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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK TCircular No. 529, February 1, 1923T L Superseding: Circular No. 482 of August 21,1922 J Official Signatures To all Banks and Trust Companies in the Second Federal Reserve District: Herewith we hand you facsimile signatures of those authorized to sign on behalf of this bank. Your attention is called to the hereinafter stated limitations upon the power to sign for the bank and its Buffalo Branch. All checks or drafts payable in foreign countries, and all foreign correspondence involving payments or transfers of funds, or deliveries of securities, must bear two authorized signatures, one of which shall be that of the Governor, a deputy governor, or a controller. All instruments and correspondence in connection with the transaction of domestic business need bear but one authorized signature. Yours very truly, BENJ. STRONG Governor GENERAL OFFICERS BENJAMIN STBONG, Governor, will sign: J. HERBERT CASE, Deputy Governor, will sign: Louis F. SAILER, Deputy Governor, will sign: GEORGE L. HARRISON, Deputy Governor, v """v will sign. EDWIN R. KENZEL, Deputy Governor, will sign, DUDLEY H. BARROWS, Secretary, will sign: W* ^. (c will sign: y^fC^. JAY E. CRANE, Assistant Secretary, L. RANDOLPH MASON, General Counsel, will sign: JESSE HOLLADAY PHILBIN, ^v Assistant General Counsel, will sign: C l^^j SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS GILBERT E . CHAPIN, will sign: Controller of Loans, ARTHUR W. GILBART, Controller of Cash and Controller of Collections, will sign: LAURENCE H. HENDRICKS, Controller of Fiscal Agency, will sign JOSEPH D. HIGGINS, will sign Controller at Large, J. WILSON JONES, Controller of Administration, will sign: LESLIE R . ROUNDS, S\ Controller of Accounts, will sign: / /I S y^/P/fiAn/py^//?} JUNIOR ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS CHARLES H. COE, Manager, Collection Department, will sign: JAY E. CRANE, Manager, Foreign Department, y&1^JC>\^A will sign: / ] JIA i EDWIN C. FRENCH, Manager, Cash Department, will sign: BETHUNE M. GRANT, Manager, Government Bond Department, will sign: WILLIAM A. HAMILTON, Manager, Building Maintenance Department, will sign: HOWARD M. JEFFERSON, Manager, Personnel Development Department, will sign: ALAN K. LAUCKNER, Manager, Methods and Supplies Depart-.,*^ ment, J>/ y 1/ will sign: (A^- 7(^ • frjGw**&iL+ Q ADOLPH J. LINS, Manager, Check Department, ; will sign: yjl f yy /V hv >v WALTER B. MATTESON, Manager, Certificates of Indebtedness Department and Manager, Securities Department, will sign: JOSEPH L. MORRIS, Manager, Credit Department, will sign: HENRY R. MURRAY, Manager, Securities Custody Department, will sign: I ROBERT M. O'HARA, Manager, Bill Department, will sign. JAMES M. RICE, Manager, Accounting Department, will sign, STEPHEN S. VANSANT, Manager, Discount Department, will sign: I. WARD WATERS, Manager, Office Service Department and y //i* Manager, Personnel Service Department, (/* -S^Ls will sign: yf/f """* 'vOyfcC' AUDIT The following will sign correspondence and reconcilements in connection with the work of the Auditing Department: FRANCIS OAKEY, General Auditor, will sign: EDWARD L. DODGE, Manager, Auditing Department, will sign: GEORGE W. FERGUSON, Chief, Reconciling Division, will sign. WILLIAM G. SIMPSON, Chief, Examining Division, will sign: PER PROCURATION Holders of procuration will not sign correspondence: THOMAS BRUDER, will sign: 6 WESLEY W. BURT,* will sign: RODERICK P. FISHER, H. E. LOMBARD, H. C. Low, J R . , * M. J. MCLAUGHLIN, S. C. MERWIN, A. H. MURDOCK, HERBERT K. R E E S , * will sign: H. S. ROBINS,* will sign: PHILIP M. SCHMIDT, will sign: WILLIAM A. SCOTT,** H. W. STANLEY,** will sign G. C. STEPHENS,** will sign: * Signs also as indicated on page 8. • • Signs also as indicated on page 9. C. N. VAN HOUTEN, JR., will sign: A. H. VAN SAUN,** will sign'. I The following will only sign correspondence for their respective managers: H. P. AUMACK, will sign: for J. L. MORRIS, Manager, Credit Department W. W. BURT,* will sign: forJW. B. MATTESON, Manager, Securities Department and Manager, Certificates of Indebtedness Department H. C. Low, JR.,! will sign: for W. B. MATTESON, Manager, Securities Department and Manager, Certificates of Indebtedness Department HERBERT K. REES,* will sign:^. for J. M. RICE, Manager, Accounting Department JOHN RIQTJET, will sign; J^o for J. L. MORRIS, Manager, Credit Department H. S. ROBINS,* * Signs also as indicated on page 7 •* Signs also as indicated on page 9 will sign: for B. M. GRANT, Manager, Government Bond Department R . H . RORABACK, will sign: for B. M. GRANT, Manager, Government Bond Department W. A. SCOTT,** mil sign: (jJ^ for JAY E. CRANE, Manager, Foreign Department H. W. STANLEY,** will sign: for S. S. VAN SANT, Manager, Discount Department A. H. VANSAUN,* will sign:, for B. M. GRANT, Manager, Government Bond Department G. C. STEPHENS,** will sign: for C. H. COE, Manager, Collection Department and for A. J. LINS, Manager, Check Department The following are authorized to sign certifications of checks, drafts and notes, but not otherwise: HENRY H. HOLLINGSHEAD, Teller, GEORGE H. LOTTS, will sign.\ will sign: Teller, The following may sign redemption checks issued for unpaid items returned, but not otherwise; MILLER, Teller, *Signs also as indicated on page 8. **Signs also as indicated on page 7. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis /Utc~ BUFFALO BRANCH The following will sign only for the Buffalo Branch: WALTER W. SCHNECKENBURGER, Manager, will sign: HALSEY W. SNOW, JR., Cashier, will sign CLIFFORD L. BLAKESLEE, Assistant Cashier, will sign E. L. THEOBALD, Assistant Cashier, will sign: , {^^^r^^f. The following are authorized to sign certifications of checks, drafts and notes for the Buffalo Branch, but not otherwise: WILLIAM R. BRIDER, Teller, will sign: ROBERT R. COVERT, Teller, will sign: The following may sign redemption checks of the Buffalo Branch issued for unpaid items returned, but not otherwise: EDWIN A. BIRKLAND, Teller, will sign; HARRY J. BROGAN, Teller, will sign: M. H. WHITMER, Teller, will sign 10 CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS jf AND FEDERAL RESERVE AGENT, / C PIERRE JAY, will sign: DEPUTY CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, will sign: ASSISTANT FEDERAL RESERVE AGENT, SHEPARD MORGAN, will sign: CARL SNYDER, General Statistician, will sign. W. RANDOLPH BURGESS, Manager, Reports Department, will sign WILLIAM H. D H U S T I N , Manager, Bank Examinations Department, will sign: