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e d e r a l

o f


e s e r v e



a n k

L o u is

January 29, 1942.


To all M em ber Banks in the
Eighth Federal R e sem e D istrict:

Sonic time ago we addressed a circular letter to all m em ber
banks requesting that as far as possible they avoid depositing
w ith us fit or new paper currency which could be utilized in
m eeting local demands. W e greatly appreciate the splendid
cooperation which has been given to our request.
Now, however, with the country at wa r, new and urgent
reasons for m ost careful conservation have] appeared. These
considerations prom pt us again to call th attention of our
member banks to the desirability of avoiding unnecessary ship­
ments or deposits with us of currency and coin fit for further
Your further cooperation in this m atter \\ ill assist m aterially
in following out this program.

Yours very truly
C H E S T E R C. D A V IS,