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— Federal R eserve N ew York, Ba n k o f N.Y. N ew Yo r k 10045 AREA CODE 212 732-5700 Circular No. 6869 December 24, 1971 Observance b y Certain Federal Reserve Banks and Commercial Banks of Friday, December 31; 1971 as a Holiday To All Banks, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve District: The following Federal Reserve Bank and Branch offices will observe Friday, December 31? 1971 as a holiday and will be closed on that day: Little Rock Branch of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis - Head Office Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas - Head Office and El Paso, Houston, and San Antonio Branches In this District, all commercial banks in New Y o r k State and Connecticut are expected to be open on December 31* 1971. The Governor of the State of New Jersey has ordered and directed that December 31? 1971 be a b a n k holiday in that State; we understand that virtually all commercial banks in New Jer s e y will be closed on that d a y . In addition, it is our understanding that on December 31? 1971 (a) all commercial banks in Texas w i l l be closed, and (b) some commercial banks in the following States may also be closed: A rkansas Colorado Delaware Kansas Kentucky M i n n esota Missouri Nebraska New Mexi c o Oklahoma West V i r g i n i a Wisconsin W y oming B e cause the above information may be incomplete, and because some important ye a r - e n d adjustments may b e involved, banks in this District that desire reliable information on b a n k closings in other Districts on December 31, 1971 should obtain such information directly from the banks concerned. A L F R E D HAYES, President.