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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK Fiscal Agent of the United States I" Circular N o. 5 3 6 2 ~1 L July 26, 1963 J 3 % Percent Treasury Notes of Series F-1964 OFFERED A T P A R IN E XC H A N G E FO R 3 % Percent Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness of Series C-1963 or 2^/2 Percent Treasury Bonds of 1963 To All Banking Institutions, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve D istrict: The subscription books will open on Monday, July 29, for an offering, at par, of 3% per cent Treasury Notes of Series F-1964, dated August 15, 1963, maturing November 15, 1964, in exchange for either the 3V2 percent Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness of Series C-1963, or the 21/s percent Treasury Bonds of 1963, both maturing August 15, 1963. The terms of this offering are set forth in Treasury Department Circular No. 13-63, Public Debt Series, dated July 25, 1963; a copy is printed below. Subscribers are required to certify that at the time the subscription is entered the securities surrendered are owned and delivery was accepted by the subscriber, or that such securities were contracted for purchase for value by the subscriber for delivery to the sub scriber prior to the closing of the subscription books. Subscriptions will be received by this Bank as fiscal agent of the United States. Cash sub scriptions will not be received. Subscriptions should be submitted in triplicate on official sub scription forms, copies of which are enclosed, and should be mailed immediately. If filed bytelegram or letter, the subscriptions should be confirmed immediately by mail on the forms provided. The subscription books will remain open for three days, July 2 9 through July 31. Any subscription addressed to a Federal Reserve Bank or Branch or to the Treasury Depart ment and placed in the mail before midnight Wednesday, July 31, will be considered timely. A lfred H ayes, President. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 3 % PERCENT TREASURY NOTES OF SERIES F-1964 Dated and bearing interest from August 15, 1963 Due November 15, 1964 TREASURY DEPARTM ENT, D E P A R T M E N T C IR C U L A R O Public Debt Series— No. 13-63 I. OFFERING OF NOTES 1. The Secretary of the Treasury, pursuant to the authority of the Second Liberty Bond A ct, as amended, invites subscriptions, at par, from the people of the United States for notes o f the United States, desig nated 3 % percent Treasury Notes o f Series F-1964, in exchange for the follow ing securities maturing August 15, 1963, singly or in combinations aggregating $1,000 or multiples th ereof: 3^/2 percent Treasury Certificates o f Indebtedness of Series C-1963; or 2 V& percent Treasury Bonds o f 1963. f f ic e of th e S ecretary , W ashington, July 25, 1963. The amount o f the offering under this circular will be limited to the amount o f eligible securities tendered in exchange and accepted. The books will be open only on July 29 through July 31, 1963, fo r the receipt of subscriptions fo r this issue. II. DESCRIPTION OF NOTES 1. The notes will be dated August 15, 1963, and will bear interest from that date at the rate of 3 % per cent per annum, payable on a semiannual basis 011 November 15, 1963, and on May 15 and November 15, 1964. They will mature November 15, 1964 and will not be subject to call for redemption prior to maturity. (OVER 2. The income derived from the notes is subject to all taxes imposed under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. The notes are subject to estate, inheritance, gift or other excise taxes, whether Federal or State, but are exempt from all taxation now or hereafter imposed on the principal or interest thereof by any State, or any o f the possessions of the United States, or by any local taxing authority. 3. The notes w ill be acceptable to secure deposits o f public moneys. They w ill not be acceptable in p ay ment of taxes. 4. Bearer notes with interest coupons attached, and notes registered as to principal and interest, will be issued in denominations of $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000, $1,000,000, $100,000,000 and $500,000,000. Provision will be made fo r the interchange of notes of different denominations and of coupon and registered notes, and fo r the transfer of registered notes, under rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. 5. The notes will be subject to the general regula tions o f the Treasury Department, now or hereafter prescribed, governing United States notes. III. SUBSCRIPTION AND ALLOTMENT 1. Subscriptions will be received at the Federal Reserve Banks and Branches and at the Office of the Treasurer of the United States, W ashington, D. C. 20220. Banking institutions generally may submit subscriptions fo r account of customers, but only the Federal Reserve Banks and the Treasury Department are authorized to act as official agencies. 2. A ll subscribers requesting registered notes will be required to furnish appropriate identifying num bers as required on tax returns and other documents submitted to the Internal Revenue Service, i.e., an individu al’s social security number or an employer identification number. 3. The Secretary o f the Treasury reserves the right to reject or reduce any subscription, and to allot less than the amount of notes applied f o r ; and any action he may take in these respects shall be final. Subject to these reservations, all subscriptions will be allotted in full. Allotm ent notices will be sent out prom ptly upon allotment. subscriber has applied fo r but is unable to furnish the identifying number by the payment date only because it has not been issued, he may elect to receive, pending the furnishing of the identifying number, interim re ceipts and in this case payment will be deemed to have been completed. Coupons dated A ugust 15, 1963, should be detached from the certificates and bonds in bearer form and cashed when due. In the case of regis tered bonds, the final interest due on A ugust 15, 1963, will be paid by check drawn in accordance with the assignments on the bonds surrendered, or by credit in any account maintained b y a banking institution with the Federal Reserve Bank o f its District. V. ASSIGNMENT OF REGISTERED BONDS 1. Treasury Bonds of 1963 in registered form tendered in payment fo r notes offered hereunder should be assigned by the registered payees or assignees thereof, in accordance with the general regulations of the Treasury Department governing assignments for transfer or exchange, in one of the form s hereafter set forth, and thereafter should be surrendered with the subscription to a Federal Reserve Bank or Branch or to the Office of the Treasurer o f the United States, W ashington, D. C. 20220. The m aturing bonds must be delivered at the expense and risk o f the holder. I f the notes are desired registered in the same name as the bonds surrendered, the assignment should be to “ The Secretary of the Treasury fo r exchange fo r 3 % percent Treasury Notes of Series F -1964” ; if the notes are desired registered in another name, the assignment should be to “ The Secretary of the Treasury fo r ex change fo r 3 % percent Treasury Notes o f Series F-1964 in the name o f ............................................. if notes in coupon form are desired, the assignment should be to “ The Secretary o f the Treasury fo r ex change fo r 3 % percent Treasury Notes of Series F-1964 in coupon form to be delivered t o ................. VI. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. A s fiscal agents o f the United States, Federal Reserve Banks are authorized and requested to receive subscriptions, to make allotments on the basis and up to the amounts indicated by the Secretary of the Treasury to the Federal Reserve Banks of the respec tive Districts, to issue allotment notices, to receive payment fo r notes allotted, to make delivery o f notes on full-paid subscriptions allotted, and they may issue IV. PAYMENT interim receipts pending delivery o f the definitive 1. Payment fo r the face amount of notes allotted notes. hereunder must be made on or before August 15,1963, 2. The Secretary o f the Treasury may at any time, or on later allotment, and may be made only in securi or from time to time, prescribe supplemental or ties o f the two issues enumerated in paragraph 1 of amendatory rules and regulations governing the offer Section I hereof, which will be accepted at par, and ing, which will be communicated prom ptly to the should accom pany the subscription. Paym ent will not Federal Reserve Banks. be deemed to have been com pleted where registered notes are requested if the appropriate identifying DOUGLAS DILLON, number, as required by paragraph 2 o f Section I I I hereof, has not been fu rn ish ed ; provided, however, if a Secretary of the Treasury. Subscription No. DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS— EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION For United States of America 3% Percent Treasury Notes of Series F-1964 Dated August 15, 1963, Due November 15, 1964 B E A R E R N O TE S D E S IR E D IN E X C H A N G E (U se schedule on reverse side for R E G IS T E R E D notes) Denomi nation eces $ Dispose o f securities issued as fo llo w s : □ 1. Deliver over the counter to the undersigned 1,000 □ 2. H old in safekeeping member bank o n ly )* 5,000 □ 3. H old as collateral fo r Treas ury Tax and Loan A ccount* □ 4. Ship to the undersigned □ 5. Special instructions: (Leave this space blank) Face amount 10,000 100,000 (fo r 1,000,000 TOTAL "If this item is ch e ck e d , the su b scrib er ce rti fies that the a llotted securities will be ow n ed solely b y the subscriber. (IM P O R T A N T : N o ch a n ges in delivery in stru ction s w ill be a cce p te d . A separate su b scrip tion fo rm must b e subm itted fo r each g ro u p o f securities fo r w h ich differen t d elivery in stru c tions are g iv e n .) Submitted by T h e subscription b ook s w ill open (Please print) ............ ; .........., B y ...................... on J u ly 2 9 , and close at th e close By ................. o f business J u ly 3 1 , 1 9 6 3 . T it le ................................................... T itle ................. (Authorized signature(s) required) Address (S p a ce s b elow are fo r the use o f the Federal R eserve Bank o f N ew Y o r k ) S a f e k e e p in g R ecord deceived Received from F e d er al R e s e r v e B a n k o f N e w States obligations in the amount subscribed for. Y ork the above described United Subscriber ............................................................................................... Checked and lelivered D a t e ......................................... B y ...................................................................................................................... Schedule for Issue of Registered Notes Name in which notes shall be registered, taxpayer identifying number (Social Security Account Number or Employer Identification N um ber), and post-office address for interest checks and other mail. (P lea se print or typew rite) Name ... (Indicate under appropriate denominations, number o f notes desi Amount $1,000 $5,000 $10,000 / $1,000 $100,000 ............................................... Ident. No. Address Name Ident. No. Address Name ........... Ident. No. Address ................ Name 1 ( I f registered notes, which are mailed directly by Treasury Department, Washington, D. C., are not to be sent to the registered owner, give mailing instructions below.) Mail registered notes t o ..................................................................................................................................... Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis V ^ 3 6 2. (Please type or print legibly and submit in triplicate) scriber’s Reference No. Subscription No. N-l EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION For United States of America 3% Percent Treasury Notes of Series F-1964 Dated August 15,1963, Due November 15, 1964 Im p o rta n t In stru ctio n s. 1. Securities o f different issues surrend ered in ex ch a n g e m ay be listed tog eth er on the me su bscrip tion form , e x ce p t that a separate subscrip tion form sh ou ld be used ( a ) fo r listing b ea rer securities rrendered, ( b ) fo r listing registered securities surrendered, and ( c ) fo r ea ch g rou p o f n ew securities fo r w h ich fe re n t delivery instructions are given . 2. Separate subscrip tion form s shou ld be used fo r b ea rer securities and ;istered securities desired in ex ch a n g e. 3. S ocia l S ecu rity a cco u n t num bers o r E m p loyer Iden tification n um bers o f subscribers fo r r e g is te r e d securities must be furnished on the reverse side h ereof. 4. Signatures are req u ired on iginal o n ly ; all o th er filled-in m atter should app ear in triplicate. 2d e r a l R eserve B an k o f N ew Y ork , Dated at ......................................................... Fiscal Agent o f the United States, New Y ork, N. Y. 10045 .................................................................... 1963 Attention : Government Bond Division cntlem en : Subject to the provisions of Treasury Department Circular No. 13-63, Public Debt Series, dated ily 25, 1963, the undersigned hereby subscribes for United States of America 3 % percent Treasury >tes o f Series F-1964, in the amount of $ * and tenders in payment >refor a like par amount of the securities — Delivered to you h e re w ith ............................................................................................ $.................................. To be withdrawn from securities held by y o u ........................................................ $.................................. To be delivered b y ......................................................................................................... $.................................. *(Please fill in on the reverse side the schedule “ List o f Accounts Included in this Subscription. ’ ’ ) S E C U R IT IE S SU R R E N D E R E D (all coupons should be detached) T ota l A m o u n t /< l°7 o Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness of Series C -1 9 6 3 Treasury Bonds of 1 9 6 3 Total $ ........................................................... £ ......................................................................... $ W e H e r e b y C e r t i f y that at the time this subscription was entered the above-described securities •rendered or to be surrendered in connection with this exchange were owned and delivery accepted by the )scriber, or were contracted for purchase for value by the subscriber for delivery to the subscriber "prior the closing o f the subscription books. (Signature(s) required also on Delivery Instructions below) ( D o n ot fill in b o x e s b e lo w ) G o v e r n m e n t B o n d D iv is io n Received Checked Submitted by ......................... (Please print) Canceled By . . . . . . . . . . B y ........................... (Authorized signature(s) required) Title ....................................................... Title Address ............................................................ ( I f space is insufficient in schedules below, attach separate listing) List of Accounts Included in this Subscription (Indicate total amount o f all issues surrendered by each customer and by yourself) (L ea ve this space blank) N a m e a n d a d d re s s o f a c c o u n t (Please print or typewrite) 3 % % C l's (C-1963) 2 % % Bonds (1963) ............. $ .............. $ Total $ .......................... .............................. * O u r o w n a c c o u n t ..................................................................... • T o ta ls .............................................................................. $ ..................... $ ............ $ ........... Subscription No. SECURITY RECORDS ‘ ‘O U T TIC K E T” DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS— EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION For United States of America 3% Percent Treasury Notes of Series F-1964 Dated August 15, 1963, Due November 15, 1964 B E A R E R N OTES D E S IR E D IN E X C H A N G E (Use schedule on reverse side for R E G IS T E R E D notes) Dispose o f securities issued as fo llo w s : Denomi nation aces $ □ 1. Deliver over the counter to the undersigned 1,000 □ 2. H old in safekeeping member bank only) 5,000 □ 3. H old as collateral fo r Treas u ry Tax and Loan A ccount 10,000 □ 4. Ship to the undersigned □ 5. Special instructions: Face amount ( Leave this space blank) 100,000 1,000,000 TOTAL - Submitted by Address (fo r Schedule for Issue of Registered Notes Name in which notes shall be registered, taxpayer identifying number (Social Security Account Number or Employer Identification N um ber), and post-office address for interest checks and other mail. (Please print or typewrite) Name (Indicate under appropriate denominations, number of notes desi Amount $1,000 $5,000 $10,000 $100,000 $1,000 .................................................................... Ident. N o.............................................................. Address Name Ident. No. Address ............................................................... ....................................................... ........................................ ........................................................... Name Ident. No. ......................................... Address ........................................... ( I f registered notes, which are mailed directly by Treasury Department, Washington, D. C., are not to be sent to the registered owner, give mailing instructions below.) Mail registered notes to scriber’s Reference No. DUPLICATE— SECURITY RECORDS “ IN TICKET” Subscription No. N-2 EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION For United States of America 3% Percent Treasury Notes of Series F-1964 Dated August 15, 1963, Due November 15, 1964 R eserve B a n k of N e w Y o r k , Dated at ......................................................... Fiscal Agent o f the United States, New York, N. Y . 10045 ....................................................................1963 A tten tion : Government Bond Division deral NTLEMEN : Subject to the provisions of Treasury Department Circular No. 13-63, Public Debt Series, dated ly 25, 1963, the undersigned hereby subscribes for United States o f America 3 % percent Treasury tes o f Series F-1964, in the amount o f $ ............................................................... * and tenders in payment refor a like par amount of the securities — h • 1 Delivered to you h e re w ith ............................................................................................ $.................................. To be withdrawn from securities held by y o u ........................................................ $ ................................. To be delivered b y ......................................................................................................... $.................................. •(Please fill in on the reverse side the schedule “ List of Accounts Included in this Subscription.” ) S E C U R IT IE S SU R R E N D E R E D (all coupons should be detached) Total Amount ........................... $ ............................ i°7c Treasury Bonds of 1 9 6 3 ......................................................................................... $ .......................... l ° /0 Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness of Series C -1 9 6 3 Total ....................................................................................................... $ W e H e r e b y C e r t i f y that at the time this subscription was entered the above-described securities rendered or to be surrendered in connection with this exchange were owned and delivery accepted by the scriber, or were contracted for purchase for value by the subscriber for delivery to the subscriber prior he closing of the subscription books. Submitted by Address ( I f space is insufficient in schedules below, attach separate listing) List of Accounts Included in this Subscription (Indicate total amount o f all issues surrendered by each customer and by yourself) (L ea v e this space blank) Name and address of account (P lea se print or typew rite) 3y2% c i ’ s 2 Vz% Bonds (C-1963) (1963) Total $ ............. $ $ $ ............. $ ...................... $ .......................................... Our own account ............................................................ Totals .................................................................... N O N N EG O TIABLE RECEIPT Subscription No. ) Subscriber: R e s e r v e B a n k o p N e w Y o r k , Fiscal A gent o f the United States, hereby acknowledges receipt of surities tendered with subscription numbered as above in exchange for sderal 33,4 P E R C E N T T R E A S U R Y N O TE S OF S E R IE S F-1964 curities allotted on this subscription will be delivered on igust 15, 1963, in accordance with your instructions. ...................................................................................... Teller Government Bond Division — Issues & Redemption Section B E A R E R N O TE S D E S IR E D IN E X C H A N G E (U se schedule on reverse side fo r R E G IS T E R E D notes) Dispose o f securities issued as fo llo w s : aces Denomi nation $ □ 1. Deliver over the counter to the undersigned 1,000 □ 2. H old in safekeeping member bank only) 5,000 □ 3. H old as collateral fo r Treas u ry Tax and Loan A ccount □ 4. Ship to the undersigned □ 5. Special instructions: Face amount (Leave this space blank) 10,000 100,000 (fo r 1,000,000 TOTAL F ederal R eserve B a n k of N ew Y ork Fiscal Agent of the United States (D ate) u are hereby authorized to deliver to Submitted by ...................................................... (Nam e o f representative) sse signature appears below, Address ................................................................ $ ............................................... par amount securities issued pursuant to this subscription. (Please print) (Official signature required) (Signature o f authorized representative) To Subscriber: I f securities are to be delivered over the counter at this Bank to your representative, the authority in the box to the left should be executed on the date of delivery. Schedule for Issue of Registered Notes Mail registered notes to •scriber’s Reference No. TRIPLICATE— TREASURY REPORTS COPY Subscription No. N-3 EXCHANGE SUBSCRIPTION For United States of America 3% Percent Treasury Notes of Series F-1964 Dated August 15, 1963, Due November 15, 1964 R e se r v e B a n k of N e w Y o r k , Dated at ......................................................... Fiscal A gent o f the United States, New York, N. Y. 10045 ................................................................... 1963 A tten tion : Government Bond Division ederal ENTLEMEN : Subject to the provisions of Treasury Department Circular No. 13-63, Public Debt Series, dated uly 25, 1963, the undersigned hereby subscribes for United States of America 3 % percent Treasury otes of Series F-1964, in the amount o f $ .................................................................* and tenders in payment terefor a like par amount o f the securities — Delivered to you h e re w ith ............................................................................................ $.................................. To be withdrawn from securities held by y o u ........................................................ $.................................. To be delivered b y ......................................................................................................... $.................................. * (Please fill in on the reverse side the schedule “ List of Accounts Included in this Subscription.” ) S E C U R IT IE S SU R R E N D E R E D (all coupons should be detached) Total Am ount Vz % Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness of Series C -1 9 6 3 Vz°7o Treasury Bonds of 1 9 6 3 ......................................................................................... $ ........................... $ ........................... W e H e r e b y C e r t i f y that at the time this subscription was entered the above-described securities rrendered or to be surrendered in connection with this exchange were owned and delivery accepted by the bscriber, or were contracted for purchase for value by the subscriber for delivery to the subscriber prior the closing of the subscription books. Submitted by Address ( I f space is insufficient in schedules below, attach separate listing) List of Accounts Included in this Subscription (Indicate total amount o f all issues surrendered by each customer and by yourself) ( L ea ve this space blank) Name and address of account ( Please print or typew rite ) 3y2% c i ’ s 2 V-2 % Bonds (C-1963) (1963) $ $ $ $ Total Our own account Totals .................................................................... $