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F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B ANK OF N E W YORK Fiscal Agent of the United States Circular No. 8007 December 8, 197b Results of Treasury’s 132-Day Bill Auction To All Incorporated Banks ami Trust Companies, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve District: The following auction results were announced yesterday by the Treasury Department: Tenders for $2,000 million of 132-day Treasury bills to be issued on December 10, 1976, and to m ature April 21, 1977, were opened at the Federal Reserve Banks and Treasury today. The d t i s are a f l o s eal s olw: Range of Accepted Competitive Bids D is c o u n t R a te R a te 98.379 98.360 98.369 High ..................................................... . Low ..................................................... . Average .............................................. . In v e s tm e n t P r ic e 4.421% 4.473% 4.448% 4.56% 4.61% 4.58% 1 ' Equivalent coupon-issue yield. Tenders at the low price were allotted 35 percent. Total Tenders Received and Accepted F .R . D is tr ic t (a n d U .S . T r e a s u r y ) Boston ............................................ New Y ork........................................ Philadelphia.................................... C leveland........................................ Richmond ...................................... A tla n ta ............................................. C h ic a g o ........................................... St. Louis.......................................... M inneapolis.................................... Kansas C ity.................................... D allas............................................... San F ra n c isc o ................................ A c c e p te d R e c e iv e d $ 8,900,000 3,594,115,000 50,385,000 125,670,000 16,010,000 2,100,000 387,385,000 31,375,000 7,350,000 22,985,000 15,680,000 432,685,000 $ 8,900,000 1,546,365,000 50,385,000 75,670,000 6,010,000 2,100,000 120,635,000 15,375,000 7,350,000 19,985,000 10,680,000 136,885,000 U.S. Treasury ................................ 40,(XX) 40,000 T o ta l........................................ $4,694,680,000 $2,000,380,000 'Includes S27.675.000 noncompetitive tenders. PAULA. VOLCKER, P resid en t. i