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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK Circular No. 589, February 9, 1924"! amending circular No. 529 of February 1, 1923 as modified I by circulars No. 548 of May 1, 1923, No. 571 of September 13, I _1923 and No. 587 of January 24, 1924. _J Official Signatures Change in Authority to Sign To all Banks and Trust Companies in the Second Federal Reserve District: Our circular No. 529 of February 1, 1923, as amended, containing facsimile signatures of those authorized to sign on behalf of this bank, is further modified in the following respect: JOSEPH D. HIGGINS, Controller at Large, has resigned to accept an official position with a member bank in New York City, and his authority to sign on behalf of this bank as set forth on page 4 of our Circular No. 529 expires at the close of business today, February 9, 1924. Yours very truly, BENJ. STRONG Governor