Full text of Federal Reserve Bulletin : February 1981
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FEBRUARY 1981 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN Federal Reserve and the Payments System Cyclical and Secular Developments in the U.S. Steel Industry Domestic Financial Developments in the Fourth Quarter of 1980 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN (USPS 351-150). Controlled Circulation Postage Paid at Richmond. Virginia. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Publications Services, MP-510, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 20551. A c o p y of t h e FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN is s e n t t o e a c h m e m b e r b a n k w i t h o u t c h a r g e ; m e m b e r b a n k s d e s i r i n g a d d i t i o n a l c o p i e s m a y s e c u r e t h e m a t a s p e c i a l $ 1 0 . 0 0 a n n u a l r a t e . T h e r e g u l a r s u b s c r i p t i o n p r i c e in t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s a n d its p o s s e s s i o n s , a n d in B o l i v i a , C a n a d a . C h i l e . C o l o m b i a , C o s t a R i c a . C u b a . D o m i n i c a n R e p u b l i c , E c u a d o r . G u a t e m a l a . H a i t i , R e p u b l i c of H o n d u r a s , M e x i c o . N i c a r a g u a . P a n a m a , P a r a g u a y . P e r u , El S a l v a d o r , U r u g u a y , a n d V e n e z u e l a is $ 2 0 . 0 0 p e r a n n u m o r $ 2 . 0 0 p e r c o p y : e l s e w h e r e , $ 2 4 . 0 0 p e r a n n u m o r $ 2 . 5 0 p e r c o p y . G r o u p s u b s c r i p t i o n s in t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s f o r 10 o r m o r e c o p i e s t o o n e a d d r e s s , $ 1 . 7 5 p e r c o p y p e r m o n t h , o r $ 1 8 . 0 0 f o r 12 m o n t h s . T h e BULLETIN m a y b e o b t a i n e d f r o m P u b l i c a t i o n s S e r v i c e s . B o a r d of G o v e r n o r s o f t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e S y s t e m , W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 2 0 5 5 1 . a n d r e m i t t a n c e s h o u l d b e m a d e p a y a b l e t o t h e o r d e r of t h e B o a r d of G o v e r n o r s of t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e S y s t e m in a f o r m c o l l e c t i b l e a t p a r in U . S . c u r r e n c y . ( S t a m p s a n d c o u p o n s a r e not a c c e p t e d . ) VOLUME 67 • NUMBER 2 • FEBRUARY 1981 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Washington, D.C. PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE Joseph R. Coyne, Chairman • Stephen H. Axilrod • John M. Denkler Janet O. Hart • James L. Kichline • Neal L. Petersen • Edwin M. Truman Naomi P. Salus, Coordinator The FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN is issued monthly under the direction of the staff publications committee. This committee is responsible for opinions expressed except in official statements and signed articles. The artwork is provided by the Graphic Communications Section under the direction of Peter G. Thomas. Editorial support is furnished by the Economic Editing Unit headed by Mendelle T. Berenson. Table of Contents on Industrial Growth and Productivity of the Senate Committee on the Budget, January 27, 1981. 109 FEDERAL RESERVE AND THE PAYMENTS SYSTEM The Federal Reserve is modernizing its communications network because of the need to broaden its services as the volume of electronic payments increases during the next decade. 117 CYCLICAL AND SECULAR DEVELOPMENTS IN THE U.S. STEEL INDUSTRY Production by the U.S. steel industry plummeted in the first half of 1980, but made a vigorous recovery in the five months that followed the July trough. 127 DOMESTIC FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENTS IN THE FOURTH QUARTER OF 1980 Demands for credit grew substantially in the quarter and market interest rates reached new highs. 134 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION Output rose about 0.6 percent in January. 141 Chairman Volcker reviews the current economic situation and emphasizes that reducing inflation will require changes in behavior patterns, which have become deeply ingrained, and that the effort necessary to achieve such changes must be carried out over a broad range of integrated policies, before the Joint Economic Committee, February 5, 1981. 143 Nancy H. Teeters, Member, Board of Governors, presents the views of the Board on the proposed Cash Discount Act, by which a seller could provide a discount to a customer for payment by cash, check, or means other than an open-end credit card and would not have to disclose the discount as a finance charge under the Truth in Lending Act; Mrs. Teeters says that the Board favors encouraging such discounts, before the Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs of the House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, February 5, 1981. 135 STATEMENTS TO CONGRESS Paul A. Volcker, Chairman, Board of Governors, outlines some of the key issues for economic policy for 1981 and beyond and says that the preeminent objective of economic policy should be to break the inflationary momentum that grips the economy, before the Senate Committee on Appropriations, January 27, 1981. 137 Henry C. Wallich, Member, Board of Governors, discusses his personal views on the prospects for increased growth in productivity in the United States and on the role that the federal government should take in the effort to improve productivity performance, before the Temporary Subcommittee 145 ANNOUNCEMENTS Proposed revision and simplification of Regulation C, which implements the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act. Adoption of forms to be filed by foreign organizations that conduct banking business in the United States to meet the requirements of the Bank Holding Company Act and the International Banking Act of 1978. Interpretation of Regulation K dealing with investments by a U.S. banking organization in a foreign company that does business in the United States. Availability of Federal Reserve Regulatory Service that will ultimately include all Board regulations and related interpretations and documents. fluctuations in the federal funds rate, taken over a period of time, within a range of 15 to 20 percent were likely to be inconsistent with the monetary and related reserve paths, the Manager for Domestic Operations was promptly to notify the Chairman, who would then decide whether the situation called for supplementary instructions from the Committee. Adoption of procedures for cooperation with the Department of Labor in enforcement of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. Settlement of enforcement proceedings instituted by the Board against Mid America Bancorporation, Inc., and Irwin L. Jacobs of Minneapolis. 155 LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS Amendments to Regulations E, F, and Q; various rules; various bank holding company and bank merger orders; and pending cases. Changes in Board staff. Admission of twelve state banks to membership in the Federal Reserve System. 149 RECORD OF POLICY ACTIONS OF THE FEDERAL OPEN MARKET COMMITTEE At the conclusion of its meeting on December 18-19, 1980, the Committee decided to seek behavior of reserve aggregates associated with growth of M-1A, M-1B, and M-2 over the first quarter along a path consistent with the ranges for growth in 1981 contemplated in July 1980, abstracting from the effects of deposit shifts connected with the introduction of NOW accounts on a nationwide basis. The members recognized that the spread of NOW accounts and ATS accounts nationally was likely to widen the differential between growth of M-l A and of M-1B to an unpredictable extent and that operational paths for reserves would have to be adjusted in the light of the developing differential. Some shortfall in growth would be acceptable in the near term if that developed in the context of reduced pressures in the money market. If it appeared during the period before the next regular meeting that Ai FINANCIAL AND BUSINESS STATISTICS A3 A44 A52 A68 Domestic Financial Statistics Domestic Nonfinancial Statistics International Statistics Special Tables A67 GUIDE TO TABULAR PRESENTATION, STATISTICAL RELEASES, AND SPECIAL TABLES A74 BOARD OF GOVERNORS AND STAFF A76 FEDERAL OPEN MARKET COMMITTEE AND STAFF; ADVISORY COUNCILS AH FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BRANCHES, AND OFFICES A78 FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD PUBLICATIONS A80 INDEX TO STATISTICAL TABLES A82 MAP OF FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Federal Reserve and the Payments System Upgrading Electronic Capabilities for the 1980s George W. Mitchell, former Vice Chairman, Board of Governors, and Raymond F. Hodgdon, Office of Staff Director for Federal Reserve Bank Activities, prepared this article. The Federal Reserve System has embarked on a major new program to modernize its communications network. The upgrading is needed because the current system and its technology are 10 years old and are inadequate for the electronic communications requirements of the 1980s. The project, known as FRCS-80 (Federal Reserve Communications System for the Eighties), is one of the largest, most complex undertakings of its kind that the Federal Reserve System as a whole has ever attempted; the design may well serve as an example for others interested in computerbased communications. Planning for FRCS-80 began in late 1975 on the assumption that access to Federal Reserve services would broaden during the 1980s and that the volume of electronic payments would increase; the new system was designed, therefore, to accommodate all types of depository institutions. This assumption has been validated by the recent Monetary Control Act (MCA) of 1980 (Public Law 96-221), the growing use of electronic technology in the delivery of banking services, and market forces generally. The new system will be a general-purpose data communications network that will satisfy the Federal Reserve's internal communications requirement for providing services to the financial community, the Treasury, and other government agencies. It will be a communications system capable of handling the anticipated volume of electronic payments during the next decade. FRCS-80 will provide a standard method for transmitting electronic payments to all Federal Reserve locations and a standard nationwide approach for authorized financial institutions to access and use the network for electronic transfers both of funds and securities and of payments through automated clearinghouses (ACHs). Thus, the functions of the existing separate communications networks will be consolidated into a single network providing better service at less cost. 1 Historically, as the need for new data communications applications emerged, the most frequent solution was the implementation of independent data communications systems tailored to a single application; the result was the current melange of communications networks. With FRCS-80, new communications requirements will be satisfied without the development of another network or the need for major design changes. The expected benefits of the network are as follows: 1. Improve the reliability, efficiency, and availability of communications services to financial institutions. 2. Accommodate significant volume increases in the 1980s. 3. Reduce the total cost of System communications. 4. Provide a standard that will be recognized by the industry for connecting financial institutions to FRCS-80. 5. Offer increased security of data moving within the Federal Reserve System. 6. Facilitate check truncation or the conversion of checks into electronic debits by forwarding essential payment information needed for collection. 1. The current networks link more than 500 direct-access endpoints and include (1) a central "switch" in Culpeper, Virginia; (2) a leased communications service; and (3) 12 separate Federal Reserve intra-District systems. The FRCS80 is intended to replace a number of these high-overhead facilities with one standardized system flexible enough to accomodate present and future needs. 110 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 7. Offer financial institutions greater overall flexibility through terminal resource sharing. 8. Minimize disruption from converting to the new network by using transition aids, which will allow current software to be compatible with the new network. The new system employs proven state-of-theart communications software and hardware configured to permit the Federal Reserve to take full advantage of dedicated and dial-up data transmission services. The conceptual design of FRCS-80 is that of a distributed "packetswitched" network "augmented" by circuitswitching facilities. No single central switching site, such as the current switch in Culpeper, Virginia, will be required to coordinate the operation of the network. Rather than revolve around a computerized hub, as does the current Fed Wire, FRCS80's computer power will be distributed initially 1. FRCS-80 district office spine network among the 12 Federal Reserve Bank headquarters cities, the Treasury Department in Washington, and the Federal Reserve's operations center in Culpeper. Distributing communications in this manner is expected to improve the reliability of a system now being pressed to its limits with a volume of 175,000 funds transfers and other bank-to-bank messages on an average day. Packet-switching describes the way in which messages are broken down into small sets of data, or packets, and then are combined with other message fragments in transit in order to maximize the efficiency of transmissions through the communications lines. The messages are reassembled into their original form at the receiving point. Augmented refers to the capability to acquire additional transmission capacity on demand. Augmentation is required to accommodate in a cost effective way the fluctuations that will occur in transmitting electronic payments. Federal Reserve and the Payments System FRCS-80 will consist of 14 interconnected communications processors (nodes). In moving from one Federal Reserve Bank city to another, any FRCS-80 message will travel no more than two of the network nodes. Each of the computerized nodes reads the message's address and switches it in the proper direction. If any computer is not functioning, the message can be rerouted through other Federal Reserve cities without placing a major burden on the system's speed or message capacity. 2 A possible deployment of nodes and circuits to support the projected 1980 traffic requirements is shown in chart 1. As traffic demands warrant, additional nodes can be located at Federal Reserve branch and regional check processing center offices. In order to understand the role that FRCS-80 will play in the transfer of funds, the various payments activities of the Federal Reserve are examined for the likely impact of enhanced electronic capability on performance and efficiency. FEDERAL RESERVE ROLE IN PA YMENTS Among the several functions delegated to the Federal Reserve by the Congress are two that influence the nation's payments system—the clearing and settlement of transfers of funds among deposit accounts at financial institutions and the circulation of currency and coin. In 1979 the cost of performing these two functions accounted for well over half of the System's total expenditures of almost $800 million. Federal Reserve payment services are decentralized among the Federal Reserve Banks, branches, and offices. In all, 48 offices serve 2. The network can expand to meet volume increases, as well as to have multiple connections with terminals and/or other communications systems, and can tap additional circuit capacity on demand during peak volume hours. Most important, FRCS-80 will reduce restrictions on how and where data will be processed in the Federal Reserve System, as each node is in direct contact with three others in the network. This feature would allow the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, for example, to receive and process communications for the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland if its computer were inoperative. The need to invoke this kind of backup will be determined by a network management center (NMC) to be located in the Culpeper facility. (The NMC also will be responsible for software testing and billing for the System's use.) 111 directly or indirectly the currency, coin, and deposit transfer needs of 15,000 commercial banks and 28,000 thrift institutions. In the Federal Reserve, as in many private and public enterprises, the technological changes in data handling, storage, and telecommunications that took place in the 1960s and 1970s have already had a significant effect on operations. For example, as check-sorting machines and electronic accounting displaced manually operated proof machines, productivity in check processing almost doubled—from a little over 800 items per hour in the late 1960s to nearly 1,600 in 1979. More significant productivity changes are likely to take place when income payments, bill remittances, intercorporate transfers, and in some measure payments at the point of sale are initiated and delivered electronically. The Federal Reserve has long been among early users of new computer and telecommunication technologies. Technological innovation has helped the Federal Reserve to reduce the resource cost of its operations and to increase the certainty and security of its funds transfer activities. The first computers used for check processing were installed in the early 1960s. Its wire transfer network, dating back to 1918, was fully automated in the early seventies. In cooperation with the commercial banking system, in the early 1970s the Federal Reserve initiated in California the operation of an ACH for handling of electronic transfers in volume. By 1978, ACH service was available nationwide. Prospectively, market and technological forces interacting with the MCA and, to a lesser extent, the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (title XX of Public Law 95-630) will alter the operating environment and infrastructure of the U.S. payments system. In consequence, the payment patterns of users and providers of payment services are likely to undergo marked transformation. The MCA specifies that the Federal Reserve must begin to charge fees for its services and to make these services available to all depository institutions by September 1981. At present, full services are provided directly and without cost only to member banks—all national banks and those state-chartered banks that elect to become members of the Federal Reserve System. However, member correspondent banks afford non- 112 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 members access to the Federal Reserve, and checks drawn on nonmember banks are included in Federal Reserve courier deliveries of items presented for payment. The new statute is also phasing out the longstanding policy of insulating depository institutions from the competition of market interest rates and of insulating banks from competition in providing payment services. As interest earnings are accrued on consumer transaction accounts and as explicit pricing of payment services to consumers becomes prevalent, providers of payment services will have a compelling incentive to search for more cost-effective methods of servicing deposit accounts. This incentive should lead to changes in the payment habits of consumers and businesses. CHECK-CLEARING SERVICES At present nearly all deposit transfers are made b y check. The number of transfers executed in 1979 is estimated to total between 33 billion and 35 billion. In 1979 the total processed by the Federal Reserve was 15.1 billion checks with a value of $8.5 trillion. Most check payments involve significant delays before value is transferred because the instructions to transfer funds and the actual transfer of funds do not flow together. The clearing process involves the phys- ical movement of checks to at least four different locations, excluding return to the check writer (chart 2): (1) The check is presented or mailed to the payee, who in turn (2) carries or mails it to his bank. (3) The payee's bank forwards the check to the bank on which it is drawn, either directly or through one or more clearing facilities. If the check is sent to a clearing facility, (4) the clearer must deliver it to the paying bank. Upon such delivery or "presentment," value is transferred from the payer's bank to the payee's bank, usually by debiting and crediting accounts maintained at Federal Reserve Banks or at correspondent commercial banks. Moreover, about 1 percent of the checks handled will probably have to repeat these movements in reverse because of some defect in the instrument or endorsement or because the check was written on a closed account or one with insufficient funds. By a longstanding practice, when a check reaches a Federal Reserve office the amount will be credited to the account of the depositing bank on the day received, the following day, or at the latest, the day after—depending on the location of the bank on which the check is drawn. Availability is not conditional on the time the Federal Reserve receives the funds from the paying bank, and any processing or delivery delay gives rise to Federal Reserve float (credit extended by Federal Reserve Banks to paying banks). This schedule introduces an important element of certainty 2. Typical deposit transfers CHECK Authorization to move funds Movement of funds ELECTRONIC DEBIT ELECTRONIC CREDIT Federal Reserve and the Payments System 1. Transaction costs and expedited availability1 Percent of Face value of checks (dollars) Check volume of 1,187 million items Check value of $544 billion 0-65 (little or no advantage).... 63.3 2.9 0-2.. 2-4 4-8 8-16 16-32 32-65 1.4 2.5 7.8 16.3 19.4 15.9 * 1 .4 .9 1.5 65-8,000 (significant advantage). 36.0 32.4 65-130 130-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-2,000 2,000-4,000 4,000-8,000 12.8 10.7 6.4 3.0 1.5 1.0 .6 2.4 3.9 4.6 4.4 4.5 5.5 7.1 Over 8,000 (high priority) .7 64.8 8,000-16,000 16,000-32,000 32,000-65,000 Over 65,000 .3 .2 .1 .1 8.0 8.6 9.0 39.2 * 1. Availability advantage based on an additional transaction cost for expedited clearing of 4 cents and an interest rate of 10 percent. Based on a survey of check volumes handled in June 1979 by Federal Reserve offices. *Less than .05 percent. in the clearing process that is valuable to banks and their customers. It does, however, involve an extension of Federal Reserve credit to the banking system, and tightly scheduled Federal Reserve clearing deadlines must be met to avoid excessive levels of float. The accompanying distribution of check sizes (table 1) indicates how the Federal Reserve availability schedule may influence clearing practices. It is typically impossible to gain availability of more than two days, apart from weekends and holidays, by expediting presentment, and for the majority of checks the maximum improvement is one day. Assuming an interest rate of 10 percent and an additional cost of 4 cents to "out-sort" and separately deliver the large-value items, the table indicates that for nearly two-thirds of the items in a typical cash letter the cost of special handling would exceed the earnings from earlier availability. Checks with values ranging from $65 to $8,000 accounting for 36 percent of volume earn enough from earlier availability to warrant expedited processing. Items in excess of $8,000, depending on their frequency (only 0.7 percent of volume for the nation as a whole), 113 have availability earnings that justify special couriers or electronic collection. In the first three quarters of 1980, the Federal Reserve handled check, draft, and other payment orders directed to more than 40,000 deposi2. Check processing volumes at Federal Reserve offices, third quarter 1980 Number of checks (millions) Value of checks (billions of dollars) 3,896.9 1,985.8 510 Chicago, Illinois New York, New York .. Minneapolis, Minnesota . Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Boston, Massachusetts .. Dallas, Texas 232.5 200.1 188.4 161.3 157.3 139.0 143.8 156.2 62.4 64.9 79.2 68.4 620 780 330 400 500 490 Denver, Colorado Jacksonville, Florida Los Angeles, California . Baltimore, Maryland St. Louis, Missouri Atlanta, Georgia 138.7 120.0 119.7 109.3 103.7 102.9 48.8 46.6 77.4 46.0 48.9 76.1 350 390 650 420 470 740 Kansas City, Missouri .. San Francisco, California Windsor Locks, Connecticut Miami, Florida Charlotte, North Carolina Detroit, Michigan 100.4 100.1 40.5 38.7 400 390 99.7 98.7 96.7 96.1 38.8 52.5 82.7 59.3 390 530 860 620 Cranford, New Jersey... Cleveland, Ohio Milwaukee, Wisconsin .. Richmond, Virginia Houston, Texas Jericho, New York 94.0 87.8 81.6 77.3 74.5 73.6 45.9 41.2 33.9 33.8 46.5 28.0 490 470 420 440 620 380 Cincinnati, Ohio New Orleans, Louisiana. Des Moines, Iowa Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Utica, New York Birmingham, Alabama .. 71.0 70.7 70.2 67.2 64.7 55.5 31.7 33.0 26.8 41.7 53.8 24.0 450 470 380 620 830 430 Seattle, Washington Indianapolis, Indianna... Nashville, Tennessee . . . Omaha, Nebraska Portland, Oregon Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 51.9 49.6 48.6 48.1 47.2 46.2 36.3 23.9 19.0 18.2 19.4 27.6 700 480 390 380 410 600 Columbia, South Carolina Buffalo, New York Louisville, Kentucky San Antonio, Texas Salt Lake City, U t a h . . . . Columbus, Ohio 43.8 35.7 34.4 33.7 33.6 33.4 16.1 23.1 20.7 17.0 15.3 15.2 370 650 600 500 460 460 Little Rock, Arkansas... Memphis, Tennessee Charleston, West Virginia Lewiston, Maine Helena, Montana El Paso, Texas 31.9 30.9 27.8 22.8 13.9 10.9 15.3 14.5 8.5 6.3 8.9 9.0 480 470 310 280 640 830 Office All offices Average value (dollars) SOURCE. "1980 PACS Expense Report, Third Quarter" (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Division of Federal Reserve Bank Operations, Planning and Control System Sections processed). 114 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 tory institutions at the annual rate of 61.7 million items per banking day (table 2). Accommodating all of the permutations of any two of these institutions involves a maze of great size and, for paper processing and transport, of great complexity. Two-thirds of Federal Reserve offices handle a million or more checks per banking day. The greater part of the check sorting to convert incoming to outgoing items and to maintain the necessary financial controls for funds transfers running to hundreds of millions of dollars takes place between midnight and 6 a.m. Defects in check instruments and adjustments for errors inherent in handling cash letters on a tight time schedule required the expenditure of nearly $30 million in 1979. ELECTRONIC CLEARING SERVICES Existing Federal Reserve facilities for electronic deposit transfers are the Fed Wire and ACHs. Fed Wire is used primarily for large-dollar transfers between financial institutions. In 1979 volume was only 35.1 million transactions, but the value transferred was $64.2 trillion (almost eight times the value transferred by check on only 2 percent of the volume). These payments can be originated by telephone, on paper, or through terminals or computers. The service is nationwide and secure; value is transferred on reserve accounts at the time the information is sent. The ACH network is a nationwide electronic clearing and settlement mechanism that offers automated credit and debit transfer services to all financial institutions. This network is composed of 38 regional ACHs that have been organized by the members of the ACH association in the region. The members of ACH associations are depository institutions that have agreed to abide by the rules and procedures for the initiation and delivery of electronic payments. The members include 10,500 commercial banks and 2,700 thrift institutions; all receive payments but only about 500 initiate payments for business and government customers. At present, the Federal Reserve operates 37 of these ACH clearing and settlement facilities. The financial institutions in New York operate their own ACH, but use Federal Reserve delivery and settlement facili ties. In the third quarter of 1980, the Federal Reserve processed debit-and-credit transfers at its ACH facilities at an annual rate of 233 million. In contrast to deposit transfers authorized by check or draft, those made by electronic credit and, to a large degree, electronic debit are much simpler, more direct, and more certain (chart 2). Credits are initiated by instructions from a payer to his bank to credit the account of the payee at his bank on a specific date. Such instructions go to automated clearinghouses for delivery to the receiving bank; in an automated environment the instructions are initiated and received by computers and terminals. Payrolls, social security, and other high-volume, repetitive credit transfers are well suited to this technology. Debit transfers initiated by payees as a result of prior arrangement with payers are becoming common. They are well suited to any periodic bill-paying transaction and especially those involving repetitive amounts such as monthly insurance premiums. Because many commercial banks and other depository institutions do not have the equipment to receive electronic payment messages from ACHs, electronic transfer is not fully cost effective. In such cases, conversion into paper is required. As more institutions install terminal equipment and begin to use magnetic tape, this limitation will become less important. COMPETITION AND COORDINATION IN PAYMENT INFRASTRUCTURE Payment systems necessarily involve some measure of coordination and competition among banks and between the central bank and the banking system. Coordination in the infrastructure is needed to insure the integrity and quality of a payments service among a large number of depository institutions. Competition in providing payments services centers primarily on the quality and price of services offered to the customers of depository institutions. The area of competition tends to be complementary to the area of coordination, but there are overlaps associated with clearing and settlement services. Since the Federal Reserve has no deposit accounts other than those of the federal government, commercial banks, other depository insti- Federal Reserve and the Payments System tutions, and foreign central banks, its role is confined to clearing and settlement of transfers between these entities. All transfers between accounts at any depository institution are cleared and settled within that institution; the Federal Reserve clearing offices do not knowingly handle such transactions. Banks in the same community commonly exchange checks drawn on each other and so no clearing facilities, and often no settlement facilities, need be provided by the Federal Reserve. All other deposit transfers are cleared by the Federal Reserve or correspondent banks; often, nonbank processors are involved. Although the Federal Reserve has offices in 48 locations, a bank often finds it more convenient to use correspondent clearing services. Correspondents are most active in servicing local or regional institutions, but their clearing activities may also be nationwide. Cost, convenience, and the availability of funds are elements in the competition in clearing and settlement functions. Competitive alternatives exist at the stage at which checks are being prepared for clearing. The Federal Reserve sets standards and conditions for the acceptance of items it will clear. If such requirements are not met, items must be cleared outside the Federal Reserve or "qualified" by a bank or nonbank processor before being accepted for clearing at a Federal Reserve office. The Federal Reserve determines the form and time for presenting items to paying banks. If it combines checks drawn on the several banks whose processing is done by a correspondent, holding company, or nonbank, those processors must fine-sort the items by bank on which drawn. If the Federal Reserve fine-sorts to the bank level or even some intrabank locations, it enlarges its competitive service and enhances its competitive posture. At present banks and check processors using Federal Reserve clearing facilities make their own arrangements for delivery of items to Federal Reserve offices in light of deadlines and funds availability. According to a recent survey, some 4,200 cash letters are sent daily to the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve makes deliveries of checks to 8,300 paying banks or their processors. Most of these deliveries are by courier. The funds availability schedules of the Federal 115 Reserve are also competitive. Although the schedules used by the Federal Reserve in 1980 have not changed since 1951, the installation of improved processing equipment in recent years has made it possible to move forward deadlines for delivery of items to the Federal Reserve in order to achieve some given funds availability. The practical result has been to reduce fractionally the deferrals in the regular schedule. In fixing deadlines and the availability schedules, the Federal Reserve was attempting to add certainty to funds transfer and to make settlement as expeditious as possible. To achieve these ends, the time required for collection has been based on typical processing and delivery experience, but contingencies such as equipment failures and uncommon transportation delays have deferred some collections. As a result Federal Reserve float has been a regular, though highly variable, characteristic of the clearing operation. Float has value proportional to the level of interest rates and the size of the checks being cleared. The Monetary Control Act of 1980 requires the Federal Reserve to treat float as a service and to charge for it. At recent levels of interest rates it has become increasingly profitable for banks whose customers deposit checks for large amounts to speed availability of funds by arranging for special courier service to paying banks. As the Federal Reserve now accords the same processing and availability treatment to all items regardless of size, many banks provide special handling for large-value items. The flexibility of FRCS-80 will also permit more efficient processing: "low-value" items can be accommodated in off-peak hours so that "high-value" items can realize for depositors the earning potential associated with earlier availability. * * * In summary, the upgrading of the Federal Reserve's electronic payment capabilities for the 1980s will directly enhance the efficiency of the nation's payment system. FRCS-80 will indirectly influence the choice of users primarily because it can augment the number of payment options and upgrade the certainty, promptness, and in- 116 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 tegrity of payment transactions. The observable cost reduction in clearing among these options may be small but the indirect savings large. For example, the ability to credit wages and salaries electronically to employee deposit accounts yields major savings in transaction costs for the employer, and depository institutions need not provide tellers, machines, or processing capability for payroll checks. The ability of merchants, utilities, and other vendors to receive consumer payments electronically involves transaction savings, but greater incentives for change come from savings in accounting, billing, and recordkeeping before and after payment. Thus, although FRCS-80 can have important economies for the Federal Reserve, its broader influence should be one of making generally available more efficient payment alternatives. Whereas in the past payers had a major role in deciding how a payment would be made—whether by cash, by check, or by electronic credit or debit—now payees are likely to have more influence on that choice. Collection of checks can be accelerated by using electronic clearing, imposing penalties on late transfers of availability, or providing discounts for early payment. Thus, the emergence of new electronic payment capability with comparative advantages to payers and payees differentiated by price has significant implications for the entire payments system. • 117 Cyclical and Secular Developments in the U.S. Steel Industry Richard D. Raddock of the Board's Business Conditions Section, Division of Research and Statistics, prepared this article. Production by the U.S. steel industry plummeted during the sharp contraction in overall economic activity in the first half of 1980. Output declined more rapidly than employment, and unit labor costs increased markedly. Sales, as well as profits, also dropped sharply. Iron and steel production, which had peaked in late 1978, had already fallen substantially during 1979 while total industrial production changed little. The additional 36 percent drop in iron and steel output from January through July of 1980 accounted for about one-eighth of the total decline in the output of the nation's manufacturing, mining, and utility industries during that period. However, steelmaking made a vigorous recovery in the four months that followed the July trough in industrial production. By November, steel output equaled the level at the beginning of the year, but eased at year's end to a level substantially below its peak in 1978 (chart 1). The decline in 1980 was associated with disparate developments among steel-using industries. On the one hand, the output of automobiles, appliances, and construction supplies, all heavy users of steel, fell sharply. These cutbacks reflected the drop in sales and the need to reduce excessive stocks. On the other hand, some factors tended to damp the decline in steel output. Because oil drilling and output of defense equipment and of office and computing equipment remained strong throughout the recession, they continued to consume a substantial amount of steel. At the same time, imports of steel were cut back, thereby lessening some of the impact of reduced demand on the domestic steel industry. Steel inventories also were liquidated during the spring and summer of 1980, when the domestic production of iron and steel fell much more sharply than the use of steel. In August 1980, a key producer announced that it was restarting some furnaces; its inventories of semifinished steel were so low that more output was required in order to continue operations at certain finishing mills. A rebound in the production of consumer durable goods spurred sharp increases in orders, and production of steel picked up in the fall of 1980. Just as the earlier shift from accumulation to liquidation of inventories had sped up the decline in output, the ending of the liquidation accentuated the rebound. The recovery in steel production, however, has not been complete. In December 1980, iron and steel output was 16 percent below its most recent peak of late 1978, a level that was 3 percent below the high in 1973 and only slightly 1. Output and capacity utilization Ratio scale, 1967=100 Federal Reserve series; seasonally adjusted. 118 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 above the high in 1969. In fact, at the end of 1980, the output index of the iron and steel industry was lower than in 1969, whereas total industrial production was more than a third higher. Steel output in the United States had grown relatively slowly even before the peaks in 1969 and 1973. From 1955 to 1973, it grew at an average annual rate of 1.3 percent, compared with a rise of 4.5 percent per year for total industrial production. Indeed, the rate of growth of steel output was much slower than that of steel production abroad. In the mid-1950s, the United States produced more steel than Germany, Japan, and the Soviet Union combined. Less than 30 years later in 1980, U.S. steel output was less than half the production in these three countries together and significantly less than in the Soviet Union alone. Between 1956 and 1974—the year in which the rapid worldwide expansion in steel output peaked—production of raw steel rose tenfold in Japan, tripled in the Soviet Union, and doubled in the European Economic Community (EEC); it rose less than one-third in the United States. The rapid rise in steel output abroad plus the worldwide slowdown in economic growth since 1974 has led to excess capacity and intense competition in international steel markets—factors that have adversely affected the U.S. steel industry. The slow growth in domestic steel output and capacity has been related to the use of increasingly older coke ovens, furnaces, and mills and a relatively poor productivity performance. The costs of pollution abatement and safety regulations and the relatively rapid increases in prices paid by the industry for labor, raw materials, and energy have also contributed to the sharpness of the increases in steel costs and prices. Many domestic users have turned to lower-priced imported steel and/or switched from steel to plastics and other alternative materials. Although major integrated steel producers still account for the bulk of steel shipped by the domestic industry, "minimills," which use electric furnaces and continuous casting to recycle scrap metal into steel mill products, have increased their market share. 1 1. Compared with recycling by minimills, the traditional integrated production of steel involves more extensive processing activities that typically include the conversion of coal DIMENSIONS OF THE DECLINE AND RECOVERY During the year after its peak in December 1978, the production of iron and steel declined 15 percent. Then from February to May of 1980 new orders for iron and steel fell more than 40 percent; reflecting this weakness, many plants —particularly older ones—were closed, and output plummeted during the spring and early summer to the lowest level since 1971. This 19-month drop of nearly 50 percent brought the operating rate for iron and steel producers down from a high of almost 95 percent of capacity to a low of 51.6 percent. In magnitude, it ranks with the severe cyclical declines in iron and steel production that began in 1957 and 1969 (table 1). 1. Major declines in iron and steel production 1 Period July 1953-April 1954 August 1957-April 1958 November 1969-August 1971 September 1973-July 1975 December 1978-July 1980 Indexes, 1967 = 100 High Low 99.9 95.3 123.0 129.8 125.3 64.3 51.7 67.5 87.0 68.1 Decline (percent) 35.6 45.8 45.1 33.0 45.7 1. Based on the iron and steel component of the Federal Reserve index of industrial production, seasonally adjusted. Associated with, but lagging somewhat behind, the cutbacks in production were massive layoffs of workers. From June 1979 to August 1980, 170,000 workers lost their jobs in the iron and steel industries as employment dropped 21 percent to 660,000, the lowest level excluding strike periods since 1939 (table 2). Each successive employment peak in the iron and steel industry since 1953 has fallen short of the one before, although production continued to trend up until 1973. Output per employee (productivity) in the iron and steel industry rose at a 2 percent annual rate from the mid-1950s until 1973. But from 1973 to 1978 productivity rose only slightly—in part because the 1978 output peak remained below the 1973 peak. In the to coke in coke ovens; the production of iron from iron ore, coke, and other materials in a blast furnace; the conversion of iron into steel in an open hearth or oxygen furnace; and the formation of products in a rolling mill. The total process is relatively energy- and capital-intensive. Developments in the U.S. Steel Industry 2. Major declines in iron and steel employment 1 Period Jumbeir of e mployiees (t housai ids) Decline (percent) High Low Decline June 1953-October 1954 February 1957-May 1958 June 1968-October 1971 June 1974-November 1975 June 1979-August 1980 990.9 986.4 902.8 868.4 833.4 833.6 756.9 732.1 742.2 662.3 157.3 229.5 170.7 126.2 171.1 15.9 23.3 18.9 14.5 20.5 119 increase in employment, and total employee productivity rebounded sharply. A large gain in productivity is a phenomenon that is typical of a cyclical recovery because hours worked usually are not increased so much as output in the recovery. But the productivity gain also is related to the continued mothballing of some of the less-efficient plants. 1. Based on U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, data for total employment in blast furnaces, basic steel production, and iron and steel foundries, seasonally adjusted. SOURCES OF DECLINE IN recent curtailment, as is typical in periods of recession, output dropped more sharply than employment—in fact, the decline was twice as much in percentage terms as the decline in employment, while output per employee fell about one-third. With the sharp decline in the output of steel in the spring and summer of 1980, profits nosedived. Income before taxes of corporations whose major products are iron and steel declined from $1 billion in the first quarter of the year to $100 million in the third quarter. Steel companies were forced to cut back spending for plant and equipment. The cash-flow problem was exacerbated by increases in wage rates. Average hourly earnings of production workers in blast furnaces and steel mills rose at an annual rate of 11 percent during the recession. In contrast, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, producer prices for steel mill products rose at a rate of only 5 percent during this period, as officially reported prices eased somewhat at the end of the period. Moreover, trade reports indicate that even the price increases reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics were not realized in the marketplace because competitive discounting from list prices was substantial during the summer. Following the July low in output, a swift rebound ensued. By October, the level of new orders was twice as high as in May. The recovery in steel production followed the runup in new orders, but it was less exuberant. From July to November 1980, the level of production rebounded nearly 60 percent to equal the level in January. By November, the utilization rate for iron and steel had risen about 30 percentage points to around 81 percent. The jump in output far exceeded the 5 percent The sharp drop and the subsequent sharp rise in steel output in 1979 and 1980 stemmed largely from changes in demand for motor vehicles and for new construction and were greatly intensified by the excessive accumulation and subsequent liquidation of inventories. During 1978, steel production had risen rapidly and by December was about 17 percent above a year earlier. With this increase, steel output exceeded the apparent use of steel, and inventories were built up; part of this accumulation evidently was intended as a hedge against anticipated price increases and increasing backlogs of orders. Partly because of the excessive inventories, production of basic iron and steel fell more than 10 percent in the first two months of 1979, while that of steel mill products declined about 18 percent. By March 1979, total inventories of steel mill shapes and forms had been reduced noticeably. Steel output then increased in March, but a strike and a lockout in the trucking industry in April resulted in declines in iron and steel output and in total industrial production. After activity in the trucking industry was resumed, production in most industries recovered in 1979 before contracting in 1980. Steel output, in contrast, failed to regain its late 1978 highs and weakened substantially in the second half of 1979. The main reason for this weakness was that output of motor vehicles and of construction supplies declined further in the second half of 1979 and even at the end of 1980 were still far below their levels in March 1979. These two lagging markets accounted for nearly one-third of the use of steel mill products in March 1979, and directly and indirectly accounted for a larger share of the ensuing 45 percent decline in output of steel mill products. 1979-80 120 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 STEEL FOR CONSUMER DURABLE GOODS2 In early 1979, approximately one-fifth of the output of domestic steel mills was shipped to producers of motor vehicles and appliances. Sales of new, North American-produced cars trended down during 1979, and in response to this development, production of motor vehicles and parts was cut back substantially. By December 1979, motor vehicle output was one-fourth below its level a year earlier. This sharp decline was a major factor in slowing the growth of total industrial output in 1979 and accounted for more than half of the 37 percent fall in the output of steel for consumer durable goods during 1979. That year, demand for less fuel-efficient cars contracted sharply, largely because of reduced availability of gasoline in the spring, concerns about future fuel shortages, and extraordinary price increases for petroleum products. U.S. automobile producers were only partly prepared for the shift in demand to smaller cars, and domestic production fell far more than total sales as imports of small, fuel-efficient cars increased significantly. Despite the marked curtailment in the production of cars and trucks in the second half of 1979, stocks of large cars and light-duty trucks were still excessive relative to sales at the end of the year, and the reduction in stocks continued into early 1980. The need to reduce dealers' stocks also was stimulated by the rapid acceleration in inflation; and high interest rates made it more costly for dealers to finance inventories and for buyers to finance purchases. Sales of new U.S.produced cars did pick up in late 1979 and early 1980 with the introduction of the new models, but then, reflecting other developments in the economy, they declined sharply further. Consequently, production of motor vehicles was cut a further 25 percent by mid-1980. Sales of other steel-using consumer durable goods also declined in real terms in 1980. From the end of 1979 to mid-1980 the output of appli2. The five steel mill product components of the industrial production index are based on industry data on shipments from iron and steel producers to user industries. The five components are consumer durable steel, construction steel, equipment steel, can and closure steel, and miscellaneous steel. ances, television sets, and air conditioners was reduced nearly a fourth. Production of steel for consumer durable goods fell more than 50 percent during the 1980 decline. The overall cyclical reduction in consumer steel from its 1978 peak was roughly 70 percent, compared with declines of 40 percent for motor vehicles and parts and 25 percent for appliances, TVs, and air conditioners (chart 2). The exceptionally large decline in consumer steel was due in part to a shift from inventory accumulation to liquidation, which greatly intensified the weakness from the sagging sales of motor vehicles and appliances. CONSTRUCTION STEEL Steel sold directly to the construction industry typically accounts for about one-eighth of shipments of steel mill products. The market for construction steel can be approximated by total new public and private construction put-in-place, excluding that for new single-family houses and additions and alterations. Such construction activity contracted briefly in the first quarter of 1979 and then rose in late 1979. Toward the end of the year, interest rates rose rapidly, and adverse conditions of financing contributed to the weakness in construction in 1980. The constant-dollar value of new, steel-using construction peaked in January 1980 and apparently reached a low in August after a fall of 18 percent—two-thirds as much as in the 1973-75 decline. Output of construction steel plummeted 50 percent from January to July 1980, far great^ than the drop in overall construction and greater than the decline in construction steel in the 1974^ 75 period (chart 2). EQUIPMENT STEEL An interesting aspect of the latest recession has been the short and relatively mild decline in production of equipment, which consumes about a third of the steel mill output. From a March 1980 cyclical peak to a June trough, output of equipment edged down only 2.7 percent, onethird as much as the drop in total industrial production from January to July. Over the recent Developments in the U.S. Steel Industry period, demand for defense equipment has continued strong, and production of business equipment has been unusually resilient in the face of widespread contractions in output, sales, and profits. 3 In recessions before 1973, output of business equipment tended to decline more than total industrial production. But since the energy crisis of 1973, this has not been true. In the 1974-75 period, production of business equipment declined about as much as total industrial production, and in 1980 less than half as much. The rapid growth in drilling for oil and gas and the major retooling in the auto industry to increase car fuel efficiency have been significant in sustaining the demand for capital goods in recent years. In addition, output of office and computing machines and commercial and military aircraft have been only mildly affected by this recession. Even though the demand for equipment remained quite strong, output of steel used to produce equipment had declined about 40 percent by July 1980 from the range maintained for most of the period from late 1978 to March 1980 (chart 2). This decline in output of equipment steel was larger than the reduction in 1974-75, but it was somewhat less than in the three 3. The business equipment market grouping of industrial production series includes oil and gas well drilling; it does not include automobiles used by businesses. 121 preceding recessions. In those earlier recessions, total production of equipment fell an average of 17 percent, considerably more than the 2.7 percent in 1980. Production of most of the remaining one-third or more of steel mill products fell more than 40 percent from its 1978 peak to the 1980 trough. Output of iron and steel foundries—producers of castings used for pipe, railroad wheels, furnaces, and motor vehicles—also fell by a similarly large amount. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF STEEL In the 1980 recession, U.S. production of iron and steel declined far more than can be accounted for by curtailment in the apparent domestic consumption of steel; this difference can reflect increases in imports, declines in exports of steel, or liquidation of inventories. Imported steel, however, increased its market share only slightly during the recession, and this increase reflected the sharp drop in domestic production rather than a rise in imports. After having risen sharply in the 1960s, imports peaked in late 1977 and early 1978. Since then, the annual volume of imports has declined. In fact, the level of imports has fallen in recent months below the average for the seventies (chart 3). Nevertheless, imports still supply one-sixth to 2. O u t p u t o f c o n s u m e r d u r a b l e s , c o n s t r u c t i o n put-in-place, a n d e q u i p m e n t c o m p a r e d w i t h related t y p e s o f steel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1977 1978 "Special consumer durable goods" includes motor vehicles and parts; appliances, TVs, and air conditioners; and cutlery. "Construetion-put-in-place" in 1972 prices is for total private plus public less single-family houses and additions and alterations. "Equipment" is 1979 1980 1977 1978 1979 1980 the gross value of products of total equipment less business vehicles and truck trailers. SOURCE. Federal Reserve index of industrial production except for construction-put-in-place, which is from the Bureau of Census. 122 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 3. Imports and exports of steel mill products Millions of short tons 20 Imports 15 fluctuated around use during 1979, and fell below use in the spring and summer of 1980 (chart 4). Between the second half of 1978 and the 1980 trough, the overall decline in new supply was about 50 percent, compared with a decrease in use of about 34 percent. 4. Steel mill products tons 10 110 Exports J_L 19541960 19611967 19681974 I n. EL a i 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 90 1980 Annual averages for seven-year periods or annual data. SOURCE. Department of Commerce, Survey of Current Business. one-fifth of domestic consumption—a share that is larger than in other major industrial countries. Imported steel mill products have dropped largely due to (1) higher prices since 1978 when the trigger price mechanism (TPM) was introduced and (2) weaker demand and price discounting in the United States during the period of decline in 1980. Informal attempts were also made to have foreign sources limit or reduce their exports to the United States. The TPM raises the price of imported steel to a minimum price based on the production cost in the lowcost country, Japan. Although the TPM was lifted for several months during 1980 because of an antidumping suit brought by a major producer, the TPM was reinstituted in October and has contributed to significant increases in import prices since then. While imports have fallen since 1978, exports of steel mill products have increased from very low levels. On balance, net imports have had a rather noticeable decline, which together with the sharp cutbacks in domestic production reduced the new supply of steel dramatically relative to use. SUPPLY, USE, AND INVENTORY CHANGE The new domestic supply of steel mill products equals production plus net imports. The new supply exceeded estimated use in late 1978, 70 r^u • • ± • Change in inventories I 1977 1978 IWWgil figf W 1 I 1979 1980 Federal Reserve estimates, seasonally adjusted annual rates, based on American Iron and Steel Institute and Department of Commerce data. Fourth quarter preliminary. The change in inventory is equal to the new supply less use. Consequently, in the second half of 1978, inventories of steel mill shapes and forms held by producers, users (manufacturers only), and service centers rose 3.4 million tons to 36.6 million tons. After fluctuating moderately in 1979 and early 1980, steel stocks fell 6.2 million tons from April 1980 to a low of 29.8 million tons in October (chart 4).4 This liquidation of stocks intensified the decline in steel output and employment in the recent recession, as similar swings have done in the past. Largely because of such swings between accumulation and liquidation of stocks, production of industrial materials—iron and steel, textiles, chemicals, and nonferrous metals—has historically fluctuated more than use. The inventory4. Assuming a $530 average price per ton in 1980 ($243 in 1972), the drop of 6.8 million tons from the end of 1978 to October 1980 is worth about $3.6 billion in 1980 prices or $1.7 billion in 1972 prices. The bulk of the decline occurred in about five months in 1980 and converts to an annual rate of inventory liquidation of $7.5 billion in 1980 prices or $3.4 billion in 1972 prices. Developments in the U.S. Steel Industry related rebound in the output of such materials helps explain the sharp rebound in industrial production and employment during the final quarter of 1980. The cessation of liquidation and the beginning of accumulation have particularly accelerated the rebound in production of iron and steel. In the four months from March to July 1980, the production index for iron and steel plunged from 106 to 68 (1967 = 100); in the next four months, it rose to about 107, thereby surpassing the March level. Only a part of this rebound can be explained by the increase in final use of steel. Just as the earlier decline in industrial use of steel was smaller than the contraction in supply, the recovery in use in the latter part of 1980 was smaller also—37 percent compared with the 73 percent increase in supply (chart 4). There is some evidence, however, that even this increase in apparent use is an overestimate. Among major users, motor vehicle production has recovered about one-third of its overall cyclical decline, construction (excluding single-family houses and additions and alterations) has recovered little, and equipment production has increased about 2 percent after a slight decline (chart 2). In contrast, the inventory liquidation that had been so severe in the summer and fall evidently ended in November 1980 when the new supply of steel mill products had increased to as much as, or more than, the amount of steel being used. Then, in December, production of iron and steel eased, apparently reflecting this development as well as declines in new orders for steel in November. Weekly raw steel production, not seasonally adjusted, changed little in the first weeks of 1981 at a time of year when output normally increases. Production of iron and steel still was about one-sixth below its high in 1978. SECULAR STAGNATION AND COMPETITION From 1967 until the end of 1980, U.S. production of iron and steel increased on average less than 1 percent a year. By year-end 1980, it was nearly a fifth below the high in 1973-74 when worldwide demand for steel was exceptionally strong. Productive capacity in the industry, which also has 123 grown very slowly—about 1 percent per year since 1967, has not been an important constraint on output since 1974. The slow growth of U.S. output and capacity reflects the erosion of the share of steel in the production of industrial materials. The use of iron and steel has been reduced by weakness in areas such as highway construction and by technological changes, including downsizing of cars, miniaturization of electronic equipment, and the substitution of plastics and aluminum for steel. If the share of iron and steel used in production of durable goods had remained unchanged from the 1971 technological relationships, the consumption of steel would have risen 40 percent from the cyclical peak in 1969 to that in 1979. Actually, steel supply grew only about 15 percent. Thus, in the 1970s changes in technology have reduced the use of steel about 2 to 3 percent per year. By 1980, this hypothetical reduction amounted to an estimated 30 million tons of steel mill products per year. Output of steel has grown more slowly than that of industrial materials in the aggregate (chart 5). Between 1967 and 1979, iron and steel production rose 13 percent, about one-fourth as much as the increase in output of all industrial materials or of total industrial production. Over the same period, the combined output of plastics and durable materials other than iron and steel increased 75 percent (chart 5). Output of plastics materials, which have replaced steel and wood in many applications, quadrupled over the same period. Rising imports of steel mill products and declining exports also have slowed the growth of output of the U.S. steel industry. But in terms of lost domestic sales, this slowing was more of a problem in the sixties than in the seventies. In 1950, before the reconstruction of industrial facilities destroyed in World War II, the U.S. steel industry produced almost half of the world's steel. Over the next quarter-century, this share dropped to one-sixth, as steel industries around 5. The use of iron and steel in constant dollars based on 1971 technological relationships is estimated roughly by combining production indexes for major steel-consuming industries with weights based on the technical coefficients from the 1971 input-output table published by the Department of Commerce. 124 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 5. Output of materials, fuel, and power in 1979 Plastics materials Manmade fibers Basic chemicals Manmade fabrics Industrial electricity Aluminum Copper Petroleum refining Pulp and paper Coal Cement Logging and lumber Iron and steel Crude oil and natural gas Cotton fabric Wool fabric t 100 the world were built up. Until 1959, the United States was a net exporter of steel. In the late 1950s and the 1960s, however, the world export price of steel fell substantially below the U.S. price, and imports increased so much that by 1971 they were about one-sixth of the apparent U.S. consumption of steel. During this period exports of steel declined. Then, until 1977-78 a variety of factors—a worldwide steel shortage with foreign prices higher than controlled U.S. steel prices, the energy crisis, and a sharp recession—kept imports below the 1971 level. The trigger price mechanism and weak demand caused imports to decline in 1979-80 to a level not much different from that in 1971-72. U.S. producers began to lose their comparative advantage in marketing steel in the late 1950s when ocean transportation costs and world iron ore prices began to decline. Major new iron ore mines were developed in Australia, Brazil, and elsewhere. "By the 1960s virtually any country with a deep water port could obtain its basic raw materials at costs competitive with the United i i 200 Output index, 1967=100 i 300 400 States or Western Europe." 6 Meanwhile, costs of materials to U.S. steel producers have continued to rise, in part because of a reliance on domestic sources of raw materials which, in the case of the Mesabi iron ore mines, were depleted of their most easily accessible, high-quality ores. 7 The cost advantage in producing iron and steel has shifted from the United States, and even more from Western Europe to Japan and developing countries that have much lower labor costs. The average production cost advantage held by Japan over the United States in late 1980 was roughly $50 per net ton, 8 in part because 6. Robert W. Crandall, "The Economics of the Current Steel Crisis in OECD Member Countries," Steel in the 80s, Paris Symposium, February 1980, p. 140. 7. The iron ore deposits located in the U.S. Lake Superior district supply four-fifths of the iron ore mined in the United States. Three-fourths of the ore mined in the Lake Superior district comes from the Mesabi range (Minnesota). Roughly three-eighths of the iron consumed in producing iron in the United States is imported. Most of the imports come from Canada and to a lesser extent from Venezuela and Brazil. 8. Peter Marcus, World Steel Dynamics, Paine, Webber, Mitchell, Hutchins, Inc. Developments in the U.S. Steel Industry many of the existing plants in the United States and Europe are older, smaller, and less efficient than the new ones in other countries. Labor costs in the U.S. steel industry are high relative not only to those abroad but also to those in other U.S. manufacturing industries. Workers at blast furnaces and steel mills averaged $12.51 per hour in November 1980, the highest in manufacturing and about 65 percent higher than the average for all manufacturing. Since 1974, this differential has grown from the range of 25 to 40 percent that had persisted over the preceding 20 years. Since that year, earnings of steelworkers have been determined under the experimental negotiating agreement, under which the union agrees not to strike in return for automatic annual wage increases of 3 percent plus cost-of-living adjustments. This formula has given steelworkers much larger wage increases than workers in most other industries. U.S. imports of steel mill products do not come only from low-cost producers such as Japan. Some imports come from relatively highcost producers in Europe that have excess capacity. Many countries developed expansion plans in the period of rapid growth in world steel output that culminated in the 1973-74 steel boom. Investment based on these plans led to capacity that turned out to be unneeded because of the recessions and slower industrial growth that followed. For the years 1975-78, the average capacity utilization rate (in percent) for steel producers was only 65.6 in Japan, 74.1 in the United Kingdom, 61.6 in West Germany, 67.2 in France, and 65.7 in the total EEC. Compared with these low rates the U.S. steel companies w^re^dding relatively well with an average operating rate of 80.6 percent. 9 This excess capacity has contributed to the financial problems of steel producers in many countries. 125 tion, U.S. steelmaking capacity has shown little net growth in recent years. Although new minimills, furnaces, rolling mills, and continuous casters have been installed, the last totally new, "greenfield," integrated steel mill in the United States was built in 1967. Because older plants are generally less productive than new ones, productivity gains and profit rates tend to be relatively low—about the lowest among manufacturing industries in the United States. Low productivity gains and rapidly rising input costs have pushed up unit costs and, in turn, steel prices have risen rapidly—at a 12 percent rate since the end of 1973. Such price increases have contributed to the reduction in the quantity of steel purchased from U.S. producers. Despite this bleak picture, structural change is occurring continuously. Whereas some of the old integrated mills located near the iron ore deposits around Lake Superior and the coal mines in West Virginia have been cutting back their capacity, others are modernizing. New minimills are expanding rapidly in the South and West, reflecting the more rapid growth of population and economic activity in these areas. Minimills are usually located close to supplies of scrap metal, which is melted and rerefined in electric furnaces. Most minimills employ a continuous casting process that saves labor and energy by converting the metal directly into a limited range of steel mill products. Minimills now have the capacity to produce about 15 million tons of merchant bar, reinforcing bar, wire, and plate annually, or about one-seventh of the tonnage of all steel mill products. U.S. producers have replaced most of the old open-hearth furnaces with basic oxygen and energy-saving electric furnaces (chart 6), but they 6. Distribution of steel output by type of furnace Percent PERFORMANCE AND STRUCTURE CHANGING With the slow growth in the domestic consumption of steel and intense international competi9. Technology and Steel Industry Competitiveness, Congress of the United States, Office of Technology Assessment, 1980, p. 126. Baisic oxygen Open hearth •MHHjjj HHHHI 1965 1970 SOURCE. American Iron and Steel Institute. 1975 1980 126 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 still rely on open-hearth furnaces for a small part of their output; Japan uses none. More efficient, continuous casting is being employed more often, but the U.S. industry lags far behind that in Japan and the EEC. With continued modernization and more moderate wage increases, the U.S. steel industry probably would be able to continue to compete effectively for the bulk of the domestic market in steel. That market may continue to shrink inland and to be supplied less from integrated mills and more from minimills and specialty producers. • 127 Domestic Financial Developments in the Fourth Quarter of 1980 This report, which was sent to the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress on February 6, 1981, highlights the important developments in domestic financial markets during the fall and early winter. Growth in the narrow monetary aggregates slowed in the fourth quarter, but remained rapid by historical standards and in relation to the objectives of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) for 1980. For the year as a whole, M-l A and M-1B expanded at rates close to the upper ends of the ranges adopted by the Committee after adjustment for the unanticipated degree of shifting of funds into checkable, interestbearing deposits. However, growth of M-2 from the fourth quarter of 1979 to the fourth quarter of 1980 was about Vi of a percentage point above the top of its 1980 target range, despite a marked fourth-quarter deceleration produced by sharply reduced expansion of its nontransaction component. Growth of M-3 slowed only slightly in the fourth quarter and was at about the upper end of its target range for the year. Credit demands grew substantially in the fourth quarter, fed by rising economic activity and unabated inflation. Market interest rates reached new highs as the Federal Reserve sought to moderate the expansion of money and credit. The growth of nonborrowed reserves fell well short of the increase in required reserves during the quarter, and borrowing at the discount win- Interest rates Monthly averages except for Federal Reserve discount rate and conventional mortgages (based on quotations for one day each month). Yields: U.S. Treasury bills, market yields on three-month issues; prime commercial paper, dealer offering rates; conventional mortgages, rates on first mortgages in primary markets, unweighted and rounded to nearest 5 basis points, from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Aaa utility bonds, weighted averages of new publicly offered bonds rated Aaa, Aa, and A by Moody's Investors Service and adjusted to Aaa basis; U.S. government bonds, market yields adjusted to 20-year constant maturity by U.S. Treasury; state and local government bonds (20 issues, mixed quality), Bond Buyer. 128 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 Changes in reserves and monetary aggregates Based on seasonally adjusted data unless otherwise noted, in percent1 Item 1979 1978 1979 Q4 Member bank reserves Total Nonborrowed Required Monetary base3 Concepts of money M-1A M-1B M-2 M-3 1980 1980 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2 6.2 6.3 6.3 9.2 2.6 .3 2.4 7.8 7.1 7.8 6.8 8.5 11.6 5.1 10.4 9.3 4.3 3.3 5.1 7.7 4.5 4.9 .4 7.4 .7 6.7 12.4 5.8 16.5 7.2 15.2 5.2 9.9 10.3 4.6 -4.4 -2.5 5.6 11.5 14.6 16.0 13.0 8.2 10.8 9.2 11.8 4 Nontransaction components of M-2 Total (M-2 minus M-1B) Small time deposits Savings deposits Money market mutual fund shares (n.s.a.) Overnight RPs and overnight Eurodollar deposits (n.s.a.) MEMO (change in billions of dollars) Managed liabilities at commercial banks Large time deposits, gross Nondeposit funds Net due to foreign related institutions Other5 U.S. government deposits at commercial banks 7.4 5.0 5.0 8.2 8.4 11.3 7.7 7.3 9.0 9.8 9.9 10.0 7.2 5.7 7.3 9.1 8.0 5.8 9.4 23.1 -11.9 10.7 15.1 -4.3 7.9 25.8 -21.4 7.9 17.4 -20.3 23.7 16.4 1.0 -.5 -23.3 27.8 8.7 15.5 .6 163.9 324.2 90.3 120.0 151.9 82.7 75.7 -15.5 25.4 17.2 22.9 -33.1 9.0 -57.4 135.6 19.2 73.5 50.4 23.1 59.7 19.6 40.1 n.a. 22.0 n.a. 8.6 10.7 -2.1 10.5 6.3 4.2 -3.1 6.2 -9.3 -13.2 -4.3 -8.9 n.a. 13.8 n.a. 6.6 16.5 25.2 15.0 -24.4 n.a. .1 -2.1 -2.3 6.4 -8.6 -.4 -11.5 2.5 -2.0 n.a. 3.3 1.5 .6 -4.0 1.6 -1.6 2.9 -2.3 8.5 16.2 8.3 1. Changes are calculated from the average amounts outstanding in each quarter. 2. Annual rates of change in reserve measures have been adjusted for regulatory changes in reserve requirements. 3. Consists of total reserves (member bank reserve balances in the current week plus vault cash held two weeks earlier), currency in circulation (currency outside the U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks, and the vaults of commercial banks), and vault cash of nonmember banks. 4. M-1A is currency plus private demand deposits net of deposits due to foreign commercial banks and official institutions. M-1B is M-1A plus other checkable deposits (negotiable order of withdrawal accounts, accounts subject to automatic transfer service, credit union share draft balances, and demand deposits at mutual savings banks). M-2 is M-1B plus overnight repurchase agreements (RPs) issued by commercial banks, overnight Eurodollar deposits held by U.S. nonbank residents at Caribbean branches of U.S. banks, money market mutual fund shares, and savings and small time deposits at all depository institutions. M-3 is M-2 plus large time deposits at all depository institutions and term RPs issued by commercial banks and savings and loan associations. 5. Consists of borrowings from other than commercial banks through federal funds purchased and securities sold under repurchase agreements plus loans sold to affiliates, loans sold under repurchase agreements, and other borrowings. n.s.a. Not seasonally adjusted. dow rose sharply. The System raised the basic discount rate twice during the quarter, from 11 to 13 percent. In addition, a surcharge of 2 percent on frequent borrowings by large banks was instituted in November and raised to 3 percent in early December. The federal funds rate increased from less than 11 percent in September to around 20 percent by year-end. Yields on Treasury bills and other short-term instruments rose sharply until about mid-December—increasing 4 to 6 percentage points—and then fell moderately in the following weeks. The commercial bank prime rate climbed to a historical high of 21*/2 percent at the end of the year. Many long-term rates also moved to new highs during the quarter. Reflecting these pressures and the rising cost of funds to lending institutions, rates on new home mortgage commitments rose to around 15 percent in December. In the fourth quarter, household borrowing both in the consumer credit and in the mortgage markets exceeded the pace of the third quarter. Nonfinancial businesses also raised a greater volume of funds than in the third quarter and continued to rely more heavily on borrowing from commercial banks than on issuance of bonds or commercial paper. But bank credit stayed well within the range specified by the FOMC even with a large increase in the fourth quarter. Borrowing by the U.S. Treasury remained near the pace of the preceding quarter, Domestic Financial Developments, Q4 1980 but debt financing by state and local governments declined in the face of record borrowing costs despite a surge in tax-exempt revenue bonds to purchase single-family mortgages. MONETAR Y AGGREGA TES AND BANK CREDIT The growth of M-1A and M-1B weakened progressively in each month of the fourth quarter —extending the slowdown begun in September —and finally turned sharply negative in December. For the quarter as a whole, the growth rates of both M-1A and M-1B declined about 3Vi percentage points, to rates of 8 percent and 103A percent respectively. As in the third quarter, growth in M-1A (after adjustment for shifts to interest-bearing checkable accounts) appears to have retraced some of the substantial second quarter shortfall from historical money demand patterns. Thus, expansion of M-l measures for the year appears to have been only a little below that consistent with their past behavior in relation to prices, economic activity, and interest rates. Over 1980 M-1B grew considerably more than M-l A owing to the rapid expansion of interestbearing checkable deposits that gained momentum following passage in March of the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980. Among other provisions, the act made permanent the then-temporary authorization for automatic transfers from savings (ATS) and credit union share draft accounts and authorized commercial banks and thrift institutions to begin offering negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) accounts nationwide at year-end. These features prompted aggressive promotion of ATS accounts by commercial banks in anticipation of heightened competition for household transaction balances. The resultant greater-thanexpected conversions of demand deposits, savings deposits, and other liquid assets to ATS accounts depressed M-1A growth about 1 percentage point and boosted M-1B growth about Vi percentage point, relative to targets set earlier in the year. Such shifts produced a difference of somewhat more than 2 percentage points in annual growth rates for M-1A and M-1B during 129 1980, compared with the difference of Vi percentage point that was originally assumed. Outflows of savings deposits at commercial banks and thrift institutions—common in periods of high market interest rates—resumed in November and December after unusual strength during the summer and early fall, strength that appeared to be associated in part with a desire for liquidity in an environment of uncertain prospects for the economy and for interest rates. In addition, shares of money market mutual funds (MMMFs) contracted in the fourth quarter. The reported yields on MMMF shares tend to lag movements in market interest rates, and with the sharp increases in market rates in the closing months of 1980, some investors shifted away from the MMMFs. In contrast, the net inflow to small-denomination time deposits during the quarter picked up sharply. The bulk of this inflow was directed to six-month money market certificates (MMCs) when yields moved well above the 12 percent " c a p " on the maximum rate permitted on 2V2-year, small-saver certificates (SSCs) during the last two months of the quarter. The growth of small time deposits only partially offset the weakness in savings deposits and MMMFs, however, and growth in nontransaction balances in M-2 slowed to an annual rate of 83/4 percent in the fourth quarter, about half the advanced third-quarter pace. As a result, the reduction in the rate of expansion in M-2 was more marked than for the narrower aggregates. The rate of increase in M-3 fell only slightly in the quarter as banks issued large-denomination time deposits to offset the weakening inflows of demand and savings deposits. The strong growth of reservable deposit liabilities during the summer and early fall raised required reserves of depository institutions well above those provided through open market operations. As a consequence, borrowing at the discount window began rising from minimal levels in the summer to more than $2 billion in late November and early December. The greater tautness in the market for reserves, coupled with increases in the discount rate and the application of surcharges to frequent borrowing by large institutions, led to record highs in the federal funds rate by mid-December. Near the end of the year, borrowing at the discount window began to 130 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 Major categories of bank loans Components of bank credit Change, billions of dollars TREASURY SECURITIES 8 BUSINESS 16 12 E K 1 EL JL, o n.n n n 1 i OTHER SECURITIES Q4 1979 Q1 Q2 Q3 1980 n Q4 1979 Q1 Q2 Q3 1980 Seasonally adjusted. Total loans and business loans are adjusted for transfers between banks and their holding companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, or foreign branches. decline gradually in reflection of the weakening of the monetary aggregates, and by early January borrowing had moved to $V/4 billion to $V/2 billion. In November, the reserve requirement provisions of the Monetary Control Act began to be implemented. After a phase-in period ending in September 1987, virtually all institutions holding transaction accounts or nonpersonal time deposits, including branches and agencies of foreign banks, will be subject to a single uniform reserve requirement structure. (Reserve requirements against the newly authorized NOW accounts are effective immediately, however.) All such institutions holding reserves are also entitled to the same borrowing privileges from the Federal Reserve as member banks. The reserve provisions of the Monetary Control Act are expected to produce long-run benefits by promoting equity among financial institutions and enhancing the effectiveness of the Federal Reserve's control of money and credit. As in the early months of the year, business credit demands in the fourth quarter were diverted from the bond market to short-term markets as firms avoided incurring long-term indebtedness at record high interest rates. Moreover, the credit demands were focused largely on commercial banks as increases in bank lending rates tended to lag changes in market rates, and this boosted bank credit expansion. Real estate lending also picked up sharply in the fourth quarter, while consumer lending expanded in December after nine consecutive months of contraction. Although banks continued to enlarge their holdings of U.S. Treasury securities, the rate of increase slowed from the third quarter. In light of the reduced inflows to core deposits, banks increased their managed liabilities in the fourth quarter, after two quarters of decline, in order to fund their asset expansion. With the cost of Eurodollar funds moving further above rates pn domestic large certificates of deposit (adjusted for reserve requirements), the borrowing was concentrated entirely in domestically issued instruments; banks reduced net liabilities to their own foreign branches in the fourth quarter, albeit at a slower rate than in the preceding three months. BUSINESS FINANCE Commercial banks lent firms almost $17 billion in the fourth quarter, expanding their business loan portfolios at an annual rate of more than 20 percent, the highest seen since the fall of 1979. Total short- and intermediate-maturity borrowing by businesses increased at a somewhat slower rate than bank loans to businesses in the fourth quarter as the commercial paper liabilities of nonfinancial corporations contracted on balance over the quarter. The decline in commercial paper outstanding, which was very sharp in the first month of the quarter, reflected the relatively attractive lending rates available at commercial banks. The spread between the bank prime rate and the commercial paper rate continued to be narrow through most of the quarter, but the Domestic Financial Developments, Q4 1980 spread widened in December as the prime rate reached and remained at its record high while commercial paper rates began to fall from peak levels. Nonfinancial commercial paper increased slightly in November for the first time since June, and with bank lending rates trailing declines in market rates in December, issuance of nonfinancial commercial paper rose more rapidly. Yields on corporate bonds moved up to new highs during the fourth quarter before edging off in the last weeks of the period. In mid-December, the Federal Reserve index of yields on newly issued, Aaa-rated utility bonds was above W/2 percent—Vi percentage point above the level reached in the early spring. As long-term interest rates rose over the quarter, the volume of corporate financing declined sharply. Notes and bonds publicly offered by all corporations totaled $23 billion at a seasonally adjusted annual rate in the fourth quarter, about half the level of the third quarter. Reduced issuance by nonfinancial business, a total of only $16 billion, accounted for most of the decline. A relatively large Business loans and short- and intermediate-term business credit Seasonally adjusted annual rates of change, in percent1 Period 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 Business loans at banks2 Short- and intermediate-term business credit3 19.3 -3.8 1.3 10.5 16.3 17.5 11.2 23.6 -4.0 4.5 13.6 18.4 20.0 12.2 E 1979-Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 20.5 16.6 22.7 6.0 20.6 19.0 27.3 7.8 1980-Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 16.7 -9.6 14.4 22.3E 22.0 .6 8.0 16.5 E 1. Growth rates calculated between last months of period. 2. Based on monthly averages of Wednesday data for domestically chartered banks and an average of current and previous month-end data for foreign-related institutions. Adjusted for outstanding amounts of loans sold to affiliates. Includes holdings of bankers acceptances. 3. Short- and intermediate-term business credit is business loans at commercial banks plus nonfinancial commercial paper plus finance company loans to businesses and bankers acceptances outstanding outside banks. Commercial paper is a prorated average of Wednesday data. Finance company loans and bankers acceptances outstanding are averages of current and previous month-end data. e. Estimated. 131 Gross offerings of new security issues Seasonally adjusted annual rates, in billions of dollars Type of security Domestic corporate Publicly offered bonds Nonfinancial Financial Privately offered bonds Stocks Foreign 1979 1980 Q4 E Q4 QL Q2 Q3 45 23 19 4 10 12 5 66 26 22 4 21 19 2 89 66 49 17 8 15 6 79 47 38 9 9 23 3 53 23 16 7 10 20 3 48 32 57 57 44 State and local government bonds e. Estimated. proportion of the issues that were brought to market had comparatively short maturities of five to ten years, a typical development during periods of high bond yields when borrowers are reluctant to issue high coupon debt with long terms to maturity. Many of the public offerings by industrial corporations were convertible bonds with ratings of Baa and below, probably reflecting both the high level of equity prices and the lack of funds available through private placements, which are the usual means of capital market financing for lower-rated firms. Private placements of corporate bonds are estimated to have remained relatively small in the fourth quarter, even though the cash flow of life insurance companies, the major purchasers of privately placed bonds, was above the unusually low levels earlier in the year. The new commitment activity of these investors remained depressed, apparently in recognition of the potential for future contractions of cash flow as additional policy loans might be induced by rising interest rates. Stock prices generally rose during the fourth quarter, nearly equaling and in some cases surpassing previous highs. The major indexes of stock prices increased between 3 and 8 percent. The elevated level of share prices continued to encourage a large volume of issuance, including initial public offerings, and the volume of equity issues offered in the fourth quarter was again at a record level, well above the high reached the preceding quarter. For 1980, the volume of new corporate stock issued was more than one and a half times that in 1979 and surpassed the previous high in 1972. Industrial corporations ac- 132 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 counted for much of the increase in volume of issuance both for the fourth quarter and for the year. GOVERNMENT FINANCE Municipal bond yields also attained unprecedented levels during the fourth quarter. At the peak, the Bond Buyer index for general obligation bonds reached 10.56 percent and that for revenue bonds reached 11.41 percent. In these circumstances, the gross volume of bonds issued by state and local governments declined considerably in the fourth quarter, $44 billion (seasonally adjusted annual rate). This decline occurred despite a sharp rise in the volume of housingrelated revenue bond issues induced in part by anticipation of statutory restrictions on such issues beginning January 1, 1981. A record volume of nonhousing offerings were postponed during the quarter, as issuers apparently awaited more favorable conditions for long-term borrowings that could be delayed. The Treasury's net cash borrowing from the public totaled $27.7 billion (not seasonally adjusted) in the fourth quarter, about the same as in the third. The combined budget deficit exceeded borrowing by a substantial margin in the fourth quarter, as the Treasury met nearly $9 billion of its financing needs by drawing down the cash balance built up in previous quarters. About $29 billion of marketable debt was sold to the public. More than half of this amount was raised through sales of bills, including $7 billion in cash management bills scheduled to mature in late April 1981, after the tax date. The volume of noncompetitive tenders in the Treasury's regular weekly and monthly bill auctions rose in the fourth quarter in response to high interest rates, but remained below the highs reached in March. Nonmarketable debt declined $1.5 billion during the quarter, mostly reflecting runoffs of the Treasury's foreign series. (However, during the fourth quarter, foreign official institutions increased their holdings of marketable Treasury debt by almost $7 billion in custody accounts at the New York Federal Reserve Bank.) In addition, redemptions of savings bonds accelerated to about $500 million last quarter as the sharp rise in market interest rates apparently outweighed the favorable impact of an increase in the yields on savings bonds effective November 1. Net cash borrowing by federally sponsored agencies totaled $9.1 billion (not seasonally adjusted) for the fourth quarter, considerably higher than the $2.2 billion registered in the third quarter, and also above such borrowing in the fourth quarter of 1979. More than three-fourths of the borrowing was accounted for by the Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLBs) and the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), which stepped up their support of the residential mort- Federal government borrowing and cash balance Not seasonally adjusted, in billions of dollars Item Treasury financing Budget surplus, or deficit ( - ) Off-budget deficit1 Combined deficit New cash borrowings, or repayments ( - ) Other means of financing3 Change in cash balance Federally sponsored credit agencies, net cash borrowings4 1979 1978 Q4 Q1 -23.8 -.1 -23.9 -20.4 -3.0 -23.4 21.4 -5.2 16.2 -4.4 -4.2 -8.6 -24.6 -.9 -25.5 -27.1 -3.8 -30.9 8.2 -4.4 3.8 -15.4 -4.9 -20.3 -33.6 -2.2 -35.8 -4.6 -1.9 9.8 12.4 2.9 6.7 18.9 -1.7 -8.3 19.1 4.1 -7.7 5.4 -3.1 5.9 27.1 .1 6.9 27.7 -.6 -8.7 5.5 4.7 7.3 8.6 5.1 2.2 15.3 2.6 -6.1 5.2 10.6 2 4.2 -8.6 6.3 1. Includes outlays of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, Postal Service Fund, Rural Electrification and Telephone Revolving Fund, Rural Telephone Bank, Housing for the Elderly or Handicapped Fund, and Federal Financing Bank. All data have been adjusted to reflect the return of the Export-Import Bank to the unified budget. 2. Includes $2.6 billion of borrowing from the Federal Reserve on March 31, which was repaid April 4 following enactment of a new debt-ceiling bill. 1980 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 9.1 E 3. Checks issued less checks paid, accrued items, and other transactions. 4. Includes debt of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, Federal Home Loan Banks, Federal Land Banks, Federal Intermediate Credit Banks, Banks for Cooperatives, and Federal National Mortgage Association. e. Estimated. Domestic Financial Developments, Q4 1980 gage market. The FHLBs made large advances to member thrift institutions, and FNMA purchased a sizable volume of mortgages. Net change in mortgage debt outstanding Seasonally adjusted annual rates, in billions of dollars Q1 Q 2 Q 3 Q4e 164 161 150 144 73 123 117 115 114 104 4 4 9 2 4 7 4 6 3 6 4 0 2 9 31 142 102 40 Q2 FINANCE Net mortgage formation increased during the fourth quarter, and the rate of expansion was nearly double the severely depressed secondquarter pace. Mortgage lending for both residences and other real estate essentially returned to the rates of growth of the first quarter of the year prior to the contraction in real activity. Among major mortgage lenders, commercial banks substantially increased their mortgage lending in the fourth quarter; savings and loan associations also increased their rate of mortgage acquisitions and remained by far the biggest source of home financing. The $3 billion of housing revenue bond issues offered by state and local governments in the fourth quarter was half again as large as the third-quarter pace. In the market for existing houses, an additional source of mortgage funds was "creative" financing by home sellers who offered such arrangements as assumptions of first mortgages combined with seller takebacks of second mortgages; however, lender enforcement of due-on-sale clauses in those states that allow such clauses put a constraint on assumptions. The fourth-quarter increase in net mortgage lending followed a rapid rise in commitment activity at major mortgage lenders in earlier months when mortgage interest rates were lower. At savings and loan associations, outstanding mortgage commitments rose almost 50 percent over the summer and early fall, and with the usual lags in the mortgage process, a substantial volume of these commitments were utilized in the fourth quarter. However, new mortgage commitments at savings and loan associations fell appreciably in the fourth quarter as market interest rates moved higher. Outstanding commitments declined somewhat despite relatively strong deposit flows and aggressive marketing by some associations of renegotiable-rate mortgages carrying lower interest rates than those offered By type of debt Total Residential Other1 By type of holder Commercial banks Savings and loans Mutual savings banks Life insurance companies FNMA and GNMA GNMA mortgage pools FHLMC and FHLMC pools . . . . Other2 1980 1979 Mortgage debt MORTGAGE AND CONSUMER 133 30 51 Q3 34 44 4 4 11 7 19 14 3 24 5 33 4 38 Q4 32 34 2 15 10 27 3 27 27 6 16 * 40 25 * 2 -1 16 12 11 12 8 1 18 17 19 5 3 3 41 2 7 3 2 29 45 1 10 5 15 3 34 1. Includes commercial and other nonresidential as well as farm properties. 2. Includes mortgage companies, real estate investment trusts, state and local credit agencies, state and local retirement funds, noninsured pension funds, credit unions, Farmers Home Administration and Farmers Home pools, Federal Land Banks, Federal Housing Administration, Veterans Administration, and individuals. e. Partially estimated. * Between $0.5 billion and $ - 0 . 5 billion. on fixed-rate mortgages. By the end of December, average interest rates on new commitments for conventional fixed-rate home mortgages at savings and loan associations rose to about 15 percent. Near the end of November, the ceiling rate for mortgages underwritten by the Federal Housing Administration and the Veterans Administration was raised to 13V2 from 13 percent in line with market conditions. Consumer installment credit continued to recover from the sharp decline in the second quarter and grew at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of more than 3 percent in the fourth quarter, somewhat above the third-quarter pace. Automobile credit increased moderately, at an annual rate of about 2 percent during the fourth quarter. Interest rates on loans for new autos at commercial banks edged up from the previous quarter but remained well below the peak reached in May. However, the availability of auto credit was limited by tighter nonrate terms and lending standards at some lenders, especially in states with binding usury ceilings. The largest portion of the increase in consumer installment credit was accounted for by finance companies. At commercial banks the contraction in net consumer installment lending, which had begun in March, moderated. 134 Industrial Production Released for publication February 17 Industrial production increased an estimated 0.6 percent in January, after increases of 1.9, 1.7, and 1.0 percent in October, November, and December respectively. Gains continued to be broadly based, except for motor vehicles and steel, which declined again in January. The total index in January, at 151.8 percent of the 1967 average, was 0.6 percent below a year earlier and 1.1 percent below the March 1979 high. Output of consumer goods in January was again about unchanged, reflecting a sharp drop in autos and trucks purchased by consumers but sizable gains in some other major components. Autos were assembled at an annual rate of 5.4 million units—almost 15 percent below December and 10 percent below the depressed rate in January 1980. Production of home goods, after sharp rises last fall, increased moderately again in January, and output of nondurable consumer goods increased 0.9 percent. Output of business equipment continued at the strong pace of recent months, with sizable advances in building and mining, manufacturing, power, and commercial equipment; as a whole it was almost 2 percent above its year-earlier level. Output of construction supplies increased 1.2 percent further; although production in this sector registered large gains in recent months, January output was still 5l/2 percent below a year earlier. 1967 = 100 Grouping Total industrial production. Products, total Final products Consumer goods Durable Nondurable Business equipment ... Defense and space .... Intermediate products ... Construction supplies Materials p Preliminary. e Estimated. Production of materials advanced 0.7 percent in January, with sizable gains in the durable and energy groupings. Within durable materials, the output of consumer durable goods parts and raw steel declined, but production of equipment parts and other durable materials advanced sharply. Nondurable materials increased 0.5 percent, with a sharp rise in chemicals partially offset by a reduction in paper. Production of energy materials was up 0.8 percent. TOTAL INDEX Seasonally adjusted, ratio scale, 1967= 100 MATERIALS OUTPUT - 160 - 140 MATERIALS: BUSINESS EQUIPMENT,., Nondurable J_ J L CONSUMER GOODS: Durable / V - BUSINESS SUPPLIES V \ /'N Nondurable 1967-70 = 100 160 AUTOS: r 120 ^ 100 Sales J 12 H / V ^ ' V VL v 80 60 Annual rate, millions of units lb Stocks __ Domestic assemblies \ f \ 10 _ 6 7 i i i i i * 1975 1977 8 A 1979 1981 1975 1977 1979 Percentage change from preceding month 1980 1981 1980 Dec." Jan.6 Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. 150.9 149.8 148.1 147.9 141.1 150.6 176.4 101.0 156.2 145.9 152.7 151.8 150.5 148.6 147.8 137.5 151.9 178.2 101.9 157.5 147.7 153.8 1.0 .7 .3 .5 1.6 1.7 .2 3.2 .4 1.9 1.3 1.3 1.6 5.2 .3 .6 .1 -.3 1981 Federal Reserve indexes, seasonally adjusted. Latest figures: January. Auto sales and stocks include imports. 1.0 .8 1.1 .1 .5 2.1 2.0 3.5 1.5 3.2 2.7 NOTE. Indexes are seasonally adjusted. 1.1 1.1 1.2 1981 1.0 1.1 .9 2.4 .3 1.3 1.5 Dec. Jan. 1.0 .7 .5 .6 .5 .3 .0 -.1 -2.6 -1.3 .5 1.0 1.0 2.3 .8 1.6 2.2 2.8 2.7 1.5 1.7 Percentage change Jan. 1980 to Jan. 1981 -.6 .4 1.1 -.1 -3.4 1.2 .9 1.0 .9 1.9 5.1 .8 -2.1 1.2 .7 -5.6 -2.0 135 Statements to Congress Statement by Paul A. Volcker, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, before the Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate, January 27, 795/. I am pleased to participate in this hearing and to outline some of the key issues for economic policy in 1981 and beyond. The inauguration of a new President and the installation of a new Congress provide a prime opportunity to reassess federal budgetary trends and, in particular, the role that fiscal policy can play in solving the economic problems that confront us. Coming from the Federal Reserve, I will naturally want to focus special attention on the interrelations among fiscal policy, monetary policy, and conditions in the capital markets. I have spoken often of the importance of breaking the inflationary momentum that grips our economy. That seems to me the preeminent objective of economic policy, partly because prospects for sustained growth rest on success in that effort. As you know, inflationary pressures remain intense today even though the level of economic activity is little higher now than it was in early 1979; unemployment has been high for almost a year; and appreciable excess capacity persists in many important industries. Indeed, the underlying inflation rate today appears at least as high, and probably higher, than a year ago. Declining productivity has compounded the effects of growing wage increases in pushing up unit labor costs. Moreover, as we look to the months immediately ahead, the possibility of a renewed surge in energy and food prices represents a serious source of concern. I believe that the public is acutely aware of the dangers of continuously escalating prices and recognizes that combating inflation must be our top economic priority. That perception is an important first step in moving toward price stability. But the general perception will be meaningless unless it is accompanied by a sustained commitment to concrete policies that will, in fact, reduce inflation, even when those policies entail risks and strains for particular groups or for the economy as a whole in the short run. Given the deeply ingrained patterns of inflationary behavior and expectations that now characterize our attitudes and our institutions, we should not assume that changes in those behavior patterns or expectations will come easily. To underestimate the challenge would be to miss the opportunity to set the economy in a new direction. In the wake of missed opportunity we would only face more prolonged, and ultimately more painful, adjustments. Conversely, if we truly face up to the job and successfully turn the corner in terms of inflation and inflationary expectations, then I believe that progress will come more readily. The baleful interactions among inflation, low savings, congested capital markets, low growth, deteriorating productivity, and budgetary deficits can potentially give way to a benign process of mutually reinforcing growth, investment, and a return to price stability. As part of that process, the Federal Reserve has been, and will continue to be, guided by the need to maintain a disciplined monetary policy. Our various targets for monetary and credit growth are an important means of expressing that intent. At the beginning of last year, we adopted objectives for the monetary aggregates that were generally agreed to be broadly appropriate with the need to encourage a return to a more stable economic environment. Over the course of the year, growth of the various measures of money and credit was—on balance—close to or only slightly above the upper ends of the announced ranges. With the quick and surprisingly strong recovery in business activity in the latter part of the year, the expansion of money and credit was not sufficient to meet all the demands for financing the combination of real growth and rising prices. Even though monetary aggregates for a 136 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 time exceeded targeted growth, interest rates returned to historically high levels, placing heavy burdens on the more credit-sensitive areas of the economy and threatening the continuation of the recovery. Looking at that immediate situation, the point can be and has been made that high interest rates and strained capital markets may dim prospects for business expansion and private job creation that would otherwise be desirable. Certainly, housing, some smaller businesses, and others particularly dependent on credit feel unusually strong pressures. But the problem cannot usefully be viewed in the single dimension of monetary policy, and our sights must extend beyond the next few months. I see no alternative to continued restraint of excessive growth in money and credit if we are to break the inflationary momentum. If that momentum is not broken, interest rates will remain high indefinitely. In that connection, expectational factors can be particularly important. To the extent that economic trends and public policies are perceived as consistent with more inflation rather than less and government financing needs are expected to remain high, savings are discouraged and borrowing encouraged. In an already inflating economy, the net result of trying to bridge the gap by excessive creation of money and credit would be to validate the inflationary expectations and inflationary trends that give rise to the problems in the first place. The way to get interest rates lower and to keep them there is to deal with inflation first. The events of the past several months demonstrate clearly that heavy reliance on monetary policy in that effort focuses the immediate strains and risks on financial markets and those most dependent on them. Strong complementary actions in other areas are essential for a balanced, effective program to produce the earliest possible impact on inflationary behavior and to clear the way for sustained, full, and broad-based expansion in real activity. The first—and perhaps the most important—of these other instruments is the fiscal posture of the federal government. As recently as last spring, a substantial effort was made by the administration and the Congress to reduce the growth of expenditures and to restore budgetary discipline. In spite of that effort, trends in federal spending continue to exceed growth in the inflating, nominal gross national product. For instance, the budget submitted by the outgoing administration projected federal spending (including off-budget outlays) of more than 24 percent of the GNP during the current fiscal year, fully 1 percentage point higher than last year and appreciably above any earlier year of the postwar period. To be sure, a significant part of this year's higher spending and the enlarged deficit reflects higher unemployment. But the underlying trend reflected in "out year" budget projections—which have almost always fallen short of subsequent reality—remains excessive, even without taking account of needed tax reductions. I see no escape from the central proposition that to make room for tax reductions and for private credit demands—both required to support economic growth and productivity gains —federal expenditures and off-budget credit programs will have to be cut back sharply from current projections. The problem is not limited to the current fiscal year. The time has come to take a hard look at the "built-in" spending programs that are not readily—or at all—controllable by the annual appropriations process. This process of spending control should begin immediately, with the aim of achieving substantial gains over a period of several years. The need is all the more urgent in light of the broad consensus that defense spending must rise. I know the task is difficult in the best of circumstances—and those difficulties are multiplied by the institutional setting in which you work, where the focus has been more on the effects of appropriations in the current or next fiscal year than on the longer-term budgetary consequences of the so-called entitlement programs. What must justify the effort is its central importance. I have some sense of what you know more directly—that every federal program has some legitimate purpose and a well-entrenched constituency; that particular groups—including those that clearly support reductions in the aggregate—will argue that their program is the exception; that one man's concept of fluff and fat is another man's perceived sacrifice; that a general consensus on a broad objective can dissolve Statements to Congress 137 in the process of allocating cuts. I also know that it is easy (and right!) for me to say that the decisions about what should be cut back are properly yours and the President's, not mine. But I must emphasize that, in the interests of a healthy economy and moderating tensions in financial markets, I see no alternative to large spending cuts. In that connection, I need not linger over the desirability of prudent tax reduction and restructuring. As things stand, federal taxes are absorbing a rising share of aggregate personal and corporate income, and the sheer size of that tax burden adds to costs and impairs incentives. But I must convey to you my conviction that decisions for substantial tax reduction must not run ahead of the harder decisions to achieve large cuts in spending programs. If these decisions are not in harness, the potential benefits of tax reduction could all too easily be swamped by inflationary forces and congested credit markets, damaging the very incentives and investment sought. And, appraisals of the beneficial effects of tax reduction on economic growth, and therefore the revenue "feedback," need to be realistic in light of experience. Beyond the budgetary process itself, but often related to it, are the myriads of government programs that tend to raise costs or insulate sectors of the economy from market forces. Indeed, I believe a substantial part of the inflationary bias built into our economy over the past quarter century comes from such programs. I recognize that some of those programs reflect a conviction that, within our market-oriented system, those experiencing financial and business reverses not entirely or primarily of their own making are entitled to an economic "safety net." There is a legitimate view that—at a time of economic pressure and strain—the dependence of one sector of the economy on another may at times require cushioning pressures of the weakest links in the system so that its problems do not infect others. Other programs reflect valid concerns about the environment, health, and safety. What is necessary is to achieve a better balance between those continuing objectives and the requirements of a well-functioning competitive economy, and particularly examination of those regulations and policies that may not even serve well their immediate objectives. Accomplishing these goals will require an enormous effort by the Congress and the administration in the months and years ahead. We are talking about changing behavior patterns that are grounded in an assumption that inflation will continue—an assumption that has been years in the making. Achieving that change is not a simple process. But neither is it beyond our collective capacity, working together with the understanding of what is at stake. The result will repay the effort many times over. That understanding is critical to success and I hope will underlie your deliberations and actions in the weeks and months ahead. • Statement by Henry C. Wallich, Member, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, before the Temporary Subcommittee on Industrial Growth and Productivity of the Committee on the Budget, U.S. Senate, January 27, 1981. financial and regulatory actions by the government. The decline in productivity is a familiar fact. Though all its roots are not fully understood, I believe that in good part they are related to inflation. Inflation hampers business investment, an important source of productivity, by distorting reported profits; such distortion results in excessive taxes, thereby reducing the return on investment. The uncertainty created by inflation raises costs, by requiring higher risk premiums, and generally interferes with business planning. One major contribution to increased productivity would be to lower the rate of inflation. But there is also an important reverse relation, I appreciate this opportunity to discuss with you my personal views on the prospects for increased growth in productivity in the United States and particularly on the role that the federal government should take in such an effort. Your outline lists an impressive range of issues in this area. I hope it is agreeable to the committee if I address myself principally to the interaction between productivity and inflation and to implications of 138 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 running from productivity to inflation. This causal nexus involves a consideration of trends in unit labor costs—defined as the total compensation paid to workers divided by the amount they produce—which most economists believe is the most important determinant of underlying price trends. This belief arises from the fact that labor inputs directly account for about two-thirds of the costs of producing the gross national product. Any tendency for price increases to fall short of the trend in these costs means that other unit costs of production, or more likely profit margins, must be reduced. Because some minimum level of profit must be maintained for firms to remain in business, the inflation rate cannot remain below the rate of increase in unit labor costs for any extended period. In the short run, of course, other factors, including shifts in demand, resulting perhaps from business fluctuations caused by changes in government deficits or the growth of the money supply or disruption in supplies in industries such as energy and food, can pull prices away from unit labor costs. But in the long run, prices will follow unit labor costs. Changes in unit labor costs in turn are determined by the difference between wage increases and the rate of improvement in worker productivity. In this framework, we can see the serious implications of the deteriorating trend in productivity. In the earlier postwar period, labor became accustomed to increases in real wages on the order of 2l/2 percent or so that accompanied the productivity gains of that era. These expectations have adjusted sluggishly to the slower growth of productivity. Thus, efforts are being made today by workers to increase real wages at a rate faster than the advance in output per hour. Such efforts, however, only tend to squeeze businesses. Firms then find that they must increase prices at ever-increasing rates to maintain profitability. The resulting acceleration in prices frustrates labor's original efforts to increase its standard of living. These efforts run into the hard fact that there is not enough additional output to meet these demands. Inflation rates consequently trend up. This analysis underscores the importance of improving our productivity performance. But to compare productivity with the rate of inflation or nominal wage demands is not a plausible way of looking at the problem. Wage demands, even though stated in current dollars, take into account the rate of inflation. In other words, they are actually demands for increases in real wages. The real increases demanded may be relatively moderate and not much above gains in productivity. But it is the difference that is decisive, because it can give rise to an upward wage-price spiral. An increase in rate of growth in productivity above the level of real wage demands could be converted into a winding down of the inflation rate. The increase would not have to be large relative to the rate of inflation, since real wage demands also tend to be low relative to our present high rate of inflation. Those who argue that a 1 or 2 percent gain in productivity would not make much of a dent in our high rate of inflation ignore the dynamic aspect of the relationship between the efforts of labor to increase real wages and the productivity gains that make these increases possible. If the trend rate of increase in productivity is larger than the real wage gains sought by employees and if the degree of competition does not diminish, firms will be able to increase prices by less and less while still maintaining profits. If this deceleration continues to work over time, the gains in terms of reducing the inflation rate could be substantial. At the same time, the reduced rate of price increase will enable labor to realize the fruits of productivity gains in rising standards of living. A wide range of federal programs have been offered as a means of bolstering productivity. Many of these would require more government intervention and regulation in private markets. In my view, most of the regulatory and interventive proposals may do more harm than good with respect to productivity. The costs of some of them are indirect and not readily apparent. Many government regulations indeed are plainly adverse to productivity, a situation that is not likely to be remedied by piling regulation on regulation. Some forms of market intervention, including price supports, wage and income supports, import restrictions, and a variety of regulations, seek to insulate certain individuals or business firms from market pressures. While the purposes of such protection may be worthy, one inevitable by-product of these policies is to reduce efficiency. Government actions may lead to a subopti- Statements to Congress mal allocation of resources, thereby limiting the growth potential of the economy, or they may simply add to costs, thus contributing to the inflationary bias of the system. These risks are present whether the market pressures originate at home or abroad. One of the most common types of suggestions for government actions to encourage productivity growth has been a call for intervention in the credit markets to stimulate increased capital investment by business. Programs of this sort include interest rate subsidies, direct government loans, or loan guarantees designed to affect credit allocation to competing groups of borrowers. Such programs seem to imply that funds are not available from private lenders for creditworthy borrowers. That, however, is likely to be the case only in small part, given the efficient nature of our capital markets. Thus, pushing money into some particular sector by means of subsidies to lenders may result to some extent in pushing other money out of that sector. Also, to the extent that borrowers who previously did not receive credit now can draw on the limited pool of available savings, other borrowers may be crowded out. That is the ultimate result of the already enormously expanded demands of the federal government on capital markets as represented by its direct deficit and by the borrowings of off-budget and sponsored agencies, which in fiscal year 1981 are estimated to total up to $110 billion. That amount is of roughly the same order of magnitude as total personal saving. The rationing of credit through mechanisms other than the normal adjustment of interest rates to balance supplies and demands for funds would also carry a very expensive price tag in terms of market distortions. For example, managers of firms might be less inclined to produce their products efficiently if government programs ensured credit supplies at below market interest rates. Supplies of subsidized credit might exceed what would strictly be needed to achieve specific purposes and so might be partly wasted. Given the advantages of doing so, unworthy or nonessential purposes would be dressed up as deserving, creating excessive demands on the program or depriving some of the deserving. Finally, government measures to finance or otherwise subsidize, in the nature of our democratic process, are likely to focus on trouble spots, such as 139 old and perhaps inefficient firms and industries. In that way, activities that the market would eliminate would tend to be preserved, and the progress of productivity would be impaired. In general, government intervention in credit allocation tends to politicize financial markets as decisions would have to be made as to what types of loans are to be favored over other uses of funds. Because of these distortions, an expansion of our governmental presence in credit markets is more likely to depress the productivity performance of the U.S. economy than to improve it. If the Congress were to decide that actions to stimulate investment are necessary in order to boost productivity, I would suggest that changes in the federal tax structure would be potentially the most fruitful approach. The logic of this approach rests in part on the role federal taxation has played in discouraging investment by reducing its profitability. This is an especially important problem during inflationary times if, as is the case today, tax deductions for depreciation are allowed only on a historical cost basis, rather than at a rate that enables the plant and equipment to be replaced at current prices. On several previous occasions during the postwar period, incentives to and financing of business capital formation have been increased through a variety of mechanisms. These include accelerated depreciation, an investment tax credit, and a reduction in corporate profit tax rates. Not surprisingly, a similar set of proposals has been advanced in recent years to help improve capital formation and, hopefully, the productivity problem. Judging from studies of the effects of tax incentives to stimulate investment introduced in the past, these types of incentives would probably have their desired effects. Proposals also have often been made to increase investment by stimulating personal saving, and they have indeed been used in various countries. Given the adverse treatment that American savers have received through the interaction of inflation, regulation, and the tax system, I have considerable sympathy for such proposals on equity grounds. For example, we must seriously ask ourselves whether it makes sense to tax as savers' income the inflation premium inherent in present-day high interest rates, thereby driving interest rates 140 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 still higher. By the same token, I would question the wisdom of continuing to allow a tax deduction to borrowers for the same premium, with the same upward effect on interest rates. In this regard, we must also ask ourselves whether it makes sense to subsidize homeowners through tax deductibility of the inflation premium at a time when the resulting high mortgage rates cause a depreciation of old mortgages that creates serious pressures for the financial institutions that serve housing. On efficiency grounds, however, I must question the merit of subsidies to particular forms of saving. The main effect of subsidies is likely to be to reshuffle the allocation of savings among savings instruments, rather than to raise total saving. I feel less certain about this judgment in relation to a device employed in France and known as the Monory Law (Law for the Channeling of Savings to the Financing of Enterprises), which allows a tax deduction, within limits, for investment in equities. Even though this measure may have no great effect in promoting saving, it seems to raise share prices and thus to reduce the cost of equity capital as well as to improve the structure of financing. Another way to increase available savings is to reduce the demands made by the public sector on financial markets. Moving toward budget balance would free for private sector use far more funds than are likely to result from most schemes designed specifically to increase savings. Thus, while a tax cut has much to recommend it in terms of changing incentives, it should be approached circumspectly from the point of view of its budgetary impact. Right now taxes are far too high to permit adequate incentives and savings. But to increase the deficit would be inflationary, and tax reduction must, therefore, be conditional on progress in reducing government spending. Any tax cut matched by expenditure restraint would be helpful, but in light of our need to stimulate productivity, a cut directed toward raising investment, both in tangible and also in human capital, would be particularly appealing. For its part, the Federal Reserve is attempting to foster an environment that should facilitate a reduction in overall inflation pressures and thus promote more vigorous growth and prosperity. A reduction of inflation, as I noted earlier, should make an important contribution to productivity. Also, a lower inflation rate is the only feasible way of reducing interest rates. An easier monetary policy might reduce interest rates for a short period, perhaps on the order of a few weeks or months. But, as soon as the inflationary implications of this policy became obvious to the market —and this would not take long—interest rates would move up with expected inflation, as they have done before. Thus, the Federal Reserve really has no option other than to exert restraint in order to set the stage for the long-run gains in employment and productivity that we have every right to expect from the American economy. Since your committee's outline refers to social compacts and other organizational arrangements, I would like to close by mentioning an item of personal interest that may not be unfamiliar to you—the tax-oriented incomes policy usually referred to as TIP. There are many forms of TIP that can be broadly classified into proposals that depend on the "carrot" and on the "stick" approach respectively. My preference is for an approach that levies a tax on firms granting excessive wage increases. This approach would be simpler administratively and probably more effective than the alternative. In my judgment, such a device could be enacted once public concern about the persistence of inflation began to exceed the natural reluctance of business and labor to accept such a proposal. On the other hand, I am aware that the carrot approach might be more appealing and easier to enact than my stick approach. In view of the current budgetary problems, however, such a TIP would only be appropriate if and when general economic conditions or spending restrictions justified a reduction in federal taxes, the benefits of which could then be withheld from noncompliers. The Economic Report of the President by the former Council of Economic Advisers explores various kinds of TIP in detail and concludes that it would be too late to tie a TIP to a 1981 tax cut, though it might be considered on a subsequent occasion. I would just say that any tax cut proposal should be examined with a view to whether a TIP could be associated with it. • Statements to Congress Statement by Paul A. Volcker, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, before the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress, February 5, 1981. I am pleased to be here to review with you the current economic situation, to share with you my views on some critical considerations in the shaping of monetary policy, and to explore the relationship of monetary and other economic policies. I have emphasized on a number of occasions that we now have a rare opportunity to adopt and reinforce policies to bring inflation under control and to set the stage for sustained expansion and productivity growth. That sense of opportunity stems, in substantial part, from a conviction that the American people recognize that we must decisively turn the corner toward price stability and reduce the demands on the federal government for spending and regulation. That will, in turn, lay the groundwork for restoration of vigorous and sustained economic growth. At the same time, there must be understanding that reducing inflation will require changes in behavior patterns that have become deeply ingrained. In the short run, some sacrifice and pain are inevitable. The discipline required will be amply repaid if strong policies are carried through with persistence and resolution. To be successful, the effort must be carried out over a broad range of policies. Each of the policies will entail difficult choices, which must be confronted directly. But those choices will be made easier to the extent that policies are integrated in such a way as to avoid excessive burdens or emphasis on one policy instrument or another and do not work at cross purposes. It is in that light that I welcome this chance to discuss the Federal Reserve's commitment to a monetary policy consistent with reducing inflation and to consider some of the implications for other policies. First, a few words about the current unsatisfactory economic situation. Last year we experienced exceptionally sharp swings in real output and employment, and on balance there was virtually no economic growth. Inflation did not slow. Productivity performance remained dismal, and unemployment rose. Looked at over a longer period, real wages 141 have tended to decline, reflecting both the absence of productivity growth and the sharp increases in the prices of basic items such as food and energy. Despite some recent improvement in household balance sheets, savings remain relatively low. Some important industries—including those related to energy and defense—have continued to expand vigorously. However, a number of basic industries—such as autos, steel, and housing—came under severe pressures in 1980. Wide swings in consumer spending created uncertainties about future sales, and weak markets brought pressures on profits for many corporations. In addition, many firms had to contend with high and sharply fluctuating interest rates. With the slow growth of final sales over the year, the margin of unused plant and equipment in some industries remains sizable. The contrasting movements in different sectors of the economy add to the complexities facing economic policy. Considerable softening in labor markets has taken place in many areas of the country. But there has been little reflection of that development in lower wage settlements or reduced cost pressures. With inflation high and real wages falling, the effects of unemployment have been offset by the desire to "keep up" with prices and to restore real income—a desire that, however understandable, cannot be met so long as productivity fails to rise and higher energy and food prices must be absorbed. Instead, the self-defeating inflationary spiral is perpetuated. The challenge is to break the insidious pattern of rising prices and costs that, itself, underlies so much of the problems of high unemployment, slow growth, and high interest rates. Inflation has been building for a long time. There are a number of contributing factors—insufficient saving and investment, declining productivity growth, large and persistent budget deficits, huge increases in oil prices, and adverse events in agricultural markets—accompanied at times by excessive growth of money and credit. But whatever the particular causes of inflation, we are faced today with circumstances in which expectations and behavior patterns tend to keep the momentum going, discouraging thrift, encouraging speculation, and building in higher costs for the future. Those attitudes must be changed. They will not be changed without 142 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 strong and credible policy commitments and, I suspect, visible evidence for a time that inflation is, indeed, subsiding. Firmly disciplined monetary policy has a central—indeed indispensable—role to play in the process of restoring price stability. As you know, setting specific targets for monetary and credit growth is one aspect of that policy. Last year's rapidly changing economic conditions, changing inflationary expectations, the imposition of credit controls in the spring, and other factors resulted in wide swings in the demand for money and credit. After a very sharp but very short downturn, the economy rebounded much more strongly than almost anyone expected last fall and early this winter. After falling short for a time, the monetary aggregates temporarily exceeded their growth targets. There was unusual—and undesirable—volatility in financial markets. On balance, most of the monetary aggregates did finish the year within or very close to our target ranges. But it was also evident that the expansion of money was not sufficient to meet the demands for financing rising prices, large deficits, and faster real growth. I am well aware that the resulting increase in interest rates has placed a particularly heavy burden on housing, small business, and other credit-sensitive sectors of the economy. The basic point is, however, that we cannot escape that problem by simply creating more money. In the end, that course could only aggravate inflation. Indeed, if the Federal Reserve were perceived to be validating the inflationary process, inflationary expections would surge and lead to still higher interest rates. In the end, lower interest rates are dependent on reducing inflation, and restoring price stability will require lower rates of monetary and credit growth. In pursuing that necessary approach of monetary restraint, the pressures converging on financial markets can be relieved by appropriate fiscal and other policies aimed toward restoring productivity, reducing costs, and restoring budgetary balance. Events in financial markets last year demonstrated all too clearly the dangerous strains that arise in credit markets when necessary monetary restraint is accompanied by large deficits and expanding business activity. The proposition that the budget can be bal- anced or can move into surplus only when the economy is operating at reasonably satisfactory levels has merit. But the record of the past decades, even by that test, is poor. We have had only one balanced budget in the last twelve years and two in the last twenty—periods that included mostly prosperous years. Furthermore, government spending continues to consume an everincreasing share of our national resources, making balance more difficult and requiring a tax load that is itself a drag on the economy. According to the budget just submitted by the outgoing administration, federal budget and off-budget spending will approach one-quarter of the gross national product this fiscal year. Federal taxes will be equivalent to 21.4 percent of GNP—close to the wartime record of 21.9 percent. Against that background, I see no escape from the proposition that a large cutback from projected increases in spending in coming years is a crucial linchpin in an effective overall economic program. I know how difficult that will be to accomplish in practice. Many people will support cutbacks in general, but not in their favorite program—and virtually every program is somebody's favorite. Furthermore, any realistic expenditure control program must extend over years and include important "uncontrollable" items—including entitlement programs. Administration spokesmen have rightly emphasized that the purpose of the program should not be simply one of aiming toward a balanced budget but of making room for large tax reductions. In fact, taxes are rising. Without a cut, federal receipts will reach the highest level ever in fiscal year 1982 relative to GNP. I do not doubt the proposition that our level and structure of taxation reduces incentives, acts as a deterrent to investment, and distorts economic decisionmaking. But it is critically important that tax reduction proceed in harness with spending restraint, and as a practical matter the credibility of that approach will depend on early congressional action to deal with spending. The point is only reinforced by the consensus that one large element in the budget—defense spending—needs to be increased. I would also emphasize the relevance to any attack on inflation of changing or modifying other government policies that have tended to increase costs or reduce competitive pressures. Statements to Congress 143 Over the years we have established a number of programs that have the objective of sheltering different groups from unanticipated economic setbacks or from competitive forces. We have also embarked on extensive and expensive new efforts to promote safety, to improve the environment, and to serve other purposes. Each of these programs has laudable and even necessary objectives. It can also be legitimately pointed out that most of them, taken individually, do not have a decisive impact on inflation. However, I believe the effect of many of these programs, taken together and operating over a number of years, has been much more important. Their cumulative impact has been to contribute significantly to the inflationary bias in our economy. Like cutting the budget, addressing this problem will require difficult tradeoffs. But I believe this is an area to which we have paid far too little attention in the past and one that I would encourage all of us to look at more carefully in the future, with the intention of seeking the objectives of these programs with less cost in real terms or in inflation. I do not want to minimize in any way the enormous challenge facing the Congress, the administration, and the Federal Reserve. However, I do believe we may be seeing fundamental changes in public attitudes that should make things possible now that have not been possible in the past. I am confident we can capitalize on this newfound opportunity, making whatever short-term sacrifice is involved in the interest of restoring a stronger and more stable economy. Statement by Nancy H. Teeters, Member, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, before the Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs of the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, February 5, 1981. encourage the offering of cash discounts, the Congress has repeatedly considered the discount-surcharge issue. Testimony has been delivered at length. The Federal Reserve, meanwhile, has carefully constructed regulations to carry out the statutory provisions regarding availability and notice to consumers of discounts. Despite these congressional and regulatory efforts, what we have not seen is merchants offering discounts—at least not to any appreciable degree. If we believe that encouraging merchants to reward cash buyers is a goal worthy of diligent pursuit, then we must try to identify the impediments that have, in fact, discouraged the concept. Our guess is that the current 5 percent limit on the size of the discount is not the culprit. Rather, it may, once again, be a case of government regulation creating part of the problem—regulation that is grounded on a set of well-intentioned arguments but that introduces such friction into otherwise simple transactions that compliance is simply not worth the merchant's risk or effort. If this analysis is correct, two features in the current regulation are probably most important in discouraging the development of cash-paying incentive plans. First is the obvious difficulty in drawing a clear economic distinction between a permitted discount and a prohibited surcharge. It is true that discounts and surcharges may not be I am pleased to appear before you to present the views of the Board of Governors on the proposed "Cash Discount Act." Unlike the current law, the proposal provides that a discount—in whatever amount—which is offered by a seller to a customer to induce payment by cash, by check, or by means other than an open-end credit plan or credit card, is not a disclosable finance charge under the Truth in Lending Act. The bill would also extend the current ban on the imposition of a credit-card surcharge for another two years. The Board has testified previously in favor of omitting these discounts from the finance charge as a way of encouraging them, and I do so again this morning. Also, as I have done previously, I must express the Board's uncertainty about the wisdom of prohibiting surcharges in view of their economic similarity to discounts. Their permissibility might in fact help assure that cash customers are not forced to subsidize credit-card users. In our view, it is time to take a fresh look at the cash discount issue. During the six years since the Truth in Lending Act was first amended to 144 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 as identical in practice as, say, a half-empty glass of water is to a half-full one. Nevertheless, it is difficult to quarrel with the fact that the distinction is, at best, uncertain. Second, the well-intentioned protections in the statute to insure equitable treatment of consumers have, once again, led to seemingly complicated regulatory provisions. The current statute and the proposed bill specify that any discount must be offered to "all prospective buyers." Its availability must be disclosed to all of them "clearly and conspicuously in accordance with regulations of the Board." But who are "all prospective buyers"? Those who present credit cards, or all those who enter the merchant's door? What signs meet the test of "clear and conspicuous" disclosure when there are several store entrances and numerous independent cash registers? How do you disclose to customers who purchase by phone? May the discount be limited to certain types of property or to certain branches of stores? We have sought to provide answers to these questions in our regulations. Unfortunately, by issuing rules beyond the basic provision we have again probably made simple things so complicated that the public throws up its hands in frustration. Although in our current proposals to simplify Regulation Z we have proposed trimming back these regulations, the obvious way for any merchant to avoid regulatory burden is simply not to offer discounts. And that, apparently, is what has happened. I therefore would recommend for subcommittee consideration a very simple rule: that onetime discounts or surcharges offered by the seller for the purpose of inducing payment by cash, checks, or means other than use of an open-end credit plan or a credit card shall not constitute a finance charge and that the availability of the discount or surcharge be disclosed to customers. This would leave out the specific requirement that "all" customers be notified and that any disclosure be "clear and conspicuous"—not, of course, because we favor hidden plans but because of the uncertainties this standard produces with the inevitable need for clarification. Of course, it is possible that authorizing discounts and surcharges without calling them finance charges opens up a potential loophole in the blanket embrace of Truth in Lending. Not only are discounts essentially equivalent to surcharges, but both are essentially equivalent to finance charges. They do represent a cost of using credit. Therefore, if we are right that the 5 percent limit has not itself been the impediment to merchants offering discounts, this limit might be retained to insure that the exclusion of discounts and surcharges does not become a vehicle that could be used to defeat the basic Truth in Lending protections. In our view, the best chance of accomplishing the goals the Congress began pursuing six years ago would be to retain this limit, but to allow discounts and surcharges to be used with minimal government interference. • 145 Announcements PROPOSED ACTION The Federal Reserve Board on February 3, 1981, requested public comment, through April 15, on a revision and simplification of its Regulation C (Home Mortgage Disclosure). REPORT FORMS FOR FOREIGN BANKS The Federal Reserve Board has adopted forms to be filed by foreign organizations that conduct a banking business in the United States in order to meet supervisory and regulatory requirements under the Bank Holding Company Act and the International Banking Act of 1978. The forms [annual report of foreign banking organizations (FR Y-7) and confidential report of operations (FR 2068)] are designed in part to implement the Board's national treatment concept of supervision of foreign banking organizations by requiring financial reporting substantially equivalent to that required of domestic banking organizations. The reports require submission of financial statements, which will in part be open to public inspection and in part be held confidential. These reports of foreign banking organizations include financial statements as prepared for use in the home country; discussion of the accounting practices used in preparing such statements; financial statements concerning material, majority-owned unconsolidated foreign companies; financial statements concerning all related U.S. companies 25 percent or more owned by the foreign banking organization; disclosure of reserves, of earnings, and of loan loss experience; description of U.S. activities and U.S. investments adequate for use in determining compliance with the Bank Holding Company Act and the International Banking Act as well as information on shareholders, directors, and executive officers of affected banking institutions. For organizations with fiscal years ending between October 1980 and February 1981, the first reports are to be filed by June 30, 1981. All other foreign banking organizations shall file the reports within four months of the end of their fiscal years. The annual report of foreign banking organizations (FR Y-7), like the previous version, will be open to public inspection. The foreign banking organization confidential report of operations (FR 2068) will be confidential. The Board also has adopted another form, the report of intercompany transactions for foreign banking organizations and their U.S. bank subsidiaries (FR Y-8f), which will be confidential. The FR Y-8f is intended to monitor the effects of intercompany transactions on the safety and soundness of a U.S. subsidiary bank that is owned by a foreign banking organization. It parallels the report for domestic banking companies (FR Y-8) and is to be filed quarterly beginning with the second quarter of 1981. The forms and instructions may be obtained upon request from the Federal Reserve Board or from the Federal Reserve Banks. REGULATION K: INTERPRETATION The Federal Reserve Board on January 19, 1981, adopted an interpretation of its Regulation K (International Banking Operations) dealing with investments by a U.S. banking organization in a foreign company (including a foreign bank) that does business in the United States. The interpretation applies to investments of U.S. Edge corporations, member banks, and bank holding companies. The interpretation permits them to invest—with the prior consent of the Board—in foreign companies that conduct domestic as well as international business in the United States. Previously, such investments could be made only if the business of the foreign 146 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 company in the United States was exclusively international. The Board said it would normally grant permission for such investments if (1) the foreign company's business is conducted predominantly abroad, (2) the activities in the United States of the foreign company are banking or closely related to banking, and (3) the U.S. banking organization does not own 25 percent or more of the foreign company's voting stock or does not otherwise control it. FEDERAL RESERVE REGULATORY SERVICE The Federal Reserve Board has announced that it will begin publication of the first part of a new looseleaf service that will include all Board regulations and related interpretations and documents. The new service, entitled the "Federal Reserve Regulatory Service," will consist of four publications—a complete service covering all Board regulations and related materials, and three separate handbooks pertaining to securities credit, consumer affairs, and monetary policy. These publications are designed to help those who must refer frequently to the Board's regulatory materials. They will be updated at least on a monthly basis and each will be cross-indexed. The first handbook—the Securities Credit Transactions Handbook—is scheduled for publication in February. It will contain Regulations G, T, U, and X dealing with extensions of credit for the purchase of securities, together with all related statutes, Board interpretations, rulings, and staff opinions. This publication will be followed in March by a similar handbook on Monetary Policy and Reserve Requirements, containing Regulations A, D, and Q, plus related materials. It will, for convenient reference, also contain the rules of the Depository Institutions Deregulation Committee. The Consumer and Community Affairs Handbook, containing Regulations B, C, D, E, Z, AA, BB, and associated documents, and the complete service, containing all Board regulations and related materials, are planned for publication in June. ENFORCEMENT OF ERISA The Federal Reserve Board has adopted procedures for bringing to the attention of the Department of Labor possible significant violations by state member banks of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). The Board acted upon a recommendation to federal supervisors of financial institutions by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council. ERISA provides that the Secretary of Labor may use the facilities of other agencies, with their consent, to help discharge the Department's responsibilities under the act and directs the agencies to cooperate with the Secretary to the extent permitted by law. CHANGES IN BOARD STAFF The Board of Governors has announced the following official staff actions. Theodore E. Allison, the Secretary of the Board, has been promoted to Staff Director for Federal Reserve Bank Activities, effective January 19, 1981. Clyde H. Farnsworth, Jr., Deputy Director, has been named Director of the Division of Federal Reserve Bank Operations, effective January 19, 1981. Jared J. Enzler, Deputy Associate Director, has been promoted to Senior Deputy Associate Director, Division of Research and Statistics, effective January 12, 1981. J. Virgil Mattingly, Jr., Assistant General Counsel, has been promoted to Associate General Counsel, Legal Division, effective February 4, 1981. Gilbert T. Schwartz, Assistant General Counsel, has been made Associate General Counsel, Legal Division, effective February 4, 1981. Michael E. Bleier, Senior Counsel, has been appointed Assistant General Counsel, Legal Division, effective February 4, 1981. Mr. Bleier, who joined the Board's staff in 1971, holds a J.D. from Georgetown University. Maryellen A. Brown, Senior Counsel, has been named Assistant to the General Counsel, Legal Division, effective February 4, 1981. Ms. Brown joined the Board's staff in 1974. She holds Announcements J.D. and L.L.M. degrees from the University of Wisconsin. Joe M. Cleaver, Chief, Financial Structure Section, has been appointed Assistant Director, Division of Research and Statistics, effective January 12, 1981. Mr. Cleaver holds an M.A. from the University of Maryland. He joined the Board's staff in 1967. Anthony F. Cole, Senior Attorney in the Legal Division, has been appointed Special Assistant to the Board for Congressional Liaison, effective February 4, 1981. Mr. Cole holds an A.B. from the College of William and Mary, an M.A. from Rutgers University, and a J.D. from the College of William and Mary, Marshall-Wythe School of Law. Cornelius K. Hurley, Jr., Senior Counsel, has been appointed Assistant General Counsel, Legal Division, effective February 4, 1981. Mr. Hurley received a J.D. from Georgetown University before coming to the Board in 1974. Donald L. Kohn, Chief, Capital Markets Section, has been appointed Deputy Associate Director, Division of Research and Statistics, effective January 12, 1981. Mr. Kohn holds a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan and was with the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City before joining the Board's staff in 1975. David E. Lindsey, Chief, Banking Section, has been named Assistant Director, Division of Research and Statistics, effective January 12, 1981. Mr. Lindsey has been a member of the Board's staff since 1974. He holds a B.A. degree from Earlham College and a Ph.D from the University of Chicago. William Robert Maloni, Director, Congressional Relations Office, Federal Home Loan Bank Board, has been named Special Assistant to the Board for Congressional Liaison, effective February 4, 1981. Mr. Maloni holds a B.A. from Duquesne University and has taken graduate courses at George Washington University and the University of Maryland. Lawrence Slifman, Chief, National Income Section, has been appointed Assistant Director, Division of Research and Statistics, effective January 12, 1981. Mr. Slifman came to the Board in 1970 after earning his Ph.D. from Washington University in St. Louis. James L. Stull has been made Manager of the Operations Review Program in the Office of 147 Board Members, effective January 25, 1981. Mr. Stull received a B.S. from the University of Maryland. Since coming to the Board in August 1970, he has served in the Division of Federal Reserve Bank Operations. The Board has also announced the resignations of John J. Mingo, Senior Deputy Associate Director, Division of Research and Statistics, and Jeffrey R. Shafer, Deputy Associate Director, Division of International Finance. ENFORCEMENT PROCEEDINGS SETTLEMENT The Federal Reserve Board announced on February 9, 1981, the payment of $50,000 each by Mid America Bancorporation, Inc., and Irwin L. Jacobs, both of Minneapolis, Minnesota, in settlement of enforcement proceedings instituted against them by the Board. In October 1980, the Board issued notices of charges and notices of assessment of civil money penalty against Mid America, a multibank holding company, and Mr. Jacobs, a Minneapolis businessman. The notices were issued in connection with charges of submitting false or misleading information to the Board with respect to a stock redemption transaction undertaken in April 1980 and with actions inconsistent with commitments made to the Board. The Board alleged in the notices that during the course of a redemption of shares by Mid America—as a result of which Mr. Jacobs would obtain control of the bank holding company —Mid America and Mr. Jacobs submitted false or misleading information to the Board to induce the Board to withhold formal supervisory proceedings that would have blocked the stock redemption transaction. The Board charged that Mid America and Mr. Jacobs (1) made commitments to the Board that they later purposefully invalidated; and (2) made statements to the Board that were misleading and, through misstatements and omissions, failed to describe adequately the true and complete purpose of the stock redemption transaction, which was the liquidation of the bank holding company. The Board's notices said that the material omissions and misleading statements, and the invalidation of the commitments, constituted un- 148 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 safe or unsound practices in the conduct of the affairs of Mid America Bancorporation, Inc., and violated the Board's Regulation Y (which implements the Bank Holding Company Act). To prevent the liquidation of Mid America prior to the completion of the administrative proceedings started by the notices of charges, the Board issued a temporary cease-and-desist order prohibiting Mid America's sales of its subsidiary banks and Mr. Jacobs' sale of one bank that he had committed to transfer to Mid America. Mid America and Mr. Jacobs filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court of Minnesota to overturn the temporary cease-and-desist order and, in addition, to enjoin the Board's cease-anddesist and civil-money-penalty assessment proceedings. The U.S. District Court of Minnesota dismissed this lawsuit on December 18, 1980. The Court held that it was without jurisdiction to interfere with the ongoing administrative ceaseand-desist and penalty proceedings, and that the Board acted within its authority in issuing the temporary cease-and-desist order to prevent the serious weakening of the condition of the bank holding company and to maintain the status quo pending the completion of the administrative proceedings. To settle the proceedings instituted against them, Mid America and Mr. Jacobs, without admitting liability, paid a penalty of $50,000 each, which has been turned over by the Board to the U.S. Treasury. In addition, Mr. Jacobs agreed not to purchase more than 10 percent of any shares of any bank or bank holding company for the next five years, without prior approval of the Federal Reserve Board. The Board's proceedings against Mid America and Mr. Jacobs did not involve, in any manner, the activities of Mid America's seven subsidiary banks, whose conditions are all reported to be satisfactory by their primary federal and state supervisory agencies. SYSTEM MEMBERSHIP: ADMISSION OF STATE BANKS The following banks were admitted to membership in the Federal Reserve System during the period December 11, 1980, through February 10, 1981: California Torrance Pacific Heritage Bank Colorado Louisville Louisville State Bank Oregon Forest Grove . . . Farmers and Merchants Bank Newport Yaquina Bay Bank Utah Salt Lake City Guardian State Bank . . . Rocky Mountain State Bank Virginia Hillsville Bank of Carroll Urbana Bank of Middlesex Wyoming Laramie Citizens Bank Wheatland American Bank of Wheatland Worland First Wyoming BankWorland Wright First Wyoming Bank-Wright 149 Record of Policy Actions of the Federal Open Market Committee Meeting Held on December 18-19, 1980 1. Domestic Policy Directive The information reviewed at this meeting suggested that real GNP expanded more in the fourth quarter than in the third. Average prices as measured by the fixed-weight price index for gross domestic business product were continuing to rise at a rapid pace, close to the average annual rate of about \0l/2 percent recorded in the first three quarters of the year. The dollar value of retail sales rose substantially further in November, according to the advance report, after a large increase over the five preceding months. Sales of new automobiles were at an annual rate of 9.1 million units in November, marginally above the October rate. A brisk selling pace of foreign cars sustained total unit sales as sales of domestic autos edged down. The index of industrial production rose an estimated 1.4 percent in November, following substantial gains in each of the three preceding months. Capacity utilization in manufacturing increased about 1 percentage point further in November to 78.8 percent, 3.9 percentage points above its July trough but well below earlier peaks. Nonfarm payroll employment expanded substantially in November for the fourth consecutive month, and the unemployment rate was essentially unchanged at lx/2 percent. Employment gains were widespread, and the average workweek in manufacturing lengthened slightly. In November private housing starts remained at the annual rate of about l l / 2 million units recorded in September and October. Sales of new homes edged off slightly further in October, and sales of existing houses declined for the first time since May. Producer prices of finished goods rose appreciably in October and November, but the rate of increase over the two months was considerably below the exceptional pace in the third quarter. In October consumer prices continued to rise rapidly; average prices of energy items fell, but mortgage interest rates rose sharply after having declined over the preceding three months. The rise in the index of average hourly earnings of private nonfarm production workers accelerated sharply in October and November; over the first eleven months of the year the index rose at an annual rate of about 9V2 percent, compared with an increase of about 8V4 percent during 1979. In foreign exchange markets the trade-weighted value of the dollar against major foreign currencies had risen about lx/2 percent over the interval since the Committee's meeting in mid-November. The U.S. foreign trade deficit in October was essentially unchanged from the August-September level, which was well below the rate in the first half of the year. The volume and value of oil imports were up somewhat in October from the sharply reduced levels of the third quarter, while the value of non-oil imports was little changed. Total exports in October also were close to the third-quarter level. At its meeting on November 18, the Committee had decided that 150 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 open market operations in the period until this meeting should be directed toward expansion of reserve aggregates consistent with growth of M-1A, M-1B, and M-2 over the period from September to December at annual rates of about 2L/2 percent, 5 percent, and 73/4 percent respectively, or somewhat less, provided that in the period before the next regular meeting the weekly average federal funds rate remained within a range of 13 to 17 percent. Shortly after the November 18 meeting, incoming data indicated that the monetary aggregates were growing considerably faster than the rates consistent with the Committee's objectives for the September-to-December period. Required reserves and member bank demands for reserves expanded substantially in relation to the constrained supply of reserves being made available through open market operations. These developments were associated with additional upward pressures on the federal funds rate and other short-term interest rates; in the first statement week after the meeting, the funds rate was at about or somewhat above the upper limit of the range of 13 to 17 percent specified by the Committee, compared with an average of 14^2 percent in mid-November. In a telephone conference on November 26, the Committee raised the upper limit of the intermeeting range for the funds rate to 18 percent. On December 4 the Board of Governors announced an increase from 12 to 13 percent in basic discount rates at Federal Reserve Banks and an increase from 2 to 3 percentage points in the surcharge on frequent borrowings of large institutions, effective December 5. This action exerted additional upward pressure on the federal funds rate; in trading during the morning of December 5, the rate generally was well above 18 percent. At the same time, incoming data suggested that M-1A and M-1B currently might be growing a little less rapidly than projected a week earlier, which would imply some re duction in member bank demands for reserves in relation to the supply being made available through open market operations. In light of uncertainties about the duration and extent of upward pressure on the federal funds rate while markets were adjusting to the discount rate action, the Committee decided in the afternoon of December 5 to provide the Manager for Domestic Operations leeway to pursue the short-run objectives for the reserve aggregates without operations being precisely constrained in the current statement week by the 18 percent upper limit of the intermeeting range for the federal funds rate. On December 12 the Committee decided to extend this leeway for operations through the period before the meeting. In the statement weeks of December 10 and 17 the funds rate averaged 18.8 percent and 19.8 percent. Member bank borrowings receded to an average of about $1.6 billion in the two statement weeks ending December 17 from an average of about $2.2 billion in the preceding two statement weeks. Growth in M-1A and M-1B moderated further in November to annual rates of about 7 percent and 91/4 percent respectively, but these growth rates were still well above those consistent with the Committee's objectives for the period from September to December. In early December growth in both measures of money slowed substantially further. Expansion in M-2 and M-3 continued to accelerate in November, reflecting a surge in both small- and large-denomination time deposits. From the fourth quarter of 1979 through November, growth of M-1A was in the upper part of the range set by the Committee for the year ending in the fourth quarter of 1980; M-1B and M-2 grew at rates somewhat above the upper limits of their ranges, while M-3 grew at a rate slightly above the upper limit of its range. Total credit outstanding at U.S. commercial banks continued to ex- Record of Policy Actions of the FOMC pand in November at about the rapid pace of the previous three months. Growth in business loans remained especially vigorous, but expansion in other bank loans was also sizable and banks added further to their holdings of securities. Outstanding commercial paper of nonfinancial corporations continued to fall in November, extending the decline that had begun in August. Pressures on bank reserve positions and strong business demands for credit, along with large Treasury financings, were associated with sharp further increases in short-term interest rates over the intermeeting period. Rate increases were especially pronounced for bank CDs and commercial paper, which rose 3 to 6 percentage points, while Treasury bill rates advanced 1 to 3 percentage points. Most long-term bond yields moved up about V2 to 1 percentage point over the interval. The prime rate charged by commercial banks on short-term business loans was raised from 16V4 percent to a new high of 21 percent. In home mortgage markets, average rates on new commitments for fixed-rate loans rose more than V2 percentage point further, and new commitment activity was reported to be quite limited at prevailing rates. The staff projections presented at this meeting suggested that the accelerated growth of real GNP in the current quarter was likely to be followed by some decline in the first part of 1981 and by sluggish recovery later in the year. Accordingly, the unemployment rate was expected to increase during 1981. The rise in the fixed-weight price index for gross domestic business product was projected to remain rapid, although not quite so rapid in the second half of the year as in the first half. In the Committee's discussion of the economic situation and its implications for policy, the members noted the clear possibility of a decline in activity in the early part of the new year and of a sluggish performance over 1981 as a whole, although some members expressed the view that underlying expansive forces were strong. It was observed that the statistical indicators of prospective activity had not been signaling a nearterm contraction, but that the greater-than-anticipated expansion in GNP in the current quarter had itself contributed to developments, including the sharp rise in interest rates, that were likely to produce some decline in the early part of 1981. Later in the year, assuming monetary expansion to be consistent with the Committee's longer-run objectives, the recovery was likely to be limited unless progress was made in reducing inflation. The need to deal with the deep-seated problem of inflation was emphasized, as was the difficulty of doing so without accepting risks of unsatisfactory economic performance in the short run. It was generally recognized that the course of economic activity remained difficult to forecast because of the unpredictability of behavior based on inflationary expectations and because of uncertainties about the fiscal and other economic policies of the new administration to be inaugurated on January 20. At its meeting in July 1980, the Committee had reaffirmed the following ranges for monetary growth from the fourth quarter of 1979 to the fourth quarter of 1980 that it had established in February: M-1A, 3l/2 to 6 percent; M-1B, 4 to 6l/2 percent; M-2, 6 to 9 percent; and M-3, 6l/2 to 9l/2 percent. The associated range for the rate of growth in commercial bank credit was 6 to 9 percent. For the period from the fourth quarter of 1980 to the fourth quarter of 1981, the Committee had looked toward a reduction in the ranges for growth of M-1A, M-1B, and M-2 on the order of V2 percentage point from the ranges adopted for 1980, abstracting from institutional influences affecting the behavior of the aggregates. During the course of 1980, an inconsistency had become apparent between the longer-run ranges for M-1A and M-IB as a result of faster- 151 152 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 than-expected growth of ATS and NOW accounts, which had been at the expense partly of demand deposits and partly of savings deposits and other instruments not included in the narrowly defined aggregates. In that light, the specified range for growth of M-1B in 1980 should have been somewhat higher than that actually adopted, while the range for M-1A should have been somewhat lower, consistent with the intended economic result. At this meeting the Committee began a review of the ranges for 1981 in the expectation that at the meeting scheduled for early February it would complete the review and establish ranges for the year within the framework of the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978 (the Humphrey-Hawkins Act). The Committee once again faced unusual uncertainties concerning the forces affecting monetary growth, in part because of some sizable variations evident in the demand for both narrowly and broadly defined money in relation to nominal GNP during 1980. For the year ahead, moreover, the institutional changes expected to result from the Monetary Control Act of 1980 would need to be evaluated and interpreted. Relationships among the monetary aggregates will be affected by the introduction of NOW accounts on a nationwide basis as of December 31, 1980, as authorized by the act. A staff analysis suggested that during 1981 shifts of funds from demand deposits into NOW accounts would be substantial and would significantly retard the growth of M-1A. At the same time, transfers from savings deposits and other interest-bearing assets into NOW accounts would enhance the growth of M-1B. However, estimates of such shifts varied within wide ranges. Shifts of funds into NOW accounts were not expected to affect growth of M-2 significantly because virtually all of the funds likely to be shifted into such accounts are included in M-2. In the Committee's discussion of policy for the near term, the members considered rates of monetary growth over the first three months of 1981 against the background of the tentative ranges specified earlier for growth over the year as a whole, pending the completion of the review of those ranges scheduled for the meeting in early February. The midpoints of the tentative ranges for 1981, abstracting from the effects of the introduction of NOW accounts on a nationwide basis, were 4l/4 percent for M-1A, 43/4 percent for M-1B, and 7 percent for M-2. It was considered likely that the substantial weakening of the demand for cash balances evident in recent weeks would persist for a time, in response to the sharp increase in interest rates over the past few months and to the slackening of economic activity projected for the months ahead; but growth of M-2 was expected to be greater in relation to growth of the narrowly defined aggregates than suggested by the tentative ranges for 1981. Most of the members favored specification of monetary growth rates for the first quarter that were consistent with the tentative ranges for growth over the full year ahead. In view of the excessively rapid monetary growth in recent months, they were willing to accept a shortfall from those rates for a time, provided that the shortfall developed concurrently with some abatement of pressures in the money market. However, one member favored specification of higher rates of monetary growth for the first quarter, and another member favored specification of lower rates. A number of members continued to express concern about the economic and financial effects of the high degree of variability of interest rates in 1980. In the light of the current prospects for economic activity and for the demand for money, these members wished to set a policy course for the near term that would tend both to avoid additional pressures in the money market and Record of Policy Actions of the FOMC to moderate the expected easing of pressures. While the Committee's general practice had been to relax the constraint implied by the intermeeting range for the federal funds rate when the constraint became binding, some members felt that a somewhat narrower range than specified for most recent intermeeting periods might be appropriate to provide an opportunity for review of the situation if market interest rates changed by a sizable amount. It was also suggested that the Committee hold a consultation before the next scheduled meeting if it appeared that the rate might decline quickly toward the lower end of the range. One member expressed the opinion that setting 18 percent as the upper end of the range, which would lead to a prompt easing in money market conditions consistent with a decline in the funds rate to or below that level, would contribute over time to a reduction in the volatility of both interest rates and monetary growth. At the conclusion of the discussion, the Committee decided to seek behavior of reserve aggregates associated with growth of M-1A, M-1B, and M-2 over the first quarter along a path consistent with the ranges for growth in 1981 contemplated in July 1980, abstracting from the effects of deposit shifts connected with the introduction of NOW accounts on a nationwide basis. The members recognized that the spread of NOW accounts and ATS accounts nationally was likely to widen the differential between growth of M-1A and M-1B to an unpredictable extent and that operational paths for reserves would have to be adjusted in the light of the developing differential. Some shortfall in growth would be acceptable in the near term if that developed in the context of reduced pressures in the money market. If it appeared during the period before the next regular meeting that fluctuations in the federal funds rate, taken over a period of time, within a range of 15 to 20 percent were likely to be inconsistent with the monetary and related reserve paths, the Manager for Domestic Operations was promptly to notify the Chairman, who would then decide whether the situation called for supplementary instructions from the Committee. The following domestic policy directive was issued to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York: The information reviewed at this meeting suggests that real GNP expanded more in the fourth quarter than in the third, and prices on the average continued to rise rapidly. In November retail sales, industrial production, and nonfarm payroll employment expanded substantially further, and the unemployment rate was essentially unchanged at lV 2 percent. Housing starts remained at their September-October level. The rise in the index of average hourly earnings has been somewhat more rapid this year than in 1979. The weighted average value of the dollar in exchange markets has risen considerably further over the past month. The U.S. trade deficit was unchanged in October, remaining well below the rate in the first half. Growth in M-1A and M-1B continued to moderate in November but was still relatively rapid; growth in M-2 continued to accelerate, reflecting a further pickup in expansion of its nontransaction component. In early December, growth of M-1A and M-1B slowed substantially further. From the fourth quarter of 1979 to November, growth of M-l A was in the upper part of the range set by the Committee for growth over the year ending in the fourth quarter of 1980; M-1B and M-2 grew at rates somewhat above the upper limits of their respective ranges. Expansion in commercial bank credit was about as rapid in November as on the average in the preceding three months. Short-term market interest rates have risen sharply further in recent weeks. Long-term market yields have also risen, although considerably less, and average rates on new home mortgage commitments have continued upward. On December 4 the Board of Governors announced an increase in Federal Reserve discount rates from 12 to 13 percent and an increase in the surcharge from 2 to 3 percentage points on frequent borrowing of large institutions. The Federal Open Market Committee seeks to foster monetary and financial conditions that will help to reduce inflation, encourage economic recovery, and contribute to a sustainable pattern of international transactions. At its meeting in July, the Committee agreed that these objectives would be furthered by growth 153 154 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 of M-1A, M-1B, M-2, and M-3 from the fourth quarter of 1979 to the fourth quarter of 1980 within ranges of 3l/2 to 6 percent, 4 to 6V2 percent, 6 to 9 percent, and 6V2 to 9l/2 percent respectively. The associated range for bank credit was 6 to 9 percent. For the period from the fourth quarter of 1980 to the fourth quarter of 1981, the Committee looked toward a reduction in the ranges for growth of M-1A, M-1B, and M-2 on the order of V2 percentage point from the ranges adopted for 1980, abstracting from institutional influences affecting the behavior of the aggregates. In the short-run the Committee seeks behavior of reserve aggregates associated with growth of M-1A, M-1B, and M-2 over the first quarter along a path consistent with the ranges for growth in 1981 contemplated earlier, which will be reviewed in February 1981. Those ranges, abstracting from the effects of deposit shifts connected with the introduction of NOW accounts on a nationwide basis, imply growth in these aggregates centered on 4% percent, 43/4 percent, and 7 percent respectively. It is recognized that the introduction of NOW and ATS accounts nationwide at the beginning of 1981 is likely to widen the discrepancy between growth in M-1A and M-1B to an extent that cannot now be accurately estimated, and operational reserve paths will be developed in the light of evaluation of those differences as they emerge. In the light of the rapid growth of monetary and credit aggregates in recent months, some shortfall in growth would be acceptable in the near term if that developed in the context of reduced pressures in the money market. If it appears during the period before the next meeting that fluctuations in the federal funds rate, taken over a period of time, within a range of 15 to 20 percent are likely to be inconsistent with the monetary and related reserve paths, the Manager for Domestic Operations is promptly to notify the Chairman, who will then decide whether the situation calls for supplementary instructions from the Committee. Votes for this action: Messrs. Volcker, Gramley, Guffey, Morris, Partee, Rice, Roos, Schultz, Solomon, and Winn. Votes against this action: Mrs. Teeters and Mr. Wallich. Mrs. Teeters dissented from this action because she believed that the objectives for monetary growth were unduly restrictive in terms of their eventual effects on output and employment without improving prospects for significantly tempering the rate of inflation. Pending completion of the Committee's review of its ranges for growth in 1981, she preferred specification of moderately higher rates for monetary growth over the first quarter. Mr. Wallich dissented from this action because, given the excessive monetary expansion in recent months, he favored specification of lower monetary growth rates for the first quarter of 1981 than those adopted at this meeting along with a higher intermeeting range for the federal funds rate. In his view, such a policy stance was appropriate both to restrain monetary growth if economic activity remained strong and to moderate the probable decline in interest rates if economic activity weakened. 2. Authorization for Domestic Open Market Operations On January 23, 1981, the Committee voted to increase from $3 billion to $4 billion the limit on changes between Committee meetings in System Account holdings of U.S. government and federal agency securities specified in paragraph 1(a) of the authorization for domestic open market operations, effective immediately, for the period ending with the close of business on February 3, 1981. Votes for this action: Messrs. Volcker, Gramley, Guflfey, Morris, Partee, Rice, Roos, Schultz, Solomon, Mrs. Teeters, Messrs. Wallich, and Winn. This action was taken on recommendation of the Manager for Domestic Operations. The Manager had advised that since the December meeting, substantial net sales of securities had been undertaken to absorb reserves in association with a seasonal reduction in currency and deposits. The leeway for further sales had been reduced to about $1 billion, and additional sales in excess of that amount might be required over the rest of the intermeeting interval. 155 Legal Developments AMENDMENT TO REGULATION E The Board of Governors has amended its Regulation E, Electronic Fund Transfers: to exempt overdraft credit plans from § 913(1) of the Act. That section prohibits a creditor from conditioning an extension of credit on repayment by means of preauthorized debits. The amendment creates an exception for overdraft credit plans, which have historically included an automatic payment feature. Effective January 15, 1981, Regulation E is amended as follows: Section 205.3 is amended by redesignating footnote 1 as footnote lb and by revising § 205.3(d)(2) and (3) to read as follows: Section 205.3—Exemptions (d) Certain automatic transfers.*** (2) Into a consumer's account by the financial institution, such as the crediting of interest to a savings account ; l a (3) From a consumer's account to an account of the financial institution, such as a loan payment; la or AMENDMENTS TO REGULATION F The Board of Governors has amended its Regulation F, Securities of Member State Banks consistent with recent amendments to regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), concerning (a) Safe Harbor from Liability for Projections, (b) Corporate Governance, (c) Dividend Reinvestment Plans, and (d) Tender Offers. The Board has also issued an interpretation relating to (a) Issuer Tender Offers and (b) Going Private Transactions. Finally, the Board has adopted certain technical amendments to Regulation F. l.a The financial institution remains subject to § 913 of the Act regarding compulsory use of electronic fund transfers. A financial institution may, however, require the automatic repayment of credit that is extended under an overdraft credit plan or that is extended to maintain a specified minimum balance in the consumer's account. Financial institutions also remain subject to §§ 915 and 916 regarding civil and criminal liability. 1. Section 206.3 of Regulation F is amended by revising the title of the section and by adding paragraph (d) to read as follows: Section 206.3—Inspection and Publication of Information and Safe Harbor from Liability for Forward-Looking Statements Filed under the Act. sfs sfc s§: 5{: sf (d) Safe harbor from liability for forward-looking statements. (1) A statement within the coverage of paragraph (d)(2) of this section which is made by or on behalf of a bank filing any statement, report, or document under the Act or by an outside reviewer retained by the bank shall be deemed not to be a fraudulent statement (as defined in paragraph (d)(4) of this section), unless it is shown that such statement was made or reaffirmed without a reasonable basis or was disclosed other than in good faith. (2) Paragraph (d)(1) of this section applies to (i) a forward-looking statement (as defined in paragraph (d)(3) of this section) made in a document filed with the Board or in an annual report to shareholders meeting the requirements of § 206.5(c) of Regulation F (12 CFR 206.5)(c)); (ii) a statement reaffirming the forward-looking statement referred to in paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section subsequent to the date the document was filed or the annual report was made publicly available; or (iii) a forward-looking statement made prior to the date the document was filed or the date the annual report was made publicly available if such forward-looking statement is affirmed in a filed document or annual report made publicly available within a reasonable time after the making of such forward-looking statement. (3) For the purpose of this subsection, the term "forward-looking statement" shall mean and shall be limited to: (i) A statement containing a projection of revenues, income (loss), earnings (loss) per share, capital expenditures, dividends, capital structure or other financial items: (ii) A statement of management's plans and objectives for future operations; (iii) A statement of future economic performance contained in management's discussion and analysis of the summary of earnings as called for by 156 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 general instructions (g) and (h) to the Quarterly Report on Form F-4; and (iv) Disclosed statements of the assumptions underlying or relating to any of the statements described in paragraph (d)(3)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this section. (4) For the purpose of this regulation the term "fraudulent statement" shall mean a statement which is an untrue statement of a material fact, a statement false or misleading with respect to any material fact, an omission to state a material fact necessary to make a statement not misleading or which constitutes the employment of a manipulative, deceptive, or fraudulent device, contrivance, scheme, transaction, act, practice, course of business, or an artifice to defraud, as those terms are used in the Securities Act of 1934 or the regulations promulgated thereunder. (5) Notwithstanding any of the provisions of paragraphs (d)(1) through (4) of this section, this rule shall apply only to forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of a bank, if, at the time such statements are made or reaffirmed, the bank is subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and has filed its most recent annual report with the Board on Form F-2. 2. Section 206.5 is amended by adding paragraphs (b)(5) and (e)(6) and revising paragraphs (d)(1) and (2); g(l)(i), (ii); g(2), (ii), (iii); g(3); i(3)(i), (ii), (iii); (h); i and (k) to read as follows: Section 206.5—Proxy Statements and Other Solicitations under Section 14 of the Act. (a) Requirement of statement. N o solicitation of a proxy with respect to a security of a bank registered pursuant to section 12 of the Act shall be made unless each person solicited is concurrently furnished, or has previously been furnished, with a written proxy statement containing the information required by Form F-5. If any bank having such a security outstanding fails to solicit proxies from the holders of any such security in such a manner as to require the furnishing of such a proxy statement, such bank shall transmit to all holders of record of such security a statement containing the information required by Form F-5. The "information statement" required by the preceding sentence shall be transmitted (1) at least 20 calendar days prior to any annual or other meeting of the holders of such security at which such holders are entitled to vote, or (2) in the case of corporate action taken with the written authorization or consent of security holders, at least 20 days prior to the earliest date on which the corporate action may be taken. A proxy statement or an "information statement" re- quired by this paragraph is hereinafter sometimes referred to as a "Statement". (b) Exceptions. The requirements of this § 206.5 shall not apply to the following: (5) The furnishing of proxy voting advice by any person (the "advisor") to any other person with whom the advisor has a business relationship, if: (i) The advisor renders financial advice in the ordinary course of his business: (ii) The advisor discloses to the recipient of the advice any significant relationship with the bank or any of its affiliates, or a shareholder proponent of the matter on which advice is given, as well as any material interest of the advisor in such matter: (iii) The advisor receives no special commission or remuneration for furnishing the proxy voting advice from any person other than a recipient of the advice and other persons who receive similar advice under this subsection; and (iv) The proxy voting advice is not furnished on behalf of any person soliciting proxies or on behalf of a participant in an election subject to the provisions of § 206.5(i). NOTE.—The solicitations excepted by paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(5) remain subject to the prohibitions against false and misleading statements in § 206.5(h). (c) Annual report to security holders to accompany Statements. (1) Any Statement furnished on behalf of the bank that relates to an annual meeting of security holders at which directors are to be elected shall be accompanied or preceded by an annual report to such security holders containing such financial statements for the last 2 fiscal years as will, in the opinion of the bank, adequately reflect the financial position of the bank at the end of each such year and the results of its operations for each such year. The financial statements included in the annual report may omit details or summarize information if such statements, considered as a whole in the light of other information contained in the report and in the light of the financial statements of the bank filed or to be filed with the Board, will not by such procedure omit any material information necessary to a fair presentation or to make the financial statements not misleading under the circumstances. Subject to the foregoing requirements with respect to financial statements, the annual report to security holders may be in any form deemed suitable by the bank and the information required by paragraphs (c)(l)(i) to (iv) of this paragraph may be presented in an appen- Legal Developments dix or other separate section of the report, provided that the attention of security holders is called to such presentation. (2) Bank's Statement, or the report, shall contain an undertaking in bold face or otherwise reasonably prominent type to provide without charge to each person solicited, on the written request of any such person, a copy of the bank's annual report on Form F-2 including the financial statements and the schedules thereto, required to be filed with the Board pursuant to § 206.4 of this Part for the bank's most recent fiscal year, and shall indicate the name and address of the person to whom such a written request is to be directed. (3) Eight copies of each annual report sent to security holders pursuant to this paragraph (c) shall be sent to the Board not later than (i) the date on which such report is first sent or given to security holders, or (ii) the date on which preliminary copies of the bank Statement are filed with the Board pursuant to paragraph (f), whichever date is later. Such annual report is not deemed to be "soliciting material" or to be "filed" with the Board or otherwise subject to this § 206.5 or the liabilities of section 18 of the Act, except to the extent that the bank specifically requests that it be treated as a part of the proxy soliciting material or incorporates it in the proxy statement by reference. (d) Requirements as to proxy. (1) the form of proxy (i) shall indicate in bold-face type whether or not the proxy is solicited on behalf of the bank's board of directors or, if provided other than by a majority of the board of directors, shall indicate in bold-face type the identity of the persons on whose behalf the solicitation is made, (ii) shall provide a specifically designated blank space for dating the proxy, and (iii) shall identify clearly and impartially each matter or group of related matters intended to be acted upon whether proposed by the bank or by security holders. N o reference need be made, however, to matters as to which discretionary authority is conferred under paragraph (d)(3) of this section. (2)(i) Means shall be provided in the form of proxy whereby the person solicited is afforded an opportunity to specify by boxes a choice between approval or disapproval of, or abstention with respect to, each matter or group of related matters referred to therein as intended to be acted upon, other than elections to office. A proxy may confer 157 discretionary authority with respect to matters as to which a choice is not so specified by the security holder if the form of proxy states in boldfaced type how the shares represented by the proxy are intended to be voted in each such case. (ii) A form of proxy which provides for the election of directors shall set forth the names of persons nominated for election as directors. Such form of proxy shall clearly provide any of the following means for security holders to withhold authority to vote for each nominee: (A) A box opposite the name of each nominee which may be marked to indicate that authority to vote for such nominee is withheld; or (B) An instruction in bold-face type which indicates that the security holder may withhold authority to vote for any nominee by lining through or otherwise striking out the name of any nominee; or (C) Designated blank spaces in which the shareholder may enter the names of nominees with respect to whom the shareholder chooses to withhold authority to vote; or (D) Any other similar means, provided that clear instructions are furnished indicating how the shareholder may withhold authority to vote for any nominee. (iii) Such form of proxy also may provide a means for the security holder to grant authority to vote for the nominees set forth, as a group: Provided, That there is a similar means for the security holder to withhold authority to vote for such group of nominees. Any such form of proxy which is executed by the security holder in such manner as not to withhold authority to vote for the election of any nominee shall be deemed to grant such authority: Provided, That the form of proxy so states in bold-face type. Instructions. 1. Paragraph (ii) does not apply in the case of a merger, consolidation or other plan if the election of directors is an integral part of the plan. 2. If applicable State law gives legal effect to votes cast against a nominee, then in lieu of, or in addition to, providing a means for security holders or withhold authority to vote, the bank should provide a similar means for security holders to vote against each nominee. (e) *** (6) All proxy statements shall disclose, under an appropriate caption, the date by which proposals of security holders intended to be presented at the next annual meeting must be received by the bank for inclusion in the bank's proxy statement and form of proxy relating to that meeting, such date to be calculated in accordance with the provisions of § 206.5(k)(iii)(A). If the date of the next annual meeting is subsequently advanced by more than 30 158 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 calendar days or delayed by more than 90 calendar days from the date of the annual meeting to which the proxy statement relates, the bank shall, in a timely manner, inform security holders of such change, and the date by which proposals of security holders must be received, by any means reasonably calculated to so inform them. (g) Mailing communications for security holders. If the bank has made or intends to make any proxy solicitation subject to this § 206.5, the bank shall perform such of the following acts as may be requested in writing with respect to the same subject matter or meeting by any security holder who is entitled to vote on such matter or to vote at such meeting and who shall first defray the reasonable expenses to be incurred by the bank in the performance of the act or acts requested: (1) The bank shall mail or otherwise furnish to such security holder the following information as promptly as practicable after the receipt of such request: (i) A statement of the approximate number of holders of record of any class of securities, any of the holders of which have been or are to be solicited on behalf of the bank, or any group of such holders that the security holder shall designate; (ii) If the bank has made or intends to make, through bankers, brokers, or other persons, any solicitation of the beneficial owners of securities of any class, a statement of the approximate number of such beneficial owners, or any group of such owners that the security holder shall designate; (2)(i) *** (ii) Any such material that is furnished by the security holder shall be mailed with reasonable promptness by the bank after receipt of a tender of the material to be mailed, of envelopes or other containers therefor, of postage or payment for postage, and of evidence that such material has been filed with the Board pursuant to paragraph (f). The bank need not, however, mail any such material that relates to any matter to be acted upon at an annual meeting of security holders prior to the earlier of (a) a day corresponding to the first date on which the bank's proxy soliciting material was released to security holders in connection with the last annual meeting of security holders, or (b) the first day on which solicitation is made on behalf of management. With respect to any such material that relates to any matter to be acted upon by security holders otherwise than at an annual meeting, such material need not be mailed prior to the first day on which solicitation is made on behalf of the bank; (iii) The bank shall be responsible for such proxy statement, form of proxy, or other communication. (3) In lieu of performing the acts specified above, the bank may, at its option, furnish promptly to such security holder a reasonably current list of the names and addresses of such of the holders of record specified in paragraph (g)(l)(i) of this section as the security holder shall designate, and a list of the names and addresses of the bankers, brokers, or other persons specified in paragraph (g)(l)(ii) of this section as the security holder shall designate together with a statement of the approximate number of beneficial owners solicited or to be solicited through each such banker, broker, or other person and a schedule of the handling and mailing costs of each such banker, broker, or other person, if such schedule has been supplied to the bank. The foregoing information shall be furnished promptly upon the request of the security holder or at daily or other reasonable intervals as it becomes available to the bank. (h) False or misleading statements. (1) N o solicitation or communication subject to this section shall be made by means of any Statement, form of proxy, notice of meeting, or other communication, written or oral containing any statement that, at the time and in the light of the circumstances under which it is made, is false or misleading with respect to any material fact, or that omits to state any material fact necessary in order to make the statements therein not false or misleading or necessary to correct any statement in any earlier communication with respect to the solicitation of a proxy for the same meeting or subject matter that has become false or misleading. Depending upon particular circumstances, the following may be misleading within the meaning of this paragraph: predictions as to specific future market values; material that directly or indirectly impugns character, integrity, or personal reputation, or directly or indirectly makes charges concerning improper, illegal, or immoral conduct or associations, without factual foundation; failure so to identify a Statement, form of proxy, and other soliciting material as clearly to distinguish it from the soliciting material of any other person or persons soliciting for the same meeting or subject matter; claims made prior to a meeting regarding the results of a solicitation. Legal Developments (i) Special provisions applicable to election contests. (3) Filing of information required by Form F-6. (i) N o solicitation subject to this paragraph (i) shall be made by any person other than the bank unless at least five business days prior thereto, or such shorter period as the Board may authorize upon a showing of good cause therefor, there has been filed with the Board and with each exchange upon which any security of the bank is listed, by or on behalf of each participant in such solicitation, a statement in duplicate containing the information specified by Form F-6. (ii) Within five business days after a solicitation subject to this paragraph (i) is made by the bank, or such longer period as the Board may authorize upon a showing of good cause therefor, there shall be filed with the Board and with each exchange upon which any security of the bank is listed, by or on behalf of each participant in such solicitation, other than the bank, a statement in duplicate containing the information specified by Form F-6. (iii) If any solicitation on behalf of the bank or any other person has been made, or if proxy material is ready for distribution, prior to a solicitation subject to this paragraph (i) in opposition thereto, a statement in duplicate containing the information specified in Form F-6 shall be filed by or on behalf of each participant in such prior solicitation, other than the bank, as soon as reasonably practicable after the commencement of the solicitation in opposition thereto, with the Board and with each exchange on which any security of the bank is listed. (6) Application of this paragraph to annual report. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 206.5(c), three copies of any portion of the annual report referred to in that paragraph that comments upon or refers to any solicitation subject to this paragraph (i), or to any participant in any such solicitation, other than the solicitation by the bank shall be filed with the Board as proxy material subject to this § 206.5. Such portion of the annual report shall be filed with the Board in preliminary form at least five business days prior to the date copies of the report are first sent or given to security holders. (k) Proposals of security holders. (1) If any security holder of a bank notifies the bank of his intention to present a proposal for action at a 159 forthcoming meeting of the bank's security holders, the bank shall set forth the proposal in its proxy statement and identify it in its form of proxy and provide means by which security holders can make the specification required by § 206.5(d)(2). If the bank issues an information statement pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, it shall identify the proposal and indicate the disposition proposed to be made of the proposal by the management at the meeting. The bank, however, need not include a proposal in its information statement if such proposal is submitted less than 60 days in advance of a day corresponding to the date of mailing a proxy statement or information statement in connection with the last annual meeting of security holders. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the bank shall not be required to include the proposal in its proxy statement or form of proxy unless the security holder (hereinafter, the "proponent") has complied with the requirements of this paragraph and paragraphs (k)(2) and (3) of this section: (i) Eligibility. At the time he submits the proposal, the proponent shall be a record or beneficial owner of a security entitled to be voted at the meeting on his proposal, and he shall continue to own such security through the date on which the meeting is held. If the bank requests documentary support for a proponent's claim that he is a beneficial owner of a voting security of the issuer, the proponent shall furnish appropriate documentation within 10 business days after receiving the request. In the event the bank includes the proponent's proposal in its proxy soliciting materials for the meeting and the proponent fails to comply with the requirement that he continuously be a voting security holder through the meeting date, the bank shall not be required to include any proposal submitted by the proponent in its proxy soliciting materials for any meeting held in the following two calendar years. (ii) Notice. The proponent shall notify the bank in writing of his intention to appear personally at the meeting to present his proposal for action. The proponent shall furnish the requisite notice at the time he submits the proposal, except that if he was unaware of the notice requirement at that time he shall comply with it within 10 business days after being informed of it by the bank. If the proponent, after furnishing in good faith the notice required by this provision, subsequently determines that he will be unable to appear personally at the meeting, he shall arrange to have another security holder of the issuer present his proposal on his behalf at the meeting. In the event the proponent or his proxy fails, without good cause, to present the proposal for action at the meeting, 160 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 the bank shall not be required to include any proposals submitted by the proponent in its proxy soliciting materials for any meeting held in the following two calendar years, (iii) Timeliness. The proponent shall submit his proposal sufficiently far in advance of the meeting so that it is received by the bank within the following time periods: (A) Annual Meetings. A proposal to be presented at an annual meeting shall be received by the management at the issuer's principal executive offices not less than 90 days in advance of a date corresponding to the date set forth on the bank's proxy statement released to security holders in connection with the previous year's annual meeting of security holders, except that no annual meeting was held in the previous year or the date of the annual meeting has been changed by more than 30 calendar days from the date of the previous year's annual meeting a proposal shall be received by the bank in reasonable time before the solicitation is made. (B) Other Meetings. A proposal to be present at any meeting other than an annual meeting shall be received at a reasonable time before the solicitation is made. NOTE: In order to curtail controversy as to the date on which a proposal was received by the bank, it is suggested that proponents submit their proposals by Certified Mail-Return Receipt Requested. (iv) Number and length of proposals. The proponent may submit a maximum of two proposals of not more than 300 words each for inclusions in the management's proxy materials for a meeting of security holders. If the proponent fails to comply with either of these requirements, or if he fails to comply with the 200-word limit on supporting statements mentioned in paragraph (k)(2) of this section, he shall be provided the opportunity by the bank to reduce, within 10 business days, the items submitted by him to the limits required by this rule. (2) If the bank opposes any proposal received from a proponent, it shall also, at the request of the proponent, include in its proxy statement a statement of the proponent of not more than 200 words in support of the proposal, which statement shall not include the name and address of the proponent. The statement and request of the proponent shall be furnished to the bank at the time that the proposal is furnished, and the bank shall not be responsible for such statement. The proxy statement shall also include either the name and address of the proponent or a statement that such information will be furnished by the issuer or by the Board to any person, orally or in writing as requested, promptly upon the receipt of any oral or written request therefor. If the name and address of the proponent are omitted from the proxy statement, they shall be furnished to the Board at the time of filing the bank's preliminary proxy material pursuant to § 206.5(f)(1). (3) The bank may omit a proposal and any statement in support thereof from its proxy statement and form of proxy under any of the following circumstances: (i) If the proposal is, under the laws of the issuer's domicile, not a proper subject for action by security holders; NOTE: A proposal that may be improper under the applicable State law when framed as a mandate or directive may be proper when framed as a recommendation or request. (ii) If the proposal would, if implemented, require the issuer to violate any State law or Federal law of the United States, or any law of any foreign jurisdiction, to which the issuer is subject, except that this provision shall not apply with respect to any foreign law compliance with which would be violative of any State law or Federal law of the United States; (iii) If the proposal or the supporting statement is contrary to any of the Board's proxy rules and regulations, including § 206.5(h) which prohibits false or misleading statements in proxy soliciting materials; (iv) If the proposal relates to the enforcement of a personal claim or the redress of a personal grievance against the bank, or any other person; (v) If the proposal deals with a matter that is not significantly related to the bank's business; (vi) If the proposal deals with a matter that is beyond the bank's power to effectuate; (vii) If the proposal deals with a matter relating to the conduct of the ordinary business operations of the bank; (viii) If the proposal relates to an election to office; (ix) If the proposal is counter to a proposal to be submitted by the bank at the meeting; (x) If the proposal has been rendered moot; (xi) If the proposal is substantially duplicative of a proposal previously submitted to the management by another proponent, which proposal will be included in the bank's proxy materials for the meeting; (xii) If substantially the same proposal has previously been submitted to security holders in the bank's proxy statement and form of proxy relating to any annual or special meeting of security holders held within the preceding five calendar Legal Developments years, it may be omitted from the bank's proxy materials relating to any meeting of security holders held within three calendar years after the latest such previous submission; Provided, That: (A) If the proposal was submitted at only one meeting during such preceding period, it received less than 3 per cent of the total number of votes cast in regard thereto; or (B) If the proposal was submitted at only two meetings during such preceding period, it received at the time of its second submission less than 6 per cent of the total number of votes cast in regard thereto; or (C) If the proposal was submitted at three or more meetings during such preceding period, it received at the time of its latest submission less than 10 per cent of the total number of votes cast in regard thereto; and (xiii) If the proposal relates to specific amounts of cash or stock dividends. (4) Whenever the bank asserts, for any reason, that a proposal and any statement in support thereof received from a proponent may properly be omitted from its proxy statement and form of proxy, it shall file with the Board, not later than 50 days prior to the date the preliminary copies of the proxy statement and form of proxy are filed pursuant to § 206.5(f)(1), or such shorter period prior to such date as the Board or its staff may permit, five copies of the following items: (i) The proposal; (ii) any statement in support thereof as received from the proponent; (iii) a statement of the reasons why the bank deems such omission to be proper in the particular case; and (iv) where such reasons are based on matters of law, a supporting opinion of counsel. The bank shall at the same time, if it has not already done so, notify the proponent of its intention to omit the proposal from its proxy statement and form of proxy and shall forward to him a copy of the statement of reasons why the bank deems the omission of the proposal to be proper and a copy of such supporting opinion of counsel. 3. Section 206.5 is amended by deleting paragraphs (1) and (m). The paragraph designations are being reserved. 4. Section 206.6 is amended by adding a new paragraph (j) and present paragraphs (j) through (u) are redesignated as paragraphs (k) through (v). Section 206.6—"Insiders" Securities Transaction and Reports under Section 16 of the Act. 161 (j) Exemption for acquisitions under dividend reinvestment plans. Any acquisition of securities resulting from reinvestment of dividends or interest shall be exempt from section 16 if it is made pursuant to a plan providing for the regular reinvestment in such securities of dividends payable thereon or of dividends or interest payable on other securities of the same bank: Provided, That the plan is made available on the same terms to all holders of securities of the class on which the reinvested dividends or interest are being paid. 5. A new section, § 206.8, is added to Part 206 to read as follows: Section 206.8—Tender Offers. (a) Scope of and definitions applicable to this section (1) Scope, (i) N o person, directly or indirectly by use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce or any facility of a national securities exchange or otherwise, shall make a tender offer for, or a request or invitation for tenders of, any class of equity security which is registered pursuant to Section 12 of the Act, of a State member bank if, after consummation thereof, such person would, directly or indirectly, be the beneficial owner of more than 5 per cent of such class, unless on the date of the commencement of the tender offer such person has complied with the requirements of paragraph (c)(1) of this section. The definition of beneficial owner set forth in § 206.4(h)(5)(i) for the purposes of Section 13(d)(1) of the Act shall apply also for purposes of Section 14(d)(1) of the Act. (2) Definitions. Unless the context otherwise requires, all terms used in this section have the same meaning as in the Act and in § 206.2 promulgated thereunder. In addition, for purposes of sections 14(d) and 14(e) of the Act and this section the following definitions apply: (i) The term "bidder" means any person who makes a tender offer or on whose behalf a tender offer is made; (ii) The term "subject bank" means any State member bank which is the issuer of securities which are sought by a bidder pursuant to a tender offer; (iii) The term "security holders" means holders of record and beneficial owners of securities which are the subject of a tender offer; (iv) The term "beneficial owner" shall have the same meaning as that set forth in § 206.4(h)(5)(i): Provided, however, That, except with respect to paragraphs (c) and (i)(4) of this section and Item 6 of the Form F-13, the term shall not include a person who does not have or share investment 162 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 power or who may be deemed to be a beneficial owner by virtue of his right to acquire beneficial ownership as set forth in § 206.4(h)(5)(i) (v) The term "tender offer material" means: (A) The bidder's formal offer, concluding all the material terms and conditions of the tender offer and all amendments thereto; (B) The related transmittal letter (whereby securities of the subject bank which are sought in the tender offer may be transmitted to the bidder or its depository) and all amendments thereto; and (C) Press releases, advertisements, letters and other documents published by the bidder or sent or given by the bidder to security holders which, directly or indirectly, solicit, invite or request tenders of the securities being sought in the tender offer; (vi) The term "business day" means any day, other than Saturday, Sunday or a Federal holiday, and shall consist of the time period from 12:01 a.m. through 12:00 midnight Eastern time. In computing any time period under section 14(d)(5) or section 14(d)(6) of the Act or under CFR Part 206 the date of the event which begins the running of such time period shall be included except that if such event occurs in other than a business day such period shall begin to run on and shall include the first business day thereafter; and (vii) The term "security position listing" means, with respect to securities of any issuer held by a registered clearing agency in the name of the clearing agency or its nominee, a list of those participants in the clearing agency on whose behalf the clearing agency holds the bank's securities and of the participants' respective positions in such securities as of a specified date. (b) Date of commencement of a tender offer. (1) Commencement. A tender offer shall commence for the purposes of section 14(d) of the Act and the rules promulgated thereunder at 12:01 a.m. on the date when the first of the following events occurs: (i) The long-form publication of the tender offer is first published by the bidder pursuant to paragraph (d)(l)(i) of this section. (ii) The summary advertisement of the tender offer is first published by the bidder pursuant to paragraph (d)(l)(i) of this section. (iii) The summary advertisement or the long-form publication of the tender offer is first published by the bidder pursuant to paragraph (d)(l)(i) of this section. (iv) Definitive copies of a tender offer, in which the consideration offered by the bidder consists of securities registered pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, are first published or sent or given by the bidder to security holders; or (v) The tender offer is first published or sent or given to security holders by the bidder by any means not otherwise referred to in subparagraphs (l)(i) through (l)(iv) of this paragraph. (2) Public announcement. A public announcement by a bidder through a press release, newspaper advertisement or public statement which includes the information at subparagraph (3) of this paragraph with respect to a tender offer in which the consideration consists solely of cash and/or securities exempt from registration under section 3 of the Securities Act of 1933 shall be deemed to constitute the commencement of a tender offer under subparagraph (l)(v) of this paragraph except that such tender offer shall not be deemed to be first published or sent or given to security holders by the bidder under subparagraph (l)(v) or this paragraph on the date of such public announcement if within five business days of such public announcement, the bidder either: (i) Makes a subsequent public announcement stating that the bidder has determined not to continue with such tender offer, in which event subparagraph (l)(v) of this paragraph shall not apply to the initial public announcement; or (ii) Complies with paragraph (c)(1) of this section and contemporaneously disseminates the disclosure required by paragraph (f) of this section to security holders pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section or otherwise in which event: (A) The date of commencement of such tender offer under subparagraph (1) of this paragraph will be determined by the date the information required by paragraph (f) of this section is first published or sent or given to security holders pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section or otherwise; and (B) Notwithstanding subparagraph (2)(ii)(A) of this paragraph, section 14(d)(7) of the Act shall be deemed to apply to such tender offer from the date of such public announcement. (3) Information. The information referred to in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph is as follows: (i) The identity of the bidder. (ii) The identity of the subject company ; and (iii) The amount and class of securities being sought and the price or range of prices being offered therefor. (4) Announcements not resulting in commencement. A public announcement by a bidder through a press release, newspaper advertisement or public statement which only discloses the information in subparagraphs (4)(i) through (4)(iii) of this paragraph concerning a tender offer in which the consideration Legal Developments consists solely of cash and/or securities exempt from registration under section 3 of the Securities Act of 1933 shall not be deemed to constitute the commencement of a tender offer under subparagraph (l)(v) of this paragraph. (i) The identity of the bidder. (ii) The identity of the subject company; and (iii) A statement that the bidder intends to make a tender offer in the future for a class of equity securities of the subject bank which statement does not specify the amount of securities of such class to be sought or the consideration to be offered therefor. (5) Public Announcement. A public announcement concerning a tender offer by a bidder through a press release, newspaper advertisement or public statement which states that the offering will be made only by means of a prospectus and discloses the name of the bank and the title of the securities to be surrendered in exchange for the securities to be offered and the basis upon which the exchange may be made where the consideration consists solely or in part of securities to be registered under the Securities Act of 1933 shall not be deemed to constitute the commencement of a tender offer under subparagraph (l)(v) of this paragraph: Provided. That such bidder files a registration statement with respect to such securities promptly after such public announcement. (c) Filing and transmission of tender offer statement. (1) Filing and transmittal. N o bidder shall make a tender offer if, after consummation thereof, such bidder would be the beneficial owner of more than 5 percent of the class of the subject bank securities for which the tender offer is made, unless as soon as practicable on the date of the commencement of the tender offer such bidder: (i) Files with the Board six copies of a Tender Offer Statement on Form F-13 (12 CFR 206.82) including all exhibits thereto; (ii) Hand delivers a copy of such Form F-13, including all exhibits thereto; (A) To the subject bank at its principal executive office; and (B) To any other bidder, which has filed a Form F-13 with the Board relating to a tender offer that has not yet terminated for the same class of securities of the subject bank, at such bidder's principal executive office or at the address of the person authorized to receive notices and communications (which is disclosed on the cover sheet of such other bidder's Form F-13); (iii) Gives telephonic notice of the information required by paragraphs (f)(5)(ii) (A) and (B) of this section and mails by means of first class mail a 163 copy of such Form F-13, including all exhibits thereto: (A) To each national securities exchange where such class of the subject bank's securities is registered and listed for trading (which may be based upon information contained in the subject bank's most recent Annual Report on Form F-2 (12 CFR 206.42) filed with the Board unless the bidder has reason to believe that such information is not current) which telephonic notice shall be made when practicable prior to the opening of each such exchange; and (B) To the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. ("NASD") if such class of the subject bank's securities are authorized for quotation in the NASDAQ interdealer quotation system. (2) Additional materials. The bidder shall file with the Board six copies of any additional tender offer materials as an exhibit to the Form F-13 required by this section, and if a material change occurs in the information set forth in such Form F-13, six copies of an amendment to Form F-13 each of which shall include all exhibits other than those required by Item 11(a) of Form F-13 disclosing such change and shall send a copy of such additional tender offer material or such amendment to the subject bank and to any exchange and/or the NASD, as required by subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, promptly but not later than the date such additional tender offer material or such change is first published, sent or given to security holders. (3) Certain announcements. Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (2) of this paragraph, if the additional tender offer material or an amendment to Form F-13 discloses only the number of shares deposited to date, and/or announces an extension of the time during which shares may be tendered, then the bidder may file such tender offer material or amendment and send a copy of such tender offer material or amendment to the subject bank, any exchange and/or the NASD, as required by subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, promptly after the date such tender offer material is first published or sent or given to security holders. (d) Dissemination of certain tender offers (1) Materials deemed published or sent or given. A tender offer in which the consideration consists solely of cash and/or securities exempt from registration under section 3 of the Securities Act of 1933 shall be deemed "published or sent or given to security holders" within the meaning of section 14(d)(1) of the Act if the bidder complies with all of the requirements of any one of the following subparagraphs: Provided, however, That any such tender 164 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 offer may be published or sent or given to security holders by other methods, but with respect to summary publication, and the use of stockholder lists and security position listings pursuant to paragraph (e), paragraphs (d)(l)(ii) and (iii) are exclusive. (i) Long-form publication. The bidder makes adequate publication in a newspaper of long-form publication of the tender offer. (ii) Summary publication. (A) The bidder makes adequate publication in a newspaper or newspapers of a summary advertisement of the tender offer; and (B) Mails by first class mail or otherwise furnishes with reasonable promptness the bidder's tender offer materials to any security holder who requests such tender offer materials pursuant to the summary advertisement or otherwise. (iii) Use of stockholder lists and security position listings. Any bidder using stockholder lists and security position listings pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section shall comply with subparagraphs (l)(i) or (l)(ii) of this paragraph on or prior to the date of the bidder's request for such lists or listing pursuant to paragraph (e)(1) of this section. (2) Adequate publication. Depending on the facts and circumstances involved, adequate publication of a tender offer pursuant to this section may require publication in a newspaper with a national circulation or may only require publication in a newspaper with metropolitan or regional circulation or may require publication in a combination thereof: Provided, however, That publication in all editions of a daily newspaper with a national circulation shall be deemed to constitute adequate publication. (3) Publication of changes. If a tender offer had been published or sent or given to security holders by one or more of the methods enumerated in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph a material change in the information published, sent or given to security holders shall be promptly disseminated to security holders in a manner reasonably designed to inform security holders of such change: Provided, however, That if the bidder has elected pursuant to paragraph (e)(6)(i) of this section to require the subject company to disseminate amendments disclosing material changes to the tender offer materials pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section the bidder shall disseminate material changes in the information published or sent or given to security holders at least pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section. (e) Dissemination of certain tender offers by the use of stockholder lists. (1) Obligations of the subject bank. Upon receipt by a subject bank at its principal executive offices of a bidder's written request, meeting the requirements of paragraph (e)(5) of this section, the subject shall comply with the following: (i) The subject bank shall notify promptly transfer agents and any other person who will assist the subject in complying with the requirements of this paragraph of the receipt by the subject bank of a request by a bidder pursuant to this paragraph. (ii) The subject bank shall promptly ascertain whether the most recently prepared stockholder list, written or otherwise, within the access of the subject bank was prepared as of a date earlier than ten business days before the date of the bidder's request and, if so, the subject bank shall promptly prepare or cause to be prepared a stockholder list as of the most recent practicable date which shall not be more than ten business days before the date of the bidder's request. (iii) The subject bank shall make an election to comply and shall comply with all of the provisions of either subparagraph (2) or subparagraph (3) of this paragraph. The subject's bank's election, once made, shall not be modified or revoked during the bidder's tender offer and extensions thereof. (iv) N o later than the second business day after the date of the bidder's request, the subject bank shall orally notify the bidder, which notification shall be confirmed in writing, of the subject bank's election made pursuant to subparagraph (l)(iii) of this paragraph. Such notification shall indicate (A) the approximate number of security holders of the class of securities being sought by the bidder and, (B) if the subject bank elects to comply with subparagraph (2) of this paragraph, appropriate information concerning the location for delivery of the bidder's tender offer materials and the approximate direct costs incidental to the mailing to security holders of the bidder's tender offer materials computed in accordance with subparagraph (7)(ii) of this paragraph. (2) Mailing of tender offer materials by the subject bank. A subject bank which elects pursuant to subparagraph (l)(iii) of this paragraph to comply with the provisions of this paragraph shall perform the acts prescribed by the following subparagraphs. (i) The subject bank shall promptly contact each participant named on the most recent security position listing of any clearing agency within the access of the subject bank and make inquiry of each such participant as to the approximate number of beneficial owners of the subject bank securities being sought in the tender offer held by each such participant. (ii) N o later than the third business day after delivery of the bidder's tender offer materials pursuant to subparagraph (7)(i) of this paragraph, Legal Developments the subject bank shall begin to mail or cause to be mailed by means of first class mail a copy of the bidder's tender offer materials to each person whose name appears as a record holder of the class of securities for which the offer is made on the most recent stockholder list referred to in subparagraph (l)(ii) of this paragraph. The subject bank shall use its best efforts to complete the mailing in a timely manner but in no event shall such mailings be completed in a substantially greater period of time than the subject bank would complete a mailing to security holders of its own materials relating to the tender offer. (iii) N o later than the third business day after the delivery of the bidder's tender offer materials pursuant to subparagraph (7)(i) of this paragraph, the subject bank shall begin to transmit or cause to be transmitted a sufficient number of sets of the bidder's tender offer materials to the participants named on the security position listings described in subparagraph (2)(i) of this paragraph. The subject bank shall use its best efforts to complete the transmittal in a timely manner but in no event shall such transmittal be completed in a substantially greater period of time than the subject bank would complete a transmittal to such participants pursuant to security position listings or clearing agencies of its own material relating to the tender offer. (iv) The subject bank shall promptly give oral notification to the bidder, which notification shall be confirmed in writing, of the commencement of the mailing pursuant to subparagraph (2)(ii) of this paragraph and of" the transmittal pursuant to subparagraph (2)(iii) of this paragraph. (v) During the tender offer and any extension thereof the subject bank shall use reasonable efforts to update the stockholder list and shall mail or cause to be mailed promptly following each update a copy of the bidder's tender offer materials (to the extent sufficient sets of such materials have been furnished by the bidder) to each person who has become a record holder since the later of (A) the date of preparation of the most recent stockholder list referred to in subparagraph (e)(l)(ii) of this section or (B) the last preceding update. (vi) If the bidder has elected pursuant to subparagraph (6)(i) of this paragraph to require the subject bank to disseminate amendments disclosing materials changes to the tender offer materials pursuant to this paragraph, the subject bank, promptly following delivery of each such amendment, shall mail or cause to be mailed a copy of each such amendment to each record holder whose name appears on the shareholder list described in sub- 165 paragraphs (l)(ii) and (2)(v) of this paragraph and shall transmit or cause to be transmitted sufficient copies of such amendment to each participant named on security position listings who received sets of the bidder's tender offer materials pursuant to subparagraph (2)(iii) of this paragraph. (vii) The subject bank shall not include any communication other than the bidder's tender offer materials or amendments thereto in the envelopes or other containers furnished by the bidder. (viii) Promptly following the termination of the tender offer, the subject bank shall reimburse the bidder the excess, if any, of the amounts advanced pursuant to subparagraph (6)(iii)(C) over the direct costs incidental to compliance by the subject bank and its agents in performing the acts required by this paragraph computed in accordance with subparagraph (7)(ii) of this paragraph. (3) Delivery of stockholder lists and security position listings. A subject bank which elects pursuant to subparagraph (l)(iii) of this paragraph to comply with the provisions of this paragraph shall perform the acts prescribed by the following: (i) N o later than the third business day after the date of the bidder's request, the subject bank shall furnish to the bidder at the subject bank's principal executive office a copy of the names and addresses of the record holders on the most recent stockholder list referred to in subparagraph (l)(ii) of this paragraph and a copy of the names and addresses of participants identified on the most recent security position listing of any clearing agency which is within the access of the subject bank. (ii) If the bidder has elected pursuant to subparagraph (6)(i) of this paragraph to require the subject bank to disseminate amendments disclosing material changes to the tender offer materials, the subject bank shall update the stockholder list by furnishing the bidder with the name and address of each record holder named on the stockholder list, and not previously furnished to the bidder, promptly after such information becomes available to the subject bank during the tender offer and any extensions thereof. (4) Liability of subject bank and others. Neither the subject bank nor any affiliate or agent of the subject bank nor any clearing agency shall be: (i) Deemed to have made a solicitation or recommendation respecting the tender offer within the meaning of section 14(d)(4) based solely upon the compliance by the subject bank or any affiliate or agent of the subject bank with one or more requirements of this section; (ii) Liable under any provision of the Federal securities laws to the bidder or to any security 166 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 holder based solely upon the inaccuracy of the current names or addresses on the stockholder list or security position listing, unless such inaccuracy results from a lack of reasonable care on the part of the subject bank or any affiliate or agent of the subject bank. (iii) Deemed to be an "underwriter'' within the meaning of section (2)(11) of the Securities Act of 1933 for any purpose of that Act or any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder based solely upon the compliance or noncompliance by the subject bank or any affiliate or agent of the subject bank with one or more of the requirements of this paragraph; (iv) Liable under any provision of the federal securities laws for the disclosure in the bidder's tender offer materials, including any amendment thereto, based solely upon the compliance or noncompliance by the subject bank or any affiliate or agent of the subject bank with one or more of the requirements of this paragraph. (5) Content of the bidder's request. The bidder's written request referred to in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph shall include the following: (i) The identity of the bidder; (ii) The title of the class of securities which is the subject of the bidder's tender offer; (iii) A statement that the bidder is making a request to the subject bank pursuant to subparagraph (1) of this paragraph for the use of the stockholder list and security position listings for the purpose of disseminating a tender offer to security holders; (iv) A statement that the bidder is aware of and will comply with the provisions of subparagraph (6) of this paragraph; (v) A statement as to whether or not it has elected pursuant to subparagraph (6)(i) of this paragraph to disseminate amendments disclosing material changes to the tender offer materials pursuant to this paragraph; and (vi) The name, address and telephone number of the person whom the subject bank shall contact pursuant to subparagraph (l)(iv) of this paragraph. (6) Obligations of the bidder. Any bidder who requires that a subject bank comply with the provisions of subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, shall comply with the following: (i) The bidder shall make an election whether or not to require the subject bank to disseminate amendments disclosing material changes to the tender offer materials pursuant to this paragraph, which election shall be included in the request referred to in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph and shall not be revocable by the bidder during the tender offer and extensions thereof. (ii) With respect to a tender offer subject to section 14(d)(1) of the Act in which the consideration consists solely of cash and/or securities exempt from registration under section 3 of the Securities Act of 1933, the bidder shall comply with the requirements of paragraph (d)(l)(iii) of this section. (iii) If the subject bank elects to comply with subparagraph (2) of this paragraph, (A) The bidder shall promptly deliver the tender offer materials after receipt of the notification from the subject bank, as provided in subparagraph (l)(iv) of this paragraph; (B) The bidder shall promptly notify the subject bank of any amendment to the bidder's tender offer materials requiring compliance by the subject bank with subparagraph (2)(vi) of this paragraph and shall promptly deliver such amendment to the subject bank pursuant to subparagraph (7)(i) of this paragraph; (C) The bidder shall advance to the subject bank an amount equal to the approximate cost of conducting mailings to security holders computed in accordance with subparagraph (7)(ii) of this paragraph; (D) The bidder shall promptly reimburse the subject bank for the direct costs incidental to compliance by the subject bank and its agents in performing the act required by this section computed in accordance with subparagraph (7)(ii) of this paragraph which are in excess of the amount advanced pursuant to subparagraph (6)(iii)(C) of this paragraph, and (E) The bidder shall mail by means of first class mail or otherwise furnish with reasonable promptness the tender offer materials to any security holder who requests such materials. (iv) If the subject bank elects to comply with subparagraph (3) of this paragraph: (A) The subject bank shall use the stockholder and security position listings furnished to the bidder pursuant to subparagraph (3) of this paragraph exclusively in the dissemination of tender offer materials to security holders in connection with the bidder's tender offer and extensions thereof; (B) The bidder shall return the stockholder lists and security position listings furnished to the bidder pursuant to subparagraph (3) of this paragraph promptly after the termination of the bidder's tender offer; (C) The bidder shall accept, handle and return the stockholder lists and security position list- Legal Developments ings furnished to the bidder pursuant to subparagraph (3) of this paragraph to the subject bank on a confidential basis; (D) The bidder shall not retain any stockholder list or security position listing furnished by the subject bank pursuant to subparagraph (3) of this paragraph, or any copy thereof, nor retain any information derived from any such list or listing or copy thereof after the termination of the bidder's tender offer; (E) The bidder shall mail by means of first class mail, at its own expense, a copy of its tender offer materials to each person whose identity appears on the stockholder list as furnished and updated by the subject bank pursuant to subparagraphs (3)(i) and (3)(ii) of this paragraph; (F) The bidder shall contact the participants named on the security position listing of any clearing agency, make inquiry of each participant as to the appropriate number of sets of tender offer materials required by each such participant, and furnish, at its own expense, sufficient sets of tender offer materials and any amendment thereto to each such participant for subsequent transmission to the beneficial owners of the securities being sought by the bidder; (G) The bidder shall mail by means of first class mail or otherwise furnish with reasonable promptness the tender offer materials to any security holder who requests such materials; and (H) The bidder shall promptly reimburse the subject bank for direct costs incidental to compliance by the subject bank and its agents in performing the acts required by this section computed in accordance with subparagraph (7)(ii) of this paragraph. (7) Delivery of materials, computation of direct costs. (i) Whenever the bidder is required to deliver tender offer materials or amendments to tender offer materials, the bidder shall deliver to the subject bank at the location specified by the subject bank in its notice given pursuant to subparagraph (l)(iv) of this paragraph a number of sets of the materials or of the amendment, as the case may be, at least equal to the approximate number of security holders specified by the subject bank in such notice, together with appropriate envelopes or other containers therefor: Provided, however, That such delivery shall be deemed not to have been made unless the bidder has complied with subparagraph (6)(iii)(C) of this paragraph at the time the materials or amendments, as the case may be, are delivered. 167 (ii) The approximate direct cost of mailing the bidder's tender offer materials shall be computed by adding (A) the direct cost incidental to the mailing of the subject bank's last annual report to shareholders (excluding employee time), less the costs of preparation and printing of the report, and postage, plus (B) the amount of first class postage required to mail the bidder's tender offer materials. The approximate direct costs incidental to the mailing of the amendments to the bidder's tender offer materials shall be computed by adding (C) the estimated direct costs of preparing mailing labels, or updating shareholder lists and of third party handling charges plus (D) the amount of first class postage required to mail the bidder's amendment. Direct costs incidental to the mailing of the bidder's tender offer materials thereto when finally computed may include all reasonable charges paid by the subject bank to third parties for supplies or services, including costs attendant to preparing shareholder lists, mailing labels, handling the bidder's materials, contacting participants named on security position listings and for postage, but shall exclude indirect costs, such as employee time which is devoted to either contesting or supporting the tender offer on behalf of the subject bank. The final billing for direct costs shall be accompanied by an appropriate accounting in reasonable detail. (f) Disclosure requirements with respect to tender offers. (1) Information required on date of commencement (i) Long-form publication. If a tender offer is published, sent or given to security holders on the date of commencement by means or long-form publication pursuant to paragraph (d)(l)(i) of this section such long-form publication shall include the information required by subparagraph (5)(i) of this paragraph. (ii) Summary publication. If a tender offer is published, sent or given to security holders on the date of commencement by means of summary publication pursuant to paragraph (d)(l)(ii) of this section: (A) The summary advertisement shall contain and shall be limited to, the information required by subparagraph (5)(ii) of this paragraph; and (B) The tender offer materials furnished by the bidder upon the request of any security holder shall include the information required by subparagraph (5)(i) of this paragraph. (iii) U s e of stockholder lists and security position listings. If a tender offer is published or sent or given to security holders on the date of com- 168 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 mencement by the use of stockholder lists and security position listings pursuant to paragraph (d)(l)(iii). (A) Either (1) the summary advertisement shall contain, and shall be limited to the information required by subparagraph (5)(ii) of this paragraph, or (2) if long-form publication of the tender offer is made, such long-form publication shall include the information required by subparagraph (5)(i) of this paragraph, and (B) The tender offer materials transmitted to security holders pursuant to such lists and security position listings and furnished by the bidder upon the request of any security holder shall include the information required by subparagraph (5)(i) of this paragraph. (iv) Other tender offers. If a tender offer is published or sent or given to security holders other than pursuant to paragraph (d)(1) of this section the tender offer materials that are published or sent or given to security holders on the date of commencement of such offer shall include the information required by subparagraph (5)(i) of this paragraph. (2) Information required in summary advertisement made after commencement. A summary advertisement published subsequent to the date of commencement of the tender offer shall include at least the information specified in subparagraphs (5)(i)(A)(D) and (5)(ii)(D) of this paragraph. (3) Information required in other tender offer materials published after commencement. Except for summary advertisements described in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph and tender offer materials described in subparagraphs (l)(ii)(B) and (l)(iii)(B) of this paragraph, additional tender offer materials published, sent or given to security holders subsequent to the date of commencement shall include the information required by subparagraphs (5)(i) of this paragraph and may omit any of the information required by subparagraphs (5)(i)(E-H) of this paragraph which has been previously furnished by the bidder in connection with the tender offer. (4) Material changes. A material change in the information published or sent or given to security holders shall be promptly disclosed to security holders in additional tender offer materials. (5) Information to be included (i) Long-form publication and tender offer materials. The information required to be disclosed by subparagraphs (l)(i), (l)(ii)(B), (l)(iii)(A)(b) and (l)(iv) of this paragraph shall include the following: (A) The identity of the holder; (B) The identity of the subject bank; (C) The amount of class of securities being sought and the type and amount of consideration being offered therefor; (D) The scheduled expiration date of the tender offer, whether the tender offer may be extended and, if so, the procedures for extension of the tender offer; (E) The exact dates prior to which, and after which, security holders who deposit their securities will have the right to withdraw their securities pursuant to section 14(d)(5) of the Act and paragraph (g) of this section and the manner in which shares will be accepted for payment and in which withdrawal may be effected; (F) If the tender offer is for less than all the outstanding securities of a class of equity securities and the bidder is not obligated to purchase all of the securities tendered, the period or periods, and in the case of the period from the commencement of the offer, the date of the expiration of such period during which the securities will be taken up pro rata pursuant to Section 14(d)(6) of the Act or paragraph (h) and the present intention or plan of the bidder with respect to the tender offer in the event of an oversubscription by security holders; (G) The disclosure required by Items 1(c); 2 (with respect to persons other than the bidder, excluding sub-items (b) and (d)); 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; and 10 of Form F-13 (12 CFR 206.82) or a fair and adequate summary thereof; Provided, however, That negative responses to any such item or sub-item of Form F-13 need not be included; and (H) The disclosure required by Item 9 of Form F-13 or a fair and adequate summary thereof. If the information required by Item 9 is summarized, appropriate instructions shall be included stating how complete financial information can be obtained. (ii) Summary publication. The information required to be disclosed by subparagraphs (l)(ii)(A) and (l)(iii)(A)(a) of this paragraph in a summary advertisement is as follows: (A) The information required by subparagraph (5)(i)(A) through (F) of this paragraph; (B) If the tender offer is for less than all the outstanding securities of a class of equity securities, a statement as to whether the purpose or one of the purposes of the tender offer is to acquire or influence control of the business of the subject bank; (C) A statement that the information required by subparagraph (5)(i)(G) of this paragraph is incorporated by reference into the summary advertisement; (D) Appropriate instructions as to how security Legal Developments holders may obtain promptly, at the bidder's expense, the bidder's tender offer materials; and (E) In a tender offer published or sent or given to security holders by the use of stockholder lists and security position listings pursuant to paragraph (d)(l)(iii) of this section a statement that a request is being made for such lists and listings and that tender offer materials will be mailed to record holders and will be furnished to brokers, banks and similar persons whose name appears or whose nominee appears on the list of stockholders or, if applicable, who are listed as participants in a clearing agency's security position listing for subsequent transmittal to beneficial owners of such securities, (iii) N o transmittal letter. Neither the initial summary advertisement nor any subsequent summary advertisement shall include a transmittal letter (whereby securities of the subject bank which are sought in the tender offer may be transmitted to the bidder or its depository) or any amendment thereto. (g) Additional withdrawal rights, (1) Rights. In addition to the provisions of section 14(d)(5) of the Act, any person who has deposited securities pursuant to a tender offer has the right to withdraw any such securities during the following periods: (i) At any time until the expiration of fifteen business days from the date of commencement of such tender offer; and (ii) On the date and until the expiration of ten business days following the date of commencement of another bidder's tender offer other than pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of this section for securities of the same class: Provided, That the bidder has received notice or otherwise has knowledge of the commencement of such other tender offer: And, provided further, That withdrawal may only be effected with respect to securities which have not been accepted for payment in the manner set forth in the bidder's tender offer prior to the date such other tender offer is first published, sent or given to security holders. (2) Computation of time periods. The time periods for withdrawal rights pursuant to this section shall be computed on a concurrent, as opposed to a consecutive, basis. (3) Knowledge of competing offer. For the purposes of this section, a bidder shall be presumed to have knowledge of another tender offer, as described in subparagraph (l)(ii) of this paragraph, on the date such bidder receives a copy of the Form F-13 169 (12 CFR 206.82) pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section from such other bidder. (4) Notice of withdrawal. Notice of withdrawal pursuant to this paragraph shall be deemed to be timely upon the receipt by the bidder's depository of a written notice of withdrawal specifying the name(s) of the tendering stockholder(s), the number or amount of the securities to be withdrawn and the name(s) in which the certificate(s) is (are) registered, if different from that of the tendering security holde r s ) . A bidder may impose other reasonable requirements, including certificate numbers and a signed request for withdrawal accompanied by a signature guarantee, as conditions precedent to the physical release of withdrawn securities. (h) Exemption from statutory pro rata requirements. The limited pro rata provisions of section 14(d)(6) of the Act shall not apply to any tender offer for less than all the outstanding securities of the class for which the tender offer is made to the extent that the bidder provides in the tender offer materials disseminated to security holders on the date of commencement of the tender offer that in the event more securities are deposited during the period(s) described in subparagraphs (1) and/or (2) of this paragraph than the bidder is bound or willing to accept for payment, all securities deposited during such period(s) will be accepted for payment as nearly as practicable on a pro rata basis, disregarding fractions, according to the number of securities deposited by each depositor. (1) Any period which exceeds ten days from the date of commencement of the tender offer. (2) Any period which exceeds ten days from the date that notice of an increase in the consideration offered is first published, sent or given to security holders. (i) Solicitation!recommendations statements with respect to certain tender offers. (1) Filing and transmittal of recommendation statement. N o solicitation or recommendation to security holders shall be made by recommendation to security holders shall be made by any person described in subparagraph (4) of this paragraph with respect to a tender offer for such securities unless as soon as practicable on the earliest date such solicitation or recommendation is first published or sent or given to security holders such person complies with the following subparagraphs. (i) Such persons shall file with the Board six copies of a Tender Offer Solicitation/Recommendation Statement on Form F-12 (12 CFR 206.81) including all exhibits thereto; and (ii) If such person is either the subject bank or an affiliate of the subject bank, 170 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 (A) Such person shall deliver a copy of the Form F-12 to the bidder at its principal office or at the address of the person authorized to receive notices and communications (which is set forth on the cover sheet of the bidder's Form F-13 (12 CFR 206.82) filed with the Commission; and (B) Such person shall give telephonic notice (which notice to the extent possible shall be given prior to the opening of the market) of the information required by Items 2 and 4(a) of Form F-12 and shall mail a copy of the Form to each national securities exchange where the class of securities is registered and listed for trading and, if the class is authorized for quotation in the N A S D A Q interdealer quotation system, to the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. ( " N A S D " ) . (iii) If such person is neither the subject bank nor an affiliate of the subject bank, (A) Such person shall mail a copy of the schedule to the bidder at its principal office or at the address of the person authorized to receive notices and communications (which is set forth on the cover sheet of the bidder's Form F-13 filed with the Board), and (B) Such person shall mail a copy of the Form to the subject bank at its principal office. (2) Amendments. If any material change occurs in the information set forth in the Form F-12 required by this section, the person who filed such Form F-12 shall: (i) File with the Board six copies of an amendment on Form F-12 disclosing such change promptly, but not later than the date such materials is first published, sent or given to security holders; and (ii) Promptly deliver copies and give notice of the amendment in the same manner as that specified in subparagraph (l)(ii) or subparagraph (l)(iii) of this paragraph, whichever is applicable; and (iii) Promptly disclose and disseminate such change in a manner reasonably designed to inform security holders of such change. (3) Information required in solicitation or recommendation. Any solicitation or recommendation to holders of a class of securities referred to in section 14(d)(1) of the Act with respect to a tender offer for such securities shall include the name of the person making such solicitation or recommendation and the information required by Items 1, 2, 3(b), 4, 6, 7 and 8 of Form F-12 or a fair and adequate summary thereof; Provided, however, That such solicitation or recommendation may omit any such information previously furnished to security holders of such class of securities by such person with respect to such tender offer. (4) Applicability. (i) Except as is provided in subparagraphs (4)(ii) and (5) of this paragraph, paragraph (i) shall only apply to the following persons: (A) The subject bank, any director, officer, employee, affiliate or subsidiary of the subject bank; (B) Any record holder or beneficial owner of any security issued by the subject bank, by the bidder, or by any affiliate of either the subject bank or the bidder; and (C) Any person who makes a solicitation or recommendation to security holders on behalf of any of the foregoing or on behalf of the bidder other than by means of a solicitation or recommendation to security holders which has been filed with the board pursuant to this paragraph or paragraph (c) of this section. (ii) Notwithstanding paragraph (4)(i) of this paragraph, paragraph (i) shall not apply to the following persons: (A) A bidder who has filed a Form F-13 pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section; (B) Attorneys, banks, brokers, fiduciaries or investment advisers who are not participating in a tender offer in more than a ministerial capacity and who furnish information and/or advice regarding such tender offer to their customers or clients on the unsolicited request and such customers or clients or solely pursuant to a contract or a relationship providing for advice to the customer or client to whom the information and/or advice is given. (5) Stop-look-and-listen communication. Paragraph (i) shall not apply to the subject bank with respect to a communication by the subject bank to its security holders which only ; (i) Identifies the tender offer by the bidder; (ii) States that such tender offer is under consideration by the subject bank's board of directors and/or management; (iii) States that on or before a specified date (which shall be no later than 10 business days from the date of commencement of such tender offer) the subject bank will advise such security holders of (A) whether the subject bank recommends acceptance or rejection of such tender offer; expresses no opinion and remains neutral toward such tender offer; or is unable to take a position with respect to such tender offer and (B) the reason(s) for the position taken by the subject bank with respect to the tender offer (including the inability to take a position); and Legal Developments (iv) Requests such security holders to deter making a determination whether to accept or reject such tender offer until they have been advised of the subject bank's position with respect thereto pursuant to subparagraph (5)(iii) of this paragraph. (6) Statement of management's positon. A statement by the subject bank of its position with respect to a tender offer which is required to be published or sent or given to security holders pursuant to paragraph (m) of this section shall be deemed to constitute a solicitation or recommendation within the meaning of this section and section 14(d)(4) of the Act. (j)-(l) Reserved. (m) Unlawful tender offer practices. N o person who makes a tender offer shall: (1) Hold such tender offer open for less than twenty business days from the date such offer is first published or sent or given to security holders. (2) Increase the offered consideration or the dealer's soliciting fee to be given in tender offer unless such tender offer remains open for at least ten business days from the date that notice of such increase is first published, sent or given to security holders. (3) Fail to pay the consideration offered or return the securities deposited by or on behalf of security holders promptly after the termination or withdrawal of a tender offer. (4) Extend the length of a tender offer without issuing a notice of such extension by press release or other public announcement, which notice shall include disclosure of the approximate number of securities deposited to date and shall be issued no later than the earlier of (i) 9:00 a.m. Eastern time, on the next business day after the scheduled expiration date of the offer or (ii), if the class of securities which is the subject of the tender offer is registered on one or more national securities exchanges, the first opening of any one of such exchanges on the next business day after the scheduled expiration date of the offer. (5) Position of subject bank. As a means reasonably designed to prevent fraudulent, deceptive or manipulative acts or practices within the meaning of section 14(e) of the Act, the subject bank, no later than 10 business days from the date the tender offer is first published or sent or given, shall publish, send or give to security holders a statement disclosing that the subject bank: (i) Recommends acceptance or rejection of the bidder's tender offer; 171 (ii) Expresses no opinion and is remaining neutral toward the bidder's tender offer; or (iii) Is unable to take a position with respect to the bidder's tender offer. Such statement shall also include the reason(s) for the position (including the inability to take a position) disclosed therein. (6) Material change. If any material change occurs in the disclosure required by this section, the subject bank shall promptly publish, send or give a statement disclosing such material change to security holders. (n) Material change. If any material change occurs in the facts set forth in the statement required by paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the person who filed such statement shall promptly file with the Board an amendment disclosing such change. (o) Restrictions on control persons: When a person makes a tender offer for, or a request or invitation for tenders of, any class of equity securities of a bank registered pursuant to section 12 of the Act, and such person has filed a statement with the Board pursuant to this section, any other person controlling, or controlled by or under common control with ("control person"), the issuing bank shall not thereafter, during the period such tender offer, request or invitation continues, purchase any class of equity securities of the issuing bank unless: (1) The control person has filed with the Board a statement containing the information specified below with respect to any proposed purchases: (i) The title and amount of equity securities to be purchased, the names of the persons or classes or persons from whom, and the market in which, the securities are to be purchased, including the name of any exchange on which the purchase is to be made: (ii) The purpose for which the purchase is to be made and any plan or proposal for the disposition of such securities; and (iii) The source and amount of funds or other consideration used or to be used in making the purchases, and if any part of the purchase price or proposed purchase price is represented by funds or other consideration borrowed or otherwise obtained for the purpose of acquiring, holding, or trading the securities, a description of the transaction and the names of the parties thereto. (2) The control person has at any time within the past 6 months sent or given to the equity security holders of the issuing bank the substance of the information contained in the statement required by 172 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 paragraph (o)(l) of this section and a copy has been filed with the Board. 6. Section 206.41 (Form F - l ) is amended by removing (b) of Item 10 in its entirety. 7. Section 206.42 (Form F-2) is corrected by (a) changing the word "appropriate" in paragraph (g) of Item 3 to "approximate" and; (b) adding the phrase "per share" between the words "and" and "dividends" in the first sentence of instruction (2) to Item 4. 8. Section 206.44 (Form F - 4 ) is corrected by: (a) removing footnote (1) from Part B; (b) changing the references in Part C to footnote 2 to footnote 1. 9. Section 206.51 (Form F-5) is amended by (a) removing the phrase "the management of" in Item 3, paragraphs (1) and (2); (b) removing the word "management" in Item 3(a), paragraph 1, Item 4(a), paragraphs (1) and (2), Item 6 and adding the word "bank" and; (c) removing the phrase "of management" in Item 8. 10. Section 206.51 is amended by revising the title of the section and the Form F - 5 ; paragraph (C) of Item 5 and paragraph (i) of Item 6 is redesignated as paragraph (j) and a new paragraph (i) of Item 6 is added, all to read as follows: Section 2106.51—Form for Proxy Statement or Statement Where the Bank Does Not Solicit Proxies (Form F-5). Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Form F-5.—Proxy Statement or Statement Where Management Does Not Solicit Proxies Item 5. *** (C) If action is to be taken with respect to the election of directors and if the persons solicited have cumulative voting rights, (1) make a statement that they have such rights, (2) briefly describe such rights, (3) state briefly the conditions precedent to the exercise thereof, and (4) if discretionary authority to cumulate votes is solicited, so indicate. Item 6. Directors and Principal Officers. (i) Shares voted at last meeting. With respect to those classes of voting stock which participated in the election of directors at the most recent meeting at which directors were elected: (1) State in an introductory paragraph the percentage of shares present at the meeting and voting or withholding authority to vote in the election of directors; and (2) disclose in tabular format, following such introductory paragraph, the percentage of total shares cast for and withhold from the vote for or, where applicable, cast against, each nominee, which respectively, were voted for and withheld from the vote for, or voted against, such nominee. When groups of classes or series of classes vote together in the election of a director of directors, they shall be treated as a single class for the purpose of the preceding sentence. Instructions. (1) Calculate the percentage of shares present at the meeting and voting or withholding authority to vote in the election of directors, referred to in paragraph g(l), by dividing the total shares cast for and withheld from the vote for or, where applicable, voted against, the director in respect of whom the highest aggregate number of shares was cast by the total number of shares outstanding which were eligible to vote as of the record date for the meeting. (2) N o information need be given in response to Item 6(g) unless, with respect to any class of voting stock (or group of classes which voted together), 5 percent or more of the total shares cast for and withheld from the vote for or, where applicable, cast against any nominee were withheld from the vote for or cast against such nominee. (3) If a bank elects less than the entire board of directors annually, disclosure is required as to all directors if 5 per cent or more of the total shares cast for and withheld from, the vote for, or where applicable, cast against any incumbent director were withheld from, or cast against the vote for such director at the meeting at which he was most recently elected. (4) N o information need be given in response to Item 6(g) if the bank has previously furnished to its security holders a report of the results of the most recent meeting of security holders at which directors were elected which includes: (1) A description of each matter voted upon at the meeting and a statement of the percentage of the shares voting which were voted for and against each such matter; and (2) the information which would be called for by this Item 6(g). If a bank has previously furnished such results to its security holders, this fact should be set forth in the bank's cover letter accompanying the filing of preliminary proxy materials with the Board. Section 206.53—[Redesignated as § 206.81 and Revised] 11. Section 206.53 (Form F-12) is redesignated as § 206.81 (Form F-12) and is revised to read as follows: Legal Developments Section 206.81—Form for Statement to be Filed Pursuant to Section 13(d)(4) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 (Form F-12) Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Form F-12.—Solicitation/Recommendation Statement Pursuant to Section 14(d)(4) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.) (Name of Subject Bank) 173 principal executive offices or, if the bidder is a natural person, the bidder's residence or business address (which may be based on the bidder's Form F-13 (12 CFR 206.82) filed with the Board). Item 3. Identity and Background (a) State the name and business address of the person filing this statement. (b) If material, describe any contract, agreement, arrangement or understanding and any actual or potential conflict of interest between the person filing this statement or its affiliates and: (1) The subject bank, its executive officers, directors or affiliates; or (2) the bidder, its executive officers, directors or affiliates. (Name of Person(s) Filing Statement) (Title of Class of Securities) (CUSIP Number of Class of Securities) (Name, address and telephone number of person authorized to receive notice and communications on behalf of the person(s) filing statement) Instructions: Six copies of this statement, including all exhibits, should be filed with the Board. General Instructions: (A) The items numbers and captions of the items shall be included but the text of the items is to be omitted. The answers to the items shall be so prepared as to indicate clearly the coverage of the items without referring to the text of the items. Answer every item. If an item is inapplicable or the answer is in the negative so state. (B) Information contained in exhibits to the statement may be incorporated by reference in answer or partial answer to any item or sub-item of the statement unless it would render such answer misleading, incomplete, unclear or confusing. Material incorporated by reference shall be clearly identified in the reference by page, paragraph, caption or otherwise. An express statement that the specified matter is incorporated by reference shall be made at the particular place in the statement where the information is required. A copy of any information or a copy of the pertinent pages of a document containing such information which is incorporated by reference shall be submitted with this statement as an exhibit and shall be deemed to be filed with the Board for all purposes of the Act. Item 1. Security and Subject Company State the title of the class of equity, securities to which this statement relates and the name and the address of the principal executive offices of the subject bank. Item 2. Tender Offer of the Bidder Identify the tender offer to which this statement relates, the name of the bidder and the address of its Instruction: If the person filing this statement is the subject bank and if the materiality requirement of Item 3(b) if applicable to any contract, agreement, arrangement or understanding between the subject bank or any affiliate of the subject bank and any executive officer or director of the subject bank, it shall not be necessary to include a description thereof in this statement, or in any solicitation or recommendation published, sent or given to security holders if such information, or information which does not differ materially from such information, has been disclosed in any proxy statement, report or other communication sent within one year of the filing date of this statement by the subject bank to the then holders of the securities and has been filed with the Board: Provided, That this statement and the solicitation or recommendation published, sent or given to security holders shall contain specific reference to such proxy statement, report or other communication and that a copy of the pertinent portion(s) thereof is filed as an exhibit to this statement. Item 4. The Solicitation or Recommendation (a) State the nature of the solicitation or the recommendation. If this statement relates to a recommendation, state whether the person filing this statement is advising security holders of the securities being sought by the bidder to accept or reject the tender offer or to take other action with respect to the tender offer and, if so, furnish a description of such other action being recommended. If the person filing this statement is the subject bank and a recommendation is not being made, state whether the subject bank is either expressing no opinion and is remaining neutral toward the tender offer or is unable to take a position with respect to the tender offer. (b) State the reason(s) for the position (including the inability to take a position) stated in (a) of this Item. Instruction: Conclusory statements such as "The tender offer is in the best interest of shareholders," 174 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 will not be considered sufficient disclosure in response to Item 4(b). Item 5. Persons Retained, Employed or to be Compensated Identify any person or class of persons employed, retained or to be compensated by the person filing this statement or by any person on its behalf, to make solicitations or recommendations to security holders and describe briefly the terms of such employment, retainer or arrangement for compensation. Item 6. Recent Transactions and Intent With Respect to Securities (a) Describe any transaction in the securities referred to in Item 1 which was affected during the past 60 days by the person(s) named in response to Item 3(a) and by any executive officer, director, affiliate or subsidiary of such person(s). (b) To the extent known by the person filing this statement, state whether the persons referred to in Item 6(a) presently intend to tender to the bidder, sell or hold securities of the class of securities being sought by the bidder which are held of record or beneficially owned by such person. Item 7. Certain Negotiations and Transactions by the Subject Bank (a) If the person filing this statement is the subject bank, state whether or not any negotiation is' being undertaken or is underway by the subject bank in response to the tender offer which relates to or would result in: (1) An extraordinary transaction such as a merger or reorganization, involving the subject bank, or any subsidiary of the subject bank; (2) A purchase, sale or transfer of a material amount of assets by the subject bank or any subsidiary of the subject bank; (3) A tender offer for or other acquisition of securities by or of the subject bank; or (4) Any material change in the present capitalization or dividend policy of the subject bank. Instruction. If no agreement in principle has yet been reached, the possible terms of any transaction or the parties thereto need not be disclosed if in the opinion of the Board of Directors of the subject bank such disclosure would jeopardize continuation of such negotiations. In such event, disclosure that negotiations are being undertaken or are underway and are in the preliminary stages will be sufficient. (b) Describe any transaction, board resolution, agreement in principle, or a signed contract in response to the tender offer, other than one described pursuant to Item 3(b) of this statement, which relates to or would result in one or more of the matters referred to in Item 7(a) (1), (2), (3) or (4). Item 8. Additional Information to be Furnished Furnish such additional information, if any, as may be necessary to make the required statements, in light of the circumstances under which they are made, not materially misleading. Item 9. Material to be Filed as Exhibits Furnish a copy of: (a) Any written solicitation or recommendation which is published or sent or given to security holders in connection with the solicitation or recommendation referred to in Item 4. (b) If any oral solicitation or recommendation to security holders is to be made by or on behalf of the person filing this statement, any written instruction, or other material which is furnished to the persons making the actual oral solicitation or recommendation for their use, directly or indirectly, in connection with the solicitation or recommendation. (c) Any contract, agreement, arrangement or understanding described in Item 3(b) or the pertinent portion^) of any proxy statement, report or other communication referred to in Item 3(b). Signature. After reasonable inquiry and to the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify that the information set forth in this statement is true, complete and correct. (Date) (Signature) (Name and Title) Instruction. The original statement shall be signed by each person on whose behalf the statement is filed or his authorized representative. If the statement is signed on behalf of a person by his authorized representative (other than an executive officer of a corporation or bank or a general partner of a partnership), evidence of the representative's authority to sign on behalf of such person shall be filed with the statement. The name and any title of each person who signs the statement shall be typed or printed beneath his signature. Section 206.54—[Redesignated as § 206.82 and Amended] 12. Section 206.54 (Form F-13) is redesignated § 206.82 and the title. General Instructions B and C Legal Developments and Instruction No. 2 of Item 6 is revised as to read as follows: Section 206.82—Statement to be Filed Pursuant to Section 14(d)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Form F-13). General Instructions. A. * * * * * B. Information in exhibits to the statement may be incorporated by reference in answer or partial answer to any item or sub-item of the statement unless it would render such answer misleading, incomplete, unclear or confusing. Material incorporated by reference shall be clearly identified in the reference by page, paragraph, caption or otherwise. An express statement that the specified matter is incorporated by reference shall be made at the particular place in the statement where the information is required. A copy of any information or a copy of the pertinent pages of a document containing such information which is incorporated by reference shall be submitted with this statement as an exhibit and shall be deemed to be filed with the Comptroller for all purposes of the Act. C. If the statement is filed by a partnership, limited partnership, syndicate or other group, the information called for by Items 2-7, inclusive, shall be given with respect to; (i) Each partner of such partnership; (ii) each partner who is denominated as a general partner or who functions as a general partner of such limited partnership; (iii) each member of such syndicate or group; and (iv) each person controlling such partner or member. If the statement is filed by a bank or corporation, or if a person referred to in (i), (ii), (iii) or (iv) of this instruction is a bank or corporation, the information called for by the above mentioned items shall be given with respect to: (a) Each executive officer and director of such bank or corporation: (b) each person controlling such bank or corporation: and (c) each executive officer and director of any bank or corporation ultimately in control of such bank or corporation. A response to an item in the statement is required with respect to the bidder and to all other persons referred to in this instruction unless such item specifies to the contrary. Item 6. Interest in Securities of the Subject * * * * * Bank. 175 Instructions. 1. * * * 2. If the information required by Item 6(b) of this Form is available to the bidder at the time this statement is initially filed with the Board pursuant to paragraph (d)(l)(i) of this section, such information should be included in such initial filing. However, if such information is not available to the bidder at the time of such initial filing, it shall be filed with the Board promptly but in no event later than two business days after the date of such filing and, if material, shall be disclosed in a manner reasonably designed to inform security holders. The procedure specified by this instruction is provided for the purpose of maintaining the confidentiality of the tender offer in order to avoid possible misuse of inside information. 13. Section 206.104 is added to read as follows: 206.104—Board Policy Regarding Issuer Tender Offer and Going Private Transactions The Board is not proposing to amend Regulation F to conform it to the Securities and Exchange Commission's "issuer tender offer" regulation. The Board must approve any reduction in the amount, or the retirement of any part of a member bank's common or preferred capital stock pursuant to section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act. 12 U.S.C. 324(i) (1970). The Board also notes that issuer tender offers are very rare among member banks. Therefore, instead of adopting substantially similar regulations to Rule 13E-4 and Schedule 13E-101, the Board will withhold its approval to the reduction in the amount of the retirement of any part of a member bank's equity securities registered under Section 12 of the Act unless the requirements of rules 13e-4 and 13e—101 are met in all material respects. Also, the Board is not proposing to amend Regulation F to conform it to the Commission's "going private" regulations. The Board notes that its supervisory powers under the Federal Reserve Act make those member bank issuers with classes of equity securities registered pursuant to Section 12 subject to more extensive regulatory oversight than most issuers subject to Commission's jurisdiction. Pursuant to Section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act, the Board must approve substantially all of the corporate transactions involving member banks subject to Rule 13e-3. Instead of adopting the Commission's "going private" regulations the Board will withhold its approval to any Rule 13e-3 type corporate transaction unless the requirements of rules 13e-3 and 13e-100 are met in all material respects. See, 45 Federal Register 71575 (Oct. 29, 1980). 176 Federal Reserve Bulletin • AMENDMENTS TO REGULATION February 1981 Q The Board of Governors has amended its Regulation Q (Interest on Deposits) to incorporate the rules of the Depository Institutions Deregulation Committee, adopted pursuant to the Depository Institutions Deregulation Act of 1980. The amendments to Regulation Q are technical in nature. Effective January 15, 1981 Regulation Q is amended as follows: 1. Section 217.3(f) of Regulation Q (12 CFR Part 217.3(f)) is amended by adding the following: (f) No interest after maturity tice. *** or expiration of no- Provided, however, that a member bank may provide in any time deposit contract that if the deposit, or any portion thereof, is withdrawn not more than seven days after a maturity date, interest will be paid thereon at the originally specified contract rate. A member bank may specify in the time deposit contract that interest will be paid at any other lower rate. However, in no event may the rate specified be less than the current rate paid on savings deposits by the member bank. 2. Section 217.4(d) (12 CFR Part 217.4(d)) is revised to read as follows: (d) Penalty for early withdrawals. (l)(i) For time deposit contracts entered into before July 1, 1979, that have not been renewed or extended on or after July 1, 1979, the following minimum early withdrawal penalty shall apply. Where a time deposit, or any portion thereof, is paid before maturity, a member bank may pay interest on the amount withdrawn at a rate not to exceed that prescribed in § 217.7 for a savings deposit and, in addition, the depositor shall forfeit three months of interest payable at such rate. If, however, the amount withdrawn has remained on deposit for three months or less, all interest shall be forfeited. (ii) For time deposit contracts entered into, renewed, or extended on or after July 1, 1979, but prior to June 2, 1980, that have not been renewed or extended on or after June 2, 1980, the following minimum early withdrawal penalty shall apply: (A) Where a time deposit with an original maturity or required notice period of one year or less, or any portion thereof, is paid before maturity or before the expiration of the required notice period, a depositor shall forfeit at least three months of interest on the amount with- drawn at the rate being paid on the deposit. If the amount withdrawn has remained on deposit for less than three months, all interest on the amount withdrawn shall be forfeited. (B) Where a time deposit with an original maturity or required notice period of more than one year, or any portion thereof, is paid before maturity or before the expiration of the required notice period, a deposit shall forfeit at least six months of interest on the amount withdrawn at the rate being paid on the deposit. If the amount has remained on deposit for less than six months, all interest on the amount withdrawn shall be forfeited. (The provisions of this subparagraph (ii) may be applied, with the consent of the depositor, to time deposits specified in subparagraph (i) above.) (iii) For time deposit contracts entered into, renewed, or extended on or after June 2, 1980, the following minimum early withdrawal penalty shall apply: (A) Where a time deposit with an original maturity or required notice period of less than three months, or any portion thereof, is paid before maturity, a depositor shall forfeit an amount at least equal to the amount of interest that could have been earned on the amount withdrawn at the nominal (simple interest) rate being paid on the deposit had the funds remained on deposit until maturity. (B) Where a time deposit with an original maturity or required notice period of three months or more to one year, or any portion thereof, is paid before maturity, a depositor shall forfeit an amount at least equal to three months of interest earned, or that could have been earned, on the amount withdrawn at the nominal (simple interest) rate being paid on the deposit, regardless of the length of time the funds withdrawn have remained on deposit. (C) Where a time deposit with an original maturity or required notice period of more than one year, or any portion thereof, is paid before maturity, a depositor shall forfeit an amount at least equal to six months of interest earned, or that could have been earned, on the amount withdrawn at the nominal (simple interest) rate being paid bn the deposit, regardless of the length of time the funds withdrawn have remained on deposit. (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (d)(1), where a time deposit, or any portion thereof, maintained in an Individual Retirement Account established in accordance with 26 U.S.C. § 408 is paid before maturity within seven days after the establishment of the Individual Retirement Account Legal Developments pursuant to the provisions of 26 CFR § 1.408(l)(d)(4), or where a time deposit, or any portion thereof, maintained in a Keogh (H.R. 10) Plan account established in accordance with 26 U.S.C. § 401 is paid before maturity within seven days after the establishment of the Keogh (H.R. 10) Plan, a depositor shall forfeit an amount at least equal to the interest earned on the amount withdrawn at the nominal (simple interest) rate being paid on the deposit. (3) A member bank, with the depositor's consent, may compute the minimum penalty required to be imposed on withdrawals from time deposits opened prior to June 2, 1980, on the basis of the nominal (simple interest) rate. (4) Where necessary to comply with the requirements of this paragraph, any interest already paid to or for the account of the depositor shall be deducted from the amount requested to be withdrawn. (5) Any amendment of a time deposit contract that results in an increase in the rate of interest paid or in a reduction in the maturity of the deposit constitutes a payment of the time deposit before maturity. (6) For purposes of computing the penalty required to be imposed under this paragraph, under a time deposit agreement that provides that subsequent deposits reset the maturity of the entire account, each deposit maintained in the account for at least a period equal to the original maturity of the deposit may be regarded as having matured individually and been redeposited at intervals equal to such period. When a time deposit is payable only after notice, for funds on deposit for at least the notice period, the penalty for early withdrawal shall be imposed for at least the notice period. (7) A member bank may permit a depositor to withdraw interest credited to a time deposit during any term at any time during such term without penalty. If the deposit or account is automatically renewed on the same terms (including at the same rate of interest), interest credited during the preceding term or terms as well as the renewal term may be paid at any time during the renewal term without penalty, unless the deposit agreement specifically provides otherwise. If the rate of interest paid during the renewal term or the maturity period of the renewal term is different, interest in the account at the commencement of the renewal term shall be treated as principal, and only interest for the renewal term may be paid at any time without penalty during such term. (8) A time deposit, or a portion thereof, may be paid before maturity without a forfeiture of interest as prescribed by this paragraph in the following circumstances: (i) Where a member bank pays all or a portion of 177 a time deposit representing funds contributed to an Individual Retirement Account or a Keogh (H.R. 10) Plan established pursuant to 26 U.S.C. (IRC 1954) §§ 408, 401 when the individual for whose benefit the account is maintained attains age 59-V2 or is disabled (as defined in 26 U.S.C. (IRC 1954) § 72(m)(7)) or thereafter; or (ii) Where a member bank pays that portion of a time deposit on which Federal deposit insurance has been lost as the result of the merger of two or more Federally insured banks in which the depositor previously maintained separate time deposits, for a period of one year from the date of the merger. (9) A time deposit, or the portion thereof requested, must be paid before maturity without a forfeiture of interest as prescribed by this paragraph in the following circumstances: (i) Where requested, upon the death of any owner11 of the time deposit funds; or (ii) Where requested, when the owner 11 of the time deposit is determined to be legally incompetent by a court or other administrative body of competent jurisdiction. 3. Section 217.6 of Regulation Q (12 CFR Part 217.6) is amended by deleting paragraph (i) and redesignating paragraph (j) as paragraph (i). 4. Section 217.7 of Regulation Q (12 CFR Part 217.7) is amended by revising paragraphs (c), (f) and (g) to read as follows: Section 217.7—Maximum Rates of Interest Payable by Member Banks on Time and Savings Deposits (c) Savings deposits. N o member bank shall pay interest at a rate in excess of 5- ! / 4 per cent on any savings deposit. N o member bank shall pay interest at a rate in excess of 5-!/4 per cent on any savings deposit that is subject to negotiable orders of withdrawal, the issuance of which is authorized by Federal law. (f) 26-week money market time deposits of less than $100,000. Except as provided in paragraphs (a), (b) and (d), a member bank may pay interest on any 11. For the purposes of this provision, an "owner" of time deposit funds is any individual who died or was determined to be incompetent on or after August 1, 1979, and who at the time of his or her death or determination of incompetence had full legal and beneficial title to all or a portion of such funds or, at the time of his or her death or determination of incompetence, had beneficial title to all or a portion of such funds and full power of disposition and alienation with respect thereto. 178 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 nonnegotiable time deposit of $10,000 or more, with a maturity of 26 weeks at a rate not to exceed the rates set forth below: Rate established (auction average on a discount basis) for U.S. Treasury bills with maturities of 26 weeks issued on or immediately prior to the date of deposit ("Bill Rate") Maximum percent 7.50 percent or below 7.75 Above 7.50 percent Bill Rate plus one-quarter of one percent Rounding rates to the next higher rate is not permitted and interest may not be compounded during the term of this deposit. A member bank may offer this category of time deposit to all depositors. However, a member bank may pay interest on any nonnegotiable time deposit of $10,000 or more with a maturity of 26 weeks which consists of funds deposited to the credit of, or in which the entire beneficial interest is held by: (1) the United States, any State of the United States, or any county, municipality or political subdivision thereof, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, or political subdivision thereof; or (2) an individual pursuant to an Individual Retirement Account agreement or Keogh (H.R. 10) Plan established pursuant to 26 U.S.C. (IRC 1954) §§ 408,401, at a rate not to exceed the ceiling rate payable on the same category of deposit by any Federally insured savings and loan association or mutual savings bank. 3 (g) Time deposits of less than $100,000 with maturities of 2-l/2 years or more. Except as provided in paragraphs (a), (b), (d) and (e), a member bank may pay interest on any nonnegotiable time deposit with a maturity of 2-V2 years or more that is issued on or Thursday of every other week at a rate not to exceed the higher of one-quarter of one per cent below the average 2-V2 years yield for United States Treasury securities as determined and announced by the United 3. The ceiling rate of interest payable for this category of deposit by Federally insured savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks is 7.75 per cent when the Bill Rate is 7.25 per cent or lower, onehalf of one per cent above the Bill Rate when the Bill Rate is above 7.25 per cent but below 8.50 per cent, 9.00 per cent when the Bill Rate is 8.50 per cent or above but below 8.75 per cent, and one-quarter of one per cent above the Bill Rate when the Bill Rate is 8.75 per cent or above. States Department of the Treasury immediately prior to such Thursday, or 9.25 per cent. The average 2-1/2 year yield will be rounded by the United States Department of the Treasury to the nearest 5 basis points. Except as provided below, in no event shall the rate of interest paid exceed 11.75 per cent. A member bank may offer this category of time deposit to all depositors. However, a member bank may pay interest on any nonnegotiable time deposit with a maturity of 2-V2 years or more which consists of funds deposited to the credit of, or in which the entire beneficial interest is held by: (1) the United States, any State of the United States, or any county, municipality or political subdivision thereof, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, or political subdivision thereof; or (2) an individual pursuant to an Individual Retirement Account agreement or Keogh (H.R. 10) Plan established pursuant to 26 U.S.C. (I.R.C. 1954) §§ 408, 401, at a rate not to exceed the ceiling rate payable on the same category of deposit by any Federally insured savings and loan association or mutual savings bank. 4 * * * * * 5. Section 217.147 of Regulation Q (12 CFR Part 217.147) is amended to read as follows: Premiums, Finders Fees, Prepayment of Interest Payment of Interest in Merchandise. and For the regulatory text relating to premiums, finders fees, prepayment of interest and payment of interest in merchandise, see 12 CFR §§ 1204.109, 1204.110, 1204.111 and 1204.114. 6. Sections 217.149 and 217.154 of Regulation Q (12 CFR §§ 217.149 and 217.154) are hereby rescinded. AMENDMENTS DELEGATION TO RULES OF REGARDING AUTHORITY 1. In order to expedite and facilitate the performance of certain of its functions with respect to applications and notices under the Bank Holding Company Act, Bank Merger Act, Federal Reserve Act, International Banking Act, Federal Reserve Act, and Change of Bank Control Act, the Board of Governors has delegated to the Director of the Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation the authority to grant or 4. The ceiling rate of interest payable for this category of deposit by Federally insured savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks is one-quarter of one per cent above the rate that may be paid by member banks. Legal Developments deny requests for modification, including extension of time, to fulfill commitments or conditions relied on by the Board in acting on such applications. Effective January 21, 1981, Section 265.2(c) is amended by adding subparagraph (29) to read as follows: Section 265.2—Specific Functions Delegated to Board Employees and to Federal Reserve Banks (c) *** (29) To grant or deny requests for modification, including extension of time, for the performance of a commitment or condition relied on by the Board or its delegee in taking any action under the provisions of the Bank Holding Company Act, the Bank Merger Act, the Change in Bank Control Act of 1978, the Federal Reserve Act or the International Banking Act. In acting on requests hereunder, the Director may take into account changed circumstances and good faith efforts to fulfill the commitments or conditions, and shall consult with the Directors of other interested divisions, where appropriate. The Director may not take any action hereunder that would be inconsistent with or result in an evasion of the provisions of the Board's original action. 2. This amendment to the Board's Rules Regarding Delegation of Authority permits the Director of the Board's Division of Banking and Supervision and Regulation to approve applications by a company to acquire a bank and to permit an individual to acquire a bank when immediate or expeditious action is necessary. Effective January 21, 1981, section 265.2(c) is amended by adding subparagraph (30) to read as follows: Section 265.2—Specific Functions Delegated to Board Employees and to Federal Reserve Banks (c) * * * (30) Under the provisions of § 3(a) of the Bank Holding Company Act (12 U.S.C. § 1842(a)) and the Change In Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. § 1817(j)) to take actions the Reserve Bank could take under paragraphs (f)(22) and (f)(30) of this section if imme- 179 diate or expeditious action is required to avert failure of a bank or because of an emergency. 3. Section 8 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires nonmember banks wishing to extend credit in connection with securities transactions to enter into an agreement with the Board to comply with the provisions of law and the Board's rules in connection with such extensions of credit. The Board has delegated to the Federal Reserve Banks authority to receive such agreements. Effective January 21, 1981, Section 265.2(f) is amended by adding subparagraph (53) to read as follows: Section 265.2—Specific Functions Delegated to Board Employees and to Federal Reserve Banks ^ *** (53) Under the provisions of section 8(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78h(a)) concerning extensions of credit to finance securities transactions, to accept agreements on behalf of the Board from nonmember banks in the form prescribed by the Board. 4. Section 265.2(f) of the Board's Rules Regarding Delegation of Authority is hereby amended to eliminate the requirement that Federal Reserve Banks may approve the application of a State member bank to establish a branch only if the proposed branch has already been approved by the appropriate State supervisory authority. Effective January 21, 1981, paragraph (f)(1) of section 265.2 is revised to read as follows: Section 265.2—Specific Functions Delegated to Board Employees and Federal Reserve Banks ^ *** (1) Under the provisions of the third paragraph of section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. § 321), section 5155 of the Revised Statutes (12 U.S.C. § 36), and § 208.8 of this chapter (Regulation H), to approve the establishment by a State 180 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 member bank of a domestic branch if the Reserve Bank is satisfied that approval is warranted after giving consideration to: (i) the bank's capitalization in relation to the character and condition of its assets and to its deposit liabilities and other corporate responsibilities, including the volume of its risk assets and of its marginal and inferior quality assets, all considered in relation to the strength of its management ; (ii) the ability of bank's management to cope successfully with existing or foreseeable problems, and to staff the proposed branch without any significant deterioration in the overall management situation; (iii) the convenience and needs of the community; (iv) the competitive situation (either actual or potential); (v) the prospects for profitable operations of the proposed branch within a reasonable time, and the ability of the bank to sustain the operational losses of the proposed branch until it becomes profitable; and (vi) the reasonableness of bank's investment in bank premises after the expenditure for the proposed branch. * AMENDMENTS * * TO RULES * * OF PROCEDURE The Board of Governors has amended its Rules of Procedure to permit waiver of public notice and other procedural rules for applications that require immediate or expeditious action. Effective January 21, 1981, Rules of Procedure is amended by adding the following paragraph (1): Section 262.3—Applications * * * * * (1) Waiver. The Board, or the officer or Reserve Bank authorized to approve an application, may waive or modify any procedural requirements for that application prescribed or cited in this section and may excuse any failure to comply with them upon a finding that immediate action on the application is necessary to prevent the probable failure of a bank or company or that an emergency exists requiring expeditious action. BANK HOLDING ORDERS ISSUED COMPANY AND BANK BY THE BOARD OF MERGER GOVERNORS Orders Under Section 3 of Bank Holding Company Act Batavia Banc Corporation, Chicago, Illinois Order Denying Formation of a Bank Holding Company Batavia Banc Corporation, Chicago, Illinois, has applied for the Board's approval under section 3(a)(1) of the Bank Holding Company Act (12 U.S.C. § 1842(a)(1)) of formation of a bank holding company by acquiring 100 percent of the voting shares of Batavia Bank, Batavia, Illinois ("Bank"). Notice of the application, affording an opportunity for interested persons to submit comments and views, has been given in accordance with section 3(b) of the Act. The time for filing comments and views has expired, and the Board has considered the application and all comments received in light of the factors set forth in section 3(c) of the Act (12 U.S.C. § 1842(c)). Applicant, a nonoperating Illinois corporation with no subsidiaries, was organized for the purpose of becoming a bank holding company by acquiring Bank, which holds deposits of $32.5 million. 1 Upon acquisition of Bank, Applicant would control the 427th largest bank in Illinois and would hold approximately 0.04 percent of the total deposits of commercial banks in the state. Bank is the 8th largest of 24 commercial banks in the Aurora banking market, and holds approximately 4.3 percent of the total deposits in commercial banks in the market. 2 While Applicant's principals are principals of two other one-bank holding companies, the banking subsidiaries of these holding companies do not compete in the relevant banking market. It appears from the facts of record that consummation of the proposal would not result in any adverse effects upon competition or increase the concentration of banking resources in any relevant area. Accordingly, the Board concludes that competitive considerations are consistent with approval of the application. The Board has indicated on previous occasions that a holding company should serve as a source of finan- 1. All banking data are as of December 31, 1979. 2. The Aurora banking market is approximated by the southern two-thirds of Kane County and the northern one-third of Kendall County, including the city of Yorkville, in Illinois. Legal Developments cial and managerial strength to its subsidiary bank(s), and that the Board would closely examine the condition of an applicant in each case with this consideration in mind. In this case, the Board concludes that the record in this application presents adverse considerations that warrant denial of the proposal to form a bank holding company. With regard to financial considerations, the Board notes that in connection with this proposal, Applicant would incur a sizeable debt that includes an equity capital injection of $672,000 into Bank. Applicant proposes to service this debt over a 25-year period, and projects reaching a debt-to-equity ratio of less than 30 percent by the end of the 12th year. Applicant anticipates that this capital injection and projected improvements in Bank's earnings will allow Applicant to service its acquisition debt while maintaining an adequate capital level in Bank. However, in light of Bank's historical performance and the performance of the two banks with which Applicant's principals are affiliated, Applicant's overall projections are unrealistic; for example, its projections of Bank's earnings are overly optimistic, while its projections of growth are low. Thus, based on the record in this case, it is the Board's view that Bank is unlikely to generate sufficient earnings to enable Applicant to service its debt while maintaining adequate capital in Bank, as well as affording Applicant the flexibility to meet any unforeseen problems that might arise at Bank. In light of these facts and other facts of record, the Board concludes that considerations relating to Applicant's financial resources and future prospects weigh against approval of this application. While managerial considerations are generally satisfactory, it is the Board's judgment that Applicant's principals have not established a sufficient record of performance to mitigate the adverse financial considerations of the application. N o significant changes in Bank's operations or services are expected to be made as a result of this proposal. Accordingly, convenience and needs factors lend no weight toward approval of this application. On the basis of all of the facts of record, the Board concludes that the banking considerations involved in this proposal present adverse factors bearing upon the financial resources and future prospects of Applicant and Bank. Such adverse factors are not outweighed by any procompetitive effects or by benefits that would result in better serving the convenience and needs of the community. Accordingly, it is the Board's judgment that approval of the application would not be in the public interest and the application should be denied. On the basis of the facts of record, the application is denied for the reasons summarized above. 181 By order of the Board of Governors, effective January 30, 1981. Voting for this action: Vice Chairman Schultz and Governors Wallich, Partee, Teeters, Rice, and Gramley. Absent and not voting: Chairman Volcker. ( S i g n e d ) JAMES M C A F E E , [SEAL] Assistant Secretary of the Board. Citicorp, New York, New York Order Approving Acquisition of Bank Citicorp, N e w York, N e w York, a bank holding company within the meaning of the Bank Holding Company Act, has applied for the Board's approval under section 3(a)(3) of the Act (12 U.S.C. § 1842(a)(3)) to acquire all of the voting shares of Citibank (South Dakota), N . A . , Sioux Falls, South Dakota ("Bank"), a proposed new bank. Notice of the application, affording opportunity for interested persons to submit comments and views, has been given in accordance with section 3(b) of the Act. The time for filing comments and views has expired, and the Board has considered the application and all comments received in light of the factors set forth in section 3(c) of the Act (12 U.S.C. § 1842(c)). Citicorp, the largest banking organization in the state of N e w York, with total consolidated assets of $111 billion, 1 operates through its two banking subsidiaries, Citibank, N . A . , N e w York, N e w York ("Citibank"), and Citibank (New York State), N . A . , Buffalo, N e w York ("Citibank-Buffalo"), 309 banking offices in N e w York state and 209 banking offices abroad. Citicorp also engages in a wide variety of nonbanking activities in 40 states. Bank is a newly established bank organized by Citicorp to engage principally in nationwide consumer credit card lending activities currently conducted by Citibank-Buffalo. In addition, Bank will engage in limited deposit-taking and commercial lending activities. Citicorp proposes to relocate its credit card activities to South Dakota in light of the absence of that state of usury ceilings on consumer loan receivables. 2 1. Banking data are as of June 30, 1980. 2. South Dakota law permits commercial banks to charge rates of interest on consumer loan receivables as agreed by contract. Until recently, New York law imposed usury ceilings on commercial bank credit card lending. The Supreme Court, in Marquette National Bank v. First of Omaha Serv. Corp., 439 U.S. 249 (1978), affirmed the right of a national bank to charge interest rates to out-of-state credit card customers at the rate permitted by the law of its home state. 182 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 Section 3(d) of the Act (12 U.S.C. § 1842(d)) prohibits the Board from approving any application by a bank holding company to acquire any bank located outside of the state in which the operations of the bank holding company's banking subsidiaries are principally conducted unless such acquisition is "specifically authorized by the statute laws of the state in which such bank is located, by language to that effect and not merely by implication." On March 12, 1980, South Dakota amended its banking laws to permit an out-ofstate bank holding company to acquire a single new bank located in the state. 3 The statute provides that such bank may have only a single banking office and that "such single banking office shall be operated in a manner and at a location which is not likely to attract customers from the general public in the state to the substantial detriment of existing banks in the state." 4 The South Dakota statute further provides that any acquisition under this provision must be approved by the South Dakota Banking Commission after consideration of the following factors: (1) whether the convenience and benefit to the public outweigh any adverse competitive effects; (2) whether the acquisition may result in undue concentration of resources or substantial lessening of competition; and (3) whether the location or proposed location of the banking office of the bank to be acquired is likely to attract the general public to the substantial detriment of existing banks. Citicorp has asserted that Bank, in order to comply with South Dakota law, will not solicit or encourage personal or commercial deposits or loans from customers in South Dakota; however, Bank will not refuse such deposits or loans on an unsolicited basis. Bank will not have facilities to accept savings accounts, although it will have one teller primarily for the convenience of its employees. Moreover, Bank's proposed location is not designed to attract customers from the general public. The South Dakota Banking Commission, after a hearing on this matter, approved the application of Citicorp to acquire Bank and found that the acquisition met the statutory requirements for approval under South Dakota law. In reviewing the above facts, the Board has determined that the proposed acquisition is in accord with South Dakota law 3. Chapter 331 (House Bill No. 1370), 1980 South Dakota Session Laws. 4. The Supreme Court's decision in Lewis v. BT Investment Managers, Inc., — U.S. —, 100 S. Ct. 2009 (1980), creates some uncertainty as to the ability of states to limit bank holding company activities under section 3(d) of the Act. The Court stated that it is "doubtful" that section 3(d) gives states authority to impose restrictions on bank holding company activities since the only authority conferred by that section is authority to permit expansion into a state. The Court's holding striking state restrictions on bank holding company activities, however, applies only to activities conducted pursuant to section 4(c)(8) of the Act, as opposed to section 3 of the Act, which is applicable here. Accordingly, for purposes of this application, the South Dakota statute is presumed valid on its face. and, furthermore, that the South Dakota statute specifically authorizes the acquisition of a bank chartered in South Dakota by an out-of-state bank holding company as required by section 3(d) of the Act. In view of the limitations imposed upon the operations of banks acquired under the above-referenced South Dakota statute and the limited commercial lending and demand deposit-taking activities that Citicorp proposes for Bank, the Board has considered whether Bank will operate as a "bank" within the meaning of section 2(c) of the Act (12 U.S.C. § 1841(c)). Section 2(c) defines "bank" to mean any institution that (1) accepts deposits that the depositor has a legal right to withdraw on demand, and (2) engages in the business of making commercial loans. The preliminary national bank charter granted to Bank authorizes Bank to engage in the full range of lending and deposit-taking activities permitted to national banks. Citicorp has stated, both as part of its application and in hearings before the South Dakota Banking Commission and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, that Bank will accept demand deposits from credit card merchants, Citicorp subsidiaries, correspondent banks, and accounts resulting from Bank's overline lending activity. It appears to the Board that Bank's operations will satisfy the demand deposittaking requirement of section 2(c). With respect to whether Bank will be deemed to be engaged in the business of making commercial loans, Citicorp states that Bank will purchase on a continuing basis participations in commercial loans made by Citibank, other bank and nonbank lenders, and also will make direct commercial loans in states other than South Dakota. Bank also will participate in overline loans offered by bank and nonbank financial institutions in South Dakota in accordance with the decision of the South Dakota Banking Commission approving Citicorp's application which sought to encourage Bank's participation in such loans. 5 In light of the facts in this case and the Board's earlier rulings on this issue, the Board has determined that Bank's commercial lending activities warrant it being considered as engaged in the "business of making commercial loans" within the meaning of section 2(c) of the Act. In view of the purpose of the Bank Holding Company Act to "restrain undue concentration of commercial banking resources and to prevent possible abuses related to the control of commercial credit," 6 the Board believes that the inclusion of Bank as a "bank" within the meaning of section 2(c) is in furtherance of the Act's 5. Loan participation purchases are considered by the Board to be commercial loans made by the purchasing bank if the loans made by the originating bank are in fact commercial loans. 6. S. Rep. No. 91-1084 (U.S. Code Cong. & Admin. News 5519, 5541 (1970)). Legal Developments purposes. Accordingly, the Board is of the opinion that Bank should be regarded as a "bank" for purposes of the Act. The proposed acquisition represents a transfer of Citicorp's existing credit card activities from CitibankBuffalo to Bank. The proposal is thus essentially an internal reorganization that will not alter the number of firms or the structure of the national market for bank credit card services. To the extent that Bank will purchase participations in commercial loans made by Citibank, the proposal may further be viewed as an internal reorganization of Citicorp's business without competitive effect. Because of the limitations imposed on Bank's operations by South Dakota law, Bank will not generally be in direct competition with local commercial banks in the state; however, Bank will engage de novo in providing some needed banking services in South Dakota, including overline banking services to other South Dakota banks, consistent with South Dakota law. To the extent that Bank will offer banking services as a new competitor in the market, the effect of the proposal will be procompetitive. Accordingly, the overall competitive effects of the proposal are consistent with approval. The financial and managerial resources and future prospects of Citicorp, its subsidiaries and Bank are regarded as satisfactory. Bank's proposed overline lending activities should increase the availability of credit for South Dakota businesses and enhance the state's capital resources and access to out-of-state financing sources. Testimony at the administrative hearings on this matter by both South Dakota bankers and the Governor of South Dakota indicates that South Dakota is in need of capital; that need may in part be alleviated by Bank. Based upon the above facts and all the evidence of record in this matter, the Board finds that convenience and needs factors are positive and lend weight toward approval of the proposal. On the basis of all the facts of record in this matter, 7 it is the Board's judgment that approval of the applica7. The facts of record in this application include the written transcripts of hearings held by the South Dakota Banking Commission on June 10, 1980, and by the Comptroller of the Currency on July 15 and 17, 1980. The Board has received a request for a hearing on the application by Option Advisory Services, Inc., New York, New York ("Protestant"), asserting that a hearing is required to examine the legality of the proposal under the McFadden Act and alleged deficiencies in Citicorp's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Board has determined that Protestant's comments are without merit and do not present material facts in dispute such as to warrant a hearing under the Board's Rules of Procedure (12 C.F.R. § 262.3(e)). Under section 3(b) of the Act, a hearing is required only if the primary supervisory agency of the bank to be acquired recommends disapproval. The primary supervisory agency in this case, the Comptroller of the Currency, has approved the application. Moreover, Protestant's comments and hearing request were not received by the Board within the 30 day comment period following publication of notice of the application in the Federal Register and, under the Board's Rules of Procedure, the Board is not required to consider them. 183 tion would be in the public interest and that the application should be approved. On the basis of the record, the application is approved for the reasons summarized above. The transaction shall not be made before the thirtieth calendar day following the effective date of this Order or later than three months after the effective date of this Order, unless such period is extended for good cause by the Board or by the Federal Reserve Bank of N e w York pursuant to delegated authority. By order of the Board of Governors, effective January 19, 1981. Voting for this action: Chairman Volcker and Governors Wallich, Partee, Teeters, Rice, and Gramley. Absent and not voting: Governor Schultz. ( S i g n e d ) JAMES M C A F E E , [SEAL] Assistant Secretary of the Board. Florida Coast Banks, Inc., Pompano Beach, Florida Order Approving Acquisition of Bank Florida Coast Banks, Inc., Pompano Beach, Florida, a bank holding company within the meaning of the Bank Holding Company Act, has applied for the Board's approval under section 3(a)(3) of the Bank Holding Company Act (12 U.S.C. § 1842(a)(3)) to acquire 51 percent of the outstanding voting shares of First Bank and Trust Company of Palm Beach County ("Bank"), Boynton Beach, Florida. Notice of the application, affording opportunity for interested persons to submit comments and views, has been given in accordance with section 3(b) of the Act. The time for filing comments and views has expired, and the application and all comments received, including those from the Florida Comptroller, have been considered in light of the factors set forth in section 3(c) of the Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842 (c)). Applicant, the 22nd largest banking organization in Florida, controls two banks with aggregate deposits of $211.4 million, representing 0.6 percent of total deposits in commercial banks in the state. 1 Acquisition of Bank, the 61st largest banking organization in the state with deposits of $113.7 million, would increase Applicant's share of commercial bank deposits in Florida by three-tenths of one percent and would not have an appreciable effect upon the concentration of banking resources in the state. 1. All banking data are as of June 30, 1979. 184 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 Bank is the tenth largest of 27 banking organizations in the relevant banking market, 2 with 5.14 percent of deposits in commercial banks in that market. Applicant is currently represented in the relevant banking market through its recently opened de novo subsidiary ($6.8 million in deposits), the 22nd largest banking organization in the market, controlling 0.3 percent of deposits in commercial banks in the market. Acquisition of Bank would increase Applicant's share of market deposits by 5.1 percent and Applicant would become the tenth largest banking organization in the market. Although consummation of the proposal would eliminate some existing competition between Bank and Applicant's banking subsidiary, in view of the relative size of these organizations, their market shares, and the number of remaining banking alternatives in the market, it appears that consummation of this proposal would not have seriously adverse effects upon competition in the relevant market. Accordingly, in light of the above and other facts of record, the Board concludes that consummation of the proposed transaction would have only a slightly adverse effect on competition in the relevant market. The financial and managerial resources and future prospects of Applicant, its subsidiaries, and Bank are regarded as satisfactory. Although Applicant will incur debt in connection with the proposed acquisition, it appears that Applicant will continue to serve as a source of strength for its subsidiary banks. In addition, upon consummation of the proposed transaction Applicant will inject capital into Bank, thereby strengthening Bank's financial position. Thus, the Board concludes that banking factors are consistent with approval of the application. Upon consummation of the proposed transaction, Applicant would assist Bank in expanding its services to include specialized lending services such as accounts receivable financing and term credits, and provide assistance in developing new programs such as NOW accounts and automatic teller machines, which Bank is currently unprepared to offer. Accordingly, the Board concludes that considerations relating to the convenience and needs of the community to be served lend weight toward approval and outweigh any adverse competitive effects associated with this application. Accordingly, it is the Board's judgment that the proposed acquisition would be in the public interest and that the application should be approved. On the basis of the record, the application is approved for the reasons summarized above. The transaction shall not be made before the thirtieth calendar day following the effective date of this Order or three months after the effective date of this Order, unless such period is extended for good cause by the Board or by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta pursuant to delegated authority. By order of the Board of Governors, effective January 19, 1981. Voting for this action: Chairman Volcker and Governors Wallich, Partee, Teeters, Rice, and Gramley. Absent and not voting: Governor Schultz. ( S i g n e d ) JAMES M C A F E E , [SEAL] Secretary of the Board. Heritage Racine Corporation, Racine Wisconsin Order Approving Company Formation of a Bank Holding Heritage Racine Corporation, Racine, Wisconsin, has applied for the Board's approval under section 3(a)(1) of the Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842(a)(1)) of formation of a bank holding company by acquiring 80 percent or more of the voting shares of Heritage Bank and Trust ("Wind Point Bank"), Heritage National Bank of Racine ("Racine Bank"), and Heritage Bank-Mt. Pleasant ("Mt. Pleasant Bank"), all located in Racine, Wisconsin (collectively referred to as "Banks"). 1 Notice of the application, affording opportunity for interested persons to submit comments, has been given in accordance with section 3(b) of the Act. The time for filing comments has expired, and the Board has considered the application and all comments received, including those of Bank of Elmwood, Racine, Wisconsin ("Protestant"), in light of the factors set forth in section 3(c) of the Act (12 U.S.C. § 1842(c)). Applicant is a nonoperating corporation with no subsidiaries, organized for the purpose of becoming a bank holding company through the acquisition of Banks, which have aggregate deposits of $107.6 million, 2 representing 0.5 percent of total deposits in commercial banks in Wisconsin, and 19.8 percent of the total deposits in commercial banks in the Racine banking market. 3 Upon consummation of this proposal, Applicant would be the 18th largest banking organi- 1. Applicant proposes to acquire 82.2 percent of Wind Point Bank; 94.2 percent of Racine Bank; and 84.0 percent of Mt. Pleasant Bank. 2. Banking data are as of December 31, 1979, except as otherwise noted. 3. Banks are all located in the Racine banking market, which is approximated by the Racine Ranally Metro Area (RMA). See Heritage 2. The relevant banking market, the eastern Palm Beach banking market, is approximated by all of Palm Beach County excluding the Belle Glade area. Assistant Racine Corporation, 66 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 419 (1980). On April 21, 1980, the Board denied a proposal by Applicant to acquire, in addition to the three banks now proposed to be acquired, a fourth bank, also located in the Racine market, not controlled by Applicant's principals. Legal Developments zation the state and the second largest banking organization in the Racine market. This proposal involves a restructuring of Banks' ownership from individuals to a corporation owned substantially by those same individuals. Applicant's principals, Mr. Samuel C. Johnson and members of his immediate family, currently control each of Banks. Wind Point Bank controls deposits of $68.0 million, representing 12.4 percent of total market deposits ; Mt. Pleasant Bank controls deposits of $21.3 million, representing 3.9 percent of market deposits; and, Racine Bank controls deposits of $21.9 million, representing 4.0 percent of market deposits. Applicant's principals organized Wind Point Bank as a new bank in 1970, and in 1974 organized Mt. Pleasant Bank, also as a new bank. In 1976, Applicant's principals acquired Racine Bank, an existing bank. The Johnson family currently controls 70 percent or more of the outstanding shares of each of the three banks, and there are numerous director and officer interlocks between these banks. In view of these relationships, it appears that no meaningful competition currently exists between Banks and, accordingly, that consummation of the proposal would not eliminate any existing competition between the three banks. In analyzing the competitive effects of an application to form a bank holding company where an individual or group of individuals, controlling in a personal capacity more than one bank in a relevant banking market, seeks to transfer control of one or more of the banks to a holding company, the Board takes into consideration the competitive effects of the transaction whereby common ownership was established between the banks in the market. 4 At the time of their acquisition of Racine Bank in 1976, Applicant's principals also controlled Wind Point Bank and Mt. Pleasant Bank, both of which had been organized de novo a few years earlier. Viewed as a single banking organization because of substantial common control, Wind Point Bank and Mt. Pleasant Bank together held aggregate deposits of $56.3 million, representing 12.9 percent of total market deposits. 5 Racine Bank then controlled deposits of $11.9 million, representing 2.7 percent of total market deposits. The acquisition of Racine Bank by Applicant's principals only modestly increased the share of total market deposits then held by Applicant's principals and would not have exceeded the Department of Justice Merger Guidelines. 6 On the basis of all of the facts of record concerning competition in the relevant banking market at the time of the acquisition 4. E.g., Mid-Nebraska Banc shares, Inc., 64 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 589 (1978), aflfd sub nom. Mid-Nebraska Bancshares, Inc. v. Board of Governors, 627 F.2d. 266 (D.C. Cir. 1980). 5. Deposit data relating to Banks at the time Racine Bank was acquired by the Johnson family are as of December 31, 1975. 6. 1 CCH Trade Reg. Rep. 11 4510. 185 of Racine Bank in 1976 by Applicant's principals, including the size of the banks involved and the number of banks remaining as attractive entry vehicles for holding companies not represented in the market, the Board concludes that the acquisition of Racine Bank by Applicant's principals had only a slightly adverse effect on existing competition at the time. 7 The seriousness of this adverse effect is even further mitigated, in the Board's view, by the fact that the entry and initial expansion in the Racine market by Applicant's principals were accomplished by the organization of de novo banks, thereby increasing competition in the market at the time. The financial and managerial resources and future prospects of Applicant and Banks appear to be generally satisfactory. In view of certain commitments made by Applicant to increase Banks' capital and certain other commitments made by Mr. Johnson, banking factors lend some weight toward approval. 8 In reaching this conclusion, the Board has considered Protestant's allegations that Banks are controlled by S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc. ("Johnson Wax"), Racine, Wisconsin, a producer of industrial and household chemicals privately owned by the Johnson family, in violation of the Act. Protestant has requested that the Board order a hearing to investigate the relationships between Johnson Wax and Banks. The Board has previously determined that a violation of law, in some circumstances, may reflect so adversely upon managerial factors as to warrant denial of an application under section 3 of the Act. 9 Protestant's allegation that Johnson Wax controls Banks is based in large part on the fact that a majority of the directors of Wind Point Bank and Mt. Pleasant Bank are officers of Johnson Wax, as are three of the nine directors of Racine Bank. It appears that Protes7. Protestant alleges that the acquisition of Racine Bank by Applicant's principals eliminated substantial competition and that consummation of this proposal would further an anticompetitive arrangement. Protestants rely on the Board's decision in Eicher Bancorporation, 64 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 399 (1978). However, the Board finds that the proposal in that case differs significantly from the proposal here. Contrary to the proposal here, the increase in share of total market deposits resulting from the acquisition by the Applicant's principal in Eicher of another bank in the relevant market exceeded the Justice Department Merger Guidelines. In addition, the relevant market involved in Eicher contained fewer and smaller banks than the Racine market. Thus, the anticompetitive effects of the acquisition of another bank by the applicant's principal in Eicher was likely to be more serious. Finally, in Eicher, the Board found, in addition to anticompetitive effects, that considerations relating to financial and managerial resources weighed against approval of the application. 8. In the Board's denial of Applicant's previous application to become a bank holding company (see supra, n.3), the Board found that considerations relating to banking factors weighed against approval of the application. This finding relates only to the previous proposal to acquire four banks, while Applicant now proposes to acquire only three banks. 9. E.g., Florida National Banks of Florida, Inc. (Citizens Bank of Bunnell), 62 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 696, 698 (1976); Seilon, Inc., 63 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 156, 157-158 (1977). 186 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 tant's allegations, even if accepted as true, would not reflect so adversely on the integrity of Applicant's managment as to warrant denial of the application for adverse managerial resources. The record indicates that Johnson Wax owns no shares of any of Banks, and that Mr. Johnson and his immediate family own and control both Johnson Wax and Banks in their personal capacities. Thus it seems clear from the record that Applicant's principals, by reason of their personal stock ownership, control the election of the directors of Banks. The Bank Holding Company Act restricts control of banks and nonbanks by a company; the Act does not prohibit an individual from controlling in his or her personal capacity both a bank and a nonbank company. 1 0 Protestant also alleges that Banks are used to benefit Johnson Wax. For example, Protestant claims that Banks give preferential treatment to employees of Johnson Wax. After a review of the record, the Board finds that there is no evidence of substance to support these allegations. Since Banks' primary supervisory authorities have not requested a hearing on the application, the Board is not required to conduct one. 1 1 For the reasons stated above, the Board does not believe that a hearing would resolve issues of fact material to this application. Accordingly, Protestant's request for a hearing is denied. It appears that affiliation of Banks with Applicant would allow Banks to be operated more efficiently and would afford them additional managerial and financial flexibility, thereby allowing Banks to better serve their commercial and other customers. It is the Board's judgment that convenience and needs considerations lend weight toward approval, and together with banking factors, are sufficient to outweigh the slightly adverse competitive effects associated with this proposal. Based on the foregoing and other considerations reflected in the record, it is the Board's judgment that the proposed acquisitions are in the public interest and that the application should be approved. On the basis of the record, the application is approved for the reasons summarized above. The transactions shall not be made before the thirtieth calendar day following the effective date of this Order or later than three months after the effective date of this 10. Protestant's other allegations in this regard do not warrant denial of this proposal. The incidental services allegedly provided by Johnson Wax to Banks would not permit Johnson Wax to exercise such a significant influence over the management and operations of Banks as to result in control of the institutions. In addition, to the extent that the granting to Mr. Johnson of a right of first refusal with respect to Applicant's shares evidences any control over Applicant, such control would be exercised by Mr. Johnson, not by Johnson Wax. 11. E.g., Farmers and Merchants Bank of Las Cruces v. Board of Governors, 567 F.2d 1082 (D.C. Cir. 1977). Order, unless such period is extended for good cause by the Board or by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago pursuant to delegated authority. By order of the Board of Governors, effective January 29, 1981. Voting for this action: Chairman Volcker and Governors Wallich, Partee, Teeters, Rice, and Gramley. Absent and not voting: Governor Schultz. ( S i g n e d ) JAMES M C A F E E , [SEAL] Assistant Secretary of the Board. Union De Inversion Mobiliaria, S.A., Madrid, Spain Banco Occidental, S.A., Madrid, Spain TBK-Inversiones, S.A., Madrid, Spain Compagnie de Gestion BelgoLuxembourgeoise, S.A., Luxembourg Order Approving Companies Formation of Bank Holding Union de Inversion Mobiliaria, S.A., Banco Occidental, S.A., and TBK-Inversiones, S.A., all of Madrid, Spain, and Compagnie de Gestion Belgo-Luxembourgeoise, S.A. ("Cogebel"), Luxembourg, have applied for the Board's approval under section 3(a)(1) of the Bank Holding Company Act (12 U.S.C. § 1842(a)(1)) of formation of bank holding companies by the acquisition of 64.1 percent of the voting shares of Banco Comercial de Mayaguez ("Bank"), Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. Most of these shares would be held by Cogebel, which is a direct or an indirect subsidiary of each of the other applicants. Notice of the applications, affording opportunity for interested persons to comment, has been given in accordance with section 3(b) of the Act, and the time for filing comments has expired. The Board has considered the applications and all comments received in light of the factors set forth in section 3(c) of the Act. Applicants belong to the Occidental group of companies that is based in Spain and controlled by Gregorio Diego Jimenez. Their combined assets approximate $1.2 billion. 1 Except for Banco Occidental the Applicants are nonoperating holding companies. Banco Occidental is the 20th largest of 38 privately owned "national banks" in Spain and is the 11th 1. Banking data are as of September 30, 1978. Legal Developments largest of 24 national banks classified as "industrial banks." As an industrial bank Banco Occidental serves individuals and small- to medium-size businesses through 37 offices in Spain. Banco Occidental also conducts a commercial banking business through its indirect subsidiary, Banco Comercial Occidental, S.A. Combined these two institutions operate 96 offices in Spain and rank 19th of 109 Spanish commercial and industrial banking organizations. 2 Banco Occidental holds interests in a variety of other companies, most of which are located in Spain. None of the Applicants engages in any business activity in the United States directly or indirectly, and under rules the Board recently adopted (45 Federal Register 81,537 (1980)), to be codified as (12 C.F.R. § 211.23), if the proposed transaction is consummated Applicants would be qualified foreign banking organizations eligible for the exemptions prescribed by those rules. Bank is the 12th largest of 16 banking organizations in Puerto Rico and the 8th largest of 11 banks domiciled there. Bank operates five offices, serving primarily a retail clientele, and holds deposits of $88 million, representing 8.1 percent of the deposits in commercial banks in Puerto Rico. 3 Banco Occidental maintains a representative office in San Juan, Puerto Rico, conducting a wholesale internationally oriented business, but it appears that consummation of this proposal would not have any substantial adverse effects on competition or concentration in any relevant area. Competitive considerations are therefore consistent with approval of these applications. Applicants have been associated with Bank since 1974 when members of the Occidental group bought a minority interest in Bank, as permitted by the Act, and they have been represented on Bank's board of directors since 1975. In December 1977, however, the nature of Applicants' association with Bank changed dramatically. At that time members of the Occidental group of companies provided Bank capital funds the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Secretary of the Treasury of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico considered necessary to alleviate financial difficulties Bank was then experiencing. As a result of the increase in Bank's capital, Applicants' voting interest in Bank increased to 23 percent, and an additional 47 percent of Bank's shares were issued to Patricio Ruedas, a friend of Mr. Diego. On the basis of this ownership interest Mr. Diego assumed effective control of Bank and exercised that control chiefly through 2. It is Banco Occidental's intention formally to absorb this subsidiary, the operations of which have already been largely integrated with Banco Occidental's. In furtherance of this plan, all but three of Banco Comercial Occidental's offices were transferred to Banco Occidental on December 29, 1980. 3. Since the date of these data, Bank has received approval to establish a sixth office. 187 employees and former employees of Banco Occidental and Banco Comercial Occidental. In several respects the 1977 acquisition of Bank's shares superficially resembled transactions the Board has considered violations of the Act by companies acquiring bank shares indirectly or through individuals without the Board's prior approval. 4 However, because of the unusual circumstances and the very compelling public interest in the consummation of this transaction, even if the Board concluded that Applicants had violated the Act in 1977, it would not be compelled to deny these applications on that account. In the first place, upon inquiry Applicants were led to believe, and continue to believe, that the Board's approval was not required for Mr. Ruedas' acquisition. It is Applicants' contention that Mr. Ruedas' acquisition was made for Mr. Diego personally and not on behalf of any of the Occidental companies. Moreover, Applicants cooperated with Bank's primary supervisors and have cooperated with the Board's staff, and they have established an internal management compliance and reporting system and submitted to the Board thorough undertakings designed to insure that they will remain aware of and in compliance with laws and regulations applicable to them as bank holding companies and as a result of their operations in Puerto Rico. It is also clear from Applicants' conduct both before and after the 1977 acquisition that their intention at all times has been to adhere to applicable rules and appropriate standards of conduct. Finally, the assistance Applicants have extended to Bank has been of value in preserving Bank as a viable competitor in Puerto Rico, and the consequences of requiring a divestiture of Bank could be particularly damaging in that respect. This combination of circumstances persuades the Board that even if Applicants were found to have violated the Act, that factor would not by itself require denial of the applications. If any of these circumstances had been different, the Board would be disposed to go forward and adjudicate the question whether Applicants, acting through Mr. Ruedas, acquired control of Bank in violation of the Act. A bare claim of ignorance would obviously have been an unsatisfactory explanation of a violation of the Act. The Board expects companies to ascertain and meet their legal responsibilities under the Act with the greatest care and will hold them answerable for a failure to do so. An adjudication of the question in these circumstances, however, will not have a material bearing on the disposition of these applications or other regulatory actions by the Board. 4. See, e.g., First National Holding Corp., 63 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 929 (1977). 188 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 Applicants' financial and managerial resources and future prospects are regarded as satisfactory, and since 1977 Bank's condition has improved steadily under Mr. Diego's direction. Applicants and Mr. Diego have shown a willingness to supply to Bank capital and managerial support as needed and the Board has reason to believe that Applicants will continue to serve as a source of strength to Bank in the future. 5 The support Bank has received from Mr. Diego and Applicants has preserved the institution as a competitor in Puerto Rico and enabled it to expand its service to its community. Banking factors and considerations relating to the convenience and needs of the communities Bank serves therefore lend weight toward approval of these applications, and it is the Board's judgment that consummation of the proposal would be in the public interest. In reaching this conclusion the Board has given due consideration to comments received from a group of Bank's minority shareholders which chiefly is dissatisfied with the method by which directors of Bank are chosen. 6 The protestants concede that the majority shareholders have afforded minority shareholders appropriate representation in every annual election of ORDERS APPROVED UNDER BANK HOLDING Bank's directors, and whether the majority shareholders are obliged to do more than that, as the minority group contends, is a question of contract interpretation that should appropriately be resolved in another forum. It is not established, based on the record in this case, that the existence of this dispute with several of Bank's minority shareholders reflects adversely on Applicants' intentions or their managerial resources. On the basis of the record, the applications are approved for the reasons summarized above. 7 The transaction shall not be made before the thirtieth calendar day following the effective date of this Order or later than three months after the effective date of this Order unless such period is extended for good cause by the Board or by the Federal Reserve Bank of N e w York pursuant to delegated authority. By order of the Board of Governors, effective January 27, 1981. Voting for this action: Chairman Volcker and Governors Wallich, Partee, Teeters, Rice, and Gramley. Absent and not voting: Vice Chairman Schultz. ( S i g n e d ) JAMES M C A F E E , [SEAL] COMPANY Assistant Secretary of the Board. ACT By the Board of Governors During January 1981, the Board of Governors approved the applications listed below. Copies are available upon request to Publications Services, Division of Support Services, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 20551. Section 3 Applicant Bank(s) Cameron Investment Company, Inc. Park Falls, Wisconsin First American Corporation, Kalamazoo, Michigan First City Bancorporation of Texas, Inc., Houston, Texas First City Bancorporation of Texas, Inc., Houston, Texas Willmar Bancorporation, Inc., Willmar, Minnesota Bank of Cameron, Cameron, Wisconsin The First National Bank of Alger County, Munising, Michigan Valley View Bank, Dallas, Texas The Bank of South Texas, Alice, Texas Citizens National Bank of Willmar, Willmar, Minnesota 5. Applicants will not consummate this proposal before Cogebel's capital has been increased to 310 million Luxembourg francs (approximately $10 million). 6. Horacio M. Royo also made the Board aware of litigation he instituted against Bank, which has no apparent bearing on the merits of these applications. There are no facts in the record from which the Board action (effective date) January 16, 1981 January 30, 1981 January 26, 1981 January 29, 1981 January 30, 1981 Board might conclude that the Board's action on these applications could affect Mr. Royo or his interests or the litigation to which he is a party. 7. As part of these applications, Applicants have agreed to continue to provide information the Board considers necessary for the proper discharge of its supervisory responsibilities. Legal Developments 189 S e c t i o n s 3 and 4 Applicant Financial Bancshares Company, Becker, Minnesota Nonbanking company (or activity) Bank(s) Santiago State Bank, Santiago, Minnesota to engage in general insurance activities in three communities with populations not exceeding 5,000 Reserve Bank Effective date Minneapolis 1/15/81 By Federal Reserve Banks R e c e n t applications h a v e b e e n approved by the Federal R e s e r v e Banks as listed b e l o w . C o p i e s of the orders are available u p o n request to the R e s e r v e Banks. Section 3 Applicant Anadarko Bancshares, Inc., Anadarko, Oklahoma Anchor Bancorporation Inc., Farmer City, Illinois Anchor Banshares, Inc., Alliance, Nebraska Borresen Investments, Inc., Westbrook, Minnesota Burr Oak Banco, Inc., Burr Oak, Kansas Childress Bancshares, Inc., Childress, Texas Choctaw Bancorp, Inc., Choctaw, Oklahoma Colorado National Bankshares, Inc., Denver, Colorado Commerce Southwest Inc., Dallas, Texas Connecticut River Bancorp, Inc., Charlestown, New Hampshire Denver City Bancshares, Inc., Denver City, Texas Echo Bancshares, Inc., Echo, Minnesota Bank(s) Anadarko Bank and Trust Company, Anadarko, Oklahoma Anchor State Bank, Anchor, Illinois The Anchor Bank, Merriman, Nebraska Westbrook State Bank, Westbrook, Minnesota The Burr Oak State Bank, Burr Oak, Kansas The First National Bank in Childress, Childress, Texas Choctaw State Bank, Choctaw, Oklahoma Arvada State Bank, Arvada, Colorado Central National Bank of McKinney, McKinney, Texas White Rock Bank of Dallas, Dallas, Texas Peoples National Bank of Littleton, Littleton, New Hampshire Yoakum County Bancshares, Inc., Denver City, Texas Citizens State Bank of Echo, Echo, Minnesota Reserve Bank Effective date Kansas City December 24, 1980 Chicago January 14, 1981 Kansas City December 26, 1980 Minneapolis January 26, 1981 Kansas City December 26, 1980 Dallas January 2, 1981 Kansas City January 22, 1981 Kansas City December 30, 1980 Dallas January 20, 1981 Boston January 14, 1981 Dallas January 8, 1981 Minneapolis January 14, 1981 190 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 Section 3—continued Applicant Elgin Bancshares, Inc., Kansas City, Missouri Elston Corporation, Crawfordsville, Indiana Etowah Bancing Company, Etowah, Tennessee Everly Bancorporation, Everly, Iowa F & M Holding Company, Summersville, West Virginia Federated Bancshares, Inc., Otterville, Missouri Fifth Third Bancorp, Cincinnati, Ohio First Citizens Bancshares, Inc., Waxahachie, Texas FIRST NATIONAL BANCORP., New Castle, Indiana First Southern Bancshares, Inc., Mount Juliet, Tennessee First State Holding Company of Pre scott, Prescott, Arkansas First United, Inc., Central City, Kentucky First United Bancorporation, Inc., Fort Worth, Texas Georgia Bancshares, Inc., Macon, Georgia Golden Summit Corporation, Milton, Florida Hardin County Bancorporation, Eldora, Iowa The Highland Ban-Corp., Inc., Cleveland, Oklahoma Independent Bank Corporation, Ionia, Michigan Jersey Village Bancshares, Inc., Houston, Texas Mercantile Bancorporation Inc., St. Louis, Missouri Bank(s) Union National Bank and Trust Company of Elgin, Elgin, Illinois Elston Bank & Trust Company Crawfordsville, Indiana Southern United Bank of McMinn County, Etowah, Tennessee Everly State Bank, Everly, Iowa Farmers and Merchants Bank of Summersville, Summersville, West Virginia The Bank of Otterville, Otterville, Missouri The Farmers Bank, West Union, Ohio Citizens National Bank in Waxahachie, Waxahachie, Texas First National Bank in New Castle, New Castle, Indiana Bank of Mount Juliet, Mount Juliet, Tennessee Bank of Prescott, Prescott, Arkansas First National Bank of Central City, Central City, Kentucky The Southwest State Bank, Brown wood, Texas The Farmers National Bank of Monticello, Monticello, Georgia Santa Rosa State Bank, Milton, Florida Hardin County Savings Bank of Eldora Iowa, Eldora, Iowa, The Cleveland Bank, Cleveland, Oklahoma The Peoples Bank of Leslie, Leslie, Michigan Jersey Village Bank, Houston, Texas Peoples Bank of Kansas City Kansas City, Missouri Reserve Bank Effective date Chicago January 9, 1981 Chicago January 14, 1981 Atlanta January 9, 1981 Chicago January 13, 1981 Richmond January 14, 1981 Kansas City December 22, 1980 Cleveland January 19, 1981 Dallas January 16, 1981 Chicago January 16, 1981 Atlanta January 23, 1981 St. Louis December 29, 1980 St. Louis January 12, 1981 Dallas December 30, 1980 Atlanta January 27, 1981 Atlanta December 29, 1980 Chicago January 16, 1981 Kansas City January 13, 1981 Chicago January 16, 1981 Dallas January 12, 1981 St. Louis January 13, 1981 Legal Developments 191 Section 3—continued Applicant Metro BancShares, Inc., Alvarado, Texas Metropolitan Bancorporation, Tampa, Florida Michigan National Corporation, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Middle River Bancshares, Inc., Middle River, Minnesota New Salem Bancorporation, Inc. New Salem, North Dakota Mulvane Bankshares, Inc., Mulvane, Kansas Northern Bancshares, Inc., Chillicothe, Texas Orient Bancorporation, San Francisco, California PTD Bancorp., Inc., Potosi, Wisconsin Pike Bancshares, Inc., Petersburg, Indiana Planters Holding Company, Indianola, Mississippi Republic of Texas Corporation, Dallas, Texas Sahara Bancorp, Inc., New Brighton, Minnesota Savannah Bancshares, Inc., Savannah, Missouri Schertz Bancshares Corporation, Shertz, Texas Security State Holding Company, Lindstrom, Minnesota South Georgia Bankshares Corp., Lyons, Georgia South Dakota Bancshares, Inc., Pierre, South Dakota Strong City Banco, Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska Bank(s) Alvarado State Bank, Alvarado, Texas First Bank and Trust Company, Belleair Bluffs, Florida Michigan National Bank—Grosse Pointe, Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan First National Bank of Middle River, Middle River, Minnesota Security State Bank of New Salem, New Salem, North Dakota The Mulvane State Bank, Mulvane, Kansas The First National Bank of Chillicothe, Chillicothe, Texas Bank of the Orient, San Francisco, California Potosi State Bank, Potosi, Wisconsin The First National Bank of Petersburg, Petersburg, Indiana Planters Bank & Trust Company, Ruleville, Mississippi Houston National BankKingwood, Kingwood, Texas Houston National Bank West, Houston, Texas First State Bank of New Brighton, New Brighton, Minnesota First Community State Bank of Savannah, Savannah, Missouri Schertz Bank & Trust, Schertz, Texas Security State Bank of Lindstrom, Lindstrom, Minnesota The Peoples Bank of Lyons, Lyons, Georgia Sully County Bank, Onida, South Dakota Strong City State Bank, Strong City, Kansas Reserve Bank Effective date Dallas January 15, 1981 Atlanta January 27, 1981 Chicago January 15, 1981 Minneapolis December 30, 1980 Minneapolis December 30, 1980 Kansas City January 19, 1981 Dallas December 31, 1980 San Francisco Chicago January 14, 1981 St. Louis January 13, 1981 St. Louis January 8, 1981 Dallas January 9, 1981 Minneapolis January 23, 1981 Kansas City January 9, 1981 Dallas January 9, 1981 Minneapolis January 15, 1981 Atlanta December 31, 1980 Minneapolis January 7, 1981 Kansas City December 19, 1980 January 2, 1981 192 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 Section 3—continued Bank(s) Applicant The Summitt Bancorporation, Summit, New Jersey Sweet Springs Bancshares, Inc., Sweet Springs, Missouri Tri-County Bancorp., Roachdale, Indiana Union Bancshares, Incorporated, San Antonio, Texas Union Bank Corporation, Upton, Wyoming United Mercantile Bancshares, Inc., Shreveport, Louisiana United Banks of Colorado, Inc., Denver, Colorado United Banks of Colorado, Inc., Denver, Colorado, West Brook Bancshares, Inc., Westchester, Illinois PENDING CASES INVOLVING Effective date The Maplewood Bank and Trust Company, Maplewood, New Jersey Chemical Bank, Sweet Springs, Missouri Tri-County Bank & Trust Company, Roachdale, Indiana Union State Bank, San Antonio, Texas Union State Bank, Upton, Wyoming United Mercantile Bank, Shreveport, Louisiana New York January 8, 1981 Kansas City January 23, 1981 Chicago January 20, 1981 Dallas January 2, 1981 Kansas City December 26, 1980 Dallas January 26, 1981 Bank of Durango, Durango, Colorado Bank of Ignacio Ignacio, Colorado West Brook Bank, Westchester, Illinois Kansas City January 20, 1981 Kansas City January 20, 1981 Chicago January 26, 1981 THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS This list of pending cases does not include suits against the Federal Reserve Banks in which the Board of Governors is not named a party. Wilshire Oil Company of Texas v. Board of Governors, et al., filed U.S.D.C. for New Jersey. 9 to 5 Organization for Women Office Workers v. Board of Governors, filed December 1980, U.S.D.C. for the District of Massachusetts. Wilshire Oil Company of Texas v. Board of Governors, filed December 1980, U.S.C.A. for the District of Columbia. Securities Industry Association v. Board of Governors, et al., filed October 1980, U.S.D.C. for the District of Columbia. Securities Industry Association v. Board of Governors, et al., filed October 1980, U.S.C.A. for the District of Columbia. A. G. Becker, Inc. v. Board of Governors, et al., filed October 1980, U.S.D.C. for the District of Columbia. A. G. Becker, Inc. v. Board of Governors, et al., filed October 1980, U.S.C.A. for the District of Columbia. Reserve Bank Independent Insurance Agents of America and Independent Insurance Agents of Missouri v. Board of Governors, filed September 1980, U.S.C.A. for the Eighth Circuit. Independent Insurance Agents of America and Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia v. Board of Governors, filed September 1980, U.S.C.A. for the Fourth Circuit. Nebraska Bankers Association, et al. v. Board of Governors, et al., filed September 1980, U.S.D.C. for the District of Nebraska. Republic of Texas Corporation v. Board of Governors, filed September 1980, U.S.C.A. for the Fifth Circuit. Consumers Union of the United States, Inc., v. Board of Governors, et al., filed August 1980, U.S.D.C. for the District of Columbia. A. G. Becker Inc., v. Board of Governors, et al., filed August 1980, U.S.D.C. for the District of Columbia. Otero Savings and Loan Association v. Board of Governors, filed August 1980, U.S.D.C. for the District of Columbia. Edwin F. Gordon v. Board of Governors, et al., filed August 1980, U.S.C.A. for the Fifth Circuit. Legal Developments Martin-Trigona v. Board of Governors, filed July 1980, U.S.C.A. for the District of Columbia. U.S. League of Savings Associations v. Depository Institutions Deregulation Committee, et al., filed June 1980, U.S.D.C. for the District of Columbia. Berkovitz, et al. v. Government of Iran, et al., filed June 1980, U.S.D.C. for the Northern District of California. Mercantile Texas Corporation v. Board of Governors, filed May 1980, U.S.C.A. for the Fifth Circuit. Corbin, Trustee v. United States, filed May 1980, United States Court of Claims. Louis J. Roussel v. Board of Governors, filed April 1980, U.S.D.C. for the District of Columbia. Ulyssess S. Crockett v. United States, et al., filed April 1980, U.S.D.C. for the Eastern District of North Carolina. County National Bancorporation and TGB Co. v. Board of Governors, filed September 1979, U.S.C.A. for the Eighth Circuit. Gregory v. Board of Governors, filed July 1979, U.S.D.C. for the District of Columbia. Donald W. Riegel, Jr. v. Federal Open Market Committee, filed July 1979, U.S.D.C. for the District of Columbia. 193 Connecticut Bankers Association, et al., v. Board of Governors, filed May 1979, U.S.C.A. for the District of Columbia. Independent Insurance Agents of America, et al., v. Board of Governors, filed May 1979, U.S.C.A. for the District of Columbia. Independent Insurance Agents of America, et al., v. Board of Governors, filed April 1979, U.S.C.A. for the District of Columbia. Independent Insurance Agents of America, et al., v. Board of Governors, filed March 1979, U.S.C.A. for the District of Columbia. Security Bancorp and Security National Bank v. Board of Governors, filed March 1978, U.S.C.A. for the Ninth Circuit. Investment Company Institute v. Board of Governors, filed September 1977, U.S.D.C. for the District of Columbia. Roberts Farms, Inc., v. Comptroller of the Currency, et al., filed November 1975, U.S.D.C. for the Southern District of California. David Merrill, et al. v. Federal Open Market Committee, filed May 1975, U.S.D.C. for the District of Columbia. A1 Financial and Business Statistics CONTENTS Domestic Financial Statistics A3 A4 Monetary aggregates and interest rates Reserves of depository institutions, reserve, bank credit A5 Reserves and borrowings of depository institutions A6 Federal funds and repurchase agreements of large member banks WEEKLY REPORTING COMMERCIAL BANKS Assets and liabilities A18 All reporting banks A19 Banks with assets of $ 1 billion or more A20 Banks in N e w York City A21 Balance sheet memoranda A22 Commercial and industrial loans A23 Gross demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations POLICY INSTRUMENTS A7 A8 A9 Federal Reserve Bank interest rates Depository institutions reserve requirements Maximum interest rates payable on time and savings deposits at federally insured institutions A10 Federal Reserve open market transactions FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS FINANCIAL MARKETS A23 Commercial paper and bankers dollar acceptances outstanding A24 Prime rate charged by banks on short-term business loans A24 Terms of lending at commercial banks A25 Interest rates in money and capital markets A26 Stock market—Selected statistics A l l Condition and Federal Reserve note statements A12 Maturity distribution of loan and security holdings All Savings institutions—Selected assets and liabilities MONETARY AND CREDIT AGGREGATES FEDERAL FINANCE A12 Bank debits and deposit turnover A13 Money stock measures and components A14 Aggregate reserves of depository institutions and member bank deposits A15 Loans and securities of all commercial banks A28 A29 A30 A30 COMMERCIAL BANKS A16 Major nondeposit funds A17 Assets and liabilities, last Wednesday-of-month series Federal fiscal and financing operations U.S. budget receipts and outlays Federal debt subject to statutory limitation Gross public debt of U.S. Treasury—Types and ownership A31 U.S. government marketable securities— Ownership, by maturity A32 U.S. government securities dealers — Transactions, positions, and financing A33 Federal and federally sponsored credit agencies—Debt outstanding 2 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 SECURITIES MARKETS AND CORPORATE FINANCE A34 New security issues—State and local governments and corporations A35 Open-end investment companies—Net sales and asset position A35 Corporate profits and their distribution A36 Nonfinancial corporations—Assets and liabilities A36 Total nonfarm business expenditures on new plant and equipment A37 Domestic finance companies—Assets and liabilities; business credit REAL ESTATE A53 U.S. reserve assets A54 Foreign branches of U.S. banks—Balance sheet data A56 Selected U.S. liabilities to foreign official institutions REPORTED BY BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES A56 A57 A59 A60 Liabilities to and claims on foreigners Liabilities to foreigners Banks' own claims on foreigners Banks' own and domestic customers' claims on foreigners A60 Banks' own claims on unaffiliated foreigners A61 Claims on foreign countries—Combined domestic offices and foreign branches A38 Mortgage markets A39 Mortgage debt outstanding SECURITIES HOLDINGS AND TRANSACTIONS CONSUMER INSTALLMENT CREDIT A40 Total outstanding and net change A41 Extensions and liquidations A62 Marketable U.S. Treasury bonds and notes— Foreign holdings and transactions A62 Foreign official assets held at Federal Reserve Banks A63 Foreign transactions in securities FLOW OF FUNDS A42 Funds raised in U.S. credit markets A43 Direct and indirect sources of funds to credit markets Domestic Nonfinancial REPORTED BY NONBANKING BUSINESS ENTERPRISES IN THE UNITED STATES A64 Liabilities to unaffiliated foreigners A65 Claims on unaffiliated foreigners Statistics INTEREST AND EXCHANGE RATES A44 Nonfinancial business activity—Selected measures A44 Output, capacity, and capacity utilization A45 Labor force, employment, and unemployment A46 Industrial production—Indexes and gross value A48 Housing and construction A49 Consumer and producer prices A50 Gross national product and income A51 Personal income and saving International Statistics A52 U.S. international transactions—Summary A53 U.S. foreign trade A66 Discount rates of foreign central banks A66 Foreign short-term interest rates A66 Foreign exchange rates A67 Guide to Tabular Statistical Releases, Special Presentation, and Special Tables Tables A68 Commercial bank assets and liabilities, September 30, 1980 Domestic Financial Statistics 1.10 A3 MONETARY AGGREGATES AND INTEREST RATES 1980 1980 Item Ql' Q3' Q2' Q4 Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Monetary and credit aggregates (annual rates of change, seasonally adjusted in percent) 1 1 2 3 4 Reserves of depository institutions Total * Required Nonborrowed Monetary base 2 4.3 5.1 3.3 7.8 0.4 0.7 7.4 5.2 6.7 5.8 12.4 9.9 16.5 15.2 7.2 11.2 15.3 14.9 7.0 15.0' 21.3 22.9 0.7 9.7 5.2 6.8 5.4 10.1 35.9 27.0 13.2 15.0' 1.6 0.0 13.4 4.9 5 6 7 8 9 Concepts of money and liquid assets3 M-1A M-1B M-2 M-3 L 4.6 5.8 7.3 8.0 8.6 -4.4 -2.6 5.6 5.8 7.8 11.5 14.6 16.0 13.0 9.7 8.1 10.8 9.1 11.6 n.a. 19.3 21.8' 14.9' 14.0' 13.0' 12.3' 15.8 8.7' 9.6' 12.5' 9.1' 11.8' 8.8 10.8' 6.4' 6.5' 8.7' 10.4 15.2' 14.3 -11.1 -9.0 2.0 7.4 n.a. 8.2 -19.8 28.9 11.1 2.6 10.0 -21.7 33.1 10.6 4.8 4.9 27.5 0.7 -7.2 9.9 15.0 1.7 17.1 23.4 11.6 8.0' 26.4' 0.9' 2.1' 11.5' 12.5' 8.8' 6.6' 22.5' 10.2' 11.7' 10.0' 11.3' 14.1' 11.7' 23.2' -8.7' 31.6' 38.2' 12.7' 18.3 -40.0 39.6 39.5 11.1 9.5 -.5 7.0 14.8 17.9 14.1 13.3 16.6 12.6 Time and savings deposits Commercial banks 10 Total 11 Savings4 12 Small-denomination time 5 13 Large-denomination time 6 14 Thrift institutions7 15 Total loans and securities at commercial banks 8 1980 Q1 Q2 1980 04 Q3 Sept. Oct. 1981 Nov. Dec. Jan. Interest rates (levels, percent per annum) 16 17 18 19 Short-term rates Federal funds 9 Discount window borrowing 10 Treasury bills (3-month market yield)11 Commercial paper (3-month) 1112 Long-term rates Bonds 20 U.S. government 13 21 State and local government 14 22 Aaa utility (new issue)15 23 Conventional mortgages 16 15.05 12.51 13.35 14.54 12.69 12.45 9.62 11.18 9.83 10.35 9.15 9.65 15.85 11.78 13.61 15.26 10.87 10.17 10.27 10.97 12.81 11.00 11.62 12.52 15.85 11.47 13.73 15.18 18.90 12.87 15.49 18.07 19.08 13.00 15.02 16.58 11.78 8.23 13.22 14.32 10.58 7.95 11.77 12.70 10.95 8.58 12.20 13.12 12.23 n.a. 13.49 14.62 11.47 8.94 12.74 13.65 11.75 9.11 13.18 14.10 12.44 9.56 13.85 14.70 12.49 10.11 14.51 15.05 12.29 9.66 14.12 n.a 1. Unless otherwise noted, rates of change are calculated from average amounts outstanding in preceding month or quarter. Growth rates for member bank reserves are adjusted for discontinuities in series that result from changes in Regulations D and M. 2. Includes reserve balances at Federal Reserve Banks in the current week plus vault cash held two weeks earlier used to satisfy reserve requirements at all depository institutions plus currency outside the U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks, the vaults of depository institutions, and surplus vault cash at depository institutions. 3. M-1A: Averages of daily figures for (1) demand deposits at all commercial banks other than those due to domestic banks, the U.S. government, and foreign banks and official institutions less cash items in the process of collection and Federal Reserve float; and (2) currency outside the Treasury, Federal Reserve banks, and the vaults of commercial banks. M-1B: M-1A plus negotiable order of withdrawal and automated transfer service accounts at banks and thrift institutions, credit union share draft accounts, and demand deposits at mutual savings banks. M-2: M-1B plus savings and small-denomination time deposits at all depository institutions, overnight repurchase agreements at commercial banks, overnight Eurodollars held by U.S. residents other than banks at Caribbean branches of member banks, and money market mutual fund shares. M-3: M-2 plus large-denomination time deposits at all depository institutions and term RPs at commercial banks and savings and loan associations. L: M-3 plus other liquid assets such as term Eurodollars held by U.S. residents other than banks, bankers acceptances, commercial paper, Treasury bills and other liquid Treasury securities, and U.S. savings bonds. 4. Savings deposits exclude NOW and ATS accounts at commercial banks. 5. Small-denomination time deposits are those issued in amounts of less than $100,000. 6. Large-denomination time deposits are those issued in amounts of $100,000 or more. 7. Savings and loan associations, mutual savings banks, and credit unions. 8. Changes calculated from figures shown in table 1.23. 9. Averages of daily effective rates (average of the rates on a given date weighted by the volume of transactions at those rates). 10. Rate for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 11. Quoted on a bank-discount basis. 12. Beginning Nov. 1977, unweighted average of offering rates quoted by at least five dealers. Previously, most representative rate quoted by these dealers. Before Nov. 1979, data shown are for 90- to 119-day maturity. 13. Market yields adjusted to a 20-year maturity by the U.S. Treasury. 14. Bond Buyer series for 20 issues of mixed quality. 15. Weighted averages of new publicly offered bonds rated Aaa, Aa, and A by Moody's Investors Service and adjusted to an Aaa basis. Federal Reserve compilations. 16. Average rates on new commitments for conventional first mortgages on new homes in primary markets, unweighted and rounded to nearest 5 basis points, from Dept. of Housing and Urban Development. A4 1.11 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • February 1981 RESERVES OF DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS, RESERVE BANK CREDIT Millions of dollars Monthly averages of daily figures Weekly averages of daily figures for week-ending Dec. 17 Dec. 24 Dec. 31 Jan. 7 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 SUPPLYING R E S E R V E F U N D S 1 Reserve Bank credit outstanding 142,984 143,250 142,819 143,982 144,173 145,857 146,082 143,691 143,002 2 U.S. government securities 1 3 Bought outright 4 Held under repurchase agreements 5 Federal agency securities 6 Bought outright 7 Held under repurchase agreements 120,656 119,094 1,562 9,087 8.761 326 119,074 118,548 526 119.362 118,795 567 121,322 120,724 598 8,812 8,881 8,743 78 8,734 73 8,739 142 117,608 117,098 510 8,837 8,739 98 121,449 119,139 2,310 9,050 8,739 311 120,543 120,543 8,821 119,337 119,071 266 8,749 8,739 10 119,952 119,753 199 8.754 8,739 15 397 2,156 4,288 6,400 124 1,617 5.797 7,817 68 1,405 4,161 9,011 1,505 4,221 7,941 30 1,649 6,038 8,370 191 1,627 9,049 8,544 268 1,117 5,699 8,498 1,332 4,489 8,587 32 1,419 3,650 9,195 11,163 3,325 13,439 11,161 11,160 2,518 13,437 11,161 11,161 11,161 11,161 11,161 11,160 3,313 13,422 3,368 13,408 3,368 13,410 3,125 13,485 2,518 13,427 2,518 13,431 2,518 13,438 132,787 458 135,676 446 133,416 439 135,365 445 135,960 446 136,971 445 136,121 436 134,479 440 132,811 437 2,964 314 401 2,722 353 403 3,172 380 541 2,784 386 391 2,287 395 392 3,286 375 416 2,979 373 651 3,085 530 395 3,109 304 672 4,772 29,215 4,881 26,664 4,872 27,114 4,977 21,572 4,974 27,659 4.857 27,277 4,909 27,718 4,971 26.900 4,973 27,809 8 9 10 11 Acceptances Loans Float Other Federal Reserve assets 12 Gold stock 13 Special drawing rights certificate account . . 14 Treasury currency outstanding 112 8,739 8,739 ABSORBING R E S E R V E F U N D S 15 Currency in circulation 16 Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than member bank reserves, with Federal Reserve Banks 17 Treasury 18 Foreign 19 Other 20 Other Federal Reserve liabilities and capital 21 Reserve accounts 2 Wednesday figures End-of-month figures 1981 Jan. Dec. 17 Jan. 7 Jan. 14 146,382 142,271 145,550 137,992 121,328 119,299 2,029 9,264 8,739 117,331 117,331 121.571 121.571 113,812 113,812 8.739 8,739 8,739 8,739 8,739 8.739 Dec. 24 Nov. Dec. 22 Reserve bank credit outstanding 146,115 146,383 139,328 148,364 147,075 23 U.S. government securities 1 24 Bought outright 25 Held under repurchase agreements 26 Federal agency securities 27 Bought outright 120,812 118.936 1,876 9,165 8.761 121.328 119,299 2,029 9.264 8.739 117,169 117,169 122,123 120,069 2.054 9,128 8,739 118,308 118,308 404 525 389 523 2.284 6,792 6,539 776 1,809 4.467 8.739 327 1,304 2,280 9,836 11,162 3,368 13,779 11,160 2,518 13,838 134,104 449 SUPPLYING R E S E R V E F U N D S 28 29 30 31 32 Held under repurchase agreements Acceptances Loans Float Other Federal Reserve assets 33 Gold stock 34 Special drawing rights certificate account . . 35 Treasury currency outstanding 8.739 8,739 8,739 8,739 525 6,561 8,609 1,388 9,673 8,967 776 1,809 4,467 8,738 854 6,521 8.826 2,539 3,863 8,838 1,349 4,894 9,198 11,159 2,518 13,450 11,161 11,161 11,161 11,161 11,160 3,368 13,408 3,368 13,423 2,518 13,838 2,518 13,427 2,518 13.437 11,159 2,518 13,444 137,244 437 130,688 441 135,904 441 136,771 447 137.244 437 135,552 437 134,042 440 132,325 440 2,435 368 478 3.062 411 617 3,038 573 515 2,653 287 403 2,540 413 379 3,062 411 617 3,217 257 529 2.814 301 370 3,013 248 536 5.061 31.528 4,671 27.456 4,579 26,621 5,009 31,604 4,741 29,735 4,671 27,456 4,878 24,507 4,891 29,807 4,701 23,850 1,616 ABSORBING R E S E R V E F U N D S 36 Currency in circulation 37 Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than member bank reserves with Federal Reserve Banks 38 Treasury 39 Foreign 40 Other 41 Other Federal Reserve liabilities and capital 42 Reserve accounts 2 1. Includes securities loaned—fully guaranteed by U.S. government securities pledged with Federal Reserve Banks—and excludes (if any) securities sold and scheduled to be bought back under matched sale-purchase transactions. 2. Includes reserve balances of all depository institutions, NOTE. For amounts of currency and coin held as reserves, see table 1.12. Member Banks 1.12 RESERVES AND BORROWINGS A5 Depository Institutions Millions of dollars Monthly averages of daily figures Reserve classification 1 Reserve balances with Reserve Banks' 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Vault cash at institutions with required reserve balances 2 Vault cash equal to required reserves at other institutions Surplus vault cash at other institutions 3 . Reserve balances + total vault cash 4 Reserve balances + total vault cash used to satisfy reserve requirements 4 - 5 Required reserves (estimated) Excess reserve balances at Reserve Banks 4 - 6 Total borrowings at Reserve Banks Seasonal borrowings at Reserve Banks Large commercial banks Reserves held Required Excess Small commercial banks Reserves held Required Excess U.S. agencies and branches Reserves held Required Excess All other institutions Reserves held Required Excess 1981 1980 1979 Nov. Dec. Jan Dec. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. 32,473 32,755 32,125 31,384 28,923 29,164 29,976 29,215 15.311 26,664 18,149 27,114 19,293 .P 11,344 10,999 1J' ,141 11,287 11,262 11,811 11,678 11,876 12,602 13,587 n. a. n. a. 43,972 n,.a. n..a. 43,968 n.,a. n. a. 43,479 n. a. n. a. 42,859 n. a. n. a. 40,373 n.,a. n. a. 41,164 n. a. n.a. 41,815 439 2,996 44,674 704 4,843 44,940 700 5,006 46,520 n. a. 43,578 394 1,473 82 n..a. 43,785 183 1,028 63 n. a. 43,268 211 380 12 n. a. 42,575 284 395 7 n. a. 40,071 302 659 10 n. a. 40,908 256 1,311 26 n.a. 41,498 317 1,335 67 41,678 40,723 955 2,156 99 40.097 40,067 30 1,617 116 41,514 41,022 492 1,405 120 24,940 25,819 -879 26,267 26,600 -333 13,719 13,523 196 13,935 13,691 244 260 230 30 253 230 23 494 495 -1 513 501 12 n. a. n .a. n. a. n. a. n. a. n. a. n. a. n.,a. Weekly averages of daily figures for week ending 1 24 Reserve balances with Reserve Banks . . . . 25 Total vault cash (estimated) 26 Vault cash at institutions with required reserve balances 2 27 Vault cash equal to required reserves at other institutions Surplus vault cash at other institutions 3 . 28 29 Reserve balances + total vault cash 4 30 Reserve balances + total vault cash used to satisfy reserve requirements 4 - 5 31 Required reserves (estimated) 32 Excess reserve balances at Reserve Banks 4 - 6 33 Total borrowings at Reserve Banks 34 Seasonal borrowings at Reserve Banks Large commercial banks 35 Reserves held Required 36 37 Excess Small commercial banks 38 Reserves held 39 Required 40 Excess :... U.S. agencies and branches 41 Reserves held 42 Required Excess 43 All other institutions 44 Reserves held 45 Required 46 Excess Nov. 26 Dec. 3 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 28,068 16,937 27,510 18,317 26,096 18,064 27,572 18,317 27,659 17,663 27,277 18,482 27,718 17,841 26,900 20,390 27,809 20,244 26,508 18,827 11,385 12,413 12,531 12,660 12,345 12,954 12,498 14,268 14,066 13,736 730 4,822 45,134 740 5,164 45,955 700 4,833 44,288 700 4,957 46,013 700 4,618 45,456 700 4,828 45,882 700 4,643 45,681 700 5,422 47,403 700 5,478 48,165 700 4,391 45,442 40,312 39,995 317 2,215 115 40,791 39,910 881 2,142 110 39,455 39,193 262 1,786 111 41,056 40,554 502 1,505 124 40,838 40,029 809 1,649 119 41,054 40,558 496 1,627 116 41,038 40,374 664 1.117 112 41,981 41,240 741 1,332 105 42,687 42,180 507 1,419 123 41,051 40,651 400 1,793 137 25,354 25,724 -370 25,698 25,631 67 24,495 25,171 -676 25,584 26,248 -664 25,757 25,773 -16 25,700 26,163 -463 25,897 26,050 -153 26,698 26,797 -99 27,380 27,629 -249 25,881 26,222 -341 13,618 13,574 44 13,880 13,547 333 13.517 13,324 193 13,706 13,566 140 13,828 13,551 277 13,955 13,643 312 13,832 13,598 234 13,889 13,693 196 14,185 13,825 360 13,929 13,698 231 235 228 7 237 244 -7 244 230 14 274 223 51 261 221 40 262 234 28 271 242 29 264 221 43 252 223 29 244 231 13 487 469 18 500 488 12 454 468 -14 535 517 18 463 484 -21 527 518 9 565 484 81 529 529 0 496 503 -7 473 500 -27 1. Includes all reserve balances of depository institutions. 2. Prior to Nov. 13, 1980, the figures shown reflect only the vault cash held by member banks. 3. Total vault cash at institutions without required reserve balances less vault cash equal to their required reserves. 4. Adjusted to include waivers of penalties for reserve deficiencies in accordance with Board policy, effective Nov. 19, 1975, of permitting transitional relief on a graduated basis over a 24-month period when a nonmember bank merged into an Dec. 24 Dec. 31 Jan. 1P Jan. 14P Jan. 21 P Jan. 28P existing member bank, or when a nonmember bank joins the Federal Reserve System. For weeks for which figures are preliminary, figures by class of bank do not add to total because adjusted data by class are not available. 5. Reserve balances with Federal Reserve Banks plus vault cash at institutions with required reserve balances plus vault cash equal to required reserves at other institutions. 6. Reserve balances with Federal Reserve Banks plus vault cash used to satisfy reserve requirements less required reserves. (This measure of excess reserves is comparable to the old excess reserve concept published historically.) A6 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • February 1981 1.13 FEDERAL FUNDS AND REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS Large Member Banks' Averages of daily figures, in millions of dollars 1980 and 1981, week ending Wednesday By maturity and source Dec. 3 One day and continuing contract 1 Commercial banks in United States 2 Other depository institutions, foreign banks and foreign official institutions, and U.S. government agencies 3 Nonbank securities dealers 4 Allother Dec. 10' Dec. 17 Dec. 24' Dec. 31' Jan. 7 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 28 51,213 52,762 51,140 46,737 45,865 50,819 52,180 48,688 44,424 14,205 2,581 15,484 14,384 2,355 17,964 14,076 2,864 17,847 13,898 2,682 16,656 13,846 2,242 14,598 14,516 2,784 16,120 15,309 2,937 17,728 14,602 2,899 17,817 14,227 2,768 17,326 All other maturities 5 Commercial banks in United States 6 Other depository institutions, foreign banks and foreign official institutions, and U.S. government agencies 7 Nonbank securities dealers 8 Allother 4,501 4,001 4.070 4,324 5,266 4,606 4,181 3,993 4,196 7,225 4,494 12,147 7,300 4,139 10,304 7,534 4,136 9,981 7,750 4,495 10,820 7,738 4,491 13,847 7,112 4,150 12,062 7,138 4,085 11,356 7,058 4,652 11,864 7,303 4,916 12,377 MEMO: Federal funds and resale agreement loans in maturities of one day or continuing contract 9 Commercial banks in United States 10 Nonbank securities dealers 14,697 2,721 14,141 2,976 14,411 2,950 13,385 3,254 15,531 2,772 18,124 3,614 17,016 3,726 13,879 3,032 11,356 2,547 Banks with assets of $1 billion or more as of December 31, 1977. Policy Instruments 1.14 A7 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INTEREST RATES Percent per annum Current and previous levels Extended credit Short-term adjustment credit 1 Federal Reserve Bank Emergency credit to all others under section 133 Special circumstances 2 Seasonal credit Rate on 1/31/81 Effective date Previous rate Rate on 1/31/81 Effective date Previous rate Rate on 1/31/81 Effective date Previous rate Rate on 1/31/81 Effective date Previous rate Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta 13 13 13 13 13 13 12/8/80 12/5/80 12/8/80 12/5/80 12/5/80 12/5/80 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 12/8/80 12/5/80 12/8/80 12/5/80 12/5/80 12/5/80 12 12 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 12/8/80 12/5/80 12/8/80 12/5/80 12/5/80 12/5/80 13 13 13 13 13 13 16 16 16 16 16 16 12/8/80 12/5/80 12/8/80 12/5/80 12/5/80 12/5/80 15 15 15 15 15 15 Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco 13 13 13 13 13 13 12/8/80 12/5/80 12/5/80 12/5/80 12/8/80 12/5/80 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 12/8/80 12/5/80 12/5/80 12/5/80 12/8/80 12/5/80 12 12 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 12/8/80 12/5/80 12/5/80 12/5/80 12/8/80 12/5/80 13 13 13 13 13 13 16 16 16 16 16 16 12/8/80 12/5/80 12/5/80 12/5/80 12/8/80 12/5/80 15 15 15 15 15 15 Range of rates in recent years 4 - 5 Effective date In effect Dec. 31, 1970 1971— Jan. 8 15 19 22 29 Feb. 13 19 July 16 23 Nov. 11 19 Dec. 13 17 24 1973— Jan. 15 Feb. 26 Mar. 2 Apr. 23 May 4 11 18 June 11 15 July 2 Aug. 14 23 Range (or level)— All F.R. Banks F.R. Bank of N.Y. 514 51/4-5 Vi 514 51/4 51/4 5V4 5-51/4 5-51/4 5 43/4-5 43/4 43/4-5 5 43/4-5 43/4 4^-43/4 41/2-43/4 4 Yi 5 5-51/2 5Vi 514-53/4 53/4 53/4-6 6 6-6 VI> 6Y1 1 1-lVi IVZ 51/4 5 5 5 43/4 5 5 5 43/4 43/4 414 4 Vi 5 5l4 5 Vi 5 Vi 53/4 6 6 6P2 6V1 1 iVi lYi Effective date 1974— Apr. 25 30 Dec. 9 16 1975— Jan. 6 10 24 Feb. 5 7 Mar. 10 14 May 16 1976— Jan. 19 23 Nov. 22 26 1977— Aug. 30 31 Sept. 2 Oct. 26 1978— Jan. 9 20 May 11 12 July 3 1. Effective Dec. 5, 1980, a 3 percent surcharge was applied to short term adjustment credit borrowings by institutions with deposits of $500 million or more who borrowed in successive weeks or in more than 4 weeks in a calendar quarter. 2. Applicable to advances when exceptional circumstances or practices involve only a particular depository institution as described in section 201.3(b) (2) of Regulation A. 3. Applicable to emergency advances to individuals, partnerships, and corporations as described in section 201.3(c) of Regulation A. Range (or level)— All F.R. Banks F.R. Bank of N.Y. 714-8 8 73/V8 73/4 7V4 IVA 71/4 6 3 /4-7V4 63/4 61/4-63/4 61/4 6-61/4 514-6 5Vz 5V4-51/2 5V4 51/4-53/4 51/4-53/4 53/4 6 73/4 73/4 71/4 71/4 71/4 63/4 6 3 /4 61/4 61/4 6 5Vz 5Vi 5V4 51/4 51/4 53/4 53/4 6 6 6 Vz 614 6VS-7 7 7-7V4 7 7 71/4 6^ Effective date Range (or level)— All F.R. Banks F.R. Bank of N.Y. 71/4 73/4 10 21 22 16 20 Nov. 1 3 8-8 ¥2 SVi 814-914 9Vz 7V4 73/4 8 814 m 914 9Vi 1979— July 20 Aug. 17 20 Sept. 19 21 Oct. 8 10 10 10-1014 10V2 1014-11 11 11-12 12 10 10 14 10V5 11 11 12 12 1978— July Aug. Sept. Oct. 1980— Feb. 15 19 May 29 30 June 13 16 July 28 29 Sept. 26 Nov. 17 Dec. 5 8 In effect Jan. 31, 1981 12-13 13 12-13 12 11-12 11 10-11 10 11 12 12-13 13 13 13 13 13 12 11 11 10 10 11 12 13 13 13 4. Rates for short-term adjustment credit. For description and earlier data see the following publications of the Board of Governors: Banking and Monetary Statistics, 1914-1941 and 1941-1970; Annual Statistical Digest, 1971-1975, 1972-1976, 1973-1977, and 1974-1978. 5. Twice in 1980, the Federal Reserve applied a surcharge to short-term adjustment credit borrowings by institutions with deposits of $500 million or more who had borrowed in successive weeks or in more than 4 weeks in a calendar quarter. A 3 percent surcharge was in effect from Mar. 17, 1980, through May 7, 1980. On Nov. 17,1980, a 2 percent surcharge was adopted which was subsequently raised to 3 percent on Dec. 5, 1980. A8 1.15 D o m e s t i c Financial Statistics • February 1981 DEPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS RESERVE REQUIREMENTS' Percent of deposits Type of deposit, and deposit interval in millions of dollars Net demand2 0-2 2-10 KM 00 100-400 Over 400 Time and savings2-3 Savings Time 4 0-5. by maturity 30-179 days 180 davs to 4 years 4 years or more Over 5, bv maturity 30-179 days 180 davs to 4 years 4 years or more Member bank requirements before implementation of the Monetary Control Act Percent Effective date 7 9'/: IP/4 12v4 16»/4 12/30/76 12/30/76 12/30/76 12/30/76 12/30/76 3 Depository institution requirements after implementation of the Monetary Control Act s Percent Effective date 3 12 11/13/80 11/13/80 Nonpersonal time deposits1 By original maturity Less than 4 years 4 years or more 3 0 11/13/80 11/13/80 Eurocurrency All types 3 11/13/80 Net transaction accounts6 $0—$25 million Over $25 million 3/16/67 3 2'/: 1 3/16/67 1/8/76 10/30/75 6 2'/: 1 12/12/74 1/8/76 10/30/75 1. For changes in reserve requirements beginning 1963. see Board's Annual Statistical Digest, 1971-1975 and for prior changes, see Board's Annual Report for 1976. table 13. Under provisions of the Monetary Control Act. depository institutions include commercial banks, mutual savings banks, savings and loan associations. credit unions, agencies and branches of foreign banks, and Edge Act corporations. 2. (a) Requirement schedules are graduated, and each deposit interval applies to that part of the deposits of each bank. Demand deposits subject to reserve requirements are gross demand deposits minus cash items in process of collection and demand balances due from domestic banks. (b) The Federal Reserve Act as amended through 1978 specified different ranges of requirements for reserve city banks and for other banks. Reserve cities were designated under a criterion adopted effective Nov. 9. 1972, by which a bank having net demand deposits of more than $400 million was considered to have the character of business of a reserve city bank. The presence of the head office of such a bank constituted designation of that place as a reserve city. Cities in which there were Federal Reserve Banks or branches were also reserve cities. Any banks having net demand deposits of $400 million or less were considered to have the character of business of banks outside of reserve cities and were permitted to maintain reserves at ratios set for banks not in reserve cities. (c) Effective Aug. 24, 1978, the Regulation M reserve requirements on net balances due from domestic banks to their foreign branches and on deposits that foreign branches lend to U.S residents were reduced to zero from 4 percent and 1 percent, respectively. The Regulation D reserve requirement on borrowings from unrelated banks abroad was also reduced to zero from 4 percent. (d) Effective with the reserve computation period beginning Nov. 16. 1978. domestic deposits of Edge corporations were subject to the same reserve requirements as deposits of member banks. 3. (a) Negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) accounts and time deposits such as Christmas and vacation club accounts were subject to the same requirements as savings deposits. (b) The average reserve requirement on savings and other time deposits before implementation of the Monetary Control Act had to be at least 3 percent, the minimum specified by law. 4. (a) Effective Nov. 2, 1978, a supplementary reserve requirement of 2 percent was imposed on large time deposits of $100.000 or more, obligations of affiliates, and ineligible acceptances. This supplementary requirement was eliminated with the maintenance period beginning July 24. 1980. ^ Type of deposit, and deposit interval liabilities (b) Effective with the reserve maintenance period beginning Oct. 25, 1979. a marginal reserve requirement of 8 percent was added to managed liabilities in excess of a base amount. This marginal requirement was increased to 10 percent beginning April 3. 1980. was decreased to 5 percent beginning June 12. 1980. and was reduced to zero beginning July 24. 1980. Managed liabilities are defined as large time deposits. Eurodollar borrowings, repurchase agreements against U.S. government and federal agency securities, federal funds borrowings from nonmember institutions, and certain other obligations. In general, the base for the marginal reserve requirement was originally the greater of (a) $100 million or (b) the average amount of the managed liabilities held by a member bank. Edge corporation, or family of U.S. branches and agencies of a foreign bank for the two statement weeks ending Sept. 26. 1979. For the computation period beginning Mar. 20. 1980. the base was lowered by (a) 7 percent or (b) the decrease in an institution's U.S. office gross loans to foreigners and gross balances due from foreign offices of other institutions between the base period (Sept. 13-26. 1979) and the week ending Mar. 12. 1980. whichever was greater. For the computation period beginning May 29. 1980. the base was increased by 7 !/2 percent above the base used to calculate the marginal reserve in the statement week of May 14-21. 1980. In addition, beginning Mar. 19. 1980. the base was reduced to the extent that foreign loans and balances declined. 5. For existing nonmember banks and thrift institutions, there is a phase-in period ending Sept. 3. 1987. For existing member banks the phase-in period is about three years, depending on whether their new reserve requirements are greater or less than the old requirements. For existing agencies and branches of foreign banks, the phase-in ends Aug. 12. 1982. All new institutions will have a two-year phase-in beginning with the date that they open for business. 6. Transaction accounts include all deposits on which the account holder is permitted to make withdrawals by negotiable or transferable instruments, payment orders of withdrawal, telephone and preauthorized transfers (in excess of three per month), for the purpose of making payments to third persons or others. 7. In general, nonpersonal time deposits are time deposits, including savings deposits, that are not transaction accounts and in which the beneficial interest is held by a depositor that is not a natural person. Also included are certain transferable time deposits held by natural persons, and certain obligations issued to depository institution offices located outside the United States. For details, see section 204.2 of Regulation D. NOIL. Required reserves must be held in the form of deposits with Federal Reserve Banks or vault cash. After implementation of the Monetary Control Act. nonmembers may maintain reserves on a pass-through basis with certain approved institutions. Policy Instruments A9 1.16 MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES PAYABLE on Time and Savings Deposits at Federally Insured Institutions Percent per annum Commercial banks Type and maturity of deposit In effect Jan. 31, 1981 Previous maximum 13 14 5V4 5^4 7/1/79 12/31/80 SVA 8/1/79 1/1/80 7/1/73 7/1/73 11/1/73 12/23/74 6/1/78 6/1/78 53/4 6 61/2 IVa l¥i 73/4 6/1/78 In effect Jan. 31, 1981 Effective date Effective date 1 Savings 2 Negotiable order of withdrawal accounts 2 Time accounts 3 Fixed ceiling rates by maturity 4 14-89 days * 3 4 90 days to 1 year 5 1 to 2 years ' 6 2 to 2¥i years 7 7 to 4 years 7 8 4 to 6 years 8 9 6 to 8 years 8 10 8 years or more 8 11 Issued to governmental units (all maturities) 10 . . . . 12 Individual retirement accounts and Keogh (H.R. 10) plans (3 years or more) 1 0 1 1 Savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks 5 5¥i 51/2 9 53/4 53/4 () 7 (6) . ^ 7^4 V/4 73/4 Effective date 7/1/73 1/1/74 5Vi 7/1/73 7/1/73 1/21/70 1/21/70 1/21/70 () 6 6'/2 5W 5V4 5 6 1/1/80 ( )3 5 /4 (') 0) ' 12/23/74 11/1/73 12/23/74 6/1/78 6/1/78 7/6/77 6/1/78 11/1/73 Percent 7/1/79 12/31/80 6 63/4 7V2 73/4 Previous maximum l¥i I 73/4 73/4 Special variable ceiling rates by maturity 6-month money market time deposits 12 2¥i years or more 1. July 1, 1973, for mutual savings banks; July 6, 1973, for savings and loan associations. 2. For authorized states only, federally insured commercial banks, savings and loan associations, cooperative banks, and mutual savings banks in Massachusetts and New Hampshire were first permitted to offer negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) accounts on Jan. 1, 1974. Authorization to issue NOW accounts was extended to similar institutions throughout New England on Feb. 27, 1976, and in New York State on Nov. 10, 1978, and in New Jersey on Dec. 28, 1979. Authorization to issue NOW accounts was extended to similar institutions nationwide effective Dec. 31, 1980. 3. For exceptions with respect to certain foreign time deposits see the FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN for O c t o b e r 1962 (p. 1279), A u g u s t 1965 (p. 1084), a n d Feb- ruary 1968 (p. 167). 4. Effective Nov. 10, 1980, the minimum notice period for public unit accounts at savings and loan associations was decreased to 14 days and the minimum maturity period for time deposits at savings and loan associations in excess of $100,000 was decreased to 14 days. Effective Oct. 30, 1980, the minimum maturity or notice period for time deposits was decreased from 30 days to 14 days for mutual savings banks. 5. Effective Oct. 30, 1980, the minimum maturity or notice period for time deposits was decreased from 30 days to 14 days for commercial banks. 6. No separate account category. 7. No minimum denomination. Until July 1, 1979, a minimum of $1,000 was required for savings and loan associations, except in areas where mutual savings banks permitted lower minimum denominations. This restriction was removed for deposits maturing in less than 1 year, effective Nov. 1, 1973. 8. No minimum denomination. Until July 1, 1979, minimum denomination was $1,000 except for deposits representing funds contributed to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or a Keogh (H.R. 10) plan established pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code. The $1,000 minimum requirement was removed for such accounts in December 1975 and November 1976 respectively. 9. Between July 1, 1973, and Oct. 31, 1973, there was no ceiling for certificates maturing in 4 years or more with minimum denominations of $1,000; however, the amount of such certificates that an institution could issue was limited to 5 percent of its total time and savings deposits. Sales in excess of that amount, as well as certificates of less than $1,000, were limited to the 6V1 percent ceiling on time deposits maturing in 2¥1 years or more. Effective Nov. 1, 1973, ceilings were reimposed on certificates maturing in 4 years or more with minimum denomination of $1,000. There is no limitation on the amount of these certificates that banks can issue. 10. Accounts subject to fixed rate ceilings. See footnote 8 for minimum denomination requirements. 11. Effective January 1, 1980, commercial banks are permitted to pay the same rate as thrifts on IRA and Keogh accounts and accounts of governmental units when such deposits are placed in the new 2h-year or more variable ceiling certificates or in 26-week money market certificates regardless of the level of the Treasury bill rate. 12. Must have a maturity of exactly 26 weeks and a minimum denomination of $10,000, and must be nonnegotiable. 13. Commercial banks, savings and loan associations, and mutual savings banks were authorized to offer money market time deposits effective June 1, 1978. The ceiling rate for commercial banks on money market time deposits entered into before June 5, 1980, is the discount rate (auction average) on most recently issued six-month U.S. Treasury bills. Until Mar. 15, 1979, the ceiling rate for savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks was ¥4 percentage point higher than the rate for commercial banks. Beginning March 15, 1979, the y4-percentage-point interest differential is removed when the six-month Treasury bill rate is 9 percent or more. The full differential is in effect when the six-month bill rate is 83/4 percent or less. Thrift institutions may pay a maximum 9 percent when the six-month bill rate is between 83/4 and 9 percent. Also effective March 15. 1979, interest compounding was prohibited on six-month money market time deposits at all offering institutions. The maximum allowable rates in January for commercial banks and thrift institutions were as follows: Jan. 1, 13.661; Jan. 8, 13.432; Jan. 15, 14.478; Jan. 22, 14.721; Jan. 29, 14.371. Effective for all six-month money market certificates issued beginning June 5, 1980, the interest rate ceilings will be determined by the discount rate (auction average) of most recently issued six-month U.S. Treasury bills as follows: Bill rate Commercial bank ceiling Thrift ceiling 8.75 and above bill rate + ¥4 percent bill rate -I- V4 percent 8.50 to 8.75 bill rate + Va percent 9.00 7.50 to 8.50 bill rate + ¥4 percent bill rate + ¥1 percent 7.25 to 7.50 7.75 bill rate + ¥2 percent Below 7.25 7.75 7.75 The prohibition against compounding interest in these certificates continues. 14. Effective Jan. 1, 1980, commercial banks, savings and loan associations, and mutual savings banks were authorized to offer variable-ceiling nonnegotiable time deposits with no required minimum denomination and with maturities of 2¥i years or more. The maximum rate for commercial banks is 3/4 percentage point below the yield on 2V2-year U.S. Treasury securities; the ceiling rate for thrift institutions is ¥4 percentage point higher than that for commercial banks. Effective Mar. 1, 3 1980, a temporary ceiling of ll /4 percent was placed on these accounts at commercial banks; the temporary ceiling is 12 percent at savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks. Effective for all variable ceiling nonnegotiable time deposits with maturities of 2^2 years or more issued beginning June 2, 1980, the ceiling rates of interest will be determined as follows: Treasury yield Commercial bank ceiling Thrift ceiling 12.00 and above 11.75 12.00 9.50 to 12.00 Treasury yield — ¥4 percent Treasury yield Below 9.50 9.25 9.50 Interest may be compounded on these time deposits. The ceiling rates of interest at which these accounts may be offered vary biweekly. The maximum allowable rates in January for commercial banks were as follows: Jan. 8, 11.75; Jan. 22, 11.75. The maximum allowable rates in January for thrift institutions were as follows: Jan. 8, 12.00; Jan. 22, 12.00. 15. Between July 1, 1979, and Dec. 31, 1979, commercial banks, savings and loan associations, and mutual savings banks were authorized to offer variable ceiling accounts with no required minimum denomination and with maturities of 4 years or more. The maximum rate for commercial banks was 1V4 percentage points below the yield on 4-year U.S. Treasury securities; the ceiling rate for thrift institutions was ¥4 percentage point higher than that for commercial banks. NOTE. Before Mar. 31, 1980, the maximum rates that could be paid by federally insured commercial banks, mutual savings banks, and savings and loan associations were established by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board under the provisions of 12 CFR 217, 329, and 526, respectively. Title II of the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 (P.L. 96-221) transferred the authority of the agencies to establish maximum rates of interest payable on deposits to the Depository Institutions Deregulation Committee. The maximum rates on time deposits in denominations of $100,000 or more with maturities of 30-89 days were suspended in June 1970; such deposits maturing in 90 days or more were suspended in May 1973. For information regarding previous interest rate ceilings on all types of accounts, see earlier issues of the FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board Journal, and the Annual Report of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corpo- A10 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • February 1981 1.17 FEDERAL RESERVE OPEN MARKET TRANSACTIONS Millions of dollars 1980 Type of transaction 1978 1979 1980 June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. U . S . GOVERNMENT SECURITIES Outright transactions (excluding matched salepurchase transactions) 1 2 3 4 Treasury bills Gross purchases Gross sales Exchange Redemptions 5 6 7 8 9 Others within 1 year1 Gross purchases Gross sales Maturity shift Exchange Redemptions 16,628 13,725 0 2,033 15,998 6,855 0 2,900 7,668 7,331 0 3,389 322 0 0' 0 0 2,264 0 950 0 47 0 0 200 237 0 0 991 531 0 700 0 600 0 500 1,331 0 0 49 1,184 0 -5,170 3,203 0 17,339 -11,308 2,600 912 0 12,427 -18,251 0 121 0 412 -1,479 0 0 0 311 -788 0 137 0 2,423 -3,134 0 0 0 589 -1,459 0 0 0 596 -420 0 0 0 2,368 -879 0 100 0 754 -967 0 0 10 11 12 13 I to 5 years Gross purchases Gross sales Maturity shift Exchange 4,188 0 2,148 0 -12,693 7,508 2,138 0 -8,909 13,412 465 0 -412 1,479 0 0 -311 788 541 0 -720 1,750 0 0 -589 1,459 0 0 -596 420 0 0 -2,368 500 0 0 -754 967 14 lb 16 17 5 to 10 years Gross purchases Gross sales Maturity shift Exchange 1,526 0 2 803 523 0 -4,646 2,181 703 0 -3,092 2,970 164 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 236 0 -1,703 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 220 0 0 0 0 18 19 20 21 Over 10 years Gross purchases Gross sales Maturity shift Exchange 1,063 0 2 545 454 0 0 1,619 811 0 -426 1,869 129 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 320 0 0 384 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 159 0 0 0 0 22 23 24 All maturities1 Gross purchases Gross sales Redemptions 24,591 13,725 2,033 22,325 6,855 5,500 12,232 7,331 3,389 1,200 0 0 0 2,264 950 1,234 47 0 200 237 0 991 531 700 0 600 500 1,431 0 49 25 26 Matched transactions Gross sales Gross purchases 511,126 510,854 627,350 624,192 674,000 675,496 50,590 52,076 48,370 46,023 72,315 71,645 55,766 56,207 55,787 56,462 40,944 41,129 79,754 78,734 27 28 Repurchase agreements Gross purchases Gross sales 151,618 152,436 107,051 106,968 113,902 113,040 12,810 15,258 10,719 10,110 2,783 3,016 3,203 2,743 20,145 19,808 24,169 23,924 11,534 11,381 7,743 6,896 3,869 238 -4,952 284 863 771 -670 516 301 173 235 853 399 134 668 0 145 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 * 0 0 91 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 22 40,567 40,885 37,321 36,960 28,895 28,863 3,035 3,351 1,737 1,242 1,082 1,132 977 1,188 5.922 5,734 4,825 4,880 1,889 1,767 -426 681 555 -318 492 -50 -302 167 -55 99 36 Outright transactions, net 37 Repurchase agreements, net 0 -366 0 116 0 73 0 7 0 -64 0 -33 0 222 0 67 0 -43 0 253 38 Net change in bankers acceptances -366 116 73 7 -64 -33 222 67 -43 253 39 Total net change in System Open Market Account 6,951 7,693 4,497 -73 -4,523 202 784 1,005 -768 868 29 Net change in U.S. government securities FEDERAL AGENCY OBLIGATIONS 30 31 32 Outright transactions Gross purchases Gross sales Redemptions 33 34 Repurchase agreements Gross purchases Gross sales 35 Net change in federal agency obligations BANKERS ACCEPTANCES 1. Both gross purchases and redemptions include special certificates created when the Treasury borrows directly from the Federal Reserve, as follows (millions of dollars): March 1979, 2,600. NOTE. Sales, redemptions, and negative figures reduce holdings of the System Open Market Account; all other figures increase such holdings. Details may not add to totals because of rounding. Reserve Banks 1.18 FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS All Condition and Federal Reserve Note Statements Millions of dollars End of month Wednesday Account 1980 1980 1981 Jan. 7 Dec. 31 Jan. 14 Nov. Jan. 28 Jan. 21 1981 Jan. Dec. Consolidated condition statement ASSETS 1 Gold certificate account 2 Special drawing rights certificate account 3 Coin Loans 4 To depository institutions 5 Other Acceptances 6 Held under repurchase agreements Federal agency obligations / Bought outright 8 Held under repurchase agreements U.S. government securities Bought outright 9 Bills 10 Notes 11 Bonds 12 Total 1 13 Held under repurchase agreements 14 Total U.S. government securities 15 Total loans and securities 16 Cash items in process of collection 17 Bank premises Other assets 18 Denominated in foreign currencies 2 19 Allother 20 Total assets 11,161 2,518 397 11,161 2,518 389 11,160 2,518 399 11,159 2,518 425 11,159 2,518 447 11,162 3.368 416 11,161 2,518 397 11,159 2,518 468 1,809 0 854 0 2,539 1,349 0 1.809 0 1,304 0 1,553 0 2,284 0 776 0 0 0 0 523 776 0 8,739 525 8,739 0 8,739 8,739 0 8,739 0 8,761 404 8,739 525 8,739 0 43,688 58.718 16,893 119,299 2,029 121,328 41,720 58,718 16,893 117,331 0 117,331 45,960 58,718 16.893 121,571 38,201 58,718 16,893 113,812 39,527 58,718 16,893 115,138 0 0 0 121,571 113,812 115,138 43,425 58,618 16,893 118,936 1,876 120,812 43,688 58,718 16,893 119,299 2,029 121,328 41,558 58,718 16,893 117,169 0 117,169 133,177 126,924 132,849 123,900 125,430 132,784 133,177 127,212 12,554 457 13,657 456 10,521 459 11,702 458 8,654 458 12,831 457 12,554 457 7,865 458 5,104 3,177 5,043 3,327 5,232 3,147 5,414 3,326 5,974 3,448 3,631 2,451 5,104 3,177 5,993 3,385 168,545 163,475 166,285 158,902 158,088 167,100 168,545 159,058 0 0 LIABILITIES 124,241 122,951 121,444 119,746 118,808 121.191 124,241 118,147 22 23 24 25 27,456 3,062 411 617 24,507 3,217 257 529 29,807 2,814 301 370 23,850 3,013 248 536 25,323 2,974 302 439 31,528 2,435 368 478 27,456 3,062 411 617 26,621 3,038 573 515 26 Total deposits 31,546 28,510 33,292 27,647 29,038 34,809 31,546 30,747 8,087 2,265 7,136 2,209 6,658 2,222 6,808 2,058 5,593 2,017 6,039 2,317 8,087 2,265 5,585 1,957 166,139 160,806 163,616 156,259 155,456 164,356 166,139 156,436 1,203 1,203 1,203 1,203 263 1,203 1,203 263 1,204 1,203 236 1,208 1,203 221 1,199 1,145 400 1,203 1,203 0 0 1,208 1,203 211 168,545 163,475 166,285 158,902 158,088 167,100 168,545 159,058 91,795 92,871 92,983 92,520 93,027 90,529 91,795 92,756 21 Federal Reserve notes Deposits Depository institutions U.S. Treasury—General account Foreign—Official accounts Other 27 Deferred availability cash items 28 Other liabilities and accrued dividends 3 29 Total liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 30 Capital paid in 31 Surplus 32 Other capital accounts 33 Total liabilities and capital accounts 34 MEMO: Marketable U.S. government securities held in custody for foreign and international account Federal Reserve note statement 35 Federal Reserve notes outstanding (issued to bank) Less-held by bank 4 36 37 Federal Reserve notes, net Collateral for Federal Reserve notes 38 Gold certificate account 39 Special drawing rights certificate account 40 Other eligible assets 41 U.S. government and agency securities 42 Total collateral ... 140,184 15,943 124,241 140,256 17,305 122,951 140,467 19,023 121,444 140,599 20,853 119,746 140,843 22,035 118,808 138,699 17,508 121,191 140,184 15,943 124,241 140,717 22,570 118,147 11,161 2,518 0 110,562 11,161 2,518 0 109,272 11,160 2,518 0 107,766 11,159 2,518 0 106,069 11,159 2,518 0 105,131 11,162 3,368 0 106,661 11,161 2,518 0 110,562 11,159 2,518 0 104,470 124,241 122,951 121,444 119,746 118,808 121,191 124,241 118,147 1. Includes securities loaned—fully guaranteed by U.S. government securities pledged with Federal Reserve Banks—and excludes (if any) securities sold and scheduled to be bought back under matched sale-purchase transactions. 2. Includes U.S. government securities held under repurchase agreement against receipt of foreign currencies and foreign currencies warehoused for the U.S. Treasury. Assets shown in this line are revalued monthly at market exchange rates. 3. Includes exchange-translation account reflecting the monthly revaluation at market exchange rates of foreign-exchange commitments. 4. Beginning September 1980, Federal Reserve notes held by the Reserve Bank are exempt from the collateral requirement. A12 1.19 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • February 1981 FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS Maturity Distribution of Loan and Security Holdings Millions of dollars End of month Wednesday Type and maturity groupings 1980 1980 1981 Dec. 31 Jan. 7 Jan. 21 Jan. 14 Nov. 30 Jan. 28 1981 Dec. 31 Jan. 31 1 Loans—Total 2 Within 15 davs 3 16 days to 90 days 4 91 days to 1 year 1,809 1.757 52 0 854 768 86 0 2,539 2,464 75 0 1,349 1,310 39 0 1,553 1,505 48 0 2,283 2,272 11 0 1,809 1,757 52 0 1,304 1,255 49 0 5 Acceptances—Total 6 Within 15 days 7 16 days to 90 days 8 91 days to 1 year 776 776 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 523 523 0 0 776 776 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 U.S. government securities—Total 10 Within 15 days1 11 16 days to 90 days 12 91 days to 1 year 13 Over 1 year to 5 years 14 Over 5 years to 10 years 15 Over 10 years 121,328 4,780 23,499 30,187 34.505 13,355 15,002 117.331 1.931 21,652 30.886 34,505 13,355 15,002 121,571 4,244 23,635 30,831 34,505 13,354 15.002 113,812 3,547 16,769 30,634 34,505 13,355 15,002 115,138 4,385 19,948 27,943 34,505 13,355 15,002 120,812 5,494 23,086 28,934 34,942 13.354 15,002 121,328 4,780 23,499 30,187 34,505 13,355 15,002 117,169 2,125 24,904 27,279 34,505 13,354 15,002 16 Federal agency obligations—Total 17 Within 15 days1 18 16 days to 90 days 19 91 days to 1 year 20 Over 1 year to 5 years 21 Over 5 years to 10 years 22 Over 10 years 9,264 705 426 1,519 4,837 1.092 685 8,739 31 582 1,508 4,862 1.071 685 8,739 31 604 1,586 4,762 1,071 685 8,739 73 550 1,750 4,597 1,085 684 8,739 73 550 1.750 4,597 1,085 684 9,165 556 467 1,495 4.870 1.092 685 9,264 705 426 1,519 4,837 1.092 685 8,739 73 550 1,749 4,597 1,085 685 1. Holdings under repurchase agreements are classified as maturing within 15 days in accordance with maximum maturity of the agreements. 1.20 BANK DEBITS AND DEPOSIT TURNOVER Debits are shown in billions of dollars, turnover as ratio of debits to deposit. Monthly data are at annual rates. 1980 Bank group, or type of customer 1977 1979 1978 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Debits to demand deposits1 (seasonally adjusted) 1 All commercial banks 2 Major New York City banks 3 Other banks 34,322.8 13,860.6 20,462.2 40.297.8 15.008.7 25.289.1 49,750.7 18.512.2 31,238.5 63,088.5 25,538.8 37.549.8 65,385.9 26,705.7 38,680.2 65,111.5 26,103.5 39,008.0 65.645.5 26,034.2 39,611.4 67.780.0 26.822.1 40,957.9 193.0 98.6 775.5 1,067.1 172.8 94.2 570.2 837.2 201.4 779.3 135.0 209.7 842.2 140.5 10.0 8.9 4.3 5.0 8.4 8.6 3.2 4.0 Debits to savings deposits2 (not seasonally adjusted) 4 5 6 7 ATS/NOW 3 Business4 Others 5 All accounts 5.5 21.7 152.3 179.5 17.1 56.7 359.7 432.9 83.3 77.4 557.6 718.2 161.6 85.1 633.7 880.4 145.2 84.9 631.1 861.2 175.0 91.4 719.2 985.6 Demand deposit turnover 1 (seasonally adjusted) 8 All commercial banks 9 Major New York City banks 10 Other banks 129.2 503.0 85.9 139.4 541.9 96.8 163.4 646.2 113.2 203.7 844.5 134.4 205.5 859.6 134.7 202.1 818.5 134.4 Savings deposit turnover 2 (not seasonally adjusted) 11 12 13 14 ATS/NOW 3 Business4 Others 5 All accounts 6.5 4.1 1.5 1.7 1. Represents accounts of individuals, partnerships, and corporations, and of states and political subdivisions. 2. Excludes special club accounts, such as Christmas and vacation clubs. 3. Accounts authorized for negotiable orders of withdrawal (NOW) and accounts authorized for automatic transfer to demand deposits (ATS). ATS data availability starts with December 1978. 4. Represents corporations and other profit-seeking organizations (excluding commercial banks but including savings and loan associations, mutual savings banks, credit unions, the Export-Import Bank, and federally sponsored lending agencies). 5. Savings accounts other than NOW; business; and, from December 1978. ATS. 7.0 5.1 1.7 1.9 7.8 7.2 2.9 3.3 9.7 8.5 3.6 4.3 8.2 7.9 3.5 4.1 9.4 8.5 4.0 4.7 NOTE: Historical data for the period 1970 through June 1977 have been estimated; these estimates are based in part on the debits series for 233 SMSAs, which were available through June 1977. Back data are available from Publications Services, Division of Administrative Services, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Washington. D.C. 20551. Debits and turnover data for savings deposits are not available before July 1977. Monetary Aggregates 1.21 A13 MONEY STOCK MEASURES AND COMPONENTS Billions of dollars, averages of daily figures 1977 Dec. Item 1978 Dec. 1979 Dec.' 1980 1980 Dec. July Aug/ Sept.' Oct/ Nov/ Dec. Seasonally adjusted MEASURES 1 1 2 3 4 5 M-1A M-1B M-2 M-3 L2 379.5 402.7 1,632.5 1,889.5 2,282.7 383.4 408.0 1,644.4 1,904.6 2,306.5 386.3 412.0 1,656.5 1,921.8 2,318.8 388.4 415.0 1,670.8 1,946.1 2,346.,5 384.8 411.9 1,673.6 1,958.1 n.a. 373.5 395.5 1,612.5 1,867.7 2,258.2 116.4 268.4 394.2 762.8 247.9 112.1 261.4 398.0 712.4 224.0 113.5 266.0 408.1 712.6 223.3 113.9 269.5 412.1 716.4 226.8 115.1 271.2 414.2 723.6 229.8 115.8 272.6 407.9 741.6 238.8 116.4 268.4 394.2 762.8 247.9 328.4 332.6' 1,294.1 1,460.3 1,720.2' 351.6 360.1' 1,401.5 1,623.6 1,934.9' 369.8 386.9 1,526.0 1,775.5 2,151.8 384.8 411.9 1,673.6 1,958.1 88.7 239.7 486.4' 454.9 145.2 97.6 253.9 475.8' 533.8 194.7 106.3 263.5 417.0 656.2 219.0 n.a. COMPONENTS 6 7 8 9 10 Currency Demand deposits Savings deposits Small-denomination time deposits 3 Large-denomination time deposits 4 .... .... Not seasonally adjusted MEASURES 1 11 12 13 14 15 M-1A M-1B M-2 M-3 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Currency Demand deposits Other checkable deposits 5 Overnight RPs and Eurodollars 6 Money market mutual funds Savings deposits Small-denomination time deposits 3 Large-denomination time deposits 4 L2 377.3 400.5 1,629.5 1,886.6 2,278.6 382.6 407.2 1,642.3 1,902.3 2,296.1 388.0 413.7 1,656.9 1,923.0 2,317.6 391.1 417.7 1,665.7 1,942.1 2,344.7 394.7 421.8 1,675.0 1,963.0 n.a. 375.5 397.5 1,618.0 1,870.8 2,259.6 118.5 276.2 27.1 32.2 75.8 391.5 757.0 251.4 112.7 262.7 22.0 29.1 80.6 401.0 712.9 221.7 113.7 263.6 23.2 31.6 80.7 408.8 711.1 223.3 113.7 268.9 24.6 32.9 78.2 412.4 714.9 226.5 114.9 273.1 25.7 32.5 77.4 412.9 723.7 230.6 116.6 274.5 26.6 32.6 77.0 405.8 735.9 240.0 118.5 276.2 27.1 32.2 75.8 391.5 757.0 251.4 337.2 341.4' 1,295.9 1,464.5 1,723.2' 360.9 369.5' 1,403.6' 1,629.2 1,938.3' 379.4 396.4 1,527.7 1,780.8 2,154.3 394.7 421.8 1,675.0 1,963.0 90.3 247.0 4.2' 18.6 3.8 483.1' 451.3 147.7 99.4 261.5 8.6' 23.9 10.3 472.6' 529.8 198.2 108.3 271.1 17.0 25.3 43.6 414.1 651.2 222.6 n.a. COMPONENTS .... .... 1. Composition of the money stock measures is as follows: M-1A: Averages of daily figures for (1) demand deposits at all commercial banks other than those due to domestic banks, the U.S. government, and foreign banks and official institutions less cash items in the process of collection and Federal Reserve float; and (2) currency outside the Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks, and the vaults of commercial banks. M-1B: M-1A plus negotiable order of withdrawal and automatic transfer service accounts at banlks and thrift institutions, credit union share draft accounts, and demand deposits at mutual savings banks. M-2: M-1B plus savings and small-denomination time deposits at all depository institutions, overnight repurchase agreements at commercial banks, overnight Eurodollars held by U.S. residents other than banks at Caribbean branches of member banks, and money market mutual fund shares. M-3: M-2 plus large-denomination time deposits at all depository institutions and term RPs at commercial banks and savings and loan associations. 2. L: M-3 plus other liquid assets such as term Eurodollars held by U.S. residents other than banks, bankers acceptances, commercial paper. Treasury bills and other liquid Treasury securities, and U.S. savings bonds. 3. Small-denomination time deposits are those issued in amounts of less than $100,000. 4. Large-denomination time deposits are those issued in amounts of $100,000 or more and are net of the holdings of domestic banks, thrift institutions, the U.S. government, money market mutual funds, and foreign banks and official institutions. 5. Includes ATS and NOW balances at all institutions, credit union share draft balances, and demand deposits at mutual savings banks. 6. Overnight (and continuing contract) RPs are those issued by commercial banks to the nonbank public, and overnight Eurodollars are those issued by Caribbean branches of member banks to U.S. nonbank customers. NOTE. Latest monthly and weekly figures are available from the Board's H.6(508) release. Back data are available from the Banking Section, Division of Research and Statistics. A14 1.22 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • February 1981 A G G R E G A T E R E S E R V E S O F D E P O S I T O R Y INSTITUTIONS! A N D M E M B E R B A N K D E P O S I T S Billions of dollars, averages of daily figures 1980 Item 1978 Dec. 1979 Dec .' 1980 Dec. July June Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. 2 ' Dec. Seasonally adjusted 1 Total reserves 3 41.16 43.46 40.13 43.96 42.78 40.75 41.52 41.73 41.23 40.13 2 Nonborrowed reserves 3 Required reserves 4 Monetary base 4 40.29 40.93 142.2 41.98 43.13 153.7 38.44 39.58 159.8 43.58 43.76 159.0' 42.39 42.50 158.8 40.09 40.45 158.2 40.21 41.26 159.5 40.42 41.52 160.9 39.17 40.73 160.7 38.44 39.58 159.8 5 Member bank deposits subject to reserve requirements 5 616.1 644.5 701.8 658.0 658.5 667.8 678.2 684.7 694.3 701.8 6 Time and savings Demand 7 Private 8 U.S. government 428.7 451.2 504.0 467.9 467.0 474.2 482.0 486.7 494.0 504.0 185.1 2.2 191.5 1.8 196.0 1.9 188.4 1.7 189.1 2.5 191.5 2.1 194.5 1.8 195.6 2.4 198.1 2.2 196.0 1.9 Not seasonally adjusted 9 Monetary base 4 144.6 156.2 162.5 158.6 159.6 158.0 159.0' 160.6 161.5 162.5 10 Member bank deposits subject to reserve requirements 5 624.0 652.7 710.3 656.9 658.2 662.5 675.6 684.2 694.6 710.3 11 Time and savings Demand 12 Private 13 U.S. government 429.6 452.1 505.0 467.4 466.0 471.8 479.6 485.7' 493.0 505.0 191.9 2.5 198.6 2.0 203.2 2.1 187.2 2.3 190.0 2.2 189.0 1.7 193.9 2.1 196.4 2.1 199.6 1.9 203.2 2.1 1. Reserves of depository institutions series reflect actual reserve requirement percentages with no adjustment to eliminate the effect of changes in Regulations D and M. Before Nov. 13, 1980, the date of implementation of the Monetary Control Act, only the reserves of commercial banks that were members of the Federal Reserve System were included in the series. Since that date the series include the reserves of all depository institutions. In conjunction with the implementation of the act, required reserves of member banks were reduced about $4.3 billion and required reserves of other depository institutions were increased about $1.4 billion. Effective Oct. 11, 1979, an 8 percentage point marginal reserve requirement was imposed on "Managed Liabilities." This action raised required reserves about $320 million. Effective Mar. 12, 1980, the 8 percentage point marginal reserve requirement was raised to 10 percentage points. In addition the base upon which the marginal reserve requirement was calculated was reduced. This action increased required reserves about $1.7 million in the week ending Apr. 2, 1980. Effective May 29, 1980 the marginal reserve requirement was reduced from 10 to 5 percentage points and the base upon which the marginal reserve requirement was calculated was raised. This action reduced required reserves about $980 million in the week ending June 18, 1980. Effective July 24, 1980, the 5 percent marginal reserve requirement on managed liabilities and the 2 percent supplementary reserve requirement against large time deposits were removed. These actions reduced required reserves about $3.2 billion. 2. Reserve measures for November reflect increases in required reserves associated with the reduction of weekend avoidance activities of a few large banks. The reduction in these activities lead to essentially a one-time increase in the average level of required reserves that need to be held for a given level of deposits entering the money supply. In November, this increase in required reserves is estimated at $550 to $600 million. 3. Reserve balances with Federal Reserve Banks plus vault cash at institutions with required reserve balances plus vault cash equal to required reserves at other institutions. 4. Includes reserve balances at Federal Reserve Banks in the current week plus vault cash held two weeks earlier used to satisfy reserve requirements at all depository institutions plus currency outside the U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks, the vaults of depository institutions, and surplus vault cash at depository institutions. 5. Includes total time and savings deposits and net demand deposits as defined by Regulation D. Private demand deposits include all demand deposits except those due to the U.S. government, less cash items in process of collection and demand balances due from domestic commercial banks. NOTE. Latest monthly and weekly figures are available from the Board's H.3(502) statistical release. Back data and estimates of the impact on required reserves and changes in reserve requirements are available from the Banking Section, Division of Research and Statistics. Monetary Aggregates 1.23 LOANS A N D SECURITIES A15 All Commercial Banks' Billions of dollars; averages of Wednesday figures 1977 Dec. Category 1978 1980 1979 1980 1977 Dec. Nov. 1 Total loans and securities 891.1 2 U.S. Treasury securities 3 Other securities 4 Total loans and leases2 5 Commercial and industrial loans 6 Real estate loans 7 Loans to individuals 8 Security loans 9 Loans to nonbank financial institutions . 10 Agricultural loans 11 Lease financing receivables 12 All other loans 99.5 159.6 632.1 211.2 s 175.2s 138.2 20.6 25.85 25.8 5.8 29.5 MEMO: 13 Total loans and securities plus loans sold2-9 2 9 14 Total loans plus loans sold 15 Total loans sold to affiliates 9 16 Commercial and industrial loans plus loans sold 9 17 Commercial and industrial loans sold9 .. 18 Acceptances held 19 Other commercial and industrial loans .. To U.S. addressees 11 20 To non-U.S. addressees 21 22 Loans to foreign banks 23 Loans to commercial banks in the United States 1,014.33 1,132.54 93.4 173.P 747.83 246.56 210.5 163.9' 19.4 27.17 28.2 7.4 44.9 3 ' 93.8 191.5 847.24 290.54 242.44 185.0' 18.3 30.34 31.0 9.5 40.2' Nov. Dec. Not seasonally adjusted 1,221.2 109.3 212.5 899.4 318.4 258.3 174.8' 16.9 30.2 33.9 11.0 56. 0' 1,234.1 109.6 214.3 910.1 323.1 260.9 175.2 17.9 30.7 34.2 11.1 56.9 899.1 100.7 160.2 638.3 212.6s 175.5s 139.0 22.0 26.3 s 25.7 5.8 31.5 1,023.8* 1,143.04 94.6 173.93 755.43 248.2^ 210.9 164.8' 20.7 27.67 28.1 7.4 47.63' 95.0 192.3 855.74 292.44 242.94 186.2' 19.6 30.84 30.8 9.5 43.5' 1,223.3 108.2 212.7 902.4 318.4 259.6 176.2' 17.2 30.3 34.0 11.0 55.8' 1,245.7 111.0 215.2 919.5 325.3 261.4 176.2 19.1 31.3 34.1 11.1 61.0 895.9 1,018.13 1,223.9 1,236.8 903.9 1,027.63 1,145.748 1,226.0 1,248.4 636.9 4.8 751.63 3.8 850.OO4-8 2.8* 902.1 2.6 912.8 2.7 643.0 4.8 759.23 3.8 858.44-8 2.8 s 905.1 2.6 922.2 2.7 213.95 2.7 7.5 203.7 s 193.8 s 9.9s 13.5 248.56-10 1.910 6.8 239.7 226.6 13.1 21.2 292.34-8 1.8s 8.5 282.0 263.2 18.8 18.7 320.1 1.7 8.7 309.7 287.6 22.1 24.6 324.9 1.8 7.8 315.3 293.5 21.8 24.0 215.3s 2.7 8.6 203.9s 193.7s 10.3 s 14.6 250.16-10 1.910 7.5 240.9 226.5 14.4 23.0 294 24-8 " L8 8 9.4 283.1 263.2 19.8 20.1 320.1 1.7 9.1 309.3 287.1 22.2 23.9 327.1 1.8 8.5 316.8 293.5 23.3 25.8 77.8 n.a. n.a. 56.9 81.9 n.a. n.a. 54.1 57.3 1,135.34* 1. Includes domestic chartered banks; U.S. branches, agencies, and New York investment company subsidiaries of foreign banks; and Edge Act corporations. 2. Excludes loans to commercial banks in the United States. 3. As of Dec. 31, 1978, total loans and securities were reduced by $0.1 billion. "Other securities" were increased by $1.5 billion and total loans were reduced by $1.6 billion largely as the result of reclassifications of certain tax-exempt obligations. Most of the loan reduction was in "all other loans." 4. As of Jan. 3, 1979, as the result of reclassifications, total loans and securities and total loans were increased by $0.6 billion. Business loans were increased by $0.4 billion and real estate loans by $0.5 billion. Nonbank financial loans were reduced by $0.3 billion. 5. As of Dec. 31, 1977, as the result of loan reclassifications, business loans were reduced $0.2 billion and nonbank financial loans $0.1 billion; real estate loans were increased $0.3 billion. 6. As of Dec. 31, 1978, commercial and industrial loans were reduced $0.1 billion as a result of reclassifications. 1979 Dec. Dec. Seasonally adjusted 2 1978 Dec. 60.3 7. As of Dec. 1, 1978, nonbank financial loans were reduced $0.1 billion as the result of reclassification. 8. As of Dec. 1, 1979, loans sold to affiliates were reduced $800 million and commercial and industrial loans sold were reduced $700 million due to corrections of two banks in New York City. 9. Loans sold are those sold outright to a bank's own foreign branches, nonconsolidated nonbank affiliates of the bank, the bank's holding company (if not a bank), and nonconsolidated nonbank subsidiaries of the holding company. 10. As of Dec. 31. 1978. commercial and industrial loans sold outright were increased $0.7 billion as the result of reclassifications, but $0.1 billion of this amount was offset by a balance sheet reduction of $0.1 billion as noted above. 11. United States includes the 50 states and the District of Columbia. NOTE. Data are prorated averages of Wednesday data for domestic chartered banks, and averages of current and previous montn-end data for foreign-related institutions. A16 1.24 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • February 1981 MAJOR NONDEPOSIT FUNDS OF COMMERCIAL BANKS' Monthly averages, billions of dollars December outstanding Outstanding in 1980 Source 1977 1978 1979 Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total nondeposit funds Seasonally adjusted 2 Not seasonally adjusted Federal funds, RPs, and other borrowings from non- 61.8 60.4 85.4 84.4 118.8 117.4 124.2 121.1 119.9 123.0 114.1 114.2 112.2 116.4 107.3 110.3 112.0 112.5 118.6 119.6 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 3 Seasonally adjusted 3 4 Not seasonally adjusted 5 Net Eurodollar borrowings, not seasonally adjusted 6 Loans sold to affiliates, not seasonally adjusted 4 - 5 . 58.4 57.0 -1.3 4.8 74.8 73.8 6.8 3.8 88.0 86.5 28.1 2.8 94.7 91.7 26.9 2.6 94.2 97.4 23.0 2.6 96.7 96.8 14.6 2.8 98.5 102.7 10.9 2.8 94.0 97.1 10.3 2.9 100.2 100.8 8.9 2.9 104.4 105.4 11.5 2.8 n.a. n.a. 7.5 2.6 n.a. n.a. 7.0 2.7 -12.5 21.1 8.6 -10.2 24.9 14.7 6.5 22.8 29.3 5.9 24.4 30.4 2.6 27.3 30.0 -5.4 30.1 24.7 -8.4 32.7 24.3 -10.3 35.8 25.5 -14.5 38.2 23.7 -12.9 38.3 25.5 -14.2 37.2 23.0 -14.7 37.5 22.7 11.1 10.3 21.4 36.3 35.1 17.0 14.2 31.2 44.8 43.6 21.6 28.9 50.5 49.2 47.9 20.9 28.4 49.4 45.3 44.3 20.5 28.4 48.8 43.7 46.0 19.9 28.5 48.4 49.0 48.8 19.3 30.8 50.1 55.0 54.7 20.6 30.9 51.6 57.5 59.1 23.3 30.3 53.6 56.2 58.7 24.4 30.8 55.2 59.7 59.5 21.7 32.3 54.1 58.8 60.9 21.7 33.7 55.4 63.4 61.7 4.4 5.1 8.7 10.3 8.1 9.7 8.6 9.0 9.5 8.5 8.6 10.0 10.9 9.3 11.8 9.3 12.6 14.2 14.0 12.7 6.9 6.6 7.6 9.0 162.0 165.4 213.0 217.9 227.6 232.8 240.2 238.3 242.1 240.2 237.6 235.5 234.0 230.0 234.4 232.1 238.8 236.7 241.6 241.1 249.3 250.8 257.5 263.4 1 2 MEMO 7 Domestic chartered banks net positions with own foreign branches, not seasonally adjusted 6 . . . . 8 Gross due from balances Gross due to balances 9 10 Foreign-related institutions net positions with directly related institutions, not seasonally adjusted 7 11 Gross due from balances 12 Gross due to balances 13 Security RP borrowings, seasonally adjusted 8 14 Not seasonally adjusted 15 U.S. Treasury demand balances, seasonally adjusted* 16 Not seasonally adjusted 17 Time deposits, $100,000 or more, seasonally adjusted 10 18 Not seasonally adjusted 1. Commercial banks are those in the 50 states and the District of Columbia with national or state charters plus U.S. branches, agencies, and New York investment company subsidiaries of foreign banks and Edge Act corporations. 2. Includes seasonally adjusted federal funds, RPs, and other borrowings from nonbanks and not seasonally adjusted net Eurodollars and loans to affiliates. Includes averages of Wednesday data for domestic chartered banks and averages of current and previous month-end data for foreign-related institutions. 3. Other borrowings are borrowings on any instrument, such as a promissory note or due bill, given for the purpose of borrowing money for the banking business. This includes borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks and from foreign banks, term federal funds, overdrawn due from bank balances, loan RPs, and participations in pooled loans. Includes averages of daily figures for member banks and averages of current and previous month-end data for foreign-related institutions. 4. Loans initially booked by the bank and later sold to affiliates that are still held by affiliates. Averages of Wednesday data. 5. As of Dec. 1, 1979, loans sold to affiliates were reduced $800 million due to corrections of two New York City banks. 6. Includes averages of daily figures for member banks and quarterly call report figures for nonmember banks. 7. Includes averages of current and previous month-end data until August 1979; beginning September 1979 averages of daily data. 8. Based on daily average data reported by 122 large banks beginning February 1980 and 46 banks before February 1980. 9. Includes U.S. Treasury demand deposits and Treasury tax-and-loan notes at commercial banks. Averages of daily data. 10. Averages of Wednesday figures. NOTE: Security RP borrowings, U.S. Treasury demand balances, and time deposits in denomination of $100,000 or more have revised to reflect benchmark adjustments to call reports. Commercial Banks 1.25 ASSETS A N D LIABILITIES OF C O M M E R C I A L B A N K I N G INSTITUTIONS A17 Last-Wednesday-of-Month Series Billions of dollars except for number of banks 1981 1980 Account Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. 1,087.2 799.0 258.3 540.7 93.5 193.9 1.089.5 798.8 259.2 539.6 93.9 197.2 1.083.1 789.7 256.0 533.7 95.2 199.5 1.086.6 790.4 256.8 533.6 97.6 201.0 1.091.5 790.6 256.4 534.1 100.3 203.3 1.104.7 799.1 258.7 540.3 102.1 205.3 1.115.1 806.9 262.9 543.9 103.3 206.1 1.132.3 819.5 268.2 551.3 106.0 209.4 1.148.0 830.5 274.8 555.7 1 10.0 211.5 1. 174.5 849.3 280.7 568.6 110.8 215.1 1.163.5 838.2 276.9 561.3 1 10.8 214.4 153.8 16.8 34.2 43.1 59.8 168.2 16.8 33.2 49.7 68.6 172.4 17.8 37.9 47.9 68.9 150.4 17.4 29.5 45.4 58.0 154.1 17.7 32.1 44.7 59.6 148.7 18.4 28.9 45.6 55.8 156.6 18.0 31.2 46.6 60.9 156.0 18.5 31.6 47.0 58.8 175.7 17.1 30.3 56.2 72.2 194.4 20.2 28.2 63.0 83.0 159.4 18.9 25.1 54.9 60.5 DOMESTICALLY CHARTERED COMMERCIAL BANKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Loans and investments, excluding interbank Loans, excluding interbank Commercial and industrial Other U.S. Treasury securities Other securities 7 8 9 10 11 Cash assets, total Currency and coin Reserves with Federal Reserve Banks Balances with depository institutions Cash items in process of collection .. 12 Other assets2 121.7 135.7 140.1 144.0 143.8 150.4 154.6 154.9 15 1 . 5 166.8 1.52.2 13 Total assets/total liabilities and capital .. 1,362.7 1,393.5 1,395.7 1,381.0 1,389.4 1,403.8 1,426.3 1,443.2 1,475.2 1,535.6 1,475.1 14 15 16 17 Deposits Demand Savings Time 1.032.1 354.5 196.5 481.1 1.060.0 377.4 189.3 493.4 1.057.3 370.2 192.3 494.8 1.044.7 358.0 197.8 488.9 1.050.1 363.6 205.7 480.8 1.059.5 363.4 208.7 487.4 1.074.9 370.0 209.4 495.5 1.091.1 376.3 211.4 503.5 1.124.3 393.4 520.9 1. 185.4 432.7 201.8 550.9 1.127.1 351.7 212.4 563.0 18 19 20 Borrowings Other liabilities Residual (assets less liabilities) 142.1 84.2 104.2 147.0 81.2 105.2 154.1 78.5 105.7 152.5 76.6 107.1 158.6 74.8 106.0 160.1 76.2 108.0 165.3 76.4 109.6 163.4 75.6 113.1 159.0 79.0 112.9 156.8 80.0 113.5 158.2 77.6 112.3 9.4 14.626 14.3 14.629 5.1 14.639 13.1 14.646 7.6 14.658 8.7 14.666 15.2 14.678 11.5 14.760 4.4 14.692 9.5 14.693 8.6 14.689 1.156.6 865.0 301.7 563.4 96.2 195.4 1.158.8 864.7 302.0 562.7 95.5 198.6 1.151.2 854.4 298.1 556.2 95.9 201.0 1.157.1 857.4 297.8 559.6 97.2 202.4 1.192.4 877.0 307.1 573.1 104.5 207.7 174.0 16.8 35.0 61.1 61.2 187.3 16.8 33.9 66.6 69.9 190.7 17.8 38.7 63.8 70.4 172.0 17.4 30.3 64.6 59.7 179.8 18.0 31.7 67.6 62.5 n.a. n. a. n.,a. n. a. 1 MEMO: 21 22 U.S. Treasury note balances included in borrowing Number of banks ALL COMMERCIAL BANKING INSTITUTIONS3 24 25 26 27 28 Loans and investments, excluding interbank Loans, excluding interbank Commercial and industrial Other U.S. Treasury securities Other securities 29 30 31 32 33 Cash assets, total Currency and coin Reserves with Federal Reserve Banks Balances with depository institutions Cash items in process of collection .. 34 Other assets2 166.8 181.1 186.1 190.3 204.4 35 Total assets/total liabilities and capital . . 1,497.5 1,527.2 1,528.0 1,519.4 1,576.6 36 37 38 39 Deposits Demand Savings Time 1.073.5 373.6 196.7 503.2 1.101.1 396.6 189.5 515.0 1.097.1 387.7 192.6 516.9 1.088.7 379.1 198.2 511.4 1.122.2 391.2 209.8 521.2 40 41 42 Borrowings Other liabilities Residual (assets less liabilities) 186.5 130.9 106.5 190.8 127.8 107.4 196.3 126.6 108.1 197.9 124.1 108.7 212.6 130.6 111.2 9.4 14.995 14.3 15.004 5.1 15.016 13.1 15.019 15.2 15.069 23 n .a. n.;n. MEMO: 43 44 U.S. Treasury note balances included in borrowing Number of banks 1. Domestically chartered commercial banks include all commercial banks in the United States except branches of foreign banks: included are member and nonmember banks, stock savings banks, and nondeposit trust companies. 2. Other assets include loans to U.S. commercial banks. 3. Commercial banking institutions include domestically chartered commercial banks, branches and agencies of foreign banks. Edge Act and Agreement corporations, and New York State foreign investment corporations. NOTE. Figures are partly estimated. They include all bank-premises subsidiaries and other significant majority-owned domestic subsidiaries. Data for domestically chartered commercial banks are for the last Wednesday of the month: data for other banking institutions are for last Wednesday except at end of quarter, when they are for the last day of the month. A18 1.26 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • February 1981 A L L L A R G E W E E K L Y R E P O R T I N G C O M M E R C I A L B A N K S with Domestic Assets of $750 Million or More on December 31, 1977, Assets and Liabilities Millions of dollars, Wednesday figures 1980 1981 Account Dec. 3 1 Cash items in process of collection 2 Demand deposits due from banks in the United States 3 All other cash and due from depository institutions 4 Total loans and securities 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Securities U.S. Treasury securities Trading account Investment account, by maturity One year or less Over one through five years Over five years Other securities Trading account Investment account U.S. government agencies States and political subdivision, by maturity . . One year or less Over one year Other bonds, corporate stocks and securities . Loans 19 Federal funds sold1 20 To commercial banks 21 To nonbank brokers and dealers in securities .. . 22 To others 23 Other loans, gross 24 Commercial and industrial 25 Bankers acceptances and commercial paper .. 26 Allother 27 U.S. addressees 28 Non-U.S. addressees 29 Real estate 30 To individuals for personal expenditures To financial institutions 31 Commercial banks in the United States 32 Banks in foreign countries 33 Sales finance, personal finance companies, etc 34 Other financial institutions 35 To nonbank brokers and dealers in securities . . . 36 To others for purchasing and carrying securities2 37 To finance agricultural production 38 All other 39 LESS: Unearned income 40 Loan loss reserve 41 Other loans, net 42 Lease financing receivables 43 All other assets 44 Total assets Deposits 45 Demand deposits 46 Mutual savings banks 47 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 48 States and political subdivisions 49 U.S. government 50 Commercial banks in the United States 51 Banks in foreign countries 52 Foreign governments and official institutions .. . 53 Certified and officers' checks 54 Time and savings deposits 55 Savings 56 Individuals and nonprofit organizations 57 Partnerships and corporations operated for profit 58 Domestic governmental units 59 All other 60 Time 61 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations . . . 62 States and political subdivisions 63 U.S. government 64 Commercial banks in the United States 65 Foreign governments, official institutions, and banks Liabilities for borrowed money 66 Borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks 67 Treasury tax-and-loan notes 68 All other liabilities for borrowed money 3 69 Other liabilities and subordinated notes and debentures 70 Total liabilities 71 Residual (total assets minus total liabilities)4 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Dec. 24 Dec. 31 P 57,523 53,041 59.847 58,349 66,135 56,771 19,552 24,939 18,350 28,822 19,445 36,903 19.693 34,051 21,616 34,259 21,679 31,220 554,114 553,537 556,070 555,851 564,173 39,409 4,987 34,422 9,161 21,947 3,314 77,106 3,132 73,974 15,813 55,363 7,398 47,965 2,798 39.556 5,175 34,381 9,201 21,846 3,334 77,755 3,781 73,974 15,801 55,393 7,380 48,013 2,780 39,179 4,788 34,391 9,166 21,821 3,404 77,302 3,018 74,284 16,025 55,505 7,403 48,102 2,754 37,984 3,883 34,101 9,096 21,691 3,313 77,806 3,067 74,739 16,220 55,726 7,415 48,311 2,792 30,173 22,110 5,621 2,442 420,241 172,262 4,104 168,158 161,191 6,968 110,734 71,295 29,109 20,201 6,092 2,816 419,975 172,758 3.952 168,806 161,944 6,862 111,023 71,481 28,057 20,644 5,540 1,873 424,377 174,015 3,709 170,306 163,213 7,093 111,304 71,824 4,142 8,600 9,276 15,566 6,795 2,155 5,331 14,083 7,004 5,811 407,426 9,094 83,118 3.568 8.638 9,597 15,513 6,251 2,185 5.282 13,678 7,040 5,818 407.117 9,091 82,808 748,341 Jan. 14 P bank, 1980 Jan. 21P Jan. 28P 56,394 52,111 49,658 33 19,508 35,746 20,194 29,750 20,352 30.958 90 -239 567,897 561,445 557,275 553,178 1,435 39,605 4,363 35,242 10,269 21,616 3,357 78,443 3,315 75,128 16,229 56,062 7,394 48,668 2,837 40,667 6,399 34,268 9,591 21,274 3,403 78,630 3,327 75,303 16.348 56,137 7.273 48,864 2,818 40,457 6,616 33,841 9,353 20,990 3,498 77,734 2,531 75,203 16,214 56,130 7,201 48,929 2,858 40,333 6,552 33,780 9,331 20,950 3,500 77,384 2,308 75,076 16,132 56,101 7,202 48,899 2,843 39,777 6,339 33,438 9,178 20,790 3,469 77,560 2,510 75,051 16,124 56,063 7,244 48,819 2,864 27,484 19,401 6,054 2,028 425,361 172,637 3,696 168,941 161,871 7,069 111,480 72,380 27,873 19,468 6,414 1,990 430,569 174,862 4,206 170,656 163,373 7,283 111,754 72,308 33,997 24,103 7,854 2,040 427,039 173,230 4,218 169,012 161,773 7,238 112,212 72,625 30,181 21,822 6,059 2,300 425,570 173,116 4,632 168,484 161,194 7,290 112,534 72.389 29,019 19,072 7,359 2,588 423,054 171,922 3,957 167,965 160,597 7,368 112,631 72,132 26,781 18,171 6,366 2,244 421,559 171,414 4,191 167,223 159,818 7,405 112,866 71,954 4,245 8,812 10,446 15,883 6,471 2,198 5,284 13,894 7,040 5,806 411,531 9,103 83,298 4,937 9,541 9,977 15,638 6,144 2,168 5,300 15,158 7,033 5,750 412,578 9,143 84,340 5,310 9,702 10,076 15,921 7,842 2,154 5,413 15,227 6,659 5,658 418,252 9,323 87,679 4,538 9,442 10,231 15,591 6,928 2,103 5,358 14,781 6,696 5.740 414,603 9.309 83,686 4,674 9,434 9,999 15,390 6,404 2,170 5,332 14,126 6,767 5,731 413,072 9,500 85,436 4,094 9,701 9,966 15,267 5,748 2,140 5,306 14,147 6,772 5,743 410,539 9,518 82,347 4,220 8,952 9,934 15,291 5,548 2,198 5,335 13,845 6,752 5,748 409,060 9,595 82,035 745,650 764,666 761,427 783,186 770,563 768,029 751,195 745,778 208,807 718 144,843 4,804 2,963 36,783 7,661 2,149 8,884 300,957 74,976 70,287 200,310 602 141,117 4,641 2,077 33,160 8,797 1,870 8,046 302,872 74,344 69,744 208,365 619 145,550 4,804 1,248 37,400 7,931 1,477 9,335 305,889 73,406 69,000 208,168 700 145,234 4,885 1,457 37,607 8,884 2,020 7,381 311,016 71,643 67,416 228,294 838 158,403 5,835 1,107 41,431 8,994 2,459 9,227 313,979 72,557 68,303 207,061 744 142,451 5.126 1,609 39,132 7,820 1,658 8,519 316,497 75,211 70,964 202.528 713 140,643 4,817 1,835 37,146 7,560 1,475 8,338 316,514 75,171 70,920 191,408 611 132,416 5,178 1,465 34,091 8,349 1,822 7,474 318,849 75,244 71,132 185,619 574 127,993 4,846 1,676 34,045 8,047 1,457 6,980 320,888 74,301 70.166 4,021 649 19 225,981 193,223 19,872 291 6,285 3,983 598 20 228,527 195,394 19,817 292 6,614 3,781 605 21 232,483 198,484 19,897 270 7,454 3,633 567 26 239,373 203,867 20,434 301 8,135 3,596 636 23 241,422 205,830 20,185 300 8,421 3,538 689 20 241,286 206,273 19,967 301 8,175 3,556 673 22 241,343 206,392 20,008 314 8,233 3,452 637 23 243,605 208,209 20,239 297 8,558 3,482 631 21 246,587 210,739 20,750 309 8,448 6,309 6,411 6,377 6,636 6,686 6,569 6,396 6,302 6,340 740 432 126,742 1,322 168 128,838 725 5,590 129,342 656 7,022 122,448 1,055 6,696 119,826 316 2,803 133,397 1,950 2,408 134,613 582 4,385 125,522 467 5,987 121,101 60,784 62,387 65,126 62,570 63,120 60.192 59,774 60,213 61,289 74 698,462 695,898 715,038 711,880 732,970 720,266 717,786 700,959 695,351 1,354 49,878 49,752 49,628 49.547 50,216 50,297 50,243 50,236 50,426 120 1. Includes securities purchased under agreements to resell. 2. Other than financial institutions and brokers and dealers. 3. Includes federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase; for information on these liabilities at banks with assets of $1 billion or more on Dec. 31, 1977, see table 1.13. FRASER Digitized for Jan. IP 148 148 71 76 1 106 106 50 58 11 48 -3 38 38 1,192 354 354 354 448 377 -6 7 1 2 6 3 37 11 1,143 155 1,475 391 325 17 2 9 11 26 861 296 271 19 5 565 479 79 5 2 29 4. This is not a measure of equity capital for use in capital adequacy analysis or for other analytic uses. Weekly Reporting Banks 1.27 A19 LARGE WEEKLY REPORTING COMMERCIAL BANKS with Domestic Assets of $1 Billion or More on December 31, 1977, Assets and Liabilities Millions of dollars, Wednesday figures Dec. 3 1 Cash items in process of collection 2 Demand deposits due from banks in the United States . . . 3 All other cash and due from depository institutions 4 Total loans and securities 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Securities U.S. Treasury securities Trading account Investment account, by maturity One year or less Over one through five years Over five years Other securities Trading account Investment account U.S. government agencies States and political subdivision, by maturity One year or less Over one year Other bonds, corporate stocks and securities Loans 19 Federal funds sold1 20 To commercial banks 21 To nonbank brokers and dealers in securities 22 To others 23 Other loans, gross 24 Commercial and industrial 25 Bankers acceptances and commercial paper 26 All other 27 U.S. addressees 28 Non-U.S. addressees 29 Real estate 30 To individuals for personal expenditures To financial institutions 31 Commercial banks in the United States 32 Banks in foreign countries 33 Sales finance, personal finance companies, etc 34 Other financial institutions 35 To nonbank brokers and dealers in securities 36 To others for purchasing and carrying securities2 37 To finance agricultural production 38 Allother 39 LESS: Unearned income 40 Loan loss reserve 41 Other loans, net 42 Lease financing receivables 43 All other assets 44 Total assets Deposits 45 Demand deposits 46 Mutual savings banks 47 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 48 States and political subdivisions 49 U.S. government 50 Commercial banks in the United States 51 Banks in foreign countries 52 Foreign governments and official institutions 53 Certified and officers' checks 54 Time and savings deposits 55 Savings 56 Individuals and nonprofit organizations 57 Partnerships and corporations operated for profit . . . 58 Domestic governmental units 59 Allother 60 Time 61 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 62 States and political subdivisions 63 U.S. government 64 Commercial banks in the United States 65 Foreign governments, official institutions, and banks Liabilities for borrowed money 66 Borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks 67 Treasury tax-and-loan notes 68 All other liabilities for borrowed money 3 69 Other liabilities and subordinated notes and debentures 70 Total liabilities 71 Residual (total assets minus total liabilities) 4 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Dec. 24 Jan. IP Jan. 14P Jan. 21 P Jan. 28P bank, 1980 54,702 18,959 23,151 50,479 17,797 26,935 57,025 18,844 34,599 55,348 18,858 31,626 62,721 20,871 31,837 54,006 20,849 29,210 53,483 18,840 33,559 49,135 19,538 27,536 47,182 19,689 28,738 33 -19 -241 517,051 516,512 518,945 518,739 526,062 529,603 523,956 520,108 516,504 1,368 36,618 4,926 31,692 8,491 20,240 2,960 70,725 3,075 67,650 14,585 50,440 6,607 43,833 2,625 36,784 5,140 31,644 8,516 20,152 2,976 71,334 3,714 67,621 14,547 50,466 6,597 43,869 2,607 36,403 4,747 31,655 8,484 20,125 3,046 70,827 2,939 67,888 14,745 50,562 6,610 43,952 2,580 35,190 3,842 31,348 8,410 19,996 2,941 71,289 2,999 68,290 14,895 50,777 6,622 44,155 2,618 36,650 4,314 32,337 9,475 19,886 2,976 71,897 3,233 68,664 14,903 51,097 6,584 44,514 2,663 37,812 6,349 31,463 8,852 19,588 3,022 72,033 3,226 68,806 14,988 51,189 6,489 44,700 2,629 37,671 6,555 31,115 8,704 19,294 3,117 71,182 2,461 68,722 14,868 51,183 6,407 44,776 2,671 37,502 6,473 31,029 8,678 19,228 3,124 70,869 2,239 68,630 14,829 51,145 6,404 44,741 2,656 36,981 6,267 30,715 8,524 19,097 3,094 71,036 2,426 68,610 14,822 51,096 6,442 44,654 2,692 146 26,768 19,228 5,143 2,398 394,780 163,502 3,885 159,617 152,718 6,898 104,408 62,865 25,802 17,317 5,705 2,780 394,472 164,025 3,754 160,271 153,477 6,794 104,676 63,013 24,895 17,937 5,131 1,827 398,688 165,193 3,504 161,689 154,666 7,023 104,931 63,318 24,593 17,046 5,550 1,996 399,480 163,810 3,495 160,315 153,316 6,998 105,106 63,791 24,361 16,485 5,917 1,959 404,506 165,920 4,006 161,913 154,701 7,212 105,381 63,646 30,163 20,919 7,233 2,011 401,055 164,350 4,015 160,334 153,167 7,167 105,777 63,937 26,912 19,033 5,606 2,273 399,711 164,253 4,435 159,818 152,600 7,218 106,111 63,727 25,950 16,711 6,677 2,563 397,322 163,142 3,767 159,375 152,080 7,295 106,194 63,492 24,058 15,998 5,839 2,221 395,953 162,702 4,008 158,694 151,362 7,332 106,432 63,376 37 37 4,018 8,523 9,092 15,158 6,724 1,910 5,175 13,405 6,365 5,475 382,940 8,827 80,884 3,437 8,557 9,413 15,112 6,175 1,937 5,128 12,999 6,399 5,481 382,591 8,824 80,727 4,126 8,722 10,274 15,471 6,380 1,955 5,130 13,188 6,396 5,472 386,820 8,836 81,116 4,782 9,454 9,796 15,233 6,058 1,922 5,143 14,384 6,395 5,417 387,667 8,876 82,145 5,179 9,624 9,910 15,519 7,701 1,909 5,259 14,457 6,029 5,323 393,154 9,050 85,190 4,420 9,339 10,069 15,190 6,830 1,866 5,209 14,069 6,062 5,398 389,595 9,038 81,493 4,556 9,362 9,836 15,007 6,306 1,944 5,185 13,424 6,132 5,387 388,191 9,230 83,233 3,990 9,629 9,806 14,888 5,662 1,902 5,163 13,454 6,130 5,406 385,786 9,246 80,099 4,103 8,880 9,777 14,921 5,456 1,965 5,192 13,148 6,115 5,410 384,427 9,324 79,787 703,574 701,274 719,365 715,591 735,731 724,200 722,302 705,663 701,223 196,054 188,074 195,692 596 687 574 134,851 131,275 135,427 4,265 4,283 4,145 1,929 1,098 2,723 36,002 35,247 31,862 7,819 7,573 8,706 1,472 1,854 2,119 9,013 8,571 7,729 280,511 282,393 285,320 67,870 68,740 69,328 63,819 65,002 64,503 3,669 3,486 3,712 544 547 595 21 19 20 211,183 213,653 217,449 180,603 182,696 185,621 17,929 18,026 17,975 255 277 276 7,170 6,340 6,020 6,377 6,309 6,411 195,178 671 134,785 4,251 1,330 36,280 8,801 2,003 7,055 290,213 66,241 62,347 3,351 517 26 223,971 190,702 18,525 2°-6 7,823 6,636 213,896 806 147,094 5,192 990 39,774 8,879 2,454 8,706 293,037 67,120 63,213 3,311 573 23 225,917 192,601 18,249 284 8,096 6,686 194,105 712 132,200 4,560 1,424 37,638 7,743 1,657 8,170 295,181 69,484 65,574 3,267 622 20 225,697 192,965 18,027 285 7,852 6,569 190,014 688 130,831 4,190 1,579 35,768 7,481 1,474 8,002 295,220 69,387 65,465 3,288 611 22 225,834 193,103 18,118 298 7,918 6,396 179,115 581 122,959 4,437 1,114 32,743 8,272 1,821 7,188 297,578 69,511 65,726 3,184 577 23 228,067 194,930 18,318 282 8,235 6,302 174,276 551 119,131 4,227 1,477 32,772 7,954 1,454 6,709 299,661 68,635 64,841 3,208 565 21 231,026 197,460 18,814 294 8,118 6,340 146 69 76 1 103 103 50 56 8 48 -3 1,128 339 339 339 418 362 -6 7 1 2 6 -1 35 11 1,081 153 1,295 302 240 15 2 9 11 26 774 238 214 19 5 536 451 79 5 2 603 360 120,033 59,386 1,298 128 121,931 60,966 640 5,223 122,403 63,725 543 6,527 115,692 61,155 972 6,225 113,098 61,558 211 2,555 126,525 58,621 1,816 2,185 127,826 58,294 540 3,997 118,666 58,816 368 5,516 114,383 59,899 27 73 656,948 654,790 673,002 669,307 688,786 677,199 675,355 658,711 654,102 1,176 46,625 46,484 46,364 46,284 46,945 47,001 46,946 46,951 47,121 118 1. Includes securities purchased under agreements to resell. 2. Other than financial institutions and brokers and dealers. 3. Includes federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreement to repurchase; for information on these liabilities at banks with assets of $1 billion or more on Dec. 31, 1977, see table 1.13. Dec. 31 P 4. This is not a measure of equity capital for use in capital adequacy analysis or for other analytic uses. A20 1.28 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • February 1981 LARGE WEEKLY REPORTING COMMERCIAL BANKS IN NEW YORK CITY Assets and Liabilities Millions of dollars, Wednesday figures 1980 1981 Account 1 Cash items in process of collection 2 Demand deposits due from banks in the United States . . . 3 All other cash and due from depository institutions 4 Total loans and securities1 5 6 7 8 y 1U 11 17 13 14 15 16 17 18 Securities U.S. Treasury securities2 Trading account 2 Investment account, by maturity One year or less Over one through five years Over five years Other securities2 Trading account2 Investment account U.S. government agencies States and political subdivision, by maturity One year or less Over one year Other bonds, corporate stocks and securities Loans 19 Federal funds sold3 20 To commercial banks 21 To nonbank brokers and dealers in securities 22 Toothers 23 Other loans, gross 24 Commercial and industrial 25 Bankers acceptances and commercial paper 2b Allother 27 U.S. addressees 28 Non-U.S. addressees 29 Real estate 30 To individuals for personal expenditures 31 To financial institutions Commercial banks in the United States 32 Banks in foreign countries 33 Sales finance, personal finance companies, etc 34 Other financial institutions 35 To nonbank brokers and dealers in securities 36 To others for purchasing and carrying securities4 37 To finance agricultural production 38 Allother 39 LESS: Unearned income 40 Loan loss reserve 41 Other loans, net 42 Lease financing5 receivables 43 All other assets 44 Total assets 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Deposits Demand deposits Mutual savings banks Individuals, partnerships, and corporations States and political subdivisions U.S. government Commercial banks in the United States Banks in foreign countries Foreign governments and official institutions Certified and officers' checks Time and savings deposits Savings Individuals and nonprofit organizations Partnerships and corporations operated for profit . . . Domestic governmental units Allother Time Individuals, partnerships, and corporations States and political subdivisions U.S. government Commercial banks in the United States Foreign governments, official institutions, and banks Liabilities for borrowed money Borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks Treasury tax-and-loan notes All other liabilities for borrowed money 6 Other liabilities and subordinated notes and debentures .. 70 Total liabilities 71 Residual (total assets minus total liabilities)4 1. 2. 3. 4. Excludes trading account securities. Not available due to confidentiality. Includes securities purchased under agreements to resell. Other than financial institutions and brokers and dealers. Dec. 3 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Dec. 24 21,348 13,340 6,480 20,636 12,850 7,223 23,140 13,237 11,737 19,879 12,343 8,528 24,782 14,724 7,742 125,853 124,994 125,774 126,070 8,440 1,402 6,500 538 8,446 1,437 6,471 538 8,474 1,442 6,494 539 13,803 2,312 10,885 1,835 9,050 606 13,809 2,307 10,894 1,822 9,072 608 8,831 5,399 2,317 1,116 97,737 51,105 894 50,211 47,976 2,235 14,573 9,148 Dec. 31 P Jan. Jan. 14 P Jan. 21 P Jan. 28P 20,614 15,101 8,286 21,628 13,387 11,388 18,696 14,305 5,904 18,644 14,527 7,178 129,586 129,279 126,775 125,235 123,296 8,320 1,438 6,343 539 8,418 1,454 6,412 551 8,238 1,585 6,113 539 7,990 1,619 5,817 554 7,990 1,593 5,848 549 7,985 1,614 5,834 537 13,802 2,302 10,890 1,809 9,081 611 13,859 2,301 10,946 1,825 9,121 613 13,676 2,305 10,750 1,664 9,087 620 13,752 2,319 10,797 1,668 9,129 636 13,698 2,303 10,753 1,562 9,190 642 13,702 2,298 10,776 1,562 9,214 627 13,765 2,296 10,757 1,554 9,203 622 7,889 4,044 2,888 957 97,824 51,780 832 50,948 48,682 2,266 14,611 9,187 6,790 3,292 2,747 751 99,672 51,864 594 51,269 48,884 2,385 14,651 9,242 7,189 3,555 2,676 957 99,667 50,754 537 50,217 47,854 2,364 14,741 9,318 7,284 3,461 3,061 762 103,141 51,836 767 51,068 48,558 2,510 14,826 9,369 9,819 5,414 3,605 801 100,435 51,243 790 50,453 47,995 2,458 14,816 9,446 7,994 4,210 2,678 1,105 100,084 51,551 1,183 50,368 47,784 2,584 14,890 9,392 7,780 3,914 2,890 976 98,762 51,082 942 50,140 47,528 2,612 14,891 9,403 7,254 3,836 2,545 872 97,385 50,680 1,056 49,624 47,010 2,614 14,941 9,396 1,413 4,110 3,836 4,453 3,932 413 506 4,247 1,134 1,825 94,778 1,705 33,346 1,218 4,056 4,141 4,486 3,478 428 492 3,948 1,139 1,836 94,848 1.705 33,746 1,607 4,221 4,718 4,668 3,628 460 481 4,132 1,140 1,824 96,708 1,710 33,707 2,043 4,780 4,371 4,690 3,394 420 461 4,694 1,164 1,801 96,702 1,711 33,741 2,081 4,990 4,395 4,848 4,838 405 435 5,117 1,149 1,783 100,208 1,758 37,241 1,502 4,689 4,547 4,703 3,960 395 439 4,695 1,157 1,809 97,470 1,768 36,975 1,660 4,686 4,342 4,621 3,602 431 444 4,465 1,187 1,804 97,093 1,966 38,782 1,268 4,918 4,238 4,562 3,055 424 447 4,474 1,190 1,808 95,764 1,966 34,272 1,280 4,260 4,181 4,454 3,024 472 422 4,274 1,198 1,804 94,382 1,973 34,615 202,072 201,153 209,305 202,273 215,832 212,022 213,926 200,380 200,234 68,558 339 34,564 414 694 20,534 5,947 1,836 4,230 54,851 9,858 9,379 350 124 5 44,992 38,381 1,781 22 1,992 2,817 66,066 285 33,358 353 484 19,248 6,949 1,487 3,900 54,910 9,788 9,325 341 117 6 45,122 38,500 1,763 21 1,993 2,845 69,820 290 35,004 330 294 21,818 6,080 1,186 4,818 55,866 9,666 9,239 320 99 7 46,201 39,570 1,703 21 2,149 2,758 67,066 350 33,694 421 333 20,592 6,868 1,645 3,162 56,994 9,480 9,063 311 98 8 47,514 40,761 1,600 14 2,278 2,860 77,180 436 38,646 578 173 24,145 7,045 2,073 4,083 57,318 9,547 9,124 308 107 8 47,770 41,064 1,436 14 2,370 2,886 69,113 383 33,926 366 350 23,240 5,832 1,355 3,662 57,961 9,558 9,131 305 115 6 48,403 41,882 1,384 14 2,305 2,818 69,240 363 35,087 467 401 22,373 5,680 1,139 3,731 57,590 9,476 9,059 297 113 7 48,114 41,575 1,339 22 2,460 2,719 64,510 307 32,596 528 291 19,279 6,607 1,523 3,379 57,962 9,330 8,928 290 104 7 48,633 42,044 1,413 25 2,515 2,636 64,199 285 32,274 525 352 20,231 6,184 1,160 3,186 58,096 9,150 8,746 289 111 4 48,946 42,395 1,508 24 2,347 2,672 31 39,706 23,346 1,703 40,165 26,201 1,941 37,392 23,538 475 1,833 37',976 25,296 95 45,713 23,402 1,490 1 47,020 22,958 I 1 39,391 24,435 39,535 22,816 38,223 24,175 186,492 185,617 193,755 186,931 200,077 196,283 198,300 184,825 184,695 15,580 15,536 15,550 15,341 15,755 15,738 15,627 15,555 15,539 815 1P 5. Includes trading account securities. 6. Includes federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase 7. This is not a measure of equity capital for use in capital adequacy analysis or for other analytic uses. Weekly Reporting Banks 1.29 LARGE WEEKLY REPORTING COMMERCIAL BANKS A21 Balance Sheet Memoranda Millions of dollars, Wednesday figures 1980 Dec. 3 1981 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Dec. 24 Dec. 31p Jan. IP Jan. 14P Jan. 21 P Jan. 28P BANKS WITH ASSETS OF $ 7 5 0 MILLION OR M O R E 1 Total loans (gross^ and securities adjusted 1 2 Total loans (gross) adjusted 1 3 Demand deposits adjusted 2 540,677 424,162 111,537 542,626 425,315 112,032 544,026 427,545 109,870 544,295 428,506 100,755 551,712 433,664 119,621 551,692 432,395 109,548 547,446 429,255 107,153 546,623 428,907 103,740 543,287 425,949 100,240 4 Time deposits in accounts of $100,000 or more Negotiable CDs 5 6 Other time deposits 147,881 107,404 40,477 150,077 109,046 41,030 152,991 111,327 41,664 158,511 115,608 42,903 159,440 116,374 43,066 158,366 114,836 43,530 158,214 114,303 43,912 160,217 115,893 44,324 162,382 117,670 44,712 2,657 1,742 915 2,668 1,768 900 2,712 1,767 945 2,736 1,791 946 2,748 1,800 947 2,773 1,862 911 2,778 1,865 913 2,753 1,833 920 2,760 1,850 910 10 Total loans (gross^ and securities adjusted 1 11 Total loans (gross) adjusted 1 12 Demand deposits adjusted 2 505,646 398,303 103,383 507,638 399,519 103,803 508,750 401,520 101,567 508,723 402,244 102,219 515,750 407,202 110,410 515,724 405,879 101,036 511,887 403,034 99,183 510,943 402,572 96,122 507,928 399,910 92,845 13 Time deposits in accounts of $100,000 or more Negotiable CDs Other time deposits 139,268 101,224 38,043 141,426 102,866 38,559 144,234 105,092 39,143 149,499 109,197 40,302 150,394 109,936 40,458 149,315 108,428 40,888 149,236 107,974 41,262 151,266 109,622 41,645 153,475 111,453 42,022 2,614 1,719 895 2,630 1,746 884 2,669 1,744 925 2,693 1,768 925 2,711 1,783 928 2,733 1,839 893 2,738 1,838 900 2,708 1,801 907 2,725 1,825 900 122,000 99,756 25,982 122,706 100,451 25,697 123,839 101,563 24,568 123,437 101,258 26,261 126,976 104,883 28,081 125,329 103,338 24,909 123,896 102,208 24,838 123,052 101,360 26,244 121,183 99,522 24,972 35,549 26,655 8,894 35,632 26,657 8,975 36,529 27,457 9,072 37,720 28,583 9,137 37,701 28,649 9,052 38,263 29,154 9,109 38,033 28,877 9,156 38,579 29,294 9,285 38,826 29,595 9,232 7 Loans sold outright to affiliates 3 8 Commercial and industrial 9 Other BANKS WITH ASSETS OF $1 BILLION OR MORE 14 15 16 Loans sold outright to affiliates 3 17 Commercial and industrial 18 Other BANKS IN NEW YORK CITY 19 Total loans (gross) and securities adjusted 1 - 4 20 Total loans (gross) adjusted 1 21 Demand deposits adjusted 2 22 Time deposits in accounts of $100,000 or more 23 Negotiable CDs 24 Other time deposits 1. Exclusive of loans and federal funds transactions with domestic commercial banks. 2. All demand deposits except U.S. government and domestic banks less cash items in process of collection. 3. Loans sold are those sold outright to a bank's own foreign branches, nonconsolidated nonbank affiliates of the bank, the bank's holding company (if not a bank), and nonconsolidated nonbank subsidiaries of the holding company. 4. Excludes trading account securities. A22 1.30 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • February 1981 LARGE WEEKLY REPORTING COMMERCIAL BANKS Domestic Classified Commercial and Industrial Loans Millions of dollars Outstanding Net change during Industry classification 1981 1 Durable goods manufacturing 2 Nondurable goods manufacturing 3 Food, liquor, and tobacco 4 Textiles, apparel, and leather 5 Petroleum refining 6 Chemicals and rubber 7 Other nondurable goods ... 8 Mining (including crude petroleum and natural gas) Adjustment bank 1 1980 Q3' Sept. 24 Oct. 29 23,512 23,335 24,088 24,675 24,378 783 1,163 754 587 -299 19,533 4,350 5,204 2,686 3,733 3,559 20,273 4,584 5,070 3,153 3,846 3,620 20,804 4,921 4,906 3,129 4,158 3,690 20,503 5,384 4,150 3,633 3,917 3,419 19,359 4,915 4,096 3,185 3,782 3,381 1,195 649 269 -28 30 275 970 1,033 -1,054 947 184 -140 530 337 -164 -24 312 70 -301 463 -756 504 -241 -271 -1,142 -466 -54 -448 -135 -39 Jan. 28p 04 Dec. Jan.? -1 -3 13,956 14,716 15,338 16,421 16,251 199 2,464 622 1,083 -170 24,950 27,050 2,402 12,058 11,368 350 588 -94 -144 1,298 444 717 136 781 -69 306 544 -803 161 122 -704 -447 -244 12,467 26,247 2,563 12,303 11,381 25,543 11,586 11,245 26,270 2,470 11,876 11,923 13 Transportation, communication, and other public utilities 14 Transportation 15 Communication 16 Other public utilities 19,223 7,735 2,993 8,495 19,316 7,788 3,094 8,434 20,099 8,019 3,161 8,919 21,316 8,374 3,319 9,623 20,747 8,260 3,184 9,303 478 136 154 188 2.093 638 326 1,128 783 231 67 484 1,217 354 158 704 17 Construction 18 Services 19 All other 2 6,030 21,311 15,402 5,924 21,530 15,634 5,992 22,160 16,146 5,993 22,853 16,692 5,950 23,250 15,883 60 1,014 403 -37 1,542 1,290 69 630 511 693 546 -42 397 -1,150 ' 34l" 143,917 146,998 151,678 154,701 151,362 4,483 10,784 4,679 3,024 -3,678 339 76,536 76,912 78,956 81,736 81,779 2,241 5,200 2,044 2,780 9 Trade 10 Commodity dealers 11 Other wholesale 12 Retail 20 Total domestic loans 21 MEMO: Term loans (original maturity more than 1 year) included in domestic loans 2,118 12,182 1. Adjustment bank amounts represent accumulated adjustments originally made to offset the cumulative effects of mergers. These adjustment amounts should be added to outstanding data for any date in the year to establish comparability with any date in the subsequent year. Changes shown have been adjusted for these amounts. 2. Includes commercial and industrial loans at a few banks with assets of $1 billion or more that do not classify their loans. 2,116 -1,0; 1 -12 -567 - 2 -112 - 2 -136 -320 - 2 NOTE. New series. The 134 large weekly reporting commercial banks with domestic assets of $1 billion or more as of December 31, 1977, are included in this series. The revised series is on a last-Wednesday-of-the-month basis. Partly estimated historical data are available from the Banking Section, Division of Research and Statistics, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C., 20551. Deposits and Commercial Paper 1.31 A23 GROSS DEMAND DEPOSITS of Individuals, Partnerships, and Corporations) Billions of dollars, estimated daily-average balances Commercial banks Type of holder 19792 1975 Dec. 1976 Dec. 1977 Dec. 1980 1978 Dec. Sept. Dec. Mar. June Sept. Dec. 1 All holders—Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 236.9 250.1 274.4 294.6 292.4 302.2 288.4 288.6 302.0 316.8 2 3 4 5 6 20.1 125.1 78.0 2.4 11.3 22.3 130.2 82.6 2.7 12.4 25.0 142.9 91.0 2.5 12.9 27.8 152.7 97.4 2.7 14.1 26.7 148.8 99.2 2.8 14.9 27.1 157.7 99.2 3.1 15.1 28.4 144.9 97.6 3.1 14.4 27.7 145.3 97.9 3.3 14.4 29.6 151.9 101.8 3.2 15.5 29.8 162.3 104.0 3.3 17.4 Financial business Nonfinancial business Consumer Foreign Other Weekly reporting banks 19793 1975 Dec. 1977 Dec. 1976 Dec. Sept. 7 All holders—Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 8 9 10 11 12 Financial business Nonfinancial business Consumer Foreign Other Dec. Mar. June Sept. Dec. 124.4 128.5 139.1 147.0 132.7 139.3 133.6 133.9 140.6 147.4 15.6 69.9 29.9 2.3 6.6 17.5 69.7 31.7 2.6 7.1 18.5 76.3 34.6 2.4 7.4 19.8 79.0 38.2 2.5 7.5 19.7 69.1 33.7 2.8 7.4 20.1 74.1 34.3 3.0 7.8 20.1 69.1 34.2 3.0 7.2 20.2 69.2 33.9 3.1 7.5 21.2 72.4 36.0 3.1 7.9 21.6 77.7 36.3 3.1 8.7 3. After the end of 1978 the large weekly reporting bank panel was changed to 170 large commercial banks, each of which had total assets in domestic offices exceeding $750 million as of Dec. 31, 1977. See "Announcements," p. 408 in the May 1978 BULLETIN. Beginning in March 1979, demand deposit ownership estimates for these large banks are constructed quarterly on the basis of 97 sample banks and are not comparable with earlier data. The following estimates in billions of dollars for December 1978 have been constructed for the new large-bank panel; financial business, 18.2; nonfinancial business, 67.2; consumer, 32.8; foreign, 2.5; other, 6.8. 1. Figures include cash items in process of collection. Estimates of gross deposits are based on reports supplied by a sample of commercial banks. Types of depositors in each category are described in the June 1971 BULLETIN, p. 466. 2. Beginning with the March 1979 survey, the demand deposit ownership survey sample was reduced to 232 banks from 349 banks, and the estimation procedure was modified slightly. To aid in comparing estimates based on the old and new reporting sample, the following estimates in billions of dollars for December 1978 have been constructed using the new smaller sample; financial business, 27.0; nonfinancial business, 146.9; consumer, 98.3; foreign, 2.8; and other, 15.1. 1.32 1980 1978 Dec. COMMERCIAL PAPER AND BANKERS DOLLAR ACCEPTANCES OUTSTANDING Millions of dollars, end of period 1980 Instrument 1977 Dec. 19791 Dec. 1978 Dec. 1980 Dec. June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Commercial paper (seasonally adjusted) 1 All issuers 2 3 4 5 6 Financial companies 2 Dealer-placed paper3 Total Bank-related Directly placed paper4 Total Bank-related Nonfinancial companies 5 65.036 83,420 112,803 125,068 123,937 122,259 122,607 123,460 122,383 124,776 125,068 8,888 2,132 12,300 3,521 17,579 2,874 19,847 3,561 19,100 3,188 18,207 3,198 19,092 3,313 19,509 3,370 18,992 3,442 19,556 3,436 19,847 3.561 40,612 7,102 15,536 51,755 12,314 19,365 64,931 17.598 30,293 68,083 22,382 37,138 62,623 19,436 42,214 63,777 19,239 40,275 64,550 19,909 38,965 65,542 19,692 38,409 66,628 21,146 36,763 67,345 21,939 37,875 68,083 22,382 37,138 Bankers dollar acceptances (not seasonally adjusted) 7 Total Holder Accepting banks Own bills Bills bought Federal Reserve Banks Own account Foreign correspondents . Others Basis 14. Imports into United States 15 Exports from United States 16 Allother 8 9 10 11 12 13 25,450 33,700 45,321 54,744 54,356 54,334 54,486 55,774 56,610 55,226 10,434 8,915 1,519 8,579 7,653 927 9,865 8,327 1,538 10,564 8,963 1,601 10,051 9,113 939 9,764 8,603 1,161 9,644 8,544 1,100 10,275 9,004 1,270 11,317 9,808 1,509 10,236 8,837 1,399 954 362 13,700 664 24,456 704 1,382 33,370 776 1,791 41,614 373 1,784 42,147 310 1,899 42,361 277 1,841 42,724 499 1,820 43,179 566 1,915 42,813 523 1,852 42,616 6,378 5,863 13,209 8,574 7,586 17,540 10,270 9,640 25,411 11,776 12,712 30,257 11,536 11,339 31,480 12,109 12,401 29,824 11,861 12,582 30,043 11,731 12,991 31,052 12,254 13,445 30,911 11,774 13,670 29,782 1 1. A change in reporting instructions results in offsetting shifts in the dealerplaced and directly placed financial company paper in October 1979. 2. Institutions engaged primarily in activities such as, but not limited to, commercial, savings, and mortgage banking; sales, personal, and mortgage financing; factoring, finance leasing, ana other business lending; insurance underwriting; and FRASER other investment activities. Digitized for 3. Includes all financial company paper sold by dealers in the open market. 4. As reported by financial companies that place their paper directly with investors. 5. Includes public utilities and firms engaged primarily in such activities as communications, construction, manufacturing, mining, wholesale and retail trade, transportation, and reserves. A24 1.33 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • February 1981 PRIME RATE CHARGED BY BANKS on Short-Term Business Loans Percent per annum Effective date 1980—Sept 19 26 Oct. 1 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.50 16.25 17.00 17.75 17 29 Nov. 6 17 21 26 1980—Dec 10 16 20.00 21.00 19 21.50 2 20.50 9 20.00 1981—Jan. 1980—Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July 18.50 19.00 2 5 Average rate Month Rate Effective Date Rate 15.25 15.63 18.31 19.77 16.57 12.63 11.48 Month 1980—Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 1981—Jan 1.34 TERMS OF LENDING AT COMMERCIAL BANKS Survey of Loans Made, November 3-8, 1980 Size of loan (in thousands of dollars) Item All sizes 1,000 1-24 50-99 25-49 100-499 500-999 and over SHORT-TERM COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL LOANS 1 2 3 4 5 Amount of loans (thousands of dollars) Number of loans Weighted-average maturity (months) Weighted-average interest rate (percent per annum) . Interquartile range 1 13,100,722 131,579 2.2 15.71 15.12-16.65 729,247 92,779 3.0 15.97 14.75-17.23 549,089 16,539 3.5 15.72 13.52-17.11 562,389 9,235 2.9 16.39 15.50-17.50 1,819,646 10,024 3.0 15.52 14.50-16.75 665,483 1,049 3.4 15.87 15.31-16.61 8,774,868 1,953 1.7 15.68 15.25-16.50 50.5 45.7 25.2 25.0 25.1 14.9 27.9 22.3 12.0 40.7 35.3 17.4 52.1 46.4 24.3 68.3 65.6 31.0 53.0 48.0 27.1 Percentage of amount of loans 6 With floating rate 7 Made under commitment 8 With no stated maturity LONG-TERM COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL LOANS 9 10 11 12 13 Amount of loans (thousands of dollars) Number of loans Weighted-average maturity (months) Weighted-average interest rate (percent per annum) . Interquartile range 1 3,152,110 17,989 46.3 15.07 14.50-15.62 306,233 15,060 48.3 15.42 14.93-16.65 571,615 2,245 34.4 15.29 14.75-15.50 171,411 245 40.6 15.20 14.50-16.25 2,102,851 439 49.6 14.95 14.50-15.50 70.1 58.1 39.3 29.0 29.5 25.1 72.3 70.2 85.5 70.3 Percentage of amount of loans 14 With floating rate 15 Made under commitment CONSTRUCTION AND LAND DEVELOPMENT LOANS 16 17 18 19 20 Amount of loans (thousands of dollars) Number of loans Weighted-average maturity (months) Weighted-average interest rate (percent per annum) . Interquartile range 1 21 22 23 24 Percentage of amount of loans With floating rate Secured by real estate Made under commitment With no stated maturity 1,072,203 24,383 13.4 15.31 14.00-16.65 105,341 13,527 9.4 15.23 14.04-16.99 242,030 6,586 5.0 14.64 13.10-15.50 167,557 2,637 19.4 14.74 14.00-14.75 230,726 1,413 10.0 15.24 14.00-17.00 326,549 221 18.0 16.16 15.50-17.00 44.4 81.9 60.9 16.5 22.7 84.3 48.7 4.9 8.8 98.2 60.9 26.9 45.6 96.7 21.5 3.1 47.9 89.8 78.2 35.8 74.7 56.0 73.0 5.8 40.9 8.2 50.9 75.0 2.2 22.7 66.9 10.0 23.1 57.7 3.6 38.7 24.9 8.9 66.2 13.3 10.7 76.0 Type of construction 25 1- to 4-family 26 Multifamily 27 Nonresidential All sizes 250 10-24 1-9 25-49 50-99 100-249 and over LOANS TO FARMERS 28 29 30 31 32 Amount of loans (thousands of dollars) Number of loans Weighted-average maturity (months) Weighted-average interest rate (percent per annum) . Interquartile range 1 33 34 35 36 37 By purpose of loan Feeder livestock Other livestock Other current operating expenses Farm machinery and equipment Other 1,301,641 72,123 7.3 15.46 14.49-16.64 191,079 46,721 6.7 15.10 14.30-15.97 217,452 14,605 7.1 15.02 14.32-15.95 190,952 5,800 5.6 15.22 14.04-16.21 196,075 2,838 6.6 15.55 15.00-16.10 275,324 1,789 10.6 15.74 14.48-16.64 230,759 370 5.8 15.96 14.93-17.05 15.45 15.35 15.44 15.13 15.75 15.10 15.19 15.17 15.01 14.91 15.09 15.96 15.14 14.81 13.90 14.93 14.84 15.33 15.44 16.06 15.23 15.46 15.88 15.42 15.79 15.79 15.30 15.97 (2) 15.44 16.32 (2) 15.21 (2) 17.25 1. Interest rate range that covers the middle 50 percent of the total dollar amount of loans made. 2. Fewer than 10 sample loans. NOTE. For more detail, see the Board's E.2(416) statistical release, Securities Markets 1.35 A25 I N T E R E S T R A T E S M o n e y and Capital Markets Averages, percent per annum; weekly and monthly figures are averages of business day data unless otherwise noted. 1980 T .. 1981, week ending 1981 . Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 Money market rates 1 Federal funds 1 Commercial paper 2 - 3 1-month 3-month 6-month Finance paper, directly placed2-3 5 1-month 6 3-month 7 6-month 8 Bankers acceptances, 3-month 3 - 4 Certificates of deposit, secondary market 5 9 1-month 10 3-month 11 6-month 12 Eurodollar deposits, 3-month 6 U.S. Treasury bills3-7 Secondary market 3-month 13 14 6-month 1-year 15 Auction average 8 3-month 16 17 6-month 1-year 18 2 3 4 7.93 11.19 13.36 12.81 15.85 18.90 19.08 18.45 20.06 19.64 19.35 18.12 7.76 7.94 7.99 10.86 10.97 10.91 12.76 12.66 12.29 12.59 12.52 12.32 15.23 15.18 14.73 18.95 18.07 16.49 17.73 16.58 15.10 17.89 16.34 15.05 17.45 15.87 14.66 18.23 16.95 15.35 18.16 17.23 15.40 17.07 16.38 15.02 7.73 7.80 7.78 8.11 10.78 10.47 10.25 11.04 12.44 11.49 11.28 12.78 12.32 11.24 11.15 12.69 14.87 13.14 13.07 15.34 17.87 15.00 14.78 17.96 16.97 14.49 14.09 16.62 16.66 14.63 14.53 16.21' 16.70 14.03 13.81 15.96 17.11 14.33 13.94 17.01 17.43 14.80 14.31 17.30 16.71 14.80 14.24 16.32 7.88 8.22 8.61 8.78' 11.03 11.22 11.44 11.96 12.91 13.07 12.99 14.00 12.69 12.94 12.99 13.55 15.39 15.68 15.36 16.46 19.24 18.65 17.10 19.47 17.99 17.19 15.92 18.07 17.87 16.99 15.76 17.79 17.67 16.55 15.50 17.06 18.44 17.42 15.92 18.06 18.54 17.82 16.34 18.60 17.43 17.03 15.92 18.56 7.19 7.58 7.74 10.07 10.06 9.75 11.43 11.37 10.89 11.62 11.63 11.30 13.73 13.50 12.66 15.49 14.64 13.23 15.02 14.08 12.62 14.31 13.73 12.38 14.31 13.69 12.26 15.19 14.06 12.50 15.65 14.59 13.03 15.01 14.01 12.68 7.221 7.572 7.678 10.041 10.017 9.817 11.506 11.374 10.748 11.580 11.566 11.136 13.888 13.612 12.219 15.661 14.770 13,261 14.724 13.883 12.554 13.908 13.411 12.074 13.601 13.182 15.318 14.228 15.595 14.471 15.199 14.121 13.033 13.68 12.85 14.52 13.69 12.72 12.53 12.40 12.31 11.98 11.85 13.91 13.15 13.10 12.91 12.69 12.62 12.53 12.27 12.12 13.32 13.01 12.85 12.72 12.48 12.31 14.24 13.39 13.25 13.13 12.89 12.78 12.74 12.48 12.32 Capital market rates U . S . TREASURY NOTES AND BONDS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Constant maturities 9 1-year 2-year 2V^-year10 3-year 5-year 7-year 10-year 20-year 30-year 28 Composite 11 Over 10 years (long-term) 8.34 8.34 10.67 10.12 12.05 11.77 12.49 12.09 14.15 13.51 14.88 14.08 14.08 13.26 8.29 8.32 8.36 8.41 8.48 8.49 9.71 9.52 9.48 9.44 9.33 9.29 11.55 11.48 11.43 11.46 11.39 11.30 12.01 11.86 11.79 11.75 11.75 11.59 13.31 12.83 12.71 12.68 12.44 12.37 13.65 13.25 13.00 12.84 12.49 12.40 13.01 12.77 12.66 12.57 12.29 12.14 13.86 13.00 12.75 12.81 12.54 12.43 12.36 12.05 11.95 7.89 8.74 10.81 11.20 11.83 11.89 11.65 11.49 11.39 11.62 11.79 11.80 5.52 6.27 6.03 5.92 6.73 6.52 7.85 9.01 8.59 8.38 9.41 9.11 8.71 9.74 9.56 9.44 10.64 10.11 8.98 9.90 9.66 9.00 10.20 9.76 8.80 9.90 9.49 8.80 9.90 9.57 9.00 9.90 9.68 9.30 9.90 9.91 9.07 10.12 12.75 13.07 13.64 14.04 13.80 13.82 13.65 13.74 13.88 13.93 8.73 8.92 9.12 9.45 9.63 9.94 10.20 10.69 11.94 12.50 12.89 13.67 12.31 12.68 13.05 14.23 12.97 13.34 13.59 14.64 13.21 13.78 14.03 15.14 12.81 13.52 13.83 15.03 12.83 13.54 13.82 15.09 12.59 13.34 13.72 14.93 12.76 13.51 13.72 14.96 12.91 13.60 13.90 15.08 12.98 13.62 13.97 15.15 8.96 8.97 10.03 10.02 12.74 12.70 13.18 13.13 13.85 13.91 14.51 14.38 14.12 14.17 14.15 14.05 14.10 14.07 14.17 14.29 14.33 14.06 14.08 8.25 5.28 9.07 5.46 10.57 5.25 10.64 4.80 11.35 4.63 11.94 4.74 11.64? 4.76 12.09 4.67 11.55 4.70 11.47 4.76 11.53 4.83 11.54 4.84 STATE AND LOCAL NOTES AND BONDS Moody's series12 29 30 Baa 31 Bond Buyer series 13 CORPORATE BONDS 32 Seasoned issues, all industries 14 By rating group 33 Aaa 34 Aa 35 A 36 Baa Aaa utility bonds 15 .... 37 New issue Recently offered issues 38 39 40 MEMO: Dividend/price ratio 16 Preferred stocks Common stocks ... 1. Weekly figures are seven-day averages of daily effective rates for the week ending Wednesday; the daily effective rate is an average of the rates on a given day weighted by the volume of transactions at these rates. 2. Beginning November 1977, unweighted average of offering rates quoted by at least five dealers (in the case of commercial paper), or finance companies (in the case of finance paper). Previously, most representative rate quoted by those dealers and finance companies. Before November 1979, maturities for data shown are 30-59 days, 90-119 days, and 120-179 days for commercial paper; and 30-59 days, 90-119 days, and 150-179 days for finance paper. 3. Yields are quoted on a bank-discount basis. 4. Dealer closing offered rates for domestic issues (top-rated banks). 5. Five-day average of rates quoted by five dealers. 6. Averages of daily quotations for the week ending Wednesday. 7. Except for auction averages, yields are computed from daily closing bid prices. 8. Rates are recorded in the week in which bills are issued. 9. Yield on the more actively traded issues adjusted to constant maturities by the U.S. Treasury, based on daily closing bid prices. 10. Each monthly figure is an average of only five business days near the end of the month. The rate for each month was used to determine the maximum interest rate payable in the following month on small saver certificates, until June 2, 1980. Each weekly figure is calculated on a biweekly basis and is the average of five business days ending on the Monday following the calendar week. Beginning June 2, the biweekly rate is used to determine the maximum interest rate payable in the following two-week period on small saver certificates. (See table 1.16.) 11. Unweighted averages for all outstanding notes and bonds neither due nor callable in less than 10 years, including several very low yielding "flower" bonds. Based on daily closing bid prices. 12. General obligations only, based on figures for Thursday, from Moody's Investors Service. 13. Twenty issues of mixed quality. 14. Averages of daily figures from Moody's Investors Service. 15. Compilation of tne Federal Reserve. Issues included are long-term (20 years or more). New-issue yields are based on quotations on date of offering; those on recently offered issues (included only for first 4 weeks after termination of underwriter price restrictions), on Friday close-of-business quotations. 16. Standard and Poor's corporate series. Preferred stock ratio based on a sample of ten issues: four public utilities, four industrials, one financial, and one transportation. Common stock ratios on the 500 stocks in the price index. A26 1.36 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • February 1981 STOCK MARKET Selected Statistics 1980 Indicator 1979 1978 1981 1980 July Aug. Oct. Sept. Nov. Dec. Jan. Prices and trading (averages of daily figures) Common stock prices 1 New York Stock Exchange (Dec. 31, 1965 = 50) 2 Industrial 3 Transportation 4 Utility 5 Finance 6 Standard & Poor's Corporation (1941-43 = 10)1 . 7 American Stock Exchange (Aug. 31, 1973 = 100) 53.76 58.30 43.25 39.23 56.74 96.11 144.56 55.67 61.82 45.20 36.46 58.65 98.34 186.56 68.06 78.64 60.52 37.35 64.28 118.71 300.94 68.56 78.67 59.14 38.77 66.76 119.83 310.29 70.87 82.15 62.48 38.18 67.22 123.50 321.87 73.12 84.92 65.89 38.77 69.33 126.49 337.01 75.17 88.00 70.76 38.44 68.29 130.22 350.08 78.15 92.32 77.22 38.35 67.21 135.65 349.97 76.69 90.37 75.74 37.84 67.46 133.48 347.56 76.24 89.23 74.43 38.53 70.04 132.97 344.21 Volume of trading (thousands of shares) 8 New York Stock Exchange 9 American Stock Exchange 28,591 3,622 32,233 4,182 44,867 6,377 46,444 6,195 45,984 6,452 50,397 7,880 44,860 7,087 54,895 7,852 46,620 6,410 45,500 6,024 Customer financing (end-of-period balances, in millions of dollars) 10 Regulated margin credit at brokers/dealers 2 11,035 11,619 14,271 11,522 12,007 12,731 13,293 14,363 14,721 11 Margin stock3 12 Convertible bonds 13 Subscription issues 10,830 205 1 11,450 167 2 14,500 219 2 11,320 198 4 11,800 204 3 12,520 208 3 13,080 211 2 14,140 220 3 14,500 219 2 835 2,510 1,105 4,060 2,120 5,590 1,665 4.905 1,695 4,925 1,850 5,680 1,950' 5,500' 2,120' 5,590' 2,105 5,970 Free credit balances at brokers4 14 Margin-account 15 Cash-account n. a. Margin-account debt at brokers (percentage distribution, end of period) 16 Total 17 18 19 20 21 22 By equity class (in percent)5 Under 40 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80 or more 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 33.0 28.0 18.0 10.0 6.0 5.0 16.0 29.0 27.0 14.0 8.0 7.0 14.0 30.0 25.0 14.0 9.0 8.0 12.0 27.0 28.0 16.0 9.0 8.0 11.0 25.0 30.0 16.0 10.0 8.0 13.0 28.0 26.0 15.0 10.0 8.0 13.0 29.0 25.0 15.0 10.0 8.0 13.0 18.0 31.0 18.0 14.0 30.0 25.0 14.0 9.0 8.0 11.0 9.0 n .a. 1 IT Special miscellaneous-account balances at brokers (end of period) 23 Total balances (millions of dollars)6 . Distribution by equity status (percent) 24 Net credit status Debt status, equity of 25 60 percent or more 26 Less than 60 percent 13,092 16,150 21,690 17,886 41.3 44.2 47.8 48.7 45.1 13.6 47.0 8.8 44.4 7.7 43.8 8.0 18,350 19,283 19,929 21,600 21,690 48.2 49.0 46.8 46.5 47.8 44.6 7.0 43.4 7.6 46.2 7.0 46.8 6.7 44.4 7.7 Margin requirements (percent of market value and effective date) 7 27 Margin stocks 28 Convertible bonds 29 Short sales Mar. 11, 1968 June 8, 1968 May 6, 1970 Dec. 6, 1971 Nov. 24, 1972 70 50 70 80 60 80 65 50 65 55 50 55 65 50 65 1. Effective July 1976, includes a new financial group, banks and insurance companies. With this change the index includes 400 industrial stocks (formerly 425), 20 transportation (formerly 15 rail), 40 public utility (formerly 60), and 40 financial. 2. Margin credit includes all credit extended to purchase or carry stocks or related equity instruments and secured at least in part by stock. Credit extended is end-ofmonth data for member firms of the New York Stock Exchange. In addition to assigning a current loan value to margin stock generally. Regulations T and U permit special loan values for convertible bonds and stock acquired through exercise of subscription rights. 3. A distribution of this total by equity class is shown on lines 17-22. 4. Free credit balances are in accounts with no unfulfilled commitments to the brokers and are subject to withdrawal by customers on demand. Jan. 3, 1974 50 50 50 5. Each customer's equity in his collateral (market value of collateral less net debit balance) is expressed as a percentage of current collateral values. 6. Balances that may be used by customers as the margin deposit required for additional purchases. Balances may arise as transfers based on loan values of other collateral in the customer's margin account or deposits of cash (usually sales proceeds) occur. 7. Regulations G, T, and U of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, prescribed in accordance with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, limit the amount of credit to purchase and carry margin stocks that may be extended on securities as collateral by prescribing a maximum loan value, which is a specified percentage of the market value of the collateral at the time the credit is extended. Margin requirements are the difference between the market value (100 percent) and the maximum loan value. The term "margin stocks" is defined in the corresponding regulation. Thrift Institutions 1.37 SAVINGS INSTITUTIONS All Selected Assets and Liabilities Millions of dollars, end of period 1980 Account 1978 1979 Mar. Apr. June May July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Savings and loan associations 1 Assets 523,542 596,620 603,295 609,320 617,773 623,939 2 Mortgages 3 Cash and investment securities1 4 Other 432,808 475,688 478,952 480,032 479,956 481,042 482,839 487,036 53,336 50,373 52,466 52,408 52,165 44,884 46,341 50,702 56,933 59,466 60,320 60,509 60,947 61,616 62,923 45,850 491,895 53,435 63,990 496,495 56,146 65,132 499,973 502,718 57,302 57,562 66,664 69,396 S Liabilities and net worth 523,542 603,295 609,320 617,773 623,939 430,953 470,004 478,075 478,400 481,411 486,680 488,896 497,403 55,396 57,253 55,199 54,796 41,239 55,232 57,193 42,907 41,005 40,441 42,413 42,724 41,529 40,613 39,882 31,990 14,391 14,529 13,670 14,780 14,183 13,579 14,791 10,917 7,540 7,185 7,112 8,149 7,725 7,031 10,721 9,582 16,141 14,364 16,190 14,143 12,966 9,904 12,566 11,506 496,991 58,418 42,547 15,871 8,243 12,776 500,861 60,727 44,325 16,402 8,654 14,502 503,365 511,024 62,067 64,464 45,505 47,074 16,562 17,390 8,853 8,732 16,433 12,131 6 7 8 9 10 11 Savings capital Borrowed money FHLBB Other Loans in process Other 578,962 589,120 590,725 592,931 594,397 578,962 589,120 590,725 592,931 594,397 596,620 629,676 629,676 12 Net worth 2 29,057 32,638 33,137 33,204 32,995 32,924 32,787 32,766 32,892 33,029 33,221 33,325 13 MEMO: Mortgage loan commitments outstanding 3 18,911 16,007 15,843 14,195 13,931 15,368 18,020 20,278 20,311 19,077 17,979 16,184 Mutual savings banks 4 14 Assets 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Loans Mortgage Other Securities U.S. government 5 State and local government Corporate and other 6 Cash Other assets 22 Liabilities 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Deposits Regular 7 Ordinary savings Time and other Other Other liabilities General reserve accounts MEMO: Mortgage loan commitments outstanding 8 158,174 163,405 165,107 165,366 166,340 166,982 167,959 168,752 169,409 170,432 171,126 95,157 7,195 98,908 9,253 99,151 10,131 99,045 10,187 99,163 10,543 99,176 11,148 99,301 11,390 99,289 11,122 99,306 11,415 99,523 11,382 99,677 11,477 4,959 3,333 39,732 3,665 4,131 7,658 2,930 37,086 3,156 4,412 7,629 2,824 37,493 3,361 4,518 7,548 2,791 37,801 3,405 4,588 7,527 2,727 38,246 3,588 4,547 7,483 2,706 38,276 3,561 4,631 7,796 2,702 38,863 3,260 4,648 8,079 2,709 39,327 3,456 4,770 8,434 2,728 39,609 3,153 4,764 8,622 2,754 39,720 3,592 4,839 8,715 2,736 39,888 3,717 4,916 158,174 163,405 165,107 165,366 166,340 166,982 167,959 168,752 169,409 170,432 171,126 142,701 141,170 71,816 69,354 1,531 4,565 10,907 146,006 144,070 61,123 82,947 1,936 5,873 11,525 146,328 144,214 56,948 87,266 2,115 7,135 11,643 145,821 143,765 54,247 89,517 2,056 7,916 11,629 146,637 144,646 54,669 89,977 1,990 8,161 11,542 148,606 146,416 56,388 90,028 2,190 6,898 11,478 149,580 147,408 57,737 89,671 2,172 6,964 11,416 150,187 148,018 58,191 89,827 2,169 7,211 11,353 151,765 149,395 58,658 90,736 2,370 6,299 11,344 151,998 149,797 57,651 92,146 2,200 7,117 11,317 152,133 150,109 56,256 93,853 2,024 7,644 11,349 4,400 3,182 2,397 2,097 1,883 1,898 1,939 1,849 1,883 1,817 1,682 459,362 464,483 468,057 473,529 20,470 20,529 20,545 20,395 20,736 20,833 20,009 0,338 5,059 5,004 5,107 4,990 4,822 5,325 5,386 4,888 6,352 6,349 6,421 6,351 6,402 6,454 6,428 6,361 9,060 9,070 9,087 9,056 8,785 9,022 9,050 9,026 198,105 222,332 221,214 222,175 223,556 224,874 228,645 230,477 162,587 178,371 182,536 182,750 183,356 184,329 186,385 187,839 39,757 38,678 39,425 40,200 40,545 42,260 42,638 35,518 106,167 118,421 122,314 123,587 124,563 125,455 126,461 127,357 13,696 14,164 11,764 13,007 13,512 13,981 14,085 14,184 38,890 39,354 39,649 36,901 38,166 30,146 34,825 39,925 23,733 27,563 25,247 24,838 25,501 26,695 26,104 26,586 20,853 5,361 6,474 9,018 233,652 189,586 44,066 128,089 14,460 40,258 27,171 20,942 5,390 6,484 9,068 236,115 191,229 44,886 128,977 14,702 40,548 26,765 21,204 5,568 6,568 9,068 239,150 191,753 47,397 129,878 15,183 40,878 27,236 n.a. Life insurance companies 31 Assets 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Securities Government United States 9 State and local Foreign 10 Business Bonds Stocks Mortgages Real estate Policy loans Other assets 389,924 432,282 439,733 442,932 447,020 450,858 455,759 n.a. Credit unions 43 Total assets/liabilities and capital 62,348 65,854 65,678 65,190 66,103 68,102 68,429 69,553 70,515 70,702 71,335 71,709 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 34,760 27,588 50,269 27,687 22,582 53,517 29,802 23,715 35,934 29,920 53,125 28,698 24,426 56,232 35,530 25,702 36,091 29,587 51,337 27,685 23,652 56,743 30,948 25,795 35,834 29,356 50,344 27,119 23,225 56,338 30,851 25,487 36,341 29,762 49,469 26,550 22,919 57,197 31,403 25,794 37,555 30,547 48,172 25,773 22,399 59,310 32,764 26,546 37,573 30,856 47,829 25,435 22,394 60,574 33,472 27,102 38,168 31,385 47,884 25,401 22,483 61,403 33,964 27,439 39,219 31,296 47,211 25,381 21,830 63,728 35,961 27,767 39,155 31,547 47,221 25,288 21,933 63,957 36,030 27,927 39,428 31,907 47,299 25,273 22,026 64,304 36,183 28,121 39,801 31,908 47,774 25,627 22,147 64,399 36,348 28,051 Federal State Loans outstanding Federal State Savings Federal (shares) State (shares and deposits) For notes see bottom of page A28. A28 1.38 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • February 1981 FEDERAL FISCAL AND FINANCING OPERATIONS Millions of dollars Calendar year Type of account or operation Fiscal year 1978 Fiscal year 1979 Fiscal year 1980 1979 H2 U.S. budget 1 Receipts 1 2 Outlays 12 3 Surplus, or deficit( - ) 4 Trust funds Federal funds 3 5 1980 1980 HI H2 Oct. Nov. Dec. 401,997 450,804' -48,807' 12,693 -61,532 465,940 493,635' -27,694' 18,335 -46,069 520,050 579,613' -59,563' 8,791 -67,752 233,952 263,004' -29,052' 9,679 -38,773 270,864 289,905' -19,041' 4,383 -23,418 262,152 310,972 -48,821 -2,551 -46,306 38,923 56,304 -17,382 -7,452 -9,929 39,175 48,049 -8,874 -3,049 -5,825 48,903 56,202 -7,299 5,661 -12,960 -10,661 302' -13,261 793r -14,549 303' -5,909 765' -7,735 -522' -7,552 376 -1,157 1,403 -1,358 -466 -1,033 463 -59,166 -40,162 -73,808' 59,106 33,641 -3,023 3,083 -408 6,929 22,444 16,647 5,797 24,176 6,489 17,687 Off-budget entities (surplus, or deficit 6 Federal Financing Bank outlays 7 Other 4 U.S. budget plus off-budget, including Federal Financing Bank 8 Surplus, or deficit ( - ) Source or financing Borrowing from the public 9 10 Cash and monetary assets (decrease, or increase ( - ) ) ' 11 Other 6 70,515 -355 3,648' -34,197 -27,298 -55,998 -17,136 -10,698 -7,869 31,320 24,435 54,764 4,758 9,231 13,667 3,059 -182 -3,482 6,345 -6,730 7,964 8,488 3,890 4,077 -2,610 -10,485 4,686 15,924 4,075 11,849 14,092 3,199 10,893 12,305 3,062 9,243 12,678 1,864 10,814 7,226 2,435 4,791 12,305 3,062 9,243 MEMO: 12 Treasury operating balance (level, end of period) 13 Federal Reserve Banks 14 Tax and loan accounts 20,990 4,102 16,888 1. Effective June 1978, earned income credit payments in excess of an individual's tax liability, formerly treated as income tax refunds, are classified as outlays retroactive to January 1976. 2. Effective Oct. 1, 1980, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation was reclassified from an off-budget agency to an on-budget agency in the Department of Labor. 3. Half-year figures are calculated as a residual (total surplus/deficit less trust fund surplus/deficit). 4. Includes Postal Service Fund; Rural Electrification and Telephone Revolving Fund; and Rural Telephone Bank. 5. Includes U.S. Treasury operating cash accounts; special drawing rights; gold tranche drawing rights; loans to International Monetary Fund; and other cash and monetary assets. 6. Includes accrued interest payable to the public; allocations of special drawing rights; deposit funds; miscellaneous liability (including checks outstanding) and asset accounts; seignorage; increment on gold; net gain/loss for U.S. currency valuation adjustment; net gain/loss for IMF valuation adjustment; and profit on the sale of gold. SOURCE. "Monthly Treasury Statement of Receipts and Outlays of the U.S. Government," Treasury Bulletin, and the Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 1981. NOTES TO TABLE 1.37 1. Holdings of stock of the Federal Home Loan Banks are included in "other assets." 2. Includes net undistributed income, which is accrued by most, but not all, associations. 3. Excludes figures for loans in process, which are shown as a liability. 4. The NAMSB reports that, effective April 1979, balance sheet data are not strictly comparable with previous months. Beginning April 1979, data are reported on a net-of-valuation-reserves basis. Prior to that date, data were reported on a gross-of-valuation-reserves basis. 5. Beginning April 1979, includes obligations of U.S. government agencies. Before that date, this item was included in "Corporate and other." 6. Includes securities of foreign governments and international organizations and, prior to April 1979, nonguaranteed issues of U.S. government agencies. 7. Excludes checking, club, and school accounts. 8. Commitments outstanding (including loans in process) of banks in New York State as reported to the Savings Banks Association of the state of New York. 9. Direct and guaranteed obligations. Excludes federal agency issues not guaranteed, which are shown in the table under "Business" securities. 10. Issues of foreign governments and their subdivisions and bonds of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. NOTE. Savings and loan associations: Estimates by the FHLBB for all associations in the United States. Data are based on monthly reports of federally insured associations and annual reports of other associations. Even when revised, data for current and preceding year are subject to further revision. Mutual savings banks: Estimates of National Association of Mutual Savings Banks for all savings banks in the United States. Life insurance companies: Estimates of the American Council of Life Insurance for all life insurance companies in the United States. Annual figures are annualstatement asset values, with bonds carried on an amortized basis and stocks at year-end market value. Adjustments for interest due and accrued and for differences between market and book values are not made on each item separately but are included, in total, in "other assets." Credit unions: Estimates by the National Credit Union Administration for a group of federal and state-chartered credit unions that account for about 30 percent of credit union assets. Figures are preliminary and revised annually to incorporate recent benchmark data. Federal Finance 1.39 A29 U.S. BUDGET RECEIPTS AND OUTLAYS Millions of dollars Calendar year Source or type Fiscal year 1978 Fiscal year 1979 Fiscal year 1980' H2 1980 1980 1979 HI H2 Oct. Nov. Dec. RECEIPTS 401,997 465,940 520,050 233,952 270,864 262,152 38,923 39,175 48,903 180,988 165,215 39 47,804 32,070 217,841 195,295 36 56,215 33,705 244,069 223,763 39 63,746 43,479 115,488 105,764 3 12,355 2,634 119,988 110,394 34 49,707 40,147 131,962 120,924 4 14,592 3,559 21,150 20,237 0 1,454 540 20,851 20,379 0 673 201 23,725 22,844 0 1,150 269 65,380 5,428 71,448 5,771 72,380 7,790 29,169 3,306 43,434 4,064 28,579 4,518 2,598 1,314 1,774 771 10,155 768 123,410 141,591 160,747 71,031 86,597 77,262 11,283 13,242 11,078 99,626 115,041 133,042 60,562 69,077 66,831 9,645 11,189 10,268 4,267 13,850 5,668 5,034 15,387 6,130 5,723 15,336 6,646 417 6,899 3,149 5,535 8,690 3,294 188 6,742 3,502 0 1,068 570 0 1,499 554 0 224 586 18,376 6,573 5,285 7,413 18,745 7,439 5,411 9,237 24,329 7,174 6,389 12,741 9,675 3,741 2,900 5,254 11,383 3,443 3,091 6,993 15,332 3,717 3,499 6,318 2,778 654 610 1,163 2,080 546 543 909 2,391 632 517 1,174 18 AH types 16 450,804r 493,635r 579,613 263,004r 289,905' 310,972 56,304 48,049 56,202 19 20 21 22 23 24 National defense International affairs General science, space, and technology .. Energy Natural resources and environment Agriculture 105,186 5,922 4,742 5,861 10,925 7,731 117,681 6,091 5,041 6,856 12,091 6,238 135,856 10,733 5,722 6,313 13,812 4,762 62,002 4,617 3,299 3,281 7,350 1,709 69,132 4,602 3,150 3,126 6,668 3,193 72,457 5,430 3,205 3,997 7,722 1,892 13,040 984 588 631 1,406 221 11,812 674 549 627 1,086 878 12,605 1,249 618 845 1,325 1,355 Commerce and housing credit Transportation Community and regional development . . . Education, training, employment, social services 29 Health 30 Income security1-6 3,324 15,445 11,039 2,565 17,459 9,482 7,782 21,120 10,068 3,002 10,298 4,855 3,878 9,582 5,302 3,163 11,547 5,370 1,626 2,066 989 -357 1,808 847 1,051 1,870 872 26,463 43,676 146,180'" 29,685 49,614 160,159' 30,767 58,165 193,100 14,579 26,492 85,967r 16,686 29,299 94,605' 15,221 31,263 107,912 2,947 5,432 18,361 2,223 4,891 17,216 2,461 5,716 18,944 21,183 4,570 4,505 8,584 64,504 -21,933 10,113 2,174 2,103 4,286 29,045 -12,164 11,731 2,299 2,432 4,191 35,909 -14,769 2,859 466 39 1,929 5,349 -2,630 719 348 464 210 5,338 -1,285 3,032 382 446 26 10,805 -7,400 1 All sources1 ? Individual income taxes, net 3 Withheld 4 Presidential Election Campaign Fund .. Nonwithheld 6 Refunds 1 Corporation income taxes 7 Gross receipts 8 Refunds 9 Social insurance taxes and contributions, net 10 Payroll employment taxes and contributions 2 11 Self-employment taxes and contributions 3 12 Unemployment insurance 13 Other net receipts 4 14 15 16 17 Excise taxes Customs deposits Estate and gift taxes Miscellaneous receipts 5 OUTLAYS 25 26 27 28 31 32 33 34 35 36 Veterans benefits and services Administration of justice General government General-purpose fiscal assistance Interest 7 Undistributed offsetting receipts7-8 18,974 3,802 3,737 9,601 43,966 -15,772 19,928 4,153 4,153 8,372 52,556 -18,489 1. Effective June 1978, earned income credit payments in excess of an individual's tax liability, formerly treated as income tax refunds, are classified as outlays retroactive to January 1976. 2. Old-age, disability, and hospital insurance, and railroad retirement accounts. 3. Old-age, disability, and hospital insurance. 4. Supplementary medical insurance premiums, federal employee retirement contributions, and Civil Service retirement and disability fund. 5. Deposits of earnings by Federal Reserve Banks and other miscellaneous receipts. 6. Effective Oct. 1, 1980, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation was re- 9,758 2,291 2,422 3,940 32,658 -10,387 classified from an off-budget agency to an on-budget agency in the Department of Labor. 7. Effective September 1976, "Interest" and "Undistributed offsetting receipts" reflect the accounting conversion from an accrual basis to a cash basis for the interest on special issues for U.S. government accounts. 8. Consists of interest received by trust funds, rents and royalties on the Outer Continental Shelf, and U.S. government contributions for employee retirement. SOURCE. "Monthly Treasury Statement of Receipts and Outlays of the U.S. Government" and the Budget of the U.S. Government, Fiscal Year 1981. A30 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • February 1981 1.40 FEDERAL DEBT SUBJECT TO STATUTORY LIMITATION Billions of dollars 1978 1979 1980 Item Sept. 30 Dec. 31 Mar. 31 June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31. Mar. 31 June 30 Sept. 30 1 Federal debt outstanding 780.4 797.7 804.6 812.2 833.8 852.2 870.4 884.4 914.3 2 Public debt securities 3 Held by public 4 Held by agencies 771.5 603.6 168.0 789.2 619.2 170.0 796.8 630.5 166.3 804.9 626.4 178.5 826.5 638.8 187.7 845.1 658.0 187.1 863.5 677.1 186.3 877.6 682.7 194.9 907.7 710.0 197.7 8.9 7.4 1.5 8.5 7.0 1.5 7.8 6.3 1.5 7.3 5.9 1.5 7.2 5.8 1.5 7.1 5.6 1.5 7.0 5.5 1.5 6.8 5.3 1.5 6.6 5.1 1.5 5 Agency securities 6 Held by public Held by agencies 7 8 Debt subject to statutory limit 772.7 790.3 797.9 806.0 827.6 846.2 864.5 878.7 908.7 9 Public debt securities 10 Other debti 770.9 1.8 788.6 1.7 796.2 1.7 804.3 1.7 825.9 1.7 844.5 1.7 862.8 1.7 877.0 1.7 907.1 1.6 11 MEMO: Statutory debt limit 798.0 798.0 798.0 830.0 830.0 879.0 879.0 925.0 925.0 1. Includes guaranteed debt of government agencies, specified participation certificates, notes to international lending organizations, and District of Columbia stadium bonds. 1.41 GROSS PUBLIC DEBT OF U.S. TREASURY NOTE. Data from Treasury Bulletin (U.S. Treasury Department). Types and Ownership Billions of dollars, end of period 1980 Type and holder 1976 1977 1978 Sept. 1 Total gross public debt 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 By type Interest-bearing debt Marketable Bills Notes Bonds Nonmarketable 1 Convertible bonds 2 State and local government series Foreign issues 3 Government Public Savings bonds and notes Government account series 4 15 Non-interest-bearing debt 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 By holder 5 U.S. government agencies and trust funds Federal Reserve Banks Private investors Commercial banks Mutual savings banks Insurance companies Other companies State and local governments Individuals 24 Savings bonds 25 Other securities 26 Foreign and international 6 27 Other miscellaneous investors 7 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. 653.5 718.9 789.2 845.1 907.7 908.2 913.8 930.2 934.1 652.5 421.3' 164.0 216.7 40.6 231.2 2.3 4.5 22.3 22.3 0 72.3 129.7 715.2 459.9 161.1 251.8 47.0 255.3 2.2 13.9 22.2 22.2 0 77.0 139.8 782.4 487.5 161.7 265.8 60.0 294.8 2.2 24.3 29.6 28.0 1.6 80.9 157.5 844.0 530.7 172.6 283.4 74.7 313.2 2.2 24.6 28.8 23.6 5.3 79.9 177.5 906.4 594.5 199.8 310.9 83.8 311.9 906.9 599.4 202.3 311.9 85.2 307.5 909.4 605.4 208.7 311.1 85.5 304.0 928.9 623.2 216.1 321.6 85.4 305.7 929.8 628.5 220.4 321.2 86.9 301.3 23.6 25.2 18.7 6.4 73.0 189.8 23.9 24.8 18.4 6.4 73.0 185.7 24.0 24.5 18.1 6.4 72.8 182.4 23.8 24.0 17.6 6.4 72.5 185.1 23.7 23.8 17.4 6.4 71.4 182.2 1.1 3.7 6.8 1.2 1.3 1.3 4.4 1.3 4.2 147.1 97.0 409.5 103.8 5.9 12.7 27.7 41.6 154.8 102.5 461.3 101.4 5.9 15.5 22.7 54.8 170.0 109.6 508.6 93.1 5.0 14.9 21.2 64.4 187.1 117.5 540.5 97.0 4.7 14.4 23.9 67.4 197.7 120.7 589.2 100.9 5.3 14.4 25.5 73.4 193.4 121.5 593.3 103.4 5.5 15.3 25.3 73.1 189.7 120.4 603.2 101.8 5.6 15.4 24.8 74.6 72.0 28.8 78.1 38.9 76.7 28.6 109.6 46.0 80.7 33.3 137.8 58.2 79.9 34.2 123.8 97.6 72.7 50.0 126.0 120.7 73.0 49.9 127.6 120.2 72.5 52.5 132.6 123.4 1. Includes (not shown separately): Securities issued to the Rural Electrification Administration, depository bonds, retirement plan bonds, and individual retirement bonds. 2. These nonmarketable bonds, also known as Investment Series B Bonds, may be exchanged (or converted) at the owner's option for 1 Vi percent, 5-year marketable Treasury notes. Convertible bonds that have been so exchanged are removed from this category and recorded in the notes category (line 5). 3. Nonmarketable dollar-denominated and foreign currency-denominated series held by foreigners. 4. Held almost entirely by U.S. government agencies and trust funds. 5. Data for Federal Reserve Banks and U.S. government agencies and trust funds are actual holdings; data for other groups are Treasury estimates. 1981 1979 n.a. n.a. r 6. Consists of investments of foreign balances and international accounts in the United States. Beginning with July 1974, the figures exclude non-interest-bearing notes issued to the International Monetary Fund. 7. Includes savings and loan associations, nonprofit institutions, corporate pension trust funds, dealers and brokers, certain government deposit accounts, and government sponsored agencies. NOTE. Gross public debt excludes guaranteed agency securities and, beginning in July 1974, includes Federal Financing Bank security issues. Data by type of security from Monthly Statement of the Public Debt of the United States (U.S. Treasury Department); data by holder from Treasury Bulletin. Federal Finance 1.42 U.S. GOVERNMENT MARKETABLE SECURITIES A31 Ownership, by maturity Par value; millions of dollars, end of period 1980 1980 Type of holder 1978 1979 1978 Oct. 1979 Oct. Nov. Nov. 1 to 5 years All maturities 1 All holders 487,546 530,731 599,406 605,381 162,886 164,198 196,129 191,614 2 U.S. government agencies and trust funds 3 Federal Reserve Banks 12,695 109,616 11,047 117,458 10,078 121,482 9,569 120,447 3,310 31,283 2,555 28,469 2,255 37,162 1,990 35,190 365,235 68,890 3,499 11,635 8,272 3,835 18,815 250,288 402,226 69,076 3,204 11,496 8,433 3,209 15,735 291,072 467,845 76,921 3,746 12,026 8,085 3,994 20,410 342,665 475,365 75,691 3,803 12,095 7,880 4,061 21,203 350,633 128,293 38,390 1,918 4,664 3,635 2,255 3,997 73,433 133,173 38,346 1,668 4,518 2,844 1,763 3,487 80,546 156,712 45,571 1,943 4,679 2,741 2,183 4,642 94,952 154,434 43,659 1,912 4,693 2,705 2,147 5,286 94,032 4 Private investors Commercial banks 5 6 Mutual savings banks 7 Insurance companies 8 Nonfinancial corporations 9 Savings and loan associations 10 State and local governments 11 All others 5 to 10 years Total, within 1 year 12 All holders 13 U.S. government agencies and trust funds 14 Federal Reserve Banks 15 Private investors 16 Commercial banks 17 Mutual savings banks 18 Insurance companies 19 Nonfinancial corporations 20 Savings and loan associations 21 State and local governments 22 All others 228,516 255,252 279,673 288,481 50,400 50,440 53,337 52,893 1,488 52,801 1,629 63,219 1,084 56,243 834 56,660 1,989 14,809 871 12,977 1,398 13,192 1,404 13,468 174,227 20,608 817 1,838 4,048 1,414 8,194 137,309 190,403 20,171 836 2,016 4,933 1,301 5,607 155,539 230,987 22,713 1,057 1,833 4,123 1,656 7,067 183,896 230,987 23,614 1,172 1,949 3,916 1,769 7,218 191,350 33,601 7,490 496 2,899 369 89 1,588 20,671 36,592 8,086 459 2,815 308 69 1,540 23,314 38,747 5,841 459 3,043 367 88 2,076 26,875 38,021 5,915 437 3,000 382 75 1,999 26,212 10 to 20 years Bills, within 1 year 23 All holders 24 U.S. government agencies and trust funds 25 Federal Reserve Banks 26 Private investors 27 Commercial banks 28 Mutual savings banks 29 Insurance companies 30 Nonfinancial corporations 31 Savings and loan associations 32 State and local governments 33 All others 161,747 172,644 202,309 208,721 19,800 27,588 36,926 36,893 2 42,397 0 45,337 1 44,650 44,057 3,876 2,088 4,520 3,272 3,686 5,903 3,686 5,941 119,348 5,707 150 753 12 262 5,524 105,161 127,306 5,938 262 473 2,793 219 3,100 114,522 157,658 9,455 340 498 1,891 801 4,912 139,761 164,663 8,651 337 549 1,812 822 5,126 147,366 13,836 956 143 1,460 86 60 1,420 9,711 19,796 993 127 1,305 218 58 1,762 15,332 27,338 1,425 186 1,740 429 54 3,574 19,930 27,266 1,122 181 1,744 428 57 3,651 20,083 Over 20 years Other, within 1 year 34 All holders 66,769 82,608 77,364 79,760 25,944 33,254 33,340 35,500 35 U.S. government agencies and trust funds 36 Federal Reserve Banks 1,487 10,404 1,629 17,882 1,083 11,593 834 12,602 1,031 8,635 1,472 9,520 1,656 8,982 1,656 9,188 37 Private investors 38 Commercial banks 39 Mutual savings banks 40 Insurance companies 41 Nonfinancial corporations 42 Savings and loan associations 43 State and local governments 44 All others 54,879 14,901 667 1,084 2,256 1,152 2,670 32,149 63,097 14,233 574 1,543 2,140 1,081 2,508 41,017 64,688 13,258 717 1,336 2,232 855 2,155 44,135 66,324 14,963 834 1,401 2,104 947 2,091 43,984 15,278 1,446 126 774 135 17 3,616 9,164 22,262 1,470 113 842 130 19 3,339 16,340 22,702 1,371 100 730 425 13 3,051 17,011 24,657 1,382 100 708 449 13 3,049 18,956 NOTE. Direct public issues only. Based on Treasury Survey of Ownership from Treasury Bulletin (U.S. Treasury Department). Data complete for U.S. government agencies and trust funds and Federal Reserve Banks, but data for other groups include only holdings of those institutions that report. The following figures show, for each category, the number and proportion reporting as of Nov. 30, 1980: (1) 5,353 commercial banks, 460 mutual savings banks, and 723 insurance companies, each about 80 percent; (2) 413 nonfinancial corporations and 479 savings and loan associations, each about 50 percent; and (3) 491 state and local governments, about 40 percent. "All others," a residual, includes holdings of all those not reporting in the Treasury Survey, including investor groups not listed separately. A32 1.43 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • February 1981 U.S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES DEALERS Transactions Par value; averages of daily figures, in millions of dollars 1980 Item 1 U.S. government securities 2 3 4 5 6 By maturity Bills Other within 1 year 1-5 years 5-10 years Over 10 years 1977 1978 1980, week ending Wednesday 1979 Sept. Oct. Nov. Sept. 24 Oct. 1 Oct. 8 Oct. 15 Oct. 22 Oct. 29 10,838 10,285 13,183 17,608 17,464 21,716 19,832 18,413 17,836 17,905 16,068 16,823 6,746 237 2,320 1,148 388 6,173 392 1,889 965 867 7,915 454 2,417 1,121 1,276 10,789 325 3,377 1,611 1,506 11,543 350 2,745 1,060 1,766 13,768 442 3,699 1,640 2,167 11,730 290 4,754 1,686 1,372 10,818 465 3,777 1,281 2,071 11,269 304 2,926 1,372 1,966 12,586 266 2,108 1,022 1,922 11,155 430 2,256 798 1,428 10,515 373 3,339 988 1,608 By type of customer 7 U.S. government securities dealers 8 U.S. government securities brokers 9 Commercial banks 10 All others 1 1,268 1,135 1,448 1,503 1,296 1,745 1,902 2,093 1,251 1,339 992 1,066 3,709 2,294 3,567 3,838 1,804 3,508 5,170 1,904 4,660 7,220 2,228 6,657 7,664 2,019 6,485 9,536 2,366 8,069 8,179 2,371 7,381 7,342 2,169 6,808 7,732 2,127 6,726 7,274 2,115 7,178 7,298 1,708 6,070 7,998 1,969 5,790 11 Federal agency securities 1,729 1,894 2,723 2,666 3,277 3,074 3,392 2,822 3,348 3,414 2,947 3,194 1. Includes, among others, all other dealers and brokers in commodities and securities, foreign banking agencies, and the Federal Reserve System. NOTE. Averages for transactions are based on number of trading days in the period. 1.44 U.S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES DEALERS Transactions are market purchases and sales of U.S. government securities dealers reporting to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The figures exclude allotments of, and exchanges for, new U.S. government securities, redemptions of called or matured securities, or purchases or sales of securities under repurchase, reverse repurchase (resale), or similar contracts. Positions and Sources of Financing Par value; averages of daily figures, in millions of dollars 1980 Item 1977 1978 1980, week ending Wednesday 1979 Sept. Oct. Nov. Aug. 27 Sept. 3 Sept. 10 Sept. 17 Sept. 24 Oct. 1 Positions1 1 U.S. government securities 5,172 2,656 3,223 3,338 2,701 3,279 4,351 4,500 3,784 3,656 2,921 2,164 2 3 4 5 6 4,772 99 60 92 149 2,452 260 -92 40 -4 3,813 -325 -455 160 30 3,753 -1,685 620 122 529 2,557 -1,082 755 -221 692 3,132 -792 -123 -13 1,075 4,300 -1,510 939 172 450 4,330 -1,603 648 674 451 4,063 -1,727 544 439 465 4,467 -1,741 118 183 629 3,184 -1,788 970 -69 624 2,683 -1,425 908 -359 356 693 606 1,471 320 979 357 428 269 183 259 435 486 Bills Other within 1 year 1-5 years 5-10 years Over 10 years 7 Federal agency securities . Financing2 8 All sources 9 10 11 12 Commercial banks New York City Outside New York City Corporations 3 All others 9,877 10,204 16,003 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1,313 1,987 2,358 4,158 599 2,174 2,379 5,052 1,396 2,868 3,373 4,104 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1. Net amounts (in terms of par values) of securities owned by nonbank dealer firms and dealer departments of commercial banks on a commitment, that is, tradedate basis, including any such securities that have been sold under agreements to repurchase. The maturities of some repurchase agreements are sufficiently long, however, to suggest that the securities involved are not available for trading purposes. Securities owned, and hence dealer positions, do not include securities purchased under agreement to resell. 2. Total amounts outstanding of funds borrowed by nonbank dealer firms and dealer departments of commercial banks against U.S. government and federal agency securities (through both collateral loans and sales under agreements to repurchase), plus internal funds used by bank dealer departments to finance positions in such securities. Borrowings against securities held under agreeement to resell are excluded when the borrowing contract and the agreement to resell are equal in amount and maturity, that is, a matched agreement. 3. All business corporations except commercial banks and insurance companies. NOTE. Averages for positions are based on number of trading days in the period; those for financing, on the number of calendar days in the period. Federal Finance 1.45 A33 FEDERAL AND FEDERALLY SPONSORED CREDIT AGENCIES Debt outstanding Millions of dollars, end of period 1980 Agency 1 Federal and federally sponsored agencies1 2 Federal agencies 3 Defense Department 2 4 Export-Import Bank3-4 Federal Housing Administration 5 5 6 Government National Mortgage Association participation certificates 6 7 Postal Service7 8 Tennessee Valley Authority 9 United States Railway Association 7 10 Federally sponsored agencies1 11 Federal Home Loan Banks 12 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation 13 Federal National Mortgage Association 14 Federal Land Banks 15 Federal Intermediate Credit Banks 16 Banks for Cooperatives 17 Farm Credit Banks 1 18 Student Loan Marketing Association 8 19 Other 1976 1977 1978 Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. 103,848 112,472 137,063 173,216 176,880 179,062 179,353 180,119 179,545 22,419 1,113 8,574 575 22,760 983 8,671 581 23,488 968 8,711 588 25,583 709 9,627 550 25,776 688 9,615 537 25,904 679 9,597 531 26,667 674 10,275 524 26,810 661 10,248 516 26,930 651 10,232 508 4,120 2,998 4,935 104 3,743 2,431 6,015 336 3,141 2,364 7,460 356 2,979 1,837 9,440 441 2,937 1,837 9,695 467 2,937 1,770 9,920 470 2,877 1,770 10,075 472 2,842 1,770 10,300 473 2,842 1,770 10,445 482 81,429 16,811 1,690 30,565 17,127 10,494 4,330 410 2 89,712 18,345 1,686 31,890 19,118 11,174 4,434 2,548 515 2 113,575 27,563 2,262 41,080 20,360 11,469 4,843 5,081 915 2 147,633 35,309 2,644 51,614 15,106 2,144 584 38,446 1,785 1 151,104 36,352 2,643 52,456 13,940 2,144 584 41,039 1,945 1 153,158 37,540 2,642 52,573 13,940 2,144 584 41,629 2,105 1 152,686 36,748 2,642 52,389 13,940 2,144 584 42,058 2,180 1 153,309 36,039 2,634 52,114 12,765 1,821 584 45,111 2,240 1 152,615 35,690 2,634 52,001 12,765 1,821 584 44,824 2,295 1 28,711 38,580 51,298 71,885 74,009 76,009 77,408 78,870 80,024 5,208 2,748 410 3,110 104 5,834 2,181 515 4,190 336 6,898 2,114 915 5,635 356 8,849 1,587 1,785 7,715 441 8,849 1,587 1,945 7,970 467 8,849 1,520 2,105 8,195 470 9,558 1,520 2,180 8,350 472 9,558 1,520 2,240 8,575 473 9,558 1,520 2,295 8,720 482 10,750 1,415 4,966 16,095 2,647 6,782 23,825 4,604 6,951 33,410 7,039 11,059 34,755 7,155 11,281 35,745 7,631 11,494 35,745 7,942 11,641 36,715 8,084 11,705 37,403 8,233 11,813 MEMO: 20 Federal Financing Bank debt 7 ' 9 21 22 23 24 25 Lending to federal and federally sponsored agencies Export-Import Bank 4 Postal Service7 Student Loan Marketing Association 8 Tennessee Valley Authority United States Railway Association 7 Other Lending10 26 Farmers Home Administration 27 Rural Electrification Administration 28 Other 1. In September 1977 the Farm Credit Banks issued their first consolidated bonds, and in January 1979 they began issuing these bonds on a regular basis to replace the financing activities of the Federal Land Banks, the Federal Intermediate Credit Banks, and the Banks for Cooperatives. Line 17 represents those consolidated bonds outstanding, as well as any discount notes that have been issued. Lines 1 and 10 reflect the addition of this item. 2. Consists of mortgages assumed by the Defense Department between 1957 and 1963 under family housing and homeowners assistance programs. 3. Includes participation certificates reclassified as debt beginning Oct. 1, 1976. 4. Off-budget Aug. 17, 1974, through Sept. 30, 1976; on-budget thereafter. 5. Consists of debentures issued in payment of Federal Housing Administration insurance claims. Once issued, these securities may be sold privately on the securities market. 6. Certificates of participation issued prior to fiscal 1969 by the Government National Mortgage Association acting as trustee for the Farmers Home Administration; D e p a r t m e n t of H e a l t h , E d u c a t i o n , and Welfare; D e p a r t m e n t of Housing and Urban Development; Small Business Administration; and the Veterans Administration. 7. Off-budget. 8. Unlike other federally sponsored agencies, the Student Loan Marketing Association may borrow from the Federal Financing Bank (FFB) since its obligations are guaranteed by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. 9. The FFB, which began operations in 1974, is authorized to purchase or sell obligations issued, sold, or guaranteed by other federal agencies. Since FFB incurs debt solely for the purpose of lending to other agencies, its debt is not included in the main portion of the table in order to avoid double counting. 10. Includes FFB purchases of agency assets and guaranteed loans; the latter contain loans guaranteed by numerous agencies with the guarantees of any particular agency being generally small. The Farmers Home Administration item consists exclusively of agency assets, while the Rural Electrification Administration entry contains both agency assets and guaranteed loans. A34 1.46 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • February 1981 NEW SECURITY ISSUES of State and Local Governments Millions of dollars 1980 Type of issue or issuer, or use 1977 1979 1978 May r Apr.'' 1 All issues, new and refunding 2 3 4 5 1 Type of issue General obligation Revenue Housing Assistance Administration 2 U.S. government loans June' July' Aug/ Sept. 46,769 48,607 43,490 4,947 4,713 6,063 4,907 3,809 4,255 18,042 28,655 17,854 30,658 12,109 31,256 1,695 3,251 1,580 3,129 1.924 4,136 1,396 3,506 804 2,995 1,344 2,902 72 95 125 1 4 3 5 10 9 Tvpe of issuer 6 State 7 Special district and statutory authority 8 Municipalities, counties, townships, school districts 6,354 21,717 18,623 6,632 24,156 17,718 4.314 23,434 15.617 466 2,221 2,259 749 2,326 1,633 897 3,440 1,724 185 3,157 1,558 304 2,212 1,283 640 2,603 1,003 9 Issues for new capital, total 36,189 37,629 41,505 4,806 4,645 5,986 4,539 3,783 3,639 Use of proceeds Education Transportation Utilities and conservation Social welfare Industrial aid Other purposes 5,076 2.951 8,119 8,274 4,676 7,093 5,003 3,460 9,026 10,494 3,526 6,120 5.130 2,441 8,594 15,968 3,836 5.536 491 302 625 2.071 373 944 310 197 721 1,831 526 1,060 753 344 585 3,007 367 930 631 151 1,260 1,695 188 614 266 95 1,176 1,424 341 481 422 425 716 1,198' 331 547 10 11 12 13 14 15 1. Par amounts of long-term issues based on date of sale. 2. Only bonds sold pursuant to the 1949 Housing Act, which are secured by contract requiring the Housing Assistance Administration to make annual contributions to tne local authority. 1.47 SOURCE. Public Securities Association. NEW SECURITY ISSUES of Corporations Millions of dollars Type of issue or issuer, or use 1980 1977 1978 1979 May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. 1 All issues1 53,792 47,230 51,464 9,067 9,511 7,941 5,371 4,922 5,728 3,827 2 Bonds 42,015 36,872 40,139 7,335 8,148 6,567 4,147 2,813 3,275 2,055 Tvpe of offering 3 Public 4 Private placement 24,072 17,943 19.815 17,057 25.814 14,325 6.810 525 7,548 600 5,354 1,213 3,843 304 2,421 392 2,756 519 1,405 650 12,204 6,234 1,996 8,262 3,063 10,258 9.572 5,246 2.007 7,092 3.373 9.586 9,667 3,941 3,102 8,118 4,219 11,095 2.400 560 364 723 1.171 2.116 2.318 1.629 385 1.412 209 2,195 2,851 999 329 316 787 1,284 1,499 203 338 971 580 556 509 357 401 555 517 472 614 312 236 754 791 568 88 432 86 565 163 722 11,777 10,358 11,325 1,732 1,363 1,374 1,224 2,109 2,453 1,772 3.916 7,861 2,832 7,526 3,574 7,751 202 1.530 382 981 360 1,014 101 1,123 392 1,717 535 1,918 256 1,516 1,189 1.834 456 5,865 1,379 1,049 1.241 1.816 263 5,140 264 1.631 1,679 2,623 255 5,171 303 1,293 215 512 27 615 25 338 127 202 9 494 126 406 165 390 293 238 32 463 46 152 502 569 54 633 6 345 848 321 117 526 67 574 418 509 53 227 113 452 5 6 7 8 9 10 Industry group Manufacturing Commercial and miscellaneous Transportation Public utility Communication Real estate and financial 11 Stocks Tvpe 12 Preferred 13 Common 14 15 16 17 18 19 Industry group Manufacturing Commercial and miscellaneous Transportation Public utility Communication Real estate and financial 1. Figures, which represent gross proceeds of issues maturing in more than one year, sold for cash in the United States, are principal amount or number of units multiplied by offering price. Excludes offerings of less than $100,000, secondary offerings, undefined or exempted issues as defined in the Securities Act of 714 104 1933, employee stock plans, investment companies other than closed-end, intracorporate transactions, and sales to foreigners. SOURCE. Securities and Exchange Commission. Corporate Finance 1.48 OPEN-END INVESTMENT COMPANIES A35 Net Sales and Asset Position Millions of dollars 1980 Item 1979 1980 May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. INVESTMENT COMPANIES 1 1 Sales of own shares 2 2 Redemptions of own shares 3 3 Net sales 4 Assets4 5 Cash position 5 6 Other 7,495 8,393 -898 15,293 12,012 3,281 1,175 647 528 1,772 775 997 1,890 863 1,027 1,507 1,019 488 1,405 1,228 177 1,523 1,362 161 49,277' 4,983 44,294' 58,400 5,321 53,079 50,539 6,209 44,330 52,946 6,495 46,451 54,406 5,629 48,777 54,941 5,619 49,322 55,779 5,481 50,298 56,156 5,460 50,696 1. Excluding money market funds. 2. Includes reinvestment of investment income dividends. Excludes reinvestment of capital gains distributions and share issue of conversions from one fund to another in the same group. 3. Excludes share redemption resulting from conversions from one fund to another in the same group. 4. Market value at end of period, less current liabilities. 1.49 1,289 1,086 203 1,269 1,720 -451 60,329' 5,467' 54,862' 58,400 5,321 53,079 5. Also includes all U.S. government securities and other short-term debt securities. NOTE. Investment Company Institute data based on reports of members, which comprise substantially all open-end investment companies registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Data reflect newly formed companies after their initial offering of securities. CORPORATE PROFITS AND THEIR DISTRIBUTION Billions of dollars; quarterly data are at seasonally adjusted annual rates. 1979' Account 1977' 1978' 1980' 1979' Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 1 Profits before tax 192.6 223.3 255.4 253.1 250.9 262.0 255.4 277.1 217.9 237.6 2 3 4 5 6 7 72.6 120.0 38.7 81.3 110.4 191.7 83.0 140.3 43.1 97.2 122.9 220.1 87.6 167.7 48.6 119.1 139.5 258.6 88.5 164.6 47.5 117.1 131.9 249.0 86.4 164.5 48.3 116.2 137.2 253.4 88.4 173.6 48.6 125.0 142.6 267.6 87.2 168.2 50.1 118.1 146.4 264.5 94.2 182.9 52.4 130.5 151.7 282.2 71.5 146.4 54.2 92.2 155.4 247.6 78.5 159.1 55.1 104.0 160.5 264.5 Profits tax liability Profits after tax Dividends Undistributed profits Capital consumption allowances Net cash flow SOURCE. Survey of Current Business (U.S. Department of Commerce). A36 1.50 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • February 1981 NONFINANCIAL CORPORATIONS Current Assets and Liabilities Billions of dollars, except for ratio 1979 Account 1975 1976 1977 1980 1978 02 03 04 Q1 02 03 1 Current assets 759.0 826.8 902.1 1,030.0 1,108.2 1,169.5 1,200.9 1,235.2 2 3 4 5 6 82.1 19.0 272.1 315.9 69.9 88.2 23.4 292.8 342.4 80.1 95.8 17.6 324.7 374.8 89.2 104.5 16.3 383.8 426.9 98.5 100.1 18.6 421.1 465.2 103.2 103.7 15.8 453.0 489.4 107.7 116.1 15.6 456.8 501.7 110.8 110.2 15.1 471.2 519.5 119.3 111.5' 13.8' 464.2 525.7 118.7 113.2 16.3 479.2 525.1 122.0 7 Current liabilities 451.6 494.7 549.4 665.5 724.7 777.8 809.1 838.3 828.1 852.1 8 Notes and accounts payable 9 Other 264.2 187.4 281.9 212.8 313.2 236.2 373.7 291.7 406.4 318.3 438.8 339.0 456.3 352.8 467.9 370.4 463.1 364.9 477.3 374.8 307.4 332.2 352.7 364.6 383.5 391.7 391.8 397.0 405.7 403.7 1.681 1.672 1.642 1.548 1.529 1.504 1.484 1.474 1.490 1.474 Cash U.S. government securities Notes and accounts receivable Inventories Other 10 Net working capital 11 MEMO: Current ratio 1 1. Ratio of total current assets to total current liabilities. 1,233.8 1,255.8 All data in this table reflect the most current benchmarks. Complete data are available upon request from the Flow of Funds Section, Division of Research and Statistics. NOTE. For a description of this series, see "Working Capital of Nonfinancial C o r p o r a t i o n s " in t h e J u l y 1978 BULLETIN, p p . 5 3 3 - 3 7 . SOURCE. Federal Trade Commission. 1.51 TOTAL NONFARM BUSINESS EXPENDITURES on New Plant and Equipment Billions of dollars; quarterly data are at seasonally adjusted annual rates. 1979 Industry 1 Total nonfarm business Manufacturing 2 Durable goods industries 3 Nondurable goods industries Nonmanufacturing 4 Mining Transportation 5 Railroad 6 Air 7 Other Public utilities 8 Electric 9 Gas and other 10 Trade and services 11 Communication and other 1 1979 1981 03 04 Q1 02 03 Q4 2 Ol2 Q2 2 270.46 294.30 273.15 284.30 291.89 294.36 296.23 294.95 310.59 323.84 51.07 47.61 58.25 56.65 52.13 47.97 55.03 51.55 58.28 53.49 59.38 56.32 58.19 58.21 57.42 57.96 60.23 62.46 65.36 65.21 11.38 13.50 11.40 11.86 11.89 12.81 13.86 15.25 16.07 18.02 4.03 4.01 4.31 4.17 3.97 3.84 4.13 3.95 4.60 4.24 4.55 4.41 4.46 3.90 4.11 4.06 4.27 3.76 3.98 4.06 4.18 4.22 3.59 3.44 3.62 4.04 3.83 4.07 3.41 4.13 27.65 6.31 79.26 34.83 27.44 7.18 82.28 37.02 28.71 6.35 78.86 35.05 27.16 6.92 82.69 35.90 28.98 7.28 82.17 37.34 27.91 7.12 81.07 37.66 28.14 7.44 81.19 36.97 25.05 6.90 84.87 36.26 27.99 8.79 84.09 39.48 27.93 8.29 87.43 40.01 1. "Other" consists of construction; social services and membership organization; and forestry, fisheries, and agricultural services. 1980 19802 2. Anticipated by business, SOURCE. Survey of Current Business (U.S. Dept. of Commerce). Corporate Finance 1.52 DOMESTIC FINANCE COMPANIES A37 Assets and Liabilities Billions of dollars, end of period 1979 1974 Account 1975 1976 1977 1980 1978 Q3 Q4 Q1 02 Q3 ASSETS Accounts receivable, gross Consumer Business Total LESS: Reserves for unearned income and losses . . . Accounts receivable, net Cash and bank deposits Securities Allother 36.1 37.2 73.3 9.0 64.2 3.0 .4 12.0 36.0 39.3 75.3 9.4 65.9 2.9 1.0 11.8 38.6 44.7 83.4 10.5 72.9 2.6 1.1 12.6 44.0 55.2 99.2 12.7 86.5 2.6 .9 14.3 52.6 63.3 116.0 15.6 100.4 3.5 1.3 17.3 62.3 68.1 130.4 18.7 111.7 65.7 70.3 136.0 20.0 116.0 67.7 70.6 138.4 20.4 118.0 70.2 70.3 140.4 21.4 119.0 71.7 66.9 138.6 22.3 116.3 25.81 24.9 23.7 26.1 28.3 79.6 81.6 89.2 104.3 122.4 137.4 140.9 141.7 145.1 144.7 10 Bank loans 11 Commercial paper 9.7 20.7 8.0 22.2 6.3 23.7 5.9 29.6 6.5 34.5 7.8 39.2 8.5 43.3 9.7 40.8 10.1 40.7 10.1 40.5 12 13 14 4.9 26.5 5.5 4.5 27.6 6.8 5.4 32.3 8.1 6.2 36.0 11.5 8.1 43.6 12.6 9.1 47.5 15.4 8.2 46.7 14.2 7.4 48.9 15.7 7.9 50.5 16.0 7.7 52.0 14.6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total assets LIABILITIES Short-term, n.e.c Long-term n.e.c Other 15 Capital, surplus, and undivided profits 12.4 12.5 13.4 15.1 17.2 18.4 19.9 19.2 19.9 19.8 16 Total liabilities and capital 79.6 81.6 89.2 104.3 122.4 137.4 140.9 141.7 145.1 144.7 1. Beginning Q1 1979, asset items on lines 6, 7, and 8 are combined. NOTE. Components may not add to totals due to rounding. 1.53 DOMESTIC FINANCE COMPANIES Business Credit Millions of dollars, seasonally adjusted except as noted Type Accounts receivable outstanding Oct. 31, 19801 Changes in accounts receivable Extensions Repayments 1980 1980 1980 Aug. Sept. Aug. Oct. Sept. Oct. Aug. Sept. Oct. 1 Total 68,901 -412 -321 647 15,545 14,808 16,781 15,957 15,129 16,134 2 Retail automotive (commercial vehicles) 3 Wholesale automotive 4 Retail paper on business, industrial and farm equipment 5 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . 6 All other business credit 12,758 10,584 -232 -101 -221 -333 -128 62 883 4,710 889 4,125 969 5,223 1,115 4,811 1,110 4,458 1,097 5,161 1. Not seasonally adjusted. 22,212 155 586 16 1,601 1,595 1,460 1,446 1,009 1,444 6,265 17,082 -358 124 -827 474 408 289 6,349 2,002 5,938 2,261 6,756 2,373 6,707 1,878 6,765 1,787 6,348 2,084 A38 1.54 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • February 1981 MORTGAGE MARKETS Millions of dollars; exceptions noted. 1980 Item 1979 1978 1980 July June Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Terms and yields in primary and secondary markets PRIMARY MARKETS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Conventional mortgages on new homes Terms1 Purchase price (thousands of dollars) Amount of loan (thousands of dollars) Loan/price ratio (percent) Maturity (years) Fees and charges (percent of loan amount) 2 Contract rate (percent per annum) Yield (percentper 7 FHLBB series3 8 HUD series4 62.6 45.9 75.3 28.0 1.39 9.30 74.4 53.3 73.9 28.5 1.66 10.48 83.5 59.3 73.3 28.2 2.10 12.25 81.3 58.0 74.1 28.4 2.21 12.24 89.0 63.7 73.5 28.9 2.13 12.11 88.6 61.5 71.2 27.7 2.12 11.84 83.7 58.7 72.2 27.6 2.10 11.95 84.0 61.3 75.0 28.2 2.16 12.20 77.1 56.1 75.2 27.6 2.15 12.62 90.1 63.9 72.9 28.2 2.15 12.86 9.54 9.68 10.77 11.15 12.65 13.95 12.66 12.45 12.51 12.45 12.25 13.25 12.35 13.70 12.60 14.10 13.04 14.70 13.28 15.05 9.70 8.98 10.87 10.22 13.42 12.55 11.85 11.04 12.39 11.53 13.54 12.34 14.26 12.84 14.38 12.91 14.47 13.55 14.08 13.62 9.77 10.01 11.17 11.77 14.11 14.43 12.35 12.93 12.65 12.80 13.92 13.66 14.77 14.45 14.94 14.70 15.53 15.30 15.21 15.54 annum) SECONDARY MARKETS 9 10 11 12 Yield (percent per annum) FHA mortgages (HUD series) 5 GNMA securities6 FNMA auctions7 Government-underwritten loans Conventional loans Activity in secondary markets FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION Mortgage holdings (end of period) 13 Total 14 FHA-insured 15 VA-guaranteed 16 Conventional 43,311 15,511' 10,544 11,524 51,091 18,886 10,496 16,106 51,327 n.a. n.a. 18,358 55,419 n.a. n.a. 18,001 55,362 n.a. n.a. 18,034 55,361 n.a. n.a. 18,049 55,632 n.a. n.a. 18,074 56,188 n.a. n.a. 18,148 56,619 n.a. n.a. 18,239 57,327 n.a. n.a. 18,358 Mortgage transactions (during period) 17 Purchases 18 Sales 12,303 gr 10,805 0 8,100 0 206 0 100 0 167 0 500 0 771 0 579 0 840 0 18,959' 9,185' 10,179 6,409 8,044 3,278 441 4,215 734 4,230 1,180 4,545 1,070 4,789 514 4,399 472 3,963 403 3,278 12,978 6,747.2 8,860 3,921 8,605 4,002 602.5 266.5 1,055.6 430.3 1,063.3 628.10 907.0 538.0 427.8 257.7 252.0 135.6 242.1 110.8 9,933.0 5,111' 4,495 2,344 3,639 1,749 169.7 76.0 228.7 140.9 430.4 218.8 347.7 209.8 107.6 93.9 81.6 68.8 84.8 54.1 Mortgage holdings (end of period)1® 25 Total 26 FHA/VA 27 Conventional 3,064 1,243 1,165' 4,035 1,102 1,957 n.a. n.a. n.a. 4,014 1,072 2,942 4,151 1,066 3,085 4,295 1,058 3.237 4,543 1,050 3,492 4,727 1,044 3,629 4,843 1,038 3,715 n.a. n.a. n.a. Mortgage transactions (during period) 28 Purchases 29 Sales 6,525' 6,211 5,717 4,544 n.a. n.a. 225 232 440 288 495 320 521 275 398 187 231 93.7 n.a. n.a. Mortgage commitments11 30 Contracted (during period) 31 Outstanding (end of period) 7,451 1,410 5,542 797 n.a. n.a. 577 1,246 708 1,386 476 1,300 218 934 222 726 180 653 n.a. n.a. 8 Mortgage commitments 19 Contracted (during period) 20 Outstanding (end of period) Auction of 4-month commitments to buy Government-underwritten loans Offered 9 Accepted Conventional loans 23 Offered 9 24 Accepted 21 22 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION 1. Weighted averages based on sample surveys of mortgages originated by major institutional lender groups. Compiled by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board in cooperation with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 2. Includes all fees, commissions, discounts, and "points" paid (by the borrower or the seller) in order to obtain a loan. 3. Average effective interest rates on loans closed, assuming prepayment at the end of 10 years. 4. Average contract rates on new commitments for conventional first mortgages, rounded to the nearest 5 basis points; from Department of Housing and Urban Development. 5. Average gross yields on 30-year, minimum-downpayment, Federal Housing Administration-insured first mortgages for immediate delivery in the private secondary market. Any gaps in data are due to periods of adjustment to changes in maximum permissible contract rates. 6. Average net yields to investors on Government National Mortgage Association g u a r a n t e e d , m o r t g a g e - b a c k e d , fully modified pass-through securities, assuming prepayment in 12 years on pools of 30-year FHA/VA mortgages carrying the prevailing ceiling rate. Monthly figures are unweighted averages of Monday quotations for the month. 7. Average gross yields (before deduction of 38 basis points for mortgage servicing) on accepted bids in Federal National Mortgage Association's auctions of 4month commitments to purchase home mortgages, assuming prepayment in 12 years for 30-year mortgages. No adjustments are made for FNMA commitment fees or stock related requirements. Monthly figures are unweighted averages for auctions conducted within the month. 8. Includes some multifamily and nonprofit hospital loan commitments in addition to 1- to 4-family loan commitments accepted in FNMA's free market auction system, and through the FNMA-GNMA tandem plans. 9. Mortgage amounts offered by bidders are total bids received. 10. Includes participation as well as whole loans. 11. Includes conventional and government-underwritten loans. Real Estate Debt 1.55 A39 MORTGAGE DEBT OUTSTANDING Millions of dollars, end of period 1980 1979 Type of holder, and type of property 1978 1979 1980 04 1 All holders 7 3 4 Commercial 5 6 Major financial institutions 7 Commercial banks 1 1- to 4-family 8 9 Multifamily Commercial Ifl Farm 11 Q1 Q2 Q3 04 1,168,486' 1,324,856' 1,449,633 1,333,550 1,355,402' 1,378,414' 1,412,515' 1,449,633 764,246' 121,285' 211,749' 71,206' 875,874' 129,261' 237,205' 82,516' 956,475 137,859 258,799 96,500 872,068 130,713 238,412 92,357 894,980' 130,800' 242,709' 86,913' 908,119' 132,430' 246,861' 91,004' 931,232' 134,856' 252,783' 93,644' 956,475 137,859 258,799 96,500 848,177' 214,045' 129,167' 10,266' 66,115' 8,497' 938,676' 245,187' 149,460' 11,180' 75,957' 8,590' 998,025 264,602 160,746 12,304 82,688 8,864 939,487 245,998 145,975 12,546 77,096 10,381 951,402' 250,702' 152,553' 11,557' 77,993' 8,599' 958,892' 253,103' 153,753' 11,764' 79,110' 8,476' 977,454' 258,003' 156,737' 11,997' 80,626' 8,643' 998,025 264,602 160,746 12,304 82,688 8,864 95,157 62,252 16,529 16,319 57 98,908 64,706 17,180 16,963 59 99,827 65,307 17,340 17,120 60 98,908 64,706 17,180 16,963 59 99,151 64,865 17,223 17,004 59 99,150 64,864 17,223 17,004 59 99,306 64,966 17,249 17,031 60 99,827 65,307 17,340 17,120 60 1? 13 14 15 16 Mutual savings banks 1- to 4-family Multifamily Commercial Farm 17 18 19 20 Savings and loan associations 1- to 4-family Multifamily Commercial 432,808 356,114 36,053 40,641 475,797 394,436 37,588 43,773 502,718 417,759 39,011 45,948 475,797 394,436 37,588 43,773 479,078 398,114 37,224 43,740 481,184 398,864 37,340 43,980 492,068 408,908 38,185 44,975 502,718 417,759 39,011 45,948 71 77 73 74 25 Life insurance companies 1- to 4-family Multifamily Commercial Farm 106,167 14,436 19,000 62,232 10,499 118,784 16,193 19,274 71,137 12,180 130,878 18,420 19,813 79,843 12,802 118,784 16,193 19,274 71,137 12,180 122,471 16,850 19,590 73,618 12,413 125,455 17,796 19,284 75,693 12,682 128,077 17,996 19,357 77,995 12,729 130,878 18,420 19,813 79,843 12,802 81,853 3,509 877 2,632 97,293 3,852 763 3,089 114,325 4,453 709 3,744 97,293 3,852 763 3,089 104,133 3,919 749 3,170 108,742 4,466 736 3,730 110,695 4,389 719 3,670 114,325 4,453 709 3,744 926 288 320 101 217 1,274 417 71 174 612 3,725 1,033 818 391 1,483 1,274 417 71 174 612 2,845 1,139 408 409 889 3,375 1,383 636 402 954 3,525 978 774 370 1,403 3,725 1,033 818 391 1,483 5,419 1,641 3,778 5,764 1,863 3,901 5,824 1,879 3,945 5,764 1,863 3,901 5,833 1,908 3,925 5,894 1,953 3,941 5,769 1,826 3,943 5,824 1,879 3,945 26 Federal and related agencies Government National Mortgage Association 27 1- to 4-family 28 29 Multifamily 30 31 32 33 34 Farmers Home Administration 1- to 4-family Multifamily Commercial Farm 35 36 37 Federal Housing and Veterans Administration 1- to 4-family Multifamily 38 39 40 Federal National Mortgage Association 1- to 4-family Multifamily 43,311 37,579 5,732 51,091 45,488 5,603 57,327 51,775 5,552 51,091 45,488 5,603 53,990 48,394 5,596 55,419 49,837 5,582 55,632 50,071 5,561 57,327 51,775 5,552 41 42 43 Federal Land Banks 1- to 4-family Farm 25,624 927 24,697 31,277 1,552 29,725 38,131 2,099 36,032 31,277 1,552 29,725 33,311 1,708 31,603 35,574 1,893 33,681 36,837 1,985 34,852 38,131 2,099 36,032 44 45 46 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation 1- to 4-family Multifamily 3,064 2,407 657 4,035 3,059 976 4,865 3,710 1,155 4,035 3,059 976 4,235 3,210 1,025 4,014 3,037 977 4,543 3,459 1,084 4,865 3,710 1,155 88,633 54,347 52,732 1,615 119,278 76,401 74,546 1,855 142,498 93,874 91,602 2,272 119,278 76,401 74,546 1,855 124,632 80,843 78,872 1,971 129,647 84,282 82,208 2,074 136,583' 89,452 87,276 2,176 142,498 93,874 91,602 2,272 47 Mortgage pools or trusts 2 48 Government National Mortgage Association 1- to 4-family 49 50 Multifamily 51 52 53 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation 1- to 4-family Multifamily 11,892 9,657 2,235 15,180 12,149 3,031 16,952 13,397 3,555 15,180 12,149 3,031 15,454 12,359 3,095 16,120 12,886 3,234 16,659 13,318 3,341 16,952 13,397 3,555 54 55 56 57 58 Farmers Home Administration 1- to 4-family 22,394 13,400 1,116 3,560 4,318 27,697 14,884 2,163 4,328 6,322 31,672 16,865 2,323 5,258 7,226 27,697 14,884 2,163 4,328 6,322 28,335 14,926 2,159 4,495 6,755 29,245 15,224 2,159 4,763 7,099 30,472' 16,226' 2,235' 5,059' 6,952' 31,672 16,865 2,323 5,258 7,226 149,823' 82,769' 21,352' 22,781' 22,921' 169,609' 96,358' 23,350' 24,873' 25,028' 194,785 111,174 26,027 27,551 30,033 177,492 96,037 23,436 24,941 33,078 175,235' 99,333' 23,857' 25,450' 26,595' 181,133' 102,685' 24,486' 25,909' 28,053' 187,783' 106,767' 25,284' 26,727' 29,005' 194,785 111,174 26,027 27,551 30,033 Commercial 59 Individual and others 3 1- to 4-family 60 61 Multifamily 62 Commercial 63 Farm 1. Includes loans held by nondeposit trust companies but not bank trust departments. 2. Outstanding principal balances of mortgages backing securities insured or guaranteed by the agency indicated. 3. Other holders include mortgage companies, real estate investment trusts, state and local credit agencies, state and local retirement funds, noninsured pension funds, credit unions, and U.S. agencies for which amounts are small or separate data are not readily available. NOTE. Based on data from various institutional and governmental sources, with some quarters estimated in part by the Federal Reserve in conjunction with the Federal Home Loan Bank Board and the Department of Commerce. Separation of nonfarm mortgage debt by type of property, if not reported directly, and interpolations and extrapolations when required, are estimated mainly by the Federal Reserve. Multifamily debt refers to loans on structures of five or more units. A40 1.56 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • February 1981 C O N S U M E R I N S T A L L M E N T C R E D I T ' Total Outstanding, and Net Change Millions of dollars 1980 Holder, and type of credit 1977 1978 1979 June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Amounts outstanding (end of period) 1 Total 230,564 273,645 312,024 304,399 303,853 305,763 306,926 307,222 308,051 313,435 112,373 44,868 37,605 23,490 7,089 2,963 2,176 136,016 54,298 44,334 25,987 7,097 3,220 2,693 154,177 68,318 46,517 28,119 8,424 3,729 2,740 147,883 73,118 42,995 24,786 8,823 4,175 2,619 146,555 73,909 42,644 24,620 8,991 4,500 2,634 146,548 74,433 43.347 24,918 9,141 4,710 2,666 146,362 74,823 43,562 25,301 9,266 4,872 2,740 145,895 74,985 43,518 25,703 9,611 4,736 2,774 145,147 75,690 43,606 26,469 9,687 4,662 2,790 145,765 76,756 44,041 29,410 9,911 4,717 2,835 By major type of credit 9 Automobile 10 Commercial banks n Indirect paper 12 Direct loans 13 Credit unions 14 Finance companies 82,911 49,577 27,379 22,198 18,099 15,235 101,647 60,510 33,850 26,660 21,200 19,937 116,362 67,367 38,338 29,029 22,244 26,751 116,456 64,224 36,948 27,276 20,558 31,674 116,125 63,344 36,233 27,111 20,392 32,389 116,868 63,177 36,047 27,130 20,728 32,963 116,781 62,734 35,768 26,966 20,831 33,216 116,657 62,350 35,572 26,778 20,810 33,497 116,517 61,848 35,284 26,564 20,852 33,817 116,327 61,025 34,857 26,168 21,060 34,242 15 Revolving 16 Commercial banks 1/ Retailers 18 Gasoline companies 39,274 18,374 17,937 2,963 48,309 24,341 20,748 3,220 56,937 29,862 23.346 3,729 53,042 28,280 20,587 4,175 53,036 28,073 20,463 4,500 53,771 28,305 20,756 4,710 54,406 28,403 21,131 4,872 54,598 28,331 21,531 4,736 55,304 28,360 22,282 4,662 59,862 30,001 25,144 4,717 19 Mobile home 20 Commercial banks 21 Finance companies 22 Savings and loans 23 Credit unions 14,945 9,124 3,077 2,342 402 15,235 9,545 3,152 2,067 471 16,838 10,647 3,390 2,307 494 16,988 10,593 3,544 2,391 460 17,004 10,568 3,546 2,437 453 17,068 10,564 3,566 2,477 461 17,113 10,538 3,601 2,511 463 17,276 10,502 3,657 2,654 463 17,293 10,452 3,702 2,675 464 17,327 10,376 3,745 2,737 469 24 Other 25 Commercial banks 26 Finance companies 27 Credit unions 28 Retailers 29 Savings and loans 30 Mutual savings banks 93,434 35,298 26,556 19,104 5,553 4,747 2,176 108,454 41,620 31,209 22,663 5,239 5,030 2,693 121,887 46,301 38,177 23,779 4,773 6,117 2,740 117,913 44,786 37,900 21,977 4,199 6,432 2,619 117,688 44,570 37,974 21,799 4,157 6,554 2,634 118,056 44,502 37,904 22,158 4,162 6,664 2,666 118,626 44,687 38,006 22,268 4,170 6,755 2,740 118,691 44,712 37,831 22,245 4,172 6,957 2,774 118,937 44,487 38,171 22,290 4,187 7,012 2,790 119,919 44,363 38,769 22,512 4,266 7,174 2,835 2 3 4 5 6 / 8 By major holder Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions Retailers 2 Savings and loans Gasoline companies Mutual savings banks Net change (during period) 3 31 Total 35,462 43,079 38,381 -2,045 -1,199 489 1,055 702 839 1,619 18,645 5,949 6,436 2,654 1,309 132 337 23,641 9,430 6,729 2,497 7 257 518 18,161 14,020 2,185 2,132 1,327 509 47 -1.783 744 -1,298 68 96 124 4 -1,749 439 -270 89 155 132 5 -682 387 465 160 5 136 18 -265 613 36 456 93 90 32 -336 454 63 134 246 98 43 -120 594 218 52 -14 72 37 -276 860 378 316 190 83 68 By major type of credit 39 Automobile 40 Commercial banks 41 Indirect paper 42 Direct loans 43 Credit unions 44 Finance companies 15,204 9,956 5,307 4,649 2,861 2,387 18,736 10,933 6,471 4,462 3,101 4,702 14,715 6,857 4,488 2,369 1,044 6,814 -1,026 -1,007 -601 -406 -636 617 -717 -1,083 -784 -299 -108 474 355 -344 -286 -58 215 484 84 -362 -282 -80 10 436 201 -348 -170 -178 18 531 245 -138 -44 -94 101 282 302 -491 -181 -310 174 619 45 Revolving 46 Commercial banks 47 Retailers 48 Gasoline companies 6,248 4,015 2,101 132 9,035 5,967 2,811 257 8,628 5,521 2,598 509 -95 -338 119 124 38 -259 165 132 281 -24 169 136 478 -81 469 90 273 -19 194 98 265 121 72 72 616 211 322 83 49 Mobile home 50 Commercial banks 51 Finance companies 52 Savings and loans 53 Credit unions 371 387 -187 101 70 286 419 74 -276 69 1,603 1,102 238 240 23 58 26 12 29 -9 14 -23 -2 45 -6 33 -8 14 21 6 43 -22 30 35 0 141 -21 42 120 0 24 -33 44 11 2 66 -34 48 47 5 13,639 4,287 3,749 3,505 553 1,208 337 15,022 6,322 4,654 3,559 -314 283 518 13,435 4,681 6,968 1,118 -466 1,087 47 -982 -464 115 -653 -51 67 4 -534 -384 -33 -156 -76 110 5 -180 -306 -111 244 -9 -16 18 450 200 147 26 -13 58 32 87 52 -119 45 -60 126 43 305 -70 268 115 -20 -25 37 635 38 193 199 -6 143 68 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 By major holder Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions Retailers 2 Savings and loans Gasoline companies Mutual savings banks 54 Other 55 Commercial banks 56 Finance companies 57 Credit unions 58 Retailers 59 Savings and loans 60 Mutual savings banks 1. The Board's series cover most short- and intermediate-term credit extended to individuals through regular business channels, usually to finance the purchase of consumer goods and services or to refinance debts incurred for such purposes, and scheduled to be repaid (or with the option of repayment) in two or more installments. 2. Includes auto dealers and excludes 30-day charge credit held by travel and entertainment companies. 3. Net change equals extensions minus liquidations (repayments, charge-offs, and other credit); figures for all months are seasonally adjusted. Consumer Debt 1.57 A41 C O N S U M E R I N S T A L L M E N T C R E D I T Extensions and Liquidations Millions of dollars; monthly data are seasonally adjusted. 1980 Holder, and type of credit 1977 1978 1979 June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Extensions 257,600 297,668 324,777 22,349 23,997 26,176 27,064 27,365 25,991 27,149 117,896 41,989 34,028 42,183 4,978 14,617 1,909 142,433 50,505 38,111 44,571 3,724 16,017 2,307 154,733 61,518 34,926 47,676 5,901 18,005 2,018 9,892 4,439 1.318 4,186 518 1,847 149 10,098 4,809 2,305 4,148 582 1,902 153 11,107 5,155 3,085 4,263 454 1,941 171 11,671 5,355 2,752 4,596 539 1,965 186 11,977 5,323 2,872 4,291 695 2,009 198 11,432 4,852 2,795 4,250 444 2,024 194 11,484 5,185 3,035 4,497 658 2,061 229 By major type of credit 9 Automobile 10 Commercial banks 11 Indirect paper 12 Direct loans 13 Credit unions 14 Finance companies 75,641 46,363 25,149 21,214 16,616 12,662 87,981 52,969 29,342 23,627 18,539 16,473 93,901 53,554 29,623 23,931 17,397 22,950 5.550 2,815 1.490 1,325 707 2.028 6,068 2,771 1,329 1,442 1,197 2,100 7,400 3,606 1,866 1,740 1,570 2,224 7,518 3,713 2,035 1,678 1,455 2,350 7,544 3,791 2,135 1.656 1,457 2,296 7,117 3,552 1,962 1,590 1,402 2,163 7,234 3,271 1,857 1,414 1,538 2,425 15 Revolving 16 Commercial banks 17 Retailers 18 Gasoline companies 87,596 38,256 34,723 14,617 105,125 51,333 37,775 16,017 120,174 61,048 41,121 18,005 10.341 4.771 3.723 1,847 10,679 5,059 3,718 1,902 10,700 4,989 3,770 1,941 11,143 5,067 4,111 1,965 11,124 5,264 3,851 2,009 10,953 5,155 3,774 2,024 11,614 5,554 3,999 2,061 19 Mobile home 20 Commercial banks 21 Finance companies 22 Savings and loans 23 Credit unions 5,712 3,466 644 1,406 196 5,412 3,697 886 609 220 6,471 4,542 797 948 184 424 281 54 87 2 377 226 52 95 4 415 263 56 78 18 442 250 84 95 13 513 257 89 159 8 424 243 93 74 14 479 254 89 119 17 88,651 29,811 28,683 17,216 7,460 3,572 1,909 99,150 34,434 33,146 19,352 6,796 3,115 2,307 104,231 35,589 37,771 17,345 6,555 4,953 2,018 6,034 2,025 2,357 609 463 431 149 6,873 2,042 2,657 1,104 430 487 153 7,661 2,249 2,875 1,497 493 376 171 7,961 2,641 2,921 1,284 485 444 186 8,184 2,665 2,938 1,407 440 536 198 7,497 2,482 2,596 1,379 476 370 194 7,822 2,405 2,671 1,480 498 539 229 1 Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 By major holder Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions Retailers1 Savings and loans Gasoline companies Mutual savings banks 24 Other 25 Commercial banks 26 Finance companies 27 Credit unions 28 Retailers 29 Savings and loans 30 Mutual savings banks Liquidations 222,138 254,589 286,396 24,394 25,196 25,687 26,009 26,663 25,152 25,530 99,251 36,040 27,592 39,529 3,669 14,485 1,572 118,792 41,075 31,382 42,074 3,717 15,760 1,789 136,572 47,498 32,741 45,544 4,574 17,496 1,971 11,675 3,695 2,616 4,118 422 1,723 145 11,847 4,370 2,575 4,059 427 1,770 148 11,789 4,768 2,620 4,103 449 1,805 153 11,936 4,742 2,716 4,140 446 1,875 154 12,313 4,869 2,809 4,157 449 1,911 155 11,552 4,258 2,577 4,198 458 1,952 157 11,760 4,325 2,657 4,181 468 1,978 161 By major type of credit 39 Automobile 40 Commercial banks 41 Indirect paper 42 Direct loans 43 Credit unions 44 Finance companies 60.437 36,407 19,842 16,565 13,755 10,275 69,245 42,036 22,871 19,165 15,438 11,771 79,186 46,697 25,135 21,562 16,353 16,136 6,576 3,822 2,091 1,731 1,343 1.411 6,785 3,854 2,113 1,741 1,305 1,626 7,045 3,950 2,152 1,798 1,355 1,740 7,434 4,075 2,317 1,758 1,445 1,914 7,343 4,139 2,305 1,834 1,439 1,765 6,872 3,690 2,006 1,684 1,301 1,881 6,932 3,762 2,038 1,724 1,364 1,806 45 Revolving 46 Commercial banks 47 Retailers 48 Gasoline companies 81,348 34,241 32,622 14,485 96,090 45,366 34,964 15,760 111,546 55,527 38,523 17,496 10,436 5,109 3,604 1.723 10,641 5,318 3,553 1,770 10,419 5,013 3,601 1,805 10,665 5,148 3,642 1,875 10,851 5,283 3,657 1,911 10,688 5,034 3,702 1,952 10,998 5,343 3,677 1,978 49 Mobile home 50 Commercial banks 51 Finance companies 52 Savings and loans 53 Credit unions 5,341 3,079 831 1,305 126 5,126 3,278 812 885 151 4,868 3,440 559 708 161 366 255 42 58 11 363 249 54 50 10 382 271 42 57 12 399 272 54 60 13 372 278 47 39 8 400 276 49 63 12 413 288 41 72 12 75,012 25,524 24,934 13,711 6,907 2,364 1,572 84,128 28,112 28,492 15,793 7,110 2,832 1,789 90,796 30,908 30,803 16,227 7,021 3,866 1,971 7,016 2,489 2,242 1,262 514 364 145 7,407 2,426 2,690 1,260 506 377 148 7,841 2,555 2,986 1,253 502 392 153 7,511 2,441 2,774 1,258 498 386 154 8,097 2,613 3,057 1,362 500 410 155 7,192 2,552 2,328 1,264 496 395 157 7,187 2,367 2,478 1,281 504 396 161 31 Total 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 By major holder Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions Retailers1 Savings and loans Gasoline companies Mutual savings banks 54 Other 55 Commercial banks 56 Finance companies 57 Credit unions 58 Retailers 59 Savings and loans 60 Mutual savings banks 1. Includes auto dealers and excludes 30-day charge credit held by travel and entertainment companies. A42 1.58 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • February 1981 F U N D S R A I S E D IN U . S . C R E D I T M A R K E T S Billions of dollars; quarterly data are at seasonally adjusted annual rates. 1977 Transaction category, sector 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1978 1979 1980 1979 H2 HI H2 HI H2 HI Nonfinancial sectors 1 Total funds raised 2 Excluding equities By sector and instrument 3 U.S. government 4 Treasury securities 5 Agency issues and mortgages 6 All other nonfinancial sectors 7 Corporate equities Debt instruments 8 9 Private domestic nonfinancial sectors 10 Corporate equities 11 Debt instruments 12 Debt capital instruments 13 State and local obligations 14 Corporate bonds 191.3 187.4 210.8 200.7 271.9 261.1 338.5 335.4 400.3 398.2 394.9 390.6 378.9 373.8 384.5 387.1 416.1 409.3 380.5 377.7 408.2 402.3 325.1 316.5 11.8 12.0 -.2 179.5 3.8 175.6 164.1 4.1 160.0 98.0 16.5 19.7 85.4 85.8 -.4 125.4 10.1 115.3 112.1 9.9 102.1 98.4 16.1 27.2 69.0 69.1 -.1 202.9 10.8 192.0 182.0 10.5 171.5 123.5 15.7 22.8 56.8 57.6 -.9 281.8 3.1 278.6 267.9 2.7 265.1 175.6 23.7 21.0 53.7 55.1 -1.4 346.6 2.1 344.5 314.4 2.6 311.8 196.6 28.3 20.1 37.4 38.8 -1.4 357.6 4.3 353.2 336.4 3.5 333.0 199.9 18.9 21.2 67.4 68.6 -1.2 311.5 5.1 306.4 294.2 4.9 289.3 192.5 25.0 25.4 61.4 62.3 -.9 323.1 -2.6 325.7 302.5 -1.8 304.3 188.0 27.8 20.6 46.0 47.9 -1.9 370.2 6.8 363.4 326.3 7.0 319.2 205.1 28.7 19.6 28.6 30.9 -2.3 351.9 2.8 349.1 338.6 2.8 335.8 198.8 16.0 22.4 46.1 46.6 -.5 362.1 5.9 356.2 333.0 4.1 328.9 201.1 21.8 19.9 62.8 63.4 -.6 262.3 8.6 253.7 234.2 6.3 227.8 168.1 17.8 33.3 39.5 96.4 7.4 18.4 8.8 89.5 40.6 27.0 2.9 19.0 104.5 10.2 23.3 10.2 115.2 50.6 37.3 5.2 22.2 109.1 8.9 25.7 16.2 133.0 44.2 50.6 10.9 27.3 103.1 8.4 21.9 8.7 96.7 44.5 26.7 2.4 23.2 99.8 9.3 21.2 9.3 116.3 50.1 43.1 5.3 17.8 109.2 11.2 25.4 11.1 114.1 51.0 31.4 5.1 26.5 109.8 8.1 26.0 16.6 137.0 48.3 48.2 12.0 28.4 108.5 9.7 25.4 15.9 127.8 39.0 52.9 9.7 26.2 72.3 7.2 20.9 16.6 59.7 -9.2 17.8 29.7 21.3 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Home Multifamily residential Commercial Farm Other debt instruments Consumer credit Bank loans n.e.c Open market paper Other 34.8 6.9 15.1 5.0 62.0 9.9 31.7 6.6 13.7 4.6 3.8 9.7 -12.3 -2.6 9.0 63.7 1.8 13.4 6.1 48.0 25.6 4.0 4.0 14.4 24 25 26 27 28 29 By borrowing sector State and local governments Households Farm Nonfarm noncorporate Corporate 164.1 15.5 51.2 8.0 7.7 81.7 112.1 13.7 49.5 8.8 2.0 38.1 182.0 15.2 90.7 10.9 5.4 59.8 267.9 20.4 139.9 14.7 12.5 80.3 314.4 23.6 162.6 18.1 15.4 94.7 336.4 15.5 165.0 25.8 15.8 114.3 294.2 25.0 150.4 13.8 12.5 92.4 302.5 21.0 156.1 15.3 16.3 93.7 326.3 26.1 169.1 20.8 14.5 95.8 338.6 13.0 168.1 23.5 15.3 118.7 333.0 18.0 161.0 28.1 16.0 109.8 234.2 16.0 91.4 23.6 9.2 94.1 15.4 -.2 15.7 2.1 4.7 7.3 1.6 13.3 .2 13.2 6.2 3.9 .3 2.8 20.8 .3 20.5 8.6 6.8 1.9 3.3 13.9 .4 13.5 5.1 3.1 2.4 3.0 32.3 -.5 32.8 4.0 18.3 6.6 3.9 21.1 .9 20.3 3.9 2.3 11.2 3.0 17.3 .2 17.1 5.7 6.5 2.2 2.9 20.6 -.8 21.4 5.0 9.3 3.6 3.6 43.9 -.2 44.1 3.0 27.3 9.6 4.2 13.3 13.3 3.0 1.0 6.1 3.1 29.1 1.7 27.3 4.7 3.5 16.3 2.8 28.1 2.2 25.9 2.0 2.7 15.7 5.5 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Foreign Corporate equities Debt instruments Bonds Bank loans n.e.c Open market paper U.S. government loans * 11.0 * Financial sectors 37 Total funds raised 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 By instrument U.S. government related Sponsored credit agency securities Mortgage pool securities Loans from U.S. government Private financial sectors Corporate equities Debt instruments Corporate bonds Mortgages Bank loans n.e.c Open market paper and repurchase agreements Loans from Federal Home Loan Banks By sector 50 Sponsored credit agencies 51 Mortgage pools 52 Private financial sectors 53 Commercial banks 54 Bank affiliates 55 Savings and loan associations 56 Other insurance companies 57 Finance companies 58 REITs 59 Open-end investment companies 39.2 12.7 24.1 54.0 81.4 87.4 60.3 80.7 82.1 87.0 87.8 59.2 23.1 16.6 5.8 .7 16.2 .3 15.9 2.1 -1.3 4.6 13.5 2.3 10.3 .9 -.8 .6 -1.4 2.9 2.3 -3.7 18.6 3.3 15.7 -.4 5.5 1.0 4.4 5.8 2.1 -3.7 26.3 7.0 20.5 -1.2 27.7 .9 26.9 10.1 3.1 -.3 41.4 23.1 18.3 0 40.0 1.7 38.3 7.5 .9 2.8 52.4 24.3 28.1 0 35.0 1.2 33.8 7.8 -1.2 -.4 29.9 6.8 23.1 0 30.4 .8 29.6 10.1 3.0 1.2 38.5 21.9 16.6 0 42.2 2.2 40.0 8.5 2.1 2.5 44.3 24.3 20.1 0 37.8 1.1 36.7 6.4 -.3 3.1 45.8 21.5 24.2 0 41.2 2.8 38.4 8.7 -.5 -.7 59.0 27.0 32.0 28.8 -.4 29.2 7.0 -1.9 -.2 45.8 25.1 20.7 0 13.3 8.5 4.8 10.7 -6.7 .3 3.8 6.7 1.1 -4.0 2.2 -2.0 9.6 4.3 14.6 12.5 18.4 9.2 9.5 5.8 13.5 13.2 15.7 11.8 23.0 7.8 13.8 10.5 -3.5 4.1 17.3 5.8 16.2 1.2 3.5 4.8 .9 6.0 .6 -.7 3.2 10.3 -.8 1.2 .3 -2.3 1.0 .5 -1.4 -.1 2.6 15.7 5.5 2.3 -.8 .1 .9 6.4 -2.4 -1.0 5.8 20.5 27.7 1.1 1.3 9.9 .9 17.6 -2.2 -.9 23.1 18.3 40.0 1.3 6.7 14.3 1.1 18.6 -1.0 -1.0 24.3 28.1 35.0 1.6 4.5 11.4 1.0 18.9 -.4 -2.1 6.8 23.1 30.4 1.5 1.2 11.5 1.0 18.5 -2.0 -1.3 21.9 16.6 42.2 1.5 5.8 16.4 1.0 18.9 -1.0 -.5 24.3 20.1 37.8 1.1 7.6 12.2 1.1 18.2 -1.0 -1.5 21.5 24.2 41.2 1.3 6.2 9.9 1.0 23.5 -.6 -.3 27.0 32.0 28.8 1.8 2.9 12.9 .9 14.3 -.1 -3.9 25.1 20.7 13.3 2.3 4.5 -4.6 .8 5.5 -.9 5.7 0 All sectors 60 Total funds raised, by instrument 230.5 223.5 296.0 392.5 481.7 482.3 439.2 465.2 498.3 467.4 496.0 384.2 61 Investment company shares 62 Other corporate equities 63 Debt instruments 64 U.S. government securities 65 State and local obligations 66 Corporate and foreign bonds 67 Mortgages 68 Consumer credit 69 Bank loans n.e.c 70 Open market paper and RPs 71 Other loans -.7 4.8 226.4 34.3 16.5 23.9 60.5 9.9 41.0 17.7 22.7 -.1 10.8 212.8 98.2 16.1 36.4 57.2 9.7 -12.2 -1.2 8.7 -1.0 12.9 284.1 88.1 15.7 37.2 87.1 25.6 7.0 8.1 15.3 -.9 4.9 388.5 84.3 23.7 36.1 134.0 40.6 29.8 15.0 25.2 -1.0 4.7 478.0 95.2 28.3 31.6 149.0 50.6 58.4 26.4 38.6 -2.1 7.6 476.8 89.9 18.9 32.9 158.6 44.2 52.5 40.5 39.5 -1.3 7.2 433.3 97.4 25.0 41.1 145.1 44.5 34.4 14.0 31.8 -.5 .1 465.5 100.0 27.8 34.2 141.6 50.1 54.9 22.4 34.6 -1.5 9.4 490.4 90.4 28.7 29.1 156.4 51.0 61.8 30.4 42.5 -.3 5.8 461.9 74.5 16.0 34.1 159.8 48.3 48.6 41.1 39.4 -3.9 9.3 490.5 105.2 21.8 31.5 157.4 39.0 56.2 39.8 39.5 5.7 11.4 367.2 108.8 17.8 45.9 110.2 -9.2 20.9 41.9 30.8 Flow of Funds 1.59 A43 DIRECT A N D INDIRECT SOURCES OF F U N D S TO CREDIT MARKETS Billions of dollars, except as noted; quarterly data are at seasonally adjusted annual rates 1977 Transaction category, or sector 1 Total funds advanced in credit markets to nonfinancial sectors 1974 1975 1977 1976 1978 1980 1979 1978 1979 H2 HI H2 HI H2 HI 187.4 200.7 261.1 355.4 398.2 390.6 373.8 387.1 409.3 377.7 402.3 316.5 By public agencies and foreign Total net advances U.S. government securities Residential mortgages FHLB advances to savings and loans Other loans and securities 53.7 11.9 14.7 6.7 20.5 44.6 22.5 16.2 -4.0 9.8 54.3 26.8 12.8 -2.0 16.6 85.1 40.2 20.4 4.3 20.2 109.7 43.9 26.5 12.5 26.9 80.1 2.0 36.1 9.2 32.8 104.2 53.3 22.0 5.8 23.1 102.8 43.7 22.2 13.2 23.7 116.6 44.0 30.7 11.8 30.1 47.6 -22.1 32.6 7.8 29.2 112.5 26.2 39.6 10.5 36.3 104.7 24.8 33.5 4.1 42.3 Total advanced, by sector U.S. government Sponsored credit agencies Monetary authorities Foreign Agency borrowing not included in line 1 9.8 26.5 6.2 11.2 23.1 15.1 14.8 8.5 6.1 13.5 8.9 20.3 9.8 15.2 18.6 11.8 26.8 7.1 39.4 26.3 20.4 44.6 7.0 37.7 41.4 22.5 57.5 7.7 -7.7 52.4 17.8 32.0 4.0 50.4 29.9 19.4 39.4 13.4 30.6 38.5 21.4 49.8 .5 44.9 44.3 23.8 49.9 .9 -27.0 45.8 21.3 65.2 14.5 11.7 59.0 32.2 44.0 14.3 14.2 45.8 Private domestic funds advanced 1? Total net advances 13 U.S. government securities 14 State and local obligations 15 Corporate and foreign bonds 16 Residential mortgages 17 Other mortgages and loans 18 LESS: Federal Home Loan Bank advances 156.8 22.4 16.5 20.9 26.9 76.8 6.7 169.7 75.7 16.1 32.8 23.2 17.9 -4.0 225.4 61.3 15.7 30.5 52.7 63.3 -2.0 276.5 44.1 23.7 22.5 83.3 107.3 4.3 330.0 51.3 28.3 22.5 88.2 152.2 12.5 362.9 87.9 18.9 25.6 81.8 157.9 9.2 299.6 44.1 25.0 27.0 89.4 119.7 5.8 322.8 56.3 27.8 24.1 86.7 141.1 13.2 337.1 46.4 28.7 20.9 89.6 163.3 11.8 375.9 96.6 16.0 26.9 85.1 159.1 7.8 348.8 79.1 21.8 24.3 78.5 155.6 10.5 257.7 83.9 17.8 31.5 45.9 82.6 4.1 Private financial intermediation 19 Credit market funds advanced by private financial institutions 20 Commercial banking 21 Savings institutions 22 Insurance and pension funds 23 Other finance 125.5 66.6 24.2 29.8 4.8 122.5 29.4 53.5 40.6 -1.0 190.3 59.6 70.8 49.9 10.0 255.9 87.6 82.0 67.9 18.4 296.9 128.7 75.9 73.5 18.7 291.4 121.1 56.3 70.4 43.6 265.0 90.7 82.6 70.6 21.2 301.7 132.5 75.8 76.9 16.6 292.0 125.0 75.9 70.2 20.8 308.2 124.6 57.7 75.4 50.6 274.5 117.6 54.9 65.5 36.6 231.3 57.3 28.8 84.6 60.7 24 Sources of funds 25 Private domestic deposits 26 Credit market borrowing 27 Other sources Foreign funds 28 Treasury balances 29 Insurance and pension reserves 30 Other, net 31 125.5 67.5 15.9 42.1 10.3 -5.1 26.2 10.6 122.5 92.0 -1.4 32.0 -8.7 -1.7 29.7 12.7 190.3 124.6 4.4 61.3 -4.6 -.1 34.5 31.4 255.9 141.2 26.9 87.8 1.2 4.3 49.4 32.9 296.9 142.5 38.3 116.0 6.3 6.8 62.7 40.3 291.4 136.7 33.8 120.9 26.3 .4 49.0 45.2 265.0 143.8 29.6 91.7 .8 8.5 53.4 29.0 301.7 138.3 40.0 123.5 5.7 1.9 66.2 49.6 292.0 146.7 36.7 108.6 6.9 11.6 59.2 31.0 308.2 121.7 38.4 148.1 49.4 5.1 53.9 39.6 274.5 151.6 29.2 93.7 3.2 -4.3 44.0 50.8 231.3 149.7 4.8 76.8 -16.5 -2.0 59.8 35.4 Private domestic nonfinancial investors 32 Direct lending in credit markets 33 U.S. government securities 34 State and local obligations 35 Corporate and foreign bonds 36 Commercial paper 37 Other 47.2 18.9 9.3 5.1 5.8 8.0 45.8 24.1 8.4 8.4 -1.3 6.2 39.5 16.1 3.8 5.8 1.9 11.8 47.5 23.0 2.6 -3.3 9.5 15.7 71.4 33.2 4.5 -1.4 16.3 18.7 105.4 57.8 -2.5 12.2 10.7 27.1 64.1 34.2 5.7 -6.5 10.8 19.9 61.1 32.1 7.0 -3.7 8.2 17.5 81.7 34.4 2.0 1.0 24.4 20.0 106.1 64.1 -2.3 7.1 12.5 24.7 103.5 51.5 -2.7 17.2 9.0 28.5 31.2 14.6 -3.4 5.3 -8.0 22.6 38 Deposits and currency 39 Security RPs 40 Money market fund shares 41 Time and savings accounts Large at commercial banks 42 Other at commercial banks 43 44 At savings institutions 45 Money Demand deposits 46 47 Currency 73.8 -2.2 2.4 65.4 32.4 11.3 21.8 8.2 1.9 6.3 98.1 .2 1.3 84.0 -15.8 40.3 59.4 12.6 6.4 6.2 131.9 2.3 113.5 -13.2 57.6 69.1 16.1 8.8 7.3 149.5 2.2 .2 121.0 23.0 29.0 69.0 26.1 17.8 8.3 151.8 7.5 6.9 115.2 45.9 8.2 61.1 22.2 12.9 9.3 144.7 6.6 34.4 84.7 .4 39.3 45.1 18.9 148.7 9.8 6.1 110.7 33.9 18.4 58.5 22.1 11.6 10.5 154.8 5.1 7.7 119.8 57.9 -1.9 63.8 22.3 14.2 8.1 131.1 18.5 30.2 71.4 -25.3 41.3 55.4 10.9 1.6 9.3 158.1 -5.3 38.6 97.9 26.0 37.3 34.7 26.8 20.3 6.5 158.7 5.3 61.9 91.6 7.9 154.5 .2 .9 126.7 49.6 11.4 65.7 26.8 16.1 10.8 48 Total of credit market instruments, deposits and currency 121.0 143.9 171.4 197.0 223.2 250.0 218.6 209.8 236.6 237.1 261.6 189.9 Public support rate (in percent) Private financial intermediation (in percent) Total foreign funds 28.7 80.0 21.5 22.2 72.2 -2.6 20.8 84.4 10.6 25.4 92.5 40.5 27.5 90.0 44.0 20.5 80.3 18.6 27.9 88.5 51.2 26.5 93.5 36.3 28.5 86.6 51.8 12.6 82.0 22.4 28.0 78.7 14.9 33.1 89.8 -2.2 MEMO: Corporate equities not included above 52 Total net issues 53 Mutual fund shares 54 Other equities 4.1 -.7 4.8 10.7 -.1 10.8 11.9 -1.0 12.9 4.0 -.9 4.9 3.7 -1.0 4.7 5.5 -2.1 7.6 5.9 -1.3 7.2 -.4 -.5 .1 7.9 -1.5 9.4 5.5 -.3 5.8 5.4 -3.9 9.3 17.0 5.7 11.4 5.8 -1.7 9.6 1.1 12.3 -.4 7.4 -3.4 7.6 -3.8 15.7 -10.2 8.1 -2.2 .4 -.8 14.7 -6.8 12.5 -7.0 18.9 -13.5 16.7 .3 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 49 50 51 55 Acquisitions by financial institutions 56 Other net purchases * NOTES BY LINE NUMBER. 1. 2. 6. 11. 12. 17. 25. 26. 28. 29. Line 2 of p. A42. Sum of lines 3-6 or 7-10. Includes farm and commercial mortgages. Credit market funds raised by federally sponsored credit agencies, and net issues of federally related mortgage pool securities. Included below in lines 3, 13, 33. Line 1 less line 2 plus line 11. Also line 19 less line 26 plus line 32. Also sum of lines 27, 32, 39, 40, 41, and 46. Includes farm and commercial mortgages. Sum of lines 39, 40, 41, and 46. Excludes equity issues and investment company shares. Includes line 18. Foreign deposits at commercial banks, bank borrowings from foreign branches, and liabilities of foreign banking agencies to foreign affiliates. Demand deposits at commercial banks. 11.0 -11.0 60.8 41.8 -.1 -9.2 9.0 30. Excludes net investment of these reserves in corporate equities. 31. Mainly retained earnings and net miscellaneous liabilities. 32. Line 12 less line 19 plus line 26. 33-37. Lines 13-17 less amounts acquired by private finance. Line 37 includes mortgages. 47. Mainly an offset to line 9. 48. Lines 32 plus 38, or line 12 less line 27 plus 45. 49. Line 2/line 1. 50. Line 19/line 12. 51. Sum of lines 10 and 28. 52. 54. Includes issues by financial institutions. NOTE. Full statements for sectors and transaction types quarterly, and annually for flows and for amounts outstanding, may be obtained from Flow of Funds Section, Division of Research and Statistics, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 20551. A44 2.10 Domestic Nonfinancial Statistics • February 1981 NONFINANCIAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY Selected Measures 1967 = 100; monthly and quarterly data are seasonally adjusted. Exceptions noted. 1980 Measure 1 Industrial production 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Market groupings Products, total Final, total Consumer goods Equipment Intermediate Materials Industry groupings 8 Manufacturing Capacity utilization (percent) 1 - 2 9 Manufacturing 10 Industrial materials industries 1978 1979 1981 1980 May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.? Jan/ 146.1 152.5 147.1 144.0 141.5 140.4 141.8 141.1 146.9' 149.4' 150.9 151.8 144.8 135.9 149.1 132.8 154.1 148.3 150.0 147.2 150.8 142.2 160.5 156.4 146.7 145.3 145.5 145.1 151.9 147.7 143.7 142.3 142.4 144.0 146.2 144.3 142.5 142.4 142.1 142.6 143.5 140.0 142.8 142.8 142.0 142.9 144.4 136.5 143.8 143.9 142.7 142.9 147.6 138.6 145.3 143.9 144.3 143.2 150.6 142.4 147.2' 145.8' 146.6 144.8' 152.4 146.4 148.7 147.4' 147.9' 146.8' 153.6' 150.4' 149.8 148.1 147.9 148.3 156.2 152.7 150.5 148.6 147.8 149.7 157.5 153.8 146.8 153.6 146.6 143.4 140.3 139.1 140.6 143.4 146.4 149.1' 150.4 151.1 84.4 85.6 85.7 87.4 79.0 79.8 77.6 78.3 75.7 75.7 74.9 73.7 75.5 74.6 76.7 76.4 79.4' 80.3' 79.8 81.3 80.0 81.7 78.2' 78.4 11 Construction contracts (1972 = 100)3 174.1'' 185.6' 161.8 125.0 145.0 148.0 192.0 163.0 167.0 210.0 193.0 n.a. 12 Nonagricultural employment, total 4 13 Goods-producing, total 14 Manufacturing, total 15 Manufacturing, production-worker 16 Service-producing 17 Personal income, total 18 Wages and salary disbursements 19 Manufacturing 20 Disposable personal income 5 131.8' 109.8 105.4' 103.0' 143.8' 273.3' 258.8' 223.1' 268.7 136.6' 113.7' 108.3' 105.4' 149.2' 308.5' 289.5' 248.6' 301.5 137.8 110.9 104.7 n.a. 152.5 342.9 314.7 261.5 334.5 137.5 110.5 104.3 99.1 152.3 335.6' 309.2' 255.5' 327.7 136.8 109.1 102.9 97.4 152.1 337.6' 309.9' 254.2' 136.6 108.0 102.0 96.2 152.3 343.0' 310.6' 254.3' 137.0 108.6 102.5 97.0 152.6 345.9' 314.4' 258.5' 338.0 137.4 109.3 103.1 97.7 152.7 350.1' 317.8' 262.9' 137.9 110.0 103.7 100.7 153.1 354.8' 323.6' 267.6' 138.2 110.7 104.3 99.1 153.3' 358.8 327.9 273.1 348.8 139.2 104.6 99.3 153.5 362.1 330.9 277 139.0 111.8 104.7 99.€ 154.0 n.a. n.a. n.a. 21 Retail sales6 253.8 281.6 299.3 285.0 290.4 299.1 301.0 306.0 308.0 313.1 308.9 321.0 Prices7 22 Consumer 23 Producer finished goods 195.4 194.6 217.4 216.1 n.a. n.a. 244.9 241.6 247.6 243.0 247.8 246.6 249.4 249.0 251.7 248.9 253.9 252.2 256.2 235.2 258.4 254.7 n.a. n.a. 1. The industrial production and capacity utilization series have been revised back to January 1979. 2. Ratios of indexes of production to indexes of capacity. Based on data from Federal Reserve, McGraw-Hill Economics Department, and Department of Commerce. 3. Index of dollar value of total construction contracts, including residential, nonresidential, and heavy engineering, from McGraw-Hill Information Systems Company, F. W. Dodge Division. 4. Based on data in Employment and Earnings (U.S. Department of Labor). Series covers employees only, excluding personnel in the Armed Forces. 5. Based on data in Survey of Current Business (U.S. Department of Commerce). Series for disposable income is quarterly. 2.11 111.1 6. Based on Bureau of Census data published in Survey of Current Business. 7. Data without seasonal adjustment, as published in Monthly Labor Review. Seasonally adjusted data for changes in the price indexes may be obtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. NOTE. Basic data (not index numbers) for series mentioned in notes 4, 5, and 6, and indexes for series mentioned in notes 3 and 7 may also be found in the Survey of Current Business. Figures for industrial production for the last two months are preliminary and estimated, respectively. OUTPUT, CAPACITY, A N D CAPACITY UTILIZATION Seasonally adjusted 1980 1980 1980 Series Q1 Q2 Q3 04' Output (1967 = 100) 01 02 03 Capacity (percent of 1967 output) 1 Manufacturing 2 Primary processing 3 Advanced processing 152.8 160.5 148.8 143.9 145.0 143.3 141.0 139.6 141.8 148.6 153.1 146.4 183.3 188.5 180.5 184.8 190.0 182.0 186.3 191.5 183.5 4 Materials 156.3 145.1 139.2 149.8 182.8 184.3 155.0 117.1 179.3 187.5 120.6 146.1 233.6 130.8 140.6 100.6 166.0 171.9 116.4 142.1 208.3 130.0 131.5 86.6 161.9 165.6 113.4 142.9 197.9 129.6 145.1 109.9 175.1 182.4 113.9 149.3 226.1 129.9 187.2 140.7 199.8 208.3 138.8 154.7 260.4 151.1 188.6 140.8 202.0 211.0 139.2 156.0 264.6 151.8 5 Durable goods 6 Metal materials 7 Nondurable goods 8 Textile, paper, and chemical 9 Textile 10 Paper 11 Chemical 12 Energy materials Q4 02 01 Q3 Q4' Utilization rate (percent) 187.8 193.0 185.0 83.4 85.1 82.5 185.8 187.2 190.0 140.9 204.3 213.7 139.6 157.4 268.7 152.6 191.5 141.0 206.5 216.2 140.0 158.8 272.9 153.1 77.9 76.3 78.7 75.7 72.9 77.3 79.1 79.3 79.1 85.5 78.7 74.9 80.0 82.8 83.2 89.7 90.0 86.9 94.5 89.7 86.6 74.6 71.4 82.2 81.5 83.7 91.0 78.7 85.6 69.2 61.5 79.2 77.5 81.2 90.7 73.6 85.0 75.8 77.9 84.8 84.4 81.3 94.0 82.9 84.8 Labor Market 2.11 A45 Continued Previous cycle1 Latest cycle2 1980 1980 1981 Series High Low High Low Jan. July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov.' Dec.' Jan. Capacity utilization rate (percent) 13 Manufacturing 88.0 69.0 87.2 74.9 83.9 74.9 75.5 76.7 78.2' 79.4 79.8 80.0 14 15 93.8 85.5 68.2 69.4 90.1 86.2 70.9 77.1 86.4 82.7 70.9 77.1 72.5 77.1 75.2 77.7 77.6 78.5 79.7 79.2 80.7 79.5 80.9 79.7 16 Materials 17 Durable goods 18 Metal materials 92.6 91.5 98.3 69.4 63.6 68.6 88.8 88.4 96.0 73.7 68.0 58.4 86.1 83.6 84.1 73.7 68.0 58.4 74.6 69.1 62.2 76.4 70.4 63.9 78.4 73.5' 71.5 80.3 76.5 81.2 81.3 77.4 81.2 81.7 77.9 80.1 19 20 21 22 23 Nondurable goods Textile, paper, and chemical Textile Paper Chemical 94.5 95.1 92.6 99.4 95.5 67.2 65.3 57.9 72.4 64.2 90.9 91.4 90.1 97.6 91.2 76.8 74.5 79.5 88.1 69.6 90.9 91.2 86.6 96.0 91.2 76.8 74.5 82.0 88.1 69.6 78.2 76.4 79.5 90.2 72.5 82.7 81.6 82.0 93.9 78.7 84.4 83.8 82.1' 93.0' 82.1 84.4 83.9 81.4 93.8 82.1 85.6 85.5 80.4 95.1 84.4 85.7 85.5 80.6 91.8 85.1 24 Energy materials 94.6 84.8 88.3' 83.1' 86.2 85.6 85.2 84.1 83.1' 85.2 86.0 86.5 Primary processing Advanced processing 1. Monthly high 1973; monthly low 1975. 2. Preliminary; monthly highs December 1978 through January 1980; monthly lows July 1980 through October 1980. 2.12 LABOR FORCE, EMPLOYMENT, A N D UNEMPLOYMENT Thousands of persons; monthly data are seasonally adjusted. Exceptions noted. 1980 Category 1978 1979 1981 1980 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov.' Dec.' Jan. HOUSEHOLD SURVEY DATA 1 Noninstitutional population 1 2 Labor force (including Armed Forces) 1 .. 3 Civilian labor force Employment 4 Nonagricultural industries 2 5 Agriculture Unemployment 6 Number 7 Rate (percent of civilian labor force) 8 Not in labor force 161,058 163,620 166,246 166,391 166,578 166,789 167,005 167,201 167,396 167,585 102,537 100,420 104,996 102,908 106,821 104,719 107,119' 105,020' 107,059' 104,945' 107,101' 104,980' 107,288' 105,167' 107,404 105,285 107,191 105,067 107.668 105,543 91,031 3,342 93,648 3,297 93,960 3,310 93,732' 3,267' 93,793' 3,210' 93,781' 3,399' 93,887' 3,319' 93,999 3,340 93,888 3,394 94,294 3,403 6,047 6.0 58,521 5,963 5.8 58,623 7,448 7.1 59,425 8,021' 7.6' 59,273' 7,942' 7.6 59,519' 7,800' 7.4' 59,687' 7,961' 7.6 59,717' 7,946 7.5 59,797 7,785 7.4 60,205 7,847 7.4 59,917 86,697' 89,886' 90,652 89,867 90,142 90,384 90,710 90,961 91,116 91,490 20,505' 851 4,229' 4,923' 19,542' 4,724' 16,252' 15,672' 21,062' 960' 4,483' 5,141' 20,269' 4,974' 17,078' 15,920' 20,365 1,025 4,468 5,155 20,571 5,162 17,736 16,171 19,828 1,013 4,322 5,114 20,506 5,167 17,760 16,157 19,940 1,013 4,359 5,129 20,589 5,180 17,788 16,144 20,044 1,028 4,404 5,124 20,620 5,194 17,861 16,109 20,157 1,037 4,442 5,147 20,641 5,214 17,913 16,159 20,282 1,054 4,475 5,132 20,660 5,225 17,969 16,164 20,328 1,069 4,507 5,130 20,638 5,243 18,052 16,149 20,357 1,082 4,612 5,149 20,757 5,265 18,123 16,145 ESTABLISHMENT SURVEY DATA 9 Nonagricultural payroll employment 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Manufacturing Mining Contract construction Transportation and public utilities Trade Finance Service Government 1. Persons 16 years of age and over. Monthly figures, which are based on sample data, relate to the calendar week that contains the 12th day; annual data are averages of monthly figures. By definition, seasonality does not exist in population figures. Based on data from Employment and Earnings (U.S. Department of Labor). 2. Includes self-employed, unpaid family, and domestic service workers. 3. Data include all full- and part-time employees who worked during, or received pay for, the pay period that includes the 12th day of the month, and exclude proprietors, self-employed persons, domestic servants, unpaid family workers, and members of the Armed Forces. Data are adjusted to the March 1979 benchmark and only seasonally adjusted data are available at this time. Based on data from Employment and Earnings (U.S. Department of Labor). A46 2.13 Domestic Nonfinancial Statistics • February 1981 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION Indexes and Gross Value' Monthly data are seasonally adjusted. Grouping 1967 proportion 1981 1980 AverJan. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Index (1967 = 100) MAJOR MARKET 1 Total index 147.1 152.7 152.1 144.0 141.5 140.4 141.8 144.1 146.9 149.4 2 Products 3 Final products 4 Consumer goods 5 Equipment 6 Intermediate products 7 Materials 146.7 145.3 145.5 145.1 151.9 147.7 149.9 147.0 147.9 145.8 160.8 157.0 150.0 147.7 148.6 146.6 158.3 155.3 146.6 145.4 145.3 145.6 150.8 151.0 143.7 143.1 142.4 144.0 146.2 144.3 142.5 142.3 142.1 142.6 143.5 140.0 142.8 142.4 142.0 142.9 144.5 136.5 143.8 142.8 142.7 142.9 147.6 138.6 145.3 143.9 144.3 143.2 150.6 142.4 147.2 145.8 146.6 144.8 152.4 146.4 148.7 147.4 147.9 146.8 153.6 150.4 Consumer goods 8 Durable consumer goods 9 Automotive products 10 Autos and utility vehicles 11 Autos 12 Auto parts and allied goods 136.5 132.6 109.9 103.4 190.3 142.3 131.3 108.7 98.0 188.5 144.1 141.0 122.0 114.9 189.1 136.3 126.3 102.3 97.1 187.2 128.8 118.5 92.6 88.4 184.0 128.2 97.1 95.7 183.7 128.3 129.2 106.4 105.2 186.9 128.6 121.5 94.1 91.3 191.1 132.7 130.6 105.5 98.0 194.2 139.6 141.8 120.2 110.7 196.8 142.9 145.3 124.3 114.3 198.6 13 14 15 16 17 Home goods Appliances, A/C, and TV Appliances and TV Carpeting and furniture Miscellaneous home goods 138.7 117.3 119.6 154.9 143.6 148.5 128.9 130.0 170.9 149.8 145.8 122.1 125.0 169.1 149.0 142.0 114.8 117.5 165.8 146.8 134.6 102.8 106.0 154.2 143.8 132.0 105.6 108.5 146.7 140.2 127.7 102.3 103.4 136.1 138.1 132.6 114.2 114.2 141.1 139.1 134.0 116.3 117.6 146.1 138.6 138.3 123.5 125.6 150.2 141.5 141.5 128.4 131.0 154.9 143.0 18 Nondurable consumer goods 19 Clothing 20 Consumer staples 21 Consumer foods and tobacco 22 Nonfood staples 23 Consumer chemical products 24 Consumer paper products 25 Consumer energy products 26 Residential utilities 149.2 126.8 155.3 146.9 165.1 208.8 122.9 152.3 171.7 150.1 130.2 155.6 146.9 165.8 210.5 124.1 151.5 161.9 150.3 131.8 155.5 147.3 165.0 208.9 121.6 152.7 169.6 148.8 128.7 154.5 146.2 164.0 206.9 120.4 152.8 172.5 147.7 127.9 153.2 146.1 161.5 203.0 120.2 150.1 169.8 147.6 126.7 153.4 146.2 161.7 202.6 120.6 150.9 170.1 147.4 122.5 154.3 146.4 163.6 204.3 121.5 153.5 176.5 148.3 123.6 155.1 146.0 165.7 209.3 122.0 153.9 178.6 148.9 122.1 156.3 147.0 167.1 213.0 122.3 154.0 178.3 149.4 125.1 156.1 147.7 165.9 210.2 124.8 151.5 175.0 149.9 127.0 156.3 147.4 166.5 210.0 127.3 151.7 171.8 Equipment 27 Business 28 Industrial 29 Building and mining 30 Manufacturing 31 Power 173.2 156.9 241.0 128.2 149.3 174.9 157.2 222.1 132.6 157.9 176.1 159.3 235.6 133.1 153.2 174.2 159.3 239.5 131.9 152.3 171.9 157.8 242.2 129.5 149.1 169.8 155.2 241.0 126.1 147.1 170.1 154.8 244.4 126.0 142.0 170.3 154.5 243.6 124.4 145.9 170.5 154.2 243.4 123.9 146.1 172.3 154.4 244.3 123.9 146.1 174.6 157.2 250.1 126.0 147.8 32 33 34 35 192.0 237.3 139.4 123.3 195.2 238.2 142.8 137.1 195.5 240.4 142.5 129.7 191.5 235.6 143.0 116.4 188.2 232.0 136.3 124.6 186.7 228.8 138.0 121.6 187.8 229.0 140.9 122.5 188.4 233.6 138.4 112.7 189.4 237.2 133.8 116.8 192.8 242.0 135.0 120.2 194.7 244.0 136.6 121.9 97.8 97.0 97.1 97.6 97.2 96.8 97.2 96.9 97.4 '8.5 100.0 140.8 156.4 165.1 172.4 152.3 164.3 174.1 139.4 162.0 174.8 133.0 159.4 172.0 128.5 158.4 168.7 128.6 173.4 160.4 172.1 133.1 161.9 173.7 137.4 163.6 175.2 140.5 164.3 174.6 142.8 164.3 174.6 Materials 40 Durable goods materials 41 Durable consumer parts 42 Equipment parts 43 Durable materials n.e.c 44 Basic metal materials 143.1 109.1 187.3 135.0 104.6 156.0 120.8 199.8 148.5 118.8 154.2 120.3 199.2 145.5 116.6 148.2 110.6 195.8 139.8 109.3 139.8 100.1 190.8 130.5 100.0 133.8 96.0 182.5 125.0 95.9 129.0 93.9 177.6 118.9 84.7 131.3 98.1 176.3 122.4 89.4 134.2 104.2 176.0 125.4 91.7 140.4 102.0 146.4 115.5 184.0 140.4 114.0 45 Nondurable goods materials 46 Textile, paper, and chemical materials . 47 Textile materials 48 Paper materials 49 Chemical materials 50 Containers, nondurable 51 Nondurable materials n.e.c 170.6 176.9 116.2 145.2 216.5 165.0 136.8 181.0 189.3 120.1 148.2 236.3 172.7 137.5 177.0 185.2 120.7 144.2 230.1 167.1 137.4 173.2 180.7 117.7 141.2 224.3 166.8 133.0 165.2 171.5 117.6 141.7 207.3 155.8 136.4 159.6 163.4 114.0 143.4 193.3 157.7 136.8 156.2 158.5 114.4 138.4 186.1 159.0 136.6 159.8 163.2 142.0 194.9 158.8 137.9 169.7 175.1 114.7 148.2 212.6 167.2 137.2 173.7 180.5 114.9 147.3 222.9 168.6 135.7 174.3 181.3 114.0 149.0 224.0 166.9 138.2 52 Energy materials 53 Primary energy 54 Converted fuel materials 130.2 115.1 148.5 130.0 114.4 149.0 130.9 115.6 149.6 130.1 116.4 146.9 129.6 116.2 145.8 130.4 117.3 146.4 130.4 115.6 148.4 130.0 114.0 149.4 128.4 114.3 145.4 127.2 113.7 143.6 130.4 114.0 150.5 Supplementary groups 55 Home goods and clothing 56 Energy, total 57 Products 58 Materials 133.2 138.9 158.7 130.2 140.1 138.6 157.8 130.0 139.4 139.6 159.1 130.9 135.9 139.1 159.5 130.1 131.5 137.9 156.7 129.6 129.5 138.4 156.3 130.4 125.3 139.2 159.1 130.4 128.5 139.2 159.9 130.0 128.5 138.2 160.5 128.4 132.2 136.8 158.5 127.2 134.8 139.1 158.6 130.4 Commercial transit, farm Commercial Transit Farm 36 Defense and space Intermediate products 37 Construction supplies 38 Business supplies 39 Commercial energy products For notes see opposite page. 162.8 121.6 111.0 110.8 178.5 133.4 Dec .P Output 2.13 A47 Continued Grouping SIC code 1967 proportion 1981 1980 1980 Avg. Jan. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.P Jan/ Index (1967 = 100) MAJOR INDUSTRY 1 Mining and utilities 2 Mining 3 Utilities 4 Electric 5 Manufacturing 6 Nondurable 7 Durable 12.05 6.36 5.69 3.88 87.95 35.97 51.98 150.5 132.7 170.3 190.2 146.6 161.1 136.6 148.2 133.5 164.8 183.4 153.4 166.0 144.7 151.4 133.0 172.0 192.4 152.1 164.7 143.4 150.1 133.1 169.1 187.9 147.9 161.6 138.4 149.6 133.4 167.7 186.0 143.4 158.0 133.3 150.1 132.9 169.3 188.7 140.3 155.3 129.9 150.1 130.6 171.8 192.4 139.2 154.7 128.3 150.5 129.6 173.8 195.4 140.6 156.9 129.4 150.5 130.5 172.7 193.9 143.4 160.3 131.7 150.2 132.1 170.4 190.3 146.4 161.8 135.8 152.3 135.4 171.3 191.4 149.1 163.3 139.3 154.7 137.7 173.6 156.4 139.4 175.3 150.4 164.9 140.4 151.1 165.7 141.1 153.8 140.0 8 9 10 11 Mining Metal Coal Oil and gas extraction Stone and earth minerals 10 11.12 13 14 .51 .69 4.40 .75 108.6 146.7 133.6 131.4 137.6 141.0 129.9 144.6 132.7 137.2 131.8 136.0 123.5 143.4 132.5 133.1 120.8 145.0 133.9 128.1 120.0 150.0 133.2 123.9 83.1 149.8 134.3 123.7 71.2 154.9 133.6 123.5 73.1 148.9 134.7 128.2 90.8 145.7 135.4 129.0 107.2 151.6 136.8 131.5 115.0 158.3 137.5 135.5 12 13 14 15 16 Nondurable manufactures Foods Tobacco products Textile mill products Apparel products Paper and products 20 21 22 23 26 8.75 .67 2.68 3.31 3.21 149.1 120.1 136.8 129.0 151.0 148.5 118.7 143.4 131.5 157.4 149.3 122.2 142.0 136.1 152.7 147.8 121.9 139.9 131.3 148.2 149.5 116.2 137.1 128.6 145.7 149.0 113.9 133.6 127.2 146.2 148.9 119.6 132.5 121.5 143.6 148.3 117.4 132.6 123.8 147.1 148.6 119.1 133.0 126.7 152.3 149.4 123.1 133.8 127.5 153.0 149.5 124.7 135.0 129.9 154.3 149.7 156.8 153.8 17 18 19 20 21 Printing and publishing Chemicals and products Petroleum products Rubber and plastic products . . . Leather and products 27 28 29 30 31 4.72 7.74 1.79 2.24 .86 139.6 206.6 135.0 255.8 70.1 138.9 218.0 147.5 265.5 74.2 139.2 213.6 140.7 264.4 72.8 136.5 209.1 137.4 261.8 69.9 135.5 199.2 133.0 248.1 70.1 135.4 191.1 131.3 242.9 68.5 138.6 190.3 130.5 242.5 67.8 140.3 197.8 126.7 245.9 67.7 140.3 206.8 130.5 253.1 67.2 141.5 209.1 130.1 259.2 70.2 142.7 212.1 132.8 259.6 71.2 144.8 217.3 136.9 259.7 68.3 146.2 Durable manufactures 22 Ordnance, private and government 23 Lumber and products 24 Furniture and fixtures 25 Clay, glass, stone products 19.91 24 25 32 3.64 1.64 1.37 2.74 78.0 119.5 150.0 146.5 77.1 131.6 160.8 165.0 76.9 25.3 159.5 156.4 77.5 105.2 157.1 148.8 77.9 104.5 149.5 140.8 77.5 109.7 143.1 134.5 77.1 112.8 138.6 134.2 77.2 121.7 141.1 135.7 77.1 122.6 144.8 141.4 79.1 122.2 147.2 145.2 80.0 124.9 147.2 147.8 80.1 124.7 148.8 151.2 80.3 26 27 28 29 30 33 331.2 34 35 36 6.57 4.21 5.93 9.15 8.05 101.7 91.8 134.9 162.6 172.8 116.4 107.2 145.0 167.1 181.7 113.7 105.9 145.5 166.5 179.2 106.4 97.4 141.4 163.2 177.0 96.1 84.4 133.2 162.1 171.4 90.4 75.4 126.1 158.3 166.6 81.7 68.1 123.8 158.5 165.0 86.0 75.3 125.8 158.8 166.7 90.1 79.8 129.0 159.1 167.5 100.6 93.3 132.8 161.1 170.0 113.5 107.2 133.9 163.4 173.3 113.3 104.7 136.3 165.2 175.3 112.7 137.6 167.8 177.3 37 371 9.27 4.50 116.7 118.8 122.1 126.2 123.8 130.1 115.1 114.7 109.8 105.9 110.0 106.7 110.7 107.9 108.3 104.4 112.9 113.4 118.8 124.2 121.7 129.0 120.5 126.7 117.5 119.4 372-9 38 39 4.77 2.11 1.51 114.8 171.0 147.8 118.3 175.9 153.8 117.8 173.5 152.8 115.5 173.8 151.2 113.5 171.0 147.3 113.1 169.2 43.7 113.4 167.5 144.7 111.9 167.6 144.2 112.3 167.4 142.8 113.6 169.6 145.0 114.8 169.9 147.5 114.7 172.1 149.3 115.8 175.0 150.6 Primary metals Iron and steel Fabricated metal products Nonelectrical machinery Electrical machinery 31 Transportation equipment 32 Motor vehicles and parts 33 Aerospace and miscellaneous transportation equipment 34 Instruments 35 Miscellaneous manufactures . . . 134.0 137.7 Gross value (billions of 1972 dollars, annual rates) MAJOR MARKET 36 Products, total 507.4 601.8 615.8 619.0 599.5 588.6 585.0 586.7 585.9 593.3 604.7 609.7 614.1 614.0 37 Final 38 Consumer goods 39 Equipment 40 Intermediate 390.92 277.52 113.42 116.62 465.2 313.3 151.9 136.7 471.2 317.6 153.6 144.6 475.9 321.3 154.6 143.1 464.5 312.5 152.0 135.0 457.3 306.3 151.0 131.3 455.6 305.8 149.8 129.4 456.9 307.7 149.2 129.9 453.0 305.1 147.9 132.9 458.0 309.0 149.0 135.3 467.7 316.6 151.1 137.1 471.8 318.7 153.1 138.0 474.2 319.5 154.7 139.9 472.6 317.5 155.2 141.3 1. The industrial production series has been revised back to January 1979. 2. 1972 dollars. NOTE. Published groupings include some series and subtotals not shown separately. For description and historical data, see Industrial Production—1976 Revision (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System: Washington, D.C.), December 1977. A48 2.14 Domestic Nonfinancial Statistics • February 1981 HOUSING A N D CONSTRUCTION Monthly figures are at seasonally adjusted annual rates except as noted. 1980 Item 1978 1979 1980 May June July Aug. Sept. Oct.' Nov.' Dec. Private residential real estate activity (thousands of units) NEW UNITS 1 Permits authorized 1-family 2 3 2-or-more-family 1,801 1,183 618 1,552 981 570 1,171 703 468 825 495 330 1,078 628 450 1,2236 781 455 1,361 857 504 1,564 914 650 1,333 819 514 1,355 812 543 1,233 732 501 4 Started 1-family 5 6 2-or-more-family 2,020 1,433 587 1,745 1,194 551 1,291 850 441 906 628 278 1,223 757 466 1,265 869 396 1,429 1,003 426 1,541 1,059 482 1,557 1,030 527 1,563 1,012 551 1,548 947 601 7 Under construction, end of period 1 . . . . 1-family 8 9 2-or-more-family 1,310 765 546 1,140 639 501 n.a. n.a. n.a. 911 495 416 871 474 397 851 473 378 843' 474' 369' 868' 500' 368 888 516 372 913 533 380 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1,868 1,369 499 1,855 1,286 570 n.a. n.a. n.a. 1,536 970 566 1,469 886 583 1,502 876 626 1,405' 917' 488' 1,256' 753' 503' 1,285 818 467 1,259 811 448 n.a. n.a. n.a. 276 277 n.a. 162 163 215 206 238 246 235 n.a. 818 419 709 402 531 343 458 351 544 340 646 333 632 330 571' 335' 540 334 564 338 545 338 10 Completed 11 1-family 12 2-or-more-family 13 Mobile homes shipped Merchant builder activity in 1-family units 14 Number sold 15 Number for sale, end of period 1 Price (thousands of dollars)2 MEDIAN 16 Units sold Average 17 Units sold 55.8 62.7 64.9 63.2 65.4 64.4 63.2 68.5' 66.0 67.3 67.9 62.7 71.9 76.7 73.1 76.3 76.8 76.5 80.3' 77.5 82.2 83.5 3,905 3,742 2,881 2,310 2,480 2,920 3,030 3,380 3,300 3,020 2,960 48.7 55.1 55.5 64.0 61.2 72.9 61.2 71.2 63.4 75.7 64.1 75.7 64.9 76.2 64.2 75.5 62.7 73.4 64.3 74.9 63.0 74.0 EXISTING UNITS ( 1 - f a m i l y ) 18 Number sold Price of units sold (thous. of dollars)2 19 Median 20 Average Value of new construction 3 (millions of dollars) CONSTRUCTION 21 Total put in place 205,457 228,948 227,719 218,909 215,021 214,315 215,149 223,660 226,132 231,576 241,559 22 Private 23 Residential 24 Nonresidential, total Buildings 25 Industrial 26 Commercial 27 Other 28 Public utilities and other 159,555 93,423 66,132 179,948 99,029 80,919 172,654 86,287 86,367 164,791 76,957 87,834 161,349 73,360 87,989 158,593 74,277 84,316 162,057 78,632 83,425 167,882 84,378 83,504 171,053 87,375 83,678 177,827 93,659 84,168 184,453 96,992 87,461 10,993 18,568 6,739 29,832 14,953 24,924 7,427 33,615 13,987 29,314 8,530 34,536 14,197 30,149 8,571 34,917 15,022 29,609 8,256 35,102 13,267 28,063 8,115 34,871 13,046 27,993 8,095 34,291 13,102 27,425 8,447 34,530 12,996 28,417 8,760 33,505 13,392 28,888 8,799 33,089 14,672 30,030 9,036 33,723 45,901 1,501 10,713 4,457 29,230 49,001 1,641 11,915 4,586 30,859 55,065 1,882 13,450 5,081 34,652 54,118 1,671 13,230 5,285 33,932 53,672 1,748 14,012 4,241 33,671 55,721 2,041 13,758 5,896' 34,026' 53,092 2,315 11,334' 4,353' 35,090' 55,778 1,717 13,804 5,091 35,166 55,078 2,144 13,550 4,763 34,621 53,749 1,912 12,427 5,109 34,301 57,107 1,848 13,347 5,607 36,305 29 Public 30 Military 31 Highway 32 Conservation and development 33 Other 1. Not at annual rates. 2. Not seasonally adjusted. 3. Value of new construction data in recent periods may not be strictly comparable with data in prior periods due to changes by the Bureau of the Census in its estimating techniques. For a description of these changes see Construction Reports (C-30-76-5), issued by the Bureau in July 1976. NOTE. Census Bureau estimates for all series except (a) mobile homes, which are private, domestic shipments as reported by the Manufactured Housing Institute and seasonally adjusted by the Census Bureau, and (b) sales and prices of existing units, which are published by the National Association of Realtors. All back and current figures are available from originating agency. Permit authorizations are those reported to the Census Bureau from 16,000 jurisdictions beginning with 1978. Prices 2.15 A49 C O N S U M E R A N D P R O D U C E R PRICES Percentage changes based on seasonally adjusted data, except as noted 12 months to 3 months (at annual rate) to 1 month to 1980 1980 Item 1979 Dec. 1980 Dec. Mar. June Sept. Dec. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Index level Dec. 1980 (1967 = 100)1 CONSUMER PRICES 2 1 13.3 12.4 18.1 11.6 7.0 12.8 .7 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 258.4 2 Commodities 3 Food 4 Commodities less food 5 Durable 6 Nondurable 7 Services g Rent 9 Services less rent 13.0 10.2 14.3 10.3 19.6 13.7 7.9 14.6 11.1 10.2 11.5 10.7 12.5 14.2 9.1 14.9 16.1 3.8 22.1 7.6 39.8 20.9 8.3 22.8 5.0 5.6 4.7 6.8 3.5 21.6 10.0 23.3 12.8 18.9 10.6 15.7 4.0 -.6 8.6 1.8 10.6 12.5 9.5 13.1 6.4 16.1 9.6 17.0 1.2 1.8 .9 1.6 .4 -.1 .6 -.2 1.2 1.6 1.1 1.6 .2 .7 1.0 .7 .8 .8 .8 1.2 .1 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.1 .9 1.3 .5 1.0 .6 1.1 .7 1.1 .6 .5 1.0 1.5 .7 1.7 243.8 266.4 231.0 221.1 242.0 284.7 199.6 300.7 14.0 11.3 19.8 12.9 12.1 16.5 21.7 15.7 24.1 13.0 13.5 26.6 4.6 5.1 -5.6 12.8 14.4 24.5 .4 .5 -.2 .9 .9 .6 1.0 1.2 2.1 .9 1.1 1.7 1.1 1.1 1.7 255.5 244.5 334.2 12.6 14.3 7.6 18.0 8.8 16.5 11.7 11.7 6.5 14.3 11.5 12.3 19.3 21.6 -1.2 34.8 13.4 24.0 6.7 4.9 -7.8 11.3 11.3 5.2 12.2 13.8 36.9 4.4 8.5 6.4 8.8 7.2 2.8 9.2 12.6 14.7 1.5 1.6 4.3 .4 .7 .7 -.2 -.2 -.2 -.2 -.1 .1 .8 .6 .5 .6 1.4 .6 .6 .7 .5 .7 .6 .9 .6 .5 -.4 .9 1.0 1.9 254.7 255.9 247.2 257.6 251.1 292.6 26.0 11.1 19.2 8.7 21.9 -16.7 -3.9 10.5 39.1 96.4 23.6 -5.3 2.8 9.0 2.2 -.4 2.5 1.5 1.8 .6 1.0 -3.3 457.8 271.3 Other groupings 10 All items less food 11 All items less food and energy 12 Homeownership PRODUCER PRICES 13 Finished goods 14 Consumer . . . Foods 15 Excluding foods 16 17 Capital equipment 18 Intermediate materials 3 Crude materials 19 Nonfood 20 Food 1. Not seasonally adjusted. 2. Figures for consumer prices are those for all urban consumers. 3. Excludes intermediate materials for food manufacturing and manufactured animal feeds. SOURCE. Bureau of Labor Statistics. A50 2.16 Domestic Nonfinancial Statistics • February 1981 GROSS NATIONAL P R O D U C T A N D INCOME Billions of current dollars except as noted; quarterly data are at seasonally adjusted annual rates. 1979 Account 1978 1979 1980 1980 Q4 02 Q1 Q3 Q4 GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT 1 Total By source 2 Personal consumption expenditures 3 Durable goods 4 Nondurable goods Services 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Gross private domestic investment Fixed investment Nonresidential Structures Producers' durable equipment Residential structures Nonfarm Change in business inventories Nonfarm 2,156.1 2,413.9 2,628.8 2,496.3 2,571.7 2,564.8 2,637.3 2,741.4 1,348.7 199.3 529.8 619.6 1,510.9 212.3 602.2 696.3 1,671.1 211.6 674.3 785.3 1,582.3 216.1 639.2 727.0 1,631.0 220.9 661.1 749.0 1,626.8 194.4 664.0 768.4 1,682.2 208.8 674.2 799.2 1,744.4 222.1 697.8 824.5 375.3 353.2 242.0 78.7 163.3 111.2 106.9 415.8 398.3 279.7 96.3 183.4 118.6 113.9 396.8 399.8 294.7 108.3 186.5 105.1 100.1 410.0 410.8 290.2 105.1 185.1 120.6 115.4 415.6 413.1 297.8 108.2 189.7 115.2 110.1 390.9 383.5 289.8 108.4 181.4 93.6 88.9 377.1 393.2 294.0 107.3 186.8 99.2 94.5 403.7 409.4 297.3 109.3 188.0 112.2 106.9 22.2 21.8 17.5 13.4 -3.0 -1.7 -0.8 -4.4 2.5 1.5 7.4 6.1 -16.4 -12.3 -5.7 -2.0 15 16 17 Net exports of goods and services Exports Imports -0.6 219.8 220.4 13.4 281.3 267.9 26.1 340.6 314.5 7.6 306.3 298.7 8.2 337.3 329.1 17.1 333.3 316.2 44.5 342.4 297.9 34.5 349.2 314.7 18 19 20 Government purchases of goods and services Federal State and local 432.6 153.4 279.2 473.8 167.9 305.9 534.8 199.2 335.6 496.4 178.1 318.3 516.8 190.0 326.8 530.0 198.7 331.3 533.5 194.9 338.6 558.8 213.3 345.5 21 22 23 24 25 26 By major type of product Final sales, total Goods Durable Nondurable Services Structures 2,133.9 946.6 409.8 536.8 976.3 233.2 2,396.4 1,055.9 451.2 604.7 1,097.2 260.8 2,631.8 1,132.7 459.5 673.2 1,230.9 265.2 2,497.1 1,078.4 448.1 630.3 1,142.8 275.1 2,569.1 1,116.9 456.4 660.5 1,178.6 276.2 2,557.4 1,106.4 444.6 661.8 1,205.6 252.8 2,653.4 1,129.4 456.5 672.9 1,249.0 258.9 2,747.1 1,178.2 480.5 697.7 1,290.2 273.0 27 28 29 Change in business inventories Durable goods Nondurable goods 22.2 17.8 4.4 17.5 11.5 6.0 -3.0 -4.1 1.2 -0.8 -0.4 -0.5 2.5 -11.8 14.3 7.4 3.3 4.1 -16.0 -8.4 -7.7 -5.7 .3 -6.1 30 MEMO: Total GNP in 1972 dollars 1,436.9 1,483.0 1,481.8 1,490.6 1,501.9 1,463.3 1,471.9 1,490.1 31 Total 1,745.4 1,963.3 2,121.4 2,031.3 2,088.5 2,070.0 2,122.4 n.a. 32 Compensation of employees 33 Wages and salaries 34 Government and government enterprises 35 Other 36 Supplement to wages and salaries 37 Employer contributions for social insurance Other labor income 38 1,299.7 1,105.4 219.6 885.7 194.3 92.1 102.2 1,460.9 1,235.9 235.9 1,000.0 225.0 106.4 118.6 1,596.7 1,343.8 253.6 1,090.2 252.9 115.8 137.1 1,518.1 1,282.4 243.3 1,039.1 235.7 109.8 126.0 1,558.0 1,314.5 246.7 1,067.9 243.5 112.6 130.9 1,569.0 1,320.4 250.5 1,069.9 248.6 113.6 135.1 1,597.4 1,342.3 253.9 1,088.4 255.0 116.0 139.1 1,662.4 1,397.8 263.2 1,134.6 264.6 121.1 143.5 117.1 91.0 26.1 131.6 100.7 30.8 130.6 107.2 23.4 136.3 106.8 29.5 133.7 107.9 25.7 124.9 101.6 23.3 129.7 107.6 22.1 134.2 111.7 22.5 NATIONAL INCOME 39 40 41 Proprietors' income1 Business and professional 1 Farm 1 42 Rental income of persons 2 43 Corporate profits 1 44 Profits before tax 3 45 Inventory valuation adjustment 46 Capital consumption adjustment 47 Net interest 1. With inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments. 2. With capital consumption adjustments. 27.4 30.5 31.9 31.0 31.2 31.5 32.0 32.6 199.0 223.3 -24.3 -13.5 196.8 255.4 -42.6 -15.9 182.1 242.7 -43.3 -17.2 189.4 255.4 -50.8 -15.1 200.2 277.1 -61.4 -15.4 169.3 217.9 -31.1 -17.6 177.9 237.6 -41.7 -17.9 -38.9 -18.1 115.8 143.4 180.1 156.5 165.4 175.3 185.3 194.3 3. For after-tax profits, dividends, and the like, see table 1.49. SOURCE. Survey of Current Business (Department of Commerce). n.a. n.a. National Income Accounts 2.17 A51 PERSONAL INCOME A N D SAVING Billions of current dollars; quarterly data are at seasonally adjusted annual rates. Exceptions noted. 1980 1979 Account 1980 1979 1978 Q4 Q1 Q2 04 03 PERSONAL INCOME AND SAVING 1 Total personal income 1,721.8 1,943.8 2,161.0 2,032.0 2,088.2 2,114.5 2,182.1 2,259.1 2 Wage and salary disbursements 3 Commodity-producing industries 4 Manufacturing 5 Distributive industries 6 Service industries 7 Government and government enterprises 1,105.2 389.1 299.2 270.5 226.1 219.4 1,236.1 437.9 333.4 303.0 259.2 236.1 1,343.8 465.5 350.8 329.0 295.7 253.6 1,282.2 450.4 340.4 315.0 273.7 243.1 1,314.7 461.7 347.9 322.6 283.6 246.8 1,320.4 456.0 343.2 323.2 290.8 250.5 1,341.8 460.1 346.7 329.2 298.7 253.9 1,398.3 484.3 365.5 340.9 309.9 263.2 102.2 117.2 91.0 26.1 27.4 43.1 173.2 223.3 116.2 118.6 131.6 100.8 30.8 30.5 48.6 209.6 249.4 131.8 137.1 130.6 107.2 23.4 31.9 54.4 286.6 294.4 153.7 126.0 136.3 106.8 29.5 31.0 50.1 225.7 263.1 139.3 130.9 133.7 107.9 25.7 31.2 52.4 239.9 271.7 142.0 135.1 124.9 101.6 23.3 31.5 54.2 253.6 280.7 144.7 139.1 129.7 107.6 22.1 32.0 55.1 261.8 310.7 163.2 143.5 134.2 111.7 22.5 32.6 56.1 271.3 314.4 165.1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Other labor income Proprietors' income 1 Business and professional 1 Farm 1 Rental income of persons 2 Dividends Personal interest income Transfer payments Old-age survivors, disability, and health insurance benefits . . . . LESS: Personal contributions for social insurance 18 EQUALS: Personal income 69.6 80.6 87.9 82.4 86.2 85.9 88.1 91.3 1,721.8 1,943.8 2,161.0 2,032.0 2,088.2 2,114.5 2,182.1 2,259.1 258.8 302.0 338.7 321.8 323.1 330.3 341.5 360.0 20 EQUALS: Disposable personal income 1,462.9 1,641.7 1,822.2 1,710.1 1,765.1 1,784.1 1,840.6 1,899.1 21 LESS: Personal outlays 1,386.6 1,555.5 1,718.7 1,629.4 1,678.7 1,674.1 1,729.2 1,792.5 22 EQUALS: Personal saving 76.3 86.2 103.6 80.7 86.4 110.0 111.4 106.6 6,568 4,136 4,487 5.2 6,721 4,219 4,584 5.2 6,651 4,193 4,571 5.7 6,730 4,251 4,596 4.7 6,768 4,251 4,600 4.9 6,580 4,134 4,532 6.2 6,597 4,172 4,565 6.1 6,661 4,215 4,589 5.6 27 Gross saving 355.2 412.0 404.2 402.0 404.5 394.5 402.0 n.a. 28 29 30 31 355.4 76.3 57.9 -24.3 398.9 86.2 59.1 -42.6 436.4 103.6 45.3 -43.3 396.4 80.7 50.6 -50.8 413.0 86.4 52.1 -61.4 435.9 110.0 42.1 -31.1 446.5 111.4 42.8 -41.7 n.a. 106.6 n.a. -38.9 136.4 84.8 .0 155.4 98.2 .0 175.5 112.0 .0 161.5 103.6 .0 167.1 107.4 .0 173.0 110.7 .0 178.4 113.4 .5 183.4 116.4 -.5 -0.2 -29.2 29.0 11.9 -14.8 26.7 -33.3 -61.6 28.2 4.4 -24.5 28.9 1.7 -36.3 26.6 -29.6 -66.5 23.9 -45.6' -74.2 28.6 n.a. n.a. n.a. 19 LESS: Personal tax and nontax payments MEMO: Per capita (1972 dollars) 23 Gross national product 24 Personal consumption expenditures 25 Disposable personal income 26 Saving rate (percent) GROSS SAVING Gross private saving Personal saving Undistributed corporate profits 1 Corporate inventory valuation adjustment Capital consumption allowances 32 Corporate 33 Noncorporate 34 Wage accruals less disbursements 35 Government surplus, or deficit ( - ) , national income and product accounts 36 Federal 37 State and local 38 Capital grants received by the United States, net 39 Gross investment 40 Gross private domestic 41 Net foreign 42 Statistical discrepancy 1. With inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments. 2. With capital consumption adjustment. .0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 361.6 414.1 406.0 401.3 407.3 392.5 405.0 419.0 375.3 -13.8 415.8 -1.7 396.8 9.1 410.0 -8.7 415.6 -8.3 390.9 1.7 377.1 27.8 403.7 15.3 6.4 2.2 1.7 -0.7 2.8 -1.9 3.0 n.a. SOURCE. Survey of Current Business (Department of Commerce). A52 3.10 International Statistics • February 1981 U . S . I N T E R N A T I O N A L T R A N S A C T I O N S Summary Millions of dollars; quarterly data are seasonally adjusted except as noted.1 1980 1979 1979 Item credits or debits Q3 -14,259 1 Balance on current account 2 Not seasonally adjusted 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Merchandise trade balance 2 Merchandise exports Merchandise imports Military transactions, net Investment income, net 3 Other service transactions, net MEMO: Balance on goods and services 3 - 4 Remittances, pensions, and other transfers U.S. government grants (excluding military) 12 Change in U.S. government assets, other than official reserve assets, net (increase, - ) 13 Change in U.S. official reserve assets (increase, - ) 14 Gold 15 Special drawing rights (SDRs) 16 Reserve position in International Monetary Fund 17 Foreign currencies 18 Change in U.S. private assets abroad (increase, - ) 3 19 Bank-reportecfclaims 20 Nonbank-reported claims 21 U.S. purchase of foreign securities, net 22 U.S. direct investments abroad, net 3 23 Change in foreign official assets in the United States (increase, + ) 24 U.S. Treasury securities 25 Other U.S. government obligations 26 Other U.S. government liabilities 5 27 Other U.S. liabilities reported by U.S. banks 28 Other foreign official assets 6 29 Change in foreign private assets in the United States (increase, + ) 3 30 U.S. bank-reported liabilities 31 U.S. nonbank-reported liabilities 32 Foreign private purchases of U.S. Treasury securities, net 33 Foreign purchases of other U.S. securities, net 34 Foreign direct investments in the United States, net 3 . . -788 1,099 -2,909 Q2 Q1 Q4 -1.802 Q3 P 486 -2,610 -2,426 -2,431 -680 4,900 480 -30,873 120,816 -151,689 1,628 17,988 1,794 -9,464 -33,759 142,054 -175,813 886 20,899 2,769 -9,204 -29,469 182,055 -211,524 -1,274 32,509 3,112 4,878 -7,060 47,198 -54,258 -443 9,319 690 2,506 -9,225 50,237 -59,462 -700 8,883 792 -250 -10,850 54,708 -65,558 -922 10,094 880 -798 -7,505 54,710 -62,215 -994 6,133 1,261 -1,105 -2,828 56,288 -59,116 -632 8,467 1,370 6,377 -1,830 -2,775 -1,884 -3,171 -2,142 -3,524 -529 -878 -665 -887 -565 -1,247 -564 -762 -574 -903 -3,693 -4,644 -3,783 -766 -925 -1,467 -1,191 -1,320 -375 -1,132 -65 -1,136 -189 257 2,779 -649 -65 -3,268 502 -1,109 -121 -294 158 732 -65 1,249 4,231 -4,683 -52 2,831 27 -611 1,152 -34 -2,082 112 -99 489 261 -294 -554 -31,725 -11,427 -1,940 -5,460 -12,898 -57,279 -33,631 -3,853 -3,450 -16,345 -56,858 -25,868 -2,029 -4,643 -24,318 -27,228 -16,997 -932 -2,143 -7,156 -11,918 -7,213 410 -986 -4,129 -7,976 -274 -1,474 -765 -5,463 -25,023 -21,051 147 -1,246 -2,873 -17,767 -12,477 n.a. -805 -4,485 36,574 30,230 2,308 1,159 773 2,105 33,292 23,523 666 2,220 5,488 1,395 -14,270 -22,356 465 -714 7,219 1,116 5,789 5,024 335 216 56 158 -1,221 -5,769 41 -924 4,881 550 -7,215 -5,357 801 181 -3,185 345 7,775 4,314 250 737 1,652 822 8,025 3,769 549 305 1,989 1,413 14,167 6,719 473 30,804 16,259 1,640 51,845 32,668 1,692 19,152 13,185 606 5,246 400 1,050 14,409 6,355 683 174 -4,208 1,331 2,978 36 n.a. 534 2,713 3,728 2,197 4,830 2,942 9,713 1,466 677 3,218 920 313 2,563 3,278 2,427 1,666 -1,225 1,194 3,082 -254 990 2,206 1,152 6,975 -99 20,194 1,460 4,293 -4,022 18,734 8,315 -118 2,811 7,896 0 35 Allocation of SDRs 36 Discrepancy 37 Owing to seasonal adjustments 38 Statistical discrepancy in recorded data before seasonal adjustment 11,354 1,139 22,848 11,354 0 0 0 0 0 -825 -3,641 11,269 2,400 23,848 2,816 8,869 0 0 0 0 0 MEMO: Changes in official assets U.S. official reserve assets (increase, - ) Foreign official assets in the United States (increase, + ) 41 Change in Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries official assets in the United States (part of line 23 above) 42 Transfers under military grant programs (excluded from lines 4, 6, and 11 above) 39 40 -375 732 -1,132' 2,779 -649 -3,268 502 -1,109 35,416 31,072 -13,556 5,573 -297 -7,396 7,038 7,720 6,351 -1,137 5,508 1,676 4,955 2,930 4,749 4,380 204 236 305 139 144 155 110 1. Seasonal factors are no longer calculated for lines 13 through 42. 2. Data are on an internationalaccounts (IA) basis. Differs from the census basis primarily because the IA basis includes imports into the U.S. Virgin Islands, and it excludes military exports, which are part of line 6. 3. Includes reinvested earnings of incorporated affiliates. 4. Differs from the definition of "net exports of goods and services" in the national income and product (GNP) account. The G N P definition makes various adjustments to merchandise trade and service transactions. 5. Primarily associated with military sales contracts and other transactions arranged with or through foreign official agencies. 6. Consists of investments in U.S. corporate stocks and in debt securities of private corporations and state and local governments. NOTE. Data are from Bureau of Economic Analysis, Survey of Current (U.S. Department of Commerce). Business Trade and Reserve Assets 3.11 A53 U.S. FOREIGN T R A D E Millions of dollars; monthly data are seasonally adjusted. 1980 Item 1978 1979' 1980 June 1 EXPORTS of domestic and foreign merchandise excluding grant-aid shipments 2 GENERAL IMPORTS including merchandise for immediate consumption plus entries into bonded warehouses 3 Trade balance 143,578 181,651 220,549 Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. 18,642 18,075 19.103 18.701 19,088 18,634 Dec. 19,118 171,978 206,256 240,834 19,893 18,995 19,236 19.465 20,060 19,422 21,174 -28,400 -24,605 -20,286 -1,251 -920 -132 -764 -972 -788 -2,056 NOTE. Bureau of Census data reported on a free-alongside-ship (f.a.s.) value basis. Effective January 1978, major changes were made in coverage, reporting, and compiling procedures. The international-accounts-basis data adjust the Census basis data for reasons of coverage and timing. On the export side, the largest adjustments are: (a) the addition of exports to Canada not covered in Census statistics, and (b) the exclusion of military exports (which are combined with other military transactions and are reported separately in the "service account"). 3.12 July On the import side, the largest single adjustment is the addition of imports into the Virgin Islands (largely oil for a refinery on St. Croix), which are not included in Census statistics. SOURCE. FT 900 "Summary of U.S. Export and Import Merchandise Trade" (U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census). U.S. R E S E R V E ASSETS Millions of dollars, end of period 1980 Type 1977 1978 1979 July 1 Total 1 Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan .P 19,312 18,650 18,956 21,845 22,691 22,994 23,967 25,673 26,756 28,316 11,719 11,671 11,172 11,172 11,172 11,168 11,163 11,162 11,160 11,159 2,629 1,558 2,724 3,842 4,009 4,007 3,939 3,954 2,610 3,628 2 Gold stock, including Exchange Stabilization Fund 1 3 Special drawing rights2-3 4 Reserve position in International Monetary Fund 2 4,946 1,047 1,253 1,410 1,564 1,665 1,671 1,822 2,852 2,867 5 Foreign currencies4-5 18 4,374 3,807 5,421 5,946 6.154 7.194 8,735 10,134 10,662 1. Gold held under earmark at Federal Reserve Banks for foreign and international accounts is not included in the gold stock of the United States; see table 3.22. 2. Beginning July 1974, the IMF adopted a technique for valuing the SDR based on a weighted average of exchange rates for the currencies of member countries. From July 1974 through December 1980, 16 currencies were used; from January 1981, 5 currencies have been used. The U.S. SDR holdings and reserve position in the IMF also are valued on this basis beginning July 1974. 3. Includes allocations by the International Monetary Fund of SDRs as follows: $867 million on Jan. 1, 1970; $717 million on Jan. 1.1971; $710 million on Jan. 1, 1972; $1,139 million on Jan. 1, 1979; $1,152 million on Jan. 1. 1980; and $1,093 million on Jan. 1, 1981; plus net transactions in SDRs. 4. Beginning November 1978, valued at current market exchange rates. 5. Includes U.S. government securities held under repurchase agreement against receipt of foreign currencies, if any. A54 3.13 International Statistics • February 1981 FOREIGN BRANCHES OF U.S. BANKS Balance Sheet Data Millions of dollars, end of period Asset account 1977 19781 1980 1979 May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. NOV.P All foreign countries 1 Total, all currencies 2 Claims on United States 3 Parent bank 4 Other 5 Claims on foreigners 6 Other branches of parent bank 7 Banks 8 Public borrowers 2 9 Nonbank foreigners 10 Other assets 11 Total payable in U.S. dollars 12 Claims on United States 13 Parent bank 14 Other 15 Claims on foreigners 16 Other branches of parent bank 17 Banks 18 Public borrowers 2 19 Nonbank foreigners 20 Other assets 258,897 306,795 364,233 378,899 376,722 377,813 386,200 381,764 389,086 11,623 7,806 3,817 17,340 12,811 4,529 32,302 25,929 6,373 35,606 26,139 9,467 29,069 18,565 10,504 29,053 17,525 11,528 36,821 26,684 10.137 29,308' 19,676 9,632' 30,448 21,447 9,001 30,580 22,214 8,366 238,848 55,772 91,883 14,634 76,560 278,135 70,338 103,111 23,737 80,949 317,175 79,661 123,395 26,072 88,047 326,340 76,317 130,313 25,438 94,272 330,171 76,061 132,587 25,632 95,891 331,301 75,196 134,624 25,474 96,007 332,317 72,417 136,484 26,112 97,304 338,400' 73,638 139,604 26,492 98,666' 334,149 72,266 137,668 26,376 97,839 340,797 74,058 140,005 26,910 99,824 385,011 8,425 11,320 14,756 16,953 17,482 17,459 17,062 17,303 17,167 17,709 193,764 224,940 267,711 277,542 275,232 275,719 283,707 281,444 278,415 284,500 11,049 7,692 3,357 16,382 12,625 3,757 31,171 25,632 5,539 34,314 25,778 8,536 27,867 18.254 9,613 27,688 17,209 10,479 35,508 26,363 9,145 28,105' 19,405 8,700' 29,031 21,050 7,981 29,136 21,813 7,323 178,896 44,256 70,786 12,632 51,222 203,498 55,408 78,686 19,567 49,837 229,118 61,525 96,243 21,629 49,721 234,159 58,908 102,693 21,221 51,337 238,213 58,456 104,902 21,382 53,473 239,271 57,813 106,313 21,233 53,912 239,356 54,965 107,976 21,785 54,630 244,922' 56,445 111,651 22,059 54,767' 240,825 55,054 108,868 22,406 54,497 246,489 57,233 110,891 22,831 55,534 3,820 5,060 7,422 9,069 9,152 8,760 8,843 8,417 8,559 8,875 United Kingdom 21 Total, all currencies 22 Claims on United States 23 Parent bank 24 Other 25 Claims on foreigners 26 Other branches of parent bank 27 Banks 28 Public borrowers 2 29 Nonbank foreigners 30 Other assets 31 Total payable in U.S. dollars 32 Claims on United States 33 Parent bank 34 Other 35 Claims on foreigners 36 Other branches of parent bank 37 Banks 38 Public borrowers 2 39 Nonbank foreigners 40 Other assets 90,933 106,593 130,873 138,930 139,066 135,669 136,467 136,872 137,096 140,715 4,341 3,518 823 5,370 4,448 922 11,117 9,338 1,779 11,399 9,140 2,259 9,157 6,870 2,287 8,366 5,705 2,661 8,465 6,023 2,442 8,022 5,788 2,234 8,206 5,969 2,237 8,771 6,552 2,219 84,016 22,017 39,899 2,206 19,895 98,137 27,830 45,013 4,522 20,772 115,123 34,291 51,343 4,919 24,570 121,851 34,305 54,076 5,591 27,879 124,059 34,824 54,855 5,897 28,483 120,914 32,231 54,824 5,710 28.149 121,805 31,607 55,530 5,865 28,803 122,825 30,792 56,911 6,005 29,117 122,890 31,399 56,396 5,943 29,152 125,859 32,267 57,423 6,405 29,764 2,576 3,086 4,633 5,680 5,850 6,389 6,197 6,025 6,000 6,085 66,635 75,860 94,287 98,809 98,013 93,158 93,720 94,355 94,365 97,246 4,100 3,431 669 5,113 4,386 727 10,746 9,297 1,449 10,988 9,059 1,929 8,790 6,810 1,980 7,831 5,629 2,202 7,954 5,960 1,994 7,656 5,744 1,912 7,637 5,817 1,820 8,233 6,410 1,823 61,408 18,947 28,530 1,669 12,263 69,416 22,838 31,482 3,317 11,779 81,294 28,928 36,760 3,319 12,287 85,013 28,466 38,594 4,277 13,676 86,404 28,692 39,050 4,396 14,266 82,434 26,083 38,471 4,280 13,600 82,705 25,565 39,070 4,327 13,743 83,933 24,907 40,817 4,419 13,790 83,961 25,577 39,988 4,381 14,015 86,246 26,710 40,542 4,706 14,288 1,126 1,331 2,247 2,808 2,819 2,893 3,061 2,766 2,767 2,767 123,076 Bahamas and Caymans 41 Total, all currencies 42 Claims on United States 43 Parent bank 44 Other 45 Claims on foreigners 46 Other branches of parent bank 47 Banks 48 Public borrowers 2 49 Nonbank foreigners 50 Other assets 51 Total payable in U.S. dollars For notes see opposite page. 79,052 91,735 108,977 116,538 115,276 120,243 128,429 119,379 119,597 5,782 3,051 2,731 9,635 6,429 3,206 19,124 15,196 3,928 21,406 15,334 6,072 17,682 10,660 7,022 18.240 10,497 7,743 25,846 19,129 6,717 18,281' 11,839 6,442' 19,651 13,857 5,794 18,283 13,026 5,257 71,671 11,120 27,939 9,109 23,503 79,774 12,904 33,677 11,514 21,679 86,718 9,689 43,171 12,905 20,953 90,995 12,454 46,782 11,636 20,123 93,432 12,977 48,012 11,554 20,889 98,001 14,362 50,780 11,627 21,232 98,463 13,160 51,712 12,054 21,537 100,844' 14,724 52,622 12,076 21,422' 95,845 13,093 49,664 12,439 20,649 97,078 13,169 50,737 12,207 20,965 1,599 2,326 3,135 4,137 4,162 4,002 4,120 3,951 3,883 4,236 73,987 85,417 102,368 110,872 109,715 114,474 122,581 117,142 113,538 113,802 Overseas Branches 3.13 A55 Continued 1980 Liability account 1977 1978 1 1979 May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. NOV.P All foreign countries 52 Total, all currencies 53 To United States Parent bank 54 Other banks in United States 55 Nonbanks 56 57 To foreigners Other branches of parent bank 58 Banks 59 Official institutions 60 Nonbank foreigners 61 62 Other liabilities 63 Total payable in U.S. dollars 64 To United States Parent bank 65 Other banks in United States 66 67 Nonbanks 68 To foreigners Other branches of parent bank 69 Banks 70 Official institutions 71 Nonbank foreigners 72 73 Other liabilities 258,897 306,795 364,233 378,899 377,813 386,200 381,764 389,086 44,154 24,542 19,613 57,948 28,590 12,212 17,146 66,618 24,462 13,968 28,188 73,263 26,603 13,090 33,570 76,120' 30,918 12,255' 32,947 83,151 35,357 11.415 36.379 87,492 37,400 14,725 35,367 83,922' 38.398 12,581' 32,943 84,072 37,139 12,828 34,105 86,564 36.822 13,400 36,342 206,579 53,244 94,140 28,110 31,085 238.912 67,496 97,711 31,936 41,769 283.344 77,601 122,849 35,664 47,230 289,754 72,530 130,805 34,910 51.509 284,716' 72,061 127,813' 34.141 50,701 279,567 72,067 122,708 33.073 51.719 283.924 69.158 130,344 33,080 51.342 287,048' 70,258 130,989' 33.079 52,722' 283,835 69,522 131,359 30,678 52,276 288,110 71,487 132,180 31,046 53,397 376,722 13,857 14,412 285,903 292,688 81,045' 36,799 12,356' 31,890' 81,239 35,447 12,549 33,243 83,802 35,160 13,104 35,538 198,754 53,335 86.404 26,165 32,850 199,644' 54,753 85,355' 25,659 33,877' 197,317 53,576 86,188 23,329 34,224 200,817 55,530 86,550 23,760 34,977 8,202 7.747' 7,347 8,069 137,096 140,715 19,125 2,712 5,768 10,645 20,594 3,198 5,732 11,664 112,536 13,790 56,008 19,807 22,931 114,813 13,951 58,127 20,437 22,298 8.163 9,935 14.271 15,882 15,886 15,095 14.784 198,572 230,810 273,819 285,131 282,578 283,026 291,606 42,881 24,213 18,669 55,811 27,519 11.958 16,334 64,530 23,403 13.771 27.356 70,826 25,279 12.826 32.721 73,527' 29,547 11.985' 31.995 80,630 33,977 11,155 35,498 84,650 35,906 14,419 34,325 151,363 43,268 64,872 23,972 19,251 169.927 53,396 63,000 26,404 27,127 201.476 60,513 80,691 29,048 31,224 205,263 56,577 87,029 28.360 33,297 200.049' 56,247 84,467' 26.961 32,374 194,322 56,206 78,911 26,177 33,028 4,328 5,072 7,813 9,042 8.074 9.002 385,011 14,041' 288,436 United Kingdom 74 Total, all currencies 75 To United States Parent bank 76 Other banks in United States 77 Nonbanks 78 79 To foreigners Other branches of parent bank 80 Banks 81 Official institutions 82 83 Nonbank foreigners 84 Other liabilities 85 Total payable in U.S. dollars 86 To United States Parent bank 87 Other banks in United States 88 Nonbanks 89 90 To foreigners Other branches of parent bank 91 Banks 92 Official institutions 93 Nonbank foreigners 94 95 Other liabilities 90,933 106,593 130,873 138,930 135,669 136,467 7,753 1,451 6,302 9,730 1,887 4,232 3.611 20,986 3,104 7.693 10,189 19,877 2,118 6,265 11.494 139,066 20,012' 2,410 6,129' 11,473 21,404 3,275 5,567 12,562 20.608 2,542 5,910 12,156 80,736 9,376 37,893 18,318 15,149 93,202 12,786 39,917 20.963 19,536 104.032 12,567 47,620 24,202 19,643 111,769 13.824 54,309 23,628 20,008 112,055' 13.767 54.927' 22,577 20.784 107,739 12.694 51,203 21,088 22,754 109,604 13.343 51.452 22.600 22,209 136,872 19,343 2,951 5.361 11.031 111.866 13,295 53,749 22,437 22.385 2,445 3,661 5,855 7,284 6.999 6,526 6.255 5,663 5,435 5,308 67,573 77,030 95,449 101,170 100,117 95,314 96,453 96,403 96,133 99,135 7,480 1,416 6,064 9,328 1,836 4,144 3,348 20.552 3,054 7,651 9,847 19,284 2.060 6,210 11,014 19,321' 2,315 6,056' 10,950 20,843 3,238 5.486 12,119 20,007 2.496 5.809 11,702 18.687 2.892 5.259 10,536 18,519 2,634 5,682 10,203 19,978 3,101 5,616 11,261 58,977 7,505 25,608 15,482 10,382 66,216 9,635 25.287 17.091 14,203 72,397 8,446 29,424 20,192 14,335 78,278 10,021 34,488 19,558 14,211 77,322' 9.758 35.394' 18,300 13,870 71.489 8,672 31.352 16,846 14.619 73,431 9,128 31,726 18,253 14,324 75,001 9,215 32,865 18,046 14,875 75,250 9,791 34,741 15,338 15,380 76,696 9.770 35,998 15,989 14,939 1,116 1,486 2,500 3,608 3,474 2.982 3,015 2,715 2,364 2,461 123,076 Bahamas and Caymans 79,052 91,735 108,977 116,538 115,276 120,243 128,429 119,379 119,597 97 To United States 98 Parent bank 99 Other banks in United States 100 Nonbanks 32,176 20,956 _ 11,220 39,431 20,482 6,073 12,876 37,719 15,267 5,204 17,248 45.618 19,170 5.721 20,727 48,431 22,748 5,200 20.483 54,190 26,589 4,821 22,780 58,877 29,189 7,460 22.228 56.237' 29.329 6.021' 20.887 56,139 27,694 5,945 22,500 56,862 26,752 6,508 23,602 101 To foreigners 102 Other branches of parent bank 103 Banks 104 Official institutions 105 Nonbank foreigners 45,292 12,816 24,717 3,000 4,759 50,447 16,094 23,104 4,208 7,041 68,598 20,875 33,631 4,866 9,226 67,971 20,009 32.174 5,461 10,327 63,935 20,102 28.917 5.096 9,820 63,171 20,409 27.126 5.525 10,111 66,593 18,081 34,086 4.119 10,307 63,944' 17,079 32,181' 4,250 10,434 60,438 16,719 29,193 4,575 9.951 59,492 15,878 28,949 4,333 10,332 96 Total, all currencies 106 Other liabilities 107 Total payable in U.S. dollars 1,584 1,857 2,660 2,949 2,910 2,882 2.959 2,895 2.802 3,243 74,463 87,014 103,460 112,509 111,494 116,182 124,017 118,473 115,021 115,351 l.In May 1978 the exemption level for branches required to report was increased. which reduced the number of reporting branches. 2.In May 1978 a broader category of claims on foreign public bor- rowers, including corporations that are majority owned by foreign governments, replaced the previous, more narrowly defined claims on foreign official institutions. A56 3.14 International Statistics • February 1981 SELECTED U.S. LIABILITIES TO FOREIGN OFFICIAL INSTITUTIONS Millions of dollars, end of period 1980 1977 Item 1 Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 By type Liabilities reported by banks in the United States 2 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates 3 U.S. Treasury bonds and notes Marketable Nonmarketable 4 U.S. securities other than U.S. Treasury securities5 By area Western Europe 1 Canada Latin America and Caribbean Asia Africa Other countries 6 1979 1978 July' Aug.' Sept.' Oct. NOV.p Dec.P 131,097 162,589 149,48 l r 149,151 153,088 154,674 156,899 157,385 163,196 164,434 18,003 47,820 23,290 67,671 30.475 47.666 28,912 45,907 29,211 47,982 29,449 49.811 30,918 49,361 28,815 50,392 29,601 55,104 30,483 56,243 32,164 20,443 12,667 35,894 20,970 14,764 37.590 17,387 16,363' 39,784 15,954 18,594 40,546 15.954 19.395 39,801 15,654 19,959 40,799 15.254 20,567 41.463 15,254 21,461 41,764 15,254 21,473 41,431 14,654 21,623 70.748 2,334 4,649 50,693 1,742 931 93.089 2.486 5.046 58.817 2.408 743 85.602 1.898 6.291 52,793' 2,412 485 75,271 2,157 5,943 62,215 2,694 871 78,141 1.907 6,308 63,086 2,930 716 78,424 2,156 6,050 64,287 3,281 476 76,942 1,901 6,610 67,696 3,232 518 76,004 1,736 6,008 69,042 3,520 1,075 80,899 1,433 5,722 70,025 3,867 1,250 81,713 1,563 5,667 70,536 4,128 827 1. Includes the Bank for International Settlements. 2. Principally demand deposits, time deposits, bankers acceptances, commercial paper, negotiable time certificates of deposit, and borrowings under repurchase agreements. 3. Includes nonmarketable certificates of indebtedness (including those payable in foreign currencies through 1974) and Treasury bills issued to official institutions of foreign countries. 4. Excludes notes issued to foreign official nonreserve agencies. Includes bonds and notes payable in foreign currencies. 3.15 June' 5. Debt securities of U.S. government corporations and federally sponsored agencies, and U.S. corporate stocks and bonds. 6. Includes countries in Oceania and Eastern Europe. NOTE. Based on Treasury Department data and on data reported to the Treasury Department by banks (including Federal Reserve Banks) and securities dealers in the United States. LIABILITIES TO AND CLAIMS ON FOREIGNERS Reported by Banks in the United States Payable in Foreign Currencies Millions of dollars, end of period 1980 1979 Item 1977 1978' Sept.' 1 Banks' own liabilities 2 Banks' own claims1 Deposits 3 4 Other claims 5 Claims of banks' domestic customers 2 925 2,356 941 1,415 1. Includes claims of banks' domestic customers through March 1978. 2. Assets owned by customers of the reporting bank located in the United States that represent claims on foreigners held by reporting banks for the accounts of their domestic customers. 2,363 3,671 1,795 1,876 358 2,401 3.013 1,376 1,637 609 Dec.' 1,868 2.419 994 1,425 580 Mar.' 2.358 2.772 1,212 1.560 1,058 June' 2,693 2,955 1,048 1,908 798 Sept. 2,688 3.161 1,120 2,040 595 NOTE. Data on claims exclude foreign currencies held by U.S. monetary authorities. Nonbank-Reported 3.16 LIABILITIES TO FOREIGNERS Payable in U.S. dollars Data A57 Reported by Banks in the United States Millions of dollars, end of period 1980 Holder and type of liability 1 All foreigners 2 Banks' own liabilities Demand deposits 3 4 Time deposits1 5 Other 2 6 Own foreign offices 3 7 Banks' custody liabilities4 8 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates 5 9 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments 6 10 Other 11 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations7 12 Banks' own liabilities 13 Demand deposits 14 Time deposits1 15 Other 2 16 Banks' custody liabilities4 17 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates 18 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments 6 19 Other 20 Official institutions8 21 Banks' own liabilities 22 Demand deposits 23 Time deposits 1 24 Other 2 25 Banks' custody liabilities4 26 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates 5 27 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments 6 28 Other 29 Banks 9 30 Banks' own liabilities 31 Unaffiliated foreign banks 32 Demand deposits 33 Time deposits 1 34 Other 2 35 1977 45 Banks' custody liabilities4 46 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates 47 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments 6 48 Other 49 MEMO: Negotiable time certificates of deposit in custody for foreigners Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.P 187,492' 186,922' 188,295r 201,402' 191,683' 195,827' 204,802 205,609 18,996 11,521 78,730' 19,218 12,431 9,704' 37,376 117,211' 23,325 13,627 16,419' 63,839 116,625' 25,870' 12,780' 16,801' 61,174' 116,497' 22,046' 12,995' 18,700' 62,757' 128,171' 22,511 13,208' 18,785' 73,667' 118,663 22,474 13,824 18,046' 64,319' 121,240' 22,457' 14,157' 17,222' 67,405' 125,058 22,847 14,773 17,101 70,336 125,112 23,859 15,172 17,427 68,654 88,147' 68,202 70,281' 48,573 70,297' 48,193 71,797' 49,627 73,231' 51,505 73,020' 50,731 74,587' 51,990 79,743 56,484 80,497 57,595 17,446' 2,499 19,359' 2,350 19,522' 2,582' 19,438' 2,732 19,141' 2,586' 19,778' 2,511 19,967 2,630 20,624 2,635 20,070 2,832 3,274 2,607 2,356r 3,509r 2,903 2,820 2,549 2,734 2,476 2,283 231 139 906 330 84 492 714' 260 151 303' 852' 99 92 662' 607 214 93 299 501 171 101 229 476 141 100 235 352 115 95 143 383 187 92 104 383 146 85 152 48,906 1,701 201 1,643 102 2,657 1,106 2,296 604 2,319 644 2,073 316 2,382 581 2,093 337 1,900 254 1,499 1 1,538 2 1,551 0 1,692 0 1,675 0 1,757 0 1,800 0 1,756 0 1,646 0 65,822 90,706 78,142 74,819r 77,193' 79,260 80,279 79,207' 84,706 86,726 3,528 1,797 12,129 3,390 2,550 6,189 18,228 4,704 3.041 10,483 16,313' 5,009' 2,670 8,633' 17,071' 4,218 2,705' 10,148 17,591 3,898 3,006' 10,688' 18,548 4,348 3,477 10,724 16,182' 3,406 3,390 9,387' 16,897 3,553 3,623 9,721 17,938 3,962 3,633 10,342 78,577 67,415 59,914 47,666 58,507 45,907 60,122 47,982 61,669 49,811 61,731 49,361 63,025' 50,392 67,808 55,104 68,788 56,243 10,992 170 12.196 52 12,554 45 12,092 48 11,805' 54' 12,307 63 12,542' 90 12,648 56 12,491 54 57,495' 88,352' 89,479' 90,111' 100,788' 89,979' 95,012' 97,679 96,431 52,705' 15,329' 11,257 1,443 2,629' 83,352' 19,512' 13,274 1,680 4,558' 84,080' 22,907' 14,926' 1,479 6,502' 84,629' 21,872' 12,882' 1,626' 7,364 95,475' 21,808 13,427 1,514 6,867 84,737' 20,419 12,995 1,412 6,012 89,653' 22,249' 13,843' 1,724 6,681' 91,799 21,463 13,714 1,786 5,963 90,477 21,822 14,116 1,809 5,897 37,376 63,839 61,174' 62,757' 73,667' 64,319' 67,405 70,336 68,654 4,790 300 5,000 422 5,399' 594 5,482 557 5,313 577 5,241 361 5,359 515 5,880 529 5,954 623 2,425 2,065 2,405 2,173 2,522 2,283' 2,395 2,530 2,435 2,301 2,533 2,347 2,417 2,427 2,883 2,467 2,743 2,588 14,736 16,070' 18,642' 19,115' 18,088' 18,533' 18,876' 18,874' 19,941 20,169 4,304 7,546 12,990 4,242 8,353 394 14,918' 5,087 8,755 1.075' 15,380' 5,836' 8,539' 1,004' 14,190' 4,732 8,570' 888' 14,604' 5,014 8,588' 1,002' 14,901' 4,991 8,836 1,075' 15,052' 5,093 8,948' 1,011' 15,979 5,393 9,272 1,315 16,315 5,635 9,644 1,036 3,080' 285 3,725' 382 3,735' 586 3,898' 484 3,930' 473 3.975' 693 3,822 502 3,962 513 3,855 474 2,531' 264 3,220' 123 2,895' 254 3,259' 154 3,226' 231 3,181' 100 3,208 112 3,337 112 3,191 190 10,799' 10,553 10,735 706 47,820 42,335 10,933 2,040 240 11,007 1. Excludes negotiable time certificates of deposit, which are included in "Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments." Data for time deposits before April 1978 represent short-term only. 2. Includes borrowing under repurchase agreements. 3. U.S. banks: includes amounts due to own foreign branches and foreign subsidiaries consolidated in "Consolidated Report of Condition" filed with bank regulatory agencies. Agencies, branches, and majority-owned subsidiaries of foreign banks: principally amounts due to head office or parent foreign bank, and foreign branches, agencies or wholly owned subsidiaries of head office or parent foreign bank. 4. Financial claims on residents of the United States, other than long-term securities, held by or through reporting banks. July 166,877' Own foreign offices 3 41 Banks' own liabilities 42 Demand deposits 43 Time deposits 44 Other 2 June 126,168 36 Banks' custody liabilities4 37 U.S. Treasury and certificates 38 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments 6 39 Other 40 Other foreigners 1979 1978 10,974 11,773 10,500 10,433 10,704 5. Includes nonmarketable certificates of indebtedness and Treasury bills issued to official institutions of foreign countries. 6. Principally bankers acceptances, commercial paper, and negotiable time certificates of deposit. 7. Principally the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the Inter-American and Asian Development Banks. 8. Foreign central banks and foreign central governments and the Bank for International Settlements. 9. Excludes central banks, which are included in "Official institutions." A58 3.16 International Statistics • February 1981 LIABILITIES TO FOREIGNERS Continued 1980 Area and country 1977 1978 1979 June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec .P 1 Total 126,168 166,877' 187,492' 186,922' 188,295' 201,402' 191,683' 195,827' 204,802 205,609 2 Foreign countries 122,893 164,270' 185,136' 183,413' 185,392' 198,582' 189,134' 193,093' 202,325 203,326 60,295 318 2,531 770 323 5,269 7,239 603 6,857 2,869 944 273 619 2,712 12,343 130 14,125 232 1,804 98 236 85.169' 513 2,550 1.946 346 9.214' 17,286 826 7,739 2.402 1,271 330 870 3,121 18,225 157 14,265 254 3,440 82 330' 90.935 413 2,375 1.092 398 10.433 12,935 635 7,782 2.327 1,267 557 1.259 2,005 17.954 120 24.694 266 4.070 52 302 82,894' 383 3,988' 553 438 11,272 6,954 626 5,778 2,676 1.282 391 1,366 1,999 14,732' 153 24,175' 254 5.473' 49 351' 83,848' 432 3,837 534 433 12.178 7.626 567 7.138 2.830 1.140 398 1.371 1.795 14,359 156 22,556' 190 6.006 36 267 86,077' 390 3.673 525 403 12.596 9.121 642 6.530 2,491 1.040 506 1,491 1,861 14.252 147 22,925 139 7,002 70 271 83,476 432 3,696 528 311 12,332 7,854 591 5.969 2.540 1.074 571 1.321 1,826 13,524 237 22,818 169 7,250 39 392 83.990' 460 3.322 493 307 11.654 7.557 643 6.796 2,555 1,381 491 1,520 1.813 13,695' 171 23.797' 203 6.880' 33 220 90,813 519 3,696 586 363 12,380 9,171 710 7,308 2,794 1,444 437 1,379 1,811 16.574 257 24.518 225 6.161 64 416 91,305 523 4,019 497 455 12,127 9,968 667 7,572 2,441 1,344 374 1,500 1,737 16,654 292 23,061 681 6,949 69 376 3 Europe 4 Austria 5 Belgium-Luxembourg 6 Denmark / Finland 8 France 9 Germany 10 Greece 11 Italy 12 Netherlands 13 Norway 14 Portugal 15 Spain 16 Sweden Switzerland 17 18 Turkey 19 United Kingdom 20 Yugoslavia 21 Other Western Europe 1 22 U.S.S.R 23 Other Eastern Europe 2 24 Canada 4,607 6,969 7.379 9.157 9,228 9,187 10,234 9,992 9,871 10,025 25 Latin America and Caribbean 26 Argentina 2/ Bahamas 28 Bermuda 29 Brazil 30 British West Indies 31 Chile 32 Colombia 33 Cuba 34 Ecuador 35 Guatemala 3 36 Jamaica 3 37 Mexico 38 Netherlands Antilles 39 Panama 40 Peru 41 Uruguay 42 Venezuela 43 Other Latin America and Caribbean 23,670 1,416 3,596 321 1,396 3,998 360 1,221 6 330 2,876 196 2,331 287 243 2,929 2.167 31,677' 1,484 6.752 428 1.125 6.014 398 1.756 13 322 416 52 3,467' 308 2,967 363 231 3,821 1,760 49.665' 1,582 15.255 430 1,005 11.117 468 2.617 13 425 414 76 4.185' 499 4.483 383 202 4,192 2,318 46,946' 1,705 12,886' 576 1.420' 10,285' 450 2,854 6 455 360 91 4,007' 250 4,179' 346 231' 4,709' 2,138' 49,233' 1,841 13,172' 464 1,434' 11,957' 459' 2,954' 6 346 373 137 4,268' 332 4,685 350 232' 4,350 1,874' 58,282' 1,880 21,179 559 1,378 13,309' 475 2,893 7 818 372 100 4,291' 314 4,617 401 241' 3,692 1,755 48.781' 1.875 13.924 677 1,168 11,410 431 2,916 5 381 373 101 4,226' 360 3.894 355 199 4,405 2,080 52.501' 1.996 17.567' 595 1.342 12.040' 448' 3.037 5 387 365 85 4.575 393 3.595 380 220 3.659 1.811 53,175 1,996 16,783 555 1,248 12,493 456 2,962 6 437 359 79 4,583 568 4,575 345 244 3,667 1,817 53,178 2,132 16,372 670 1.221 12,738 460 3,077 6 371 367 97 4,549 413 4,718 403 254 3,170 2,161 44 30,488 36,492 33,013' 39.432' 38,048 39,880' 41,847 40,880' 41,996 42,376 53 1,013 1,094 961 410 559 14,616 602 687 264 8,979 1,250 67 502 1,256 790 449 688 21,927 795 644 427 7,534 1.414 49 1,393 1,672 527 504 707 8.907 993 795' 277 15.309' 1,879 44 1,524 2.270 633 807 •584 12,430 1,087 848' 405 16,804' 1.997' 38 1,438 2.186 494 849 488 12,547 1,482 935 405 15.378' 1,808 37 1.552 1,994' 631 649' 569 14,059 1,473 778 304 15.801' 2,033 38 1.595 2.204 529 827 534 15,414 1,994 814 517 15,409 1.972 46 1.610 2,150' 485 811 530 15,354 1,809 838 403 14.611 2.232 62 1,636 2,410 438 715 548 15,720 1,764 800 440 15,214 2,250 49 1,662 2,550 416 730 883 16,246 1,528 917 464 14,454 2,477 57 Africa 58 Egypt 59 Morocco 60 South Africa 61 Zaire 62 Oil-exporting countries 5 63 Other Africa 2,535 404 66 174 39 1,155 698 2.886 404 32 168 43 1,525 715 3,239 475 33 184 110 1,635 804 3,695' 326' 35 325 107 2.107' 796 3,796' 451' 33 360 78 2,094 779 4,221' 350' 47 404 38 2,685 697 3.902 322 32 354 42 2,459 694 4,246' 269 57 288 36 2,911 685 4,725 374 38 332 34 3,211 735 5,195 493 33 293 57 3,540 778 64 Other countries 65 Australia 66 Allother 1,297 1,140 158 1,076 838 239 904 684 220 1,290 1,019 271 1,239 959 281 936 692 243 894 613 281 1.484 1,190 294 1,746 1,413 333 1,247 950 297 67 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations 68 International 69 Latin American regional 70 Other regional 6 3,274 2,752 278 245 2,607 1,485 808 314 2,356' 1,238 806 313' 3.509' 2.394 807 307' 2.903 1,804 785 314 2,820 1,736 800 285 2,549 1.389 837 323 2.734 1,586 841 307 2,476 1,366 801 309 2,283 1,156 832 296 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 China Mainland Taiwan Hong Kong India Indonesia Israel Japan Korea Philippines Thailand Middle-East oil-exporting countries 4 Other Asia 1. Includes the Bank for International Settlements. Beginning April 1978. also includes Eastern European countries not listed in line 23. 2. Beginning April 1978 comprises Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. 3. Included in "Other Latin America and Caribbean" through March 1978. 4. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar. Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States). 5. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria. 6. Asian, African, Middle Eastern, and European regional organizations, except the Bank for International Settlements, which is included in "Other Western Europe." Nonbank-Reported 3.17 Data A59 BANKS' OWN CLAIMS ON FOREIGNERS Reported by Banks in the United States Payable in U.S. Dollars Millions of dollars, end of period 1980 Area and country 1977 1979 1978 June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.P 1 Total 90,206 115,603 133,919' 149,513' 151,218' 163,401' 161,518 162,658' 167,365 173,662 2 Foreign countries 90,163 115,547 133,887' 149,479' 151,187' 163,363' 161,484 162,618' 167,331 173,592 18,114 65 561 173 172 2,082 644 206 1,334 338 162 175 722 218 564 360 8,964 311 86 413 566 24,232 140 1,200 254 305 3,735 845 164 1,523 677 299 171 1,120 537 1,283 300 10,172 363 122 366 657 28.429' 284 1,339 147 202 3,322' 1,179 154 1,631 514 276 330 1,051 542 1,165 149 13,814' 611 175 290 1,254 29,440' 305 1,866 167 307 2,687' 1,143' 346 1.940 590 219 300 1,189 677 1,237 144 13,762' 658 203 289 1,412' 28,439 309 1,622 149 223 2,582 1.004 279 2,295 492 270 346 1,011 534 1,319 143 13.175 648 170 531 1,336 29,411' 280 1,881 164 215 3,288 1,131 265 2,433 632 231 335 1,139 558 1,581 137 12,651' 647 172 232 1,438 29,259' 196 1.680 132 253 2.551 987 278 2,842' 557 335 341 1,113 763' 1,564' 123' 12,950' 684 226 257 1,427 32,498 250 1,946 165 248 3,301 1,506 265 3,062 749 138 393 1,094 633 1,932 149 13,885 689 234 271 1,389 32,075 236 1,619 127 460 2,962 946 256 3,363 575 227 331 993 783 1,446 145 14,835 852 179 281 1,460 3 Europe 4 Austria 5 Belgium-Luxembourg 6 Denmark 7 Finland 8 France 9 Germany 10 Greece 11 Italy 12 Netherlands 13 Norway 14 Portugal 15 Spain 16 Sweden 17 Switzerland 18 Turkey 19 United Kingdom 20 Yugoslavia 21 Other Western Europe 1 22 U.S.S.R 23 Other Eastern Europe 2 29,722' 264 1,954 180 184 3,232 1.018 221 2.560 546 248 330 1,106 716 1,337 144 13,080' 682 245 241 1,434 3,355 5,152 4,143 5,272 4,654 4,775 5,255 4,614 4,542 4,810 25 Latin America and Caribbean Argentina 26 27 Bahamas 28 Bermuda 29 Brazil 30 British West Indies 31 Chile 32 Colombia 33 Cuba 34 Ecuador Guatemala 3 35 36 Jamaica 3 37 Mexico Netherlands Antilles 38 39 Panama 40 Peru 41 Uruguay 42 Venezuela 43 Other Latin America and Caribbean 45,850 1,478 19,858 232 4,629 6,481 675 671 10 517 4,909 224 1,410 962 80 2,318 1,394 57,567 2,281 21,555 184 6,251 9,692 970 1,012 0 705 94 40 5.479 273 3.098 918 52 3,474 1,490 68,011 4,389 18,918 496 7,720 9,822 1,441 1,614 4 1,025 134 47 9,099 248 6.031 652 105 4,669 1,598 74.090' 5,226 25,101' 175 8.294' 8.689' 1,368' 1,435 4 1,058 120 36 10,197' 728 4,952 711 103 4,317' 1,576 78,690' 5,234 28,710 194 8,989' 8,637 1,359 1,448 4 1,051 153 31 10,660 760 4,552 647 91 4,469 1,700 89,253' 5,393 31,866 256 9,251' 14.570 1,487 1,490 3 1,136 102 31 10,785' 725' 4,931 687 105 4.737 1,697 85,768' 5,629 30,269' 216 9,639 11,980 1,627 1.493 6 1,111 105 33 11,123 710 4,461 671 100 4,879 1,715 87,665' 5,859 30,275' 399 10,135 12,630' 1,721 1.575 3 1.157 112 35 11,745 799 3.972 719 100 4,710' 1.721' 89,263 6,270 29,679 260 9,989 13,651 1,730 1,582 3 1,157 114 40 12,014 816 4,367 749 105 5,113 1,625 93,769 5,692 29,349 243 10,474 15,628 1,939 1,768 3 1,186 137 36 12,590 820 5,853 891 137 5,438 1,584 44 Asia China Mainland 45 Taiwan 46 47 Hong Kong 48 India 49 Indonesia 50 Israel 51 Japan 52 Korea 53 Philippines 54 Thailand 55 Middle East oil-exporting countries 4 56 Other Asia 19,236 25,386 30,652' 37,604' 36,282' 36,927' 37,620 37,806' 37,952 39,398 10 1,719 543 53 232 584 9,839 2,336 594 633 1,746 947 4 1,499 1.479 54 143 888 12,671 2,282 680 758 3,125 1,804 35 1,821 1,804 92 131 990 16,946' 3.798' 737 935 1.548 1,813 75 2,105' 2,271' 83 155 1.028 21.902' 5.420' 780 927' 1.261' 1.597' 68 2,224 2,174 97 205 950 20,595' 5,523' 881 939 1,120 1,506 50 2,284 2,063 118 245 1,012 21,205' 5,464' 1,019 947 1,040 1.480 117 2,492 2,099 84 208 918 20,663 5,574 1,169 947 1.471 1,876 126 2,332 1,980 103 214 1.055 20,607' 5,885 1,081 925 1.258' 2.240 187 2,382 2,093 125 248 1,127 20,320 5,842 1,120 969 1,538 1,999 195 2,469 2,193 196 245 1,172 21,608 5,620 986 876 1,555 2,284 57 Africa Egypt 58 59 Morocco 60 South Africa 61 Zaire Oil-exporting countries 5 62 Other 63 2,518 119 43 1,066 98 510 682 2,221 107 82 860 164 452 556 1,797 114 103 445 144 391 600 2.016 95 121 616 107 364 714 2,179' 112 134 691 107 378' 757 1,977 135 180 469 98 349 746 2,029 123 166 535 101 374 729 2,090 159 119 440 123 469 780 1,933 165 146 375 98 402 747 2.375 150 223 370 94 805 733 64 Other countries 65 Australia Allother 66 1,090 905 186 988 877 111 855 673 182 1,056 860 196 943 743 200 1,021 793 228 1,091 879 213 1,185 942 243 1,143 915 228 1,165 859 306 43 56 32 34 31 38 34 40 34 70 24 Canada 67 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations 6 1. Includes the Bank for International Settlements. Beginning April 1978. also includes Eastern European countries not listed in line 23. 2. Beginning April 1978 comprises Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. 3. Included in "Other Latin America and Caribbean" through March 1978. 4. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States). 5. Comprises Algeria. Gabon. Libya, and Nigeria. 6. Excludes the Bank for International Settlements, which is included in "Other Western Europe." NOTE. Data for period prior to April 1978 include claims of banks' domestic customers on foreigners. A60 3.18 International Statistics • February 1981 BANKS' OWN AND DOMESTIC CUSTOMERS' CLAIMS ON FOREIGNERS Reported by Banks in the United States Payable in U.S. Dollars Millions of dollars, end of period 1980 Type of claim 1977 1979 1978 June' 1 Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 90,206 Banks' own claims on foreigners Foreign public borrowers Own foreign offices 1 Unaffiliated foreign banks Deposits Other All other foreigners Claims of banks' domestic customers 2 Deposits Negotiable and readily transferable instruments 3 Outstanding collections and other claims 4 .. 6,176 13 MEMO: Customer liability on acceptances Dollar deposits in banks abroad, reported by nonbanking business enterprises in the United States 5 Aug. Sept.' Oct. 126,851 154,017' 174,693 115,603 10,312' 41,628 40,496' 5,428 35,067' 23,167 133,919' 15,580' 47,475' 40,969' 6,253' 34,716' 29,896' 149,513 15,844 56.328 43,768 6,511 37,258 33,573 11,248 480 5,414 5,353 20,098 955 13,124 6,019 25,181 910 17,470 6,800 25,490 1,081 15,260 9,148 14,969 18,058 22,284 23,533 13,162' 21,578' 23,216 Nov. Dec/' 167,365 20,603 62,389 48,902 7,579 41,323 35,472 173,662 20,472 66,072 50,151 8,286 41,865 36,967 187,008 151,218' 16,659' 58,520' 42,007 6,165' 35,842' 34,032' 25,416' 163,401' 17,419' 64,051' 47,500' 7,250' 40,250' 34,431' 161,518 18,969 61,879 46,008 7,216 38,792 34,661 24,140' 21,964 162.658' 19,046' 61,613' 46,574' 7,136' 39,438' 35,425' 22,617 24,399 NOTE: Beginning April 1978. data for banks' own claims are given on a monthly basis, but the data for claims of banks' own domestic customers are available on a quarterly basis only. BANKS' OWN CLAIMS ON UNAFFILIATED FOREIGNERS Reported by Banks in the United States Payable in U.S. Dollars Millions of dollars, end of period 1979 1978 1980 Maturity; by borrower and area Sept. 1 Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 By borrower Maturity of 1 year or less1 Foreign public borrowers . . . . All other foreigners Maturity of over 1 year 1 Foreign public borrowers . . . . All other foreigners By area Maturity of 1 year or less1 Europe Canada Latin America and Caribbean Asia Africa All other 2 Maturity of over 1 year 1 Europe Canada Latin America and Caribbean Asia Africa All other 2 1. Remaining time to maturity. 2. Includes nonmonetary international and regional organizations. n.a. 4. Data for March 1978 and for period prior to that are outstanding collections only. 5. Includes demand and time deposits and negotiable and nonnegotiable certificates of deposit denominated in U.S. dollars issued by banks abroad. For description of changes in data reported by nonbanks. see July 1979 BULLETIN, p. 550. 1. U.S. banks: includes amounts due from own foreign branches and foreign subsidiaries consolidated in "Consolidated Report of Condition" filed with bank regulatory agencies. Agencies, branches, and majority-owned subsidiaries of foreign banks: principally amounts due from head office or parent foreign bank, and foreign branches, agencies, or wholly owned subsidiaries of head office or parent foreign bank. 2. Assets owned by customers of the reporting bank located in the United States that represent claims on foreigners held by reporting banks for the account of their domestic customers. 3. Principally negotiable time certificates of deposit and bankers acceptances. 3.19 July 73,771 77,740' 87,580 58,481 4,583 53,898 15,289 5,361 9,928 60,076' 4,658' 55,418' 17,664 6,433 11,231 68,404 6,142' 15,176 2,670 20,990 17.579 1.496 569 14.033 2,703 23,148 18,191 1,438 565 16,799 2,471 25,690 21,519 1,401 524 15,254' 1,777 24,974 21,673' 3.142 1,426 8,464 1,407 637 214 3,483 3,653 1,364 11,771 1,578 623 4.140 1,317 12,821 1,911 652 169 1,221 10,279 1.884 614 183 62,262' 19,176 7,652 11,524 188 92,748 65,251' 7,127' 58,125' 21,009 8,114 12,895 1,080 493 63,868' 6,778' 57,090' 21,359 8,430 12.929 71,368' 7,089' 64,279' 21,380 8,515' 12,865' 13,844 17,141' 2,013 24,417' 25.753' 1.320 724 1,818 23.178 23,358' 1.043 627 4.248 1,214 13,397 1,728 620 152 4.033 1.199 13.902 1,524 576 146 Nonbank-Reported 3.20 Data A61 CLAIMS ON FOREIGN COUNTRIES Held by U.S. Offices and Foreign Branches of U.S.-Chartered Banks* Billions of dollars, end of period 19782 Area or country 1976 1980 1979 1977 Sept. Dec. Mar. June Sept. Dec. Mar. June Sept.P 1 Total 206.8 240.0 247.5 266.3 264.0 275.6 294.0 303.8 307.6 328.2 338.5 2 G-10 countries and Switzerland 3 Belgium-Luxembourg 4 France 5 Germany 6 Italy 7 Netherlands 100.3 6.1 10.0 8.7 5.8 2.8 1.2 3.0 41.7 5.1 15.9 116.4 8.4 11.CI 9.6 6.5 3.5 1.9 3.6 46.5 6.4 18.8 113.5 8.4 11.7 9.7 6.1 3.5 2.2 4.3 44.2 4.9 18.5 124.8 9.0 12.2 11.3 6.7 4.4 2.1 5.4 47.3 6.0 20.6 119.1 9.4 11.7 10.5 5.7 3.9 2.0 4.5 46.4 5.9 19.0 125.3 9.7 12.7 10.8 6.1 4.0 2.0 4.8 50.3 5.5 19.5 135.8 10.7 12.0 12.8 6.1 4.7 2.3 5.0 53.7 6.0 22.3 138.4 11.1 11.6 12.2 6.4 4.8 2.4 4.8 56.4 6.3 22.4 140.4 10.8 12.0 11.4 6.2 4.3 2.4 4.4 57.6 6.8 24.7 154.4 13.1 14.1 12.7 6.9 4.5 2.7 3.4 64.7 7.2 25.2 159.7 13.6 13.9 12.9 7.2 4.4 2.8 3.5 67.3 7.9 26.2 13 Other developed countries 14 Austria 15 Denmark 16 Finland 17 Greece 18 Norway 19 Portugal 20 Spain 21 Turkey 22 Other Western Europe 23 South Africa 24 Australia 15.0 1.2 1.0 1.1 1.7 1.5 .4 2.8 1.3 .7 2.2 1.2 18.6 1.3 1.6 1.2 2.2 1.9 .6 3.6 1.5 .9 2.4 1.4 18.7 1.5 1.9 1.0 2.2 2.1 .5 3.5 1.5 1.0 2.2 1.3 19.4 1.7 2.0 1.2 2.3 2.1 .6 3.5 1.5 1.3 2.0 1.4 18.2 1.7 2.0 1.2 2.3 2.1 .6 3.0 1.4 1.1 1.7 1.3 18.2 1.8 1.9 1.1 2.2 2.1 .5 3.0 1.4 .9 1.8 1.4 19.7 2.0 2.0 1.2 2.3 2.3 .7 3.3 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.3 19.9 2.0 2.2 1.2 2.4 2.3 .7 3.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 18.8 1.7 2.1 1.1 2.4 2.4 .6 3.5 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.2 20.3 1.8 2.2 1.3 2.5 2.4 .6 3.9 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.2 20.4 1.7 2.3 1.2 2.6 2.4 .6* 4.2 1.3 1.7 1.2 1.2 25 OPEC countries 3 26 Ecuador 27 Venezuela 28 Indonesia 29 Middle East countries 30 African countries 12.6 .7 4.1 2.2 4.2 1.4 17.6 1.1 5.5 2.2 6.9 1.9 20.4 1.6 6.2 1.9 8.7 2.0 22.7 1.6 7.2 2.0 9.5 2.5 22.6 1.5 7.2 1.9 9.4 2.6 22.7 1.6 7.6 1.9 9.0 2.6 23.4 1.6 7.9 1.9 9.2 2.8 22.9 1.7 8.7 1.9 8.0 2.6 21.8 1.8 7.9 1.9 7.8 2.5 20.9 1.8 7.9 1.9 6.9 2.5 21.2 1.9 8.3 1.9 6.7 2.4 31 Non-OPEC developing countries 44.2 48.7 49.6 52.6 53.9 55.9 58.8 62.8 63.7 67.5 72.8 1.9 11.1 .8 1.3 11.7 1.8 2.8 2.9 12.7 .9 1.3 11.9 1.9 2.6 2.9 14.0 1.3 1.3 10.7 1.8 3.4 3.0 14.9 1.6 1.4 10.8 1.7 3.6 3.1 14.9 1.7 1.5 10.9 1.6 3.5 3.5 15.1 1.8 1.5 10.7 1.4 3.3 4.1 15.1 2.2 1.7 11.4 1.4 3.6 5.0 15.2 2.5 2.2 12.0 1.5 3.7 5.5 15.0 2.5 2.1 12.1 1.3 3.6 5.6 15.3 2.7 2.2 13.6 1.4 3.6 7.5 15.8 3.2 2.3 14.4 1.5 3.9 9 10 11 12 Switzerland United Kingdom Canada Japan 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Latin America Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Mexico Peru Other Latin America 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Asia China Mainland Taiwan India Israel Korea (South) Malaysia4 Philippines Thailand Other Asia 0 2.4 .2 1.0 3.1 .5 2.2 .7 .5 .0 3.1 .3 .9 3.9 .7 2.5 1.1 .4 .0 2.4 .3 .7 3.5 .6 2.8 1.1 .3 .0 2.9 .2 1.0 3.9 .6 2.8 1.2 .2 .1 3.1 .2 1.0 4.2 .6 3.2 1.2 .3 .1 3.3 .2 .9 5.0 .7 3.7 1.4 .4 .1 3.5 .2 1.0 5.3 .7 3.7 1.6 .3 .1 3.4 .2 1.3 5.5 .9 4.2 1.6 .4 .1 3.6 .2 .9 6.5 .8 4.4 1.4 .4 .1 3.7 .2 1.2 7.1 .9 4.6 1.5 .5 .1 4.1 .2 1.1 7.3 .9 4.8 1.5 .5 48 49 50 51 Africa Egypt Morocco Zaire Other Africa 5 .4 .3 .2 1.2 .3 .5 .3 .7 .4 .5 .2 1.3 .4 .6 .2 1.4 .5 .6 .2 1.4 .7 .5 .2 1.5 .6 .5 .2 1.6 .6 .6 .2 1.7 .7 .5 .2 1.8 .7 .5 .2 1.8 .7 .6 .2 2.0 5.2 1.5 .8 2.9 6.3 1.6 1.1 3.7 6.6 1.4 1.3 3.9 6.9 1.3 1.5 4.1 6.7 1.1 1.6 4.0 6.7 .9 1.7 4.1 7.2 .9 1.8 4.6 7.3 .7 1.8 4.8 7.3 .6 1.9 4.9 7.2 .5 2.1 4.6 7.3 .5 2.1 4.7 24.7 10.1 .5 3.8 .6 3.0 .1 2.2 4.4 .0 26.1 9.9 .6 3.7 .7 3.1 .2 3.7 3.7 .5 30.1 11.5 .7 6.7 .6 3.1 .1 4.0 2.9 .5 30.9 10.4 .7 7.4 .8 3.0 .1 4.2 3.9 .5 33.7 12.3 .6 7.1 .8 3.4 .1 4.8 4.2 .4 37.0 14.4 .7 7.4 1.0 3.8 .1 4.9 4.2 .4 38.6 13.0 .7 9.5 1.1 3.4 .2 5.5 4.9 .4 40.4 13.7 .8 9.4 1.2 4.3 .2 6.0 4.5 .4 42.6 14.0 .6 11.3 .9 4.9 .2 5.7 4.7 .4 43.8 13.6 .6 9.5 1.1 5.6 .2 6.9 5.9 .4 43.7 12.6 .6 10.1 1.3 5.7 .2 7.3 5.6 .4 5.0 5.3 8.6 9.1 9.5 9.9 10.6 11.7 13.1 14.3 13.7 52 Eastern Europe 54 55 Yugoslavia Other 56 Offshore banking centers 57 Bahamas 58 Bermuda 59 Cayman Islands and other British West Indies 60 Netherlands Antilles 61 Panama 6 62 Lebanon 63 Hong Kong 64 Singapore 65 Others 7 66 Miscellaneous and unallocated 8 1. The banking offices covered by these data are the U.S. offices and foreign branches of U.S.-owned banks and of U.S. subsidiaries of foreign-owned banks. Offices not covered include (1) U.S. agencies and branches of foreign banks, and (2) foreign subsidiaries of U.S. banks. To minimize duplication, the data are adjusted to exclude the claims on foreign branches held by a U.S. office or another foreign branch of the same banking institution. The data in this table combine foreign branch claims in table 3.13 (the sum of lines 7 through 10) with the claims of U.S. offices in table 3.17 (excluding those held by agencies and branches of foreign banks and those constituting claims on own foreign branches). However, see also footnote 2. 2. Beginning with data for June 1978, the claims of the U.S. offices in this table include only banks' own claims payable in dollars. For earlier dates the claims of the U.S. offices also include customer claims and foreign currency claims (amounting in June 1978 to $10 billion). 3. In addition to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries shown individually, this group includes other members of OPEC (Algeria, Gabon, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates) as well as Bahrain and Oman (not formally members of OPEC). 4. Foreign branch claims only through December 1976. 5. Excludes Liberia. 6. Includes Canal Zone beginning December 1979. 7. Foreign branch claims only. 8. Includes New Zealand, Liberia, and international and regional organizations. A62 International Statistics • February 1981 MARKETABLE U.S. TREASURY BONDS AND NOTES Foreign Holdings and Transactions 3.21 Millions of dollars 1980 Country or area 1978 1980 1979 Jan.Dec. June July Aug. Holdings (end of period) Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec .P 1 1 Estimated total2 44,946 51,344' 54,195' 54,884' 54,120' 55,869' 56,553' 57,217 57,416 2 Foreign countries 2 39,817 45.915' 49,795' 50,590' 49,992' 51,173' 52,075' 52,867 52,828 3 Europe 2 Belgium-Luxembourg 4 5 Germany 2 6 Netherlands 7 Sweden 8 Switzerland2 9 United Kingdom 10 Other Western Europe 11 Eastern Europe 12 Canada 17,072 19 8,705 1,358 285 977 5,373 354 0 152 24,824' 60 14,056' 1,466 647 1,868 6,236 491 0 232 25,479' 28 14,095' 1,437 647 1,731 6,984' 556 25,259' 45 13,697' 1,547 650 1,675 7,074' 571 0 481 24,643' 89 13,097' 1.522 640 1,675 7,089' 531 0 469 25,016' 91 13,110 1,640 611 1,566 7,456 542 0 480 24.783' 78 12,823' 1,658 607 1.517 7,538' 562 0 503 24,708 74 12,758 1,777 614 1,489 7,411 584 0 532 24,334 77 12,335 1,884 595 1,485 7,180 777 0 449 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 416 144 110 162 21,488 11,528 691 -3 466 103 200 163 19,805 11.175 591 -3 616 200 215 200 22,791' 9,545 492 -6 690 248 242 200 23,575' 9,614 592 -6 706 261 240 205 23,585' 9,465 592 -5 768 302 241 225 24,292' 9,444 617 0 768 292 255 221 25,331' 9,503 685 5 942 292 278 372 25,966 9,547 715 4 999 292 285 421 26,110 9,479 922 14 21 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations 5,129 5,429 4,400' 4,294 4.128' 4,696 4,478' 4,350 4,588 22 23 5,089 41 5,388 37 4.338 60 4,234 60 4,066 60 4,632 65 4,430 44 4,302 44 4,548 36 Latin America and Caribbean Venezuela Other Latin America and Caribbean Netherlands Antilles Asia Japan Africa All other International Latin American regional 423 Transactions (net purchases, or sales ( - ) during period) 24 Total2 6,305 6,397' 6,072 1,757 692 -767 1,752 681 665 199 25 Foreign countries2 26 Official institutions 27 Other foreign 2 5,921 3,729 2,193 6,099' 1.697 4,403' 6,913 3,841 3,073 1,820 1.716 104 795 762 33 -598 -745 146 1.181 998 183 903 664 240 792 302 490 -39 -334 295 383 301 -844 -63 -104 -168 571 -222 -127 237 -1,785 329 -1,014 -100 7,672 330 1.427 -100 598 100 140 0 601 25 990 68 561 30 358 207 28 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations MEMO; Oil-exporting countries 29 Middle East 3 30 Africa 4 2. Beginning December 1978. includes U.S. Treasury notes publicly issued to private foreign residents denominated in foreign currencies. 3. Comprises Bahrain, Iran. Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States). 4. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria. 1. Estimated official and private holdings of marketable U.S. Treasury securities with an original maturity of more than 1 year. Data are based on a benchmark survey of holdings as of Jan. 31, 1971, and monthly transactions reports. Excludes nonmarketable U.S. Treasury bonds and notes held by official institutions of foreign countries. 3.22 FOREIGN OFFICIAL ASSETS HELD AT FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS Millions of dollars, end of period 1980 Assets 1977 1978 July 1 Deposits Assets held in custody 2 U.S. Treasury securities1 3 Earmarked gold2 Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.P 424 367 429 436 336 460 368 368 411 573 91,962 15,988 117,126 15,463 95,075 15,169 95,525 15,034 96,504 15,025 96.227 14,987 98,121 14,986 102,786 14,968 102,417 14,965 104,490 14,893 1. Marketable U.S. Treasury bills, notes, and bonds; and nonmarketable U.S. Treasury securities payable in dollars and in foreign currencies. 2. The value of earmarked gold increased because of the changes in par value of the U.S. dollar in May 1972 and in October 1973. 1981 1979 NOTE. Excludes deposits and U.S. Treasury securities held for international and regional organizations. Earmarked gold is gold held for foreign and international accounts and is not included in the gold stock of the United States, Investment Transactions 3.23 A63 FOREIGN TRANSACTIONS IN SECURITIES Millions of dollars 1980 1980 11-RA Transactions, and area or country Jan.Dec. June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Dec.A> Nov. U.S. corporate securities STOCKS 1 Foreign purchases 2 Foreign sales 20,145 17,723 22,781' 21,123' 40,320 35,044 2,559' 2,400' 3,110' 2,800' 3.505 3,301 3,569 3,329 4,438 3,920 4,457 3,588 4,345 3,783 3 Net purchases, or sales ( - ) 2,423 1,658' 5,276 159' 310' 203 241 519 869 562 4 Foreign countries 2,469 1,642' 5,258 161' 308' 205 246 524 867 540 1,283 47 620 -22 -585 1,230 74 151 781 189 -13 3 217 122 -221 -71 -519 964 552 -19 688' 211 -14 7 3,036 479 184 -328 308 2,502 847 143 1,209 -7 -1 30 56 9 115 62 -13 -27 -82 188 81 -25 141' -5 -1 2 42 30 -21 -26 -127 216 13 -32 183 -22 0 21 -83 -33 -18 -38 -122 153 -22 -83 410 19 2 4 300 53 35 -29 83 172 -66 132 126 33 2 -3 633 109 121 -58 265 251 263 57 -109 18 0 5 222 57 7 -17 -88 299 230 -12 181 -72 -2 -6 -46 17 18 -2 2 -2 -5 -6 2 22 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Europe France Germany Netherlands Switzerland United Kingdom Canada Latin America and Caribbean Middle East 1 Other Asia Africa Other countries 17 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations -5 -25 -19 99 24 27 19' 28 _2 8 BONDS 2 18 Foreign purchases 19 Foreign sales 7,897' 5,679' 8,803' 7,608' 15,356 9,968 1,834 1,152 1,695 898 1,087 589 645 481 1,612 739 1,181 902 946 826 20 Net purchases, or sales ( - ) 2,218' 1,195' 5,387 682 797 498 165 873f 278 121 21 Foreign countries 1,878 1,330 5,454 625 769 475 214 918 283 108 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 736 30 -2 12 -202 930 102 98 810 131 -1 1 626 11 58 -202 -118 814 80 109 424 88 1 1 1,585 143 213 -65 54 1,252 135 186 3,416 117 5 10 105 12 - 14 6 -10 110 5 23 483 5 0 4 129 8 -50 -26 -16 196 -2 29 600 13 0 1 27 6 -11 -7 -9 53 25 32 382 9 0 0 -23 -2 4 7 0 -5 12 18 194 14 0 -2 284 16 30 8 1 235 9 7 594 24 0 0 151 12 13 -7 8 154 21 11 105 -3 0 -1 -26 12 22 17 14 -113 -7 -4 113 32 0 0 341' -134' -66 57 28 23 -49 -45 -4 13 Europe France Germany Netherlands Switzerland United Kingdom Canada Latin America and Caribbean Middle East 1 Other Asia Africa Other countries 34 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations Foreign securities 35 Stocks, net purchases, or sales ( - ) 36 Foreign purchases 37 Foreign sales 527 3,666 3,139 38 Bonds, net purchases, or sales ( - ) 39 Foreign purchases 40 Foreign sales -4,185 11,098 15,283 41 Net purchases, or sales ( - ) , of stocks and bonds 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Foreign countries Europe Canada Latin America and Caribbean Asia Africa Other countries 49 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations .. -786 4.615 5.401 -2,239 7,870 10,108 -174' 495' 669' -76 654 731 -201 605 805 -558 694 1,253 -335 788 1,143 129 927 798 -68 721 788 -3,855' 12,672' 16,527' -835 17,062 17,898 -620' 1,638' 2,258' 374 1.725 1,351 -259 1.374 1,634 -84 1,231 1,316 -206 1,651 1,857 91 1,252 1,161 274 1,786 1,512 -3,658 -4,641' -3,074 -794' 298 -460 -643 -561 219 206 -3,471 -61 -3,229 221 186 -441 -146 -3,891' -1,646 -2.601 347' 44' -61' 25 -3,950 -958 -2,094 126 -1,131 24 81 -813' -481' -288' -25' -66' 5' 44 -32 10 -29 34 -55 1 7 -384 -176 42 -14 -313 0 76 -680 -110 -344 7 -223 -4 -6 -576 113 -651 -35 -16 29 -16 196 -30 327 -24 -73 -1 -3 -177 -86 24 -11 -84 -13 -7 876 19 330 -76 37 15 23 383 -187 -750 1. Comprises oil-exporting countries as follows: Bahrain, Iran. Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States). 2. Includes state and local government securities, and securities of U.S. government agencies and corporations. Also includes issues of new debt securities sold abroad by U.S. corporations organized to finance direct investments abroad. A64 International Statistics • February 1981 3.24 LIABILITIES TO UNAFFILIATED FOREIGNERS Reported by Nonbanking Business Enterprises in the United States' Millions of dollars, end of period 1979 Type, and area or country 1978 1980 1979 June Sept. Dec. Mar. June. Sept .P 1 Total 14,879 16,950 15,519 15,700 16,950 17,373 18,472 18,406 2 Payable in dollars 3 Payable in foreign currencies 2 11.516 3.363 13,932 3,018 12,631 2,888 12,692 3,008 13.932 3,018 14.437 2,936 15,105 3,366 15,203 3,203 By type 4 Financial liabilities 5 Payable in dollars 6 Payable in foreign currencies 6.305 3,841 2,464 7,311 5,101 2,210 6,049 3,876 2,173 6,131 3,877 2,254 7,311 5,101 2,210 7,802 5,618 2,184 8,307 5,751 2,556 8,125 5,707 2,418 7 Commercial liabilities 8 Trade payables 9 Advance receipts and other liabilities 8,574 4,008 4,566 9,639 4,380 5,258 9,470 4,302 5,168 9,568 4,051 5,518 9,639 4,380 5,258 9,571 4,138 5,433 10,165 4,265 5,899 10,281 4,370 5,911 7,675 899 8,830 808 8,755 715 8,815 754 8,830 808 8,819 752 9,355 810 9,496 785 3,903 289 167 366 390 248 2,110 4,579 345 168 497 834 168 2,372 3,582 355 134 283 401 235 1,955 3,713 317 126 381 542 190 1,957 4,579 345 168 497 834 168 2,372 4,813 360 188 520 801 172 2,568 5,392 422 341 657 783 238 2,783 5,214 404 327 557 766 224 2,761 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Payable in dollars Payable in foreign currencies By area or country Financial liabilities Europe Belgium-Luxembourg France Germany Netherlands Switzerland United Kingdom 19 Canada 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Latin America and Caribbean Bahamas Bermuda Brazil British West Indies Mexico Venezuela 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Japan Middle East oil-exporting countries 3 244 445 290 304 445 383 482 456 1,357 478 4 10 194 102 49 1,483 375 81 18 514 121 72 1,395 477 2 19 189 131 68 1,347 390 2 14 198 122 71 1.483 375 81 18 514 121 72 1,764 459 83 22 694 101 70 1,633 434 2 25 700 101 72 1,718 412 1 20 685 108 74 791 714 32 795 723 31 772 706 25 757 700 19 795 723 31 821 737 26 775 680 31 705 615 37 5 2 4 1 6 2 5 1 4 1 11 1 10 1 11 1 5 4 5 5 4 10 15 21 3,033 75 321 529 246 302 824 3,621 137 467 534 227 310 1,073 3,303 81 353 471 230 439 997 3,393 103 394 539 206 348 1,015 3.621 137 467 534 227 310 1.073 3,682 117 503 533 288 382 994 4,008 132 485 714 245 462 1,120 4,010 107 486 670 272 451 1,024 Africa Oil-exporting countries 4 Allother 5 Commercial liabilities Europe Belgium-Luxembourg France Germany Netherlands Switzerland United Kingdom 40 Canada 667 868 663 717 868 720 591 590 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Latin America Bahamas Bermuda Brazil British West Indies Mexico Venezuela 997 25 97 74 53 106 303 1,323 69 32 203 21 257 301 1.335 65 82 165 121 216 323 1,401 89 48 186 21 270 359 1,323 69 32 203 21 257 301 1,253 4 47 228 20 235 211 1,271 26 107 151 37 272 210 1,361 8 114 156 12 324 293 2,932 448 1,523 2,865 488 1,017 3,034 516 1,225 2,996 517 1,070 2,865 488 1,017 2,912 578 901 3,053 411 1,019 2,889 492 937 743 312 728 384 891 410 775 370 728 384 742 382 875 498 1,036 633 203 233 243 287 233 263 367 396 48 49 50 51 52 53 Japan Middle East oil-exporting countries 3 Africa Oil-exporting countries 4 Allother 5 1. For a description of the changes in the International Statistics tables, see July 1979 BULLETIN, p. 550. 2. Before December 1978, foreign currency data include only liabilities denominated in foreign currencies with an original maturity of less than one year. 3. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq. Kuwait, Oman, Qatar. Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States). 4. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria. 5. Includes nonmonetary international and regional organizations. Nonbank-Reported Data 3.25 CLAIMS ON UNAFFILIATED FOREIGNERS United Statesi A65 Reported by Nonbanking Business Enterprises in the Millions of dollars, end of period 1980 1979 Type, and area or country 1979 1978 Sept. June Dec. Mar. June' Sept .P 1 Total 27,859 30,859 30,296 30,949 30,859 31,953 31,850 31,374 2 Payable in dollars 3 Payable in foreign currencies 2 24.861 2.998 27.703 3.156 27,394 2,902 28,280 2,668 27,703 3.156 28,956 2,997 28,808 3,042 28,240 3,134 Bv type 4 Financial claims 5 Deposits 6 Payable in dollars 7 Payable in foreign currencies Other financial claims 8 9 Payable in dollars 10 Payable in foreign currencies 16,522 11,062 10.000 1.061 5.461 3,855 1,606 18.107 12.461 11,572 889 5,646 3,792 1,854 19,303 13,643 12,706 938 5,660 4,059 1.601 19,176 13,730 12,830 901 5,446 4,030 1,416 18,107 12,461 11,572 889 5,646 3,792 1,854 19,237 13,563 12.601 963 5.673 4.046 1.627 18,499 12,658 11,778 879 5,841 4,103 1,737 18,164 12,099 11,018 1,081 6,065 4,395 1,670 11 Commercial claims 12 Trade receivables 13 Advance payments and other claims 11.337 10.778 559 12,752 12,064 688 10,993 10,364 628 11.773 11.061 712 12,752 12,064 688 12,716 12,071 645 13,352 12,656 695 13,210 12,521 689 14 15 11,006 331 12,339 413 10,629 363 11.421 352 12,339 413 12,309 407 12,926 425 12,827 383 5.218 48 178 510 103 98 4,023 6,115 32 177 407 53 73 5,053 5,638 54 183 361 62 81 4,650 6,562 33 191 393 51 85 5,522 6,115 32 177 407 53 73 5,053 5,826 19 290 298 39 89 4,778 5,835 23 307 190 37 96 4,855 5,576 14 381 168 30 41 4,546 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Payable in dollars Payable in foreign currencies Bv area or countrv Financial claims Europe Belgium-Luxembourg France Germany Netherlands Switzerland United Kingdom 23 Canada 4,482 4,812 5,146 4,767 4,812 4,882 4,778 4,798 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Latin America and Caribbean Bahamas Bermuda Brazil British West Indies Mexico Venezuela 5,665 2,959 80 151 1,288 163 150 6,190 2,680 30 163 2,001 158 133 7,433 3,637 57 141 2,407 159 151 6,682 3,284 31 133 1.838 156 139 6,190 2,680 30 163 2,001 158 133 7,512 3,448 34 128 2,591 169 132 6,807 2,962 25 120 2,393 178 139 6,671 2.757 65 116 2,283 192 128 31 32 33 Asia Japan Middle East oil-exporting countries 3 922 307 18 693 190 16 800 217 17 818 222 21 693 190 16 708 226 18 758 253 16 792 269 20 34 35 Africa Oil-exporting countries 4 181 10 253 49 227 23 277 41 253 49 265 40 256 35 260 29 36 All other 5 55 44 61 69 44 43 65 68 3,985 144 609 399 267 198 827 4,895 203 727 584 298 269 905 3,833 170 470 421 307 232 731 4,127 179 518 448 262 224 818 4.895 203 727 584 298 269 905 4,751 208 703 515 347 349 924 4,820 255 662 504 297 429 908 4,610 227 698 561 287 332 979 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Commercial claims Europe Belgium-Luxembourg France Germany Netherlands Switzerland United Kingdom 44 Canada 1.096 843 1.106 1.164 843 862 895 926 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Latin America and Caribbean Bahamas Bermuda Brazil British West Indies Mexico Venezuela 2.547 109 215 629 9 506 292 2,853 21 197 647 16 698 342 2,406 98 118 503 25 584 296 2.595 16 154 568 13 648 346 2.853 21 197 647 16 698 342 2,990 19 135 656 11 833 349 3,281 19 133 697 9 921 394 3,351 53 81 709 17 973 384 52 53 54 Asia Japan Middle East oil-exporting countries 3 3.082 976 717 3,365 1,127 766 2.967 1.005 685 3.116 1.128 701 3,365 1,127 766 3,370 1,209 718 3,540 1,130 829 3,361 1,065 829 55 56 Africa Oil-exporting countries 4 447 136 556 133 487 139 549 140 556 133 , 518 114 567 115 699 135 57 All other 5 179 240 194 220 240 225 249 264 1. For a description of the changes in the International Statistics tables, see July 1979 BULLETIN, p. 550. 2. Prior to December 1978, foreign currency data include only liabilities denominated in foreign currencies with an original maturity of less than one year. 3. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States). 4. Comprises Algeria. Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria. 5. Includes nonmonetary international and regional organizations. A66 3.26 International Statistics • February 1981 DISCOUNT RATES OF FOREIGN CENTRAL BANKS Percent per annum Rate on Jan. 31, 1981 Rate on Jan. 31, 1981 Country Argentina Austria .. Belgium .. Brazil Canada .. Denmark . Percent Month effective 137.01 6.75 12.0 40.0 17.11 Dec. 1980 Mar. 1980 July 1980 June 1980 Jan. 1981 Oct. 1980 11.00 Country France Germany, Fed. Rep. of Italy Japan Netherlands Norway NOTE. Rates shown are mainly those at which the central bank either discounts or makes advances against eligible commercial paper and/or government securities for commercial banks or brokers. For countries with 3.27 Rate on Jan. 31, 1981 Country Percent Month effective 9.5 7.5 16.5 7.25 8.0 9.0 Aug. 1977 May 1980 Sept. 1980 Nov. 1980 Oct. 1980 Nov. 1979 Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Venezuela Percent Month effective 12.0 3.5 14.0 10.0 Jan. 1981 Feb. 1981 Nov. 1980 July 1980 more than one rate applicable to such discounts or advances, the rate shown is the one at wlhich it is understood the central bank transacts the largest proportion of its credit operations. FOREIGN SHORT-TERM INTEREST RATES Percent per annum, averages of daily figures 1980 Country, or type 1978 1979 July 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Eurodollars United Kingdom Canada Germany Switzerland Netherlands France Italy Belgium Japan Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. 8.74 9.18 8.52 3.67 0.74 11.96 13.60 11.91 6.64 2.04 14.00 16.59 13.12 9.45 5.79 9.33 15.82 10.91 9.59 5.29 10.82 16.45 10.47 8.93 5.52 12.07 15.89 10.73 8.90 5.57 13.55 15.87 11.71 8.99 5.40 16.46 15.84 12.96 9.37 5.53 19.47 14.64 16.83 10.11 6.61 18.07 14.20 16.98 9.41 5.68 6.53 8.10 11.40 7.14 4.75 9.33 9.44 11.85 10.48 6.10 10.60 12.18 17.50 14.06 11.45 10.06 11.87 17.49 13.30 12.89 9.97 11.20 17.30 12.52 12.04 10.31 11.81 17.50 12.35 11.46 9.63 11.69 18.16 12.24 10.98 9.59 11.26 17.51 12.40 9.74 9.69 11.52 17.47 12.75 9.60 9.36 11.38 17.34 12.41 9.00 NOTE. Rates are for 3-month interbank loans except for the following: Canada, finance company paper; Belgium, time deposits of 20 million 3.28 1981 1980 francs and over; and Japan, loans and discounts that can be called after being held over a minimum of two month-ends. FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES Cents per unit of foreign currency 1980 Country/currency 1978 1979 1981 1980 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Australia/dollar Austria/schilling Belgium/franc Canada/dollar Denmark/krone 114.41 6.8958 3.1809 87.729 18.156 111.77 7.4799 3.4098 85.386 19.010 114.00 7.7349 3.4247 85.530 17.766 115.85 8.0578 3.5766 86.783 18.487 115.77 7.8840 3.4883 86.263 18.070 117.04 7.8916 3.4844 85.861 18.068 117.43 7.6714 3.3875 85.538 17.639 116.75 7.3433 3.2457 84.286 16.962 116.86 7.1549 3.1543 83.560 16.573 118.19 7.0297 3.0962 83.974 16.181 6 7 8 9 10 Finland/markka France/franc Germany/deutsche mark India/rupee Ireland/pound 24.337 22.218 49.867 12.207 191.84 27.732 23.504 54.561 12.265 204.65 26.892 23.694 55.089 12.686 205.77 27.699 24.657 57.245 12.875 214.74 27.353 24.106 55.867 12.849 210.62 27.428 24.056 55.883 12.903 210.34 27.122 23.489 54.280 12.932 203.88 26.452 22.515 52.113 12.868 194.59 25.903 21.925 50.769 12.608 189.01 25.752 21.539 49.771 12.567 185.54 11 12 13 14 15 Italy/lira Japan/yen Malaysia/ringgit Mexico/peso Netherlands/guilder 16 17 18 19 20 New Zealand/dollar Norway/krone Portugal/escudo South Africa/rand Spain/peseta 103.64 19.079 2.2782 115.01 1.3073 102.23 19.747 2.0437 118.72 1.4896 97.337 20.261 1.9980 128.54 1.3958 98.643 20.762 2.0466 130.79 1.4122 97.738 20.555 2.0163 131.55 1.3810 98.309 20.676 2.0096 132.73 1.3639 98.069 20.421 1.9756 133.13 1.3423 96.770 19.938 1.9178 133.20 1.3085 95.404 19.370 1.8773 132.83 1.2653 96.137 19.087 1.8591 133.69 1.2409 21 22 23 24 Sri Lanka/rupee Sweden/krona Switzerland/franc United Kingdom/pound 6.3834 22.139 56.283 191.84 6.4226 23.323 60.121 212.24 6.1947 23.647 59.697 232.58 6.3288 24.238 62.203 237.32 6.2980 23.953 60.527 237.04 6.3196 24.072 61.012 240.12 5.9707 23.845 60.185 241.64 5.8139 23.240 57.942 239.41 5.7379 22.722 56.022 234.59 5.9525 22.490 54.907 240.29 92.39 88.09 87.39 84.65 86.09 85.50 86.59 89.31 90.99 91.38 1 2 3 4 5 .11782 .47981 43.210 4.3896 46.284 .12035 .45834 45.720 4.3826 49.843 .11694 .44311 45.967 4.3535 50.369 .12026 .45232 46.658 4.3511 52.337 .11801 .44666 46.484 4.3389 51.305 .11742 .46644 47.127 4.3443 51.398 .11441 .47777 46.902 4.3324 50.052 .11000 .46928 46.187 4.3166 48.102 .10704 .47747 45.406 4.3071 46.730 .10478 .49419 44.994 4.2792 45.810 MEMO: 25 United States/dollar1 1. Index of weighted average exchange value of U.S. dollar against currencies of other G-10 countries plus Switzerland. March 1973 = 100. Weights are 1972-76 global trade of each of the 10 countries. Series revised as of August 1978. For description and back data, see "Index of the Weighted-Average Exchange Value of the U.S. Dollar: Revision" on page 700 of t h e A u g u s t 1978 BULLETIN. NOTE. Averages of certified noon buying rates in New York for cable transfers. A67 Guide to Tabular Presentation, Statistical Releases, and Special Tables GUIDE TO TABULAR PRESENTATION Symbols and Abbreviations c e P r * Corrected Estimated Preliminary Revised (Notation appears on column heading when more than half of figures in that column are changed.) Amounts insignificant in terms of the last decimal place shown in the table (for example, less than 500,000 when the smallest unit given is millions) 0 n.a. n.e.c. IPCs REITs RPs SMSAs Calculated to be zero Not available Not elsewhere classified Individuals, partnerships, and corporations Real estate investment trusts Repurchase agreements Standard metropolitan statistical areas Cell not applicable General Information Minus signs are used to indicate (1) a decrease, (2) a negative figure, or (3) an outflow. "U.S. government securities" may include guaranteed issues of U.S. government agencies (the flow of funds figures also include not fully guaranteed issues) as well as direct obli- STATISTICAL gations of the Treasury. "State and local government" also includes municipalities, special districts, and other political subdivisions. In some of the tables details do not add to totals because of rounding. RELEASES List Published Semiannually, with Latest Bulletin Reference Anticipated schedule of release dates for periodic releases SPECIAL Issue December 1980 Page A80 October 1980 December 1980 February 1981 A68 A68 TABLES Published Irregularly, with Latest Bulletin Reference Commercial bank assets and liabilities, call dates, December 31, 1978, to March 31, 1980 Commercial bank assets and liabilities, June 30, 1980 Commercial bank assets and liabilities, September 30, 1980 All A68 4.20 Special Tables • February 1981 DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN OFFICES, Commercial Banks with Assets of $100 Million or over'p Consolidated Report of Condition; Sept. 30, 1980 Millions of dollars Banks with foreign offices 2 Item Insured Total 1 Total assets 2 Cash and due from depository institutions 3 Currency and coin (U.S. and foreign) 4 Balances with Federal Reserve Banks Balances with other central banks 5 6 Demand balances with commercial banks in United States 7 All other balances with depository institutions in United States and with banks in foreign countries 8 Time and savings balances with commercial banks in United States 9 Balances with other depository institutions in United States 10 Balances with banks in foreign countries 11 Foreign branches of other U.S. banks 12 Other banks in foreign countries 13 Cash items in process of collection 14 Total securities, loans, and lease financing receivables 15 Total securities, book value 16 U.S. Treasury 17 Obligations of other U.S. government agencies and corporations 18 Obligations of states and political subdivisions in United States 19 All other securities 20 Other bonds, notes, and debentures 21 Federal Reserve and corporate stock 22 Trading account securities 23 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell 24 Total loans, gross 25 LESS: Unearned income on loans 26 Allowance for possible loan loss 27 EQUALS: Loans, net Total loans, gross, by category 28 Real estate loans .. 29 Construction and land development 30 Secured by farmland 31 Secured by residential properties 32 l-to4-family 33 FHA-insured or VA-guaranteed 34 Conventional 35 Multifamily 36 FHA-insured 37 Conventional 38 Secured by nonfarm nonresidential properties 39 Loans to financial institutions 40 REITs and mortgage companies in United States 41 Commercial banks in United States 42 U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks 43 Other commercial banks 44 Banks in foreign countries 45 Foreign branches of other U.S. banks 46 Other 47 Finance companies in United States 48 Other financial institutions 49 Loans for purchasing or carrying securities 50 Brokers and dealers in securities 51 Other 52 Loans to finance agricultural production and other loans to farmers 53 Commercial and industrial loans 54 U.S. addressees (domicile) 55 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) 56 Loans to individuals for household, family, and other personal expenditures 57 Installment loans 58 Passenger automobiles 59 Credit cards and related plans 60 Retail (charge account) credit card 61 Check and revolving credit 62 Mobile homes 63 Other installment loans 64 Other retail consumer goods 65 Residential property repair and modernization 66 Other installment loans for household, family, and other personal expenditures 67 Single-payment loans 68 All other loans 69 Loans to foreign governments and official institutions 70 Other 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Lease financing receivables Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises Real estate owned other than bank premises All other assets Investment in unconsolidated subsidiaries and associated companies Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding U.S. addressees (domicile) Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) Net due from foreign branches, foreign subsidiaries. Edge and agreement subsidiaries .. Other Foreign offices 3 Domestic offices Banks without foreign offices 1,403,268 282,330 12,424 25,567 2,637 38,395 1,048,133 242,842 7,235 18,577 2,637 27.393 343,261 126,383 277 330 2,573 4,405 735,105 116,459 6,958 18,247 64 22,988 355,134 39,488 5,189 6,991 N.A. 11,001 126,471 5,506 395 120,570 N.A. N.A. 76,835 1,027,612 214,048 63,077 31,931 97,377 21,662 11,594 1,642 8,427 121,724 2,759 250 118,715 26,749 91,966 65,276 116,789 1,503 113 115,173 25,668 89,506 2,008 192,942 10,305 387 25 651 9,243 8,005 149 1,089 260 182,006 1,642 226 180,138 4.935 1,256 137 3,542 1,081 2,460 63,268 532,733 112,841 33,482 15,890 53,836 9,633 l,6i5 1,051 6,967 24,339 398,2^7 6,345 5,544 386,409 4,747 2,748 145 1,855 N.A. N.A. 11,559 301,937 90,902 29,209 16,017 42,890 2,786 1,973 422 371 6,224 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 33,858 126 746 360 386 25,718 229 25,490 349 6,919 1,399 1,040 359 677 106,627 7.098 99,529 105,516 22,031 772 61,698 58,396 4,094 54,302 3,302 220 3,082 21,016 36,742 5,351 4,667 1,842 2,825 7,897 173 7,725 8,730 10,096 8,055 5,927 2,128 5,203 164,333 155,977 8,356 73,194 8,002 1,161 41,220 39,246 2,094 37,152 1,974 111 1,863 22,812 2,915 738 575 N.A. N.A. 244 N.A. N.A. 440 918 1,724 292 1,432 4,037 55,739 N.A. N.A. 6,585 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 26,635 23.530 3,105 2,239 1.027 135 22,775 956 8,241 N.A. N.A. 3,863 9,714 65.789 55,695 18,021 18,521 14,979 3,542 3,456 15,697 4,361 3.751 7,585 10.094 12,659 2,131 10,528 56,017 47,455 20,617 8,718 7,388 1,329 3,412 14,709 3,461 3,606 7,642 8,562 3,311 N.A. N.A. 9,145 10,069 1,042 74,801 502 31,057 N.A. N.A. 26,370 16,872 1,589 7,062 483 6,165 38 314 N.A. N.A. N.A. 5,813 45,568 777,241 14,328 7,889 755,024 725,675 123,146 33,868 15,914 54,487 18,876 9,621 1,200 8,056 24,599 580,303 7,987 5,770 566,546 128,392 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 42,605 N.A. N.A. 111,741 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 70,600 5,478 5,413 2,203 3,211 33,616 401 33,214 9,080 17,014 9,454 6,967 2,488 5,880 270,960 163,074 107,885 72,374 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 39,294 25,661 13,633 12,973 18,159 1,660 73,508 1,496 39,612 N.A. N.A. N.A. 32,400 11,384 11,096 1,177 67,343 1,458 39,298 13,713 25,585 N.A. 25,587 184,935 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 73,515 6,215 5.989 N.A. N.A. 33.860 N.A. N.A. 9,519 17,932 11,178 7,259 3,919 9,917 326,699 N.A. N.A. 20,969 196,938 6,341 2,119 188,477 Commercial Banks 4.20 A69 Continued Banks with foreign offices2 Insured Total Foreign offices 3 Domestic offices Banks without foreign offices 81 Total liabilities and equity capital 4 1,403,268 1,048,133 N.A. N.A. 355,134 82 Total liabilities excluding subordinated debt 1,324,114 996,054 342,969 683,318 328,060 1,071,469 749,859 2,364 49,811 254,710 41,600 69,886 N.A. N.A. 143,225 N.A. N.A. 14,724 777,481 493,254 1,652 24,906 246,277 41,418 61,975 11,365 50,610 142,884 26,792 116,093 11,392 285,741 100,662 226 547 182,048 33,491 15,448 3,613 11,835 133,109 26,746 106,363 2,259 491,740 392,592 1,427 24,359 64,229 7,927 46,527 7,752 38,775 9,775 46 9,729 9,133 293,988 256,605 712 24,905 8,433 182 7,911 N.A. N.A. 341 N.A. N.A. 3,332 129,551 106,084 394 105,690 23,467 46,353 16,059 30,294 1,805 74,936 39,728 N.A. 35,208 5,778 41,730 12,528 29,202 1,224 69,534 39,414 N.A. 30,120 4,094 14,278 N.A. 14,278 13 42,542 6,580 26,370 9,592 292 27,452 12,528 14,924 1,211 57,225 32,834 3,863 20,528 3,802 4,623 3,531 1,093 581 5,402 314 N.A. 5,087 1,684 73,375 95 14,589 25,861 32,830 31,966 864 47,985 10 9,532 16,325 22,118 21,703 415 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 25,390 85 5,057 9,536 10,712 10,263 449 312,252 139,609 333,867 183,241 167,788 15,453 15,217 213,994 73,078 204,668 133,488 121,903 11,584 9,072 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 213,994 73,078 204,668 133,488 121,903 11,584 9,072 98,258 66,531 129,199 49,753 45,885 3,869 6,145 84,552 188,386 42,544 N.A. N.A. 41,087 108,950 39,759 25,708 14,052 0 0 9,104 N.A. N.A. 41,087 108,950 43,466 79,437 30,655 N.A. N.A. 2,785 N.A. N.A. 2,138 N.A. 2,008 N.A. 265 N.A. 1,743 212 130 425 1,377,849 269,262 45,602 754,090 1,048,951 165,775 133,995 29,178 1,427 1,027,036 233,422 23,463 564,292 758,934 N.A. 110,066 28,105 177 316,014 123,663 485 179,364 284,592 N.A. 359 13,297 177 711,022 109,758 22,978 384,927 474,342 119,997 109,707 14,808 177 350,813 35,840 22,139 189,798 290,017 45,778 23,929 1,073 1,250 83 Total deposits 84 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 85 U.S. government 86 States and political subdivisions in United States 87 Allother 88 Foreign governments and official institutions 89 Commercial banks in United States 90 U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks 91 Other commercial banks in United States 92 Banks in foreign countries 93 Foreign branches of other U.S. banks 94 Other banks in foreign countries 95 Certified and officers' checks, travelers checks, and letters of credit sold for cash % Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase in domestic offices and Edge and agreement subsidiaries 97 Interest-bearing demand notes issued to U.S. Treasury and other liabilities for borrowed money 98 Interest-bearing demand notes (note balances) issued to U.S. Treasury 99 Other liabilities for borrowed money 100 Mortgage indebtedness and liability for capitalized leases 101 All other liabilities 102 Acceptances executed and outstanding 103 Net due to foreign branches, foreign subsidiaries. Edge and agreement subsidiaries 104 Other 105 Subordinated notes and debentures 106 Total equity capital4 107 Preferred stock 108 Common stock 109 Surplus 110 Undivided profits and reserve for contingencies and other capital reserves 111 Undivided profits 112 Reserve for contingencies and other capital reserves MEMO 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 Deposits in domestic offices Total demand Total savings Total time Time deposits of $100,000 or more Certificates of deposit (CDs) in denominations of $100,000 or more Other Savings deposits authorized for automatic transfer and NOW accounts Money market time certificates of $10,000 and less than $100,000 with original maturities of 26 weeks Demand deposits adjusted 5 Standby letters of credit, total U.S. addressees (domicile) Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) Standby letters of credit conveyed to others through participations (included in total standby letters of credit) Holdings of commercial paper included in total gross loans Average for 30 calendar days (or calendar month) ending with report date Total assets Cash and due from depository institutions Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell Total loans Total deposits Time CDs in denominations of $100,000 or more in domestic offices Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase Other liabilities for borrowed money Number of banks For notes see page A73. A68 4.21 Special Tables • February 1981 DOMESTIC OFFICES, Insured Commercial Banks with Assets of $100 Million or over'-*>P Consolidated Report of Condition; Sept. 30, 1980 Millions of dollars Member banks Nonmember insured Insured Total National State 1,090,240 934,284 703,094 231,190 155,956 2 Cash and due from depository institutions 3 Currency and coin (U.S. and foreign) 4 Balances with Federal Reserve Banks 5 Balances with other central banks 6 Demand balances with commercial banks in United States 7 All other balances with depository institutions in United States and with banks in foreign countries Time and savings balances with commercial banks in United States 8 9 Balances with other depository institutions in United States 10 Balances with banks in foreign countries 11 Cash items in process of collection 155,947 12,147 25,238 64 33,989 141,960 10,419 25,061 64 27,089 94,880 8,150 18,329 64 15,041 47.080 2,268 6,733 13,987 1,728 176 * * 12,048 6,900 9,682 4,003 282 5,397 74,827 6,398 2,346 104 3,947 72,928 5,041 2.125 86 2,829 48,255 1,357 221 18 1,118 24,674 3,284 1,657 178 1,449 1,899 12 Total securities, loans, and lease financing receivables 834,670 700,610 540,683 159,927 134,060 13 Total securities, book value 14 U.S. Treasury 15 Obligations of other U.S. government agencies and corporations 16 Obligations of states and political subdivisions in United States 17 All other securities 18 Other bonds, notes, and debentures 19 Federal Reserve and corporate stock 20 Trading account securities 203,742 62,690 31,907 96,726 12,419 3,588 1,493 7,338 163,241 48,955 24,524 78,997 10,765 2,262 1,317 7,186 123,356 36,593 19,456 59,784 7,523 1,705 973 4.845 39,885 12,362 5,067 19,213 3,242 557 344 2,342 40,501 13,735 7,383 17,729 1,654 1,326 176 152 1 Total assets 45,308 38,919 30,861 8,058 6,389 22 Total loans, gross 23 LESS: Unearned income on loans 24 Allowance for possible loan loss 25 EQUALS: Loans, net 595,308 12,686 7,663 574,886 505,229 9,968 6,723 488,538 392.237 8,054 5.054 379,128 112,993 1,914 1,669 109,409 90,005 2,718 940 86,348 Total loans, gross, by category 26 Real estate loans . . . ' 27 Construction and land development 28 Secured by farmland 29 Secured by residential properties 30 1-to 4-family 31 FHA-insured or VA-guaranteed 32 Conventional 33 Multifamily 34 FHA-insured 35 Conventional 36 Secured by nonfarm nonresidential properties 178,711 30,032 1,932 102,917 97,641 6,188 91,453 5.276 331 4.945 43,829 143,602 25,504 1,461 83,437 79,260 5,525 73,735 4.177 260 3.917 33,200 117,708 19,862 1,330 69.614 66.502 4,662 61,840 3,112 138 2.974 26.901 25,895 5,642 131 13,823 12,758 863 11,895 1,065 122 943 6,299 35,108 4,528 472 19,480 18,381 663 17,718 1,099 71 1,028 10,629 39,657 6,089 5,243 8,142 9.170 11.013 37,734 5,753 4,557 7,908 8,919 10,597 24.119 4,408 2,722 4,244 5.758 6.987 13,615 1,344 1,835 3,664 3,162 3,609 1,923 337 686 234 251 417 43 Loans for purchasing or carrying securities 44 Brokers and dealers in securities 45 Other 46 Loans to finance agricultural production and other loans to farmers 47 Commercial and industrial loans 9,779 6,219 3,560 9,240 220,072 9,230 5,994 3,235 8,350 194,026 5.606 3.034 2,571 7,686 146,755 3,624 2,960 664 664 47,271 549 225 324 890 26,046 48 Loans to individuals for household, family, and other personal expenditures 49 Installment loans 50 Passenger automobiles 51 Credit cards and related plans 52 Retail (charge account) credit card 53 Check and revolving credit 54 Mobile homes 55 Other installment loans 56 Other retail consumer goods 57 Residential property repair and modernization 58 Other installment loans for household, family, and other personal expenditures 59 Single-payment loans 60 All other loans 121.807 103.150 38,637 27,239 22,367 4.872 6.868 30,406 7,822 7,357 15,227 18,656 15,970 97,820 82,618 29,553 24,425 20,230 4,195 5,572 23,068 6,247 5,420 11.401 15,202 14,467 80,170 68,169 24,377 20,105 16,898 3,207 5,073 18,614 5,383 4,438 8,792 12,001 10,194 17,651 14.450 5,175 4,320 3,332 988 499 4.455 864 982 2,609 3,201 4.273 23,986 20,532 9,085 2,814 2,137 677 1,295 7,338 1,575 1,937 3,826 3,455 1.503 10.734 17.132 1,524 80,966 539 31,371 26,370 22,686 9,912 14,060 1,321 76,333 512 30,726 25,119 19,976 7.338 11.479 1,043 55,009 439 21.374 18,695 14.501 2,574 2,581 278 21,324 73 9,352 6,424 5,475 822 3,071 203 4,634 27 645 1,251 2,710 21 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell 37 Loans to financial institutions 38 REITs and mortgage companies in United States 39 Commercial banks in United States 40 Banks in foreign countries 41 Finance companies in United States 42 Other financial institutions 61 63 63 64 65 66 67 68 Lease financing receivables Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises Real estate owned other than bank premises All other assets Investment in unconsolidated subsidiaries and associated companies Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Net due from foreign branches, foreign subsidiaries, Edge and agreement subsidiaries .. Other Commercial Banks 4.21 A71 Continued Member banks Nonmember insured Insured National Total State 69 Total liabilities and equity capital 7 1,090,240 934,284 703,094 231,190 155,956 70 Total liabilities excluding subordinated debt 1,011,378 867,144 652,140 215,004 144,235 71 Total deposits 72 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 73 U.S. government 74 States and political subdivisions in United States 75 Allother 76 Foreign governments and official institutions 77 Commercial banks in United States 78 Banks in foreign countries 79 Certified and officers' checks, travelers checks, and letters of credit sold for cash 785,728 649,197 2,139 49,265 72,662 8,108 54,438 10,116 12,466 653,803 533,850 1,812 37,361 70,087 7,860 52,528 9,698 10,694 495,553 417,884 1,366 30,486 39,539 4,853 30,238 4,448 6,278 158,250 115,966 446 6,875 30,548 3,007 22,291 5,250 4,416 131,925 115,347 327 11,904 2,576 248 1,910 417 1,772 80 Demand deposits 81 Mutual savings banks 82 Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations 83 U.S. government 84 States and political subdivisions in United States 85 Allother 86 Foreign governments and official institutions 87 Commercial banks in United States 88 Banks in foreign countries 89 Certified and officers' checks, travelers checks, and letters of credit sold for cash 312,252 1,130 227,699 1,558 10,555 58,844 2,301 47,481 9,063 12,466 271,064 963 192,153 1,347 8,588 57,320 2,201 46,278 8,841 10,694 190,398 533 144,922 1,064 6,840 30,760 917 25,966 3,877 6,278 80,666 430 47,230 283 1,748 26,559 1,284 20,312 4,963 4,416 41,188 167 35,546 211 1,967 1,525 100 1,203 222 1,772 90 Time deposits 91 Mutual savings banks 92 Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations 93 U.S. government 94 States and political subdivisions in United States 95 Allother 96 Foreign governments and official institutions 97 Commercial banks in United States 98 Banks in foreign countries 333,867 360 282,135 513 37,059 13,800 5,795 6,952 1,052 272,356 334 231,339 404 27,529 12,750 5,647 6,246 857 216,822 242 184,844 243 22,730 8,763 3,925 4,266 571 55,534 93 46,495 160 4,798 3,987 1,722 1,979 286 61,512 26 50,796 109 9,530 1,050 148 707 195 99 Savings deposits 100 Mutual savings banks 101 Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations 102 Individuals and nonprofit organizations 103 Corporations and other profit organizations 104 U.S. government States and political subdivisions in United States 105 106 Allother 107 Foreign governments and official institutions 108 Commercial banks in United States 109 Banks in foreign countries 88,334 * * * 137,872 130,329 7,543 68 1,651 18 13 5 109,060 103,436 5,624 61 1,245 17 12 5 87,343 82,856 4,487 59 916 16 11 5 22,050 0 21,717 20,580 1,138 2 329 2 1 29,225 0 28,812 26,893 1,919 7 406 1 129,157 122,062 91,569 30,493 7,095 32,075 16,059 16,016 1,792 30,308 14,885 15,423 1,488 20,205 11,110 9,095 1,211 10,103 3,775 6,328 277 1,767 1,174 593 304 62,627 33,148 3,863 25,616 59,482 32,503 3,714 23,265 43,601 23,091 2,977 17,533 15,882 9,412 737 5,733 3,145 645 149 2,350 110 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase 111 Interest-bearing demand notes issued to U.S. Treasury and other liabilities for borrowed money 112 Interest-bearing demand notes (note balances) issued to U.S. Treasury 113 Other liabilities for borrowed money 114 Mortgage indebtedness and liability for capitalized leases 115 All other liabilities 116 Acceptances executed and outstanding 117 Net aue to foreign branches, foreign subsidiaries, Edge and agreement subsidiaries 118 Other 119 Subordinated notes and debentures 120 Total equity capital 7 139,609 110,384 * 1 5,486 4,408 3,225 1,182 1,078 73,375 62,732 47,729 15,003 10,643 183,241 167,788 15,453 15,217 155,263 141,288 13,975 12,341 119,561 108,752 10,809 9,444 35,702 32,536 3,166 2,896 27,978 26,500 1,477 2,876 84,552 188,386 66,199 150,511 55,475 115,113 10,724 35,398 18,353 37,876 33,440 1,872 637 31,883 1,761 389 21,764 1,498 280 10,119 262 109 1,557 112 248 1,061,835 145,599 45,117 574,726 764,359 165,775 133,636 15,881 907,918 132,868 38,501 487,719 634,265 139,534 126,434 15,367 684,258 88,723 30,630 379,216 483,555 107,737 95,110 8,695 223,660 44,145 7,870 108,503 150,709 31,797 31,323 6,672 153,917 12,730 6,616 87,006 130,094 26,241 7,203 514 1,427 928 769 159 499 MEMO: 121 Time deposits of $ 100,000 or more 122 Certificates of deposit (CDs) in denominations of $100,000 or more 123 Other 124 Savings deposits authorized for automatic transfer and NOW accounts 125 Money market time certificates of $10,000 and less than $100,000 with original maturities of 26 weeks 126 Demand deposits adjusted 5 127 Total standby letters of credit 128 Conveyed to others through participation (included in standby letters of credit 129 Holdings of commercial paper included in total gross loans 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 Average for 30 calendar days (or calendar month) ending with report date Total assets Cash and due from depository institutions Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell Total loans Total deposits Time CDs in denominations of $100,000 or more in domestic offices Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase Other liabilities for borrowed money 138 Number of banks For notes see page A73. A68 4.22 Special Tables • February 1981 DOMESTIC OFFICES, Insured Commercial Bank Assets and Liabilities'? Consolidated Report of Condition; Sept. 30, 1980 Millions of dollars Member banks Item Total 1 Total assets 7 Cash and due from depository institutions 3 Currency and coin (U.S. and foreign) 4 Balances with Federal Reserve Banks 5 Balances with other central banks 6 Demand balances with commercial banks in United States 7 All other balances with depository institutions in United States and banks in foreign countries 8 Cash items in process of collection 9 in n 12 13 14 Total securities, loans, and lease financing receivables Total securities, book value U.S. Treasury Obligations of other U.S. government agencies and corporations Obligations of states and political subdivisions in United States All other securities Nonmember insured Insured National State 1,462,155 1,089,346 833,811 255,535 372,809 187.014 17,294 29,923 64 48,608 13,592 77,533 156,715 12,800 29,647 64 31,710 7,722 74,771 107,417 10,163 22,237 64 19,024 6,178 49,750 49,298 2,636 7,410 30,299 4,494 276 * * 12,686 1,544 25,021 16,898 5,870 2,762 1,161,898 835,335 654,112 181,223 326,564 309,737 97,524 55,490 142,387 14,335 207,139 63,089 33,849 98,612 11,589 160,503 48,327 27,378 76,586 8,212 46,636 14,762 6,471 22,026 3,378 102,597 34,435 21,641 43,775 2,746 69,020 48,754 39,110 9,644 20,266 16 Total loans, gross 17 LESS: Unearned income on loans 18 Allowance for possible loan loss 19 EQUALS: Loans, net 801,445 19,787 9,593 772,065 589,821 12,917 7,555 569,349 463,311 10,556 5,764 446,992 126,509 2,362 1,791 122,357 211,624 6,870 2,038 202,716 Total loans, gross, by category 20 Real estate loans 21 Construction and land development Secured by farmland 22 Secured by residential properties 23 24 l-to4-family 25 Multifamily 26 Secured by nonfarm nonresidential properties 255,770 35,166 8,488 149,413 142,904 6,509 62,703 175,409 27,261 3,671 103,554 98,913 4,641 40,923 144,065 21,375 3,090 86,185 82,689 3,497 33,415 31,344 5,887 581 17,368 16,224 1,144 7,508 80,361 7,904 4,817 45,859 43,991 1,868 21,780 27 Loans to financial institutions Loans for purchasing or carrying securities 29 Loans to finance agricultural production and other loans to farmers 30 Commercial and industrial loans 40,455 10,345 31,596 265,526 38,025 9,412 17,018 212,694 24,376 5,762 14,772 162,707 13,649 3,650 2,247 49,987 2,430 934 14,578 52,832 178,631 147,619 63,114 28,451 10,508 45,546 31,012 19,122 121,469 101,230 39,755 25,001 7,220 29,255 20,238 15,794 100,298 84,052 33,101 20,615 6,489 23,847 16,246 11,332 21,171 17,178 6,653 4,386 731 5,408 3,992 4,462 57,162 46,388 23,360 3,449 3,288 16,291 10,774 3,328 11,077 24,546 2,052 86,644 10,093 17,138 1,505 78,653 7,507 14,087 1,192 57,003 2,586 3,052 313 21,650 984 7,408 547 7,991 15 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell 28 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Loans to individuals for household, family, and other personal expenditures Installment loans Passenger automobiles Credit cards and related plans Mobile homes All other installment loans for household, family, and other personal expenditures Single-payment loans All other loans 39 Lease financing receivables 40 Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises 41 Real estate owned other than bank premises 42 All other assets Commercial Banks 4.22 A73 Continued Member banks Item Total 43 Total liabilities and equity capital 7 National 1,089,346 833,811 255,535 44 Total liabilities excluding subordinated debt 1,350,749 1,008,836 771,634 237,202 45 Total deposits 46 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 47 U.S. government 48 States and political subdivisions in United States 49 Allother 50 Certified and officers' checks, travelers checks, and letters of credit sold for cash 1,114,581 944,626 2,952 77,453 73,774 15,776 790,453 657,229 2,134 48,437 70,594 12,060 610,771 521,782 1,646 39,921 39,976 7,446 179,682 135,447 488 8,516 30,618 4,613 51 Demand deposits 52 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 53 U.S. government 54 States and political subdivisions in United States 55 Allother 56 Certified and officers' checks, travelers checks, and letters of credit sold for cash 409,792 315,616 2,148 16,634 59,617 15,776 311,909 229,325 1,583 11,223 57,719 12,060 225,334 176,455 1,265 9,071 31,097 7,446 86,575 52,870 318 2,152 26,622 4,613 57 Time deposits 58 Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations 59 U.S. government 60 States and political subdivisions in United States 61 Allother 493,307 421,226 713 57,257 14,112 337,157 288,674 479 35,161 12,842 271,334 232,918 313 29,254 8,848 65,823 55,756 166 5,907 3,995 62 Savings deposits 63 Corporations and other profit organizations 64 Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations 65 U.S. government 66 States and political subdivisions in United States 67 Allother 211,482 10,761 197,023 90 3,562 45 141,388 6,921 132,309 71 2,053 33 114,104 5,584 106.825 67 1,596 30 27,284 1,337 25,484 4 457 2 68 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase 69 Interest-bearing demand notes (note balances) issued to U.S. Treasury and other liabilities for borrowed money 70 Mortgage indebtedness and liability for capitalized leases 71 All other liabilities 133,437 124,344 93,503 30,841 33,426 31,032 1,617 61,389 20,827 1,313 45,220 10,205 305 16,169 72 Subordinated notes and debentures 73 Total equity capital 7 2,128 67,176 6,271 4,733 3,516 1,217 105,135 75,778 58,661 17,117 219,729 200,677 19.052 19,026 169,337 153,972 15,365 14,120 131,678 119,664 12,014 10,968 37,659 34,309 3,351 3,153 150,598 281,860 93,382 188,878 78.281 148.016 15,101 40,862 MEMO 74 Time deposits of $100,000 or more 75 Certificates of deposit (CDs) in denominations of $100,000 or more 76 Other 77 Savings deposits authorized for automatic transfer and NOW accounts 78 Money niarket time certificates of $10,000 and less than $100,000 with original maturities of 26 weeks 79 Demand deposits adjusted 5 80 Total standby letters of credit Average for 30 calendar days (or calendar month) ending with report date 81 Total deposits 82 Number of banks 1. Effective December 31, 1978, the report of condition was substantially revised for commercial banks. Commercial banks with assets less than $100 million and with domestic offices only were given the option to complete either the abbreviated or the standard set of reports. Banks with foreign offices began reporting in greater detail on a consolidated domestic and foreign basis. These tables reflect the varying levels of reporting detail. 2. All transactions between domestic and foreign offices of a bank are reported in "Net due from" and "Net due to" (lines 79 and 103). All other lines represent transactions with parties other than the domestic and foreign offices of each bank. Since these intra-office transactions are erased by consolidation, total assets and liabilities are the sum of all except intra-office balances. 3. Foreign offices include branches in foreign countries and in U.S. territories and possessions, subsidiaries in foreign countries, and all offices of Edge Act and agreement corporations wherever located. 34,462 22,091 1,091,098 770,059 598,063 171,996 14,416 5,411 4,425 986 4. Equity capital is not allocated between the domestic and foreign offices of banks with foreign offices. 5. Demand deposits adjusted equal demand deposits other than domestic commercial interbank and U.S. government less cash items in process of collection. 6. Domestic offices exclude branches in foreign countries and in U.S. territories and possessions, subsidiaries in foreign countries, and all offices of Edge Act and agreement corporations wherever located. 7. This item contains the capital accounts of U.S. banks that have no Edge or foreign operations and reflects the difference between domestic office assets and liabilities of U.S. banks with Edge or foreign operations excluding the capital accounts of their Edge or foreign subsidiaries. N.A. This item is unavailable for all or some of the banks because of the lesser detail available from banks without foreign offices, the inapplicability of certain items to banks that have only domestic offices, and the absence of detail on a fully consolidated basis for banks with foreign offices. A74 Federal Reserve Board of Governors PAUL A . VOLCKER, Chairman Vice Chairman HENRY C. WALLICH FREDERICK H . S C H U L T Z , J. CHARLES PARTEE OFFICE OF BOARD OFFICE OF STAFF DIRECTOR MONETARY AND FINANCIAL MEMBERS Assistant to the Board Assistant to the Board A N T H O N Y F . C O L E , Special Assistant to the Board W I L L I A M R . M A L O N I , Special Assistant to the Board F R A N K O ' B R I E N , J R . , Special Assistant to the Board JOSEPH S . S I M S , Special Assistant to the Board J A M E S L . S T U L L , Manager, Operations Review Program FOR POLICY JOSEPH R . C O Y N E , D O N A L D J. W I N N , LEGAL DIVISION General Counsel Deputy General Counsel J . V I R G I L M A T T I N G L Y , J R . , Associate General Counsel G I L B E R T T . S C H W A R T Z , Associate General Counsel M A R Y E L L E N A . B R O W N , Assistant to the General Counsel C H A R L E S R . M C N E I L L , Assistant to the General Counsel M I C H A E L E . B L E I E R , Assistant General Counsel C O R N E L I U S K . H U R L E Y , J R . , Assistant General Counsel* ROBERT E . M A N N I O N , SECRETARY Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary W A L K E R , Assistant Secretary BARBARA R . L O W R E Y , JAMES M C A F E E , *JEFFERSON A . EDWARD C. ETTIN, DIVISION NEAL L . PETERSEN, OFFICE OF THE Staff Director Deputy Staff Director M U R R A Y A L T M A N N , Assistant to the Board P E T E R M . K E I R , Assistant to the Board S T A N L E Y J . S I G E L , Assistant to the Board N O R M A N D R . V . B E R N A R D , Special Assistant to the Board STEPHEN H . AXILROD, DIVISION OF CONSUMER AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND STATISTICS Director Deputy Director M I C H A E L J . P R E L L , Associate Director R O B E R T A . E I S E N B E I S , Senior Deputy Associate Director J A R E D J . E N Z L E R , Senior Deputy Associate Director E L E A N O R J . S T O C K W E L L , Senior Deputy Associate Director D O N A L D L . K O H N , Deputy Associate Director J . C O R T L A N D G . P E R E T , Deputy Associate Director H E L M U T F . W E N D E L , Deputy Associate Director M A R T H A B E T H E A , Assistant Director JOE M . C L E A V E R , Assistant Director R O B E R T M . F I S H E R , Assistant Director D A V I D E . L I N D S E Y , Assistant Director L A W R E N C E S L I F M A N , Assistant Director F R E D E R I C K M . S T R U B L E , Assistant Director S T E P H E N P . T A Y L O R , Assistant Director L E V O N H . G A R A B E D I A N , Assistant Director (Administration) JAMES L . K I C H L I N E , JOSEPH S . Z E I S E L , DIVISION Director G R I F F I T H L . G A R W O O D , Deputy Director J E R A U L D C . K L U C K M A N , Associate Director G L E N N E . L O N E Y , Assistant Director D E L O R E S S . S M I T H , Assistant Director OF RESEARCH OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCE JANET O . HART, DIVISION OF BANKING SUPERVISION AND REGULATION Director Associate Director W I L L I A M T A Y L O R , Associate Director W I L L I A M W . W I L E S , Associate Director JACK M . E G E R T S O N , Assistant Director R O B E R T A . J A C O B S E N , Assistant Director D O N E . K L I N E , Assistant Director R O B E R T S . P L O T K I N , Assistant Director T H O M A S A . S I D M A N , Assistant Director S A M U E L H . T A L L E Y , Assistant Director L A U R A M . H O M E R , Securities Credit Officer JOHN E . R Y A N , FREDERICK R . D A H L , Director Associate Director G E O R G E B . H E N R Y , Associate Director C H A R L E S J . S I E G M A N , Associate Director S A M U E L P I Z E R , Staff Adviser D A L E W . H E N D E R S O N , Assistant Director L A R R Y J . P R O M I S E L , Assistant Director R A L P H W . S M I T H , J R . , Assistant Director EDWIN M. TRUMAN, ROBERT F . G E M M I L L , A75 and Official Staff NANCY H . TEETERS LYLE E . GRAMLEY EMMETT J. RICE OFFICE OF STAFF DIRECTOR FOR MANAGEMENT Staff Director Assistant Staff Director D A N I E L S , S R . , Director of Equal Employment Op- OFFICE OF STAFF DIRECTOR FOR FEDERAL RESERVE BANK ACTIVITIES Staff Director Assistant Director for JOHN M . DENKLER, THEODORE E. ALLISON, EDWARD T. MULRENIN, HARRY JOSEPH W . A. GUINTER, Planning portunity DIVISION OF DATA PROCESSING Director Associate Director U Y L E S S D . B L A C K , Assistant Director G L E N N L . C U M M I N S , Assistant Director R O B E R T J . Z E M E L , Assistant Director DIVISION OF FEDERAL BANK OPERATIONS RESERVE CHARLES L . H A M P T O N , CLYDE H . FARNSWORTH, JR., BRUCE M . BEARDSLEY, WALTER ALTHAUSEN, DIVISION OF PERSONNEL Director Assistant Director W O O D , Assistant Director DAVID L. SHANNON, JOHN R . W E I S , CHARLES W . OFFICE OF THE JOHN KAKALEC, CONTROLLER Controller Assistant GEORGE E . LIVINGSTON, DIVISION OF SUPPORT Controller SERVICES Director Assistant Director K R E I M A N N , Associate Director DONALD E. ANDERSON, ROBERT E . FRAZIER, WALTER W . *On loan from the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. Director Assistant Director C H A R L E S W . B E N N E T T , Assistant Director L O R I N S . M E E D E R , Assistant Director P . D . R I N G , Assistant Director D A V I D L . R O B I N S O N , Assistant Director R A Y M O N D L . T E E D , Assistant Director Contingency 76 Federal Reserve Bulletin • February 1981 FOMC and Advisory Councils FEDERAL OPEN MARKET P A U L A . VOLCKER, COMMITTEE Chairman A N T H O N Y M . SOLOMON, LYLE E . GRAMLEY J . C H A R L E S PARTEE ROGERGUFFEY EMMETTJ.RICE FRANK E . MORRIS LAWRENCE K . Vice Chairman N A N C Y H . TEETERS H E N R Y C . WALLICH Roos WILLIS J. W I N N FREDERICK H . S C H U L T Z Secretary Assistant Secretary N E A L L . P E T E R S E N , General Counsel JAMES H . O L T M A N , Deputy General Counsel ROBERT E . M A N N I O N , Assistant General Counsel S T E P H E N H . A X I L R O D , Economist A L A N R . H O L M E S , Adviser for Market Operations A N A T O L B A L B A C H , Associate Economist JOHN D A V I S , Associate Economist Associate Economist Associate Economist R O B E R T E I S E N M E N G E R , Associate Economist E D W A R D C . E T T I N , Associate Economist G E O R G E B . H E N R Y , Associate Economist PETER M . K E I R , Associate Economist JAMES L . K I C H L I N E , Associate Economist E D W I N M . T R U M A N , Associate Economist JOSEPH S . ZEISEL, Associate Economist MURRAY A L T M A N N , RICHARD G . DAVIS, NORMAND R. V . BERNARD, THOMAS DAVIS, Manager for Domestic Operations, System Open Market Account Manager for Foreign Operations, System Open Market Account PETER D . S T E R N L I G H T , SCOTT E . PARDEE, FEDERAL ADVISORY First District Second District J O H N W . W A L T H E R , Third District M E R L E E . G I L L I A N D , Fourth District J. O W E N C O L E , Fifth District ROBERT S T R I C K L A N D , Sixth District WILLIAM S. COUNCIL Seventh District Eighth District C L A R E N C E G. F R A M E , Ninth District G O R D O N E . W E L L S , Tenth District T . C . F R O S T , JR., Eleventh District C H A U N C E Y E . S C H M I D T , Twelfth District HERBERT V . P R O C H N O W , Secretary W I L L I A M J. KORSVIK, Associate Secretary EDGERLY, ROBERT M . S U R D A M , DONALD C. PLATTEN, CONSUMER ADVISORY RONALD TERRY, COUNCIL Washington D.C., Chairman Charlottesville, Virginia, Vice Chairman R A L P H J. R O H N E R , CHARLOTTE H . S C O T T , Little Rock, Arkansas Alexandria, Virginia E L L E N B R O A D M A N , Washington, D.C. JAMES L. B R O W N , Milwaukee, Wisconsin M A R K E . B U D N I T Z , Atlanta, Georgia JOSEPH N. C U G I N I , Westerly, Rhode Island R I C H A R D S. D ' A G O S T I N O , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania S U S A N PIERSON D E W I T T , Springfield, Illinois J O A N N E S. F A U L K N E R , New Haven, Connecticut L U T H E R G A T L I N G , New York, New York V E R N A R D W . H E N L E Y , Richmond, Virginia J U A N JESUS H I N O J O S A , McAllen, Texas SHIRLEY T. H O S O I , Los Angeles, California GEORGE S. I R V I N , Denver, Colorado ARTHUR F . BOUTON, JULIA H. BOYD, Ann Arbor, Michigan Cincinnati, Ohio H A R V E Y M . K U H N L E Y , Minneapolis, Minnesota T H E R E V . ROBERT J. M C E W E N , S . J . , Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts S T A N L. M U L A R Z , Chicago, Illinois W I L L I A M J. O ' C O N N O R , Buffalo, New York M A R G A R E T R E I L L Y - P E T R O N E , Upper Montclair, New Jersey R E N E R E I X A C H , Rochester, New York F L O R E N C E M. R I C E , New York, New York H E N R Y B. S C H E C H T E R , Washington, D.C. P E T E R D. S C H E L L I E , Washington, D.C. N A N C Y Z . S P I L L M A N , Los Angeles, California R I C H A R D A . V A N W I N K L E , Salt Lake City, Utah M A R Y W . W A L K E R , Monroe, Georgia F . T H O M A S JUSTER, RICHARD F . KERR, A77 Federal Reserve Banks, Branches, and Offices FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, branch, orfacility Zip Chairman Deputy Chairman President First Vice President BOSTON* 02106 Robert P. Henderson Thomas I. Atkins Frank E. Morris James A. Mcintosh NEW YORK* 10045 Robert H. Knight, Esq. Boris Yavitz Frederick D. Berkeley, III Anthony M. Solomon Thomas M. Timlen Buffalo ..14240 John T. Keane PHILADELPHIA 19105 John W. Eckman Jean A. Crockett Edward G. Boehne Richard L. Smoot CLEVELAND* 44101 J. L. Jackson William H. Knoell Martin B. Friedman Milton G. Hulme, Jr. Willis J. Winn Walter H. MacDonald Maceo A. Sloan Steven Muller Joseph H. McLain Naomi G. Albanese Robert P. Black Jimmie R. Monhollon Cincinnati Pittsburgh 45201 15230 RICHMOND* 23261 Baltimore 21203 Charlotte 28230 Culpeper Communications and Records Center 22701 ATLANTA Birmingham Jacksonville Miami Nashville New Orleans 30301 35202 32231 33152 37203 70161 CHICAGO* 60690 Detroit 48231 ST. LOUIS 63166 Little Rock Louisville Memphis 72203 40232 38101 MINNEAPOLIS 55480 Helena KANSAS CITY Denver Oklahoma City Omaha DALLAS El Paso Houston San Antonio SAN FRANCISCO ... Los Angeles Portland Salt Lake City Seattle 59601 64198 80217 73125 68102 75222 79999 77001 78295 94120 90051 97208 84125 98124 Vice President in charge of branch Robert E. Showalter Robert D. Duggan Robert D. McTeer, Jr. Stuart P. Fishburne Albert D. Tinkelenberg William A. Fickling, Jr. John H. Weitnauer, Jr. Louis J. Willie Jerome P. Keuper Roy W. Vandegrift, Jr. John C. Bolinger, Jr. Horatio C. Thompson William F. Ford Robert P. Forrestal John Sagan Stanton R. Cook Vacancy Robert P. Mayo Daniel M. Doyle Armand C. Stalnaker William B. Walton E. Ray Kemp, Jr. Sister Eileen M. Egan Patricia W. Shaw Lawrence K. Roos Donald W. Moriarty, Jr. Stephen F. Keating William G. Phillips Norris E. Hanford E. Gerald Corrigan Thomas E. Gainor Paul H. Henson Doris M. Drury Caleb B. Hurtt Christine H. Anthony Robert G. Lueder Roger Guffey Henry R. Czerwinski Gerald D. Hines John V. James Josefina A. Salas-Porras Jerome L. Howard Lawrence L. Crum Robert H. Boykin William H. Wallace Cornell C. Maier Caroline L. Ahmanson Harvey A. Proctor John C. Hampton Wendell J. Ashton George H. Weyerhaeuser John J. Balles John B. Williams Hiram J. Honea Charles D. East F. J. Craven, Jr. Jeffrey J. Wells Pierre M. Viguerie William C. Conrad John F. Breen Donald L. Henry Robert E. Matthews Betty J. Lindstrom Wayne W. Martin William G. Evans Robert D. Hamilton Joel L. Koonce, Jr. J. Z. Rowe Carl H. Moore Richard C. Dunn Angelo S. Carella A. Grant Holman Gerald R. Kelly * Additional offices of these Banks are located at Lewiston, Maine 04240; Windsor Locks, Connecticut 06096; Cranford, New Jersey 07016; Jericho, New York 11753; Utica at Oriskany, New York 13424; Columbus, Ohio 43216; Columbia, South Carolina 29210; Charleston, West Virginia 25311; Des Moines, Iowa 50306; Indianapolis, Indiana 46204; and Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202. A78 Federal Reserve Board Publications Copies are available from PUBLICATIONS SERVICES, ROOM MP-510, BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20551. When a charge is indicated, remittance should accompany request and be made payable to the order of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Remittance from foreign residents should be drawn on a U.S. bank. Stamps and coupons are not accepted. THE S U R V E Y OF C H A N G E S IN F A M I L Y F I N A N C E S . FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM—PURPOSES AND FUNC- Monthly. $ 2 0 . 0 0 per year or $ 2 . 0 0 each in the United States, its possessions, Canada, and Mexico; 10 or more of same issue to one address, $ 1 8 . 0 0 per year or $ 1 . 7 5 each. Elsewhere, $ 2 4 . 0 0 per year or $ 2 . 5 0 each. B A N K I N G A N D M O N E T A R Y STATISTICS. 1 9 1 4 - 1 9 4 1 . (Reprint of Part I only) 1976. 682 pp. $5.00. B A N K I N G A N D M O N E T A R Y STATISTICS, 1941-1970. 1976. 1,168 pp. $15.00. OF THE U . S . G O V E R N M E N T SECURITIES M A R K E T . F E D E R A L RESERVE B U L L E T I N . 1971-75. 1976. 339 pp. $4.00 per copy for each paid subscription to Federal Reserve Bulletin; all others $5.00 each. 1972-76. 1977. 377 pp. $10.00 per copy. 1973-77. 1978. 361 pp. $12.00 per copy. 1974-78. 1980. 305 pp. $10.00 per copy. F E D E R A L RESERVE C H A R T BOOK. Issued four times a year in February, May, August, and November. Subscription includes one issue of Historical Chart Book. $7.00 per year or $2.00 each in the United States, its possessions, Canada, and Mexico. Elsewhere, $10.00 per year or $3.00 each. HISTORICAL C H A R T B O O K . Issued annually in Sept. Subscription to Federal Reserve Chart Book includes one issue. $1.25 each in the United States, its possessions, Canada, and Mexico; 10 or more to one address, $1.00 each. Elsewhere, $1.50 each. CAPITAL M A R K E T D E V E L O P M E N T S . Weekly. $ 1 5 . 0 0 per year or $.40 each in the United States, its possessions, Canada, and Mexico; 10 or more of same issue to one address, $ 1 3 . 5 0 per year or $ . 3 5 each. Elsewhere, $ 2 0 . 0 0 per year or $.50 each. S E L E C T E D INTEREST A N D E X C H A N G E R A T E S — W E E K L Y SE- Weekly. $ 1 5 . 0 0 per year or $ . 4 0 each in the United States, its possessions, Canada, and Mexico; 1 0 or more of same issue to one address, $ 1 3 . 5 0 per year or $ . 3 5 each. Elsewhere, $ 2 0 . 0 0 per year or $ . 5 0 each. T H E F E D E R A L RESERVE ACT, as amended through December 1976, with an appendix containing provisions of certain other statutes affecting the Federal Reserve System. 307 pp. $2.50. RIES OF C H A R T S . R E G U L A T I O N S OF THE B O A R D OF G O V E R N O R S OF THE F E D ERAL RESERVE S Y S T E M GOVER- NORS, as of D e c . 31, 1979. $7.50. 1976 Edition. 1977. 304 pp. $4.50 each; 10 or more to one address, $4.00 each. INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: BANK CREDIT-CARD AND CHECK-CREDIT PLANS. 1968. 102 pp. $1.00 each; 10 or more to one address, $.85 each. 1969. 48 pp. $.25 each; 10 or more to one address, $.20 each. JOINT T R E A S U R Y - F E D E R A L RESERVE S T U D Y OF THE G O V - ERNMENT SECURITIES MARKET; S T A F F S T U D I E S — P A R T 1. 1970. 86 pp. $.50 each; 10 or more to one address, $.40 each. Part 2, 1971. 153 pp. and Part 3, 1973. 131 pp. Each volume $1.00; 10 or more to one address, $.85 each. OPEN MARKET POLICIES A N D O P E R A T I N G PROCEDURES— 1971. 218 pp. $2.00 each; 10 or more to one address, $1.75 each. STAFF STUDIES. A N N U A L STATISTICAL D I G E S T INTERPRETATIONS OF THE B O A R D OF pp. REPORT OF THE J O I N T T R E A S U R Y - F E D E R A L RESERVE S T U D Y A N N U A L REPORT. PUBLISHED 1968. 321 $1.00 each; 10 or more to one address, $.85 each. TIONS. 1 9 7 4 . 1 2 5 p p . REAPPRAISAL OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE D I S C O U N T M E C H A NISM. Vol. 1. 1 9 7 1 . 2 7 6 p p . Vol. 2. 1 9 7 1 . 1 7 3 p p . Vol. 3. 1972. 220 pp. Each volume $3.00; 10 or more to one address, $2.50 each. THE ECONOMETRICS OF PRICE D E T E R M I N A T I O N CONFER- ENCE, October 30-31, 1970, Washington, D.C. 1972. 397 pp. Cloth ed. $5.00 each; 10 or more to one address, $4.50 each. Paper ed. $4.00 each; 10 or more to one address, $3.60 each. FEDERAL RESERVE STAFF STUDY: WAYS TO MODERATE F L U C T U A T I O N S IN H O U S I N G C O N S T R U C T I O N . 1972. 4 8 7 pp. $4.00 each; 10 or more to one address, $3.60 each. LENDING F U N C T I O N S OF THE F E D E R A L RESERVE BANKS. 1973. 271 pp. $3.50 each; 10 or more to one address, $3.00 each. IMPROVING THE M O N E T A R Y AGGREGATES: REPORT OF THE A D V I S O R Y C O M M I T T E E ON M O N E T A R Y STATISTICS. 1976. 43 pp. $1.00 each; 10 or more to one address, $.85 each. A N N U A L P E R C E N T A G E R A T E T A B L E S (Truth in Lending— Regulation Z) Vol. I (Regular Transactions). 1969. 100 pp. Vol. II (Irregular Transactions). 1969. 116 pp. Each volume $1.00; 10 or more of same volume to one address, $.85 each. F E D E R A L RESERVE M E A S U R E S OF CAPACITY A N D CAPACITY U T I L I Z A T I O N . 1978. 40 pp. $1.75 each; 10 or more to one address, $1.50 each. THE BANK HOLDING COMPANY MOVEMENT TO 1978: A 1978. 289 pp. $2.50 each; 10 or more to one address, $2.25 each. COMPENDIUM. IMPROVING THE M O N E T A R Y AGGREGATES: S T A F F PAPERS. 1978. 170 pp. $4.00 each; 10 or more to one address, $3.75 each. 1977 C O N S U M E R C R E D I T S U R V E Y . 1978. 119 pp. $2.00 each. F L O W OF F U N D S A C C O U N T S . 1949-1978. 1979. 171 pp. $1.75 each; 10 or more to one address, $1.50 each. INTRODUCTION TO F L O W OF F U N D S . 1980. 68 pp. $1.50 each; 10 or more to one address, $1.25 each. A79 CONSUMER EDUCATION PAMPHLETS Short pamphlets suitable for classroom use. Multiple copies available without charge. T H E G N M A - G U A R A N T E E D PASSTHROUGH S E C U R I T Y : Alice in Debitland The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Consumer Handbook To Credit Protection Laws The Equal Credit Opportunity Act and . . . Age The Equal Credit Opportunity Act and . . . Credit Rights in Housing The Equal Credit Opportunity Act and . . . Doctors, Lawyers, Small Retailers, and Others Who May Provide Incidental Credit The Equal Credit Opportunity Act and . . . Women Fair Credit Billing The Federal Open Market Committee Federal Reserve Bank Board of Directors Federal Reserve Banks Federal Reserve Glossary How to File A Consumer Credit Complaint If You Borrow To Buy Stock If You Use A Credit Card Truth in Leasing U.S. Currency What Truth in Lending Means to You F O R E I G N O W N E R S H I P A N D T H E P E R F O R M A N C E OF KET DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLICATIONS MAR- FOR G R O W T H A N D STABILITY OF H O M E MORTGAGE THE LEND- ING, by David F. Seiders. Dec. 1979. 65 pp. STAFF STUDIES Studies and papers on economic and financial subjects that are of general interest. Summaries Only Printed in the Bulletin Requests to obtain single copies of the full text or to be added to the mailing list for the series may be sent to Publications Services. T I E - I N S B E T W E E N THE G R A N T I N G OF C R E D I T A N D SALES OF I N S U R A N C E BY B A N K H O L D I N G C O M P A N I E S A N D O T H E R L E N D E R S , by Robert A. Eisenbeis and Paul R. Schweitzer. Feb. 1979. 75 pp. I N N O V A T I O N S IN B A N K L O A N CONTRACTING: R E C E N T E V I - by Paul W. Boltz and Tim S. Campbell. May 1979. 40 pp. DENCE M E A S U R E M E N T OF C A P A C I T Y U T I L I Z A T I O N : PROBLEMS A N D by Frank de Leeuw, Lawrence R. Forest, Jr., Richard D. Raddock, and Zoltan E. Kenessey. July 1979. 264 pp. TASKS, BANKS, by James V. Houpt. July 1980. 27 U.S. pp. P E R F O R M A N C E A N D CHARACTERISTICS OF E D G E CORPORATIONS, by James V. Houpt. Feb. 1981. 54 pp. Printed in Full in the Bulletin by Robert J. Lawrence and Samuel H. Talley. January 1976. A N A S S E S S M E N T OF B A N K H O L D I N G C O M P A N I E S , REPRINTS Most of the articles reprinted do not exceed 12 pages. Measures of Security Credit. 12/70. Revision of Bank Credit Series. 12/71. Assets and Liabilities of Foreign Branches of U.S. Banks. 2/72. Bank Debits, Deposits, and Deposit Turnover—Revised Series. 7/72. Rates on Consumer Instalment Loans. 9/73. New Series for Large Manufacturing Corporations. 10/73. The Structure of Margin Credit. 4/75. Industrial Electric Power Use. 1/76. Revised Series for Member Bank Deposits and Aggregate Reserves. 4/76. Industrial Production—1976 Revision. 6/76. Federal Reserve Operations in Payment Mechanisms: A Summary. 6/76. The Commercial Paper Market. 6/77. The Federal Budget in the 1970's. 9/78. Redefining the Monetary Aggregates. 1/79. Implementation of the International Banking Act. 10/79. U.S. International Transactions in 1979: Another Round of Oil Price Increases. 4/80. Perspectives on Personal Saving. 8/80. The Impact of Rising Oil Prices on the Major Foreign Industrial Countries. 10/80. A80 Index to Statistical Tables References are to pages A-3 through A-73 al ACCEPTANCES, bankers, 10, 23, 25 Agricultural loans, commercial banks, 18,19, 20, 24 Assets and liabilities (See also Foreigners) Banks, by classes, 17, 18-21, 27,68-73 Domestic finance companies, 37 Federal Reserve Banks, 11 Nonfinancial corporations, current, 36 Automobiles Consumer installment credit, 40, 41 Production, 46, 47 BANKERS balances, 17, 18-20, 68, 70, 72 (See also Foreigners) Banks for Cooperatives, 33 Bonds (See also U.S. government securities) New issues, 34 Yields, 3 Branch banks, 15,21,54 Business activity, nonfinancial, 44 Business expenditures on new plant and equipment, 36 Business loans (See Commercial and industrial loans) CAPACITY utilization, 44 Capital accounts Banks, by classes, 17, 69,71, 73 Federal Reserve Banks, 11 Central banks, 66 Certificates of deposit, 21, 25 Commercial and industrial loans Commercial banks, 15, 24 Weekly reporting banks, 18-21,22 Commercial banks Assets and liabilities, 3, 15, 17, 18-21, 68-73 Business loans, 24 Commercial and industrial loans, 22, 24 Consumer loans held, by type, 40, 41 Loans sold outright, 21 Nondeposit funds, 16 Number by classes, 17, 69, 71, 73 Real estate mortgages held, by holder and property, 39 Commercial paper, 3, 23, 25,37 Condition statements (See Assets and liabilities) Construction, 44,48 Consumer installment credit, 40,41 Consumer prices, 44,49 Consumption expenditures, 50, 51 Corporations Profits and their distribution, 35 Security issues, 34, 63 Cost of living (See Consumer prices) Credit unions, 27, 40, 41 Currency and coin, 5, 17,68,70,72 Currency in circulation, 4,13 Customer credit, stock market, 26 DEBITS to deposit accounts, 12 Debt (See specific types of debt or securities) Demand deposits Adjusted, commercial banks, 12,14 Banks, by classes, 17, 18-21, 69, 71, 73 Ownership by individuals, partnerships, and corporations, 23 the prefix "A" is omitted in this index Demand deposits—Continued Subject to reserve requirements, 14 Turnover, 12 Deposits (See also specific types) Banks, by classes, 3, 17, 18-21, 27, 69, 71, 73 Federal Reserve Banks, 4,11 Turnover, 12 Discount rates at Reserve Banks (See Interest rates) Discounts and advances by Reserve Banks (See Loans) Dividends, corporate, 35 EMPLOYMENT, 44, 45 Eurodollars, 25 FARM mortgage loans, 39 Farmers Home Administration, 39 Federal agency obligations, 4, 10, 11, 12, 32 Federal and federally sponsored credit agencies, 33 Federal finance Debt subject to statutory limitation and types and ownership of gross debt, 30 Receipts and outlays, 28, 29 Treasury operating balance, 28 Federal Financing Bank, 28, 33 Federal funds, 3, 6, 18, 19, 20, 25, 28 Federal Home Loan Banks, 33 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, 33, 38, 39 Federal Housing Administration, 33, 38, 39 Federal Intermediate Credit Banks, 33 Federal Land Banks, 33, 39 Federal National Mortgage Association, 33, 38, 39 Federal Reserve Banks Condition statement, 11 Discount rates (See Interest rates) U.S. government securities held, 4, 11, 12, 30, 31 Federal Reserve credit, 4, 5,11, 12 Federal Reserve notes, 11 Federally sponsored credit agencies, 33 Finance companies Assets and liabilities, 37 Business credit, 37 Loans, 18, 19, 20,40,41 Paper, 23,25 Financial institutions, loans to, 18, 19,20 Float, 4 Flow of funds, 42, 43 Foreign Currency operations, 11 Deposits in U.S. banks, 4,11, 18, 19, 20 Exchange rates, 66 Trade,53 Foreigners Claims on, 54,56, 59,60,61,65 Liabilities to, 21, 54-58, 62-64 GOLD Certificates, 11 Stock,4,53 Government National Mortgage Association, 33, 38, 39 Gross national product, 50,51 A81 HOUSING, new and existing units, 48 INCOME, personal and national, 44, 50,51 Industrial production, 44, 46 Installment loans, 40,41 Insurance companies, 27, 30, 31, 39 Interbank loans and deposits, 17 Interest rates Bonds, 3 Business loans of banks, 24 Federal Reserve Banks, 3,7 Foreign countries, 66 Money and capital markets, 3, 25 Mortgages, 3, 38 Prime rate, commercial banks, 24 Time and savings deposits, 9 International capital transactions of the United States, 54-65 International organizations, 54-59,62-65 Inventories, 50 Investment companies, issues and assets, 35 Investments (See also specific types) Banks, by classes, 17,27 Commercial banks, 3,15,17, 18-20,68,70, 72 Federal Reserve Banks, 11,12 Life insurance companies, 27 Savings and loan associations, 27 LABOR force, 45 Life insurance companies (See Insurance companies) Loans (See also specific types) Banks, by classes, 17,18-21,27 Commercial banks, 3, 15,17, 18-21, 22, 24, 68,70, 72 Federal Reserve Banks, 3 , 4 , 5 , 7 , 11,12 Insurance companies, 27,39 Insured or guaranteed by United States, 38, 39 Savings and loan associations, 27 MANUFACTURING Capacity utilization, 44 Production, 44,47 Margin requirements, 26 Member banks Assets and liabilities, by classes, 17 Borrowings at Federal Reserve Banks, 5,11 Federal funds and repurchase agreements, 6 Number, 17 Reserve requirements, 8 Reserves and related items, 3, 4, 5, 14 Mining production, 47 Mobile home shipments, 48 Monetary aggregates, 3, 14 Money and capital market rates (See Interest rates) Money stock measures and components, 3,13 Mortgages (See Real estate loans) Mutual funds (See Investment companies) Mutual savings banks, 3, 9, 18-20, 27, 30, 31, 39 NATIONAL defense outlays, 29 National income, 50 OPEN market transactions, 10 PERSONAL income, 51 Prices Consumer and producer, 44,49 Stock market, 26 Prime rate, commercial banks, 24 Production, 44,46 Profits, corporate, 35 REAL estate loans Banks, by classes, 18-20, 27, 29 Life insurance companies, 27 Mortgage terms, yields, and activity, 3, 38 Type of holder and property mortgaged, 39 Repurchase agreements and federal funds, 6, 18, 19, 20 Reserve requirements, member banks, 8 Reserves Commercial banks, 17, 68,70, 72 Federal Reserve Banks, 11 Member banks, 3, 4, 5, 14,17 U.S. reserve assets, 53 Residential mortgage loans, 38 Retail credit and retail sales, 40, 41, 44 SAVING Flow of funds, 42, 43 National income accounts, 51 Savings and loan assns., 3, 9, 27, 31, 39,42 Savings deposits (See Time deposits) Savings institutions, selected assets, 27 Securities (See also U.S. government securities) Federal and federally sponsored agencies, 33 Foreign transactions, 63 New issues, 34 Prices, 26 Special drawing rights, 4,11,52, 53 State and local governments Deposits, 18, 19, 20 Holdings of U.S. government securities, 30, 31 New security issues, 34 Ownership of securities of, 18, 19, 20, 27 Yields of securities, 3 Stock market, 26 Stocks (See also Securities) New issues, 34 Prices, 26 TAX receipts, federal, 29 Time deposits, 3,9, 12, 14, 17,18-21,69,71,73 Trade, foreign, 53 Treasury currency, Treasury cash, 4 Treasury deposits, 4, 11, 28 Treasury operating balance, 28 UNEMPLOYMENT, 45 U.S. balance of payments, 52 U.S. government balances Commercial bank holdings, 18, 19, 20 Member bank holdings, 14 Treasury deposits at Reserve Banks, 4, 11, 28 U.S. government securities Bank holdings, 17, 18-20, 27, 30, 31, 68, 70, 72 Dealer transactions, positions, and financing, 32 Federal Reserve Bank holdings, 4, 11,12, 30, 31 Foreign and international holdings and transactions, 11, 30, 62 Open market transactions, 10 Outstanding, by type and ownership, 30,31 Rates, 3,25 Utilities, production, 47 VETERANS Administration, 38, 39 WEEKLY reporting banks, 18-22 Wholesale (producer) prices, 44,49 YIELDS (See Interest rates) A82 The Federal Reserve System Boundaries of Federal Reserve Districts and Their Branch Territories Helena Minneapolis Detroit Chicago \Salt^keat} r ' °»C!SCo Denver Kansas City t. Louts Charlotte, Nashvilk Attle Rock Birminghai*A®lant2 Dallas® Houston t tan Antonio MB ALASKA 0 LEGEND ~ mm Boundaries of Federal Reserve Districts Boundaries of Federal Reserve Branch Territories Federal Reserve Bank Cities Federal Reserve Branch Cities Federal Reserve Bank Facility Q Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System