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F E D E R A L R E S E R V E BA N K O F NEW YO R K Fiscal A gen t o f the U nited States r Circular No. 5 7 5 9 1 L January 12, 1966 J Results of Treasury’s Current Cash Offering of 4 % % Certificates To A ll Banking Institutions, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve D istrict: The following statement was made public today by the Treasury Department: The Treasury today announced a 14.5 percent allotment on subscriptions in excess o f $50,000 for the current cash offering o f $1.5 billion, or thereabouts, of 4% percent Treasury Certificates o f Indebtedness o f Series A-1966, due November 15, 1966. Subscriptions fo r $50,000 or less will be allotted in full. Subscriptions fo r more than $50,000 will be allotted not less than $50,000. Reports received thus far from the Federal Reserve Banks show that sub scriptions fo r the certificates total about $10.1 billion, o f which about $9.2 billion were received from commercial banks fo r their own account and $0.9 billion from all others. Details by Federal Reserve Districts as to subscriptions and allotments will be announced next week. The Treasury also reported that it estimated a total allotment of approximately $1,644 million. A lfred H ayes, President.