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Fiscal Agent of the United States for the Tennessee Valley Authority
( " T V A Offering No. 9 2*1
January IS, 1973

Invitation for Bids on $90,000,000 of 126’Day
Dated January 25, 1973

Due May 31, 1973

T o Certain Com mercial Banks, Trust Companies,
and D ealers in Investm ent S ecurities:

Following is the text of an invitation authorized by the Tennessee Valley Authority to be issued today to certain
commercial banks, trust companies, and dealers in investment securities:
Tennessee V alley A uthority ( “ T V A ” ) hereby invites bids
for the purchase to the aggregate amount of $90,000,000 of its
P ow er N otes ( “ N otes” ) dated January 25, 1973, due M ay 31,
1973. The N otes will be issued on a discount basis at the H ead
Office o f the Federal Reserve Bank of N ew Y o rk and at maturity
their face amount will be payable without interest at any Federal
Reserve Bank or Branch. They will be issued in bearer form in
denominations o f $5,000, $10,000, $100,000, and $1,000,000 (maturity
va lu e). Denominational exchanges m ay be effected at the H ead
Office o f the Federal Reserve Bank of N ew Y ork.
Bids w ill be received at the Securities Department of the H ead
Office o f the Federal Reserve Bank o f N ew Y o rk up to the closing
hour, 1 :30 p.m., Eastern Standard time, Tuesday, January 23,
1973. N o bids w ill be accepted for a face amount o f Notes less
than $1,000,000. Bids must be for an even multiple of $5,000 and the
price offered must be expressed on the basis o f 100, with not more
than three decimals, e.g., 99.925. Fractions may not be used. It is
urged that bids be made on the printed form s and forw arded in the
special envelopes which w ill be supplied by the Federal Reserve
Bank o f N ew Y o rk upon application therefor.
Invitations for bids are being issued to certain commercial
banks, trust companies, and dealers in investment securities. Other
com mercial banks, trust companies, or recognized dealers in invest­
ment securities desiring to bid may do so on bid form s obtained
from the Federal Reserve Bank o f N ew Y ork. Bids submitted
hereunder must be for the principal account o f the bidder and not
for the account o f others.
Immediately after the closing hour, bids will be opened at
the Federal Reserve Bank of N ew Y ork, follow ing which public
announcement will be made by T V A o f the amount and price

range of accepted bids. Those submitting successful bids w ill be
informed by the Federal Reserve Bank of N ew Y o rk o f the
acceptance thereof. T V A expressly reserves the right to accept
or reject any or all bids, in whole or in part, and the action of
T V A in any such respect shall be final.
Settlement for accepted bids must be made at the Federal
Reserve Bank of N ew Y ork on January 25, 1973 in cash or other
immediately available funds.
The Notes w ill be issued to assist in providing capital for
the power program o f T V A . Th ey will be negotiable. They
will be payable solely from T V A ’s Net P ow er Proceeds (but
may, at the option of T V A , be paid from the proceeds of
refunding obligations or other funds legally available fo r such
paym ent). Net P ow er Proceeds are defined in, and required to
be applied according to, the Basic Tennessee V alley Authority
P ow er Bond Resolution ( “ Basic Resolution” ) . The Notes will
not be obligations of, nor w ill payment thereof be guaranteed
by, the United States of Am erica.
Income derived from the Notes will be subject to Federal
income taxation; but in the opinion of the General Counsel for
T V A , under present laws and decisions, the Notes w ill be
exempt from personal property taxes and the income therefrom
will be exem pt from income taxes, now or hereafter imposed,
by any State or local taxing authority.
Circulars describing Tennessee V alley Authority and P ow er
Notes issued by it, as well as copies of the Basic Resolution
and periodic financial reports, may be obtained upon request
directed to T V A ’ s D irector of Information, K noxville, Tennes­
see, or to the Federal Reserve Bank o f N ew Y ork.

This Bank will receive bids in accordance with the foregoing invitation up to 1 :30 p.m., Eastern Standard time,
Tuesday, January 23, 1973 at the Securities Department of its Head Office. Please use the form on the reverse
side of this notice to submit bids and return them sealed in the enclosed envelope marked ‘‘Bid for T V A Power Notes.”
Bids may be submitted by telegraph, subject to written confirmation; they may not be submitted by telephone. Settle­
ment must be made in immediately available funds at this Bank on Thursday, January 25, 1973.





( over)

Bid for 126-Day
Tennessee Valley Authority Power Notes
Due May 31, 1973

Dated January 25, 1973
Dated at

, 1973

To F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B a n k o f N e w Y o r k ,
Fiscal Agent of the United States for the Tennessee Valley Authority:
Pursuant to the provisions of the Invitation for Bids issued by Tennessee Valley Authority inviting bids
for the above-described Power Notes and printed on the reverse side hereof, the undersigned hereby offers
to purchase such Power Notes in the amount indicated below, and agrees to make payment therefor at your
Bank on or before the issue date at the price indicated below:
$ .................................................... (maturity value)
or any lesser amount that may be awarded.
P r ic e ...................................... per 100
(Price must be expressed with not more than three decimal places, for example, 99.925)

Subject to allotment, please issue, deliver, and accept payment for the Notes as indicated below:

Maturity Value



1. Deliver over the counter to the



2. Ship to the undersigned
3. Hold in safekeeping (for account



4. Special instructions:



of member bank only)*

*T h e undersigned (member bank) hereby certifies that the Notes to be held in safekeeping will be owned solely by
the undersigned.
Payment will be made as follows:

By check in immediately available funds


By charge to our reserve account


B y wire transfer from another Federal Reserve Bank or Branch

Name of subscriber
(Please print)

By ..........................
(A uthorized corporation officer or partner)



Address .......................

1. Submit all bids sealed in an envelope marked “ Bid for T V A P ow er N otes.”
2. N o bid for less than $1,000,000 will be considered and each bid must be for an even multiple of $5,000 (maturity valu e).
3. I f the language of a bid is changed from the foregoing in any respect, which, in the opinion of the P ow er Financing
Officer o f Tennessee Valley Authority, is material, the bid may be disregarded.