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Federal R e s e r v e Ban k

Y O R K , N.Y.

N e w Yo r k

1 0 04-5-0001




C hester B .F eldberg
E x e c u t iv e V

ic e

June 30, 199 5

P r e s id e n t


Bank Lending Terms and Standards

Recent experience suggests that credit underwriting terms
have eased from those prevailing in the early 1990s. Such
adjustments by banks that had previously tightened credit
standards significantly in response to serious credit problems
and weak banking conditions may be a natural consequence of
improved conditions. In today's intensely competitive lending
markets, however, there is the potential that some banks may be
relaxing lending terms beyond prudent bounds. Federal Reserve
examiners have been advised to be alert for such easing.
In this regard, we wish to share with you the enclosed
letter issued by the Division of Banking Supervision and
Regulation of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System as guidance to examiners on this issue. It reiterates the
Federal Reserve's long-standing policy and examination procedures
as they relate to evaluation of a banking organization's loan
portfolio and underwriting practices. As the letter states, this
is not meant to indicate a fundamental shift or change in the
Federal Reserve's approach to assessing credit quality nor is it
intended to suggest the existence of widespread problems
regarding lending terms or standards. It is intended, however,
to encourage a continued balanced approach to the review of the
loan portfolio by Federal Reserve examiners and to assist bank
management in better understanding this aspect of the examination
If there are any questions regarding the content of this
letter, please contact John A. Greco, Examining Officer, in our
Financial Examinations Function (Tel. No. 212-720-8398).




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SR 95*36 (SUP)
June 19. 1995


Bank Lending Terms and Standards


Federal Reserve supervisory officials and examiners monitor lending
standards and practices in connection with ongoing supervisory activities and the
conduct of on-site examinations. For some time, surveys of senior lending officers,
reports from examiners, anecdotal information on competitive conditions from
bankers, and discussions with trade and advisory groups have indicated that
commercial banks have been easing terms and conditions on loans to their business
customers. Such adjustments may be altogether,appropriate if they are being
made prudently by banks that significantly tightened their credit standards in the
late 1980s and early 1990s in response to serious credit problems and weak
banking conditions. In today's intensely competitive lending markets, however,
there is the potential that some banks may be relaxing, or may be inclined to relax,
lending terms and conditions beyond prudent bounds in efforts to obtain new
customers or retain existing customers.
Supervisory experience suggests that credit underwriting terms have
eased from those prevailing in the early 1990s in a variety of ways which include,
but are not limited to, smaller loan fees, narrower spreads, larger credit lines, lower
debt service coverage ratios, lengthening of-maturities, lower collateral coverage,
less frequent personal guarantees and generally fewer or more liberal protective
covenants. In addition to the easing associated with commercial loans, some
lenders have loosened terms on credit card and home equity facilities to individuals.
Examination Considerations
The process by which banks alter their lending terms and standards,
as well as their overall appetite for risk-taking, can involve decisions by senior
management and boards of directors to amend operating policies and procedures.
Alternatively, a change in a bank's risk profile can sometimes result from more
subtle or gradual revisions or modifications in how a bank's lending policies and
procedures are applied in practice. The latter process may be less apparent, but
both can, if not controlled over time, result in significant loan problems. Senior

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bank management and bank examiners need to be sensitive to both types of credit
easing and their potential impact on a bank's risk profile.
Banking necessarily entails making business judgements about taking and
pricing risks and, of course, the potential for loss is inherent in the lending process.
Banks must have the discretion to make reasonable adjustments to lending rates,
fees and other terms in order to serve their communities and customers, maintain
market position, and operate profitably. .However, sound banking practice requires
that banks have policies and procedures in place to ensure that all credit risks are
properly identified, monitored, and controlled, and that loan pricing, terms, and
other safeguards against non-performance and default are commensurate with the
level of risk undertaken. The experience of the recent past demonstrates that lax
lending standards or practices can lead to heavy loan losses that place a material
strain on earnings and capital.
Over the last several years, consumers and business borrowers have
generally experienced quite favorable financial and economic conditions, which
have contributed to the recent growth and strong performance of bank loan
portfolios. However, examiners should recognize that these conditions have been
affected, in part, by the particular circumstances of the business cycle. The
performance of loans, especially those that are not properly structured, can be
adversely affected should the condition of borrowers deteriorate. Therefore, banks
should ensure that their loan underwriting terms and standards for both consumer
and commercial loans are appropriate to a variety of borrower and economic
conditions — they should not be based solely on "best case" scenarios for the
particular borrower or for the economy overall. Current loan delinquency and
default rates reflect, in part, the relatively recent vintage of many loans, as well as
the prevailing economic environment, and may not be indicative of the performance
of the loan portfolio over time. It is the borrower's ability to repay in the future,
that is, at maturity — when the borrower's condition or the economic environment
may be different -- that ultimately determines whether a loss will be suffered on a
loan. As part of the credit risk management process, banks should consider the
potential effect of a wide range of borrower default rates and losses on the
institution, especially on loans with more relaxed terms.
Examination Procedures
One of the principal objectives of an on-site examination is to evaluate
loan underwriting practices and the quality of bank loan portfolios. As part of the
routine procedures for evaluating bank loan portfolios, examiners should ascertain
whether credit terms and standards have eased since prior examinations, and if so,
whether the bank's lending activities remain within the bounds of prudent


underwriting practice. Accordingly, examination procedures for consumer arid
business loans should, where appropriate, continue to emphasize the following:

Identification of changes in loan policies or in credit underwriting
terms, standards or practices since the last examination.


Comparison of credit terms on noncriticized (pass) loans of
comparable risk between the current and prior examinations.


Evaluation of trends in the number, volume and frequency of any
loans that involve exceptions to the bank's loan policies and
underwriting standards.


The quality of the bank's internal credit scoring or loan risk rating
system and the ongoing effectiveness of the loan review process.


Evaluation of trends in the number and volume of credits in higher risk
categories based upon the bank's internal credit scoring or loan risk
rating systems.


Assessment of changes in concentration levels, especially for credits
with higher risk ratings.


The quality, accuracy and timeliness of management information
systems on internal loan risk ratings and loan portfolio performance.


The degree to which the bank considers the potential performance of
the portfolio under various economic and financial scenarios,
including, where appropriate, stress testing.


Assessment of the loan loss reserve methodology in light of any
changes in credit terms or standards.


The overall effectiveness of the credit risk management process and
internal controls in light of any changes in credit terms and standards.


Degree of independent oversight over the lending process provided by
the board of directors.

After each examination, the exit interview should include a general
discussion of the bank's lending policies and practices. As part of this discussion,
an effort should be made to determine management's views on the bank's current
lending terms and standards, as well as on market practices more generally.
Where applicable, management and directors should be reminded of the necessity




to take into account the potential effects of eased standards and changing
economic conditions when evaluating the adequacy of loan loss reserves and
capital, assigning internal loan risk ratings, and interpreting management reports.
If questionable or unwarranted easing is identified, examiners should
discuss their findings in detail with senior management and, if necessary, the board
of directors, and include appropriate comments and recommendations in the
examination report. This should be done regardless of whether or not classified
assets or other quantitative indicators of problem loans have begun to increase.
Care should be taken to ensure that management and directors are fully aware of
the risks that questionable or imprudent lending standards or practices could
present to the safety and soundness of their institutions in the event of a change in
general economic conditions or in the condition of individual borrowers.
The steps outlined above are consistent with the Federal Reserve's
longstanding examination policy of assessing the impact of the quality of a bank's
loan portfolio and credit risk management procedures on its overall financial
condition and risk profile. This letter is intended to ensure a continuing balanced
review of asset quality during on-site examinations; nothing in this letter is meant
to bring about or suggest a fundamental change in the scope, content or depth of
System examinations.

ichard Spillenkothen