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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK Cash Department ["Circular No. 665"] |_May 9, 192f>J New Counterfeit To all Banks, Trust Companies and Savings Banks in the Second Federal Reserve District: The Treasury Department in its circular letter No. 555 describes a new counterfeit $20 gold certificate as follows: "Series of 1922; check letter ( C ; face plate No. 299; H. V. Speelman, Register of the Treasury; Frank Burke, Treasurer of the United States; portrait of Washington. "This is a crude counterfeit, printed by photo-mechanical process on a single piece of heavy paper, with red and blue ink lines to imitate the silk fiber. The printed portion of both face and back is noticeably shorter than the genuine. The color of the seal and numbers is very poor, and that of the border work, face of note, is a blurred dark gray. The portrait, particularly the lower part of the face, is much too dark. The color of the back of the note is better in shade than that of the seal and numbers, but withal presents a blurred and unnatural appearance. The serial number of the specimen at hand is K30968632. The note is so poor that it should immediately attract the attention of the ordinarily observant handler." Very truly yours, BBNJ. STRONG, Governor