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FED ER A L RESER VE BANK O F N EW YORK Circular No. 7085 January 24, 1973 CONNECTICUT BANKS CLOSED ON JANUARY 25, 1973 T o the Member Banks and Nonmember Clearing Banks o f the Secon d F ed era l R e s e r v e D istr ic t: The Governor of the State of Connecticut has declared Thursday, January 25, 197 3 a day of public mourning and prayer in that State for former President Lyndon B. Johnson and, pursuant to Section 36-28a(a) of the Connecticut General Statutes, ordered that banks in Connecticut be closed on that day. result, under Sections 36-28a(g) Connecticut General Statutes, has As a and 42a-4-107 (2) of the cash items and noncash items otherwise presentable for acceptance and payment in Connecticut on that day shall be deemed to be received by banks on the next banking day, January 26, 1973. There will be corresponding delays in the return of unpaid items and in the forwarding of advices of nonpayment of such items. We will consider January 25, 1973 a business day with respect to availability of credit for cash items sent to this Bank that are payable by, at, or through banks in Connecticut. Alfred Hayes, President.