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FED ERAL R E SE R V E BANK OF N E W YORK Fiscal Agent o f the United States r Circular No. 5 5 7 3 "1 L November 16, 1964 J T R E A S U R Y ’ S CURREN T CASH OFFERING Subscriptions and Allotments To All Banldng Institutions, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve District: The follow ing statement was made public N ovem ber 13 by the T reasury D epartm ent: The Treasury Department today announced the subscription and allotment figures with respect to the current offering of 4% Treasury Notes of Series D-1966, due May 15, 1966. Subscriptions and allotments were divided among the several Federal Reserve Districts and the Treasury as follows: Total subscriptions received Federal Reserve District Boston .................................................................. New Y o r k ............................................................ Philadelphia ........................................................ Cleveland ............................................................ Richmond ............................................................ Atlanta ................................................................ Chicago ................................................................ St. L o u is .............................................................. Minneapolis ........................................................ Kansas City ........................................................ Dallas .................................................................. San Francisco .................................................... Treasury ...................................................... T o t a l ................................................... Total allotments $ 712,790,000 12,837,365,000 393,900,000 949,430,000 460,396,000 625,549,000 2,435,342,000 449,405,000 203,600,000 425,159,000 384,751,000 2,016,327,000 5,933,000 $ 132,622,000 7,576,837,000 78,274,000 183,453,000 99,938,000 157,659,000 491,411,000 125,050,000 62,552,000 121,836,000 90,630,000 392,615,000 5,933,000 $21,899,947,000 $9,518,810,000 Subscriptions by investor classes: States, political subdivisions or instrumen talities thereof, public pension and retire ment and other public funds, international organizations in which the United States holds membership, foreign central banks and foreign States which received full allotment.......................................................... Commercial banks (own account)................. All others ............................................................ T o t a l ............................................................ Federal Reserve Banks and Government Investment Accounts .................................. G rand T o 19 14 tal ............................................. $ 164,784,000 8,793,786,000 6,499,221,000 $15,457,791,000 6,442,156,000 $21,899,947,000 A lfred H ayes, P re sid en t. F I F T I E T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 19 6 4