.9 193.8 209.9 203.2 204.2 210.4 117.0 116.0 117.3 120.1 119.9 121.2 123.2 123.7 126.4 128.1 119.1 118.2 119.4 122.2 122.0 123.3 125.2 125.7 128.4 130.1 53.4 52.8 53.5 54.9 54.4 55.5 56.7 57.2 58.8 60.3 1948—January.. . February.. March P. . . 211.4 207.7 208.5 128.2 127.1 127.1 130.3 129.2 129.2 60.1 58.3 58.2 Service industries 8.2 7.7 6.8 5.7 Government DiviLess emdends Proployee and prietors' Other contriperand labor butions income8 rental 8 sonal for income interest social income insurance 10.5 11.5 13.6 15.0 10.2 16.1 26.9 33.6 35.5 20.9 17.6 .1 .1 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .6 .6 .6 .7 .8 1.2 1.8 2.2 2.3 1.9 2.1 33.5 33.1 33.8 34.9 35.0 35.2 35.8 35.8 36.8 37.1 14.6 14.8 14.9 15.2 15.4 15.2 15.2 15.1 15.2 15.2 17.6 17.5 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.6 17.5 37.4 37.7 37.7 15.4 15.5 15.5 17.4 17.7 17.8 5.1 5.5 5.8 6.3 6.9 6.7 6.9 7.3 7.8 8.6 9.5 5.0 5.2 5.3 5.0 5.2 6.1 6.5 7.9 7.5 8.2 8.2 8.5 .5 .5 .5 11 3 11.6 46.8 46.5 46.5 47.1 47.4 45.5 48.1 50.4 49.9 54.0 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.6 14.7 14.9 15.6 15.4 15.5 15.6 10.9 10.9 10.5 10.5 11.1 10.4 21.2 11.8 10.5 10.8 168.8 168.3 169.7 172.4 173.0 173 8 188.7 180 6 182 3 184.6 54.5 51.6 51.5 15.7 15.8 16.0 11.1 11.3 12.1 184.8 184.1 185.6 7.4 9.1 8 2 8 6 1.8 7 2 8 7 12.1 12 6 15 4 14.0 14 7 16.3 20 8 28 1 32 1 34 4 37 1 41 8 47.8 2.1 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 L.7 L.7 L.8 L.8 L.8 L.8 L.8 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.1 2.1 2.1 1 .9 1.9 1.8 .6 .6 .7 .0 s 6 1.5 1.5 2.7 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.4 9 9 9 7 10 0 10 7 11.6 13 3 14.8 13.3 12 6 11 1 .5 Nonagricultural income8 76.8 70.0 60.1 46.2 43.0 49.5 53.4 62.8 66.5 62.1 66.3 71.5 86.1 108.7 134 3 149.0 154.4 157 9 174.9 19.7 15 7 11 8 .4 .4 .4 .4 .5 .5 .5 Transfer payments7 8.6 10 1 10.3 8.7 9 2 9.4 3 5 2.4 2.8 3.0 3.1 3 1 3.2 3 0 3 6 6.2 x v Preliminary. Includes construction expenditures for crude petroleum and natural gas drilling. 8 * Consists of sales abroad and domestic sales of surplus consumption goods and materials. Less than 50 million dollars, * Total wage and salary receipts, as included in "Personal income," is equal to total disbursements less employee contributions to social insurance.1 Such contributions are not available by industries. Includes compensation for injuries, employer contributions to private pension and welfare funds, and other payments. * Includes business and professional income, farm income, and rental income of unincorporated enterprise; also a noncorporate inventory valuation adjustment. 7 Includes government social insurance benefits, direct relief, mustering out pay, veterans' readjustment allowances and other payments, as well 8as consumer bad debts and other business transfers. Includes personal income exclusive of net income of unincorporated farm enterprise, farm wages, agricultural net rents, agricultural net interest, and net dividends paid by agricultural corporations. NOTE.—Details may not add to totals because of rounding. Source.—Figures in this table are for the revised series. For an explanation of the revisions and a detailed breakdown of the series for the period 1929-46, see National Income Supplement to the Survey of Current Business, July 1947, Department of Commerce. For a discussion of the revisions, for annual data for the period 1929-46, and for quarterly data for selected years, see also pp. 1105-1114 of the BULLETIN for September 1947. JUNE 1948 719 CONSUMER CREDIT STATISTICS TOTAL CONSUMER CREDIT, BY MAJOR PARTS [Estimated amounts outstanding. In millions of dollars] Total consumer credit End of year or month 1929 1933 . . 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1947—March April May June July August September October November December 1948—January February March? April? . . . . .. . .... Instalment credit Total instalment credit Total Automobile Other Sale credit Loans1 Singlepayment loans2 Service credit Charge accounts 7,637 3,167 2,515 1,318 1,197 652 2 125 1 749 596 3,919 1,595 1,122 459 663 473 776 1,081 467 7,491 7,064 7,994 9,146 9,895 6,478 5,334 5,776 6,638 10,166 13,385 3,971 3,612 4,449 5,448 5,920 2,948 1,957 2,034 2,365 3,976 6,156 2,752 2,313 2,792 3,450 3,744 1,491 1,384 1,368 1,343 1,525 1,721 1,802 1,009 1,558 2,839 1,014 1,688 1.219 1,299 1,657 1,998 J.176 1,457 1,143 L199 1,462 2,418 3,317 1.504 1 442 1,468 1,488 I 601 1,369 1,192 L 255 .520 2,262 2,697 1.450 I 487 1,544 1,650 L 764 513 ,498 758 9ft 1 3,054 3 612 557 1,267 1,729 1,942 10,379 10,631 10,934 11,230 11,302 11,433 11,682 12,055 12,636 13,385 4,329 4,536 4,739 4,919 5,045 5,179 5,290 5,463 5,733 6,156 1,695 1,812 1,928 2,036 2,092 2,167 2,257 2,370 2,551 2,839 965 1,004 1,047 1,099 1,151 1,004 1,059 1,112 1,156 1,170 L,2O2 1,253 1,323 1,452 1,688 2,634 2,724 2,811 2,883 2,953 3,012 3,033 3,093 3,182 3,317 2,403 2 423 2,460 2,508 2,548 2,579 2,607 2,645 2,677 2,697 2,768 2 782 2,835 2,887 2 786 2,755 2,864 3 029 3 309 3,612 13,058 12,945 13,377 13,596 6,186 6,249 6,495 6,736 2,818 2,835 2,985 3,141 1,202 1,254 1,367 1,476 1,616 1,581 ,618 1,665 3,368 3,414 3,510 3,595 2,708 2,701 2,686 2,673 3,240 3,067 3 269 3,259 970 482 175 200 227 544 814 835 903 1,151 691 753 816 880 922 639 635 676 523 533 560 610 648 687 729 772 874 920 879 890 900 916 923 920 921 918 917 920 924 928 927 928 ^Preliminary. Includes repair and modernization loans insured by Federal Housing Administration. Noninstalment consumer loans (single-payment loans of commercial banks and pawnbrokers). NOTE.—Back figures by months beginning January 1929 may be obtained from Division of Research and Statistics. 1 2 CONSUMER INSTALMENT LOANS [Estimates. In millions of dollars] Amounts outstanding (end of period) Year or month Total Commercial banks» Small loan companies Industrial banks 2 Industrial loan com- 2 panies Loans made by principal lending institutions (during period) Credit unions Miscellaneous lenders Insured repair Comand modern- mercial1 ization banks loans* Small loan companies Industrial banks2 Industrial loan com- Credit unions panies* 1929 652 43 263 219 32 95 463 413 1933 473 29 246 121 27 50 322 202 33 If37 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1,219 1,299 1,657 1,998 2,176 1,457 1,143 1,199 1,462 2,418 3,317 258 312 523 692 784 426 316 357 477 956 221 95 99 104 107 72 59 60 70 98 134 125 117 96 99 102 91 86 88 93 110 120 148 154 213 284 301 215 128 120 179 344 558 409 129 131 132 134 89 67 68 76 117 166 93 112 147 189 217 147 123 122 128 185 269 1,017 1?198 792 639 749 942 662 664 827 912 975 784 800 869 956 1,358 374 380 448 498 531 417 364 384 439 608 712 1,793 2,537 2,634 2,724 2,811 2,883 June July 2,953 3,012 August September.. 3,033 October. . . 3,093 November.. 3,182 December . . 3,317 1.079 1,123 1,167 1,196 1,221 1,248 ,255 ,281 ,309 ,358 617 627 633 638 649 128 133 138 143 148 108 113 116 119 121 197 204 213 224 233 111 112 113 113 114 394 412 431 450 467 214 213 212 211 217 3,368 1948—January February. . . 3.414 3 510 M^archp 3,595 April? 1 .448 1947—March April . . . . May ,385 ,403 1,488 152 154 157 162 166 124 125 127 130 134 240 245 250 257 269 717 721 733 165 167 173 137 140 143 739 181 146 652 643 647 670 712 368 460 680 1,251 1,454 238 261 255 255 182 151 155 166 231 310 176 194 198 203 146 128 139 151 210 282 148 179 257 320 372 247 228 230 228 339 497 121 116 115 117 123 24 24 24 26 29 23 24 24 24 23 38 39 42 43 44 114 114 114 116 120 482 497 517 538 558 271 275 287 121 121 125 572 587 601 235 209 272 110 107 140 300 123 618 255 121 204 206 218 221 254 42 113 107 121 142 191 25 27 28 27 33 22 24 23 25 30 42 41 45 44 53 27 25 33 26 25 29 44 44 56 31 27 56 1 P Preliminary. Figures include only personal instalment cash loans and retail automobile direct loans shown on the following page, and a small amount of other retail direct loans not shown separately. Other retail direct loans outstanding at the end of April amounted to 110 million dollars, and loans made during April were 14 million. 8 Figures include only personal instalment cash loans, retail automobile direct loans, and other retail direct loans. Direct retail instalment loans3 are obtained by deducting an estimate of paper purchased from total retail instalment paper. Includes only loans insured by Federal Housing Administration. 720 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN CONSUMER CREDIT STATISTICS—Continued CONSUMER INSTALMENT SALE CREDIT, EXCLUDING AUTOMOBILE CREDIT [Estimated amounts outstanding. In millions of dollars] Total, excludng automobile End of year or month Department stores and mailorder houses Furniture stores Household appliance stores Jewelry stores All other retail stores 1929 . . 1,197 160 583 265 56 133 1933 663 119 299 119 29 97 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1,368 1,343 1,525 1,721 l,S02 1,009 639 635 676 1,014 1.688 314 302 377 439 466 252 172 183 198 337 650 469 485 536 599 619 391 271 269 283 366 528 307 266 273 302 313 130 29 13 14 28 52 68 70 93 110 120 77 66 70 74 123 192 210 220 246 271 284 159 101 100 107 160 266 1947 March. . . . April ; May June...... July August.... September. October. .. November. December. 1,004 1 ,059 1,112 1,156 1,170 1,202 1,253 1,323 1,452 1,688 358 386 409 423 429 440 462 495 555 650 354 366 382 395 398 408 423 443 474 528 29 32 32 37 39 41 43 46 49 52 105 108 114 119 120 124 128 131 145 192 158 167 175 182 184 189 197 208 229 266 1948 January... February. . Marchv . .. April? 1,616 1,581 1,618 1,665 632 624 653 681 502 492 497 511 52 52 54 58 176 164 159 153 254 249 255 262 CONSUMER INSTALMENT CREDITS OF INDUSTRIAL BANKS, BY TYPE OF CREDIT [Estimates. In millions of dollars] Retail instalment paper 2 Year and month Total Automobile Other Repair ! Personal and instalmodern- ment ization12 cash loans loans CONSUMER INSTALMENT CREDITS OF COMMERCIAL BANKS, BY TYPE OF CREDIT [Estimates. In millions of dollars] Other retail, purTotal Pur- Direct chased and chased loans direct Automobile retail Year or month Outstanding at end of period: 1945 1946 1947 1947—March April May June July August September... October November... December... 1948—Januaiy February.... MarchP AprilP Volume extended during month: 1947—March April May June July August September... October November... December. . . 1948—January February... . MarrhP April? 742 1,591 2,602 1,821 1,922 2,027 2,125 2,200 2,271 2,332 2,409 2,493 2,602 2,690 2,725 2,831 2,956 64 165 348 215 237 254 276 288 301 314 324 339 348 360 373 404 431 343 364 375 392 384 363 387 412 406 467 442 382 487 505 Repair and modernization loans 12 Personal instalment cash loans 139 306 537 373 397 423 439 456 470 478 492 513 537 558 571 603 630 100 275 513 317 337 364 388 405 416 429 449 475 513 560 561 582 619 124 273 486 296 314 334 358 379 401 430 454 471 486 490 495 506 528 315 572 718 62|0 63'7 652 664 672 683 681 690 695 718 722 725 736 748 81 84 83 80 84 79 80 86 94 103 98 89 116 112 59 69 77 92 75 70 76 87 89 112 117 88 101 121 31 36 42 44 42 45 54 54 42 47 36 34 43 51 118 115 114 117 120 111 111 117 112 135 120 105 137 129 CONSUMER INSTALMENT CREDITS OF INDUSTRIAL LOAN COMPANIES, BY TYPE OF CREDIT [Estimates. In millions of dollars] Year or month Automobile Other Repair and modern ization loans 12 108.4 148.2 76.7 11.0 15.0 27.1 4 0 7 4 17.1 1.5 2.4 4.2 60.2 83.6 99.8 17.1 18.7 20.6 21.7 22.4 23.6 24.3 25.3 26.3 27.1 8.9 9.9 10.8 11.8 12.8 13.4 14.1 14.7 15.9 17.1 2 6 2.7 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.2 90.1 93 94.1 94.6 95.4 97.2 96.2 Total Personal instalment cash loans Outstanding at end of period: 1945. 1946 1947 104.1 162.7 233.5 13.8 27.5 50.0 9.8 17.8 30.2 17.2 28.3 43.3 63.3 89 1 110.0 1947—March April May June July August September. October. . . November., December.. 177.4 184.2 191.4 199.2 206.7 212.6 215.5 221.0 227.9 233.5 33.5 36.4 38.6 40.6 42.8 44.9 46.3 48.1 49.6 50.0 19.4 20.5 21.8 23.1 24.3 25.3 26.0 27 0 28 5 30.2 30.3 31.4 33.1 35.0 36.9 38.4 39.4 41 2 42 5 43 3 94.2 95.9 97.9 100.5 102 7 104.0 103.8 104.7 107.3 110 0 1947—March April May...... July August . . . September October... November. December. 118 7 124.6 128.5 131.3 134.0 137.8 138.4 141.1 144.8 148.2 1948—January . . ••231.8 February.. 234 6 March?... . 242.3 April? 253.1 Volume extended during month: 1947—March.... 31.3 April 32.4 May 32.8 June 33.8 July 36.5 August 33.2 September 34.8 October.. 36.2 November. 34.5 December. 39.8 49.0 50 3 53.4 57.5 "•31.0 31.4 32.8 35.8 '43 5 44 0 44.8 46.6 '108.3 108.9 111.3 113.2 1948—January . . February.. March?... . April? 151.7 154.6 158.2 161.4 28 0 28 7 29.9 30.9 17.7 18 0 19 0 19.9 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.4 97.1 98.4 99.8 101.8 103.7 105.0 106.2 7.1 7.7 7.5 7.5 8.2 8.1 8.8 8.8 8.3 8.6 3.5 4.1 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.2 4.1 4.7 4.9 5.8 2.7 3.1 3.7 3.9 4.0 3.6 3.7 4.3 3.4 3.5 18.0 17.5 17.3 18.1 19 9 17.3 18.2 18 4 17.9 21.9 Volume extended during month: 1947—March . . . . April May June July August .. . September October... November. December. 25.6 27.4 26.9 27.3 26.4 25.6 27.1 27.1 28.1 31.4 3.9 4.8 4.7 4.8 5.1 5.1 5.2 5.5 5.2 5.2 1.8 2.4 2.4 2.7 2.9 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.3 3.7 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 5 0.3 19.6 19.9 19.3 19.3 17.9 17.3 IS.4 17.8 19.1 22.2 8.6 8.0 11.2 11.9 4.6 4.4 6.0 6.6 2 7 2.8 3.7 4.2 '17.8 16.3 21.0 19.5 1948- -January . . February.. March?... April?. 28.3 26.6 32.1 29.6 5 7 5.3 6.9 6.4 2.8 2.8 3.4 3.4 0 3 0 3 0.4 0.4 19.5 18.2 21.4 19.4 1948'—January. . February... March?. . . . April?. . . . ••33.7 31.5 41.9 42.2 Outstanding at end of period: 1945 1946, 1947 . June r l P1 Preliminary. Revised. Includes not only loans insured by Federal Housing Administration but also noninsured loans. Includes both direct loans and paper purchased. JUNE 1948 721 CONSUMER CREDIT STATISTICS—Continued FURNITURE STORE STATISTICS Percentage change from preceding month Item Apr. Mar. 1948? 1948 Net sales: Total, r?: Cash sales Credit sales: Instalment.: Charge account:::.. +7 +5 +7 +9 RATIO OF COLLECTIONS TO ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE * Percentage change from corresponding month of preceding year Feb. 1948 Apr. 1948? +22 +16 -3 -12 + 12 -8 +31 +13 0 -8 +25 +6 c Year and month Mar. 1948 Feb. 1948 +8 +2 - l l -14 +20 +11 -8 +3 +1 +1 +1 -3 -2 +45 +48 +45 +51 +46 +51 Collections during month: Total Instalment +3 +8 +6 + 11 -10 -6 + 16 +21 +13 +16 +16 +20 Inventories, end of month, at retail value. +1 +3 +6 + 18 + 19 + 15 Household ap- Jewelry Department pliance stores stores stores Department stores Furniture stores September . . October November.. . December... 33 30 30 28 28 28 31 31 30 29 25 23 24 23 22 22 24 23 23 20 44 44 44 45 41 39 39 40 39 39 27 25 26 24 23 23 25 23 24 31 56 54 56 54 53 51 53 57 55 54 1948 January February... . March April? 24 23 27 25 18 17 19 19 36 32 33 31 19 '18 19 19 53 49 53 52 1947 March April........ May June July August Accounts receivable, end of month: Total Instalment Charge accounts Instalment accounts r v Preliminary. Revised. Collections during month as percentage of accounts outstanding at beginning of month. 1 Preliminary. c Corrected. DEPARTMENT STORE SALES, ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, AND COLLECTIONS Index numbers, without seasonal adjustment, 1941 average=100 1941 average 1942 average 1943 average 1944 average 1945 averagt.... . 1946 average 1947 average 1947—March.:: April May June July.;:: August October November . . . . December 1948—January February . . March April? Accounts receivable at end of month Sales during month Year and month Percentage of total sales Collections during month Instalment sales Chargeaccount sales 48 56 61 43 38 34 32 32 37 Cash sales Total Cash Instalment Charge account Instalment Charge account Instalment Charge account 100 114 130 66 68 111 124 100 103 80 70 69 100 110 107 112 127 64 64 9 6 5 4 4 202 242 101 174 91 59 4 133 168 237 199 138 214 154 176 100 78 46 38 37 50 88 100 91 79 188 211 100 82 71 100 102 103 145 162 100 131 165 198 55 6 210 235 146 193 75 160 129 185 56 6 38 206 216 195 160 174 217 234 266 369 229 241 218 184 196 236 251 285 403 137 139 125 114 131 157 180 224 278 192 202 181 142 157 207 225 253 348 79 81 82 83 84 87 95 111 136 163 167 165 146 145 167 181 204 264 123 127 122 124 123 138 147 152 171 186 198 193 190 162 167 203 215 235 55 55 55 57 56 54 53 53 54 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 39 39 39 37 38 40 40 40 39 173 168 227 214 188 177 235 222 140 144 196 191 163 161 223 209 127 124 129 132 206 181 189 191 174 160 178 171 299 217 207 211 54 53 51 51 7 7 8 8 39 40 41 41 84 94 39 P Preliminary. NOTE.—Data based on reports from a smaller group of stores than is included in the monthly index of sales shown on p. 713. 722 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN CURRENT STATISTICS FOR FEDERAL RESERVE CHART BOOKS BANK CREDIT, MONEY RATES, AND BUSINESS * Chart book page 1948 Apr. WEEKLY FIGURES 2 May May May In billions of dollars RESERVES AND CURRENCY 1948 Apr. 28 May WEEKLY FIGURES 2 —Cont. May 12 May 26 i May 19 In unit indicated MONEY RATES, ETC.-—Cont. Reserve Bank credit, total 2 U.S. Govt. securities, total.. 3 Bills 3 Certificates 3 Notes 3 Bonds 3 Gold stock 2 Money in circulation 2 Treasury cash and deposits... 2 Member bank reserves 2, 4 Required reserves 4 Excess reserves* 4 Excess reserves (weekly avg.): Total* 5 New York City 5 Chicago 5 Reserve city banks 5 Country banks* 5 20.95 20.44 8.14 4.26 1.96 6.08 23.17 27.68 2.51 17.04 16.16 20.86 20.25 7.86 4.23 1.97 6.19 23.18 27.76 2.44 17.03 16.22 21.04 20.35 7.94 4.17 1.96 6.28 23.23 27.76 2.64 17.09 16.20 .88 .82 .76 .04 (3) .22 .49 .78 .01 .01 .22 .54 .76 .01 (3) .21 .54 62.94 35.48 27.00 3.84 2.42 2.22 4.31 46.67 1.39 23.16 14.16 3.67 63.13 35.64 26.98 3.77 2.44 2.44 4.24 46.53 1.44 23.24 14.21 3.69 63.17 35.50 26.96 3.81 2.44 2.30 4.23 46.37 1.67 23.44 14.26 3.72 1.56 1.58 1.65 .67 .89 .70 .88 3.77 .76 .89 3.77 21.20 Stock prices (1935-39=100): 20.59 Total 8.20 Industrial 4.13 Railroad 1.95 Public utility 6.32 Volume of trading (mill, shares) 23.30 27.70 3.12 BUSINESS CONDITIONS 16.90 P16.19 Wholesale prices: P.71 Indexes (1926=100): Total p. 73 P.65 Farm products .01 Other than farm and foods. .01 Selected farm products: .01 .16 .17 Wheat (cents per bushel). Corn (cents per bushel).. P. 54 P.47 Cotton (cents per pound). Hogs (dollars per 100 pounds) Butter (cents per pound). 63.46 63.13 Eggs (cents per dozen)... 35.87 35.30 Production: 27.01 27.03 Steel (% of capacity) Automobile (thous. c a r s ) . . . . 3.88 3. Paperboard (thous. tons).. . 2.40 2.40 Crude petroleum (thous. 2.57 2.00 bbls.) 4.23 4.20 46.44 46.86 Electric power (mill. kw. 1.37 hrs.) 1.53 23.36 23.63 Basic commodity prices (Aug. 1939 = 100) 14.21 14.21 3.73 3.74 Total freight carloadings (thous. cars) 1.57 1.84 Department store sales .96 .70 (1935-39 = 100) .88 .87 3.84 3. 20.67 20.10 7.70 4.12 1.94 6.34 23.25 27.69 2.94 16.51 P16.17 .88 p.33 MEMBER BANKS IN LEADING CITIES All reporting banks: Loans and investments 16 U. S. Govt. securities, total. 16 Bonds 18 Certificates 18 Notes 18 Bills 18 Other securities 20 Demand deposits adjusted. . 16 U. S. Govt. deposits 16 Loans, total 16 Commercial 20 Real estate 20 For purchasing securities: Total 20 U.S. Govt. securities... 20 Other securities 20 Other 20 New York City banks: Loans and investments 17 U.S. Govt. securities, total.. 17 Bonds 19 Certificates 19 Notes 19 Bills 19 Demand deposits adjusted.. 17 U. S. Govt. deposits 17 Interbank deposits 1" Time deposits 1 Loans, total 1 Commercial 21 For purchasing securities: To brokers: OnU. S. Govts 21 On other securities... 21 To others 21 All other 21 Banks outside New York City: Loans and investments 17 U.S. Govt. securities, total.. 17 Bonds 19 Certificates 19 Notes 19 Bills 19 Demand deposits adj usted. . 1 U. S. Govt. deposits 1 Interbank deposits 1 Time deposits 1 Loans, total 1 Commercial 21 Real estate 21 For purchasing securities. 21 All other 21 3.83 40 40 40 40 40 126 132 119 97 1.42 126 132 117 97 1.38 128 135 121 99 2.44 134 142 127 101 1.66 132 139 126 101 2.48 73 162.6 161.9 163.5 163.5 164.4 73 186.9 184.0 187.9 189.2 193.0 73 148.7 148.9 149.0 149.2 149.3 78 235.4 237.0 237.3 235.4 231.8 78 226.7 228.9 231.5 232.6 232.2 78 37.6 36.9 37.9 37.9 37.6 78 21.28 20.74 21.13 22.78 24.73 78 77.6 81.3 79.2 77.8 79.9 78 41.2 39.7 40.8 41.5 41.7 80 80 81 86.6 103 193 91.0 85 192 94.3 83 189 95.4 '91 189 96.8 92 192 81 5,413 5,413 5,423 5,439 5,452 82 5,042 5,087 5,109 5,085 5,076 82 317.7 319.8 319.9 324.1 322.4 83 83 892 r 300 881 847 879 905 330 293 295 296 1948 19.02 19.03 18.96 19.23 10.88 10.95 10.77 11.09 8.41 8.36 8.34 8.36 .88 .53 .86 .55 .84 .55 1.04 1.18 1.06 15.61 15.50 15.33 .36 .37 .44 3.86 1.45 6.96 5.03 3.92 1.45 6.98 5.04 3.94 1.45 7.10 5.09 .34 .31 .23 .37 .30 .23 .42 .30 .23 1.04 1.04 1.06 43.92 24.60 18.59 2.96 1.89 1.16 31.06 1.02 5.81 13.29 16.20 9.13 3.54 44.10 24.69 18.62 2.91 1.89 1.27 31.03 1.07 6.04 13.31 16.26 9.16 3.57 44.22 24.73 18.62 2.97 1.88 1.26 31.04 1.23 6.08 13.33 16.34 9.17 3.59 .67 .68 2.86 2.85 .89 .56 1.28 15.45 .40 3.94 1.45 7.04 5.06 .38 .28 .23 1.09 44.23 24.78 18.65 2.99 1.84 1.29 30.99 1.13 5.92 13.31 16.31 9.14 3.60 .70 .68 2.89 2.88 Per cent per annum MONEY RATES, ETC. U. S. Govt. securities: Bills (new issues) 34, Certificates 34, 3-5 years 7-9 years 15 years or more 34, F. R. Bank discount rate Commercial paper Bankers' acceptances Corporate bonds: Aaa Baa High-grade (Treas. series)... May 26 i Chart book page 35 35 34 34 36 35 35 35 .998 1.10 1.58 1.98 2.44 1.25 1.38 1.06 .998 1.10 1.57 1.97 2.44 1.25 1.38 1.06 .997 1.09 1.54 1.93 2.43 1.25 1.38 1.06 .997 1.07 1.47 1.85 2.40 1.25 1.38 1.06 36 36 36 2.78 3.44 2.76 2.77 3.42 2.75 2.77 3.40 2.74 2.76 3.36 2.73 19.05 10.68 8.37 .92 55 .84 MONTHLY FIGURES 15.59 .35 RESERVES AND CURRENCY 3.79 1.46 Reserve Bank credit 7 7.31 Gold stock 7 5.08 Money in circulation 7 Treasury cash 7 Treasury deposits 7 .62 Member bank reserves: .28 Total 4, 7, 14 .23 Central reserve city banks... 14 1.11 Reserve city banks 15 Country banks 15 44.08 Required reserves: 24.62 Total 4 18.66 Country banks 15 2.96 Excess reserves: 1.84 Total 4,5 1.15 New York City 5 31.26 Chicago 5 1.02 Reserve city banks 5 5.71 Country banks 5 13.30 Money in circulation, t o t a l . . . 9 16.32 Bills of $50 and over 9 9.13 $10 and $20 bills 9 3.61 Coins, $ 1, $2, and $5 bills 9 Mar. Feb. Apr.* In billions of dollars 21.59 22.97 28.10 1.32 1.32 21.46 23.10 27.94 1.33 1.09 21.10 23.15 27.77 1.32 1.22 16.83 5.29 6.65 4.89 17.11 5.67 6.51 4.93 16.93 5.57 6.47 4.88 16.03 4.34 16.28 4.36 16.12 4.35 .80 .04 .01 .20 .56 28.02 8.69 14.91 4.43 .82 .05 .01 .20 .56 27.78 8.61 14.75 4.42 .81 .04 .01 .23 .53 .71 2.87 ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES Deposits and currency:' Total* Excluding U. S. Govt. deposits" .997 Demand deposits adjusted*... 1.08 Time deposits adjusted* 1.4 Currency outside banks* 1.84 U. S. Govt. deposits* 2.39 1.25 ALL COMMERCIAL BANKS 1.38 1.06 Cash assets* Loans and investments, total* 2.75 Loans* 3.34 U. S. Govt. securities* 2.72 Other securities* 10 Pi68.80 P166.40 P167.70 10 10 10 10 10 P167.00 P84.60 P56.80 P25.60 Pl.80 P164.00 P81.60 P56.90 P25.50 P2.40 P165.20 11 11 11 11 11 P33.70 P115.60 P38.70 P32.80 P113.7O P38.90 P65.50 P9.30 P33.00 M14.30 P67.90 P9.00 P83.00 P56.90 P25.30 P2.5O P38.80 *66.30 P9.20 For footnotes see p. 726. JUNE 1948 723 CURRENT STATISTICS FOR FEDERAL RESERVE CHART BOOKS—Continued BANK CREDIT, MONEY RATES, AND BUSINESS *—Continued Chart book page 1948 Feb. Mar. Apr.i In billions of dollars MONTHLY FIGURES—Cont. TREASURY FINANCE 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 97.05 33.12 56.71 7.23 71.42 28.59 10.97 5.28 95.13 33.18 54.46 7.49 68.72 28.61 10.78 5.25 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 25.07 9.14 14.38 1.55 20.00 2.44 5.10 23.63 8.93 13.04 1.66 18.36 2.45 5.04 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 35.69 13.57 19.74 2.38 24.96 11.54 4.90 1.72 34.89 13.44 19.06 2.40 24.12 11.31 4.86 1.74 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 36.29 10.41 22.59 3.30 26.46 14.62 3.37 36.60 10.81 22.36 3.43 26.24 14.84 3.33 CONSUMER CREDIT* Consumer credit, total Single-payment loans Charge accounts Service credit Instalment credit, total Instalment loans Instalment sale credit, total Automobile Other 22 22 22 22 22, 23 23 23 23 23 12.95 J>13.38 2.70 P2.69 3.07 P3.27 .93 P. 93 6.25 P6.50 3.41 P3.51 2.84 P2.99 1.25 Pi.37 1.58 Pi.62 1948 Feb. Mar. Apr.i In billions of dollars MONTHLY FIGURES—Cont. MEMBER BANKS All member banks: Loans and investments, total Loans U. S. Govt. securities Other securities Demand deposits adjusted* Time deposits Balances due to banks Balances due from banks Central reserve city banks: Loans and investments, total Loans U. S. Govt. securities Other securities Demand deposits adjusted* Time deposits Balances due to banks Reserve city banks: 4 Loans and investments, total Loans U. S. Govt. securities Other securities Demand deposits adjusted* Time deposits Balances due to banks Balances due from banks Country banks: 4 Loans and investments, total Loans '.U. S. Govt. securities Other securities Demand deposits adjusted* Time deposits Balances due from banks Chart book page Cont. 95.85 33.02 Ownership of U. S. Govt. securities— 55.38 Cont. 7.45 By earliest callable or due date: 70.04 Within 1 year-Total outstanding 28.62 Commercial bank and F. R. 10.46 Bank 5.14 F. R. Bank 1-5 years—Total outstanding. 24.16 Commercial bank and F. R. 8.73 Bank 13.82 F. R. Bank 1.61 5-10 years—Total outstanding 19.41 Commercial bank and F. R. 2.46 Bank 4.96 F. R. Bank Over 10 years-Total outstanding 35.04 Nonbank (unrestricted 13.34 issues only), commercial 19.29 bank, and F. R. Bank 2.41 Commercial bank and F. R. 24.41 Bank 11.30 F. R. Bank 4.66 1.73 36.65 MONEY RATES, ETC. 10.95 22.28 3.43 S. Govt. securities: 26.22 U. Bills (new issues) 14.86 Certificates 3.23 Bonds, 15 years or more F. R. Bank discount rate Commercial paper P13.60 Bankers' acceptances P2.67 Corporate bonds: P 3 . 26 Aaa P. 93 Baa P6.74 High-grade (Treas. series) P 3 . 60 31 51.27 49.90 31 31 31 33.88 15.63 46.41 31.71 «31.84 15.33 14.29 46.41 46.41 31 31 31 33.15 2.00 10.27 33.11 *33.40 2.06 2.55 10.27 10.27 31 31 31 6.58 .50 54.81 6.55 .50 54.81 31 8.89 8.95 *8.94 31 31 7.55 2.89 7.60 2.99 *7.57 2.99 49.39 *6.51 .50 54.81 Per cent per annum 33, 35 35 36 33, 35 35 35 .996 1.10 2.45 1.25 1.38 1.06 .996 1.09 2.45 1.25 1.38 1.06 .997 1.10 2.44 1.25 1.38 1.06 33,36 36 36 2.85 3.53 2.84 2.83 3.53 2.81 2.78 3.47 2.77 P3.14 Pl.48 Pi.67 In unit indicated TREASURY FINANCE Cash income and outgo: Cash income Cash outgo Excess of cash income and outgo... U. S. Govt. securities outstanding, total interest-bearing Bonds (marketable issues) Notes, certificates, and bills Savings bonds, savings notes, etc. Special issues Ownership of U. S. Govt. securities: Total interest-bearing: Commercial banks e Fed. agencies and trust funds... F. R. Banks Individuals* Corporations* Insurance companies* Mutual savings banks* State and local govts.* Marketable public issues: By class of security: Bills—Total outstanding Commercial bank and F. R. Bank F. R. Bank Certificates—Total ou tstanding Commercial bank and F. R. Bank F. R. Bank Notes—Total outstanding.... Commercial bank and F. R. Bank F. R. Bank Bonds—Total outstanding 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 4.72 2.90 6.47 3.87 + 1.82 +2.60 252.17 250.71 117.86 115.52 44.73 45.65 60.09 60.02 29.25 29.27 67.50 34.88 21.02 65.70 19.90 23.90 12.00 7.20 65.40 34.97 20.89 65.70 20.50 23.80 12.10 7.50 30 14.44 13.95 30 30 30 12.04 9.21 18.92 10.84 8.85 20.33 30 30 30 10.70 4.39 11.37 11.61 4.48 11.37 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 Nonbank (unrestricted issues only). commercial bank, and F. R. Bank.... 30 Commercial bank and F. R. Bank 30 F. R. Bank 30 6.44 6.68 1.73 1.88 118.03 115.69 72.11 69.83 51.74 5.69 50.08 5.67 Stock prices (1935-39=100): 2.96 Total 2.96 Industrial 0 Railroad 249.99 Public utility 115.52 Volume of trading (mill, shares) 45.19 59.84 Brokers' balances (mill, dollars): Credit extended to customers 29.20 Money borrowed Customers' free credit balances.... 66.40 34.81 20.34 BUSINESS CONDITIONS 65.50 20.10 (annual rate, bill, 23.50 Personal income dollars):« 5 12.00 7.50 Total Total salaries and wages Proprietors' income, dividends, and interest 13.75 All other Labor force (mill, persons): * «10.99 Total 7.97 Civilian Unemployment 20.06 Employment *11.45 Nonagricultural 4.24 Employment in nonagricultural5 estab11.37 lishments (mill, persons):* Total «6.59 Manufacturing and mining 1.96 Trade _ 115.69 Government Transportation and utilities Construction «69.83 Hours and earnings at factories: Weekly earnings (dollars) «50.29 Hourly earnings (cents) Hours worked Cper week) 6.17 39 39 39 39 39 114 119 102 93 .86 116 122 105 93 .97 125 131 115 96 1.47 41 41 41 537 208 596 550 229 592 572 241 614 52 52 207.7 127.1 208.5 127.1 52 52 67.4 13.2 67.5 13.9 53 53 53 53 53 61.0 59.8 2.6 57.1 50.4 61.0 59.8 2.4 57.3 50.5 61.8 60.5 2.2 58.3 50.9 54 54 54 54 54 54 43.2 16.7 8.9 5.4 4.0 1.7 43.3 16.8 8.9 5.5 4.0 1.7 P43.0 P16.4 P9.0 55 55 55 51.79 129.0 MO.l P5.5 P4.0 Pi.8 52.07 P51.56 129.1 P129.0 40.3 P40.0 For footnotes see p. 726. 724 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN CURRENT STATISTICS FOR FEDERAL RESERVE CHART BOOKS—Continued BANK CREDIT, MONEY RATES, AND BUSINESS *—Continued Chart book page 6 MONTHLY FIGURES—Cont. 1948 Feb. Mar. Apr.1 In unit indicated 1948 Mar. Feb. MONTHLY FIGURES—Cont. BUSINESS CONDITIONS'—Cont. Industrial production: 5 Total (1935-39 =100) 57, 58 Groups (points in total index): Durable manufactures 57 Machinery and trans, equip.. . 58 Iron and steel 58 Nonferrous metals, lumber, and other durables 58 Nondurable manufactures 57 Textiles and leather 58 Food, liquor, and tobacco 58 Chemicals, petroleum, etc 58 Paper and printing 58 Minerals 57,58 Selected durable manufactures (1935-39 = 100): Nonferrous metals 59 Steel 59 Cement 59 Lumber 59 Transportation equipment 59 Machinery 59 Selected nondurable manufactures (1935-39 = 100): Apparel wool consumption 60 Cotton consumption 60 Manufactured food products.... 60 Paperboard 60 Leather 60 Industrial chemicals 60 Rayon 60 Sales and inventories (bill, dollars) :6 Sales: Manufacturing—Durable 61 —Nondurable.... 61 Wholesale 61 Retail—Durable 61 —Nondurable 61 Inventories: Manufacturing—Durable 61 —Nondurable.... 61 Wholesale 61 Construction contracts (3 mo.5 moving avg., mill, dollars), total 63 Residential 63 Other 63 Residential contracts (mill, dollars): 5 Total 64 Public 64 Private, total 64 1- and 2-family dwellings 64 Other 64 Value of construction activity (mill. dollars), total" 65 Nonresidential:« Public 65 Private 65 Residential:* Public 65 Private 65 Freight carloadings:5 Total (1935-39 == 100). 67 Groups (points in total index): Miscellaneous 67 Coal 67 All other 67 Department stores: Indexes (1935-39 =100): 5 Sales 68 Stocks 68 296 stores: Sales (mill, dollars) 69 Stocks (mill, dollars) 69 Outstanding orders (mill, dollars) 69 Stocks-sales ratio(months' supply) 69 Consumers' prices (1935-39=100): All items 71 Food 71 Apparel 71 Rent 71 Wholesale prices (1926 = 100), t o t a l . . . 73 Farm products 73 Foods 74 Other than farm and foods, t o t a l . . . 73 Textile products 74 Hides and leather products 74 Chemicals and allied products... 75 Fuel and lighting materials 75 Building materials 75 Metals and metal products 75 Miscellaneous 74 Chart book page Apr.1 In unit indicated BUSINESS CONDITIONS — C o n t . 194 191 P187 '85.7 '45.1 22.3 86.9 45.6 22.8 P82.0 P44.4 P19.5 18.4 84.4 22.9 23.0 23.3 15.2 ••23.5 18.6 82.9 22.3 22.8 23.0 14.9 21.5 P18.1 PS2.6 P21. P22.8 P22. P15.2 P22.3 189 226 208 135 231 '284 192 234 196 137 242 283 '202 153 ••160 179 116 434 301 188 147 158 192 102 432 303 P201 207 193 P125 P236 P275 147 P158 192 P436 P303 6.4 9.8 12.6 2.1 6.8 7.5 10. 13.8 2.7 8.0 P6.9 PIO.4 13.5 15.2 7. 13.5 15.4 8.2 P!3.5 PIS.5 PSA P2.8 P7.8 744 273 471 P734 P287 P447 316 6 310 196 114 244 4 241 186 55 290 -8 298 235 63 1,009 1,166 1,302 166 437 221 465 281 490 6 400 5 475 6 525 80.0 32.0 26.6 77 77 248 279 79 79 79 79 1,866 1,120 717 29 2,001 P 2 , 0 9 6 1,263 P I . 3 7 7 698 P670 40 P49 85 85 85 1,086 1,086 P582 Pl.141 P666 85 P504 130 82.1 20.8 27.3 249 291 Exports and imports .(mill, dollars): Exports Excluding Lend-Lease exports. . . Imports Excess of exports or imports excluding Lend-Lease exports Foreign exchange rates: See p. 745 of this BULLETIN Short-term foreign liabilities and assets reported by banks (bill, dollars): Total liabilities Official Invested in U. S. Treasury bills and certificates Private Total assets 86-87 7 4.82 7 1.85 7 .22 7 2.97 7 1.03 1948 1947 JulySept. QUARTERLY FIGURES 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 9.66 2.90 9.81 8.46 4.14 2.29 2.02 7 .86 3 .09 9 .38 7 .85 3 .44 2 .17 2 .24 8.83 2.77 14.95 13.69 8.55 3.14 2.00 Per cent per annum MONEY RATES Bank rates on customer loans: Total, 19 cities New York City Other Northern and Eastern cities. Southern and Western cities Jan.Mar. In billions of dollars TREASURY FINANCE Budget receipts and expenditures: Total expenditures National defense Net receipts Internal revenue collections, total Individual income taxes Corporate income taxes Misc. internal revenue Oct.Dec. 33 37 37 37 2.21 1.77 2.25 2.69 2.22 1.82 2.27 2.61 2.46 2.09 2.52 2.83 In unit indicated BUSINESS FINANCE 304 308 "285 303 284 312 263 '878 '575 3.3 P332 355 P936 941 P358 420 P2.8 2.7 167.5 166.9 204.7 202.3 195.1 196.3 116.0 116.3 160.8 161.4 185.3 186.0 172.4 173.8 147.5 147.7 '148.4 149.7 192.8 185.6 134.6 «136.1 130.7 130.9 '192.6 '193.1 '155.3 '155.9 119.9 120.8 247 283 INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND FINANCE P13.6 766 280 486 139 Prices paid and received by farmers (1910-14 = 100): Paid Received Cash farm income (mill, dollars): Total Livestock and products Crops Govt. payments 169.3 207.9 196.4 116.3 162.7 186. 176.8 148.5 149.6 186.1 135.9 131.6 195.2 156 121.8 Corporate security issues: Total (bill, dollars) • New money, total (bill, dollars) • . . Type of security (bill, dollars): Bonds Preferred stock Common stock Use of proceeds (mill, dollars): Plant and equipment: All issuers Public utility Railroad Industrial Working capital: All issuers Public utility Railroad Industrial Bonds (bill, dollars) :• Public Private 42 42 1.27 .80 2.22 1.87 1.61 1.40 42 42 42 .55 .16 .09 1.45 .12 .30 1.13 .09 .18 43 43 43 43 649 414 49 186 1,543 981 87 472 844 531 97 212 43 43 43 43 148 6 325 24 555 5 3 99 272 331 42 42 .57 .41 .91 .82 .61 .72 For footnotes see p. 726. JUNE 1948 725 CURRENT STATISTICS FOR FEDERAL RESERVE CHART BOOKS—Continued BANK CREDIT, MONEY RATES, AND BUSINESS *—Continued Chart book page QUARTERLY FIGURES—Cont. 1947 JulySept. 1948 Oct.Dec. In unit indicated GALL DATE FIGURES 9 BUSINESS FINANCE—Cont. Corporate assets and liabilities (bill, dollars) :e Current assets, total Cash U. S. Goyt. securities Inventories Receivables Current liabilities, total Notes and accounts payable. . . . Federal income tax liabilities.... Net working capital Plant and equipment expenditures (bill, dollars) :«8 All business Manufacturing and mining; railroads and utilities Manufacturing and mining Corporate profits, taxes, and dividends (annual rates, bill, dollars):« Profits before taxes Profits after taxes (dividends and undistributed profits) Undistributed profits Corporate profits after taxes (quarterly totals): All corporations (bill, dollars) •. . . . Large corporations, total (bill, dollars) Durable manufacturing (mill, dollars) Nondurable manufacturing (mill. dollars) Electric power and telephone (mill, dollars) Railroads (mill, dollars) 1946 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 June 30 In billions of dollars ALL MEMBER BANKS 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 110.7 22.3 12.9 39.9 33.8 50.3 31.3 9.1 60.4 45 116.0 22.9 13.7 42.0 35.7 54.2 34.2 10.0 61.8 5.0 45 45 2.8 2.1 3.3 2.5 46 28.2 32.2 46 46 17.1 10.3 19.7 12.4 47 4.3 4.9 Holdings of U. S. Govt. securities: Bonds Notes. Certificates. Bills Loans: Commercial. Agricultural Real estate Consumer For purchasing securities: To brokers and dealers. . . To others 4.5 State and local govt. securities 3.0 Other securities 2.1 1.1 1.3 1.3 47 440 508 510 47 380 446 462 47 47 162 112 199 157 229 72 JulySept. Oct.. Dec. Jan.Mar. Annual rates in billions of dollars 48 46 .23 5 .60 10.04 1.17 46.51 4 .37 7.54 .77 45.29 4.82 5.82 1.99 13 13 13 13 13.15 13.82 .88 .97 5 .36 6 .24 3 .31 4 .00 16.96 1.05 7.13 4.66 13 13 13 13 229.4 240.9 1.51 1.15 3 .98 2 .97 Dec. .81 1.07 4.20 3.11 Dec? 24 24 24 24 231.5 143.3 8.4 79.8 236.8 146.7 9.5 80.6 24 24 24 24 165.2 101.5 8.1 55.6 172.0 104.7 9.2 58.1 24 24 24 38.9 23.5 15.3 38.4 23.8 14.5 24 24 24 27.4 18.3 8.9 26.4 18.2 8.0 1947 1948 Feb. 26 Jan. 30P 244.3 48 48 49 49 49 28.7 165.8 20.2 99.9 45.7 48 34.8 38.1 40.2 50 50 50 50 18.4 10.4 -1.7 7.8 18.8 12.4 -1.3 8.2 18.8 13.1 +4.1 51 51 51 51 199.6 177.9 165.8 12.1 205.8 183.7 172.5 11.2 209.2 186.1 173.2 12.9 30.3 172.5 21.3 104.2 47-0 Individuals and business: Total holdings Deposits and currency Savings and loan shares U. S. Govt. securities Individuals: Total holdings Deposits and currency Savings and loan shares U. S. Govt. securities Corporations: Total holdings Deposits and currency U. S. Govt. securities Unincorporated businesses: Total holdings Deposits and currency U. S. Govt. securities j .51 1.47 3 .55 3 .08 In billions of dollars LIQUID ASSET HOLDINGS' 47 GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT, ETC. 12 12 12 12 FIGURES FOR SELECTED DATES 1948 Gross national product e5 Govt. purchases of goods and services Personal consumption expenditures Durable goods Nondurable goods Services Private domestic and foreign investment Gross private domestic investment: Producers' durable equipment. New construction Change in business i nventories. Net foreign investment Personal income, consumption, and saving: 65 Personal income Disposable income Consumption expenditures Net personal saving Chart book page Jan.Mar. 31.0 173 20. 104. 4.2 OWNERSHIP OF DEMAND DEPOSITS* Individuals, partnerships, and corporations, total Nonfinancial: Total Manufacturing and mining Trade Public utilities Other Financial: Total Insurance companies Other Individuals: Total Individuals excl. farmers Farmers Nonprofit assns. and others 25 77.8 82.4 25 25 25 25 25 37.2 16.0 12.5 4.2 4.5 39.8 17.3 13.4 4.1 4.9 25 25 25 6.5 2.1 4.5 28.9 22.0 6.9 5.2 7.4 2.7 4.7 25 25 25 25 30.1 22.9 7.2 5.1 r c •Estimated. P Preliminary. Revised. Corrected. For charts on pp. 28, 33, 35, 36, and 39, figures for a more recent period are available in the regular BULLETIN tables that show those series. Because the Chart Book is usually released for duplication some time after the BULLETIN has gone to press, most weekly charts and several monthly charts include figures for a more recent date than are shown in this table. 2 Figures for other than Wednesday dates are shown under the Wednesday included in the weekly period. 3 Less than 5 million dollars. 4 Beginning Mar. 1, 1948, data are not strictly comparable with earlier figures due to a redesignation of reserve cities on that date. 5 Adjusted for seasonal variation. 6 The chart on "New orders, shipments, and inventories" previously shown on p. 61 is replaced in the June Chart Book by a chart on "Sales 7 and 8inventories of manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers." As of Jan. 31, 1948. Estimates for April-June 1948 quarter are (in billions of dollars): All business, 4.8; manufacturing and mining, railroads and utilities, 3.2; manufacturing and mining, 2.2. 9 Member bank holdings of State and local government securities on Oct. 6, 1947, were 4.22 billion dollars, and of other securities were 3.08 billion; data for other series are available for June and December dates only. * Monthly issues of this edition of the Chart Book may be obtained at an annual subscription rate of $9.00; individual copies of monthly issues, at $1.00 each. 1 726 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN CURRENT STATISTICS FOR FEDERAL RESERVE CHART BOOKS—Continued CONSUMER CREDIT * Chart book page1 1948 1948 Feb. Mar.p Apr.? In millions of dollars Consumer credit outstanding, total... 3 Instalment credit, total 3,5 Instalment loans 5 Instalment sale credit 5 Charge accounts 3 Single-payment loans 3 Service credit 3 Consumer credit outstanding, cumulative totals: 2 Instalment credit 4 Charge accounts 4 Single-payment loans 4 Service credit 4 Consumer instalment sale credit out2 standing, cumulative totals: Automobile dealers 6 Furniture and household appliance stores 6 Department stores and mailorder houses 6 All other 6 12 ,945 13 ,377 13,596 "onsumer instalment sale2 credit 6 ,249 6 ,495 6,736 granted, cumulative totals: By automobile dealers 3 ,414 3 ,510 3,595 By furniture and household appli2 ,835 2 ,985 3,141 ance stores 3 ,067 3 ,269 3,259 ,701 2,673 ,686 By department stores and mail2 2 928 order houses 928 927 By all other retailers Consumer instalment loan credit out12 ,945 13 ,377 13,596 standing, cumulative totals: 2 Commercial and industrial banks. 6 ,696 6 ,882 6,860 Small loan companies 3 ,629 3 ,613 3,601 928 Credit unions 928 927 Miscellaneous lenders Insured repair and modernization 2 ,835 2 ,985 3,14 loans 1,581 1,618 1,66. 1,037 413 1,067 414 1,096 415 In millions of dollars 414 581 576 223 310 311 155 67 218 86 207 81 3,414 1,844 1,123 848 3 ,510 1,889 1,156 869 3,595 1,926 1,187 887 587 601 618 P Preliminary. * Annual figures for charts on pp. 9-19, inclusive, are published as they become available. 2 The figures shown here are cumulative totals, not aggregates for the individual components. Aggregates for each component may be derived by subtracting from the figure shown, the total immediately following it. * Copies of the Chart Book may be obtained at a price of 50 cents. JUNE 1948 727 NUMBER OF BANKING OFFICES ON FEDERAL RESERVE PAR LIST AND NOT ON PAR LIST, BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS AND STATES Federal Reserve district or State United States total: Dec. 31 1945 Dec. 31 1946 Dec. 31, 1947 Apr 30 1948?. . Total banks, branches and offices on which checks are drawn On par list Total Member Banks 1 Branches and offices2 Banks Branches and offices Banks 14,002 14,043 14,078 14,097 3,947 3,981 4,148 4,202 11,869 11,957 12,037 12,077 3,616 3,654 3,823 3,879 6,877 6,894 6,917 6,929 N o t on par list (Nonmember) Nonmember Branches and offices Banks 2,909 2,913 3,051 3,093 4,992 5,063 5,120 5,148 707 741 772 786 78 62 35 36 Branches and offices Banks Branches and offices 2,133 2,086 2,041 2,020 331 327 325 323 107 16 324 32 216 621 56 344 124 36 26 60 16 3 11 66 660 9 110 4 69 By districts and bv States Apr. 30, 1948P District Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St Louis . .. . . . . ... Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco State Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado • . . Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Mississippi Missouri 294 495 294 159 922 844 1,144 1,144 840 135 255 336 794 647 711 216 840 135 255 778 100 219 128 197 433 1,014 1,173 2,488 1,469 438 164 573 131 2,432 1,125 314 118 547 71 477 344 1,000 495 207 112 223 39 1,432 619 1,741 42 9 26 6 143 981 900 505 30 19 1,214 476 760 615 274 285 231 113 22 1,279 1,750 1,010 509 222 . . 10 229 193 . . . .. . .... 111 9 38 1 214 22 40 19 902 Nebraska *r New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming . . . 193 40 5 902 1 115 39 23 14 115 39 23 14 19 179 39 2 19 117 39 2 385 31 99 27 48 45 48 45 88 5 66 115 92 65 17 16 72 65 1 148 22 30 1 859 321 208 630 25 5 38 78 1 50 12 4 50 22 36 2 3 45 34 1 2 43 22 3 94 163 3 38 377 250 3 94 163 879 487 384 161 63 166 184 38 63 69 102 156 384 58 63 166 184 38 41 69 102 156 113 46 38 78 147 25 36 37 68 142 271 12 25 88 37 13 5 32 34 14 442 678 206 595 211 6 55 442 264 40 528 211 6 7 230 2t>6 32 180 84 162 212 58 8 34 8 28 49 1 664 608 664 606 112 501 392 6 2 18 2 137 11 145 6 52 291 33 2 17 1 123 2 265 2 21 48 15 655 718 655 718 176 91 55 573 54 42 425 225 666 208 82 37 16 243 151 52 21 5 26 79 127 37 232 8 28 7 5 24 12 4 2 119 267 24 29 1C6 12 384 1 376 1 70 990 84 151 70 990 84 151 34 169 1 19 60 70 41 30 22 33 758 11 32 63 74 200 832 60 69 315 89 308 58 4 15 11 88 81 565 36 40 202 46 4 15 11 122 121 118 121 114 151 444 55 54 108 163 40 19 150 170 41 32 47 295 891 60 69 180 182 553 55 100 29 26 20 4 13 2 43 21 64 72 281 15 4 2 410 8 73 339 48 5 195 62 286 2 2 18 2 137 11 58 668 14 56 163 410 g 73 339 48 24 195 125 11 10 3 26 26 502 237 163 214 8 109 10 4 43 881 487 151 668 Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island . South Carolina..;:.. South Dakota 10 104 142 112 New Hampshire New Jersey New IVIexico 798 552 1 142 Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia.. Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas 495 922 844 103 22 414 166 67 48 117 93 121 19 1 1 14 9 8 2 9 45 7 79 90 1C0 2 25 95 59 16 7 1 4 2 109 51 P Preliminary. Excludes mutual savings banks, on a few of which some checks are drawn. Includes branches and other additional offices at which deposits are received, checks paid, or money lent, including "banking facilities" at military reservations (see footnote 4, p. 241 of the BULLETIN for February 1948). Back figures.—See Banking and Monetary Statistics, Table 15, and Annual Reports. 1 1 728 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL STATISTICS PAGE Gold reserves of central banks and governments. . 730 Gold production . 731 Gold movements 731 International capital transactions of the United States. . International Monetary Fund and Bank. . Central banks 732-737 738 738-742 Money rates in foreign countries. . 743 Commercial banks 744 Foreign exchange rates. 745 Price movements: Wholesale prices 746 Retail food prices and cost of living. . 747 Security prices . 747 Tables on the following pages include the principal available statistics of current significance relating to gold, international capital transactions of the United States, and financial developments abroad. The data are compiled for the most part from regularly published sources such as central and commercial bank statements and official statistical bulletins, some data are reported to the Board directly. Figures on international capital transactions of the United States are collected by the Federal Reserve Banks from banks, bankers, brokers, and dealers in the United States in accordance with the Treasury Regulation of November 12, 1934. Back figures for all except price tables, together with descriptive text, may be obtained from the Board's publication, Banking and Monetary Statistics. JUNE 1948 729 GOLD RESERVES OF CENTRAL BANKS AND GOVERNMENTS [In millions of dollars] Argentina 1 Belgium Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Cuba 17,644 21,995 22,737 22,726 21,938 20,619 20,065 20,529 20,933 21,266 21,537 21,766 21,$55 22,294 22,614 22,754 22,935 23,036 23,137 23,169 474 416 497 614 838 992 1,197 1,072 749 635 514 491 451 367 323 322 313 296 266 609 734 734 735 734 40 51 70 115 254 329 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 214 27 5 6 5 6 2 361 2 543 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 2 294 7 7 7 7 30 30 31 36 54 79 82 65 53 45 46 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 21 17 16 25 59 92 127 145 92 93 87 88 89 83 84 83 84 85 86 81 1 1 1 16 46 111 191 226 239 259 259 End of month India Iran (Persia) Italy Japan Java 1939—Dec... 1940—Dec... 1941—Dec... 1942—Dec... 1943—Dec... 1944—Dec... 1945—Dec... 1946—Dec... 1947—May.. June.. July.. Aug... Sept.. Oct... Nov.. Dec, 1948—Jan... Feb... Mar.. Apr. . 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 26 26 26 34 92 128 131 127 132 133 144 120 124 141 118 24 24 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 164 164 •164 90 140 235 •216 United Kingdom End of month United States 1939—Dec... 1940—Dec... 1941—Dec... 1942—Dec... 1943—Dec... 1944—Dec... 1945—Dec... 1946—Dec... 1947—May.. June.. July.. Aug... Sept.. Oct... Nov.. Dec... 1948—Jan... Feb... Mar.. Apr. . End of month 1939—Dec.. 1940—Dec.. 1941—Dec. 1942—Dec. 1943—Dec. 1944—Dec. 1945—Dec.. 1946—Dec. 1947—May. June. July.. Aug.. Sept.. Oct... Nov.. Dec. 1948—Jan... Feb... Mar.. Apr. . 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 716 735 639 643 644 649 650 599 593 597 593 578 591 606 Sweden Switzerland* Turkey 308 160 223 335 387 463 482 381 190 168 144 126 93 101 101 105 104 101 97 96 549 502 665 824 «965 1,158 1,342 1,430 1,416 1,355 1,370 1,373 1,386 1,389 1,372 1,356 1,352 1,353 1,353 29 88 92 114 161 221 241 237 207 191 185 174 169 169 170 170 171 171 171 168 Czechoslovakia Denmark Egypt France Germany- Greece Hungary 56 58 61 61 61 61 61 61 53 52 44 44 44 44 38 38 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 55 52 52 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 2,709 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,777 1,090 796 696 696 544 544 444 444 548 548 548 29 29 29 29 29 29 28 28 28 28 28 28 24 24 24 24 24 24 279 279 279 279 279 Nether- New Mexico lands Zealand Norway Peru 32 47 47 39 203 222 294 181 141 131 98 99 100 100 100 100 96 86 87 86 692 617 575 506 500 500 270 265 196 190 190 190 190 191 223 231 220 209 193 182 81 75 58 20 20 21 25 31 32 28 24 20 20 20 20 Uru- Venezuela Yugoslavia B.I.S. Other countries e 68 90 100 89 121 157 195 200 192 189 189 183 183 177 175 175 189 52 29 41 68 89 130 202 215 235 235 235 215 215 215 215 215 215 230 240 243 59 82 •83 7 12 12 21 45 37 39 32 27 27 27 26 29 28 30 30 33 35 40 39 178 170 166 185 229 245 247 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 P240 P240 P240 P240 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 80 91 77 77 77 77 73 73 72 72 70 69 66 66 24 27 30 30 30 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 548 548 RumaPoland Portugal South Africa 69 59 59 59 60 60 60 249 367 366 634 706 814 914 939 788 757 752 775 805 804 796 762 764 448 438 446 >84 152 158 182 203 260 267 269 P268 ^267 P265 20 20 20 20 20 20 P215 P215 P215 Spain 42 42 91 105 110 111 111 111 111 111 in 111 111 111 111 111 1 Government ^ old reserves not includ ed in previous figures United BelEnd of month United Fran ce gium States Kingdom 1938—Dec 1939_A U g Dec 1940—Aug Dec 1941—Sept.... Dec 1942—Dec 1943—Dec 1944—Dec 1945—Dec 1946—June Sept.... Dec 1947—Mar.... June Sept Dec 80 156 48 24 25 12 43 12 18 71 113 177 163 151 129 114 2 759 331 •876 <460 292 * 151 5 2,354 5 2,341 5 2,196 52,535 5 2,587 5 2,345 52,382 «2,341 8 2,035 <293 44 17 17 214 457 17 17 17 17 17 P Preliminary. 1 Estimated dollar values derived by converting gold at home in amounts up to 1224.4 million pesos at the rate of 3.0365 pesos per U. S. dollar and all other gold at the rate of 3.5447 pesos per U. S. dollar. 2 On May 1, 1940, gold belonging to Bank of Canada transferred to Foreign Exchange Control Board. Gold reported since that time is gold held by Minister of Finance, except for December 1945, December 1946, December 1947 when gold holdings of Foreign Exchange Control Board are included also. •Figures relate to last official report dates for the respective countries, as follows: Java— Jan. 31, 1942; Poland—July 31, 1939; Yugoslavia—Feb. 28, 1941. * Figure for February 1941; beginning Mar. 29, 1941, gold reserves no longer reported separately. 1 Reported at infrequent intervals or on delayed basis: U. S.—Exchange Stabilization Fund (Special A/c No. 1); U. K.—Exchange Equalization Account; France—Exchange Stabilization Fund and Rentes Fund; Belgium—Treasury. 2 Figure for end of September. 1 Reported figure for total British gold reserves on Aug. 31, 1939, less reported holdings of Bank of 4England on that date. Figure for first of month. 1 Gross official holdings of gold and U. S, dollars as reported by British Government; total British holdings (official and private) of U. S. dollars, as reported by banks in the United Exchange Equalization Account during 1939. States are shown in table on p. 735. NOTE.—For gold holdings of International Fund and Bank, see p. 738. For back figures, NOTE.—For details regarding special internal see Banking and Monetary Statistics, Tables 156-160, pp. 536-555, and for a description of figures, including details regarding special internal gold transfers affecting the reported data, gold transfers affecting the British and French institutions, see p. 738, footnote 4, and p. 739, see pp. 524-535 in the same publication. footnote 6. For available back figures see Banking and Monetary Statistics, p. 526, and BULLETIN for November 1947, p. 1433; June 1947, p. 755; February 1945, p. 109. 730 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN GOLD PRODUCTION OUTSIDE U. S. S. R. [In thousands of dollars] Year or month 1938.... 1939 1940... 1941 1942.... 1943.... 1944.... 1945.... 1946.. . . 1947... 1947—Apr.. . May.. June.. July.. Aug.. Sept.. Oct.. . Nov.. Dec. 1948—Tan.. , Feb.. Mar.. Estimated Production reported monthly world Africa North and South America Total production Mex- IColom- I West I Belgian United I Canreported South I RhoI Nicaoutside ico 6 I b i a IChile [ ragua 6 U.S.S.R.i m o n t h l y 11 Africa | desia Africa2 | Congo' States 4 | ada $1 = / 5 5 / M grains of gold 9/iofine; «., an ounce offinegold = $35 1,142,400 968,320 425,649 28,532 24 ,670 ' 1 6 ,564 178,143 165 379 32,306 18,225 10,290 1 ,557 1,219,400 ,031,214 448,753 28,009 28 ,564 ' 1 8 ,258 196,391 178 303 29,426 19,951 11,376 3 ,506 1,311,450 ,106,447 491,628 29,155 32 ,163 rig ,413 210,109 185 890 30,878 22,117 11,999 5 ,429 1,265,600 ,110,379 504,268 27,765 32 ,414 19 ,571 209,175 187 081 27,969 22,961 9,259 7 ,525 1,130,115 982,130 494,439 26,641 29 ,225 17 ,992 130,963 169 446 '28,018 20,882 6,409 8 ,623 773,817 448,153 23,009 19 ,740 15 ,522 48,808 127 796 '22,081 19,789 6,081 7 ,715 880,495 701,259 429,787 20,746 18 ,445 12 ,471 35,778 102 302 '17,793 19,374 7,131 7 ,865 794,080 745,430 682,888 427,862 19,888 18 ,865 12 ,021 32,511 94 385 17,458 17,734 6,282 6 ,985 417,647 19,061 20 ,475 11 ,200 51,182 rQQ 139 14,703 15,301 8,068 6 ,357 696,602 762,195 710,880 392,004 18,296 19 ,320 10 ,780 81,219 107 432 16,250 13,406 5,908 7 ,403 57,892 31,824 1 ,890 945 6,246 8,921 1,015 610 1,537 1,464 540 63,133 35,308 1 ,820 1,703 945 528 1,130 502 1,508 7,220 9,412 60,108 33,984 1,498 9,418 553 1 ,680 980 973 520 1,065 6,117 64,601 35,396 513 980 1,525 1 ,855 1,112 636 1,554 7,319 9,149 62,069 34,875 9,131 410 1,360 1,079 910 684 1 ,855 1,541 7,033 61,286 34,692 530 1 ,820 805 1,044 658 1,516 6,979 8,668 1,389 61,095 35,361 9,057 424 922 35 840 915 679 1,540 8,185 60,188 33,888 383 1 ,225 770 742 945 1,513 6,243 8,826 2,491 60,891 34,025 529 1 ,750 778 770 672 680 1,489 7,281 9,614 34,775 1 ,890 910 648 1,504 6,214 '9,568 32,459 1 ,820 840 682 1,442 5,489 9,177 1 ,820 34,384 910 634 6,372 Other Austra- India 8 lia'' 55,721 57,599 57,540 52,384 40,383 26,295 22,990 23,002 28,857 32,808 2,340 2,533 2,830 4,003 ,701 2,696 2,718 2,636 2,813 2,625 11,284 11,078 -10,126 10,008 '9,111 '8,828 '6,577 '5,893 '4,612 6,055 560 5,25 490 560 490 490 420 525 490 455 420 525 Gold production in U. S. S. R.: No regular Government statistics on gold production in U. S. S. R. are available, but data of percentage changes irregularly given out by officials of the gold mining industry, together with certain direct figures for past years, afford a basis for estimating annual production as follows: 1934, 135 million dollars; 1935, 158 million; 1936, 187 million; 1937, 185 million; 1938, 180 million. r Revised. 1 Estimates of United States Bureau of Mines. 2 Beginning 1942, figures reported by American Bureau of Metal Statistics. Beginning 1944, they are for Geld Coast only. 3 Reported by American Bureau of Metal Statistics. 4 Includes Philippine production received in United States through 1945. Annual figures are estimates of United States Mint. Monthly figures are reported by American Bureau of Metal Statistics. 5 Figures reported by the Secretaria de la Economia Nacional. 6 Gold exports, reported by the Banco Nacional de Nicaragua, which states that they represent approximately 90 per cent of total production. 7 Total Australia reported by Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Beginning 1946, subject to revision. 8 Since May 1940, monthly figures are from the American Bureau of Metal Statistics. Annual figures for years 1940-1946 are from the ' Report on Currency and Finance," published by the Reserve Bank of India. NOTE.—For explanation of table and sources, see BULLETIN for February 1939, p. 151; July 1938, p. 621; June 1938, p. 540; April 1933, pp. 233-235; and Banking and Monetary Statistics, p. 524. For annual estimates compiled by the United States Mint for these and other countries in the period 1910-1941, see Banking and Monetary Statistics, pp. 542-543. GOLD MOVEMENTS U N I T E D STATES [In thousands of dollars at approximately $35 a fine ounce] Net imports from or net exports (—) to: Year or mo. Total net imports United Kingdom France Belgium 1,955 1942 315,678 68,938 1943 88 1944 -845,392 -695,483 160 1945 -106,250 -14 1946 311,494 458 1947 1,866,348 488,433 162,941 1947 May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 129,734 200,233 219,201 111,657 109,600 450,830 265,700 178,166 1948 234,978 Jan. Feb. 159,388 99,943 Mar. Apr.? 234,156 Netherlands SwitzerCanada land 5 -6 3 27,990 -75 -108 -1,002 -449 1 2 - 5 22,515 245,712 140,568 142,821 101,541 182,808 104,264 20,274 167,906 Sweden 1 1 13,903 14,088 9,970 31,301 61,931 20,023 -7 31 6] 132 Argentina Other PhilipLatin AusMexico Ameri- pine tralia can Re- Republics public 208,917 99 40,016 39,581 321 66,920 -10,817 - 3 , 2 8 7 24,306 46,210 -50,268 -109,695 -58,292 —5 15,094 -41,743 " 1 6 3 53,148 -403 -156 344,130 -134,002 3,591 445,353 335,505 - 7 , 1 1 0 10,684 -3,508 26,442 9,485 52,913 94,601 51,820 102,405 2,220 90,463 499 23,444 552 48,190 63,697 56,849 37,735 35,436 458 12,009 289 -19,660 -10,693 ' 29^998 262 14,867 -87 217 1,425 -70 282 1,489 -1,111 330 - 9 4 -1,543 242 1,286 - 2 8 6 152 1,073 -56 103 1,434 - 2 5 2 208 2,126 85 201 211 271 242 2,418 74 1,102 - 2 8 9 2,673 -1,279 4,872 - 2 0 8 South Africa India All other countries 528 4,119 129 20,008 307 152 -8,731 199 3,572 18,365 1 357 106 -133,471 41 118,550 -2.613 2 -18,083 124 410,691 -4,423 « - 3 3 8 17 28 40 19 9 80,446 - 7 8 - 1 , 5 2 9 53,228 - 3 3 4 -638 60,081 - 5 5 1 4 5,233 4 16,042 4,221 37,760 M0,215 4 21 497 29 997 1,026 32,991 227 23,674 6 40,888 22,756 -5,982 -1,390 -5,161 5 -6,936 p Preliminary. 1 Includes $133,980,000 to China and $509,000 from other countries. » Includes $33,728,000 from U. S. S. R., $55,760,000 to China, and $3,949,000 from other countries. 'Includes $27,885,000 from U. S. S. R., $14,000,000 to China, and $14,223,000 to other countries. «Includes imports from U. S. S. R. as follows: July, $5,626,000; August, $5,627,000; September, $11,287,000; October, $5,346,000. «Includes $4,491,000 to U.S.S.R., and $2,445,000 to other countries. NOTE.—For back figures see Banking and Monetary Statistics, Table 158, pp. 539-541, and for description of statistics, see p. 524 in the same publication. JUNE 1948 731 INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE UNITED STATES NET CAPITAL MOVEMENT TO UNITED STATES SINCE JANUARY 2, 1935 [Net movement from United States, (—). In millions of dollars] TABLE 1.—TOTAL CAPITAL MOVEMENT, BY TYPES From Jan. 2, 1935, Total Increase in foreign banking funds in U. S. Total Official i Other Increase in funds of international institutions in U. S. Decrease in U. S. banking funds abroad Foreign securities: Return of U. S. funds Domestic securities: Inflow of foreign funds Inflow in brokerage balances 1935—Mar. (Apr. 3) June (July 3) Sept. (Oct. 2) Dec. (Jan. 1, 1936). 265.9 632.5 920.2 1,440.7 64.1 230.3 371.5 631.5 4.4 22.6 16.3 38.0 59.7 207.7 355.2 593.5 155.0 312.8 388.6 361.4 31.8 43.7 40 1 125.2 -6.2 15.8 90 3 316.7 21.1 29.8 29 8 6.0 1936—Mar. (Apr. 1) June (July 1) Sept. 30 Dec. 30 1,546.3 1,993.6 2,331.9 2,667 4 613.6 823.4 947.1 989.5 79.6 80.3 86.0 140.1 534.0 743.1 861.1 849.4 390.3 449.0 456.2 431.5 114 4 180.5 272.2 316 2 427 6 524 1 633.3 917 4 4 16 5 23.2 12 9 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 29 2,998 4 3 639 6 3 995 5 3,501.1 1,188.6 1,690.1 1,827.2 1,259.3 129.8 293 0 448 2 334.7 1,058.8 1 397 1 1,379 0 924.6 411.0 466 4 518 1 449.1 319.1 395 2 493 3 583.2 J.075 7 L 069 5 L 125 1 1,162.0 4 1 18 3 31 9 47.5 1938—Mar. 30 June 29 Sept. 28 Dec. (Jan. 4, 1939). 3,301.3 3,140 5 3 567 2 3,933.0 1,043.9 880.9 1,275 4 1,513.9 244.0 220.6 282 2 327.0 799.9 660.4 993 2 1,186.9 434.4 403.3 477 2 510.1 618.5 643.1 625 0 641.8 L.150.4 1,155 3 L 125 4 1,219.7 54.2 57 8 64 1 47.6 1939—Mar. 29 June 28 Sept. 27 Dec. (Jan. 3, 1940). 4,279 4 4,742 0 5 118 2 5,112.8 1,829.4 2,194.6 2,562 4 2,522.4 393.2 508.1 635 0 634.1 1,436 2 1,686.5 1 927 3 1,888.3 550 5 607 5 618 4 650.4 646 7 664 5 676 9 725.7 L.188 9 1,201.4 L 177 3 L, 133.7 63 9 74 0 83 l 80.6 1940—Mar. v Apr. 3) June (July 3) Sept. (Oct. 2) Dec. (Jan. 1, 1941). 5,207.8 5,531 3 5,831 2 5,807.9 2,630.9 2,920.7 3,175.9 3,239.3 631.0 1,012.9 1,195.4 1,281.1 1,999.9 1,907.8 1,980.5 1,958.3 631.6 684.1 773.6 775.1 761.6 785 6 793.1 803.8 L,095.0 1.042.1 987.0 888.7 88.7 98 9 101.6 100.9 1941—Mar. (Apr. 2) June (July 2) Sept. (Oct. 1) Dec 31 5,607.4 5,660.1 5,612 6 5 354 1 3,229.7 3,278.0 3,241.8 2,979 6 1,388.6 1,459.8 1,424.0 1,177 1 1,841.0 1,818.2 1,817.7 1 802 6 767.4 818.6 805.3 791 3 812.7 834.1 841 1 855 5 701.8 631.2 623.5 626 7 95.9 98.2 100.9 100 9 1942—Mar. June Sept. Dec. (Apr. 1) 30 2 30 31 5,219 3 5 636 4 5,798 0 5,980 2 2,820.9 3,217 0 3,355 7 3,465.5 1,068.9 1,352 8 1,482 2 1,557.2 1,752.0 1 864 2 1,873 5 1,908.3 819.7 842 3 858 2 888.8 849.6 838 8 830 5 848 2 624.9 632 0 646.1 673.3 104.3 106 2 107.5 104.4 1943—Mar. June Sept. Dec. 31 30 30 31 6,292 6 6 652 1 6,918.7 7,267 1 3,788.9 4,148 3 4,278.0 4,644.8 1,868.6 2,217 1 2,338.3 2,610 0 1,920.3 1 931 2 1,939.7 2,034.8 898.7 896 9 888.6 877.6 810 5 806 8 929.3 925.9 685.9 687 9 708.1 701.1 108.6 112 1 114.8 117.8 1944—Mar. June Sept. Dec. 31 30 30 31 7,611 9 7 610 4 7,576 9 7,728 4 5,034.4 5,002 5 4,807 2 4,865.2 3,005 2,812 2,644 2,624 0 2 8 9 2,029.4 2 190 3 2,162 3 2,240.3 868.0 856 6 883 5 805.8 904 1 929 8 1,026 2 1,019.4 685.8 702.4 737.8 911.8 119.6 119 1 122.2 126.3 1945—Mar. 31 8,002 6 8,422 8 8 858 6 8,802 8 5,219.4 5,671 0 6,042 2 6,144 5 2,865 3,313 3,554 3,469 1 2 9 0 2,354.3 2,357.9 2 487 2 2,675 5 848.5 760.4 865 3 742.7 983.7 1,011.2 998 2 972.8 820.6 848.4 818.4 798.7 130.5 131.8 134.6 144.1 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 1946—Mar. 31 June 30 Sept. 30 Dec 31 1947—j an . 3i Feb. 28 Mar. 31 Apr. 30 May 31 June 30 July 31 Aug. 31 Sept. 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 8,730.8 8,338.2 8,250.1 8,009.5 6,098.8 5,662.7 5,681.7 5,272.3 3,384.6 2,852.0 2,834.4 2,333.6 2,714.1 2,810.7 2,847.3 2,938.7 70.6 190.8 249.1 453.8 703.6 624.5 519.8 427.2 1,073.0 J.103 0 ,170.7 ,237.9 645.1 615.0 478.3 464.5 139.9 141.4 150.4 153.7 8,077.3 9 959 9 9,736.7 9 771 5 9,508.2 9,440.8 9,443.6 9,516.8 9,008.6 8,683.0 8,547.9 8,316.2 5,300.6 5,047 3 4,841.3 4,815 4 4,498.0 4,591.9 4,703.2 4,870.3 4,456.0 4,324.1 4,262.4 4,120.3 2,416.0 2-00fi 2 1,725.4 1,718 8 1,448.7 1,447.2 1,616.8 1,726.9 L,298.5 1,232.9 L,200.0 L 121 8 2,884.6 3,041 1 3,115.9 3 096 7 3,049.3 3,144.7 3,086.4 3,143.5 3,157.5 3,091.2 3,062.4 2,998.5 449.0 2,705 6 2,707.0 2 702 5 2,819.4 2,694.3 2,861.1 2,758.0 2,645.4 2,470.9 2,376.4 2,237.0 404.8 380 9 337.1 333 6 255.3 202.5 156.3 168.2 178.3 172.1 211.6 174.6 ,308.2 ,229 8 ,282.6 341 6 ,380.7 L,398.0 t ,177.3 ,193.6 L.230.3 1,243.6 1,254.5 L 274 9 464.4 439.7 414.3 416.7 398.5 393.4 385.9 362.6 338.8 310.0 290.0 * 367.0 150.4 156.6 154.5 161.6 156.4 160.8 159.8 164.1 159.9 162.2 153.1 142.4 1948—Jan 31 8,156.4 4,082.0 1,135.4 2,946.6 2,182.0 106.5 1,285.7 359.6 140.6 1 This category made up as follows: through Sept. 21, 1938, funds held by foreign central banks at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and deposit accounts held with the U. S. Treasury; beginning Sept. 28, 1938, also funds held at commercial banks in New York City by central banks maintaining accounts at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; beginning July 17, 1940, also funds in accounts at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York which had been transferred from central bank to government names; beginning with the new series commencing with the month of July 1942, all funds held with banks and bankers in the United States by foreign central banks and by foreign central governments and their agencies (including official purchasing missions, trade and shipping missions, diplomatic and consular establishments, etc.). 2 The weekly series of capital movement statistics reported through July 1, 1942, was replaced by a monthly series commencing with July 1942. Since the old series overlapped the new by one day, the cumulative figures were adjusted to represent the movement through June 30 only. This adjustment, however, is incomplete since it takes into account only certain significant movements known to have occurred on July 1. Subsequent figures are based upon new monthly series. For further explanation, see BULLETIN for January 1943, p. 98. »Includes outflow of $249,300,000 resulting from the sale of debentures in the United States by the International Bank for Reconstructio n and Development. (Of the total issue of $250,000,000, $700,000 was sold directly to Canadian purchasers.) 4 Includes inflow of 74.5 million dollars resulting from purchase of domestic securities by international institutions. NOTE.—S tatistics reported by banks, bankers, brokers, and dealers. For full description of statistics see Banking and Monetary Statistics, pp. 558-560; for back figures through 1941 see Tables 161 and 162, pp. 574-637, in the same publication, and for those subsequent to 1941 see BULLETIN for September 1945, pp. 960-974. 732 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE UNITED STATES—Continued NET CAPITAL MOVEMENT TO UNITED STATES SINCE JANUARY 2, 1935—Continued [Net movement from United States, (—). In millions of dollars] TABLE 2.—TOTAL CAPITAL MOVEMENT, BY COUNTRIES From Jan. 2, 1935, through— 1939—Dec. (Jan. 3, 1940) 1940—Dec. (Jan. 1, 1941) 1941—Dec. 31 1942—Dec. 31 1943—Dec. 31 1944—Dec. 31 1945—Dec. 31 1946—Dec. 31 1947—Feb. 28 Mar. 31 Apr. 30 May 31 June 30 July 31 Aug. 31 Sept. 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 1948—Jan. 31 United King- France dom Netherlands Switzerland Italy Other Europe Total Europe Canada 5,112.8 1,101.3 468.7 5,807.9 865.2 670.3 5,354.1 674.1 639.9 5,980.2 837.8 625.9 7,267.1 1,257.7 636.8 7,728.4 1,090.0 585.7 8,802.8 892.5 464.2 7,555.7 563.1 384.8 470.3 455.6 464.4 474.0 487.7 506.2 539.7 326.4 773.0 911.5 725.7 592.1 629.1 664.3 722.3 766.1 58.0 55.4 50.5 48.1 48.2 63.1 106.5 287.5 918.9 1,098.6 1,071.7 1,030.3 1,133.3 1,172.5 1,311.8 1,246.3 3,790.1 4,056.6 3,626.3 3,608.1 4,192.8 4,081.8 4,037.0 3,574.2 522.6 87.4 229.4 483.4 642.6 90.2 411.7 606.8 691 128.6 340.5 567.5 932.9 178.3 425.1 835.8 760.3 951.0 1,161.6 201.4 976.4 193.7 1,273.6 203.0 ,395.7 1,338.4 1,784.1 247.5 979.7 1,474.0 1,258.3 . 269.6 295.6 256.7 391.7 356.8 340.5 336.0 329.8 311.4 258.7 240.4 213.8 189.2 776.8 786.1 801.6 804.6 799.3 811.8 808.0 800.8 810.6 820.5 839.3 836.2 256.2 215.8 221.7 198.7 181.2 161.2 158.1 145.1 139.8 140.4 150.1 160.1 1,232.8 1,262.9 1,210.0 1,161.5 1,093.2 1,112.2 1,161.3 1,131.3 1,135.6 1,124.7 1,086.6 1,096.2 3,455.8 3,362.5 3,552.8 3,294.9 3,246.2 3,341.6 3,430.2 3,183.6 3,152.0 3,109.0 2,961.1 2,885.9 Total1 ,254.3 ,029.7 ,069.0 ,688.9 ,746.5 ,582.5 ,758.8 ,363.2 ,212.1 ,171.5 ,079.1 974.4 558.2 489.6 595.8 453.5 441.7 614.1 648.5 486.7 447.7 464.2 437.0 451.4 336.3 351.4 332.0 319.8 390.2 306.2 324.6 308.2 359.6 318.8 234.3 153.0 933.3 853.1 764.8 763.1 803.4 794.7 830.3 780.6 681.0 684.9 688.6 727.8 Latin America ,431.2 ,384.3 ,364.7 ,318.6 ,447.1 ,477.0 ,531.4 ,470.0 ,446.4 ,406.1 ,383.4 ,328.9 Asia* 1,185.9 1,179.8 1,142.0 1,072.6 1,018.7 972.1 958.0 931.6 937.3 981.0 975.8 946.0 All other8 248.1 250.0 244.6 239.6 231.1 «-2.9 8.9 -2.6 -4.6 -9.4 <70.2 85.8 TABLE 3.—INCREASE IN FOREIGN BANKING FUNDS IN U. S., BY COUNTRIES Total United King- France dom Netherlands Switzerland Italy Other Europe 1939—Dec. (Jan. 3, 1940) 1940—Dec. (Jan. 1, 1941) 1941—Dec. 31 1942—Dec. 31 1943—Dec. 31 1944—Dec. 31 1945—Dec. 31 1946—Dec. 31 2,522.4 3,239.3 2,979.6 3,465.5 4,644.8 4,865.2 6,144.5 5,272.3 376.1 293.3 328.6 493.3 939.4 804.4 646.4 397.6 256.1 458.0 416.5 394.5 404.1 356.6 229.9 165.8 190.9 160.3 161.0 170.0 176.7 193.1 265.0 208.2 362.7 494.7 326.2 166.3 192.7 221.4 286.3 359.0 19.7 -.9 -3.4 -6.2 -6.9 7.0 50.1 247.6 449.9 580.8 538.0 479.8 565.3 611.2 745.8 687.2 1,655.4 174.5 1,986.3 334.1 1,766.9 273.1 1,697.5 399.5 2,271.2 704.7 2,193.7 818.6 2,223.4 ,414.2 2,065.5 823.9 215.1 326.4 296.7 482.8 578.7 794.7 924.9 983.3 417.0 531.2 541.4 743.9 928.2 888.6 ,369.1 ,135.7 60.5 61.3 101.6 141.9 162.0 169.7 212.9 263.9 1947—Feb. 28 Mar. 31 Apr. 30 M a y 31 June 30 July 31 Aug. 31 Sept. 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 1948—Jan. 31 5,047.3 4,841.3 4,815.4 4,498.0 4,591.9 4,703.2 4,870.3 4,456.0 4,324.1 4,262.4 4,120.3 4,082.0 381.9 312.2 423.1 279.7 267.2 438.1 471.2 307.8 275.5 293.1 264.9 274.9 129.0 146.2 129.6 117.8 190.2 109.7 125.6 114.9 188.5 156.8 87.6 88.5 197.8 166.7 205.0 189.7 192.6 197.2 210.0 199.7 156.3 141.8 126.7 107.5 370.5 378.5 383.6 388.9 381.5 388.9 385.5 382.1 392.2 405.9 432.8 435.6 227.1 198.2 205.4 184.1 166.8 146.8 143.1 129.7 126.3 125.6 132.8 143.0 673.1 719.1 689.2 647.8 589.0 619.8 669 635.1 637.2 626.5 576.6 583.0 1,979.3 1,921.0 2,035.9 1,808.0 1,787.2 1,900.6 2,004.5 1,769.4 1,776.0 1,749. 1,621.4 1,632.6 784.7 670.2 519.6 469.6 478. 455.8 484.2 420.5 319.2 319.3 301.6 327.0 981.0 956.1 ,000.0 ,009.4 ,120.9 ,168.9 ,221.0 ,144.6 ,116.3 ,081.3 ,095.0 ,038.5 ,043.5 ,042.5 ,012.7 973.1 966.7 932.6 910.8 884.4 877.0 883.5 877.3 846.0 258.7 251.5 247.2 237.9 238.2 245.3 249.7 237.1 235.6 228.5 224.9 237.9 From Jan. 2, 1935, through— Total Europe Canada Latin America Asia* All other* TABLE 4.—DECREASE IN U. S. BANKING FUNDS ABROAD, BY COUNTRIES From Jan. 2, 1935, through— 1939—Dec. 1940—Dec. 1941—Dec. 1942—Dec. 1943—Dec. 1944—Dec. 1945—Dec. 1946—Dec. ( j a n # 3( 1940) . . (Jan. 1 1941) . 31 31 31 31 31 31 1947—Feb. 28 Mar. 31 Apr. 30 May 31 * June 30 July 31 Aug. 31 Sept 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 1948—j an 3i Total United King- France dom Netherlands 650.4 775.1 791 3 888.8 877.6 805.8 742.7 427.2 252.2 269.2 271 2 279.4 272 1 266.1 266 6 244.3 73.8 74.6 76 9 77.8 77 9 77.7 78.0 73.4 12.9 2.9 17.7 6.5 17 6 5 4 18.1 6.6 18 3 5 1 18.3 6.8 — 17.7 5 2 -132.3 - 1 . 7 380 9 337.1 333.6 255.3 202.5 156.3 168.2 178.3 172.1 211.6 174.6 106.5 252 6 256.2 249.6 252.4 252.7 255.1 257.9 262.8 258.9 260.2 262.8 269.5 66.1 63.4 57.9 60.2 59.0 57.6 58.1 57.0 61.5 64.1 55.7 -18.7 — 135 1 -137.1 -32.4 —20 6 -30.4 -28.6 —27.3 -28.2 -30.0 -28.6 —30.5 -32.5 Switzerland —4 1 -3.3 -.2 —1 4 .3 -2.1 —1 7 -1.2 1.7 2.4 1 l 1.8 Italy Other Total Europe Europe Canada Latin America Asia2 15.5 25.3 25 8 26.2 26 2 26.2 26 2 10.6 206.2 241.4 250 5 253.5 256 8 231.5 235 1 226.9 563.5 634.7 647 4 661.5 656 5 626.6 593.4 421.3 56.5 60.3 62.7 58.6 55.1 64.8 39.5 40.7 52.6 43.2 17.7 68.3 55.7 37.0 9.1 -58.8 -21.5 34.8 64.7 93.8 102.7 77.7 99.2 29.9 8 9 6.0 4.5 27 2.5 2.3 3 0 3.3 1.6 3.0 5.5 225 9 217.1 203.4 196 7 182.2 170.9 170 1 171.9 174.4 174.1 178.9 180.5 414 3 402.4 482.8 490.0 466.2 455.3 460.1 465.5 468.2 475.2 473.5 406.0 49.9 53.9 56.5 56.1 56.5 58.8 60.7 63.8 63.1 66.4 65.4 67.7 — 111.6 -140.6 -213.7 -270.0 -256.9 -276.9 -283.8 -279.7 -298.7 -309.5 -346.3 -351.3 44.0 40.2 31.0 1.8 -44.3 -56.0 —48.6 -48.4 -35.5 1.4 2.0 5.4 2.4 All other2 -.8 2.1 — 1.2 6.6 7.5 -.3 1.5 -5.8 -15.7 -18.7 -23.0 -22.6 -19.1 -24.9 -20.3 -22.9 -24.9 -21.9 —20.1 -18.3 1 8 8 Total capital movement by countries differs from total capital movement in Table 1 by reason of exclusion of international institutions. Prior to Jan. 3, 1940, the figures under Asia represent Far East only, the remaining Asiatic countries being included under "All other." See Table 1, footnote 3. * See Table 1, footnote 4. JUNE 1948 733 INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE UNITED STATES—Continued N E T C A P I T A L T A B L E F r o m J a n . 2, 1935, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 — — — — — — — — D D D D D D D D e e e e e e e e c c c c c c c c t h r o u g h — . (Jan. 3, 1940) . (Jan. 1 1941). . 3i . 31 . 31 . 31 . 31 . 31 1 9 4 7 — F e b . M a r Apr. M a y 2 3 3 3 Aug. Sept. Oct. N o v . Dec. 1 9 4 8 — j a n 3 31 30 3 1 . ?;: 30 31 i M O V E M E N T T O U N I T E D [Net m o v e m e n t from United S 5 . — F O R E I G N S E C U R I T I E S : R E ( N e t P u r c h a s e s b y F o r e i g n e r s of 7 8 8 8 9 1,0 9 1,2 . . 8..:: 1 0 1 . . . June 30 July 31 United Kingd o m Total 2 0 5 4 2 1 7 3 5 3 5 8 5 9 2 7 . . . . . . . . 7 8 5 2 9 4 8 9 1.229 8 L,282.f 1,341.6 1,380.7 L,398.0 2 1 , 1 7 7 . 3 1,193.6 1,230.3 1,243.6 1,254.5 1,274.9 ?««; 7 F r a n c e S T A T E S S I N C tates, (—). In T U R N O F U . Foreign Securit N e t h erlands 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 9 5 8 7 5 7 6 7 6 . . . . . . . . 5 6 6 4 6 5 7 8 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 3 1 2 0 1 1 0 . . . . . . . . 1 4 6 4 6 0 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 01 02 03 05 04 04 01 99 96 9 4 93 . . . . . . . 3 4 9 6 7 2 3 5 1 9 9 2 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9 0 0 9 9 8 7 7 7 7 7 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1 0 6 5 3 9 9 5 2 1 8 23 6 22.8 22.5 2 2 1.7 .7 .2 - 1 1 - 2 . 6 - 3 . 3 - 3 . 9 - 4 . 4 . . . . 9 1 1 1 3 3 3 6 .4 .0 .5 6 . 0 . 6 0 . 0 Switzerland 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 5 6 4 4 4 4 5 1 .0 .0 .3 9 .7 .5 2 .2 3 1 . 8 3 0 . 9 3 1 . 9 31.4 31.2 3 1 . 2 30.1 26.5 22.7 18.8 16.3 13.7 E J A N U A millions of S. F U N D S ies O w n e d Italy R Y 2, dollars , B Y in U . Other E u r o p e 1 9 3 5 — C o n t i n u e d ] C O U N T R I E S S.) Total E u r o p e C a n a d a Latin America 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 . . . . . . . . 6 1 1 0 9 6 5 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 9 4 1 6 9 2 .2 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 9 1 2 2 3 3 2 9 5 0 1 6 0 0 3 1 . . . . . . . . 2 0 3 3 3 1 8 2 - 7 . 6 25.0 35.4 — 3 0 41.2 104.9 49 1 2 3 6 . 6 184.0 2 0 2 . 3 221.1 245 4 2 7 2 . 3 3 0 2 . 0 317.1 4 4 8 . 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 8 9 9 8 7 7 7 6 5 5 4 264 6 265.1 257.7 258.3 265.4 2 6 6 . 4 267.3 267 9 267.8 267.9 273.8 274.7 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9 9 9 7 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 5 7 7 1 2 0 7 6 9 1 3 4 0 . . . . . . . 9 1 8 0 4 5 5 4 1 9 7 5 218 253 309 3 5 8 3 7 4 389 3 9 7 417 421 427 441 451 457 6 4 6 4 . 4 468.2 474.2 4 7 8 . 8 481.8 4 8 8 . 0 507.9 5 2 3 . 3 5 3 4 . 0 5 3 7 . 6 542.1 61 61 6 1 6 1 61 6 1 61 61 61 6 1 6 1 61 25 32 3 8 44 46 4 6 49 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 7 5 8 7 1 0 3 9 2 8 3 . . . . TABLE 6.—DOMESTIC SECURITIES: INFLOW OF FOREIGN FUNDS, BY COUNTRIES (Net Purchases by Foreigners of U. S. Secui ities) United Neth- SwitzCanLatin KingTotal F r o m Jan. 2, 1935, t h r o u g h — erItaly E Ou t r h o e p r e E Tu or t o a p l e France erada A m e r i c a d o m lands land 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 — D e c . (Jan. 3 1940) — D e c . ( J a n . 1, 1 9 4 1 ) — D e c . 31 — D e c . 31 — D e c . 31 — D e c . 31 — D e c . 31 — D e c 3 1 1947—jrefo M a r . Apr. M a y 2 8 31 30 31 July A u g Sept. Oct. N o v . Dec. 1 9 4 8 — J a n 31 31 30 31 30 31 31 1,13 88 62 67 70 91 79 46 June 30 3 . 3 8 6 3 1 1 8 4 . . . . . . . . 7 7 7 3 1 8 7 5 439.7 414.3 416.7 398.5 3 9 3 . 4 3 8 5 . 9 3 6 2 . 6 338.8 3 1 0 . 0 2 9 0 . 0 3 6 7 . 0 3 5 9 . 6 - 1 1 1 1 328.1 157.1 7 0 . 1 7 7 . 6 0 0 . 3 2 5 . 4 5 7 . 9 9 4 . 9 - 1 9 7 . - 1 9 7 . - 1 9 8 . - 2 0 0 . - 2 0 2 . - 2 0 3 . - 2 0 3 . — 2 0 4 - 2 0 5 . - 2 0 5 . - 2 0 3 . - 2 0 3 . 5 9 3 5 7 5 3 1 1 7 8 7 76.6 74.4 74.9 80.5 82.7 77.3 81.7 74.9 227.7 233.2 236.7 236.9 239.9 239.0 233.5 207.0 344.7 348.1 336.4 360.5 367.3 368.5 355.4 337.9 71.4 71.2 73.8 72.3 71.8 71.1 73.6 69.0 42.9 31.5 24.7 17.3 194.4 188.0 179.3 168 6 158.4 149.7 129.9 124 4 118.0 113.9 108.7 106.2 338.7 338.4 344.2 345.4 343.1 351.2 350.7 350 4 352.0 353.9 350.9 347.2 Asia -4.9 2.7 — .1 .6 1.9 2.2 2.1 -7.0 -15.5 -15.6 -15.4 -15.3 -15.1 -15.1 -15.1 -15.2 -15.2 -15.0 -15.3 3 3 3 4 5 7 6 5 2 5 7 4 5 2 8 7 . . . . . . . . 2 8 1 4 4 4 0 3 55 47 4 6 45 42 4 0 4 0 42 41 42 43 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8 0 2 6 8 6 2 8 1 1 1 1,0 8 6 6 6 6 5 4 0 5 1 4 4 3 8 8 4 1 5 4 5 3 2 4 . . . . . . . . 4 3 0 7 7 7 9 3 455.2 4 3 2 . 0 429.5 415.5 3 9 8 . 0 3 9 4 . 2 3 7 6 . 3 3 6 6 . 9 3 3 4 . 5 320.5 308.7 295.7 - 2 - 1 8 - 4 4 - 4 5 - 5 8 — 2 8 - 1 2 6 - 1 4 3 . . . . . . . . - 1 4 1 . — 144 - 1 4 1 . —1 4 1 - 1 2 6 . - 1 2 8 . - 1 3 1 . —1 4 1 - 1 4 2 . —147 - 1 3 9 . - 1 3 7 . 2 3 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 All other1 11.3 13.5 16.6 18 0 19.9 21.0 22 0 .7 . 8 . 0 .2 5 .2 .3 8 .1 . . . . . . . . . . 1 —5 7 1 6.4 0 11.1 0 14.7 1 3.0 2 2-232.2 4 -229.3 3 —225.6 3 -224.0 6 —222.3 6 —220.9 -219.8 7 Asia1 All other1 14.3 12.6 10 9 10.9 10.6 10.7 9.9 8.8 8.0 8.1 6 4 7 1 2 1 6 0 30.1 25.6 28.1 35.2 40.5 54.9 81.3 87.6 87.6 17.6 17.5 27.7 62.5 240.5 251.3 26.8 9 .6 9 0 3 1 7 7 6 .0 8 8 86.2 88 2 90.6 86 5 85.3 84.2 82.7 78 5 84.6 82.9 84.2 87.8 32.1 30 6 30.3 28 8 28 4 27.5 27.3 27 1 27.7 27.8 28.3 28.5 8.1 8 7 8.0 8.1 8.0 8 1 8 5.9 5.7 85.6 85.4 TABLE 7.—INFLOW IN BROKERAGE BALANCES, BY COUNTRIES (The Net Effect of Increases in Foreign Brokerage Balances in U. S. and of Decreases in Balances Held by Brokers and Dealers in U. S. with Brokers and Dealers Abroad) From Jan. 2, 1935, through— 1939—Dec. 1940—Dec 1941—Dec. 1942—Dec 1943—Dec. 1944—Dec. 1945—Dec. 1946—Dec Total United King- France dom Netherlands Switzerland Italy .2 .2 .2 .3 .3 .4 .4 4.9 7.7 7.7 8.5 9.2 10.4 13.6 14.7 71.6 74.3 75.7 78.1 89.1 97.7 113.6 112.0 10.7 14.1 15.2 17.6 16.2 19.5 21.5 9.2 3.9 4.2 3.8 5.1 5.9 13.4 .4 .4 .5 14.0 13.8 13.7 13.5 14.0 14.3 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.1 14.2 13.7 109.0 110.0 112 7 109.5 114.5 114.0 112.8 112 5 112.2 109.5 102.7 101.1 21.7 20.0 21 2 19 6 19.7 19.1 20.0 20 7 19 5 19.0 19 6 19.6 (Jan. 3, 1940) (Jan. 1 1941) 31 31 31 31 31 31 80.6 100.9 100.9 104.4 117.8 126.3 144.1 153.7 19.4 17.0 16.8 17.4 18.8 18.5 19.8 19.2 20.1 19.9 19.9 20.7 21.5 23.1 23.4 20.5 13.4 17.6 17.5 19.9 22.3 26.0 17.5 9.3 17.8 16.2 13.5 13.7 19.3 23.0 30.3 39.6 1947—Fet> 28 " • . Mar 31 Apr. 30 May 31 June 30 July 31 Aug. 31 Sept. 30 Oct. 31:..-. Nov. 30 . . . Dec. 31 1948—Jan 31 156.6 154.5 161.6 156.4 160.8 159.8 164.1 159 9 162 2 153.1 142.4 4 140.6 19.8 17.7 18.6 18.4 18.9 20.2 18.3 18 7 19.3 19.7 18 2 17.5 20.0 20.4 20.5 19.9 19.7 19.5 19.4 19.5 19.2 19.1 19.1 19.1 14.9 16.3 17.3 16.9 18.2 17.0 17.0 16.6 16.9 16.6 12.7 12.4 39.9 41.5 42.1 40.4 43.2 42.6 43.4 43.0 42.0 39.6 38.2 37.8 .1 .4 .5 .5 .4 .4 .4 .4 .3 .5 Other Europe Total Europe CanLatin ada America 8.7 Asia1 All other1 1.6 —3.4 6.0 6.3 6.0 6.0 5.6 3.8 4.8 2.1 .7 8 .9 1.3 1.8 1.3 2.0 18.0 16.3 19 5 18.5 19.0 19.0 23.5 18 7 20 9 17.3 12 9 11.8 5.2 5.5 7 0 2.8 2.8 1 2 8.0 6.7 6.9 7.1 7 3 6 8 6.5 6 6 7.4 .9 1.0 .8 .8 8 * 2.8 .7 .7 . 7 1 Prior to Jan. 3, 1940, the figures under Asia represent Far East only, the remaining Asiatic countries being included under "All other." »Includes outflow of $249,300,000 resulting from the sale of debentures in the United States by the International Bank for Reconstruction and 1Development. (Of the total issue of $250,000,000, $700,000 was sold directly to Canadian purchasers.) Includes inflow of 74.5 million dollars resulting from purchase of domestic securities by international institutions. 4 Amounts outstanding Jan. 31 (in millions of dollars): foreign brokerage balances in United States, 90.9; United States brokerage balance? abroad, 27.2. 734 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE UNITED STATES—Continued SHORT-TERM FOREIGN LIABILITIES AND ASSETS REPORTED BY BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY COUNTRIES [In millions of dollars] LIABILITIES International institutions Date Total foreign countriesl United NethKing- France erdom lands Switzerland Italy Other Total Europe Europe 473.8 436.1 187.4 101.8 781.0 448.2 288.2 204.9 1,418.9 365.5 490.1 174.3 1,314.9 400.8 448.6 174.9 2,244.4 554.6 432.3 186.6 3,320.3 1,000.8 439.9 193.3 3,335.2 865.7 401.2 209.7 707.7 310.0 281.6 4,179.3 3,043.9 458.9 245.9 224.9 218.8 376.3 508.4 339.9 184.2 210.6 239.3 304.2 372.6 20.4 38.5 17.9 15.4 12.1 11.3 27.3 70.4 267.9 273.3 526 4 657.3 614.6 650 9 728.6 774.5 909 1 850.5 1,237.8 201.8 248.5 1,882.6 274.6 336.0 2,213.5 434.3 447.3 1,994.0 373.2 417.7 2,020.7 507.4 597.7 2,584.5 812.6 693.7 909.3 2,517.8 926.5 2,583.0 1,522.2 1,046.4 2,420.7 •931.8 1,104.8 435.5 655.7 769.9 780.0 930.0 1,108.8 1,069.2 1,549.7 1,316.4 34.1 72 5 73 3 113.6 149 6 175.3 174.0 181.8 232.8 2,716.5 2,435.7 2,429.1 2,159.0 2,157.5 2,327.1 2,437.2 2,008.8 1,943.2 1,910.3 1,832.1 1,845.7 384.1 392.2 397.2 402.5 395.1 402.5 399.1 395.8 405.8 419.5 446.4 449.3 247.4 218.5 225.7 204.4 187.1 167.1 163.4 150.0 146.6 146.0 153.1 163.3 836.3 882.4 852.5 811.1 752.3 783.1 832.4 798.3 800.5 789.8 739.8 746.3 2,334.6 2,276.3 2,391.2 2,163.3 2,142.5 2,255.8 2,359.8 2,124.6 2,131.2 2,105.0 1,976.7 1,987.9 892.7 778.2 627.5 577.6 586.8 563.7 592.2 528.4 427.1 427.2 409.6 434.9 1,224.2 1,223.1 1,193.3 1,153.7 1,147.4 1,113.2 1,091.5 1,065.1 1,057.7 1,064.2 1,057.9 1,026.6 227.5 220.3 216.0 206.7 207.0 214.1 218.5 205.9 204.4 197.3 193.7 206.8 Official and Canada Latin America Asia* A1P other Official private 193g—Dec.» 1939—D ec t1 1940—Dec. 1941—Dec. 31 •" 1942—Dec. 3 1 . . . 1943—Dec. 31 1944—Dec. 31 1945—Dec. 3 1 . . . 1946—Dec. 3 1 . . . . 473.7 2,157.8 3,221.3 3,938.2 3,678.5 4,205.4 5,374.9 5,596.8 6,883.1 6,006.5 i947—Feb. 2 8 . : : . Mar. 3 1 : : : . Apr. 3 0 . ; : . May 3 1 . : : . June 30 July 3 1 . . s . Aug. 3 1 . . . Sept. 30 Oct. 3 1 . : : . Nov. 3 0 . . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1948—Jan. 31 2,725.6 2,726.9 2,722.5 2,839.3 2,714.2 2,881.0 2,777.9 2,665.3 2,490.8 2,396.3 2,257.0 2,202.0 5,781.4 5,575.4 5,549.6 5,232.2 5,326.0 5,437.3 5,604.5 5,190.1 5,058.3 4,996.6 4,854.4 4,816.2 443.3 373.6 484.4 341.0 328.5 499.5 532.5 369.1 336.8 354.5 326.2 336.2 209.1 226.4 209.8 197.9 270.3 189.8 205.8 195.0 268.6 236.9 167.7 168.7 214.4 183.3 221.6 206.3 209.2 213.8 226.6 216.4 172.9 158.4 143.3 124.1 1,102.6 1,077.6 L.121.6 1,130.9 1,242.5 1,290.4 1,342.5 1,266.1 1,237.9 1,202.8 1,216.6 1,160.0 LIABILITIES—SUPPLEMENTARY DATA Other Europe Date 1942—Dec. 1943—Dec. 1944—Dec. 1945—Dec. 1946—Dec. 31... 31... 31... -31. . . 31. . . 1947—Feb. 2 8 . . . Mar. 3 1 . . . Apr. 3 0 . . . May 3 1 . . . June 3 0 . . . July 3 1 . . . . Aug. 3 1 . . . Sept. 3 0 . . . Oct. 31. . , Nov. 30. . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 1948—Jan. 3 1 . . . Other Europe Belgium Denmark Finland Germany 650.9 728.6 774.5 909.1 850.5 121.8 122.9 124.3 185.0 159.5 17.7 13.9 14.8 25.9 66.5 7.9 7.7 22.2 7.;> 6.5 6.8 7.0 7.1 39.3 43.5 48.7 70.8 49.3 18.3 18.4 18.6 22.3 22.6 836.3 882.4 852.5 811.1 752.3 783.1 832.4 798.3 800.5 789.8 739.8 746.3 149.3 178.8 163.0 150.9 142.5 164.0 185.3 132.0 135.7 131.7 124.9 124.2 68.3 62.5 57.8 56.9 52.0 45.6 48.8 42.2 48.9 55.0 52.8 52.9 28.9 31.3 26.8 22.4 22.7 36.2 39.9 42.0 39.2 39.2 30.5 31.1 5.5 6.9 9.1 43.0 39.7 39.8 37.7 32.2 32.2 36.0 41.5 48.5 45.7 34.7 38.7 7.1 5.5 21.5 27.3 46.3 53.6 63.2 74.9 79.1 89.5 95.1 Greece Luxembourg Norway Portugal 132.4 158.9 220.8 216.1 123.5 35.7 53.4 54.5 47.9 39.0 9.4 9.3 9.5 9.3 8.9 17.5 31.8 43.4 31.7 16.4 153.5 163.2 152.1 210.1 172.6 14.3 12.3 16.1 28.0 60.5 17.7 22.5 106.8 22.9 105.3 22.2 111.2 22.2 100.6 22.3 91.2 22.6 80.0 20.1 79.2 19.7 79.3 19.2 76.2 22.5 , 70.7 21.7 56.2 22.0 54.7 44.0 54.2 52.2 52.3 42.5 40.1 47.7 48.0 47.8 49.8 47.1 45.9 8.9 20.0 18.8 18.1 17.5 11.8 12.2 12.1 11.7 10.1 11.9 12.8 16.2 159.1 165.2 157.3 152.2 133.2 122.9 115.2 109.4 86.8 72.9 58.6 56.8 58.5 58.5 60.0 50.4 50.6 50.3 52.5 58.5 64.1 69.4 73.7 74.8 13.9 14.7 15.3 12.5 11.8 13.1 12.5 Mexico Netherlands West Indies and Surinam Panama Peru Other Vene- Latin zuela America Rumania 12.2 11.3 8.3 8.2 8.2 9.4 9.5 8.7 8.3 8.7 8.9 Spain All Sweden USSR Yugoslavia other 9.9 5.7 5.7 12.4 9.7 9.4 10.6 12.1 10.6 57.9 76.9 52.1 43.7 89.9 107.8 111.4 108.4 105.6 104.0 109.3 120.2 131.7 130.8 122.9 116.5 114.4 Latin America Latin America Data 1942—Dec. 1943—Dec. 1944—Dec. 1945—Dec. 1946—Dec. 31... 31. . . 31... 31. . . 31... 1947—Feb. 2 8 . . . Mar. 31. . . Apr. 3 0 . . . May 3 1 . . . June 3 0 . . . July 31 . . . Aug. 3 1 . . . Sept. 3 0 . . . Oct. 31. . . Nov. 30. . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 1948—Jan. 3 1 . . . Argentina Colombia Costa Rica Cuba 34.5 54.0 55.0 66.3 50.7 43.4 67.1 83.6 79.2 57.8 12.4 12.2 7.4 6.9 7.7 100.3 70.4 139.3 128.3 153.5 4.9 2.6 4.4 7.1 5.4 95.7 70.4 83.1 116.4 152.2 20.7 41.2 36.0 28.2 16.1 36.9 57.6 69.1 88.7 77.2 17.7 17.4 27.7 43.9 40.9 20.9 24.2 31.5 49.7 74.0 64.2 95.4 119.8 144.8 168.7 45.2 51.0 53.4 45.3 50.7 41.2 44.9 38.2 38.3 41.8 46.3 43.1 55.9 51.9 56.2 57.8 42.4 32.0 34.2 32.6 39.1 42.4 46.1 49.2 9.0 8.5 9.3 8.5 8.6 6.9 8.6 8.3 7.9 7.0 7.3 9.2 145.9 150.8 168.0 162.0 289.6 284.0 287.7 271.9 256.6 249.4 234.7 217.3 3.9 4.0 3.2 3.6 2.9 3.2 2.3 2.8 2.5 2.8 2.4 2.7 142.1 139.1 127.6 128.8 126.7 137.7 149.2 157.2 148.7 140.5 139.2 132.7 11.8 10.5 10.6 75.2 73.2 71.0 68.9 69.9 69.7 71.5 76.6 72.6 70.9 70.3 71.6 34.3 34.0 35.9 38.9 39.7 38.2 41.7 43.2 40.9 41.0 41.8 39.2 45.5 46.7 49.4 46.3 53.6 66.2 74.0 89.5 73.4 61.1 78.0 89.1 182.4 186.1 186.6 202.9 181.4 178.6 181.3 180.6 171.5 169.0 176.8 175.1 Bolivia Brazil Chile 597.7 67.6 693.7 69.8 909.3 93.9 1,046.4 77.3 1,104.8 112.6 10.8 12.6 17.7 14.5 14.0 67.7 98.7 140.8 195.1 174.0 1,102.6 1,077.6 1,121.6 ,130.9 1,242.5 1,290.4 ,342.5 1,266.1 1,237.9 L.202.8 L.216.6 L,160.0 13.7 12.8 11.7 10.3 16.4 14.6 15.2 17.3 22.4 20.6 17.8 16.1 157.8 127.6 115.3 96.7 85.2 98.8 110.8 106.3 103.6 97.4 104.7 110.4 180.0 181.4 223.0 252.0 265.0 309.3 307.5 229.0 245.7 240.5 236.2 187.1 French West Indies and Guiana 9.0 10.3 10.1 13.6 12.6 14.7 18.4 14.9 17.2 For footnotes see following page. JUNE 1948 735 INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE UNITED STATES—Continued SHORT-TERM FOREIGN LIABILITIES AND ASSETS REPORTED BY BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY COUNTRIES—Continued [In millions of dollars] LIABILITIES—SUPPLEMENTARY DATA—Continued Asia and All Other Asia Date 930.0 1,108.8 1,069.2 1,549.6 1,316.4 1947—Feb. 2 8 . . . 1,224.2 Mar. 3 1 . . . 1,223.1 Apr. 3 0 . . . 1,193.3 May 3 1 . . . 1,153.7 June 3 0 . . . 1,147.4 July 3 1 . . . 1,113.2 Aug. 3 1 . . . 1,091.5 Sept 3 0 . . . 1,065 1 Oct.. 3 1 . . . 1,057.7 Nov. 3 0 . . . 1,064.2 Dec. 3 1 . . . 1,057.9 1948—Jan. 3 1 . . . 1,026.6 1942—Dec. 1943—Dec. 1944—Dec. 1945—Dec. 1946—Dec. 31... 31. . . 31. . . 31. .. 31... India, China and French Hong Burma, Man- Indo- Kong and chu- China Ceyria lon 360.9 574.2 427.3 582.3 431.9 389.7 373.2 369.1 354.3 339.1 309.6 286.1 269.7 263.3 250.2 229 9 213.5 27.4 27.4 27.4 28.0 39.9 36.0 39.1 38.4 40.5 37.2 36.2 35.3 8.2 8.7 9.3 6.5 6.2 41.6 23.9 22.9 27.4 44.9 40.8 38.9 39.0 41.5 41.1 47.2 44.7 45.5 43.6 41.8 39.8 41.1 13.1 18.2 22.1 33.4 43.5 44.2 40.7 36.1 33.4 41.2 43.3 53.6 54.4 55.0 56.7 62.4 67.7 Egypt Neth- PhilBritand French Union erNew Angloish Japan lands ippine Tur- Other All Ausof tra- Zea- Egyp- Mo- South MaIsother key Asia East lia land tian rocco Africa laya Indies lands Sudan 160.4 110.1 110.5 113.7 16.6 127.1 17.3 7.1 7.2 8.3 9.6 8.8 11.8 14.6 13.8 12.4 16.5 11.0 11.8 254.7 259.1 365.8 629.1 446.6 29.9 35.4 23.7 52.5 54.7 36.2 55.5 64.2 78.0 93.8 149.6 175.3 174.0 181.8 232.8 4.8 5.1 3.5 4.3 8.0 6.8 6.1 7.3 12.1 10.3 18.9 20.8 10.0 14.9 47.2 17.7 116.6 430.5 56.5 85.1 227.5 59.4 8 . 3 18.7 122.9 447.1 55.8 79.4 220.3 40.4 9 . 6 18.9 103.7 438.9 65.4 75.6 216.0 38.7 8 . 7 18.0 95.4 432.2 57.0 71.8 206.7 36.2 8 . 7 16.7 94.9 448.8 51.0 68.5 207.0 47.8 8 . 6 17.6 85.8 452.6 40.4 68.7 214.1 42.4 9 . 4 17.6 82.8 440.3 41.7 74.9 218.5 46.2 9 . 5 17.8 70.8 464.3 41 7 79.1 70S 9 47.5 8 . 3 25.5 59.7 470.9 39.7 78.9 204.4 43.8 6 . 5 28.9 65.9 476.0 39.2 79.7 197.3 34.8 6 . 5 31.3 69.3 488.6 M 6 81.5 193.7 30.6 5 . 9 37.1 65.7 466.8 34.2 82.5 206.8 26.2 5 . 4 18.4 19.6 19.0 20.5 22.6 19.4 21.1 24 4 25.8 26.9 25 0 37.6 16.9 16.5 16.1 14.9 13.9 13.7 13.3 11 8 11.4 10.2 10 1 33.9 43.7 47.3 50.0 39.5 49.5 55.5 37.6 43.3 46.3 46.4 55.1 4.8 4.1 4.0 4.1 1.0 .9 1.3 1.2 23.1 25.3 52.9 28.9 45.5 4.3 9.4 11.0 4.5 8.3 6.4 Other 91.8 124.1 97.6 113.4 96.4 90.7 90.5 86.2 76.5 74.5 79.7 72.9 76.2 73.6 72.7 75.8 73.1 Footnotes to table on preceding page. 1 Country breakdown is for "Official and private." 8 Prior to Jan. 3, 1940, the figures under Asia represent Far East only, the remaining Asiatic countries being included under "All other." > Report dates for these years are as follows: 1938—Jan. 4, 1939; 1939—Jan. 3, 1940; and 1940—Jan. 1, 1941. * Official Canadian holdings of U. S. dollars on Dec. 31, 1946, amounted to 686.2 million dollars, according to the annual report of the Foreign Exchange Control Board of Canada for 1946. NOTE.—Certain of the figures are not strictly comparable with the corresponding figures for preceding months owing to changes in reporting practice of various banks. The cumulative figures in Tables 1, 2, and 3 of "Net Capital Movement to United States" have been adjusted to exclude the unreal movements introduced by these changes. For further explanation see Banking and Monetary Statistics, pp. 578-584, and BULLETIN for March 1947, p. 339, and September 1945, pp. 967-970. ASSETS 1938—Dec. 1939—Dec. 1940—Dec. 1941—Dec. 1942—Dec. 1943—Dec. 1944—Dec. 1945—Dec. 1946—Dec. Date Total (Jan. 4, 1939) (Jan. 3, 1940) (Jan. 1, 1941) 31 31 31 31 31 31 594.0 508.7 384.0 367.8 246.7 257.9 329.7 392.8 708.3 754.6 798.4 801.8 880.2 933.0 979.2 967.3 957.2 963.4 923.9 960.9 1,029.0 1947—Feb. 28 Mar. 31 Apr. 30 May 31 June 30 July 31 Aug. 31 Sept. 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 1948—Jan. 31 1 Netherlands Switzerland 10.3 24.2 4.9 4.2 1.8 1.* 1.1 1.4 1.1 5.7 5.7 .9 1.1 .5 .4 .3 5.5 5.2 1.5 2.6 1.5 3.0 1.3 2.9 9.8 United King- France dom 86.0 39.9 23.0 20.9 12.6 19.9 25.9 25.4 47.7 39.4 35.8 42.4 39.6 39.3 36.9 34.1 29.2 33.1 31.8 29.2 22.5 13.0 15.6 21.1 18.8 20.1 21.4 20.9 22.1 17.6 14.9 23.4 97.8 36.3 151.0 153.7 155.8 51.0 39.3 49.0 47.2 45.9 46.8 48.6 47.2 49.1 51.1 12.2 11.4 8.3 9.5 7.8 10.2 9.8 9.3 6.4 5.7 7.0 6.3 Italy 13.5 11.8 2.0 1.5 .4 .4 .3 .3 16.0 17.7 20.6 22.0 23.8 24.1 24.3 23.6 23.2 24.9 23.6 21.1 21.2 Other Total Europe Europe 135.4 104.7 69.5 60.5 56.3 52.9 78.3 74.6 82.8 83.9 92.6 106.4 113.1 127.6 138.8 139.7 137.9 135.4 135.6 130.9 129.2 274.9 172.2 101.0 88.4 72.6 77.6 107.5 140.7 312.9 319.8 331.8 251.3 244.1 268.0 278.9 274.0 268.6 266.0 258.9 260.6 328.2 Canada Latin America Asia* All other i 60.4 39.7 36.0 33.6 34.3 37.8 28.1 53.3 52.2 43.0 39.0 36.4 36.8 36.4 34.0 32.2 29.1 29.8 26.5 27.5 25.2 99.1 113.3 122.7 148.3 99.7 112.2 131.0 158.9 226.8 279.6 308.6 381.7 438.0 424.9 444.9 451.8 447.7 466.7 477.5 514.3 519.3 144.1 174.1 117.8 87.9 35.3 26.3 51.4 29.9 99.2 85.0 88.9 98.1 127.3 173.3 185.0 177.7 177.5 164.6 127.7 127.0 126.6 15.5 9.3 6.4 9.7 4.8 3.9 11.7 9.9 17.2 27.1 30.1 34.3 34.0 30.5 36.3 31.7 34.3 36.3 33.3 31.5 29.7 Prior to Jan. 3, 1940, the figures under Asia represent Far East only, the remaining Asiatic countries being included under "All other. :tions took place in the reporting practice * - - 589 and 591.) On June 30, 1942 September 1945, pp. 971-974. 736 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE UNITED STATES—Continued SHORT-TERM FOREIGN LIABILITIES AND ASSETS REPORTED BY BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY COUNTRIES—Continued [In millions of dollars] ASSETS—SUPPLEMENTARY DATA Other Europe Date 1942—Dec. 1943—Dec. 1944—Dec. 1945—Dec. 1946—Dec. Other BelEurope gium Denmark Finland Ger- 5.6 7.6 34.0 33.9 33.9 33.9 30.4 30.4 30.4 30.4 30.3 30.3 30.3 30.3 30.3 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.6 31 31 31 31 31 56.3 52.9 78.3 74.6 82.8 .7 .7 .6 7.5 0) 0) 0) 0) 1947—Feb. 28 Mar. 31 Apr. 30 May 31 June 30 July 31 Aug. 31 Sept. 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 1948—Jan. 31 83.9 92.6 106.4 113.1 127.6 138.8 139.7 137.9 135.4 135.6 130.9 129.2 7.4 8.0 8.9 8.9 10.1 9.0 10.3 11.2 13.2 12.9 15.0 12.7 .4 .3 .3 .4 .6 .6 .4 .6 1.0 1.1 2.2 1.5 0) 0) 6.2 6.1 8.3 7.1 9.1 11.4 17.8 17.9 17.5 13.1 11.9 8.0 8.3 Luxembourg Rumania Spain Norway Portugal 1.1 .6 .6 .7 12.4 .2 .2 35.1 31.6 3.3 2.4 1.4 .8 .5 1.0 0) 0) 0) ! 3.2 3.2 1.8 1.6 7.2 .2 .2 .9 4.9 12.5 13.2 12.8 13.0 12.9 13.0 12.6 12.4 12.8 12.8 10.6 10.1 4.0 4.2 5.2 5.9 6.3 7.0 8.0 9.4 10.3 8.1 9.2 11.3 .9 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.2 0) 6.2 3.8 3.7 3.5 4.3 1.6 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.4 .9 1.5 5.6 6.0 7.1 7.4 7.5 8.7 9.3 9.3 9.3 7.6 5.4 4.0 Greece 4.2 6.9 7.0 6.9 11.9 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Sweden Yugo- All USSR slavia other 0) 0) 0) 0)1 8.4 5.0 5.1 4.7 9.4 () 10.2 13.2 22.9 26.3 35.4 37.5 36.2 32.6 30.6 36.1 35.8 35.8 C) 0) 0)1 C) 0) 0)1 C) ! .1 .1 Latin America Date 1942—Dec. 1943—Dec 1944—Dec. 1945—Dec. 1946—Dec. 31 31 31 31 31 1947—Feb. 28 Mar. 31 Apr. 30. May 31 June 30 July 31 Aug 31 Sept. 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 1948—Jan. 31 Latin Amer- Argen- Boica tina livia Brazil Chile Colombia 99.7 112.2 131.0 158.9 226.8 6.9 15.3 3.1 21.0 41.8 3.0 1.8 1.8 1.3 2.3 16.7 18.9 25.3 24.7 49.8 15.3 16.6 9.0 6.6 14.6 20.7 12.2 15.5 16 8 26.4 .6 .7 1.2 1.2 2.9 279.6 308.6 381.7 438.0 424.9 444.9 451.8 447.7 466.7 477.5 514.3 519.3 45.5 49.9 57.8 60.7 57.6 65.8 71.8 65.5 67.4 66.4 65.2 60.0 2.6 3.0 4.8 5.3 3.6 3.3 3.2 3.4 4.2 2.9 2.0 2.4 63.1 69.6 115 4 150.2 160.9 164.1 163.6 161.4 162.3 162.0 165.8 169.8 15.3 16.0 18 6 20.3 17.4 20.5 22.7 21.7 22.8 22.3 27.8 29.3 30.2 26.8 30 4 36.4 40.3 35 7 35.2 35.9 32 0 31.2 32.6 35.7 3.7 37.9 4.0 45.2 3.4 53.8 3.6 60.1 3.9 46.0 3.9 53.3 3.8 54.5 3.6 59.7 4.0 73.8 3.6 91.5 3.5 108.6 3.3 113.4 Costa Cuba Rica 8.3 20.1 47.4 33.3 25.7 French West Indies and Guiana C1) 0) .2 .2 C1) .1 (1) .1 .3 .6 .1 0) (1) 0) Netherlands West Indies PanaMexico and Surima nam Peru Other Latin Vene- America zuela 4.8 11.2 8.6 11.0 25.5 .3 .5 .3 .5 .8 2.1 1.1 .8 1.1 1.3 2.8 1.4 1.2 1.9 3.7 3.9 3.8 5.1 6.1 8.7 14.2 8.7 11.7 33.4 23.1 28.8 30.7 33.7 34.8 32.9 27.6 31.0 30.2 39.5 38.3 52.2 51.8 .8 .8 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.1 .8 1.7 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.6 2.7 3.8 4.9 4.9 5.0 4.7 4.8 6.5 7.0 7.8 7.6 5.6 5.9 6.3 6.5 6.7 6.1 4.3 4.1 15.6 19.6 15.4 19.2 16.7 18.2 18.5 15.3 14.6 15.1 15.3 14.2 27.9 33.9 37.3 36.7 36.3 42.3 36.2 38.3 33.4 31.9 31.0 29.6 Asia and All Other Date India, China Burand French Hong ma, Asia Man- Indo- Kong and chu- China Ceyria lon 35.3 11.1 26.3 1.7 51.4 1.5 29.9 1.0 99.2 53.9 1942—Dec. 31 1943—Dec. 31 1944—Dec. 31 1945—Dec. 31 1946—Dec. 31 1947—Feb. 28 Mar. 31 Apr. 30 M a y 31 June 30 July 31 Aug. 31 Sept. 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 1948—Jan. 31 85.0 88.9 98.1 127.3 173.3 185.0 177.7 177.5 164.6 127.7 127.0 126.6 36.8 41.2 47.0 76.1 104.8 110.7 108.2 103.7 78.6 41.3 40.8 37.1 0) 0) 0) 0) () 0) 0) 0) .1 .3 3.2 3.3 3.3 .3 .2 .9 2.2 1.0 2.0 .9 22.3 .8 7.5 5.9 12.0 5.1 4.1 4.0 3.5 3.5 3. 3.1 2.1 2.2 1.9 2.6 2.9 12.9 14.6 14.2 13.2 32.8 33 27.5 27.5 28.9 28.2 29.6 27.0 Egypt Union and Neth- PhilBritippine Tur- Other All Aus- New Anglo French of erish IsMa- Japan lands key Asia other tra- Zea- Egyp- Mo- South Other East lands lia land tian rocco Africa laya Sudan Indies .7 .5 .1 .1 .2 .5 .5 .5 .5 .2 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.0 14.4 13.9 13.8 13.8 20.2 1.8 3.2 1.8 2.0 1.4 .5 1.0 1.3 1.1 2.2 1.6 1.6 .8 1.0 .8 .9 .7 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .9 4.0 .9 1.4 1.9 1.5 .5 .5 .5 .7 .4 .4 .5 .4 23.0 20.3 22.4 23 20.2 25.1 24.5 24.5 27.7 29.0 27.4 29.3 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.7 3.3 3.2 3.5 5.6 13.1 12.9 17.7 17.6 .7 2.0 4.8 1.0 .5 .2 1.8 3.9 .6 .2 8.8 11.7 .7 2.7 9.9 1.7 4.4 17.2 3.4 1.1 4.0 3.9 4.5 5.8 5.8 6.7 8.4 9.0 9.1 9.6 6.3 7.4 27.1 30.1 34.3 34.0 30.5 36.3 31.7 34.3 36.3 33.3 31.5 29.7 6.2 6.5 7.5 6.6 9.0 11.3 9.0 10.2 12.0 10.2 9.0 8.5 3 5 3 6 0 7 5 4 2.0 2.3 1.5 1.4 0) 0) 0) 0)' 1.7 2.4 9.7 4.7 10.1 1.2 .7 1.0 2.5 2.2 C1) 14.7 16.0 18.3 18.9 15.2 18.8 15.8 15.0 14.5 14.2 14.4 14.3 4.5 5.5 6.8 6.0 5.0 4.2 4.9 6.7 7.0 6.0 6.0 5.0 i Less than $50,000. JUNE 1948 737 INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND AND INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT [Millions of dollars] 1948 1948 1947 International Bank International Fund Feb. Gold Member currencies (balances with depositories and securities payable on demand): United States Other members Unpaid balance of member subscriptions. Other assets Member subscriptions Accumulated net income Nov. Aug. May 1,357 1,356 1,345 1,333 1,559 3,869 1,176 0) 7,961 1,626 3,630 1,309 C1) 7,922 1,929 3,304 1,342 C1) 7,922 -2 2,030 3,155 1,202 0) 7,722 -1 1947 Currency bought 2 (Cumulative figures) Apr. Mar. Feb. Dec. 33.0 33.0 33.0 11.0 8.8 8.8 3.4 3.4 6.8 10.2 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 28.0 28.0 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 52.0 68.5 68.5 68.5 2.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 300.0 300.0 240.0 240.0 Belgian francs Chilean pesos Danish kroner French francs Indian rupees Mexican pesos Netherlands guilders. Norwegian kroner Turkish liras Pounds sterling Mar. Gold Member currencies (balances with depositories and securities payable on demand): United States Other members Investment securities (U. S. Govt. obligations) Calls on subscriptions to capital stock3. Loans (incl. undisbursed portions) Other assets Bonds outstanding Loans—undisbursed Other liabilities Special reserve Capital 3 Accumulated net income Dec. 165 914 Sept. 267 909 Mar. 335 873 420 624 410 412 407 148 5 45 411 5 497 455 497 3 3 7 250 250 250 197 223 94 4 2 2 1 0) 2 1,653 1,645 1,645 1,603 -1 -1 1 -2 12 Less than $500,000. As of Apr. 30, 1948, the Fund has sold 600.0 million U. S. dollars; in addition, 1.5 million pounds sterling was sold to the Netherlands in 3May 1947. Excludes uncalled portions of capital subscriptions, amounting to 6,610 million dollars as of Mar. 31, 1948, of which 2,540 million represents the subscription of the United States. 606.0 600.1 506.2 467.7 Total. CENTRAL BANKS Bank of England (Figures in millions of pounds sterling) Assets of issue department Other assets 2 Gold* Assets of banking department Cash reserves Coin Notes Discounts and advances Securities Liabilities of banking department Note circulation 3 Bankers' Public Other Other liabilities and capital Deposits 200.1 313.7 326.4 326.4 4 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 260.0 200.0 220.0 230.0 580.0 630.0 780.0 950.0 ,100.0 1 1L,250.0 ]L,400.0 ]L,450.0 .6 .6 .8 .8 1.0 .9 .3 .9 .9 1.9 .4 1.3 35.5 46.3 41.1 51.7 25.6 13.3 28.5 26.8 11.6 11.6 20.3 22.1 8.5 17.5 9.2 28.5 4.3 4.0 6.4 3.5 2.5 5.1 8.4 13.6 94.7 155.6 135.5 90.7 176.1 199.1 267.8 267.9 307.9 317.4 327.0 327.6 424.5 467.4 505.3 504.7 554.6 616.9 751.7 923 A 1,088.7 1,238.6 1,379.9 1,428.2 72.1 150.6 120.6 101.0 117.3 135.7 219.9 223.4 234.3 260.7 274.5 278.9 12.1 12.1 11.4 15.9 29.7 12.5 11.2 9.0 10.3 5.2 5.3 10.3 37.1 39.2 36.6 36.8 42.0 51.2 54.1 48.8 60.4 52.3 58.5 57.3 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 17.9 17.9 17.9 17.9 17.9 17.8 17.8 18.1 1947—May 28 June 25 July 30 Aug. 27 Sept. 24 Oct. 29 Nov. 26 Dec. 31 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 1L,450.0 1,450.0 L,450.0 1,450.0 L,450.0 L,450.0 1,450.0 L,450.0 1.3 1.8 2.4 2.5 2.3 2.0 1.5 .3 56.1 55.2 30.9 56.8 73.7 89.4 109.8 100.5 8.7 20.6 28.6 16.6 14.6 5.9 4.5 15.2 353.9 337.0 364.6 332.0 325.9 318.9 302.1 331.3 1,394.1 1,395.0 1,419.3 1,393.4 1,376.5 1,360.8 1,340.5 1,349.7 301.9 290.3 301.8 282.0 289.6 288.8 292.5 315.1 5.0 8.0 11.3 14.0 16.2 13.8 14.0 18.6 95.1 98.3 95.1 93.4 92.1 95.9 93.3 95.5 18.0 18.1 18.3 18.4 18.5 17.8 18.0 18.1 1948—Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. .2 .2 .2 .2 1,400.0 L,35O.O 1,300.0 1,300.0 .3 .2 .5 .7 131.3 118.6 54.4 62.4 12.7 11.3 14.4 14.5 274.3 284.3 367.0 350.6 1,269.0 1,231.6 1,245.9 1,237.8 290.8 290.6 314.3 307.4 16.3 12.1 9.0 12.6 93.0 93.3 94.3 90.3 18.3 18.4 18.6 17.8 1935—Dec. 1936—Dec. 1937—Dec. 1938—Dec. 1939—Dec. 1940—Dec. 1941—Dec. 1942—Dec. 1943—Dec. 1944—Dec. 1945—Dec. 1946—Dec. 25 30 29 28 27 25 31 30 29..... 27 26 25 28 25 31 28 5 5 S 1 Through February 1939, valued at legal parity of 85 shillings a fine ounce; thereafter at market price, which fluctuated until Sept. 6, 1939, when it was officially set at 168 shillings per fine ounce; the latter rate remained in effect until June 9, 1945, when it was raised to 172 shillings and 2three pence. Securities and silver coin held as cover for fiduciary issue, the amount of which is also shown by this figure. 3 Notes issued less amounts held in banking department. 4 On Jan. 6, 1939, 200 million pounds sterling of gold (at legal parity) transferred from Bank to Exchange Equalization Account; on Mar. 1, 1939, about 5.5 million pounds (at current price) transferred from Exchange Account to Bank; on July 12, 1939, 20 million pounds transferred from Exchange Account to Bank; on Sept. 6, 1939, 279 million pounds transferred from Bank to Exchange Account. 5 Fiduciary issue decreased by 50 million pounds each on Jan. 7, Feb. 4, and Mar. 3, 1948. For details on previous changes in the fiduciary issue see BULLETIN for February 1948, p. 254. NOTE.—For back figures on Bank of England, see Banking and Monetary Statistics, Table 164, pp. 638-640; for description of statistics, see pp. 560-561 in same publication. 738 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN CENTRAL BANKS—Continued Liabilities Assets Bank of Canada (Figures in millions of Canadian dollars) Sterling and United States dollars Gold 185.9 225.7 1938—Dec. 31. 1939—Dec. 30. 1940—Dec. 31. 1941—Dec. 31. 1942—Dec. 31. 1943—Dec. 31. 1944— Dec. 30. 1945—Dec. 31. 1946—Dec. 31. Deposits Other assets Note circulation '• Dominion government Other 28.4 64.3 38.4 200.9 .5 .6 172.3 156.8 1.0 144.6 181.9 448.4 391.8 807.2 787.6 906.9 ,157.3 ,197.4 40.9 49.9 127.3 216.7 209.2 472.8 573.9 688.3 708.2 5.2 5.5 12.4 33.5 31.3 47.3 34.3 29.5 42.1 175.3 232.8 359.9 496.0 693.6 874.4 1,036.0 1,129.1 1,186.2 200.6 217.0 217.7 232.0 259.9 340.2 401.7 521.2 565.5 16.7 46.3 10.9 73.8 51.6 20.5 12.9 153.3 60.5 3.1 17.9 9.5 6.0 19.1 17.8 27.7 29.8 93.8 9.3 13.3 28.5 35.1 24.0 55.4 209.1 198.5 42.7 1.0 4.0 .7 2.4 1.9 .7 1.4 2.0 ,123.0 ,063.7 ,081.9 ,141.5 ,088.0 ,136.4 ,039.9 ,022.0 731.0 716.0 722.6 720.3 744.7 799.4 820.6 858.5 41.3 40.4 42.0 39.0 49.5 53.1 46.2 43.7 1,148.1 1,152.6 1,153.7 1,158.9 1,172.2 1,179.4 1,182. 211.4 477.6 474.4 468.3 515.0 481.1 548'. 7 536.7 536.2 179.4 105.6 124.1 133.6 128.2 143.4 84.2 68.8 58.5 54.4 63.7 58.7 62.0 71.2 62.0 67.5 32.6 36.9 37.3 37.1 40.5 46.9 42.8 42.4 931.3 974.4 985.2 1,124.1 863 825 806 767.8 48.2 47.2 62.7 60.5 1,157.5 1,156.3 1,180.8 1,183.0 538.3 531.8 519.2 558.9 44.6 60.8 42.2 57.9 60.6 75.0 86.7 126.0 41.7 24.0 25.9 26.9 31. 28., 31. 30. Chartered banks Assets Bank of France (Figures in millions of francs) Gold' Open market 7 Special* Other For occupation Other' costs 8 29... 28... 26... 31... 31... 30... 28... 27... 26... 87,265 97,267 84,616 84,598 84,598 84,598 75,151 129,817 94,817 821 112 42 38 37 37 42 68 7 7,*22 11,273 43,194 42,115 43,661 44,699 47,288 23,038 77,621 1,797 2,345 661 12 169 29 48 303 3,135 7,880 5,149 3,646 4,517 5,368 7,543 18,592 25,548 76,254 72,317 142,507 210,965 326,973 426,000 426,000 426,000 1947—Apr. 30... May 2 9 . . . June 2 6 . . . July 3 1 . . . Aug. 2 8 . . . Sept. 2 5 . . . Oct. 3 0 . . . Nov. 2 7 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 82,817 82,817 82,817 64,817 64,817 52,817 52,817 65,225 65,225 6 6 6 6 3 7 10 13 12 85,120 82,221 82,983 99,114 97,490 107,877 108,050 111,368 137,397 134 125 84 8 20 130 250 285 64 80,901 88,429 87,134 85,195 98,224 101,935 132,913 150,065 117,826 426,000 426,000 426,000 426,000 426,000 426,000 426,000 426,000 426,000 1948—Jan. 22^.. Mar. 2 5 . . . Apr. 2 9 . . . 65,225 65,225 65,225 9 145,814 15 157,997 17 156,424 1938—Dec. 1939—Dec. 1940—Dec. 1941—Dtc. 1942—Dec. 1943—Dec. 1944—Dec. 1945—Dec. 1946—Dec. 64 125,687 12 147,841 55 149,341 Other Liabilities Advances to Government Domestic bills Foreign exchange Other liabilities and capital Short-1 term 1947—May 3 1 . June 30. July 3 1 . Aug. 30. Sept. 30. Oct. 3 1 . Nov. 29. Dec. 31. 1948—Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Dominion and provincial government securities 20,627 34,673 63,900 69,500 68,250 64,400 15,850 Deposits Note Other circulaM8tt8 » tion Govern- C.A.R.w ment Other Other liabilities and capital 110,935 5,061 1,914 151,322 984 218,383 1,517 270,144 770 382,774 578 500,386 748 572,510 570,006 12,048 765 721,865 25,595 14,751 27,202 25,272 29,935 33,137 37,855 57,755 63,468 2,718 2,925 3,586 3,894 4,461 4,872 7,078 4,087 7,213 67,900 18,498 20,094 23,179 22,121 21,749 21,420 35,221 39,122 47,577 55,000 63,700 95,000 113,600 124,900 139,300 127,800 116,000 147,400 "108,758 iH03,846 11 119,662 "120,046 niO5,639 ni03,067 1*108,155 nil0,303 i1121,061 41,400 64,580 16,857 10,724 770,670 775,053 807,064 831,587 838,442 852,195 867,700 879,492 920,831 770 745 834 792 750 779 762 846 733 62,304 66,745 76,747 71,329 70,651 71,299 81,030 87,513 82,479 4,992 4,599 9,040 5,075 7,250 6,861 6,502 11,408 10,942 426,000 120,700 "104,474 891,546 426,000 155,000 "108,979 773,199 426,000 129,500 "113,590 759,054 771 791 790 82,849 271,034 265,123 12,808 16,045 15,186 »Securities maturing in two years or less. Includes notes held by the chartered banks, which constitute an important part of their reserves. » Beginning November 1944, includes a certain amount of sterling and United States dollars. • On May 1, 1940, gold transferred to Foreign Exchange Control Board in return for short-term Government securities (see BULLETIN for July 1940, pp. 677-678). •6 Less than $50,000. Gold revalued on Dec. 26, 1945, on basis of 134,027.90 francs per fine kilogram. For details on previous devaluations and other changes in the gold holdings of the Bank of France, see BULLETIN for May 1948, p. 601; May 1940, pp. 406-407; January 1939, p. 29; September 1937, p. 853; and November 1936, pp. 878-880. 7 For explanation of this item, see BULLETIN for July 1940, p. 732. 8 By a series of Conventions between the Bank of France and the Treasury, dated from Aug. 25, 1940, through July 20, 1944, advances of 441,000 million francs were authorized to meet the costs of the German army of occupation. • From Dec. 28, 1944, through Nov. 20, 1947, includes 9,447 million francs charged to the State to reimburse the Bank for the gold turned over by it to the National Bank of Belgium on Dec. 22, 1944. During the week ending Nov. 27, 1947, this amount was reduced to 5,039 million francs by a payment from the State to the Bank. i° Central Administration of the Reichskreditkassen. 11 Includes a non-interest loan to the Government, which was raised from 10,000 million to 50,000 million francs by law of Mar. 29, 1947. 12 Publication of Bank's statement suspended from Jan. 22 until Mar. 4, 1948. NOTE.—For back figures on Bank of Canada and Bank of France, see Banking and Monetary Statistics, Tables 166 and 165, pp. 644-645 and pp. 641-643, respectively; for description of statistics, see pp. 562-564 in same publication. For last available report from the Reichsbank (February 1945), see BULLETIN for December 1946, p. 1424. 2 JUNE 1948 739 CENTRAL BANKS—Continued Central Bank (Figures as of last report date of month) 1948 Apr. Mar. Feb, Apr. 1948 Central Bank (Figures as of last report date of month) Apr. Mar. 1947 Feb. Apr. Central Bank of the Argentine Bank of the Republic of Colombia Republic (millions of pesos): —Cont. 717 832 Gold reported separately 938 2,654 Deposits 158,027 162,117 163,308 169,537 Other gold and foreign exchange. 2,203 2,250 2,799 2,270 Other liabilities and capital 41,714 38,733 40,387 41,007 958 881 1,032 1,032 Government securities 76 National Bank of Costa R i c a Temporary advances to Govt..1. Rediscounts and loans to banks . 16,168 15,361 14,380 10,001 Issue dept. (thousands of colones): (Jan.) Gold 2,673 2,635 2,575 2,265 Other assets 11,498 11,276 Foreign exchange 5,686 5,522 5,379 4,210 Currency circulation 2 20,593 16,136 515 313 528 604 Contributions to Int'l. Fund and Deposits—Member bank 1,578 1,797 1,737 793 to Int'l. Bank Government 30,321 30,321 13,816 13,529 13,186 11,850 Loans and discounts Nationalized * 69,675 59,548 139 119 206 74 Securities 3,943 Other 4,041 774 842 809 692 Other assets 783 Other liabilities and capital 1,338 Note circulation 87,653 74,759 Commonwealth Bank of AusDemand deposits 42,438 41,396 tralia (thousands of pounds): Other liabilities and capital 6,723 6,506 244,695 215,231 189,652 222,969 Gold and foreign exchange Checks and bills of other banks. . 4,466 5,264 2,511 2,959 National Bank of Czechoslovakia (millions of koruny): Securities (incl. Government and 400,258 419,556 437,539 396,367 Gold and foreign exchange 8 . . . . 3,385 3,899 4,380 4,627 Treasury bills) 24,499 31,209 27,804 13,238 Loans and discounts Other assets 16,591 14,268 12,291 3,520 196,893 198,643 192,643 201,430 Other assets « 50,795 55,123 54,861 124,203 Note circulation Note circulation—Old Deposits of Trading Banks: 931 (9) 287,510 279,010 273,110 284,084 New Special 58,566 58,686 57,020 42,939 30,973 34,632 26,904 22,602 Deposits—Old Other 70,241 9 () 158,543 158,976 164,849 127,416 New 2,368 Other liabilities and capital 1,797 9,463 2,811 Other liabilities and capital 9,837 12,806 8,775 11,702 National Bank of Belgium National Bank of Denmark (millions of francs): (millions of kroner): 26,577 25,896 25,348 27,792 Gold Gold 12,281 13,378 12,515 10,516 Foreign exchange 71 70 71 71 8 544 2,214 544 Foreign exchange 544 Net claim on Int'l. Fund 103 136 123 87 Contributions to Int'l. Fund and 51,021 49,791 51,026 49,253 Loans to Government to Int'l. Bank 7,191 7,166 7,870 4,680 Other loans and discounts 65 65 65 Clearing accounts (net) Claim against Bank of Issue... 64,597 64,597 64,597 64,597 22 3 -1 78 Loans and discounts 1,893 1,932 2,240 2,320 15 Other assets 14 17 15 77,442 75,996 79,140 77,805 Securities 95 102 Note circulation 99 72 5,637 5,241 4,485 4,567 Govt. compensation account.... 5,480 5,530 5,532 6,306 Demand deposits 4 Other assets 188 183 Blocked accounts * 78,557 78,565 78,572 79,212 195 260 1,597 2,104 2,056 1,943 Note circulation 1,512 1,540 1,527 Other liabilities and capital 1,506 Deposits—Government 1,871 1,882 1,852 2,053 2,516 2,522 Other CentralBank of Bolivia—Mone2,573 3,177 149 tary dept. (millions of bolivianos): Other liabilities and capital 149 148 153 922 952 Gold at home and abroad 165 Central Bank of Ecuador 181 Foreign exchange 337 332 (thousands of sucres): Loans and discounts 430 769 Gold 276,292 275, Government securities 275 273,199 13 14 Foreign exchange (net) 19,393 27! Other assets 9,451 ,671 1,828 Net claim on Int'l. Fund » Note circulation 16,881 16 16,877 185 188 Loans and discounts 204,555 199, Deposits 198,424 230 12 Other assets 101,598 102, Other liabilities and capital 132,024 305,894 303, Note circulation 314,851 238,622 243, Demand deposits 245,626 269,529 National Bank of Bulgaria * 74,205 73, 73,463 45,595 Other liabilities and capital Central Bank of Chile (millions National Bank of Egypt (thouof pesos): 1,157 239 sands of pounds): Gold" 1,138 1,158 130 161 6,376 Foreign exchange (net) 3 77 6,376 6,376 6,376 Gold. 3 3 43 Foreign exchange 17,332 16,649 15,089 15,187 Net claim on Int'l. Fund 3 1,031 674 2,707 Discounts for member b a n k s . . . . 1,125 1,120 4,807 5,263 3,809 Loans and discounts 805 805 1,268 787 Loans to Government British, Egyptian, and other 1,087 985 307,015 304, 709 302,873 307,979 1,499 1,374 Government securities Other loans and discounts 1,205 1,860 21,869 28,632 29,435 23,370 1,249 1,239 Other assets Other assets 4,327 4,277 4,012 3,787 135,256 132,447 132,982 133,696 Note circulation Note circulation 847 641 790 79,290 82,563 88,831 88,354 858 Deposits—Bank Deposits—Government 301 255 156 132,312 129,883 121,310 120,181 289 Other Other 404 487 393 8,440 16,279 15,913 14,491 405 Other liabilities and capital Other liabilities and capital Bank of the Republic of Colombia (thousands of pesos): Gold Foreign exchange Net claim on Int'l. Fund » Paid-in capital—Int'l. Bank... Loans and discounts Government loans and securities. Other assets Note circulation 140,985 23,836 21,867 1,225 144,063 110,701 46,200 289,136 15O: 645 17, 100 21 867 225 129! 595 105, 907 45, 444 270, 933 526 173 867 225 294 932 212 534 170,929 54,368 21,867 1,22. 70,856 84,082 38,880 231,663 Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador (thousands of colones): Gold Foreign exchange (net) 3 Net claim on Int'l. Fund Loans and discounts Government debt and securities. Other assets Note circulation Deposits Other liabilities and capital 36,695 49,816 1,564 321 5,310 1,527 55,687 33,983 5,563 36,741 46,788 1,564 2,646 5,467 1,588 57,402 31,907 5,485 37,212 48,781 1,563 695 5,546 1,546 53,806 33,106 8,431 time 8 6 7 8 1 For last available report (January 1943), see BULLETIN for July 1943, p. 697. Beginning January 1948, gold valued at 31 pesos per U. S. dollar, while previously it was valued at 4.855 pesos per dollar. Latest month available. Gold not reported separately beginning Dec. 31, 1946. Change due to transfers in accordance with the law of July 2, 1947, relating to the Monetary Liquidation Fund. 740 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN CENTRAL BANKS—Continued Central Bank (Figures as of last report date of month) State Bank of Ethiopia—Issue dept. (thousands of dollars): Gold Silver Foreign exchange Treasury bills Other assets Circulation—Notes Coin Other liabilities and capital Bank of Finland (millions of markkaa): Gold Foreign assets (net) Clearings (net) Loans and discounts Securities Other assets Note circulation Deposits Other liabilities and capital Bank of Greece (billions of drachmae) : Gold and foreign exchange (net) Loans and discounts Advances—Government Other Other assets Note circulation Deposits—Government Other Other liabilities and capital Bank of Guatemala (thousands of quetzales): Gold Foreign exchange Gold contribution to Int'l. Fund. Rediscounts and advances Other assets Circulation—Notes Coin Deposits—Government Banks Other liabilities and capital National Bank of Hungary (millions of forint): Gold Foreign exchange Discounts Loans—Treasury Other assets Note circulation Demand deposits—Government. Other Other liabilities and capital Reserve Bank of India (millions of rupees): Issue department: Gold at home and abroad. . Sterling securities Indian Govt. S e c u r i t i e s . . . . Rupee coin Note circulation Banking department: Notes of issue department.. Balances abroad Treasury bills discounted... Loans to Government Other assets Deposits Other liabilities and capital. Central Bank of Ireland (thousands of pounds): Gold Sterling funds Note circulation 1 2 3 1948 Apr. Mar. 1947 Feb. (Dec. 1947)1 1,458 5,685 27,464 2,832 28,331 37,433 27,769 567 Apr. 8,618 36,927 2,460 21,868 47,960 19,562 2,350 1948 Central Bank (Figures as of last report date of month) Apr. Bank of Italy (millions of lire): Gold Foreign exchange Advances—Treasury Other Govt. agencies Loans and discounts Government securities Other assets Bank of Italy notes Allied military notes Deposits—Government Demand Other Other liabilities and capital 2 224 135 135 -407 1,642 971 1,994 -6,594 - 3 , 3 0 7 -2,898 - 2 , 7 1 2 Bank of Japan (millions of yen): 37,617 33,855 32,469 32,174 Cash and bullion 419 370 406 376 Advances to Government 786 1,372 1,653 507 Loans and discounts 27,850 26,776 24,448 21,566 Government securities 1,430 1,653 1,876 1,167 Reconversion Fin. Bk. bonds. . . 6,367 6,141 6,131 5,784 Other assets Note circulation (Nov. Deposits—Government 1947)1 Other 641 802 Other liabilities 17 19 2 627 Bank of Java 760 779 1,079 82 Bank of Mexico (millions of pesos): 135 657 829 Monetary reserve 3 74 81 "Authorized" holdings of securi229 159 ties, etc 1,416 1,495 Bills and discounts Other assets Note circulation Demand liabilities 27,229 27,228 27,228^ Other liabilities and capital 23,625 23,c 22,244 1,250 1,250 1,250 Netherlands Bank (millions of 2,142 3,073 guilders): 11,626 10,048 '8,062 Gold 30,805 30,704 29,937 Silver (including subsidiary coin) 2,912 2,901 2,784 Foreign bills 6,583 8,138 6,296 Loans and discounts 14,237 14,013 13,461 Govt. debt and securities 9,470 8,050 9,953 Other assets Note circulation—Old New Deposits—Government 403 314 403 403 Blocked 60 133 60 43 Other 1,601 1,681 577 1,687 Other liabilities and capital 340 340 340 340 200 339 252 370 Reserve Bank of New Zealand 1,942 1,995 1,973 1,258 (thousands of pounds): 149 177 184 27 Gold 130 214 176 85 Sterling exchange reserve 382 436 393 364 Advances to State or State undertakings Investments Other assets Note circulation 444 444 444 Demand deposits 11,353 11,353 11,353 Other liabilities and capital 1,028 578 828 369 257 Bank of Norway (millions of kroner): 368 13,044 12,868 12,398 Gold Foreign assets (net) 151 125 235 Loans and discounts 3,926 3,848 4,769 Securities 18 34 23 Occupation account (net) 3 11 Other assets * 771 745 927 Note circulation 4,574 4,926 5,513 Deposits—Government 294 294 280 Banks Blocked Other Other liabilities and capital 2,646 2,646 2,646 2,646 40,587 41,113 40,312 37,580 43,233 43,759 42,958 40,226 Mar. 1947 Feb. Apr. 525 525 523 10,351 ,267 6,538 633,950 608 ,654 486,715 16 16 21,454 145,236 150 170 68,648 134,673 130 363 105,629 82,454 74 028 31,605 737,447 715 385 460,404 60,474 61 291 81,015 7,816 72,054 55,417 112,723 98,942 24,506 17,518 3,265 59,122 50,686 93,108 38,196 10,969 215,319 11,075 17,923 11,031 600 ,469 674 98 ,667 731 442 481 3 477 151 3,500 290 123 2,881 1,040 60 483 315 1,456 17,102 55,975 58,848 3,925 4,438 122,400 4,397 11,121 3,825 609 627 680 1,501 660 104 1,678 759 437 ,458 655 148 ,690 819 380 1,620 556 97 1,674 1,047 231 509 3 380 175 3,500 230 124 2,948 921 77 488 240 551 3 394 161 3,500 210 124 2,897 1,014 80 520 2 269 155 3,600 104 137 2,737 790 103 724 161 464 240 2,802 2,802 2,802 69,442 73,164 90,660 41,742 43,756 27,000 7,868 7,868 3,868 3,308 2,229 844 48,558 48,694 46,972 70,834 76,069 73,527 5,772 5,056 4,675 303 503 107 68 ,094 5 ,993 ,967 ,282 837 380 664 320 497 34 71 8,094 50 1,976 3,774 1,408 841 394 672 339 550 49 75 8,108 62 1,874 4,318 876 927 341 848 Latest month available. For last available report (January 1942), see BULLETIN for March 1943, p. 278. Includes gold, silver, and foreign exchange forming required reserve (25 per cent) against notes and other demand liabilities. JUNE 1948 741 CENTRAL BANKS—Continued Central Bank (Figures as of last report date of month) 1948 Apr. Mar. Feb. Apr. 1948 Central Bank (Figures as of last report date of month) Apr. Bank of Paraguay—Monetary Swiss National Bank (millions of francs): dept. (thousands of guaranies): 721 Gold Gold. 715 721 1,870 Foreign exchange Foreign exchange (net) 1 23,877 25,696 24,738 30,815 Loans and discounts Net claim on Int'l. Fund 2,709 2,709 2,709 1,546 -16 Other assets Paid-in capital—Int'l. Bank... . -16 -16 -240 Note circulation Loans and discounts 20,000 18,249 17,000 8,309 Other sight liabilities Government loans and securities. 7,958 8,362 8,776 9,799 1,262 Other liabilities and capital Other assets 1,575 642 1,140 Note and coin issue 46,218 45,686 44,049 40,685 Demand deposits 9,658 Central Bank of the Republic of 6,972 8,366 8,291 Turkey (thousands of pounds): Other liabilities and capital 3,628 2,932 2,729 2,398 Golds Foreign exchange and foreign Central Reserve Bank of Peru clearings (thousands of soles): Loans and discounts Gold and foreign exchange 110,996 87,237 Securities Net claim on Int'l. Fund * 20,496 20,491 Other assets Contribution to Int'l. Bank.... 2,356 2,480 Note circulation Loans and discounts to banks .. . 133,101 116,237 Deposits—Gold Loans to Government 480 608,934 699, Other Other assets 85,468 65,772 Other liabilities and capital Note circulation 697,058 629,970 246,627 18Z.704 Deposits ,477 Bank of the Republic of Uruguay 108,212 Other liabilities and capital (thousands of pesos): Gold Bank of Portugal (millions of Silver escudos): Paid-in capital—Int'l. Bank Gold 4,483 4,555 5,627 Advances to State and governForeign exchange (net) 10,381 10,620 11,900 ment bodies Loans and discounts 395 399 446 Other loans and discounts 1,280 Advances to Government 1,280 1,301 Other assets Other assets. 519 492 523 Note circulation Note circulation 8,436 8,358 8,368 Deposits—Government 1,314 1,474 Demand deposits—Government 3,072 Other 6,382 6,597 7,466 Other Other liabilities and capital 930 911 Other liabilities and capital.... 892 National Bank of Rumania 2 South African Reserve Bank (thousands of pounds): Gold3 Foreign bills Other bills and loans Other assets Note circulation Deposits Other liabilities and capital 109,541 107 75,063 74, 86,287 86, 7,474 15, 63,844 63. 207,632 213, 6,889 6, Bank of Spain (millions of pesetas): Gold Silver Government loans and securities. Other loans and discounts Other assets Note circulation Deposits—Government Other Other liabilities and capital Bank of Sweden (millions of kronor): Gold Foreign assets (net) Swedish Govt. securities and ad- 4 vances to National Debt Office Other domestic bills and advances Other assets Note circulation Demand deposits—Government. Other Other liabilities and capital 110,137 62,344 87,055 14,035 62,820 203,912 6,839 196,142 8,788 4,505 13,601 63,241 153,955 5,839 1,215 1,214 500 522 15,908 15,931 10,476 8,041 3,448 3,012 25,781 22,482 1,102 2,801 3,898 2,883 766 554 213 205 213 308 223 373 478 384 ,977 111 361 ,791 634 172 269 2,716 141 355 2,730 632 103 268 2,867 111 364 2,736 633 297 272 2,087 106 567 2,608 526 137 351 Central Bank of Venezuela (thousands of bolivares): Gold ^ Foreign exchange (net) Other assets Note circulation—Central Bank. National banks. Deposits Other liabilities and capital 5,662 86 329 95 4,179 1,329 663 Mar. 5,625 67 235 104 4,185 1,148 698 1947 Feb. Apr. 5,624 101 185 82 4,166 1,123 703 5,039 147 72 91 3,918 1,185 246 470,296 478,550 477,961 632,096 184,501 594,412 184,326 19,340 879,530 153,021 205,307 215.017 ,766 228,291 294,249 ,520 595,790 560,065 181,177 559 953 24,030 346 873,306 986,157 802 181,347 280,705 299,322 646 221^940 224,792 (Jan.) 287,803 294,043 12,628 13,064 318 314 54,737 27,721 183,113 133,315 261,358 385,342 237,099 218,805 64,224 43,188 267, 290 250,758 231 339 341,052 643,347 684,054 603,077 617,912 136,620 63,973 86,089 40,133 75,192 75,653 83,639 58,250 632,557 617,532 594, 270 491,791 3,852 6,350 3,574 3,713 165,664 145,978 145,091 181,124 53,363 56,457 29,593 37,029 National Bank 2of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia Bank for8 International Settlements (thousands of Swiss gold francs): Gold in bars 120,673 122,429 108,020 81,725 Cash on hand and on current account with banks 14,650 40,781 42,637 20,8 Sight funds at interest 496 251 497 250 Rediscountable bills and acceptances (at cost) 30,006 23,846 25,288 26,781 Time funds at interest 7,695 15,913 17,662 10,170 Sundry bills and investments. . . 70,431 58,414 59,406 73,016 Funds invested in Germany . . . !91,160 291,160 291,160 291,160 Other assets 1,161 1,164 256 2,534 Demand deposits (gold) 17,592 17,650 17,650 18,107 Short-term deposits (various currencies): Central banks for own account 57,783 48,463 17,139 6,699 Other 8,970 9,452 1,414 5,918 Long-term deposits: Special accounts 228,909 228,909 228,909 228,909 Other liabilities and capital 252,205 251,819 249,761 245,405 1 This figure represents the amount of the bank's subscription to the Fund less the bank's local currency liability to the Fund. Until such time 2as the Fund engages in operations in this currency, the "net claim" will equal the country's gold contribution. For last available report from the central bank of Rumania (June 1944), see BULLETIN for March 1945, p. 286; and of Yugoslavia (February3 1941), see BULLETIN for March 1942, p. 282. Gold revalued in June 1946 from approximately 85 to 172 shillings per fine ounce. 4 Includes small amount of non-Government bonds. 5 Gold revalued on Sept. 9, 1946, from 1,406.58 to 3,150.77 Turkish pounds per fine kilogram. 6 Latest month available. 7 Beginning October 1944, a certain amount of gold formerly reported in the bank's account shown separately for account of the Govern* ment.8 See BULLETIN for December 1936, p. 1025. 742 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN MONEY RATES IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES DISCOUNT RATES OF CENTRAL BANKS [Per cent per annum] Central bank of— Date effective In effect Dec. 31. 1937 May 10, 1938.. May 13 May 30 Sept. 28 Oct. 27 Nov. 25 Jan. 4,1939.. Apr. 17 May 11 July 6 Aug. 24 Aug. 29 Sept. 28 Oct. 26 Dec. 15 Jan. 25, 1940.. Apr. 9 May 17 Mar. 17, 1941. . May 29 June 27 Jan. 16, 1945.. Jan. 20 Feb. 9 Nov. 7,1946.. Dec. 19 Jan. 10, 1947.. Aug. 27. Oct. 9. 4 3 2X 3 2X 2X &3 Central bank of— Rate May 31 Date effective Belgium. Bolivia . Mar. Mar. Aug. Aug Nov. 21, 1 3, 27, 8, 1940 1936 1945 1947 1940 Ireland.. . Italy Japan... . Java Latvia. . . . Nov. 23, 1943 2; Sept. 6, 1947 3.29 Apr. 7, 1936 Jan. 14, 1937 3 Feb. 17, 1940 5 Bulgaria Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rics Czechoslovakia Aug Feb Dec July Apr. Oct 14 8, 16, 18 1, 28, 1946 1944 1936 1933 1939 1945 Lithuania, . Mexico... . Netherlands NewZealand. Norway Pei u July 15, June 4, June 27, July 26, Jan. 9, Nov. 13, 1939 1942 1941 1941 1946 1947 15, 8, 15, 1, 6, 1946 1943 1946 1935 1948 Portugal. . . . Rumania. . . South Africa. Spain Sweden 12. 25, 2, 27, 9, 1944 1948 1941 1947 1945 9, 1947 Switzerland. Turkey United Kingdom U.S.S.R.. . Yugoslavia. V2 Jan June Oct. Oct. 7M Feb. 7 4 41/2 Es Finland "iH Date effective Albania..: Argentina. Austria Denmark Ecuador El Salvadoi. "3X Oct. France Germany Greece Hungary India &3 In effect May 31, 1948 Rate May 31 Central bank of - United SwitBel- NethKing- France Ger- gium er- Swe- zerdom lands den land Apr. Aug. Nov. Nov. 9, 16, 1. 28, 1940 1946 1947 1935 2H 3 *X 2X Jan. Mar. June Oct. Feb. Nov. 26, 1936 July 1, 1938 2 4 1-4 Oct. 26, 1939 July 1, 1936 Jan. 1, 1947 NOTE.—Changes since Apr. 30: None. 3X OPEN-MARKET RATES [Per cent per annum] Canada Year and Month 1932 -Mar 1933—Mai 1934—Ma 1935—Mai 1936—Mai 1937—Mai 1938—Mai 1939—Mai 1940—Mai 1941—Mai 1942—Mai 1943—Mai 1944—Ma 1945—Mai 1946—Ma 1947—Mai 1947—Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov. Dec. 1948 Treasury bills 3 months Bankers' acceptances 3 months Treasury bills 3 months Day-today money 1.00 .81 .52 .66 .75 .61 .55 .50 .39 .37 .36 .40 2.59 .62 .95 .57 .56 .55 .53 .63 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 .53 53 2.28 .46 .84 .50 .52 .51 .50 .70 1.02 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .51 51 2.40 .64 .88 .72 .75 .75 .75 .75 .99 1.00 1.03 .90 1.13 1.00 .63 63 .• . ... Tan Feb Mar France United Kingdom 41 53 51 63 41 .41 41 .41 .41 41 41 .41 53 .53 .53 .53 .53 .53 .53 .53 51 51 .51 .51 .51 .51 .51 .51 63 63 63 63 63 63 .63 .63 41 .41 .41 54 .56 .56 51 .50 .51 .63 .63 .63 Bankers' allowance on deposits Day-today money Netherlands Treasury bills 3 months Day-today money 3-\Xl A % Y22 Y2 Y X 2 Yy* \/ i/ X X y2 X X XA A X A Sweden Switzerland Loans up to 3 months Private discount rate 5-7 1 50 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.26 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 3 34-5 X 2X-$ 2X-*X 3.04 2.29 1.38 1.62 1.75 1.59 1.58 1.65 1.60 1.34 1.41 2^-5 23^-5 2y2s 2H-5 3-5 3xA-5y2 '""i!6s"* ' i! 66 1.65 1.19 1.41 1 46 1.45 1.51 1.46 1.44 1 .64 2.12 2.04 1 59 1 .45 1 46 1.52 1.30 1 .08 1 11 1 08 1.13 ,75 .95 74 .53 2 02 2.00 1 28 1.38 1.45 .57 .78 .99 .95 ,93 .86 1 09 1 00 3-5 X 3-53^ 3-5 X 2^-5 2K-4K 2 V«i-4 V£ 2X-4X 2X-$X 2X-4X 2X-*X 2X-4X 2\ti-WA 1.25 1 25 1 25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.38 1 38 1.38 1.50 1.50 1.50 NOTE.—For monthly figures on money rates in these and other foreign countries through 1941, see Banking and Monetary Statistics, Table 172, pp. 656-661, and for description of statistics see pp. 571-572 in same publication. JUNE 1948 743 COMMERCIAL BANKS Assets United K i n g d o m * (11 London clearing banks. Figures in millions of pounds sterling) Cash reserves Money at call and short notice Bills dis- Treasury deposit 2 counted receipts Liabilities Loans to Securities customers Deposits Other assets Total Demand Time Other liabilities and capital 1941—December. 1942—December. 1943—December. 1944—December. 1945—December. 1946—December. 366 390 422 500 536 499 141 142 151 199 252 432 171 198 133 147 369 610 758 896 ,307 ,667 ,523 ,560 999 ,120 ,154 ,165 ,234 ,427 823 794 761 772 827 994 324 325 349 347 374 505 3,329 3,629 4,032 4,545 4,850 5,685 2,168 2,429 2,712 3,045 3,262 3,823 ,161 ,200 ,319 ,500 ,588 ,862 253 236 245 250 265 342 1947—April May June July August . . . September October... November. December. 476 460 464 475 479 465 468 488 502 435 430 451 442 455 472 466 476 480 709 659 672 699 724 758 825 799 793 ,346 ,350 ,330 ,283 ,248 ,193 ,147 ,196 ,288 ,461 ,470 ,479 ,488 ,492 ,493 ,500 ,500 ,483 1,064 1,099 1,131 1,139 1,154 1,155 1,185 1,205 1,219 470 489 518 504 473 476 487 492 567 5,583 5,571 5,658 5,644 5,628 5,615 5,690 5,767 5,935 3,628 3,593 3,667 3,668 3,663 3,653 3,713 3,781 3,962 ,956 ,978 ,992 ,975 ,965 ,962 ,977 ,986 ,972 376 386 386 386 396 397 387 389 396 1948—January. . February . March 476 465 472 460 442 468 800 713 804 1,217 1,157 1,153 ,480 ,485 ,486 1,231 1,280 1,308 513 500 507 5,776 5,642 5,794 3,821 3,700 3,686 1,955 1,942 2,108 401 400 404 Liabilities Assets Canada (10 chartered banks. End of month figures in millions of Canadian dollars) Security loans abroad and net Securities Other due from loans and foreign discounts banks Entirely in Canada Cash reserves Security loans C Note circulation Other assets Deposits payable in Canada excluding interbank deposits Total Demand Time Other liabilities and capital 1941—December. 1942—December. 1943—December. 1944—December. 1945—December. 1946—December. 356 387 471 550 694 753 32 31 48 92 251 136 1,169 1,168 1,156 1,211 1,274 1,507 168 231 250 214 227 132 1,759 2,293 2,940 3,611 4,038 4,232 653 657 744 782 869 1,039 71 60 42 34 26 21 3,105 3,657 4,395 5,137 5,941 6,252 1,436 1,984 2,447 2,714 3,076 2,783 1,669 1,673 1,948 2,423 2,865 3,469 962 ,049 ,172 ,289 ,386 ,525 1947—April May June July August .".. September October... November. December. 719 631 637 645 670 663 702 695 731 97 81 106 99 82 83 93 92 105 1,628 1,664 1,709 1,761 1,805 2,027 1,931 2,065 1,999 142 113 126 119 116 113 102 107 106 4,349 4,162 4,131 4,110 4,109 3,963 3,882 3,850 3,874 1,035 998 1,041 1,036 1,014 933 1,156 1,051 1,159 21 20 20 20 19 19 19 18 18 6,356 6,066 6,152 6,170 6,186 6,193 6,283 6,279 6,412 2,719 2,383 2,508 2,481 2,412 2,387 2,531 2,569 2,671 3,637 3,682 3,644 3,690 3,774 3,806 3,753 3,710 3,740 ,594 ,563 ,578 ,580 ,591 ,570 ,563 ,562 ,544 1948—January. . . February . March... . 698 679 698 77 70 65 1,953 1,933 1,922 97 108 106 3,972 3,968 4,036 1,029 1,017 1,123 18 18 18 6,281 6,227 6,399 2,457 2,346 2,472 3,824 3,881 3,927 1,526 1,531 1,532 Assets France (4 large banks. End of month figures in millions of francs) Liabilities Cash reserves Due from banks 1941—December 1942—December 1943—December 1944—December 1945—December 1946—December 6,589 7,810 8,548 10,365 14,602 17,943 3,476 3,458 4,095 4,948 13,804 18,919 61,897 73,917 90,897 99,782 155,025 195,177 8,265 10,625 14,191 18,653 36,166 64,933 1947—March April May June July August September October November December 19,471 18,578 17,516 27,316 21,428 21,585 20,950 19,696 21,597 22,551 20,677 20,877 20,684 20,419 20,388 19,464 20,451 19,018 20,691 19,410 203,451 202,425 209,977 196,762 208,792 210,551 209,323 211,760 205,314 219,374 1948—January February 31,004 29,111 28,345 30,800 230,986 250,402 Bills discounted Loans Deposits Other assets Own acceptances Other liabilities and capital Total Demand Time 2,040 2,622 2,935 2,190 7,360 23,392 76,656 91,549 112,732 128,758 213,908 291,894 75,744 91,225 111,191 126,578 211,871 290,004 912 324 1,541 2,180 2,037 1,890 413 462 428 557 2,898 15,694 5,199 6,422 7,506 6,623 10,151 12,777 66,744 69,670 68,656 73,569 79,789 80,220 85,712 86,269 92,010 86,344 20,724 21,081 22,377 22,866 24,928 29,200 31,391 32,338 33,482 37,291 305,583 306,356 311,244 312,289 324,665 326,393 331,219 330,949 333,858 342,166 303,742 303,857 308,256 309,137 321,678 323,415 328,438 327,997 331,059 338,710 1,841 2,499 2,988 3,152 2,987 2,978 2,781 2,952 2,799 3,457 16,380 16,772 17,606 17,679 18,589 21,932 23,149 23,304 23,632 25,175 9,103 9,503 10,360 10,964 12,072 12,695 13,459 14,830 15,603 17,628 100,960 98,196 28,604 29,248 384,403 401,930 379,194 396,683 5,210 5,247 25,218 25,123 10,278 10,704 c 1 Corrected. From September 1939 through November 1946, this table represents aggregates of figures reported by individual banks for days, varying from bank to bank, toward the end of the month. After November 1946, figures for all banks are compiled on the third Wednesday of each month, except in June and December, when the statements will give end-of-month data. 2 Represent six-month loans to the Treasury at V/% per cent through Oct. 20, 1945, and at % per cent thereafter. NOTE.—For back figures and figures on German commercial banks, see Banking and Monetary Statistics, Tables 168-171, pp. 648-655, and for description of statistics see pp. 566-571 in same publication. 744 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES [Averages of certified noon buying rates in New York for cable transfers. Year or month Argentina (peso) Special Official Export Australia (pound) Official In cents per unit of foreign currency] Brazil (cruzeiro1) Canada (dollar) Belgium (franc) Official 2.2860 2.2829 2.2817 6.0575 5.0705 90.909 6.0584 5.1427 90.909 6.0586 5.1280 90.909 6.0594 5.1469 90.909 6.0602 5.1802 90.909 6.0602 (*) 95.198 5.4403 100.000 Free 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 29.773 29.773 29.773 29.773 29.773 29.773 29.773 23.704 23.704 24.732 25.125 25.125 25.125 25.125 322.80 321.27 322.80 2 321.50 322.80 321.5O 322.80 322.80 3321.17 321.34 321.00 1947—June July August September. October. . . November. December. 29.773 29.773 29.773 29.773 29.773 29.773 29.773 25.125 25.125 25.125 25.125 25.125 25.125 25.125 320.90 320.90 320.92 321.12 321.19 321.15 321.21 2832 2818 2.2821 2.2833 2.2830 2.2812 2.2789 1948—January... February. . March April May 29.773 29.773 29.773 29.773 29.773 25.125 25.125 25.125 25.125 25.125 321.16 321.20 321.21 321.23 321.21 2 Free Official Free 87.345 88.379 89.978 89.853 90.485 93.288 91.999 2 5.1664 4406 4406 5.4406 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 91.592 91.652 91.998 90.362 89.989 89.589 88.359 2.2784 2.2789 2.2793 2.2796 2.2798 5.4406 5.4406 5.4406 5.4406 5.4406 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 90.455 89.062 89.280 90.633 92.273 Colom- Czecho- Denbia slovakia mark (peso) (koruna) (krone) Finland (markka) France (franc) Hong Kong (dollar) India (rupee) Italy (lira) 1941. 1942. 1943. 1944. 1945. 1946. 1947. 57.004 57.052 57.265 57.272 57.014 57.020 57.001 2.0101 5.0703 1947—June July August September. . . October November. . . December.... 56.980 56.980 56.980 56.980 56.980 56.980 56.980 1948—January.. February. March.... April May 56.991 57.010 57.010 57.010 57.010 Year or month Year or month New Zealand (pound) 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 322.54 322.78 324.20 324.42 323.46 322.63 322.29 1947—June July August September October November December 322.18 322.18 322.20 322.41 322.48 322.44 322.50 1948—January February March April May 322.45 322.49 322.50 322.51 322.49 2 Free 4.0000 Mexico (peso) 2 5.313 Netherlands (guilder) 20.538 20,569 20.577 20.581 20.581 20.581 20.577 37.933 37.813 37.760 20.876 20.864 n.9711 .8409 .8407 2.0060 2.0060 2.0060 2.0060 2.0060 2.0060 2.0060 20.865 20.862 20.862 20.861 20.861 20.863 20.860 .8407 .8407 .8405 .8407 .8407 .8404 .8403 30.163 30.171 30.171 30.167 30.169 30.176 30.177 20.576 20.575 20.582 20.578 20.576 20.576 20.575 37.751 37.760 37.753 37.751 37.762 37.768 37.699 0060 0060 0060 0060 2.0060 20.860 20.860 20.860 20.860 20.860 5 .8400 .4671 6 .3270 .4671 .3270 .4671 .3277 .4671 .3272 30.172 30.168 30.168 30.169 30.169 20.576 20.575 20.575 20.578 20.574 37.654 37.714 37.750 37.765 37.755 2 24.592 3 South Norway PortuSpain gal Africa (krone) (escudo) (pound) (peseta) 2 Official Export 2 China (yuan Shanghai) 30.137 30.122 30.122 30.122 30.122 30.155 30.164 2.0060 2.0060 2 5.4406 5.4406 5.4406 Official Chile (peso) 2 9.130 Straits Settlements (dollar) Sweden (krona) 47.133 46.919 23.829 Switzerland (franc) 2 2 .4434 United Kingdom (pound) Official Free 403.50 403.18 403.50 403.50 403.50 2 403.50 403.50 2 403.50 3 403'. 02 2 25.859 2 23.363 403.28 27.824 23.363 402.86 Uruguay (peso) Noncontrolled 43.380 52.723 52.855 53.506 55.159 56.280 56.239 4.0501 4.0273 398.00 398.00 398.00 398.00 399.05 400.50 400.74 20.160 20.160 20.159 20.158 20.159 20.159 20.159 4.0275 4.0161 4.0257 4.0203 4.0240 3.9985 4.0088 400.75 400.75 400.75 400.75 400.75 400.75 400.75 9.132 9.132 9.132 9.132 9.132 9.132 9.132 27.826 27.827 27.826 27.822 27.823 27.825 27.826 23.363 23.363 23.363 23.363 23.363 23.363 23.363 402.72 402.71 402.73 403.00 403.10 403.05 403.13 56.262 56.259 56.203 56.204 56.204 56.204 56.204 20.159 20.160 20.160 20.160 20.160 4.0043 3.9700 3.9856 3.9966 4 0334 400.75 400.75 400.75 400.75 400.75 9.132 9.132 9.132 9.132 9.132 27.825 27.826 27.826 27.826 27.825 23.363 23.363 23.363 23.363 23.363 403.07 403.11 403.13 403.15 403.12 56.198 56.180 56.180 56.180 56.180 20.176 20.160 2 4.0023 2 9.132 9.132 2 23.210 1 2 3 Prior to Nov. 1, 1942, the official designation of the Brazilian currency unit was the "milreis." Average of daily rates for that part of the year during which quotations were certified. At the end of June 1945 official rates for the Australian and British pounds were abolished, and after this date quotations are buying rates in the New York market. The rates shown represent averages for the second half of 1945 and are comparable to those quoted before 1940. * The rate quoted after July 22, 1946. is not strictly comparable to the "free" rate shown before that date. The average for the "free" rate for July 1-19 is 5.1902, and for Jan. 1-July 19, 5.1860, while the average for the new rate for July 25-31 is 5.3350, and for July 25-Dec. 31, 5.3955. f 6 Based on quotations through Jan. 23. Based on quotations beginning Feb. 10. NOTE.—For back figures see Banking and Monetary Statistics, Table 173, pp. 662-682. For description of statistics see pp. 572-573 in same publication, and for further information concerning developments affecting the averages during previous years, see BULLETIN for July 1947 p. 933; February 1944, p. 209; and February 1943, p. 201, JUNE 1948 745 PRICE MOVEMENTS IN PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES WHOLESALE PRICES—ALL COMMODITIES [Index numbers] Year or month United States (1926 = 100) Canada (1926 = 100) Mexico (1929 = 100) United Kingdom (1930 = 100) France (1938 = 100) Italy (1938 = 100)i Netherlands (July 1938June 1939 = 100) Sweden (1935 = 100) Switzerland (July 1914 = 100) 132 150 2 126 144 90 87 91 108 102 105 131 150 157 160 164 181 251 271 2 96 100 102 114 111 115 146 172 189 196 196 194 186 199 90 90 96 111 107 111 143 184 210 218 223 221 215 224 Japan (1933 = 100) 1926 100 100 2 124 106 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 75 80 81 86 79 77 79 87 99 103 104 106 121 152 72 72 75 85 79 75 83 90 96 100 103 104 109 129 95 95 101 119 126 127 128 136 148 182 227 247 286 302 88 89 94 109 101 103 137 153 159 163 166 169 175 192 58 52 63 89 100 105 139 171 201 234 265 375 648 989 5^161 99 103 110 133 140 155 173 183 197 209 233 308 1,599 5,103 1947—May June July August September October November December 147 148 151 154 157 159 160 163 '126 128 129 131 134 139 143 144 299 297 293 292 298 304 306 303 189 190 193 194 195 199 203 204 946 904 888 L.004 L.096 L.129 1,211 1,217 5,203 5,329 5,779 5,889 6,202 6,010 5,647 5,544 3,323 3,456 4,871 6,503 6,960 7,833 8,599 8,863 268 270 272 271 272 274 277 280 198 199 199 199 202 203 204 205 221 222 223 223 224 230 232 232 1948—January February March April 166 161 161 163 147 147 147 149 302 304 303 303 212 217 217 219 1,463 1,537 1,535 p 1,555 P5,391 9,144 9,288 279 279 279 207 208 234 234 2?5 P234 65 72 80 94 100 104 121 136 153 P5.343 P5.318 r p1 Preliminary. Revised. The new national index, published by the Central Institute of Statistics, is a weighted geometric average of the prices of 156 commodities. The weights are determined on the basis of the total quantities produced and imported in 1938. Yearly averages for 1934-1942 are derived from old index. 2 Approximate figure, derived from old index (1913 = 100). Sources.—See BULLETIN for July 1947, p. 934; January 1941, p. 84; April 1937, p. 372; March 1937, p. 276; and October 1935, p. 678. WHOLESALE PRICES—GROUPS OF COMMODITIES [Indexes for groups included in total index above] United States (1926 = 100) Year or month United Kingdom (1930= 100) Canada (1926 = 100) Other Farm commod- products ities Raw and Fully and partly chiefly manu- . manufactured factured goods goods Netherlands (July 1938-June 1939 = 100) Industrial products '131 73 73 74 81 78 75 82 89 92 93 94 94 99 117 85 87 92 102 97 97 133 146 158 160 158 158 158 165 90 90 96 112 104 106 138 156 160 164 170 175 184 207 103 121 140 157 157 159 172 200 214 112 163 177 175 174 179 193 282 328 104 126 148 154 159 163 184 261 276 128 '130 131 133 134 139 143 145 116 116 117 123 128 131 132 165 166 168 167 165 167 171 172 203 203 207 209 213 218 221 222 206 205 207 204 205 213 227 236 321 323 337 338 339 339 341 342 275 277 276 276 277 277 279 279 148 147 147 150 137 137 137 137 174 181 181 182 235 237 239 241 235 233 232 340 340 339 279 280 280 Foods 1926 100 100 100 100 100 100 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 65 79 81 86 69 65 68 82 106 123 123 128 149 181 71 84 82 86 74 70 71 83 100 107 105 106 131 169 78 78 80 85 82 81 83 89 96 97 99 100 110 135 59 64 69 87 74 64 68 73 85 98 107 112 118 126 64 66 71 84 73 67 75 82 90 99 104 106 1947—May June July August September October November December 176 178 181 182 186 190 188 197 160 162 167 172 179 178 178 178 132 131 133 136 138 140 142 146 125 125 126 126 127 129 133 137 1948—January February March April 199 185 186 187 180 172 174 177 148 148 148 149 141 139 138 141 Foods Industrial raw products Industrial finished products Foods Farm products •• Revised. Sources.—See BULLETIN for July 1947, p. 934; May 1942, p. 451; March 1935, p. 180; and March 1931, p. 159. 746 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN PRICE MOVEMENTS IN PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES—Continued RETAIL FOOD PRICES [Index numbers] Year or month COST OF LIVING [Index numbersj United United CanKingNetherFrance States ada dom lands (1935-39 (1935-39 (June 17 =(1938 (1911-13 100) = 100) = 100) 1947 = 100) = 100)i 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 101 105 98 95 97 106 124 138 136 139 160 194 98 103 104 101 106 116 127 131 131 133 140 160 130 139 141 141 164 168 161 166 168 170 169 '101 100 108 129 149 174 224 275 377 645 1.043 July August.... September October. . . November. December. 188 191 193 197 204 202 203 207 155 158 160 161 165 171 174 179 162 1161 1101 99 100 101 103 103 1948-January... February.. March.... April 210 205 202 208 182 186 186 187 104 108 109 1947-May June V Switzerland (June 1914 = 100) United United CanKing- France Netherlands States ada dom (1935-39 (1935-39 (June 17 =(1938 100) (1911-13 = 100) = 100) 1947 = 100) = 100)i Year or month Switzerland (June 1914 = 100) 120 130 130 132 146 175 200 211 215 215 210 222 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 . 1946 1947 99 103 101 99 100 105 117 124 126 128 139 159 98 101 102 102 106 112 117 118 119 119 124 136 147 154 156 158 184 199 200 199 201 203 204 MOl 108 129 150 175 224 285 393 645 1.030 883 941 974 1,089 1,187 1,309 1,378 1,393 220 222 221 222 222 229 230 230 1947-May. July August September October. . . November. December. 156 157 158 160 164 164 165 167 133 135 136 137 139 142 144 146 203 1203 UOl 100 101 101 103 104 886 935 965 L,068 1,157 L.268 1,336 1,354 216 217 217 218 218 223 223 223 1,437 L ,541 ,518 .524 230 230 229 P229 1948-January... February.. March.... April 169 168 167 169 148 150 151 152 104 106 106 P108 1,414 1,519 L,499 V 1,499 224 224 223 P223 120 127 130 130 150 177 191 198 June U32 137 139 140 154 175 187 195 ioo 130 137 137 138 151 174 193 203 208 209 208 217 P Preliminary. i The old index (July 1914=100) was terminated on June 17, and this date was used in computing the June figure. June 17, 1947 = 100 is also the base period used for the new weighted so-called "interim" index. For a description of this index see Ministry of Labour Gazette, August 2 1947, p. 255. Revised index from March 1936 (see BULLETIN for April 1937, p. 373). 3 This average is based on figures for the new index, beginning June. The averages for the old index, based on figures for January-June 17, are 203 for retail food prices and 166 for cost of living. Sources.—See BULLETIN for July 1947, p. 935; May 1942, p. 451; October 1939, p. 943; and April 1937, p. 373. SECURITY PRICES [Index numbers except as otherwise specified] Common stock:s Bonds Year or month Number of issues. . . United States i (derived price) 15 Canada 2 (1935-39 = 100) (2) United Kingdom (December 1921=100) 87 France (1938= 100) Netherlands « 50 13 113 8 115.9 117 8 118 3 120.3 120 9 122.1 123 4 121.5 98.2 95.1 99 4 100.7 102.6 103.0 105.2 117.2 118.5 112 3 118.3 123 8 127 3 127.8 127 5 128.3 132 1 130.8 114 2 7114.2 8 143 4 146.4 146.6 150 5 152.1 144 6 132.0 1947—May June July. . . . August September. . . October November. . . December 122.9 122.8 122 5 122.3 121.5 120.0 118.8 117.0 118.2 118.6 119.3 119.2 119.0 118.8 118.5 117.9 132.9 132.1 131 1 126.4 126.4 128.0 128.2 130.1 136.9 135.4 131.1 128.6 125.2 122.0 121.4 122.2 1948—January February. . . . March April 117.4 117.5 118.0 118.6 108.6 108.6 103.4 103.6 130.5 130.6 130.0 129.1 118.9 119.1 119.0 P119.1 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 United States (1935-39 = 100) Canada 4 (1935-39 =100) 100. 8 United France Kingdom (December (1926= 100) 1938= 100) Netherlands 6 (1938= 100) 278 *295 77.4 67.5 64.2 83.5 83.8 99.6 115.7 106.0 75.9 70.8 72.5 75.3 84.5 88.6 92.4 96.2 94.6 112 M40 8 308 479 540 551 694 875 1 .149 155 9 202.7 115.2 119.1 126 0 124.5 123.1 125.1 123.6 122.4 104.4 105.3 107.4 105.5 104.1 105.5 107.3 106.2 97.9 97.5 98.2 92.2 88.7 89.3 90.2 92.6 ,003 ,124 ,135 L ,265 [,298 L.245 1,294 1,211 203.0 201.4 203.4 206.5 218.7 225.1 212.9 215.3 120.1 114.2 116.4 124.6 107.5 102.2 101.5 109.1 93.9 91.1 90.2 93.2 402 109 0 105.6 94 2 88.1 80 0 69 4 91.9 99 8 121.5 139 9 123.0 104.6 105.0 105 3 106.3 106.6 105.9 104.0 103.7 1,301 1,229 939 Pi,190 37 P225.4 P239.8 P Preliminary. 1 Figures represent calculated prices of a 4 per cent 20-year bond offering a yield equal to the monthly average yield for 15 high-grade corporate bonds. Source.—Standard and Poor's Corporation; for compilations of back figures on prices of both bonds and common stocks in the United States see Banking and Monetary Statistics, Table 130, p. 475, and Table 133, p. 479. 2 This index is based on one 15-year 3 per cent theoretical bond. Yearly averages for 1939 and 1940 are based on monthly averages and thereafter on the capitalized yield as calculated on the 15th of every month. 3 Beginning February 1947, this index represents the reciprocals of average yields for 13 issues (2 perpetual government, 2 government^ municipal, 1 provincial, 3 mortgage, and 3 industrial bonds). From January 1946 through January 1947 the figures are based on the most representative bond for each group. The average yield in the base period (January-March 1937) was 3.39 per cent. "This index is based on 95 common stocks through 1944, and on 100 stocks thereafter. £ In September 1946 this index was revised to include 185 metropolitan issues, 90 issues of colonial France, and 20 issues of French companies abroad. See "Bulletin de la Statistique Generale," September-November 1946, p. 424. 8 This is a new index for 37 Netherlands issues (27 industrial, 5 banking, and 5 shipping shares) and represents an unweighted monthly average of daily quotations. The figures are not comparable with data for previous years shown in earlier BULLETINS. 'Average based on figures for 5 months; no data available June-December. 8 Average based on figures for 10 months; no data available January-February. Sources.—See BULLETIN for March 1947, p. 349; November 1937, p. 1172; July 1937, p. 698; April 1937, p,373; June 1935, p. 394; and February 1932, p. 121. JUNE 1948 747 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM THOMAS B. MCCABE, Chairman MARRINER S. ECCLES M. S. SZYMCZAK ERNEST G. DRAPER ELLIOTT THURSTON, Assistant to the Board R. M. EVANS JAMES K. VARDAMAN, JR. LAWRENCE CLAYTON CHESTER MORRILL, Special Adviser to the Board WINFIELD W. RIEFLER, Assistant to the Chairman OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY S. R. CARPENTER, Secretary BRAY HAMMOND, Assistant Secretary MERRITT SHERMAN, Assistant Secretary DIVISION OF EXAMINATIONS ROBERT F. LEONARD, Director EDWIN R. MILLARD, Assistant Director GEORGE S. SLOAN, Assistant Director LEGAL DIVISION GEORGE B. VEST, General Counsel J. LEONARD TOWNSEND, Associate General Counsel DIVISION OF BANK OPERATIONS EDWARD L. SMEAD, Director J. R. VAN FOSSEN, Assistant Director J. E. HORBETT, Assistant Director LOWELL MYRICK, Assistant Director DIVISION OF RESEARCH AND STATISTICS WOODLIEF THOMAS, Director RALPH A. YOUNG, Associate Director BONNAR BROWN, Assistant Director FEDERAL OPEN MARKET COMMITTEE THOMAS B. MCCABE, Chairman ALLAN SPROUL, Vice Chairman DIVISION OF PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION FRED A. NELSON, Director DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES LISTON P. BETHEA, Director GARDNER L. BOOTHE, II, Assistant Director FEDERAL ADVISORY COUNCIL LAWRENCE CLAYTON CHAS. E. SPENCER, JR., First Vice President BOSTON DISTRICT ERNEST G. DRAPER W. RANDOLPH BURGESS, N E W YORK DISTRICT MARRINER S. ECCLES R. M. EVANS DAVID E. WILLIAMS, PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT R. R. GILBERT JOHN H . MCCOY, CLEVELAND DISTRICT ROBERT V. FLEMING, RICHMOND DISTRICT H. G. LEEDY M . S. SZYMCZAK JAMES K. VARDAMAN, JR. ALFRED H . WILLIAMS Second Vice President J. T. BROWN, ATLANTA DISTRICT EDWARD E. BROWN, President CHICAGO DISTRICT JAMES H. PENICK, ST. LOUIS DISTRICT HENRY E. AT WOOD, MINNEAPOLIS DISTRICT JAMES M. KEMPER, KANSAS CITY DISTRICT J. E. WOODS, DALLAS DISTRICT RENO ODLIN, SAN FRANCISCO DISTRICT C. S. YOUNG CHESTER MORRILL, Secretary S. R. CARPENTER, Assistant Secretary GEORGE B. VEST, General Counsel J. LEONARD TOWNSEND, Assistant General Counsel WOODLIEF THOMAS, Economist KARL R. BOPP, Associate Economist WATROUS H. IRONS, Associate Economist JOHN K. LANGUM, Associate Economist T. BRUCE ROBB, Associate Economist JOHN H. WILLIAMS, Associate Economist ROBERT G. ROUSE, Manager of System Open Mar\et Account 748 HERBERT V. PROCHNOW, Secretary FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN CHAIRMErsJ, DEPUTY CHAIRMEN, AND SENIOR OFFICERS OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS Federal Reserve Bank of Chairman1 Deputy Chairman President First Vice President Boston Albert M. Creighton Harold D. Hodgkinson Laurence F. Whittemore William Willett Robert B. Harvey2 E. G. Hult E. 0. Latham New York Robert T. Stevens William I. Myers Allan Sproul L. R. Rounds E. 0. Douglas H. H. Kimball L. W. Knoke Walter S. Logan Alfred H. Williams W. J. Davis Karl R. Bopp Robert N. Hilkert E. C. Hill W. D. Fulton J. W. Kossin 3 A. H. Laning R. L. Cherry Claude L. Guthrie3 E. A. Kincaid Philadelphia.... Warren F. Whittier Cleveland George C. Brainard Reynold E. Klages Ray M. Gidney Wm. H. Fletcher Richmond W. G. Wysor Charles P. McCormick Hugh Leach J. S. Walden, Jr. Atlanta Frank H. Neely J. F. Porter W. S. McLarin, Jr. L. M. Clark Chicago Clarence W. Avery Paul G. Hoffman C. S. Young Charles B. Dunn St. Louis Russell L. Dearmont Wm. H. Bryce Chester C. Davis F. Guy Hitt Minneapolis. . . . Roger B. Shepard W. D. Cochran J. N. Peyton 0. S. Powell P. L. T. Beavers V. K. Bowman J. E. Denmark Joel B. Fort, Jr. Allan M. Black2 Neil B. Dawes W. R. Diercks J. H. Dillard E. C. Harris 0. M. Attebery Wm. E. Peterson Kansas City. . . Robert B. Caldwell H. G. Leedy Robert L. Mehornay Henry 0. Koppang Dallas J. R. Parten R. B. Anderson San Francisco.. . Brayton Wilbur Harry R. Wellman Vice Presiuenis H. G. McConnell A. W. Mills3 Otis R. Preston L. H. Earhart Delos C. Johns R. L. Mathes R. R. Gilbert W. D. Gentry E. B. Austin R. B. Coleman H. R. DeMoss W. E. Eagle C. E. Earhart H. N. Mangels Albert C. Agnew W. N. Ambrose D. L. Davis J. M. Leisner3 Alfred C. Neal Carl B. Pitman 0. A. Schlaikjer R. F. Van Amringe A. Phelan H. V. Roelse Robert G. Rouse V. Willis R. B. Wiltse Wm. G. McCreedy P. M. Poorman3 B. J. Lazar Martin Morrison Donald S. Thompson R. W. Mercer W. R. Milford C. B. Strathy Edw. A. Wayne T. A. Lanford E. P. Paris S. P. Schuessler John K. Langum 0. J. Netterstrom A. L. Olson Alfred T. Sillier C. A. Schacht William H. Stead C. M. Stewart R. E. Towle Sigurd Ueland Harry I. Ziemer John Phillips, Jr. G. H. Pipkin C. E. Sandy* D. W. Woolley W. H. Holloway Watrous H. Irons L. G. Pondrom3 C. M. Rowland Mac C. Smyth W. L. Partner C. R. Shaw H. F. Slade W. F. Volberg O. P. Wheeler VICE PRESIDENTS IN CHARGE OF BRANCHES OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS Federal Reserve Bank of Branch New York Buffalo I. B. Smith4 Cleveland Cincinnati Pittsburgh B. J. Lazar J. W. Kossin Richmond Baltimore Charlotte W. R. Milford R. L. Cherry Atlanta Birmingham Jacksonville Nashville New Orleans P. L. T. Beavers T. A. Lanford Joel B. Fort, Jr. E. P. Paris Chicago Detroit E. C. Harris St. Louis Little Rock Louisville Memphis C. M. Stewart C. A. Schacht 1 Also Federal Reserve Agent. JUNE 1948 Federal Reserve Bank of Chief Officer 1 Cashier. Branch Minneapolis.... Helena R. E. Towle Kansas C i t y . . . . Denver Oklahoma City Omaha G. H. Pipkin R. L. Mathes L. H. Earhart Dallas C. M. Rowland W. H. Holloway W. E. Eagle El Paso Houston San Antonio San Francisco.. . Los Angeles Portland Salt Lake City Seattle s Chief Officer Also Cashier. 4 W. N. Ambrose D. L. Davis W. L. Partner C. R. Shaw General Manager. 749 FEDERAL RESERVE PUBLICATIONS The material listed below may be obtained from the Division of Administrative Services, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington 25, D. C. Remittance should be made payable to the order of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. BOOKS DIGEST OF RULINGS to October 1, 1937. Digests of Board rulings, opinions of the Attorney General and court decisions construing the Federal Reserve Act, with compilation showing textual changes in the Act. 683 pages. $1.25 per copy. BANKING STUDIES. Comprising 17 papers on banking and monetary subjects by members of the Board's staff. August 1941; reprinted March 1948. 496 pages. Paper cover. $1.00 per copy; in quantities of 10 or more copies for single shipment, 75 cents each. BANKING AND MONETARY STATISTICS. Statistics of POSTWAR ECONOMIC STUDIES. (8 pamphlets) No. No. No. No. No. No. 1. Jobs, Production, and Living Standards. 2. Agricultural Adjustment and Income. 3. Public Finance and Full Employment. 4. Prices, Wages, and Employment. 5. Private Capital Requirements. 6. Housing, Social Security, and Public Works. No. 7. International Monetary Policies. No. 8. Federal Reserve Policy. The price for the set of eight pamphlets is $1.25; 25 cents per pamphlet, or, in quantities of 10 or more for single shipment, 15 cents per pamphlet. T H E FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM—ITS PURPOSES AND FUNCTIONS. November 1947. 125 pages. 75 cents per cloth-bound copy; in quantities of 10 or more copies for single shipment, 50 cents each. Paper-bound copies available without charge. DEBITS AND CLEARINGS STATISTICS, THEIR BACK- GROUND AND INTERPRETATION. October 1947. 50 banking, monetary, and other financial developpages. 25 cents per copy; in quantities of 10 or ments. November 1943. 979 pages. $1.50 per more copies for single shipment, 15 cents each. copy. No charge for individual sections (unREGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE bound). PROVISIONS OF STATE LAWS RELATING TO BANK R E - SERVES as of December 31, 1944. 1945. 30 pages. FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. Individual regulations with amendments. MONETARY AND BANKING REFORM IN PARAGUAY. Includes translation of laws, accompanying reports, and introduction reviewing the monetary history of Paraguay. July 1946. 170 pages. $1.00 per copy. RWLES OF ORGANIZATION AND RULES OF PROCEDURE (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System). September 1946. 31 pages. T H E FEDERAL RESERVE ACT, as amended to Novem- ber 1, 1946, with an Appendix containing provisions of certain other statutes affecting the Federal Reserve System. 372 pages. 50 cents per paper-bound copy; $1.00 per cloth-bound copy. PERIODICAL RELEASES WEEKLY CONDITION OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS CONDITION OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN CENTRAL RESERVE CITIES CONDITION OF WEEKLY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN LEADING CITIES DEPARTMENT STORE SALES, BY CITIES WEEKLY DEPARTMENT STORE SALES WEEKLY FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES WEEKLY REVIEW OF PERIODICALS FEDERAL RESERVE CHARTS ON CONSUMER CREDIT. Space for plotting through 1948. April 1947 edition. 24 pages. 50 cents per copy; in quantities of 10 or more copies for single shipment, 35 cents each. 750 SEMIMONTHLY DEPOSITS, RESERVES, AND BORROWINGS OF MEMBER BANKS FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN FEDERAL RESERVE MONTHLY FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN. PUBLICATIONS STATE BANK MEMBERS AND NONMEMBER BANKS THAT Subscription price in MAINTAIN CLEARING ACCOUNTS WITH FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS (Also annual list) the United States and its possessions, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, DoSEMIANNUAL minican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Republic of Honduras, Mexico, Newfoundland ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES AND POSSESSIONS (including Laborador), Nicaragua, Panama, Par—PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES aguay, Peru, El Salvador, Uruguay, and Venezuela is $2.00 per annum or 20 cents per copy; ANNUAL elsewhere, $2.60 per annum or 25 cents per copy. Group subscriptions in the United States for 10 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM or more copies to one address, 15 cents per copy BANK DEBITS—DEBITS TO DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS EXper month, or $1.50 for 12 months. FEDERAL RESERVE CHARTS ON BANK CREDIT, MONEY CEPT INTERBANK ACCOUNTS RATES, AND BUSINESS. $9.00 per annum, or $1.00 per copy. In quantities of 10 or more copies of a particular issue for single shipment, 75 cents each. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF A L L BANKS IN THE IRREGULAR ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF MEMBER BANKS (Con- densed) MEMBER BANK CALL REPORT (Detailed) UNITED STATES AND RELATED DEPOSIT AND CURRENCY ITEMS REPRINTS BANK DEBITS—DEBITS TO DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS EX- (From Federal Reserve Bulletin except as othcrzvise indicated) CEPT INTERBANK ACCOUNTS MEMBER BANK STATISTICS. BUSINESS INDEXES CONSUMER CREDIT CONSUMER INSTALMENT CREDITS OF COMMERCIAL INSTALMENT CREDITS OF INDUSTRIAL BANKS CONSUMER INSTALMENT CREDITS OF INDUSTRIAL LOAN COMPANIES CONSUMER INSTALMENT LOANS DEPARTMENT STORE CREDIT DEPARTMENT STORE SALES (Indexes and Compari- sons with Previous Year) DEPARTMENT STORE SALES AND STOCKS, BY MAJOR DEPARTMENTS DEPARTMENT STORE STOCKS FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES INTERDISTRICT SETTLEMENT FUND NATIONAL SUMMARY OF BUSINESS CONDITIONS OPEN-MARKET MONEY RATES IN N E W YORK CITY RETAIL FURNITURE REPORT RETAIL INSTALMENT CREDIT SALES FINANCE COMPANIES SELECTED LIST OF ADDITIONS TO THE RESEARCH LIBRARY JUNE 1948 28 T H E HISTORY OF RESERVE REQUIREMENTS FOR BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES. BANKS CONSUMER November 1935. pages. November 1938. 20 PROBLEMS OF BANKING AND BANK SUPERVISION. Ex- pages. cerpts from the Board's 1938 Annual Report. 33 pages. MONETARY MEASURES AND OBJECTIVES. From Sep- tember 1937, April 1939, and May 1939 issues of BULLETIN. 8 pages. T H E GOLD PROBLEM TODAY, by E. A. Goldenweiser. January 1940. 4 pages. T H E PAR COLLECTION SYSTEM OF THE FEDERAL R E - SERVE BANKS, by George B. Vest. February 1940. 8 pages. HISTORICAL REVIEW OF OBJECTIVES OF FEDERAL RE- SERVE POLICY, by Arthur Hersey. 11 pages. April 1940. CHEAP MONEY AND THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM, by E. A. Goldenweiser. May 1940. 5 pages. GENERAL INDEXES OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY, by Frank R. Garneld. June 1940. 7 pages. GOLD RESERVES OF CENTRAL BANKS AND GOVERN- MENTS. September 1940. 18 pages. 751 FEDERAL RESERVE MEASUREMENT OF PRODUCTION, by Woodlief Thomas and Maxwell R. Conklin. pages. September 1940. 16 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK LENDING POWER NOT D E PENDENT ON MEMBER BANK RESERVE BALANCES. February 1941. 2 pages. PUBLICATIONS MAJOR DEPARTMENTS. by Doris P. Warner and Albert R. Koch. September 1946. 8 pages. LIQUID ASSETS AND EXPENDITURE PLANS OF FARM OPERATORS. ADJUSTMENT FOR SEASONAL VARIATION, by H . C. Barton, Jr. Description of method used by Board in adjusting economic data for seasonal variation. June 1941. 11 pages. COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL LOANS AT MEMBER BANKS, April 16-May 15, 1942. August, September, and November 1942. 32 pages. POSTWAR INTERNATIONAL MONETARY STABILIZATION. June 1943. 21 pages. August 1946. 4 pages. ESTIMATED DURABLE GOODS EXPENDITURES, 1939-45, September 1946. 2 pages. FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENTS AMONG LARGE MANUFACTURING CORPORATIONS, 1945, by Warner and Albert R. Koch. 9 pages. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Marriner S. Eccles. INTERNATIONAL P. AND PUBLIC POLICY, by November 1946. 6 pages. TRANSACTIONS OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE FIRST POSTWAR YEAR. 1946. Doris October 1946. December 14 pages. FEDERAL RESERVE INDEX OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION. T H E POSTWAR FINANCIAL POSITION OF BUSINESS, by From August 1940, September 1941, and October 1943 issues of BULLETIN with supplementary data. October 1943. 120 pages. Albert R. Koch and Eleanor J. Stockwell. December 1946. 10 pages. REVISED INDEX OF DEPARTMENT STORE SALES. June 1944. 20 pages. Koch. March 1947. 11 pages. COMMERCIAL BANK ACTIVITY IN CONSUMER INSTAL- BRETTON WOODS AGREEMENTS, by E. A. Golden- weiser and Alice Bourneuf. 21 pages. REVISED WEEKLY BUSINESS LOANS OF MEMBER BANKS, by Albert R. September 1944. MENT FINANCING, by Frieda Baird. March 1947. 6 pages. VALUES AND LIMITATIONS OF CONSUMER FINANCIAL INDEX OF DEPARTMENT STORE SALES. September 1944. 2 pages. MONETARY AND CREDIT AGREEMENTS ENTERED INTO AT BRETTON WOODS, by M. S. Szymczak. SURVEYS FOR ECONOMIC RESEARCH, by Ralph A. Young and Duncan McC. Holthausen. 1947. 9 pages. March April METHODS OF RESTRICTING MONETIZATION OF PUBLIC ESTIMATES OF GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT, 1919-28, DEBT BY BANKS. April 1947. 4 pages. N E W GUATEMALAN BANK LAW, by David L. Grove. 1945. 7 pages. by Mary S. Painter. September 1945. 2 pages. SURVEYS OF LIQUID ASSET HOLDINGS. September 1945. 7 pages. TERM LENDING TO BUSINESS BY COMMERCIAL BANKS FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENTS IN MANUFACTURING AND TRADE IN 1944, by Doris P. Warner. 1945. 6 pages. December April 1946. 12 pages. Richard Youngdahl and John O. Bergelin. 1946. 25 pages. June A NATIONAL SURVEY OF LIQUID ASSETS. June 1946. 7 pages. STATISTICS FOR MEMBER June-July 1947. 9 SECURITY PLEDGED ON MEMBER BANK LOANS TO BUSINESS, by Tynan Smith. June 1947. 17 pages. SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES—I. EXPENDITURES FOR DURABLE GOODS AND INVESTMENTS. 1947. A NATIONAL SURVEY OF LIQUID ASSETS—DISTRIBU- July 1946. 7 pages. A NATIONAL SURVEY OF LIQUID ASSETS—PROSPECTIVE SPENDING AND SAVING AND SUMMARY OF SUR- VEY FINDINGS. August 1946. 12 pages. INDEX OF DEPARTMENT STORE SALES AND STOCKS, BY OF WEEKLY BANKS IN LEADING CITIES. pages. REVISED INDEX OF DEPARTMENT STORE STOCKS, by 752 IN 1946, by Duncan McC. Holthausen. May 1947. 20 pages. REVISION ESTABLISHMENT OF BRETTON WOODS INSTITUTIONS. TION ACCORDING TO INCOME. April 1947 BULLETIN with translation of new Bank Law. 39 pages. June 17 pages. SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES—II. CONSUMER INCOMES AND LIQUID ASSET HOLDINGS. July 1947. 15 pages. SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES—III. CONSUMER SAVING IN 1946 AND OWNERSHIP OF SELECTED NONLIQUID ASSETS. August 1947. 12 pages. FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN FEDERAL RESERVE SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES. From the June, July, and August 1947 issues of BULLETIN. 44 pages. RETAIL CREDIT SURVEY—1946. From July 1947 BULLETIN with supplementary information for nine separate trades. 40 pages. (Also, RETAIL CREDIT SURVEY—1943, 1944, and 1945 from the June 1944, May 1945, and June 1946 BULLETIN, with supplementary information for separate trades. Survey for 1947 will be available in summer of 1948.) THE STRUCTURE OF INTEREST RATES ON BUSINESS LOANS AT MEMBER BANKS, by Richard Youngdahl. July 1947. 17 pages. MEMBER BANK LOANS Charles H . Schmidt. TO SMALL BUSINESS, by August 1947. 16 pages. BUSINESS LOANS OF MEMBER BANKS. May, June, July, and August From March, 1947 issues of BULLETIN. 80 pages. T H E BRITISH CRISIS. September 1947, 12 pages. FINANCIAL POSITION OF MANUFACTURING AND TRADE IN RELATION TO SIZE AND PROFITABILITY, 1946, by Albert R. Koch and Charles H . Schmidt. September 1947. 12 pages. REVISION OF NATIONAL INCOME AND PRODUCT STA- TISTICS. September 1947. 12 pages. STERLING IN MULTILATERAL TRADE, by J. Burke Knapp and F. M. Tamagna. 8 pages. September 1947. COMMERCIAL BANK LOANS TO FARMERS, by Tynan Smith and Philip T. Allen. pages. October 1947. 13 SUMERS, July 1947. October 1947. 4 pages. CURRENT INFLATION PROBLEM—CAUSES AND CONTROLS, by Marriner S. Eccles. 1947. 8 pages. December FARM MORTGAGE LOANS AT COMMERCIAL BANKS, by Philip T. Allen. JUNE 1948 FARM PRODUCTION LOANS AT COMMERCIAL BANKS, by Herman Koenig and Tynan Smith. ber 1947. 8 pages. Decem- T H E STRUCTURE OF INTEREST RATES ON COMMERCIAL BANK LOANS TO FARMERS, by Richard Young- dahl. December 1947. 10 pages. BANK LOANS TO FARMERS. From the October and December 1947 issues of BULLETIN. 36 pages. BANKING ASSETS AND THE MONEY SUPPLY SINCE 1929, by Morris A. Copeland and Daniel H . Brill. January 1948. 9 pages. PROPOSAL FOR A SPECIAL RESERVE REQUIREMENT AGAINST THE DEMAND AND T I M E DEPOSITS OF BANKS, by Marriner S. Eccles. 10 pages. January 1948. T H E FEDERAL RESERVE CHART BOOK AS AN AID TO BANK MANAGEMENT, by Charles H . Schmidt. April 1948. 9 pages. STATEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM BEFORE THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE ECONOMIC REPORT. Presented by Marriner S. Eccles on April 13, 1948. 7 pages. WHAT ABOUT MONEY AND CREDIT? Address by M. S. Szymczak on May 7, 1948 at the 55th Annual Convention of the Alabama Bankers Association. 7 pages. NEW COMMERCIAL BANKING OFFICES, 1936-1947, by Caroline H . Cagle and Raymond C. Kolb. May 1948. 12 pages. ESTIMATED LIQUID ASSET HOLDINGS OF INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESSES. June 1948. 2 pages. INDUSTRIAL DIFFERENCES IN LARGE CORPORATION FINANCIAL POSITION AND BUYING PLANS OF CONTHE PUBLICATIONS December 1947. 6 pages. FINANCING, by Charles H . Schmidt. June 1948. 11 pages. 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES—I. EXPENDITURES FOR DURABLE GOODS. June 1948. 15 pages. 1948 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES—II. T H E D I S TRIBUTION OF CONSUMER INCOME IN 1947. June 1948. 8 pages. 753 FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM BOUNDARIES OF FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS AND THEIR BRANCH TERRITORIES 21 T== BOUNDARIES OF FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS it BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 0 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK CITIES • FEDERAL RESERVE BRANCH CITIES BOUNDARIES OF FEDERAL RESERVE BRANCH TERRITORIES w W OCTOBER I. 1*48 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVf W t- 1 SYSTEM