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r FEDERAL RESERVE BANK O F NEW YO R K C ircular No. 7 9 8 5 N ovem ber 9, 1976 "I J CHECK COLLECTION SERVICES To All Banks in the Second Federal Reserve District, and Others Concerned: Enclosed are copies of the following documents of this Bank, all effective November 9, 1976: (a) Fourth Supplement to Operating Circular No. 4, “Collection of Cash Items”; (b) Third Supplement to Operating Circular No. 5, “Time Schedules — Availability of Credit for Cash Items”; (c) Appendix No. 1 to Operating Circular No. 5, “New York Head Office Time Schedule”; (d) Appendix No. 1-A to Operating Circular No. 5, “Jericho Office — Long Island Regional Check Processing Center (LIRCPC) Time Schedule”; (e) Appendix No. 1-B to Operating Circular No. 5, “Jericho Office — Downstate New York Regional Check Processing Center (D N Y R C P C ) Time Schedule”; (f) Appendix No. 1-D (formerly 1-B) to Operating Circular No. 5, “Cranford Office — North Jersey Regional Check Processing Center (NJRCPC) Time Schedule”; (g) Appendix No. 2 to Operating Circular No. 5, “Buffalo Branch Time Schedule”; (h) Appendix No. 2-A to Operating Circular No. 5, “Western New York Regional Check Processing Center (WNYRCPC) Time Schedule”;and (i) Fourth Supplement to Operating Circular No. 6, “Instructions to Collecting Banks and Paying Banks.” Also enclosed is a copy of Appendix No. 1-C to Operating Circular No. 5, “Utica Office — North eastern N e w York Regional Check Processing Center (NNYRCPC) Time Schedule,” which is effective November 18,1976. Downstate New York Regional Check Processing Center On July 1, 1976, this Bank commenced operation of its fourth regional check processing center. The new facility, known as the Downstate N e w York Regional Check Processing Center, is located at this Bank’s Jericho Office and serves banks located in Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster, and Westchester Counties. Paragraphs 1(b) and 3 of Operating Circular No. 5 have been amended to reflect the establishment of this new facility. A new appendix, Appendix No. 1-B, to Operating Circular No. 5 is the time schedule for the Downstate N e w York RCPC. (Note that the appendix entitled “Cranford Office — North Jersey Regional Check Processing Center (NJRCPC) Time Schedule,” formerly Appendix No. 1-B, has been redesignated Appendix No. 1-D). Incident to the commencement of operation of the Downstate N e w York RCPC, the remaining appendices to Operating Circular No. 5 have also been revised. Northeastern New York Regional Check Processing Center Effective November 18, 1976, this Bank will commence the operation of its fifth regional check processing center. This facility, which will be known as the Northeastern N e w York Regional Check (OVER) Processing Center, will be located at an off-premise site at this Bank’s Utica Office in Oriskany, N e w York, and will serve 34 northern N e w York counties in the Head Office territory. The establishment of the Northeastern N e w York R C P C will complete this Bank’s R C P C program in the Second Federal Reserve District. The service area of the Northeastern N e w York R C P C will include the following counties: Albany, Broome, Cayuga, Chemung, Chenango, Clinton, Columbia, Cortland, Delaware, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Greene, Hamilton, Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Madison, Montgomery, Oneida, Onondaga, Oswego, Otsego, Rensselaer, St. Lawrence, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie, Schuyler, Seneca, Tioga, Tompkins, Washington, and Warren. Initially, only those banks located in the area served by the Northeastern N e w York R C P C may deposit items at the Utica Office. All other senders should continue to deposit items drawn on banks in the Northeastern N e w York R C P C service area at the Head Office of this Bank. W h e n full imple mentation is achieved, deposit privileges will be extended to all senders; notification to that effect will be made at the appropriate time. Paragraph 2 of Operating Circular No. 4, paragraphs 1(b) and 3 of Operating Circular No. 5, and paragraph 3 of Operating Circular No. 6 have been amended to reflect the establishment of this new facility. A new appendix, Appendix 1-C, to Operating Circular No. 5 is the time schedule for the North eastern N e w York RCPC. Treatment of accounting entries on holidays All Federal Reserve Banks have adopted a policy whereby a sending bank will receive credit for cash items sent directly to a Federal Reserve office on the basis of the holiday schedule of the receiving Reserve Bank. Paragraphs 12 and 13 of Operating Circular No. 5 are amended to reflect this uniform policy. New Routing Numbers assigned to thrift institutions Each of the appendices to Operating Circular No. 5 is amended to include instructions to those banks depositing cash items drawn on mutual savings banks and savings and loan associations located in N e w York State and Connecticut that have statutory authority to offer demand deposit accounts. Other time schedule revisions Paragraph 2 of Appendix No. 1 “Head Office Time Schedule” and paragraph 2 of Appendix No. 2 “Buffalo Branch Time Schedule” to Operating Circular No. 5, dealing with credit for items payable in other Federal Reserve Districts, have been amended to reflect improved credit availability for certain of those items. Cancellation of paying bank “endorsements” on return items To facilitate the return of unpaid items, all paying banks are now required to cancel their own endorsement stamp, paid stamp, or other identifying stamp appearing on the back of items that they are returning. Check processing equipment used by some paying banks places an endorsement or other identifying stamp of the paying bank on the reverse side of items presented to it for payment in lieu of the traditional “paid” stamp on the face of the items. This endorsement makes the expeditious return of the item to the sender more difficult. Paragraphs 40A of Operating Circular No. 4, and 22A of Operating Circular No. 6, have been added to reflect this policy, which provides that: 1. Paying banks should not return items bearing their uncancelled endorsements, and 2. Reserve Banks will assume no responsibility for any delay caused by misrouting of such return items. If you have questions regarding these matters, you may contact any of the following: Head Office James O. Aston, Assistant Vice President (Tel. No. 212-791-6334) Leonard I. Bennetts, Manager, Check Adjustment and Return Items Department (Tel. No. 212-791-5292) Jerome P. Perlongo, Manager, C heck Processing Departm ent (T el. No. 212-791-6838) John F. Sobala, Manager, Check Processing Department (Tel. No. 212-791-5321) Buffalo Branch Robert J. McDonnell, Assistant Cashier (Tel. No. 716-849-5022) Cranford Office Whitney R. Irwin, Assistant Vice President (T el. No. 201-272-9000) Fred A. Denesevich, Manager (Tel. No. 201-272-9000) Jericho Office Joseph M. O ’Connell, Assistant Vice President (Tel. No. 516-997-4500) Utica Office Robert C. Thoman, Vice President (Tel. No. 315-736-8321) Edw ard II. D enhoff, M anager (Tel. No. 315-736-8321 ) Additional copies o f the enclosures will be furnished upon request. Paul A. V olcker, President. Federal reserve Bank o r N E W YORK Appendix No. 1 to Operating Circular No. 5 Revised Effective November 9, 1976 N E W Y O R K H E A D OFFICE TIME S C H E D U L E To All Member Banks in the Second Federal Reserve District, and Others Concerned: 1. Credit for cash items sent to our Head Office will be given, subject to applicable closing times and to sorting and other requirements, as shown in the schedule below. ELIGIBLE SENDERS TYPE OF ITEM SORTS Member banks, other Federal Reserve offices, and directsending member banks Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items on banks in New York City and Northern New Jersey with routing symbols 0210, 0260, 0270, 0280, and 2260; checks on the United States Treasury and postal money orders (routing symbol 0000) if not deposited with a separate cash letter and total for each class 1 Immediate 5:00 a.m. Mon.-Fri. Member banks, other >ederal Reserve ffices, and directending member anks End-point sorted and separately packaged deposits of items with routing symbols 0210, 0280, and 2260 Immediate 7:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri. lember banks, other ederal Reserve ffices, and directmding member anks End-point sorted and separately packaged deposits of items with routing symbols 0260 and 0270 Immediate 9:00 a.m. Mon.-Fri. CREDIT AVAILABILITY 1 F or this a n d succeeding notes, refer to page 7 of this A ppendix. nc. C ir. No. 7985] CLOSING HOUR ELIGIBLE SENDERS TYPE OF ITEM SORTS CREDIT AVAILABILITY Member banks, other Federal Reserve offices, and directsending member banks Nonmachineable items on banks in New York City and Northern New Jersey with routing svmbols 0210, 0260, 0270, 0280, and 2260; checks on the United States Treasury and postal money orders (routing symbol 0000) if not deposited with a separate cash letter and total for each class1 One business day 7:00 a.m. Mon.-Fri. Member banks Checks on Federal Reserve Bank of New York (including Buffalo Branch); and Officers’ checks of other Federal Reserve Banks deposited in separate cash letter Immediate 3:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Member banks Checks on the United States Treasury and postal money orders deposited with a separate cash letter and total for each class Immediate 3:00 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Member and non member banks Redeemed U.S. Department of Agriculture food coupons Immediate 1:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Member banks, other Federal Reserve offices, and directsending member banks Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items on banks with routing symbols 0211 through 0217, 0219, 0290, 2211 through 2214, and 2219 One business day 12:00 noon Mon.-Fri. 2 CLOSING HOUR ELIGIBLE SENDERS TYPE OF ITEM SORTS CREDIT AVAILABILITY Member banks, other Federal Reserve offices, and direct:ending member >anks Nonmachineable items on banks with routing svmbols 0211 through 0217. 0219, 0290, 2211 through 2214, and 2219 Two business days 7:00 a.m. Mon.-Fri. dember banks, other federal Reserve •ffices, and directending member •anks Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items on banks with routing svmbols 0214 and 2214- One business day 10:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri. dember banks, other ’ederal Reserve ffices, and directending member anks Nonmachineable items on banks with routing svmbols 0214 and 22142 One business day 5:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri. lember banks, other 'ederal Reserve ffices, and directmding member anks3 End-point sorted and separately packaged deposits of fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items payable by or at certain specified banks served by the Cranford and Jericho Offices2 Immediate 2:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri. [ember banks, other ederal Reserve feces, and directnding member inks Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items on banks with routing svmbols 0212, 0217, and 22122 One business day 10:00 p.m. Mon.-Fri. ember banks, other jderal Reserve Ices, and d ire c tnding member inks Nonmachineable items on banks with routing symbols 0212, 0217, and 22122 One business day 5:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri. 3 CLOSING HOUR ELIGIBLE SENDERS CREDIT AVAILABILITY TYPE OF ITEM SORTS CLOSING HOUR Member banks, other Federal Reserve offices, and directsending member banks3 Items drawn on NJRCPC participating banks fully MICR qualified, and sorted by means of MICR computer equipment into a separate cash letter for each group of banks listed in separately furnished schedules2 Immediate 12:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri. Member banks, other Federal Reserve offices, and directsending member banks Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items on banks with routing symbols 0219 and 22192 One business day 10:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Member banks, other Federal Reserve offices, and directsending member banks Nonmachineable items on banks with routing symbols 0219 and 22192 One business day 5:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri. Member banks3 Mixed cash letters from banks with daily averages of not more than 2,000 MICR amount encoded items as specified in paragraph 7 of Operating Circular No. 5 One business day 5:00 a.m. Mon.-Fri. Member banks4 Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items payable in other Federal Reserve Bank or Branch cities, or in areas served bv an RCPC See paragraph 2 of this Appendix 12:00 noon Mon.-Fri. 11:00 a.m. Sat. 4 ELIGIBLE SENDERS Member banks4 Member banks4 TYPE OF ITEM S'ORTS CREDIT AVAILABILITY Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items payable at banks in other Federal Reserve Districts o u tsid e Federal Reserve Bank or Branch cities, or o u ts id e areas served by an RCPC Two business days Nonmachineable items payable at banks in areas served by other Federal Reserve offices Two business days CLOSING HOUR 12:00 noon Mon.-Fri. 11:00 a.m. Sat. 7:00 a.m. Mon.-Fri. 2. Credit for cash items payable in the following Federal Reserve Bank or Branch cities5 that are received Mondays through Saturdays (not otherwise public holidays) will be given, subject to applicable closing times and to sorting md other requirements, as shown below. ONE CALENDAR DAY AFTER RECEIPT Atlanta Cleveland Los Angeles Omaha Baltimore Dallas Louisville Philadelphia Birmingham Detroit Memphis Pittsburgh Boston Houston Miami6 Portland Buffalo Jacksonville Minneapolis Richmond Charlotte Kansas City, Kan. Chicago Kansas City, Mo. Nashville New Orleans St. Paul, Minn. Cincinnati Little Rock Oklahoma City San Antonio St. Louis San Francisco TW O CALENDAR DAYS AFTER RECEIPT Denver El Paso Helena Salt Lake City Seattle 5 Credit for cash items payable by, at, or through banks participating in the following regional check processing centers that are received Mondays through Saturdays (not otherwise public holidays) wrill be given, subject to applicable closing times and to sorting and other requirements, as shown below. ONE CALENDAR DAY AFTER RECEIPT Columbus RCPC7 Southwestern New England RCPC Western New York RCPC TWO CALENDAR DAYS AFTER RECEIPT Atlanta RCPC Memphis RCPC Baltimore-Washington RCPC Miami RCPC9 Birmingham RCPC Michigan RCPC Boston RCPC Milwaukee RCPC Chicago RCPC Nashville RCPC Cincinnati RCPC New Orleans RCPC Cleveland RCPC North Texas RCPC Columbia RCPC Northwestern New England RCPC Columbus RCPC8 Oklahoma City RCPC Denver RCPC Omaha RCPC Gulf Coast RCPC Philadelphia RCPC10 Indiana RCPC Pittsburgh RCPC Iowa RCPC Portland RCPC Jacksonville RCPC Salt Lake City RCPC Little Rock RCPC St. Louis RCPC Los Angeles RCPC San Francisco RCPC Louisville RCPC Seattle RCPC Maine RCPC South Texas RCPC U p p er M id w est RCPC TWO RUSINESS DAYS AFTER RECEIPT P h ilad elp h ia R C P C 11 Sorting requ irem en ts 3. E x cep t as p rovid ed in paragraphs 5, 7, 8, 9, and 14 of Operating Circuit) No. 5, the g en eral sorting requirements set forth below will apply. 6 Im m e d ia te -c r e d it item s 4. All immediate-credit items (routing symbols 0210, 0260, 0270, 0280, and 2260) may be deposited in a single sort, including checks on the United States Treasury and postal money orders (routing symbol 0000). D e fe rre d -c re d it item s 5. All deferred-credit items ( all routing symbols other than those indicated n paragraph 4 above), including items payable in other Federal Reserve Disxicts, may be deposited in a single sort. However, we may require, where volume warrants, that such items payable in other Federal Reserve Districts, the territory served bv our Buffalo Branch, and the area served by any office of this lank be sent direct. Effect of this appendix upon previous appendix 6. This appendix supersedes Appendix No. 1, Revised effective January 1, 975, to Operating Circular No. 5. P a u l A. V o lcker , P resid en t. N otes to this A p pendix 1 U.S. Treasury checks and postal money orders may be deposited only y Second District member banks. 2 These items are accepted solely for transshipment to the Cranford or ;richo Offices and, therefore, must be separately packaged and clearly identified. 3 All senders are required to have prior authorization before making such epos its. 4 Banks participating in consolidated shipments of interdistrict items should mtinue to make such deposits at the Head Office. 5 For purposes of this circular, the term “Federal Reserve Bank or Branch ities” includes Kansas City, Kan. and St. Paul, Minn. fi Cash items bearing routing symbol 0660. 7 Cash items bearing routing symbol 0440. 8 Cash items bearing routing symbols 0441 and 0442. 9 Cash items bearing routing symbol 0670. 10 Cash items bearing routing symbol 0319. 11 Cash items bearing routing symbols 0311, 0312 and 0313. 7 - Reserve Bank O F N E W YORK ederal Appendix No. 1-A to Operating Circular No. 5 Revised Effective November 9, 1976 JERICHO OFFICE L O N G ISLAND REGIONAL C H E C K PROCESSING C E N T E R (LIRCPC) TIME S C H E D U L E o All Long Island Regional Check Processing Center Participating Banks, and Others Concerned: Credit for cash items sent to our Long Island Regional Check Processing Center at this Bank’s Jericho Office will be given, subject to applicable closing mes and to sorting and other requirements, as shown in the schedule below. ELIGIBLE SENDERS TYPE OF ITEM SORTS irticipating banks Fully MICR qualified and MICR computer-acceptable items on participating banks with routing symbols 0214, 0280, and 2214 irticipating banks Nonmachineable items on participating banks with routing symbols 0214, 0280, and 2214 rticipating banks, m ber banks, other cleral Reserve offices, i direct-sending ■mber banks! End-point sorted and separately packaged deposits of fully MICR qualified and MICR computer-acceptable items payable by or at certain specified banks listed in separately furnished CLOSING HOUR CREDIT M onday-F riday AVAILABILITY (Ex. H o lid a y s) Im m e d ia te 1 2:01 a.m . O n e b u sin ess day 7 :0 0 a.m . Im m e d ia te 4 :0 0 a.m . Im m e d ia te 12:01 a.m . sc h e d u le s 'mber banks, other Jeral Reserve offices, i direct-sending mber banks Fully MICR qualified and MICR computer-acceptable items on participating banks with routing symbols 0214 and 2214 1 F o r this a n d succeeding notes, refer to page 3 of this A ppendix. d. C ir. No. 7985] C L O S IN G HOUR TYPE OF ITEM SORTS C R E D IT A V A IL A B IL IT Y M onday-F riday (Ex. H olidays) Member banks, other Federal Reserve offices, and direct-sending member banks Nonmachineable items on participating banks with routing symbols 0214 and 2214 O n e b u sin e ss d ay 7 :0 0 a.m . Participating banks Checks on Federal Reserve Bank of New York (including Buffalo Branch) (must be deposited with a separate cash letter)2 Im m e d ia te 12:01 a.m . Participating banks Redeemed U.S. Department of Agriculture food coupons2 Im m e d ia te 12:01 a.m . Participating banks Checks on the United States Treasury and postal money orders deposited with a separate cash letter and total for each class2 Im m e d ia te 12:01 a.m . Participating member banks Fully MICR qualified and MICR computer-acceptable items on banks with routing symbols 0219 and 2219 Im m e d ia te 12:01 a.m . Participating member banks Nonmachineable items on banks with routing symbols 0219 and 2219 Participating member banks Fully MICR qualified and MICR computer-acceptable items on banks in New York City and Northern New Jersey with routing symbols 0210, 0260, 0270, and 2200; checks on the United States Treasury and postal money orders (routing symbol 0000) if not deposited with a separate cash letter and total for each class2 Im m e d ia te 1 2:01 a.m . Participating member banks Nonmachineable items on banks in New York City and Northern New Jersey with routing symbols 0210, 0260, 0270, and 2260; checks on the United States Treasury and postal money orders (routing symbol 0000) if not deposited with a separate cash letter and total for each class2 O n e b u sin ess day 12:01 a.m . ELIGIBLE SENDERS 2 O n e b u sin ess day 7 :0 0 a.m. CLOSING E L IG I B L E SENDERS TYPE O F IT E M SO R T S C R E D IT A V A IL A B IL IT Y HOUR M o n d a y - F r id a y (Ex. H o l id a y s ) P articipating m em b er )anks F u lly M IC R q u alified and M IC R co m p u te r-a c c ep ta b le item s p a y a b le in th e H ea d O ffice territory on banks w ith rou tin g sym b ols 0 2 1 1 ,0 2 1 2 , 0 2 1 3 ,0 2 1 5 , 0 2 1 6 , 0 2 1 7 , 0 2 9 0 , 2 2 1 1 ,2 2 1 2 , an d 2213- O n e b u sin ess d ay 12:01 a.m . ’a rticip a tin g m em b er >anks N o n m a ch in ea b le item s p a y a b le in th e H ea d O ffice territory on banks w ith r o u tin g sy m b o ls 0 2 1 1 , 0 2 1 2 , 0213, 0215, 0216, 0217, 0290, 2 2 1 1 , 2 2 1 2 , an d 2 2 1 3 2 T w o b u sin ess days 1 2 :0 1 a.m . 'articip atin g m em b er ■anks3 F u lly M IC R q u alified and M IC R c o m p u te r-a c c ep t ab le item s p a y a b le in oth er F ed era l R eserve B ank or B ran ch c ities, or in areas served b y an R C P C 2 R efer to Para grap h 2 o f A p p e n dix N o. 1 to O p era tin g C ircular N o. 5 1 2:01 a.m . articip a tin g m em b er an k s3 F u lly M IC R q u a lified and M IC R co m p u te r-a c c ep ta b le item s p a y a b le at ban ks in o th er F ed er a l R eserve D istricts outside F ed er a l R e se rv e B an k or B ranch cities, or outside areas se r v ed b y an R C P C 2 T w o b u sin ess days 1 2:01 a.m . articip atin g m em b er in k s3 N o n m a ch in ea b le item s p a y ab le a t b an k s in oth er areas se r v ed b y F ed er a l R eserv e o ffices2 T w o b u sin ess days 12 :0 1 a.m . articip a tin g m em b er in k s1 M ix ed c a sh letters from b an k s w ith d a ily a v era g es o f n o t m ore th a n 2 ,0 0 0 M IC R a m o u n t e n c o d e d item s as sp ecified in p aragrap h 7 o f O p era tin g C ircu lar N o . 5 2 O n e bu sin ess d ay 1 2:01 a.m . fleet of this appendix upon previous appendix This appendix supersedes Appendix No. 1-A, Revised effective July 1, 1974, Operating Circular No. 5. P a u l A. V o lcker , President. Notes to this Appendix 1 All senders are required to have prior authorization before making such jposits. 2 These items are accepted solely for transshipment to the Head Office and, erefore, must be separately packaged and clearly identified. 3 Banks participating in consolidated shipments of interdistrict items should ntinue to make such deposits at the Head Office. 3 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK Appendix No. 1-B to Operating Circular No. 5 Revised effective N ovem ber 9, 1976 JERICHO OFFICE D O W N S T A T E N E W Y O R K REGIONAL C H E C K PROCESSING C E N T E R (DNYRCPC) TIME S C H E D U L E To A l l D o w n s ta te N e w Y o r k R e g io n a l C h e c k P ro c essin g C e n te r P a rtic ip a tin g B a n ks, a n d O th e r s C o n c e r n e d : Credit for cash items sent to our Downstate New York Regional Check Processing Center at this Bank’s Jericho Office will be given, subject to applicable dosing times and to sorting and other requirements, as shown in the schedule >elow. TYPE O F IT E M SO R T S C R E D IT A V A IL A B IL IT Y C L O S IN G HOURi M o n d ay-F rid ay (E x . H o lid a y s) irticip a tin g banks F u lly M IC R q u alified and M IC R com p u tera c ce p ta b le item s on p a rticip a tin g banks w ith r o u tin g sym b ols 0 2 1 9 , 0 2 8 0 , an d 2 2 1 9 Im m ed ia te 12:01 a.m . irticip a tin g banks N o n m a ch in ea b le item s on p a rticip a tin g banks w ith ro u tin g sy m b o ls 0 2 1 9 , 0 2 8 0 , an d 2 2 1 9 irticip a tin g banks, em b er banks, oth er tderal R eserv e rices, a n d d irectnd in g m em b er n k s- E n d -p o in t sorted an d se p a r a tely p a c k a g e d d ep o sits o f fu lly M IC R q u alified and M IC R com p u tera c ce p ta b le item s p a y a b le b y or at certain sp ecified banks listed in se p a ra tely fu rn ish ed sc h e d u le s. E L IG IB L E SEN DERS O ne b u sin ess d ay 7 :0 0 a.m . Im m ed iate •1:00 a.m. 1 For this and succeeding notes, refer to pag e 4 of this Appendix. to. Cir. No. 7985] TYPE OF ITEM SORTS CREDIT AVAILABILITY CLOSING HOURl Monday-Friday (Ex. Holidays) Member banks, other Federal Reserve offices, and directsending member banks Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items on participating banks with routine symbols 0219 and 2219 Immediate 12:01 a.m. Member banks, other Federal Reserve offices, and directsending member banks Nonmachineable items on participating banks with routing symbols 0219 and 2219 One business day 7:00 a.m. ELIGIBLE SENDERS i 1 Participating banks Checks on Federal Reserve Bank of New York (including Buffalo Branch) (must be deposited with a separate cash letter)3 Immediate 12:01 a.m. Participating banks Redeemed U.S. Department of Agriculture food coupons3 Immediate 12:01 a.m. Participating banks Checks on the United States Treasury and postal money orders deposited with a separate cash letter and total for each class3 Immediate 12:01 a.m. Participating member banks Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items on banks with routing symbols 0214 and 2214 Immediate 12:01 a.m. Participating member banks N onmachineable items on banks with routing symbols 0214 and 2214 One business day 7:00 a.m. 2 E L IG IB L E SE N D E R S Participating member banks TYPE OF IT E M SO R T S C R E D IT A V A IL A B IL IT Y F u lly M IC R q u alified an d M IC R com p u tera ccep ta b le item s on banks in N e w York C ity an d N orth ern N e w Jersey w ith ro u tin g sym b ols 0210, 0 2 6 0 , 0 2 7 0 , and 2 2 6 0 ; ch eck s o n th e U n ite d S tates T reasu ry and p o stal m o n e y orders ( rou tin g sy m b o l 0 0 0 0 ) if n ot d e p o s ite d w ith a sep arate ca sh letter a n d to ta l for e a c h cla ss3 Im m e d ia te C L O S IN G IIO U R l M o n d a y -F rid a y (E x . H o lid a y s ) 1 2 :0 1 a.m. articipating member anks N o n m a ch in ea b le items o n banks in N e w York C ity and N o rth ern N e w Jersey w ith rou tin g sym b ols 0210, 0260, 0270, a n d 2 2 6 0 ; c h eck s on th e U n ite d States T rea su ry an d p o sta l m o n e y orders (r o u tin g sy m b o l 0 0 0 0 ) if n ot d e p o site d w ith a sep a ra te ca sh letter a n d total for e a c h cla ss3 One business day 12:01 a.m. rticipating member nks Fully M IC R qualified and M IC R computeracceptable items payable in the Head Office territory on banks with routing symbols 0211, 0212, 0213, 0215, 0216, 0217, 0290, 2211, 2212, and 22133 One business day 12:01 a.m. -ticipating member N o n m a ch in ea b le item s p a y a b le in th e H ea d O ffice territory on b a n k s w ith rou tin g sy m b o ls 0 2 1 1 , 0 2 1 2 , 0213, 0215, 0216, 0217, 0290, 2211, 2 2 1 2 , a n d 2 2 133 T w o b u sin ess d ays 12:01 a.m. iks 3 CLOSING HOUR1 Monday-F riday (Ex. Holidays) TYPE OF ITEM SORTS CREDIT AVAILABILITY Participating member banks'1 Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items payable in other Federal Reserve Bank or Branch cities, or in areas served by an RCPC3 Refer to Para graph 2 of Appendix No. I to Operating Circular No. 5 12:01 a.m. Participating member banks4 Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items payable at banks in other Federal Reserve Districts o u ts id e Federal Reserve Bank or Branch cities, or o u ts id e areas served by an RCPC3 Two business days 12:01 a.m. Participating member banks4 Nonmachineable items payable at banks in other areas served by Federal Reserve Two business days 12:01 a.m. Mixed cash letters from banks with daily averages of not more than 2,000 MICR amount encoded items as specified in paragraph 7 of Operating Circular No. 5 3 One business day 12:01 a.m. ELIGIBLE SENDERS offices3 Participating member banks2 P a u l A . V o lcker , President. Notes to this Appendix 1 Participating banks may also deposit cash items at the two-tier rela station by 10:00 p.m. the previous evening in Newburgh, N.Y., or by 11:00 the previous evening in White Plains, N.Y. 2 All senders are required to have prior authorization before making sue deposits. 3 These items are accepted solely for transshipment to the Head Offic and, therefore, must be separately packaged and clearly identified. 4 Banks participating in consolidated shipments of interdistrict items shoul continue to make such deposits at the Head Office. 4 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK O F NEW YORK Appendix N o. 1-C to Operating Circular No. 5 Effective November 18, 1976 UTICA OFFICE N ORTHEASTERN N E W YORK REGIONAL C H E C K PROCESSING C E N T E R (NNYRCPC) TIME S C H E D U L E T o A ll N o r th e a s te r n N e w Y o r k R e g io n a l C h e c k P ro c essin g C e n te r P a rtic ip a tin g B a n k s , a n d O th e r s C o n c e r n e d : C redit for cash item s se n t to our N ortheastern N e w York R egion al C heck P rocessing C en ter at this Bank’s U tica Office w ill b e given, su bject to a p p lica b le clo sin g tim es and to sorting and other requ irem en ts, as sh o w n in the sch ed u le below . E L IG IB L E SEN DERS TYPE O F IT E M SO R T S C R E D IT A V A IL A B IL IT Y C L O S IN G H O U R M o n d ay-F rid ay (E x . H o lid a y s) P articip a tin g banks, m em b er ban ks, other F e d e r a l R eserve offices, an d d irectse n d in g m em b er banks F u lly M IC R q u alified a n d M IC R com p u tera c ce p ta b le item s on p a rticip a tin g banks w ith rou tin g sym b ols 0 2 1 3 , 0 2 9 0 , and 2 2 1 3 Im m ed iate 12:01 a.m . P articip a tin g ban ks, m em ber b an ks, other F ed eral R eserv e >ffices, an d d irectsen d in g m em b er banks N o n m a ch in ea b le item s on p articip a tin g ban ks w ith rou tin g sym b ols 0 2 1 3 , 0 2 9 0 , an d 2 2 1 3 O n e b u sin ess d ay 7 :0 0 a.m . C h eck s o n th e U n ite d States T reasury a n d p o sta l m o n e y orders (d e p o s ite d w ith a sep arate cash letter an d to ta l for e a c h c la s s ) 1 Im m ed iate 12:01 a.m . P articipating ban ks 1 F or this a n d succeeding notes, refer to pag e 4 of this A ppendix. Enc. Cir. No. 7985] TYPE OF ITEM SORTS CREDIT AVAILABILITY CLOSING HOUR Monday-Friday (Ex. Holidays) Participating banks Checks on Federal Reserve Bank of New York (including Buffalo Branch) (must be deposited with a separate cash letter)! Immediate 12:01 a.m. Participating banks Redeemed U.S. Department of Agriculture food coupons1 Immediate 12:01 a.m. Participating member banks Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items on banks in New York City and Northern New Jersey with routing symbols 0210, 0260, 0270, 0280, and 2260; checks on the United States Treasury and postal money orders (routing symbol 0000) if not deposited with a separate cash letter and total for each class1 Immediate 12:01 a.m. Participating member banks Nonmachineable items on banks in New York City and Northern New Jersey with routing symbols 0210, 0260, 0270, 0280, and 2260; checks on the United States Treasury and postal money orders (routing symbol 0 0 0 0 ) if not deposited with a separate cash letter and total for each class1 One business day 12:01 a.m. Participating member banks Fully M IC R qualified and M IC R computeracceptable items pay able in the Head Office territory on banks wtih routing symbols 0211, 0212, 0214 through 0217, 0219, 2211, 2212, 2214, and 2219 1 One b u sin e ss day 12:01 a.m. ELIGIBLE SENDERS 2 E L IG IB L E SE N D E R S TYPE O F IT E M SO R T S C R E D IT A V A IL A B IL IT Y C L O S IN G H O U R M on d a y -F rid a y (E x . H o lid a y s) P articip a tin g m em b er b an ks N o n m a ch in ea b le item s p a y a b le in th e H ea d O ffice territory on b an ks w ith rou tin g sym b ols 0 2 1 1 , 02 1 2 , 0 2 1 4 th rou gh 0 2 1 7 , 0219, 2211, 2212, 2214, and 22191 T w o b u sin ess days 12:01 a.m . P articip atin g ban ks, m em ber b an k s, other f e d e r a l R eserv e iffices, a n d d irectlen d in g m em b er b a n k s2 Item s d raw n on N N Y R C P C p articip a t in g b an ks fu lly M IC R q u alified an d sorted b y m ean s o f M IC R co m p u ter eq u ip m e n t in to a sep arate cash lette r for e a c h group o f banks listed in se p a r a tely fu rn ish ed sc h e d u le s Im m e d ia te 2 :0 0 a.m . ‘a rtic ip a tin g banks, lem b er b an k s, other federal R eserv e ffices, and d irectendin g m em b er b a n k s2 E n d -p o in t so rted an d se p a r a tely p a c k a g e d d e p o sits o f fu lly M IC R q u alified an d M IC R com p u tera c ce p ta b le item s p a y a b le b y or at certain sp ecified ban ks listed in sep a rately fu rn ish ed sc h e d u le s Im m ed ia te 4 :0 0 a.m . irticip a tin g m em b er inks F u lly M IC R q u a lified and M IC R com p u tera c ce p ta b le item s p a y a b le in o th er F ed er a l R eserve B an k or B ran ch cities, or in areas se r v ed b y an RCPCi R efer to P aragrap h 2 o f A p p en d ix N o. 1 to O p eratin g C ircu lar N o. 5 12:01 a.m . rticip a tin g m em b er nks F u lly M IC R q u a lified an d M IC R com p u tera c ce p ta b le item s p a y a b le at b an k s in other F ed er a l R eserve D istricts outside F ed er a l R eserv e B ank or B ran ch c ities, or outside areas served b y an R C P C I 3 T w o b u sin ess days 12:01 a.m . ELIGIBLE SENDERS TYPE OF ITEM SORTS CREDIT AVAILABILITY CLOSING HOUR Monday-Friday (Ex. Holidays) Participating member banks Nonmachineable items payable at banks in other areas served by Federal Reserve offieesl Two business days 12:01 a.m. Participating member banks2 Mixed cash letters from banks with daily averages of not more than 2,000 MICR amount encoded items as specified in para graph 7 of Operating Circular No. 5 i One business day 12:01 a.m. ; P a u l A. V olcker , President. Notes to this Appendix 1. These items are accepted solely for transshipment to the Head Office anc therefore, must be separately packaged and clearly identified. 2. All senders are required to have prior authorization before making sue’ deposits. 4 -E D E R A L RESERVE BANK O F NEW YOR K A ppendix No. 1-D to O perating C ircular No. 5 Revised effective N ovem ber 9 , 1976 CRANFORD OFFICE NORTH JERSEY REGIONAL CHECK PROCESSING CENTER (NJRCPC) TIME SCHEDULE o A ll N o r th J e r se y R e g io n a l C h e c k P ro c essin g C e n te r P a r tic ip a tin g B a n k s , a n d O th e r s C o n c e r n e d : Credit for cash items sent to our North Jersey Regional Check Processing Center at this Bank’s Cranford Office will be given, subject to applicable closing lines and to sorting and other requirements, as shown in the schedule below. TYPE OF ITEM SORTS CREDIT AVAILABILITY CLOSING HOUR Monday-Friday (Ex. Holidays) irticipating banks, ember banks, other ‘deral Reserve ices, and directuding member nks Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items on participating banks with routing symbols 0212, 0217, and 2212 Immediate 12:01 a.m. rticipating banks, smber banks, other deral Reserve ices, and directlding member aks Nonmachineable items on participating banks with routing symbols 0212, 0217, and 2212 One business day 7:00 a.m. rticipating banks, mber banks, other deral Reserve ces, and directid in g member iks1 Items drawn on NJRCPC participating banks fully MICR qualified, and sorted by means of MICR computer equipment into a separate cash letter for each group of banks listed in separately furnished schedules Immediate 2:00 a.m. ELIGIBLE SENDERS 1 For this and succeeding notes, refer to page 4 of this Appendix, c. Cir. No. 7985] ELIGIBLE SENDERS TYPE OF ITEM SORTS CREDIT AVAILABILITY CLOSING HOUR Monday-Friday (Ex. Holidays) Participating banks, member banks, other Federal Reserve offices, and directsending member banks1 End-point sorted and separately packaged deposits of fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items payable by or at certain specified banks with routing symbols 0212 and 0217 listed in separately furnished schedules Immediate 4:00 a.m. Participating banks Checks on Federal Reserve Bank of New York (including Buffalo Branch) (must be deposited with a separate cash letter) 2 Immediate 12:01 a.m. Participating banks Redeemed U. S. Department of Agriculture food coupons2 Immediate 12:01 a.m. Participating banks Checks on the United States Treasury and postal money orders deposited with a separate cash letter and total for each class2 Immediate 12:01 a.m. Participating member banks Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items on banks with routing symbols 0210, 0260, 0270, 0280, and 2260; checks on the United States Treasury and postal money orders (routing symbol 0000) if not deposited with a separate cash letter and total for each class2 Immediate 12:01 a.m. Participating member banks Nonmachineable items on banks with rout ing symbols 0210, 0260, 0270, 0280, and 2260; checks on the United States Treasury and postal money orders (routing symbol 0000) if not deposited with a separate cash letter and total for each class2 One business day 12:01 a.m. 2 ELIGIBLE SENDERS TYPE OF ITEM SORTS CREDIT AVAILABILITY CLOSING HOUR Monday-Friday (Ex. Holidays) Participating member banks Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items payable in the Head Office territory on banks with routing symbols 0211, 0213, 0214, 0215, 0216, 0219, 0290, 2211, 2213, 2214, and 22192 One business day 12:01 a.m. Participating member banks Nonmachineable items payable in the Head Office territory on banks with routing symbols 0211, 0213, 0214, 0215, 0216, 0219, 0290, 2211, 2213, 2214, and 22192 Two business days 12:01 a.m. articipating member anks3 Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items payable in other Federal Reserve Bank or Branch cities, or in areas served by an RCPC2 Refer to paragraph 2 of Appendix No. 1 to Operating Circular No. 5 12:01 a.m. irticipating member inks3 Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items payable at banks in other Federal Reserve Districts o u ts id e Federal Reserve Bank or Branch cities, or o u ts id e areas served by an RCPC2 Two business days 12:01 a.m. irticipating member nks3 Nonmachineable items payable at banks in other Federal Reserve offices2 Two business days 12:01 a.m. rticipating member nks1 Mixed cash letters from banks with daily averages of not more than 2,000 MICR amount encoded items as specified in paragraph 7 of Operating Circular No. 5 2 One business day 12:01 a.m. 3 Effect of this appendix upon previous appendix This appendix supersedes Appendix No. 1-B, Revised effective January 1, 1975, to Operating Circular No. 5. P a u l A. V o lcker , President. Notes to this Appendix 1 All senders are required to have prior authorization before making such deposits. 2 These items are accepted solely for transshipment to the Head Office and, therefore, must be separately packaged and clearly identified. 3 Banks participating in consolidated shipments of interdistrict items should continue to make such deposits at the Head Office. 4 Fe d e r a l R e ser v e B ank OF NEW YORK A ppendix No. 2 to O perating C ircular No. 5 Revised effective N ovem ber 9, 1976 BU F F A L O B R A N C H TIME S C H E D U L E To All Member Banks in the Second Federal Reserve District, and Others Concerned : 1. C red it for cash item s sen t to our B uffalo B ranch w ill b e given , su b ject to ap p licab le closin g tim es and to sorting and oth er requirem ents, as sh o w n b elo w . ELIGIBLE SENDERS TYPE OF ITEM SORTS CREDIT AVAILABILITY CLOSING HOUR Monday-Friday (Ex. Holidays) lember banks, other 'ederal Reserve ffices, and directjnding member anks Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items on banks in Buffalo with routing symbols 0220, 0290, and 2220, and items on banks with the following Routing Numbers: 0223-0125 and 0223-1042; checks on the United States Treasury and postal money orders (routing symbol 0000) if not deposited with a sepa rate cash letter and a total for each dass1 Immediate 8:00 a.m. 'ember banks, other ideral Reserve Sees, and directnding member inks End-point sorted and separately packaged items with routing symbols 0223 and 2223, if presented by the Buffalo Branch through the Buffalo Clearing House Immediate 8:00 a.m. ember banks Checks on Federal Reserve Bank of New York (including Buffalo Branch); and Officers’ checks of other Federal Reserve Banks deposited in separate cash letter Immediate 3:30 p.m. i For this and succeeding notes, refer to page 5 of this Appendix. no. Cir. No. 7985] ELIGIBLE SENDERS CREDIT AVAILABILITY TYPE OF ITEM SORTS CLOSING HOUR Monday-Friday (Ex. Holidays) Member banks Checks on the United States Treasury and postal money orders deposited with a sepa rate cash letter and total for each class Immediate 3:00 p.m. Member and nonmember banks Redeemed U.S. Depart ment of Agriculture food coupons Immediate 2:30 p.m. Member banks, other Federal Reserve offices, and directsending member banks Nonmachineable items on banks in Buffalo with routing svmbols 0220, 0290, and 2220, and items on banks with the following Routing Numbers: 0223-0125 and 0223-1042; checks on the United States Treasury and postal money orders (routing symbol 0000)1 One business day 7:00 a.m. Member banks Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items pay able in other Federal Reserve Bank or Branch cities See paragraph 2(a) of this Appendix 10:00 a.m. Member banks Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items pay able at banks o u ts id e Federal Reserve Bank or Branch cities or o u ts id e areas served by an RCPC See paragraph 2(b) of this Appendix 10:00 a.m. Member banks Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items pay able at banks in areas served by an RCPC See paragraph 2(c) of this Appendix 10:00 a.m. Member banks Nonmachineable items payable at banks in areas served by other Federal Reserve offices Two business days 7:00 a.m. 2 2(a). Credit for cash items payable in the following Federal Reserve Bank Dr Branch cities2 will be given, subject to applicable closing times and to sorting and other requirements, Mondays through Fridays (not otherwise public holi days ) as shown below. ONE CALENDAR DAY AFTER RECEIPT Houston Oklahoma City Indianapolis Omaha Jacksonville Philadelphia Kansas City, Kan. Pittsburgh Kansas City, Mo. Portland, Ore. Little Rock Richmond Louisville St. Louis Memphis St. Paul, Minn. Milwaukee Salt Lake City Minneapolis San Antonio Nashville Seattle New Orleans New York City Atlanta 3altimore3 3irmingham 3oston Charlotte Chicago vincinnati Cleveland Columbia "olumbus )allas )enver4 Detroit TWO CALENDAR DAYS AFTER RECEIPT Des Moines Helena El Paso Miami 2 (b). Credit for cash items drawn on or payable at banks outside the fol►wing Fedeial Reserve Bank or Branch cities or areas served by regional check rocessing centers will be given, subject to applicable closing times and to sorting id other requirements, Mondays through Fridays (not otherwise public holiays) as shown below. TWO CALENDAR DAYS AFTER RECEIPT Baltimore Chicago ^ a^as Denver Minneapolis El Paso Helena Oklahoma City Omaha San Antonio San Francisco St. Louis TWO BUSINESS DAYS AFTER RECEIPT Kansas City New York City Richmond 3 2(c). Credit for cash items drawn on or payable at banks participating in the following Regional Check Processing Centers will be given, subject to appli cable closing times and to sorting and other requirements, Mondays through Fridays (not otherwise public holidays) as shown below. T W O C A L E N D A R D A Y S A F T E R R E C E IP T Atlanta RCPC Baltimore — Washington RCPC Birmingham RCPC Boston RCPC Charlotte RCPC Chicago RCPC Cincinnati RCPC Cleveland RCPC Columbia RCPC Columbus RCPC Denver RCPC Des Moines RCPC Downstate New York RCPC Gulf Coast RCPC Indianapolis RCPC Jacksonville RCPC Little Rock RCPC Long Island RCPC Louisville RCPC Maine RCPC Memphis RCPC Miami RCPC Michigan RCPC Milwaukee RCPC Nashville RCPC New Orleans RCPC Nortli Jersey RCPC North Texas RCPC Northwestern New England RCPC Oklahoma City RCPC Omaha RCPC Pennsylvania RCPC Pittsburgh RCPC Portland RCPC Richmond RCPC Salt Lake City RCPC San Francisco RCPC Seattle RCPC South Texas RCPC Southwestern New England RCPC St. Louis RCPC Upper Midwest RCPC T W O B U S IN E S S D A Y S A F T E R R E C E IP T Los Angeles RCPC Philadelphia RCPC Sorting requirem ents 3. Except as provided in paragraphs 5, 7, 8 , 9, and 14 of Operatir Circular No. 5, the general sorting requirements set forth below will appl I m m e d k ite - c r e d it ite m s 4. All immediate-credit items (routing symbols 0220, 0290, and 2220) m; be deposited in a single sort, including checks on the United States Treasu and postal money orders (routing symbol 0 0 0 0 ). D e fe r r e d -c r e d it ite m s 5. All deferred-credit items (all routing symbols other than those indicati in paragraph 4 above), including items payable in other Federal Reser 4 Distiicts, may be deposited in a single sort. However, we may require, where volume warrants, that such items payable in other Federal Reserve Districts, the territory served by the Head Office, and the area served by any other office of this Bank be sent direct. Effect of this appendix upon previous appendix 6. This appendix supersedes Appendix No. 2, Revised effective July 1, 1974, to Operating Circular No. 5, and the First Supplement thereto. P a u l A. V olcker , President. Notes to this Appendix U.S. Treasury checks and postal m on ey orders m ay b e d ep o sited only ry S econ d D istrict m em b er banks. F or p u rp oses of this circular, th e term “F ed eral R eserve Bank or B ranch ities in clu d es Kansas C ity, Kan.; St. Paul, M inn.; C olum bus, Ohio; Indianapolis, nd.; and D es M oines, Iow a. Item s draw n on banks p articip atin g in th e B altim ore-W ashington Relonal C h eck P rocessing C en ter b earin g routing sym bols 0540, 0550, and 0560 /ill, h ow ever, receiv e cred it tw o calendar days after receipt. Item s draw n on banks in C h eyen n e and L aram ie, W y o m in g , and D en ver, Jolorado (lis t fu rn ish ed on re q u e st) th at p articip ate in th e D en v er R egion al 'heck P rocessing C enter b earin g rou tin g sym b ol 1070 w ill, h ow ever, receiv e redit tw o calen d ar days after receipt. 5 FEDERAL OF RESERVE N EW BANK YORK A ppendix No. 2-A to O perating C ircular No. 5 R ev ised effec tiv e N o v em b er 9 , 1 9 7 6 W E S T E R N N E W YORK R E G IO N A L C H E C K P R O C E S S IN G C E N T E R (W N Y R C P C ) T IM E S C H E D U L E To All Western New York Regional Check Processing Center Participating Banks, and Others Concerned: C redit for cash item s sen t to our W estern N e w York R eg io n a l C heck P rocess in g C en ter at th e B uffalo B ranch w ill b e given , su b ject to a p p lica b le clo sin g tim es an d to sorting and other requirem ents, as sh o w n in th e sch ed u le b elo w . C red it for other d ep osits w ill b e given in accord an ce w ith A p p en d ix N o. 2 to O p eratin g C ircular N o. 5. ELIGIBLE SENDERS TYPE OF ITEM SORTS CREDIT AVAILABILITY CLOSING HOUR Monday-Friday (Ex. Holidays) Participating banks, other Federal Reserve offices, and direct-sending member banks Fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable items on banks with routing symbols 0220,0223, 0290, 2220, and 2223; checks on the United States Treasury and postal money orders (rout ing symbol 0000), if deposited in a single cash letter. 1 If the volume of checks on the United States Treasury and postal money orders is significant, a separate cash letter for each type is required Immediate 12:01 a.m. at RCPC2 Participating banks Checks on Federal Reserve Bank of New York (including Buffalo Branch) Immediate 12:01 a.m. at RCPC2 1 For this and s u c ceed in g n o tes, refer to p a g e 2 o f this A pp en d ix. [Enc. Cir. No. 7985] (over) ELIGIBLE SENDERS TYPE OF ITEM SORTS CREDIT AVAILABILITY CLOSING HOUR Monday-Friday (Ex. Holidays) Participating banks, other Federal Reserve offices, and direct-sending member banks3 End-point sorted and separately packaged items on participating banks o u ts id e the City of Buffalo (routing symbols 0223, 0290, and 2223) Immediate 4:00 a.m. at RCPC Participating banks, other Federal Reserve offices, and direct-sending member banks Nonmachineable items with routing symbols 0220, 0223, 0290, 2220, and 2223 One business day 7:00 a.m. Participating mem ber banks with a daily average volume not exceeding 2,000 amount-encoded items All items fully MICR qualified and MICR computeracceptable deposited in a single cash letter (including items payable in other Federal Reserve territories) Credit computerdetermined in accordance with time schedule applicable to the individual items therein. Credit for reject items deferred one additional business day 12:01 a.m. at RCPC2 Effect of this appendix upon previous appendix This Appendix supersedes Appendix No. 2-A, Revised effective January 1, 1975 to Operating Circular No. 5. P a u l A . V olcker, P resid en t. Notes to this Appendix 1 U.S. Treasury checks and postal money orders may be deposited only by Second District members banks. 2 Participating banks may also deposit items at pickup stations in James town and Rochester subject to the 12:01 a.m. closing hour. All senders are required to have prior authorization before making such deposits. 3 F ederal Reserve Bank of N ew York Third Supplement to Operating Circular No. 5 (Revised effective July 1, 1974) E ffectiv e N o v em b er 9 , 1 9 7 6 TIME SCHEDULES AVAILABILITY OF CREDIT FOR CASH ITEMS To a ll M e m b e r B a n k s in th e and Others Concerned: S e c o n d F e d e r a l R e s e r v e D is tr ic t, Operating Circular No. 5, revised effective July 1, 1974, is amended as follows: 1. Paragraph 1(b) is amended to read as follows: (b) Appendix No. 1 to this circular sets forth our Head Office time schedule; Appendix No. 1-A, our Jericho Office — Long Island Regional Check Processing Center time schedule; Appendix No. 1-B, our Jericho Office — Downstate New York Regional Check Processing Center time schedule; Appendix 1-C, our Utica Office — Northeastern New York Regional Check Processing Center time schedule; Appendix No. 1-D, our Cranford Office — North Jersey Regional Check Processing Center time schedule; Appendix No. 2. our Buffalo Branch time schedule; and Appendix No. 2-A, our Buffalo Branch — Western New York Regional Check Processing Center time schedule. 2. Paragraph 3 is amended to read as follows: 3. Senders located in the territory assigned to our Buffalo Branch (i.e., the aforementioned counties in New York State) should send cash items to our Buffalo Branch or to its Western New York Regional Check Processing Center, except that senders may, with our prior agreement, send cash items payable in the New York Head Office territory to our Head Office in New York City, our Cranford Office — North Jersey Regional Check Processing Center, our Jericho Office — to either our Downstate New York Regional Check Processing Center, or our Long Island Regional Check Processing Center, or our Utica Office — Northeastern New York Regional Check Processing Center, and send cash items payable in other Federal Reserve Districts to an office of another Federal Reserve Bank. 3. Paragraph 12 is amended to read as follows: 12. (a) No Saturday, Sunday, or other holiday for any office of this Bank w ill constitute a business day in determining when we will give credit for any cash item being collected by us or for our account. (1)) Except as provided in paragraph 13, when the day on which credit would otherwise be given pursuant to our time schedules is a Saturday, a Sunday, or any other holiday for any office of this Bank, credit will be given on our following business day. 4. Paragraph 13 is amended to read as follows: 13. Credit for cash items payable in other Federal Reserve Districts sent direct to offices of other Federal Reserve Banks, including all inter-district consolidated shipments, will be given on the basis of the holiday schedule of such other office. We will grant “as of” adjustments for reserve accounting purposes when this Bank is closed on a day which is a business day for such other office. P a u l A. V o l c k e r , President. [Enc. Cir. No. 79851 FEDERAL OF RESERVE N EW BANK YORK Fourth Supplement to Operating Circular No. 4 (Revised effective July 1, 1974) N o v em b er 9 , 1 9 7 6 COLLECTION OF CASH ITEMS T o a ll M e m b e r B a n k s in t h e S e c o n d F e d e r a l R e s e r v e D is tr ic t, a n d O th e r s C o n c e r n e d : Operating Circular No. 4, Revised effective July 1, 1974, is amended as follows: 1. Effective November 9, 1976, paragraph 40A is added after para graph 40, to read as follows: 40A. The attention of senders is called to the provisions of our Operat ing Circular No. 6, entitled “Instructions to Collecting Banks and Paying Banks” to the effect that: “Cash items returned by collecting banks and paying banks should not bear on the back the endorsement, paid or other identifying stamp of the paying bank unless that stamp has been cancelled. This Bank or another Reserve Bank which has handled an item shall not assume any responsibility to the sender, to any other owner or holder of the item, or to any other person, for any delay resulting from action taken by a Reserve Bank in returning an item on the basis of the uncancelled endorsement, paid or other identifying stamp of the paying bank on the back of the item.” 2. Effective November 18, 1976, paragraph 2 is amended to read as follows: 2. Unless otherwise stated, all references to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, or “this Bank,” will include the Head Office, its Buffalo Branch, and its Cranford, Jericho, and Utica Offices. P a u l A. V olcker, President. [E nc. Cir. No. 7985] FEDERAL OF RESERVE NEW BANK YORK Fourth Supplement to Operating Circular No. 6 (R evised effective Septem ber 21, 19 7 2 ) N o v em b er 9 , 1 9 7 6 INSTRUCTIONS TO COLLECTING BANKS AND PAYING BANKS To all Member Banks in the Second Federal Reserve District, and Others Concerned: Operating Circular No. 6, Revised effective September 21, 1972, is amended as follows: ? L Effective November 9 1976, paragraph 22A is added after para graph 22, to read as follows: 22A. Cash Items returned by collecting banks and paying banks should not bear on the back the endorsement, paid or other identifying stamp of the paying bank unless that stamp has been cancelled. This Bank or another Reserve Bank which has handled an item shall not assume any responsibility to the sender, to any other owner or holder of the item, or to any other person, for any delay resulting from action taken by a Reserve Bank in returning an item on the basis of the uncancelled endorsement paid or other identifying stamp of the paying bank on the back of the item! 2. Effective November 18, 1976, paragraph 3 is amended to read follows: as ( v3- \ T",VSS otherwise stated, all references to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, or this Bank will include the Head Office, its Buffalo Branch, and its Cranford, Jericho, and Utica Offices. Paul A. V olcker , President. [Enc. Cir. No. 7985]