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P. O . B O X 4 4 2

S T . LO U IS 66, M ISSO U R I

December 13, 1962

T o all Banks in the
Eighth Federal Reserve D istrict:

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has announced the following appoint­
ments and designations at this Bank and its Branches:

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
M r . Ethan A. H. Shepley
Of Counsel
Shepley, Kroeger, Fisse & Shepley
St. Louis, Missouri

Appointed Class C director for a threeyear term beginning January 1, 1963 and
designated Chairman of the Board and
Federal Reserve Agent at the bank for
the year 1963.

M r. J. H. Longwell, Director
Special Studies and Programs
College of Agriculture
University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri

Reappointed Deputy Chairman of the
Board for the year 1963.

Little Rock Branch
M r . Carey V. Stabler, President
Little Rock University
Little Rock, Arkansas

Appointed a director for a three-year
term beginning January 1, 1963.

Memphis Branch
M r. W illiam K ing Self, President
Riverside Industries
Marks, Mississippi

Reappointed a director for a three-year
term beginning January 1, 1963.

The Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has made the following appoint­
ments and selection:

Little Rock Branch
M r. H. C. A dams, Executive Vice President
The First National Bank of De W itt
De W itt, Arkansas

Reappointed a director for a three-year
term beginning January 1, 1963.

Louisville Branch
M r. John H. Hardwick, President
The Louisville Trust Company
Louisville, Kentucky

Appointed a director for a three-year
term beginning January 1, 1963.

Memphis Branch
M r . Charles R. Caviness, President
National Bank of Commerce of Corinth
Corinth, Mississippi

Reappointed a director for a three-year
term beginning January 1, 1963.

Member of Federal Advisory Council
M r . Sidney M aestre
Chairman of the Executive Committee
Mercantile Trust Company
St. Louis, Missouri

Reselected a member of the Federal
Advisory Council to represent the Eighth
Federal Reserve District for the year

Yours very truly,
Harry A. Shuford