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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK TCircular No. 7401 | _ S e P t e m b e r 4> 1926J Cash Department New Counterfeit To all Banks, Trust Companies and Others Concerned in the Second Federal Reserve District: The Treasury Department in its circular letter No. 582 describes a new counterfeit as follows: $5 Federal Reserve Note ^ On the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Illinois; 1914 Series; check letter " F " ; face plate No. 751; back plate No. 3333; Frank White, Treasurer of the United States; A. W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury; portrait of Lincoln. This is a poorly-executed counterfeit produced by photo-mechanical process on one sheet of paper. The serial number is imperfectly impressed and printed in black ink, while the seal is off color, probably tinted by hand, and the portraiture dark and smudgy. Several fine lines appear on the face and back in imitation of silk threads, but these are not colored and are reproduced in the etching process. The back is more deceptive than the face, which is nearly one-fourth of an inch shorter than the genuine. This counterfeit should be readily detected by careful handlers of currency. Very truly yours, BENJ. STEONG, Governor.