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Septem ber 29, 1993

To All Depository Institutions in the Second
Federal Reseive District, and Others
Maintaining Sets o f Board Regulations:
Enclosed is a copy o f a revised Regulation C pamphlet, "Home Mortgage
Disclosure," as amended effective March 1, 1993 of the Board of Governors o f the Federal
Reserve System.
The revised pamphlet supersedes the previous printing o f this regulation and any
subsequent amendments thereto.

Circulars Division

B o ard o f G overn ors o f the F ed eral R eserve System

Regulation C
Home Mortgage Disclosure
12 C F R 203; as amended effective M arch 1, 1993

Any inquiry relating to this regulation should be addressed to the Federal Reserve Bank of the
D istrict in which the inquiry arises.
July 1993


Section 203.1— Authority, purpose, and
scope ..................................................................
(a ) A u th o rity ..............................................
(b ) P urpose...................................................
(c ) Scope........................................................
(d ) Loan aggregation and central data
depositories .........................................
Section 203.2— Definitions.............................
Secton 203.3— Exem pt institu tion s............
(a ) Exemption based on location,
asset size, or number of homepurchase lo a n s .....................................
(b ) Exemption based on state la w . . . .
(c ) Loss of exem p tio n .............................
Section 203.4— Compilation of loan data .
(a ) D ata format and item ization..........
(b ) Collection of data on race or
national origin, sex, and income . .
( c ) Optional d a t a .......................................
(d ) Excluded d a t a .....................................
Section 203.5— Disclosure and reporting .

(a )


Reporting to agency .........................


(b ) Public disclosure of statement . . .


(c )

Public disclosure of loan
application r e g is te r ...........................


(d ) Availability of d a t a ...........................


(e )


Notice of availability.........................


Section 203.6— E n fo rcem en t.........................


Administrative en forcem ent..........


(b ) Bona fide e r r o r s ..................................

(a )


Appendix A — Form and instructions for
completion of H M D A loan/application
reg ister...............................................................


Appendix B— Form and instructions for
data collection on race or national
origin and s e x .................................................


Home Mortgage Disclosure A c t ............... 19
Public Law 96-399, Title III, Section 340 . 26

Regulation C
H om e M ortgage D isclosure
12 CFR 203*; as amended effective March 1, 1993

SECTION 203.1— Authority, Purpose,
and Scope
(a ) Authority. This regulation is issued by the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System ( “Board” ) pursuant to the Home
Mortgage Disclosure A ct (1 2 USC 2801 et
seq.), as amended. The information-collection
requirements have been approved by the U.S.
Office of Management and Budget under 44
USC 3501 et seq. and have been assigned
OM B No. 7100-0247.
(b ) Purpose. ( 1 ) This regulation implements
the Home Mortgage Disclosure A ct, which
is intended to provide the public with loan
data that can be used—
(i) to help determine whether financial
institutions are serving the housing needs
of their communities;
(ii) to assist public officials in distribut­
ing public-sector investments so as to at­
tract private investment to areas where it
is needed; and
(iii) to assist in identifying possible dis­
criminatory lending patterns and enforc­
ing antidiscrimination statutes.
(2 ) Neither the act nor this regulation is
intended to encourage unsound lending
practices or the allocation of credit.
( c ) Scope. This regulation applies to certain
financial institutions, including banks, saving
associations, credit unions, and other m ort­
gage lending institutions, as defined in section
2 0 3 .2 (e ). It requires an institution to report
data to its supervisory agency about homepurchase and home-improvement loans it
originates or purchases, or for which it re­
ceives applications; and to disclose certain
data to the public.
(d ) Loan aggregation and central data depos­
itories. Using the loan data made available by
financial institutions, the Federal Financial
Institutions Examination Council will prepare
disclosure statements and will produce vari* Code of Federal Regulations, title 12, chapter II, part

ous reports for individual institutions for each
metropolitan statistical area (M S A ), showing
lending patterns by location, age of housing
stock, income level, sex, and racial character­
istics. The disclosure statements and reports
will be available to the public at central data
depositories located in each MSA. A listing of
central data depositories can be obtained from
the Federal Financial Institutions Exam ina­
tion Council, Washington, D .C. 20006.

SECTIO N 203.2— Definitions
In this regulation—
(a ) Act means the Home Mortgage Disclo­
sure A ct (12 USC 2801 et seq.), as amended.
(b ) Application means an oral or written re­
quest for a home-purchase or home-improve­
ment loan that is made in accordance with
procedures established by a financial institu­
tion for the type of credit requested.
( c ) Branch office means—
( 1 ) any office of a bank, savings associa­
tion, or credit union that is approved as a
branch by a federal or state supervisory
agency, but excludes free-standing electron­
ic terminals such as automated teller
(2 ) any office of a mortgage-lending insti­
tution (other than a bank, savings associa­
tion, or credit union) that takes applica­
tions from the public for home-purchase or
home-improvement loans. A mortgage­
lending institution is also deemed to have a
branch office in an M SA if, in the preceding
calendar year, it received applications for,
originated, or purchased five or more homepurchase or home-improvement loans on
property located in that MSA.
(d ) Dwelling means a residential structure
(whether or not it is attached to real proper­
ty) located in a state of the United States of
America, the D istrict of Columbia, or the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The term in­
cludes an individual condominium unit, coop­
erative unit, or mobile or manufactured home.

§ 203.2
(e ) Financial institution means—
(1 ) a bank, savings association, or credit
union that originated in the preceding cal­
endar year a home-purchase loan (other
than temporary financing such as a con­
struction loan) secured by a first lien on a
one- to four-family dwelling if—
(i) the institution is federally insured or
regulated; or
(ii) the loan is insured, guaranteed, or
supplemented by any federal agency; or
(iii) the institution intended to sell the
loan to the Federal National Mortgage
Association or the Federal Home Loan
Mortgage Corporation;
(2 ) a for-profit mortgage-lending institu­
tion (other than a bank, savings associa­
tion, or credit union) whose home-purchase
loan originations equaled or exceeded 10
percent of its loan-origination volume, mea­
sured in dollars, in the preceding calendar
(f) Home-improvement loan means any loan
(1 ) is stated by the borrower (at the time
of the loan application) to be for the pur­
pose of repairing, rehabilitating, or remod­
eling a dwelling; and
( 2 ) is classified by the financial institution
as a home-improvement loan.
(g ) Home-purchase loan means any loan se­
cured by and made for the purpose of pur­
chasing a dwelling.
(h ) Metropolitan statistical area or MSA
means a metropolitan statistical area or a pri­
mary metropolitan statistical area, as defined
by the U.S. Office of Management and

SECTIO N 203.3— Exempt Institutions
(a ) Exemption based on location, asset size, or
number o f home-purchase loans.
(1 ) A bank, savings association, or credit
union is exempt from the requirements of
this regulation for a given calendar year if
on the preceding December 31—
(i) the institution had neither a home
office nor a branch office in an MSA; or
(ii) the insitution’s total assets were $10
million or less.


Regulation C
(2 ) A for-profit mortgage lending institu­
tion (other than a bank, savings associa­
tion, or credit union) is exempt from the
requirements of this regulation for a given
calendar year if—
(i) the institution had neither a home
office nor a branch office in an M SA on
the preceding December 31; or
(ii) the institution’s total assets com ­
bined with those of any parent corpora­
tion were $10 million or less on the pre­
ceding December 31, and the institution
originated fewer than 100 home-purchase
loans in the preceding calendar year.
(b ) Exem ption based on state law. ( 1 ) A
state-chartered or state-licensed financial
institution is exempt from the requirements
of this regulation if the Board determines
that the institution is subject to a state dis­
closure law that contains requirements sub­
stantially similar to those imposed by this
regulation and contains adequate provisions
for enforcement.
(2 ) Any state, state-chartered, or statelicensed financial institution, or association
of such institutions may apply to the Board
f o r a n y e x e m p tio n u n d e r th is p a r a g r a p h .

( 3 ) An institution that is exempt under
this paragraph shall submit the data re­
quired by the state disclosure law to its
state supervisory agency for purposes of
( c ) Loss o f exemption. (1 ) An institution los­
ing an exemption that was based on the
criteria set forth in paragraph (a ) of this
section shall comply with this regulation
beginning with the calendar year following
the year in which it lost its exemption.
(2 ) An institution losing an exemption
that was based on state law under para­
graph (b ) of this section shall comply with
this regulation beginning with the calendar
year following the year for which it last re­
ported loan data under the state disclosure

SECTIO N 203.4— Compilation of Loan
(a ) D ata fo rm a t and itemization. A financial
institution shall collect data regarding appli­

Regulation C
cations for, and originations and purchases of,
home-purchase and home-improvement loans
(including refinancings of both) for each cal­
endar year. These data shall be presented on a
register in the format prescribed in appendix
A and shall include the following items:
( 1 ) A number for the loan or loan applica­
tion, and the date the application was
(2 ) The type and purpose of the loan.
(3 ) The owner-occupancy status of the
property to which the loan relates.
(4 ) The amount of the loan or application.
( 5 ) The type of action taken, and the date.
( 6 ) The location of the property to which
the loan relates, by MSA, state, county, and
census tract, if the institution has a home or
branch office in that MSA.
(7 ) The race or national origin and sex of
the applicant or borrower, and the income
relied upon in processing the loan
(8 ) The type of entity purchasing a loan
that the institution originates or purchases
and then sells within the same calendar
(b ) Collection o f data on race or national ori­
gin, sex, and income.
(1 ) A financial institution shall collect
data about the race or national origin and
sex of the applicant or borrower as pre­
scribed in appendix B. If the applicant or
borrower chooses not to provide the infor­
mation, the lender shall note the data on
the basis of visual observation or surname,
to the extent possible.
(2 ) R ace or national origin, sex, and in­
come data may but need not be collected
(i) loans purchased by the financial in­
stitution; or
(ii) applications received or loans origi­
nated by a bank, savings association, or
credit union with assets on the preceding
December 31 of $30 million or less.
(c ) Optional data. A financial institution may
report the reasons it denied a loan application.
(d ) Excluded data. A financial institution
shall not report—
(1 ) loans originated or purchased by the

§ 203.5
financial institution acting in a fiduciary ca­
pacity (such as trustee);
( 2 ) loans on unimproved land;
( 3 ) temporary financing (such as bridge or
construction loans);
( 4 ) the purchase of an interest in a pool of
loans (such as mortgage-participation cer­
tificates); or
(5 ) the purchase solely of the right to serv­
ice loans.

S E C T I O N 2 0 3 .5 — D isclo su re and
R e p o rtin g
(a ) Reporting to agency. By M arch 1 follow­
ing the calendar year for which the loan data
are compiled, a financial institution shall send
two copies of its complete loan application
register (if submitted in paper form ) to the
agency office specified in appendix A of this
regulation, and shall retain a copy for its rec­
ords for a period of not less than three years.
A financial institution need only submit one
copy when the submission is on computer
tape or diskette.
(b ) Public disclosure o f statement. A financial
institution shall make its mortgage loan dis­
closure statement (to be prepared by the Fed­
eral Financial Institutions Examination Coun­
cil) available to the public at its home office
no later than three business days after receiv­
ing it from the Examination Council. A finan­
cial institution shall also make its disclosure
statement available to the public within ten
business days in at least one branch office in
each additional M SA where it has offices. The
disclosure statement at a branch office need
only contain data relating to properties in the
M SA where the branch office is located.
(c )

Public disclosure o f loan application regis­


A financial institution shall make its loan
application register available to the public af­
ter modifying it in accordance with appendix
A. An institution shall make its modified reg­
ister available following the calendar year for
which the data are compiled, by M arch 31 for
a request received on or before M arch 1, and
within 30 days for a request received after
M arch 1. The modified register made avail­
able at a branch office need only contain data


§ 203.5
relating to properties in the M SA where the
branch office is located.
(d ) Availability o f data. A financial institu­
tion shall make its modified register available
to the public for a period of three years and its
disclosure statement available for a period of
five years. An institution shall make the data
available for inspection and copying during
the hours the office is normally open to the
public for business. It may impose a reason­
able fee for any cost incurred in providing or
reproducing the data.
(e ) Notice o f availability. A financial institu­
tion shall post a general notice about the
availability of its disclosure statement in the
lobbies of its home office and any physical
branch offices located in an MSA. Upon re­
quest, it shall promptly provide the location of
the institution’s offices where the statement is
available. A t its option, an institution may in­
clude the location in its notice.

SECTIO N 203.6— Enforcement
(a ) Administrative enforcement.. A violation
of the act or this regulation is subject to ad­
ministrative sanctions as provided in section
305 of the act, including the imposition of civ­
il money penalties, where applicable. Compli­
ance is enforced by the agencies listed in ap­
pendix A of this regulation.
(b ) Bona fide errors. An error in compiling
or recording loan data is not a violation of the
act or this regulation if it was unintentional
and occurred despite the maintenance of pro­
cedures reasonably adopted to avoid such

A P P E N D IX A — Form and Instructions
for Completion of HMD A L o an /
Application Register
Paperwork Reduction A ct Notice
Public reporting burden for collection of this
information is estimated to vary from 10 to
10,000 hours per response, with an average of
200 hours per response, including time to
gather and maintain the data needed and to
review instructions and complete the informa4

Regulation C
tion collection. Send comments regarding this
burden estimate or any other aspect of this
collection of information, including sugges­
tions for reducing the burden, to Secretary,
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, Washington, D .C. 20551; and to the
Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget, Washing­
ton, D .C. 20503.

I. Who Must File a Report
A. Depository institutions. Subject to the ex­
ception discussed below, banks, savings asso­
ciations, and credit unions must complete a
register listing data about loan applications re­
ceived, loans originated, and loans purchased
if on the preceding December 31 an institu­
1. had assets of more than $10 million, and
2. had a home or a branch office in a “met­
ropolitan statistical area” or a “primary
metropolitan statistical area” (both are re­
ferred to in these instructions by the term
“ M SA ” ).
Example: If on December 31 you had a
home or a branch office in an M SA and your
assets exceeded $10 million, you must com ­
plete a register that lists the home-purchase
and home-improvement loans that you origi­
nate or purchase (and also lists applications
that did not result in an origination) begin­
ning January 1.
B. Depository institutions— exception. You
need not complete a register— even if you
meet the tests for asset size and location— if
your institution is a bank, savings association,
or credit union that made no first-lien homepurchase loans (including refinancings) on
one- to four-family dwellings in the preceding
calendar year. This exception does not apply
in the case of nondepository institutions.
C. Other lending institutions. Subject to the
exception discussed below, for-profit m ort­
gage lending institutions (other than banks,
savings associations, and credit unions) must
complete a register listing data about loan ap­
plications received, loans originated, and
loans purchased if the institution had a home
or branch office in an M SA on the preceding
December 31, and—

Appendix A

Regulation C
1. had assets of more than $10 million
(based on the combined assets of the insti­
tution and any parent corporation) on the
preceding December 31, or
2. originated 100 or more home-purchase
loans (including refinancings of such loans)
during the preceding calendar year, regard­
less of asset size.
D. Other
lending institutions— exception.
You need not complete a register— even if you
meet the tests for location and asset size or
number of home-purchase loans— if your in­
stitution is a for-profit mortgage lender (other
than a bank, savings association, or credit un­
ion) and the home-purchase loans that you
originated in the preceding calendar year (in­
cluding refinancings) came to less than 10
percent of your total loan-origination volume,
measured in dollars.
E. If you are the subsidiary of a bank or sav­
ings association, you must complete a separate
register for your institution. You will submit
the register, directly or through your parent,
to the agency that supervises your parent.
(See paragraph V I.)
F . Institutions that are specifically exempted
by the Federal Reserve Board from complying
with the federal Home Mortgage Disclosure
A ct because they are covered by a similar
state law on mortgage loan disclosures must
use the disclosure form required by their state
law and submit the data to their state supervi­
sory agency.I.

II. Required Form at and Reporting
A . Institutions are expected to submit data to
their supervisory agencies in an automated,
machine-readable form unless 100 or fewer
application and loan entries are reported. The
format must conform exactly to the form F R
H M D A -L A R , including the order of col­
umns, column headings, etc. Contact your
federal supervisory agency for information
regarding procedures and technical specifica­
tions for automated data submission. An insti­
tution that submits its register in nonautomated form must send two copies that are typed
or computer printed. You must use the format
of the loan/application register but are not

required to use the form itself. E ach page
must be numbered, and the total number of
pages must be given (for example, “ Page 1 of

B. The required data are to be entered in the
register for each loan origination, each appli­
cation acted on, and each loan purchased dur­
ing the calendar year. Y ou r institution should
decide on the procedure it wants to follow—
for example, whether to begin entering the re­
quired data when an application is received,
or to wait until final action is taken (such as
when a loan goes to closing or an application
is denied). Keep in mind that an application is
to be reported in the calendar year when final
action is taken. Report loan originations in the
year they go to closing; if an application has
been approved but has not yet gone to closing
at year-end, report it the following year.
C. Y ou r institution may collect the data on
separate registers at different branches, or on
separate registers for different loan types
(such as for home-purchase or homeimprovement loans, or for loans on multifami­
ly dwellings). But make sure the application
or loan numbers (discussed under paragraph
V .A .I., below) are unique.
D. Entries need not be grouped on your regis­
ter by MSA, or chronologically, or by census
tract numbers, or in any other particular

III. Submission of H M D A -L A R and
Public Release of Data
A. You must submit the data for your institu­
tion to the office specified by your supervisory
agency no later than M arch 1 following the
calendar year for which the data are com ­
piled. A list of the agencies appears at the end
of these instructions.
B. You must submit all required data to your
supervisory agency in one complete package,
with the prescribed transmittal sheet. An offi­
cer of your institution must certify to the ac­
curacy of the data.
C. You are encouraged to provide in a cover
letter an approximate count of the total num­
ber of line entries contained in your data sub­
mission. If you are a depository institution,

Appendix A
you also are asked to include a list of the
MSAs where you have a home or branch
D. Availability o f disclosure statement. The
Federal Financial Institutions Examination
Council (F F I E C ) will prepare a disclosure
statement from the date you submit. Y ou r dis­
closure statement will be returned to the name
and address indicated on the transmittal
sheet. Within three business days of receiving
the disclosure statement, you must make a
copy available at your home office for inspec­
tion by the public. You also must make the
disclosure statement available, within 10 busi­
ness days after receiving it from the F F IE C ,
in at least one branch office in each additional
M SA where you have physical offices. F o r
these purposes, a business day is any calendar
day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or legal
public holiday.

Availability o f modified loan application

1. To protect the privacy of applicants and
borrowers, an institution must modify its
loan application register by removing the
following information before releasing it to
the public: the application or loan number,
date application received, and date of action
2. A financial institution must make its
modified register available following the
calendar year for which the data are com ­
piled, by M arch 31 for a request received on
or before M arch 1, and wthin 30 days for a
request received after M arch 1.
F . Location and format o f disclosed data. A
financial institution must make a complete
copy of its disclosure statement and modified
register available to the public at its home of­
fice. Institutions may make these data avail­
able in hard copy or in automated form (such
as by floppy disk or computer tap e). A l­
though you are not required to make the mod­
ified loan application register available in cen­
sus-tract order, you are strongly encouraged
to do so in order to enhance its utility to users.
If you have physical branch offices in other
MSAs, you must make available, in at least
one branch office in each of those MSAs,
either a complete copy of the disclosure state6

Regulation C
ment or the portion of it that relates to prop­
erties in that MSA. Similarly, a modified reg­
ister at a branch office need only reflect data
concerning properties within the M SA where
the branch is located.
You are not required to prepare a modified
loan application register in advance of receiv­
ing a request from the public for this informa­
tion, but must be able to respond to a request
within 30 days.
Posters. Y o u r agency can provide you with
H M D A posters that you can use to inform the
public of the availability of your disclosure
statement, or you may print your own posters.

IV. Types of Loans and Applications
Covered and Excluded by H M D A

Types o f loans and applications to be

1. Report the data on home-purchase and
home-improvement loans that you originat­
ed (th at is, loans that were closed in your
nam e) and loans that you purchased during
the calendar year covered by the report.
Report these data even if the loans were
subsequently sold by your institution. In­
clude refinancings of home-purchase and
home-improvement loans.
2. Report the data for applications for
home-purchase and home-improvement
loans that did not result in originations—
for example, applications that your institu­
tion denied or that the applicant withdrew
during the calendar year covered by the
3. In the case of brokered loan applications
or applications forwarded to you through a
correspondent, report as originations loans
that you approved and subsequently ac­
quired according to a preclosing arrange­
ment (whether or not they closed in your
institution’s nam e). Additionally, report
the data for all applications that did not re­
sult in originations— for example, applica­
tions that your institution denied or that
the applicant withdrew during the calendar
year covered by the report (whether or not
they would have closed in your institution’s
nam e). F o r all of these loans and applica­
tions, report the race or national origin, sex,
and income information, unless your insti-

Appendix A

Regulation C
tution is a bank, savings association, or
credit union with assets of $30 million or
less on the preceding December 31.
4. Originations are to be reported only
once. If you are the loan broker or corre­
spondent, do not report as originations
loans that you forwarded to another lender
for approval prior to closing, and that were
approved and subsequently acquired by
that lender (whether or not they closed in
your nam e).
5. Report applications that were received
in the previous calendar year but were act­
ed upon during the calendar year covered
by the current register.
B. D ata to be excluded. Do not report loans
or applications for loans of the following
1. Loans that, although secured by real es­
tate, are made for purposes other than
home purchase, home improvement, or refi­
nancing (F o r example, do not report a loan
secured by residential real property for pur­
poses of financing college tuition, a vaca­
tion, or goods for business inventory.)
2. Loans made in a fiduciary capacity (for
example, by your trust department)
3. Loans on unimproved land
4. Construction or bridge loans and other
temporary financing
5. The purchase of an interest in a pool of
loans (such as mortgage-participation
6. The purchase solely of the right to serv­
ice loansV
V . In s tru ctio n s fo r C o m p letion o f L o a n /
A p p licatio n R e g iste r
A . Application o r loan inform ation
1. Application o r loan number. Enter an
identifying number that can be used later to
retrieve the loan or application file. It can
be any number of your choosing (not ex­
ceeding 25 characters). You may use let­
ters, numerals, or a combination of both.
Make sure that all numbers are unique
within your institution. If your register con­
tains data for branch offices, for example,
you could use a letter or a numerical code
to identify the loans or applications of dif­
ferent branches, or could assign a certain

series of numbers to particular branches to
avoid duplicate numbers. You are strongly
encouraged not to use the applicant’s or
borrower’s name or Social Security number,
for privacy reasons.
2. Date application received. Enter the date
the loan application was received by your
institution by month, day, and year, using
numerals in the form M M /D D /YY (for
example, 01/15/92). If your institution
normally records the date shown on the ap­
plication form, you may use that date in­
stead. Enter “NA” for loans purchased by
your institution.
3. Type. Indicate the type of loan or appli­
cation by entering the applicable code from
the following:
1— Conventional (any loan other than
FHA, VA or FmHA loans)
2— FHA-insured
3— VA-guaranteed (Veterans Admini­
4— FmHA-insured (Farmers Home
4. Purpose. Indicate the purpose of the loan
or application by entering the applicable
code from the following:
1— Home purchase (one- to four-family)
2— Home improvement (one- to fourfamily)
3— Refinancing (home purchase or home
improvement, one- to four-family)
Multifamily dwelling (home pur­
chase, home improvement, and
5. Explanation o f purpose codes

Code 1: Home purchase
a. This code applies to loans and ap­
plications made for the purpose of pur­
chasing a residential dwelling for one
to four families, if the loan is to be se­
cured by the dwelling being purchased
or by another dwelling.
b. At your option, you may use code 1
for loans that are made for homeimprovement purposes but are secured
by a first lien, if you normally classify
such first-lien loans as home-purchase

Code 2: Home improvement
a. Code 2 applies to loans and applica7

Appendix A
tions for loans that (1 ) the borrowers
have said will be used for repairing, re­
habilitating, or remodeling one- to
four-family residential dwellings, and
( 2 ) are recorded on your books as
home-improvement loans.
b. Report both secured and unsecured
c. A t your option, you may report
data about home-equity lines of cred­
it— even if the credit line is not record­
ed on your institution’s books as a
choose to do so, you may report a
home-equity line of credit as a homeimprovement loan if the borrower or
applicant indicates, at the time of ap­
plication or when the account is
opened, that some portion of the pro­
ceeds will be used for home improve­
(See paragraph 8, “ Loan
amount,” below.) If you report origi­
nations of home-equity lines of credit,
you must also report applications for
such loans that did not result in

Code 3: Refinancings
a. Use this code for refinancings (and
applications for refinancings) of homepurchase or home-improvement loans
on one- to four-family residential
dwellings. A refinancing involves the
satisfaction of an existing obligation
that is replaced by a new obligation
undertaken by the same borrower. But
do not report a refinancing if, under
the loan agreement, you are uncondi­
tionally obligated to renew or refinance
the obligation, or you are obligated to
renew or refinance the obligation sub­
ject to conditions within the borrow­
er’s control.
b. Use this code whether or not you
were the original creditor on the loan
being refinanced, and whether or not
the refinancing involves an increase in
the outstanding principal.
c. Report a refinancing if the amount
outstanding on the original loan, plus
the amount of new money (if any)
that is for home-purchase or home-im­
provement purposes, is more than 50


Regulation C
percent of the total new loan amount.
Do not report a refinancing if 50 per­
cent or less of the loan proceeds or the
amount applied for is for home pur­
chase or home improvement.

Code 4: Multifamily dwelling
a. Use this code for loans and loan ap­
plications on dwellings for five or more
loans, refinancings, and loans for re­
pairing, rehabilitation, and remodeling
b. Do not use this code for loans on
individual condominium or coopera­
tive units; use codes 1, 2, or 3 for such
loans, as applicable.
6. Owner occupancy. Indicate whether the
property to which the loan or loan applica­
tion relates is to be owner-occupied as a
principal dwelling by entering the applica­
ble code from the following:
1— Owner-occupied
2— N ot owner-occupied
3— N ot applicable

Explanation o f codes

a. Use code 2 for second homes or vaca­
tion homes, as well as rental properties.
b. Use code 2 only for nonoccupant
loans, or applications for nonoccupant
loans, related to one- to four-family
dwellings (including individual condo­
minium or cooperative units).
c. Use code 3 if the property to which
the loan relates is a multifamily dwelling;
is not located in an MSA; or is located in
an M SA in which your institution has
neither a home nor a branch office.
d. F o r purchased loans, you may assume
that the property will be owner-occupied
as a principal dwelling (code 1) unless
the loan documents or application con­
tain information to the contrary.
8. Loan amount. Enter the amount of the
loan or application. Do not report loans be­
low $500. Show the amount in thousands,
rounding to the nearest thousand ($ 5 0 0
should be rounded up to the next $ 1 ,0 0 0 ).
F o r example, a loan for $167,300 should be
entered as 167 and one for $15,500 as 16.
a. F o r home-purchase loans that you

Appendix A

Regulation C
originate, enter the principal amount of
the loan as the loan amount. F o r homepurchase loans that you purchase, enter
the unpaid principal balance of the loan
at the time of purchase as the loan
b. F o r home-improvement loans (both
originations and purchases), you may in­
clude unpaid finance charges in the loan
amount if that is how you reecord such
loans on your books.
c. F o r home-equity lines of credit (if you
have chosen to report them ), enter as the
loan amount only that portion of the line
that the applicant or borrower has indi­
cated, at the time the application is made
or when the account is opened, as being
for home improvement. Report the loan
amount for applications that did not re­
sult in originations in the same manner.
Report only in the year the line is
d. F o r refinancings that are to be report­
ed, indicate the total amount of the refi­
nancing, including the amount outstand­
ing on the original loan and the amount
of new money (if any).
e. F o r a loan application that was denied
or withdrawn, enter the amount applied
f. If you offered to lend less than the ap­
plicant applied for, enter the amount of
the loan if the offer was accepted by the
applicant. If the offer was not accepted,
enter the amount that the applicant ap­
plied for.

Action taken
1. Type o f action.

Indicate the type of ac­
tion taken on the application or loan by us­
ing one of the following codes. Do not re­
port any loan application still pending at
the end of the calendar year. You will re­
port that application on your register for
the year in which final action is taken.
1— Loan originated
2— Application approved but not
3— Application denied
4— Application withdrawn
5— File closed for incompleteness
6— Loan purchased by your institution


Explanation o f codes.

a. Use code 2 when an application is ap­
proved but the applicant (o r a loan bro­
ker or correspondent) fails to respond to
your notification of approval or your
commitment letter within the specified
b. Use code 4 only when an application
is expressly withdrawn by the applicant
before a credit decision was made.
c. Use code 5 if you sent a written notice
2 0 2 .9 ( c ) ( 2 ) of Regulation B (Equal
Credit Opportunity) and the applicant
failed to respond to your request for ad­
ditional information within the period of
time specified in your notice.
3. Date o f action. Enter the date by month,
day, and year, using numerals in the form
M M /D D /Y Y (for example, 0 2 /2 2 / 9 2 ) .
a. F o r loans originated, enter the settle­
ment or closing date. F o r loans pur­
chased, enter the date of purchase by
your institution.
b. F o r applications denied, applications
approved but not accepted by the appli­
cant, and files closed for incompleteness,
enter the date that the action was taken
by your institution or the date the notice
was sent to the applicant.
c. F o r applications withdrawn, enter the
date you received the applicant’s express
withdrawal; or you may enter the date
shown on the notification from the appli­
cant, in the case of a written withdrawal.
C. Property location. In these columns enter
the applicable codes for the M SA, state, coun­
ty, and census tract for the property to which
a loan relates. F o r home-purchase loans se­
cured by one dwelling, but made for the pur­
pose of purchasing another dwelling, report
the property location for the property in
which the security interest is to be taken. If
the home-purchase loan is secured by more
than one property, report the location data for
the property being purchased. (See para­
graphs 5 and 6 below for treatm ent of loans
on property outside the MSAs in which you
have offices.)
1. MSA. F o r each loan or loan application,
indicate the location of the property by the


Appendix A
M SA number. Enter only the MSA num­
ber, not the MSA name. M SA boundaries
are defined by the U.S. Office of Manage­
ment and Budget; use the boundaries that
were in effect on January 1 of the calendar
year for which you are reporting. A listing
of MS As is available from your regional su­
pervisory agency or the F F IE C . (In these
instructions, the term M SA refers to both
metropolitan statistical area and primary
metropolitan statistical area.)
2. State and county. You must use the Fed­
eral Information Processing Standard
(F IP S ) two-digit numerical code for the
state and the three-digit numerical code for
the county. These codes are available from
your regional supervisory agency or the
F F IE C . Do not use the letter abbreviations
used by the U.S. Postal Service.
3. Census tract. Indicate the census tract
where the property is located.
a. Enter the code “N A ” if the property
is located in an area not divided into cen­
sus tracts on the U.S. Census Bureau’s
census-tract outline maps (see paragraph
4 below).
b. If the property is located in a county
with a population of 30,000 or less in the
1990 census (as determined by the Cen­
sus Bureau’s 1990 C P H -2 population se­
ries), enter “N A ” (even if the population
has increased above 30,000 since 1990),
or you may enter the census tract
4. Census-tract number. F o r the censustract number, consult the U.S. Census Bu­
reau’s Census T ract/S treet Index for 1990,
and for addresses not listed in the index,
consult the Census Bureau’s census-tract
outline maps. Y ou must use the maps from
the Census Bureau’s 1990 CPH -3 series, or
equivalent 1990 census data from the Cen­
sus Bureau (such as the Census T I G E R /
Line File) or from a private publisher.
5. Outside MSA. F or loans on property lo­
cated outside the MSAs in which you have
a home or branch office (o r outside any
M S A ), you may enter the MSA, state,
county, and census-tract numbers or you
may enter the code “N A ” in each of these
6. Nondepository lenders. If you are a for-


Regulation C
profit mortgage lending institution (other
than a bank, savings association, or credit
union), and in the preceding calendar year
you received applications for, or originated
or purchased, loans for home purchase or
home improvement adding up to a total of
five or more for a given M SA, you are
deemed to have a branch office in that
M SA, whether or not you have a physical
office there. As a result, you will have to
enter the MSA, state, county, and censustract numbers for any transactions in that
MSA. Because you must keep accurate rec­
ords about lending within MSAs in the cur­
rent calendar year in order to report data
accurately the following year, to comply
with this rule you may find it easier to enter
the geographic information routinely for
any property located within any MSA.
D. Applicant information—race or national
origin, sex, and income. Appendix B of Regu­
lation C contains instructions for the collec­
tion of data on race or national origin and sex,
and also contains a sample form for data col­
lection. The form is substantially similar to
the form prescribed by section 202.13 of Reg­
ulation B (Equal Credit Opportunity) and
contained in appendix B to that regulation.
You may use either form.
1. Applicability. You must report this appli­
cant information for loans that you origi­
nate as well as for applications that do not
result in an origination.
a. You need not collect or report this in­
formation for loans purchased. If you
choose not to, enter the codes specified in
paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 below for “not
b. If your institution is a bank, savings
association, or credit union that had as­
sets of $30 million or less on the preced­
ing December 31, you may— but need
not— collect and report these data. If you
choose not to, enter the codes specified in
paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 below for “not
c. If the borrower or applicant is not a
natural person (a corporation or partner­
ship, for exam ple), use the codes speci­
fied in paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 below for
“not applicable.”

Regulation C

Appendix A

a. Round all dollar amounts to the near­
2. Mail and telephone applications. Any
est thousand (round $500 up to the next
loan applications mailed to applicants must
$ 1 ,0 0 0 ), and show in terms of thousands.
contain a collection form similar to that
F o r example, $35,500 should be reported
shown in appendix B, and you must record
as 36.
on your register the data on race or national
b. F o r loans on multifamily dwellings,
origin and sex if the applicant provides it. If
enter “N A .”
the applicant chooses not to provide the
c. If no income information is asked for
data, enter the code for “information not
or relied on in the credit decision (such
provided by applicant in mail or telephone
as in “no income verification” type
application” specified in paragraphs 3 and 4
loans), enter “N A .”
below. If an application is taken entirely by
telephone, you need not request this infor­
E. Type o f purchaser
mation. (See appendix B for complete in­
1. Enter the applicable code to indicate
formation on the collection of this data in
whether a loan that your institution origi­
mail or telephone applications.)
nated or purchased was then sold to a sec­
3. Race or national origin o f borrower or ap­
ondary market entity within the same cal­
plicant. Use the following codes to indicate
endar year:
the race or national origin of the applicant
0— Loan was not originated or was not
or borrower under column “A ” and of any
sold in calendar year covered by
co-applicant or co-borrower under column
“C A .” If there is more than one co-appli­
1— F N M A (Federal National Mortgage
cant, provide this information only for the
first co-applicant listed on the application
2— G N M A
form. If there are no co-applicants or co­
Mortgage Association)
borrowers, enter code 8 for “not applica­
3— F H L M C (Federal Home Loan M ort­
ble” in the co-applicant column.
gage Corporation)
1— American Indian or Alaskan Native
4— Fm H A
(Farm ers
2— Asian or Pacific Islander
3— Black
5— Commercial bank
A— Hispanic
S av in g s b an k o r sav in g s a s s o c ia tio n
5— White
7— Life insurance company
6— Other
8— Affiliate institution
7— Information not provided by appli­
9— Other type of purchaser
cant in mail or telephone application
2. Explanation o f codes
8— Not applicable
a. Enter the code 0 for applications that
4. Sex o f borrower or applicant. Use the fol­
were denied, withdrawn, or approved but
lowing codes to indicate the sex of the ap­
plicant or borrower under column “A ” and
not accepted by the applicant; and for
files closed for incompleteness.
of any co-applicant or co-borrower under
column “C A .” If there is more than one co­
b. If you originated or purchased a loan
applicant, provide this information only for
and did not sell it during that same calen­
dar year, enter the code 0. If you sell the
the first co-applicant listed on the applica­
loan in a succeeding year, you need not
tion form. If there are no co-applicants or co­
report the sale.
borrowers, enter code 4 for “not applicable.”
c. If you conditionally assign a loan to
1— Male
G N M A in connection with a mortgage2— Female
backed security transaction, use code 2.
3— Information not provided by appli­
d. Loans “swapped” for mortgagecant in mail or telephone application
A— Not applicable
backed securities are to be treated as
5. Income. Enter the gross annual income
sales; enter the type of entity receiving
that your institution relied upon in making
the loans that are swapped as the
the credit decision.


Appendix A
e. Use code 8 for loans sold to an institu­
tion affiliated with you, such as your sub­
sidiary or a subsidiary of your parent
F . Reasons fo r denial
1. Y ou are not required to enter the rea­
sons for the denial of an application. But if
you choose to do so, you may indicate up to
three reasons by using the following codes:
1— Debt-to-income ratio
2— Employment history
3— Credit history
4— Collateral
5— Insufficient cash
closing costs)
6— Unverifiable information
7— Credit application incomplete
8— Mortgage insurance denied
9— Other
2. Leave this column blank if the “action
taken” on the application is not a denial.
F o r example, do not complete this column
if the application was withdrawn or the file
was closed for incompleteness.
3. If your institution uses the model form
for adverse action contained in the appen­
dix to Regulation B (F o rm C -l in appendix
C, Sample Notification Form , which offers
some 20 reasons for denial), the following
list shows which codes to enter.
a. Code 1 corresponds to: Income insuffi­
cient for amount of credit requested, and
Excessive obligations in relation to
b. Code 2 corresponds to: Temporary or
irregular employment, and Length of
c. Code 3 corresponds to: Insufficient
number of credit references provided;
Unacceptable type of credit references
provided; No credit file; Limited credit
experience; Poor credit performance with
us; Delinquent past or present credit obli­
gations with others; Garnishment, at­
tachment, foreclosure, repossession, col­
or judgment;
d. Code 4 corresponds to: Value or type
of collateral not sufficient.
e. Code 6 corresponds to: Unable to veri­
fy credit references, Unable to verify em­


Regulation C
ployment, Unable to verify income, and
Unable to verify residence.
f. Code 7 corresponds to: Credit applica­
tion incomplete.
g. Code 9 corresponds to: Length of resi­
dence, Temporary residence, and Other
reasons specified on notice.

VI. Federal Supervisory Agencies
Send your loan/application register and direct
any questions to the office of your federal su­
pervisory agency as specified below. If you are
the nondepository subsidiary of a bank, sav­
ings association, or credit union, send the reg­
ister to the supervisory agency for your parent
institution. Term s that are not defined in the
Federal Deposit Insurance A ct (1 2 U SC
1813 ( s ) ) shall have the meaning given to
them in the International Banking A ct of
1978 (1 2 USC 3 1 0 1 ).
A. National banks and their subsidiaries and
federal branches and federal agencies o f for­
eign banks. District office of the Office of the
Comptroller of the Currency for the district in
which the institution is located.
B. State member banks o f the Federal Reserve
System, their subsidiaries, subsidiaries o f bank
holding companies, branches and agencies o f
foreign banks (other than federal branches,
federal agencies, and insured state branches o f
foreign banks), commercial lending companies
owned or controlled by foreign banks, and or­
ganizations operating under section 25 or 25A
o f the Federal Reserve Act. Federal Reserve
Bank serving the District in which the state
member bank is located; for institutions other
than state member banks, the Federal Reserve
Bank specified by the Board of Governors.
C. Nonmember insured banks (except for fed ­
eral savings banks) and their subsidiaries and
insured state branches o f foreign banks. R e­
gional director of the Federal Deposit Insur­
ance Corporation for the region in which the
institution is located.
D. Savings institutions insured under the Sav­
ings Association Insurance Fund o f the FDIC,
federally chartered savings banks insured un­
der the Bank Insurance Fund o f the FDIC
(but not including state-chartered savings

Regulation C

banks insured under the Bank Insurance
Fund), their subsidiaries, and subsidiaries o f
savings institution holding companies. Region­
al or other office specified by the Office of
Thrift Supervision.
E. Credit unions. National Credit Union A d­
ministration, Office of Examination and In­
surance, 1776 G Street, N .W ., Washington,
D .C. 20456.

Appendix A
F . Other depository institutions. Regional di­
rector of the Federal Deposit Insurance C or­
poration for the region in which the institu­
tion is located.
G. Other mortgage-lending institutions. A s­
sistant Secretary for Housing, H M D A R e­
porting— Room 9233, U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th
Street, S.W ., Washington, D .C. 20410.


Regulation C

Appendix A

OMB No. 7100-0247. Approval expires December 31. 1992
Hours per response: 10 to 10.000 (200 average)
This report is required by law (12 USC 2801-2810 and 12 CFR 203)


You must complete this transmittal sheet (please type or print) and attach it to the Loan/Application
Register, required by the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, that you submit to your supervisory agency.

Reporter's Identification Number












Reporter’s Tax Id en tificatio n Number




I~ l





L . L. I

The Loan/Application Register that is attached covers activity during 19_____ and contains a total o f ______ pages.
Enter the name and address of your institution. The disclosure statement that is produced by the Federal Financial
Institutions Examination Council will be mailed to the address you supply below:

Name of Institution


City. State. ZIP

Enter the name and telephone number of a person who may be contacted about questions regarding your register:




Telephone Number

If your institution is a subsidiary of another institution or corporation, enter the name of your parent:



City. State, ZIP

Enter the name and address of your supervisory agency (or your parent's supervisory agency):



City. State, ZIP

An officer of your institution must complete the following section.
I certify to the accuracy of the data contained in this register.

Name of officer




Form FR H M D A -L A R

P a g e ____ o f _____

Reporter's Identification Number

Name of Reporting Institution


City, State, ZIP

All columns (except R easons for Denial) must be completed for each entry. See the instructions for details.
Application or
Loan Information

Action Taken


Application or
Loan Number

Race or
National Origin

Pur­ Occu­
Type pose pancy

Applicant Information
A = Applicant
CA = Co-Applicant

Property Location




Regulation C












Type of



E x a m p le o f L o a n O r i g i n a t e d


L | B | -| 6 | 8 | 7 | 4 | 3 | 9 |















0 1 /1 5 /9 2






0 2 /2 2 /9 2




4 | 2 |1 | 9 | . | 8 | 5








0 3 /2 0 /9 2






0 4 /3 0 /9 2




0 |0 |2 |1 | . |0 |0







E x a m p le o f A p p l i c a t i o n D e n ie d




1 1

1 1

1 1


1 1

1 .1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1


1 1


1 1





1 1





1 1

1 1





1 1

0|1|2|3|4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | *| 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |














1 .1















1 i

1 1










1 1






















1 1- 1 —1





















1 I

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1


1 1

1 1



1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1 1



1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1







1 1


1 1 1





1• 1





1• 1


4 1 5

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 J. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 l 1
1 l l

l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
—1__1 1 1 1 1 1__1 1 1__1 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

i i

i i

i i i i i i i i i i i

1 1 1 1• 1 1

Appendix A

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Regulation C

Appendix A

Loan/Application Register Code Sheet
Use the following codes to complete the loan /
application register. The instructions to the
H M D A -L A R explain the proper use of each

Application or Loan Information

Information not provided by applicant
in mail or telephone application
Not applicable

other than


Conventional (any loan
F H A , VA or Fm H A loans)
2— FHA-insured
3— VA-guaranteed
4 — FmHA-insured
(Farm ers


1— Home purchase (one- to four-family)
2— Home improvement (one- to fourfamily)
3— Refinancing (home purchase or home
improvement, one- to four-family)
4 — Multifamily dwelling (home purchase,
home improvement, and refinancings)


Owner-occupied as a principal dwelling
Not owner-occupied
Not applicable

Action Taken:
1— Loan originated
2— Application approved but not accepted
3— Application denied by financial
4 — Application withdrawn by applicant
File closed for incompleteness
6— Loan purchased by your institution

Applicant Information
Race or National Origin:
1— American Indian or Alaskan Native
2— Asian or Pacific Islander


Information not provided by applicant
in mail or telephone application
Not applicable

Type o f Purchaser

Loan was not sold in calendar year cov­
ered by register
F N M A (Federal National M ortgage
G N M A (Government National M ort­
gage Association)
F H L M C (Federal Home Loan M ort­
gage Corporation)
Fm H A
(Farm ers
Commercial bank
Savings bank or savings association
Life insurance company
Affiliate institution
Other type of purchaser

Reasons for Denial (optional)

Debt-to-income ratio
Employment history
Credit history
Insufficient cash (downpayment, clos­
ing costs)
Unverifiable information
Credit application incomplete
Mortgage insurance denied

Regulation C
A P P E N D I X B — F o r m an d In stru ctio n s
fo r D a ta C o llectio n on R a c e o r N atio n al
O rigin and Sex

I. Instructions on Collection o f Data on Race
or National Origin and Sex
A. Format. You may list questions regarding
the race or national origin and sex of the ap­
plicant on your loan application form, or on a
separate form that refers to the application.
(See the sample form below for recommended


1. You must ask for this information, but
cannot require the applicant to provide it.
2. If the applicant chooses not to provide
the information for an application taken in
person, note this fact on the form and note
the data, to the extent possible, on the basis
of visual observation or surname.
3. Inform the applicant that the federal
government is requesting this information
in order to monitor compliance with federal
statutes that prohibit lenders from discrimi­
nating against applicants on these bases. In­
form the applicant that if the information is
not provided where the application is taken
in person, you are required to note the data
on the basis of visual observation or
4. If an application is made entirely by tele­
phone, you need not request this informa­
tion. And you need not provide the data
when you take an application by mail, if the
applicant fails to answer these questions on
the application form. You should indicate
whether an application was received by
mail or telephone, if it is not otherwise evi­
dent on the face of the application.
5. The “other” block is available only to
the applicant who chooses to indicate some
other appropriate category for race or na­
tional origin. If completing the form based
on visual observation, do not use this cate­
gory; use one of the other five categories.

Appendix B
S am p le D a ta -C o lle c tio n F o r m
The following information is requested by the
federal government for certain types of loans
related to a dwelling in order to monitor the
lender’s compliance with equal credit oppor­
tunity, fair housing, and home mortgage dis­
closure laws. You are not required to furnish
this information, but are encouraged to do so.
The law provides that a lender may not dis­
criminate on the basis of this information, or
on whether you choose to furnish it. However,
if you choose not to furnish the information
and you have made this application in person,
under federal regulations the lender is re­
quired to note race or national origin and sex
on the basis of visual observation or surname.
If you do not wish to furnish the information,
please check below.
A P P L IC A N T :
| I do not wish to furnish this information.
Race or National Origin:
] American Indian, Alaskan Native
| | Asian, Pacific Islander
| Hispanic
| | White
] Other (specify) ________________________
| | Female
| | Male
C O -A P P L IC A N T :
| I do not wish to furnish this information.
Race or National Origin:
] American Indian, Alaskan Native
] Asian, Pacific Islander
] Hispanic
| | Other (specify) ________________________
| | Female
| | Male



H om e M ortgage D isclosure A ct
12 U SC 2801 et seq.; 89 Stat. 1125; Pub. L . 9 4 -2 0 0 , Title III (D ecem ber 31, 1975)

301 Short title
302 Findings and purposes
303 Definitions
304 Maintenance of records and public
305 Enforcement
306 Relation to state laws
307 Research and improved methods
308 Study
309 Effective date
310 Compilation of aggregate data
311 Disclosure by the secretary

SECTION 301— Short Title
This title may be cited as the “Home M ort­
gage Disclosure A ct of 1975.”
[12 USC 2801 note.]

SECTIO N 302— Findings and Purposes
(a ) The Congress finds that some depository
institutions have sometimes contributed to the
decline of certain geographic areas by their
failure pursuant to their chartering responsi­
bilities to provide adequate home financing to
qualified applicants on reasonable terms and
(b ) The purpose of this title is to provide the
citizens and public officials of the United
States with sufficient information to enable
them to determine whether depository institu­
tions are filling their obligations to serve the
housing needs of the communities and neigh­
borhoods in which they are located and to as­
sist public officials in their determination of
the distribution of public sector investments in
a manner designed to improve the private in­
vestment environment.
(c ) Nothing in this title is intended to, nor
shall it be construed to, encourage unsound
lending practices or the allocation of credit.
[12 USC 2801.]

SECTIO N 303— Definitions
F o r purposes of this title—
( 1 ) the term “mortgage loan” means a
loan which is secured by residential real
property or a home improvement loan;
(2 ) the term “depository institution”—
(A ) means—
(i) any bank (as defined in section
3 ( a ) ( 1 ) of the Federal Deposit Insur­
ance A c t);
(ii) any savings association (as de­
fined in section 3 ( b ) ( 1 ) of the Federal
Deposit Insurance A c t); and
(iii) any credit union,
which makes federally related mortgage
loans as determined by the Board; and
( B ) includes any other lending institu­
tion (as defined in paragraph ( 4 ) ) other
than any institution described in subpara­
graph ( A ) ;
( 3 ) the term “completed application”
means an application in which the creditor
has received the information that is regular­
ly obtained in evaluating applications for
the amount and type of credit requested;
( 4 ) the term “other lending institutions”
means any person engaged for profit in the
business of mortgage lending;
(5 ) the term “ Board” means the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System;
(6 ) the term “Secretary” means the Secre­
tary of Housing and Urban Development.
[12 USC 2802. As amended by acts of Feb. 5, 1988 (101
Stat. 1945) and Aug. 9, 1989 (103 Stat. 525).]

SECTIO N 304— Maintenance of
Records and Public Disclosure
( a ) ( 1 ) E ach depository institution which has
a home office or branch office located with­
in a primary metropolitan statistical area,
metropolitan statistical area, or consolidat­
ed metropolitan statistical area that is not
comprised of designated primary metropoli­
tan statistical areas, as defined by the De­
partment of Commerce shall compile and
make available, in accordance with regula19

Statutory Provisions
tions of the Board, to the public for inspec­
tion and copying at the home office, and at
least one branch office within each primary
metropolitan statistical area, metropolitan
statistical area, or consolidated metropoli­
tan statistical area that is not comprised of
designated primary metropolitan statistical
areas in which the depository institution
has an office the number and total dollar
amount of mortgage loans which were (A )
originated (o r for which the institution re­
ceived completed applications), or (B ) pur­
chased by that institution during each fiscal
year (beginning with the last full fiscal year
of that institution which immediately pre­
ceded the effective date of this title.)
(2 ) The information required to be main­
tained and made available under paragraph
(1 ) shall also be itemized in order to clearly
and conspicuously disclose the following:
(A ) The number and dollar amount for
each item referred to in paragraph ( 1 ) ,
by census tracts for mortgage loans se­
cured by property located within any
county with a population of more than
30,000, within that primary metropolitan
statistical area, metropolitan statistical
area, or consolidated metropolitan statis­
tical area that is not comprised of desig­
nated primary metropolitan statistical ar­
eas, otherwise, by county, for mortgage
loans secured by property located within
any other county within that primary met­
ropolitan statistical area, metropolitan
statistical area, or consolidated metropol­
itan statistical area that is not comprised
of designated primary metropolitan sta­
tistical areas.
( B ) The number and dollar amount for
each item referred to in paragraph (1 )
for all such mortgage loans which are se­
cured by property located outside that
primary metropolitan statistical area,
metropolitan statistical area, or consoli­
dated metropolitan statistical area that is
not comprised of designated primary
metropolitan statistical areas.
F o r the purpose of this paragraph, a deposi­
tory institution which maintains offices in
more than one primary metropolitan statis­
tical area, metropolitan statistical area, or
consolidated metropolitan statistical area


Regulation C
that is not comprised of designated primary
metropolitan statistical areas shall be re­
quired to make the information required by
this paragraph available at any such office
only to the extent that such information
relates to mortgage loans which were
originated or purchased (o r for which com ­
pleted applications were received) by an of­
fice of that depository institution located in
the primary metropolitan statistical area,
metropolitan statistical area, or consolidat­
ed metropolitan statistical area that is not
comprised of designated primary metropoli­
tan statistical areas in which the office mak­
ing such information available is located.
F o r purposes of this paragraph, other lend­
ing institutions shall be deemed to have a
home office or branch office within a pri­
mary metropolitan statistical area, m etro­
politan statistical area, or consolidated met­
ropolitan statistical area that is not com ­
prised of designated primary metropolitan
statistical areas if such institutions have
originated or purchased or received com ­
pleted applications for at least 5 mortgage
loans in such area in the preceding calendar
(b ) Any item of information relating to
mortgage loans required to be maintained un­
der subsection (a ) shall be further itemized in
order to disclose for each such item—
(1 ) the number and dollar amount of
mortgage loans which are insured under ti­
tle II of the National Housing A ct or under
title V of the Housing A ct of 1949 or which
are guaranteed under chapter 37 of title 38,
United States Code;
(2 ) the number and dollar amount of
mortgage loans made to mortgagors who
did not, at the time of execution of the
mortgage, intend to reside in the property
securing the mortgage loan;
(3 ) the number and dollar amount of
home improvement loans; and
(4 ) the number and dollar amount of m ort­
gage loans and completed applications in­
volving mortgagors or mortgage applicants
grouped according to census tract, income
level, racial characteristics, and gender.
( c ) Any information required to be compiled
and made available under this section, other

Regulation C
than loan application register information un­
der subsection (j), shall be maintained and
made available for a period of five years after
the close of the first year during which such
information is required to be maintained and
made available.
(d ) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub­
section ( a ) ( 1 ) , data required to be disclosed
under this section for 1980 and thereafter
shall be disclosed for each calendar year. Any
depository institution which is required to
make disclosures under this section but which
has been making disclosures on some basis
other than a calendar year basis shall make
available a separate disclosure statement con­
taining data for any period prior to calendar
year 1980 which is not covered by the last full
year report prior to the 1980 calendar year
(e ) Subject to subsection (h ), the Board shall
prescribe a standard format for the disclosures
required under this section.
(f) The Federal Financial Institutions E xam ­
ination Council in consultation with the Sec­
retary, shall implement a system to facilitate
access to data required to be disclosed under
this section. Such system shall include ar­
rangements for a central depository of data in
each primary metropolitan statistical area,
metropolitan statistical area, or consolidated
metropolitan statistical area that is not com ­
prised of designated primary metropolitan sta­
tistical areas. Disclosure statements shall be
made available to the public for inspection
and copying at such central depository of data
for all depository institutions which are re­
quired to disclose information under this sec­
tion (o r which are exempted pursuant to sec­
tion 3 0 6 (b )) and which have a home office or
branch office within such primary metropoli­
tan statistical area, metropolitan statistical
area, or consolidated metropolitan statistical
area that is not comprised of designated pri­
mary metropolitan statistical areas.
(g ) The requirements of subsections (a ) and
(b ) shall not apply with respect to mortgage
loans that are—
( 1 ) made (o r for which completed applica­
tions are received) by any mortgage bank­
ing subsidiary of a bank holding company

Statutory Provisions
or savings and loan holding company or by
any savings and loan service corporation
that originates or purchases mortgage
loans; and
(2 ) approved (o r for which completed ap­
plications are received) by the secretary for
insurance under title I or II of the National
Housing A ct.
(h ) The data required to be disclosed under
subsection ( b ) ( 4 ) shall be submitted to the
appropriate agency for each institution report­
ing under this title. Notwithstanding the re­
quirement of section 3 0 4 (a ) ( 2 ) ( A ) for disclo­
sure by census tract, the Board, in cooperation
with other appropriate regulators, including—
( 1 ) the Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency for national banks and Federal
branches and Federal agencies of foreign
( 2 ) the D irector of the Office of Thrift Su­
pervision for savings associations;
(3 ) the Federal Deposit Insurance Corpo­
ration for banks insured by the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation (other than
members of the Federal Reserve System),
mutual savings banks, insured State
branches of foreign banks, and any other
depository institution described in section
3 0 3 ( 2 ) (A ) which is not otherwise referred
to in this paragraph;
( 4 ) the National Credit Union Adminis­
tration Board for credit unions; and
(5 ) the Secretary of Housing and Urban
Development for other lending institutions
not regulated by the agencies referred to in
paragraphs (1 ) through ( 4 ) ,
shall develop regulations prescribing the for­
mat for such disclosures, the method for sub­
mission of the data to the appropriate regula­
tory agency, and the procedures for disclosing
the information to the public. These regula­
tions shall also require the collection of data
required to be disclosed under subsection
(b ) (4 ) with respect to loans sold by each in­
stitution reporting under this title, and, in ad­
dition, shall require disclosure of the class of
the purchaser of such loans. Any reporting in­
stitution may submit in writing to the appro­
priate agency such additional data or explana­
tions as it deems relevant to the decision to
originate or purchase mortgage loans.


Statutory Provisions
(i) The requirements of subsection ( b ) ( 4 )
shall not apply with respect to any depository
institution described in section 3 0 3 (2 ) ( A )
which has total assets, as of the most recent
full fiscal year of such institution, of
$30,000,000 or less.

Loan application register information.

( 1 ) In addition to the information required
to be disclosed under subsections (a ) and
(b ), any depository institution which is re­
quired to make disclosures under this sec­
tion shall make available to the public,
upon request, loan application register in­
formation (as defined by the Board by regu­
lation) in the form required under regula­
tions prescribed by the Board.
( 2 ) (A ) Subject to subparagraph ( B ) , the
loan application register information de­
scribed in paragraph ( 1 ) may be dis­
closed by a depository institution without
editing or compilation and in the format
in which such information is maintained
by the institution.
( B ) The Board shall require, by regula­
tion, such deletions as the Board may de­
termine to be appropriate to protect—
(i) any privacy interest of any appli­
cant, including the deletion of the ap­
plicant’s name and identification num­
ber, the date of the application, and the
date of any determination by the insti­
tution with respect to such application;
(ii) a depository institution from lia­
bility under any Federal or State priva­
cy law.
(C ) It is the sense of the Congress that a
depository institution should provide
loan register information under this sec­
tion in a format based on the census tract
in which the property is located.
( 3 ) A depository institution meets the dis­
closure requirement of paragraph (1 ) if the
institution provides the information re­
quired under such paragraph in the form in
which the institution maintains such
( 4 ) Any depository institution which pro­
vides information under this subsection
may impose a reasonable fee for any cost
incurred in reproducing such information.


Regulation C
( 5 ) The disclosure of the loan application
register information described in paragraph
(1 ) for any year pursuant to a request un­
der paragraph (1 ) shall be made—
(A ) in the case of a request made on or
before M arch 1 of the succeeding year,
before April 1 of the succeeding year; and
(B ) in the case of a request made after
M arch 1 of the succeeding year, before
the end of the 30-day period beginning on
the date the request is made.
(6 ) Notwithstanding subsection ( c ) , the
loan application register information de­
scribed in paragraph (1 ) for any year shall
be maintained and made available, upon re­
quest, for 3 years after the close of the 1st
year during which such information is re­
quired to be maintained and made
(7 ) In prescribing regulations under this
subsection, the Board shall make every ef­
fort to minimize the costs incurred by a de­
pository institution in complying with this
subsection and such regulations.
(k ) Disclosure o f statements by depository
(1 ) In accordance with procedures estab­
lished by the Board pursuant to this sec­
tion, any depository institution required to
make disclosures under this section—
(A ) shall make a disclosure statement
available, upon request, to the public no
later than 3 business days after the insti­
tution receives the statement from the
Federal Financial Institutions Exam ina­
tion Council; and
(B ) may make such statement available
on a floppy disc which may be used with
a personal computer or in any other me­
dia which is not prohibited under regula­
tions prescribed by the Board.
( 2 ) Any disclosure statement provided
pursuant to paragraph (1 ) shall be accom ­
panied by a clear and conspicuous notice
that the statement is subject to final review
and revision, if necessary.
(3 ) Any depository institution which pro­
vides a disclosure statement pursuant to
paragraph ( 1 ) may impose a reasonable fee
for any cost incurred in providing or repro­
ducing such statement.

Regulation C
( /)

Prompt disclosures.

( 1 ) Any disclosure of information pursu­
ant to this section or section 310 shall be
made as promptly as possible.
(2 ) (A ) Except as provided in subsections
( j ) ( 5 ) and (k ) (1 ) and regulations pre­
scribed by the Board and subject to subparagraph ( B ) , any information required
to be disclosed for any year beginning af­
ter December 31, 1992, under—
(i) this section shall be made available
to the public before September 1 of the
succeeding year; and
(ii) section 310 shall be made avail­
able to the public before December 1
of the succeeding year.
(B ) With respect to disclosures of infor­
mation under this section or section 310
for any year beginning after December
31, 1993, every effort shall be made—
(i) to make information disclosed un­
der this section or section 310 available
to the public before July 1 of the suc­
ceeding year; and
(ii) to make information required to
be disclosed under section 310 avail­
able to the public before September 1
of the succeeding year.
(3 ) The Federal Financial Institutions E x ­
amination Council shall make such changes
in the system established pursuant to sub­
section (f) as may be necessary to carry out
the requirements of this subsection.
[12 USC 2803. As amended by acts of Oct. 8, 1980 (94
Stat. 1657); Nov. 30, 1983 (97 Stat. 1266); Feb. 5, 1988
(101 Stat. 1945, 1950); Aug. 9, 1989 (103 Stat. 524, 525,
526); Dec. 19, 1991 (105 Stat. 2299); and Oct. 28, 1992
(106 Stat. 3889, 3891).]

SECTIO N 305— Enforcement
(a ) The Board shall prescribe such regula­
tions as may be necessary to carry out the
purposes of this title. These regulations may
contain such classifications, differentiations,
or other provisions, and may provide for such
adjustments and exceptions for any class of
transactions, as in the judgment of the Board
are necessary and proper to effectuate the pur­
poses of this title, and prevent circumvention
or evasion thereof, or to facilitate compliance

Statutory Provisions
(b ) Compliance with the requirements im­
posed under this title shall be enforced un­
( 1 ) section 8 of the Federal Deposit Insur­
ance A ct, in the case of—
(A ) national banks and Federal branch­
es and Federal agencies of foreign banks,
by the Office of Comptroller of the
(B ) member banks of the Federal Re­
serve System (other than national
banks), branches and agencies of foreign
banks (other than Federal branches,
Federal agencies, and insured State
branches of foreign banks), commercial
lending companies owned or controlled
by foreign banks, and organizations oper­
ating under section 25 or 25A of the Fed­
eral Reserve A ct, by the Board; and
(C ) banks insured by the Federal Depo­
sit Insurance Corporation (other than
members of the Federal Reserve Sys­
tem ), mutual savings banks as defined in
section 3 (f ) of the Federal Deposit In­
surance A ct (1 2 U.S.C. 1 8 1 3 (f )), in­
sured State branches of foreign banks,
and any other depository institution not
referred to in this paragraph or para­
graph (2 ) or (3 ) of this subsection, by
the Board of Directors of the Federal De­
posit Insurance Corporation;
( 2 ) section 8 of the Federal Deposit Insur­
ance A ct, by the D irector of the Office of
Thrift Supervision, in the case of a savings
association the deposits of which are in­
sured by the Federal Deposit Insurance
(3 ) the Federal Credit Union A ct, by the
Adm inistrator of the National Credit U n­
ion Administration with respect to any
credit union; and
(4 ) other lending institutions, by the Sec­
retary of Housing and Urban Development.
The terms used in paragraph (1 ) that are not
defined in this title or otherwise defined in sec­
tion 3 (s ) of the Federal Deposit Insurance
A ct (1 2 U.S.C. 1813 ( s ) ) shall have the mean­
ing given to them in section 1 (b ) of the Inter­
national Banking A ct of 1978 (1 2 U.S.C.
3 1 0 1 ).
( c ) F o r the purpose of the exercise by any


Statutory Provisions
agency referred to in subsection (b ) of its
powers under any A ct referred to in that sub­
section, a violation of any requirement im­
posed under this title shall be deemed to be a
violation of a requirement imposed under that
A ct. In addition to its powers under any pro­
vision of law specifically referred to in subsec­
tion (b ), each of the agencies referred to in
that subsection may exercise, for the purpose
of enforcing compliance with any requirement
imposed under this title, any other authority
conferred on it by law.
[12 USC 2804. As amended by acts of Aug. 9, 1989 (103
Stat. 440, 526) and Dec. 19, 1991 (105 Stat. 2299).]

SECTIO N 306— Relation to State Laws
(a ) This title does not annul, alter, or affect,
or exempt any State-chartered depository in­
stitution subject to the provisions of this title
from complying with the laws of any state or
subdivision thereof with respect to public dis­
closure and recordkeeping by depository insti­
tutions, except to the extent that those laws
are inconsistent with any provision of this ti­
tle, and then only to the extent of the incon­
sistency. The Board is authorized to deter­
mine whether such inconsistencies exist. The
Board may not determine that any such law is
inconsistent with any provision of this title if
the Board determines that such law requires
the maintenance of records with greater geo­
graphic or other detail than is required under
this title, or that such law otherwise provides
greater disclosure than is required under this
(b ) The Board may by regulation exempt
from the requirements of this title any statechartered depository institution within any
state or subdivision thereof if it determines
that, under the law of such state or subdivi­
sion, that institution is subject to requirements
substantially similar to those imposed under
this title, and that such law contains adequate
provisions for enforcement. Notwithstanding
any other provision of this subsection, compli­
ance with the requirements imposed under
this subsection shall be enforced under—
(1 ) section 8 of the Federal Deposit Insur­
ance A ct in the case of national banks, by
the Comptroller of the Currency; and


Regulation C
(2 ) section 8 of the Federal Deposit Insur­
ance A ct, by the D irector of the Office of
Thrift Supervision in the case of a savings
association the deposits of which are in­
sured by the Federal Deposit Insurance
[12 USC 2805. As amended by act of Aug. 9, 1989 (103
Stat. 440).]

SECTIO N 307— Research and Improved
( a ) ( 1 ) The D irector of the Office of Thrift
Supervision, with the assistance of the Sec­
retary, the D irector of the Bureau of the
Census, the Comptroller of the Currency,
the Board of Governors of the Federal R e­
serve System, the Federal Deposit Insur­
ance Corporation, and such other persons
as the D irector of the Office of Thrift Su­
pervision deems appropriate, shall develop,
or assist in the improvement of, methods of
matching addresses and census tracts to fa­
cilitate compliance by depository institu­
tions in as economical a manner as possible
with the requirements of this title.
(2 ) There is authorized to be appropriated
such sums as may be necessary to carry out
this subsection.
( 3 ) The D irector of the Office of Thrift Su­
pervision is authorized to utilize, contract
with, act through, or compensate any per­
son or agency in order to carry out this
(b ) The Director of the Office of Thrift Super­
vision shall recommend to the Committee on
Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs of the
House of Representatives and the Committee on
Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the
Senate such additional legislation as the Direc­
tor of the Office of Thrift Supervision deems
appropriate to carry out the purpose of this title.
[12 USC 2806. As amended by H. Res. 5 of Jan. 4, 1977
and acts of Nov. 7, 1988 (102 Stat. 3280) and Aug. 9, 1989
(103 Stat. 440).]

SECTION 308— Study
The Board, in consultation with the Secre­
tary of Housing and Urban Development,
shall report annually to the Congress on

Regulation C
the utility of the requirements of section
3 0 4 ( b ) (4 ) .
[12 USC 2807. As amended by acts of Nov. 30, 1983 (97
Stat. 1266) and Aug. 9, 1989 (103 Stat. 526).]

SECTION 309— Effective Date
This title shall take effect on the one hundred
and eightieth day beginning after the date of
its enactment. Any institution specified in sec­
tion 3 0 3 (2 ) ( A ) which has total assets as of its
last full fiscal year of $10,000,000 or less is
exempt from the provisions of this title. The
Board, in consultation with the Secretary,
may exempt institutions described in section
3 0 3 (2 ) (B ) that are comparable within their
respective industries to institutions that are
exempt under the preceding sentence.
[12 USC 2808. As amended by act of Dec. 19, 1991 (105
Stat. 2307).]

SECTIO N 310— Compilation of
Aggregate Data
(a ) Beginning with data for calendar year
1980, the Federal Financial Institutions E x ­
amination Council shall compile each year,
for each primary metropolitan statistical area,
metropolitan statistical area, or consolidated
metropolitan statistical area that is not com ­
prised of designated primary metropolitan sta­
tistical areas, aggregate data by census tract
for all depository institutions which are re­
quired to disclose data under section 304 or
which are exempt pursuant to section 3 0 6 (b ).
The Council shall also produce tables indicat­
ing, for each primary metropolitan statistical
area, metropolitan statistical area, or consoli­
dated metropolitan statistical area that is not
comprised of designated primary metropoli­
tan statistical areas, aggregate lending pat­
terns for various categories of census tracts
grouped according to location, age of housing
stock, income level, and racial characteristics.
(b ) The Board shall provide staff and data
processing resources to the Council to enable
it to carry out the provisions of subsection
(a ).
( c ) The data and tables required pursuant to

Statutory Provisions
subsection (a ) shall be made available to the
public by no later than December 31 of the
year following the calendar year on which the
data is based.
[12 USC 2809. As added by act of Oct. 8, 1980 (94 Stat.
1658) and amended by act of Nov. 30, 1983 (97 Stat.

SECTIO N 311— Disclosure by the
Beginning with data for calendar year 1980,
the Secretary shall make publicly available
data in the Secretary’s possession for each
mortgagee which is not otherwise subject to
the requirements of this title and which is not
exempt pursuant to section 3 0 6 (b ) (and for
each mortgagee making mortgage loans ex­
empted under section 3 0 4 ( g ) ) , with respect to
mortgage loans approved (o r for which com ­
pleted applications are received) by the Secre­
tary for insurance under title I or II of the
National Housing A ct. Such data to be dis­
closed shall consist of data comparable to the
data which would be disclosed if such mortga­
gee were subject to the requirements of section
304. Disclosure statements containing data for
each such mortgage for a primary metropoli­
tan statistical area, metropolitan statistical
area, or consolidated metropolitan statistical
area that is not comprised of designated pri­
mary metropolitan statistical areas shall, at a
minimum, be publicly available at the central
depository of data established pursuant to sec­
tion 3 0 4 (f) for such primary metropolitan
statistical area, metropolitan statistical area,
or consolidated metropolitan statistical area
that is not comprised of designated primary
metropolitan statistical areas. The Secretary
shall also compile and make publicly available
aggregate data for such mortgagees by census
tract, and tables indicating aggregate lending
patterns, in a manner comparable to the infor­
mation required to be made publicly available
in accordance with section 310.
[12 USC 2810. As added by act of Oct. 8, 1980 (94 Stat.
1658) and amended by acts of Nov. 30, 1983 (97 Stat.
1266); Feb. 5, 1988 (101 Stat. 1945); and Aug. 9, 1989
(103 Stat. 525).]


Regulation C

Statutory Provisions

P U B L IC LA W 96-399, T IT L E III
(d ) The Federal Financial Institutions E x ­
amination Council, in consultation with the
Adm inistrator of the Small Business Adminis­
tration, shall conduct a study to assess the fea­
sibility and usefulness of requiring depository
institutions which make small business loans
to compile and publicly disclose information
regarding such loans. The Council shall sub­
mit a report on the results of such study, to­
gether with recommendations, to the Commit­
tee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of
the Senate and the Committee on Banking,
Finance and Urban Affairs of the House of
Representatives not later than M arch 1, 1981.

(e ) To promote efficiency and avoid duplica­
tion to the maximum extent feasible, the Fed ­
eral Financial Institutions Examination Coun­
cil shall transmit a report to the Congress not
later than September 30, 1982, on the feasibili­
ty and desirability of establishing a unified
system for enforcing fair lending laws and reg­
ulations, implementing the Community Rein­
vestment A ct of 1977, and satisfying the pub­
lic disclosure purposes of the Home M ortgage
Disclosure A ct of 1975. Such report shall
evaluate the status and effectiveness of data
collection and analysis systems of such agen­
cies involving fair lending and community re­
investment, and shall outline possible specific
timetables for implementing such a unified
[12 USC 3305 note.]


use 3305 note.]