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FEDERAL RE SERVE BANK O F NEW YO R K Fiscal Agent o f the United States [“ C i r c u l a r N o. 5 1 1 6 1 29, 196 1 1 LN o v e m b e r OFFERING OF TWO SERIES OF TREASURY BILLS $1,100,000,000 o f 91-Day Bills, Additional Amount, Series Dated Sept. 7, 1961, Due March 8,1962 (To Be Issued December 7, 1961) $600,000,000 o f 182-Day Bills, Dated December 7, 1961, Due June 7, 1962 To A ll Incorporated Banks and Trust Companies, and O thers Concerned, in the Second Federal R eserv e D istrict: Following is the text of a notice issued by the Treasury Department, released for publication today at 4 p.m., Eastern Standard time: The Treasury Department, by this public notice, invites tenders fo r tw o series o f Treasury bills to the aggregate amount o f $1,700,000,000, or thereabouts, fo r cash and in exchange fo r Treasury bills maturing December 7, 1961, in the amount of $1,709,466,000, as fo llo w s : 91-day bills (to maturity date) to be issued December 7, 1961, in the amount o f $1,100,000,000, or thereabouts, representing an additional amount of bills dated Septem ber 7, 1961, and to mature M arch 8, 1962, originally issued in the amount o f $595,235,000, the additional and original bills to be freely interchangeable. 182-day bills, fo r $600,000,000, or thereabouts, to be dated Decem ber 7, 1961, and to mature June 7, 1962. The bills o f both series will be issued on a discount basis under competitive and noncompetitive bidding as hereinafter provided, and at maturity their face amount will be payable without interest. Th ey w ill be issued in bearer form only, and in denominations o f $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000, $500,000 and $1,000,000 (m aturity valu e). Tenders w ill be received at Federal Reserve Banks and Branches up to the closing hour, one-thirty o ’clock p.m., Eastern Standard time, M onday, December 4, 1961. Tenders will not be received at the Treasury Department, W ashington. Each tender must be fo r an even multiple o f $1,000, and in the case o f competitive tenders the price offered must be expressed on the basis o f 100, with not more than three decimals, e.g., 99.925. Fractions may not be used. It is urged that tenders be made on the printed form s and forw arded in the special envelopes which w ill be supplied by Federal Reserve Banks or Branches on application therefor. mitting tenders will be advised o f the acceptance or rejection thereof. The Secretary o f the Treasury expressly reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders, in w hole or in part, and his action in any such respect shall be final. Subject to these reservations, noncompetitive tenders fo r $200,000 or less fo r the additional bills dated September 7, 1961 (91 days remain ing until maturity date on M arch 8, 1962) and noncom petitive tenders for $100,000 or less fo r the 182-day bills without stated price from any one bidder will be accepted in full at the average price (in three decimals) o f accepted competitive bids fo r the respective issues. Settlement fo r accepted tenders in accordance with the bids must be made or completed at the Federal Reserve Bank on December 7, 1961, in cash or other immediately available funds or in a like face amount o f Treasury bills maturing December 7, 1961. Cash and exchange tenders will receive equal treatment. Cash adjustments will be made fo r differences between the par value o f maturing bills accepted in exchange and the issue price o f the new bills. Banking institutions generally may submit tenders fo r account o f customers, provided the names o f the customers are set forth in such tenders. Others than banking institutions w ill not be per mitted to submit tenders except fo r their own account. Tenders will be received without deposit from incorporated banks and trust companies and from responsible and recognized dealers in in vestment securities. Tenders from others must be accompanied by payment o f 2 percent o f the face amount o f Treasury bills applied for, unless the tenders are accompanied by an express guaranty o f payment by an incorporated bank or trust company. The income derived from Treasury bills, whether interest or gain from the sale or other disposition o f the bills, does not have any exemption, as such, and loss from the sale or other disposition o f Treasury bills does not have any special treat ment, as such, under the Internal Revenue Code o f 1954. The bills are subject to estate, inheritance, g ift or other excise taxes, whether Federal or State, but are exempt from all taxa tion now or hereafter imposed on the principal or interest thereof by any State, or any o f the possessions o f the United States, or by any local taxing authority. F or purposes o f taxa tion the amount o f discount at which Treasury bills are originally sold by the United States is considered to be interest. Under Sections 4 5 4 (b ) and 1221(5) o f the Internal Revenue Code o f 1954 the amount o f discount at which bills issued hereunder are sold is not considered to accrue until such bills are sold, redeemed or otherwise disposed o f, and such bills are excluded from consideration as capital assets. A ccordingly, the owner o f Treasury bills (other than life insurance com panies) issued hereunder need include in his income tax return only the difference between the price paid fo r such bills, whether on original issue or on subsequent purchase, and the amount actually received either upon sale or redemption at maturity during the taxable year fo r which the return is made, as ordinary gain or loss. Immediately after the closing hour, tenders w ill lie opened at the Federal Reserve Banks and Branches, follow in g which public announcement will be made by the Treasury Department o f the amount and price range o f accepted bids. Those sub- Treasury Department Circular N o. 418, Revised, and this notice, prescribe the terms o f the Treasury bills and govern the conditions o f their issue. Copies o f the circular may be obtained from any Federal Reserve Bank or Branch. This Bank will receive tenders for both series up to 1 :30 p.m., Eastern Standard time, Monday, December 4, 1961, at the Securities Department of its Head Office and at its Buffalo Branch. Tender forms for the respective series are enclosed. Please use the appropriate forms to submit tenders and return them in an envelope marked “ Tender for Treasury Bills.” Tenders may be submitted by telegraph, subject to written confirmation; they may not be submitted by telephone. Payment for the Treasury bills cannot be made by credit through the Treasury Tax and Loan Account. Settlement must be made in cash or other immediately available funds or in maturing Treasury bills. Results o f the last offering o f Treasury bills (91-day bills to be issued November 30, 1961, representing an additional amount o f bills dated August 31, 1961, and maturing March 1, 1962; and 182-day bills dated November 30, 1961, maturing May 31, 1962) are shown on the reverse side o f this circular. A lfred H a y e s, President. ( over) R E S U L T S OF L A S T O F F E R IN G OF T R E A S U R Y B IL L S (T W O S E R IE S T O B E ISS U E D N O V E M B E R 30, 1961) Range of Accepted Competitive Bids 91-Day Treasury Bills Maturing March 1,1962 182-Day Treasury Bills Maturing May 31, 1962 A p p rox. equiv. annual rate P rice P rice A p p rox. equiv. annual rate High ......................................... 99.346 2.587% 98.595 2.779% L o w ............................................ 99.339 2.615% 98.570 2.829% Average ................................... 99.341 2.606% 1 98.581 2 .806% 1 1 On a coupon issue o f the same length and for the same amount invested, the return on these bills w ould provide yields o f 2.66 percent fo r the 91-day bills, and 2.89 percent fo r the 182-day bills. Interest rates on bills are quoted in terms o f bank discount, with the return related to the face amount of the bills payable at maturity rather than the amount invested, and their length in actual number o f days related to a 360-day year. In contrast, yields on certificates, notes, and bonds are computed in terms o f interest on the amount invested, and relate the number o f days remaining in an interest payment period to the actual number o f days in the period, with semiannual com pounding if more than one coupon period is involved. (57 percent o f the amount of 91-day bills bid for at the low price was accepted.) (15 percent of the amount of 182-day bills bid for at the low price was accepted.) Total Tenders Applied for and Accepted (By Federal Reserve Districts) 91-Day Treasury Bills Maturing March 1,1962 Applied fo r D istrict Boston ........................ ......... $ 29,322,000 . 182-Day Treasury Bills Maturing May 31, 1962 A ccepted $ 25,322,000 A pplied f o r $ 7,085,000 A ccepted $ 5,235,000 New Y o r k ................... ........ 1,532,185,000 744,159,000 832,028,000 452,028,000 Philadelphia ............... ........ 23,371,000 8,371,000 6,839,000 1,839,000 Cleveland..................... ........ 39,093,000 29,793,000 16,540,000 16,540,000 Richmond ................... ........ 13,973,000 12,973,000 2,995,000 2,995,000 Atlanta......................... ....... 23,622,000 19,922,000 6,775,000 6,775,000 Chicago ....................... ....... 212,101,000 131,671,000 100,087,000 69,387,000 St. Louis ..................... ....... 24,308,000 19,308,000 5,002,000 4,002,000 Minneapolis................. ....... 22,925,000 18,780,000 6,029,000 6,029,000 Kansas City ............... ....... 28,080,000 28,080,000 7,478,000 6,628,000 Dallas........................... ....... 13,572,000 13,572,000 4,709,000 4,709,000 San Francisco............. 98,971,000 48,111,000 40,154,000 23,904,000 T otal............. ....... $2,061,523,000 $1,100,062,000a a Includes $214,309,000 noncompetitive tenders accepted at the average price of 99.341. b Includes $49,488,000 noncompetitive tenders accepted at the average price of 98.581. $1,035,721,000 $600,071,000b / Z x. Cumulative Supplement No. 8 September 1, 1961 DIRECTORY OF NEW JERSEY BANKS Compiled by W illiam H. D illistin FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW Y O R K 1 9 6 1 r n (p DIRECTORY OF NEW JERSEY BANKS By arrangement with William H. Dillistin and the New Jersey Bankers Association, there is presented herewith Cumulative Supple ment No. 8 to the Directory of New Jersey Banks 1804— 1942, which was compiled by Mr. Dillistin and published by the Association in 1942. This supplement covers the period from March 31, 1942 to September 1, 1961 and sets forth a brief statement of each addition or change affecting the material in the directory, which has come to our notice since its publication. Following the plan of the directory, the new material is set forth with respect to the banks in the various cities and towns (Part I ), arranged in alphabetical order by location. Part I of this supplement also includes the name and location of each bank that now operates a branch or branches outside of its head office city, together with the location of each such branch. There is also included in this supplement a list of additions to Part II of the directory, which is an alphabetical list of all banks regardless of location. A n asterisk (* ) preceding the bank name in Part I, as here tofore, indicates an active bank or a branch o f an active bank. This supplement has been prepared by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in cooperation with the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, from information derived from sources believed to be reliable. Copies are being distributed to all banking institutions in the State of New Jersey, and will be furnished to others upon request, only upon the understanding that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York does not warrant the completeness and accuracy of the infor mation, and is not responsible for any errors or omissions. September 1, 1961 1 Cumulative Supplement No. 8 DIRECTORY OF NEW JERSEY BANKS Part I ALLENDALE * F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k o f A llen d a le, T h e (12706) — 1925 O p era tes an o u t -o f-to w n b ra n ch at W a ld w ick. ALLEN H U RST A lle n h u rs t N a tion a l B a n k an d T r u s t C o m p a n y M e rg e d Janu ary 1961 in to T h e C entral J e rse y B ank :and 'T ru st C om p a n y , F re e h o ld . * C en tral J e rs e y B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y , T h e , F r e e h o ld (B ra n ch e s 2) ASBURY BARK * A s b u r y P a rk a n d O ce a n G ro v e B a n k — 1889 O p e ra te s o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch es at N eptu n e, O ce a n O ce a n T o w n s h ip . G rove and * A s b u r y P a rk -M a n a sq u a n N a tion a l B a n k (13363) — 1911 F o r m e r ly A s b u r y P a rk N a tion a l B a n k and T r u s t C om p a n y . O p era tes o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch es at M an asqu an (2 ). A s b u r y P a rk N a tion a l B a n k and T r u s t C o m p a n y N a m e ch a n g e d Janu ary 1960 to A s b u r y P a rk -M a n a sq u a n N a tion al B a n k w h en M an asqu an N a tion a l B a n k co n s o lid a te d w ith this bank. S e a co a st T r u s t C o m p a n y C o n so lid a ted M a y 1950 w ith A s b u r y P a rk N a tion a l B a n k and T r u s t C om p a n y . A T L A N T IC C IT Y ^ B o a rd w a lk N a tion a l B a n k o f A tla n tic C ity, T h e (8800) — 1907 O p era tes o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch es at B rigan tin e, E g g H a r b o r T o w n ship, H a m m o n to n (2 ), M a rga te C ity (2 ), M a y s L a n d in g, P lea sa n tville (2 ), S om ers P o in t and V e n tn o r City. ^G uarantee B a n k and T r u s t C o m p a n y — 1938 O p e ra te s an o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch at N orth field . A T L A N T IC H IG H L A N D S A tla n tic H ig h la n d s N a tion a l B ank, T h e C o n so lid a te d June 1960 w ith the Bank, R e d Bank. M o n m o u th C ou n ty * M o n m o u th C o u n ty N a tion a l B ank, R e d B ank, T h e (B r a n c h ) 2 N a tion a l AVALON * F ir s t N a tion a l B a n k o f S ton e H a r b o r , T h e (B r a n c h ) BARNEGAT F irst N a tion a l B a n k o f B a rn ega t, T h e A b s o r b e d b y T h e F irst N a tion a l B ank o f T o m s R iver. *F irst N a tion a l B a n k o f T o m s R iv er, T h e (B r a n c h ) B A S K IN G R ID G E ^ S o m e rse t H ills N a tion a l B a n k o f B ern a rd sv ille (B r a n c h ) BAY HEAD * O ce a n C o u n ty 'N ation al B a n k o f P o in t P lea sa n t B ea ch , T h e , P o in t P lea sa n t B e a ch (B r a n c h ) BAYONNE B ayonne T rust C om pany A b s o r b e d S ep tem b er 1948 b y C om m ercia l T r u s t C om p a n y o f N e w Jersey, J e rsey City. ^ C o m m e rcia l T r u s t C o m p a n y o f N e w J ersey, J e rs e y C ity (B ra n ch e s 3) BEACH HAVEN * B e a ch H a v en N a tion a l B a n k and T r u s t C om p a n y (11658) — 1920 O rig in a lly B ea ch H a v en N ational B ank. O p era tes o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch es at M an ah aw kin and Ship B o tto m . B E D M IN S T E R * P e a p a c k -G la d s to n e B an k, G la d ston e (B r a n c h ) B E L L E V IL L E *F id e lity U n io n T r u s t C om p a n y , N ew a rk (B r a n c h ) F irst N a tion a l B a n k o f B elleville, T h e A b s o r b e d M a rch 1951 b y F id e lity U n ion T r u s t C om p a n y , N ew a rk . BELM AR B elm a r N a tio n a l B ank, T h e N am e and lo ca tio n ch a n g ed M a y 1959 to B e lm a r-W a ll N a tion a l Bank, W e s t B elm ar. * B e lm a r -W a ll N a tion a l B ank, W e s t B elm a r (B r a n c h ) BELLM OW R * F irst C a m d en N a tion a l B a n k and T r u s t C om p a n y , C am d en (B r a n c h ) B E R G E N F IE L D B e rg e n fie ld N a tion a l B a n k an d T r u s t C om p a n y , T h e M e rg e d S e p tem b er 1960 in to C itizens N a tion a l B a n k o f E n g le w o o d . ^C itizens N a tion a l B a n k o f E n g le w o o d (B ra n ch e s 2) B E R K E L E Y H E IG H T S * U n io n C o u n ty T r u s t C om p a n y , E liz a b eth (B r a n c h ) 3 B E R L IN B erlin N a tio n a l B ank, T h e M e r g e d S ep tem b er 1955 in to F irst Cam den N a tion a l B a n k and T r u s t C om pany. * F ir s t C a m d en N a tion a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y (B r a n c h ) B E R N A R D S V IL L E B e m a r d s v ille N a tion a l B ank, T h e N a m e ch a n g e d M a rch 1949 to S om erset H ills N a tion a l B a n k o f B e m a rd s v ille . ^ S o m e rse t H ills N a tion a l B a n k o f B e m a r d s v ille (6960) — 1903 O rig in a lly T h e B e m a r d s v ille N a tion a l Bank. O p era tes an o u t -o fto w n b ra n ch at B a sk in g R id g e. BLACKW OOD *C a m d e n T r u s t C o m p a n y (B ra n ch e s 2 ) In clu d e s o n e b ra n ch listed in orig in a l b o o k . B L O O M F IE L D B lo o m fie ld B a n k and T r u s t C o m p a n y C o n so lid a ted June 1952 w ith T h e N a tion a l N e w a rk and E s s e x B a n k in g C o m p a n y o f N ew a rk . * B lo o m fie ld S a v in g s B a n k — 1871 F o r m e r ly T h e B lo o m fie ld S a vin gs In stitu tion . B lo o m fie ld S a v in g s In stitu tion , T h e N a m e ch a n g ed June 1950 to B lo o m fie ld S a vin gs Bank. C o m m u n ity T r u s t C o m p a n y o f B lo o m fie ld A b s o r b e d M a rch 1955 b y T h e N a tion a l N e w a rk and E s s e x B a n k in g C o m p a n y o f N ew ark. ^N a tion a l N e w a rk (B ra n ch e s 3 ) and E ssex B a n k in g C om pany of N ew a rk , T h e B L O O M IN G D A L E F irst N a tion a l B a n k o f B lo o m in g d a le A b s o r b e d A p r il 1955 b y F irst N a tion a l B ank and T r u s t C om p a n y o f P a te rs o n . * F irst 'N ation al B a n k o f P a ssa ic C ou n ty, P a te rs o n (B r a n c h ) BOONTON B o o n to n N a tion a l B ank, T h e N a m e ch a n g ed S ep tem b er 1957 to T h e B o o n to n N a tion a l B a n k o f P a r s ip p a n y -T r o y H ills, N e w Jersey. H e a d o ffice m o v e d to L a k e H iaw atha. * B o o n to n N a tion a l B a n k o f P a r s ip p a n y -T r o y H ills , N e w J ersey , T h e L a k e H ia w a th a (B r a n c h ) * B o o n to n T r u s t C om p a n y — 1921 S u cce e d e d F a rm ers and M erch a n ts to w n b ra n ch at L in c o ln Park. 4 Bank. O p e ra te s an o u t -o f- BORDENTOW N * B o rd e n to w n B a n k in g C o m p a n y — 1851 O pera tes an o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch at B o rd e n to w n T o w n s h ip . B O R D E N T O W N T O W N S H IP ♦ B o rd e n to w n B a n k in g C o m p a n y (B r a n c h ) BOUND BROOK B ou nd B ro o k T ru st C om pany N a m e ch a n g ed D e c e m b e r 1960 to C ou n ty B a n k and T r u s t C o m pan y o f S om erset. ♦ C ou n ty B a n k and T r u s t C o m p a n y o f S om erset — 1916 F o r m e r ly B o u n d B r o o k T ru s t C om pan y. O p era tes an o u t -o f-t o w n b ra n ch at F ran klin T o w n s h ip . F irst 'N ational B a n k o f B o u n d B r o o k , T h e N am e ch a n g ed N o v e m b e r 1956 to T h e F irst N a tion a l B ank o f S om erset C ou n ty, B ou n d B ro o k , N. J., w h en T h e S e co n d N a tion a l B a n k o f S o m erv ille co n so lid a te d w ith this bank. ♦ First 'N ational B a n k o f S o m erset C ou n ty , B o u n d B r o o k , N . J., T h e (3866) — 1888 F o r m e r ly T h e F irst N a tion a l B a n k o f B ou n d B ro o k . O p era tes o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch es at N o rth P lain field and S om erville. BRAD LEY BEACH ♦ F irst N a tion a l B a n k o f B ra d ley B ea ch , T h e (10224) — 1912 O p e ra te s an o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch at N eptu n e City. B R IC K T O W N S H IP ♦First N a tion a l B a n k o f T o m s R iv e r, T h e (B r a n c h ) B R IG A N T IN E ♦ B oa rd w a lk N a tion a l B a n k o f A tla n tic C ity, T h e (B r a n c h ) B U R L IN G T O N ♦ B u rlin g ton B a n k a nd T ru s t C o m p a n y — 1901 O rig in a lly B u rlin g to n C ity L o a n and T r u s t C om p a n y . B u rlin g to n C ity L o a n an d T r u s t C o m p a n y N a m e ch a n g ed S ep tem b er 1955 to B u rlin g ton B a n k and T r u s t C om p a n y . ♦ B u rlin g ton S a vin gs B a n k — 1857 O rig in a lly T h e B u rlin g ton S avin gs In stitu tion . B u rlin g to n S a vin gs In stitu tion , T h e N a m e ch a n g e d A u g u s t 1957 to B u rlin g to n S a vin gs Bank. T h e M e ch a n ics N a tion a l B a n k o f B u rlin g to n N a m e ch a n g ed M a rch 1960 to M ech a n ics N a tion a l B a n k o f B u r lin g to n w h en T h e F irst N a tion a l B ank o f F lo r e n c e m e r g e d in to this bank. 5 ^ M e ch a n ics 'N ation al B a n k o f B u rlin g to n (1222) — 1839 F o r m e r ly T h e M ech a n ics N a tion a l B ank o f B u rlin g ton . O p era tes o u t -o f-t o w n b ra n ch es at B u rlin g ton T o w n s h ip , C olu m b u s and F lo re n ce . B U R L IN G T O N T O W N S H IP ^ M ech a n ics N a tion a l B a n k o f B u rlin g to n , T h e (B r a n c h ) BUTLER * F irst N a tion a l B a n k o f B u tler, T h e (6912) — 1903 O p e ra te s o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch es at K in n elo n and P o m p to n P lains. CALDW ELL C a ld w ell N a tion a l B a n k, T h e A b s o r b e d D e ce m b e r 1950 b y T h e N ational N e w a rk and E s s e x B a n k in g C om p a n y o f N ew a rk . C itizen s N a tio n a l B a n k and T r u s t C o m p a n y o f C aldw ell, T h e M e rg e d Janu ary 1957 in to T h e N ation al State B ank o f N ew a rk . ^ N ation al N e w a rk (B ra n ch e s 2) and E ssex B a n k in g C om pany of N ew a rk , T h e ^ N ation al State B a n k o f N ew a rk , T h e (B r a n c h ) CAM DEN *C a m d en T r u s t C o m p a n y — 1873 A m e r g e r in 1938 o f C am den S afe D e p o s it and T r u s t C om p a n y and W e s t J e rs e y T r u s t C om pan y. O p era tes o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch es at B la c k w o o d (2 ), C o llin g s w o o d , E ph ra im , E rlton , G lo u cester City, H a d d o n fie ld (2 ), O a k ly n and R u n n em ed e. *F irst C a m d en N a tion a l B a n k and T r u s t C o m p a n y (1209) — 1812 A co n so lid a tio n in 1927 o f T h e F irst N a tion a l State B a n k o f C am den and T h e C am den N a tion a l B ank. O p era tes o u t -o fto w n b ra n ch es at B ellm a w r, B erlin , H a d d en H e ig h ts, P e n n sauken (2 ), and a ls o at P h iladelp hia, P en n sylva n ia . CAPE M AY COU RT H OUSE * F irst N a tio n a l B a n k o f C ape M a y C ou rt H o u s e , T h e (7945) — 1905 O p e ra te s o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch es at R io G rande and V illa s. CARLSTADT ^ N ation al C o m m u n ity B ank o f R u th e rfo r d (B r a n c h ) CEDAR GROVE F irst N a tion a l B a n k o f C eda r G ro v e , T h e M e r g e d June 1956 in to T h e N a tion a l N ew a rk and E s s e x B a n k in g C o m p a n y o f N ew ark. ^ N ation al N e w a rk a n d (B r a n c h ) E ssex B a n k in g C om pany CEDAR KNOLLS *F irst N a tio n a l B a n k o f W h ip p a n y , T h e (B r a n c h ) 6 of N ew a rk , The C E D A R V IL L E ^ M illville N a tion a l B ank, T h e (B r a n c h ) CENTRAL PARK * C ity N a tion a l B a n k and T r u s t C om p a n y o f S alem , T h e (B r a n c h ) CH ESTER * T r u s t C o m p a n y o f M o rris C ou n ty, M o rris to w n (B r a n c h ) C IN N A M IN S O N T O W N S H IP *C in n a m in son B a n k and T r u s t C om p a n y , R iv e r to n (B r a n c h ) CLARK *C la rk State B a n k — 1960 CLEM ENTON N a tion a l B a n k o f C lem en ton C on so lid a ted D e ce m b e r 1956 w ith T h e L a u rel S p rin g s N a tion a l B ank w h ich th ereu p on ch a n g e d its nam e to P e o p le s N a tion a l B a n k o f L a u rel S p rings. ^ P e o p le s N a tion a l B a n k o f L a u rel S p rin g s (B r a n c h ) C L IF F S ID E P A R K *U n ite d N a tio n a l B ank o f C liffsid e P a rk , T h e (14162) — 1934 S u cce e d e d T h e C liffsid e P a rk N a tion a l B ank, T h e F irst N a tion a l B ank o f F a irv iew and T h e P a lisa des N a tion a l B a n k o f F o r t L ee. O p era tes an o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch at F a irv iew . C L IF T O N B a n k o f A llw o o d — 1949 M e rg e d M a rch 1956 in to B ank o f P a ssa ic and T r u s t C om p a n y . B a n k o f P a s s a ic an d T r u s t C o m p a n y L o c a tio n ch a n g ed M a y 1957 fr o m P assaic. N a m e ch a n ged O c t o b e r 1958 to B a n k o f P a ssa ic and C lifton . B a n k o f P a ssa ic and C lifton F o r m e r ly B ank o f P a ssa ic and T r u s t C om p a n y . R e lo ca te d M a y 1959 to P a ssa ic. * B a n k o f P a s s a ic and C lifto n , P a ssa ic (B ra n ch e s 3) C lifto n N a tion a l B ank, T h e C o n so lid a ted A u g u s t 1949 w ith P a ssa ic N a tion a l B ank and T r u s t C o m p a n y w h ich th ereu p on ch a n g e d its n am e to P a s s a icC lifton N a tion a l B ank and T ru s t C om pa n y. C lifto n T r u s t C o m p a n y A b s o r b e d June 1949 b y F irst N a tion a l B a n k and T r u s t C o m p a n y o f P a terson . F irst N a tion a l B a n k o f C lifton , T h e A b s o r b e d June 1949 b y F irst N a tion a l B ank and T r u s t C om p a n y o f P a terson . * F irst N a tio n a l B a n k o f P a ssa ic C ou n ty, P a te rs o n (B ra n ch e s 2 ) 7 * N e w J e rs e y B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y — 1869 F o r m e r ly C ou n ty B ank and T r u s t C om p a n y , P a terson . O p era tes o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch es at H a led on , L ittle F a lls, N o r th H a le d on , P a ssa ic (4 ), P a terson (5 ) and W e s t P a terson . P a s s a ic -C lifto n N a tion a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y L o c a t io n o f m ain office m o v e d .here J u ly 1950 fro m P assa ic. M e rg e d June 1958 in to C ou n ty B ank and T r u s t C om p a n y , P a te rson w h ich th ereu p on ch a n g e d its n am e and lo c a tio n to N e w J e rs e y B a n k and T r u s t C om p a n y , C lifton . CLOSTER * C lo s te r N a tio n a l B a n k an d T r u s t C o m p a n y (8394) — 1906 O rig in a lly T h e C lo s te r N a tion a l Bank. O p era tes an o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch at N orth va le. C O L L IN G S W O O D * C a m d en T r u s t C o m p a n y (B r a n c h ) C itizen s N a tion a l B a n k o f C o llin g s w o o d , T h e A b s o r b e d S ep tem b er 1952 b y C am den T r u s t C om p a n y . COLUM BUS ^ M ech a n ics N a tion a l B a n k o f B u rlin g to n (B r a n c h ) CRANFORD C ra n fo rd T r u s t C om p a n y M e rg e d June 1952 in to T h e W e s tfie ld T r u s t C o m p a n y w h ich th ereu p on ch a n g e d its nam e to Su burban T r u s t C om p a n y . ^Suburban T r u s t C o m p a n y , W e s tfie ld (B r a n c h ) * U n io n C o u n ty T r u s t C om p a n y , E liz a b e th (B r a n c h ) C R E S S K IL L * C o u n ty T r u s t C o m p a n y , T e n a fly (B r a n c h ) D E L A W A R E T O W N S H IP * C h e rry H ill N a tion a l B a n k o f D ela w a re T o w n s h ip (14936) — 1961 D E 'N V I L L E * T r u s t C o m p a n y o f M o r r is C ou n ty, M o r r is to w n (B r a n c h ) D E P T F O R D T O W N S H IP * F irst N a tio n a l B a n k o f W e s tv ille , T h e (B r a n c h ) DOVER ^'N ational U n io n B a n k o f D o v e r , T h e (2076) — 1873 O p e ra te s o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch es at R a n d o lp h W h a rto n . 8 T o w n s h ip and DUMONT ♦ C ou n ty T r u s t C om p a n y , T e n a fly (B r a n c h ) D u m o n t N a tio n a l B a n k, T h e M e rg e d June 1951 in to T en a fly T r u s t C o m p a n y w h ich th ereu p on ch a n g ed its nam e to C ou n ty T ru st C om pa n y. E A S T B R U N S W IC K ♦ South R iv e r T r u s t C o m p a n y (B r a n c h ) EAST N EW ARK ♦ First N a tion a l B a n k an d T r u s t C om p a n y o f K e a rn y , T h e (B r a n c h ) H a r ris o n -K e a rn y T r u s t C o m p a n y C o n so lid a ted S ep tem b er 1952 w ith T h e F irst N a tion a l B a n k and T r u s t C om p a n y o f K ea rn y . EAST ORANGE A m p e re B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y A b s o r b e d A u g u s t 1950 b y F id e lity N ew a rk . U n io n T rust C om p a n y , ♦ F id elity U n ion T r u s t C om p a n y , N ew a rk (3 ) In clu d e s tw o b ra n ch es listed in origin a l b o o k . ♦ N ational N e w a rk (B ra n ch e s 4) and E s s e x B a n k in g C om pany S a vin gs In v e s tm e n t & T r u s t C o m p a n y C o n so lid a ted D e c e m b e r 1952 w ith T h e E s s e x B a n k in g C om p a n y o f N ew ark. of N a tion a l N e w a rk , T h e N e w a rk a n d EAST PATERSON ♦'National C o m m u n ity B a n k o f R u th e r fo r d (B r a n c h ) EAST RU TH ERFORD ♦ N ation al C o m m u n ity B a n k o f R u th e rfo r d (B r a n c h ) E A S T W IN D S O R T O W N S H IP ♦ H ig h ts to w n T r u s t C o m p a n y , H ig h ts to w n (B r a n c h ) EATONTOW N ♦Central J e rs e y B a n k a n d T r u s t C om p a n y , T h e , F r e e h o ld (B r a n c h ) F irst N a tion a l B a n k o f E a to n to w n , T h e C o n so lid a ted M a rch 1952 w ith A llen h u rst T r u s t C om p a n y . N a tion a l B a n k and EDGEW ATER M anufacturers* B a n k o f E d g e w a te r, T h e S u sp e n d e d 1958. E D IS O N ♦ E d ison B an k , T h e — 1956 ♦First N a tion a l B a n k o f H ig h la n d P a rk , T h e (B r a n c h ) 9 E G G H A R B O R C IT Y E g g H a r b o r C ity T r u s t C om p a n y N a m e ch a n ged Janu ary 1959 to C om pany. E gg H arbor B a n k and T r u s t * E g g H a r b o r B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y — 1925 F o r m e rly E g g H a r b o r City T ru s t C om pa n y. E G G H A R B O R T O W N S H IP * B o a rd w a lk N a tion a l B a n k o f A tla n tic C ity, T h e (B r a n c h ) E L IZ A B E T H * E liz a b e th S a vin gs B ank — 1900 A co n v e rsion o f G erm an ia M u tu al S a vin gs A s s o cia tio n . E liz a b e th T r u s t C o m p a n y M e r g e d D e c e m b e r 1947 in to U n io n C ou n ty T r u s t C om p a n y . G erm an ia M u tu al S a vin gs A s s o c ia tio n C o n v e rte d S ep tem b er 1947 in to E liz a b eth S a vin gs Bank. * H a rm o n ia S a vin gs B a n k — 1851 A co n v e rs io n o f M u tu al S a vin gs F u n d H arm on ia . M u tu al S a v in g s F u n d H arm on ia C o n ve rte d J u ly 1947 in to H a rm on ia S a vin gs Bank. ^ N a tion a l State B ank, E liza b eth , N . J., T h e (1436) — 1812 A co n v e rs io n in 1865 o f State B a n k at E lizab eth . F o r m e r ly T h e N a tion a l State B ank o f E lizab eth . O p era tes o u t -o f-t o w n bra n ch es at K e n n ilw orth , R o s e lle P ark, S p rin g field , Su m m it and W e s tfie ld . N a tion a l State B a n k o f E liz a b eth , T h e N a m e ch a n g e d M a y 1957 to T h e N a tion a l State B ank, E liza b eth , N. J., w h en T h e F irst N a tion a l B a n k and T r u s t C o m p a n y o f S u m m it co n so lid a te d w ith this bank. U n io n C o u n ty T r u s t C o m p a n y ( N o . 1) M e rg e d M a rch 1961 in to L in d en T r u s t C om p a n y , u n d er ch a rter o f latter and title and lo c a tio n U n io n C o u n ty T r u s t C o m pany, E liza b eth (N o . 2 ). * U n io n C o u n ty T r u s t C om p a n y ('N o. 2) — 1926 F o r m e r ly L in d en T r u s t C om p a n y , L in den . O p e ra te s o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch es at B erk eley H e ig h ts , C ra n ford , L in d en (3 ) a n d Sum m it. ELM ER E lm e r B a n k O p e ra tin g in O c to b e r 1889. P e r io d o f e x isten ce n ot ascerta in ed . ENGLEW OOD C itizen s N a tio n a l B a n k and T r u s t C o m p a n y o f E n g le w o o d , T h e N am e ch a n g ed M a rch 1952 to C itizens N o rth e rn V a lle y N a tion a l B a n k o f E n g le w o o d w h en th e N o rth e rn V a lle y N a tion a l B ank o f T e n a fly co n so lid a te d w ith this bank. 10 *C itizen s N a tion a l B a n k o f E n g le w o o d (4365) — 1890 F o r m e r ly C itizen s N orth ern V a lle y N a tion a l B a n k o f E n g le w o o d . O p e ra tes o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch es at B erg en field (2 ) and T en a fly . C itizen s N o rth e rn V a lle y N a tion a l B a n k o f E n g le w o o d F o r m e r ly T h e C itizens N a tion a l B a n k and T r u s t C o m p a n y o f E n g le w o o d . N a m e ch a n g ed F e b ru a ry 1956 to Citizens N a tion a l B a n k o f E n g le w o o d . P a lisa des T r u s t and G u a ra n ty C om p a n y N a m e ch a n g ed J anu ary 1946 to P a lisa des T r u s t C om pa n y. * P a lisa d es T r u s t C o m p a n y — 1902 O rig in a lly P a lisa d es T r u s t and G uaran ty C om p a n y . O p era tes an o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch at E n g le w o o d Cliffs. ENGLEW OOD C L IF F S *P a lisa d e s T r u s t C om p a n y , E n g le w o o d (B r a n c h ) E N G L I S H T O W 'N F irst N a tion a l B a n k o f E n g lis h to w n , T h e C o n so lid a te d O c t o b e r 1956 w ith T h e M o n m o u th C ou n ty N a tion a l Bank, R e d B ank. * M o n m o u th C o u n ty N a tion a l B a n k, R e d B a n k , T h e (B r a n c h ) E P H R A IM *C a m d en T r u s t C o m p a n y (B r a n c h ) ERLTON * C am den T r u s t C o m p a n y (B r a n c h ) E W IN G T O W N S H IP * F ir s t T r e n t o n N a tion a l B ank, T r e n t o n , N . J. (B r a n c h ) F A IR H A V E N *M e rch a n ts T r u s t C o m p a n y o f R e d B ank, N . J., T h e (B r a n c h ) F A IR V IE W ^ U n ited N a tio n a l B a n k o f C liifsid e P a rk , T h e (B r a n c h ) FANW OOD * P la in fie ld T r u s t State N a tio n a l B ank, P la in field (B r a n c h ) F A R M IN G D A L E ^C entral J e rse y B a n k a n d T r u s t C om p a n y , T h e , F r e e h o ld (B r a n c h ) F irst N a tion a l B a n k o f F a rm in g d a le, T h e A b s o r b e d F e b ru a ry 1956 b y T h e F re e h o ld T r u s t C om pa n y . F L E M IN G T O N * H u n te rd o n C o u n ty N a tion a l B a n k o f F le m in g to n , T h e (89 2 ) — 1854 A co n v e rs io n in 1865 o f T h e H u n terd on C ou n ty B ank. O p era tes o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch es at F r e n ch to w n , H ig h B rid g e, L a m b e rt v ille and W h ite H o u s e Station. 11 FLORENCE F irst N a tion a l B a n k o f F lo r e n ce , T h e M e r g e d M a rch 1960 into T h e M ech a n ics B u rlin g ton under nam e o f M ech a n ics B u rlin g ton . N a tion a l N a tion a l B ank Bank of of ♦ M ech a n ics N a tion a l B a n k o f B u rlin g to n (B r a n c h ) FLORAM PARK ♦ T ru st C o m p a n y o f M o rris C ou n ty, M o rris to w n (B r a n c h ) FORDS F o r d s N a tio n a l B ank, T h e A b s o r b e d A u g u s t 1961, b y F irst B ank and T r u s t C om p a n y , P erth A m b o y , w h ich su b seq u en tly ch a n g ed its lo ca tio n to F o r d s and the fo rm e r lo ca tio n o f head office b eca m e a bra n ch . ♦First B a n k and T r u s t C o m p a n y — 1937 S u cce e d e d T h e F irst N a tion a l B ank o f P erth A m b o y , P e rth A m b o y T r u s t C om p a n y and R aritan T ru s t C o m p a n y o f P erth A m b o y . F o r m e r ly lo ca te d at P erth A m b o y . O p era tes an o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch at P erth A m b o y . F R A 'N K L I N T O W N S H I P ♦ C ou n ty B a n k (B r a n c h ) and T rust C om pany of S o m e rs e t, B ound B rook FREEHOLD C en tral N a tion a l B a n k o f F r e e h o ld , T h e C o n so lid a ted D e c e m b e r 1956 w ith T h e F irst N a tion a l B a n k o f F re e h old . ♦ C entral J e rs e y B a n k an d T r u s t C om p a n y , T h e — 1932 F o r m e r ly F r e e h o ld T r u s t C om pa n y. O p era tes o u t -o f-t o w n b ra n ces at A llen h u rst (2 ), E a to n to w n , F a rm in g d a le and L o n g B ran ch. F r e e h o ld T r u s t C o m p a n y , T h e N a m e ch a n g e d A u g u s t 1959 to T h e C en tral J e rs e y B a n k and T r u s t C o m p a n y w h en T h e L o n g B ra n ch T r u s t C om p a n y m e r g e d in to this bank. FRENCHTOW N U n io n 'N ational B a n k o f F r e n ch to w n , T h e C o n so lid a te d June 1959 w ith T h e H u n te rd o n B a n k o f F le m in g to n . C ou n ty N a tion a l ♦ H u n te rd o n C o u n ty N a tion a l B a n k o f F le m in g to n , T h e (B r a n c h ) G A R F IE L D F ir s t N a tio n a l B a n k in G a rfield C o n so lid a te d S e p te m b e r 1956 w ith T h e R u th e rfo r d N a tion a l B a n k u n d er n ew nam e N a tion a l C om m u n ity B a n k o f R u th e rfo rd . ♦ N ational C o m m u n ity B a n k o f R u th e r fo r d (B r a n c h ) 12 GARW OOD F irst N a tio n a l B a n k o f G a r w o o d , T h e A b s o r b e d A p r il 1942 b y T h e W e s tfie ld T r u s t C om p a n y . ^Suburban T r u s t C o m p a n y , W e s t fie ld (B r a n c h ) G IB B S T O W N * F irst N a tion a l B a n k and T r u s t C o m p a n y o f P a u ls b o ro , T h e (B r a n c h ) GLADSTON E * P e a p a c k -G la d s to n e B a n k — 1932 S u cce e d e d P e a p a c k -G la d s to n e T r u s t C om p a n y . O p era tes an ou to f-t o w n b ra n ch at B edm in ster. GLEN ROCK G len R o c k B a n k A b s o r b e d June 1954 b y C ou n ty, H a ck en sa ck . P e o p le s T rust C om p a n y of ^ P e o p le s T r u s t C o m p a n y o f B e rg e n C ou n ty , H a c k e n s a ck B e rg e n (B r a n c h ) G L O U C E S T E R C IT Y *C a m d en T r u s t C o m p a n y (B r a n c h ) GUTTENBERG G u tte n b e rg B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y A b s o r b e d M a y 1950 b y H u d s o n C o u n ty N a tion a l B ank, J ersey City. ^ H u d so n C o u n ty N a tion a l B ank, J e rs e y C ity (B r a n c h ) L ib e r t y N a tio n a l B a n k in G u tten b erg A b s o r b e d J u ly 1948 b y H u d s o n C ou n ty N a tion a l B ank, J ersey City. H ACKENSACK * C ity N a tio n a l B a n k and T r u s t C o m p a n y o f H a ck e n s a ck , T h e (12014) — 1921 O rig in a lly T h e C ity N a tion a l B a n k o f H a ck en sa ck . O p era tes an o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch at L ittle F erry. ^ H a ck e n s a ck T r u s t C om p a n y , T h e — 1899 O p era tes an o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch at S ou th H a ck en sa ck . ^ P e o p le s T r u s t C o m p a n y o f B e r g e n C o u n ty — 1916 F o r m e r ly P e o p le s T r u s t and G uaran ty C om p a n y o f H ak en sa ck . O p era tes o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch es at G len R o c k , H a s b r o u c k H e ig h ts , L o d i, O ra d ell, P aram u s, R u th e rfo r d , T e a n e ck , T e t e r b o r o and W e s t w o o d . H A D D E N H E IG H T S * F ir s t C am den ’N a tion a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y (B r a n c h ) 13 H A D D O N F IE L D *C a m d en T r u s t C o m p a n y (B ra n ch e s 2 ) * H a d d o n fie ld N a tion a l B a n k (14457) — 1942 S u cce e d e d the H a d d o n fie ld N a tion a l Bank. O p era tes an o u t -o ftow n b ra n ch at V oorih ees T o w n s h ip . HALEDON * N e w J e rs e y B a n k a n d T r u s t C om p a n y , C lifton (B r a n c h ) H a le d o n N a tio n a l B a n k A b s o r b e d F e b ru a ry 1957 b y C ou n ty B a n k and T r u s t C om p a n y , P a terson . H A M IL T O N S Q U A R E * F ir st N a tion a l B a n k o f H a m ilto n S qu are, T h e (12646) — 1925 O p era tes an o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch at M e rce rv ille . H A M IL T O N T O W N S H IP *Y a r d s v ille 'N ational B ank, T h e, Y a r d s v ille (B r a n c h ) HAM M ONTON P e o p le s B a n k and T r u s t C om p a n y M e rg e d D e c e m b e r 1960 in to T h e B o a rd w a lk N a tion a l B ank o f A tla n tic City. ^ B oa rd w a lk N a tion a l B a n k o f A la n tic C ity, T h e (B ra n ch e s 2 ) HANOVER * F irst N a tio n a l B a n k o f W h ip p a n y , T h e (B r a n c h ) H A R R IS O N *F irst N a tio n a l B a n k o f J ersey C ity, T h e (B r a n c h ) H a r ris o n N a tion a l B ank, T h e A b s o r b e d A u g u s t 1945 b y T h e F irst N a tion a l B ank o f J e rs e y City. W e s t H u d s o n N a tion a l B a n k o f H a rris o n C o n so lid a ted A p ril 1959 w ith T h e F irst N a tion a l B a n k o f J ersey City. * F ir st N a tion a l B a n k o f J ersey C ity, T h e (B ra n ch e s 2) H A S B R O U C K H E IG H T S ^ P e o p le s T r u s t C o m p a n y o f B e rg e n C ou n ty, H a c k e n s a ck (B r a n c h ) H ASKELL * F irst N a tio n a l B a n k o f P a ssa ic C ou n ty, P a te r s o n (B r a n c h ) H IG H B R ID G E F irst N a tio n a l B a n k o f H ig h B rid g e , T h e A b s o r b e d S ep tem ber 1947 b y T h e H u n terd on C ou n ty N a tion a l B ank o f F lem in g ton . * H u n te rd o n C o u n ty N a tion a l B a n k o f F le m in g to n , T h e (B r a n c h ) 14 H IG H L A N D P A R K ♦First N a tio n a l B a n k o f H ig h la n d P a rk , T h e (12598) — 1924 O p era tes an o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch at E d ison . H IG H T S T O W N ♦ H ig h ts to w n T r u s t C om p a n y — 1922 O p era tes an o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch at E ast W in d s o r T o w n s h ip . HOBOKEN ♦ H u d son C o u n ty N a tion a l B ank, J e rse y C ity (B r a n c h ) ♦ H u d son T r u s t C o m p a n y , U n ion C ity (B ra n ch e s 3) In clu d e s 2 b ra n ch es listed in origin a l b o o k . S ea b oa rd T ru s t C o m p a n y A b s o r b e d A p r il 1950 b y H u d so n C ou n ty N a tion a l Bank, J ersey City. HOHOKUS ♦C itizens F irst N a tion a l B a n k an d T r u s t (B r a n c h ) C om pany of R id g e w o o d H O L M D E L T O W N S H IP ♦ M erch ants T r u s t C o m p a n y o f R e d B ank, N . J., T h e (B r a n c h ) H OPEW ELL H o p e w e ll N a tio n a l B an k, T h e M e rg e d June 1956 in to P rin ceton B a n k and T r u s t C om p a n y . ♦ P rin ceton B a n k and T ru s t C o m p a n y (B r a n c h ) H O P E W E L L T O W N S H IP ♦First T r e n t o n N a tion a l B an k, T r e n to n , 'N. J. (B r a n c h ) IR V IN G T O N ♦ F id elity U n io n T r u s t C om p a n y , N e w a rk (B r a n c h ) I r v in g to n N a tion a l B ank, T h e A b s o r b e d O c t o b e r 1949 N ew ark. by F id elity U n io n T rust C om p a n y , Irv in g to n State B a n k — 1958 I r v in g t o n T r u s t C o m p a n y M e rg e d M a y 1956 in to T h e N a tion a l State B ank o f N ew a rk . ♦N ational S tate B a n k o f N ew a rk , T h e (B ra n ch e s 2) P e o p le s N a tio n a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y o f Irv in g to n , T h e A b s o r b e d J u ly 1955 b y F id e lity U n io n T r u s t C om p a n y , N ew a rk . IS E L IN ♦ W o o d b r id g e N a tion a l B ank, W o o d b r id g e (B r a n c h ) 15 JAM ESBU RG First National Bank o f Jamesburg, The N a m e c h a n g e d O c t o b e r 1956 t o T h e F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k o f S o u t h R i v e r w h e n T h e F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k o f S o u t h R iv e r c o n s o lid a t e d w ith th is b a n k . H e a d o ff ic e m o v e d t o S o u t h R iv e r . ♦First National Bank of Middlesex County, The, South River (Branch) JE R SE Y C IT Y ♦Commercial Trust Company of New Jersey — 1900 O p e ra te s o u t -o f-t o w n b r a n c h e s at B a y o n n e (3 ) an d U n io n C ity (2). ♦First National Bank of Jersey City, The (374) — 1864 S u c c e e d e d M e c h a n ic s ’ a n d T r a d e r s ' B a n k . O p e r a t e s o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h e s a t H a r r is o n ( 2 ) , H o b o k e n , K e a r n y , a n d W e s t N e w Y ork . Franklin National Bank of Jersey City, The A b s o r b e d J u ly 1950 b y T h e F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k o f J e r s e y C ity . ♦Hudson City Savings Bank — 1868 L o ca te d o r ig in a lly in H udson C ity . O p e ra te s an o u t-o f-to w n b r a n c h at N o r t h B e r g e n . ♦Hudson County National Bank (1182) — 1851 A c o n v e r s i o n in 1865 o f H u d s o n C o u n t y B a n k as H u d s o n C o u n t y N a t io n a l B a n k o f J e r s e y C ity . N a m e c h a n g e d la t e r t o U n io n T r u s t a n d H u d s o n C o u n t y N a t io n a l B a n k a n d c o n s o lid a t e d 1923 w it h U n io n T r u s t & N a t io n a l B a n k o f H u d s o n as H udson C o u n ty N a t io n a l B ank. O p e ra te s C o u n ty o u t-o f-to w n b r a n c h e s at B a y o n n e , G u t t e n b e r g , H o b o k e n , N o r t h B ergen , U n io n C ity (3 ) a n d W e e h a w k e n . International Trust Company D a t e e s t a b lis h e d n o t a s c e r ta in e d . S u s p e n d e d F e b r u a r y 1878. ♦Trust Company o f New Jersey, T he — 1899 O p e r a t e s o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h e s at H o b o k e n , S e c a u c u s , U n io n C ity , W e e h a w k e n and W e s t N e w Y o rk . K E A N SBU RG Keansburg National Bank, The N a m e a n d l o c a t io n o f m a in o ff ic e a n d b r a n c h c h a n g e d D e c e m b e r 1958 t o K e a n s b u r g - M i d d l e t o w n N a t io n a l B a n k , M id d le t o w n . ♦Keansburg-Middletown National Bank, Middletown (Branch) KEARNY ♦First National Bank o f Jersey City, The (Branch) ♦First National Bank & Trust Company of Kearny, The (8627) — 1907 O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at E a s t N e w a r k . K E N IL W O R T H ♦National State Bank, Elizabeth, N. J., The (Branch) 16 KEYPORT Keyport Banking Company, The C o n s o lid a t e d A ugu st 1956 w it h The S econ d N a t io n a l Bank of R e d B a n k u n d e r n e w n a m e T h e M o n m o u t h C o u n t y N a t io n a l B ank, R e d B ank. *Monmouth County National Bank, Red Bank, The (Branch) ^People’s National Bank o f Keyport, The (4147) — 1889 O p e ra te s an o u t-o f-to w n bra n ch at R a r ita n T o w n s h ip . K IN N E L O N *First National Bank o f Butler, The (Branch) L A K E H IA W A T H A *Boonton National Bank o f Parsippany-Troy Hills, New Jersey (4274) — 1890 F o rm e r ly T h e B o o n t o n fr o m N a t io n a l B a n k . H e a d o ff ic e m o v e d h e r e B o o n t o n . O p e r a t e s a n o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at B o o n t o n . LAKEH URST First National Bank o f Lakehurst, The A bsorbed O cto b e r 1947 b y The F ir s t N a t io n a l B ank o f T om s R iv e r , N . J. *First National Bank o f Tom s River, The (Branch) L A M B E R T V IL L E Amwell National Bank of Lambertville, The A b s o r b e d O c t o b e r 1948 b y T h e H u n t e r d o n C o u n t y N a t io n a l B a n k o f F le m in g to n . ^Hunterdon County National Bank of Flemington, The (Branch) L A U R E L SPRINGS Laurel Springs National Bank, The N a m e c h a n g e d D e c e m b e r 1956 t o P e o p l e s N a t io n a l B a n k o f L a u r e l S p r in g s w h e n N a t io n a l B a n k o f C le m e n t o n c o n s o l i d a t e d w it h th is b a n k . ^Peoples National Bank of Laurel Springs (12022) — 1921 F o r m e r ly T h e tow n L a u r e l S p r in g s bran ch es at N a t io n a l B a n k . O p e r a t e s C le m e n t o n and S o m e r d a le . L A W R E N C E T O W N S H IP *First Trenton National Bank, Trenton, N. J. (Branch) L E V IT T O W 'N *Bank o f Levittown, The — 1959 L IN C O L N P A R K *Boonton Trust Company (Branch) 17 out-of- L IN D E N ^Community Bank of Linden — 1955 Linden Trust Company . N a m e a n d l o c a t io n c h a n g e d M a r c h 1961, t o U n i o n C o u n t y T r u s t C om pany, E liz a b e t h , (N o . 2) w hen U n io n C o u n ty T ru st C o m p a n y , E liz a b e t h ( N o . 1) m e r g e d in t o th is b a n k . *Union County Trust Company, Elizabeth (Branches 3) L IT T L E F A L L S Little Falls 'National Bank, The A b s o r b e d S e p t e m b e r 1955 b y C o u n t y B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y , P a terson . *New Jersey Bank and Trust Company, Clifton (Branch) L IT T L E F E R R Y *City National Bank and Trust Company of Hackensack, The (Branch) L IT T L E S IL V E R ^Monmouth County National Bank, Red Bank, The (Branch) LODI *Bank of Saddle Brook & Lodi, Saddle Brook, The (Branch) Lodi Trust Company M erged F ebruary 1959 in to S a d d le B rook S ta te Bank w h ic h t h e r e u p o n c h a n g e d its n a m e t o T h e B a n k o f S a d d le B r o o k & L o d i , S a d d le B r o o k . ^Peoples Trust Company of Bergen County, Hackensack (Branch) L O N G B RAN CH ^Central Jersey Bank and Trust Company, The, Freehold (Branch) Long Branch Banking Company, The M e r g e d A u g u s t 1959 in to T h e th ereu p on ch an ged its F r e e h o ld T ru s t nam e to The C o m p a n y w h ic h C en tra l Jersey B ank an d T r u s t C o m p a n y , F r e e h o ld . *New Jersey Trust Company of L ong Branch — 1906 O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at W e s t L o n g B r a n c h . L U M B E R T O N T O W N S H IP *Union National Bank and Trust Company at Mount H olly, The (Branch) LY'N D H U RST ^National Community Bank of Rutherford (Branches 2) M A D ISO N First Bank and Trust Company O r i g i n a l l y M a d is o n T r u s t C o m p a n y . M e r g e d D e c e m b e r 1958 in t o The M o r r is to w n T ru st C o m p a n y w h ic h th ereu p on ch an ged its n a m e t o T r u s t C o m p a n y o f M o r r is C o u n t y , M o r r is t o w n . 18 First National Bank of Madison, The M erged D ecem ber 1954 w it h M a d is o n T ru st C om pany w h ic h t h e r e u p o n c h a n g e d its n a m e t o F ir s t B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y , M a d is o n , N . J. Madison Trust Company N am e ch an ged D ecem ber 1954 t o F ir s t B an k and T ru st p a n y , M a d is o n , N . J. w h e n T h e F ir s t M a d is o n , N . J. m e r g e d in to th is b a n k . N a t io n a l C om B ank of ♦Trust Company of Morris County, Morristown (Branches 2) M A D IS O N T O W N S H IP ♦First National Bank o f South Amboy-Madison Township (3878) — 1888 O r ig in a lly T h e F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k o f S o u t h A m b o y . O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at S o u t h A m b o y . M AHW AH ♦First National Bank and Trust Company o f Ramsey, The (Branch) M A 'N A H A W K E N ♦Beach Haven National Bank and Trust Company, Beach Haven (Branch) M A N A SQ U A N Manasquan National Bank C o n s o lid a t e d J a n u a r y 1960 w it h A s b u r y P a r k N a t io n a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y w h ic h t h e r e u p o n c h a n g e d its n a m e t o A s b u r y P a r k -M a n a s q u a n N a t io n a l B ank. ♦Asbury Park-Manasquan 'National Bank, Asbury Park (Branches 2) M A P L E SH A D E ♦Burlington County Trust Company, Moorestown (Branch) M A R G A T E C IT Y ♦Boardwalk National Bank of Atlantic City, The (Branches 2) M A S O N V IL L E ♦Burlington County Trust Company, Moorestown (Branch) M A YS L A N D IN G ♦Boardwalk National Bank o f Atlantic City, The (Branch) First National Bank of Mays Landing, The A bsorbed A u gu st 1956 by The B o a r d w a lk N a t io n a l Bank of A t la n t ic C ity M AYW OOD ♦Community Bank of Bergen County, N. J., Rochelle Park (Branch) M ENDHAM ♦Morris County Savings Bank, The, Morristown (Branch) 19 M E R C E R V IL L E *First National Bank o f Hamilton Square, The (Branch) M E TU C H E N Metuchen National Bank A bsorbed A u gu st 1952 b y The N a t io n a l Bank of N ew Jersey, N e w B r u n s w ic k . ^National Bank o f New Jersey, The, New Brunswick (Branch) M ID D L E T O W N *Keansburg-Middletown National Bank (10376) — 1913 O r i g i n a l l y T h e K e a n s b u r g N a t io n a l B a n k , K e a n s b u r g . O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h a t K e a n s b u r g . M ID D L E S E X ^National Bank o f New Jersey, The, New Brunswick (Branch) M ID L A N D P A R K ^North Jersey Trust Company, Ridgewood, New Jersey, The (Branch) M IL L B U R N First National Bank o f Milburn, The M e r g e d J u ly 1956 in t o T h e N a t io n a l S ta te B a n k o f N e w a r k . *Millburn-Short Hills Bank — 1960 ^National State Bank of 'Newark, The (Branch) M IL L V IL L E *City National Bank of Millville, The (14673) — 1952 *Millville National Bank, T he (1270) — 1857 O p e r a t e s a n o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at C e d a r v ille . M O N T C L A IR Bank of Montclair A b s o r b e d J u n e 1950 b y T h e N a t io n a l N e w a r k a n d E s s e x B a n k in g C om p an y o f N ew ark. First National Bank and Trust Company of Montclair, T he N a m e c h a n g e d J a n u a r y 1953 t o F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k o f M o n t c la ir . First National Bank o f Montclair F o r m e r ly The M o n t c la ir . F ir s t N a t io n a l N am e changed N a t io n a l B a n k a n d T r u s t Bank and D ecem ber C om pany T ru st 1957 w hen C om pany to of M o n t c la ir M o n t c la ir T ru st C o m p a n y c o n s o l i d a t e d w it h th is b a n k . ^Montclair National Bank and Trust Company (9339) — 1909 F o r m e r ly F ir s t N a t io n a l B ank of M o n t c la ir . O p e ra te s o u t-o f- t o w n b r a n c h e s at V e r o n a a n d W e s t C a ld w e ll. Montclair Trust Company C o n s o lid a t e d D e c e m b e r 1957 w it h F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k o f M o n t c la ir u n d e r n e w n am e M o n t c la ir C om pan y. 20 N a t io n a l B a n k a n d T r u s t ^National Newark and Essex Banking Company of Newark, The (Branch) M ONTVALE *First National Bank of Park Ridge, The (Branch) M OO RESTOW N ^Burlington County Trust Company — 1890 O p e r a t e s o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h e s at M a p le S h a d e a n d M a s o n v ille . M O R R IS P LA IN S *Trust Company of Morris County, Morristown (Branch) M O R R IS T O W N American Trust Company M erg ed S e p te m b e r 1946 in t o T h e M o r r is to w n T ru st C om pany. First National Bank o f Morristown, The C o n s o lid a t e d J u ly 1944 w it h T h e N a t io n a l I r o n B a n k o f M o r r i s t o w n w h ic h t h e r e u p o n c h a n g e d its n a m e t o T h e F ir s t N a t io n a l Ir o n B a n k o f M o r r is to w n . *First National Iron Bank of Morristown, The — 1865 F o r m e r l y T h e N a t io n a l I r o n B a n k o f M o r r is t o w n . O p e r a t e s o u t o f - t o w n b r a n c h e s at R o c k a w a y ( 2 ) . *Morris County Savings Bank, The — 1874 O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at M e n d h a m . Morristown Trust Company, The N am e ch an ged D ecem ber 1958 C o u n t y w h e n F ir s t B a n k m e r g e d i n t o th is b a n k . to and T ru st T ru st C om pany of C om pany, M o r r is M a d is o n *Trust Company of Morris County — 1892 O r ig in a lly The M o r r is t o w n T ru st C om pany. O p e ra te s o u t-o f- t o w n b r a n c h e s at C h e s t e r , D e n v ille , F lo r h a m P a r k , M a d is o n (2 ) a n d M o r r i s P la in s . National Iron Bank of Morristown, The N a m e c h a n g e d J u ly 1944 t o T h e F ir s t N a t io n a l I r o n B a n k o f M o r r i s t o w n w h e n T h e F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k o f M o r r is t o w n c o n s o l i d a t e d w it h th is b a n k . M O U N T A IN V IE W *First National Bank of Passaic County, Paterson (Branch) MOUNT H O LLY *Union National Bank and Trust Company o f Mount Holly, The (2343) — 1871 O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n bran ch at L u m b e r t o n T o w n s h ip . 'NEPTUN E *Asbury Park and Ocean Grove Bank (Branch) N E P T U N E C IT Y *First 'National Bank of Bradley Beach, The (Branch) 21 N E TCO N G ♦Citizens National Bank of Netcong, T he (6692) — 1903 O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at S u c c a s u n n a . NEW ARK Bank of Commerce (N o. 1) M erg ed N ovem ber 1956 in to W e s t S id e T r u s t C om pany under n e w n a m e B a n k o f C o m m e r c e ( N o . 2 ). ♦Bank of Commerce (N o. 2) — 1902 F o r m e r l y W e s t S id e T r u s t C o m p a n y . ♦Broad National Bank, Newark (12771) — 1925 F o r m e r l y U n io n N a t io n a l B a n k in N e w a r k . Clinton Trust Company A b s o r b e d D e c e m b e r 1947 b y F id e lit y U n io n T r u s t C o m p a n y . Columbus Trust Company A b s o r b e d J u ly 1948 b y U n it e d S ta te s T r u s t C o m p a n y o f N e w a r k . Dime Savings Institution, The M erged M arch 1949 in t o U n it e d S ta te s S a v in g s B ank o f N e w ark , N . J. Federal Trust Company M e r g e d O c t o b e r 1958 in t o T h e N a t io n a l S ta te B a n k o f N e w a r k . ♦Fidelity Union Trust Company — 1875 A m e r g e r in 1920 o f F id e lit y T r u s t C o m p a n y a n d T h e U n i o n N a t io n a l B a n k o f N e w a r k . O p e r a t e s o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h e s at B e lle v ille , 'E a st O r a n g e ( 3 ) a n d I r v i n g t o n . Franklin Savings Institution of Newark M e r g e d J a n u a r y 1958 in t o U n it e d S ta te s S a v in g s B a n k o f N e w a rk , N e w J e r s e y . Franklin Washington Trust Company M erged A u gu st 1956 in to The N a t io n a l N ew ark and E ssex C a ld w e ll and S ou th B a n k in g C o m p a n y o f N e w a r k . ♦Howard Savings Institution, The — 1857 O p e ra te s o u t-o f-to w n b ran ch es at N o rth O ran ge. Lincoln National Bank o f Newark A b s o r b e d A p r i l 1955 b y T h e N a t io n a l S ta te B a n k o f N e w a r k . Merchants and Newark Trust Company of Newark, N. J. C o n s o lid a t e d J u n e 1949 w it h T h e N a t io n a l S ta te B a n k o f N e w a r k . ♦National Newark and Essex Banking Company of Newark, The (1316) — 1804 A c o n s o l i d a t i o n in 1917 o f T h e N a t io n a l N e w a r k B a n k in g C o m pany and O p e ra te s The E ssex C o u n ty (2 ) , C e d a r G r o v e , E a s t O r a n g e S ou th O ra n g e . N a t io n a l B ank o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h e s at B lo o m f i e l d 22 of N ew ark. (3 ), C a ld w e ll ( 4 ) , M o n t c la ir , O r a n g e a n d ^'National State Bank of Newark, The (1452) — 1812 A c o n v e r s io n o f-to w n in 1865 o f S t a t e -b a n k b ran ch es at C a ld w e ll, at N e w a rk . I r v in g to n (2 ), O p e ra te s ou t- M illb u r n and O ran ge. Union National Bank in Newark F o r m e r l y L a b o r N a t io n a l B a n k o f N e w a r k . N a m e c h a n g e d J u ly 1961 to B r o a d N a t io n a l B a n k , N e w a r k . ^United States Savings Bank of Newark, New Jersey — 1871 F o r m e r l y T h e G e r m a n S a v in g s B a n k o f N e w a r k . O p e r a t e s o u t o f - t o w n b r a n c h e s at O r a n g e a n d R o s e la n d . United States Trust Company of Newark A bsorbed N ovem ber 1950 by The N a t io n a l S ta te Bank of N ew ark . W est Side Trust Company N am e ch an ged N ovem ber 1956 to B ank of C om m erce (N o . 2 ) w h e n B a n k o f C o m m e r c e ( N o . 1) m e r g e d in t o th is b a n k . N E W B R U N SW IC K ^'National Bank of New Jersey, The (587) — 1854 A c o n v e r s i o n in 1864 o f T h e B a n k o f N e w J e r s e y . O p e r a t e s o u t o f - t o w n b r a n c h e s at M e t u c h e n , M id d le s e x , N o r t h B r u n s w ic k a n d S o u t h B r u n s w ic k . ^Peoples National Bank of New Brunswick, The (3697) — 1887 O p e r a te s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at P is c a t a w a y . N E W M IL F O R D * County Trust Company, Tenafly (Branch) N E W P R O V ID E N C E ^Summit Trust Company, The (Branch) N EW SH REW SBU RY * Monmouth- County National Bank, Red Bank, The (Branch) NEW TON ^Sussex and Merchants National Bank o f 'Newton, The (925) — 1818 O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at S p a r ta . N O R T H A R L IN G T O N ^National Community Bank of Rutherford (Branch) North Arlington National Bank, The A b s o r b e d F e b r u a r y 1953 b y T h e R u t h e r f o r d N a t io n a l B a n k N O R T H BERGEN ^Hudson City Savings Bank, Jersey City (Branch) ^Hudson County National Bank, Jersey City (Branch) North Bergen Trust Company M e r g e d J u ly 1958 in t o H u d s o n 23 C ity S a v in g s B a n k , J e r s e y C ity . N O R T H B R U N S W IC K ♦National Bank of New Jersey, The, New Brunswick (Branch) NORTH CALDW ELL ♦Howard Savings Institution, The (Branch) N O R T H F IE L D ♦Guarantee Bank and Trust Company, Atlantic City (Branch) NORTH HALEDON ♦New Jersey Bank and Trust Company, Clifton (Branch) N O R T H M E R C H A N T V IL L E Pennsauken Township National Bank O r ig in a lly T h e P en n sa u k en T o w n s h ip N a t io n a l B a n k o f N o r t h M e r c h a n t v ille . N a m e a n d l o c a t io n c h a n g e d F e b r u a r y 1952 t o P ensauken N a t io n a l B ank, P en n sau ken , N ew Jersey. Pennsauken Township National Bank of North Merchantville, The N am e ch an ged A p r il 1945 to P en n sau k en T o w n s h ip N a t io n a l B ank. N O R T H P L A IN F IE L D ♦First National Bank of Somerset County, Bound Brook, N. J., The (Branch) N ORTHVALE ♦Closter National Bank and Trust Company, Closter (Branch) N O R T H W IL D W O O D ♦Marine National Bank of W ildwood, The (Branch) NUTLEY First National Bank of Nutley, The M e r g e d J u n e 1951 in t o B a n k o f N u t le y . OAKLAND ♦North Jersey Trust Company, Ridgewood, New Jersey, The (Branch) OAKLYN Oaklyn National Bank, The M e r g e d A u g u s t 1955 in t o C a m d e n T r u s t C o m p a n y . ♦Camden Trust Company (Branch) O CEAN B EA CH ♦First National Bank of Tom s River, The (Branch) O C E AN C IT Y ♦National Bank o f Ocean City, The (12521) —^ 1924 O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at S e a I s le C ity . 24 OCEAN G R O V E *Asbury Park and Ocean Grove Bank (Branch) OC E AN T O W N S H IP *Asbury Park and Ocean Grove Bank, Asbury Park (Branch) ORADELL First National Bank o f Oradell, The A bsorbed M ay 1957 by P e o p le s T ru st C om pany of B ergen C o u n ty , H a c k e n s a c k . ^Peoples Trust Company o f Bergen County, Hackensack (Branch) ORANGE Half Dime Savings Bank O r i g i n a l l y H a l f - d i m e S a v in g s B a n k o f T o w n o f O r a n g e . M e r g e d J a n u a r y 1958 in t o U n it e d S ta te s S a v in g s B an k o f N ew ark, N e w Jersey. ^National Newark and Essex Banking Company o f Newark, The (Branch) ^National State Bank of 'Newark, The (Branch) Orange First National Bank A b s o r b e d M a y 1950 b y T h e N a t io n a l S ta te B a n k o f N e w a r k . *United States Savings Bank o f Newark, New Jersey (Branch) OXFORD *Washington Trust Company, o f Washington, N. J. (Branch) PALM YRA *Cinnaminson Bank and Trust Company, Riverton (Branch) P AR AM U S *Midland Bank, The — 1958 *Peoples Trust Company of Bergen County, Hackensack (Branch) P A R K R ID G E *First National Bank o f Park Ridge, The (12195) — 1922 O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at M o n t v a le . PASSAIC *Bank o f Passaic and Clifton — 1927 O r ig in a lly M ay P a s s a ic 1957 t o 1958 f r o m b a ck to P ark C lift o n T ru st p r io r C om pany, to ch an ge M a in o ffic e o f nam e in B a n k o f P a s s a ic a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y . R e l o c a t e d P a s s a ic M ay 1959. O p e ra te s o u t-o f-to w n bran ch es at C lift o n ( 3 ) . *New Jersey Bank and Trust Company, Clifton (Branches 4) m oved O cto b e r 25 Passaic National Bank and Trust Company N a m e c h a n g e d A u g u s t 1949 t o P a s s a i c - C l if t o n N a t io n a l B a n k a n d T ru st C om p an y w hen d a te d w it h th is b a n k . The C lift o n N a t io n a l Bank c o n s o li C om pany. M erged Peoples Bank and Trust Company O r ig in a lly S ta te T ru st and S a fe D e p o s it N o v e m b e r 1951 w it h T h e P a t e r s o n S a v in g s a n d T r u s t C o m pany w h ic h th e re u p o n ch an ged its nam e to C o u n ty Bank an d T ru s t C o m p a n y , P a terson . PATERSON Citizens Trust Company, The A bsorbed M arch 1956 by C o u n ty Bank and T ru st C om pany, P a terson . Commercial National Bank o f Paterson F o r m e r l y N a t io n a l U n io n B a n k o f A m e r i c a in P a t e r s o n . C o n s o li d a ted N ovem ber 1945 w it h The S econ d N a t io n a l B ank of P aterson . County Bank and Trust Company F o r m e r l y T h e P a t e r s o n S a v in g s a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y . N a m e a n d l o c a t io n c h a n g e d J u n e 1958 t o N e w J e r s e y B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y , C lift o n , N . J., w h e n P a s s a ic C lift o n N a t io n a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y , C lift o n , m e r g e d in t o th is b a n k . First National Bank and Trust Company of Paterson F o rm e r ly F ir s t P a terson N a t io n a l B ank and T ru st C om pany. N a m e c h a n g e d M a r c h 1959 t o F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k o f P a s s a ic C o u n ty . ♦First National Bank of Passaic County (329) — 1864 F o r m e r l y F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y o f P a t e r s o n . O p e r a t e s o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h e s at B l o o m in g d a le , C lift o n ( 2 ) , H a s k e ll, M o u n t a in V ie w , P o m p t o n L a k es, P rea k n ess, R in g - w o o d , T o t o w a a n d W e s t M ilfo r d . First National Bank of Paterson, The N am e changed M a y 1946 to F ir s t P a t e r s o n N a t io n a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y w h e n T h e P a t e r s o n N a t io n a l B a n k c o n s o l i d a te d w it h th is b a n k . First Paterson National Bank and Trust Company. O r ig in a lly T h e F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k o f P a t e r s o n . N a m e c h a n g e d O c t o b e r 1948 t o F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y o f P a t e r s o n w h e n T h e S e c o n d N a t io n a l B a n k o f P a t e r s o n c o n s o lid a t e d w it h th is b a n k . Franklin Trust Company of Paterson, The O r ig in a lly The S o u t h s id e S a fe D e p o s it and N a m e c h a n g e d M a r c h 1961 t o F r a n k lin B a n k . ♦Franklin Bank — 1917 F o r m e r l y F r a n k lin T r u s t C o m p a n y o f P a t e r s o n . 26 T ru st C om pany. Linares and Rescigno Bank, The A b s o r b e d J u n e 1956 b y F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y o f P a terson . National Union Bank of America in Paterson N am e chan ged Ja n u a ry 1944 t o C o m m e r c ia l N a t io n a l B ank of P a terson . *New Jersey Bank and Trust Company, Clifton (Branches 5) Paterson National Bank, The C o n s o lid a t e d M a y 1946 w it h T h e F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k o f P a t e r s o n w h ic h t h e r e u p o n c h a n g e d its n a m e t o F ir s t P a t e r s o n N a t io n a l B ank and T ru st C om pany. Paterson Savings and Trust Company, The A c o n v e r s io n o f T h e P a t e r s o n S a v in g s I n s t it u t io n . N a m e c h a n g e d N o v e m b e r 1951 t o P e o p le s B ank C o u n ty B a n k and T ru s t and T ru st C om pany, C o m p a n y w-hen P a s s a ic , m erged in t o th is b a n k . Paterson Savings Institution, The C o n v e r t e d S e p t e m b e r 1947 in t o T h e P a t e r s o n S a v in g s a n d T r u s t C om pany. Second National Bank of Paterson, The C o n s o lid a t e d O cto b e r and T ru s t 1948 w it h C o m p a n y w h ic h F ir s t P a t e r s o n th e re u p o n N a t io n a l B ank c h a n g e d its n a m e t o F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y o f P a t e r s o n . United States Trust Company o f Paterson, New Jersey C o n s o lid a t e d A u g u s t 1951 w it h F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C om p a n y o f P a terson . PAU LSBORO *First National Bank and Trust Company of Paulsboro, The (5981) — 1901 O p e r a t e s o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h e s at G i b b s t o w n a n d T h o r o f a r e . PEM BERTON ^Peoples National Bank and Trust Company o f Pemberton, The (8129) — 1906 O r ig in a lly T h e P e o p le s N a t io n a l B a n k o f P e m b e r t o n . O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at W r i g h t s t o w n . P E N N IN G T O N First National Bank o f Pennington, The M e r g e d J u n e 1956 in t o T h e T r e n t o n B a n k in g C o m p a n y . *First Trenton National Bank, Trenton, N. J. (Branch) P E N N SA U K E N *First Camden National Bank and Trust Company (Branches 2) Pennsauken National Bank F o r m e r ly The P en n sa u k en T o w n s h ip 27 N a t io n a l B ank o f N o rth M e r c h a n t v ille , June 1955 N o rth in to M e r c h a n t v ille , F ir s t C am den N ew N a t io n a l Jersey. B ank M erged Trust and C om pany. PEN N S G R O V E ^Peoples Bank o f Penn’s Grove — 1915 O p e ra te s an o u t - o f - t o w n bran ch at U p p e r P enns N eck T ow n sh ip . PERTH AM BOY First Bank and Trust Company H e a d o ffic e l o c a t io n c h a n g e d A u g u s t 1961 t o F o r d s a ft e r a b s o r p t io n o f F o r d s N a t io n a l B a n k . *First Bank and Trust Company, Fords (Branch) P H IL L IP S B U R G *Phillisburg Trust Company — 1917 O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at P o h a t c o n g T o w n s h ip . P IS C A T A W A Y *Peoples National Bank o f 'New Brunswick (Branch) P L A IN F IE L D Mid-City Trust Company M e r g e d J a n u a r y 1955 in t o S u b u r b a n T r u s t C o m p a n y , W e s t f ie ld . Plainfield National Bank, The N a m e c h a n g e d J u n e 1958 t o P la in fie ld T r u s t S ta te N a t io n a l B a n k w h en th e P la in f ie ld T r u s t C om pany c o n s o lid a t e d w it h th is bank. Plainfield Trust Company, The C o n s o lid a t e d J u n e 1958 w it h th e P la in fie ld N a t io n a l B a n k w h ic h t h e r e u p o n c h a n g e d its n a m e t o P la in fie ld T r u s t S ta te N a t io n a l B ank. ^Plainfield Trust State National Bank (13174) — 1928 O r ig in a lly The P la in fie ld N a t io n a l B ank. O p e ra te s an o u t-o f- C o m p a n y at P la in fie ld , N e w Jersey. t o w n b r a n c h at F a n w o o d . *State Bank of Plainfield — 1961 State Trust Company, The F o r m e r l y T h e S ta te T r u s t A b s o r b e d J u n e 1958 b y P la in fie ld T r u s t S ta te N a t io n a l B a n k . State Trust Company at Plainfield, New Jersey, The N a m e c h a n g e d O c t o b e r 1955 t o T h e S ta te T r u s t C o m p a n y . ^Suburban Trust Company, Westfield (Branch) P L E A S A N T V IL L E ^Boardwalk National Bank of Atlantic City, The (Branches 2) Mainland National Bank of Pleasantville, The A bsorbed A u gu st 1955 by The A t l a n t i c C ity . 28 B o a r d w a lk N a t io n a l B ank of P O H A T C O N G T O W N S H IP ♦Phillipsburg Trust Company, Phillipsburg (Branch) P O IN T P L E A SA N T ♦Ocean County National Bank of Point Pleasant Beach, The (Branch) P O IN T P L E A SA N T B EACH ♦Ocean County National Bank o f Point Pleasant Beach, The (5712) — 1901 O r ig in a lly lis t e d under P o in t P le a s a n t. O p e ra te s o u t-o f-to w n b r a n c h e s at B a y H e a d a n d P o i n t P le a s a n t. POM PTON LAKES ♦First National Bank of Passaic County, Paterson (Branch) North Jersey National Bank o f Pompton Lakes A b s o r b e d J a n u a r y 1953 b y F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p an y o f P a terson . P O M P T O N P L A IN S ♦First National Bank o f Butler, The (Branch) P O R T N O R R IS People’s Bank of Port Norris, The M erg ed J a n u a ry 1958 in t o The T ra d esm en s B ank and T ru st C o m p a n y o f V in e la n d . ♦Tradesmens Bank and Trust Company of Vineland, T he (Branch) PR E AK N E SS ♦First National Bank o f Passaic County, Paterson (Branch) P R IN C E T O N ♦First National Bank of Princeton, The (4872) — 1893 O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h a t P r i n c e t o n J u n c tio n . ♦Princeton Bank and Trust Company — 1916 O p e r a t e s o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h e s at H o p e w e l l a n d P r in c e t o n T ow n s h ip . P R IN C E T O N JU N C TIO N ♦First National Bank of Princeton, The (Branch) P R IN C E T O N T O W N S H IP ♦Princeton Bank and Trust Company (Branch) RAHW AY ♦State Bank of Rahway — 1959 R A M SE Y ♦First National Bank and Trust Company o f Ramsey, T he (9367) —• 1909 O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at M a h w a h . 29 R A N D O L P H T O W N S H IP ^National Union Bank o f Dover, The (Branch) R A R IT A N T O W N S H IP *People,s National Bank of Keyport, The (Branch) RED BANK ^Merchants Trust Company o f Red Bank, N. J., The — 1933 S u c c e e d e d M e r c h a n t s T r u s t C o m p a n y o f R e d B a n k , N . J. O p e r a te s o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h e s at F a ir H a v e n a n d H o l m d e l T o w n sh ip . *Monmouth County National Bank, Red Bank, The (2257) — 1875 F o r m e r ly The o u t-o f-to w n S econ d N a t io n a l bran ch es at Bank A t la n t ic of R ed B ank. H ig h la n d s , O p e ra te s E n g lis ih to w n , K e y p o r t , L it t le S ilv e r a n d N e w S h r e w s b u r y . Second National Bank and Trust Company o f Red Bank, The N a m e c h a n g e d F e b r u a r y 1952 t o T h e S e c o n d N a t io n a l B a n k o f R ed B ank. Second 'National Bank of Red Bank, The F o r m e r l y T h e S e c o n d N a t io n a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y o f R e d B a n k . N a m e c h a n g e d A u g u s t 1956 t o T h e M o n m o u t h C o u n t y N a t io n a l B a n k , R e d B a n k , w h e n T h e K e y p o r t B a n k in g C o m p a n y c o n s o l i d a t e d w it h th is b a n k . R ID G E F IE L D *National Community Bank o f Rutherford (Branches 2) Ridgefield National Bank, The C o n s o lid a t e d F e b r u a r y 1959 w it h N a t io n a l C o m m u n it y B a n k o f R u t h e r fo r d . R ID G E W O O D ^Citizens First National Bank and Trust Company of Ridgewood (11759) — 1920 O r ig in a lly T h e C itiz e n s N a t io n a l B a n k o f R i d g e w o o d a n d la te r C itiz e n s N a t io n a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y o f R i d g e w o o d . O p e r a t e s o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h e s a t H o h o k u s a n d S a d d le R iv e r . *North Jersey Trust Company, Ridgewood, Newi Jersey, The — 1929 O r ig in a lly T h e W e s t S id e T r u s t C o m p a n y . O p e r a t e s o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h e s at M id la n d P a r k a n d O a k la n d . R IN G W O O D *First National Bank o f Passaic County, Paterson (Branch) R IO G R A N D E *First National Bank o f Cape May Court House, The (Branch) R IV E R EDGE ^Jersey State B ank— 1957 30 R IV E R S ID E ♦Riverside Trust Company — 1918 S u cceeded The R iv e r s id e N a t io n a l B ank. O p e ra te s an o u t-o f- t o w n b r a n c h at W i l l i n g b o r o T o w n s h i p . R IV E R T O N ♦Cinnaminson Bank and Trust Company— 1925 S ucceeded T h e a te s C in n a m in s o n N a t io n a l B a n k o f R iv e r t o n . O p e r o u t-o f-to w n bra n ch es at C in n a m in s o n T o w n s h ip and P a lm y r a . ROCHELLE PARK ♦Community Bank of Bergen County, N. J. — 1928 F o r m e r l y R o c h e l l e P a r k B a n k , o f R o c h e l l e P a r k , N . J. O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at M a y w o o d . Rochelle Park Bank, of Rochelle Park, 'N. J. N am e ch an ged S e p t e m b e r 1956 t o C o m m u n it y B a n k o f B e r g e n C o u n ty , N . J. ROCKAW AY ♦First National Iron Bank of Morristown, The (Branches 2) R O SE L A N D ♦United States Savings Bank of Newark, New Jersey (Branch) ROSELLE PARK ♦National State Bank, Elizabeth, N. J., The (Branch) Roselle Park Trust Company A b s o r b e d A p r i l 1954 b y T h e N a t io n a l S ta te B a n k o f E liz a b e t h . RUM SON ♦Sea Bright National Bank, The, Sea Bright (Branch) RUNNEM EDE ♦Camden Trust Company (Branch) RUTHERFORD ♦National Community Bank of Rutherford (5005) — 1895 F o r m e r l y T h e R u t h e r f o r d N a t io n a l B a n k . O p e r a t e s o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h e s at C a r lsta d t, E a s t P a t e r s o n , E a s t R u t h e r fo r d , G a r fie ld , L yn d h u rst (2 ), N o rth A r l in g t o n , R id g e f ie ld (2 ) and W a llin g to n . ♦Peoples Trust Company of Bergen County, Hackensack (Branch) Rutherford National Bank, The N a m e c h a n g e d S e p t e m b e r 1956 t o N a t io n a l C o m m u n it y B a n k o f R u th e r fo r d w hen F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k in G a r fie ld c o n s o li d a te d w it h th is b a n k . Rutherford Trust Company M e r g e d D e c e m b e r 1956 in t o P e o p l e s T r u s t C o m p a n y o f B e r g e n C o u n ty , H a ck e n sa ck . 31 SADDLE BRO OK Saddle B rook State Bank N a m e c h a n g e d F e b r u a r y 1959 t o T h e B a n k o f S a d d le B r o o k & L o d i w h e n L o d i T r u s t C o m p a n y m e r g e d in t o th is b a n k . *Bank of Saddle Brook & Lodi, T he — 1958 O r ig in a lly S a d d le B rook S ta te B ank. O p e ra te s an o u t -o f-to w n b ra n ch at L o d i. SA D D L E R IV E R ^Citizens First National Bank and Trust Company o f Ridgewood (Branch) SA LE M *City National Bank and Trust Company of Salem, The (3922) — 1888 O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at C e n tr a l P a r k . SCO TCH P L A IN S *Suburban Trust Company, W estfield (Branch) SEA B R IG H T *Sea Bright National Bank, The (14177) — 1934 S u c c e e d e d F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k in S e a B r ig h t. O p e r a t e s an o u t o f - t o w n b r a n c h at R u m s o n . SEA G IR T *First National Bank of Spring Lake (Branch) SEA IS L E C IT Y *fNational Bank o f Ocean City, The (Branch) S E A SID E H E IG H T S *First National Bank o f Tom s River, The (Branch) SECAUCUS Peoples National Bank o f Secaucus M erged M a rch 1956 i n t o T h e T ru st C om pany of N ew Jersey, J e r s e y C ity . *Trust Company of New Jersey, The, Jersey City (Branch) SH IP B O T T O M *Beach Haven National Bank and Trust Company (Branch) SO M E R D A L E ^Peoples National Bank of Laurel Springs (Branch) SOM ERS P O IN T ^Boardwalk National Bank o f Atlantic City, T he (Branch) S O M E R V IL L E * First National Bank of Somerset County, Bound Brook, N. J., T he (Branch) 32 Somerville Trust Company N a m e c h a n g e d A p r i l 1960 t o S o m e r s e t T r u s t C o m p a n y . ^Somerset Trust Company — 1917 F o r m e r ly S o m e r v ille T r u s t C om pany. O p e ra te s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at W a t c h u n g . Second Bank of Somerville, The C o n s o lid a t e d N ovem ber 1956 w it h T h e F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k B o u n d B r o o k u n d e r n e w n a m e T h e F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k of of S o m e r s e t C o u n t y , B o u n d B r o o k , N . J. S O U TH A M B O Y First National Bank o f South Am boy, The N am e and h e a d o ffic e N a t io n a l Bank l o c a t io n S ou th ch an ged O cto b e r A m b o y -M a d is o n 1960 t o T o w n s h ip , F ir s t M a d is o n T o w n s h ip . *First National Bank South Amboy-Madison Township, Madison Township (Branch) SO U TH B R U N S W IC K ^National Bank of New Jersey, The, New Brunswick (Branch) SO U TH H A C K E N SA C K ^Hackensack Trust Company, T he (Branch) S O U TH O R A N G E *Howard Savings Institution, The, Newark (Branch) ^National Newark and Essex Banking Company o f Newark, The (Branch) South Orange Trust Company A bsorbed O cto b e r 1955 by B a n k in g C o m p a n y o f I n s t it u t io n , N e w a r k . The N a t io n a l N ew ark and N ew ark The and H ow a rd E ssex S a v in g s S O U TH R IV E R First National Bank of South River, T he C o n s o lid a t e d O cto b e r Jam esbu rg under 1956 new w it h th e F ir s t N a t io n a l B ank of nam e The F ir s t N a t io n a l B ank of S o u t h R iv e r . First National Bank of South River, The ('No. 2) F o r m e r ly m oved The here fir s t N a t io n a l fr o m Bank Ja m esb urg. of Ja m esb u rg. N am e chan ged H ead o ffic e J a n u a ry 1961 t o th e F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k o f M i d d l e s e x C o u n ty . *First National Bank o f Middlesex County, The (288) — 1864 F o r m e r ly The F ir s t N a t io n a l B ank of S ou th R iv e r (N o . 2 ). O p e r a t e s o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h e s at J a m e s b u r g a n d S p o t s w o o d . *South River Trust Company — 1915 O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at E a s t B r u n s w ic k T o w n s h ip . 33 SPARTA ♦Sussex and Merchants National Bank o f Newton, The (Branch) SPOTSW O OD ♦First National Bank of Middlesex County, The, South River (Branch) S P R IN G F IE L D First National Bank of Springfield, The A b s o r b e d J u n e 1956 b y T h e N a t io n a l S ta te B a n k o f E liz a b e t h . ♦National State Bank, Elizabeth, N. J., The (Branch) SP R IN G L A K E ♦First 'National Bank o f Spring Lake (13898) — 1933 Succeeded The F ir s t N a t io n a l B ank o f S p r in g L ake. O p e ra te s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at S e a G irt. STONE H ARBO R ♦First National Bank o f Stone Harbor, The (12978) — 1926 O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at A v a l o n . SUCCASUNNA ♦Citizens National Bank o f Netcong, The (Branch) SU M M IT ♦Citizens Trust Company o f Summit, New Jersey M e r g e d A p r i l 1959 i n t o U n io n T r u s t C o m p a n y , E liz a b e t h ( N o . 1 ). First National Bank and Trust Company of Summit, The C o n s o lid a t e d M a y 1957 w it h T h e N a t io n a l S ta te B a n k o f E liz a b e t h u n d e r n e w n a m e T h e N a t io n a l S ta te B a n k , E liz a b e t h , N . J. ♦National State Bank, Elizabeth, N. J., The (Branch) ♦Summit Trust Company, T he — 1909 Succeeded S u m m it B ank. O p e ra te s an o u t-o f-to w n bra n ch at N e w P r o v id e n c e . ♦Union County Trust Company, Elizabeth (Branch) TEANECK ♦Garden State National Bank of Teaneck, The (12402) — 1923 F o r m e r l y T h e W e s t E n g l e w o o d N a t io n a l B a n k . ♦Peoples Trust Company o f Bergen County, Hackensack (Branch) W est Englewood National Bank, The N am e ch an ged June 1948 t o T h e G ard en S ta te N a t io n a l B ank o f T eaneck. TENAFLY ♦Citizens National Bank of Englewood (Branch) ♦County Trust Company — 1926 F o rm e r ly T e n a fly bran ch es at T ru st C r e s s k ill, C om pany. D um ont 34 and O p e ra te s N ew o u t-o f-to w n M il f o r d . Northern Valley National Bank of Tenafly, The C o n s o lid a t e d M a r c h 1952 w it h T h e C itiz e n s N a t io n a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y o f E n g l e w o o d w h ic h t h e r e u p o n c h a n g e d its n a m e t o C itiz e n s N o r t h e r n V a l l e y N a t io n a l B a n k o f E n g l e w ood. Tenafly Trust Company N a m e c h a n g e d J u n e 1951 t o C o u n t y T r u s t C o m p a n y w h e n T h e D u m o n t N a t io n a l B a n k m e r g e d in t o th is b a n k . TETERBORO ^Peoples Trust Company of Bergen County, Hackensack (Branch) THOROFARE *First National Bank and Trust Company o f Paulsboro, The (Branch) T O M S R IV E R *First National Bank of Tom s River, The (2509) — 1881 O p e ra te s o u t-o f-to w n bran ch es at B a rn ega t, B r ic k T o w n s h ip , L a k e h u r s t, O c e a n B e a c h a n d S e a s id e H e ig h t s . Ocean County Trust Company C o n s o lid a t e d S e p t e m b e r 1944 w it h T h e F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k o f T o m s R iv e r , N . J. TOTOW A *First National Bank o f Passaic County, Paterson (Branch) TRENTON First Mechanics National Bank of Trenton, The N a m e c h a n g e d A u g u s t 1958 t o F ir s t T r e n t o n N a t io n a l B a n k , T r e n t o n , N . J., w h e n T h e T r e n t o n B a n k in g C o m p a n y c o n s o li d a te d w it h th is b a n k . *First Trenton National Bank, Trenton, N., J. (1327) — 1834 F o r m e r l y T h e F ir s t M e c h a n ic s N a t io n a l B a n k o f T r e n t o n . O p e r a te s o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h e s a t E w i n g T o w n s h i p , H o p e w e l l T o w n s h i p , L a w r e n c e T o w n s h i p , a n d P e n n in g t o n . Prospect National Bank of Trenton, The A b s o r b e d A u g u s t 1958 b y T r e n t o n T r u s t C o m p a n y . Trenton Banking Company, The C o n s o lid a te d A u gu st 1958 w it h The F ir s t M e c h a n ic s N a t io n a l B a n k o f T r e n t o n w h ic h t h e r e u p o n c h a n g e d it s n a m e t o F ir s t T r e n t o n N a t io n a l B a n k , T r e n t o n , N . J. TU CKERTON *First National Bank of Tuckerton, The (14667) — 1952 U N IO N *First State Bank of Union — 1953 U N IO N C IT Y ^Commercial Trust Company of New Jersey, Jersey City (Branches 2) 35 Commonwealth-Merchants Trust Company A m erger in 1939 o f C o m m o n w e a lth T ru st C om pany (N o . 1) a n d M e r c h a n t s T r u s t C o m p a n y . N a m e c h a n g e d J a n u a r y 1946 to C o m m o n w e a lth T r u s t C o m p a n y (N o . 2 ). Commonwealth Trust Company (N o. 2) F o r m e r ly C o m m o n w e a lth -M e r c h a n ts d a te d N o v e m b e r 1960 w it h T ru st H udson C om pan y. C o n s o l i C o u n t y N a t io n a l B a n k , J e r s e y C ity . First National Bank of Union City, The A b s o r b e d D e c e m b e r 1946 b y H u d s o n T r u s t C o m p a n y . ^Hudson County National Bank, Jersey City (Branches 3) ^Hudson Trust Company — 1890 O r i g i n a l l y H u d s o n T r u s t a n d S a v in g s I n s tit u t io n . O p e r a t e s o u t o f-t o w n b ra n ch e s at H o b o k e n (3 ). Weehawken Trust Company A b s o r b e d O c t o b e r 1960 b y C o m m e r c ia l T r u s t C o m p a n y o f N e w J e r s e y , J e r s e y C ity . U P P E R PEN S NECK T O W N S H IP ^Peoples Bank o f Penn’s Grove (Branch) V E N T N O R C IT Y ^Boardwalk National Bank o f Atlantic City, The (Branch) Ventnor City National Bank, The C o n s o lid a t e d D e c e m b e r 1957 w it h T h e B o a r d w a lk N a t io n a l B a n k o f A t l a n t i c C ity . V ERO'N A ^Montclair National Bank and Trust Company (Branch) Verona Trust Company A b s o r b e d S e p t e m b e r 1951 b y M o n t c l a i r T r u s t C o m p a n y . V IL L A S *First National Bank of Cape May Court House, The (Branch) V I'N ELAN D ^Tradesmens Bank and Trust Company o f Vineland, The — 1889 O r ig in a lly T ra d esm en s Bank. O p e ra te s an o u t-o f-to w n at P o r t N o r r is . V O O R H E E S T O W N S H IP ^Haddonfield National Bank, Haddonfield (Branch) W A L D W IC K *First National Bank of Allendale, The (Branch) W A L L IN G T O N ^National Community Bank of Rutherford (Branch) 36 b ran ch W A S H IN G T O N ♦Washington Trust Company, of W ashington, N* J. — 1926 O p e r a te s a n o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at O x f o r d . W ATCH U 'N G ♦Somerset Trust Company, Somerville (Branch) W EEHAW KEN ♦Hudson County National Bank, Jersey City (Branch) Hamilton National Bank of Weehawken, The A bsorbed D ecem ber 1942 by C o m m o n w e a l t h - M e r c h a n ts T ru st C o m p a n y , U n i o n C ity . W ENONAH ♦Farmers and Mechanics National Bank of W oodbury, T he (Branch) W EST BELM AR ♦Belmar-Wall National Bank (13848) — 1933 F o r m e r l y T h e B e lm a r N a t io n a l B a n k , B e lm a r . O p e r a t e s a n o u t o f - t o w n b r a n c h at B e lm a r . W EST CALDW ELL ♦Montclair National Bank and Trust Company, Montclair (Branch) W E S T E N G L E W O O D (See Teaneck) W E S T F IE L D Peoples Bank & Trust Company, Westfield, New Jersey M e r g e d O c t o b e r 1958 in t o T h e N a t io n a l S ta te B a n k , E liz a b e t h , N .J . ♦National State Bank, Elizabeth, N. J., The (Branch) ♦Suburban Trust Company — 1903 F o r m e r l y T h e W e s t f i e ld T r u s t C o m p a n y . O p e r a t e s o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h e s at C r a n f o r d , B a r w o o d , P la in fie ld a n d S c o t c h Plains. Westfield Trust Company, The N a m e c h a n g e d J u n e 1952 t o S u b u r b a n T r u s t C o m p a n y C r a n f o r d T r u s t C o m p a n y m e r g e d in t o th is b a n k . w hen W E S T LO N G B R A N C H ♦New Jersey Trust Company of Long Branch (Branch) W E S T M IL F O R D ♦First National Bank o f Passaic County, Paterson (Branch) W EST NEW Y O R K ♦First National Bank o f Jersey City, The (Branch) National Bank of W est New York A b s o r b e d D e c e m b e r 1944 b y T h e F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k o f J e r s e y C ity . 37 W E ST PATERSON *!New Jersey Bank and Trust Company, Clifton (Branch) W E S T V IL L E *First National Bank of Westville, The (10430) — 1913 O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at D e p t f o r d T o w n s h i p . W ESTW OO D *Peoples Trust Company of Bergen County, Hackensack (Branch) W HARTON ^National Union Bank o f Dover, The (Branch) W H IP P A N Y *First National Bank o f Whippany, The (13173) — 1928 O p e r a t e s o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h e s at C e d a r K n o ll s a n d H a n o v e r . W H IT E H O U SE S T A T IO N *Hunterton County National Bank of Flemington, The (Branch) W IL D W O O D *Marine National Bank of W ildwood, The (6278) — 1902 O p e ra te s o u t-o f-to w n b ra n ch es at N o r t h W ild w o o d and W ild w o o d C r e st. Union Bank of W ildw ood, N. J,, The O r i g i n a l l y T h e U n io n B a n k o f H o l l y B e a c h . N a m e c h a n g e d M a y 1958 t o U n i o n T r u s t C o m p a n y o f W i l d w o o d , N . J. w h e n W ild w o o d th is b a n k . T ru st C o m p a n y , W ild w o o d , N. J., m e r g e d into W ildw ood Trust Company M e r g e d M a y 1958 in t o T h e U n i o n B a n k o f W i l d w o o d , N . J., w h ic h t h e r e u p o n c h a n g e d its n a m e t o U n i o n T r u s t C o m p a n y o f W i l d w o o d , N . J. *Union Trust Company o f W ildwood, N. J. — 1911 F o r m e r l y T h e U n i o n B a n k o f W i l d w o o d , N . J. W IL L IN G B O R O T O W N S H IP * Riverside Trust Company, Riverside (Branch) W IL D W O O D CREST ^Marine National Bank of W ildwood, The (Branch) W O O D B R ID G E *W oodbridge National Bank (14378) — 1937 O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at I se lin . W OODBURY ^Farmers and Mechanics National Bank o f W oodbury, T he (3716) — 1887 O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h at W e n o n a h . 38 ♦First County National Bank and Trust Company, W oodbury, N. J. (1199) — 1856 F o r m e r ly The W oodbu ry. F ir s t N a t io n a l O p e ra te s an B ank and o u t-o f-to w n T ru st b ran ch C om pany of at W o o d b u r y H e ig h t s . First National Bank and Trust Company of W oodbury, N. J., The C h a n g e d its n a m e N o v e m b e r 1960 t o F ir s t C o u n t y N a t io n a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y , W o o d b u r y , N . J., w h e n W o o d b u r y T r u s t C o m p a n y c o n s o l i d a t e d w it h th is b a n k . W oodbury Trust Company C o n s o lid a t e d N o v e m b e r 1960 w it h T h e F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y o f W o o d b u r y w h ic h t h e r e u p o n c h a n g e d its nam e to F ir s t C o u n t y N a t io n a l B a n k a n d T r u s t C om pan y, W o o d b u r y , N . J. W O O D B U R Y H E IG H T S ♦First County National Bank and Trust Company, W oodbury, N. J. (Branch) W R IG H T S T O W N ♦Peoples National Bank and Trust Company of Pemberton, The (Branch) Y A R D S V IL L E ♦Yardsville National Bank, The (12606) — 1924 O p e r a t e s an o u t - o f - t o w n b r a n c h a t H a m i l t o n T o w n s h ip . 39 Part II BAN K S O F N E W JE R SE Y A R R A N G E D B Y N A M E (Additions to original list published March 31, 1942) Asbury Park-Manasquan National Bank................................ ... Asbury Park Bank of Allwood-..................................... ................................ ........... ...Clifton Bank of Commerce (Second).................................................................. Newark Bank of Levittown........ ..................... .................................................Levittown Bank of Passaic and Clifton............................ ...................... ................. Passaic Bank of Passaic and Trust Company.-.............. .................. .............. Clifton Bank of Saddle Brook & Lodi, The.............................................Saddle Brook Belmar-Wall National Bank_______________________ ___ ____ West Belmar Bloomfield Savings Bank________________________ _____________ Bloomfield Boonton National Bank of Parsippany— Troy Hills, New Jersey, The........................................ ..................... . Lake Hiawatha Broad National Bank, Newark.... ...... .......................... .........................Newark Burlington Bank and Trust Company-____ ________ _________ Burlington Burlington Savings Bank____________________ ______________— .Burlington Central Jersey Bank and Trust Company, The................................Freehold Cherry Hill National Bank of Delaware Township.—Delaware Township City National Bank of Millville, The....... ......... .................................Millville Citizens National Bank of Englewood____ ______ ________ ___ .Englewood Citizens Northern Valley National Bank of Englewood.............Englewood Clark State Bank................................ ........... — _________ _____________ Clark Commercial National Bank of Paterson........................... .................Paterson Community Bank of Bergen County, N. J.................... ......... Rochelle Park Community Bank of Linden........ ......... ......... .......................... .............. Linden County Bank and Trust Company.................... ..................................Paterson County Bank and Trust Company of Somerset— ................... Bound Brook County Trust Company.................. .................................. .................. ...Tenafly Edison Bank, The........................................ .................. .................. ......... Edison Egg Harbor Bank and Trust Company............. .........................Egg- Harbor Elizabeth Savings Bank............... ...... .......................... ......................Elizabeth Elmer Bank_____________ ___ ____ ________- ............. ............... ............. Elmer 40 First Bank and Trust Company............................................................. - Fords First Bank and Trust Company, Madison, N. J.................................Madison First County National Bank and Trust Company, Woodbury, N. J............ ..................................................................Woodbury First National Bank and Trust Company o f Paterson.................. Paterson First National Bank o f Middlesex County, The.......................... South River First National Bank o f Montclair.................................. ..................Montclair First National Bank o f Passaic County............................................. Paterson First National Bank South Amboy-Madison T'ownship__Madison Township First National Bank of Tuckerton, The.......................................... Tuckerton First National Iron Bank o f Morristown, The.............................Morristown First National Bank o f Somerset County, Bound Brook, N. J., The....................................................... Bound Brook First National Bank o f South River (Second)— ...................... South River First Paterson National Bank and Trust Company.......................Paterson First State Bank o f Union........................................................................Union First Trenton National Bank, Trenton, N. J...................................... Trenton Franklin Bank........................................................................................... Paterson Garden State National Bank o f Teaneck, The.................................. Teaneck Harmonia Savings Bank.......................................................................Elizabeth International Trust Company...........................................................Jersey City Irvington State Bank........ .......... ......................................................... Irvington Jersey State Bank..............................................................................River Edge Keansburg-Middletown National Bank ....... ................................Middletown Mechanics National Bank o f Burlington.......................................... Burlington Midland Bank, The................................................................................... Paramus Millbum-Short Hills Bank.....................................................................Millburn Monmouth County National Bank, Red Bank, T he....................... Red Bank Montclair National Bank and Trust Company................................Montclair National Community Bank o f Rutherford..................................... Rutherford National State Bank, Elizabeth, N. J., T he........................................Elizabeth New Jersey Bank and Trust Company...................................................Clifton Palisades Trust Company...................................................................Englewood P'assaic-Clifton National Bank and Trust Company.......................... Clifton Passaic-Clifton National Bank and Trust Company.........................Passaic Paterson Savings and Trust Company, The..................................... Paterson 41 Pennsauken Township National Bank______________ North Merchantville People’s Bank o f Port Norris, The_________________ ________ .Port Norris Peoples National Bank o f Laurel Hills______________________Laurel Hills Plainfield Trust State National Bank__________________________ Plainfield Saddle Brook State Bank_________________________________ Saddle Brook Second National Bank o f Red Bank, The___ __________________ Red Bank Somerset Hills National Bank o f Bemardsville___ _________ Bemardsville Somerset Trust Company___ _______________________ _________ Somerville S ta te B a n k o f P la in fie ld _______________________________ _________________ P la in fie ld State Bank o f Rahway---------------------------------- ----- ------------------------ Rahway State Trust Company, The___________________ ____ ____________ Plainfield Suburban Trust Company---------------------------------------------- ----- ----- Westfield Trust Company o f Morris County____________________________Morristown Union County Trust Company (No. 2 ) _________________________Elizabeth Union Trust Company o f Wildwood, N. J.___ _________________Wildwood 42 S ' //<# Cum ulative S upplem ent N o . 7 S ep tem b er 1, 1961 Historical Directory of the BANKS of the STATE of NEW YORK Compiled by W il l ia m H . D il l is t in FEDERAL RESERVE OF NEW Y O R K 19 6 1 BANK HISTORICAL DIRECTORY OF THE BANKS OF THE STATE OF NEW Y O R K By arrangement with William H. Dillistin and the New Y ork State Bankers Association, there is presented herewith Cumulative Supple ment No, 7 to the Historical Directory o f the Banks o f the State of New York, which was compiled by Mr. Dillistin and published by the Association in October, 1946. This supplement covers the period from October 1, 1946 to Septem ber 1, 1961, and sets forth a brief statement o f each addition or change affecting the material in the directory, which has come to our notice since the directory was published. Following the plan o f the directory, the new material is presented first with respect to banks in the City o f New York (Part I ), and then with respect to banks in other cities and towns (Part II), arranged in alphabetical order by location. There is also included in this supplement a list o f additions to Part III o f the directory, which is an alphabetical index o f all bank names regardless o f location. The superior letters preceding bank names in Parts I and II have the same meanings as in the original directory, as follow s: ABank in active operation. BOut-of-town branch o f an active bank. This supplement has been prepared by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, from information derived from sources believed to be reliable. Copies are being distributed to all banking institutions in the State of New York, and will be furnished to others upon request, only upon the understanding that this Bank does not warrant the complete ness and accuracy o f the information, and is not responsible fo r any errors or omissions. September 1, 1961 1 Cumulative Supplement No. 7 HISTORICAL DIRECTORY OF THE BANKS OF THE STATE OF NEW Y O R K Part CITY OF I NEW YORK American Savings Bank, The. Merged August 1954 with Irving Savings Bank which thereupon changed its name to American Irving Savings Bank. AAmerican Irving Savings Bank— 1851. Formerly Irving Savings Bank. AAmerican Trust Company (Second)— 1929. Formerly Pan American Trust Company. ^Atlantic Bank o f New York— 1926. Originally Bank o f Athens Trust Company. Bank of Athens Trust Company. Name changed October 1953 to Atlantic Bank o f New York when Hellenic Bank Trust Company was merged into this bank. ABank o f Commerce— 1914. Formerly Industrial Bank o f Commerce. Operates an out-of-town branch at Yonkers. Bank o f New York— Name changed April 1948 to Bank o f New York and Fifth Avenue Bank when The Fifth Avenue Bank o f New York was merged into this bank. ABank o f New York, Avenue Bank. The— 1784. Formerly Bank o f New York and Fifth Bank o f New York and Fifth Avenue Bank. Formerly Bank o f New York. Name changed May 1952 to The Bank o f New York. Bank o f North America. Formerly Trust Company o f North America. Merged September 1958 into Commercial State Bank and Trust Company o f New York which thereupon changed its name to Com mercial Bank o f North America. ABank o f Nova Scotia Trust Company o f New York— 1959. ABank of Tokyo Trust Company, The— 1955. Bank o f Yorktown. Merged November 1949 into The Marine Midland Trust Company o f New York. 2 ABankers Trust Company— 1903. Acquired The Bayside National Bank o f New York, The Commercial National Bank and Trust Company, Flushing National Bank in New York, Lawyers Trust Company, The Public National Bank and Trust Company o f New York, Title Guarantee and Trust Company and South Shore Bank, Staten Island in addition to those previously listed. Bayside National Bank o f New York, The— Queens. Merged January 1953 into Bankers Trust Company. ABelgian-American Bank & Trust Company— 1952. Commenced business January 1953. Boulevard Bank— Queens. Absorbed May 1948 by Sterling National Bank & Trust Company o f New York. Bronx County Trust Company. Absorbed March 1955 by President and Directors of the Manhattan Company. Brooklyn Trust Company— Brooklyn. Merged October 1950 into Manu facturers Trust Company. ABushwick Savings Bank— Brooklyn— 1873. Originally The Bushwick Savings Bank. Bushwick Savings Bank, The— Brooklyn. Name changed March 1952 to Bushwick Savings Bank. ACanadian Bank o f Commerce Trust Company, The— 1951. Chartered October 1951. Central Hanover Bank and Trust Company. Name changed June 1951 to The Hanover Bank. ACentrai Industrial Bank— Brooklyn— 1925. Industrial Bank. Formerly Food Dealers AChase Manhattan Bank, The— 1799. Originally President and Directors o f the Manhattan Company. Acquired Bronx County Trust Com pany, The Chase National Bank o f the City o f New York, Staten Island National Bank & Trust Company and Clinton Trust Company in addition to those previously listed. Chase National Bank o f the City o f New York, The. Merged March 1955 into President and Directors o f the Manhattan Company which thereupon changed its name to The Chase Manhattan Bank. Chemical Bank & Trust Company. Name changed October 1955 to Chemical Com Exchange Bank when C om Exchange Bank Trust Company was merged into this bank. Chemical Com Exchange Bank. Formerly Chemical Bank & Trust Com pany. Name changed September 1959 to Chemical Bank New York Trust Company when the New Y ork Trust Company merged into this bank. 3 A-Chemical Bank New York Trust Company— 1929. Formerly Chemical Com Exchange Bank. Acquired The Continental Bank & Trust Company o f New York, Com Exchange Bank Trust Company, Fulton Trust Company o f New York, The National Safety Bank and Trust Company o f New York and The New York Trust Company in addition to those previously listed. Operates out-of-town branches at Eastchester and Massapequa. Citizens Bank o f Brooklyn— Brooklyn. Merged July 1958 into Federa tion Bank and Trust Company. City Bank Farmers Trust Company (Second). Converted January 1959 into First National City Trust Company. Clinton Trust Company. Merged January 1959 into The Chase Manhat tan Bank. College Point National Bank o f New York. Merged June 1957 into Trust Company o f North America which thereupon changed its name to Bank of North America. Colonial Trust Company. Consolidated November 1960 with the Meadow Brook of Nassau County, West Hempstead which thereupon changed its name and location to The Meadow Brook National Bank, Queens. ACommercial Bank o f North America— 1953. Formerly Commercial State Bank and Trust Company o f New York. Acquired Metropolitan Industrial Bank and Bank o f North America. Commercial National Bank and Trust Company o f New York, The. Merged May 1951 into Bankers Trust Company. Commercial State Bank and Trust Company o f New York. Formerly Modern Industrial Bank. Name changed September 1958 to Com mercial Bank o f North America when Bank o f North America merged into this bank. Continental Bank & Trust Company o f New York, The. Absorbed April 1948 by Chemical Bank & Trust Company. Com Exchange Bank Trust Company. Merged October 1954 into Chemical Bank & Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Chemical C om Exchange Bank. ADime Savings Bank o f Brooklyn, The— Brooklyn— 1859. Acquired the Navy Savings Bank. Operates out-of-town branch at Valley Stream. ADime Savings Bank o f Williamsburgh, The— Brooklyn— 1864. Operates an out-of-town branch at Merrick. Dry Dock Savings Institution. Name changed December 1949 to Dry Dock Savings Bank. ADry Dock Savings Bank— 1848. Originally Dry Dock Savings Institution. 4 AFederation Bank and Trust Company— 1923. A conversion o f Federation Bank of New York. Acquired Citizens Bank o f Brooklyn. Fidelity National Bank in New York, The— Queens. Absorbed May 1947 by Manufacturers Trust Company. Fifth Avenue Bank o f New York, The. Merged April 1948 into Bank o f New York which thereupon changed its name to Bank o f New York and Fifth Avenue Bank. First National Bank o f the City o f New York, The. Merged March 1955 into The National City Bank o f New Y ork which thereupon changed its name to The First National City Bank of New York. AFirst National City Bank o f New York, The (1461)— 1865. Formerly The National City Bank o f New York. Acquired The First National Bank o f the City o f New York in addition to those previously listed. Operates out-of-town branches at Freeport and Plainview. AFirst National City Trust Company Bank Farmers Trust Company. (14853)— 1822. Formerly City Flushing National Bank in New York— Queens. Absorbed December 1950 by Bankers Trust Company. Food Dealers Industrial Bank. Name changed April 1955 to Central Industrial Bank. Fulton Trust Company o f New York. Merged September 1949 into The New Y ork Trust Company. AGotham Bank, The— 1920. Formerly The Pennsylvania Exchange Bank. Guaranty Trust Company o f New York. Name changed April 1959 to Morgan Guaranty Trust Company o f New York when J. P. Morgan ■& Co. Incorporated merged into this bank. AHanover Bank, The— 1873. Formerly Central Hanover Bank and Trust Company. Hellenic Bank Trust Company. Merged October 1953 into Bank o f Athens Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to A t lantic Bank o f New York. Industrial Bank of Commerce. Formerly Morris Plan Industrial Bank o f New York. Converted June 1961 into Bank o f Commerce. Irving Savings, Bank. Name changed August 1954 to American Irving Savings Bank when The American Savings Bank merged into this bank. Jamaica National Bank o f New York, The— Queens. Merged August 1955 into The Marine Midland Trust Company o f New York. AJamaica Savings Bank— Queens— 1866. Acquired Rockaway Savings Bank in addition to those previously listed. 5 J. P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated. Merged April 1959 into Guaranty Trust Company o f New York which thereupon changed its name to Morgan Guaranty Trust Company o f New York. AKings County Savings Bank, The— Brooklyn— 1860. Originally Kings County Savings Institution. Operates an out-of-town branch at Massapequa. AKings Highway Savings Bank— Brooklyn— 1923. Operates an out-oftown branch at Wantagh. Lawyers Trust Company. Merged September 1950 into Bankers Trust Company. Manhattan Company, President and Directors o f the. Name changed March 1955 to The Chase Manhattan Bank when The Chase National Bank o f the City o f New York merged into this bank. ^Manufacturers Trust Company— 1905. Acquired Brooklyn Trust Com pany, The National Bronx Bank o f New York and Peoples Industrial Bank in addition to those previously listed. ^Marine Midland Trust Company o f New York, The— 1907. Acquired Bank o f Yorktown and The Jamaica National Bank o f New York in addition to those previously listed. Mariner Harbor National Bank, The— Richmond. Name changed October 1950 to The Richmond County National Bank o f Port Richmond. AMeadow Brook National Bank, The. Queens— (7703)— 1905. Formerly The Meadow Brook National Bank o f Nassau County, W est Hemp stead. Acquired Colonial Trust Company and Queens National Bank o f New York, Queens. Operates out-of-town branches at Albertson, Baldwin (2 ), Baxter Estates, Bellmore, Carle Place, East Meadow, East Rockaway, Elmont, Freeport (2 ), Great Neck, Great Neck Plaza, Hempstead (Tow n), Hicksville, Island Park, Jericho, Lawrence, Levittown, Locust Grove, Long Beach, Lynbrook, Malveme, Manhasset (2 ), Massapequa Park, Merrick, Mineola, New Hyde Park (2 ), North Hempstead (Tow n), North Merrick, Oyster Bay, Plainview, Port Washington (2 ), Roslyn Heights, South Farmingdale, Wantagh, West Hempstead (3 ), Williston Park and Woodmere. Metropolitan Industrial Bank. Merged April 1955 into Commercial State Bank and Trust Company o f New York. Modern Industrial Bank. Originally located in Brooklyn. Converted January 1953 into a trust company under name o f Commercial State Bank and Trust Company o f New York. Modern Industrial Bank— Brooklyn. Location changed February 1950 to Manhattan. Montrose Industrial Bank— Brooklyn. Name changed January 1950 to Metropolitan Industrial Bank. AMorgan Guaranty Trust Company o f New York— 1864. Formerly Guaranty Trust Company o f New York. Acquired J. P. Morgan & Co., Incorporated in addition to those previously listed. Nassau Banking Company, The— 1878. Reported in March 1882 as being in liquidation. National Bronx Bank o f New York, The. Absorbed November 1949 by Manufacturers Trust Company. National City Bank o f New York, The. Name changed March 1955 to The First National City Bank o f New York when The First National Bank o f the City of New York merged into this bank. National Safety Bank and Trust Company o f New York, The. Merged March 1951 into Chemical Bank & Trust Company. New York Trust Company, The. Merged September 1959 with Chemical Com Exchange Bank which thereupon changed its name to Chemical Bank New York Trust Company. North River Savings Bank. Merged February 1949 into The Bowery Savings Bank. Pan American Trust Company. Name American Trust Company. changed February 1950 to Pennsylvania Exchange Bank, The. Name changed April 1959 to The Gotham Bank. Peoples Industrial Bank. Absorbed September 1953 by Manufacturers Trust Company. Public National Bank and Trust Company o f New York, The. Merged April 1955 into Bankers Trust Company. Queens National Bank o f New York, The, Queens. Originally The Springfield Gardens National Bank o f New York. Consolidated November 1960 with the Meadow Brook National Bank o f Nassau County, West Hempstead which thereupon changed its name and location to The Meadow Brook National Bank, Queens. ^Richmond County National Bank o f Port Richmond, The— Richmond— (8194)— 1906. Originally The Mariner Harbor National Bank. Rockaway Savings Bank, Queens. Merged April 1957 into Jamaica Savings Bank. ARoosevelt Savings Bank o f the City o f New York, Brooklyn— 1895. Originally Eastern District Savings Bank o f the City o f Brooklyn. Operates an out-of-town branch at Massapequa Park. ARoyal Bank o f Canada Trust Company, The— 1951. Chartered May 1951. South Shore Bank o f Staten Island, The, Richmond. Merged September 1960 into Bankers Trust Company. 7 Royal Industrial Bank. Converted June 1954 into Royal State Bank of New York. ARoyal State Bank o f New York— 1954. Formerly Royal Industrial Bank. South Shore Bank o f Staten Island, The— Richmond. Merged September 1960 into Bankers Trust Company. Springfield Gardens National Bank of New York, The— Queens. Name changed October 1956 to The Queens National Bank o f New York. Staten Island National Bank & Trust Company o f New York— Richmond. Acquired West New Brighton Bank in addition to one previously listed. Merged July 1957 into The Chase Manhattan Bank. Title Guarantee and Trust Company. Banking August 1950 by Bankers Trust Company. business acquired AToronto-Dominion Bank Trust Company, The— 1960. Trust Company o f North America. Name changed June 1957 to Bank o f North America when College Point National Bank o f New York merged into this bank. West New Brighton Bank— Richmond. Merged October 1951 into Staten Island National Bank & Trust Company o f New York, Richmond. AWilliamsburgh Savings Bank, The— Brooklyn— 1851. Operates an outof-town branch at Levittown. P ar t II STATE OF NEW YORK (E x c e p t C ity o f N e w Y o r k ) ADAMS Citizens and Farmers Trust Company, Adams, New York. Merged March 1947 into The Northern New York Trust Company, Water town. BNorthern New York Trust Company, The, Watertown. ALBAN Y Albany Exchange Savings Bank, The. Merged April 1960 into The Mechanics’ and Farmers’ Savings Bank o f Albany which thereupon changed its name to Mechanics’ Exchange Savings Bank. AAlbany Savings Bank—1820. Should read as stated and not “ The Albany Savings Bank.” ACity and County Savings Bank— 1850. Formerly City Savings Bank o f Albany. Operates an out-of-town branch at Elsmere. AFirst Trust Company o f Albany— 1926. A conversion o f First Bank o f Albany which had previously succeeded The First National Bank of Albany. Operates out-of-town branches at Colonie and Johnstown. AIndustria,l Bank o f Commerce o f Albany— 1915. Formerly Morris Plan Industrial Bank o f Abany. Mechanics’ and Farmers9 Savings Bank o f Albany, The. Name changed April 1960 to Mechanics’ Exchange Savings Bank when The Albany Exchange Savings Bank merged into this bank. AMechanics’ Exchange Savings Bank— 1855. Formerly The Mechanics’ and Farmers’ Savings Bank o f Albany. Operates an out-of-town branch at Guilderland. AMechanics, and Farmers’ Bank o f Albany— 1868. Operates an out-oftown branch at Guilderland. Morris Plan Industrial Bank o f Albany. Name changed November 1946 to Industrial Bank o f Commerce of Albany. ANational Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany, The (1301) — 1865. Operates out-of-town branches at Amsterdam, Athens, Au Sable Forks, Champlain, Cobleskill, Colonie, Cooperstown, Copake, Dannemora, Ellenburg Depot, Elsmere, Fultonville, Hartwick, Hoosick Falls, Hudson, Greenport, Menands, Philmont, Plattsburgh (2 ), Rensselaer (2), Rouses Point, W aterford and Whitehall in addition to those previously listed. AState Bank o f Albany— 1937. Operates out-of-town branches at Am s terdam, Chatham, Cohoes, East Greenbush, Germantown, Hudson, Latham, Menands, Plattsburgh (2 ), Port Henry, Richfield Springs, Saratoga Springs, Schoharie, Ticonderoga, Troy and Watervliet in addition to those previously listed. 9 ALBERTSON BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens, ALBION Marine Midland Trust Company o f Albion. Merged April 1951 into The Marine Trust Company o f Western New York, Buffalo. BMarine Trust Company o f Western New York, The, Buffalo. ALFRED BCitizens National Bank o f Wellsville, The. University Bank. Consolidated August 1956 with The Citizens Na tional Bank o f Wellsville. AMHERST BRank o f Buffalo. BMarine Trust Company o f Western New York, The, Buffalo. AM ITYVILLE Bank o f Amityville, The. Merged September 1955 into South Side Bank, Bay Shore which thereupon changed its name to State Bank of Suffolk. First National Bank and Trust Company o f Amityville. Consolidated June 1954 with First Suffolk National Bank of Huntington. BFranklin National Bank o f Long Island, The, Mineola. BSecurity National Bank o f Long Island (2 ), Huntington. AMSTERDAM Amsterdam City National Bank, The. Merged October 1952 into The Manufacturers National Bank o f Troy. Farmers National Bank o f Amsterdam, The. Merged January 1953 into State Bank o f Albany. First National Bank o f Amsterdam, The. Merged February 1961 into The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany. M anufacturers National Bank o f Troy, The. BNational Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany, The. BState Bank of Albany. ANDES National Bank o f Andes, The. Consolidated January 1958 with The First National Bank and Trust Company o f Walton which thereupon changed its name to The National Bank o f Delaware County, Walton. BNational Bank o f Delaware County, Walton, The. ANDOVER Andover National Bank, The. Merged January 1956 into The Citizens National Bank o f Wellsville. BCitizens National Bank o f Wellsville, The. 10 ANGELICA Bank o f Angelica. Merged May 1959 into The First Trust Company of Allegany County, Wellsville. BFirst Trust Company o f Allegany County, The, Wellsville. ARCADE Citizens Bank of Arcade, The. Succeeded Citizens Bank o f Arcade. Name changed September 1959 to The Citizens Central Bank when State Bank o f Rushford merged into this bank. ACitizens Central Bank, The— 1890. Formerly The Citizens Bank of Arcade. Operates out-of-town branches at Rushford and Silver Springs. ARDSLEY BCounty Trust Company, The, White Plains. First National Bank o f Ardsley, The. Merged January 1955 into The County Trust Company, White Plains. ARGYLE National Bank o f Argyle, The. Merged February 1961 into The Manu facturers National Bank o f Troy. M anufacturers National Bank o f Troy, The. ARKPORT Arkport State Bank. Merged September 1959 into Security Trust Com pany o f Rochester. BSecurity Trust Company of Rochester. ARLINGTON BFirst National Bank o f Poughkeepsie, The. Yassar Bank. Consolidated February 1947 with The First National Bank o f Poughkeepsie. ARMONK BNorthern Westchester National Bank, Chappaqua. ATHENS Athens National Bank, The. Merged May 1955 into The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany. BNational Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany, The. ATTICA Bank o f Attica, The. Merged November 1946 into The Marine Trust Company o f Buffalo. BMarine Trust Company o f Western New York, The, Buffalo. 11 AUBURN Auburn Trust Company. Merged September 1960 into Marine Midland Trust Company o f Central New York, Syracuse. BMarine Midland Trust Company o f Central New York, Syracuse. ANational Bank o f Auburn, The (1345)— 1865. Operates an out-of-town branch at Locke, in addition to one previously listed. Wm. H. Seward & Co. Absorbed December 1951 by Auburn Trust Company. AURORA AFirst National Bank o f Aurora, The (412)— 1864. Operates an out-oftown branch at Union Springs. A U SABLE FORKS BNational Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany, The. BABYLON Babylon National Bank & Trust Company, The. Consolidated March 1955 with First Suffolk National Bank o f Huntington. ABank o f Babylon— 1913. Operates out-of-town branches at Brightwaters, Deer Park, North Babylon and W est Islip. BSecurity National Bank o f Long Island, Huntington. BALDW IN Baldwin National Bank and Trust Company, The. Merged March 1955 into The Meadow Brook National Bank o f Freeport. BFranklin National Bank o f Long Island, The, Mineola. BHempstead Bank. BMeadow Brook National Bank, The (2 ), Queens. Peoples State Bank o f Baldwin. Merged March 1955 into The Meadow Brook National Bank o f Freeport. BALDW IN SYILLE BMer chants National Bank & Trust Company o f Syracuse, The. BALLSTON SPA ABallston Spa National Bank, The (1253)— 1865. Operates an out-of town branch at Burnt Hills. BARCLAY HEIGHTS (TOW N OF SAUGERTIES) BSaugerties National Bank and Trust Company, The. BARKER BMarine Trust Company o f Western New York, The, Buffalo. Somerset National Bank o f Barker, The. Absorbed January 1950 by Niagara County National Bank and Trust Company, Lockport. 12 B A T A V IA Genesee Trust Company. Merged November 1956 into Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. BManufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. BATH Farmers’ & Mechanics’ Trust Company. Merged August 1954 into Security Trust Company o f Rochester. BSecurity Trust Company o f Rochester. BAXTER ESTATES BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. BAY SHORE First National Bank and Trust Company o f Bay Shore, The. Name changed February 1960 to First National Bank o f Bay Shore. AFirst National Bank o f Bay Shore (10029)— 1911. Formerly The First National Bank and Trust Company o f Bay Shore. Operates an outof-town branch at Islip. BFranklin National Bank o f Long Island, The, Mineola. South Side Bank. Originally South Side Bank o f Bay Shore, N. Y . Name changed September 1955 to State Bank o f Suffolk when The Bank of Amityville merged into this bank. South Side Bank o f Bay Shore, N. Y. Name changed August 1950 to South Side Bank. State Bank o f Suffolk. Consolidated O'ctober 1957 with The Franklin National Bank o f Franklin Square which thereupon changed its name to The Franklin National Bank o f Long Island, Franklin Square. BAYVILLE BMatinecock Bank, Locust Valley. BEACON AFishkill National Bank o f Beacon, The (35)— 1863. Operates an outof-town branch at Fishkill. AMatteawan National Bank o f Beacon, The (4914)— 1893. Operates an out-of-town branch at Hopewell Junction. BEDFORD BCounty Trust Company, The, White Plains. BEDFORD HILLS BNational Bank o f Westchester, White Plains. 13 BELFAST Bank o f Belfast. Consolidated August 1957 with The First National Bank o f Belfast which thereupon changed its name to Belfast Na tional Bank. ABelfast National Bank (9644)— 1910. Originally The First National Bank o f Belfast. First National Bank o f Belfast, The. Name changed August 1957 to Belfast National Bank when Bank o f Belfast consolidated with this bank. BELLEROSE BFranklin National Bank o f Long Island, The, Mineola. BELLMORE First National Bank o f Bellmore, The. Merged December 1953 into The Franklin National Bank o f Franklin Square. BFranklin National Bank o f Long Island, The, Mineola. BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. BETHPAGE BHempstead Bank. BLong Island National Bank o f Hicks ville, The. BINGHAMTON City National Bank o f Binghamton, The. Merged September 1955 into First National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. which thereupon changed its name to First-City National Bank o f Binghamton, N. Y. AFirst-City National Bank o f Binghamton, N. Y. (202)— 1869. Formerly First National Bank o f Binghamton, N. Y. Operates out-of-town branches at Owego, Vestal, Westover and Whitney Point. First National Bank o f Binghamton. Name changed January 1947 to First National Bank o f Binghamton, N. Y. First National Bank o f Binghamton, N. Y. Originally First National Bank o f Binghamton. Name changed September 1955 to First-City National Bank o f Binghamton, N. Y. when The City National Bank o f Binghamton merged into this bank. Marine Midland Trust Company o f Binghamton. Merged October 1953 into Elmira Bank & Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Marine Midland Trust Company o f Southern New York, Elmira. BMarine Midland Trust Company o f Southern New York, Elmira (3 ). BLASDELL Bank o f Rlasdell. Merged February 1960 into Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. M anufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. 14 BLAUVELT BMarine Midland Trust Company o f Rockland County, Nyack. BOONVILLE Bank o f Boonville. Private bank established March 1866 with Joseph R. Tharratt as president and Clark Dodge as cashier. Succeeded 1876 by The First National Bank o f Boonville. Dodge & Sharratt (Tharratt). Delete. (See Bank o f Boonville.) AFirst National Bank o f Boonville, The (2320)— 1876. Succeeded Bank o f Boonville. BRENTWOOD BFrankiin National Bank o f Long Island, The, Mineola. BREWERTON BF’irst National Bank o f Central Square, The. BRIARCLIFF MANOR BFirst Westchester National Bank o f New Rochelle. BCounty Trust Company, The, White Plains. BRIGHTW ATERS BBank o f Babylon. BROCTON BLiberty Bank and Trust Company, Buffalo. BRONXVILLE Bronxville Trust Company. Consolidated January 1952 with First National Bank o f New Rochelle which thereupon changed its name to First Westchester National Bank o f New Rochelle. BFirs.t Westchester National Bank o f New Rocihelle. BRUSHTON BCitizens National Bank o f Malone, The. BUFFALO Adam, Meldrum & Anderson State Bank, The. Merged March 1956 into Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. BBank o f Buffalo (Second)— 1916. Formerly Buffalo Industrial Bank. Operates out-of-town branches at Amherst and Tonawanda. Buffalo Industrial Bank. Name changed April 1959 to Bank o f Buffalo. ABuffalo Savings Bank, The. Operates out-of-town branch at Tonawanda. First National Bank o f Buffalo. Originally The Niagara National Bank o f Buffalo. Merged August 1955 into Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. 15 Liberty Bank o f Buffalo. Name changed March 1961 to Liberty Bank and Trust Company. ALiberty Bank and Trust Company— 1882. Formerly Liberty Bank of Buffalo. Operates out-of-town branches at Brocton, Cheektowaga, East Aurora, Fredonia, Hamburg-, Niagara Falls, and Williamsville. AManufaeturers and Traders Trust Company— 1898. Operates out-oftown branches at Batavia, Blasdell, Cheektowaga, Clarence (2 ), Eggertsville, Ellicottville, Fredonia, Grand Island, Lockport, Niagara Falls (2 ), Silver Creek, Tonawanda, (C ity), W est Seneca, and W oodlawn in addition to those previously listed. Marine Trust Company o f Buffalo, The. Name changed April 1951 to The Marine Trust Company o f Western New York when Power City Trust Company, Niagara Falls, was merged into this bank. AMarine Trust Company o f Western New York, The— 1919. Ortginally The Marine Trust Company o f Buffalo. Operates out-of-town branches at Albion, Amherst, Attica, Barker, Cheektowaga, Eden, Gowanda, Hamburg, Lackawanna, Lewiston, Lockport, Medina, Middleport, Niagara Falls (5 ), North Tonawanda (2 ), Ransomville, Springville, Tonawanda (C ity), Tonawanda (Town) and Wilson in addition to those previously listed under form er name. Niagara National Bank o f Buffalo, The. Name changed June 1950 to First National Bank o f Buffalo. Szczukowski, Victor B. Private banker established 1921. Absorbed December 1930 by The East Side National Bank o f Buffalo. BURNT HILLS BBalIston Spa National Bank, The. CALEDONIA AFirst National Bank o f Caledonia, The. Operates an out-of-town branch at Scottsville. CAMDEN First National Bank and Trust Company o f Camden, The. Consolidated July 1957 with The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company o f Utica. BOneida National Bank and Trust Company o f Central New York, The. Utica. CAMILLUS Camillus Bank. Merged December 1958 into Marine Midland Trust Company o f Central New York, Syracuse. BMarine Midland Trust Company o f Central New York, (2 ) Syracuse. BMerchants National Bank & Trust Company o f Syracuse* The. BOnondaga County Savings Bank, The, Syracuse. 16 CAN A JOH ARIE ACentral National Bank, Canajoharie (1122)— 1865. Formerly First National Bank o f Canajoharie. Operates out-of-town branches at Fonda and Middleburgh in addition to those previously listed under form er name. First National Bank o f Canajoharie. Name changed October 1954 to Central National Bank, Canajoharie when The First National Bank o f Middleburgh consolidated with this bank. CANANDAIGUA ACanandaigua National Bank and Trust Company, The (3817)— 1887. Operates an out-of-town branch at Victor. BLincoln Rochester Trust Company, Rochester. Ontario County Trust Company. Merged February 1948 into Lincoln Rochester Trust Company. CANASERAGA Canaseraga State Bank. Merged June 1957 into The First Trust Com pany o f Wellsville, New York which thereupon changed its name to The First Trust Company o f Allegany County, Wellsville. BFirst Trust Company o f Allegany County, The, Wellsville. CANDOR First National Bank o f Candor, The. Merged June 1961 into The Farmers & Merchants Bank o f Spencer, N. Y. which thereupon changed its name to Tioga State Bank. BTioga State Bank, Spencer. CANTON ASt. Lawrence County National Bank o f Canton, The (8531)— 1907. Operates out-of-town branches at Madrid and Norwood. CARLE PLACE BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. CARTHAGE Carthage National Exchange Bank. Merged March 1956 into The Northern New York Trust Company, Watertown. BNorthern New York Trust Company, The, Watertown. CASTLETON ON HUDSON ANational Exchange Bank o f Castleton on Hudson (5816)— 1901. Oper ates an out-of-town branch at Nassau. CASTILE ABank o f Castille, The— 1917. Operates an out-of-town branch at Gaines ville. 17 CATO First National Bank o f Cato, The. Merged November 1958 into Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company o f Syracuse. BLincoln National Bank and Trust Company o f Central New York, Syra cuse. CAYUGA HEIGHTS BFirst National Bank and Trust Company o f Ithaca. CAZENOVIA Cazenovia National Bank, The. Merged February 1957 into First Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. BFirst Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. CEDARHURST APeninsula National Bank o f Cedarhurst, The (11854)— 1920. Operates out-of-town branches at Hewlett (2) and Inwood. CENTEREACH BTinker National Bank o f East Setauket, The. CENTRAL ISLIP Central Islip National Bank, The. Consolidated August 1958 with the Franklin National Bank o f Long Island, Franklin Square. BFranklin National Bank o f Long Island, The, Mineola. CENTER MORICHES Center Moriches Bank. Name changed June 1949 to South Bay Bank when The Eastport National Bank was merged into this bank. BSecurity National Bank o f Long Island, Huntington. South Bay Bank. Originally Center Moriches Bank. Converted Febru ary 1955 to South Bay National Bank o f Center Moriches. South Bay National Bank o f Center Moriches (14727)— 1955. Formerly South Bay Bank, Center Moriches. Merged November 1955 into First Suffolk National Bank o f Huntington which thereupon changed its name to Security National Bank o f Huntington. CENTRAL SQUARE AFirst National Bank o f Central Square, The (10109)— 1911. Operates an out-of-town branch at Brewerton. CHAM PLAIN BNational Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany, The. CHAPPAQUA Chappaqua National Bank, The. Name changed May 1959 to Northern Westchester National Bank. 18 ANorthem Westchester National Bank, Chappaqua (12746)— 1925. For merly The Chappaqua National Bank. Operates out-of-town branches at Armonk, Lewisboro and Pound Ridge. CHATHAM BState Bank o f Albany. State Bank, Chatham, New York. Merged July 1953 into State Bank o f Albany. CHEEKTOWAGA BLiberty Bank and Trust Company, Buffalo. BManuf acturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. This branch is in addition to one previously listed. BMarine Trust Company o f Western New York, The, Buffalo. CHERRY CREEK BChautauqua National Bank o f Jamestown. CHURCHVILLE BSecurity Trust Company o f Rochester. State Bank o f Churchvilie. Merged July 1950 into Security Trust Com pany o f Rochester. CICERO Cicero State Bank. Merged February 1961 into The Merchants National Bank and Trust Company o f Syracuse. BMerchants National Bank & Trust Company o f Syracuse, The. CLARENCE Bank o f Clarence. Merged August 1955 Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. into Manufacturers and BManufacturers and Traders Trust Company (2 ), Buffalo. COBLESKILL First National Bank o f Cobleskill, The. Merged August 1956 into The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany. BNational Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany, The. COHOES Manufacturers Bank o f Cohoes, The. Absorbed August 1948 by The National City Bank o f Troy. BState Bank o f Albany. COLONIE BFirst National Bank o f Scotia. BFirst Trust Company o f Albany. BNational Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany, The. 19 COMMACK BBank o f Smithtown. BSecurity National Bank o f Long Island, Huntington. COOPERSTOWN BNational Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany, The. Second National Bank of Cooperstown, The. Merged May 1956 into The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany. COPAKE BNational Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany, The. COPENHAGEN Copenhagen National Bank, The. Absorbed October 1947 by The North ern New York Trust Company, Watertown. BNorthern New York Trust Company, The, Watertown. COPIAGUE BSecurity National Bank o f Long Island, Huntington. CORNING Coming Trust Company. Absorbed January 1948 by Lincoln Rochester Trust Company. BLincoln Rochester Trust Company, (2 ) Rochester. CORTLAND AFirst National Bank o f Cortland (2272)— 1875. Operates an out-oftown branch at Marathon in addition to one previously listed. Marine Midland Trust Company o f Cortland. Merged October 1953 into Elmira Bank & Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Marine Midland Trust Company o f Southern New York, Elmira. BMarme Midland Trust Company o f Southern New York, Elmira. CORNWALL Cornwall National Bank, The. Merged January 1956 into National Bank, Middletown. County BCounty National Bank, Middletown. CROGHAN Croghan National Bank, The. Consolidated November 1959 with The Watertown National Bank. BWatertown National Bank, The. CROTON-ON-HUDSON BCounty Trust Company, The, White Plains. First National Bank o f Croton on Hudson, The. Merged April 1953 into The County Trust Company, White Plains. 20 CROWN POINT Wyman J. W. Voluntary liquidation January 1948. CUTCHOGUE First National Bank o f Cutchogue, The. Merged January 1951 into The North Fork Bank and Trust Company, Mattituck. BNorth Fork Bank and Trust Company, The, Mattituck. DANNEMORA BNational Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany, The. DANS VILLE Citizens Bank & Trust Company. Merged September 1947 into Security Trust Company o f Rochester. BGenesee Valley Union Trust Company, Rochester. Merchants and Farmers National Bank o f Dans ville, The. Merged February 1952 into Union Trust Company o f Rochester. BSecurity Trust Company o f Rochester. DEER PARK BBank o f Babylon. DEPEW Marine Trust Company o f Western New York, The, Buffalo. This branch is in addition to one previously listed. DE RUYTER De Ruyter State Bank. Merged January 1959 into First Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. BFirst Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. DE W ITT BFirst Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. BLincoln National Bank and Trust Company o f Central New York (2 ), Syracuse. BMarine Midland Trust Company o f Central New York, Syracuse. BMerchants National Bank & Trust Company o f Syracuse, The. DOBBS FERRY BCounty Trust Company, The, White Plains. Dobbs Ferry Bank. Merged October 1955 into The County Trust Company, White Plains. DUNKIRK BChautauqua National Bank o f Jamestown. Lake Shore National Bank o f Dunkirk, The. Consolidated April 1957 with Chautauqua National Bank of Jamestown. 21 E AST AURORA Erie County Trust Company. Merged April 1961 into Liberty Bank and Trust Company, Buffalo. BLiberty Bank and Trust Company, Buffalo. EASTCHESTER BChemical Bank New York Trust Company, N. Y. C. BFirst Westchester National Bank o f New Rochelle. BNational Bank o f Westchester, White Plains (2 ), EAST GREENBUSH BState Bank o f Albany. EAST MEADOW BFranklin National Bank o f Long Island, The, Mineola* BHempstead Bank. BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. EAST NORTHPORT BSecurity National Bank o f Long Island, Huntington. EAST NORWICH BHempstead Bank. E A ST PATCHOGUE BPatchogue Bank, The. EASTPORT Eastport National Bank, The. Merged June 1949 into Center Moriches Bank which thereupon changed its name to South Bay Bank. BSecurity National Bank o f Long Island, Huntington. EAST ROCKAW AY East Rockaway National Bank & Trust Company. Merged January 1954 into The Meadow Brook National Bank o f Freeport. BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. EAST SETAUKET ATinker National Bank o f East Setauket, The (11511)— 1919. Operates out-of-town branches at Centereach and Port Jefferson Station. EAST SYRACUSE Bank o f East Syracuse. Merged February 1956 into First Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. BFirst Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. 22 EAST WORCESTER Mitchell & Co., P. H. Private bankers at Schenevus 1876-84; were also acting as such at East Worcester in 1875. EBENEZER Ebenezer State Bank, The. Merged May 1948 into Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. EDEN BMarine Trust Company o f Western New York, The, Buffalo. EDWARDS Edwards National Bank, The. Converted January 1952 into State Bank of Edwards and Star Lake. State Bank o f Edwards and Star Lake. Originally The Edwards National Bank. Name and location changed November 1959 to United Bank, Star Lake when The First National Bank o f Harrisville merged into this bank. BUnited Bank, Star Lake. EGGERTSYILLE BManufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. ELBRIDGE BMerchants National Bank & Trust Company o f Syracuse. ELIZABETHTOW N BEssex County— Champlain National Bank, Willsboro. ELLENBURG DEPOT BNational Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany, The. State Bank o f Ellenburg, The. Merged May 1956 into The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany. ELLENVILLE ^Ellenville National Bank (14800)— 1956, Home National Bank o f Ellenville, The. Suspended December 1956. E LLICOTTVILLE Bank o f Ellicottville, The. Merged June 1959 into Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. BManufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. ELMIRA Elmira Bank & Trust Company. Name changed October 1953 to Marine Midland Trust Company o f Southern New York when Marine Mid land Trust Company o f Binghamton, Marine Midland Trust Com pany o f Cortland and Workers Trust Company, Johnson City merged into this bank. 23 AMarine Midland Trust Company o f Southern New York— 1939. Formerly Elmira Bank & Trust Company. Operates out-of-town branches at Binghamton (3 ), Cortland, Elmira Heights, Endicott, Horseheads, Johnson City, Nimmonsburg, Watkins Glen, W averly and Windsor. ELM IRA HEIGHTS BMarine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York, Elmira. ELMONT BFranklin National Bank o f Long Island, The, Mineola. BMeadow Brooik National Bank, The, Queens. BValley National Bank o f Long Island (2 ), Valley Stream. ELMSFORD BCounty Trust Company, The, White Plains. First National Bank o f Elmsford, The. Merged October 1955 into The County Trust Company, White Plains. ELSMERE BCity and County Sayings Bank, Albany. BNational Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany, The. EL WOOD BEastern National Bank o f Long Island, Smithtown, The. AEndicott National Bank, branch at Endwell. ENDICOTT The (13004)— 1926. Operates out-of-town AEndicott Trust Company— 1919. Operates out-of-town branches Endwell and Vestal. BMarine Midland Trust Company o f Southern New York, Elmira. at Union Trust Company o f Endicott. Merged December 1946 into Marine Midland Trust Company o f Binghamton. ENDW ELL BEndicott National Bank, The. BEndicott Trust Company. F A IR HAVEN Fair Haven National Bank, The. Merged February 1957 into Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company o f Syracuse. BLincoln National Bank and Trust Company o f Central New York, Syra cuse. 24 FALCONER BChautauqua National Bank o f Jamestown. First National Bank o f Falconer, The. Merged July 1955 into Chau tauqua National Bank and Trust Company o f Jamestown which thereupon changed its name to Chautauqua National Bank of Jamestown. FARMINGDALE Bank o f Farmingdale, The. Consolidated May 1952 with The Franklin National Bank o f Franklin Square. BFranklin National Bank o f Long Island, The, Mineola. FAYETTEVILLE BMerdhants National Bank & Trust Company o f Syracuse, The. FISHKILL BFishkill National Bank o f Beacon, The. AFishkiIl Sayings Bank— 1857. Formerly Fishkill Savings Institution. Fishkill Savings Institution. Name changed January 1951 to Fishkill Savings Bank. FLORAL PARK First National Bank o f Floral Park, The. Merged September 1952 into The Franklin National Bank o f Franklin Square. BFranklin National Bank o f Long Island, The (2 ), Mineola. FONDA BCentral National Bank, Canajoharie. National Mohawk River Bank o f Fonda, The. Absorbed January 1953 by First National Bank o f Canajoharie. FORT COVINGTON BFarmers National Bank o f Malone, The. FORT EDW ARD Fort Edward National Bank, The. Absorbed November 1950 by Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company, Glens Falls. BGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company, Glens Falls. FRANKLIN BNational Bank o f Delaware County, Walton, The. FRANKLIN SQUARE Franklin National Bank o f Franklin Square, The. Originally The Frank lin Square National Bank. Name changed October 1957 to The Franklin National Bank o f Long Island when State Bank o f Suffolk, Bay Shore consolidated with this bank. 2 5 Franklin National Bank o f Long Island, The. Formerly The Franklin National Bank o f Franklin Square. Location changed June 1960 to Mineola and this office continued as branch. BFranklin National Bank o f Long Island, The, Mineola. Franklin Square National Bank, The. Name changed August 1949 to The Franklin National Bank o f Franklin Square. FREDONIA Citizens Trust Company o f Fredonia, New York. Merged August 1957 into Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. BLiberty Bank and Trust Company, Buffalo. BManufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. National Bank o f Fredonia, The. Succeeded Bank o f Fredonia. Merged March 1961 into Liberty Bank and Trust Company, Buffalo. FREEPORT First National Bank and Trust Company o f Freeport, The. Name changed November 1949 to The Island National Bank o f Freeport when The First National Bank o f Merrick, N. Y. was consolidated with this bank. BFirst National City Bank o f New York, The, N. Y. C. Freeport Bank, o f Freeport, New York, The. Merged July 1957 into Long Island Trust Company, Garden City. Island National Bank, The (7703). Formerly The First National Bank and Trust Company o f Freeport. Name changed November 1949 to The Meadowbrook National Bank o f Freeport. BLong Island Trust Company (2 ), Garden City. Meadowbrook National Bank o f Freeport, The. Formerly The Island National Bank o f Freeport. Name changed January 1950 to The Meadow Brook National Bank o f Freeport. Meadow Brook National Bank o f Freeport, The. Formerly The Meadow brook National Bank o f Freeport. Name changed February 1957 to the Meadow Brook National Bank o f Nassau County, W est Hempstead when The Bank o f Malverne consolidated with this bank. Head office moved to W est Hempstead. BMeadow Brook National Bank The (2 ), Queens. FREW SBURG BFirst National Bank o f Jamestown, The. FRIENDSHIP Union National Bank o f Friendship, The. Merged April 1958 into The First Trust Company o f Allegany County, Wellsville. BFirst Trust Company o f Allegany County, The, Wellsville. 26 FULTON Citizens National Bank and Trust Company o f Fulton. Merged October 1952 into Oswego County National Bank, Oswego. BMarine Midland Trust Company of Central New York, (2 ), Syracuse. FULTONYILLE Fultonville National Bank, The. Merged January 1960 into The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany. BNational Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany, The. GAINESVILLE BBank o f Castile, The. Gainesville National Bank, The. Merged December 1954 into The Bank o f Castile. GARDEN CITY Garden City Bank and Trust Company. Name changed February 1953 to Long Island Trust Company when Bank o f Great Neck merged into this bank. ALong Island Trust Company— 1923. Formerly Garden City Bank and Trust Company. Operates out-of-town branches at Freeport (2 ), Garden City Park, Great Neck, Levittown, Lindenhurst, Melville, Mineola, Munson, South Farmingdale and Stewart Manor. GARDEN CITY PARK BLong Island Trust Company, Garden City. GATES BLincoln Rochester Trust Company, Rochester. BSecurity Trust Company of Rochester. GERMANTOWN BState Bank o f Albany. GLEN COVE First National Bank o f Glen Cove, The. Merged March 1955 into The Franklin National Bank of Franklin Square. BFranklin National Bank o f Long Island, The* Mineola. Glen Cove Nassau Union Trust Company. Originally Glen Cove Trust Company. Name changed July 1956 to Nassau Trust Company. Glen Cove Trust Company. Name changed October 1953 to Glen Cove Nassau Union Trust Company when The Nassau Union Bank was merged into this bank. ^Nassau Trust Company— 1892. Formerly Glen Cove Nassau Union Trust Company. 27 Nassau Union Bank, The. Merged October 1953 into Glen Cove Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Glen Cove Nassau Union Trust Company. GLEN HEAD AFirst National Bank o f Glen Head, The (13126)— 1927. Operates outof-town branches at Greenvale and Roslyn Heights. GLENS FALLS AFirst National Bank o f Glens Falls, The (980)— 1865. Operates out-oftown branches at Granville, and South Glens Falls in addition to one previously listed. AGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company (1293)— 1865. Operates out-of-town branches at Fort Edward and Queensbury. GLOVERS VILLE AFulton County National Bank and Trust Company o f Gloversville, The (3312)— 1885. Originally The Fulton County National Bank. Oper ates out-of-town branches at Johnstown and Northville. GOSHEN Bank o f Orange County, The. Formerly The National Bank o f Orange County o f Goshen. Converted August 1961 to The National Bank o f Orange and Ulster Counties. ANational Bank o f Orange and Ulster Counties, The (1399)— 1961. For merly The Bank o f Orange County. Operates out-of-town branches at Riverdale and Woodstock. National Bank o f Orange County o f Goshen, The. Converted May 1952 to The Bank o f Orange County. GOW ANDA Bank o f Gowanda. Merged March 1955 into The Marine Trust Company o f Western New York, Buffalo. BMarine Trust Company o f Western New York, The, Buffalo. GRAND GORGE First National Bank o f Grand Gorge, The. Consolidated November 1957 with The National Bank and Trust Company o f Norwich. BNational Bank and Trust Company o f Norwich, The. GRAND ISLAND BManufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. GRANVILLE BFirst National Bank o f Glens Falls, The. Washington County National Bank o f Granville, The. Merged Decem ber 1955 into The First National Bank o f Glens Falls. GREAT NECK Rank o f Great Neck. Merged February 1953 into Garden City Bank and Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Long Island Trust Company. BLong Island Trust Company, Garden City. BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. GREAT NECK PLAZA Central Bank and Trust Company. Originally National Bank o f Great Neck. Consolidated November 1959 with The Meadow Brook Na tional Bank o f Nassau County, West Hempstead. BFranklin National Bank o f Long Island, The, Mineola. Great Neck Trust Company. Formerly Bank o f Nassau County, Great Neck. Consolidated March 1954 with The Franklin National Bank o f Franklin Square. BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. National Bank o f Great Neck (14699)— 1954. Converted September 1955 into Central Bank and Trust Company. GREECE BCentral Trust Company, Rochester, N. Y. BGenesee Valley Union Trust Company, Rochester. BSecurity Trust Company o f Rochester. GREENBURGH BScarsdale National Bank and Trust Company. GREENLAW N BBank o f Huntington. GREENPORT (COLUMBIA COUNTY) BNational Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany GREENPORT (SUFFOLK COUNTY) First National Bank o f Greenport, The. Merged July 1960 into Valley Stream National Bank and Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Valley National Bank o f Long Island, Valley Stream. Peoples National Bank o f Greenport, The. Merged December 1953 into The North Fork Bank and Trust Company, Mattituck. BNorth Fork Bank and Trust Company, The, Mattituck. BValley National Bank o f Long Island, Valley Stream. GREENVALE BFirst National Bank o f Glen Head, The. 29 GREENWOOD First National Bank o f Greenwood, Tlie. Merged July 1956 into Security Trust Company o f Rochester. BSecurity Trust Company o f Rochester. GREENWOOD LAKE BCounty National Bank, Middletown. GUI LDERL AND BMechanics, and Farmers’ Bank o f Albany. M ech anics’ Exchange Savings Bank, Albany. HAMBURG Bank o f Hamburgh. Merged September 1952 into The Marine Trust Company o f Western New York, Buffalo. BLiberty Bank and Trust Company, Buffalo. BMarine Trust Company o f Western New York, The, Buffalo. People’s Bank o f Hamburgh, The. Name changed January 1954 to The Peoples Bank o f Hamburg. Peoples Bank o f Hamburg, The. Formerly The People’s Bank of Ham burgh. Name changed March 1961 to The Peoples Bank o f Erie County when The Bank o f North Collins merged into this bank. APeoples Bank o f Erie County, The— 1891. Formerly The Peoples Bank o f Hamburg. Operates an out-of-town branch at North Collins. HAMILTON National Hamilton Bank, The. Absorbed December 1949 by The Oneida Valley National Bank o f Ofreida. BOneida Valley National Bank of Oneida, The. HAMMONDSPORT Bank o f Hammondsport, The. Absorbed September 1951 by Lincoln Rochester Trust Company, Rochester. BLincoln Rochester Trust Company, Rochester. HARRISON BNational Bank o f Westchester, White Plains. BUnion Savings Bank o f Westchester County, The, Mamaroneck. HARRISVILLE First National Bank o f Harrisville, The. Merged November 1958 into State Bank o f Edwards and Star Lake, Edwards, which thereupon changed its name and location to United Bank, Star Lake. BUnited Bank, Star Lake. 80 HARSDALE BScardale National Rank and Trust Company. HARTW ICK Hartwick National Bank, The. Merged July 1958 into The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company, Albany. BNational Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany, The. HAUPPAUGE BBank o f Smithtown. BEastem National Bank o f Long Island, Smithtown, The. HAYERSTRAW National Bank o f Haverstraw and Trust Company, The. Consolidated December 1957 with Rockland National Bank, Suffera. Peoples Bank o f Haverstraw, The. Name and location changed Septem ber 1960 to The Peoples Bank o f Rockland County, New City, and form er main office now operated as a branch. BPeoples Bank o f Rockland County, The, New City BRockiand National Bank, Suffem. HAWTHORNE BNational Bank o f Westchester, White Plains. HEMPSTEAD (T O W N ) BRank o f Westbury Trust Company. BFranklin National Bank o f Long Island, The (2 ), Mineola. BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. HEMPSTEAD (V IL LA G E ) AHempstead Bank— 1887. Operates out-of-town branches at Baldwin, Bethpage, East Meadow, East Norwich, Levittown, Manhasset, Merrick, Mineola, New Hyde Park, North Massapequa, Oyster Bay, Syosset and Westbury. HENRIETTA BCentral Trust Company, Rochester, N. Y. BLincoln Rochester Trust Company, Rochester. BSeeurity Trust Company o f Rochester. HERKIMER First National Bank o f Herkimer, The. Merged December 1958 into First Bank & Trust Company of Utica which thereupon changed its name to Marine Midland Trust Company o f the Mohawk Valley, Utica. BMarine Midland Trust Company o f the Mohawk Valley, Utica. 3 1 HEW LETT BPeninsula National Bank o f Cedarhurst, The (2 ). BValley National Bank o f Long Island, Valley Stream. HICKS VILLE Bank of Hicksville. Merged December 1954 into The Meadow Brook National Bank o f Freeport. ALong Island National Bank o f Hicksville, The (11087)— 1917. Operates out-of-town branches at Bethpage and Plainview (3 ). BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. HOLLAND PATENT BOneida National Bank and Trust Company o f Central New York, The, Utica. HOOSICK FALLS BNational Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany, The. Peoples-First National Bank o f Hoosick Falls, The. Merged November 1955 into The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany. HOPEWELL JUNCTION BMatteawan National Bank o f Beacon, The. HORNELL Barnes & Co., C. Private Bankers in 1864. HORSEHEADS BMarine Midland Trust Company o f Southern New York, Elmira. HUDSON Farmers National Bank o f Hudson, The. Merged March 1959 into The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany. First National Bank and Trust Company o f Hudson, The (396)— 1864. Originally The First National Bank o f Hudson. Merged October 1955 into State Bank o f Albany. Hudson River Trust Company. Absorbed August 1952 by The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany. BNational Commercial Bank and Trust Company o f Albany, The. BState Bank o f Albany. HUNTINGTON Bank o f Huntington and Trust Company. Name changed October 1956 to Bank o f Huntington when Huntington Station Bank merged into this bank. ABank o f Huntington— 1888. Formerly Bank o f Huntington and Trust Company. Operates out-of-town branches at Greenlawn, Huntington Station and South Huntington. 3 2 First National Bank o f Huntington. Name changed December 1952 to First Suffolk National Bank o f Huntington when The First National Bank and Trust Company of Northport consolidated with this bank. First National Bank and Trust Company o f Huntington. Originally The First National Bank of Huntington. Name changed November 1951 to First National Bank o f Huntington. First Suffolk National Bank o f Huntington. Formerly First National Bank o f Huntington. Name changed November 1955 to Security National Bank o f Huntington when The Bank o f Northern Brookhaven, Port Jefferson and South Bay National Bank o f Center Moriches merged into this bank. Security National Bank o f Huntington. Formerly First Suffolk National Bank o f Huntington. Name changed May 1958 to Security National Bank o f Long Island when The Fort Neck National Bank o f Seaford consolidated with this bank. ^Security National Bank o f Long Island (6587)— 1903. Formerly Security National Bank o f Huntington. Operates out-of-town branches at Amityville (2 ), Babylon, Center Moriches, Commack, Copiague, East Northport, Eastport, Islip, Lindenhurst, Massapequa, Massapequa Park (2 ), Melville, North Bellmore, Northport, Port Jefferson, Port Jefferson Station, Riverhead, Rocky Point, Seaford, Shirley, South Plainedge, Wantagh, W est Babylon, W est Islip, and Wyandanch. HUNTINGTON STATION BBank o f Huntington. BEastem National Bank o f Long Island, Smithtown, The. Huntington Station Bank. Merged October 1956 into Bank o f Hunting ton and Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Bank o f Huntington. HYDE PARK BFarmers and Manufacturers National Bank o f Poughkeepsie, The. ILION Ilion National Bank and Trust Company. Merged into Marine Midland Trust Company o f the Mohawk Valley, Utica. BMarine Midland Trust Company o f the Mohawk Valley, Utica. Manufacturers National Bank o f Ilion, The. Merged October 1959 into The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company o f Utica which thereupon changed its name to The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company o f Central New York, Utica. BOneida National Bank and Trust Company o f Central New York, The, Utica. INWOOD First National Bank o f In wood, The. Merged November 1954 into The Franklin National Bank o f Franklin Square. BFranklin National Bank o f Long Island, The, Mineola. BPeninsula National Bank o f Cedarhurst, The. 33 IRONDEQUOIT BGenesee Valley Union Trust Company, Rochester. IRVINGTON BCounty Trust Company, The, White Plains. Irvington National Bank and Trust Company, The. Orginally The Irvington National Bank. Merged May 1955 into The County Trust Company, White Plains. ISLAND PARK BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. ISLIP BFirst National Bank o f Bay Shore. First National Bank o f Islip, The. Merged June 1955 into First Suffolk National Bank o f Huntington. BSecurity National Bank o f Long Island, Huntington. ITHACA First National Bank o f Ithaca. Name changed February 1958 to First National Bank and Trust Company o f Ithaca. AFirst National Bank and Trust Company o f Ithaca (222)— 1864. Origi nally First National Bank o f Ithaca. Operates an out-of-town branch at Cayuga Heights. JAMESTOWN AChautauqua National Bank o f Jamestown (1563)— 1865. Formerly Chautauqua National Bank and Trust Company o f Jamestown. Operates out-of-town branches at Cherry Creek, Dunkirk, Falconer, South Dayton, W est Ellicott, and Westfield. Chautauqua National Bank & Trust Company o f Jamestown. Name changed July 1955 to Chautauqua National Bank o f Jamestown when The First National Bank o f Falconer merged into this bank. AFirst National Bank o f Jamestown, The (548)— 1864. Operates out-oftown branches at Frewsburg, Lakewood, and Mayville. National Chautauqua County Bank o f Jamestown, The. Name changed December 1951 to Chautauqua National Bank & Trust Company of Jamestown when Union Trust Company o f Jamestown, N. Y., merged into this bank. Union Trust Company o f Jamestown, N. Y. Merged December 1951 into The National Chautauqua County Bank o f Jamestown which thereupon changed its name to Chautauqua National Bank & Trust Company o f Jamestown. JERICHO BFranklin National Bank o f Long Island, The (2 ), Mineola. BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. 34 JOHNSON CITY BMarine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York, Elmira. Workers Trust Company. Merged October 1953 into Elmira Bank & Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Marine Mid land Trust Company of Southern New York, Elmira. JOHNSTOWN BFirst Trust Company of Albany. BFulton County National Bank and Trust Company of Gloversville. Johnstown Bank, The. Merged May 1961 into First Trust Company of Albany. KATONAH BCounty Trust Company, The, White Plains. Northern Westchester Bank. Merged January 1955 into The County Trust Company, White Plains. KERHONKSON ^Kerhonkson National Bank, The (10855)—1916. Operates an out-oftown branch at Stone Ridge. KINGSTON ^Kingston Trust Company—1919. Operates an out-of-town branch at Phoenicia. National Ulster County Bank of Kingston, The. Consolidated December 1959 with The State of New York National Bank, Kingston. ARondout National Bank of Kingston, The (1120)—1865. Operates an out-of-town branch at Port Ewen. AState of New York National Bank, The (955)—1865. Operates out-oftown branches at New Paltz and Ulster. LACKAWANNA BMarine Trust Company of Western New York, The, Buffalo. This branch is in addition to one previously listed. LAKE LUZERNE Luzeme-Hadley Bank, The. Consolidated April 1958 with The Emerson National Bank of Warrensburgh. BEmerson National Bank of Warrensburgh, The. LAKEWOOD BFirst National Bank of Jamestown, The. LARCHMONT BCounty Trust Company, The (2) White Plains. BNational Bank of Westchester, White Plains. 35 LATHAM Manufacturers National Bank of Troy, The. BState Bank of Albany. LAWRENCE Lawrence-Cedarhurst Bank, The. Originally Bank of Lawrence. Merged March 1954 into The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport. BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. LEYITTOWN BFranklin National Bank of Long Island, The (2), Mineola. BHempstead Bank. BLong Island Trust Company, Garden City. BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. BWilliamsburgh Sayings Bank, The, Brooklyn. LEWISBORO BNorthem Westchester National Bank, Chappaqua. LEWISTON BMarine Trust Company of Western New York, The, Buffalo. LIBERTY ASullivan County National Bank of Liberty, The (4925)—1891. Operates an out-of-town branch at Roscoe. LIMA BGenesee Valley Union Trust Company, Rochester. LINDENHURST First National Bank of Lindenhurst, The. Merged June 1955 into First Suffolk National Bank of Huntington. Lindenhurst Bank, The. Merged January 1961 into Long Island Trust Company, Garden City. BLong Island Trust Company, Garden City. BSecurity National Bank of Long Island, Huntington. LIVONIA BSecurity Trust Company of Rochester. Stewart National Bank of Livonia, The. Merged April 1956 into Security Trust Company of Rochester. LOCKE Citizens Bank of Locke, N. Y., The—1895. Absorbed June 1953 by The National Bank of Auburn. BNational Bank of Auburn, The. 36 LOCKPORT Lockport Exchange Trust Company. Merged November 1949 into Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. BMarine Trust Company of Western New York, The, Buffalo. Niagara County National Bank and Trust Company. Merged April 1951 into The Marine Trust Company of Western New York, Buffalo. LOCUST GROYE Meadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. LOCUST VALLEY AMatinecock Bank—1923. Originally Matinecock Bank of Locust Valley. Operates an out-of-town branch at Bayville. Matinecock Bank of Locust Valley. Name changed June 1956 to Matine cock Bank. LONG BEACH Meadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. National City Bank of Long Beach, The. Merged April 1955 into The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport. AState Bank of Long Beach—1957. LOWVILLE Black River National Bank of Lowville, The. Consolidated January 1959 with The Watertown National Bank. ALewis County Trust Company—1920. Operates an out-of-town branch at Port Leyden. BWatertown National Bank, The. LYNBROOK ACommunity Bank, The. August 1960. Lynbrook National Bank & Trust Company, The. Merged June 1958 into Central Bank and Trust Company, Great Neck Plaza. Meadow Brook National Bank, The (2) Queens. Peoples National Bank of Lynbrook. Formerly The Peoples National Bank and Trust Company of Lynbrook. Name changed January 1947. Consolidated October 1952 with The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport. MACEDON BLincoln Rochester Trust Company, Rochester. M A D R ID Madrid Bank. Merged March 1961 into The St.,Lawrence County Na tional Bank of Canton. BSt. Lawrence County National Bank of Canton, The. 37 MALONE ACitizens National Bank of Malone, The (11897)—1920. Operates out-of town branch at Brushton. AFarmers National Bank of Malone, The (598)—1864. Operates out-oftown branch at Fort Covington. BNorthern New York Trust Company, The, Watertown, People’s Trust Company of Malone, The. Merged February 1953 into The Northern New York Trust Company, Watertown. MALVERNE Bank of Malverne, The. Consolidated February 1957 with The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport which thereupon changed its name to The Meadow Brook National Bank of Nassau County, West Hempstead. BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. MAMARONECK BCounty Trust Company, The, White Plains. BFirst Westchester National Bank of New Rochelle. AUnion Savings Bank of Westchester County, The—1887. Operates outof-town branch at Harrison. MANHASSET BFranklin National Bank of Long Island, The, Mineola. BHempstead Bank. BMeadow Brook National Bank, The (2), Queens. MANLIUS BMarine Midland Trust Company of Central New York, Syracuse. MAPLE VIEW Backus, G. B. (See G. B. Backus, Union Springs) MARATHON First National Bank of Marathon, The. Merged August 1957 into First National Bank of Cortland. BFirst National Bank of Cortland. MARCELLUS First National Bank of Marcellus, The. Merged February 1956 into First Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. BFirst Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. 38 MASSAPEQUA BChemical Bank New York Trust Company, N. Y. C. BKings County Savings Bank, The, Brooklyn. ^Security National Bank of Long Island, Huntington. MASSAPEQUA PARK BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. ERooseveit Savings Bank of the City of New York, Brooklyn. BSeeurity National Bank of Long Island (2), Huntington. MASSENA First National Bank and Trust Company of Massena, The. Merged February 1953 into The Northern New York Trust Company, Watertown. BNorthern New York Trust Company, The, (2), Watertown. MATTITUCK Mattituck National Bank and Trust Company, The. Converted Decem ber 1950 into The North Fork Bank and Trust Company. ANorth Fork Bank and Trust Company, The—1950. Originally The Mattituck National Bank and Trust Company. Operates out-oftown branches at Cutchogue, Greenport and Southold. MATTYDALE BFirst Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. MAYFAIR BSchenectady Trust Company, The. MAYVILLE BFirst National Bank of Jamestown, The. State Bank of Mayville, The. Merged June 1956 into The First National Bank of Jamestown. MEDINA BMarine Trust Company of Western New York, The, Buffalo. Medina Trust Company. Merged April 1951 into The Marine Trust Company of Western New York, Buffalo. MELVILLE BLong Island Trust Company, Garden City. BSecurity National Bank of Long Island, Huntington. MENANDS BNationa! Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany, The. BState Bank of Albany. 39 MERRICK BDime Savings Bank of Williamsburgh, The, Brooklyn. First National Bank of Merrick, N. Y., The. Consolidated November 1949 with The First National Bank and Trust Company of Free port which thereupon changed its name to The Island National Bank of Freeport. BHempstead Bank, Hempstead. BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. MIDDLEBURG BCentral National Bank, Canajoharie. First National Bank of Middleburgh, The. Consolidated October 1954 with First National Bank of Canajoharie which thereupon changed its name to Central National Bank, Canajoharie. MIDDLEPORT BMarine Trust Company of Western New York, The, Buffalo. MIDDLETOWN ACounty National Bank, Middletown (13956)—1934. Formerly The Na tional Bank of Middletown. Operates out-of-town branches at Corn wall, Greenwood Lake, Newburgh, Pine Bush, Port Jervis and Warwick. National Bank of Middletown, The. Name changed November 1955 to County National Bank, Middletown when The National Bank of Pine Bush merged into this bank. AOrange County Trust Company—1892. Originally Orange County Trust and Safe Deposit Company. Operates an out-of-town branch at Silver Lake. MIDDLEVILLE BFirst National Bank of Herkimer, The. BMarine Midland Trust Company of the Mohawk Valley, Utica. Middleville National Bank, The. Consolidated November 1957 with The First National Bank of Herkimer. MILFORD Milford National Bank, The. Absorbed March 1953 by Wilber National Bank of Oneonta. BWilbert National Bank of Oneonta. MINEOLA Central National Bank of Mineola, The. Merged August 1955 into The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport. First National Bank of Mineola, The. Merged March 1955 into The Franklin National Bank of Franklin Square. 40 AFranklin National Bank of Long Island, The (12997)—1926. Formerly located at Franklin Square. Operates out-of-town branches at Amity ville, Baldwin, Bay Shore, Bellerose, Bellmore, Brentwood, Central Islip, East Meadow, Elmont, Farmingdale, Floral Park (2), Franklin Square, Glen Cove, Great Neck Plaza, Hempstead (Town) (2), In wood, Jericho (2), Levittown (2), Manhasset, New Cassel, New Hyde Park, North Lindenhurst, North New Hyde Park, Plainedge, Plainview, Port Washington, Riverhead, Rockville Centre (2), Roose velt, Roslyn, Sea Cliff, South Farmingdale and Uniondale. BHempstead Bank, Hempstead. BLong Island Trust Company, Garden City. BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. Nassau County Trust Company. Merged May 1955 into The Franklin National Bank of Franklin Square. MINETTO BLincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, Syra cuse. MOHAWK BOneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, The, Utica. MONSEY BRockland National Bank, Suffem. MONTICELLO ASullivan County Trust Company, The—1923. Operates an out-of-town branch at Wurtsboro. MORRISYILLE First National Bank of Morrisville, The. Absorbed April 1957 by First Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. BFirst Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. MOUNT KISCO BCounty Trust Company, The, White Plains. Mount Kisco National Bank and Trust Company, The. Consolidated December 1960 with National Bank of Westchester, White Plains. BNational Bank of Westchester, White Plains (2). MOUNT MORRIS Genesee River National Bank of Morris. Merged November 1952 into Security Trust Company of Rochester. BSecurity Trust Company of Rochester. 41 MOUNT VERNON BCounty Trust Company, The (2), White Plains* In addition to pre viously listed branches (2). AEastchester Savings Bank—1871. Operates an out-of-town branch at North Pelham. AFirst National Bank of Mount Vernon, The (5271)—1900. Operates outof-town branch at Pelham Manor in addition to the one previously listed. Mount Vernon Trust Company, The. Merged March 1952 into The County Trust Company, White Plains. MUNSON BLong Island Trust Company, Garden City. BValley National Bank of Long Island, Valley Stream. NANUET ANanuet National Bank (13314)—1929. Operates out-of-town branches at New City and West Nyack. NAPLES Hiram Maxfield State Bank, The. Merged December 1952 into Security Trust Company of Rochester. BSecurity Trust Company of Rochester. NASSAU BNational Exchange Bank of Castleton on Hudson, The. NEWARK BLincoln Rochester Trust Company. This branch is in addition to the one previously listed. NEW BERLIN BNational Bank and Trust Company of Norwich, The. National Bank of New Berlin, The. Consolidated December 1946 with The National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich. NEWBURGH BCounty National Bank, Middletown. Highland-Quassaick National Bank and Trust Company of Newburgh. Name changed February 1957 to Highland National Bank of Newburgh. AHighland National Bank of Newburgh (1106)—1865. Formerly High land-Quassaick National Bank and Trust Company of Newburgh. Operates an out-of-town branch at Vails Gate. National Bank of Newburgh, The. Consolidated September 1958 with County National Bank, Middletown. 42 ANewburgh Savings Bank—1852. Originally The Newburgh Savings Bank. Newburgh Savings Bank, The. Name changed January 1950 to New burgh Savings Bank. NEW CASSEL BFranklin National Bank of Long Island, The, Mineola. NEW CITY APeoples Bank of Rockland County, The—1887. Formerly The Peoples Bank of Haverstraw. Operates an out-of-town branch at Haverstraw. BNanuet National Bank. BRockland National Bank, Suffern. NEW HARTFORD BMarine Midland Trust Company of the Mohawk Yalley, Utica. BOneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, The, Utica. NEW HYDE PARK Bank of New Hyde Park. Merged April 1955 into The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport. BFranklin National Bank of Long Island, The, Mineola. BHempstead Bank. BMeadow Brook National Bank, The (2), Queens. NEW PALTZ Huguenot National Bank of New Paltz, The. Consolidated December 1960 with The State of New York National Bank, Kingston. BState of New York National Bank, The, Kingston. NEW ROCHELLE First National Bank of New Rochelle. Name changed January 1952 to first Westchester National Bank of New Rochelle when Bronx ville Trust Company consolidated with this bank. AFirst Westchester National Bank of New Rochelle (13955)—1934. Origi nally First National Bank of New Rochelle. Operates out-of-town branches at Briarcliff Manor, Bronxville, Eastchester, Mamaroneck, Ossining, Port Chester and Rye. -^People’s Bank for Savings of New Rochelle, N. Y.—1906. Operates an out-of-town branch at Pelham Manor. Huguenot Trust Company of New Rochelle. Merged November 1952 into New Rochelle Trust Company. BNational Bank of Westchester, White Plains (4). 43 New Rochelle Trust Company. Name changed October 1953 to The Westchester Bank and Trust Company when The Peoples National Bank and Trust Company of White Plains merged into this bank. Westchester Bank and Trust Company, The. Formerly New Rochelle Trust Company. Merged October 1954 into First National Bank & Trust Company of Tuckahoe which thereupon changed its name to National Bank of Westchester, White Plains. NIAGARA FALLS BLiberty Bank and Trust Company, Buffalo. Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company (2), branches are in addition to one previously listed. Buffalo. These Marine Trust Company of Western New York, The (5), Buffalo. Power City Trust Company. Merged April 1951 into The Marine Trust Company of Buffalo which thereupon changed its name to The Marine Trust Company of Western New York, Buffalo. NIMMONSBURG (VILLAGE) Marine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York, Elmira. NISKAYUNA BFirst National Bank of Scotia. NORTH BABYLON BBank of Babylon. NORTH RELLMORE BSecurity National Bank of Long Island, Huntington. NORTH COLLINS Bank of North Collins, The. Merged March 1961 into The Peoples Bank of Hamburg which thereupon changed its name to The Peoples Bank of Erie County. BPeoples Bank of Erie County, Hamburg. NORTH HEMSTEAD (TOWN) BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens,. NORTH LINDENHURST BFranklin National Bank of Long Island, The, Mineola. NORTH MALVERNE RBank of Rockville Centre Trust Company. NORTH MASSAPEQUA BHempstead Bank. 44 NORTH MERRICK BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. NORTH NEW HYDE PARK BFranklin National Bank of Long Island, The, Mineola. NORTH PATCHOGUE BPeoples National Bank of Patchogue, The. NORTH PELHAM BEastchester Savings Bank, Mount Vernon. NORTHPORT First National Bank and Trust Company of Northport, The. Consoli dated December 1952 with First National Bank of Huntington which thereupon changed its name to First Suffolk National Bank of Huntington. Northport Trust Company—1912. Merged July 1953 into First Suffolk National Bank of Huntington. BSecurity National Bank of Long Island, Huntington. NORTH SYRACUSE BMerchants National Bank & Trust Company of Syracuse, The. NORTH TONAWANDA BMarine Trust Company of Western New York, The, (2), Buffalo. State Trust Company of North Tonawanda. Merged April 1951 into The Marine Trust Company of Western New York, Buffalo. NORTHVILLE BFulton County National Bank and Trust Company of Gloversville, The. Northville Bank, The. Absorbed May 1954 by The Fulton County National Bank and Trust Company of Gloversville. NORWICH ^National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich, The (1354)—1865. Operates out-of-town branches at Grand Gorge, and New Berlin in addition to those previously listed. NORWOOD State Bank of Norwood. Merged September 1958 into The St. Lawrence County National Bank of Canton. BSt. Lawrence County National Bank of Canton, The. NYACK ^Marine Midland Trust Company of Rockland County—1940. Formerly Nyack Bank and Trust Company. Operates out-of-town branches at Blauvelt, Orangetown and Pearl River. 45 Nyack Bank and Trust Company. Name changed September 1958 to Marine Midland Trust Company of Rockland County when State Bank of Pearl River merged into this bank. ATappan Zee National Bank of Nyack (14734)—1955. Operates out-oftown branches at Orangeburg and West Nyack. OAKDALE nOystermen’s Bank and Trust Company, The, Sayville. OCEANSIDE BBan,k of Rockville Centre Trust Company. OLD FORGE First National Bank of Old Forge, The. Merged March 1955 into The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Utica. BOneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, The, Utica. ONEIDA BLincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, Syra cuse. Madison County Trust and Deposit Co. Name changed January 1954 to Madison County Trust Co. Madison County Trust Co. Formerly Madison County Trust and De posit Co. Consolidated January 1958 with Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Syracuse. AOneida Valley National Bank of Oneida, The (1090)—1865. Operates out-of-town branches at Hamilton and Sherrill, ONEONTA ACitizens National Bank and Trust Company of Oneonta, The (8920)— 1907. Operates an out-of-town branch at West End. AWilber National Bank of Oneonta (2151)—1874. Operates out-of-town branches at Milford and Schenevus. ORANGEBURG BTappan Zee National Bank of Nyack. ORANGETOWN BMarine Midland Trust Company of Rockland County, Nyack. OSSINING First National Bank and Trust Company of Ossining, The. Consolidated March 1961 with First Westchester National Bank of New Rochelle. BFirst Westchester National Bank of New Rochelle. 46 OSWEGO BMarine Midland Trust Company of Central New York, (2) Syracuse. Oswego County National Bank. Merged January 1953 into The Syra cuse Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Marine Midland Trust Company of Central New York, Syracuse. OWEGO First National Bank of Owego, The. Merged May 1958 into First-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. BFirst-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. OYSTER BAY BBank of Westbury Trust Company, Westbury. BH e m p ste a d B a n k . BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. North Shore Bank Trust Company. Merged August 1955 into The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport. Oyster Bay Trust Company. Merged February 1956 into Hempstead Bank. PAMELIA BNorthern New York Trust Company, The, Watertown. PATCHOGUE APatchogue Bank, The (Second)—1916. Operates out-of-town branch at East Patchogue. APeopIes National Bank of Patchogue, The (12788)—1925. Operates outof-town branches at North Patchogue and Selden. PEARL RIVER First National Bank and Trust Company of Pearl River. Consolidated May 1956 with The Suffern National Bank and Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Rockland National Bank, Suffern. BMarine Midland Trust Company of Rockland County, Nyack. BRockland National Bank, Suffern. State Bank of Pearl River, New York. Merged September 1958 into Nyack Bank and Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Marine Midland Trust Company of Rockland County, Nyack. PEEKSKILL BCounty Trust Company, The, (2), White Plains* BNational Bank of Westchester, White Plains (2). Peekskill National Bank and Trust Company, The. Merged July 1955 into The County Trust Company, White Plains. Westchester County National Bank of Peekskill, The. Merged April 1955 into National Bank of Westchester, White Plains. 47 PELHAM MANOR BFirst National Rank of Mount Vernon, The. BPeople,s Rank for Sayings of New Rochelle, New York. PEN FIELD BCentral Trust Company, Rochester, N. Y. BLincoln Rochester Trust Company, Rochester. PENN YAN Baldwin’s Bank of Penn Yan. Merged March 1958 into Security Trust Company of Rochester. Citizens Bank of Penn Yan, The. Merged March 1958 into Lincoln Rochester Trust Company. BLincoln Rochester Trust Company. BSecurity Trust Company of Rochester. PHELPS National Bank of Phelps, The. Merged June 1956 into Security Trust Company of Rochester. BSecurity Trust Company of Rochester. PHILMONT BNational Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany, The. Philmont National Bank. Absorbed February 1955 by The Farmers National Bank of Hudson. PHOENICIA BKingston Trust Company. PHOENIX BMarine Midland Trust Company of Central New York, Syracuse. PINE BUSH BCounty National Bank, Middletown. National Bank of Pine Bush, The. Merged November 1955 into The National Bank of Middletown which thereupon changed its name to County National Bank, Middletown. PITTSFORD BGenesee Valley Union Trust Company, Rochester. PLAINED GE BFranklin National Bank of Long Island, The, Mineola. 48 PLAINVIEW BFirst National City Bank of New York, The, N. Y. C. BFranklin National Bank of Long Island, The, Mineola, BLong Island National Bank of Hicksville* The (3). BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. PLATTSBURG BManufacturers National Bank of Troy, The. Merchants National Bank in Plattsburg. Merged April 1955 into State Bank of Albany. BNational Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany, The, (2). Plattsburg National Bank & Trust Company. Merged October 1954 into The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany. BState Bank of Albany (2). PLEASANTVILLE BNational Bank of Westchester, White Plains. PORT BYRON BMarine Midland Trust Company of Central New York, Syracuse. PORT CHESTER BCounty Trust Company, The, (2), White Plains. BFirst Westchester National Bank of New Rochelle. Kavey & Sons.—Private Bankers. Absorbed January 1955 by Port Chester National Bank. Port Chester National Bank (14726)—1955. Organized January 1955 to succeed Kavey & Sons, Private Bankers, Port Chester. Consoli dated immediately upon its organization with First Westchester National Bank of New Rochelle. APort Chester—Rye Savings Bank—1865. Formerly The Port Chester Savings Bank. Port Chester Savings Bank, The. Name changed August 1961 to Port Chester-Rye Savings Bank. Washington Irving Trust Company. Merged July 1947 into The County Trust Company, White Plains. PORT EWEN BRondout National Bank of Kingston, The. PORT HENRY Citizens National Bank of Port Henry, The. Merged April 1954 into The National City Bank of Troy. BState Bank of Albany. PORT JEFFERSON Bank of Northern Brookhaven, The. Originally The Bank of Port Jefferson. Merged November 1955 into First Suffolk National Bank of Huntington which thereupon changed its name to Security National Bank of Huntington. 49 Bank of Port Jefferson, The. Name changed to The Bank of Northern Brookhaven when The First National Bank of Port Jefferson was merged into this bank. First National Bank of Port Jefferson, The. Merged April 1948 into The Bank of Port Jefferson which thereupon changed its name to The Bank of Northern Brookhaven. BSecurity National Bank of Long Island, Huntington, PORT JEFFERSON STATION BSecurity National Bank of Long Island, Huntington. BTinker National Bank of East Setauket, The. PORT JERVIS BCounty National Bank, Middletown. First National Bank of Port Jervis, The. Consolidated December 1956 with County National Bank, Middletown. PORT LEYDEN BLewis County Trust Company, Lowville. Port Leyden National Bank, The. Merged June 1955 into Lewis County Trust Company, Lowville. PORT WASHINGTON BCentral Bank and Trust Company, Great Neck Plaza. BFranklin National Bank of Long Island, The, Mineola. BMeadow Brook National Bank, The (2), Queens. Port Washington-Manhasset National Bank. Consolidated March 1953 with The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport. Port Washington National Bank and Trust Company, The. Name changed June 1949 to Port Washington-Manhasset National Bank. POTSDAM BNorthern New York Trust Company, The, Watertown. Potsdam Bank and Trust Company. Merged December 1953 into The Northern New York Trust Company, Watertown. POUGHKEEPSIE ADutchess Bank & Trust Company—1901. Formerly Poughkeepsie Trust Company. Operates an out-of-town branch at Poughkeepsie (Town). AFarmers and Manufacturers National Bank of Poughkeepsie, The (1312) —1865. A conversion of The Farmers’ & Manufacturers’ Bank. Operates an out-of-town branch at Hyde Park. AFirst National Bank of Poughkeepsie, The (465)—1864. Operates outof-town branches at Arlington and Wappinger Falls. 50 Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Poughkeepsie. Merged October 1956 into Poughkeepsie Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Dutchess Bank & Trust Company. Poughkeepsie Trust Company. Name changed October 1956 to Dutchess Bank & Trust Company when Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Poughkeepsie merged into this bank. POUGHKEEPSIE (TOWN) BDutchess, Bank & Trust Company, Poughkeepsie. POUND RIDGE BNorthem Westchester National Bank, Chappaqua. QUEENSBURY BGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company. RAN SOMVILLE BMarine Trust Company of Western New York, The, Buffalo. REMSEN BMarine Midland Trust Company of the Mohawk Valley, Utica. First National Bank of Remsen, The. Consolidated October 1957 with The Farmers National Bank and Trust Company of Rome. RENSSELAER BNational Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany, The (2). Rensselaer County Bank and Trust Company. Absorbed December 1947 by The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany. RICHFIELD SPRINGS First National Bank of Richfield Springs, The. Merged September 1956 into State Bank of Albany. BState Bank of Albany. RIVERHEAD BFranklin National Bank of Long Island, The, Mineola. Long Island Bank and Trust Company. Consolidated July 1957 with Security National Bank of Huntington. BSecurity National Bank of Long Island, Huntington. Suffolk County Trust Company, The. Merged December 1956 into State Bank of Suffolk, Bay Shore. ROCHESTER ACentral Trust Company Rochester, N. Y.—1924. Operates out-of-town branches at Greece, Henrietta, and Penfield in addition to the one previously listed 51 Genesee Valley Trust Company. Merged December 1954 into Union Trust Company of Rochester which thereupon changed its name to Genesee Valley Union Trust Company. AGenes,ee Valley Union Trust Company—1897. Formerly Union Trust Company of Rochester. Operates out-of-town branches at Dansville, Greece, Irondequoit, Lima, and Pittsford—in addition to those pre viously listed under former name. ALincoln Rochester Trust Company—1893. Operates out-of-town branches at Canandaigua, Coming (2), Gates, Hammondsport, Henrietta, Macedon, Newark, Penfield and Penn Yan in addition to those pre viously listed. ASecurity Trust Company of Rochester—1892. Operates out-of-town branches at Arkport, Bath, Churchville, Dansville, Gates (Town) Greece, Greenwood, Henrietta, Livonia, Mount Morris, Naples, Penn Yan, Phelps, Rushville, Shortsville and Wolcott in addition to those previously listed. Union Trust Company of Rochester. Name changed December 1954 to Genesee Valley Union Trust Company when Genesee Valley Trust Company, Rochester, merged into this bank. ROCKVILLE CENTRE ABank of Rockville Centre Trust Company—1890. Operates out-of-town branches at North Malveme and Oceanside. BFranklin National Bank of Long Island, The (2), Mineola. Nassau County National Bank of Rockville Centre, The. Absorbed December 1954 by The Franklin National Bank of Franklin Square. South Shore Trust Company. Consolidated December 1950 with The Franklin National Bank of Franklin Square. ROCKY POINT BSecurity National Bank of Long Island, Huntington. ROME Farmers National Bank and Trust Company of Rome, The. Merged December 1958 into First Bank & Trust Company of Utica which thereupon changed its name to Marine Midland Trust Company of the Mohawk Valley, Utica. BMarine Midland Trust Company of the Mohawk Valley (2), Utica. Rome Trust Company. Consolidated October 1958 with The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Utica. BOneida National Bank and Trust Company of Utica, The (2). ROOSEVELT BFranklin National Bank of Long Island, The, Mineola. 52 ROSCOE First National Bank and Trust Company of Roscoe, The. Consolidated February 1960 with The Sullivan County National Bank of Liberty. BSuIlivan County National Bank of Liberty, The. ROSENDALE BNational Bank of Orange and Ulster Counties, The, Goshen. ROSLYN BFrankIin National Bank of Long Island, The, Mineola. Roslyn National Bank & Trust Company, The. Merged March 1955 into The Franklin National Bank of Franklin Square. ARoslyn Savings Bank, The—1876. Originally The Roslyn Savings Bank of Roslyn. Operates an out-of-town branch at West Hempstead. Roslyn Savings Bank of Roslyn, The. Name changed December 1950 to The Roslyn Savings Bank. ROSLYN HEIGHTS BFirst National Bank of Glen Head, The. BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. ROTTERDAM BMohawk National Bank of Schenectady, The. ROUSES POINT BNationai Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany, The. RUSHFORD State Bank of Rushford. Merged August 1959 into The Citizens Bank of Arcade which after merger September 1959 changed its name to Citizens Central Bank, The, Arcade. BCitizens Central Bank, The, Arcade. RUSHVILLE Rushville State Bank. Merged June 1952 into Security Trust Company of Rochester. BSecurity Trust Company of Rochester. RYE BFirst Westchester National Bank of New Rochelle. BNational Bank of Westchester, White Plains. Rye National Bank, The. Consolidated July 1960 with National Bank of Westchester, White Plains. Rye Trust Company. Consolidated May 1954 with The Rye National Bank. 53 SAINT JAMES BBank of Suffolk County, Stony Brook. SALEM Salem National Bank, The. Merged November 1960 into The Manufac turers National Bank of Troy. BManufacturers National Bank of Troy, The. SALINA BMarine Midland Trust Company of Central New York, Syracuse. SALINA (TOWN) BFirst Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. BSyracuse Savings Bank. SARANAC LAKE Adirondack National Bank and Trust Company of Saranac Lake. Merged January 1959 into The Northern New York Trust Company, Water town. BNorthem New York Trust Company, The, Watertown. SARATOGA SPRINGS Saratoga National Bank of Saratoga Springs. Merged April 1960 into State Bank of Albany. BState Bank of Albany. SAUGERTIES ASaugerties National Bank and Trust Company, The (1040)—1865. Operates an out-of-town branch at Barclay Heights (Town of Saugerties). SAYYILLE AOystermen’s Bank and Trust Company, The—1926. Operates an out-oftown branch at Oakdale. SCARSDALE AScarsdaIe National Bank and Trust Company (11708)—1920. Operates out-of-town branches at Greenburgh and Hartsdale. SCHENECTADY AMohawk National Bank of Schenectady, The (1226)—1865. Operates an out-of-town branch at Rotterdam. ^Schenectady Trust Company, The—1902. Operates an out-of-town branch at Mayfair. Union National Bank of Schenectady, The. Absorbed May 1947 by The Schenectady Trust Company. 54 SCHENEVUS Schenevus National Bank. Absorbed December 1953 by Wilber National Bank of Oneonta. BWilber National Bank of Oneonta. SCHOHARIE Schoharie County Bank, The. Merged August 1956 into State Bank of Albany. BState Bank of Albany. SCOTIA AFirst National Bank of Scotia (14680)—1953. Formerly Glenville Na tional Bank of Scotia. Operates out-of-town branches at Colonie and Niskayuna. Glenville Bank. Converted February 1953 into Glenville National Bank of Scotia. Glenville National Bank of Scotia. Originally Glenville Bank. Name changed May 1956 to The First National Bank of Scotia. SCOTTSYILLE BFirst National Bank of Caledonia, The. SEA CLIFF BFranklin National Bank of Long Island, The, Mineola. State Bank of Sea Cliff, N. Y., The. Merged December 1949 into Nassau County Trust Company, Mineola. SEAFORD Fort Neck National Bank of Seaford, The. Originally The Seaford Na tional Bank. Consolidated May 1958 with Security National Bank of Huntington which thereupon changed its name to Security National Bank of Long Island. Seaford National Bank, The. Name changed July 1951 to The Fort Neck National Bank of Seaford. BSecurity National Bank of Long Island, Huntington. SELDEN BPeoples National Bank of Patchogue, The. SENECA FALLS BFirst National Bank of Waterloo. BLincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, Syra cuse. Seneca County Trust Company of Seneca Falls, N. Y., The. Merged October 1957 into Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Syracuse. 55 SHELTER ISLAND BValley National Bank of Long Island, Valley Stream. SHERRILL First National Bank of Sherrill, The. Consolidated April 1954 with The Oneida Valley National Bank of Oneida. BOneida Valley National Bank of Oneida, The. SHIRLEY BSecurity National Bank of Long Island, Huntington. SHORTSVILLE BSecurity Trust Company of Rochester. State Bank of Shortsville, The. Merged February 1956 into Security Trust Company of Rochester. SILVER CREEK First National Bank of Silver Creek, The. Merged November 1957 into Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. BManufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. SILVER LAKE BOrange County Trust Company, Middletown. SILVER SPRINGS BCitizens Central Bank, The, Arcade. Silver Springs National Bank, The. Absorbed December 1954 by The Citizens Bank of Arcade. SKANEATELES BFirst Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. National Bank and Trust Company of Skaneateles. Merged February 1958 into First Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. SMITHTOWN ABank of Smithtown—192’3. Formerly located at Smithtown Branch. Operates out-of-town branches at Commack and Hauppauge. Eastern National Bank of Smithtown, The. Changed name February 1960 to The Eastern National Bank of Long Island, Smithtown. AEastern National Bank of Long Island, Smithtown, The (14763)—1956. Formerly The Eastern National Bank of Smithtown. Operates out' of-town branches at Elwood, Hauppauge, and Huntington Station. SMITHTOWN BRANCH ABank of Smithtown—1923. Location of this bank now known as Smithtown. 56 SOUTH DAYTON BChautauqua National Bank of James,ton. SOUTH FALLSBURG ASouth Fallsburg National Bank, The (11809)—1920. Operates an outof-town branch at Woodbourne. SOUTH FARMINGDALE BFrankiin National Bank of Long Island, The, Mineola. BLong Island Trust Company, Garden City. BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. SOUTH GLENS FALLS BFirst National Bank of Glens Falls, The. SOUTH HUNTINGTON BBank of Huntington. SOUTHOLD Bank of Southhold. Merged May 1955 into The North Fork Bank and Trust Company, Mattituck. BNorth Fork Bank and Trust Company, The, Mattituck. SOUTH PLAINEDGE BSecurity National Bank of Long Island, Huntington. SPARKILL First National Bank of Sparkill, The. Consolidated June 1957 with The First National Bank of Spring Valley. BFirst National Bank of Spring Valley, The. SPECULATOR BManufacturers National Bank, The, Troy. SPENCER Farmers & Merchants Bank of Spencer, N. Y., The. Name changed June 1961 to Tioga State Bank, when The First National Bank of Candor merged into this bank. ATioga State Bank—1884. Formerly The Farmers & , Merchants Bank of Spencer, N. Y. Operates an out-of-town branch at Candor. SPENOERPORT BGenesee Valley Union Trust Company, Rochester. SPRING VALLEY AFirst National Bank of Spring Valley, The (5390)—1900. Operates out-of-town branches at Sparkill and Stony Point. 57 Ramapo Trust Company. Consolidated May 1956 with The Suffern National Bank and Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to Rockland National Bank, Suffern. BRockland National Bank, Suffern. SPRINGVILLE Citizens National Bank of Springville, The. Merged September 1955 into The Marine Trust Company of Western New York, Buffalo. BMarine Trust Company of Western New York, The, Buffalo. STAR LAKE AUnited Bank—1952. Formerly branch of State Bank of Edwards and Star Lake, (see comments under Edwards). Operates out-of-town branches at Edwards and Harrisville. STEWART MANOR BLong Island Trust Company, Garden City. STONY BROOK ABank of Suffolk County—1907. Operates an out-of-town branch at Saint James. STONE RIDGE BKerhonkson National Bank, The. STONY POINT BFirst National Bank of Spring Valley, The. SUFFERN ARockland National Bank, Suffern (5846)—1901. Formerly The Suffern National Bank and Trust Company. Operates out-of-town branches at Haverstraw, Monsey, New City, Pearl River, Spring Valley, Tuxedo and West Haverstraw. Suffern National Bank and Trust Company, The. Name changed May 1956 to Rockland National Bank, Suffern when Ramapo Trust Com pany, Spring Valley, and First National Bank and Trust Company, Pearl River, consolidated with this bank. SYOSSET Bank of Syosset, New York. Merged December 1953 into Hempstead Bank. BHempstead Bank. SYRACUSE AFirst Trust & Deposit Company—1866. Operates out-of-town branches at Cazenovia, De Ruyter, De Witt, East Syracuse, Marcellus, Mattydale, Morrisville, Salina, Skaneateles, and Weedsport in addition to those previously listed. 58 Industrial Bank of Central New York. Merged June 1953 into Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Syracuse at which time its branch at Auburn was absorbed by Auburn Trust Company. Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Syracuse. Name changed April 1959 to Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York. ALincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York (13393)—1929. Formerly Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Syracuse. Operates out-of-town branches at Cato, De Witt (2), Fair Haven, Minetto, Oneida and Seneca Falls in addition to one previously listed under former name. AMarine Midland Trust Company of Central New York—1903. Formerly Syracuse Trust Company. Operates out-of-town branches at Auburn, Camillus (2), De Witt, Fulton (2), Oswego (2), Phoenix, Port Byron, Salina, and Tully in addition to one previously listed. AMerchants National Bank & Trust Company of Syracuse, The (1342)— 1865. Operates out-of-town branches at Baldwinsville, Camillus, Cicero, De Witt, Elbridge, Fayetteville, North Syracuse in addition to one previously listed. AOnandaga Savings Bank, The—1855. Operates an out-of-town branch at Camillus. ASyracuse Savings Bank—1849. Operates an out-of-town branch at Salina. Syracuse Trust Company, The. Name changed January 1953 to Marine Midland Trust Company of Central New York when Oswego County National Bank merged into this bank. TANNERS VILLE BNational Bank of Windham, The. TARRYTOWN BCounty Trust Company, The, White Plains. BNational Bank of Westchester, White Plains (2). Tarrytown National Bank and Trust Company, The. Merged December 1954 into National Bank of Westchester, White Plains. THORNWOOD BCounty Trust Company, The, White Plains. TIOONDEROGA BState Bank of Albany. Ticonderoga National Bank, The. Consolidated April 1954 with The National City Bank of Troy. 59 TONAWANDA (CITY) First Trust Company of Tonawanda. Merged April 1951 into The Marine Trust Company of Western New York, Buffalo. BManufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. BMarine Trust Company of Western New York, The, Buffalo. TONAWANDA (TOWN) BBank of Buffalo. BBuffalo Savings, Bank, The. BMarine Trust Company of Western New York, The, Buffalo.— (2) TROY ^Manufacturers National Bank of Troy, The (721)—1865. Operates outof-town branches at Amsterdam, Argyle, Latham, Plattsburgh, Salem and Speculator in addition to one previously listed. National City Bank of Troy, The. Merged September 1959 into State Bank of Albany. BState Bank of Albany. Troy Prudential Association, Inc. Voluntary liquidation April 1947. BUnion National Bank of Troy, The (963)—1865. Operates an out-oftown branch at Wynantskill. TUCKAHOE Crestwood National Bank in Tuckahoe, The. Merged April 1955 into National Bank of Westchester, White Plains. First National Bank & Trust Company of Tuckahoe. Name changed October 1954 to National Bank of Westchester, White Plains at which time The Westchester Bank and Trust Company, New Ko^ chelle merged into this bank. Principal location of bank moved to White Plains at time of merger. BNational Bank of Westchester, White Plains (2). TULLY First National Bank of Tuliy, The. Absorbed June 1948 by The Syra cuse Trust Company. BMarine Midland Trust Company of Central New York, Syracuse. TUXEDO National Bank of Tuxedo, The. Consolidated April 1954 with The Suffem National Bank and Trust Company. BRockland National Bank, Suffern. ULSTER BState of New York National Bank, The, Kingston. 60 UNIONDALE BFranklin National Bank of Long Island, The, Mineola. UNION SPRINGS Backus, G. B.—Private Banker. Delete the following: “appears to have been located at Maple View in 1907 and 1908, and subsequently at Union Springs” . BFirst National Bank of Aurora, The. UTICA ABank of Utica— (1958).—Formerly Industrial Bank of Utica. First Bank & Trust Company of Utica. Name changed December 1958 to Marine Midland Trust Company of the Mohawk Valley when The First National Bank of Herkimer and The Farmers National Bank and Trust Company of Rome merged into this bank. AMarine Midland Trust Company of the Mohawk Valley—1940. Formerly First Bank & Trust Company of Utica. Operates out-of-town branches at Herkimer, Ilion, Middleville, New Hartford, Remsen and Rome (2). Industrial Bank of Utica—1927. Name changed September 1958 to Bank of Utica. Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Utica, The. Name changed October 1959 to The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York when The Manufacturers National Bank of Ilion merged into this bank. AOneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, The (1392)—1865. Formerly The Oneida National Bank and Trust Com pany of Utica. Operates out-of-town branches at Camden, Ilion, Old Forge, Rome (2), West Winfield in addition to those previously listed. VAILS GATE BHighland National Bank of Newburgh. VALHALLA BNational Bank of Westchester, White Plains. VALLEY STREAM BDime Savings Bank of Brooklyn, The. Valley Stream National Bank and Trust Company. Name changed July 1960 to Valley National Bank of Long Island, when The First Na tional Bank of Greenport merged into this bank. AValley National Bank of Long Island (11881)—1920. Formerly Valley Stream National Bank and Trust Company. Operates out-of-town branches at Elmont (2), Greenport, Hewlett, Munson, and Shelter Island. 61 VESTAL BEndicott Trust Company. BFirst-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. VICTOR BCanandaigua National Bank and Trust Company, The. State Bank of Victor. Consolidated November 1957 with The Canan daigua National Bank and Trust Company. WALDEN First National Bank and Trust Company of Walden, The. Name changed February 1952 to First National Bank of Walden. First National Bank of Walden. Formerly The First National Bank and Trust Company of Walden. Consolidated December 1953 with The Wallkill National Bank which thereupon changed its name to The Valley National Bank, Wallkill, N. Y. BValley National Bank, Walkill, N. Y., The. WALLKILL AVaIley National Bank, Wallkill, N. Y,, The (10155)—1912. Originally The Wallkill National Bank. Operates an out-of-town branch at Walden. Wallkill National Bank, The. Name changed December 1953 to The Valley National Bank, Wallkill, N. Y. when First National Bank of Walden consolidated with this bank. WALTON First National Bank and Trust Company of Walton, The. Name changed January 1958 to The National Bank of Delaware County, Walton, when The National Bank of Andes consolidated with this bank. ANational Bank of Delaware County, Walton, The (4495)—1891. For merly The First National Bank and Trust Company of Walton. Operates out-of-town branches at Andes and Franklin. WANTAGH BKings Highway Savings Bank, Brooklyn. BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. BSecurity National Bank of Long Island, Huntington. WAPPINGERS FALLS National Bank of Wappingers. Falls, The. Merged June 1958 into The First National Bank of Poughkeepsie. BFirst National Bank of Poughkeepsie, The. 62 WARRENSBURG AEmerson National Bank of Warrensburgh, The (9135)—1908. Operates an out-of-town branch at Lake Luzerne. W A R W IC K First National Bank of Warwick, The. Consolidated May 1958 with County National Bank, Middletown. BCounty National Bank, Middletown. WATERFORD Bank of Waterford. Merged December 1957 into The National Com mercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany. BNational Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany, The. WATERLOO AFirst National Bank of Waterloo (368)—1864. Operates an out-of-town branch at Seneca Falls. WATERTOWN ANorthern New York Trust Company, The—1910. Operates out-of-town branches at Adams, Carthage, Copenhagen, Malone, Massena (2), Pamelia, Potsdam and Saranac Lake in addition to those previously listed. AWatertown National Bank, The (2657)—1882. Operates out-of-town branches at Croghan and Lowville. WATERVLIET National Bank of Watervliet, The. Absorbed April 1948 by State Bank of Albany. BState Bank of Albany. WATKINS GLEN BMarine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York, Elmira. WAVERLY Citizens National Bank of Waverly, The. Merged September 1958 into Marine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York, Elmira. BMarine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York, Elmira. WEEDSPORT First National Bank of Weedsport, The. Absorbed March 1956 by First Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. BFirst Trust & Deposit Company, Syracuse. WELLS Hamilton County National Bank of Wells, The. Merged February 1955 into The Manufacturers National Bank of Troy. 63 WELLSVILLE ACitizens National Bank of Wellsville, The (4988)—1895. Operates outof-town branches at Alfred, Andover and Whitesville. First Trust Company of Wellsville, New York, The. Name changed June 1957 to The First Trust Company of Allegany County when Canaseraga State Bank merged into this bank. AFirst Trust Company of Allegany County, The—1917. Formerly The First Trust Company of Wellsville, New York. Operates out-oftown branches at Angelica, Canaseraga and Friendship. WEST BABYLON BSecurity National Bank of Long Island, Huntington. WESTBURY ABank of Westbury Trust Company — 1910. Operates out-of-town branches at Hempstead (Town) and Oyster Bay. BHempstead Bank. Wheatley Hills National Bank of Westbury, The. Merged April 1956 into Hempstead Bank. WEST ELLICOTT BChautauqua National Bank of Jamestown. WEST END BCitizens National Bank and Trust Company of Oneonta, The. WESTFIELD BChautauqua National Bank of Jamestown. WEST HAVERSTRAW BRockland National Bank, Suffern. WEST HEMPSTEAD Meadow Brook National Bank of Nassau County, The. Formerly The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport. Head Office moved here from Freeport. Name and location changed November 1960 to The Meadow Brook National Bank, Queens, and the former Main Office became a branch when The Queens National Bank of New York, Springfield Gardens, Queens, and Colonial Trust Company, New York, consolidated with this bank. BMeadow Brook National Bank, The (3), Queens. BRoslyn Savings Bank, The, Roslyn. West Hempstead National Bank, The. Consolidated March 1950 with The Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport. 64 WEST ISLIP BBank of Babylon. BSecurity National Bank of Long Island, Huntington. WEST NYACK BNanuet National Bank. BTappan Zee National Bank of Nyack. WESTOYER BFirst-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. WESTPORT Lake Champlain National Bank of Westport, The. Name and location changed November 1959 to The Essex County-Champlain National Bank, Willsboro and the former Main Office became a branch when The Essex County National Bank of Willsboro consolidated with this bank. BEssex County-Champlain National Bank, Willsiboro. WEST SENECA BManufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. WEST WINFIELD BOneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, The, Utica. West Winfield National Bank, The. Merged August 1956 into The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Utica. WHITEHALL Merchants National Bank of Whitehall, The. Merged September 1955 into The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany. BNational Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany, The. WHITE PLAINS Citizens Bank of White Plains, N. Y., The. Merged July 1950 into The County Trust Company, White Plains. ACounty Trust Company, The—1903. Operates out-of-town branches at Ardsley, Bedford, Briarcliff Manor, Croton-on-Hudson, Dobbs Ferry, Elmsford, Irvington, Katonah, Larchmont (2), Mamaroneck, Mount Kisco, Mount Vernon (3), Peekskill (2), Port Chester (2), Tarrytown, Yonkers (6) and Yorktown Heights in addition to those pre viously listed. ANational Bank of Westchester, White Plains (10525)—1914. Formerly First National Bank & Trust Company of Tuckahoe. Operates outof-town branches at Bedford Hills, Eastchester (2), Harrison, Haw thorne, Larchmont, Mount Kisco (2), New Rochelle (4), Peekskill (2), Pleasantville, Rye, Tarrytown (2), Thornwood, Tuckahoe (2) and Valhalla. 65 Peoples National Bank and Trust Company of White Plains, The. Merged October 1953 into New Rochelle Trust Company which thereupon changed its name to The Westchester Bank and Trust Company, New Rochelle. WHITESBORO BOneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, The, Utica. WHITESVILLE First National Bank of Whitesville, The. Consolidated March 1959 with The Citizens National Bank of Wellsville. BCitizens National Bank of Weliesville, The. WHITNEY POINT BFirst-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. First National Bank of Whitney Point, The. Absorbed February 1958 by First-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y. WILLIAM,SVILLE BLiberty Bank and Trust Company, Buffalo. WILLISTON PARK BMeadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. Williston National Bank of Williston Park, The. Consolidated December 1950 with The Central National Bank of Mineola. WILLSBORO Essex County National Bank of Willsboro, The. Consolidated November 1959 with The Lake Champlain National Bank of Westport which thereupon changed its name and location to Essex County-Champlain National Bank, Willsboro. AEssex County-Champlain National Bank, Willsboro (9405)—1909. For merly The Lake Champlain National Bank of Westport. Operates out-of-town branches at Elizabethtown and Westport. WILSON BMarine Trust Company of Western New York, The, Buffalo. WINDHAM ANational Bank of Windham, The (13962)—1934. Succeeded The First National Bank of Windham. Operates an out-of-town branch at Tannersville. WINDSOR BMarine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York, Elmira. Windsor National Bank, The. Merged May 1960 into Marine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York, Elmira. 66 WOLCOTT First National Bank of Wolcott. Merged June 1959 into Security Trust Company of Rochester. BSecurity Trust Company of Rochester. WOODBOURNE BSouth FalMmrg National Bank, The. WOODLAWN Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, Buffalo. WOODMERE Meadow Brook National Bank, The, Queens. WOODSTOCK BNational Bank of Orange and Ulster Counties, The, Goshen. WURTSBORO BSullivan County Trust Company, The, Monticello. WYANDANCH BSecurity National Bank of Long Island, Huntington. WYNANTSKILL BUnion National Bank of Troy, The. YONKERS BBank of Commerce, N. Y. C. Bank of Westchester, The. Merged July 1947 into The County Trust Company, White Plains. Central National Bank of Yonkers. Merged June 1955 into The County Trust Company, White Plains. BCounty Trust Company, The, (6), White Plains. YORKTOWN HEIGHTS BCounty Trust Company, The, White Plains, 67 P a r t III I N D E X OF A L L B A N K S (Additions to original list published October 1, 1946) Name Location American Irving Savings Bank....... ...................... ..... ........... ..Manhattan Atlantic Bank of New York....____ ____ ____ ______________ Manhattan Bank of Buffalo_____ ______________ __ ____________________ Buffalo Bank of Commerce........ ........................................... ................ .Manhattan Bank of Huntington______ ____ ___________ _____ _________ Huntington Bank of New York, The.............. ................ ...... ...................... Manhattan Bank of New York and Fifth Avenue Bank......... ....................Manhattan Bank of North America...... ............ ........... „ ....................... ...Manhattan Bank of Northern Brookhaven, The...__________ ___ ____ .Port Jefferson Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company....... ..... ......................... Manhattan Bank of Orange County, The....... ...... .......... ........................ ........Goshen Bank of Tokyo Trust Company, The_______ ___ _____ ____ ....Manhattan Bank of Utica...... ...................................... .......................................Utica Barnes & Co., C...............................................................................Homell Belfast National Bank....................................................... ...............Belfast Belgian-American Bank & Trust Company................................ Manhattan Bushwick Savings Bank...... ......... ............... ................................Brooklyn Canadian Bank of Commerce Trust Company, The.................. Manhattan Central Bank and Trust Company...... ......................................Great Neck Central Industrial Bank...............................................................Brooklyn Central National Bank, Canajoharie....................................... Canajoharie Chase Manhattan Bank, The..... ............... .................................Manhattan Chautauqua National Bank of Jamestown...... .................. ..Jamestown Chautauqua National Bank & Trust Company of Jamestown..Jamestown Chemical Bank New York Trust Company---------- -----------------Manhattan Chemical Corn Exchange Bank....... .............. ............................Manhattan Citizens Central Bank, The....... .......................... ................ ..........Arcade Commercial Bank of North America..... ....................................Manhattan Commercial State Bank and Trust Company of New York...... Manhattan Community Bank, The................................................................ Lynbrook County National Bank, Middletown....... ..................................Middletown Dry Dock Savings Bank— ..... ...... ........... ......................... ......Manhattan Dutchess Bank & Trust Company....................................... Poughkeepsie Eastern National Bank of Long Island...................................Smithtown Eastern National Bank of Smithtown, The...................... .......Smithtown Ellenville National Bank.............................................................. Ellenville Essex County-Champlain National Bank...................................Willsboro First-City National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y.......................Binghamton First National Bank and Trust Company of Ithaca...... ................. .Ithaca First National Bank of Bay Shore.............................................Bay Shore First National Bank of Binghamton, N. Y.............................Binghamton .First National Bank of Buffalo.......................................................Buffalo 68 First National Bank of Huntington.......................................... Huntington First National Bank of Scotia.............. .......... ................. .......... ....Scotia First National Bank of Walden......... ............ .... ......................... Walden First National City Bank of New York, The________________ Manhattan First National City Trust Company..........................................Manhattan First Suffolk National Bank of Huntington............................. Huntington First Trust Company of Allegany County, The................. ........Wellsville First Westchester National Bank of New Rochelle............. New Rochelle Fishkill Savings Bank........................ .............................. .............Fishkill Fort Neck National Bank of Seaford, The.............................. .......Seaford Franklin National Bank of Franklin Square, The...... .......Franklin Square Franklin National Bank of Long Island, The................... Franklin Square Franklin National Bank of Long Island, The.............................. ..Mineola Genesee Valley Union Trust Company......... .... ..... ............ ..... Rochester Glen Cove Nassau Union Trust Company........... ....................... Glen Cove Glenville National Bank of Scotia...................................................... Scotia Gotham Bank......... ....................... ...................... ..... ................ Manhattan Hanover Bank, The............ .......................................................Manhattan Highland National Bank of Newburgh-.................................... Newburgh Industrial Bank of Commerce of Albany..................................... Albany Island National Bank of Freeport, The................. ...................... Freeport Liberty Bank and Trust Company............................. .................... Buffalo Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York Syracuse Long Island Trust Company....... ............ .............................. Garden City Madison County Trust Co.-............ ................... ............................ Oneida Marine Midland Trust Company of Central New York................Syracuse Marine Midland Trust Company of the Mohawk Valley................. .Utica Marine Midland Trust Company of Rockland County__ __________ Nyack Marine Midland Trust Company of Southern New York................Elmira Marine Trust Company of Western New York, The.......................Buffalo Matinecock Bank....... ........... ................................................ Locust Valley Meadow Brook National Bank, The........... .....................................Queens Meadowbrook National Bank of Freeport, The............................Freeport Meadow Brook National Bank of Freeport, The......................... Freeport Meadow Brook National Bank of Nassau County, The__West Hempstead Mechanics’ Exchange Savings Bank................................................Albany Metropolitan Industrial Bank........................................................ Brooklyn Modern Industrial Bank............................................................. Manhattan Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York....................... Manhattan Nassau Banking Company, The................................................. Manhattan Nassau Trust Company................................................................Glen Cove National Bank of Delaware County, Walton, The......................... Walton National Bank of Great Neck....................................................Great Neck National Bank of Orange and Ulster Counties, The....................... Goshen National Bank of Westchester, White Plains....................... White Plains Newburgh Savings Bank............................................................Newburgh North Fork Bank and Trust Company, The................................ Mattituck Northern Westchester National Bank, Chappaqua.................. Chappaqua 69 Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, The ..................................................................................................Utica Peoples Bank of Erie County, T he...... .........-................ .............Hamburg Peoples Bank of Hamburg, The—................................................ Hamburg Peoples Bank of Rockland County, The —.................. ...............New City Peoples National Bank of Lynbrook, The...................................Lynbrook Port Chester National Bank— ...............................................Port Chester Port Chester-Rye Savings Bank...... ............................ .........Port Chester Port Washington-Manhasset National Bank.................. Port Washington Queens National Bank of New York, The—.................................... Queens Richmond County National Bank of Port Richmond, The........... Richmond Rockland National Bank, Suffern........... ........................................Suffern Roslyn Savings Bank, The—...... ...... ..............................................Roslyn Royal Bank of Canada Trust Company, The...... .......... ...........Manhattan Royal State Bank of New York................................................. Manhattan Security National Bank of Huntington..................................... Huntington Security National Bank of Long Island....... ........................ ...Huntington South Bay Bank............................... ................................ Center Moriches South Side Bank...........................................................................Bay Shore State Bank of Edwards and Star Lake....... ............................... .Edwards State Bank of Long Beach........................................................ Long Beach State Bank of Suffolk................. ...... ......................................... Bay Shore Tappen Zee National Bank of Nyack.............................................. Nyack Tioga State Bank.............................................................................Spencer Toronto-Dominion Bank Trust Company, The...... .....................Manhattan United Bank............................................. ...................................Star Lake Valley National Bank of Long Island.................... ..............Valley Stream Valley National Bank, Wallkill, N. Y., The...............................—Wallkill Westchester Bank and Trust Company, The.—.....................New Rochelle 70