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No. 8 9 0 6 1
Lr Circular
August 27, 1980 J

Deferral of Mandatory Compliance Date of Amendments to Regulation Z

To A ll Member Banks, and Others Concerned,
in the Second Federal Reserve D istrict:

In January, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System adopted amendments to
its Regulation Z, “Truth in Lending,” relating to the calculation and disclosure to borrowers of
the annual percentage rate and other credit terms. Compliance by creditors with these amendments,
which were sent to you with our Circular No. 8743, would have become mandatory on October 1,
1980. The Board of Governors has now deferred the mandatory compliance date of the annual per­
centage rate amendments to April 1, 1982, coinciding with the mandatory compliance date of the
Truth in Lending Simplification and Reform Act.
In connection with this action, the Board of Governors has issued the following statement:
The Federal Reserve Board has deferred the date on which new methods of calculating and disclosing
the annual percentage rate on consumer loans under Regulation Z—Truth in Lending—become mandatory.
The Board acted to avoid an increased regulatory burden that would otherwise be brought about by
differing mandatory effective dates for amendments to Regulation Z adopted by the Board in January, and
regulatory revisions resulting from the Truth in Lending Simplification and Reform Act enacted since then.
The annual percentage rate (A P R ) amendments to Regulation Z adopted by the Board in January pro­
vide greater flexibility and protection to creditors in calculating and disclosing the APR. These would have
become mandatory October 1, 1980.
The Truth in Lending Simplification and Reform Act, and the new Regulation Z proposed by the Board
to conform to the Act, contain A PR calculation and disclosure rules very similar to those adopted by the
Board in January. These will become effective April 1, 1981 and will become mandatory April 1, 1982.
To avoid requiring creditors to conform their practices to two sets of regulations in a short time, the
Board deferred the mandatory date of the January revisions of APR calculation and disclosure to April 1,
The deferral has the effect of preserving the status quo. It is expected that the action will have no adverse
impact on consumers. Creditors may begin to comply with the APR changes when the new Act and the new
regulation under the Act take effect April 1, 1981 or earlier, but creditors are not required to do so until a year
thereafter. This provides time for retraining of personnel and other changes creditors must make to conform
to the new requirement. The Board’s action does not affect creditors that have already made APR changes in
conformity to the amendments adopted by the Board in January.

Enclosed is a copy of the Board’s Order reflecting this action. Questions may be directed to
our Consumer Affairs and Bank Regulations Department (Tel. No. 212-791-5914).



M. S o l o m o n ,

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Calculation and Disclosure of Annual Percentage Rates
[Reg. Z; Docket No. R-0239]
A G E N C Y : Board of Governors of the Federal


the Board adopts the final regulation. Until
April 1, 1982, creditors may either continue to
rely on the existing annual percentage rate rules
or begin complying with the amended annual
percentage rate provisions.

S U M M A R Y : The Board is deferring the man­

E F F E C T IV E D A T E : August 20, 1980.

Reserve System.
A C T IO N : Deferral of mandatory


datory effective date for compliance with revi­
sions to Regulation Z (Truth in Lending) re­
garding calculation and disclosure of the annual
percentage rate and other credit terms. The re­
visions were adopted with an effective date of
January 10, 1980, but creditors were not re­
quired to comply with the new provisions until
October 1, 1980 (44 FR 77139, December 31,
1979). In the interim, creditors have been per­
mitted to utilize either the existing or the
amended rules. After adoption of the amend­
ments, the Truth in Lending Simplification and
Reform Act was enacted and the Board recently
proposed a substantially revised Regulation Z
to implement the act. The regulation must be
adopted by the Board by April 1, 1981, but
compliance will be optional until April 1, 1982.
In order to avoid the need for creditors to as­
similate two sets of changes in the regulation
within a relatively short period, the Board is
deferring the mandatory effective date of the
annual percentage rate amendments to coincide
with the mandatory effective date of the revised
regulation. Creditors wishing to implement all
changes at one time may begin doing so when

T A C T : Ellen Maland, Section Chief (202-452-

3667) or Margaret Stewart, Senior Attorney
(202-452-2412), Division of Consumer and
Community Affairs, Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C.
S U P P L E M E N T A R Y IN F O R M A T IO N : On

December 31, 1979, the Board adopted re­
visions to Regulation Z relating to the calcula­
tion and disclosure oj the annual percentage
rate and other credit terms (44 FR 77139). The
amendments were designed to simplify and
clarify the requirements of the regulation with
regard to these provisions and involved revi­
sions to §§ 226.5 and 226.8 of the regulation
and to Supplement I, § 226.40, which sets forth
the technical equations and instructions for de­
termining the annual percentage rate under the
actuarial method.
For the most part, the changes made provide
greater flexibility and protection to creditors
and do not appear to require major changes in

For Regulation Z to be complete, retain:

Regulation Z pamphlet, amended to March 23, 1977.
Technical corrections slip sheet, dated October 1978.
Amendments pamphlet, dated March 1980.
Changes in pamphlet containing amendments
to Regulation Z, dated July 1980.
5) Amendment effective August 1, 1980.
6) This slip sheet.

[Enc. Cir. No. 8906]

( o ver)

calculation tools and creditor practices. How­
ever, because the revisions do require creditors
to analyze and review existing tools and prac­
tices in order to fully assimilate the changes,
compliance with the new rules was made op­
tional until October 1, 1980. Creditors were
permitted to put the revisions into effect prior
to that time, but could continue to follow the
previous rules until October, in the event that
they required a longer period of adjustment.
After adoption of the annual percentage rate
changes, Congress enacted the Truth in Lend­
ing Simplification and Reform Act (Title VI
of Public Law 96-221, the Depository Institu­
tions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act
of 1980). That act requires the Board to have
in place a completely revised Regulation Z by
April 1, 1981, with a mandatory effective date
of April 1, 1982. Creditors may comply with the
new regulation immediately upon its adoption
by the Board. At the time of adoption of the
annual percentage rate revisions, the ultimate
passage of the new act was in doubt. Adoption
of the new regulation, as a result of the revised
act, will require significant revisions by credi­
tors in their procedures and forms, as well as
retraining of personnel.
The Board believes that creditors should not
be required to undertake two separate reviews
within a short period, but should instead be per­
mitted to assimilate all changes at one time. The
Board is therefore deferring the mandatory date
for compliance with the annual percentage rate
revisions from October 1, 1980, to April 1,
1982, to coordinate those revisions with the gen­
eral revision to Regulation Z pursuant to the
Truth in Lending Simplification and Reform
Act. This action means that creditors will con­
tinue to have the option of complying with
either the previous or the new annual percent­
age rate rules, but that option will be available
until April 1, 1982, instead of October 1, 1980.
The Board wishes to emphasize that the de­
ferral is designed to ease the burden of absorb­
ing regulatory change and not to provide an
opportunity for further changes in the annual
percentage rate provisions. No extensive revi­
sions to either these portions of the regulation

or Supplement I are contemplated as a result of
the deferral. However, the Board’s staff has re­
ceived several questions regarding this material
which may warrant further study. For example,
several commenters have questioned the manner
in which unit-periods for single-payment trans­
actions must be determined under Supple­
ment I. After anaylsis by the staff, the Board
will determine whether any further specific
changes should be proposed. Any adjustments
that might result from such a review should be
relatively minor and would be made only after
thorough consideration of their impact on credi­
tors that have already invested in new calcula­
tion tools and procedures. No changes are
anticipated which would invalidate changes al­
ready made by creditors in reliance on the
previously announced Board actions.
The Board has determined that compliance
with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. § 553 relating to
notice, public participation and deferred effec­
tive date would be impracticable in view of the
short time available before the October manda­
tory effective date. No Board action on this
matter was taken earlier because the extent of
the regulatory burden imposed by changes in
the regulation could not be assessed until pas­
sage of the Truth in Lending Simplification and
Reform Act and the publication for comment of
the revised regulation implementing the act.
Therefore, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. §§ 553(b)(3)
(B ) and 553(d) (3), the Board is deferring the
mandatory effective date of October 1 , 1980,
without notice and prior opportunity for com­
Pursuant to § 105 of the Truth in Lending
Act (15 U.S.C. § 1604 (1970)), the Board de­
lays from October 1, 1980, to April 1, 1982, the
amendment of original § 226.5(a) and the re­
scission of original §§ 226.5(b) through (e),
Interpretations §§ 226.502, 226.503 and 226.505,
and Supplement I to Regulation Z, as described
at 44 FR 77144, December 31, 1979. The Janu­
ary 10, 1980, effective date for revised § 226.5,
new § 226.8(r) and 226.8(s), and revised Sup­
plement I remains unchanged.
By order of the Board of Governors, August
20, 1980.