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Cash Department

["Circular No. 706~l
|_I>ecember 14, 1925 J

New Counterfeits
To all Banks, Trust Companies and Savings Banks
in the Second Federal Reserve District:

The Treasury Department in its circular letter No. 571 describes two new
counterfeits as follows:
$5 United States Note
Series of 1907; check letter " D " ; face plate No. 215; back plate No. 84; H. V.
Speelman, Register of the Treasury; Frank White, Treasurer of the United States;
portrait of Jackson.
This is a new issue of the counterfeit described in Circular Letter No. 562*, being
apparently printed from zinc etched plates on a single sheet of paper without silk
threads or imitation of the fibre, the work on the bill in its entirety being poorly executed, particularly the seal and numbering on the face. The specimen at hand is
H80800373. Except that the bill reflects a better color, this counterfeit is identical
in practically every detail to the note described in Circular No. 562*, and should not
deceive the average person handling currency.
$50 National B a n k Note
Merchants and Manufacturers National Bank of Newark, New Jersey; check letter
" A " ; Series 1902; W. T. Vernon, Register of the Treasury; Lee McClung, Treasurer
of the United States; portrait of Sherman.
This is a photographic production on one piece of paper on which red and blue ink
lines have been traced to imitate the silk threads, being identical in workmanship to
the $50 and $100 counterfeit Federal Reserve Notes described in Circular No. 570**.
The specimen at hand bears charter No. 1818, bank number 1509 and Treasury number B101693. The charter number and seal are over-colored with blue ink. This
counterfeit should be readily detected.

Very truly yours,



•Reference to Federal Reserve Bank of New York Circular No. 684 and **No. 705.