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June 30, 1970

To the Addressee:
Enclosed is a reprint, in the new size, of the Rules of Practice for
Formal Hearings of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, as
revised effective August 1, 19 6 7 > to replace your small-size printing of the
rules bearing the same date

Circulars Division
Federal Reserve Bank of New York


of the



(12 CFR 263)

As revised effective August 1, 1967

• f* U R E S * V *
*«. ***

Any inquiry relating to these rules should be addressed to the Federal
Reserve Bank of the Federal Reserve District in which the inquiry arises.




S e c . 2 6 3 .1 — S co pe
S e c . 2 6 3 .2 — D





e f in it io n s

S e c . 2 6 3 .3 — A pp e a r a n c e and P ractice B e fo r e
t h e B oard ..............................................
( a ) P ow er o f attorn ey and n otice o f appear­
an ce
( b ) S u m m ary su sp en sio n ....................................


S e c . 2 6 3 .4 — N otice

H earing ...............................


S ec . 2 6 3 .5 — A n s w e r ........................................................
( a ) W h en required .................................................
(b ) R eq u irem en ts o f answ er; effect o f fa il­
ure to d en y
( c ) A d m itted a lleg a tio n s ....................................
( d ) E ffect o f failu re to answ er .......................
( e ) O p p ortu n ity fo r in form al settlem en t . .




s io n s

S ec.

(a) Proposed findings and conclusions and
supporting briefs ..................................
(b) Recommended decision and filing of
record ....................................................
(c) Board as presiding officer......................
263.12— E x c e p t i o n s ....................................
(a) Filing ......................................................
(b) Waiver ..................................................
263.13— B r i e f s ............................................
(a) Contents ................................................
(b) Answering briefs ..................................
263.14—O r a l A r g u m e n t B e f o r e t h e
B o a r d ............................................
263.15—D e c is io n o f B o a r d ........................
263.16—F il in g P a p e r s ................................
263.17—S e r v ic e ..........................................
(a) By the Board ........................................
(b) By the parties ......................................
263.18—C o p i e s ............................................
263.19—C o m p u t i n g T i m e ....................................
(a) General rule ..........................................
(b) Service by m a il......................................
263.20— D o c u m e n t s i n P r o c e e d in g s C o n ­

S ec.

263.21—F o r m a l

Sec .

S e c . 2 6 3 .6 — C o n d u c t o f H e a r i n g s ..........................
( a ) D e sig n a tio n o f p residin g officer .............
( b ) A u th o r ity o f p resid in g o f f i c e r ..................
( c ) P reh earin g co n feren ce .................................
( d ) A tten d a n ce at hearings; rep resen tation
o f the B oard ......................................................
( e ) T ranscrip t o f testim o n y ...............................
( f ) C on tin u a n ces and ch a n g es or ex ten sio n s
o f tim e and ch a n g es o f p lace o f h earin g
( g ) C a ll fo r furth er ev id en ce, oral argu­
m en t, b riefs, reop en in g o f h earin g . . . .


S e c . 2 6 3 .7 — S u b p e n a s ......................................................
( a ) Issu an ce ................................................................
( b ) M o tio n to q u a s h ..............................................
( c ) S ervice o f su b p en a .........................................
( d ) A tten d a n ce o f w itn esses ............................


S e c . 2 6 3 .8 — D e p o s it io n s
( a ) W h en p erm issib le ............................................
( b ) N o tic e and a p p lica tio n ...............................
( c ) P roced u re o n d ep o sitio n ; o b jection s . . .
( d ) In trod u ction as ev id en ce ............................
( e ) P a ym en t o f fe e s ..............................................


S e c . 2 6 3 .9 — R u l e s o f E v id e n c e ...............................
( a ) E v id en ce ..............................................................
( b ) O b jection s ...........................................................
( c ) S tip u la tio n s .........................................................
( d ) O fficial n otice ....................................................


S e c . 2 6 3 .1 0 — M o t io n s
( a ) In w ritin g ...........................................................
( b ) O b jection s ...........................................................
( c ) O ral argum ent; briefs ..................................
( d ) R u lin gs o n m o tio n s .......................................
( e ) A p p ea l from rulings o n m o tio n s ...........
( f ) C o n tin u a tio n o f h e a r i n g ...............................
( g ) C lo sin g o f h earin g .........................................


F in d in g s a n d C o n c l u ­
R eco m m ended
D e­

S ec.

S ec.
S ec.


R e q u ir e m e n t s
F i l e d ..........................................

f id e n t i a l



P apers
(a) Forms ...................................................... 11
(b) Signature .............................................. 11
(c) Caption .................................................. 11



c isio n



263.11—P r o p o s e d

S ec.

263.22— S c o p e ................................................................ 11
263.23— G r o u n d s f o r C e a s e - a n d - D e s is t
O r d e r s ........................................................... 12
263.24— N o t ic e o f C h a r g e s a n d H ea r in g 12
263.25— I s s u a n c e o f O r d e r ............................... 12
263.26— E f f e c t iv e D a t e ....................................... 12
263.27— T e m p o r a r y C e a s e - a n d - D e s is t
........................................................ 12
O rders
263.28— E f f e c t iv e D a t e o f T e m p o r a r y
O r d e r .............................................................. 12

S ec.
S ec.
S ec.
S ec.
S ec.

263.29— S c o p e ................................................................. 13
263.30— G r o u n d s f o r R e m o v a l O r d e r . . . 13
263.31— G r o u n d s f o r S u s p e n s i o n O r d e r . 14
263.32— E f f e c t iv e D a t e o f S u s p e n s i o n
O r d e r .............................................................. 14
263.33— N o t ic e o f I n t e n t i o n t o R e m o v e
a n d H e a r in g .............................................
263.34— I s s u a n c e o f R e m o v a l O r d e r a n d
E f f e c t iv e D a t e ..................................... 14
263.35— S u s p e n s i o n a n d R e m o v a l w h e r e
F e l o n y C h a r g e d .................................. 14


These rules are issued under authority of section 11 (i) of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 248(i)),
section 202 of the Financial Institutions Supervisory Act of 1966 (12 U.S.C. 1818(n)), section 18(c) of
the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1828(c)), and section 8 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. 19).

(12 CFR 263)
As revised effective August 1, 1967


The term “party” means a person or
agency named or admitted as a party, or any
person or agency who has filed a written request
and is entitled as of right to be admitted as a
party; but a person or agency may be admitted
for a limited purpose.

This subpart prescribes rules of practice and
procedure followed by the Board with respect to
adjudications as to which a hearing is required
by law or is for other reason ordered by the
Board. Among such adjudications are those re­
lating to: Suspension of a member bank from
the use of credit facilities of the Federal Reserve
System under section 4 of the Federal Reserve
Act (12 U.S.C. 301); termination of a bank’s
membership in the System pursuant to section 9
of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 327); is­
suance of a cease-and-desist order under section
11 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. 21); issuance
of a cease-and-desist order or a removal or sus­
pension order under section 8 of the Federal
Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1818); ap­
plications pursuant to sections 3 and 4 of the
Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C.
1842, 1843) as to which a hearing is required
by the Act, or for other reason is ordered by
the Board; and such proceedings as may be
ordered by the Board with respect to bank mer­
ger applications under section 18 (c) of the Fed­
eral Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1828(c)).

(a) Power of attorney and notice of appear­
ance. Any person who is a member in good stand­
ing of the bar of the highest court of any State
or of the District of Columbia, or of any pos­
session, territory, or Commonwealth of the
United States, may represent others before the
Board upon filing with the Secretary a written
declaration that he is currently qualified as pro­
vided in this paragraph, and is authorized to rep­
resent the particular party on whose behalf he
acts. Any other person desiring to appear before
or transact business with the Board in a repre­
sentative capacity may be required to file with
the Secretary a power of attorney showing his
authority to act in such capacity, and he may be
required to show to the satisfaction of the Board
that he has the requisite qualifications. Attorneys
and other representatives of parties to proceed­
ings shall file a written notice of appearance with
the Secretary or with the presiding officer.
(b) Summary suspension. Contemptuous con­
duct at any hearing to which these Rules are
applicable, by any person, shall be ground for
exclusion from any such hearing and for such
further period as the Board may prescribe.

As used in this Part—
(a) The term “Secretary” means the Secretary
of the Board;
(b) The term “presiding officer” means the
Board, one or more members thereof, or a duly
designated hearing examiner or other duly desig­
nated hearing officer, and as used in this Part
the term shall be construed to refer to which­
ever of these shall preside at a hearing hereunder,
except as otherwise specified in the text;


The text corresponds to the Code of Federal Regu­
lations, Title 12, Chapter II, Part 263, cited as 12 CFR
263. The words “this Part”, as used herein, mean Rules
of Practice for Formal Hearings.


Whenever a hearing is ordered by the Board,
notice of such hearing (together with a copy of
any document incorporated therein by reference)
shall be given by the Secretary or other desig­
nated officer acting for the Board to the party or
parties to the proceeding and to the appropriate
financial institution supervisory authority where


§ § 2 6 3 .5 — 2 6 3 .6

constitute a waiver of hearing as to the facts
alleged, and together with the notice and any ref­
erenced documents will provide a record basis on
which the presiding officer shall file with the
Secretary his recommended decision and his
findings of fact and conclusions of law. Such
admission shall not constitute a waiver of the
right of such party to file with the Secretary ex­
ceptions to such recommended decision, findings
and conclusions.
(d) Effect of failure to answer. Failure of a
party to file an answer required by this section
within the time provided shall constitute a waiver
of his right to appear and contest the allegations
of the notice of hearing and shall constitute
authorization for the presiding officer, without
further notice to the party, to find the facts to
be as alleged in the notice and to file with the
Secretary a recommended decision containing
such findings and appropriate conclusions. The
Board or the presiding officer may, for cause
shown, permit the filing of an answer after the
prescribed time.
(e) Opportunity for informal settlement. Any
interested party may at any time submit to the
Secretary, for consideration by the Board, writ­
ten offers or proposals for settlement of a pro­
ceeding, without prejudice to the rights of the
parties. No offer or proposal shall be admissible
in evidence over the objection of any party in
any hearing in connection with such proceeding.
The foregoing provisions of this paragraph shall
not preclude settlement of any proceeding through
the regular adjudicatory process by the filing of
an answer as provided in paragraph (c) of this
section, or by the submission of the case to the
presiding officer on a stipulation of facts and an
agreed order.

required by law. The Board may give whatever
additional notice is deemed appropriate in any
given hearing. Such notice shall state the time,
place, and nature of the hearing, the legal author­
ity and jurisdiction under which the hearing is to
be held, and the name and address of the pre­
siding officer, if one has been designated, and
shall also contain, or incorporate by appropriate
reference, a statement of the matters of fact or
law constituting the grounds for the hearing. Un­
less otherwise provided by law or ordered by the
Board, notice of any hearing shall be given not
less than 20 days prior to the date set for hear­
ing and shall be given general circulation by
publication in the Federal Register and, where
practical, by release to the press. The Board may
amend a notice of hearing in any manner and
to the extent consistent with provisions of ap­
plicable law.
(a) When required. In any notice of hearing
issued by the Board, the Board may direct the
party or parties afforded the hearing to file an
answer to the allegations contained in the notice
or referenced documents, and any party to any
proceeding may file an answer. Except where a
different period is provided by law or specified
by the Board, a party directed to file an answer,
or a party who elects to file an answer, shall file
the same with the Secretary within 20 days after
service upon him of the notice of hearing.
(b) Requirements of answer; effect of failure
to deny. An answer filed under this section shall
specifically admit, deny, or state that the party
does not have sufficient information to admit or
deny each allegation in the notice of hearing. A
statement of lack of information shall have the
effect of a denial. Any allegation not denied shall
be deemed to be admitted. When a party intends
to deny only a part or a qualification of an
allegation, he shall admit so much of it as is
true and shall deny only the remainder.
(c) Admitted allegations. If a party filing an
answer under this section elects not to contest
the allegations of fact set forth in the notice of
hearing or referenced documents, his answer
shall consist of a statement that he admits all of
the allegations to be true. Such an answer shall

Designation of presiding officer. When evi­
dence is to be taken in a hearing, either the
Board or, when duly designated for that purpose,
one or more of its members, a hearing examiner,
or other lawfully appointed hearing officer may
preside at the hearing. All such hearings, unless
otherwise provided in the notice of hearing, shall
be conducted as hereinafter provided. Except as
authorized by law, the presiding officer shall not
consult any person or party on any fact in issue



§ 2 6 3 .6

parties or counsel to meet with him at a specified
time and place prior to the hearing, or to submit
suggestions to him in writing, for the purpose of
considering any or all of the following:
(1) Simplification and clarification of the is­
(2) Stipulations and admissions of fact and of
the contents and authenticity of documents;
(3) Matters of which official notice will be
taken; and
(4) Such other matters as may aid in the
orderly disposition of the proceeding, including
disclosure of the names of witnesses and of docu­
ments or other physical exhibits which will be
introduced in evidence in the course of the pro­
Such conferences, in the discretion of the presi­
ding officer, need not be recorded, but the presi­
ding officer shall enter in the record an order
which recites the results of the conference. Such
order, a copy of which shall be served on each
party and Board counsel, shall include the officer’s
rulings upon matters considered at the confer­
ence, together with appropriate directions, if
any, to the parties and Board counsel; and such
order shall control the subsequent course of the
proceedings, unless modified at the hearing, for
good cause found, by appropriate order of the
presiding officer.
Attendance at hearings; representation of
the Board. Unless otherwise specifically provided
by statute or by rule of the Board, a hearing shall
ordinarily be private and shall be attended only
by the parties, their representatives or counsel,
representatives of the Board, witnesses while
testifying, and other persons having an official
interest in the proceedings: P r o v id e d , h o w e v e r ,
That on written request by a party or a repre­
sentative of the Board, or on the Board’s own
motion, the Board, in its discretion and to the
extent permitted by law, may permit other per­
sons to attend or may order the hearing to be
public. In connection with any such hearing or
proceeding related thereto, the Board may desig­
nate as Board counsel an attorney from its staff
or other attorney who shall represent the Board.
For the purposes of these Rules, any attorney so
designated is referred to as “Board counsel”. In
case of adjudication other than initial licensing
proceedings, neither Board counsel nor any of­
ficer or employee of the Board who has engaged

unless upon notice and opportunity for all parties
to participate, nor shall he be responsible to or
subject to the supervision or direction of any
officer, employee, or agent of the Board engaged
in the performance of investigative or prosecutive
functions. A designated presiding officer may at
any time withdraw if he deems himself disquali­
fied; and, upon filing of a timely and sufficient
affidavit of personal bias or disqualification of
such presiding officer, the Board will determine
the matter as a part of the record and decision
in the case.
(b) Authority of presiding officer. All hearings
governed by this Part shall be conducted in ac­
cordance with the provisions of chapter 5 of
Title 5 of the United States Code. The presiding
officer shall have complete charge of the hearing,
and he shall have the duty to conduct it in a
fair and impartial manner and to take all neces­
sary action to avoid delay in the disposition of
proceedings. Such officer shall have all powers
necessary to that end, including but not limited
to the following:
(1) To administer oaths and affirmations;
(2) To issue subpenas and subpenas duces
tecum, as authorized by law, and to revoke,
quash, or modify any such subpena;
(3) To receive relevant evidence and to rule
upon the admission of evidence and offers of
(4) To take or cause depositions to be taken;
(5) To regulate the course of the hearing and
the conduct of the parties and their counsel;
(6) To hold conferences for the settlement or
simplification of issues or for any other proper
purpose; and
(7) To consider and rule upon, as justice may
require, all procedural and other motions ap­
propriate in an adversary proceeding, except that
a presiding officer other than the Board shall not
have power to decide any motion to dismiss the
proceedings or other motion which would result
in final determination of the merits of the pro­
Without limitation on the foregoing, the presi­
ding officer shall, subject to the provisions of this
Part, have all the authority set forth in section
556(c) of Title 5 of the United States Code.
(c) Prehearing conference. The presiding of­
ficer may, on his own initiative or at the request
of Board counsel or of any party, direct all



§ 2 6 3 .7

or adjourn a hearing from time to time or from
place to place. Extensions of time for making any
filing or performing any act required or allowed
to be done within a specified time in the course of
a hearing may be granted by the presiding officer
for good cause shown.
Call for further evidence, oral argument,
briefs, reopening of hearing. The presiding officer
may call for the production of further evidence
upon any issue, may permit oral argument, the
submission of briefs at the hearing and, upon ap­
propriate notice, may reopen any hearing at any
time prior to the certification of his recommended
decision to the Secretary. The Board may reopen
the record at any time permitted by law.

in the performance of any investigative or pros­
ecutive function in the case, or a factually related
case, may participate in or advise as to the presid­
ing officer’s recommended decision or the Board’s
decision, except as witness or counsel in such
hearing or related proceeding. Proceedings with
respect to applications for initial licenses shall
include, but not be limited to, applications for
Board approval under section 3 of the Bank
Holding Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1842)
and such proceedings as may be ordered by the
Board with respect to applications under section
18(c) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12
U.S.C. 1828(c)). In such initial licensing pro­
ceedings, Board counsel shall represent the
Board in a nonadversary capacity for the purpose
of developing for the record information relevant
to the issues to be determined by the presiding
officer and the Board.
(e) Transcript of testimony. Hearings shall be
recorded and transcripts will be made available at
prescribed rates to any party and, in the event
the hearing is public, to any other interested per­
sons. The presiding officer shall have authority
to order the record corrected, either upon motion
to correct, upon stipulation of the parties, or,
following notice to the parties, upon the presiding
officer’s initiative. The transcript of testimony
taken at any hearing, duly certified by the re­
porter, together with all exhibits, papers, and re­
quests, briefs or memoranda of law filed in con­
nection with the hearing shall be filed in duplicate
with the Secretary by the presiding officer. The
Secretary shall promptly serve notice upon each
of the parties of such filing and transmittal. Fol­
lowing the service of notice of filing of the record,
the record shall be returned to the presiding
(f) Continuances and changes or extensions of
time and changes of place of hearing. Except as
otherwise expressly provided by law, the Board
may by the notice of hearing or subsequent
order provide time limits different from those
specified in this Part, and may, on its own
initiative or for good cause shown, change or
extend any time limit prescribed by these Rules
or the notice of hearing, or change the time
or place for beginning any hearing hereunder.
The presiding officer may, for good cause shown,
and as permitted by law, change the time or place
for beginning such hearing and may continue

(a) Issuance. Where authorized by law, subpenas for the attendance of witnesses or for the
production of documentary evidence, unless di­
rected by the Board upon its own motion, will
issue only upon application in writing to the
presiding officer or, in the event he is unavailable,
to the Board, except that during sessions of a hear­
ing, such application may be made orally on the
record before the presiding officer. The person
seeking the subpena may be required, as a condi­
tion precedent to the issuance of the subpena,
to show the general relevance and reasonable
scope of the testimony or other evidence sought.
In the event the presiding officer or the Board,
after consideration of all the circumstances, deter­
mines that the requested subpena or any of its
terms is unreasonable, oppressive, excessive in
scope, unduly burdensome, or otherwise improper,
he or it may refuse to issue the subpena, or
issue it only upon such conditions as fairness
(b) Motion to quash. Any person to whom a
subpena is directed may, prior to the time speci­
fied therein for compliance, but in no event more
than five days after the date of service of such
subpena, with notice to the party requesting the
subpena, apply to the presiding officer or, if he
is unavailable, to the Board, to revoke, quash, or
modify such subpena, accompanying such ap­
plication with a statement of the reasons therefor.
(c) Service of subpena. In making service of a
subpena, a copy thereof shall be exhibited to and
left with the person named therein. If service


§ 263.8

is made by a United States marshal or his deputy,
such service shall be evidenced by his return
thereon. If made by any other person, such per­
son shall make affidavit thereto, describing the
manner in which service was made, and return
such affidavit on or with the original subpena.
In case of failure to make service, the reasons
for the failure shall be stated on the original sub­
pena. The original subpena, bearing or accom­
panied by the required return, affidavit or state­
ment, shall be returned without delay to the
Secretary or, if so directed on the subpena, to
the presiding officer before whom the person
named in the subpena is required to appear.
Attendance of witnesses. The attendance of
witnesses and the production of documents
pursuant to a subpena, issued in connection with
a hearing provided for in subparts B and C of
this Part, may be required from any place in any
State or in any territory at any designated place
where the hearing is being conducted. Witnesses
subpenaed in any proceeding under this Part
shall be paid the same fees and mileage that are
paid witnesses in the district courts of the United
States, except that when a subpena is issued upon
the Board’s own motion or at the request of
Board counsel, fees and mileage need not be
tendered at the time of service of the subpena.
Fees required by this paragraph shall be paid by
the person upon whose application the subpena
is issued.
(a) When permissible. The Board or presiding
officer, upon its or his own motion or upon ap­
propriate application by a party to the proceed­
ing or Board counsel, may, by subpena or sub­
pena duces tecum, order evidence to be taken by
deposition at any stage of any proceeding in
which such depositions are authorized. Deposi­
tions may be taken before the presiding officer
or before any person designated in the subpena
and having the power to administer oaths.
(b) Notice and application. Unless notice is
waived, no deposition shall be taken except after
at least five days’ written notice to Board counsel
and the parties to the proceeding or their attor­
neys of record and to the Board. In such notice
and application to take evidence by deposition,
the party desiring to take the deposition shall


state the name and post office address of the
witness, the subject matter concerning which the
witness is expected to testify, its relevance, the
time, place, and the name and post office address
of the person before whom it is desired the
deposition be taken, and the reason why such
deposition should be taken. Thereupon, the presi­
ding officer or the Board may, in his or its dis­
cretion, by subpena or subpena duces tecum,
order the oral deposition to be taken. Such sub­
pena will name the witness whose deposition
is to be taken and specify the time when, the
place where, and the person before whom the
witness is to testify, but such time and place, and
the person before whom the deposition is ordered
to be taken, may or may not be the same as those
named in the notice and application. Notice of the
issuance of such subpena shall be served upon
each of the parties a reasonable time in advance
of the time fixed for the taking of the deposition,
but in no event less than five days in advance
of such time.
Procedure on deposition; objections. Each
witness testifying upon oral deposition shall be
duly sworn, and Board counsel and any adverse
party shall have the right to cross-examine.
Objections to questions or documents shall be
in short form, stating the grounds of objection
relied upon; but the person recording the deposi­
tion shall not have power to rule upon questions
of competency or materiality or relevancy of evi­
dence. Failure to object to questions or evidence
shall not be deemed a waiver unless the ground
of the objection is one which might have been
obviated or removed if presented at that time.
The questions propounded and the answers
thereto, together with all objections made (but not
including argument or debate), shall be recorded
by the officer before whom the deposition is to
be taken, or under his direction. The deposition
shall be subscribed by the witness, unless the
parties by stipulation waive the signing or the
witness is ill, cannot be found, or refuses to sign,
and certified as a true and complete transcript
thereof by the person recording the testimony.
If the deposition is not subscribed to by the wit­
ness, the person recording the testimony shall
state on the record this fact and the reason there­
for. The officer before whom the deposition is
taken shall promptly send the original and two
copies of such deposition, together with the

§§ 263.9— 263.10


original and two copies of all exhibits, by regis­
tered mail to the Secretary unless otherwise di­
rected in the order authorizing the taking of the
deposition or in the notice of the issuance
thereof. Interested parties shall make their own
arrangements with the person recording the testi­
mony for copies of the testimony and the exhibits.
(d) Introduction as evidence. Subject to ap­
propriate rulings by the presiding officer on such
objections and answers as were noted at the time
the deposition was taken or as would be valid
were the witness personally present and testify­
ing, the deposition or any part thereof may be
received in evidence by the presiding officer. Only
such part of a deposition as is received in evi­
dence at a hearing shall constitute a part of the
record in such proceeding upon which a decision
may be based.
(e) Payment of fees. Deponents whose oral
depositions are taken and the reporter taking the
same shall be entitled to the same fees as are
paid for like services in the courts of the United
States, which fees shall be paid by the person
upon whose application the deposition is taken.

of any relevant documents. Such stipulations may
be received in evidence at a hearing, and when
so received shall be binding on the parties and
Board counsel with respect to the matters therein
Official notice. All matters officially noticed
by the presiding officer shall appear on the rec­
(a) In writing. An application or request for
an order or ruling not otherwise specifically pro­
vided for in this Part shall be made by motion.
After a presiding officer has been designated and
before the filing with the Secretary of his recom­
mended decision, pursuant to § 263.11, such
applications or requests shall be addressed to and
filed with him. At all other times motions shall
be addressed to the Board and filed with the
Secretary. Motions shall be in writing, except that
a motion made at a session of a hearing may be
made orally upon the record unless the presiding
officer directs that it be reduced to writing. All
written motions shall state with particularity the
order or relief sought and the grounds therefor.
When a motion is addressed to the presiding
officer, an original and two copies of such motion
shall be filed.
(b) Objections. Within five days after service of
any written motion, or within such other period
as may be fixed by the presiding officer or the
Board, any party may file a written answer or
objection to such motion, together with two
copies thereof. The moving party shall have no
right to reply, except as permitted by the presid­
ing officer or the Board. The presiding officer or
the Board, in his or its discretion, may waive the
requirements of this section as to motions for ex­
tensions of time, and may rule upon such mo­
tions ex parte.
(c) Oral argument; briefs. No oral argument
will be heard on motions except as otherwise di­
rected by the presiding officer or the Board. Writ­
ten memoranda or briefs may be filed with mo­
tions or answers or objections, stating the points
and authorities relied upon in support of the posi­
tion taken.
(d) Rulings on motions. Except as otherwise
provided in this Part, the presiding officer shall
rule upon all motions properly addressed to him
and upon such other motions as the Board may

(a) Evidence. Every party shall have the right
to present his case or defense by oral and docu­
mentary evidence, to submit rebuttal evidence
and to conduct such cross-examination as may
be required for a full and true disclosure of the
facts. Irrelevant, immaterial, or unduly repetitious
evidence shall be excluded.
(b) Objections. Objections to the admission or
exclusion of evidence shall be in short form,
stating the grounds of objections relied upon, and
the transcript shall not include argument except
as ordered by the presiding officer. Rulings on
such objections and on any other matters shall
be a part of the transcript. Failure to object to
admission or exclusion of evidence or to any
ruling shall be considered a waiver of such
objection, but no exception to a ruling on an
objection need be noted before the presiding
officer in order to urge the same in the considera­
tion of the matter by the Board.
(c) Stipulations. Independently of the orders or
rulings issued as provided by § 263.6 (c), the
parties and Board counsel may stipulate as to
any relevant matters of fact or the authenticity



§ § 2 6 3 .1 1 — 2 6 3 .1 2

direct, except that if the presiding officer finds
that a prompt decision by the Board on a motion
is essential to the proper conduct of the proceed­
ing, he may refer such motion to the Board for
decision. The Board shall rule upon all motions
properly submitted to it for decision.
(e) Appeal from rulings on motions. All mo­
tions and answers or objections and rulings thereon
shall become part of the record. The rulings
of a presiding officer on any motion may not be
appealed to the Board prior to its consideration
of the presiding officer’s recommended decision,
findings, and conclusions except by special per­
mission of the Board, but shall be considered
by the Board in reviewing the record. Requests
to the Board for special permission to appeal
from such rulings of the presiding officer shall
be filed promptly, in writing, and shall briefly
state the grounds relied on.
(f) Continuation of hearing. Unless otherwise
ordered by the presiding officer or the Board,
the hearing shall continue pending the determina­
tion of any motion by the Board.
(g) Closing of hearing. The record of the hear­
ing shall be closed by announcement to that ef­
fect by the presiding officer when the taking of
evidence has been concluded. In the discretion
of the presiding officer, the record may be closed
as of a future date in order to permit the admis­
sion into the record, under circumstances deter­
mined by the presiding officer, of exhibits to be
Proposed findings and conclusions and sup­
porting briefs. Board counsel or any party who
may wish to file with the presiding officer pro­
posed findings and conclusions of law shall file
the same, with two copies thereof, within 15 days
after the receipt of written notice from the Secre­
tary advising that the transcript has been filed
with the Secretary. Proposed findings and con­
clusions shall be supported by citation to any
relevant authorities and by page references to
any relevant portions of the record and, in addi­
tion, may be accompanied by a brief in support
thereof. In initial licensing proceedings, in lieu
of proposed findings and conclusions of law, and

within such time as the presiding officer may al­
low, Board counsel may submit comments with
respect to the evidence of record and/or pro­
posed findings and conclusions of law submitted
by any party. All such proposed findings and con­
clusions of law, briefs and other submissions shall
become part of the record.
(b) Recommended decision and filing of record.
In a proceeding in which the Board or one or
more of its members has not presided at the
reception of evidence, the presiding officer shall,
within 45 days after the expiration of the time
allowed for the filing of proposed findings and
conclusions, or within such other time as the
Board for good cause shall prescribe, file with
the Secretary and certify to the Board for decision
the entire record of the hearing, which shall in­
clude his recommended decision and findings of
fact and conclusions of law, the transcript, ex­
hibits (including on request of any of the parties
any exhibits excluded from evidence or tenders
of proof), exceptions, rulings, and all briefs and
memoranda filed in connection with the hearing.
Promptly upon such filing the Secretary shall
serve upon each party to the proceeding a copy
of the presiding officer’s recommended decision,
and findings and conclusions.
(c) Board as presiding officer. In proceedings
in which the Board or one or more of its mem­
bers has presided at the reception of evidence,
the presiding officer’s recommended decision, find­
ings of fact, and conclusions of law will be
omitted. In such proceedings the proposed find­
ings and conclusions of law, briefs and other
submissions permitted under § 263.11 (a) shall
be filed with the Secretary for consideration by
the Board.
Filing. Within 15 days after service of the
recommended decision and findings and con­
clusions of the presiding officer, or such further
time as the Board for good cause shall deter­
mine, any party or Board counsel may file with
the Secretary exceptions thereto or to any part
thereof, or to the failure of the presiding officer
to make any recommendation, finding, or con­
clusion, or to the admission or exclusion of
evidence, or other ruling of the presiding officer,
supported by such brief as may appear advis­


§§ 263.13— 263.17


able. In any proceeding where the Board or one
or more of its members is the presiding officer,
the provisions of this section will not be applic­
Waiver. Failure to file exceptions to the
recommended decision of the presiding officer
or any portion thereof, or to his failure to adopt
a proposed finding or conclusion, or the admis­
sion or exclusion of evidence or other ruling of
the presiding officer, within the time prescribed
in paragraph (a) of this section, shall be deemed
to be a waiver of objection.

Appropriate members of the Board’s staff who
are not engaged in the performance of investiga­
tive or prosecuting functions in the case, or in
a factually related case, may advise and assist
the Board in the consideration of the case and in
the preparation of appropriate documents for its
disposition. Copies of the decision and order of
the Board shall be served by the Secretary upon
the parties to the proceedings and furnished to
such other persons as the Board may direct or the
law may require.

(a) Contents. All briefs shall be confined to
the particular matters in issue. Each proposed
finding, conclusion, or exception which is briefed
shall be supported by a concise supporting state­
ment or by citation of relevant statutes, regula­
tions, decisions, or other authorities and by page
reference of relevant portions of the record or
recommended decision of the presiding officer.
If the exception relates to the admission or ex­
clusion of evidence, the substance of the evidence
admitted or excluded shall be set forth in the
brief with appropriate page references to the
(b) Answering briefs. Answering briefs may be
filed within 10 days after service of briefs and
shall be confined to matters in the original briefs
of opposing parties. Further briefs may be filed
with the presiding officer only with his permis­
sion or that of the Board, and may be filed with
the Board only with its permission.

Recommended decisions, exceptions, briefs and
other papers required to be filed with the Board or
Secretary in any proceedings shall be filed with
the Secretary, Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 20551. Any
such papers may be sent to the Secretary by mail
or express but must be received in the office
of the Board in Washington, D.C., within the
time limit for such filing.
(a) By the Board. All documents or papers re­
quired to be served by the Board shall be served
by the Secretary unless some other person shall
be designated for such purpose by the Board.
Such service, except for service on Board counsel,
shall be made by personal service or by regis­
tered mail on the attorney or representative of
record of the party, addressed to the last known
address as shown on the records of the Board,
provided that if there is no attorney or representa­
tive of record, such service shall be made upon
such party at the last known address as shown
on the records of the Board. Such service may
also be made in such other manner reasonably
calculated to give actual notice as the Board may
by regulation or otherwise provide.
(b) By the parties. All documents or papers
filed in a proceeding under this Part shall be
served by the party filing the same upon Board
counsel and the attorneys or representatives of
record of all other parties, or, if any party is not
so represented, then upon such party. Such service
may be made by personal service or by registered,
certified, or regular first-class mail addressed to

Upon its own initiative, or upon written re­
quest by any party or Board counsel, the Board,
in its discretion, may order the matter to be set
down for oral argument before the Board or one
or more members thereof. Any request for oral
argument by a party filing exceptions shall be
made within the time prescribed for filing such
exceptions, or, by any other party, within the time
prescribed for the filing of an answering brief.
Oral argument before the Board shall be recorded
unless otherwise ordered by the Board.




§ § 2 6 3 .1 8 — 2 6 3 .2 2

or by Board regulation, the notice of hearing, the
transcript, the proposed findings and conclusions,
the recommended decision of the presiding officer,
exceptions thereto, the findings and conclusions of
the Board and other papers which are filed in
connection with any hearing shall not be made
public, and shall be for the confidential use only
of the Board and its staff, the presiding officer,
the parties and, where appropriate, other super­
vising authorities.

the last known address of such parties, or their
attorneys or representatives of record. All such
documents or papers, when tendered to the Board
or the presiding officer for filing, shall contain a
certificate of service.
Unless otherwise specifically provided in the
notice of hearing, an original and seven copies
of all documents and papers required or permitted
to be filed or served upon the Secretary under
this Part shall be furnished to the Secretary, ex­
cept that an original and only one copy of the
transcript of testimony and exhibits shall be filed
with the Secretary by the presiding officer. All
documents and papers filed with the presiding
officer shall be filed in duplicate.

(a) Forms. All papers filed under this subpart
shall be printed, typewritten, or otherwise repro­
duced. All copies shall be clear and legible.
(b) Signature. All papers shall be dated and
signed by the party filing the same, or his duly
authorized agent or attorney, or Board counsel,
and, except in the case of Board counsel, shall
indicate the address of the signer.
(c) Caption. All papers filed must include at
the head thereof, or on a title page, the name
of the Board and of the filing party, the title of
the proceeding, and the subject of the particular

(a) General rule. In computing any period of
time prescribed or allowed by this Part, the date
of the act, event or default from which the desig­
nated period of time begins to run is not to be
included. The last day so computed is to be in­
cluded, unless it is a Saturday, Sunday or legal
holiday in the District of Columbia, in which
event the period shall run until the end of the
next day which is neither a Saturday, Sunday nor
legal holiday. Intermediate Saturdays, Sundays,
and legal holidays shall be included in the com­
putation unless the time within which the act
is to be performed is 10 days or less, in which
event Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays shall
not be included. Half holidays shall not be con­
sidered as holidays.
(b) Service by mail. Whenever any party has
the right or is required to do some act within a
period of time prescribed in this Part, after the
service upon him of any document or other paper
of any kind, and such service is made by mail,
three days shall be added to the prescribed period
from the date when the matter served is deposited
in the United States mail.

The rules and procedures set forth in this sub­
part are applicable to proceedings by the Board
with a view to ordering a State member bank
(other than a District bank) to cease and desist
from practices and violations described in sec­
tion 8 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12
U.S.C. 1818) and enumerated in § 263.23. The
procedures for issuing such orders prescribed in
section 8 of said Act will be followed and hear­
ings required thereunder will be conducted in ac­
cordance with the rules and procedures set forth
in this subpart and Subpart A of this Part. In
connection with any proceeding under this sub­
part, the Board will provide the appropriate State
supervisory authority with timely notice of intent

Unless and until otherwise ordered by the
Board or unless otherwise provided by statute



§§ 263.23— 263.28


to institute such a proceeding and the grounds
therefor. Unless within such time as the Board
deems appropriate in the circumstances of the
case (which time will be specified in the notice)
satisfactory corrective action is effectuated by
action of the State supervisory authority, the
Board will proceed as provided herein. Copies of
any notice or order served upon any State bank
in connection with such proceedings will also be
sent to the appropriate State supervisory authority.

In the event of such consent, or if upon the
record made at any such hearing, the Board finds
that any violation or unsafe or unsound practice
specified in the notice of charges has been es­
tablished, the Board may issue and serve upon
the bank an order to cease and desist from any
such violation or practice. Such order may, by
provisions which may be mandatory or other­
wise, require the bank and its directors, officers,
employees, and agents to cease and desist from
the same and, further, to take affirmative action
to correct the conditions resulting from any such
violation or practice.

If, in the opinion of the Board, any State
member bank (other than a District bank) is
engaging or has engaged, or the Board has reason­
able cause to believe that the bank is about to
engage, in an unsafe or unsound practice in con­
ducting the business of such bank, or is violating
or has violated, or the Board has reasonable cause
to believe that the bank is about to violate, a law,
rule, or regulation, or any condition imposed in
writing by the Board in connection with the grant­
ing of an application or other request by the bank,
or any written agreement entered into with the
Board, the Board may issue and serve upon the
bank a notice of charges in respect thereof.

A cease-and-desist order will become effective
at the expiration of 30 days after the service of
such order upon the bank concerned (except in
the case of a cease-and-desist order issued upon
consent, which will become effective at the time
specified therein), and will remain effective and
enforceable as provided therein, except to such
extent as it is stayed, modified, terminated, or
set aside by action of the Board or a reviewing



The notice referred to in § 263.23 will contain
a statement of the facts constituting the alleged
violation or violations or the unsafe or unsound
practice or practices, and fix a time and place
at which a hearing will be held to determine
whether an order to cease and desist therefrom
should issue against the bank. The hearing will
be fixed for a date not earlier than 30 days nor
later than 60 days after service of such notice
unless an earlier or a later date is set by the Board
at the request of the bank, and shall be held in
the Federal judicial district or in the territory in
which the home office of the bank is located,
unless the bank consents to another place. Unless
the bank appears at the hearing by a duly au­
thorized representative, it will be deemed to have
consented to the issuance of the cease-and-desist

Whenever the Board determines that the viola­
tion or threatened violation or the unsafe or un­
sound practice or practices, specified in the notice
of charges referred to in § 263.23 or the con­
tinuation thereof, is likely to cause insolvency or
substantial dissipation of assets or of earnings of
the bank, or is likely to otherwise seriously prej­
udice the interests of its depositors, the Board
may issue a temporary order requiring the bank
to cease and desist from any such violation or


Such order will become effective upon service
upon the bank, and, unless set aside, limited, or
suspended by a court in proceedings authorized
under section 8(h)(2) of the Federal Deposit In­


§§ 2 6 3 .2 9 — 2 6 3 .3 0

ings will also be sent to the appropriate State
supervisory authority. In connection with any
proceeding under this subpart relating to a direc­
tor, officer, or other person participating in the
affairs of a national banking association or a
District bank where the facts are certified to the
Board pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 1818(e)(2), 12 U.S.C.
1818(e)(4), or 12 U.S.C. 1818(e)(6), the Comp­
troller of the Currency shall be entitled to sit as
a member of the Board and to participate in its
deliberations on any such case and to vote
thereon in all respects as a member of the Board.

surance Act, will remain effective and enforceable
pending the completion of fhe administrative
proceedings held pursuant to such notice and
until such time as the Board dismisses the charges
specified in such notice, or if a cease-and-desist
order is issued against the bank pursuant to
§ 263.25, until the effective date of any such



The rules and procedures set forth in this sub­
part are applicable to proceedings by the Board
to remove or suspend a director, officer, or any
other person participating in the conduct of the
affairs of a State member bank (other than a
District bank) or of a national banking associa­
tion or a District bank where the facts are cer­
tified to the Board pursuant to 12 U.S.C.
1818(e)(2), 12 U.S.C. 1818(e)(4), or 12 U.S.C.
1818(e)(6), and/or prohibit such director, officer,
or other person from further participation in the
conduct of the affairs of such a bank, upon the
grounds set forth in section 8 of the Federal
Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1818) and
enumerated in this subpart. The procedures for
issuing such orders prescribed in section 8 of said
Act will be followed and hearings required there­
under will be conducted in accordance with the
rules and procedures set forth in this subpart
and Subpart A of this Part. In connection with
any proceeding under this subpart relating to a
director, officer, or other person participating in
the affairs of a State member bank (other than
a District bank), the Board will provide the ap­
propriate State supervisory authority with timely
notice of intent to institute such a proceeding
and the grounds therefor. Unless within such
time as the Board deems appropriate in the cir­
cumstances of the case (which time will be speci­
fied in the notice) satisfactory corrective action is
effectuated by action of the State supervisory
authority, the Board will proceed as provided
herein. Copies of any notice or order served upon
any State bank in connection with such proceed­

(a) Whenever, in the opinion of the Board, any
director or officer of a State member bank (other
than a District bank) or of a national banking
association or a District bank where the facts
are certified to the Board pursuant to 12 U.S.C.
1818(e)(2) has committed any violation of law,
rule or regulation, or of a cease-and-desist order
which has become final, or has engaged or par­
ticipated in any unsafe or unsound practice in
connection with the bank, or has committed or
engaged in any act, omission, or practice which
constitutes a breach of his fiduciary duty as such
director or officer, and the Board determines that
the bank has suffered or will probably suffer sub­
stantial financial loss or other damage or that
the interests of its depositors could be seriously
prejudiced by reason of such violation or prac­
tice or breach of fiduciary duty, and that such
violation or practice or breach of fiduciary duty
is one involving personal dishonesty on the part
of such director or officer, the Board may serve
upon such director or officer a written notice of
its intention to remove him from office.
(b) Whenever, in the opinion of the Board,
any director or officer of a State member bank
(other than a District bank) or of a national bank­
ing association or a District bank where the facts
are certified to the Board pursuant to 12 U.S.C.
1818(c)(4), by conduct or practice with respect
to another insured bank or other business institu­
tion which resulted in substantial financial loss or
other damage, has evidenced his personal dis­
honesty and unfitness to continue as a director
or officer, and whenever, in the opinion of the



§§ 263.31— 263.35


Board, any other person participating in the con­
duct of the affairs of such bank, by conduct or
practice with respect to such bank or other in­
sured bank or other business institution which
resulted in substantial financial loss or other
damage, has evidenced his personal dishonesty
and unfitness to participate in the conduct of the
affairs of such bank, the Board may serve upon
such director, officer, or other person a written
notice of its intention to remove him from office
and/or to prohibit his further participation in any
manner in the conduct of the affairs of the bank.

A notice of intention to remove a director,
officer, or other person from office and/or to
prohibit his participation in the conduct of the
affairs of an insured bank will contain a state­
ment of the facts constituting grounds therefor
and will fix a time and place at which a hearing
will be held thereon. Such hearing will be fixed
for a date not earlier than 30 days nor later than
60 days after the date of service of such notice,
unless an earlier or a later date is set by the
Board at the request of (a) such director or
officer or other person, and for good cause shown,
or (b) the Attorney General of the United States.
Such hearing shall be held in the Federal judicial
district or in the territory in which the home
office of the bank involved is located, unless the
person afforded the hearing consents to another
place. Unless such director, officer, or other per­
son appears at the hearing in person or by a duly
authorized representative, he shall be deemed to
have consented to the issuance of an order of
such removal and/or prohibition.

In respect to any director or officer of a State
member bank (other than a District bank) or any
other person referred to in § 263.30 (a) or (b)
and in respect to any such director or officer of,
or other person participating in the conduct of
the affairs of, a national banking association or
a District bank where the facts are certified to
the Board pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 1818(e)(6), the
Board may, if it deems it necessary for the pro­
tection of the bank or the interests of its deposi­
tors, by written notice to such effect served upon
such director, officer, or other person, suspend
him from office and/or prohibit him from further
participation in any manner in the conduct of the
affairs of the bank.

In the event of such consent, or if upon the rec­
ord made at any such hearing the Board finds
that any of the grounds specified in such notice
has been established, the Board may issue such
orders of suspension or removal from office, and/
or prohibition from participation in the conduct
of the affairs of the bank, as it may deem appro­
priate. Any such order shall become effective at
the expiration of 30 days after service upon such
bank and the director, officer, or other person
concerned (except in the case of an order issued
upon consent, which shall become effective at the
time specified therein). Such order shall remain
effective and enforceable except to such extent
as it is stayed, modified, terminated, or set aside
by action of the Board or a reviewing court.

Any suspension and/or prohibition which is
subject to the notice prescribed in § 263.31 shall
become effective upon service of such notice and,
unless stayed by a court in proceedings author­
ized by section 8(f) of the Federal Deposit Insur­
ance Act, shall remain in effect pending the com­
pletion of the administrative proceedings held
pursuant to the notice served under § 263.30 (a)
or (b) and until such time as the Board shall dis­
miss the charges specified in such notice, or, if
an order of removal and/or prohibition is issued
against the director or officer or other person,
until the effective date of any such order. Copies
of any such notice will also be served upon the
bank of which he is a director or officer or in
the conduct of whose affairs he has participated.

Whenever any director or officer of an in­
sured State member bank (other than a District



§ 263.35

bank), or other person participating in the con­
duct of the affairs of such bank, is charged in any
information, indictment, or complaint authorized
by a United States attorney, with a commission of
or participation in a felony involving dishonesty
or breach of trust, the Board may, by written
notice served upon such director, officer, or other
person, suspend him from office and/or prohibit
him from further participation in any manner in
the conduct of the affairs of the bank. A copy of
such notice will also be served upon the bank.
Such suspension and/or prohibition shall remain
in effect until such information, indictment, or
complaint is finally disposed of or until such sus­
pension and/or prohibition is terminated by the
In the event that a judgment of conviction
with respect to such offense is entered against


such director, officer, or other person, at such time
as such judgment is not subject to further appel­
late review, the Board may issue and serve upon
such director, officer, or other person an order
removing him from office and/or prohibiting him
from further participation in any manner in the
conduct of the affairs of the bank except with the
consent of the Board. A copy of such order will
also be served upon such bank, whereupon such
director or officer shall cease to be a director or
officer of such bank. A finding of not guilty or
other disposition of the charge will not preclude
the Board from thereafter instituting proceedings
to remove such director, officer, or other person
from office and/or to prohibit further participa­
tion in bank affairs, pursuant to other provisions
of this subpart.