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Finance and Economics Discussion Series Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C. ISSN 1936-2854 (Print) ISSN 2767-3898 (Online) Federal Reserve Board Statistical Releases: a Publications History (Revision) Sian L. Seldin 2016-016 Please cite this paper as: Seldin, Sian L. (2022). “Federal Reserve Board Statistical Releases: a Publications History (Revision),” Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2016-016r1. Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, NOTE: Staff working papers in the Finance and Economics Discussion Series (FEDS) are preliminary materials circulated to stimulate discussion and critical comment. The analysis and conclusions set forth are those of the authors and do not indicate concurrence by other members of the research staff or the Board of Governors. References in publications to the Finance and Economics Discussion Series (other than acknowledgement) should be cleared with the author(s) to protect the tentative character of these papers. Federal Reserve Board Statistical Releases: A Publications History (Revision) Sian L. Seldin* August 2022 Abstract The Federal Reserve Board has published extensive statistical information on the U.S. economy and banking industry since 1914. This information has been published in various formats, usually referred to as “statistical releases.” The titles and release numbers of the publications have changed frequently. Federal Reserve Board Statistical Releases: A Publications History describes these changes; it is a convenient tool that lightens the burden of tracing the titles and release numbers by providing their history in a single location. This revision updates a previous paper published in 2016. It contains content changes for various statistical releases from 2016 to 2022. ________________________________________ * Sian L. Seldin ( Research Library, Federal Reserve Board. I would like to thank John Stevens and Karen Krugman for their guidance. Any errors and omissions should be regarded as the author’s and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Board. Table of Contents Introduction ……………………………………………………………. 3 Numbered Statistical Releases ……………………………………… 5 Unnumbered Statistical Releases……………………………………. 29 Number Index ………………………………………………………….. 35 Title Index …………….………………………………………………… 42 Appendix: Figures ……………………………………………………… 50 2 Introduction The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has published extensive statistical information on the U.S. economy and banking industry since 1914. This information has been published in various formats, usually referred to as “statistical releases.” The titles and release numbers of the publications have changed frequently. Federal Reserve Board Statistical Releases: A Publications History describes these changes; it is a convenient tool that lightens the burden of tracing the titles and release numbers by providing their history in a single location. In the early years of the Federal Reserve Board, some statistical information was published in tables that appeared only in the Federal Reserve Bulletin. These statistics were compiled in Banking and Monetary Statistics (1914-1941) and Banking and Monetary Statistics (1941-1970). In addition to the tables, these publications provide helpful textual information on the history of the statistical data. After 1970, the Bulletin tables were compiled in the Annual Statistical Digest and Statistical Digest. In recent years, statistical release data also have appeared on the Board’s public website ( During the Federal Reserve System’s centennial, an extensive collection of numbered statistical releases from the Research Library’s collections were digitized and now are available at the St. Louis Fed’s FRASER website ( To construct a comprehensive statistical data series over time, it may be necessary to consult all of these sources. This document consists of two parts. The first part covers numbered statistical releases and is arranged by release number. In the past, the Board printed out the numbered releases and circulated them as individual documents. The second part includes some surveys and the unnumbered releases, which are arranged by title. The date ranges listed under each title refer to the dates of publication. This paper does not include any of the economic research data series ( that accompany some of the Board’s independent research publications. They are not official statistical releases and are therefore out of scope for this paper. 3 This document has both number and title indexes. The numbers in these indexes refer to item number, not page number. The figures in the document are included to display graphically some complicated changes in these documents. The information in this history was obtained from various sources, including the Research Library’s print collection of statistical releases, its microfilm collection, and card and online catalogs. Information also was obtained from the Federal Reserve Bulletin’s annual list of publications and statistical tables; the statistical release records in the Board’s Records Section; and the Guide to the Retention of Selected Releases, a booklet published by Research Library staff from 1980 to 1990. 4 Numbered Statistical Releases 1 B816 Industrial Advances by Federal Reserve Banks: Summary of Applications, Approvals, Rejections and Commitments 1934-1936 Weekly Note: In 1936, Industrial Advances by Federal Reserve Banks (B816, 1934-1936) and Industrial Advances and Commitments Under Section 13(b) of the Federal Reserve Act (B817, 19341936) were merged into Industrial Advances and Commitments (B819). 2 B817 Industrial Advances and Commitments Under Section 13(b) of the Federal Reserve Act: Summary by Federal Reserve Banks 1934-1936 Weekly Note: In 1936, Industrial Advances by Federal Reserve Banks (B816, 1934-1936) and Industrial Advances and Commitments Under Section 13(b) of the Federal Reserve Act (B817, 19341936) were merged into Industrial Advances and Commitments (B819). 3 C.2 Aggregate Summaries of Annual Surveys of Securities Credit Extension 1976-1999 Annual 4 C.4 Insured Bank Income by Size of Bank 1978-1982 Annual Formerly: 1953-1960 Member Bank Earnings (Quarterly/Semiannual) 1961 Member Bank Income (Quarterly/Semiannual) 1962 Member Bank Income (E.5, Quarterly/Semiannual) 1963 Member Bank Earnings (E.5, Quarterly/Semiannual) 1964-1977 Member Bank Income (C.4, Annual) 5 C.5 Bank Debits and Demand Deposits 1970-1976 Annual Formerly: 1919-1929 Debits to Individual Accounts 1930-1939 Bank Debits: Debits to Individual Accounts (FR 344) 1940-1942 Bank Debits: Debits to Deposit Accounts (FR 344) 1943-1945 Bank Debits to Deposit Accounts Except Interbank Accounts (FR 344) 1946-1953 Bank Debits to Deposit Accounts Except Interbank Accounts (C.5) 1954-1969 Bank Debits to Demand Deposit Accounts Except Interbank and U.S. 5 Government Accounts (C.5) Note: Bank Debits and Demand Deposits (C.5) included Bank Debits to Demand Deposit Accounts Except Interbank and U.S. Government Accounts (C.5) and End of Month Demand Deposits Except Interbank and U.S. Government Accounts (C.5a). 6 C.5 Bank Holding Companies and Subsidiary Banks, Domestic 1956-1985 Annual 7 C.6 Bank Holding Companies and Subsidiary Banks, Domestic and Foreign 1977-1987 Annual 8 C.7.3 Department Store Trade, United States 1954-1965 Annual Formerly: 1940-1953 Department Store Sales, by Departments 9 C.8 Distribution of Bank Deposits by Counties and Standard Metropolitan Areas 1950-1966 Biennial Formerly: 1947-1949 Distribution of Bank Deposits by Counties Note: From 1941 to 1944, the data were published by the Dept. of the Treasury. 10 C.9 Balance Sheets for the U.S. Economy 1985-1995 Semiannual Note: C.9 was discontinued in June 1995; the publication was incorporated into the Flow of Funds (Z.1). 11 E.2 Survey of Terms of Business Lending 1997-2017 Quarterly Formerly: 1955-1957 Business Loans in One Year or Less Made by Reporting Banks in 19 Cities 6 1957-1977 Bank Rates on Short Term Business Loans (E.2, Quarterly) 1977-1979 Survey Terms of Bank Lending (G.14, Monthly) 1979-1997 Survey of Terms of Bank Lending (E.2, Quarterly) Note: The first release in April 1957 included data back to June 1948. From March 1977 to March 1979, Survey Terms of Bank Lending (G.14) was published in the middle of each quarter, and Monthly Supplement to the Survey of Terms of Bank Lending (G.14) was published in the first and last month of each quarter. From February through April 1977 and August through October 1979, the title was Survey Terms of Bank Lending (E.2). The final Survey of Terms of Business Lending (STBL) was conducted in May 2017, and the final E.2 was released on August 2, 2017. The STBL was replaced by a new Small Business Lending Survey that commenced in February 2018. The new survey is being managed and administered by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. 12 E.3.1 Summary Report, Assets and Liabilities of Member Banks 1961-1968 Quarterly Formerly: 1918-1919 Abstract of Condition of Member Banks 1919-1926 Abstract of Condition Reports of State Bank and Trust Company Members, and of All Member Banks 1926-1961 Member Bank Call Report 13 E.3.4 Domestic Offices, Insured Commercial Bank Assets and Liabilities Consolidated Report of Condition 1987-1989 Quarterly/Semiannual Formerly: 1945-1950 Assets and Liabilities of Member Banks (E.3.3, Irregularly) 1951-1966 Member Bank Loans (E.3.4) 1966-1968 All Member Banks by Class of Bank (E.3.4) 1968-1969 Assets and Liabilities, All Member Banks, by Class of Bank (E.3.4) 1969-1975 Assets and Liabilities, All Commercial Banks by Class of Bank (E.3.4) 1976-1980 Assets and Liabilities, Commercial Banks by Class of Bank (E.3.4) 1981-1984 Domestic Offices, Commercial Bank Assets and Liabilities Consolidated Report of Condition (E.3.4) Note: Effective March 31, 1984, the Report of Condition was substantially revised for commercial banks, resulting in a gap between 1984 to 1987. 14 E.4 All Banks in the United States and Other Areas, Principal Assets and Liabilities by States 1957-1968 Semiannual Formerly: 7 1943-1947 All Banks in the United States, Principal Assets and Liabilities by States (E.4) 1948-1956 All Banks in the United States and Possessions, Principal Assets and Liabilities by States (E.4) 15 E.4 Automobile Credit 1 1979-1983 Quarterly Formerly: 1976-1978 Automobile Credit (G.26, Monthly) Note: In 1976, Automobile Instalment Credit Developments (G.26) merged with Finance Rate and Other Terms on New and Used Car Instalment Credit Contracts Purchased from Dealers by Major Auto Finance Companies (G.11) and Automobile Loans by Major Finance Companies (G.25) to form Automobile Credit (G.26). 16 E.5 Choosing a Credit Card 2004-2005 Semiannual Formerly: 1990-1994 Report on the Terms of Credit Card Plans, Part I 1990-1994 Comprehensive List of Credit Terms, Part II 1995-2004 Shop: The Card You Pick Can Save You Money 17 E.6 Sales, Revenue, Profits and Dividends of Large Manufacturing Corporations 1973-1978 Quarterly Formerly: 1950-1972 Sales, Profits and Dividends of Large Corporations (E.6, Quarterly/Semiannual) Note: From 1970 to 1972, the publication was temporarily suspended. 18 E.7 List of Foreign Margin Stocks 1999-2004 Quarterly Formerly: 1969-1984 List of OTC Margin Stocks (E.7) 1984-1990 List of Marginable OTC Stocks (E.7) 1990-1998 List of Marginable OTC Stocks and List of Foreign Margin Stocks (E.7) 1 8 See Appendix, figure 1. Note: The Board ceased publication of its quarterly List of Marginable OTC Stocks on November 9, 1998. The Board removed all 51 stocks from its current E.7 on March 3, 2004, because they had not been recertified as required under procedures approved by the Board in 1990. 19 E.8 Volume and Composition of Individuals’ Saving 1970-1978 Quarterly Note: Before 1969, the data were published by the Securities and Exchange Commission. 20 E.9 Check Collection Services—Federal Reserve System 1975-1983 Semiannual 21 E.10 Finance Rates and Other Terms on Selected Types of Consumer Instalment Credit Extended by Major Finance Companies 1976-1983 Quarterly Formerly: 1972-1975 Finance Rates and Other Terms on Selected Categories of Consumer Instalment Credit Extended by Finance Companies (J.3, Bimonthly) 22 E.11 Geographical Distribution of Assets and Liabilities of Major Foreign Branches and Subsidiaries of U.S. Banks 1976Quarterly 23 E.12 Finance Rates on Selected Consumer Instalment Loans at Reporting Commercial Banks 1979-1982 Quarterly Formerly: 1972-1977 Interest Rates Charged on Selected Types of Bank Loans (G.10, Monthly) 1977-1978 Interest Rates on Selected Consumer Instalment Loans at Reporting Commercial Banks (G.10, Monthly) 24 E.15 Agricultural Finance Databook 1976-2010 Quarterly Note: From 1976 to 1981, the publication was published irregularly. 9 On October 1, 2010, the E.15 statistical release transitioned from the Board of Governors to the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. The Kansas City Fed oversees this quarterly compilation of national and regional agricultural finance data. 25 E.16 Country Exposure Lending Survey 1977Semiannual Note: From 1977 to 1980, the Country Exposure Lending Survey was published by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Federal Reserve Board. Since December 1980, E.16 has been published by Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (U.S.). 26 E.17 Foreign Branches and Subsidiaries Lists of All U.S. Banking Organizations 1981-1988 Semiannual Note: The E.17 included four parts: (1) All Foreign Subsidiaries of U.S. Bank Holding Companies; (2) Edge and Agreement Corporations and Branches; (3) Member Banks Foreign Branches, Listed by Name of U.S. Bank; and (4) Branches of Member Banks in Foreign Countries. 27 FR266 Foreign Exchange Rates 1937-1942 Daily Formerly: 1919-1921 Foreign Exchange Rates (X1479, Daily) 1921-1934 Noon Buying Rate for Cable Transfers in New York City (X1479, Daily) 1934-1937 Foreign Exchange Rates (X1479, Daily) Related to: Foreign Exchange Rates (H.10, Weekly; G.5, Monthly; and G.5a, Annual). 28 FR578 Bank Debits: Weekly Debits to Demand Deposit Accounts, Except Interbank and United States Government Accounts, of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in 101 Leading Cities 1936-1942 Monthly 10 29 G.3 Capacity Utilization, Manufacturing, Mining, Utilities and Industrial Materials 2 1983-1990 Monthly Formerly: 1967-1976 Capacity Utilization in Manufacturing (E.5, Quarterly) 1976-1983 Capacity Utilization: Manufacturing and Materials (G.3, Monthly) Note: In 1990, Capacity Utilization, Manufacturing, Mining, Utilities and Industrial Materials (G.3) merged with Industrial Production (G.12.3) to form Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization (G.17). 30 G.4 State Member Banks of the Federal Reserve System and Nonmember Banks that Maintain Clearing Accounts with Federal Reserve Banks and Corporations Doing Foreign Banking or Financing that Maintain Reserve Accounts with the Federal Reserve Banks 1957-1981 Annual Formerly: 1942-1949 State Bank Members of the Federal Reserve System and Nonmember Banks that Maintain Clearing Accounts with Federal Reserve Banks 1950-1956 State Member Banks of the Federal Reserve System and Nonmember Banks that Maintain Clearing Accounts with Federal Reserve Banks Note: Supplements were issued monthly from 1971 to 1981. 31 G.4.5 Changes in Status of Banks and Branches 1974-1990 Monthly Formerly: 1933-1946 Changes in Status of Banks and Branches (Weekly) 1946-1973 Changes in Status of Banks and Branches (L.4.5, Monthly) 32 G.5 Foreign Exchange Rates 1946Monthly Formerly: 1940-1946 Foreign Exchange Rates (FR267) Related to: Foreign Exchange Rates (FR266, Daily; H.10, Weekly; and G.5a, Annual). 2 See Appendix, figure 2. 11 33 G.5a Foreign Exchange Rates 1982Annual Related to: Foreign Exchange Rates (FR266, Daily; H.10, Weekly; and G.5, Monthly). 34 G.6 Bank Debits and Deposit Turnover 3 1962-1969 Monthly Formerly: 1918-1919 Debits to Deposit Accounts (Weekly) 1919-1941 Bank Debits (Weekly) 1941-1953 Bank Debits, Debits to Deposit Accounts Except Interbank Accounts (G.6, Weekly/Monthly) 1953-1959 Bank Debits to Demand Deposit Accounts (G.6, Monthly) 1959-1962 Bank Debits (G.6, Monthly) Note: As of September 30, 1969, Bank Debits and Deposits Turnover (G.6) merged with Debits, Demand Deposits, and Turnover at 233 Individual Centers (G.11) to form Bank Debits, Deposits and Deposit Turnover (G.6). 35 G.6 Debits and Deposit Turnover at Commercial Banks 4 1977-1996 Monthly Formerly: 1969-1976 Bank Debits, Deposits, and Deposit Turnover (G.6) Note: As of September 30, 1969, Debits, Demand Deposits, and Turnover at 233 Individual Centers (G.11) merged with Bank Debits and Deposits Turnover (G.6) to form Bank Debits, Deposits and Deposit Turnover (G.6). 36 G.7 Loans and Securities at All Commercial Banks 5 1981-1994 Monthly Formerly: 1979 Bank Credit at All Commercial Banks in the United States (G.7) 1979-1981 Loans and Investments at All Commercial Banks (G.7) Note: In 1994, Loans and Securities at all Commercial Banks (G.7) merged with Major Nondeposit Funds of Commercial Banks (G.10) and Assets and Liabilities of Insured Domestically Chartered and Foreign-related Banking Institutions (H.8) to form Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the United States (H.8). See Appendix, figure 3. See Appendix, figure 3. 5 See Appendix, figure 4. 3 4 12 37 G.7.1 Assets and Liabilities of All Member Banks by Districts 1947-1978 Monthly 38 G.7.2 Monthly Department Store Sales, Selected Cities and Areas 1964-1966 Monthly Formerly: 1941-1953 Department Store Sales 1954-1964 Monthly Department Store Sales (G.7.2) Related to: Department Store Sales, Preliminary Reports, 1924-1939, and Preliminary Monthly Report of Department Store Sales in Selected Departments by Districts, 1949-1957. Note: Responsibility for the preparation of national figures on monthly department store sales was transferred to the Bureau of the Census in 1966. 39 G.7.3 Monthly Department Store Sales by Departments 1964-1966 Monthly Formerly: 1940-1954 Department Store Sales and Stocks by Major Departments 1954-1964 Monthly Department Store Sales and Stocks by Departments (G.7.3) Note: Responsibility for the preparation of national figures on monthly department store sales was transferred to the Bureau of the Census in 1966. 40 G.7.4.1 Department Store Merchandising Data 1952-1963 Monthly 41 G.7.4.2 Monthly Department Store Stocks 1954-1964 Monthly Formerly: 1947-1953 Department Store Stocks 13 42 G.8 Index Numbers of Wholesale Prices 1953-1978 Monthly Note: The G.8 was discontinued as of June 23, 1978; most of the data in the G.8 was provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 43 G.9 Maturity Distribution of Outstanding Negotiable Time Certificates of Deposit at Large Commercial Banks 1979-1987 Monthly Formerly: 1964-1966 Maturity Distribution of Outstanding Negotiable Time Certificates of Deposit (E.8, Quarterly) 1966-1979 Maturity Distribution of Outstanding Negotiable Time Certificates of Deposit (G.9, Monthly) 44 G.10 Major Nondeposit Funds of Commercial Banks 6 1979-1994 Monthly Note: In 1994, Major Nondeposit Funds of Commercial Banks (G.10) merged with Loans and Securities at All Commercial Banks (G.7) and Assets and Liabilities of Insured Domestically Chartered and Foreign-related Banking Institutions (H.8) to form Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the United States (H.8). 45 G.11 Debits, Demand Deposits, and Turnover at 233 Individual Centers 7 1967-1969 Monthly Note: As of September 30, 1969, Debits, Demand Deposits, and Turnover at 233 Individual Centers (G.11) merged with Bank Debits and Deposits Turnover (G.6) to form Bank Debits, Deposits and Deposit Turnover (G.6). 6 7 14 See Appendix, figure 4. See Appendix, figure 3. 46 G.11 Finance Rate and Other Terms on New and Used Car Instalment Credit Contracts Purchased from Dealers by Major Auto Finance Companies 8 1972-1975 Monthly Note: In 1976, Finance Rate and Other Terms on New and Used Car Instalment Credit Contracts Purchased from Dealers by Major Auto Finance Companies (G.11) merged with Automobile Loans by Major Finance Companies (G.25) and Automobile Instalment Credit Developments (G.26) to form Automobile Credit (G.26). 47 G.11 Monthly Report of Condition for U.S. Agencies, Branches, and Domestic Banking Subsidiaries of Foreign Banks 1972-1980 Monthly Note: From November 1972 through May 1980, U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks had filed a monthly FR 886a report. Aggregate data from that report were available through the Federal Reserve monthly statistical release G.11, last issued on July 10, 1980. 48 G.12.2 National Summary of Business Conditions 9 1923-1973 Monthly Note: In 1973, National Summary of Business Conditions (G.12.2) merged with Business Indexes (G.12.3) to form Industrial Production (G.12.3). 49 G.12.3 Industrial Production10 1973-1990 Monthly Formerly: 1938-1973 Business Indexes (G.12.3) Note: In 1990, Industrial Production (G.12.3) merged with Capacity Utilization, Manufacturing, Mining, Utilities and Industrial Materials (G.3) to form Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization (G.17). 50 G.13 Selected Interest Rates 11 1979-2002 Monthly Formerly: 1929-1936 Money Rates Open Market Rates in New York City (Weekly) 8 9 10 11 See Appendix, figure 1. See Appendix, figure 2. See Appendix, figure 2. See Appendix, figure 5. 15 1936-1940 Open Market Money Rates in New York City (Weekly) 1940-1942 Open Market Rates in New York City (Weekly) 1942-1944 Open Market Money Rates in New York City (Weekly) 1944-1976 Open Market Money Rates and Bond Prices (G.13, Monthly) 1977-1979 Selected Interest Rates and Bond Prices (G.13, Monthly) Note: In 1976, U.S. Government Security Yields and Prices (G.14) was incorporated into Open Market Money Rates and Bond Prices (G.13). Selected Interest Rates (G.13, Monthly) was discontinued on January 8, 2002 (containing data for December 2001). The data can be found in Selected Interest Rates (H.15, Daily/Weekly). 51 G.14 Monthly Report of Assets and Liabilities of Large International Banking Facilities 1987-1990 Monthly Formerly: 1982-1983 Weekly Report of Assets and Liabilities of International Banking Facilities (H.14) 1983-1987 Monthly Report of Assets and Liabilities of International Banking Facilities (G.14) 52 G.14 U.S. Government Security Yields and Prices 12 1956-1976 Monthly Formerly: 1944-1953 U.S. Government Security Yields and Prices and High-grade Corporate Bond Yields (R&S 100) 1953-1956 U.S. Government Security Yields and Prices (R&S 100) Note: In 1976, U.S. Government Security Yields and Prices (G.14) was incorporated into Open Market Money Rates and Bond Prices (G.13). 53 G.15 Interdistrict Settlement Fund 1936-1976 Monthly Formerly: 1915-1935 Gold Settlement Fund (B812) 54 G.16 Retail Furniture Report 1942-1966 Monthly 55 G.16 Summary of Equity Security Transactions and Ownership of Directors, Officers, and Principal Stockholders of Member State Banks as Reported Pursuant to Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 1967-1984 Monthly 12 16 See Appendix, figure 5. 56 G.17 Department Store Credit 1953-1966 Monthly Formerly: 1942-1953 Department Store Credit (G.17.3) 57 G.17 Maturity Distribution of Euro-Dollar Deposits in Foreign Branches of U.S. Banks 1969-1973 Monthly 58 G.17 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization13 1990Monthly Note: In 1990, Capacity Utilization, Manufacturing, Mining, Utilities and Industrial Materials (G.3) merged with Industrial Production (G.12.3) to form Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization (G.17). 59 G.17.2 Retail Instalment Credit at Furniture and Household Appliance Stores 1950-1953 Monthly Formerly: 1942-1943 Retail Instalment Credit 1943-1949 Retail Instalment Credit at Furniture, Household Appliance, and Jewelry Stores (G.17.2) 60 G.18 Consumer Instalment Credit at Commercial Banks 1953-1975 Monthly Formerly: 1942-1952 Consumer Instalment Credit of Commercial Banks (G.18.1) 61 G.19 Consumer Credit 1996Monthly Formerly: 1942-1976 Consumer Credit (G.19) 1976-1996 Consumer Instalment Credit (G.19) Note: 13 See Appendix, figure 2. 17 From 1942 to 1952, the Board published three separate releases: Consumer Instalment Credit of Industrial Banks, Consumer Instalment Credit of Industrial Loan Companies, and Consumer Instalment Loans of the Principal Types of Financial Institutions. All are related to Consumer Credit (G.19). 62 G.20 Finance Companies 14 1970Monthly Note: In 1970, Sales Finance Companies (G.20) merged with Consumer Credit at Consumer Finance Companies (G.22) to form Finance Companies (G.20). 63 G.20 Sales Finance Companies 15 1942-1970 Monthly Note: In 1970, Sales Finance Companies (G.20) merged with Consumer Credit at Consumer Finance Companies (G.22) to form Finance Companies (G.20). 64 G.21 Commercial and Industrial Loan Commitments at Selected Large Commercial Banks 1984-1987 Monthly Formerly: 1975-1984 Loan Commitments at Selected Large Commercial Banks (G.21) 65 G.21 Consumer Loans Made Under Effective State Small Loan Laws 1956-1962 Monthly Formerly: 1953 Loans Outstanding at Consumer Finance Companies (G.21) 1954-1956 Consumer Finance Companies, Loans Outstanding and Volume of Loans Made (G.21) 14 15 See Appendix, figure 6. See Appendix, figure 6. 18 66 G.22 Consumer Credit at Consumer Finance Companies 16 1958-1970 Monthly Note: In 1970, Consumer Credit at Consumer Finance Companies (G.22) merged with Sales Finance Companies (G.20) to form Finance Companies (G.20). 67 G.25 Automobile Loans by Major Finance Companies 17 1970-1975 Monthly Formerly: 1965-1966 Automobile Loans by Major Sales Finance Companies (L.4.1) 1966-1970 Automobile Loans by Major Sales Finance Companies (G.25) Note: In 1976, Automobile Loans by Major Finance Companies (G.25) merged with Automobile Instalment Credit Developments (G.26) and Finance Rate and Other Terms on New and Used Car Instalment Credit Contracts Purchased from Dealers by Major Auto Finance Companies (G.11) to form Automobile Credit (G.26). 68 G.26 Automobile Instalment Credit Developments 18 1967-1975 Monthly Note: In 1976, Automobile Instalment Credit Developments (G.26) merged with Automobile Loans by Major Finance Companies (G.25) and Finance Rate and Other Terms on New and Used Car Instalment Credit Contracts Purchased from Dealers by Major Auto Finance Companies (G.11) to form Automobile Credit (G.26). 69 G.27 Commercial and Industrial Loans to U.S. Addresses, Excluding Bankers’ Acceptances and Commercial Paper, by Industry 1979-1983 Monthly Formerly: 1951-1952 Changes in Commercial and Industrial Loans by Industry and Purpose (H.12, Weekly) 1952-1964 Changes in Commercial and Industrial Loans by Industry (H.12, Weekly) 1964-1978 Commercial and Industrial Loans Outstanding by Industry (H.12, Weekly) See Appendix, figure 6. See Appendix, figure 1. 18 See Appendix, figure 1. 16 17 19 70 H.2 Actions of the Board, its Staff, and the Federal Reserve Banks; Applications and Reports Received 1988Weekly Formerly: 1960-1963 Applications to Merge Banks or to Form or Expand a Bank Holding Company Received by or Acted on by the Board (K.2) 1963-1966 Applications Received, or Acted on by the Board (H.2) 1967-1974 Applications and Reports Received, or Acted on by the Board (H.2) 1974-1978 Applications and Reports Received or Acted on and All Other Actions of the Board (H.2) 1979-1987 Actions of the Board, Applications and Reports Received (H.2) Note: Notice of Formations and Mergers of, and Acquisitions by, Bank Holding Companies; Change in Bank Control (H.2a) is attached to the H.2 release. 71 H.3 Aggregate Reserves of Depository Institutions and the Monetary Base 1981-2020 Weekly Formerly: 1967-1970 Aggregate Reserves and Member Bank Deposits (G.10, Monthly) 1970-1981 Aggregate Reserves and Member Bank Deposits (H.3, Weekly) Note: The last H.3 statistical release was published on September 17, 2020. Two items from the H.3 release were consolidated into the H.6 statistical release: the monetary base and nonborrowed reserves and their components. The first H.6 statistical release containing the monetary base and nonborrowed reserves was published on September 24, 2020. 72 H.4.1 Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and Condition Statement of Federal Reserve Banks 1997Weekly Formerly: 1914-1919 Resources and Liabilities of the Federal Reserve Banks (B801) 1920-1946 Condition of Federal Reserve Banks (FR283) 1946-1955 Condition of Federal Reserve Banks (H.4.1) 1956-1961 Weekly Averages of Member Bank Reserves, Reserve Bank Credit, and Related Items and Statement of Condition of the Federal Reserve Banks (H.4.1) 1961-1980 Factors Affecting Bank Reserves and Condition Statement of F.R. Banks (H.4.1) 1981-1984 Factors Affecting Reserves of Depository Institutions and Condition Statement of F.R. Banks (H.4.1) 1984-1997 Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and Condition Statement of F.R. Banks (H.4.1) Note: Title varies slightly from 1914 to 1919. Reserve bank credit outstanding was included beginning May 29, 1930. 20 Effective January 1, 2016, the H.4.1 was removed from the Office of Management and Budget’s list of Principal Federal Economic Indicators. H.4.2 Weekly Consolidated Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks in the United States 1991-1996 Weekly Formerly: 1919-1920 Condition of Member Banks 1920-1929 Condition of Member Banks in Leading Cities 1929-1935 Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in Leading Cities (B804) 1935-1937 Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in 101 Leading Cities (B804) 1937-1941 Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in 101 Leading Cities (FR284) 1941-1946 Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in Leading Cities (FR284) 1946-1966 Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in Leading Cities (H.4.2) 1966-1969 Weekly Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks (H.4.2) 1969-1978 Weekly Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks and Domestic Subsidiaries (H.4.2) 1979-1991 Weekly Consolidated Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks and Domestic Subsidiaries (H.4.2) Note: From December 16, 1917, to February 1, 1919, the Board published Condition of Member Banks together with Resources and Liabilities of the Federal Reserve Banks. On February 8, 1919, the two releases were separated. 73 From 1927 to 1946, Condition of Reporting Member Banks in New York and Chicago was part of H.4.2; as of May 14, 1946, the data were published as a separate release, H.4.3. 74 H.4.3 Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in New York and Chicago 1962-1979 Weekly Formerly: 1946-1962 Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in Central Reserve Cities (H.4.3) Note: From 1927 to 1946, condition of reporting member banks in New York and Chicago was part of H.4.2; as of May 14, 1946, the data were published as a separate release, H.4.3. 75 H.5 Selected Borrowings in Immediately Available Funds of Large Commercial Banks19 1989-1997 Weekly Formerly: 1964-1980 Reserve Positions of Major Reserve City Banks (H.5) 1980-1989 Selected Borrowings in Immediately Available Funds of Large Member Banks (H.5) 19 See Appendix, figure 7. 21 Note: In 1964, Reserve Positions of Major Banks (L.5.6) was divided into Transactions of Major Reserve City Banks with U.S. Government Securities Dealers (L.5.6) and Reserve Positions of Major Reserve City Banks (H.5). Data on the repurchase agreement liabilities of depositories continued to be provided in the Money Stock, Liquid Assets, and Debt Measures (H.6) after July 1997. H.6 Money Stock Measures 2002Weekly/Monthly Formerly: 1960-1965 Demand Deposits, Currency and Related Items (J.3, Semimonthly) 1965-1966 Demand Deposits, Currency and Related Items (H.6, Semimonthly) 1966-1970 Money Supply and Time Deposits (H.6) 1970-1971 Money Stock and Time Deposits (H.6) 1971-1980 Money Stock Measures (H.6) 1980-1984 Money Stock Measures and Liquid Assets (H.6) 1984-1998 Money Stock, Liquid Assets, and Debt Measures (H.6) 1998-2002 Money Stock and Debt Measures (H.6) Note: From April 22, 1983, to October 1997, Monthly Survey of Selected Deposits (FR2042) was a special supplementary table to H.6. The Board discontinued publishing the M3 monetary aggregate on March 23, 2006. 76 The last H.3 statistical release was published on September 17, 2020. Two items from the H.3 release were consolidated into the H.6 statistical release: the monetary base and nonborrowed reserves and their components. The first H.6 statistical release containing the monetary base and nonborrowed reserves was published on September 24, 2020. Effective January 1, 2016, the Federal Reserve Board’s Statistical Release “Money Stock Measures” (H.6) was removed from the Office of Management and Budget’s list of Principal Federal Economic Indicators. H.7 Deposits, Reserves and Borrowings of Member Banks20 1969-1979 Weekly Formerly: 1946-1969 Deposits, Reserves and Borrowings of Member Banks (J.1, Semimonthly) Note: In 1946, Deposits of Country Member Banks (L.4.4(1)) merged with Deposits, Reserves and Borrowings of Member Banks (L.4.4(2)) to form Deposits, Reserves and Borrowings of Member Banks (J.1). 77 20 See Appendix, figure 8. 22 78 H.8 Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the United States21 1994Weekly Note: In 1994, Assets and Liabilities of Insured Domestically Chartered and Foreign-related Banking Institutions (H.8) merged with Loans and Securities at All Commercial Banks (G.7) and Major Nondeposit Funds of Commercial Banks (G.10) to form Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the United States (H.8). 79 H.8 Assets and Liabilities of Insured Domestically Chartered and Foreign-related Banking Institutions22 1985-1994 Weekly Formerly: 1947 All Member Banks: Assets and Liabilities (L.4.7, Monthly) 1947-1963 Assets and Liabilities of All Banks in the United States (G.7, Monthly) 1963-1969 Assets and Liabilities of All Banks in the United States (J.4, Semimonthly) 1969-1979 Assets and Liabilities of All Commercial Banks in the United States (H.8) 1979-1981 Assets and Liabilities of Domestically Chartered Commercial Banks (H.8) 1982-1984 Assets and Liabilities of Domestically Chartered and Foreign-related Banking Institutions (H.8) Note: In 1994, Assets and Liabilities of Insured Domestically Chartered and Foreign-related Banking Institutions (H.8) merged with Loans and Securities at All Commercial Banks (G.7) and Major Nondeposit Funds of Commercial Banks (G.10) to form Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the United States (H. 8). 80 H.8a Weekly Department Store Sales 1947-1964 Weekly Note: From 1952 to 1960, a Special Weekly Report on Department Store Sales—United States Summary was prepared. 81 H.8b Weekly Department Store Sales, Selected Cities and Areas 1954-1966 Weekly Formerly: 1945-1953 Department Store Sales, by Cities (H.11) 1953-1954 Department Store Sales in Selected Cities and Areas (H.11) 21 22 See Appendix, figure 4. See Appendix, figure 4. 23 82 H.9 Weekly Summary of Reserves and Interest Rates 1982-1983 Weekly Formerly: 1969-1982 Weekly Summary of Banking and Credit Measures (H.9) 83 H.10 Foreign Exchange Rates 1946Weekly Formerly: 1942-1946 Foreign Exchange Rates (FR 266, Weekly) Related to: Foreign Exchange Rates (FR 266, Daily; G.5, Monthly; and G.5a, Annual). 84 H.13 Selected Interest & Exchange Rates, Weekly Series of Charts 1974-2004 Weekly Formerly: 1961-1969 Capital Market Developments Abroad (H.13) 1969-1974 Selected Interest & Exchange Rates for Major Countries & the U.S., Weekly Series of Charts (H.13) Note: The Board ceased publication in January 2004. The data on exchange rates can be found in Foreign Exchange Rates (H.10). 85 H.15 Selected Interest Rates 1979Daily & Weekly Formerly: 1956-1975 U.S. Government Security Yields and Prices (H.15) 1976-1977 Open Market Money Rates and Bond Prices (H.15) 1977-1979 Selected Interest Rates and Bond Prices (H.15) Related to: Selected Interest Rates (G.13, Monthly) Note: The H.15 includes daily, weekly, monthly, and annual data. 86 H.16 Capital Market Developments 1973-1981 Weekly Formerly: 1954-1960 Capital Market Developments (H.14) 1960-1961 Capital Market Developments in the United States and Canada (H.14) 1961-1968 Capital Market Developments in the United States (H.14) 1968-1973 Capital Market Developments (L.5.8) 24 87 K.3 Changes in State Member Banks 1968-1989 Weekly Formerly: 1919-1946 Changes in State Bank Membership (FR270) 1946-1968 Changes in State Bank Membership (K.3, Semimonthly) 88 K.11 Holdover Float as Per Cent of Dollar Amounts Received 1976-1982 Weekly 89 K.22 Nonmember Banks with Principal Places of Business in … 1954-1996 Annual Note: There are two parts in the K.22: Nonmember Banks with Principal Places of Business in the United States; and Nonmember Banks with Principal Places of Business in Foreign Countries or Overseas Areas of the United States. 90 L.2.1 Industrial Advances and Commitments 23 1948-1954 Semiannual Formerly: 1936-1946 Industrial Advances and Commitments (B819, Monthly) 1946-1948 Industrial Advances and Commitments (L.4.2) Note: In 1936, Industrial Advances by Federal Reserve Banks: Summary of Applications, Approvals, Rejections and Commitments (B816, 1934-1936) and Industrial Advances and Commitments Under Section 13(b) of the Federal Reserve Act (B817, 1934-1936) were merged into Industrial Advances and Commitments (B819). 91 L.3.2 Assets of Weekly Reporting Member Banks Tabulated From Reports of Condition 1957-1974 Quarterly Note: Issued simultaneously with Liabilities of Weekly Reporting Banks Tabulated From Reports of Condition (L.3.2(a)). 23 See Appendix, figure 9. 25 92 L.4.1 Earnings and Expenses of Federal Reserve Banks 1947-1961 Monthly Formerly: 1944-1946 Earnings and Expenses of Federal Reserve Banks (B811) 93 L.4.1 Survey of Maturity Structure of Outstanding Large Denomination Certificates of Deposits at Large Commercial Banks 1979-1987 Monthly Formerly: 1967-1978 Survey of Maturity Structure of Outstanding Large Denomination Certificates of Deposits at Large Weekly Reporting Banks 94 L.4.2 Auto Loans by Commercial Banks: Maturities and Dealer Cost Ratios 1971-1974 Monthly Formerly: 1956 Down Payments and Maturities on Automobile Instalment Loans (L.4.2) 1956-1962 Maturities on Automobile Instalment Loans (L.4.2) 1963-1965 Automobile Instalment Loans at Commercial Banks (L.4.2) 1965-1971 Direct Auto Loans by Commercial Banks (L.4.2) 95 L.4.3 Banking and Monetary Developments 1956-1979 Monthly 96 L.4.4(1) Deposits of Country Member Banks 24 1944-1946 Semimonthly Formerly: 1929-1935 Average Net Demand and Time Deposits of Member Banks Located in Places with a Population of less than 15,000 (B818) 1936-1943 Average Gross Demand and Time Deposits of Member Banks Located in Places with a Population of less than 15,000 (B818) 1944 Deposits of Country Member Banks (B818) Note: In 1946, Deposits of Country Member Banks (L.4.4(1)) merged with Deposits, Reserves and Borrowings of Member Banks (L.4.4(2)) to form Deposits, Reserves and Borrowings of Member Banks (J.1). 24 See Appendix, figure 8. 26 97 L.4.4(2) Deposits, Reserves and Borrowings of Member Banks 25 1945-1946 Semimonthly Formerly: 1944 Deposits and Reserves of Member Banks (B822) 1944-1945 Deposits and Reserves of Member Banks (L.4.4(2)) Note: In 1946, Deposits, Reserves and Borrowings of Member Banks (L.4.4(2)) merged with Deposits of Country Member Banks (L.4.4(1)) to form Deposits, Reserves and Borrowings of Member Banks (J.1). 98 L.5.2 Daily Average Borrowing from FR Banks 1975-1980 Weekly 99 L.5.3 Borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks by Reserve City Member Banks 1958-1973 Weekly Formerly: 1956-1957 Member Bank Borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks: Summary Report Covering Central Reserve and Reserve City Member Banks 100 L.5.4 Borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks by Country Member Banks 1957-1973 Semimonthly Formerly: 1956-1957 Member Bank Borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks: Summary Report Covering Country Member Banks 101 L.5.5 Condition of Weekly Reporting Money Market Banks 1959-1966 Weekly 102 L.5.6 Reserve Positions of Major Banks 26 1963-1964 Weekly Formerly: 1959-1962 Purchases of Federal Funds Reported by Selected Banks (L.6.2, Daily) 1962-1963 Reserve Positions of Major Banks (L.6.2, Weekly) Note: In 1964, Reserve Positions of Major Banks (L.5.6) was divided into Transactions of Major Reserve City Banks with U.S. Government Securities Dealers (L.5.6) and Reserve Positions of Major Reserve City Banks (H.5). 25 26 See Appendix, figure 8. See Appendix, figure 7. 27 103 L.5.6 Transactions of Major Reserve City Banks with U.S. Government Securities Dealers 27 1964-1980 Weekly Note: In 1964, Reserve Positions of Major Banks (L.5.6) was divided into Transactions of Major Reserve City Banks with U.S. Government Securities Dealers (L.5.6) and Reserve Positions of Major Reserve City Banks (H.5). 104 L.5.7 Selected Deposit Data, All Member Banks Weekly Reporting Banks & 15 Largest Weekly Reporting Banks 1968-1971 Weekly 105 Z.1 Financial Accounts of the United States 2013Quarterly Formerly: 1959-1975 Flow of Funds, Seasonally Adjusted and Unadjusted 1975-1991 Flow of Funds Accounts, Seasonally Adjusted and Unadjusted (Z.1) 1992-1996 Flow of Funds Accounts: Flows and Outstandings (Z.1) 1996-2013 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States (Z.1) Note: The Board’s first publication of the accounts “Flow of Funds in the United States, 1939-1953,” with annual data, was in 1955. Before 1992, Financial Flows was published quarterly and Outstandings was published annually. Year-end Flow of Funds Accounts: Financial Assets and Liabilities, an integral part of the Z.1 release, was published annually from 1977 to 1991. 106 Z.7 Flow of Funds Summary Statistics 1983-1996 Quarterly 27 See Appendix, figure 7. 28 Unnumbered Statistical Releases 107 Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks 1980Quarterly Note: Data are aggregates of categories reported on the quarterly form FFIEC 002, Report of Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks. The form was first used for reporting data on June 30, 1980 and was revised on December 31, 1985. From November 1972 through May 1980, U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks had filed a monthly FR886a report. Aggregate data from that report were available through the Federal Reserve monthly statistical release G.11, last issued on July 10, 1980. Data in this table and in the G.11 tables are not strictly comparable because of differences in reporting panels and in definitions of balance sheet items. 108 Charge-Off and Delinquency Rates on Loans and Leases at Commercial Banks 1998Quarterly Note: These data are compiled from the quarterly Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income. Data for each calendar quarter become available approximately 60 days after the end of the quarter. 109 Commercial Paper 1991Daily 110 Corporate Medium-Term Notes 1996-2006 Annual Note: Since 1997, the Federal Reserve Board has obtained the data on the issuance of mediumterm notes (MTNs) from the Depository Trust Company (DTC). The DTC performs these functions for almost all activity in the domestic market. Before 1997, the data were based on surveys of U.S. corporations that borrow in the MTN market. 111 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Data 1981Note: The Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) was enacted by Congress in 1975 and was implemented by the Federal Reserve Board’s Regulation C. On July 21, 2011, the rulewriting authority of Regulation C was transferred to the Consumer Financial Protection 29 Bureau (CFPB). These data are available at the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) website. 112 Household Debt Service and Financial Obligations Ratios 1980Quarterly 113 Insured Commercial Bank Assets and Liabilities, Domestic and Foreign Offices 2009Quarterly Formerly: 1980-1984 Domestic and Foreign Offices, Commercial Banks with Assets of $100 Million or Over 1987-2008 Domestic and Foreign Offices, Insured Commercial Bank Assets and Liabilities Note: From 1985 to 1986, the release was temporarily suspended. 114 International Summary Statistics 28 2009Monthly Formerly 1970-2009 U.S. Reserve Assets 1977-2008 Foreign Official Assets Held at Federal Reserve Banks 2009 Selected Foreign Official Assets Held at Federal Reserve Banks 1977-2009 Selected U.S. Liabilities to Foreign Official Institutions Note: International Summary Statistics includes three parts: (1) U.S. Reserve Assets, (2) Selected Foreign Official Assets Held at Federal Reserve Banks, and (3) Selected U.S. Liabilities to Foreign Official Institutions. 115 Large Commercial Banks 2001Quarterly Note: The Federal Reserve Board compiles quarterly data on domestically chartered insured commercial banks that have consolidated assets of $300 million or more and releases the data about 12 weeks after the end of each quarter. The data are obtained from the Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income filed quarterly by banks (FFIEC 031 and 041) and from other information in the Board’s National Information Center database. Banks that are located in U.S. territories and possessions are not included in the table. 28 30 See Appendix, figure 10. Minority-Owned Depository Institutions 2001Quarterly Note: The Federal Reserve Board, together with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), are responsible for implementing numerous provisions outlined in section 308 of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989, as amended by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 that mandate that the agencies work to preserve minority ownership of minority depository institutions (MDIs) and to promote the general welfare of MDIs. 116 The Federal Reserve System’s Partnership for Progress (PFP) program, established in 2008, was created in recognition of the importance of MDIs. The PFP works on an ongoing basis to preserve and promote these institutions. Each quarter, the Federal Reserve works with the FDIC and OCC to populate and verify current data on MDIs. The latest list of MDIs as well as historical data are on the FDIC website. 117 Mortgage Debt Outstanding 1953Quarterly 118 New Security Issues, State and Local Governments 2003Monthly Formerly: 1978-1986 New Security Issues of State and Local Governments 1986-2003 New Security Issues, Tax-Exempt State and Local Governments 119 New Security Issues, U.S. Corporations 1987Monthly Formerly: 1978-1984 New Security Issues of Corporations 1984-1987 New Security Issues, Corporations 120 Securities Holdings and Transactions 29 2009Monthly Formerly: 1977-2009 Foreign Transactions in Securities 29 See Appendix, figure 11. 31 1977-1985 Marketable U.S. Treasury Bonds and Notes, Foreign Holdings and Transactions 1985-2009 Marketable U.S. Treasury Bonds and Notes, Foreign Transactions Note: Securities Holdings and Transactions includes two parts: (1) Foreign Transactions in Securities and (2) Marketable U.S. Treasury Bonds and Notes, Foreign Transactions. 121 Senior Credit Officer Opinion Survey on Dealer Financing Terms 2010Quarterly 122 Senior Financial Officer Survey 1988Up to four times per year Note: The Federal Reserve Board, under delegated authority from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), conducts a Senior Financial Officer Survey (FR 2023) in collaboration with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Although a survey may not be collected in a given year, the Board conducts up to four surveys per year when informational needs arise and cannot be met from existing data sources. 123 Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices 1978Formerly: 1964-1969 Survey of Bank Lending Practices 1970-1977 Survey of Changes in Bank Lending Practices Note: The survey was conducted five times in 1985, 1986, and 1987, four times in 1988 and 1989, five times in 1990, and six times in 1991. Since 1992, it has been conducted four times per year, except for 1998 and 2001, in which the survey was conducted five times. 124 Small Business Lending Survey 2017Quarterly Notes: In July 2017, the Federal Reserve Board approved a new voluntary survey of U.S. commercial banks on their small business lending activities (FR 2028D). The survey is managed and administered by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. 32 125 Statistics Reported by Banks and Other Financial Firms in the United States30 2009Monthly Formerly: 1978-2009 Liabilities to and Claims on Foreigners 1978-2009 Liabilities to Foreigners 1978-2008 Banks’ Own Claims on Foreigners 2009 Financial Firms’ Own Claims on Foreigners 1978-2008 Banks’ Own and Domestic Customers’ Claims on Foreigners 2009 Financial Firms’ Own and Domestic Customers’ Claims on Foreigners Note: Statistics Reported by Banks and Other Financial Firms in the United States includes four parts: (1) Liabilities to and Claims on Foreigners, (2) Liabilities to Foreigners, (3) Financial Firms’ Own Claims on Foreigners, and (4) Financial Firms’ Own and Domestic Customers’ Claims on Foreigners. 126 Statistics Reported by Nonbanking Enterprises in the United States31 2009-2013 Quarterly Formerly: 1979-2009 Liabilities to Unaffiliated Foreigners Reported by Nonbanking Business Enterprises in the United States 1979-2009 Claims on Unaffiliated Foreigners Reported by Nonbanking Business Enterprises in the United States Note: Statistics Reported by Nonbanking Enterprises in the United States includes two parts: (1) Liabilities to Unaffiliated Foreigners Reported by Nonbanking Business Enterprises in the United States and (2) Claims on Unaffiliated Foreigners Reported by Nonbanking Business Enterprises in the United States. The source for these data is the Treasury International Capital System, and future data publications can be found on Treasury’s website: Structure and Share Data for U.S. Banking Offices of Foreign Entities 1997Quarterly Note: The Federal Reserve collects the data from the quarterly Call Report (Report of Condition and Income), which is administered on behalf of the federal bank regulatory agencies by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council. 127 Survey of Consumer Finances 1983Triennial 128 30 31 See Appendix, figure 12. See Appendix, figure 13. 33 Note: The survey has contained a panel element over two periods. Respondents to the 1983 survey were re-interviewed in 1986 and 1989. Respondents to the 2007 survey were reinterviewed in 2009. The study is sponsored by the Federal Reserve Board in cooperation with the Department of the Treasury. Since 1992, data have been collected by the NORC at the University of Chicago. 129 Survey of Small Business Finances 1998 and 2003 Every five years Formerly: 1987 and 1993 National Survey of Small Business Finances Note: The Survey of Small Business Finances was discontinued following the 2003 survey. 34 Release Number Index B B801 B804 B804 B811 B812 B816 B817 B818 B818 B818 B819 B822 Resources and Liabilities of the Federal Reserve Banks, 72 Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in Leading Cities, 73 Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in 101 Leading Cities, 73 Earnings and Expenses of Federal Reserve Banks, 92 Gold Settlement Fund, 53 Industrial Advances by Federal Reserve Banks: Summary of Applications, Approvals, Rejections and Commitments, 1 Industrial Advances and Commitments Under Section 13(b) of the Federal Reserve Act, 2 Average Gross Demand and Time Deposits of Member Banks Located in Places with a Population of less than 15,000, 96 Average Net Demand and Time Deposits of Member Banks Located in Places with a Population of less than 15,000, 96 Deposits of Country Member Banks, 96 Industrial Advances and Commitments, 90 Deposits and Reserves of Member Banks, 97 C C.2 C.4 C.4 C.5 C.5 C.5 C.5 C.5a C.6 C.7.3 C.8 C.9 Aggregate Summaries of Annual Surveys of Securities Credit Extension, 3 Insured Bank Income by Size of Bank, 4 Member Bank Income, 4 Bank Debits and Demand Deposits, 5 Bank Debits to Deposit Accounts Except Interbank Accounts, 5 Bank Debits to Demand Deposit Accounts Except Interbank and U.S. Government Accounts, 5 Bank Holding Companies and Subsidiary Banks, Domestic, 6 End of Month Demand Deposits Except Interbank and U.S. Government Accounts, 5 Bank Holding Companies and Subsidiary Banks, Domestic and Foreign, 7 Department Store Trade, United States, 7 Distribution of Bank Deposits by Counties and Standard Metropolitan Areas, 9 Balance Sheets for the U.S. Economy, 10 E E.2 E.2 E.2 E.3.1 E.3.3 E.3.4 E.3.4 Bank Rates on Short Term Business Loans, 11 Survey of Terms of Bank Lending, 11 Survey of Terms of Business Lending, 11 Summary Report, Assets and Liabilities of Member Banks, 12 Assets and Liabilities of Member Banks, 13 All Member Banks by Class of Bank, 13 Assets and Liabilities, All Commercial Banks by Class of Bank, 13 35 E.3.4 E.3.4 E.3.4 E.3.4 E.3.4 E.4 E.4 E.4 E.4 E.5 E.5 E.5 E.5 E.6 E.6 E.7 E.7 E.7 E.7 E.8 E.8 E.9 E.10 E.11 E.12 E.15 E.16 E.17 E.17 E.17 E.17 E.17 Assets and Liabilities, All Member Banks by Class of Bank, 13 Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks by Class of Bank, 13 Domestic Offices, Commercial Bank Assets and Liabilities Consolidated Report of Condition, 13 Domestic Offices, Insured Commercial Bank Assets and Liabilities Consolidated Report of Condition, 13 Member Bank Loans, 13 All Banks in the United States and Other Areas, Principal Assets and Liabilities by States, 14 All Banks in the United States and Possessions, Principal Assets and Liabilities by States, 14 All Banks in the United States, Principal Assets and Liabilities by States, 14 Automobile Credit, 15 Capacity Utilization in Manufacturing, 29 Choosing a Credit Card, 16 Member Bank Earnings, 4 Member Bank Income, 4 Sales, Profits and Dividends of Large Corporations, 17 Sales, Revenue, Profits and Dividends of Large Manufacturing Corporations, 17 List of Foreign Margin Stocks, 18 List of Marginable OTC Stocks, 18 List of Marginable OTC Stocks and List of Foreign Margin Stocks, 18 List of OTC Margin Stocks, 18 Maturity Distribution of Outstanding Negotiable Time Certificates of Deposit, 43 Volume and Composition of Individuals’ Saving, 19 Check Collection Services – Federal Reserve System, 20 Finance Rates and Other Terms on Selected Types of Consumer Instalment Credit Extended by Major Finance Companies, 21 Geographical Distribution of Assets and Liabilities of Major Foreign Branches of U.S. Banks, 22 Finance Rates on Selected Consumer Instalment Loans at Reporting Commercial Banks, 23 Agricultural Finance Databook, 24 Country Exposure Lending Survey, 25 All Foreign Subsidiaries of U.S. Bank Holding Companies, 26 Branches of Member Banks in Foreign Countries, 26 Edge and Agreement Corporations and Branches, 26 Foreign Branches and Subsidiaries Lists of All U.S. Banking Organizations, 26 Member Banks Foreign Branches, 26 F FR2042 FR266 FR267 FR270 FR283 FR284 FR284 FR344 FR344 36 Monthly Survey of Selected Deposits, 76 Foreign Exchange Rates, 27, 83 Foreign Exchange Rates, 32 Changes in State Bank Membership, 87 Condition of Federal Reserve Banks, 72 Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in Leading Cities, 73 Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in 101 Leading Cities, 73 Bank Debits to Deposit Accounts Except Interbank Accounts, 5 Bank Debits: Debits to Deposit Accounts, 5 FR344 FR578 Bank Debits: Debits to Individual Accounts, 5 Bank Debits: Weekly Debits to Demand Deposit Accounts, Except Interbank and United States Government Accounts, of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in 101 Leading Cities 28 G G.3 G.3 G.4 G.4.5 G.5 G.5a G.6 G.6 G.6 G.6 G.6 G.6 G.7 G.7 G.7 G.7 G.7.1 G.7.2 G.7.2 G.7.3 G.7.3 G.7.4.1 G.7.4.2 G.8 G.9 G.9 G.10 G.10 G.10 G.10 G.11 G.11 G.11 G.12.2 G.12.3 G.12.3 G.13 G.13 G.13 G.14 Capacity Utilization: Manufacturing and Materials, 29 Capacity Utilization, Manufacturing, Mining, Utilities and Industrial Materials, 29 State Member Banks of the Federal Reserve System and Nonmember Banks that Maintain Clearing Accounts with Federal Reserve Banks and Corporations Doing Foreign Banking or Financing that Maintain Reserve Accounts with the Federal Reserve Banks, 30 Changes in Status of Banks and Branches, 31 Foreign Exchange Rates, 32 Foreign Exchange Rates, 33 Bank Debits, 34 Bank Debits and Deposit Turnover, 34 Bank Debits to Demand Deposit Accounts, 34 Bank Debits, Debits to Deposit Accounts Except Interbank Accounts, 34 Bank Debits, Deposits, and Deposit Turnover, 35 Debits and Deposit Turnover at Commercial Banks, 35 Assets And Liabilities of All Banks in the United States, 79 Bank Credit at All Commercial Banks in the United States, 36 Loans and Investments at All Commercial Banks, 36 Loans and Securities at All Commercial Banks, 36 Assets and Liabilities of All Member Banks by Districts, 37 Monthly Department Store Sales, 38 Monthly Department Store Sales, Selected Cities and Areas, 38 Monthly Department Store Sales and Stocks by Departments, 39 Monthly Department Store Sales by Departments, 39 Department Store Merchandising Data, 40 Monthly Department Store Stocks, 41 Index Numbers of Wholesale Prices, 42 Maturity Distribution of Outstanding Negotiable Time Certificates of Deposit, 43 Maturity Distribution of Outstanding Negotiable Time Certificates of Deposit at Large Commercial Banks, 43 Aggregate Reserves and Member Bank Deposits, 71 Interest Rates Charged on Selected Types of Bank Loans, 23 Interest Rates on Selected Consumer Instalment Loans at Reporting Commercial Banks, 23 Major Nondeposit Funds of Commercial Banks, 44 Debits, Demand Deposits, and Turnover at 233 Individual Centers, 45 Finance Rate and Other Terms on New and Used Car Instalment Credit Contracts Purchased from Dealers by Major Auto Finance Companies, 46 Monthly Report of Condition for U.S. Agencies, Branches, and Domestic Banking Subsidiaries of Foreign Banks, 47 National Summary of Business Conditions, 48 Business Indexes, 49 Industrial Production, 49 Open Market Money Rates and Bond Prices, 50 Selected Interest Rates, 50 Selected Interest Rates and Bond Prices, 50 Monthly Report of Assets and Liabilities of International Banking Facilities, 51 37 G.14 G.14 G.14 G.14 G.15 G.16 G.16 G.17 G.17 G.17 G.17.2 G.17.2 G.17.3 G.18 G.18.1 G.19 G.19 G.20 G.20 G.21 G.21 G.21 G.21 G.21 G.22 G.25 G.25 G.26 G.26 G.27 Monthly Report of Assets and Liabilities of Large International Banking Facilities, 51 Monthly Supplement to the Survey of Terms of Bank Lending, 11 Survey Terms of Bank Lending, 11 U.S. Government Security Yields and Prices, 52 Interdistrict Settlement Fund, 53 Retail Furniture Report, 54 Summary of Equity Security Transactions and Ownership of Directors, Officers, and Principal Stockholders of Member State Banks as Reported Pursuant to Section 16(a) of The Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 55 Department Store Credit, 56 Maturity Distribution of Euro-Dollar Deposits in Foreign Branches of the U.S. Banks, 57 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization, 58 Retail Instalment Credit at Furniture and Household Appliance Stores, 59 Retail Instalment Credit at Furniture, Household Appliance, and Jewelry Stores, 59 Department Store Credit, 56 Consumer Instalment Credit at Commercial Banks, 60 Consumer Instalment Credit of Commercial Banks, 60 Consumer Credit, 61 Consumer Instalment Credit, 61 Finance Companies, 62 Sales Finance Companies, 63 Commercial and Industrial Loan Commitments at Selected Large Commercial Banks, 64 Consumer Finance Companies, Loans Outstanding and Volume of Loans Made, 65 Consumer Loans Made Under Effective State Small Loan Laws, 65 Loan Commitments at Selected Large Commercial Banks, 64 Loans Outstanding at Consumer Finance Companies, 65 Consumer Credit at Consumer Finance Companies, 66 Automobile Loans by Major Finance Companies, 67 Automobile Loans by Major Sales Finance Companies, 67 Automobile Credit, 15 Automobile Instalment Credit Developments, 68 Commercial and Industrial Loans to U.S. Addresses, Excluding Bankers’ Acceptances and Commercial Paper, by Industry, 69 H H.2 H.2 H.2 H.2 H.2 H.2a H.3 H.3 H.4.1 H.4.1 H.4.1 H.4.1 H.4.1 38 Actions of the Board, Applications and Reports Received, 70 Actions of the Board, its Staff, and the Federal Reserve Banks; Applications and Reports Received, 70 Applications and Reports Received or Acted on and All other Actions of the Board, 70 Applications and Reports Received, or Acted on by the Board, 70 Applications Received, or Acted on by the Board, 70 Notice of Formations and Mergers of, and Acquisitions by, Bank Holding Companies; Change in Bank Control, 70 Aggregate Reserves and Member Bank Deposits, 71 Aggregate Reserves of Depository Institutions and Monetary Base, 71 Condition of Federal Reserve Banks, 72 Factors Affecting Bank Reserves and Condition Statement of F.R. Banks, 72 Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and Condition Statement of Federal Reserve Banks, 72 Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and Condition Statement of F.R. Banks, 72 Factors Affecting Reserves of Depository Institutions and Condition Statement of F.R. Banks, 72 H.4.1 H.4.2 H.4.2 H.4.2 H.4.2 H.4.2 H.4.3 H.4.3 H.5 H.5 H.5 H.6 H.6 H.6 H.6 H.6 H.6 H.6 H.7 H.8 H.8 H.8 H.8 H.8 H.8a H.8b H.9 H.9 H.10 H.11 H.11 H.12 H.12 H.12 H.13 H.13 H.13 H.14 H.14 H.14 H.14 H.15 H.15 H.15 H.15 H.16 Weekly Averages of Member Bank Reserves, Reserve Bank Credit, and Related Items and Statement of Condition of the Federal Reserve Banks, 72 Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in Leading Cities, 73 Weekly Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks, 73 Weekly Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks and Domestic Subsidiaries, 73 Weekly Consolidated Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks and Domestic Subsidiaries, 73 Weekly Consolidated Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks in the United States, 73 Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in Central Reserve Cities, 74 Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in New York and Chicago, 74 Reserve Positions of Major Reserve City Banks, 75 Selected Borrowing in Immediately Available Funds of Large Commercial Banks, 75 Selected Borrowing in Immediately Available Funds of Large Member Banks, 75 Demand Deposits, Currency and Related Items, 76 Money Stock and Debt Measures, 76 Money Stock and Time Deposits, 76 Money Stock Measures, 76 Money Stock Measures and Liquid Assets, 76 Money Stock, Liquid Assets, and Debt Measures, 76 Money Supply and Time Deposits, 76 Deposits, Reserves and Borrowings of Member Banks, 77 Assets and Liabilities of All Commercial Banks in the United States, 79 Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the United States, 78 Assets and Liabilities of Domestically Chartered and Foreign-related Banking Institutions, 79 Assets and Liabilities of Domestically Chartered Commercial Banks, 79 Assets and Liabilities of Insured Domestically Chartered and Foreign-related Banking Institutions, 79 Weekly Department Store Sales, 80 Weekly Department Store Sales, Selected Cities and Areas, 81 Weekly Summary of Banking and Credit Measures, 82 Weekly Summary of Reserves and Interest Rates, 82 Foreign Exchange Rates, 83 Department Store Sales by Cities, 81 Department Store Sales in Selected Cities and Areas, 81 Changes in Commercial and Industrial Loans by Industry, 69 Changes in Commercial and Industrial Loans by Industry and Purpose, 69 Commercial and Industrial Loans Outstanding by Industry, 69 Capital Market Developments Abroad, 84 Selected Interest & Exchange Rates for Major Countries & the U.S., Weekly Series of Charts, 84 Selected Interest & Exchange Rates, Weekly Series of Charts, 84 Capital Market Developments, 86 Capital Market Developments in the United States, 86 Capital Market Developments in the United States and Canada, 86 Weekly Report of Assets and Liabilities of International Banking Facilities, 51 Selected Interest Rates, 85 U.S. Government Security Yields and Prices, 85 Open Market Money Rates and Bond Prices, 85 Selected Interest Rates and Bond Prices, 85 Capital Market Developments, 86 J 39 J.1 J.3 J.3 J.4 Deposits, Reserves and Borrowings of Member Banks, 77 Demand Deposits, Currency and Related Items, 76 Finance Rates and Other Terms on Selected Categories of Consumer Instalment Credit Extended by Finance Companies, 21 Assets and Liabilities of All Banks in the United States, 79 K K.2 K.3 K.3 K.11 K.22 Applications to Merge Banks or to Form or Expand a Bank Holding Company Received by or Acted on by the Board, 70 Changes in State Bank Membership, 87 Changes in State Member Banks, 87 Holdover Float as Per Cent of Dollar Amounts Received, 88 Nonmember Banks with Principal Places of Business in …, 89 L L.2.1 L.3.2 L.4.1 L.4.1 L.4.1 L.4.2 L.4.2 L.4.2 L.4.2 L.4.2 L.4.2 L.4.3 L.4.4(1) L.4.4(2) L.4.4(2) L.4.5 L.4.7 L.5.2 L.5.3 L.5.4 L.5.5 L.5.6 L.5.6 L.5.7 L.5.8 L.6.2 L.6.2 40 Industrial Advances and Commitments, 90 Assets of Weekly Reporting Member Banks Tabulated from Reports of Condition, 91 Automobile Loans by Major Sales Finance Companies, 67 Earnings and Expenses of Federal Reserve Banks, 92 Survey of Maturity Structure of Outstanding Large Denomination Certificates of Deposits at Large Commercial Banks, 93 Auto Loans by Commercial Banks: Maturities and Dealer Cost Ratios, 94 Automobile Instalment Loans at Commercial Banks, 94 Direct Auto Loans by Commercial Banks, 94 Down Payments and Maturities on Automobile Instalment Loans, 94 Maturities on Automobile Instalment Loans, 94 Industrial Advances and Commitments, 90 Banking and Monetary Developments, 95 Deposits of Country Member Banks, 96 Deposits, Reserves and Borrowings of Member Banks, 97 Deposits and Reserves of Member Banks, 97 Changes in Status of Banks and Branches, 31 All Member Banks: Assets and Liabilities, 79 Daily Average Borrowing from FR Banks, 98 Borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks by Reserve City Member Banks, 99 Borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks by Country Member Banks, 100 Condition of Weekly Reporting Money Market Banks, 101 Reserve Positions of Major Banks, 102 Transactions of Major Reserve City Banks with U.S. Government Securities Dealers, 103 Selected Deposit Data, All Member Banks Weekly Reporting Banks & 15 Largest Weekly Reporting Banks, 104 Capital Market Developments, 86 Purchases of Federal Funds Reported by Selected Banks, 102 Reserve Positions of Major Banks, 102 R R&S100 R&S100 U.S. Government Security Yields and Prices, 52 U.S. Government Security Yields and Prices and High-grade Corporate Bond Yields, 52 X X1479 X1479 Foreign Exchange Rates, 27 Noon Buying Rate for Cable Transfers in New York City, 27 Z Z.1 Z.1 Z.1 Z.1 Z.7 Financial Accounts of the United States, 105 Flow of Funds Accounts: Flows and Outstandings, 105 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States, 105 Flow of Funds Accounts, Seasonally Adjusted and Unadjusted, 105 Flow of Funds Summary Statistics, 106 41 Title Index A Abstract of Condition of Member Banks, 12 Abstract of Condition Reports of State Bank and Trust Company Members, and of All Member Banks, 12 Actions of the Board, Applications and Reports Received, 70 Actions of the Board, Its Staff, and the Federal Reserve Banks; Applications and Reports Received, 70 Aggregate Reserves and Member Bank Deposits, 71 Aggregate Reserves of Depository Institutions and Monetary Base, 71 Aggregate Summaries of Annual Surveys of Securities Credit Extension, 3 Agricultural Finance Databook, 24 All Banks in the United States and Other Areas, Principal Assets and Liabilities by States, 14 All Banks in the United States and Possessions, Principal Assets and Liabilities by States, 14 All Banks in the United States, Principal Assets and Liabilities by States, 14 All Foreign Subsidiaries of U.S. Bank Holding Companies, 26 All Member Banks: Assets and Liabilities, 79 All Member Banks by Class of Bank, 13 Applications and Reports Received or Acted on and All other Actions of the Board, 70 Applications and Reports Received, or Acted on by the Board, 70 Applications Received, or Acted on by the Board, 70 Assets and Liabilities, All Commercial Banks by Class of Bank, 13 Assets and Liabilities, All Member Banks, by Class of Bank, 13 Assets and Liabilities, Commercial Banks by Class of Bank, 13 Assets and Liabilities of All Banks in the United States, 79 Assets and Liabilities of All Commercial Banks in the United States, 79 Assets and Liabilities of All Member Banks by Districts, 37 Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the United States, 78 Assets and Liabilities of Domestically Chartered and Foreign-related Banking Institutions, 79 Assets and Liabilities of Domestically Chartered Commercial Banks, 79 Assets and Liabilities of Insured Domestically Chartered and Foreign-related Banking Institutions, 79 Assets and Liabilities of Member Banks, 13 Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks, 107 Assets of Weekly Reporting Member Banks Tabulated from Reports of Condition, 91 Auto Loans by Commercial Banks: Maturities and Dealer Cost Ratios, 94 Automobile Credit, 15 Automobile Instalment Credit Developments, 68 Automobile Instalment Loans at Commercial Banks, 94 Automobile Loans by Major Finance Companies, 67 Automobile Loans by Major Sales Finance Companies, 67 Average Gross Demand and Time Deposits of Member Banks Located in Places with a Population of less than 15,000, 96 Average Net Demand and Time Deposits of Member Banks Located in Places with a Population of less than 15,000, 96 B Balance Sheets for the U.S. Economy, 10 Bank Credit at All Commercial Banks in the United States, 36 42 Bank Debits and Demand Deposits, 5 Bank Debits and Deposit Turnover, 34 Bank Debits to Demand Deposit Accounts Except Interbank Accounts, 5 Bank Debits to Demand Deposit Accounts Except Interbank and U.S. Government `Accounts, 5 Bank Debits to Demand Deposit Accounts, 34 Bank Debits, 34 Bank Debits, Debits to Deposit Accounts Except Interbank Accounts, 34 Bank Debits, Deposits, and Deposit Turnover, 35 Bank Debits: Debits to Deposit Accounts, 5 Bank Debits: Debits to Individual Accounts, 5 Bank Debits: Weekly Debits to Demand Deposit Accounts, Except Interbank and United States Government Accounts, of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in 101 Leading Cities, 28 Bank Holding Companies and Subsidiary Bank, Domestic, 6 Bank Holding Companies and Subsidiary Bank, Domestic and Foreign, 7 Bank Rates on Short Term Business Loans, 11 Banking and Monetary Developments, 95 Banks’ Own and Domestic Customers’ Claims on Foreigners, 125 Banks’ Own Claims on Foreigners, 125 Borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks by Country Member Banks, 100 Borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks by Reserve City Member Banks, 99 Branches of Member Banks in Foreign Countries, 26 Business Indexes, 49 Business Loans in One Year or Less Made by Reporting Banks in 19 Cities, 11 C Capacity Utilization in Manufacturing, 29 Capacity Utilization: Manufacturing and Materials, 29 Capacity Utilization, Manufacturing, Mining, Utilities and Industrial Materials, 29 Capital Market Development Abroad, 84 Capital Market Developments, 86 Capital Market Developments in the United States, 86 Capital Market Developments in the United States and Canada, 86 Changes in Commercial and Industrial Loans by Industry, 69 Changes in Commercial and Industrial Loans by Industry and Purpose, 69 Changes in State Member Banks, 87 Changes in State Bank Membership, 87 Changes in Status of Banks and Branches, 31 Charge-Off and Delinquency Rates on Loans and Leases at Commercial Banks, 108 Check Collection Services – Federal Reserve System, 20 Choosing a Credit Card, 16 Claims on Unaffiliated Foreigners Reported by Nonbanking Business Enterprises in the United States, 126 Commercial and Industrial Loan Commitments at Selected Large Commercial Banks, 64 Commercial and Industrial Loans Outstanding, by Industry, 69 Commercial and Industrial Loans to U.S. Addresses, Excluding Bankers’ Acceptances and Commercial Paper by Industry, 69 Commercial Paper, 109 Comprehensive List of Credit Terms, Part II, 16 Condition of Federal Reserve Banks, 72 Condition of Member Banks, 73 Condition of Member Banks in Leading Cities, 73 Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in 101 Leading Cities, 73 Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in Central Reserve Cities, 74 Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in Leading Cities, 73 43 Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in New York and Chicago, 74 Condition of Weekly Reporting Money Market Banks, 101 Consumer Credit, 61 Consumer Credit at Consumer Finance Companies, 66 Consumer Finance Companies, Loans Outstanding and Volume of Loans Made, 65 Consumer Instalment Credit at Commercial Banks, 60 Consumer Instalment Credit of Commercial Banks, 60 Consumer Instalment Credit of Industrial Banks, 61 Consumer Instalment Credit of Industrial Loan Companies, 61 Consumer Instalment Credit, 61 Consumer Instalment Loans of the Principal Types of Financial Institutions, 61 Consumer Loans Made Under Effective State Small Loan Laws, 65 Corporate Medium-Term Notes, 110 Country Exposure Lending Survey, 25 D Daily Average Borrowing from FR Banks, 98 Debits and Deposit Turnover at Commercial Banks, 35 Debits to Deposit Accounts, 34 Debits to Individual Accounts, 5 Debits, Demand Deposits, and Turnover at 233 Individual Centers, 45 Demand Deposits, Currency and Related Items, 76 Department Store Credit, 56 Department Store Merchandising Data, 40 Department Store Sales, 38 Department Store Sales and Stocks by Major Departments, 39 Department Store Sales, by Cities, 81 Department Store Sales, by Departments, 8 Department Store Sales in Selected Cities and Areas, 81 Department Store Stocks, 41 Department Store Trade, United States, 8 Deposits and Reserves of Member Banks, 97 Deposits of Country Member Banks, 96 Deposits, Reserves and Borrowings of Member Banks, 77, 97 Direct Auto Loans by Commercial Banks, 94 Distribution of Bank Deposits by Counties and Standard Metropolitan Areas, 9 Domestic and Foreign Offices, Commercial Banks with Assets of $100 Million or Over,113 Domestic and Foreign Offices, Insured Commercial Bank Assets and Liabilities, 113 Domestic Offices, Commercial Bank Assets and Liabilities Consolidated Report of Condition, 13 Domestic Offices, Insured Commercial Bank Assets and Liabilities Consolidated Report of Condition, 13 Down Payments and Maturities on Automobile Instalment Loans, 94 E Earnings and Expenses of Federal Reserve Banks, 92 Edge and Agreement Corporations and Branches, 26 End of Month Demand Deposits Except Interbank and U.S. Government Accounts, 5 44 F Factors Affecting Bank Reserves and Condition Statement of F.R. Banks, 72 Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and Condition Statement of Federal Reserve Banks, 72 Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and Condition Statement of F.R. Banks, 72 Factors Affecting Reserves of Depository Institutions and Condition Statement of F.R. Banks, 72 Finance Companies, 62 Finance Rates and Other Terms on New and Used Car Instalment Credit Contracts Purchased from Dealers by Major Auto Finance Companies, 46 Finance Rates and Other Terms on Selected Categories of Consumer Instalment Credit Extended by Finance Companies, 21 Finance Rates and Other Terms on Selected Types of Consumer Instalment Credit Extended by Major Finance Companies, 21 Finance Rates on Selected Consumer Instalment Loans at Reporting Commercial Banks, 23 Financial Accounts of the United States, 105 Financial Firms’ Own and Domestic Customers’ Claims on Foreigners, 125 Financial Firms’ Own Claims on Foreigners, 125 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States, 105 Flow of Funds Accounts, Seasonally Adjusted and Unadjusted, 105 Flow of Funds Accounts: Flows and Outstandings, 105 Flow of Funds Summary Statistics, 106 Flow of Funds, Seasonally Adjusted and Unadjusted, 105 Foreign Branches and Subsidiaries Lists of All U.S. Banking Organizations, 26 Foreign Exchange Rates, 27, 32, 33, 83 Foreign Official Assets Held at Federal Reserve Banks, 114 Foreign Transactions in Securities, 120 G Geographical Distribution of Assets and Liabilities of Major Foreign Branches of U.S. Banks, 22 Gold Settlement Fund, 53 H Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Data, 111 Holdover Float as Per Cent of Dollar Amounts Received, 88 Household Debt Service and Financial Obligations Ratios, 112 I Index Numbers of Wholesale Prices, 42 Industrial Advances and Commitments, 90 Industrial Advances by Federal Reserve Banks: Summary of Applications, Approvals, Rejections and Commitments, 1 Industrial Advances and Commitments Under Section 13(b) of the Federal Reserve Act, 2 Industrial Production, 49 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization, 58 Insured Bank Income by Size of Bank, 4 Insured Commercial Bank Assets and Liabilities, Domestic and Foreign Offices, 113 Interdistrict Settlement Fund, 53 45 Interest Rates Charged on Selected Types of Bank Loans, 23 Interest Rates on Selected Consumer Instalment Loans at Reporting Commercial Banks, 23 International Summary Statistics, 114 L Large Commercial Banks, 115 Liabilities to Foreigners, 125 Liabilities to Unaffiliated Foreigners Reported by Nonbanking Business Enterprises in the United States, 126 Liabilities to and Claims on Foreigners, 125 List of Foreign Margin Stocks, 18 List of Marginable OTC Stocks, 18 List of Marginable OTC Stocks and List of Foreign Margin Stocks, 18 List of OTC Margin Stocks, 18 Loan Commitments at Selected Large Commercial Banks, 64 Loans and Investments at All Commercial Banks, 36 Loans and Securities at All Commercial Banks, 36 Loans Outstanding at Consumer Finance Companies, 65 M Major Nondeposit Funds of Commercial Banks, 44 Marketable U.S. Treasury Bonds and Notes, Foreign Holdings and Transactions, 120 Marketable U.S. Treasury Bonds and Notes, Foreign Transactions, 120 Maturities on Automobile Instalment Loans, 94 Maturity Distribution of Euro-Dollar Deposits in Foreign Branches of the U.S. Banks, 57 Maturity Distribution of Outstanding Negotiable Time Certificates of Deposit, 43 Maturity Distribution of Outstanding Negotiable Time Certificates of Deposit at Large Commercial Banks, 43 Member Bank Call Report, 12 Member Bank Earnings, 4 Member Bank Income, 4 Member Bank Loans, 13 Member Banks Foreign Branches, Listed by Name of U.S. Bank, 26 Minority-Owned Depository Institutions, 116 Money Rates Open Market Rates in New York City, 50 Money Stock and Debt Measures, 76 Money Stock and Time Deposits, 76 Money Stock Measures, 76 Money Stock Measures and Liquid Assets, 76 Money Stock, Liquid Assets, and Debt Measures, 76 Money Supply and Time Deposits, 76 Monthly Department Store Sales, 38 Monthly Department Store Sales and Stocks by Departments, 39 Monthly Department Store Sales by Departments, 39 Monthly Department Store Sales, Selected Cities and Areas, 38 Monthly Department Store Stocks, 41 Monthly Report of Assets and Liabilities of International Banking Facilities, 51 Monthly Report of Assets and Liabilities of Large International Banking Facilities, 51 Monthly Report of Condition for U.S. Agencies, Branches, and Domestic Banking Subsidiaries of Foreign Banks, 47 Monthly Survey of Selected Deposits, 76 46 Monthly Supplement to the Survey of Terms of Bank Lending, 11 Mortgage Debt Outstanding, 117 N National Summary of Business Conditions, 48 National Survey of Small Business Finances, 129 New Security Issues of Corporations, 119 New Security Issues of State and Local Governments, 118 New Security Issues, Corporations, 119 New Security Issues, State and Local Governments, 118 New Security Issues, Tax-Exempt State and Local Governments, 118 New Security Issues, U.S. Corporations, 119 Nonmember Banks with Principal Places of Business in …, 89 Noon Buying Rate for Cable Transfers in New York City, 27 Notice of Formations and Mergers of, and Acquisitions by, Bank Holding Companies; Change in Bank Control, 70 O Open Market Money Rates and Bond Prices, 50, 85 Open Market Money Rates in New York City, 50 Open Market Rates in New York City, 50 P Purchases of Federal Funds Reported by Selected Banks, 102 R Report on the Terms of Credit Card Plans, Part I, 16 Reserve Positions of Major Banks, 102 Reserve Positions of Major Reserve City Banks, 75 Resources and Liabilities of the Federal Reserve Banks, 72 Retail Furniture Report, 54 Retail Instalment Credit at Furniture and Household Appliance Stores, 59 Retail Instalment Credit at Furniture, Household Appliance, and Jewelry Stores, 59 Retail Instalment Credit, 59 S Sales Finance Companies, 63 Sales, Profits and Dividends of Large Corporations, 17 Sales, Revenue, Profits and Dividends of Large Manufacturing Corporations, 17 Securities Holdings and Transactions, 120 Selected Borrowing in Immediately Available Funds of Large Commercial Banks, 75 Selected Borrowing in Immediately Available Funds of Large Member Banks, 75 Selected Deposit Data, All Member Banks Weekly Reporting Banks & 15 Largest Weekly Reporting Banks, 104 Selected Foreign Official Assets Held at Federal Reserve Banks, 114 Selected Interest & Exchange Rates, Weekly Series of Charts, 84 47 Selected Interest & Exchange Rates for Major Countries & the U.S., Weekly Series of Charts, 84 Selected Interest Rates, 50, 85 Selected Interest Rates and Bond Prices, 50, 85 Selected U.S. Liabilities to Foreign Official Institutions, 114 Senior Credit Officer Opinion Survey on Dealer Financing Terms, 121 Senior Financial Officer Survey, 122 Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices, 123 Shop: The Card You Pick Can Save You Money, 16 Small Business Lending Survey, 124 State Bank Members of the Federal Reserve System and Nonmember Banks that Maintain Clearing Accounts with Federal Reserve Banks, 30 State Member Banks of the Federal Reserve System and Nonmember Banks that Maintain Clearing Accounts with Federal Reserve Banks, 30 State Member Banks of the Federal Reserve System and Nonmember Banks that Maintain Clearing Accounts with Federal Reserve Banks and Corporations Doing Foreign Banking or Financing that Maintain Reserve Accounts with the Federal Reserve Banks, 30 Statistics Reported by Banks and Other Financial Firms in the United States, 125 Statistics Reported by Nonbanking Enterprises in the United States, 126 Structure and Share Data for U.S. Banking Offices of Foreign Entities, 127 Structure and Share Data for U.S. Offices of Foreign Banks 127 Summary of Equity Security Transactions and Ownership of Directors, Officers, and Principal Stockholders of Member State Banks as Reported Pursuant to Section 16(a) of The Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 55 Summary Report, Assets and Liabilities of Member Banks, 12 Survey of Bank Lending Practices, 123 Survey of Changes in Bank Lending Practices, 123 Survey of Consumer Finances, 128 Survey of Maturity Structure of Outstanding Large Denomination Certificates of Deposits at Large Commercial Banks, 93 Survey of Small Business Finances, 129 Survey of Terms of Bank Lending, 11 Survey of Terms of Business Lending, 11 Survey Terms of Bank Lending, 11 T Transactions of Major Reserve City Banks with U.S. Government Securities Dealers, 103 U U.S. Government Security Yields and Prices, 52, 85 U.S. Government Security Yields and Prices and High-grade Corporation Bond Yields, 52 U.S. Reserve Assets, 114 V Volume and Composition of Individuals’ Saving, 19 W Weekly Averages of Member Bank Reserves, Reserve Bank Credit, and Related Items and 48 Statement of Condition of the Federal Reserve Banks, 72 Weekly Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks, 73 Weekly Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks and Domestic Subsidiaries, 73 Weekly Consolidated Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks and Domestic Subsidiaries, 73 Weekly Consolidated Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks in the United States, 73 Weekly Department Store Sales, 80 Weekly Department Store Sales, Selected Cities and Areas, 81 Weekly Report of Assets and Liabilities of International Banking Facilities, 51 Weekly Summary of Banking and Credit Measures, 82 Weekly Summary of Reserves and Interest Rates, 82 49 Appendix: Figures Figure 1 L.4.1 (1965-1966) Automobile Loans by Major Sales Finance Companies G.25 (1966-1970) Automobile Loans by Major Sales Finance Companies G.11 (1972-1975) G.25 (1970-1975) G.26 (1967-1975) Finance Rate and Other Terms on New and Used Car Instalment Credit Contracts Automobile Loans by Major Finance Companies Automobile Instalment Credit Developments G.26 (1976-1978) Automobile Credit E.4 (1979-1983) Automobile Credit 50 Figure 2 E.5 (1967-1976) Capacity Utilization in Manufacturing G.12.2 (1923-1973) G.12.3 (1938-1973) G.3 (1976-1983) National Summary of Business Conditions Business Indexes Capacity Utilization: Manufacturing and Materials G.12.3 (1973-1990) G.3 (1983-1990) Industrial Production Capacity Utilization, Manufacturing, Mining, Utilities and Industrial Materials G.17 (1990- ) Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization 51 Figure 3 (1918-1919) Debits to Deposit Accounts (1919-1941) Bank Debits G.6 (1941-1953) Bank Debits, Debits to Deposit Accounts Except Interbank Accounts G.6 (1953-1959) Bank Debits to Demand Deposit Accounts G.6 (1959-1962) Bank Debits G.6 (1962-1969) Bank Debits and Deposit Turnover G.11 (1967-1969) Debits, Demand Deposits, and Turnover at 233 Individual Centers G.6 (1969-1976) Bank Debits, Deposits and Deposit Turnover 52 G.6 (1977-1996) Debits and Deposit Turnover at Commercial Banks Figure 4 L.4.7 (1947) All Member Banks: Assets and Liabilities G.7 (1947-1963) Assets and Liabilities of All Banks in the United States J.4 (1963-1969) Assets and Liabilities of All Banks in the United States G.7 (1979) Bank Credit at All Commercial Banks in the United States H.8 (1969-1979) Assets and Liabilities of All Commercial Banks in the United States G.7 (1979-1981) Loans and Investments at All Commercial Banks H.8 (1979-1981) Assets and Liabilities of Domestically Chartered Commercial Banks G.7 (1981-1994) Loans and Securities at All Commercial Banks G.10 (1979-1994) Major Nondeposit Funds of Commercial Banks H.8 (1994- ) Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the United States H.8 (1982-1984) Assets and Liabilities of Domestically Chartered and Foreign-related Banking Institutions H.8 (1985-1994) Assets and Liabilities of Insured Domestically Chartered and Foreignrelated Banking Institutions 53 Figure 5 (1929-1936) Money Rates Open Market Rates in NY City (1936-1940) R&S100 (1944-1953) U.S. Government Security Yields and Prices and High-grade Corporation Bond Yields Open Market Money Rates in New York City (1940-1942) Open Market Rates in New York City R&S100 (1953-1956) U.S. Government Security Yields and Prices G.14 (1956-1976) U.S. Government Security Yields and Prices (1942-1944) Open Market Money Rates in New York City G.13 (1944-1976) Open Market Money Rates and Bond Prices G.13 (1977-1979) Selected Interest Rates and Bond Prices G.13 (1979-2002) Selected Interest Rates 54 Figure 6 G.20 (1942-1970) G.22 (1958-1970) Sales Finance Companies Consumer Credit at Consumer Finance Companies G.20 (1970- ) Finance Companies 55 Figure 7 L.6.2 (1959-1962) L.6.2 (1962) Purchases of Federal Funds L.6.2 (1962-1963) Reserve Positions of Major Banks L.5.6 (1963-1964) Reserve Positions of Major Banks L.5.6 (1964-1980) H.5 (1964-1980) Transactions of Major Reserve City Banks with U.S. Government Securities Dealers Reserve Positions of Major Reserve City Banks H.5 (1980-1989) Selected Borrowing in Immediately Available Funds of Large Member Banks H.5 (1989-1997) Selected Borrowings in Immediately Available Funds of Large Commercial Banks 56 Figure 8 B818 (1929-1935) Average Net Demand and Time Deposits of Member Banks B818 (1936-1943) B822 (1944) Average Gross Demand and Time Deposits of Member Banks Deposits and Reserves of Member Banks B818 (1944) L.4.4(2) (1944-1945) Deposits of Country Member Banks Deposits and Reserves of Member Banks L.4.4(1) (1944-1946) L.4.4(2) (1945-1946) Deposits of Country Member Banks Deposits, Reserves and Borrowings of Member Banks J.1 (1946-1969) Deposits, Reserves and Borrowings of Member Banks H.7 (1969-1979) Deposits, Reserves and Borrowings of Member Banks 57 Figure 9 B816 (1934-1936) B817 (1934-1936) Industrial Advances by Federal Reserve Banks Industrial Advances and Commitments B819 (1936-1946) Industrial Advances and Commitments L.4.2 (1946-1948) Industrial Advances and Commitments L.2.1 (1948-1954) Industrial Advances and Commitments 58 Figure 10 1977-2008 Foreign Official Assets Held at Federal Reserve Banks 1970-2009 2009 1977-2009 U.S. Reserve Assets Selected Foreign Official Assets Held at Federal Reserve Banks Selected U.S. Liabilities to Foreign Official Institutions 2009International Summary Statistics 59 Figure 11 1977-1985 Marketable U.S. Treasury Bonds and Notes, Foreign Holdings and Transactions 1977-2009 1985-2009 Foreign Transactions in Securities Marketable U.S. Treasury Bonds and Notes, Foreign Transactions 2009Securities Holdings and Transactions 60 Figure 12 1978-2008 1978-2008 Banks’ Own Claims on Foreigners Banks’ Own and Domestic Customers’ Claims on Foreigners 1978-2009 1978-2009 2009 2009 Liabilities to and Claims on Foreigners Liabilities to Foreigners Financial Firms’ Own Claims on Foreigners Financial Firms’ Own Claims on Foreigners 2009Statistics Reported by Banks and Other Financial Firms in the United States 61 Figure 13 1979-2009 1979-2009 Liabilities to Unaffiliated Foreigners Reported by Nonbanking Business Enterprises in the United States Claims on Unaffiliated Foreigners Reported by Nonbanking Business Enterprises in the United States 2009-2013 Statistics Reported by Nonbanking Enterprises in the United States 62