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Circular No. 8331
April 26, 1978

Temporary Suspension of Early Withdrawal Penalty in Connection
with Weather-Related Conditions in Nebraska

To A l l M e m b e r B a n k s , a n d O th e rs C on cern ed ,
in the S e c o n d F e d e r a l R e se rv e D is tr ic t:

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has temporarily suspended, through
September 30, 1978, the Regulation Q penalty for the withdrawal of time deposits from member banks
prior to maturity by depositors who have suffered property or other financial loss as a result of the recent
severe storms, ice jams, snowmelt, and flooding in the State of Nebraska. The Board of Governors’action
is retroactive to March 24, 1978.
Enclosed is a copy of the Board’s Order in this matter. Any questions regarding the Board’s action
may be directed to our Consumer Affairs Division (Tel. No. 212-791-5919).

P aul A. V olcker ,

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Order Granting: Temporary Suspension of Early W ithdrawal Penalty
Effective March 2U, 1978 through September 30, 1978

AGENCY! Board of Governors o f th e
Federal Reserve System
ACTION! Temporary suspension o f
the regulation Q penalty normally Im­
posed. upon the withdrawal o f funds
from, tim e deposits prior to m aturity.
SUMMARY: T he Board o f Governors;
acting, through its Secretary, pursuant
to delegated authority, has suspended
tem porarily th e regulation Q penalty
for th e withdrawal of tim e deposits
prior to m aturity from members banks
for depositors affected by th e severe
storm s, ice Jams, snowm elt, and flood*
ing beginning about March 13.1978. in
the S tate of Nebraska.
EFFECTIVE DATE: March 24,19781
Allen L Raiken. A ssociate General
Counsel, Legal Division. Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve
System , W ashington, D.C. 20551.

On March 24. 1978, pursuant ta sec­
tion 301 of th e D isaster R elief Act o f
1974 (42 U.S.C. 5141) and Executive
Order 11796 o f J td r 11, 1974. th e
President, acting through th e Admin­
istrator of th e Federal Disaster-Assia*
tanee Administration, designated th e
following counties of the State of Ne­
braska. a major rttsaster area: Casa:
t o Ifax. Dodge, Douglas, Jefferson;
Nuckolls. Platte; Sarpy, Saundera and
T hayer. The Board regards th e Presi­
dent's action as recognition by the
Federal government th at a disaster o f

major proportions haabccurred. The
President’s designation enables victim s
of th e disaster to qualify for special
emergency financial assistance. The
Board believes it appropriate to pro­
vide. an additional measure of assis­
tance to victims, by temporarily sus­
pending the regulation Q early with­
drawal penalty.*■ The Board's action
permits a member bank, wherever lo­
cated, to pay a tim e deposit before ma­
tu rity w ithout imposing this penalty
upon a showing that th e depositor has
suffered property or other financial
loss in the disaster area as a result of
the severe storm s, ice jams; snowmelt,
and flooding. A member bank should
obtain from a depositor seeking to
withdraw a tim e deposit pursuant to
th is action a sighed statem ent describ­
ing fully th e disaster-related Joss. T his
statem ent should be approved and cer­
tified by an officer of th e bank. T his
action will be retroactive to March 24,
1978, and will remain in effect until 12
midnight Septem ber 30, 1978.
Section 19(J) of th e Federal Reserve
Act (12. UJS.CL 371b> provides th at no
member bank sh all pay any tim#» de­
posit before m aturity except upon
such conditions and- in accordance
w ith such rules and regulations as may
be prescribed by the Board. The Board
has determined it to be in the overrid­
ing public interest to suspend th e pen­
alty provision in &217.44d> o f regula­
tion Q for the benefit of depositors
suffering disaster-related losses within
those geographical area of the State
of Nebraska officially designated a
major disaster area by the President.
T he Board, in granting thU temporary
suspension, encourages member hanirq

US permit^ penalty-free withdrawal
before maturity of tim e deposits for
depositors, who have suffered disasterrelated losses within the designated di­
saster area
In view o f th e urgent n eed to pro­
vid e im m ediate assistan ce to relieve
th e finan cial hardship b e in g su ffered
b y persons directly a ffected by th e
severe dam age and d estru ction occa­
sion ed by th e flooding in th e d esign at­
ed cou n ties of N eb ra sk a th e Board
finds th a t good cause ex ists for dis­
p en sin g w ith n otice and public partici­
pation referred to in section 553(b) o f
title 5 o f th e U nited S ta tes Code w ith
repect to th is action and th a t public
procedure w ith regard to th is action
w ould be contrary to th e public in ter­
est. B ecause o f th e need to provide as­
sista n ce as soon as possible and be­
cause th e Board’s action relieves a re­
striction, th e Board finds th a t th ere is
good cause to m ake th e action effec­
tive Im m ediately.
B y order o f th e Board o f Governors,
actin g th rou gh its S ecretary, pursu an t
to delegated au th o rity (12 CFR
265.2(a)(18)), April 7, 1978.
T h xo do ri E. A l l iso n . S e c r e ta r y o f th e B o a r d .

LFR Doc 78-9850 Filed 4-12-78; 8:45 am)

'Sec. 2IT.4(dX o f regulation Q provides
that where a time deposit, or any portion
thereof, ia paid before maturity, a mem bee
bank, may pay interest on the am ount With­
draw n at a rate not to exceed th a t currently
prescribed for a savings deposit and th at tha
depositor shall forfeit 3 months of interest
payable af snch rate-.


F-ic. Cir No.