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August 16, 1995

First Supplement to Pamphlet Dated June 1995

To All Member Banks, and Others Concerned,
in the Second Federal Reserve District:

Notice is hereby given of the following changes in the list of officers
authorized to sign on behalf of the Federal Reserve Bank o f New York, as set
forth in this B ank’s pam phlet entitled “Authorized Signatures,” dated June 1995:

Changes in Signing Authorities
F r e d C. H erriman, Jr ., formerly Assistant Vice President, has been appointed
Vice President. A facsimile of his signature appeals on page 11 of the pamphlet.
B everly J. Hirtle, formerly Assistant Vice President, has been appointed Vice
President. A facsimile of her signature appears on page 11 of the pamphlet.
C harles S teindel, formerly Assistant Vice President, has been appointed Vice
President. A facsimile of his signature appeals on page 12 of the pamphlet.
John E. Kambhu , formerly Research Officer and Senior Economist, has been
appointed Assistant Vice President. A facsimile of his signature appeals on page 14
of the pamphlet.
D eborah A. Perelmuter, formerly Manager, has been appointed Assistant
Vice President. A facsimile of her signature appears on page 15 of the pamphlet.
M arie J. V eit, formerly Manager, has been appointed Assistant Vice President.
A facsimile of her signature appears on page 17 of the pamphlet.
M aryann M aron, formerly Manager, has been appointed Assistant Secretary.
A facsimile of her signature appeals on page 15 of the pamphlet.

New Signing Authorities
L aurence C. B onnemere has been appointed an officer of the Bank with the
title of Examining Officer. A facsimile of his signature follows:


E dgar H. F leming has been appointed an officer of the Bank with the title of
Examining Officer and Team Leader. A facsimile of his signature follows:

7 /-E rica L. G roshen has been appointed an officer of the Bank with the title of
Research Officer and Senior Economist. A facsimile of her signature follows:

M aureen F. L e B lanc has been appointed an officer of the Bank with the title
of Manager. A facsimile of her signature follows:


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R ichard H. M ead has been appointed an officer of the Bank with the title of
Manager. A facsimile of his signature follows:

B rian L. Peters has been appointed an officer of the Bank with the title of
Examining Officer and Team Leader. A facsimile of his signature follows:

T homas I. P iderit has been appointed an officer of the Bank with the title of
Manager. A facsimile of his signature follows:


Revised Signatures
The signature of A dam M. G ilbert, Assistant Vice President, whose name
appears on page 10 of the pamphlet, is revised as follows:

The signature of G erald V. Lombardo , Manager, whose name appears on page
15 of the pamphlet, is revised as follows:

Accordingly, these changes should be retained with your list of officers authorized
to sign on behalf o f this Bank.

W illiam J. Mc D onough ,