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St. Louis, September 22, 1931.

An election will be held under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act to choose
successors to the following directors of this bank whose terms expire December 31, 1931: Class A
director, John C. Martin (Vice-President and Cashier, Salem National Bank. Salem. 111.), and Class B
director, W. B. Plunkett (President, Plunkett-Jarrell Grocer Co., Little Rock, Ark.).
The Class A director was elected by banks in Group 3 and the Class B director by Group 2 banks.
Consequently, their successors will be chosen, respectively, by these groups. T he banks in Group 1
do not elect a director this year. Group 1 consists of banks having capital and surplus in excess of
$599,000: Group 2, banks with capital and surplus of $599,000 to $100,000, inclusive,and Group 3, banks
having capital and surplus less than $100,000. Lists of the banks composing the voting groups are given
on the following pages.
Each bank in Group 3 is permitted to nominate a candidate for Class A director and each bank
in Group 2 a candidate for Class B director.* The nomination m ust be made by resolution of the board
of directors and certified to me on or before October 24, 1931. A form and self-addressed envelope for
this purpose are enclosed. On October 30, 1931, a list of the candidates (indicating by whom nomi­
nated) and a preferential ballot will be mailed to each bank in the two groups mentioned. The ballot
must be cast within fifteen days after receipt. The polls will open on November 2 and close at 3 p. m.
on November 16, 1931. At that time the ballot box will be opened in the board room of this bank, the
votes counted and results of the election announced. The candidates are invited to be present or repre­
sented on that occasion.
In order to be counted, the ballot m ust be executed by an officer authorized to cast the vote. On
the following pages are shown the officers heretofore designated for this purpose. The authority con­
ferred on them continues until revoked. Each bank that has not designated such officers, or any bank
that desires to change its authorization, should do so by resolution of its board of directors and certify
the appointments to me before the polls close. There is furnished herewith a form which provides for
the designation by title of several officers and for their signatures.
While the banks in Group 1 will not vote in this election, this circular is sent to them without
forms for their information.
JO H N S. W O O D ,
Chairman of the Board.

•S ectio n 4 of the Federal R eserve A ct provides th a t "C lass A shall consist of three m em bers, who shall be chosen by and be rep resen ta­
tive of the stockholding banks. N o officer or director of a m em ber bank shall be eligible to serve as a Class A director unless nom inated and
elected by banks which are m em bers of the sam e group as the m em ber bank of which he it an officer or director. Any person who it an
officer o r d irector of m ore than one m em ber bank shall n o t be eligible for nom ination as a Class A director except by banks in th e same group
as the bank having the largest aggregate resources of any of those of which such person is an officer or director. C la tt B shall c o n iitt of
three m em bers, who a t the tim e of th eir election th all be actively engaged in their district in com m erce, agriculture or tom e o th e r industrial
pursuit. N o director of Class B shall be an officer, directo r o r employe of any bank. N o S enator or R epresentative in C ongrett th all be a m em ­
b er of the F ed eral R eserve Board or an officer o r a director of a F ederal reserve bank.”
I n a resolution adopted D ecem ber 23, 1915, th e F ederal Reserve Board expressed the opinion “ th at persons holding political o r public
office in th e service of the U nited S tates, or of any; S tate, territo ry , county, district, political subdivision, or m unicipality thereof, o r acting ai«
m em bers of political p a rty com m ittees, cannot consistently w ith the spirit and underlying principles of th e F ederal R eterve Act, terv e a t directors
o r officert of F ederal reserve b anks.” O n D ecem ber 28, 1915, the Federal Reserve B o a rd resolved th a t ‘‘national bank exam iner! thall not
hereafter be elected • • * to directorships in Federal reserve banks." U nder date of Ju ly 2, 1925, the Federal Reserve Board advised it had
"reached the conclusion th at a person whose sole occupation is that of officer of an insurance company is not eligible for election a t a C last B
director of a F ederal re te rv e bank.”

(To elect one Class B Director)
B erryviile--------— F irst N ational B ank._____________
B lytheville------- — F arm ers B ank 4 T ru s t Co.—___—
H lytheville...... ........ F irst N ational B ank--- — ---— ------C am den—.......... . F irst N ational B ank .....................—
D e W itt..........—
F irs t N ational B ank—............ — —
E t Dorado.™----- ...N ational Bank of Com m erce— —
F ay ette v ille ..™ .... F irst N ational B ank—............ ——
F o rd y c e.....— .......F irit N ational B ank---- ---------- — _
F o rre s t C ity.—
Bank of E astern A rkansas—......—
F o rt Sm ith.— ——City N ational Bank.....—.— .— —
H elen a............. —... ■Phillips N ational Bank ..................
H o p e -------— „ ------ C itizens N ations! B ank— .—— -----H o p e ..........— .------ F irst N ational B ank ------------- ------H o t S p rin g s—........A rkansas N ational B an k -------------H o t S prings---- .....C om m unity Bank A- T r. Company..
H u n tsv ille.—— — F irst N ational Bank.— .—— —
Jonesboro.....— — Bank of Jonesboro—— ......... — .......
L ittle Rock...... ...... People* T ru st C om pany---------------L ittle R ock—— —W . B. W orthen Co.. B ankers------N ew p o rt— - —
F irst N ational B ank— — —— —
N . L ittle R ock.— Tw in C ity B ank----------- ---------- — P aragould........ ....... N ational Bank of C om m erce-------.
P a ris .... —------------- F irst N ational Bank-------------------—
Russellville---------- Bank of Russellville--------------------Russellville..-------- Peoples E xchange B ank----- -.-------T e x a rk a n a — ......—S tate N ational Bank------ — —
W aln u t R idge------L aw rence C ounty B ank-------------—

IN D IA N A — Continued
.C '-ri . P res . V .-P. or Cash.
.B . A. L ynch. V ice-Pres.
• f. Rosenthal. Pres.
. Q m ., I res,. V .-P . or Cash.
.L . A. Black. Pres
.P resident.
.P re s., V ice-Pres. o r Cash
•J. A A bernathy, V ice-Pres.
.P resident
.1, H . N akdim en. P res.
.C. C.
-R. G.
.C hm .,
• P res.,

Spragins. C ash.
M cRae. P res.
Pres.. V .-P . or Cash.
%’ice Pres. o r Cash.

-C hm ., Pres., V .-P . or Cash.
.C hm ., Pres., V .-P . o r Cash.
• President.
-W . A. Billingsley, Pres.
-M. L. A ltheim er, Pres.
AV. W . W oosley, Cash.
-Lew is. C. Sadler, Cash.
.Geo. S. N eal, Cash.
.P re sid en t.
- P re s ., Vice Prcs. o r Cash.

A n n a .........................F irst N ational B ank— ........— —— Chm. Pres., V .-P . or Cash.
B a rry _____ — . —F irst N ational B ank-----------------------O . W illiam son, Cash.
B elleville™ ______ Belleville N ational B a n k -------------- — Chm , Pres , 1st V .-P . o r Cash.
Belleville......... ........ F irst N ational B ank.------- ---------— Chm , Pres.. V .-P ., Cash, or
Asst. Cash.
St. C lair N ational B an k — —
C hm ., Pre* . V .-P . o r Cash.
Bridgeport----------- F irst N ational Bank— —--------------- -R . O . Buchanan, P res.
Carbondale— — F irst N ational Ba n k —
Chm. , P res., V .-P . o r Cash.
Carlin ville.—
Carl in rille N ational B ank--------—
A. L . H oblit, Cash.
C arrai__ _________ F irst N ational B a n k —------------------ T . W . H all, Pres.
Centralia-.-------- — C itr N ational B ank----------------- ------ C hm ., Pres.. V .-P . or Cash.
C entralia--------------Old N ational B ank.....—------ — — — P res., V ice-Pres. o r Cash.
Collinsville-----------F irst N ational B ank—.................. ........ W m . L. K aem per, Cash.
Collinsville—------- S tate B ank of Collinsville---------------------—— __________ — —______
D u Quoin............... F irst N ational Bank-----------—
— Chm ., Pres., V .-P . o r Cash.
E. St. L ouis------- S outhern Illinois N ational B ank------ Pres . V .-P. nr Cash.
Edw ardsville.....— EdwardsviUe N at. Bk. & T r. Co— P resident.
Effingham — —
Effingham S tate B ank— ......—
Chm .. Pres . V .-P ., Cash.
Asst. Cash.
Fairfield— — — Fairfield N ational Bank.— —— — Chm .. Pres., V .-P . o r Cash.
Fairfield—------------F irst N ational B ank— ...—— —.—.— F. M. Brock, P res.
F lo ra_—. — — F irst N ational B ank— — —.....— P resident or Cashier.
F reeb u rg —
— F irst N ational B ank— — -------------R. E . H am ill, P res.
Gillespie-------------- .Gillespie N ational B ank.------------------ H . W . Rice, Cash.
G ranite C ity —
F irst-G ranite City N ational Bank—.C hairm an. P resident or f a s h .
G ranite C ity ------- G ra n ite C ity T ru s t 4 Savings Bank-------------------------------------------- G reenville---- ------ B radford N ational B an k ----------—— _W . A. Joy. Pres.
T. M . D aniels, Cash.
G reenville— ------S tate B ank of Hoiles 4 Sons—
H a rrisb u rg —
City N ational B ank—— —
P re s.. V ice-P res. o r Cash.
H a rrisb u rg —. --------F irst N ational B ank........ ...... ......... -------------— __ —_____ _____ ___ __
H arrisb u rg ---- — F irst T ru s t 4 Savings Bank--------—John B. Lee, V ice-Pres.
H e rrin — .—
—City N ational B ank— .........— .....—Chm ., Pres., V .-P . o r Cash.
H errin -----------------F irst N ational B ank---- ------------------ A. K. Elies, V ice-Pres.
H ighland—— — F irst N ational B ank.— —
— — Leo A m m ann, Cash.
H illsboro------------- H illsboro N ational B an k ..................... Geo. H . F isher, Pres.
Hillsboro___ — — M ontgom ery Co. L oan 4 T ru s t C o -............ ...................................... ......
L aw renceville—— F irst N ational B ank— ......— F. W . K eller, P res
L ebanon........—
F irs t N ational Bank.— — .—
— O. S. H einecke. Cash.
Litchfield— .......— F irst N ational B ank------—......—— J. R. M iller. P res,
Litchfield— — Litchfield Bank 4 T ru s t Co.------- — F ra n k R. Slilnor. Pres.
M adison........— —..F irs t N ational B ank................... .......... C. O . N aum er, Cash
M ascoutah— — F irst N ational B ank— —
.— Louis J . Scheve, Casa.
M etropolis_______ C ity N ational Bank— ....-------—---- —
........... ....... ..........................—
M etropolis,— .——F irst N ational Bank— —
— Lym an K. M cAlpin, Cash.
M etropolis..—
-National S tate B ank— —
— Noah J. K orte, Cash.
M illstadt—__- ____F irst N ational B ank------- — — — Cashier
M ount C arm el----- American N ational B ank-------—------ J. M. Mitchell, Pres.
M ount C arm el— F irst N ational B ank.— --------------- — Chm , P res., V P. o r Cash.
M ount V ernon— .T hird N ational B ank— .....——— — R ufus G rant, Cash.
M urphysboro------- City N atio n al B ank------ -— — ----- —If. Q uernhrim . Cash.
N ashville----------— F irs t N ational B ank.—
—......Paul K ’-ughoff. P res,
N ew ton——
F irs t N ational B ank------------..—----- E . W . H ersh. Pres
N okom is------------...Nokom is N ational B ank----- ——- —-Jo h n W oltm ann, V ice-Pres.
O blo n g---------------- F irst N ational B ank-------— — —S . F. O dell. Pres.
O blong.——— — Oil Belt N ational B ank— —
— G. E . Tom iinson. Asst. Cash.
O 'F allo n .—
---- - F ir s t N ational Bank— .....—
— Cum . P res.. V .-P. o r Cash.
O ln ey — .....—
F irst N ational Bank...... - — — — V ice-President o r Cashier
Pinckneyville— — F irst N ational B ank........ —— ------ Roy Alden, Cash.
Pittsfield— —
F irst N ational Bank----------—----- — Cashier.
Robinson------ —— F irst N ational Bank— —
...... .. .......... ........... ........ —
S tau n to n —
F irst N ational B ank----- — —
Pres., V ice-Pres, o r Cash.
S taunton— —
Staunton N ational Bar.k————
J . N . Coerver, P res.
V andalia— —
F irst N ational B ank---- —— — — C hm ., P res,. V .-P . or Cash
W est F ra n k fo rt—..F irst N ational B ank ----- --— — — — Pre*., V ice-Pres. o r Cash.
W h ite H all--------- W hite H all N ational B ank........ ........ R S. W orcester. Cash.
W ood R iv er........... F irst N ational B ank— — —
Geo. G. Guker, Cash.

Bedford— —
Bedford N ational B ank........Bedford------ —
Citizens N ational B an k —
Boonville—— —.F irst N ational B ank—
F irs t N ational B ank—

-W . A. Brown, P res.
„E. E , F arm er. V ice-P res.
..Edward Gough, P res.
— Chm ., Pres., V .-P . or Cash. to n .....—
Madison— —
M adison............ ..
New A l b a n y N ew A lbany—
P etersb u rg —
P rinceton..—
P rinceton..— __

.F irs t N ational Bank—
.F irs t N ational Bank.......... - ........ ....... .P res.. V ice-Pres. o r Cash.
. N ational Branch B ank— — — J o h n W . T ev is, P res.
.John H . Shine, P res.
.New Albany N ational B ank— —
.Second N ational B ank— — ----- .President.
■F irst N ational Bank.................— .— .Joe O 'B rien , Cash.
... .P resident o r Cashier.
• Farm ers N ational B ank.........—
..Peoples A m erican N ational Bank... .S tu art T . F ish er, Pres.
Seymour_-_— ..F irst N ational B ank ................. — , . Pres , V .-P . o r Cash.
S eym our— — ..Seym our N ational B an k ................... AV. M. W hitso n , Pres.
-Peoples N ational Bank 4 T ru st Co.
Tell C ity --------- -Tell C ity N ational B ank.—.——— AV. F. H u th ste in e r, V .-P res.
V incennes—
• F irst N ational B ank.—......... .......—~ ,Pre*., V .-P ,, or Cash.
W ashington........ .Peoples N ational Bank 4 T ru st Co.
..W ashington N ational B ank----- -— ,L. I. ReadT Cash.
W ash in g to n —

Bowling G r e e n - -American N ational B an k V ice-President.
Bowling Green.... X itizen s N ational B ank.—
.Geo. B. W inslow , P res.
( arrollton—
. -C arrollton N ational Bank—
C arrollton—
-F irs t N ational B ank— —
C entral C ity— • F irst N ational Bank..
Colum bia............... F irst N ational Bank 4 T ru st C o— •Bruce M ontgom ery, Cash.
— ..C itizens N ational B an k —— — •M. J. F arris, Pres.
-F a rm ers N ational B an k — —— . .V ice-President.
Elizabethtow n— -F irs t-H a rd in N ational B ank _______ .C hm., P res.. V .-P. o r Cash.
Frankfort----------- ..N ational B ranch Bank of Kentucky. . H. F. L indsey, Cash.
F rankfort__— . - S ta te N ational Bank-------------—----- .E u g en e E. H oge, Pres.
F ulton— ___— .-C ity N ational Bank---- ------- — — , -N . G. Cooke, Cash.
G lasgow ________ - F a n n e rs N ational B an k — — — ..E . H . G uthrie, A s s t Cash.
Glasgow—— _ -T rig g N ational B ank—
•T. P. Dickinson, Pres.
.Chm.. P res,. V .-P . or Cash.
..F irst N ational B ank—.
G reenville—
H arrodsburg____ ..F irst-M ercer N ational B ank.—
,Bush W allin. Pres.
H enderson.—— -H e n d e rso n N ational B ank—
•C A. K atterjo h n , Cash. renceburg..... -A n d erso n N ational B a n k ——
J . W . G aines. P res
I-aw renceburg—. renceburg N ational Bank.
.J. M. Johnson, Cash.
,R. H ogue Edelen, Pres.
L ebanon—
-C itizen s N ational B ank-------. P res., V .-P. o r Cash.
L ebanon—
—M arion N ational B an k .......... M adison ville— ..F arm ers N ational B ank.—........
.F . P. S tu m , Pres.
M organfield—— -M o rg an fie ld N ational B ank—,
~ T . H. Stokes, Pres.
M urray ------- ——. —F irst N ational Bank— —
-C e n tra l T ru s t Co........—
-Jo h n R einhardt, V ice-Pres.
O wensboro—
-C h as. G. N alle, Cash.
-N atio n al D eposit B an k .....—
O w ensboro—
-C h m ., P res., V .-P. o r Cash.
-C ity N ational Bank— ...............
P aducah—
P aducah ----------- -P e o p les N ational B an k ----P rinceton—......— —Farm ers N ational B an k —
- P re s ,, V .-P ., o r Cash.
P rinceton ............. - F i r s t N ational B ank--------

A berdeen------— . - F i r s t N ational Bank..
Colum bus— — —First-C olum bus N ational Bank...
Colum bus.....— ——N ational Bank of Com m erce—
C orinth--------- — —F irst N ational Bank..
G reenville—
—Com mercial N ational Bank-----G reenville— .— , F irst N ational B ank—
G reenw ood— ...... ..Greenwood Bank 4 T ru s t Co.—___
Pontotoc— — . .F irs t N ational B ank............ — —
. F irst N ational B ank— ____
W est Point—

Eugene L . Sykes, P res.
". W. S lau g h ter, Cash.
iV. N. P u ck ett. Pres.
Chm., P res., V .-P . o r Cash.
President o r Cashier.
. Pres., V .-P . o r Cash.
R. A. Ball. Pres.
AV. A. Boone. P res.
Chm.. P res., V .-P. o r Cash.

Boonville........—— Boonville N ational B a n k ------—------ H . T . R edd. Cash.
B raym er— --------- F irst N ational B ank— ..... —— — Fred W ig h tm an , Cash.
C alifornia— ........M oniteau N ational B ank..----- -— — --------------- — — — ...........—
Cape G irardeau— F irs t N ational Bank------ — ------ — Chm.. P res., V .-P. o r Cash.
C arrollton ......—
F irs t N ational B ank— — — — — —
—......... - ...... —...... —
C hillicothe..... — C itizens N ational B an k —__.— ------ Chm . P res.. V.-P. o r Cash
C layton— ............... C layton N ational B an k —
...... -P re sid e n t or Cashier.
C layton——
F irst N ational B ank.....—— — — —
— .....— —
—..... Colum hia........— .... Boone C ounty N ational Bank— —— R. B. Price, Pres.
Colum bia— —
E xchange N ational B ank— —
Chm., P res., V .-P. or Cash.
H anniha!..................H annibal N ational B ank—
— VV. L. W eaver, Cash.
Jefferson C ity------ Exchange N ational B a n k _____ __ ___ W . A. D allm eyer, Pres.
Jefferson C ity— F irst N ational Bank— ........—............ Chm , Pres , V .-P. o r Cash.
K irks ville-------------Citizens N ational B ank..... —— —— E . Conner. Cash.
M aplewood.............Bank of M aplewood 4 T ru st Co— — — —
— — —
M apiewood.... ........ C itizens N ational B an k — ——
— ..... — — ___—
Maple»-->od............. Peoples S ta te Bank—
...... —........—........— —
— — — ........
M arshall................ -W ood 4 H uston B an k ..... —----- — Pres., V .-P ., o r Cash.
M exico—
F irst N ational Bank...... — —_— President,
P aris......................... P aris N ational B ank—— —
J. E. D eaver, Pres.
Richmond H eights.P ark Savings T ru st C om pany—........— —
............ ..............
Rolla....................... -N atio n al Bank of R olla------------—
P . H . M cG regor, Cash.
S t. C harles—___—F irst N ational B a n k -........ .— -------- T. A. Schreiber. Pres.
S t. L ouis.............. -A m erican Exchange N ational B ank..Pres., V .-P ., o r Cash.
S t. L ouis——
Baden B an k — ............ —— ——— — — —
— .....—
S t. L ouis— — Cherokee N ational B a n k —
--------Chm., P res.. V .-P. o r Cash,
S t L ouis— . . — —Chippewa T ru s t C o—
— ____ —
__—..... ......... .
St. L ouis——........... Chouteau T ru st C om pany........—....... —
S t. I.ouis— — E aston-T aylor T ru st C o_— —
President o r Secretary.
S t. L ouis— ____F idelity Bank 4 T ru s t Com pany— ——— — — __ _____ —— «
S t. L ouis— — G rant S tate B ank......— ..........—
Pres., V .-P ., or Cash.
S t. L ouis......—
G uaranty Bank 4 T ru s t Com pany— President o r Cashier.
S t. L ouis— ...........Jefferson B ank..... — —- ___ —
---- Pres.. V .-P .. o r Cash.
S t. L ouis——
L aclede T ru s t Co.—
H . w . K roeger. V ice-Pres.
S t L ouis—
— Lindell T ru s t Co—— — —
—Chm., P res., V .-P. or Cash,
S t. I.o il's—.........—Lowell B an k ------———
— — Pres.. V .-P ., o r Cash
St. I.ouis................ M ercartile-C om m erce N ational B k— V ice-President o r Cashier.
S t. I.oui*—.......... —M ound C ity T ru s t Co— — —— Chairm an. P res, o r V ice-Pres.
St. L ouis_______ .N atural B ridge T ru s t Company..
S t L ouis— ___ — N orth St. Louis T ru s t Co— —

M IS S O U R I — Continued

M IS S O U R I — Continued

St. L ouis— .....— Plaza N ational B ank____ ____ —
Chm., P res.. V .-P . or Cash.
S t. L o u is................St. L ouis N ational Bank.................-..T hos. N . K arraker, P res.
St. Louis™™______ S arah-O live B ank........... ........ ________Geo. G. M adge, Cash.
St. Louis..™..™........Savings T ru st Co....................... .......... President.
S t. L o u is------------ Scruggs. V andervoort 8: B arney Bk_H>*. G iessenbter. Cash.
S t. L o u is............ .....Security N at. Bk. Sav. & T ru s t C o. Chm ., P res.. V .-P. or Cash.
St. L o u is__ ___ —.Shaw Bank & T ru s t Com pany....... -...C hairm an or President.
S t. Louis..™___-....S o u th ern Commercial Savings Bk.... President.
S t. L o u is................ S outhw est Bank..*.............................. .............. ..............................................
St. L ouis.......... - __T w elfth S tre et N ational Bank— ........Chtr... P res., V .-P. or Cash.
S t. L o u is— ™.....„™Vandeventer N ational B ank.....—’— —Chm., P res.. V .-P. or Cash.
St. Louis..™___ ___W ater T ow er B an k ..............................— . ........................ .......... ...............
St. L o u is.................W est S t. L ouis T ru s t Co..———__— Ben E . W . R uler, P res.
St. Louis C ounty.G ravois B ank......................... —.......— Jno. C. Steffen. Pres.
S edalia..............- .....Citizens N ational B ank .......... .......... ....w . H . Powell. Pres.
S edalia.............. — Sedalia N ational B ank--------- —___ —C. H . Bothwell, Pres.
S edalia----- ------ -----Sedalia T ru s t C om pany.................... ....... ........... ..........................................
Sedalia........—..... ™...Third N ational B ank_______ - —— — C hairm an or P resident.
Springfield—........... M cD aniel N ational B ank—..... —......... C. W . M oody. Cash.

T re n to n ——...... — T ren to n N ational B ank -------— --------W . H . Shanklin, Cash.
U niversity C ity— .U niversity City Bank 8c T ru st Co— P resident.
U niversity C ity—..W 'est E nd Bank..—------------------------------------------------ ------------------W arrensburg—.—-Peoples^ N ational B ank..—_______ — Chm ., I’res.. V .-P. o r Cash.
W eb ster G roves—.F irst N ational Bank...— —™™— ....W . V incent B rennan, Pres.
W ebster G roves—W’eb*ter Groves T ru s t C o---------------------- —__ _____ - ___________
W eliston................ - F ir s t N ational B ank——......... — —.G uy E . Ju rd en , Pres.
W est Plains........... F irst N ational B ank------- ---- —--------- Chm .. P res., V .-P . o r Cash.
Brownsville.—........F irst S tate B ank----------- — —.—— R. M. Cham bliss, P res.
D yersburg............... F irst-C itizens N ational Bank_______ President.
Jackson...................-F irst N ational Bank--------- — —
W . A. Caldwell. Pres.
Jackson __________ N ational Bank of Com m erce— — -C h m .. F res., V .-P . o r Cash.
Jackson——-------- -Second N ational Bank----------- -----— Cashier.
Jackson--------------- S ecurity N ational B ank ------ —__— Bruce M itchell, Pres.
U nion C ity .....— T hird N ational B ank.......... —
— President.

(To elect one Class A Director)
I L L I N O I S — Continued

—Citizens N ational Bank..—
A rkadelphia—
A shdow n.....
...First N ational B ank— ........... .....
Batesville...— .... ... Citizens Bank & T ru s t Co.......—
Black Rock........ ..F irs t N ational B a n k - - ....................
...M onroe C ounty B ank............ ........
B rinkley.—
C larksville_____ —F arm er* N ational B ank.....- ...........
Conw ay.—
— —F arm ers S tate B a n k — ........
C otton P lan t...... ...F arm ers N ational Bank—
— ...
D ardanelle—— ™—F irst N ational Bank.— ———
D eQ u een —---- - .—F irst N ational B ank.......— ....... —
G en try ............ — — First N ational B ank.............. —
G rav ette—— .. ...F irs t N ational B ank.—..— .......
G reen F o rest.__ —F irst N ational B ank.............. .........
G reenw ood.....— —.F irst N ational B ank——...................
Gurdon™-.....— ...F irs t N ational B an k .......................
H a rtfo rd — — .— F irst N ational B ank——---- --------H e b e r Spring*.—.—A rkansas N ational B ank......
H olly Grove..— —F irst N ational B ank—™—— ------H u g h e s................ — P lan ters N ational B ank—.......... H u t tig....— ...— — F irst N ational B ank.................— L ake V illage—~ — F irst N ational B ank ........... ..............
L ew isville------.——F irst N ational B ank ............... .........
M alvern— ----- .....—F irst N ational B ank—
-----M ansfield...------- -— F irst N ational B ank............
M ansfield.......... —_N ational Bank of M ansfield—
M arian n a............. .—Lee C ounty N ational B ank...........
M arvell------------ — Bank of M arvell...................— .—
N ashville..............—.F irst N ational B ank..........
— F irst N ational B ank........- ...............
N ew ark —
— F irst N ational B ank................... .....
O zark ..........
P arag o u ld........... . —N ew F irs t N ational Bank............ R o g ers........— .. ....Am erican N ational B ank..............
Siloam Springs.. — H utchings F irst N ational Bank..
Siloam Springs.. .-P ro d u c e rs S tate B ank—
—.— .
.—F irst N ational B ank.............. — ......
— Peoples N ational B ank—----- -—..
S tu ttg art.™
— F irst N ational B ank---------- ----—
T uckerm an..
— Bank of W aldron—..----W ald ro n.....
— F irst N ational B ank----------------- W y n n e........

.H ow ard A braham , Cash.
.H . M. K ennerly, Cash.
.J. H . M yers. Cash.
W. Brown. Cash.
..F. Q. P oynor. V ice-Pres.
™R. H . M addox. Cash.
™F. L. M axwell, Cash.
..H . V. George, Cash.
™R. P. M itchell, Cash.
..M arion W asson. Pres.
™F. H . H ilboldt, V ice-Pres.
..R u p e rt A. S tu a rt, Cash.
...B. E, P ark, Cash.
—N . B. D eL oach. Cash.
-C h m .. F res.. V .-P . o r Cash.
™.C. A. B erry. V ice-Pres.
...W . H . McLeod. Ca*h.
—R. L. B radshaw , V ice-Pres.
™W. L. Yowell, Cash.
-C . C. G raves. Cash.
..Chm., P res., V.-P. or Cash.
™J. B. Sw ift, Vice-Pres.
«C. M. E dw ards, P res.
—Chm.. P res.. V .-P. or Cash.
—S. G. P arsley. Ca»h.

„W . B Pfeiffer. Cash.
-Chas. E . Sm ith. Cash.
„W . B. Piles. Cash.
.. P resident.

A lbion——
— N ational Bank of Albion— ......- .....- ............... ........ — ~—— — -----A llendale.... —
F irs t N ational B ank.......... — —— P resident.
AI tarn on t.......... ......F irst N ational B ank—------ ------------- —Chm .. P res., V.-P. or Cash.
A n n a ..........—
— Anna N ational B ank.....—.............——Jno. B. Jackson, Pres.
Annapolis— — —F irst N ational B ank..................... - ..................................... ................- .......
A v a............................F irst N ational B ank ...............— ...... -C lyde C heatham , Cash.
Benld.............. ......... F irst N ational B ank.................................Jos. W . Rizzie, Pres.
B reese.................— .F irs t N ational B ank...............— .......—.F erd K rebs, Pres.
B rig h to n............ — F irst N ational B ank— .........................-W m . A. Schneeberg, Cash.
B rookport........— .B ro o k p o rt N ational B ank..................... H . W . Holifield. Pres.
B row nstow n—
F irst N ational B ank...—— ........ - ........M . J . Griffith, Pres.
B u n k er H ill........—F irst N ational B ank............ — .......... I. E. Sanford. Cash.
C arbondale......— Carbondale N ational B ank ...................P resident or Cashier.
C arlyle......................F irst N ational B ank...........— J. M. Krebs. Cash.
C arm i....................... N ational Bank of C arm i............. .......... A rthur W . Charles, P res.
C arriers Mill*........F irs t N ational B ank.................... .....................................- .......... — ...........
C arterville........ ...... F irs t N ational B ank— ............ —
M ike F errell, Cash.
C hristo p h er— — F irst N ational B ank................................ Geo. W . W ard, Cash.
C obden— .— — .First N ational B ank..................... .......... L . W olher, Cash.
Coffeen............. — .Coffeen N ational B ank......... — — Lonis Spinner, Pre*.
Colum bia....— — F irst N ational B ank.—
........— Chm., P res., V .-P. or Cash.
C oulterville......— F irst N ational Bank™™..— ........ — — T . P. A rm strong, Pres.
Crossville—— — F irst N ational Bank—
..............— R. P. K inney, Cash.
I)ahlgT -n......—
F a n n e rs N ational B ank........................ .—.......... ........... .— ---------------D ieterich..................F irst N ational B ank.................. .— ........................... ..................— —
D o n g o l a . . . F i r s t N ational B ank...............................,R . A. Ander*on, Cash.
Effingham™— — F irs t N ational B ank.......—................... „ H . B. W em sing, Pre*.
E nfield.....—
.—.F irst N ational B ank ...................... ..... —Chm.. P res., V .-P. o r Cash.
G olconda.... —..........F irst N ational B ank................................ A braham Baker, V ice-Pres.
G orham .............. ™—F irst N ational B an k .......... ................... Joel D unn, Pre*.
G rand T o w er......... F irst N ational B ank—
................. F . V. L yrley, Cash.
G rayville——......... Farm ers N ational B ank.....................—Chm., P res.. V.-P._or Cash.
,.W. L. William*, Cash.
G rayville—.— ......... F irst N ational B ank..Ralph M etcalf, Pres.
G reenfield..........F irst N ational B ank...—™..—,
-P res.. V .-P ., or Cash.
G rigg* ville—
Griggs ville N ational Bank™
„ I. O. K arraker, Pres.
Jon esb o ro —— ..— F irst N ational B ank— —
„C . R. A lderson, Cash.
K inm undy ............ —F irst N ational B ank..............

Litchfield— —— Litchfield N ational B ank—.
-H u g h H ail, Cash.
L ivingston—— — .F irst N ational Bank....... .......
™D. E. Aylw ard, Pre*.
Madison............ —...LTnion T ru s t Com pany—.—
.. A. V. Andreoff. T reas.
.P re s., V .-P ., or Ca*h.
M arine.............. — F irs t N ational B ank..........—
M arissa................ —F irst N ational Bank..
- W . M. H am ilton. Pre*.
M cLeansboro-------People* N ational Bank
-G . W . H ogan, Pre*.
M ound C ity— —F irst N ational Bank.
.E a rl K arraker, Cash.
M ounds.... ....... — __F irst N ational Bank.
. F . L. Hoffm eier, Cash.
M t. Olive— —
.F irs t N ational Bank™...
M t. Olive------------ Mt. Olive S tate B ank-----.A . E F ischer, Cash.
M ulberry G rove— F irst N ational B ank— — .
,.E. J . Stauffer. Cash.
M urphysboro........- F ir s t N ational Bank....
.C has. L. R itter. Pre*.
N ashville—— __ Farm ers A M erchants N at. Bank :— E . J . Boeschen. Cash.
N ebo .........—
F irst N ational B a n k — A. ¥. T u m b eau g h , Cash.
New A thens__— F arm ers S ta te Bank...
— E . P. M oeser. Cash.
N oble---------- —
F irst N ational Bank—
— H . F. D iei, Cash.
O d in —-------------—F ’irst N ational Bank™...
_ W . H . F arth in g , Cash.
O ’Fallon-------------- F irst S tate Bank—
T h o s. T . G ordon, Cash.
O kaw ville------------ F irst N ational Bank™
W m . E. F riend, Cash.
O kaw ville------------ Old E xchange N ational Bank™
— F. Moehle. Cash.
P alestine— — .F irs t N ational Bank—....
__W m . O. Riehev, Cash.
P ercy.----------------- F irst N ational Bank...... ..
— W . C. Davi*, J r ., Pre*.
Ram*ey......—...... —Ramsey N ational Bank...
— J . E . E asterday, Cash.
R aym ond— —— —.F irst N ational Bank-----—J . E . M cDavid, V ice-Pres.
Ridgew ay—------ — F irst N ational Bank.
— M arion Drone, Cash.
Roodhouse— ..— .First N ational B ank......
—W . D. B erry, Pres.
S t. E lm o.....—
First N ational Bank___ ____
—G. W*. M iddlesw orth, P res.
S t. Francisville——Peoples N ational B ank................— - T . H . G utteridge, Pres.
S t. P e te r——
F irst N ational Bank—
_— — —Cashier.
P res., V .-P ., C ash, o r A sst.
Salem —
— „Salem N ational Bank™.
Sandoval----------- -F irst N ational Bank™— ———
.B , F. Holme*, V ice-Pres.
Shaw neetow n__ .N ational Bank of Shawneetown.. .G eo. W iederhold, Pres.
Sm ithton— — ..First N ational Bank____________
-Sorento N ational Bank-------------- 3 : " £ c ^ ; p ^ : - ...............
S p arta— _____ -F ir s t N ational B ank—
-P re s .. V.-P. or Cash.
Sum ner—____— ..F irst N ational Bank...
„G. W . H ilt, Pre*.
T am aroa—_____ -F ir s t N ational B ank—
.H . B. H aine*, Cash.
T renton________ ..F irst N ational B ank—_
-C . W. E isenm ayer. Cash.
V ienna.................. .F irs t N ational B ank—
. P. T . Chapm an. Pres.
W aterloo------— . ..F irst N ational B ank— ______
-Tbo*. Ruch, A sst. Cash.
W ayne C ity—
..F irst N ational Bank----..Cashier.
W ilson ville— . ..First N ational B ank------- ----C . H . Davis. Cash.
W itt___________ -N ational Bank of W itt— ......
-P re s ., V .-P . o r Cash.
W ood la wn— —— .F irs t N ational Bank...— — .
-E a rl A. H ill, Cash.
W ood River—
-W ood R iver N ational Bank—
-F irst N ational Bank— ------ ----W orden———
X enia—________ ..F irst N ational Bank________ —
-W m . P. T ully, Pres.
Z iegler—............. ..F irst N ational Bank— ———
- F . Guy H itt, Pre*.
Bickne!!________ ...First N ational B ank........— ...
..Thos. E. Pearce, C ath .
...Birdseye N ational B ank——
—Jas. O. Sanders. Ca*h.
Brow nstow n— —F irst N'ational B ank..— —
...O. S. Brooke, Pres.
, —Cannelton N ational B ank.... .
-Jo s. M. H irsch, Cash.
Cannelton.—— —. ...Fir*t N ational Bank— — —
—N orm an Hafele, Cash.
Charle*town......... —F irst N ational Bank.—
—PreSy V .-P. o r Cash.
F o rt Branch....... ...Farm ers & M erchants N at. Bank—- H . F G raper, V ice-Pres.
F o rt B ranch....... F irs t N ational Bank.......... ——
—„M . M Knowles, Cash.
H olland................ ..H olland N ational Bank—— ... ------ J. H . M iller, Pres.
H u n tingburg—.„. ..F irs t N ational Bank.......—
—— Charles M oenkhaus, Pres.
Jason ville—.— ™. - F i r s t N ational B ank..— — — — W . C. B arr, Cash.
------J . F. Rickrich. V ice-Pres.
L ynn ville—— . ...Lynnville N ational Bank—
—— Ralph E. Jackson, Cash.
M illtown— — . —F irst N ational B ank.— —
M itchell............ .. ...F irst N ational B a n k -..........—
—— Edw ard M. Keane, Cash.
N ew H arm ony— ..N e w H sn n o n v N’s t“w>^1
O akland C ity— —F irst N ational B an k -___ —
— C hm ., Pte*.. V .-P. o r Cash.
O don——— __- —F irst N ational B ank— —— — — A. A. L ane, Pres.
O rleans___— — -N a tio n a l Bank of O rleans..... — O scar Standeford, Cash.
P ato k a........— ..... —Patoka N ational Bank.———
Posey ville——— ...B ozem an-W ater F irst N ational Bank.....
R ockport.......... —F irst N ational B ank—
—H enry M aas, Cash.
Spurgeon............. —F irst N ational Bank..— — ....... .. — A lb ert Jordan, Pre*.
T ell City---------- —Citizens N ational Bank.———™™, — Sam Anderson, Cash.
T ennyson— —— .—T ennyson National Bank.—
— T. W . H endrickson, Ca*h.
—F irst N ational B ank......— —
. —..E. T . Colem an, Cash.
W ades ville—
..-F a rm e rs N ational B ank— —
— L . P. Cox, Cath.
W est Baden........ ....W est Baden N ational Bank........ .....Chm ., Pre*.. V .-P . o r Cash.
W inslow__—— —F irst N ational Bank.......... —
— Chas. W . Bee, Cash.

A dairville.... ........... F irst N ational Bank.™............... ..
B ardw ell............ . F irst N ational B ank.......................
B uffalo.................— F irst N ational B ank.................. .....
C am pbellsville.......T ay lo r N ational B ank.................
C lay.......... ................F arm ers N ational B ank...............
C linton.................... F irst N ational B ank........................
D aw son S p rin g s....F irst N ational B ank.............. ........
E lizabethtow n........U nion N ationl B ank...... .............G lasgow ....................C itizens N ational B ank-----------G lasgow ........—........ F irst N ational R ank.......... ............
H odgenville............ Lincoln N ational B a n k ..............
L eb an o n ———
F arm ers N ational Bank.™..........
’ io n ticello .......... — C itizens N ational B ank................
M unfordville........... N ational Bank of M unfordville..
O w en to n ................. F arm ers N ational B ank............. .
O w en to n ......... —.....F irs t N ational Bank.......................
P rovidence.............. U nion N ational B ank......- ...........
Russell S p rin g s.... F irst N ational B ank ........................
Russellville............ -C * N ational B ank...............
Scottsville.............. .F a rm e rs N ational Bank..............
S eb ree................... ..First National Bank ....................
S pringfield............... F irst N ational B an k .....................

M IS S O U R I — Continued
-G. W . Payne. V ice-Pres.
..W alter L . FerTill. Cash.
»G. H . Gowdy, Pres.
..C E H earin, Cash
..F. W . Brock. Cash.
-Jim N. Smith, Cash.
- J . H . M ann. Jr., Cash.
„W . B. Sm ith. Pre*.
.Chm ., Pres.. V'.-P. or Cash.
..Isaac W alker, Pre*.
„B. F . Holbrook. Ca»ii.
_G. W . F orsee, Cash.
..T. T M orris. Cash.
..G. W . Hill. Cash.
_H . L. Trim ble. Cash.
_C. A. Gilliam, Cash.
..T. M. H ankins, Cash.
..J. C. M cElroy, Cash.

L e x n g to n ............... F irst N ational B ank.....
O ’.to rd ...................... F irst N ational B a n k ...

,.W. O. B arrett, Pre*.

A ppleton City™.....F irst National Bank.™..........- .....
B ethany..______ __ F irst N ational B ank.............— .
Bolivar...™.............. F irst National B ank............... ......
B osw orth.......— ..F irst N ational B ank.......................
B runsw ick............... F irst N ational B a n k ........... — ....
C ainesville............ F irst N ational Bank.™.................
C am denton.............. Camden County B ank.................
CassviUe.................. F irst N ational B ank.....................
C en tralia..................F irst N ational B ank.....................
Chaffee_________ F irst N ational B ank ....................
Clinton.™......- ......—People* N ational B ank............ Cowgill............ ...... - F ir s t N ational B ank.....................
D e x te r______ ___—F irs t N ational Bank...™......- ......
Gallatin.™.........-...-F irst N ational B ank.....................
H olden---- -------- — Fir*t N ational Bank.................... .
I b e ria _..— ............Farm er* & Trader* Bank.™— ..

..H. G. Sunderw irth. Cash.
„W . M. Planck. Cash.
..C. W. Vile. Cash.
„Chm., P res.. V .-P. or Ca*h.
..R. V. Bartow. Cash.
..K. L. W eary, Cash.
- J . M. Vincent. Cash.
-C . C. Chandler, C aih.
..Juliu* R. Edward*, Cash.

I h .’c 'McDoweiiV’ciuh:....
...Chas. H em ry, P res.
...Chas. J . Burson. Cash.
...Cliff H . Clark. Ca*h.

Kirksville_____ ___N ational Bank of K irksville................. W arn er Mills. V ice-P res.
L a P lata.......... - .....Bank of L a P la ta -.................................. Chm , P res. V .-P. o r Cash.
L ebanon...................F irst National B ank ................................ Chm., Pre*., V’.-P. o r Cash.
L ebanon...................S tate Saving* H ank....... - ...................... I. T . C u rry , Cash.
Linn C reek..—— F irst N ational B an k ............. .................................................................—
L udlow ................... Lu.iiow N ational B ank....................... .......................................................
L uxem burg ............I jta y e t te National Bank Sc T r. C o...... ......... ........................................
L uxem burg............L em sy Ferry B ank.................................H im .. Pres.. V .-P. o r Cash.
M arceline......— .....F irst National B ank.................................W. G. L a n c a ste r P res.
M em phis............. -...Scotland Countv N ational Bank........R. M. B arnes, Cash.
M ilan..... - ............ —F irst N ational B a n k -.............................. C. A. Schoene. Pres.
M onette....................F irst National B ank.................................Carl W . L ehnhard, Pres.
M ontgom erv C ity -F irs t National B ank................................A. E. K em per, P res.
M ountain G rove— F irst National B ank ......................... — C. H . Jackson, Cash.
M t. V ernon............F irst National B ank....................................................................................
N orm andy— — .N orm andy State B ank .......................... Geo. D. Able, Cash.
O ran .............. — ..F irs t National Bank................................ Leroy C. Leslie. Cash.
Perryville.............. - F ir s t National B ank ................................Joseph F. F> nw xk, Pres.
Peirce City™.......... F irst National B ank................................ A. J. F orsythe, Cash.
Pine L aw n.......... ...P in e Lawn B ank......... ........ ........ ......... J. B. F lh o tt, Pres.
P urdy.......... - ........... F irst N ational B ank................... ............ Amo* M. G urley, P res.
Ridgew ay................F'armers N ational B a n k ......................... .............................................—
St. Louis County....M id’and Savings Bank. ..........................................................................
St. Louis C ounty—N orth Side Bank.................................... F\ H en ry Koch, Pres.
Salem ............ .......... .F irst National B ank ................................ J. I). Gibson, Pres.
Seym our................ ..P eoples N ational B ank....................................................... - ....................
Steele...—..................F’irst National B a n k -.............................. A. B. Rhodes, C ash.
Steelville— .........F irst N ational B ank—..................... ................................................ ............
Stoutland.............. - F ir s t N ational B a n k -..............................R. T . S m ith, Ca*h.
LTnionville............... M arshall National B ank ........ - .............N . B. M arshall, Pre*.
Unionville................N ational Bank of Unionville.................................................................—
V ersailles.....- .......... Bank of V ersailles.....—......................................... ......... .........................V ersailles------ ---- ..F irs t N ational B ank .............. ................ ................ ....................................
W ashington— — F irst N ational B ank.............. ——
W. H . K ahm ann, Cash.
W ashington ............F ranklin County B ank— .................... W. B. Bagby, P res.
W indsor........—....... F irst N ational B an k ...............................-Jo h n Bowen, P res.

Greenfield......... —...Greenfield Bank— .........................
L exington—........- .F ir s t N ational B an k .......................
Ripley.............. ........F irs t N ational B a n k — — —
Savannah......- ......- F i r s t N ational B a n k -.....................
Selm er................ — F irst N ational B an k .......................
T ren to n ......— — Citizen* National B ank——
Union C ity —
.O ld N ational B an k.......... —

— R. L . Goolsby, P res.
— I. A M cCall. Cash.
- R . M. P richard. Ca*h.
- H . M. W illiam s. Cash.
— P. L . Basinger, Cash.
— B. F. L em ond. Cash.
— H . A. Beck, P res.