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FE D E R A L R E S E R V E BANK O F NEW YO RK F isc a l A g en t of the U n ited S ta te s r C irc u la r N o . 6 6 2 2 1 L O c to b e r 20', 1970 J OFFERING OF TWO SERIES OF TREASURY BILLS $500,000,000 of 271-Day Bills, Additional Amount, Series Dated July 31, 1970, Due July 31, 1971 (To Be Issued November 2, 1970) $1,200,000,000 of 365-Day Bills, Dated October 31, 1970, Due October 31, 1971 T o A l l In c o r p o ra te d B a n k s a n d T r u s t C o m pan ies, an d O th e rs C o n cern ed , in th e S e c o n d F e d era l R e s e r v e D is tr ic t: Following is the text of a notice issued by the Treasury Department, released at 4 p.m. today: T h e T re a su ry D ep a rtm e n t, by this public notice, invites ten d ers for tw o series of T re a su ry bills to th e a g g re g a te am o u n t of $1,700,000,000, or th ereab o u ts, for cash and in exchange for T re a su ry bills m atu rin g O cto b er 31, 1970, in th e a m o u n t of $1,504,368,000, as follow s: 271-day bills (to m atu rity d ate) to be issued N ov em b er 2, 1970, in the am oun t of $500,000,000, o r thereab o u ts, re p resen tin g an additio n al am o u n t of bills dated Ju ly 31, 1970, and to m atu re Ju ly 31, 1971, o riginally issued in the am o u n t of $1,202,410,000, the ad d itio nal and o riginal bills to be freely in terchangeable. 365-day bills, for $1,200,000,000, or th ereab o u ts, to be dated O cto b er 31, 1970, and to m atu re O c to b er 31, 1971 (C U S IP No. 912793 K T 2 ). T h e bills of b o th series will be issued on a discount basis under com petitive and n o ncom petitive b idding as h erein after provided, and a t m a tu rity th eir face am o u n t will be payable w ith o u t interest. T h ey will be issued in b earer form only, and in denom inations of $10,000, $15,000, $50,000, $100,000, $500,000 and $1,000,000 (m a tu rity v alue). T en d ers will be received a t F ed e ra l R eserve B anks and B ranches up to the closing hour, o n e -th irty p.m., E a ste rn S tan d ard tim e, T uesday , O c to b er 27, 1970. T e n d ers will n o t be received a t the T re a su ry D ep artm en t, W a sh in g to n . E ach ten d er m u st be for a m inim um of $10,000. T e n d ers over $10,000 m u st be in m ultiples of $5,000. In th e case of com petitive ten d ers the price offered m ust be expressed on the basis of 100, w ith not m ore than three decim als, e.g., 99.925. F rac tio n s m ay not be used. (N o tw ith stan d in g the fact th a t th e one-year bills will ru n for 365 days, the discount rate will be com puted on a bank discount basis of 360 days, as is cu rren tly th e p ractice on all issues of T re a su ry bills.) I t is urged th a t ten d ers be m ade on the prin ted form s and forw ard ed in th e special envelopes w hich will be supplied by F ed eral R eserve B anks or B ran ch es on application therefor. B anking in stitu tio n s g en erally m ay su bm it ten d ers for account of custom ers, provided th e n am es of the cu sto m ers are set fo rth in such tenders. O th e rs th an b an k in g in stitu tio n s will not be p erm itted to subm it ten d ers except for th eir ow n account. T e n d e rs will be received w ith o u t deposit from in co rpo rated banks an d tru s t com panies and from responsible an d recognized d ealers in in v estm en t securities. T e n d ers from o th e rs m u st be accom panied by p ay m en t of 2 p erce n t of the face a m o u n t of T re a su ry bills applied for, unless th e ten d ers are accom panied by an express g u a ra n ty of p a y m en t by an in co rp o rated bank or tru st com pany. Im m ed iately a fter the closing hour, te n d e rs will be opened a t th e F ed eral R eserv e B anks and B ran ch es, follow ing w hich public an n o u n cem en t w ill be m ade by th e T re a su ry D e p a rtm e n t of the am o u n t an d price ran g e of accepted bids. O nly those su b m ittin g com petitive ten d ers will be advised of the acceptance o r rejectio n thereof. T h e S ec re ta ry of the T re a su ry expressly reserves th e rig h t to accept or re je c t a n y or all ten d ers, in w hole or in p art, and his action in any such resp ect shall be final. S u b ject to these reserv atio n s, n o ncom petitive ten d ers for each issue for $200,000 o r less w ith o u t sta te d price from an y one b idder will be accepted in full at the av erag e price (in th ree decim als) of accepted co m petitive bids fo r th e respective issues. S ettlem en t for accepted ten d ers in accordance w ith the bids m ust be m ade or co m pleted a t th e F ed eral R eserve B ank on N o v em b er 2, 1970, in cash or o th er im m ediately available funds or in a like face a m o u n t of T re a su ry bills m a tu rin g O cto b er 31, 1970. C ash an d exchange te n d e rs will receive equal treatm en t. C ash a d ju stm e n ts will be m ade for differences b etw een the par value of m a tu rin g bills accepted in exchange an d the issue price of th e new bills. U n d e r S ections 454(b) and 1221(5) of th e In te rn a l R evenue Code of 1954, th e am o u n t of disco u n t at w hich bills issued h ereu n d er are sold is considered to accrue w hen the bills are sold, redeem ed or oth erw ise disposed of, an d th e bills are excluded from consideration as capital assets. A ccordingly, the ow ner of T re a su ry bills (o th e r th an life in su ran ce com panies) issued h ereu n d er m u st include in his incom e ta x re tu rn , as o rd in ary gain o r loss, th e difference b etw een the price paid for th e bills, w h eth er on orig in al issue or on su b seq u en t purchase, and the a m o u n t actu a lly received eith er upon sale or red em p tion at m a tu rity du rin g th e tax ab le y ear for w hich th e retu rn is m ade. T re a su ry D e p a rtm e n t C ircular No. 418 (c u rre n t revision) and th is notice prescribe the term s of th e T re a su ry bills and g overn the conditions of th eir issue. Copies of th e circular m ay be o b tained from any F ed eral R eserve B an k o r B ranch. T his Bank will receive tenders for both series up to 1 :30 p.m., Eastern Standard time, T uesday, O ctober 27, 1970, a t the Securities D epartm ent of its H ead Office an d at its Buffalo B ranch. T ender form s for the respective series are enclosed. Please use th e app ro p riate form s to subm it tenders and retu rn them in the enclosed envelope m arked “ T ender for T reasu ry Bills (M o n th ly ).” T enders may be subm itted by telegraph, subject to w ritten confirm ation; they may not be subm itted by telephone. Payment for the Treasury bills cannot be made by credit through the Treasury Tax and Loan Account. Settlement must be made in cash or other immediately available funds or in maturing Treasury bills. A lfred H a yes, President. N o................ TENDER FOR 365-DAY TREASURY BILLS Dated October 31, 1970 Due October 31, 1971 T o F ederal R eserve B a n k o f N e w Y o r k , Fiscal A g en t of the U n ited States. P u rsu a n t to the provisions of T reasu ry provisions of the public notice issued by the T re a su ry bills, the undersigned hereby offers and agrees to m ake paym ent therefor at y o u r C O M P E T IT IV E T E N D E R D ated at 19. D epartm ent C ircular N o. 418 (c u rre n t revision) and to the T reasu ry D epartm ent inviting tenders for the above described to purchase such T reasu ry bills in the am ount indicated below, B ank on or before the issue date at the price indicated b elo w : D o n o t fill in b o th C o m p e titiv e an d N o n c o m p e titiv e te n d e rs on one fo r m $ ............................................................. (m a tu rity v alu e), or any lesser am ount th at m ay be aw arded. P r i c e : ...................................... p er 100. ( P r ic e m u st be e x p r e s s e d w ith n o t m o re th an th ree d ecim a l p la ces, f o r e x a m p le , 99.925) N O N C O M P E T IT IV E T E N D E R $ ...............................................................(m atu rity v alu e). ( N o t to c x c e e d $200,000 f o r one b id d e r th ro u g h a ll so u rc e s) A t the average price of accepted competitive bids. Sub ject to allotm ent, please issue, deliver, and accept paym ent for the bills as indicated below : Pieces Denomination M aturity value 10,000 □ 15,000 □ □ 50,000 □ 100,000 □ 1. D eliver over the counter to the undersigned 2. Ship to the undersigned 3. H old in safekeeping (fo r ac count of member bank only) 4. Allotment tran sfer (see list attached) 5. Special instructions: 500,000 1,000,000 ( N o ch an ges in d e liv e r y in stru c tio n s w i ll be a c c e p te d ) Totals Paym ent will be made as follow s: CD By check herew ith LD By cash or check in im m e d ia te ly a va ila b le fu n d s on delivery □ By charge to our reserve account □ By surrender of $ .............................. (m aturity value) of m aturing T reasury bills. P ay cash adjust ment, if any— □ By check □ By credit to our reserve account ( P a y m e n t can n ot be m a d e th ro u g h T r e a s u r y T a x an d L o a n A c c o u n t) T h e undersigned (if a bank or tru st com pany) hereby certifies that the T rea su ry bills which you are hereby instructed to dispose of in the m anner indicated in item 3 above are ow ned solely by the undersigned. Insert this tender in special envelope marked “T ender for Treasury Bills (M onthly)” (Name ofsubscriber— pleaseprintortype) (Address— pleaseprintortype) (Signatureofsubscriberorauthorizedsignature) (Titleofauthorizedsigner) (B anking institutions subm itting tenders for customer account must list customers’ names on lines below or on an attached rid er; (Name of customer) (Name of customer) IN S T R U C T I O N S : 1. N o ten d er fo r less th a n $10,000 w ill be considered, an d each te n d e r m u st be for a n even m ultiple of $5,000 (m a tu rity value). 2. O th ers th a n b an k in g in stitu tio n s w ill n o t be p e rm itte d to su b m it ten d ers ex cept fo r th e ir ow n account. B anking in stitu tio n s su b m ittin g te n d e rs for cu sto m er acco u n t m ay consolidate co m petitive te n d ers a t the sam e price and m ay consolidate n o ncom petitive ten d ers, provided a list is a ttach ed show ing th e nam e of each bidder, th e am o u n t bid for his account, and m eth o d of p aym ent. F o rm s fo r this purpose w ill be fu rnished upon request. 3. If the p erso n m ak in g th e te n d e r is a co rp o ratio n , the ten d er should be signed by an officer of th e co rp o ration au th o rized to m ake th e ten d er, an d th e sig n in g of th e ten d er by an officer of the c o rp o ratio n w ill be co n stru ed as a rep resen tatio n by him th a t he has been so au thorized. If th e ten d er is m ade by a p artn ersh ip , it should be signed by a m em b er of the firm, w ho should sign in th e form “ ................................................................................................. a co p artn ersh ip, by ............................................................................................................... . a m em b er of the firm .” 4. T e n d e rs w ill be received w ith o u t deposit from in co rp o rated b an k s an d tru s t com panies an d from re sp o n sible and recognized dealers in in v estm en t securities. T e n d e rs from o th ers m u st be accom panied by p ay m ent of 2 p ercen t of the face am o u n t of T re a su ry bills applied for, unless th e ten d ers are accom panied by an ex p ress g u a ra n ty of p ay m en t by an inco rp o rated b ank or tr u s t com pany. A ll checks m u st be draw n to the o rd er of th e F e d eral R eserve B ank of N ew Y o rk ; checks en d o rsed to th is B ank will not be accepted. 5. If the lan g u ag e of th is ten d er is changed in an y respect, w hich, in the opinion of th e S e c re tary of the T re a su ry , is m aterial, th e ten d e r m ay be disregarded. TENDER FOR 271-DAY TREASURY BILLS Additional Amount, Series Dated July 31, 1970, Due July 31, 1971 (To Be Issued November 2, 1970) T o F e d e r a l R eserve B a n k o f N e w Y o r k , Fiscal A gent of the U n ited States. P u rsu a n t to the provisions of T re a su ry provisions of the public notice issued by the T rea su ry bills, the undersigned hereby offers and agrees to m ake paym ent therefor at your C O M P E T IT IV E T E N D E R D ated at 1 9 .. D epartm ent C ircular N o. 418 (c u rre n t revision) and to the T reasu ry D epartm ent inviting tenders for the above described to purchase such T re asu ry bills in the am ount indicated below, B ank on or before the issue date at the price indicated below : D o n o t fill in b o th C o m p e titiv e an d N o n c o m p e titiv e te n d e r s on one fo r m $ ............................................................. (m atu rity v alu e), or any lesser am ount th at m ay be aw arded. P r i c e : ...................................... p er 100. (P r ic e m u st be e x p r e s s e d w ith n o t m o re th an th ree d ecim a l p la ces, f o r e x a m p le , 99.925) N O N C O M P E T IT IV E T E N D E R $ ...............................................................(m atu rity v a lu e). ( N o t to c x c e e d $200,000 f o r one b id d e r th ro u g h a ll so u r c e s ) A t the average price of accepted com petitive bids. Subject to allotm ent, please issue, deliver, and accept paym ent for the bills as indicated below : Pieces Denomination $ M aturity value 10,000 □ 15,000 □ □ 50,000 □ 100,000 □ 1. Deliver over the counter to the undersigned 2. Ship to the undersigned 3. H old in safekeeping (f o r ac count of member bank only) 4. Allotment tran sfer (see list attached) 5. Special instructions: 500,000 1,000,000 ( N o ch an ges in d e liv e r y in stru c tio n s w ill be a cc e p te d ) Totals Paym ent will be made as follows: □ □ □ □ By check herew ith By cash or check in im m e d ia te ly ava ila b le fu n d s on delivery By charge to o u r reserve account By surrender of $ ............................... (m aturity value) of m aturing T reasury bills. P ay cash ad ju st ment, if any— □ By check □ By credit to our reserve account (P a y m e n t can n ot be m a d e th ro u g h T r e a s u r y T a x a n d L o a n A c c o u n t) T he undersigned (if a bank or tru st com pany) hereby certifies th at the T re asu ry bills w hich you are hereby instructed to dispose of in the m anner indicated in item 3 above are ow ned solely by the undersigned. Insert this tender in special envelope marked “Tender for Treasury Bills (M onthly)” (Name ofsubscriber— pleaseprintortype) (Address— pleaseprintortype) (Signatureofsubscriberorauthorizedsignature) (Titleofauthorizedsigner) (B anking institutions submitting tenders for customer account m ust list custom ers’ names on lines below or on an attached rider) (Name ofcustomer) (Name ofcustomer) IN S T R U C T IO N S : 1. N o ten d er for less th an $10,000 w ill be considered, an d each te n d e r m u st be for an even m u ltip le of 5,000 (m a tu rity v alue). 2. O th e rs th a n b a n k in g in stitu tio n s w ill n o t be p e rm itte d to su b m it te n d e rs ex cep t fo r th e ir ow n account. B anking in stitu tio n s su b m ittin g ten d ers for cu sto m er acco u n t m ay consolidate co m petitive tenders^ a t the sam e p rice and m ay consolidate n o ncom petitive ten d ers, provided a list is a ttach ed sh o w ing th e nam e of each bidder, th e am o u n t bid for his account, and m eth o d of paym ent. F o rm s fo r th is purpose w ill be fu rn ish ed upon request. 3. If the perso n m aking the te n d e r is a corp o ratio n , the te n d e r should be signed by an officer of th e c o rp o ratio n auth orized to m ake th e ten d er, a n d th e signing of th e ten d er by an officer of the co rp o ratio n w ill be c o n stru ed as a rep resen tatio n by him th a t he has been so au thorized. If th e te n d e r is m ade by a p artn e rsh ip , it should be signed by a m em ber of the firm, w ho should sign in th e form “ ................................................................................................. a co p artn ersh ip , by ................................................................................................................ a m em ber of th e firm .” 4. T e n d e rs will be received w ith o u t deposit from in co rp o rated ban k s a n d tr u s t com panies a n d fro m re s p o n sible and recognized dealers in in v estm en t securities. T e n d ers from o th e rs m u st be accom panied by p a y m e n t of 2 percen t of the face am o u n t of T re a su ry bills applied for, unless th e ten d ers are accom panied by an ex p ress g u a ra n ty of p aym ent by an in co rp o rated b ank or tr u s t com pany. A ll checks m u st be d raw n to th e o rd e r of th e F e d eral R eserve B ank of N ew Y o rk ; checks en d o rsed to this B an k w ill n o t be accepted. 5. If the language of th is ten d e r is changed in an y respect, w hich, in th e opinion of th e S e c re ta ry of th e T reasu ry , is m aterial, th e ten d er m ay be disregarded. Cumulative Supplement No. 10 F e b ru a ry 28,1970 HISTORICAL DIRECTORY of the BANKS of the STATE OF NEW YORK C o m p iled by W IL L IA M H . D IL L IS T IN FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK 1970 HISTORICAL DIRECTORY OF THE BANKS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK There is presented herewith Cumulative Supplem ent No. 10 to the Historical Directory of the Banks of the State of N ew York, which was com piled by William H. Dillistin and published by the N ew York State Bankers Association in October, 1946. This supplem ent covers the period from October 1, 1946 to February 28, 1970, and sets forth a brief statem ent of each addition or change affecting the material in the directory, which has com e to our notice since the directory was published. Following the plan of the directory, the new material is presented first with respect to banks in the City of New York Part I, and then with respect to banks in other cities and towns Part II, arranged in alphabeti cal order by location. There is also included in this supplem ent a list of addi tions to Part III of the directory, which is an alphabetical index of all bank names regardless of location. The superior letters preceding bank names in Parts I and II have the following meanings: ▲Bank in active operation. ★O ut-of-tow n branch of an active bank. ■O ut-of-tow n branch (m obile) of an active bank. This supplem ent has been prepared by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, from information derived from sources believed to be reliable. Copies are being distributed to all banking institutions in the State of N ew York, and will be furnished to others upon request, only upon the under standing that this Bank does not warrant the com pleteness and accuracy of the information, and is not responsible for any errors or omissions. February 28, 1970 1 Cumulative Supplement No. 10 HISTORICAL DIRECTORY OF THE BANKS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Part I City o f N ew York ▲American Bank & Trust C om pany— 1929. Company (Second). Formerly American Trust Am erican Irving Savings Bank. Formerly Irving Savings Bank. Nam e changed October 1964 to American Savings Bank (Second). Am erican Savings Bank, T he (First)— 1883. Merged August 1954 with Irving Savings Bank which thereupon changed its nam e to American Irving Savings Bank. ▲American Savings Bank, T he (Second)— 1851. Formerly American Irving Savings Bank. A m erican Trust Com pany (Second). Formerly Pan American Trust C om pany. Nam e changed April 1966 to American Bank & Trust Company. Anchor Savings Bank— Brooklyn— 1909. Formerly Bay Ridge Savings Bank. Merged October 1969 into Bushwick Savings Bank wnich there upon changed its name to Anchor Savings Bank. ▲Anchor Savings Bank (Second)— Brooklyn— 1873. Formerly Bushwick Savings Bank. Operates out-of-town branches at Carle Place and H ew l ett. ▲Atlantic Bank of N ew York— 1926. Originally Bank of Athens Trust C om pany. ▲Bankers Trust C om pany— 1903. Acquired The Bayside National Bank of N ew York, The Commercial National Bank and Trust Company, Flush ing National Bank in N ew York, Lawyers Trust Company, Northern W estchester National Bank, Public National Bank and Trust Company of New York, Title Guarantee and Trust C om pany and South Shore Bank, Staten Island in addition to those previously listed. Operates outof-town branches at Armonk, Chappaqua, Croton on Hudson, East Rockaway, Farmingdale, Great Neck, Jericho, Katonah, Lewisboro, Mount Kisco, North New Hyde Park, Plainview, Pound Ridge, Rockville Centre, Vista and Woodmere. Bank for Savings in the C ity of N ew York, T h e— 1819. Merged August 1963 into T he N ew York Savings Bank which thereupon changed its name to The New York Bank for Savings. Bank of Athens Trust C om pany. N am e changed October 1953 to Atlantic Bank of New York when H ellenic Bank Trust Company was m erged into this bank. ▲Bank of C om m erce— 1914. Formerly Industrial Bank of Commerce. Oper ates an out-of-town branch at Yonkers. Bank of N ew York— N am e changed April 1948 to Bank of N ew York and Fifth Avenue Bank when The Fifth Avenue Bank of N ew York was m erged into this bank. 2 ▲Bank of N ew York, The — 1784. Formerly Bank of N ew York and Fifth Avenue Bank. Acquired Empire Trust Company in addition to those previously listed under former names. Bank of New York and Fifth Avenue Bank. Formerly Bank of New York. Nam e changed May 1952 to T he Bank of New York. Bank of North America (Third). Formerly Trust Company of North America. Merged Septem ber 1958 into Commercial State Bank and Trust Company of New York which thereupon changed its name to Commercial Bank of North America. Bank of North America (Fourth)— 1953. Formerly Commercial Bank of North America. Acquired Metropolitan Industrial Bank, Bank of North America (Third) and T he Peoples National Bank of Brooklyn. Consoli dated May 1967 with The Meadow Brook National Bank— Queens which thereupon changed its name to National Bank of North America — Queens. ▲Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company of New York— 1959. ▲Bank of Tokyo Trust Company, The— 1955. Bank of Yorktown. Merged N ovem ber 1949 into The Marine Midland Trust Company of New York. Bay Ridge Savings Bank— Brooklyn— 1909. Name changed October 1968 to Anchor Savings Bank. Bayside National Bank of New York, The — Queens. M erged January 1953 into Bankers Trust Company. Belgian-American Bank & Trust Company. Name changed May 1968 to European-American Bank & Trust Company. Bensonhurst National Bank of Brooklyn in New York, The — Brooklyn (13080)— 1927. Absorbed February 1964 by Chemical Bank New York Trust Company. Boulevard Bank— Queens. Absorbed May 1948 by Sterling National Bank & Trust Company of N ew York. ▲Brevoort Savings Bank— Brooklyn— 1890. Formerly The Brevoort Savings Bank. Brevoort Savings Bank, The — Brooklyn. Nam e changed Septem ber 1968 to Brevoort Savings Bank. Bronx County Trust Company. Absorbed March 1955 by President and Directors of the Manhattan Company. ▲B rooklyn Savings B ank — B ro o k ly n — 1827. O p era tes an o u t-o f-to w n branch at North N ew H yde Park. Brooklyn Trust Company — Brooklyn. Merged October 1950 into M anu facturers Trust Company. Bushwick Savings Bank— Brooklyn. Formerly T he Bushwick Savings Bank. Nam e changed October 1969 to Anchor Savings Bank. Bushwick Savings Bank, The — Brooklyn. Nam e changed March 1952 to Bushwick Savings Bank. ▲Canadian Bank of Commerce Trust Company, The — 1951. Chartered October 1951. Central Hanover Bank and Trust Company. Nam e changed June 1951 to The Hanover Bank. 3 C entral Industrial Bank— Brooklyn— 1925. Formerly Food Dealers Indus trial Bank. Converted D ecem ber 1961 into Central State Bank— Brook lyn. ▲Central State Bank— Brooklyn— 1961. Formerly Central Industrial Bank— Brooklyn. ▲Century N ational Bank and Trust C om pany (15273)— 1964. C hase Bank of N ew York (N ational A ssociation), T h e— 1969. Merged June 1969 with T he Chase M anhattan Bank (National Association). C hase M anhattan Bank, T he— 1799. Originally President and Directors of the Manhattan Company. Converted Septem ber 1965 into T he Chase Manhattan Bank (National Association). ▲Chase M anhattan Bank, (N ational A ssociation), T h e— (2370)— 1965. Formerly The Chase Manhattan Bank. Acquired Bronx C ounty Trust Company, The Chase National Bank of the City of N ew York, Staten Island National Bank & Trust Company and Clinton Trust C om pany in addition to those previously listed. Operates out-of-tow n branches at Ardsley, Bedford Hills, East M eadow, Elmsford, Freeport, Great Neck Plaza, Greenville, Haitsdale, Mount Vernon, North Bellmore, North Lynbrook, Peekskill, Pelham, Plainview, Seaford, South Valley Stream, Syosset and Yorktown Heights. C hase N ational Bank of th e City of N ew York, T he. M erged March 1955 into President and Directors of the Manhattan Com pany which there upon changed its name to The Chase M anhattan Bank. ▲Chelsea N ational Bank (15428)— 1964. ▲Chemical Bank— 1929. Formerly Chemical Bank N ew York Trust C om pany. Acquired T he Bensonhurst National Bank of Brooklyn in N ew York, T he Continental Bank & Trust C om pany of N ew York, Corn Ex change Bank Trust Company, Fulton Trust Com pany of N ew York, The National Safety Bank and Trust Company of N ew York and The N ew York Trust C om pany in addition to those previously listed. Operates out-of-town branches at Bellmore, Eastchester, East M eadow, Elmsford, Great Neck, Hartsdale, Inwood, Long Beach, M assapequa, M ount Ver non (3), N ew Cassel, North Malverne, Oceanside, Ossining, Pelham, Plainview, Rockville Centre, Somers (Town), Thornwood and W est Hem pstead. C hem ical Bank & Trust C om pany. N am e changed October 1955 to Chemical Corn Exchange Bank w hen Corn Exchange Bank Trust C om pany was m erged into this bank. C hem ical Bank N ew York Trust C om pany. Formerly Chem ical Corn Ex change Bank. Nam e changed February 1969 to Chem ical Bank. C hem ical Corn E xchange Bank. Formerly Chem ical Bank & Trust C om pany. Nam e changed Septem ber 1959 to Chemical Bank N ew York Trust Company w hen the N ew York Trust Company m erged into this bank. ▲Chinese A m erican Bank— 1967. C itizens Bank o f Brooklyn— Brooklyn. M erged July 1958 into Federation Bank and Trust Company. C ity Bank Farmers Trust C om pany (Second). C onverted January 1959 into First National City Trust Company. 4 C ity Bank o f N ew York, N ational A ssociation, T h e— 1968. Name changed October 1968 to First National City Bank— Manhattan when First National City Bank— Manhattan m erged into this bank. City Savings Bank of Brooklyn, T he— Brooklyn. Nam e changed April 1964 to The Greater N ew York Savings Bank when T he Greater New York Savings Bank m erged into this bank. C linton Trust C om pany. Merged January 1959 into The Chase M anhat tan Bank. C ollege Point N ational Bank of N ew York. M erged June 1957 into Trust Company of North America which thereupon changed its name to Bank of North America (Third). C olonial Trust Com pany. Consolidated N ovem ber 1960 with the Meadow Brook National Bank of Nassau County, W est Hem pstead which there upon changed its name and location to T he M eadow Brook National Bank, Queens. C om m ercial Bank of North Am erica. Formerly Commercial State Bank and Trust Company of N ew York. Nam e changed March 1965 to Bank of North America (Fourth). C om m ercial N ational Bank and Trust Com pany of N ew York, The. Merged May 1951 into Bankers Trust Company. C om m ercial State Bank and Trust Com pany of N ew York. Formerly Modern Industrial Bank. Name changed Septem ber 1958 to Commercial Bank of North America when Bank of North America (Third) merged into this bank. ▲Community N ational Bank and Trust Company of N ew York— Rich mond (15558)— 1965. Formerly Community National Bank and Trust Company of Richmond. C om m unity N ational Bank and Trust C om pany of R ichm ond— 1965. Name changed June 1969 to Community National Bank and Trust C om pany of New York. C ontinental Bank & Trust C om pany o f N ew York, T he. Absorbed April 1948 by Chemical Bank & Trust Company. Corn Exchange Bank Trust C om pany. M erged October 1954 into C hem i cal Bank & Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Chemical Corn Exchange Bank. ▲Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn, T he— Brooklyn— 1859. Acquired the Navy Savings Bank. Operates out-of-town branch at Valley Stream. ▲Dime Savings Bank o f W illiam sburg, T he— Brooklyn— 1864. Operates an out-of-town branch at Merrick. D ollar Savings Bank of the C ity o f N ew York— Bronx— 1890. Acquired Fordham Savings Bank. Nam e changed January 1969 to Dollar Savings Bank of New York. ▲Dollar Savings Bank of N ew York— Bronx— 1890. Originally Dollar Sav ings Bank of the City of N ew York. Operates out-of-town branch at Jeri cho. ▲Dry D ock Savings Bank— 1848. Originally Dry Dock Savings Institution. Operates out-of-town branch at Rockville Centre. D ry D ock Savings Institution. Nam e changed D ecem ber 1949 to Dry Dock Savings Bank. 5 East Brooklyn Savings Bank— Brooklyn. N am e changed October 1969 to Metropolitan Savings Bank— Brooklyn. ▲East N ew York Savings Bank, T he— Brooklyn— 1868. Acquired Browns ville Savings Bank. Operates out-of-tow n branch at Great N eck Plaza. Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank, T h e— Manhattan. Nam e changed April 1967 to Emigrant Savings Bank— Manhattan. ▲Emigrant Savings Bank— Manhattan— 1850. Formerly T he Emigrant In dustrial Savings Bank— Manhattan. Em pire C ity Savings Bank— 1889. Originally Tw elfth Ward Savings Bank. Merged June 1967 into Excelsior Savings Bank which thereupon changed its name to Excelsior Empire Savings Bank. ▲Empire Savings Bank— 1869. Formerly Excelsior Empire Savings Bank— Manhattan. Em pire Trust C om pany— 1902. Originally McVickar Realty Trust C om pany. Merged D ecem ber 1966 into T he Bank of N ew York. ▲European-American Bank & Trust C om pany— 1952. C om m enced busi ness January 1953. Formerly Belgian-American Bank & Trust Company. E xcelsior Em pire Savings Bank— 1869. Formerly Excelsior Savings Bank — Manhattan. Nam e changed March 1969 to Empire Savings Bank. E xcelsior Savings Bank— 1869. Nam e changed June 1967 to Excelsior Empire Savings Bank. F ederation Bank and Trust C om pany— 1923. A conversion of Federation Bank of N ew York. Acquired Citizens Bank of Brooklyn. M erged June 1967 into Franklin National Bank— Mineola. F id elity N ational Bank in N ew York, T he— Queens. Absorbed May 1947 by Manufacturers Trust Company. F ifth A venue Bank of N ew York, T he. Merged April 1948 into Bank of N ew York which thereupon changed its name to Bank of N ew York and Fifth Avenue Bank. ▲First Israel Bank and Trust C om pany o f N ew York— 1968. First N ational Bank o f the C ity of N ew York, T he. M erged March 1955 into T he National City Bank of N ew York which thereupon changed its name to T he First National City Bank of N ew York. First N ational City Bank (1461)— 1865. (First) Formerly The First Na tional City Bank of N ew York. Merged October 1968 into The City Bank of New York, National Association— Manhattan which thereupon retained the name of First National City Bank. ▲First N ational C ity Bank (1461)— 1968. (Second) Formerly T he City Bank of New York, National Association. Acquired T he First National Bank of the City of N ew York, First National City Trust Company, Richmond County National Bank of Port Richmond in addition to those previously listed. Operates out-of-town branches at Albertson. Armonk, Bronxville, Chappaqua, Cortlandt, Croton on Hudson, Eastchester, East M eadow, Elmsford, Farmingdale, Franklin Square, Freeport, Garden City Park, Greenville, Harrison, Hastings-on-H udson, H ew lett, Jericho, Larchmont, Levittown, Mamaroneck, Manhasset, Massapequa Park, Merrick, M ount Kisco, Mount Vernon (2), North W oodmere, Pelham Manor, Plainview, Port Chester, Port W ashington, Rockville Centre, Rye, Syosset, Tarrytown, W antagh, W estbury, W illiston Park and Yorktown Heights. 6 First National City Bank of New York, The. Formerly The National City Bank of New York. Name changed January 1962 to First National City Bank. First National City Trust Company (14853)—1959. Originally City Bank Farmers Trust Company (Second). Merged January 1963 into First Na tional City Bank. ▲Flushing National Bank (Second)—Queens (15070)—1963. Flushing National Bank in New York—Queens. Absorbed December 1950 by Bankers Trust Company. Food Dealers Industrial Bank. Name changed April 1955 to Central In dustrial Bank. ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. Bronx (3), Brooklyn (3), Manhattan (9), Queens (9). ▲Freedom National Bank of New York (15447)—1964. ▲Fulton Savings Bank, Kings County—Brooklyn—1867. Originally Ger mania Savings Bank, Kings County. Operates an out-of-town branch at Freeport. Fulton Trust Company of New York. Merged September 1949 into The New York Trust Company. Gotham Bank, The. Formerly The Pennsylvania Exchange Bank. Merged January 1963 into Royal National Bank of New York. Grace National Bank of New York. A conversion of W. R. Grace & Co.’s Bank. Name changed August 1965 to Water Street National Bank and as of same date was absorbed under former name by The Marine Midland Trust Company of New York which thereupon changed its name to Ma rine Midland Grace Trust Company of New York. Greater New York Savings Bank, The—Brooklyn—1897. Merged April 1964 into The City Savings Bank of Brooklyn which thereupon changed its name to The Greater New York Savings Bank. ▲Greater New York Savings Bank, The—Brooklyn— 1886. Formerly The City Savings Bank of Brooklyn. Acquired The Greater New York Savings Bank—Brooklyn. ▲Green Point Savings Bank, The—Brooklyn—1868. Acquired Home Sav ings Bank. Operates out-of-town branch at Levittown. Guaranty Trust Company of New York. Name changed April 1959 to Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York when J. P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated merged into this bank. ▲Hambro American Bank & Trust Co.— 1968. Acquired Laidlaw & Com pany. Hanover Bank, The. Formerly Central Hanover Bank and Trust Com pany. Merged September 1961 into Manufacturers Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company. Harlem Savings Bank—1863. Acquired Commonwealth Savings Bank of New York City. Operates an out-of-town branch at Manhasset. Hellenic Bank Trust Company. Merged October 1953 into Bank of Ath ens Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Atlantic Bank of New York. Hias Immigrant Bank, The—1922. Name changed November 1967 to IDB Trust Company. 7 ▲IDB Trust C om pany— 1922. Formerly T he Hias Immigrant Bank. Industrial Bank of C om m erce. Formerly Morris Plan Industrial Bank of N ew York. Converted June 1961 into Bank of Commerce. Irving Savings Bank. Nam e changed August 1954 to American Irving Sav ings Bank when T he American Savings Bank m erged into this bank. Jam aica N ational Bank o f N ew York, T he— Queens. Merged August 1955 into The Marine Midland Trust Company of N ew York. ▲Jamaica Savings Bank— Q ueens— 1866. Acquired Rockaway Savings Bank in addition to those previously listed. J. P. M organ & Co. Incorporated. Merged April 1959 into Guaranty Trust Company of New York which thereupon changed its name to Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of N ew York. ▲Kings County L afayette Trust C om pany— 1889. Formerly Kings County Trust Company. Acquired Lafayette National Bank of Brooklyn in N ew York. Kings C ounty Savings Bank, T h e— Brooklyn— 1860. Originally Kings County Savings Institution. Merged D ecem ber 1968 into Union Square Savings Bank— Manhattan which thereupon changed its name to United Mutual Savings Bank. ▲Kings H ighw ay Savings Bank— Brooklyn— 1923. Operates an out-of-town branch at Wantagh. L afayette N ational Bank o f Brooklyn in N ew York (12892)— 1926. Merged N ovem ber 1965 into Kings C ounty Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Kings County Lafayette Trust Company. L aidlaw & C om pany— Private bankers. Authorized June 1934. Absorbed October 1968 by Hambro American Bank & Trust Co. a newly organ ized bank. L aw yers Trust C om pany. M erged Septem ber 1950 into Bankers Trust Company. ▲Lincoln Savings Bank, T he— Brooklyn— 1866. Originally T he German Savings Bank of Brooklyn. Operates an out-of-town branch at Plainview. L ong Island C ity Savings Bank, T he— Queens. N am e changed Septem ber 1966 to T he Long Island Savings Bank. ▲Long Island Savings Bank, T h e— Q ueens— 1876. Formerly T he Long Island City Savings Bank. Operates an out-of-town branch at Syosset. M anhattan C om pany, President and D irectors o f the. N am e changed March 1955 to T he Chase Manhattan Bank when T he Chase National Bank of the City of N ew York m erged into this bank. ▲Manhattan Savings Bank, T he— 1852. Formerly T he M anhattan Savings Institution. (See original text for previous acquisitions). Operates an outof-town branch at Mount Kisco. ▲Manufacturers H anover Trust C om pany— 1905. Formerly Manufacturers Trust Company. Acquired Brooklyn Trust Com pany, T he National Bronx Bank of N ew York, Peoples Industrial Bank and Hanover Bank in addition to those previously listed under former name. Operates out-oftown branches at Baldwin Harbor, Bellmore, Great Neck, Greenburgh (Town) and Woodbury. M anufacturers Trust C om pany. Nam e changed Septem ber 1961 to M anu facturers Hanover Trust Company when T he Hanover Bank m erged into this bank. 8 ▲Marine M idland Grace Trust C om pany— 1907. Formerly The Marine Midland Trust Company of New York. Acquired Bank of Yorktown, Grace National Bank of New York (Water Street National Bank, latter title) and The Jamaica National Bank of New York in addition to those previously listed under former title. Operates out-of-town branch at Jeri cho. M arine M idland Trust C om pany of N ew York, T he. Formerly Fidelity Trust Company of New York. Nam e changed August 1965 to Marine Midland Grace Trust Company of N ew York when the Grace National Bank of New York (latter title Water Street National Bank) was absorbed by this bank. Mariner Harbor N ational Bank, T he— Richmond. Nam e changed O cto ber 1950 to T he Richmond County National Bank of Port Richmond. M eadow Brook N ational Bank, T he— Queens. Formerly The Meadow Brook National Bank of Nassau County, W est Hem pstead. Nam e changed May 1967 to National Bank of North America, when the Bank of North America consolidated with this bank. M etropolitan Industrial Bank. M erged April 1955 into Commercial State Bank and Trust Company of N ew York. ▲Metropolitan Savings Bank— Brooklyn— 1860. Formerly East Brooklyn Savings Bank— Brooklyn. M odern Industrial Bank. Originally located in Brooklyn. Converted Janu ary 1953 into a trust company under name of Commercial State Bank and Trust Company of N ew York. M odern Industrial Bank— Brooklyn. Location changed February 1950 to Manhattan. M ontrose Industrial Bank— Brooklyn. Nam e changed January 1950 to Metropolitan Industrial Bank. ▲Morgan Guaranty Trust Com pany of N ew York— 1864. Formerly Guar anty Trust Company of N ew York. Acquired J. P. Morgan & Co., Incor porated in addition to those previously listed. Nassau Banking C om pany, T he— 1878. Reported in March 1882 as being in liquidation. ▲National Bank of North Am erica— Queens (7703)— 1905. Formerly The Meadow Brook National Bank— Queens. Acquired Bank of North Ameri ca, Colonial Trust Company and Queens National Bank of N ew York, Queens. Operates out-of-town branches at Albertson, Baldwin (2), Baxter Estates, Bellmore, Brentwood, Carle Place, Commack (2), Coram, East Meadow, East Northport, East Rockaway, Elmont, Elwood, Freeport (2), Great Neck, Great Neck Plaza (2), Greenlawn, Hem pstead (Town), Hicksville, Huntington, Huntington Station, Huntington (Town), Island Park, Jericho, Kings Park, Lake Grove, Lawrence, Levittown, Locust Grove, Long Beach (2), Lynbrook, Malverne, Manhasset (2), Massapequa Park, Melville, Merrick (2), Mineola, Nesconset, New Hyde Park (2), North Hem pstead (Town), North Merrick, Oyster Bay (2), Plainview, Port W ashington (2), Roslyn Heights, Selden, South Farmingdale, South Huntington, W antagh, W est Babylon, W est Hempstead (3), Williston Park and W oodmere. N ational Bronx Bank of N ew York, T he. Absorbed N ovem ber 1949 by Manufacturers Trust Company. 9 National City Bank of New York, The. Name changed March 1955 to The First National City Bank of New York when The First National Bank of the City of New York merged into this bank. National Safety Bank and Trust Company of New York, The. Merged March 1951 into Chemical Bank & Trust Company. ▲New York Bank for Savings, The—1854. Formerly The New York Savings Bank. Acquired The Bank for Savings in the City of New York. New York Savings Bank, The. Originally Rose Hill Savings Bank. Name changed August 1963 to The New York Bank for Savings when The Bank for Savings in the City of New York merged into this bank. New York Trust Company, The. Merged September 1959 with Chemical Corn Exchange Bank which thereupon changed its name to Chemical Bank New York Trust Company. North River Savings Bank. Merged February 1949 into The Bowery Sav ings Bank. Pan American Trust Company. Name changed February 1950 to Ameri can Trust Company. ★Peninsula National Bank—Cedarhurst. Queens (2). Pennsylvania Exchange Bank, The. Name changed April 1959 to The Gotham Bank. Peoples Industrial Bank. Absorbed September 1953 by Manufacturers Trust Company. Peoples National Bank of Brooklyn in New York, The—Brooklyn (9219)—1908. Merged May 1962 into Commercial Bank of North Ameri ca. ▲Prudential Savings Bank— 1868. Formerly West Side Savings Bank. Oper ates out-of-town branch at Elmont. Prudential Savings Bank, The—Brooklyn— 1908. Merged October 1969 into West Side Savings Bank—Manhattan which thereupon changed its name to Prudential Savings Bank. Public National Bank and Trust Company of New York, The. Merged April 1955 into Bankers Trust Company. Queens National Bank of New York, The—Queens. Originally The Springfield Gardens National Bank of New York. Consolidated Novem ber 1960 with The Meadow Brook National Bank of Nassau County, West Hempstead which thereupon changed its name and location to The Meadow Brook National Bank, Queens. ▲Republic National Bank of New York (15569)— 1966. Richmond County National Bank of Port Richmond, The—Richmond. Originally The Mariner Harbor National Bank—Richmond. Merged No vember 1962 into First National City Bank—New York. ▲Richmond Hill Savings Bank—Queens— 1921. Originally Savings Bank of Richmond Hill. Operates an out-of-town branch at Baldwin. ▲Ridgewood Savings Bank—Queens— 1921. Originally Savings Bank of Ridgewood. Operates out-of-town branch at Franklin Square. Rockaway Savings Bank—Queens. Merged April 1957 into Jamaica Sav ings Bank. 10 ▲Roosevelt Savings Bank of the City of New York— Bnx)klyn— 1895. Originally Eastern District Savings Bank of the City of Brooklyn. Oper ates an out-of-town branch at Massapequa Park. ▲Royal Bank of Canada Trust Company, The — 1951. Chartered May 1951. ▲Royal National Bank of New York (15029)— 1962. Formerly Royal State Bank of New York. Acquired The Gotham Bank and United Bank and Trust Company— Brooklyn. ▲South Brooklyn Savings Bank— Brooklyn— 1850. Originally South Brook lyn Savings Institution. Operates an out-of-town branch at Herricks. South Shore Bank of Staten Island, The — Richmond. Merged September 1960 into Bankers Trust Company. Royal Industrial Bank— 1925. Originally Royal Investment and Finance Corporation. Converted June 1954 into Royal State Bank of New York. ▲Royal N ational Bank o f N ew York (15029)— 1962. Formerly Royal State Bank of New York. Acquired The Gotham Bank. R oyal State Bank of N ew York— 1954. Formerly Royal Industrial Bank. Converted November 1962 into Royal National Bank of New York. South Shore Bank o f Staten Island, T he— Richmond. Merged September 1960 into Bankers Trust Company. Springfield Gardens N ational Bank o f N ew York, T he— Queens. Name changed October 1956 to The Queens National Bank of New York. Staten Island N ational Bank & Trust Company of N ew York— Rich mond. Acquired W est N ew Brighton Bank in addition to one previously listed. Merged July 1957 into T he Chase Manhattan Bank. T itle G uarantee and Trust C om pany. Banking business acquired August 1950 by Bankers Trust Company. ▲Toronto-Dominion Bank Trust C om pany, T he— 1960. ▲Trade Bank and Trust C om pany— 1922. Originally Trade Bank of New York. Acquired Eugene Ruttkay, private banker and Tompkins Square Bank. Operates out-of-town branch at Great Neck. Trust Com pany of North Am erica. Nam e changed June 1957 to Bank of North America (Third), when C ollege Point National Bank of New York merged into this bank. ▲Underwriters Bank and Trust C om pany— 1929. Formerly Underwriters Trust Company. Acquired Bigelow State Bank, The Eastern Exchange Bank, Sixth Avenue Bank of New York and Union Bank of Bronx County. U nderwriters Trust C om pany. Nam e changed January 1970 to U nder writers Bank and Trust Company. U nion Square Savings Bank— 1848. Originally Institution for the Savings of Merchants’ Clerks. Nam e changed December 1968 to United Mutual Savings Bank. U nited Bank and Trust C om pany— Brooklyn. Formerly United Industrial Bank. Merged February 1969 into Royal National Bank of N ew York. U nited Industrial Bank— Brooklyn— 1929. Formerly United Loan Indus trial Bank. Converted D ecem ber 1967 into a State chartered trust com pany and name changed to United Bank and Trust Company. ▲United Mutual Savings Bank— 1848. Formerly Union Square Savings Bank. Operates out-of-town branch at Massapequa. 11 W ater Street National Bank (12553)—1924. Formerly Grace National Bank of New York. Was absorbed under former name August 1965 by The Marine Midland Trust Company of New York which thereupon changed its name to Marine Midland Grace Trust Company of New York. West New Brighton Bank—Richmond. Merged October 1951 into Staten Island National Bank & Trust Company of New York, Richmond. West Side Savings Bank— 1868. Name changed October 1969 to Pruden tial Savings Bank. ▲Williamsburgh Savings Bank, The—Brooklyn—1851. Operates an out-oftown branch at Levittown. 12 Part II STATE OF NEW YORK (Except City of New York) ADAMS Citizens and Farmers Trust Company, Adams, New York. Merged March 1947 into The Northern New York Trust Company, Watertown. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Northern New York—Watertown. ★Watertown Savings Bank—Watertown. ADAMS CENTER ★National Bank of Northern New York, The—Watertown. ADDISON ▲First National Bank of Addison, The (5178)—1899. Succeeded The Addi son Bank. Operates an out-of-town branch at Woodhull. AFTON First National Bank of Afton. Consolidated September 1962 with The National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich. ★National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich, The. ALBANY Albany Exchange Savings Bank, The. Merged April 1960 into The Me chanics’ and Farmers’ Savings Bank of Albany which thereupon changed its name to Mechanics’ Exchange Savings Bank. ▲Albany Savings Bank—1820. Should read as stated and not “The Albany Savings Bank” . Operates an out-of-town branch at Colonie (Town). ▲City and County Savings Bank—1850. Formerly City Savings Bank of Al bany. Operates an out-of-town branch at Elsmere. ▲Community State Bank—1965. Formerly Industrial Bank of Commerce of Albany. Operates out-of-town branches at Rotterdam (Town) and Schenectady (2). First Trust Company of Albany—1926. A conversion of First Bank of Al bany which had previously succeeded The First National Bank of Alba ny. Converted October 1969 into First Trust Company of Albany, Na tional Association. ▲First Trust Company of Albany, National Association—1926. A conver sion of First Trust Company of Albany. Operates out-of-town branches at Broadalbin, Colonie, Elsmere, Indian Lake, Johnstown, Newcomb (Town), North Creek, Tannersville and Windham. ▲Home Savings Bank of the City of Albany—1871. Originally Sixth Ward Savings Bank of the City of Albany. Operates an out-of-town branch at Colonie. Industrial Bank of Commerce of Albany. Formerly Morris Plan Industrial Bank of Albany. Name changed March 1965 to Community State Bank when the Industrial Bank of Schenectady merged into this bank. ▲Mechanics and Farmers’ Bank of Albany—1868. Operates out-of-town branches at Colonie (Town) and Guilderland. 13 Mechanics’ and Fanners’ Savings Bank of Albany, The. Name changed April 1960 to Mechanics’ Exchange Savings Bank when The Albany Ex change Savings Bank merged into this bank. ▲Mechanics’ Exchange Savings Bank— 1855. Formerly The Mechanics’ and Farmers’ Savings Bank of Albany. Operates an out-of-town branch at Guilderland. Morris Plan Industrial Bank of Albany. Name changed November 1946 to Industrial Bank of Commerce of Albany. National Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany, The. Name changed April 1963 to National Commercial Bank and Trust Company. ▲National Commercial Bank and Trust Company (1301)— 1865. Formerly The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany. Oper ates out-of-town branches at Altamont, Amsterdam (2), Athens, Au Sable Forks, Becker’s Corners (MB), Berne (MB), Central Bridge (MB), Cham plain, Clifton Park, Cobleskill, Colonie (2), Cooperstown, Copake, Dannemora, Delmar, Ellenburg Depot, Elsmere, Esperance (MB), Fultonville, Gloversville, Greenport, Guilderland, Hartwick, Hoosick Falls, Hudson, Johnstown, Latham, Menands, North Greenbush, Oneonta (2), Philmont, Plattsburg (3), Ravena, Rensselaer, Rouses Point, Schenectady (2), Waterford, West End, Westerloo (MB), Whitehall and Worcester. ▲State Bank of Albany— 1937. Succeeded February 1937 The New York State National Bank, Albany. Operates out-of-town branches at Amster dam, Cairo, Chatham, Cohoes, Colonie (2), East Greenbush, Fort Plain, Germantown, Hudson, Johnstown, Lake Luzerne, Latham, Mechanicville, Menands, Plattsburg (2), Port Henry, Queensbury, Richfield Springs, Saratoga Springs, Schoharie, Ticonderoga, Troy, Warrensburg and Watervliet. ALBERTSON ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. ★National Bank of North America—Queens. ALBION Marine Midland Trust Company of Albion. Merged April 1951 into The Marine Trust Company of Western New York, Buffalo. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of W estern New York—Buffalo. ALEXANDRIA BAY ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Northern New York—Watertown. ALFRED ★Citizens National Bank and Trust Company, The—Wellsville. University Bank. Consolidated August 1956 with The Citizens National Bank of Wellsville. ALLEGANY First National Bank of Allegany, The—(7009)—1903. Merged December 1962 into The First National Bank of Olean. ★First National Bank of Olean, The. ALTAMONT ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. 14 AMHERST ★Bank of Buffalo. ★Erie County Savings Bank— Buffalo (2). ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company— Buffalo (3). ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Western New York— Buffalo (2). ★Western Savings Bank of Buffalo, The. AMHERST (TOWN) ★Bank of Buffalo. ★Buffalo Savings Bank, The— Buffalo. AMITYVILLE Bank of Amityville, The. Merged September 1955 into South Side Bank, Bay Shore which thereupon changed its name to State Bank of Suffolk. First National Bank and Trust Company of Amityville. Consolidated June 1954 with First Suffolk National Bank of Huntington. ★Franklin National Bank— Mineola. ★Security National Bank— H untington (2). AMSTERDAM Amsterdam City National Bank, The. Merged October 1952 into The Manufacturers National Bank of Troy. Farmers National Bank of Amsterdam, The. Merged January 1953 into State Bank of Albany. First National Bask of Amsterdam, The. Merged February 1961 into The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany. ★Marine Midland National Bank of Troy. ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany (2). ★State Bank of Albany. ANDES National Bank of Andes, The. Consolidated January 1958 with T he First National Bank and Trust Company of W alton which thereupon changed its name to The National Bank of Delaware County, Walton. ★National Bank of Delaware County, Walton, The. ANDOVER Andover National Bank, The. M erged January 1956 into The Citizens National Bank of W ellsville. ★Citizens National Bank and Trust Company, The—W ellsville. ANGELICA Bank of Angelica. Merged May 1959 into The First Trust Company of Allegany County, W ellsville. ★First Trust Union Bank— W ellsville. ANGOLA ▲Evans National Bank of Angola, The (11583) — 1920. Operates an out-oftown branch at Derby. 15 ANTWERP *Marine Midland Trust Company of Northern New York—Watertown. ARCADE Citizens Bank of Arcade, The. Succeeded Citizens Bank of Arcade. Name changed September 1959 to The Citizens Central Bank when State Bank of Rushford merged into this bank. ▲Citizens Central Bank, The—1890. Formerly The Citizens Bank of Ar cade. Operates out-of-town branches at Delevan, Rushford, and Silver Springs. ARDSLEY ★Chase M anhattan Bank (National Association), The—Manhattan. ★County Trust Company, The—White Plains. First National Bank of Ardsley, The. Merged January 1955 into The County Trust Company, White Plains. ARGYLE ★Marine Midland National Bank of Troy. National Bank of Argyle, The. Merged February 1961 into The Manufac turers National Bank of Troy. ARKPORT Arkport State Bank. Merged September 1959 into Security Trust Com pany of Rochester. ★Steuben Trust Company—Hornell. ARLINGTON ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. ★Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N. A.—Poughkeepsie. Vassar Bank. Consolidated February 1947 with The First National Bank of Poughkeepsie. ARMONK ★Bankers Trust Company—Manhattan. ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. ★National Bank of Westchester—White Plains. ★Northern W estchester National Bank—Chappaqua. ATHENS Athens National Bank, The. Merged May 1955 into The National Com mercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany. ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. ATTICA Bank of Attica, The. Merged November 1946 into The Marine Trust Company of Buffalo. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of W estern New York—Buffalo. AVERILL PARK ★National Exchange Bank of Castleton on Hudson, The. 16 AVON ♦Marine Midland Trust Company of Rochester (2). AUBURN Auburn Trust Company. Merged September 1960 into Marine Midland Trust Company of Central New York, Syracuse. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Central New York—Syracuse. ▲National Bank of Auburn, The (1345)—1865. Operates an out-of-town branch at Locke. Wm. H. Seward & Co. Absorbed December 1951 by Auburn Trust Com pany. AURORA ▲First National Bank of Aurora, The (412)—1864. Operates an out-of-town branch at Union Springs. AUSABLE FORKS ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. BABYLON Babylon National Bank & Trust Company, The. Consolidated March 1955 with First Suffolk National Bank of Huntington. ▲Bank of Babylon— 1913. Operates out-of-town branches at Brightwaters, Deer Park, North Babylon, South Commack and West Islip. ★Security National Bank—Huntington. BAINBRIDGE ★National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich, The. BALDWIN Baldwin National Bank and Trust Company, The. Merged March 1955 into The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport. ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. ★Hempstead Bank—Hempstead. ★National Bank of North America—Queens (2). Peoples State Bank of Baldwin. Merged March 1955 into The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport. ★Richmond Hill Savings Bank—Queens. BALDWIN HARBOR ★Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company—Manhattan. BALDWINSVILLE ★Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Syracuse, The. BALLSTON SPA ▲Ballston Spa National Bank (1253)—1865. Formerly The Ballston Spa Na tional Bank. Operates an out-of-town branch at Burnt Hills. Ballston Spa National Bank, The. Name changed May 1968 to Ballston Spa National Bank. 17 BALMVILLE ★First National Bank of Highland, The. BARCLAY HEIGHTS (TOWN O F SAUGERTIES) ★Saugerties National Bank and Trust Company, The. BARDONIA ★Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A.— Poughkeepsie. BARKER ★Marine Midland Trust Company of W estern New York—Buffalo. Somerset National Bank of Barker, The. Absorbed January 1950 by Niag ara County National Bank and Trust Company, Lockport. BATAVIA First National Bank of Batavia, The. Merged January 1963 into Liberty Bank and Trust Company, Buffalo. Genesee Trust Company. Merged November 1956 into Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. ★Liberty National Bank and Trust Company—Buffalo. ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo (2). ★Marine Midland Trust Company of W estern New York—Buffalo (2). BATH Farm ers’ & Mechanics’ Trust Company. Merged August 1954 into Secu rity Trust Company of Rochester. ★Security Trust Company of Rochester. BAXTER ESTATES ★National Bank of North America—Queens. BAYPORT ★Oystermen’s Bank and Trust Company, The—Sayville. BAY SHORE First National Bank and Trust Company of Bay Shore, The. Name changed February 1960 to First National Bank of Bay Shore. AFirst National Bank of Bay Shore (10029)— 1911. Formerly The First Na tional Bank and Trust Company of Bay Shore. Operates out-of-town branches at Brentwood, Deer Park, Islip, Oakdale and West Islip. ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. South Side Bank. Originally South Side Bank of Bay Shore, N. Y. Name changed September 1955 to State Bank of Suffolk when The Bank of Amityville merged into this bank. South Side Bank of Bay Shore, N. Y. Name changed August 1950 to South Side Bank. State Bank of Suffolk. Consolidated October 1957 with The Franklin Na tional Bank of Franklin Square which thereupon changed its name to The Franklin National Bank of Long Island, Franklin Square. 18 BAYVILLE * Hempstead Bank—Hempstead (2). BEACON ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. Fishkill National Bank of Beacon, The. Name changed June 1962 to The Fishkill National Bank when The National Bank of Cold Spring on Hud son consolidated with this bank. ▲Fishkill National Bank, The (35)—1863. Formerly The Fishkill National Bank of Beacon. Operates out-of-town branches at Cold Spring, Fishkill (2) and Hopewell Junction. Matteawan National Bank of Beacon, The. Name changed February 1963 to Matteawan National Bank. Matteawan National Bank (4914)—1893. Formerly The Matteawan Na tional Bank of Beacon. Consolidated September 1963 with The Fanners and Manufacturers National Bank of Poughkeepsie which thereupon changed its name to Farmers-Matteawan National Bank—Poughkeepsie. BECKER S CORNERS ■National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. BEDFORD ★County Trust Company, The—White Plains. BEDFORD HILLS *Chase M anhattan Bank (National Association), The—Manhattan. ★National Bank of W estchester—White Plains. BEEKMAN (TOWN) ★National Bank of Pawling, The. BELFAST Bank of Belfast. Consolidated August 1957 with The First National Bank of Belfast which thereupon changed its name to Belfast National Bank. Belfast National Bank (9644)— 1910. Originally The First National Bank of Belfast. Merged October 1964 into The First Trust Company of Alle gany County, Wellsville. First National Bank of Belfast, The. Name changed August 1957 to Bel fast National Bank when Bank of Belfast consolidated with this bank. ★First Trust Union Bank—Wellsville. BELLEROSE ★Franklin National Bank— Mineola. BELLMORE ★Chemical Bank—Manhatten. First National Bank of Bellmore, The. Merged December 1953 into The Franklin National Bank of Franklin Square. ★Franklin National Bank— Mineola. 19 ★Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company— Manhattan. ★National Bank of North America—Queens. BELLPORT Bellport National Bank, The. Merged July 1962 into Valley National Bank of Long Island, Valley Stream. ★Valley National Bank of Long Island—Valley Stream. BEMUS POINT ★First National Bank of Jamestown, The. BERNE ■National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. BETHPAGE ★Hempstead Bank. ★Long Island National Bank of Hicksville, The. BIG FLATS (TOWN) ★Chemung Canal Trust Company—Elmira. ★Mechanics Savings Bank of Elmira. BINGHAMTON ▲Binghamton Savings Bank, The— 1867. Operates an out-of-town branch at Endwell. City National Bank of Binghamton, The (1189)— 1865. A conversion of Bank of Binghamton. Merged September 1955 into First National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. which thereupon changed its name to First-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. ★Endicott Trust Company— Endicott. First-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. (202)—1869. (First) Formerly First National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. Merged May 1967 into First-City National Bank of Southern New York—Binghamton which thereupon retained the name of First-City National Bank of Bing hamton, N. Y. ▲First-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. (15625)—1967. (Second) Formerly First City National Bank of Southern New York—Binghamton. Operates out-of-town branches at Johnson City, Kirkwood, Owego, Ves tal, Westover and Whitney Point. First-City National Bank of Southern New York (15625)—1967. Name changed May 1967 to First-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. when First-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. merged with this bank. First National Bank of Binghamton. Name changed January 1947 to First National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. First National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. Originally First National Bank of Binghamton. Name changed September 1955 to First-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. when The City National Bank of Bingham ton merged into this bank. 20 Marine Midland Trust Company of Binghamton. Merged October 1953 into Elmira Bank & Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Marine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York, Elmira. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York—Elmira (3). BLASDELL Bank of Blasdell. Merged February 1960 into Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo. BLAUVELT ★Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A.—Poughkeepsie. BLOOMINGBURG VILLAGE ■Chester National Bank, The—Chester. BOHEMIA ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. ★Oystermen’s Bank and Trust Company, The—Sayville. BOLIVAR ★Citizens National Bank and Trust Company, The—Wellsville. First National Bank of Bolivar, The. Merged December 1962 into The First Trust Company of Allegany County, Wellsville. ★First Trust Union Bank—Wellsville. State Bank of Bolivar. Consolidated June 1962 with The Citizens National Bank of Wellsville. BOONVILLE Bank of Boonville. Private bank established March 1866 with Joseph R. Tharratt as president and Clark Dodge as cashier. Succeeded 1876 by The First National Bank of Boonville. Dodge & Sharratt (Tharratt). Delete. (See Bank of Boonville.) First National Bank of Boonville, The (2320)—1876. Succeeded Bank of Boonville. Merged October 1966 into The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, Utica, N. Y. ★Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, The— Utica. BOSTON (TOWN) ■Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo. BRENTWOOD ★First National Bank of Bay Shore. ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola (2). ★National Bank of North America—Queens. ★Security National Bank—Huntington. BREWERTON ★First National Bank of Central Square, The. 21 BREWSTER ♦County Trust Company, The—White Plains. First National Bank of Brewsters (2225)—1875. Merged January 1964 into The County Trust Company—White Plains. ★First W estchester National Bank—New Rochelle. Putnam County Savings Bank. Location changed November 1965 to Town of Southeast. BRIARCLIFF MANOR ★Bank for Savings of Ossining, The. ★Couhty Trust Company, The—White Plains. ★First W estchester National Bank—New Rochelle. ★National'Bank of W estchester—White Plains. BRIGHTON ★Central Trust Company Rochester, N. Y. ★Lincoln Rochester Trust Company—Rochester. BRIGHTON (TOWN) ★Security Trust Company of Rochester. BRIGHTWATERS ★Bank of Babylon. BROADALBIN Broadalbin Bank, The. Merged March 1962 into First Trust Company of Albany. ★First Trust Company of Albany, National Association. BROCKPORT ★Lincoln Rochester Trust Company—Rochester. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Rochester. BROCTON ★Liberty National Bank and Trust Company—Buffalo. BRONXVILLE Bronxville Trust Company. Consolidated January 1952 al Bank of New Rochelle which thereupon changed Westchester National Bank of New Rochelle. Gramatan National Bank and Trust Company of Merged December 1962 into The County Trust Plains. ★County Trust Company, The—White Plains (2). ★First W estchester National Bank—New Rochelle. ★First National City Bank— Manhattan. BRUSHTON ★Citizens National Bank of Malone, The. 22 with First Nation its name to First Bronxville, The. Company—White BUFFALO Adam, M eldrum & Anderson State Bank, T he. Merged March 1956 into Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. ▲Bank of B uffalo (Second)— 1959. Formerly Buffalo Industrial Bank. Oper ates out-of-town branches at Amherst, Amherst (Town), Cheektowaga, Kenmore, Tonawanda (Town) and W est Seneca. B uffalo Industrial Bank— 1916. Nam e changed April 1959 to Bank of Buffalo. ▲Buffalo Savings Bank, T he. Operates out-of-town branches at Amherst (Town), Cheektowaga and Kenmore. ▲Erie C ounty Savings Bank— 1854. Operates out-of-town branches at Am herst (2) and W est Seneca. First N ational Bank of B uffalo. Originally The Niagara National Bank of Buffalo. Merged August 1955 into Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. Liberty Bank of B uffalo. Nam e changed March 1961 to Liberty Bank and Trust Company. L iberty Bank and Trust C om pany— 1882. Formerly Liberty Bank of Buf falo. Converted April 1963 into Liberty National Bank and Trust C om pany. ▲Liberty N ational Bank and Trust Com pany (15080)— 1963. Formerly Liberty Bank and Trust Company. Operates out-of-town branches at Ba tavia, Brocton, Cheektowaga, Dunkirk (2), East Aurora, Elma, Fredonia, Hamburg (2), Newfane, North Collins, Oakfield, Orchard Park, Tona wanda (Town) (2), W est Seneca and Williamsville. ▲Lincoln N ational Bank (13952)— 1934. Formerly The Lincoln-East Side National Bank of Buffalo. Operates an out-of-town branch at Depew. AM anufacturers and Traders Trust C om pany— 1893. Operates out-of-town branches at Amherst (3), Batavia (2), Blasdell, Boston (Town) (MB), Cheektowaga (2), Clarence (2), Corfu, Dunkirk, East Aurora, Eggertsville, Ellicottville, Fredonia (2), Grand Island (2), Hamburg (2), Ken more, Lackawanna, Lancaster, Lockport (3), Niagara Falls (3), Niagara (Town), North Tonawanda, Perry, Sanborn (MB), Silver Creek, Springville, Tonawanda (City), W est Seneca (2), W est Seneca (Town), W il liamsville, W oodlawn and Youngstown (MB). M arine Trust C om pany of Buffalo, T he. Name changed April 1951 to The Marine Trust Company of W estern New York when Power City Trust Company, Niagara Falls, was m erged into this bank. ▲Marine M idland Trust Com pany of W estern N ew York— 1919. Formerly The Marine Trust Company of W estern New York. Operates out-oftown branches at Albion, Amherst (2), Attica, Barker, Batavia (2), Cheektowaga, Depew (2), East Aurora, Eden, Evans (Town), Gowanda, Grand Island, Hamburg (3), Holley, Lackawanna (2), Lewiston (2), Lockport (3), Medina (2), Middleport, Niagara Falls (5), Niagara (Town), North Tonawanda (2), Orchard Park (Town), Ramsonville, San born (MB), Snyder, Springville, Tonawanda (City), Tonawanda (Town) (2), Wanakah (MB), W est Seneca (Town), W illiamsville (2), W ilson and Youngstown (MB). M arine Trust Com pany of W estern N ew York, T he. Originally The Ma rine Trust Company of Buffalo. Nam e changed Septem ber 1965 to Ma rine Midland Trust Company of W estern New York. 23 ▲Niagara Frontier Bank of New York— 1969. Niagara National Bank of Buffalo, The. Name changed June 1950 to First National Bank of Buffalo. Szczukowski, Victor B. Private banker established 1921. Absorbed Decem ber 1930 by The East Side National Bank of Buffalo. ▲Western Savings Bank of Buffalo, The—1851. Operates out-of-town branches at Amherst and West Seneca. BURNT HILLS ★Ballston Spa National Bank—Ballston Spa. CAIRO First National Bank of Cairo, The (12586)—1924. Merged November 1964 into State Bank of Albany. ★State Bank of Albany. CALEDONIA ▲Bank of Caledonia—1966. Formerly The First National Bank of Caledo nia. Operates an out-of-town branch at Scottsville. First National Bank of Caledonia, The (5648)—1900. Succeeded McDon ald Bros. Converted August 1966 to Bank of Caledonia. CALLICOON First National Bank in Callicoon. Succeeded The Callicoon National Bank. Name changed June 1964 to United National Bank when it con solidated with The First National Bank of Narrowsburg. ▲United National Bank (13590)—1932. Formerly First National Bank in Callicoon. Operates an out-of-town branch at Narrowsburg. CAMDEN First National Bank and Trust Company of Camden, The. Consolidated July 1957 with The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Utica. ★Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, The— Utica. ★Oneida County Savings Bank—Rome, CAMDLLUS Camillus Bank. Merged December 1958 into Marine Midland Trust Com pany of Central New York, Syracuse. ★First Trust & Deposit Company—Syracuse. ★Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York—Syra cuse. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Central New York—Syracuse (2). ★Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Syracuse, The. ★Onondaga Savings Bank—Syracuse. ★Skaneateles Savings Bank, The—Skaneateles. CAMPBELL HALL ★Chester National Bank, The—Chester. 24 CANAJOHARIE ▲Central National Bank, Canajoharie (1122)—1865. Formerly First Na tional Bank of Canajoharie. Operates out-of-town branches at Cherry Valley, Duanesburg, Fonda and Middleburg in addition to those previ ously listed under former name. First National Bank of Canajoharie. Name changed October 1954 to Central National Bank, Canajoharie when The First National Bank of Middleburgh consolidated with this bank. CANANDAIGUA ▲Canandaigua National Bank and Trust Company, The (3817)—1887. Op erates out-of-town branches at Holcomb, Honeoye and Victor. ★Lincoln Rochester Trust Company—Rochester. Ontario County Trust Company. Merged February 1948 into Lincoln Rochester Trust Company. CANASERAGA Canaseraga State Bank. Merged June 1957 into The First Trust Company of Wellsville, New York which thereupon changed its name to The First Trust Company of Allegany County, Wellsville. ★First Trust Union Bank—Wellsville. CANDOR First National Bank of Candor, The. Merged June 1961 into The Farmers & Merchants Bank of Spencer, N. Y. which thereupon changed its name to Tioga State Bank. ★Tioga State Bank—Spencer. CANISTEO ▲First State Bank, Canisteo, N. Y.—1897. Operates an out-of-town branch at Greenwood. CANTON ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Northern New York—Watertown. St. Lawrence County National Bank of Canton, The. Name changed June 1962 to The St. Lawrence County National Bank. ▲St. Lawrence County National Bank, The (8531)—1907. Formerly The St. Lawrence County National Bank of Canton. Operates out-of-town branches at Heuvelton, Madrid, Norwood, Oswegatchie and Potsdam. CARLE PLACE ★Anchor Savings Bank—Brooklyn. ★National Bank of North America—Queens. ★Security National Bank—Huntington. CARMEL ▲Putnam County National Bank of Carmel, The (976)—1865. Succeeded Bank of Kent, Ludingtonville and Bank of Commerce of Putnam County, Carmel. Operates an out-of-town branch at Lake Carmel. 25 CARTHAGE Carthage National Exchange Bank. Merged March 1956 into The North ern New York Trust Company, Watertown. ★Lewis County Trust Company—Lowville. ★The Marine Midland Trust Company of Northern New York—W ater town. CASTILE ▲Bank of Castile, The—1917. Operates an out-of-town branch at Gaines ville. CASTLETON ON HUDSON ▲National Exchange Bank of Castleton on Hudson, The (5816)— 1901. Operates out-of-town branches at Averill Park, Nassau and Rensselaer. CATO First National Bank of Cato, The. Merged November 1958 into Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Syracuse. ★Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York—Syra cuse. CAYUGA HEIGHTS ★First National Bank and Trust Company of Ithaca. CAZENOVIA Cazenovia National Bank, The. Merged February 1957 into First Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. ★First Trust & Deposit Company—Syracuse. ▲Peninsula al Bank Inwood, Peninsula 1963 to CEDARHURST National Bank (11854)—1920. Formerly The Peninsula Nation of Cedar hurst. Operates out-of-town branches at Hewlett (2), Long Beach, Oceanside and Queens (2). National Bank of Cedarhurst, The. Name changed January Peninsula National Bank. CENTEREACH ★Bank of Smithtown. ★Marine Midland Tinker National Bank—East Setauket. ★Peoples National Bank of Long Island—Patchogue. CENTER MORICHES Center Moriches Bank. Name changed June 1949 to South Bay Bank when The Eastport National Bank was merged into this bank. ★Security National Bank—Huntington (2). South Bay Bank. Originally Center Moriches Bank. Converted February 1955 to South Bay National Bank of Center Moriches. South Bay National Bank of Center Moriches (14727)— 1955. Formerly South Bay Bank, Center Moriches. Merged November 1955 into First Suffolk National Bank of Huntington which thereupon changed its name -to Security National Bank of Huntington. ★Valley National Bank of Long Island—Valley Stream. 26 CENTRAL BRIDGE ■National Commercial Bank and Trust Company— Albany. CENTRAL ISLIP Central Islip National Bank, The. Consolidated August 1958 with The Franklin National Bank of Long Island, Franklin Square. ★First National Bank of East Islip. ★Franklin National Bank— Mineola. ★Security National Bank— Huntington. CENTRAL SQUARE ▲First National Bank of Central Square, The (9990)— 1911. Operates outof-town branches at Brewerton and Constantia. CHAMPLAIN ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company— Albany. CHAPPAQUA ★Bankers Trust Company— Manhattan. Chappaqua National Bank, The. Nam e changed May 1959 to Northern W estchester National Bank. ★County Trust Company, The — W hite Plains. ★First National City Bank— Manhattan. Northern Westchester National Bank (12746)— 1925. Formerly Northern W estchester National Bank, Chappaqua. M erged November 1968 into Bankers Trust Company— Manhattan. Northern Westchester National Bank— Chappaqua. Formerly Chappaqua National Bank. N am e changed August 1963 to Northern W estchester N a tio n a l Bank. CHATEAUGAY ★Farmers National Bank of Malone, The. First National Bank of Chateaugay, The (8893)— 1907. Succeeded The Bank of Chateaugay. Merged April 1966 with T he Farmers National Bank of Malone. CHATHAM ★State Bank of Albany. State Bank, Chatham, New York. M erged July 1953 into State Bank of Albany. CHAZY ★Keeseville National Bank, The— Keeseville. CHEEKTOWAGA ★Bank of Buffalo. ★Buffalo Savings Bank, The— Buffalo. ★Liberty National Bank and Trust Company — Buffalo. 27 ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo (2). ★Marine Midland Trust Company of W estern New York—Buffalo. CHERRY CREEK ★Marine Midland Chautauqua National Bank—Jamestown. CHERRY VALLEY Otsego County National Bank of Cherry Valley. Consolidated December 1962 with Central National Bank, Canajoharie. ★Central National Bank, Canajoharie. CHESTER ▲Chester National Bank, The (1349)—1865. A conversion of Chester Bank. Operates out-of-town branches at Bloomingburg Village (MB), Campbell Hall, Circleville Village (MB), Otisville Village, Vails Gate, Wallkill (Town) and Warwick. CHESTERTOWN Chester-Schroon-Horicaon Bank—1930. Merged December 1967 into Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company, Glens Falls. ★Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company—Glens Falls. CH ILI ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Rochester. CH ILI (TOWN) ★Lincoln Rochester Trust Company—Rochester. CHURCHVILLE ★Security Trust Company of Rochester. State Bank of Churchville. Merged July 1950 into Security Trust Com pany of Rochester. CICERO Cicero State Bank. Merged February 1961 into The Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Syracuse. ★Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Syracuse, The (2). CIRCLEVILLE VILLAGE ■Chester National Bank, The—Chester. CLARENCE Bank of Clarence. Merged August 1955 into Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo (2). CLARENCE CENTER ■M anufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo. CLARKSTOWN (TOWN) ★First State Bank of Rockland County, The—Spring Valley. 28 CLAY ★Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York—Syra cuse. CLAY (TOWN) ★Metropolitan Bank of Syracuse. CLAYTON First National Exchange Bank of Clayton, The (5108)—1897. Formerly The National Exchange Bank of Clayton. Merged January 1965 into The National Bank of Northern New York, Watertown. ★National Bank of Northern New York—Watertown. CLIFTON PARK ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. ★Schenectady Trust Company, The—Schenectady. CLYDE ▲Briggs Bank of Clyde (Second)—1966. Formerly Briggs National Bank of Clyde. Briggs National Bank of Clyde (2468)—1880. Succeeded Briggs and Palmer as The Briggs National Bank & Trust Company of Clyde and again changed name to the above title. Converted August 1966 to Briggs Bank of Clyde (Second). CLYMER Clymer State Bank. Merged January 1963 into Bank of Jamestown. ★Bank of Jamestown. COBLESKILL First National Bank of Cobleskill, The. Merged August 1956 into The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany. ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. COHOES ▲Cohoes Savings Bank— 1851. Originally Cohoes Savings Institution. Oper ates an out-of-town branch at Latham. M anufacturers Bank of Cohoes, The. Absorbed August 1948 by The Na tional City Bank of Troy. ★Marine Midland National Bank of Troy. National Bank of Cohoes. Merged August 1963 into The Manufacturers National Bank of Troy. ★State Bank of Albany. COLD SPRING National Bank of Cold Spring on Hudson, The. Consolidated June 1962 with The Fishkill National Bank of Beacon which thereupon changed its name to The Fishkill National Bank. ★Fishkill National Bank, The—Beacon. 29 COLD SPRING HARBOR ★Security National Bank—Huntington. COLONIE ★Fidelity Bank of Colonie—Latham. ★First National Bank of Scotia. ★First Trust Company of Albany, National Association. ★Home Savings Bank of the City of Albany. ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany (2). ★Schenectady Trust Company, The—Schenectady. ★State Bank of Albany (2). COLONIE (TOWN) ★Albany Savings Bank—Albany. COMMACK ★Bank of Smithtown. ★Long Island National Bank—Hicksville. ★National Bank of North America—Queens (2). ★Security National Bank—Huntington. CONGERS ★Nanuet National Bank—Nanuet. CONKLIN ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York—Elmira. CONSTANTIA ★First National Bank of Central Square, The. COOPERSTOWN ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. Second National Bank of Cooperstown, The. Merged May 1956 into The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany. COPAKE ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. COPENHAGEN Copenhagen National Bank, The. Absorbed October 1947 by The North ern New York Trust Company, Watertown. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Northern New York—Watertown. COPIAGUE ★Long Island Trust Company—Garden City. ★Security National Bank—Huntington. 30 CORAM ★Island State Bank— Patchogue. ★National Bank of North America— Queens. CORFU ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company— Buffalo. CORINTH ★Marine Midland National Bank of Troy. CORNING Corning Trust Company. Absorbed January 1948 by Lincoln Rochester Trust Company. ▲First National Bank and Trust Company of Corning (2655)— 1882. Origi nally The First National Bank of Corning. Operates an out-of-town branch at Erwin. ★Lincoln Rochester Trust Company — Rochester (2). CORNWALL Cornwall National Bank, The. Merged January 1956 into County Nation al Bank, Middletown. ★County Trust Company, The— W hite Plains. ★Empire National Bank— Middletown. CORTLAND ▲First National Bank of Cortland (2272) — 1875. Operates out-of-town branches at Cincinnatus, Cortlandville, Marathon and McGraw. Marine Midland Trust Company of Cortland. M erged October 1953 into Elmira Bank & Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Marine Midland Trust Company of Southern N ew York, Elmira. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York— Elmira. CORTLANDT ★First National City Bank— Manhattan. CORTLANDVILLE ★First National Bank of Cortland. ★Homer National Bank, The— Homer. COXSACKIE ▲National Bank of Coxsackie, The (1398) — 1865. A conversion of Bank of Coxsackie. Operates an out-of-town branch at Greenville. CROGHAN Croghan National Bank, The. Consolidated November 1959 with The Watertown National Bank. ★National Bank of Northern New York, The—Watertown. 31 CROTON ON HUDSON ★Bankers Trust Company—Manhattan. ★County Trust Company, The—White Plains. First National Bank of Croton on Hudson, The. Merged April 1953 into The County Trust Company, White Plains. ★First National City Bank— Manhattan. ★Northern W estchester National Bank—Chappaqua. CROWN POINT Wyman, J. W. Voluntary liquidation January 1948. CUBA ★Citizens National Bank and Trust Company, The—Wellsville. Cuba National Bank, The (1143)—1865. A conversion of Cuba Bank. Consolidated February 1968 with The Citizens National Bank of Wells ville which thereupon changed its name to The Citizens National Bank and Trust Company. First National Bank of Cuba, The (2451)—1880. A conversion of Cuba State Bank. Merged September 1966 into The First Trust Company of Allegany County, Wellsville. ★First Trust Union Bank—Wellsville CUTCHOGUE First National Bank of Cutchogue, The. Merged January 1951 into The North Fork Bank and Trust Company, Mattituck. ★North Fork Bank and Trust Company, The—Mattituck. DANNEMORA ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. DANSVILLE Citizens Bank & Trust Company. Merged September 1947 into Security Trust Company of Rochester. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Rochester. Merchants and Farmers National Bank of Dansville, The. Merged Feb ruary 1952 into Union Trust Company of Rochester. ★Security Trust Company of Rochester. DEER PARK ★Bank of Babylon. ★First National Bank of Bay Shore. ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. ★Long Island Trust Company—Garden City. ★Security National Bank—Huntington. DELEVAN Bank of Delevan. Merged January 1962 into The Citizens Central Bank, Arcade. ★Citizens Central Bank, The—Arcade. 32 DELMAR ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. DEPEW ★Lincoln National Bank— Buffalo. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Western New York— Buffalo (2). DERBY ★Evans National Bank of Angola, The. DE RUYTER De Ruyter State Bank. M erged January 1959 into First Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. ★First Trust & Deposit Company—Syracuse. DE WITT ★First Trust & Deposit Company— Syracuse (2). ★Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York— Syra cuse. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Central New York— Syracuse. DE W ITT (TOWN) ★Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York— Syra cuse. ★Onondaga Savings Bank—Syracuse. ★Syracuse Savings Bank—Syracuse. DIX HILLS ★Security N ational Bank— H untington. DOBBS FERRY ★County Trust Company, The — W hite Plains. Dobbs Ferry Bank. Merged October 1955 into The County Trust C om pany, W hite Plains. ▲Creenburgh Savings Bank, The— 1869. Operates an out-of-town branch at Hartsdale. DOLGEVILLE First National Bank of Dolgeville, The. Merged February 1963 into The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central N ew York— Utica. ★Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, The— Utica. DOVER PLAINS Dover Plains National Bank, The (822) — 1865. A conversion of Dover Plains Bank. Operates an out-of-town branch at Wingdale. DUANESBURG ★Central National Bank, Canajoharie. 33 DUNKIRK Dunkirk Trust Company. Merged April 1965 into Liberty National Bank and Trust Company—Buffalo. Lake Shore National Bank of Dunkirk, The. Consolidated April 1957 with Chautauqua National Bank of Jamestown. ★Liberty National Bank and Trust Company—Buffalo (2). ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo. ★Marine Midland Chautauqua National Bank—Jamestown. EARLVILLE ★National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich, The. EAST AURORA Erie County Trust Company. Merged April 1961 into Liberty Bank and Trust Company, Buffalo. ★Liberty National Bank and Trust Company—Buffalo. ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of W estern New York—Buffalo. EASTCHESTER ★Chemical Bank—Manhattan. ★Eastchester Savings Bank— Mount Vernon. ★First National City Bank— Manhattan. ★First W estchester National Bank of New Rochelle. ★National Bank of W estchester—White Plains (2). EASTCHESTER (TOWN) ★Scarsdale National Bank and Trust Company—Scarsdale. EAST FARMINGDALE ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. ★Long Island Trust Company—Garden City ★Security National Bank—Huntington. EAST GREENBUSH ★State Bank of Albany. ★Troy Savings Bank, The—Troy. EAST HAMPTON ▲First National Bank of East Hampton (15464)—1965. Osborne Trust Company. A conversion of Osborne Trust Company. Con solidated October 1961 with Valley National Bank of Long Island, Val ley Stream. ★Security National Bank—Huntington. ★Valley National Bank of Long Island—Valley Stream. 34 EAST ISLIP ▲First National Bank of East Islip, The (9322)— 1909. Operates out-oftown branches at Central Islip and Islip Terrace. EAST MEADOW ★Chase M anhattan Bank (National Association), The— Manhattan. ★Chemical Bank— Manhattan. ★First National City Bank— Manhattan. ★Franklin National Bank— Mineola. ★Hempstead Bank. ★National Bank of North America—Queens. EAST NORTHPORT ★National Bank of North America— Queens. ★Security National Bank— Huntington. EAST NORWICH ★Hempstead Bank. EAST PATCHOGUE ★Island State Bank— Patchogue. ★Peoples National Bank of Long Island, The— Patchogue. EASTPORT Eastport National Bank, The. Merged June 1949 into Center Moriches Bank which thereupon changed its name to South Bay Bank. ★Security National Bank— Huntington. EAST QUOQUE ★Hampton Bays National Bank, The— Hampton Bays. ★Valley National Bank of Long Island — Valley Stream. EAST ROCHESTER ★Lincoln Rochester Trust Company— Rochester. EAST ROCKAWAY ★Bankers Trust Company — Manhattan. East Rockaway National Bank & Trust Company. Merged January 1954 into The M eadow Brook National Bank of Freeport. ★National Bank of North America— Queens. EAST SETAUKET ▲Marine Midland Tinker National Bank (11511)— 1919. Formerly Tinker National Bank. Operates out-of-town branches at Centereach, Middle Island, Patchogue, Port Jefferson Station, Rocky Point, Smithtown (Town), Southampton and South Setauket. Tinker National Bank (11511)— 1919. Formerly Tinker National Bank of East Setauket. Nam e changed July 1969 to Marine Midland Tinker N a tional Bank. 35 EAST SYRACUSE Bank of East Syracuse. Merged February 1956 into First Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. ★First Trust & Deposit Company—Syracuse. ★Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York—Syra cuse. ★Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Syracuse, The. EAST WORCESTER Mitchell & Co., P. H. Private bankers at Schenevus 1876-84; were also acting as such at East Worcester in 1875. EBENEZER Ebenezer State Bank, The. Merged May 1948 into Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. EDEN ★Marine Midland Trust Company of W estern New York—Buffalo. EDWARDS Edwards National Bank, The. Converted January 1952 Edwards and Star Lake. State Bank of Edwards and Star Lake. Originally The Bank. Name and location changed November 1959 to Lake when The First National Bank of Harrisville bank. ★United B an k -S tar Lake. into State Bank of Edwards National United Bank, Star merged into this EGGERTSVILLE ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo. ELBRIDGE ★Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Syracuse. ELDRED ★First National Bank of Jeffersonville, The. ELIZABETHTOWN ★Essex County—Champlain National Bank—Willsboro. ELLENBURG DEPOT ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. State Bank of Ellenburg, The. Merged May 1956 into The National Com mercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany. ELLENVILLE ▲Ellenville National Bank (14800)— 1956. Operates an out-of-town branch at Woodridge. Home National Bank of Ellenville, The. Suspended December 1956. 36 ELLICOTTVBLLE Bank of Ellicottville, The. Merged June 1959 into Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo. ELMA ★Liberty National Bank and Trust Company—Buffalo. ELMIRA ▲Chemung Canal Trust Company—1902. (See Chemung Canal Bank, The.) Operates out-of-town branches at Big Flats (Town) and Horseheads (2). Elmira Bank & Trust Company. Name changed October 1953 to Marine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York when Marine Midland Trust Company of Binghamton, Marine Midland Trust Company of Cortland and Workers Trust Company, Johnson City merged into this bank. ▲Elmira Savings Bank, The— 1869. Originally The Southern Tier Savings Bank. Operates an out-of-town branch at Horseheads (Village). ▲Marine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York—1939. Formerly Elmira Bank & Trust Company. Operates out-of-town branches at Bing hamton (3), Conklin, Cortland, Elmira Heights, Endicott, Horseheads (2), Johnson City, Nimmonsburg, Vestal, Watkins Glen, Waverly and Windsor. ▲Mechanics Savings Bank of Elmira— 1836. Succeeded April 1934 Elmira Mechanics Society. Operates an out-of-town branch at Big Flats (Town). ELMIRA HEIGHTS ★Marine M idland T rust Com pany of Southern N ew York— Elmira. ELMONT ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. ★National Bank of North America—Queens. ★Prudential Savings Bank, The—Brooklyn. ★Valley National Bank of Long Island—Valley Stream (2). ELMSFORD ★Chase M anhattan Bank (National Association), The—Manhattan. ★Chemical Bank—Manhattan. ★County Trust Company, The—White Plains. ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. First National Bank of Elmsford, The. Merged October 1955 into The County Trust Company, White Plains. ELSMERE ★City and County Savings Bank—Albany. ★First Trust Company of Albany, National Association. ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. 37 EL WOOD ♦Eastern National Bank of Long Island—Smithtown. ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. ★National Bank of North America—Queens. ENDICOTT ▲Endicott Bank of New York—1969. Formerly The Endicott National Bank. Operates out-of-town branches at Endwell, Owego and Vestal. Endicott National Bank, The (13004)—1926. Converted to State member bank May 1969 under new title Endicott Bank of New York. ▲Endicott Trust Company— 1919. Operates out-of-town branches at Bing hamton, Endwell, Vestal (2) and West Corners. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York—Elmira. Union Trust Company of Endicott. Merged December 1946 into Marine Midland Trust Company of Binghamton. ENDW ELL ★Binghamton Savings Bank, The—Binghamton. ★Endicott Bank of New York—Endicott. ★Endicott Trust Company—Endicott. ERWIN ★First National Bank and Trust Company of Corning. ERWIN (TOWN) ★First National Bank of Painted Post, The. ESPERANCE ■National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. EVANS (TOWN) ★Marine M idland Trust Company of W estern New York—Buffalo. EVANS MILLS ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Northern New York—Watertown. FAIR HAVEN Fair Haven National Bank, The. Merged February 1957 into Lincoln Na tional Bank and Trust Company of Syracuse. ★Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York—-Syra cuse. F AIRPORT ★Lincoln Rochester Trust Company—Rochester. ★Security Trust Company of Rochester. FALCONER ★Marine Midland Chautauqua National Bank—Jamestown (2). 38 First National Bank of Falconer, The. Merged July 1955 into Chautau qua National Bank and Trust Company of Jamestown which thereupon changed its name to Chautauqua National Bank of Jamestown. ★First National Bank, The—Jamestown. FARMIN GD ALE ★Bankers Trust Company— Manhattan. Bank of Farmingdale, The. C onsolidated May 1952 with The Franklin National Bank of Franklin Square. First National Bank of Farmingdale, The. Absorbed Septem ber 1963 by Bankers Trust Company— Manhattan. ★First National City Bank— Manhattan. ★Franklin National Bank— Mineola. ★Roslyn Savings Bank, The— Roslyn. FARMINGVILLE ★Peoples National Bank of Long Island, The—Patchogue. FAYETTEVILLE ★First Trust & Deposit Company — Syracuse. ★Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Syracuse, The. FISHKILL ★Empire National Bank— Middletown. ★Fishkill National Bank, The — Beacon (2). ▲Fishkill Savings Bank— 1857. Formerly Fishkill Savings Institution. Oper ates an out-of-town branch at Hopewell Junction. Fishkill Savings Institution. Nam e changed January 1951 to Fishkill Sav ings Bank. FLORAL PARK First National Bank of Floral Park, The. Merged September 1952 into The Franklin National Bank of Franklin Square. ★Franklin National Bank— Mineola (2). ★Valley National Bank of Long Island — Valley Stream. FONDA ★Central National Bank, Canajoharie. National Mohawk River Bank of Fonda, The. Absorbed January 1953 by First National Bank of Canajoharie. FORT COVINGTON ★Farmers National Bank of Malone, The. FORT EDWARD Fort Edward National Bank, The. Absorbed N ovem ber 1950 by Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company, Glens Falls. ★Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company — Glens Falls (2). 39 FORT PLAIN Fort Plain National Bank, The. Succeeded The National Fort Plain Bank. Merged September 1961 into State Bank of Albany. ★State Bank of Albany. FRANKLIN ★National Bank of Delaware County, Walton, The. FRANKFORT Citizens First National Bank of Frankfort (10351)—1913. Originally The Citizens National Bank of Frankfort. Merged November 1965 into The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, Utica. ★Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, The— Utica. FRANKLIN SQUARE ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. Franklin National Bank of Franklin Square, The. Originally The Frank lin Square National Bank. Name changed October 1957 to The Franklin National Bank of Long Island when State Bank of Suffolk, Bay Shore consolidated with this bank. Franklin National Bank of Long Island, The. Formerly The Franklin Na tional Bank of Franklin Square. Location changed June 1960 to Mineola and this office continued as branch. ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. Franklin Square National Bank, The. Name changed August 1949 to The Franklin National Bank of Franklin Square. ★Ridgewood Savings Bank—Queens. FRANKLINVILLE ★First Trust Union Bank—Wellsville. Union National Bank of Franklinville, The (2755)—1882. Originally The Farmers National Bank of Franklinville. Merged December 1968 into The First Trust Company of Allegany County, Wellsville which there upon changed its name to First Trust Union Bank. FREDONIA Citizens Trust Company of Fredonia, New York. Merged August 1957 into Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. ★Liberty National Bank and Trust Company—Buffalo. ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo (2). National Bank of Fredonia, The. Succeeded Bank of Fredonia. Merged March 1961 into Liberty Bank and Trust Company, Buffalo. FREEPORT ★Chase M anhattan Bank (National Association), The—Manhattan. First National Bank and Trust Company of Freeport, The. Name changed November 1949 to The Island National Bank of Freeport when The First National Bank of Merrick, N. Y. was consolidated with this bank. 40 ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. Freeport Bank, of Freeport, New York, The. Merged July 1957 into Long Island Trust Company, Garden City. ★Fulton Savings Bank, Kings County—Brooklyn. Island National Bank, The. Formerly The First National Bank and Trust Company of Freeport. Name changed November 1949 to The Meadowbrook National Bank of Freeport. ★Long Island Trust Company—Garden City (2). Meadowbrook National Bank of Freeport, The. Formerly The Island Na tional Bank of Freeport. Name changed January 1950 to The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport. Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport, The. Formerly The Meadow brook National Bank of Freeport. Name changed February 1957 to The Meadow Brook National Bank of Nassau County, West Hempstead when The Bank of Malverne consolidated with this bank. Head office moved to West Hempstead. ★National Bank of North America—Queens (2). FREWSBURG ★First National Bank of Jamestown, The. FRIENDSHIP Union National Bank of Friendship, The. Merged April 1958 into The First Trust Company of Allegany County, Wellsville. ★First Trust Union Bank—Wellsville. FULTON Citizens National Bank and Trust Company of Fulton. Merged October 1952 into Oswego County National Bank, Oswego. ★First Trust & Deposit Company—Syracuse. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Central New York—Syracuse (2). FULT ON V ILL E Fultonville National Bank, The. Merged January 1960 into The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany. ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. GAINESVILLE ★Bank of Castile, The. Gainesville National Bank, The. Merged December 1954 into The Bank of Castile. GARDEN CITY Garden City Bank and Trust Company. Name changed February 1953 to Long Island Trust Company when Bank of Great Neck merged into this bank. 41 ▲Long Island Trust Company — 1923. Formerly Carden City Bank and Trust Company. Operates out-of-town branches at Copiague, Deer Park, East Farmingdale, Freeport (2), Garden City Park, Great Neck, Hauppauge, Levittown, Lindenhurst, Melville, Mineola, Munson, North Lindenhurst, South Farmingdale, Stewart Manor and Syosset. GARDEN CITY PARK ★First National City Bank— Manhattan. ★Long Island Trust Company — Garden City. GARDEN CITY SOUTH ★Valley National Bank of Long Island — Valley Stream. GATES ★Lincoln Rochester Trust Company — Rochester. ★Security Trust Company of Rochester. GEDDES TOWNSHIP ★Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Syracuse, The. GENEVA ★Lincoln Rochester Trust Company — Rochester. GERMANTOWN ★State Bank of Albany. GLEN COVE First National Bank of Glen Cove, The. M erged March 1955 into The Franklin National Bank of Franklin Square. ★Franklin National Bank— Mineola. Glen Cove Nassau Union Trust Company. Originally Glen C ove Trust Company. N am e changed July 1956 to Nassau Trust Company. Glen Cove Trust Company. N am e changed October 1953 to Glen C ove Nassau Union Trust Company when T he Nassau Union Bank was m erged into this bank. ▲Nassau Trust Company — 1892. Formerly Glen Cove Nassau Union Trust Company. Operates an out-of-town branch at Greenvale. Nassau Union Bank, The. Merged October 1953 into Glen C ove Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Glen C ove Nassau Union Trust Company. GLEN HEAD ▲First National Bank of Glen Head, The (13126)— 1927. Operates out-oftown branches at Greenvale, Northport and Roslyn Heights. GLENS FALLS ▲First National Bank of Glens Falls, The (980)— 1865. A conversion of Commercial Bank of Glens Falls. Operates out-of-tow n branches at Bol ton Landing, Granville, Hudson Falls, Lake George, Q ueensbury and South Glens Falls. 42 ▲Glens Falls N ational Bank and Trust C om pany (7699)— 1905. Formerly The National Bank of Glens Falls. Operates out-of-town branches at Chestertown, Fort Edward (2), Lake George, Queensbury, Schroon Lake and South Glens Falls. G LENV ILLE (TOW N) ★First N ational Bank of Scotia. GLOVERSVILLE ▲Fulton County N ational Bank and Trust C om pany, T he (3312)— 1852. Listed in original book 1885. Formerly The Fulton County National Bank and Trust Company of Gloversville. Operates out-of-town branches at Johnstown (Town) and Northville. Fulton C ounty N ational Bank and Trust C om pany, T he (3312)— 1969. Merged December 1969 into The Fulton County National Bank and Trust Company of Glovers ville which thereupon changed its name to The Fulton County National Bank and Trust Company. Fulton County N ational Bank and Trust Company of G loversville, The (3312)— 1852. Originally The Fulton County National Bank, having suc ceeded The National Fulton County Bank of Gloversville. Name changed December 1969 to The Fulton County National Bank and Trust Company. Trust C om pany of Fulton C ounty. Merged Decem ber 1962 into T he N a tional Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany. ★National C om m ercial Bank and Trust Com pany— Albany. GO SHEN Bank of Orange C ounty, T he. Formerly The National Bank of Orange County of Goshen. Converted August 1961 to The National Bank of Or ange and Ulster Counties. ★County Trust C om pany, T h e— W hite Plains. G oshen N ational Bank, T he (1408)— 1865. A conversion of Goshen Bank. Merged January 1966 into The County Trust Company, W hite Plains. ▲National Bank of Orange and U lster C ounties, T he (1399)— 1961. Form erly The Bank of Orange County. Operates out-of-town branches at Olive (Town), Pine Island, Rosendale, Unionville, Wallkill (Town), W est Hurley and Woodstock. N ational Bank o f Orange C ounty of G oshen, T he. Converted May 1952 to The Bank of Orange County. G O W AN D A Bank of Gow anda. Merged March 1955 into The Marine Trust Company of Western N ew York, Buffalo. ★Marine M idland Trust Com pany of W estern N ew York— Buffalo. GRAHAM SVILLE ★Sullivan C ounty N ational Bank of Liberty, The. G R A N D GORGE First N ational Bank of Grand Gorge, T he. Consolidated November 1957 with The National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich. 43 ★National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich, The. GRAND ISLAND ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo (2). ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Western New York—Buffalo. GRANVILLE ★First National Bank of Glens Falls, The. Washington County National Bank of Granville, The. Merged December 1955 into The First National Bank of Glens Falls. GREAT NECK ★Bankers Trust Company— Manhattan. Bank of Great Neck. Merged February 1953 into Garden City Bank and Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Long Island Trust Company. ★Chemical Bank—Manhattan. ★Long Island Trust Company—Garden City. ★Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company—Manhattan. ★National Bank of North America—Queens. ★Trade Bank and Trust Company—Manhattan. GREAT NECK PLAZA Central Bank and Trust Company. Originally National Bank of Great Neck. Consolidated November 1959 with The Meadow Brook National Bank of Nassau County, West Hempstead. ★Chase M anhattan Bank (National Association), The—Manhattan. ★East New York Savings Bank, The—Brooklyn. ★Franklin National Bank— Mineola (2). Great Neck Trust Company. Formerly Bank of Nassau County, Great Neck. Consolidated March 1954 with The Franklin National Bank of Franklin Square. National Bank of Great Neck (14699)—1954. Converted September 1955 into Central Bank and Trust Company. ★National Bank of North America—Queens (2). GREECE ★Central Trust Company Rochester, N. Y. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Rochester (2). ★Monroe County Savings Bank—Rochester. ★Rochester Savings Bank—Rochester. ★Security Trust Company of Rochester (2). ★State Bank of Hilton. GREECE (TOWN) ★Lincoln Rochester Trust Company—Rochester (2). 44 G R EEN BUR G H ♦M anufacturers H anover Trust C om pany— Manhattan. ★Scarsdale N ational Bank and Trust C om pany— Scarsdale. GREEN ISLA ND ★Marine M idland N ational Bank of Troy. GREENLAW N ★Franklin N ational Bank— Mineola. ★National Bank of North A m erica— Queens. GREENPORT (COLUM BIA COUNTY) ★National C om m ercial Bank and Trust Com pany— Albany. GREENPORT (SU FFO LK COUNTY) First N ational Bank o f G reenport, T he. Merged July 1960 into Valley Stream National Bank and Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Valley National Bank of Long Island, Valley Stream. P eoples N ational Bank of Greenport, The. Merged Decem ber 1953 into The North Fork Bank and Trust Company, Mattituck. ★North Fork Bank and Trust C om pany, T he— Mattituck. ★Valley N ational Bank of L ong Island— Valley Stream. GREENVALE ★First N ational Bank of G len H ead, The. ★Nassau Trust C om pany— Glen Cove. G R EEN V ILLE (G REENE COUNTY) ★National Bank of C oxsackie. GREEN V ILLE (W ESTCH ESTER COUNTY) ★Chase M anhattan Bank (N ational A ssociation), T h e— Manhattan. ★First N ational City Bank— Manhattan. G R E EN W O O D First N ational Bank o f G reenw ood, T he. Merged July 1956 into Security Trust Company of Rochester. ★First State Bank, C anisteo, N. Y. Formerly branch of Security Trust Company of Rochester. Purchased March 1963 by this bank. G R E EN W O O D LAKE ★Empire N ational Bank— Middletown. G U IL D E R L A N D ★First N ational Bank of Scotia. ★Mechanics’ and Farm ers’ Bank of Albany. ★Mechanics’ Exchange Savings Bank— Albany. ★National C om m ercial Bank and Trust C om pany— Albany. 45 HALESITE ★Security National Bank—Huntington. HAMBURG Bank of Hamburgh. Merged September 1952 into The Marine Trust Company of Western New York, Buffalo. ★Liberty National Bank and Trust Company—Buffalo. (2). ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo (2). ★Marine Midland Trust Company of W estern New York—Buffalo (3). People’s Bank of Hamburgh, The. Name changed January 1954 to The Peoples Bank of Hamburg. Peoples Bank of Hamburg, The. Formerly The People’s Bank of Ham burgh. Name changed March 1961 to The Peoples Bank of Erie County when The Bank of North Collins merged into this bank. Peoples Bank of Erie County, The—1891. Formerly The Peoples Bank of Hamburg. Merged March 1964 into Liberty National Bank and Trust Company—Buffalo. HAMILTON National Hamilton Bank, The. Absorbed December 1949 by The Oneida Valley National Bank of Oneida. ★Oneida Valley National Bank of Oneida, The. HAMMONDSPORT Bank of Hammondsport, The. Absorbed September 1951 by Lincoln Rochester Trust Company, Rochester. ★Lincoln Rochester Trust Company—Rochester. HAMPTON BAYS Hampton Bays National Bank, The (12987)—1926. Merged November 1968 into Valley National Bank of Long Island—Valley Stream. ★Valley National Bank of Long Island—Valley Stream. HANNIBUL VILLAGE ★First National Bank of Waterloo. HARRIMAN ★Citizens Bank of Monroe. HARRISON ★County Trust Company, The—White Plains ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. ★National Bank of W estchester—White Plains. ★Union Savings Bank of W estchester County, The—Mamaroneck. HARRISVILLE First National Bank of Harrisville, The. Merged November 1958 into State Bank of Edwards and Star Lake, Edwards, which thereupon changed its name and location to United Bank, Star Lake. ★United Bank—Star Lake. 46 HARTSDALE ★Chase M anhattan Bank (National Association), The—Manhattan. ★Chemical Bank—Manhattan. ★Greenburgh Savings Bank, The—Dobbs Ferry. ★Scarsdale National Bank and Trust Company. HARTWICK Hartwick National Bank, The. Merged July 1958 into The National Com mercial Bank and Trust Company, Albany. ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. HASTINGS-ON-HUDSON ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. HAUPPAUGE ★Bank of Smithtown. ★Eastern National Bank of Long Island—Smithtown. ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola (2). ★Long Island Trust Company—Garden City. HAVERSTRAW ★County Trust Company, The—White Plains (2). ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. National Bank of Haverstraw and Trust Company, The. Consolidated December 1957 with Rockland National Bank, Suffern. Peoples Bank of Haverstraw, The. Name and location changed Septem ber 1960 to The Peoples Bank of Rockland County, New City, and former main office now operated as a branch. HAWTHORNE ★National Bank of W estchester—White Plains. HEMPSTEAD S e c o n d N a tio n a l B an k an d T r u s t C o m p a n y of H em p stead , The (11375)—1919. Originally The Second National Bank of Hempstead. Merged November 1968 into Security National Bank of Long Island, Huntington which thereupon changed its name to Security National Bank. ★Security National Bank—Huntington. HEMPSTEAD (TOWN) ★Bank of Westbury Trust Company—Westbury. ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola (2). ★National Bank of North America—Queens. ★Valley National Bank of Long Island—Valley Stream. 47 HEMPSTEAD (VILLAGE) ▲Hempstead Bank—1887. Operates out-of-town branches at Baldwin, Bavville (2), Bethpage, East Meadow, East Norwich, Islip, Levittown, Lo cust Valley, Manhasset, Merrick, Mineola, New Hyde Park, North Massapequa, Old Bethpage, Oyster Bay, Syosset and Westbury. HENRIETTA ★Central Trust Company Rochester N. Y. ★Lincoln Rochester Trust Company—Rochester ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Rochester. ★Monroe County Savings Bank, The—Rochester. ★Security Trust Company of Rochester. HERKIMER First National Bank of Herkimer, The. Merged December 1958 into First Bank & Trust Company of Utica which thereupon changed its name to Marine Midland Trust Company of the Mohawk Valley, Utica. ★Herkimer County Trust Company, The—Little Falls. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of the Mohawk Valley—Utica. HERRICKS ★South Brooklyn Savings Bank—Brooklyn. HEUVELTON First National Bank of Heuvelton, The. Merged May 1963 into The St. Lawrence County National Bank—Canton. ★St. Lawrence County National Bank, The—Canton. HEWLETT ★Anchor Savings Bank—Brooklyn. ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. ★Peninsula National Bank—Cedarhurst (2). ★Valley National Bank of Long Island—Valley Stream. HICKSVILLE Bank of Hicksville. Merged December 1954 into The Meadow Brook Na tional Bank of Freeport. Long Island National Bank of Hicksville, The. Name changed January 1962 to Long Island National Bank. ▲Long Island National Bank (11087)—1917. Formerly The Long Island National Bank of Hicksville. Operates out-of-town branches at Bethpage, Commack, Plainview (3) and South Huntington. ★National Bank of North America—Queens. HIGHLAND ▲First National Bank of Highland, The (5336)— 1900. Operates out-oftown branches at Balmville, Milton and New Paltz. 48 HIGHLAND FALLS ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. First National Bank in Highland Falls. Merged November 1961 into The First National Bank of Poughkeepsie which thereupon changed its name to Marine Midland National Bank of Southeastern New York. ★Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A.—Poughkeepsie. HIGHLAND MILLS ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. HILLCREST ★Nanuet National Bank—Nanuet. HILTON ▲State Bank of Hilton—1914. Succeeded Fraser’s Bank. Operates an outof-town branch at Greece. HOLBROOK ★Island State Bank—Patchogue. HOLCOMB ★Canandaigua National Bank and Trust Company, The—Canandaigua. Hamlin National Bank of Holcomb, The (10046)—1911. Succeeded Hamlin & Company. Merged December 1967 into The Canandaigua National Bank and Trust Company. HOLLAND PATENT ★Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, The— Utica. HOLLEY ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Western New York—Buffalo. HOLTSVILLE ★Security National Bank—Huntington. HOMER ▲Homer National Bank (3186)— 1884. Operates an out-of-town branch at Cortlandville. HONEOYE ★Canandaigua National Bank and Trust Company, The—Canandaigua. HOOSICK FALLS ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. Peoples-First National Bank of Hoosick Falls, The. Merged November 1955 into The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Alba ny. 49 ★Empire ★Fishkill ★Fishkill ★Marine HOPEWELL JUNCTION National Bank—Middletown. National Bank—Beacon. Savings Bank. Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A.— Poughkeepsie. HOPEWELL (TOWN) ★Lincoln Rochester Trust Company—Rochester. HORNELL Barnes & Co., C. Private bankers in 1864. ▲Steuben Trust Company—1902. A conversion of Bank of Steuben. Oper ates an out-of-town branch at Arkport. HORNELLSVILLE (TOWNSHIP) ★Security Trust Company of Rochester. HORSEHEADS ★Chemung Canal Trust Company—Elmira (2). ★Marine M idland Trust Company of Southern New York—Elmira (2). HORSEHEADS (VILLAGE) ★Elmira Savings Bank, The—Elmira. HUDSON Farmers National Bank of Hudson, The. Merged March 1959 into The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany. First National Bank and Trust Company of Hudson, The (396)—1864. Originally The First National Bank of Hudson. Merged October 1955 into State Bank of Albany. Hudson River Trust Company. Absorbed August 1952 by The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany. ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. ★State Bank of Albany. HUDSON FALLS First National Bank of Hudson Falls, The. Consolidated July 1963 with The First National Bank of Glens Falls. ★First National Bank of Glens Falls, The. HUNTINGTON Bank of Huntington and Trust Company. Name changed October 1956 to Bank of Huntington when Huntington Station Bank merged into this bank. Bank of Huntington. Formerly Bank of Huntington and Trust Company. Merged December 1962 into The Meadow Brook National Bank, Queens. 50 First N ational Bank o f H untington. Name changed Decem ber 1952 to First Suffolk National Bank of Huntington when T he First National Bank and Trust Company of Northport consolidated with this bank. First N ational Bank and Trust Com pany of H untington. Originally The First National Bank of Huntington. Name changed November 1951 to First National Bank of Huntington. First Suffolk N ational Bank of H untington. Formerly First National Bank of Huntington. Nam e changed November 1955 to Security National Bank of Huntington when The Bank of Northern Brookhaven, Port Jef ferson and South Bay National Bank of Center Moriches m erged into this bank. ★National Bank of North A m erica— Queens. Security N ational Bank of H untington. Formerly First Suffolk National Bank of Huntington. Nam e changed May 1958 to Security National Bank of Long Island when The Fort Neck National Bank of Seaford consolidated with this bank. ▲Security N ational Bank (6587)— 1903. Formerly Security National Bank of Long Island. Operates out-of-town branches at Amityville (2), Babylon, Brentwood, Carle Place, Center Moriches (2), Central Islip, Cold Spring Harbor, Commack, Copiague, Deer Park, Dix Hills, East Farmingdale, East Hampton, East Northport, Eastport, Halesite, Hem pstead, Holtsville, Islip (2), Lindenhurst (2), Massapequa (2), Massapequa Park (2), Mastic Beach, Medford, Melville, North Bellmore, North Lindenhurst, North Massapequa, North Patchogue, Northport, Oceanside (3), Port Jefferson, Port Jefferson Station, Port W ashington, Riverhead, Rocky Point, Sag Harbor (2), Shirley, Southampton (2), Southold, South H un tington, South Plainedge, W antagh, W est Babylon (2), W est Bay Shore, W est Islip and W yandanch. Security N ational Bank of L ong Island— 1903. Formerly Security Nation al Bank of Huntington. Nam e changed November 1968 to Security N a tional Bank. H U N T IN G T O N STATION ★Bank of H untington. ★Eastern N ational Bank of L ong Island— Smithtown. H untington Station Bank. Merged October 1956 into Bank of Huntington and Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Bank of Huntington. ★National Bank of North Am erica— Queens. H U N T IN G T O N (TOW N) ★National Bank of North Am erica— Queens. HURLEY ★Kerhonkson N ational Bank— Kerhonkson. ★Kingston Trust Com pany— Kingston. H Y D E PARK ★Empire N ational Bank— Middletown. ★M arine M idland Bank of Southeastern N ew York, N .A .— Poughkeepsie. ★State of N ew York N ational Bank, T he— Poughkeepsie. 51 ILION Ilion National Bank and Trust Company. Merged into Marine Midland Trust Company of the Mohawk Valley, Utica. ★Marine M idland Trust Company of the Mohawk Valley—Utica. Manufacturers National Bank of Ilion, The. Merged October 1959 into The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Utica which there upon changed its name to The Oneida National Bank and Trust Com pany of Central New York, Utica. ★Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, The— Utica. INDIAN LAKE ★First Trust Company of Albany, National Association. ★North Creek National Bank, The—North Creek. INTERLAKEN W heeler National Bank of Interlaken, The. Consolidated September 1962 with First National Bank of Waterloo. ★First National Bank of Waterloo. INWOOD ★Chemical Bank—Manhattan. First National Bank of Inwood, The. Merged November 1954 into The Franklin National Bank of Franklin Square. ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. ★Peninsula National Bank—Cedarhurst. IRONDEQUOIT ★Central Trust Company Rochester N. Y. ★Lincoln Rochester Trust Company—Rochester (2). ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Rochester. ★Security Trust Company of Rochester (2). IRVINGTON ★County Trust Company, The—White Plains. Irvington National Bank and Trust Company, The. Originally The Ir vington National Bank. Merged May 1955 into The County Trust Com pany, White Plains. ISLAND PARK ★National Bank of North America—Queens. ISLIP ★First National Bank of Bay Shore. First National Bank of Islip, The. Merged June 1955 into First Suffolk National Bank of Huntington. ★Hempstead Bank—Hempstead. ★Security National Bank—Huntington (2). 52 ISLIP TERRACE ★First National Bank of East Islip, The. ★Island State Bank—Patchogue. ITHACA First National Bank of Ithaca. Name changed February 1958 to First Na tional Bank and Trust Company of Ithaca. ▲First National Bank and Trust Company of Ithaca (222)—1864. Original ly First National Bank of Ithaca. Operates an out-of-town branch at Ca yuga Heights. Ithaca Savings Bank—1868. Charter originally granted in 1841 under which it operated for about five years and then remained dormant until revived by the legislature in 1868. Name changed October 1968 to The Savings Bank of Tompkins County. ▲Savings Bank of Tompkins County, The— 1868. Formerly Ithaca Savings Bank. Operates an out-of-town branch at Lansing (Town). ▲Tompkins County Trust Company—1891. Originally Ithaca Trust Com pany. Operates an out-of-town branch at Lansing (Town) in addition to the one previously listed. JAMESPORT ★North Fork Bank and Trust Company, The—Mattituck. JAMESTOWN ▲Bank of Jamestown—1903. Operates out-of-town branches at Clymer and Lakewood (Village) in additon to the one previously listed. Chautauqua National Bank & Trust Company of Jamestown. Originally National Chautauqua County Bank of Jamestown. Name changed July 1955 to Chautauqua National Bank of Jamestown when The First Na tional Bank of Falconer merged into the bank. Chautauqua National Bank of Jamestown. Formerly Chautauqua Nation al Bank and Trust Company of Jamestown. Name changed August 1965 to Marine Midland Chautauqua National Bank. First National Bank of Jamestown, The (548)—1864. (First) Succeeded Jamestown Bank. Merged May 1967 into Second National Bank of Jamestown (Second) which thereupon retained the name of The First National Bank of Jamestown. ▲First National Bank of Jamestown, The (15626)—1967. (Second) Form erly Second National Bank of Jamestown (Second). Operates out-of-town branches at Bemus Point, Falconer, Frewsburg, Lakewood and Mayville. ▲Marine Midland Chautauqua National Bank (8453)— 1906. Formerly C h a u ta u q u a N a tio n a l Bank of Jam estow n. O perates out-of-tow n branches at Dunkirk, Falconer (2), South Dayton, West Ellicott and Westfield in addition to those previously listed under original name. National Chautauqua County Bank of Jamestown, The. Name changed December 1951 to Chautauqua National Bank & Trust Company of Jamestown when Union Trust Company of Jamestown, N. Y., merged into this bank. Second National Bank of Jamestown (15626)— 1967 (Second). Organized May 1967 at the same time name changed to The First National Bank of Jamestown when The First National Bank of Jamestown merged into this bank. 53 Union Trust Company of Jamestown, N. Y. M erged Decem ber 1951 into T he National Chautauqua County Bank of Jamestown which thereupon changed ks name to Chautauqua National Bank & Trust Company of Jamestown. JAMESVELLE ★Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Syracuse, The. JEFFERSON VALLEY ★National Bank of W estchester—W hite Plains. JEFFERSONVILLE ▲First National Bank of Jeffersonville, The (10456)— 1913. Operates an out-of-town branch at Eldred. JERICHO ★Bankers Trust Company— Manhattan. ★Dollar Savings Bank of New York— Bronx. ★First National City Bank— Manhattan. ★Franklin National Bank— Mineola (2). ★Marine Midland Grace Trust Company— Manhattan. ★National Bank of North America—Queens. JOHNSON CITY ★First-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York— Elmira. Workers Trust Company. M erged October 1953 into Elmira Bank & Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Marine Midland Trust Company of Southern N ew York, Elmira. JOHNSTOWN ★First Trust Company of Albany, National Association. Johnstown Bank, The. M erged May 1961 into First Trust C om pany of Al bany. ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company — Albany. ★State Bank of Albany. JOHNSTOWN (TOWN) ★Fulton County National Bank and Trust Company, The—Gloversville. JORDAN ★Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Syracuse. KATONAH ★Bankers Trust Company— Manhattan. ★County Trust Company, The — W hite Plains. Northern W estchester Bank. M erged January 1955 into T he C ounty Trust Company, W hite Plains. ★Northern Westchester National Bank—Chappaqua. 54 KEESEVILLE ▲K e e s e v ille N a tio n a l B an k , T h e (1 7 5 3 )— 1870. O p era tes o u t-o f-to w n branches at Chazy and Peru. KENM ORE ★Bank of B uffalo. ★Buffalo Savings Bank, T he— Buffalo. ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust C om pany— Buffalo. State Bank of Kenm ore— 1914. Merged June 1966 into Bank of Buffalo. KERHONKSON Kerhonkson N ational Bank, The (10855)— 1916. Merged Decem ber 1968 into Kingston Trust Company, Kingston. ★Kingston Trust Com pany— Kingston. K IND ERH O O K ▲National U nion Bank of Kinderhook, The (929)— 1865. A conversion of Union Bank of Kinderhook. Operates an out-of-town branch at Valatie. KINGS PARK ★Bank of Sm ithtow n. N ational Bank of Kings Park, The. Merged March 1962 into Valley Na tional Bank of Long Island, Valley Stream. ★National Bank of North Am erica— Queens. ★Valley N ational Bank of Long Island— Valley Stream. KINGSTON ▲Kingston Savings Bank— 1875. Operates an out-of-town branch at Ulster (Town). ▲Kingston Trust Com pany— 1919. Operates out-of-town branches at Hur ley, Kerhonkson, Marlboro, Phoenicia, Stone Ridge and Ulster (Town). National U lster County Bank o f Kingston, T he. Consolidated Decem ber 1959 with T he State of N ew York National Bank, Kingston. ▲Rondout N ational Bank o f Kingston, T he (1120)— 1865. Operates out-oftown branches at New Paltz, Port Ewen and Woodstock. State of N ew York N ational Bank, T he (955)— 1865. Merged February 1968 into The Fallkill National Bank and Trust Company, Poughkeepsie which thereupon changed its name to The State of N ew York National Bank, Poughkeepsie. ★State of N ew York N ational Bank, T he— Poughkeepsie (4). ▲Ulster County Savings Bank— 1851. Formerly The Ulster County Savings Institution. Ulster County Savings Institution, T he. Name changed July 1965 to U l ster County Savings Bank. KIRKW OOD ★First-City N ational Bank o f B ingham ton, N . Y. 55 LACKAWANNA ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Western New York—Buffalo (2). LACONA First National Bank of Lacona, The (10175)—1912. Merged January 1964 into The Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Syracuse. ★Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Syracuse, The. LA FAYETTE ★Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Syracuse, The. LAKE CARMEL ★Putnam County National Bank of Carmel, The. LAKE GEORGE ★First National Bank of Glens Falls, The. First National Bank of Lake George (8793)—1907. Absorbed December 1966 by The First National Bank of Glens Falls. ★Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company—Glens Falls. LAKE GROVE ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. ★National Bank of North America—Queens. ★Riverhead Savings Bank—Riverhead. LAKE LUZERNE Luzerne-Hadley Bank, The. Consolidated April 1958 with The Emerson National Bank of Warrensburgh. ★Emerson National Bank of W arrensburgh, The. ★State Bank of Albany. LAKE RONKONKOMA National Bank of Lake Ronkonkoma, The (13130)—1927. Merged De cember 1964 into The Peoples National Bank of Long Island, Patchogue. ★Peoples National Bank of Long Island, The—Patchogue. LAKE PLACID ▲Bank of Lake Placid, The— 1909. Operates an out-of-town branch at Sar anac Lake. LAKEWOOD ★First National Bank of Jamestown, The. LAKEWOOD (VILLAGE) ★Bank of Jamestown. LANCASTER ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo. 56 LANSING (TOWN) ★Savings Bank of Tompkins County, The—Ithaca. ★Tompkins County Trust Company—Ithaca. LARCHMONT ★County Trust Company, The—White Plains (2). ★First National City Bank— Manhattan. ★First W estchester National Bank—New Rochelle. ★National Bank of W estchester—White Plains. ★People’s Bank for Savings of New Rochelle. LATHAM ★Cohoes Savings Bank—Cohoes. ▲Fidelity Bank of Colonie—1966. Operates an out-of-town branch at Colonie. ★Marine Midland National Bank of Troy. ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. ★State Bank of Albany. LAWRENCE ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. Lawrence-Cedarhurst Bank, The. Originally Bank of Lawrence. Merged March 1954 into The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport. ★National Bank of North America—Queens. LEVITTOWN ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola (3). ★Green Point Savings Bank, The—Brooklyn. ★Hempstead Bank. ★Long Island Trust Company—Garden City. ★National Bank of North America—Queens. ★Williamsburgh Savings Bank, The—Brooklyn. LEWISBORO ★Bankers Trust Company—Manhattan. ★Northern Westchester National Bank—Chappaqua. LEWISTON ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Western New York—Buffalo (2). LIBERTY Community National Bank (10037)—1911. Formerly The National Bank of Liberty. Merged October 1964 into Marine Midland National Bank of Southeastern New York, Poughkeepsie. ★Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A.—Poughkeepsie. 57 National Bank of Liberty, The. Name changed February 1963 to Com munity National Bank when The South Fallsburg National Bank, South Fallsburg consolidated with this bank. ▲Sullivan County National Bank of Liberty, The (4925)—1893. Operates out-of-town branches at Grahamsville, Livingston Manor, Roscoe and White Lake. LIMA ★Marine Midland Trust Company—Rochester. LINDENHURST First National Bank of Lindenhurst, The. Merged June 1955 into First Suffolk National Bank of Huntington. Lindenhurst Bank, The. Merged January 1961 into Long Island Trust Company, Garden City. ★Long Island Trust Company—Garden City. ★Security National Bank—Huntington (2). LITTLE FALLS ▲Herkimer County Trust Company, The— 1917. Succeeded The National Herkimer County Bank of Little Falls. Operates an out-of-town branch at Herkimer. LIVERPOOL ★Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York—Syra cuse. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Central New York—Syracuse. ★Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Syracuse, The. LIVINGSTON MANOR Livingston Manor Bank, The. Consolidated February 1962 with The Sul livan County National Bank of Liberty. ★Sullivan County National Bank of Liberty, The. LIVONIA ★Security Trust Company of Rochester. Stewart National Bank of Livonia, The. Merged April 1956 into Security Trust Company of Rochester. LOCKE Citizens Bank of Locke, N. Y., The—1895. Absorbed June 1953 by The National Bank of Auburn. ★National Bank of Auburn, The. LOCKPORT Farmers and Mechanics’ Savings Bank of the City of Lockport, The— 1870. Name changed June 1967 to Lockport Savings Bank. Lockport Exchange Trust Company. Merged November 1949 into Manu factures and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. 58 ▲Lockport Savings Bank— 1870. Formerly The Farmers and Mechanics’ Savings Bank of the City of Lockport. ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company — Buffalo (3). ★Marine Midland Trust Company of W estern New York— Buffalo (3). Niagara County National Bank and Trust Company. M erged April 1951 into The Marine Trust Company of W estern N ew York, Buffalo. LOCUST GROVE ★National Bank of North America— Queens. LOCUST VALLEY ★Hempstead Bank— Hempstead. Matinecock Bank— 1923. Originally Matinecock Bank of Locust Valley. Merged August 1969 into Hem pstead Bank, Hempstead. Matinecock Bank of Locust Valley. Nam e changed June 1956 to Matine cock Bank. LONG BEACH ★Chemical Bank— Manhattan. ★Franklin National Bank— Mineola. ★National Bank of North America — Queens (2). National City Bank of Long Beach, The. M erged April 1955 into The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport. ★Peninsula National Bank— Cedarhurst. State Bank of Long Beach — 1957. M erged March 1962 into Commercial Bank of North America— Manhattan. LOWVILLE Black River National Bank of Lowville, The. Consolidated January 1959 with The Watertown National Bank. ▲Lewis County Trust Company — 1920. Operates out-of-town branches at Carthage and Port Leyden. ★National Bank of Northern New York, The — Watertown. LYNBROOK ▲Community Bank, The — 1960. Operates an out-of-town branch at W est Hempstead. Lynbrook National Bank & Trust Company, The. Merged June 1958 into Central Bank and Trust Company, Great Neck Plaza. ★National Bank of North America — Queens. Peoples National Bank and Trust Company of Lynbrook, The. Name changed January 1947 to Peoples National Bank of Lynbrook. Peoples National Bank of Lynbrook (11603)— 1920. Formerly The Peo ples National Bank and Trust Company of Lynbrook. Consolidated Oc tober 1952 with The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport. MACEDON ★Lincoln Rochester Trust Company — Rochester. 59 MADRID Madrid Bank. Merged March 1961 into The St. Lawrence County Nation al Bank of Canton. ★St. Lawrence County National Bank, The—Canton. MAHOPAC ▲Mahopac National Bank, The (13121)—1927. Operates an out-of-town branch at Mahopac Falls. MAHOPAC FALLS ★Mahopac National Bank, The. MALONE ▲Citizens National Bank of Malone, The (11897)—1920. Operates an outof-town branch at Brushton. ▲Farmers National Bank of Malone, The (598)—1864. Operates out-oftown branches at Chateaugay and Fort Covington. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Northern New York—Watertown. People’s Trust Company of Malone, The. Merged February 1953 into The Northern New York Trust Company, Watertown. MALVERNE Bank of Malverne, The. Consolidated February 1957 with The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport which thereupon changed its name to The Meadow Brook National Bank of Nassau County, West Hempstead. ★National Bank of North America—Queens. MAMARONECK ★County Trust Company, The—White Plains. ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. ★First Westchester National Bank—New Rochelle. ▲Union Savings Bank of Westchester County, The—1887. Operates an out-of-town branch at Harrison. MANHASSET ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. ★Franklin National Bank— Mineola. ★Harlem Savings Bank—Manhattan. ★Hempstead Bank. ★National Bank of North America—Queens (2). MANLIUS ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Central New York—Syracuse. MAPLE VIEW Backus, C. B. (See C. B. Backus, Union Springs.) 60 MABATHON First National Bank of Marathon, The. Merged August 1957 into First National Bank of Cortland. ★First National Bank of Cortland. MARCELLUS First National Bank of Marcellus, The. Merged February 1956 into First Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. ★First Trust & Deposit Company—Syracuse. MARGARETVILLE Peoples National Bank of Margaretville, The. Merged August 1963 into The National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich. ★National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich, The. MARLBORO First National Bank of Marlboro, The (8834)—1907. Merged March 1965 into Kingston Trust Company. ★Kingston Trust Company—Kingston. MASSAPEQUA ★Chemical Bank—Manhattan. ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. ★Kings County Savings Bank, The—Brooklyn. ★Security National Bank—Huntington (2). ★United Mutual Savings Bank—Manhattan. MASSAPEQUA PARK ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. ★National Bank of North America—Queens. ★Roosevelt Savings Bank of the City of New York—Brooklyn. ★Security National Bank—Huntington (2). MASSENA First National Bank and Trust Company of Massena, The. Merged Feb ruary 1953 into The Northern New York Trust Company, Watertown. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Northern New York—Watertown (2). Massena Banking and Trust Company, The. Merged September 1963 into The Watertown National Bank which thereupon changed its name to The National Bank of Northern New York, Watertown. ★National Bank of Northern New York, The—Watertown (2). ★St. Lawrence County Savings Bank, The—Ogdensburg. MASTIC BEACH ★Security National Bank—Huntington. 61 MATTITUCK M attituck National Bank and Trust Company, The. Converted December 1950 into The North Fork Bank and Trust Company. ▲North Fork Bank and Trust Company, The—1950. Originally The Matt ituck National Bank and Trust Company. Operates out-of-town branches at Cutchogue, Greenport, Jamesport, Shelter Island and Southold. MATTYDALE ★First Trust & Deposit Company—Syracuse. MAYBROOK ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. ★Maybrook National Bank, The (11927)—1921. Merged April 1967 into County National Bank, Middletown. MAYFAIR ★Schenectady Trust Company, The—Schenectady. MAYVILLE ★First National Bank of Jamestown, The. State Bank of Mayville, The. Merged June 1956 into The First National Bank of Jamestown. McGRAW ★First National Bank of Cortland. MECHANICVILLE ★State Bank of Albany. MEDFORD ★Peoples National Bank of Long Island, The—Patchogue. ★Security National Bank—Huntington. MEDINA ★Marine Midland Trust Company of W estern New York—Buffalo (2). Medina Trust Company. Merged April 1951 into The Marine Trust Com pany of Western New York, Buffalo. MELVILLE ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. ★Long Island Trust Company—Garden City. ★National Bank of North America—Queens. ★Security National Bank—Huntington. MENANDS ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. ★State Bank of Albany. MENANDS (VILLAGE) ★Marine Midland National Bank of Troy. 62 MERRICK ★Dime Savings Bank of Williamsburgh, The — Brooklyn. First National Bank of Merrick, N. Y., The. Consolidated November 1949 with The First National Bank and Trust Company of Freeport which thereupon changed its name to T he Island National Bank of Freeport. ★First National City Bank— Manhattan. ★Franklin National Bank— Mineola. ★Hempstead Bank— Hempstead. ★National Bank of North America — Queens (2). MEXICO ▲First National Bank of Mexico, The (5293)— 1900. Succeeded Charles A. Peck & Co. Operates an out-of-town branch at N ew Haven. MIDDLEBURG ★Central National Bank, Canajoharie. First National Bank of Middleburgh, The. Consolidated October 1954 with First National Bank of Canajoharie which thereupon changed its name to Central National Bank, Canajoharie. M IDDLE ISLAND ★Marine Midland Tinker National Bank— East Setauket. MIDDLEPORT ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Western New York— Buffalo. MIDDLETOWN County National Bank. Formerly County National Bank, Middletown. Nam e changed February 1970 to Empire National Bank. County National Bank, Middletown. Formerly The National Bank of Middletown. Name changed January 1964 to County National Bank. ▲Empire National Bank (13956)— 1934. Formerly County National Bank. Operates out-of-town branches at Arlington, Beacon, Cornwall, Fishkill, Greenwood Lake, Haverstraw, Highland Falls, Highland Mills, Hopewell Junction, H yde Park, Maybrook, Monsey (2), Mt. Ivy, Newburgh, Newburgh (Town), New City, New Windsor, Orangeburg, Pearl River, Pine Bush, Port Jervis, Poughkeepsie (2), Poughkeepsie (Town), Red Oaks Mill, Rock Hill, South Fallsburg, Spring Valley, Sterling Forest, Stony Point, Suffern (2), Tuxedo, Wallkill, W appingers Falls, Warwick, Washingtonville, W est Haverstraw, W est Nyack and W oodridge. National Bank of Middletown, The. Nam e changed November 1955 to County National Bank, M iddletown when The National Bank of Pine Bush merged into this bank. ▲Orange County Trust Company — 1892. Originally Orange County Trust and Safe Deposit Company. Operates an out-of-town branch at Silver Lake. 63 M IDDLEVILLE ★Marine Midland Trust Company of the Mohawk Valley—Utica. Middleville National Bank, The. Consolidated November 1957 with The First National Bank of Herkimer. MILFORD Milford National Bank, The. Absorbed March 1953 by Wilber National Bank of Oneonta. ★Wilber National Bank of Oneonta. MILTON ★First National Bank of Highland, The. First National Bank of Milton, The (11649)—1920. Consolidated Feb ruary 1965 with The First National Bank of Highland. MINEOLA Central National Bank of Mineola, The. Merged August 1955 into The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport. County National Bank of Long Island (14951)— 1961. Formerly County National Bank of Mineola. Merged June 1965 into Valley National Bank of Long Island, Valley Stream. County National Bank of Mineola. Name changed February 1964 to County National Bank of Long Island. First National Bank of Mineola, The. Merged March 1955 into The Franklin National Bank of Franklin Square. Franklin Bank of New York (National Association)—1969. Merged Sep tember 1969 into Franklin National Bank. ▲Franklin National Bank (12997)— 1926. Formerly The Franklin National Bank of Long Island. Operates out-of-town branches at Amityville, Bald win, Bay Shore, Bellerose, Bellmore, Bohemia, Brentwood (2), Bronx (3), Brooklyn (3), Central Islip, Deer Park, East Farmingdale, East Meadow, Elmont, Elwood, Farmingdale, Floral Park (2), Franklin Square, Glen Cove, Great Neck Plaza (2), Greenlawn, Hauppauge (2), Hempstead (Town) (2), Inwood, Jericho (2), Lake Grove, Lawrence, Levittown (3), Long Beach, Manhasset, Manhattan (9), Massapequa, Melville, Merrick, New Cassel, New Hyde Park, North Lindenhurst, North New Hyde Park, North Valley Stream, Plainedge, Plainview (2), Port Jefferson Sta tion, Port Washington, Queens (9), Riverhead, Rockville Centre (2), Roosevelt, Roslyn, Sea Cliff, South Farmingdale, South Huntington, Uniondale and West Hempstead. Franklin National Bank of Long Island, The. Name changed October 1962 to Franklin National Bank. ★Hempstead Bank—Hempstead. ★Long Island Trust Company—Garden City. ★National Bank of North America—Queens. Nassau County Trust Company. Merged May 1955 into The Franklin Na tional Bank of Franklin Square. ★Valley National Bank of Long Island—Valley Stream. 64 MINOA First National Bank of Minoa (3476)—1930. Merged February 1964 into Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, Syra cuse. ★Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York—Syra cuse. MODENA ★Valley National Bank, Wallkill, N. Y.—Walden. MOHAWK ★Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, The— Utica. MONROE ▲Citizens Bank of Monroe—1915. Operates an out-of-town branch at Harriman. MONSEY ★Empire National Bank—Middletown (2). ★Nanuet National Bank—Nanuet. ▲Savings Bank of Rockland County, The—1965. MONTAUK ★First National Bank of East Hampton. MONTICELLO ★County Trust Company, The—White Plains. Sullivan County Trust Company, The. Name changed April 1963 to In tercounty Trust Company when The National Bank and Trust Company of Port Jervis merged into this bank. Intercounty Trust Company—1923. Formerly The Sullivan County Trust Company. Merged January 1966 into The County Trust Company, White Plains. MORRISVILLE First National Bank of Morrisville, The. Absorbed April 1957 by First Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. ★First Trust & Deposit Company—Syracuse. MT. IVY ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. MOUNT KISCO ★Bankers Trust Company—Manhattan. ★County Trust Company, The—White Plains. ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. ★Manhattan Savings Bank, The— Manhattan. 65 Mount Kisco National Bank and Trust Company, The. Consolidated De cember 1960 with National Bank of Westchester, White Plains. ★National Bank of Westchester—White Plains (2). ★Northern W estchester National Bank—Chappaqua. MOUNT MORRIS Genesee River National Bank of Morris. Merged November 1952 into Security Trust Company of Rochester. ★Security Trust Company of Rochester. MOUNT VERNON ★Chase M anhattan Bank (National Association), The—Manhattan. ★Chemical Bank—Manhattan (3). ★County Trust Company, The—White Plains (2). In addition to previously listed branches (2). ▲ Eastchester Savings B ank— 1871. O perates out-of-tow n branches at Eastchester and North Pelham. First National Bank of Mount Vernon, The (5271)—1900. Succeeded People’s Bank of Mount Vernon, N. Y. Merged February 1964 into Chemical Bank New York Trust Company, Manhattan. ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. Mount Vernon Trust Company, The. Merged March 1952 into The County Trust Company, White Plains. ★National Bank of W estchester—White Plains. MUNSON ★Long Island Trust Company—Garden City. ★Valley National Bank of Long Island—Valley Stream. NANUET ▲Nanuet National Bank (13314)—1929. Operates out-of-town branches at Congers, Hillcrest, Monsey, New City and West Nyack. ▲Union State Bank—1970. NAPLES Hiram Maxfield State Bank, The. Merged December 1952 into Security Trust Company of Rochester. ★Security Trust Company of Rochester. NARROWSBURG First National Bank of Narrowsburg, The (12496)—1924. Consolidated June 1964 with First National Bank in Callicoon which thereupon changed its name to United National Bank. ★United National Bank—Callicoon. NASSAU ★National Exchange Bank of Castleton on Hudson, The. 66 NESCONSET ★National Bank of North America— Queens. NEWARK ★Lincoln Rochester Trust Company— Rochester. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Rochester. NEW BERLIN ★National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich, The. National Bank of New Berlin, The. Consolidated Decem ber 1946 with T he National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich. NEWBURGH ★Empire National Bank— Middletown. Highland-Quassaick National Bank and Trust Company of Newburgh, The. Nam e changed February 1957 to Highland National Bank of N ew burgh. ▲Highland National Bank of Newburgh (1106)— 1865. Formerly The Highland-Quassaick National Bank and Trust Company of Newburgh. Operates out-of-town branches at Newburgh (Town) and Vails Gate. National Bank of Newburgh, The. Consolidated September 1958 with County National Bank, Middletown. a Newburgh Savings Bank— 1852. Originally The Newburgh Savings Bank. Operates an out-of-town branch at Vails Gate. Newburgh Savings Bank, The. Nam e changed January 1950 to Newburgh Savings Bank. NEWBURGH (TOWN) ★Empire National Bank— Middletown. ★Highland National Bank of Newburgh. NEW CASS EL ★Chemical Bank— Manhattan. ★Franklin National Bank— Mineola. NEW CITY ★County Trust Company, The—W hite Plains. ★Empire National Bank— Middletown. Peoples Bank of Rockland County, The — 1887. Formerly The Peoples Bank of Haverstraw. M erged January 1965 into the County Trust Com pany, W hite Plains. ★Nanuet National Bank— Nanuet. ★First State Bank of Rockland County, The — Spring Valley. NEWCOMB ★North Creek National Bank— North Creek. NEWCOMB (TOWN) ★First Trust Company of Albany, National Association. 67 NEWFANE State Bank of Newfane. Merged September 1963 into Liberty National Bank and Trust Company, Buffalo. ★Liberty National Bank and Trust Company—Buffalo. NEW HARTFORD ★Marine Midland Trust Company of the Mohawk Valley—Utica. ★Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, The— Utica. ★Savings Bank of Utica, The. NEW HAVEN ★First National Bank of Mexico, The. NEW HYDE PARK Bank of New Hyde Park. Merged April 1955 into The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport. ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. ★Hempstead Bank—Hempstead. ★National Bank of North America—Queens (2). NEW PALTZ ★First National Bank of Highland Falls, The. Huguenot National Bank of New Paltz, The. Consolidated December 1960 with The State of New York National Bank, Kingston. ▲New Paltz Savings Bank—1871. Operates an out-of-town branch at Woodstock. ★Rondout National Bank of Kingston, The. ★State of New York National Bank, The—Poughkeepsie. NEW ROCHELLE First National Bank of New Rochelle. Name changed January 1952 to First Westchester National Bank of New Rochelle when Bronxville Trust Company consolidated with this bank. First Westchester National Bank of New Rochelle. Originally First Na tional Bank of New Rochelle. Name changed January 1963 to First Westchester National Bank. ▲F i r s t W e s tc h e s te r N a tio n a l B an k (13955)— 1934. Form erly First Westchester National Bank of New Rochelle. Operates out-of-town branches at Brewster, Briarcliff Manor, Bronxville, Eastchester, Larchmont, Mamaroneck, Ossining (2), Port Chester (2) and Rye. Huguenot Trust Company of New Rochelle. Merged November 1952 into New Rochelle Trust Company. ★National Bank of Westchester—White Plains (4). ▲People’s Bank for Savings of New Rochelle, N. Y.—1906. Operates outof-town branches at Larchmont and Pelham Manor. New Rochelle Trust Company. Name changed October 1953 to The Westchester Bank and Trust Company when The Peoples National Bank and Trust Company of White Plains merged into this bank. 68 W estchester Bank and Trust Company, The. Formerly New Rochelle Trust Company. Merged October 1954 into First National Bank & Trust Company of Tuckahoe which thereupon changed its name to National Bank of Westchester, White Plains. NEW WINDSOR ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. ★State of New York National Bank, The—Poughkeepsie. NEW WINDSOR (P.O. Vails Gate) ★Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A.—Poughkeepsie. NIAGARA (TOWN) ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Western New York—Buffalo. NIAGARA FALLS ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo (3). ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Western New York—Buffalo (5). ▲Niagara County Savings Bank—1890. Operates an out-of-town branch at North Tonawanda. Power City Trust Company. Merged April 1951 into The Marine Trust Company of Buffalo which thereupon changed its name to The Marine Trust Company of Western New York, Buffalo. NIMMONSBURG (VILLAGE) ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York—Elmira. NISKAYUNA ★First National Bank of Scotia. ★Mohawk National Bank of Schenectady, The. NORTH BABYLON ★Bank of Babylon. NORTH BELLMORE ★Chase Manhattan Bank (National Association), The—Manhattan. ★Security National Bank—Huntington. NORTH COLLINS Bank of North Collins, The. Merged March 1961 into The Peoples Bank of Hamburg which thereupon changed its name to The Peoples Bank of Erie County. ★Liberty National Bank and Trust Company—Buffalo. NORTH CREEK ★First Trust Company of Albany, National Association. North Creek National Bank, The (9716)—1910. Merged July 1967 into First Trust Company of Albany. 69 NORTH GREENBUSH ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company — Albany. ★Union National Bank of Troy, The. NORTH HEMPSTEAD (TOWN) ★National Bank of North America— Queens. NORTH LINDENHURST ★Franklin National Bank— Mineola. ★Long Island Trust Company— Garden City. ★Security National Bank— Huntington. NORTH LYNBROOK ★Chase M anhattan Bank (National Association), The— Manhattan. ★Chemical Bank— Manhattan. NORTH MASSAPEQUA ★Hempstead Bank— Hempstead. ★Security National Bank— Huntington. NORTH MERRICK ★National Bank of North America—Queens. NORTH NEW HYDE PARK ★Bankers Trust Company — Manhattan. ★Brooklyn Savings Bank— Brooklyn. ▲State Bank of Long Island—1967. ★Franklin National Bank— Mineola. NORTH PATCHOGUE ★Peoples National Bank of Long Island, The — Patchogue. ★Security National Bank— Huntington. NORTH PELHAM ★Chemical Bank— Manhattan. ★Eastchester Savings Bank— Mount Vernon. NORTHPORT ★First National Bank of Glen Head, The. First National Bank and Trust Company of Northport, The. Consoli dated D ecem ber 1952 with First National Bank of Huntington which thereupon changed its name to First Suffolk National Bank of H unting ton. Northport Trust Company — 1912. Merged July 1953 into First Suffolk National Bank of Huntington. ★Security National Bank— Huntington. 70 NORTH SYRACUSE ★First Trust & Deposit Company—Syracuse. ★Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Syracuse, The. NORTH TONAWANDA ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Western New York—Buffalo (2). ★Niagara County Savings Bank—Niagara Falls. State Trust Company of North Tonawanda. Merged April 1951 into The Marine Trust Company of Western New York, Buffalo. NORTH VALLEY STREAM ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. NORTHVILLE ★Fulton County National Bank and Trust Company, The—Gloversville. Northville Bank, The. Absorbed May 1954 by The Fulton County Nation al Bank and Trust Company of Gloversville. NORTH WOODMERE ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. NORWICH ▲National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich, The (1354)—1865. Oper ates out-of-town branches at Afton, Bainbridge, Earlville, Grand Gorge, Margaretville, New Berlin, Norwich (Town), Sherburne and South Otselic. NORWICH (TOWN) ★National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich, The. NORWOOD State Bank of Norwood. Merged September 1958 into The St. Lawrence County National Bank of Canton. ★St. Lawrence County National Bank, The—Canton. NYACK ★Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A.—Poughkeepsie. Marine Midland Trust Company of Rockland County—1940. Formerly Nyack Bank and Trust Company. Merged December 1969 into Marine Midland National Bank of Southeastern New York, Poughkeepsie which thereupon changed its name to Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A. Nyack Bank and Trust Company. Name changed September 1958 to Ma rine Midland Trust Company of Rockland County when State Bank of Pearl River merged into this bank ▲Tappan Zee National Bank (14734)—1955. Formerly Tappen Zee Nation al Bank of Nyack. Operates out-of-town branches at Orangeburg, Piermont, Spring Valley, Valley Cottage and West Nyack. Tappan Zee National Bank of Nyack. Name changed February 1964 to Tappan Zee National Bank. 71 OAKDALE ★First National Bank of Bay Shore. ★Oystermen’s Bank and Trust Company, The—Sayville. OAKFIELD Exchange Bank. Merged October 1961 into Liberty Bank and Trust Com pany, Buffalo. ★Liberty National Bank and Trust Company—Buffalo. OCEANSIDE ★Chemical Bank—Manhattan. Oceanside National Bank, The (12458)—1923. Merged November 1969 with Security National Bank, Huntington. ★Peninsula National Bank—Cedarhurst. ★Security National Bank—Huntington (3). ODESSA ▲Finger Lakes National Bank (13493)—1930. Formerly The First National Bank of Odessa. First National Bank of Odessa, The. Name changed January 1970 to Fin^. ger Lakes National Bank. OGDENSBURG ▲Lawrence County Savings Bank, The—1909. Operates an out-of-town branch at Massena. OLD BETHPAGE ★Hempstead Bank—Hempstead. OLD FORGE First National Bank of Old Forge, The. Merged March 1955 into The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Utica. ★Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, The— Utica. OLEAN ★Citizens National Bank and Trust Company, The—Wellsville. ▲Exchange Bank of Olean, The— 1969. Formerly The Exchange National Bank of Olean. Exchange National Bank of Olean, The (2376)—1878. Succeeded State Bank of Olean. Converted into a State member bank May 1969 under new title The Exchange Bank of Olean. ▲First National Bank of Olean, The (1887)—1871. Succeeded Bank of Olean. Operates out-of-town branches at Allegany and Portville. Olean Trust Company— 1914. Succeeded The Olean National Bank. Merged December 1969 into The Citizens National Bank and Trust Company, Wellsville. OLIVE (TOWN) ★National Bank of Orange and Ulster Counties, The—Goshen. 72 ONEIDA ★Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York—Syra cuse. Madison County Trust and Deposit Company. Name changed January 1954 to Madison County Trust Co. Madison County Trust Co. Formerly Madison County Trust and Deposit Company. Consolidated January 1958 with Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Syracuse. ▲Oneida Valley National Bank of Oneida, The (1090)—1865. Operates out-of-town branches at Hamilton and Sherrill. ONEONTA Citizens National Bank and Trust Company of Oneonta, The. Merged October 1964 into National Commercial Bank and Trust Company, Al bany. ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany (2). ▲Wilber National Bank of Oneonta (2151)—1874. Operates out-of-town branches at Milford and Schenevus. ORANGEBURG ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. ★Tappan Zee National Bank—Nyack. ORANGETOWN ★Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A.—Poughkeepsie. ORCHARD PARK Bank of Orchard Park. Merged March 1962 into Liberty Bank and Trust Company, Buffalo. ★Liberty National Bank and Trust Company—Buffalo. ORCHARD PARK (TOWN) ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Western New York—Buffalo. ORISKANY ★Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, The— Utica. OSSINING ▲Bank for Savings of Ossining, The— 1854. Originally Sing Sing Savings Bank. Operates an out-of-town branch at Briarcliff Manor. ★Chemical Bank—Manhattan. First National Bank and Trust Company of Ossining, The. Consolidated March 1961 with First Westchester National Bank of New Rochelle. ★First Westchester National Bank—New Rochelle (2). OSWEGATCHIE ★St. Lawrence County National Bank, The—Canton. 73 OSWEGO ★Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York—Syra cuse (2). ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Central New York—Syracuse (3). Oswego County National Bank. Merged January 1953 into The Syracuse Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Marine Midland Trust Company of Central New York, Syracuse. ▲Oswego County Savings Bank, The— 1870. Operates an out-of-town branch at Pulaski. OTISVILLE VILLAGE ★Chester National Bank, The—Chester. OWEGO ★Endicott Bank of New York—Endicott. First National Bank of Owego, The. Merged May 1958 into First-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. ★First-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. ★Tioga State Bank—Spencer. OYSTER BAY ★Bank of Westbury Trust Company—Westbury. ★Hempstead Bank—Hempstead. ★National Bank of North America—Queens (2). North Shore Bank Trust Company. Merged August 1955 into The Mead ow Brook National Bank of Freeport. Oyster Bay Trust Company. Merged February 1956 into Hempstead Bank. PAINTED POST ▲First National Bank of Painted Post, The (13664)— 1933. Succeeded The Painted Post National Bank. Operates an out-of-town branch at Erwin (Town). PAMELIA ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Northern New York—Watertown. PATCHOGUE ▲Island State Bank—1916. Formerly The Patchogue Bank (Second). Oper ates out-of-town branches at Coram, East Patchogue, Holbrook and Islip Terrace. ★Marine Midland Tinker National Bank—East Setauket. Patchogue Bank, The (Second). Name changed Novemeber 1963 to Island State Bank. Peoples Bank of Long Island, National Association. Merged June 1969 with The Peoples National Bank of Long Island. ▲Peoples National Bank of Long Island, The (12788)— 1925. Formerly The Peoples National Bank of Patchogue. Operates out-of-town branches at Centereach, East Patchogue, Farmingdale, Lake Ronkonkoma, Med ford, North Patchogue and Selden. 74 Peoples National Bank of Patchogue, The. Nam e changed February 1964 to The Peoples National Bank of Long Island. ▲Union Savings Bank of Long Island, The— 1896. Formerly T he Union Savings Bank of Patchogue. Union Savings Bank of Patchogue, The. Nam e changed D ecem ber 1966 to The Union Savings Bank of Long Island. PAWLING ▲National Bank of Pawling, The (1269)— 1865. A conversion of Bank of Pawling. Operates an out-of-town branch at Beekman (Town). PEARL RIVER ★Empire National Bank— Middletown. First National Bank and Trust Company of Pearl River. Consolidated May 1956 with T he Suffern National Bank and Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Rockland National Bank, Suffern. ★First State Bank of Rockland County, The—Spring Valley. ★Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A.— Poughkeepsie ( 2 ). State Bank of Pearl River, New York. Merged Septem ber 1958 into Nyack Bank and Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Marine Midland Trust Company of Rockland County, Nyack. PEEKSKILL ★Chase Manhattan Bank (National Association), The— Manhattan. ★County Trust Company, The— W hite Plains (2). ★National Bank of W estchester—W hite Plains (2). Peekskill National Bank and Trust Company, The. Merged July 1955 into T he County Trust Company, W hite Plains. ★Peekskill Savings Bank— 1859. Operates an out-of-town branch at Yorktown Heights. W estchester County National Bank of Peekskill, The. Merged April 1955 into National Bank of W estchester, W hite Plains. PELHAM ★Chase M anhattan Bank (National Association), The — Manhattan. ★Chemical Bank— Manhattan. PELHAM MANOR ★First National Bank of Mount Vernon, The. ★First National City Bank— Manhattan. ★People’s Bank for Savings of New Rochelle, N. Y. PEN FIELD ★Central Trust Company Rochester N.Y. ★Lincoln Rochester Trust Company — Rochester (2). ★Security Trust Company of Rochester. PENFIELD (TOWN) ★Security Trust Company of Rochester. 75 PENN YAN Baldwin’s Bank of Penn Yan. Merged March 1958 into Security Trust Company of Rochester. Citizens Bank of Penn Yan, The. Merged March 1958 into Lincoln Roch ester Trust Company. ★Lincoln Rochester Trust Company—Rochester. ★Security Trust Company of Rochester. PERRY Bank of Perry, The— 1888. Formerly The Citizens Bank of Perry, N. Y. Merged May 1967 into Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buf falo. Citizens Bank of Perry, N. Y. Name changed August 1962 to The Bank of Perry when The First National Bank of Perry merged into this bank. First National Bank of Perry, The. Merged August 1962 into The Cit izens Bank of Perry, N. Y. which thereupon changed its name to the Bank of Perry. ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo. PERU ★Keeseville National Bank, The—Keeseville. PHELPS National Bank of Phelps, The. Merged June 1956 into Security Trust Company of Rochester. ★Security Trust Company of Rochester. PHILMONT ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. Philmont National Bank. Absorbed February 1955 by The Farmers Na tional Bank of Hudson. PHOENICIA ★Kingston Trust Company—Kingston. PHOENIX ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Central New York—Syracuse. PIERMONT ★Tappan Zee National Bank—Nyack. PINE BUSH ★Empire National Bank— Middletown. National Bank of Pine Bush, The. Merged November 1955 into The Na tional Bank of Middletown which thereupon changed its name to County National Bank, Middletown. PINE ISLAND ★National Bank of Orange and Ulster Counties, The—Goshen. 76 PINE PLAINS ▲Stissing National Bank of Pine Plains, The (981)—1865. A conversion of The Stissing Bank. Operates an out-of-town branch at Stamfordville. PITTSFORD ★Central Trust Company Rochester N.Y. ★Community Savings Bank of Rochester, The—Rochester. ★First National Bank of Rochester. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Rochester (2). ★Rochester Savings Bank—Rochester. ★Security Trust Company of Rochester. PLAINEDGE ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. PLAINVIEW ★Bankers Trust Company— Manhattan. ★Chase Manhattan Bank (National Association), The—Manhattan. ★Chemical Bank—Manhattan. ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola (2). ★Lincoln Savings Bank, The—Brooklyn. ★Long Island National Bank—Hicksville (3). ★National Bank of North America—Queens. PLATTSBURG ★Marine Midland National Bank of Troy. Merchants National Bank in Plattsburg. Merged April 1955 into State Bank of Albany. ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany (3). Plattsburg National Bank & Trust Company. Merged October 1954 into The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany. ★State Bank of Albany (2). PLEASANT VALLEY ★Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A.—Poughkeepsie. PLEAS ANTVILLE ★National Bank of W estchester—White Plains. ★Port Chester-Rye Savings Bank—Port Chester. POLAND Citizens National Bank of Poland, The (9804)—1910. Succeeded The Na tional Bank of Poland. Merged October 1964 into The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, Utica. ★Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, The— Utica. 77 PORT BYRON ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Central New York—Syracuse. PORT CHESTER ★County Trust Company, The—White Plains (2). ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. ★First Westchester National Bank—New Rochelle (2). Kavey & Sons—Private bankers. Absorbed January 1965 by Port Chester National Bank. ★National Bank of Westchester—White Plains. Port Chester National Bank (14726)—1955. Organized January 1955 to succeed Kavey & Sons, private bankers, Port Chester. Consolidated im mediately upon its organization with First Westchester National Bank of New Rochelle. ▲Port Chester-Rye Savings Bank—1865. Formerly The Port Chester Sav ings Bank. Operates out-of-town branches at Pleasantville and Rye. Port Chester Savings Bank, The. Name changed August 1961 to Port Chester-Rye Savings Bank. Washington Irving Trust Company. Merged July 1947 into The County Trust Company, White Plains. PORT EWEN ★Rondout National Bank of Kingston, The. PORT HENRY Citizens National Bank of Port Henry, The. Merged April 1954 into The National City Bank of Troy. ★State Bank of Albany. PORT JEFFERSON Bank of Northern Brookhaven, The. Originally The Bank of Port Jeffer son. Merged November 1955 into First Suffolk National Bank of Hun tington which thereupon changed its name to Security National Bank of Huntington. Bank of Port Jefferson, The. Name changed to The Bank of Northern Brookhaven when The First National Bank of Port Jefferson was merged into this bank. First National Bank of Port Jefferson, The. Merged April 1948 into The Bank of Port Jefferson which thereupon changed its name to The Bank of Northern Brookhaven. ★Security National Bank—Huntington. PORT JEFFERSON STATION ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. ★Marine Midland Tinker National Bank—East Setauket. ★Security National Bank— Huntington. PORT JERVIS ★County Trust Company, The—White Plains. 78 ★Empire National Bank— Middletown. First National Bank of Port Jervis, The. Consolidated December 1956 with County National Bank, Middletown. National Bank and Trust Company of Port Jervis, The. Merged April 1963 into The Sullivan County Trust Company, Monticello which there upon changed its name to Intercounty Trust Company, Monticello. ★Intercounty Trust Company—Monticello. PORT LEYDEN ★Lewis County Trust Company—Lowville. Port Leyden National Bank, The. Merged June 1955 into Lewis County Trust Company, Lowville. PORTVILLE ★First National Bank of Olean, The. PORT WASHINGTON ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. ★National Bank of North America—Queens (2). Port Washington-Manhasset National Bank. Consolidated March 1953 with The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport. Port Washington National Bank and Trust Company, The. Name changed June 1949 to Port Washington-Manhasset National Bank. ★Security National Bank—Huntington. POTSDAM ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Northern New York—Watertown. Potsdam Bank and Trust Company. Merged December 1953 into The Northern New York Trust Company, Watertown. ★St. Lawrence County National Bank, The—Canton. POUGHKEEPSIE ▲Dutchess Bank & Trust Company—1901. Formerly Poughkeepsie Trust Company. Operates out-of-town branches at Poughkeepsie (Town) (2) and Wappingers Falls. ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. Fallkill Bank and Trust Company, The— 1966. Formerly The Fallkill Na tional Bank and Trust Company of Poughkeepsie. Converted and changed name December 1967 to The Fallkill National Bank and Trust Company. Fallkill National Bank and Trust Company, The (15641)—1967. Form erly The Fallkill Bank and Trust Company. Name changed February 1968 to The State of New York National Bank, Poughkeepsie when The State of New York National Bank, Kingston merged into this bank. Fallkill National Bank and Trust Company of Poughkeepsie, The (659)—1865. Originally Fallkill Bank. Converted April 1966 into The Fallkill Bank and Trust Company. 79 Farmers and Manufacturers National Bank of Poughkeepsie, The. A conversion of The Farmers’ & Manufacturers’ Bank. Name changed September 1963 to Farmers-Matteawan National Bank when The Matteawan National Bank, Beacon, N. Y. consolidated with this bank. Farmers-M atteawan National Bank (1312)—1865. Formerly The Farmers and Manufacturers National Bank of Poughkeepsie. Merged December 1966 into County National Bank, Middletown. First National Bank of Poughkeepsie, The. Name changed November 1961 to Marine Midland National Bank of Southeastern New York when First National Bank in Highland Falls merged into this bank. ▲Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A. (465)—1864. Formerly Marine Midland National Bank of Southeastern New York. Operates out-of-town branches at Arlington, Bardonia, Blauvelt, High land Falls, Hopewell Junction, Hyde Park, Liberty, New Windsor, Nyack, Orangetown, Pearl River (2), Pleasant Valley, Sloatsburg, South Fallsburg, Spring Valley, Stony Point, Suffern, Tappan, Wappingers Falls (2), White Plains and Woodbourne. Marine Midland National Bank of Southeastern New York (465)—1864. Formerly The First National Bank of Poughkeepsie. Name changed De cember 1969 to Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A. Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Poughkeepsie. Merged October 1956 into Poughkeepsie Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Dutchess Bank & Trust Company. ★National Bank of Westchester—White Plains. Poughkeepsie Trust Company. Name changed October 1956 to Dutchess Bank & Trust Company when Merchants National Bank & Trust Com pany of Poughkeepsie merged into this bank. ▲State of New York National Bank, The (15641)—1968. Formerly The Fallkill National Bank and Trust Company. Operates out-of-town branches at Hyde Park, Kingston (4), New Paltz, New Windsor, Pough keepsie (Town) and Ulster. POUGHKEEPSIE (TOWN) ★Dutchess Bank & Trust Company—Poughkeepsie (2). ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. ★State of New York National Bank, The—Poughkeepsie. POUND RIDGE ★Bankers Trust Company—Manhattan. ★Northern W estchester National Bank—Chappaqua. PRATTSBURG Prattsburgh State Bank. Merged December 1962 into Central Trust Com pany Rochester N. Y. ★Central Trust Company Rochester N. Y. PULASKI ★Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York—Syra cuse. ★Oswego County Savings Bank, The—Oswego. 80 QUEENSBURY ★First National Bank of Glens Falls, The. ★Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company—Glens Falls. ★State Bank of Albany—Albany. RAMAPO (TOWN) ★First State Bank of Rockland County, The—Spring Valley. RANSOMVILLE ★Marine Midland Trust Company of W estern New York—Buffalo. RAVENA ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. RED OAKS MILL ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. REMSEN ★Marine Midland Trust Company of the Mohawk Valley—Utica. First National Bank of Remsen, The. Consolidated October 1957 with The Farmers National Bank and Trust Company of Rome. RENSSELAER ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. ★National Exchange Bank of Castleton on Hudson. Rensselaer County Bank and Trust Company. Absorbed December 1947 by The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany. RICH FIELD SPRINGS First National Bank of Richfield Springs, The. Merged September 1956 into State Bank of Albany. ★State Bank of Albany. RIVERHEAD ★Franklin National Bank— Mineola. Long Island Bank and Trust Company. Consolidated July 1957 with Se curity National Bank of Huntington. ▲Riverhead Savings Bank— 1872. Operates an out-of-town branch at Lake Grove. ★Security National Bank—Huntington. ▲Suffolk County National Bank of Riverhead, The (4230)—1890. Operates an out-of-town branch at Wading River. Suffolk County Trust Company, The. Merged December 1956 into State Bank of Suffolk, Bay Shore. ROCHESTER ▲Central Trust Company Rochester N. Y.—1924. Succeeded The Central Bank of Rochester. Operates out-of-town branches at Brighton, Greece, Henrietta, Irondequoit, Penfield, Pittsford, Prattsburg, Webster and Wil liamson. 81 ▲Community Savings Bank of Rochester, The—1869. Originally The East Side Savings Bank of Rochester. Operates an out-of-town branch at Pittsford. AFirst National Bank of Rochester (15556)— 1965. Operates an out-of-town branch at Pittsford. Genesee Valley Trust Company. Merged December 1954 into Union Trust Company of Rochester which thereupon changed its name to Gen esee Valley Union Trust Company. Genesee Valley Union Trust Company. Formerly Union Trust Company of Rochester. Name changed December 1963 to Marine Midland Trust Company of Rochester. ▲Lincoln Rochester Trust Company—1893. Formerly Lincoln-Alliance Bank and Trust Company. Operates out-of-town branches at Brighton, Brockport, Canandaigua, Chili (Town), Corning (2), East Rochester, Fairport, Gates, Geneva, Greece (2), Hammondsport, Henrietta, Hopewell (Town), Irondequoit (2), Macedon, Newark (2), Penfield (2), Penn Yan and Sweden (Town). ▲Marine Midland Trust Company of Rochester—1897. Formerly Genesee Valley Union Trust Company. Operates out-of-town branches at Avon (2), Brockport, Chili, Dansville, East Rochester, Greece (2), Henrietta, Irondequoit, Lima, Newark, Palmyra, Pittsford (2), Sodus, Spencerport and Webster. ▲M o n ro e C o u n ty S a v in g s B ank, T h e — 1850. O perates out-of-tow n branches at Greece and Henrietta. ▲Rochester Savings Bank—1831. Operates an out-of-town branch at Pitts ford. ▲Security Trust Company of Rochester—1892. Operates out-of-town branches at Bath, Brighton (Town), Churchville, Dansville, Fairport, Gates (Town), Greece (2), Henrietta, Hornellsville (Township), Ironde quoit (2), Livonia, Mount Morris, Naples, Penfield, Penfield (Town), Penn Yan, Phelps, Pittsford, Rushville, Shortsville and Wolcott. Union Trust Company of Rochester. Name changed December 1954 to Genesee Valley Union Trust Company when Genesee Valley Trust Com pany, Rochester merged into this bank. ROCK HILL ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. ★First National Bank of Woodridge, The. ROCKVILLE CENTRE ★Bankers Trust Company— Manhattan. Bank of Rockville Centre Trust Company. Absorbed June 1963 by Chemical Bank New York Trust Company—Manhattan. ★Chemical Bank—Manhattan. ★Dry Dock Savings Bank—Manhattan. ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola (2). Nassau County National Bank of Rockville Centre, The. Absorbed De cember 1954 by The Franklin National Bank of Franklin Square. South Shore Trust Company. Consolidated December 1950 with The Franklin National Bank of Franklin Square. 82 ROCKY POINT ★Marine Midland Tinker National Bank—East Setauket. ★Security National Bank—Huntington. ROME Farmers National Bank and Trust Company of Rome, The. Merged De cember 1958 into First Bank & Trust Company of Utica which there upon changed its name to Marine Midland Trust Company of the Mo hawk Valley, Utica. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of the Mohawk Valley—Utica (2). Rome Trust Company. Consolidated October 1958 with The Oneida Na tional Bank and Trust Company of Utica. ▲Oneida County Savings Bank, The—1869. Operates an out-of-town branch at Camden. ★Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Utica, The (3). RONKONKOMA ★Valley National Bank of Long Island—Valley Stream. ROOSEVELT ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. ROSCOE First National Bank and Trust Company of Roscoe, The. Consolidated February 1960 with The Sullivan County National Bank of Liberty. ★Sullivan County National Bank of Liberty, The. ROSENDALE ★National Bank of Orange and Ulster Counties, The—Goshen. ROSLYN ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. Roslyn National Bank & Trust Company, The. Merged March 1955 into The Franklin National Bank of Franklin Square. ▲Roslyn Savings Bank, The—1876. Originally The Roslyn Savings Bank of Roslyn. Operates out-of-town branches at Farmingdale and West Hemp stead. Roslyn Savings Bank of Roslyn, The. Name changed December 1950 to The Roslyn Savings Bank. ROSLYN HEIGHTS ★First National Bank of Glen Head, The. ★National Bank of North America—Queens. \ ROTTERDAM ★Marine Midland National Bank of Troy. ★Mohawk National Bank of Schenectady, The (2). ★Schenectady Trust Company, The—Schenectady. 83 ROTTERDAM (TOWN) ★Community State Bank—Albany. ROUSES POINT ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company —Albany. RUSHFORD State Bank of Rushford. Merged August 1959 into The Citizens Bank of Arcade which after merger September 1959 changed its name to The Citizens Central Bank, Arcade. ★Citizens Central Bank, The—Arcade. RUSHVILLE Rushville State Bank. Merged June 1952 into Security Trust Company of Rochester. ★Security Trust Company of Rochester. RYE ★County Trust Company, The—White Plains (2). ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. ★First W estchester National Bank—New Rochelle. ★National Bank of W estchester—White Plains. ★Port Chester—Rye Savings Bank—Port Chester. Rye National Bank, The. Consolidated July 1960 with National Bank of Westchester, White Plains. Rye Trust Company. Consolidated May 1954 with The Rye National Bank. SAG HARBOR Peconic Bank, The. Consolidated June 1962 with Security National Bank of Long Island, Huntington. ★Security National Bank—Huntington (2). SAINT JAMES ★Bank of Suffolk County—Stony Brook. SALEM Salem National Bank, The. Merged November 1960 into The Manufac turers National Bank of Troy. ★Marine Midland National Bank of Troy. SALINA ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Central New York—Syracuse. SALINA (TOWN) ★First Trust & Deposit Company—Syracuse. ★Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York—Syra cuse. ★Syracuse Savings Bank—Syracuse. 84 SANBORN ■Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company— Buffalo. ■Marine Midland Trust Company of W estern New York— Buffalo. SARANAC LAKE Adirondack National Bank and Trust Company of Saranac Lake. Merged January 1959 into T he Northern N ew York Trust Company, Watertown. ★Bank of Lake Placid, The. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Northern New York— Watertown. SARATOGA SPRINGS Saratoga National Bank of Saratoga Springs. M erged April 1960 into State Bank of Albany. ★State Bank of Albany. SAUGERTIES ▲Saugerties National Bank and Trust Company, The (1040)— 1865. Oper ates an out-of-town branch at Barclay Heights (Town of Saugerties). SAUQUOIT VILLAGE ★Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York— Utica. SAYVILLE ▲Oystermen’s Bank and Trust Company, The— 1926. Operates out-of-town branches at Bayport, Bohemia and Oakdale. SCARSDALE ▲Scarsdale National Bank and Trust Company (11708)— 1920. Operates out-of-town branches at Eastchester (Town), Greenburgh and Hartsdale. Scarsdale National Bank & Trust Company, The (11708)— 1969. Merged D ecem ber 1969 into Scarsdale National Bank and Trust Company. SCHAGHTICOKE ★Union National Bank of Troy, The. SCHENECTADY Citizens’ Trust Company of Schenectady, N . Y., The — 1906. Merged June 1965 into National Commercial Bank and Trust Company, Albany. ★Community State Bank of Albany (2). Industrial Bank of Schenectady — 1916. Formerly Morris Plan Industrial Bank of Schenectady. M erged March 1965 into Industrial Bank of Com merce of Albany which thereupon changed its name to Community State Bank. ▲Mohawk National Bank of Schenectady, The (1226)— 1865. Operates out-of-town branches at Niskayuna, Rotterdam (2) and Scotia. ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company — Albany (2). 85 ▲Schenectady Trust Company, The—1902. Operates out-of-town branches at Clifton Park, Colonie, Mayfair and Rotterdam. Union National Bank of Schenectady, The. Absorbed May 1947 by The Schenectady Trust Company. SCHENEVUS Schenevus National Bank. Absorbed December 1953 by Wilber National Bank of Oneonta. ★Wilber National Bank of Oneonta. SCHOHARIE Schoharie County Bank, The. Merged August 1956 into State Bank of Al bany. ★State Bank of Albany. SCHROON LAKE ★Chester-Schroon-Horicon Bank—Chestertown. ★Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company—Glens Falls. SCOTIA ▲First National Bank of Scotia (14680)—1953. Formerly Glenville National Bank of Scotia. Operates out-of-town branches at Colonie, Glenville (Town), Guilderland and Niskayuna. Glenville Bank. Converted February 1953 into Glenville National Bank of Scotia. Glenville National Bank of Scotia. Originally Glenville Bank. Name changed May 1956 to The First National Bank of Scotia. ★Mohawk National Bank of Schenectady, The. SCOTT’S CORNERS ★Valley National Bank, Wallkill, N. Y.—Walden. SCOTTSVILLE ★Bank of Caledonia. SEA C LIFF ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. State Bank of Sea Cliff, N. Y., The. Merged December 1949 into Nassau County Trust Company, Mineola. SEAFORD ★Chase Manhattan Bank (National Association), The—Manhattan. Fort Neck National Bank of Seaford, The. Originally The Seaford Na tional Bank. Consolidated May 1958 with Security National Bank of Huntington which thereupon changed its name to Security National Bank or Long Island. Seaford National Bank, The. Name changed July 1951 to The Fort Neck National Bank of Seaford. ★Security National Bank of Long Island—Huntington. 86 SELDEN ★National Bank of North America—Queens. ★Peoples National Bank of Long Island, The—Patchogue. SENECA FALLS ★First National Bank of Waterloo. ★Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York—Syra cuse. Seneca County Trust Company of Seneca Falls, N. Y., The. Merged Oc tober 1957 into Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Syracuse. SETAUKET ★Valley National Bank of Long Island—Valley Stream SHELTER ISLAND ★North Fork Bank and Trust Company, The—Mattituck. ★Valley National Bank of Long Island—Valley Stream. SHERBOURNE ★National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich, The. SHERRILL First National Bank of Sherrill, The. Consolidated April 1954 with The Oneida Valley National Bank of Oneida. ★Oneida Valley National Bank of Oneida, The. SHIRLEY ★Security National Bank—Huntington. SHORTSVILLE ★Security Trust Company of Rochester. State Bank of Shortsville, The. Merged February 1956 into Security Trust Company of Rochester. SHRUB OAK ★County Trust Company, The—White Plains. SILVER CREEK First National Bank of Silver Creek, The. Merged November 1957 into Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo. SILVER LAKE ★Orange County Trust Company—Middletown. SILVER SPRINGS ★Citizens Central Bank, The—Arcade. Silver Springs National Bank, The. Absorbed December 1954 by The Cit izens Bank of Arcade. 87 SKANEATELES ★First Trust & Deposit Company—Syracuse. National Bank and Trust Company of Skaneateles. Merged February 1958 into First Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. ▲Skaneateles Savings Bank, The— 1866. Operates an out-of-town branch at Camillus. SLOATSBURG ★Lafayette Bank and Trust Company of Suffern. ★Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A.—Poughkeepsie. SMITHTOWN ▲Bank of Smithtown— 1923. Formerly located at Smithtown Branch. Oper ates out-of-town branches at Centereach, Commack, Hauppauge and Kings Park. ▲Eastern National Bank of Long Island (14763)—1956. Formerly The Eastern National Bank of Long Island, Smithtown. Operates out-of-town branches at Elwood, Hauppauge and Huntington Station. Eastern National Bank of Long Island, Smithtown, The. Name changed April 1966 to Eastern National Bank of Long Island. ★Marine Midland Tinker National Bank— East Setauket. SNYDER ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Western New York—Buffalo. SMITHTOWN BRANCH Bank of Smithtown—1923. Location of this bank now known as Smith town. SOMERS (TOWN) ★Chemical Bank-—Manhattan. SOUTHAMPTON First National Bank of Southampton, The. Consolidated March 1963 with Security National Bank of Long Island, Huntington. ★Marine Midland Tinker National Bank—East Setauket. ★Security National Bank—Huntington (2). SOUTH COMMACK ★Bank of Babylon. SOUTH DAYTON ★Marine Midland Chautauqua National Bank—Jamestown. SOUTHEAST (TOWN) ▲Putnam County Savings Bank—1871. Formerly located at Brewster. SOUTH FALLSBURG ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. ★Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A.—Poughkeepsie. 88 South Fallsburg National Bank, The. Consolidated February 1963 with The National Bank of Liberty which thereupon changed its name to Community National Bank. ★Community National Bank—Liberty. SOUTH FARMINGDALE ★Franklin National Bank—Mineola. ★Long Island Trust Company—Garden City. ★National Bank of North America—Queens. SOUTH GLENS FALLS ★First National Bank of Glens Falls, The. ★Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company—Glens Falls. SOUTH HUNTINGTON ★Franklin National Bank— Mineola. ★Long Island National Bank of Hicksville, The. ★National Bank of North America—Queens. ★Security National Bank—Huntington. SOUTHOLD Bank of Southold. Merged May 1955 into The North Fork Bank and Trust Company, Mattituck. ★North Fork Bank and Trust Company, The—Mattituck. ★Security National Bank—Huntington. SOUTH OTSELIC ★National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich, The. SOUTH PLAINEDGE ★Security National Bank—Huntington. SOUTH SETAUKET ★Marine Midland Tinker National Bank—East Setauket. SOUTH VALLEY STREAM ★Chase M anhattan Bank (National Association), The—Manhattan. SPARKILL First National Bank of Sparkill, The. Consolidated June 1957 with The First National Bank of Spring Valley. ★First State Bank of Rockland County, The—Spring Valley. SPECULATOR ★Marine Midland National Bank of Troy. SPENCER Farmers & Merchants Bank of Spencer, N. Y., The. Name changed June 1961 to Tioga State Bank when The First National Bank of Candor merged into this bank. 89 ▲Tioga State Bank—1884. Formerly The Farmers & Merchants Bank of Spencer, N. Y. Operates out-of-town branches at Candor and Owego. SPENCERPORT ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Rochester. SPRING VALLEY ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. First National Bank of Spring Valley, The (5390)—1900. Converted April 1966 into The First State Bank of Spring Valley. ▲First State Bank of Rockland County, The— 1966. Formerly The First State Bank of Spring Valley. Operates out-of-town branches at Clarkstown (Town), New City, Pearl River, Ramapo (Town), Sparkill, Stony Point, Tappan, West Haverstraw and West Nyack. First State Bank of Spring Valley, The—1966. Formerly The First Na tional Bank of Spring Valley. Name changed December 1967 to The First State Bank of Rockland County. ★Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A.—Poughkeepsie. Ramapo Trust Company. Consolidated May 1956 with The Suffern National Bank and Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Rockland National Bank, Suffern. ★Tappan Zee National Bank—Nyack. SPRINGVILLE Citizens National Bank of Springville, The. Merged September 1955 into The Marine Trust Company of Western New York, Buffalo. ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Western New York—Buffalo. STAMFORDVILLE ★Stissing National Bank of Pine Plains, The. STAR LAKE ^United Bank—1952. Formerly branch of State Bank of Edwards and Star Lake (see comments under Edwards). Operates out-of-town branches at Edwards and Harrisville. STERLING FOREST ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. STEWART MANOR ★Long Island Trust Company—Garden City. STONE RIDGE ★Kingston Trust Company—Kingston. STONY BROOK ▲Bank of Suffolk County— 1907. Operates an out-of-town branch at Saint James. 90 I | j STONY POINT ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. ★First State Bank of Rockland County, The—Spring Valley. ★Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A.—Poughkeepsie. SUFFERN ★Empire National Bank—Middletown (2). Lafayette Bank and Trust Company of Suffern—1928. Originally Lafay ette Trust Company of Suffern. Merged December 1968 into Marine Midland Trust Company of Rockland County, Nyack. ★Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A.—Poughkeepsie. Rockland National Bank (5846)—1901. Formerly Rockland National Bank, Suffern. Merged February 1970 into County National Bank, Middletown which thereupon changed its name to the Empire National Bank, Middletown. Rockland National Bank, Suffern (5846)—1901. Formerly The Suffern National Bank and Trust Company. Name changed February 1967 to Rockland National Bank. Suffern National Bank and Trust Company, The. Name changed May 1956 to Rockland National Bank, Suffern when Ramapo Trust Company, Spring Valley and First National Bank and Trust Company, Pearl River consolidated with this bank. SWEDEN (TOWN) ★Lincoln Rochester Trust Company—Rochester. SYOSSET Bank of Syosset, New York. Merged December 1953 into Hempstead Bank. ★Chase M anhattan Bank (National Association), The—Manhattan. ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. ★Hempstead Bank—Hempstead. ★Long Island Savings Bank, The—Queens. ★Long Island Trust Company—Garden City. SYRACUSE ▲First Trust & Deposit Company—1866. Operates out-of-town branches at Baldwinsville, Camillus, Canastota, Cazenovia, De Ruyter, De Witt (2), East Syracuse, Fayetteville, Fulton, Liverpool, Marcellus, Mattydale, Morrisville, North Syracuse, Parish, Salina, Skaneateles, Van Buren and Weedsport. Industrial Bank of Central New York. Merged June 1953 into Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Syracuse at which time its branch at Auburn was absorbed by Auburn Trust Company. Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York (13393)—1929. (First) Formerly Lincoln National Bank and Trust Com pany of Syracuse. Merged May 1967 into Lincoln National Bank of Syr acuse which thereupon retained the name of Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York. 91 ▲Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York (15627)— 1967. (Second) Formerly Lincoln National Bank, Syracuse. Op erates out-of-town branches at Camillus (Town), Cato, Clay, De Witt, De Witt (Town), Fair Haven, Liverpool, Minoa, Oneida, Oswego (2), Pulaski, Salina (Town) and Seneca Falls. Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Syracuse. Name changed April 1959 to Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York. Lincoln National Bank of Syracuse (15627)—1967. Organized May 1967, at the same time name changed to Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York when Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York merged into this bank. ▲Marine Midland Trust Company of Central New York—1803. Formerly Syracuse Trust Company. Operates out-of-town branches at Auburn, Camillus (2), De Witt, Fulton (2), Liverpool, Oswego (3), Phoenix, Port Byron, Salina and Tully in addition to one previously listed under form er name. ▲Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Syracuse, The (1342)— 1865. A conversion of Merchants Bank in Syracuse as The Merchants National Bank of Syracuse. Operates out-of-town branches at Baldwinsville, Camillus, Cicero (2), East Syracuse (2), Elbridge, Fayetteville, Geddes Township, Jamesville, Jordan, Lacona, LaFayette, Liverpool and North Syracuse. ▲Metropolitan Bank of Syracuse— 1969. Formerly Metropolitan National Bank of Syracuse. Operates an out-of-town branch at Clay (Town). Metropolitan National Bank of Syracuse (15400)—October 1964. Con verted into a State member bank May 1969 under new title Metropol itan Bank of Syracuse. Onondaga County Savings Bank, The. Name changed November 1968 to Onondaga Savings Bank. ▲Onondaga Savings Bank— 1855. Formerly The Onondaga County Savings Bank. Operates out-of-town branches at Camillus and De Witt (Town). ▲Syracuse Savings Bank—1849. Operates out-of-town branches at De Witt (Town) and Salina. Syracuse Trust Company, The. Name changed January 1953 to Marine Midland Trust Company of Central New York when Oswego County National Bank merged into this bank. TANNERSVILLE ★First Trust Company of Albany, National Association. TAPPAN ★First State Bank of Rockland County, The—Spring Valley. ★Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A.—Poughkeepsie. TARRYTOWN ★County Trust Company, The—White Plains. ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. ★National Bank of W estchester—White Plains (2). Tarrytown National Bank and Trust Company, The. Merged December 1954 into National Bank of Westchester, White Plains. 92 THERESA Farmers National Rank of Theresa, The. Name changed January 1967 to Seaway National Bank. Seaway National Bank (8158)—1906. Formerly The Farmers National Bank of Theresa. Location changed May 1967 to Watertown. ♦Seaway National Bank—Watertown. THORNWOOD ♦Chemical Bank—Manhattan. ♦County Trust Company, The—White Plains. TICONDEROGA ♦State Bank of Albany. Ticonderoga National Bank, The. Consolidated April 1954 with The Na tional City Bank of Troy. TONAWANDA (CITY) First Trust Company of Tonawanda. Merged April 1951 into The Marine Trust Company of Western New York, Buffalo. ♦Manufacturers and Traders Company—Buffalo. ♦Marine Midland Trust Company of W estern New York—Buffalo. TONAWANDA (TOWN) ♦Bank of Buffalo. ♦Buffalo Savings Bank, The. ♦Liberty National Bank and Trust Company—Buffalo (2). ♦Marine Midland Trust Company of Western New York—Buffalo (3). TROY Manufacturers National Bank of Troy, The. Name changed December 1965 to Marine Midland National Bank of Troy. ▲Marine Midland National Bank of Troy (721)—1865. Formerly The Manufacturers National Bank of Troy. Operates out-of-town branches at Amsterdam, Argyle, Cohoes, Corinth, Green Island, Latham, Menands (Village), Plattsburg, Rotterdam, Salem, Speculator and Unadilla. National City Bank of Troy, The. Merged September 1959 into State Bank of Albany. ♦State Bank of Albany. Troy Prudential Association, Inc. Voluntary liquidation April 1947. ▲Troy Savings Bank, The— 1823. Operates an out-of-town branch at East Greenbush. ▲Union National Bank of Troy, The (963)—1865. Operates out-of-town branches at North Greenbush, Schaghticoke and Wynantskill. TUCKAHOE Crestwood National Bank in Tuckahoe, The. Merged April 1955 into Na tional Bank of Westchester, White Plains. 93 First National Bank & Trust Company of Tuckahoe. Name changed Oc tober 1954 to National Bank of Westchester, White Plains at which time The Westchester Bank and Trust Company, New Rochelle merged into this bank. Principal location of bank moved to White Plains at time of merger. ★National Bank of W estchester—White Plains (2). TULLY First National Bank of Tully, The. Absorbed June 1948 by The Syracuse Trust Company. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Central New York—Syracuse. TUXEDO ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. National Bank of Tuxedo, The. Consolidated April 1954 with The Suffern National Bank and Trust Company. ULSTER ★State of New York National Bank, The—Poughkeepsie. ULSTER (TOWN) ★Kingston Savings Bank—Kingston. ★Kingston Trust Company—Kingston. UNADILLA ★Marine Midland National Bank of Troy. Unadilla National Bank, The (9516)—1909. Merged April 1967 into Ma rine Midland National Bank of Troy. UNIONDALE ★Franklin National Bank— Mineola. UNION SPRINGS Backus, G. B. Private banker. Delete the following: “ appears to have been located at Maple View in 1907 and 1908, and subsequently at Union Springs” . ★First National Bank of Aurora, The. UNIONVILLE ★National Bank of Orange and Ulster Counties, The—Goshen. UTICA ▲Bank of Utica—1958. Formerly Industrial Bank of Utica. First Bank & Trust Company of Utica. Name changed December 1958 to Marine Midland Trust Company of the Mohawk Valley when The First National Bank of Herkimer and the Farmers National Bank and Trust Company of Rome merged into this bank. ▲Marine Midland Trust Company of the Mohawk Valley—1940. Formerly First Bank & Trust Company of Utica. Operates out-of-town branches at Herkimer, Ilion, Middleville, New Hartford, Remsen, Rome (2) and Whitestown (2). 94 Industrial Bank of Utica—1927. Name changed September 1958 to Bank of Utica. Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Utica, The. Name changed October 1959 to The Oneida National Bank and Trust Com pany of Central New York when The Manufacturers National Bank of Ilion merged into this bank. ▲Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, The (1392)—1865. Formerly The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Utica. Operates out-of-town branches at Boonville, Camden, Dolg< ville, Frankfort, Holland Patent, Ilion, Mohawk, New Hartford, Old Forge, Oriskany, Poland, Rome, Sauquoit (Village), Waterville, West Winfield and Whitesboro. ▲Savings Bank of Utica, The— 1839. Operates out-of-town branches at New Hartford and Whitesboro. VAILS GATE ★Chester National Bank, The—Chester. ★Highland National Bank of Newburgh. ★Newburgh Savings Bank—Newburgh. VALATIE ★National Union Bank of Kinderhook, The. VALHALLA ★National Bank of Westchester—White Plains. VALLEY COTTAGE ★Tappan Zee National Bank—Nyack. VALLEY STREAM ★Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn, The. Valley Stream National Bank and Trust Company. Name changed July 1960 to Valley National Bank of Long Island when The First National Bank of Greenport merged into this bank. ▲Valley National Bank of Long Island (11881)—1920. Formerly Valley Stream National Bank and Trust Company. Operates out-of-town branches at Bellport, Center Moriches, East Hampton, East Quogue, Elmont (2), Floral Park, Garden City South, Greenport, Hampton Bays, Hempstead (Town), Hewlett, Kings Park, Mineola, Ronkonkoma, Se tauket, Shelter Island and West Sayville. VAN BUREN ★First Trust & Deposit Company—Syracuse. VESTAL ★Endicott Bank of New York—Endicott. ★Endicott Trust Company—Endicott (2). ★First-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York—Elmira. 95 VICTOR ★Canandaigua National Bank and Trust Company, The—Canandaigua. State Bank of Victor. Consolidated November 1957 with The Canandai gua National Bank and Trust Company. VISTA ★Bankers Trust Company—Manhattan. ★Northern W estchester National Bank—Chappaqua. WADING RIVER ★Suffolk County National Bank of Riverhead, The. WALDEN First National Bank and Trust Company of Walden, The. Name changed February 1952 to First National Bank of Walden. First National Bank of Walden. Formerly The First National Bank and Trust Company of Walden. Consolidated December 1953 with The Wallkill National Bank which thereupon changed its name to The Valley National Bank, Wallkill, N. Y. ▲Valley National Bank, Wallkill, N. Y., The (10155)—1912. Formerly lo cated at Wallkill. Operates out-of-town branches at Modena, Scott’s Corners and Wallkill. WALLKILL ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. Valley National Bank, Wallkill, N. Y., The. Originally The Wallkill Na tional Bank. Location changed June 1965 to former branch location at Walden. ★Valley National Bank, Wallkill, N. Y., The—Walden. Wallkill National Bank, The. Name changed December 1953 to The Val ley National Bank, Wallkill, N. Y. when First National Bank of Walden consolidated with this bank. WALLKILL (TOWN) ★Chester National Bank, The—Chester. ★National Bank of Orange and Ulster Counties, The—Goshen. WALTON First National Bank and Trust Company of Walton, The. Name changed January 1958 to The National Bank of Delaware County, Walton when The National Bank of Andes consolidated with this bank. ▲National Bank of Delaware County, Walton, The (4495)—1891. Form erly The First National Bank and Trust Company of Walton. Operates out-of-town branches at Andes and Franklin. WANAKAH ■Marine Midland Trust Company of Western New York—Buffalo. WANTAGH ★First National City Bank—Manhattan. 96 ★Kings Highway Savings Bank—Brooklyn. ★National Bank of North America—Queens. ★Security National Bank—Huntington. WAPPINGERS FALLS ★Dutchess Bank & Trust Company—Poughkeepsie. ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. ★Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A.—Poughkeepsie (2 ). National Bank of Wappingers Falls, The. Merged June 1958 into The First National Bank of Poughkeepsie. WARRENSBURG Emerson National Bank of Warrensburgh, The (9135)—1908. Merged May 1967 into State Bank of Albany. ★State Bank of Albany. WARWICK ★Chester National Bank, The—Chester. ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. First National Bank of Warwick, The. Consolidated May 1958 with County National Bank, Middletown. WASHINGTON VILLE Central National Bank of Washingtonville (13913)—1933. Succeeded First National Bank in Washingtonville. Merged April 1965 into County National Bank, Middletown. ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. WATERFORD Bank of Waterford. Merged December 1957 into The National Commer cial Bank and Trust Company of Albany. ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. WATERLOO ▲First National Bank of Waterloo (368)—1864. Operates out-of-town branches at Hannibul (Village), Interlaken and Seneca Falls. WATERTOWN ▲Marine Midland Trust Company of Northern New York—1910. Formerly The Northern New York Trust Company. Operates out-of-town branches at Adams, Alexandria Bay, Canton, Carthage, Copenhagen, Evans Mills, Malone, Massena (2), Pamelia, Potsdam and Saranac Lake. ▲National Bank of Northern New York, The (2657)—1882. Formerly The Watertown National Bank. Operates out-of-town branches at Adams Center, Clayton, Croghan, Lowville and Massena (2). Northern New York Trust Company, The. Name changed June 1963 to Marine Midland Trust Company of Northern New York. ▲Seaway National Bank (8158)—1906. Formerly located at Theresa. Oper ates an out-of-town branch at Theresa. 97 W atertown National Bank, The. Name changed September 1963, to The National Bank of Northern New York when The Massena Banking and Trust Company merged with this bank. ▲Watertown Savings Bank— 1893. Operates an out-of-town branch at Adams. WATERVILLE National Bank of W aterville, The (1361)— 1865. A conversion of The Bank of Waterville. Merged October 1967 into The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, Utica. ★Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York. The— Utica. WATERVLIET National Bank of W atervliet, The. Absorbed April 1948 by State Bank of Albany. ★State Bank of Albany. WATKINS GLEN ▲Glen National Bank and Trust Company (9977)—1911. Formerly Glen National Bank of Watkins Glen. Glen National Bank of Watkins Glen. Originally Glen National Bank of Watkins. Name changed February 1964 to Glen National Bank and Trust Company. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York—Elmira. WAVERLY Citizens National Bank of Waverly, The. Merged September 1958 into Marine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York, Elmira. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York— Elmira. WEBSTER ★Central Trust Company Rochester N. Y. WEEDSPORT First National Bank of Weedsport, The. Absorbed March 1956 by First Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. ★First Trust & Deposit Company—Syracuse. WELLS Hamilton County National Bank of Wells, The. Merged February 1955 into The Manufacturers National Bank of Troy. WELLSVILLE ▲Citizens National Bank and Trust Company, The (4988)—1895. Formerly The Citizens National Bank of Wellsville. Operates out-of-town branches at Alfred, Andover, Bolivar, Cuba, Olean and Whitesville. Citizens National Bank of Wellsville, The (4988)— 1895. Name changed February 1968 to The Citizens National Bank and Trust Company. 98 First Trust Company of Allegany County, The—1917. Formerly The First Trust Company of Wellsville, New York. Name changed December 1968 to First Trust Union Bank. First Trust Company of Wellsville, New York, The. Name changed June 1957 to The First Trust Company of Allegany County when Canaseraga State Bank merged into this bank. ▲First Trust Union Bank—1917. Formerly The First Trust Company of Al legany County. Operates out-of-town branches at Angelica, Belfast, Boli var, Canaseraga, Cuba, Franklinville and Friendship. WEST BABYLON ♦National Bank of North America—Queens. ♦Security National Bank—Huntington (2). WEST BAY SHORE ♦Security National Bank—Huntington. WESTBURY ▲Bank of Westbury Trust Company—1910. Operates out-of-town branches at Hempstead (Town), Oyster Bay and Williston Park. ♦First National City Bank—Manhattan. ♦Hempstead Bank—Hempstead. Wheatley Hills National Bank of Westbury, The. Merged April 1956 into Hempstead Bank. WEST CORNERS ♦Endicott Trust Company—Endicott. WEST ELLICOTT ♦Marine Midland Chautauqua National Bank—Jamestown. WEST END ♦National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. WESTERLOO ■National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. WESTFIELD ♦Marine Midland Chautauqua National Bank—Jamestown. WEST HAVERSTRAW ♦Empire National Bank—Middletown. ♦First State Bank of Rockland County, The—Spring Valley. WEST HEMPSTEAD ♦Chemical Bank—Manhattan. ♦Community Bank, The—Lynbrook. ♦Franklin National Bank—Mineola. 99 Meadow Brook National Bank of Nassau County, The. Formerly The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport. Head Office moved here from Freeport. Name and location changed November 1960 to The Meadow Brook National Bank, Queens, and the former Main Office be came a branch when The Queens National Bank of New York, Spring field Gardens, Queens, and Colonial Trust Company, New York consoli dated with this bank. ★National Bank of North America—Queens (3). ★Roslyn Savings Bank, The—Roslyn. West Hempstead National Bank, The. Consolidated March 1950 with The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport. WEST HURLEY ★National Bank of Orange and Ulster Counties, The—Goshen. WEST ISLIP ★Bank of Babylon. ★First National Bank of Bay Shore. ★Security National Bank—Huntington. WEST NYACK ★Empire National Bank—Middletown. ★First State Bank of Rockland Conty, The—Spring Valley. ★Nanuet National Bank. ★Tappan Zee National Bank—Nyack. WESTOVER ★First-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. WESTPORT Lake Champlain National Bank of Westport, The. Name and location changed November 1959 to The Essex County-Champlain National Bank, Willsboro and the former Main Office became a branch when The Essex County National Bank of Willsboro consolidated with this bank. ★Essex County-Champlain National Bank, Willsboro. WEST SAYVILLE ★Valley National Bank of Long Island—Valley Stream. WEST SENECA ★Bank of Buffalo—Buffalo. ★Erie County Savings Bank—Buffalo. ★Liberty National Bank and Trust Company—Buffalo. ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo (2). ★Western Savings Bank, The—Buffalo. WEST SENECA (TOWN) ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of W estern New York—Buffalo. 100 WEST W INFIELD ★Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, The— Utica. West Winfield National Bank, The. Merged August 1956 into The Onei da National Bank and Trust Company of Utica. WHITEHALL Merchants National Bank of Whitehall, The. Merged September 1955 into The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany. ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. W HITE LAKE ★Sullivan County National Bank of Liberty, The. W HITE PLAINS Citizens Bank of White Plains, N. Y., The. Merged July 1950 into The County Trust Company, White Plains. ▲County Trust Company, The—1903. Operates out-of-town branches at Ardsley, Bedford, Brewster, Briarcliff Manor, Bronxville (2), Chappaqua, Cornwall, Croton on Hudson, Dobbs Ferry, Elmsford, Goshen, Harrison, Haverstraw (2), Irvington, Katonah, Larchmont (2), Mamaroneck, Mon ticello, Mount Kisco, Mount Vernon (2), New City, Peekskill (2), Port Chester (2), Port Jervis, Rye (2), Shrub Oak, Tarrytown, Thornwood, Wurtsboro, Yonkers (6) and Yorktown Heights in addition to those pre viously listed. ★Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A.—Poughkeepsie. ▲National Bank of Westchester (10525)—1914. Formerly National Bank of Westchester, White Plains. Operates out-of-town branches out-of-town branches at Armonk, Bedford Hills, Briarcliff Manor, Eastchester (2), Harrison, Hawthorne, Jefferson Valley, Larchmont, Mount Kisco (2), Mount Vernon, New Rochelle (4), Peekskill (2), Pleasantville, Port Ches ter, Poughkeepsie, Rye, Tarrytown (2), Tuckahoe (2) and Valhalla. National Bank of Westchester, White Plains. Formerly First National Bank & Trust Company of Tuckahoe. Name changed July 1962 to Na tional Bank of Westchester. National Bank of Westchester, White Plains (Second)—1969. Merged with National Bank of Westchester. Peoples National Bank and Trust Company of W hite Plains, The. Merged October 1953 into New Rochelle Trust Company which there upon changed its name to The Westchester Bank and Trust Company, New Rochelle. WHITESBORO ★Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, The— Utica. ★Savings Bank of Utica, The. WHITESTOWN ★Marine Midland Trust Company of the Mohawk Valley—Utica (2). 101 W HITESVILLE ★Citizens National Bank and Trust Company, The—Wellsville. First National Bank of Whitesville, The. Consolidated March 1959 with The Citizens National Bank of Wellsville. WHITNEY POINT ★First-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. First National Bank of Whitney Point, The. Absorbed February 1958 by First-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. WILLIAMSON ★Central Trust Company Rochester N. Y. WILLIAMSVILLE ★Liberty National Bank and Trust Company—Buffalo. ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo. ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Western New York—Buffalo (2). WILLISTON PARK ★Bank of Westbury Trust Company—Westbury. ★First National City Bank— Manhattan. ★National Bank of North America—Queens. Williston National Bank of Williston Park, The. Consolidated December 1950 with The Central National Bank of Mineola. WILLSBORO Essex County National Bank of Willsboro, The. Consolidated November 1959 with The Lake Champlain National Bank of Westport which there upon changed its name and location to Essex County-Champlain Na tional Bank, Willsboro. ▲Essex County-Champlain National Bank, Willsboro (9405)—1909. Form erly The Lake Champlain National Bank of Westport. Operates out-oftown branches at Elizabethtown and Westport. WILSON ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Western New York—Buffalo. WINDHAM ★First Trust Company of Albany, National Association. National Bank of Windham, The (13962)—1934. Succeeded The First National Bank of Windham. Merged April 1965 into First Trust Com pany of Albany. WINDSOR ★Marine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York—Elmira. Windsor National Bank, The. Merged May 1960 into Marine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York, Elmira. WINGDALE ★Dover Plains National Bank, The—Dover Plains. 102 WOLCOTT First National Bank of Wolcott. Merged June 1959 into Security Trust Company of Rochester. ★Security Trust Company of Rochester. WOODBOURNE ★Community National Bank—Liberty. ★Marine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A.— Poughkeepsie. WOODBURY ★Chemical Bank— Manhattan. ★Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company— Manhattan. WOODHULL ★First National Bank of Addison, The. WOODLAWN ★Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company— Buffalo. WOODMERE ★Bankers Trust Company — Manhattan. ★National Bank of North America — Queens. W OODRIDGE ★Ellenville National Bank— Ellenville. ★Empire National Bank— Middletown. First National Bank of Woodridge, The (11059) — 1917. Merged June 1968 into County National Bank. WOODSTOCK ★National Bank of Orange and Ulster Counties, The— Goshen. ★New Paltz Savings Bank— N ew Paltz. ★Rondout National Bank of Kingston, The. WORCESTER Bank of Worcester, The — 1884. M erged January 1964 into National C om mercial Bank and Trust Company, Albany. ★National Commercial Bank and Trust Company—Albany. WRIGHTS CORNERS ■Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company — Buffalo. WURTSBORO ★County Trust Company, The— W hite Plains. WYANDANCH ★Security National Bank— Huntington. 103 WYNANTSKILL ★Union National Bank of Troy, The. YONKERS ★Bank of Commerce—Manhattan. Bank of Westchester, The. Merged July 1947 into The County Trust Company, White Plains. Central National Bank of Yonkers. Merged June 1955 into The County Trust Company, White Plains. ★County Trust Company, The—White Plains (6). YORKTOWN HEIGHTS ★Chase M anhattan Bank (National Association), The—Manhattan. ★County Trust Company, The—White Plains. ★First National City Bank— Manhattan. ★Peekskill Savings Bank—Peekskill. YOUNGSTOWN ■Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company—Buffalo. ■Marine Midland Trust Company of Western New York—Buffalo. 104 Part III INDEX O F ALL BANKS (Additions to original list published October 1, 1946) Location Name American Bank & Trust Company American Irving Savings Bank American Savings Bank, The (Second) Anchor Savings Bank Atlantic Bank of N ew York Ballston Spa National Bank Bank of Buffalo (Second) Bank of Caledonia Bank of Commerce Bank of Huntington Bank of N ew York, The Bank of N ew York and Fifth Avenue Bank Bank of North America (Third) Bank of North America (Fourth) Bank of Northern Brookhaven, The Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company Bank of Orange County, The Bank of Perry, The Bank of Tokyo Trust Company, The Bank of Utica Barnes & Co., C. Belfast National Bank Belgian-American Bank & Trust Company Brevoort Savings Bank Briggs Bank of Clyde (Second) Bushwick Savings Bank Canadian Bank of Commerce Trust Company, The Central Bank and Trust Company Central Industrial Bank Central National Bank, Canajoharie Central State Bank Century National Bank and Trust Company Chase Manhattan Bank (National Association), The Chase Manhattan Bank, The Chautauqua National Bank of Jamestown Chautauqua National Bank & Trust Company of Jamestown Chelsea National Bank Chemical Bank Chemical Bank New York Trust Company Chemical Corn Exchange Bank Chinese American Bank Citizens Central Bank, The Citizens National Bank and Trust Company, The 105 Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Brooklyn Manhattan Ballston Spa Buffalo Caledonia Manhattan Huntington Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Port Jefferson Manhattan Goshen Perry Manhattan Utica Hornell Belfast Manhattan Brooklyn Clyde Brooklyn Manhattan Great Neck Brooklyn Canajoharie Brooklyn Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Jamestown Jamestown Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Arcade W ellsville City Bank of New York, National Association, The Commercial Bank of North America Commercial State Bank and Trust Company of N ew York Community Bank, The Community National Bank Community National Bank and Trust Company of N ew York Community National Bank and Trust Company of Richmond Community State Bank County National Bank County National Bank, M iddletown County National Bank of Long Island County National Bank of Mineola Dollar Savings Bank of N ew York Dry Dock Savings Bank Dutchess Bank & Trust Company Eastern National Bank of Long Island Eastern National Bank of Long Island, Smithtown, The Eastern National Bank of Smithtown, The Ellenville National Bank Emigrant Savings Bank Empire National Bank Empire Savings Bank Endicott Bank of N ew York Essex County-Champlain National Bank European-American Bank & Trust Company Excelsior Empire Savings Bank Exchange Bank of Olean, The Fallkill Bank and Trust Company Farmers-Matteawan National Bank delity Bank of Colonie nger Lakes National Bank rst-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. rst-City National Bank of Southern N ew York rst Israel Bank and Trust Company of N ew York rst National Bank and Trust Company o f Ithaca rst National Bank of Bay Shore rst National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. rst National Bank of Buffalo rst National Bank of East Hampton rst National Bank of H untington rst National Bank of Rochester rst National Bank of Scotia rst National Bank of W alden rst National City Bank rst National City Bank of N ew York, The rst National City Trust Company rst State Bank of Rockland County, The rst State Bank of Spring Valley, T he rst Suffolk National Bank of Huntington rst Trust Company of Albany, National Association rst Trust Company of Allegany County, T he 106 Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Lynbrook Liberty Richmond Richmond Albany M iddletown M iddletown Mineola Mineola Bronx Manhattan Poughkeepsie Sm ithtown Smithtown Sm ithtown Ellenville Manhattan M iddletown Manhattan Endicott Wills boro Manhattan Manhattan Olean Poughkeepsie Poughkeepsie Latham O dessa Binghamton Binghamton Manhattan Ithaca Bay Shore Binghamton Buffalo East Ham pton Huntington Rochester Scotia W alden Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Spring Valley Spring Valley H untington Albany W ellsville W ellsville First Trust Union Bank New Rochelle First W estchester National Bank New Rochelle First W estchester National Bank of N ew Rochelle Beacon Fishkill National Bank, The Fishkill Savings Bank Fishkill Flushing National Bank (Second) Queens Fort Neck National Bank of Seaford, The Seaford Franklin National Bank Mineola Franklin National Bank of Franklin Square, The Franklin Square Franklin National Bank of Long Island, The Franklin Square Franklin National Bank of Long Island, T he Mineola Freedom National Bank of N ew York Manhattan Fulton County National Bank and Trust Company, The Glovers ville Genesee Valley Union Trust Company Rochester Glen C ove Nassau Union Trust Company Glen Cove Glen National Bank and Trust Company Watkins Glen Glenville National Bank of Scotia Scotia Gotham Bank Manhattan Hambro American Bank & Trust Co. Manhattan Hanover Bank, The Manhattan Highland National Bank of Newburgh Newburgh IDB Trust Company Manhattan Industrial Bank of Commerce of Albany Albany Intercounty Trust Company M onticello Island National Bank of Freeport, The Freeport Island State Bank Patchogue Kings County Lafayette Trust Company Brooklyn Liberty Bank and Trust Company Buffalo Liberty National Bank and Trust Company Buffalo Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central N ew York Syracuse Lincoln National Bank of Syracuse Syracuse Lockport Savings Bank Lockport Long Island National Bank Hicksville Long Island Savings Bank, The Queens ^ong Island Trust Company Garden City Vladison County Trust Company Oneida vlanufacturers Hanover Trust Company Manhattan vlarine Midland Bank of Southeastern New York, N.A. Poughkeepsie vlarine Midland Chautauqua National Bank Jamestown vlarine Midland Grace Trust Company of N ew York Manhattan vlarine Midland National Bank of Southeastern N ew York Poughkeepsie Marine Midland National Bank of Troy Troy Marine Midland Tinker National Bank East Setauket Marine Midland Trust Company of Central N ew York Syracuse Marine Midland Trust Company of Northern New York W atertown /farine Midland Trust Company of the Mohawk Valley Utica /larine Midland Trust Company of Rochester Rochester 4arine Midland Trust Company of Rockland County Nyack larine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York Elmira larine Midland Trust Company of W estern New York Buffalo larine Trust Company of W estern N ew York, T he Buffalo 107 Locust Valley Matinecock Bank Beacon Matteawan National Bank Queens Meadow Brook National Bank, The Freeport Meadowbrook National Bank of Freeport, The W est H em pstead Meadow Brook National Bank of Nassau County, The Albany Mechanics’ Exchange Savings Bank Syracuse Metropolitan Bank of Syracuse Brooklyn Metropolitan Industrial Bank Syracuse Metropolitan National Bank of Syracuse Brooklyn Metropolitan Savings Bank Manhattan Modern Industrial Bank Manhattan Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York Manhattan Nassau Banking Company, The Glen C ove Nassau Trust Company W alton National Bank of Delaware County, W alton, The Great Neck National Bank of Great Neck Queens National Bank of North America W atertown National Bank of Northern New York, The Goshen National Bank of Orange and Ulster Counties, The W hite Plains National Bank of W estchester W hite Plains National Bank of W estchester, W hite Plains Albany National Commercial Bank and Trust Company Newburgh Newburgh Savings Bank Manhattan New York Bank for Savings, The Buffalo Niagara Frontier Bank of New York Mattituck North Fork Bank and Trust Company, The Northern W estchester National Bank Chappaqua Northern W estchester National Bank, Chappaqua Chappaqua Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central N ew York, T he Utica Onondaga Savings Bank Syracuse Cedarhurst Peninsula National Bank Hamburg Peoples Bank of Erie County, The Hamburg Peoples Bank of Hamburg, The New City Peoples Bank of Rockland County, The Patchogue Peoples National Bank of Long Island, The Lynbrook Peoples National Bank of Lynbrook, The Port Chester Port Chester National Bank Port Chester Port Chester-Rye Savings Bank Port W ashington Port W ashington-M anhasset National Bank Manhattan Prudential Savings Bank Southeast (Town, Putnam County Savings Bank Queens Queens National Bank of New York, The Manhattar Republic National Bank of N ew York Richmonc Richmond County National Bank o f Port Richmond, The Sufferr Rockland National Bank Rockland National Bank, Suffern Sufferr Roslyr Roslyn Savings Bank, The Royal Bank of Canada Trust Company, The Manhattar Royal National Bank of N ew York Manhattar Royal State Bank of N ew York Manhattar St. Lawrence County National Bank, The Cantoj 108 Savings Bank of Rockland County, The Savings Bank of Tompkins County, T he Scarsdale National Bank & Trust Company, The Seaway National Bank Seaway National Bank Second National Bank of Jamestown (Second) Security National Bank Security National Bank of Huntington Security National Bank of Long Island South Bay Bank South Side Bank State Bank of Edwards and Star Lake State Bank of Long Beach State Bank of Long Island State Bank of Suffolk State of New York National Bank, The TappanZee National Bank Tappan Zee National Bank of Nyack Tinker National Bank Tioga State Bank Toronto-Dominion Bank Trust Company, The Ulster County Savings Bank Underwriters Bank and Trust Company Union Savings Bank of Long Island, The Union State Bank United Bank United Bank and Trust Company United Mutual Savings Bank United National Bank Valley National Bank of Long Island Valley National Bank, Wallkill, N. Y., The Valley National Bank, Wallkill, N. Y., The Water Street National Bank W estchester Bank and Trust Company, The 109 Monsey Ithaca Scarsdale Theresa W atertown Jamestown Huntington Huntington Huntington Center Moriches Bay Shore Edwards Long Beach North New H yde Park Bay Shore Poughkeepsie Nyack Nyack East Setauket Spencer Manhattan Kingston Manhattan Patchogue Nanuet Star Lake Brooklyn Manhattan Callicoon Valley Stream W alden Wallkill Manhattan New Rochelle