Full text of Federal Reserve Bulletin : December 1978
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DECEMBER 1978 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN Nonbank Thrift Institutions in 1977 and 1978 Foreign Exchange Operations: Interim Report A copy of the FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN is sent to each member bank without charge; member banks desiring additional copies may secure them at a special $ 1 0 . 0 0 annual rate. The regular subscription price in the United States and its possessions, and in Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Republic of Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, El Salvador, Uruguay, and Venezuela is $ 2 0 . 0 0 per annum or $ 2 . 0 0 per copy; elsewhere, $ 2 4 . 0 0 per annum or $ 2 . 5 0 per copy. Group subscriptions in the United States for 10 or more copies to one address, $ 1 . 7 5 per copy per month, or $ 1 8 . 0 0 for 12 months. The BULLETIN may be obtained from the Division of Administrative Services, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D . C . 2 0 5 5 1 , and remittance should be made payable to the order of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in a form collectible at par in U . S . currency. (Stamps and coupons are not accepted.) N U M B E R 12 • V O L U M E 64 • DECEMBER 1978 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Washington, D.C. PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE Joseph R. Coyne, Chairman • Stephen H. Axilrod • John M. Denkler Janet O. Hart • James L. Kichline • Neal L. Petersen • Edwin M. Truman Michael J. Prell, Staff Director The FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN is issued monthly under the direction of the staff publications committee. This committee is responsible for opinions expressed except in official statements and signed articles. Direction for the art work is provided by Mack R. Rowe. Editorial support is furnished by the Economic Editing Unit headed by Mendelle T. Berenson. Table of Contents 927 N O N B A N K THRIFT INSTITUTIONS IN 1 9 7 7 A N D 1978 Unlike the pattern in previous periods of rising interest rates, deposit flows at savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks were robust until the end of 1977, weakened through the second quarter of 1978, and since June have accelerated again. 937 STAFF ECONOMIC STUDIES The study analyzes "The Relationship between Reserve Ratios and the Monetary Aggregates under Reserves and Federal Funds Rate Operating Targets" based on a multi-asset portfolio model of the financial sector. 939 TREASURY A N D FEDERAL RESERVE O P E R A T I O N S : INTERIM R E P O R T This report describes the market's pessimism toward the dollar until November 1, when authorities of the United States and several other industrial countries reinforced a major new eflort to correct the falling dollar. 943 S T A T E M E N T TO C O N G R E S S Chairman G. William Miller states that the measures undertaken to strengthen the dollar abroad will also help to control the persistently high domestic rate of inflation, before the Joint Economic Committee, December 15, 1978. 947 R E C O R D OF POLICY A C T I O N S OF THE FEDERAL O P E N MARKET COMMITTEE At the meeting on October 17, 1978, the Committee decided that the existing ranges for M-2 and M-3 provided for rates of monetary growth over the year ahead that were consistent with a moderation of inflation under the President's program. Thus, the Committee adopted ranges of 6!/2 to 9 per cent for M-2 and I V 2 to 10 per cent for M-3 for the period from the third quarter of 1978 to the third quarter of 1979. The Committee also indicated that it expected growth of M-1 to be within a range of 2 to 6 per cent over that period. That range was both lower and wider than the range of 4 to 6V2 per cent that had been adopted in July, in recognition of the uncertainty concerning the size and speed of the expected shift of deposits from demand to savings accounts resulting from the introduction of ATS. The associated range for commercial bank credit was %Vi to 1IV2 per cent. The Committee also decided that growth of M - 1 + within a range of 5 to I V 2 per cent appeared to be generally consistent with the ranges of growth for the other monetary aggregates. With respect to policy for the short run, the Committee agreed to instruct the Manager to seek a Federal funds rate of around 9 per cent early in the period before the next regular meeting and subsequently to maintain the rate within a range of 8 3 A to 9lA per cent. With regard to the specific objective for the Federal funds rate within that range, the Committee instructed the Manager to be guided mainly by a range of tolerance for the annual rate of growth in M-2 over the October-November period of 5V2 to 9V2 per cent, provided that the rate of growth in M-l over that period did not exceed 6V2 per cent. On November 1 the Treasury and the Federal Reserve announced a broad program to strengthen the dollar in foreign exchange markets and thereby to counter continuing domestic inflationary pressures. As part of this program, the Committee raised the range for the Federal funds rate to 9^2 to 9 3 A per cent and instructed the Manager, in deciding on the specific objective for the rate within that range, to be guided by developing conditions in domestic and international financial markets. 962 LAW Adoption of a simplified version of the reports of condition and income for use by small member banks. Change in early-withdrawal penalty rule for certain types of time deposits. Admission of two State banks to membership in the Federal Reserve System. DEPARTMENT Change in frequency of issuance of the Federal Reserve Chart Book. Amendments to Regulations D, E, and K and bank holding company and bank merger orders and pending cases. 989 Publication of consumer pamphlet, You Use a Credit Card." ANNOUNCEMENTS Transmission to Congress of tentative schedule of prices for Federal Reserve check and automated clearinghouse services. 997 Examination procedures developed by Federal regulators of banks and thrift institutions under the Community Reinvestment Act. A1 Revisions of Regulation K to conform with certain provisions of the International Banking Act. (See Law Department.) Statement by the three bank regulatory agencies indicating steps taken and planned to implement the International Banking Act of 1978. Data available from a survey by the bank regulatory agencies on foreign lending by large U.S. banks as of June 30, 1978. Deferral of Board action on amendments to Regulation Z (Truth in Lending). Publication of Improving the Monetary Aggregates: Staff Papers and the Annual Statistical Digest, 1973-1977. Changes in Board staff. Meeting of the Consumer Advisory Council. INDUSTRIAL 4 'If PRODUCTION Output increased approximately 0.7 per cent in November. FINANCIAL AND BUSINESS STATISTICS A3 Domestic Financial Statistics A46 Domestic Nonfinancial Statistics A54 International Statistics A70 B O A R D OF G O V E R N O R S A N D S T A F F A72 O P E N M A R K E T COMMITTEE A N D ADVISORY A73 FEDERAL STAFF; COUNCILS RESERVE BANKS, BRANCHES, A N D OFFICES A74 FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD A79 I N D E X TO STATISTICAL T A B L E S A81 I N D E X TO V O L U M E A92 M A P OF F E D E R A L R E S E R V E INSIDE B A C K PUBLICATIONS 64 SYSTEM COVER: Guide to Tabular Presentation and Statistical Releases Nonbank Thrift Institutions in 1977 and 1978 Sherry S. Atkinson, of the Capital Markets Section of the Division of Research and Statistics, prepared this article. The pattern of deposit growth at savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks during the past 2 years has differed significantly from the experience of previous periods of rising interest rates. Yields on open market securities have increased steadily since early 1977 and now stand well above the maximum rates payable on deposit accounts at thrift institutions. Despite these increases in market rates, deposit flows remained relatively robust until the end of 1977, when they began to weaken; this weakness persisted through the second quarter of 1978. With the introduction of a variableceiling certificate account on June 1, 1978, however, deposit growth has accelerated to relatively strong levels. The atypical deposit flows of 1977 and 1978 may be explained in large part by changes in account structure that have resulted from regulatory actions during the 1970's. Following the introduction of a number of time-account categories in the early years of the decade, the proportion of total outstanding deposits in accounts with longer maturities has increased considerably. This development has enhanced the stability of deposit growth in periods when market yields begin to rise. In addition, the ability of thrift institutions to compete for funds during periods of high interest rates has been bolstered by the most recent adjustment in deposit-rate regulations, which allows depositary institutions to issue 6-month certificates whose ceiling rate varies weekly with Treasury bill rates. With greater flexibility in acquiring both deposits and nondeposit funds, savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks have reduced their mortgage lending activity only moderately with the recent rise in interest rates—in contrast to earlier periods of credit stringency. Lending by these institutions had reached a record level in late 1977 in response both to sizable deposit inflows and to strong mortgage loan demand. From late 1977 through the third quarter of 1978, mortgage lending contracted somewhat, largely in lagged response to slower deposit flows; nevertheless, the thrift institutions maintained a high level of mortgage lending by relying more heavily on nondeposit liabilities and by limiting their acquisition of liquid assets. Moreover, the increased flow of funds since the introduction of the 6-month money market certificates has allowed the thrift institutions to replenish liquid assets and to increase mortgage lending commitments. The money market certificates have been a relatively expensive source of funds, in large measure because they have attracted deposits that otherwise would have been held in loweryielding accounts. However, the profitability of the thrift industry had grown appreciably over the 3 years prior to the introduction of the new certificates, reaching historically high levels during the first half of 1978. Given the record favorable spread between the average cost of funds and the return on funds in mid-1978, most thrift institutions apparently have thus far absorbed the additional cost of the money market certificates with little difficulty. Moreover, the 6-month certificate has attracted new funds—or maintained existing funds—that otherwise might have been diverted to alternative investments. Thus, the new instrument allows the institutions to extend more mortgage loans at current high rates of interest, and consequently profitability over the longer run may well be enhanced. Credit unions only recently have been authorized to issue money market certificates, in an effort to avoid a repetition of the net outflow of deposits in October. Prior to that time, the percentage growth in shares at credit unions had 928 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 outpaced deposit growth at other thrift institutions, continuing the trend of recent years. The authorization to issue money market certificates is one in a series of regulatory actions that have broadened the asset and liability powers of credit unions in 1977 and 1978. 1. Growth of deposits Savings and loans and mutual savings banks combined Seasonally adjusted annual rates, per cent 11 40 RAPID PORTFOLIO EXPANSION: 1977 Q1 through 1977 Q 3 Portfolio expansion of savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks remained strong in the first three quarters of 1977 in spite of increases in open market interest rates (Table 1). The strength in deposit growth underlying this expansion was concentrated primarily in 1. Sources and uses of funds Billions of dollars at seasonally adjusted annual rates 1977 runas Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Q2 Q3 40.2 19.5 1.1 60.7 54.3 11.5 4.6 70.5 .8 50.2 5.5 56.5 7.6 50.6 2.5 60.7 15.5 49.1 5.9 70.5 8.2 4.5 12.7 6.9 1.9 8.8 11.6 1.5 13.1 .5 8.1 1.5 10.3 4.5 6.8 1.1 12.7. .5 6.9 1.4 8.8 4.0 7.9 1.2 13.1 Ql 50.2 -1.7 3.5 52.0 51.5 6.1 3.9 61.4 Savings and loan associations 35.7 50.4 59.7 42.3 2.6 8.7 17.8 15.7 4.9 5.1 4.4 5.0 63.9 67.4 64.5 56.5 6.1 43.2 2.6 52.0 10.5 46.8 4.1 61.4 8.8 54.9 .3 63.9 13.0 .7 13.7 11.6 2.7 14.3 10.7 .7 11.4 5.8 4.1 3.7 13.7 8.1 2.5 3.7 14.3 2.8 7.2 .9 11.4 6.0 .4 6.4 7.1 .4 7.5 7.0 .4 7.4 Credit iunions 8.9 8.3 .4 .5 9.4 8.8 9.2 .5 9.7 8.3 .5 8.7 6.0 .5 6.5 .9 4.9 .5 6.4 .4 6.6 .4 7.5 -.4 7.3 .4 7.4 3.7 5.2 .4 9.4 1.5 7.7 .4 9.7 -1.5 9.8 .4 8.7 - 4 6.4 .4 6.5 SOURCES Deposits Borrowed funds 1 Other sources, n e t 2 Total 1978 iy/o USES Cash and investments 3 Mortgages 4 Other 5 Total SOURCES Deposits .. Other sources, n e t 6 Total 6.0 58.2 3.2 67.4 -.3 60.7 4.2 64.5 Mutual savings banks 9.4 12.8 1.0 .9 13.8 10.3 USES Cash and investments 7 Mortgages Other 8 Total .. SOURCES Shares Current surplus Total 3.9 8.0 1.5 13.8 USES Cash and liquid assets tf Consumer c r e d i t . . , Mortgages Total 1 Includes net changes in Federal home loan bank advances, security repurchase agreements, bank loans, and corporate bond liabilities. 2 Includes net changes in miscellaneous liabilities, profit taxes payable, and current surplus less net change in assets not set out separately under " u s e s . " 3 Includes net changes in deposits and currency, U . S . Treasury and agency securities, State and local government securities, open market paper, Federal funds, and repurchase agreements. 4 Includes net change in mortgages less net change in loans in process. 1.7 6.7 .4 8.8 5 Includes net changes in consumer credit and miscellaneous assets. 6 Includes net changes in miscellaneous liabilities and general reserve accounts less net change in other assets not set out separately under 4 ' u s e s . " 7 Includes net changes in cash and deposits, U . S . Treasury and agency securities, State and local government securities, commercial paper, and security repurchase agreements. 8 Includes net changes in corporate bonds and stock, consumer credit, and miscellaneous assets. 9 Includes net changes in demand deposits and currency, savings and loan shares, and U . S . Government securities. Nonbank Thrift Institutions time accounts (Chart 1). The relatively rapid growth in time deposits compared with passbook accounts continued a trend that has been evident in the 1970's (Table 2). This restructuring of deposits has helped moderate deposit outflows when interest rates begin to rise, owing to the higher yields available on time deposits and the substantial penalties exacted for withdrawal prior to maturity. In the third quarter of 1977, deposit inflows at both savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks were exceptionally strong, even though short-term interest rates by this time exceeded ceiling rates on passbook and shorterterm time accounts (Chart 2). Although the reasons for this strength in deposit growth remain uncertain, the number of thrift institutions offering longer-term certificates at ceiling rates did increase noticeably during this period. Also, the relative growth of deposits at commercial banks and at thrift institutions suggests that the latter attracted a disproportionately large share of the funds from 4-year certificates that were maturing during the period. These deposits had been acquired between July 1 and November 1, 1973, when 4-year certificates with minimum denominations of $ 1 , 0 0 0 had no ceiling rate of interest and became known as "wild cards." They may have been especially interest sensitive, and therefore, those funds remaining in deposit form upon maturing may have flowed predominantly into thrift institutions because of the interinstitutional differential in rate ceilings of lA of a percentage point. Net acquisitions of mortgages by savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks accelerated throughout the first three quarters of 1977 to record levels. The demand for mortgage funds, which was quite strong throughout this 2. Deposit mix at savings and loans and mutual savings banks Per cent of total deposits in time accounts Year-end 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 FSLlC-insured savings and loans Mutual savings banks 49.4 53.3 55.9 57.3 59.7 62.1 25.1 32.0 34.4 36.1 38.6 40.8 929 2. Treasury yields and deposit rate ceilings Per cent per annum Years to maturity Ceilings are effective yields after compounding. period, was associated not only with the expansion of residential construction, but also with household borrowing against inflated equity in the stock of existing homes. (See "Household Borrowing in the Recovery," F E D E R A L R E SERVE B U L L E T I N , March 1978.) Even with the rapid growth in mortgages, the strength in deposit flows enabled thrift institutions to continue accumulating liquid assets. As a result, the liquidity ratio at savings and loan associations insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC)—defined as the ratio of cash and eligible liquid assets relative to deposits and short-term borrowings—remained in the range of 9 lA to 9 3 A per cent on a seasonally adjusted basis, well above the legal requirement of 7 per cent (Chart 3). By the end of the third quarter, however, the rate of acquisition of cash and liquid assets by savings and loan associations had begun to slow perceptibly. Although the thrift institutions in general did not rely heavily upon borrowed money during these three quarters, a number of savings and loan associations did increase their use of such alternative sources of funds as security repurchase agreements (Rp's) and mortgage-backed bonds. Funds raised with Rp's increased an estimated $ 1 . 0 billion between December 1976 and September 1977. In addition, issuance of mortgage-backed bonds in the first three quarters of 1977 amounted to $600 million, about five times the total amount issued previously by savings and loan associations. These relatively new instruments, which generally have had ma- 930 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 3. Liquidity of FSLIC-insured savings and loans Per cent Average liquidity ratio is cash and liquid assets eligible to satisfy FHLBB regulatory requirements as a per cent of deposits plus borrowings payable within 1 year; seasonally adjusted. turities of 5 to 10 years, are collateralized by mortgages in the portfolios of the savings and loan associations issuing the obligations. DEPOSIT FLOW SLOWDOWN: 1977 Q 4 to 1978 Q 2 From the later months of 1977 through the spring of 1978, deposit flows into thrift institutions weakened markedly as open market interest rates moved well above regulatory ceilings on most deposit accounts. On a seasonally adjusted basis, deposit flows at savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks combined fell from an average annual rate of $65.6 billion during the first three quarters of 1977 to $47.6 billion over the next three quarters (Table 1). Short-term yields, which had surpassed the ceiling rate on passbook accounts in the third quarter of 1977, rose to a level approximately 1 lA percentage points above that ceiling by mid-1978. In response, net inflows to passbook accounts had virtually ceased by the first quarter of 1978. Moreover, intermediate-term market interest rates moved above maximum rates payable on time deposits of all maturities over this period, depressing the growth of these accounts (Chart 2). Total deposit growth at savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks declined to the slowest rates since 1974 (Chart 4). Mortgage lending activity reacted with a characteristic lag to the decline in deposit growth. For the first time in about 3 years, net deposit flows and mortgage repayments—the two major sources of funds to savings and loan associations—failed to keep pace with mortgage loan commitments. Consequently, the ratio of outstanding commitments to future 3-month cash flow from these sources began to rise significantly in the fourth quarter of 1977, and the associations started to reduce their commitment activity by early 1978 (Chart 5). Thus, outstanding commitments at these institutions, including loans in process, peaked at a record $33.7 billion, seasonally adjusted, in December 1977. Net mortgage acquisitions by both savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks, which reached an unprecedented annualized flow of $68.8 billion in the fourth quarter of 1977, declined in the first quarter of 1978 by nearly 20 per cent—owing in part to weather—and remained approximately at that lower level in the second quarter. Even so, net mortgage acquisition was still quite high and was stronger than might have been anticipated on the basis of past relationships between lending and deposit flows. Thrift institutions were able to limit the decline in mortgage lending during this threequarter period in large part by borrowing exten4. Rates of deposit growth Savings and loans and mutual savings banks combined Per cent 1974 1976 1978 Seasonally adjusted annual rates based on month-end data. Nonbank Thrift Institutions 5. Mortgage commitments and cash flow Savings and loans Billions of dollars 931 the first quarter of 1978, and a record $1.0 billion in the second quarter of 1978. Liquidity positions at savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks deteriorated throughout this period. Despite increases in the dollar holdings of cash and investment securities in the first half of 1978, the aggregate liquidity ratio at FSLIC-insured savings and loan associations declined steadily on a seasonally adjusted basis from 9.6 per cent in August 1977 to 8.3 per cent in May 1978 (Chart 3). The average spread between actual and required liquidity ratios for these institutions narrowed to an historical low in April 1978 prior to a reduction in the required ratio to 6.5 per cent effective May 1. Liquidity at mutual savings banks followed a similar trend. EARNINGS INCREASED THROUGH MID-1978 Commitments are as of the end of the month and include loans in process. Cash flow includes mortgage repayments and net changes in deposits in subsequent 3 months. Data are seasonally adjusted. sively from the Federal home loan banks. From September 1977 through mid-1978, outstanding advances rose nearly $10 billion on a seasonally adjusted basis to a record $26.2 billion. During this period, the home loan banks made it known to member institutions that advances would likely remain available to help offset the pressures of the slowdown in deposit flows. Meanwhile, borrowings by savings and loan associations from other sources increased, especially through Rp's. Savings and loan associations also were able to sustain their mortgage originations over this period by selling more mortgages than they purchased. Associations in California and certain other western States primarily accounted for most of the increased volume of mortgage sales in secondary markets; however, savings and loan associations in other areas also increased their mortgage sales relative to purchases. Net sales of mortgages by the savings and loan industry as a whole amounted to $0.5 billion in the fourth quarter of 1977, $0.3 billion in The profitability of savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks—as measured by the ratio of net income to average assets—began a steady improvement in 1975, reaching an historic high during the first half of 1978 (Chart 6). Despite the heavier reliance of thrift institutions on borrowed funds, which in general are more expensive than deposits in periods of relatively high interest rates, the spread between average mortgage returns and the average cost of funds has risen steadily since the end of 1974. 6. Earnings of thrift institutions 932 Federal R e s e r v e Bulletin • D e c e m b e r 1978 At FSLIC-insured savings and loan associations this spread reached a record high of 185 basis points in the first half of 1978 (Table 3). The profit margins of mutual savings banks have remained significantly below those of savings and loan associations, a longstanding relationship that can be attributed to several factors. Mutual savings banks are located primarily in the large financial centers of the Northeast, where there is intense competition for savings 3. Earnings position of FSLIC-insured and loan associations savings Per cent Cost of funds 1 Interest return on mortgages .life 4.76 4.66 (2) (3) 1967 HI H2 6.00 6.02 1.24 1.36 1968 HI H2 4.71 4.76 6.08 6.17 1.37 1.41 1969 HI H2 4 82 4.94 6.29 6.40 1.47 1.46 1970 HI H2 5.24 5.36 6.50 6.62 1.26 1.26 1971 HI H2 5.38 5.37 6.75 6.86 1.37 1.49 1972 HI H2 5.39 5.37 6.93 7.02 1.54 1.60 1973 HI H2 5.46 5.72 7.10 7.23 1.64 1.51 1974 HI H2 6.00 6.28 7.35 7.51 1.35 1.23 1975 HI H2 6.31 6.34 7.59 7.74 1.28 1.40 6.35 6.40 7.87 8.03 1.52 1.63 6.39 6.48 8.14 8.28 1.75 1.80 6.54 8.39 1.85 Period Col. 2 less col. 1 among the thrift institutions and where depositors are apparently sensitive to fluctuations in yields on alternative investments. As a result, during periods of high interest rates, these institutions experience relatively large deposit outflows and thus are limited in acquiring new higher-yielding assets. In addition, more than half of the assets of the savings bank industry are in institutions in New York State, where an &V2 per cent usury ceiling has made it more difficult to earn a market rate of return during periods of credit stringency. 1 The greater concentration of savings and loan associations in the western and southern States, where housing demand and deposit growth have been relatively strong, has enabled these institutions to earn higher profits by maintaining a larger proportion of their portfolios in new, higher-yielding assets. Despite increases in the level of earnings, the capital position of thrift institutions—measured as the ratio of net worth at savings and loan associations, or general reserve accounts at mutual savings banks, to assets—has declined secularly (Chart 7). In early 1977, net worth relative to assets at savings and loan associations leveled off at roughly 5.5 per cent, down a full percentage point from early 1972. The decline in the capital position of mutual savings banks has been less pronounced, perhaps because of their relatively weaker growth in deposits. Since the beginning of 1977, the ratio of general reserve accounts to assets of savings banks has ranged between 6.7 and 6.8 per cent, only slightly less than the 1972 ratio and down less than V2 of a percentage point from the highs experienced in 1974. However, the capital position of mutual savings banks has weakened markedly from the ratio of 8.5 per cent recorded 1976 HI H2 1977 HI H2 1978 HI 1 Interest and dividends paid on savings, FHLB advances, and other borrowed money as a per cent of average savings and borrowings. 1 Mutual savings banks in N e w York State may hold out-of-State—defined as nonadjoining-State—conventional mortgages in amounts up to 2 0 per cent of assets. Furthermore, there is no limit on the dollar volume of Government-underwritten mortgages, adjoining-State mortgages, and mortgage-backed securities in portfolios of N e w York State savings banks; and savings banks may acquire limited amounts of corporate obligations, municipal securities, U . S . Government securities, and Federal agency securities. Nonbank Thrift Institutions 7. Capital positions of thrift institutions Capital positions are net worth as a per cent of assets for savings and loan associations and general reserve accounts as a per cent of assets for mutual savings banks. Data are for end of period. in the early 1960's and those of 9.0 to 9.5 per cent in the 1950's. THE REGULATORY IN M I D - 1 9 7 8 CHANGES In the face of markedly weakened deposit growth and sharply increased reliance on nondeposit funds, the Federal regulatory agencies authorized the issuance of two new certificates at commercial banks and thrift institutions beginning June 1, 1978. These certificates were designed to aid depositary institutions in attracting and retaining funds—especially during periods of high interest rates—and to reduce the potential for a serious disruption of mortgage credit flows. The longer of the two certificates—the 8-year account—has a minimum denomination of $1,000 and carries a ceiling rate of 8 per cent at thrift institutions and 13A per cent at commercial banks. Even so, open market rates on securities with comparable maturity climbed above the ceiling rates on this instrument shortly after its introduction (Chart 2). As a result, sales of this long-term certificate probably have been relatively sluggish, attracting little additional money to the institutions. In contrast, the other new time account—the 6-month money market certificate—was designed to yield a competitive return regardless 933 of open market rates. The maximum rates payable on newly issued money market certificates vary weekly with the average discount yield on newly issued 6-month Treasury bills. Thrift institutions may pay a nominal yield of up to 25 basis points above the average discount rate set in the weekly auction of 6-month Treasury bills while commercial banks may pay interest at the discount rate on such instruments. Depositary institutions may compound interest on the money market certificate as on any other deposit account. The minimum denomination of the 6-month time deposit is $10,000, the same as that for 6-month Treasury bills. Surveys indicate that many depositary institutions have adopted this new instrument. At the end of October, an estimated 75 per cent of commercial banks, including almost all of the large institutions, were offering the variable-ceiling certificate. Participation by thrift institutions was also widespread, with roughly 90 per cent of savings and loan associations and almost 70 per cent of mutual savings banks issuing the money market certificate. Moreover, the majority of institutions offering the 6-month instrument were paying the maximum allowable yields. These yields have increased sharply since introduction of the new certificate (Chart 8), so that maximum effective yields at thrift institutions, which were about 13A per cent in June, have since risen over 2 l A percentage points. 8. Yield on money market certificates Thrift institutions Per cent Yields correspond to regulatory ceilings assuming continuous compounding of interest on the basis of a 360-day year. 934 Federal R e s e r v e Bulletin • D e c e m b e r 1978 rate) since June, compared with about 6 per cent earlier in 1978. In light of the sharp increases in open market interest rates since mid-1978, markedly weaker deposit growth would have been expected in the absence of the new instrument; during previous periods of comparable open market yields, deposit growth at thrift institutions was in the range of roughly 3 to 5 per cent. In the third quarter of 1978, thrift institutions apparently used most of the proceeds of the certificate sales to rebuild liquid assets and to moderate their borrowing. In part this may reflect a normal lag in adjusting mortgage loan originations following an unanticipated surge in deposits; it likely also reflects a desire to repair some of the damage done earlier in the year to their balance sheets. Sizable increases were recorded in cash and liquid assets at both mutual savings banks and savings and loan associations. As a result, the liquidity ratio at FSLICinsured savings and loan associations, seasonally adjusted, increased for the first time this year (Chart 3). At mutual savings banks, cash and short-term investment securities rose relative to outstanding deposits. DEPOSIT FLOWS R E B O U N D The money market certificate has attracted a sizable volume of deposits in its first 5 months (Table 4). Through October 1978, sales at thrift institutions are estimated to have totaled about $34 billion, accounting for about 6 per cent of total deposits outstanding at these institutions. To a large extent, the growth of money market certificates at thrift institutions represents a shifting of deposits from other accounts. Such a shift is suggested by the recent pattern of growth in time and passbook account deposits: in the first 2 months of certificate issuance, passbook deposits declined by an average annual rate of more than 15 per cent, while time deposits grew at an average rate of more than 30 per cent (Chart 1). The institutions themselves have estimated that the proportion of certificate sales representing new money—that is, money new to the individual institutions—ranges from about 25 to 35 per cent for mutual savings banks to about 4 0 to 50 per cent for savings and loan associations. These percentages may not be a reliable gauge of the aggregate impact on deposit flows, however, for they include transfers of funds between like institutions, and more important, they make no allowance for the retention of shifted passbook or maturing certificate dollars that might otherwise have been diverted to high-yielding open market instruments. An examination of aggregate data on thrift institutions suggests that the money market certificate has had a significant positive impact on the deposit growth of thrift institutions. The combined growth of savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks has averaged around 12% per cent (seasonally adjusted annual With the enlarged flow of deposits to the institutions, borrowing from Federal home loan banks and others has declined significantly. Following a seasonally adjusted increase in home loan bank advances of about $ 6 . 0 billion in the first 5 months of 1978, advances have risen by less than $ 4 . 0 billion in the second 5 months. Over the same period, borrowing from other sources has also dropped off markedly. Outstanding mortgage commitments at savings and loan associations, which had been declining since the end of 1977, bottomed out 4. Estimated inflows into money market certificate accounts Billions of dollars except as noted Certificates outstanding, end of October Inflows 1 Institution Commercial banks Savings and loans Mutual savings b a n k s . . . All June July August September October Amount Per c e n t 2 2.1 4.9 1.6 8.6 3.4 6.0 1.9 11.3 2.3 3.1 1.5 6.9 1.9 4.0 1.1 7.0 4.2 6.9 2.8 13.9 13.9 24.9 8.9 47.7 3.5 5.9 6.4 5.0 1 Inflows into certificates at commercial banks and mutual savings banks through the last Wednesday of the month. Estimates of the sales of certificates at savings and loan associations based on sample data for 247 large associations. 2 Per cent of total outstanding small-denomination time and savings deposits for commercial banks. Nonbank Thrift Institutions with the initial pick-up in deposit flows in June and since then have risen appreciably on a seasonally adjusted basis (Chart 5). Net mortgage acquisitions, on the other hand, have followed the normal lagged pattern, showing little change in the third quarter of 1978. However, to the extent that the money market certificates stimulate the flow of funds to the thrift institutions during periods of high interest rates, the availability of residential mortgage credit should be greater than in past periods of comparable credit stringency. With the new certificates, thrift institutions may book highyielding mortgages at a time when they otherwise would have been forced to contract their portfolios. EFFECT OF M O N E Y M A R K E T CERTIFICATES O N EARNINGS The money market certificates, which have increased the cost of funds to the thrift institutions, probably have cut into earnings. The greatest cost impact is associated with the shifting of funds that otherwise would have remained in passbook accounts or rolled over into time accounts at the same institutions. For example, funds that previously earned an effective yield after compounding of no more than about 5l/i per cent in passbook deposits, would have earned effective yields averaging more than 83A per cent if they had been transferred into money market certificates between June and December of this year. The cost burden of such shifting has likely been heaviest for mutual savings banks—especially those located in market areas where there is intense competitive pressure to offer the new certificates at ceiling rates. Compared with savings and loan associations, mutual savings banks have a greater proportion of total deposits in large passbook accounts and therefore are more vulnerable to costly deposit shifting. With profit margins lower at savings banks than at savings and loans, increases in the cost of funds have a larger relative impact on savings bank earnings. Moreover, the spread between maximum effective rates paid on newly issued money market certificates and mortgage yields has narrowed fairly steadily 935 since June and in some parts of the country may not now cover the cost of intermediation. Even in the short run, however, the negative impact on thrift institution earnings from the declining rate of return on assets is mitigated by increased accumulation of assets. As a result of these earnings pressures, some thrift institutions have become less aggressive in advertising and promoting the certificates. Scattered reports suggest that, in addition, a number of thrift institutions have offered less than maximum allowable rates, set purchase maximums, or totally suspended certificate issuance. Competitive pressures in many market areas have restricted this development. And with the beginning of rollovers in early December, a number of institutions have again stepped up promotion of the money market certificate. From a longer-run perspective, the new certificates could increase earnings over time, as short-term interest rates decline, because they have allowed the institutions to book more high-yielding mortgages with an average life of 8 to 12 years. For this reason, many thrift institutions intentionally may accept a negative rate spread temporarily (when the cost of money market certificates exceeds the mortgage yield) in order to promote long-run profitability. The relatively strong earnings position of thrift institutions, at least in the aggregate, permits such a strategy. In contrast, during other periods in which short-term interest rates exceeded longterm rates, the institutions experienced deposit outflows and contractions in mortgage lending. CONTINUED GROWTH AT CREDIT UNIONS In line with the trend of recent years, the percentage growth in shares of credit unions continued to outpace deposit growth at the other thrift institutions. Share account balances at credit unions increased $7.7 billion during 1977, representing a gain of 19.6 per cent. Although share growth moderated to an annual rate of 16.7 per cent in the face of high and rising market interest rates during the first 9 months of 1978, it has remained well in excess 936 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 of the growth rate at savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks (Chart 9). However, credit unions experienced net deposit outflows in October, and consequently the National Credit Union Administration authorized Federally chartered credit unions to offer the 6-month money market certificate beginning November 20. Credit unions may issue certificates at the thrift-institution ceiling rate in minimum denominations of $10,000. Consumer lending, the primary investment outlet for credit unions, surged dramatically in response to the exceptionally strong demand for instalment credit that has marked the present economic expansion. Credit unions increased their outstanding consumer loans by a record annual total of $6.5 billion during 1977, and net lending accelerated to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $8.7 billion during the first half of 1978 before moderating to $6.4 billion during the third quarter. Loan-to-share ratios at credit unions have climbed markedly during the past 2 years in the face of this heightened lending activity, while the ratios of liquid assets to total assets have declined to historic lows. Since late 1977 the National Credit Union Administration has authorized Federally chartered credit unions to offer a wider variety of fixed-ceiling share accounts and has relaxed the constraints on mortgage lending. In addition to the traditional share account, which is similar to a passbook savings account at other institutions, Federal credit unions now are permitted to offer share certificates with maturities of 90 days or longer. The interest rate ceiling on these 9. Deposit growth at thrift institutions Per cent Seasonally adjusted annual rates. certificates is 13A per cent—8 per cent for individual retirement and Keogh accounts—in contrast to the 7 per cent ceiling on regular share accounts. In addition, some credit unions now may offer "share draft" accounts, which permit the depositor to withdraw funds via third-party payments. Also, Federal credit unions have been given authority to make 30-year residential mortgage loans, an activity already permitted for certain State-chartered credit unions. Previously, Federal credit unions had been limited to 10-year maturities on such loans. Finally, the Congress has recently enacted legislation that would create a central liquidity facility to meet the temporary and emergency liquidity needs of credit unions. The facility will provide these thrift institutions with a lender of last resort designed to improve the financial stability of its members. • 937 Staff Economic Studies The research staffs of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and of the Federal Reserve Banks undertake studies that cover a wide range of economic and financial subjects, and other staff members prepare papers related to such subjects. In some instances the Federal Reserve System finances similar studies by members of the academic profession. From time to time the results of studies that are of general interest to the economics profession and to others are summarized—or they may be printed in full—in this section of the FEDERAL RESERVE STUDY BULLETIN. In all cases the analyses and conclusions set forth are those of the authors and do not necessarily indicate concurrence by the Board of Governors, by the Federal Reserve Banks, or by the members of their staffs. Single copies of the full text of each of the studies or papers summarized in the B U L L E TIN are available in mimeographed form. The list of Federal Reserve Board publications at the back of each B U L L E T I N includes a separate section entitled uStaff Economic Studies" that enumerates the papers prepared on these studies for which copies are currently available in mimeographed form. S U M M A R Y THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RESERVE RATIOS A N D THE M O N E T A R Y AGGREGATES UNDER RESERVES A N D FEDERAL F U N D S RATE OPERATING TARGETS K E N N E T H J. K O P E C K Y — S t a f f , B o a r d o f Governors Prepared 1978 as a staff paper in the summer of This paper examines the theoretical relationship between the required reserve ratios of banks against demand and time deposits and both the average level and the short-run variability (unexpected movements around the average level) of a monetary aggregate such as demand deposits. The analysis is developed under two alternative Federal Reserve operating targets—reserves and Federal funds rate—and is based on a multi-asset portfolio model of the financial sector. For the reserves operating target, the analysis shows that both the level and the variability of demand deposits are inversely related to the demand deposit reserve ratio. Under this operating target if one aim of policy were to minimize demand deposit variability, the demand deposit reserve ratio should be set at its upper limit—a result consistent with findings that have been reported in the literature. The analysis presented in this paper finds a striking difference for the demand deposit reserve ratio in the case of a Federal funds rate operating target. Under this operating target, both the level and the variability of demand deposits are either unaffected by or positively related to the demand deposit reserve ratio. Thus, a lowered reserve ratio against demand 938 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 deposits may lead to a reduction in demand deposit variability. Essentially, under a reserves operating target causality runs from a policy-determined level of bank reserves to an induced quantity of deposits. The size of the resulting quantity of deposits depends on the size of the reserve ratio, with a higher reserve ratio inducing a smaller quantity of deposits. For a funds rate operating target, causality basically runs in the opposite direction: deposits to reserves. Given the quantity of deposits demanded by the public at the policy-determined level of the funds rate, sufficient reserves are created to enable banks to satisfy their reserve requirements. Under a funds rate operating target, the size of the reserve ratio determines principally the size of the induced quantity of reserves. • 939 Treasury and Federal Reserve Foreign Exchange Operations: Interim Report This interim report, covering the period August through October 1978, is the twelfth of a series providing information on Treasury and System foreign exchange operations to supplement the regular series of semiannual reports that are issued usually in March and September. It was prepared by Alan R. Holmes, Manager, System Open Market Account, and Executive Vice President in charge of the Foreign Function of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and Scott E. Pardee, Deputy Manager for Foreign Operations of the System Open Market Account and Vice President in the Foreign Function of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. During the 3-month period under review, market pessimism toward the dollar deepened. As selling pressure intensified, dollar rates plunged to record lows against several currencies, exceeding any levels justified by underlying economic conditions. On November 1, the U.S. authorities reinforced a major new effort, in coordination with the authorities of .several other industrial countries, to correct what President Carter termed "the excessive decline of the dollar." The November 1 package was broadly well received, and good two-way trading was soon restored with the dollar at levels significantly above the lows at the end of October. The market's pessimism during the August-October period reflected the persistence of serious economic imbalances among major industrial nations. For some time, market participants and government officials alike had expressed concern over the differential rates of economic growth between the United States, which had posted a solid expansion since 1975, and most other industrial countries, where growth had been disappointingly slow. This 1. Federal Reserve reciprocal currency arrangements Millions of dollars Institution Amount of facility, Increases, Oct. 31, 1978' Nov. 1, 1978 Austrian National Bank of National Bank of National Bank Bank of Belgium Canada Bank of Denmark England 250 1,000 2,000 250 3,000 Bank of German Bank of Bank of Bank of France Federal Bank Italy Japan Mexico 2,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 360 Amount of facility, Nov. 1, 1978 250 1,000 2,000 250 3,000 2,000 3,000 2,000 6,000 3,000 5,000 360 Netherlands Bank Bank of Norway Bank of Sweden Swiss National Bank 500 250 300 1,400 Bank for International Settlements: Swiss francs/dollars Other authorized European currencies/dollars 600 600 1,250 1,250 Total 22,160 2,600 7,600 500 250 300 4,000 29.760 difference in growth performance, coupled with special factors such as the earlier jump in the U.S. oil import bill, had contributed to a massive imbalance in trade and current accounts among the industrial countries, with the United States in substantial deficit and others—such as Japan, Germany, and Switzerland—in substantial surplus. The dollar exchange rates against the currencies of these countries had already declined substantially over the previous year, but the effects of these changes on trade balances had not yet fully materialized. Moreover, the dollar's decline was contributing to the quickening of inflation in this country. By contrast, in other countries price performance was improving, particularly where the appreciations of currencies lowered import costs. Many market participants had become skeptical that these disparities in price trends would be reversed in the near term and perceived a 940 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 considerable downslide risk for the dollar. Professional dealers, therefore, became reluctant to buy and hold dollars whenever the dollar came on offer. Trading in dollars became increasingly one way. Some market participants found that they could profit by selling dollars short, while others sought to protect themselves against further erosion of the value of their assets by shifting into foreign currencies and other commodities such as gold. Beginning in September, the tensions in the dollar market were compounded by a renewed burst of speculation over a possible realignment of currencies within the European Community (EC) "snake" as a prelude to the broader European Monetary System under negotiation by EC members. The German mark was revalued against the other snake currencies on October 15, but the reversal of the earlier positions had barely begun by the end of the month. By late summer, however, underlying conditions were beginning to improve, and there was reason to expect that the improvement would continue. Economic expansion in Germany and Japan was more solidly based and the governments were introducing additional stimulative measures. For Japan export and import volumes were beginning to respond to the exchange-rate change. At the same time, the growth of the U.S. economy was moderating. Following the bulge in the U.S. trade deficit early this year, import demand was beginning to slacken while exports were expanding rapidly. Moreover, further stabilization measures were being taken by the U.S. authorities. Monetary and fiscal policies were progressively tightened. The Congress passed the long-awaited energy bill. On October 24, President Carter announced a comprehensive anti-inflation program, including additional budgetary restraints and the introduction of voluntary wage and price guidelines. Throughout the 3-month period, the Treasury and the Federal Reserve continued to intervene to counter disorderly conditions in the New York market in operations conducted by the Foreign Exchange Trading Desk of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. These operations were mainly in German marks, on behalf of both the Federal Reserve and the Treasury, using balances acquired from correspondents or drawing on the respective swap arrangements with the German Federal Bank. The Desk also intervened in New York in Swiss francs both for the Federal Reserve, drawing on the swap line with the Swiss National Bank, and for the Swiss National Bank. In all, the Desk operated on 31 of the 64 business days during the period, selling on behalf of the U.S. authorities a total of $2,204.4 million equivalent of German marks and $294.2 million equivalent of Swiss francs. By the end of October, however, the decline of the dollar had clearly been excessive against a number of major currencies. From the earlyAugust levels, the dollar had fallen by a net 18 per cent against the German mark, 17 per cent against the Swiss franc, and 7 per cent against the Japanese yen. Moreover, the dollar had declined generally vis-a-vis other major European currencies: against the French franc by 10 per cent, the pound sterling by 8 per cent, and the Italian lira by 6 per cent. And, in view of the prevailing mood and trading conditions in the exchange markets, few expected the dollar's slide to stop on its own or be reversed over the short run. For the United States, the dollar's decline threatened to undermine the effort to curb inflation, including the newly announced voluntary wage and price control program. It also threatened to undercut the efforts of the Japanese, German, Swiss, and other governments to stimulate domestic growth. Consequently, by late October the U.S. authorities were in close consultation with their counterparts in other countries, and the essential elements of a coordinated approach to correct the situation were in place by the end of the month. On the morning of November 1, President Carter, the U.S. Treasury, and the Federal Reserve announced various actions to be taken. The President emphasized the link between this program and the broader anti-inflation policies of the U.S. Government as well as the fact that the program had been developed and would be implemented in close cooperation with major governments and central banks abroad. The program featured a further tightening of monetary policy, including a 1-percentage-point in- Foreign Exchange 2. Foreign exchange operations: Summary, July 31-October 31, 1978 Millions of dollars equivalent; data are on a transaction-date basis. Type of transaction Reciprocal currency arrangements Commitments outstanding, July 31, 1978 Drawings or repayments ( - ) Aug. 1-Oct. 31, 1978 Commitments outstanding, Oct. 31, 1978 U.S. Treasury swap arrangement Commitments outstanding, July 31, 1978 Drawings or repayments ( - ) , Aug. 1-Oct. 31, 1978 Commitments outstanding, Oct. 31, 1978 Transactions with German Federal Bank r1,157.5 1 -551.9 1,256.1 197.0 796.9 343.5 650.4 Transactions with Swiss National Bank Reciprocal currency arrangements Commitments outstanding, July 31, 1978 Drawings or repayments ( - ) , Aug. 1-Oct. 31, 1978 Commitments outstanding, Oct. 31, 1978 Special swap arrangement Commitments outstanding, July 31, 1978 Repayments, Aug. 1-Oct. 31, 1978 Commitments outstanding, Oct. 31, 1978 U.S. Treasury securities (foreign currency series) Commitments outstanding, July 31, 1978 Issues or redemptions ( - ) Aug. 1-Oct. 31, 1978 Commitments outstanding, Oct. 31, 1978 22.9 294.2 317.0 278.8 -91.9 186.9 850.4 -137.5 712.9 crease in the Federal Reserve discount rate to an historic high of 9Vi per cent and a $30 billion package of foreign currency resources to finance U.S. participation in coordinated intervention in the exchange markets. For the Federal Reserve, this comprised a $ 7 . 6 billion increase in the swap network through increases in the swap arrangements with the German Federal Bank by $2 billion to $6 billion, with the Bank of Japan by $3 billion to $5 billion, and with the Swiss National Bank by $ 2 . 6 billion to $4 billion. The Federal Reserve also announced the activation of the swap arrangement with the Bank of Japan. For its part, the Treasury announced that it would draw $3 billion from the U.S. reserve position with the International Monetary Fund and sell $2 billion equivalent of special drawing rights to mobilize balances of German marks, Japanese yen, and Swiss francs. The Treasury also announced that it would issue foreign currency-denominated securities up to $10 billion. Operations 941 The Desk followed up the announcements with active intervention in the New York market in German marks, Swiss francs, and Japanese yen. These operations were fully coordinated with intervention by other central banks in their own markets and in N e w York for their own account. The dollar rebounded sharply, and there were similar favorable responses in U . S . financial markets generally. Over the next days the central banks occasionally found it necessary to respond forcefully. Gradually, however, the market came into better balance, with good two-way trading at levels well above the lateOctober lows. The technical conditions alone favored a firm dollar, as the covering of previous short positions and unwinding of commercial leads and lags began to bolster the demand for dollars. But the central banks remained prepared to intervene quickly and in size whenever renewed selling pressure on the dollar threatened to erupt. By November 30, the dollar had advanced 11% per cent against the German mark, \5l/2 per cent against the Swiss franc, and IW2 per cent against the Japanese yen. As indicated, in intervention operations during the August-October period, the Desk of the Federal Reserve Bank of N e w York sold German marks and Swiss francs on behalf of the U.S. authorities. Of the $ 2 , 2 0 4 . 4 million equivalent sales of German marks, $ 1 , 3 1 8 . 4 million was for the account of the Federal Reserve and $ 8 8 6 . 0 million for the Treasury. Of the Federal Reserve's sales, $ 1 , 1 5 7 . 5 million equivalent was financed by drawings under the swap line with the German Federal Bank. The rest was financed by balances acquired from correspondents. However, the Federal Reserve was able to liquidate a total of $551.9 million of swap debt in marks from other acquisitions of marks from correspondents during the 3month period. Consequently, net drawings by the System in marks for the period amounted to $605.6 equivalent, raising the total to $1 256.1 million equivalent by October 31. Similarly, the Treasury financed $796.9 million of its intervention in marks by drawings on its swap arrangement with the German Federal Bank, with the rest coming from balances. The Treasury's repayment of previous swap 942 Federal R e s e r v e Bulletin • D e c e m b e r 1978 debt amounted to $343.5 million equivalent during the 3-month period. Total debt under the Treasury's swap line rose by a net of $ 4 5 3 . 4 million equivalent to $ 6 5 0 . 4 million equivalent at the end of October. In Swiss francs, the Federal Reserve sales of $294.2 million equivalent were financed by further drawings on the swap arrangement with the Swiss National Bank. The System's swap debt for current operations in Swiss francs rose from $22.9 million of francs in early August to $ 3 1 7 . 0 million equivalent on October 31. In addition, the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury continued with the program agreed to in October 1976 for an orderly repayment of pre-August 1971 Swiss franc-denominated liabilities still outstanding with the Swiss National Bank. The Federal Reserve liquidated $91.9 million equivalent of special swap debt with the Swiss central bank, leaving $186.9 million equivalent of indebtedness still outstanding as of October 31. These repayments were financed with francs purchased directly from the Swiss National Bank mainly against dollars but also against marks. The Treasury used Swiss francs purchased directly from the Swiss central bank to repay $137.5 million equivalent of franc- 3. Net profits and losses (-) on U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve foreign exchange operations, August 1 through October 31, 1978 Millions of dollars Institution Federal Reserve Exchange Stabilization Fund Current operations Liquidations of foreign currency debts outstanding as of Aug. 15, 1978 -15.3 -92.8 -3.2 -129.7 denominated securities, leaving $712.9 million equivalent of these obligations still outstanding as of October 31. In view of the dollar's depreciation, repayments of earlier obligations in German marks and Swiss francs led to realized net losses for the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury in operations during the August-October period. For the Federal Reserve, these losses amounted to $15.3 million on current operations and $92.8 million on liquidations of the longer-term Swiss franc indebtedness. For the Treasury, the realized net losses amounted to $3.2 million on current operations and $129.7 million on liquidation of the longer-term Swiss franc indebtedness. • 943 Statement to Congress Statement by G. William Miller, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, before the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress, December 15, 1978. Mr. Chairman, members of this committee, thank you for the opportunity to participate in this important dialogue. At present, the economy is at a critical juncture. Economic growth has continued at a moderate pace, but the rate of inflation is unacceptably high and poses an ever-growing threat to our social and economic structure. While the challenge for public policy is clearly formidable, these problems are not insurmountable. The Federal Reserve, for its part, is continuing to pursue a monetary policy that aims at a reduction of inflationary pressures while encouraging continued economic growth and high levels of employment. The rise in economic activity has been both vigorous and generally well balanced since the present expansion began in early 1975. The sharp swings in inventories and production that have ended previous cyclical upswings have been avoided. Growth in the latter part of this year—well into the fourth year of expansion— has moderated, but this represents a desirable adjustment in the pace of activity, given the intensification of inflationary pressures, the rise in capacity use, and the decline in unemployment that has occurred over the expansion period. The persistence and recent intensification of high inflation has been the most serious problem in the present expansion. Consumer price increases generally remained in the 6V2 per cent range over the 1975-77 period, but these prices have risen at a 9V2 per cent pace thus far this year. Some of this acceleration can be attributed to weather-related disturbances and to unexpected developments in the farm sector. Labor cost pressures also have played an important role as wage gains have moved up to about 8Vi per cent during a period when growth in productivity has slowed to a virtual standstill. At the same time, Government-mandated increases in the minimum wage and in payments for social security and unemployment insurance have added a further premium to labor compensation. Finally, the cumulative depreciation of the dollar's foreign exchange value has had an adverse impact on domestic prices that has yet to run its course. Looking ahead, there is a threat that wage demands could be further escalated, especially with a heavy collective bargaining calendar for 1979 in an environment where inflationary expectations are intense. Cost pressures are also likely to be further exacerbated by another round of legislated increases in payroll taxes and the minimum wage. However, the Government's over-all anti-inflation program holds out the real hope that inflationary pressures can be contained and that the groundwork can be laid for gradual attainment of price stability. The success of the program requires cooperation, perseverance, and patience from all groups of our society. An important new ingredient of the program is the quantitative standards. If adhered to, these standards could very well help unwind the intractable spiral of wages and prices. But it is particularly important that the program recognize that Government actions can, in themselves, be important sources of inflation; consequently, fiscal restraint and regulatory reform are essential components of this comprehensive set of proposals. Inflation in the United States not only has eroded the value of the dollar domestically but has also been associated with a decline in its international value. The drop in the exchange value of the dollar, in turn, adversely affected the domestic price level. It raised the cost of imported goods and also resulted in a further 944 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 ratcheting up of domestic prices for those goods competing with imports. While the dramatic drop of late October underscored the problem of deteriorating international confidence in the value of the dollar, the period of decline in this current episode dates back to late September 1977. From that date to its low in late October of this year, the dollar's exchange value declined 21 per cent on a weighted-average basis against the currencies of the Group of Ten countries and Switzerland. Against some individual currencies, of course, the decline was even greater, amounting to 26 per cent against the German mark, 34 per cent against the Japanese yen, and 38 per cent against the Swiss franc. Since important external imbalances between the United States and major foreign countries have existed for several years—most notably differential growth and, more recently, disparate inflationary trends—some depreciation of the dollar could be viewed as a necessary correction. However, by midsummer it was clear that the dollar's decline was continuing in trading that was increasingly disorderly. Consequently, in August the Federal Reserve announced a halfpoint increase in the discount rate and an elimination of reserve requirements on Euro-dollar borrowings. At the same time, the Treasury indicated that it would increase and extend its regular monthly gold auctions. These measures, which produced a brief rally and then a few weeks of stability for the dollar, were followed by another rise in the discount rate, of 3A of a percentage point, between midSeptember and mid-October. But the dollar's slide soon resumed, and it dropped alarmingly to a level well below that warranted by basic economic considerations. As a result, the severity of this latest decline threatened to undercut the anti-inflation program at home and lead to an even greater erosion of confidence abroad. Under these circumstances, more forceful action was clearly necessary. Accordingly, on November 1 the Federal Reserve increased the discount rate 1 percentage point and imposed a supplementary reserve requirement of 2 per cent on large time deposits. In addition, the Federal Open Market Committee voted to take further actions to tighten conditions in the money market and thereby to resist excessive expansion of money and credit. Furthermore, in order to provide a substantial increase in foreign exchange available to finance exchange market intervention, swap lines were increased with the central banks of Germany, Japan, and Switzerland by a total of $7.6 billion. The U.S. Treasury simultaneously announced its intention to draw a portion of the U.S. reserve position in the International Monetary Fund, to sell special drawing rights, and to issue foreign currency-denominated securities. Over all, $30 billion in key foreign currencies was mobilized by the United States for forceful, coordinated intervention to support the dollar in foreign exchange markets. In addition, the Treasury announced a further step-up in its rate of gold sales. The objective of this coordinated set of measures was to correct the excessive depreciation of the dollar as part of the governmental effort to reduce upward pressures on domestic prices and to restore confidence at home and abroad. When viewed in its entirety, the policy initiatives of the administration and the Federal Reserve provide a clear message that U.S. economic policy is one that recognizes fully the need for an integrated approach in dealing with foreign and domestic economic problems. The measures taken on November 1 produced a dramatic jump in the dollar's exchange value. On that day alone the dollar advanced by 5 per cent on a weighted-average basis and by about the same amount against the mark, yen, and Swiss franc. Substantial cooperative central bank intervention over the following few weeks provided support for the dollar as market participants tested the authorities' resolve. The strength of the dollar generally has been sustained as the market appears to have adjusted to a more favorable outlook generated by the recent policy measures. To date, the observable repercussions in domestic capital markets also have been generally favorable. In the stock market, most composite share-price measures are up from the November Statement to Congress 1 announcement date following relatively sharp declines in the preceding 2 weeks. Short-term interest rates have moved as much as 1 percentage point higher since the announcement; however, over this same period interest rates for longer-term maturities have been essentially unchanged. The comparative stability of most long-term bond rates, as well as the improvement in the dollar's exchange value, is most encouraging and suggests that we may be beginning to reduce inflationary expectations. A downward adjustment of price expectations is an essential condition to slow the treadmill of inflation, and monetary policy has an important role to play in this regard. However, at the same time, the Federal Reserve will continue to encourage a moderate expansion of over-all activity, thus also facilitating the achievement of the Nation's longer-run goals of growth and full employment. Moreover, as I have emphasized before, monetary policy should not be expected to shoulder the burden alone, and to be effective, it must also be accompanied by prudent restraint of fiscal policy. Since April, credit conditions have become progressively tauter as Federal Reserve policies have allowed market rates to rise appreciably in order to help restrain expansion in money and credit. Yields on most short-term market instruments, such as Federal funds and commercial paper, have risen more than 3 percentage points during this period, while interest rates at the longer end of the maturity spectrum generally have risen by less than a percentage point. Experience over recent years has taught us, however, that in an inflationary environment, expectational considerations tend to buffer the impact of high interest rates on spending. Expectations of rising prices of real assets may induce borrowers to incur high interest costs, as is illustrated by the sustained pace of activity in the housing market thus far this year. Indeed, real interest rates—or observed rates adjusted to take account of inflation—appear to be generally lower than in prior periods, especially if taxes are taken into consideration. Not only have expectations of borrowers and 945 lenders changed in the course of the current expansion but also monetary institutions have been given additional flexibility to compete for funds. This has helped smooth adjustments of credit markets to developing tightness and, as a result, has helped avoid the repetition of 4 'credit crunch" episodes such as in 1969 and 1973-74. The new 6-month money market certificates, introduced half a year ago, have buttressed deposit growth at mortgage lending institutions when prevailing market interest rates might otherwise have produced disintermediation. Consequently, total housing starts have remained at a very high rate—2 million units— during the first three quarters of this year. Building activity may soon begin to decline, but the drop-off next year should be relatively moderate, making it unlikely that the economy will be thrown into a recession by a sharp housing cycle. Furthermore, signs generally remain on the positive side for consumer spending, as real consumption outlays currently are rising at about the pace of over-all demands. Nonetheless, this represents a marked slowdown from the rate of expansion earlier in the current upswing. Near-term growth in consumer spending probably will be somewhat restrained by high debt repayment burdens as well as by efforts to boost personal savings rates back to more normal levels. In the business sector, capital spending activity continues to be characterized by substantial momentum as equipment orders have moved up briskly in recent months and construction contracts have been maintained at a high level. However, the early surveys of 1979 investment plans suggest that businessmen maintain a lingering caution about embarking on major expansion programs. These surveys—largely taken before the November 1 measures—undoubtedly reflected the uncertainty associated with an economy plagued by high inflation. On balance, private demands appear healthy at present, but a further moderation of growth is likely over the year ahead. In this environment the Federal Reserve will continue to strive for a gradual deceleration of monetary and credit 946 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 expansion in an effort to facilitate an easing of inflationary pressures. We believe that the actions taken in late October and early November will prove to be instrumental in the restoration of both domestic price stability and orderly conditions in foreign exchange markets. At the same time, you can be assured that recent measures in the international area were designed to reinforce and not to sacrifice the achievement of longer-term domestic aims. • 947 Record of Policy Actions of the Federal Open Market Committee MEETING HELD ON OCTOBER 17, 1978 1. D o m e s t i c P o l i c y D i r e c t i v e The information reviewed at this meeting suggested that output of goods and services had expanded moderately in the third quarter, but that the rate of growth appeared to be somewhat below the average annual rate of about 4% per cent estimated by the Commerce Department for the first two quarters of the year. The rise in average prices—as measured by the fixed-weight price index for gross domestic business product—was rapid in the third quarter, although it was well below the annual rate of about 12 per cent in the second quarter. Staff projections for the year ending in the third quarter of 1979 were little changed from those of a month earlier. They continued to suggest that output of goods and services would grow somewhat more slowly than over the first three quarters of 1978. The rate of inflation was expected to remain rapid, although also moderating a bit from its pace thus far in 1978. The unemployment rate was projected to change little from its September level. In September the index of industrial production increased an estimated 0 . 5 per cent, close to the average rate of expansion in the preceding 4 months. Nonfarm payroll employment changed little in September following relatively small increases in July and August. In manufacturing, employment was essentially unchanged in September and the average workweek held steady at an advanced level. The unemployment rate edged up from 5 . 9 to 6 . 0 per cent, the rate prevailing on the average since the first quarter of the year. Total private housing starts declined slightly in August, but they remained above an annual rate of 2 million units. Sales of new houses fell for the third consecutive month; however, a surge in sales of existing dwellings raised total sales of single-family homes to a new high. The dollar value of total retail sales was estimated to have increased considerably in September following the large rise now 948 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 indicated for August. For the third quarter as a whole, however, the advance in retail sales was substantially below the exceptional gain in the second quarter. Unit sales of new automobiles fell in September to an annual rate well below the average pace since early spring. Newly revised data suggested that the index of average hourly earnings of private nonfarm production workers had risen at an annual rate of 7.9 per cent through September 1978 compared with an increase of 7.4 per cent for 1977 as a whole. In August, as in July, the consumer price index rose more moderately than in most earlier months of the year, as prices of some foods declined substantially. In September, however, producer prices of food products turned up sharply and contributed to a marked rise in prices of producer finished goods. Announcement of a new Government program aimed at moderating increases in prices and wages was expected to be made shortly after this meeting. The trade-weighted value of the dollar against major foreign currencies fell substantially from mid-September to mid-October in frequently volatile exchange markets. The U.S. trade deficit declined sharply in August, reversing the pronounced increase in July; for the 2 months the deficit was close to the rate for the second quarter and well below the high rate for the first quarter. The expansion in total credit at U.S. commercial banks, which had slowed in August, accelerated in September nearly to the pace experienced on the average in earlier months of the year. Bank investments and security loans rose in September after having declined in August, while growth in real estate and business loans moderated only slightly from the rapid rates recorded in other recent months. Outstanding commercial paper of nonfinancial businesses rose somewhat in September following a small decline in August. Growth in the narrowly defined money supply ( M - l ) accelerated further in September to an annual rate of about 14 per cent from 8.5 per cent in August. However, data for early October suggested a sharply reduced growth rate in the current month. Inflows of the interest-bearing deposits included in M-2 and M-3 remained strong in September, and growth in the broader monetary aggregates also accelerated somewhat. At its meeting on September 19 the Committee had decided on ranges of tolerance for the annual rates of growth in M - l and M-2 Record of Policy Actions of FOMC during the September-October period of 5 to 9 per cent and 6V2 to IOV2 per cent, respectively. The Committee had agreed that early in the coming inter-meeting period operations should be directed toward a Federal funds rate of around 8V2 per cent, slightly above the prevailing level of about 83/s per cent. Subsequently, if the 2-month growth rates of M-1 and M-2 appeared to be significantly above or below the midpoints of the indicated ranges, the objective for the funds rate was to be raised or lowered in an orderly fashion within a range of 8V4 to 8 3 A per cent. Following the September 19 meeting the Manager of the System Open Market Account began to seek bank reserve conditions consistent with an increase in the weekly-average Federal funds rate to around 8I/2 per cent. As September progressed, incoming data suggested that growth in M - l would be around the upper limit of the range specified by the Committee and that growth in M-2 would be in the upper portion of its range. Accordingly, the Manager sought reserve conditions consistent with further increases in the Federal funds rate, and by late September the rate was around 8% per cent, the upper limit of the inter-meeting range specified by the Committee. During the first half of October the objective for the funds rate remained 8% per cent, although on many days the rate was above or below that level for technical reasons. A considerable rise in interest rates on most short-term market instruments was associated with the increase in the Federal funds rate during the inter-meeting period. Yields on Treasury and corporate bonds also moved somewhat higher, but they remained below their July peaks. Yields on State and local government bonds changed little, reflecting in part a markedly reduced volume of new issues. In late September commercial banks increased the rate on loans to prime business borrowers from 9V2 to 93A per cent; in mid-October this rate was raised further to 10 per cent. The Board of Governors announced an increase in Federal Reserve Bank discount rates from 13A to 8 per cent on September 22 and a further increase to 8I/2 per cent on October 13. Both actions were taken primarily to bring the discount rate into closer alignment with other short-term interest rates, but also in recognition of conditions affecting the dollar in foreign exchange markets. The Board indicated in addition that the increase of V2 percentage point in mid-October was approved in light of the continued high 949 950 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 rate of inflation and the recent rapid expansion of the monetary aggregates. In the Committee's discussion of the economic situation and outlook, the members generally agreed that real output of goods and services was likely to grow moderately over the year ending in the third quarter of 1979, at a rate about or a little below that projected by the staff. Given their expectations for output, the members anticipated that over the period the unemployment rate would change little from its recent level or would increase somewhat. All members expected that average prices of goods and services would continue to rise rapidly. Despite the general agreement that real output was likely to grow moderately over the next four quarters, some members cited elements in the current situation that could contribute to a downturn in activity before the end of the period. It was pointed out, for example, that the current business expansion—now well into its fourth year—had lasted for a long time by historical standards and that the dynamics of business fluctuations suggested that a downturn might well develop sometime within the coming year. Also, business-cycle history provided little encouragement for the expectation that growth in output could gradually be slowed to a pace more or less consistent with its long-run potential and with relative stability in the unemployment rate. Moreover, rapid inflation was viewed as a serious threat to the sustainability of the expansion in output, although buying of goods might be buoyed for a time by anticipation of further price increases. At the same time, attention was drawn to favorable elements in the economic situation. Specifically, housing starts and residential construction had been maintained at higher levels than had been expected earlier, and the outlook for business fixed investment seemed to have strengthened lately. Altogether, final sales apparently had picked up in recent months while growth in output had moderated, tending to improve prospects for activity in the months immediately ahead. Finally, there were grounds for believing that improvement in the net export position would lend strength to domestic output. At this meeting the Committee reviewed its 12-month ranges for growth in the monetary aggregates. At its meeting in July 1978 the Committee had specified the following ranges for the period Record of Policy Actions of FOMC from the second quarter of 1978 to the second quarter of 1979: M - l , 4 to 6V2 per cent; M-2, 6V2 to 9 per cent; and M-3, I V 2 to 10 per cent. The associated range for growth in commercial bank credit was 8V2 to I I V 2 per cent. The ranges being considered at this meeting were for the period from the third quarter of 1978 to the third quarter of 1979. In contemplating ranges for growth of the monetary aggregates over the year ahead, the Committee faced unusual uncertainties. First, commercial banks were authorized to introduce an automatic transfer service (ATS) on November 1, although there was a chance that introduction would be stayed by court action; and in the closing days of the session of the Congress just ended, Federally chartered depositary institutions in New York State were authorized to offer NOW accounts. ATS would provide for automatic shifts of funds from interest-earning savings accounts to demand accounts, and thus would enable customers to hold much lower balances in demand accounts. This service, therefore, seemed likely to alter substantially the relationship between growth of M - l and growth of nominal GNP. Second, no authoritative information was yet available on the President's new program to moderate increases in wages and prices, which was expected to be announced shortly after this meeting. In the Committee's discussion of longer-run ranges, the point was stressed that the program would have its greatest potential for moderating inflationary expectations if it were perceived by the public as an additional measure in the campaign against inflation and not as a substitute for fiscal and monetary restraint. With respect to ATS, a staff analysis had suggested that during a transition period a significant shift in funds from demand deposits to savings deposits at commercial banks was almost sure to occur, but its size was uncertain. Therefore, the rate of growth of M - l over the year ahead was likely to be lower than otherwise, but the amount of the reduction could be within a fairly wide range. Growth of M-2, on the other hand, might be raised marginally, reflecting minor shifts of deposits from nonbank thrift institutions to savings accounts at commercial banks. It appeared unlikely that growth of M-3 would be noticeably affected. A new measure of money, designated M - l + , had been developed by the staff to provide background information with regard to the 951 952 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 behavior of money, particularly the transactions demand for money, during the transition period. Growth of this aggregate—defined as M-1 plus savings deposits at commercial banks, NOW accounts at nonbank thrift institutions, and demand deposits at mutual savings banks—would not be affected by shifts from demand deposits to savings deposits at commercial banks. Members of the Committee suggested different approaches to take account of the uncertainties noted above in setting the longerrun ranges for the aggregates. One proposal was to adopt ranges for M - l , M-2, and M-3 as before, in the expectation that introduction of ATS would have little effect on growth of the aggregates in the few months before the Committee would again consider its longer-run ranges. Under this approach, a supplementary range for growth in M - l adjusted for estimated effects of ATS and a range for growth in M - 1 + might be indicated as "memorandum items" for monitoring purposes. Another proposal was to drop M - l from the list of aggregates, adopting longer-run ranges only for M-2 and M-3 at this time. It was suggested, along with this proposal, that additional work on the concepts and measurement of money be undertaken with a view to adopting new measures when the Committee next considered its longer-run ranges. Additional proposals involved retaining M - l and adopting ranges for M - l , M-2, and M-3 as before, with specific adjustments to take account of the special uncertainties. One proposal was to adjust downward both the upper and the lower limits of the range for M - l by an estimate of the probable effects of ATS. Another was to widen the range for M - l , chiefly by reducing the lower limit. A third was to couple such a widening of the range for M - l with notation of a supplementary range for M-l4- to aid in evaluating the behavior of both M - l and M-2. At the conclusion of the discussion, the Committee decided that the existing ranges for M-2 and M-3 provided for rates of monetary growth over the year ahead that were consistent with a moderation of inflation under the President's program. Thus, the Committee adopted ranges of 6V2 to 9 per cent for M-2 and IV2 to 10 per cent for M-3 for the period from the third quarter of 1978 to the third quarter of 1979. The Committee also indicated that it expected growth of M - l to be within a range of 2 to 6 per cent over that Record of Policy Actions of FOMC period. That range was both lower and wider than the range of 4 to 6V2 per cent that had been adopted in July, in recognition of the uncertainty concerning the size and speed of the expected shift of deposits from demand to savings accounts resulting from the introduction of A T S . The associated range for commercial bank credit was 8V2 to I I V 2 per cent. The Committee also decided that growth of M - 1 + within a range of 5 to I V 2 per cent appeared to be generally consistent with the ranges of growth for the other monetary aggregates. The Committee adopted the following ranges for rates of growth in monetary aggregates for the period from the third quarter of 1978 to the third quarter of 1979: M-2, 6V2 to 9 per cent; M-3, IVi to 10 per cent. M - l was expected to grow within a range of 2 to 6 per cent over the period, depending in part on the speed and extent of transfers from demand to savings deposits resulting from the introduction of ATS. The associated range for bank credit is SV2 to I I V 2 per cent. Growth of M - 1 + (M-l plus savings deposits at commercial banks and NOW accounts) in a range of 5 to IV2 per cent was thought to be generally consistent with the ranges for the foregoing aggregates. Votes for this action: Messrs. Miller, Volcker, Baughman, Coldwell, Eastburn, Jackson, Partee, and Mrs. Teeters. Votes against this action: Messrs. Wallich, Willes, and Winn. Absent and not voting: Mr. Gardner. Messrs. Wallich, Willes, and Winn dissented from this action because, with the Committee's longstanding objective of slowing the rate of inflation in mind, they preferred to specify an upper limit of less than 6 per cent for the rate of growth of M - l , adjusted for the estimated effects of A T S . In their v i e w , the upper limit of 6 per cent, adjusted for A T S , represented an unwarranted increase from the 6V2 per cent upper limit of the existing (pre-ATS) range. In the discussion of policy for the period immediately ahead, members of the Committee noted that the uncertainties associated with introduction of A T S would affect growth of the monetary aggregates in the O c t o b e r - N o v e m b e r period—the 2-month period for which growth ranges were being considered—in much the same way as they would growth over the year ahead. Specifically, growth 953 954 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 of M - l over the 2-month period might well be less than otherwise by a significant but undetermined amount, and growth of M-2 might be marginally greater. As in the case of the longer-run ranges, various proposals were advanced for taking account of the unusual uncertainties. In general, these proposals involved placing less emphasis on the behavior of M - l as a guide to operations in the inter-meeting period and more on the behavior of M-2, rather than the approximately equal weight that typically had been given to the two aggregates. One proposal was to drop M - l altogether as an operating guide. Another was to give primary emphasis to M-2 and to specify only an upper limit for M - l rather than a range, reflecting a judgment that rapid growth in M - l would have significance for policy while slow growth might represent chiefly transfers from demand to savings accounts because of the introduction of ATS. A third proposal was to widen the range for M - l , while indicating a range for M-1 + as an aid in evaluating the behavior of the other monetary aggregates. At the same time, most members of the Committee favored giving greater weight than usual to money market conditions in the conduct of operations in the period until the next meeting of the Committee. In the discussion, concern was expressed about recent rates of monetary growth, and most members believed that some additional firming in money market conditions in the period immediately ahead was needed to help assure a slowing in growth over the months ahead. They favored directing open market operations toward an increase in the Federal funds rate to about 9 per cent shortly after this meeting, with an inter-meeting range of 8% per cent to either 9V4 or 9V2 per cent. Other members believed that for the time being operations should be directed toward maintaining the money market conditions currently prevailing, as represented by a Federal funds rate of about 8% per cent, because they felt that such a pause was needed to evaluate the lagged impact of the substantial increases in interest rates over recent months. These members suggested an inter-meeting range of 8% to 9 per cent. With respect to the monetary aggregates, a number of members proposed a range of Vi to 6V2 per cent for the annual rate of growth in M - l over the October-November period. Those members who Record of Policy Actions of FOMC preferred to specify only an upper limit, rather than a range, for growth in M - l over the 2-month period suggested limits of 5, 6, and 7 per cent. For M - 2 , a range of 5 x h to 9 l h per cent was proposed by the largest number of members; one slightly higher and one slightly lower were also suggested. At the conclusion of the discussion the Committee agreed to instruct the Manager to seek a Federal funds rate of around 9 per cent early in the period before the next regular meeting and subsequently to maintain the rate within a range of 83A to 9 l A per cent. With regard to the specific objective for the Federal funds rate within that range, the Committee instructed the Manager to be guided mainly by a range of tolerance for the annual rate of growth in M - 2 over the O c t o b e r - N o v e m b e r period of 5lh to 9lh per cent, provided that the rate of growth in M - l over that period did not e x c e e d 6V2 per cent. The f o l l o w i n g domestic policy directive was issued to the Federal Reserve Bank of N e w York: The information reviewed at this meeting suggests that real output of goods and services grew moderately in the third quarter, although the pace was somewhat below the average for the first two quarters of the year. In September, as in August, the dollar value of total retail sales rose considerably. Industrial production continued to expand while nonfarm payroll employment changed little. The unemployment rate edged up from 5.9 to 6.0 per cent. Average producer prices of finished goods rose substantially in September, as prices of foods increased sharply after having declined for 2 months. The advance in the index of average hourly earnings has been somewhat faster so far in 1978 than it was on the average during 1977. The trade-weighted value of the dollar against major foreign currencies has declined further since mid-September in frequently volatile exchange markets. The U.S. trade deficit fell sharply in August, reversing the jump recorded in July; for the 2 months the deficit was close to the rate for the second quarter. Growth in M - l , which had been rapid in August, accelerated in September. Inflows of the interest-bearing deposits included in M-2 and M-3 remained strong, and expansion in the broader aggregates also accelerated somewhat. Short-term market interest rates have risen further in recent weeks; long-term rates also have increased, but they remain below their July peaks. An increase in 955 956 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 Federal Reserve discount rates from 73A to 8 per cent was announced on September 22; another increase to 8^2 per cent was announced on October 13. In light of the foregoing developments, it is the policy of the Federal Open Market Committee to foster monetary and financial conditions that will resist inflationary pressures while encouraging continued moderate economic expansion and contributing to a sustainable pattern of international transactions. In setting ranges for the monetary aggregates, the Committee recognized the uncertainties concerning the effects that the November 1 introduction of the automatic transfer service (ATS) would have on measures of the money supply, especially M - l . Against that background, the Committee agreed that appropriate monetary and financial conditions would be furthered by growth of M-2 and M-3 from the third quarter of 1978 to the third quarter of 1979 within ranges of 6V2 to 9 per cent and I V 2 to 10 per cent, respectively. The narrowly defined money supply ( M - l ) was expected to grow within a range of 2 to 6 per cent over the period, depending in part on the speed and extent of transfers from demand to savings deposits resulting from the introduction of ATS. The associated range for bank credit is 8V2 to 1 1 p e r cent. Growth of M - 1 + (M-l plus savings deposits at commercial banks and N O W accounts) in a range of 5 to I V 2 per cent was thought to be generally consistent with the ranges of growth for the foregoing aggregates. These ranges are subject to reconsideration at any time as conditions warrant. In the short run, the Committee seeks to achieve bank reserve and money market conditions that are broadly consistent with the longer-run ranges for monetary aggregates cited above, while giving due regard to developing conditions in domestic and international financial markets more generally and to uncertainties associated with the introduction of ATS. Early in the period before the next regular meeting, System open market operations shall be directed at attaining a weekly-average Federal funds rate slightly above the current level. Subsequently, operations shall be directed at maintaining the weekly-average Federal funds rate within the range of 8 3 A to 9 l A per cent. In deciding on the specific objective for the Federal funds rate the Manager shall be guided mainly by a range of tolerance for growth in M-2 over the October-November period of 5 V2 to 9V2 per cent, provided that growth of M - l over that period does not exceed an annual rate of 6V2 per cent. Votes for this action: Messrs. Miller, Volcker, Baughman, Coldwell, Eastburn, Jackson, Partee, Record of Policy Actions of FOMC Wallich, and Winn. Votes against this action: Mrs. Teeters and Mr. Willes. Absent and not voting: Mr. Gardner. Mrs. Teeters dissented from this action because she believed that for the time being operations should be directed toward maintaining the money market conditions currently prevailing. In her v i e w , the Committee should wait to evaluate the effects of the substantial increases in interest rates over recent months before contemplating additional firming in m o n e y market conditions. Mr. Willes dissented from this action because he believed that it allowed for unacceptably rapid monetary growth. He preferred an upper limit of 5 per cent for growth of M - l over the Octob e r - N o v e m b e r period; with respect to the Federal funds rate, he favored raising the objective to 9 lA per cent during the inter-meeting period, barring unforeseen weakness in monetary growth, and providing l e e w a y to raise the objective to 9l/2 per cent if the monetary aggregates appeared to be growing more rapidly than expected. Subsequent to the meeting, on October 3 1 , the Committee voted to approve a delegation of authority to Chairman Miller to take certain actions in implementation of a broad Government program to strengthen the dollar in foreign exchange markets and thereby to counter continuing domestic inflationary pressures, if he determined that the arrangements with the U . S . Treasury and with certain foreign monetary authorities were substantially as contemplated in a consultation among the members of the Committee on the preceding day. Early on the morning of November 1 the Treasury and the Federal Reserve announced measures being taken to implement such a program. Specifically, the Board of Governors approved (1) an increase of 1 percentage point, from 8*/2 to 9Vi per cent, in the discount rate at the Federal Reserve Bank of N e w York, effective immediately, and (2) establishment of a supplementary reserve requirement, in addition to the existing reserve requirements on deposits at member banks, equal to 2 per cent of time deposits in denominations of $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 or more. At the same time the System announced increases in its reciprocal currency (swap) arrangements with the central banks of Germany, Japan, and Switzerland by a total of $ 7 . 6 billion, to $15 billion, and activation of the swap 957 958 Federal R e s e r v e Bulletin • D e c e m b e r 1978 arrangement with the Bank of Japan. It further stated that the foreign currencies available under the expanded arrangements would be used along with foreign currencies available to the Treasury in a program of forceful intervention in the exchange markets in coordination with foreign central banks to correct recent e x c e s s i v e m o v e m e n t s in exchange rates. In a joint Treasury-Federal Reserve statement, other measures to mobilize key foreign currencies were announced. They included drawings on the U . S . reserve tranche in the International Monetary Fund, for part of which activation of the General Arrangements to Borrow was contemplated; sales of special drawing rights; and issuance of U . S . Treasury securities denominated in foreign currencies. It was also announced that the Treasury would increase its sales of gold to at least IV2 million ounces monthly beginning in December. A s part of this program, on October 31 the Federal Open Market Committee voted to approve a delegation of authority to Chairman Miller to m o d i f y the domestic policy directive by raising the range for the Federal funds rate to 916 to 93A per cent and by instructing the Manager, in deciding on the specific objective for the rate within that range, to be guided by developing conditions in domestic and international financial markets. The Chairman approved the modification of the directive on N o v e m b e r 1, effective on that date. Votes for this action: Messrs. Miller, Volcker, Baughman, Coldwell, Eastburn, Partee, Mrs. Teeters, Messrs. Wallich, Willes, and Winn. Votes against this action: None. Absent and not voting: Messrs. Gardner and Jackson. 2. Authorization for Foreign Currency Operations On October 31 the Committee also voted to approve a delegation of authority to Chairman Miller to negotiate increases in the S y s t e m ' s swap arrangements with the German Federal Bank, the Bank of Japan, and the S w i s s National Bank. In addition, the Committee voted to approve a concurrent amendment to paragraph 2 of the authorization for foreign currency operations to raise correspondingly the amounts specified there for the swap arrangements with those central banks. Record of Policy Actions of FOMC On N o v e m b e r 1 the Chairman approved increases of $ 2 billion, $3 billion, and $ 2 . 6 billion in the System's swap arrangements with the German Federal Bank, the Bank of Japan, and the Swiss National Bank, respectively. Accordingly paragraph 2 of the authorization was amended, effective on that date, to read as f o l l o w s : The Federal Open Market Committee directs the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to maintain reciprocal currency arrangements ( " s w a p " arrangements) for the System Open Market Account for periods up to a maximum of 12 months with the following foreign banks, which are among those designated by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System under Section 214.5 of Regulation N, Relations with Foreign Banks and Bankers, and with the approval of the Committee to renew such arrangements on maturity: Foreign bank Amount of arrangement (millions of dollars equivalent) Austrian National Bank 250 National Bank of Belgium 1,000 Bank of Canada 2,000 National Bank of Denmark 250 Bank of England 3,000 Bank of France 2,000 German Federal Bank 6,000 Bank of Italy 3,000 Bank of Japan 5,000 Bank of Mexico 360 Netherlands Bank 500 Bank of Norway 250 Bank of Sweden 300 Swiss National Bank 4,000 Bank for International Settlements: 600 Dollars against Swiss francs Dollars against authorized European 1,250 currencies other than Swiss francs Votes for this action: Messrs. Miller, Volcker, Baughman, Cold well, Eastburn, Partee, Mrs. Teeters, Messrs. Wallich, Willes, and Winn. Votes against this action: None. Absent and not voting: Messrs. Gardner and Jackson. Paragraph I D of the Committee's authorization for foreign currency operations authorizes the Federal Reserve Bank of N e w York, for the System Open Market Account, to maintain an over-all open position in all foreign currencies not to e x c e e d $ 1 . 0 billion, unless 959 960 Federal Reserve Bulletin • D e c e m b e r 1978 a larger position is expressly authorized by the Committee. On June 20, 1978, the Committee had authorized an over-all open position of $ 1 . 5 billion. On October 2 7 , 1978, the Committee authorized an increase in this limit to $ 2 billion in view of the scale of recent and potential Federal Reserve operations in the foreign exchange markets undertaken pursuant to the Committee's foreign currency directive. Votes for this action: Messrs. Miller, Volcker, Baughman, Coldwell, Eastburn, Partee, Mrs. Teeters, Messrs. Wallich, Willes, and Winn. Votes against this action: None. Absent and not voting: Messrs. Gardner and Jackson. On October 31 the Committee voted to approve a delegation of authority to Chairman Miller to authorize an open position of $5 billion. On November 1 the Chairman authorized an open position of that amount. Votes for this action: Messrs. Miller, Volcker, Baughman, Coldwell, Eastburn, Partee, Mrs. Teeters, Messrs. Wallich, Willes, and Winn. Votes against this action: None. Absent and not voting: Messrs. Gardner and Jackson. 3 . A u t h o r i z a t i o n for D o m e s t i c O p e n M a r k e t O p e r a t i o n s On N o v e m b e r 3, 1978, Committee members voted to increase from $3 billion to $5 billion the limit on changes between Committee meetings in System Account holdings of U . S . Government and Federal agency securities specified in paragraph 1(a) of the authorization for domestic open market operations, effective immediately, for the period ending with the close of business on N o v e m b e r 21, 1978. Votes for this action: Messrs. Miller, Volcker, Baughman, Coldwell, Eastburn, Partee, Mrs. Teeters, Messrs. Wallich, Willes, and Winn. Votes against this action: None. Absent and not voting: Messrs. Gardner and Jackson. This action was taken on recommendation of the System Account Manager. The Manager had advised that large-scale sales of Treas- Record of Policy Actions of FOMC ury securities since the October meeting—required mainly to counter the effect on member bank reserves of a steep decline in Treasury balances at the Federal Reserve Banks and to accommodate substantial purchases of Treasury bills by foreign central banks—had reduced the leeway for further sales to $365 million. It now appeared likely that additional sales would be required as current projections indicated a need for further reserve-absorbing operations over the coming weeks. Records of policy actions taken by the Federal Open Market Committee at each meeting, in the form in which they will appear in the Board's Annual Report, are released about a month after the meeting and are subsequently published in the BULLETIN. 961 Law Department Statutes, regulations, interpretations, and decisions RESERVES OF MEMBER BANKS The Board of Governors has amended its Regulation D to modify the reserve balances that member banks are required to maintain against their deposits. Effective as to the reserves required to be held during the week commencing November 16, 1978, against deposits outstanding in the week beginning November 2, 1978, § 204.5 of Regulation D is amended to read as follows: SECTION 2 0 4 . 5 — R E S E R V E REQUIREMENTS (a) RESERVE PERCENTAGE. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 19 of the Federal Reserve Act and § 204.2(a) and subject to paragraph (c) of this section, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System hereby prescribes the following reserve balances that each member bank of the Federal Reserve System is required to maintain on deposit with the Federal Reserve Bank of its district. (1) If not in a reserve city— (ii) 1 per cent of its time deposits outstanding on or issued after October 16, 1975, that have an initial maturity of 4 years or more; 2Vi per cent of its time deposits outstanding on or issued after December 25, 1975, that have an initial maturity of 180 days or more but less than 4 years; 3 per cent of its time deposits up to $5 million, outstanding on or issued after October 16, 1975, that have an initial maturity of less than 180 days, plus 6 per cent of such deposits in excess of $5 million: Provided, however, That in no event shall the reserves required on its aggregate amount of time and savings deposits be less than 3 per cent. In addition, a member bank shall maintain a reserve balance equal to 2 per cent of its time deposits of the following types: (a) Time deposits of $100,000 or more; and (b) Time deposits of $100,000 or more represented by promissory notes, acknowledgements of advance, due bills, or similar obligations as provided in § 204.1(f); and (c) Time deposits represented by ineligible bankers' acceptances or obligations issued by a member bank's affiliate, as provided in § 204.1(f). However, the supplementary 2 per cent reserve requirement shall not apply to a savings deposit, or a time deposit, open account that constitutes deposits of individuals, such as Christmas club accounts and vacation club accounts, that are made under written contracts providing that no withdrawal shall be made until a certain number of periodic deposits have been made during a period of not less than 3 months. (2) If in a reserve city (except as to any bank located in such a city that is permitted by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, pursuant to § 204.2(a)(2), to maintain the reserves specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section)— (ii) 1 per cent of its time deposits outstanding on or issued after October 16, 1975, that have an initial maturity of 4 years or more; 2Vi per cent of its time deposits outstanding on or issued after December 25, 1975, that have an initial maturity of 180 days or more but less than 4 years; 3 per cent of its time deposits up to $5 million, outstanding on or issued after October 16, 1975, that have an initial maturity of less than 180 days, plus 6 per cent of such deposits in excess of $5 million: Provided, however, That in no event shall the reserves required on its aggregate amount of time and savings deposits be less than 3 per cent. In addition, a member bank shall maintain a reserve balance equal to 2 per cent of its time deposits of the following types: Law Department (a) Time deposits of $100,000 or more; and (b) Time deposits of $100,000 or more represented by promissory notes, acknowledgements of advance, due bills, or similar obligations as provided in § 204.1(f); and (c) Time deposits represented by ineligible bankers' acceptances or obligations issued by a member bank's affiliate, as provided in § 204.1(f). However, the supplementary 2 per cent reserve requirement shall not apply to a savings deposit, or a time deposit, open account that constitutes deposits of individuals, such as Christmas club accounts and vacation club accounts, that are made under written contracts providing that no withdrawal shall be made until a certain number of periodic deposits have been made during a period of not less than 3 months. In this connection, the language "compliance with the requirements of Regulation E is not necessary; b u t " in 12 C . F . R . § 201.108(d) has been deleted. CORPORATIONS FOREIGN UNDER ENGAGED BANKING AND THE FEDERAL IN FINANCING RESERVE SECTION OF WARRANTS 211.7— * Effective November 9, 1978, the Board of Governors has rescinded its Regulation E, Purchase of Warrants, which governs the purchase by Federal Reserve Banks of certain short-term obligations of State or local governments. BANK HOLDING BANK MERGER COMPANY ORDERS ORDERS U N D E R SECTION BY 3 Acquisition ACT of Bank Alabama Bancorporation, Birmingham, Alabama, a bank holding company within the meaning of the Bank Holding Company Act, has applied for the Board's approval under section 3(a)(3) of the Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842(a)(3)) to acquire all of the voting shares (less directors' qualifying shares) of Lee County Bank, which will purchase substantially all the assets and assume substantially all the liabilities of The Bank of East Alabama ( " B a n k " ) , Opelika, Alabama. The purchasing bank will operate under the name of Bank and * * * (c) . . . Such deposits shall be subject to Parts 204 (Regulation D) and 217 (Regulation Q) of this chapter and shall be reported in the same manner as if the Corporation were a member bank of the Federal Reserve System. THE BOARD Alabama Bancorporation, Birmingham, Alabama Order Approving * STATES AND ISSUED OF B A N K H O L D I N G C O M P A N Y ACT The Board of Governors has amended its Regulation K to remove the 10 per cent minimum reserve requirement in the Board's regulation to conform to the international Banking Act. Effective November 16, 1978, the last sentence of Section 211.7(c) of Regulation K is amended to read as follows: L I M I T E D O P E R A T I O N S IN T H E U N I T E D PURCHASE 963 OF GOVERNORS has no significance except as a means to facilitate the transaction. Accordingly, the proposed acquisition of shares of the purchasing bank is treated in this Order as a proposed acquisition of the shares of Bank. Notice of the application, affording opportunity for interested persons to submit comments and views, has been given in accordance with section 3(b) of the Act. The time for filing comments and views has expired, and the Board has considered the application and all comments received in light of the factors set forth in section 3(c) of the Act (12 U.S.C. § 1842(c)). Applicant, the largest banking organization in Alabama, controls 15 banks with aggregate deposits of $1.7 billion. 1 Its acquisition of Bank, 1 All banking data are as of December 31, 1977. 964 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 which holds deposits of $34.3 million, would increase Applicant's share of commercial bank deposits in the State by only 0.3 per cent, and would have no appreciable effect upon the concentration of banking resources in Alabama. Bank is the largest of eight banking organizations located in the relevant banking market 2 and holds approximately 21.6 per cent of total deposits in commercial banks in the market. Applicant's closest subsidiary bank is located 62 miles southwest of Bank, in a separate banking market. It appears that no meaningful competition exists between Bank and any subsidiary bank of Applicant, and it appears unlikely that any significant competition would develop between them in the future. 3 Although Applicant is acquiring the largest bank in the market, three other large bank holding companies are already represented in the market and, after acquisition, there will remain in the market four independent banks that constitute potential entry vehicles. Based on these and other facts of record, it is the Board's opinion that consummation of the proposed transaction would have no significant adverse effect on competition or on the concentration of banking resources in any relevant area. Thus, competitive considerations are consistent with approval of the application. verse competitive effects that might be associated with the proposal. Accordingly, it is the Board's judgment that the proposed acquisition is consistent with the public interest and that the application should be approved. On the basis of the record, the application is approved for the reasons summarized above. The transaction shall not be made before the thirtieth calendar day following the effective date of this Order or later than three months after the effective date of this Order unless such period is extended for good cause by the Board or by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta pursuant to delegated authority. By order of the Board of Governors, effective November 3, 1978. The financial and managerial resources of Applicant and its subsidiary banks are regarded as satisfactory and the future prospects of each appear favorable. As a subsidiary of Applicant, the financial condition of Bank is expected to improve, especially in light of Applicant's commitment to inject additional capital into Bank. The managerial resources and future prospects of Bank will similarly be strengthened to an important degree as a result of the transaction. Banking factors, therefore, lend weight toward approval. Applicant proposes to expand lending services at Bank, to offer VA-guaranteed and FHA-insured real estate loans, and to make available trust services to Bank's customers. Therefore, considerations relating to the convenience and needs of the community to be served lend some weight toward approval, sufficient to outweigh any ad- First Arkansas Bankstock Corporation, Little Rock, Arkansas, a bank holding company within the meaning of the Bank Holding Company Act, has applied for the Board's approval under section 3(a)(3) of the Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842(a)(3)) to retain indirectly approximately 91 per cent of the voting shares of First National Bank in Mena ( " B a n k " ) , Mena, Arkansas. These shares are held by United Banks of Arkansas, Inc. ( " U n i t e d " ) Little Rock, Arkansas, a duly registered one-bank holding company^ which is in turn controlled by directors and officers of Applicant. 1 Notice of the application, affording opportunity for interested persons to submit comments and views, has been given in accordance with section 2 The relevant banking market is approximated by Lee County, Alabama. 3 Although Applicant's mortgage subsidiary, Engle Mortgage Company, Montgomery, Alabama, derives some business from the relevant market, it is primarily engaged there in servicing mortgage loans, and it appears that consummation of this proposal would eliminate no significant competition between that subsidiary and Bank. Voting for this action: Chairman Miller and Governors Wallich, Cold well, Partee, and Teeters. Absent and not voting: Governors Gardner and Jackson. ( S i g n e d ) GRIFFITH L . GARWOOD, [SEAL] Deputy Secretary of the Board. First Arkansas Bankstock Corporation, Little Rock, Arkansas Order Approving Retention of Bank 1 Upon approval of this application, the outstanding shares of United would be held in trust for the benefit of Applicant and its shareholders, and the acquisition debt and accumulated interest of $ 2 . 4 million would be assumed by United. This structure reflects an opinion of the Arkansas State Bank Department that under State law Applicant may not hold the shares of Bank directly, but they may lawfully be held in trust for Applicant's benefit. This proposal involves a restructuring of the existing trust relationship, but the proposed transaction would not appear to alter materially the nature of the legal relationship between Applicant and Bank upon which the State legal opinion is based. Law Department 3 of the Act (43 Fed. Reg. 19,079 (1978)). The time for filing comments and views has expired, and the Board has considered the application and all comments received, including those of the Comptroller of the Currency and protestants, 2 in light of the factors specified in section 3(c) of the Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842(c)). Applicant seeks the Board's permission to retain indirectly, through United, shares of Bank controlled by directors and officers of Applicant, pursuant to arrangements made in late 1970 and early 1971. Under these arrangements, Bank's shares were acquired on Applicant's behalf and held by United. To explore the circumstances surrounding this transaction, the Board held formal evidentiary hearings in October, 1976. Those hearings established that the transactions involving the indirect acquisition of more than 25 per cent of Bank's shares by Applicant's officers and directors, without prior Board approval, constituted a violation of section 3 of the Act. 3 On March 13, 1978, the Board issued an Order adopting the findings and conclusions in the Recommended Decision of the Administrative Law Judge, who presided at the hearings, and stating that " i t would be appropriate to process [Applicant's] application to retain its interest in Bank and, in the context of that application, to review the circumstances surrounding [Applicant's] acquisition of control of Bank as they relate to the 2 The protestants to this application include 42 Arkansas banking institutions joining in a single protest, and represented by Mr. Ray Smith ("the Smith protest"), and 4 Arkansas banking institutions that have each filed protests separately. Since the Smith protest includes all the issues the individual protestants raise and some that they do not, including the need for a hearing, this Order addresses the protested issues by referring to the Smith protest. 3 These are the material facts: Applicant began negotiations to acquire Bank in the fall of 1970, and decided that United, a shell corporation controlled by officers and directors of Applicant, should acquire Bank's shares and hold them for subsequent sale to Applicant after Applicant had filed an application with the Board and received the Board's approval, pursuant to section 3(a)(3) of the Act, to acquire Bank. United had originally been established for the purpose of reserving the name of "United Banks of Arkansas" for Applicant's use. The officers and directors of Applicant who held Bank's shares through United regarded themselves as acting at all times on behalf of Applicant and not for their personal account, and it was informally expected that Applicant would stand behind their acquisition debt to an unaffiliated bank if necessary. Applicant, since the acquisition of Bank by United, has treated Bank as an affiliate and has had a major role in the operations of Bank, providing management and investment services and reviewing Bank's examination reports and loan portfolio, as well as providing data processing services. The original plan to transfer the shares to Applicant was prevented by enactment of a State law prohibiting the acquisition of additional banks by existing holding companies. 965 financial and managerial resources factors in § 3(c) of the A c t . " The Board has done this. In accordance with its policy on violations of the Act and upon its examination of all the facts of record, the Board is of the view that the specific facts involved in the original indirect acquisition, even viewed in isolation and absent other adverse considerations, might require denial of the application but for Applicant's thorough and definite undertakings to guard against violations in the future. 4 Applicant, the largest bank holding company in Arkansas, controls four banks (including Bank), holding total deposits of $540.5 million, or approximately 7.8 per cent of the total deposits in commercial banks in the State. 5 Bank's deposits of $27.0 million comprise only 0.4 per cent of total deposits in commercial banks in Arkansas, and retention of Bank would have no appreciable effect upon the concentration of banking resources in the State. Bank is the slightly larger of two banks in the relevant market, 6 with 50.3 per cent of the deposits in commercial banks in that market. None of Applicant's subsidiary banks competes in the relevant banking market, and the nearest subsidiary bank of Applicant is located approximately 77 miles east of Bank. Viewing the competitive situation both as it existed when Applicant obtained control of Bank and at this time, it appears that the acquisition did not eliminate and, viewed as a present acquisition, would not eliminate, any existing banking competition in the relevant market. While Applicant could have established a de novo bank in the relevant market at the time of affiliation of Applicant and Bank, the market did not appear attractive for de novo entry at that time, and the situation does not appear to have changed in the intervening years. Moreover, a 1971 change in Arkansas law prohibiting the additional acquisition of banks by a bank holding company would 4 The record reflects that before initiating this transaction Applicant had reason to believe it to be lawful, and that Applicant openly disclosed the principal aspects of its relationship with Bank to the Board and other regulatory authorities and has cooperated fully with efforts by the Board's staff to resolve the violation question. Applicant's cooperation, the nature of the violation, and the fact that the transaction originated before the Board publicized its policy on such transactions, coupled with Applicant's undertaking a definite program regarding its future conduct, together persuade the Board that the violation does not reflect so adversely on Applicant's management as to require denial of this application, though no one of those considerations standing alone might be persuasive. 5 6 All banking data are as of December 31, 1977. The relevant market is approximated by Polk County. 966 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 prevent Applicant from entering the relevant market by any means if disaffiliation were now required. Accordingly, retention of Bank would not have a significant effect upon competition, nor would it increase the concentration of resources in any relevant area. Therefore, the Board concludes that competitive considerations are consistent with approval of the application. The financial and managerial resources of Applicant and its subsidiaries, as well as those of Bank, are consistent with approval, and their future prospects appear favorable. In this connection, the Smith protest raises several questions regarding the managerial resources of Applicant. Specifically, it urges the Board to deny this application because of Applicant's violation of the Act in acquiring control of Bank and certain other actions evidencing Applicant's "continuous corporate misbehavior." The Smith protest has requested that a formal hearing be held in connection with these issues. The Board has determined that the matters raised do not justify further hearings or denial of this application. Section 3(b) of the Act requires the Board to hold a formal hearing when the primary supervisor of the bank to be acquired, in this case the Comptroller of the Currency, recommends disapproval of the application (12 U . S . C . § 1842(b)). Since the Comptroller of the Currency has not recommended disapproval of the application, 7 there is no statutory requirement that the Board hold a formal hearing in this matter. 8 While there is no statutory requirement that a hearing be held on this application, the Board has nevertheless carefully reviewed the Smith protest. With respect to the issue that Applicant should not be allowed to retain a bank that it acquired in violation of law, the Smith protest states that the record on this issue " d o e s not appear to be complete nor sufficient for the Board to make a determination and additional evidence needs to be developed to make an adequate r e c o r d . " In October 1976, the protestants, represented by Mr. Smith, participated as parties in four days of evidentiary hearings held to decide the basic factual issues of whether, at what point in time, and by what means Applicant gained control or exercised a controlling influence over Bank. 9 The hearings not only fully exposed the substance of the transaction, but also the motives and reasons for Applicant's actions. A voluminous record was developed on these issues, and there seem to be no unexplored material factual questions relating to that matter remaining. Certainly, the Smith protest has identified none. In fact, rather than identifying sections of the record that need to be supplemented, it instead quotes extensively from the record, including the transcript of the hearings, the hearing exhibits, the proposed finding of facts by Board Counsel and the Recommended Decision of the Administrative Law Judge, in arguing that the application should be denied. 1 0 Under the circumstances, the Board is satisfied that the record regarding Applicant's violation of the Act is sufficient for a proper evaluation of that violation, and supports the determination made earlier in this Order that the violation does not reflect so adversely on Applicant's managerial resources as to require denial of this application. In addition to its opposition based on Applicant's violation, the Smith protest requests a hearing to submit proof of Applicant's "continuous corporate misbehavior over the last ten y e a r s . " The charges regarding which the Smith protest requests an opportunity to present evidence relate principally to actions taken by Applicant's lead bank, and accordingly are matters subject to the primary supervisory authority of the Comptroller of the Currency. In his comments to the Board on this application, the Deputy Comptroller of the Currency did not criticize any of these matters raised by the Smith protest or the lead bank's general conduct. To the contrary, he expressed the opinion that, apart from consideration of Applicant's violation of the Act, which is addressed in this Order, Applicant's managerial resources were generally satisfactory. In the Board's view the central relevant question bearing on Applicant's managerial integrity in this case is its violation of the Act. The Board believes that the remaining 7 The Comptroller of the Currency indicated, however, that if the Board determined that Applicant had willfully violated the Act, that Office would regard such a determination as a sufficient basis for the Board to deny the application. 8 See, Farmers and Merchants Bank of Los Cruces v. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 567 F.2d 1082, 1087 (D.C. Cir. 1977). 10 It should be further noted that the protestants' counsel, in response to a question from Board Counsel near the conclusion of the hearings, agreed that the protestants were satisfied with Applicant's voluntary cooperation in that proceeding in producing needed witnesses and documents regarding the acquisition of Bank. Transcript of hearing on October 28, 1976, at 680. 9 These hearings, along with the briefs, exhibits, findings, and Recommended Decision of the Administrative Law Judge, constitute part of the record considered by the Board in connection with this application. Law Department charges, even if proved, would by their number and nature show at most isolated instances of noncompliance rather than any coherent pattern of disregard for or neglect of the lead bank's responsibilities as a regulated institution. Taking into account the judgment of the bank's primary supervisor, the Board believes that such proof would not alter its judgment on Applicant's managerial resources in a way material to the outcome .of this case. Even accepting each of these charges as true, the Board finds that the substantial public benefits associated with this application are more than sufficient to outweigh any adverse finding on these matters. In summary, the Board has reviewed the record of this application, including the views expressed in the written submissions of the Smith protest and Applicant's response to those submissions, and concludes that the record is sufficiently complete to render a decision on the application and that no useful purpose would be served by holding further formal hearings on any issue raised. Accordingly, the Smith protest's request for a hearing is denied. Considerations relating to convenience and needs of the community being served favor approval of the application. As a result of its affiliation with Applicant, Bank has offered a number of services that it would not have been able to offer absent that affiliation. Specifically, as a subsidiary of Applicant, Bank has introduced F H A , VA, home improvement and student loans, Visa and Master Charge services, additional types of checking account services, and 24-hour banking services through Bank's participation in Applicant's debit card program. Furthermore, affiliation with Applicant has allowed Bank, through overline loan participations, to increase substantially its ability to serve the borrowing needs of its commercial customers. Also, such affiliation has resulted in increased benefits for its own employees. It appears that disaffiliation would result in a reduction in the level of services by Bank as an independent organization. The Board finds that approval of the proposed application would be in the public interest and that the application should be approved. On the basis of the record, the application is approved for the reasons summarized above. The proposed restructuring of Applicant's interest in Bank shall not be made before the thirtieth calendar day following the effective date of this Order or later than three months after the effective date 967 of this Order, unless such period is extended for good cause by the Board, or by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis pursuant to delegated authority. By order of the Board of Governors, effective November 3, 1978. Voting for this action: Chairman Miller and Governors Wallich, Coldwell, Partee, and Teeters. Absent and not voting: Governors Gardner and Jackson. ( S i g n e d ) THEODORE E . ALLISON, [SEAL] Secretary of the Board. First Bancorp of N . H . , Inc., Manchester, New Hampshire Order Approving Acquisition of Bank First Bancorp of N . H . , Inc., Manchester, New Hampshire, a bank holding company within the meaning of the Bank Holding Company Act ( " A c t " ) , has applied for the Board's approval under section 3(a)(3) of the Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842(a)(3)) to acquire 45.8 per cent or more of the voting shares of Londonderry Bank and Trust Company, Londonderry, New Hampshire ( " B a n k " ) . Since Applicant currently owns 4 . 9 per cent of the voting shares of Bank, upon consummation of the proposal Applicant would own 50.1 per cent or more of the voting shares. Notice of the application, affording opportunity for interested persons to submit comments and views, has been given in accordance with section 3(b) of the Act. The time for filing comments and views has expired, and the application and all comments received, including those submitted by Bank's management ("Protestants"), have been considered in light of the factors set forth in section 3(c) of the Act. Applicant, the second largest banking organization in New Hampshire, controls four banks with aggregate deposits of approximately $214 million, representing 10.9 per cent of the total deposits in commercial banks in New Hampshire. 1 Acquisition of Bank, the fifty-third largest banking organization in the State with deposits of $7.5 million, would increase Applicant's share of commercial 1 All banking data relating to the State of New Hampshire are as of December 31, 1977. All banking data relating to the Manchester banking market are as of June 30, 1977. The figures do not reflect the Board's approval by Order of September 15, 1978, of Applicant's application to acquire Wolfeboro National Bank, Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, since that acquisition has not been consummated. 968 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 bank deposits in New Hampshire by less than one-half of 1 per cent, and would not alter Applicant's State-wide ranking. Protestants contend and the Board concurs that Bank and Applicant's subsidiary bank in Manchester, New Hampshire, The Merchants National Bank of Manchester ("Merchants B a n k " ) , as well as its subsidiary Exeter Banking Company, Exeter, New Hampshire, compete in the Manchester banking market. 2 In the Manchester banking market, Bank is the seventh largest of 11 commercial banking organizations, and controls 1.6 per cent of deposits in commercial banks in the market. Applicant, with its two subsidiaries in the market, controls deposits of $72.5 million, representing 19.1 per cent of market deposits, and ranks as the second largest commercial banking organization in the relevant banking market. In addition to its principal banking office, Merchants Bank has three branches located in the Manchester banking market. Protestants allege that the proposed transaction would have "serious adverse" effects on competition in the Manchester banking market and southern New Hampshire. Protestants base their conclusion concerning the competitive effects upon the assertion that Bank competes effectively and vigorously with Merchants Bank, as evidenced by direct competition for commercial loans, for municipal deposits and for the purchase of tax anticipation notes between Bank and Applicant's subsidiary. In addition, Protestants believe that Bank should be regarded as a " f u l l service b a n k " and therefore an effective competitor for so-called "retail b a n k i n g " (i.e., loans and deposit accounts by individuals and small businesses.) The Board has examined the submissions of Protestants, and based on all the facts of record, concludes that while consummation of this proposal would eliminate some existing competition inasmuch as Applicant and Bank operate in the Manchester banking market, in view of the nature of the market, as well as Bank's small size and its limited financial and managerial resources, the Board regards the effects of the proposal on competition as being 2 The Manchester banking market, the relevant banking market for the purposes of evaluating the proposed transaction, is approximated by the Manchester, New Hampshire Ranally Metro Area, and six contiguous towns. The Board notes that the Manchester banking market is located adjacent to the Nashua, N e w Hampshire, and Boston, Massachusetts, banking markets, and there is evidence that a significant number of the residents of Londonderry also commute to work and shop in those adjacent markets. only slightly adverse. Moreover, while the Manchester banking market is somewhat concentrated, in view of the facts presented in the record of this application, the Board does not regard the slight increase in concentration of market deposits associated with this proposal as being significant. 3 Accordingly, the Board concludes that the proposed acquisition of Bank by Applicant would have only slightly adverse effects on competition. Moreover, when viewed in light of the other considerations reflected in the record discussed below, the Board does not view the effects on competition as being so serious as to require denial of this proposal. The financial and managerial resources of Applicant and its subsidiaries are regarded as satisfactory, and their future prospects appear favorable. While Applicant intends to finance the acquisition with proceeds from a private placement of notes, it appears from the record that Applicant has sufficient financial resources to enable it to service the debt while maintaining sufficient flexibility to meet any unanticipated difficulties. 4 As a result of consummation of this proposal, Bank's financial and managerial resources and future prospects will be strengthened, particularly in light of Applicant's commitment to inject needed capital into Bank. Protestants state that if the application is approved, a significant number of Bank's directors and officers, including its President, have expressed their intention to resign their positions 3 In this connection the Board notes that three of N e w Hampshire's four largest savings banks operate in the Manchester banking market, that together they hold almost twice the amount of market deposits held by all 11 commercial banks in the market, and that each one holds more deposits than any one of the commercial banking organizations in the market. While the Board continues to view commercial banking as a distinct line of commerce, the Board recognizes that the presence of thrift institutions in the relevant banking market, particularly in N e w England where thrift institutions have certain expanded lending and deposit-taking powers, is one of the factors that may be taken into account in analyzing the competitive effects of a particular acquisition. See, e.g., Board's Order approving the merger of Northeast Bancorp, New Haven, Connecticut, with First Connecticut Bancorp, Hartford, Connecticut, 6 0 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 375 (1974). In the instant case, the presence of thrift institutions holding significant amounts of deposits in the Manchester banking market, in the Board's view, lessens the severity of the effects of the proposed transaction on competition in that market. 4 Protestants contend that Applicant's financial projections are erroneous, and consequently, that the acquisition debt to be incurred by Applicant in connection with the proposed acquisition would be unduly burdensome to Applicant. Protestants do not submit evidence in support of this contention, and based upon its review of all the facts of record, the Board concludes that Protestants' contention in this regard is without merit. Law Department with Bank, and thereby to cause a depletion of Bank's deposits. While Applicant has indicated its intention to ask all of Bank's present directors and officers to remain, Applicant is prepared, and in the Board's view, able to provide satisfactory successor management if the need arises. Furthermore, the Board notes that the overall operations of Bank have declined somewhat in recent years under Bank's present management, and therefore the Board regards the availability to Bank of Applicant's managerial resources as a positive factor. With respect to the anticipated depletion of Bank's deposits as a result of resignations, Applicant is prepared to minimize the effects of such depletion by transferring certain deposits from its subsidiary banks to Bank. Based on the foregoing and other facts of record, the Board concludes that considerations relating to banking factors lend weight toward approval of the application. Upon consummation of the proposed transaction, Applicant intends to assist Bank in expanding the range of services provided to its individual customers. In particular, Applicant will cause Bank to increase its hours of operation and to introduce personal trust services, personal credit cards, and automated customer services. In addition, Applicant will cause Bank to increase the rates paid on Individual Retirement Accounts and reduce the rate of interest charged on overdraft loans. With regard to Bank's commercial customers, Applicant intends to assist Bank in offering additional services, including corporate trust services, lock box, accounts receivable lending, and import and export services. Protestants believe that Bank is adequately serving the needs of its customers and its community and that the proposed additional services are already available in the market and in some cases are offered by Bank through its correspondent banks. In addition, Protestants contend that Bank would be better able to meet the convenience and needs of its customers in the future as an independent entity. While Bank may be adequately serving its community, viewed in light of other considerations reflected in the record and discussed above, the Board believes that affiliation with Applicant will improve Bank's ability to continue to serve its customers and the community in the future. Furthermore, while the proposed additional services are not new to the market, in the Board's view, their availability to the public at an additional location serves the convenience and needs 969 of the community. Thus, considerations relating to the convenience and needs of the community to be served lend weight toward approval of the application, and together with considerations relating to banking factors, are sufficient to outweigh the slightly adverse effects on competition that would result from consummation of the proposal. Accordingly, it is the Board's judgment that the proposed acquisition would be in the public interest, and that the application should be approved. On the basis of the record, the application is approved for the reasons summarized above. The transaction shall not be made (a) before the thirtieth calendar day following the effective date of this Order or (b) later than three months after the effective date of this Order, unless such period is extended for good cause by the Board, or by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston pursuant to delegated authority. By order of the Board of Governors, effective November 2, 1978. Voting for this action: Chairman Miller and Governors Wallich, Coldwell, Jackson, Partee, and Teeters. Absent and not voting: Governor Gardner. [SEAL] (Signed) GRIFFITH L . G A R W O O D , Deputy Secretary of the Board. First City Bancorporation of Texas, Inc., Houston, Texas Order Approving Acquisition of Bank First City Bancorporation of Texas, Inc., Houston, Texas, a bank holding company within the meaning of the Bank Holding Company Act, has applied for the Board's approval under section 3(a)(3) of the Act (12 U S C. § 1842(a)(3)) to acquire all of the voting shares (less directors' qualifying shares) of the successor by merger to The Lufkin National Bank, Lufkin, Texas ( " B a n k " ) . The bank into which Bank is to be merged has no significance except as a means to facilitate the acquisition of the voting shares of Bank. Accordingly, the proposed acquisition of shares of the successor organization is treated herein as the proposed acquisition of the shares of Bank. Notice of the application, affording opportunity for interested persons to submit comments and views, has been given in accordance with § 3(b) of the Act. The time for filing comments and views has expired, and the Board has considered the application and all comments received, including 970 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 those of the Department of Justice, in light of the factors set forth in § 3(c) of the Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842(c)). Applicant, the third largest banking organization in Texas, controls 29 banks with aggregate deposits of approximately $4.7 billion, representing 7.8 per cent of total commercial bank deposits in Texas. 1 Acquisition of Bank, with deposits of $83.1 million, would increase Applicant's share of Statewide commercial bank deposits by less than two tenths of one per cent and would not have an appreciable effect upon the concentration of banking resources in the State. Bank is the second largest of five banking organizations in the relevant banking market, 2 and controls approximately 41.2 per cent of the total deposits in commercial banks in the market. None of Applicant's subsidiary banks compete in the relevant banking market and Applicant's nearest subsidiary banking office is located approximately 100 miles from Bank in a separate banking market. From the record it appears that no significant existing competition would be eliminated between Bank and any of Applicant's subsidiary banks upon consummation of this proposal. With respect to potential competition, the Department of Justice is of the view that approval would remove Applicant as a means for deconcentrating the Angelina banking market. 3 While it appears that consummation of the proposal would have some adverse effects upon potential competition, for the reasons indicated below, the Board concludes that the proposal would have only slightly adverse competitive effects. Bank's position in the market has declined from 49.0 per cent, at the time of the Board's denial action, to 41.2 per cent, and approval would not appear to have the same adverse effects as was previously expressed by the Board. With respect to the attractiveness of the market to de novo entry, as the Board has already indicated, the Angelina market is not as attractive as it appeared at the 1 All banking data are as of December 31, 1977, and reflect bank holding company acquisitions and formations approved as of August 15, 1978. 2 The relevant banking market is approximated by Angelina County, Texas. 3 By action of May 1, 1974, the Board denied Applicant's proposal to acquire Bank in light of the effect such an acquisition would have upon potential competition at that time. Since that action, the Board has had occasion to review the banking structure of Texas (63 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 500 (1977)) and to consider the attractiveness of the Angelina banking market for de novo entry (62 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 379 (1976)). time of the Board's referenced denial action. 4 Moreover, upon consummation of this proposal there will remain entry points for bank holding companies not represented in the market. In view of the foregoing and other facts of record, the Board concludes that the proposed acquisition would not have any adverse effect on existing competition and only a slightly adverse effect on potential competition. The financial and managerial resources and future prospects of Applicant, its subsidiaries and Bank are regarded as generally satisfactory, particularly in view of Applicant's commitment to provide additional equity capital to Bank. Accordingly, considerations relating to banking factors are consistent with approval of the application. Following consummation of the proposal, Applicant intends to assist Bank in providing trust services to its customers, as well as specialized lending programs. Affiliation with Applicant will also enable Bank to offer credit life and disability insurance to its customers at rates less than the rates currently charged by Bank. Considerations relating to the convenience and needs of the community to be served lend some weight toward approval of the application and outweigh the slightly adverse competitive effects that will result from consummation of this proposal. Accordingly, it is the Board's judgment that the proposed acquisition would be in the public interest and that the application should be approved. On the basis of the record, the application is approved for the reasons summarized above. The transaction shall not be made before the thirtieth calendar day following the effective date of this Order or later than three months after the effective date of this Order, unless such period is extended for good cause by the Board or by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas acting pursuant to delegated authority. By order of the Board of Governors, effective November 1, 1978. Voting for this action: Chairman Miller and Governors Cold well, Jackson, Partee, and Teeters. Absent and not voting: Governor Gardner. Dissenting: Governor Wallich. [SEAL] (Signed) J O H N M . W A L L A C E , Assistant Secretary of the Board. 4 Board Order of March 23, 1976, approving the application of Republic of Texas Corporation, Dallas, Texas, to acquire First Bank & Trust, Lufkin, Texas (62 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 378 (1976)). La w Department Dissenting Statement of Governor Wallich I would deny the application of First City Bancorporation to acquire The Lufkin National Bank for those reasons set forth in the Board's original denial of this case as well as the reasons in my Dissenting Statements in the past Texas Commerce Bancshares, Inc., First City Bancorporation of Texas, Inc., D E T R O I T B A N K , and Northwest Bancorporation decisions. 1 The evidence does not seem to me to support the view that the situation at hand has changed substantially from the time when the Board originally considered this proposal. I continue to view the consummation of this proposal as having adverse effects upon potential competition which are not outweighed by convenience and needs considerations. The acquisition of the Lufkin National Bank, the second largest bank in the relevant market, by First City Bancorporation, the third largest banking organization in the State of Texas, would perpetuate a pattern of acquisition whereby the five largest banking organizations in Texas acquire the leading banks in the State's secondary metropolitan areas. Continuation of this trend increases the size disparity between the largest banking organizations in Texas and all other banking organizations in the State. In addition, this pattern encourages bank holding companies to eschew de novo or foothold entry into attractive and highly concentrated markets in favor of entry by a less procompetitive means. While the majority has already indicated 2 that it does not consider the Angelina market as attractive for de novo entry as it appeared at the time it first denied this case, I disagreed with that determination 3 and continue to do so, particularly in light of the continued 1 See the Dissenting Statements accompanying the Board Orders approving the applications of Texas Commerce Bancshares, Inc., Houston, Texas, to merge with The Bancapital Financial Corporation, Austin, Texas (63 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 500 (1977)); First City Bancorporation of Texas, Inc., Houston, Texas, to acquire City National Bank of Austin, A u s t i n , T e x a s ( 6 3 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 6 7 4 (1977)); DETROITBANK Corporation, Detroit, Michigan, to acquire Lake Shore Financial Corporation, Muskegon, Michigan (63 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 926 (1977)); and Northwest Bancorporation, Minneapolis, Minnesota, to acquire First National Bank, Fort Dodge, Iowa, in Fort Dodge, Iowa (63 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 2 1096 population growth of Angelina County at a rate faster than that for the State of Texas (15.5 per cent as compared with 14.6 per cent for the period 1970-1978); also, the ratio of population to banking offices for Angelina County remains higher than that for the State of Texas (11,400 as against 9,294). Moreover, foothold entry is possible by acquisition of one of the smaller banks in the market. Finally, as in the acquisition by Republic of Texas Corporation of First Bank & Trust, which is also located in the Lufkin market, this acquisition could further solidify the position of Lufkin National Bank in the market and thereby contribute to the continuation of an already high degree of market concentration, without any countervailing public benefits. Accordingly, consummation of this proposal would, in my view, eliminate a potential entrant into the market without some offsetting procompetitive benefits. In light of the above, I would deny this application. First National Holding Corp., Atlanta, Georgia Order Denying Acquisition of Bank First National Holding Corp., Atlanta, Georgia, a bank holding company within the meaning of the Bank Holding Company Act, has applied for the Board's approval under section 3(a)(3) of the Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842(a)(3)) to acquire 100 per cent of the voting shares of Gwinnett Bank and Trust Company, Norcross, Georgia. Notice of the application, affording opportunity for interested persons to submit comments and views, has been given in accordance with section 3(b) of the Act. The time for filing comments and views has expired, and the Board has considered the application and all comments received in light of the factors set forth in section 3(c) of the Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842(c)). On the basis of the record, the application is denied for the reasons set forth in the Board's Statement, which will be released at a later date. By order of the Board of Governors, effective November 3, 1978. (1977)). Board Order of March 23, 1976, approving the application of Republic of Texas Corporation, Dallas, Texas, to acquire First Bank & Trust, Lufkin, Texas. 3 Dissenting Statement of Governors Holland and Wallich accompanying Board Order of March 23, 1976, approving the application of Republic of Texas Corporation, Dallas, Texas, to acquire First Bank & Trust, Lufkin, Texas. 971 Voting for this action: Chairman Miller and Governors Wallich, Coldwell, Jackson, Partee, and Teeters. Absent and not voting: Governor Gardner. [SEAL] (Signed) J O H N M . W A L L A C E , Assistant Secretary of the Board. 972 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 Statement by Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Regarding Application of First National Holding Corp. to Acquire Gwinnett Bank and Trust Company First National Holding Corp., Atlanta, Georgia, a bank holding company within the meaning of the Bank Holding Company Act, applied for the Board's approval under section 3(a)(3) of the Act (12 U.S.C. § 1842(a)(3)) to acquire all of the voting shares of Gwinnett Bank and Trust Company ( " B a n k " ) , Norcross, Georgia. Notice of the application was given in accordance with section 3(b) of the Act, and the time for filing comments and views had expired. The Board considered the application and all comments received in light of the factors set forth in section 3(c) of the Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842(c)), and by Order dated November 3, 1978, the Board denied this application for the reasons set forth below. Applicant, the third largest bank holding company in Georgia, controls four subsidiary banks 1 with aggregate deposits of $1.58 billion, representing 11.0 per cent of the total deposits in commercial banks in the State. 2 Acquisition of Bank, with deposits of $24.4 million, would increase Applicant's share of deposits in commercial banks in Georgia by less than two-tenths of one per cent and would not have an appreciable effect upon the concentration of banking resources in the State. Bank is the 27th largest bank in the Atlanta banking market, 3 with 0.38 per cent of the deposits in commercial banks in that market. Applicant's lead bank is the second largest banking organization in the relevant market, with deposits of $1.4 billion, representing 22.3 per cent of deposits in commercial banks in that market. While Applicant's lead bank operates 59 branches in the market, none of these branches is located in the county of Bank, and State law precludes intercounty branching and de novo entry by bank holding companies. Accordingly, while consummation of 1 One of Applicant's subsidiary banks, The Bank of Dalton, Dalton, Georgia (deposits of $ 2 2 . 7 million), must be divested in accordance with a previous Board Order. 63 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 9 2 9 this proposal would eliminate some existing competition between Applicant's banking subsidiaries and Bank, the Board concludes that Applicant's acquisition of Bank would not have significantly adverse competitive effects in any relevant area. The financial and managerial resources of Bank are generally satisfactory, and its future prospects appear favorable. As the Board has stated on a number of occasions, however, a bank holding company should be a source of financial and managerial strength for its subsidiaries. With respect to Applicant, the Board stated in its September 28, 1977, Order approving the acquisition by Applicant of First Bank of Savannah, Savannah, and The First National Bank of Dalton, Dalton, that "Applicant should continue to strengthen [its] financial resources before it attempts to expand through proposals involving a diversion of its existing resources." While the Board finds that Applicant's financial condition has improved since that Order was issued, the Board believes that more substantial improvement should occur and that Applicant is thus premature in submitting to the Board a proposal for this acquisition. It is the Board's view that at the present time Applicant should continue to direct its resources toward strengthening the financial position of its existing structure. Accordingly, the Board concludes that the banking factors of Applicant's proposal weigh against approval of this application. There is no evidence to indicate that the banking needs of the community served by Bank are not being met currently. Applicant proposes to expand both the consumer and commercial services offered through Bank, principally by introducing the expanded services and automation Applicant has already made available through its other banking subsidiaries. Consequently, convenience and needs considerations lend some weight toward approval of the application. However, they are not sufficient, in the Board's judgment, to outweigh the adverse banking factors reflected in the record. Accordingly, it is the Board's judgment that consummation of the proposal at this time would not be in the public interest and that the application should be denied. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, effective November 8, 1978. (1977). 2 All banking data are as of December 31, 1977. The Atlanta banking market is approximated by the counties of Fulton, De Kalb, Cobb, Gwinnett, Douglas, Henry, Clayton, and Rockdale. 3 [SEAL] (Signed) J O H N M . W A L L A C E , Assistant Secretary of the Board. La w Department First Railroad & Banking Company of Georgia, Augusta, Georgia 973 First Railroad & Banking Company of Georgia, Augusta, Georgia, has applied for the Board's approval under section 3(a)(3) of the Bank Holding Company Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842(a)(3)) to acquire 80 per cent of the voting shares of First Georgia Bank ( " B a n k " ) , Atlanta, Georgia, through a conversion of preferred shares of Bank that Applicant acquired in 1975 with Board consent. 1 Notice of the application, affording opportunity for interested persons to submit comments, has been given in accordance with section 3(b) of the Act. The time for filing comments has expired, and the Board has considered the application and all comments received in light of the factors set forth in section 3(c) of the Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842(c)). Applicant, the sixth largest banking organization in Georgia, controls one bank with aggregate deposits of approximately $279 million, representing 2 per cent of the total commercial bank deposits in the State. 2 Acquisition of Bank ($92 million in deposits) would increase Applicant's share of deposits Statewide by 0.6 per cent and would not result in a significant increase in the concentration of banking resources in Georgia. Bank is the eighth largest of 32 banking organizations operating in the Atlanta banking market, controlling 1.4 per cent of market deposits. 3 Applicant's banking subsidiary is located approximately 140 miles from Bank in a separate banking market, and no significant existing competition would be eliminated between Bank and Applicant's subsidiary bank by consummation of this proposal. Although Applicant's finance company subsidiary maintains one office in the Atlanta banking market, the amount of existing competition between this subsidiary and Bank that would be eliminated is slight since the finance company office has total receivables of only $700,000. Applicant proposes to enter the market through the acquisition of a bank having a small market share of deposits. Moreover, it does not appear likely that Bank would, at any time in the near future, develop the potential to become the lead bank of a regional banking organization. Accordingly, on the basis of the size of Bank and Applicant and other facts of record, the Board concludes that consummation of the proposal would not have any significant adverse effects upon competition. The financial and managerial resources and future prospects of Applicant and its subsidiaries are generally satisfactory, and those of Bank are consistent with approval in view of recent improvement in Bank's financial resources and the likelihood that affiliation with Applicant will further strengthen Bank's financial and managerial resources and enhance its future prospects. Thus, banking factors are consistent with approval of this application. Applicant plans to introduce some new services to customers of Bank, including expanded time and savings deposit programs, as well as leasing and on-site trust services. In addition, affiliation with Applicant will give Bank access to the specialized lending skills of the officers of Applicant's largest banking subsidiary. These considerations relating to the convenience and needs of the community to be served lend some weight toward approval of the application and outweigh any adverse competitive effects that might result from consummation of this proposal. Based upon the foregoing and other considerations reflected in the record, it is the Board's judgment that the proposed acquisition is in the public interest and that the application should be approved. On the basis of the record, the application is approved for the reasons summarized above. The transaction shall not be consummated before the thirtieth calendar day following the effective date of this Order, or later than three months after the effective date of this Order unless such period is extended for good cause by the Board, or by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta pursuant to delegated authority. By order of the Board of Governors, effective November 2, 1978. 1 Absent the Board's prior consent, such an acquisition of convertible shares in some circumstances could represent an acquisition of voting shares within the meaning of section 3(a) of the Act without prior approval. Fulton National Corporation, Voting for this action: Chairman Miller and Governors Wallich, Coldwell, Jackson, Partee, and Teeters. Absent and not voting: Governor Gardner. Order Approving Acquisition 6 4 FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN 121 of Bank (1978). 2 All banking data are as of December 31, 1977. 3 The Atlanta banking market is approximated by the counties of Fulton, DeKalb, Cobb, Douglas, Gwinnett, Henry, Clayton, and Rockdale, Georgia. [SEAL] (Signed) J O H N M . W A L L A C E , Assistant Secretary of the Board. 974 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 Georgia Bancshares, Inc., Macon, Georgia Order Approving Formation of Bank Holding Company Georgia Bancshares, Inc., Macon, Georgia, has applied for the Board's approval under section 3(a)(1) of the Bank Holding Company Act (12 U.S.C. § 1842(a)(1)) of formation of a bank holding company by acquiring 100 per cent of the voting shares of the successor by merger to The Georgia Bank and Trust Company, Macon, Georgia ( " B a n k " ) . The company into which Bank is to be merged has no significance except as a means to facilitate the acquisition of the voting shares of Bank. Accordingly, the proposed acquisition of shares of the successor organization is treated herein as the proposed acquisition of the shares of Bank. Notice of the application, affording opportunity for interested persons to submit comments and views, has been given in accordance with section 3(b) of the Act. The time for filing comments and views has expired, and the Board has considered the application and all comments received in light of the factors set forth in section 3(c) of the Act (12 U.S.C. § 1842 (c)). Applicant is a nonoperating corporation formed for the purpose of acquiring Bank, the fifteenth largest bank in the State of Georgia. 1 Bank holds approximately $84.5 million in deposits, representing 0.58 per cent of deposits in commercial banks in the State; it is the second largest of twelve banks located in the relevant banking market, 2 with approximately 23.2 per cent of total deposits in commercial banks in that market. The proposal is essentially a reorganization of existing ownership interests, and Applicant neither engages in any activity directly nor holds shares of any other bank or nonbank firm. Furthermore, none of Applicant's principals, officers or directors hold any interest in, or serve in a similar capacity, with any other bank located in the relevant market. It appears that consummation of the proposal would not eliminate competition or increase the concentration of banking resources in any relevant area. 3 Thus, the Board concludes that the effects of the 1 All banking data are as of March 3 1 , 1978. The relevant market is approximated by Bibb, Houston, Jones, and T w i g g s Counties, all in the State of Georgia. 3 Originally, Applicant proposed that its board of directors would include eight directors w h o serve as directors or honorary directors of five savings and loan associations in M a c o n , Georgia. In response to Congress' passage of the Financial 2 proposal on competition are consistent with approval of the application. The financial and managerial resources of Applicant, which are dependent upon those of Bank, are regarded as satisfactory, and their future prospects appear favorable. Accordingly, banking factors are consistent with approval of the application. Although Applicant does not propose to institute any new services in connection with its acquisition of Bank, considerations relating to the convenience and needs of the community to be served are consistent with approval of the application. It is the Board's judgment that the proposed transaction would be consistent with the public interest and that the application should be approved. On the basis of the record, the application is approved for the reasons summarized above. The transaction shall not be made before the thirtieth calendar day following the effective date of this Order or later than three months after the effective date of this Order, unless such period is extended for good cause by the Board, or by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta pursuant to delegated authority. By order of the Board of Governors, effective November 1, 1978. Voting for this action: Chairman Miller and Governors Wallich, Coldwell, Jackson, Partee, and Teeters. Absent and not voting: Governor Gardner. [SEAL] (Signed) J O H N Assistant Secretary M. WALLACE, of the Board. Hawkeye Bancorporation, Des Moines, Iowa Order Granting Request for Reconsideration and Approving Acquisition of Bank Hawkeye Bancorporation, Des Moines, Iowa, ( " H a w k e y e " ) , a bank holding company within the Institutions Regulatory Act of 1978 ( " F I R A " ) , which is currently awaiting the President's signature, Applicant has c o m mitted that it will not have any interlocking directors or officers with any savings and loan association in the relevant market. The FIRA includes a prohibition against, inter alia, director interlocks b e t w e e n depository institutions, including c o m m e r cial banks and savings and loan associations, and bank holding companies. W h i l e the FIRA "grandfathers" interlocks that existed on the date of its enactment, it appears that the interlocks proposed by Applicant in this case w o u l d not qualify for the grandfather e x e m p t i o n . (See Board Order dated October 2 7 , 1978, approving the application by Commercial Bankshares, Inc., Griffin, Georgia, to b e c o m e a bank holding company.) Law Department meaning of the Bank Holding Company Act; has applied for the Board's approval under section 3(a)(3) of the Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842(a)(3)) to acquire all of the voting shares (less directors' qualifying shares) of Second National Bank, Eldora, Iowa ( " B a n k " ) , through the acquisition of all of the voting shares of Second Bancorporation, Eldora, Iowa ( " B a n c o r p o r a t i o n " ) . Notice of the application, affording opportunity for interested persons to submit comments and views, has been given in accordance with section 3(b) of the Act. The time for filing comments and views has expired, and the Board has considered the application and all comments received, including those submitted by the Iowa Department of Banking, in light of the factors set forth in section 3(c) of the Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842(c)). By Order dated March 7, 1978, the Board denied Hawkeye's application to acquire Bank. Hawkeye has requested reconsideration of that Order. The request for reconsideration is filed pursuant to section 262.3(g)(5) of the Board's Rules of Procedure, which provides that the Board will not grant any request for reconsideration "unless the request presents relevant facts that, for good cause shown, were not previously presented to the Board, or unless it otherwise appears to the Board that reconsideration would be approp r i a t e . " Hawkeye bases its request upon certain information relating to the Board's definition of the relevant banking market. The Board has examined the entire record in this application, and finds that the request for reconsideration raises relevant factual issues that appear appropriate in the public interest for the Board to consider. Accordingly, the request for reconsideration is granted and the Board's Order of March 7, 1978, relating to Hawkeye is hereby vacated. Applicant, the third largest banking organization in Iowa, controls 17 banks with aggregate deposits of approximately $559.9 million, representing 4.2 per cent of total deposits in commercial banks in Iowa. 1 Acquisition of Bank, with deposits of $12.8 million, would increase Applicant's share of commercial bank deposits in Iowa by one-tenth of 1 per cent and would not have an appreciable effect upon the concentration of banking resources in the State. Bank is the fifth largest of nine commercial banking organizations in the relevant banking 1 Unless otherwise indicated, banking data are as of June 30, 1977. 975 market, 2 and controls 9.2 per cent of deposits in commercial banks in the market. None of Hawkeye's subsidiary banks compete in the relevant banking market, and Hawkeye's nearest subsidiary bank is located in an adjacent, but separate, banking market. 3 From the entire record in this application, it appears that no significant competition presently exists between Hawkeye's banking subsidiary and Bank, and it appears unlikely that any significant competition will develop in the future. Accordingly, consummation of this proposal would not have any adverse effect upon competition. Therefore, the Board concludes that competitive considerations are consistent with approval of the application. The financial and managerial resources of Applicant and its subsidiaries are regarded as satisfactory, and their future prospects appear favorable. The financial and managerial resources and future prospects of Bank are regarded as generally satisfactory. Accordingly, considerations relating to banking factors are consistent with approval of the application. Upon consummation of the proposal, Applicant intends to assist Bank in providing its customers with additional services, such as farm management, investment advice and data processing. Therefore, considerations relating to the convenience and needs of the community to be served are consistent with approval. Accordingly, it is the Board's judgment that, upon consideration of all the facts of record, approval of the application would be consistent with the public interest and the application should be approved. On the basis of the record, the application is approved for the reasons summarized above. The transaction shall not be made (a) before the thirtieth calendar day following the effective date of this Order or (b) later than three months after the effective date of this Order, unless such period 2 The relevant banking market is approximated by Hardin County, Iowa. 3 In its Order of March 7, 1978, the Board defined the relevant banking market to include a portion of Hardin County and adjacent Grundy County in which one of Hawkeye's banking subsidiaries is located. On that basis the Board concluded that the elimination of existing competition in that market that would result from the proposed transaction was an adverse factor that warranted denial of the application. In light of Hawkeye's request for reconsideration, the Board has reexamined its earlier findings with regard to the relevant banking market, and based on the entire record in this application, particularly the distance between Bank and Applicant's subsidiary bank and the lack of commercial intercourse between the cities in which these banks are located, the Board has concluded that the relevant banking market in which to analyze the competitive effects of this proposal should be limited to Hardin County, Iowa. 976 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 is extended for good cause by the Board, or by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago pursuant to delegated authority. By order of the Board of Governors, effective November 3, 1978. Voting for this action: Chairman Miller and Governors Wallich, Coldwell, Partee, and Teeters. Absent and not voting: Governors Gardner and Jackson. [SEAL] (Signed) GRIFFITH L . G A R W O O D , Deputy Secretary of the Board. Hunter Holding Co., Hunter, North Dakota Order Denying Formation of a Bank Holding Company Hunter Holding Co., Hunter, North Dakota, has applied for the Board's approval under section 3(a)(1) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (12 U . S . C . § 1842(a)(1)) of formation of a bank holding company by acquiring 100 per cent of the voting shares (less directors' qualifying shares) of Security State Bank of Hunter ( " B a n k " ) , Hunter, North Dakota. Notice of the application, affording opportunity for interested persons to submit comments and views, has been given in accordance with section 3(b) of the Act. The time for filing comments and views has expired, and the Board has considered the application and all comments received in light of the factors set forth in section 3(c) of the Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842(c)). Applicant is a nonoperating corporation with no subsidiaries, organized for the purpose of becoming a bank holding company through the acquisition of Bank, which has deposits of $7.8 million. 1 Upon acquisition of Bank, Applicant would control the 102nd largest bank in North Dakota, controlling 0.2 per cent of the total deposits in commercial banks in the State. Bank is the 17th largest of 23 banking organizations in the Fargo-Moorhead banking market, 2 controlling 1.2 per cent of the market's commercial bank deposits. This proposal involves a restructuring of Bank's ownership from individuals to a corporation controlled by the same individuals. One of Applicant's principals has a controlling interest in a second bank holding company. 1 All banking data are as of March 31, 1978. The Fargo-Moorhead banking market is approximated by Cass County, North Dakota, and Clay County, Minnesota. 2 However, the banking subsidiary of that holding company is located outside Bank's market. It appears from the facts of record that consummation of the proposal would not result in any increase in the concentration of banking resources or any adverse effects upon competition in any relevant area. Thus, the Board concludes that competitive considerations are consistent with approval. The Board has indicated on previous occasions that a holding company should serve as a source of financial and managerial strength to its subsidiary banks, and the Board examines closely the managerial resources, financial condition, and future prospects of each applicant with this consideration in mind. 3 In this case, the Board concludes that the record presents adverse considerations that warrant denial of the proposal to form a bank holding company. With respect to financial considerations, the Board notes that Applicant would incur debt in connection with its proposed acquisition of Bank's shares. Applicant proposes to service this debt over a 12-year period with dividends to be declared by Bank. In the Board's view, Applicant's projected income would not provide Applicant sufficient financial flexibility to service its acquisition debt without adversely affecting the capital position of Bank, or to meet any unexpected problems that might arise at Bank, even using projections based on the figures provided by Applicant. Neither does it appear that the planned sale of Bank's capital notes or other steps proposed by Applicant will sufficiently improve the financial resources and future prospects of Applicant or Bank or enable Applicant to serve as a source of strength to Bank. Therefore, the Board concludes that considerations relating to financial resources and future prospects weigh against approval of this application. Applicant's principals acquired control of Bank in December, 1974. Material in the record reflects that Bank's earnings and capital position have 3 The Bank Holding Company Act requires that the Board, in acting upon an application to acquire a bank, inquire into the financial and managerial resources of an applicant. While this proposal involves the transfer of the ownership of Bank from individuals to a corporation owned by the same individuals, the Act requires that before an organization is permitted to become a bank holding company and thus obtain the benefits associated with the holding company structure, it must secure the Board's approval. Section 3(c) of the Act provides that in every case the Board must consider, among other things, the financial and managerial resources of both the applicant company and the bank to be acquired. Law Department generally been lower than those of similarly situated banks in the State. Such results appear to be attributable at least in part to the policies and practices of Applicant's principals; and the Board is unable to conclude that managerial considerations lend any weight toward approval of this application. No significant changes in Bank's operations or in the services offered to Bank's customers are anticipated to follow from consummation of the proposed acquisition. Consequently, considerations relating to the convenience and needs of the community to be served are consistent with but do not lend weight toward approval of this application. On the basis of the circumstances concerning this application, the Board concludes that the banking considerations involved in this proposal present adverse factors bearing upon the financial resources and future prospects of Applicant and Bank. Such adverse factors are not outweighed by any procompetitive effects or by benefits to the convenience and needs of the community. Accordingly, it is the Board's judgment that approval of the application would not be in the public interest and that the application should be denied. On the basis of the facts of record, the application is denied for the reasons summarized above. By order of the Board of Governors, effective November 29, 1978. Voting for this action: Chairman Miller and Governors Coldwell, Partee, and Teeters. Absent and not voting: Governor Wallich. [SEAL] (Signed) G R I F F I T H L. G A R W O O D , Deputy Secretary of the Board. John-Wade Co., Santa Ana, California Order Approving Formation of Bank Holding Company John-Wade Co., Santa Ana, California, has applied for the Board's approval under section 3(a)(1) of the Bank Holding Company Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842(a)(1)) of formation of a bank holding company by retaining approximately 60 per cent of the voting shares of Coast Bancorp, Long Beach, California, a bank holding company that controls Coast Bank ( " B a n k " ) , Long Beach, California. Notice of the application, affording opportunity 977 for interested persons to submit comments and views, has been given in accordance with section 3(b) of the Act. The time for filing comments and views has expired, and the Board has considered the application and all comments received in light of the factors set forth in section 3(c) of the Act (12 U.S.C. § 1842(c)). This application concerns the acquisition of an indirect interest in Bank in violation of the Act. Upon the effective date of the 1970 Amendments to the Act, which brought one-bank holding companies within the Act's coverage, Applicant's principals owned all the shares of Applicant and of two other companies, Sierra Rock Products Company ( " S i e r r a " ) and Orange County Rock Products Company ( " O r a n g e C o u n t y " ) , which respectively held 24 per cent and 35 per cent of the voting shares of Coast Bancorp. These companies had acquired their interests in Bank before June 30, 1968. By virtue of its indirect ownership of more than 25 per cent of Bank, Orange County was required to register as a bank holding company, but failed to do so, in violation of section 5(a) of the Act. In 1973 the two companies merged into Applicant without the Board's prior approval, a transaction that caused Applicant, which had no prior interest in Bank, to become a bank holding company indirectly controlling a majority of Bank's shares, in violation of the Act. 1 The record reflects that this merger was undertaken on advice of counsel as an estate planning measure and to simplify the business affairs of Applicant's principals. In addition, it appears that, while Applicant and its predecessor, Orange County, were late in learning of their responsibilities under the Act, as soon as Applicant learned of them it acted responsibly and in good faith, contacting its Reserve Bank promptly and cooperating fully with the Federal Reserve System in seeking to resolve this matter. Applicant has also furnished the Board definite and satisfactory undertakings regarding its future conduct, and by voluntarily relinquishing certain exemption privileges to which it might otherwise be entitled, 1 In addition, in 1976 Applicant acquired an additional 154 shares of Coast Bancorp, increasing its ownership of that company from 5 9 . 4 9 to 5 9 . 9 8 per cent, in reliance on section 3(a)(B) of the Act, which permits a bank holding company controlling a majority of a bank's shares to acquire additional shares without prior Board approval. The privilege of section 3(a)(B) is available only to bank holding companies that lawfully control a majority of a bank's shares. Since Applicant did not, its 1976 purchase was in violation of the Act, though based on a reasonable misunderstanding of section 3(a)(B). 978 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 Applicant has provided sufficient evidence to persuade the Board that Applicant's future conduct will be subject to adequate supervision and conform to the requirements of the Act. In accordance with its policy regarding violations of the Act and upon examination of all the facts of record, the Board has concluded that Applicant's violations do not reflect so adversely on Applicant's managerial resources as to require denial of its application to retain shares of Coast Bancorp. By retaining its indirect interest in Bank, which holds deposits of $41 million, Applicant would control the 89th largest banking organization in California and approximately 0.04 per cent of the total deposits in commercial banks in the State. 2 Bank is the 61st largest commercial bank competing in the relevant banking market, holding approximately 0.1 per cent of the total deposits in commercial banks in that market. 3 Since Applicant has no other bank subsidiaries and is not under common control with any other bank or bank holding company, and since the merger by which Applicant acquired Coast Bancorp's shares was in the nature of a reorganization and consolidation of existing interests in Bank by Applicant's principals, it appears that retention of Applicant's indirect interest in Bank would not have any adverse effect on competition or concentration of banking resources in any relevant area, and that its original acquisition of that interest did not have any adverse effect. Thus, the Board concludes that the effects of this proposed retention on competition are consistent with approval of the application. In light of undertakings by Applicant that would govern its future conduct and restrict its future nonbank expansion, the financial and managerial resources of Applicant are considered generally satisfactory, as are the managerial and financial resources of Bank and Coast Bancorp, and their future prospects appear favorable. Thus, banking factors are consistent with approval of the application. Central to the Board's conclusion regarding Applicant's managerial and financial resources, however, is Applicant's agreement to curtail future unsupervised expansion. Applicant now owns and manages some real property in California and 2 Banking data are as of December 31, 1977, except as otherwise noted. 3 The relevant banking market is approximated by the Los Angeles RMA. Market data are as of June 30, 1977. Hawaii, which it acquired between 1958 and 1973. It appears that this ownership is permissible under section 4(c)(ii) of the Act, 4 and the Board believes that continued ownership will not jeopardize or impair the financial resources of any organization involved in this application. However, Applicant has waived all rights under the Act's exemption with respect to its future acquisitions and activities. In the future it will not acquire new properties or engage in new nonbank activities except on the same terms applicable to bank holding companies having no exemption or grandfather rights, and then only with Board approval required for such other bank holding companies. This agreement is part of a series of undertakings by Applicant designed to encourage closer consultation between Applicant and the Federal Reserve System, and to ensure that Applicant's future conduct will be in compliance with the Act and subject to adequate supervision, to the end that Applicant's financial resources will be protected and the violations of the Act by Applicant and its predecessor, Orange County, will not recur. The agreement also recognizes the fact that, while Applicant is the successor to Orange County, a company covered in 1970 and having exemption rights under section 4(c)(ii) of the Act, it is also the successor to Sierra, a company having no exemption or grandfather rights under the Act. The retention by Applicant of Sierra's indirect interest in Bank represents a material expansion in a single organization of the banking interest that gave rise to Orange County's 4 Orange County was a bank holding company covered in 1970 that, because of its ownership by a single family, was entitled to the benefits of the family exemption of section 4(c)(ii) of the Act. Under that section Orange County could have retained its nonbank assets and activities, whether or not retention would have been permissible for other bank holding companies under section 4(c)(8) of the Act, and it could have expanded those activities and commenced new activities without Board approval. For example, under the family exemption, Orange County could have acquired Applicant's real property even though the Board has determined real estate development and management to be impermissible for bank holding companies. Because all three companies that were merged in 1973 have at all times been wholly owned by the same family, Applicant's acquisition of Orange County's indirect interest in Bank effected no substantial change in the control of Bank or the beneficial ownership of Bank's shares. Accordingly, under section 2(e) of the Act, Applicant should be viewed as a successor to Orange County and entitled to its rights under the family exemption of the Act with respect to the retention of its nonbank assets and activities. These assets and activities will cease to be protected by the family exemption if at any time 15 per cent or more of Applicant's shares become owned by persons other than members of the family that now owns those shares, and divestiture would then be required. Law Department exemption, and the Board regards the retention of that interest acquired from Sierra as warranting termination of Applicant's future exemption privileges as an appropriate condition to approval of this application. Although this application involves the retention of an indirect interest in Bank, and its approval would effect no changes in the banking services offered by Bank, considerations relating to the convenience and needs of the community to be served are consistent with approval of the application. It has been determined that Applicant's retention of its shares of Coast Bancorp, subject to the commitments of record, would be in the public interest and that its application should be approved. On the basis of the record, the application is approved for the reasons and subject to the conditions summarized above. By order of the Board of Governors, effective November 1, 1978. Voting for this action: Chairman Miller and Governors Wallich, Coldwell, Jackson, Partee, and Teeters. Absent and not voting: Governor Gardner. [SEAL] (Signed) J O H N M. W A L L A C E , Assistant Secretary of the Board. Keystone Bancshares, Inc., Monona, Iowa Order Approving a Bank Holding Formation Company of Keystone Bancshares, Inc., Monona, Iowa, has applied for the Board's approval under section 3(a)(1) of the Bank Holding Company Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842(a)(1)) to become a bank holding company through the acquisition of 80 per cent or more of the voting shares of Peoples State Bank, Elkader, Iowa ( " B a n k " ) . Notice of the application, affording opportunity for interested persons to submit comments and views, has been given in accordance with section 3(b) of the Act. The time for filing comments and views has expired, and the Board has considered the application and all comments received in light of the factors set forth in section 3(c) of the Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842(c)). Applicant is a nonoperating Iowa corporation organized for the purpose of becoming a bank holding company by acquiring Bank ($4.9 million 979 in deposits). 1 Upon acquisition of Bank, Applicant would control the 604th largest banking organization in Iowa and approximately 0.03 per cent of total deposits in commercial banks in the State. Bank is the eighth largest of nine banks located in the Elkader banking market 2 and holds approximately 5.4 per cent of the market's commercial bank deposits. This proposal involves a restructuring of Bank's ownership from individuals to a corporation controlled by the same individuals. Applicant's two principals, who also serve as officers and directors of Applicant, are principals of a one-bank holding company and its subsidiary bank, Union State Bank, Monona, Iowa ( " U n i o n B a n k " ) , located in Bank's market. Union Bank ($10.2 million in deposits) is the fifth largest bank in the market, controlling 11.2 per cent of market deposits. At the time Applicant's principals acquired control of Bank, in January 1970, they indirectly held the controlling interest in Union Bank and served as its president and vice president. Bank and Union Bank together controlled 12.5 per cent of the deposits in the Elkader market, or 2.7 per cent and 9.8 per cent, respectively. 3 Although the acquisition of Bank by Applicant's principals eliminated some competition existing at that time between Bank and Union Bank, in the Board's judgment, the acquisition had only slightly adverse effects upon competition. Upon consummation of the subject proposal, the two banks controlled by Applicant's principals would hold aggregate deposits representing 16.6 per cent of market deposits or slightly more than the deposits held by the market's second largest banking organization. While approval of the subject proposal would further solidify the relationship between the two affiliated banks and reduce the likelihood that the banks would become independent competitors in the future, based upon all of the facts of record, including the small size of the two banks, their rank in the market, and the presence of banking alternatives in the Elkader banking market, it appears that consummation of the proposal would have only slightly adverse effects upon competition. Where principals of an applicant are engaged in operating a chain of one-bank holding companies, the Board has indicated that it is appropriate 1 All deposit data are as of December 31, 1977, unless otherwise noted. 2 The Elkader banking market is approximated by Clayton County, Iowa. 3 Deposit data are as of December 31, 1969. 980 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 to apply multi-bank holding company standards in assessing the financial prospects both of an applicant seeking to become a bank holding company and of its proposed subsidiary bank. 4 Based upon such analysis in this case, the financial and managerial resources and future prospects of Applicant, Bank, and the affiliated bank and bank holding company appear to be generally satisfactory, particularly in light of certain commitments made by Applicant in connection with this application. The future prospects of Applicant are entirely dependent upon the resources of Bank. Applicant proposes to service the debt to be incurred over a twelve-year period through dividends to be declared by Bank and the tax benefit to be derived from filing consolidated tax returns. In light of the past earnings of Bank and Applicant's commitments, the anticipated growth in Bank earnings appears to provide Applicant with sufficient financial flexibility to meet its annual debt servicing requirements, while maintaining an adequate capital position for Bank. Therefore, considerations relating to banking factors are consistent with approval of the application. Since Applicant's principals acquired control of Bank in 1970, Bank has improved its banking services to its customers, and recently has established a new office in Elkader, Iowa, to better serve the convenience of Bank's customers. Following consummation of the transaction, Applicant intends to assist Bank in continuing to provide these banking services and to aid Bank in the construction of a new physical facility for its Elkader office. These considerations relating to convenience and needs of the community to be served, while not substantial, lend some weight toward approval of this application. Accordingly, it is the Board's judgment that the proposed acquisition would be in the public interest and that the application should be approved. On the basis of the record, the application is approved for the reasons summarized above. The transaction shall not be consummated before the thirtieth calendar day following the effective date of this Order or later than three months after the effective date of this Order, unless such period is extended for good cause by the Board, or by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago pursuant to delegated authority. 4 See, e.g., the Board's Order dated June 14, 1976, denying the application of Nebraska Banco, Inc., Ord, Nebraska, to become a bank holding company (62 FEDERAL RESERVE BUL- LETIN 6 3 8 (1976)). By order of the Board of Governors, effective November 1, 1978. Voting for this action: Chairman Miller and Governors Wallich, Coldwell, Jackson, Partee, and Teeters. Absent and not voting: Governor Gardner. ( S i g n e d ) JOHN M . WALLACE, [SEAL] Assistant Secretary of the Board. Otto Bremer Company, St. Paul, Minnesota Order Approving Acquisition of Bank Otto Bremer Company, St. Paul, Minnesota, a bank holding company within the meaning of the Bank Holding Company Act, has applied for the Board's approval under § 3(a)(3) of the Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842(a)(3)) to acquire 68.2 per cent of the voting shares of First National Bank of Crookston, Crookston, Minnesota ( " B a n k " ) . Notice of the application, affording opportunity for interested persons to submit comments and views, has been given in accordance with § 3(b) of the Act. The time for filing comments and views has expired, and the Board has considered the application and all comments received in light of the factors set forth in § 3(c) of the Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842(c)). Applicant, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Otto Bremer Foundation, St. Paul, Minnesota ( " F o u n dation"), is a multi-bank holding company that proposes to acquire shares of Bank from Foundation as part of a reorganization of Applicant and Foundation. Applicant has 20 subsidiary banks in Minnesota and North Dakota. In addition Applicant and Foundation together hold a majority interest in four other banks. The Otto Bremer organization is the third largest banking organization in Minnesota, with 16 subsidiary banks (including Bank) holding total deposits of $474.8 million, which represents 2.9 per cent of total deposits in commercial banks in the State. 1 Bank (deposits of $31.5 million) is the largest bank in the relevant banking market, 2 controlling 33.6 per cent of the total deposits in commercial banks in the market. T w o of Applicant's subsidiary banks are located in the same market and hold total deposits of $34.4 million representing 36.7 1 Banking data are as of June 30, 1977. The relevant market is approximated by the southwestern one-third of Polk County and the northern edge of Norman County, both in Minnesota. 2 Law Department per cent of total deposits in commercial banks in the market. Upon consummation of the proposal Applicant would control 70.2 per cent of market deposits. Three independent competitors would remain in the market. Although the relevant market will remain highly concentrated upon consummation of this proposal, it does not appear that Applicant's proposed acquisition of Bank as part of a corporate reorganization will contribute to the concentration of banking resources in the market. Bank and Applicant's two bank subsidiaries in the market were acquired more than 40 years ago by the individual who established Applicant and Foundation, and they have remained under common control since that time. The banks were financially troubled at the time of acquisition and it does not appear that their acquisition was anticompetitive at that time. Because of the long-standing relationship between Applicant, Foundation and their subsidiary banks it appears that no meaningful competition exists between Bank and Applicant's two bank subsidiaries in the relevant market, and the proposed acquisition of Bank therefore would not eliminate any existing competition. Accordingly, in view of the above and other facts of record, competitive considerations appear consistent with approval of the application. The financial and managerial resources of Applicant, its subsidiaries and Bank are regarded as generally satisfactory and the future prospects of each appear favorable. Accordingly, banking factors are consistent with approval of the application. Applicant does not propose to introduce any new services at Bank in connection with the proposed acquisition. However, considerations relating to the convenience and needs of the community to be served are consistent with approval of the application. Accordingly, the Board concludes that approval of the application would be consistent with the public interest and that the application should be approved. On the basis of the record, the application is approved for the reasons summarized above. The transaction shall not be made before the thirtieth calendar day following the effective date of this Order or later than three months after the effective date of this Order, unless such period is extended for good cause by the Board, or by the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis pursuant to delegated authority. By order of the Board of Governors, effective November 3, 1978. 981 Voting for this action: Chairman Miller and Governors Wallich, Coldwell, Partee, and Teeters. Absent and not voting: Governors Gardner and Jackson. ( S i g n e d ) JOHN M . WALLACE, [SEAL] Assistant Secretary of the Board. Republic of Texas Corporation, Dallas, Texas Order Approving Acquisition of Bank Republic of Texas Corporation, Dallas, Texas, a bank holding company within the meaning of the Bank Holding Company Act, has applied for the Board's approval under section 3(a)(3) of the Act (12 U.S.C. § 1842(a)(3)) to acquire all of the voting shares (less directors' qualifying shares) of the successor by merger to Texas State Bank, Austin, Texas ( " B a n k " ) . The bank into which Bank is to be merged has no significance except as a means to facilitate the acquisition of the voting shares of Bank. Accordingly, the proposed acquisition of shares of the successor organization is treated herein as the proposed acquisition of the shares of Bank. Notice of the application, affording opportunity for interested persons to submit views and recommendations, has been given in accordance with section 3(b) of the Act (12 U.S.C. § 1842(b)). The time for filing views and recommendations has expired, and the application and all comments have been considered in light of the factors set forth in section 3(c) of the Act (12 U.S.C. § 1842(c)). Applicant, the fourth largest banking organization in Texas, controls 16 banks with aggregate deposits of approximately $4.08 billion, representing approximately 6.77 per cent of total deposits in commercial banks in the State. 1 Acquisition of Bank, the 60th largest banking organization in the State with deposits of $86.5 million, would increase Applicant's share of commercial bank deposits in Texas by .14 per cent and would not alter Applicant's ranking in the State. Bank is the fifth largest of 21 banking organizations in the relevant banking market, 2 holding 4.6 per cent of the total commercial bank deposits 1 All banking data are as of December 31, 1977, and reflect bank holding company formations and acquisitions approved as of September 30, 1978. 2 The relevant banking market is approximated by the Austin RMA as defined by Rand McNally & Company's 1978 Commercial Atlas & Marketing Guide. It includes most of Travis and a small part of Williamson Counties. 982 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 in the market. Bank is the largest bank in the market not affiliated with a bank holding company. The four largest banking organizations in the market control, respectively, 26.1, 22.0, 18.1, and 12.7 per cent of market deposits, and three of the four are affiliated with the State's largest banking organizations. Applicant does not currently operate in the market. Bank is located approximately 77 miles from Applicant's nearest subsidiary. Therefore, approval of this application would have no adverse effect upon existing competition. Affiliation of Bank with Applicant might decrease market concentration by the introduction of a new competitor into the market to compete with the larger banking organizations in the market. While consummation of the proposal would reduce the number of independent banking organizations in the Austin market, this does not appear to be significant since a number of independent banks would remain available as entry vehicles into the market after consummation of the proposal. In light of the above and other facts of record, it is concluded that the proposed acquisition would have no significantly adverse effects on competition. Thus, it is concluded that competitive considerations are consistent with approval of the application. The financial and managerial resources and future prospects of Applicant, its subsidiaries, and Bank are regarded as generally satisfactory and consistent with approval of the application, particularly in light of Applicant's commitment to inject additional capital into Bank upon consummation of the proposal. Thus, considerations relating to banking factors are consistent with approval of the application. Following consummation of the transaction, Applicant plans to encourage Bank to expand its commercial and industrial lending activities as well as continue aggressive consumer banking programs. In addition, Bank will be able to offer credit life and credit accident and health insurance to its customers through Applicant's insurance subsidiary at rates lower than the State's maximum rates currently being charged by Bank's carrier. Thus, considerations relating to convenience and needs of the community to be served lend weight toward approval of the application. Accordingly, it has been determined that the proposed acquisition would be in the public interest and that the application should be approved. On the basis of the record, the application is approved for the reasons summarized above. The transaction shall not be made before the thirtieth calendar day following the effective date of this Order, or later than three months after the effective date of this Order unless such period is extended for good cause by the Board, or by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas pursuant to delegated authority. By Order of the Secretary of the Board, acting pursuant to delegated authority from the Board of Governors, effective November 2, 1978. [SEAL] (Signed) J O H N Assistant Secretary M. WALLACE, of the Board. Texas American Bancshares, Inc., Fort Worth, Texas Order Approving Acquisition of Bank Shares Texas American Bancshares, Inc., Fort Worth, Texas, a bank holding company within the meaning of the Bank Holding Company Act, has applied for the Board's approval under section 3(a)(3) of the Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842(a)(3)) to acquire 75 per cent of the voting shares of Bank of Fort Worth ( " B a n k " ) , Fort Worth, Texas. Notice of the application, affording opportunity for interested persons to submit comments and views, has been given in accordance with section 3(b) of the Act. The time for filing comments and views has expired, and the Board has considered the application and all comments received, including those filed after the expiration of the comment period on behalf of Ella Jackson and Willie Wingfield ( " P r o t e s t a n t s " ) , in light of the factors set forth in section 3(c) of the Act (12 U . S . C . § 1842(c)). Applicant is the seventh largest banking organization in Texas, with ten subsidiary banks holding total deposits of $1.76 billion, representing 2.9 per cent of total deposits in commercial banks in the State. 1 Bank, which is not among the larger banking organizations in Texas, holds total deposits of $91.9 million representing 0.15 per cent of total deposits in commercial banks in the State. Bank is presently regarded as a subsidiary of Applicant because of Applicant's direct ownership of 24.99 per cent of Bank's outstanding voting shares and control of an additional 3.5 per cent of Bank's outstanding voting shares held by Applicant in a fiduciary capacity through the trust department of Applicant's lead bank, Fort Worth 1 Banking data are as of December 31, 1977. Law Department National Bank ( " F W N B " ) , Fort Worth, Texas. 2 Because Bank is already a subsidiary of Applicant, the effect of the acquisition of the remainder of Bank's outstanding voting shares will be to consolidate Applicant's control of Bank, and approval of the application would not result in any increase in the percentage of bank deposits in the State deemed to be controlled by Applicant. Applicant is the largest banking organization in the Fort Worth banking market with approximately 28.4 per cent of total deposits in commercial banks in the market. 3 Of this market share 2.5 per cent is held through Bank, and approval of the subject application would result in consolidation of Applicant's control over Bank's market share. While it appears that approval of the application would eliminate some existing competition between Applicant and Bank, the amount of competition eliminated would be slight in view of the longstanding relationship between Bank and Applicant's lead bank, F W N B . Bank was organized in 1946 by officers, directors, and shareholders of F W N B ; a majority of Bank's shares was controlled by F W N B for eight years, and the two institutions have remained closely associated. Furthermore, 40 additional banking organizations will remain as competitors in the Fort Worth banking market, and the market will remain attractive for de novo entry. Accordingly, the Board concludes that the proposed acquisition would have only slightly adverse effects on existing competition. The financial and managerial resources of Applicant and Bank are regarded as generally satisfactory and the future prospects of each appear favorable. Accordingly, banking factors are consistent with approval of the application. In connection with this application Protestants have claimed that approval of the proposed acquisition would not serve the convenience and needs of the Fort Worth community because, as they allege, F W N B engages in illegal discriminatory employment practices. This protest arises out of complaints filed by Protestants with the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission ( " E E O C " ) and subsequent suits filed by them against F W N B and now pending before the United States District 2 As part of this proposal Applicant seeks authority to retain the shares of Bank held by it in a fiduciary capacity beyond a period of two years. Of these shares 1,184 (0.4 per cent) will remain in the trust department of F W N B , and the remainder will be held directly by Applicant. 3 The Fort Worth banking market is approximated by the Fort Worth R M A , consisting of Tarrant County and portions of Denton, Johnson, Parker, and Wise Counties. 983 Court for the Northern District of Texas. In support of their allegations, Protestants state that between 1971 and 1976, F W N B employed blacks in less than 14 per cent of its work force, although 1970 census figures estimate that blacks constituted 14 per cent of the work force in the Fort Worth SMS A, and Protestants claim that other minorities have been similarly underrepresented. Protestants believe that Applicant may extend discriminatory employment practices to Bank should this application be approved. Discrimination in employment on the basis of race or sex is unlawful, and evidence of unlawful conduct by a bank holding company may be relevant to the Board's consideration of applications under the Act and may clearly bear on the managerial integrity of an applicant. 4 However, with regard to Protestants' allegations of employment discrimination, the Board concludes that the evidence submitted by Protestants does not support any adverse finding regarding Applicant or the likely effect of its acquisition of Bank. This conclusion is supported by the actions of those Federal agencies that are directly responsible for the enforcement and implementation of equal employment opportunity laws and regulations as they affect Applicant. The EEOC has formally considered Protestants' complaints regarding F W N B ' s employment practices and in both cases has dismissed those complaints as being without merit. Furthermore, the Treasury Department has reviewed F W N B ' s equal employment opportunity program and has certified that F W N B is in compliance with relevant standards pertaining to employment discrimination, and all employment data submitted by Protestants predate this certification. Under the circumstances, the Board believes that Protestants' claims do not support an adverse finding relevant to this application, and do not warrant further postponement of Board consideration of this application. Neither does it appear that Board action on this application will impair any remedy available to Protestants by law. In connection with this proposal Applicant proposes to expand Bank's services, including trust services, payroll processing, and international banking In addition, Bank will be able to offer 4 The Board notes, however, that there may be limits to its ability to take into consideration, under the convenience and needs standard of the Bank Holding Company Act, matters of significant public interest that nevertheless are not directly within the scope of the Board's regulatory responsibilities Inc. v. Board of under the Act. See Western Bancshares, Governors, 4 8 0 F.2d 7 4 9 (10th Cir. 1973). A 984 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 lower rates on credit-related insurance through Applicant's insurance subsidiary and will benefit from Applicant's lending expertise and provision of data processing facilities. Accordingly, the Board finds that consideration of the convenience and needs of the community to be served lends weight toward approval sufficient to outweigh the slightly adverse competitive effects associated with the proposal. It is the Board's judgment that the proposed transaction is consistent with the public interest and that the application should be approved. On the basis of the record, the application is approved for the reasons summarized above. The transaction shall not be made before the thirtieth calendar day following the effective date of this Order, or later than three months after the effective date of this Order unless such period is extended for good cause by the Board, or by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas pursuant to delegated authority. By order of the Board of Governors, effective November 1, 1978. Voting for this action: Chairman Miller and Governors Wallich, Coldwell, Jackson, Partee, and Teeters. Absent and not voting: Governor Gardner. ( S i g n e d ) JOHN M . [SEAL] Assistant Secretary WALLACE, of the Board. ORDER UNDER SECTION 4 OF B A N K HOLDING COMPANY A C T National Detroit Corporation, Detroit, Michigan Order Approving Acquisition of Pioneer Mortgage Corporation National Detroit Corporation, Detroit, Michigan, a bank holding company within the meaning of the Bank Holding Company Act, has applied for the Board's approval, under section 4(c)(8) of the Act (12 U . S . C . § 1843(c)(8)) and section 225.4(b)(2) of the Board's Regulation Y (12 C . F . R . § 225.4(b)(2)), to acquire, through its wholly owned subsidiary, NBD Mortgage Company ( " N B D " ) , Detroit, Michigan, certain assets of Pioneer Mortgage Corporation ( " P i o n e e r " ) , Upland, California, and to engage in mortgage banking activities from Pioneer's existing offices. The proposed activities of originating, marketing, and servicing mortgage loans have been deter- mined by the Board to be closely related to banking (12 C . F . R . § 225.4(a)(1) and (3)). Notice of the application, affording opportunity for interested persons to submit comments and views on the public interest factors, has been duly published (43 Federal Register 47788 (1978)). The time for filing comments and views has expired, and the Board has considered the application and all comments received in light of the public interest factors set forth in section 4(c)(8) of the Act. Applicant, the largest bank holding company in Michigan, controls six banking subsidiaries and has consolidated assets of $8.6 billion. 1 N B D ($47 million in assets as of September 30, 1978) engages in a general mortgage banking business through offices in Michigan, Virginia, and California. As of December 1977, NBD had a mortgage servicing portfolio of $844 million and ranked as the 51st largest mortgage banking firm in the United States. Currently NBD has a mortgage portfolio of $973 million. Pioneer ($7.1 million in assets) currently services a mortgage portfolio of approximately $78 million from its main office in Upland, California, and from its branch office in Roseville, California. Pioneer makes and acquires mortgage loans for its own account and for the account of others. Pioneer also has a wholly owned subsidiary that offers casualty insurance. However, Applicant does not intend to acquire this subsidiary or engage in this activity. From the record it does not appear that any competition would be eliminated by consummation of this proposal. N B D ' s California office is located in San Diego and opened for business in 1978. This office serves a market spearate and distinct from that served by Pioneer, and Applicant and Pioneer do not derive business from one another's market. Moreover, without consummation of this proposal, it is doubtful that Pioneer could remain a viable competitor in its market. The Board finds that Applicant's acquisition of Pioneer would have no adverse effect upon competition. The acquisition of Pioneer will ensure the continued provision of mortgage banking services from Pioneer's present locations and should increase the amount of mortgage funds available and provide improved stability in the flow of mortgage funds into the communities served. The Board 1 Unless otherwise indicated, all data are as of June 30, 1978. Law Department finds that evidence in the record indicates that consummation of this proposal would not result in any undue concentration of resources, conflicts of interest, unsound banking practices, or any other adverse effects upon the public interest. Based upon the foregoing and other considerations reflected in the record, the Board has determined that the balance of the public interest factors the Board is required to consider under section 4(c)(8) is favorable. Accordingly, the application is hereby approved. This determination is subject to the conditions set forth in section 225.4(c) of Regulation Y and to the Board's authority to require reports by and make examinations of bank holding companies and their subsidiaries, and to require such modification or termination of the activities of a holding company or any of its subsidiaries as the Board finds necessary to assure compliance with the provisions and purposes of the Act and the Board's regulations and orders issued thereunder, or to prevent evasion thereof. The transaction shall be made not later than three months after the effective date of this Order unless such period is extended for good cause by the Board or by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago pursuant to delegated authority. By order of the Board of Governors, effective November 22, 1978. Voting for this action: Chairman Miller and Governors Wallich, Coldwell, Partee, and Teeters. ( S i g n e d ) GRIFFITH L . GARWOOD, [SEAL] Deputy Secretary of the Board. PRIOR C E R T I F I C A T I O N P U R S U A N T TO T H E B A N K H O L D I N G C O M P A N Y T A X A C T OF 1976 Investment Corporation of America, Minneapolis, Minnesota [Docket No. TCR 76-150] Investment Corporation of America, Minneapolis, Minnesota ( " I n v e s c o " ) , has requested a prior certification pursuant to section 1101(a) of the Internal Revenue Code ( " C o d e " ) , as amended by section 2(a) of the Bank Holding Company Tax Act of 1976 ( " T a x A c t " ) , that Invesco's proposed pro rata distribution to its shareholders of all its shares of S&M Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota ( " S & M " ) , is necessary or appropriate to 985 effectuage section 4 of the Bank Holding Company Act (12 U . S . C . § 1843) ( " B H C A c t " ) . In connection with this request, the following information is deemed relevant for purposes of issuing the requested certification: 1 1. Invesco is a corporation organized on October 22, 1958, under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 2. On August 26, 1966, Invesco acquired ownership and control of 31,696 shares, representing approximately 79 per cent of the outstanding voting shares of River Forest State Bank, River Forest, Illinois ( " B a n k " ) . 3. Invesco became a bank holding company on December 31, 1970, as a result of the 1970 Amendments to the BHC Act, by virtue of. its ownership and control at that time of more than 25 per cent of the outstanding voting shares of Bank, and it registered as such with the Board on June 28, 1971. Invesco would have been a bank holding company on July 7, 1970, if the BHC Act Amendments of 1970 had been in effect on that date, by virtue of its ownership and control on that date of more than 25 per cent of the voting shares of Bank. Invesco presently owns and controls approximately 98 per cent of the outstanding voting shares of Bank. 4. S&M is a wholesale distributor of automotive accessories and operates a retail hardware store. Invesco acquired 100 per cent, or 40,000 of S & M ' s voting shares, on December 31, 1969. To date, there have been no changes in the number of percentage of S&M shares owned by Invesco. However, prior to the proposed distribution, the number of S & M ' s voting shares will be increased to a number equal to the number of Invesco shares then outstanding. 2 Under section 4 of the Bank 1 This information derives from Invesco's correspondence with the Board concerning its request for this certification, Invesco's Registration Statement filed with the Board pursuant to the BHC Act, and other records of the Board. 2 Under subsection (c) of section 1101 of the Code, property acquired after July 7, 1970, generally does not qualify for the tax benefits of section 1101(a) when distributed by an otherwise qualified bank holding company. However, where such property is acquired by a qualified bank holding company in a transaction in which gain is not recognized under section 305(a) of the Code, then section 1101(a) is applicable. Invesco has indicated that these shares of S&M will be acquired in a transaction in which gain would not be recognized under section 305(a) of the Code. Accordingly, even though such shares would be acquired after July 7, 1970, those shares would nevertheless qualify as property eligible for the tax benefits provided in section 1101(a) of the Act, by virtue of section 1101(c), if the shares of S&M are in fact received in a transaction in which gain is not recognized under section 305(a) of the Act. A 986 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 Holding Company Act, Invesco may not retain its shares of S&M if Invesco were to continue to be a bank holding company beyond December 31, 1980. 5. Invesco has committed to the Board that it will terminate all interlocking relationships between Invesco and S&M by December 31, 1978. On the basis of the foregoing information it is hereby certified that: (A) Invesco is a qualified bank holding corporation, within the meaning of subsection (b) of section 1103 of the Code, and satisfies the requirements of that subsection; (B) the shares of S&M are "prohibited prope r t y " within the meaning of section 1103(c) of the Code; and (C) the distribution by Invesco of all of its shares of S&M is necessary or appropriate to effectuate section 4 of the BHC Act. This certification is based upon the representations made to the Board by Invesco and upon the facts set forth above. In the event the Board ORDERS APPROVED UNDER BANK should hereafter determine that facts material to this certification are otherwise than as represented by Invesco, or that Invesco has failed to disclose to the Board other material facts, it may revoke this certification. This certification is also granted on the condition that after December 31, 1978, no person holding an office or position (including an advisory or honorary position) with Invesco or any of its subsidiaries as an officer, director, policy-making employee or consultant, or who performs (directly, or through an agent, representative or nominee) functions comparable to those normally associated with such office or position, will hold any such office or position or perform any such function with S&M or any of its subsidiaries. By order of the Board of Governors, acting through its General Counsel, pursuant to delegated authority (12 C . F . R . § 265.2(b)(3)), effective November 15, 1978. ( S i g n e d ) GRIFFITH L . [SEAL] HOLDING COMPANY Deputy Secretary GARWOOD, of the Board. ACT B Y T H E B O A R D OF G O V E R N O R S During November 1978, the Board of Governors approved the applications listed below. Copies are available upon request to Publications Services, Division of Administrative Services, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D . C . 20551. Section 3 Applicant Gordon Financial Corporation, Gordon, Texas Quail Creek Bancshares, Inc., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Bank(s) The First National Bank of Gordon, Gordon, Texas Quail Creek Bank, N . A . , Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Board action (effective date) November 1, 1978 November 2, 1978 Law Department 987 Sections 3 and 4 Applicant Nonbanking company (or activity), Bank(s) Oklahoma National Bancshares, Inc., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Oklahoma National Bank and Trust C o . , Oklahoma City, Oklahoma B Y FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS Effective date To engage de novo in credit-related insurance agency activities through an indirect ownership interest in Myriad Insurance Agency, Inc. November 27, 1978 Recent applications have been approved by the Federal Reserve Banks as listed below. Copies of the orders are available upon request to the Reserve Banks. Section 3 Bank(s) Applicant Ruth Jones Nelson Finance Corp., Correctionville, Iowa New Virginia Bancorporation, Springfield, Virginia Reserve Bank Effective date Chicago November 30, 1978 Corn Belt State Bank, Correction ville, Iowa Petersen State Bank, Petersen, Iowa Richmond November 29, 1978 First City Bank of Newport News, Newport News, Virginia Section 4 Applicant First Texas Bancorp, Inc. Nonbanking Company (or activity) Underwriting credit life and credit accident and health insurance directly related to extensions of credit by Applicant's subsidiaries ORDER APPROVED U N D E R B A N K MERGER Applicant The Connecticut Bank and Trust C o . , Hartford, Connecticut Reserve Bank Dallas Effective date November 28, 1978 ACT Bank(s) Liberty National Bank, Stamford, Connecticut Effective date November 1, 1978 A 988 PENDING Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 CASES INVOLVING THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS Does not include suits against the Federal Reserve Banks in which the Board of Governors is not named a party. Ella Jackson, et al. v. Board of Governors, filed November 1978, U . S . C . A . for the Fifth Circuit. United Bank Corporation, New York v. Board of Governors, filed November 1978, U . S . C . A . for the Second Circuit. Metro-North State Bank, Kansas City v. Board of Governors, filed October 1978, U . S . C . A . for the Eighth Circuit. Manchester-Tower Grove Community Organization/ACORN v. Board of Governors, filed September 1978, U . S . C . A . for the District of Columbia. Cradelv. The United States and the Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, filed July 1978, U . S . D . C . for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Beckley v. Board of Governors, filed July 1978, U . S . D . C . for the Northern District of Illinois. Independent Bankers Association of Texas v. First National Bank in Dallas, et al., filed July 1978, U . S . C . A . for the Northern District of Texas. Mid-Nebraska Bancshares, Inc. v. Board of Governors, filed July 1978, U . S . C . A . for the District of Columbia. NCNB Corporation v. Board of Governors, filed June 1978, U . S . C . A . for the Fourth Circuit. NCNB Corporation v. Board of Governors, filed June 1978, U . S . C . A . for the Fourth Circuit. Ellis Banking Corporation v. Board of Governors, filed May 1978, U . S . C . A . for the Fifth Circuit. United States League of Savings Associations v. Board of Governors, filed May 1978, U . S . D . C . for the District of Columbia. Hawkeye Bancorporation v. Board of Governors, filed April 1978, U . S . C . A . for the Eighth Circuit. Citicorp v. Board of Governors, filed March 1978, U . S . C . A . for the Second Circuit. Security Bancorp and Security National Bank v. Board of Governors, filed March 1978, U . S . C . A . for the Ninth Circuit. Michigan National Corporation v. Board of Governors, filed January 1978, U . S . C . A . for the Sixth Circuit. Wisconsin Bankers Association v. Board of Governors, filed January 1978, U . S . C . A . for the District of Columbia. Vickars-Henry Corp. v. Board of Governors, filed December 1977, U . S . C . A . for the Ninth Circuit. Emch v. The United States of America, et al., filed November 1977, U . S . D . C . for the Eastern District of Wisconsin. Corbin v. Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Board of Governors, et al., filed October 1977, U . S . D . C . for the Southern District of New York. Central Bank v. Board of Governors, filed October 1977, U . S . C . A . for the District of Columbia. Investment Company Institute v. Board of Governors, filed September 1977, U . S . C . A . for the District of Columbia. BankAmerica Corporation v. Board of Governors, filed May 1977, U . S . C . A . for the Northern District of California. BankAmerica Corporation v. Board of Governors, filed May 1977, U . S . C . A . for the Ninth Circuit. National Automobile Dealers Association, Inc. v. Board of Governors, filed November 1976, U . S . C . A . for the Distrcit of Columbia. Memphis Trust Company v. Board of Governors, filed February 1976, U . S . D . C . for the Western District of Tennessee First Lincolnwood Corporation v. Board of Governors, filed February 1976, U . S . C . A . for the Seventh Circuit. Roberts Farms, Inc. v. Comptroller of the Currency, et al., filed November 1976, U . S . D . C . for the Southern District of California. Florida Association of Insurance Agents, Inc. v. Board of Governors, and National Association of Insurance Agents, Inc. v. Board of Governors, filed August 1975, actions consolidated in U . S . C . A . for the Fifth Circuit. David R. Merrill, et al. v. Federal Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve System, filed May 1975, U . S . D . C . for the District of Columbia. Bankers Trust New York Corporation v. Board of Governors, filed May 1973, U . S . C . A . for the Second Circuit. 989 Announcements PRICING FOR CERTAIN FEDERAL RESERVE SERVICES The Board of Governors on November 17, 1978, approved for transmission to the Congress a preliminary schedule of prices for Federal Reserve check and automated clearinghouse services. The tentative schedule was developed by the Board and the 12 Federal Reserve Banks as part of a comprehensive plan to provide greater competitive equality among financial institutions. The prices will not be implemented until effective steps have been taken to alleviate the burden of membership in the Federal Reserve System. Pricing schedules for other Federal Reserve services, such as the shipment of coin and currency, wire transfers of funds, and the safekeeping of securities, are under consideration. The pricing of Federal Reserve services is part of an over-all effort to modernize the role of the Federal Reserve in the Nation's financial system and the relationship of financial institutions, in general, to the Federal Reserve. This program has been under active consideration by the Congress since July 1978 when the Board submitted its legislative proposals. These proposals included a statement of the guidelines that underlie the development by the Federal Reserve of a system of prices for its services. The pricing of check collection services suggested in the schedule is based on the volume of check clearings by the Federal Reserve in the first half of 1978. The prices are meant to recoup direct and indirect costs of providing such services. In addition, adjustments totaling 11 per cent of these costs have been added to reflect additional costs that would be borne in the private sector. These adjustments include capital costs, taxes, an allowance for dividends, and provision for reserve. Prices for automated clearing and settlement services have been calculated to be competitive with check prices. Establishment of prices for automated clearinghouse services at this level is intended to encourage banks and their customers to take advantage of the potentially lower cost of electronic funds transfers as compared with the cost of payments by check, while still affording opportunity to develop competing automated clearing and settlement services in the private sector. Before a final decision is made on pricing, the Federal Reserve will consider the advisability of establishing different prices for each zone in some Federal Reserve districts. COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT ACT: Examination Procedures Federal regulators of banks and thrift institutions have made public the procedures developed by an interagency task force for examination of financial institutions covered under the new Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) and regulations. The CRA became effective November 6. It is intended to encourage Federally insured commercial banks, mutual savings banks, and savings and loan associations to help meet the credit needs of their entire communities, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, while preserving the flexibility needed to operate safely and soundly. The Federal Home Loan Bank Board supervises savings and loan associations, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation supervises mutual savings banks and State-chartered commercial banks that are not members of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Reserve supervises State-chartered member banks, and the Comptroller of the Currency supervises national banks. The examination procedures developed by the staffs of the four agencies, working together, will be closely monitored and altered if necessary in the light of experience with the procedures. REGULATION K: Revisions The Board of Governors has announced revisions of its Regulation K (Corporations Engaged in Foreign Banking and Financing under the Federal Reserve Act) to conform to certain provisions of the new International Banking Act. The International Banking Act (IBA), signed A 990 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 into law September 17, 1978, for the first time makes the operations of foreign banks in the United States, through their branches, agencies, and lending companies, subject to Federal law in a manner similar to domestic banks. The act assigns new responsibilities for the activities of foreign banks in the United States to the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Federal Reserve Board. The three agencies have formed an interagency task force to implement these responsibilities. The Board announced that: 1. It is revising its Regulation K to remove the 10 per cent minimum reserve requirement that has applied to domestic deposits of Edge Act corporations (U.S. corporations that banks may establish, under a provision of the Federal Reserve Act— Sec. 25(a), to engage in foreign banking and finance). Edge corporations will, instead, under the International Banking Act and Regulation K, be subject to the same reserve requirements on their domestic deposits as apply to member banks. This amendment will be effective with the reserve computation period beginning November 16, 1978. The new level of required reserves must be maintained beginning with the week ending December 6, 1978. 2. The Board is advising the Reserve Banks to accept applications by foreign banks for the formation of Edge corporations and is revising the relevant application form (FR 151) to conform to provisions of the IBA by authorizing foreign banks, with the approval of the Board, to own a majority of the shares of an Edge corporation and by removing the requirement that only U . S . citizens may be directors of Edge corporations. The act also authorizes the Board, after consultation with State bank supervisors, to impose reserve requirements and interest rate limitations on branches and agencies of large foreign banks. The Board expects to commence such consultations in the near future. Following these consultations, and prior to the imposition of any reserve requirements and interest rate limitations, proposed regulations will be published for comment. STATEMENT: International Banking Act of 1978 The following statement by the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Board of Governors indicates actions taken and planned by the three agencies to implement the International Banking Act of 1978. STATEMENT This statement has been prepared in consultation with and on behalf of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Federal Reserve Board. On September 17, 1978, the President signed into law the International Banking Act of 1978, Public Law 9 5 - 3 6 9 . Under this act foreign banks operating in the United States through branches, agencies, or commercial lending companies are to be subject to Federal supervision and regulation in a manner similar to domestic banks. The act is a significant step toward applying the principle of national treatment, or nondiscrimination, to foreign banks operating in the United States. Although certain aspects of the act are selfimplementing, others require administrative action by either the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Comptroller of the Currency, or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The Board, the Comptroller, and the FDIC have primary responsibility for implementing the act and have established a group to coordinate their efforts. Such a coordinated effort is aimed at establishing a uniform system of Federal examination and supervision for U.S. offices of foreign banks. The following information is provided to address certain questions that have been raised by organizations subject to the act concerning their responsibilities between the time of the act becoming law and the issuance of implementing regulations by the agencies. 1. Reserve requirements on Edge corporations. The act amends section 25(a) of the Federal Reserve Act, 12 U . S . C . 611 (the " E d g e A c t " ) , by removing the 10 per cent minimum reserve requirement on the domestic deposits of an Edge corporation. The Board has amended its Regulation K, 1 2 C . F . R . 211, to conform to the removal of the statutory minimum reserve requirement. Domestic deposits of an Edge corporation will continue to be subject to the same reserve requirements as a member bank. The act also requires that the Board undertake a general revision of Regulation K within a statutorily prescribed time frame. The Board is proceeding with that revision in light of the act's Announcements amendment of the Edge Act with respect to the purposes and powers of Edge corporations. 2. Reserve requirements for branches and agencies of foreign banks. The act subjects Federal branches and agencies of foreign banks with total worldwide consolidated bank assets in excess of $1 billion to Federal Reserve reserve requirements and interest rate limitations. In addition, the act authorizes the Board to impose reserve requirements and interest rate limitations on State branches and agencies of foreign banks after consultation and cooperation with State bank supervisory authorities. The Board expects to commence the consultative process with appropriate State bank supervisory authorities in the near future. After consultation, any proposed regulations to subject State branches and agencies to reserve and interest rate requirements will be published for comment. 3. Ownership of Edge corporations by foreign banks. The act amends the Edge Act to permit foreign banks with the approval of the Board to acquire a majority of the shares of an Edge corporation. The act also permits non-U.S. citizens to serve as directors of an Edge corporation. Foreign banks that seek to organize an Edge corporation or to acquire a majority of the shares of an Edge corporation may file an application in letter form with the Federal Reserve Bank of the district in which the foreign bank's U.S. banking activities are principally conducted or, if not currently conducting banking operations in the United States, with the Federal Reserve Bank of the district in which the Edge corporation is, or is to be, located. Application procedures and information requirements will, to the extent possible, be the same as for applications by domestic institutions to organize Edge corporations. In this connection, the Board has revised its form F.R. 151 (Articles of Association of an Edge Corporation) to conform to the changes in the Edge Act. Copies of the revised form will be available at the Reserve Banks. 4. Licensing of Federal branches and Federal agencies. The act authorizes the Comptroller of the Currency to license and supervise Federal branches or agencies in any State in which the parent foreign bank is not operating a State branch or agency and in which the establishment of a foreign branch or agency is not prohibited by State law. The Comptroller also may license an inter- 991 state Federal branch of a foreign bank where the establishment of branches is permitted by State law and the foreign bank enters into an agreement with the Board to receive only deposits permissible for an Edge corporation. The Comptroller's office is currently formulating appropriate regulations and procedures to implement the act. Those regulations should be published for comment prior to December 31, 1978. Applications for Federal branches and agencies received prior to the adoption of final regulations will be acknowledged and will be held for consideration subject to the final regulations. 5. Deposit insurance for branches of foreign banks. Under the act, no foreign bank may establish or operate a Federal branch that receives deposits of less than $100,000 without obtaining Federal deposit insurance. State branches, in States that require deposit insurance for Statechartered banks, that receive deposits of less than $100,000 must be insured. An exemption from mandatory deposit insurance may be granted by the FDIC in the case of a State-licensed branch, or by the Comptroller of the Currency in the case of a Federal branch, if the branch is not engaging in domestic retail deposit activity. Foreign bank branches that are not subject to mandatory insurance may voluntarily apply for FDIC insurance coverage. A branch established prior to the date of enactment must obtain deposit insurance by September 17, 1979, if the branch is subject to the mandatory insurance provisions. A branch established after the date of enactment is immediately subject to the act's provisions. Procedures and forms to be used in applying for deposit insurance are being developed and are expected to be available at an early date. In the interim, applications may be filed in letter form. Applications for Federal deposit insurance received prior to the adoption- of final regulations will be acknowledged and will be held for consideration subject to the final regulations. 6. Registration with the Federal Reserve. The act subjects any foreign bank that operates a branch, agency, or commercial lending company in the United States to provisions of the Bank Holding Company Act in the same manner and to the same extent as bank holding companies. Applying section 5 of the Bank Holding Company Act to foreign banks subject to the act requires that those banks register with the Board. The Board is in the process of drafting a registration A 992 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 form suitable for this purpose. When completed, these forms will be available at the Federal Reserve Banks. 7. Registration of representative offices. The act also requires foreign banks that maintain offices, other than branches or agencies, in the United States to register with the Secretary of the Treasury by March 16, 1979, or, after that date, upon establishment of such an office. Procedures and forms for registration are being developed and should be available before year-end. Foreign banks are not expected to register with the Secretary of the Treasury until such forms are available. COUNTRY LENDING EXPOSURE SURVEY The results of a survey of foreign lending by large U.S. banks during the first half of 1978 were made public by the Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of Governors, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation on December 7, 1978. The survey, conducted semiannually, covers credits to (claims on) foreign residents held at all domestic and foreign offices of 124 U.S. banking organizations. In addition to information on types of loans, loan maturities, types of borrowers, and loan guarantees, the survey provides information on commitments to provide funds to foreigners. The survey data are given on a country-by-country basis. The results are discussed below. GENERAL The data indicate that in the first half of 1978 there was very little growth in U.S. bank credits extended to foreigners. Cross-border and non-local currency claims increased only $6 billion from $194 to $200 billion, an annual rate of growth of only 6 per cent. In addition, local currency lending by foreign offices of U . S . banks increased $2 billion to a total of $51 billion. Cross-border and cross-currency loans are those most closely associated with country risk; they totaled $200 billion on the reporting date. About 42 per cent of such foreign lending was accounted for by claims on residents of Switzerland and the Group of Ten ( G - 1 0 ) 1 developed countries. Another 33 per cent represented loans to residents of "other developed c o u n t r i e s , " " o i l exporting c o u n t r i e s , " and " o f f s h o r e banking c e n t e r s . " 2 Cross-border and cross-currency credits to residents of less developed countries that are not oil exporters amounted to approximately $49 billion, or some 25 per cent of the total. In addition, the banks reported $51 billion in local currency credits that were held by their offices in foreign countries to residents of the country in which the office was located. An example would be deutsche mark credits to German residents held by the German branch of the reporting U . S . banks. To a large extent, these local currency claims were matched by $44 billion in local currency liabilities due to local residents. Approximately 75 per cent of these claims were on residents of Switzerland and the G-10 countries. MATURITIES About two-thirds of the reported cross-border and cross-currency credits had a maturity of under one year. Only $14 billion in credits had a maturity in excess of 5 years. Short-term credits were especially prominent in the G-10 countries and the offshore banking centers where $86 billion out of $108 billion total credits matured in less than one year. This heavy concentration of short-term credits reflects the large volume of interbank lending in these countries. Most such placements of deposits are for very short periods. For most other groups of countries, short-term credits accounted for about half of total credits, although the proportion varied significantly among individual countries. T Y P E OF BORROWER TYPES OF L O A N S With respect to the type of customer, business with other banks accounted for the largest amount, equaling $100 billion. This was followed by pri- The information gathered in the survey concentrated on lending data from a bank's offices in one country to residents of another country or lending in a currency other than that of the borrower's— known as cross-border or cross-currency loans. 1 The G - 1 0 countries are: Belgium, Canada, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom, and the United States. 2 Off-shore banking centers are located in countries where multinational banks conduct a large international money market business. Announcements vate nonbank sector lending totaling $62 billion and loans to the public sector amounting to $37 billion. This last category includes foreign central governments, their political subdivisions and agencies, foreign central banks, and commercial nonbank enterprises owned by government. This distribution varied significantly from country to country. Here also, most of the credits to banks were to those located in the G-10 countries and the offshore banking centers. GUARANTEES Information is provided on the cross-border and cross-currency credits that are guaranteed by residents of another country. Credits are reallocated from the country of residence of the borrower to another country by two methods. First, credits to a bank branch located in one country when the head office is located in another country are allocated to the country of the head office. Since a branch is legally a part of the parent, credits to a branch are treated as being guaranteed by the head office. Second, credits to a borrower in one country that are formally guaranteed by a resident of another country are allocated to the latter country. These reallocations are thought to provide a better approximation of country exposure in the banks' portfolios than the unadjusted figures. Most of the reallocations are accounted for by the transfer of credits to branches (and, where guaranteed, subsidiaries) of banks to their head offices ($40 billion out of $51 billion). In general, the reallocations primarily affected the offshore banking centers and some of the developed countries. For example, credits to the offshore banking centers decreased from $25 billion to $6 billion and claims on the United Kingdom decreased from $34 billion to $19 billion. For most less developed countries, a relatively small portion of credits is externally guaranteed. The total shown for credits to foreigners by country of guarantor is about $175 billion, or $25 billion less than the total for credits by country of borrower. This results from U.S. residents guaranteeing about $28 billion in claims on foreign residents and foreigners guaranteeing about $3 billion in claims on U . S . residents. COMMITMENTS TO PROVIDE F U N D S FOR FOREIGNERS The survey also provided information on contingent claims on foreigners. The banks were asked 993 to report such contingent claims only when the bank had a legal obligation to provide funds. The amounts reported total $55 billion; 75 per cent of that total is in the private sector, including banks. USE OF THE D A T A : Comparison with Earlier Surveys The June 1978 survey is fully comparable to the December 1977 survey, for which data were released on June 8, 1978. However, it is not fully comparable to the June 1977 survey because adjustments were made to the form and its instructions subsequent to that date, and certain deviations from the instructions that were permitted in the June 1977 version were not permitted this time or in December 1977. REGULATION Z: Deferred Action The Board on November 17, 1978, determined to make no further amendments of its Regulation Z (Truth in Lending) except when action is unavoidable, pending completion of a comprehensive review by the Board of the regulation. The Board's decision indefinitely deferred further action on the following: 1. Four proposed simplifying amendments to Regulation Z published for comment in May 1977 to simplify disclosures in credit transactions of itemization of the finance charge, of downpayments, and of the exclusion of certain fees from the finance charge, as well as of the method of computing unearned finance charges in cases of prepayment. 2. A request by Union Planters National Bank of Memphis to amend the regulation with respect to an overdraft checking program the bank wishes to sponsor. 3. Consideration of the Truth in Lending responsibilities of a purchaser of retail instalment contracts. 4. Any further requests to the Board for amendments to the regulation that the Board does not regard as requiring immediate action. TWO NEW BOARD PUBLICATIONS Improving the Monetary Aggregates: Staff Papers contains certain of the research papers that had been prepared by the staff of the Board of Gover- A 994 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 nors for use of the Advisory Committee on Monetary Statistics. The Advisory Committee had been appointed in early 1974 to provide a technical evaluation of, and a report on, the quality of the monetary aggregates used by the Federal Reserve in the formulation and implementation of monetary policy. The Committee agreed that the staff papers when published could be revised provided the final versions contain essentially the same information that had been made available to the Committee during the course of its deliberations. The Committee also requested further investigation of its tentative proposal for an alternative method of calculating Af-1, and a paper presenting this further work is included in the volume. Copies of the Staff Papers may be obtained from Publications Services, Division of Administrative Services, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 20551. The price is $4.00 per copy; in quantities of 10 or more sent to one address, $3.75 each. The Annual Statistical Digest, 1973-1977 is designed as a compact source of economic—and especially financial—data. The object is to lighten the burden of assembling time series by providing a single source of historical continuations of the statistics carried regularly in the FEDERAL RESERVE BULLETIN. The Digest also offers, at least once a year, a continuation of series that formerly appeared regularly in the BULLETIN, as well as certain special, irregular tables, which the BULLETIN also once carried. The domestic nonfinancial series included are those for which the Board of Governors is the primary source. This issue of the Digest covers, in general, the years 1973 through 1977. It serves to maintain the historical series first published in Banking and Monetary Statistics, 1941-70, and continued with the first two issues of the Digest— for 1971-75 and 1972-76. Copies of the Digest are available from Publications Services, Division of Administrative Services, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D . C . 20551. The price is $12.00 per copy. CHANGES IN BOARD STAFF The Board of Governors has announced the following appointment effective November 27, 1978. Anne Geary, Chief Staff Attorney, as Assistant Director in the Division of Consumer Affairs. Ms. Geary, who joined the Board's staff in 1973, holds a B . A . from Fordham University and a J.D. from Boston University Law School. The Board has also announced the promotion of Edward C. Ettin, Associate Director in the Division of Research and Statistics, to Deputy Staff Director in the Office of Staff Director for Monetary and Financial Policy, effective December 4, 1978. MEETING OF CONSUMER ADVISORY COUNCIL The Consumer Advisory Council met on December 6 and 7, 1978. The Council considered legislative recommendations in the consumer credit field and a draft report on a Federal Reserve System consumer education program to improve awareness of credit costs, terms, and the use of credit. Other topics included discussion of issues involved in electronic funds transfer regulations, cost effectiveness statements for consumer credit regulations, and a proposal for the resolution of conflicting interpretations of Federal consumer credit laws. REVISED REPORTS FOR SMALL BANKS The Board of Governors has announced adoption of a simplified version of the reports of condition and income that can be used by the great majority of State member banks and that can markedly reduce their reporting burden. Banks eligible to report on the simplified forms are those that have less than $100 million in total assets and no foreign offices. The revised reports for small banks can be used in reporting for December 31, 1978. The Board's simplified reports call for 40 per cent fewer reporting items for eligible banks over a year's time, compared with the corresponding standard forms. The simplified reports can be used by about 85 per cent of State member banks. If they choose, eligible banks may continue to use the standard form. The simplified reporting requirements were adopted substantially unchanged from proposals made in October. Comment on the proposals was favorable in nearly all instances. The only substantive change from the October Announcements proposals was the restoration to the face of the report of condition, in response to comment received, of detail on deposits by type of depositor. In addition, procedures for choosing among optional forms of reporting were made more flexible. The reports of income and condition are the basic financial reports required to be made, in some cases semiannually, in others quarterly, by all Federally insured banks to their Federal bank supervisors. The reduction in the reporting burden in the simplified basic financial reports of banks with no foreign branches and with $100 million assets or less results from: 1. Elimination of numerous specific items from separate reporting, particularly in details as to loans and deposits. 2. Reduction in the frequency (from semiannually to annually) in reporting whole sections and certain items in the report of income. 3. Broadening of tests of significance to exempt certain items from explicit listing. Items have been added to both the standard and the simplified reports for reporting on negotiable orders of withdrawal (NOW) accounts and automatic transfer service (ATS) accounts, and for money market certificates of deposit. The revised basic reports for small banks adopted by the Board are the same as those of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, except that those two agencies have adopted an additional reporting schedule not required of State member banks. REGULATION Q: Amendment and Interpretation The Board of Governors lightened the penalty required for early withdrawal of certain types of time deposits at member banks, effective December 11, 1978. The Board said that its action is expected to benefit particularly time deposits in long-term individual retirement accounts (IRA's) and Keogh plan retirement accounts, thus furthering the congressional aim of promoting retirement savings. At the same time the Board adopted, also effective December 11, an interpretation of Regulation Q permitting withdrawal without penalty of interest earned on time deposits at member banks. The change in the early-withdrawal penalty rule 995 under Regulation Q (Interest on Deposits) was adopted as proposed for comment in July. It would affect two types of time deposits: 1. Time deposit open account (TDOA), which is a type of deposit that may provide for subsequent deposits to the account that may be viewed either as resetting the maturity of the entire amount on deposit, or as having a separate and distinct maturity (equal to the same maturity as the original deposit). 2. Notice accounts, accounts that do not have a specified maturity but require the depositor to give notice (for instance, 90 days) of intent to withdraw all or part of the account. The Board is aware that many member banks have established IRA and Keogh plan retirement savings accounts as T D O A or notice accounts. These are special time accounts in which independently employed individuals (Keogh plan) or persons working for companies without retirement plans (IRA) can save for their retirement under special tax deferral provisions. The penalty for early withdrawal of all or part of a time account is reduction of the interest paid on the amount withdrawn to the passbook savings rate (5 per cent at commercial banks) and forfeiture of 90 days' interest at that rate. Generally, the interest forfeiture penalty on the amount withdrawn from a time account applies back to the original date of deposit of funds in the account. The revised penalty rule requires, in the case of early withdrawal at a member bank from: (1) a notice account, that the minimum penalty apply on the amount withdrawn for a period of time no greater than the required notice period; and (2) a T D O A , that the penalty on the amount withdrawn apply only to the length of the maturity period specified for the original deposit. The original maturity period for IRA and Keogh accounts must be at least 3 years if minimum interest is to be paid on such accounts. The interpretation of Regulation Q adopted by the Board provides that a member bank may permit a depositor to withdraw interest earned on a time certificate of deposit at any time before maturity without penalty, irrespective of the basis upon which the member bank compounds or credits the interest to the depositor's account. Previously, member banks had been advised that interest became part of the underlying principal deposit and, thus, was subject to early-withdrawal penalty requirements of Regulation Q when that interest was credited or posted to the depositor's account. A 996 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 SYSTEM MEMBERSHIP: Admission of State Banks The following banks were admitted to membership in the Federal Reserve System during the period November 16, 1978, through December 15, 1978: Colorado Aurora Virginia Keysville Southeast State Bank of Aurora Other pamphlets in the series explain consumer protections under Equal Credit Opportunity, Truth in Lending, Truth in Leasing, and Fair Credit Billing, as well as how to file a consumer credit complaint with the Federal Reserve System. Copies of "If You Use A Credit C a r d " and other consumer pamphlets may be obtained singly or in bulk free of charge from the Board of Governors in Washington or from any of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks. State Bank of Keysville CHART BOOK NEW CONSUMER PAMPHLET "If You Use A Credit C a r d , " the latest in a series of consumer education pamphlets, is now available for distribution. The pamphlet explains credit-card protections under Federal law, including how to limit risk if a card is lost or stolen and what to do if goods or services purchased with a credit card are not satisfactory. It also explains how to compare credit-card costs. Beginning 1979 the Federal Reserve Chart Book will be issued four times a year in February, May, August, and November. The subscription price, including one issue of the historical supplement, will be $7.00 a year or $2.00 a copy in the United States, its possessions, Canada, and Mexico. Elsewhere the price will be $10.00 a year or $3.00 a copy. Copies may be obtained from Publications Services, Division of Administrative Services, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D. C. 20551. 997 Industrial Production Released for publication December 15 Industrial production increased an estimated 0.7 per cent in November to 149.5 per cent of the 1967 average. Gains were widespread, but output of consumer durable goods other than automotive products declined. The advance in total industrial production in November was somewhat stronger than in the two preceding months but close to the average monthly increase over the first 10 months of the year. The November index is 7.3 per cent above the level a year earlier. Output of consumer goods rose 0.5 per cent, due to a further sizable increase in the output of automotive products and a fairly strong gain in the production of consumer nondurable goods. Production of home goods, which is nearly onefifth of the consumer goods component of the index, declined in November for the second consecutive month because of cuts in the output of appliances and furniture. Production of business equipment is estimated to have increased 0.7 per cent in November—somewhat more than in the two preceding months, reflecting continued gains in commercial, transit, and farm equipment. Output of construction and business supplies also advanced sharply last month. Production of materials advanced strongly again in November. Production of durable goods mate- Products, total Final products Consumer goods Durable Nondurable Business equipment Intermediate products Construction supplies Materials "Preliminary. F.R. indexes, seasonally adjusted. Latest figures: November. Auto sales and stocks include imports. 1967 = 100 Percentage change from preceding month to— 1978 1978 Oct." Nov.'' June July Aug. Nov. Percentage change 11/77 to 11/78 148.5 149.5 .7 .8 .7 .4 .5 .7 7.3 147.3 144.5 149.8 162.6 144.7 166.9 157.4 156.7 150.5 148.2 145.3 150.6 163.3 145.6 168.1 158.6 157.9 151.6 .6 .4 .0 .2 -.1 1.0 1.4 1.1 .9 .7 .8 .5 .2 .6 1.2 .6 .9 1.0 .8 .8 .5 .4 .5 1.0 .5 .8 .5 .3 .3 .3 -.8 .8 .4 .3 .6 .6 .5 .5 .6 1.5 .3 .5 .4 .6 .7 .6 .6 .5 .4 .6 .7 .8 .8 .7 6.2 6.1 3.7 5.2 3.1 9.5 6.9 7.8 9.1 Industrial production Total rials increased by 0.8 per cent because of continued strength in output of basic metals and of equipment and durable consumer parts, while production of nondurable goods materials rose only slightly further. Output of energy materials advanced 0.9 per cent. 'Estimated. Sept. NOTE.—Indexes are seasonally adjusted. Oct. 1 Financial and Business Statistics CONTENTS D O M E S T I C FINANCIAL STATISTICS W E E K L Y REPORTING COMMERCIAL A3 A4 A5 Assets and Liabilities o f — A20 All reporting banks A21 Banks in New York City A22 Banks outside New York City A23 Balance sheet memoranda A24 Commercial and industrial loans A6 Monetary aggregates and interest rates Factors affecting member bank reserves Reserves and borrowings of member banks Federal funds transactions of money market banks POLICY INSTRUMENTS A8 Federal Reserve Bank interest rates A 9 Member bank reserve requirements A10 Maximum interest rates payable on time and savings deposits at Federally insured institutions A10 Margin requirements A11 Federal Reserve open market transactions FEDERAL RESERVE B A N K S BANKS A25 Gross demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations FINANCIAL MARKETS A25 Commercial paper and bankers acceptances outstanding A26 Prime rate charged by banks on short-term business loans A26 Terms of lending at commercial banks A27 Interest rates in money and capital markets A28 Stock market—Selected statistics A12 Condition and F.R. note statements A13 Maturity distribution of loan and security holdings A29 Savings institutions—Selected assets and liabilities M O N E T A R Y A N D CREDIT AGGREGATES FEDERAL F I N A N C E A13 Bank debits and deposit turnover A14 Money stock measures and components A15 Aggregate reserves and deposits of member banks A15 Loans and investments of all commercial banks A30 Federal fiscal and financing operations A31 U . S . Budget receipts and outlays A32 Federal debt subject to statutory limitation A32 Gross public debt of U . S . Treasury— Types and ownership A33 U . S . Government marketable securities—Ownership, by maturity A34 U . S . Government securities dealers— Transactions, positions, and financing A35 Federal and Federally sponsored credit agencies—Debt outstanding COMMERCIAL B A N K ASSETS A N D LIABILITIES A16 Last-Wednesday-of-month series A17 Call-date series A18 Detailed balance sheet, June 30, 1978 A2 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 SECURITIES M A R K E T S A N D CORPORATE F I N A N C E A36 New security issues—State and local governments and corporations A37 Open-end investment companies—Net sales and asset position A37 Corporate profits and their distribution A3 8 Nonfinancial corporations—Assets and liabilities A3 8 Business expenditures on new plant and equipment A39 Domestic finance companies—Assets and liabilities; business credit R E A L ESTATE A40 Mortgage markets A41 Mortgage debt outstanding I N T E R N A T I O N A L STATISTICS A54 U . S . international transactions— Summary A55 U . S . foreign trade A55 U . S . reserve assets A56 Foreign branches of U.S. banks— Balance sheet data A58 Selected U.S. liabilities to foreign official institutions REPORTED BY B A N K S IN THE U N I T E D S T A T E S : A59 Liabilities to foreigners A61 Banks' own claims on foreigners A62 Banks' own and domestic customers' claims on foreigners A63 Banks' own claims on unaffiliated foreigners A63 Liabilities to and claims on foreigners C O N S U M E R I N S T A L M E N T CREDIT A42 Total outstanding and net change A43 Extensions and liquidations F L O W OF F U N D S A44 Funds raised in U . S . credit markets A45 Direct and indirect sources of funds to credit markets SECURITIES H O L D I N G S A N D TRANSACTIONS A64 Marketable U . S . Treasury bonds and notes—Foreign holdings and transactions A64 Foreign official assets held at F.R. banks A65 Foreign transactions in securities REPORTED BY N O N B A N K I N G C O N C E R N S IN D O M E S T I C N O N F I N A N C I A L STATISTICS THE U N I T E D S T A T E S : A46 Nonfinancial business activity— Selected measures A46 Output, capacity, and capacity utilization A47 Labor force, employment, and unemployment A48 Industrial production—Indexes and gross value A50 Housing and construction A51 Consumer and wholesale prices A52 Gross national product and income A53 Personal income and saving A66 Short-term liabilities to and claims on foreigners A67 Long-term liabilities to and claims on foreigners INTEREST A N D E X C H A N G E RATES A68 Discount rates of foreign central banks A68 Foreign short-term interest rates SPECIAL T A B L E A69 Sales, revenue, profits, and dividends of large manufacturing corporations INSIDE BACK COVER Guide to Tabular Presentation and Statistical Releases Domestic Financial Statistics A3 1.10 MONETARY AGGREGATES AND INTEREST RATES 1978 1977 1978 Item Q4r Ql r Q2r Q3' June r July Aug.r Sept. r Oct. Monetary and credit aggregates (annual rates of change, seasonally adjusted in per cent) 1 2 1 2 3 Member bank reserves Total Required Nonborrowed 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 6.3 6.4 3.8 8.8 9.3 14.4 6.6 7.2 1.1 8.2 8.2 6.2 14.9 16.2 19.0 14.0 13.4 7.6 -8.2 -7.4 -3.2 8.1 7.4 10.7 7.6 8.3 1.3 Concepts of money 1 M-l M-1 + M-2 M-3 7.5 6.8 8.1 10.6 6.2 4.9 6.9 7.7 9.9 6.9 7.9 7.8 7.6 5.3 8.9 10.1 7.5 4.0 7.8 8.4 4.8 1.5 8.0 9.4 8.5 8.7 10.4 11.7 14.1 12.2 12.5 14.0 3.7 1.8 7.0 9.9 Time and savings deposits Commercial banks: Total Savings Other time Thrift institutions 2 13.0 5.4 11.6 14.4 12.8 2.6 11.4 8.9 10.1 1.6 10.5 7.6 9.5 1.3 17.3 11.6 6.1 -1.6 16.0 9.2 10.2 -4.3 22.5 11.2 7.5 8.1 14.2 13.9 13.8 9.7 13.6 16.0 7.9 -1.6 17.7 14.2 9.9 9.6 12.9 11.0 6.0 16.7 5.2 9.9 9.5 12 Total loans and investments at commercial banks 3 1977 Q4 1978 Q1 Q2 1978 Q3 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Interest rates (levels, per cent per annum) 13 14 15 16 Short-term rates 4 Federal funds Federal Reserve discount 5 Treasury bills (3-month market yield) 6 Commercial paper (90- to 119-day) 6 - 7 6.51 5.93 6.11 6.56 6.76 6.46 6.39 6.76 7.28 6.78 6.48 7.16 8.09 7.50 7.31 8.03 7.81 7.23 7.01 7.85 8.04 7.43 7.08 7.83 8.45 7.83 7.85 8.39 8.96 8.26 7.99 8.98 9.76 9.50 8.64 10.14 17 18 19 Long-term rates Bonds: U.S. Governments State and local government 9 Aaa utility (new issue) 1 0 7.78 5.57 8.27 8.19 5.65 8.70 8.43 6.02 8.98 8.53 6.16 8.94 8.69 6.28 9.14 8.45 6.12 8.82 8.47 6.09 8.86 8.69 6.13 9.17 8.75 6.19 9.27 9.05 9.23 9.58 9.80 9.80 9.80 9.80 9.95 10.10 20 Conventional mortgages 1 1 1 M-l equals currency plus private demand deposits adjusted. M - 1 + equals M-l plus savings deposits at commercial banks, N O W accounts at banks and thrift institutions, credit union share draft accounts, and demand deposits at mutual savings banks. M-2 equals M-l plus bank time and savings deposits other than large negotiable certificates of deposit (CD's). M-3 equals M-2 plus deposits at mutual savings banks, savings and loan associations, and credit union shares. 2 Savings and loan associations, mutual savings banks, and credit unions. 3 Quarterly changes calculated from figures shown in Table 1.23. 4 Seven-day averages of daily effective rates (average of the rates on a given date weighted by the volume of transactions at those rates). 5 Rate for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 6 Quoted on a bank-discount basis. 7 Beginning Nov. 1977, unweighted ayerage of offering rates quoted by five dealers. Previously, most representative rate quoted by these dealers. 8 Market yields adjusted to a 20-year maturity by the U.S. Treasury. 9 Bond Buyer series for 20 issues of mixed quality. i o Weighted averages of new publicly offered bonds rated Aaa, Aa, and A by Moody's Investors Service and adjusted to an Aaa basis. Federal Reserve compilations. 11 Average rates on new commitments for conventional first mortgages on new homes in primary markets, unweighted and rounded to nearest 5 basis points, from Dept. of Housing and Urban Development. 12 Unless otherwise noted, rates of change are calculated from average amounts outstanding in preceding month or quarter. A4 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • December 1978 1.11 FACTORS AFFECTING MEMBER BANK RESERVES Millions of dollars Monthly averages of daily figures Weekly averages of daily figures for weeks ending- 1978 1978 Factors Sept. Oct. Nov.? Oct. 18 Oct. 25 127,811 133,273 129,108 134,274 134,088 110,604 109,862 115,008 113,977 111,243 110,728 114,207 113,848 115,865 114,737 742 8,323 7,958 1,031 8,353 7,940 515 8,109 7,928 359 8,354 7,941 Nov. Nov. 8 Nov. 15 133,496 129,011 126,996 130,439 130,701 115,694 114,112 112,622 112,170 109,186 109,186 110,556 109,689 111,842 111,336 1,128 8,388 7,938 1,582 8,391 7.937 452 8,009 7,932 7,932 7,932 867 8,343 7,932 506 8,060 7,918 Nov. 22p Nov. 29 *» SUPPLYING RESERVE F U N D S 1 Reserve Bank credit outstanding.... U.S. Government securities1 Bought outright Held under repurchase agreement Federal agency securities Bought outright Held under repurchase agreement 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Acceptances Loans Float Other Federal Reserve assets 12 13 Gold stock Special Drawing Rights certificate account Treasury currency outstanding 14 365 413 181 413 450 454 77 411 142 257 1,068 5,220 2,339 249 1,261 5,742 2,660 180 722 6,152 2,702 170 1,250 7,623 2,671 282 1,313 5,534 2,707 257 1,305 4,910 2.938 119 696 4,303 3,261 633 6,176 3,068 455 604 8,291 2,190 141 791 7,602 2,265 11,670 11,660 11,645 11,656 11,655 11,655 11,652 11,642 11,642 11,642 1,300 11,681 1,300 11,725 1,300 11,779 1,300 11,729 1,300 11,738 1,300 11,747 1,300 11,758 1,300 11,768 1,300 11,787 1,300 11,803 108,022 302 108,872 303 110,927 280 109,259 317 108,912 296 108,927 289 109,828 282 110,775 278 111,242 279 111,882 11,080 279 692 14,948 300 590 8,186 15,131 283 585 15,377 275 619 15,108 285 550 11,091 294 546 8,092 273 521 6,443 286 529 6,468 298 556 ABSORBING RESERVE F U N D S 15 16 Currency in circulation Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than member bank reserves with F.R. Banks: Treasury Foreign Other 2 17 18 19 20 21 Other F.R. liabilities and capital Member bank reserves with F.R. Banks 289 540 4,077 4,244 4,193 4,208 4,416 28,010 28,701 29,417 29,177 28,887 A,512 28,467 3,901 4,008 4,284 4,475 27,777 27,759 32,107 31,463 End-of-month figures Wednesday figures 1978 1978 Sept. Oct. Nov.f Oct. 18 Oct. 25 132,114 132,022 130,263 133,340 136,766 115,279 113,027 115,322 114,659 113,305 113,305 112,522 112,522 117,535 114,489 2,252 8,597 7,950 663 8,065 7,938 8,354 7,941 3,046 9,123 7,938 2,676 8,951 7,932 413 1,185 Nov. 305 Nov. 8 Nov. 15 Nov. 22p N o v . 29p 135,222 123,511 127,622 130,030 132,791 114,544 111,868 107,253 107,253 108,114 108,114 111,203 110,878 114,110 7,932 7,932 325 8,092 7,932 2,000 8,524 7,899 1,019 160 625 405 1,789 6,317 3,216 783 3,421 4,122 1,258 8,042 2,276 383 931 7,223 2,198 6,122 2,405 SUPPLYING RESERVE F U N D S 22 Reserve Bank credit outstanding U.S. Government securities1 Bought outright Held under repurchase agreement Federal agency securities Bought outright Held under repurchase agreement 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 647 127 236 1,207 4,436 2,756 812 5,897 2,350 1,660 8,581 2,636 724 1,796 4,850 2,738 11,668 11,655 11,642 11,655 11,655 11,655 11,649 11,642 11,642 11,642 1,300 11,683 1,300 11,731 1,300 11,804 1,300 11,735 1,300 11,749 1,300 11,755 1,300 11,761 1,300 11,778 1,300 11,799 1,300 11,804 Currency in circulation Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than member bank reserves with F.R. Banks: Treasury Foreign Other 2 107,663 299 109,307 276 112,045 310 109,271 398 109,063 294 109,503 289 110,656 111,277 277 111,820 275 112,291 310 16,647 325 628 15,467 305 531 6,587 379 567 15,348 252 554 11,748 257 624 14,322 244 573 7,989 249 652 7,557 313 448 6,153 285 565 7,236 275 479 Other F.R. liabilities and capital.., Member bank reserves with F.R. Banks 4,372 4,560 4,545 4,253 4,653 4,575 3,913 4,144 A,219 4,584 26,830 26,260 30,577 27,954 34,831 30,425 24,484 28,327 Gold stock Special Drawing Rights certificate account Treasury currency outstanding 35 7,932 7,932 715 1,365 3,719 2,439 Acceptances Loans Float Other Federal Reserve assets 33 34 7,899 7,899 112,110 370 1,260 ABSORBING RESERVE F U N D S 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1 Includes securities loaned—fully guaranteed by U.S. Govt, securities pledged with F.R. Banks—and excludes (if any) securities sold and scheduled to be bought back under matched sale-purchase transactions. 2 Includes certain deposits of foreign-owned banking institutions in 31,395 32,363 voluntarily held with member banks and redeposited in full with Federal Reserve Banks. NOTE.—For amounts of currency and coin held as reserves, see Table 1.12. Member Banks 1.12 RESERVES A N D BORROWINGS A5 Member Banks Millions of dollars Monthly averages of daily figures Reserve classification All member banks Reserves: At F.R. Banks Currency and coin Total heldi Required Excess 1 Borrowings at F.R. Banks: 2 Total 6 Seasonal 7 1 2 3 4 5 Large banks in New York City 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Required Borrowings 2 Large banks in Chicago Reserves held Required Excess Borrowings 2 Other large banks Reserves held Excess Borrowings 2 All other banks Reserves held Required Borrowings 2 1977 1978 Dec. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. 27,057 9,351 36,471 36,297 174 27,155 8,992 36,231 35,925 306 27,776 9,028 36,880 36,816 64 27,890 9,151 37,119 36,867 252 27,840 9,345 37,262 37,125 137 28,570 9,542 38,189 38,049 140 28,079 9,512 37,666 37,404 262 28,010 9,605 37,689 37,614 75 28,701 9,654 38,434 38,222 212 29,417 9,818 39,313 39,516 -203 558 54 344 47 539 43 1,227 93 1,111 120 1,286 143 1,147 188 1,068 191 1,261 221 722 185 6,244 6,279 -35 48 6,276 6,193 83 21 6,247 6,320 -73 61 6,315 6,236 79 113 6,341 6,376 -35 54 6,606 6,581 25 129 6,334 6,290 44 58 6,182 6,251 -69 78 6,428 6,349 79 157 6,529 6,658 -129 48 1,593 1,613 -20 26 1,629 1,620 9 11 1,670 1,686 -16 11 1,697 1,669 28 19 1,668 1,670 -2 20 1,708 1,707 1 20 1,648 1,646 2 3 1,655 1,650 5 35 1,672 1,649 23 14 1,740 1,764 -24 3 13,993 13,931 62 243 13,729 13,662 67 92 14,135 14,077 58 249 14,106 14,079 27 500 14,250 14,225 25 536 14,553 14,569 -16 499 14,502 14,423 79 417 14,564 14,541 23 363 14,862 14,867 -5 408 15,392 15,435 -43 195 14,641 14,474 167 241 14,597 14,450 147 220 14,828 14,733 95 218 15,001 14,883 118 595 15,003 14,854 149 501 15,322 15,192 130 638 15,182 15,045 137 669 15,288 15,172 116 592 15,472 15,357 115 682 15,636 15,659 -23 476 Nov.f Weekly averages of daily figures for weeks ending— 1978 Nov. 22p Nov. 29 p Sept. 27 Oct. 4 Oct. 11 Oct. 18 Oct. 25 Nov. 1 Nov. 8 Nov. 15 All member banks Reserves: At F.R. Banks Currency and coin Total held i Required Excess i Borrowings at F.R. Banks: 2 29 Total 30 Seasonal 28,525 9,842 38,441 38,218 223 28,890 9,904 38,869 38,746 123 27,890 10,031 37,997 37,647 350 29,177 9,500 38,756 38,875 -119 28,887 9,101 38,068 37,749 319 28,467 9,861 38,408 38,295 113 27,777 10,071 37,927 37,586 341 27,759 10,132 37,974 37,729 245 32,107 9,178 41,362 41,307 55 31,463 9,855 41,392 41,352 40 1,560 204 1,286 208 1,239 205 1,250 219 1,313 235 1,305 233 696 191 633 188 604 183 791 180 31 32 33 34 Large banks in New York City Reserves held Required Excess Borrowings 2 6,249 6,307 -58 113 6,586 6,551 35 174 6,225 6,209 16 263 6,650 6,730 -80 226 6,100 6,026 74 75 6,286 6,313 -27 99 6,240 6,199 41 6,222 6,257 -35 102 7,152 7,162 -10 4 6,762 6,980 -218 31 35 36 37 38 Large banks in Chicago Reserves held Required Excess Borrowings 2 1,693 1,618 75 4 1,681 1,677 4 6 1,613 1,612 1.741 1.742 1,569 1,569 1.659 1.660 1,605 1,587 18 3 36 12 10 1,621 1,603 18 9 1,972 1,998 -26 2 1,950 1,862 88 6 39 40 41 42 Other large banks Reserves held Required Excess Borrowings 2 14,892 14,799 93 727 15,045 15,091 -46 424 14,850 14,652 198 435 14,901 15,038 -137 397 14,868 14,738 130 428 14,888 14,877 349 14,740 14,621 119 191 14,812 14,758 54 137 15,804 16,084 -280 111 16,206 16,263 -57 237 43 44 45 46 All other banks Reserves held Required Excess.... Borrowings2 15,607 15,494 113 716 15,557 15,427 ,130 682 15,309 15,174 135 538 15,464 15,365 99 591 15,531 15,416 115 798 15,575 15,445 130 847 15,326 15,163 163 496 15,335 15,127 208 394 15,876 16,063 -187 426 16,053 16,247 -194 517 24 25 26 27 28 1 i Adjusted to include waivers of penalties for reserve deficiencies in accordance with Board policy, effective Nov. 19, 1975, of permitting transitional relief on a graduated basis over a 24-month period \yhen a nonmember bank merges into an existing member bank, or when a -1 nonmember bank joins the Federal Reserve System. For weeks for which figures are preliminary, figures by class of bank do not add to total because adjusted data by class are not available, 2 Based on closing figures. DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • December 1978 A6 1.13 FEDERAL FUNDS TRANSACTIONS Money Market Banks Millions of dollars, except as noted 1978, week ending— Type Oct. 4 Oct. 11 Oct. 18 Oct. 25 Nov. 1 Nov. 8 Nov. 15 Nov. 22 Nov. 29 Total, 46 banks 1 Basic reserve position Excess reserves1 LESS: 2 3 Borrowings at F.R. Banks Net interbank Federal funds transactions r 65 182 -103 84 16 111 141 -31 75 261 344 404 227 205 59 106 38 168 15,375 18,536 17,470 13,747 14,187 17,146 17,945 16,936 15,861 -15,571 -18,698 -17,977 —13,890 -14,376 -17,094 -17,910 -17,004 -15,954 94.7 118.6 108.0 89.0 89.5 108.6 113.0 94.7 90.0 23,623 8,248 5,601 25,677 7,141 5,930 24,696 7,226 5,973 22,043 8,296 6,446 22,604 8,417 5,521 24,484 7,339 5,676 24,690 6,744 5,506 24,077 7,141 5,336 23,743 7,881 5,580 18,022 2,647 19,747 1,211 18,722 1,253 15,598 1,850 17,083 2,896 18,808 1,663 19,184 1,239 18,742 1,806 18,162 2,301 3,222 2,186 1,037 3,397 1,505 1,892 3,159 1,661 1,498 2,704 2,133 572 2,986 2,241 745 4,207 1,646 2,561 3,654 1,270 2,384 4,123 2,005 2,118 3,298 1,714 1,584 5 4 —1 EQUALS: N e t s u r p l u s , o r 4 5 deficit ( - ) : Amount Per cent of average required reserves 6 7 8 Interbank Federal funds transactions Gross transactions: Purchases Sales Two-way transactions2 Net transactions: Purchases of net buying banks... Sales of net selling banks 9 10 Related transactions with U.S. Government securities dealers Loans to dealers 3 12 Borrowing from dealers 4 13 11 r 8 banks in New York City 14 Basic reserve position Excess reserves1 LESS: 15 16 Borrowings at F.R. Banks Net interbank Federal funds transactions 34 76 -45 28 174 196 226 45 69 5,032 6,172 4,647 3,122 3,774 4,267 4,666 2,523 2,336 -5,173 -6,292 -4,918 -3,139 -3,843 -4,221 -4,763 -2,519 -2,370 87.0 112.4 80.7 57.7 67.5 75.3 84.6 39.0 37.6 5,953 921 921 7,238 1,067 1,067 5,813 1,166 1,024 4,964 1,842 1,606 5,404 1,630 1,090 5,595 1,328 1,303 5,593 927 927 4,785 2,262 1,246 4,687 2,351 1,441 5,032 6,172 4,789 142 3,358 236 4,314 540 4,292 25 4,666 3,538 1,016 3,246 911 1,968 491 1,477 2,148 547 1,602 1,717 564 1,152 1,610 556 1,054 1,773 510 1,263 2,718 454 2,264 2,249 496 1,753 2,524 633 1,891 1,864 759 1,106 45 102 21 EQUALS: N e t s u r p l u s , o r 17 18 deficit ( - ) : Amount Per cent of average required Interbank Federal funds transactions Gross transactions: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Sales Two-way transactions2 Net transactions: Purchases of net buying banks... Sales of net selling banks Related transactions with U.S. Government securities dealers Loans to dealers 3 Borrowing from dealers 4 Net loans 38 banks outside New York City Basic reserve position 27 r 31 106 -59 56 16 65 136 -34 81 86 148 111 182 137 59 4 38 141 10,343 12,364 12,823 10,625 10,413 12,879 13,279 14,413 13,525 -10,398 -12,406 -13,059 '-10,751 -10,534 -12,873 -13,147 -14,485 -13,585 99.1 121.9 123.9 105.8 101.5 126.9 128.5 125.9 118.8 17,670 7,327 4,680 18,439 6,075 4,864 18,883 6,060 4,950 17,080 6,454 4,840 17,200 6,786 4,431 18,889 6,010 4,373 19,097 5,818 A,519 19,293 4,879 4,089 19,056 5,530 4,140 12,990 2,647 13,575 1,211 13,933 1,110 12,240 1,614 12,769 2,356 14,517 1,639 14,518 1,239 15,203 790 14,916 1,391 1,255 1,695 -440 1,249 958 291 1,442 1,096 346 1,095 1,577 -482 1,212 1,731 -518 1,489 1,192 297 1,405 774 631 1,598 1,372 226 1,434 956 478 LESS: 28 29 Borrowings at F.R. Banks Net interbank Federal funds transactions EQUALS: N e t s u r p l u s , o r 30 31 deficit ( - ) : Amount Per cent of average required 35 36 Interbank Federal funds transactions Gross transactions: Purchases Sales Two-way transactions2 Net transactions: Purchases of net buying banks... Sales of net selling banks 37 38 39 Related transactions with U.S. Government securities dealers Loans to dealers3 Borrowing from dealers 4 Net loans 32 33 34 For notes see end of table. Federal Funds 1.13 A7 Continued 1978, week ending— | Type Oct. 4 Oct. 11 Oct. 18 Oct. 25 Nov. 1 Nov. 15 Nov. 8 Nov. 22 Nov. 29 5 banks in City of Chicago 40 Basic reserve position Excess reserves 1 31 6 15 LESS: 41 42 43 44 Borrowings at F.R. B a n k s . . . Net interbank Federal funds transactions EQUALS: Net surplus, or deficit ( - ) : Amount Per cent of average required reserves 48 49 Interbank Federal funds transactions Gross transactions: Purchases Sales Two-way transactions 2 Net transactions: Purchases of net buying banks.. Sales of net selling banks 50 51 52 Related transactions with U.S. Government securities dealers Loans to dealers 3 Borrowing from dealers 4 Net loans 45 46 47 13 13 1 8 20 41 33 4,992 5,163 5,297 3,911 4,965 5,685 5,713 6,194 6,059 -4,960 -5,148 -5,323 -3,898 -4,951 -5,684 -5,705 -6,174 -6,017 316.5 342.2 325.7 266.1 318.5 375.4 380.9 331.3 344.4 6,147 1,156 1,156 6,395 1,232 1,232 6,749 1,452 1,452 5,242 1,331 1,331 6,348 1,384 1,384 6,703 1,018 1,018 7,065 1,352 1,352 7,363 1,169 1,169 7,134 1,075 1,075 4,992 5,163 5,297 3,911 4,964 5,685 5,713 6,194 6,059 344 325 19 208 189 19 334 241 93 77 396 -319 79 201 -122 191 224 -33 124 56 68 214 173 41 236 229 7 -54 33 other banks 53 Basic reserve position Excess reserves 1 LESS: 54 55 56 57 Borrowings at F.R. B a n k s . . . Net interbank Federal funds transactions EQUALS: Net surplus, or deficit ( - ) : Amount Per cent of average required reserves 61 62 Interbank Federal funds transactions Gross transactions: Purchases Sales Two-way transactions 2 Net transactions: Purchases of net buying banks.. Sales of net selling banks 63 64 65 Related transactions with U.S. • Government securities dealers Loans to dealers 3 Borrowing from dealers 4 Net loans 58 59 60 -65 148 145 5,351 7,201 7,527 6,714 5,449 -5,438 -7,258 -7,736 -6,853 -5,583 83.7 86.8 60.9 43 3 64 129 182 137 59 4 38 7,194 7,566 8,220 -7,189 -7,441 -8,311 83.3 85.0 86.2 r 78.8 63.2 11,522 6,171 3,524 12,044 4,843 3,631 12,135 4,608 3,498 11,838 5,124 3,509 10,852 5,403 3,047 12,186 4,992 3,355 12,032 4,466 3,227 11,930 3,710 2,920 7,998 2,647 8,412 1,211 8,637 1,110 8,329 1,614 7,805 2,356 8,832 1,638 8,805 1,239 9,009 790 911 1,370 -459 1,041 769 272 ,108 855 253 1,018 1,181 1,134 1,530 -396 ,299 968 330 1,282 718 564 ,384 ,199 186 1 Based on reserve balances, including adjustments to include waivers of penalties for reserve deficiencies in accordance with changes in policy of 2the Board of Governors effective Nov. 19, 1975. Derived from averages for individual banks for entire week. Figure for each bank indicates extent to which the bank's average purchases and sales are offsetting. 3 Federal funds loaned, net funds supplied to each dealer by clearing banks, repurchase agreements (purchases from dealers subject to resale), or other lending arrangements. r 91 86 -163 4 Federal funds borrowed, net funds acquired from each dealer by clearing banks, reverse repurchase agreements (sales of securities to dealers subject to repurchase), resale agreements, and borrowings secured by U.S. Govt, or other securities. NOTE.—Weekly averages of daily figures. For description of series, see August 1964 BULLETIN, pp. 944-53. Back data for 46 banks appear in the Board's Annual Statistical Digest, 1971-1975, Table 3. A8 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • December 1978 1.14 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK INTEREST RATES Per cent per annum Current and previous levels Loans to member banks— Loans to all others under Sec. 13, last par. 4 Under Sec. 10(b)2 Under Sees. 13 and 13a1 Federal Reserve Bank Special rate3 Regular rate Rate on 11/30/78 Effective date Previous rate Rate on 11/30/78 Effective date Previous rate Rate on 11/30/78 Effective date Previous rate Rate on 11/30/78 Effective date 91/2 91/2 91/2 91/2 91/4 9*4 91/2 91/2 91/2 91/2 9i/4 91/2 11/2/78 11/1/78 11/2/78 11/2/78 11/2/78 11/3/78 11/2/78 11/2/78 11/1/78 11/2/78 11/2/78 11/2/78 8V4 81/2 81/2 81/2 81/2 81/2 81/2 81/2 81/2 8i/4 81/4 81/2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11/2/78 11/1/78 11/2/78 11/2/78 11/2/78 11/3/78 11/2/78 11/2/78 11/1/78 11/2/78 11/2/78 11/2/78 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 101/4 101/4 101/4 10V4 loi/4 10% 101/2 101/2 101/2 101/2 101/2 101/2 11/2/78 11/1/78 11/2/78 11/2/78 11/2/78 11/3/78 11/2/78 11/2/78 11/1/78 11/2/78 11/2/78 11/2/78 9i/4 9V4 91/2 91/2 91/2 9i/4 91/2 91/2 91/2 91/2 91/4 91/2 121/2 121/2 121/2 121/4 121/4 12i/2 12V4 121/2 121/2 121/2 121/2 12V4 11/2/78 11/1/78 11/2/78 11/2/78 11/2/78 11/3/78 11/2/78 11/2/78 11/1/78 11/2/78 11/2/78 11/2/78 II1/2 IH/2 1H/4 IH/2 IH/2 IH/2 1H/4 1H/4 1H/4 1H/4 1H/6. 1H/4 Range (or level)— All F.R. Banks F.R. Bank of N.Y. 1976—Jan. 19 23 Nov. 22 26 51/4-6 51/2 51/4-51/2 514 5*4 5*4 51/4 5V4 1977—Aug. 30 31 Sept. 2 Oct. 26 514-534 51/4-53/4 51/4 53/4 1978—Jan. 6-61/2 61/2 61/4-7 7 7-714 71/4 61/2 61/4 7 7 714 71/4 8 8-81/2 8V4 8*4-9*4 91/2 81/2 8V4 91/4 91/4 91/2 9i/4 Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond....... Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco.... Previous rate Range of rates in recent years5 Effective date In effect Dec. 31, 1970 1971—Jan. Feb. July Nov Dcc. 8 15 19 22 29 13 19 16 23 11 19 13 17 24 1973—Jan. 15 Feb. 26 Mar. 2 Apr. 23 Range (or level)— All F.R. Banks F.R. Bank of N.Y. 5% 5V4-5X 5V4 5-5V4 5-5 y4 5 4V4-5 4*A 51/2 5% 5% 51/4 4V4-5 5 5 5 4. 11. 18. June 11. 15. July 2. Aug. 14. 23. 5 5 5 1974—Apr. 25. 30. Dec. 9. 4V4 4V4-5 4V4 4% 4% 4y2-434 4VL-4V4 4% 4% 4*4 5 5% Effective date 5 5% 5Vt 5*4 sy4 53/4-6 1973—May 6-6 *4 61/2 7 7-7*4 71/2 71/4-8 8 7V4-8 m 1975—Jan. F.R. Bank of N.Y. 53/4 6 6 61/4 6*4 7 7*4 7*4 13/4 13/4 714-734 13/4 714-734 71/4 1V4 m 6V4-1V4 63/4 6V4 6% 6V4 61/4-63^ 6V4 61/4 16. 6. 10. 24. Feb. 5. 7. Mar. 10, 14, May 16 23, 1 Discounts of eligible paper and advances secured by such paper or by U.S. Govt, obligations or any other obligations eligible for F.R. Bank purchase. 2 Advances secured to the satisfaction of the F.R. Bank. Advances secured by mortgages on 1- to 4-family residential property are made at the3 Section 13 rate. Applicable to special advances described in Section 201.2(e)(2) of Regulation A. Range (or level)— All F.R. Banks 6-6 y4 6 4 6 6 Effective date 9 20 May 11 12 July 3 10 Aug. 21 Sept. 22 Oct. 16 20 Nov. 1 3 In effect Nov. 30, 1978. .. 53/4 6 13/4 53/4 6 13/4 8 Advances to individuals, partnerships, or corporations other than member banks secured by direct obligations of, or obligations fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by, the U.S. Govt, or any agency thereof. 5 Rates under Sees. 13 and 13a (as described above). For description and earlier data, see the following publications of the Board of Governors: Banking and Monetary Statistics, 1914-1941, Banking and Monetary Statistics, 1941-1970, Annual Statistical Digest, 1971-75, and Annual Statistical Digest, 1972-76. Policy Instruments A9 MEMBER BANK RESERVE REQUIREMENTS 1 1.15 Per cent of deposits Requirements in effect November 30, 1978 Previous requirements Type of deposit, and deposit interval in millions of dollars Per cent Effective date Per cent Effective date 7 9% m 12% 161/4 12/30/76 12/30/76 12/30/76 12/30/76 12/30/76 10 12 13 161/z 2/13/75 2/13/75 2/13/75 2/13/75 2/13/75 3 3/16/67 m 3/2/67 3 5 2% 5 1 3/16/67 1/8/76 10/30/75 31/2 3 3 3/2/67 3/16/67 3/16/67 6 5 21/2 5 1 12/12/74 1/8/76 10/30/75 5 3 3 Net demand: 2 0-2 2-10 10-100 100-400 Over 400 H 3 /4 2 Time: -3 Savings Other time: 4 0-5, maturing in— 30-179 days 180 days to 4 years 4 years or more Over 5, maturing in— 30-179 days 180 days to 4 years 10/1/70 12/12/74 12/12/74 Legal limits Net demand: Reserve city banks Other banks Borrowings from foreign banks 1 For changes in reserve requirements beginning 1963, see Board's Annual Statistical Digest, 1971-1975 and for prior changes, see Board's Annual Report for 1976, Table 13. 2 (a) Requirement schedules are graduated, and each deposit interval applies to that part of the deposits of each bank. Demand deposits subject to reserve requirements are gross demand deposits minus cash items in process of collection and demand balances due from domestic banks. (b) The Federal Reserve Act specifies different ranges of requirements for reserve city banks and for other banks. Reserve cities are designated under a criterion adopted effective Nov. 9, 1972, by which a bank having net demand deposits of more than $400 million is considered to have the character of business of a reserve city bank. The presence of the head office of such a bank constitutes designation of that place as a reserve city. Cities in which there are Federal Reserve Banks or branches are also reserve cities. Any banks having net demand deposits of $400 million or less are considered to have the character of business of banks outside of reserve cities and are permitted to maintain reserves at ratios set for banks not in reserve cities. For details, see the Board's Regulation D . Minimum Maximum 10 7 3 0 22 14 10 22 (c) Effective August 24, 1978, the Regulation M reserve requirements on net balances due from domestic banks to their foreign branches and on deposits that foreign branches lend to U.S. residents were reduced to zero from 4 per cent and 1 per cent, respectively. The Regulation D reserve requirement on borrowings from unrelated banks abroad was also reduced to zero from 4 per cent. 3 Negotiable orders of withdrawal (NOW) accounts and time deposits such as Christmas and vacation club accounts are subject to the same requirements as savings deposits. 4 Effective November 2, 1978, a supplementary reserve requirement of 2 per cent was imposed on time deposits of $100,000 or more, obligations of affiliates, and ineligible acceptances. 5 The average of reserves on savings and other time deposits must be at least 3 per cent, the minimum specified by law. NOTE.—Required reserves must be held in the form of deposits with F.R. Banks or vault cash. A10 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • December 1978 1.16 MAXIMUM INTEREST RATES PAYABLE on Time and Savings Deposits at Federally Insured Institutions Per cent per annum Commercial banks Type and maturity of deposit In effect Nov. 30, 1978 Per cent 1 Savings 2 Negotiable 1orders of withdrawal accounts 3 Money market time deposit of less than $100,0002 6 7 8 9 10 90 days to 1 year: Multiple-maturity Single-maturity 4 1 to 2 years 2 to i y 2 years 4 i y 2 to 4 years 4 years 55 11 12 13 4 to 6 6 to 8 years 8 years or more 5 14 Issued to governmental units (all maturities) Individual retirement accounts and Keogh (H.R. 10) plans* 15 Previous maximum Effective date Per cent 5 7/1/73 4 V4 5 1/1/74 (10) (9) (9) ( ) 7/1/73 41/4 Other time (multiple- and singlematurity unless otherwise indicated) • 30-89 days: 4 Multiple-maturity 5 Single-maturity 6 9 m m m 6/1/78 Effective date 5% ( ) 5 1/1/74 (10) (9) (9) ( ) Per cent 7 5 9 (10) 1/21/70 9/26/66 5% 53/4 5y4 1/21/70 1/21/70 1/21/70 (7) 53/4 W (10) 11/1/73 6 V4 6 6 (7) 6V4 m 8 11/1/73 12/23/74 6/1/78 (n) 7V4 7% 7% 12/23/74 8 6/1/78 7/6/77 8 6/1/78 (10) higher than the rate for commercial banks. The most recent rates and effective dates are as follows: 1 For authorized States only. Federally insured commercial banks, savings and loan associations, cooperative banks, and mutual savings banks in Massachusetts and New Hampshire were first permitted to offer negotiable orders of withdrawal (NOW) accounts on Jan. 1, 1974. Authorization to issue NOW accounts was extended to similar institutions throughout New England on Feb. 27, 1976, and in New York State on Nov. 10, 1978. 2 Must have a maturity of exactly 26 weeks and a minimum denomination of $10,000, and must be nonnegotiable. 3 For exceptions with respect to certain foreign time deposits see the Federal Reserve BULLETIN for October 1962 (p. 1279), August 1965 (p. 1094), and February 1968 (p. 167). 4 A minimum of $1,000 is required for savings and loan associations, except in areas where mutual savings banks permit lower minimum denominations. This restriction was removed for deposits maturing in less than 1 year, effective Nov. 1, 1973. 5 $1,000 minimum except for deposits representing funds contributed to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or a Keogh (H.R. 10) Plan established pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code. The $1,000 minimum requirement was removed for such accounts in December 1975 and November 1976, respectively. 6 3-year minimum maturity. 7 July 1, 1973, for mutual savings banks; July 6, 1973, for savings and loan associations. 8 Oct. 1, 1966, for mutual savings banks; Jan. 21, 1970, for savings and loan associations. 9 Commercial banks, savings and loan associations, and mutual savings banks were authorized to offer money market time deposits effective June 1, 1978. The ceiling rate for commercial banks is the discount rate on most recently issued 6-month U.S. Treasury bills. The ceiling rate for savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks is V4 per cent 1.161 Per cent (7) 1V4 7 Va 6/1/78 Previous maximum 7/20/66 9/26/66 5 Vi 11/1/73 12/23/74 6/1/78 Effective date (9) 5 7/1/73 7/1/73 6% In effect Nov. 30, 1978 1/21/70 7/1/73 5% Savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks Nov. 2 8.982 9.232 Thrifts Nov. 9 9.419 9.669 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 9.291 9.541 8.996 9.246 9.330 9.580 10 N o separate account category. 11 Between July 1, 1973, and Oct. 31, 1973, there was no ceiling for certificates maturing in 4 years or more with minimum denominations of $1,000; however, the amount of such certificates that an institution could issue was limited to 5 per cent of its total time and savings deposits. Sales in excess of that amount, as well as certificates of less than $1,000, were limited to the 6 V£ per cent ceiling on time deposits maturing in 2Vi years or more. Effective Nov. 1, 1973, ceilings were reimposed on certificates maturing in 4 years or more with minimum denominations of $ 1,000. There is no limitation on the amount of these certificates that banks can issue. NOTE—Maximum rates that can be paid by Federally insured commercial banks, mutual savings banks, and savings and loan associations are established by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board under the provisions of 12 CFR 217, 329, and 526, respectively. The maximum rates on time deposits in denominations of $100,000 or more were suspended in mid1973. For information regarding previous interest rate ceilings on all types of accounts, see earlier issues of the Federal Reserve BULLETIN, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board Journal, and the Annual Report of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. MARGIN REQUIREMENTS Per cent of market value; effective dates shown. Type of security on sale 1 Margin stocks 2 Convertible bonds 3 Short sales Mar. 11, 1968 June 8, 1968 May 6, 1970 Dec. 6, 1971 Nov. 24, 1972 Jan. 3, 1974 70 50 70 80 60 80 65 50 65 55 50 55 65 50 65 50 50 50 NOTE.—Regulations G, T, and U of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, prescribed in accordance with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, limit the amount of credit to purchase and carry margin stocks that may be extended on securities as collateral by prescribing a maximum loan value, which is a specified percentage of the market value of the collateral at the time the credit is extended. Margin requirements are the difference between the market value (100 per cent) and the maximum loan value. The term "margin stocks" is defined in the corresponding regulation. Regulation G and special margin requirements for bonds convertible into stocks were adopted by the Board of Governors effective Mar. 11, 1968. Policy Instruments All 1.17 FEDERAL RESERVE OPEN MARKET TRANSACTIONS Millions of dollars 1978 Type of transaction 1975 1976 1977 Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. 2,635 1,978 2,148 U.S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES Outright transactions (excluding matched salepurchase transactions) Treasury bills: Others within 1 year: 1 1 to 5 years: 10 Exchange, or maturity shift 5 to 10 years: 14 15 16 Over 10 years: Gross purchases Gross sales Exchange or maturity shift 17 1s 19 All maturities: 1 Gross purchases Gross sales Redemptions 11,562 5,599 26,431 14,343 8,462 2 5,017 3,886 -4 3,549 2 3,284 3,854 13,738 7,241 2,136 1,670 472 3,017 100 792 4.499 2.500 136 235 290 631 -79 467 73 563 -385 424 350 507 241 -490 -563 385 191 110 87 122 139 758 1,572 584 1,070 642 553 848 225 1,565 221,313 219,707 8,639 5,599 2 9,980 2 5,017 20,898 7,241 4,636 2,341 935 737 300 5,451 701 466 1,919 689 3,386 2,785 2,148 196,078 425,214 196,579 423,841 42,262 42,799 40,634 40,362 52,544 52,557 44,657 44,712 29,162 29,641 33,346 33,130 35,112 36,106 8,044 8,999 11,517 11,819 14,956 13,100 15,822 17,374 16,286 15,140 10,724 10,353 18,976 20,565 1,923 -674 -1,261 2,854 3,540 43 140,311 232,891 139,538 230,355 178,683 180,535 24 Net change in U.S. Government securities Gross sales 168 -1,544 1,048 Repurchase agreements Gross purchases Gross sales Net change in Federal agency obligations 171 -241 1,510 22 23 30 972 689 -4,697 151,205 152,132 29 701 466 135 -380 -i36 Matched sale-purchase transactions Gross sales Gross purchases Outright transactions: 25 Gross purchases 26 Gross sales 27 Redemptions Repurchase agreements: 53 -2,343 4,395 2 3,202 2,833 177 -2,588 -6,649 20 21 FEDERAL AGENCY OBLIGATIONS 416 737 300 7,434 9,087 5,798 246 1,616 169 891 223 1,433 15,175 15,567 10,520 10,360 13,811 13,638 978 882 163 -35 -545 410 145 101 176 238 1,526 -87 1,434 74 115 113 895 600 7,320 34 28 301 4 173 13 28 12 1,282 1,410 3,927 4,037 3,421 3,088 5,170 5,457 3,080 3,032 3,877 3,348 6,675 7,196 1,383 -128 -144 606 -291 -138 501 -521 -196 159 -480 -17 747 -753 28 419 -479 -480 -17 747 -753 28 419 -479 8,783 -2,305 2,744 4,460 -969 BANKERS ACCEPTANCES 31 Outright transactions, net 32 Repurchase agreements, net 33 Net change in bankers acceptances 34 Total net change in System Open Market Account 127 -135 -37 8,539 9,833 7,143 1 Both gross purchases and redemptions include special certificates created when the Treasury borrows directly from the Federal Reserve, as follows (millions of dollars): 1975, 3,549; 1976, none; Sept. 1977, 2,500. 2 In 1975, the System obtained $421 million of 2-year Treasury notes in exchange for maturing bills. In 1976 there was a similar transaction 1,315 -834 amounting to $189 million. Acquisition of these notes is treated as a purchase; the run-off of bills, as a redemption. NOTE.—Sales, redemptions, and negative figures reduce holdings of the System Open Market Account; all other figures increase such holdings. Details may not add to totals because of rounding. A12 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • December 1978 1.18 FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS Condition and F.R. Note Statements Millions of dollars Account Nov. 1 Nov. 8 Wednesday End of month 1978 1978 Nov. 15 Nov. 22*> Nov. 29f Sept. Oct. Nov.f Consolidated condition statement ASSETS 1 Gold certificate account 2 Special Drawing Rights certificate account 3 4 5 Loans: Member bank borrowings Other Acceptances: 7 8 Q U.S. Government securities Bought outright: Bills 11,642 1,300 11,642 1,300 11,642 1,300 11,668 1,300 11,655 1,300 11,642 1,300 298 298 296 289 274 292 300 275 1,789 783 1,258 931 1,260 1,365 1,207 812 383 370 715 236 7,932 1,019 7,932 7,932 7,932 160 7,899 625 7,950 647 7,938 127 7,899 45,585 40,970 41,831 43,558 44,790 47,551 48,376 45,985 54,526 11,757 111,868 2,676 54,526 11,757 107,253 53,926 12,357 108,114 54,855 12,465 110,878 325 54,855 12,465 112,110 2,000 53,859 11,617 113,027 2,252 54,526 11,757 114,659 663 54,855 12,465 113,305 Other 15 16 17 18 Total loans and securities 19 20 Cash items in process of collection 21 22 11,649 1,300 405 Federal agency obligations: 10 11 12 13 14 11,655 1,300 Other assets: Denominated in foreign currencies 23 114,544 107,253 108,114 111,203 114,110 115,279 115,322 113,305 125,689 115,968 117,304/ 120,609 124,264 125,956 124,830 122,016 13,265 395 10,071 396 18,419 396 14,581 397 12,709 396 9,492 394 13,366 395 11,824 396 27 2,794 27 3,699 25 1,855 29 1,772 47 1,962 20 2,025 27 2,334 53 1,901 155,423 143,408 151,237 150,619 152,594 151,147 154,207 149,407 98,336 99,471 100,071 100,584 101,070 96,572 98,154 100,825 30,425 14,322 244 573 24,484 7,989 249 652 28,327 7,557 313 2,325 31,395 6,153 285 565 32,363 7,236 275 479 26,830 16,647 325 628 26,260 15,467 305 531 30,577 6,587 379 567 45,564 33,374 38,522 38,398 40,353 44,430 42,563 38,110 6,948 1,683 6,650 1,597 8,500 1,678 7,358 1,647 6.587 1,784 5,773 1,700 8,930 1,686 5,927 1,725 152,531 141,092 148,771 147,987 149,794 148,475 151,333 146,587 1,068 1,029 795 1,069 1,029 218 1,070 1,029 367 1,073 1,029 530 1,073 1,029 698 1,061 1,029 582 1,069 1,029 776 1,073 1,029 718 155,423 143,408 151,237 150,619 152,594 151,147 154,207 149,407 91,803 92,756 94,738 92,934 91,855 86,450 83,606 92,412 LIABILITIES 24 Federal Reserve notes Deposits: Member bank reserves 25 26 27 28 Foreign Other 2 29 30 31 Deferred availability cash items Other liabilities and accrued dividends 32 Total liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 33 34 35 Other capital accounts 36 Total liabilities and capital accounts 37 MEMO: Marketable U.S. Govt, securities held in custody for foreign and intl. account Federal Reserve note statement 110,796 111,296 111,759 112,272 112,423 109,590 110,741 112,445 40 41 42 F.R. notes outstanding (issued to Bank) Collateral held against notes outstanding: Gold certificate account Special Drawing Rights certificate account.... Eligible paper U.S. Government securities 11,655 1,300 1,581 96,260 11,649 1,300 587 97,760 11,642 1,300 682 98,135 11,642 1.300 756 98,574 11,642 1,300 1,170 98,311 11,668 1,300 1,137 95,485 11,655 1,300 1,094 96,692 11,642 1,300 692 98,811 43 Total collateral 110,796 111,296 111,759 112,272 112,423 109,590 110,741 112,445 38 39 1 Includes securities loaned—fully guaranteed by U.S. Govt, securities pledged with F.R. Banks—and excludes (if any) securities sold and scheduled to be bought back under matched sale-purchase transactions. 2 includes certain deposits of domestic nonmember banks and foreignowned banking institutions voluntarily held with member banks and redeposited in full with F.R. Banks. Reserve Banks 1.19 FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS A13 Maturity Distribution of Loan and Security Holdings Millions of dollars Type and maturity Nov. 1 1 Loans 2 Within 15 days 16 days to 90 days. 3 4 91 days to 1 year... 1,796 1,701 95 5 Acceptances 6 Within 15 days 7 16 days to 90 days. 8 91 days to 1 year... 405 405 Nov. \ 783 673 110 Wednesday End of month 1978 1978 Nov. 15 Nov. 22 Nov. 29 Sept. 30 931 876 55 1,260 1,222 38 1,363 1,206 75 98 383 383 370 370 715 715 236 236 1,257 1,197 60 Oct. 31 1,288 1,108 9 U.S. Government securities. 10 Within 15 days i 11 16 days to 90 days 12 91 days to 1 year 13 Over 1 year to 5 years. . . 14 Over 5 years to 10 years. 15 Over 10 years 114,544 8,666 20,349 30,204 31,638 13,719 9,968 107,253 5,958 17,863 28,107 31,638 13,719 9,968 108,114 3,059 18,073 30,655 31,205 14,554 10,568 111,203 5,386 18,860 29,732 31,833 14,717 10,675 114,110 7,352 19,775 29,758 31,833 14,717 10,675 115,279 5,150 25,203 30,157 31,309 13,632 9,828 115,322 7,195 22,072 30,730 31,638 13,719 9,968 16 Federal agency obligations.. 17 Within 15 days i 18 16 days to 90 days 19 91 days to 1 year 20 Over 1 year to 5 years. . . 21 Over 5 years to 10 years. 22 Over 10 years 8,951 1,019 369 1,520 3,663 1,520 860 7,932 7,932 94 292 1,503 3,663 1,520 860 8,092 316 230 1,503 3,663 1,520 860 8,524 761 437 1,292 3,686 1,488 860 8,597 701 340 1,467 3,619 1,609 861 8,065 164 369 1,488 3,664 1,520 860 386 1,503 3,663 1,520 860 1 Holdings under repurchase agreements are classified as maturing within 15 days in accordance with maximum maturity of the agreements. 1.20 BANK DEBITS AND DEPOSIT TURNOVER Debits are shown in billions of dollars, turnover as ratio of debits to deposit. Monthly data are at annual rates. 1978 Bank group, or type of customer 1975 1976 1977 July June Debits to demand deposits 1 All commercial banks 2 Major New York City banks. . 3 Other banks 25,028.5 9,670.7 15,357.8 29,180.4 11,467.2 17,713.2 34,322.8 13,860.6 20,462.2 41,538.5 15,976.0 25,562.5 2 Sept. Aug. Oct. (seasonally adjusted) 40,575.1 15,355.3 25,219.7 42.722.1 16,432.9 26.289.2 41.811.6 15,495.9 26.315.7 42,855.9 15,437.3 27,418.6 420.4 60.9 359.5 461.4 67.2 394.2 141.6 549.6 98.6 144.1 530.1 102.2 1.9 5.3 1.7 2.1 5.8 1.9 Debits to savings deposits 3 (not seasonally adjusted) 4 AH customers 5 Business 1 6 Others 174.0 21.7 152.3 444.0 61.5 382.6 Demand deposit turnover 7 All commercial banks 8 Major New York City banks. . 9 Other banks 105.3 356.9 72.9 116.8 411.6 79.8 129.2 503.0 85.9 144.4 596.0 98.0 432.1 55.6 376.5 2 433.0 57.6 375.4 (seasonally adjusted) 139.0 553.0 95.5 146.2 577.5 99.7 Savings deposit turnover 3 (not seasonally adjusted) 10 All customers 11 Business 1 12 Others 1 Represents corporations and other profit-seeking organizations (excluding commercial banks but including savings and loan associations, mutual savings banks, credit unions, the Export-Import Bank, and Federally sponsored lending agencies). 2 Represents accounts of individuals, partnerships, and corporations, and of States and political subdivisions. 3 Excludes negotiable orders of withdrawal (NOW) accounts and special club accounts, such as Christmas and vacation clubs. 1.6 4.1 1.5 2.0 5.5 1.8 2.0 5.1 1.8 2.0 5.2 1.8 NOTE.—Historical data—estimated for the period 1970 through June 1977, partly on the basis of the debits series for 233 SMSA's, which were available through June 1977—are available from Publications Services, Division of Administrative Services, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 20551. Debits and turnover data for savings deposits are not available prior to July 1977. A14 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • December 1978 1.21 MONEY STOCK MEASURES AND COMPONENTS Billions of dollars, averages of daily figures 1978 1974 Dec. 1975 Dec. 1976 Dec. 1977 Dec. May Item June July Aug. Sept. Oct. 354.2 577.8 846.2 r l,441.0 933.6 r l,528.4 356.7 582.0 853.5 1,455.1 939.8 1,541.4 360.9 587.9 862.4 r l,472.1 950.5 r l,560.2 362.0 588.8 867.4 1,484.2 955.6 1,572.4 Seasonally adjusted MEASURES 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 282.9 419.0 612.2 981.2 701.2 1,070.3 M-l M-l -jM-2 M-3 M-4 M-5 295.2 456.4 664.7 1,092.5 746.1 1,173.8 313.5 516.8 740.5 1,236.5 803.2 1,299.2 338.5 560.2 809.5 1,376.1 883.5 1,450.1 350.6 575.2 835.2 1,419.9 922.2 1,506.9 352.8 577.1 840.6 1,429.8 927.3 1,516.5 COMPONENTS 7 Currency Commercial bank deposits: 8 Demand 9 Time and savings 10 Savings It Negotiable CD's2 12 Other time 67.8 73.7 80.7 88.6 92.1 92.8 93.3 94.0 95.2 96.0 215.1 418.3 135.8 89.0 193.5 221.5 450.9 160.5 81.3 209.1 232.8 489.7 201.9 62.7 225.1 249.9 545.0 219.6 74.0 251.5 258.5 571.6 222.0 87.1 262.6 259.9 574.5 221.7 86.7 266.1 260.9 579.4 220.9 87.4 271.1 262.8 583.0 222.4 86.3 274.3 265.7 589.7 224.2 88.1 211A 266.1 593.6 223.9 88.2 281.5 13 Nonbank thrift institutions 3 369.1 427.8 496.0 566.6 584.7 589.2 59417 601.6 609.6 616.8 356.0 581.9 848.7 1,447.9 936.0 r l ,535.3 354.2 579.3 850.8 r l,453.0 938.8 1,541.0 358.8 583.2 858.4 1,466.4 948.7 1,556.7 361.3 586.2 864.5 1,478.8 955.3 1,569.6 Not seasonally adjusted MEASURES i 14 15 16 17 18 19 M-l M-l + M-2. M-3 M-4 M-5 291.3 426.2 617.5 983.8 708.0 1,074.3 303.9 463.6 670.0 1,095.0 753.5 1,178.4 322.6 524.2 745.8 1,238.4 810.0 1,320.7 348.2 568.1 814.9 1,377.5 890.9 1,453.4 345.3 571.7 833.6 1,420.3 918.2 1,405.0 69.0 75.1 82.1 90.1 91.9 92.9 94.1 94.3 95.0 95.8 222.2 159.7 58.5 416.7 134.5 90.5 191.7 228.8 162.8 62.6 449.6 159.1 83.5 207.1 240.5 169.4 67.5 487.4 200.2 64.3 222.9 258.1 177.5 76.2 542.6 217.7 75.9 249.0 253.3 172.6 76.9 572.9 223.8 84.6 264.5 258.8 175.7 79.1 576.6 223.8 86.3 266.5 262.0 Ml .1 80.3 579.9 223.1 87.3 269.5 259.9 176.1 79.9 584.6 222.2 88.0 21A A 263.8 178.2 r 81.8 589.9 222.1 90.3 211.5 265.6 179.2 82.6 594.0 222.0 90.8 281.2 0.4 366.3 0.7 424.9 1.4 492.7 2.1 562.5 2.6 586.7 2.6 593.2 2.7 599.3 2.8 602.1 2.9 '608.1 2.9 614.3 4.9 4.1 4.4 5.1 4.0 6.2 4.5 3.6 6.2 4.3 351.7 578.1 842.0 1,435.2 928.3 1,521.5 COMPONENTS 20 Currency Commercial bank deposits: 21 Demand 22 Member 23 Domestic nonmember 24 Time and savings 25 Savings 26 Negotiable CD's 2 27 Other time 28 Other checkable deposits 4 3 29 Nonbank thrift institutions 30 U.S. Government deposits (all commerical banks) 1 Composition of the money stock measures is as follows: M - l : Averages of daily figures for (1) demand deposits at commercial banks other than domestic interbank and U.S. Govt., less cash items in process of collection and F.R. float; (2) foreign demand balances at F.R. Banks; and (3) currency outside the Treasury, F.R. Banks, and vaults of commercial banks. M - l + : M-l plus savings deposits at commercial banks, N O W accounts at banks and thrift institutions, credit union share draft accounts, and demand deposits at mutual savings banks. M-2: M-l plus savings deposits, time deposits open account, and time certificates of deposit (CD's) other than negotiable CD's of $100,000 or more at large weekly reporting banks. M-3: M-2 plus the average of the beginning- and end-of-month deposits r of mutual savings banks, savings and loan shares, and credit union shares (nonbank thrift). M-4: M-2 plus large negotiable CD's. M-5: M-3 plus large negotiable CD's. Latest monthly and weekly figures are available from the Board's 508 (H.6) release. Back data are available from the Banking Section, Division of Research and Statistics. 2 Negotiable time CD's issued in denominations of $100,000 or more by large weekly reporting commercial banks. 3 Average of the beginning- and end-of-month figures for deposits of mutual savings banks, for savings capital at savings and loan associations, and for credit union shares. 4 Includes NOW accounts at thrift institutions, credit union share draft accounts, and demand deposits at mutual savings banks. NOTES TO TABLE 1.23: 1 Adjusted to exclude domestic commercial interbank loans. 2 Loans sold are those sold outright to a bank's own foreign branches, nonconsolidated nonbank affiliates of the bank, the bank's holding company (if not a bank), and nonconsolidated nonbank subsidiaries of the holding company. Prior to Aug. 28, 1974, the institutions included had been defined somewhat differently, and the reporting panel of banks was also different. On the new basis, both "Total loans" and "Commerical and industrial loans" were reduced by about $100 million. 3 Data beginning June 30, 1974, include one large mutual savings bank that merged with a nonmember commercial bank. As of that date there were increases of about $500 million in loans, $100 million in "Other" securities and $600 million in "Total loans and investments." As of Oct. 31, 1974, "Total loans and investments" of all commercial banks were reduced by $1.5 billion in connection with the liquidation of one large bank. Reductions in other items were: "Total loans," $1.0 billion (of which $0.6 billion was in "Commercial and industrial loans"), and "Other securities," $0.5 billion. In late November "Commercial and industrial loans" were increased by $0.1 billion as a result of loan reclassifications at another large bank. 4 Reclassification of loans reduced these loans by about $1.2 billion as of Mar. 31, 1976. 5 Reclassification of loans at one large bank reduced these loans by about $200 million as of Dec. 31, 1977. NOTE.—Data are for last Wednesday of month except for June 30 and Dec. 31; data are partly or wholly estimated except when June 30 and Dec. 31 are call dates. Monetary 1.22 AGGREGATE RESERVES AND DEPOSITS Aggregates A15 Member Banks Billions of dollars, averages of daily figures 1978 1977 1974 Dec. Item 1975 Dec. 1976 Dec. Dec. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. 38.17 37.11 37.97 606.4 416.0 38.44 37.16 38.26 608.1 417.5 186.3 4.1 187.2 3.5 605.9 416.6 608.4 418.5 184.7 4.6 186.9 3.0 Seasonally adjusted 36.57 1 Reserves 1 35.84 2 Nonborrowed 36.31 3 Required 4 Deposits subject to reserve requirements 2 . . 486.1 322.1 5 Time and savings Demand: 160.6 6 Private 3.3 7 U.S. Government 34.68 34.55 34.42 504.6 337.1 34.93 34.89 34.29 528.9 354.3 36.14 35.57 35.95 569.1 387.0 36.67 36.34 36.47 582.1 399.2 36.95 36.39 36.80 586.0 400.7 37.26 36.05 37.04 592.0 406.0 37.73 36.63 37.55 595.6 407.1 38.19 36.88 38.00 600.3 410.5 164.5 2.9 171.4 3.2 178.5 3.6 179.6 3.4 182.0 3.3 183.5 2.6 184.6 3.9 186.1 3.7 186.5 3.3 r 37.91 36.77 37.74 601.1 411.4 r N o t seasonally adjusted 8 Deposits subject to reserve requirements 2 .. 491.8 321.7 9 Time and savings Demand: 166.6 10 Private 3.4 11 U.S. Government 510.9 337.2 534.8 353.6 575.3 386.4 579.4 399.3 588.6 401.2 588.3 406.1 596.8 408.6 600.6 411.1 599.2 412.8 170.7 3.1 177.9 3.3 185.1 3.8 176.6 3.5 183.8 3.6 179.3 2.9 183.7 4.5 186.4 3.2 183.9 2.5 i Series reflects actual reserve requirement percentages with no adjustment to eliminate the effect of changes in Regulations D and M. There are breaks in series because of changes in reserve requirements effective Dec. 12,1974; Feb. 13, May 22, and Oct. 30,1975; Jan. 8, and Dec. 30,1976. In addition, effective Jan. 1, 1976, statewide branching in New York was instituted. The subsequent merger of a number of banks raised required reserves because of higher reserve requirements on aggregate deposits at these banks. 1.23 LOANS AND INVESTMENTS r 2 Includes total time and savings deposits and net demand deposits as defined by Regulation D. Private demand deposits include all demand deposits except those due to the U.S. Govt., less cash items in process of collection and demand balances due from domestic commercial banks. NOTE.—Back data and estimates of the impact on required reserves and changes in reserve requirements are shown in Table 14 of the Board's Annual Statistical Digest, 1971-1975. All Commercial Banks Billions of dollars; last Wednesday of month except for June 30 and Dec. 31 1978 1974 Dec. 313 Category 1975 Dec. 31 1976 Dec. 31 1977 Dec. 31 June 30 July 26p Aug. 30p Sept. 21p Oct. 25f Nov. 29f Seasonally adjusted 1 Loans and investments1 2 Including loans sold outright 2 3 4 5 6 Loans: Total Including loans sold outright 2 ... Commercial and industrial Including loans sold outright 2 ... Investments: U.S. Treasury 7 Other 8 c 691.1 c 695.9 c c 500.2 505.0 c 183.5 c 186.2 c "51.1 139.8 c 721.8 c 726.2 c 496.9 c 501.3 C 176.2 c 178.7 c c 80.1 144.8 c 785.1 c 788.9 870.6 875.5 932.2 936.7 940.7 945.3 944.6 949.3 952.4 957.0 960.9 964.8 966.3 970.0 c 538.9 c 542.7 04179.7 c4 182.1 617.0 621.9 5201.4 5204.2 667.8 672.3 219.0 221.2 675.1 679.7 220.8 223.1 680.2 684.9 222.8 225.2 687.3 691.9 224.6 226.9 696.8 700.7 227.0 228.9 706.7 710.4 228.9 230.8 c 98.0 148.2 95.6 158.0 100.2 164.2 100.6 165.0 97.9 166.5 97.2 167.9 95.2 168.9 90.3 169.3 c N o t seasonally adjusted 1 9 Loans and investments Including loans sold outright 2 10 705.6 710.4 737.0 741.4 801.6 805.4 888.9 893.8 938.7 943.2 936.6 941.2 942.0 946.7 951.4 956.1 958.4 962.3 969.1 972.8 11 12 13 14 Loans: Total 1 Including loans sold outright 2 ... Commercial and industrial Including loans sold outright 2 ... 510.7 515.5 186.8 189.5 507.4 511.8 179.3 181.8 550.2 554.0 4182.9 4185.3 629.9 634.8 5205.0 5207.8 675.8 680.3 221.6 223.8 675.6 680.2 220.9 232.2 681.0 685.7 221.7 224.1 688.6 693.3 223.9 226.2 696.6 700.5 226.5 228.4 717.1 700.8 228.9 230.8 15 16 Investments: U.S. Treasury Other 54.5 140.5 84.1 145.5 102.5 148.9 100.2 158.8 97.9 165.1 96.1 164.9 94.8 166.2 95.0 167.7 93.5 168.3 92.6 169.5 For notes see bottom of opposite page. DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • December 1978 A16 1.24 COMMERCIAL BANK ASSETS AND LIABILITIES Last-Wednesday-of-Month Series Billions of dollars except for number of banks 1976 19783 1977 1 Account Dec. Dec. Apr. Mar. May June July* Aug.f Sept.3' Oct.P Nov.* All commercial 1 Loans and investments 2 Loans, gross Investments: U.S. Treasury securities 3 4 Other 846.4 594.9 939.1 680.1 939.7 680.4 953.0 688.7 974.4 712.4 985.0 722.1 980.6 719.6 985.5 724.5 995.6 1 , 0 0 3 . 0 1 , 0 1 6 . 0 733.4 741.2 754.0 102.5 148.9 100.2 158.8 99.0 160.3 100.2 164.1 97.3 164.6 97.9 165.1 96.1 164.9 94.8 166.2 94.9 167.3 93.5 168.3 92.6 169.5 5 6 7 8 9 136.1 12.1 26.1 49.6 48.4 168.7 13.9 29.3 59.0 66.4 130.5 14.4 30.2 42.6 43.3 133.1 14.3 27.6 43.6 47.6 161.0 14.5 30.3 51.9 64.3 166.8 12.0 29.6 56.0 69.3 130.2 14.8 23.6 44.4 47.3 137.4 15.2 29.7 43.0 49.5 141.8 15.2 32.6 44.4 49.6 146.5 15.1 34.6 45.0 51.7 149.3 16.7 32.6 46.5 53.5 1,030.7 1,166.0 1,140.5 1,156.9 1,206.5 1,215.0 1,179.2 1,192.9 1,208.7 1,220.4 1,240.5 838.2 939.4 899.8 915.5 952.9 965.7 932.3 937.7 949.9 952.3 959.4 45.4 3.0 288.4 51.7 7.3 323.9 37.6 4.9 281.2 39.0 6.2 293.8 51.2 3.3 312.9 49.3 8.0 317.5 40.5 4.3 296.3 40.4 2.8 298.6 41.9 11.0 297.1 43.3 7.6 299.2 42.9 2.1 305.0 9.2 492.2 9.8 546.6 9.0 567.1 9.0 567.5 9.4 576.1 10.2 580.8 10.3 580.9 10.7 585.2 11.6 588.3 11.1 591.2 11.8 597.6 80.2 78.1 96.2 85.8 105.6 83.4 104.9 83.7 112.2 84.6 106.8 89.9 103.2 85.8 109.1 86.2 112.8 87.1 118.3 87.1 125.3 87.8 14,671 14,707 14,689 14,697 14,702 14,698 14,713 14,721 14,715 14,713 14,713 Cash assets Reserves with F.R. Banks Balances with banks Cash items in process of collection.. 10 Total 11 Deposits Demand: Interbank U.S. Government Other Time: 12 13 14 15 16 assets/total liabilities and Other 17 18 Borrowings Total capital accounts 2 19 MEMO: Number of banks Member 20 21 620.5 442.9 675.5 494.9 668.6 490.5 676.8 495.3 693.8 514.3 699.7 519.6 695.8 517.6 698.9 520.3 706.9 527.0 713.4 533.9 724.2 544.5 22 23 Loans and investments Loans, gross Investments: U.S. Treasury securities Other 74.6 103.1 70.4 110.1 68.2 109.9 68.8 112.7 66.9 112.7 67.4 112.7 65.7 112.5 65.3 113.3 65.4 114.5 64.1 115.3 63.5 116.1 24 25 26 27 28 Cash assets, total Currency and coin Reserves with F.R. Banks Balances with banks Cash items in process of collection.. 108.9 9.1 26.0 27.4 46.5 134.4 10.4 29.3 30.8 63.9 104.8 10.6 30.2 22.9 41.2 106.5 10.5 27.6 22.7 45.7 130.7 10.6 30.3 28.1 61.7 133.8 8.7 29.6 29.1 66.5 104.2 10.8 23.6 24.3 45.4 111.2 11.1 29.7 22.9 47.6 115.4 11.1 32.6 24.0 47.7 118.6 11.1 34.6 23.2 49.7 121.3 12.3 32.6 25.1 51.4 29 Total assets/total capital 1 772.9 861.8 833.2 843.3 884.7 888.7 857.3 868.5 882.2 891.2 908.4 618.7 683.5 645.1 655.1 686.7 694.3 666.1 670.6 679.6 682.5 688.7 42.4 2.1 215.5 48.0 5.4 239.4 34.7 3.7 205.1 36.0 4.5 213.4 47.5 2.2 229.1 45.5 5.6 231.6 37.3 3.1 214.6 37.2 1.9 217.0 38.6 8.1 215.6 39.9 5.7 217.0 39.5 1.5 221.4 7.2 351.5 7.8 382.9 7.0 394.7 6.9 394.3 7.3 400.5 8.1 403.4 8.2 402.9 8.6 405.9 9.4 407.8 9.0 411.0 9.7 416.7 71.7 58.6 84.9 63.7 91.8 62.4 91.1 62.7 96.9 63.3 92.1 66.1 88.0 64.2 93.9 64.5 97.2 65.1 101.4 65.2 108.0 65.7 5,759 5,669 5,654 5,645 5,638 5,622 5,613 5,610 5,593 5,585 5,585 30 liabilities Demand: Interbank U.S. Government Other Time: Interbank Other 31 32 33 34 35 Borrowings Total capital accounts 2 36 37 38 MEMO: Number of banks 1 and Includes items not shown separately. Effective Mar. 31, 1976, some of the item "reserve for loan losses" and all of the item "unearned income on loans" are no longer reported as liabilities. As of that date the "valuation" portion of "reserve for loan losses" and the "unearned income on loans" have been netted against "other assets," and against "total assets" as well. Total liabilities continue to include the deferred income tax portion of "reserve for loan losses." 2 Effective Mar. 31, 1976, includes "reserves for securities" and the contingency portion (which is small) of "reserve for loan losses." 3 Figures partly estimated except on call dates. NOTE.—Figures include all bank-premises subsidiaries and other significant majority-owned domestic subsidiaries. Commercial banks: AJ1 such banks in the United States, including member and nonmember banks, stock savings banks, nondeposit trust companies, and U.S. branches of foreign banks. Member banks: The following numbers of noninsured trust companies that are members of the Federal Reserve System are excluded from member banks in Tables 1.24 and 1.25 and are included with noninsured banks in Table 1.25: 1976—December, 11; 1978—January, 12. Commercial Banks A17 1.25 COMMERCIAL BANK ASSETS AND LIABILITIES Call-Date Series Millions of dollars, except for number of banks 1977 1976 1978 1976 June 30 Dec. 31 1977 1978 Account June 30 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 Total insured 1 Loans and investments, gross Loans: 2 3 Net Investments: 4 U.S. Treasury securities 5 Other 6 827,696 r 578,734 r 560,077 101,461 147,500 129,562 r 854,733 r 601,122 581,143 r 100,568 153,042 130,726 8 Demand: U.S. Government 9 10 11 Other Time: 12 13 Other Dec. 31 June 30 National (all insured) 914,779 956,431 476,610 488,240 523,000 542,218 657,509 ••636,318 695,443 672,207 340,691 329,971 351,311 339,955 384,722 372,702 403,812 390,630 99,333 l57,936 159,264 97,001 163,986 157,393 55,727 80,191 76,072 53,345 83,583 74,641 52,244 86,033 92,050 50,519 87,886 90,728 r 583,304 599,743 651,360 671,166 825,003 847,372 ••922,657 945,874 469,377 476,381 520,167 526,932 3,022 44,064 285,200 2,817 44,965 284,544 7,310 r 49,843 319,873 7,956 47,203 312,707 1,676 23,149 163,346 1,632 22,876 161,358 4,172 25,646 181,821 4.483 22,416 176,025 8,248 484,467 7,721 507,324 8,731 536,899 8,987 569,020 4,907 276,296 4,599 285,915 5,730 302,795 5,791 318,215 81,137 75,502 r 89,339 '"79,082 98,351 83,074 54,421 41,319 57,283 43,142 63,218 44,994 68,948 47,019 14,425 14,397 14,381 4,735 4,701 4,654 4,616 1 , 0 0 3 , 9 7 0 1,040,945 1 , 1 2 9 , 7 1 2 1,172,772 7 June 30 14 15 Total capital accounts 75.291 72,061 16 MEMO: Number of banks 14,397 r State member (all insured) Insured nonmember 144,000 144,597 152,514 157,464 207,085 221,896 239,265 256,749 102,277 99,474 102,117 99,173 r l10,243 r 107,205 115,736 112,470 135,766 130,630 147,694 142,015 162,543 156,411 175,894 169,106 18,849 22,874 32,859 19,296 23,183 35,918 18,179 24,091 42,305 16,886 24,841 43,057 26,884 44,434 20,631 27,926 46,275 20,166 28,909 47,812 24,908 29,595 51,259 23,606 '•189,579 195,452 r 210,442 217,384 231,086 245,748 267,910 284,221 149,491 152,472 163,436 167,403 206,134 218,519 239,053 251,539 429 19,295 52,204 371 20,568 52,570 1,241 r 22,346 57,605 1,158 23,117 55,550 917 1,619 69,648 813 1,520 70,615 1,896 1,849 80,445 2,315 1,669 81,131 2,384 75,178 2,134 76,827 2,026 80,216 2,275 85,301 956 132,993 988 144,581 973 153,887 920 165,502 30 31 17,310 13,199 19,697 13,441 r 21,736 14,182 23,167 14,670 3,559 17,542 4,155 18,919 4,384 19,905 6,235 21,384 32 1,023 1,019 1,014 1,005 8,639 8,705 8,729 8,760 17 Loans: Gross Net Investments : U.S. Treasury securities Other 18 19 20 21 22 Total assets/total liabilities1 23 24 Demand: 25 26 27 Other Time: 28 29 Other Noninsured nonmember r Total nonmember 18,819 22,940 24,415 28,699 225,904 244,837 263,681 285,448 16,336 16,209 20,865 20,679 22,686 22,484 26,747 26,548 152,103 146,840 168,559 162,694 185,230 178,896 202,641 195,655 1,054 1,428 6,496 993 1,081 8,330 879 849 9,458 869 1,082 9,360 27,938 45,863 27,127 28,919 47,357 28,497 29,788 48,662 34,367 30,465 52,341 32,967 39 26,790 33,390 36,433 42,279 257,877 279,139 304,343 326,501 40 13,325 14,658 16,844 19,924 219,460 233,177 255,898 271,463 4 1,277 3,236 8 1,504 3,588 10 1,868 4,073 8 2,067 4,814 921 2,896 72,884 822 3,025 74,203 1,907 3,718 84,518 2,323 3,736 85,946 1,041 7,766 1,164 8,392 1,089 9,802 1,203 11,831 1,997 140,760 2,152 152,974 2,063 163,690 2,123 177,334 4,842 818 7,056 893 6,908 917 8,413 962 8,401 18,360 11,212 19,812 11,293 20,823 14,649 22,346 275 293 310 317 8,914 8,998 9,039 9,077 33 Loans: 34 35 Net Investments: U.S. Treasury securities Other 36 37 38 Demand : 41 42 43 Time: Interbank 44 45 46 47 Total capital accounts 48 MEMO: Number of banks 1 Includes items not shown separately. For Note see Table 1.24. r A18 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • December 1978 1.26 COMMERCIAL BANK ASSETS AND LIABILITIES Detailed Balance Sheet, June 30, 1978 Millions of dollars, except for number of banks. Member banks 1 Asset account Insured All commercial commercial banks banks Nonmember banks 1 Large banks Total New York City City of Chicago Other large2 All other 166,754 11,950 29,574 43,092 6,779 6,093 69,266 157,393 11,883 29,566 38,158 5,007 3,588 69,192 133,786 8,691 29,566 23,166 2,775 3,110 66,478 40,354 795 4.104 10,382 520 439 24,113 5,594 190 1,537 248 5 384 3,231 48,783 2,878 12,499 3,539 782 1,484 27,602 39,054 4,828 11,426 8,996 1,468 803 11,533 32,967 3,259 8 19,926 4,004 2,982 2,788 261,272 97,872 39,847 117,257 6,204 92 259,360 97,002 39,486 117,018 5,767 178,753 67,406 25,193 82,541 3,549 64 20,609 9.623 1,800 8,881 305 7,979 2,955 1,353 3,480 191 57,297 22,215 7,362 26,626 1,071 23 92,868 32,613 14,678 43,554 1,981 41 82,519 30,466 14,654 34,716 2,655 27 7,160 4,062 986 1,676 345 92 7,156 4,062 986 1,676 345 88 7,010 4,044 976 1,657 270 64 3,026 1,907 428 610 82 978 713 80 133 52 19 Trading-account securities U.S. Treasury Other U.S. Government agencies. States and political subdivisions.. All other trading acct. securities.. Unclassified 2,756 1,352 423 824 133 23 251 72 45 90 3 41 150 17 11 19 75 27 20 21 22 23 24 Bank investment portfolios U.S. Treasury Other U.S. Government agencies. States and political subdivisions.. All other portfolio securities 254,112 93,810 38,861 115,582 5,859 252,204 92,940 38,499 115,343 5,422 171,743 63,362 24,217 80,884 3,279 17,583 7,716 1,373 8,271 223 7,002 2,242 1,273 3,347 139 54,541 20,863 6,939 25,802 938 92,617 32,541 14,633 43,464 1,979 82,369 30,448 14,644 34,697 2,580 1 Cash bank balances, items in process 2 Currency and coin 3 Reserves with Federal Reserve Banks 4 Demand balances with banks in United States. 5 Other balances with banks in United States.... 6 Balances with banks in foreign countries 7 Cash items in process of collection 8 Total securities held—Book value 9 U.S. Treasury 10 Other U.S. Govertment agencies 11 States and political subdivisions 12 All other securities 13 Unclassified total 14 15 16 17 18 25 Federal Reserve stock and corporate stock 26 Federal funds sold and securities resale agreement. 27 Commercial banks 28 Brokers and dealers 29 Others 30 Other loans, gross 31 LESS: Unearned income on loans. 32 Reserves for loan loss 33 Other loans, net 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Other loans, gross, by category Real estate loans Construction and land development Secured by farmland Secured by residential properties 1- to 4-family residences FHA-insured or VA-guaranteed Conventional Multifamily residences FHA-insured Conventional Secured by other properties 1,669 1,628 1,380 309 105 491 475 288 48,576 41,068 4,962 2,546 43,768 34,495 27,517 4,847 2,131 4,309 2,321 1,514 474 1,616 1,300 235 80 17,935 13,996 2,528 1,411 10,636 9,899 569 167 14,081 13,552 115 415 673,615 16,142 7,293 650,180 651,675 16,086 7,150 628,439 485,054 10,768 5,680 468,606 76,423 620 1,297 74,506 25,479 104 325 25 049 184,099 3,521 2,155 178,424 199,053 6,524 1,902 190,628 188,560 5,374 1,613 181,574 192,877 23,658 8,208 110,293 104,952 1,496 97,457 5,341 399 4,941 50,719 192,609 23,639 8,189 110,113 104,793 7,423 97,370 5,320 395 4,926 50,667 131,891 17,684 3,565 76,832 72,964 6,430 66,534 3,869 327 3,541 33,810 9,629 2,391 23 4,891 4,209 519 3,690 683 120 563 2,324 2,678 630 8 1,426 1,331 42 1,289 95 25 70 614 49,324 8,586 405 28,984 27,608 3,395 24,213 1,376 87 1,289 11,349 70,260 6,076 3,129 41,531 39,816 2,474 37,342 1,714 96 1,619 19,523 60,986 5,974 4.643 33,460 31,988 1,065 30,923 1,472 72 1,400 16,909 36,621 4,954 2,193 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Loans to financial institutions REIT's and mortgage companies Domestic commercial banks Banks in foreign countries Other depository institutions Other financial institutions Loans to security brokers and dealers Other loans to purchase or carry securities. Loans to farmers—except real estate Commercial and industrial loans 44,426 8,348 5,263 12,864 1,480 16,471 11,716 4,425 27,018 221,591 35,472 8,341 3,116 6,610 1,458 15,948 11,340 4,337 26,993 210,907 33,355 7,949 2,398 6,447 1,312 15,249 11,043 3,604 14,813 170,678 11,483 2,114 702 2,931 240 5,496 6,567 403 161 38,588 4,015 812 123 272 53 2,755 1,457 294 178 13,149 14,985 4,369 1,307 2,648 775 5,886 2,706 1,896 3,630 67,555 2,873 654 265 596 245 1,113 313 1,011 10,844 51,387 11,071 399 2,865 6,417 168 1,222 673 821 12,205 50,913 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Loans to individuals Instalment loans Passenger automobiles Residential repair and modernization. Credit cards and related plans Charge-account credit cards Check and revolving credit p l a n s . . . Other retail consumer goods Mobile homes Other Other instalment loans Single-payment loans to individuals All other loans 153,582 124,139 55,757 7,956 20,136 16,185 3,951 18,752 9,387 9,365 21,539 29,443 17,979 153,458 124,066 55,740 7,955 20,125 16,184 3,941 18,747 9,387 9,360 21,498 29,392 16,559 105,611 85,515 35,523 5,203 17,766 14,516 3,249 12,722 6,553 6,169 14,301 20,096 14,059 6,686 5,041 994 305 2,214 1,424 791 395 171 225 1,132 1,646 2,906 2,334 1,505 179 77 1,068 1,027 41 54 19 35 128 829 1,373 37,998 31,323 10,746 1,912 9,069 7,617 1,453 4,843 2,471 2,372 4,752 6,675 6,005 58,592 47,646 23,605 2,909 5,414 4,449 965 7,430 3,892 3,537 8,288 10,946 3,774 47,971 38,624 20,233 2,753 2,370 1,668 702 6,030 2,834 3,196 7,238 9,347 3,920 961,697 933,196 683,234 99,732 34,749 254,146 294,607 278,463 6,303 22,318 3,146 16,489 38,347 6,302 22,191 3,109 15,293 35,288 5,918 16,454 3,069 14,788 31,300 1,106 2,390 1,546 7,399 12,779 98 793 182 1,089 1,241 3,669 6,215 1,240 5,908 12,456 1,045 7,056 101 392 4,824 384 5,863 77 1,701 7,046 1,215,052 1,172,773 888,551 165,307 43,748 332,417 347,080 326,501 68 Total loans and securities, net 69 70 71 72 73 Direct lease financing Fixed assets—Buildings, furniture, real estate. Investment in unconsolidated subsidiaries Customer acceptances outstanding Other assets 74 Total assets. For notes see opposite page. Commercial Banks 1.26 A19 Continued Member banks 1 Liability or capital account Insured All commercial commercial banks banks Nonmember banks 1 Large banks Total New York City City of Chicago Other large 2 All other 374,758 1,626 367,867 1,425 282,751 1,217 65,198 588 10,932 100,994 291 105,627 337 92,006 409 279,829 7,964 18,210 1,840 38,924 8,721 17,643 278,459 7,956 18,138 1,351 37,963 7,815 14,760 206,399 5,641 12,421 1,317 36,639 7,679 11,440 33,292 584 830 1,084 18,730 6,007 4,083 7,802 187 184 25 2,147 225 361 78,702 2,043 3,564 170 11,503 1,249 3,473 86,603 2,828 7,842 37 4,260 198 3,522 73,430 2,323 5,789 524 2,285 1,042 6,204 84 Time deposits 85 Accumulated for personal loan payments 86 Mutual savings banks 87 Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations 88 U.S. Government 89 States and political subdivisions 90 Foreign governments, central banks, etc 91 Commercial banks in United States 92 Banks in foreign countries 365,015 90 292 353,571 90 275 257,007 72 263 37,850 15,695 115 37 93,735 1 90 109,727 71 20 108,008 18 29 287,380 989 56,273 10,171 7,968 1,853 280,154 989 55,928 7,429 7,352 1,354 202,808 793 38,077 7,193 6,645 1,156 29,149 82 1,672 4,184 1,917 730 12,118 39 1,261 1,201 911 128 72,205 421 16,031 1,684 3,113 190 89,336 251 19,113 123 705 108 84,572 195 18,195 2,979 1,323 697 93 Savings deposits 94 Individuals and nonprofit organizations 95 Corporations and other profit organizations.. 96 U.S. Government 97 States and political subdivisions 98 Allother 226,026 210.453 10,807 62 4,501 204 224,436 209,067 10,787 62 4,486 35 154,577 144,198 7,431 53 2,863 31 10,945 10,150 504 2,758 2,612 137 55,474 51,865 3,091 16 494 9 85,401 79,572 3,699 36 2,087 7 71,449 66,255 3,376 9 1,638 172 99 Total deposits 965,799 945,875 694,335 113,992 29,385 250,204 300,755 271,464 93,179 46,947 13,356 32,876 13,586 1,738 17,125 33,773 88,903 43,727 13,289 31,887 9,448 1,733 15,925 22,062 83,003 41,154 12,325 29.524 9,112 1,425 15,419 19,126 20,103 7,773 3,199 9,132 3,398 233 8,014 5,911 8,989 5,904 1,897 1,188 179 28 1,095 1,106 40,575 21,697 5,686 13,192 4,243 698 5,916 8,051 13,336 5,780 1,543 6,013 1,292 465 394 4,057 10,176 5,793 1,030 3,352 4,473 313 1,705 14,647 1,125,200 1,083,946 822,421 151,651 40,782 309,688 320,299 302,779 5,816 5,753 4,440 1,004 80 2,061 1,296 1,376 84,037 88 17,790 32,386 31,949 1,824 83,074 88 17,691 31,874 31,684 1,744 61,690 33 12,743 22,906 24.803 1,205 12,652 2,885 2,645 4,451 5,334 132 570 1,404 859 52 20,668 2 3,997 8,063 8,238 368 25,485 31 5,531 8,898 10,372 652 22,347 55 5,047 9,480 7,146 619 1,215,052 1,172,773 888,551 165,307 43,748 332,417 347,080 326,501 117 Demand deposits adjusted 4 Average for last 15 or 30 days: 118 Cash and due from bank 119 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell 120 Total loans 121 Time deposits of $ 100,000 or more 122 Total deposits 123 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase 124 Other liabilities for borrowed money 258,603 252,756 173,993 21,771 5,368 59,847 87,007 84,610 151,066 142,173 121,518 35,452 5,619 44,611 35,836 29,548 53,196 647,386 181,510 941,481 47,463 628,167 174,479 923,749 36,121 468,342 143,050 675,725 5,530 74,085 31,979 106,594 1,901 24,972 12,833 28,441 16,558 178,557 61,496 243,663 12,132 190,728 36,742 297,026 17,075 179,043 38,459 265,756 95,273 13,002 90,853 8,533 85,358 8,027 21,859 3,433 9,825 171 40,469 3,437 13,205 986 9,915 4,975 125 Standby letters of credit outstanding 126 Time deposits of $100,000 or more 127 Certificates of deposit 128 Other time deposits 18,948 183,339 155,925 27,414 17,750 177,602 151,931 25,671 16,686 145,695 123,685 22,001 9,406 32,476 28,200 4,277 1,269 13,253 11,450 1,803 4,796 62,711 52,439 10,271 1,215 37,245 31,595 5,650 2,262 37,653 32,240 5,413 14,698 14,381 5,621 12 9 153 5,447 9,077 75 Demand deposits 76 Mutual savings banks 77 Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations 78 U.S. Govt 79 States and political subdivisions 80 Foreign governments, central banks, etc 81 Commercial banks in United States 82 Banks in foreign countries 83 Certified and officers' checks, etc 100 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase 101 Commercial banks 102 Brokers and dealers 103 Others 104 Other liabilities for borrowed money 3 105 Mortgage indebtedness 3 106 Bank acceptances outstanding 107 Other liabilities 108 Total liabilities 109 Subordinated notes and debentures 110 Equity capital 111 Preferred stock 112 Common stock 113 Surplus 114 Undivided profits 115 Other capital reserves 116 Total liabilities and equity capital MEMO ITEMS: 129 Number of banks 1 Member banks exclude and nonmember banks include 13 noninsured trust companies that are members of the Federal Reserve System. 2 Demand deposits adjusted are demand deposits other than domestic commercial interbank and U.S. Government, less cash items reported as in process of collection. 273 16 * 9 NOTE.—Data include consolidated reports, including figures for all bank-premises subsidiaries and other significant majority-owned domestic subsidiaries. Securities are reported on a gross basis before deductions of valuation reserves. Back data in lesser detail were shown in p r e v i o u s BULLETINS. A20 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • December 1978 1.27 ALL LARGE WEEKLY REPORTING COMMERCIAL BANKS Assets and Liabilities Millions of dollars, Wednesday figures 1978 Account 1 Total loans and investments Loans: Federal funds sold1 To commercial banks To brokers and dealers involving— U.S. Treasury securities Other securities To others 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Other, gross Commercial and industrial Agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities: To brokers and dealers: U.S. Treasury securities Other securities To others: U.S. Treasury securities Other securities To nonbank financial institutions: Personal and sales finance cos., etc Other Real estate To commercial banks: Domestic Foreign Consumer instalment Foreign govts., official institutions, etc. All other loans LESS: Loan loss reserve and unearned income on loans Other loans, net 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 32 33 Investments: U.S. Treasury securities Bills Notes and bonds, by maturity: Within 1 year 1 to 5 years After 5 years Other securities Obligations of States and political subdivisions: Tax warrants, short-term notes, and bills All other Other bonds, corporate stocks, and securities: Certificates of participation 2 All other, including corporate stocks 34 35 36 37 38 39 Cash items in process of collection Reserves with Federal Reserve Banks Currency and coin Balances with domestic banks Investments in subsidiaries not consolidated Other assets 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 40 Total assets/total liabilities 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Oct. 4 Oct. 11 Oct. 18 Oct. 25 Nov. Nov. 8 p Nov. 15 p Nov. 22p Nov. 29p 481,817 481,185 480,249 481,573 486,354 494,685 492,405 490,818 490,433 25,582 19,075 24,891 20,111 23,974 18,100 25,119 19,714 24,647 18,200 31,524 24,306 26,884 20,013 26,524 19,912 25,939 21,031 3,844 582 2,081 2,238 629 1,913 3,214 560 2,100 2,433 512 2,460 2,894 748 2,805 4,219 722 2,211 3,824 IIS 2,269 3,609 851 2,152 3,159 790 1,959 354,804 137,791 5,360 354,917 138,434 5,398 355,595 138,295 5,421 356,015 138,776 5,420 361,524 139,878 5,402 362,924 140,317 5,370 363,934 140,728 5,399 363,449 140,536 5,352 363,216 140,490 5,340 1,436 9,211 715 8,718 1,317 8,664 863 8,464 1,133 9,233 1,641 8,429 1,716 8,172 1,292 7,595 850 7,448 109 2,577 108 2,574 109 2,571 110 2,575 109 2,573 2,592 109 2,598 2,582 110 2,565 8,209 15,960 86,243 8,421 16,002 86,617 8,545 15,914 87,063 8,254 15,609 87,302 8,872 15,820 87,588 8,752 15,888 87,801 8,780 15,748 88,367 8,447 15,601 88,724 8,493 15,596 88,899 2,723 6,619 54,207 1,768 22,591 2,647 6,650 54,341 1,800 22,492 2,323 6,611 54,526 1,826 22,410 2,477 6,797 54,696 2,016 22,656 2,674 7,860 54,991 1,964 23,427 3,115 8,554 55,092 2,054 23,208 2,796 8,352 55,549 2,117 23,503 2,908 8,498 55,781 2,118 23,904 3,150 8,399 56,079 2,184 23,613 10,746 344,058 10,860 344,057 10,896 344,699 10,956 345,059 10,993 350,531 11,066 351,858 11,134 352,800 11,207 352,242 11,220 351,996 43,046 4,331 42,369 3,543 41,916 3,641 41,724 3,446 41,484 3,328 41,330 3,252 42,421 3,072 41,637 3,215 41,352 3,136 6,936 26,020 5,759 69,131 7,047 25,881 5,898 69,868 7,129 25,408 5,738 69,660 7,212 25,351 5,715 69,671 7,175 25,502 5,479 69,692 7,345 25,272 5,461 69,973 7,314 25,859 6,176 70,300 7,472 24,979 5,971 70,415 7,640 24,685 5,891 70,146 6,625 45,673 6,729 45,880 6,704 45,754 6,562 45,797 6,523 45,686 6,480 46,030 6,599 46,245 6,411 46,350 6,279 46,337 2,920 13,913 2,938 14,321 2,940 14,262 3,012 14,300 2,897 14,586 2,882 14,581 2,925 14,531 2,876 14,778 2,942 14,588 48,432 23,644 6,043 15,349 3,278 64,400 47,996 25,097 6,740 15,406 3,346 65,178 45,848 19,998 6,807 15,493 3,445 65,436 45,104 26,853 6,956 14,035 3,509 64,670 50,659 22,670 6,552 16,081 3,490 66,225 49,019 20,505 6,483 18,047 3,482 68,840 51,483 21,370 6,814 15,588 3,453 69,566 49,433 23,604 6,549 16,063 3,515 69,610 46,892 24,754 7,723 15,519 3,499 68,493 642,963 644,948 637,276 642,700 652,031 661,061 660,679 659,592 657,313 199,048 144,463 5,558 1,309 195,278 140,863 5,745 2,327 192,444 135,804 5,597 4,857 201,238 142,471 6,709 1,303 204,664 141,833 5,559 1,037 203,106 146,071 6,674 1,559 193,776 140,360 5,879 978 191,843 138,758 5,666 970 Deposits: Demand deposits 198,648 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations. 139,241 States and political subdivisions 5,695 U.S. Government 3,760 Domestic interbank: 31,243 Commercial 1,071 Mutual savings Foreign: 1,723 Governments, official institutions, e t c . . . . 6,565 Commerial banks 9,350 Certified and officers' checks 272,501 Time and savings deposits3 92,091 Savings 4 180,410 Time: 139,479 Individuals, partnerships, and corps 26,158 States and political subdivisions 6,736 Domestic interbank 6,366 Foreign govts., official institutions, e t c . . . 31,242 973 29,982 872 30,108 824 31,091 955 38,541 953 31,054 873 30,196 773 29,769 711 1,143 7,131 7,229 271,331 91,838 179,493 138,909 26,161 6,354 6,404 1,255 6,829 7,405 272,376 91,668 180,708 139,857 26,444 6,340 6,408 1,342 6,323 7,589 274,903 91,415 183,488 141,814 26,728 6,704 6,586 1,606 6,838 10,265 276,532 90,808 185,724 143,870 26,516 7,134 6,503 1,314 7,421 8,006 277,972 90,942 187,030 144,793 26,794 7,191 6,589 1,402 6,934 8,539 279,234 90,495 188,739 146,354 26,626 7,437 6,623 1,297 6,740 7,553 281,054 90,276 190,778 147,863 27,048 7,525 6,646 1,354 6,463 8,152 280,968 90,079 190,889 148,280 26,782 7,646 6,484 82,175 86,103 79,643 84,438 81,815 83,824 81,344 84,770 84,881 1,090 6,737 34,698 282 6,859 34,133 1,193 7,248 34,436 1,062 7,476 35,086 1,123 8,136 35,666 470 10,059 36,478 945 10,736 37,801 594 14,194 37,663 795 12,726 38,466 47,114 47,192 47,102 47,291 47,521 47,594 47,513 47,541 47,634 57 Federal funds purchased, etc.5 Borrowings from: 58 Federal Reserve Banks 59 Others 60 Other liabilities, etc. 6 61 Total equity capital and subordinated notes/debentures 7 1 2 3 Includes securities purchased under agreements to resell. Federal agencies only. Includes time deposits of U.S. Govt, and of foreign banks, which are not shown separately. 4 For amounts of these deposits by ownership categories, see Table 1.30. 5 6 Includes securities sold under agreements to repurchase. Includes minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries and deferred tax portion of reserves for loans. 7 Includes reserves for securities and contingency portion of reserve for loans. Weekly Reporting Banks All 1.28 LARGE WEEKLY REPORTING COMMERCIAL BANKS IN NEW YORK CITY Assets and Liabilities Millions of dollars, Wednesday figures 1978 Account 1 Total loans and investments 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Loans: Federal funds sold1 To commercial banks To brokers and dealers involving— U.S. Treasury securities Other securities To others Other gross Commercial and industrial Agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities: To brokers and dealers: U.S. Treasury securities Other securities To others: U.S. Treasury securities Other securities To nonbank financial institutions: Personal and sales finance cos., etc Other Real estate To commercial banks: Domestic Foreign Consumer instalment Foreign govts, official institutions, etc All other loans LESS: Loan loss reserve and unearned income on loans Other loans, net 32 33 Investments: U.S. Treasury securities Bills Notes and bonds, by maturity: Within 1 year 1 to 5 years After 5 years Other securities Obligations of States and political subdivisions: Tax warrants, short-term notes, and bills Allother Other bonds, corporate stocks, and securities: Certificates of participation2 All other, including corporate stocks 34 35 36 37 38 39 Cash items in process of collection Reserves with Federal Reserve Banks Currency and coin Balances with domestic banks Investments in subsidiaries not consolidated..., Other assets 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 40 Total assets/total liabilities Deposits : Demand deposits Individuals, partnerships, and corporations States and political subdivisions U.S. Government Domestic interbank: Commercial Mutual savings , Foreign: Governments, official institutions, e t c . . . . Commercial banks Certified and officers' checks Time and savings deposits3 Savings 4 Time Individuals, partnerships and corps States and political subdivisions Domestic interbank Foreign govts., official institutions, etc... 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Federal funds purchased, etc.5 Borrowings from: 58 Federal Reserve Banks 59 Others 60 Other liabilities, etc. 6 61 Total equity capital and subordinated notes/ debentures7 1 2 3 Oct. 4 Oct. 11 Oct. 18 Oct. 25 Nov. If Nov. 8 p Nov. 15P Nov. 22p Nov. 29* 98,005 96,646 96,714 97,288 99,672 101,323 100,781 100,092 99,600 4,439 2,364 3,886 2,404 4,024 2,354 4,839 2,725 4,843 2,265 6,131 3,949 5,101 2,736 5,946 3,835 6,351 4,511 1,542 4 529 965 4 513 1,078 4 588 1,089 4 1,021 1,374 6 1,198 1,479 10 693 1,788 14 563 1,647 9 455 1,464 2 374 75,380 37,282 155 74,606 37,503 157 74,859 37,333 164 74,927 37,856 170 77,294 38,234 181 77,765 38,390 185 77,557 38,547 189 76,466 38,269 189 75,966 38,114 189 1,297 4,846 590 4,516 1,203 4,575 766 4,446 1,025 4,683 1,407 4,025 1,543 4,133 1,180 3,756 759 3,739 26 358 27 356 28 351 28 361 27 354 27 340 27 340 27 338 27 333 2,857 4,864 9,708 2,993 4,861 9,767 3,103 4,810 9,808 2,919 4,714 9,851 3,301 4,778 9,856 3,170 4,757 9,875 3,123 4,530 9,921 2,868 4,441 9,982 2,966 4,506 9,964 1,024 3,168 4,954 441 4,400 882 3,149 4,989 430 4,386 691 3,110 5,005 429 4,249 720 3,148 5,026 592 4,330 851 3,803 5,042 529 4,630 1,212 4,226 5,059 527 4,565 941 3,829 5,250 550 4,634 877 3,931 5,285 582 4,741 1,077 3,783 5,293 644 4,572 1,843 73,537 1,858 72,748 1,864 72,995 1,880 73,047 1,910 75,384 1,911 75,854 1,932 75,625 1,943 74,523 1,953 74,013 9,146 1,429 8,738 982 8,584 1,141 8,315 848 8,276 781 8,261 751 8,934 111 8,436 875 8,283 797 534 5,937 1,246 10,883 507 5,915 1,334 11,274 627 5,597 1,219 11,111 636 5,695 1,136 11,087 741 5,749 1,005 11,169 835 5,721 954 11,077 844 5,819 1,494 11,121 849 5,315 1,397 11,187 933 5,176 1,377 10,953 1,807 6,887 1,992 7,000 1,963 6,866 1,845 6,933 1,829 6,937 1,677 6,994 1,783 6,992 1,722 7,004 1,630 6,998 527 1,662 529 1,753 527 1,755 521 1,788 520 1,883 521 1,885 521 1,825 520 1,941 518 1,807 15,158 6,921 921 8,220 1,740 25,015 14,254 8,156 1,010 7,371 1,760 25,962 14,568 3,715 1,014 8,353 1,771 26,412 15,781 6,586 1,050 7,677 1,783 25,486 16,825 4,698 1,014 8,990 1,819 25,933 17,060 8,374 1,029 10,621 1,843 27,322 16,251 5,890 1,068 8,051 1,852 27,414 15,545 5,052 981 8,753 1,853 28,768 15,911 5,533 1,137 8,105 1,852 27,524 155,980 155,159 152,547 155,651 158,951 167,572 161,307 161,044 159,662 55,113 27,652 501 1,127 53,862 28,713 524 128 54,377 28,439 484 368 54,205 27,172 536 699 56,927 28,727 747 82 63,258 29,381 438 114 55,780 29,758 628 158 54,016 28,570 474 75 53,398 27,828 424 77 14,197 599 14,716 524 15,145 458 16,157 444 15,110 469 22,733 515 14,634 448 15,319 375 15,209 345 1,502 4,754 4,781 46,097 9,585 36,512 27,915 1,909 2,227 3,632 928 5,384 2,945 45,919 9,563 36,356 27,580 1,964 2,275 3,713 1,020 5,127 3,336 46,466 9,566 36,900 27,926 2,000 2,340 3,807 1,030 4,588 3,579 46,808 9,485 37,323 28,101 2,035 2,474 3,887 1,346 4,899 5,547 48,108 9,392 38,716 29,372 2,061 2,642 3,822 1,052 5,393 3,632 48,518 9,390 39,128 29,586 2,099 2,788 3,848 1,173 5,170 3,811 49,828 9,343 40,485 30,478 2,122 3,094 3,942 1,068 5,005 3,130 50,290 9,323 40,967 30,853 2,138 3,133 4,022 1,088 4,607 3,820 50,161 9,296 40,865 30,864 2,102 3,149 3,925 22,433 23,629 19,110 22,072 20,149 22,093 20,180 21,391 21,381 360 3,905 14,978 480 4,329 15,537 0 4,771 15,507 716 5,039 16,332 0 5,694 16,215 189 5,112 15,973 13,323 13,421 13,425 | 13,432 13,438 13,448 * 471 3,507 15,059 3,563 14,860 425 3,'776 15,097 13,300 13,^26 13,296 Includes securities purchased under agreements to resell. Federal agencies only. Includes time deposits of U.S. Govt, and of foreign banks, which are not shown separately. 4 For amounts of these deposits by ownership categories, see Table 1.30. 5 6 Includes securities sold under agreements to repurchase. Includes minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries and deferred tax portion of reserves for loans. 7 Includes reserves for securities and contingency portion of reserves for loans. A22 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • December 1978 1.29 LARGE WEEKLY REPORTING COMMERCIAL BANKS OUTSIDE NEW YORK CITY Assets and Liabilities Millions of dollars, Wednesday figures 1978 Account 1 Total loans and investments. Loans: Federal funds sold1 To commercial banks To brokers and dealers involving— U.S. Treasury securities Other securities To others Other, gross Commercial and industrial Agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities: To brokers and dealers: U.S. Treasury securities Other securities To others: U.S. Treasury securities Other securities To nonbank financial institutions: Personal and sales finance cos., etc Other Real estate To commercial banks: Domestic Foreign Consumer instalment Foreign govts., official institutions, etc All other loans LESS: Loan reserve and unearned income on loans Other loans, net 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Investments: U.S. Treasury securities Bills Notes and bonds, by maturity: Within 1 year 1 to 5 years After 5 years Other securities Obligations of States and political subdivisions : Tax warrants, short-term notes, and bills All other Other bonds, corporate stocks, and securities: Certificates of participation2 All other, including corporate s t o c k s . . . 34 35 36 37 38 39 Cash items in process of collection Reserves with Federal Reserve Banks Currency and coin Balances with domestic banks Investments in subsidiaries not consolidated... Other assets 40 Total assets/total liabilities. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Oct. 4 Oct. 11 Oct. 18 Oct. 25 Nov. If Nov. 8? Nov. 15^ Nov. 22? Nov. 29*> 383,812 384,539 383,535 384,285 386,682 393,362 391,624 390,726 390,833 21,143 16,711 21,005 17,707 19,950 15,746 20,280 16,989 19,804 15,935 25,393 20,357 21,783 17,277 20,578 16,077 20,588 16,520 2,302 578 1,552 1,273 625 1,400 2,136 556 1,512 1,344 508 1,439 1,520 742 1,607 2,740 712 1,584 2,036 764 1,706 1,962 842 1,697 1,695 788 1,585 279,424 100,509 5,205 280,311 100,931 5,241 280,736 100,962 5,257 281,088 100,920 5,250 284,230 101,644 5,221 285,159 101,927 5,185 286,377 102,181 5,210 286,983 102,267 5,163 287,250 102,376 5,151 139 4,365 125 4,202 114 4,089 97 4,018 108 4,550 234 4,404 173 4,039 112 3,839 91 3,709 83 2,219 81 2,218 81 2,220 82 2,214 82 2,219 84 2,252 82 2,258 84 2,244 83 2,232 5,352 11,096 76,535 5,428 11,141 76,850 5,442 11,104 77,255 5,335 10,895 77,451 5,571 11,042 77,732 5,582 11,131 77,926 5,657 11,218 78,446 5,579 11,160 78,742 5,527 11,090 78,935 1,699 3,451 49,253 1,327 18,191 1,765 3,501 49,352 1,370 18,106 1,632 3,501 49,521 1,397 18,161 1,757 3,649 49,670 1,424 18,326 1,823 4,057 49,949 1,435 18,797 1,903 4,328 50,033 1,527 18,643 1,855 4,523 50,299 1,567 18,869 2,031 4,567 50,496 1,536 19,163 2,073 4,616 50,786 1,540 19,041 8,903 270,521 9,002 271,309 9,032 271,704 9,076 272,012 9,083 275,147 9,155 276,004 9,202 277,175 9,264 277,719 9,267 277,983 33,900 2,902 33,631 2,561 33,332 2,500 33,409 2,598 33,208 2,547 33,069 2,501 33,487 2,295 33,201 2,340 33,069 2,339 6,402 20,083 4,513 58,248 6,540 19,966 4,564 58,594 6,502 19,811 4,519 58,549 6,576 19,656 4,579 58,584 6,434 19,753 4,474 58,523 6,510 19,551 4,507 58,896 6,470 20,040 4,682 59,179 6,623 19,664 4,574 59,228 6,707 19,509 4,514 59,193 4,818 38,786 4,131 38,880 4,741 38,888 4,717 38,864 4,694 38,749 4,803 39,036 4,816 39,253 4,689 39,346 4,649 39,339 2,393 12,251 2,409 12,568 2,413 12,507 2,491 12,512 2,377 12,703 2,361 12,696 2,404 12,706 2,356 12,837 2,424 12,781 33,274 16,723 5,122 7,129 1,538 39,385 33,742 16,941 5,730 8,035 1,586 39,216 31,280 16,283 5,793 7,140 1,674 39,024 29,323 20,267 5,906 6,358 1,726 39,184 33,834 17,972 5,538 7,091 1,671 40,292 31,959 12,131 5,454 7,426 1,639 41,51S 35,232 15,480 5,746 7,537 1,601 42,152 33,888 18,552 5,568 7,310 1,662 40,842 30,981 19,221 6,586 7,414 1,647 40,969 486,983 489,789 484,729 487,049 493,080 493,489 499,372 498,548 497,651 143,535 111,589 5,194 2,633 145,186 115,750 5,034 1,181 140,901 112,424 5,261 1,959 138,239 108,632 5,061 4,158 144,311 113,744 5,962 1,221 141,406 112,452 5,121 923 147,326 116,313 6,046 1,401 139,760 111,790 5,405 903 138,445 110,930 5,242 893 Deposits: Demand deposits Individuals, partnerships, and corporations,, States and political subdivisions U.S. Government Domestic interbank: Commercial Mutual savings Foreign: Governments, official institutions, e t c — Commercial banks Certified and officers' checks Time and savings deposits3 Savings 4 Time Individuals, partnerships, and corps. States and political subdivisions Domestic interbank Foreign govts., official institutions, etc.. 17,046 472 16,526 449 14,837 414 13,951 380 15,981 486 15,808 438 16,420 425 14,877 398 14,560 366 221 1,811 4,569 226,404 82,506 143,898 111,564 24,249 4,509 2,734 215 1,747 4,284 225,412 82,275 143,137 111,329 24,197 4,079 2,691 235 1,702 4,069 225,910 82,102 143,808 111,931 24,444 4,000 2,601 312 1,735 4,010 228,095 81,930 146,165 113,713 24,693 4,230 2,699 260 1,939 4,718 228,424 81,416 147,008 114,498 24,455 4,492 2,681 262 2,028 4,374 229,454 81,552 147,902 115,207 24,695 4,403 2,741 229 1,764 4,728 229,406 81,152 148,254 115,876 24,504 4,343 2,681 229 1,735 4,423 230,764 80,953 149,811 117,010 24,910 4,392 2,624 266 1,856 4,332 230,807 80,183 150,024 117,416 24,680 4,497 2,559 . 59,742 62,474 60,533 62,366 61,666 61,731 61,164 63,379 63,500 619 3,230 19,639 282 3,296 19,273 768 3,472 19,339 702 3,571 20,108 643 3,807 20,129 470 5,288 20,971 229 5,697 21,469 594 8,500 21,448 606 7,614 22,493 33,814 33,866 33,806 33,968 34,100 34,169 34,081 34,103 34,186 57 Federal funds purchased, etc. 5 Borrowings from: 58 Federal Reserve Banks 59 Others 60 Other liabilities, etc. 6 61 Total equity capital and subordinated notes/debentures 7 1 Includes securities purchased under agreements to resell. Federal agencies only. 3 Includes time deposits of U.S. Govt, and of foreign banks, which are4 not shown separately. For amounts of these deposits by ownership categories, see Table 1.30. 2 5 Includes securities sold under agreements to repurchase. 6 Includes minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries and deferred tax portion of reserves for loans. 7 Includes reserves for securities and contingency portion of reserves for loans. Weekly Reporting Banks A23 1.30 LARGE WEEKLY REPORTING COMMERCIAL BANKS Balance Sheet Memoranda Millions of dollars, Wednesday figures 1978 Account Oct. 4 Oct. 11 Oct. 18 Oct. 25 Nov. If Nov. 8*> Nov. 15 p Nov. 29*> 1 2 3 Total loans (gross) and investments adjusted 1 Large Banks New York City banks Banks outside New York City 470,765 96,460 374,305 469,287 95,218 374,069 470,722 95,533 375,189 470,338 95,723 374,615 476,473 98,466 378,007 478,330 98,073 380,257 480,730 99,036 381,694 479,205 97,323 381,882 477,472 95,965 381,507 4 5 6 Total loans (gross), adjusted Large banks New York City banks Banks outside New York City 358,588 76,431 282,157 357,050 75,206 281,844 359,146 75,838 283,308 358,943 76,321 282,622 365,297 79,021 286,276 367,027 78,735 288,292 368,009 78,981 289,028 367,153 77,700 289,453 365,974 76,729 289,245 7 8 9 Demand deposits, adjusted 2 Large Banks New York City banks Banks outside New York City 115,213 24,631 90,582 118,501 24,764 93,737 117,121 24,296 92,825 112,375 21,568 90,807 118,185 24,910 93,275 116,067 23,351 92,716 119,010 24,737 94,273 113,169 23,077 90,092 114,212 22,201 92,011 90,230 24,818 65,412 89,329 24,738 64,591 89,987 25,149 64,838 92,248 25,605 66,643 94,306 26,956 67,350 95,430 27,382 68,048 96,673 28,606 68,067 97,589 29,003 68,586 97,703 28,916 68,787 63,916 17,706 46,210 63,293 17,491 45,802 63,876 17,730 46,146 65,443 17,936 47,507 67,286 19,137 48,149 68,117 19,389 48,728 69,148 20,190 48,958 69,987 20,486 49,501 70,235 20,479 49,756 26,314 7,112 19,202 26,036 7,247 18,789 26,111 7,419 18,692 26,805 7,669 19,136 27,020 7,819 19,201 27,313 7,993 19,320 27,525 8,416 19,109 27,602 8,517 19,085 27,468 8,437 19,031 34,786 6,672 28,114 34,653 6,597 28,056 35,084 6,703 28,381 35,411 6,720 28,691 35,748 6,948 28,800 36,073 7,025 29,048 36,132 6,963 29,169 36,884 7,030 29,854 36,732 7,037 29,695 21,057 5,350 15,707 21,059 5,266 15,793 21,258 5,329 15,929 21,391 5,342 16,049 21,830 5,602 16,228 21,940 5,584 16,356 22,045 5,460 16,585 22,399 5,512 16,887 22,465 5,551 16,914 13,729 1,322 12,407 13,594 1,331 12,263 13,826 1,374 12,452 14,020 1,378 12,642 13,918 1,346 12,572 14,133 1,441 12,692 14,087 1,503 12,584 14,485 1,518 12,967 14,267 1,486 12,781 85,750 8,894 76,856 85,470 8,863 76,607 85,319 8,853 76,466 84,937 8,801 76,130 84,581 8,741 75,840 84,683 8,737 75,946 84,301 8,719 75,582 84,140 8,704 75,436 83,925 8,669 75,256 5,121 481 4,640 5,124 All 4,647 5,102 473 4,629 5,163 470 4,693 5,111 462 4,649 5,135 457 4,678 5,105 449 4,656 5,055 440 4,615 5,064 448 4,616 1,197 194 1,003 1,225 212 1,013 1,223 223 1,000 1,297 197 1,100 1,095 180 915 1,096 916 180 1,065 166 899 1,058 168 890 1,066 167 899 23 19 24 17 7 18 11 21 9 28 16 12 24 9 15 23 12 12 24 12 12 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Large negotiable time CD's included in time and savings deposits 3 Total: Large banks New York City Banks outside New York City Issued to IPC's: Large banks New York City Banks Banks outside New York City Issued to others: Large banks New York City banks Banks outside New York City All other large time deposits 4 Total: Large banks New York City banks Banks outside New York City Issued to IPC's: Large banks New York City banks Banks outside New York City Issued to others: Large banks New York City banks Banks outside New York City 37 38 39 Savings deposits, by ownership category Individuals and nonprofit organizations: Large banks New York City banks Banks outside New York City Partnerships and corporations for profit: 5 Large banks New York City banks Banks outside New York City Domestic governmental units: Large banks New York City banks Banks outside New York City All other:6 Large banks New York City banks Banks outside New York City 40 41 42 Gross liabilities of banks to their foreign branches Large banks New York City banks Banks outside New York City 6,437 3,613 2,824 6,470 3,312 3,158 6,323 2,997 3,326 7,674 4,027 3,647 8,561 5,253 3,308 8,037 4,162 3,275 9,428 6,220 3,208 7,732 3,984 3,748 8,973 4,440 4,533 43 44 45 Loans sold outright to selected institutions by all large banks 7 Commercial and industrial 8 Real estate 8 All other 8 1,961 287 1,748 1,972 288 1,736 2,086 283 1,648 ,886 288 ,678 1,911 291 1,592 1,898 295 1,563 1,846 296 1,540 1,796 305 1,569 1,859 297 1,564 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 16 11 7 1 Exclusive of loans and Federal funds transactions with domestic commercial banks. 2 All demand deposits except U.S. Govt, and domestic commercial banks, less cash items in process of collection. 3 Certificates of deposit (CD's) issued in denominations of $100,000 or more. 4 All other time deposits issued in denominations of $100,000 or more not included in large negotiable CD's. 7 5 Other than commercial banks. 6 Domestic and foreign commercial banks, and official international organizations. 7 To bank's own foreign branches, nonconsolidated nonbank affiliates of the bank, the bank's holding company (if not a bank), and nonconsolidated nonbank subsidiaries of the holding company. 8 Data revised beginning July 7, 1977, due to reclassifications at one large bank. A24 1.31 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • December 1978 LARGE WEEKLY REPORTING COMMERCIAL BANKS Commercial and Industrial Loans Millions of dollars Outstanding Industry classification Net change during— 1978 Nov. 1 Nov. 8 Nov. 15 1978 Nov. 22 Nov. 29 & Q2 1978 Sept. Q3 Oct. Nov.f Total loans classified2 114,145 114,564 114,760 114,709 114,542 5,384 1,346 1,791 1,813 1,229 Durable goods manufacturing: Primary metals Machinery Transportation equipment Other fabricated metal products. Other durable goods 2,688 5,452 2,646 2,431 3,953 2,685 5,438 2,659 2,431 3,994 2,692 5,476 2,650 2,434 3,986 2,677 5,432 2,586 2,425 3,966 2,597 5,464 2,626 2,409 3,985 43 177 66 181 382 -66 -16 -52 69 136 11 64 51 129 102 -68 61 -159 -78 -79 -67 15 38 -35 19 Nondurable goods manufacturing: Food, liquor, and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather... Petroleum refining Chemicals and rubber Other nondurable goods 4,373 4,224 2,483 3,290 2,475 4,394 4,252 2,546 3,306 2,444 4,412 4,171 2,612 3,295 2,448 4,468 4,080 2,602 3,264 2,470 4,531 3,985 2,569 3,224 2,446 409 565 159 154 61 -101 240 -116 -101 213 2 -56 -45 69 81 186 -110 -47 -173 -47 191 -288 95 -71 13 10,446 10,518 10,648 10,663 10,628 883 172 124 17 34 1,866 9,574 8,865 5,531 1,786 5,463 5,144 14,193 1,899 9,579 8,924 5,493 1,737 5,549 5,116 14,268 1,835 9,584 8,979 5,454 1,782 5,531 5,127 14,331 1,807 9,540 9,020 5,527 1,747 5,600 5,121 14,383 1,789 9,521 8,959 5,513 1,766 5,541 5,116 14,423 -187 458 639 -147 249 38 483 1,134 -323 232 -80 53 68 89 110 520 -22 199 132 157 55 -15 17 413 61 279 636 34 -20 245 '-66 219 -16 70 129 -15 53 197 -39 245 8,387 3,711 8,520 3,579 8,460 3,478 8,429 3,459 8,445 3,573 296 -429 282 -149 6 233 257 210 152 251 5,164 5,233 5,375 5,443 5,432 -230 166 84 455 258 62 -60 -8 18 -1 140,490 6,601 1,333 1,742 1 Total 2 3 4 5 6 12 Mining, including crude petroleum and natural gas Trade: 13 Commodity dealers 14 Other wholesale 15 Retail 16 Transportation 17 Communication 18 Other public utilities 19 Construction 20 Services 21 All other domestic loans 22 Bankers acceptances 23 Foreign commercial and industrial loans MEMO ITEMS: 24 Commercial paper 1included in total classified loans 25 Total commercial and industrial loans of all large weekly reporting banks 139,878 140,317 140,728 140,536 1978 July 26 Aug. 30 Sept. 27 Nov. 29^ Q2 r 2,066 1,714 1978 1978 Oct. 25p r Sept. Q3 Oct. Nov." "Term" loans classified3 51,905 52,618 53,019 53,762 54,705 1,820 1,726 401 743 943 27 28 29 30 31 Durable goods manufacturing: Primary metals Machinery Transportation equipment Other fabricated metal products... Other durable goods 1,695 2,712 1,439 1,000 1,718 1,710 2,669 1,586 990 1,699 1,672 2,650 1,565 1,007 1,713 1,641 2,768 1,506 1,004 1,717 1,631 2,751 1,492 1,035 1,796 128 17 -69 87 106 -34 74 145 13 35 -38 -19 -21 17 14 -31 118 -59 -3 4 -10 -17 -14 31 79 32 33 34 35 36 Nondurable goods manufacturing: Food, liquor, and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather Petroleum refining Chemicals and rubber Other nondurable goods 1,691 1,138 1,882 2,418 1,103 1,740 1,133 1,882 2,322 1,156 1,727 1,126 1,846 2,301 1,177 1,862 1,096 1,789 2,109 1,192 1,977 1,046 1,837 2,037 1,205 150 72 74 287 -86 56 4 -101 -111 86 -13 -7 -36 -21 21 135 -30 -57 -192 15 115 -50 48 -72 13 7,660 7,757 7,862 7,852 7,917 661 102 105 -10 65 305 2,372 3,224 3,732 1,102 4,053 2,288 7,104 2,860 -24 187 261 -136 85 -293 47 600 -149 22 185 -43 15 67 318 107 307 393 2 84 -36 21 19 -13 -21 191 97 18 -31 274 -35 -11 113 40 139 85 37 43 159 14 37 93 24 168 62 2,941 -185 86 55 261 118 26 Total 37 Mining, including crude petroleum and natural gas Trade: 38 Commodity dealers 39 Other wholesale 40 Retail 41 Transportation 42 Communication 43 Other public utilities 44 Construction 45 Services 46 All other domestic loans 47 Foreign commercial and industrial loans 233 2,233 2,782 3,678 1,061 3,714 2,177 6,592 2,436 248 2,276 2,827 3,732 1,057 3,860 2,245 6,606 2,616 250 2,360 2,791 3,753 1,076 3,847 2,224 6,797 2,713 268 2,329 3,065 3,718 1,065 3,960 2,264 6,936 2,798 2,543 2,507 2,562 2,823 1 Reported for the last Wednesday of each month. 2 Includes "term" loans, shown below. 3 Outstanding loans with an original maturity of more than 1 year and all outstanding loans granted under a formal agreement—revolving credit or standby—on which the original maturity of the commitment was in excess of 1 year. Deposits and Commercial Paper A25 1.32 GROSS DEMAND DEPOSITS of Individuals, Partnerships, and Corporations Billions of dollars, estimated daily-average balances At commercial banks 1977 Type of holder 1 All holders, individuals, corporations partnerships, 1975 Dec. 1976 Dec. 225.0 236.9 19.0 118.8 73.3 2.3 11.7 20.1 125.1 78.0 2.4 11.3 1974 Dec. and 2 Financial business 5 Foreign 6 Other 1978 Mar. June Sept. Dec. Mar. June Sept. 250.1 242.3 253.8 252.7 274.4 262.5 271.2 278.8 22.3 130.2 82.6 2.7 12.4 21.6 125.1 81.6 2.4 11.6 25.9 129.2 84.1 2.5 12.2 23.7 128.5 86.2 2.5 11.8 25.0 142.9 91.0 2.5 12.9 24.5 131.5 91.8 2.4 12.3 25.7 137.7 92.9 2.4 12.4 25.9 142.5 95.0 2.5 13.1 At weekly reporting banks 1978 1975 Dec. 7 All 9 10 11 12 holders, individuals, partnerships, Nonfinancial business Consumer Foreign Other and 1976 Dec. 1977 Dec. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. 124.4 128.5 139.1 135.6 134.3 136.9 139.9 137.7 139.7 141.3 15.6 69.9 29.9 2.3 6.6 17.5 69.7 31.7 2.6 7.1 18.5 76.3 34.6 2.4 7.4 17.9 70.9 37.6 2.2 7.0 18.1 70.7 36.0 2.4 7.1 19.0 71.9 36.6 2.3 7.1 19.4 73.7 37.1 2.3 7.3 19.4 72.0 36.8 2.4 7.1 18.9 74.1 37.1 2.4 7.3 19.1 75.0 37.5 2.5 7.2 NOTE.—Figures include cash items in process of collection. Estimates of gross deposits are based on reports supplied by a sample of commercial banks. Types of depositors in each category are described in the June 1971 BULLETIN, p. 466. 1.33 COMMERCIAL PAPER AND BANKERS ACCEPTANCES OUTSTANDING Millions of dollars, end of period 1978 Instrument 1975 Dec. 1976 Dec. 1977 Dec. Apr. May June Aug. July Sept. Oct. Commercial paper (seasonally adjusted) Financial companies: 1 2 Dealer-placed paper: 2 Total 3 Bank-related Directly-placed paper:3 4 Total 48,459 53,025 65,209 70,289 71,213 74,536 74,900 73,960 r 76,988 77,152 6,202 1,762 7,250 1,900 8,871 2,132 9,670 2,078 10,314 2,217 10,327 2,442 10,617 2,633 10,868 2,935 n1,470 2,622 10,921 2,868 31,374 6,892 32,500 5,959 40,496 7,102 44,326 7,995 44,664 9,258 47,315 9,585 46,594 10,030 45,510 9,634 47,791 10,383 48,030 10,925 10,883 13,275 15,842 16,293 16,235 16,894 17,689 17,582 17,727 18,201 Dollar acceptances (not seasonally adjusted) 7 Total 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Held by: Accepting banks Own bills Bills bought F.R. Banks: Own account Foreign correspondents Others Based on: Imports into United States Exports from United States All other 18,727 22,523 25,654 26,256 26,714 28,289 27,579 28,319 27,952 30,579 7,333 5,899 1,435 10,442 8,769 1,673 10,434 8,915 1,519 7,091 6,117 974 7,286 6,365 921 7,502 6,520 983 7,244 6,345 899 7,048 6,131 917 7,647 6,461 1,186 8,379 7,012 1,366 1,126 293 991 375 954 362 550 679 625 568 633 556 557 9,975 10,715 13,904 18,614 18,749 20,160 19,766 20,638 19,748 21,644 3,726 4,001 11,000 4,992 4,818 12,713 6,532 5,895 13,227 7,108 6,216 12,932 7,027 6,494 13,193 7,578 6,906 13,805 7,415 6,565 13,599 7,885 6,558 13,876 7,957 6,350 13,644 8,575 6,665 15,339 1 Institutions engaged primarily in activities such as, but not limited to, commercial, savings, and mortgage banking; sales, personal, and mortgage financing; factoring, finance leasing, and other business lending; insurance underwriting; and other investment activities. 2 Includes all financial company paper sold by dealers in the open market. 3 As reported by financial companies that place their paper directly with investors. 4 Includes public utilities and firms engaged primarily in activities such as communications, construction, manufacturing, mining, wholesale and retail trade, transportation, and services. A26 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • December 1978 1.34 PRIME RATE CHARGED BY BANKS on Short-term Business Loans Per cent per annum Month Effective date Rate 1978—Jan. 10. May 5 26 Effective date 1978—Sept. 15 8% 81/2 8*4 June 16 30 9 Aug. 31. 9% Oct. Nov. 28, 9% 9% 13 27, 10 10% 1 10i/2 10% 11 11% 6 17, 24, Average rate Rate 1977—Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.41 6.75 6.75 6.83 7.13 7.52 7.75 7.75 Nov Dec 1.35 TERMS OF LENDING AT COMMERCIAL BANKS Month 1978—Jan.. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June, July. Aug. Sept. Oct.. Nov. Survey of Loans Made, August 7-12, 1978 Size of loan (in thousands of dollars) Item All sizes 1-24 25-49 50-99 100-499 500-999 1,000 and over Short-term commercial and industrial loans 7,198,593 1,049,321 559,214 638,138 1,899,754 532,767 Amount of loans (thousands of dollars) Number of loans 187,673 147,855 16,858 10,683 10,445 863 3.0 2.8 3.4 2.4 3.0 3.3 Weighted-average maturity (months). 9.97 10.45 10.19 10.30 10.19 9.93 Weighted-average interest rate (per cent per annum).. 9 . 3 1 - 1 0 . 4 7 9.25-11.65 9 . 3 4 - 1 0 . 5 0 9 . 7 3 - 1 0 . 7 5 9 . 3 8 - 1 0 . 6 4 9.31-10.43 Interquartile range 1 Percentage of amount of loans: 48.3 32.0 36.6 46.5 43.2 57.4 6 With floating rate 38.1 15.2 21.0 27.5 31.2 58.5 7 Made under commitment 1 2 3 4 5 2,519,400 970 3.1 9.47 9.00-9.88 60.1 54.9 Long-term commercial and industrial loans 8 9 10 11 12 Amount of loans (thousands of dollars) 1,417,990 Number of loans 22,251 Weighted-average maturity (months) 45.2 Weighted-average interest rate (per cent per annum).. 10.20 Interquartile range i 9.38-11.00 Percentage of amount of loans: 13 With floating rate 65.5 14 Made under commitment 51.3 293,717 19,735 33.7 10.66 9.89-11.57 355,547 99,274 669,452 2,218 150 148 47.2 57.7 47.4 10.35 9.83 9.96 9.38-11.02 9.25-10.50 9.00-10.48 30.1 25.0 62.3 35.7 55.1 50.6 84.3 71.2 Construction and land development loans 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Amount of loans (thousands of dollars) 1,177,413 228,314 144,262 155,635 381,591 Number of loans 30,901 22,364 4,546 2,278 1,490 Weighted-average maturity (months) 8.4 10.7 9.6 3.8 7.2 Weighted-average interest rate (per cent per annum).. 10.43 10.27 10.66 11.05 10.33 Interquartile range * 9 . 9 5 - 1 1 . 0 2 9.27-10.87 10.00-11.00 10.00-12.73 10.03-10.70 Percentage of amount of loans: With floating rate 49.3 12.3 13.0 18.3 80.2 Secured by real estate 92.9 85.4 97.1 94.5 97.1 Made under commitment 55.2 49.7 32.7 68.2 43.5 Type of construction: 1 - t o 4-family 42.1 77.2 71.3 64.9 20.2 Multifamily 8.5 1.2 10.0 1.7 7.8 Nonresidential 49.4 21.6 18.8 33.4 71.9 All sizes 1-9 10-24 25-49 50-99 267,611 223 9.6 10.23 9.27-11.30 74.3 90.3 81.3 14.5 18.8 66.8 100-249 250 and over Loans to farmers 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Amount of loans (thousands of dollars) 824,790 Number of loans 63,389 Weighted-average maturity (months) 6.6 Weighted-average interest rate (per cent per annum).. 9.62 Interquartile range i 9.13-10.21 By purpose of loan: Feeder livestock 9.49 Other livestock 9.47 Other current operating expenses 9.66 Farm machinery and equipment 9.63 Other 9.87 1 Interest rate range that covers the middle 50 per cent of the total dollar amount of loans made. 2 Fewer than three sample loans. 159,057 45,994 7.5 9.33 8.77-9.73 9.13 9.36 9.27 9.52 9.61 150,908 157,111 10,109 4,942 10.2 6.6 9.33 9.46 8.77-9.73 9.00-10.00 9.11 9.44 9.44 9.53 9.22 9.37 10.03 9.26 9.86 9.67 82,007 92,298 183,409 689 1,338 317 3.9 6.1 5.8 9.51 9.92 10.15 9 . 2 0 - 9 . 8 4 9.25-10.38 9 . 5 4 - 1 0 . 9 7 9.48 8.86 9.81 9.41 9.77 9.60 10.19 9.96 (2> 10.39 9.91 9.76 10.41 (2) 10.28 NOTE.—For more detail, see the Board's 416 (G.14) statistical release, Securities 1.36 INTEREST RATES Markets All Money and Capital Markets Averages, per cent per annum 1978, week ending— 1978 Instrument 1975 1976 1977 Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Nov. 4 Nov. 11 Nov. 18 Nov. 25 Dec. 2 Money market rates 1 Federal funds 1 5.82 5.05 5.54 8.04 8.45 8.96 9.76 9.29 9.77 9.68 9.68 9.85 Prime commercial paper 2 ' 3 2 90- to 119-day 3 4- to 6-month 6.26 6.33 5.24 5.35 5.54 5.60 7.83 7.90 8.39 8.44 8.98 9.03 10.14 10.23 9.62 9.68 10.16 10.27 10.28 10.38 10.13 10.22 10.20 10.28 4 Finance company paper, directly placed, 3- to 6-month 3 - 4 6.16 5.22 5.49 7.65 8.18 8.78 9.82 9.26 9.87 9.92 9.90 9.89 5 Prime bankers acceptances, 90-day 3 - 5 6.30 5.19 5.59 7.98 8.54 9.32 10.53 10.46 10.63 10.47 10.40 10.52 6.43 5.26 5.15 5.58 5.52 8.05 7.86 8.61 8.42 9.14 9.17 10.72 10.12 10.10 9.83 10.77 10.00 10.84 10.25 10.59 10.25 10.66 10.25 6.97 5.57 6.05 8.48 9.12 10.12 11.51 11.08 11.44 11.70 11.28 11.66 5.80 6.11 6.30 4.98 5.26 5.52 5.27 5.53 5.71 7.08 7.37 7.73 7.85 7.99 8.01 7.99 8.55 8.45 8.64 9.24 9.20 8.73 9.26 9.17 8.79 9.42 9.32 8.14 9.08 9.08 8.63 9.07 9.12 8.98 9.27 9.29 5.838 6.122 4.989 5.266 5.265 5.510 7.036 7.363 7.836 7.948 8.132 8.493 8.787 9.204 8.454 8.982 9.028 9.419 8.593 9.291 8.696 8.996 9.166 9.330 Large negotiable certificates of deposit 6 7 8 Euro-dollar deposits, 3-month 8 9 10 11 12 13 U.S. Government securities Bills: 3 -9 Market yields: 3-month 6-month 1-year Rates on new issue: 1 0 3-month 6-month Capital market rates 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Government notes and bonds U.S. Treasury Constant maturities: 11 1-year 2-year 3-year 5-year 7-year 10-year 20-year 30-year Notes and bonds maturing in — 1 2 3 to 5 years Over 10 years (long-term) State and local: 13 Moody's series: Aaa Baa Bond Buyer series 14 Corporate bonds 15 Seasoned issues All industries By rating groups: Aaa Aa A Baa Aaa utility bonds: 1 6 New issue Recently offered issues Dividend/price ratio Preferred stocks Common stocks 6.76 5.88 7.49 7.77 7.90 7.99 8.19 6.77 7.18 7.42 7.61 7.86 6.09 6.45 6.69 6.99 7.23 7.42 7.67 8.31 8.37 8.33 8.33 8.38 8.41 8.45 8.47 8.64 8.57 8.41 8.43 8.42 8.42 8.47 8.47 9.14 8.85 8.62 8.61 8.64 8.64 8.69 8.67 10.01 9.42 9.04 8.84 8.80 8.81 8.75 8.75 9.95 9.44 9.12 8.89 8.82 8.82 8.80 8.77 10.16 9.48 9.10 8.86 8.84 8.86 8.80 8.81 9.89 9.31 8.95 8.78 8.76 8.77 8.72 8.72 9.92 9.35 8.96 8.81 8.78 8.78 8.72 8.73 10.11 9.56 9.16 8.92 8.88 8.85 8.78 8.78 7.55 6.98 6.94 6.78 6.85 7.06 8.31 7.87 8.38 7.82 8.61 8.07 8.97 8.16 9.05 8.19 9.04 8.21 8.93 8.12 8.87 8.13 9.01 8.21 6.42 7.62 7.05 5.66 7.49 6.64 5.20 6.12 5.68 5.56 6.54 6.12 5.53 6.63 6.09 5.53 6.18 6.13 5.59 6.65 6.19 5.70 6.50 6.22 5.65 6.70 6.17 5.50 6.60 6.11 5.55 6.65 6.16 5.55 6.80 6.29 9.57 9.01 8.43 9.08 9.08 9.20 9.40 9.39 9.42 9.40 9.38 9.39 8.83 9.17 9.65 10.61 8.43 8.75 9.09 9.75 8.02 8.24 8.49 8.97 8.69 8.96 9.18 9.48 8.78 8.96 9.11 9.47 8.89 9.07 9.26 9.59 9.03 9.24 9.48 9.83 9.04 9.24 9.46 9.79 9.06 9.27 9.50 9.82 9.02 9.26 9.49 9.83 9.00 9.22 9.46 9.82 9.04 9.22 9.45 9.85 9.40 9.41 8.48 8.49 8.19 8.19 8.82 8.91 8.86 8.86 9.17 9.13 9.27 9.27 9.25 9.28 9.30 9.30 9.25 9.24 9.25 9.30 9.29 8.38 4.31 7.97 3.77 7.60 4.56 8.26 4.93 8.24 4.97 8.29 5.11 8.43 5.45 8.39 5.38 8.42 5.44 8.57 5.54 8.38 5.42 8.41 5.49 1 Weekly figures are 7-day averages of daily effective rates for the week ending Wednesday; the daily effective rate is an average of the rates on a given day weighted by the volume of transactions at these rates. 2 Beginning Nov. 1977, unweighted average of offering rates quoted by five dealers. Previously, most representative rate quoted by those dealers. 3 Yields are quoted on a bank-discount basis. 4 Averages of the most representative daily offering rates published by finance companies for varying maturities in this range. 5 Average of the midpoint of the range of daily dealer closing rates offered for domestic issues. 6 Weekly figures (week ending Wednesday) are 7-day averages of the daily midpoints as determined from the range of offering rates; monthly figures are averages of total days in the month. Beginning Apr. 5, 1978, weekly figures are simple averages of offering rates. 7 Posted rates, which are the annual interest rates most often quoted on new offerings of negotiable CD's in denominations of $100,000 or more by large New York City banks. Rates prior to 1976 not available. Weekly figures are for Wednesday dates. 8 Averages of daily quotations for the week ending Wednesday. 9 Except for new bill issues, yields are computed from daily closing bid1 0prices. Rates are recorded in the week in which bills are issued. 11 Yields on the more actively traded issues adjusted to constant maturities by the U.S. Treasury, based on daily closing bid prices. 12 Unweighted averages for all outstanding notes and bonds in maturity ranges shown, based on daily closing bid prices. "Long-term" includes all bonds neither due nor callable in less than 10 years, including a number of very low yielding "flower" bonds. 13 General obligations only, based on figures for Thursday, from Moody's Investors Service. 14 Twenty issues of mixed quality. 15 Averages of daily figures from Moody's Investors Service. 16 Compilation of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Issues included are long-term (20 years or more). New-issue yields are based on quotations on date of offering; those on recently offered issues (included only for first 4 weeks after termination of underwriter price restrictions), on Friday close-of-business quotations. A28 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • December 1978 1.37 STOCK MARKET Selected Statistics 1978 Indicator 1975 1976 1977 May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. 56.40 61.60 46.70 39.44 60.42 52.74 57.50 41.80 37.88 54.95 Prices and trading (averages of daily figures) Common stock prices 45.73 51.88 30.73 31.45 46.62 54.45 60.44 39.57 36.97 52.94 53.67 57.84 41.07 40.91 55.23 54.49 59.14 44.21 39.47 57.95 6 Standard & Poor's Corporation (1941-43 = 1 0 ) 1 . . 85.17 102.01 98.18 97.41 7 American Stock Exchange (Aug. 31,1973 = 100). 83.15 101.63 116.18 142.26 18,568 2,150 21,189 2,565 20,936 2,514 35,261 4,869 30,514 4,220 1 New York Stock Exchange (Dec. 31,1965 = 50). 4 5 8 9 Utility Finance Volume of trading (thousands of shares) 2 New York Stock Exchange American Stock Exchange 54.83 59.63 44.19 39.41 58.31 54.61 59.35 44.74 39.28 57.97 58.53 64.07 49.45 40.20 63.28 97.66 97.19 103.92 103.86 100.58 94.71 147.64 149.87 162.52 170.95 160.14 144.17 27,074 3,496 37,603 5,526 33,612 5,740 31,020 4,544 24,505 3,304 58.58 64.23 50.19 39.82 63.22 Customer financing (end-of-period balances, in millions of dollars) 10 Regulated margin credit at brokers/dealers 3 11 Margin stock 4 12 Convertible bonds 13 Subscription issues 5,540 5,390 147 3 8,166 7,960 204 2 9,993 9,740 250 3 10,910 10,660 245 1 11,332 11,090 242 11,438 11,190 247 11,984 11,740 243 12,626 12,400 225 1 12,307 12,090 216 1 MEMO: Free credit balances at brokers 6 Margin-account Cash-account 475 1,525 585 1,855 640 2,060 755 2,395 700 2,300 710 2,295 795 2,555 825 2,655 2,464 885 14 15 Margin-account debt at brokers (percentage distribution, end of period) 16 Total 17 18 19 20 21 22 By equity class (in per cent): 7 Under 40 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80 or more 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 24.0 28.8 22.3 11.6 6.9 5.3 12.0 23.0 35.0 15.0 8.7 6.0 18.0 36.0 23.0 15.0 33.0 26.0 13.0 7.0 6.0 16.0 34.0 26.0 12.0 7.0 5.0 13.0 34.0 25.0 14.0 8.0 6.0 12.0 34.0 23.0 16.0 9.0 6.0 15.0 36.0 23.0 13.0 7.0 6.0 47.0 20.0 15.0 8.0 5.0 5.0 11.0 6.0 5.0 Special miscellaneous-account balances at brokers (end of period) 23 Total balances (millions of dollars)«... Distribution by equity status (per cent) 24 Net credit status Debit status, equity o f — 25 60 per cent or more 26 Less than 60 per cent 7,290 8,776 9,910 10,516 43.8 41.3 43.4 42.6 40.8 15.4 47.8 10.9 44.9 11.7 46.0 11.4 t Effective July 1976, includes a new financial group, banks and insurance companies. With this change the index includes 400 industrial stocks (formerly 425), 20 transportation (formerly 15 rail), 40 public utility (formerly 60), and 40 financial. 2 Based on trading for a 5 - h o u r day. 3 Margin credit includes all credit extended to purchase or carry stocks or related equity instruments and secured at least in part by stock. Credit extended is end-of-month data for member firms of the New York Stock Exchange. In addition to assigning a current loan value to margin stock generally, Regulations T and U permit special loan values for convertible bonds and stock acquired through exercise of subscription rights. 4 A distribution of this total by equity class is shown on lines 23-28. 5 Nonmargin stocks are those not listed on a national securities exchange and not included on the Federal Reserve System's list of over-thecounter margin stocks. At brokers, such stocks have no loan value. 6 Free credit balances are in accounts with no unfulfilled commitments to the brokers and are subject to withdrawal by customers on demand. 7 Each customer's equity in his collateral (market value of collateral less net debit balance) is expressed as a percentage of current collateral values. 8 Balances that may be used by customers as the margin deposit required for additional purchases. Balances may arise as transfers based on loan values of other collateral in the customer's margin account or deposits of cash (usually sales proceeds) occur. NOTE.—For table on "Margin Requirements" see p. A-10, Table 1.161. Thrift Institutions A29 1.38 SAVINGS INSTITUTIONS Selected Assets and Liabilities Millions of dollars, end of period 1978 1975 1976 1977 Feb. Account Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct.* Savings and loan associations 9 1 Assets 338,233 391,907 459,241 469,685 475,281 480,947 487,052 491,576 498,301 504,298 508,977 515,216 387,591 392,428 397,284 402,305 407,965 411,956 416,677 420,971 425,093 44,188 43,433 43,987 44,019 45,621 44,502 2 Mortgages 3 Cash and investment securities1 4 Other 278,590 323,005 381,163 30,853 28,790 35,724 33,178 39,150 38,928 41,599 40,495 41,823 41,030 41,853 41,810 42,444 42,303 41,505 42,106 43,627 42,718 5 Liabilities and net worth 338,233 391,907 459,241 469,685 475,281 480,947 487,052 491,576 498,301 504,298 508,977 515,216 285,743 335,912 386,800 391,840 398,992 399,550 401,930 408,586 411,660 413,972 420,405 19,083 27,840 28,714 29,323 31,904 32,759 34,270 35,730 422,858 20,634 37,219 38,595 39,920 17,524 3,110 5,128 6,949 15,708 3,375 6,840 8,074 19,945 7,895 9,911 9,506 20,602 8,112 9,902 13,462 21,030 8,293 10,414 10,518 22,692 9,212 10,937 12,186 23,323 9,436 11,386 14,239 24,875 9,395 11,632 10,046 26,151 9,579 11,540 11,972 27,363 9,856 11,422 13,906 28,632 9,963 11,222 10,676 29,506 10,414 11,183 12,834 12 Net worth 2 19,779 21,998 25,184 25,767 26,034 26,370 26,738 27,042 27,399 27,779 28,079 28,421 13 MEMO : Mortgage loan commitments outstandings.. 10,673 14,826 19,875 20,614 22,308 23,398 23,939 22,927 22,393 22,047 21,648 21,337 6 7 8 9 10 11 Savings capital Borrowed money FHLBB Other Loans in process Other Mutual savings banks 1 0 14 Assets 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 121,056 134,812 147,287 149,528 150,962 151,383 152,202 153,175 154,315 155,210 156,110 Loans: 77,221 Mortgage 4,023 Other Securities: 4,740 U.S. Government State and local government. 1,545 27,992 Corporate and other 4 2,330 Cash 3,205 Other assets 81,630 5,183 88,195 6,210 89,247 7,398 89,800 7,782 90,346 7,422 90,915 7,907 91,555 7,771 92,230 8,207 92,866 8,379 93,403 8,418 5,840 2,417 33,793 2,355 3,593 5,895 2,828 37,918 2,401 3,839 5,737 2,808 38,605 1,838 3,895 5,677 2,850 38,964 1,990 3,899 5,670 2,915 39,146 1,940 3,945 5,491 2,994 39,225 1,798 3,873 5,304 3,008 39,427 2,163 3,946 5,269 3,025 39,639 2,029 3,915 5,210 3,098 39,592 2,080 3,985 5,172 3,180 39,639 2,293 4,006 22 Liabilities 121,056 134,812 147,287 149,528 150,962 151,383 152,202 153,175 154,315 155,210 156,110 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 109,873 122,877 134,017 135,200 136,997 136,931 137,307 138,709 139,128 139,308 140,816 109,291 121,961 132,744 133,846 135,558 135,349 135,785 137,089 137,430 137,690 139,068 76,116 75,578 75,423 69,653 74,535 78,005 77,837 78,783 78,170 78,273 77,321 39,639 47,426 54,739 56,009 56,775 57,179 57,512 59,768 61,313 62,112 63,645 1,439 1,354 1,521 1,698 1,582 1,620 1,747 582 916 1,272 1,619 3,735 4,155 4,481 4,636 4,152 3,969 4,570 2,755 2,884 3,292 5,246 10,174 10,230 10,301 10,414 10,497 10,551 10,725 8,428 9,052 9,978 10,654 Deposits Regular: 5 Ordinary savings Time and other Other Other liabilities General reserve accounts MEMO : Mortgage loan commitments outstanding6.. 1,803 2,439 4,066 4,027 4,185 4,342 4,606 4,958 Life insurance companies 31 Assets 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Securities: Government United States 7 State and local Foreign 8 Business Bonds Stocks 39 40 41 42 Mortgages Real estate Policy loans Other assets 4,872 4,789 4,561 11 289,304 321,552 351,722 356,266 359,110 363,269 366,938 369,879 374,415 378,124 381,050 13,758 17,942 19,553 19,692 4,736 4,508 4,514 5,368 5,594 6,980 5,315 6,051 8,187 5,373 6,071 8,248 19,573 5,229 135,317 157,246 175,654 107,256 28,061 122,984 34,262 141,891 33,763 89,167 9,621 24,467 16,971 91,552 10,476 25,834 18,502 96,848 11,060 27,556 21,051 19,330 19,489 19,401 19,447 19,563 19,638 6,041 8,303 5,087 5,923 8,320 5,206 5,915 8,368 179,547 4,984 5,943 8,474 5,006 5,925 8,516 5,155 5,884 8,524 5,156 6,001 8,481 181,441 184,917 187,126 188,500 192,112 194,620 196,152 147,509 32,038 148,849 32,592 150,419 34,498 152,267 34,859 153,812 34,688 156,207 35,905 157,888 36,732 159,972 36,180 97,475 11,218 27,839 20,495 98,022 11,213 28,024 20,837 98,585 11,269 28,246 20,922 99,190 11,537 28,431 21,165 100,040 11,540 28,649 21,749 100,596 11,562 28,843 21,855 101,602 11,538 29,067 21,734 102,365 11,583 29,290 22,022 59,381 32,793 26,588 59,152 32,679 26,473 60,141 33,315 26,826 61,277 34,058 27,219 Credit unions 43 Total assets/liabilities and capital Federal State 54,989 30,236 24,753 38,037 20,209 17,828 45,225 24,396 20,829 54,084 29,574 24,510 28,169 34,384 42,055 42,331 43,379 44,133 45,506 47,118 47,620 49,103 50,121 50,549 14,869 13,300 18,311 16,073 22,717 19,338 22,865 19,466 23,555 19,824 23,919 20,214 24,732 20,774 25,762 21,356 25,970 21,650 26,840 22,263 27,510 22,611 27,697 22,852 33,013 49 Savings 17,530 50 Federal (shares) 51 State (shares and deposits). 1 5 , 4 8 3 39,173 46,832 48,093 49,706 49,931 50,789 52,076 51,551 51,772 52,867 52,468 21,130 18,043 25,849 20,983 26,569 21,524 27,514 22,192 27,592 22,339 28,128 22,661 28,903 23,173 28,627 22,924 28,779 22,993 29,429 23,438 29,086 23,382 44 45 46 Loans outstanding 47 Federal 48 State For notes see bottom of page A30. 56,703 31,274 25,429 56,827 31,255 25,572 58,018 31,925 26,093 60,909 33,718 27,191 A30 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • December 1978 1.39 FEDERAL FISCAL AND FINANCING OPERATIONS Millions of dollars Calendar year Type of account or operation 1 2 3 4 5 U.S. Budget Receipts 1 Outlays 1 Surplus, or deficit Trust funds 2 Federal funds 6 7 Off-budget entities surplus, or deficit ( - ) Federal Financing Bank o u t l a y s . . . Other 3 (—) U.S. Budget plus off-budget, including Federal Financing Bank Surplus, or deficit (—) Financed by: Borrowing from the public 9 Cash and monetary assets (de10 crease, or increase ( —)) 11 Other 4 8 Transition quarter (JulySept. 1976) Fiscal year 1977 Fiscal year 1978 1978 1977 HI H2 HI 1978 Aug. Sept. 81,772 94,742 -12,970 -1,952 -11,018 357,762 402,803 -45,041 7.833 -52,874 401,997 450,758 -48,761 12,693 -61,454 190,278 200,350 -10,072 7,332 -17,405 175,820 216,781 -40,961 4,293 -45,254 210,650 222,518 -11,870 4,334 -16,204 35,040 39,572 -4,532 3,890 -8,422 42,591 38,935 3,655 5,922 -2,267 -2,575 793 -8,415 -269 -10,660 354 -2,075 -2,086 -6,663 428 -5,105 -790 -1,056 -525 -753 -29 -14,752 -55,725 -59,067 -14,233 -47,196 -17,765 -6,113 -2,873 Oct. 28,745 42,691 -13,946 1,626 -15,572 -975 171 -14,750 18,027 53,516 59,106 16,480 40,284 23,374 9,039 2,821 6,484 -2,899 -373 -2,238 2,440 -3,023 2,984 -4,666 2,420 4,317 2,597 -5,098 -511 -956 -1,970 -9,731 9,783 7,082 1,184 17,418 13,299 4,119 19,104 15,740 3,364 22,444 16,647 5,797 16,255 15,183 1.072 12,274 7,114 5,160 17,526 11,614 5,912 13,078 12,068 1,010 22,444 16,647 5,797 15,545 15,467 78 MEMO ITEMS : 12 Treasury operating balance (level, end of period) 13 Federal Reserve Banks Tax and loan accounts 14 1 Effective June 1978, earned income credit payments in excess of an individual's tax liability, formerly treated as income tax refunds, are classified as outlays retroactive to January 1976. 2 Half years calculated as a residual of total surplus/deficit and trust fund surplus/deficit. 3 Includes Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.; Postal Service Fund; Rural Electrification and Telephone Revolving Fund, Rural Telephone Bank; and Housing for the Elderly or Handicapped Fund until October 1977. 4 Includes public debt accrued interest payable to the public; deposit funds; miscellaneous liability (including checks outstanding) and asset accounts; seignorage; increment on gold; net gain/loss for U.S. currency valuation adjustment; net gain/loss for IMF valuation adjustment. SOURCE.—"Monthly Treasury Statement of Receipts and Outlays of the U.S. Government," Treasury Bulletin, and U.S. Budget, Fiscal Year 1978. NOTES TO TABLE 1.38 1 Holdings of stock of the Federal home loan banks are included in "other assets.'* 2 Includes net undistributed income, which is accrued by most, but not all, associations. 3 Excludes figures for loans in process, which are shown as a liability. 4 Includes securities of foreign governments and international organizations and nonguaranteed issues of U.S. Government agencies. 5 Excludes checking, club, and school accounts. 6 Commitments outstanding (including loans in process) of banks in New York State as reported to the Savings Banks Association of the State of New York. 7 Direct and guaranteed obligations. Excludes Federal agency issues not guaranteed, which are shown in this table under "business" securities. 8 Issues of foreign governments and their subdivisions and bonds of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. 9 Data reflect benchmark revisions back to 1977. 10 Data for June, July, and August 1978 have been revised. 11 Data for 1977 and the first 6 months of 1978 have been revised by the American Council of Life Insurance. NOTE.—Savings and loan associations: Estimates by the FHLBB for all associations in the United States. Data are based on monthly reports of Federally insured associations and annual reports of other associations. Even when revised, data for current and preceding year are subject to further revision. Mutual savings banks: Estimates of National Association of Mutual Savings Banks for all savings banks in the United States. Data are reported on a gross-of-valuation-reserves basis. Life insurance companies: Estimates of the American Council of Life Insurance for all life insurance companies in the United States. Annual figures are annual-statement asset values, with bonds carried on an amortized basis and stocks at year-end market value. Adjustments for interest due and accrued and for differences between market and book values are not made on each item separately but are included, in total, in "other assets." Credit unions: Estimates by the National Credit Union Administration for a group of Federal and State-chartered credit unions that account for about 30 per cent of credit union assets. Figures are preliminary and revised annually to incorporate recent benchmark data. Federal Finance A31 1.40 U.S. BUDGET RECEIPTS AND OUTLAYS Millions of dollars Calendar year Source or type Transition quarter (JulySept. 1976) Fiscal year 1977 Fiscal year 1978 1977 HI 1978 H2 HI 1978 Aug. Sept. Oct. Receipts 1 All sources 1 2 Individual income taxes, net 3 Withheld Presidential Election Campaign 4 Fund 5 N o n withheld 6 Refunds i 7 Corporation income taxes: 8 Gross receipts Refunds 9 10 Social insurance taxes and contributions, net 11 Payroll employment taxes and contributions 2 12 Self-employment taxes and contributions 3 13 Unemployment insurance 14 Other net receipts 4 15 16 17 18 Excise taxes Customs deposits Estate and gift taxes Miscellaneous receipts 5 81,772 357,762 401,997 190,278 175,820 210,650 35,040 42,591 28,745 38,800 32,949 157,626 144,820 180,988 165,215 78,816 73,303 90,336 82,784 14,784 14,370 20,883 14,843 15,922 15,032 1 6,809 958 37 42,062 29,293 39 47,804 32,070 37 32,959 27,482 82,911 75,480 j 9.397 1,967 36 37,584 30,068 868 454 6,354 314 1,104 214 9,808 1,348 60,057 5,164 65,380 5,428 37,133 2,324 25,121 2,819 38,496 2,782 1,509 388 10,153 400 2,436 752 108,683 123,410 58,099 52,347 66,191 15,587 8,515 7,805 21,534 88,196 99,626 45,242 44,384 51,668 12,191 7,485 6,595 269 2,698 1,259 4,014 11,312 5,162 A,261 13,850 5,668 3,687 6,575 2,595 316 4,936 2,711 3,892 7,800 2,831 2,912 484 369 162 499 722 488 4,473 1,212 1,455 1,612 17,548 5,150 7,327 6,536 18,376 6,573 5,285 7,413 8,432 2,519 4,332 3,269 9,284 2,848 2,837 3,292 8,835 3,320 2,587 3,667 1,591 681 515 760 1,637 610 445 747 1,635 621 All 602 25,760 Outlays 8 19 All types i 94,742 402,803 450,758 200,350 216,781 222,518 39,572 38,935 42,691 20 21 22 22,307 2,180 97,501 4,831 105,192 6,083 48,721 2,522 50,873 2,896 52,979 2,904 9,742 987 9,006 387 9,197 324 1,161 794 2,532 584 4,677 4,172 10,000 5,526 4,721 6,045 11,022 7,618 2,108 2,318 2,628 5,477 2,395 2,487 4,959 2,353 405 620 982 386 403 933 1,391 283 367 821 878 949 1,391 3,306 -31 14,636 3,340 15,461 -946 7,723 -110 1,288 467 1,572 2,124 1,695 23 24 25 National defense International affairs General science, space, and technology Energy Natural resources and environment. Agriculture 26 27 28 Commerce and housing credit Transportation Community and regional development 29 Education, training, employment, and social services 30 Health 31 Income security 1 32 33 34 35 36 37 Veterans benefits and services Administration of justice General government General-purpose fiscal assistance Interest 6 Undistributed offsetting receipts 6 - 7 1,340 6,283 11,255 3,149 4,924 5,928 1,218 1,439 929 5,162 8,720 32,795 20,985 38,785 137,905 25,889 44,529 145,640 9,775 18,654 70,785 10,800 19,422 71,081 12,792 21,391 75,201 2,716 4,039 12,266 2,263 3,595 12,756 2,144 4,037 11,815 3,962 859 878 2,092 7,246 -2,567 18,038 3.600 3,357 9,499 38,092 -15,053 18,987 3,786 3,544 9,377 44,040 -15,772 9,382 1,783 1,587 4,333 18,927 -6,803 9,864 1,723 1,749 4,926 19,962 -8,506 9,603 1,946 1,803 4,665 22,280 -7,945 1,529 317 340 36 3,539 -729 1,442 324 335 127 3,306 -1,089 1,647 328 785 2,019 3,030 -397 1 Effective June 1978, earned income credit payments in excess of an individual's tax liability, formerly treated as income tax refunds, are classified as outlays retroactive to January 1976. 2 Old-age, disability and hospital insurance, and Railroad Retirement accounts. 3 Old-age, disability, and hospital insurance. 4 Supplementary medical insurance premiums, Federal employee retirement contributions, and Civil Service retirement and disability fund. 5 Deposits of earnings by Federal Reserve Banks and other miscellaneous receipts. 6 Effective September 1976, "Interest" and "Undistributed Offsetting Receipts" reflect the accounting conversion for the interest on special issues for U.S. Government accounts from an accrual basis to a cash basis. 7 Consists of interest received by trust funds, rents and royalties on the Outer Continental Shelf, and U.S. Government contributions for employee retirement. 8 For some types of outlays the categories are new or represent regroupings; data for these categories are from the Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 1979; data are not available for half years or for months prior to February 1978. Two categories have been renamed: "Law enforcement and justice" has become "Administration of justice" and "Revenue sharing and general purpose fiscal assistance" has become "General purpose fiscal assistance." In addition, for some categories the table includes revisions in figures published earlier. A32 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • December 1978 1.41 FEDERAL DEBT SUBJECT TO STATUTORY LIMITATION Billions of dollars 1977 1976 1978 Item June 30 Sept. 30 1 Federal debt outstanding 631.9 2 Public debt securities Held by public 3 4 Held by agencies 620.4 470.8 149.6 5 Agency securities 6 Held by public 7 Held by agencies Dec. 31 Mar. 31 June 20 Sept. 30 729.2 747.8 758.8 780.4 718.9 564.1 154.8 738.0 585.2 152.7 749.0 587.9 161.1 771.5 603.6 168.0 10.3 8.5 1.8 10.2 8.4 1.8 9.9 8.1 1.8 9.8 8.0 1.8 8.9 7.4 1.5 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 June 30 2 646.4 665.5 685.2 709.1 634.7 488.6 146.1 653.5 506.4 147.1 674.4 523.2 151.2 698.8 543.4 155.5 11.5 9.5 2.0 11.6 29.7 1.9 12.0 10.0 1.9 10.8 9.0 1.8 621.6 635.8 654.7 675.6 700.0 720.1 739.1 750.2 772.7 9 Public debt securities 10 Other debt 1 619.8 1.7 634.1 1.7 652.9 1.7 673.8 1.7 698.2 1.7 718.3 1.7 737.3 1.8 748.4 1.8 770.9 1.8 11 MEMO: Statutory debt limit 636.0 636.0 682.0 700.0 700.0 752.0 752.0 752.0 798.0 8 Debt subject to statutory limit 1 Includes guaranteed debt of Govt, agencies, specified participation certificates, notes to international lending organizations, and District of Columbia stadium bonds. 2 Gross Federal debt and agency debt held by the public increased 1.42 GROSS PUBLIC DEBT OF U.S. TREASURY $0.5 billion due to a retroactive reclassification of the Export-Import Bank certificates of beneficial interest from loan asset sales to debt, effective July 1, 1975. NOTE.—Data from Treasury Bulletin (U.S. Treasury Dept.). Types and Ownership Billions of dollars, end of period 1978 Type and holder 1974 1975 1976 1977 July i Total gross public debt 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 By type: Interest-bearing debt Marketable Bills Notes Bonds Convertible bonds 2 State and local government series Foreign issues 3 Savings bonds and notes 4 Government account series 13 Non-interest-bearing debt By holder:5 14 U.S. Government agencies and trust funds. . . Federal Reserve Banks 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Private investors Commercial banks Insurance companies Other corporations State and local governments Aug. Sept. 492.7 576.6 653.5 718.9 750.5 764.4 771.5 776.4 491.6 282.9 119.7 129.8 33.4 208.7 2.3 .6 22.8 63.8 119.1 575.7 363.2 157.5 167.1 38.6 212.5 2.3 1.2 21.6 67.9 119.4 652.5 421.3 164.0 216.7 40.6 231.2 2.3 4.5 22.3 72.3 129.7 715.2 459.9 161.1 251.8 47.0 255.3 2.2 13.9 22.2 77.0 139.8 749.5 481.0 160.1 266.6 54.4 268.4 2.2 20.8 20.8 79.7 144.7 763.4 485.6 160.6 268.5 56.4 227.8 2.2 24.2 22.2 79.9 149.0 767.0 485.2 160.9 267.9 56.4 281.8 2.2 24.2 21.7 80.2 153.3 775.5 491.7 161.2 272.6 57.8 283.8 2.2 24.1 24.0 80.5 152.7 1.1 1.0 1.1 3.7 1.0 1.0 4.6 .9 138.2 80.5 139.1 89.8 147.1 97.0 154.8 102.5 159.3 108.9 163.7 111.7 168.0 114.8 271.0 55.6 2.5 6.2 29.2 349.4 85.1 4.5 9.5 20.2 34.2 409.5 103.8 5.9 12.7 27.7 41.6 461.3 101.4 5.9 15.1 22.7 55.2 482.3 97.7 5.6 15.0 20.0 61.7 489.0 95.8 5.5 15.1 22.4 69.2 488.3 95.3 5.4 15.1 21.5 67.8 11.0 22 23 Individuals: Savings bonds Other securities 63.4 21.5 67.3 24.0 72.0 28.8 76.7 28.6 79.4 29.0 79.7 29.2 79.8 29.4 24 25 Foreign and international 6 Other miscellaneous investors 7 58.8 22.8 66.5 38.0 78.1 38.9 109.6 46.1 120.5 53.4 121.2 50.9 121.0 52.9 1 Includes (not shown separately): Securities issued to the Rural Electrification Administration and to State and local governments, depositary bonds, retirement plan bonds, and individual retirement bonds. 2 These nonmarketable bonds, also known as Investment Series B Bonds, may be exchanged (or converted) at the owner's option for \ l /i per cent, 5-year marketable Treasury notes. Convertible bonds that have been so exchanged are removed from this category and recorded in the notes category above. 3 Nonmarketable foreign government dollar-denominated and foreign currency denominated series. 4 Held almost entirely by U.S. Govt, agencies and trust funds. 5 Data for F.R. Banks and U.S. Govt, agencies and trust funds are actual holdings; data for other groups are Treasury estimates. Nov. Oct. 6 Consists of the investments of foreign balances and international accounts in the United States. Beginning with July 1974, the figures exclude non-interest-bearing notes issued to the International Monetary Fund. 7 Includes savings and loan associations, nonprofit institutions, corporate pension trust funds, dealers and brokers, certain Govt, deposit accounts, and Govt.-sponsored agencies. NOTE.—Gross public debt excludes guaranteed agency securities and, beginning in July 1974, includes Federal Financing Bank security issues. Data by type of security from Monthly Statement of the Public Debt of the United States (U.S. Treasury Dept.); data by holder from Treasury Bulletin. Federal Finance 1.43 U.S. GOVERNMENT MARKETABLE SECURITIES A33 Ownership, by maturity Par value; millions of dollars, end of period 1978 Type of holder 1976 1976 1977 Aug. Aug. Sept. All maturities 1 All holders 2 U.S. Government agencies and trust funds 3 Federal Reserve Banks 4 Private investors 5 Commercial banks 6 Mutual savings banks 7 Insurance companies 8 Nonfinancial corporations 9 Savings and loan associations 10 State and local governments 11 All others 13 U.S. Government agencies and trust funds 14 Federal Reserve Banks 15 Private investors 16 Commercial banks 17 Mutual savings banks 18 Insurance companies 19 Nonfinancial corporations 20 Savings and loan associations 21 State and local governments 22 All others 421,276 459,927 485,557 485,155 141,132 151,264 171,890 168,474 16,485 96,971 14,420 101,191 13,898 111,739 13,886 114,769 6,141 31,249 4,788 27,012 3,705 31,722 3,705 31,775 307,820 78,262 4,072 10,284 14,193 4,576 12,252 184,182 344,315 75,363 4,379 12,378 9,474 4,817 15,495 222,409 359,919 70,817 3,789 11,852 9,776 4,369 19,394 239,922 356,501 70,706 3,740 11,805 9,092 4,369 18,075 238,714 103,742 40,005 2,010 3,885 2,618 2,360 2,543 50,321 119,464 38,691 2,112 A,129 3,183 2,368 3,875 64,505 136,462 41,594 2,115 5,119 4,819 2,470 5,150 75,195 132,993 40,733 2,062 4,991 4,793 2,441 4,494 73,479 5 to 10 years 211,035 230,691 222,329 225,396 43,045 45,328 49,274 49,273 2,012 51,569 1,906 56,702 2,293 56,524 2,281 59,296 2,879 9,148 2,129 10,404 1,987 13,684 1,987 13,786 157,454 31,213 1,214 2,191 11,009 1,984 6,622 103,220 172,084 29,All 1,400 2,398 5,770 2,236 7,917 122,885 163,512 19,334 860 1,624 4,212 1,713 8,392 127,377 163,819 20,007 880 1,685 3,655 1,726 7,699 128,167 31,018 6,278 567 2,546 370 155 1,465 19,637 32,795 6,162 584 3,204 307 143 1,283 21,112 33,603 7,630 551 2,869 376 113 1,521 20,543 33,500 7,423 539 2,931 311 129 1,519 20,648 Bills, within 1 year 23 All holders 24 U.S. Government agencies and trust funds 25 Federal Reserve Banks 26 Private investors 27 Commercial banks Mutual savings banks 28 29 Insurance companies 30 Nonfinancial corporations 31 Savings and loan associations 32 State and local governments 33 All others Sept. 1 to 5 years Total, within 1 year 12 All holders 1978 1977 10 to 20 years 163,992 161,081 160,615 160,936 11,865 12,906 16,608 16,573 449 41,279 32 42,004 2 45,895 1 48,160 3,102 1,363 3,102 1,510 3,273 1,928 3,273 1,917 122,264 17,303 454 1,463 9,939 1,266 5,556 86,282 119,035 11,996 484 1,187 4,329 806 6,092 94,152 114,719 5,906 206 742 2,265 374 6,166 99,060 112,775 5,862 199 750 1,657 373 5,280 98,654 7,400 339 139 1,114 142 64 718 4,884 8,295 456 137 1,245 133 54 890 5,380 11,407 950 135 1,317 159 57 1,133 7,655 11,383 1,060 132 1,304 162 56 1,080 7,590 Over 20 years Other, within 1 year 34 All holders 47,043 69,610 61,714 64,460 14,200 19,738 25,457 25,439 35 U.S. Government agencies and trust funds 36 Federal Reserve Banks 1,563 10,290 1,874 14,698 2,291 10,630 2,280 11,136 2,350 3,642 2,495 5,564 2,640 7,881 2,640 7,994 37 Private investors 38 Commercial banks 39 Mutual savings banks 40 Insurance companies 41 Nonfinancial corporations 42 Savings and loan associations 43 State and local governments 44 All others 35,190 13,910 760 728 1,070 718 1,066 16,938 53,039 15,482 916 1,211 1,441 1,430 r l,825 28,733 48,793 13,428 654 882 1,947 1,339 2,225 28,318 51,044 14,145 681 934 1,998 1,353 2,419 29,513 8,208 427 143 548 55 13 904 6,120 11,679 578 146 802 81 16 1,530 8,526 14,936 1,309 128 923 210 16 3,199 9,152 14,805 1,483 128 894 171 18 3,282 8,830 NOTE.—Direct public issues only. Based on Treasury Survey of Ownership from Treasury Bulletin (U.S. Treasury Dept.). Data complete for U.S. Govt, agencies and trust funds and F.R. Banks, but data for other groups include only holdings of those institutions that report. The following figures show, for each category, the number and proportion reporting as of Sept. 30, 1978: (1) 5,466 commercial banks, 464 mutual savings banks, and 727 insurance companies, each about 90 per cent; (2) 435 nonfinancial corporations and 485 savings and loan associations, each about 50 per cent; and (3) 493 State and local governments, about 40 per cent. "All others," a residual, includes holdings of all those not reporting in the Treasury Survey, including investor groups not listed separately. A34 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • December 1978 1.44 U.S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES DEALERS Transactions Par value; averages of daily figures, in millions of dollars 1978 Item 1 U.S. Government securities.. By maturity: Bills Other within 1 year 1-5 years 5-10 years Over 10 years 2 3 4 5 6 1975 1976 1978, week ending Wednesday— 1977 Aug. Sept. Oct. Sept. 13 Sept. 20 Sept. 27 Oct. 4 Oct. 11 Oct. 18 6,027 10,449 10,838 11,526 9,526 9,814 8,886 9,116 10,324 9,923 9,347 10,244 3,889 223 1,414 363 138 6,676 210 2,317 1,019 229 6,746 237 2,318 1,148 388 6,074 386 2,251 1,619 1,196 5,552 315 1,863 802 994 6,286 420 1,520 691 897 5,263 265 1,745 796 818 5,613 243 1,610 732 917 5,612 437 2,425 931 919 6,048 467 1,278 691 1,439 6,271 336 1,233 640 866 7,182 292 1,234 690 846 885 1,360 1,267 942 921 983 912 861 1,051 976 1,132 965 4,988 1,908 3,688 3,868 1,473 3,263 4,052 1,404 3,374 3,741 1,420 2,814 3,529 1,498 3,228 4,238 1,530 3,504 3,939 1,504 3,503 3,513 1,255 3,446 4,523 1,432 3,325 2,077 2,172 2,024 2,654 1,830 2,356 1,710 1,715 2,532 By type of customer: U.S. Government securities dealers 8 U.S. Government securities brokers 9 Commercial banks All others 1 10 1,750 1,451 1,941 3,407 2,426 3,257 3,709 2,295 3,567 11 Federal agency securities 1,043 1,548 693 7 1 Includes, among others, all other dealers and brokers in commodities and securities, foreign banking agencies, and the F.R. System. NOTE.—Averages for transactions are based on number of trading days in the period. 1.45 U.S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES DEALERS Transactions are market purchases and sales of U.S. Govt, securities dealers reporting to the F.R. Bank of New York. The figures exclude allotments of, and exchanges for, new U.S. Govt, securities, redemptions of called or matured securities, or purchases or sales of securities under repurchase, reverse repurchase (resale), or similar contracts. Positions and Sources of Financing Par value; averages of daily figures, in millions of dollars 1978 Item 1975 1976 1978, week ending Wednesday— 1977 Aug. Sept. Oct. Aug. 23 Aug. 30 r Positions Sept. 6 Sept. 13 Sept. 20 Sept. 27 2 1 U.S. Government securities. . 5,884 7,592 5,172 2,753 2,948 1,428 a,915 2,831 2,931 3,792 3,906 1,490 2 3 4 5 6 4,297 265 886 300 136 6,290 188 515 402 198 4,772 99 60 92 149 2,330 348 -64 218 -78 2,824 405 -320 11 28 1,743 462 -593 -207 23 >-2,220 258 -555 89 -98 2,362 291 58 169 -48 2,579 236 -23 140 3,338 368 -67 177 -25 3,853 430 -456 22 58 1,789 445 -480 -194 -70 943 729 693 656 977 234 996 994 1,093 1,161 800 Bills Other within 1 year 1-5 years 5-10 years Over 10 years 7 Federal agency securities r 567 i 3 Sources of financing 8 All sources 9 10 11 12 Commercial banks: New York City Outside New York City... Corporations 1 All others 6,666 8,715 9,877 11,041 11,558 10,430 11,006 11,176 11,600 12,616 12,814 10,122 1,621 1,466 842 2,738 1,896 1,660 1,479 3,681 1,313 1,987 2,358 4,170 608 2,370 2,501 5,563 997 2,344 2,287 5,930 385 2,105 2,396 5,543 733 2,593 2,505 5,175 611 2,288 2,590 5,687 929 2,184 2,499 5,988 1,293 2,478 2,506 6,338 1,213 2,904 2,295 6,402 626 2,069 2,096 5,331 1 All business corporations except commercial banks and insurance companies. 2 New amounts (in terms of par values) of securities owned by nonbank dealer firms and dealer departments of commercial banks on a commitment, that is, trade-date basis, including any such securities that have been sold under agreements to repurchase. The maturities of some repurchase agreements are sufficiently long, however, to suggest that the securities involved are not available for trading purposes. Securities owned, and hence dealer positions, do not include securities purchased under agreements to resell. 3 Total amounts outstanding of funds borrowed by nonbank dealer firms and dealer departments of commercial banks against U.S. Govt, and Federal agency securities (through both collateral loans and sales under agreements to repurchase), plus internal funds used by bank dealer departments to finance positions in such securities. Borrowings against securities held under agreement to resell are excluded where the borrowing contract and the agreement to resell are equal in amount and maturity, that is, a matched agreement. NOTE.—Averages for positions are based on number of trading days in the period; those for financing, on the number of calendar days in the period. Federal Finance 1.46 FEDERAL AND FEDERALLY SPONSORED CREDIT AGENCIES A35 Debt Outstanding Millions of dollars, end of period 1978 Agency 1975 1976 1977 Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 1 Federal and Federally sponsored agencies 97,680 103,325 110,409 115,903 119,728 121,239 123,497 124,478 126,579 2 Federal agencies Defense Department21 3 4 Export-Import Bank -3 Federal Housing Administration 4 5 Government National Mortgage Association 6 participation certificates5 Postal Service6 7 Tennessee Valley Authority 8 9 United States Railway Association 6 19,046 1,220 7,188 564 21,896 1,113 7,801 575 23,245 983 9,156 581 23,766 949 9,416 607 23,864 935 9,416 608 23,983 926 9,455 606 24,145 916 9,455 603 23,686 906 9,455 603 24,321 897 9,891 601 4,200 1,750 3,915 209 4,120 2,998 5,185 104 3,743 2,431 6,015 336 3,701 2,431 6,310 352 3,701 2,364 6,485 355 3,701 2,364 6,575 356 3,666 2,364 6,785 356 3,166 2,364 6,835 357 3,166 2,364 7,045 357 10 Federally sponsored agencies Federal home loan banks 11 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation.. 12 Federal National Mortgage Association 13 14 Federal land banks Federal intermediate credit banks 15 16 Banks for cooperatives 17 Student Loan Marketing Association 7 Other. 18 78,634 18,900 1,550 29,963 15,000 9,254 3,655 310 2 81,429 16,811 1,690 30,565 17,127 10,494 4,330 410 2 87,164 18,345 1,686 31,890 19,118 11,174 4,434 515 2 92,137 20,163 1,639 34,024 19,686 10,977 5,046 600 2 95,864 22,217 1,637 35,297 19,686 11,081 5,264 680 2 97,256 22,306 1,937 36,404 19,686 11,257 4,974 690 2 99,352 23,430 1,937 36,900 20,198 11,392 4,788 705 2 100,792 24,360 1,937 37,518 20,198 11,482 4,570 725 2 102,258 25,025 2,063 38,353 20,198 11,555 4,317 745 2 17,154 28,711 38,580 42,964 43,871 44,504 45,550 46,668 48,078 4,595 1,500 310 1,840 209 5,208 2,748 410 3,110 104 5,834 2,181 515 4,190 336 6,094 2,181 600 4,485 352 6,094 2,114 680 4,660 355 6,132 2,114 690 4,750 356 6,132 2,114 705 4,960 356 6,132 2,114 725 5,010 357 6,568 2,114 745 5,220 357 7,000 566 1,134 10,750 1,415 4,966 16,095 2,647 6,782 19,120 3,323 6,809 20,090 3,498 6,380 20,910 3,602 5,950 21,580 3,684 6,019 22,275 3,919 6,136 22,275 4,192 6,607 MEMO ITEMS : 19 Federal Financing Bank debt 6 - 8 Lending to Federal and Federally sponsored agencies: 20 Export-Import Bank 3 21 Postal Service6 22 Student Loan Marketing Association 7 Tennessee Valley Authority 23 24 United States Railway Association 6 25 26 27 Other lending: 9 Farmers Home Administration Rural Electrification Administration Other 1 Consists of mortgages assumed by the Defense Department between 1957 and 1963 under family housing and homeowners assistance programs. 2 Includes participation certificates reclassified as debt beginning Oct. 1, 1976. 3 Off-budget Aug. 17,1974, through Sept. 30,1976; on-budget thereafter. 4 Consists of debentures issued in payment of Federal Housing Administration insurance claims. Once issued, these securities may be sold privately on the securities market. 5 Certificates of participation issued prior to fiscal 1969 by the Government National Mortgage Association acting as trustee for the Farmers Home Administration; Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; Department of Housing and Urban Development; Small Business Administration; and the Veterans Administration. 6 Off-budget. 7 Unlike other Federally sponsored agencies, the Student Loan Marketing Association may borrow from the Federal Financing Bank (FFB) since its obligations are guaranteed by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. 8 The FFB, which began operations in 1974, is authorized to purchase or sell obligations issued, sold, or guaranteed by other Federal agencies. Since FFB incurs debt solely for the purpose of lending to other agencies, its debt is not included in the main portion of the table in order to avoid double counting. 9 Includes FFB purchases of agency assets and guaranteed loans; the latter contain loans guaranteed by numerous agencies with the guarantees of any particular agency being generally small. The Farmers Home Administration item consists exclusively of agency assets, while the Rural Electrification Administration entry contains both agency assets and guaranteed loans. A36 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • December 1978 1.47 NEW SECURITY ISSUES of State and Local Governments Millions of dollars 1978 Type of issue or issuer, or use 1 All issues, new and refunding 2 3 4 5 1 By type of issue: General obligation Revenue Housing Assistance Administration 2 U.S. Government loans By type of issuer: 6 7 8 Special district and statutory authority Municipalities, counties, townships, school d i s t r i c t s . . . . 9 By use of proceeds: 10 Education 11 Transportation 12 Social welfare 13 14 Industrial aid Other purposes 15 1975 1977 1976 30,607 35,313 46,769 16,020 14,511 18,040 17,140 18,042 28,655 76 i 33 72 7,438 12,441 10,660 7,054 15,304 12,845 6,354 21,717 18,623 29,495 32,108 36,189 4,689 2,208 7,209 4,392 445 10,552 4,900 2,586 9,594 6,566 483 7,979 5,076 2,951 8,119 8,274 4,676 7,093 r r r r May June r July 5,515 4,363 2,222 3,273 Aug. r Sept. r Oct. 3,909 6,392 2,280 3,100 1,986 2,369 1,064 2,842 2,157 4,226 699 1,574 1,136 1,951 20 8 3 9 7 13 884 2,220 2,391 912 1,461 1,981 650 2,168 1,088 919 3,106 2,359 84 1,561 627 546 1,565 975 3,152 3,869 3,484 3,345 2,216 3,014 664 130 557 '966 371 464 406 359 819 698 421 1,166 499 291 942 1,235 238 279 277 632 686 955 338 457 399 298 688 501 88 242 308 420 826 1,137 152 171 SOURCE.—Public Securities Association. 1 Par amounts of long-term issues based on date of sale. 2 Only bonds sold pursuant to the 1949 Housing Act, which are secured by contract requiring the Housing Assistance Administration to make annual contributions to the local authority. 1.48 NEW SECURITY ISSUES of Corporations Millions of dollars 1978 Type of issue or issuer, or use 1 All issues 1 1975 1976 1977 Mar. April May June July Aug. 53,619 53,488 54,205 4,442 3,285 4,035 5,215 4,226 3,311 2 Bonds. 42,756 42,380 42,193 3,620 2,811 2,996 3,810 3,718 2,529 By type of offering: 3 Public 4 Private placement 32,583 10,172 26,453 15,927 24,186 18,007 1,902 1,718 1,958 853 1,719 1,277 1,744 2,066 2,177 1,541 1,497 1,032 16,980 2,750 3,439 9,658 3,464 6,469 13,264 4,372 4,387 8,297 2,787 9,274 12,510 5,887 2,033 8,261 3,059 10,438 1,155 428 217 631 291 898 534 421 291 505 35 1,027 837 314 244 885 714 1,105 562 225 815 344 761 675 417 235 768 326 1,296 485 414 115 521 546 448 10,863 11,108 12,013 822 474 1,039 1,405 508 782 3,458 7,405 2,803 8,305 3,878 8,135 148 674 235 239 390 649 586 819 57 451 157 625 1,670 1,470 2,237 1,183 24 6,121 776 771 1,265 1,838 418 6,058 1,379 1,054 41 90 20 800 "28 10 88 366 245 38 429 5 320 167 167 40 31 27 76 236 110 627 15 183 28 238 5 6 7 8 9 10 By industry group: Manufacturing Commercial and miscellaneous Transportation Public utility Communication Real estate and financial 11 Stocks By type: 12 Preferred 13 Common 14 15 16 17 18 19 By industry group: Manufacturing Commercial and miscellaneous Transportation Public utility Communication Real estate and financial 6,235 1,002 488 i Figures, which represent gross proceeds of issues maturing in more than 1 year, sold for cash in the United States, are principal amount or number of units multiplied by offering price. Excludes offerings of less than $100,000, secondary offerings, undefined or exempted issues as defined in the Securities Act of 1933, employee stock plans, investment 354 6 75 companies other than closed-end, intracorporate transactions, and sales to foreigners. SOURCE.—Securities and Exchange Commission. Corporate Finance 1.49 OPEN-END INVESTMENT COMPANIES A37 Net Sales and Asset Position Millions of dollars 1978 Item 1976 1977 June May Apr. July Aug. Sept. Oct. INVESTMENT COMPANIES excluding money market funds 1 2 3 Sales of own shares 1 Redemptions of own shares 2 4 5 6 Assets 3 Cash position 4 . Other 4,226 6,802 -2,496 6,401 6,027 357 625 580 45 558 831 -273 487 757 -270 474 645 -181 638 882 -244 519 673 -154 463 607 -144 47,537 2,747 44,790 45,049 3,274 41,775 46,594 4,592 42,002 46,969 4,642 42,327 46,106 4,493 41,613 47,975 4,285 43,690 49,299 3,948 45,351 48,151 3,703 44,448 43,462 3,869 39,593 1 Includes reinvestment of investment income dividends. Excludes reinvestment of capital gains distributions and share issue of conversions from one fund to another in the same group. 2 Excludes share redemption resulting from conversions from one fund to 3another in the same group. Market value at end of period, less current liabilities. 4 Also includes all U.S. Government securities and other short-term debt securities. NOTE.—Investment Company Institute data based on reports of members, which comprise substantially all open-end investment companies registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Data reflect newly formed companies after their initial offering of securities. 1.50 CORPORATE PROFITS AND THEIR DISTRIBUTION Billions of dollars; quarterly data are at seasonally adjusted annual rates. 1977 Account 1975 1976 1978 1977 Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Ql Q2 Q3P 120.4 155.9 173.9 164.8 175.1 177.5 178.3 172.1 205.5 208.6 2 Profits tax liability 3 Profits after tax 49.8 70.6 64.3 91.6 71.8 102.1 68.3 96.5 72.3 102.8 72.8 104.7 73.9 104.4 70.0 102.1 85.0 120.5 86 . 6 122.0 4 Dividends 5 Undistributed profits 31.9 38.7 37.9 53.7 43.7 58.4 41.5 55.0 42.7 60.1 44.1 60.6 46.3 58.1 47.0 55.1 48.1 72.4 50.1 71.9 89.2 127.9 97.1 150.8 106.0 164.4 102.0 157.0 105.0 165.1 107.6 168.2 109.3 167.4 111.3 166.4 113.3 185.7 115.4 187.3 1 Profits before tax 6 Capital consumption allowances 7 Net cash flow SOURCE.—Survey of Current Business (U.S. Dept. of Commerce). A38 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • December 1978 1.51 NONFINANCIAL CORPORATIONS Current Assets and Liabilities Billions of dollars, except for ratio 1977 1976 Account 1974 1978 1975 Q3 Q4 Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Ql r Q2 734.6 756.3 817.4 823.1 842.0 856.4 880.3 900.1 924.2 953.6 73.0 11.3 265.5 318.9 65.9 80.0 19.6 272.1 314.7 69.9 79.5 24.1 297.9 342.2 73.6 86.8 26.0 292.4 341.4 76.4 80.8 26.8 304.1 352.1 78.3 83.1 22.1 312.8 358.8 79.6 83.4 21.5 326.9 367.5 81.0 94.2 20.9 325.7 375.0 84.3 88.5 20.9 338.3 389.7 86.8 90.9 19.7 356.8 399.1 87.0 7 Current liabilities 451.8 446.9 484.0 487.5 502.6 509.5 528.9 543.2 570.4 590.6 8 9 272.3 179.5 261.2 185.7 271.2 212.8 273.2 214.2 280.2 222.4 286.8 222.7 297.8 231.1 306.8 236.3 317.2 253.2 331.4 259.2 10 Net working capital 282.8 309.5 333.4 335.6 339.5 346.9 351.4 357.0 353.8 363.0 11 MEMO: Current r a t i o 1 . . 1.626 1.693 1.689 1.688 1.675 1.681 1.664 1.657 1.620 1.615 1 Current assets Cash U.S. Government securities Notes and accounts receivable Inventories Other 2 3 4 5 6 Notes and accounts payable Other 1 (Total current assets)/(Total current liabilities). SOURCE.—Federal Trade Commission. NOTE.—For a description of this series see "Working Capital of Nonfinancial Corporations" in the July 1978 BULLETIN, pp. 533-37. 1.52 BUSINESS EXPENDITURES on New Plant and Equipment Billions of dollars; quarterly data are at seasonally adjusted annual rates. 1977 Industry 1 All industries Manufacturing 2 Durable goods industries 3 Nondurable goods industries 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 U Nonmanufacturing Mining Transportation: Railroad Air Other Public utilities: Electric Gas and other Communication Commercial and other 1 1 2 Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Ql Q2 Q3 Q42 135.72 152.28 130.16 134.24 140.38 138.11 144.25 150.76 155.13 158.98 27.75 32.33 31.53 36.23 26.30 30.13 27.26 32.19 29.23 33.79 28.19 33.22 28.72 32.86 31.40 35.80 32.11 36.54 33.89 39.72 4.49 4.78 4.24 4.49 4.74 4.50 4.45 4.81 4.80 5.07 2.82 1.63 2.55 3.28 2.45 2.27 2.71 1.62 2.96 2.57 1.43 2.96 3.20 1.69 1.96 2.80 1.76 2.32 3.35 2.67 2.44 3.09 2.08 2.23 3.64 2.97 2.37 3.05 2.08 2.05 21.57 4.21 15.43 22.95 24.49 4.48 21.19 4.16 14.19 22.67 21.14 4.16 15.32 22.73 21.90 4.32 16.40 23.14 22.05 4.18 15.82 23.27 23.15 4.78 17.07 24.76 23.83 4.62 18 18 24^71 25.04 4.22 } 43.44 25.94 4.28 42.90 Includes trade, service, construction, finance, and insurance. Anticipated by business. NOTE.—Estimates for corporate and noncorporate business, excluding 1978 1978 2 1977 agriculture; real estate operators; medical, legal, educational, and cultural service; and nonprofit organizations. SOURCE.—Survey of Current Business (U.S. Dept. of Commerce). Corporate Finance 1.521 DOMESTIC FINANCE COMPANIES A39 Assets and Liabilities Billions of dollars, end of period 1977 1973 1972 Account 1974 1975 1978 1976 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 ASSETS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Accounts receivable, gross Consumer Business Total LESS: Reserves for unearned income and losses Accounts receivable, net Cash and bank deposits Securities All other 9 Total assets 31.9 27.4 59.3 7.4 51.9 2.8 .9 10.0 35.4 32.3 67.7 8.4 59.3 2.6 .8 10.6 36.1 37.2 73.3 9.0 64.2 3.0 .4 12.0 36.0 39.3 75.3 9.4 65.9 2.9 1.0 11.8 38.6 44.7 83.4 10.5 72.9 2.6 1.1 12.6 42.3 50.6 92.9 11.7 81.2 2.5 1.8 14.2 44.0 55.2 99.2 12.7 86.5 2.6 .9 14.3 44.5 57.6 102.1 12.8 89.3 2.2 1.2 15.0 47.1 59.5 106.6 14.1 92.6 2.9 1.3 16.2 49.7 58.3 108.0 14.3 93.7 2.7 1.8 17.1 65.6 73.2 79.6 81.6 89.2 99.6 104.3 107.7 112.9 115.3 LIABILITIES 10 Bank loans 11 Commercial paper Debt: 12 Short-term, n.e.c 13 Long-term, n.e.c 14 Other 5.6 17.3 7.2 19.7 9.7 20.7 8.0 22.2 6.3 23.7 5.4 25.7 5.9 29.6 5.8 29.9 5.4 31.3 5.4 29.3 4.3 22.7 4.8 4.6 24.6 5.6 4.9 26.5 5.5 4.5 27.6 6.8 5.4 32.3 8.1 5.4 34.8 13.7 6.2 36.0 11.5 5.3 38.0 12.9 6.6 40.1 13.6 6.8 41.3 15.2 15 Capital, surplus, and undivided profits 10.9 11.5 12.4 12.5 13.4 14.6 15.1 15.7 16.0 17.3 65.6 73.2 79.6 81.6 89.2 99.6 104.3 107.7 112.9 115.3 16 Total liabilities and capital NOTE.—Components may not add to totals due to rounding. 1.522 DOMESTIC FINANCE COMPANIES Business Credit Millions of dollars, seasonally adjusted except as noted Type Accounts receivable outstanding Sept. 30, 19781 Changes in accounts receivable during— Extensions Repayments 1978 1978 1978 July Aug. Sept. July Aug. Sept. July Aug. Sept. 1 Total 58,324 284 716 -234 14,688 15,417 15,530 14,404 14,701 15,764 2 Retail automotive (commercial vehicles) 3 Wholesale automotive 4 Retail paper on business, industrial, and farm equipment 5 Loans on commercial accounts receivable... 6 Factored commercial accounts receivable.... 7 All other business credit 13,732 10,150 111 103 247 -77 209 -506 1,073 6,148 1,222 6,314 1,202 6,119 962 6,045 975 6,391 993 6,625 15,647 4,316 2,472 12,007 210 -140 -11 11 295 -19 55 215 -154 150 83 -16 1,324 2,748 1,225 3,269 1,198 3,454 1,716 1,481 1,584 1,679 1,906 1,973 1,114 2,888 1,727 1,668 930 3,288 1,426 1,691 1,352 3,304 1,501 1,989 i Not seasonally adjusted. A40 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • December 1978 1.53 MORTGAGE MARKETS Millions of dollars; exceptions noted. 1978 Item 1975 1976 1977 May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Terms and yields in primary and secondary markets P R I M A R Y MARKETS Conventional mortgages on new homes Terms: 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Amount of loan (thous. dollars) Loan/price ratio (per cent) Maturity (years) Fees and charges (per cent of loan amount) 2 . Contract rate (per cent per annum) Yield (per cent per annum): FHLBB series 3 H U D series 4 44.6 33.3 74.7 26.8 1.54 8.75 48.4 35.9 74.2 27.2 1.44 8.76 54.3 40.5 76.3 27.9 1.33 8.80 59.8 44.2 75.5 27.7 1.34 9.14 62.6 45.9 75.6 28.3 1.40 9.23 61.9 45.3 75.3 28.2 1.40 9.34 63.6 46.4 75.3 28.0 1.43 9.45 '64.6 46.7 '74.1 27.8 1.36 9.50 66.8 48.6 74.4 28.0 1.37 9.61 9.01 9.10 8.99 8.99 9.01 8.95 9.37 9.60 9.46 9.75 9.57 9.80 9.70 9.80 9.73 9.80 9.83 4.95 9.19 8.52 8.82 8.17 7.96 8.04 9.67 8.71 9.05 9.92 9.16 9.78 8.96 9.78 8.95 9.93 9.16 9.26 9.37 8.99 9.11 8.73 8.98 9.66 9.90 9.91 10.10 10.01 10.19 9.81 10.11 9.78 10.02 10.03 10.19 SECONDARY MARKETS 9 10 11 12 Yields (per cent per annum): FHA mortgages ( H U D series) ^ G N M A securities 6 F N M A auctions: 7 Government-underwritten loans Activity in secondary markets FEDERAL N A T I O N A L MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION 13 14 15 16 Mortgage holdings (end of period) Total FHA-insured V A-guaranteed Conventional 17 18 19 20 31,824 19,732 9,573 2,519 32,904 18,916 9,212 4,776 34,370 18,457 9,315 6,597 37,937 19,382 10,255 8,300 38,753 19,608 10,398 8,747 39,409 19,763 10,457 9,189 40,325 20,034 10,535 9,752 41,189 20,325 10,575 10,289 41,957 20,625 10,565 10,767 Mortgage transactions (during period) Purchases Sales 4,263 2 3,606 86 497 1,551 1,148 945 1,230 1,132 1,053 Mortgage commitments: 8 Contracted (during period) Outstanding (end of period) 6,106 4,126 6,247 3,398 1,333 4,698 3,439 10,271 1,517 10,395 927 10,171 527 9 419 882 9,068 1,900 9,547 7,042.6 3,848.3 4,929.8 2,787.2 1,184.5 794.0 2,117.7 1,093.7 1,095.0 636.6 756.7 471.5 499.1 277.2 717.9 335.9 1,964.8 832.4 1,401.3 765.0 2,595.7 1,879.2 591.6 359.4 1,935.8 968.3 574.5 342.0 316.0 178.9 224.7 128.5 484.7 283.7 1,156.8 495.6 Auction of 4-month commitments to buy— Government-underwritten loans: Offered 9 Accepted Conventional loans: 23 Offered 9 24 Accepted 21 22 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION 25 26 27 Mortgage holdings (end of period) 1 0 Total FHA/VA Conventional 4,987 1,824 3,163 4,269 1,618 2,651 3,276 1,395 1,881 2,878 1,356 1,522 2,255 1,338 917 2,024 1,321 702 2,448 1,304 1,144 2,486 1,287 1,199 2,867 1,594 1,273 28 29 Mortgage transactions (during period) Purchases Sales 1,716 1,020 1,175 1,396 489 477 479 651 500 1,093 520 725 742 299 670 594 791 369 30 31 Mortgage commitments: 1 1 Contracted (during period) Outstanding (end of period) 982 111 1,477 333 361 1,063 811 1,640 762 1,870 737 2,055 838 2,142 760 2,130 547 1,716 1 Weighted averages based on sample surveys of mortgages originated by major institutional lender groups. Compiled by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board in cooperation with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 2 Includes all fees, commissions, discounts, and "points" paid (by the borrower or the seller) in order to obtain a loan. 3 Average effective interest rates on loans closed, assuming prepayment at the end of 10 years. 4 Average contract rates on new commitments for comentional first mortgages, rounded to the nearest 5 basis points; from Dept. of Housing and Urban Development. 5 Average gross yields on 30-year, minimum-downpayment, Federal Housing Administration-insured first mortgages for immediate delivery in the private secondary market. Any gaps in data are due to periods of adjustment to changes in maximum permissible contract rates. 6 Average net yields to investors on Government National Mortgage Association-guaranteed, mortgage-backed, fully-modified pass-through securities, assuming prepayment in 12 years on pools of 30-year F H A / V A mortgages carrying the prevailing ceiling rate. Monthly figures are unweighted averages of Monday quotations for the month. 7 Average gross yields (before deduction of 38 basis points for mortgage servicing) on accepted bids in Federal National Mortgage Association's auctions of 4-month commitments to purchase home mortgages, assuming prepayment in 12 years for 30-year mortgages. N o adjustments are made for F N M A commitment fees or stock related requirements. Monthly figures are unweighted averages for auctions conducted within the month. 8 Includes some multifamily and nonprofit hospital loan commitments in addition to 1- to 4-family loan commitments accepted in FNMA's free market auction system, and through the F N M A - G N M A Tandem plans. 9 Mortgage amounts offered by bidders are total bids received. 10 Includes participations as well as whole loans. 11 Includes conventional and Government-underwritten loans. Real Estate Debt A41 1.54 MORTGAGE DEBT OUTSTANDING Millions of dollars, end of period 1977 1973 Type of holder, and type of property 1 All holders 2 1- to 4-family 3 Multifamily 4 Commercial 5 Farm 6 Major financial institutions 7 Commercial banks1 8 1- to 4-family 9 Multifamily 10 Commercial 11 Farm 12 13 14 15 16 Mutual savings banks 1- to 4-family Multifamily Commercial Farm 17 18 19 20 Savings and loan associations 1 - t o 4-family Multifamily Commercial 21 22 23 24 25 Life insurance companies 1- to 4-family Multifamily Commercial Farm 26 Federal and related agencies 27 Government National Mortgage 28 1- to 4-family 29 Multifamily Assn. 1974 1975 1978 1976 Q4 Ql Q2 Q3*> 682,321 416,211 93,132 131,725 41,253 742,512 449,371 99,976 146,877 46,288 801,537 490,761 100,601 159,298 50,877 889,327 556,557 104,516 171,223 57,031 1,023,417 656,116 111,804 189,829 65,668 1,052,307 675,514 114,202 194,545 68,046 1,090,234 701,392 116,793 201,054 71,004 1,128,398 in,me 119,422 208,017 73,863 505,400 119,068 67,998 6,932 38,696 5,442 542,560 132,105 74,758 7,619 43,679 6,049 581,193 136,186 77,018 5,915 46,882 6,371 647,650 151,326 86,234 8,082 50,289 6,721 745,011 178,979 105,115 9,215 56,898 7,751 764,614 184,423 108,699 9,387 58,407 7,930 792,762 193,223 113,886 9,816 61,194 8,327 819,264 202,423 119,308 10,283 64,107 8,725 73,230 48,811 12,343 12,012 64 74,920 49,213 12,923 12,722 62 77,249 50,025 13,792 13,373 59 81,639 53,089 14,177 14,313 60 88,104 57,637 15,304 15,110 53 89,800 58,747 15,398 15,401 54 91,535 59,882 15,900 15,698 55 93,511 61,175 16,243 16,037 56 231,733 187,078 22,779 21,876 249,301 200,987 23,808 24,506 278,590 223,903 25,547 29,140 323,130 260,895 28,436 33,799 381,163 310,686 32,513 37,964 392,479 319,910 33,478 39,091 407,964 332,532 34,779 40,633 420,947 343,114 35,907 41,926 81,369 20,426 18,451 36,496 5,996 86,234 19,026 19,625 41,256 6,327 89,168 17,590 19,629 45,196 6,753 91,555 16,088 19,178 48,864 7,425 96,765 14,727 18,807 54,388 8,843 97,963 14,476 18,851 55,426 9,210 100,040 14,129 18,745 57,463 9,703 102,383 13,929 18,945 59,309 10,200 46,721 4,029 1,455 2,574 58,320 4,846 2,248 2,598 66,891 7,438 4,728 2,710 66,753 4,241 1,970 2,271 70,006 3,660 1,548 2,112 72,014 3,291 948 2,343 73,991 3,283 922 2,361 77,919 3,523 989 2,534 30 31 32 33 34 Farmers Home Admin 1- to 4-family Multifamily Commercial Farm 1,366 743 29 218 376 1,432 759 167 156 350 1,109 208 215 190 496 1,064 454 218 72 320 1,353 626 275 149 303 1,179 202 408 218 351 618 124 102 104 288 668 135 110 112 311 35 36 37 Federal Housing and Veterans Admin. 1 - t o 4-family Multifamily 3,476 2,013 1,463 4,015 2,009 2,006 4,970 1,990 2,980 5,150 1,676 3,474 5,212 1,627 3,585 5,219 1,585 3,634 5,225 1,543 3,682 5,295 1,565 3,730 38 39 40 Federal National Mortgage Assn... 1- to 4-family Multifamily 24,175 20,370 3,805 29,578 23,778 5,800 31,824 25,813 6,011 32,904 26,934 5,970 34,369 28,504 5,865 36,029 30,208 5,821 38,753 32,974 5,779 41,189 35,437 5,752 41 42 43 Federal land banks 1- to 4-family Farm 11,071 123 10,948 13,863 406 13,457 16,563 549 16,014 19,125 601 18,524 22,136 670 21,466 22,925 691 22,234 23,857 727 23,130 24,758 819 23,939 44 45 46 Federal Home Loan Mortgage 1 - t o 4-family Multifamily 2,604 2,446 158 4,586 4,217 369 4,987 4,588 399 4,269 3,889 380 3,276 2,738 538 3,371 2,785 586 2,255 1,856 399 2,486 1,994 492 18,040 7,890 7,561 329 23,799 11,769 11,249 520 34,138 18,257 17,538 719 49,801 30,572 29,583 989 70,289 44,896 43,555 1,341 74,080 46,357 44,906 1,451 78,602 48,032 46,515 1,517 82,325 50,844 49,276 1,568 766 617 149 757 608 149 1,598 1,349 249 2,671 2,282 389 6,610 5,621 989 7,471 6,286 1,185 9,423 7,797 1,626 9,934 8,358 1,576 9,384 5,458 138 1,124 2,664 11,273 6,782 116 1,473 2,902 14,283 9,194 295 1,948 2,846 16,558 10,219 532 2,440 3,367 18,783 11,379 759 2,945 3,682 20,252 12,235 732 3,528 3,757 21,147 12,742 1,128 3,301 3,976 21,547 12,943 1,154 3,380 4,070 112,160 51 ,112 23,982 21,303 15,763 117,833 53,331 24,276 23,085 17,141 119,315 56,268 22,140 22,569 18,338 125,123 62,643 20,420 21,446 20,614 138,111 71,665 20,501 22,375 23,570 141,599 73,878 20,732 22,479 24,510 144,888 75,763 20,939 22,661 25,525 148,890 78,054 21,128 23,146 26,562 47 Mortgage pools or trusts 2 48 Government National Mortgage 49 1 - t o 4-family 50 Multifamily 51 52 53 Federal Home Loan Mortgage 1- to 4-family Multifamily 54 55 56 57 58 Farmers Home Admin 1- to 4-family Multifamily Commercial Farm 59 Individuals and others 3 60 1- to 4-family 61 Multifamily 62 Commercial 63 Farm . Corp., Assn. Corp. 1 Includes loans held by nondeposit trust companies but not bank trust departments. 2 Outstanding principal balances of mortgages backing securities insured or guaranteed by the agency indicated. 3 Other holders include mortgage companies, real estate investment trusts, State and local credit agencies, State and local retirement funds, noninsured pension funds, credit unions, and U.S. agencies for which amounts are small or separate data are not readily available. NOTE.—Based on data from various institutional and Govt, sources, with some quarters estimated in part by Federal Reserve in conjunction with the Federal Home Loan Bank Board and the Dept. of Commerce. Separation of nonfarm mortgage debt by type of property, if not reported directly, and interpolations and extrapolations where required, are estimated mainly by Federal Reserve. Multifamily debt refers to loans on structures of 5 or more units. A42 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • December 1978 1.55 CONSUMER INSTALMENT CREDIT 1 Total Outstanding, and Net Change A Millions of dollars 1978 Holder, and type of credit 1975 1976 1977 Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Amounts outstanding (end of period) 172,353 193,977 230,829 237,855 243,371 249,865 253,897 259,614 263,387 265,576 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 By major holder: Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions Retailers 2 Savings and loans Gasoline companies. .. Mutual savings banks. 829,936 35,995 25,666 18,201 5,162 2,706 1,687 93,728 38,919 31,169 19,260 6,246 2,830 1,825 112,373 44,868 37,605 23,490 7,354 2,963 2,176 117,654 46,463 39,236 21,570 7,694 3,011 2,227 120,440 47,580 40,481 21,744 7,727 3,069 2,330 124,080 48,637 41,936 21,813 7,764 3,185 2,450 126,619 49,502 42,355 21,828 7,793 3,309 2,491 129,622 50,558 43,499 22,093 7,947 3,354 2,541 131,403 51,280 44,325 22,302 8,055 3,416 2,606 132,457 51,984 44,635 22,464 8,177 3,276 2,583 9 10 11 12 13 14 By major type of credit: Automobile Commercial banks. . Indirect paper Direct loans Credit unions Finance companies., 57,242 33,287 19,332 13,955 12,741 11,214 67,707 39,621 22,072 17,549 15,238 12,848 82,911 49,577 27,379 22,198 18,099 15,235 87,747 52,619 29,317 23,302 18,808 16,320 90,359 54,078 30,169 23,909 19,357 16,924 93,261 55,754 31,128 24,626 20,054 17,453 95,289 57,071 31,907 25,164 20,254 17,964 97,687 58,453 32,667 25,786 20,801 18,433 99,062 59,085 33,067 26,018 21,196 18,781 100,159 59,778 33,415 26,363 21,344 19,037 15 16 17 18 Revolving Commercial banks. . Retailers Gasoline companies. 15,019 12,313 17,189 14,359 2,706 2,830 39,274 18,374 17,937 2,963 38,426 19,055 16,360 3,011 38,967 19,378 16,520 3,069 40,001 20,135 16,681 3,185 40,553 20,566 16,678 3,309 41,629 21,314 16,961 3,354 42,420 21,935 17,069 3,416 42,579 22,165 17,138 3,276 19 20 21 22 23 Mobile home Commercial banks. Finance companies. Savings and loans.. Credit unions 14,434 8,667 3,445 2,050 272 14,573 8,737 3,263 2,241 332 15,141 9,124 3,077 2,538 402 15,287 9,185 3,057 2,626 419 15,396 9,275 3,060 2,629 432 15,532 9,386 3,065 2,634 447 15,663 9,483 3,085 2,644 451 15,799 9,539 3,101 2,696 463 15,910 9,591 3,114 2,733 All 15,925 9,548 3,127 2,775 475 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Other Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions Retailers Savings and loans Mutual savings banks. 85,658 28,669 21,336 12,653 18,201 3,112 1,687 94,508 31,011 22,808 15,599 19,260 4,005 1,825 93,503 35,298 26,556 19,104 5,553 4,816 2,176 96,395 36,795 27,086 20,009 5,210 5,068 2,227 98,649 37,709 27,596 20,692 5,224 5,098 2,330 101,071 38,805 28,119 21,435 5,132 5,130 2,450 102,392 39,499 28,453 21,650 5,150 5,149 2,491 104,499 40,316 29,024 22,235 5,132 5,251 2,541 105,995 40,792 29,385 22,657 5,233 5,322 2,606 106,913 40,966 29,820 22,816 5,326 5,402 2,583 1 Total Net change (during period) 3 7,765 21,647 35,278 4,106 4,280 4,207 3,466 3,632 3,680 3,123 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 By major holder: Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions Retailers i Savings and loans Gasoline companies Mutual savings banks 2,881 -82 3,766 87 829 104 180 10,792 2,946 5,503 1,059 1,085 124 138 18,645 5,948 6,436 2,654 1,111 132 352 2,447 879 670 58 115 -17 -46 2,260 861 849 135 67 22 86 2,387 624 797 234 57 20 88 2,100 671 513 144 10 -19 47 1,785 736 613 342 107 -1 50 1,714 847 639 328 94 9 49 1,388 863 644 115 105 16 -8 39 40 41 42 43 44 By major type of credit: Automobile Commercial banks Indirect paper Direct loans Credit unions Finance companies 2,976 513 -392 905 1,872 591 10,465 6,334 2,742 3,592 2,497 1,634 15,204 9,956 5,307 4,649 2,861 2,387 1,812 1,024 603 421 322 466 1,877 1,036 646 390 377 464 1,642 1,029 587 442 349 264 1,711 1,041 626 415 275 395 1,604 957 515 442 287 360 1,532 848 517 331 313 371 1,385 769 354 415 301 315 45 46 47 48 Revolving Commercial banks Retailers Gasoline companies 1,340 1,236 2,170 2,046 104 124 6,248 4,015 2,101 132 683 587 113 -17 644 489 133 22 955 601 334 20 600 498 121 -19 737 358 380 -1 622 380 233 9 346 337 —7 16 49 50 51 52 53 Mobile home Commercial banks Finance companies Savings and loans Credit unions -208 -330 -76 161 37 140 70 -182 192 60 565 387 -189 297 70 112 75 2 29 6 101 11 1 14 8 70 50 1 12 7 83 65 11 2 5 79 20 7 46 6 72 31 6 27 8 25 -25 -2 46 6 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Other Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions Retailers Savings and loans Mutual savings banks 3,657 1.462 -597 1,857 87 668 180 8,872 2,342 1,494 2,946 1,059 893 138 13,261 4,287 3,750 3,505 553 814 352 1,499 761 411 342 -55 86 -46 1,658 658 395 464 2 53 86 1,540 707 359 441 -100 45 88 1,072 496 265 233 23 8 47 1,212 450 369 320 -38 61 50 1,454 455 470 318 95 67 49 1,367 301 550 331 121 59 -8 31 Total 1 The Board's series cover most short- and intermediate-term credit extended to individuals through regular business channels, usually to finance the purchase of consumer goods and services or to refinance debts incurred for such purposes, and scheduled to be repaid (or with the2 option of repaying in two or more instalments). Includes auto dealers and excludes 30-day charge credit held by travel and entertainment companies. 3 Net change equals extensions minus liquidations (repayments, chargeoffs, and other credits); figures for all months are seasonally adjusted. NOTE.—Total consumer noninstalment credit outstanding—credit scheduled to be repaid in a lump sum, including single-payment loans, charge accounts, and service credit—amounted to $58.2 billion at the end of 1977, $55.0 billion at the end of 1976, $50.8 billion at the end of 1975, and $48.4 billion at the end of 1974. Comparable data for Dec. 31, 1978 will be published in the February 1979 BULLETIN. • Consumer instalment credit series have been revised from 1943, effective Dec. 7, 1978. Information is available from Mortgage and Consumer Finance Section, Division of Research and Statistics. Consumer Debt 1.56 CONSUMER INSTALMENT CREDIT A43 Extensions and LiquidationsA Millions of dollars Holder, and type of credit 1975 1976 1978 1977 Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Extensions2 180,441 211,028 254,071 24,682 25,104 25,565 25,022 25,669 25,536 25,855 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 By major holder: Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions Retailers i Savings and loans Gasoline companies... Mutual savings banks., 80,797 31,183 24,094 27 302 3,116 12,497 1,452 97,397 36,129 29,259 29,447 3,898 13,387 1,511 117,896 41,989 34,028 39,133 4,485 14,617 1,923 12,102 4,158 3,257 3,337 421 1,311 96 12,067 4,179 3,484 3,408 383 1,356 227 12,382 4,223 3,445 3,552 379 1,351 233 12,187 4,261 3,271 3,477 327 1,299 200 12,255 4,348 3,379 3,725 435 1,317 210 12,123 4,372 3,360 3,718 403 1,346 215 11,953 4,605 3,401 3,518 892 1,335 151 9 10 11 12 13 14 By major type of credit: Automobile Commercial banks.. Indirect paper Direct loans Credit unions Finance companies.. 52,420 30,095 16,578 13,517 12,683 9,642 63,743 37,886 20,576 17,310 14,688 11,169 75,641 46,363 25,149 21,214 16,616 12,662 7,434 4,511 2,502 2,009 1,596 1,327 7,592 4,547 2,550 1,997 1,680 1,365 7,595 4,541 2,505 2,036 1,667 1,387 7,652 4,639 2,554 2,085 1,629 1,384 7,744 4,660 2,562 2,098 1,632 1,452 7,542 4,479 2,519 1,960 1,641 1,422 7,511 4,355 2,384 1,971 1,643 1,513 15 16 17 36,956 24,459 43,934 30,547 18 Revolving Commercial banks.. Retailers Gasoline companies. 12,497 13,387 86,756 38,256 33,883 14,617 8,523 4,197 3,015 1,311 8,563 4,191 3,016 1,356 9,062 4,451 3,260 1,351 8,700 4,320 3,081 1,299 9,028 4,346 3,365 1,317 9,006 4,457 3,203 1,346 8,846 4,475 3,036 1,335 19 20 21 22 23 Mobile home Commercial banks. Finance companies. Savings and loans.. Credit unions 4,328 2,625 767 815 121 4,859 3,064 702 929 164 5,425 3,466 643 1,120 196 529 336 72 103 18 527 346 69 92 20 510 327 73 90 20 509 335 78 78 18 531 310 75 127 19 494 297 77 100 20 604 352 73 154 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Other Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions Retailers Savings and loans Mutual savings banks. 86,737 23,618 20,774 11,290 27,302 2,301 1,452 98,492 25,900 24,258 14,407 29,447 2,969 1,511 86,249 29,811 28,684 17,216 5,250 3,365 1,923 8,196 3,058 2,759 1,643 322 318 96 8,422 2,983 2,745 1,784 392 291 227 8,398 3,063 2,763 1,758 292 289 233 8,161 2,893 2,799 1,624 396 249 200 8,366 2,939 2,821 1,728 360 308 210 8,495 2,890 2,873 1,699 515 303 215 8,894 2,771 3,019 1,733 482 738 151 22,732 1 Total Liquidations2 31 Total. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 By major holder: Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions Retailers i Savings and loans Gasoline companies... Mutual savings banks. 39 40 41 42 43 44 By major type of credit: Automobile Commercial banks.. Indirect paper Direct loans Credit unions Finance companies.. 45 46 47 48 Revolving Commercial banks. . Retailers Gasoline companies. 49 50 51 52 53 Mobile home. Commercial banks. Finance companies. Savings and loans.. Credit unions 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Other Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions Retailers Savings and loans Mutual savings banks. 172,676 189,381 218,793 20,576 20,824 21,358 21,556 22,037 21,857 77,916 31,265 20,328 27,215 2,287 12,393 1,272 86,605 33,183 23,756 28,388 2,813 13,263 1,373 99,251 36,041 27,592 36,479 3,374 14,485 1,571 9,655 3,279 2,587 3,279 306 1,328 142 9,807 3,318 2,635 3,273 316 1,334 141 9,995 3,599 2,648 3,318 322 1,331 145 10,087 3,590 2,758 3,333 317 1,318 153 10,470 3,612 2,766 3,383 328 1,318 160 10,409 3,525 2,721 3,390 309 1,337 166 49,444 29,582 16,970 60,437 36,407 19,842 16,565 13,755 10,275 5,622 1,899 1,588 1,274 861 5,715 3,511 1,904 1,607 1,303 901 5,953 3,512 1,918 1,594 1,318 1,123 5,941 3,598 1,928 1,670 1,354 989 6,140 3,703 2,047 1,656 1,345 1,092 6,010 10,811 9,051 53,278 31,552 17,834 13,718 12,191 9,535 35,616 23,223 41,764 28.501 13,263 7,840 3,610 2,902 1,328 7,919 3,702 2,883 1,334 8,107 3,850 2,926 1,331 8,100 12,393 80,508 34,241 31,782 14,485 3,822 2,960 1,318 8,291 3,988 2,985 1,318 8,384 4,077 2,970 1,337 4,536 2,955 843 654 84 4,719 2,994 884 737 104 4,860 3,079 832 823 126 417 261 70 74 12 426 269 67 78 12 440 277 72 78 13 426 270 67 76 13 452 290 68 81 13 422 266 71 73 12 83,080 22,156 21,371 9,433 27,215 1,633 1,272 89,620 23,558 22,764 11,461 28,388 2,076 1,373 72,988 25,524 24,934 13,711 4,697 2,551 1,571 6,697 2,297 2,348 1,301 377 232 142 6,764 2,325 2,350 1,320 390 238 141 6,858 2,356 2,404 1,317 392 244 145 7,089 2,397 2,534 1,391 373 241 153 7,154 2,489 2,452 1,408 398 247 160 7,041 2,435 2,403 1,381 420 236 166 12,612 1 Includes auto dealers and excludes 30-day charge credit held by travel and entertainment companies. 2 Monthly figures are seasonally adjusted. 3,487 3,631 2,002 1,629 1,328 1,051 A Consumer instalment credit series have been revised from 1943, effective Dec. 7, 1978. Information is available from Mortgage and Consumer Finance Section, Division of Research and Statistics. A44 DomesticNonfinancialStatistics • December 1978 1.57 FUNDS RAISED IN U.S. CREDIT MARKETS Billions of dollars; quarterly data are at seasonally adjusted annual rates. Transaction category, or sector 1973 1974 1975 1975 1976 1976 1977 1977 HI H2 1978 HI H2 HI H2 HI Nonfinancial sectors 203.8 1 Total funds raised 2 196.1 By sector and instrument: 8.3 3 7.9 4 Public debt securities .4 Agency issues and mortgages 5 195.5 6 A11 other nonfinancial sectors 7.7 7 Corporate equities 187.9 X Debt instruments 9 Private domestic nonfinancial sectors. . 189.3 7.9 10 Corporate equities 181.4 11 Debt instruments 105.0 12 Debt capital instruments 14.7 13 State and local obligations.... 9.2 14 Corporate bonds Mortgages: 46.4 15 Home 10.4 16 Multifamily residential 18.9 17 Commercial 5.5 18 Farm 76.4 19 Other debt instruments 20 23.8 Consumer credit 21 39.8 Bank loans n.e.c 22 2.5 Open market paper 10.3 23 Other 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 By borrowing sector State and local governments Households Farm Nonfarm noncorporate Corporate Foreign Corporate equities Debt instruments Bonds Bank loans n.e.c Open market paper U.S. Government loans 188.8 184.9 208.1 198.0 272.5 261.7 340.5 337.4 177.5 167.0 238.9 229.2 259.6 245.9 285.6 277.5 302.2 301.0 378.9 373.8 371.4 371.3 11.8 12.0 -.2 177.0 3.8 173.1 161.6 4.1 157.5 98.0 16.5 19.7 85.4 85.8 -.4 122.7 10.1 112.6 109.5 9.9 99.6 97.8 15.6 27.2 69.0 69.1 -.1 203.5 10.8 192.6 182.8 10.5 172.3 126.8 19.0 22.8 56.8 57.6 -.9 283.8 3.1 280.6 271.4 2.7 268.7 181.1 29.2 21.0 78.3 79.1 -.8 99.2 10.5 88.7 89.1 10.3 78.8 93.7 11.1 34.5 92.5 92.6 —. 1 146.4 9.7 136.6 130.0 9.5 120.5 101.9 20.0 19.9 73.5 73.4 .1 186.0 13.6 172.4 168.5 13.3 155.2 117.8 19.3 22.2 64.5 64.9 -.3 221.0 8.1 213.0 197.2 7.7 189.5 135.9 18.7 23.5 42.6 43.1 -.6 259.6 1.2 258.5 252.1 .5 251.6 163.4 29.3 16.0 71.0 72.2 -1.2 307.9 5.1 302.8 290.7 4.9 285.8 198.9 29.0 26.0 58.8 59.7 -.9 312.6 .1 312.5 298.8 .9 297.9 182.7 29.0 18.4 34.8 6.9 15.1 5.0 59.6 10.2 29.0 6.6 13.7 39.5 11.0 4.6 1.8 9.4 -14.0 -2.6 9.0 63.7 1.8 13.4 6.1 45.5 23.6 3.5 4.0 14.4 96.4 7.4 18.4 8.8 87.6 35.0 30.6 2.9 19.0 33.9 .1 9.1 5.1 -14.9 2.2 -23.7 -1.9 8.5 45.1 —. 1 12.9 4.1 18.6 16.6 -4.3 -3.2 9.5 56.9 .6 13.8 4.9 37.4 22.9 -2.7 5.6 11.6 70.5 3.1 12.9 7.3 53.6 24.3 9.6 2.4 17.3 88.5 6.4 14.2 8.9 88.2 35.7 34.0 3.5 15.0 104.2 8.4 22.6 8.7 86.9 34.4 27.2 2.4 23.0 91.4 9.7 24.5 9.8 115.2 44.8 47.1 5.2 18.1 189.3 13.2 80.9 9.7 12.8 72.7 161.6 15.5 49.2 7.9 7.4 81.8 109.5 13.2 48.6 8.7 2.0 37.0 182.8 18.5 89.9 11.0 5.2 58.2 271.4 25.9 139.6 14.7 12.6 78.7 89.1 8.8 37.1 8.5 -1.0 35.8 130.0 17.5 60.2 9.0 5.1 38.2 168.5 17.6 82.7 9.9 4.0 54.3 197.2 19.5 97.1 12.1 6.4 62.2 252.1 22.7 131.2 15.5 12.8 69.8 290.7 29.0 148.0 13.8 12.3 87.6 298.8 22.1 147.7 15.8 20.7 92.5 6.2 -.2 6.4 1.0 2.8 .9 1.7 15.3 -.2 15.6 2.1 4.7 7.3 1.5 13.2 .2 13.0 6.2 3.7 .3 2.8 20.7 .3 20.4 8.5 6.6 1.9 3.3 12.3 .4 11.9 5.0 1.6 2.4 3.0 10.0 .1 9.9 5.7 1.6 -.8 3.4 16.4 .2 16.2 6.8 5.9 1.4 2.2 17.5 .3 17.2 7.4 5.4 1.5 2.9 23.8 .3 23.5 9.7 7.9 2.4 3.6 7.5 .6 6.9 4.4 -3.2 2.7 3.1 17.2 .2 17.0 5.6 6.4 2.2 2.9 13.8 -.8 14.6 4.9 2.9 3.6 3.2 * Financial sectors 37 Total funds raised By instrument: 38 U.S. Government related 39 Sponsored credit agency securities.... 40 Mortgage pool securities 41 Loans from U.S. Government 42 Private financial sectors 43 Corporate equities 44 Debt instruments 45 Corporate bonds 46 Mortgages Bank loans n.e.c 47 Open market paper and Rp's 48 49 Loans from FHLB's 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 By sector: Sponsored credit agencies Mortgage pools Private financial sectors Commercial banks Bank affiliates Savings and loan associations Other insurance companies Finance companies REIT's Open-end investment companies Money market funds 57.6 36.4 11.7 29.2 58.8 12.4 10.9 27.9 30.5 61.5 56.2 101.5 19.9 16.3 3.6 23.1 16.6 5.8 .7 13.3 .3 13.0 2.1 -1.3 4.6 .9 6.7 13.5 2.3 10.3 .9 -1.9 .6 -2.5 2.9 2.3 -3.6 —. 1 -4.0 18.6 3.3 15.7 -.4 10.6 1.0 9.6 5.8 2.1 -3.7 7.3 -2.0 26.3 7.0 20.5 -1.2 32.6 .6 32.0 10.1 3.1 12.9 3.1 9.2 .6 -2.0 .6 -2.6 4.0 3.1 -2.9 -5.4 -1.4 18.2 4.1 14.2 25.0 9.5 17.9 -2.3 36.5 .5 36.0 10.1 3.3 -2.3 21.4 3.4 40.1 24.1 16.0 9.7 -.2 10.0 6.4 1.5 -2.6 6.2 -1.5 19.0 2.6 17.2 - .7 11.5 2.3 9.2 5.2 2.7 -4.8 8.5 -2.5 27.5 4.4 23.1 14.4 4.3 14.2 1.6 11.5 1.1 -1.8 .6 -2.4 1.9 1.4 -4.3 5.1 -6.5 28.7 .7 28.0 10.1 2.9 2.3 7.4 5.2 61.4 1.1 60.3 8.5 2.4 .4 35.0 14.1 36.4 17.3 5.8 13.3 -5.6 3.5 6.3 .9 6.0 .6 -.7 2.4 11.7 3.2 10.3 -1.9 -1.4 .3 -2.2 1.0 .6 -1.4 -.1 1.3 29.2 2.9 15.7 10.6 7.5 -.8 58.8 5.8 20.5 32.6 4.8 1.3 11.9 .9 16.9 -2.4 -1.0 .2 12.4 2.7 11.5 -1.8 3.9 .9 -7.2 .9 -2.2 -1.5 .8 2.6 10.9 3.8 9.2 -2.0 -6.7 -.3 2.7 1.0 3.4 -1.2 -1.0 .1 27.9 4.0 14.2 9.7 9.0 -1.3 .1 .9 6.0 -2.1 -2.4 -.5 30.5 1.8 17.2 11.5 6.0 -.3 -.1 .9 6.9 -2.7 .4 .5 61.5 7.1 17.9 36.5 10.0 1.3 10.6 .9 17.4 -2.5 -.8 -.5 56.2 4.4 23.1 28.7 - A 1.2 13.1 1.0 16.4 -2.2 -1.2 .9 101.5 24.1 16.0 61.4 12.2 5.8 19.6 1.0 18.7 -1.2 -.6 5.9 287.5 -2.4 15.8 274.1 91.9 19.3 36.1 77.7 22.9 1 13'.3 12.9 316.0 .4 9.9 305.7 84.3 18.7 38.4 96.4 24.3 12.6 13.3 17.7 363.7 -.8 2.5 362.0 70.0 29.3 30.5 121.2 35.7 28.4 27.6 19.2 435.0 -1.2 7.0 429.2 98.6 29.0 41.7 146.7 34.4 35.9 11.9 31.0 472.9 -.6 1.7 471.7 99.0 29.0 31.8 137.6 44.8 50.4 43.7 35.4 37.7 1.5 36.2 3.5 -1.2 8.9 17.8 7.2 57.6 16.3 3.6 37.7 14.1 2.2 6.0 .5 9.4 6.5 -1.2 * .9 6.4 -2.4 -1.0 * * * All sectors 61 Total funds raised, by instrument 62 Investment company shares 63 Other corporate equities 64 Debt instruments U.S. Government securities 65 66 State and local obligations 67 Corporate and foreign bonds 68 Mortgages 69 Consumer credit 70 Bank loans n.e.c 71 Open market paper and Rp's 72 Other loans 261.4 -1.2 10.4 252.3 28.3 14.7 13.6 79.9 23.8 51.6 21.2 19.1 225.1 -.7 4.8 221.0 34.3 16.5 23.9 60.5 10.2 38.3 14.8 22.6 219.8 -.1 10.8 209.1 98.2 15.6 36.4 57.2 9.4 -13.9 -2.4 8.7 301.7 -1.0 12.9 289.8 88.1 19.0 37.2 87.1 23.6 6.4 13.3 15.3 399.4 -1.0 4.8 395.6 84.3 29.2 36.1 134.0 35.0 32.2 19.8 25.1 189.8 .8 10.3 178.8 91.5 11.1 42.1 49.4 2.2 -26.4 2.4 6.5 249.8 -1.0 11.3 239.5 104.9 20.0 30.7 65.0 16.6 -1.3 -7.3 10.9 Flow of Funds A45 1.58 DIRECT AND INDIRECT SOURCES OF FUNDS TO CREDIT MARKETS Billions of dollars, except as noted; quarterly data are at seasonally adjusted annual rates. 1975 1973 Transaction category, or sector 1 Total funds advanced in credit markets to nonfinancial sectors 1974 1975 1976 1977 1976 1978 1977 HI H2 HI H2 HI H2 HI 196.1 184.9 198.0 261.7 337.4 167.0 229.2 245.9 277.5 301.0 373.8 371.3 34.1 9.5 8.2 7.2 9.2 52.6 11.9 14.7 6.7 19.4 44.3 22.5 16.2 -4.0 9.5 54.5 26.8 12.8 -2.0 16.9 85.4 40.2 20.4 4.3 20.5 51.9 31.2 16.8 -6.5 10.4 36.7 13.7 15.7 -1.4 8.7 49.7 24.4 11.8 -1.5 15.0 59.3 29.3 13.7 -2.5 18.8 69.3 21.2 20.0 3.4 18.6 101.6 53.2 20.9 5.2 22.4 102.9 42.6 22.9 14.1 23.4 2.8 21.4 9.2 .6 19.9 9.7 25.6 6.2 11.2 23.1 15.1 14.5 8.5 6.1 13.5 8.9 20.6 9.8 15.2 18.6 11.8 26.9 7.1 39.5 26.3 15.8 16.0 7.0 13.0 14.2 14.3 13.1 10.1 -.8 12.9 6.3 20.0 13.7 9.7 18.2 11.5 21.2 6.0 20.6 19.0 6.1 26.7 10.2 26.4 25.0 17.6 27.2 4.1 52.7 27.5 19.2 44.3 12.9 26.5 40.1 182.0 18.8 14.7 10.0 48.4 97.2 7.2 155.3 22.4 16.5 20.9 26.9 75.4 6.7 167.3 75.7 15.6 32.8 23.2 16.1 -4.0 225.7 61.3 19.0 30.5 52.7 60.4 -2.0 278.2 44.1 29.2 22.3 83.2 103.7 4.3 129.3 60.2 11.1 40.0 17.1 -5.7 -6.5 205.4 91.2 20.0 25.6 29.2 37.9 -1.4 214.4 67.5 19.3 28.6 45.6 51.9 -1.5 237.1 55.1 18.7 32.3 59.7 68.9 -2.5 256.8 42.8 29.3 17.2 74.9 96.0 3.4 299.7 45.4 29.0 27.3 91.6 111.5 5.2 308.5 56.4 29.0 21.7 78.0 137.4 14.1 165.4 86.5 36.9 23.9 18.0 126.2 64.5 26.9 30.0 4.7 119.9 27.6 52.0 41.5 -1.1 191.2 58.0 71.4 51.7 10.1 249.6 85.8 84.8 62.0 16.9 101.2 14.8 49.3 38.1 -.9 138.7 40.5 54.6 44.9 -1.3 174.4 46.6 70.5 53.2 4.2 207.9 69.4 72.4 50.2 15.9 241.1 81.1 85.3 60.3 14.5 258.0 90.5 84.3 63.7 19.4 279.8 115.8 11A 69.3 17.7 24 Sources of funds 25 Private domestic deposits 26 Credit market borrowing 165.4 86.6 36.2 126.2 69.4 13.0 119.9 90.6 -2.5 191.2 121.5 9.6 249.6 136.0 32.0 101.2 89.9 -2.4 138.7 91.3 -2.6 174.4 108.3 10.0 207.9 134.6 9.2 241.1 127.0 36.0 258.0 145.0 28.0 279.8 119.4 60.3 27 28 29 30 31 42.5 5.8 -1.0 18.4 19.4 43.8 16.8 -5.1 26.0 6.0 31.9 .9 -1.7 29.6 3.1 60.1 5.1 —. 1 34.8 20.3 81.6 11.6 4.3 48.0 17.8 13.7 -.5 -3.8 21A -9.4 50.0 2.4 .4 31.7 15.6 56.1 .1 2.3 35.8 17.2 64.1 9.5 -2.5 33.8 23.4 78.2 .1 -1.8 45.5 33.7 85.1 22.4 10.4 50.4 1.9 100.1 2.1 -.8 55.4 43.4 Private domestic nonfinancial investors 32 Direct lending in credit markets 33 U.S. Government securities 34 State and local obligations 35 Corporate and foreign bonds 36 Commercial paper 37 Other 52.8 19.2 5.4 1.3 18.3 8.6 42.2 17.5 9.3 4.7 2.4 8.2 44.9 23.0 8.3 8.0 -.8 6.4 44.1 19.6 6.8 2.1 4.1 11.5 60.6 24.6 9.1 1.1 9.5 16.2 25.7 6.0 5.8 10.7 -1.8 4.9 64.1 39.9 10.8 5.3 .2 7.8 50.0 25.0 7.6 2.9 4.8 9.7 38.4 14.1 6.0 1.3 3.4 13.5 51.6 14.1 8.2 .4 13.0 15.9 69.6 35.2 10.1 1.8 6.0 16.5 89.0 35.8 11.6 -2.5 28.6 17.6 39 40 41 42 90.6 76.1 18.1 29.6 28.5 75.7 66.7 18.8 26.1 21.8 96.8 84.8 -14.1 39.4 59.4 128.8 112.2 -14.4 58.1 68.5 144.3 120.1 9.3 41.7 69.1 96.4 75.6 -27.8 40.5 62.9 97.2 93.9 -.3 38.2 56.0 114.3 99.5 -19.8 52.0 67.3 143.3 125.0 -9.1 64.3 69.8 132.6 110.5 -4.4 45.3 69.6 156.0 129.7 22.9 38.2 68.7 129.5 110.9 11.5 44.5 54.9 14.4 10.5 3.9 8.9 2.6 6.3 12.0 5.8 6.2 16.6 9.3 7.3 24.2 15.9 8.3 20.8 14.3 6.5 3.3 -2.6 5.9 14.8 8.9 6.0 18.3 9.-6 8.6 22.1 16.5 5.6 26.3 15.3 11.0 18.6 8.5 10.1 143.4 218.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 By public agencies and foreign: Total net advances U.S. Government securities Residential mortgages FHLB advances to S&L's Other loans and securities Totals advanced, by sector U.S. Government Sponsored credit agencies Monetary authorities Foreign Agency borrowing not included in line 1 . . Private domestic funds advanced 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 44 U.S. Government securities State and local obligations Corporate and foreign bonds Residential mortgages Other mortgages and loans LESS : F H L B a d v a n c e s Private financial intermediation Credit market funds advanced by financial institutions Commercial banking Savings institutions Insurance and pension funds Other finance private Other sources Foreign funds Treasury balances Insurance and pension reserves Other, net Time and savings accounts Large negotiable CD's Other at commercial banks At savings institutions Demand deposits 46 Total of credit market instruments, deposits and currency 117.8 141.6 204.9 122.1 161.3 164.3 181.6 184.2 225.6 Public support rate (in per cent) Private financial intermediation (in per cent) Total foreign funds 17.4 28.5 22.4 20.8 25.3 31.1 16.0 20.2 21.4 23.0 27.2 27.7 90.9 6.4 81.3 28.0 71.7 7.1 84.7 20.3 89.7 51.1 78.3 12.5 67.5 1.6 81.3 10.4 87.7 30.1 93.9 27.1 86.1 75.1 90.7 28.5 MEMO: Corporate equities not included above 50 Total net issues 51 Mutual fund shares 52 Other equities 53 Acquisitions by financial institutions 54 Other net purchases 9.2 -1.2 10.4 13.3 -4.1 4.1 -.7 4.8 5.8 -1.6 10.7 -.1 10.8 9.7 1.0 11.9 -1.0 12.9 12.5 -.7 3.8 -1.0 4.8 6.2 -2.4 11.1 .8 10.3 11.5 -.4 10.3 -1.0 11.3 7.8 2.5 13.4 -2.4 15.8 13.1 .3 10.4 .4 9.9 12.0 -1.6 1.7 -.8 2.5 6.1 -4.4 5.8 -1.2 7.0 6.3 -.5 1.1 -.6 1.7 1.6 -.5 47 48 49 NOTES BY LINE NUMBER. 1. 2. 6. 11. 12. 17. 25. 26. 28. Line 2 of p. A-44. Sum of lines 3-6 or 7-10. Includes farm and commercial mortgages. Credit market funds raised by Federally sponsored credit agencies, and net issues of Federally related mortgage pool securities. Included below in lines 3, 13, and 33. Line 1 less line 2 plus line 11. Also line 19 less line 26 plus line 32. Also sum of lines 27, 32, 39, and 44. Includes farm and commercial mortgages. Sum of lines 39 and 44. Excludes equity issues and investment company shares. Includes line 18. Foreign deposits at commercial banks, bank borrowings from foreign branches, and liabilities of foreign banking agencies to foreign affiliates. 111.9 29. Demand deposits at commercial banks. 30. Excludes net investment of these reserves in corporate equities. 31. Mainly retained earnings and net miscellaneous liabilities. 32. Line 12 less line 19 plus line 26. 33-37. Lines 13-17 less amounts acquired by private finance. Line 37 includes mortgages. 45. Mainly an offset to line 9. 46. Lines 32 plus 38, or line 12 less line 27 plus line 45. 47. Line 2/line 1. 48. Line 19/line 12. 49. Sum of lines 10 and 28. 50. 52. Includes issues by financial institutions. NOTE.—Full statements for sectors and transaction types quarterly, and annually for flows and for amounts outstanding, may be obtained from Flow of Funds Section, Division of Research and Statistics, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 20551. A46 Domestic Nonfinancial Statistics • December 1978 2.10 NONFINANCIAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY Selected Measures 1967 = 100; monthly and quarterly data are seasonally adjusted. Exceptions noted. 1978 1975 Measure 1977 1976 Apr. May June July Aug. r Sept. r Oct. r 117.8 129.8 137.0 143.2 143.9 144.9 146.1 147.1 147.7 148.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 Market groupings: Products, total Final, total Consumer goods Equipment Intermediate Materials 119.3 118.2 124.0 110.2 123.1 115.5 129.3 127.2 136.2 114.6 137.2 130.6 137.1 134.9 143.4 123.2 145.1 136.9 143.0 140.5 147.5 130.8 152.1 143.7 143.1 140.5 147.0 131.6 152.6 145.1 144.0 141.1 147.0 133.0 154.7 146.4 145.0 142.2 147.7 134.7 155.6 147.9 146.2 143.3 148.4 136.3 156.4 148.6 146.6 143.8 148.9 136.7 156.8 149.5 147.3 144.5 149.8 137.2 157.4 150.5 8 Industry groupings: Manufacturing 116.3 129.5 137.1 143.5 144.3 145.5 146.7 147.6 148.5 149.3 73.6 73.6 80.2 80.4 82.4 81.9 83.7 84.0 83.9 84.5 84.3 85.1 84.7 85.7 85.0 85.9 85.2 86.2 85.4 86.6 1 Capacity utilization (per cent) 1 9 Manufacturing 10 Industrial materials industries 11 Construction contracts 2 162.3 190.2 253.0 279.0 332.0 249.0 286.0 289.0 300.0 319.0 12 Nonagricultural employment, total3 13 Goods-producing, total 14 Manufacturing, total 15 Manufacturing, production-worker 16 Service-producing 117.0 97.0 94.2 91.2 127.9 120.7 100.4 97.7 95.3 131.9 125.0 104.2 101.0 98.6 136.4 129.8 108.6 104.3 102.0 141.5 130.1 108.7 104.4 102.1 141.9 130.7 109.3 104.5 102.0 142.5 130.8 109.4 104.4 101.8 142.5 130.9 109.2 104.3 101.6 142.8 131.0 109.3 104.3 101.6 142.9 131.6 110.1 105.1 101.8 143.4 17 Personal income, total 4 Wages and salary disbursements 18 19 Manufacturing 200.4 188.5 157.3 220.4 208.2 177.1 244.0 230.1 198.6 266.4 253.5 219.5 268.4 254.6 220.7 270.6 256.9 222.3 274.3 259.2 224.9 276.1 260.0 224.5 278.2 261.9 226.5 281.6 265.6 229.5 20 Disnosahle nersnnal incnme 199.6 217.5 239.3 21 Retail sales 5 184.6 203.5 224.4 244.8 245.4 246.3 244.9 251.7 253.5 256.9 Prices: 6 22 Consumer 7 23 Producer finished goods 8 161.2 163.4 170.5 170.3 '181.5 180.6 191.5 191.5 193.3 193.1 195.3 194.5 196.7 '196.0 197.8 195.3 199.3 196.9 200.9 199.7 1 Ratios of indexes of production to indexes of capacity. Based on data from Federal Reserve, McGraw-Hill Economics Department, and Department of Commerce. 2 Index of dollar value of total construction contracts, including residential, nonresidential, and heavy engineering, from McGraw-Hill Informations Systems Company, F. W. Dodge Division. 3 The establishment survey data in this table have been revised to conform to the industry definitions of the 1972 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual and to reflect employment benchmark levels for March 1977. In addition, seasonal factors for these data have been revised, based on experience through May 1978. Based on data in Employment and Earnings (U.S. Dept. of Labor). Series covers employees only, excluding personnel in the Armed Forces. 4 Based on data in Survey of Current Business U.S. Dept. of Commerce). Series for disposable income is quarterly. 265.5 267.5 5 Based on Bureau of Census data published in Survey of Current Business (U.S. Dept. of Commerce) 6 Data without seasonal adjustment, as published in Monthly Labor Review (U.S. Dept. of Labor). Seasonally adjusted data for changes in the price indexes may be obtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Labor. 7 Beginning Jan. 1978, based on new index for all urban consumers. 8 Beginning with the November 1978 BULLETIN, producer price data in this table have been changed to the BLS series for producer finished goods. The previous data were producer prices for all commodities. NOTE.—Basic data (not index numbers) for series mentioned in notes 3, 4, and 5, and indexes for series mentioned in notes 2 and 6 may also be found in the Survey of Current Business (U.S. Dept. of Commerce). Figures for industrial production for the last 2 months are preliminary and estimated, respectively. 2.11 OUTPUT, CAPACITY, AND CAPACITY UTILIZATION Seasonally adjusted 1977 1977 1978 1977 1978 1978 Series Q1 Q4 Q3r Q2 Output (1967 = 100) Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Capacity (per cent of 1967 output) Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3r Utilization rate (per cent) 1 Manufacturing 139.9 139.8 144.4 147.6 168.7 170.3 172.0 173.7 82.9 82.1 84.0 85.0 2 3 148.2 135.6 148.2 135.4 154.1 139.3 158.1 142.0 175.1 165.3 176.8 166.9 178.5 168.5 180.2 170.2 84.6 82.0 83.8 81.1 86.3 82.7 87.7 83.5 138.9 139.2 145.1 148.7 168.9 170.4 171.7 173.0 82.2 81.7 84.5 85.9 137.7 109.4 155.0 159.5 117.9 132.3 188.9 121.9 137.9 110.5 158.0 163.1 115.3 136.5 194.9 119.1 144.0 117.5 163.2 167.7 117.1 139.7 201.4 125.5 150.3 124.4 163.0 168.2 116.8 134.6 204.2 127.1 172.8 145.5 180.4 188.9 143.0 152.5 223.6 145.7 174.0 145.8 182.3 190.8 143.5 153.6 226.6 147.2 175.2 146.1 184.4 193.1 144.1 154.8 230.1 147.8 176.3 146.5 186.5 195.4 144.7 155.8 233.5 148.4 79.6 75.2 85.9 84.5 82.4 86.7 85.4 83.7 79.3 75.8 86.7 85.5 80.3 88.9 86.0 80.9 82.2 80.4 88.5 86.8 81.2 90.3 87.5 84.9 85.3 84.9 87.4 86.1 80.7 86.4 87.5 85.6 Primary processing Advanced processing 4 Materials 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Durable goods Basic metal Nondurable goods Textile, paper, and chemical Textile Paper Chemical Energy Labor Market A47 2.12 LABOR FORCE, EMPLOYMENT, AND UNEMPLOYMENT Thousands of persons; monthly data are seasonally adjusted. Exceptions noted. 1978 1975 Category 1976 1977 May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Household survey data 1 Noninstitutional population 1 2 Labor force 1(including Armed Forces) 3 Civilian labor force Employment: 4 Nonagricultural industries 2 5 Agriculture Unemployment: 6 Number 7 Rate (per cent of civilian labor force) 8 Not in labor force 153,449 156,048 158,559 160,713 160,928 161,148 161,348 161,570 161,829 162,033 94,793 92,613 96,917 94,773 99,534 97,401 102,374 100,261 102,671 100,573 102,734 100,618 '102,672 '100,550 102,993 100,870 103,184 101,062 103,764 101,647 81,403 3,380 84,188 3,297 87,302 3,244 90,877 3,235 91,346 3,473 91,038 3,387 91,221 3,360 91,457 3,411 '91,811 3,380 92,470 3,265 7,830 7,288 6,855 6,149 5,754 6,193 5,968 6,002 5,870 5,912 8.5 7.7 7.0 6.1 5.7 6.2 5.9 6.0 5.8 5.8 58,655 59,130 59,025 58,340 58,257 58,414 58,577 58,645 58,269 '86,163 '20,286 '887 '4,298 4,855 '19,546 '4,719 '16,127 '15,445 86,567 20,432 894 4,338 4,920 19,640 4,737 16,149 15,457 P87,034 p20,594 p 904 p 4,380 *>4,946 P19,705 p 4,759 *>16,245 p 15,501 Establishment survey data 4 9 Nonagricultural payroll employment3 10 Manufacturing 11 Mining 12 Contract construction 13 Transportation and public utilities. 14 Trade 15 Finance 16 Service 17 Government 76,945 18,323 r 752 r 3,525 4,542 '17,060 4,165 13,892 r 14,686 79,382 18,997 779 3,576 4,582 r 17,755 4,271 '14,551 r 14,871 82,256 19,647 809 r 3,833 '4,696 '18,492 4,452 '15,249 '15,079 1 Persons 16 years of age and over. Monthly figures, which are based on sample data, relate to the calendar week that contains the 12th day; annual data are averages of monthly figures. By definition, seasonality does not exist in population figures. Based on data from Employment and2 Earnings (U.S. Dept. of Labor). Includes self-employed, unpaid family, and domestic service workers. 3 Data include all full- and part-time employees who worked during, or received pay for, the pay period that includes the 12th day of the month, and exclude proprietors, self-employed persons, domestic servants, 85,618 20,297 869 4,175 4,847 19,335 4,637 15,896 15,562 85,996 20,316 879 4,278 4,881 19,412 4,670 15,963 15,597 86,033 20,302 882 4,317 4,827 19,469 4,690 15,989 15,557 86,149 20,278 887 4,298 4,846 19,523 4,707 16,074 15,536 unpaid family workers, and members of the Armed Forces. Data are adjusted to the February 1977 benchmark. Based on data from Employment and Earnings (U.S. Dept. of Labor). 4 The establishment survey data in this table have been revised to conform to the industry definitions of the 1972 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual and to reflect employment benchmark levels for March 1977. In addition, seasonal factors for these data have been revised, based on experience through May 1978. A48 Domestic Nonfinancial Statistics • December 1978 2.13 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION Indexes and Gross Value Monthly data are seasonally adjusted. Grouping 1967 proportion 1977 1977 average Sept. Oct. 1978 Nov. Apr. May June July Aug. r Sept. Oct.p Nov.* Index (1967 == 100) MAJOR MARKET 100.00 137.1 138.5 138.9 139.3 143.2 143.9 144.9 146.1 147.1 147.7 148.5 149.5 1 Total index. 2 Products 3 Final products 4 Consumer goods 5 Equipment 6 Intermediate products. 7 Materials Consumer goods Durable consumer goods Automotive products Autos and utility vehicles Autos Auto parts and allied goods. 8 9 0 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 Home goods Appliances, A/C, and T V . . . Appliances and TV Carpeting and furniture Miscellaneous home goods. 18 19 20 21 Nondurable consumer goods Clothing Consumer staples Consumer foods and tobacco. 22 23 24 25 26 Nonfood staples Consumer chemical products. Consumer paper products Consumer energy products . . . Residential utilities 27 28 29 30 31 Equipment Business equipment Industrial equipment Building and mining equipment. Manufacturing equipment Power equipment 32 33 34 35 Commercial transit, farm equipment. Commercial equipment Transit equipment Farm equipment 60.71 137.1 138.8 47.82 134.9 136.8 27.68 143.4 144.9 20.14 123.2 125.6 12.89 145.1 146.5 39.29 136.9 137.9 5.06 141.3 143.6 144.2 145.0 149.2 148.9 1.40 127.3 129.4 128.6 131.4 142.2 138.3 1.33 130.5 134.1 131.6 133.0 144.7 140.7 1.07 152.2 159.0 160.5 160.0 158.9 163.4 2.59 144.3 144.9 145.8 146.3 149.0 148.8 150.0 134.4 136.9 168.8 150.8 149.0 148.1 130.8 127.6 131.9 169.0 150.7 150.6 19.79 4.29 15.50 8.33 7.17 2.63 1.92 2.62 1.45 139.6 140.7 140.1 125.2 128.3 128.0 143.6 144.1 143.5 135.5 137.1 135.2 152.9 180.5 117.1 151.4 159.0 5.86 161.6 3.26 191.6 1.93 117.8 .67 142.3 6.42 6.47 1.14 140.8 149.5 164.6 45 46 47 48 49 Nondurable goods materials Textile, paper, and chemical materials. Textile materials Paper materials Chemical materials 50 51 52 53 54 Containers, nondurable. . . . Nondurable materials n.e.c.. Energy materials Primary energy Converted fuel materials. . . 55 56 57 58 Supplementary groups Home goods and clothing. Energy, total Products Materials For NOTE see opposite page. 152.4 182.5 116.4 148.6 153.8 153.4 155.1 183.7 186.9 117.6 118.5 149.1 149.9 155.8 155.6 164.4 165.1 193.7 195.4 125.1 123.3 134.9 142.1 153.3 153.4 154.8 155.5 182.5 182.0 185.5 186.7 117.7 117.9 118.0 117.5 149.9 150.7 150.8 151.9 159.0 157.2 159.0 159.9 83.6 143.2 144.9 146.5 149.7 150.5 150.1 162.7 163.0 160.9 148.5 155.6 163.5 150.4 155.0 162.7 20.35 134.5 135.7 137.1 4.58 132.0 135.8 135.4 5.44 143.1 146.8 147.6 10.34 131.1 129.8 132.4 5.57 110.9 106.8 110.0 155.9 188.0 117.3 152.0 160.1 157.2 189.1 119.2 153.1 161.0 158.3 190.1 121.1 153.6 159.4 165.9 172.6 172.3 174.4 177.5 179.9 180.8 182.0 183.8 197.4 203.8 204.2 206.9 210.6 212.2 214.1 214.5 216.5 118.9 133.7 132.2 132.3 134.9 138.5 138.3 140.9 141.7 147.8 132.9 131.9 137.3 138.5 141.3 142.0 143.0 82.9 78.9 150.0 133.9 135.6 167.9 151.3 160.2 161.8 163.8 165.4 166.0 166.9 168.1 149.7 150.9 151.9 152.8 153.1 153.6 154.3 226.0 227.3 228.9 228.1 226.9 226.4 227.0 121.3 122.8 122.6 123.9 124.7 125.8 126.5 149.2 149.2 152.8 154.6 155.1 155.1 155.9 79.3 80.9 149.7 148.9 139.0 133.7 141.0 136.8 166.0 168.5 148.8 149.1 141.2 141.8 141.7 141.6 142.4 143.1 144.3 144.7 145.6 126.4 124.9 125.4 124.8 125.1 126.6 128.9 145.3 146.6 146.2 146.3 147.3 147.8 148.7 149.1 150.1 136.7 140.8 139.9 139.0 140.2 140.8 141.4 141.1 12.63 149.2 152.1 152.6 153.5 159.3 6.77 138.5 141.4 141.8 142.6 147.8 1.44 202.5 204.5 205.7 206.7 225.1 3.85 113.9 117.6 118.5 118.7 119.0 1.47 140.2 141.4 139.8 142.1 147.3 79.6 Materials Durable goods materials. .. Durable consumer parts. Equipment parts Durable materials n.e.c.. Basic metal materials. 146.6 147.3 148.2 143.8 144.5 145.3 148.9 149.8 150.6 136.7 137.2 137.9 156.8 157.4 158.6 149.5 150.5 151.6 162.6 163.3 186.9 190.3 182.3 186.9 155.0 159.9 198.6 199.5 7.51 40 41 42 43 44 146.2 143.3 148.4 136.3 156.4 148.6 160.2 178.3 170.0 144.4 199.8 equipment... Defense and space 139.5 143.0 143.1 144.0 145.0 137.0 140.5 140.5 141.1 142.2 145.2 147.5 147.0 147.0 147.7 125.8 130.8 131.6 133.0 134.7 148.4 152.1 152.6 154.7 155.6 139.0 143.7 145.1 146.4 147.9 7.89 153.1 155.6 156.8 155.2 161.8 160.2 160.6 160.9 161.5 2.83 174.2 177.0 179.4 173.6 184.3 180.0 179.9 182.2 182.1 2.03 169.2 172.6 176.1 167.6 182.7 175.6 173.4 176.7 175.6 1.90 148.4 151.6 154.3 147.5 159.1 151.6 149.8 152.7 151.1 .80 186.8 188.1 187.6 188.9 188.2 191.5 193.9 196.1 198.0 Intermediate products 37 Construction supplies 38 Business supplies 39 Commercial energy products. 36 138.9 136.5 144.9 125.0 147.8 138.9 137.2 136.5 147.2 132.3 107.9 84.6 85.9 152.1 153.5 157.0 157.6 163.0 164.1 87.1 87.3 87.3 87.3 154.7 155.7 156.7 158.1 167.6 157.9 158.2 158.1 167.4 167.6 142.7 143.9 145.4 148.7 150.4 136.8 137.9 138.7 142.0 142.2 154.8 155.8 157.4 161.7 162.9 138.9 140.3 141.8 144.7 147.6 116.7 117.5 118.2 121.7 125.4 151.8 144.8 164.6 148.3 126.2 152.8 154.0 145.5 146.6 165.5 166.5 149.1 150.4 126.9 164.3 164.7 169.5 169.6 118.2 137.6 204.8 10.47 153.5 153.9 7.62 158.3 159.0 1.85 113.0 114.5 1.62 133.5 135.2 4.15 188.2 188.2 154.4 160.0 118.5 134.4 188.5 155.4 162.0 163.5 164.1 162.5 162.7 159.3 166.4 167.9 168.8 168.3 167.0 117.8 116.5 116.7 118.0 117.1 116.0 132.2 139.2 140.1 139.9 135.1 131.5 188.6 199.5 201.7 202.9 204.0 203.7 163.8 169.2 117.4 137.3 204.9 161.5 162.2 131.6 132.7 126.3 128.3 129.4 112.2 115.9 143.5 143.7 1.70 1.14 8.48 4.65 3.82 150.9 125.3 122.4 107.3 140.7 151.2 124.1 123.5 110.0 140.0 148.9 125.4 124.0 112.2 138.4 156.7 128.5 123.0 111.6 136.9 160.5 134.6 123.9 115.5 134.1 161.9 162.8 135.8 135.0 125.2 127.5 114.4 116.1 138.6 141.4 155.4 135.7 127.9 116.7 141.6 9.35 12.23 3.76 8.48 133.9 132.5 155.4 122.4 136.5 132.5 153.0 123.5 136.8 133.0 153.3 124.0 136.5 132.3 153.2 123.0 138.0 133.1 154.1 123.9 138.2 138.3 134.2 135.9 154.3 154.6 125.2 127.5 138.0 139.2 140.3 139.7 139.6 136.4 136.1 135.9 137.4 138.5 155.6 156.7 157.5 157.8 127.9 127.0 126.3 128.3 129 A 161.8 134.8 127.0 115.4 141.3 2.13 Output A49 Sept. Nov.e Continued Grouping 1967 proportion SIC code 1977 1977 average Sept. Oct. 1978 Nov. Apr. May June July Aug. r Oct.f Index (1967 = 100) MAJOR I N D U S T R Y 1 Mining and utilities., 2 Mining 3 Utilities 4 Electric 12.05 136.2 6.36 117.8 5.69 156.5 3.88 175.5 135.1 154.1 173.7 135.8 135.5 140.9 140.9 142.5 119.6 118.8 127.2 126.7 128.0 154.0 154.2 156.0 157.0 158.6 173.6 173.3 175.0 177.1 180.1 5 6 7 87.95 35.97 51.98 137.1 148.1 129.5 139.0 149.5 131.7 139.4 139.9 149.6 150.1 132.4 132.7 143.5 153.2 136.9 80.0 84.8 141.4 140.6 119.4 117.8 128.1 127.2 137.3 139.4 113.8 117.5 142.4 141.6 129.0 125. 137.9 137.8 Manufacturing. Nondurable.. Durable 118.0 8 9 10 11 Mining Metal mining Coal Oil and gas extraction Stone and earth minerals. .51 .69 4.40 .75 105.4 124.9 71.4 133.0 119.6 126.7 12 13 14 15 16 Nondurable manufactures Foods Tobacco products Textile mill products... Apparel products Paper and products 8.75 .67 2.68 3.31 3.21 137.9 114.3 137. 124.2 137.4 138.3 113.5 140.7 127.7 139.1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 4.72 124.9 124.2 125.7 126.2 7 . 7 4 180.7 181.3 182.3 183 1.79 141.0 141.9 141.4 140.5 2 . 2 4 232.2 239.5 236.3 238.5 .86 75.3 7 4 . 0 77.0 78.1 Printing and publishing Chemicals and products... Petroleum products Rubber & plastic products. Leather and products Durable manufactures Ordnance, private & government. Lumber and products Furniture and fixtures Clay, glass, stone products 118.0 118.0 142.6 127 159.9 182. 142.5 126.0 160.8 183.2 141.8 124.3 161.2 183.3 144.3 154.0 137.6 145.5 146.7 147.6 154.9 155.0 155.6 139.0 141 142.2 148.5 156.6 142.9 122.3 129.5 127.3 128.9 120.0 131.7 126.3 130.1 121. 136.4 127.1 130.7 117.0 131.7 131.3 117.9 124.9 126.2 131.6 116.0 114.7 125.3 133.0 143.1 121.0 138.1 126.1 145.7 142.8 120.2 138.5 125.8 146.6 141.8 122.7 140.4 126.8 148.0 142.9 120.8 141.0 124.5 140.5 144.0 118.6 139.5 127.2 141.9 144.2 120.6 142.0 130.7 142.7 126.8 128.2 128.7 130.3 129.5 131.0 185.5 188.1 191.1 192.3 192.2 192.8 141.7 143.4 142.8 144.3 144.1 145.4 249.1 252.7 255.5 259.1 261.1 263.3 7 4 . 0 73.1 7 6 . 0 75.7 74.5 75.1 128.6 19,91 24 25 32 3.64 1.64 1.37 2.74 73.9 133.4 140.9 146. 75.1 137.1 145.6 145.5 7 4 . 4 74.1 135.7 137.5 146.6 146.0 148.0 152.8 73.0 136.9 148.9 156.7 74.3 136.5 152.8 157.9 74.7 138.7 156.2 159.8 75.2 138.1 158.1 158.8 75.2 136.9 159.0 159.5 74.4 139.2 160.3 160.9 26 27 28 29 30 Primary metals Iron and steel Fabricated metal products. Nonelectrical machinery... Electrical machinery 33 331, 2 34 35 36 6.57 4.21 5.93 9.15 8.05 110.2 103.4 130.9 144.8 141.9 109.0 104.6 133.6 147.4 144.6 113.5 111.2 107.7 104.3 133.8 135.8 148.9 149.7 144.2 146.0 114.3 109.0 139.5 152.2 152.3 115.5 110.5 140.4 152.9 152.9 117.5 114.5 142.3 154.6 154.1 123.0 119.0 144.0 156 157.9 126.0 120.9 145.8 157.3 156.9 127.8 123.0 146.3 158.7 158.3 31 32 33 34 35 Transportation equipment Motor vehicles & parts Aerospace & misc. trans, eq. Instruments Miscellaneous mfrs 37 371 372-9 38 39 9.27 4.50 4.77 2.11 1.51 121.1 159.7 84.7 159.1 149.1 125.5 165.6 87.7 160.3 150.7 124.3 168.4 82.8 162.2 151.0 122.0 163.0 83.3 163. 151.8 130.5 171.7 91.8 170.5 152.9 130 168.3 93.9 169.8 152.7 130.4 167.7 95.0 170.9 153.5 132.1 169.7 96.5 172.2 153. 133.4 171.0 98.3 175.4 153.8 132.9 168.9 98.9 174.6 154.1 Gross value (billions of 1972 dollars, annual rates) MAJOR MARKET 36 Products, total 37 Final products 38 Consumer goods. 39 Equipment 40 Intermediate products. , 1507.4 1390.9 1211.5 U13.4 U16.6 583.9 590.1 591.3 591.3 608.8 606.8 608 9 452.1 456.8 457.8 457.3 470.7 468.2 468.9 317.5 319.1 319.5 320.0 326.3 324.0 323.0 134.6 137.6 138.1 137.3 1 4 4 . 4 1 4 4 . 2 146.0 610.3 613.3 616.5 622.0 469.6 472.2 475.3 480.3 323.4 324.7 326.6 329.6 1 4 6 . 4 1 4 7 . 5 148.9 1 5 0 . 7 131.9 140.7 133.5 1 1972 dollars. NOTE.—Published groupings include some series and subtotals not 133.8 134.1 138.3 138.6 140.3 141.4 141.5 141.9 shown separately. For description and historical data, see Industrial Production—1976 Revision (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System: Washington, D.C.), Dec. 1977. A50 Domestic Nonfinancial Statistics • December 1978 2.14 HOUSING AND CONSTRUCTION Monthly figures are at seasonally adjusted annual rates except as noted. 1978 1975 Item 1976 1977 Apr. May June July Aug. 1 Sept. 1 Private residential real estate activity (thousands of units) NEW U N I T S 4 Started 5 1-family 6 2-or-more-family 7 Under construction, end of period 8 1-family 2-or-more-family 9 1 10 Completed 11 1-family 12 2-or-more-family 13 Mobile homes shipped 14 15 16 17 18 1,296 894 402 18,133 12,265 5,861 1,740 1,157 583 1,597 1,058 539 1,821 1.123 698 1,632 1,035 597 1,563 1,020 543 1,731 1,092 639 1,160 892 268 1,538 1,163 377 1,986 1,451 535 2,165 1,492 673 2,054 1,478 576 2.124 1,441 683 2,119 1,453 666 2,025 1,440 585 2,081 1,462 619 1,003 531 472 1,147 655 492 1,442 829 613 1,274 774 500 1,282 770 513 1,296 774 522 1,299 780 519 1,300 786 514 1,315 788 527 1,297 866 430 1,362 1,026 336 1,652 1,254 398 1,943 1,515 428 1,854 1,426 428 1,890 1,344 546 1,942 1,286 656 1,970 1,367 603 1,929 1,405 524 213 246 252 258 263 283 272 544 383 639 433 819 407 827 410 846 412 831 418 794 418 784 418 792 419 39.3 38.9 44.2 41.6 48.9 48.2 53.3 55.7 56.7 54.9 56.3 57.6 42.5 48.1 54.4 59.3 62.3 63.2 63.0 63.0 64.9 2,452 3,002 3,572 3,880 3,770 3,780 3,890 4,080 3,950 35.3 39.0 38.1 42.2 42.9 47.9 48.2 53.6 47.8 54.8 48.4 55.1 49.4 56.5 50.3 57.5 50.2 57.7 927 669 278 1 Permits authorized 2 1-family 3 2-or-more-family Merchant builder activity in 1-family units: Number sold Number for sale, end of period * . . Price (thous. of dollars) 2 Median: Units sold Units for sale Average: Units sold EXISTING UNITS (1-family) 19 Number sold Price of units sold (thous. of dollars): 2 20 Median 21 Average Value of new construction (millions of dollars) 4 CONSTRUCTION 22 Total put in place. 134,293 147,481 170,685 195,261 201,555 205,843 208,300 206,403 207,733 23 Private 24 Residential 25 Nonresidential, total Buildings: 26 Industrial 27 Commercial 28 Other 29 Public utilities and other. 93,624 46,472 47,152 109,499 60,519 48,980 133,652 81,067 52,585 153,728 92,433 61,295 156,456 94,533 61,923 160,594 94,902 65,692 159,912 93,998 65,914 157,987 92,455 65,532 159,410 92,527 66,883 8,017 12,804 5,585 20,746 7,182 12,757 6,155 22,886 7,182 14,604 6,226 24,573 9,244 17,177 6,806 28,068 8,735 18,546 6,935 27,707 11,335 19,246 6,761 28,350 11,170 19,463 7,036 28,245 12,043 18,835 6,721 27,933 12,634 18,926 6,686 28,637 30 Public 31 Military.. 32 Highway. 33 Conservati 34 Other 3 . . . 40,669 1,392 10,861 3,256 25,160 37,982 1,508 9,756 3,722 22,996 37,033 1,478 9,170 3,765 22,620 41,532 1,500 8,491 4,586 26,955 45,099 1,446 10,556 4,172 28,925 45,249 1,358 10,338 3,508 30,045 48,388 1,493 10,015 4,947 31,972 48,415 887 48,323 940 1 N o t at annual rates. Not seasonally adjusted. 3 Beginning Jan. 1977 Highway imputations are included in Other. 4 Value of new construction data in recent periods may not be strictly comparable with data in prior periods due to changes by the Bureau of the Census in its estimating techniques. For a description of these changes see Construction Reports (C-30-76-5), issued by the Bureau in July 1976. 2 NOTE.—Census Bureau estimates for all series except (a) mobile homes, which are private, domestic shipments as reported by the Manufactured Housing Institute and seasonally adjusted by the Census Bureau, and (b) sales and prices of existing units, which are published by the National Association of Realtors. All back and current figures are available from originating agency. Permit authorizations are for 14,000 jurisdictions reporting to the Census Bureau. Prices A51 2.15 CONSUMER AND PRODUCER PRICES Percentage changes based on seasonally adjusted data, except as noted. 12 months to— 1977 Item 1977 Oct. 1 month to— 3 months (at annual rate) to— 1978 1978 1978 Oct. Dec. Mar. June Sept. June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Index level Oct. 1978 (1967 = 100)2 Consumer prices 3 6.5 8.9 4.9 9.3 11.4 7.8 .9 .5 .6 .8 .8 200.9 2 Commodities 3 Food 4 Commodities less food 5 Durable 6 Nondurable 5.7 7.0 4.9 4.6 5.1 8.4 11.5 7.0 8.4 5.3 4.9 4.2 5.4 5.2 5.1 9.3 16.4 6.1 8.7 3.1 11.2 20.4 7.2 9.0 5.5 6.3 3.0 7.8 8.3 7.3 .9 1.3 .6 .8 .4 .4 .0 .6 .7 .5 .4 .3 .5 .5 .5 .7 .5 .9 .9 .8 .7 .8 .7 .8 .5 191.8 216.8 179.1 178.8 178.1 7 Services 8 Rent 9 Services less rent 7.8 6.3 8.1 9.6 7.2 9.9 4.9 6.3 4.8 9.1 6.2 9.6 11.8 8.5 12.2 10.3 7.5 10.8 .9 .6 .9 .8 .5 .9 .8 .5 .9 .8 .8 .9 .8 .6 .8 217.6 167.4 226.7 6.3 6.4 7.8 8.3 8.4 12.9 5.0 5.3 7.1 8.1 8.0 12.2 9.3 9.9 14.5 9.1 8.3 14.7 .7 .9 1.2 .7 .7 1.2 .7 .6 1.0 .8 .7 1.3 .8 .8 1.2 196.7 194.0 237.0 1 All items 10 11 12 Other groupings: All items less food All items less food and energy Homeownership . Producer prices, formerly Wholesale prices 13 Finished goods 14 15 16 17 Consumer Foods Excluding foods Capital Equiptment 18 Materials 19 Intermediate! Crude: 20 Nonfood 21 Food 6.8 8.6 7.2 5.0 .7 r — .2 .9 .9 199.7 -.3 r —1.4 r .3 .4 .9 1.7 .5 .6 1.0 1.7 .6 .6 197.8 212.5 188.6 204.1 .1 .6 .9 .6 1.6 1.1 225.8 221.5 -.5 -1.8 1.0 1.9 2.1 3.6 298.2 224.4 .5 r 6.7 7.3 6.4 7.1 9.0 11.9 7.5 7.5 5.4 7.4 4.7 10.9 10.9 21.2 5.3 7.1 12.5 14.6 11.2 8.7 4.2 -1.0 7.6 7.4 .8 1.2 .5 .7 .5 r —. 5 '1.0 .6 5.2 6.8 10.2 7.4 8.3 4.2 13.9 9.2 9.0 6.6 5.2 6.7 .7 .6 r .2 r 3.7 .2 17.1 22.8 20.1 27.6 16.2 40.3 11.6 28.1 12.2 -9.4 1.6 1.9 2.4 -2.5 1 Excludes intermediate materials for food manufacturing and manufactured animal feeds. 2 Not seasonally adjusted. 11.4 9.6 .4 r 3 Beginning Jan. 1978 figures for consumer prices are those for all urban consumers. SOURCE.—Bureau of Labor Statistics. A52 Domestic Nonfinancial Statistics • December 1978 2.16 GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT AND INCOME Billions of current dollars except as noted; quarterly data are at seasonally adjusted annual rates. 1977 1975 1916 1978 1977 Account Q2 Q4 Q3 QL Ql Q3 Gross national product 1 2 3 4 5 By source: Personal consumption expenditures Durable goods Nondurable goods Services 6 7 8 9 Gross private domestic investment Fixed investment Nonresidential Structures Producers' durable equipment Residential structures Nonfarm 10 11 12 13 14 Change in business inventories Nonfarm 1,528.8 1,700.1 1,887.2 1,867.0 1,916.8 1,958.1 1 ,992.0 2,087.5 2,141.4 979.1 132.6 408.9 437.5 1,090.2 156.6 442.6 491.0 1,206.5 178.4 479.0 549.2 1,188.6 175.6 473.6 539.4 1,214.5 111.A 479.7 557.5 1,255.2 187.2 496.9 571.1 1,276.7 183.5 501.4 591.8 1,322.9 197.8 519.3 605.8 1,357.7 199.4 532.0 626.3 190.9 201.6 150.2 53.8 96.4 51.5 49.5 243.0 131.8 164.6 51.3 107.3 68.2 65.8 297.8 181.3 190.4 63.9 126.5 91.9 88.9 295.6 278.6 187.2 63.4 123.8 91.4 88.4 309.7 181.8 193.5 65.4 128.1 94.3 91.2 313.5 300.5 200.3 67.4 132.8 100.2 97.5 322.7 306.0 205.6 68.5 137.1 100.3 97.3 345.4 325.3 220.1 76.6 143.5 105.3 102.1 350.6 336.8 227.9 81.3 146.6 108.9 105.7 -10.7 -14.3 10.2 12.2 15.6 15.0 17.0 16.5 21.9 22.0 13.1 10.4 16.7 16.9 20.1 22.1 13.8 14.8 17 Net exports of goods and services Exports Imports 20.4 147.3 126.9 7.4 163.2 155.7 -11.1 175.5 186.6 -5.9 178.1 184.0 — 7.0 180.8 187.8 -23.2 112.1 195.2 -24.1 181.7 205.8 -5.5 205.4 210.9 -6.6 213.8 220.3 18 19 20 Government purchases of goods and services. . Federal State and local 338.4 123.1 215.4 359.5 129.9 229.6 394.0 145.1 248.9 388.8 142.9 245.9 399.5 146.8 252.7 412.5 152.2 260.3 416.7 151.5 265.2 424.7 147.2 277.6 439.6 154.0 285.6 1,539.6 686.6 259.0 All.5 697.6 144.7 1,689 9 760.3 304.6 455.7 778.0 161.9 1,871.6 832.6 341.3 491.3 862.8 191.8 1,850.0 825.8 339.1 486.7 850.0 191.3 1,894.9 844.7 346.5 498.2 875.3 196.8 1,945.0 859.6 347.4 512.2 893.6 204.9 1 ,975.3 861.8 351.2 510.6 926.4 203.8 2,067.4 912.2 375.8 536.4 952.0 223.4 2,127.6 928.5 380.6 547.9 977.4 235.5 -10.7 -8.9 -1.8 10.2 5.3 4.9 15.6 8.4 7.2 17.0 9.1 7.9 21.9 11.9 10.0 13.1 6.3 6.8 16.7 14.8 1.9 20.1 10.8 9.3 13.8 9.9 3.9 1,202.3 1,271.0 1,325.5 1,343.9 1,354.5 1 ,354.2 1,382.6 1,394.2 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 By major type of product: Final sales, total Goods Durable Nondurable Services Structures 27 28 29 Change in business inventories Durable goods Nondurable goods 30 MEMO: Total GNP in 1972 dollars 1,332.7 | National income 31 32 Compensation of employees 33 Wages and salaries Government and Government enterprises.. 34 35 Other 36 Supplement to wages and salaries Employer contributions for social 37 insurance 38 Other labor income 1 39 Proprietors' income 40 Business and professional 1 Farm 1 41 42 Rental income of persons 2 43 Corporate profits 1 44 Profits before tax 3 45 Inventory valuation adjustment 46 Capital consumption adjustment 4 7 Net interest 1 1,215.0 1,359,2 1,515.3 1,499.3 1,537.6 1,576.9 1,603.1 1,688.1 1,731.0 931.1 805.9 175.4 630.4 125.2 1,036.8 890.1 187.6 702.5 146.7 1,153.4 983.6 200.8 782.9 169.8 1,140.5 973.4 198.1 775.3 167.1 1,165.8 993.6 201.7 791.9 172.2 1,199.7 1,021.2 208.1 813.1 178.4 1 ,241.0 1 ,050.8 211.4 839.3 190.2 1,287.8 1,090.2 213.9 876.3 197.6 1,316.9 1,113.2 216.8 896.4 203.7 60.1 65.1 69.1 77.0 79.4 90.4 18.6 88.5 19.9 92.2 82.4 96.1 90.2 100.0 93.6 104.0 95.8 107.9 87.0 63.5 13.5 88.6 70.2 18.4 99.8 19.5 20.3 98.9 78.9 20.0 97.2 80.8 16.5 107.3 82.3 25.1 105.0 83.1 21.9 110.1 86.1 24.0 114.5 89.5 25.0 11.A 22.5 22.5 22.4 22.4 22.7 22.8 22.2 24.3 95.9 120.4 -12.4 -12.0 127.0 155.9 -14.5 -14.4 144.2 173.9 -14.8 -14.9 143.7 175.1 -16.6 -14.8 154.8 177.5 -7.7 -15.0 148.2 178.3 -14.8 -15.3 132.6 172.1 -23.5 -16.1 163.4 205.5 -24.9 -17.2 168.4 208.6 -20.9 -19.3 18.6 84.3 95.4 93.7 97.3 99.0 101.7 104.6 107.1 With inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments. 2 With capital consumption adjustments. 3 For after-tax profits, dividends, etc., see Table 1.50. SOURCE.—Survey of Current Business (U.S. Dept. of Commerce). National Income Accounts A53 2.17 PERSONAL INCOME AND SAVING Billions of current dollars; quarterly data are at seasonally adjusted annual rates. Exceptions noted. 1978 1977 1975 1976 1977 Account Q2 Q3 Q4 Ql Q2 Q3 1,593.0 1,628.9 1,682.4 1,730.6 1,021.2 1,050.8 1,090.2 1,113.0 Personal income and saving 1,255.5 1 380.9 1,529.0 1,508.6 1,543.7 805.9 890.1 983.6 973.4 993.6 275.0 211.0 195.3 160.1 175.4 307.5 237.5 216.4 178.6 187.6 343.7 266.3 239.1 200.1 200.8 342.0 264.1 236.5 196.8 198.1 348.3 269.3 241.2 202.3 201.7 65.1 77.0 90.4 88.5 92.2 96.1 87.0 88.6 99.8 98.9 97.2 107.3 63.5 23.5 70.2 18.4 79.5 20.3 78.9 20.0 80.8 16.5 12 Rental income of persons 2 22.4 22.5 22.5 22.4 22.4 22.7 13 Dividends 31.9 37.9 43.7 42.7 44.1 46.3 14 Personal interest income 115.5 126.3 141.2 139.1 143.6 146.0 15 Transfer payments 16 Old-age survivors, disability, and health insurance benefits 178.2 193.9 208.8 204.0 211.9 81.4 92.9 105.0 101.8 108.5 2 Wage and salary disbursements 3 Commodity-producing industries 4 Manufacturing 5 Distributive industries 6 Service industries 7 Government and government enterprises 8 Other labor income Business and professional 1 Farm 1 10 11 17 LESS: Personal contributions for social insurance 18 EQUALS : Personal income 19 LESS: Personal tax and nontax p a y m e n t s . . . . 357.1 277.3 247.5 208.5 208.1 82.3 25.1 365.9 286.9 257.0 216.5 211.4 387.0 296.1 266.4 222.8 213.9 396.5 302.1 271.4 224.5 216.6 100.0 104.0 107.9 105.0 110.1 114.5 83.1 21.9 86.1 24.0 89.5 25.0 22.8 22.2 24.3 47.0 48.1 50.1 151.4 156.3 160.8 215.9 219.2 220.6 230.6 110.1 112.1 113.7 121.1 50.5 55.5 61.0 60.5 61.4 62.6 67.2 69.2 70.5 1,255.5 1,380.9 1,529.0 1,508.6 1,543.7 1,593.0 1,628.9 1,682.4 1,730.6 168.8 196.5 226.0 223.3 224.6 233.3 237.3 249.1 263.1 20 EQUALS: Disposable personal income 1,086.7 1,184.4 1,303.0 1,285.3 1,319.1 1,359.6 1,391.6 1,433.3 1,467.5 21 LESS: Personal outlays 1,003.0 1,116.3 1,236.1 1,217.8 1,244.8 1,285.9 1,309.2 1,357.0 1,393.4 22 EQUALS: Personal saving 83.6 68.0 66.9 67.5 74.3 73.7 82.4 76.3 74.1 5,629 3,626 4,025 7.7 5,906 3,808 4,136 5.7 6,144 3,954 4,271 5.1 6,120 3,922 4,241 5.3 6,191 3,953 4,293 5.6 6,226 4,030 4,365 5.4 6,215 4,009 4,370 5.9 6,333 4,060 4,399 5.3 6,372 4,093 4,425 5.1 MEMO ITEMS : Per capita (1972 dollars): 23 Gross national product 24 Personal consumption expenditures 25 Disposable personal income 26 Saving rate (per cent) Gross saving 27 Gross private saving 28 29 30 Personal saving Undistributed corporate profits 1 Corporate inventory valuation adjustment.... 31 32 33 Capital consumption allowances: Corporate Noncorporate Wage accruals less disbursements 34 Government surplus, or deficit (—), national income and product accounts 35 Federal 36 State and local 259.8 270.7 290.8 288.6 310.7 304.3 305.4 319.9 326.5 83.6 14.2 -12.4 68.0 24.8 -14.5 66.9 28.7 -14.8 67.5 28.7 -16.6 74.3 38.0 -7.7 73.7 28.0 -14.8 82.4 15.6 -23.5 76.3 30.3 -24.9 74.1 31.7 -20.9 101.3 60.7 111.5 66.3 120.9 74.3 119.8 72.6 122.6 75.9 124.6 77.9 127.4 79.9 130.5 82.8 134.7 86.1 -64.4 -33.2 -18.6 -11.8 -25.2 -29.6 -21.1 -70.6 6.2 -53.8 20.7 -48.1 29.6 -40.3 28.5 -56.4 31.2 -58.6 29.0 -52.6 31.5 202.8 241.7 276.9 280.4 292.6 279.5 286.4 326.6 330.6 190.9 11.9 243.0 -1.2 297.8 -20.9 295.6 -15.2 309.7 -17.1 313.5 -34.1 322.7 -36.3 345.4 -18.9 350.6 -20.0 7.4 4.2 4.7 3.7 7.1 4.8 2.2 .5 3.0 6.2 1.1 -23.6 29.8 -22.6 23.7 37 Capital grants received by the United States, net 38 Investment 39 Gross private domestic 40 Net foreign 41 Statistical discrepancy 1 2 With inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments. With capital consumption adjustment. SOURCE.—Survey of Current Business (U.S. Dept. of Commerce). A54 International Statistics • December 1978 3.10 U.S. INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS Summary Millions of dollars; quarterly data are seasonally adjusted except as noted. 1 1977 1975 Item credits or debits 1976 1978 1977 Q2 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 1 Merchandise exports 2 Merchandise imports 3 Merchandise trade balance 2 107,088 98,041 9,047 114,694 124,047 -9,353 120,555 151,658 -31,103 30,630 37,258 -6,628 31,012 38,265 -7,253 29,434 39,639 -10,205 30,664 41,865 -11,201 35,067 42,869 -7,802 4 Military transactions, net 5 Investment income, net 3 6 Other service transactions, net -876 12,795 2,095 312 15,933 2,469 1,334 17,507 1,705 295 4,487 412 467 4,609 583 5 3,813 482 210 4,877 538 575 4,620 699 7 Balance on goods and services 3 , 4 8 Remittances, pensions, and other transfers 9 U.S. Government grants (excluding military) 10 Balance on current account 3 12 Change in U.S. Government assets, other than official reserve assets, net (increase, —) 13 Change in U.S. official reserve assets (increase, —) 14 Gold 15 Special Drawing Rights (SDR's) 16 Reserve position in International Monetary Fund (IMF).. 17 Foreign currencies 23,060 9,361 -10,558 -1,434 -1,594 -5,905 -5,576 -1,908 -1,721 -2,894 -1,878 -3,145 -1,932 -2,776 -480 -763 -490 -787 -473 -591 -504 -778 -549 -804 18,445 4,339 -15,265 -2,677 -2,500 -2,871 -5,182 -6,969 -5,247 -6,858 -6,382 -3,261 -2,811 -4,213 -3,679 -795 -1,098 -838 -896 -1,151 6 151 -83 -80 169 -9 133 27 -3,470 -607 -2,530 -66 -466 -75 -78 -2,212 -240 -231 -118 -121 -294 302 246 329 -60 -29 42 47 -16 324 -62 -104 437 -4 18 Change in U.S. private assets abroad (increase, — ) 3 -35,368 -43,865 -30,740 -11,214 -5,668 -13,862 -14,386 -4,144 19 Bank-reported claims -13,532 -21,368 -11,427 -4,582 -1,779 -8,750 -6,270 1,422 20 21 22 23 24 Nonbank-reported claims Long-term Short-term U.S. purchase of foreign securities, net U.S. direct investments abroad, net 3 -1,357 -366 -991 -6,235 -14,244 -2,030 5 -2,035 -8,852 -11,614 -1,700 25 -1,725 -5,398 -12,215 -1,137 66 -1,203 -1,766 -3,729 1,389 205 1,184 -2,165 -3,113 -1,184 -279 -905 -731 -3,197 -2,222 -57 -2,165 -949 -4,945 -284 -268 -16 -1,116 -4,166 6,907 4,408 905 1,647 -2,158 2,104 18,073 9,333 573 4,993 969 2,205 37,124 30,294 2,308 1,644 773 2,105 7,884 5,123 610 417 752 982 8,246 6,948 627 332 -163 502 15,543 12,900 973 390 909 371 15,760 12,965 117 804 1,456 418 -4.924 -5,095 211 -310 -367 637 8,643 18,897 13,746 6,180 6,005 4,522 2,336 5,152 628 10,990 6,719 6,240 2,640 3,143 -314 1,679 319 406 -87 -507 -958 451 257 -620 877 -412 -176 -236 590 18 572 425 -242 667 495 38 457 10 -19 29 2,590 2,503 2,603 2,783 1,284 4,347 563 2,869 3,338 -1,370 725 996 1,251 513 1,012 -299 803 450 881 462 812 803 1,314 1,347 5,449 9,300 -954 616 -178 -4,766 -2,230 1,604 2,276 3,798 160 7,998 12 5,449 9,300 -954 794 -2,536 -672 3,638 7,986 -607 5,259 -2,530 13,080 -231 35,480 6 7,467 151 7,914 15,153 246 14,956 329 -4,614 7,092 9,581 6,733 1,344 1,438 1,024 1,963 -2,737 2,207 373 194 53 31 71 75 57 25 Change in foreign official assets in the United (increase, - f ) 26 U.S. Treasury securities 27 Other U.S. Government obligations 28 Other U.S. Government liabilities 5 29 Other U.S. liabilities reported by U.S. banks 30 Other foreign official assets 6 States 31 Change in foreign private assets in the United States (increase, -j-) 3 32 U.S. bank-reported liabilities 33 34 35 36 U.S. nonbank-reported liabilities Long-term Short-term Foreign private purchases of U.S. Treasury securities, net Foreign purchases of other U.S. securities, net Foreign direct investments in the United States, net 3 37 38 39 Allocation of SDR's 41 42 Owini? to seasonal adjustments Statistical discrepancy in recorded data before seasonal adjustment MEMO ITEMS: Changes in official assets: 43 U.S. official reserve assets (increase, —) 44 Foreign official assets in the United States (increase, + ) . . 45 Changes in Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) official assets in the Unites States (part of line 25 above) 46 Transfers under military grant programs (excluded from lines 1, 4, and 9 above). 1 Seasonal factors are no longer calculated for lines 13 through 46. 2 Data are on an international accounts (IA) basis. Differs from the Census basis primarily because the IA basis includes imports into the U.S. Virgin Islands, and it excludes military exports, which are part of Line 4. 3 Includes reinvested earnings of incorporated affiliates. 4 Differs from the definition of "net exports of goods and services" in the national income and product (GNP) account. The G N P definition excludes certain military sales to Israel from exports and excludes U.S. Government interest payments from imports. 3 Primarily associated with military sales contracts and other transactions arranged with or through foreign official agencies. 6 Consists of investments in U.S. corporate stocks and in debt securities of private corporations and state and local governments. NOTE.—Data are from Bureau of Economic Analysis, Survey of Current Business (U.S. Department of Commerce). Trade and Reserve Assets A55 3.11 U.S. FOREIGN TRADE Millions of dollars; monthly data are seasonally adjusted. 1978 1976 1977 Item 1975 1 EXPORTS of domestic and foreign merchandise excluding grant-aid shipments 107,589 115,156 96,573 121,009 147,685 14,496 13,992 13,723 14,779 14,090 15,120 15,138 11,016 -5,853 -26,534 -2,861 -2,238 -1,597 -2,987 -1,621 -1,691 -2,127 2 GENERAL IMPORTS including merchandise for immediate consumption plus entries into bonded 3 Trade balance 121,151 NOTE.—Bureau of Census data reported on a free-alongside-ship (f.a.s.) value basis. Effective January 1978, major changes were made in coverage, reporting, and compiling procedures. The internationalaccounts-basis data adjust the Census basis data for reasons of coverage and timing. On the export side, the largest adjustments are: (a) the addition of exports to Canada not covered in Census statistics, and (b) the exclusion of military exports (which are combined with other military transactions Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. 11,635 11,754 12,126 11,793 12,469 13,429 13,011 and are reported separately in the "service account"). On the import side, the largest single adjustment is the addition of imports into the Virgin Islands (largely oil for a refinery on St. Croix), which are not included in Census statistics. SOURCE.—FT 900 "Summary of U.S. Export and Import Merchandise Trade" (U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census). 3.12 U.S. RESERVE ASSETS Millions of dollars, end of period 1978 Type 1975 1 Total 2 Gold stock, including 4 Reserve position in Monetary Fund 1976 1977 May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov.* 3 17,967 16,226 18,747 19,312 18,966 18,864 18,832 18,783 18,850 18,935 11,599 11,598 11,719 11,718 11,706 11,693 11,679 11,668 11,655 11,642 2,335 2,395 2,629 2,760 2,804 2,860 2,885 2,942 3,097 31,522 2,212 4,434 4,946 4,347 4,270 4,177 4,196 4,214 4,147 31,099 80 320 18 141 84 102 23 26 36 4 3,704 Exchange International 5 Convertible foreign currencies 1 Gold held under earmark at F.R. Banks for foreign and international accounts is not included in the gold stock of the United States -* see Table 3.24. 2 I n c i t e s allocations by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) of SDR's as follows: $867 million on Jan. 1, 1970; $717 "million on Jan. 1, 1971; and $710 million on Jan. 1, 1972; plus net transactions in SDR's. 3 Beginning July 1974, the I M F adopted a technique for valuing the SDR based on a weighted average of exchange rates for the currencies of 16 member countries. The U.S. S D R holdings and reserve position in the IMF also are valued on this basis beginning July 1974. 4 Beginning November 1978, valued at current market exchange rates. A56 International Statistics • December 1978 3.13 FOREIGN BRANCHES OF U.S. BANKS Balance Sheet Data Millions of dollars, end of period Asset account 1975 1976 1978 1977 Mar. May 2 Apr. June July Aug. 271,696 '269,542 275,065 287,368 9,254 5,096 4,158 10,348 6,142 4,206 14,975 10,724 4,251 250,700 '55,236 '94,659 '23,401 '77,404 254,585 58,746 92,854 23,311 79,674 262,063 63,493 95,192 23,852 79,526 All foreign countries 1 Total, all currencies 2 3 4 Claims on United States Parent bank Other 5 6 7 8 9 Claims on foreigners Other branches of parent bank Banks Public borrowers1 Nonbank foreigners 10 Other assets 11 Total payable in U.S. dollars 12 13 14 Claims on United States Parent bank Other 15 16 17 18 19 Claims on foreigners Other branches of parent bank Banks Public borrowers1 Nonbank foreigners 20 Other assets 176,493 219,420 258,897 263,468 260,558 6,743 3,665 3,078 7,889 4,323 3,566 11,623 7,806 3,817 11,013 6,708 4,305 13,754 9,348 4,406 163,391 34,508 69,206 5,792 53,886 204,486 45,955 83,765 10,613 64,153 238,848 55,772 91,883 14,634 76,560 243,316 55,554 95,348 15,284 77,130 237,447 51,817 92,370 15,207 78,053 r 259,442 r r 8,727 4.863 3.864 r 241,774 r 52,713 91,912 21,139 "76,010 10,891 6,750 r 4,141 r 251,783 r 55,357 r 96,638 22,495 '77,293 r 6,359 7,045 8,425 9,139 9,357 8,941 9,022 9,588 10,132 10,330 132,901 167,695 193,764 194,855 194,168 192,466 202,792 198,205 200,915 211,962 6,408 3,628 2,780 7,595 4,264 3,332 11,049 7,692 3,357 10,320 6,611 3,709 12,952 9,158 3,795 8,035 4,712 3,323 10,107 6,580 '3,527 8,473 4,906 3,567 9,349 5,758 3,591 14,167 10,554 3,613 123,496 28,478 55,319 4,864 34,835 156,896 37,909 66,331 9,022 43,634 178,896 44,256 70,786 12,632 51,222 180,341 43,502 71,934 13,276 51,628 176,877 40,628 70,504 13,232 52,513 180,331 41,209 70,124 18,275 50,723 188,590 43,544 r 74,842 19,515 50,689 185,425 43,447 '71,592 '20,416 '49,970 187,038 46,326 69,594 20,221 50,897 193,357 50,880 71,762 20,474 50,241 2,997 3,204 3,820 4,195 4,339 4,100 4,095 4,307 4,528 4,438 r r United Kingdom 21 Total, all currencies 22 23 24 Claims on United States Parent bank Other 25 26 27 28 29 Claims on foreigners Other branches of parent bank Banks Public borrowers1 Nonbank foreigners 30 Other assets 31 Total payable in U.S. dollars 32 33 34 Claims on United States Parent bank Other 35 36 37 38 39 Claims on foreigners Other branches of parent bank Banks Public borrowers1 Nonbank foreigners 40 Other assets 74,883 81,466 90,933 90,162 87,100 89,645 93,538 92,989 93,341 99,084 2,392 1,449 943 3,354 2,376 978 4,341 3,518 823 3,075 2,274 802 2,506 1,548 958 2,333 1,476 857 3,142 2,279 863 2,615 1,515 1,100 2,820 1,791 1,029 2,940 2,045 895 70,331 17,557 35,904 881 15,990 75,859 19,753 38,089 1,274 16,743 84.016 22.017 39,899 2,206 19,895 84,648 21,092 41,612 2,192 19,753 81,871 19,514 40,436 2,020 19,901 84,700 19,550 40,807 4,150 20,193 87,808 19,944 43,044 4,400 20,420 87,479 20,438 42,462 4,750 19,829 87,575 21,661 40,401 4,532 20,981 93,364 24,691 42,677 4,505 21,491 2,159 2,253 2,576 2,439 2,724 2,612 2,588 2,895 2,946 2,780 57,361 61,587 66,635 64,565 62,330 63,565 67,016 65,452 64,457 69,908 2,273 1,445 828 3,275 2,374 902 4,100 3,431 669 2,850 2,236 614 2,312 1,520 793 2,163 1,452 711 2,870 2,178 692 2,321 1,386 935 2,337 1,483 854 2,598 1,914 684 54,121 15,645 28,224 648 9,604 57,488 17,249 28,983 846 10,410 61,408 18,947 28,530 1,669 12,263 60,610 17,603 28,947 1,710 12,349 58,845 16,531 28,177 1,631 12,507 60,277 16,406 28,324 3,254 12,293 63,043 17,025 30,686 3,366 11,966 61,938 17,438 29,455 3,785 11,260 60,907 18,305 27,310 3,502 11,790 66,142 20,934 29,759 3,440 12,009 967 824 1,126 1,104 1,173 1,125 1,103 1,193 1,213 1,168 84,692 Bahamas and Caymans 41 Total, all currencies 42 43 44 Claims on United States Parent bank Other 45 46 47 48 49 Claims on foreigners Other branches of parent bank Banks Public borrowers1 Nonbank foreigners 50 Other assets 51 Total payable in U.S. dollars For notes see opposite page. 45,203 66,774 79,052 82,947 84,409 82,083 3,229 1,477 1,752 3,508 1,141 2,367 5,782 3,051 2,731 6,761 3,585 3,176 9,908 6,710 3,198 5,237 2,502 2,735 41,040 5,411 16,298 3,576 15,756 62,048 8,144 25,354 7,105 21,445 71,671 11,120 27,939 9,109 23,503 74,397 11,367 29,602 9,438 23,990 72,720 9,565 28,712 9,362 25,082 74,846 10,580 29,045 11,424 23,797 82,145 85,654 88,754 6,441 3,449 >"2,992 5,132 2,381 2,751 5,620 2,751 2,869 10,052 7,090 2,962 76,282 10,803 '30,307 12,394 22,118 74,988 10,292 '29,302 '12,599 '22,795 77,949 12,134 29,749 12,461 23,605 76,651 12,348 29,472 12,362 22,469 r r 933 1,217 1,599 1,789 1,781 2,000 1,969 2,025 2,085 2,051 41,887 62,705 73,987 77,521 79,324 76,660 79,277 76,494 79,701 83,006 Overseas Branches A57 3.13 Continued 1978 1975 Liability account 1976 1977 Mar. Apr. May 2 June July Aug. Sept.f All foreign countries 176,493 219,420 258,897 263,468 260,558 '259,442 '271,696 '269,542 275,065 287,368 53 54 55 56 20,221 To United States 12,165 Parent bank Other banks in United States.. • } 8,057 Nonbanks 32,719 19,773 12,946 44,154 24,542 19,613 50,860 27,650 23,209 49,088 26,643 22,445 49,907 28,422 f 9,003 1 12,482 '50,534 25,199 '10,371 '14,964 ' 51,450 '27,722 8,608 15,120 52,565 29,051 7,659 15,855 49,148 24,583 10,028 14,537 57 58 59 60 61 149,815 To foreigners 34,111 Other branches of parent bank. . 72,259 Banks 22,773 Official institutions . 20,672 Nonbank foreigners 179,954 44,370 83,880 25,829 25,877 206,579 53,244 94,140 28,110 31,085 204,629 52,090 90,557 28,018 33,963 202,946 48,850 91,699 28,568 33,830 '202,232 50,368 87,567 29,776 '34,521 213,670 53,547 '93,413 '31,414 '35,296 '209,943 '53,788 '88,364 '31,831 '35,960 213,978 56,955 89,237 31,452 36,334 228,907 61,599 97,587 33,119 36,602 62 Other liabilities 52 Total, all currencies . r 6,456 6,747 8,163 7,980 8,524 '7,303 '7,492 '8,149 8,522 9,313 135,907 173,071 198,572 199,879 197,575 196,746 207,117 202,407 205,074 215,495 64 65 66 67 19,503 To United States 11,939 Parent bank Other banks in United States.. • } 7,564 Nonbanks 31,932 19,559 12,373 42,881 24,213 18,669 49,248 27,321 21,927 47,811 26,348 21,463 48,278 27,787 t 8,704 i 11,787 '48,820 24,477 '10,078 '14,265 '49,535 '26,951 8,286 14,298 50,457 28,159 7,286 15,012 46,996 23,633 9,690 13,673 68 69 70 71 72 112,879 To foreigners 28,217 Other branches of parent bank. . 51,583 Banks 19,982 Official institutions . 13,097 Nonbank foreigners 137,612 37,098 60,619 22,BIB 17,017 151,363 43,268 64,872 23,972 19,251 146,406 41,636 60,353 23,593 20,824 145,350 39,214 61,665 23,865 20,606 144,758 40,099 57,871 25,124 21,664 ' 154,513 '148,763 42,682 '42,852 '62,434 '56,273 '26,587 '26,843 '22,810 22,795 150,474 45,620 55,288 26,175 23,391 163,798 49,978 63,229 27,398 23,193 73 Other liabilities 3,526 3,527 4,328 4,224 4,414 3,710 63 Total payable in U.S. dollars . 3,784 4,109 4,143 4,701 92,989 United Kingdom 74 Total, all currencies. 74,883 81,466 90,933 90,162 87,100 89,645 93,538 93,341 99,084 75 76 77 78 To United States. Parent b a n k . . . 5,646 2,122 • } 3,523 5,997 1,198 4,798 7,753 1,451 6,302 7,609 1,646 5,962 7,266 1,983 5,283 6,758 1,636 ( 2,346 X 2,776 8,174 1,822 3,273 3,079 8,011 '1,959 2,987 3,065 6,978 1,905 2,290 2,783 7,991 1,872 3,108 3,011 79 80 81 82 83 . To foreigners Other branches of parent bank Banks Official institutions Nonbank foreigners.... 73,228 7,092 36,259 17,273 12,605 80,736 9,376 37,893 18,318 15,149 80,036 8,674 36,250 19,262 15,850 77,169 8,014 34,940 18,817 15,399 80,108 9,009 35,980 19,087 16,032 82,703 9,700 '36,856 '20,074 '16,073 ' 81,847 '10,098 '34,662 '20,863 16,224 82,991 11,708 35,293 19,863 16,127 87,720 12,006 37,677 21,535 16,502 84 Other liabilities Nonbanks. 85 Total payable in U.S. dollars. 86 87 88 89 To United States. Parent bank... 90 91 92 93 94 To foreigners Other branches of parent ban! Banks Official institutions Nonbank foreigners 95 Other liabilities. Nonbanks. • | 67,240 6,494 32,964 16,553 11,229 r 1,997 2,241 2,445 2,518 2,665 2,779 2,661 3,131 3,372 3,373 57,820 63,174 67,573 65,477 62,662 64,025 67,936 65,671 64,926 70,227 5,415 2,083 3,332 5,849 1,182 4,667 7,480 1,416 6,064 7,250 1,598 5,652 6,938 1,953 4,985 6,446 1,609 ( 2,281 X 2,556 7,852 1,794 3,176 2,882 r 7,652 '1,926 2,904 2,822 6,606 1,852 2,209 2,545 7,610 1,805 3,052 2,753 51,447 5,442 23,330 14,498 8,176 56,372 5,874 25,527 15,423 9,547 58,977 7,505 25,608 15,482 10,382 57,045 6,747 23,075 16,213 11,009 54,498 6,202 22,115 15,672 10,509 56,274 6,696 22,554 15,908 11,116 58,856 7,259 '23,472 '16,866 11,259 '56,636 '7,696 '20,527 '17,397 11,016 57,015 9,163 20,601 16,113 11,138 61,271 9,317 22,936 17,699 11,319 959 953 1,116 1,182 1,227 1,305 1,228 1,383 1,305 1,346 Bahamas and Caymans 96 Total, all currencies 45,203 66,774 79,052 82,947 84,409 82,083 84,692 82,145 85,654 88,754 97 98 99 100 To United States 11,147 Parent bank 7,628 Other banks in United States. ' } 3,520 Nonbanks 22,721 16,161 6,560 32,176 20,956 11,220 38,380 23,854 14,526 37,256 22,289 14,967 37,350 23,255 ( 5,625 I 8,470 '35,185 19,078 '5,514 '10,593 36,908 21,755 4,587 10,566 39,532 23,187 4,509 11,836 34,243 18,403 5,517 10,323 101 102 103 104 105 To foreigners Other branches of parent bank.. Banks Official institutions Nonbank foreigners 42,899 13,801 21,760 3,573 3,765 45,292 12,816 24,717 3,000 4,759 43,153 10,839 23,374 3,060 5,880 45,610 10,288 25,847 3,489 5,986 43,394 11,250 21,452 4,419 6,273 '48,088 11,657 '25,752 4,583 '6,096 43,782 11,165 21,951 4,221 6,445 44,597 11,436 21,884 4,598 6,679 52,706 14,762 27,371 4,468 6,105 106 Other liabilities 1,414 1,543 1,339 1,419 1,455 1,525 1,805 80,243 78,254 80,650 78,131 81,314 84,316 107 Total payable in U.S. dollars 1 32,949 10,569 16,825 3,308 2,248 1,106 1,154 1,584 42,197 63,417 74,463 In May 1978 a broader category of claims on foreign public borrowers, including corporations that are majority owned by foreign governments, replaced the previous, more narrowly defined claims on foreign official institutions. 78,467 2 In May 1978 the exemption level for branches required to report was increased, which reduced the number of reporting branches. A58 International Statistics • December 1978 3.14 SELECTED U.S. LIABILITIES TO FOREIGN OFFICIAL INSTITUTIONS Millions of dollars, end of period 1978 Item 1975 1976 1977 Apr. • r May A. 1 Total i 2 Liabilities reported by banks in the United States 2 3 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates 3 U.S. Treasury bonds and notes: 4 Marketable 5 Nonmarketable 4 6 U.S. securities other than U.S. Treasury securities 5 82,572 95,634 1 3 1 , 0 9 0 16,262 34,199 17,231 37,725 6,671 19,976 11,788 20,648 5,464 8,242 8 9 10 11 12 13 Western Europe 1 Canada Latin America and Caribbean Asia Africa Other countries 6 r July Aug. Sept.? Oct.* By type 140,571 144,138 146,084 145,148 152,861 18,003 47,820 19,569 57,649 19,054 56,447 18,808 55,594 19,445 56,842 20,049 56,299 19,690 55,014 22,711 57,967 32,157 20,443 32,880 19,444 32,314 19,355 32,836 19,284 34,149 19,214 34,860 20,375 35,564 20,304 36,140 21,426 12,667 13,280 13,785 14,049 14,488 14,501 14,576 14,617 82,572 95,634 131,090 142,822 140,955 140,571 144,138 146,084 145,148 152,861 45,701 3,132 4,461 24,411 2,983 1,884 45,882 3,406 4,926 37,767 1,893 1,760 1 Includes the Bank for International Settlements. 2 Principally demand deposits, time deposits, bankers acceptances, commercial paper, negotiable time certificates of deposit, and borrowings under repurchase agreements. 3 Includes nonmarketable certificates of indebtedness (including those payable in foreign currencies through 1974) and Treasury bills issued to official institutions of foreign countries. 4 Excludes notes issued to foreign official nonreserve agencies. Includes bonds and notes payable in foreign currencies. June 142,822 140,955 r B. 7 Total r 70,748 2,334 4,649 50,693 1,742 924 73,761 2,477 5,567 58,050 1,872 1,095 By area 72,777 2,680 5,425 57,219 1,945 909 74,455 2,593 4,668 56,199 1,689 967 75,739 2,490 4,629 58,081 2,220 979 79,723 2,071 4,621 56,848 2,036 785 80,205 1,497 3,898 56,808 2,006 734 85,300 2,619 4,619 57,407 2,184 732 5 Debt securities of U.S. Govt, corporations and Federally sponsored agencies, and U.S. corporate stocks and bonds. 6 Includes countries in Oceania and Eastern Europe. NOTE.—Based on Treasury Dept. data and on data reported to the Treasury Dept. by banks (including Federal Reserve Banks) and securities dealers in the United States. • For a description of the changes in the International Statistics tables, see July 1978 BULLETIN, p. 612. Nonbank-reported Data A59 3.15 LIABILITIES TO FOREIGNERS Reported by Banks in the United States Payable in U.S. dollars Millions of dollars, end of period 1975 Item 1976 1977 Apr.Ar A. 95,590 1 All foreigners 2 Banks' own liabilities.. 3 Demand deposits.... 4 Time deposits 1 5 Other 2 6 Own foreign offices 3 . 7 Banks' custody liabilities 4 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates 5 8 9 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments 6 10 Other 11 Nonmonetary international organizations 7 and 16 Banks' custody liabilities 4 17 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates 18 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments 6 19 Other 20 Official institutions 8 . 21 22 23 24 Banks' own liabilities. Demand deposits... Time deposits 1 Other 2 25 26 27 Banks' custody liabilities 4 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates 5 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments 6 Other 29 Banks 9 . 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Banks' own liabilities Unaffiliated foreign banks. Demand deposits Time deposits 1 Other 2 50,461 2,701 54,956 75,255 57,126 ••75,864 57,629 76,601 57,264 75,535 56,665 14,806 2,597 14,958 2,600 15,506 2,623 r 15,512 2,722 16,691 2,646 15,994 2,876 3,274 3,069 3,129 2,942 2,678 2,823 3,406 231 139 785 267 103 416 501 286 61 154 480 265 119 97 1,017 257 644 808 142 97 569 767 144 99 523 2,283 892 2,627 1,153 2,462 922 1,662 228 2,014 368 2,639 1,036 1,391 1,473 1,537 3 1,432 1,645 1,603 65,822 77,217 75,501 74,402 76,286 76,348 74,703 9,601 3,701 1.901 3; 999 9.017 3.092 1,982 3,943 8,453 2,611 1,981 3,862 9,422 3,473 2,277 3,673 9,085 2,643 2,595 3,848 9,462 3,307 2,563 3,592 67.616 57,649 66,483 56,447 65,949 55,594 66.864 56,842 67,263 56,299 65,241 55,014 9,479 489 9,453 583 9,857 498 9,498 524 10,326 638 9,636 592 46,762 43,338 43,363 42,921 45,532 50,321 42,495 13,995 10.220 1.375 2,399 38,960 14.165 10,338 1,325 2,502 38,824 13,454 10,164 1,255 2,035 38,358 13,680 10,240 1,321 2,119 41,028 13,073 9,229 1,390 2,454 45.542 13,775 9,711 1,606 2,458 28,500 24,795 25,369 24,679 27,955 31,767 4,267 314 4,378 363 4,540 300 r 4,562 269 4,504 296 4,779 307 2,182 1,771 2,251 1,764 2,355 1,885 r 2,416 1,877 2.381 1,828 2,538 1,934 14,736 14,837 15.166 15,218 15,407 15,829 15,507 4,304 7,546 12,460 3,762 8,280 418 12.836 4,106 8,173 557 12,914 4,149 484 12,631 3,983 8,208 441 13,009 4,090 8,552 368 12,632 4,041 8,226 365 2.376 286 2,330 297 2,304 310 2,776 290 2,819 301 2,875 308 1.754 336 1,780 253 1,757 237 2,165 320 2,339 179 2,218 9,255 9,290 9,428 9,385 9,964 9,793 706 3,394 2,321 3,528 1,797 34,199 37,725 47,820 7,534 1,873 37,174 9,104 2,297 Banks' custody liabilities 4 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates Other negotiable6 and readily transferable instruments Other 41 42 43 44 Banks' own liabilities. Demand deposits... 1 Time deposits Other 2 45 46 47 Banks' custody liabilities 4 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments 6 Other 335 10,100 3,248 4,823 325 119 12,814 4,015 6,524 198 49 MEMO: Negotiable time certificates of deposit held in custody for foreigners 1 Excludes nejgotiable time certificates of deposit, which are included in "Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments." 2 Includes borrowings under repurchase agreements. 3 U.S. banks: includes amounts due to own foreign branches and foreign subsidiaries consolidated in "Consolidated Report of Condition" filed with bank regulatory agencies. Agencies, branches, and majorityowned subsidiaries of foreign banks: principally amounts due to head office or parent foreign bank, and foreign branches, agencies or whollyowned subsidiaries of head office or parent foreign bank. 4 Financial claims on residents of the United States, other than longterm securities, held by or through reporting banks. 5 Includes nonmarketable certificates of indebtedness (including those payable in foreign currencies through 1974) and Treasury bills issued to official institutions of foreign countries. 143,938 75,818 58,260 2,644 3,423 29,330 137,293 140,532 76,542 59,140 48,906 2,554 141,884 137,133 135,926 68,403 17,203 12,495 6,939 31,767 40,744 42,335 10,933 2,040 141 240 Oct.? By holder and type of liability 63,931 16,104 12,634 7,238 27,955 37,414 290 205 Sept.? 61.429 17,953 11,921 6,876 24,679 18,996 11,521 139 148 Aug. 60,671 17,189 11,635 6,477 25,369 16,803 11,347 5,714 July 61,315 17,823 11,542 7,156 24,795 13,564 10,267 5,699 June r 65,342 17,951 11,660 7.232 28,500 Own foreign offices 3 40 Other foreigners. 48 126,168 regional 12 Banks' own liabilities. 13 Demand deposits... 14 Time deposits 1 15 Other 2 28 110,657 Mayr 8,281 116 1 r 349 6 Principally bankers acceptances, commercial paper, and negotiable time certificates of deposit. 7 Principally the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the Inter-American and Asian Development Banks. 8 Foreign central banks and foreign central governments and the Bank for International Settlements. 9 Excludes central banks, which are included in "Official institutions." NOTE.—Data for time deposits prior to April 1978 represent shortterm only. A For a description of the changes in the International Statistics Tables, see July 1978 BULLETIN, p. 612. A60 3.15 International Statistics • December 1978 Continued 1978 Item 1975 1977 1976 Apr.Ar B. 1 Total 95,590 110,657 126,168 2 Foreign countries. 89,891 104,943 3 Europe 4 Austria Belgium-Luxembourg Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom Yugoslavia Other Western Europe 1 U.S.S.R Other Eastern Europe 2 44,072 759 2,893 329 391 7,726 4,543 284 1,059 3,407 994 193 423 2,277 8,476 118 6,867 126 2,970 40 197 47,076 346 2,187 356 416 4.876 6,241 403 3,182 3,003 782 239 559 1,692 9,460 166 10,018 189 2,673 51 236 Sept.*> 134,615 137,709 140,532 63,214 324 3,019 1,063 433 5,521 11,023 588 6,013 3,015 1,465 164 659 3,177 13,121 249 11,029 192 1,909 62 186 '62,984 '352 2,893 64,302 '351 2,756 1,335 352 '6,550 10,029 597 '6,869 3,118 1,869 191 688 3,385 12,415 '64,662 372 2,277 1,542 407 7,353 9,727 646 '7,036 3,078 1,737 227 709 3,340 11,888 147 11,770 192 1,935 55 222 67,339 424 2,174 1,593 416 7,989 10,766 826 8,055 3,240 1.516 324 752 3,355 12,102 137 10,956 149 2,311 46 210 69,009 431 2,368 1,673 415 8,060 11,205 865 7,394 2,756 1,208 521 762 3,341 13,157 226 11,796 167 2,337 65 262 60,295 318 2,531 770 323 5,269 7,239 603 6,857 2,869 944 273 619 2,712 12,343 130 14,125 232 1,804 98 236 4,607 23,670 1,416 3,596 321 1,396 3,998 360 1,221 6 330 2,070 129 1,115 243 172 3,309 1,393 2,870 158 1,167 257 245 3,118 1,797 2,876 196 2,331 287 243 2,929 2,167 44 Asia 45 China, People's Republic of (Mainland). 46 China, Republic of (Taiwan) 47 Hong Kong 48 India 49 Indonesia 50 Israel 51 Japan 52 Korea 53 Philippines 54 Thailand 55 Middle East oil-exporting countries 5 56 Other Asia 22,384 123 1,025 605 115 369 387 10,207 390 700 252 7,355 856 29,766 48 990 894 638 340 392 14,363 438 628 277 9,360 1,398 30,488 53 1,013 1,094 961 410 559 14,616 602 687 264 8,979 1,250 57 Africa 58 Egypt 59 Morocco 60 South Africa 61 Zaire 62 Oil-exporting countries 6 . 63 Other Africa 3,369 342 68 166 62 '2,240 '491 2,298 333 87 141 36 '1,116 '585 2,535 404 174 39 1,155 698 2,697 455 31 167 46 1,393 605 64 Other countries., 65 Australia 66 All other 2,119 2,006 113 2,012 1,905 107 1,297 1,140 158 67 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations 5,699 5,714 68 69 70 5,415 188 96 5,157 267 290 1 Includes the Bank for International Settlements. Beginning April 1978, also includes Eastern European countries not listed in line 23. 2 Beginning April 1978 comprises Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. 3 Included in "Other Latin America and Caribbean" through March 1978. 4 Includes Surinam through December 1975. 5 Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States). 1,110 '396 '6,276 9,537 563 '6,364 2,993 1,643 288 717 3,302 12,534 200 11,609 168 '1,731 96 211 5,922 4,659 110 11,471 229 '1,666 66 255 6,600 5,816 5,623 5,890 5,122 '25,049 2,260 3,327 '339 1,298 3,949 361 1,300 7 318 552 46 '2,970 289 '2,609 274 208 3,298 '1,643 '25,425 1,692 '3,954 '396 1,220 '4,769 376 1,424 7 325 448 66 '2,776 320 '2,386 282 220 '3,157 '1,606 24,831 1,550 3,629 383 1,295 4,009 380 1,,429 9 378 415 75 2,921 435 2,639 309 218 3,229 1,530 27,259 1,453 4,601 372 1,382 5,474 346 1,486 10 347 419 59 3,171 288 2,628 311 185 3,208 1.517 29,276 1,393 7,245 409 1,351 5,378 351 1,431 7 405 347 78 3,113 317 2,741 320 197 2,558 1,637 36,424 50 1,224 '35,463 47 35,171 1,489 962 451 568 '19,731 817 688 304 '8,059 '1,285 1,195 1,191 798 597 519 20,374 714 640 320 7,267 1,510 33,463 44 1,262 1,211 762 309 440 19,755 736 566 296 6,719 1,364 33,390 45 937 649 486 20,153 111 601 258 8.961 1,211 33,665 53 1,053 1,085 899 330 476 19,020 748 595 297 7,894 '1,213 3,013 594 28 175 73 1,365 IIS 2,578 463 67 160 52 1,198 638 2,645 All IA 238 45 1,270 601 29,092 1,861 7,259 373 1,412 4,814 394 1,329 6 356 458 41 2.960 212 2,226 309 221 3,225 1,636 1,118 '1,060 r 47 1,202 833 347 432 19,889 760 622 289 6,351 1,339 2,360 402 28 226 44 '979 1,467 1,258 209 1,267 1,129 138 ' 1,414 '1,21 203 1,315 1,158 157 1,180 1,051 130 1,090 898 191 3,274 3,069 '3,129 2,942 2,678 2,823 3,406 2,752 278 245 2,601 162 306 2,430 430 '269 2,31 395 236 2,027 411 241 2,157 437 228 2,339 799 269 '681 150,871 1,280 2,643 461 29 185 49 1,244 '676 66 Oct.? By area and country 132,983 19,132 1,534 2,770 218 1,438 1.877 337 1,021 6 320 Aug. 134,005 2,979 International Latin American regional. Other regional 7 July 141,884 '137,133 '135,926 '137,293 140,532 143,938 15,028 1,146 1,874 184 1,219 1,311 319 417 6 120 Canada. June 122,893 138,816 25 Latin America and Caribbean 26 Argentina 27 Bahamas 28 Bermuda 29 Brazil 30 British West Indies 31 Chile 32 Colombia 33 Cuba 34 Ecuador 35 Guatemala 3 36 Jamaica 3 37 Mexico 38 Netherlands Antilles 4 39 Panama 40 Peru 41 Uruguay 42 Venezuela 43 Other Latin America and Caribbean., 24 May 6 Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria. 7 Asian, African, Middle Eastern, and European regional organizations, except the Bank for International Settlements, which is included in "Other Western Europe." A For a description of the changes in the International Statistics tables, see July 1978 BULLETIN, p. 612. Nonbank-reported Data 3.16 BANKS' OWN CLAIMS ON FOREIGNERS Reported by Banks in the United States Payable in U.S. Dollars Millions of dollars, end of period 1978 Area and country 1975 1976 1977 Apr.Ar Mayr June July Aug. Sept.f 1 Total 58,308 79,301 90,206 88,231 87,832 r 87,212 r 87,349 91,844 94,226 2 Foreign countries. 58,275 79,261 90,163 88,183 87,797 r 87,180 '87,313 91,806 94,187 11,109 35 286 104 180 1,565 380 290 443 305 131 30 424 198 199 164 5,170 210 76 406 513 14,776 63 482 133 199 1,549 509 279 993 315 136 88 745 206 379 249 7,033 234 85 485 613 18,114 65 561 173 172 2,082 644 206 1,334 338 162 175 722 218 564 360 8,964 31' 86 413 566 15,239 76 586 145 15,811 94 793 185 184 1,679 751 279 1,,184 468 209 132 699 184 390 306 6,951 285 137 362 536 r 16,249 105 731 145 182 1,891 787 204 965 383 217 126 706 219 685 309 n ,270 320 153 319 534 15,762 116 634 129 190 1,813 689 190 1,078 436 210 140 669 244 631 313 6,961 300 165 305 548 16,829 107 823 146 216 2,523 632 125 1,027 405 163 105 714 290 1,013 305 6,933 280 125 343 553 18,239 95 946 147 221 2,792 751 127 1,028 380 263 100 758 326 841 305 7,779 306 129 371 574 3 Europe 4 Austria 5 Belgium-Luxembourg... 6 Denmark 7 Finland 8 France 9 Germany 10 Greece 11 Italy 12 Netherlands 13 Norway 14 Portugal 15 Spain 16 Sweden 17 Switzerland 18 Turkey 19 United Kingdom 20 Yugoslavia 21 Other Western Europe 1. 22 U.S.S.R 23 Other Eastern E u r o p e 2 . 180 1,638 694 200 885 416 190 131 592 199 697 280 6,817 380 267 319 621 r 2,834 3,319 3,355 2,733 2,412 25 Latin America and Caribbean 26 Argentina 27 Bahamas 28 Bermuda 29 Brazil 30 British West Indies 31 Chile 32 Colombia 33 Cuba 34 Ecuador 35 Guatemala 3 36 Jamaica 3 37 Mexico 38 Netherlands Antilles 4 39 Panama 40 Peru 41 Uruguay 42 Venezuela 43 Other Latin America and Caribbean. 23,863 1,377 7,583 104 3,385 1,464 494 751 14 252 38,879 1,192 15,464 150 4,901 5,082 597 675 13 375 45,850 1,478 19,858 232 4,629 6,481 675 671 10 517 48,994 1,533 21,968 178 4,301 7,914 721 550 46,942 1,595 21,041 345 4,443 6,272 717 578 3,745 72 1,138 805 57 1,319 1,302 4,822 140 1,372 933 42 1,828 1,293 4,909 224 1,410 962 80 2,318 1,394 523 61 19 4,460 201 2,185 888 51 2,151 529 79 42 4,505 206 2,147 920 58 2,233 1,233 44 Asia 45 China, People's Republic of (Mainland). 46 China, Republic of (Taiwan) 47 Hong Kong 48 India 49 Indonesia 50 Israel 51 Japan 52 Korea 53 Philippines 54 Thailand 55 Middle East oil-exporting c o u n t r i e s 5 . . . . 56 Other Asia 17,706 22 1,053 289 57 246 721 10,944 1,791 534 520 744 785 3 1,344 316 69 218 755 11,040 1,978 719 442 1,459 r 863 19,236 10 1,719 543 53 232 584 9,839 2,336 594 633 1,746 947 18,045 20 1,412 826 53 165 432 9,528 1,850 614 686 1,492 967 19,448 22 1,456 754 70 137 494 9,741 1,933 123 8 657 181 382 581 2,311 126 27 957 112 524 565 2,518 119 43 1,066 98 510 682 2,226 79 35 1,039 77 426 569 2,218 72 37 1,055 80 441 533 830 700 130 772 597 175 1,090 905 186 947 780 167 33 40 43 48 24 Canada 57 Africa 58 Egypt 59 Morocco 60 South Africa 61 Zaire 62 Oil-exporting countries 6 . 63 Other 64 Other countries., 65 Australia 66 All other 67 Nonmonetary International and Regional Organizations 7 19,204 1 Includes the Bank for International Settlements. Beginning April 1978, also includes Eastern European countries not listed in line 23. 2 Beginning April 1978 comprises Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. 3 Included in "Other Latin America and Caribbean" through March 1978. 4 Includes Surinam through December 1975. 5 Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States). 1,288 2,493 3,116 3,343 3,447 45,990 r l,556 18,725 145 r 4,659 7,412 745 615 46,974 1,572 19,643 145 4,599 6,872 745 648 49,469 1,566 22,172 194 4,858 6,885 809 690 50,265 1,694 19,898 141 5,264 8,400 742 728 562 90 53 r 4,865 212 r l,901 930 53 r 2,240 r 1,227 546 83 49 5,068 206 2,278 918 52 2,337 1,212 560 115 44 5,004 198 1,625 928 56 2,515 1,250 646 78 46 4,978 230 2,280 966 52 2,752 1,371 r 1 r 19,317 13 1,343 769 80 146 468 10,023 r 2,328 r 680 711 r rl,575 r 18,326 l,181 5 1,193 698 46 139 445 9,779 r l r,937 641 725 1,551 1,167 18,918 31 1,177 666 73 125 504 9,876 1,925 743 693 1,951 1,155 2,136 70 38 1,054 79 383 r 512 2,133 79 36 1,036 79 340 563 2,267 62 42 1,058 79 459 566 2,160 67 38 1,025 82 407 542 965 798 166 995 828 167 1,002 836 167 980 835 145 1,069 900 169 34 31 36 38 39 1,801 751 730 2,521 970 r 19,007 8 1,241 689 76 151 544 10,215 1,930 733 634 1,668 1,117 6 Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria. 7 Excludes the Bank for International Settlements, which is included in "Other Western Europe." • Data for period prior to April 1978 include claims of banks' domestic customers on foreigners. For a description of the changes in the International Statistics tables, see July 1978 BULLETIN, p. 612. A61 A62 International Statistics • December 1978 3.17 BANKS' OWN AND DOMESTIC CUSTOMERS' CLAIMS ON FOREIGNERS Reported by Banks in the United States Payable in U.S. Dollars Millions of dollars, end of period 1978 1975 Type of claim 1976 1977 Apr.Ar 1 Total 58,308 79,301 May r June r July Aug. 96,184 90,206 Sept.? Oct.f 103,342 2 Banks' own claims on foreigners. 88,231 87,832 87,212 87,349 91,844 94,226 96,394 Foreign public borrowers. Own foreign offices 1 Unaffiliated foreign banks. Deposits Other All other foreigners 5,516 35,960 28,142 4,403 23,738 18,613 5,739 35,882 27,772 4,656 23,115 18.439 6,036 31,590 30,166 5,116 25,050 19,419 6,858 33,813 27,499 4,623 22,876 19,179 7,292 37,325 27,400 4.352 23,049 19,826 7,634 34,757 31,492 4,480 27,012 20,343 7,948 36,383 30,924 3,865 27,059 21,139 9 Claims of banks' domestic customers 2 . 10 11 Deposits Negotiable and readily transferable instruments 3 Outstanding collections and other c l a i m s 4 . . . . 12 13 MEMO: Customer liability on 1 8,973 5,467 5,756 acceptances. U.S. banks: includes amounts due from own foreign branches and foreign subsidiaries consolidated in "Consolidated Report of Condition" filed with bank regulatory agencies. Agencies, branches, and majorityowned subsidiaries of foreign banks: principally amounts due from head office or parent foreign bank, and foreign branches, agencies, or whollyowned subsidiaries of head office or parent foreign bank. 2 Assets owned by customers of the reporting bank located in the United States that represent claims on foreigners held by reporting banks for the account of their domestic customers. 6,176 9,116 389 500 3,694 4,889 3,724 4,892 11,995 12,747 3 Principally negotiable time certificates of deposit and bankers acceptances. 4 Data for March 1978 and for period prior to that are outstanding collections only. NOTE.—Beginning April 1978, data for banks' own claims are given on a monthly basis, but the data for claims of banks' domestic customers are available on a quarterly basis only. A For a description of the changes in the International Statistics tables, see July 1978 BULLETIN, p. 612. Nonbank-reported Data A63 3.18 BANKS' OWN CLAIMS ON UNAFFILIATED FOREIGNERS Reported by Banks in the United States Payable in U.S. Dollars Millions of dollars, end of period 1978 Maturity; by borrower and area Junef 1 Total By borrower: 4 All other foreigners 1979 1978 A 1979 Dec. Sept.f 55,128 59,516 43,682 2,919 40,763 46,684 3,640 43,044 5 6 7 Maturity of over 1 year * Foreign public borrowers . All other foreigners 11,445 3,162 8,283 12,832 3,928 8,904 8 9 10 11 12 13 By area: Maturity of 1 year or less 1 Europe Canada Latin America and Caribbean Asia Africa All other 2 9,532 1,615 17,036 13,515 1,461 523 10,386 1,943 18,518 13,712 1,535 591 14 15 16 17 18 19 Maturity of over 1 year* Europe . . . Canada Latin America and Caribbean Asia Africa All other 2 2,979 330 5,979 1,282 629 247 3,104 793 6,843 1,305 577 211 . . . . . 1 Remaining time to maturity. Includes nonmonetary international and regional organizations. Mar. June Sept. • The first available data are for June 1978. For a description of the changes in the International Statistics tables, see July 1978 BULLETIN, p. 612. 2 3.19 LIABILITIES TO AND CLAIMS ON FOREIGNERS Reported by Banks in the United States Payable in Foreign CurrenciesA Millions of dollars, end of period 1978 1977 Item 1974 1975 1976 Nov. 1 Banks' own liabilities 2 Banks' own claims 1 3 Deposits 4 Other claims 5 Claims of banks' domestic customers 2 766 1,276 669 607 560 1,459 656 802 1 Includes claims of banks' domestic customers through March 1978. 2 Assets owned by customers of the reporting bank located in the United States that represent claims on foreigners held by reporting banks for the accounts of their domestic customers. 781 1,834 1,103 731 944 2,086 841 1,245 Dec. Jan. 925 2,356 941 1,415 831 2,371 940 1,432 Feb. 885 2,317 895 1,422 Mar. 986 2,383 948 1,435 1 NOTE.—Data on claims exclude foreign currencies held by U.S. monetary authorities. A For a description of the changes in the International Statistics Tables, see July 1978 BULLETIN, p. 612. A64 International Statistics • December 1978 3.20 MARKETABLE U.S. TREASURY BONDS AND NOTES Foreign Holdings and Transactions Millions of dollars 1978 1978 Country or area 1976 1977 Jan.Oct.2> Apr. June May July Aug. Sept.P Oct.P Holdings (end of period) 1 Estimated total... 15,799 '38,640 '39,682 '39,387 '40,658 '41,148 '41,573 42,180 43,622 2 Foreign countries. 12,765 '33,894 '34,833 '34,366 '34,964 '36,306 '37,119 37,826 38,472 2,550 14 764 288 191 261 485 323 4 '73,936 19 3,168 911 100 '497 8,888 349 4 '13,628 19 3,820 1,079 175 '464 7,737 333 '72,966 19 4,031 1,070 175 '468 6,856 348 '75,706 19 4,361 1,113 185 '529 '6,527 371 ' 14,226 '14,154 19 19 5,531 5,761 1,113 1,278 200 210 '590 '636 '6,403 '5,862 370 387 14,689 19 6,157 1,306 211 694 5.909 393 15,260 19 6,645 1,356 231 731 5,915 365 9 10 Europe Belgium-Luxembourg.. Germany Netherlands Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Other Western Europe. Eastern Europe 12 Canada. 256 288 253 261 264 275 276 276 151 13 14 15 16 Latin America and Caribbean Venezuela Other Latin American and Caribbean. Netherlands Antilles 313 149 47 118 551 199 183 170 535 189 184 162 503 174 167 162 494 174 158 162 485 174 149 162 545 244 139 162 445 144 139 162 426 144 119 162 17 18 Asia Japan. 9,323 2,687 18,745 6,860 20,070 8,332 20,137 8,964 20,605 9,616 20,831 9,927 21,647 10,791 21^919 11,096 21,938 11,560 19 Africa 543 362 341 491 491 491 491 491 691 11 6 8 4 -3 7 5 6 20 * All other. 21 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations 22 23 International Latin American regional. 3,034 4,746 4,849 '5,021 5,694 4,842 '4,454 4,354 5,150 2,906 128 4,646 100 4,740 110 4,931 90 5,633 61 4,809 33 4,421 33 4,354 5,118 33 * Transactions (net purchases, or sales (—), during period) 24 Total 8,096 '22,843 4,981 ' - 1 , 5 8 4 -295 '1,271 490 425 639 1,410 25 Foreign countries 5,393 '21,130 4,576 ' - 1 , 6 7 9 -467 '599 1,342 813 706 646 26 27 5,119 274 '20,369 '762 3,984 ' - 1 , 7 0 4 593 26 -566 98 '522 77 1,313 29 710 103 704 3 577 69 28 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations 2,704 1,713 405 95 171 671 -852 -387 -67 764 MEMO: Oil-exporting countries 29 Middle East i 30 Africa 2 3,887 221 4,451 -181 -1,421 330 -72 -563 150 -185 -85 -31 -31 -401 200 Official institutions Other foreign 1 Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States). 2 Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria. 3 Estimated official and private holdings of marketable U.S. Treasury securities with an original maturity of more than 1 year. Data are based on a benchmark survey of holdings as of Jan. 31, 1971, and monthly transactions reports. Excludes nonmarketable U.S. Treasury bonds and notes held by official institutions of foreign countries. 3.21 FOREIGN OFFICIAL ASSETS HELD AT FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS Millions of dollars, end of period Assets 1975 1976 1978 1977 May 1 Deposits Assets held in custody: 2 U.S. Treasury securities 1 3 Earmarked gold 2 July Aug. Sept. Oct. NOV.p 353 352 424 453 288 347 309 325 305 379 60,019 16,745 66,532 16,414 91,962 15,988 100,146 15,667 99,465 15,620 101,696 15,594 102,902 15,572 102,699 15,553 107,934 15,548 112,434 15,525 1 Marketable U.S. Treasury bills, certificates of indebtedness, notes, and bonds; and nonmarketable U.S. Treasury securities payable in dollars and in foreign currencies. 2 The value of earmarked gold increased because of the changes in par value of the U.S. dollar in May 1972 and in October 1973. June NOTE.—Excludes deposits and U.S. Treasury securities held for international and regional organizations. Earmarked gold is gold held for foreign and international accounts and is not included in the gold stock of the United States. Investment transactions A65 3.22 FOREIGN TRANSACTIONS IN SECURITIES Millions of dollars 1978 Transactions, and area or country 1978 1977 1976 Jan.Oct.f Apr. June' May Aug. July Sept.f Oct.f U.S. corporate securities 1 2 Stocks Foreign purchases Foreign sales 18,227 15,475 14,155 11,479 17,087 15,255 1,864 1,151 2,391 1,963 2,055 1,936 1,305 1,296 2,444 2,678 2,257 2,115 1,510 1,523 3 Net purchases, or sales ( —) 2,753 2,676 1,831 713 427 119 9 -235 141 -14 4 Foreign countries 2,740 2,661 1,878 720 427 139 9 -235 144 -15 336 256 68 -199 -100 340 1,006 40 291 22 152 613 980 85 348 -19 -476 1,078 508 79 125 16 103 173 323 -2 52 9 31 229 39 -39 83 -18 -76 101 -6 -15 17 9 -52 50 -152 9 -54 -22 -184 110 -33 2 24 7 -115 54 -91 -4 -30 7 -120 58 324 155 1,803 119 7 -4 65 127 1,390 59 5 8 -69 137 669 171 -10 1 44 37 97 35 -1 -58 36 90 39 -4 -12 33 59 23 -3 -16 -35 69 -5 1 -18 48 -134 35 -12 -1 17 1 120 35 5 -1 22 13 42 -4 2 2 13 15 -47 -7 1 -21 * -3 1 5,529 '4,327 7,739 '3,546 6,638 4,494 '311 '345 '779 333 669 302 1,029 '596 872 490 611 542 733 530 5 6 7 8 9 10 Europe 11 12 13 14 15 16 Canada Latin America and Caribbean Middle East 1 Other Asia Africa Other countries 17 Germany Netherlands Switzerland United Kingdom Nonmonetary international and regional organizations * * * * * 2 Bonds 18 Foreign purchases 19 Foreign sales 20 Net purchases, or sales (—) '1,202 '4,192 2,144 '-35 '446 367 '433 383 69 203 21 Foreign countries '1,243 '4,096 1,938 '-33 '448 295 '411 330 72 143 '86 39 -49 -29 '155 23 '1,863 -34 '-20 72 '94 '1,703 797 9 111 25 -147 812 '-96 '-5 10 3 -33 -54 41 8 21 -3 -36 75 157 -3 14 -7 5 154 '387 13 18 11 -74 416 137 6 38 18 -20 89 89 -2 3 19 43 89 -10 -12 -4 9 110 96 94 1,179 -165 -25 -21 141 64 1,695 338 -6 13 1 33 '15 9 12 370 '14 6 2 91 39 14 -8 135 -116 24 17 99 52 16 11 -73 29 -5 13 -19 66 -41 96 22 23 24 25 26 27 Europe 28 29 30 31 32 33 Canada Latin America and Caribbean Middle East 1 Other Asia Africa Other countries 34 Germany Netherlands Switzerland Nonmonetary international and regional organizations * 95 74 839 129 —1 4 207 * * 1 1 -2 * * * * -1 * 1 * * * * * 72 22 53 -3 60 Foreign securities 35 Stocks, net purchases, or sales (—) 36 Foreign purchases 37 Foreign sales -323 1,937 2,259 -410 2,255 2,665 373 3,069 2,696 143 404 261 -13 271 284 -61 247 308 10 333 323 51 382 331 -69 261 330 -19 299 318 38 Bonds, net purchases, or sales (—) 39 Foreign purchases 40 Foreign sales -8,774 '-5,095 4,932 '8,040 13,706 '13,134 -3,620 9,115 12,735 -501 '1,221 '1,721 -39 1,017 1,056 -636 1,095 1,730 -291 921 1,212 -196 982 1,178 33 759 726 -683 935 1,618 41 Net purchases, or sales ( —) of stocks and bonds.. -9,097 '-5,504 -3,248 -358 -51 -697 -281 -145 -36 -702 42 Foreign countries Europe 43 44 Canada 45 Latin America and Caribbean 46 Asia 47 Africa Other countries 48 -7,199 '-3,947 -850 '-1,100 -5,245 -2,404 -3 -80 -733 '-97 48 2 -416 -267 -3,009 16 -2,967 187 353 -442 -155 '-429 '156 -807 120 '144 '-44 2 -67 -194 -80 72 131 4 -742 -220 -420 -68 192 -44 -182 -283 -171 -146 8 44 -25 7 -150 94 -161 -17 54 -123 3 -70 -86 -41 -12 69 -1 1 -513 13 -747 -17 231 1 6 49 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations -1,898 -239 70 16 45 2 5 34 -1,557 1 Comprises oil-exporting countries as follows: Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States). * -189 2 Includes State and local government securities, and securities of U.S. Govt, agencies and corporations. Also includes issues of new debt securities sold abroad by U.S. corporations organized to finance direct investments abroad. A66 International Statistics • December 1978 3.23 SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES TO AND CLAIMS ON FOREIGNERS Reported by Nonbanking Concerns in the United States Millions of dollars, end of period 1977 1978 1977 1978 Type, and area or country June Sept. Dec. Mar. June? June Sept. Liabilities to foreigners Dec. Mar. June? Claims on foreigners 1 Total. 6,624 7,315 7,971 8,448 8,817 16,352 15,249 16,293 18,481 18,293 By type: 2 Payable in dollars. 5,909 6,459 7,171 7,564 7,992 15,192 14,132 14,863 16,762 16,711 801 884 825 1,160 1,117 1,430 1,718 1,582 3 4 5 Payable in foreign currencies Deposits with banks abroad in reporter's name Other By area or country: 6 Foreign countries Europe. Austria 9 Belgium-Luxembourg.. 10 Denmark Finland 12 France 13 Germany 14 Greece 15 Italy 16 Netherlands 17 Norway 18 Portugal 19 Spain 20 Sweden 21 Switzerland 22 Turkey 23 United Kingdom 24 Yugoslavia Other Western Europe. 25 U.S.S.R 26 Other Eastern Europe., 27 28 715 6,454 2,253 23 151 14 10 156 163 73 138 212 12 20 68 36 236 21 780 110 6 16 10 Canada. 857 7,161 2,335 19 126 16 11 170 226 78 107 180 12 12 74 41 257 97 784 92 9 11 14 8,685 3,028 26 167 22 9 323 355 82 156 221 13 25 105 38 282 92 976 84 18 19 18 620 809 724 995 616 907 16,351 5,799 26 212 40 90 413 377 86 440 182 42 30 322 92 179 37 3,012 28 15 76 102 15,248 5,077 24 226 44 59 430 393 52 352 161 38 34 307 91 146 32 2,495 20 15 62 96 16,291 5,797 24 211 56 13 513 453 41 387 166 42 69 387 117 220 39 2,825 20 25 55 135 18,479 5,626 21 187 47 13 545 411 42 382 184 42 27 408 117 238 35 2,706 24 33 44 121 18,291 5,326 28 155 40 53 543 419 40 459 187 47 54 376 78 296 29 2,374 27 29 37 56 451 504 530 524 2,709 2,649 2,682 3,429 3,486 1,186 40 308 49 17 42 1,352 53 310 62 14 26 1,419 74 307 78 23 27 5,000 51 2,309 457 28 72 4,619 53 1,963 414 40 85 4,491 53 2,028 517 45 84 5,895 53 3,108 499 40 80 6,067 61 3,108 494 37 79 114 22 15 3 222 118 25 209 169 12 22 5 280 107 41 250 185 71 17 9 197 101 30 299 301 121 28 5 237 237 8 1,146 302 222 30 5 251 257 8 989 314 91 32 5 269 281 12 759 312 175 30 6 306 268 24 994 331 97 30 4 311 235 19 1,261 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Latin America Argentina Bahamas Brazil Chile Colombia Cuba Mexico Panama Peru Uruguay Venezuela Other Latin American republics. Netherlands Antilles Other Latin America 1,028 50 223 37 24 22 120 11 21 3 208 141 17 151 103 12 13 4 225 122 9 154 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Asia. China, People's Republic of (Mainland). China, Republic of (Taiwan) Hong Kong India Indonesia Israel Japan Korea Philippines Thailand Other Asia 2,017 2 138 27 41 80 45 183 88 73 56 57 58 59 60 61 Africa Egypt Morocco South Africa. Zaire Other Africa. 62 63 64 Other countries., Australia All other * * * * * * * * * * 2,850 3,000 1 167 32 26 57 68 761 99 95 11 1,535 170 29 11 59 59 799 107 107 27 1,631 2,323 1 131 93 51 184 70 927 158 90 22 591 2,403 P 139 73 42 185 46 1,026 153 111 24 590 2,782 9 157 98 38 375 38 1,068 171 99 23 708 2,976 22 144 85 85 185 47 1,379 133 94 32 770 2,836 21 173 93 93 153 43 1,157 170 94 30 808 591 13 112 20 46 400 612 19 130 30 55 378 603 25 148 39 57 335 370 24 11 69 17 248 346 22 10 75 19 221 393 38 21 75 15 245 408 33 22 71 11 111 433 38 16 85 16 279 111 93 18 93 75 18 104 89 14 111 97 14 149 110 40 153 113 41 146 111 35 145 111 34 144 109 34 154 215 147 132 1 1 1 1 2 2,640 1,329 152 25 44 60 58 604 75 78 17 1,526 2,871 8 156 40 37 56 63 695 103 74 17 1,623 609 33 72 27 39 438 588 45 105 29 48 361 98 78 20 170 NOTE.—Reported by exporters, importers, and industrial and commercial concerns and other nonbanking institutions in the United States. 8,301 2,854 26 171 23 12 273 335 108 104 253 9 7 94 37 229 93 954 82 8 15 23 414 703 448 1,035 50 229 76 13 24 65 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations 7,756 2,512 21 116 14 9 238 284 85 128 232 7 11 77 28 263 108 756 90 10 24 12 448 713 Data exclude claims held through U.S. banks and intercompany accounts between U.S. companies and their affiliates. Nonbank-reported Data 3.24 SHORT-TERM CLAIMS ON FOREIGNERS A67 Reported by Large Nonbanking Concerns in the United States Millions of dollars, end of period 1978 Type and country 1974 1976 1975 1977 June July Aug. Sept.* 1 Total 3,357 3,799 5,720 7,179 9,306 9,679 8,912 8,924 10,092 8,550 By type: 2 Payable in dollars 3 Deposits Short-term investments 1 . 4 2,660 2,591 69 3,042 2,710 332 4,984 4,505 479 6,158 5,740 418 8,090 7,367 723 8,534 7,897 637 7,771 7,218 553 7,639 7,156 483 8,804 8,243 561 7,331 6,894 437 697 429 268 757 511 246 735 404 331 1,021 1,216 1,145 544 601 1,142 599 543 1,285 669 616 1,289 669 620 1,220 725 495 1,350 967 391 398 252 1,306 1,156 546 343 446 1,838 1,698 1,355 133 716 1,660 2,866 3,612 266 1,275 1,683 2,547 2,975 273 1,435 1,861 2,513 3,222 286 1,042 1,839 3,008 3,541 292 1,412 2,171 2,440 2,235 905 799 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Payable in foreign currencies Deposits Short-term investments 1 . By country: United Kingdom Canada Bahamas Japan All other i Negotiable and other readily transferable foreign obligations payable on demand or having a contractural maturity of not more than 1 year from the date on which the obligation was incurred by the foreigner. 553 468 645 571 2,144 1,777 1,904 153 1,817 2,810 3,025 318 1,336 1,201 NOTE.—Data represent the assets abroad of large nonbanking concerns in the United States. They are a portion of the total claims on foreigners reported by nonbanking concerns in the United States and are included in the figures shown in Table 3.26. 3.25 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES TO AND CLAIMS ON FOREIGNERS in the United States Reported by Nonbanking Concerns Millions of dollars, end of period 1977 1977 1978 1978 Area and country June Dec. Sept. Mar. June» June Sept. Dec. Mar. June* Claims on foreigners Liabilities to foreigners 1 Total 3,358 3,388 3,259 3,234 3,158 4,914 4,715 5,073 5,140 5,060 2 Europe 3 Germany Netherlands 4 5 Switzerland 6 United Kingdom 2,504 370 262 177 1,277 2,602 407 272 224 1,295 2,499 255 287 241 1,276 2,571 295 292 241 1,284 2,494 282 266 236 1,270 901 76 147 43 283 829 76 81 42 282 860 70 82 49 310 935 73 81 48 332 936 65 76 55 363 79 76 71 67 66 1,486 1,462 1,776 1,792 1,811 250 142 6 1 30 250 141 7 1 28 1,452 34 125 208 178 1,367 36 134 201 187 1,402 40 144 203 177 1,387 42 154 194 183 1,298 2 143 190 188 284 250 286 251 851 111 829 94 817 66 810 83 803 78 7 Canada 8 Latin America 9 Bahamas 10 Brazil 11 Chile 12 Mexico 297 160 7 1 26 289 151 7 1 30 284 148 7 1 30 13 Asia 14 Japan 408 386 358 319 342 305 15 Africa 16 All other 1 3 3 2 2 2 158 165 161 156 154 67 59 60 60 60 67 63 59 60 59 * Includes nonmonetary international and regional organizations. A68 International Statistics • December 1978 3.26 DISCOUNT RATES OF FOREIGN CENTRAL BANKS Per cent per annum Rate on Nov. 30, 1978 Rate on Nov. 30, 1978 Country Argentina Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Denmark Country Per cent. Month effective Per cent France Germany, Fed. Rep. of. Italy Japan Mexico Netherlands 18.0 Feb. 1972 June 1978 4.5 6.0 July 1978 33.6 July 1978 10.75 Nov. 1978 8.0 July 1977 NOTE.—Rates shown are mainly those at which the central bank either discounts or makes advances against eligible commercial paper and/or government securities for commercial banks or brokers. For countries with 3.27 Rate on Nov. 30, 1978 Country 9.5 3.0 10.5 3.5 4.5 6.5 Month effective Aug. Dec. Sept. Mar. June Oct. 1977 1977 1978 1978 1942 1978 Per cent 7.0 6.5 1.0 12.5 5.0 United Kingdom Month effective Feb. July Feb. Nov. Oct. 1978 1978 1978 1978 1970 more than one rate applicable to such discounts or advances, the rate shown is the one at which it is understood the central bank transacts the largest proportion of its credit operations. FOREIGN SHORT-TERM INTEREST RATES Per cent per annum, averages of daily figures 1978 1975 Country, or type 1977 1976 June 1 Euro-dollars 2 United Kingdom 3 Canada 4 5 6 7 Aug. Oct. Sept. Nov. 7.02 10.63 8.00 5.58 11.35 9.39 6.03 8.07 7.47 8.33 10.02 8.12 8.52 10.13 8.23 8.48 9.42 8.77 9.12 9.29 9.08 10.12 10.44 9.68 11.51 12.00 10.37 4.87 3.01 5.17 7.91 4.19 1.45 7.02 8.65 4.30 2.56 4.73 9.20 3.61 1.38 4.60 7.94 3.71 1.74 5.61 7.61 3.64 0.67 6.27 7.39 3.67 0.58 6.91 7.40 3.90 0.24 11.23 7.37 3.81 0.20 8.86 7.06 10.37 6.63 11.64 16.32 10.25 7.70 14.26 6.95 6.22 11.75 5.61 4.75 11.75 5.84 4.75 11.75 7.09 4.64 10.94 7.24 4.51 10.99 8.55 4.44 11.17 9.19 4.78 Germany Switzerland Netherlands France 8 Italy 9 Belgium 10 Japan July NOTE.—Rates are for 3-month interbank loans except for—Canada, finance company paper; Belgium, time deposits of 20 million francs and over; and Japan, loans and discounts that can be called after being held over a minimum of two month-ends. 3.28 FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES Cents per unit of foreign currency Country/currency 1975 1976 1978 1977 June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Australia/dollar Austria/shilling Belgium/franc Canada/dollar Denmark/krone 130.77 5.7467 2.7253 98.30 17.437 122.15 5.5744 2.5921 101.41 16.546 110.82 6.0494 2.7911 94.112 16.658 113.83 6.6718 3.0590 89.143 17.723 114.94 6.7547 3.0864 88.921 17.846 115.41 6.9490 3.1834 87.690 18.171 115.29 7.0102 3.2207 85.739 18.411 116.87 7.4526 3.4503 84.546 19.584 114.53 7.1808 3.3389 85.244 19.025 6 7 8 9 10 Finland/markka France/franc Germany/deutsche m a r k . . . Jndia/rupee Ireland/pound 27.285 23.354 40.729 11.926 222.16 25.938 20.942 39.737 11.148 180.48 24.913 20.344 43.079 11.406 174.49 23.390 21.841 47.984 11.900 183.72 23.809 22.531 48.647 12.245 189.49 24.381 22.998 50.084 12.483 194.06 24.586 22.909 50.778 12.445 195.95 25.454 23.767 54.430 12.643 200.75 24.932 22.958 52.508 12.458 196.08 11 12 13 14 15 Italy/lira Japan /yen Malaysia/ringgit Mexico/peso Netherlands/guilder 16 17 18 19 20 New Zealand/dollar Norway/krone Portugal/escudo South Africa/rand Spain/peseta 121.16 19.180 3.9286 136.47 1.7424 99.115 18.327 3.3159 114.85 1.4958 96.893 18.789 2.6234 114.99 1.3287 101.90 18.450 2.1857 114.93 1.2587 103.85 18.524 2.1939 115.00 1.2885 105.42 19.018 2.2042 115.00 1.3344 105.58 19.189 2.1948 115.00 1.3605 107.37 20.325 2.2342 115.00 1.4317 105.41 19.736 2.1510 115.04 1.4051 21 22 23 24 Sri Lanka/rupee Sweden/krona Switzerland/franc United Kingdom/pound... 14.385 24.141 38.743 222.16 11.908 22.957 40.013 180.48 11.964 22.383 41.714 174.49 6.2859 21.690 53.046 183.72 6.3245 22.012 55.443 189.49 6.3926 22.523 60.013 194.06 6.3855 22.592 63.765 195.95 6.3757 23.349 65.117 200.75 6.4695 22.856 59.766 196.08 1 2 3 4 5 MEMO: 25 United States/dollar* .15328 .33705 41.753 8.0000 39.632 r 98.34 .12044 .33741 39.340 6.9161 37.846 '105.57 .11328 .37342 40.620 4.4239 40.752 '103.31 .11634 .46744 41.964 4.3840 44.716 '94.74 1 Index of weighted average exchange value of U.S. dollar against currencies of other G-10 countries plus Switzerland. March 1973 = 100. Weights are 1972-76 global trade of each of the 10 countries. Series revised as of August 1978. For description and back data, see "Index of the Weighted-Average Exchange Value of the U.S. Dollar: Revision" on page 700 of the August 1978 BULLETIN. .11804 .50101 42.447 4.3756 45.076 92.44 .11952 .53002 43.433 4.3758 46.203 89.99 .12050 .52656 43.603 4.3907 46.733 89.51 .12317 .54478 45.627 4.3904 50.017 86.04 .11857 .52066 45.415 4.3881 48.512 88.86 NOTE.—Averages of certified noon buying rates in New York for cable transfers. Business Finance A69 4.10 SALES, REVENUE, PROFITS, AND DIVIDENDS—Large Manufacturing Corporations Millions of dollars 1976 Industry 1977 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Total (170 corps.) Sales Total revenue Profits before taxes Profits after taxes MEMO: PAT unadjusted 1 Dividends 667,821 676,596 71,885 34,707 36,016 14,491 748,757 758,013 78,909 37,854 38,391 17,532 161,596 164,631 16,894 8,442 8,550 3,480 180,462 181,546 18,587 8,113 9,340 4,371 177,430 179,496 18,874 9,056 9,107 3,840 190,302 192,996 21,468 10,472 10,553 4,269 Nondurable goods industries (86 corps.): 2 Sales Total revenue Profits before taxes Profits after taxes MEMO: PAT unadjusted 1 Dividends 362,935 404,141 368,184 409,601 42,694 45,906 22,284 18,571 19,768 19,468 8,944 7,910 88,678 90,967 10,632 4,871 4,962 1,990 99,926 100,174 10,793 4,058 4,868 2,094 95,836 96,948 11,074 4,837 4,880 2,185 101,035 102,807 12,064 5,160 5,224 2,227 Durable goods industries (84 corps.): 3 Sales Total revenue Profits before taxes Profits after taxes MEMO: PAT unadjusted 1 Dividends 304,886 308,412 29,191 16,136 16,548 6,577 344,616 348,412 33,003 18,283 17,804 8,588 72,918 73,664 6,262 3,571 3,588 1,490 80,536 81,372 7,794 4,055 4,472 2,277 81,594 82,548 7,800 4,219 4,227 1,655 62,568 63,142 5,750 2,890 3,013 1,259 68,422 69,168 6,040 3,172 3,309 1,433 16,048 16,221 1,462 817 827 309 16,701 16,533 1,310 630 734 318 64,125 64,837 8,197 4,511 4,622 1,918 70,251 70,906 8,530 4,604 4,831 2,186 15,878 16,084 2,008 1,130 1,163 481 196,154 221,694 199,688 225,338 28,144 25,857 10,072 9,555 10,684 10,168 4,615 4,089 Selected industries: Food and kindred products (28 corps.): Sales Total revenue Profits before taxes Profits after taxes MEMO: PAT unadjusted 1 Dividends Chemical and allied products (22 corps.): Sales Total revenue Profits before taxes Profits after taxes MEMO: PAT unadjusted 1 Dividends Petroleum refining (15 corps.): Sales Total revenue Profits before taxes Profits after taxes MEMO: PAT unadjusted 1 Dividends 1978 1976 Q3 Q4 Qlr 180,384 200,641 182,488 203.033 20,421 18,146 8,989 9,337 10,075 8,656 5,438 3,985 195,072 197,471 19,725 9,693 9,684 4,306 97,144 98,232 11,195 5,144 5,234 2,268 110,126 111,614 11,573 4,430 5,249 2,264 104,522 105,877 11,347 5,137 5,136 2,402 89,267 90,189 9,404 5,312 5,329 2,042 83,240 84,256 6,951 4,193 3,422 1,717 90,515 91,419 8,848 4,559 4,826 3,174 90,550 91,594 8,378 4,556 4,548 1,904 15,903 16,155 1,448 739 746 342 16,776 17,136 1,560 825 835 352 16,947 17,239 1,526 826 836 364 18,796 18,638 1,506 782 892 375 17.470 17,860 1,535 839 840 397 16,410 16,612 1,893 929 1,081 548 17,103 17,271 2,112 1,192 1,181 514 17,347 17,526 2,290 1,289 539 17,586 17,743 2,062 1,184 1,178 553 18,215 18,366 2,066 940 1,183 580 18,930 19.117 2,353 1.334 1,317 567 46,923 48,744 6,559 2,606 2,635 1,036 56,510 56,649 6,834 2,085 2,617 1,065 52,344 52,891 6,746 2,498 2,546 1,163 55,903 57,096 7,396 2,655 2,708 1,160 51,593 52,130 6,818 2,694 2,756 1,166 61,854 63,221 7,184 2,225 2,674 1,126 56,996 37,695 6.832 2.615 2,627 1,247 1,288 Primary metals and products (23 corps.): Sales Total revenue Profits before taxes Profits after taxes MEMO: PAT unadjusted 1 Dividends 54,044 54,825 2,834 1,652 1,947 926 58,713 59,488 1,476 1,579 1,474 13,751 13,958 701 513 521 230 13,119 13,313 576 127 400 251 13,773 13,963 460 260 274 234 15,573 15,769 100 536 553 246 14,454 14,636 239 493 287 266 14,913 15,120 677 290 360 342 15,459 15,681 390 173 183 226 Machinery (27 corps.): Sales Total revenue Profits before taxes Profits after taxes MEMO: PAT unadjusted 1 Dividends 87,274 88,519 11,320 6,181 6,202 2,383 96,820 98,380 13,158 7,158 7,204 3,495 21,133 2,700 1,461 1,467 602 24,059 24,460 3,370 1,837 1,864 663 22,727 23,051 2,900 1,573 1,571 712 24,380 24,702 3,318 1,805 1,804 767 24,317 24,767 3,264 1,771 1,782 702 25,396 25,860 3,676 2,009 2,047 1,314 25,472 25,831 3,209 1,749 1,745 823 107,563 108,394 8,909 4,870 4,918 2,062 127,049 127,816 10,738 5,747 5,861 2,607 24,250 24,500 1,272 705 704 372 28,208 28,250 2,087 1,166 1,219 983 31,069 31,350 2,988 1,599 1,603 392 33,502 33,716 3,489 1,914 1,926 698 28,835 29,104 1,575 892 898 413 33,643 33,646 2,686 1,342 1,434 1,104 33,713 33,987 2,986 1,654 1,648 473 Motor vehicles and equipment (9 corps.): Sales Total revenue Profits before taxes Profits after taxes MEMO: PAT unadjusted 1 Dividends 1,088 1 Profits after taxes unadjusted are as reported by the individual companies. These data are not adjusted to eliminate differences in accounting treatments of special charges, credits, and other nonoperating items. 2 Includes 21 corporations in groups not shown separately. 3 Includes 25 corporations in groups not shown separately. NOTE.—Data are obtained from published reports of companies and reports made to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Sales are net 21,280 Q2 of returns, allowances, and discounts, and exclude excise taxes paid directly by the company. Total revenue data include, in addition to sales, income from nonmanufacturing operations and nonoperating income. Profits are before dividend payments and have been adjusted to exclude special charges and credits to surplus reserves and extraordinary items not related primarily to the current reporting period. Income taxes (not shown) include Federal, State and local government, and foreign. Previous series last published in June 1972 BULLETIN, p. A-50. 70 Federal Reserve Board of Governors G . WILLIAM MILLER, Chairman PHILIP E . COLDWELL HENRY J. C H A R L E S C. WALLICH PARTEE OFFICE O F STAFF DIRECTOR FOR M O N E T A R Y A N D FINANCIAL POLICY OFFICE O F B O A R D M E M B E R S THOMAS J. O ' C O N N E L L , Counsel to the Chairman JOSEPH R . C O Y N E , Assistant to the Board K E N N E T H A . G U E N T H E R , Assistant to the Board SIDNEY L . JONES, Assistant to the Board JAY P A U L B R E N N E M A N , Special Assistant to the Board FRANK O ' B R I E N , J R . , Special Assistant to the Board JOSEPH S . SIMS, Special Assistant to the Board D O N A L D J. W I N N , Special Assistant to the Board STEPHEN H . AXILROD, Staff Director EDWARD C . ETTIN, Deputy Staff Director MURRAY A L T M A N N , Assistant to the Board PETER M . KEIR, Assistant to the Board STANLEY J. SIGEL, Assistant to the Board NORM AND R . V . BERNARD, Special Assistant to the Board DIVISION O F R E S E A R C H A N D STATISTICS L E G A L DIVISION N E A L L . PETERSEN, General Counsel ROBERT E . M A N N I O N , Associate General A L L E N L . RAIKEN, Associate General CHARLES R . M C N E I L L , Assistant to the JAMES L . KICHLINE, Director JOSEPH S . ZEISEL, Deputy Director JOHN H . KALCHBRENNER, Associate Counsel Counsel General Counsel JOHN J. MINGO, Senior Research ELEANOR J. STOCKWELL, Senior Director Division Officer JAMES R. WETZEL, Senior Research JAMES M . B R U N D Y , Associate Officer Research Division Division Research Officer Division Officer OFFICE O F T H E S E C R E T A R Y ROBERT A . EISENBEIS, Associate Research Division Officer THEODORE E . ALLISON, Secretary GRIFFITH L . GARWOOD, Deputy Secretary *JOHN M . WALLACE, Assistant Secretary RICHARD H . PUCKETT, Manager, Regulatory Improvement Project JARED J. E N Z L E R , Associate Research Division Officer J. CORTLAND G . PERET, Associate Division Research Officer MICHAEL J. PRELL, Associate Research Division Officer HELMUT F . W E N D E L , Associate DIVISION O F C O N S U M E R AFFAIRS ROBERT M . FISHER, Assistant JANET O . H A R T , Director NATHANIEL E . BUTLER, Associate JERAULD C . KLUCKMAN, Associate Research Division Officer Research Division Officer Director Director FREDERICK M . STRUBLE, Assistant Research Division Officer STEPHEN P . TAYLOR, Assistant Research Division Officer DIVISION O F B A N K I N G SUPERVISION A N D R E G U L A T I O N LEVON H . GARABEDIAN, Assistant Director DIVISION O F I N T E R N A T I O N A L FINANCE JOHN E . R Y A N , Director TFREDERICK C . SCHADRACK, Deputy Director FREDERICK R . D A H L , Associate Director WILLIAM W . W I L E S , Associate Director JACK M . EGERTSON, Assistant Director DON E. KLINE, Assistant ROBERT S . PLOTKIN, Assistant THOMAS A . SIDMAN, Assistant SAMUEL H . TALLEY, Assistant WILLIAM TAYLOR, Assistant Director Director Director Director Director EDWIN M . T R U M A N , Director ROBERT F . GEMMILL, Associate Director GEORGE B . H E N R Y , Associate Director CHARLES J. SIEGMAN, Associate Director SAMUEL PIZER, Senior International Division Officer JEFFREY R . SHAFER, Associate International Division Officer D A L E W . HENDERSON, Assistant International Division Officer LARRY J. PROMISEL, Assistant *On loan f r o m the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. f O n loan from the Federal Reserve Bank of N e w York. International Division Officer RALPH W . SMITH, J R . , Assistant Officer International Division 71 and Official Staff NANCY H . TEETERS OFFICE OF STAFF DIRECTOR FOR MANAGEMENT JOHN M. DENKLER, Staff Director ROBERT J. LAWRENCE, Deputy Staff D O N A L D E . ANDERSON, Assistant Construction WILLIAM H . W A L L A C E , Staff Equal Employment Director for of PROCESSING CHARLES L . HAMPTON, Director BRUCE M . BEARDSLEY, Associate Director UYLESS D . BLACK, Assistant Director GLENN L. CUMMINS, Assistant DAVID L . S H A N N O N , Director CHARLES W . W O O D , Assistant HARRY A. GUINTER, Assistant Director JOHN KAKALEC, Controller EDWARD T . M U L R E N I N , Assistant Controller DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE JOHN D . SMITH, Assistant LORIN S . MEEDER, Assistant CONTROLLER WALTER W . KREIMANN, Director Director Director Director Director OPERATIONS JAMES R . KUDLINSKI, Director WALTER A L T H A U S E N , Assistant Director BRIAN M . CAREY, Assistant Director Director JOHN L. GRIZZARD, Assistant P. D. RING, Assistant RAYMOND L . T E E D , Assistant DIVISION OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANK Director PERSONNEL JOHN R. WEIS, Assistant ALBERT R . HAMILTON, Director CLYDE H . FARNSWORTH, J R . , Associate Director CHARLES W . B E N N E T T , Assistant Director JOHN F . HOOVER, Assistant Director Director ROBERT J. ZEMEL, Assistant OFFICE OF THE DIVISION OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANK EXAMINATIONS AND BUDGETS Opportunity DIVISION OF DATA DIVISION OF Director Director Management JOSEPH W . DANIELS, S R . , Director OFFICE OF STAFF DIRECTOR FOR FEDERAL RESERVE BANK ACTIVITIES SERVICES Director Director A 72 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 FOMC and Advisory Councils FEDERAL OPEN MARKET COMMITTEE G. WILLIAM MILLER, ERNEST T . PHILIP E . Chairman BAUGHMAN COLDWELL PAUL A . VOLCKER, Vice HENRY C. NANCY H. MARK H . WILLES WILLIS J. WINN TEETERS DAVID P. EASTBURN Secretary Assistant Secretary T H O M A S J . O ' C O N N E L L , General Counsel E D W A R D G . G U Y , Deputy General Counsel R O B E R T E . M A N N I O N , Assistant General Counsel STEPHEN H . AXILROD, Economist J O S E P H B U R N S , Associate Economist J O H N M . D A V I S , Associate Economist V. BERNARD, ALAN R. PETER D . HOLMES, WALLICH Associate Economist Associate Economist IRA K A M I N O W , Associate Economist P E T E R M . K E I R , Associate Economist J A M E S L . K I C H L I N E , Associate Economist J O H N P A U L U S , Associate Economist E D W I N M . T R U M A N , Associate Economist J O S E P H S . Z E I S E L , Associate Economist MURRAY ALTMANN, NORMAND R. Chairman J. CHARLES PARTEE RICHARD G . DAVIS, EDWARD C. ETTIN, Manager, System Open Market Account Deputy Manager for Domestic Operations Deputy Manager for Foreign Operations STERN LIGHT, SCOTT E . PARDEE, FEDERAL A D V I S O R Y COUNCIL GILBERT F. J. W . HENRY S. WOODBRIDGE, WALTER B . WILLIAM B . M. WRISTON, T E N T H F E D E R A L RESERVE D I S T R I C T , FIRST DISTRICT FRANK A . S E C O N D DISTRICT RICHARD H . FIFTH DISTRICT HERBERT V . President President PLUMMER, CLARENCE C . F O U R T H DISTRICT LUMPKIN, Vice SIXTH DISTRICT EDWARD BYRON SMITH, SEVENTH E A G L E S O N , J R . , T H I R D DISTRICT BROCK W E I R , JOHN H . B R A D L E Y , T W E L F T H FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT, MCLEAN, JAMES D . BARKSDALE, VAUGHAN, BERRY, EIGHTH NINTH ELEVENTH DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT Secretary Associate Secretary PROCHNOW, WILLIAM J. KORSVIK, CONSUMER A D V I S O R Y COUNCIL K. S U L L I V A N , St. Louis, Missouri, Chairman D. W A R R E N , Los Angeles, California, Vice Chairman R I C H A R D F. K E R R , Cincinnati, Ohio R O L A N D E . B R A N D E L , San Francisco, California R O B E R T J . K L E I N , New York, New York A G N E S H . B R Y A N T , Detroit, Michigan P E R C Y W . L O Y , Portland, Oregon J O H N G . B U L L , Fort Lauderdale, Florida R . C. M O R G A N , El Paso, Texas R O B E R T V. B U L L O C K , Frankfort, Kentucky R E E C E A. O V E R C A S H , JR., Dallas, Texas L I N D A M. C O H E N , Washington, D.C. R A Y M O N D J . S A U L N I E R , New York, New York R O B E R T R . D O C K S O N , Los Angeles, California A N N E G . D R A P E R , Washington, D.C. E. G . S C H U H A R T , Dalhart, Texas C A R L F E L S E N F E L D , New York, New York B L A I R C. S H I C K , Cambridge, Massachusetts J E A N A. F o x , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania J A M E S E. S U T T O N , Dallas, Texas M A R C I A A. H A K A L A , Omaha, Nebraska T H O M A S R . S W A N , Portland, Maine J O S E P H F. H O L T I I I , Oxnard, California A N N E G A R Y T A Y L O R , Alexandria, Virginia R I C H A R D H . H O L T O N , Berkeley, California R I C H A R D D. W A G N E R , Simsbury, Connecticut E D N A D E C O U R S E Y J O H N S O N , Baltimore, Maryland R I C H A R D L . W H E A T L E Y , JR., Stillwater, Oklahoma LEONOR WILLIAM A 73 Federal Reserve Banks, Branches, and Offices FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, branch, or facility Zip Chairman Deputy Chairman President First Vice President BOSTON* 02106 Louis W. Cabot Robert M. Solow Frank E. Morris James A. Mcintosh NEW YORK* 10045 Robert H. Knight Boris Yavitz Donald R. Nesbitt Paul A. Volcker Thomas M. Timlen Buffalo 14240 John T. Keane PHILADELPHIA 19105 John W. Eckman Werner C. Brown David P. Eastburn Richard L. Smoot CLEVELAND* 44101 Willis J. Winn Walter H. MacDonald Cincinnati Pittsburgh 45201 15230 Robert E. Kirby Otis A. Singletary Lawrence H. Rogers, II G. Jackson Tankersley RICHMOND* 23261 E. Angus Powell Maceo A. Sloan I. E. Killian Robert C. Edwards Robert P. Black George C. Rankin Baltimore 21203 Charlotte 28230 Culpeper Communications and Records Center . 22701 ATLANTA Birmingham Jacksonville Miami Nashville New Orleans 30303 35202 32203 33152 37203 70161 CHICAGO* 60690 Detroit 48231 ST. LOUIS 63166 Little Rock Louisville Memphis 72203 40201 38101 MINNEAPOLIS 55480 Helena KANSAS CITY Denver Oklahoma City Omaha DALLAS El Paso Houston San Antonio 59601 64198 80217 73125 68102 75222 79999 77001 78295 SAN FRANCISCO 94120 Los Angeles Portland Salt Lake City Seattle 90051 97208 84125 98124 Vice President in charge of branch Robert E. Showalter Robert D. Duggan Jimmie R. Monhollon Stuart P. Fishburne Albert D. Tinkelenberg Clifford M. Kirtland, Jr. William A. Fickling, Jr. Harold B. Blach, Jr. James E. Lyons Alvaro L. Carta John C. Bolinger Edwin J. Caplan Monroe Kimbrel Kyle K. Fossum Robert H. Strotz John Sagan Jordan B. Tatter Robert P. Mayo Daniel M. Doyle Armand C. Stalnaker William B. Walton G. Larry Kelley James H. Davis Jeanne L. Holley Lawrence K. Roos Donald W. Moriarty James P. McFarland Stephen F. Keating Patricia P. Douglas Mark H. Willes Thomas E. Gainor Harold W. Andersen Joseph H. Williams A. L. Feldman Christine H. Anthony Durward B. Varner Roger Guffey Henry R. Czerwinski Irving A. Mathews Charles T. Beaird Josefina Salas-Porras Alvin I. Thomas Pete Morales, Jr. Ernest T. Baughman Robert H. Boykin Joseph F. Alibrandi Cornell C. Maier Caroline L. Ahmanson Loran L. Stewart Sam Bennion Lloyd E. Cooney John J. Balles John B. Williams Hiram J. Honea Charles B. East F. J. Craven, Jr. Jeffrey J. Wells George C. Guynn William C. Conrad John F. Breen Donald L. Henry L. Terry Britt John D. Johnson Wayne W. Martin William G. Evans Robert D. Hamilton Fredric W. Reed J. Z. Rowe Carl H. Moore Richard C. Dunn Angelo S. Carella A. Grant Holman Gerald R. Kelly * Additional offices of these Banks are located at Lewiston, Maine 04240; Windsor Locks, Connecticut 06096; Cranford, New Jersey 07016; Jericho, New York 11753; Utica at Oriskany, New York 13424; Columbus, Ohio 43216; Columbia, South Carolina 29210; Charleston, West Virginia 25311; Des Moines, Iowa 50306; Indianapolis, Indiana 46204; and Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202. A 74 Federal Reserve Board Publications Available from Publications Services, Division of Administrative Services, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 20551. Where a charge is indicated, remittance should accompany request and be made payable to the order of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in a form collectible at par in U.S. currency. (Stamps and coupons are not accepted.) THE B A N K CREDIT-CARD AND CHECK-CREDIT P L A N S . FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM—PURPOSES FUNCTIONS. 1 9 7 4 . 1 2 5 p p . AND A N N U A L REPORT SURVEY OF CHANGES IN FAMILY FINANCES. FEDERAL RESERVE B U L L E T I N . Monthly. $20.00 per year or $2.00 each in the United States, its possessions, Canada, and Mexico; 10 or more of same issue to one address, $ 1 8 . 0 0 per year or $1.75 each. Elsewhere, $ 2 4 . 0 0 per year or $ 2 . 5 0 each. BANKING AND MONETARY STATISTICS, 1914-1941. (Reprint of Part 1 only) 1976. 682 pp. $5.00. BANKING AND MONETARY STATISTICS, 1968. 102 pp. $ 1 . 0 0 each; 10 or more to one address, $.85 each. 1941-1970. 1976. 1,168 pp. $15.00. A N N U A L STATISTICAL DIGEST, 1 9 7 1 - 7 5 . 1 9 7 6 . 3 3 9 p p . $ 4 . 0 0 per copy for each paid subscription to Federal Reserve Bulletin. All others, $5.00 each. A N N U A L STATISTICAL DIGEST, 1 9 7 2 - 7 6 . 1 9 7 7 . 3 8 8 p p . $10.00 per copy. A N N U A L STATISTICAL DIGEST, 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 . 1 9 7 8 . 3 6 1 p p . 1968. 321 pp. $ 1 . 0 0 each; 10 or more to one address, $.85 each. REPORT OF THE JOINT TREASURY-FEDERAL RESERVE S T U D Y OF THE U . S . GOVERNMENT SECURITIES MARKET. 1969. 48 pp. $.25 each; 10 or more to one address, $.20 each. JOINT TREASURY-FEDERAL RESERVE STUDY OF THE GOVERNMENT SECURITIES MARKET: STAFF S T U D - IES—PART 1. 1970. 86 pp. $ . 5 0 each; 10 or more to one address, $ . 4 0 each. PART 2. 1971. 153 pp. and PART 3. 1973. 131 pp. Each volume $1.00; 10 or more to one address, $.85 each. O P E N MARKET POLICIES AND OPERATING PROCED U R E S — S T A F F STUDIES. 1971. 2 1 8 pp. $2.00 each; 10 or more to one address, $1.75 each. $ 1 2 . 0 0 per c o p y . FEDERAL RESERVE CHART BOOK. Issued four t i m e s a REAPPRAISAL OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE DISCOUNT MECHANISM. Vol. 1. 1 9 7 1 . 2 7 6 p p . Vol. 2 . 1 9 7 1 . year in February, May, August, and November Subscription includes one issue of Historical Chart Book. $7.00 per year or $2.00 each in the United States, its possessions, Canada, and Mexico. Elsewhere, $10.00 per year or $3.00 each. HISTORICAL CHART BOOK. Issued annually in Sept. Subscription to Chart Book includes one issue. $1.25 each in the United States, its possessions, Canada, and Mexico; 10 or more to one address, $1.00 each. Elsewhere, $ 1 . 5 0 each. 173 pp. Vol. 3. 1972. 220 pp. Each volume $3.00; 10 or more to one address, $ 2 . 5 0 each. CAPITAL MARKET DEVELOPMENTS. W e e k l y . $ 1 5 . 0 0 p e r year or $ . 4 0 each in the United States, its possessions, Canada, and Mexico; 10 or more of same issue to one address, $13.50 per year or $.35 each. Elsewhere, $ 2 0 . 0 0 per year or $ . 5 0 each. SELECTED INTEREST AND EXCHANGE R A T E S — W E E K L Y SERIES OF CHARTS. W e e k l y . $ 1 5 . 0 0 p e r y e a r or $ . 4 0 each in the United States, its possessions, Canada, and Mexico; 10 or more of same issue to one address, $ 1 3 . 5 0 per year or $.35 each. Elsewhere, $ 2 0 . 0 0 per year or $.50 each. THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT, as a m e n d e d through D e - cember 1976, with an appendix containing provisions of certain other statutes affecting the Federal Reserve System. 307 pp. $2.50. REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM PUBLISHED INTERPRETATIONS OF THE BOARD OF G O V - ERNORS, as of June 30, 1977. $7.50. INDUSTRIAL P R O D U C T I O N — 1 9 7 6 EDITION. 1977. 304 pp. $ 4 . 5 0 each; 10 or more to one address, $ 4 . 0 0 each. T H E ECONOMETRICS OF PRICE DETERMINATION CON- FERENCE, October 30-31, 1970, Washington, D . C . 1972. 397 pp. Cloth ed. $5.00 each; 10 or more to one address, $ 4 . 5 0 each. Paper ed. $ 4 . 0 0 each; 10 or more to one address, $ 3 . 6 0 each. FEDERAL RESERVE STAFF S T U D Y : W A Y S TO MODERATE FLUCTUATIONS IN HOUSING CONSTRUCTION . 1972. 487 pp. $ 4 . 0 0 each; 10 or more to one address, $ 3 . 6 0 each. LENDING FUNCTIONS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS. 1973. 271 pp. $ 3 . 5 0 each; 10 or more to one address, $ 3 . 0 0 each. IMPROVING THE MONETARY AGGREGATES ( R e p o r t of t h e Advisory Committee on Monetary Statistics). 1976. 43 pp. $ 1 . 0 0 each; 10 or more to one address, $.85 each. A N N U A L PERCENTAGE R A T E TABLES ( T r u t h in Lend- ing—Regulation Z) Vol. I (Regular Transactions). 1969. 100 pp. Vol. II (Irregular Transactions). 1969. 116 pp. Each volume $1.00, 10 or more of same volume to one address, $.85 each. FEDERAL RESERVE MEASURES OF CAPACITY AND C A PACITY UTILIZATION. 1 9 7 8 . 4 0 p p . $ 1 . 7 5 e a c h , 10 or more to one address, $1.50. each. T H E B A N K HOLDING COMPANY MOVEMENT TO 1978: A COMPENDIUM. 1978. 289 pp. $2.50 each, 10 or more to one address, $2.25 each. IMPROVING THE MONETARY AGGREGATES: STAFF PAPERS. 1978. 170 pp. $4.00 each, 10 or more to one address, $3.75 each. Federal Reserve Board Publications CONSUMER EDUCATION REPRINTS PAMPHLETS (Short pamphlets suitable for classroom copies available without charge.) use. Multiple CONSUMER HANDBOOK T O CREDIT PROTECTION L A W S T H E E Q U A L CREDIT OPPORTUNITY A C T AND . . . A G E T H E E Q U A L CREDIT OPPORTUNITY A C T A N D . . . CREDIT RIGHTS IN HOUSING T H E E Q U A L CREDIT OPPORTUNITY A C T A N D . . . DOCTORS, LAWYERS, SMALL RETAILERS, AND OTHERS W H O M A Y PROVIDE INCIDENTAL CREDIT T H E E Q U A L CREDIT OPPORTUNITY A C T AND . WOMEN FAIR CREDIT BILLING A G U I D E TO FEDERAL RESERVE REGULATIONS H o w TO FILE A CONSUMER CREDIT COMPLAINT IF Y O U BORROW T O B U Y STOCK IF Y O U U S E A CREDIT C A R D TRUTH IN LEASING U . S . CURRENCY W H A T T R U T H IN L E N D I N G M E A N S TO Y O U STAFF ECONOMIC subjects economic SUMMARIES O N L Y PRINTED IN THE B U L L E T I N (Limited supply of mimeographed copies of full text available upon request for single copies.) STRUCTURE A N D PERFORMANCE STUDIES IN B A N K I N G : A SUMMARY A N D E V A L U A T I O N , b y S t e p h e n A . Rhoades. Dec. 1977. 45 pp. 1960, by John T. Rose. Jan. 1978. 4 4 pp. PROBLEMS IN APPLYING DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS IN CREDIT SCORING M O D E L S , b y R o b e r t A . E i s e n b e i s . Jan. 1978. 28 pp. FINANCING REQUIREMENTS OF COMMERCIAL BANKS: 1977-81, by Gerald A. Hanweck and John J. Mingo. Feb. 1978. 34 pp. MORTGAGE BORROWING A G A I N S T EQUITY IN EXISTING HOMES: M E A S U R E M E N T , G E N E R A T I O N , A N D IMPLICATIONS FOR ECONOMIC ACTIVITY, b y D a v i d F . Seiders. May 1978. 42 pp. T H E BEHAVIOR OF MEMBER B A N K REQUIRED RESERVE RATIOS AND THE EFFECTS OF BOARD A C T I O N , 1968-77, by Thomas D. Simpson. July 1978. 39 pp. FOOTHOLD ACQUISITIONS A N D B A N K MARKET STRUC- TURE, by Stephen A. Rhoades and Paul Schweitzer, July 1978. 8 pp. INTEREST RATE CEILINGS AND DISINTERMEDIATION, b y Edward F. McKelvey. Sept. 1978. 105 pp. T H E RELATIONSHIP B E T W E E N RESERVE RATIOS A N D THE M O N E T A R Y AGGREGATES U N D E R RESERVES A N D FEDERAL F U N D S R A T E OPERATING TARGETS, by Kenneth J. Kopecky. Dec. 1978. 58 pp. PRINTED IN F U L L IN THE B U L L E T I N Staff Economic Studies MEASURES OF SECURITY CREDIT. 1 2 / 7 0 . REVISION OF B A N K CREDIT SERIES. 1 2 / 7 1 . ASSETS A N D LIABILITIES OF FOREIGN BRANCHES OF U . S . BANKS. 2 / 7 2 . B A N K DEBITS, DEPOSITS, A N D DEPOSIT T U R N O V E R — REVISED SERIES. 7 / 7 2 . YIELDS ON N E W L Y ISSUED CORPORATE B O N D S . 9 / 7 2 . RECENT ACTIVITIES OF FOREIGN BRANCHES OF U . S . BANKS. 1 0 / 7 2 . REVISION OF CONSUMER CREDIT STATISTICS. 1 0 / 7 2 . O N E - B A N K HOLDING COMPANIES BEFORE THE 1 9 7 0 AMENDMENTS. 1 2 / 7 2 . YIELDS ON RECENTLY OFFERED CORPORATE B O N D S . 5/73. RATES ON CONSUMER INSTALMENT L O A N S . 9 / 7 3 . N E W SERIES FOR LARGE M A N U F A C T U R I N G CORPORATIONS. 1 0 / 7 3 . U . S . ENERGY SUPPLIES A N D U S E S , Staff Economic T H E STRUCTURE OF MARGIN CREDIT. 4 / 7 5 . N E W STATISTICAL SERIES ON L O A N COMMITMENTS AT SELECTED LARGE COMMERCIAL B A N K S . 4 / 7 5 . RECENT TRENDS IN FEDERAL B U D G E T POLICY. 7 / 7 5 . RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MARKETS. 1 0 / 7 5 . M I N N I E : A SMALL VERSION OF THE M I T - P E N N - S S R C ECONOMETRIC MODEL, Staff Economic Study by Douglas Battenberg, Jared J. Enzler, and Arthur M. Havenner. 11/75. A N ASSESSMENT OF B A N K HOLDING COMPANIES, A N ANALYSIS OF FEDERAL RESERVE ATTRITION SINCE CAPITAL (Except for Staff Papers, Staff Economic Studies, and some leading articles, most of the articles reprinted do not exceed 12 pages.) Study by Clayton Gehman. 12/73. STUDIES Studies and papers on economic and financial that are of general interest in the field of research. EXTERNAL A 75 shown under 4 'Reprints." Staff Economic Study by Robert J. Lawrence and Samuel H. Talley. 1/76. INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC POWER U S E . 1 / 7 6 . REVISION OF M O N E Y STOCK M E A S U R E S . 2 / 7 6 . SURVEY OF FINANCE COMPANIES, 1 9 7 5 . 3 / 7 6 . REVISED SERIES FOR MEMBER B A N K DEPOSITS AGGREGATE RESERVES. 4 / 7 6 . AND INDUSTRIAL P R O D U C T I O N — 1 9 7 6 R e v i s i o n . 6 / 7 6 . FEDERAL RESERVE OPERATIONS IN PAYMENT M E C H A NISMS: A S U M M A R Y . 6 / 7 6 . RECENT G R O W T H IN ACTIVITIES OF U . S . OFFICES OF BANKS. 1 0 / 7 6 . N E W ESTIMATES OF CAPACITY UTILIZATION: M A N U FACTURING A N D MATERIALS. 1 1 / 7 6 . B A N K HOLDING C O M P A N Y FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENTS IN 1 9 7 6 . 4 / 7 7 . SURVEY OF TERMS OF B A N K L E N D I N G — N E W SERIES. 5/77. T H E COMMERCIAL PAPER M A R K E T . 6 / 7 7 . CONSUMPTION A N D FIXED INVESTMENT IN THE ECONOMIC RECOVERY A B R O A D . 1 0 / 7 7 . RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN U . S . INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS. 4 / 7 8 . T H E FEDERAL B U D G E T IN THE 1 9 7 0 ' S . 9/78. SUMMARY MEASURES OF THE DOLLAR'S FOREIGN E X CHANGE V A L U E . 1 0 / 7 8 . SURVEY OF TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS AT A L L COMMERCIAL B A N K S , JULY 1 9 7 8 . 1 1 / 7 8 . A 76 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE OF RELEASE DATES FOR PUBLIC PERIODIC RELEASES BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM DATE OR PERIOD TO WHICH D A T A REFER WEEKLY RELEASES APPROXIMATE RELEASE D A Y Aggregate Reserves and Member Bank Deposits 502 (H.3) Tuesday Week ended previous Wednesday Applications and Reports Received or Acted on and All Other Actions of the Board 501 (H.2) Friday Week ended previous Saturday Assets and Liabilities of All Commercial Banks in the United States 510 (H.8) Wednesday Wednesday, 2 weeks earlier Tuesday Week ended previous Saturday Wednesday Wednesday, 1 week earlier Wednesday Week ended 3 Wednesdays earlier Thursday Week ended previous Wednesday Monday Week ended previous Friday Thursday Week ended Wednesday of previous week Friday Week ended Wednesday of previous week Monday Week ended previous Saturday Weekly Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks in New York and Chicago 506 (H.4.3) Thursday Previous Wednesday Weekly Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks and Domestic Subsidiaries 504 (H.4.2) 3 Wednesday Wednesday, 1 week earlier Weekly Summary of Banking and Credit Measures 511 (H.9) Thursday Week ended previous Wednesday; and week ended Wednesday of previous week 1st and 16th of month Period since last release Assets and Liabilities of all Member Banks, by Districts 408 (G.7.1) 14th of month Last Wednesday of previous month Automobile Credit 428 (G.26) 6th working day of month 2nd month previous Changes in State Member Banks 615 (K.3) Commercial and Industrial Loans Outstanding by Industry 514 (H.12)2 Deposits, Reserves, and Borrowings of Member Banks 509 (H.7) Factors Affecting Bank Reserves and Condition Statement of Federal Reserve Banks 503 (H.4.1) Foreign Exchange Rates 512 (H.10) Money Stock Measures 508 (H.6) Reserve Positions of Major Reserve City Banks 507 (H.5) Selected Interest Rates and Bond Prices 519 (H.15) SEMIMONTHLY RELEASE Research Library—Recent Acquisitions 601 (J.2) MONTHLY RELEASES 1 Release dates are those anticipated or usually met. H o w e v e r , it should be noted that for s o m e releases there is normally a certain variability because of reporting or processing procedures. Moreover, for all series unusual circumstances may, from time to time, result in a release date being later than anticipated. 2 On second Wednesday of month, contains monthly data release. 3 Contains revised H . 4 . 3 data. NOTE.—The Board's official mailing list is being computerized, and n e w three-digit identification c o d e s have been assigned to each individual release. The n e w c o d e , as well as the current symbol, will be used for several months; thereafter, only the n e w code will appear. A 77 APPROXIMATE RELEASE D A Y D A T E OR PERIOD TO WHICH D A T A REFER Capacity Utilization: Manufacturing and Materials 402 (G.3) 17th of month Previous month Changes in Status of Banks and Branches 404 (G.4.5) 25th of month Previous month Consumer Instalment Credit 421 (G.19) 3rd working day of month 2nd month previous MONTHLY RELEASES (cont.) Debits and Deposit Turnover at Commercial Banks 406 (G.6) 25th of month Previous month Federal Reserve System Memorandum on Exchange Charges 628 (K. 14) 5th of month Period since last release Finance Companies 422 (G.20) 5th working day of month 2nd month previous Foreign Exchange Rates 405 (G.5) 1st of month Previous month Industrial Production 414 (G.12.3) 15th of month Previous month Interest Rates on Selected Consumer Instalment Loans at Reporting Commercial Banks 411 (G.10) 15th of month 2nd month previous Loan Commitments at Selected Large Commercial Banks 423 (G.21) 20th of month 2nd month previous Maturity Distribution of Outstanding Negotiable Time Certificates of Deposit 410 (G.9) 24th of month Last Wednesday of previous month Monthly Report of Condition for U.S. Agencies, Branches, and Domestic Banking Subsidiaries of Foreign Banks 412 (G.ll) 15th of month 2nd month previous Selected Interest Rates and Bond Prices 415 (G.13) 6th of month Previous month Summary of Equity Security Transactions 418 (G.16) Last week of month Release date Monthly Supplement to Survey of Terms of Bank Lending 416 (G. 14) 15th of month 3rd month previous QUARTERLY RELEASES Finance Rates and Other Terms on Selected Types of Consumer 25th of January, Instalment Credit Extended by Major Finance Companies 120 (E. 10) April, July, October 2nd month previous Flow of Funds: Seasonally adjusted and unadjusted 780 ( Z . l ) 15th of February, May, August, November Previous quarter Geographical Distribution of Assets and Liabilities of Major Foreign Branches of U . S . Banks 121 ( E . l l ) 15th of March, June, September, December Previous quarter Sales Revenue, Profits, and Dividends of Large Manufacturing Corpo- 10th of March July, Septemrations 116 (E.6) ber, December 2nd quarter previous S E M I A N N U A L RELEASES Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks, by Class of Bank 113 (E.3.4) May and November End of previous December and June Check Collection Services—Federal Reserve System 119 (E.9) February and July Previous 6 months A 78 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 SEMIANNUAL RELEASES (cont.) APPROXIMATE RELEASE D A Y DATE OR PERIOD TO WHICH D A T A REFER List of OTC Margin Stocks 117 (E.7) June 30, December 31 Release date Assets, Liabilities, and Capital Accounts of Commercial and Mutual Savings Banks—Reports of Call (Joint Release of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. May and November End of previous December and June Aggregate Summaries of Annual Surveys of Security Credit Extension 101 (C.2) February End of previous June Insured Bank Income by Size of Bank 103 (C.4) End of May Previous year State Member Banks of Federal Reserve System and Nonmember Banks that Maintain Clearing Accounts with Federal Reserve Banks 403 (G.4) 1st quarter of year End of previous year 15th of month Previous month Published and distributed by FDIC.) A N N U A L RELEASES (Supplements issued monthly) 79 Index to Statistical Tables References are to pages A-3 through A-69 although the prefix "A" is omitted in this index ACCEPTANCES, bankers, 11, 25, 27 Agricultural loans, commercial banks, 18, 2 0 - 2 2 , 26 Assets and liabilities (See also Foreigners): Banks, by classes, 16, 17, 18, 2 0 - 2 3 , 29 Domestic finance companies, 39 Federal Reserve Banks, 12 Nonfinancial corporations, current, 38 Automobiles: Consumer instalment credit, 42, 43 Production, 48, 49 BANKERS balances, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22 (See also Foreigners) Banks for cooperatives, 35 Bonds (See also U . S . Govt, securities): New issues, 36 Yields, 3 Branch banks: Assets and liabilities of foreign branches of U . S . banks, 56 Liabilities of U.S. banks to their foreign branches, 23 Business activity, 46 Business expenditures on new plant and equipment, 38 Business loans (See Commercial and industrial loans) CAPACITY utilization, 46 Capital accounts: Banks, by classes, 16, 17, 19, 20 Federal Reserve Banks, 12 Central banks, 68 Certificates of deposit, 23, 27 Commercial and industrial loans: Commercial banks, 15, 18, 23, 26 Weekly reporting banks, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 Commercial banks: Assets and liabilities, 3, 15-19, 2 0 - 2 3 Business loans, 26 Commercial and industrial loans, 24, 26 Consumer loans held, by type, 42, 43 Loans sold outright, 23 Number, by classes, 16, 17, 19 Real estate mortgages held, by type of holder and property, 41 Commercial paper, 3, 24, 25, 27, 39 Condition statements (See Assets and liabilities) Construction, 46, 50 Consumer instalment credit, 42, 43 Consumer prices, 46, 51 Consumption expenditures, 52, 53 Corporations: Profits, taxes, and dividends, 37 Sales, revenue, profits, and dividends of large manufacturing corporations, 69 Security issues, 36, 65 Cost of living (See Consumer prices) Credit unions, 29, 42, 43 Currency and coin, 5, 16, 18 Currency in circulation, 4, 14 Customer credit, stock market, 28 DEBITS to deposit accounts, 13 Debt (See specific types of debt or securities) Demand deposits: Adjusted, commercial banks, 13, 15, 19 Banks, by classes, 16, 17, 19, 2 0 - 2 3 Ownership by individuals, partnerships, and corporations, 25 Subject to reserve requirements, 15 Turnover, 13 Deposits (See also specific types of deposits): Banks, by classes, 3, 16, 17, 19, 2 0 - 2 3 , 29 Federal Reserve Banks, 4, 12 Subject to reserve requirements, 15 Turnover, 13 Discount rates at F.R. Banks (See Interest rates) Discounts and advances by F.R. Banks (See Loans) Dividends, corporate, 37, 69 EMPLOYMENT, 46, 47 Euro-dollars, 27 FARM mortgage loans, 41 Farmers Home Administration, 41 Federal agency obligations, 4, 11, 12, 13, 34 Federal and Federally sponsored credit agencies, 35 Federal finance: Debt subject to statutory limitation and types and ownership of gross debt, 32 Receipts and outlays, 30, 31 Treasury operating balance, 30 Federal Financing Bank, 30, 35 Federal funds, 3, 6, 18, 20, 21, 22, 27, 30 Federal home loan banks, 35 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., 35, 40, 41 Federal Housing Administration, 35, 40, 41 Federal intermediate credit banks, 35 Federal land banks, 35, 41 Federal National Mortgage Assn., 35, 40, 41 Federal Reserve Banks: Condition statement, 12 Discount rates (See Interest rates) U.S. Govt, securities held, 4, 12, 13, 32, 33 Federal Reserve credit, 4, 5, 12, 13 Federal Reserve notes, 12 Federally sponsored credit agencies, 35 Finance companies: Assets and liabilities, 39 Business credit, 39 Loans, 20, 21, 22, 42, 43 Paper, 25, 27 Financial institutions, loans to, 18, 2 0 - 2 2 Float, 4 Flow of funds, 44, 45 Foreign: Currency operations, 12 Deposits in U.S. banks, 4, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22 Exchange rates, 68 Trade, 55 Foreigners: Claims on, 60, 61, 66, 67 Liabilities to, 23, 5 6 - 5 9 , 6 4 - 6 7 GOLD: Certificates, 12 Stock, 4, 55 Government National Mortgage Assn., 35, 40, 41 Gross national product, 52, 53 A 80 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 HOUSING, new and existing units, 50 INCOME, personal and national, 46, 52, 53 Industrial production, 46, 48 Instalment loans, 42, 43 Insurance companies, 29, 32, 33, 41 Insured commercial banks, 17, 18, 19 Interbank deposits, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22 Interest rates: Bonds, 3 Business loans of banks, 26 Federal Reserve Banks, 3, 8 Foreign countries, 68 Money and capital markets, 3, 27 Mortgages, 3, 40 Prime rate, commercial banks, 26 Time and savings deposits, maximum rates, 10 International capital transactions of the United States, 5 6 - 6 7 International organizations, 5 6 - 6 1 , 6 4 - 6 7 Inventories, 52 Investment companies, issues and assets, 37 Investments (See also specific types of investments): Banks, by classes, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 29 Commercial banks, 3, 15, 16, 17, 18 Federal Reserve Banks, 12, 13 Life insurance companies, 29 Savings and loan assns., 29 LABOR force, 47 Life insurance companies (See Insurance companies) Loans (See also specific types of loans): Banks, by classes, 16, 17, 18, 2 0 - 2 3 , 29 Commercial banks, 3, 15-18, 2 0 - 2 3 , 24, 26 Federal Reserve Banks, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, 13 Insurance companies, 29, 41 Insured or guaranteed by U . S . , 40, 41 Savings and loan assns., 29 MANUFACTURING: Capacity utilization, 46 Production, 46, 49 Margin requirements, 10 Member banks: Assets and liabilities, by classes, 16, 17, 18 Borrowings at Federal Reserve Banks, 5, 12 Number, by classes, 16, 17, 19 Reserve position, basic, 6 Reserve requirements, 9 Reserves and related items, 3, 4, 5, 15 Mining production, 49 Mobile home shipments, 50 Monetary aggregates, 3, 15 Money and capital market rates (See Interest rates) Money stock measures and components, 3, 14 Mortgages (See Real estate loans) Mutual funds (See Investment companies) Mutual savings banks, 3, 10, 2 0 - 2 2 , 29, 32, 33, 41 NATIONAL banks, 17, 19 National defense outlays, 31 National income, 52 Nonmember banks, 17, 18, 19 OPEN market transactions, 11 PERSONAL income, 53 Prices: Consumer and wholesale, 46, 51 Stock market, 28 Prime rate, commercial banks, 26 Production, 46, 48 Profits, corporate, 37, 69 REAL estate loans: Banks, by classes, 18, 2 0 - 2 3 , 29, 41 Life insurance companies, 29 Mortgage terms, yields, and activity, 3, 40 Type of holder and property mortgaged, 41 Reserve position, basic, member banks, 6 Reserve requirements, member banks, 9 Reserves: Commercial banks, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22 Federal Reserve Banks, 12 Member banks, 3, 4, 5, 15, 16, 18 U.S. reserve assets, 55 Residential mortgage loans, 40 Retail credit and retail sales, 42, 43, 46 SALES, revenue, profits, and dividends of large manufacturing corporations, 69 Saving: Flow of funds, 44, 45 National income accounts, 53 Savings and loan assns., 3, 10, 29, 33, 4 l , 44 Savings deposits (See Time deposits) Savings institutions, selected assets, 29 Securities (See also U.S. Govt, securities): Federal and Federally sponsored agencies, 35 Foreign transactions, 65 New issues, 36 Prices, 28 Special Drawing Rights, 4, 12, 54, 55 State and local govts.: Deposits, 19, 20, 21, 22 Holdings of U.S. Govt, securities, 32, 33 New security issues, 36 Ownership of securities of, 18, 20, 21, 22, 29 Yields of securities, 3 State member banks, 17 Stock market, 28 Stocks (See also Securities): New issues, 36 Prices, 28 TAX receipts, Federal, 31 Time deposits, 3, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 Trade, foreign, 55 Treasury currency, Treasury cash, 4 Treasury deposits, 4, 12, 30 Treasury operating balance, 30 UNEMPLOYMENT, 47 U.S. balance of payments, 54 U.S. Govt, balances: Commercial bank holdings, 19, 20, 21, 22 Member bank holdings, 15 Treasury deposits at Reserve Banks, 4, 12, 30 U.S. Govt, securities: Bank holdings, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 29, 32, 33 Dealer transactions, positions, and financing, 34 Federal Reserve Bank holdings, 4, 12, 13, 32, 33 Foreign and international holdings and transactions, 12, 32, 64 Open market transactions, 11 Outstanding, by type of security, 32, 33 Ownership, 32, 33 Rates in money and capital markets, 3, 27 Yields, 3 Utilities, production, 49 VETERANS Administration, 40, 41 WEEKLY reporting banks, 2 0 - 2 4 Wholesale prices, 46 YIELDS (See Interest rates) A 81 Index to Volume 64 GUIDE TO PAGE REFERENCES IN MONTHLY ISSUES Other ("A " pages) Text Index to etc. Issue Issue Total tables total July January 1-78 76-77 1-66 August 67-152 1-78 February 76-77 September.. 153-254 1-78 76-77 March October . . . 255-344 1-78 76-77 April November.. 345-430 1-78 76-77 May , .. . December . 431-520 79-80 1-82 June (References to " A " pages in this index are to such pages in Pages ACCEPTANCES, bankers, interpretation of Regulation A 427, 486 Adlum, Merle D . , appointed director, Seattle Branch 245 Altmann, Murray, appointed Secretary, Federal Open Market Committee 779 Anderson, Donald E., appointed Director, Division of Support Services 826 Annual Report, 1977 519 Annual Statistical Digest, 1973-1977 994 Anthony, Christine H., appointed director, Oklahoma City Branch 241 Articles: Consumer rights under Equal Credit Opportunity and Fair Credit Billing Acts, exercise 363 Corporate finance, recent developments 431 Corporations, nonfinancial, new series on working capital 533 Dollar's foreign exchange value 783 Economic expansion in 1977 1 EFT and privacy 279 Federal budget in 1970's 701 Financial developments, quarterly reports to Congress (See Statements to Congress) Household borrowing in recovery 153 Inflation, recent behavior 521 Insured commercial bank income in 1977 441 Monetary policy and open market operations in 1977 265 Nonbank thrift institutions in 1977 and 1 9 7 8 . . 927 Repurchase agreements and Federal funds 353 Time and savings deposits at commercial banks, surveys 76, 367, 623, 837 Treasury and Federal Reserve foreign exchange operations, reports 161, 448, 717, 939 U.S. international transactions, recent developments 255 Assets and liabilities of overseas branches of member banks, data from year-end reports of condition 516 Atkinson, Sherry S., article 927 Austin, James R., appointed director, Nashville Branch 235 Axilrod, Stephen H., designated Staff Director for Monetary and Financial Policy 923 Other C'A pages) Text etc. Index to total Total tables 521-614 1-78 76-77 615-700 1-78 76-77 701-782 1-78 76-77 783-828 1-78 76-77 829-926 1-78 76-77 927-998 1-92 79-80 the December issue.) Pages BANK holding companies (For orders issued to individual companies under the Bank Holding Company Act, see Bank Holding Company Act): Community Reinvestment Act, interagency regulations implementing, and examination procedures 145, 611, 8 2 1 , 9 8 9 Competition in Banking Act of 1977, statement 179 Delegation by Board of certain authority regarding, amendment of rules 112 Improper payments by, joint policy statement of Federal bank regulatory agencies 61, 146 Publication 922 Regulation Y (See Regulations and rules, Board of Governors) Rules of Procedure, amendment to revise procedures relating to 881 Staff economic study 532 Tax transactions between State member banks and their parent holding companies, Board policy statement 519, 825 Bank Holding Company Act: Orders issued: ACORN FINANCIAL CORP 307 Alabama Bancorporation 963 Allied Bancshares, Inc 912 American Bancor, Ltd 673 Ames Holding Company, Ltd 332 Ancorp Bancshares, Inc 220 B-O-B Financial Corporation 227 Banco Nacional de Mexico, S . A . , Mexico City, Mexico; and Banamex Holding Company and Ammex Holding Company, Los Angeles, Calif 488 BancOhio Corporation 421 Bank Land Company 771 Bank of Montana System 420 Bankshares of Nebraska, Inc 409 Barnett Banks of Florida, Inc 910 Bates County Bancshares, Inc 817 Bellevue Holding Corporation, Geneva, Switzerland 802 BYRON BANCSHARES, INC 817 Calcon Bancshares, Inc 308 A 82 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 Pages Bank Holding Company Act—Continued Orders issued—Cont. Capitol Bancorporation Central Bancshares of the South, Inc 42, Central National Bancshares, Inc Central National Corporation Centran Corporation, Inc Charter Techny Bancorporation, Inc Chemical Financial Corporation Chemical New York Corporation 495, Chevalier, Inc Citicorp Citizens and Southern Corporation Citizens and Southern Holding Company Citizens Bancorporation Citizens Bancshares, Inc Citizens Bankshares, Inc Citizens State Banco City Bancshares, Inc Coffeyville Financial Corporation Combanks Corporation Commerce Bancshares, Inc 576, Commerce Companies, Inc Commercial Bankshares, Inc Commercial National Corporation Community Bancorporation Community Banks, Inc Community State Agency, Inc Dakota Bankshares, Inc Delta Bancshares Company Depositors Trust Company DETROITBANK Corporation Dexter Banking Company Duclarkee, Inc : EICHER BANCORPORATION El Paso Bancshares, Inc Ellis Banking Corporation Empire Bancorp, Inc Equitable Bancorporation Everest Bancshares, Inc Ewing Agency, Inc Exchange Bancorporation, Inc F & M National Corporation Fidelity American Bankshares Fidelity Union Bancorporation Financial Bancshares, Inc First Affiliated Bancorporation, Inc First Agency of Hastings, Inc First Alabama Bancshares, Inc First American Bank Corporation First Amtenn Corporation First and Merchants Corporation First Arkansas Bankstock Corporation First Banc Group of Ohio, Inc First Bancgroup—Alabama Inc First Bancorp, Inc First Bancorp of N . H . , Inc First Bank Holding Company First Bank System, Inc First Chandler Corp First City Bancorporation of Texas, Inc 326, 327, 402, First Colonial Corporation First Commerce Corporation First Corporation FIRST EVERGREEN CORPORATION First Financial Bancshares, Inc First Formoso, Inc 771 603, 674 113, 675 420, 899 333 114 512 136,333, 496, 513 572 321 772 766, 772 142 910 757 56 573 332 574 758, 803 603 883 494 603 142 692 310, 676 142 213 805 28 806 399 694 400, 884 512 497 511 583 817 512 899 512 227 333 332 115, 770 818 43 695 325, 964 807, 808 603 328, 420 817, 967 694 29 771 511, 969 141 509 771, 772 771 227 584 Pages Bank Holding Company Act—Continued Orders issued—Cont. First Gridley BanCorporation, Inc 420 First Hays Bancshares, Inc 694 First International Bancshares, Inc 116, 403 First Kansas Bancorp 771 First Missouri Banks, Inc 118, 421 First National Bank Shares, Ltd 311 First National Boston Corporation 678 First National Corporation 56 First National Financial Corporation 119 First National Holding Corp 971, 972 First National Schaumburg Corporation 141 First Railroad & Banking Company of Georgia 973 First Security Corporation 511, 910 First Steuben Bancorp, Inc 421, 809 First Texas Bancorp, Inc 987 First Thomas Ban Corp 489 First Union Bancorporation 411 First Virginia Banks, Inc 818 Florida National Banks of Florida, Inc 911 Forest City Limited 771 Franklin Bancgroup & Co 511 Fulton National Corporation 121 Galveston County Bancshares, Inc 694 Georgia Bancshares, Inc 974 Gering National Company 690 Glen Rose Bancshares, Inc 585 Gordon Financial Corporation 986 Grady Holding Company 603 Great Southwest Ban Corp, Inc 586 Gretna Company 313 Guaranty Corporation 817 HaleCo BancShares, Inc 695 Harrison Bancorporation 603 Harrogate Corporation 771 Hawarden Bancshares, Inc 332 Hawkeye Bancorporation 315, 512, 694, 974 Heaton Bank Holding Company 124 Herget Financial Corp 817 Holladay Bancorporation 759 Hunter Holding Co 976 Illini Bancorp, Inc 679 Illinois Neighborhood Development Corporation 45 Indian Head Banks, Inc 771 Jacobus Company 126 JEFCO, Inc 490 Johnson County Bankshares, Inc 902 John-Wade Co 977 Joy Development Corporation 886 Junction City First National Company 56 Kansas City Bancshares, Inc 31 588 Kenco Bancshares, Inc Keystone Bancshares, Inc 979 Kremmling Holding Company 142 Kyowa Bank, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan 492 Loomis Company 911 Madison National Company 332 Manchester Financial Corp 32 Mankato Bankshares, Inc 760 Manufacturers Hanover Corporation 499 Marine Corporation 50 Marshall & Ilsley Corporation 911 Memphis Bancshares, Inc 142 Mercantile Bancorporation, Inc 412, 680 Mercantile Texas Corporation 762 Michigan National Corporation 127, 316 Mid-America Bancshares, Inc 603 Midland Capital Co 512 Mid-Nebraska Bancshares, Inc 589 Index to Volume 64 Pages Bank Holding Company Act—Continued Orders issued—Cont. Midwest Bancorp, Inc 317 Mizrahi Holdings Association and United Mizrahi Bank, Ltd., Tel Aviv, Israel 319 Moline Manufacturing Company 764 Mountain Financial Services, Inc 911 Muyskens Corporation 695 NCNB Corporation 504, 506, 904 National Bancshares Corporation of Texas 332, 493, 887, 911 National Detroit Corporation 227, 763, 984 New Hampton Bancshares, Inc 682 New Virginia Bancorporation 987 Northwest Arkansas Bancshares, Inc 217 Northwest Bancorporation 911 Northwest Ohio Bancshares, Inc 332 Oakland Financial Services, Inc 695 Oklahoma National Bancshares, Inc 987 Old Capitol Bancorporation, Inc 141 Old Stone Corporation 906, 911 Omaha National Corporation 414 Orbanco, Inc 46, 594 Otto Bremer Company 980 Otto Bremer Foundation and Otto Bremer Company 683 Overland Park Bancshares, Inc 593 PDB Investment Corporation 603 Pacesetter Financial Corporation 35, 513 Palatine Bancorporation, Inc 332 Parish National Corporation 36 Pecatonica Bancshares, Inc 817 People's Corporation 814 Phelps County Bancshares, Inc 695 Philadelphia National Corporation 508 Pioneer Bancorporation, Inc 890 Pittsburg Bancshares, Inc 227 Platte County Bancshares, Inc 684 Polk County Banco, Inc 603 Quail Creek Bancshares, Inc 986 Republic Bancorporation, Inc 685 Republic National Bancshares, Inc 897 Republic of Texas Corporation . . . 133, 3 3 2 , 5 9 1 , 595, 603, 686, 911, 981 Retirement Research Foundation 891 Royal Trust Company, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 404 Royal Trustco Limited, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; and Royal Trust Bank Corp., Miami, Fla 332 Ruth Jones Nelson Finance Corp 987 SBT Corporation 332 St. Joseph Bancshares, Inc 817 San Bancorp 141 Santa Fe Trail Banc Shares, Inc 512 Schroders Limited, London, England 48 2nd Charter Financial Corporation 134 Security Bancorp 405 Security Bancshares, Inc 892 Security Pacific Corporation 333 Shawnee Bank Shares, Inc 603 Sibley Bancorporation 911 Snowmass Bancorp, Inc 332 Southwest Bancshares, Inc 818 State Bancshares, Inc 811 Stepp, Inc 223 Stratton Agency, Inc 603 Strawn Bancshares, Inc 695 Suburban Bancorporation 142 Sueco, Inc 218 Summit Home Insurance Company 767 Tayco Corporation 135 Tennessee Homestead Company 34 Texas American Bancshares, Inc 982 A 83 Pages Bank Holding Company Act—Continued Orders issued—Cont. Texas Commerce Bancshares, Inc 320, 812 Texas Panhandle Bancshares, Inc 911 Tracy Bancorp 51 Tri County Investment Co 512 Triro Bancorporation, Inc 688 Trust Company of Georgia, Trust Company Bank, and Trust Company of Georgia Associates 333 Tulbancorp, Inc 894 Union Bancgroup & Co . . . 512 United Bancorp 222 United Bank Corporation of New York 894 United Banks of Colorado, Inc 37 United Michigan Corporation 421 United Missouri Bancshares, Inc 39, 415 Viking Corporation 407 Walter E. Heller International Corporation.. 329 Weatherford Bancshares, Inc 689 Wedge Holding Company 408 Weld State Company 224 West Point Bancorp, Inc 227 Western Banks of Wyoming, Inc 332 WINGO, LTD 142 WISCUB, Inc 40 Woodford Investment Company 695 Rules of Procedure, amendment to revise procedures for certain applications under 881 Bank Holding Company Tax Act of 1976: Certifications issued: Brantley Company, Inc 417 Evans Insurance Agency, Inc 597 GATX Corporation (formerly General American Transportation Corporation) 226 Industrial National Corporation 330 Investment Corporation of America 985 King Ranch, Inc 138 Kyanite Mining Corporation 598 Lindoe, Inc 600 Republic of Texas Corporation 139 Schnitzler Corporation 600 Serco Investment Company 510, 768 304 Corporation 602 Time Holdings, Inc 54, 768 Tracy Bancorp 55 Trans-Western Corp 693 UniCapital Corporation 419, 694 University Bancorp, Inc 815 Voyageur Development Corporation 769 Bank market structure, staff economic study 532 Bank Merger Act: Orders issued: Apple Capital Bank, Mount Jackson, Va 513 Bank of Mid-Jersey, Bordentown Township, N.J 333 Bank of Utah, Ogden, Utah 817 Bank of Virginia-Richmond, Richmond, Va... 912 Connecticut Bank and Trust Co., Hartford, Conn 987 Conway Trust Company, Conway, N.H 772 F.B.G. Bank of Mount Sterling, Mount Sterling, Ohio 817 First State Bank of Miami, Miami, Fla 912 First Virginia Bank-Eastern, Warrenton, Fauquier County, Va 817 Hamilton Bank and Trust Company, Bailey's Crossroads, Va 333 Hillsboro Bank and Savings Co., Hillsboro, Ohio 52 Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company, Tampa, Fla 421 Southern Bank and Trust Company, Richmond, Va 513, 817 A 84 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 Pages Bank stock loans, statement on survey 285 Bank supervision and regulation (Federal): Banking system, statements on condition 458 Community Reinvestment Act, interagency regulations implementing, and examination procedures 145, 611, 821, 989 Competition in Banking Act of 1977, statement 179 Condition and income reports, proposed simplification by bank regulatory agencies 825, 994 Data processing centers, uniform interagency rating system 922 Equal Credit Opportunity Act and Fair Housing Act, statement on Board's enforcement 742 Examination procedure relating to "country risk" factors involved in international lending by U.S. banks, adoption of uniform interagency system 920 Foreign banks, statement to Congress on International Banking Act of 1978, amendment of Regulation K, and statement of bank regulatory agencies 538, 963, 989, 990 Improper payments by banks and bank holding companies, joint policy statement of regulatory agencies 61, 146 Inside investment information, Board policy statement on misuse 339 Rating system for banks, adoption by regulatory agencies of uniform system 426 Securities transactions, proposed uniform interagency standards 922 Trust assets, revised interagency requirements for reporting 921 Trust departments, adoption of uniform interagency rating system 824 Bankers acceptances, interpretation of Regulation A 427, 486 Banking system, U . S . , statement on condition... 458 Bennett, Charles W . , appointed Assistant Director, Division of Federal Reserve Bank Examinations and Budgets 923 Bierer, William E., appointed director, Pittsburgh Branch 232 Board of Governors (See also Federal Reserve System): Bank holding companies, actions concerning (See Bank holding companies) Budgets of Reserve Banks, approval 63 Division of Administrative Services, redesignated Division of Support Services, effective Jan. 1, 1979 826 Dollar, joint Treasury-Federal Reserve statement on measures to strengthen 917 Film on functions of Nation's central bank, availability 779 Interpretations (See Interpretations) Legislation (See Legislation) Litigation, pending cases .. 57, 143, 228, 3 3 4 , 4 2 2 , 514, 604, 695, 772, 818, 912, 988 Meetings open to public, procedures for requesting materials scheduled to be discussed and recordings of open meetings 63, 780 Members: Burns, Arthur F., resignation, and designation as Acting Chairman 59, 249 Gardner, Stephen S., Vice Chairman, death 919 Jackson, Philip C., Jr., resignation 918 Lilly, David M., resignation 249 Lists 246, 335, 774, 914 Miller, G. William, appointment and designation as Chairman 248 Teeters, Nancy H., appointment 777 Members and officers A70 Publications (See Publications and releases) Pages Board of Governors—Continued Regulations and rules (See Regulations and rules) Seasonal adjustment techniques, formation of committee to review 341 Staff changes: Anderson, Donald E 826 Axilrod, Stephen H 923 Bennett, Charles W 923 Brundy, James M 779 Daniels, Joseph, Sr 149 Ettin, Edward C 994 Farnsworth, Clyde H., Jr 428 Geary, Anne 994 Grim wood, Gordon B 612 Grizzard, John L 826 Hamilton, Albert R 428 Hawke, John D . , Jr 149 Henderson, Dale W 779 Hudson, Milton W 149 Jones, Sidney L 149 Kreimann, Walter W 826 Mannion, Robert E 64 Matthews, Robert E 149 Mead, Thomas E 428 Meeder, Lorin S 519 Minehan, Cathy E 149, 519 Petersen, Neal L 252 Prell, Michael J 779 Promisel, Larry J 779 Puckett, Richard H 612 Raiken, Allen L 64 Shafer, Jeffrey R 779 Smith, Ralph W., Jr 779 Struble, Frederick M 779 Teed, Raymond L 923 Tuttle, Baldwin B 64 Wallace, John M 519 Staff economic studies (See Staff economic studies) Statements to Congress (See Statements to Congress) Statistical reporting to, reduction 518, 698 Supervision and regulation (See Bank supervision and regulation) Bonds, certain nonconvertible corporate bonds, amendment of Regulation T 428, 801, 823 Brabec, Edward F., appointed Class C director, Chicago 236 Brackett, Pearl C., appointed director, Baltimore Branch 233 Branch banks: Federal Reserve: Directors (See Directors) Vice Presidents in charge A73 Foreign branches of member banks: Assets and liabilities, data from year-end reports of condition 516 Reserve requirement on foreign borrowings, amendment of Regulations D and M 756, 777 Broida, Arthur L., Secretary, Federal Open Market Committee, retirement 779 Brown, Wilson M., Jr., elected Class A director, Philadelphia 231 Brundy, James M . , appointed Associate Research Division Officer, Division of Research and Statistics 779 Bryan, Merle G . , appointed director, Portland Branch 244 Budget, Federal, statements and article 84, 190, 701 Budgets of Reserve- Banks, approval and statement on review 63, 90 BULLETIN tables (See Tables) Index to Volume 64 Pages Burns, Arthur F.: Designation as Acting Chairman, Board of Governors 249 Resignation as Member, Board of Governors.. 59 CAPACITY and capacity utilization, publication 148 Capital, article on new series on working capital of nonfinancial corporations 533 Capital financing requirements of commercial banks, 1977-81, staff economic study 82 Chart Book, Federal Reserve 996 Check clearing and collection (See Transfers of funds) Coldwell, Philip E.: Banking system, U . S . , statement 458 Competition in Banking Act of 1977, statement 179 Federal Reserve System: Expenditures, review, and 1978 budgets, statement 90 Membership, and issue of pricing for Federal Reserve services, statement 647 $1 coin, statement 453 Truth in Lending Act, statement 740 Commercial banks (See also Member banks): Capital financing requirements, external, staff economic study 82 Condition and income reports (See Condition and income reports) Consumer credit survey, 3-year extension and revisions 698 Foreign banks (See Foreign banks) Insured, article on income in 1977 441 Loans, reduction in statistical reporting to Board 518 Loans and investments, revisions in series 518 Time and savings deposits, surveys 76, 367, 623, 837 Condition and income reports: Revisions and availability 64, 147, 251 Simplification, by bank regulatory agencies 825, 994 Consumer Advisory Council 145, 250, 5 1 8 , 6 9 7 , 994, All Consumer credit (See credit) Corporate finance, article 431 Corporations, nonfinancial, article 533 Cousins, Jane C., appointed director, Miami Branch 235 Craighead, Rodkey, appointed director, Detroit Branch 237 Credit (See also Loans): Brokers and dealers (See Regulations and rules, Board of Governors: T) Consumer: Advisory Council 145, 250, 518, 697, 994, A72 Community Reinvestment Act, regulations implementing 145, 611, 821, 989 Equal Credit Opportunity (See Equal Credit Opportunity) Fair Credit Billing Act, article 363 Fair Debt Collection Practices Act 341 Housing (See Real estate) Interest rates charged by commercial banks, reduction in statistical reporting 518 Leasing (See Leasing) Mortgages (See Real estate) Pamphlets 922, 996 Survey, 3-year extension and revisions 698 Truth in Lending Act (See Truth in Lending) Reserve Banks (See Federal Reserve Banks) Stocks (See Stock market) Credit-scoring models, staff economic study 13 Credit unions, statement Currency and coin, statement A 85 Pages 631 453 DANIELS, Joseph W . , Sr., appointed Director of Equal Employment Opportunity Davis, Jean McArthur, elected Class B director, Atlanta Decio, Arthur J., elected Class B director, Chicago DeMilner, Lawrence E., article Deposits: Interest rates (See Interest on deposits) Reserve requirements (See Reserve requirements) Time and savings, at commercial banks, surveys 76, 367, 623, Directors: Federal Reserve Banks: Actions and responsibilities, amendment Chairmen and Federal Reserve Agents.229, Class C directors, statement Deputy Chairmen 229, List Federal Reserve branch banks: Actions and responsibilities, amendment.. Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen 229, List Qualifications, revision of regulations...571, Discount rates at Reserve Banks (See Interest rates) Dividends in 1977: Federal Reserve Banks Insured commercial banks Dollar 453, 700, 783, 917, Donegan, Richard O., appointed director, Louisville Branch EARNINGS and expenses: Condition and income reports (See Condition and income reports) Federal Reserve Banks, 1977 Insured commercial banks, 1977, article Economic expansion in 1977, article Economy: Condition and outlook, and conduct of monetary policy, statements . . . . 185, 190, 373, 543, 642, 843, Eisenbeis, Robert A . , staff economic study Elberson, Robert E., appointed director, Charlotte Branch Electronic funds transfer (EFT) systems (See Transfers of funds) Employment, statement Equal Credit Opportunity: Act: Enforcement, proposed guidelines for, and statement 611, Exercise of consumer rights under, article.. Regulation B (See Regulations and rules, Board of Governors) Erkins, Robert A . , appointed director, Salt Lake City Branch Ettin, Edward C., appointed Deputy Staff Director, Office of Staff Director for Monetary and Financial Policy Euro-dollar borrowings, 756, 777, 917, Examinations (See Bank supervision and regulation) Exports, U . S . , statement 149 234 236 521 837 568 A73 552 A73 229 568 A73 229 611 63 441 943 238 63 441 1 548, 943 13 233 377 742 363 244 994 962 86 FAIR CREDIT BILLING ACT, article 363 Fair Housing Act, statement 742 Farnsworth, Clyde H., Jr., appointed Associate Director, Division of Federal Reserve Bank Examinations and Budgets 428 A 86 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 Pages Federal Advisory Council A72 Federal budget: In 1970's, article 701 Statements 84, 190 Federal funds: Article 353 Staff economic study 937 Survey 149 Federal Open Market Committee: Foreign exchange markets, Treasury-Federal Reserve joint intervention 60 Foreign exchange operations, reports 161,448, 717, 939 Members and officers: Altmann, Murray, Secretary, appointment 779 Broida, Arthur L., Secretary, retirement . . . 779 List A72 Monetary policy and open market operations in 1977, article 265 Policy actions, record 15, 98, 195, 2 9 0 , 3 8 2 , 465, 556, 656, 745, 791, 848, 947 Swap arrangements 60, 250, 917 Federal Reserve Act, statement 552 Federal Reserve Banks: Branches (See Branch banks) Budgets, approval, and statement on review of System expenditures for 1977 and 1978 budget 63,90 Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen 170, A73 Credit extended by, interpretation of Regulation A 427, 486 Delegation by Board of certain authority to, amendment of rules 112 Directors (See Directors) Discount rates (See Interest rates) Earnings and expenses, 1977 63 Presidents and Vice Presidents, list A73 Purchase of warrants, Regulation E 918, 963 Transfers of funds (See Transfers of funds) Federal Reserve Chart Book 996 Federal Reserve notes, statement 552 Federal Reserve System (See also Board of Governors): Bank supervision and regulation (See Bank supervision and regulation) Dollar, joint Treasury-Federal Reserve statement on measures to strengthen 917 Expenditures, review, and 1978 budgets, statement 90 Film on functions of Nation's central bank.. 779 Foreign exchange markets, Treasury-Federal Reserve joint intervention 60 Foreign exchange operations of Treasury and Federal Reserve, reports 161, 448, 717, 939 Legislation (See Legislation) Map of districts and their branch territories .. A92 Membership: Admissions of State banks . . 6 4 , 149, 252, 429, 519, 613, 780, 826, 923, 996 Attrition since 1960, staff economic study .. 12 Proposed legislation, statements .. 636, 642, 647 Swap arrangements 250, 917 Transfers of funds (See Transfers of funds) Fickling, William A . , Jr., appointed Class C director, Atlanta 234 Finance, corporate, article 431 Financial developments, quarterly reports to Congress 67, 345, 615, 829 Foreign banks: International Banking Act of 1978 538, 963 989, 990 Reserve requirement on foreign borrowings, amendment of Regulations D and M . . . 756, 111 Pages Foreign currency arrangements 250, 917 Foreign exchange markets, announcement of Treasury-Federal Reserve joint intervention . . . 60 Foreign exchange operations of Treasury and Federal Reserve, reports 161, 448, 717, 939 Foreign exchange value of dollar (See Dollar) Foreign lending by large U.S. banks, surveys 60, 515, 992 Freund, James L., article 1 GARDNER, Stephen S.: Budget, Federal, statement Vice Chairman, Board of Governors, death . . . Garner, John H., appointed director, San Antonio Branch Gavitt, William S., appointed director, Buffalo Branch Geary, Anne, appointed Assistant Director, Division of Consumer Affairs Gelbach, John A . , elected Class A director, Cleveland Gonzales, Arthur L., appointed director, El Paso Branch Gough, Joseph M., Jr., appointed director, Baltimore Branch Grimwood, Gordon B., Assistant Director and Program Director for Contingency Planning, Office of Staff Director for Management, retirement Grizzard, John L., appointed Associate Division Director for Building Services, Division of Support Services Grobel, Lynn D . , appointed director, Helena Branch HAMILTON, Albert R., appointed Director, Division of Federal Reserve Bank Examinations and Budgets Hanweck, Gerald A . , staff economic study Harlow, James G., Jr., elected Class B director, Kansas City Hawke, John D . , Jr., General Counsel, resignation Henderson, Dale W., appointed Assistant International Division Officer, Division of International Finance Hill, Richard D . , elected Class A director, Boston Hillenmeyer, Walter W . , Jr., appointed director, Cincinnati Branch Holmes, Alan R., reports . . . 161, 265, 448, 717, Hooper, Peter, article Housing (See Real estate) Howard, William E., Jr., appointed director, New Orleans Branch Huckfeldt, Joe J., appointed director, Omaha Branch Hudson, Milton W . , Assistant to Chairman, resignation 84 919 242 230 994 231 242 233 612 826 239 428 82 240 149 779 229 232 939 783 236 241 149 INCOME and expenses (See Earnings and expenses) Incomes policies, statements 94, 454 Individual retirement accounts (IRA's), amendment and interpretation of Regulation Q .. 4 2 3 , 4 7 9 , 519, 571, 698, 995 Industrial production, Board releases . . . 6 5 , 151, 253, 343, 430, 520, 614, 699, 781, 827, 925, 997 Inflation, article 521 Insured commercial banks (See Commercial banks) Index to Volume 64 Pages Interest on deposits (See also Interest on deposits): Ceiling rate authority, statement 631 Retirement accounts, increase in ceiling rate, technical amendment of Regulation Q . . 5 1 9 , 571 Time deposits: Early withdrawal, amendment and interpretation of Regulation Q 698, 995 New types, amendment, Regulation Q . . . 423, 479 Transfers of funds, automatic, from savings to checking accounts, amendment of Regulation Q to permit 424, 479 Treasury tax-and-loan investment program, amendment of Regulation Q to exempt..398, 427 Interest rates (See also Interest on deposits): Ceilings and disintermediation, staff study... 715 Consumer loans by commercial banks, reduction in statistical reporting to Board 518 Federal Reserve Banks, changes 59, 423, 610, 777, 821, 917 International statistics, revised tables 612 International transactions of United States, article 255 Interpretations, Board of Governors: Bank holding companies 148, 211 Credit: Reserve Bank, extension of kinds of bankers acceptances eligible for discount 427, 486 Securities, acceptance of "purpose statements" by mail for loans on securities purchases 567, 611 Equal Credit Opportunity 337, 396, 428 Interest on deposits, early withdrawal of time deposits without penalty 995 Truth in Lending: Certain open-end credit plans secured by consumers' residences, right of rescission . . . 671 Disclosure of loss of interest when time deposit is security for loan, proposed 778 Official staff interpretations 396, 428 Repayment of debt in varying amounts. .428, 518, 757, 779 Terms, change in 882 Investments 518, 629 JACKSON, Philip C., Jr.: Community Reinvestment Act, Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, extension of Regulation Q authority, and central liquidity facility for credit unions, statement Equal Credit Opportunity Act and Fair Housing Act, statement Resignation as Member, Board of Governors.. Jellison, Fern, appointed director, Los Angeles Branch Johns, Lawrence A . , appointed director, Detroit Branch Jones, Sidney L., appointed Assistant to Board.. Jordan, Thomas A . , elected Class B director, Richmond 631 742 918 243 237 149 232 KEOGH plan retirement accounts, amendment and interpretation of Regulation Q 423, 4 7 9 , 5 1 9 , 571, 698, 995 Kesey, Chester J., appointed director, El Paso Branch 242 Kopecky, Kenneth J., staff economic study 937 Kreimann, Walter W . , appointed Associate Division Director for Staff Support, Division of Support Services 826 LEASING, pamphlet explaining Consumer Leasing Act, and adoption of criteria for exemption from leasing laws and Regulation Z 426, 428, 481 Lefever, David M . , article 837 A 87 Pages Legislation: Bank supervision and regulation: Competition in Banking Act of 1977, statement 179 Foreign banks (International Banking Act of 1978), statement to Congress, amendment of Regulation K, and statement of Federal bank regulatory agencies . . 5 3 8 , 963, 989, 990 Consumer credit: Community Reinvestment Act: Regulations implementing, interagency, and examination procedures.. 145, 611, 821, 989 Statement 631 Equal Credit Opportunity Act (See Equal Credit Opportunity) Fair Credit Billing Act, article 363 Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, fact sheet 341 Fair Housing Act, proposed guidelines for enforcement, and statement 611, 742 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, statement.. 631 Leasing (See Leasing) Truth in Lending Act (See Truth in Lending) Credit unions, proposed establishment of central liquidity facility 631 Dollar, statement on bill to change size, weight, and design of $1 coin 453 Federal Reserve System: Branch directors, qualifications, revision of regulation to conform with Federal Reserve Reform Act of 1977 571, 611 Federal Reserve Act, proposed amendments. 552 Membership decline, statements . 636, 642, 647 Reserve requirements, universal, and Board program to encourage membership in System, proposed 605 Flood insurance program, amendment of Regulation H 397 Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act (Humphrey-Hawkins bill), statement 377 Government in the Sunshine Act, statement . . . 651 Interest on deposits, statement on proposed extension of ceiling rate authority, changes . . . 631 Small Business Investment Act of 1958, statement 629 Tax, statement 736 Treasury Department, statement on extending direct borrowing authority from 542 Leyendecker, Claude E., appointed director, El Paso Branch 242 Lilly, David M . , resignation as Member, Board of Governors 249 Litigation, pending cases involving Board of Governors 57, 143, 228, 334, 4 2 2 , 5 1 4 , 604, 695, 772, 818, 912, 988 Loans (See also Credit): Bank stock, statement on survey 285 Commercial bank loans and investments, revisions in series 518 Executive officers of member banks, amendment of Regulation O to increase limit and to clarify 211, 251, 611, 670 Foreign lending by large U.S. banks, surveys 60, 515, 992 Interest loss when time deposit is security for, proposed interpretation on disclosure.. 778 Real estate (See Real estate) Statistical reporting to Board, reduction 518 Luckett, Charles A . , article 153 MCBRIDE, Lloyd, appointed director, Pittsburgh Branch 232 McKelvey, Edward F., staff economic study 715 A 88 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 Pages McKetta, John J., appointed director, San Antonio Branch 243 McKinney, John A . , elected Class B director, Kansas City 240 McMahon, James D . , appointed director, Los Angeles Branch 243 Mannion, Robert E., appointed Associate General Counsel 64 Margin requirements (Regulations G, T, and U): Acceptance of "purpose statements" by mail for loan on securities purchases, new interpretation of Regulations G and U 567, 611 Certain nonconvertible corporate bonds, amendment of Regulation T 428, 801, 823 Over-the-counter stocks (See Over-the-counter margin securities) Subordinated capital loan to another broker or dealer, amendment of Regulation T 611, 670 Matthews, Robert E., return to Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 149 Mead, Thomas E., Assistant Director, Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation, retirement 428 Meeder, Lorin S., appointed Assistant Director, Division of Federal Reserve Bank Operations.. 519 Mellish, Donald L., appointed director, Seattle Branch 245 Member banks (See also National banks): Branches (See Branch banks) Credit extended by Reserve Banks 427, 486 Loans: Executive officers, amendment of Regulation O to increase limit and to clarify 211,251, 611, 670 Statistical reporting to Board, reduction 518 Reserve requirements (See Reserve requirements) State member banks (See State member banks) Supervision and regulation (See Bank supervision and regulation) Transfers of funds (See Transfers of funds) Mergers (See Bank Merger Act) Mettler, Ole R., elected Class A director, San Francisco 243 Michelson, Gertrude, appointed Class C director, New York 230 Miller, G. William: Appointment as Member and designation as Chairman, Board of Governors 248 Bank supervision and regulation, foreign banks, statement 538 Banking system, U . S . , statement 458 Dollar rescue operations and their domestic implications, statement 943 Federal budget, statement 190 Federal Reserve System membership, 636, 642 Government in the Sunshine Act, statement . . . 651 Monetary policy, conduct, and condition and outlook for national economy, statements .. 185, 190, 373, 543, 548, 642, 843, 943 Tax legislation, statement 736 Millsaps, Fred R., appointed director, Miami Branch 235 Minehan, Cathy E., temporary appointment as Assistant Secretary of Board, and return to Federal 149, 519 Reserve Bank of New York Mingo, John J., staff economic study 82 Monetary aggregates, staff papers on improving.. 993 Monetary policy: Article 265 Conduct, and condition and outlook for national economy, statements 185, 190, 3 7 3 , 5 4 3 , 548, 642, 843, 943 Money stock, revision 338 Pages Morisse, Kathryn A . , article 255 Mortgages (See Real estate) Morton, John, article 783 Muller, Steven, appointed Class C director, Richmond 233 NATIONAL banks: Condition and income reports (See Condition and income reports) Reserve requirement on foreign borrowings, amendment of Regulation M 756, 111 Supervision and regulation (See Bank supervision and regulation) OPEN market operations (See Federal Open Market Committee) Opper, Barbara N., article Over-the-counter margin securities: Certain nonconvertible corporate bonds, amendment of Regulation T 801, List: Requirements for inclusion 251, 427, Revisions 342, 441 823 480 825 PARDEE, Scott E., reports 161, 448, 717, 939 Parks, Virginia, appointed director, Seattle Branch 245 Partee, J. Charles: Bank stock loans, statement on survey 285 Federal Reserve Act, statement on proposed amendments 552 Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act, statement 377 Treasury Department, statement on extension of direct borrowing authority 542 Payments mechanism (See Transfers of funds) Petersen, Neal L., appointed General Counsel . . . 252 Phillips, Frederic H., elected Class A director, Richmond 323 Policy actions, Federal Open Market Committee (See Federal Open Market Committee) Prell, Michael J., appointed Associate Research Division Officer, Division of Research and Statistics 779 Production (See Industrial production) Promisel, Larry J., appointed Assistant International Division Officer, Division of International Finance 779 Publications and releases in 1978: Annual Report, 1977 519 Annual Statistical Digest, 1973-1977 994 Bank Holding Company Movement to 1978: A Compendium 922 Consumer pamphlets 250, 922, 996 Federal Reserve Chart Book 996 Federal Reserve Measures of Capacity and Capacity Utilization 148 Foreign lending survey ("Country Exposure Report") 60 Improving the Monetary Aggregates: Staff Papers 993 Leasing, pamphlet explaining Leasing Act 426 List of available publications A74 Over-the-counter margin stock list 251,342, 427, 480, 825 Puckett, Richard H., appointed Manager, Regulatory Improvement Project, Office of Secretary... 612 RAIKEN, Allen L., appointed Associate General Counsel 64 Real estate: Brokers, proposed amendment of Regulation B.. 920 Community Reinvestment A c t . . . . 1 4 5 , 6 1 1 , 8 2 1 , 989 Index to Volume 64 Pages Real estate—Continued Fair Housing Act, proposed guidelines for enforcement, and statement 611, 742 Home mortgage disclosure, exemption actions from Regulation C and statement 251, 631 Household borrowing in recovery, article 153 Housing, new consumer pamphlet 250 Loans in identified flood-hazardous areas, amendment of Regulation H 397 Mortgage borrowing against equity in existing homes, staff economic study 361 Regulation Z, interpretations and amendment..428, 518, 671, 697, 756, 778, 779 Record of policy actions, Federal Open Market Committee (See Federal Open Market Committee) Regulations and rules, Board of Governors: A, Extensions of Credit by Federal Reserve Banks: Bankers acceptances, interpretation to extend kinds eligible for discount 427, 486 B, Equal Credit Opportunity: Adverse action, amendment 306, 337 Collection of information, interpretations 337 Implementation, proposed guidelines 611 Official staff interpretations, revised procedures, amendment 396, 428 Real estate brokers and business credit, proposed amendments relating to 920 C, Home Mortgage Disclosure: Exemption actions 251 D, Reserves of Member Banks: Borrowings from member bank with head office outside United States, amendment 27, 756, 111 Foreign borrowings, amendment 756, 111 Supplemental, on all large-denomination time deposits and certain other liabilities, amendment 917, 962 Treasury tax-and-loan investment program, amendment exempting 398, 427 E, Purchase of Warrants: Cancellation 918, 963 F, Securities of Member State Banks: Disclosures to stockholders, proposed amendment 251 Securities and Exchange Commission regulations, amendments to conform 859 G, Securities Credit by Persons Other Than Banks, Brokers, or Dealers: Acceptance of 4 'purpose statements'' by mail, new interpretation 567, 611 Over-the-counter margin stock list, amendment 251, 427, 480 H, Membership of State Banking Institutions in the Federal Reserve System: Real estate loans in identified flood-hazardous areas, amendment 397 Securities transactions, proposed amendment to establish uniform records and procedures 148 Transfer agents, amendment 27 K, Corporations Engaged in Foreign Banking andFinancing Underthe Federal Reserve Act: Reserve requirements on U.S. deposits, amendment for conformity with International Banking Act of 1978 963, 989 M, Foreign Activities of National Banks: Reserve requirement on foreign borrowings, amendment 756, 111 O, Loans to Executive Officers of Member Banks: Indebtedness under bank credit-card, checkcredit, or similar plan, amendment.. .611, 670 Limit, amendment to increase 211, 251 A 89 Pages Regulations and rules—Continued Q, Interest on Deposits: Retirement accounts, increase in ceiling rate, technical amendment 519, 571 Time deposits: Early withdrawal, amendment and interpretation 698 995 New types, amendment 423, 479 Transfers of funds, automatic, from savings to checking accounts, amendment to permit 424, 479 Treasury tax-and-loan investment program, amendment exempting 398, 427 Regulation relating to Reserve Bank directors, actions and responsibilities 568 Regulations Relating to Branches of Federal Reserve Banks, revision for conformity with Federal Reserve Reform Act of 1977 . . 5 7 1 , 611 Rules of Procedure, amendments.... 880, 881, 882 Rules Regarding Delegation of Authority, amendments 112, 485, 756, 880 Rules regarding public observation of meetings, amendments 756 T, Credit by Brokers and Dealers: Certain nonconvertible corporate bonds: Credit on, amendment 801, 823 Margin requirements on, proposed amendment 428 Over-the-counter margin stock list, amendment 251, 427, 480 Subordinated capital loart to another broker or dealer, amendment 611, 670 U, Credit by Banks for the Purpose of Purchasing or Carrying Margin Stocks: Acceptance of "purpose statements" by mail, new interpretation 567, 611 Over-the-counter margin stock list, amendment 251, 427, 480 Y, Bank Holding Companies: Acting as general insurance agents, comment invited 518 Check verification as permissible activity, proposed amendment 698 Divestitures in certain situations, interpretation 211 Foreign offices, proposed amendment 342 Municipal securities dealer activities, amendment 306 Nonbank activities, proposed change in provisions concerning publication of notice of intention to commence 611 Registration or application for expansion, approval of several technical changes affecting, and other revised rules 920 Sale of insurance, proposed revision 342 Selling money orders, traveler's checks, savings bonds, and certain courses, proposed amendment 251 Transfer agents, amendment 27 Transferred shares or other assets, interpretation 148 Underwriting and dealing in Govt, securities, Board decisions on 148 Z, Truth in Lending: Billing: Cash-advance check transactions, amendment 147 Descriptive, of nonsale credit transactions on open-end credit accounts, amendment 112 Certain open-end credit plans secured by consumers' residences, amendment and interpretation concerning right of recission 671, 697 A 90 Federal Reserve Bulletin • December 1978 Pages Regulations and rules—Continued Z, Truth in Lending—Cont. Consumer leasing laws, exemption from, amendment 428, 481, 485 Credit transactions, exemption from 919 Deferred action on all amendments except where unavoidable 993 Disclosure of loss of interest when time deposit is used as security for loan, proposed interpretation 778 Official staff interpretations, revised procedures, amendment 396, 428 Record retention requirements for lenders in credit transactions, amendment 486, 517 Repayment of debt in varying amounts: All cases, proposed revised interpretation and amendment 428, 518, 778 Disclosure, amendment, and withdrawal of proposed revision of interpretation 756, 779 Minor irregularities, maximum irregular period limits, interpretation 757 Terms, amendment of interpretation 882 Repurchase agreements and Federal funds, survey and article 149, 353 Reserve requirements: Member banks: Changes (See Regulations and rules, Board of Governors: D) Staff economic studies 531, 937 Universal, and Board program to encourage membership in Federal Reserve System, proposed legislation 605 Revisions (See also Tables): Commercial bank loans and investments series.. 518 Condition and income reports, and availability of preliminary data 64, 147, 251 Money stock 338 Rhoades, Stephen A . , staff economic study 532 Rose, John T., staff economic study 12 SAG A N , John, appointed Class C director, Chicago 236 Savings and loan associations 145, 4 2 3 , 4 7 9 , 611, 821, 989 Schneider, Phillip W . , appointed director, Portland Branch 244 Schweitzer, Paul, staff economic study 532 Seasonal adjustment techniques, formation of committee to review 341 Securities (See specific types): Bank stock loans, statement on survey 285 Municipal securities dealer activities, amendment of Regulation Y 306 Nonconvertible corporate bonds, amendment of Regulation T 428, 801, 823 Over-the-counter (See Stock market) State member banks: Securities and Exchange Commission regulations, amendment of Regulation F to conform 859 Transactions, proposed amendment of Regulation H to establish uniform records and procedures 148 Transfer agents, amendment of Regulations H and Y 27 Stock market (See Stock market) Seiders, David F., article and staff economic study 153, 361 Shafer, Jeffrey R., appointed Associate International Division Officer, Division of International Finance 779 Shirley, George S., appointed director, Birmingham Branch 234 Pages Simpson, Thomas D . , staff economic study 531 Smaby, James H., elected Class A director, Minneapolis 239 Smith, Ralph W . , Jr., appointed Assistant International Division Officer, Division of International Finance 779 Smith, Wayne J., article 353 Staff economic studies (summaries): Bank market structure, effect of bank holding company foothold acquisitions on 532 Commercial banks, external capital financing requirements, 1977-81 82 Credit-scoring models, problems in applying discriminant analysis 13 Federal Reserve System attrition since 1960, analysis 12 Interest rate ceilings and disintermediation 715 Member bank required reserve ratios, behavior and effects of Board action, 1968-77 531 Mortgage borrowing against equity in existing homes 361 Relationship between reserve ratios and monetary aggregates under reserves and Federal funds rate operating targets 937 State member banks: Condition and income reports (See Condition and income reports) Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, fact sheet... 341 Home mortgage disclosure, exemption actions from Regulation C, and statement 251, 698 Membership in Federal Reserve System: Admissions 64, 1 4 9 , 2 5 2 , 4 2 9 , 5 1 9 , 6 1 3 , 7 8 0 , 8 2 6 , 9 2 3 , 996 Legislation, proposed, statements . . . 636, 642, 647 Mergers (See Bank Merger Act) Real estate loans in identified flood-hazardous areas, amendment of Regulation H 397 Securities (See Securities) Supervision and regulation (See Bank supervision and regulation) Tax transactions between parent holding companies and, Board policy statement 825 Statements to Congress (includes reports): Bank stock loans, survey 285 Banking system, U . S . , condition 458 Budget, Federal, financial implications of expanding public debt 84 Community Reinvestment Act 631 Competition in Banking Act of 1977 179 Credit unions, proposed establishment of central liquidity facility 631 Dollar: $1 coin, bill to change size, weight, and design 453 Rescue operations and their domestic implications 943 Equal Credit Opportunity Act and Fair Housing Act, Board's enforcement 742 Exports, U . S . , influences of recent exchange-rate movements on 86 Federal budget 190 Federal Reserve Act, proposed amendments to expand type of collateral eligible to secure Federal Reserve notes, and to expand number of Class C directors of Reserve Banks 552 Federal Reserve System: Expenditures, review, and 1978 budgets 90 Membership, proposed legislation to stem attrition, and related issues 636, 642, 647 Financial developments, quarterly reports to Congress: Q4, 1977 67 Q l , Q2, andQ3, 1978 3 4 5 , 6 1 5 , 829 Index to Volume 64 Pages Statements to Congress—Continued Foreign banks, proposed legislation 538 Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act 377 Government in the Sunshine Act 651 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act 631 Incomes policies 94, 454 Interest on deposits, proposed extension of ceiling rate authority and adoption of changes 631 Monetary policy, conduct and condition and outlook for national economy 185, 190,373, 5 4 3 , 5 4 8 , 6 4 2 , 8 4 3 , 943 Small Business Investment Act of 1958, proposed amendment 629 Tax legislation 736 Treasury Department, extension of direct borrowing authority 542 Truth in Lending Act, simplification 740 Stein, Joan, appointed director, Jacksonville Branch 235 Sternlight, Peter D., report 265 Stock market: Acceptance of "purpose statements" by mail for loans on securities purchases, new interpretation of Regulations G and U 567, 611 Nonconvertible corporate bonds, amendment of RegulationT 428,801,823 Over-the-counter margin stock list: Requirements for inclusion, change..251, 4 2 7 , 4 8 0 Revisions 342, 825 Subordinated capital loan to another broker or dealer, amendment of Regulation T . . . 6 1 1 , 670 Stocks, statement on survey of bank stock loans 285 Stringham, Fred H., appointed director, Salt Lake City Branch 244 Stroube, William H., appointed Class C director, St. Louis 237 Struble, Frederick M., appointed Assistant Research Division Officer, Division of Research and Statistics 779 Supervision and regulation (See Bank supervision and regulation) Surveys: Bank stock loans, statement 285 Consumer credit, extension and revisions 698 Consumer rights under Equal Credit Opportunity and Fair Credit Billing Acts, article on exercise of 363 Foreign lending by large U.S. banks...60, 515, 992 Repurchase agreements and other borrowings by banks in Federal funds 149 Time and savings deposits at commercial banks 76, 367, 623, 837 Trust assets, revised interagency requirements for reporting 921 Swap arrangements 60, 250, 917 TABLES (See also Revisions; for index to tables published monthly, see guide at top of p. A81): Annual Statistical Digest, 1973-1977 Consumer credit, 3-year extension of survey and revisions Corporations, nonfinancial, new series on working capital Erratum Foreign exchange value of U.S. dollar, revision of index of weighted-average value International statistics, revised Tax legislation, statement Tax transactions between State member banks and parent holding company, Board statement A 91 Pages Teed, Raymond L., appointed Assistant Director, Division of Federal Reserve Bank Examinations and Budgets 923 Teeters, Nancy H., appointed Member, Board of Governors Ill Terteling, Joseph L., appointed director, Salt Lake City Branch 244 Thrift institutions, nonbank, in 1977 and 1978, article 927 Transfers of funds: EFT (electronic funds transfers) and privacy, article 279 Nationwide network for electronic payments and for clearing services, Board approval for, and completion 425, 823 Prices, preliminary schedule, for Federal Reserve check collection and automated clearinghouse services 989 Proposed actions of Board 64 Savings to checking accounts, automatic, amendment of Regulation Q to permit, effective Nov. 1, and guidance on advertising of plans for 424, 479, 778, 823 Treasury Department: Direct borrowing authority, statement 542 Dollar, joint Treasury-Federal Reserve statement on measures to strengthen 917 Foreign exchange markets, joint intervention with Federal Reserve 60 Foreign exchange operations of Treasury and Federal Reserve, reports 161, 448, 717, 939 Swap arrangements, change 60, 250, 917 Truth in Lending: Act: Consumer leasing laws, exemption from 428, 485 Simplification, statement 740 Regulation Z (See Regulations and rules, Board of Governors) Tschinkel, Sheila, report 265 Tuttle, Baldwin B., Deputy General Counsel, resignation 64 U.S. GOVERNMENT securities: Underwriting and dealing in Federal Govt, and municipal securities by bank holding companies, Board decisions on 148 U.S. international transactions, article 255 V A U G H A N , J. R., elected Class B director, San Francisco 243 700 612 736 WALLACE, John M . , temporary appointment as Assistant Secretary of Board Wallich, Henry C.: Exports, U . S . , statement Incomes policies, statements 94, Small Business Investment Act of 1958, statement Warrants, cancellation of Regulation E 918, Watkins, Hays T., elected Class B director, Cleveland Weber, Arnold R., appointed Class C director, Cleveland Williams, J. Earl, appointed director, Houston Branch Williams, John R., articles 367, Willson, Hugh M., elected Class A director, Atlanta Wire transfers of funds (See Transfers of funds) Wright, Rebekah F., article 825 YOHN, Frederick O . , Jr., article 994 698 533 149 519 86 454 629 963 231 231 242 623 234 76 431 A 92 The Federal Reserve System Boundaries of Federal Reserve Districts and Their Branch Territories Helena Minneapolis Detroit Chicago Omaha* \Salt Lake City Denver Kansas tsfcu lpep| Louisvil City t. fichjnoi Louis 'harlotte. \Oklahoma City* [M^imphisSashm l "geles Mile Rock Birminghai Atlanta Dallas® UPaso jacW>*vitte Houston i ^Orleans \San Antonio January 1 9 7 8 * a > HAWAII © 0 LEGEND ® Federal Reserve Bank Cities Federal Reserve Branch Cities Federal Reserve Bank Facility Guide to Tabular Presentation and Statistical Releases GUIDE TO TABULAR PRESENTATION SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS P r n.e.c. Rp's IPC's Preliminary Revised (Notation appears on column heading when more than half of figures in that column are changed.) Estimated Corrected Not elsewhere classified Repurchase agreements Individuals, partnerships, and corporations SMSA's REIT's Standard metropolitan statistical areas Real estate investment trusts Amounts insignificant in terms of the particular unit ( e . g . , less than 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 when the unit is millions) (1) Zero, (2) no figure to be expected, or (3) figure delayed or, (4) no change (when figures are expressed in percentages). GENERAL INFORMATION Minus signs are used to indicate (1) a decrease, (2) a negative figure, or (3) an outflow. " U . S . Government securities" may include guaranteed issues of U . S . Government agencies (the flow of funds figures also include not fully guaranteed issues) STATISTICAL as well as direct obligations of the Treasury. "State and local government" also includes municipalities, special districts, and other political subdivisions. In some of the tables details do not add to totals because of rounding. RELEASES LIST PUBLISHED SEMIANNUALLY, WITH LATEST BULLETIN REFERENCE Anticipated schedule of release dates for individual releases Issue June 1978 Page A-76