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Circular No. 7 9 8 3 1
November 5, 1976 J

T o A l l M e m b e r B a n k s , a n d O th e r s C o n c e r n e d ,
in th e S e c o n d F e d e r a l R e s e r v e D i s t r i c t :

Follow ing is the text of a statement issued October 27, 1976 by the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System, regarding the initial meetings of its new Consumer Advisory Council:
T he Board of G overnors of the F ederal R eserve S ystem announced today that the initial m eetings of its
new Consum er A d visory Council w ill take place N ovem ber 10 and 11 at the Board. T he m eetings w ill be open
to the public.
A t its first m eetings the Council w ill acquaint itself w ith the B oard’s responsibilities and functions
in the area of consum er credit and w ill be asked to advise the Board on current developm ents in that field.
T hese include the revision of R egulation B to im plem ent the am ended Equal Credit O pportunity A ct.
T h e Board announced Septem ber 20 that R epresentative L eonor K. Sullivan of M issouri, a long-tim e
sponsor of consum er protection legislation w ho is retiring from the C ongress in January, w ill head the Council. A t
the same tim e, 'he Board announced the nam es of 25 other m embers of the Council, including D r. W illiam
L). W arren, Dean of the U C L A School of L aw , w ho w ill he V ice Chairman and will preside until M rs.
Sullivan leaves the C ongress in January.
1 he Council w as established, at the B oard’s suggestion, under the am endm ents to the Equal Credit O pportunity Act passed earlier this year. It w ill advise and consult with the Board on the Board’s responsibilities
under the Consum er Credit Protection A ct, w hich includes T ruth in L ending, Fair Credit B illin g, Equal
(. redu O pportunity, Fair Credit R eporting and C onsum er Leasing. In addition, the Board m ay place before
the Council any other consum er-related m atters, including matters related to its responsibilities under the
Borne M ortgage D isclosure .vet and the F ederal Trade C om m ission Im provem ent A c t’s provisions concern­
ing unfair and deceptive practices in hanking.

Printed below is the text of the Board’s formal notice concerning the first meetings of the
Consumer Advisory Council. In addition, printed on the reverse side hereof is a list of the current
members of the Council.
P a u l A. V o l c k e r ,

Notice of Meeting of the Consumer Advisory Council
N otice is hereby given that the Board of G overnors
will convene the first m eetings of its Consum er A d visory
Council on N ovem ber 10 and 11. 1976. T hese m eetings
will he open to public observation.
The C ouncil’s function is to advise the Board on the
exercise of the B oard’s responsibilities with regard to
consum er credit legislation and regulation. T he purpose
of the C ouncil’s first m eetings w ill be to acquaint itself
w ith the B oard’s functions in the area of consum er credit
and to advise the Board on certain of the current issues
related to those functions. A ccordingly, discussions w ill
he held on the Board’s functions and responsibilities
under the Truth in L ending, Fair Credit R eporting and
Equal Credit O pportunity titles of the Consum er Credit
Protection A ct, as well as its responsibilities under
the H om e M ortgage D isclosure and Federal Trade Com ­
m ission Im provem ents A cts.

The Council will m eet w ith available m em bers of the
Board at the B oard’s M artin B uilding at 20th and C
Streets, N .W ., W ashington, D .C ., on N ovem ber 10
from 2 :1 5 p.m. until approxim ately 5:15 p.m. and on
N ovem ber 11 from 9 :0 0 a.m. until approxim ately 1 :00
Inform ation w ith regard to this m eeting m ay be ob­
tained from Mr. Joseph R. C oyne, A ssistan t to the
Board, at (2 0 2 ) 452-3204.
T h e Consum er A d visory Council w as authorized by
C ongress in § 7 0 3 (b ) of Public L aw 94-239 earlier this
year. T he Board announced the m em bership of the C oun­
cil on Septem ber 20. 197(>. N am es of C ouncil m em bers
and biographical inform ation m ay he obtained by calling
M r. Coyne.
By O rder of the Board of G overnors, O ctober 2 2 ,1 9 7 6 .

( over)


November 1976
Membership of Consumer Advisory Council

Leonor K. Sullivan, Chairman
U.S. House of Representatives
William D. Warren, Vice Chairman
Los Angeles, California
Barbara D. Blum
Atlanta, Georgia

Edna De Coursey Johnson
Baltimore, Maryland

Roland E. Brandel
San Francisco, California

Robert J. Klein
New York, New York

Agnes H. Bryant
Detroit, Michigan

Ralph Lazarus
Cincinnati, Ohio

John G. Bull
Pompano Beach, Florida

Percy W. Loy
Portland, Oregon

John V. Bullock
Frankfort, Kentucky

R. C. Morgan
El Paso, Texas

Linda M. Cohen
Washington, D.C.

Reece A. Overcash
Dallas, Texas

John R. Coleman
H ave r f or cl, Pennsy 1van ia

Raymond J. Saulnier
New York, New York

Robert R. Dockson
Los Angeles, California

E. G. Schuhart
Dalhart, Texas

Anne G. Draper
Washington, D.C.

James E. Sutton
Dallas, Texas

Carl Felsenfeld
New York, New York

Anne Gary Taylor
Alexandria, Virginia

Marcia A. Hakala
Omaha, Nebraska

Richard D. Wagner
Simsbury, Connecticut

Joseph F. Holt. I ll
Washington, D.C.

Richard L. Wheatley, Jr.
St i11wa t er, 0 k1a hoina