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C U tr


July 22, 1975


To A ll State Member Batiks
in the Second Federal Reserve District:

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has issued an Order requiring State member
banks to prepare a report entitled Summary o f Accounts and Deposits. This report should be completed
in accordance with the instructions accompanying the form and returned to the Federal Deposit Insurance
Printed below is the text of the Board’s Order in this matter, which will be published in the Federal
Register. Additional copies of this circular will be furnished upon request.

Order Requiring Preparation of Report
Notice is hereby given that on June 13, 1975, the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
pursuant to its authority under § 11(a) of the Federal
Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 248 (a)), determined that State
member banks will be required to prepare the report
entitled “Summary of Accounts and Deposits” (FDI.C
Form 8020/05, Call No. 15). Section 11(a) of the Federal
Reserve Act provides, in part, that the Board shall be
authorized and empowered to examine at its discretion
the accounts, books, and affairs of each member bank
and to require such statements and reports as the Board
may deem necessary.
The information contained in the report is being
gathered from all banks by the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation, which will provide the Board

with the results of this survey. The Board has found that
the study provides deposit data which are accurate and
reliable and which are necessary to the Board in
examining the competitive effects of proposed mergers
and acquisitions of banks as well as useful for deter­
mining whether member bank applications for branch
offices should be approved. It is expected that State
member banks will complete the report in accordance
with the instructions accompanying the form.
The Comptroller of the Currency has taken similar
action to require national banks to complete the report
entitled “Summary of Accounts and Deposits” (FDIC
Form 8020/05, Call No. 15).
By order of the Board of Governors, July 9, 1975.