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Fe d e r a l R e s e r v e Ba n k


S t. L o u i s

P. O. B o x 442

S t. L o u i s , Mi s s o u r i 63166

November 12, 1963


To the Member Banks of the
Eighth Federal Reserve District:
The election of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of
St. Louis to succeed M r. H. Lee Cooper, Class A director, and
Mr. Edgar M. Queeny, Class B director, whose terms expire
December 31, 1963, has been duly held in accordance with the
requirements of Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act and the
provisions of the circular issued by this office under date of
September 20, 1963.
The results of the election are as follows:
Mr. H. Lee Cooper, President, Ohio Valley National Bank
of Henderson, Henderson, Kentucky, was re-elected by banks in
Group 2 as a Class A director.
Mr. Roland W. Richards, Vice President and Secretary,
Laclede Steel Company, St. Louis, Missouri, was elected by banks
in Group 1 as a Class B director.
Each director was chosen for a term of three years to begin
January 1, 1964.

Chairman of the Board

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Press Release (Official Announcement)

For immediate release
November 12, 1963

According to announcement of Mr. Raymond Rebsamen, Chairman of the
Board, the results of the election of a Class A and a Class B director of the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, which ended today, are as follows:
M r. H. Lee Cooper, President, Ohio Valley National Bank of Henderson,
Henderson, Kentucky, was re-elected by member banks in Group 2 as a Class A
director of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis for a three-year term
beginning January 1, 1964.
January 1958.

Mr. Cooper has been a director of this bank since

He is a Director of Spencer Chemical Company, Kansas City,

Missouri, and Period Tables, Inc., Henderson, Kentucky.
M r. Roland W. Richards, Vice President, Secretary and Director of
Laclede Steel Company, St. Louis, Missouri, was elected by member banks
in Group 1 as a Class B director of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis for
a three-year term beginning January

1, 1964 .

Mr. Richards is also President

and Director of Southern States Steel Corporation, Dallas, Texas.

He is a

graduate of Harvard University and a Member of Board of Overseers Committee
on University Resources.

He is active in various local civic organizations.

The Federal Reserve Bank has nine directors; three, designated Class C,
are appointed by the Board of Governors in Washington, and six, Classes A and
B, are chosen by the member banks.

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