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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF N EW YORK Fiscal Agent of the United States J" Circular No. 6018 ~i L August 16, 1967 J T R E A SU R Y ’S CURRENT CASH O F F E R IN G Subscriptions and A llo tm e n ts To All Banking Institutions, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve District: T h e fo llo w in g sta tem en t w as m ad e public A u g u s t 14 b y the T r e a s u r y D e p a r tm e n t: The Treasury Department today announced the subscription and allotment figures with respect to the current offering of 5 % percent Treasury Notes of Series D-1968, due November 15, 1968. Subscriptions and allotments were divided among the several FederalReserve Districts and the Treasury as follows : Total Subscriptions Received Federal Reserve District Boston .................................................................................. New York ........................................................................... Philadelphia $ 326,784,000 Total Allotments $ 9,712,155,000 137,471,000 7,427,784,000 ....................................................................... 273,683,000 114,009,000 C levelan d .............................................................................. 649,436,000 254,122,000 ........................................................................... 384,777,000 170,661,000 A t la n t a .................................................................................. Richmond 460,381,000 201,668,000 ................................................................................ 1,392,051,000 556,822,000 St. Louis .............................................................................. Minneapolis ......................................................................... Chicago 416,145,000 202,584,000 189,946,000 106,171,000 Kansas C i t y ......................................................................... 347,115,000 162,535,000 Dallas .................................................................................... 365,290,000 171,203,000 San F ran cisco .................................................................... 1,088,168,000 403,412,000 T rea su ry ........................................................................... 41,548,000 16,098,000 T otal ........................................................................... $15,660,117,000 $9,911,902,000 Subscriptions by investor classes: States, political subdivisions or instrumentalities thereof, public pen sion and retirement and other public funds, international organi zations in which the United States holds membership, foreign central banks and foreign States which submitted certification and received full a llo tm en t......................................................................................................... Commercial Banks (own account) ..................................................................... $ 284,811,000 5,957,111 000 A ll O th e r s ..................................................................................................................... 3,333,840,000 T otal ......................................................................................................... Fed. Res. Banks & Govt. Inv. Accts................................................................... $ 9,575,762,000 6,084,355 000 G rand T otal .................................................................................................. $15,660,117 ,000 A lfred H ayes, President.