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C ir cu la r No 67991
[S e p t e m b e r 10, 19711

To Permit Bank Holding Companies to Perform Property Management Services
T o

A ll

B a n k s,
S e c o n d


O th ers

F e d e r a l

C o n c e r n e d ,

R e s e r v e

D is tr ict:

Following is the text of a statement issued September 7 by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System:
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System proposed today to permit
bank holding companies to perform property management services. Comments on the
proposal should be submitted to the Board by October 8.
This proposal is part of a series the Board has made concerning activities regarded
as closely related to banking under the 1970 amendments to the Bank Holding Company
Act and thus permissible activities for bank holding companies, subject to Board approval
in individual cases.
Under section 4(c)(8) of the Act, the Board may permit bank holding companies to
engage in activities that are "so closely related to banking or managing or controlling
banks as to be a proper incident thereto."
The Board’ s proposal would define property management to encompass farm manage­
ment, the management of office buildings and other business or industrial properties, the
management of residences ranging from single-family dwellings to high-rise apartment
buildings, and the management of the air rights or the oil and mineral rights of a
particular parcel of land.
Printed on the reverse side is the text of the notice of proposed rule making. Comments
thereon should be submitted by October 8 and may be sent to our Bank Applications Depart­
ment. Additional copies of this circular will be furnished upon request.

A lfre d H ayes,
P re sid e n t.


(Reg. Y)
Interests in Nonbanking A ctivities

To implement the Board's proposal,
§ 222.4(a) would be amended by adding subparagraph (10), to read as follows:
§ 222.4 Nonbanking activities.

The Board of Governors proposes to
permit bank holding companies, subject to
established regulatory procedures, to engage
in property management following a deter­
mination by the Board that such activity is
"s o closely related to banking or managing
or controlling banks as to be a proper
incident thereto” within the meaning of sec­
tion 4(c)(8) of the Bank Holding Company Act.

(a) Activities closely related to banking
or managing or controlling banks. * * * The
following activities have been determined by
the Board to be so closely related to banking
or managing or controlling banks as to be a
proper incident thereto:
* * *

(10) performing property management
Property management encompasses farm
management, the management of office build­
ings and other business or industrial proper­
ties, the management of residences ranging
from single-family dwellings to high-rise
apartment buildings, and the management of
the air rights above, or the oil and mineral
rights below, a particular parcel of land.

Property management does not, in the
Board's judgment, include activities such as
the buying and selling of property or the
development of real estate. Although serving
as an intermediary in bringing lessor and
lessee together does not itself constitute
property management, serving in that capaci­
ty might nonetheless fall within the permis­
sible scope of incidental activities necessary
to carry on functions that are regarded by
the Board as property management.






To aid in the consideration by the
Board of this matter, interested persons are
invited to submit relevant data, views, or
arguments. In accordance with the provisions
of section 4(c)(8) of the Act, interested
persons are also given opportunity to re­
quest a hearing on this matter. Any com­
ments or reouests for hearing should be
submitted in writing to the Secretary, Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
Washington, D.C. 20551, to be received not
later than October 8, 1971. Such material
will be made available for inspection and
copying upon request, except as provided in
§ 261.6(a) of the Board's Rules Regarding
Availability of Information.
By order of the Board of Governors,
September 7, 1971.