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rCireular No. 6461
Loecember 16, 1924J

Cash Department

New Counterfeits


To all Banks, Trust Companies and Savings Banks
in the Second Federal Reserve District:

The Treasury Department in its circular letter No. 547 describes two new counterfeits as follows:
$10 Federal Reserve Note
"On the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; check letter ' D ' ; face plate
number indistinct; A. W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury; Frank White,
Treasurer of the United States; portrait of Jackson.
"This note is printed from photographic plates, and has red and blue ink
lines to imitate the silk fiber of the genuine. No attempt has been made to
color the seal or numbers on the face of the note, and the back has had water
color or some other substance applied to the printed portion, which in many
places completely covers the fine lines of the engraving."
$10 National Bank Note
"On the First National Bank of Superior, Wisconsin; check letter 'A';
W. T. Vernon, Register of the Treasury; Charles H. Treat, Treasurer of the
United States; portrait of McKinley.
"This counterfeit is printed from photo process plates, on two pieces of
paper between which some short pieces of heavy silk thread have been used
to imitate the silk fiber of the genuine. The specimen at hand bears Treasury No. H138052 and bank No. 17501. The Treasury seal is missing from
the note.
"The two above-described counterfeits are apparently the work of amateurs, and any one accustomed to handling money should readily detect them."

Very truly yours,
