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F iscal A gen t o f the U nited States
r Circular N o. 7 4 1 9 "I

July 12, 1974


Auction of $ 1.5 Billion of Federal Financing Bank Bills
T o A ll Banking Institutions, and O thers C oncerned,
in th e Second Federal R eserve D istrict:

The following statements were made public yesterday by the Federal Financing Bank:
T h e F ed era l F in an cin g Bank to d a y an nou n ced its first b o rro w in g from the p u b lic.
T he F ed eral F in an cin g Bank is an instrum entality o f the U n ited States G overn m en t and its obliga tion s are
general ob ligation s o f the U n ited States, iden tical in this respect to Treasury obligations.
W ith th e ap p roval o f the Secretary o f the Treasury, the Bank is inviting b ids fo r $1.5 b illion o f d iscou n t bills
to m ature M arch 31, 1975. T h e bills, w h ich w ill have the characteristics o f T reasury bills a n d w ill b e sold in the
sam e w ay, w ill b e au ction ed on July 23 fo r delivery on July 30. C om m ercial banks m a y m ake paym ents fo r their
ow n an d their custom ers’ a cce p te d tenders b y cred itin g T reasury T ax and L o a n A ccou n ts.
Jack F. Bennett, President o f the Bank and U n d er Secretary o f the Treasury fo r M on eta ry Affairs, n oted that
the m aturity date o f the Bank’s bills correspon ds w ith a m aturity date in T reasury’s 2-year cy cle .

C on seq u en tly,

at m aturity, these securities co u ld b e refu n d ed b y an issue o f 2-year notes at that tim e either th rou gh Treasury
or the F ederal F in an cin g Bank.
T h e Bank was created b y the A ct o f D e ce m b e r 29, 1973, to con solida te the m arket financing o f oth er F ed eral
agencies. It m ad e its first loan on M ay 24, 1974, and b y July 30 it w ill have $1.4 b illio n o f loans outstanding, all
o f w h ich w ill have b een financed b y b o rro w in g fro m the Treasury.

T h e p roceed s o f the p u b lic b o rro w in g

an n ou n ced tod ay w ill b e used to p a y o ff the b o rro w in g from the Treasury.

T h e F ed eral F in an cin g Bank, w ith the ap p roval o f

T enders w ill not b e re ce iv e d at the F ed era l F in a n cin g

the Secretary o f the Treasury, b y this p u b lic n otice

Bank in W ash in gton , D . C .

invites tenders fo r $1,500,000,000, or thereabouts, o f

fo r a m inim um o f $10,000. T enders over $10,000 m ust

244-day F ederal F in a n cin g Bank bills to b e dated

b e in m ultiples o f $5,000. In the case o f com p etitiv e

July 30, 1974, and to m ature M arch 31, 1975 (C U S IP

tenders, the p rice offered m ust b e expressed on the

N o. 313322 A A 7 ).

E a ch ten d er m ust b e

basis o f 100, w ith n ot m ore than three decim als, e.g.,
99.925. Fractions m ay n ot b e used.

T h e bills w ill b e issued on a d iscou n t basis under
com p etitive and n on com p etitiv e b id d in g as herein-

B anking institutions and dealers w h o m ake prim ary

after p rov id ed , and at m aturity their fa ce am ount

markets in G overn m en t securities and rep ort d aily to

w ill b e p ay able w ith ou t interest. T h e y w ill b e issued

the F ederal R eserve Bank o f N e w York their positions

in bearer and book -en try form s only, and in d en om i-

w ith respect to G overn m en t securities and b orrow in g s

nations o f $10,000, $15,000, $50,000, $100,000, $500,000
and $1,000,000 (m atu rity v a lu e ).
T enders w ill b e re ce iv e d at F ederal R eserve Banks

th ereon m ay subm it tenders fo r a cco u n t o f custom ers,
p ro v id e d the nam es o f th e custom ers are set forth in
such tenders. Others w ill n ot b e perm itted to subm it tenders ex cep t fo r their o w n accou nt. T enders

and B ranches u p to the closin g hour, one-thirty p.m .,

w ill b e re ce iv e d w ith ou t d ep osit from in corp orated

Eastern D ay ligh t Saving tim e, T uesday, July 23, 1974.

banks and trust com p an ies and from respon sible and

re co g n iz e d dealers in investm ent securities. T enders
from others m u st b e a cco m p a n ie d b y paym en t o f 2

m a ls) o f a cce p te d com p etitiv e b ids.

Settlem ent for

p ercen t o f the fa ce am ount o f bills a p p lied for, unless

b e m ad e or co m p le te d at the F ed eral R eserve Bank

a cce p te d tenders in a cco rd a n ce w ith the bid s m ust

the tenders are a ccom p a n ied b y an express guaranty

on July 30, 1974, in cash or other im m ediately avail­

o f paym en t b y an in corp ora ted ban k or trust com p a n y.

a b le funds. A n y qu alified depositary w ill b e p erm itted
to m ake settlem ent b y cred it in its Treasury T ax and

A ll bid d ers are req u ired to agree n ot to purchase

L oa n A cco u n t fo r bills allotted to it fo r itself and its

or to sell, or to m ake any agreem ents w ith resp ect to

custom ers.

the pu rchase or sale or other d isposition o f any bills
U n d er Sections 4 5 4 ( b ) and 1 2 2 1 (5 ) o f the Internal

b id fo r u nder this offerin g at a sp ecific rate or price,
until after one-thirty p.m ., E astern D a y lig h t Saving

R even u e C o d e o f 1954, the am ount o f discou n t at
w h ich bills issued h ereun der are sold is con sid ered

tim e, T uesday, July 23, 1974.

to accru e w h en the bills are sold, re d eem ed or oth er­
Im m ed iately after th e closin g hour, tenders w ill b e

w ise d isp osed o f, and the bills

are e x clu d ed from

o p e n e d at the F ederal R eserve Banks and Branches,

con sideration

fo llo w in g w h ich p u b lic a n nou n cem en t w ill b e m ad e

ow n er o f bills (o th e r than life insurance com p a n ies)




A ccord in g ly ,


b y the F ed era l F in an cin g Bank o f the a m ou n t and

issued h ereun der m ust in clu d e in his in com e tax return,

p rice range o f a cce p te d bids.

O n ly those subm itting

as ordin ary gain or loss, the differen ce b etw een the

com p etitiv e tenders w ill b e advised o f the a ccep ta n ce

p rice p a id fo r the bills, w h eth er on original issue or

or rejection th ereof.

T h e F ed era l F in a n cin g Bank

on su bsequ ent purchase, and the am ount actually

expressly reserves the right to a cce p t or reject any or

re ce iv e d either u p on sale or red em p tion at maturity

all tenders, in w h o le or in part, and its action in any

d uring the taxable year fo r w h ich the return is m ade.

su ch resp ect shall b e final.

S u b ject to these reserva­
This offerin g is m ade pursuant to F ederal F inancing

tions, n on com p etitiv e tenders fo r $300,000 or less
w ith ou t stated p rice from any o n e b id d e r w ill b e

Bank C ircu lar N o. 1-74. C op ies o f the circular m ay be
ob ta in ed from any F ed eral R eserve Bank or Branch.

a cce p te d in fu ll at the average p rice (in three d e c i­

The terms of this offering are set forth above and in Federal Financing Bank Circular No. 1-74, a
copy of which is printed on the following pages. This Bank will receive tenders up to 1:30 p.m., Eastern
Daylight Saving time, Tuesday, July 23, 1974, at the Securities Department of its Head Office and at
its Buffalo Branch. Please use the enclosed tender forms to submit tenders, and return them in the
enclosed envelope marked “Tender for Federal Financing Bank Securities.” Tenders not requiring a
deposit may be submitted by telegraph, subject to written confirmation; no tenders may be submitted
by telephone. Settlement for accepted tenders must be made on or before July 30, 1974, in cash or other
immediately available funds, except that any qualified depositary may make settlement by credit in its
Treasury Tax and Loan Account for bills allotted to it for itself and its customers.
Also printed on the following pages are brief descriptions of the Federal Financing Bank and the
characteristics of its bills, and a formal opinion of the Attorney General of the United States concluding
that “the obligations of the Bank will be general obligations of the United States backed by its full
faith and credit.”

A lfred H






W ashington, July 10,1974.
Circular No. 1-74

T h e F ederal F in an cin g Bank A ct o f 1973 created a b o d y corp ora te to b e k n ow n as the F ed eral F in an cin g
Bank. T h e Bank, w h ich is su bject to the general supervision an d d irection o f the Secretary o f the Treasury, is an
instrum entality o f the U nited States. It is authorized, w ith the ap p roval o f the Secretary o f the Treasury, to issue
p u b licly obligation s having such maturities and bearin g such rate or rates o f interest as m ay b e determ in ed b y
the Bank.
A n ew C hapter V III, entitled “ F ederal F inancing Bank” , con tain ing a n ew Part 810 entitled “ F ed eral F in an c­
ing Bank Bills” , is a d d ed to T itle 12 o f the C o d e o f F ed eral R egulations. T h e n ew Part sets forth the regulations
con tain ed in F ederal F in an cin g Bank C ircu lar N o. 1-74. As these regulations relate to the fiscal p o licy o f the
U nited States n otice and p u b lic proced u res thereon are unnecessary.
In con sideration o f the fo re g o in g , T itle 12 o f the C o d e o f F ederal R egulations is am en d ed b y the ad dition
o f a n ew C h apter V III, as set forth b e lo w , effective July 10, 1974.

Federal Financing Bank
Title 12 — Banks and Banking
tions having such m aturities and b ea rin g such rate or


rates o f interest as m ay b e d eterm in ed b y the Bank.


A u thority fo r issue and sale.


D escrip tion o f F ederal F in an cin g Bank bills.


P u blic n otice o f offering.

Pursuant to this authority, F ed eral F in an cin g Bank


bills, referred to herein as “ F F B bills” , are offered for
sale from tim e to tim e and tenders in vited therefor,
through the F ederal R eserve Banks.

Paym ent at maturity.

T h e F F B bills


A ccep ta n ce o f F F B bills fo r various purposes.



so offered, the tenders m ade, and all su bsequ ent trans­
actions therein are su bject to the terms and con ditions
o f the p u b lic n otice offerin g the bills fo r sale, this


E xem ption.

circular, and to the extent n ot inconsistent w ith such


F ederal R eserve Banks as fiscal agents.


Reservations as to terms o f circular.

n otice and circular, to D epartm en t o f the Treasury
C ircular N o. 418, current revision, the regulations
g overn in g U nited States Treasury bills, and all other
regulations govern in g U nited States securities.

A uthority: T h e provisions o f this Part 810 are
issued u nder Secs. 9-11, 87 Stat. 939, 940; 12 U.S.C.
2288, 2289, 2290.
Sec. 810.0

Authority for issue and sale.

Sec. 810.1

Description of Federal Financing Bank

(a )

The F ed ­


F ederal F in an cin g Bank bills are

eral F in an cin g Bank is authorized u nder th e F ederal

bearer ob ligation s o f the F ed era l F in an cin g Bank,

F in an cin g Bank A ct o f 1973, to issue p u b licly , w ith

the terms o f w h ich p rov id e fo r p aym en t o f a sp eci­

the ap p roval o f the Secretary o f th e Treasury, o b lig a -

fied am ount on a specified date.


T h e y are issued

on ly b y F ed eral R eserve Banks and Branches, p u r­

fiduciary, trust, and p u b lic funds, the investm ent or

suant to tenders a cce p te d b y the F ederal F inancing

d ep osit o f w h ich shall b e u nder the authority or

Bank, and are available in b o th definitive and b o o k entry form . W h ere issued as a definitive security,

con trol o f the U nited States, the D istrict o f C olu m bia,
the C om m on w ea lth o f Puerto R ico or any territory

it shall n ot b e valid unless the issue date, the m aturity

or possession o f the U nited States. T h ey are eligible
fo r purchase b y national banks, and w ill b e a ccep ted
at m aturity value to secure p u b lic m oneys.

date and the C U S IP num ber are im prin ted thereon.
(b )
Denominations. F ederal F in an cin g Bank
bills w ill b e issued in denom inations o f $10,000,

Sec. 810.5

$15,000, $50,000, $100,000, $500,000 and $1,000,000
( maturity v a lu e ).


A ll F F B bills shall b e su b­

je ct to F ed era l taxation to the sam e extent as o b lig a ­
tions o f private corporations are taxed.

Sec. 810.2 Public notice of offering. O n the o c c a ­
sion o f an offerin g o f F F B bills, tenders th erefor w ill
b e in vited throu gh p u b lic notices issued b y the F ederal

Sec. 810.6


O bligation s o f the F ederal

F in an cin g Bank are d eem ed to b e ex em p ted securities
w ithin the m eaning o f § 3 ( a ) ( 2 ) o f the Securities A ct
o f 1933 (1 5 U .S.C. 7 7 c ( a ) ( 2 ) ) , o f § 3 ( a ) ( 1 2 ) o f the

F in an cin g Bank. E a ch n otice w ill set forth the am ount
offered, the issue date, the date they w ill b e du e and

Securities E xchan ge A ct o f 1934 (1 5 U .S.C. 7 8 ( a )

p ayable, the p la ce and the date o f the closin g hour
fo r the receip t o f tenders, and the date on w hich

( 1 2 ) ) , and o f § 3 0 4 (a ) ( 4 ) o f the Trust In den tu re A ct
o f 1939 (1 5 U .S.C. 7 7 d d d (a ) ( 4 ) ) .

p aym en t fo r a ccep ted tenders must b e m ad e or c o m ­
p leted.

Sec. 810.7
Sec. 810.3

Payment at maturity.

E ach F F B bill

w ill b e p a id in its fa ce am ount at m aturity u pon
presentation and surrender to any F ederal R eserve
Bank or Branch or to the D ep artm en t o f the Treasury,
Bureau o f the P u b lic D e b t, Securities Transaction
Branch, W ash in gton , D . C. 20226. I f a F F B b ill is

b e necessary to carry ou t the provisions o f this and
other circulars o f the D ep artm en t o f the T reasury as
m ay b e a p p lica b le to F F B bills, and o f any p u b lic

presented and surrendered fo r red em p tion after it has

n otice or notices issued in con n ection w ith any offerin g
o f these securities.

b e co m e overd u e, the F ed eral F in an cin g Bank m ay
require satisfactory p r o o f o f ow nership, as p ro v id e d
in § 306.25 o f D epartm en t o f the T reasury C ircular
N o. 300, current revision.

Sec. 810.8 Reservations as to terms o f circular.
T h e F ederal F in an cin g Bank reserves the right to

A cceptan ce o f FFB bills for various

am end, supplem ent, revise or w ith d ra w all or any o f

F ederal F in an cin g Bank bills are law fu l

the provisions o f this circular at any tim e or from tim e
to time.

Sec. 810.4


Federal R eserve Banks as fiscal agents .

T h e F ed eral R eserve Banks, as fiscal agents o f the
U nited States, have b een au th orized b y the D ep a rt­
m ent o f the Treasury to p erform all such acts as m ay

investm ents and m ay b e a cce p te d as security fo r all

T h e F ederal F in an cin g Bank was created b y the F ederal F in an cin g Bank A ct o f 1973, a p p rov ed D e ce m b e r
29, 1973, (P .L . 93-224, 87 Stat. 9 3 7 ) as an instrum entality o f the U nited States su b ject to the general d irection and
supervision o f the Secretary o f the Treasury. T h e p u rp ose o f the Bank is to con solida te the m arket financing o f
other F ederal agencies. T h e Bank is authorized u nder the A ct to purchase any obligation s issued, sold, or guar­
anteed b y any F ederal agen cy, and to finance such purchases b y issuing its o w n ob ligation s in the m arket or to
the Secretary o f the Treasury.
T h e Secretary o f the Treasury is Chairm an o f the B oard, and the U n d er Secretary o f the Treasury fo r M on e ­
tary Affairs is its President.

Secretary o f the Treasury, Chairman
D e p u ty Secretary o f the Treasury
U n der Secretary o f the Treasury fo r M on etary Affairs
G eneral C ou n sel o f the Treasury
F iscal Assistant Secretary o f the Treasury




G eneral C oun sel


U nder Secretary o f the Treasury fo r M onetary Affairs
G eneral C ounsel o f the Treasury

V ice President & Treasurer ....................

Fiscal Assistant Secretary o f the Treasury

V ice President .............................................

Special Assistant to the Secretary o f the Treasury
(D e b t M an agem en t)


Assistant to the S pecial Assistant to th e Secretary o f the
Treasury (D e b t M an agem en t)


P u b lic L a w 93-224 established the F ederal F inancing Bank u nder the general d irection and supervision o f
the Secretary o f the Treasury. T h e pu rpose o f the Bank is to con solidate the m arket financing o f other F ederal
T he Bank m ay purchase obligations issued, sold, or guaranteed b y any F ederal agen cy. T o finance such
purchases the Bank m ay issue obligations in the market or to the Secretary o f the Treasury. T he authority o f
the Bank to b o rro w from the Secretary o f the Treasury assures the im m ediate availability o f any funds requ ired
fo r tim ely paym en t b y the Bank o f principal and interest on obligations issued in the market.
O bligations issued in the market b y the Bank are obligations o f the U n ited States issued w ith the approval
o f the Secretary o f the Treasury. Federal F inancing Bank bills are:
— A vailable in bearer or b ook -en try form .
— E xem pt from State and local taxation to the same extent as Treasury securities.
— L a w fu l investm ents and m ay b e a ccep ted as security fo r all fiduciary, trust and p u b lic funds (in clu d in g
Treasury T ax and L oan A c c o u n ts ), the investm ent or dep osit o f w h ich is u nder the authority o f any
officer o f th e U nited States or o f the D istrict o f C olu m bia, the C om m on w ealth o f Puerto R ico, or any
territory or possession o f the U nited States.
— E lig ib le as collateral fo r F ederal R eserve Bank advances.
— E lig ib le fo r F ederal Reserve Bank op en market purchases.
— Payable at F ederal Reserve Banks or at the Treasury.
— E lig ib le fo r denom inational exchanges at F ederal Reserve Banks or th e Bureau o f the P u b lic D e b t o f
the Treasury.
— E lig ible fo r conversion to book -en try at Federal R eserve Banks.
— E lig ible for Federal R eserve Bank w ire transfer.
— E ligible fo r relief in the event o f loss, theft, or destruction in the same m anner as Treasury securities.
— E lig ib le fo r purchase b y national banks w ith ou t restriction.
— E lig ib le fo r investm ent b y Federal savings and loan associations, F ederal cred it unions, and small bu si­
ness investm ent com panies.



July 3, 1974

The Honorable William E. Simon
Secretary of the Treasury
Washington, D. C. 20220
My dear Mr. Secretary:
You have requested my opinion as to whether obligations to be issued by the Federal Financing Bank will
be backed by the full faith and credit of the United States.
The Bank was created by the Federal Financing Bank Act of 1973, P.L. 93-224, 87 Stat. 937 to assure
coordination of Federal and federally assisted borrowing programs. It is a government instrumentality subject
to the general supervison and direction of the Secretary of the Treasury.
Congress has specifically authorized the Bank to issue obligations to the public in amounts not in excess
of $15,000,000,000 or such additional amounts as may be authorized in appropriations acts. 87 Stat. 939. In
addition, the Bank may issue obligations to the Secretary of the Treasury and the latter may in his discretion
purchase any such obligations. Aside from the Secretary's discretionary purchases, moreover, the Bank may
require him to purchase its obligations in amounts that will not at any time cause his holdings from required
purchases to exceed $5,000,000,000.
Nowhere in the legislation is it expressly stated that the full faith and credit of the United States is pledged
to the obligations issued by the Bank. However, an extensive series of opinions of Attorneys General of the
United States has established that such language is not necessary to a pledge of full faith and credit. It is
enough to create an obligation of the United States if an agency or officer is validly authorized to incur such an
obligation on its behaH and validly exercises that power. E.g., 42 Op.A.G. No. 30; 42 Op.A.G. No. 1; 41
Op.A.G. 403; 41 Op. A.G. 363.
In sum, I am of the opinion that if issued within the monetary limits of the Act and in accordance with its
other provisions, the obligations of the Bank will be general obligations of the United States backed by its full
faith and credit.



Attorney General