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Circular No. 7 4 9 0
October 29, 1974


Nomination of Directors

To the Member Banks of the Second Federal Reserve District:

A n election will be held under the provisions of section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act, as
amended, to choose successors, to serve for three-year terms, to the following directors of this
Bank whose terms will expire December 31, 1974: class A director, Norman B rassler, Chair­
man of the Board, New Jersey Bank (National Association), Clifton, N. J., and class B director,
W illia m S . S n e a t h , President, Union Carbide Corporation, New York, N. Y .

Both directors were elected by member banks in Group 2 and their successors will be
chosen by this group. Member banks in Groups 1 and 3 will not participate in this election.
The classification of member banks for the purposes of nomination and election of class A
and B directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is as follows:
G rou p 1 consists o f banks w ith capital and surplus o f m ore than $65,000,000;
G rou p 2, o f banks w ith capital and surplus o f $3,000,000 to $65,000,000, in c lu s iv e ; and
G rou p 3, o f banks w ith capital and surplus o f less than $3,000,000.

For the purposes of this election, a member bank’s classification will be determined by its
capital and surplus as of the date of this circular, even though its capital and surplus may
change before the polls close. The list of banks comprising Group 2 begins on page 3.
Except in the case of any member banks that are subsidiaries of the same bank holding
company,* each bank in Group 2 is permitted to nominate a candidate for class A director

* Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, reads in part as follows:
. . T hat w henever an y m em ber banks w ith in the same F ed era l Reserve district are subsidiaries
o f the same bank h old in g com p an y w ith in the m ean in g o f the B ank H o ld in g C om pany A ct o f 1956,
p a rticip a tion in an y such nom ination o r election b y such m em ber banks, in clu d in g such bank h old in g
com p a n y i f it is also a m em ber bank, shall be confined to one o f such banks, w hich m ay be designated
fo r the pu rp ose b y such h old in g com pany. ’ ’

Accordingly, banks in Group 2 affected by the foregoing provision of the law are requested to take prompt
action to have the appropriate bank holding company designate, if it has not already designated, one of such
banks to participate in this nomination and election.

and a candidate for class B director.! The nominations should be made by resolutions of
the boards of directors of the nominating banks and certified copies of such resolutions should
be sent to me so as to reach me on or before Friday, November 29, 1974. The enclosed printed
forms show the appropriate forms of resolution, and one executed copy of each form should be
returned to me.
On December 2, 1974, copies of the list of candidates (indicating by whom nominated) and
preferential ballots will be mailed to the banks in Group 2. The law provides that the ballot shall
be cast within 15 days after receipt of this list. The polls will open at 10 a.m., December 3,
1974, and w^ill close at 12 noon on Wednesday, December 18, 1974. Upon the closing of the polls,
the ballot box will be opened in the board room of this Bank, the votes counted and checked by
tellers, and results of the election announced. The candidates may, if they so desire, be present
or represented on that occasion.
In order to be counted as valid, the ballot must be executed by an officer authorized to
cast the vote and must be received by me at or before the time thus fixed for the closing of
the polls (i.e., at or before 12 noon on Wednesday, December 18, 1974). The officers heretofore
designated for this purpose by each bank in Group 2 are shown on the list beginning on page
3. Any Group 2 bank that desires to change its authorization should do so by resolution of its
board of directors; a certified copy of such resolution must reach me before the polls close. A
form for this purpose wTill be furnished upon request.

Because banks in Groups 1 and 3 tvill not participate in this election, this circular is sent
to them without forms and for their information only.

osw ell



il p a t r ic


Chairman of the Board.

f Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, reads in part as follows:
“ Class A shall consist o f three mem bers, w ho shall be chosen b y and be representative o f the
stock h olding banks. . . . N o officer or d irector o f a m em ber bank shall be eligible to serve as a class A
d irector unless nom inated and elected by banks which are m em bers o f the same grou p as the m em ber
bank o f w hich he is an officer or director.
“ A n y person who is an officer o r d ire cto r o f more than one m em ber bank shall not be eligible for
n om ination as a class A d ire cto r excep t by banks in the same g rou p as the bank having the largest
aggregate resources o f a n y o f those o f wrhich such person is an officer or d ire c to r .”
“ Class B shall consist o f three mem bers, who at the tim e o f th eir election shall be actively engaged
in th eir d istrict in com m erce, a gricu lture or some other industrial pursuit. . . . N o d irector o f class B
shall be an officer, director, or em ployee o f an y bank.
[U nder interpretations o f the Board o f Governors o f the Federal Reserve System, a person whose sole occupation is
that o f officer o f an insurance com pany or o f a savings and loan association is not eligible fo r election as a class B
director o f a Federal Reserve Bank.]

“ N o Senator or R epresentative in Congress shall be a m em ber o f the B oa rd o f G overnors o f the
F ed eral R eserve System or an officer or a d irector o f a F ederal reserve b a n k .”
[In a resolution adopted Decem ber 23, 1915, the Board o f Governors o f the Federal Reserve System expressed the
opinion ‘ ‘ that persons holding political or public office in the service o f the United States, or o f any State, Territory,
county, district, political subdivision, or m unicipality thereof, or acting as members o f political party committees,
cannot consistently with the spirit and underlying principles o f the Federal Reserve A ct, serve as directors or officers
o f Federal Reserve B an ks.” ]


1974 Election of Directors

List of 119 Member Banks in Group 2
( G rou p 2 consists o f m e m b er banks with capital and surplus o f $ 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 to
$ 6 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 , inclusive, on O cto b er 2 9 , 1 9 7 4 )

Name o f Bank or Trust Company


Officers Authorized to Cast V ote

B ridgeport

The City N ational Bank o f C o n n e c tic u t...........................


Chairman o f the Board, the V ice Chairman,
President, any V ice President, or Secretary

B ridgeport

The Connecticut National B a n k ........................................


President, any V ice President, or Cashier

B ridgeport

The State National Bank o f Connecticut .


President, any V ice President, or Cashier

President, any V ice President, or Cashier





Basking R idge

Somerset Hills & County National Bank







New Jersey Bank (N ational A ssociation)







The D over Trust C o m p a n y ...............................................

President, any V ice President, Treasurer, or
Assistant Treasurer


The N ational State Bank, Elizabeth, N . J .........................

President, any V ice President, or Cashier


United Counties Trust C o m p a n y ........................................

Chairman o f the Board, Chairman o f the
Executive Committee, President, or any
V ice President


Garden State N ational B a n k ...............................................

• Chairman o f the Board, President, any Vice
President, or Secretary


Peoples Trust o f New Jersey .








President, any V ice President, or Cashier

Chairman or V ice Chairman o f the B oard, or
any V ice President

H azlet Township

United Jersey B a n k /M id State, N ational Association .

Jersey City

Commercial Trust Company o f New Jersey .

Jersey City

The First Jersey National B a n k ........................................


President, any V ice President, Cashier, or

Jersey City

The Trust Company o f New Jersey .


President, any V ice President, or Treasurer









President, any V ice President, or Treasurer

Madison Township Am boy-M adison National B a n k .............................................
The M aplewood Bank and Trust Company . . . .


President, any V ice President, or Cashier


President, any V ice President, Cashier,
Treasurer, or Secretary

M onroe Township F irst Charter National B a n k .................................


President, any V ice President, or Cashier

M ontclair

Am erican National Bank & Trust o f New Jersey .

M orristown

H eritage Bank, National Association — Iron


F irst Merchants N ational Bank .





Chairman o f the Board, President, Executive
Vice President, any V ice President,
or Secretary


President, any V ice President, or Cashier



President, any V ice President, or Cashier

F idelity Union Trust C o m p a n y ........................................


President, or any V ice President

F irst National State Bank o f New Jersey .

. Chairman o f the Board, President, any V ice
President, or Cashier





M idlantic National B a n k ......................................................

New Brunswick

The N ational Bank o f New J e r s e y ..................................


M idlantic National B an k/S u ssex & Merchants .
Bank o f Passaic and Clifton, National Association .

Piscataw ay

The Peoples National Bank o f Central Jersey .


United N ational B a n k ............................................................
The Hunterdon County N ational Bank o f Flem ington .

Raritan Township
Red Bank

Colonial First National B a n k ...............................................


Citizens First National Bank o f New Jersey . . . .
National Community Bank o f Rutherford . . . .




President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier


President, any V ice President, or Treasurer
President, any V ice President, or Cashier


President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier


President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Chairman o f the Board, Chairman o f the
Executive Committee, President, any Vice
President, or Cashier

NEW JERSEY (Continued)

Name o f Bank or Trust Company

Officers Authorized to Cast V ote


F irst N ational Bank o f Central Jersey .





South Plainfield

The Edison Bank, N ational Association .





Spring Lake

First N ational State Bank o f the Jersey Coast .

Totow a
W ayne
W oodbridge

F irst N ational State Bank o f Northwest Jersey .
County Trust Company o f N orth Jersey, N .A . .
M idlantic National Bank /C itiz e n s .................................
First N ational Bank o f New J e r s e y ...........................
The Union Center National B a n k ..................................
The Prospect Park N ational B a n k ...........................
M id-Jersey N ational B a n k ...............................................


President, any V ice President, any Assistant
V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
Chairman o f the Board, President, any Vice
President, Cashier, or any Assistant Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier
President, any V ice President, or Cashier


Bay Shore
East Setauket
Garden City
Glen Cove
Glens Falls
Glens Falls
New York City

The Bank of New York, A lb a n y ...........................................President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Bankers Trust Company of Albany, National Association President, or any Vice President
National Commercial Bank and Trust Company . . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier
State Bank of A lb a n y .............................................................President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Union National B a n k .............................................................President, any Vice President, or Cashier
The Citizens Central B a n k .......................................................President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Manufacturers Hanover Trust Cpmpany/Suffolk, National
A ssociation...............................................................................President, any Vice President, or Cashier
First-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. . . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Liberty National Bank and Trust C om pany........................ President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company . . . .
President, any Vice President, or Secretary
Niagara Frontier Bank of New Y o r k .....................................President, any Vice President, or Treasurer
Central National Bank, C a n ajo h arie.................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier
The St. Lawrence National B a n k ...........................................President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Peninsula National B a n k .............................. ...........................Chairman of the Board, President, any Vice
President, or Cashier
Marine Midland Tinker National B a n k .............................. President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Chemung Canal Trust Company . .
........................ President, any Vice President, Cashier,
Secretary, or Treasurer
Marine Midland Bank — S o u t h e r n .....................................Chairman of the Board, President, or any Vice
Endicott Trust Company .......................................................President, any Vice President, or Treasurer
Long Island Trust Company . . .....................................President, or any Vice President
Nassau Trust Com pany.............................. ..............................President, any Vice President, Cashier, or
The First National Bank of Glens F a l l s .............................. President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company . . . .
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
City National Bank and Trust Company of Gloversville . President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Hempstead B a n k ....................................................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Long Island National B a n k ................................................ President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Tompkins County Trust C om pany...........................................President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Bankers Trust Company of Western New York . . . .
President, any Vice President, or Cashier
The F irst National Bank of Jam esto w n .............................. President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Marine Midland Bank — Chautauqua, National Association President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Kingston Trust C om p an y ......................................................... President, any Vice President, or Treasurer
The Sullivan County National Bank of Liberty . . . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Empire National B a n k .............................................................Chairman of the Board, President, any Vice
President, or Cashier
Nanuet National B a n k .............................................................President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Highland National Bank of N ew b u rg h .............................. President, any Vice President, or Cashier
( See page 5)

The National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich .

. Chairman of
Wilber National B a n k .............................................................President, any
Bankers Trust of Suffolk, National Association . . . .
Chairman of


the Board, President, any Vice
or Cashier
Vice President, or Cashier
the Board, President, any Vice
or Cashier

NEW TO EK ( Continued)

Name of Bank or Trust Company


Spring V alley
Stony Brook

T roy
U tica
Valley Stream
W atertown
W atertown
W ellsville
W hite Plains
W hite Plains

Officers Authorized to Cast Vote

Island State B a n k ...................................................................President
Bankers Trust Hudson Valley, National Association . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Dutchess Bank & Trust C om pany.......................................... President, any Vice President, or Secretary
Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N. A. . President, any Vice President, or Cashier
The Suffolk County National Bank of Riverhead .
Bankers Trust Company of Rochester.................................... President, or any Vice President
Central Trust Company Rochester N. Y..................................President, any Vice President, or Secretary
Lincoln First Bank of R ochester...........................................Chairman of the Board, President, Senior
Executive Vice President, any Executive
Vice President, or any Senior Vice President
Security Trust Company of Rochester . . . . . .
President, any Vice President, or Secretary
The Oystermen’s Bank and Trust Com pany........................ Chairman of the Board, President, any Vice
President, or Secretary
Scarsdale National Bank and Trust Company . . . .
The Mohawk National Bank of Schenectady........................ President, any Vice President, or Cashier
The Schenectady Trust C om pany.............................. ......
Chairman of the Board, President, any Vice
President, or Treasurer
Bank of S m ithtow n...................................................................President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Bankers Trust of Rockland C o u n ty .................................... President, Executive Vice President, any Vice
President, or Secretary
Bank of Suffolk C o u n ty .......................................................President, any Vice President, or Cashier
F irst Trust & Deposit C om pany.......................................... President, any Vice President, or Secretary
Lincoln F irst Bank — Central, National Association . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Marine Midland Bank — C e n tra l...........................................Chairman of the Board, President, Executive
Vice President, any Vice President, or
The Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of
............................................................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Marine Midland Bank — Eastern, National Association . President, any Vice President, or Cashier
The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central
New Y o r k ...............................................................................President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Valley Bank of New Y o rk .......................................................President, any Vice President, or Secretary
Marine Midland Bank — N o r t h e r n .................................... Chairman of the Board, President, any Vice
President, or Secretary
The National Bank of Northern New Y o r k ........................ President, any Vice President, or Cashier
The Citizens National Bank and Trust Company . . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier
The County Trust C om pany.................................................President, or any Vice President
National Bank of W e stc h e ste r.......................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier

B rooklyn
M anhattan

R ic h m o n d

Republic National Bank of New Y o r k .............................. Chairman of the Board, President, any Vice
President, or Cashier
The Amalgamated Bank of New Y o r k .............................. President, any Vice President, or Cashier
American Bank & Trust C o m p an y .................................... President, or any Vice President
Barclays Bank of New Y o r k .................................................President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Century National Bank and Trust Com pany........................ President, any Vice President, or Cashier
Chelsea National B a n k .....................................................................................................................................................
The Merchants Bank of New Y o r k .................................... President, any Vice President, Cashier, or
Assistant Cashier
.................................... President, any Vice President, or Secretary
Schroder Trust Company . . .
Sterling National Bank & Trust Company of New York President, any Vice President, or Cashier
United States Trust Company of New Y o rk ........................ President, or any Vice President
Community National Bank and Trust Company of New
Y o r k .....................................................................................President, any Vice President, or Cashier

St. T hom as

Charlotte Am alie

V irgin Islands N ational B a n k ......................................................President