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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK Government Bond Department - [Circular No. 676-1 L June 10, 1925J " Subscription Books Closed On June 15th Offering of 3 Per Cent Treasury Certificates To all Banks, Trust Companies, Savings Banks, Bankers, Investment Dealers, Principal Corporations and Others Concerned in the Second Federal Reserve District: According to an announcement by the Treasury Department the subscription books for the current offering of $125,000,000, or thereabouts, of 3 per cent Treasury certificates of indebtedness, dated June 15, 1925, due June 15, 1926, Series TJ-1926, closed at the close of business today, Wednesday, June 10, 1925. No further subscriptions to this offering, therefore, can be received by us. Very truly yours, BENJ. STRONG, Governor.