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A p ril 12, 1993

To All Depository Institutions in the Second
Federal Reserve District, and Others
Maintaining Sets of Board Regulations:
E nclosed is a copy o f th e newly p rin te d R eg u latio n F p a m p h le t, "L im itations on
In te rb a n k Liabilities," effective D e c e m b e r 19, 1992, of th e B o ard o f G o v e rn o rs o f th e F e d e ra l
R e serv e System.
This p a m p h le t will rep lace th e prev io u s p rin tin g o f this reg u la tio n from th e
our C ircu lar N o. 10609, d a te d Ja n u ary 7, 1993.

Register th at was issued w ith

C irculars D ivision



April 1, 1993 - October 1, 1993
The Semiannual Regulatory Flexibility Agenda provides information on those regulatory matters that the
Board now has under consideration or anticipates considering over the next six months. It is divided into three
parts: (1) regulatory matters that the Board may consider for public comment during the next six months; (2) matters
that have been proposed and are under consideration; and (3) regulatory matters that the Board has completed or
is not expected to consider further.
A copy of the Agenda was mailed to those on our mailing list who have previously requested it. Copies will
be mailed to others upon request (Tel. No. 212-720-5215 or 5216); single copies of any regulation or regulatory
amendment can also be obtained at this Bank (33 Liberty Street), in the Issues Division area on the first floor.

Circulars Division
April 1992

Ref. Cir. No. AT10633

B o a rd o f G o v e rn o rs o f th e F e d e ra l R e serv e System

Regulation F
Limitations on Interbank Liabilities
12 CFR 206; effective December 19, 1992

Any inquiry relating to this regulation should be addressed to the Federal Reserve Bank o f the
District in which the inquiry arises.
February 1993


Section 20 6.1— Authority, purpose, and
sco p e.......................................................
Section 20 6.2— D efin itions......................
Section 20 6.3— Prudential standards---(a ) G e n e r a l.........................................
(b ) Standards for selecting
corresponden ts.............................
( c ) Internal limits on e x p o s u r e ........
(d ) Review by board o f d irectors---Section 206.4— Credit exp osure..............
(a ) Limits on credit exposure............
(b ) Calculation o f credit exposure . . .
( c ) N etting...........................................
(d ) E xclu sion s.....................................
(e ) Credit exposure o f subsidiaries ..



(f) Definitions..................................
Section 206.5—Capital levels of
correspondents ...................................
(a ) Adequately capitalized
(b ) Frequency of monitoring capital
(c ) Foreign banks.............................
(d ) Reliance on information..............
(e ) Definitions...................................
(f) Calculation of capital ratios........
Section 206.6—Waiver...........................
Section 206.7—Transition provisions . . .






Regulation F
Limitations on Interbank Liabilities
12 C FR 206; effective December 19, 1992

SECTION 206.1—Authority, Purpose,
and Scope

Authority and purpose.

(a )
This part (R egu­
lation F, 12 CFR 2 0 6 ) is issued by the Board
o f Governors o f the Federal Reserve System
(Board) to implement section 308 o f the Fed­
eral Deposit Insurance Corporation Improve­
ment A ct o f 1991 (act), Pub. L. 102-242. The
purpose o f the regulation is to limit the risks
that the failure o f a depository institution
would pose to insured depository institutions.


(b )
This regulation applies to all de­
pository institutions insured by the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation.

SECTION 206.2—Definitions
A s used in this part, unless the context re­
quires otherwise:


(a )
means an insured depository insti­
tution, as defined in section 3 o f the Federal
Deposit Insurance A ct (1 2 USC 1 8 13), and
includes an insured national bank, state bank,
District bank, or savings association, and an
insured branch o f a foreign bank.




(b )
means a correspondent that is commonly con­
trolled with the bank and for which the bank
is subject to liability under section 5 (e ) o f the
Federal Deposit Insurance Act. A correspon­
dent is considered to be commonly controlled
with the bank if—
( 1 ) 25 percent or more o f any class o f vot­
ing securities o f the bank and the corre­
spondent are owned, directly or indirectly,
by the same depository institution or com ­
pany; or
( 2 ) either the bank or the correspondent
owns 25 percent or more o f any class of
voting securities o f the other.


(c )
means a U.S. depository
institution or a foreign bank, as defined in this
part, to which a bank has exposure, but does
not include a commonly controlled corre­


(d )
means the potential that an ob­
ligation will not be paid in a timely manner or
in full. “Exposure” includes credit and liquid­
ity risks, including operational risks, related
to intraday and interday transactions.

Foreign bank

(e )
means an institution that—
( 1 ) is organized under the laws o f a coun­
try other than the United States;
( 2 ) engages in the business o f banking;
( 3 ) is recognized as a bank by the bank
supervisory or monetary authorities o f the
country o f the bank’s organization;
( 4 ) receives deposits to a substantial extent
in the regular course o f business; and
( 5 ) has the power to accept demand

Primary federal supervisor

has the same
meaning as the term “appropriate federal
banking agency” in section 3 (q ) o f the Feder­
al Deposit Insurance A ct ( 1 2 USC 1 8 1 3 (q )).

Total capital

(g )
means the total of a bank’s
tier 1 and tier 2 capital under the risk-based
capital guidelines provided by the bank’s pri­
mary federal supervisor. For an insured
branch o f a foreign bank organized under the
laws o f a country that subscribes to the princi­
ples o f the Basle Capital Accord, “total capi­
tal” means total tier 1 and tier 2 capital as
calculated under the standards o f that coun­
try. For an insured branch o f a foreign bank
organized under the laws o f a country that
does not subscribe to the principles o f the Ba­
sle Capital Accord, “total capital” means to­
tal tier 1 and tier 2 capital as calculated under
the provisions o f the accord.

U.S. depository institution

(h )
means a
bank, as defined in section 2 0 6 .2 (a ) o f this
part, other than an insured branch o f a foreign

SECTION 206.3—Prudential Standards


(a )
A bank shall establish and
maintain written policies and procedures to
prevent excessive exposure to any individual


§ 206.3
correspondent in relation to the condition o f
the correspondent.

Standards for selecting correspondents.

(b )
( 1 ) A bank shall establish policies and pro­
cedures that take into account credit and
liquidity risks, including operational risks,
in selecting correspondents and terminating
those relationships.
( 2 ) Where exposure to a correspondent is
significant, the policies and procedures shall
require periodic reviews o f the financial
condition o f the correspondent and shall
take into account any deterioration in the
correspondent’s financial condition. Factors
bearing on the financial condition o f the
correspondent include the capital level o f
the correspondent, level o f nonaccrual and
past-due loans and leases, level o f earnings,
and other factors affecting the financial con­
dition o f the correspondent. Where public
information on the financial condition of
the correspondent is available, a bank may
base its review o f the financial condition of
a correspondent on such information, and is
not required to obtain nonpublic informa­
tion for its review.1
( 3 ) A bank may rely on another party,
such as a bank rating agency or the bank’s
holding company, to assess the financial
condition o f or select a correspondent, pro­
vided that the bank’s board o f directors has
reviewed and approved the general assess­
ment or selection criteria used by that

Internal limits on exposure.

(c )
( 1 ) Where the financial condition o f the
correspondent and the form or maturity o f
the exposure create a significant risk that
payments will not be made in full or in a
timely manner, a bank’s policies and proce­
dures shall limit the bank’s exposure to the
correspondent, either by the establishment
o f internal limits or by other means. Limits
shall be consistent with the risk undertaken,
considering the financial condition and the
form and maturity of exposure to the corre­
spondent. Limits may be fixed as to amount
or flexible, based on such factors as the
1 A bank will be required to obtain nonpublic informa­
tion for its review for those foreign banks for which there is
no public source of financial information.


Regulation F
monitoring o f exposure and the financial
condition o f the correspondent. Different
limits may be set for different forms o f ex­
posure, different products, and different
( 2 ) A bank shall structure transactions
with a correspondent or monitor exposure
to a correspondent, directly or through an­
other party, to ensure that its exposure or­
dinarily does not exceed the bank’s internal
limits, including limits established for credit
exposure, except for occasional excesses re­
sulting from unusual market disturbances,
market movements favorable to the bank,
increases in activity, operational problems,
or other unusual circumstances. Generally,
monitoring may be done on a retrospective
basis. The level o f monitoring required de­
pends on—
( i) the extent to which exposure ap­
proaches the bank’s internal limits;
(ii) the volatility o f the exposure; and
(iii) the financial condition o f the
( 3 ) A bank shall establish appropriate pro­
cedures to address excesses over its internal

Review by board of directors.

(d )
The policies
and procedures established under this section
shall be reviewed and approved by the bank’s
board o f directors at least annually.

SECTION 206.4— Credit Exposure

Limits on credit exposure.

(a )
( 1 ) The policies and procedures on expo­
sure established by a bank under section
2 0 6 .3 (c ) of this part shall limit a bank’s
interday credit exposure to an individual
correspondent to not more than 25 percent
o f the bank’s total capital, unless the bank
can demonstrate that its correspondent is at
least adequately capitalized, as defined in
section 2 0 6 .5 (a ) o f this part.2
( 2 ) Where a bank is no longer able to dem­
onstrate that a correspondent is at least ad­
equately capitalized for the purposes o f sec­
2 As used in this final rule, the term “adequately capital­
ized” is similar but not identical to the definition of that
term as used for the purposes of the prompt-corrective-ac­
tion standards.

Regulation F
tion 2 0 6 .4 (a ) o f this part, including where
the bank cannot obtain adequate informa­
tion concerning the capital ratios o f the cor­
respondent, the bank shall reduce its credit
exposure to comply with the requirements
o f section 2 0 6 .4 ( a ) ( 1 ) o f this part within
120 days after the date when the current
Report o f Condition and Income or other
relevant report normally would be

Calculation of credit exposure.

(b )
as provided in sections 2 0 6 .4 (c ) and (d ) o f
this part, the credit exposure o f a bank to a
correspondent shall consist o f the bank’s as­
sets and off-balance-sheet items that are
subject to capital requirements under the
capital adequacy guidelines o f the bank’s
primary federal supervisor, and that involve
claims on the correspondent or capital in­
struments issued by the correspondent. For
this purpose, off-balance-sheet items shall
be valued on the basis o f current exposure.
The term “credit exposure” does not in­
clude exposure related to the settlement of
transactions, intraday exposure, transac­
tions in an agency or similar capacity where
losses will be passed back to the principal or
other party, or other sources o f exposure
that are not covered by the capital adequa­
cy guidelines.


(c )
Transactions covered by netting
agreements that are valid and enforceable un­
der all applicable laws may be netted in calcu­
lating credit exposure.


(d )
A bank may exclude the fol­
lowing from the calculation o f credit exposure
to a correspondent:
( 1 ) transactions, including reverse repur­
chase agreements, to the extent that the
transactions are secured by government se­
curities or readily marketable collateral, as
defined in paragraph ( f) o f this section,
based on the current market value o f the
( 2 ) the proceeds o f checks and other cash
items deposited in an account at a corre­
spondent that are not yet available for
( 3 ) quality assets, as defined in paragraph
( 0 o f this section, on which the correspon­

§ 206.4
dent is secondarily liable, or obligations of
the correspondent on which a creditworthy
obligor in addition to the correspondent is
available, including but not limited to—
( i) loans to third parties secured by
stock or debt obligations o f the
(ii) loans to third parties purchased
from the correspondent with recourse;
(iii) loans or obligations o f third parties
backed by standby letters o f credit issued
by the correspondent; or
(iv ) obligations o f the correspondent
backed by standby letters o f credit issued
by a creditworthy third party;
( 4 ) exposure that results from the merger
with or acquisition o f another bank for one
year after that merger or acquisition is con­
summated; and
( 5 ) the portion o f the bank’s exposure to
the correspondent that is covered by federal
deposit insurance.

Credit exposure of subsidiaries.

(e )
In calcu­
lating credit exposure to a correspondent un­
der this part, a bank shall include credit expo­
sure to the correspondent o f any entity that
the bank is required to consolidate on its Re­
port o f Condition and Income or Thrift Fi­
nancial Report.

Government securities

A s used in this section:
(1 )
means obliga­
tions of, or obligations fully guaranteed as
to principal and interest by, the United
States government or any department,
agency, bureau, board, commission, or es­
tablishment o f the United States, or any
corporation wholly owned, directly or indi­
rectly, by the United States.
(2 )
means fi­
nancial instruments or bullion that may be
sold in ordinary circumstances with reason­
able promptness at a fair market value de­
termined by quotations based on actual
transactions on an auction or a similarly
available daily bid- and ask-price market.
(3 )
means an asset—
( i) that is not in a nonaccrual status;
(ii) on which principal or interest is not
more than 30 days past due; and
(iii) whose terms have not been renego­
tiated or compromised due to the deterio­

Readily marketable collateral

Quality asset


§ 206.4
rating financial condition o f the addition­
al obligor; except that
(iv ) an asset is not considered a “quality
asset” if any other loans to the primary
obligor on the asset have been classified
as “substandard,” “doubtful,” or “loss,”
or treated as “other loans specially men­
tioned” in the most recent report o f ex­
amination or inspection o f the bank or an
affiliate prepared by either a federal or a
state supervisory agency.

Regulation F
to the minimum leverage ratio required under
paragraph ( a ) ( 3 ) o f this section.

Reliance on information.

(d )
A bank may
rely on information as to the capital levels o f a
correspondent obtained from the correspon­
dent, a bank rating agency, or other party that
it reasonably believes to be accurate.


(e )
For the purposes o f this
( 1)
means the
ratio o f qualifying total capital to weighted
risk assets.
(2 )
the ratio o f tier 1 capital to weighted-risk
(3 )
means the ratio o f tier 1
capital to average total consolidated assets,
as calculated in accordance with the capital
adequacy guidelines o f the correspondent’s
primary federal supervisor.

Total risk-based capital ratio

Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio

SECTION 206.5—Capital Levels of

Adequately capitalized correspondents.

(a )
For the purpose o f this part, a correspondent
is considered adequately capitalized if the cor­
respondent has—
( 1 ) a total risk-based capital ratio, as de­
fined in paragraph ( e ) ( 1 ) o f this section, of
8.0 percent or greater;
( 2 ) a Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio, as de­
fined in paragraph (e ) ( 2 ) o f this section, o f
4.0 percent or greater; and
( 3 ) a leverage ratio, as defined in para­
graph ( e ) ( 3 ) o f this section, o f 4.0 percent
or greater.

Frequency of monitoring capital levels.

(b )
bank shall obtain information to demonstrate
that a correspondent is at least adequately
capitalized on a quarterly basis, either from
the most recently available Report o f Condi­
tion and Income, Thrift Financial Report, fi­
nancial statement, or bank rating report for
the correspondent. For a foreign bank corre­
spondent for which quarterly financial state­
ments or reports are not available, a bank
shall obtain such information on as frequent a
basis as such information is available. Infor­
mation obtained directly from a correspon­
dent for the purpose of this section should be
based on the most recently available Report of
Condition and Income, Thrift Financial R e­
port, or financial statement o f the corre­

Foreign banks.

(c )
A correspondent that is a
foreign bank may be considered adequately
capitalized under this section without regard

Leverage ratio

Calculation of capital ratios.

( i) For a correspondent that is a U.S. de­
pository institution, the ratios shall be
calculated in accordance with the capital
adequacy guidelines of the correspondent’s
primary federal supervisor.
(ii) For a correspondent that is a foreign
bank organized in a country that has adopt­
ed the risk-based framework o f the Basle
Capital Accord, the ratios shall be calculat­
ed in accordance with the capital adequacy
guidelines o f the appropriate supervisory
authority o f the country in which the corre­
spondent is chartered.
(iii) For a correspondent that is a foreign
bank organized in a country that has not
adopted the risk-based framework o f the
Basle Capital Accord, the ratios shall be
calculated in accordance with the provi­
sions o f the Basle Capital Accord.

SECTION 206.6—Waiver
The Board may waive the application o f Sec­
tion 2 0 6 .4 (a ) o f this part to a bank if the pri­
mary federal supervisor o f the bank advises
the Board that the bank is not reasonably able
to obtain necessary services, including pay­
ment-related services and placement o f funds,
without incurring exposure to a correspon­

Regulation F

dent in excess of the otherwise applicable

SECTION 206.7—Transition Provisions
(a ) Beginning on June 19, 1993, a bank shall
comply with the prudential standards pre­
scribed under Section 206.3 of this part.

§ 206.7

(b ) Beginning on June 19, 1994, a bank shall
comply with the limit on credit exposure to an
individual correspondent required under Sec­
tion 206.4(a) of this part, but for a period of
one year after this date the limit shall be 50
percent of the bank’s total capital.



Statutory Provisions

Section 308 of the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 (105
Stat. 2362) added a new section 23 to the Fed­
eral Reserve Act, effective December 19, 1992,
and authorized the Board to ‘‘ rescribe reason­
able transition rules to facilitate compliance
with section 23 of the Federal Reserve Act. ”
SECTION 23—Interbank Liabilities
(a ) The purpose o f this section is to limit the
risks that the failure o f a large depository in­
stitution (whether or not that institution is an
insured depository institution) would pose to
insured depository institutions.
(b ) Aggregate limits on insured depository in­
stitutions' exposure to other depository institu­
tions. The Board shall, by regulation or order,
prescribe standards that have the effect o f lim­
iting the risks posed by an insured depository
institution’s exposure to any other depository

“Exposure” defined.

(c )
( 1 ) For purposes o f
subsection (b ), an insured depository insti­
tution’s “exposure” to another depository
institution means—
(A ) all extensions of credit to the other
depository institution, regardless o f name
or description, including—
( i) all deposits at the other depository
(ii) all purchases o f securities or other
assets from the other depository insti­
tution subject to an agreement to re­
purchase; and
(iii) all guarantees, acceptances, or
letters o f credit (including endorse­
ments or standby letters o f credit) on

behalf o f the other depository
(B ) all purchases o f or investments in
securities issued by the other depository
(C ) all securities issued by the other de­
pository institution accepted as collateral
for an extension o f credit to any person;
( D ) all similar transactions that the
Board by regulation determines to be ex­
posure for purposes o f this section.
( 2 ) The Board may, at its discretion, by
regulation or order, exempt transactions
from the definition o f “exposure” if it finds
the exemptions to be in the public interest
and consistent with the purpose o f this
( 3 ) For purposes o f this section, any trans­
action by an insured depository institution
with any person is a transaction with anoth­
er depository institution to the extent that
the proceeds o f the transaction are used for
the benefit of, or transferred to, that other
depository institution.

“Insured depository institution” defined.

(d )
For purposes o f this section, the term “in­
sured depository institution” has the same
meaning as in section 3 o f the Federal Deposit
Insurance Act.

Rulemaking authority; enforcement.

(e )
Board may issue such regulations and orders,
including definitions consistent with this sec­
tion, as may be necessary to administer and
carry out the purpose o f this section. The ap­
propriate Federal banking agency shall en­
force compliance with those regulations under
section 8 o f the Federal Deposit Insurance
[12 USC 371b-2. As added by act of Dec. 19, 1991 (105
Stat. 2362).]