Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. "Nominations for Directors : Regular Election by Member Banks in Groups 1 and 3," Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Circulars (October 30, 1959). https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/958/item/37395, accessed on January 22, 2025.

Title: Nominations for Directors : Regular Election by Member Banks in Groups 1 and 3

Date: October 30, 1959
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image-container-0 f e d e r a l R e s e r v e b a n k o f St . L o u is P . O . B O X 442 S t . Louis 66. M i s s o u r i NOMINATIONS FOR DIRECTORS REGULAR ELECTION BY MEMBER BANKS IN GROUPS 1 AND 3 October 30. 1959 To the Member Batiks of the Eighth Federal Reserve District: In accordance w ith the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act and my circular dated Septem ber 18. 1959, in regard to the election of directors of this bank to succeed M r. Kenton R. Cravens, Class A director, and M r. H arold O. M cC utchan, Class B director, whose term s expire December 31, 1959, there are given herein the nam es of the candidates nom inated for such directors and the names of the banks which m ade the nom inations. There is sent herew ith to each bank in G roup 1 a preferential ballot for use in voting for a Class A director and to each ban k in G roup 3 a preferential ballot for use in voting for a Class B director. An envelope bearing on its face the certificate in regard to the vote and a colored envelope m arked ‘‘Ballot.” in which the ballot is to be sealed, are also enclosed. The ballot and certificate on the envelope m ust be executed by an officer who has been authorized to cast the vote. A list of the designated officers, revised to date, forms a p a rt of this circular. In order th a t the balloting m ay be secret, the nam e of the bank and of the voting officer should not be w ritten on the ballot b u t only on the certificate envelope. The following procedure is required in the case of both the Class A and Class B ballots: (1) The preferential ballot should be marked. (2) It should then be placed in the colored envelope marked “ Ballot” and the envelope sealed. (3) Then after the certificate on the certificate envelope is executed the colored sealed envelope should be placed within the certificate envelope and the latter sealed. (4) The certificate envelope containing the sealed ballot envelope should then be returned to me in the enclosed self-addressed envelope. Under the law, the ballot m u st be returned so as to reach me w ithin 15 days after its receipt. The polls will open on N ovem ber 2 and close at 2 p.m. on November 17, 1959. At th a t tim e the ballot box will be opened in the Board Room of this bank, the sealed envelopes containing the ballots will be opened, the votes counted, and the results of the election announced. T he candidates are invited to be present or represented on th a t occasion. W hile th e banks in G roup 2 will not vote in this election, this circular is sent to them , w ithout forms, for their inform ation. Very truly yours, P IE R R E B. M cB R ID E , Chairman of the Board.
image-container-1 CANDIDATE FOR CLASS A DIRECTOR N A M E AND BIO G RAPH Y K e n to n R. Cravens, S t. Lo u is, M o. P lace and dale of birth: Salina, Kansas, June 7, 1904. E d u c a tio n : A. B., I'nivcrsity of Kansas, I-aw re nee, Kansas, 1925. Distinguished Service Citation, University of Kansas, 1955. B usiness a ctivities: President, Mercantile Trust Company, St. I.ouis, Mo., since April 1, 1 ‘#54; was vice president, Mercan tile Trust Co., (and its predecessor, Mercantile-Commerce Bank and Trust Co.), 1943 to 1953; acceptcd post of Adminis trator of tlie Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Washington, 1). C\, 1953 to 1954; vicc president of the Cleveland Trust Co., Cleveland, Ohio, 1938 to 1943. Associated with various specialized credit companies, 1025-1938. Other a ffilia tio n s: Member of Government Borrowing Com mittee, American Bankers Association. President, Association of Reserve City Bankers. Vice Chairman of the Board of Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis and Chair man of its Industrial Sites Committee and Executive Vicc President of its Industrial Park Corporation. Trustee of Little Traverse Hospital, Petosky, Michigan; St. Louis Country Day School. Director, American Zinc, Lead & Smelting Company, Hussmann Refrigerator Company, International Shoe Com pany, Mercantile-Commerce National Bank of St. Louis and Mercantile Trust Company. Director, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis since January 1957. N O M IN A T E D BY F O LLO W IN G B A N K S IN GROUP 1: Union National Bank of Little Rock, Little Rock, Ark. Worthen Bank & Trust Company, Little Rock Ark. National Bank of Commerce of Pine Bluff, Pine Bluff, Ark. The Citizens National Bank of Evansville, Evansville, Ind. The National City Bank of Evansville, Evansville, Ind. Old National Bank in Evansville, Evansville, Ind. Citizens Fidelity Bank and Trust Company, Louisville, Ky. Liberty National Bank and Trust Company of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. St. Louis County National Bank, Clayton, Mo. The Boatmen's National Bank of St. Louis, St. Louis, Mo. First National Bank in St. Louis, St. Louis, Mo. Lindell Trust Company, St. Louis, Mo. Manufacturers Bank & Trust Company of St. Louis, St. Louis, Mo. Mercantile Trust Company, St. Louis, Mo. Security-Mutual Bank and Trust Company, St. Louis, Mo. South Side National Bank in St. Louis, St. Louis, Mo. Tower Grove Bank and Trust Company, St. Louis, Mo. The Union National Bank of Springfield, Springfield, Mo. T he l'irst National Bank of Memphis, Memphis, Tenn. National Bank of Commerce in Memphis, Memphis, Tenn. Union Planters National Bank of Memphis, Memphis, Tenn. CANDIDATE FOR CLASS B DIRECTOR N A M E AN D B IO G R A P H Y H a ro ld O. M c C u tc h a n , Evansville, In d . P lace an d date o f birth: Chicago, Illinois, October 22, 1902. E du cation : Chaffee, Missouri—grade and high school; University extension courses. B u sin ess activities: Executive Vice President, Mead Johnson & Company, Evansville, Ind., since December 2, 1955; was Vice Presiuent-I'inance, Treasurer, Secretary, Controller of Mead Johnson & Company, 1930-1955. Early banking and railroad experience with Farmers Trust Company, Evansville, Frisco R.R. and Missouri Pacific R.R. Other a ffilia tio n s: Director, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis since January 1957. N O M IN A T E D BY F O L LO W IN G BA N K S IN G ROUP 3: Fordyce Bank and Trust Company, Fordyce, Ark. The First National Bank of Gurdon, Gurdon, Ark. Bank of Arkansas, Little Rock, Ark. Citizens National Bank of Albion, Albion, 111. The First National Bank of Allendale, Allendale, 111, The Carbondale National Bank, Carbondale, 111. The Peoples National Bank of McLeansboro, McLeansboro, III. The l'irst National Bank of Millstadt, Millstadt, III. The City National Bank of Murphysboro, Murphysboro, 111. The First National Bank in Newton, Newton, 111. First National Bank of Steeleville, Steeleville, 111. The First National Bank of Wayne City, Wayne City, III. The First National Bank of Woodlawn, Woodlawn, 111. Bloomfield State Bank, Bloomfield, Ind. The Cynthiana State Bank, Cynthiana, Ind. The Ellxjrfeld State Bank, Ellierfeld, Ind. The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Fort Branch, Fort Branch, Ind. The Lynnville National Bank, Lynnville, Ind. The First National Bank of Mitchell, Mitchell, Ind. The First National Bank of Oakland City, Oakland City, Ind. Washington National Bank, Washington, Ind. The First National Bank of Henderson, Henderson, Ky. The Morganfield National Bank, Morganfield, Ky. The First National Bank of Perryville, Perryville, Mo.
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