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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK Fiscal Agent of the United States r Circular No. 5 2 9 1 T L January 29, 1963 J Distribution of 4 Percent Treasury Bonds of 1988-93 Sold at Competitive Bidding on January 8, 1963 To All Banking Institutions, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve D istrict: The following statement was made public today by the Treasury Department: The Treasury Department today announced the initial distribution, by investor classes, o f the $250 million of 4 percent Treasury Bonds o f 1988-93 that were sold at competitive bidding on January 8, 1963. The successful bidder was a syndicate headed b y : C. J. Devine and Company, Salomon Bros, and Hutzler, Bankers Trust Company, The Chase Manhattan Bank, F irst National City Bank, Chemical Bank New Y ork Trust Company, and the First National Bank o f Chicago, and 68 others. The distribution is as follow s: Investor class Percent of total amount o f bonds* purchasers 52 21% 109 47 47 39 17 19 19 16 7 77 159 124 44 10 9 4 3 105 27 7 3 22 5 17 2 7 16 48 100% 731 Amount ( millions o f dollars) Insurance companies .................................. State and local pension and retirement f u n d s .............................. Commercial banks ....................................... Dealers and b r o k e r s .................................... Mutual savings b a n k s .................................. Individuals, partnerships, and personal trust a c c o u n ts ................. Corporate pension f u n d s ............................ State and local government funds other than pension and retirement . .. Corporations other than banks and insurance companies ..................... A ll o t h e r .......................................................... T o t a l ...................................................... 250 Number of * Details do not add to totals because o f rounding. A lfr e d H ayes, President.