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A p r il 23, 1984

Second Supplement to Pamphlet dated January 1984

To All Member Banks, and Others Concerned,
in the Second Federal Reserve District:
N o tic e is h e r e b y g iv e n o f th e c h a n g e s in d ic a te d b e lo w in th e lis t o f o ffic e rs
a u th o r iz e d to s ig n on b e h a lf o f th e F e d e r a l R e se rv e B a n k of N e w Y o rk , a s s e t f o r th
in th is B a n k ’s p a m p h le t e n title d “A u th o riz e d S ig n a tu r e s ,” d a te d J a n u a r y 1984:

GARY HABERMAN, Manager, formerly assigned to the Credit and Discount
D epartm ent, has been assigned to the Dealer Surveillance Staff. A facsimile of his
signature appears on page 11 of the pamphlet.
JEFFREY F . INGBER, Assistant Counsel and A ssistant Secretary, has also been
appointed M anager and has been assigned to the Personnel Departm ent. A facsimile of
his signature appears on page 11 of the pamphlet.
MARCOS T. J o n e s , Manager, formerly assigned to the Pricing Adm inistration
D epartm ent, has been assigned to the Credit and Discount D epartm ent. A facsimile of
his signature appears on page 11 of the pamphlet.

A n t h o n y M. S o l o m o n ,



A pril 25, 1984


To All Depository Institutions, and Others Concerned,
in the Second Federal Reserve District:

F o llo w in g is the text o f a statem ent issued by the B oard o f G o vernors o f the
F ederal R eserv e System :

The Federal Reserve Board has issued a report summarizing developments in the
priced services areas for 1983 and providing detailed financial results of providing
those services.
A report on priced services is expected to be issued annually and a financial
statement consisting of the Federal Reserve’s priced service balance sheet and income
statement will be issued quarterly. The pro forma financial statements are designed to
reflect standard accounting practices, taking into account the nature of the Federal
Reserve’s activities and its unique position in this field.
E n clo sed is a copy o f the B o ard ’s report; additional copies w ill be furnished
up o n re q u e s t d ire c te d to o u r C ircu lars D iv isio n (T el. N o. 2 1 2 -7 9 1 -5 2 1 6 ).
Q u estio n s on the report m ay be directed to R obert M . A b p lan alp , V ice P resident
(T el. N o. 212 -7 9 1 -5 3 4 9 ).


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